This is what was intended to happen with the COVID-19. This is the big enchilada. The big Trump-Pompeo-Bolton plan to completely suppress China.

Yah. Make no mistake.

The evidence is in, and with [1] Pompeo admitting that the COVID-19 strike against China was intentional, and [2] the Chinese treating it as a bioweapon, you just cannot deny what is going on. Not to mention that the bio-weapons scientists from Russia and America also agree that this is an American biological weapon.

I mean, you can only keep your head in the sand for so long. If it acts like a duck, waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck and has a painted sign saying “I am a duck!”….

…it’s a duck.

It's a duck, gosh darn it!
I can hear the scoffing already, I continue to think lots of people have a big blind spot in understanding power and how it's being executed because they don't want to consider silly sounding things like the occult.

it's taken me many long years and lots of reading to start wrapping my head around the twisted belief system of these sociopaths. I don't think it benefits anyone to underestimate what they are capable of, yet many of you here seem to be doing precisely that.

-Posted by: lizard | Apr 15 2020 17:10 utc | 2

COVID-19 was an American biological weapons attack to suppress China. It was a part of many other efforts, and all which are combined into the so-called “hybrid war” that Trump has been promising his followers for the last four years. (More about that here.) You know, that pesky “hybrid-war” that everyone is talking about on the internet.

He kept his promise, don’t you know.

Now before you all get your tail feathers all ruffled up, ask yourself these questions...

[1] Does Donald Trump try to keep his promises?
[2] Will Trump try to Make America Great Again?
[3] How does China fit in that equation of America being great?
[4] Would John Bolton support a war against China?
[5] Would Mike Pompeo support a war against China?

It's all there. No matter how uncomfortable it might be to accept.

The COVID-19 was indeed part of an aggressive “hybrid war” that Trump and his advisors; Pompeo and Bolton, were using to suppress China. This is obvious to anyone paying attention, and any student of history, that America is tumbling into the historical dangers of the Thucydides Trap.

“Make America First.” Right?

This is the best write up so far on the big plan out of Washington DC, and how it actually materialized. It fully explains the mysteries that surrounds this event. And as you read it, many puzzle pieces will come into focus. Indeed, the abject clarity of the entire effort will materialize right before your very eyes.

It’s a great article.

Let's look at this COVID-19 situation in terms of the geo-political ramifications. Let's look at the big picture.
Let’s look at this COVID-19 situation in terms of the geo-political ramifications. Let’s look at the big picture.

But first, before we look at American’s big plan to suppress China, let’s consider the global ramifications, and what China must think of all this. You do know, that they don’t get their news from CNN. They have real experts, not actors or diversity hires, from which to make their decisions upon.

What do you think that the Chinese think of all this…

A Chinese response to US regime strategy would have to be genuinely asymmetrical.

In the sense it would use resources against which the US has little or no defense. 

Since the US is probably one of the most poorly organized industrial countries in the world, any degree of well-organized and disciplined action is likely to do damage to the US. (But that is another issue.)

It is entirely possible that China was active "below the surface" after so many other attacks (the last four years of non-stop viral attacks against livestock and food grains) and because it has been unwilling to waste efforts or goodwill in overt military action. It seems to me at least clear that China deliberately refrained from accusing the US of what was so obviously an attack. 

The question that must have arisen for China was-- if this attack is not suppressed systematically then other similar attacks can continue. 

The issue was to map the pipeline so to speak and find ways to cut the flow (of the COVID-19) into the country. This was certainly a military and not just a public health priority. 

For me at least, it makes perfect sense to conceal as much as possible about the nature of a covert attack until one has developed a defense or other response. China had every reason to deny the US any excess intelligence about the results of its attack. That is also why no one wanted (or wants to call it a war). 

If there is no "war" then any information China withholds is negligent. If it is a war-- then we are talking about self-defense against an aggressor and all his NATO allies. 


Even if we did not have the war with China however we would be faced with the fact that the NATO, and the US regime that owns it, is ruled by psychopaths. Psychopaths for whom human life is merely a conduit for potential cash-flow. They constitute pathogens for which there are no BSL standards high enough to contain.

-Dr. T. P. Wilkinson
A mighty big duck.
No one wants to see what is really going on; that their beloved President would willingly launch bio-weapons against the world in order to Make America Great Again.

The Big American Plan to suppress China, and keep America Number One in the world.

This article was passed on to me in it’s really raw state by Chua. Who wrote this as the preface…

Wow, entire logical analysis that convincingly joins all the dots. 
Anybody who studies the bombings, invasions, slavery, killings and looting history of the United States will have no doubt about the possibility of such bio attacks against China. 

-Cheers Chua 

And as such, I just had to post it in my blog.

But you know what? The article was not blog-ready. Grammar, punctuation, idiomatic expressions and other factors rendered it generally unreadable for the general audience. I needed to flush it out, enhance it, and clarify things.

So what we have here is not the raw content that I first saw, but my cleaned up and edited version. I hope that you will like it. Godfree Roberts is a most excellent word smith. I just hope that I did not botch up his magnificent piece with my “improvements“.

Yah! E-gads! Like the United States has been improved by the 16th amendment, eh?

This is a reprint of an article written on Mon, 13 Apr 2020, 9:28 am by Godfree Roberts. It has been edited to fit this venue and all credit to the author. This is taken raw from an email chain and required substantial editing. So I added grammar, punctuation, spelled out the idioms, and abbreviations, and flushed out complex meanings into far simpler (easy to digest) sentences. Never the less, it is a great and outstanding read.

But first recognize some terminology that might confuse…

Z-US = Zionists in US government. 

But you know, you could easily change the nomenclature to PTB (The Powers that Be), the 1%, the Oligarchy, or the global elite. It's just a name. And, after all, they are are one and the same.

OK. Here we go…

The Big American Plan to suppress China, and keep America Number One in the world.

By Godfree Roberts, and edited by Metallicman.

Just my speculation.

After a series of asymmetrical warfare efforts and aggressive trade war failed to derail China, the Z-US deep state decided to deploy bioterrorism as a last-ditch attempt, a final-effort, short of a hot war.

Quote from General Patton. Both Bolton and Pompeo believe that if you are going to fight a war to obtain objectives to utilize every piece of equipment in your arsenal and nothing is off-limits.
Quote from General Patton. Both Bolton and Pompeo believe that if you are going to fight a war to obtain objectives to utilize every piece of equipment in your arsenal and nothing is off-limits.

Since US has always gotten away unscathed in all its successful bioterrorism efforts on China…

  • 2003 SARS1.0,
  • H1N1 swine flu,
  • H1N5 bird flu,
  • African Swine flu,
  • locust seeding,
  • plant parasites,
  • river parasites pollution,…

…it decided to utilize the Pentagon-patented attenuate-Coronavirus again.

But this time it decided to go real big.

Stage 1 – Suppress China

Many intelligent commentators have argued that coronavirus plays to Trump’s strengths – above all his hostility to globalisation and hatred of China. Trump is already playing the Chinese card and will go on doing so. No wonder, blaming China is Trump’s last hope.

-Global Research

They used a virus that is hard to contain. A virus with a long incubation time. A virus that will infect a billion, and overwhelm hospitals. They selected a virus that would kill hundreds of millions. And they targeted China. China, with all its aged Communist Party leadership, to wipe absolutely and completely out.

They would let the COVID-19 run it’s course, and ruin China completely.

And, it certainly has caused damage. That is for certain.

China GDP over time.
China GDP over time.

So, yes. The plan worked. The launch of this bio-weapon tanked the Chinese GDP. It completely stopped the Chinese “machine” in it’s tracks.

The neocons in the Trump administration must have been giddy with glee.

James Mattis, former head of the military under President Trump. He sat along side with John Bolton and Mike Pompeo in discussions on how to stop China's rise and suppress it.
James Mattis, former head of the military under President Trump. He sat along side with John Bolton and Mike Pompeo in discussions on how to stop China’s rise and suppress it.

Stage 2 – Control all of Asia

Then, in short order, they could enact the second stage of their plans.

After that, a global Marshall Plan 2.0 will launch.

It would include many elements. From Congress approving measures for Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang “independence”, to American military carrier groups sitting right off the China coast, to legal actions to neuter Chinese industry and government on the world stage, to complete disruption of the Belt and Road initiative.

