The “Sales Pitch” Used to Ask Naval Aviators to Give Up Everything for MAJestic

It’s a crappy-assed blog title. I know.

When I was asked to join MAJestic, I was not some smuck on the street. Instead, I was in the middle of training to be an elite Naval Aviator pilot. The decision to join MAJestic was an important one, and should not be discounted as some trivial event. It was a “red pill” moment that changed me, my life, my career, and my future.

Here, I relate how the organization was presented to me, and my decision train used to accept membership.

For those of you who are unawares, MAJestic is program that is not supposed to exist. It is “tin-foil hat” conspiracy stuff. It is just the type of “nonsense” that the big software giants like Facebook, Google, and Twitter are doing their best to suppress. Even Obama had to say that there is nothing there. You can believe him, right? After all, he was the most honest President since George Washington chopped down that pesky cherry tree.

MAJestic is a waived, unacknowledged, special access program that operates as a carve-out within American industry. It was authorized by the President of the United States and handles all things related to extraterrestrials. Like 007, the IMF, and U.N.C.L.E. all fictional television and movie organizations, this organization does not officially exist.

This is the story, and my narrative, on how I was convinced to leave my Naval Aviator training and join MAJestic.

We begin this narrative at NAS NASC Pensacola, Florida. It was early June 1981. I was in the United States Navy. I was in training. It was hot, sunny and humid. I was in AOCS. My class, 21-81 had settled in and were comfortably involved in a procedure that would manufacture us into bona fied Naval Aviators…

I was in the middle of school learning to be a Naval Aviator as the first step to become a Naval Astronaut.

Special Call-out During Roll Call

Of course, every morning, after morning PT and breakfast, we would line up for roll call.  Here, if we had medical issues or anything that we needed to address, we would announce it here.  Also, any announcements that we needed to here would be made.

It was a comfortable routine, and aside from the one time when I had an eye infection, it was uneventful. (My left eye.  I had an infection in my tear gland.  I have no idea how it occurred.  Probably bacteria from the swimming pool, that I failed to rinse off properly.)

So imagine my surprise when one day, during Monday morning inspection, I was called out and told to go to the Commander’s Office.  Standing next to the DI (Marine Corps Drill Instructor) was an upperclassman who was assigned to collect me and escort me to the Commander.  This surprised me, and I was extremely nervous.

Training Pipeline. The training pipeline back in 1981 was something similar to this. Is is a Marine Corps Aviator pipeline. While the Marine corps trained along side the Navy, they had a different pipeline as they had a different mix of aircraft and mission roles.

I remember the date well.  It was Monday in early June 1981.  The morning was sunny and tropical as only Florida can be during early Summer.  (We had already done morning PT, and had breakfast.) We stood there at ease and I was called out of the ranks to accompany the upperclassman to the Base Commander’s office.

We never saw or visited the Commander.  That was the Holiest of Holies.   The closest that we ever got to those in charge were the officers who taught the classes to us, the various drill instructors, or the occasional officer that we would run into during our periodic events.  We never got to have a meeting with them, and most especially, never one in person, alone.  So it was a real surprise and an amazing event for me.  I was curious, stunned and extremely nervous.

I immediately fell out of line and walked with the upperclassman.  When we were out of earshot I asked him what was going on, but he told me that he didn’t know.  He said that he didn’t think it was anything bad because I did nothing wrong.  So, he reasoned, that it must be a good thing.  But what it was, he did not know.

We walked side by side.  I was on the left and he was on my right.  We looked straight ahead with eyes fixed forward as was our training. We talked in low voices in a calm and friendly manner, not giving any indication that we were communicating in any manner what so ever to an outside observer.

He led me down the street to the Commander’s Office.  We went in through a side door near the back, and he dropped me off in the hallway after reporting to the aide there.  He then wished me good luck and left.

At the Commanders office was a bit of activity. There were a number of officers chatting inside the office which was obvious because the door was open, as well as a small contingent who was leaving, but stopped to banter about in front.   Since he was busy in his office chatting with some other officers, I waited outside in the hallway.  There were perhaps three wooden chairs in the hallways across from his office, and I sat in the middle one.

It wasn’t long, perhaps five minutes later, when I met another Naval Aviation Officer Candidate from another class, and we waited patiently outside.  For practical purposes, I will not reveal his name.  But instead will refer to him as “Sebastian”.  Neither of us had any idea what was going on.  It was a mystery to both of us.  So we just shrugged our shoulders and waited on the chairs in the hall outside his office until he was ready to chat with us.

We waited for about seven to ten minutes.  We just sat outside in the short hallway that was outside his office.

Eventually he finished his meeting and walked outside his office with the other officers.  After bidding them farewell, he turned to us and waved us inside.  His office was huge.  All the offices were pretty big, but his was the size of small banquet hall.  He led us into his office and towards his desk.  As we approached his desk and as we started to sit down, the door opened and we were interrupted by yet another officer wanting to discuss some matter of medium importance.  The Commander excused himself and went to the officer.  Chatted to him for a few minutes and then returned.

In the office.
It was a little like this scene from the movie “Top Gun”, except that the office was much, much larger. The commander was not so casual. He was friendly, but businesslike.

The Commander was impressive.  It was not his size, for he was shorter than us, nor was it his appearance.  He was approximately 45 years old, give or take five years, and had the beginnings of white hair at his temples.  He had a round face and a good friendly smile with eyes that contained an intensity that I had never seen previously.  He was an engaging fellow and I immediately respected him.  It was not about his office, or the uniform that he wore.  I respected him in the way that he carried himself.  He held his role and position with dignity, honor and respect.

Before we had a chance to get settled he motioned for us to follow him.

He said “Perhaps it would be best if we go elsewhere…” and we left his office.  He said a few words to the aide waiting outside his office (Obviously, the aide was given instructions that we were not to be disturbed, and that he should handle various issues that were on-going at that time.). He then led us through the hallway to the door at the end.  Opening it led to a small parking lot.  We exited to a cement platform, went down the stairs to the back of the building and got into a small car with government license plates.  I sat in the back while the Commander drove and the Sebastian sat shotgun up front.

“Sitting shotgun” is an American slang that refers to riding next to the driver of a vehicle.  It is derived from the days of the Westward Expansion in America where Stage Coaches would transport people, money and goods across large distances frequented by bandits.  The person riding next to the Stage Coach driver would carry a shotgun to defend the crew from bandits and other criminals.

In case you were not aware of it, military bases are huge.  Buildings are often spread apart with miles separating them.  In order to move about a person can either use their own car, or if they have the privilege, can access the base car pool.

As the commander of the base, he had access to the car pool at his disposal, and he used it.  The car he drove us in that day was a plain sub compact, and painted an ugly light blue.  Not that it is important, but I think it was a General Motors sub compact of some obscure (to us now) brand and style.

Joining MAJestic

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

- Mark Twain

We didn’t know it then, but we were being considered to join one of the most exciting programs ever conceived by the United States.  We were chosen out of flight school due to our intelligence, experience, and potential.  This program was NOT some super-secret military operation used to engage cold war operations against another nation.

This program was NOT about war, fighting war, or combative strategies against other nations.

I’m going to split from my narrative for a spell. This is just to put everything in it’s proper context.

Some comments about war.  Under the surface of almost every sociopolitical and economic event in the world there burns an ever-raging, but often unseen, war. It's often a HIDDEN war. 

It's not fought with tanks, soldiers, battleships and missiles. Instead it is fought behind the scenes, and through manipulation of the public. This war is conducted covertly.

This war, at least for now, is fought with fiction and with truth, with journalistic combat and with quiet individual deeds. It is defined by two sides which could not be more philosophically or spiritually separate.

Side "A" - Globalists

On one side is a pervasive network of the wealthy and powerful. They believe that they can dictate the direction of the world or a given nation. This network is often loosely organized (we assume, though indications are that the Obama Presidency had indeed organized and weaponized it). 

This side consists of corporate moguls and other monied elites, banking entities, international financial consortium's, think tanks and political puppets. They are the rich and the powerful. 

They are the people who eventually (though their surrogates and proxies) raise your taxes. They have made arrangements to place the burden on responsibility on you. They have decreased your standard of living, and make everything subject to fees and tolls. This includes requiring you to have a permit to fish, a prescription to get medicine, and registration to get a license to work. These people are the ones who have done that.

Oh, certainly not directly. Through their legions and armies of paid surrogates.

They work tirelessly to reshape public psychology and society as a whole into something they sometimes call the “New World Order”. It is a globalist ideal. Where they believe that once the world has one single government, true harmony can be realized... by THEM.

The NWO idea or concept is of a completely and scientifically centralized planet in which they control every aspect of government, trade, life and even moral compass. I often refer to them simply as the “Globalists,” which is how they at times refer to themselves.

In the globalist’s worldview, the idea of the United States of America as a sovereign nation, One Nation Under God, is an anachronism. It is but a quaint artifact left over from an earlier age. 

We are all citizens of the world, Obama proclaimed in Berlin in 2008, united by our participation in the brave new “global economy.”

Side "B" - Liberty and Freedom Movement

On the other side is a movement that has developed organically and instinctively, growing without direct top-down “leadership.” This side has it's various teachers and activists. All of whom are driven by a concrete set of principles based in natural law. 

It is composed of the religious, the agnostic and even some atheists.  It is soldiered by people of all ethnic and financial backgrounds. These groups are tied together by a singular and resounding belief in the one vital thing they can all agree upon — the inherent and inborn rights of freedom. 

I call them the “Liberty Movement.”

There are those who think they do not have a dog in this fight. These are the ignorant, the blissful and the mentally impaired. These people are those whom ignore it and those who are completely oblivious to it. 

However, EVERYONE can and will be affected by it, no exceptions. 

This war is for the future of the human race. Its consequences will determine if the next generation will choose the conditions of their environment, or not. The conflict will determine if one has the ability to reach their true potential as individuals or if every aspect of their lives will be micromanaged for them. Micromanaged, by the way, by a faceless, soulless bureaucracy that does not have THEIR best interests at heart.

A soulless bureaucracy that exists at the pleasure of the few that control the globalist society.

Quick Summary

Technology has developed to a point where we can control and genetically engineer our offspring. If the world is one where freedom and liberty reigns, our offspring will cohabit a world equally with others.

However, if the world is controlled by a globalist society, controlled by a precious few, then the world will be genetically engineered into a stratified society. There would be classes of people, genetically mandated. They would be bred to be complaisant as sheep. Some would be genetically designated as warriors. Some as docile workers. Some as breeding machines. While others as  disposable automatons. 

It would be a world where there would not be any opportunities to leave the life-prison that you were genetically programmed into at birth.

Anyways, sorry for the short digression. Let’s stay on point. Now…

Back to my narrative. It’s a sunny day, and I am getting into a light blue sub-compact car with the base commander with my companion Sebastian.

At that time we had no idea what was going on.

At that point in time, we were still in training. Our world was one of drills with the DI, gouging information, meeting physical exertion tests,and qualifying to fly the new F/A-18 that was just being deployed.

We did not know what the purpose was for the Base Commander to speak to us. We hadn’t a clue.

The key to everything is your attitude. A positive attitude is an asset in unexpected situations. 

Not all unexpected events are negative. Sometimes, what seems like a problem, or even a disaster, could be a blessing in disguise. 

A negative event can awaken ambition, motivation, and persistence, which would lead to progress and success. 

A positive one can build your life. However, what happens when something unknown AND unexpected occurs? What happens when you have to make decisions based on strange situations and unknown results?  How would you, the reader, be able to handle the events?

Riding with the Base Commander

“It's not hard to decide what you want your life to be about. What's hard, she said, is figuring out what you're willing to give up in order to do the things you really care about.”

― Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way

The Commander drove us away from his office and once on the road he began to make small talk.  It was the kind of chit-chat what you would expect.  He asked us how did we liked our training, and what did we think of the base.  He asked us about our interests and how different Florida must be from where we came from.  He had read our dossiers and so had a pretty good grasp of where we came from and what motivated us.  After a few minutes of this small banter, he then asked abruptly

“So, you’re probably wondering what’s going on here, aren’t you?”

And, of course, be both agreed.  (I, myself, sat up in the car seat and leaned forward.)  We told him that we hadn’t a clue on what was going on.  So we started to pepper him with questions; respectfully.

We really did not know what to expect. Our entire life; our 24-7 training was all focused towards flying high performance military aircraft. In our minds, and correctly realized, was that the US Navy had the most modern high performance aircraft in service and that they operated in the most difficult conditions possible. For us to be pulled aside and selected for something was stupendous, but WHAT it actually was could only be speculated upon. In my mind, however, I envisioned spaceships docking with space stations in high orbit while the earth spun below in quiet splendor. I imagined high technologies. I imagined a need for skilled individuals such as ourselves integrating with these kinds of “special” devices and machinery.

We began to chat in this manner as the subcompact drove along the base roads.

He told us that we would be able to speak more frankly and freer in his “other “ office.  However, for now he would be able to discuss some general queries from us.  The first question was obvious.  “Why was he talking with us, and what was it all about?”  To our surprise, he answered this question quite readily.

In a calm and clear voice, he stated that he wanted to ask us to enter in a new and “different” program.  It was a program of special importance and significance.   He said it matter of fact; as if he had done this kind of thing many times earlier. (Maybe so, but not for OUR particular program.)

I immediately stopped looking out the window and moved to the center of the back seat so that I could face the Commander and Sebastian.  (I was sitting behind the commander on the left side.  Sebastian was in the front passenger seat.)  I looked at the Commander who was driving and wondered what he meant.  I leaned forward and rested my arms on the back of the seat and, to be quite honest, was enraptured in every word that the Commander had to say.

Fly boys
Our dream was to fly. FLY. For me, I didn’t just want to fly, but I wanted to fly into space. To consider that we wouldn’t be doing that was incomprehensible.

The answer that the Commander gave us was truly stunning and it just begged an entire armada of questions, so we then asked a secondary follow up question.  “Would we be flying?”  And to our surprise, the answer was “No”.  (The answer was absolutely and definitely; “NO”!)  My heart sagged at that moment, and I was rather disheartened.

I sat back in my seat and then looked out of the left side window. I watched the trees pass by. I felt a big pit in my stomach. As I was told that the most important person in my life at that time… just told me that he did not want me to fly. He wanted me to do something else.

Something else?

Some THING different…

Which then begged third question, since we had to pass all kinds of tests and trials to be able to fly high performance jets, why select us?  What benefit would it be for us, and why were we special?

We still couldn’t understand why, so we asked again.  “Would we be flying in space?”  (After all, Ronald Reagan’s space based weapon systems were all over the news.  Perhaps this program was associated with it.)

The Strategic Defense Initative.  This was Ronald Reagan’s plan to counter the Soviet Union ICBM force.  When the truth was really to provide state of the art weapons systems to counter vastly superior extraterrestrial forces, if a need ever materialized.  

His plan was fought and opposed most aggressively by the democrat party, who (publicly) believed that it was a waste of time.

Again, his response was “No.  You will not be flying in any capacity.”  This was a big letdown, and we were quiet for a few minutes letting this entire “handful” sink in.

It was a huge letdown.  It silenced all subsequent questions for about two to three minutes.

When I was younger, not more than five years earlier, I would watch vintage science fiction movies.  In these movies were huge complexes involving space craft.  There would be large secret installations underground with massive blast doors and a small army of security forces protecting the technical and scientific mysteries inside.

The world of secret projects that I knew of was colored by the television and movies that I watched.

I had no idea of the real world, only what was spoon fed to me during the cold-war era Hollywood.  I really hadn’t a clue. Not one. In that world, the fictional world of television and Hollywood, men wore single one-piece coveralls, often silver in shape, had colorful access cards that they pinned to their chests.  They carried guns and went on exciting and strange adventures.  Often these adventures involved faraway lands, space travel, and undersea adventures.

I could not but help to think that perhaps, in some more realistic way, that we were being asked to join such an organization.  After all, we were not just some high school dropout who enlisted in the service.  We were specifically selected; highly educated individuals who had proven to be special in various fields of endeavor.

Seriously, you don’t pass astrophysics courses at the top of your class, be able to design complex rocket motors, and train to fly multi-million dollar high performance aircraft just to be considered a “lab rat”, or a disposable “experiment”, or maybe a “first strike” programmable zombie for covert operations. There was something going on, and we hadn’t a clue as to what it was.

In our mind, it was a military or an exploration matter. For all that we knew was either the world of the military conflict against those dastardly communists in South East Asia, or the absolute exploration of space. What else could it be?

Indeed, the true and real story behind all of these public interests is an interesting one. While we on earth argue and war against each other, we are oblivious to what is really going on.

What is really going on is something else entirely.

Earth is not some planet carved up into nations by the smartest species in the universe. It is a special training ground. It is a nursery. In fact, it is a nursery for humans to develop their sentience within.

Humans cannot really be able to "graduate" and leave our nursery until we have a unified sentience. Currently humans possess one of three sentience types. There is "Service to self", "Service to others", and "Disrupted". What is going on, and (perhaps) one of the major reasons for my involvement within MAJestic was to assist in sorting out the sentience to a point that one (it does not really matter which one) would dominate.

 The "Globalist" objective has always been to have humans adopt a service-to-self sentience.  That requires a number of objectives.  One of which is a world-wide-government, a massive surveillance organization of humans controlling each other, and a pacified and disarmed populace.  Their ability to achieve these goals is easily determined.  Which political party and which members support these objectives?

While the extraterrestrial species that I am familiar with have no interest in politics, they are very interested in the thoughts and behaviors of the leadership in each political party.  As they manipulate them to achieve their own goals.  In general, the Democrat party is the easiest to manipulate, as they possess the strongest self-serving sentience.  The Republican Party is only slightly inferior, as there are numerous “hold outs” for patriotic, historical, ethics, or religious reasons.  The Democrat party not so, their GOD is the US dollar.

Occasionally, a patriot, or person with strong religious convictions appears on the political scene.  Their belief structure is stronger than their self-serving greed.  They are hard to control, and difficult to manipulate.  Ronald Reagan was one such person.

Could Donald Trump be another?

He knew what we were thinking.  So after a few minutes, he added

“This is bigger than flying.  This is much more important, and much more valuable than just being a pilot.”

That got us thinking, although we were still very disappointed that we weren’t going to fly.  Both of us dreamed about flight, and (for myself) space exploration.  This would have to be good.  In fact, in my mind, I thought that he was lying.

The truth be told; I actually thought that somehow we would be involved in something having to do with space travel.  Perhaps we would be involved as mission specialists instead of pilots for some kind of militarized space shuttle.  Alternatively, that, perhaps we would be assigned some kind of very special technical role regarding this.  It was all so mysterious and exciting.

I just could not conceive that anyone would take us high achievers and assign us anything short of a flying role.  We had fought hard for that role.  We had studied diligently and had exceeded.  It was not something that you hand out to other people in a haberdashery manner.  We were selected, we were achievers, and now the Base Commander does not want us to fly.  What was this all about?

We felt like children expecting presents under the Christmas tree, but instead getting socks and being told “not to worry; that they were warm socks”.

I watched the world go by as he chatted.  Somehow, I just wanted to believe that we were going into space.  I wanted to believe that somehow we would still be offered an opportunity related to flying.  It was just simply inconceivable that you would take specially selected, performance candidates such as we were and assign us to something of less value and excitement than flying high performance jet fighter aircraft.

Colossus HQ
The movie “Colossus the Forbin Project” was a typical movie of the Cold War era. In it, high technology computers and secret complexes dominated an increasingly complex world. These were the movies that I grew up to, and these were the images that formed my ideas of the reality of that time. In it I knew that it was all superficial and fake, but somehow, in the back of my head I believed that the United States must have some kind of secret program or programs. I believed that there were massive powers and complexes that were hidden from the general public. At that time, riding in the car with the Base Commander, I could not help but think that perhaps we were being asked to join such a top secret program ourselves.

After all, we were surrounded with the trappings of aviation.  Everyone around us was either a pilot or supportive of the aviation organization.  I was inconceivable that we would switch from what was obvious to the obscure.  Inconceivable.  It made no sense.  Nothing would be better than a fighter pilot slot.  Nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G! That was the most coveted position in the US Navy.

(And I had it.  It was mine, and all I had to do was complete less than two months of training to get assigned an aircraft type.  Why would I ever want to give that opportunity up?)

It was absolutely impossible that there would be something more important, more significant, and more deserving of our skills and talents.  In my mind, it was very, very difficult to imagine anything better than flying.  The only thing that could possibly be better would be space travel, and that is what I believed in my heart of hearts, and what was in our future.

I sat in the back and mused what this must all be about. It had to be about something stupendous.  It just had to…

Our future could be anything.
At that time, we did not know what to expect. Our training was focused on only one thing; flying high performance military jet aircraft. Any deviation from that had to be associated with the next big news out of Washington DC; President Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” initiative. Here, he envisioned a nation with multiple high-tech shuttles, space stations, Moon bases, and all manner of tugs and ferries to put military forces in and about the region surrounding the earth. I could not help but believe that we were being selected for one such role. What else could possibly be bigger and better than flying state of the art machines?

We continued to drive.  We rode on the base upon the base roads that took us along the bay and then into some shady glens associated with other sections of the base.  We continued talking, but it was mostly Sebastian and the Commander who were talking.  I sat in silence, and looked out the left window at the trees as we drove by.  What could this be all about I wondered, and why were we chosen?  These were mysteries with no easy answers and as we drove my mind twirled around in all kinds of directions.

After a while, he turned into the facility at NAMI.  And after ten minutes or so we entered the smaller gated region known as the ELF experimental center. The Commander showed his identification, and signed a clip board and then (once the gate bar was lifted), drove in.

This was the exact same area where I had been tested earlier (As discussed in another post.). When we first entered this area, with the base Commander, Sebastian remarked that we were going there to become “secret-agent Elves for the USN”.   It was funny.  (…and perhaps, a prediction of the events that would follow…)

Both of us were nervous, and excited.  We didn’t know what kind of program that we would be joining, and we didn’t know how secretive it would be.  That comment heralded the events to follow.

Indeed, we didn’t know what to expect.

Here was the head of the base, picking us two out of the hundreds of the “elite” at the base, and driving us personally to a high security area to discuss a special and (perhaps) top secret program that he wants us to participate in.  What could it be we wondered?  Indeed, what exactly could possibly be worth us giving up our valued, treasured and indeed coveted pilot slots?  We had not a clue, but we were most certainly soon to find out.

Discussing Our Selection as Volunteers

“He smiled understandingly-much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles… It faced–or seemed to face–the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor.”

-The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

This gated area, at least as far as we were concerned, was nothing more than a cluster of normal buildings surrounding a medium sized warehouse (of average construction and shape), and a side parking lot. Inside the ordinary shaped building housed all the diagnostic and medical equipment necessary for probe implementation (As discussed later.), and ELF portal transport (more about that and other things later).

The Commander parked in a parking lot off the side of the main building and we all got out of the car.  I got out on the left side and followed the commander closely. Sebastian was behind walking briskly to catch up.

We entered the main building through a side door and found ourselves in a long well-lit corridor.  It was just another typical government building on the base.  It was clean and well maintained with a fresh, well-conditioned feeling, much like that of a doctor’s office.  The hallway was not long, but it was a little narrow.

Most hallways have room for people to be able to walk side by side down it comfortably.  This one was narrower than that and forced us to walk a little behind and to the right of the one in front of us.

We walked down it.  It was a short walk to the Commanders “other” office.  After perhaps 30 seconds, he produced a key and then unlocked the door and led us inside.

This office was much smaller than his regular office.

Instead of a carpeted floor with a long rug forming a pathway to his desk, it was a bare bones, functional, no nonsense setup.  It was a small office by all accounts, consisting of a plain linoleum floor (White tile with black flecks; a very common and typical flooring for the time.), a metal desk, and file cabinets on both sides of the tiny room.

While the metal desk was typical of those office decks of the 1940’s and 1950’s, this was a large version; designed for managers and other executive officers.  It was designed so that we could sit across from the Commander and place our legs under the deck.  This is unlike many contemporaneous desks of today when one sitting across from the manager must twist their legs to the side to work on the paperwork on the desk.

Two chairs faced the desk and behind it was a credenza with two flag poles and two pictures of the president and a (unspecified) naval ship on the wall.  The room had no windows, but also (curiously) had no phone either.

You would think that everything on a (what we now know as) top secret installation would be state of the art, high technology, and brand new, crisp and clean.  At least that is how the movies always portrayed it to be, but that was not the case at all.

The file cabinets were standard Government Issue with a long “L”-iron bar that slides down the front to lock all the drawers in place.  They weren’t even the same colors.  Some were beige, some were brown, and one was even black.  We sat in heavy steel chairs made from grey steel with brown leather cushions; the kind that was manufactured in the 1940’s.  They matched the heavy gauge steel desk that the Commander would sit behind.  On the wall behind him (to our right) was a picture of then-president Ronald Reagan.    On both sides was a flag on a pole. One was old glory and the other was the flag of the United States navy.

In my mind, a Top Secret program would have special sound-proof rooms, and military guards everywhere with M-16 rifles.  It would have all sorts of television cameras, and all sorts of bio-metric verification measures.

However, the reality was something completely different.

This was just a secure room, in a non-descript building located on a secure section of the base. There was nothing extra-special about this office, this man or our meeting with him.

The Commander closed the door, and locked it.  Then he removed his peaked cap and hung it on the coat rack near the door.  He walked to behind the desk, and then motioned for us to sit down after sitting down himself.

His actions and mannerisms reminded me of Captain Nelson from the televisions series “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.”  (A television show that greatly influenced my feelings regarding the United States Navy.  My positive opinions were reflective of the actions and behaviors of the characters on that television show.)

Two chairs faced the desk. The desk faced the door.  So once the Commander walked behind the desk, Sebastian took our positions at each chair.  I chose the chair to the left, and Sebastian sat in the chair to my right.

The “Sales Pitch” for the Program

“If you always make the right decision, the safe decision, the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else.”

― Paul Arden

The Commander was friendly and direct.  He realized how important this change was for us, and he also realized that for us to make the kind of commitment that he was asking of us, that he had to be not only persuasive, but also brutally honest.  He looked us both in the eye with kindness and with a very serious tone.  He then cleared his throat and began to talk.


He began by telling us directly why we were there. He explained again what he had said to us in the car earlier.  That it was true that [1] we were selected out of all the other aviation officer candidates for this program and we were there to discuss this program with him.  The program was [2] very special and unique.  It was the [3] first of its kind.  He told us that we would be the [4] first of a limited (but unspecified) number of members who would participate in it at a later date.

The program was [5] voluntary.  We could choose not to enter it.  If we chose to refuse the offer to join it, we would simply return back to our class in the barracks.  We would continue our education and classes and eventually become Naval Aviators.  The meeting would be forgotten and it would be as if nothing had happened.  There was no dishonor in refusal.

So we asked him directly, what the program was about.  He couldn’t tell us.  So we asked him what we would be doing.  Again he couldn’t tell us.  So, neither of these answers were any help to us, so we asked him again, if we would be doing any kind of flying or participation in an aviation related program.  At that he answered that [6] we would certainly not be flying.  All of his answers were far from encouraging.

Time Tunnel
This is a movie still form the 1960’s era television show “The Time Tunnel”. During the 1960’s and into the 1970’s television was flooded with shows about the Cold War, Science, and Space Travel. Sure there were other shows, such as shows about World War II, like “The Rat Patrol”, and “McHale’s Navy”, but these were the shows that I grew up with. They reflected my belief in what was possible given a science-backed government. As a young boy, I would play with my chemistry set (now pretty much banned from sale, thanks Bill Clinton (D)). I would build electronics with my electronic kits (Also mostly banned or severely limited in scope –thank you Bill Clinton). I would also dream of one day being a Spaceman, or at least a Scientist wearing the white lab coat and the large Identification badge on my lapel.(All which actually occurred, but not at all like I envisioned it to be.)

In hindsight, of course he couldn’t really tell us.  If it was really so secret, it could not be divulged to anyone not in the program.  So it was a catch-22; we could only know what it was if we were in the program.  If we were only considering entry in the program, we couldn’t be told what it was.  And if we chose not to volunteer, it would be imperative that we know nothing at all about it.

All that we knew was that we were there to be offered the chance to volunteer in a top secret special program [7] authorized by the President of the United States.  The details [8] of which could not be disclosed to us at this time.  [9] We were asked to decide to exchange our careers as naval aviators for membership in this program. What ever it was… and all I could think of was the images from television…

Time Tunnel
This is the time tunnel. It is a program from the 1960’s that described a top secret plan to alter the past to “correct” life in this timeline.

We were being asked to do so [10a] on the belief that it was a great honor; [10b] involved our “unique” skills, and [10c] was important to the welfare of the world, not only for the United States.

Selection Process

“…men, groping in the Arctic darkness, had found a yellow metal…These men wanted dogs, and the dogs they wanted were heavy dogs, with strong muscles by which to toil, and furry coats to protect them from the frost.”

- Call of the Wild by Jack London

He told us that we were evaluated and studied from day one.

We were judged in how we handled problems and reacted to situations presented to us.  He explained to us that the program was unique and only used the highest caliber of individuals in it.  He said that there were many programs in the Navy that no one ever knows or hears about, because it is necessary to keep them secret.  This is one such program.  We were rated and classified as a perfect fit for this program.

For me, he liked by background.

While others my age were playing football, and being involved in team extracurricular activities, I was alone working.  I did not (at the time) enjoy sports.  I had to work. (It was one of those fatherly imperatives that my father insisted that I need to do.) I had worked as a volunteer forest fire fighter, a coal miner, a laborer on a railroad line, as well as more traditional jobs such as store clerk, and steel mill roust-about.

He felt that I was best classified as an “independent achiever”.  This was opposed to that of a “team contributor”.  Most of the world, from business to sports, needed people who work well in a team settings.  He had no doubt that I could also succeed in this role, but he felt that I would be limiting my talents.

In hindsight, maybe this was all bullshit.  You could tell anything to us and we would of believed it.  I have no idea what he must of actually believed, but it is clear to me now; a much more jaded and experienced older man, that what he was giving us was the pitch of a Used Car Salesman.  It was all just platitudes and nonsense.

Perhaps it was all platitudes; but we were absolutely selected for the role.  Whether that was because of our backgrounds or due to some other reason that he could not tell us is really unknown to me at this time.

The program needed individuals who could operate independently, he said.

He stated that the individuals must have [1] a rather high intelligence, and be [2] creative problem solvers.  They needed to be able to [3] operate autonomously and independently from any direction.

These individuals must be able to [4] take the initiative when needed, [5] make decisions, and then [6] follow through on those decisions without concern.  That was all well and good, but all of us in training fit that profile.  We felt so, and told him that exactly.

He responded that we were wrong, and that was not the case at all.  Pilots and NFO’s were being trained to operate extremely sophisticated and expensive machinery.

We were (currently) being trained to operate them exactly to specifications, and not to deviate from our orders, assignments and tasks.  That we were being trained to be highly trained specialists, with a certain degree of adaptability.  And, that we shouldn’t confuse that adaptability with pure independent thought and creativity.  That, from the navy’s point of view, was the purview of Strategists, Scientists, and related fields that need this specific skill set to solve problems and adapt to changing circumstances.

In hindsight, knowing what I know now, that was all a full bunch of baloney.  He wanted us for whatever reasons they had, and they were going to take us whether we wanted to join or not.  There was nothing overly special about us.  We were just normal people who just happened to luck into the program because we were at the right time in the right place.
Space Cadet Book Cover
My life up until this point was formulated and inspired by the television and literary medium of the time. I had always wanted to be a “spaceman”; and it was my greatest dream to be one of the rare few who were chosen to fly into space. I read Ray Bradbury’s “R is for Rocket”, and “S is for Space”, and wished that one day; I too would be chosen for the role and life of adventure . After striving towards this goal, with applications to the Air Force academy that were a dud , to studying Aerospace Engineering, to getting a coveted pilot Naval Aviator Slot, with all the pitfalls and difficulties it encountered, to be finally sitting in front a USN Base Commander addressing us as equals really made a great impression on us. In my mind, it was the ultimate recognition of my worth for my dreams and goals. I felt, at that time, that my dream of being an astronaut could finally be realized.

Our selection meant that not only did we quality as adaptable and highly trainable aviation officers, but that we were chosen for [1] our ability to “think on our feet”, [2] to employ strategic thinking and [3] to have an intimate grasp of technological matters.  We were also measured for our physical, mental, emotional and social compatibility.  In every area, both of us meet the criteria for this program.  We were the elite of the elite, and we deserved more than to just be a naval aviator.  This was pretty shocking to us, as we felt that the top position available to us was as a naval aviator, and it was the most adventuresome and interesting challenge of our lives.

Top Gun
We listened to the Commander make his sales pitch.

All of this was very ego inspiring, and we ate it up.  Being in our early 20’s, with a highly respected Commander telling us these flattering things made a great impression on us.  Both of us were still curious, excited, but decidedly unconvinced.  We still knew nothing about what we would be trading our valuable commissions and exciting life for.  He said many wonderful things to us, but told us nothing.  It was all flattery with no substance.

So far, all he told us was we were selected because we fit a profile that was necessary for the program.  That it was voluntary, and if we chose not to join it, then they would find someone else to do it.  What the program was, and what we would be doing was not disclosed to us, no matter how many different ways we tried asking.

However, for me, I just knew that had to do with something stupendous. I believed the Commander. Maybe it was beyond my comprehension, but I knew that the Navy would have a very special program for us, and all I could think of was the books that I read when younger.

"Robert Heinlein was a kind of early mentor of mine. I started reading his books when I was eight years old. ... I guess I was really getting more of my education out of science-fiction than out of public school. I was reading Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov and learning a great deal about the patois of the language itself and how these words were being used to create emotions. I was learning this from writers without even knowing it. ... “

-Jimmy Web


We wanted to know just how important this program was.  At that time, President Ronald Reagan was greatly expanding the military, and space science and technology development on all levels.  He was committed to ending the “Cold War” with the Soviet Union, and was aggressively discussing space-based military systems (Star Wars), improved ICBM technology (MX Mobile Missile), actively implementing an aggressive space exploration program through NASA that included a Space Station and Space Shuttles to service it, and an extensive array of new weapons systems and platforms.  In our mind, even though it was not explicitly stated, it was obvious that our role would be associated with one of these(new) programs in some way.

“The inspirational value of the space program is probably of far greater importance to education than any input of dollars... A whole generation is growing up which has been attracted to the hard disciplines of science and engineering by the romance of space.”

-Arthur C. Clarke, First on the Moon, 1970

But, we needed to hear it directly (and specifically)  from the Commander.  We had serious questions.  [1]  Why was the program so important that it would deplete the aviation officer candidate pool to populate it?  Why not get an enlisted person?  Why not a fleet officer? Why us? [2]  What made this program so valuable that it utilize people such as ourselves and yet be kept secret from everyone, including many in the military where it operated?  Further, why now?  Why not wait until our training was complete, and then just simply assign us to the role so envisioned?

We wanted direct answers to these questions.

We, as Americans, all “knew” that the government had secret programs.  After all, how could you explain away a first prize on the television show “The Dating Game” being a trip behind the “Iron Curtain” in East Germany?  You just can’t.  I well remember watching the show and saying “What the fuck?”.  I was, I think, in 6th grade at the time. 

Later on, much later, the movie Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) came out. It revolves around the claim that Chuck Barris (the creator of the Gong Show) was actually a CIA hit man. In the movie the near exact scene that I watched when I was young was reproduced.  (A trip to West Berlin in the movie.) My memory was that it was to East Germany.  Hum.  

Perhaps my memory is faulty. Could be.  That happens with age.  

But what I do remember is me getting up off our brown sofa in the “TV room” and yelling at the TV.  “East Germany! What kind of vacation is that?” I yelled.  So maybe my memory is faulty, but the memory of me getting up off the couch and yelling at the TV during the Dating Game show about a vacation to a communist area during the cold war was a real one. 

Now, I really do not know if he really was a CIA hit man, and I really do not care.  However, the event that the relates about the first prize in the show was a trip to East Germany actually did happen, and I do remember watching it.  In any event, all of us who lived through the “Cold War” knew that the USA had top secret programs.

Again, he spoke in generalities.  But, instead of discussing how our participation would benefit the US Navy, or the United States, he discussed how it would benefit the human race and the world.  Now, this was unexpected.  We had never thought that broadly.

Our mindset was frozen in the cold war mentality of that time.

All our lives we had grown up surrounded with the trappings of the cold war.  To us, the Soviet Union was an enemy that needed to be defeated.  We watched 007 James Bond in the movie theaters, and watched the Man from U.N.C.L.E. on television.  Even the Mad Magazine had a section of “Spy vs. Spy”.  We were exposed to television shows like “Get Smart” and “I dream of Genie”.  It was inconceivable that we would be participants in a global wide program that was not American centrist.

The reader must recognize that this concept was completely alien to us at the time.  We were stuck in the nation against nation mindset.  We had been on the receiving end of cold war propaganda for all of our lives.

Therefore, this was a new concept to us and to me in particular.  The closest thing that I could come to regarding this new outlook was to refer to the old science fiction novels and pulp stories that I read growing up.  Rather than providing me some understanding, however, it galvanized my belief that we were both destined for something great; something stupendous, and something that was at the “cutting edge” of technology.

It just had to involve “outer space”.

“The cadets are expected to renounce their loyalty to their respective countries and replace it by a wider allegiance to humanity as a whole and to the sentient species of the Solar System. They are told the stories of four Patrol heroes/martyrs who exemplify this quality. One of them, Rivera, leaves orders to annihilate his hometown if he is held captive there during negotiations. Heinlein later expanded another of these anecdotes into "The Long Watch".

-Wikipedia entry on Robert Heinlein’s “Space Cadet”.

So he told us.  He actually told us about the “reality” of the world. However, at the time we did not understand viscerally what he was actually talking about.  We just thought that he was speaking in generalities. However, he was not. He was telling us the truth.

  1. He told us that the world as we knew it did not exist.  (He was correct in this, but I did not fully appreciate this fact until much later.)  That what we thought was real, and true was wrong.
  2. He told us, that he would let us in on a big secret; and that is that there are bigger things than nations and wars going on in the world. (This is a direct quote that I have never forgotten. Even though all these years.)
  3. He said that humans, though history, have been shaped and molded through a planned strategy over the years. (Also a well-remembered quote.)
  4. It did not matter what country or nation existed, because there was a higher plan behind everything that happens.  He told us that nations and countries were temporary.  He said that what mattered the most were us as humans, as a race and as a species.
In the article Corporate Feudalism: The End of Nation States by Steve Lovelace writes:

“Feudalism developed in the medieval ages when communication and transportation were both scarce and unreliable. Kings had little control over the day-to-day affairs of their kingdoms, and most of the power was held by the lords and barons.

Borders, as we know them, did not exist and instead there was property and allegiances… Then over time, advances in technology allowed nation states to form, and national borders became much more rigid. To this day, people still think in terms of nations and borders, but times are changing…

The same technological advances that built the nation-state are now leading its demise.

The Internet and modern communications allows companies to have employees and suppliers anywhere in the world. Container shipping allows goods to be made in the cheapest places possible. Air travel allow people across the earth to have the same cultural experience, the same points of reference. This means that a company can incorporate in Delaware, design goods in California, produce them in China, ship them on a Norwegian ship registered in Liberia, and sell them all over the world. Tech support can be based out of India, and the executives making the money can keep their money in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.

This kind of thing happens everyday, and the ramifications are just beginning to be felt.

Ultimately, this will lead to the return of feudalism… As the power of multinational corporations grows, you will find a weakening of nation states: Corporate oligarchy will be the new norm…”

I understood what he was talking about because I was a Christian, and I understood the hand of God was behind everything.  I told him that all he was saying was a repeat of what I heard every Sunday in bible class.   But he rebuked me.  He told me that this was not what he was saying at all.

Not at all.

He told me that I was not understanding the point that he was trying to make.

He said that key people, over the years, have adjusted the course of history in small ways that made great impacts on the lives of others.  Well, I understood that.  We all know how Mr. Einstein helped usher in the Atomic age.  We know how General George Washington helped forge the United States of America.

But, again he rebuked me.

He said that the significant changes of these men were, indeed important, but that was not at all what he was referring to.  Instead he was referring to men, or groups of people that change things without reward, or regard for fame or fortune.  These were the true makers and shakers of the world, and it was to these people and of these people that he wanted us to join the ranks of.

He wanted us to be part of the secret and unknown “influencers” of the world.

He repeatedly alluded to the concept or idea that great masses of people, nations and lives were manipulated and guided about by unseen “shepherds” who operated without fame or wealth.  These individuals were actually heroes who forged the human race into what it is today and are currently directing the overall growth of the species in many quiet, secretive and hidden ways.


He told us that if we joined these ranks, we will NOT be remembered.  He said the general population would never know what we ever did or how important it was for them. Fame was never going to be part of our lives.

Never, ever.

He specifically said that we would join the ranks of the cowboys.  This was a well-remembered direct quote that for some reason, I have never forgotten. He told us that cowboys operated independently and often alone.

He made a long and drawn out point of this.  This was the key recruitment story or strategy and it was very important that we remember this story.  If the reader learns anything at all about what I am trying to relate; then take this home.  Those who change the direction of entire nations and people always act independently and alone.  They rarely receive huge sums of money; wealth or success for it.  They often operate alone and independently without reward or acclaim.

He spent time talking about the cowboys. You know, I wasn’t a Cowboys and Indians fan. I mean , if there was a Western show on television, I would change it. I liked shows about adventure, war and space exploration. Not Cowboys.

Yet, he continued in great detail and quite earnestly.  He said that Cowboys had a role in human civilization. They did a dirty and decidedly un-glamorous job with little reward, with no accolades and no appreciation.  Yet, it was the cowboys whom opened up the western United States for everyone else to follow.  The cowboys were the pioneers, and the adventurers.  They were the unsung heroes of America and are now forgotten.

Their role has never been fully appreciated, and they knew it at the time.  That is why they would often times yell “Yippee-Kai-Ay” when they were alone herding the cattle over the vast American plains.

American Cowboys

While the Base Commander specifically referred to the American Cowboy, I am absolutely positive that he referred to the entire cadre of outdoorsmen who “opened up the west” for American expansion. These individuals included hunters, trappers, and traders. Consider people like Jack Clark while he was at Fort Walsh, the North West Mounted Police outpost. The force often took on former policemen as civilian scouts, since many of them were intermarried with natives or Métis and thus offered valuable experience, especially during the years of Sitting Bull’s Sioux exile in the Cypress Hills.The Commander continued on.  He talked about the history of the world and how special individuals blazed the trails for others to follow.  He said these individuals made the (necessary and important) changes and did the “dirty deeds” so that others might have a better life.

"Dirty deeds" - The uncomfortable and often illegal tasks that were necessitated by the overall blueprint as set down by the true and real powers that control the world.

He told us that as Americans we owed our entire existence to but a mere handful of men who cleared the way for others to follow.  He said that the lone cowboys and the rugged individualists that supported them were the true and real heroes of the world.  He said that they were the makers; the creators, and the backbone upon which rested the basic foundation of our nation.

He told us that those who aspire for fame invariably do so for selfish and populist reasons, and that by the very nature of their works they are nothing more than temporary clowns on the global stage.

This includes everyone who is popularized and promoted by the media.  This includes Soopy Sales, Bozo the Clown, The Beatles, and Donny Osmond. It includes Oliva Newton John, ZZ Top, Cher, the cast of “Laugh In”, and Hugh Hefner. It includes Ellen DeGeneres, Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian West, and Nicki Minaj among many others.  

These people are just promoted clowns.  They distract our attention.  That is their purpose.  

Often they are attractive, and young.  Nevertheless, aside from the copious profits that they derive from their transient popularity, they are nothing on the stage of the human species.  They are just distractions. They prevent the human consciousness from concentrating at the issues of importance.
What I thought
The image that I held in my mind concerning the program that I was entering was colored by the images and visions as portrayed by media and television at that time. I thought that I would be another Tom Corbett , or Napoleon Solo , or maybe even a secret agent like Mr. Derek Flint . In my mind it was a great and amazing opportunity that would open and bare the secrets and mysteries of the secret clandestine space programs that were veiled from the gaze of most Americans.

He said that America was founded by these kinds of people.  He said that the expansion of America was predicated by the actions of these individuals.  He said that these people; who they were and what they did, will never be known.  They did what they had to do; when it needed to be done.  They did so, often under uncomfortable circumstances, and did so to the best of their ability.  Whether it was blazing tails through difficult terrain, or fighting hostile Indians, the cowboys did what was necessary.  They did it quietly.  They did it without acclaim or accolades.  And did so with little gain or profit.

He said that we were the cowboys for the future of mankind. (This is an actual quote that he made to us.)

New and Just Implemented

In the middle of his little talk with us, he made a half turn in his chair and looked at the picture of then-President Ronald Reagan on the wall.  Our eyes panned right to look at the picture.  As he was looking at it, he said “This program comes from the highest levels in our government.” 

He paused, and let that statement “sink in”, and then turned back and looked at us straight in the eye.  He said that Mr. Reagan personally tasked him to guarantee the success of this program and that it was critically important that it truly be successful.

"Whatever else history may say about me when I'm gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears, to your confidence rather than your doubts. My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty's lamp guiding your steps and opportunity's arm steadying your way."

- Ronald Reagan  at the 1992 Republican National Convention

He said that the program was new and that we were the first people to enter it.  He said that a few other people would join us in the future, but that the elite membership in this program would be limited to only a handful of people; perhaps no more than nine.  He said that this was a specific requirement of the program and that this was direct from the president himself.

A brief note;

I entered the program, established or at the very least authorized, by Ronald Regan.  Thus the quote placed here.  Now, reader please take note. When I passed this text on to review, a number of people who read it were completely infuriated that I would place quotes by the former president. 

They argued that every time they read something about the former president that they would get angry and would lose focus on the points that I was making.  They insisted that I give a more “moderate” viewpoint.  

Their suggestions included deletion of all references to Ronald Regan (impossible, as he was the one who authorized the program), or at the very least, give “equivalent time” to “great” Democrat Presidents. 

So, as a deference to their requests, here is a link to the article of a speech by one of their “great” presidents; Mr. Obama.  The article is titled “Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism — on July 4th weekend!” found HERE.
Ronald and his horse
Ronald Reagan was an avid outdoorsman who believed in individual liberty and self-initiative. He believed in the United States and for the potential for individual greatness. Could this program be his own individual brain-child?

