We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Sometimes, it just seems like the United States is just one big science-fiction movie. Seriously it does. Why? Well, there are various “news” articles popping up here, and then there, that all seem to point to a dystopic future; one that resembles a horrific science fiction film.
I argue that there are two vectors that are intersecting right now. One [1] is that of a fear-based narrative; be afraid, be very afraid. And the other [2] is one of general collapse while everyone is acting crazy and running around in crazy insanity.
These two vectors create a very horrific narrative, and it is one that is now commonplace within the United States.
Here we review some of these events. And discuss what they could mean and look at them as an impartial observer witnessing a geographic area going down the tubes in insanity.
We start with…
Bioweapon tainted monkeys escape into the population…
So many movies had this theme. Remember that that was the “cover story” for “American Ultra”, and the theme for numerous science fiction movies. Such as Outbreak (1995).
“American Ultra”
Woman claims she is sick after carrying hissing monkey that escaped truck in Pennsylvania crash. The woman’s pinkeye was so bad that she checked herself into an emergency room.
Note: Biological weapon experimental monkeys escape? Check the earlier local news from Pennsylvania to know how they activate their military and police forces to blanket search for the 4 escape monkeys, and alerted the local residents to report to the authorities if they come by any monkey and not to get close to the monkeys.
The evil American country is very scary, and a constant threat to the survival of humanity and all living thing on the planet.
Remember that right before the release of the Coronavirus in the Wuhan games, that an “event” occurred where an agency closed down Fort Detrick. Of course, agencies do not have the power to close American miltiary facilities and bases. It was closed for other reasons, not for the stated reasons.
Only ONE person can close down a military base. That’s the President of the United States.
Remember that right before the release of the Coronavirus in the Wuhan games…an odd closure of the Major Bioweapons facility by the EPA.
Bioweapon monkeys, eh?
Yeah. Sure.
Right before XXXXX, an odd escaped monkey started to terrorize America.
Bioweapon monkeys eh?
The United States and rules…
Obviously the “news” is full of such bullshit, partial truths and distortions and no one knows what is really going on. most Americans are completely confused by the onslaught of lies, and many beleive them.
And that makes it easy for the USA to do what it wants.
Thus, it is not unusual for the USA to make the rules as they see fit.
[A] Laws, and rules domestically no longer have any validity, and [B] international treaties are used when it provides advantage, and discarded when they do not.
Combined, [A] and [B] clearly show a nation in chaos where there are no rules, no structures, and very little in the way of law.
As I see it, the United States is like this big thrashing monster, and it is trying desperately to cling to power and relevance. But it is failing at every level, and that is why it is engaged in World War III right now. The opening salvos hit this month, and they are concerning…
Let’s look at some of the “news” that can be found in the American, Britsh and Australian “news” media…
Supermarket tabloids
Of couse, it’s just bullshit, and made up stories. However, these things sell, and that means that there ARE people who read them. I remeber when I lived in Kokomo, Indiana, USA that my next door neighbor (a girl named Misty, a stripper by the way) would read these things weekly and believed every word written in them…
Then we have just day to day news.
I have no doubt that this actually occurred, but think about it. Look at this chick, and note that he has convinced the police detective to investigate fifteen (15!) men of raping her.
Woman Who Falsely Accused 15 Men Of Rape Given 10 Year Sentence
A woman from West London is to be jailed for a decade for falsely accusing over a dozen men of sexually assaulting her. 27-year-old Jemma Beale, who hails from Bedfont, west London, was handed a lengthy prison sentence for perverting the course of justice and perjuring innocent men in 2017, one of whom was jailed for two years.
Now, Beale has challenged her sentence throughout the latest appeal process, in a bid to clear her name. However, the prosecution presented evidence that Beale texted her then-girlfriend, saying that she was “glorying in his discomfort” when giving false evidence against one of her victims.
Beale made her first complaint on the morning of 26 November 2010, telling police that she’d been sexually assaulted by Mahad Cassim the previous night. Cassim was sentenced to seven years in prison for rape in 2012.
According to her, all men cannot wait to rape her.
Beale had been supported by the authorities throughout her case as a victim of sexual violence, whose account was to be believed. Professionals will have been on hand to give her support, in addition to a police victim-liaison officer.
She received compensation from the taxpayer amounting to £11,000. Meanwhile, the innocent man whom she had falsely accused was rotting in a prison cell, his reputation destroyed and his life effectively over. Before his conviction was quashed, he had already served over two years of his seven-year sentence.
Beale later told police she had been the victim of two other sexual assaults that year, and allegedly fabricated similar allegations against six other men in 2013.
Commenting on the case, Lady Justice Hallett, the judge presiding over the appeal, stated:
“This case went far further then myths and stereotypes about a complainant’s behaviour. The appellant was accused of being a serial liar who fabricated accounts mostly of a sexual nature. In the light of the evidence called even if the guidance was given it would not have assisted the appellant.”
She added:
“The system of justice has suffered considerable harm – considerable resources have been spent investigating and prosecuting crimes which never happened. There has been no indication of remorse on the appellant’s part.”
Then we have this article. Knowing what I know of certain individuals that I have met in prison, this seems to be much more common than one woud think…
But… why?
There must also be betting, and gambling, and probably other vices as well. Don’t you know.
But you do know that maybe it’s how American children are being raised today. Consider this next article…
And when the children grow up, and they discover alcohol, drugs and influence on social media, they start to act really strange.
Like this fellow.
Well, you need to understand that the United States is fragmented, and balkenized. As this next article illustrates…
Tennessee Pastor Who Repeatedly Raped 14-Year-Old Daughter Gets Lenient Sentence Because He Was A Good Christian
A former pastor who repeatedly raped his adopted teenage daughter has been given an effective 12 year prison sentence.
The Knoxville News Sentinel reports prosecutors sought the maximum term of 72 years behind bars. The judge on the case, Steve Sword, took Richards work as a pastor, the support he still receives and his role key role in leading a Bible study at the prison as mitigating factors.
During his trial in February, 41-year-old David Lynn Richards Jr. had taken the stand in his own defense and asserted his innocence.
He claimed that the victim, Amber Richards, was a defiant teenager who made the allegations of sexual abuse against him after he tried to impose stricter rules on his children.
The victim was 16 when she reported the abuse, saying it began two years earlier.
She told authorities where they could find DNA evidence at her home and said Richards had texted her about taking their relationship “to the next level.” A
uthorities said they found her mattress stripped bare and his phone factory reset, but they were able to recover Forensic evidence showing traces of Richards’ semen on his daughter’s bed frame
Amber, who has chosen to identify herself and speak out after Richards was found guilty, delivered a powerful impact statement before Richards’ sentencing on Thursday.
“I wanted to throw my body away. Not a day goes by that I don’t, in some way, think of what he did to me. … I firmly believe if given the opportunity, he would victimize another young girl.”
Despite the overwhelming evidence, many in the community refused to believe that Pastor Richards was a rapist.
Over 30 parishioners from the church came to court to show support not for the victim, but for the rapist.
Pastor David Thompson, who shared ministry duties with Pastor Richards at My Father’s House Church of God in Lenoir City, said:
I find it impossible for me to believe he’s guilty of this. His business needs him. His family needs him. Our church needs him.
Despite being found guilty, Richards Jr continued to maintain his innocence while asking the judge for leniency in the sentence.
I stand before you convicted of crimes I did not commit. … I’m not sure why I’m here. … but I assume it’s for His purpose.
Welcome to America.
You know Hollywood, and alcohol dosen’t always mix. ..
And things are even weirder in Great Britian…
But I have to tell you all that things are off-the-wall in certain parts of the United States. Consider the American “Bible Belt”.
Here’s a map of the “Bible Belt”.
Bible Belt.
And this is what goes on there as everyday fodder…
Christian TV Host: Plant-Based Burgers Are A Satanic Plot To Create A “Race of Soulless Creatures”
Rick Wiles warned on his “TruNews” program that the rise of companies that make plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy products, is part of a satanic plot to alter human DNA so that people can no longer worship God.
Appearing on his program earlier this week, Wiles said:
When you go to your favorite fast food restaurant, you are going to be eating a fake hamburger. You’re going to go to the grocery store and buy a pound of fake hamburger or a fake steak, and you won’t know that it was grown in some big corporation’s laboratory. This is the nightmare world that they are taking us into. They’re changing God’s creation. Why? Because they want to be God.
Wiles continued:
God is an environmentalist. He takes this very seriously. He created this planet, he created the universe and he’s watching these Luciferians destroy this planet, destroy the animal kingdom, destroy the plant kingdom, change human DNA. Why? They want to change human DNA so that you can’t be born again. That’s where they’re going with this, to change the DNA of humans so it will be impossible for a human to be born again. They want to create a race of soulless creatures on this planet.
Things are awfully strange in the ‘States right now.
No more fun in the sun for Jake.
I guess sex is a great motivator.
Consider this screen shot…
I mean, if you are hungry… well…
America is insane, and it is exploding in all sorts of strangeness.
Colorado University Warns Students Not to Say ‘America’, ‘American’ Because It’s Not Inclusive
Colorado State University has included the words “American” and “America” on its list of language to avoid because they are not inclusive.
The school’s Inclusive Communications Task Force compiled a list of words in its Inclusive Language Guide that serve to help those on campus foster “inclusion, respect, and social justice.”
The guide states that it is not about being politically correct but instead is there to help “communicators practice inclusive language” and make everyone on campus “feel welcomed, respected, and valued.”
CSU lists both “American” and “America” as non-inclusive words “to avoid,” due to the fact that America encompasses more than just the U.S.
“The Americas encompass a lot more than the United States,” the guide states. “There is South America, Central America, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean just to name a few of 42 countries in total.”
By referring to the U.S. as America, the guide claims that one “erases other cultures and depicts the United States as the dominant American country.” The school suggests using “U.S. citizen” or “person from the U.S.” as substitutes.
The guide advises students to use the words “U.S. citizen” or “person from the U.S.” instead of “American.”
Among other words and phrases on the list are:
The words “male” and “female” (because this “refers to biological sex and not gender,” and “we very rarely need to identify or know a person’s biological sex and more often are referring to gender”), “cake walk” (because it apparently has origins in “the racism of 19th century minstrel shows”), “freshman” (because it “excludes women and non-binary gender identities”), “Hispanic” (“because of its origins in colonialization and the implication that to be Hispanic or Latinx/Latine/Latino, one needs to be Spanish-speaking”), “hold down the fort” (because “the U.S. the historical connotation refers to guarding against Native American ‘intruders’ and feeds into the stereotype of ‘savages’”), “no can do” (because it was “originally a way to mock Chinese people”), “peanut gallery” (because it “names a section in theaters, usually the cheapest and worst, where many Black people sat during the era of Vaudeville”), “straight” (because it “implies that anyone LGBT is ‘crooked’ or not normal”), “food coma” (because it “directly alludes to the stereotype of laziness associated with African-Americans”), and “war” or “battle,” when used any way other than to describe a literal war or battle (because “they evoke very real tragedy that can be problematic for survivors of war or Veterans”).(National Review)
The guide does note, however, that the recommendations are not official policy.
What some people will do for a lawn tool.
And what some people will do for fun…
But, you know…
This kind of disconnect from rules, laws and tradition occur world-wide. It’s just that the United States is really very sick.
Consider the middle east…
Saudi Millionaire Who Said He Accidentally “Tripped and Penetrated” Teenage Girl Cleared of Rape
Ehsan Abdulaziz, a Saudi millionaire property developer, was cleared of rape charges in London after he claimed that he had tripped and fallen on an 18-year-old girl who was sleeping at his apartment after partying with him, penetrating her by accident.
The Saudi property developer said he had already had sex with the young woman’s 24-year-old friend and it was possible his penis may have been poking out of his underwear when he tripped
The Mirror reported the group had met at an exclusive West End club last year where he entertained them before offering them a lift home.
The 18-year-old claimed that after a number of drinks at Abdulaziz’s north London home, she went to sleep on the couch.
She said she woke up to find him on top of her, forcing himself on her.
“She woke up with the defendant kissing her and his penis in her vagina,” prosecutor Jonathan Davies told the Southwark Crown Court.
“She said: ‘What are you doing?’ and he said ‘It’s fine,’ indicating that her friend was asleep.
“She got up to find her friend, tried to wake her but couldn’t, she then tried to get out of the flat as quickly as she could.”
Abdulaziz said he had accidentally fallen on the teenager and that she tried to seduce him, and that was how his DNA got onto her vagina.
“I’m fragile, I fell down but nothing ever happened, between me and this girl nothing ever happened,” he said.
He also told the court it was possible he had semen on his hands after having sex with the young woman’s friend.
The jury acquitted Abdulaziz after just 30 minutes of deliberations.
They believed his excuse. He was obviouly being truthful as he was man and a “pillar of the community”.
And of course, there’s all sorts of lies on the Western “news” too.
Like this one about China.
Hey, do you see their faces? Do you see their clothing? How can you tell where this picture was taken?
Well. Look at the pavement. That’s asphalt.