And China, preoccupied with the COVID-19 bioweapons emergency, and it’s leadership neutered inside of hospital ICU’s on ventilators, the American forces would have the upper hand.

The Marshall Plan 1.0

The Marshall Plan was an American initiative passed in 1948 for foreign aid to Western Europe. The United States transferred over $12 billion in economic recovery programs to Western European economies after the end of World War II.  

The stated goals of the United States were to rebuild war-torn regions, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, improve European prosperity, and prevent the spread of Communism. 

The Marshall Plan required a reduction of interstate barriers, a dropping of many regulations, and encouraged an increase in productivity, as well as the adoption of modern business procedures, and the adoption of American social norms (fashion, trends, education, policing policy, and pornography), implementation of American society conventions, control of media by American entities, control of industries by American industry, and government that were controlled by the American government..

This Marshall Plan 2.0 is intended to enslave the devastated world just like it did after WWII. The EU, Africa, all of the Pacific and maybe even Russia would bend to the all-knowing, all-powerful, American rule. Thus, establishing a NWO with Z-US as the ultimate unchallenged master.

The entire world would thus use GMO seeds and hormone injected livestock. It would obey and follow centralized American laws, rules and regulations. No matter how nonsensical they would be locally.

Any industry would be majority owned by Americans, and the rest of the world would be neutered militarily and subjected to American style surveillance and manipulation techniques.

And that was / is the big plan.

It’s pretty simple, though the implementation was tricky. And, as we know now, it did not go anywhere near what was planned.


So the US started the whole shebang by planting a false flag in a Fort Detrick Lab.

A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


The false flag was / is “having a leaking (potential) bioweapon“.

It is used as a cover; as an excuse. As a fall-back explanation, were anyone start to trace the biological makeup of the virus back to it’s point of origination.

You know, just in case they’ve been caught red handed. Which they actually were.

This was the fall-back position for “plausible deniability“.

Plausible deniability is the ability of people (typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command) to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others. 

-Plausible deniability
Fort Detrick, a map showing the wide expanse of this military development facility, with the various QUADS, the parking lots, and all the various outer buildings used in the development of biological weapons of mass destruction.
Fort Detrick, a map showing the wide expanse of this military development facility, with the various QUADS, the parking lots, and all the various outer buildings used in the development of biological weapons of mass destruction.

This is (of course) quite necessary. Otherwise being caught “red handed” would certainly [1] spark a public outcry or even worse [2] an immediate Chinese WMD retaliatory first strike on American cities.

Pretty risky shit. I’ll tell you what.

So ask yourself. Can a civilian agency shut down a military base under the direct control of the President?

No, of course it cannot.

And in this case. Can a weak US CDC shutdown a Pentagon’s powerful Fort Detrick military biowarfare lab? No it absolutely cannot. Or else, for instance, GITMO would be long closed.

We still do not know for certain where the virus that causes the current pandemic has come from. China's first known Covid-19 case has now been traced back to mid November. While the virus is most likely a natural creation the U.S. State Department officials now point to alleged insecurities at the safety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan which did research on similar viruses. It spreads unfounded rumors that the virus escaped from there. But the U.S. itself has many such laboratories with long documented security issues and there is reasonable suspicion that the real patient zero case has happened in the U.S.

Science will eventually solve that conundrum. Until it does there is little to gain from further speculation about it.


If 3000 lives can be sacrificed for 911, what’s 30,000 to win another century of American hegemony and rule?

Mike Pompeo Admits COVID-19 Is a “Live Exercise,” Trump Retorts “I Wish You Would Have Told Us".

Herd Immunity

Now, here’s the beauty of the plan. And why Donald Trump was so adamant in insisting that the Flu was far worse, and that the COVID-19 was nothing that Americans needed to worry about…

The plan was to release a mild strand “A” for “herd immunity” in US.

Not only to release it, but to have it propagate and spread so that the largest number of Americans would get this low-level illness. Sure they might have a sore throat for three days, but that would be it. And afterwards they would be immune to the COVID-19 biological weapon. They would be immunized by “herd immunization”.

And this is exactly why, in the face of all the videos and the news out of China, that Trump was telling people to mingle and not wear masks. To go to outings, and to enjoy themselves. He told people to ignore the news out of China. To go forth.

He did this intentionally. He wanted the American citizenry to get the least lethal stain of COVID-19 to immunize themselves against the most lethal strain.

The basic plan was to release two strands of COVID-19. The weaker strand would allow immunity to build up in the populations that it infected, while the more dangerous strand would decimate the nations that it would encounter. Thus a "perfect" biological war would take place. Where the Chinese would be devastated by the dangerous virus, and the American population would be inoculated from it.
The basic plan was to release two strands of COVID-19. The weaker strand would allow immunity to build up in the populations that it infected, while the more dangerous strain would decimate the nations that it would encounter. Thus a “perfect” biological war would take place. Where the Chinese would be devastated by the dangerous virus, and the American population would be inoculated from it.

This was intended, and actually took place, before launching a more lethal “B” strain on China. Thousands did die during the immunity (herd immunity) program just like they die during normal vaccinations. However, it was easily covered up under the excuses of a bad flu season, e-vaping deaths, and other reasons.

And it actually was…

According to the latest US media reports, the 2019-20 flu season is "on track for one of the worst flu seasons in decades." 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the flu has affected 19 million people so far this season and at least 10,000 have died, including at least 68 children. In addition, at least 180,000 people have been hospitalized. 

Some US media outlets said flu remains greater threat than coronavirus in the US.

-Global Times

US allies Nato, Australia, New Zealand, Japan & South Korea are also given the “A” strand for herd immunity via US military bases. In short, the United States, all all of it’s Western allies were inoculated in such a way that their populations obtained immunity to the COVID-19.

This is a biowar hypothesis to explain several anomalies in this pandemic. There are two CoronaVirus (CV) strains: “S”, which is low fatality and “L”, which is high fatality.

Propaganda Onslaught

Now, it wasn’t enough to immunize the American nation, and it’s allies, and then unleash the more virulent and dangerous strain inside China during their most vulnerable time of the year (CNY). Other actions also needed to take place.

SST has fully jumped the shark, it seems, going full in with the "Chinese poisoned us/this is war" concept, which will be the new "Putin stole the election". 

Racist troglodytes are already flooding the comment board calling for the summary execution of anyone involved with Chinese students or academic institutions. The empty wheel blog went full in with the Russiagate nonsense and became virtually unreadable. SST is next.

Americans are wigged out, in general. They will believe what they want to believe, and shout anyone else down while insisting they must be Russian or Chinese agents.

-Posted by: jayc | Apr 15 2020 17:26 utc | 3

An entire anti-China propaganda war needed to take place.

  • Convince industry to decouple from China.
  • Raise American opinion against buying Chinese made or developed products.
  • Prepare America for a “hot” war, and military intervention into China.
American propaganda comes in many forms. From news and media, to Hollywood and the idea that Americans fight for "Liberty and Freedom".
American propaganda comes in many forms. From news and media, to Hollywood and the idea that Americans fight for “Liberty and Freedom”.

Thus, a series of media warfare efforts began in early 2019. They instigated numerous narratives. With the first narrative being the notion that the vaccine facility in Wuhan (the Wuhan Lab) was actually a military reverse engineering base. And it was stealing American pathogenic Coronavirus to develop Chinese bioweapons. Further, that the Chinese were dirty people, incompetent, and the facility was leaking the dangerous COVID-19, and covering it up….

I find it really interesting how the many millions of articles that promote the idea that the COVID-19 virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan, fail to provide a simple map showing the relative locations of the buildings in question.
Or, pictures showing an unguarded entrance way. No fences. No security guards. And the clinic sitting right next to a major shopping mall.
Anyone can walk right off the sidewalk and walk right directly into the main lobby unopposed. This is not at all what is described in the American media.


Meanwhile the propaganda onslaught ended up doxxing Chinese scientists. Imagine that! Eh?

And in every other way … to prepare ground for smearing campaign against China.

The anti-China campaign, which the Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger is running, leaked to Bloomberg that a secret U.S. Intelligence Report claims that China concealed the real numbers of its Covid-19 cases:

"...China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials."

Nonsense. China did not conceal its number of Covid-19 cases. Nor did it hold back any information.

Reporting numbers during an outbreak of a new disease is actually very difficult.