We asked him about our training to be naval aviators.  He replied that our current program would end and be replaced by a completely different program.  (Paraphrased direct quote.) However, he couldn’t tell us where we would be trained at, nor anything about the nature of the training.

All this information, most especially the specifics of it, could not and would not, be divulged to us at this time.  No matter how many times we tried to ask, and no matter how we tried to force the issue, we never received straight answers to our questions.

He stated that the program was just being implemented, but that it has been “in the works” for a number of years.  (Also a paraphrased quote.) I found this point interesting, because the current president had only been in office for just over a year, yet what he said that this program had to originate under the leadership of former-President Jimmy Carter.  So, I exclaimed “Oh, so Jimmy Carter set this program up?”.

This time, his answer was even more enigmatic, as he said “No, the former president had nothing to do with this program”.

Presidents; we all have such hopes for our leadership.  But it is all an illusion. It’s a real problem when a pernicious myth subverts reality. Everybody believes that the institution of government is like Camelot—a wise ruler assisted by noble paladins. Maybe that meme gained traction in recent times with John Kennedy and his good-looking wife, Jackie. They looked like an ideal couple. They weren’t. But they were a lot better than what followed for the next 50 years…

The fact is that the high levels of government do get people with high IQs. They can pass tests. They’re skilled at manipulating both laws and people. But they tend to be of low moral character, number one. Number two, despite their high IQs, they’re actually quite stupid.

At that time, I wasn’t thrilled with life in the Carter years, but I didn’t believe there was an alternative. Under Carter, there were gas lines, days you could buy gasoline and days you couldn’t. The economy was sputtering. We had a president whose idea of securing the release of 52 American Embassy hostages from Iran’s new Islamic fundamentalist regime was to not leave the White House Rose Garden. (It was actually called his “Rose Garden strategy.”)

At that moment, at that point of confusion, it slowly dawned on me that the true and actual chain of command for certain secret or special programs lie hidden from us.  If it wasn’t started under former president Jimmy Carter, then who initiated it?  Was it an even earlier president or someone not even connected with the presidency?

Indeed!  Who did authorize the program?  Was it authorized by presidential decree prior to President Jimmy Carter?  Was it authorized outside the chain of command in the United States government itself?  Was it authorized by a political party with a unique agenda outside of the American Presidency?

The question remains to this day, clear as day.  As I have found piece-meal answers to these questions over the years, none of them were ever crystal clear.  To me, it seemed at least, to be a continuous progression of actions that somehow operated independent of any individual president.

I cannot help but wonder who thought up the dialog that the Base Commander used to enlist us into the ELF program. Could it be that it was President Ronald Reagan’s idea to tell us about the American Cowboy and working independently? I do not know, but it is a curious thought never-the-less.

Unknown Mission Statement

It became obvious to us that he was telling us nothing.  We had no idea what we would be doing, or who we would be reporting to.  We didn’t know where or when we would begin training, and his answers were lacking in substance, and were intentionally vague.  So I tried to get some kind of handle or understanding of what our tasks would be.  I asked him what we would be doing.  And, he replied that we might never know what our mission was.

Again, this is an actual quote.

Why not you?
Often it is not what we think we want or what we believe would make our lives meaningful that matter. It is the way and manner by which our adventures unfold through our thoughts and actions. Our soul directs the events that help mold our thoughts. Our thoughts create our realities that in turn result in our physical reactions. When offered a choice, one must be prepared to recognize that it was our thoughts and our soul that led us blindly to that nexus.

Now of all the points and statements that he was making, this was the most confusing.  How could we enter a program and not know what it all about?  How could we do something and never know what we were doing?  The longer he spoke, the more confused we got.  It seemed surreal and strange, and all too vaporous for comfort.

In the program for life

If all what he told us wasn’t confusing enough, he started to lay down some interesting responses to our queries.  One of the most interesting statements that he made was that we would be in the program for the rest of our life, and that once we join there was no going back.

It sounded so much like joining a mafia group.  What kind of military program is like that?  It was all mysterious.  In fact, the entire discussion had the feel of great and grave importance, but in the end, we truly knew nothing at all about it.


We would be in the program for the rest of our lives.

We knew that once we gave our oath of service to the United States Navy that they pretty much could do with us what they wanted.  Nevertheless, we always knew that eventually, if everything went well, we could be retired.  People retire.  They leave their former work and settle down.  It happened to my father and my uncles.  It happened to my grandfathers.  What kind of organization keeps you in it for life?

The mysteries multiplied.  This was totally unlike anything that we could conceive of.  It was unlike anything that we had ever seen on television, or in the movies.  Not one single war movie or science fiction movie that I had ever seen discussed a life-long commitment to a secret project or program.  The closest thing that ever came to it was working for some kind of arch-villain whom 007; James Bond, would have vanquish.  It was big.  It was serious.  It was beyond our understanding.

So this was a major commitment that we were getting involved into.  Not only would we no longer be naval aviators, but what we would be doing would be for the rest of our lives.  Therefore, it became clear to us that this would be a turning point in our life.  But would it be a good decision?  Would it be truly noteworthy and especially important, and crucial to the betterment of the world?

Operate independently without support

We wanted to know where we would be training, and what kind of assignments and locations would we be at.  Again, his responses were far from reassuring to us.  He bluntly told us that we would operate independently and without support.  That when we were on assignment, it would be up to us to create our support organizations and our success or failure would be a function of how well we build up this network.  It was frightening, and exciting at the same time.  We were certainly intrigued, but honestly more curious than ready to abandon the life that up until then was our destiny.

“…Yes, there are numerous psychological tests. I was chosen based on my educational background and military service. The training lasted about two years. There is a great deal of physical training to counter the physical effects of distortion. They were also looking for drivers who had a fair amount of self-sufficiency and an ability to function under extreme isolation and confinement. “

-John Titor

Nothing fit together in the neat and clean and orderly world that we had come to expect.  In fact, putting it all together, he was offering us nothing less than throwing us out on the street, to labor alone and isolated without guidance, leadership and direction.  His answers were discouraging and flew as well as a lead balloon.  Nothing made sense, and more questions we asked, the less we knew.  Obviously our expectations were out of alignment with the reality as described to us.

A top secret program

He looked at us again.  There were two of us chatting with him, and when he answered a question brought up by one of us, he would devote his full attention to that person.  Then switch to the other person.  His gaze was intense, and his continence was serious.  Even though his answers were pathetic, there was no question that he had our attention and our interest.

When he talked to us, it was with full attention.  He was kind but very serious, and his actions and demeanor reflected that.  I have not, since that time, been exposed to such an intense level of kindness and authority.  I felt like he was talking to us like a wise older uncle more than a base commander and was presenting to us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  It was one that we shouldn’t take lightly and it was one that needed our undivided, intense attention.

“There must be a few times in life when you stand at a precipice of a decision. When you know there will forever be a Before and an After...I knew there would be no turning back if I designated this moment as my own Prime Meridian from which everything else would be measured.”

― Justina Chen, North of Beautiful

Essentially, this program could be anything at all.

The only issue was the secrecy surrounding it.  He stated that since it was so important, and so special, it had to be maintained as a secret program.  He stated that we would be exposed to technologies, people, ideas, things and events that were fantastic, and must be kept secret.

It was indeed bitter-sweet.  There was a very real level of excitement, like he knew things that we did not know, but also a very strong level of underlying sadness.  Like he knew things that he could not tell us.  It was like telling someone that they would have access to a Ferrari for the rest of their lives, but that they would never be able to get a driver’s license to drive it.

He explained that this secrecy was important to maintain the integrity of the program and was necessary for the safety of the world, not only for the safety of the United States. Secrecy. This was a “secret” program.

The reader might get the impression that he spent a half an hour explaining this to us.  But that is incorrect.  He did not.  He mentioned the secrecy of the program in a quick and brief manner and never returned to it.  In fact, as I recall, the sole highlight of the discussion regarding secrecy was the statement; “Both of you do realize that this is a very secret program, don’t do?”.

We would be pioneers in many ways, and that it would be extremely critical that we enter secretly and quietly.  No one must know that we were members in this program, and no one must know what we were doing.

At that moment I started to daydream a little bit.

I imagined telling my parents that I had joined a Top Secret program.  I imagined what my mother would think.  I pictured my father sitting down in his Lazy-boy chair and reading a newspaper (Odd because we didn’t have a Lazy-Boy chair.).  I imagined me telling him and him looking up and his mouth opening up a crack.

These thoughts were soon replaced with other thoughts.

I suddenly started to doubt my decision to fly planes.  I suddenly started to get a fear of heights.  I began to think how stupid it would be for me to fly when I was afraid of high places.  Yes.  That was it… I was afraid of heights.  Why fly when I could fall?  Flying was not for me.  No.  The only option available for me was to join this very special program.  I had to join it.

I had to.

This mixture of imaging praise from my parents and a new-found fear of heights flooded my mind.  I no longer paid attention to what the Commander and Sebastian were talking about.  I was wholly absorbed in my own private thoughts.

I suddenly snapped back to reality, and started to listen to what the Commander was saying.

He explained to us that he knew our profiles.  We entered the navy to fly, but that our motivation and patriotism profile strongly indicated that we felt that we were doing so for a higher purpose.  He did know that we believed in a higher purpose and calling.  He understood this and he understood us.  He knew what interested us and wrapped up an enigma and mystery on a silver platter, tied a bow around it and presented it to us.

The experience of a lifetime.

He said that we would experience an adventure unlike anything that we’d ever think of.  He said that it would be “the experience of a lifetime”.

“The experience of a lifetime”.

When someone says that you would have the “experience of lifetime” it directly implies that you would have the opportunity to experience something [1] that few people would be exposed to, [2] something that is special or unique or great or wonderful, and [3] something that would be significant in some way to your personally.

Over the years, when I have told my story to friends and family, the result is always the same.  I hear the same response.  “If it was me, I would have never done what you did.”  And, after hearing this response, over and over again, I come to the conclusion that perhaps either we were stupid and wrong, or maybe I have been unsuccessful in conveying how persuasive the Commander was.

This is a curious thought and of rather great importance.  So, perhaps I should elaborate a little bit more on it.  There was no question that we weren’t stupid, we might have been naïve however.  But we were certainly not stupid. Both of us not only possessed difficult technical degrees in the engineering sciences, but had to pass a most rigorous series of evaluation tests to obtain the role as Naval Aviators.

The reader must remember the context where all this was taking place.  They must understand who we were and where we were and what the conditions were at that time in history.

The reader must remember that both of us had just completed a very difficult college and university four year curriculum. My graduating class had perhaps 30 people of the over 200 that I started with four years earlier.  It was difficult, rough and (kind of) boring subject to study.  While our other class members were going to the discos (very popular at the time) we stayed behind and studied.  We were the nerds of the nerds.

Yet, we graduated, but not only that.

We applied to an even more difficult program; one to become a Naval Aviator.  Acceptance was only the start. Every day, at the base during training,  we were reminded that we were [1] the elite and that we were being trained to operate the world’s most technologically advanced and dangerous aircraft, and to do so under the most difficult of circumstances.

Then one day, the [2] highest ranked and most important person in our chain of command, selects us and has a [3] meeting with us.

During that meeting he tells us that [4] the President of the United States specifically asked him to [5] pick us and put us on a [6] top secret mission, one that was [7] new and had no equal in the history of mankind.

Further, he told us that we [8] would be doing this for not only the United States, but for the world itself.  We were told that we could opt out, and continue a normal career path as naval aviators, but if we did so, we would [9] miss out on the opportunity and “the adventure of a lifetime”.

“This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.”

Of course we accepted, and I was the one who decided first.

My mother always told me that if a doorway opens in the hall of life, you owe it to yourself to walk into the room.  The point came to my mind, and which influenced my decision was simple.  Did I want to spend the rest of my life wondering what could have been?  Was this an opportunity given to only a handful of people and would I end up spending the rest of my life wondering, in a wistful way, what could have been?

Red pill or blue pill.
There is a fork in the road that lies before you. You might only select one path. However, once you are on it, there is no turning back. You will not be able to have a “do over”. You will have to live with the consequences of the life that you chose. Red pill or blue pill. It’s a choice and you must decide.

Perhaps I was young and naïve, but it was a decision that I made.  Good or bad, right or wrong, given my mind set at the time, and the opportunity as presented, I decided to accept the proposal and volunteer into the program.

It took a while longer for the other candidate; Sebastian, to decide.  He had more questions to ask and needed a little bit more persuasion to decide.  They talked back and forth for around another seven to ten minutes longer.  Eventually, the concerns were all addressed and eventually both of us decided to volunteer.

Signing Up

“…I shall be telling this with a sigh          

Somewhere ages and ages hence:            

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—    

I took the one less traveled by,  

And that has made all the difference.”

-Robert Frost (1874–1963) The Road not Taken.

So, after much consideration, we both agreed.

He said “good”, and reached in the top right drawer of his desk.  There he removed two already prepared documents.  He paused and looked at them for a minute.  Then, took the first one and put/slid it in front of me on the desk.  Then, he took the second document and slid it in front of Sebastian.

The paper was a plain, white navy memo with standard adornment.  In it, aside from the cryptic designation wordage in the header, were two simple paragraphs.  There was nothing more to it.  The letter was functional and basic.  Essentially it was an agreement to that basically stated that we left one program to join another program.  The new program was unnamed, but had an alpha-numerical designation instead.

He then produced two pens and placed them smartly next to the papers.  He told us to look over the document and make sure that our name was spelled right, then if we agree to volunteer into the program, to sign it.

“Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again.”

-Lazarus Long;  a fictional character created by Robert A. Heinlein.

I had already decided to sign it, but I hesitated realizing the gravity of the situation.  I looked the paper over and checked my spelling.  I exhaled and easily and quickly signed my name in the manner that I did so at that time.  I then slid it back to him and put the pen back on the desk. I then leaned back in my chair and briefly closed my eyes and thought “DONE!”.

My colleague; Sebastian also signed his.   The Commander picked it up; looked at my signature and then at the signature on my colleague’s paper and stood up.   He then shook each of our hands with a warm smile and again said “good”.

“The hardest thing about the road not taken is that you never know where it might have led.”

― Lisa Wingate, A Month of Summer

That is exactly what he said.  He did not say “welcome to the organization”.  He did not say “I am glad you agreed.”  No, his answer and response was a very terse and simple one.  He simply said “good”.

He then gathered both papers together.  He returned the pen to the middle drawer in his desk. Shut it, and then looked at us again and smiled.  He then got up.  After he stood up, we both stood up as well.  He walked around from the back of the desk and left it (to our right) and walked over to a collection of tall file cabinets to the left of the door.

I took the red pill, and it has made all the difference.

We were both excited.  Or, at the very least, I most certainly was. It was a Eminem – Lose Yourself moment. That was it.  I had been offered an opportunity to join this very special and secret program, and I accepted.  Who knows what it would be.  However, one thing was certain, only a small handful of people would get the opportunity to participate in it.

And I was one of them.

Smiling and nodding in an affirmative way, he stood up.  He then walked out from behind the desk, and went to one of the file cabinets against the wall.  He unlocked the combination lock that held the long “L” shaped bar and slid the bar out.  Opening a drawer he removed two folders that were resting on top of the other folders.  Put our signed agreement in each one, then placed the folders in their ordered location.  He closed the drawer, replaced the bar, and secured it with the lock.

Secret mission
In television and in movies, the story always (in the 1960’s) revolved an exciting, but dangerous adventure. During this adventure, the heroes went to strange and exciting places, met new and often-attractive people, have to do dangerous and exciting activities, and when it was all over, they managed to return home to a welcoming audience and much needed rest. But that is Hollywood fiction. Secret programs are secret for a reason, and the trade-off of doing something that most people do not want to do, or cannot do is often lethal. These are things that they never tell you in school and that one has to find out the hard way in the school of life.

We were all standing at that point, and I asked “When do we start?”  He reached over to the coat rack where his peaked hat hung and put it on his head.

“Now.” He replied.

He unlocked the bolt on the door, and turned around to us.  (This sounds very “Hollywood”, but this is exactly what occurred.) He turned around at the door and looked at us.

He looked at Sebastian, and then to me RIGHT IN THE EYES.

  • He said that he wanted us to always remember [1] what he just said to us.
  • He wanted us [2] never to forget who we are, and very importantly [3] what we are.
  • He said that [4] life has a way of making you forget things, and [5] other people will contribute to that.
Boy, isn’t that the truth! It is exactly these words that ring true in my head each and every time I am criticized by others for my decisions, my actions, and what I endured as part of this program.  

When people mention my retirement and how I was retired and what I am now considered as within the monitoring program, I am reminded of this statement. It is when I have to endure constant harping critical statements from do-nothings who never experienced the kind of experiences that I had to endure that these words rang true and kept my emotions and feelings buoyant.
  • He told us that we are [6] just now starting on something very important, and [7] other things will make it seem trivial. But it isn’t.
  • He told us [8] to remember the cowboys, and most especially their cry of independence.
What do Americans know of independence?  Really?  Not much.  Consider the facts. The colonists under the king and parliament could own property. Meaning really own it. 

Yeah. They were not required to send annual/regular payments in to the king in order to be permitted to remain in homes for which they’d paid or carriages they’d purchased. 

We are. Yes, today, we are.

The colonists – under the king and parliament – had an unquestioned right to own and bear (carry on their persons) firearms. Without permission.

Are we allowed such freedom? The king and parliament did not concern themselves with the colonists’  “safety.” If a colonists wished, he could ride his horse as fast as he liked, eat what he liked, smoke what he liked. 

No authority pestered him about his choices. 

He was not told with whom he must do business, or forced to build his house a certain way or forbidden from planting a vegetable garden on his property. 

He was not compelled to purchase insurance of any kind whatsoever. In most parts of the Land of the Free, you and I are not even free to purchase fireworks to celebrate our supposed freedom. We’re allowed “safe” sparklers and such. But nothing that flies or explodes. 

To possess or use such constitutes a crime in most states. The irony of this is lost on most people.

I cry...CRY for the loss of FREEDOM!
  • He specifically told us to remember what he said whenever [9] we hear the term “yippee kai- yay”.

Finishing up

He opened the door and we followed him out of the office.  He turned left. We turned left.

We followed him down the thin corridor.

Walking down the corridor we exited out the back door, and found ourselves outside on a small cement loading dock.

We walked down some cement steps, cut across the asphalt parking area, and went next door to the main building in the complex.

It was a large cement and pole-construction warehouse set in among the trees.

We entered a side door and walked in…

Yippee-Ki-yay, motherfucker.
Yippee-Ki-yay, motherfucker.

Next Steps

What came next was an introductory lecture on SAP’s, a period of “training” and probe implantation, and some other events that were fantastical.

These will be elaborated upon in another post.

You can move on to the continuation of this narrative HERE.

What did it all mean?

Did you notice that NOT at any time did the commander mention extraterrestrials, UFO’s, or anything science fictional in scope. Nope. Not once.

It was promoted to us on a personal and visceral level. It was promoted to us as something that ONLY we could do. It was promoted to us as something very important, and very secret…

That has never changed.

It was really so different from what I knew, that it boggles the mind. I signed up for something really, really different. At a time in the world that was preoccupied with the cold-war, the banning of Tab on store shelves, and “Staying Alive”, I joined MAJestic.

Over the months and years that followed I was slowly immersed into a new reality, or maybe better stated as a new perception of realities that merge into one that I occupy at any given moment.

This program involved the MWI. It involved world-lines. It involved creatures, “others”, and extraterrestrials. My role involved observation and participation, as well as anchoring. It’s all “off the charts”.  Because the real purpose of why we are humans and living on this planet is obscured from us.

My role was NOT fun.

Welcome to the party, pal.
Yeah. Welcome to the party. It’s hard core. That’s for damn sure.

Not that I am complaining, mind you. The life we lead is the life that we manufacture for ourselves. Yet, at the same time, the role that I took on had some unpleasant attributes. Some and the trends behind them really, really, REALLY sucked. But, I do have the right to bitch about the uncomfortable aspects. You know, like when you stub your toe, and shout “FUCK!”. It’s like when you get a job at a steel company, and for the first three months you are knee deep in human shit shoveling it out of a century-old waste basin.

Hum. Perhaps, and maybe to understand my role – the one that I had agreed to, you need to understand the role that John McClane had in the various movies…

John McClane: Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!

And when I look at my life, and the apparent endless, heck even ridiculous repeats of just bad-luck, bad-timing, and bad-situations, I see this…

John McClane: Oh man, I can't fucking believe this. Another basement, another elevator. How can the same shit happen to the same guy twice?

You must understand that I had and held a role where I was the designated “human”. I had to be a representative sample. What was I?

I was the electronics laden probe that plunged into the dangerous star, I was the camera that was tied to the the necks of wild panthers. I was the robotic probe exploring the hidden passages in the Great Pyramid.

I was an artifice.

I was the trained and provided with devices and mutations so that I could transmit what I would experience; the life within our reality. And while I was experiencing it, so were “others”. Yup, maybe they just sat there in front of their fucking version of a television set, eating their fucking version of popcorn, and watching how life is for an “average white Joe” in America. Maybe…

Who the Hell knows?

What I know is that I had to experience life. That is, “life” as a “typical” American. So sure enough, if there was a down turn in the economy, I was the first to feel it. When there was a major event or fire, earthquake, tornado, or ice storm. Yup, that was me smack damn in the middle of it.

It’s not just that for Pete’s sake…

If there was something that I wanted to do or be part of, sure enough there would be an effort to ban it, tax it, regulate it or make it difficult to obtain. Suddenly 200,000 lose their jobs, you can sure bet that I was one of them. Hey, you want to have a simple burger and a large coke, sure enough someone wants to ban the jumbo size. Yup, that was my life.

Joining MAJestic was like having a “Kick Me” sign tattooed on my back.

So after numerous firings, all on the various Christmas eve’s, and I’m thinking, “what’s the fucking odds?” only to be fired on yet a fourth Christmas eve time… and when I was fired, yet again… come on! Yet again, on Christmas Eve at the company Christmas Eve party, this comes to mind…

John McClane: Just once, I'd like a regular, normal Christmas. Eggnog, a fuckin' Christmas tree, a little turkey. But, no! I gotta crawl around in this motherfuckin' tin can!
Enjoying your Christmas John? Yeah, I know how it feels. You get up in the morning looking forward to a nice Christmas bonus with your monthly paycheck. Instead you get fired. Yeah, I hear ya, guy.

And, perhaps this might give you a better idea of what it fucking feels like to be me.

John McClane: Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothin'. You get shot at. Pat on the back, blah blah blah. 'Attaboy.' You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. (I do this) because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so (I'm) doing it. That's what makes you that guy."

Yeah, being so “connected” has some advantage. It’s a two-way street. Don’t you know. What others can observe and experience, I can sort of tap into the feedback loop. That gives me insight into the life of the hosting party. So I have some knowledge and some understandings.

Yes, I do. Some. Mind you, some.

Yeah, and the “others” allow me to talk about it. Seriously!

A Word about “The Others”…

Yet, being so connected is so different. It is like nothing that we can even compare and discuss.

We watch science fictional movies about extraterrestrial life. We can see “Klingons”, “Romulans” and other species  interact with humans. But they are portrayed as mostly human with some minor cultural differences and different faces. You know, Hollywood does not have a clue.

Hollywood somehow thinks Humans and Extraterrestrials are like the difference between an American and someone from France. When the truth is, it is more like the difference between a human and a sweet potato.

Different species have different senses and different brains. Which means that the perceptions, and the interpretations of the perceptions are different. 

On top of that, the way that the physical reality connects to the non-physical reality differs as well. In such, the ability to understand our reality differs.

One species might be like us humans; we only know what we sense. It is a single reality. It is one that looks like a straight arrow of time where everything follows certain laws and rules of behavior.

To another intelligent species, one that can better tune-in to the non-physical reality would perceive the world, universe and reality quite differently.

I was given that ability.

Take Aways

  • I was in training to be a Naval Aviator once I graduated from University as an Aerospace Engineer.
  • While in training, I was pulled out and asked to join another program.
  • It was promoted to me in a visceral way so as to help mankind.
  • This program was under the MAJestic umbrella.


Q: Were there other tests or qualifications that you needed to pass before your meeting with the Commander?
A: Yes. This is covered elsewhere. The events tested my brain, my ability to think independently and other attributes.

Q: Have you seen Sebastian since?
A: After our meeting with the commander, we attended the SAP lecture together, both had the probes installed together, and entered the transport area together. After that, I saw him again at China Lake Naval Weapons Center when we had our probes calibrated and we were trained for MWI egress. Then again, I saw him during our mutual retirement at Pine Bluff ADC. I have not seen him since retirement.

Q: Do you have regrets?
A: Yes and no. All people have regrets on decisions that they have made. In regards to this, it is bitter sweet. I fucking hated retirement. It was unfair, and unnecessary.

I am not rich, and just barely get by. But on the other hand, I don’t need a lot of money either. I live simply and have a rather calm and peaceful life.

Life is what we make it. There are good things that I like, and bad memories that I have collected over the years. All in all, I think that I am a typical man with typical experiences.

Q: What did your classmates think when you returned back to the barracks?
A: That is a long story and is covered elsewhere.

Q: Did you have to sign any NDR’s or legal papers?
A: No. Violations of MAJestic will not go through the (heh heh) legal channels. The legal system is used during retirement and for other civil proceedings. MAJestic can easily terminate my involvement in numerous ways. They control my memory, and if they wanted, can also control my MWI slides. Trust me, you do NOT want to piss off anyone in MAJestic.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

How a Business KTV works in China

Just about every article on the internet that discusses KTV’s in China, talk about the “family-friendly” KTV’s. They discuss how they work and what it is like. They talk about the food, and the fun. Well, no one seems to want to talk about the Business KTV’s in China. Which is really, really odd. As you just cannot do business in China without going to one. For goodness gracious, that is one of the most common things that businessmen encounter when doing business in Asia.

This post discusses this side of Chinese industry.

As all my posts, it is politically incorrect. If you are are not ready for it, I would suggest that you leave right now. This post talks about one of the most important aspects of doing business in China – the negotiations over dinner, drink and song. It doesn’t matter if you are in the North of China, the South of China, Vietnam, or Korea, it is all pretty much the same.


One of the first things that the Interns ask me when they come to work for me, is “what is it like doing business in China”. To which I must answer, “it is really, really different.” Work is work, and business is business. That being said, in China there is a particular aspect that has a great deal of importance. This is [1] the concept called “face” or “mingzi”. The second most important aspect is [2] friendships.

While, the Chinese boss and businessman would be very happy to take your money and make a part for you. He won’t treat you very special, even if you promise him ten million dollars of business. You will be just another smuck from the West that he is dealing with. You are just a potential client. You have not yet “earned your stripes”.

The key to getting your product or service taken cared for, is to build up a relationship with the factory boss. Heck, we all know this. In fact, in America we have been taught that businesses are based upon relationships. Yet, strange things is, with the current crops of MBA’s that are exiting universities, they seem to think that people are numbers in a ledger, and quite disposable.

Efficieny experts
Efficiency experts sorting out who to fire and who to retain.

Not so in China.

While in the USA, you might get a visitor from another country, and say good-bye to him at the end of the day. The Chinese will expect to share a meal with you. They will expect a tour of the local surroundings, and some local cuisine. (As would most businessmen from other nations.) When in China, you will be given the “royal treatment”, as the opportunity that you offer the factory is considered valuable.

You would also be expected to smoke, and drink to excess. In China, powerful bosses all can eat, drink and party to excess. The ideal “big boss” in China is a cross between Tony Soprano and Attila the Hun. If you cannot meet their expectations, then any contract that you sign with them will be a weak one.


The ideal "big boss" in China is a cross between Tony Soprano and Attila the Hun. If you cannot meet their expectations, then any contract that you sign with them will be a weak one.
The boss in China.
The value, and the relative importance of the “Boss” differs between that of Western companies and companies in the East. In China, the boss is all powerful and all important. His word is absolute.

Your goal is to facilitate a strong contract, and a solid working relationship. Anything less is a waste of your time.

Aside from the factory tour, and discussions over tea and cigarettes (I like to call it “death” by tea and cigarettes.), you will be given a chance to “freshen up” in your hotel room prior to the evening festivities.  A driver will take you to your hotel, and you and your aide will be escorted to your room where you can rest (often from jet lag), check your emails, write a report (if you are in a big company), and chill out. I like to use this time to take a shower and a short 90 minute nap. But, that’s just me.

Hotel Pickup

Usually, before the car comes and the girls pick you up (typically the aides and Marketing Manager is female), I tend to go down to the VinGo (a HK version of 7-11) in the lobby and pick up some anti-drunk medicine. In fact, truth be told, you should always have [1] some aspirin or Tylenol, [2] stomach medicine, and [3] some ED medicine if you are over 30. The anti-drunk medicine is a vial of liquid that you drink during dinner, say about thirty minutes before you eat. It helps to neutralize the effects of alcohol in your body so that you won’t get too drunk too fast. It won’t take away from your enjoyment, but it will help you.


After all, you can now expect a solid six to eight hours of hard drinking. So, you need to be prepared. After all, your body will be affected by the alcohol.

That is an entire night of HARD drinking of HARD alcohol.

This means that you will need to take some medicine beforehand. In China, of course, you don’t need prescriptions for most medicines. That’s only in America. The rest of the world expects people to be responsible with their own bodies.

You you can just get the ED medication at the counter. Just write the name on a slip of paper and the chick behind the counter will give it to you. Viagra is around 125 RMB, or around $20/pill. But you can by the local generic version for 200 RMB for 20 pills, or 10 RMB/pill (around $1.25). Cialis is the medicine of choice for us older gentleman. But you will need to pay for it in the full outrageous American price. Figure around 135 RMB/pill.

.Women in China re quite lovely.
The girls in China a lovely. That includes all of the Han Chinese throughout Asia. They really know how to keep men happy.

Since the chances are that you will be in the Southern China section, make sure that you change your underwear. It is tropical, and you will need to take multiple showers and use ample deodorant.

Chances are that you will stay in your hotel, unless the factory boss has made other arrangements. Some of the better business KTV’s have rooms upstairs. In any event, make sure that your “wingman” or aide (male or female) fully understands that you will be the one who will give all the face. They must restrain their drinking. They must watch the belongings, and your passport. And, they must keep an eye out so that no problems befall you.

Typically, my aide is an employee. Depending on the situation, I’ve had one of my Chinese engineers (fluent in English) come with me, or my Marketing Manager (female Chinese-born Canadian) who would be with me. Now, you might think that the woman would be all hot and bothered about conducting this kind of business relationship, but that hasn’t been the case at all. In fact, she welcomed it. Heck, you should have seen her the next morning all beaming and happy.

Now, everyone would get their own individual room. And we would all agree on a time to meet. Typically, one person (never myself) gathers everyone up to go down to the lobby and get into the car.


You will most likely NOT eat Western food. If they offer it to you, decline. You are in China. You want to make their face as big as possible. Suggest their local delicacy, or a restaurant that cooks the same kind of meals that their home town makes. Let the factory boss select the restaurant.

Now, typically, the driver will either take you back to the factory where you will meet the others for the dinner, or you will drive directly to the restaurant. In almost all cases, there will be a private room reserved in the restaurant. This is a private dining room. It will typically have a nice bathroom, a set of sofa’s and comfortable chairs, a television, and a huge circular table.

Chinese private room
Most private rooms in China look a little something like this. They consist of a large central table and comfortable furnishings.

You, as the boss will be led to the room, and offered the “boss seat”. This is a chair that faces the door. You sit down, and everyone else arranges themselves around the table. The seating arrangement is hierarchical, with the various ranks of the individuals placed strategically around the table. The driver of the car(s) will also attend the meal, though they will typically be silent and not participate into any of the discussions.

You will be offered some cigarettes, just like at the factory. As the boss it is your responsibly to accept the cigarettes, or else you will lose face. Oh, yeah, it’s not healthy and all that second-hand smoke nonsense. Well, if you are doing business in China, you will need to adopt local customs. You do not want to lose face.  You accept the cigarette. You take a drag. You hold it in. Tilt you head back, and stare up at the ceiling and then exhale the smoke slowly.


You need to adapt to Chinese culture. Do not lose the face of the boss. Else they might serve you dog’s head or something equally disgusting as a way to see how low you can go.

Out of politeness, you will be offered a menu and you can select what to eat. As I typically live in the Guangzhou region, I will choose Guangzhou style food. This is easy to do, as the menu consists of full-color glossy photos of delicious food. Guangzhou food is typically steamed lightly. It is very fresh and very tasty. Now, if you were in Hunan or Sichuan, the food would be very spicy and delicious. That’s a good thing too.

Anyways, as a general rule, you order two dishes more than the number of people at the table. So, if there were six people around the table, including yourself, you would order eight dishes. (Oh, yes, everyone shares the dishes. This is quite different from the West where everyone gets their own meal.)

Being in Guangzhou, you order one thing that walks (pig, beef, mutton), one thing that flies (chicken, duck, goose), and one thing that swims (fish or seafood like shrimp). If there is a near certainty that you will go to a business KTV and you might have an all-night companion, you should make sure to order a nice large plate of oysters. Just make sure that they are fresh. Otherwise, watch out!

In general, once the three main dishes are ordered, I usually like to order vegetables, tofu, and assorted other dishes such as braised pig fat, flat bread, and maybe jellyfish. Let the other (hosting) people make suggestions and nod your head in violent agreement with their selections.

The waitress, or room manager will ask what you want and take your order. You, with your aide, will select the pictures and work out the details. While the picture might say a thousand words, there is typically a discussion of lively banter on what kind of fish, how to cook it, what spices to use, etc. Let them work out the issues.

Then, some condiments will be placed on the table. These might include peanuts infused in vinegar and spices (a personal favorite), some long white bars, that are actually pickled carrots, and some chicken feet. Try them all. It’s all good.

Then comes the tea ritual…

Tea Ritual

China has many different kinds of rituals for tea. By now, you would have experienced the business negotiations over a tea ritual that occurs at the factory in the office. This is a dinner tea ritual. Here, you use tea to wash the cups and plates.

Wrapped dishes
Almost all restaurants in China have their dishes pre-sanitized and bubble wrapped for protection. This is very common, from the farthest point North to the extreme Southern end of China.

Granted, all the cups and plates are pre-sanitized. They are in these clear shrink-wrapped bubbles, that you need to break open to get the dishes out of. I typically use my chopsticks (quaizi) and punch a hole in the sealed plastic. Then tear it open with my hands. The idea is to get all the dishes out of the bubble wrap. Then, once they are out, you pour the scalding hot tea all over the dishes and utensils to clean them.

Once the dishes have been washed, you then pour the (now dirty) tea into a large clear bowl that is provided for exactly that purpose. The bowl will be passed around and then taken away by one of the waitress chicks.


Before the food starts to arrive, there will be the decision on what kind of alcohol that you will be drinking. Typically, beer is a drink for lunches. Evenings, especially for a night of hard drinking will have to get started off right. If given the choice, I vote for red wine.

The wine in poured into a large glass carafe. One person, typically an aide of the factory boss will take on this responsible, or at the very least will instruct the waitress to do so.

Gan Bei
Everyone who has every been to China knows about Gan Bei. This is a fundamental part of Chinese culture, and if you are unaware of it, then you really have never visited China nor participated in the culture there.

“Red wine” is drunk not like wine is drunk in the West. It is quaffed down in glasses “bottom up style”. (Gan Bei!) Typically, you will need to drink to everyone at the table individually. Then multiple times with your host. You will also be expected to drink with your aides.

There are really three ways of drinking;

  • Full glass (reserved ONLY for the boss and to cheer an agreement.)
  • Half a glass (the most common) called “ye ban de ban”.
  • One fourth a glass (offered about mid way though the meal) called “ye ke”.

Drinking red wine permits you to be able to stand up straight after your meal and be able to walk to the KTV without having to be supported by your aides. This is pretty important to save “face”. Though if everyone is drinking VSOP, XO or that God-forsaken 53 degree “white wine”, you will all need to be carried out.

White Wine (BaiJiu)

In China today Baijiu is drunk almost exclusively at meals, as alcohol is a very important part of Chinese dining culture. Baijiu is served in shot sized glasses and used during toasts to show respect and build relationships.

When toasting, the Baijiu glass of is gripped with both hands, with either one hand on either side, or with one hand/finger on the bottom of the glass. After a Er Guo Tou (二锅头) is a cheap type of Baijiu available every-where-toast the Baijiu is usually consumed in one gulp.

Following a toast, the glass can be turned upside down or tilted forward to display that one has consumed the entire glass, and thus give face to your friend, partner or host.

The best white wine in China is Moutai. It is pure moonshine and comes in 53%. Ugh!

If you do decide to drink VSOP or XO, make sure that it is mixed with green tea, else you will get too drunk too quickly.

One should pay attention not to raise his/her glass higher than those of the respected elders; When two glasses clink, how high people hold their glasses shows hierarchy. When the host toasts you, keep his glass higher. These insights hold true at most dinners with hierarchy, such as corporate dinners with bosses, meals with clients and multi-generation family gatherings.

Personal Note.

Some younger factory bosses or owners will get excited and try to show you respect by trying to slam dunk Gan Bei. Do not fall for it. Aside from trying to make you unable to stand up, it will completely decimate your blood fluid pressure in your nether regions. Which really sucks, if offered full-on hospitality.

Always moderate your drinking. Afew Gan Bei's are fine. Just keep it under thirty in total. In general, the rule should be occasional drinking. Have your second (in command) drink for you.

In many places in China, especially northern China, the drunker a person becomes via being toasted with Baijiu (or other liquors and alcohols) the more Face has been conferred upon them. Therefore, it can be common for visitors to China to be entertained by well-meaning Chinese hosts who are intent on showing them as must respect as possible, by getting them as drunk as possible, on an completely unfamiliar and relatively strong liquor.

Be respectful (jìng jiǔ敬酒)

jìngjiǔ 敬酒 : “respectfully proposing a drink.” People will likely toast you to show their respect and hospitality. As a foreigner, you’re not expected to do likewise, but it will be much appreciated if you do. Once you’ve started, make sure you toast everyone who might outrank you. If the people are many and you’re worried your head might not take it well, you can tick them off in twos and threes; it’s perfectly acceptable.

When someone toasts you, you should immediately stop eating and drinking to accept and toast in response. All people sitting at the same table must stand up, upon the initiative of one of the guests, and toast in succession; Remember, one should never refuse to participate in a toast. If you turn down a drink, your Chinese counterpart may feel like he has lose his face.

If you’re the one offering the toast, you’re putting yourself in an inferior position, which means you have to be the more respectful one. Thus, it’s better if you stand up and empty your cup completely. The other person may remain seated and drink just a bit, but usually they will go out of their way to show you the same respect.

Respect and “Face”

“To me, your “face” is your position and standing in the eyes of others, and it also has to do with the degree of respect you receive. Face can also be saved up over time and used to accomplish things later on. If you drove a fashionable or luxurious car to attend a friend’s party, then the majority of your friends would feel that you had face. Also, if you can achieve something through your personal contacts that others cannot through normal channels, you would also be thought to have face. You can gain face if you are praised by your boss, or if you accomplish a difficult task at work. However, if you greet others warmly at social events, but are met only with indifference, then you would lose face. Questioning someone’s  ideas or opinion in a public setting would cause that person to lose face.”
– James Tan, Sales Manager, Shanghai

When a client relationship is established in China, the client more often than not receives more Face in the early stages of a relationship from the “seller.” Face must be given to the client to make him or her believe that the seller is worthy of their money and time.

Sometimes giving Face to a contact entails simply words and compliments, though sometimes gifts are required and invitations to dinners, entertainment, or other social events.

To the Chinese there is a natural order in society as well as business, and if one is unwilling or unable to show the proper amount of Face to those that feel they deserve it, then one will likely be judged to not have good character. This has the potential to wreck business deals and sour relationships, so with regard to the issue of Face most Chinese business people tread with care.

Food and Eating

Now, you will need to be a little buzzed when the food is set out. In China they eat everything. So if you are a bit squeamish, you had best be fortified with strong liquor.  Fish are presented with all the bones, so you must be careful and eat around them. In the USA the cook guts the fish (fillets it), and throws away the head, tail, and fins. Not so in China. They love that stuff.

Chinese chicken
The Chinese eat everything. They love the differences in flavors and textures.

Chicken will have everything thrown into one pot. This will include the entire bird from heart to legs, and everything in between. The only thing missing would be the feathers. And you, you as the host will be given the chicken head on a plate.

Chicken Head
Cooked chicken head. All ready to eat. Enjoy yourself. Show the boss some respect and pop this sucker in your mouth and suck on it. Just make sure you had some alcoholic beverage first.

For me, I really wow everyone buy sticking the head in my mouth and sucking on it for five or ten minutes, then I spit it out in a napkin. I always get a round of drinks out of it. Personally, I think it helps make me a little strong in the bedroom area, if you know what I mean. There must be some mineral, vitamin or protein that is in the fish head that is good for older men, me thinks.

Try everything.

The single biggest cultural conflict I found was the Western rule that you should finish the food put in front of you with the Chinese rule that a guest should never be left with an empty plate or cup, and should always be urged to eat and drink.  At first, I felt that I was in a contest to try to eat and drink everything they gave me, until I realized that it was acceptable for me to politely refuse to eat or drink more.

-What are the biggest cultural shocks when you visit China

The host will make sure that you bowl is filled. Unlike the United States, a full bowl is a sign that you are finished eating. In the States, we couldn’t leave the table until everything was cleaned off our plates. “Waste not, want not” is the saying I believe. Well, that doesn’t go down too well in China. I must have gained fifty pounds before I figured it out.

Make sure that food remains in your bowl.

Oh, yeah, in China it is totally fine to spit things out on your plate. So you eat some fish, you can spit the bones on the plate near you or on the table cloth. Same with the bones, grizzle, and chicken claws.

Finally, the Chinese do not use "fortune cookies". They haven't the foggiest idea what they are. Most think that it is disgusting to have written paper inside a cookie that you eat.

KTV Prep

Eventually, the bottles of wine will be empty. Everyone will be full.

The aide will gather the left over bottles. Any cigars you are smoking will be finished. The aide will call the KTV and make sure that the room is reserved. He will typically get up off from the table and call at the side of the room, or in the hallway. The boss might call the manager of the girls (they operate outside of the club), and make what ever arrangements that he has in mind.

Typically (but not always) the manager of the girls will be an attractive woman in her 30’s. Hard as nails, and no-nonsense. Most have raised up through the ranks to get where they are today. Think Sharon Stone in the movie Casino.

You build relationships with these managers. As such, you get to know them. They manage the girls and they provide promotions and arrangements as necessary.

  • Sometimes girls want to be with their friends. So they would only work with a client if their friend can participate. I’ve seen this with two girls, and three girl teams. The only thing about this is that you need to make sure that all of the girls are equally playful. No one wants to spend any time with a sour-puss that has some home or family issues. Or even worse, a gal who just stands there stamping her foot anxiously and demands that both girls leave. Yikes!
  • Sometimes the girl has had a bad run of luck, and hasn’t been selected all week. So the manager would promote the girl. Maybe offer a reduced price, or extra services, or extra-long time, or maybe cart Blanche on the activities involved in.
  • Sometimes the timing is really bad, as all the girls are at home during holidays, or a number of the most popular girls are sick. The manager would need to make this clear and work out arrangements that might make some of the more unpopular girls more attractive to the client.
  • Often, the girl might not want to be physical with you. That is fine. That is her choice. The manager will then find a girl that will want to. In general, I would rather be with a girl that is enthusiastic to be with me, than a girl I picked based on appearance. No matter what you might think, the truth is that there will always be some girls that would really want to be with you.

Now, the management fee for the girls is actually quite small. This is something that surprised me. In The United States, I was under the impression that all prostitutes had pimps and the pimp would take the vast bulk of the money the gals made. Not so in China.

Han Chinese
Chinese girls for the most part are Han Chinese. This is the same race as the Koreans. In a like way, the Han Chinese and the Koreans are very similar. This picture is a mixture of both Korean and Chinese girls. Can you tell who is who?

The manager is paid by both the girls and the KTV. The payment amount is often quite small. Maybe a few hundred RMB a month (Maybe $30 / month). They make their money in volume, and repeat customers. If you have a troop of one hundred girls, that’s a solid $3,000 USD per month on girls alone. That is un-taxed, and keep in mind that that is actually equivalent to maybe $20,000 / month. Because the cost of living in China is much less than that in the Untied States.

Once, the girls have been introduced to the clients (as discussed later), final payment arrangements will have been established by the KTV and the manager. The money that exchanges hands goes into two batches. There is a direct “tip” that is given to the manager as a “thank you” for their services, and the transaction between the girl and the guy who selects her. In the case of the boss buying the girl, it is handled by his side. The girl gets 100% of that money.

Anyways, more about that later…

Whatever arrangements are made, eventually you will be led (oh yes, boy… you will be led) to the car and then to the KTV.

Some more Chinese KTV hostesses
Typical Chinese KTV hostesses. They wear different outfits, and it is not unusual for them to change in and out of the different outfits all night depending on the client and the situation. I always like the “Gone with the Wind” look where the girls would dress up in these huge flowing dresses, and have their makeup all done up. It’s a real experience, let me tell you.

From that moment on, you will be given “Red Carpet” treatment. You have proven yourself. If you handled yourself well, you out drank the boss, out smoked the co-workers, and ate a chicken’s head and spit it out. You gave the boss great face. Now, it is his turn to repay the favor.

How he will give YOU face.


The KTV will be lit up like a Casino. You will typically be driven directly to the front door, and an assistant will open the door open for you to exit the car from. It is important that you take your time. Stand straight. Smile, and look around you. The manager of the girls might greet you there. Though, she would make a bee-line to the factory boss first.

You will be led into the lobby. It will be well-attired and look like the inside of a casino or movie theater from the 1920’s. Lining both sides of the lobby, and forming a path would be two lines of girls. One on our left, and one on your right. Big KTV’s might have a couple of hundred girls in the line up, while smaller KTV’s might only have a handful.

KTV lobby lineup
Here is a typical lineup of girls in the lobby of a KTV. This is obvious a small-town or rural business KTV. There are only a few girls and the establishment is more hotel than KTV. They girls are all wearing identical dresses and welcome you. Typically they might bow and welcome you to the KTV, while the lead girl might take your arm and lead you to the room chosen for you.