It’s against the law to pave large public areas in China, only certain roads can be paved with asphalt. Only bike lanes maybe paved (and on special permission) cerain senic roads. But never large public areas. They are either cement, if in the rural areas, or dressed stone, which is the norm. This pavement is NOT of dressed stone.
My guess is that someone staged this photo in the UK or USA and wrote a bullshit story around it. It’s pretty common for American “news” these days.
It’s awfully strange in America these days.
Awfully strange.
And it’s not just that.
It’s everything.
Dodgeball Is “An Unethical Tool Of Oppression” And Should Be Banned, Say Researchers
Researchers in Canada say that dodgeball is nothing more than legalized bullying.
When you’re setting up the environment for students to learn, and you introduce the idea that it’s okay to slam the ball at whomever you like, even if it’s with a soft ball, the intention is there,’ Joy Butler, a professor who studies pedagogy and curriculum development said to the Washington Post.
‘When students think it’s okay because they’re being told it’s okay to do that, what do they learn? People say dodgeball is being used as an outlet for aggression or catharsis. I suspect that this is where they’re learning that.
‘Phys-ed should be an arena where teachers are helping students control their aggression and move on instead of expressing themselves through anger.’
Researchers interviewed middle-school students about their physical education classes and say the overwhelming feeling was that students hated dodgeball.
The team’s findings are to be presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences this week in Vancouver and will argue that the playground favorite actually ‘reinforces the five faces of oppression’ identified as exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism and violence by political theorist Iris Marion Young.
‘I think of the little girl who is running to the back to avoid being targeted,’
Professor Butler said.
‘What is she learning in that class? Avoidance?’
Researchers also noted that they had observed the more athletic, authoritative students had created their own rules and purposely stacked the teams. This, naturally made it more difficult for the less athletic or popular to compete.
‘The message is that it’s okay to hurt or dehumanize the ‘other,’
Butler said.
‘The competition is about annihilating one’s opponent, and the true definition of competition is between two evenly matched teams. Well, kids stack their teams, and they really enjoy beating the other team. What’s the enjoyment of that?’“Despite the fact that many physical educators understand their vital role in helping students develop robust, equal, productive relationships and critical awareness, their practices on the ground do not always reflect this agenda,”
they write.
“We suggest that this tension becomes sharply visible in the common practice of allowing students to play dodgeball.
They ultimately recommended that Physical Education curriculum’s focus more on health, wellness and fitness rather than just sports.
Next up is Brazil. I wonder how many followers he had…
Holy milk, eh?
I wonder if he told them that those that drank the “fresh milk” would get special privileges. Perhaps if they bent over, and prayed really hard…
Meanwhile in Utah…
Strange things in the United States these days.
And in Africa…
Say what?
And again, inside the United States…
From the low-lives, to the high brow… all of the United States has gone insane.
Colorado State University: Saying ‘Long Time, No See,’ ‘You Guys,’ ‘Freshman’ is Offensive
Students at Colorado State University (CSU), apparently, should no longer say “long time, no see,” “you guys” or “freshman,” because those terms are not considered “inclusive language.”
That’s according to a student, Katrina Leibee, who writes for the campus paper, The Rocky Mountain Collegian. Leibee met with Zahra Al-Saloom, director of diversity and inclusion at CSU, who showed her an entire packet of terms and phrases considered contrary to the university’s mission of fostering inclusion.
“One of these phrases was ‘long time, no see,’ which is viewed as derogatory towards those of Asian descent,” wrote Leibee.
The packet says the phrase originally mocked “Native Americans or Chinese pidgin English” without providing an ounce of historical context. It suggests saying the flaccid, unmeasured, structureless, “I haven’t seen you in a while” in the phrase’s place.
“We were told that the popular term ‘you guys’ was not inclusive of all genders, and we should instead replace it with ‘y’all,’” she wrote. “We were told to use the term ‘first-year’ instead of ‘freshman,’ because ‘freshman’ is not inclusive of all genders.”
“A countless amount of words and phrases have been marked with a big, red X and defined as non-inclusive,” she continued. “It has gotten to the point where students should carry around a dictionary of words they cannot say.”
When the CSU student confronted the campus language commissars about the fact that nowhere in the country are phrases like “long time, no see” being regulated, she was given empty platitudes about making the world a better place where she stands.
Even if the world isn’t good, you should be good,” one superior told her. “CSU abides by the principles of community, and we want to make it an inclusive space.”
And no one is immune.
Such as this “Chinese man”…
And it affects everyone.
Did you know that Gordon Ramsay had a dwarf porn double? And that he died in a “Badger Den”? And that they had Badger Dens in Wales?
I’ll tell youse guys it’s an awfully strange world we are living in.
Next up should be a “Florida man” article. But no. Sorry.
It’s “Oregon Man”.
High on life, I’ll bet.
And some things just make me cringe.
And if you think that things just cannot get worse, well then you have this…
Let’s see.
Oh, yeah. Here’s a “Florida man”…
Florida Man Arrested For Attempting To “Barbecue” Child Molesters
Osceola County police officers arrested a Florida man after it was discovered that he attempted to “barbecue all the child molesters on fire and kill them.” Jorge Porto-Sierra, 50, confessed to investigators that he had attempted to kill several people who were at a motel in Kissimmee.
Witnesses say the suspect was carrying a cigarette and shouting threats such as “I’m going to kill you, child molester,” during the incident at the motel. He allegedly poured gas on several doors, broke a window to pour gas into a room. In addition, Porto-Sierra allegedly attacked two other individuals inside a car in the hotel parking lot, first by pouring gasoline into the car through an open window. When the driver attempted to flee, Porto-Sierra got into his black Ford Focus and started ramming their car.
Deputies then arrived on the scene, where they say Porto-Sierra surrendered right away. Waiving his Miranda rights, Porto-Sierra confessed and told the authorities, “they raped kids, they are child molesters that all live here and deserve to die.”
Sex offenders in Florida are required to publicly register their home address with the Sexual Offender and Predator System. That system shows more than 20 offenders are using the Friendly Village Inn & Motel as their home address.
When deputies asked why he didn’t flicker his lit cigarette at the gasoline he had poured, the old man simply said, “You got here too soon.”
But at least people are starting to trust the police more.
What’s next?
I mean it’s all getting pretty bad.
Maybe cats and dogs will start fighting, and mass hysteria will hit new York (a paraphrased quote from “Ghostbusters”.)
Some final thoughts
Question to the reader. Sure these are interesting, and curious “news” items. But do they really improve your life? Are you better informed in the world directly around you and that with you interact with? Or, as I allude to, it is all puzzle pieces thrown on the floor in disarray…
Some are just made up lies. Like the China nonsense.
Some are news items; regional, small-time strangeness that takes place far away in areas that you have no idea about, haven’t visited, and know nothing of the culture there.
Some are government related, and of course, anything out of the Untied States govenrment is scheduled, preplanned and presented as “leaked” info to give it legitimity.
Some are stores of fraudsters, crooks, and criminals who use a new angle or technique to fleece others for money, or sex.
So I must ask again. Is your life better for reading about this stuff? Did you really learn somehting that you can apply to your life right now?
I argue that it just wasted your time.
Like sitting in a circus tent and watching clowns juggle bowling pins. A curious waste of time. Novel, perhaps, but does not improve your lfie.
So what things can you do to improve your life, eh?
Well, for starters. Do what you love to do. Seriously. I am not kidding. Do what you like to do.
Just do it and let the rest of the world scream! video 3MB
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Identify who your friends are. Sure you can and should have all sorts of friends. But you need to identify which ones are REAL, the REAL DEAL friends, video 3MB
Video Player
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If you start being nice and kind, irregardless to what others think, and act better and smile more, you will be the Rufus.
And if you are the Rufus you will find that your world-line template gets easier to endure. You will find that things get easier becuase instead of your mind filled with the daily garbage from the “news” you will have good things, and tangible things in yoru life… generated by the good thoughts of all those around you.
American and Western society is predicated in a civilian population of spectators. Those that are being told how great they are for doing nothing more than sitting into little grey cubicle boxes and giving 50% of everything that they make to the government.
That is not living.
But you can change all that.
Maybe not the entire society, but you can change your little part of it. Perform your affirmation campaigns. Mesure your fate forecast. Perfrom centering exercises though Hemi-sync, and be the Rufus. Your life will change dramatically.
Not overnight.
Certainly years of programming and fear-induced habits will not disappear in a week or so, but if you keep up with the exercises and do the best with what you have, it WILL change.
I promise you that.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my “Growth as a Person” Index here…
One of the things that I loved to do as a boy was to go through the history books in the stacks at the High School library. In particular, they had these illustrated books that went decades by decade and helps pictures and stories about what it was like to live there at that time. There was a book on the 1920’s. There was another on the 1950’s and so on and so forth. Of course there were many history books that I just loved, but these were special because of the great pictures and easy reading captions. This article is of a similar nature using movies from the past. I do hope that you all will enjoy it.
Here we list the movie videos with both an embedded player and a link. I strongly advise the reader to click on the link as it will open up in a new tab and allow much faster loading than relying on this article to view the video. In any event, I hope that you all will enjoy these videos.
It’s a nice “rainy day” article. I hope that these videos remind you of how unique this time is, and how wonderful it is to enjoy it. Stop thinking that one of these days… something will happen. The time is now. So go forth, make some special treats for your cats. Put on a nice outfit and go out with a friend. Call your parents or your grandparents. Treat yourself to a nice cup of coffee and a pie at the local diner. Ride a bicycle.
Make your time special.
It will be gone soon enough. But you are here now. This is YOUR time. Enjoy it and share that enjoyment with others it’s ok. Just do it.
Do you want more?
I have more articles like this in my Happiness Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
One of the things that I loved to do as a boy was to go through the history books in the stacks at the High School library. In particular, they had these illustrated books that went decades by decade and helps pictures and stories about what it was like to live there at that time. There was a book on the 1920’s. There was another on the 1950’s and so on and so forth. Of course there were many history books that I just loved, but these were special because of the great pictures and easy reading captions.
This article is of a similar nature using movies from the past. I do hope that you all will enjoy it. It’s a trip down familiar places with unfamiliar people separated by generational experiences. These movies come to life using (Chinese) AI technology, and are wonderful. I do hope that you are as enthralled by them as I.
1950’s in America
In all these videos you have the option of watching them on this page or clicking on the link. I strongly urge you all to click on the link. This page is heavy with videos and unless you have super efficient internet access, it might take forever to load the videos.
It’s a nice “rainy day” article. I hope that these videos remind you of how unique this time is, and how wonderful it is to enjoy it. Stop thinking that one of these days… something will happen. The time is now. So go forth, make some special treats for your cats. Put on a nice outfit and go out with a friend. Call your parents or your grandparents. Treat yourself to a nice cup of coffee and a pie at the local diner. Ride a bicycle.
Make your time special.
It will be gone soon enough. But you are here now. This is YOUR time. Enjoy it and share that enjoyment with others it’s ok. Just do it.
Do you want more?
I have more articles like this in my Happiness Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
More videos of personal heroism in China. This is the September 2021 edition. These videos all take place in China, with a few notable exceptions, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the background.
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to load to get the full experience.
Video – Rescue of people trapped in a flipped over car
A Rufus springs into action and helps those in need. Are you that kind of person. If you saw this car upside down in the water would you drive on by because you were afraid of being late for work? Or, would you stop and help? VIDEO.
Video – Rufus Taxi Driver
A middle school girl has been waiting for a taxi. It pulls up and a bunch of strangers run over to it and barge their way inside. She remains outside politely. What does the Rufus taxi driver do? He kicks those people out and gets out of the taxi and helps the student in. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.
Video – Woman gives birth on a flight of stairs!
And everyone in the hallway helps. One woman covers her with her coat, another man calls the hospital. Another one gets her family. One raises her legs and another one gets water. Rufus’s work alone or part of a team, but they always work! VIDEO.
Meanwhile in Hong Kong
No video.
“Back to work today, forgot my pass so locked bike outside Cannon Street station. Left work at 6pm to find just the cut lock and no bike, resigned to never seeing my trusty stead again asked the station if they have cameras.
A guy appeared waving at me, asked me to put the code into my cut lock.
He replied ‘I have your bike’ with a smile I will never forget!!
His name is Abdul Muneeb and he works for South Eastern Railways, he was on a break and saw a guy bolt cut the lock and challenged him to give it back, he then took it inside and waited 4 hours after his shift finished to personally make sure I got my bike back.
The world needs more Abdul’s, he is a legend of a man and a credit to his employer.”
Cut lock.
Video – Collapse on the walkway
You don’t pretend that it isn’t happening. You do whatever it takes. You help others and you be the Rufus. Do what it takes. Be kind. Be considerate. Be helpful. VIDEO.
Video – Three month old baby tries to save his mother!
Sure the mother is just getting a back-rub, but the kid doesn’t know that. So what does he do? He crawls out of his crib, and crawls on the floor to the other room to “help” his father “save” his mother! Charming, and yet so very Rufus! VIDEO.
Video – Motorcycle cop drives an old woman home on her tricycle
Rufus’s NEVER say “that’s not my job”. They do what ever it takes and helps those in need. Here we have an older woman. In her 90’s and she no longer can petal her tricycle home. But the motorcycle cop sees this and takes her home on his own. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.