Cont. reading: China Did Not Deceive Us - Counting Death During An Epidemic Is Really Difficult

Hide the details

It is also extremely critical that the American public believe that there is but one singular virus and that everyone is fighting it together and equally.

Each nation is “fighting the Coronavirus pandemic“.

  • Not that America has the very, very mild COVID-19A with a R0=0.01%.
  • And that China, Iran, North Korea and Russia has the very lethal COVID-19B with a R0=20.0%.

And to do this, all videos, news and pictures from inside of China must be banned. No one must notice that the action of the two strains are very different.

You can see these videos in my SHTF COVID-19B Video collection HERE. These are the specific Videos that Trump absolutely forbid Americans to watch.

In these videos you notice something very interesting. You notice how sudden the onslaught of the virus is, and how absolutely lethal and debilitating it is. It isn’t some sick patients walking to the hospital because they are having trouble breathing. It’s people raising a spoon to their lips while drinking soup and then collapsing on the spot.

Attack on China

So, after the following prerequisite steps were put in place…

  • Immunized America and it’s allies with the non-lethal strain of COVID-19.
  • Conducted push and push, and push trade-war “negotiations”.
  • Instituted a anti-China propaganda onslaught.
  • Created a fall-back “plausible deniability” excuse for the COVID-19 virus.

The attack on China began.

In December 2019, 300 herd-immunized US Military soldiers with some injected with higher fatality “B” strand were sent to Wuhan military games to spread. They were also asked to target North Korea & Iran soldiers particularly.

In the process, 5 US soldiers became very sick.

These soldiers were hospitalized at the local hospital in Wuhan, bioposies were taken, and everything was recorded on video, and meticulous records were taken. They were all evacuated in emergency and airlifted by American military transport with the excuse of malaria.

American military troops who were infected with the COVID-19 were evacuated out of Wuhan by military transport in December 2019.
American military troops who were infected with the COVID-19 were evacuated out of Wuhan by military transport in December 2019.

But Chinese did not get alarmed by it.

A series of events then unfolded exactly like what was predicted during the Event 201 simulation. From global outbreak to economy impact.

President Trump with his two trusted advisors on International geo-political issues; John Bolton and Pompeo.
President Trump with his two trusted advisors on International geo-political issues; John Bolton and Pompeo. All of whom wanted to suppress China to Make America Great Again, by any and all means possible.
"while I abhor violence, I sometimes wonder if the true way to fix our broken world is to find a screening process for sociopaths/psychopaths and, once identified, either execute or sterilize them. we've been taking their top-down eugenics programs for decades now (centuries?). maybe what we need is a bottom-up program to rid our institutions of their influence."

I have had that exact same thought before, and I do believe that would be the only way to 'fix' our problems. Our system rewards those socio/psyco traits, hence they always rise to the top. Kind, caring people rarely rise to the top.

-Posted by: David F | Apr 15 2020 19:48 utc | 27

Trump tells everyone that the flu is worse.

Of course, now that the United States is effectively immunized against the COVID-19, there is no need to worry.

Thusly, President Trump could continue to push on the “everything is fine” narrative, and the the “flu is much worse“, and “you do not need to wear masks” narratives.

One of the very few remaining posters / pictures that told Americans not to wear a mask. Once, Trump discovered that the "weak" non-lethal stain did not grant viral immunity, he made a "U turn" and told everyone to start wearing masks.
One of the very few remaining posters / pictures that told Americans not to wear a mask.
Once, Trump discovered that the “weak” non-lethal stain did not grant viral immunity, he made a “U turn” and told everyone to start wearing masks.

It, from the point of view of President Trump, was to get as many people exposed to the less-lethal COVID-19 virus strain as possible. The more people exposed to it, the more people who would be immune from it’s effects. It’s no wonder that he INSISTED that masks not be worn, that people must continue to attend groups and church meetings, and that everyone should ignore what is going on in China. That America is somehow different.

And what do you know…

That’s the American mainstream narrative; that the Wuhan coronavirus isn’t serious. It isn’t as bad as the flu, and the flu kills thousands of people each and every year. So that there is nothing to be worried about.

Try to find those posts on the internet now. The past has all been white-washed out. They have all disappeared. Go ahead Google it.

Until the big "U-turn" by Trump, he insisted that everyone not wear masks. That everyone get exposed to this minor sickness, and that it is not as bad as the flu. Which is true. The mild "herd immunity" strain isn't all that bad. So, how did Trump know that America had the least dangerous strain, and the Chinese had the nasty strain?
Until the big “U-turn” by Trump, he insisted that everyone not wear masks.
That everyone get exposed to this minor sickness, and that it is not as bad as the flu. Which is true. The mild “herd immunity” strain isn’t all that bad. So, how did Trump know that America had the least dangerous strain, and the Chinese had the nasty strain?







And of course, the entire American media propagates this narrative. Here’s from USA Today…

So far, there have been an estimated 19 million cases of flu,  180,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths in the U.S. this influenza  season – including 68 children, according to the Centers for Disease  Control and Prevention.

Worldwide, seasonal  influenza epidemics cause 3 million to 5 million severe cases every year  and kill up to 650,000 people a year, according to the World Health  Organization.

"That just far surpasses the  amount of cases compared to the novel coronavirus," Colburn said. "If  you didn’t travel specifically to Wuhan, China, or have contact with a  person with suspected or known coronavirus, your chance of contracting  this is extremely low." 

-USA Today

That is simply because America and it’s allies are now (at this point in time) convinced that the Herd Immunized theory has been effectively put in place. Thus, the West was not overly concerned about the outbreak despite the numerous WHO warnings.

Yeah. He, President Trump, know something that everyone else didn’t. For not only did he unleash the deadly strain against China, but he intentionally unleashed the far less virulent strain against the American people.

  • One strain to attack China with.
  • One strain to defend the United States with viral immunity.
As part of the propaganda onslaught, President Trump and his entire administration and all the Alt-Right media renamed and referred to the virus as the "Chinese virus", instead of it's actual name.
As part of the propaganda onslaught, President Trump and his entire administration and all the Alt-Right media renamed and referred to the virus as the “Chinese virus”, instead of it’s actual name.

The US sat still and waited for the big China collapse.

It was going to infect everyone, and in a few months the entire Chinese nation would collapse.

Mike Pompeo was in great spirits and in a fine positive mood in late January when the COVID-19 started to hit China. Here he is right before he took a flight to Minsk, Russia to discuss geo-political issues with Putin.
Mike Pompeo was in great spirits and in a fine positive mood in late January when the COVID-19 started to hit China. Here he is right before he took a flight to Minsk, Russia to discuss geo-political issues with Putin.


With the knowledge that China was in the throes of a complete collapse, Trump authorized and set up a propaganda onslaught designed to pull out its entire supply chain and decouple it globally with border closings. A declaration of global crisis would give US a great excuse for unlimited Quantitative easing (QE) to execute Marshall Plan 2.0. Everything was put into place, and started to be engaged.

And if you recall, at that time, when the news was just starting to say that something was going on off in (far away) China, the American media propaganda machine absolutely and ruthlessly plummeted China for every direction for every possible reason. Within weeks, the American populace were “foaming at the mouth” and demanding Chinese “pay”. Don’t know what for… but “pay!” they demanded.

Leaving the rest of the world “scratching their heads”, why all this anti-China news saturating my feed? Why now? What’s going on?

The recovery will NOT be, but Trump will distract all Americans by screaming against China and how China is responsible for everything. Expect Americans to fall in line and the anti Russia hysteria to now turn into super anti China hysteria. Expect attacks against Asians in USA

And all because the Chinese were greedy bastards eager to make money and they quickly forgot history and how the Ango Saxon treated them just merely 150 years ago.

As somebody who grew up in Communist Eastern Europe it the 70s, I vividly remember how we were warned how the Americans will try to hurt us by spreading bio weapons. This was grilled into us over and over. The Communists knew. China better gt prepared, the West will try to rip them a brand new assholes. And they got nobody to blame but themselves!

-Posted by: Hoyeru | Apr 16 2020 20:13 utc | 21

The attack on Iran & Italy

The Iran attack reason is obvious.

Italy was singled out for “B” strand infection in Oct19, for committing unforgivable sins in: joining China BRI, adopt Huawei 5G, and refused to join US-Nato hostility towards Russia.