The girls will all be wearing the same style outfit. Typically a dress. It seems like the classier places have the girls wearing long gowns. The girls will all be made up, and smiling. Every time that I go through these kinds of lines, I end up getting a great big grin on my face. The girls see this and start giggling, whispering to themselves, and smiling back.

All are stunning.

KTV girls upon arrival
Typical KTV girls. Some wear the same kinds of outfits, while others dress for the theme for the day or week. The girls need to purchase all the clothes that they wear. Most KTV’s require them to wear traditional Chinese dresses with a slit up the one leg and one shoulder bare.

Some KTV’s, especially in the smaller towns, cities and rural areas only have a few girls to choose from. You always get a better and bigger selection of girls in the bigger cities. In places like Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Beijing there might have 250 to 600 girls to select from. All are stunning.

I only wish that I could have photos to post about this issue.

In fact, the demand for the girls to work is so high, that the KTV’s often have to turn away girls and charge them to work there. That’s absolutely right. They have to pay a monthly fee for the privilege of working there. However, it makes sense when you really think about it.

KTV Hostess
The girls are considered Hostesses, as they not only entertain their client during the KTV adventure, but they can sing, and dance as well. I have five years semi-professional ballroom dancing experience, and all can follow quite well. Notice the girls. They all have a darker complexion, wider noses, and shorter in statue. They are obviously from the Southern section of China.

The best way for a girl in her 20’s to meet a successful businessman, or middle manager is though a KTV. That way, she can get picked, and if she likes the man, she can stay in contact with him. Often making other arrangements. Many girls date men this way, and often have a group of guys that follow them around and give them money and such. As the guys, just like the girls, want to pick a high-quality mate.

In China, it is critical that the girls get married before they turn 28. They are considered to be non-marriageable after that date. So what the girls tend to do is spend their 20’s looking the best that they can, and doing what they can to attract the most suitable man. Otherwise, their parents will fix them up with a date. While the girl can say no, what usually happens is the girl just gives up and shrugs her shoulders and say “well, he’s good enough”.

To prevent this from happening, many girls work as KTV hostesses if they are in any way attractive.

Attractiveness is a cultural construct. The ideas of what is attractive varies from culture to culture. In China the attractive girls tend to be pale, frail, with big eyes, long black hair and a shape that is known as “fish shaped”.  In the states, especially over the last decade or two, the ideas of female attractiveness has migrated towards dark skin, big pouty lips, big breasts and big asses. Which often causes some surprise to the girls who work at the KTV. They ask “why do Americans always pick the ugliest girls”?

Chinese ideal for beauty
Ideas about physical beauty vary from culture to culture. In China, the ideal is pale skin, a calm and pleasant demeanor, long black hair, big eyes, and a pleasant smile. They tend to have a fish shape for a body and walk in a calm purposeful manner.

It’s a cultural thing.

If you read my post about the r/K theory, culture and society migrates biologically towards situations that improve species survival. In the United States, it is a r-society. It is a society where there is abundance. So people act similarly to rabbits. In a K-society, like China it is a land of scarcity. So they tend to be more predatory, like wolves.

r/K selection theory

That translates into many aspects of society. One of which is conceptions of beauty.

Now, I had best make this clear right off. A hostess doe not necessarily have sex with the clients. No. Instead, they party with them. They play games with them. They drink and dance with them. If there is a mutual interest, the manager can broker a financial payment arrangement that favors the girl.

There is no guarantee that the girl will trade sex for money. In China, the girl controls what will happen. It’s all up to her. The only thing the guy gets to do is pick her out of a line up. Everything else is fully scripted and controlled by the girl.

Whether or not a girl will have sex with a client is a decision made by the girl.

Sometimes she just feels like she wants to have sex. Sometimes she doesn’t, as it might be her period, and in China this is a big no-no. Maybe she isn’t going to have sex because one of her girlfriends in the club is not having sex. Maybe she doesn’t like you. Maybe you stink, or remind her of someone else. Maybe you are too old, too young, too poor, or just too drunk. Maybe your skin color is too dark, or you are Arabic, or you showed a lack of manners.  In all cases… she decides what will happen.

In any event, the girl’s manager will know exactly what is going on and will steer more willing and able girls your way if need be.

KTV room
The KTV rooms are often lavish. They are nice and typically dark so that all kinds of activities and things can occur. The bosses aide will get the thing going by talking to the room manager and arranging for food and drink to be brought forth.

When you enter the KTV, you will typically walk through the gauntlet of girls, totally overwhelmed, and be led to your KTV room. These are nice private rooms with bathroom facilities, food trays and all sorts of drinks. As you go in, you pick a seat and make yourself at home.

Soon enough, they will start bringing the girls in. They will bring them in at 20 a time. They girls will parade in front and form a line. Then upon command they will turn around so that you can see their back. They will then strike a pose. There are numerous poses that they take on. All are very becoming and quite attractive.

Staged KTV Hostesses
Chinese KTV Hostesses waiting in readiness for a line up. Typically they get together and stage themselves in an empty KTV room or in the hallway.

Nothing out of Jerry Springier, and no fat girls waving their enormous spandex tight asses. That is reserved for President Obama’s America. No. Here, the girls are demure, polite and act respectful. After all, day in and day out, they are paraded in front of factory bosses, internet CEO’s, Directors of banks, and other managers of high regard. They want to look their best, and be their best.

Contrary what the news media or the internet might say, China is not a “sex monger” paradise. It just isn’t. China is a nation of hard working nerds. If you want to experience some of the rewards of hard work, labor and study, then come to China. Otherwise and else look elsewhere.

These girls will smell a fake a mile away. You had best be working hard. Show that you know your stuff, and are willing to provide fun and entertainment to your business contacts. China is all about hard work, and relationships. If you are willing to work hard, and have built up a presence in China, and going to a KTV would be your reward.

The Scheme

In general, you can select a person to have a good time with. If you are a guy, this would be a girl. If you are a girl, this would be a guy. You pay them, maybe 300 RMB ($50) and they will play games with you, sing with you, dance with you, and talk with you. This is all over China. It’s common from Bars, to clubs, to hotels to KTV’s. It’s a great way to pass the time, and make some new friends.

The difference is that at a Business KTV, the girls are also willing to spend more (ahem) quality time with you afterwards. They also tend to be more frisky. Heh heh.

All for a price, don’t you know…


The age of the girls differs from most other KTV and bar avenues. Inside a business KTV, the girls are expected to provide a service. That means, that they are forbidden to sit there and play on their cell phone once they are selected. That means that they must play with the client, and monitor his drink intake. It means that they must control the environment so that he has a good time and does not lose any face. Young girls are too inexperienced, or not mature enough for this level of responsibility.

The girls in a business KTV are typically between 22 and 29 years of age. I would guess that the highest percentage of them are around 23 to 25 years old.

Girls of the Business KTV.
The girls that you will encounter as Hostesses in a Business KTV in China will tend to be attractive, and stunning. These girls are really high quality, young and intelligent.

Girl Selection

The most important thing, and the only thing that you have any degree of control over is the selection of the Hostess. Pick the girl that strikes your fancy. If she is in the first line up, so be it. I typically get a girl by the time the third line up enters. I mean, goodness, if you cannot find an attractive girl when 60 attractive females are paraded in front of you, then you are useless.

You can ask the girls to turn around so you can see their backsides.

You can also ask which ones speak any English. Though, for the most part the KTV’s are loud and noisy. So we just use YouDou or WeChat to translate. In any event, you want a girl that you will have fun with.

During the selection process the girls will typically all have a number pinned to their dress. This number is the number of the girl and is used for billing purposes. There will also be variations in color. The color range is usually based on three stages; cheap, middle, and expensive. Maybe yellow, green and red for example. As an American, my tastes do not match those of a Chinese man. So, as a result, a cheap priced girl I might find fantastically alluring, while an expensive priced girl might be too thin or pale for my tastes. In any event, if the boss is paying your way. Price is no object.

The girl will remove the number shortly once she settles down with a client. Generally, she will continue to wear the introductory dress for the first hour or so, then she will live to the locker room and change into her day to day clothes. High-end girls will typically change into a nice party dress, while more “regular” girls will change into street clothes. This might be a sweater and a pair of jeans or something similar.

Often, I have been given the opportunity to select two girls, and even three, to play with. But, you know, I am just a man. I am not a machine.

I am a man. I am not a machine.

Now, this is not the USA. You can play with the girls and you most certainly will. Throughout China, the girls are hand’s on. Meaning that you can pretty much explore their entire body with your drunk roaming hands. Now that pretty much remains the case whether or not you take them to the room upstairs with you.

However, please take note, that a slimy drunk slob is not someone that any of the Hostesses would want to spend any time in the room (or bed) with. So, as a rule, I for the most part remain a gentleman, and only initiate sexual contact when edged on by the other boss, or if presented with that opportunity by the girl herself.

That being said, depending on the time, place, and the situations, sometimes the girls might elect to  go semi-nude. They will take off their dress and be with you only wearing their panties. Unlike the United States, the rest of the world doesn’t have the same kind of taboos about woman’s’ breasts that Americans have. So if this is indeed the case, just enjoy and have a good time.

It will be a good time.

About the Girls

The Chinese culture is not the same as American culture is. It is very traditional. Girls expect a traditional man, and they take on traditional roles. In their young years, from around 18 to around thirty, the girls will concentrate on building a career (if that is their preference) and attracting a mate. In today’s society, the female is expected to be married, take care of a family and have a baby.

It sounds so strange to us Americans.

For we have had decades of new progressive values rammed down our collective throats. We have been taught that men and woman (as well as just about all of the other 64 genders) have the same values and interests. We are taught that it is very sexist to be attracted to a pretty girl. We are taught that looking at an attractive girl is the same as raping her. We are taught that men don’t own women, and the highest complement that a woman can have is to be superior to a man in every way possible.

It’s no wonder that America is the way it is today.

Meanwhile the rest of the world has traditional values. Women are taught to be attractive. They want to be attractive. They want to be ladylike, and they yearn to become a mother with a family and a man that supports them. They learn how to budget for a family. They know how to cook, care for sick family members, and do what ever it takes to support the man to earn and make money. For in a traditional society, the man is the bread-winner. The wife tends to the home. She tends to the family, and she tends to her man.

In China, young women do what ever they can to increase their chances for finding “Mr. Right”. Though, in Chinese terms, this doesn’t really equate to heart-felt love. Instead it equates to finding a good strong “family man” who will work hard, support the family, and support her family. In a like way, Chinese men feel the same way. They want to become the strong man in charge of the family. They want to be able to provide for their family. They want to participate in the education and growth of their children.

The ladies spend hours getting ready for work.

Prior to showing up at work, typically around four or five, the ladies will be at a hair salon. They will get their hair all fixed. They will have their nails done, and have a professional makeup artist apply the makeup. There is an entire sub-culture of salons that cater only to the KTV trade in this respect. Once all dressed up, they make their way to the KTV and clock in. There, they go to their lockers and see which dresses and outfits that they are assigned to wear for the day.

In Shenzhen, you can often see these gals in the salons in  Louhu village getting ready for the night’s adventures.

Girls and the KTV table.
Once everything gets settled, the lights might come on so that people can check their phones, and notice where the chargers are. As all girls have the latest in cell phone technology. All rooms are fully Wifi enabled. They will typically get out of their costumes and put on party clothes so that they can be more comfortable with the clients. Here, you can see that the girls have changed out of their formal costumes and are wearing their outside clothes. In this case, mostly short party dresses.

The girls typically share an apartment with another girl or two. If they have a string of men that support them, they might have their own apartment that is provided to them by a love-struck hopeful. It’s not really an issue, as typically the men only visit China once every three or four months. They can rearrange their busy schedule (and trust me, for some gals, it is really busy) and make time for their one man to visit China.

Girl Types

The girls are semi-predictable.

22 year old Chinese girls
Chinese ladies are very beautiful when they are 22 years old. They know how to take care of themselves, and spend a lot of time to look well and dress properly.

The youngest girls at a Business KTV will be no younger than 21 years old typically. The younger girls, of course, use the money they earn for new clothes, phones, and fashion. They tend to make many blunders. They often lose their phones, get too drunk, and get tangled up with bad people. Somehow they always seem to brush it off adroitly.  This means that they might end up trying some drugs, or having their money stolen, or get into a fight with another girl. The younger gals that I know are usually out of the business after one or two years. These girls tend to get pregnant really young, maybe 23 years old. In China having a baby under 28 is considered very young.

Girls in their middle 20’s, say 25 to 27, who have already been doing this for a few years have decided to earn money for their own purposes. They are fully ready to get married and channel all their money into looking good and snagging as many hopeful men as possible.

25-year old Chinese girls
Here is a selection of “typical” 25 year old girls in China. Also just as beautiful as their younger counterparts. However, at this age, they are much more focuses and motivated in finding a good mate and establishing a good family.

The girls in their middle-20’s, if they have the beauty, they migrate to the cities and go to the very expensive KTV’s. Here they can make enormous amounts of money, as well as meet some very powerful people. Again, the end goal is to get married to a “good man” (by Chinese standards) and have a family by the time they are 28.

Those who are older than this, typically are focused on setting up their own business. For one reason or another, they no longer rely on the objective of having a man provide for their family and children. They believe that they can do it on their own. Their objective is thus different. It is to set up their own business, where they can control the finances, and establish a family. This could be anything from their own hair salon, fashion boutique, or food franchise. I have met a girl who owns a number of famous Western franchises in China. I don’t know about you guys, but it would take me a century to save up to buy a McDonald’s franchise on an engineering salary.

30 Year old Chinese girls
Here is a selection of some Chinese ladies that have reached thirty years of age. The Chinese female form certainly ages well. At this point in time of their life, they have decided to move forward on their life alone, and career, business and other pursuits take precedence over finding a mate.

Most of the managers of the girls fit this last profile.

China holds the title for the world’s most female billionaires.

Having Fun

The parties can get rather crazy. However, mostly I would say that they are pretty stable affairs, with drinking, singling and playing games of dice. The most popular game is a game of five dice in a small red plastic cup. You shake the cup and the person who loses has to drink. There are various games that fit within this framework. All are similar and structured the same way; to get drunk.

Boss in the KTV
When a boss goes to a Business KTV, he can let his hair down, relax and have a good time. He can eat, sing and enjoy the friendship of an attractive female companion. What is not to like?

Other games include burning a tissue holding the dice in a cup, number games, and of course singing. I cannot sing Chinese songs very well, so Duets are out of the question. But I can sing numerous Chinese songs which surprises the ladies. However, all in all, I like to sing American songs.

A little beer is definitely in order (and is usually cheap) so order some Tsing Tao and get to work. In the KTV, it is perfectly fine to start drinking beer. Though I am often entangled with some younger Chinese managers to drink beer until they pass out. I usually have none of that nonsense, and ask my companion to take over for me. I am a boss, I don’t need to prove that I can drink.

Certainly not using beer. It is like water to me.

If you don’t like singing the girls will often sing to you and sometimes they’re pretty good (they get lots of practice). There are various games.  I like to play the games with dice, which is a drinking game.  One game involves covering a glass with tissue and taking turns burning the tissue to see who will cause a die on the paper to fall.  They also really like playing rock paper scissors. (The American version comes from China.)

My preferred American songs include groups such as Aerosmith, and country and western singers. Ah, many a night the ladies would have to endure me singing Oasis’s song “Wonderwall”, and “She ain’t Right”, by Lee Brice. Of course, you must have the girls belt out a tearful love song or two. This is mandatory, and make sure that you fuss over them. It is the closest way that any Chinese lady will express any emotion.

Remember, the KTV environment is a “safe space” where the individual is protected and permitted to let “it all out”. They can be crazy. They can be emotional. They can be and live the fantasy that they want.

At some point a guy or a gal is going to come in with a cart full of goodies… little snacks and stuff like that. It’s cheap by American standards so don’t worry. For us locals, well, we tend to think of it as expensive and pricey.

High end joints will have a cigarette girl wearing a crotch-high cute dress and a little bell-boy pill-box hat.  They will have a wooden tray in front with all kinds of cigarettes and cigars (from Cuba no less). I always like to get a cigar, and (since this is China) no one would dare disrespect me (and lose face) by telling me not to smoke it.

Nude and Playful

Sometime during your evening you may also be offered a strip tease show by one or more girls. (Typically, all the girls would participate.) It costs extra, find out how much before you buy. For the longest time I refused these opportunities, as well as two-somes and group-fun. Now, I never refuse. You can keep all that Puritanism and shove it up where the sun don’t shine.

Now, of course, this is not like what you would expect in the United States. No girl will get at a pole and strip off her clothes to the music. Nope. Instead, the girls will just undress right there on the sofa next to you. They will be fully nude except for panties and high heels. There are pretty quick about it too. They just kind of slinky out of their dress and sit there smiling.

Expect a bare minimum of 10-15 minutes of full contact fun. This will include lap dancing and other playful antics. Truthfully, once started, it actually tends to last all night. Hey! No problem.

The policy is “please touch” unlike the in the US where that will get your ass kicked by a steroid abusing meathead bouncer. However, in China it’s ok.  And I like it that way.  (This is true even if they still have their clothes on. You can roam all over their bodies as you desire. This is China for goodness sakes!)

Of course, you need not get too hot and bothered. Many of the girls will grab your crotch and try to guess the size of your member in length, girth, width and stamina. For instance, you might be with one girl, and another girl will sit on your other side and start feeling your nether regions and adjusting things down there for you. (Personally, I think it is their way to judge how much they can make off you later on…LOL.)

It’s sorta like an appetizer for things later on, or (perhaps) used to entice you to pay up for a “long-time” girl. Anyways, it really doesn’t matter. In a business KTV the boss host will pay for everything. So agree to it.

Parties can be fun

So everybody is well fed, well drunk and you’ve had your fill of beer, karaoke, weird Chinese snacks and strip shows – now what? It’s up to you… usually.   Sometimes, depending on the arrangement with the girls manager, the parties can get really fun, as these two videos can attest…

The girls will typically have a good time. Their enjoyment is directed by their manager, who works out what ever arrangement that is proper with the host boss. They will be edged on by the other girls who might inspire playful acts of a sexual nature and other curious events. The basic idea is to get drunk. Lower your inhibitions and have a good time.

As these videos attest, being with a cute gal getting drunk and playing around is a great reward for an ambitious boss.

The KTV is a refuge. It is a controlled environment where a person can become someone else and behave differently. In China, everyone wears a mask. This is a face (mingzi) that defines their role and how they conduct their business. For many bosses they only have two roles; Boss and Family head. Each time, they must exist within that role.

They come home and the wife and the children expect the father to be a traditional father. He will play with the children. He will help them learn. He will support the wife and take care of things that she needs help with. He will do this within the role and the face that he must wear.

Then, he goes to work. He puts on the Boss face. Here there is actions and behaviors that he is culturally restrained to follow. He must maintain that appearance. He must always be calm and collected and stern and in control.

The problem is…

There is never an opportunity for him to let loose and be himself. Never. Never, that is until he goes to a KTV. There, once he is inside the doors, he is in a world where he can be himself. It is a protected world. The doors are closed and sealed. Guards protect the people inside. Female entertainment is provided, and if the KTV is half decent, the girls are vetted to make sure they do not prey on the clients.

In a KTV environment, the boss gets to “let his hair down” which is a very difficult thing to do in the Asian culture. In Western cultures everyone is “doing their own thing”. Not so in Asia. Thus the need for a release value where a hard working alpha male can have a release from the stress of life.

He eats, drinks and is merry. Then he can go upstairs to the hotel room and have a nice long happy ending with the girl that he had selected. Else, she might ride home with him to a different hotel. All of which is under the helpful and watchful eyes of his aides, the girls and KTV managers, and the security guards that are stationed for protection.

THe KTV is a place for fun.

Now who doesn’t like to smoke, drink, sing and dance with pretty girls? It’s a rare person indeed. When I grew up we used to have keg parties in the woods and we always would sing, and carry on. We always loved it when the girls would play with us and have fun. This is universal.


Of course everything comes at a price. If you are being given hospitality, you won’t need to pay for anything. However, it is always a good thing to have an idea of what the costs will be like. The days of $50 USD for dinner and all-night sex are long over. Never the less, you should understand that if you are given this kind of hospitality, you are expected to be “worth the investment”.

  • Renting the room will vary from a few thousand RMB to 20,000 RMB and up.
  • Just having a pretty girl to be with you and play will vary from 300 RMB to 750 RMB for four hours.
  • Stripped down playfulness might cost you another 500 to 2000 RMB.
  • Drinks are usually provided as part of a “meal plan” where beer and drinks are provided with snacks. This will cost from 500 RMB to 7000 RMB.
  • The girl will run from 600 RMB to 5000 RMB for a “short time” with “one shot”. Multiple shots and longer periods of time (longer than 40 minutes) can be negotiated.
  • “Long time” girls will be double that.

Thus, it should be understood that the boss could easily spend 60,000 RMB for you to have fun with and provide you hospitality. This is $10,000 USD. Do not take the hospitality lightly, and don’t insult his face in the process.


All KTV’s have a huge big-screen television that is hooked up to the KTV machine. It is a touch activated screen that you can pick a song out of. The songs are provided along with some kind of cheap video (if the actual MTV video is not available). Ask your English speaking aide to assist you.

KTV music selection
The screen to select the KTV songs is a touch activated device. There are different systems in use. But, all use a basic search engine technique and basic controls. You can search by name of song, artist, album, year, gender, theme, emotion, and a host of other criteria. These devices have everything from children’s songs to songs suitable for grandparents.

Typically, I carry in my wallet a list of groups, singers and songs that I can program and search for in the KTV. Else, you would have a dickens of a time trying to think of a song to sing. The environment is noisy and the songs that the other people are all singing are Chinese. So you will have a real hard time thinking of a song.

Once you pick out a song, you can adjust the percentage of the vocals to sing along with. It can be anywhere from 100% (as in listening to the full song) where you just sing along, to 0%, where the only vocals are your own. Personally, I like around 60% that way it doesn’t sound so bad. No one really cares how well you can sing. They just want to see you release emotion. As that is the entire purpose of a KTV in the first place.

The reverb and sound can be adjusted with echo and other effects. I personally don’t like the effect. However, others do. You just go with the flow and use the presets unless someone else says differently.

There are decades of technology behind this. Today, you can connect to the KTV player and sing to songs on your smartphone. You can search the internet, if there aren’t any songs on the local hard drive. You can do all kinds of things. HERE is a link to one manufacturer that makes these devices.


Often people get up and start dancing. You know, the Chinese are often nerds, and so the girls and the guys will get us and shake their body to the music. Not me. I took five years of professional ballroom dancing lessons. I can dance.

Which surprises the heck out of the girls.

It’s a happy and welcome surprise. These girls are trained and experienced Hostesses. they can follow my lead in dancing, and it is a real pleasure. We do the foxtrot, the merengue,  the waltz, the two step and of course the Rumba and Tango. You know, for a guy like myself, just being able to dance, with a experienced and qualified partner is worth everything.

Now, the ballroom dances are very popular in China. Often huge classes are held outdoors in the empty plazas in front of the malls and such. People dance and learn the movements on their own. But, to dance with a partner is just… magical.

I typically start out rather easy with a two-step or something basic. If they can follow well, then it eventually evolves into a tango. There, I like to get really dramatic, and the girls really get into it as well. It is truly amazing. There is something about booze, sex and dancing that brings out the raw emotion in us all.

Dancing the tango. It’s a dance of battle and wits. Once led properly, the woman can release and let herself go. She becomes the dance. The experience becomes magical.

And for the girls…

Now, you shouldn’t be under the opinion that China is a sexist nation. It’s not. Everyone is equal here. Just like the male Bosses can go to a KTV and  pick out an attractive girl to play with, a female boss can go to a KTV and pick out an attractive boy to play with.

For some reason, one that I am unsure of, the KTV boys that service the ladies all dress in white. Everything is white. They tend to be in their twenties to mid thirties. They, just like the ladies have their own network of clients and “favorites”. Often the wealthy female boss would buy expensive presents for the boys. For instance, a Ferrari, or a Lamborghini.

Yes… they are that wealthy.

Men in white
The men who take on the Host role for the female bosses would all dress in white. They would look something like this. All would be thin, well groomed and attired.

The guys typically defoliate their entire body except for the head so that there isn’t any hair. None have facial hair. They are also impeccably attired and very very clean. They take classes in how to dance, talk and make interesting small talk. Once they are chosen by the female boss, they give her every attention.

There are those who have ended up doing drugs, but for the most part, they try to keep clean and sober. They will drink but really do everything they can so that they will not embarrass their client.

The number of guys to girls ratio is smaller. If the KTV would have maybe 600 girls, it might employ only ten or so guys. The need for guys, while present, is not as great as a demand that exists for the girls. Often the guys would be friends with the girls and there would be many dates and fun times together outside of work. Both hosts and hostesses know how to have a good time so the time together tends to be of high quality.

In many ways these guys are very typical of the male version of the female Hostesses of the KTV’s in China. A well-heeled female boss can expect to have her pick for a companion for the night.

Typically, but not always, the same manager for the girls would manage the boys.

The boys can make much more money than the ladies do. If they find a rich and maybe lonely female boss, they can easily earn a couple of million dollars a year. (Seriously!) The females that hire these men are typically 40 years old and up. Many are millionaires, and some are even billionaires.

The young men who do work in the KTV’s tend to be very popular. They have cultivated their skills, and do everything that they can to be a pleasing and suitable companion to wealthy Chinese clientele.
China does not discriminate between girls and guys.  While most KTV’s maintain a contingent of girls, there are those that have a mixtures of girls and guys, and even some that are guys only.  The men, typically in their twenties are all handsome, well groomed, (clean) and attractive.  They (at least the ones I am familiar with) wear all white. (It’s a Shenzhen thing, I hear.) The situation and selection for them is the same.  The only difference is that what a woman finds attractive in a rent-a-boy is different than what a guy finds of interest in a rent-a-girl.

They also tend to be rather torturous with the young men. I have heard stories of the women getting the guy so worked up and horny and not permitting him to ejaculate. And sit there, with their friends, enjoying him suffer. They would make sure that he would take the necessary medicine to get an erection and drive him insane with desire. Then watch him pine away in agony.

I have heard stories of women burning parts of the boys skin with cigarettes and melting hot wax and pouring hot oil on parts of their bodies. Some can be rather cruel. I have no idea why this is so. Maybe they are tying to get back at the male gender for some reason or the other.

I understand that some KTV’s allow the boys to mix up their outfits somewhat. This is only hearsay. The KTV’s that I know of have a strict all-white dress code to prevent confusion. I have heard that some allow certain exceptions to the dress code so as to be on the cutting edge of fashion.

White uniform
Certain KTV’s permit the boys to accessorize their uniform and costumes somewhat. As in China, the boys do not have the same kinds of freedoms that the girls have when it comes to the working environment and dress codes.

My former Marketing Manager thought that having an attractive man to tend to her every need was a good thing. She really enjoyed the company. I can confirm this two times, let me tell you…

Your Aide / Wingman

A very important part of your visit to a business KTV is to have an aide or wingman to look after you. They will make sure that you are registered into the room, and that your passport will not get lost or misplaced. They will keep an eye out for you and help you out of the KTV room when it is time to go.

Going to the Room

They will help you and the girls into the elevator and you will ride it to your floor. It will be something like this video below. The girls will take the lead and show you where the room is and help you get settled. They will open the door with the card key and place the card in the activation slot.

It will be like this if there are two or more girls with you…

Otherwise, if you are just going with one girl. It might be a little like this..

The girls will file into the room and my aides will collect my gear and keep it safe with him. I will retain my glasses and cell phone. Then we will call it a night.

My aides will then go off to their own individual rooms with their companions. And I will be left alone with the girls. The girls will typically find a outlet to plug and charge their cell phones with. They will check their WeChat, and confirm any last minute messages. Often they will have other guys (fans?) sending them messages that they need to respond to. I just let them take a few minutes to get settled. 

Turning In

The girl or girls get settled in. If you are there with three girls, typically two will rest in the other bed and you will be with one girl. Then they will take turns with you. If we are all too drunk it is simply a matter of passing out for five or so hours. Otherwise, showers are used and everyone gets clean.

  • Don’t trust the bath towels. I don’t care if they are sanitized. You use them everywhere except down in the groin area. Trust me, you don’t want to get the clap or some other serious illness. Use a condom.
  • Brush your teeth.
  • Make sure that you take your eye glasses off, or they might get broke while you are romping and playing around.
  • If you really like the girl, get her WeChat, so that you can get together again in the future.

Sometimes, you just want to decompress for a bit before you engage in any kind of sexual activity. When this happens I like to see where they are from and so I ask all kinds of questions about their hometown and the food that they eat. Often we talk about life and dreams. I’ve had more than a few chats about bitcoin, setting up international trade, and tax/tariff laws in the United States. Honestly I was really impressed with one gal who had a dog grooming business and a massage parlor on the side. She had her act going on.

Some of the girls are quite wild and experienced, but I am just a rather boring old Joe. So we just keep things simple, which in a way is kind of a relief to the girls. Now, keep in mind, that if you are there with multiple girls make sure that they are all EQUALLY engaged, or else the one who has been neglected all night will want to leave – thus spoiling all the fun.

Sometimes the girl will leave behind a trinket or two for you to remember them by. That’s a nice thought, but I just throw them away. If I don’t have their WeChat contact information, I probably won’t ever see them again.

The Next Day

You wake up. Your mouth tastes like a soggy ash-tray. The sink is usually stained from purple colored vomit (wine and dinner debris), and the girls are ready to finish you up for the day. While the girls are waking up, you go to the bathroom. Brush your teeth, get ready, and then go back to bed.

There will always be the “eager beaver” who will want to be first on. So let it be. Just make sure that the other girls get some. At this point, I cannot stress hard enough the importance in controlling your alcohol tolerance and the necessity of being ready for the morning festivities. Reliance on little blue pills will not cut it alone.

Eventually you will all be finished and exhausted, no doubt.

You all say good bye to each other and just lay there while your aides and managers wake up. They will tend to give you a call and then you will meet the boss again for breakfast. I would advise Jiu; congee which is made from rice. It’s a kind of rice porridge out of pork or chicken. Put something warm in your stomach for goodness sakes.

My preferred meal after a long hard night of drinking and fun is to have some nice warm congee. Often, we will eat dumplings and doujung with this as well.

Then get ready for the trip back home…


Sometime around 2013 and 2014, China really started to crack down on these establishments. Entire cities in DongGuan were affected. Today they exist, but are very quiet. More like American “speakeasy’s” of the 1920’s. It doesn’t really matter though. As long as the boss has the name and card of the manager for the girls, she can direct him to the appropriate KTV venue.

Cryptic text
While “Happy endings” for massages are legal, trading sex for money overtly is not. There are various “work-a-rounds”, as not once has sex been eliminated from the needs of the human condition.

A few years back, the business KTV’s were everywhere, public and out in the open. Today, they are found hidden. They went “underground”. Also, industry has matured somewhat. You will not find so many foreigners invited to Business KTV’s as they used to be. Most Business KTV’s tend to be reserved for Chinese businessmen, as America has gotten the reputation (in China) for being Puritanical concerning smoking, drinking, singing, dancing and sex.

As a foreigner, you now need to explain that you would like to sing, and dance with pretty girls. Otherwise, the boss might provide you with Western-style hospitality. Which might be a cup of tea, a cookie and a handshake.

The Myth of the Poor Little Waifs

Many people talk about the poor young girls sold into forced slavery and prostitution. They talk about the terrible stories, and how demeaning it is. They speak as an expert because they have read about these situations. They know all about it, it seems. CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, and the Guardian has told them that this is the case…

"Ever think that these girls are kidnapped and basically sex slaves that most of the money they are making isn’t going to mamma sans, that they are forced into situations where they are sexually abused and raped.  Maybe some sit on the streets talking on the phone but that’s the lucky ones.  Human trafficking is a huge problem in china. I think your article is really insensitive and quite sexist, not as bad as “women who wear revealing clothes deserved to be raped” but still misses the fact that they might be doing this against there will!" 

Wow! How do you know all about this? Have you ever been to China? Do you even have a passport? How do you know that this is actually the case, or are you just regurgitating some bullshit that you read? I would argue the latter, most certainly.

Oh, and they are not called “mamma sans” for Christ’s sake. They are called 女经理, or if you prefer lăobănniáng.  What the fuck is “three horse horse”?

I’m in China. I’ve been living here for a long, long time. I do happen to know many of these girls. I mean it. I fucking know them. I talk with them. I eat meals with them. I go to parks with them. I’ve even helped them pick out shoes to wear. They are not some poor abused and misused waif. There might be some, Oh, maybe 0.000000000000001% chance. However, it is the exception and NOT the rule.

"Wallimo, only a very daft person couldn’t tell the difference between a self-interested gold digging KTV hostess and a sex slave.  

Everyone is aware of the human rights dilemma in China in the sex trade in particular, but even if you visited the seediest parlors and saunas from Shanghai to Lhasa, you’d probably never come across even one sex slave.

In other words, they are vastly outnumbered by girls who are willing to enter the industry for personal gain, and what’s more, they are typically trafficked into different types of establishments, mostly catering to repeat customers.

We’ve heard that finger-wagging rhetoric so much that most of us just get annoyed when people spout off on those holier-than-thou guilt trips."
From Disporia-ChinaSmack

Yeah. Those of us with REAL experiences are tired of the ignorant and their “holier than thou” attitude.

If all you read is from CNN, WaPo, and the Guardian you might be convinced that the world is going to be taken over by sex-dolls, and that sexual slavery runs rampant throughout the world. Who thinks up THIS nonsense? That, and that Donald Trump is a Russian spy, that you will keel over and die from a zombie outbreak of bird flu from Hong Kong, and we are all going to die by global warming.

Personally, I am so sick and tired of being lied to, manipulated, and having my emotions put through the wringer. It’s all nonsense used to control YOU. Don’t fall for it.

Social Justice Warriors, how’s it working out for ya? You getting the needed changes in society to make it as attractive as you desire it to be?

That’s not the truth. None of it is. Not by a long shot.

Parroting what you have been programmed to believe is far below your potential.  If you’ve got something good to say and to contribute then I would welcome your contribution. Here are some areas to start off with…

  • What is the going rate for a short-time in Daliang?
  • How much does it cost to have the hair done and fingernails done at 5pm in Shenzhen, Louhu?
  • Where do the girls get the costumes? And who does the alterations?
  • What is the busiest time in the year for Business KTV’s?
  • When the girl agrees to a contract at a Business KTV, what is the duration?
  • What is the best day to work during the week?
  • Which days are the girls permitted to take off?
  • Can the KTV provide dorms and a minimum salary, or are there free-lance considerations?
  • What is the girls locker room like in a Business KTV?
  • Where a dorm is offered, what are the sleeping arrangements, and how are the meals prepared?

If you are unable to answer any of these FUNDAMENTAL and most basic questions, than you actually know jack-shit about this industry and culture. So do not lecture me on something that you read out of a UK tabloid, or an Op Ed from a liberal American media outlet.

A Very Good Story

I have posted, on this blog, the ramblings of a “pimp” for these girls who work the KTV scene. If you want to read about this some more, then please go HERE.

Opinions of Others

Yeah, I spent the time churning this post out. I took the time to do it. I paid the money to host it. Now you, the lucky reader, can read it. Woo woo.

I have gone on to other blogs and have read the comment sections where people have torn up a guy for relating his experiences. Most of the time, the comments are juvenile with such things as you might expect. “These girls are prostitutes.” And “I would never set foot into a KTV, the music sucks.”,and “They are abused poor waifs”. OK, whatever.

This is the real deal. Like it or not.


I personally do not want to hear the opinions of someone who have never stepped out of the Untied States and is making judgements based upon their limited understandings of reality. If all you can relate about is the inside of a Bo Jangles, and your idea of hard work is coding software then you have no business being here. This place is not for you.

You don’t belong here.

You all can all go eat your pork rings, drink your expensive Starbucks coffee, and service your 400 pound overweight pink-haired ambiguous-gender friend. You can believe in reptilians taking over the government, the next war the United States will have “for Democracy”, and get ready for the global warming that will melt the ice caps. Good for you. That is your reality.

This is mine.

You want to comment. Good. Remember that here, I am GOD.  So remember who you are dealing with. Unless you are kind, and civil I won’t publish anything you say. So it might be best for you to swallow your bile and leave.


The world is filled with ignorant busybodies who want to make the world a perfect place in their own image. The problem is that their image is one that is forged thought the media. And, folks, the media in the United States is controlled by five people. That’s it. Five people control every fucking thing you read. So what you are actually doing is being a puppet for the wealthy who control you, control your thoughts and control your life.

So be it.

Call me all kinds of names. I know quite a bit more about our universe and our reality. So don’t get too hot and bothered with my thoughts, experiences and opinions. For as far as you know, I’m just bound for Hell.


Another View

Of course, you don’t have to accept what I have to report. You can just read propaganda from the news media. Here’s a good example, out of the UK (why am I not surprised?) about DongGuang. Read the article.

Inside Dongguan, China's Sin City

Some 10 per cent of Dongguan's population is said to be employed in the world's oldest profession. Tom Phillips reports from China's Sin City.

In the article, they said 10% of the city population was involved in prostitution. Wow. That’s a lot. A lot!

Let’s break that down…

Which means, that if the vast bulk of the prostitutes are female, then nearly 20% of the females in this city region are prostitutes. ( assuming a ratio of 50/50 of men and women.) If you further narrow down prostitution to be females between the ages of 14 and 40, then this article, were it to be believed, means that you would have a near 65% chance of any girl between the ages of 14 and 40, including married women as being full-on prostitutes.

You couldn’t walk down a street without seeing a prostitute in most of the ladies you walk by. You couldn’t have a coffee or tea without sharing a table with one. You couldn’t buy groceries without meeting one. You couldn’t ride a bus without seeing about half the bus as prostitutes.

Think people. Think.

God, what a slimy article, and what slimy photos. Did they even go there? Why did they pick the sleaziest section, with the sleaziest people? Anyways, they have a photo to “prove” sexual slavery of children takes place. Here it is… Look at the pitiful small babies sold into prostitution. Why, they are certainly elementary-school age!

Child Sexual Trafficing
This photo is given as proof that sexual slavery and child prostitution is “rampant” in the industrial capital of Dongguang. Look at these three children. Why they are missing their school classes and won’t be able to perform basic mathematics! How horrible! My Goodness!
  1. Did they give locations, names, and facts?
  2. Any statements that they made, are they backed up with hard information?
  3. For an in-depth article, what details have they provided, such as demographics, industry, times, income data, social concerns, statements from the local police, statistics, and the like?

All of the hard information is all missing. It’s just one of a thousand fluff-pieces designed to change the mass consciousness of the reader toward certain assumptions.

Now for some comparisons. Maybe you don’t like what I wrote. Maybe you think that I am a deplorable ass hole. Maybe you want to clutch on to your most cherished fantasy…

Well then, which article (this [1] blog post, or [2] the UK newspaper article) was more

  1.  Informative to you personally?
  2. Which one would better serve you to write a report, or
  3. investigate further issues, or
  4. spiked your interest towards different cultures and ways of life?
  5. Which one gave you a better perception of the reality of what is going on?
  6. Which article is more complete, fulfilling and worthwhile reading?
  7. Which article gave you a more fuller and comprehensive picture?
  8. Which article did you learn something new from?

What are the girls like?

Every trip is different. However, the girls tend to be attractive and high energy. Unlike the stereotypical image of Asians, most gals in China tend to be very curvy, sweet and very attractive. Sort of like these mini-videos can attest to.


This was a compilation of information that is sorely lacking on the internet; information regarding “Business KTV’s” in China. It is a huge industry, it employs millions, there isn’t one single factory or business boss that hasn’t gone to one. Everyone knows about it. But… But no one ever talks about it. Those that try, are often shouted down by the ignorant and the legions of enraged SJW who want to make the world perfect with unicorns prancing under a rainbow hued sky.

Well, now you know.

You know, knowledge is a good thing. Overall, I think that it is refreshing to hear the truth about things rather than live a lie painted by others. That’s how you grow, experience life, and make decisions upon.

Now while the Business KTV has a degree of prostitution, you should not be blinded by that sole aspect of it. The true and real purpose of a Business KTV is to reward high performing bosses and talent for contributions to the company.

Do you think that Alibaba, and Huawei got to be so big by giving their high performers paperclips and cheap pens with logos?

Is a Business KTV good or bad? I don’t know.

Seriously, the thought that I would be rewarded with a fun night with other bosses really motivates me. That is far superior to the ball-point pen with a logo that said “Success is a way of life” that Magnavox gave me for saving the company five million dollars.

It is also superior to the coupon for a free coffee at Tim Hortons that Pollak gave me for designing, producing, and perfecting the E-ETRESS system.

I personally think that it is far superior to the corporate note pad with the company logo on it that I got out of Delco Electronics for perfecting a remotely programmable SIMM on the ECM modules.

When you work and toil in your corporate job, look at how they reward you.

Girls vrs pens
What motivates you to work harder? Which is the better reward for skipping vacations, working overtime with no monetary benefit, and working weekends? Which is the better reward when you save the company a few million dollars?

I think that the Chinese system is superior.

Important Notes

  • Never refuse the offer for a dinner or KTV. While the boss might accept and agree to work with you, it will be done so reluctantly with a “clothespin on his nose”. As you have insulted him, his factory / business, and the Chinese culture.
  • Understand that the arrangements for a dinner, KTV room, and girls have already been arranged days a head of time. To think or expect otherwise is an insult to the boss who places a great deal of time and effort into the meeting with him.
  • Going to a KTV does not guarantee any kind of sexual encounter. That is up to the participants and the environment. Remember, it is the girl that decides what will happen.
  • If you are unwilling to do business in China using Chinese industrial norms, then you should expect the consequences. Don’t, for the love of God, be the “Ugly American“.

Take Aways

  • KTV’s are popular in China.
  • The business KTV’s cater to bosses. They have their own ways of doing things.
  • Both women and men can enjoy themselves at a Business KTV.
  • There is the potential for sexual pleasures at such a KTV, but it is not guaranteed.
  • Visiting such an establishment can be expensive, thus they are typically only reserved for special occasions and special business relationships.
  • Female hostesses work at a KTV for various reasons. The most common is to find a mate with a good job and a steady income. You go to where the best likelihood of finding what you are interested in, is.
  • Male Hosts work at a KTV for their own reasons. I do not know their reasons. It varies from person to person. I do not know what they are.
  • If you go to a Business KTV, take ED medication, and control your drinking.
  • The best way to impress a Chinese boss is to drink hard and eat a chicken’s head.
  • When having sex with a stranger use a condom.


Q: How can I find a Business KTV?
A: Ask the factory boss in the town that you are doing business with. He will probably be able to point you in the general direction. Else, you can go into a Business Hotel and chat with the manager there and ask where any exciting girls and girl action might take place.

Q: Is a Business KTV the only type of prostitution available in China? 
A: No. Not by a long shot. In fact, it is a rather small subset of society that caters only to company leadership, management and bosses.

There are other venues such as escorts, and the like that a person can visit and use if all you want to do is to have sex with a girl.  If all you want to do is to have sex, you can go to a salon, or pick up a street walker for maybe $25 to $50. It need not be expensive. You go, get the gal, pay the money and get yourself off. It’s far better than reliance on internet images and magazines.

Besides, these gals have families to support. Instead of giving some rich California software king your money to download an x-rated porn movie, give it to the girl’s so her children can eat dinner and her husband can get a new pair of work boots.

Q: What are the types of prostitution in China?
A: There are many.

  • Mistress or Second wife (二奶, èrnăi): She gets a monthly salary in exchange for regular sexual favors. Even if she usually does not offer romance or family life, sometimes she lives with the customer and may wish to marry him.
  • Packaged girl (包婆, bāopó ): Similar to second wives but only work for limited time, as on business trips. These two upper tiers correspond to the ancient concubine, although the second wife and packaged girl are mostly kept secretly rather than in the household. Only rich men can afford them, therefore these girls are often considered to be linked to corruption.
  • Female companions (陪女, péinǚ): You can find them everywhere in China: restaurants, karaoke – the (in)famous KTV xiăojie, – bars and clubs. Often, in bars and most typical establishments, they usually stay in a corner playing with their cell phone and drinking some cocktails till a customer arrives. Many of these girls are employed to dance, sing, drink with the customers that pay for a table or, it the case of KTVs, for a room. Some of them will eventually leave with the customers. Business KTV’s is a subset of this class, where the best girls work.
  • Escorts. These girls are available either to your room, or at their house or at a mutually agreed hotel room. They advertise on the internet, and tend to be moderately expensive. A typical example is this link for Shenzhen massage. The girls are all attractive and speak English.
Escorts can make a good decent salary, and like all industries, rely on repeat customers. Most work hard at it for five to ten years and then retire after they either traveled the world, established a family, or started a business.
  • Ding dong girls (叮咚小姐, dīngdōng xiăojie): Literally like pressing a door bell “ding dong”. Typically, they go to a hotel that seems to have a lot of customers – single and lonely men. They rent a room there and call the other rooms offering their services, usually a “massage.” Of course. having a massage with a happy ending is legal in China. It used to be that they would knock on your door, or slide a card under your door to offer you some fun services. You can add to this category also the girls that look for customers on QQ (the Chinese MSN) or on the web in general.
Ding dong cards.
Ding Dong Girls cards that were slid under my hotel door when I was staying in Shanghai. You can find these cards all over China.
  • Hairdressers and masseuses (发廊妹, fàlángmèi): Chinese hair salons and massage parlors are the place to go if you want to get a cheap “happy ending” (usually by masturbation or oral sex), especially the ones full of bored half-naked girls lighted up by pink lights you can find close to a train or subway station.
Gils in a salon
Typically the girls will be sitting around in the salon waiting for a customer to walk in. Truthfully, there are usually many many girls, often thirty to fifty that occupy one room. Great selection. Low prices and happy endings all around.

The fàlángmèi are often migrants from the countryside and perform contractual work under a proprietress (lăobănniáng) or a pimp (pítiáo) who provide them with housing, clothing and food, as well as a cell phone and monthly subscription. They do not make much more money than a worker, unless they receive tips from the customers.