Video – Collapsing fence traps scores of people
So you are on a busy road in the middle of rush hour, and then a major road fence collapses on cars, bikes, people, everything. What’s a Rufus to do? I’ll tell you what. A Rufus goes out and helps everyone. VIDEO.
Video – Racing to save a boy’s life
You are minding your own business and a toddler comes racing down the highway heading straight towards on-going traffic. What are you going to do? Wait and watch the carnage? Film it? Be the Rufus. VIDEO.
Video – Skyscraper rescue
China is skyscraper after skyscraper, and many kids and children like to get on the porch and crawl over outside. Many die. And it is heart rendering. Here we have a man climb down from the sixteenth floor to rescue a child on the fifteenth floor. Just an average guy. Just an extraordinary time. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.
Video – Helping a homeless woman
Sometimes, all we need is an excuse to brighten up someone’s gloomy day. We just make an excuse and find a way. That’s all it takes to make someone’s day.
“OKAY, I just saw the most amazing thing today. I was waiting for my prescription at Walgreen, and I noticed this man is picking up his medicines.. He is asking how much they are, and starting to get nervous about the price. The total was $170 and the pharmacist asked if he would rather only get one month of his medicines instead of 3.
“THIS lady next to me, walks up to them and says: NO, he is getting all three months and pays for his bill. I was walking out of there with tears in my eyes, what an amazing woman…”
Be the Rufus.
Video – Distraught mother
It’s a risky time. Life happens and the stress and the emotions become unbearable. Don’t let it get to you. Be the Rufus. Help others. VIDEO.
Video – A woman provides CPR
Maybe it’s her husband. Maybe it’s a stranger. But a Rufus doesn’t just stand around. He / She mans the phones. Calls the ambulance. Helps the woman. Gets information to tell the parametric. A Rufus participates. VIDEO.
Video – Fire in the neighborhood
You see a house on fire in your own neighborhood. What are you going to do? Wait for the fire department to come. Well this video tells you everything you want to know. VIDEO70MB
Please compare the difference from the slovenly American firefighters taking their time walking to the burn-site, to the Chinese firefighters running for their lives to help put out fires. It’s like night and day.
Video – Barrier down, no problem!
A real community works together for the common good. People don’t sit things out because it’s their “freedom”. They participate. They help. They make their community better. They work together. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.
Video – Have some compassion
No one notices that the boy is standing out int he cold without a coat or even a light jacket. What is going on? Well, a Rufus notices everything. Something doesn’t “feel” right and so the Rufus takes action. VIDEO.
Video – Old man rescues a child in the freezing March Winter.
There’s a young girl flailing in the icy water. What are you going to do. I mean you’re in your 80’s after all. Well, you shed you clothes and your rescue her. That’s what you do. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.
Video – Public Servants
This is how the police behave when you have a society of Rufus’s. Everyone works to make the place a better one. We all need to do our part. We all need to participate. We all need to be helpful, kind and understanding. Be the Rufus. VIDEO.
Video – Saving a dog tied to the tracks
I do not know why this dog was tied to the train tracks. Maybe an accident, maybe on purpose by a busy owner. Maybe by some evil assholes. Whatever the reason, this guy goes forth to rescue it.
Good deeds, consideration towards others, rescues, and being helpful. All are traits of a Rufus. Here is a compilation of just a few of the many Rufus activities that occur every day but that are never reported. Be the Rufus. It’s our highest calling. VIDEO.
Video – Child goes over the side
Again, it’s a cold winter day. The child falls one story into the cold water below. What are you to do? Are you going to wait and call the police, or are you going to do something. A real Rufus takes action! Be that Rufus! VIDEO.
Video – Infant rescue to the hospital
Your baby is in distress. No time to get a taxi. No time to stop and think. So what do you do? You go to the traffic policeman and enlist his help. Be the Rufus! VIDEO.
Video – American Rufus’s in Jacksonville, Florida
It’s scenes like this that give me so much hope for America. Look at how everyone comes to help this poor guy. It doesn’t matter. Old or young, tall or short, big and fat or frail and skinny, Black or White. Everyone comes to help. Rufus. You are either one or you are not. VIDEO
Thank you for reading this.
God bless.
We do not know when the calling will come.
However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help others. It’s our highest calling.
Do you want more?
I have more articles like this in my Rufus Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Many drive-by visitors to Metallicman often raise their noses and proclaim “I’ve seen it all before”, and then leave. They don’t stick around and really study what is being presents. They just assume that it’s just another ‘same old”, “same old”, and thus not worthy of their time.
A lesser person might be upset.
But I know, and most long time MM readers know, that this is all an illusion.
The people who come and stay are here for the content, and the juicy nuggets of gold that you won’t find anywhere else.
Arthur Schopenhauer famously observed that talent hits a target that no one else can hit, but genius hits a target that no one else can see.
We now know that, through the Dunning-Kruger effect, each of us is limited by cognition: anything more complex than our minds can grasp appears as ludicrous bizarre gibberish to us.
Let. That. Sink. In.
Can you fly a “Frisbee”? If not, then why?
Knowledge and skills are learned. And that includes the ability to reason, to plan, and to sort things out.
This creates a framework of genius as that which notices the obvious but ignored. As explained in the biography of a famous gun designer, high cognitive ability seems mystifying until the results are seen:
It is often said in the industry that small arms now are designed by committee. But the design process will always need that one unique person, the imaginative individual with a new way of looking at a problem.
Eugene Stoner was the man with the ideas who passed them on to the design committees. According to a long-time friend and colleague, Stoner was “the master of the obvious”. “When he came up with an idea you would ask yourself, ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ But you didn’t.”
Most people cannot see genius.
To them, it appears as an oddity, something incomprehensible, and when it succeeds, they hate it. The last three centuries in the West have been a rebellion against genius, replacing it with inferior substitutes like navel-gazing novels, pop culture, and modern art.
Face it.
People who have genius capability are shunned and thwarted in society.
Yet, early on, Western Civilization succeeded because it embraced genius. Under the kings, those of great potential were subsidized so that all could enjoy their insights.
Not so today.
Under democracy, they are treated with suspicion and thrust into the workforce, where they often flounder. Individual genius is a fast train ticket to oblivion and poverty.
If we are to rise again, much of our focus must be on finding good people instead of trying to regulate mediocre people with complex systems in the Asiatic model. In the meantime, it helps to recognize that genius is most commonly unrecognized except by those on its level.
The Dunning-Kruger effect
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the bias results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others". It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people's inability to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, peoplecannot objectively evaluate their level of competence.
It explains, among other things, how in a society that places too much value on image, idiots and insane people are able to get ahead by overestimating their value and getting fools to agree with them.
The essence of the Dunning-Kruger effect is that “ignorance more frequently begets confidence than knowledge.”
Studies have shown that the most incompetent individuals are the ones that are most convinced of their competence.
At work this translates into lots of incompetent people who think they are superstars.
And what is worse is that if you have a manager that doesn’t closely supervise work, he or she may judge performance based on outward appearances using information like the confidence with which these incompetent blockheads speak.
An important corollary of this effect is that the most competent people often underestimate their competence.
This is a result of how you frame knowledge.
The more you know, the more you focus on what you don’t know. For instance, people who can name 15 of the 50 state capitals tend to think “I know 15.” People who know 45 of the 50 state capitals tend to think “I don’t know 5.”1
Fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy,
If they can be trained to substantially improve their own skill level, these individuals can recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill.
Translation: Without leadership at the top of the curve who is willing to call people on their incompetence, the incompetents will appear competent to other incompetents and be advanced, possibly even to the presidency.
This causes a mathematical problem for democracies since most people are not particularly competent at leadership, government or logical argument, meaning they are both unable to assess the best leadership choices and sure that they’re right.
It’s essentially similar to the Downing effect:
One of the main effects of illusory superiority in IQ is the Downing effect. This describes the tendency of people with a below average IQ to overestimate their IQ, and of people with an above average IQ to underestimate their IQ.
The propensity to predictably misjudge one’s own IQ was first noted by C. L. Downing who conducted the first cross-cultural studies on perceived ‘intelligence’.
His studies also evidenced that the ability to accurately estimate others’ IQ was proportional to one’s own IQ. This means that the lower the IQ of an individual, the less capable they are of appreciating and accurately appraising others’ IQ. Therefore individuals with a lower IQ are more likely to rate themselves as having a higher IQ than those around them. Conversely, people with a higher IQ, while better at appraising others’ IQ overall, are still likely to rate people of similar IQ as themselves as having higher IQs.
The disparity between actual IQ and perceived IQ has also been noted between genders by British psychologist Adrian Furnham, in whose work there was a suggestion that, on average, men are more likely to overestimate their intelligence by 5 points, while women are more likely to underestimate their IQ by a similar margin.2
That tendency could go a long way toward explaining why many successful societies have relied on strong leaders who had no problem beating down the incompetent with force.
Unless suppressed, the 90% of humanity who per the “Bell Curve” are unskilled and unaware of it will take over and, being incompetent, run society into the ground.
In addition, while people can be taught specific tasks, they cannot be taught to reason in general; education does not raise IQ and in the process of trying, becomes dumbed-down to the point where no one intelligent will get any benefit from it, which discriminates against the intelligent.
The conclusion is obvious.
When you combine the Bell Curve, the Dunning-Kruger and Downing effects, and the natural tendency of human beings to compromise, you have a working explanation why human societies inevitably begin the pursuit of a “race to the bottom” once they become powerful enough to stop losing so many people to natural events, disease and war.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
More videos of personal heroism in China. This is part fourteen. This one has some of my favorites. The cat and the dog heroes really put a smile on my face.
Please watch those videos.
Here are some more videos of personal heroism. These videos
all take place in China, and show examples of how average, normal, everyday
people (or dogs and cats) can make a difference. When the calling strikes and
an emergency occurs, will you be the one who turns their back, or will you run
and offer help? Will you be the one who stays playing on the cell-phone, or
will you lend a helping hand? Will you be the person who will make a difference
in the lives of those around you, or are you just going to fade into the
Make a difference. Be like Rufus!
Please kindly
note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to
view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your
These are all micro-videos of very short duration. From ten seconds
to three minutes. I would suggest that you, the reader, allow them to
load to get the full experience.
Video 1 – Stranger saves an infant from getting run over!
So you are minding your own business. You turn around and there is a car heading straight for you at Indy-500 speeds. What’s more, there is a little infant standing in the way! What are you going to do?
You snap into action – that’s what! You become the Rufus and you rescue the child.
Video 2 – A crazed motorcyclist decides to go after a middle-school girl.
Being in China, you get to see some really strange events. One of which is apparent crazed violence from out the blue. I think that it is due to the Chinese nature; they keep all their emotions pent up inside of them for decades. Then, every now and then, something snaps and they just go berserk.
Here, we have a crazed fellow and he decides to go after some (normally) pretty harmless middle-school girls. Bad move guy. Bad move…
Video 3 – Rescuing a distraught young girl.
It can be really difficult growing up. You have the expectations of your parents, the trials of the school and the pains of growing up in a community of your peers. As a young girl, your emotions and hormones are raging and things don’t always go the way that you want. So you can get very sad, and even suicidal.
Here we have a concerned bystander getting a local policeman involved and he chats and helps the young girl.
Video 4 – Cat stops a toddler from falling off the edge of the porch.
This is one of my favorite videos.
You know, in China, every apartment has a porch. Some can be as high up as 60 floors high. And to make matters worse, young children and toddlers often climb out onto the porches and plunge to their deaths to the streets below. It doesn’t matter if it is on third floor or the sixtieth floor. A fall would be fatal.
This cat knows this, and will absolute not allow the toddler to go anywhere near the edge of the porch. No way!
Video 5 – Girl on crutches carried by a stranger.
China can be rude sometime. There are rude people everywhere, and insensitive people. There are sociopaths, and psychopaths and they exist in every society. They are all bad people.
Here we have a girl on crutches and a rude driver.
Luckily we have a Rufus nearby that that carry the girl to safety…
Video 6 – Car intentionally hits another car to save a life.
Another favorite video.
Watch it carefully. This car is going to run over some people crossing the street. It’s a mother with two small children. The car, were it to hit them would most certainly result in deaths and damage.
Yet.. another car sees this. He “floors it” and rams the other car. Preventing it from hitting the family.
A true Rufus Hero!
Video 7 – Three workers rescue a girl.
It’s late at night. Two thugs try to accost a pretty girl alone in a park. Hey! China is not New York City! People do not stand for that kind of unhealthy evil behavior.
Watch what the workers sitting on the bench do.
Video 8 – Dog defends his master.
So here is a burglary inside a home. The burglar does not expect anyone to be home, but suddenly a 20-something girl in a bathrobe comes out. Shes wearing nothing except a robe. He quickly decides to go after her, and some bad things could result.
Luckily she has a live-in Rufus to protect her!
Video 9 – Rescue of a child in the water.
Some things define explanation. Who knows why this young kid decided to jump into the water? But he did, and panic ensues. What will happen to him? What do you think?
Video 10 – Helping others.