Italy has been hit hard by this virus.
Italy has been hit hard by this virus. Their military who visited the Wuhan Olympic games shouldn’t have shared the same hotel with the American servicemen.

Saudi MBS was tasked to collapse oil price to devastate Russia, Iran & Venezuela oil economy in crisis.

But what really happened…

But Chinese CDC system was so damn good that it detected the COVID just with only 4~8 reported cases by 31Dec2020.

Only 4 people, perhaps as high as 8, had the virus. Yet the Chinese immediately recognized what was going on and took action.

This was not expected.

As the simulation predicted a few months later with 100 million infections. The simulation expected the Chinese to react months after the CNY holiday, and by that time, the devastation would be uncontrollable and disastrous. They expected and anticipated a scene from a Hollywood movie, or a zombie movie.

The Trump leadership expected a scene right out of a Hollywood movie to take place in China. They planned for it to happen exactly that way.
The Trump leadership expected a scene right out of a Hollywood movie to take place in China. They planned for it to happen exactly that way.


It was expected that all of China would be shut down, and it’s GDP would plummet while deaths overwhelmed the cities, the leadership and the society. The world would then pull away from China, as they would be immune to the virus. It would be an absolute collapse of the Chinese nation, and agitator cells in Hong Kong and Taiwan would begin efforts (already in place) to topple the government for “democracy”.

But, yah, that DID NOT HAPPEN.

The Chinese immediately determined it was a biological attack; a biological WMD. A military weapon. A dangerous and lethal virus directed at the Chinese nation, the Chinese people, and the Chinese culture all during the most significant time of the year inside of China.

The Chinese communist party decisively locked down the entire country at DEFCON ONE. They did so realizing the enormous and astronomical economic trillion dollar cost. 

The United States' DEFCON (short for "defense readiness condition") scale is a measure of the level of alertness of the nation's defense forces. The DEFCON scale uses a minimum of 5 (for normal peacetime status) and a maximum of 1 (for situations of global severity, like nuclear war).

-How to Understand the DEFCON Scale
The Chinese military went DEFCON ONE and the entire military was alerted on CNY eve. All the military were put on high alert. Not just the bio-weapons division, but also the nuclear, the naval and the special forces were all put on high alert.
The Chinese military went DEFCON ONE and the entire military was alerted on CNY eve. All the military were put on high alert. Not just the bio-weapons division, but also the nuclear, the naval and the special forces as well.


Within 2 months the Chinese contained the epidemic with only 84,000 infections, and 3,400 deaths. The dragon is injured, but not fatally.

So, China got their house in order.

They knew who all the agitators were in Hong Kong, most of whom were “journalists”. They rounded them up, and deported them. The protests in Hong Kong came to a complete and absolute end.

No more “Mr. Nice Guy”.

Enough is enough.

While the Western media outlets and politicians blame the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region administration and the central government for the turmoil, it is these self-serving and finger-pointing media outlets and politicians who should be blamed for not only fueling the chaos in the SAR but also undermining relations between China and the United States.
It was American journalists working for the NED / NID that trained and funded the insurgency in Hong Kong.

Jimmy Lai, the billionaire “yellow journalist” who had dreams of being the new King of Hong Kong when China collapsed was seized, and sent to the mainland for “extraction of information”, and punishment (that may or may not include organ harvesting).

Meanwhile all the “rats nests” were cleaned out. Including lawmakers. Which resulted in the complete firing of all the “pro-democracy” teacher elements in the schools and universities.

And while the United States was busy sending two carrier fleets to sit right off the coast of Taiwan (You might have forgot about that eh?) – they expected to instigate some military action while China was busy fighting the bioweapon – China started to “lay down the law” and warn Trump of the consequences.


But… It’s now ready to revenge, with its own biowarfare defense chief Gen Chen Wei. And now he took over the game.

The Chinese military, while not as large as America's is peer capable and nuclear armed. They are a force to be reckoned with, and know what actually happened.
The Chinese military, while not as large as America’s is peer capable and nuclear armed. They are a force to be reckoned with, and know what actually happened.

‘Wolf Warrior’ strives to make China first with coronavirus vaccine.

The virus keeps on mutating…

The virus then mutated from “B” to “C”, “D”, “E”..and spread to Asia and back to US & EU.

Mutation paths for the COVID-19.
Mutation paths for the COVID-19.
The COVID-19 Virus has 40 strains.

Ya. The Chinese knew the source of virus.

The US was caught off guard by China’s unexpected quick success. It was not what was expected. Not at all.

With no excuse for its unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE) plan to save a completely collapsing Wall Street, Plan B was launched. 

Plan B is launched by the United States

Plan B: US-Nato play fear porn by competing to be the most infected nations. This justified their Quantitative Easing (QE) & trillion dollar bailout plans…

…. as well as preparing an American police state for a full-on WMD war.

But there is a snag…

But US found its Herd Immune program wasn’t working very well. The COVID-19 “safe” strain did not provide immunity. Once people had the COVID-19 “safe” strain, they still could obtain the COVID-19 “lethal” strain afterwards.

The “herd immunity” system DID NOT WORK.

Further, to make matters even worse, the new virus is a mutated “C” strand, and it was something that it don’t anticipate. And recent data suggests that US cases are more severe than in China.

It didn’t work according to Event 201 playbook.

The US locked everything down. The US thusly alerted UK & Nato make a quick U turn to fully lock-down everything, crippling West economy.  It also insisted that any of the vaccines developed by Germany for the COVID-19 would be owned by America for Americans only.

In case you are wondering why Trump insisted in this absurd demand, now you know. The only way that the BIG PLAN would ever be able to come to fruition was if the West had a vaccine and the Chinese did not. Thus it was critical to maintain this level of control over the virus.

America went into lock-down when the weak COVID-19 virus strain was displaced by the very virulent and lethal mutated strain.
America went into lock-down when the weak COVID-19 virus strain was displaced by the very virulent and lethal mutated strain.

They did so on the advice that the “C” strand if left to run it course it would be horrific…

  • Typical 60% (210 million) infections.
  • With 15% (30 million) hospitalizations.
  • Expected 3% (6 million) in the ICU.
  • And 0.1~4%(200,000 to 8 million) deaths.

All of this is devastating.

Meanwhile the Russians and the Chinese are not stupid.

China & Russia played along the game by sending medical aids team to study the pandemic situation in the EU.

(I wouldn’t be surprised if) A new strand of Coronavirus is co-developed with vaccines for retaliation. (For, after all, What’s Good For The Goose Is Good For The Gander.)

The US is between a rock and a hard place.

US-Nato now finds itself in a quagmire.

If they lift the lock-down too fast to declare success, global economy has not yet devastated with 60M deaths as Event 201 simulated. Unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE) global Marshall Plan 2.0 will not be able roll out successfully if the world economy is not damaged.

N95 masks are in hot demand in the United States, as the government did not believe that the people and citizenry would ever actually need to wear them. They did not plan on that contingency.
N95 masks are in hot demand in the United States, as the government did not believe that the people and citizenry would ever actually need to wear them. They did not plan on that contingency.

Additionally, the mutated “C” strand is also not responding well to its ready Remdesivir & other prepared vaccines. Nor to the chloroquine treatment. So some lock-down is still required to buy time for new vaccine development.

But holding lockdown for too long, global supplies and food will run out in 60days.

Trump tweet on the use of  chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19.
Trump tweet on the use of chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19.

This will end up giving China an unprecedented upper hand using its supply chain power. In fact some clusters have already moved production orders to China from West recently due to global supply disruption.

China is now watching the game in a high position.

It has yet to decide if to retaliate or benefit from the crisis. A Chinese Marshall Plan is also been envisaged.

US-Nato is struggling with its own created “epidemic” with no effective vaccines yet.

A Plan C of WMD war with China can’t be launched until Gate’s digital vaccines can be completed, with a well prepared West police state.( The Anglosaxons Mission). America is really not ready. The situation changed, and the plan did not go as it was supposed to.

The US punts.

Seeing no near timeline to end the pandemic, Trump suspended the $10 oil price game by calling Putin & MBS.

He had to do this.