  • Street girl (街女, jiēnǚ): The name explains everything. They solicit customers in the halls of the hotels, bars and other entertainment outlets. They may offer petting (shàngbànchăng, first half) or intercourse (xiàbànchăng, second half). Street prostitutes may be accompanied by a lăobănniáng or work on their own. They are those at greatest risk of being apprehended by the police. We also call them “chicken girls” which is the English translation of 街女.
Chicken girls
Here is a group of ladies photographed so that their faces remain hidden. You can easily see that they are free of tattoos, piercings, rashes or pockmarks typical of drug abuse, of normal weight – not obese – and pretty normal girls.
  • Underclass girl (下工棚, xiàgōngpéng): They live in urban slums (such as they are), or the seedier and poorer neighborhoods in the fifth tier towns.  They can typically be found at construction sites. They fill a social and sexual void, as the migrant workers usually have left their wives at home, and are paid with food.

Q: Is prostitution rampant in China?
A: No. It might seem like that because If you were to compare percentages you would be surprised to find that prostitution, by percentage of the population, is actually very tiny. Remember, China has a huge population. Like any other nation, prostitution will exist. However, China is a very conservative and traditional nation. Prostitution is not considered to be a good thing.

On the whole, if you want to see a prostitute, you should to go Thailand or the Philippines. Not China.

China is NOT a sex monger’s paradise. It is a paradise for hard workers, those who strive and achieve, and people who believe in working together for the common good. If you work hard, study hard and do your best, China will reward you. There are no easy routes in China.

When I see articles saying that China accepts prostitution and that sexual sales and slavery of young children exists, I get mad. That is absolutely not the case. NOT AT ALL. I tell you this two times. China has been very hard on the prostitution industry and many things that are fine and dandy in the West is forbidden in China. Such as unedited R-rated movies, and such. China is a conservative, traditional nation.

Q: What is the best alcohol to drink at a KTV?
A: For a business KTV, you will need to drink with the boss. After that event is finished, please heed my advice and chill out. You can drink all the beer you want. Alternatively you can drink severely watered down whiskey. Take it from me, you don’t want to wake up nude with three girls ready to have fun with you, and you are way too drunk to “get it up”. Heed my advice.

Q: Are these girls clean? Do I need to wear a condom?
A: Yes the girls are clean, and yes you do need to wear a condom. They work six days a week, most of the year. They typically have three to seven sexual adventures per week with who knows who. You do not want to catch any type of sexually transmitted sickness.

Also keep in mind that while the condom might be good, note that if you have a cut, a bruise, and a pinch from the zipper fly in your jeans, then don’t have sex. Illnesses can be transmitted through sweat and precious bodily fluids just as easily. When in doubt take care and be careful. If need be, cancel and reschedule until you are all healed up down there.

Links about China

Business KTV
Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Let’s Chat about Brown Dwarf Solar Systems

An Influencer raised some interesting questions about the physical space that surrounds our solar system.I guess people want to know just how far away other species are from us. I think people want to know “just how far do these visitors have to travel to get to earth”.

I am sorry to say that my understanding on these things are unfortunately limited. However I can posit some curiosities that might be of interest to the reader. To this end, I would like to take the time to discuss certain things. Things that might help a searcher or two find some answers. As such, let’s talk about the numerous brown dwarfs that surround us in the vast physical space that our solar system is part of.

Yeah, you know. Those dim solar systems that are considered to be barren and devoid of life, because you know, the life the star gives off is too meager for human-like intelligence’s to evolve. You know..

Let’s get started with talking about those small and dark little Brown Dwarfs…

What is a Brown Dwarf…

A Brown Dwarf is a type of star, and it’s associated solar system. It is not a fictional character from Walt Disney.  Heh heh.

Nope, not this! via GIPHY 

Fun fact, up until just a decade or two ago, people did not believe in the possibility of brown dwarfs. The idea was “if you cannot see it, and cannot measure it, it must not exist”. So, while there were many who believed that there must logically be cooler stars that we could not see “out there”, they were often ridiculed by purists and statists who insisted that “until it is observed and measured, it cannot exist”.

Well, technology improved. NASA developed some improvements in technology and special missions were set forth to find these elusive objects… Stars that are too cool and too small to be observed from earth.


Yes, they found them. They were everywhere. Not only that, but many were all around us in our own little part of physical space.

True to form, they were often tiny, small, cool and difficult to detect. We know that they are out there, though they are amazingly elusive to detect and find. The surface of some of the stars are so cool, that humans would be able to comfortably walk on the surface of the stars (given the proper conditions, of course).

In fact, astronomers had to come up with new star classifications to classify all the different types of brown dwarfs that they kept on discovering. We, of course, knew of the grand spread; O – B – A – F – G – K – M.

Of which our sun is a G-class star, and the class that we automatically assume is the home for extraterrestrial life, were it to exist. And, of which, many purists tend to suggest that it might be the only type of star to host life…



Anyways, the discoveries of the different types of brown dwarfs greatly expanded this range to include the L – T – Y classes. That’s right. Instead of finding just one type of new star, they discovered an entire world of many, many different types of stars.

The more we discovered, the more ignorant our assumptions appeared.

In fact, we had to revise our understanding of stars to begin with. For instance, what we considered as a star; the class-M, also known as a red dwarf, now became classified as a “brown dwarf”. Therefore, depending on who you are talking to, there could be either four types of drown dwarfs that include the class-M, or only three that excludes the class-M.

Talk about confusion! No wonder statists want everything in nice and neat never-changing order.

brown dwarfs
In the last decade or so, rapid advancements in technology has greatly expanded our understand of the local space that surrounds us. We now know that “outer space” is chock full of barely visible stars and near-like planets. These bodies have their own solar systems and attributes.

Brown Dwarfs

What we can pretty much say, at this point in time is limited. We now know, from observation, that these objects exist. We know that they possess orbiting planetary bodies, though many might be just small asteroid sized rocks, and that they would look like something completely alien to humans as we cannot see in the infrared range. We can only see light in the visible range.

Solar system size comparisons
Some simple comparisons between some known stellar objects and the planets that revolve and orbit around them. Large planets or stars will naturally have orbiting bodies. Some will be very large and some will be very small. TRAPPIST-1, also designated as 2MASS J23062928-0502285is an ultra-cool red dwarf star that is slightly larger, but much more massive, than the planet Jupiter; it is located 39.6 light years from the Sun. Seven temperate terrestrial planets have been detected orbiting the star, a larger number than detected in any other planetary system

These are much cooler and dim stars and their tiny and tight systems compared to our solar system. We know that they can age. As such, they can be very old or very young.

All possess the elements for native evolved life. Just like the moons of Jupiter and Saturn can host conditions that would enable life to appear.  Thus, we shouldn’t be too surprised that native life can evolve on the planets that circle these dim stars. Now, of course, the life would not resemble anything that would evolve around our star. It would be something else entirely.

Fundamentally, it would evolve some kind of eyesight that would enable it to see within the infrared range. It would need to see in this range. Else, other senses would be required to help the creatures stumble around in the bleak darkness.

The reader must remember that up until the first brown dwarf was discovered (not too long ago) there was “no proof” for the existence of these systems.  As such, any work regarding them was considered frivolous. Much like mainstream treats world-line MWI today.


Around Us

Here is a short compilation of just a handful of the brown dwarfs that surround us nearby. It is not a complete list, but it should be enough to talk about some of the interesting characteristics of the space that surrounds us. For if we were to know of our environment, perhaps we would better understand our role in this universe.

"...the WISE team found that 33 brown dwarfs can be found within 26 light-years of sun."

Now, I have to point out that none of these stars have been given proper names yet.

Instead, they have been given designations based on the technology that discovered them. Such as WISE, or 2MASS. So, please excuse the lack of exciting and exotic names.  One day, they will be given proper names. Probably some “blue ribbon panel” will come up with some kind of payment scheme to name these solar systems… don’t ya think?

  • Luhman 16 (A & B)
  • WISE 0855-0714
  • WISE 1541-2250
  • UGPS 0722-05
  • Ross 154 (V1216 Sgr)
  • WISE 1828+2650
  • Ross 248 (HH Andromedae)
  • WISE 1506+7027
  • WISE 1405+5534
  • WISE 0350-5658
  • WISE 0410+1502
  • WISE 0350-5658
  • Teegarden’s Star
  • DEN 1048-3956
  • UGPS 0722-05
  • WISE J1741+2553
  • WISE J0254+0223
  • DENIS / DEN 0817-6155
  • DENIS / DEN 0255-4700
  • WISE J163940.83-684738.6
  • WISE J052126.29+102528.4
  • LP 944-020
  • WISE J200050.19+362950.1
  • DENIS 0255-4700
  • 2MASS 1835+3259
  • 2MASS 0415-0935
  • WISE 1741+2553
  • LSR J1835+3259
  • WISE 0359-5405
  • 2MASS 0937+2931
  • WISE J2000+3629
  • SIPS 1259-4336

Luhman 16 (A & B)

Let’s start with one of the closest brown dwarf systems to us. It can serve as a useful “jumping off point”, and can introduce us to what they are and how they are classified.

This system is a very dim and obscure system which has only just recently gotten any kind of attention. It consists of two stars, called “star A” and “star B”, or “Luhman A” and “Luhman B”. Luhman B orbits in a wide  elliptical (as observed from earth) orbit relative to Luhman A.

Now, I am sure that the reader might be curious as to why it is named the “Luhman system”. Well, the system was named after the scientist that discovered it. That was Kevin Luhman, astronomer from Pennsylvania State University . He named the stars “A” and “B”, and others (maybe from his fan base, or more likely peers) referred to them as “Luhman A” and “Luhman B”.

Luhman AB orbit
The orbits of the two brown dwarfs that comprise the Luhman solar system. To us, on earth, the orbit appears that Luhman B orbits Luhman A in a wide elliptical orbit.

Luhman 16 (also known as WISE 1049-5319, and WISE J104915.57–531906.1) is a binary brown-dwarf system in the southern constellation Vela.  (It is also a possible trinary system candidate, with yet another brown dwarf companion. Ah, but let’s hold off on that star until we get some confirmation of it’s membership.)

It lies at a distance of approximately 6.6 light-years from the Sun. Now, that is pretty close. Our nearest neighbor is the Alpha Centauri solar system which is just a little over 4 light-years away.

The pair is the (known) closest brown-dwarf system to the Earth.

Luhman 16 A is about 32 times Jupiter’s mass, and Luhman 16 B about 27. That means both are far less massive than the Sun (combined they equal 0.056 the Sun’s mass), which is consistent with them being brown dwarfs.

Both stars are very cool and they do have solar systems, though whether there are any habitable planets around either star is unknown and speculative.  Personally, I believe that there wouldn’t be any earth-compatible habitable planets simply due to the lack of sufficient illumination from the brown dwarf suns.  Any native life would be such that would survive on internal planetary heat or has biologically adapted to a low (visible) light environment.

Such as which is found deep under the seas or inside caves below the ground.  The ability to see is not a prerequisite for intelligent life.  It is only our degree of comfort with native Earth life that gives us this impression.

Since these stars are all rather stable, the possibly of native life and biological incubation planets cannot be precluded.

Luhman 16A (WISE 1049-5319)

Let’s start by looking at the first of these two stars. Let’s look at the Luhman 16A star.

Luhman 16A (WISE 1049-5319) is a class L8 brown dwarf. As stated previously, brown dwarfs have been classified as falling within one of three sub-categories. These include the L – T – Y classes. As such Luhman 16A is a class L8 brown dwarf.

L dwarfs are characterized spectroscopically in the far red by weak or absent bands of TiO and VO, strong bands of FeH and CrH, and strong lines of neutral Na, K, Cs, Rb, and sometimes Li. In the near-infrared they show strong bands of H2O along with bands of FeH and CO and lines of neutral Na and K.  

The L dwarf sequence spans the temperature range from ~1300 to ~2000 °K.

Star classifiations by characteristic
Stars are classified by the spectra that is observed from earth. We can take the light from the telescope and break it down into it’s components. The components are then read, just like a fingerprint. It enables us to see what metals are burning away deep inside the star by the light emitted.

Brown dwarfs form independently, just like “regular” stars do, but they lack sufficient mass to “ignite” as stars do.  Thus, these stars do not radiate light as brightly as stars like our sun do.  Instead they radiate very low levels of light and radiation.  As such, they might appear to us like a bigger and hotter version of the planet Jupiter, but would be slightly brighter and appear magenta in color to our human eyes; a “Hot Jupiter” perhaps.

Could brown dwarfs be considered to be like a "Hot Jupiter"?

Now, "Hot Jupiter's" are a brand new "animal" that we are just trying to figure out. It seems that they might be spawned from other solar systems, and move about, eventually entering orbits with other solar systems or meeting up with other "Hot Jupiter's" to form their own unique solar system.

Maybe this is how the Luhman solar system was formed…

Based on a sample of our one and only solar system, astronomers once expected most planetary systems to have small, rocky planets (like Earth) orbiting close to their host star, and massive, Jupiter-like planets orbiting farther out.  However, with the discovery of the first exoplanets, this simple model was shattered. Those planets, the Hot Jupiter's, were different from anything we had ever expected.

Comparable in mass to Jupiter, they move on incredibly short period orbits, almost skimming the surfaces of their host star. Instead of Jupiter's sedate 12-year orbit, they whizz around with periods of days, or even hours. Finding planets on such extreme orbits meant a major rethink.

As a result, a new suite of theories were born. Rather than planets forming sedately at a fixed distance from a star, we now picture migratory planets, drifting huge distances as they grow.

Rather than moving in the same plane as their host star's equator, some Hot Jupiter's turned out to have highly tilted orbits. Some even move on retrograde orbits, in the opposite direction to their star's rotation. To understand these observations, astronomers have developed new models, featuring evolution that allows migrating planets to become misaligned. The most promising share a common theme, a period of high eccentricity migration.

High eccentricity migration models run as follows. Giant planets form, as expected, on initially circular orbits, well aligned with their host's equator. As the systems evolve, the planet's orbit is perturbed by other massive objects in the same system (most likely, a companion star). As a result, the planet's orbit becomes significantly less circular (more eccentric). At the same time, its inclination can be pumped up, becoming misaligned. If a planet's orbit is sufficiently tilted, compared to that of its perturber, an additional effect can kick in, known as the Kozai-Lidov mechanism.

Under the Kozai-Lidov mechanism, a planet's orbit can yaw wildly in space. As its orbit becomes more inclined (compared to the perturber), it also becomes more circular. Then the oscillation changes direction, and the orbit swings back towards that of the perturber, while becoming more eccentric.

The causes for the perturber, or what it actually is, is unknown at this time.

Anyways, just what does a “Hot Jupiter” or a “Brown Dwarf” look like?

We actually do not know what they would look like as we have never seen one close up.  So at this stage, everything is speculation.  My best guess is that if the reader could somehow photo-shop a red dwarf with sunspots onto an image of Jupiter or Saturn, the resulting image, if filtered properly might be something similar to what a brown dwarf could look like.  It would be very dim, but would have some limited kinds of banding, spots and areas of storm activity and “sun spot” like features on the surface.  (Which could be various phenomena related to storms or clouds given the varying composition of the star.)

Luhman 16A
This is an artistic rendering of what we assume that Luhman 16A might look like. Artist depiction of Luhman 16A.

As depicted the artist assumes that there would be no physically observed eddies and currents of stellar material on the surface of the star.  But this is not accurate.  While the stars would have a ruddy and splotchy surface, they would also have a kind of banded surface with regions of large “sun spots” and twirls and eddies reminiscent of the “great spot” on the planet Jupiter.

The degree to which these features would appear would depend on the star, it’s size and history.  My opinion is that the appearance of a brown dwarf greatly varies from star to star.

T-class brown dwarf
Artistic illustration of a T-class brown dwarf as viewed from human eyesight. Artist depiction of a typical class T brown dwarf.

The companion to Luhman 16A is Luhman 16B which is a class T1 brown dwarf.  As such it would also be enormously dim and very difficult to see with human eyes.  This is an artistic rendition of such a star, however my contention remains that it might also contain surface imperfections, swirls and eddies reminiscent of banded gas giants and sun spot plagued stars.

However, what it would actually look like would depend on the eyesight of the race observing it.

Spectral class L

Talking about red dwarfs, the defining characteristic of spectral class M, the long standing coolest star type, is an optical spectrum dominated by absorption bands of titanium(II) oxide (TiO) and vanadium(II) oxide (VO) molecules.

This was confusing. Other brown dwarfs did not have this light signature. For instance,  GD 165B, the cool companion to the white dwarf GD 165, had none of the hallmark TiO features of M dwarfs.

Now, this really confused many scientists. The subsequent identification of many objects like GD 165B ultimately led to the definition of a new spectral class, the L dwarfs, defined in the red optical region of the spectrum not by absorption metal-oxide bands (TiO, VO), but metal hydride emission bands (FeH, CrH, MgH, CaH) and prominent alkali metal lines (Na I, K I, Cs I, Rb I).

So,the L-class was was derived.

Fundamentally, L class brown dwarfs have a different visual appearance than M class stars and T class dwarfs. (This is due to the metal hydride emission bands, and alkali metal lines.)  Flares, eddies and sunspots emit these kinds of visual wave lengths that create a different visual appearing object in the sky.

Energy flux comparisons
Energy flux comparisons between different star classes to include class M and class L brown dwarfs.

Anyways, so much for how the Luhman 16A. Let’s talk about the other star, Luhman 16B.

Luhman 16B (WISE J104915.57–531906.1)

Luhman 16B (WISE J104915.57–531906.1) is a class T1 brown dwarf.  Luhman 16B possesses uneven surface illumination during its rotation.  It has large and splotchy areas of illumination which might be indicative of planetary collisions and planetary absorption in the past.

T dwarfs are characterized by methane absorption notably at H- and K-bands and show strong H2O bands throughout the far red and near-infrared regions. The known examples also show neutral K and Cs lines along with weak or absent bands of FeH and CO.T dwarfs fall at temperatures below ~1300 °K.

Alternatively it might be indicative of enormous regions of “sun spots” or other surface “imperfections” relative the primary surface composition of the stellar object.  Its companion, Luhman 16A does not have these apparent features.

The reader should recognize that brawn dwarfs have a great deal of variety in outside and exterior appearance compared to their hotter stellar neighbors.

Luhman 16B with different light intensities.
This is Luhman 16B as observed by the mightiest and strongest sensing equipment that we have. It appears that this star has enormous sunspots or areas of different intensity. Luhman 16B has a splotchy surface.

They might be a solid color showing features like “sunspots” or “storms like the big red spot on Jupiter.  Or they might have evident clouds on their surface.  Scientists don’t really know, and neither do I. This star is known to have a splotchy and irregular surface illumination.  This might be due to sun spots or other kinds of stellar atmospheric phenomena that we do not know of yet.

Here’s a fun website that discusses the cloud cover, scientific studies, and even provides a 3D color cut out model of the star!  Go here;  or go here for the fold and cut model.

Well, since the nearest solar system to us is composed of two class-T brown dwarfs, let’s spend some time talking about these stars in general.

Class T Brown Dwarfs

Again, Luhman 16B (WISE J104915.57–531906.1) is a class T1 brown dwarf. This is a different “animal” from the Luhman 16A. Remember, Luhman 16A (WISE 1049-5319) is a class L8 brown dwarf.

Whereas near-infrared (NIR) spectra of L dwarfs show strong absorption bands of water (H2O) and carbon monoxide (CO), the NIR spectrum of class-T dwarfs are dominated by absorption bands from methane (CH4). Methane. Not water, and carbon monoxide. These are features that were only found in the giant planets of the Solar System and Titan.

CH4, H2O, and molecular hydrogen (H2) collision-induced absorption (CIA) give T-class brown dwarfs a bluish appearance. These are deep blue, blue near-infrared colors. Their steeply sloped red optical spectrum also lacks the FeH and CrH bands that characterize L dwarfs and instead is influenced by exceptionally broad absorption features from the alkali metals Na and K. These differences led scientists to propose the T spectral class for objects exhibiting H- and K-band CH4 absorption.

As of 2013, 355 T dwarfs are known.

Theory suggests that L dwarfs are a mixture of very-low-mass stars and sub-stellar objects (brown dwarfs), whereas the T dwarf class is composed entirely of brown dwarfs. Because of the absorption of sodium and potassium in the green part of the spectrum of T dwarfs, the actual appearance of T dwarfs to human visual perception is estimated to be not brown, but the color of magenta coal tar dye. T-class brown dwarfs, such as WISE 0316+4307, have been detected over 100 light-years from the Sun.

Clouds on Luhman 16B

On January 29, 2014, a team of astronomers using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) announced that they had imaged weather patterns produced by very hot clouds on Luhman 16 b. This was an amazing discovery. Amazingly they were not able to find this kind of behavior on Luhman A. To which, they concluded, it has apparently a “featureless atmosphere” in the wavelengths observed. Among other weather, the brown dwarf may have been experiencing rains of silicate rock and molten iron, otherwise kept aloft by “vigorous atmospheric motions”.  Wow!

Mercator projection of Luhman 16B

Here is a Mercator projection of Luhman 16B. Not too shabby.  This was compiled by I. Crossfield, MPIA.

Mercator projection
Luhman 16B Mercator projection. This is pretty amazing stuff. It looks like the star has a major region of “sun spots” and other features of interest.

Luhman 16C (Unconfirmed)

On December 4, 2013, a team of astronomers revealed that astrometric measurements indicate that the Luhman 16 A & B system has another major unseen companion.  This object has been sensed orbiting one of the two brown dwarf components of the binary system. If the unseen companion is a planet of 10 Jupiter-masses, then it has an orbital period between two months and one year. The team also claimed to have obtained a more precise parallax of 6.6 +/-0.1 light-years (2.020+/-0.019 pc) from our Sun, Sol.

Planets around Brown Dwarfs

Disks around brown dwarfs have been found to have many of the same features as disks around stars. Therefore, it is to be expected that there will be accretion-formed planets around brown dwarfs.Why not? Right?


Given the small mass of brown dwarf disks, most planets will be terrestrial planets rather than gas giants. If a giant planet orbits a brown dwarf across our line of sight, then, because they have approximately the same diameter, this would give a large signal for detection by transit. The accretion zone for planets around a brown dwarf is very close to the brown dwarf itself, so tidal forces would have a strong effect.

The contemporaneous belief is that planets that orbit around brown dwarfs are likely to be carbon planets depleted of water. Though, I would hazard a guess that we would actually be surprised in the great diversity of the planets that surround these brown dwarfs. I would expect to find frozen balls of ice with underground seas like Europa, to planets very similar to (a dark) earth and everything in between.


It is unlikely that there are habitable (by humans) planets around either of these stars.  The habitable region lies too close to the star and the stars give off too little light.  But that does not preclude that possibility that [1] other life has occurred naturally or has [2] been transplanted there by other star faring races.  Any life in this system would have to had evolved in such a way as to fill the particular harsh conditions in the system.

It would presumably exclude most forms of “advanced” bipedal humanoid life, but… but, the existence of other forms of “exotic” life; naturally evolved should not be ignored.

Of course, it is quite possible that there are or were an extraterrestrial presence in this system.  Any extraterrestrials in this system would be here for reasons that would not be overly apparent (or appreciated) by us humans.  Please understand and take note. This solar system is rather quiet and quiescent.  As such, it seems to fulfill the primary concerns relative to most local space-faring extraterrestrial species.

As do MOST brown dwarfs…

Visible Movement of the Luhman 16 solar system

NASA has actually filmed the movement of these two brown dwarfs as they dance about the sky. They have made a You-tube video of this event, and it is pretty curious to watch.  You can read about it here.


The reader can enjoy various GIF’s, animations and movies of the stars in this system.  These can be viewed HERE.

“Previous observations suggested that brown dwarfs might have mottled surfaces, but now we can actually map them. Soon, we will be able to watch cloud patterns form, evolve, and dissipate on this brown dwarf — eventually, exometeorologists may be able to predict whether a visitor to Luhman 16B could expect clear or cloudy skies.”

- Ian Crossfield (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany)

Various people have created 3D models of one or more of the stars in this system.  Others, have even made “cut outs” for the reader to enjoy. If that great PDF is no longer available, the reader can go here. Still having trouble?  Then use this image below;

Cut and fold model.
A fold and cut model of brown dwarf Luhman 16B. The lit forms a nice cube that you can enchant your friends with and help interrupt the discussions of sex and politics to something more interesting.

Thoughts on the Luhman System

A study of the Luhman 16 solar system tells us quite a bit about the surrounding physical space.

Surrounding us are all kinds of barely recognizable “oasis’s” in the vast gulfs of emptiness. We are typically unaware of these places because we have a difficult time seeing them, and identifying them. They do not look like anything that we would consider to be nice like our solar system. They look different… hostile… alien.

We should not discount their importance simply because they are odd, strange or unrecognizable to us.

To a species that can see in the infrared, these systems would be well illuminated. They would host species that would be similar and familiar. The nature of the star(s) would suggest long term stability and long life. Fluctuation and influences  due to stellar environments, would be similar to that which we experience. However mitigated by the planetary atmosphere and the surrounding environments…

We might as well consider that these quieter, dimmer, and longer lived solar systems are precisely the ideal location(s) for species cultivation.

Let’s take some time to study some of the other stellar objects and solar systems that surround us. There are many. They are everywhere, and we haven’t even touched the “tip of the iceberg”. The reader might be surprised to know that there are many nearby mysteries that we have no idea or concept of…

WISE J085510.83-071442.5.

On April 25, 2014, astronomer Kevin L. Luhman announced the discovery of yet another extremely dim brown dwarf around 7.2 +0.8/-0.7 light-years (2.20+0.24/-0.20 pc) from our Sun, Sol.  Pictures obtained from multiple telescopes have verified that the objects distance is a mere 7.2 light-years away, earning the title as the fourth system closest to our sun. That’s pretty close.

Remember, Luhman 16AB is 6.6 light-years away.

He found this star by using infrared images collected by NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). It was designated WISE J085510.83-071442.5 (but can be shortened to WISE 0855-0714).  As of 2015, this sub-stellar object is the fourth closest to the Solar System.

WISE J085510.83
Another nearby solar system. This is WISE J085510.83. It is another close brown dwarf solar systems that lie very close to our solar system.

NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes observed the object to learn more about its turbulent atmosphere. Brown dwarfs are more massive and hotter than planets but lack the mass required to become sizzling stars. Their atmospheres can be similar to the giant planet Jupiter’s.

Spitzer and Hubble simultaneously observed the object as it rotated every 1.4 hours. The results suggest wind-driven, planet-size clouds.  Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech. Source found here.


It has an estimated temperature that lies somewhere between minus 54 and 9 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 48 to minus 13 degrees Celsius).  As such,  the object is the coldest brown dwarf discovered (As of April 25, 2014.), as all the previous coldest dwarfs were no colder than room temperature.   This star is so cold that it can have ice and snow on it’s surface. It is also the reddest as well as coldest brown dwarf known, it should probably be classified as a “Y” dwarf.

Individually, this star and its associated solar system appears to be the coolest “brown dwarf” ever known.  The body of this dim star is as surprisingly cold as the North Pole. Brown dwarfs start their lives as stars in collapsing balls of gas, but do not have the mass to burn fuel Nuclear and radiating the light of the stars.

We were able to determine its temperature by measuring how much light it gave off in different colors; hotter objects are bluer, and colder ones red. 

This object is so cold it’s incredibly faint even in the near infrared; scientists had to look at even longer wavelengths to get a temperature. It was even invisible to the massive Gemini telescope in Hawaii! Never the less, we were able to spot it using the Spitzer Space Telescope, though, and was able to nail down its temperature. 

And this is the part that kills me: the best fit temperature that was found was around 225–260 Kelvins. Even at the high end, that’s -13° C (9° F). That’s literally colder than ice (or at least the freezing point of water). That’s barely warmer than the temperature of the freezer in my kitchen.

Previous discoveries of cool brown dwarfs, always found by WISE and Spitzer, were found to have a temperature. WISE J085510.83-071442.5 is estimated to be very small and tiny, and only about 3 to 10 times the mass of Jupiter.

T-P diagram WISE 0855
Here is a P-T diagram (pressure – temperature) of the surface of brown dwarf WISE 0855 compared to that of Jupiter. It is obvious that while they are different, there are also similarities as well.

The reader should pay close attention to this information.  This “star” is so cold that a human can walk on it’s surface.  The ground would feel warm to the touch.  It would have an atmosphere, but it would probably be quite poisonous.   This star is so small, being only 3 to ten times the mass of Jupiter that the gravity on the surface would be terribly crushing, but the combination of planetary attributes and stellar attributes might very well herald a new kind of possible planetary environment; one that is part star and part planet.


That temperature is incredible. It implies this object is very old, too, because it would’ve been a few thousands degrees when it formed, and would take at least a billion years to cool down to its current chilly temperature. It’s hard to determine how old it actually is, but it’s most likely over 10 billion years old.

Apparently it was birthed in the first few billion years since the “big bang”.

Infrared Spectrum

A team led by astronomers at UC Santa Cruz has succeeded in obtaining an infrared spectrum of WISE 0855 using the Gemini North telescope in Hawaii. This observation was successful in providing the first details of the object’s composition and chemistry. Among the findings is very strong evidence for the existence of clouds of water or water ice, the first such clouds detected outside of our solar system.

Skemer is first author of a paper on the findings to be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters and currently available online.

“We would expect an object that cold to have water clouds, and this is the best evidence that it does,”

-Andrew Skemer, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz.

He continues,

“WISE 0855 is our first opportunity to study an extrasolar planetary-mass object that is nearly as cold as our own gas giants. It's five times fainter than any other object detected with ground-based spectroscopy at this wavelength. Now that we have a spectrum, we can really start thinking about what's going on in this object. Our spectrum shows that WISE 0855 is dominated by water vapor and clouds, with an overall appearance that is strikingly similar to Jupiter."

- Andrew Skemer, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz.

A brown dwarf is essentially a failed star, having formed the way stars do through the gravitational collapse of a cloud of gas and dust, but without gaining enough mass to spark the nuclear fusion reactions that make stars shine. With about five times the mass of Jupiter, WISE 0855 resembles that gas giant planet in many respects. Its temperature is about 250 degrees Kelvin, or minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit, making it nearly as cold as Jupiter, which is 130 degrees Kelvin.

The researchers developed atmospheric models of the equilibrium chemistry for a brown dwarf at 250 degrees Kelvin. Then they calculated the resulting spectra under different assumptions. Some of which including cloudy and cloud-free models. The models predicted a spectrum dominated by features resulting from water vapor, and the cloudy model yielded the best fit to the features in the spectrum of WISE 0855.

Rotation GIF of WISE 0855
Animated GIF of brown dwarf WISE 0855 showing it’s rotation and overall splotchy appearance.

Comparing the brown dwarf to Jupiter, the team found that their spectra are strikingly similar with respect to water absorption features.

One significant difference is the abundance of phosphine in Jupiter’s atmosphere. Phosphine forms in the hot interior of the planet and reacts to form other compounds in the cooler outer atmosphere, so its appearance in the spectrum is evidence of turbulent mixing in Jupiter’s atmosphere.

Therefore, the absence of a strong phosphine signal in the spectrum of WISE 0855 implies that it has a less turbulent atmosphere.

"The spectrum allows us to investigate dynamical and chemical properties that have long been studied in Jupiter's atmosphere, but this time on an extrasolar world,"

-Andrew Skemer.


It has a very low mass, too, probably between 3 and 10 times the mass of Jupiter. That’s pretty lightweight even for a brown dwarf. And here’s another amazing thing about it: It might be a planet. What I mean is, it may have formed around a star like a planet does, then got ejected by gravitational interactions with other planets. If so, it was kicked out of its solar system, doomed to wander the galaxy on its own as a rogue planet. We know such objects exist, and there must be many billions of them in deep, cold space.

Some people might argue that because brown dwarfs can’t sustain fusion in their stars they aren’t really stars. As usual, when you get near the borders of definitions things get fuzzy, and definitions become less than useful. 

Some people think brown dwarfs are more like planets, and other think they’re more like stars. 

I think it’s best not to let ourselves get boxed in with arbitrary definitions, and to just let brown dwarfs be brown dwarfs. I generally call them “objects” when I'm trying to be generic, but it's not awful or terribly incorrect to call them stars as long as you keep that in mind.


There is the very strong possibility that our galaxy is just teeming with super cool brown dwarfs like this.  We just do not have the resources or capability to sense them at this time.  It is my personal belief that this is the case, and over the next fifty years that we will, as humans, discover so many floating and orbiting around our solar system.  Many of which are very old, and all of which possess various rocky bodies in orbit around them.

WISE 1541-2250

Ah, yes, let’s look at another of these strange objects at lie near to our solar system…

“The Y dwarfs are in our sun's neighborhood, from approximately nine to 40 light-years away. The Y dwarf approximately nine light-years away, WISE 1541-2250, may become the seventh closest star system, bumping Ross 154 back to eighth. By comparison, the star closest to our solar system, Proxima Centauri, is about four light-years away.”

- Stars as Cool as the Human Body

WISE 1541-2250  (full designation WISEPA J154151.66−225025.2). It has a luminosity classification of Y0.5, and it lies located in the constellation Libra at approximately 18.6 light-years from Earth.  It is very dim, and is almost invisible to the naked eye of humans, were they to be orbiting inside the solar system.  Only those species that possess the biological optical cones that would enable them to see in infrared would be able to make out this star.

With the other three brown dwarfs that we talked about so far, we discussed the class-L and the class-T brown dwarfs. Here, we have another new ‘animal”. This is a class-Y brown dwarf.

It is very dim, and very cool and very small.

While it is certainly larger than our planet Jupiter;  it is far smaller than any kind of star that we would classify as significant.  It probably has orbiting planets and planetoids and moons that circle it.

Class Y Brown Dwarfs

As the scientists discovered more and more brown dwarfs, they needed to expand their ideas of classifying them. There were so many, and they all had different characteristics. Then, in April 2010, two newly discovered ultra-cool sub-brown dwarfs (UGPS 0722-05 and SDWFS 1433+35) were proposed as prototypes for spectral class Y0.

In February 2011, Luhman reported the discovery of a ~300 K, 7-Jupiter-mass ‘brown-dwarf’ companion to a nearby white dwarf. Though of ‘planetary’ mass, other scientists suggest it is unlikely to have formed in the same manner as planets.

Shortly after that, another scientist, Mr. Liu, published an account of a “very cold” (~370 K) brown dwarf orbiting another very-low-mass brown dwarf and noted that…

"Given its low luminosity, atypical colors and cold temperature, CFBDS J1458+10B is a promising candidate for the hypothesized Y spectral class."

In August 2011, scientists using data from NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) discovered six “Y dwarfs”—star-like bodies with temperatures as cool as the human body.

WISE 0458+6434 is the first ultra-cool brown dwarf  discovered by WISE. WISE data has revealed hundreds of new brown dwarfs. Of these, fourteen are classified as cool Ys.

One of the Y dwarfs, called WISE 1828+2650, was, as of August 2011, the record holder for the coldest brown dwarf – emitting no visible light at all, this type of object resembles free-floating planets more than stars.

WISE 1828+2650 was initially estimated to have an atmospheric temperature cooler than 300 K[46]—for comparison the upper end of room temperature is 298 K (25 °C, 80 °F). Its temperature has since been revised and newer estimates put it in the range of 250 to 400 K (−23–127 °C, −10–260 °F).

These ultra-cold stars… stars the temperature of planets that give off no visible light… have been classified as class-Y Brown Dwarfs.

Planet Habitability & Duration

Is there time, then, for life to form on a planet that would orbit such a cold, cold star?

Andreeshchev and Scalo note that a brown dwarf planet (a planet that orbits a Brown Dwarf) will be within the tidal lock radius zone of the star. What this means is that the planet will always present one side to its star even when the brown dwarf is young. It seems rather discouraging, doesn’t it?

However, we do have some studies showing that atmospheres can remain viable in such settings, so this may not rule out life. Are are two GIFS that represent studies of close proximity planets to the red dwarf in the Alpha Centauri solar system.

Asynchronous rotation model.
Asynchronous rotation model for Proxima b in the Alpha Centauri solar system. It is the same as above but for the case of the planet trapped in the 3:2 resonance (3 rotations of the planet for every revolution around the star).

Synchronous rotation model for Proxima b.
A numerical simulation of possible surface temperatures on Proxima b in the Alpha Centauri solar system.

A bigger question is just how long the habitable zone will remain habitable and how, life might adapt. Clearly, evolutionary time-scales on a brown dwarf planet could be much different from those on Earth, but the paper notes that a habitability duration of less than 0.1 billion years would present real issues about the viability of complex life.

Andreeshchev and Scalo’s diagram (partially reproduced below), studies the duration of residence in the evolving habitable zone as a function of the planet’s distance from the brown dwarf, assuming a circular orbit.

They find that much depends on how we set limits on the habitable zone.

However, in general habitability duration’s of a billion years are possible for planets within 2-3 Roche radii for brown dwarfs above 0.03 solar masses. Keep in mind that the Roche limit defines how close a planet can be to its host star before being torn apart by tidal forces.

A habitable zone duration of up to 4 billion years is possible only close to the Roche limit, but could theoretically occur for brown dwarfs as small as 0.04 solar masses.

Brown dwarf habitability
Here is a graph of the potential habitability of planets that would orbit a brown dwarf and be affected and influenced by it’s close proximity.Long duration Brown Dwarf habitable zone viability.

In fact, if you push these numbers to their upper limits, you can work out a habitable zone that has a duration of up to 10 billion years for a brown dwarf with a mass of 0.07 solar masses, as long as you’re willing to skirt the Roche limit about as close as possible.

The authors are working, by the way, with a habitable zone definition that involves liquid water at the surface. This is, of course, the classic formulation of habitable zone rather than more recent extensions of the idea.

Habitability of Brown Dwarf Planets

A paper by Andreeshchev and Scalo, “Habitability of Brown Dwarf Planets,” Bioastronomy 2002: Life Among the Stars. IAU Symposium, Vol. 213, 2004 is a short but fascinating paper, and here’s something that catches the eye:

“…if development of intelligence is partially driven by cooling episodes, as suggested by Schwartzman & Middendorf (2000), then on BD planets cognitive evolution may be expected to contain a stronger continuous component than on Earth.”

I leave it to the science fiction writers to come up with depictions of the societies that may result.  Let’s just ponder that thought that if we do decide brown dwarf planets are not uncommon, which is a pretty realistic assumption, then it could possibly be likely that nearby dark space is populated with all kinds of life. For after all, we have learned that complex life may find ways of evolving on such worlds. Thus, our nearby space may be littered with astrobiologically interesting destinations that are largely unknown to us.

WISE 1828+2650

Consider Wise 1828+2650, a nice class-Y brown dwarf.

On August 24, 2011, astronomers using data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), an infrared space telescope, announced that they found 100 new brown dwarf stars.  The list of newly discovered stars included six very cool, Y-class brown dwarfs all within 40 light-years of our Sun, Sol. One of which was WISE 1828+2650.

This star is quite interesting.

It turns out that Y-dwarfs are the coldest members of the brown dwarf family.  They are objects with too little mass to fuse atoms at their cores. As a result, they are unable to ignite into the burning kinds of stars that we see at night.  (This is because they are unable to fuse elements like hydrogen and helium.)  Instead, brown dwarf cool and fade with time until they radiate light only at infrared wavelengths. While the atmospheres of brown dwarfs are similar to those of gas giant planets like Jupiter, but they can be much easier to observe in space if they lack the blinding light of a parent star.

One of the group of Y dwarfs discovered, designated WISE 1828+2650; this star, is so cool that its atmospheric temperature is estimated to be colder than room temperature. It is less than 80 degrees Fahrenheit, or 25 degrees Celsius.  Humans can actually walk on the surface, if they could handle the gravity and the energetic atmosphere and winds.

From our limited knowledge about this stellar object, we can create a hypothesis of what it might be like.  As such, it is reasonable to expect this star to be about 5 to 9 times the size of Jupiter.  It is a dark star and radiates outside the visible range, into the infrared region.  Thus, to our human eyes, it would look like a reddish black orb in the dark blackness of space.  Surrounding it are probably a number of moons and smaller planetary bodies.  Some of the moons might be quite large and approach the size of Mars, for example.  Perhaps 15 to 25 of the moons would be fair sized;  approaching the size of Ceres or larger.  It probably has quite a large array of smaller asteroids and rubble that circle it.  It is rather unlikely any of the moons have an atmosphere of any significance, but that is not a precluded possibility.  While the change remains for native evolved life in this system, the life would most probably be small and microbial.

Ross 248 (HH Andromedae)

There are basically four major types of brown dwarfs, as per the spectral classification. These are known as spectral class M, spectral class L, spectral class T, and spectral class Y.


Ross 248 (HH Andromedae) is a class M6 brown dwarf star located approximately 10.30 light-years (3.16 parsecs) from Earth in the northern constellation of Andromeda.  It is a long-term cycle flare star.  It has a long-term cycle of flare variability with a period of one flare every 4.2 years.

Now, the reader should not get too confused. M-class stars are generally considered “Red Dwarfs”, while T, L and Y class stars are considered to be “Brown Dwarfs”. Sometimes, borderline classes, like a small and cool Red Dwarf, can be considered a Brown Dwarf. They are after all, just names.

“Ross 128 would be only one of many unremarkable stars except that it appears to be a flare star as well as one of Sol's closest neighbors. In contrast to Proxima Centauri which is a "magnetically younger" flare star that is "activity saturated", however, Ross 128 is considered to be a more "evolved" flare star where its flare rate may have decreased somewhat with increased magnetic evolution.”

- Andrew Skumanich, 1986 via. Solstation.

Habitable Zone

With a spectral type of M5.5, Proxima Centauri can be used as a rough proxy for Ross 248 (M5.5 or 4.9 Ve). We can do this, because we have studied Proxima Centauri in great detail. It can help us ascertain the environment around this star.

Accounting for infrared radiation, the distance from Proxima where an Earth-type planet could have liquid water on its surface is around 0.022 to 0.054 AU. Now, this is much closer than Mercury’s orbital distance of about 0.4 AU from Sol. It would have a corresponding orbital period of 3.6 to 13.8 days.

The NASA Star and Exoplanet Database has calculated a slightly farther out habitable zone between 0.033 and 0.064 AU’s around Proxima.

In any case, the rotation of such a close-orbiting planet would probably be tidally locked so that one side would be in perpetual daylight and the other in darkness. Additionally, it would be subject to relatively frequent, large flares (as Ross 248 is a known “flare star”). Moreover, the light emitted by red dwarfs may be too red in color for Earth-type plant life to perform photosynthesis efficiently.

But then again, it is unlikely that earth derive flora and fauna would exist on any planet in orbit around this star anyways. Anything that would exist would be native and evolutionary derived.

UGPS 0722-05

Moving on…

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf.  It has a luminosity rating of T9V.  It lies 9.5 light years away.  Like the WISE 1541-2250 brown dwarf, this is a newly discovered system that is small and very dim.

WISE 1506+7027

WISEPC J150649.97+702736.0 (designation abbreviated to WISE 1506+7027, or WISE J1506+7027) is a brown dwarf of spectral class T6, located in constellation Ursa Minor.  Not much is known about this very dim star.  It lies 11.1 light years away (+2.3 / -1.3) from our solar system.

Brown dwarfs are rated by the kind of light that they radiate.  This radiation is determined by the temperature of the star.  Using the graph below, one can see how the temperature of cool red dwarfs (M class) compare to the temperature of brown dwarfs of both L and T classes.

The study of brown dwarfs is a new science and discoveries are being made every day.  It was only most recently when they were even able to be first imaged.  During the time that I was involved in MAJestic, we knew very little about brown dwarfs.  They were believed to exist, but we had no proof of it.  Today, we know differently, and we are constantly amazed at the great number of them that populate the skies around us.

Classification scheme
Here is an interesting chart of the correlation between the temperature of a brown dwarf and its’ classification. Temperature and classification of Brown Dwarfs.

It can be easily observed on the graph that once the surface temperature of a star drops below 2500 that it is too cool to be called a red dwarf.  At these temperatures any light that is emitted is primarily in the infrared range and is not at all observable by human eyes.

While artists and scientists like to state that these brown dwarfs would have a dim splotchy surface, the fact is that no one really knows what they look like as no human has ever seen one close up and personal.

However, what we do know is that at these temperatures and the known interior of the star would create a situation where there would be banding of sorts much like the planet Jupiter has bands, and this would include eddies and other plasma currents that might be visible on the surface.  (Depending on the observed visual range of the observer.) Furthermore, there might be regions of more or less luminosity and that would manifest as some kind of “sun spots” or the like.

WISE 1405+5534

This is another brown dwarf.  It is rated as a Y0V star.  It is located around 23.5 light years away.  It is considered to lie within the constellation Ursa Major.

It was discovered in 2011 from data collected by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE).  It was found at the infrared range in a wavelength of 40 cm (16 in).   The announcement of this discovery resulted in two discovery papers: Kirkpatrick et al. (2011) and Cushing et al. (2011).   However, basically they are the same authors and both papers were published simultaneously.

Paper number one; Kirkpatrick et al. presented discovery of 98 newly found brown dwarf systems.  These were discovered by WISE and all consisted of system components of spectral types M, L, T and Y, among which also was WISE 1405+5534.

Paper number two; Cushing et al. presented discovery of seven brown dwarfs—one of T9.5 type, and six of Y-type. These were the first members of the Y spectral class, ever discovered and spectroscopically confirmed, including “archetypal member” of the Y spectral class WISE 1828+2650, and WISE 1405+5534. These seven objects are also the faintest seven of 98 brown dwarfs, presented in Kirkpatrick et al. (2011)

The object’s temperature estimate is 350 K  (about 77 °C / 170 °F).

WISE 0350-5658

Here is another discovered brown dwarf.  It is rated as a Y1V star.  It is located around 12.1 light years away (+5.2 / -1.3).  It is located in the constellation Reticulum.

Can life exist on a planet around a brown dwarf?  Yes, most certainly.  However,  what would it be like?  Indeed, what would it be like to live on an Earth-like planet around a brown dwarf?  (For now, let’s assume the planet is located in the habitable zone when the system is at least a billion years old.)  For a more conventional appraisal knowing what we know, that would put the orbital distance at about 0.005 AU.   (That is pretty darn close.)  Indeed, if Earth’s orbit was the same size, that would put us nearly (0.005 AU is not equal to, it is still a measurable distance) on the surface of the Sun!

Jupiter and moon
We know that Jupiter has moons that orbit it. They orbit in close and tight orbits. The view from the surface of the moon Io must be impressive and awe inspiring.

It is a ridiculously small orbit.