You don’t need to save lives to make a difference. Just being helpful and kind is all that is required.
Today, just say a kind word to someone. Tell that girl that she looks good. Complement someone on their outfit. Buy someone a cup of coffee at work, Pay it forward at a parking meter or a toll booth.
Make a difference.
It’s the way of the Rufus.
Thank you for reading this.
God bless.
We do not know when the calling will come.
However, when it calls, you must take action. It will not make you
wealthy, rich, famous, or attractive. But, it will make a difference
when you are judged upon death. Be the Rufus. Make a difference. Help
others. It’s our highest calling.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
Funny Pictures
Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Here are some free Intention / Dream boards for your use. I would suggest that you copy the (presented image) photos to your computer and alter and customize it to fit your own personalized intentions. As such, please feel free to download and use to your heart’s content.
A dreamboard is a collage of images, pictures and written affirmations of the intentions and desires you wish to achieve. It helps you through visualization, thus activating the Universal Law of Attraction, or “likes attract like.”
- 6 Tips for Making a Dream Board - Fit Bottomed Girls
The so called “Law of Attraction” is an element of the quantum physics law known as the “observer effect“. It has been repeatedly proven that a person’s thoughts alter the reality that they experience.
Though many people outside of MAJestic haven’t a clue as to the mechanism for this behavior.
Here are some attempts to explain this curious effect, and how a person can utilize it for their own personal use. If you are the kind of person that wants to know what all this is all about, and why it is important, these following links might be of help.
Now of course, us in MAJestic (well, at least those in my particular program) actually know how the universe works. We know how to manipulate it, and we do know the dangers of thought imposition.
How it works
Ah, I covered this subject in great detail in other posts.
However, for now, let’s just keep it simple. The universe is nothing like we think it is. Seriously. It does not resemble anything that is being taught in universities, or being promoted in any of the world’s religions.
Time is the movement of consciousness in and out of adjacent world-line variations.
The thoughts generated by the consciousness navigate the movement through these realities.
By controlling your thoughts, you can set destination realities for you to inhabit.
Which, by the way, means that you must be the pilot for your consciousness. You must keep your destination in mind, and your objectives clear. You have to avoid the “rocky shores” or disruptive thoughts. Thus you need to stay away from discordant news, and toxic people.
Dream Boards
I often go on the Internet and see examples of Intention / Dream boards. Their heart is in the right place but they are going about it wrong.
Firstly, a “Dream Board” is one element of “Intention Projection”.
Secondly, a “Dream Board” is useless without an associated prayer.
Also the theory behind how it works, as promoted on the internet, is really not accurate. To fully understand how an Intention / Dream board works, you need to understand just how our universe works. And, you know what, everyone has it wrong.
Unless you are backing up your vision board with prayer, you will not derive full benefit from your dream board. It is your thoughts that define your reality. To navigate in and out of the realities that are constantly evolving and shifting around us, you must pilot your consciousness. You need to be the Captain of your consciousness.
To navigate, you need to control and master your thoughts. You need to do the following…
Pray. These are thoughts that show your intentions, and desires.
Create a vision board, or vision “splash screen” on your electronic media.
Isolate yourself from negative media; news, music or movies.
Isolate yourself from negative or disruptive people.
Use of the Vision Board / Splash Screen
You use the sample image as a desktop background. When ever you see the desktop image in the background you say your prayer associated with it. Thus is you want to use multiple backgrounds on a rotating basis, it becomes helpful to have a nice list of intention prayers that you read once a day.
In the Windows control panel, this is the setting that will enable you to control your desktop splash screen.
Remember, that in order the intention board to work, you must recite your prayers out loud. (This is can be in a whisper, don’t you know.)
The longer you do this, the more “stable” your destination reality will become. However, there will come a point in time when you will “tire” of the prayers and dream boards. When this occurs, let it go and forget about it all. (It’s an important evolution that is established by your consciousness.)
You can do a different prayer and dream board, if you want. Just know that your intention will most certainly manifest.
The Things people wish for
I went on the handy dandy internet, and researched the things that most people wish for. Then I compiled them into a list and I am presenting intentions splash screens for each item on the list. Please consider these splash screens as an idea from which you can base your very own intention splash photos off of. Or use them raw as shown. It’s all up to you.
The Samples
The samples provided are just that. Samples. If you want to use them, feel free, but you MUST include an associated daily prayer with them.
Also note, that providing the samples here does not mean that I agree with the thought projections. Some of the samples offer vices, and other elements that do not fit my personal preferences. They are offered as suggestions for you the reader to base your own dream boards on.
Please take note that all these images and dream board splashes are made using the Microsoft Visio application. It is amazingly easy to use and simple. You just create a picture and add other pictures and text to your desired image.
Further, please take note that there is a trade off between a singular image with prayer, and a collage of images. A group of images will offer the person a greater degree of latitude and versatility in how the intention manifests. This latitude enables the manifestation to occur quicker. A singular image properly prayed for with strong intentions take much longer to manifest, but the results are more exacting.
Here we provide (mostly) singular images for your study and enjoyment.
This intention desktop “splash” is related to POWER.
If you are desirous of increasing your apparent power within the reality that you inherit, then this image is for you. You are free to use it as is, or make your own along these lines. Alternatively, you can fill the entire image screen with smaller images that illustrate the kinds of power that you might wish to evoke.
This is the image that you can use if you want to use the power of intention to manifest power for yourself. Feel free to “left click” and save the image to your “Pictures” folder. Then set the desktop background on your computer to this image.
Please note that you must use the following dialog in your prayers associated with this image…
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.
In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.
Images that portray mafia figures, or "bad people" portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people arrayed against me.
If you do not take care in your prayers, and in the application of the desktop display intention splash, it could easily “backfire” against you. Therefore, it is critically important for you to have a very clear and well defined image intention with an associated prayer.
After all, unless you are careful on how your thoughts manifest, you might end up having this crew come a knockin’ at your door…
Chinese triad gangsters. If you are not careful and try to use the power of intention to alter your reality towards one of power, you could just as easily invoke the more negative manifestations that come with that territory. This could include Chinese Triad gangsters.
Success in business
Again, here is a a different intention desktop splash. This is for people who are desirous of having a very successful business, and the rewards that come with it.
Success in Business. This is a fine intention (PC) desktop dream splash canvas if you are desirous of being very successful in business… financially. As before, please right click on the image and save to your Pictures folder. Then set your background image display to this image.
Again, it’s not enough just to use this image as a desktop background display. You need to associate it with a prayer. I would suggest that what ever prayer that you utilize, that you incorporate the following prayers / affirmations…
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.
In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.
Images that portray "bad people" portray myself in similar roles of power. They do NOT, however, manifest these kinds of people arrayed against me.
This is for you men who desire to be considered charming, confident, and elegant by others. Whether that is members of the other sex (women) or men, it does not matter.
Here is the intention dream splash image for a person who would like to be suave within their reality. Always remember that we cannot change others, all that we can do is alter the reality that surrounds our souls. In so doing the perceptions that others have for us can change in alignment with our desires.
And again, you must associate this image display with your prayers…
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.
In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.
The manifestation of this reality is gradual and safe and is in alignment with my deepest desires.
Good Health
Good health is something that we take for granted, and it isn’t until we get older when we start to panic at how our bodies age. There are things that we can do, of course. We can eat better, stay away from bad people and negative thoughts, and do some moderate exercise.
Also we must not neglect the role that good, directed thoughts play in shaping our life.
While you cannot simply wish or pray to be healthy, it can help assist in the movement of world-line selection towards the manifestation of your desires. The formula works a little like this…
Here is a nice splash image for your desktop. In all cases laid out here, from the Power to the Fame, you MUST provides some kind of minimum physical action from which the desired world-lines can manifest.
Wishing for something to happen = nothing will happen.
Physically working for things = maybe might happen.
Directed thoughts for things = a possibility can happen.
But… you should take careful note…
Physically working towards things + Directed thoughts = cause your desires to manifest.
Please kindly keep that in mind when you utilize these desktop displays and splash screens. These intention boards are only part of a much more inclusive system that requires your participation to work.
You can manifest the world-lines that will be favorable to your intentions, and thus they will appear to manifest for you.
To put it in another way, laying on a couch / sofa eating potato chips and just leaving a intention dream canvas splash display rotate passively on the computer will result in NOTHING.
You must pump your thoughts full of directed thoughts, you must use the desktop display and view it from time to time to refresh your imagery, and you must do a moderate amount of physical action to generate a baseline from which your thoughts can manifest upon.
I have generated two splash intention dream canvas. One is for a man and the other is for a woman. Those of you who are of confused gender, you can follow the guidelines to create your very own specialized splash screen.
Desktop splash screen for a man for good health.
Desktop splash screen for a woman to be in good physical health.
And do not forget to add this prayer…
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.
In all cases, the dominant figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.
The desire for fame is one of the most popular desires that people have. Yet, it’s perplexing why this is. Personally, I think that it is rather silly. Why do you want fame? To have followers, groupies or get offered free sex on demand?
People, if that is what you want, then you just go ahead and ask for it directly. If you want to have loads of sex with strangers who are enraptured with you, then ask for that in your intention prayers. You don’t need to ask for “fame”.
The problem with fame is “thought imposition”. The associated thoughts and quantum environment associated with others will severely influence your life. Trust me, you DO NOT want large groups of people thinking negatively about you. Or, even if it is positive, these thoughts can severely impact your ability to direct your own thoughts.
Never the less, I am placing the free desktop splash photo for those desirous of “Fame” here. In every case, you absolutely MUST associate it with the following affirmation / prayer.
I utilize the desktop image display on my computer to help cultivate the reality that my world-line is.
In all cases, the dominant male figure portrayed in the image(s) represent myself.
The manifestation of this reality is gradual and safe and is in alignment with my deepest desires. However, at any event, the manifestation of fame as pictured will be positive in every way, and will not have any negative connotations or spawn negative associated events.
Here’s my suggested image desktop splash intention photo;
Desktop splash for Fame intention.
Sex. It’s a biological driven human attribute. If you do not have the desire to reproduce, or at least go through the motions of reproducing, then you are not living life. All humans desire sex.
It might not be politically correct, but that is the way it is.
Which is one of the reasons why tyrannical governments ban vices, such as sex out of marriage in order to control people. It is a very common and human element that is very easy to use to control others with.
As are other things, like mind altering substances (alcohol) and things that are fun. It's a way of controlling people.
“Everything I love is illegal, banned or dangerous.”
When constructing you very own dream splash canvas, you can be very generous with the images used. However, take most special attention to their selection.
Improperly selected images, and splash screens without a detailed prayer / intention affirmation can easily result in conditions, situations and environments that you might find undesirable. Be very careful, precise and exact when selecting the images that you wish to use.
Desktop splash image for generating an intention prayer of Sex to manifest. Be very careful in your selection of images to use. If you are not careful, the more undesirable elements of thought generation can manifest with negative consequences. Be careful.
The reader will notice that all of the images depict people and are representative of situations that people are in. That’s the way a dream / intention canvas works.
Picture and image the situations.
Do not image things.
You cannot display pictures of money and expect that it is to be associated with you having lots of money in your wallet. Instead, it is just a picture of an item. And you, constantly seeing that item, turns it into a kind of world-line scenery; Something that might lie around you, but not anything that you are associated with.
Not exactly what you want.
You see this all the time. People set up dream intention boards with nice expensive cars, pictures of houses, and images of a lot of nice things. They will include words that describe what they want to accomplish in their life.
While it will contribute to the world-line direction that the creator intended, it will be done so inefficiently. You need to explicitly map out your desires and intentions and navigate properly in a very careful manner.
After all, you don’t want to make the same kinds of mistakes that our hero Elliot made in the movie “Bedazzled“, do you?
Elliot Richards (Brendan) would give anything to have Allison Gardner (Frances O'Connor) in his life, or so he says. Who should overhear? The devil (Elizabeth Hurley) of course. She offers him "seven absolutely fabulous wishes for one piddling little soul". Only Elliot finds out that you don't always get what you wish for.
Elliot as a basketball star. He’s a great star, bigger in life in so many ways… well every way except for one teeny, tiny thing. Just a small thing, really.
The image you use, or the images you select MUST have a special meaning and association with you personally. Which is why many intention / dream splash screen canvases must be made intentionally for your own wishes and desires, as well as to have a prayer dialog that you must recite daily that will reset your thought direction, for world-line navigation, properly.
Here is a sample splash screen for a Happiness directed intention.
The most effective intention splash screens are those that represent people, and actions. However, you the reader should note that there are other techniques that can be used in a dream splash canvas. Here we explore one such concept.
Here is a splash screen for a person who wants a life filled with wine and plenty of kitty-cat friends…
Wine & cats intention splash image for the desktop.
There are no limits
There are really no limits to the direction that you want your life to evolve into. You simply think about your goals and dreams, all the time, while also removing all the nonsense from others, the news, and other’s manufactured problems. Stay pure, and you will walk the path to your deepest desires.
You can use many clusters of pictures
Many people create an Intention / Dream board that they place on their wall. This is often filled with photographs and images that were cut out of magazines. Every time they see this board, they are instantly reminded of their goals and dreams, and thus it serves it’s most exacting purpose.