Even Americans like Scott Ritter are admitting that the United States got played by the chess masters:

"Trump cannot turn on or off the U.S. oil-producing spigot, a fact Russia knows only too well. When Trump attempted to gain credit for a 2.5-million-barrel reduction in production brought on by bankruptcy, Russia refused to allow it. Likewise, when Trump promised cuts in oil production to help Mexico meet G20 targets, it was a promise the American president is unable to deliver on. In getting the U.S. to agree to attend a G20 summit on oil production, the Russians lured the U.S. into a policy trap from which there is no escape."

Is Putin Laying a Petroleum Trap for Trump?

-Posted by: ak74 | Apr 15 2020 20:00 utc | 30
China and Russia have been busy making joint military treaties and both consider America and it's allies as a dangerous, out of control, nation(s).
China and Russia have been busy making joint military treaties and both consider America and it’s allies as a dangerous, out of control, nation(s).

Otherwise devastated oil nations may cave in to start selling oil in RMB to China, the single largest oil buyer. This will collapse Petrol-dollars, hence destroying US global power.

Cold War 2.0

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo even called the Communist Party of China (CPC), which is going all out to lead the Chinese people in the fight against the coronavirus, the "central threat of our times" on Thursday. US Senator Tom Cotton also made a series of exaggerated accusations against China regarding this crisis.

-Global Times

A Plan D Cold War 2.0 is also on brewing.

Everything is unfolding per the "hybrid war" that Pompeo, Bolton and Trump launched. It is not going as planned, nor as expected, but all indications are that they will continue fighting until they win... or the world is destroyed in the process. They do not care.
Everything is unfolding per the “hybrid war” that Pompeo, Bolton and Trump launched. It is not going as planned, nor as expected, but all indications are that they will continue fighting until they win… or the world is destroyed in the process. They do not care.

That is to play victim suing China as culprit of pandemic for compensation. US & gangs will then confiscate all China overseas assets & treasury, and decouple China permanently.

US, UK, Australian & India politicians have already started making noise, with US officially filing law suits in Texas for $20 trillion dollars, while India suing in International Court. Breaking/Hilarious: India Accuses China of Bio-War Attack with CV19, Files Court Case

China is very busy right now.

China has started its vaccines testing on humans. Once they work, they will able to contain US global bioterrorism damage, hence derailing NWO Marshall Plan 2.0

Chinese attack subs have been on alert since CNY and moved into place when China went DEFCON ONE.
Chinese attack subs have been on alert since CNY and moved into place when China went DEFCON ONE.

Its also now aggressively ramping up its food production, anticipating a global food shortage soon.

With medical aids and later food aids, the world geopolitical situation will incline in favor of a benevolent helpful China. While Trump continues his tyranny of tightening sanctions and snapping at the allies medical supplies.

Its unlikely China can replace US Petrol dollars with RMB soon, so it will has to contest a new Cold War 2.0 with its aids program and a Marshall Plan after the pandemic is over.

This may divide the world into two, like during the Soviet era. 

But India is a “wild card”.

But India is the most unstable nuclear time bomb to watch out. Its already fragile fake economy $2.8T will be devastated by its unprepared sudden lock-down on 4hrs notice. 

  • 50M homeless and beggars are now packed in gov and charity houses to get food.
  • 100M migrant workers have lost jobs walking back to village spreading infections. 
  • 200M slum dwellers living in open cesspits have mostly become jobless running out of food. Living 10 to one tiny zinc roof hut with no toilet and water to wash hand, its super hot bed for virus spreading.
  • 700M Indians are still defecating outdoor with no clean water access. Feaces & urine are proven to carry virus for long time. 90% of India cities has no sewage system, polluting all water sources with direct discharge.
  • 800M depending on agriculture can’t plough/ harvest their land for spring season will see food shortage & lost income. Many farmers relying on loan to buy Monsanto GMO seeds & weed killers will go bankrupt.
  • 1300M poor will deplete most of their tiny savings if any without jobs in couple of months. Consumption will fall to rock bottom. Millions of business will shut in vicious cycle. 

India’s economy relies on over 50% in service sector and tiny export will collapse. Its already existent bad debt ridden banking sector will be put to acid test.

But India has no ability to print rupees out of trouble for unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE) like the US & EU. Its already nose deep in debts(70% to GDP) to get more loans.

So Modi may resort to border confrontation with Pakistan again to divert attention.

And we can well expect that the US will try goad it for a false flag nuclear war hoping to drag China in using India as canon fodder.

Conclusions about the Big Plan

The US & China will decide the entire worlds future within the next 5 years.

Expect Trump to escalate the trade war, further restrict exports to China, block Chinese corporate requirements, and threathen China's debt holdings as some form of "reparations." Expect military saber rattling to increase around Taiwan in addition to shows of strength from Guam (B52 flights).

In other words, recall Bukharin's warning that trade wars are only "partial sorties." In the end, they will be solved by "real force...the force of arms."

What we are witnessing is an unprecedented concentration of all contradictions of global capitalism and imperialism.

-Posted by: Prof K | Apr 16 2020 18:57 utc | 8
The US & China will decide the entire worlds future within the next 5 years.
The US & China will decide the entire worlds future within the next 5 years.
  • The US is geared toward a hegemony world lead by its MAGA policy.
  • China is for a common destiny of mankind with a multi-polar world.

What will occur during this tumultuous time is undefined, but quite frightening.

What will be next?

As the entire world is right now suffering from the United States bio-weapon attack, keep in mind that any nation that is willing to use bio-weapons will not have any qualms to using nuclear weapons either.

Any nation that is willing to use bio-weapons will not have any problem in using nuclear weapons either.

Donald Trump is already deploying low yield nuclear weapons on active military platforms.

Inuit's view of Socipaths: "Kunlangeta is allegedly an Inuit Yupik word for psychopath – in a 1976 study anthropologist Jane M. Murphy, then at Harvard University, found that an isolated group of Yupik-speaking Inuits near the Bering Strait had a term (kunlangeta) they used to describe “a man who … repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and … takes sexual advantage of many women—someone who does not pay attention to reprimands and who is always being brought to the elders for punishment.” When Murphy asked an Inuit what the group would typically do with a kunlangeta, he replied, “Somebody would have pushed him off the ice when nobody else was looking.”

-Posted by: john | Apr 15 2020 20:00 utc | 31
Time to get out while the getting is good, and it's not too late.


Finally, one year later, a book comes out reporting that Trump was very angry about some (unspoken, but very BAD thing that John Bolton did) and as a result he wished or vocalized that John Bolton would end up getting Coronavirus.

BOOK: Trump talked of COVID killing Bolton…

What you can do…

Not too much. You need to accept things as they are right now. You need to look at the real situation and not endlessly debate the news and propaganda. You need to start taking action, on a personal level, right now.

Right now.

There will be change.

It might be sudden, and swift. Or, it might be slow and gradual. But change will occur. It will occur on many levels.

The changes that everyone are expecting will probably NOT be the ones that will actually manifest. Be safe. Spend time with loved ones. Be part of your community. Be able to contribute, in some way, and at some physical level to the world around you.

You will be fine.

It's very unlikely the USA will collapse in a single historical event. 

As a capitalist nation, the USA is much more decentralized, fragmented and anarchic (in production and distribution of the wealth it produces and consumes) than the USSR. The USSR was a centrally planned economy: when Gorbachev committed the mistake of demoralizing and destroying the CPSU, he automatically destroyed the USSR. 

That will not be the case of the USA: the fall of Washington D.C. - or even Wall Street - would not be the immediate end of the USA. 

The most likely scenario for an end of the USA would be for a gradual and constant degeneration of its social structure, with or without balkanization (probably with). This balkanization would be very violent, because local capitalists would assemble private armies and fight against each other for supremacy and the reunification of the USA (a la Roman Empire). 

It would be a Mad Max cum Yugoslavia scenario. 

The problem with this is: who would be in control of the American nuclear arsenal? 

Will the USAAF be capable of stopping with the balkanization process and thus keep the country united? 

Will the USA anihilate the rest of the world before it would disappear, in an act of nihilism? 

A lot of known unknowns - let alone unknown unknowns.

-Posted by: vk | Apr 16 2020 20:06 utc | 16

Finally, a final statement.

Well the “big plan” did not go as it was supposed to.

Most of the people who are now going to pay for the mistakes made by the Trump – Pompeo – Bolton cabal are just normal people trying to live their lives in peace. You cannot undo their folly. Instead, you must ride out the situation…

You must play the cards that you are dealt with.