So what would be different?  First of all, the brown dwarf would always appear in the same place in the sky, and it would be HUGE!  Our Sun spans about half a degree in the sky.  This planet’s orbit is 200 times closer than Earth’s to an object about one tenth the size of the Sun.  That makes the brown dwarf appear about 20 times larger than the Sun (about 10 degrees across)!  It is as big as a softball held at arm’s reach!  It would appear much, much larger than our moon. to us. Not only that, but that “softball” is just hanging there in the sky all the time, never moving.

Eye Cones

Our Earth’s sky is blue because the atmosphere scatters blue light more strongly than red light (this is called Rayleigh scattering).  However, a brown dwarf emits no blue light.  (It barely emits any visible light at all!  Its energy is mainly radiated at infrared wavelengths of light.) Thus, there is pretty much no scattering of the light from a brown dwarf.  This means that, to our eyes, the atmosphere would be basically transparent.

Which, I am afraid,  would make the daytime really odd to use humans.  To a human person standing on the surface of the planet the star would be a very dim ruddy appearing reddish-brown orb in the sky.  It would be gigantic, but if you just look to the side and you would be able to see the stars. It would basically look like nighttime except in the direction of the brown dwarf. Clouds would simply be black patches blocking the stars up above our heads.

When we look at the sun, we would be able to see all of the solar activity that occurs.  We could see the whirls, and tides of the surface.  We could see imperfections such as “spots” and “storms” in the top of the surface of the star.  It would be an interesting situation and beautiful in a very eerie way.

As viewed by a human.
This is how it might look to a human who is standing on a planet, within the habitable zone of a brown dwarf, and looking into the sky at noon. It would look very different from what we would see on earth. As our eyes cannot see into the infrared range.

Of course, to a species that had developed eyesight that could see in the infrared range, the scene would be something else all together. To them, the day would bright and the sun would be blinding. They could still not see any Rayleigh scattering so they would be able to see the other stars that would exist in the sky.

It would be a most interesting and different point of view most certainly.

Extraterrestrial view.
Here is what a species would see if it was on a habitable planet around a brown dwarf, provided that it could see in the infrared spectrum. The view suggests that the species has optical cones to see in the IR, and suggests one or two other optical cones, however optical cones that see blue is missing. They would see things like we would. High noon would be bright and sunny. The only difference is that the sky would be transparent, unless that is, if they would also see in the blue light spectrum. The determination of whether they have the proper number of optical cones would mean if they saw everything in sepia, or if they would view colors like us humans would.

In fact, a species that could see in the infrared spectrum would see things quite different. The trees would be alive as they would emit IR light. The light from the brown dwarf would be bright and sunny.  It would be a magical appearing place, not unlike the woods of the elves from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

To a species that could see in the IR range, noon on a planet in orbit around a brown dwarf might look a little something like this…

View in the IR
The view would depend on the color cones that the species would have. As far as I understand, many of our extraterrestrial friends and benefactors can see in the infrared. To them, this is what they see. It is not the bleak darkness that us humans would disparage. But, rather a nice pleasant and beautiful world. It would be well-lit and very comfortable.

We cannot guess on the eyesight of extraterrestrials. For instance the eyesight of dogs and cats are quite different from each other, as is the eyesight between humans and deer. Which is why, as you might already know, why hunting vests are orange.

I guess, that the point that I am trying to make is that other species can have a very beautiful way of looking at the world, and they don’t need to be able to perceive colors like we humans do. Depending on the eye cones, the views can be most impressive. Photographs taken using the IR range are hauntingly beautiful, depending on the eyes cones utilized.

IR view of a lake
The views can be amazing. It all depends on what eye cones a given species has. For species that evolve around red and brown dwarfs, they must have eye cones that can see in the infrared range. This leads to some very beautiful images when we explore this realm. Here we see what it would look like if you could see in both the IR and the blue range.

WISE 0410+1502

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf.  It is rated as a Y0V star.  It is located around 13.7 light years away (+3.9 / -2.0).

WISE 0350-5658

WISE J035000.32-565830.2 (designation abbreviated to WISE 0350-5658) is a brown dwarf of spectral class Y1. It is located in constellation Reticulum.  It was discovered in 2012 by J. Davy Kirkpatrick et al. from data, collected by Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) Earth-orbiting satellite.

Teegarden’s star (SO025300.5+165258)

Teegarden’s Star is an M-type brown dwarf in the constellation Aries, located about 12 light years from the Solar System. Despite its proximity to Earth it is a dim magnitude 15 and can only be seen through large telescopes.

Teegarden’s Star was originally identified as a red dwarf star but measurements made since its discovery make it more likely to be a brown dwarf star with a mass less than 0.08 that of the Sun. The inherent low temperatures of such objects explain why it was not discovered earlier, since it has an apparent magnitude of only 15.4 (and an absolute magnitude of 17.47). Like most red and brown dwarf stars it emits most of its energy in the infrared spectrum.

DEN 1048-3956

This star is a class M9 V brown dwarf about 13 light years from the Earth in the southern constellation of Antlia, among the closer interstellar objects to the Earth. This sub-stellar object is very dim with an apparent magnitude of about 17.

UGPS 0722-05

UGPS J072227.51-054031.2 (designation often abbreviated to UGPS 0722-05) is a brown dwarf of late T type, located approximately 4.1 parsecs (13 light-years) from Earth. UGPS 0722-05 was reclassified to T9, and was declared the T9 spectral standard in 2011.

The object is roughly the volume of Jupiter, but is estimated to have 5–40 Jupiter masses (MJ). This would make it less massive than ε Indi Ba. Since planets have a mass of less than about 13 Jupiter masses, it is possible that this is more like a planet than a dim drown dwarf.

Infrared spectra shows the object contains water vapor and methane and has a surface temperature of approximately 480–560 Kelvin.

WISE J1741+2553

Analysis suggests that this is a cool methane brown dwarf of T9 to T10 spectral type.It is dim and very dark.  It is close.   At only around 15.0 +3.9/-3.3 light-years way, WISE J1741+2553 is probably a galactic thin-disk object like our Sun, Sol.

Not much is known about this object.  It was discovered after I was retired.  I know nothing about it. You know, the name for the star and the associated system is pretty poor.  It needs a better name.

WISE J0254+0223

WISE J0254+0223 appears to be a thick-disk object located some 17.9 +4.6/-3.6 light-years away.  It is a cool methane brown dwarf of T9-10V spectral type.  Both WISE J1741+2553 and WISE J0254+0223 are probably methane brown dwarfs that are even cooler than Gliese 229 b, which revolves around a red dwarf star. Although brown dwarfs lack sufficient mass (under 75-80 Jupiter-masses) to ignite core hydrogen fusion, the smallest true stars (red dwarfs) can have such cool atmospheric temperatures (below 4,000° K) that it is difficult to distinguish them from brown dwarfs. While Jupiter-class planets may be much less massive than brown dwarfs, they are about the same diameter and may contain many of the same atmospheric molecules.

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf star.  It is rated as T8-10V.  It is 16.0 light years away from our solar system (+3.3 / -2.0).

DENIS / DEN 0817-6155

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf star.  It is rated as T6V.  It is 16.0 light years away from our solar system (+/- 1).

DENIS J081730.0-615520 (also known as 2MASS 08173001-6155158) is a T brown dwarf about 5 pc (16 light years) away in the constellation Carina. It was discovered by Etienne Artigau and his colleagues in April 2010. The star belongs to the T6 spectral class implying a photosphere temperature of about 950 K. It has a mass of about 15 MJ (Jupiter masses) or about 1.5% the mass of the Sun.

DENIS J081730.0-615520 is the second nearest isolated T dwarf to the Sun (after UGPS J0722-05) and the fifth nearest (also after ε Indi Bab and SCR 1845-6357B) if one takes into account T dwarfs in multiple star systems. It is also the brightest T dwarf in the sky (in the J-band); it had been missed before due to its proximity to the galactic plane.

DENIS / DEN 0255-4700

DENIS 0255-4700 is an extremely faint brown dwarf approximately 16 light years from the Solar System in the southern constellation of Eridanus. It is the closest known isolated L brown dwarf, and only after the binary Luhman 16. It is also the faintest brown dwarf (with the absolute magnitude of M=24.44) having measured visible magnitude.

The photospheric temperature of DENIS 0255-4700 is estimated at about 1300 K.  Its atmosphere in addition to hydrogen and helium contains water vapor, methane and possibly ammonia. The mass of DENIS 0255-4700 lies in the range from 25 to 65 Jupiter masses corresponding to the age range from 0.3 to 10 billion years.

WISE J163940.83-684738.6

This is a another discovered brown dwarf star.  It’s luminosity rating has not yet been assigned at the time of this writing.  It is 16.0 light years away from our solar system (+/- 2).

On September 27, 2012, astronomers using data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), an infrared space telescope, revealed the discovery of a very cool, Y-class brown dwarf located only around 16 +/- 2 light-years of our Sun, Sol, among 13 such extremely dim and cool objects found in WISE data thus far. Designated WISE J163940.83-684738.6, the object’s estimated distance places it among the “lowest luminosity sources detected to date”. The object should be rich in surface methane as it was detected using “methane imaging techniques”, relying on near-infrared observations with methane filters.

WISE J052126.29+102528.4

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf star.  It is rated as T7.5V.  It is 16.0 light years away from our solar system (+5 / -4).

On July 10, 2013, a team of astronomers revealed their detection of a brown dwarf which may be located around 16 +5/-4 light-years from of our Sun, Sol.  The cool and methane-rich, T7.5 dwarf has been designated WISE J052126.29+102528.4 (shortened to WISE J0521+1025). The object’s motion relative to the galactic core suggests that it belongs to the Milky Way’s thin disk.

LP 944-020

LP 944-020 is a dim brown dwarf of spectral class M9, located about 16 light-years distant from the Solar System in the constellation of Fornax. With a visual apparent magnitude of 18, it has one of the dimmest visual magnitudes listed on the RECONS page.

Observations published in 2007 showed that this object has an atmosphere high in lithium that also features dusty clouds.

WISE J200050.19+362950.1

On February 6, 2014, a team of astronomers submitted a preprint which revealed their detection of a brown dwarf which is roughly estimated to located between 13 to 26 light-years (3.9-8.0 pc) from of our Sun, Sol.

It was found using data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), an infrared space telescope, the cool and methane-rich, T8 dwarf has been designated WISE J200050.19+362950.1 (which can be shorted to WISE J2000+3629). Lying near the galactic plane, the detection of J2000+3629 suggests that more such very dim brown dwarfs may await discovery.

DENIS 0255-4700

DENIS 0255-4700 is an extremely faint brown dwarf about 16 light years from the Solar System in the southern constellation of Eridanus. It is the closest known isolated L brown dwarf, and only after the binary Luhman 16. It is also the faintest brown dwarf (with the absolute magnitude of MV=24.44) having measured visible magnitude.

DENIS 0255-4700 was identified for the first time as a probable nearby object in 1999. Its proximity to the Solar System was established by the RECONS group in 2006 when its trigonometric parallax was measured. DENIS 0255-4700 has a relatively small tangential velocity of 27.0 ± 0.5 km/s.

The photospheric temperature of DENIS 0255-4700 is estimated at about 1300 K. Its atmosphere in addition to hydrogen and helium contains water vapor, methane and possibly ammonia. The mass of DENIS 0255-4700 lies in the range from 25 to 65 Jupiter masses corresponding to the age range from 0.3 to 10 billion years.

Spectrial classes
Here is a well known breakdown of the spectral classes of “traditional” stars. As the brown dwarfs tend to radiate in the non-visible light range, the spectra would start breaking down, with mostly “black” or “empty” spectra in the visible range. This is particularly true for the class-Y brown dwarfs.

Speculation on Habitable Planets

The universe abounds in Red and brown dwarfs.  Many of them are far too cool to host earth like life, but many do hold environments that are stable enough for non-terrestrial like life.  If we were to visit one of these stars, it might be interesting to see what a habitable world would be like.

Firstly, the surface of a habitable planet orbiting a brown dwarf is always illuminated the same. So the climate would probably be very consistent.  But this is not quite as simple as it seems; the planet is also spinning! To always keep the same face pointed toward the star the planet needs to spin once per orbit. And a planet in the habitable zone orbits its brown dwarf host in as little as 8 hours! On average it takes more like a day. So even though the planet is always facing its star, it spins at about the same rate as Earth! No one has modeled the climate of this kind of planet so we don’t know exactly what it would be like.

The entire globe could be habitable. With an atmosphere like Earth’s it would probably be cold on the night side and warm on the day side. But if the planet’s atmosphere were thicker than Earth’s, then the temperature would be relatively constant everywhere. Likewise, if the planet’s atmosphere is very thin then the difference in temperature between the day- and night sides would be much larger.

Of course, I am reminding the reader that life abounds in the universe under all kinds of different environments.

2MASS 1835+3259

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf star.  It is classified as a M8.5V.  It is 18.5 light years away from our solar system (+/- 0.05).

2MASS 0415-0935

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf star.  It is classified as a T8V.  It is 18.7 light years away from our solar system (+/- 0.3).

WISE 1741+2553

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf star.  It is classified as a T9-10V.  It is 18.9 light years away from our solar system (+3.6/-2.0).

LSR J1835+3259

LSR J1835+3259 is a nearby brown dwarf star of spectral class M8.5, located in constellation Lyra, the discovery of which was published in 2003.  Trigonometric parallax of this object, measured in 2001–2002 with the USNO 61 inch (1.5 m) reflector under US Naval Observatory (USNO) parallax program, is 0.765 ± 0.0005 arcsec, corresponding to a distance of 5.67 ± 0.02 pc, or 18.48 ± 0.05 ly.

Aurora discovered

Auroras have been detected on the brown dwarf LSR J1835+3259.   Using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico to scan radio wavelengths of light, along with the Hale Telescope on Palomar Mountain in California and the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii to scan visible wavelengths of light, the researchers detected the telltale signs of auroras around this star.

The ground work for this discovery goes back to 2008.  For in that year, Hallinan and his colleagues found that LSR J1835+3259 emitted radio waves in pulses.

"We knew that radio pulses from planets in our own solar system were caused by aurorae, so we thought maybe brown dwarfs had aurorae too,"

-Gregg Hallinan, an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena

These auroras might actually be rather spectacular.

"If you were to somehow stand on the brown dwarf's surface and survive — the surface gravity is maybe 100 times more intense than Earth's, and the temperature is several hundred to several thousand degrees — you'd see a beautiful bright-red aurora, The colors of auroras depend on whatever the atmosphere they take place in is made of. In Earth's case, it's mostly green and blue and red because of oxygen and nitrogen. When it comes to Jupiter, Saturn and brown dwarfs — which have hydrogen-rich atmospheres — you'd see red, and there would be ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths as well."

-Gregg Hallinan, an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena

We, as humans have always known about auroras.  Those whom live in the northern latitudes tend to see them light up the night sky quite often.  It wasn’t until the 1990’s did scientists realize that aurora’s might form on other planets.  Until this discovery, the brightest known auroras came from Jupiter, which has the most powerful magnetic field in the solar system. In comparison, these newly discovered auroras are more than 10,000 times, and could may be 100,000 times, brighter than Jupiter’s, This is simply because LSR J1835+3259 has a magnetic field perhaps 200 times stronger than Jupiter’s.

Of course, with every discovery comes questions.  One such is pretty basic.  What causes such a brown dwarf to possess such a feature?  What is fueling the phenomenon? On Earth, auroras are driven by winds of electrically charged particles streaming from the sun, but this brown dwarf is far cooler and does not seem to be able to fabricate winds of charged particles.  Nor does it have a stellar companion capable of doing it.

But there are a myriad of possibilities to this perplexing mystery.  One possibility is that LSR J1835+3259’s auroras are driven by an Earth-size planet that generates strong currents in the brown dwarf’s magnetosphere as it swings through its magnetic field.  Indeed, auroras on Jupiter are driven, in part, by its moon Io as it orbits in and out of the flux lines of Jupiter’s magnetic field.

There are other possibilities.  Another is that electrically charged particles might rain down on the brown dwarf from above to drive the auroras. It remains uncertain where such particles might come from; a hidden companion, interstellar gas and dust, or matter venting from a nearby volcanic planet, or plasma originally spewed upward from the brown dwarf itself, there are many possibilities present.

This discovery has fueled further research.  Hallinan and his colleagues at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena have developed a new array of radio telescopes.  One such is the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array in California.  It is dedicated to detecting auroras that lie outside of our solar system.

"We've already confirmed aurorae for a few more objects, Maybe 10% or higher of brown dwarfs may exhibit aurorae."

-Gregg Hallinan, an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena

WISE 0359-5405

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf star.  It is classified as a Y0V.  It is 19.2 light years away from our solar system (+4.6/-2.0).

2MASS 0937+2931

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf star.  It is classified as a T6V.  It is 20.0 light years away from our solar system (+/- 0.5).  2MASS 0937+2931 has an unusual spectrum, indicating a metal-poor atmosphere and/or a high surface gravity (high pressure at the surface). Its effective temperature is estimated at about 800 Kelvin. The Research Consortium On Nearby Stars (RECONS) estimates the brown dwarf to be 0.03 solar masses.

WISE J2000+3629

WISE J2000+3629.  This is a newly discovered brown dwarf.  It is classified as T8V.  It lies toward the constellation Cygnus.  It is about 13 to 26 light years away from our solar system.

SIPS 1259-4336

This is a newly discovered brown dwarf star.  It is rated at M8V.  It lies approximately 25.8 light years away.  At this stage, little is known about this star.  It is possible that it is a flare star, but that has not been confirmed.  All of us, I am sure, anxiously await further studies on this enigmatic object.


There are so many objects that are surrounding us in space. The objects that we have so far discovered are strange and unusual to us. Yet, we have only scratched the surface. There are many more out there.

Surrounding our solar system are objects. They include brown dwarfs, isolated planets, small asteroids, and huge bodies more resembling comets than anything else. We have not even begun to map out our local physical space.

WISE detection limits
The WISE detection limits. Now, with the proper equipment, we can study the space that surrounds us and obtain a much better understanding of our life and our role within this galaxy.

Rather than a big empty area of nothingness, the space that surrounds us is full of all sorts of objects.

These objects do not resemble the earth. They are alien. We, as humans, can not conceive of anyone living or native life evolving on these dark and cold objects. But that is just our ignorance speaking. In many ways, the environments found on planets that orbit the dwarfs (M, L, T, and Y) are ideally suited for a species that has evolved to see in the infrared band of the electromagnetic spectrum. Provided that there is a planet in the habitable zone of the brown dwarf, there is no reason to preclude a suitable habitat for evolution or colony.

View in the IR
Were a civilization were to be established on a planet around a brown dwarf, the inhabitants would need to see in the infrared spectrum. To them, the life would be the same as the life that us humans have. It is only that they would perceive it differently. Perception is everything, and it molds the scientific advantages that a civilization can muster.

Which leads to the most significant consideration in this exercise; our local physical space is more akin to a well-tended garden, park or orchard. It is well-traveled, mature and policed by the governing species for this region. Our inability to see things as they are, to understand things as they are, and to immediately reject things that are outside our realm of experience is a handicap that discolors our understandings.

We might be surprised to learn that a planet, located close to a small dwarf star, might be an ideal location for long-term evolution. The star would provide [1] stability, [2] offer planetary gravitational forces that would initiate tidal forces to jump-start evolution, and [3] serve to deflect occurrences of periodic mass extinctions due to meteoric bombardment.

To a species that evolved on a planet that orbited a dwarf, our sun and solar system would be too energetic. It would be too hot and the radiation too uncomfortable. The long term prospects for habitation would be less, as there wouldn’t be any deflective masses to prevent periodic mass extinctions. It would not be an ideal location to colonize.

Instead, it might be viewed as something else entirely. As such, any purposed intent of this planet; “our” earth, would be quite different from what we would expect.

We should stop thinking about “earth-like” habitation, and instead think of adaptability. Or more specifically, adaptability by a species that evolved upon a stable planet that orbited around a long-life dwarf. Only then, when we change our focus can we really better understand our place and our role in our galaxy.

Take Aways

  • The space surrounding our solar system has many hidden objects.
  • These objects have various properties.
  • Some of the properties might lend themselves to provide ideal habitability conditions for a species so equipped.
  • As such, it is reasonable to expect that a number of these “hidden” and undiscovered objects host a civilization or species, either naturally evolved or transported.
  • The discovery of brown dwarfs has greatly expanded our knowledge of nearby space.


Q: Do we know about the space that surrounds our solar system?
A: No. We are just now discovering the various aspects of it. The more we discover, the more that we realize we do not know. Over the years, we have made many assumptions about space and life. Many of which have to be revised. What we think is real is anything but.

Q: Can life exist on a plant around a brown dwarf?
A: Yes. Given the proper conditions, there is no reason to assume otherwise. In this universe, life springs up rapidly and readily.

Q: Can a civilization evolve around a brown dwarf?
A: Given the proper conditions, there is no reason why it shouldn’t. There are many long lived brown dwarfs, that if they held the necessary conditions, would have made fine crucibles for the development of life. Our earth is around 4 billion years old. Imagine the kind of civilization that might evolve around a brown dwarf that is 10 billion years old, as well as one that avoided periodic mass extinctions.

Q: What kind of life can we expect to evolve around a brown dwarf star?
A: Anything from a simple microorganism to an advance bipedal intelligent civilization and everything in between. There are no limits on how life can evolve and what form it can take on. One thing that we do know is that when civilizations evolve to a point where they start to explore space, they tend to re-engineer their physical bodies as necessary to propagate their species. There is no reason to assume that a space-faring specie that evolved around a brown dwarf might not re-engineer a physical body to exist in a more energetic environment.

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Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
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How Rocket Scientists Build Paper Airplanes

When I was attending university, my classmates and I would get drunk and fly paper airplanes. We were all studying engineering. Myself and my buddy Jay were both in a joint program where we studied Aerospace Engineering, while my buddy Peter studied Mechanical Engineering. All told, we had a significant amount of class overlap. As young college students, full of “piss and vinegar”, we would get into all sorts of trouble…

There in the dorms, we would launch our bottle rockets at paper airplanes that we would fly out the windows. The overall goal was to create a paper airplane that would stay aloft the longest. This was maintained by up-drafts and the design of the paper craft.

Let’s look at some of the design features that we incorporated into our tiny paper devices…

Weight and Balance

One of the most important considerations for aircraft (as well as munitions) is the ability for the airplane to be well balanced. This takes into account the center of gravity of the craft relative to the uplifting force on the wing design.

Imagine walking a tight-rope. If you had a large and robust body and butt, the center of gravity would be closer to the rope. Yet if you were tall and skinny with an enormous “pumpkin” head, the center of gravity would be further away from the rope. The distance between the center of gravity of the two body shapes would be different. The longer and taller person might have a more difficult time walking on the tight-rope than the fatter person.

In a like way, the center of gravity of a plane is important. There is a relationship between the center of gravity of the place, and the lift on the wings, as well as the propulsive force at the tail.

In general placing weight forward is desirable

Placing weight forward is desirable.

The place where the paper airplane balances on the tip of your finger is called the Center of Gravity (CG). This is the point of balance. In addition, for aircraft, there is a secondary point of balance. This is a specific CG position known as the Neutral Point. This point provides neutral pitch stability.

Center of gravity of an aircraft.
Balancing considerations of an aircraft. Illustration shows the center of gravity relative to the center of lift.

Here is the rule of thumb. If the airplane has a CG ahead of the Neutral Point, the plane is stable, if its behind this point its unstable.

As a matter of course, all airplanes without computer assisted flight controls need a CG ahead of their neutral point. Thus almost all airplanes prior to assisted flight controls (invented in the late 1970’s) were designed this way. I guess you could refer to it as a sort of “classical” aviation design.

For rectangular wings the neutral point is ¼ of the distance from the nose to the tail. For delta wings (such as the common dart paper airplane) the neutral point is ½ of the distance from the nose to the tail.


Stability means the plane, if disturbed, will return to its original state. This is a very important behavioral feature when there are fluid dynamics that alter flight regimes. In general, you want a stable plane. If you don’t have one, you will have a crash. That would really ruin your day.

For pitch stability it means the plane will seek a single airspeed.

A plane which is unstable in pitch will either pitch up into a stall, or nose dive, but won’t settle out anywhere in between. A stable airplane will tend to oscillate up and down a few times, but converge on a steady flight speed.

Many typical paper airplane designs are stable, but just… just… barely.

As a plane becomes more and more stable, it wants to fly faster and faster. To counter this tendency, up-elevator must be used to produce a good trim airspeed. This is why many of the classic paper airplane designs are nearly neutrally stable. Few people realize good pitch stability requires a heavy nose and some up-elevator.

Elevators are flight control surfaces, usually at the rear of an aircraft, which control the aircraft's pitch, and therefore the angle of attack and the lift of the wing. The elevators are usually hinged to the tailplane or horizontal stabilizer. They may be the only pitch control surface present, sometimes located at the front of the aircraft (early airplanes) or integrated into a rear "all-moving tailplane" also called a slab elevator or stabilator. 


The classic aircraft designs rely on the small inherent “up elevator” effect. This effect is known as a positive zero lift pitching moment. It is a direct result from the design of the wing. Often the primary factors are the swept wing, and possibly the airfoil shape.

The problem with paper airplanes is that they are initially designed without a up-elevator effect. Thus many classic paper airplanes are flown with no elevator adjustment. Sometimes they fly well, many times they don’t, and they always have poor stability.

To Improve the plane you incorporate an up-elevator effect

In general, the changes that one must make to a paper airplane to fly well are mostly the same adjustments which make hand launched gliders fly well.

Most people have the crazy idea that a good paper airplane needs no adjustments. You just simply fold up a piece of paper into the shape of an airfoil, and that all there is to it. You make the basic folds and then you are all finished.

This is really unfortunate.

All real airplanes have trim tabs that are used to make small adjustments to the plane. As such, it should be clear that all paper airplanes also need small adjustments to fly their best.

Elevators in an aircraft
The aircraft is typically “trimmed” to have it maintain balance and stability in flight. These features are called stabilizers, to well… stabilize the aircraft in flight.

Once, the paper airplane is properly balanced, the following suggestions might help the budding paper airplane designer in keeping their work of art in the air.

Anhedral Wing Design

One of the most common paper airplane mistakes is to leave the wings folded down at an angle. Don’t tell me that you don’t know what I am talking about. It is perhaps the most common way of making paper airplanes.

Folding the wings down along the side at an angle is called “anhedral” shape.

The problem with an anhedral wing design is that it reduces the lateral stability of your paper airplane. To combat this, you can have a different design and shape for the wings.  Instead of a anhedral wing, you can have one in a different shape.

Wing design types
Wing shape to include anhedral designs. For paper aircraft the wing design has a great deal of impact on the overall stability of the aircraft.

What you want is called “dihedral” wing design which is when the wing tips are the highest part of the wing. The resulting lateral stability will help keep your paper airplane flying straight. Or maybe, at the worst, in a gradual turn.

This is important, as a plane with lateral instability will tend to roll over on its back and crash. Alternatively, it might enter into an ever tightening spiral which becomes a spiraling dive. To prevent this, all you need remember is the simple rule; keep your wing tips up.

Keep your wing tips up.


A slip is an aerodynamic state where an aircraft is moving somewhat sideways as well as forward relative to the oncoming airflow or relative wind. In other words, for a conventional aircraft, the nose will be pointing in the opposite direction to the bank of the wing(s). The aircraft is not in coordinated flight and therefore is flying inefficiently. 


Technically dihedral provides a stabilizing rolling moment due to a condition known as sideslip.

It works like this, if the plane yaws to the left (positive sideslip), the right wing has a slightly increased angle of attack (AOA) because of the dihedral. As this is going on, the left wing’s AOA is decreased (this is most easily imagined if you think about 90 degrees of sideslip). As a result, the resulting rolling moment is to the left, which is stabilizing.

Slide slip on an aircraft.
Sideslip illustrated. Sideslip is created by the differences in the lift on the wings. It is a natural consequence of the flight regime and the design of the aircraft.

During a level turn, the yaw rate combined with the stabilizing yawing moment (due to yaw rate) results in a little bit of sideslip. The sideslip is positive for right turns, and negative for left turns.

That small amount of sideslip together with a stabilizing rolling moment due to sideslip (dihedral effect) results in the plane wanting to roll out of the turn. Which is exactly what we want.

With anhedral, the plane wants to roll into the turn, resulting in a “graveyard spiral”. This is something that we do not want. (Unless you are designing some kind of gravity directed munition…)

Graveyard spiral.
Graveyard spin compared to graveyard spiral. Image credit to FAA.

Now, to understand this tendency; the movement to roll into or out of a turn is called the “spiral mode”.  This mode is controlled mainly using dihedral.

Most real airplanes have to limit the amount of dihedral they use to keep the Dutch roll mode (which is a rapid left and right oscillation), under control. While dihedral makes the spiral mode more stable, it reduces the damping of the Dutch roll.

Dutch Roll
Here is a visualization of a dutch roll from both a bird’s eye view and a head-on view. The oscillation movement can clearly be seen.

You probably won’t have any Dutch roll problems with paper airplanes.  This is likely due to increased yaw rate and roll rate damping that is associated with low airspeeds.

Because of this,  all paper airplanes should be flown with plenty of dihedral.

Paper airplanes should be designed with plenty of dihedral.


You should add a tiny amount of up elevator to the classic pointed nose paper airplanes. This will make sure they don’t dive on you.

If you have the time and materials, you might want to add a few layers of tape or (maybe) a paper clip to the nose of the plane to improve its stability.

Paperclip on the airplane
The placement of a paperclip on a paper airplane can be used to move the center of gravity about on the plane. By adjusting the location of the paperclip, the stability of the plane can be improved.

Most “square” paper airplanes have plenty of weight in the nose, and require some up elevator to fly well. The amount of up elevator needed on a paper airplane is a pretty good indicator of its pitch stability.

So, when you build a paper airplane (of any kind) and place a paper clip on the nose. You need to go ahead and take it out for a few flights. Go ahead, make a few flights to determine the best amount of up elevator that is needed.

Now give it a few flights and see how it performs.  Practice by moving the weight back slightly. Move it back a few cm, maybe a half an inch or so. Then try again.  Keep on doing this. Experiment. See how the weight adds to the stability of the air plane.

The amount of up elevator needed is reduced, and the plane becomes more sensitive to elevator adjustments. Now, take note. When the paper clip has been moved back to a point where you are using nearly no elevator deflection, and you can’t get the plane to fly well, there is a reason. What is going on, is you have the CG at the neutral point (try to balance the plane on a finger, the point where it balances is the neutral point).

Airfoil shape

Contrary to what many people might think, airplane wings are not flat sheets of metal. They are curved.  Which means that they are “Cambered”.  Being cambered can be explained that if you took a cross section of the wing, it would look like a tear drop  shape. In general, the top of the airfoil is rounded and the bottom is kept fairly flat.

That being said, paper airplane wings must be thin to work well.

Overall, the wings on the paper airplane need very little camber. Now, generally any curvature is limited to the front portion of the wing.

Cambered wing.
The cambered wing is designed to create areas of high and low pressure when air moves on the surface of the camber.

Generally, because most paper airplanes look a lot like “flying wings”,  only small amounts of camber are practical.  Now, large amounts of camber create nose down pitching moments which need tails to balance.

Hints and Tricks

Try to use a little curvature at the leading edge of the wing. You can use a pencil to round up the leading edges. You really do not need to have a fully cambered airfoil shape on a paper airplane. Typically, paper airplane performance is not noticeably degraded with flat, un-cambered airfoils. You know, the reason for this is likely due to low Reynolds numbers.

Reynolds number
Movement of a fluid over a surface. The Reynolds number is the relationship between velocity, and the properties of the gas (or liquid) as a function of the shape of the surface.

To keep the paper airplane aloft for as long as possible, we need a turbulent boundary layer. Which is to say that the air is mixed up and confused; turbulent. We have to keep in mind that that a large portion of the boundary layer across the front of the wing is laminar flow, but for high lift we need a turbulent boundary layer.


I like to think that the most efficient way to learn is through play. As such, I agree with Fred Rogers. Play is the “work” for children.  We learn how to become adults, socialize, think and build things through play.

Syracuse University Quad
The Syracuse University QUAD. It is the center of the university. As under graduates we would cross this area on our way to and from classes and the dorms.

While we were attending classes in aerospace engineering, it was our “hand’s on” play with paper aircraft that provided a visceral understanding of the basics of flight within the earth’s atmosphere. As such, I have never forgotten such adventures.

Of course, as young men, we were preoccupied in a mix of pursuits that all college boys engage in. Beer, girls, cigars and building paper airplanes (and shooting them down) ranked high on our enjoyable endeavors. I wanted to shot them down with BB guns, but my liberal friends wouldn’t have any of that. However, they had no problems with fireworks, and bottle rockets. Combined, we would tend to get drunk, make experimental paper aircraft designs which we would launch, and then subsequently try to shoot down using manually targeted bottle rockets.

In the process we improved both our aviation design skills, as well as our understanding of basic rocket ballistics. We would chug down a beer as a reward for downing a paper airplane in flames. As I recall, we would also quaff down a beer if we had a close miss… Now, that I think about it, we also drank a beer if we missed by a long shot.

Maybe that is why we were always so drunk after trying to shoot down the airplanes…


  • The building of paper airplanes can teach the basics of aviation design.
  • Play is an efficient technique to learn.
  • Those bottle rockets that lit up the sky decades ago over the Syracuse University campus were actually anti-paper airplane projectiles.
  • Physical science isn’t really all that complicated. People tend to use knowledge to obtain power and respect, instead of sharing for mutual benefit.
  • Never discount the importance or value of fun.
  • Don’t be a “purist”, paper airplanes can incorporate staples, paperclips, tape, glue, cardboard, and other features that could improve the design.


Q:  Why did you want to shoot down the paper airplanes?
A: We were drunk and at the time, it seemed like an appropriate thing to do. We started with some bottle rockets that one of our friends had. We became so enraptured with the concept that it became a semi-regular event. It was often done surreptitiously in the dark night. We would launch them from the windows in the day room of the dorm where all my friends lived.

Q:  How did you get started in making paper airplanes at university?
A: My friend Peter was always fiddling with his hands. For a while, he began to start making paper airplanes. Over the months together, we started playing with them. We put them in races, and tried to find out how long that they would stay aloft.
Q:  Did you ever get into trouble for launching bottle rockets?
A: Not me personally, but there were complaints. It was certainly against campus rules, but the rest of the dorm were either too stoned to complain, or too busy studying to notice. At that time, there weren’t too many busybodies on campus. People had a Laissez-faire attitude about life. It was best summed up as “live and let live”. So you could pretty much live your life on your terms, within limits of course. That is totally unlike today, where the campuses are populated with busybodies, and crybabies that are easily offended about everything.

American universities today.
American universities today are “safe spaces” where everyone can get offended by the slightest remark. It is Orwell gone amok. It’s a pretty bad situation. I, for one, am glad that I am not attending university today.

Q:  Do you still make and fly paper airplanes?
A:  No.  Occasionally, I make one to two to amuse a child, but that is the extent of it.
Q:  Did you ever make paper airplanes out of aluminum foil?
A:  No, but it is an interesting concept. If the foil is thick enough it might lend itself to some interesting wing designs.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Compiled 19JUL18.
  2. Completed 20JUL18.
  3. SEO review and Release 20JUL18.

The Oil Lamp Discovered inside a Block of Coal

Our world is filled with all sorts of mysteries. For the ignorant, they are mere curiosities. However, for those who have a better understanding of how the universe works, they serve as signposts towards the make up of the true reality that we live within.

Let’s take a look at a an OOPART; and Out Of Place ARTifact. In this case, let’s look at how a cast oil lamp found it’s way into a block of coal. Coal, mind you that formed a long… long… long time ago.

Let’s look at the function of the object, let’s study the processes used to make the object, and let’s try to understand the time when the coal was formed. For by understanding these characteristics, we can better understand the item in question, and thus in the process, understand our reality as well.


Wilbert H. Rusch published an account in The Creation Research Society Quarterly 7, 1971 of a rough, cast iron pot that was found in a chunk of coal. The coal came from a mid-Pennsylvanian coal seam. The coal seam was located at the Municipal Electric Plant in Sulphur City, OK.

Oil Lamp
The object in question in a early-style oil lamp. This is a typical dish common during Roman, and Egyptian time periods to illuminate the rooms at night. The object is an OOPART simply because it was found within a block of coal. Coal that formed millions of years before proto-humans appeared on the earth.

The artifact is now archived at Creation Evidence Museum.

This small implement was embedded inside a single large lump of coal. While other coal artifacts have been found, very few have been well documented or analyzed. As most of the time, a typical and average person discovers the item once they crack open the coal to heat their homes. Typically the item is discarded and forgotten. I, myself, have found screws, nails, small metal objects and such inside of coal when I worked in the coal mines, and was involved in sorting debris out from under the rock crusher there.

In this case, there is a notarized letter documenting the authenticity of the find.

The document states the following:

Sulfur Springs Arkansas
Nov. 27 – 1948

While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla. in 1912, I came upon a solid chuck of coal which was too large to use. I broke it with a sledge hammer. This iron pot fell from the center, leaving the impression, or mould of the pot in a piece of the coal. Jim Stull (an employee of the company) witnessed the breaking of the coal, and saw the pot fall out. I traced the source of the coal and found that it came from Wilburton, Okahoma Mines.

Frank J. Kennord

Sworn to before me, in Sulphru [sic] Springs, Arkansas, this 27th day of November, 1948

Julia L. Eldred

N.P. My commission expires May 21, 1951 – Benton Co.

Artiface and statement.
Artifact with the statement. This object is now safely located in a museum so that it won’t get misplaced or lost by others who are unaware of its’ significance.

Other Curiosities

Working in the coal mines, we all knew that these objects would appear from time to time. I myself have found rods, screws, nails, twisted and bent mental pieces.  In additions there would be rust nodules in the shape of long pipes, rods, and clumps of unknown objects that would rest near the coal in the adjacent rock, typically limestone or sandstone in type and appearance.

A handful of other such artifact-in-coal accounts have been recorded (Sanderson, Ivan T., Uninvited Visitors, 1967, pp. 195-196.), including an intricate gold chain found in coal. The Morrisonville, Illinois Times, on June 11, 1891, published a report that Mrs. S. W. Culp found a circular shaped, eight-carat gold chain, about 10 inches long, embedded in a lump of coal after she broke it apart to put in her scuttle. The chain was described as “antique” and of “quaint workmanship.” The story said only part of the chain was revealed when she first broke open the coal, and that the rest of the chain remained buried within the coal. The coal came from one of the southern Illinois mines. Unfortunately the artifact has since disappeared.

Dating of the coal

The coal is from a coal seam that has been positively dated to the Carboniferous Period, of which case, the particular seam was dated to the Pennsylvanian Sub-Period. This is positively dated to 299.0 to 318.1 million years ago.

For our purposes, let’s just say it comes from 300 million years ago.

For those of you who are unaware, this was a very, very long time ago. It was not only long… long… before humans were out and about, it was before hardwoods. At that time, the earliest trees were at best softwoods, while the bulk of the trees looked more like overgrown ferns and bamboo strands.

The earliest trees were tree ferns, horsetails and lycophytes, which grew in forests in the Carboniferous period. The first tree may have been Wattieza, fossils of which have been found in New York State in 2007 dating back to the Middle Devonian (about 385 million years ago). Prior to this discovery, Archaeopteris was the earliest known tree.

Both of these reproduced by spores rather than seeds and are considered to be links between ferns and the gymnosperms which evolved in the Triassic period. The gymnosperms include conifers, cycads, gnetales and ginkgos and these may have appeared as a result of a whole genome duplication event which took place about 319 million years ago.


This period of time was that of a calm water world. There was a large continent Gondwana  which was mostly covered in glaciers on the Southern hemisphere. The equator was a hot, steamy lush area filled with all kinds of early plant life.

Map of the earth at 300Ma.
This is a map of what the earth looked like around 300 million years ago. The coal seams that the oil lamp was found in originated at the equator. Obviously, the person who used this oil lamp needed to see at night within a lush tropical environment.

What the Earth was like at the time

The earth was mostly a water wold. There was one singular landmass known as Gondwana.  The land was mostly arid, and dry. At the Northern and Southern climates it was cold, and there was a nice lush band of tropical climate at the equator. Any (land based) life worth noting was at the equator.

Climate map
The equator was an area of lush hot tropical growth of early trees and primitive plants. This area was one of swamps, bogs, and hot environments that were conducive to rapid evolutionary vectors.

We do know that the region was not only tropical, and warm with lush and extensive primitive flora, it was also an area of wet-lands, bogs, swamps and low-shallow seas. The terrain, now called Oklahoma, was a tropical coastal area. There were many low lying areas, and it probably looked something a little like the swamps of Louisiana, or the low lands of Florida.

Environment 300 Ma
Here is a map of the paleogeography of the United States during the Pennsylvanian time period approximately 300 million years ago. Source from Levin 8e/Wiley fig 11-10 w220

During the Pennsylvanian period the equator was covered in swamps and bogs. It looked something like this.

Function of the Object

The object is a lamp. Typically these lamps either sits on a table, or hangs from a chain on a stand. Oil, is placed inside the lamp, and a small fire is lit at the edges that look like tea spouts.

Roman lamp
Ancient Roman lamp. The oil would be placed inside the container, and openings would be placed at far ends of the lid. Then a fire would be lit at the exposed ends.

We rarely see this kind of lamp today. It is of a style and utility that is long obsolete. This kind of lamp was very popular in the ancient world. Both the Romans, and the Egyptians used these lamps and they are commonly depicted in carvings and reliefs from that time.

Manufacture of the Object

lamp found in a block in coal
This pot was found within a block of coal. This was a coal seam located in Oklahoma.

This object is made out of iron. Notice that it is not corroding or rusting. Conventionally, this is known as “white iron”.

The basic strength and hardness of all iron alloys is provided by the metallic structures containing a crystalline allotropic form of carbon.  Almost all irons have some graphite inside of it. The carbon graphite gives the iron the properties that we so know and love about steel.

By controlling the type of carbon, and how it is added, one can significantly improve and enhance the properties of the metal. It can range from those of soft, low-carbon steel (18 ksi/124 MPa) to those of hardened, high-carbon steel (230 ksi/1,586 MPa). Indeed, the modulus of elasticity varies with the class of iron, the shape of the cast part (sphericity) and volume fraction of carbon inside of it. All of which is a knowledge base that helped to greatly expand the steel industry in Pittsburgh and the Ohio valley.

Other minerals can be added to iron to add other properties as well…

"Huge amounts of iron are used to make steel, an alloy of iron and carbon. Steel typically contains between 0.3% and 1.5% carbon, depending on the desired characteristics. The addition of other elements can give steel other useful properties. Small amounts of chromium improves durability and prevents rust (stainless steel); nickel increases durability and resistance to heat and acids; manganese increases strength and resistance to wear; molybdenum increases strength and resistance to heat; tungsten retains hardness at high temperatures; and vanadium increases strength and springiness. Steel is used to make paper clips, skyscrapers and everything in between."

-It's elemental (Iron)

Iron typically will not corrode, that is, until you add carbon…then it starts to rust. So that is why Stainless Steels were such a big thing back in the day. It was a method by which carbon could be added to the steel, to make it hard, and a process put in place to reduce corrosion.

Iron casting process
A simple diagram on how cast iron is made. This process is very similar, if not identical, to the one that made the OOPART.

From what I can gather from the photos, this looks like an object made out of “pure” cast iron. With only some trace amounts of impurities that would give it a “white” iron composition. Though, the reader should be aware that this speculation on my part. In short, it is a cast object made out of iron.

A mold was made.

Iron ore was smelted and iron was extracted from the rock. It was then heated until it was liquid and then poured into the mold. This is “Iron Age” technology. Which, by extension, means that whatever civilization made this object passed through the copper, and bronze ages of technology.

Form and Shape

One thing that I noticed about this object is how well formed it is. The top and the bottom are both apparently well-formed circles. The spouts are also well formed and well done. The person who made this object was an expert. Not only in skill, but also had an “eye” for Industrial Design and utility.

The design for the object is “clean”. It is unadorned and simple. It is “no nonsense” and is quite unlike that of most historical objects.

This object was designed for in paper first and then a mold was created. The precision and lines are completely suggestive of pre-planning and not that of a hand-made model that was used to make a mold cavity.

Speculations and Considerations

What can we learn from this object? Here are my thoughts…

  • There was a “Iron Age” civilization at the equator 300 million years ago.
  • They utilized lamps. We know that both the ancient Egyptians and Romans used similar style lamps inside their domiciles.
  • The design of the lamp shows a level of expertise that is suggestive of a large complex civilization.
  • The civilization that created this object was not human. What ever they were, and what form or shape they had, is unknown. Humans did not come into being for over 299 million years later.

Carboniferous globe.
The globe during the Carboniferous period around 300 million years ago. There were ice caps at that time. Probably at both, though evidence is suggestive that the North pole was covered in an ice cap.

Opinions of the Statists

Statists typically believe in a Newtonian reality. It is one where time is a strict linear path, and that everything that exists can be observed and measured by man.

It’s a rather bleak existence. As we know from quantum physics that that is absolutely NOT the way the universe works. I guess that they never got the memo.

They also believe in the inherent superiority of humans over all creatures. They believe that there is only one intelligent species; human. They also believe that the government can be trusted; that they would tell everyone immediately is there were extraterrestrials, or if they had treaties with other kinds of beings or creatures.

Statists are proud of their ignorance.

Personally, I find their knowledge of reality trivial.  their understanding of the universe wholly inadequate, and their understanding of the nature of man, impossibly tiny.  They are like the book-worm misfit who has no social life and locks themselves inside a room alone to construct a reality from which they can find solace within.

A statist tries to make everything fit into the latest accepted theories. They are the PC police for the status quo. They are what prevents true advancement in scientific discourse as they keep rejecting anything that lies outside their narrowly accepted understanding of the world. Being statists, they never really accomplish anything. They just support the standing of accepted scientific theory.

Anyways, they have come to certain conclusions on this particular object…

"The cup appears to be cast iron, and cast iron technology began in the eighteenth century. Its design is much like pots used to hold molten metals and may have been used by a tinsmith, tinker, or person casting bullets... 

The cup was likely dropped by a worker either inside a coal mine or in a mine's surface workings. 