In today’s computerized age, I suggest using the computer to do the same thing, and while my examples have one singular photo on it, in my own personal case, I use multiple images myself, creating a collage.
Here is an example of a “fairly decent” dream board. They use imagery that is important to them, and use words to specify the purpose and utility for the images.
A example dream board found on the internet. It describes possessions, lifestyle, and other aspects of the desired world-line goals that are intended to manifest.
You see, everyone is different.
We all have different desires, goals, needs, wants and interests. So each dream splash screen will be different for different people. And, while I argue that you need to let the intention splash screen be a part of a tool kit for manifesting your reality, how you use the tools will depend on your own experiences, lifestyle and needs.
Here’s another example.
Another example of an inspiration / dream / intention board. This one is better than most as the use of images tie together to describe an overall theme or lifestyle.
When you get on the internet, you will see all kinds of examples of people describing their intention / dream boards. You will also find many that monetize this effort.
Do not fall for that trap. The United States has become one great big vending machine and the people are the commodity.
Keep this most important fact in mind. You do not need to pay anyone for anything regarding how you think.
Also… Your thoughts are private.
We have come to accept the idea that you can police discourse on the internet, that the government agencies can extract history, reasoning, and behaviors from you at will, and that your thoughts are subject to scrutiny.
That is false.
Not only is it all against the 1st, 4th and 9th amendments to the United States Constitution, but it is a fundamental nature of yourself as a human. Privacy is a human need.
No. The "elected" officials in the United States are NOT doing their job, nor have they been since the last 150 years or so. But that is a subject for another time.
You need NEVER justify why you desire something to manifest in your life. It is secret and only between you and your God.
Everyone’s mind works differently
When I use the term “mind” I am referring to HOW the consciousness implants thoughts into the brain. It also includes how the brain reacts to the physical stimulus that surrounds it in this reality (that it inhabits).
Everyone’s mind works differently.
Oh we are often under the impression that while there might be deviance in thoughts from the baseline “normal”. That is all false. Really, really false. We all think differently. Do not assume that others will understand you or accept your thought processes. They won’t. It’s a foregone conclusion and do not even bother trying to explain anything.
It’s funny because it is so very true. Girls and guns. So very funny.
Do not assume anything. Live your own life to the best of your ability. Do not care, or give any consideration to what others think of you, your actions or your thoughts.
Creating an inspiration or dream board is a fundamental technique for a person to pilot their life to manifest their desires.
It works on the quantum physics principle of the observer effect.
Why it works is not well understood outside of MAJestic. That is because the vast bulk of the world has absolutely zero concept of how the universe works. However, we in MAJestic (well at least those in my sub-project) know quite well the mechanism involved.
It’s simple really.
There is no singular fixed reality. Instead there are a near infinite number of realities.
Our consciousness moves through each one, forming a path.
This path is called time.
We travel at a rate, more or less, around 4Hz.
The selection of the next reality for us to inhabit is determined by our thoughts. Typically, we migrate to realities that are defined by our thoughts that are influenced by the world around us. This can be dangerous and evil people use media to manipulate, and thus cause our travel path to bend and twist towards realities that we might not want to participate in.
Therefore, to manifest the life that we desire to live, we need to do three things…
Turn off all negative, distracting, and disruptive thoughts that surround us.
Stay away from people with strong thoughts and personalities that are contrary to our desires.
Focus our thoughts on our ultimate goals.
A vision dream (intention) splash desktop will help accomplish this. Provided that it is linked to a daily prayer that includes the subject matter listed.
Related Links
Here’s some other related links for the interested fellow or chick.
A little bit more background for the more scientifically inclined…
Ah, and why I ended up learning the utility of all this as part of MAJestic. Here is the end ball game…
Final Note
This is how it works people. And, at that, perhaps this is my MAJestic gift to the world.
The things we did with our extraterrestrial benefactors was intended to help sort out the sentience selection for the human species. It seems to me that it is still in flux, but that need not concern you all. What you should be concerned with is how you can truly embrace the life that we live and customize it to fit your ultimate desires.
Being able to control our thoughts is the FIRST step in mastery of our life. You can do this through [1] prayer, and [2] visualization.
There is a reason why ritual is important. For ritual permits proper direct visualization so that prayer can be conducted without distraction.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are
some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you
might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up
in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have
broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones
actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little
different, in subtle ways.
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Be the Rufus – Tales of Everyday Heroism.
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This is a listing of the various types, and sub-classifications of American conservatism today. As one delves deeper, one can clearly see that modern American conservatism comes in many types, shapes and flavors. There is no “one size fits all” American conservative.
Here we discuss 30+ different types of American conservative.
The key to the success of any Presidential Conservative candidate or President is to be able to unite all these disparate groups under one singular banner. Is it even possible?
[1] The members of the “conservative movement.”
We start right off, addressing one of the most common themes used in the American mainstream media. That is, being a member of the “Conservative Movement”. This is generally a catch-all phrase that has no real meaning. However, it is useful by progressive liberal Democrats to single out and demonize non-Marxists.
While the mainstream American progressive-liberal media likes to talk about this “Conservative Movement”, most actual conservatives haven’t a clue as to what they are actually referring to. We kind of feel offended that we are so often labeled by the ignorant elites inside the urban centers.
What is the “Conservative Movement”? Does anyone really know?
In actually, and functionally, it is usually associated with a constellation of single-issue nonprofit organizations. All of which were singled out by former President Obama, for IRS targeting and harassment from 2008 to 2016.
As such, they were, thus effectively suppressed from political dialog during the 2012 election, which permitted the rousing reelection of Barrack Obama for another four year term. As well as to allow other conservative movements to arise to the forefront.
Most of these nonprofits sprung up in the 1970s and still exist in the form on single-issue conservatism. These non-profits include (and are not limited to);
Gun Rights, Second Amendment supporters, and their ilk.
Pro-life, anti-abortion, and anti-death-penalty folk.
Taxpayer rights, anti-16th amendment people, and transparency movements.
The Right to work movement, and other labor issues.
Privacy movements, and other 4th amendment movements.
Functionally, most “single issue” Conservative movements revolve around the American Federal Bill of Rights. All of the movements can be traced back to a point where the Bill of Rights is being violated.
The idea that a person can smoke Marijuana is a tenth amendment issue. The idea that there should be zero censorship, and no such thing as “hate speech” is a first amendment issue.
The right to bear arms is a second amendment issue, and the various issues today related to individual freedoms and violations thereof can be traced to fifth amendment construction.
[2] The Conservative “Intellectual” movement.
This group mainly consists of the well-written and published American Conservatives. It consists of writers, scholars, and others whose journalistic and political work deals mainly with ideas. These are the folk that will argue up and down, and sideways all elements of a particular issue through academic parsing.
Ivory Tower Conservatives also known as intellectual conservatives.
They are the “Ivory Tower” folk who tend to be quite bright but not really very practical. These are the conservative people that scream bloody murder when President Trump tries to implement an EO to stop some out-of-control situation simply because previous precedents were not clear. Their utility was too murky.
“Never trumpers” are university – belt-way conservatives that are terribly out of touch with America. Screen shot from the Rush Limbaugh show.
In real life, when confronted by an armed robber, they would hold up their index finger to the robber. Tell them to “wait a minute”, while they dial 911. Then wait until the police arrive, rather than deal with the robber themselves. They are that out of touch with reality.
[3] The Conservative “Talking Heads”
This group mainly consists of the visible (to the public at large) American Conservatives. This group consists of people that “Joe Average” would associate with Conservatives, good or bad. Noted members include…
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Ann Coulter
These commentators serve a very useful purpose. many of them voice the feelings, beliefs and motivations of the silenced conservative majority. They do so with amplification, and control over the air-waves, and in the case of El’ Rushbo, a Golden EIB Microphone.
Rush Limbaugh at the golden EIB microphone.
They can educate, inspire, entertain, and lambast, but they cannot make policy. They serve as icons for whatever exists of modern contemporaneous conservative thought.
[4] Tea Partiers
The Tea Party movement is an American fiscally conservative political movement. Their primary emphasis has been on fiscal responsibility. Which means lower taxes, and a serious reduction of the federal debt.
In a way, one could argue that this group is focused on 16th amendment issues.
As such, the movement supports small-government principles. They are opposed to any kind of “big government” initiatives and opposes government-sponsored universal healthcare. They demand a re-look at the 16th amendment in light of the damage that it has caused the United States, and require an audit of the Federal reserve to determine just how in debt the United States actually is.
Tea Party Rally in Mississippi.
This is considered a serious threat by the progressive Marxists in power in the United States, and they took action against this organization.
And, of course, the progressive American mainstream news media (Newsweek) has tried to spin the narrative in favor of the Marxists. So they report the exact opposite. Makes sense in a kind of “Big Brother” sort of way…
The Tea Party movement has been described as a popular constitutional movement composed of a mixture of libertarian, right-wing populist, and conservative activism. It has sponsored multiple protests and supported various political candidates since 2009. According to the American Enterprise Institute, various polls in 2013 estimate that slightly over 10 percent of Americans identified as part of the movement.
[5] Grifter Conservatives
These people are NOT conservatives.
They are apolitical, and feed off Conservatives as a financial resource; a “cash cow”, if you will.
Though they pretend to be conservatives. Instead, these are leaches that feed off conservatives. They control the pools of money that grass-root conservative efforts collect, and siphon off huge percentages for themselves.
They hide behind pro-Conservative organizations. Say things that conservatives want to hear. They make promises and ask for donations. Once the donations arrive, they pocket the money for themselves.
Many are not conservatives. Like this guy…
Al Gore, a Democrat, exactly fits the profile of a grifter conservative. These are people who have no real political ideology, rather they use American politics as a kind of “gravy train” from which to profit from.
The are called conservatives as that is the mantle they wear while they are stealing money. Many, I am sad to say, then take that money and use it for their own personal needs and (perhaps) give the rest to progressive liberal causes.
These sociopaths are not liberal or conservative. They are not Democrats or Republicans. They are not beholden to a country or community. They care not for their fellow man. They don’t care about future generations. They care about their own power, wealth and control over others.
They have no conscience. They have no empathy. Right and wrong are meaningless in their unquenchable thirst for more. They will lie, steal and kill to achieve their goal of controlling everything and everyone in this world.
This precisely describes virtually every politician in Washington DC, Wall Street banker, mega-corporation CEO, government agency head, MSM talking head, church leader, billionaire activist, and blood sucking advisor to the president.
-US vs Them
By looking at the percentages, once can see that it is all just an enormous racket to steal money from conservatives.
Back in 2013, Conservative StrikeForce PAC raised $2.2 million in funds vowing to support Ken Cuccinelli’s campaign for governor in Virginia. Court filings and FEC records showed that the PAC only contributed $10,000 to Cuccinelli’s effort. Less than one-half of a percent of the collected moneys went to the professed cause. This is 0.45%.
Back in 2014, Politico researched 33 political action committees that claimed to be affiliated with the Tea Party and courted small donors with email and direct-mail appeals and found that they “raised $43 million — 74 percent of which came from small donors. The PACs spent only $3 million on ads and contributions to boost the long-shot candidates often touted in the appeals, compared to $39.5 million on operating expenses, including $6 million to firms owned or managed by the operatives who run the PACs.”
Back in 2015, RightWingNews reviewed the financial filings of 21 prominent conservative PACs and found the ten 10 groups at the bottom of their list spent $54.3 million only paid out $3.6 million to help get Republicans elected.
Back in 2016, campaign finance lawyer Paul H. Jossey detailed how some of the PACs operated and lamented, “the Tea Party movement is pretty much dead now, but it didn’t die a natural death. It was murdered — and it was an inside job. In a half decade, the spontaneous uprising that shook official Washington degenerated into a form of pyramid scheme that transferred tens of millions of dollars from rural, poorer Southerners and Midwesterners to bicoastal political operatives.”
In 2016, Great America PAC raised $28.6 million from donors. They donated $30,125 to federal candidates. In 2018, Great America PAC raised $8.3 million from donors. They donated $31,840 to federal candidates.
In 2017, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke said that despite the actions of a PAC that claimed to be raising money for a Clarke bid for U.S. Senate, he was not running. That PAC raised $2 million.
In 2018, a federal indictment declared grassroots conservatives across the country gave $23 million to scam PACs run by William and Robert Tierney from 2014 to 2018, believing they were supporting conservative groups like “Republican Majority Campaign PAC,” “Americans for Law Enforcement PAC,” and “Rightmarch.com PAC.” Only $109,000 went to candidates.
Put Vets First PAC raised $3.9 million in the 2018 cycle; they gave $9,000 to federal candidates. Or 0.02%! That is two-one hundredths of one percent.
Earlier this year, it was revealed that David Bossie’s group, Presidential Coalition, had raised $18.5 million in 2017 and 2018 to support state and local candidates in furtherance of the Trump agenda. Only $425,442, or 3 percent, went to direct political activity.
There are pages and pages of examples. Conservatives are often enticed to fund conservative efforts, and in many cases the money is siphoned off for personal enjoyments, and the balance given to progressive and not conservative causes.