Just keep in mind this truth;

People who make or work with real physical things will do better than those that work with paper, budgets, theories, and intangibles. When the going gets tough, it’s the farmer that stays employed, not the social justice activist.

What this means is…

Dollar as global reserve currency will persist only so long as China goes along with it, which won't be all that long as they are already hashing out deals to denominate trade with other countries in currencies other than the dollar. The dollar stuck around so long as GRC because for quite a while after WWII much of the international trade involved purchasing goods manufactured in the US. Obviously that is not the case anymore.

As vk @16 mentioned above, manufacturing is the real economy. Capitalist finance is just a parasite on the real economy. On its own finance can do nothing but shuffle paper around.

What the dollar worshipers don't realize is that it isn't the share of the GRC that is important, it is what currency the people who make stuff that other people want to buy are selling their goods in that is important. The US has very little leverage to force the Chinese to sell their products in dollars.

-Posted by: William Gruff | Apr 16 2020 20:35 utc | 36

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What a full-on surveillance state looks like; Hong Kong and the USA funded NED insurgency.

We often talk (and complain) about the bad side of the new Orwellian police state that all nations are morphing into. Yet, with all of our moaning, groaning, and complaining we neglect to look at the more positive aspects. No, this is not an article in praise of the Orwellian Police State. Instead, we look at how intense monitoring of enormous populations, using high resolution cameras and 5G networks enable full “real time” tracking of agitators and hooligans. Especially those from another nation. Ones that are intended to destabilize, and cause strife, for global political ends.

In particular, we will look at the tracking (by China) of the United States agitation in the (so called) “Free Democracy” movement in Hong Kong during the Summer of 2019.

Quick Review

The United States under President Donald Trump has been involved in difficult negotiations with China over trade. These negotiations began in 2017, and “heated up” in early Summer of 2019. During the Summer of 2019 mass “Pro Democracy” protests broke out in Hong Kong. The idea, of course, has been to put every type and means of “pressure” on China so that the trade negotiations would fall in favor of the United States.

I covered the Chinese reaction to all this here. The link below opens up into a separate tab so as not to interrupt your viewing pleasure in this article.

Chinese reaction to the Trump Tariff Wars.

These “pressures” included such things as…

  • Increasing Tariffs on Chinese made products.
  • Protests and disruptions in Hong Kong.
  • Asking European Nations to stop or break trade with China.
  • Financial incentives to other nations.
  • Pressure on American companies to move back to the USA.

Time will tell just how effective they will all be.

What I do know, as of the time of this writing, at the tail-end of September moving forward into the 70th anniversary of China, the following is true…

[1] International Trade

  • There is a GLOBAL slowing of all international trade.
  • International trade, across the board is reduced by 30%.
  • Companies located in strong pro-USA nations (Australia, NZ, and the UK) are looking for alternative off-shore supply chain operations outside of China. But there just aren’t any.

[2] American Trade With China

China has also surprised Americans with the most complete supply chains  in the world. "You need a thousand rubber gaskets? That's the factory  next door. You need a million screws? That factory is a block away. You  need that screw made a little bit different? It will take three hours,"  one former high-ranking Apple executive was quoted as saying in a New  York Times report. 

- Smaller US companies depend on Chinese supply chain  
  • The clear majority of American companies are staying inside of China. This is out of financial necessity. They do not have the financial means to take on the enormous financial risks to relocate back to the USA.
  • Those American companies are passing on the tariffs directly to the American consumer (25% direct) or (10% through a “pass through” arrangement).
  • But all accounts, the tariff situation is hurting American consumers much more than it is hurting China.

Read about the reasons here. Opens in a separate tab.

The logistics of relocating a facotry from China back to the USA.

[3] Cut in American Food Items for Export

  • The cut in importation of American foodstuffs has resulted in the increase in the price of food. But not in the availability of food. China has food galore and a-plenty.
  • This goes absolutely against the American media narrative. Which on some websites are even suggesting famine! It’s insane. Ah, but, it’s easy enough to check.
  • China has spent the last thirty years building up their self-sufficiency in food, technology and vital products. They have not forgotten the mistakes made under Communism under Mr. Mao.
Food prices in China in January 2019.

Now, of course, there are all kinds of different cuts of pork. It would be like comparing apples and watermelons if we use different cuts of pork. But, you know what, we work with what we have to work with.

Here is a flier showing one of the more expensive cuts of pork (it’s the Chinese national holiday, after all, ) Never the less, you can clearly see that a pork roast costs 17.8 RMB / half a Kg in October. Where in January (before the trade embargoes) a cheap cut of pork shoulder costs 12.8 RMB / half a Kg.

At which I would like to remind the reader that China is a bacon-loving nation. They love their pork and out-produces pork products that makes America look like teeny-boppers.

China, with it’s enormous population, does not need food imports to exist. China is an enormous breadbasket. Farms exist everywhere. For instance, did you know that China has more pigs than the next 43 pork producing countries combined.

Yeah. America is a light-weight in pork production.

Pork in China.
The Chinese love pork. This is a nation that loves bacon. They love pork chops, and all sorts of pork products.

China does not need any imports of food to feed it’s people. It is self-sufficient.

China feeds 22 percent of the world population with only seven percent of the planet's arable land. Land is heavily utilized for agriculture. Vegetables are planted on road embankments, in traffic triangles and right up the walls of many buildings.

China is the world's top consumer of meat and grain. As it becomes more affluent people consume more meat and cooking oil and this has lead to increased demand for soybeans as an oil source and feed for livestock. China also uses more fertilizer that any other country.

According to United Nations statistics, China's cereal production is the largest in the world. In 2003 China produced 377 million tons, or 18.1 percent of total world production. Its plant oil crops---at 15 million tons in 2003---are a close second to those of the United States and amounted to 12.6 percent of total world production.

Lauren Keane wrote in the Washington Post, “China has a long-standing policy of food self-sufficiency, growing 95 percent of the grain required to feed its people. The country's sheer size means that a major crop failure or other food emergency here could have international ramifications, overwhelming world food markets with sudden demand. "Were China to need to import a large amount of grain, it would have a very dramatic impact on world food prices," said Anthea Webb, director of World Food Program China. [Source:Lauren Keane, Washington Post, May 31, 2010]

-Facts and Details

The idea that China cannot feed it’s people comes from the late 1960’s when the Communist central government failed in the implementation of policy. Taking advantage of that situation was a SJW moment known as the Cultural Revolution. It collapsed when the military had to be called into to restore order and control.

[4] Discarding of the United States Dollar

For a full half a century, the world used the USD to conduct international business and trade. This was advantageous for the United States. As the value of the dollar could be artificially propped up as the entire world was using this currency, and it was able to “float” upon the stability of the economies of multiple nations.

Not so any longer. Each time a nation stops using the USD as a currency for international trade, the stability of the USD decreases.

  • Numerous nations are starting to conduct trade in the Yuan instead of the US Dollar.
  • Numerous nations are buying up gold and increasing their gold reserves.
  • America has countered to this by printing more money, and taking on more debt.

Maybe these nations know something that many Americans aren’t.


In the forefront of all these various issues, we have the (so called) “Pro Democracy” movement in HK. This is an effort that is designed to destabilize the region as a way to put pressure on China.

Indeed, Donald Trump himself tweeted to Xi Peng in September that all the protests in HK would end abruptly if China agreed to the USA trade concessions. 

How could Donald Trump say that if he wasn't able to make that happen?

The “Pro Democracy Movement”

I covered this subject in great deal elsewhere. If you want to find out who the players are, the stakes involved, the money that changes hands, and the interests of the American “deep state” swamp you can clink on this link below. It opens up in a separate tab so as not to interrupt your reading pleasure here.

The US involvement in the HK "Democracy Now" movement.

In order to put pressure on China, Donald Trump utilized a branch of the CIA known as the National Endowment for Democracy or NED.

This is all well known as the “paper trail” for the funding is public knowledge. Indeed, groups in the coalition reaped hundreds of thousands of dollars from the NED and NDI last year alone.

You know… for “democracy” around the world.

While  US lawmakers nominate Hong Kong protest leaders for peace prizes and  pump their organizations with money to “promote democracy,” the  demonstrations have begun to spiral out of control.
While US lawmakers nominate Hong Kong protest leaders for peace prizes and pump their organizations with money to “promote democracy,” the demonstrations have begun to spiral out of control.