Mineralization is common in the coal and surrounding debris of coal mines because rainwater reacts with the newly exposed minerals and produces highly mineralized solutions. 

Coal, sediments, and rocks are commonly cemented together in just a few years. It could easily appear that a pot cemented in such a concretion could appear superficially as if it were encased in the original coal. Or small pieces of coal, including powder, could have been recompressed around the cup by weight (Isaac, 2005).

Thus, a person who broke open such a nodule might mistakenly conclude that it was part of the host formation, rather than a secondary product of the mining environment. 

This phenomena has been documented with objects as modern as soda bottles and World War II artifacts (Al-Aga, 1995; McKusick and Shinn, 1980), and thus cannot be used as anti-evolutionary evidence. 

One might object that we do not know that this was the case in regards to the iron pot in question. True, but more importantly, we don't know that it wasn't. In short, even if the workers were telling the truth as far as they knew it, we have no reliable evidence that the pot was actually part of the original coal formation.

-Alleged Iron Pot in Coal

Yup. You read that correctly. Since there weren’t any “experts” or “blue ribbon panels” under the fucking mountain when the object was extracted, that it should be automatically discounted. Yup. That’s what the conclusion is;  the deplorable non-college educated coal workers are either lying or confused.

It just HAS to be that, otherwise the nice organized history of the world will come tumbling down. And that is all the time that I will devote to the statists on this subject.

I think perhaps the biggest problem with these statists is that they absolutely have no idea what they are talking about. They have never seen a chunk or coal, picked one up, tried smashing it with a sledge. They seem to have the idea that coal is somewhat like a clump of clay…


Coal is a rock. Yes, boys and girls, it is a rock. Things don’t migrate into rocks like they might migrate into clays. For you can have things underground that would, over time, displace and find themselves inside chunks of clay. Not so with coal. Migration only occurs when the coal is not yet formed and it is in a still malleable state.

Pieces of coal
Here are some smaller pieces of coal. This i s a nice size to throw into a furnace or in a fireplace to keep the fire burning long and bright in the midnight calm. These are rocks. However, they can be smashed into smaller pieces. However, an ordinary hammer won’t do it. You will need a hand sledge as the coal is typically quite hard.

If something is inside a block of coal, you can be assured that once broken, the coal will have two (or more) mold halves, from which the object was readily apparent.

Coal is mined in seams. Often it is found in a thin layer between other rocks such as sandstone, limestone or maybe even granite.  You see, geologic pressure turns loose sand, rock and gravels into hard stone over the years. To consider that somehow a pot accidentally found it’s way into a coal seam is stunningly ridiculous. Surrounded by miles of rock, how in the Lord’s name is it supposed to get there?

Coal mining in a seam.
Here is a photo of a coal mine in 1932. The seam is mined between layers of rock. While the coal itself is not as hard as the surrounding rock, it is sufficiently hard to require mining with pickaxes and sledge hammers.

Of course, the statists have their ideas. Maybe the thing is a hoax. Or, perhaps maybe there was a tunnel in the coal seam, and the lamp was left by a previous miner… Though no thought is given to why anyone would want to use 4000 year old technology to dig deep into a coal seam, or that how the contemporaneous miners would somehow overlook an existing mine shaft.

Instead of trying all kinds of convoluted excuses to fit the statist narrative, why not call it was it is and then move on with your life? Jeeze!

Take aways

  • A cast iron object that is apparently an oil lamp was found in a lump of coal.
  • The coal was dated to 300 million years ago.
  • It was manufactured.
  • It was designed and intended for use.
  • Since there is no evidence that humans existed 300 million years ago, the object had to have been made by non-humans.


Q: What is the purpose of the object found inside the block of coal?
A: It is similar to a primitive oil lamp. Oil would be placed inside of the object, a lid would be placed on top, and the holes above the spouts lit to form a lamp.

Q: Why hasn’t there been other artifacts found around the lamp?
A: We do not know. There probably has been other objects, but most were probably burned within furnaces and ovens and not even noticed by those who shoveled and handled the coal. I would suggest that the coal seam might be laden with various artifacts that might serve as a nice window into the past.

Q: What do the Statists think the object is?
A: They think that somehow, somebody was using a ancient oil lamp design contemporaneously. That they somehow dug a hole inside a seam of coal, and left the object there. Later on, maybe a few months later, some coal miners dug some coal out.

The people who discovered the object inside the coal were too ignorant to see that it was an impossible item. In their ignorance, they mistakenly believed that it was formed when the coal was formed.

Obviously anything that does not fit the contemporaneous theories that are in vogue should be ignored until an official explanation is assembled from a “Blue Panel” committee of learned scientists and government officials.


Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

The Importance of having a Second Passport

When America was a first-world nation, and was the preeminent leader of the “free world”, the idea of having a second passport sounded… well, silly. Why would any American want to get a second passport. An American passport was an automatic door to world-wide travel and freedom to enjoy the liberties and protections that came with being an American. So getting a second passport; and inferior passport, was laughable.

Not so today.

Today, America is not a first-class nation. It is a second-class nation, and it is quickly devolving into a third-class nation. If you, the reader cannot see this, then I suggest you step outside the borders of America and start to look around you. I don’t mean Mexico. It is easy to feel superior when you live next door to endless sprawling slums. I mean Asia. I mean middle-class Africa. I mean Eastern Europe.

Go and have a nice long look around.

The Winds of Change are a Blowing…

Growing up, the idea of going to work for a big company for 30 or 40 years, and then retiring to a golf course or rocking chair somewhere, was something completely alien to me. People my age nowadays mostly expect to work full time until age 75 or more. We can forget about pensions and Social Security.

-Three Economics Lessons I Learned from my Dad
America, like many nations before it, is succumbing to the changes that all nations go through. It is a natural process. It is also a well documented process. Nothing stays the same, it only changes over time.
America is due for a nice big reset.

Clife cycle.
Here is the life cycle of all systems. These systems can be biological, cultural, or social. The presence of a bureaucracy on the life cycle is a serious sign of decline of the culture.

In our case, it is certainly unfortunate. Indeed, it is sad and it is lamentable, but it is exactly what it is. America is solidly on the path of collapse and after that rebirth.

America is going to be reborn. That's the good news.

America will have to go through some changes to get there. That's the bad news.
What shape it will evolve into is anyone’s guess. Many millennials are hoping for a totalitarian socialist state. This would be one with a disarmed populace who works for a benevolent government who provides food, shelter and entertainment for an obedient citizenry. On the other side of the coin are traditionalists who want a return to the intent of the original Constitution.
It's all or nothing. Neither side will compromise simple because there is no room for compromise.
In the meantime, the United States will undergo an uncomfortable period of adjustment and change. Hopefully it will be short lived, manageable, and the nation and the citizens will recover quickly from it. Hopefully there will not be any kind of military confrontation, or socialist purges, or other elements of discomfort.
America is heading towards an adjustment of it’s society.
During this period of discomfort, it might be a good idea to be able to step outside the United States for a brief period of time… like a lifeboat, while the United States goes through the “big reset”.  You know, to keep you and your family safe while the most uncomfortable aspects of the reset go through their process. What do you think?

The Big Reset

The “big reset” is my term for what other people are referring to as the “Fourth Turning”. It is a period of change and adjustment within society. The theory is a simple one and goes something like this;
All things mature. People, plants, and societies. Maturity has stages. These include birth, growth, middle age, decay and death. Death That includes America.

Now, death need no mean destruction. It means change.
America is long overdue for a reset. The last reset was in 1929 stock market crash. A nice overview of this theory can be found in the Fourth Turning website found HERE. Here is a nice write-up found HERE concerning what is expected to transpire in the next ten years or so…
Periodically, society experiences a transition from one turning to another. Today we have just experienced such a transition. 

The frenzied individualism and carnival culture of the recent Third Turning—the years of the Roaring ‘90s, the Dot-com Boom, and the Greenspan Asset Bubble—is fading into memory.  

America has entered a Fourth Turning, marked by new sobriety about unpaid debts at home and unmet challenges abroad. 

Like all turnings, the current Fourth Turning will draw its momentum from the aging of each generation into a new phase of life. 

Unlike the last three turnings, the emerging lineup of generational archetypes is likely to push history forward in a sudden, concerted, and decisive direction.

As visionary Boomers replace the Silent as elder leaders, they are rejecting caution and compromise and acting on moral absolutes. 

As pragmatic Gen-Xers replace Boomers in midlife, they are manifesting a new toughness and resolution as hands-on managers. 

As group-oriented Millennials replace Gen Xers in young adulthood, they are getting ready to mobilize behind some new model of public authority with collective action and social discipline. 

All of these generations are likely to view the recent Third Turning as an era of drift when public problems were allowed to accumulate—problems that must now be tackled head-on.

There are many potential threats that could feed a growing sense of public urgency as the Fourth Turning progresses, from financial collapse to a protracted war, from a crisis of weapons proliferation to an environmental crisis, from an energy shortage to new civil wars abroad. 

The generational cycle cannot explain the role or timing of these individual threats. 

It cannot account for specific great incidents in history, like Pearl Harbor, or President Kennedy’s assassination, or 9/11. 

What it can do is explain when Crisis or Awakening events are most likely to happen—and, even more importantly, how society is likely to respond to these events in different eras. 

It is the response, not the initial event, which defines an era.

In Anglo-American history, there have been six Fourth Turnings dating back to the fifteenth century (see Historical Turnings). 

In the modern history of many other societies whose generational currents have run roughly parallel to that of the United States (especially in Europe and Asia), there have been many other Fourth Turnings. 

By observing the similarities in how these eras unfold, a morphology can be constructed.

A Crisis era begins with a catalyst, a startling event (or sequence of events) that produces a sudden shift in mood. 

In America’s last Fourth Turning, the catalyst was the 1929 stock market crash. 

In the current era, we may ultimately look back on the global market meltdown and historic national election of 2008--ushering in a “Great Recession” and a seemingly endless era of deleveraging--as the initial mood-changer. 

Several years after the catalyst, society enters a regeneracy, a drawing together of the community in response to a worsening outlook and a growing determination to surmount the challenge. 

Thus regenerated, a society then propels toward a climax—a crucial moment that confirms the death of the old order and triumph of the new. 

The climax can end well, badly, or some combination of both. Either way, it shakes a society to its roots, transforms institutions, redirects social purposes, and marks people (and generations) for life. 

Eventually, the mood transforms into the exhaustion and relief of resolution, the moment when treaties are signed and celebrations are staged.

As the new order quickly hardens and people embrace dreams of domestic contentment, the Crisis era ends and society enters the First Turning of the next saeculum. 

Roughly twenty years, in most cases, will have elapsed since the catalyst. In today’s context, we at LifeCourse anticipate the end of the Fourth Turning to occur sometime in the late 2020s. 

By then, we expect that a new “Homeland Generation” (born, 2005– ?) will begin to come of age as young adults. We tentatively tag them as belonging to the Artist archetype. 

They will strike older Americans as well-educated, well-behaved, risk averse, and perhaps also credulous and conformist.

As America moves into a Fourth Turning, this will be a time of great national trial and upheaval. 

Yet seeing this on the horizon is not a prophesy of some horrible tragedy. 

A Fourth Turning also could be a time of triumph. Just as the risk of war is great in a Fourth Turning, so too is the possibility of accomplishing things that in other eras would be impossible—particularly in the areas of government, institutions, and infrastructure. 

It’s important to remember that Fourth Turnings have occurred many times before in American history. 

Each has been an era when America felt good about itself as a society and a nation, a time when big problems have been solved, when businesses ultimately emerged prosperous, and when people came together with a new ethic of community and consensus.
There will be grand reset, call it what you may. It will  still be a bit uncomfortable. If you, the reader, wants to bunker down and settle in during the duration – I wish you the best. For me, I got off the rocking ship and swam to a distant island where I can watch the boat toss and turn in the horrible storm.

An Island within the Storm

I view having a passport as an island in a storm. It is your ticket to get off a boat that is near calamity, and make it safely to a refuge. The American passport can do that.

There is only one problem…

There are forces within the Untied States that want to limit your access to your passport. Already the IRS can seize your passport if you have unpaid taxes. Liberal democrats are talking about linking the passport to health plans and other things that will create a spider-web maze to untangle. A wall is being build on the Mexican border to make America “safer”, and new rules are being created to control migration.

How can you get “off the boat” to safety, when someone else is holding your “life jacket”?

The answer is with a second passport.

About Passports

Did you know, that before World War I, you didn’t need a passport for international travel. That’s right. You simply would just go to where ever you desired to go to. As such, people simply went wherever they wanted. In many cases, they didn’t need any kind of permission from a government agency. In fact, up until recently, you could enter Canada, and Mexico without a passport and return back to the United States, all that you would need was a driver’s license. Well, that ended by DHS pronouncement.

Now, obviously, quite a lot has happened since then.

Today,  passports are used by governments to document and control their citizens. It is used to track people. It is used to identify people. It is used to tag people as dangerous and as necessary limit their ability to fly (no-fly list) and use public transportation.

So, today, if you want to go to another nation, you need a passport to do so.

Benefits of a Second Passport

A second passport keeps the government from locking you in under their rules. Today in America the US government ignores the fourth amendment. They can seize anything you own, and they do not even need a charge, a suspicion of criminal intent, or even a warrant. They can just come and take what ever they want.

Allowing a government with this kind of power to possess the keys to the gates of the country is simply irresponsible. Without a passport, the government in your home country can effectively place you under house arrest by taking back your passport. Then you are trapped inside America.

While this is a fundamental item of great importance, there are other reasons as well. Among other things, having a second passport allows you to invest, bank, travel, live, and do business in places you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. Many nations no longer allow Americans to bank in their nation. The IRS has made it difficult for the banks and the nations, with substantial penalties for non-compliance to American regulations.

Americans not welcome
Americans are not welcome. I was denied a HK bank account simply because I was an American. They explained to me that the bank would take on an enormous risk if somehow they made a mistake or the rules for reporting changed. Therefore, since my projected account was considered to be tiny, they felt that the risk element was too large for them to accept.

Obtaining a second passport is a fundamental step toward freeing yourself from absolute dependence on any one country. Once you have that freedom, it’s much harder for any government to control your destiny.

No matter where you live, you can benefit from the political diversification that comes with a second passport.

Here are some reasons why you should have a second passport…

[1] Banking

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a 2010 United States federal law requiring all non-U.S. ('foreign') financial institutions (FFIs) to search their records for customers with indicia of 'U.S.-person' status, such as a U.S. place of birth, and to report the assets and identities of such persons to the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

FATCA also requires such persons to self-report their non-U.S. financial assets annually to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on form 8938, which is in addition to the older and further redundant requirement to self-report them annually to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) on form 114 (also known as 'FBAR').

Like U.S. income tax law, FATCA applies to U.S. residents and also to U.S. citizens and green card holders residing in other countries.

A second passport unlocks the door to international financial services. This is especially true for Americans. Ever since Obama was President, U.S. regulators have a long reach. Thanks to him and his cronies, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is now the law of the land.

This is why many, but not yet all, foreign financial institutions now turn away anyone who presents a U.S. passport. I can confirm that this is true in Hong Kong, Macao, and now (as of 2017) Communist China.

To be a welcome customer, you need a passport from a different country. Americans are not welcome.

It is not so much about the money that you have. Not really. Though, I suppose that if I had a million dollars that they would accept my banking services. But that is way, way out of the reach for most Americans. At best, I might be able to save maybe $500 in a bank account. In my entire life, I don’t think that I ever had more than $7,000 in any bank account.

The issue is however, not the amount of money you have. It is the reporting regulations and potential penalties of non-compliance that the bank associates with YOUR passport.

The penalties for failing to file FBARs are severe. There is a minimum $10,000 penalty if your failure to file was inadvertent. However, if you are found guilty of willfully not filing a FBAR, the minimum fine is $100,000 or half the value of the account, whichever is greater.


[2] Stigma of Being a Warmonger

Say your home government has a bad habit of sticking its nose in other nations’ internal affairs. This is most certainly true with the United States, as we have been at war almost ever year since our founding.

Remember that one of the first thing a terrorist does when they capture hostages is to collect their passports. If you are from Israel, you are most certainly targeted. However, being an American has increasingly, become a significant liability.

Indeed, this could make you a target if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, like the next time ISIS radicals decide to attack a public area. Or when you are in a foreign land, and you are pulled over to show your passport…

Fear and passport
You do NOT want to be caught with an American passport in certain areas of the globe. Increasingly any Muslim dominant area will put you at a great disadvantage. This is now also an issue in certain areas of Europe as well.

For a better appreciation of this situation, I would suggest viewing the movie “No Escape“.

There are, of course, passports with minimal risk of foreign policy blowback. When was the last time you heard of anyone targeting Swiss passport holders, Italian passport holders or rounding up Uruguayans?

[3] Avoiding Visa Applications and Fees

Applying for a visa before a trip is a real hassle. It can be frustrating, time-consuming, and expensive. Or not. The thing is that it does take time, and it will cost money. Sometimes you need to show up in person at the embassy to handle this hassle, and it is a painful waste of the day.

A good second passport gives you visa-free access to more countries than you had before.

Take Paraguay, for example. It’s one of the easiest countries in the world to obtain a second passport from. A passport from Paraguay lets you travel visa-free to 123 countries, including most of Latin American and much of Europe. No one ever worries about a person from Paraguay. Have you ever heard of a terrorist, bank robber, sex fiend or evil banker from Paraguay?

Paraguay, you ask. Where is Paraguay?

Paraguay Map
Here is where Paraguay is. It is a nice calm and sable, but poor, nation next to Brazil and Argentina. It is a Catholic nation that speaks Spanish.

[4] Avoiding Government Targeting

A second passport can also come in handy when your home government starts restricting where its citizens can go. For example, after Castro came to power in Cuba, the government used to make its citizens apply for an exit visa to leave the island. It did not grant them easily.

Preventing people from leaving has always been the hallmark of an authoritarian regime. Unfortunately, the practice is growing in so-called liberal democracies for ever more trivial offenses. In the U.S., for example, the government can cancel your passport if they accuse you of a felony. They don’t even need to convict you.

Many people think felonies only consist of major crimes like robbery and murder.

But that isn’t true.

"...federal criminal laws have become dangerously disconnected from the English common law tradition and how prosecutors can pin arguable federal crimes on any one of us, for even the most seemingly innocuous behavior. 

The volume of federal crimes in recent decades has increased well beyond the statute books and into the morass of the Code of Federal Regulations, handing federal prosecutors an additional trove of vague and exceedingly complex and technical prohibitions to stick on their hapless targets."


The ever-expanding mountain of laws and regulations has criminalized even the most mundane activities. It’s not as hard to commit a felony as you might think. Many victimless “crimes” are now felonies. It varies from state to state. Some crimes are misdemeanors in some areas, and full-bore felonies in others. For instance…

  • Having one marijuana cigarette.
"Smoking or ingesting marijuana is a separate misdemeanor. In most locations, including your home, marijuana use will only get you 90 days in jail and a $100 fine. 

Possessing marijuana in a park is a more serious crime, which can even be deemed a felony at a judge's discretion, and this crime carries a two-year sentence."

-Marijuana Laws in Michigan | LegalMatch Law Library
  • Unpaid taxes.
  • Failure to appear to a summons.
  • Smoking a cigarette in a car with a minor.
  • Jaywalking in certain states.
  • Drinking a beer on a Sunday.
  • Removing a tree from your yard without a permit.
  • Driving on a suspended license.
  • Having a fire in your backyard.
  • Failure to shovel your sidewalk in the winter.
  • Carrying an open can of beer while crossing the street.
  • Bringing your dog into a restaurant with you.

Keep in mind, these crimes are given equal legal status as murder, kidnapping, manslaughter and child prostitution in certain states. You do need to be careful.

People this is not the world of Perry Mason, and Mayberry RFD. This is the new world of Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Lois Learner, and Maxine Walters. You all need to open your eyes to the new reality of the “improved” United States.

A study by civil liberty lawyer Harvey Silverglate found that the average American inadvertently commits three felonies a day. It’s true. But, that hasn’t slowed anyone down in the non-stop churning out of laws and regulations.

"We know what happened in the case of QWest before 9/11. 

They (the government) contacted the CEO/Chairman asking to wiretap all the customers. After he consulted with Legal, he refused. 

As a result, NSA canceled a bunch of unrelated billion dollar contracts that QWest was the top bidder for. And then the DoJ targeted him and prosecuted him and put him in prison for insider trading — on the theory that he knew of anticipated income from secret programs that QWest was planning for the government, while the public didn’t because it was classified and he couldn’t legally tell them, and then he bought or sold QWest stock knowing those things.

This CEO’s name is Joseph P. Nacchio and TODAY he’s still serving a trumped-up 6-year federal prison sentence today for quietly refusing an NSA demand to massively wiretap his customers."

-In the book called Three Felonies A Day, Boston civil rights lawyer Harvey Silverglate says that everyone in the US commits felonies everyday and if the government takes a dislike to you for any reason, they’ll dig in and find a felony you’re guilty of.

So, if the U.S. government really wants to cancel your U.S. passport, it can find some technicality for doing so…for anyone. All they need to do is dig and in a short while they can find an excuse. That, of course, is not unique to the U.S. government. Any government can revoke or cancel the passport of its citizens for any reason it sees fit.

"As a civil liberties matter, a government which has the ability to prosecute innocent citizens at will, is a government which has achieved the power that has characterized all tyrannical governments throughout history."


There are so many laws in the United States that it is difficult keeping up with them all.

driving laws
Here are just some of the strange driving laws of the United States. Imagine that you are driving through one of these states, and inadvertently break one of these laws. Heck! You are now liable to go to prison as a felon. You have gotta know your laws. As Constitutional “expert” Obama was fond of saying “ignorance of the law is no excuse not to obey it”.

"...the IRS announced that it would block passports for 362,000 Americans who are late on their taxes.

From where in the Constitution does the tax collector get the right to confine citizens who have never been convicted of a crime? We don’t know.

We believe our own accounts with the IRS are in good order. But the “tax code” had 74,608 pages in 2016; there is plenty of room for disagreement, ambiguity, and interpretation."

-Bill Bonner via

You combine this with the uber-surveillance by the NSA and other governmental agencies and you’ve got a system for more or less automatically accusing any US citizen of a felony.

Having a second passport significantly dilutes this power.

[5] In an Emergency – you don’t need to be a refugee

In a worst-case scenario, you need to leave your home and your possessions. This is called a “bug out”. Most people are unprepared to leave, while others have created a “bug out bag” with enough supplies to get them through a week.


A second passport is “mobility insurance” for you and your family.

Regardless of how bad the economic or political situation might get in your home country, a second passport gives you the legal right to live and work elsewhere. It guarantees that once you “get out of Dodge”, you won’t have to live like a refugee.


[6] Renunciation of American Citizenship

Drastic times call for drastic measures.

What if the United States start mandating sterilization of all white males? This happened in Nazi Germany under various ethnic initiatives .  What if the elected representatives decide to seize the houses of all white farmers and hand over the property to the masses, like in South Africa this year? What are you going to do?

Do you really think that it cannot happen here? Really?

Have you been watching the news lately?

In all likelihood, you will need a second passport if you decide to take the drastic step of leaving the United States and never coming back. This would be the ever costly issue of renouncing your citizenship.

There are advantages of this. Not only are you safe from laws and regulations that might target you and your family. This could also give you huge tax and regulatory benefits if your home country burdens its citizens with suffocating and inescapable taxes…as the U.S. does.

[7] Your Children

Once you obtain a second passport, the political diversification benefits will last for generations. You will be able to pass on multiple citizenships to your future children and grandchildren. You can provide them with options.

I once had a coworker who managed to collect multiple social security numbers for his children…”just in case”. Why NOT have multiple passports with multiple citizenships? If things get difficult or “hot” in one area, why not move to a cooler and calmer area? It offers you and provides you with options.

[8] TSA treats you differently

We, as Americans ASSUME that all people are treated equally by the TSA. You are in a line and everyone is groped. However that is not true in the least. People with diplomatic passports go through a different line and are treated differently, as are “protected” visitors who hold certain passports. People from certain nations are given “special” allowances.

Americans have accepted the fact that they are cattle to be groped and prodded by an all powerful United States government. Other nations do not feel this way. Try to grope and prod a citizen of Kuwait for instance, or Saudi Arabia. It will not happen without some serious discomfort. Thus, the TSA are trained to treat non-citizens differently than they treat Americans.

It is up to the reader to decide whether or not this treatment is better or worse than how they treat Americans. Though, I would be hard pressed to see if the treatment can be any worse…

TSA checking the groin area of a white American when the bulk of terror events have been by non-whites. That’s the Obama presidency for you.

And, let’s see how they treat women…

Yep. She most certainly looks like a terrorist. I am sure that she needed a full cavity body check. You know, just to be sure.

Sometimes the women are set aside for (ahem) “special” screening procedures…

Women are often pulled aside for more invasive screening procedures. These procedures all take time and in the United States, can result in three to four hour delays while you stand in a line. This is hardly freedom, people.

Not Easy, but Necessary

All this being stated, obtaining a second passport is not necessarily easy. You need to prepare, plan and implement. Never the less, I personally believe that it is one of the most important things that we need to do is to prepare options for yourselves in the event that things become supremely uncomfortable for us.

Today, the United States government is the biggest threat to your personal freedom and financial security.

I need to tell you that it is getting worse with each day. Have you been paying attention to the news lately?  There is an entire army of “deep state” employees that are hell-bent on increasing their size and scope of their madidate. This is a power projection, and you the citizen are the enemy. You can see this in how they treat you and how they refer to you with dismissive smirks and calling you names such as “deplorable”, and “white trash”.

Yah. Do you think that they give a “rats ass” about you or your family?

Today, the United States is completely out of control. It is running on autopilot by a huge engaged bureaucracy that is controlled by senile old men and women who enjoy their lavish dinners on fine china. The risks that the status quo poses are only growing. This, combined with other trends, such as skyrocketing government debt will necessitate increasingly drastic action.

At some point in time, politicians will inevitably try to further restrict the movement of citizens in a desperate attempt to squeeze them for every penny possible.


Having a second passport is necessary when your home government becomes unstable.

If you think that there is a chance that your government will become more authoritarian, or unstable, it would be beneficial for you to obtain a second passport for you and your family. It will provide you with options.

"Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms."


Consider this while Democrats are calling for open attacks on Trump supporters, advocate using weapons to kill people, sponsoring riots, and Doxing people who do not fit into their established political belief structures.

Progressive racism
Mainstream institutionalized nonsense, this time it is about white racism. It sickens me. Simply because it just isn’t true. But I’ll tell you what, you want to call me a racist, fine. I will start acting as one. Which is, I am sure, what the actual intention of all this is.

Take Aways

  • While it is important to have your “papers” on you, you also need to have “global papers”, if you intend to leave your nation.
  • Being prudent is a virtue.
  • The key about being the head of the family is to care for, and protect the well-being of the family. Often this means planning and foresight.
  • A second passport enables a person to have a second identity in a second place.


Q: Is a second passport necessary?
A: No. If you have no intention on exiting your nation, then a second passport is not necessary.

Q: What is the primary benefit of a second passport?
A: It provides you and your family options, if for some reason, it becomes dangerous to live inside your nation. History has shown us that it if often dangerous to stay in a nation when government failures become large and dangerous. That is why there are refugees, and illegal migrants. In the event that you need to leave the nation, it is best you be prepared to do so.

Q: Is it easy to get a second passport?
A: No, but it can be done. For instance, you can become a resident and citizen of Fiji by simply living there for five years. Other nations require investments in money.

Q:  Why leave the United States?
A: All nations evolve and change. If you like the change and the direction that it is leading to, then by all means stay and enjoy the paradise that you have been promised. If you feel uncomfortable with the changes, then it just might be in your best interests to move to someplace more comfortable for you. You do not need to live a life of trouble.

Finally Why…?

Well, other nations are different. I think that slim and healthy girls are attractive. I hate the portrayals of large-asses being jiggled around by obese black women as a reflection of the “new” America. I don’t like the in-your-face rudeness, and the constant belittling of hard-working men by welfare mothers with pink hair. You know, guys… You don’t have to take it. You can leave and go to a place where the women are better…

Like Communist China for example.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.


Mad scientist

Gorilla Cage in the basement


Work in the 1960's

School in the 1970s

Cat Heaven

Corporate life

Corporate life - part 2

Build up your life

Grow and play - 1

Grow and play - 2


Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older

Civil War



Bronco Billy

r/K selection theory

How they get away with it

Line in the sand

A second passport

Paper Airplanes


Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Compiled 10JUL18
  2. Completed 15JUL18.
  3. SEO 15JUL18.
  4. Swapped out the embeds and changed the Links. 29SEP18.

The Last Straw – Why I left America

I left the United States. I am now an expat. I strongly believe that I am happier where I am now. I am also healthier and in every way, far better off. By every measure, I am far better off.

I am often asked why I did it.

As most people inside the United States have no idea why I would leave “the land of the free”, and “the best nation on the earth”. They ask me why. They ask me what was my reason for leaving, and why (in God’s name) would I ever even considering leaving the United States for Communist China. As if, I am crazy and have completely lost my mind.

Well, I didn’t lose my mind.

"There’s a lot more freedom than you are led to believe (especially if you come from America)."

-What was the greatest shock to you when you came to China

I didn’t just casually leave. I was pushed out. America chewed me up and spit me out. Broken and torn with only the clothes on my back I entered China. Starting from scratch, in my mid-fifties, I started from ground zero; from scratch and built up a life in a land that I couldn’t even speak the language.

I am thriving here.

But it wasn’t easy.

Facebook has long claimed that its mission is to develop social infrastructure and — *gag* — build community. That no longer passes the giggle test. What they really want to do is follow people around the Internet, collect and organize what they learn and sell that information to the highest bidder.

-NY Post

I am not going to go into all the many boring personal details, details that I don’t want to revisit, on why I left. Instead I will cover the most important parts. The final “straw” that “broke the camels back”, and spit me out to a far away land alone and penniless.


There are many things good about the United States, and many things that are wrong with it. If you, the reader, are unaware of this, then why bother reading this? Every place has both and good aspects.

Watching FBI agent Peter Strzok battle with Congress, my initial reaction was pure anger. 

His repeated, arrogant insistence that he had done nothing wrong despite tons of evidence to the contrary convinced me he deserved immediate firing — if not the firing squad.

Gradually, though, anger gave way to amazement as Strzok grew increasingly combative and condescending. Given his predicament, the sneering and smirking were stupid, and yet he persisted.

Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?

My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.

-Michael Goodwin

One of the reasons why I left was because the United Stated has turned into a third-world, banana republic, shithole. It’s true. By every measure it is a 1960’s style Bulgarian police state, with the corruption levels comparable to 1970’s Africa, only with the latest in high technology surveillance technology.

I no longer wanted to live in such a place.

There was no way that I could recover any sort of decent life within this kind of environment. I needed to go to a place where I could thrive and where my skills and abilities were appreciated. Through chance, as an engineer, I went to where the factories were. I went to China where factories sprouted like weeds, and where my talents were needed and respected.

Anyway, a person living in a third world shithole doesn’t realize that it is a shithole. They think it is fantastic. After all that is all that they know. To see just how far the United States has fallen, you really need to step outside of the United States and take a good hard look at your life.

You need to stand outside and peer in.

Here are the characteristics of a “Third World”, or “Banana Republic” nation. See how many of these characteristics define America today. Text extracted from Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog (alternative version on Zero Hedge HERE). Information editing for clarity an personal points. I strongly suggest the reader visit the OfTwoMinds blog for some excellent analysis.

Consider the points. They are all valid.

1. Most assets are concentrated with the elite. Ownership of stocks and other assets is highly concentrated in entrenched elites. Most save money though bank programs.

Savings rate
Americans barely save. Prior to the income tax amendment; 16th amendment, Americans gave 10% to their churches, and saved the rest. Now Americans can hardly scrape by. They need to obtain loans at high interest rates to accomplish or obtain anything.

The average household is disconnected from the stock market and other measures of wealth. Only a thin sliver of households own enough financial/speculative wealth to make an actual difference in their lives. Most barely have any savings.

2. The Infrastructure is poor and falling into disrepair. The infrastructure of the nation used by the many is poorly maintained and costly to operate. This occurs because entrenched elites plunder the funding to pad their payrolls, pensions and sweetheart/insider contracts.

Detroit is a classic example of what happens with wealthy insiders squander the monies needed for investment and infrastructure for their own personal use.

3. The elite have their own systems. The financial/political elites have exclusive access to parallel systems of transport, healthcare, education, etc. The elites avoid trains, subways, lenders, coach-class air transport, standard healthcare and the rest of the decaying, dysfunctional systems they own that extract wealth from the debt-serfs.

Hillary Clinton lifestyle.
The wealthy do not use public transportation. They fly on private jets, and use drivers to cart them around from one mansion to another. They live within gated communities with their own enforcement arms and protection services.

They fly on private aircraft, have their own healthcare and legal services, use their privileges to get their offspring into elite universities and institutions. They have access to elite banking and lending services that are unavailable to their technocrat lackeys and enforcers.


4. Lavish funding for elitist structures. The elites fund lavish monuments to their own glory disguised as “civic or national pride.” These monuments take the form of stadiums, palatial art museums, immense government buildings, etc. Meanwhile the rest of the day-to-day infrastructure decays in various states of dysfunction.

Here is the new IRS Headquarters building in Maryland. It seems rather sinister with all the Masonic icons and symbiology. You can read about it all HERE.

5. There are only two classes in a stratified society. There are two classes that only interact in strictly controlled ways. They are [1] the wealthy, (who live in gated, guarded communities and who rule all the institutions, public and private,) and [2] the debt-serfs. The debt-serfs are divided into well-paid factotums, technocrat lackeys and enforcers who serve the interests of the entrenched elites.

Rich and poor
From Chris Murphy 01634 686 515
Most nations of the world are populated by the haves and have nots – but few can be seen so graphically than in Mexico. These shocking aerial photos starkly show up the economic divide in some parts of the nation. The gap between the wealthy and the poverty-stricken is very wide in Mexico, but that gap doesn’t necessarily translate into physical distance, as this striking ad campaign by photographer Oscar Ruíz and Publicis Mexico boldly illustrates.
The campaign, which goes by the name Erase the Differences, was put together to raise awareness, and includes four aerial photographs in all. Each photo shows how close beautiful housing developments are to poverty-stricken areas, and even though the images are not Photoshopped, you would swear that at least a couple of them were composites, but it’s claimed they are not, reports photographs do most of the talking, but in case the point isn’t clear, each image is accompanied by a caption that reads: This image has not been modified. It’s time to change that.

The debt-serfs are the rest of the populace who own virtually nothing and have zero power. The elites make a PR show of being a commoner only to burnish the absurd illusion that debt-serf votes actually matter. (They don’t.)

Al Gore
Monied elitist Al Gore making a show of being a commoner by holding an axe and wearing a nice red plaid shirt.

6. Cartels and monopolies extract the wealth of the nation for personal gain. Cartels and quasi-monopolies are parasitically extracting the wealth of the nation for their elite owners and managers.

Google: quasi-monopoly. Facebook: quasi-monopoly. Healthcare: cartel. Banking: cartel. National defense: cartel. National Security: cartel. Corporate mainstream media: cartel. Higher education: cartel. Student loans: cartel.

"The forces of tyranny are winning. Our banking, financial, political, and media structures are wracked by corruption and controlled by a “few” insiders for the benefit of themselves and their cronies. 

Smedley Butler said war was a racket, but every institution is now a racket, with a corrupt powerful cadre of evil men reaping riches at the expense of the many. 

Their rackets are based upon nothing but lies and the continued blissful ignorance of the masses to their flagrant criminal activities."

-Zero Hedge

Health care spending
Rise in the cost of healthcare was exponentially above that of the rest of the economy. Yet, a broken leg is a broken leg. Why does it cost so much more to mend a broken leg today than it did ten years ago.

I think you get the point: every key institution or function is controlled by cartels or quasi-monopolies that serve the interests of the few via parasitic exploitation of the powerless.

7. The elite maintain control through repressive government. The elites use the extreme violence and repressive powers of the government to suppress, marginalize and/or destroy any dissent.

DHS vehicle
The DHS is well armed with military grade vehicles, and armor. They are trained to fight on American soil. The Obama administration has been setting up the stages for an armed conflict of Americans against Americans.

There are two systems of “law”: one for the elites ($10 million penalties for ripping off the public for $10 billion, no personal liability for outright fraud) and one for the unprotected-unprivileged.

Hillary and justice
Comic from Ben Garrison on the law and the outrageous crimes of Hillary Clinton and her immunity from the law.

Those who are not members of the elite are often handed “tenners” (10-year prison sentences) for minor drug infractions, renditions or assassinations (all “legal,” of course). There are institutional forces of violence. For instance, to bust down your door on the rumor you’ve got drugs, confiscate your car because we caught you with cash, so you must be a drug dealer, and so on, in sickening profusion.

"Those pulling the strings of our ever-degrading society share many of the same traits – superficially charming, pathologically deceitful, manipulative, accepting no responsibility for their actions, lacking empathy, absence of guilt, no humility, dishonest, treacherous, having a grandiose sense of self-worth, and prone to dangerous destructive risk taking. 

These are the people who rise to power when citizens become lazy, disinterested, willfully ignorant, distracted by social media, dumbed down by government run education, and easily led to believe falsehoods peddled by a media doing the bidding of the psychopaths in power."

-Zero Hedge

8. Dysfunctional institutions utilize unlimited power to extract money. Dysfunctional institutions with unlimited power to extract money via junk fees, licensing fees, parking tickets, penalties, late fees, etc., all without recourse.

US Government
How’s this for a nice streamlined and efficient government? Nope. It is fraught with inefficiency, redundancy and fraud. There is no way that this can operate in a cost effective manner.

Mess with the extractive, parasitic bureaucracy and you’ll regret it: there’s no recourse other than another layer of well-paid self-serving functionaries that would make Kafka weep. All bureaucracy is a sign that the culture and society is in decline.

Clife cycle.
Here is the lifecycle of all systems. These systems can be biological, cultural, or social. The presence of a bureaucracy on the life cycle is a serious sign of decline of the culture.

9. A huge army of bureaucrats that siphon money from the system. The well-paid factotums, bureaucrats, technocrat lackeys and enforcers who fatten their own skims and pensions at the expense of the public. Meanwhile they slavishly serve the interests of the entrenched elites and embrace the delusion that they’re “wealthy” and “the system is working great.” These deluded servants of the elites will defend the dysfunctional system because it serves their interests to do so.

Here is a scene from the movie Brazil. Here a world is depicted that resembles the United States in many ways, which is probably why it has a cult following.

The more dysfunctional the institution, the greater their power, so they actively increase the dysfunction at every opportunity.

"Wall Street banking executives, rating agency executives, mortgage lenders, government apparatchiks, corrupt politicians, and captured central bankers wrecked the worldwide financial system in 2008, while conducting the largest control fraud heist in history.

They reaped the riches on the way up and when it inevitably blew up, crushed the life savings of the peasants and should have bankrupted the Wall Street perpetrator institutions, they shifted the losses to taxpayers. 

Not one culprit of this earth-shattering fraud went to jail. The Deep State circled the wagons, protected themselves, and used their propaganda media to paint false narratives regarding the causes and perpetrators. Wall Street won. Main Street lost, again."

-Zero Hedge

The USA is definitively a 3rd World nation. Read the list above and then try to argue the USA is not a 3rd World nation. Try arguing against the facts displayed in this chart:

Soaring Income Inequality
Income inequality from 1980 to 2014. Image from the New York Times. The chart clearly shows a complete reversal of the fortunes and demographics of American citizens in the last four decades.

I know it hurts, but the reality is painfully obvious: the USA is now a 3rd World nation.

The Realization

Living in a Third World nation is not really bad if that is all that you know. However, I was raised in an America that was not only a first-world nation, but was THE preemptive first-world nation hands down. I could see the changes. They we obvious. They were visceral.

Over the years the alarm bells in my head were getting louder and louder. I started to distract myself from them. I relished in the new technologies and software games that were being released. I dealt with my family and tended my tomatoes. Yet, the clamoring progressively got worse and worse…

The people who I talked to were, for the most part, unaware of any negative trends. To them, everything was just fine and rosy. It just seemed that I was absolutely alone in this appraisal. They told me not to get so upset with things. It will be fine, they reassured me.

Personal Issues and Retirement

After spending over 20 years in a corporate, I find that many of those are true.

The pay was excellent, the benefits were excellent, but...that’s where “excellent” ended. I often referred to that job has wearing “golden handcuffs”...hated the job, the commute, etc., but loved the pay.

When I got out of the military at the ripe old age of 22, my Dad wanted to set up a electrical business...there was a building boom on, and I probably could have retired at 45...but, being young and stupid, I thought I had better ideas about how to make a living.

Had I followed his suggestion, and manual work would have been a little harder, at first, but I could have worn jeans and a t-shirt instead of a coat and tie, have the time (and funds) to take nice vacations, and probably have a much nicer home and cars.

I guess we live and learn...albeit too late.

-FR Comment

There is a saying in China. It is called the twelve year curse; the Ben Ming Nian. The idea is that there are non-physical aspects of our reality that are influential on our physical life. These aspects are cyclic and change every twelve years. They occur when you are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and if you are fortunate to live beyond that, when you are 84.

The Ben Ming Nian is a difficult time as your are at a point of imbalance in your life. It is considered to be inauspicious or unlucky. People need to take great care of their actions and their emotions.

At the time of my 48th birthday, my Ben Ming Nian reached nuclear levels. My mother died, my beloved pets died, I had a divorce, I was embroiled in sibling disputes of the family property, all of my personal property was confiscated, my vehicles were seized or mysteriously destroyed, I lost my boat, I lost my swimming pool, my bank accounts were drained, and on top of all that, I was retired from MAJestic (with all of what that entails). It was a horrific time. Any one item is considered a significant stressor in the DSM handbook, I had about twenty things going on at the same time.

Like I said, there is no need to enumerate in detail any of these events. Just know that it was a rough time for me…

When you have nothing


I lost everything.

I mean… everything.

During this time, I suddenly came to the realization that I had nothing. I lost everything. All my education, experience, patents, friends, relationships, property, possessions and purpose were gone. They were all stolen, destroyed or withheld. Everyone played a role, with the largest roles taken by those closest to me, and the United States Government.

I came to the realization that all that I worked for was naught. I could have skipped school and went fishing all day, got married and stayed working in the coal mines, and I would have been better off. The entire life that I had lived was a lie.

I had blindly followed the promises that we provided to me. I ate them up “lock stock and barrel”.

I was a dupe. I was a fool. I was a smart ignoramus.

I could have been a lazy joe, just eating drinking, and fishing and I would have been far better off than who I had become.

But you know what…

That realization was freeing. I realized that since I no longer had anything holding me back, that I could do anything that I wanted. I was free to do anything, eat anything, be anything, go anywhere.

I could start my life anew.


So I Left

I had no ties holding me back. Few friends. No possessions aside from the clothes on my back and some personal papers. I moved to a new country to start a new life, with new friends and new experiences. I left the United States and I moved to communist China.

I moved to communist China, of all friggin’ places!

Communist China, contrary to what you might read, is not a third world shithole. Today, it is a modern nation, with more in common with Japan than (say) Mexico. The people are nice, smart, attractive, and hard working. They need talented people like myself.

So I moved there.

China is not what is presented int he American media.
According to the American media, China is a dirty smog-filled third world cesspool. When the exact opposite is true. But don’t take my word for it. GO SEE IT FOR YOURSELF.

Sure beats bagging groceries at Cosco or collecting welfare benefits.

In Hindsight

Life is what you make of it.

Life is like a big sea. Sometimes it is calm and clear and serene. Sometimes it is choppy. Sometimes it is a typhoon.

Sometimes you ride the waves in joyous abandon, while at other times you hang on for dear life.

We can see the clouds on the horizon, and it is up to us to prepare for the storm that may, or may not, hit.

The life we live is only lived by one person; yourself. The life other people live, is only experienced by themselves. We might look at them and comment on it one way or the other. But when we do so, we are simply observers on a nice calm island watching other people ride out a storm holding on to dear life on a rickety old raft. We are often too judgemental, as we are living within our own bubble of reality; our own island of comfort.

"The first 45 minutes of Office Space is the most accurate documentary about American corporate life ever filmed."

-FR Comment

We haughtily raise up our head and pronounce, “that would NEVER happen to me. I am too smart. That person is a fool.”

Yah. In fact, ask any prison guard. One of the most common statements made by inmates is how they thought that they would never go to prison. “So, I was driving while drunk. I did it one thousand times before. It was just bad luck that I ran over that mother and infant.” Or, “I was only smoking weed, you know it’s legal in California.

We cannot judge anyone. We just cannot as we are not experiencing their reality. We can only judge ourselves; our actions and our life.

Life is what you make of it…



For me, and my situation, it was best to start off new in a new life. I had grown accustomed to living in a first-world nation. It was what I knew. It was what I expected.

However, it was not what was happening.

I see that in this cutthroat society, based on a "greed is good" philosophy, unlimited profit seeking, selfishness, fraud and greediness for money dominates everywhere. Money is absolutely the bottom line for everything. 

In America, the rich are truly rich and the poor are hopelessly poor. In my opinion, the United States today has the most advanced system of private tyranny. Private corporations have enormous power in this country and they take advantage of an apparently legal slave labor, terribly exploiting the working class people. Corporate bosses earn millions while workers struggle to survive without living wages. 

From my point of view, the majority of jobs here today are still extremely exploitative. The U.S. minimum wage is ridiculous. Working for $5 an hour is slavery and nothing else. Therefore, poor people and homeless people make up a significant portion of the population in this country. 

Millions of hard-working Americans live permanently at the edge of poverty. There is no doubt that economic injustice is the most important issue of today's America. 

The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and all the people in the middle are just falling down. 

I see that people in this society are secondary to corporate power and profits. Freedom for market dominates over freedom for people. In fact, at least 80 percent of Americans are simply robbed by this exploiting system. 

I've noticed how American corporate propaganda always surely emphasizes that in European countries - "welfare states"- people have to pay a much higher taxes. 

In fact, taxes in most of Western Europe, even in Scandinavia, are just slightly higher than an average 34 percent of income Americans pay. The main thing is what people receive in return for their taxes. In European social- democracies everybody has a "cradle-to-grave" comfortable feeling of security and care. 

Question: What are citizens of this country getting for their tax dollars? Answer: Next to nothing! People's taxes support armament instead of basic human needs here.