[6] FReeper Conservatives
“Free Republic” conservative individuals go by the name FReepers. They have been around since the early days of the Bill Clinton administration, and came into being as a conservative back-lash against his most outrageous policies. Such as…
Replacement of the International Space-station with the ISS.
Paying Russian soldiers salaries.
They formed a chat-room on the internet and there they would post articles and comment on them. They formed clusters of activists and were instrumental in uncovering such things as the looting of Air Force One on EBay by the Clinton’s, and gluing down of the “W” on all the key-boards in the White House.
FReepers are true and real “grass roots” conservatives.
They became such a force to be reckoned with that there was a mainstream media backlash. Many of which forbid any of their articles to be reposted on the FR website. Today, most websites have buttons that allow a person to easily repost an article on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other such venues, yet Free Republic postings are still banned.
Shared articles permitted to liberal websites.
Shared articles prohibited to conservative websites.
The organization itself is a loose collection of individuals from many different conservative camps. The active participation ebbs and flows over the years, but there is a core constituency that are very politically astute. Roughly speaking there is a community of “lurkers” who regularly read the postings but do not contribute or comment. This group is like an iceberg and represents the bunk of the FR readership.
FReepers – Active participants.
Lurkers – Non-active readers.
Trolls – Paid commentators used to derail posts.
This organization is also considered a “thorn in the side” of the liberal mainstream media, and is only permitted to exist as long as they can direct traffic to liberal-friendly mainstream media outlets. To this end, there are paid trolls that frequent the site in shifts.
The objective of the FR trolls is to limit conservative dialog to the site; box it in. Make it limited so that there isn’t any traceable “spill over” onto the Internet.
Trump tweet on conservative censorship of search data by Google search engines.
This is so that the Google algorithms do not notice traffic to other smaller conservative websites. It serves to keep small conservative bloggers, websites, and associated traffic way… way down in the search hierarchy. Instead of a Conservative post being on the top three pages of a Google Search, they can end up on page 50 to 60 in a given search.
(This is) Based on their internet connectivity to other websites.
They gamed the system that way. You can read about this in more detail in these other articles.
By limiting small conservative websites from getting any internet traffic, they effective “box them in” in such a way that they are practically invisible to any given search. They have to compete against liberal posts, blogs and articles that allow linking to other liberal social media like Facebook, twitter, etc.
Social media share buttons help establish prevalence in Internet search engines. Trolls on Free Republic have a role to minimize small conservative, articles, posts and blogs from ever being recognized by the search engine. This is accomplished by limiting their internet connectivity.
Every time a person reads a Washington Post article, and then clicks on the “share on social media” button, the article makes an impression on the Internet. When a person reads a complete, wholly copied article on Free Republic, there is no impression made.
So from the Google algorithm, it appears that the liberal Washington Post article has more popularity and value (worth) than a conservative article posted on Free Republic. This is a significant factor in relevance placing in the search results.
To accomplish this suppression of conservative articles and blog posts, the FR Trolls do so using the following techniques…
Demand full text transcripts from conservative blogs or sites, not excerpts.
Ridicule posters that have a conservative ideology.
Spread lies about posted links (i.e. pop-up ads, or paywall, etc.)
Make derogatory statements regarding a particular poster.
The trolls are easy to spot, as they are usually the first to post on a conservative themed blog or article. They are also the first to say anything negative. Whether it is intentional redirection to just nasty comments.
Today, FReepers represent a good cross-section of everyday conservative thought. They tend to be part of a wide and deep demographic and thus serve as an accurate biometic to measure the pace and mood of the conservative audience. The website itself provides a good cross-section of conservative thought, intermixed with articles regarding other subjects (known as “chat”).
Known conservative lurkers to Free Republic include;
Update. Access to the Free Republic website was terminated in June 2019.
Unofficial sources (a Chinese government worker who maintains the Chinese "firewall") told me that a singular Chinese dissident out of Hong Kong was solely responsible for the banning.
Within a two week period of time he flooded FR with a large number of anti-Chinese articles. This flagged the algorithms and shut down FR in China.
5JUL19 Update. Arrests were made on the organizers of the HK protest movement.
These people were tracked by their posting history on social media, as well as their behavior at various events. Information HERE and HERE.
SJW have no place in Chinese society. They should move to a more progressive place, with "democracy" for all like Sweden, France, the UK and the USA.
[7] Trumpists
Check this out…
Trumpist is the mainstream shorthand to describe the quintessential Trump follower, who by varying accounts is a non-college-educated white male, an unemployed factory worker, a reactionary with racist inclinations, or any American who’s angry, worried, and economically insecure.
- From “Trumpkin” to “Trumpista,” Trump-Inspired Words
That is hardly true. But, it makes for great liberal copy to boost the deranged progressive left’s idea of self worth.
Now, for what a Trumpist actually is…
A Trumpist is a person, who might be conservative, or not, that supports President Trump in his efforts to Make America Great Again.
The individuals might not agree with all of his policies, they might not like his behavior, and his mannerisms. They might not like who he picks for cabinet roles, and they might not like individual policies, however they will stick to and support him because he is a person who represents the ideology of modern nationalist conservatism.
And, also he’s a rough-and-tumble fighter.
Warning, the Fake News hates all-things-Trump. Here’s what they have to say about this issue…
This term describes self-proclaimed conservatives that live within Washington D.C., and on university campuses. In a way they are different types of Intellectual Conservatives that have collaborated together as a group in order to focus on the most important element of conservatism; the element of freedom.
They argue back and forth between each other, and post intellectual tomes for consideration by the elite.
However, they have zero influence in policy matters. Otherwise, of course, we would start to see the millions of laws that infringe on the Bill of Rights be disassembled in real time. Ergo, since there just isn’t a smidgen of effort in this direction, the prognosis is quite clear. They are not a very effective prophet for the conservative cause.
[9] Jacksonian Conservatism.
There are those who consider that Donald Trump is following Jacksonian politics. Not me. I think that he has developed his own individual brand of conservatism.
Now, today, is not the time to search for similarities to earlier forms of American politics as a bridge towards justification for decisions made today. Today is quite different than any other time in American history.
These people look to Walter Russell Mead’s landmark essay in the Winter 1999 / 2000 National Interest, “The Jacksonian Tradition in American Foreign Policy,” as proof. They view the essay as a road map that not only brought Donald Trump to the Presidency, but also as a possible guide to incorporating populism and conservatism.
They argue this case…
The Jacksonians, Mead said, are individualist, suspicious of federal power, distrustful of foreign entanglement, opposed to taxation but supportive of government spending on the middle class, devoted to the Second Amendment, desire recognition, valorize military service, and believe in the hero who shapes his own destiny.
Jacksonians are anti-monopolistic. They oppose special privileges and offices. “There are no necessary evils in government,” Jackson wrote in his veto message in 1832. “Its evils exist only in its abuses.”
Senator Tom Cotton
This is a deep strain in American culture and politics. Jacksonians are neither partisans nor ideologues. The sentiments they express are older than postwar conservatism and in some ways more intrinsically American. (They do not look toward Burke or Hayek or Strauss, for example.)
The Jacksonians have been behind populist rebellions since the Founding.
They are part of a tradition, for good and ill, that runs through William Jennings Bryan, Huey Long, Joseph McCarthy, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, Jim Webb, Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and Donald Trump.
The Jacksonians believe in what their forebears called “The Democracy.”
They are the people who remind us that America is not ruled from above but driven from below. Irving Kristol captured some of Jacksonianism’s contradictions when he described the movement as “an upsurge of revolt against the moneyed interests, an upsurge led by real estate speculators, investors, and mercantile adventurers, which spoke as the voice of the People while never getting much more than half the vote, and which gave a sharp momentum to the development of capitalism, urbanism, and industrialism while celebrating the glories of the backwoodsman.”
The Jacksonians have extended their conception of the in-group to include Americans of every ethnicity and race. The somewhat slippery distinction they make is between American and foreigner. I say slippery because sometimes it is hard to tell when Jacksonians decide to accept a legal immigrant as fully American.
Jacksonians emphasize borders. They are happy to see the government direct benefits to the middle class. They don’t want to reform entitlements. They are willing to accept short-term sacrifice if it ends up benefiting the people.
They are skeptical of preemptive war, but if a conflict arises, they want to finish the job quickly and ferociously. “The very faults of the persuasion as a guide to prudent statesmanship,” wrote historian Marvin Meyers, “may have been its strength as a call to justice. For a society inevitably committed to maximizing economic gains, this persuasion in its various forms has been the great effective force provoking men to ask what their nation ought to be.”
The current Jacksonian in the Senate is Tom Cotton.
He’s taken the lead on conservative immigration reform. A supporter of the president, he is also a Neocon. The some ONE thing that I just personally HATE.
Which in my mind, is a very big No-No. People die in wars. Economies tank. Rich people get richer, and poor people get enslaved. There is NOTHING good about war. I follow Sun Tzu in this matter; War is a failure on the part of government to resolve social differences.
Now, about Tom Cotton as a Neocon…
He was perfectly Jacksonian when he said a conflict with Iran, should it erupt, would be swiftly concluded due to overwhelming American force.
Ah… I don’t think so.
DONALD TRUMP’S USA boasts the most powerful armies the world has ever seen – but today military experts warned they would NEVER beat Iran in a military conflict even as the possibility of a hot war between Iran and the USA increased as British and US servicemen raced to the aid of two oil-tankers attacked off the Iranian coast in the Gulf of Oman.
It’s Neocon people like this that should be watched closely.
After spending nearly 20 years in Afghanistan, and over one trillion US dollars in the process (not to mention the many thousands killed), it is beyond comprehension that this idiot thinks that the United States can take on a potentially nuclear-armed nation and conclude a war swiftly.
Heck we can’t even build a simple wall on our border. We are mired in a twenty-year-long war in Afghanistan, and are now fighting eight wars. We cannot even build a simple High Speed Train to link two close cities together.
The usefulness of the California 77 billion dollar high speed rail program. Map shows the major population areas of California for reference, and to show that the rail does not impact any of these areas. The reader should note that 77 billion far, far dwarfs the amount of money that NASA spent to send men to the Moon.
Senator Tom Cotton, a native of rural Arkansas and an Army veteran, his new book Sacred Duty describes the Jacksonian code of honor and sacrifice. Die with honor.
As long as it’s not him, his children or any of his relatives. Yes, the elite oligarch way.
There is NOTHING glorious about death. Nothing.
Bodies of US Airborne paratroopers lie near a command post during the battle of An Ninh, 18 September 1965. The paratroopers, of the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, were hit by heavy fire from guerrillas that began as soon as the first elements of the unit landed. The dead and wounded were later evacuated to An Khe, where the 101st was based. The battle was one of the first of the war between major units of US forces and the Vietcong
[10] Reformicon Conservatism.
Reform conservatism began toward the end of George W. Bush’s presidency. I think that they felt that the Bush presidency gave Republicans a “bad name” due to all the anti-Bush press generated by the mainstream media. They believed that they should appease the mainstream press in such a way as not to be so Conservative, instead they should start to embrace some progressive thought, thus making the mainstream media be more Republican friendly.
Some people credit its’ start with the publication of Yuval Levin’s “Putting Parents First” in The Weekly Standard in 2006. Or, with Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam’s Grand New Party in 2008.
They believed that the conservative “movement” needed to be reformed to “keep with with the times” that has been, over the last century becoming more and more Marxist. They felt that it needed to adapt with the times to be more inclusive and add more diverse people under the conservative banner.
This could mean such things as adopting some of the progressive liberal Marxist ideas and policies.
This would manifest as agreeing and voting with progressive liberals on bills in the House and the Senate, and showing favorability towards LGBT, diversity, “White Privilege” and Global Warming issues.
Yuval Levin
Thus, in 2009, Yuval Levin founded National Affairs, a quarterly devoted to serious examinations of public policy and political philosophy. Its aim is to nudge the Republican party to adapt to changing social and economic conditions. To change. To accept things as they are and move with the changing tide of public opinion.
After a few years of successful publication, he proposed some reforms.
Thus, in 2014, working with the YG Network and with National Review senior editor Ramesh Ponnuru, Levin edited “Room to Grow: Conservative Reforms for a Limited Government and a Thriving Middle Class.”
The report was the occasion for a lot of publicity, including a Sam Tanenhaus article in the New York Times Magazine asking, “Can the GOP Be a Party of Ideas?”
The number on champion of Reform Conservatism was the well-promoted Marco Rubio.
However, the Reformicons had no problem with trade and immigration. They felt that everything was just fine as was, and pretty much ignored those subjects, thus opening up the door for Trump to become president.
I love the Hollywood imagery of such conservatives. Like this one showing a country-club republican next to Rodney Dangerfield (He kind of reminds me of Donald Trump. Eh?) from Caddyshack…
When I go out and go golfing it usually ends up a little something like this. CADDYSHACK, Ted Knight, Rodney Dangerfield, 1980. (c) Orion Pictures.
[12] Neo conservatives (Neocons)
Neoconservatism (commonly shortened to neocon when labeling its adherents) is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among liberal hawks who became disenchanted with the increasingly pacifist foreign policy of the Democratic Party, and the growing New Left and counterculture, in particular the Vietnam protests.