And the people used to [1] instigate the riots, [2] train the protestors, arrange and [3] organize the newsmen and cameras and [4] teach and instruct the rioters for “soft conflicts” used to [5] provoke violent actions by the HK Police all have LinkedIN profiles.

Don’t you know.

So, even a dweeb like myself can [1] track the funding, [2] see the names and addresses of the agitators, and [3] view where they are and what they are doing in Hong Kong.

Just imagine what the Chinese government can do.

But Hong Kong is not America. It is part of China.

As Americans, especially those who have never stepped foot outside of America, think of other nations, other people and other cities from our point of view. That is to say, we imagine the WORST outside the USA. And never give the other nations any credit for doing certain things well. We just assume that they are all blunder-head nincompoops.

When we think of Hong Kong, we think of New York city.

Night meal in Hong Kong. Yup. It's pretty much like this. And, yes, I do love it. It's glorious.
Night meal in Hong Kong. Yup. It’s pretty much like this. And, yes, I do love it. It’s glorious.

Which is sad.

We should be thinking of Tokyo. We should be thinking of High-Tech (though not nearly as high-tech as Shenzhen), and state of the art. China is advancing in so, so , SO many ways and NONE of it is being reported by the mainstream American media.

We think, maybe that there are a few cameras here and there. We think that maybe the video feeds are being monitored, or that the traffic police are checking things out.

We don’t realize that the entire city is under constant advanced surveillance. And that China knows exactly what is going on in great detail.

Here, we are going to talk about this.

5G networks in all the Chinese cities

In the USA, there is an active program to justify why America is still using obsolete technology. “We don’t want to be irradiated with that dangerous 5G radio waves”, we say to ourselves. “We don’t want our brains cooked”.

Yeah. We heard it all before.

We Americans don’t want or need High Speed Rail. We are just happy with boarding our cattle-car-airlines, and paying the enormous ticket prices. We like doing it. HST has no place in America. Besides we have Amtrak!

Why no High-Speed rail in the USA?

Who cares about fluoride in the water? It’s a great way to get rid of the by-products of aluminum production. Fluoride is good for us. It’s modern, don’t you know.

America is great!

And a wall on the border of the USA and Mexico. It’s been three years and America can’t even construct a simple, singular wall. You know you have a problem when illiterate goat-herders in Afghanistan can make a half-decent wall and the great United States can’t even start…

Well, while Americans are justifying living in a nation that is increasingly becoming a “time portal” back to the last century, the rest of the world is advancing at break-neck speed.

Most of Africa has a growing and vibrant middle class, with malls, toll booths, and high speed (5G) internet. The Middle East (outside of the American-sponsored war zones) are all prospering. Check out the photos, for goodness sakes!

America is still stuck in the 1970’s I guess.

You can tell.

  • People still write checks instead of scan QR codes.
  • AM radio has the largest listening audience.
  • Everything comes with a price tag. Nothing is free, including water.
  • Software still has the same functionality as it did in the 1990’s, only now it has a nicer interface, but you must pay for updates and it auto copies your work “to the cloud” for governmental purposes.

China is different.

They have implemented 5G everywhere. There are cameras everywhere. And instead of paying people to collect welfare, have free healthcare, and protest for more goodies, China puts them to work. They are employed. They build things, clean things, work on things and monitor things.

Yes, and Hong Kong is constantly being monitored.

China is aware of everything.

One of the mysteries that I had was why didn’t the Chinese just “take out” the agitators? I mean, it was public knowledge who they were.

The HK populace are getting increasingly pissed off with the Antifa-style interruptions, and they are actively unmasking (literally) the protester participants. And, of course, everyone knows that everything you do is tracked in China. HK is NOT an exception.

So why not “take out the agitators”?

And then they actually did

On Wednesday 4SEP19, President Trump reached out to China’s President Xi in a tweet:

“I know President Xi of China very well. He is a  great leader who very much has the respect of his people. He is also a  good man in a ‘tough business.’ I have ZERO doubt that if President Xi  wants to quickly and humanely solve the Hong Kong problem, he can do it.  Personal meeting? ”

-Donald Trump

So what is Donald Trump saying?

  • That’s he’s ready to stop the HK protests if Xi Peng negotiates.
  • Or, perhaps that China can use their military to enter HK.

So.. the Chinese went forth and rounded up all the CIA related NED operatives in Hong Kong.

The video footage was pretty darn dramatic.

It’s all in 5G. You can even count the eyebrow hair on the American CIA agents. The Chinese had everything. From complete transcripts of the CIA instructing the rioters in “soft conflict” designed to provoke a military reaction, to a second by second, “walk through” where Trump advisors worked out planning with the protest leadership.

It’s all there.

Not televised in the USA, though.

Man! The Chinese knew everything!

People, it’s pretty obvious that Washington D.C. is involved in the HK protests, when you have photos of the protest leaders meeting with American presidential aides!

Check out the photo below. Notice the angle of the photo. Taken by an object on a dining room table. (Below belt level.)
People, it's pretty obvious that Washington D.C. is involved in the HK protests, when you have photos of the protest leaders meeting with American presidential aides!
People, it’s pretty obvious that Washington D.C. is involved in the HK protests, when you have photos of the protest leaders meeting with American presidential aides in the HK Marriot hotel!
This is very very embarrassing.  Julie Eadeh, a  US diplomat in Hong Kong, was caught meeting HK protest leaders.  It  would be hard to imagine the US reaction if Chinese diplomat were  meeting leaders of Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter or Never Trump  protesters. 

— Chen Weihua (@chenweihua) August 8, 2019

Of course, this kind of nonsense won’t be tolerated by China.

The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong submitted a formal complaint with the US consulate general, calling on the US …

“to immediately make a  clean break from  anti-China forces who stir up trouble in Hong Kong,  stop sending out  wrong signals to violent offenders, refrain from  meddling with Hong  Kong affairs and avoid going further down the wrong  path.”

The Chinese knew everything.

Everything. And they expected the United States to realize (and expect it).

They didn’t.

From the moment that Julie Eadeh stepped foot in Hong Kong, to how many steps she took to the elevator. They knew her heart-beat as she rode in the elevator in the Marriott. They even knew the color of the bra and panties that she wore. (Well, at least that is the current joke on Chinese social media…)

They know everything she said with the young protestors.


Everything. From, promises, various “guarantees”, words of support and hope for assistance. As well as implications and guarantees of a cushy future and financial support in all sorts of ways. Any outsider can clearly see the implied promises under the veneer of political jargon.

  • Promises of free high-end university schooling .
  • Promises that they will be backed politically and that they will become the future leaders of HK.
  • Promises of houses, cars, and lifestyle,
  • Promises of money, lots and lots of money.

As well as who they are, and what they told her. Then they used “Minority Report” style technology to back-track and see who all the connections and phone calls that the confederates made. They had full conversation records, don’t you know.

The Chinese knew everything.

Of Course the CIA instructed the protestors.

It’s all on video. It’s all recorded in audio, and transcribed in English, Cantonese and Chinese. And then, then… then, plastered all over social media for the Chinese to see. Woo woo. What ever the American media is saying, the videos that the rest of the world watch clearly show that the United States is LYING.

It makes the United States look like some kind of Keystone Kops.

The protestors were instructed by NED to take out cameras and video systems. They were told to use black cans of spray paint.

  • Yes, but every can of black spray paint purchased in Hong Kong is recorded with a video of the person buying the paint. The Chinese government knows the person who bought the paint, and can make reasonable assumptions on it’s use. (The Chinese do not need to prove intent in a court of law.)

They were instructed to post flyers on the walls, use glue to hold them in place, and make banners.

  • But, every printer shop is under surveillance. Every one has video cameras installed. They know who ordered the flyers. They even have the PDF artwork in digital file from which the flyers were made. They know who ordered the fliers, when they ordered, who they paid and from which bank account. They also know the moneys that went into that bank account and who deposited the money.

They were instructed to leave their phones at home. And, I am sure that this helped. Maybe.

  • However, every person in China has a profile of “normal” behavior. If you take your phone with you every day, and then suddenly on a day of protest, you phone is at you house of residence, when the video cameras show you leaving the house, the police pretty much assumes what you are up to.

They were instructed in what to do by the CIA under the assumption that the Chinese are a growing third-world nation. Maybe like Libya or Syria.