America was devolving into a third-world tyrannical dictatorship which more resembled a 1960’s Bulgaria, with elements of a 1970’s banana republic, only with high-technology surveillance and police force. To make matters worse, a non-citizen was elected President. And, he was hell-bent into complete destruction of the United States.

His attitude was “what mine is mine, what yours is mine, and if you don’t like it, Fuck You!”.


So here we have elected this person to take control of the executive branch of the government. Suddenly he becomes a pop hero. He starts breaking all kinds of laws, and with the full backing of the American main-steam media he gets away with it. No one finds it odd, or strange.

Everyone excepts it.

It becomes normal.


The behavior that was depicted in movies only a decade earlier, now becomes acceptable and normal


No one raises any concern. No one cares.

He proceeds to initiate a race war. He enacts all kind of progressive initiatives, all in direct defiance of the Constitution, and yet no one does a single thing. The head of the DOJ, and NSA directly lie to Congress. They are discovered as lies, and they are permitted to get away with their lies. They now live in comfortable mansions, free of concern and consequences…

The new America takes root.

The third-world vision for America is embraced and implemented in places such as Baltimore, Detroit, and San Francisco. San Francisco is now literally a shit-hole with public defecation and ease of illegal drugs and illegal immigrants…


The worst elements of a third-world shit-hole is now embraced and has become mainstream. Fat obese black girls wagging their enormous asses has become not only normal but popular. Especially with them putting down men, fathers and good-honest labor. This is the new vision of America. It is the direct opposite of the America that I grew up in.


I know that I cannot change anything. The systems are in place. The powerful run everything and I am just one tiny person trying to find the exit out. They changed a Republic into a Democracy before I was born, and now it is following the natural progression…

The Democracy is now tying to become full-on Socialist. With Communism being the end game.

"According to Marxist doctrine, socialism is a stage of society between capitalism and communism where private ownership and control over property are eliminated."

-Walter Williams

Of course, through a Democracy, they have implemented Socialism. Socialism is being implemented today, in a prelude to full-fledged Communism.

All this, while the masses are led into the cattle cars…


I didn’t want to live in a third world nation. I wanted to live the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in. I knew the futility in fighting forces of many magnitudes larger than my abilities. So, I took a deep breath. I held my nose. I made a deep heart-felt prayer, and made a switch.

So I made a switch.


This is a story about what I did in my situation. This is a story of my reality and my life.

It is not about YOUR life.

You must live your life and make your decisions based upon what you know. You might not do what I have done because your life is quite different from mine. Good for you. I only urge you to take care of your life and your needs selfishly. For no one understands you better than you, yourself.

Do what is best for you, and to heck with everyone else.

Best of luck.


  • Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

    Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

    Mad scientist
    Gorilla Cage in the basement
    Work in the 1960's
    School in the 1970s
    Cat Heaven
    Corporate life
    Corporate life - part 2
    Build up your life
    Grow and play - 1
    Grow and play - 2
    Baby's got back
    A womanly vanity
    The Warning Signs
    Army and Navy Store
    Playground Comparisons
    Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

    More Posts about Life

    I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

    Being older
    Civil War
    Bronco Billy
    r/K selection theory
    How they get away with it
    Line in the sand
    A second passport
    Paper Airplanes
    Taxiation without representation.
    Make America Great Again.
    1960's and 1970's link
    Democracy Lessons

    Stories that Inspired Me

    Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


    Articles & Links

    • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
    • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
    • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
    • You can find out more about the author HERE.
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  1. Composed 10JUL18.
  2. SEO review 11JUL18.
  3. Release and Post 11JUL18.
  4. Update 13JUL18.

How to Build Up Your Life from Nothing.

Here are my thoughts on what a young man can do to build up his life when he exits school. It does not matter if the school is college, High School, or elementary school. There comes a point in time when you need to make the transition from a student to a worker.

Everyone has their thoughts on this. Here are mine.

...And I had so many misconceptions about how the world worked. For  example, I thought that in any… Because I had seen it in other fields. I  thought that if you are successful in a particular line of work, a  particular area, that everybody in that area kind of acknowledges it,  recognizes it, and respects it and welcomes you in? Ho-ho-ho. Is that  ever not true! 

-Rush Limbaugh

What Can we do?

If you are a millennial, and you do want to work and provide a living, but cannot. There is some hurdle in the way; some problem. Maybe you don’t even know what it is. You have zero guidance. It’s just a big blank slate.

What to do?

(laughing) It turns out it’s the exact opposite. I was a fool. I was  so naive about things. Now, it didn’t take me long to figure it all out,  but I wish I would have known some of it before I began this... 

Nobody that I knew was able to tell me how to deal with it, how to  respond to it, how to deflect it, how to ignore it, whatever to do.  Nobody told me. 

 -Rush Limbaugh 

Here is what you do. You need to seek out help and advice. Do not try to do it on your own. Ask for help. Keep asking until someone helps you. People will brush you off. Ignore them. Get answers get help.

Do not be passive about it. Ask for help. Go to different people. Go one by one. Keep on trying. Keep going until you have someone willing to help you.


Don’t try to do it the hard way, on your own. Seek guidance. Go to a favorite uncle. Ask your father, or your grandfather. Ask. Never be afraid to ask.

Go to a crowded barber shop and ask. You will hear all kinds of bullshit, but through all that bullshit, you will find one or two men who will genuinely offer help and suggestions.

Talk with other men. Heck, I am always willing to take hardworking people under my wing.

I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it's better than college. People should educate themselves - you can get a complete education for no money. At the end of 10 years, I had read every book in the library and I'd written a thousand stories.

-Ray Bradbury


All my life I was taught, by my father, to get a good education. That education will in turn, enable me to get a “great job”. In which case, I will be “set for life” because I would be valuable to the person employing me.


It sucks working for another person. That person, can and will tell you how to live your life, and will hold your family income over your head like the sword of Damocles. They will use you as they feel fit and discard you when they are through with you.

Some experiences I had…

  • Working 1.5 hours every day, all week, but only during the busy time of the day. They wanted 150% efficiency from me, and nothing else.
  • When I won a round trip airline ticket to Europe for the weekend, my boss told me that if I used it that he would fire me.
  • Time and time again, I was let go… fired with ZERO notice. Three times it was on a Christmas eve. Once, in Shreveport, it was a half-an-hour after I received my award for “Best Employee of the Month”.
  • Having my monthly salary cut to zero because a co-worker made a mistake.

Listen up!

Education serves but one, and only one purpose.

That purpose is to give you advantage. If you do not get anything or any advantage, then that education has zero benefit to you.

  Jay started off by asking the crowd if it was weird for them to be  listening to a speech by him, since he had never attended university. To  him, being extraordinary and to be able to stand in front of everyone  does not depend on how much one has studied, but rather, if he has a  strong skill set. He named a few of his peers who did not study much,  but whose work have been taught in university classes.

 Advice: Having a particular skillset that you are good at is more important than how much you study. 

-Five Lessons form Jay Chou

Money gives you Ability

A young man needs to work. He needs to carve out his life, and do it on his terms. That takes money.

The first thing you need to do is get a job; any job. Start getting money into your pocket.

Start putting money in your wallet.

Keep in mind that the hardest and most unpopular jobs pay the best. That might mean that you might need to wash windows in a skyscraper. You might need to crawl inside of a railroad container car and scrub it out. You might need to empty industrial waste, or scrub toxic biological germs out of a hospital. You might need to work from three in the morning to seven in the morning cleaning up an office building. You might need to shovel pig shit, or determine the sex of chickens (you shove your pinky in the rectum of a chicken).

It doesn’t matter what you do. Work. Get some money and save it.

Save the money you earn. You will need it later.

Humphry Bogart as Dobbs
Don’t be under the impression that I had it easy. I actually lived in a van for a number of years. I starved, and lived off of onions and mustard packets. I worked at jobs and had my pay stolen by the managers. Life can be difficult, but a man endures. Even so while everyone around him laughs.

Don’t be under the impression that I didn’t do what I had to do. I did the ugly stuff, and the difficult stuff, and I smiled when I did it too. That’s life.

You will come home with blood-blisters on your hands, and so tired that your hands shake. You deal with it. Your neck might be so sunburned from the hot sun that when you put on a shirt the searing pain might cause you to pass out. Your hands might be so covered with oil and grease that it would be impossible to clean them entirely. The gasoline stains in your clothes might be so terrible that they never come out. Your girlfriend might want sex, but you are too tired to service her. Hey, that is life, if you are a man. That is what real work is.

The entire time while you are working and saving, plan. Remember that you are a Man. You plan.

Men plan, and map out the life that they will live.

Plan on how you can use that money to improve your work situation. Don’t fall into the corporate trap; you get a good high-paying job and plateau. That is a trap that you will never get out of. Don’t use the money to enhance your life. That you can hold off for a year or two. Just concentrate on a real (short) intense period of making your life happen.


Keep going forward. Some days it will seem that you are hardly making any progress. Ignore that. Just keep going. Do not give up.


Keep this in mind. You need to do is understand that everything around you is fake. The news is fake (unless you are still part of the 0.000001% who still thinks that Donald Trump is a Russian spy). The food is fake. The taxes and the promises of what they will be used for is… fake. You are in the world. Fight for what you need. Fight, and don’t give up. You will make it.

  1. The first and most important thing that a young person can do today is to make money.
  2. This is your task. Find a way to put money into your pocket. Then once you get that money HOLD ON TO IT.
  3. Money can be easily squandered. Do not let that happen to you. You get the money, and you stash it away safely.

Do not follow the Herd

No. Don’t follow the herd.

Do not do what the rest of the people are doing.  You ONLY what will benefit YOU. Life is not a some-size-fits-all. You take the opportunities as they present themselves to you. If college will help you achieve your goals, then go do it. If it doesn’t then do something else.

 Growing up, Jay realized that he wasn’t one for studying hard.  Instead of fighting that, he chose to pursue his interests of learning  to play the piano and basketball.

 If not for his interest in piano and music, he wouldn’t have ended up  where he is today. If not for his interest in basketball, he wouldn’t  have ended up filming “Kung Fu Dunk”. The interests he had when he was  younger made him who he is today, but he could only connect those dots  looking backwards. 

 Advice: Pursue your interests and life will take care of itself. 

-Five lessons from Jay Chou

When I went to college, it was at a time when only a handful of people could attend. The education was valuable and you could obtain a job based on your studious efforts. That is not the case today.

Everyone can go.

Today everyone can go to college. As such, you just become a debt-serf in the process. Today, we really need to see if this is what is in your best interests. Are you willing to become a debt-serf and give a huge percentage of any money you earn to a bank AFTER you give a huge percentage of your money to the government in taxes? Think about it. College might not be right for YOU.

Take a good long and hard look at what your options are. Only go to college if there is a very strong chance that you can benefit from it. Otherwise, I would suggest some other avenue of approach.

Bogart and the Mexicans
A man strives and moves forward no matter what the dangers are. For people WILL certainly see your poverty and youth as a weakness. They will take advantage of you. But move forward anyways.

Today, I look at my High School classmates. You know, the ones that I went to school with a half a century ago.

Today, the rich ones are actually the ones who started their own stores, gas stations, laundromats, and tie-dyed tee-shirt shops. These were the “average” kids in school. They just started a simple business. They worked at it. Rain, or shine. Now they are all quite wealthy. They are, and have always been, their own bosses.

Meanwhile, the smart ones, those of us who attended college, are “professionals”.  Like me, I suppose. Yeah. However, the fact is that we generally live “hand-to-mouth” at the whims of market forces. Without a doubt,  our employers often don’t give a “Rat’s ass” about our lives. Up-sized, laid off, down sized, restructured, renegotiated positions… it’s all the same. It sucks to be a worker for someone else.

Do NOT be like me. Be your own boss.


  • Learn a TRADE; plumbing, electricity, construction…
  • Join the military; Coast Guard, Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force…Join a Union
  • Apprentice
  • Take over a Family Business
  • Start you own business
  • Community College
  • Crash courses and take night classes while you work
  • Work with key friends and start a business

College and Universities are now flooded with people, thus diluting the job pool. Further they teach you how to work for someone else. You become a well-taught monkey, or an obedient drone in a big, big mega-corporation.

You will NEED to be an exceptional person to survive the market trends when you leave college. Instead, consider using the four years (normally reserved for college) to strike out on your own, and give you advantage.

That’s the key. That’s the secret.


Dobbs looking for gold.
Life can be really hard, especially when it seems like everyone else is doing better than you. Do not be fooled. many are not. They are just wearing the necessary masks and driving around in rented machines. Don’t fall for that illusion. You are a man. Stand up and carve out your life.
'Imagine you're at a concert, and you stand up to see better. Now imagine if everybody stands up.'

I already did imagine that which is why I didn't purchase a $100 concert ticket, and I instead purchased the album and stayed home.


Here are some ideas on how to obtain advantage

Be Positive and Kind

The world is full or grouchy old stogies like myself, and young bucks that haven’t a clue. Don’t be like us. The secret of success in this world is an open heart and a willingness to learn. Be kind, and everything will work out.

Turn off the news. It’s full of bullshit.

Tone down the social media. Most people on it, you wouldn’t want to share a pizza with, so why waste your time chatting with them? Shut off your negative friends. Life is too short.

Put only good stuff in your body. That is the stuff that you like, and to hell with everyone else. Don’t listen to anyone else. Follow your heart.

Dobbs on his own.
Life can be unfair. Everyone will tell you that you are wrong. Everyone will tell you what a fool you are and how hopeless your dream is. Do not believe them.

That means good food, good water, good thoughts and surround yourself with the good in his world.

For the longest time, especially when I was down and the world seemed to be against me, I would listen to motivational tapes. Listen to Les Brown. Keep your outlook positive. Follow your dream. Do not get sidetracked. Follow it.

“If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.”
 Les Brown

Follow you dream. Do not allow anyone to tell you that you cannot have it.

My background was from my time. This is YOUR time, and you are a direct result of it. It is neither right nor wrong. It is just simply what it is.

As such, you need to make the most of it.

There is one important step that you need to take to claim this as yours; be kind.

Be a Man

Bronco Billy is living his dream.
Be like Bronco Billy. Live your dream. You don’t have to be a poor shoe salesman in New York city. You can recreate your life into something that appeals to you. Don’t be afraid. Follow your dream.

In a cutthroat world, it is refreshing to meet a man who keeps his word, looks another in the eye, shakes your hand solidly and says what he means. You can choose to be the man that you want to be, or you can be the image of what others want you to be. It’s your choice.

If you don’t know what I am talking about, watch the movie “Bronco Billy”. Learn from it.

  • Speak with integrity.
  • Say only what you mean.
  • Never say anything negative about yourself.
  • Never say anything bad about anyone else.
  • Never be afraid of hurting someone else’s feelings. That’s their problem.

Start today. Start NOW.

Bronco Billy.
We can reinvent our life. Do what Bronco Billy did. You can define your life on your terms, by doing things YOUR WAY. Don’t let others tell you who you are. You do it.

Act like an American

I like to say, “Act like an American”, but over the years this saying has turned into a insult. I blame socialist progressives rewriting the narrative. Never the less, when I suggest that you “Act like an American” I mean this…

The American's creed.
What being an American actually means. You know the internet has rewritten what the American’s creed is. Now, it has been rewritten to be something much different. It is now a pale reflection. Go to Wikipedia and read the new “politically correct” rewritten version. Sad. I really hate how the internet is being used to rewrite history. This rewrite you can blame President Obama on. The Americans Creed (Image Source.)

If you, the reader, are unaware of the saying and what it means then I strongly suggest that you have been propagandized and manipulated by a false narrative and bogus history. Isn’t it great about the internet? You can rewrite anything when you control the history books!

Ha! What are you? (Are you) a socialist puppet parroting the common narrative or a free man living life on your terms? You choose. Be the parrot, or be who YOU are.

If you want to carve out your life, then you will need to saw off those chains that limit you.

Do not take anything personally

Which brings me up to this important point; don’t take anything personally.

 Jay never took failure as an acceptable outcome. When the songs he  wrote for other artists were rejected, he used them and sang them  himself. Several of those songs have become instant hits with people and  fans around the world.
 Advice: Be the best in your field; do not give in to failure. 

-Five lessons from Jay Chou

Nothing that other people do is because of you. When another person does something, they do it, based on their decisions. They make those decisions based on their knowledge, emotions and personality. If you had any role in it, it would have been a terribly tiny one.


When others blame you, know that they are just using rhetoric . It is a technique to manipulate you. It is a technique used to control you. It plays with your emotions and often results in things that are not in your favor. Do not believe them.

Stay away from people who blame you, condemn you, and make your life miserable. Real men avoid them. Be a real man. You know guys, sometimes you need to cut off an arm when bitten by a rattlesnake.

Don’t make Assumptions

For you to be successful, you will need to be able to communicate.

If you don’t know something, ask. If you want something, ask for it. If there is something that you need, communicate.

You need to have the courage to ask questions and express what you need. You need to do so clearly. Otherwise, you risk misunderstanding and drama.

Remember this; if you do not ask the answer will always be no.

  • If you want a job, ask for it.
  • If you like a girl and want to be with her, ask her out for lunch.
  • If you want a raise, ask for it.
  • If you want an extra straw for your soda, ask for it.
  • If you want to  live in a nice house, ask about it.

Take note that some people enjoy drama, and will pretend not to understand you. It is a form of manipulation. Avoid these people. They have nothing to offer you.

Go to Church

If you read some of my other posts, you might be surprised in this. Yet it is true. We need religion and ritual. We need to connect with a higher power and a higher sense of purpose. We need God.

This isn’t an option. We as human beings need, NEED, God in our life.

Keep on walking.
Have faith. Things will change. You just need to keep on going. As the saying goes… “When you are going through Hell… keep on walking.”

You might have the entire world up against you. You might be dirt poor. You might be alone and full with negative people. You might be starving, but there is one place where you will be welcome NO MATTER WHAT. Go to church.

Go to church.

I’m not going to preach to you. I just suggest that you go to a place that will not judge you. I suggest you go to a place that will welcome you with open arms.

If I would be so bold, I would suggest an “Assembly of God”. They tend to be very open to new faces. I have attended a wonderful Baptist church in Corpus Christi, and a fantastic Methodist church in Erie.

You might need to “shop around”, but go and seek out a church for yourself. There are churches full of busybodies, and churches that are just “old”. Go to a church that has life, one that is full of people in your age group.

Maybe the church of your parents just doesn’t fit you, well do not let that limit you. Explore and try to understand. God is greater than any of us. Give yourself up and meet others who are exactly like you.

I suggest that you go to church, worship God and join the community there. You might be surprised what you will find there.

Do your Best

By doing your best, you can accept failure.

You will find out that your “best” is going to change from minute to minute. There will be days when you are super healthy and will be able to take on the world, and then there will be days when you cannot. It will be different when you are healthy as opposed when you are sick. If you know that you did everything you could at the time, then you know that your defeat was beyond your ability (at that time).

Under any and all circumstances, simply do your best.

Do your best. Keep trying. Keep on doing your best. You will make mistakes. You will face failures. You will hear from everyone else telling you that you were a fool, a dupe, a rube, and just plain stupid. It doesn’t matter. Just keep doing your best.

Don’t believe them.

The successful people NEVER tell you this. This is what unsuccessful people say. When these losers tell you that you have failed, do what I do. I recite a poem, snort quietly (with disdain), smile, and leave. Never look back. Don’t pause no matter what they say to your back. Just leave.

They usually stand there perplexed not understanding what just transpired.

It's going to be okay.

The formula for individual success is well proven and documented. Do not give up. Keep to your plan. Keep working it. Avoid distractions and keep moving forward. It will be alright. It will work out fine. Things will be ok.

No Excuses


"We have been destroying most of the chances any young White Male has to get ahead for decades. I especially like how old men will talk about how they made it with nothing in their pocket and traveling to a new city when they were young. 

I always think "Ya try that today". I am an X'r myself and I can see how much easier I had it over these kids today. Sure the bright top 1% still manage but we have placed so many blockers in front of young White Men these days it's a wonder they haven't turned on us by now."


Do not use any excuses for anything. Forget about race. Forget about ability. Forget about what other people are doing. Forget what your friends say. Forget it all.

Do not compare yourself to anyone or anything. Focus on one thing at a time. Focus like a laser beam, and don’t give up

Never give up.


Never. Ever. Ever. Ever. E.V.E.R. give up. Fight for what you want.

Be a MAN.

Fight, and fight, and fight, and fight.

When it gets hard, keep it up. Don’t give up. No excuses.

Be the robot that will never give up. You get punched down, and you get right back up and keep on fighting.

Fight. Fight HARD. Never give up.

Be the robot that never gives up.
The movie “Real Steel” is about many things, but here it is the story of the little underdog robot that would never give up. It just went out there, into the ring. Time and time again, it would go out and fight…fight…fight. It never gave up. Be that robot.

Even if you are on your knees, and are being pummeled left and right, keep it up. Don’t give up.

Keep fighting.

Fight until you cannot. As you lie there, blood running from between your smashed teeth, open your one swollen eye, push yourself up off the floor. And keep on fighting.

Never give up. Never Surrender.

While this was a catch phrase on a movie parody of Star Trek it resonate in that there are many disguised truths protrayed within it. Never give up and never surrender is one such truth.
You must never give up. Never surrender.

The girl says no.

You ask her out again. She might say no, yet again.

Wait a day or two. Ask her out again.

Don’t be a stalker. Just be nice and friendly. Tell her that you like her and you just want to share a coffee or a meal and talk. Expect nothing else. Keep on trying.

Keep trying.

Never give up.

Sometimes it works. I asked a girl out every day for two weeks before she finally went out with me. 

We’ve been married 51+ years.


Aside from obtaining your goals and objectives, you might find that your ability to get what you desire is extremely attractive to the opposite sex.

Worked for my son-in-law. He asked my daughter out...she said no, he would wait a month or so and ask again. 

She said the reason she did not want to date him is he was over confident to the point she thought he was “cocky” and she didn’t like men like that. 

One day she said yes, after she dated him she realized he was not a jerk just confident. 

Today they are happily married with a son. 


Don’t be a wimp. Be a fighter.



By being “out there” and trying, your efforts WILL be noticed.

You can say that others might notice, or you can say that the “spirits” will notice. Whatever. You will be noticed, and opportunity comes from hard work.

Opportunities arise from effort.

When an opportunity does come up, give it EVERYTHING you have. It will come. It will probably be unexpected, and will not be what you intended. It doesn’t matter. Treat each opportunity as exactly what it is and grab it like a starving dog with a bone. Hold on and don’t ever let go of it.


Do your best. You must. Come in early, work better faster and harder than everyone else. Don’t complain. Smile a lot. Be the best worker that you can be. Be the best;  get so good at your job that you are “invaluable”. Become important in your role.

When we were kids my mom and dad ran a little business. We weren’t poor, but neither were we rich. 

When I turned 14 my father informed me that I would be working there during the summer and every school holiday. He made sure to give me the worst possible jobs at the lowest possible pay. 

At the time I hated him for it. 

After he died I took over the company, and by then I’d learned the value of a hard won dollar and an honest days work, so I was unspeakably grateful for what he’d done. 

He was a depressed, miserable, and cranky old bastard, and he was one of the best teachers a man could ever have. 

-Three Economic Lessons I Learned from my Dad

Again. Do your best.

You must.

Come in early, work better faster and harder than everyone else.

Don’t complain.

Smile a lot.

Be the best worker that you can be. Be the best;  get so good at your job that you are “invaluable”.

Become important in your role.

My company just hired this new 18 year old kid, a real go-getter, always getting up on your grill asking meaningful and relevant questions and actually trying to learn the trade. He's always watching to see how you do things and then wanting (if not demanding!) a crack at it himself. 

That's one thing I don't mind a young kid demanding: go for it dude, I sense that you've watched me enough and can do it to a quality standard. 

At the end of the day I don't even have to ask the kid to grab a broom, he just sweeps and packs up tools. He'll really work out. Says he's saving to buy a house and, you know what, he'll have it by the time he's 21 or so without all the college debt and the brainwashed mind.

-Zero Hedge comment by Mazzy

Make the person who gave you that opportunity feel good about you. Doors will open wider for you.


Role Models

My dad was a great, flawed, successful failure of a man who taught me many things. He loved us but he was mean, he took care of us but he was cheap, he was fun to be around and a nightmare. He was social but had hangups, he divorced my mom but never abandoned us. He was a showman, a curmudgeon, a viper, a friend, an enemy. A complicated man who enjoyed simple things. About as easy to understand as a rubic's cube.

I miss that magnificent bastard.

-Three Lessons in Economics that I Learned from my Dad

You should have a good role model to emulate. I am not talking about fictional characters like Tony Sopranos, or Rocky Balboa. I am talking about real flesh and blood individuals who lived life on their terms. I for one, admire the “Rat Pack”. But you can decide who you would like to emulate.

You are your own boss.
Find a guide. A sure way to get lost in the woods is to explore an unknown area without a guide. In business, find a mentor to guide you through the wilderness.  

What ever you do, don’t be a raunchy playboy like Justin Bieber, or some metro-sexual like Barrack Obama.

Choose someone who defines life on their own terms. Like, perhaps, that fellow who landed on the beach on D-Day wearing a kilt and carrying a broad sword. Or, maybe like this man. Here is a man who lived life to the fullest. I can only wish that someone would write up my biography with such amazing aplomb.

Irishman Dies from Stubbornness, Whiskey  14DEC16

Chris conners
The late, great, Chris Conners.
Chris Connors died, at age 67, after trying to box his bikini-clad hospice nurse just moments earlier. Ladies man, game slayer, and outlaw Connors told his last inappropriate joke on Friday, December 9, 2016, that which cannot be printed here. 

Anyone else fighting ALS and stage 4 pancreatic cancer would have gone quietly into the night, but Connors was stark naked drinking Veuve in a house full of friends and family as Al Green played from the speakers. 

The way he died is just like he lived: he wrote his own rules, he fought authority and he paved his own way. And if you said he couldn’t do it, he would make sure he could.

Most people thought he was crazy for swimming in the ocean in January; for being a skinny Irish Golden Gloves boxer from Quincy, Massachusetts; for dressing up as a priest and then proceeding to get into a fight at a Jewish deli. 

Many gawked at his start of a career on Wall Street without a financial background – but instead with an intelligent, impish smile, love for the spoken word, irreverent sense of humor, and stunning blue eyes that could make anyone fall in love with him.

As much as people knew hanging out with him would end in a night in jail or a killer screwdriver hangover, he was the type of man that people would drive 16 hours at the drop of a dime to come see. 

He lived 1000 years in the 67 calendar years we had with him because he attacked life; he grabbed it by the lapels, kissed it, and swung it back onto the dance floor. 

At the age of 26 he planned to circumnavigate the world – instead, he ended up spending 40 hours on a life raft off the coast of Panama. 

In 1974, he founded the Quincy Rugby Club. In his thirties, he sustained a knife wound after saving a woman from being mugged in New York City. 

He didn’t slow down: at age 64, he climbed to the base camp of Mount Everest. Throughout his life, he was an accomplished hunter and birth control device tester (with some failures, notably Caitlin Connors, 33; Chris Connors, 11; and Liam Connors, 8).

He was a rare combination of someone who had a love of life and a firm understanding of what was important – the simplicity of living a life with those you love. 

Although he threw some of the most memorable parties during the greater half of a century, he would trade it all for a night in front of the fire with his family in Maine. 

His acute awareness of the importance of a life lived with the ones you love over any material possession was only handicapped by his territorial attachment to the remote control of his Sonos music.

Chris enjoyed cross dressing, a well-made fire, and mashed potatoes with lots of butter. His regrets were few, but include eating a rotisserie hot dog from an unmemorable convenience store in the summer of 1986.

Of all the people he touched, both willing and unwilling, his most proud achievement in life was marrying his wife Emily Ayer Connors who supported him in all his glory during his heyday, and lovingly supported him physically during their last days together.

Absolut vodka and Simply Orange companies are devastated by the loss of Connors. A “Celebration of Life” will be held during Happy Hour (4 p.m.) at York Harbor Inn on Monday, December 19.

Amen Chris. Amen.

Alternative Path

Here is another opinion by another person. He has a similar point of view as mine, and I present it here for you, the reader, to enjoy.

January 9, 2019

Kim du ToitAdvice, Business, Guy Stuff, Men & Women

I have often ruminated that young men need to evaluate their career choices very carefully before picking the one they think will work best for them.

Increasingly, it’s become apparent that going to college is not a worthwhile option for them — unless they want to be hounded, harassed and vilified just for the “crime” of being a man, that is.  (10,000 instances of false accusations, man-hating professors and the courses they teach have been omitted on grounds of brevity.)

Now, we’ve seen in other spheres what men do when they feel that the game rules are loaded against them, or that participation leads not only to inevitable failure, but even to a compromised future.  The dating game is one such activity, where men have either deliberately turned the rules of the game against women and used them to their own benefit — or have simply eschewed all participation in the face of assured failure (going their own way — MGTOW) and simply created a parallel life outside the game.

I’m suggesting an alternative to the career game.

Don’t go to college, at least until the rotten system has collapsed under the weight of its own prejudice and misogyny misandry, and been replaced with a better deal.  Ignore the vested interests of people and institutions who preach the lie that you can only be successful with a college degree.

If you’re super-smart and driven like Michael Dell or Bill Gates, of course, you don’t need to be told this.  But only a very few men, in any  activity, are in that rare 0.00001% of super-achievers.

But for the vast remainder, there is an option:  work in industries where the vast majority of women can’t or won’t participate.  I’m talking about the heavy, dirty and sometimes thankless jobs (Mike Rowe-type Dirty Jobs) which not only don’t require a college degree, but where a college degree might even be a hindrance and not a qualifier.

Just last week I came across a guy who was an oil field worker.  He’d fled from Venezuela right after that thug Hugo Chávez came to power, and in the eighteen years since had worked his way up the ladder, in oilfields all over the world.  Now, at age 45, he’d finally reached the point where he didn’t have to work  the oil rigs, just visit them and see how things were going.  Along the way he’d acquired a wife, two preteen kids, and a $750k house in Plano where I picked him up to take him to the airport.  He’d completely lost his Hispanic accent (when he left Venezuela he couldn’t speak a word of English) and was also fluent in Arabic and (ahem) German.  When I asked him if he had a university degree he just laughed and said, “What for?”

What for, indeed.

Here’s the point.  I know it’s going to be difficult for Millennials and their successors to handle this, but working dirty jobs is hard.  It requires dedication, stubbornness and of course a willingness to get one’s hands dirty, and sadly, because of the education industry’s indoctrination of kids, this choice is often dismissed or demeaned.

It shouldn’t be.  If you weigh the eventual benefits of dirty work — where, by the way, your exposure to militant feminism is going to be minimal to nonexistent — against a useless degree coupled with crippling debt, this should not be a difficult decision.

Is this risky?  Not as much as you’d think.  Just the other day, our local community college broke ground on a campus which apparently is going to be dedicated almost exclusively to the “hard” careers — automotive service and repair, construction, welding, plumbing, electrical work, manufacturing and so on — but I’m not going to suggest you look to such an institution for your education / training;  what’s important is simply to realize that for such an event to have taken place, there must be a crippling shortage of young men willing to get into those fields, and this is the Establishment’s attempt to address it.  (It’s complete bollocks, of course — you’d do better by getting an apprenticeship at a real place of work.)

So, in the paraphrased words of Ayn Rand, go “Galt” and make your own way in the world.  You may not succeed, of course, but remember that failure is equally (or, in these times, more) likely with a freshly-printed college diploma clutched in your hand.

Become a watchmaker, if you’re mechanically inclined.  Work in construction, if you’re strong in body.  Get an apprenticeship in a trade, preferably an ugly, dirty and tough one where just by virtue of being a man you face no competition from women.  I guarantee you, there’s a tough job out there for any man if he’s prepared to go for it.  And if your first one (or several) choices don’t work out, find another one that does.

Let women take over non-jobs like human resources, clerical jobs at the DMV, cubicle management, bank tellers or benefits administration at Global MegaCorp Inc., and laugh as the life force is drained from them.

Here’s the challenge:  be a man

Not today’s version of “male” figures who argue over craft beers and fashion accessories.  I’m talking about real  men, who do things for themselves, push aside barriers with confidence and, eventually, end up with women (like my friend Raul, above) who appreciate them for their qualities and for the security and families they can provide.

When I asked Raul if his wife worked, he looked at me in puzzlement and said, “What for?”

If this guy taught a class, he’d create a generation of achievers.  He would never do such a thing, of course, although he would (and does) train other men to succeed as he has.

Now get out there and make something of your life that does not include words like “curriculum”, “term paper” and “Diversity Studies”.  You’ll be a world better for it.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Here are some OOPARTS explained through my eyes while I was associated  within MAJestic. In all cases the discussions are based on what I was exposed to. Most of which is considered to be fringe and “tin hat” stuff. Whatever. Enjoy.

The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility

Links about China

Business KTV
Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

The Line in the Sand- Now What?

Government has three primary functions. It should [1] provide for military defense of the nation. It should [2] enforce contract between individuals. It [3] should protect citizens from crimes against themselves or their property. 

When government, in pursuit of good intentions tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the costs come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. 

Government should be a referee, not an active player.”

—Milton Friedman

I found this on numerous blogs. There is an amazing amount of truth behind this heartfelt meme. Come to your own conclusions regarding it. We are at a crossroads.

The LIne
The line. Where are we as a nation. Have we had enough yet? According to those in Washington D.C. and the News Media, it’s still same-old same-old. They are still using the same old play book. They are still doing the same nonsense over and over. What now?

When is the time to seize our government back? Or do we just sit by and continue to take it?

Time to change the government.
Soldiers and armed civilians occupy the office of ousted Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu in the capital Bucharest on Dec. 26, 1989, the day after he was executed.

What is it?

Are you ready to have things go really bad against you and your family? Already Mad Maxine is already mobilizing her troops of brown shirts and they are following her instructions. We are at a crossroads.

We are at a Crossroads

We are at a crossroads. We either accept the situation or we respond back. I really hate to say it, but the radical left will not back down. Those in power will not risk their cushy salaries. Those who control the power and the Untied States will not take any risks. They believe that they can continue to do what they always have and you, the people, will continue to accept it.

It is black and white and there is no allowance for fence sitting.

Revolution 2
The Hungarian Revolution in 1989 took place against the dictator there. The people were tired of the non-stop surveillance, the high taxes, and the myriad rules and regulations that prevented any type of freedom.

My Advice

I am an old man. The government crossed the line back when Bill Clinton was in office. I took it, but hoped that the endless wars, the endless taxes, and the endless regulation would end. It didn’t. It only got worse under George Bush, and impossible under Obama.

So I left the United States. I retired on greener pastures.

I moved out. I had enough, and moved to a place that I assumed that I would never go. Today, I am in a much freer country. I live in communist China. COMMUNIST China, of all friggin’ places!

Let me tell you the truth. It is nothing like I thought it was, and is refreshingly nice. The regulation is much, much less. The personal liberties and freedoms are astounding! The taxes are low, and the weather is nice. It’s just fine for me.

Who would figure? It’s nothing like I expected. I was expecting something else…

But, enough about me. Let’s talk about America today…

DHS vehicle
The DHS is well armed with military grade vehicles, and armor. They are trained to fight on American soil. The Obama administration has been setting up the stages for an armed conflict of Americans against Americans for years.

To stand up to the all-powerful United States government is risky. You could lose everything, including your lives. You could lose your families. You could be maimed horribly. It will not end up well. So, be careful.

I DO NOT advocate armed rebellion.

I do not advocate armed rebellion. However, I suggest that you stockpile, train and become less dependent on the government. Learn to get by. Purchase a bicycle. Have a garden, and start raising chickens in a hidden area. Stock a pond with fish. Know who your neighbors are. Get solar panels and have a wind generator. Arm up. You don’t need to have every gun available. You only need one, but be well trained to use it properly. When in doubt, get a shotgun.

Learn to live without a cellphone. Stop carrying it around with you.

American state police.
People, listen up! America is a police state. It really and actually is. Once you leave the United States you actually see how much it has become a big nasty police state.

Make a secret and hidden secure room in your basement. I learned this from Heinz, who emigrated to the USA from Nazi Germany and ran away with nothing after the Russians invaded. Make sure you have some books to reference in case the internet goes down, or worse yet, the internet is monitored and you fall under an NSA drag line.

If history tells us anything, it is that things will get worse before they get better.

Hopefully you will never need to use the gun, or any of your supplies. However, it doesn’t hurt to take precautions. Take precautions. Train your family. Stay away from crowds. Be aware of the area around you. Be prepared to live when the police will no longer respond to you dialing 9-11.

DHS vehicle
The Constitution clearly forbids stationing troops on American soil, as they could be used against American citizens. But it doesn’t matter. The government did it anyways. Only instead of calling it an army, they call it the DHS.


President Obama made sure that the DHS was well quipped and sufficiently armed against American citizens. He has stocked the necessary military grade weapons, and made sure that the DHS could identify any “home grown” elements of “patriots” or anyone who would be a threat to the implementation of a progressive liberal agenda.

Know how formidable the military is that is stationed in your city.

DHS vehicles.
American military vehicles deployed on American soil in defiance of the US Constitution. All vehicles were deployed under direction and orders from President Obama. These vehicles are fully equipped for military grade weapons and counter measures. If George Washington saw this he would be rolling in his grave.

The Ugly Reality

When tyranny forms in a nation, there are only two outcomes. Either [1] the tyranny is permitted to continue and fester, or [2] there is a movement that topple the government and replace it with something else.

It is my personal belief that the progressive left is counting and banking on a populist uprising. They actually believe that the military is more liberal than it let’s on and will support progressive causes. They are emboldened by the proud communists and BLM that have graduated from West Point in the last few years. They believe that they will have control of key elements of the military just like they have control of the key elements of the DHS, CIA, NSA, FBI and ICE.

They do so in the belief that they will be able to use that uprising to destroy the United States Constitution and replace it with a progressive socialist democracy along the lines of a strict communist government.

You don’t have to believe me. Just visit any of the websites that the left uses. This is obviously their preferred outcome. However, I dare say that it will not go as anyone thinks. It will go badly.

Badly for everyone.

Shelter behind an APC
During the popular uprising in Hungary in 1989, the scene was horrific. Who knows the ugliness that happened to the various members of the factions that supported the dictatorship. It was not pretty.

No it is not pretty.


Yes, the nation is at a crossroads. I am in my “lifeboat”. I am fine, safe and sound. But what about you? What are you going to do when Mad Maxine orders her followers to start burning down houses, shooting up schools and putting poison in Starbucks coffee? What are you going to do?

Because, I’ll tell you what… The DOJ won’t do anything. Led by Jeff Sessions, it is completely and absolutely useless.

The FBI won’t do a thing, except run interference to support the followers of a hyper-progressive agenda.

The NSA will withhold information, and collect information to support the progressive ideals set in motion.

The FCC will block internet communication from non-progressive outlets and directly censor information.

So what are you going to do? Let sleeping dogs lie?

Sleeping dogs
When the world gets even crazier, what are you going to do? Are you going to let sleeping dogs lie?


  • No prison time for thug that stole MAGA hat.
  • No action on the BLM students at West Point.
  • No charges for Lois Learner and the weaponization of the IRS.
  • John Koskinen was fired, but NOT jailed for IRS abuse. Living on pension in a mansion.
  • No charges or arrest for Hillary Clinton in email sweep of SAP documentation. Instead, she is planning to run again for President in 2020.
  • No charges in the vote rigging of the DNC primary against Bernie Sanders.
  • Communist West Point graduate was dishonorably discharged from the military.
  • Imran Awan not charged, no prison time, for espionage and hacking of enormous amounts of secure SAP data. And HERE, HERE and HERE. Some discussion on a chatroom HERE. He got a sweet plea deal instead.
  • Hillary Clinton’s illegal server, you know the one with over 30,000 highly Top Secret SAP documents on it, and the one that was surreptitiously placed outside of government control… was found to send those very same Top Secret documents to a foreign nation! Yes, indeed. The DOJ has not yet decided to take action on this. Rather, they have decided to do… nothing.

Posts about Life and Happiness


  1. Compiled, SEO and release. 9JUL18.

How They Get Away With It

On the Manufactured Ignorance of the State Constitutions…

"If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anything — and the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers" 

-Judicial Ruling under Wickard & Filburn

How can you possibly have people thinking that “Rights” are “Privileges”? How can you have elected Senators joyously and repeatedly trying to destroy the Rights guaranteed to us? How can you explain the absolutely lack of understanding that our great nation is a Republic and not a Democracy? How can all this be?

Well, the answer is simple.

The ignorance was planned. It is manufactured, and like many small cuts, it has eaten and tore away at the fabric of what the United States is. Today, all we have is something that has absolutely no resemblance to what it was initially set up as.

Let’s look at this.

Here we will look at this sad, sad state of affairs from the most basic premise. This premise is that the ignorance is intentional and manufactured by evil people for their own purposes. Additionally, fundamental to that ignorance is the suppression of the importance of individual State Constitutions.


You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.

-Ray Bradbury

Let’s talk a little bit on what a “Constitution” is. I fear that we need to do it, because after all it is a rare person who know this today. Instead we have school children talking about the benefits of social Marxism while not knowing a thing about the American form of governance.

A "Constitution" is the set of rules that establishes how a government works.

How are you going to play football if the rules constantly change? How can you determine who wins and who loses? How are you going to play checkers, cards, or poker if the rules are constantly being changed; evolving as a “living” set of rules? How? Please tell me.

Every nation on the earth plays by their own rules of governance.

Well, most Americans do not know that the United States is actually a collection of individual sovereign nations. Did you, the reader, know this? Well it is. Perhaps this is the second biggest secret being withheld from Americans today (the first being the Preamble to the Bill of Rights). That is right. The United States is actually a collection of nations. Each nation has it’s own flag, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.

The United States is a collection of nations that banded together and formed a "union".

This is pretty basic stuff. Now, you would think that everyone knows this. Yet people don’t.

So here is my explanation of what all this “Constitutional mumbo-jumbo” is all about and what it means…

Constitution 101

Rather than become yet another boring text on the American Constitution, here is the “Cliff Notes” version of how our Constitution came into being. It is abbreviated as a necessity, as there is neither the time nor the space for a full-fledged dissertation on this subject…

Fundamentally, before the United States was founded, there were thirteen separate nations in America.

They served as colonies of major European powers.

They declared independence from their European rulers, all British.

Each colony turned into a nation, and each also established a unique and specific individual Constitution with a Bill of Rights that protected the citizens of that nation. Most of the nations set up democracies as their form of governance. They all established their own armies, currency, banks, and other elements of independent governance.

The European powers became angry and started to clamp down on “their” colonies. They sent in military troops and began to enforce draconian laws and increase taxation to levels considered unbearable at the time… 3%. Trouble and conflict ensued.

The Colonies, now independent nations, decided that they needed to coordinate and strategies together. They banded together and formed a “union” of nations. They called themselves the “United States”.

A Constitution was composed of this group of nations. However, it was determined that it would be dangerous if the United States became a Democracy, so they structured it as a Republic.

To explain how the Constitution could be applied and used, and also why it was set up that way, the Federalist Papers were drafted and disseminated. The link takes you directly to the papers themselves.

To protect the citizens, a Federal Bill of Rights was drafted that laid out untouchable things that the Federal Government is forbidden to legislate. To make sure that there is no misunderstanding the founders established a Preamble to the Bill of Rights which clearly specified the untouchable nature of the Bill of Rights. The founders believed, incorrectly, that the citizenry of the United States would rise up against the government when it overstepped the limitations placed upon it by the Constitution.

Now by the year 1800, it was pretty well established that the United States was a collection of independent nations each with their own armies, currency, Constitutions and protections for their citizens in the form of state-level Bill of Rights.

But over the years, something happened.

Changes and Revisionism

Men, mostly evil, but others with good intentions, have “taken liberties” with the Constitution. They have thwarted it, and redefined the meaning of things. They have done this for many, many years, and we have reached a point in time where no one knows what the Constitution is, or the Bill of Rights.

For instance;

"in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its (government) powers"

It is explained right there in the Preamble to the Bill of Rights. No where in the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, or the Preamble is there any words related to “hunting”. But, of course, that doesn’t matter. As former President Bill Clinton (D) was fond of saying “… the news is what I say it is…”.

  • Senator Feinstein (D) insisting on banning free speech on the Internet, because she claims that the first Amendment does not apply to “five dollar blogs”, and is instead reserved for the government. Which is darn amazing when the exact opposite is true. In fact, the Constitution clearly states…
"Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..."

Personally, I think that it is pretty darn straight forward. Therefore I can only come to the conclusion that Senator Feinstein is either [1] illiterate or [2] evil.

Democrats banning free speech.
Democrat Senator saying during Congressional hearings that the Bill of Rights does not apply to citizens. Rather it is a document that protects the government from citizens who would abuse the privaledges that the government provides to them. The “funny thing” about this is that this quote is now restricted on Internet search engines. Yeah. No friggin’ shit. Type it in Bing or Google. I dare you. Image is a screen shot with closed caption.

“Freedom of speech is a privilege intended for educated professionals… should be illegal for a high school dropout to promote anti-government propaganda on his five dollar blog, if he cannot properly verify his statements.” 

– Diane Feinsetin

Some links on this interesting quote;

Senate Bill Attempts To Make The “Right” of Free Press a “Privilege”

US Senator Feinstein Seeks to Further Limit Freedom of Press

US Senator says "Freedom of speech is a special privilege for journalists"

Bloggers are not Worthy

Feinstein: First Amendment a Privilege and Not a Right

Oh, we could go on and on with examples of this. Though it is getting harder to find using the standard American search engines. Both examples above are extremely difficult to find. Which is why I prefer to use non-American search engines. They don’t have censorship algorithms that suppress American’s information access.

Today, American Liberty is Lost

I’ve got to tell you. Initially, I paused for a minute to type in “we are losing our liberty“. Hog shit. We have lost it.

It is gone.

It is friggin’ gone. It has left the stable, walked down the path and died a long slow death. Now we can beat it with sticks, over and over, but it is fruitless. The horse is dead. It won’t come back alive. The work horse of liberty is gone.

There are NO liberties left in the United States today. What ever tattered and shredded liberties remain are under assault and modification to turn them into something else.