These are war-hawks and have no problem with war, destruction and excessive military spending. One of the most well known is that evil son-of-a-bitch John McCain. You can read about him and his legacy here…
Neocon. A politician who, on the lectern, claims to be a conservative, claims belief in smaller government and less government spending, but in practice increases spending and increases the size of government. John Mccain calls himself a conservative, yet he votes for Cap and Trade. He's just a centrist neocon.
-The Urban Dictionary
Some characteristics…
They believe that war is necessary for social cohesiveness, and to keep donor coffers full.
They first started to have a voice in internal politics as early as the Ford administration.
They tend to lie in order to accomplish their goals.
One of their biggest lies is to support “smaller government” initiatives. In reality believe in big spending and tax cuts for their wealthy political and business friends, hence deficit spending.
They pretend being social conservatives, although true social conservatives believe they really care about social issues. Neocons distract the public by acting like they really care about social issues like gay marriage, abortion, and flag burning. Meanwhile they are busy conducting wars and stifling your freedom.
They believe in costly wars and creating boogeymen to try and make you think only they can keep you safe while they restrict your freedoms to “protect you”. This is their signature issue, to help keep them in power.
They actually despise any types of small government advocates, Barry Goldwater, traditional live and let live conservative, and libertarians
Some Neocons include George Bush I and II, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and John McCain.
[13] The Paleos
Where the paleoconservatives distinguish themselves from the other camps is foreign policy. The paleos are noninterventionists who, all things being equal, would prefer that America radically reduce her overseas commitments. In a way, they are almost the opposite of a Neoconservative.
I might be considered a Paleo Conservative, if I wasn’t having so much fun with food, drink and pretty girls.
Though it’s probably not how he’d describe himself, the foremost paleo is Tucker Carlson, who offers a mix of traditional social values, suspicion of globalization, and noninterventionism every weekday on cable television.
Carlson touched off an important debate with his January 3 opening monologue on markets. “Culture and economics are inseparably intertwined,” Carlson said. “Certain economic systems allow families to thrive. Thriving families make market economies possible. You can’t separate the two.”
Tucker Carlson
Carlson’s indictment of America’s “ruling class” and “the ugliest parts of our financial system” was remarkable for several reasons.
First, he delivered it on a network whose opinion programs normally laud American capitalism and free enterprise.
Second, the speech was wide-ranging, criticizing everyone from Mitt Romney to Sheryl Sandberg to parents who let their kids smoke weed.
Third, Carlson offered a theory of the case. Social decline, he said, is related to the loss of manufacturing jobs. It happened in the inner cities. Now it’s happening in the Rust Belt and in rural America. When jobs disappear and low-skilled male wages decline, family formation breaks down.
While Carlson noted in passing that wage income is taxed at a higher rate than investment income, he did not make any specific proposals.
“I’m not a policy guy, I’m a talk show host, but I sincerely believe that no problem is solved unless you have a clear image in your mind of what you want the result to be,”
-Carlson told Michael Brendan Dougherty at the National Review Institute conference in March.
Earlier this month, he welcomed John Burtka, the chairman of the paleo journal The American Conservative (TAC), on to his program. Burtka argued for treating the social media giants as monopolies. Carlson loved it.
Burtka offered a defense of “economic nationalism.” He advocates a national industrial strategy, without providing many details, though presumably incorporating some mixture of tariffs and government-directed investment. His reluctance toward nuts-and-bolts legislative proposals is widespread.
“We still need to figure out a lot of the details for how this vision of conservative politics, a pro-family, pro-worker, pro-American nation, conservatism actually looks in practice,” - J. D. Vance told a recent TAC gala.
Paleos have brought renewed attention to the condition of American communities.
Paleos might not have exact answers when it comes to domestic policy, but they are certain American foreign policy should be restrained, within constitutional bounds, and prioritize diplomacy over military force. Amen to that!
[14] The Never-Hillary Army
Hillary Clinton, for what ever reason, has become the defacto face of the modern American democratic party. There are others, of course, but Hillary with her strong political support, the fawning media, and her Tony Soprano-style leadership well represents what the Democrat party is today.
Hillary Clinton
In a way, the people who voted for anyone other than Hillary voted conservative, but might not actually be conservative. For example, a liberal man who does not think having a woman president is a good thing might fit into this category.
This is a single issue person who may or may not be conservative, but who will vote conservative against a singular person. According to the mainstream media, many disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters fell into this category.
[15] Constitutional idealists.
They close a blind eye to what America has become, and ignore reality in the hope that one day everything will revert back to the intended utopia as defined by the Constitution.
Ah. One day. One day…
As such, they will watch as activist judge after activist judge thwarts actions by President Trump, but the moment that Trump does something that has borderline (not absolute) Constitutionality, they jump up and scream bloody murder.
Rand Paul is a true believer, a Constitutional Idealist that believes in only fighting Marxists within the framework of the Constitution as explicitly written.
[16] Deplorable Conservatives
The demonetization of others that do not share your ideology is a staple of Marxist ideology. It is used as a prelude to revolutionary takeover and social upheaval, often leading to genocide.
We saw how Hitler demonized the Jews for “Jewish Privilege”, how the term “Tutsi Privilege” was used to conduct genocide in Rwanda, and how “Tsar Privilege” was used to conduct genocide in Russia.
Hillary Clinton ignited the term “Basket of Deplorables” to describe non-Marxists who believed in a traditional American way of life.
The term “Deplorable” was first used by (then presidential candidate) Hillary Clinton to clump together anyone who opposed her politically, ideologically, and socially. This label included the now famous “White Privilege” that contemporaneous users hope will soon mean the total extinction of conservatives in America.
Through genocide.
And, let’s be clear about this. Make no mistake they do want to kill you. They really, really do.
These people are ideological. They are dangerous. They follow a solid Marxist belief system, and treat all others as below them and with contempt. If given a gun, they will shot you without blinking an eye. They are very, very dangerous.
In short, anyone who is not a progressive Marxist is automatically labeled a “Deplorable Conservative”.
[17] Alt-Right
The "AlternativeRight," ormorecommonly, the "altright" isadiverseassortmentofpeople, mostlyonline, whoidentifyasright-wingersbutconsiderthemselveseitheropposedto, orprofoundlyalienatedfrommainstreamAmericanconservatism — usuallybecausetheyviewitasbeingtooliberal.
The mainstream American media considers them extremist, simply because they believe on following the Constitution.
They believe that the American constitution is like a set of rules that one must obey when running a government. Of course, the American media, as progressive-Marxists believe in a “living document”, one that is always subject to change.
Rules are part of structure. A failure to have an adequate structure will result in a collapse. This is true in everything from relationships, to buildings, and yes also society.
However, that only works in the favor of the one making the revised rules as they go along. As any child knows, unless you play by the rules, eventually, some child will throw the game in the air and give up and pout and sulk.
In “real life” it is only through rules that society is able to be cohesive and stable. The moment when rules are ignored, you start to have all sorts of problems, often lasting for decades before full termination of “the game” occurs.
The Alt Right believe that rules are fixed and must be adhered to without exception. The Marxists hate this, as they believe the exact opposite. Well go ahead and try to play at a Casino and not follow the rules and see what happens.
[18] Zombie Reaganism
It's a belief that conservatives are a mindless, stupid mass, just aimlessly ambling forward and devouring everything in their path. The current incarnation of the zombie was given to us almost single-handedly by George Romero, director of Night of the Living Dead and its sequels.
- 6 Mind-Blowing Ways Zombies and Vampires Explain America
This is a derogatory term. It has different meaning depending on who is using it.
As used by a Conservative on other Conservatives…
Some of my fellow conservatives knock what they call “zombie Reaganism.” They use it to refer to the idea that we should incorporate Reagan-like polices today. Such as in economics, global world strategy, and on the home-front.
What they are saying, I think, is that policies of the Reagan era don’t fit every time and place. Most certainly, it might not fit today’s reality. One with Marxist control of almost every part of the government, forming a “Deep State” “swamp” and a fully alert and active Marxist American media.
Conservative intellectuals eager to privilege either freedom or virtue like to attack this consensus, which they often describe as “zombieReaganism.” The truth is that the strength of fusionism always has been exaggerated.
- Making Sense of the New American Right | National Review
In this reality, it makes absolutely no sense to revert to the baseline politics of the Reagan era. For this is a new era. It is a era of Trump. We need fighters and brawlers. Not experts in playing partisan politics, Reagan-era style.
As used by a Progressive Marxist Democrat to Describe Conservatives…
Democrats (or progressive socialist Marxists, by another name) just cannot understand why anyone would not embrace the wonderful socialist platform.
Free school.
Free medical care.
Free food.
Free internet.
Free public transportation.
Free housing.
As such, they decry non-Marxists as ignorant, non-understanding, mindless dolts. Much like zombies who will follow any leader that appeals to them. To this end, you can google up tons of pictures depicting conservative zombies.
Here’s a picture of a liberal book cover, trying to convince people how out-of-touch, and backwards, and dangerous traditional beliefs are…
Zombie Reaganism
[19] Catholic Integralists
It is a belief that theology, especially Catholic theology, should guide the policies and decisions of the President of the United States.
Integralism or integrism as a political term designates theoretical concepts and practical policies that advocate a fully integrated social and political order, based on converging patrimonial political, cultural, religious and national traditions of a particular state, or some other political entity. Some forms of integralism are focused on achieving political and social integration, and also national or ethnic unity, while others were more focused on achieving religious and cultural uniformity. In the political and social history of the 19th and 20th centuries, integralism was often related to traditionalist conservatism and similar political movements on the right wing of a political spectrum, but it was also adopted by various centrist movements as a tool of political, national and cultural integration.
I don’t know much at all about them. However, here’s some links if you, the reader, would like to study this matter in more detail.
The post-liberals say that freedom has become a destructive end-in-itself. All of the problems that America experiences today can be traced to having too much freedom and not enough rules or boundaries.
Their solution is to limit freedom.
Economic freedom has brought about a global system of trade and finance that has outsourced jobs, shifted resources to the metropolitan coasts, and obscured its self-seeking under the veneer of social justice.
Personal freedom has ended up in the mainstreaming of pornography, alcohol, drug, and gambling addiction, abortion, single-parent families, and the repression of orthodox religious practice and conscience.
“When an ideological liberalism seeks to dictate our foreign policy and dominate our religious and charitable institutions, tyranny is the result, at home and abroad,”
-The signatories to “Against the Dead Consensus,” a post-liberal manifesto of sorts published in First Things in March 2017.
In a way, I do see their point.
In a way, everything that they are proposing goes absolutely against the core belief that Rights originate from God. What they want to do is to let the government be the arbitrator of Rights. They want to do this by transforming Rights into Privileges granted by a benevolent government. It does go against the spirit and very being of the structure of the Constitution, now doesn’t it?
“The ambition of neoliberalism, is to weaken and eventually dissolve the strong elements of traditional society that impede the free flow of commerce (the focus of nineteenth-century liberalism), as well as identity and desire (the focus of postmodern liberalism). This may work well for the global elite, but ordinary people increasingly doubt it works for them.”
- The editor of First Things in the spring of 2017.
The result, he said, has been populist calls for the “strong gods” of familial, national, and religious authority.
The post-liberals are mainly but not exclusively traditionalist Catholics.
Patrick J. Deneen . Their most prominent spokesman is Patrick J. Deneen, whose Why Liberalism Failed (2018) was recommended by that ultimate progressive, Barack Obama.
Yoram Hazony . Israeli philosopher Yoram Hazony’s Virtue of Nationalism (2018) is another important entry in the post-liberal canon. Hazony has contributed essays to both First Things (“Conservative Democracy”) and American Affairs (“What Is Conservatism?”) making the case for conservatism without Locke, Jefferson, and Paine.
Josh Hawley . The closest the post-liberals have to a spokesman in the Senate is freshman Josh Hawley, who attends an evangelical Presbyterian church. Not six months into his term, Hawley has already established himself as a social conservative unafraid of government power. He has picked fights with the conservative legal establishment by criticizing two of President Trump’s judicial appointments. He has identified Silicon Valley as a threat to traditional values and proposed legislation to begin to rein in the tech industry. And in a little noticed commencement address to King’s College, he inveighed against the fact that
The post-liberals say that the distinction between state and society is illusory.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) participates in a mock swearing in with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence during the opening day of the 116th Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. January 3, 2019. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein – RC16E9DDF6F0
They argue that, even as conservatives defended the independence of civil society from state power, the left took over Hollywood, the academy, the media, and the courts.
What the post-liberals seem to call for is the use of government to recapture society from the left. How precisely they intend to accomplish this has been left undefined. (Though the levy on large university endowments included in the 2017 tax bill is a start.)
Appeals to the common good are rhetorically powerful, but they often run up against the shoals of America’s constitutional structure and overwhelming emphasis on individual rights. That is one potential reason the post-liberals seem more interested in European philosophy and politics. It also could be why many of them are eager to abandon the term “conservatism.”