They are not treating China like a high-technology version of Japan. They are not treating China like a serious, serious, SERIOUS nation that does not play around.


All of China is wired as a high-technology surveillance center. The larger cities are all wired. The Western cities (Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing) pretty much follow the “London model” of domestic surveillance.

While America has been busy throwing money away …

  • In “NASA educational programs for elementary schools in the Sudan”.
  • War after war. Now, eight simultaneous wars.
  • And 15 miles of rail for a High Speed Train that was never intended to be anything other than a political slush fund to pay off people.

… the Chinese have been spending their money on their nation. Improving the roads, public transport, lines and means of communication, public works, buildings, and public health. Not to mention, planting trees, making parks, and increasing the amount of farmland.

And they are dead serious about it. These Chinese are very, very serious people. Those that oppose or try to siphon away money are seized, arrested and imprisoned by the corruption police.

The Chinese do not mess around.

Thus when the United States tried to use the same “play book” to agitate protests in Hong Kong in the Summer of 2019, the Chinese observed and leveraged that information. Then when the time was ready, they pounced.

  • Round #1 – China win. USA media oblivious.

I anticipate another series of protests that the Chinese will observe, and then quietly (behind the scenes) squelch. Maybe in the first week of October 2019.

They will do so and the American television viewing public will be confused. They will wonder “what is going on”? Why doesn’t China relent and allow HK to be just like America?

  • Round #2 – TBD

It’s because the main-steam media (both conservative and progressive) provides a skewed nonsensical narrative. One that has no bearing on the true and actual state of affairs. And that ignorance… will be what ultimately hurts and harms America.

People! Listen up!

America NEEDS a well-informed electorate to function properly. To think that the vast bulk of Chinese citizens, both on the mainland, and in Hong Kong want America “to save them” is ludicrous. Absolutely bovine excrement!

Looking at the big picture, it looks silly…

The truth about the HK pro-democracy movement and the tariff wars.
The truth about the HK pro-democracy movement and the tariff wars.

Just silly. It make the United States look… well… awful.


I cannot predict the future. It has been my experience that the future will always certainly surprise. Anything can happen.



  • Donald Trump could be impeached.
  • Joe Biden or some other Marxist could become President.
  • Anti-gun house-to-house collection efforts might begin in earnest.
  • The USA could start a war with Iran.
  • Bacon could be banned all over America so not to offend Muslims.
  • Taxes could be raised 50% to fight global-warming.
  • Gender-neutral operations could be mandated in all American elementary schools.

I do not know what is going to happen. I am always taken by surprise, and I haven’t a clue as to what is going to happen in the future. Maybe some more of the old same-old same-old, eh?

The future will surprise…

I never expected "Joe Camel" to be banned in the United States "for the children".
I never expected “Joe Camel” to be banned in the United States “for the children”. Heck, by law, you had to be at least 16 years old just to be able to buy the cigarettes.

It has certainly surprised me. Time and time again, what I expected to happen, never came true…

I expected the United States to have a full colony on the moon by the year 2000. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought that the money would befunneled away for infrastructure investments in Russia!
I expected the United States to have a full colony on the moon by the year 2000. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought that the money would be funneled away for infrastructure investments in Russia! As well as some social re-engineering initiatives in Baltimore, Detroit and San Francisco.

Not just objectively, but socially as well, and on so many levels at that. Don’t you know.

I never expected that 007 James Bond would be replaced with a black woman. Never, in my wildest nightmares.
I never expected that 007 James Bond would be replaced with a black woman. Never, in my wildest nightmares. It’s not yet released. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is some kind of transgender LGBT thingy.

The future cannot be predicted. Not by myself. Not by anyone.

I never, in my wildest dreams, expected companies to do away with free coffee and coffee services. That they would expect the employees to "chip in" and pay for the coffee that they would drink at work. Amazing, and completely unexpected!
I never, in my wildest dreams, expected companies to do away with free coffee and coffee services. That they would expect the employees to “chip in” and pay for the coffee that they would drink at work. Amazing, and completely unexpected!

The future will always surprise.

In the trade front, it’s all in flux. What I really hope for is a strengthening of relationships. I hope for balanced trade without influence by the greedy in Washington D.C. and a chance for American industry to recover from the devastation of the Marxist globalist agenda. I can see it being a win-win for both the USA and China.

Seriously! China is an enormous market. They would pay a premium (+50% more) for “Made in America” products. But that is never going to happen if China matches the Trump tariff scheme. It just will close American companies to the enormous Chinese consumer market.

Right now, and for the last three years, the tariff negotiations have been driven by the Neocon advisors to Trump. They have asked the impossible and set up road-blocks at every turn.

Jimmy Lai (HK billionaire) meets with American VP Mike Pence.
Jimmy Lai (HK ultra-billionaire) meets with American VP Mike Pence. His goal is to disrupt the relationship between the United States and China so that he can have financial and economic advantage in Hong Kong. His primary and sole goal is to INTERRUPT the relationship between China and America.

This is actionable disruption, and while it might make some political “hay” in the short term, it will result in some real serious problems in America in the long term.

Donald Trump fired John  Bolton. He obviously felt that John Bolton was not "on the same page" in resolving the issues with China at this time.
Donald Trump fired John Bolton. He obviously felt that John Bolton was not “on the same page” in resolving the issues with China at this time.

As I have previously stated, John Bolton is a war-hawk and a neo-con from the “deep state”. He has opposed every effort that Trump has made to negotiate with China, North Korea, and Iran. In his world view these are all dictatorial nations and America must stand firm in opposing them in every way possible.

He’s wrong. Donald Trump is what America needs right now, but those neocon ideas of his are dangerous and are from another generation. They have no pace in the world today.

Understand that the rest of the world does not think like Americans. They do not watch American media and do not care what Americans think. They will follow nations that seemingly benefit THEM in the future.

They will be selfish. They will work with nations that provide them with benefit.

That being stated, do not make dated assumptions on the inflated capabilities of the United States, and upon the out-of-date ideas about China. I said it once, I said it twice. I will say it again. China is a serious, serious nation. They DO NOT PLAY. We had best start treating them as such.


Do not think that China is not afraid to kill a few people for the greater public good. They will do so in a heart-beat.

Do not judge China under the same criteria that you might judge America. It is like comparing apples to an oak tree.

Chinese Social Media

You do not need to rely on CNN, Fox or Rush Limbaugh for your news. You can [1] watch the videos of the CIA agents getting arrested yourselves. You can [2] read what the “Joe on the streets” thinks about the protests. You can [3] see what is going on in the other side of the world with your own two eyes.

America needs an informed electorate to function properly.

Here’s some links to Chinese social media. Warning, most are banned in the United States. You might need to use a VPN to use them. You do know that the Software moguls in California does not like competition.

10-10-2019 Update.

I posted this article under “bloggers” in the Free Republic website, and was subsequently banned. I guess they do not like my opinions.

Never the less, immediately afterwards, it turned out the the United States government admitted that everything in this post is true, and that was posted on the well-known Washington Post.

Then they totally blocked me. Erased my 20+ years of articles and comments, and I became a non-person. That’s what “freedom of speech” is on Free Republic. You will conform to the Alt-Right narrative out of Washington DC, or you get destroyed.

Well, I was “killed”, but…

..everything I wrote was accurate, and real. And thus…

28JUN20 Update.

Update 28JUN20. Donald Trump decided to stop funding the protests in Hong Kong.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

The US involvement in the HK "Democracy Now" movement.
Chinese reaction to the Trump Tariff Wars.
Popular Music of China
The logistics of relocating a facotry from China back to the USA.
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Why are Americans so angry?
Evolution of the USA and China.
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Some Fun Videos

Here’s a collection of some fun videos taken all over Asia. While there are many videos taken in China, we also have some taken in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Japan as well. It’s all in fun.

Some fun videos of China - 1
Fun Videos of Asia - 2
Fun videos of Asia - 3
Fun videos of Asia - 4
Fun Videos of Asia - 5
Fun videos of Asia - 6
Fun videos of Asia - 7
Fun videos of Asia - 8
Fun videos of Asia - 9
Fun videos of Asia - 10
Fun videos of Asia - 11
Fun videos of Asia - 12
Fun videos of Asia - 13
Fun videos of Asia - 14
Fun Videos of Asia - 15
Fun videos of Asia -16
The best way to cook marshmallows.

Articles & Links

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