-New American Right schools of Thought
[21] Conservative tribalism
Tribalism and US Politics. Tribalism: s the state of being organized in, or advocating for, a tribe or tribes. In terms of conformity, tribalism may also refer in popular cultural terms to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than to their friends, their country, or any other social group.
-Tribalism and US Politics
There are those that believe that people form “tribes” or groups of people with similar interests. This is herd behavior. Such as what you would find in sheep, cows, goats, and lemmings.
Conservative Tribalism
Conservatives correctly identify that many progressive liberal Marxists are who they are through Tribalism. They care what other people are doing and establish their belief structures on group consensus. We can see this in their love for Hollywood leadership, magazines like “People”, and the cult of personality.
In a like way, liberals argue that conservatives do the exact same thing. They join groups to “fit in” and follow their leadership blindly.
I disagree, but what do I know? Here are some further links on this subject.
I usually regard liberals and conservatives as equally but not identically reprehensible, rather like the complementary halves of a migraine headache. Some differences do stand out. Peculiar to conservatives is a certain tribalism, often accompanied by subclinical paranoia.
They seem to be looking fearfully about as the wolves circle closer. It doesn’t matter whether there actually are any wolves.
-Lew Rockwell
The prevalent understanding of populism is that it seeks involvement of government to intercede on behalf of ordinary people. It is popular, and thus “populist” because many under-educated people look to the government as the solution to what ever problems that they might face.
Populism requires that government intercede in peoples’ lives.
This distortion is rooted in a systemic effort by Statists of all ranks to disguise the factual nature of populism. You are mislead to believe that a populist seeks a more equitable distribution of wealth.
All rights reside in persons, and are not at the mercy of governments.
Yet, the State possesses no rights at all. It’s only purpose is to serve the people. The ability for the will of the populace to be expressed, dwells in the representation within a republic form or government. Within that framework the repose of society maintains a balance as long as officials are held accountable to the fundamental principles of the American experience.
There are basic standards which are the essence of conservatism.
Traditional society.
Small government.
Small, if any, taxes.
War as a last-resort utility.
Local, regional, governance.
Violating these codes, while claiming the designation of a traditionalist, does not make one unprogressive.
A progressive accepts the State as a solution. A genuine conservative understands the State to be the greatest threat to Liberty.
Thus, those counterfeit conservatives are closet progressives, who are so embolden with their new found power, that they enjoy opening the door to their true motives.
Populist Conservatives are actually progressive Marxists who do not understand the fundamental nature of society.
Politics is based on three other philosophical disciplines: metaphysics, epistemology and ethics- on a theory of man’s nature and of man’s relationship to existence. It is only on such a base that one can formulate a consistent political theory and achieve it in practice. When, however, men attempt to rush into politics without such a base, the result is that embarrassing conglomeration of impotence, futility, inconsistency and superficiality which is loosely designated today as “conservatism.”
-Ayn Rand
[23] MAGA Conservative nationalists
MAGA means Make America Great Again.
It argues in favor of local nationalist policies by the government to protect it’s citizens. This is in opposition to the New Global World Order as espoused by Hillery Clinton, Barrack Obama, and George Bush.
Thus, by nature, MAGA support is a nationalist ideology.
MAGA rally in North Carolina with President Trump.
Since many conservatives, of all types and classes follow Donald Trump and his nationalistic message, and very few (if any) do, we can automatically equate MAGA conservatism with singular nationalism.
[24] MAGA Liberal nationalists
Politics really comes down to a value judgement: how does society best organize its collective life?
For nationalists, love of country, its inhabitants, and its unique character guides law-making. Government is formed solely for the benefit of citizens. High-minded psalms to the brotherhood of man have little place in policy.
The globalists are devoted to the biggest community on Earth: worldwide humanity. To the globally minded activist, there is no difference between the man next door and the man in a hut in Cambodia. Each is due equal consideration when it comes to the law.
While there are many liberals that love big government and “Big Brother” and the “Nanny Society”, not all of them want to share it with the rest of the world. They are selfish. They want this big gracious government to be theirs and theirs alone.
Thus, we have the phenomenon of liberal nationalists that follow Donald Trump and his MAGA message.
[25] Conservative Libertarians
For the longest time, I was a libertarian that voted along conservative and Republican party lines. I had this “live and let live” attitude, with was a hold over, I think from my free-wheeling 1970’s childhood.
I wasn’t all that happy with my “elected” officials. I pretty much thought of them as “country club republicans”. But, as long as I was left alone, well heck, I just let the world slide past me.
Many kids of the 1970’s turned into conservative libertarians.
That lasted for many years, that is until I moved to China. It was there that I discovered that of the many things that they did right, the most impressive was to make traditional conservatism the Law Of The Land. This is Chinese-conservatism, not American-conservatism.
They outlawed all non-conservative politics.
In China, progressive activism is against the law.
They called Chinese-Conservatism a new name. They called it “Communism with Chinese Characteristics“, which pretty much confused just about every American on the planet.
So we shrugged our shoulders and said… “Meh. Communism by any other name is just Communism.”
But, yeah, it isn’t.
Names are just names to describe things, and depending on who is listening, there could be all sorts of misinterpretations.
China has created a conservative society that is NOT a democracy. It is a conservative, traditional authoritarian government.
As far as I can tell, aside from some confusing terminology, the (so called) Communist Chinese are actually Traditional Conservative Libertarians that have formed an Authoritarian Government based on traditional Chinese-conservative principles.
Let me repeat, but with a better laid out presentation;
Chinese communism is…
Single party, authoritarian…
Chinese Conservative…
Leadership by merit…
Permitting families libertarian freedoms…
With core laws based around a centralized structure…
And, with regional interpretation of those laws.
I don’t know who well this will play out in the next one hundred years. However, what I have seen first-hand, I can tell you (the reader) that they have avoided and sidestepped many of the problems that democracies, and republics have had to contend with.
At the same time, still permitting their citizens the ability to be themselves, play around, and not be afraid to do things.
Living in China is the closest thing to reliving the free-and-wild 1970’s in the United States.
I have often wondered what America would be like, if it followed the US Constitution To-The-Letter, and banned all political parties like the “Communist Chinese” have.
Remember, boys and girls, the United States Constitution as originally written was much like “Communist” China is today…
No opposition political parties…
Well educated leadership.
Libertarian ideals.
Judicial interpretation of laws.
Today, it doesn’t look anything like this.
What would America be like without all those laws about drinking, smoking, and just having fun? What would America be like if we could use straws, and paper bags for groceries? What would it be like if we could swear on demand, say “Merry Christmas” without a “Diversity Officer” calling you into the HR’s office and threatening your livelihood? What would it be like?
It would be like China. That’s what it would be like.
It’s stuff for thought, and maybe you (the reader) should give it some thought as well.
Really, is “democracy” where everyone can vote really a good thing? Did giving women the right to vote make the United States better or worse, or neutral? Think, know your history, study trends, and then answer.
One thing is for sure, you wouldn’t have any of the progressive events that we are dealing with now. The Chinese do not mess around. They have declared war on SJW folk.
In America, we have people who are libertarian, but who vote conservative out of practicality. These are known as “Conservative Libertarians”. They want to live their life, and be ignored by the government in the process. They don’t want to have to file taxes in April. They don’t want to report bonuses to an IRS. They don’t want to be told what size of drink they can or cannot get, and they don’t want their straws banned.
The only difference between them and “Chinese Communists” is that the Americans believe that “democracy” and the idea that “everyone can vote” is a good thing. Where the Chinese believe that only qualified, and vetted people should be able to influence the governmental structure and policies.
In America we believe that popularity is more important than merit. In China it is the opposite; they believe in merit over popularity.
A small change… with a BIG difference in results.
Living in China is like living in a Chinese version of an American Conservative Libertarian utopia.
[26] Buckley conservatism
Buckley Conservatism was basically two things. Beat the Soviets and keep the Progressives from pulling the roof down on us. The Soviets are gone and the Progressives are too busy hooting about men in dresses to care about pulling the roof down. Buckley Conservatism, it turns out, is not a timeless philosophy after all.
-Buckley Conservatism
Ah, I don’t know about youse guys, but I think that his political philosophy pretty much died when he passed on.
(Original Caption) 11/18/1986-Washington, D.C.-: President Reagan talks with William F. Buckley, Jr. prior to a dinner honoring the latter. The dinner was sponsored by the Ethics and Public Policy Center in honor of its 19th anniversary.
There was a time when the Whigs were an important check on the Jacksonian Democrats. No one knows what a Whig is today.
Fifty years from now, it will be hard for people to understand “conservatism” and why it was important. The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.
-Buckley Conservatism
[27] Historical traditionalists
Traditionalists value old-time morals, safety, security, and consistency. They have more respect for brick-and-mortar educational institutions and traditional lecture formats than online, web-based education and training. This generation favors conventional business models in the legal workplace and a top-down chain of command.
- Common Characteristics of the Traditionalists Generation
If you find yourself longing for the “good old days”, you might be a traditional conservative. Certainly because you wish for traditional values, but possibly also due to the fact that America up to the 1970’s was a majority conservative nation.
Donald Trump Is Not Conservative, He’s A Pragmatist.
As a pragmatist Donald Trump hasn’t made wild pie-in-the-sky promises of a cell phone in every pocket, free college tuition, and a $15 hour minimum wage for working the drive-through a Carl’s Hamburgers. Those are utopian dreams that are sold to a progressive audience.
Trump is a pragmatist. He sees a problem and understands it must be fixed. He doesn’t see the problem as liberal or conservative, he sees it only as a problem. That is a quality that should be admired and applauded, not condemned.
Donald Trump on WWF.
We have had Democrats and Republican ideologues and what has it
brought us? Are we better off today or worst off? Has it happened
overnight or has it been a steady decline brought on by both parties?
I submit that a pragmatist might be just what America needs right
now. And as I said earlier, a pragmatist sees a problem and understands
that the solution to fix same is not about a party, but a willingness
and boldness to get it done.
People are quick to confuse and despise confidence as arrogance but that is common amongst those who have never accomplished anything in their lives and who have always played it safe not willing to risk failure.
[29] Christian Conservatives
Those that follow the Christian faith tend towards liberalism simply due to the nature of the New Testament. It teaches many things such as forgiveness, charity, being supportive of others, and “turning the other cheek”. Many Conservatives, for right or wrong, have found that in “real life” application, attempts to do this has backfired.
When they try to give a job to a vagrant, they find they they try to rob them. When they gave money to various causes, they found the grifters have stolen most of the money. When they have tried to be kind and forgiving, they have been ridiculed for doing so, then attacked and “stabbed in the back”.
Christian Conservatives are pragmatic followers of the writings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible.
[30] SHTF, CWII, and other Alertist Conservatives
Now, let’s get to the fringe.
At least the “fringe” as identified by the mainstream American media. Many people consider “preppers” and those that believe that they SHOULD NOT count on the government when domestic discord spirals out of control domestically, to be “tin foil” hat types.
Not true.
They are historians.
They have read history, and are frightened by the many, many, many parallels between American and other events that have happened in the past and in other nations. These are almost always conservatives who wish to prepare and avoid any hardship and discord. Thus, they will vote accordingly.
I tend to agree with them, and these posts describes why…
[31] Frotocons
There is no clear definition as to what a Frotocon is. It is a term used quite often by El’ Rusbo, but no one has ever sat down and defined what it is until now.
In my mind, it relates to American conservatives that behave like the character Froto from the story “The Lord of the Rings”. He was physically small, weak, had no training, but had a mission and would use what little he possessed, on the hope that someday his mission would be realized.
Frotocon (N)
Pejorative. Describing a type of American conservative by their lack of social understanding, failure in political battle, and their stalwart reliance that if they only "stick with the Conservative plan" that "some day" everything will just work out.
They are not fighters willing to do battle for any particular Conservative cause. They are bit players that merge with the group and urge them forward, with tiny squeals and statements, that in the long-run the very nature of conservatism will survive. As such they have a mission.
Of course, in the fictional story “The Lord of the Rings”, Froto succeeds in his mission.
But, that is, of course, a fiction.
[32] Fredocons
Mr. Schlichter writes, “We prefer a free society based on personal liberty and mutual respect. But if you leftists veto that option, that leaves us either a society where you rule and oppress us, or one where we hold the power.
So let me break this down, both for the left and for their fussy Fredocon enablers: You don’t get to win.”
A Fredocon is a conservative that behaves much like the character Fredo did in the movie series “The Godfather”. They, by their weak-wrist behaviors, are only enabling the enemies of conservatism. They do no good, and in the long run hurt the conservative cause.
This movie still symbolizes the totality of what a Fredocon is. They go against conservatism by being a “snake in the grass” against others of the conservative movement.
Good management requires that there needs to be a strong sorting effort made to remove Fredocon’s from the conservative banner. For they hinder rather than help conservatism.
Guess what kind of Conservative that I am..
Here’s a fun game. Guess what kind, or type, of a American conservative that I am. Yes. Conservatives often have more fun than progressive liberals, simply because we follow rules, and avoid social revisionism.
Here’s two hints…
And at that, I will finish this post. I do hope that you enjoyed it as much as I had writing it. Best Regards.
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reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
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necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.