This only documents the reason for the loss. If you think that you have “liberty” by reporting every business transaction, funds, transfer and all your financial records to some faceless bureaucrat in Washington D.C. every April, you are delirious. That is NOT freedom. Being compelled to do something is NOT freedom.

Being compelled to do something is not freedom.

It doesn’t matter if it is being forced to buy health insurance, or if it is being made to wear a seat belt. It doesn’t matter if it is not being able to buy beer on a Sunday, or not being permitted to wear a red hat that says MAGA. Freedom has no limitations.

Freedom does not require regulation. If you regulate something, it automatically loses it’s freedom. For an absolutely mind-blowing summary of all the agencies empowered to regulate your life go to this LINK.

Freedom has no limitations.

Two centuries ago, our country’s Founding Fathers wrote and signed a declaration of our independence from Britain. In it, they included a very important document; A “bill of the rights” that they intended to guarantee for their descendants. They did not want any new or improved government to crush the hopes, dreams, and lives of the people who lived under that government. They wanted guarantees.

The Bill of Rights is a guarantee of Freedom.

Their intention is that they wanted to create a nation of liberty. Further, they wanted this nation to last. They wanted it to last a long, long time. They wanted it to be a nation of strong willed, God-fearing men. They wanted people who would obey God, take care of their families and who would put the divine FIRST in their life.

But over the years, America has changed.

In order to “improve” it, certain amendments were made. Then reinterpretations of the Constitution were indulged. Then steps were taken to restructure the government. So, today we have a situation where America looks more like a dystopian vision of a 1960’s Bulgarian Communist government located in a third-world backwater in Africa. Only with the latest in high-tech surveillance equipment, state of the art weaponry, and a massive (simply massive) propaganda mechanism.


A population bred to be serfs, ignorant of the world, and oblivious as to how they appear to more traditional people.

Triggered SJW
Triggered Social Justice Warrior somewhere in the United States. Notice how they are acting like children, while the rest of the adults just sit by in incredulity.

How we lost our Liberty

There are authors who have taken the time and gone into great detail of the loss of freedom. It can include such things as the freedom to smoke in public, or the freedom to fish out of season. It can include such things as being required to have a permit to do anything, and being taxed at a rate that makes saving impossible. There are many reasons.

I argue that the loss of liberty was conducted over a large span of time with many individuals playing a role. It was a death, not by nuclear weapons, but rather a death by small paper cuts.

There are many, many reasons that can be cited for this loss, however there have been certain events at the federal level that accelerated this process.  I will cite, in my mind, The top influences…

  • The civil war. Which made it absolutely clear that individual nations may NOT sever their ties with the United States. It is a loss of the 10th amendment, and the destruction of state autonomy.
  • 16th amendment – taxation. Which also totally eliminated the 4th amendment protections. It put the control of the monetary supply into the hands of PRIVATE individuals who did NOT answer to the people. These individuals raped our economy and decimated the value of the dollar to today where one dollar is actually worth less than one cent. 1909.
  • 17th amendment – democratic election of Senators. Which fundamentally changed the nature of a Republic to more of a Democracy. Now the Senate behaves much differently than it was intended to, and it’s role is substantially different as well. 1912.
  • 19th amendment – provided women the right to vote. Which also then immediately changed the demographics of the electorate. Fundamentally, women uniformly look towards safety and security. While men prefer labor and justice. This change opened up and paved the way for the welfare state that exists today.

The problem is that, for a man, living in safety is not enough. We have to live a life of freedom. It’s a manly thing that most women cannot understand. They want a safe, nurturing environment. They want to “nest” with “nesting behaviors“.

A good example of how this manifests in our daily life can be seen in such simple things as playgrounds and product warnings. For a good study on how playgrounds have devolved due to the 19th amendment, go read about it HERE


Other contributors, of which blame can be assigned, include actions by an out of control” Judiciary that has far overstepped it’s bounds…

Ruling on Wickard v Filburn. This ruling expanding the words in the “commerce clause” to mean every any all things. The original intent was intended to only regulate commerce between the individual states. Since then, it has expanded to mean regulation of everything. This brought about the hyper regulation that is part and parcel of every aspect of Americans lives.

Ignorance of English Common Law. There has been a trend, started in the 1970’s and increased with ferocity, where laws started to become vague. A vague law is a dangerous law. For it becomes easy to arrest anyone for anything. (Unless, of course, if you are Hillary Clinton. She’s part of the protected class of elites.)

Criminalization of behaviors. Instead of crimes against men and property, in the 1920’s Congress started to legislate behaviors. As a result, possession of common weeds that grew everywhere became a crime. Over the years, this has expanded to include everything from wearing a seatbelt to how you dress. This is not Liberty, people!

It’s gotten worse and worse over the years. Finally cumulating in the “presidency” of Barrack Obama who worked relentlessly to “transform” the United States into something fundamentally different. Good Lord, why?

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” 
— Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” 
— Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

Today, of course, though  a methodology that is intended in keeping people ignorant, evil people… (And I do mean EVIL people. No matter what they say. They are evil.) … use (not intend to use) this ignorance to fleece citizens of their money, their Rights, and their liberties for personal gain.

It is intended. It is planned. It is scripted. it is implemented.

We, the people, have spent the last few decades reacting to it. This needs to stop. It needs to stop now.

The Bill of Rights

This ignorance, and a reinforcement of it through use of well-funded propaganda resources has resulted in a situation where people just don’t know what the Bill of Rights actually is. Seriously, many people do not know. I ask this of my interns out of the United States and very few, with one or two exceptions, have any idea what it is except in the vaguest of terms.

"What people seem to be missing is that the Bill of Rights isn’t a list of 'privileges' granted to us by gray-haired rich men in the 1700s. We are endowed with natural human rights from the moment we are born. We also bear the responsibility to protect our independence from those who would subjugate us."

-Zero Hedge

That is correct. We are not “subjects” of a large government that grants us things. No. We are free people who have constructed a government to serve us.

We Americans have a government that serves us.

It’s not the other way around.

Ok. Now that is all well and good, but that’s not the way it is. Is it? That’s right it isn’t that way. Not by a long stretch.


There is NO liberty left in the United States.

Today many of us have lost that spark of liberty, that sense of compassion, and that pride that urges us to achieve even greater things. There are so many people in our country who are just ready to turn over all control of their lives and wait for a handout. They don’t want “freedom” or “liberty”. Nope. They want to be coddled and cared for by a big government that will provide them a nice “safe space”. How cute.

This movement for “Safety” instead of “Freedom” is often led by the female members of our society, with ample support by metro-sexual men, and men trying to obtain the favor of those females in the organization (Read; try to have sex.).

Now, you and I both know that this is a generalized statement. Yet it is true. Often, the movement is controlled by puppeteers who work behind the scenes like the “Wizard of Oz”. They manipulate and cajole large groups of people because they know the raw power of mob rule.

Stupid Student
Americans have been so dumbed down that they really don’t know what freedom or liberty is. Thy think it is some kind of gift from a benevolent ruler or government. They want to protest and demand questions. They want safety over freedom. They want to be taken cared of, NO MATTER what the cost.

Truth be told, our education system has had a great hand in this.

These days, many educators are more likely to wax poetic over the joys of socialism than to tempt students to greatness with the benefits of capitalism. Thus, the many decades of indoctrination is beginning to overcome centuries of liberty-minded ideals. It’s a truly sad state of affairs.

Rights are like your SOUL.

They are a gift given to you by God. Are you so ignorant as to sell your soul for something? Well, if the multitudes of millennials can believed, that is exactly what they want to do. They don’t even know what they are.

You know, I had some interns working for me. They came from a college on the Massachusetts / Rhode Island border. They were a pretty ignorant lot. Anyways, one thing struck me. They did not know what the Bill of Rights were! Not to mention that they had two sets of them that overlapped and protected them. It was absolutely mind-blowing.

All Americans are supposed to be protected by two sets of Rights.

Since they did not know what they were, at best they were things that President Obama “gave” them, they felt that they were not necessary. What a revolting state of affairs. Really!

"What do I need the second amendment for? I don't hunt. And I could care less about going to church. These things aren't important to me. What does the quartering of troops mean to me? Nothing. So Obama doesn't need to give me these Rights."

Every American is Protected with two Bill of Rights.

If you are an American you are [1] a citizen of the United States, and [2] the Nation-State that you reside in. (Us expats don’t count. We live under the laws and permissions of the nation that hosts us.)

So, in my case, as a resident of Pennsylvania my Rights were PROTECTED by not only [1] the Federal Bill of Rights, but also [2] the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights. However this is only true AS LONG as I am a resident inside of Pennsylvania.

When I moved to Communist China, I ended up falling under their laws and the Bill of Rights for Chinese citizens and residents. My Pennsylvania and Federal Rights have absolutely no bearing here in China. So I actually lost them. They were replaced by a different system.

Which is one of the first things that I need to explain to fresh interns when they come to work for me. The "protections" that they enjoyed while in the United States no longer applies.

Now, in many instances, the Rights enumerated by the individual states are much more detailed and comprehensive than the Rights specified in the Federal Bill of Rights. That is certainly the case in Pennsylvania.

Let’s use the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights and take a look at it in regards how it compares with the Federal Bill of Rights.

The Pennsylvania Bill of Rights in Consideration

Map of Pennsylvania
The physical relief map of Pennsylvania. Major cities of Pennsylvania are shown on the map. Pennsylvania has a wide range of climates and physical terrain that varies from mountains to lake shores.

Let’s look at the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights. For starters, this Bill of Rights is very straight forward. It is titled “Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, Declaration of Rights” and can be found on the internet. Please reference”Thorpe 5:3082–84“.

Reading the Bill of Rights without reading the Preamble to it is terribly faulty. The Text of the Bill of Rights delineates WHAT, but it is the Preamble that describes WHY.

Without the Preamble you don’t know HOW to apply the Bill of Rights. Perhaps that is why evil people want to ignore it. Eh?

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

First of all, let’s look at the most important section the Preamble to the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights…

WHEREAS all government ought to be instituted and supported for the security and protection of the community as such, and to enable the individuals who compose it to enjoy their natural rights, and the other blessings which the Author of existence has bestowed upon man; and whenever these great ends of government are not obtained, the people have a right, by common consent to change it, and take such measures as to them may appear necessary to promote their safety and happiness. 

AND WHEREAS the inhabitants of this commonwealth have in consideration of protection only, heretofore acknowledged allegiance to the king of Great Britain; and the said king has not only withdrawn that protection, but commenced, and still continues to carry on, with unabated vengeance, a most cruel and unjust war against them, employing therein, not only the troops of Great Britain, but foreign mercenaries, savages and slaves, for the avowed purpose of reducing them to a total and abject submission to the despotic domination of the British parliament, with many other acts of tyranny, (more fully set forth in the declaration of Congress) whereby all allegiance and fealty to the said king and his successors, are dissolved and at an end, and all power and authority derived from him ceased in these colonies. 

AND WHEREAS it is absolutely necessary for the welfare and safety of the inhabitants of said colonies, that they be henceforth free and independent States, and that just, permanent, and proper forms of government exist in every part of them, derived from and founded on the authority of the people only, agreeable to the directions of the honorable American Congress. 

We, the representatives of the freemen of Pennsylvania, in general convention met, for the express purpose of framing such a government, confessing the goodness of the great Governor of the universe (who alone knows to what degree of earthly happiness mankind may attain, by perfecting the arts of government) in permitting the people of this State, by common consent, and without violence, deliberately to form for themselves such just rules as they shall think best, for governing their future society; and being fully convinced, that it is our indispensable duty to establish such original principles of government, as will best promote the general happiness of the people of this State, and their posterity, and provide for future improvements, without partiality for, or prejudice against any particular class, sect, or denomination of men whatever, do, by virtue of the authority vested in use by our constituents, ordain, declare, and establish, the following Declaration of Rights and Frame of Government, to be the CONSTITUTION of this commonwealth, and to remain in force therein for ever, unaltered, except in such articles as shall hereafter on experience be found to require improvement, and which shall by the same authority of the people, fairly delegated as this frame of government directs, be amended or improved for the more effectual obtaining and securing the great end and design of all government, herein before mentioned.

Wow! Now that is quite a mouthful. Isn’t it?

Let’s break it down into it’s components. Let’s do this in a simplified “Cliffs Notes” version. There is no need to study it so deeply. Rather, let’s look at what it is actually saying…

  • The role of government is primarily to provide safety and security for it’s citizens.
  • In so doing, they actually enable the citizens to enjoy the gifts that God has granted them.
  • If the government fails in this most basic of roles, the government should be dissolved and replaced by one which does.

Next Paragraph…

  • Pennsylvania citizens have been under the protection of the British government.
  • The British government has withdrawn from their most basic roles in governance.
  • Instead, the British government has waged a war against it’s citizens in Pennsylvania.
  • Because of this, the citizens of Pennsylvania has decided to terminate their relationship with the British government and has formed a new government to replace it.

Next paragraph…

  • It is fundamentally important that a government perform the tasks that it was entrusted to do.
  • The citizens of the government have the responsibility to work with or change the government if they and their Congress believes that it is necessary.

Finally, the last paragraph…

  • We, as representatives of the people here in Pennsylvania, have created a new government.
  • As such they now are setting aside “rules” that they feel is best to constrain the government that they create.
  • They are establishing the Bill of Rights for Pennsylvania citizens to protect them from their own government, as well as to ensure that they have the freedom to live their life to the maximum capacity given to them by God.
  • It is to remain enforce FOREVER.
  • Alterations to the Bill of Rights is permitted provided that the citizens of Pennsylvania approve the alterations.

At which point, the Rights of Pennsylvania citizens are listed. The first Right is…

I. That all men are born equally free and independent, and have certain natural, inherent and inalienable rights, amongst which are, the enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

OK. So what does it say?

  • All men are born free and independent.
  • All men are born with certain Rights that guarantee this freedom and independence.
  • These Rights are natural, inherent and inalienable.
  • Some of the Rights include enjoying life and liberty.
  • Some of the Rights include defending your life and liberty.
  • Some of the Rights include acquiring, possessing and protecting property.
  • Some of the Rights include pursuing and obtaining happiness.
  • Some of the Rights include safety.

What this means that Congress CAN MAKE NO LAW that infringes on any of these things. If, for instance, a law is make that takes away my ability to defend myself, it is an infringement on my Rights. It is thus FORBIDDEN. If Congress makes a law that results in me losing my property, such as in asset forfeiture, that is also against my Rights as a Pennsylvania citizen. See my point?

If people actually read and knew their Rights, none of these illegal and tyrannical actions would never be permitted to occur.

The second Right is…

II. That all men have a natural and unalienable right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences and understanding: And that no man ought or of right can be compelled to attend any religious worship, or erect or support any place of worship, or maintain any ministry, contrary to, or against, his own free will and consent: Nor can any man, who acknowledges the being of a God, be justly deprived or abridged of any civil right as a citizen, on account of his religious sentiments or peculiar mode of religious worship: And that no authority can or ought to be vested in, or assumed by any power whatever, that shall in any case interfere with, or in any manner control, the right of conscience in the free exercise of religious worship.

Ah, now the second Right is the “freedom of religion”. But, unlike the Federal Bill of Rights that simply states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…“, the Pennsylvania Rights are much more detailed.

  • The Right to worship as you please without limitation.
  • A person can not be compelled to worship or support any worship against his beliefs.
  • A person shall not be compelled to do anything against his beliefs.
  • Government and people shall not interfere in this.
  • No authority can ever abridge this Right.

Which is very interesting. The liberal / progressive Democrats have forced a Christian bakery to bake a cake that goes against their religious convictions. The person instigating this travesty had to travel miles out of their way, passed by hundreds of other bakeries, and skipped numerous bakeries that were in alignment with their own unique religious views to create the “cake bakery furor“. (Not only in the USA, but also mirrored in England. Eh. Globalism again raises it’s ugly head.) Yes, it was overturned years later by the Supreme Court. Yes, it was a political stunt.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple.

But… But, it never would have happened in Pennsylvania simply because the Rights were specified in detail. As such they explicitly explained that a person shall not be compelled to do something against their religious convictions.

That being stated, we have activist judges who will rule in defiance of the law just to fit their political agendas. After all, the 9th circuit court was stacked by Bill Clinton (D) exactly for this purpose. The Bill of Rights becomes meaningless when an activist judge ignores the law and rules by political conventions.

Hey, maybe things need to be spelled out in explicit detail using legalese if you want to make sure that nothing can ever be infringed. And perhaps, just perhaps, judges who try to make law (as a member of Congress) instead of interpreting the law, need to be fired from their position. Fired in the harshest way possible, mind you. Maybe… Or, maybe you just simply go Chinese on their ass when they try to take away a Right.

Third Right..

III. That the people of this State have the sole, exclusive and inherent right of governing and regulating the internal police of the same.

Ah, this is a big one. The Pennsylvania citizens shall determine who will be the police inside of Pennsylvania. This describes who will bear arms, and what limits that they have on their activities. So all this arming of the DHS, ICE, FBI, CIA, FBI and the IRS has no authority within Pennsylvania UNLESS the citizens of Pennsylvania permits them.

DHS vehicle
The Constitution clearly forbids stationing troops on American soil, as they could be used against American citizens. But it doesn’t matter. The government did it anyways. Only instead of calling it an army, they call it the DHS.

Now, the reason for the ignorance of the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights becomes apparent. Eh?

As well as the corruptive nature of this who rule Pennsylvania out of Harrisburg. All the citizens of Pennsylvania need to do is petition via a ballot initiative that the government of Pennsylvania shall enforce the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights, and withdraw all benefits and privileges to any entity that infringes on those Rights.

Yah, I know it shouldn’t be this way. The elected officials should follow the law. But they don’t. So what you need to do is slap them in the face politically with it.

IV. That all power being originally inherent in, and consequently derived from, the people; therefore all officers of government, whether legislative or executive, are their trustees and servants, and at all times accountable to them.

Again. The elected officials in Pennsylvania are accountable to their citizens.


V. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection and security of the people, nation or community; and not for the particular emolument or advantage of any single man, family, or sett of men, who are a part only of that community; And that the community hath an indubitable, unalienable and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish government in such manner as shall be by that community judged most conducive to the public weal.

Duh! The purpose of the government is for the common benefit of the citizens of Pennsylvania. It is not for the benefit of any singular person, family, group or organization.

Hey! So all those people who are marching for “special” Rights and privileges for minorities, gays, lesbians, transgenders, illegals, and just about everything else under the sun can go pound sand. The government of Pennsylvania only recognizes the vast bulk of the citizenry. The majority. That is 51% of the citizenry of Pennsylvania. It is not the 0.01% that have “special” needs, wants and desires.

In Pennsylvania no person or group shall get special privileges over that of a Pennsylvania citizen that represents the majority view.

Man, I sure as heck wish that someone would point this fact out to the idiots running the campuses in Pennsylvania such as Penn State, University of Pittsburgh, Villanova, Carnegie Mellon, Temple and Bucknell, to name just a few. Their Federally directed “diversity efforts” run counter to the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights article V.

Sixth Right…

VI. That those who are employed in the legislative and executive business of the State, may be restrained from oppression, the people have a right, at such periods as they may think proper, to reduce their public officers to a private station, and supply the vacancies by certain and regular elections.

When government and it’s officers are not doing their job, the people of Pennsylvania can purge them. There are no limits as to the extent of the purge. All and everyone can be fired, their pensions and benefits cut. That is that.

In Pennsylvania, the citizens can shut down the entire government and fire all the workers if deemed necessary.

Time to change the government.
Soldiers and armed civilians occupy the office of ousted Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu in the capital Bucharest on Dec. 26, 1989, the day after he was executed.

Seventh Right…

VII. That all elections ought to be free; and that all free men having a sufficient evident common interest with, and attachment to the community, have a right to elect officers, or to be elected into office.

This is the right to have democratic elections, and the freedom to be elected if popular enough.

Eighth Right…

VIII. That every member of society hath a right to be protected in the enjoyment of life, liberty and property, and therefore is bound to contribute his proportion towards the expense of that protection, and yield his personal service when necessary, or an equivalent thereto: But no part of a man's property can be justly taken from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of his legal representatives: Nor can any man who is conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms, be justly compelled thereto, if he will pay such equivalent, nor are the people bound by any laws, but such as they have in like manner assented to, for their common good.

There is a lot here. Let’s break it down.

  • People should be protected in such a way that they can enjoy life to it’s fullest.
  • Citizens need to support their government to this end.
  • This can included participation as necessary.
  • Property shall not be taken from a citizen.
  • Property may not be taken and used for other purposes.
  • Citizens shall not be compelled to bear arms if it is their choice.

Ninth Right…

IX. That in all prosecutions for criminal offences, a man hath a right to be heard by himself and his council, to demand the cause and nature of his accusation, to be confronted with the witnesses, to call for evidence in his favour, and a speedy public trial, by an impartial jury of the country, without the unanimous consent of which jury he cannot be found guilty; nor can he be compelled to give evidence against himself; nor can any man be justly deprived of his liberty except by the laws of the land, or the judgment of his peers.

Here we see how the law should apply to Pennsylvania citizens.

  • In all legal issues, a citizen may have legal council.
  • A citizen is entitled to know the charges against him.
  • He/she can have witnesses.
  • Speedy trial.
  • Impartial jury.
  • A jury that must be unanimous to declare someone guilty.
  • You cannot be compelled to give witness against yourself.
  • Only through judgement by his peers can a person be deprived of liberty.

This is pretty interesting.

It means that you cannot plea bargain or “cop a plea” and be considered guilty in a court of law. Today, most guilty verdicts are through plea bargains. Yet, this is fundamentally against the state Bill of Rights.

Especially when you think of the consequences of what this means.

Let’s look at a hypothetical scenario. Consider the idea that a sex offender convicted in the state of Hawaii does time in Hawaii and then moves to Pennsylvania and becomes a registered sex offender there. If this Pennsylvania Bill of Rights is to be followed, then one of two situations MUST exist;

  • The peers of the felon in Hawaii are ALSO the peers of the felon in Pennsylvania. This is true even though they are from different nation-states. How can this possibly be? A surfing Polynesian that is a Hotel maintenance man is a peer of a Catholic hunter who works in the coal mines. How are they peers?

Exactly, just what is a “peer”?

A person of the same legal status: a jury of one's peers.

A person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.

Is this actually the case in this example? The other alternative is rather pronounced…

  • The Pennsylvania sex offender registry is operating in violation of the Pennsylvania Bill of Rights.

In short, if we started to follow the individual Bill of Rights in our State-nations, then much of the confusion and interference by the Federal government in our lives would be missing. In the example above, the movement for nationwide sex offender registries is a federal issue that is in direct violation of the Rights of Pennsylvania residents.

OK. I know, I know, that the federal government has worked out arrangements and the states has made concessions in order to permit unified federal control over Pennsylvania residents and citizens. Yet, even so…. aren’t these arrangements illegal, according to the Pennsylvania Constitution?

If the law was being followed properly, there would INSTEAD be an evaluation in Pennsylvania to see if a sex offender COULD actually move to Pennsylvania and become a Pennsylvania citizen.

Indeed, there would be a strong possibility that he would not be permitted to move into PA. But, now take note, if he does becomes a citizen of his new home in Pennsylvania, he would have a “blank slate” and could live without the restrictions placed on sex offender felons.

Such is the life, if the tenth amendment was still being followed.

While this might sound disgusting to even consider a sex offender moving into your community, we need to follow the rules. They protect us. Think about the next few Rights with the point of view of having the State of Pennsylvania protecting the citizens of Pennsylvania from rules and laws established by an overreaching federal government…

X. That the people have a right to hold themselves, their houses, papers, and possessions free from search and seizure, and therefore warrants without oaths or affirmations first made, affording a sufficient foundation for them, and whereby any officer or messenger may be commanded or required to search suspected places, or to seize any person or persons, his or their property, not particularly described, are contrary to that right, and ought not to be granted.
XI. That in controversies respecting property, and in suits between man and man, the parties have a right to trial by jury, which ought to be held sacred.

The right of trial by jury is sacred. Sacred. Sacred. SACRED.


What that means is that any mechanism that does a “run around” of this should not be allowed. There would not be any plea bargains or pleas. How does the idea and concept of a “plea bargain” support the notion that a trial by jury is sacred?

XII. That the people have a right to freedom of speech, and of writing, and publishing their sentiments; therefore the freedom of the press ought not to be restrained.

Hey, good thing that Democrat Senator Feinstein doesn’t live in Pennsylvania. She would be in direct violation of the XII Right of Pennsylvania citizens.

XIII. That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state; and as standing armies in the time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; And that the military should be kept under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

This is far more than what is listed in the Federal Bill of Rights. Consider;

  • Pennsylvania citizens have the right to bear arms for the defense of themselves.
  • They also have it for the defense of the State of Pennsylvania.
  • There shall be no standing armies outside of the State Police within Pennsylvania.
  • Pennsylvania military shall be under civilian control.

Someone had best tell President Obama that the right to bear arms in Pennsylvania has nothing at all to do with hunting.

XIV. That a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles, and a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality are absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty, and keep a government free: 

The people ought therefore to pay particular attention to these points in the choice of officers and representatives, and have a right to exact a due and constant regard to them, from their legislatures and magistrates, in the making and executing such laws as are necessary for the good government of the state.

It is important that the Pennsylvania government and it’s citizens follow the basics;

  • A firm adherence to justice.
  • Moderation.
  • Temperance.
  • Industry, and performing helpful labor.
  • Frugality.
  • These things are absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty, and keep a government free. Finally…
  • Citizens need to take particular attention to whom they elect…


XV. That all men have a natural inherent right to emigrate from one state to another that will receive them, or to form a new state in vacant countries, or in such countries as they can purchase, whenever they think that thereby they may promote their own happiness.
  • Men have the right to emigrate from one nation to another.
  • Or, the men can form a new state in vacant countries.


XVI. That the people have a right to assemble together, to consult for their common good, to instruct their representatives, and to apply to the legislature for redress of grievances, by address, petition, or remonstrance.

I love this quote; “…the people have a Right to…instruct their representatives…“.

This makes me sad.

"I was trying to summon up a rush of pride to write about what makes our country great, and all I could think about was how far we’ve sunk. 

How distant we’ve ventured from those original settlers who said, “No more!” and declared their independence. 

They fought and sacrificed to be free of a government that oppressed them, taxed them, stole from them, and enforced rules without any type of representation upon them."

Ah yes. But you know the truth? We have forgotten what freedom really means. We have lost it over the decades and centuries. Until today where we have reached a point where people are willing to give it up voluntarily. Just give it up and discard it like an empty McDonald’s bag full of empty wrappers and soiled napkins.

Now we stand, today, with a perversion of a government. We live within a framework that has crushed the very rights that we demanded when we broke off from Britain.

RUSH: Donald Trump is the first guy to come along and have any kind of effectiveness whatsoever in unraveling the mess that is the product of many, many years of the left owning and running everything.

This is sad. This stuff has been going on for decades, if not longer. Please, just look at how life in America is today. Just look…

• They tax us unreasonably. The truth is that if we don’t pay, they will take the money right from our bank accounts immediately. If that doesn’t work, they will steal our possessions outright.
• In most states, we must ask for permission to do things. We need permission catch a fish, drive a car, own a gun, or build an extra room onto our homes.
• We know that both Permits and licenses are big revenue generators. They serve as means by which those in the government can get paid for their “services”.  Now, of course, if you proceed without asking permission, they will extort more money from you in the form of fines. If you refuse to pay the fines (or if you can’t) they’ll kidnap you and lock you in a cage. Yep, different names for the various cages, but they are cages after all. There, you’ll be forced to perform manual labor for 10 cents an hour for whatever length of time the legal authorities feel is sufficient to teach you a lesson.
• Oh, and let’s not forget civil asset forfeiture. This happens in many instances, without due process or a trial, or even evidence of a crime. The police just take your money and d possessions. There is nothing that you can do about it. In short, our possessions and money can be taken from us on the “suspicion” that they are the benefits of some crime we haven’t been convicted of. It’s not fair. It’s not right. It is immoral, but it is the product of the government that we live under.
• Oh, and let’s not forget the armies of political correctness; the SJW. Indeed, we’re unable to voice our opinions without incurring the wrath of so-called social justice warriors. While some mistakenly believe that they may actually mean well in an idealistic kind of way. They are actually causing more oppression when they try to right a wrong by forcing people to abide by their way of thinking. It’s pathetic. It’s a tough world when our reactions to this perversion needs to first get past the censors on social media.

We comply with this nonsense

And yet, people comply. They truly believe that this is what freedom looks like. When they lose freedoms they comfort themselves with, “This is the price we pay to live somewhere safe and civilized. It is the price that we pay to live in the greatest nation on the planet.”

This is true and you, the reader, knows it.

Every time a bad act occurs, people plead to give away even more of their freedom because they believe it will make them safer. Be it a terror instance, or a mass shooting, or some event that is televised over and over and over and over… and over again on the television screens.

  • The people end up agreeing to discard their freedoms. They become willing to be fondled and naked-body-scanned by the TSA in order to board a plane.
  • They demand that burly, unattractive armed men fly on planes instead of attractive stewardesses.
  • They demand that no one smoke in public.
  • They demand that the police check to make sure that we are wearing our seat belts.
  • They prefer to make a phone call and wait for the police to save them instead of picking up their own firearm and refusing to be a victim.
  • They demand that the government tell us what to eat, how to eat it, where to eat it, when to eat. The only thing that they reserve for themselves is WHY to eat. (But, even that is being questioned as the perview of the government.)
  • They want to be surrounded by gun free zones,  and armed guards instead of taking responsibility for their own safety.
  • They demand notices on coffee cups to warn them that coffee is hot.
  • They demand that signs be posted to warn people that steps can be slippery, that you can fall off a ladder if you are not careful, or if the food you buy might cause cancer in mice.

It friggin’ sickens me.

Where we are now

The nation is in a really bad place right now. Progressive indoctrination of our youth has resulted in all kinds of bizarre behaviors.

useful idiot
Hey! You can become attractive to millennial girls if you spout progressive values. What do you know? Yuppur. Just act like a spoiled petulant child and the girls will flock to you.

We are no longer the nation that was initially founded. We have become something else. This is no longer the land of Daniel Boone, and Thomas Jefferson. Today, this is the land of openly gay metro-sexual flamboyant girly boys. What has happened to our nation?

The American's creed.
What being an American actually means. You know the internet has rewritten what the American’s creed it. Now, it has been rewritten to be something much different. It is now a pale reflection. Go to Wikipedia and read the new “politically correct” rewritten version. Sad.

Somehow, this land of rugged individuals has become populated with scared children. Tiny babies with the outside appearance of an adult, but with the emotional needs of a five year old. They are taught from an early age not to deal with conflicts. They are taught to be coddled and to hide. They are taught to be sheltered. Their ability to deal with interpersonal relationships and conflict is shot, and as a result they are now a nation of crybabies that demand that their feelings be preserved and not hurt.

These fellow citizens now expect to be cared for, fed, protected, and made to feel good about themselves, all by government mandate.

What this is, it is a manufactured reality. It is a reality where only a small handful of people control the entire nation, the wealth and all the power. The rest of the people are but serfs (at best) and mostly indentured slaves, forever conditioned to behave like children reacting to their overlords with awe. It’s manufactured INTENTIONALLY.

Just you wait until the genetic re-engineering starts to occur in hospitals. Thus creating a genetic caste system. And it will, oh yes. It will. Of course, it will be promoted as a beneficial way to make our offspring attractive, smart, stronger, or able to eat the cheapest foods. When this is implemented on a global scale, there will of course be a segregation of genetic differences... a caste system. We are certainly on the way.... Then the entire human species would be lost.

I can’t help but admit that it sickens me.


We need to go back to our initial values. We need to focus on the most important things; the timeless things that all humans need irregardless as to where they live. We need to focus on a nuclear family with traditional parenting roles, and the ideas that labor to support the family is a male prerogative. That caring for the family domestically is a female prerogative.

Men need to act like men. Women need to act like women. Children need to behave like children. Dogs need to be dogs. Cats… well, they are cats. They just don’t care at all for any of this revisionist nonsense.


Today, many people seem to have no desire whatsoever to earn their keep. They do not want provide for their families, or take responsibility for their own safety. They expect the government to take care for their children by the welfare system. They expect the government to warn them that the coffee is too hot, or that you shouldn’t lean over low railings. They expect the workplace to be one of a forever scene from Friends or a coffee shop lounge. They expect ample time off, equal pay for all, and of course no harsh language.

We have become a nation of chickenshits

Our culture is just so incredibly dependent on the government. It really is. We cannot do anything without some aspect to the government in our lives. We have to report to them what we do, when we do it, how we do it, and get permission to do anything out of the ordinary.

Freedom is terrifying to most people because it means that they are responsible for the actions that they take. It is petrifying and frightening. As a result, many Americas today are too afraid to do anything. We need to stand up for ourselves. As men, we take what is dished out, only so far, and then we fight back.

We don’t slither back to the “safe space” to commiserate with other metros-sexual confused-gender individuals about our plight at the hands of deplorable, racist Nazi’s. It’s all a manufactured nonsense. Men need to act and behave as men. Women as women. Dogs as dogs. And, of course, cats as cats…


An independent person succeeds or fails on his or her own merit.

Independence by its very nature means that the possibility of failure exists. It requires a sense of adventure, confidence, and the ability to fail and get right back up again, and it seems like these things are being bred right out of the American people.

It always seems like it is one thing or the other. Lately it is “race relations” and “White Privilege” It totally makes me sick.

Progressive racism
Mainstream institutionalized nonsense, this time it is about white racism. It sickens me. Simply because it just sin’t true. But I’ll tell you what, you want to call me a racist, fine. I will start acting as one. Which is, I am sure, what the actual intention of all this is. Sponsored and funded by the NAACP, ADL and, of course, George Soros.

Oh, and about all this nonsense about race…

I lived in the rural hills outside of Pittsburgh. We never, and I do mean NEVER, talked about “niggers”, and race.  We just did not. The closest I ever came to it was being called a “Pollack”. (A lot.) The “issue” about race is (today) a politically motivated narrative. And, as such, it was constructed over the last eight years or so with defined objectives. It’s a pile of manure that we are all expected to believe.

Frankly, I am pretty tired about hearing about it all. It’s NEVER been part of my life. To me, it just sounds like a bunch of wining babies complaining. Wahhh! Wahhhh!  It really does. It’s irritating.

Here I am in China. I am always and forever an outsider. I am ALWAYS called by racist names (weiguren or laowei) and I don’t complain and use it as excuses, and you shouldn’t either. It’s below us. It’s stuff that little children do when they don’t want to eat their spinach.

“Our rulers don’t seem to understand just how tired their white subjects are with this experiment. They don’t understand that white people aren’t out to get black people; they are just exhausted with them. They are exhausted by the social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, the blind racial solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, the reflexive animosity. The elites explain everything with “racism,” and refuse to believe that white frustration could soon reach the boiling point.”

-FR comment

Listen up. Real men do not complain about their hardships. They keep quiet about it, and they fucking TAKE IT. If there is one thing that is attractive to women it is that men are strong and quiet. Remember the Johnny Fontane scene from the movie ‘The Godfather” when the singer was begging for the part in the movie and crying about it. Do you remember what the Godfather had to say about it?



Americans have always prided ourselves in our independence. Heck, it is a cultural tradition. Up until recently, men were expected to leave the house once they turned eighteen years old. They could stay on if they went to college. Women were expected to leave and get married.

It sounds all so quaint now, with millennials living in their parent’s basement until well into their middle thirty’s.

I can understand it, and I don’t like it. But, a man needs to be able to work. If you cannot work, then you have a real problem. You have become superfluous.

But things are not as hopeless as they seem. Independence means “being independent”. This is the opposite of dependent. It is the exact opposite of how our government is set up as.

As I said, things are not hopeless. With some hard work and a big dose of courage, you can become independent and become a real man. Here’s how:

  • You must reduce your dependence on everything that is out of your control.
  • You must reduce your dependence on the government.
  • You must reduce your dependence on everything that is huge. This includes large corporations, the transportation system, money, the banking system, entities like the FDA and the USDA. All of these are marketed to us to make it seem like we can’t survive without them. That is not true. It is an illusion. We don’t need anything.

We are trained to be dependent.

We are manipulated. We are manipulated by our beliefs and patriotism. We are, like I have said…manipulated.


My First Job

I well remember the first time that I got a job.  I had just turned 14. It was in the local grocery store, and I was hired at minimum wage to stock shelves and bag groceries.  I used to wear a white short sleeved shirt and a red bow tie.  Over this, I wore an apron. My hair must be over my ears and not touch my collar. No face hair was permitted.

I was ready for my first job. However, before I could work, I needed to get a “social security” number.  Here is my experience about that event…

I asked my father, why do I need a social security number?  His response was, you need it because you need to save some money away for when you get old.  This will help you accomplish that.

We were riding in the car, and as we crossed over the East Brady bridge I looked at him, and asked him; “OK, I understand.  But, why does the United States government have to do this?  Can’t I just save the money on my own?”

He just shook his head.  “This is the way it is son.  You have to give part of your money away to the government.  They know better than you do, and they will take care of you when you get older…”

My trustworthy father told me the way things work in the United States. He said the United States government will take care of ME when I get older…

I AM older.  My government ain’t doin’ JACK SHIT.

It was my father’s generation, and his father’s generation that got us in the financial position that the United States is in today.  Reread his answer.  At the time… he really…REALLY believed what he told me. He was a life-long Democrat, and to the day he died he could not understand why, with all the taxes being collected, that the government could not (or would not) help the common citizen.

Back then, taxes were much lower than they are today. Yet, I well remember my surprise when I received my first paycheck.  I expected to be paid in full, and was surprised at the size of the amount deduced from my paycheck…

Americans have the most amount of money deducted from their paycheck for the most reasons, under the widest selection of names compared to the rest of the world.
Getting the first paycheck and seeing the deductions of taxes, fees, contributions, and services from the paycheck.  An American tradition: watching the expression on the face of someone getting their first paycheck and seeing all the taxes taken out. (Image Source.) I experienced this during the 1970s. I can only imagine what a shock it must be today.

It didn’t matter what job I was doing, the taxes always had to be set aside. No matter what the media said, I just never was able to get any of the “freebies” (reference law#40 on the 48 Laws of Power)  and deductions that was promised to me.

Later, when I worked in the coal mines, there was talk about credits for solar panels. Even President Jimmy Carter put solar panels in the White House. But, that credit was not for me.

Then, when I was working in the steel mills, our union stewardtold us that if we voted Democrat that we could pretty much guarantee a lifetime pension and a great future for ourselves and our families. That never materialized either. My father was particularly upset with this change of events. Sigh.

When we were on the Forest Fire Crew, we would discuss the “rebates” that were promised to us by (then President) Jimmy Carter.  Nah. They NEVER materialized. Maybe some privileged group or major Democrat voting block got some, but we never saw anything. I guess that we weren’t important enough, or maybe it was because we just didn’t complain loud enough.

When I watch the news today, I can well see why those in power don’t want the youth of today to read and know their history. They want to keep them fat, dumb and stupid.

As I get older, I can plainly see the same old “bag of tricks” being recycled for use on an ignorant public. Yeah… yeah…. Vote Democrat and we will fix everything this time. You can trust us! Yah… yeah…

If you speak out of line, or don’t follow the official script, you are “off the reservation“, and will be attacked. Look at what is going on with Kayne when he doe not follow the script.

Oh, and the Republicans are just as bad. Don’t think that they are going to get a free pass from me. In my mind they are every bit as bad as the Democrats. But at least they are pretending to try. The fact is that both Republicans and Democrats are working from the exact same playbook; Rule # 31 & 32 of the 48 laws of power.

How to lose the dependency

It is important to keep you dependent. That is how evil people maintain control over other people.

Ann Rand
Here is a quote from Ann Rand talking about the corrupt communist government and how they maintain control over the citizens. It was true back then, and it is true now with America.

We must stop needing things. Once you decide that there’s nothing that you need, then the boogeymen who would control us all lose their power. We need to start cutting this enormous spider web that has entangled us and stifled our freedoms.

That’s why nearly everything you need to do to become self-sustaining is either illegal or strongly discouraged: milk straight from the cow, water collection, front-yard vegetable gardens, carrying a firearm. They need you to need them.
“Government” is a giant scam.

Yes, check out the links. They are all illegal to do.

The truth is that the government is not really made up of the elected officials that it purports. That is what the textbooks have to say. But it is really not that way at all. In fact, It’s made up, mostly, of people who sell their souls to huge corporations for personal comfort and financial benefit. The companies all have an interest in the type of laws that are passed. Beneficial laws to the company can be passed, and laws that are not beneficial can be blocked.

No freedom for Americans. Liberty is not for you. Celebrate the fourth of July without freedom.
This is how Americans have come to celebrate freedom and liberty on the one day that represents freedom and liberty. It is so sad.

This goes as well to all the supposed watchdog entities. This includes the FDA, the EPA, and others. They are all hand-picked and populated by those who are determined to support corporations. They do so no matter what the detriment to the American people whom they pretend to protect.

"If Congress was like Nascar, the members would have to wear uniforms emblazoned with their sponsors. However, Washington DC does not have the transparency of professional car racing, so we must guess at the sponsors of our members."

We are buried under ridiculous laws with the sole purpose of generating money to the government. This comes in the form of fee derived revenue or adding to the slave labor force in the for-profit prison system. Consider;

  • The war on drugs.
  • Excessive safety requirements for autos.
  • Laws on vice and behaviors.
  • Permits for everything.

We must work most of our waking hours to be able to pay for our basic necessities. It is truly sad. Consider…

We are convinced repeatedly that we must have things that our ancestors would never have considered owning, much less requiring. Such as…

  • The latest iPhone.
  • A Segway.
  • A Telsa electric (Green friendly) automobile.
  • A big screen television.
  • The latest update to Microsoft Office.
  • An Amazon Alexa.

Hand in hand, the mega-corporations and the government entities work together to keep us subservient and in our places. It is a terrible symbiotic relationship. The corporations create products, the watchdog agencies “test” the products, and the government mandates an artificial need for these products. Don’t believe me?

Try to by a electrical appliance without a UL or ESL label. Try to purchase a cell phone without a FCC certification. Try to buy any medicine, drug or vitamin?

They have most people convinced that they must follow the food pyramid, the vaccine schedule, and the rules that force us to have licenses for every darned thing we do.


It is not freedom. It really isn’t.

We must pay. We must give our time, our labors, our families, and sometimes our very lives to the government. We must pay for and be granted permission to feed ourselves. It’s true. But, not just to feed ourselves. We must get permission to transport ourselves, build shelters for ourselves, unite in matrimony, and even to own pets.

We need permission.

People, this is NOT freedom.

A free person never has to ask permission.

Like some kind of frighteningly authoritarian parent, they assure us that it’s for our own safety. They lay claim that these breaches into our independence are dangerous. They tell us that we and that we must comply or face the consequences. And, like parents, they “ground us” by taking away our licenses.

They send us to our rooms that just happen to be located in for-profit prisons.

We are not permitted to live life in liberty.

They don’t “allow” us to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. They don’t allow it because it is very dangerous. That is simply because once we taste that sweet freedom, we won’t want to be under their oppressive thumbs anymore.

Being dependent is the opposite of freedom

We have become dependent on our government. We have allowed them to take on the role of a parent to us. We have reinforced this though our inaction. Their disdain for us is obvious in how they treat us. They control us through fear. Our fears are constantly being manipulated over and over again.

AMerica and the media uses fear to control the actions and behaviors of others.
In America, citizens are controlled by fear and regulation. The media plays a major role. Today the media is aligning to software giants to forge major alliances to alter the fundamental makeup and structure of society so that the riches 1% may rule unopposed. In China, this is not permitted. There is only one government, they do not take kindly to usurpers.

• We must get approval for everything that we do. We need our actions and activities inspected and approved. We will die if we don’t eat things that were inspected and approved by them.
• We must obey the law. Whether it is having an approved car seat, an approved lawnmower, or the proper height of railing in our house. We will be jailed, fined, or have our children taken from us if we don’t toe the line.
• We are unable to figure things out for ourselves because we are not “experts”. We must make our decisions on the representative “experts” selected for us. We must listen to them and take the medications that they prescribe for us, and obey the decisions that they make for us.
• We will die if we don’t follow their expert health and nutrition advice. We must drink from cups of coffee that tells about cancer in rats that were given 10,000 cups of coffee a day.
• We’ll be murdered by scary foreign terrorists if we don’t allow the TSA to fondle our private parts, make us walk barefoot for 30 feet, and perform x-rays that show us naked before we fly.

Because some people fear these things and believe these tales so thoroughly, they allow the government to enforce ridiculous, unconstitutional laws “for our own safety.”

We allow the government to make and enforce unneeded laws.

They say, “Better that I give up my rights as a human being and save the world from a terrorist.”

We have permitted the loss of our Rights for safety.

They justify, “These agents are only doing their jobs.” Heck, I’ve even heard people in line at the airport thank the TSA for patting them down.

We have accepted living in a prison

All of this add up to a horrible reality. We cannot see it simply because we are living in the middle of it. We need to step outside and look at the world around us. The truth is quite simple, our government strives to keep its citizens in a state of dependency. They want us to feel as though we actually can’t survive without them. However, that is an illusion. It simply is not true.


Most Americans suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome.

For those of you who don’t know, the  Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological term that was coined after a 6-day siege at a bank in Stockholm, Sweden. What happened was that the 4 hostages taken in the siege began to act strangely. They began to feel affection, even love, for their captors. This was a curious result. As such, it was studied extensively.

The phrase was reported to have been coined by criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot. Psychiatrist Dr Frank Ochberg was intrigued by the phenomenon and went on to define the syndrome for the FBI and Scotland Yard in the 1970s…

“First people would experience something terrifying that just comes at them out of the blue. They are certain they are going to die.

“Then they experience a type of infantilisation – where, like a child, they are unable to eat, speak or go to the toilet without permission.”

Small acts of kindness – such as being given food – prompts a “primitive gratitude for the gift of life,” 

“The hostages experience a powerful, primitive positive feeling towards their captor. They are in denial that this is the person who put them in that situation. In their mind, they think this is the person who is going to let them live.” 
Stockholm Syndrome is defined as “feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.”

Sounds familiar, right?

Well that is what is going on with most Americans today. This condition, this situation has reached a point of no return. Those imprisoned within the United States are trapped within this  huge echo chamber that proudly proclaims “freedom” whilst doing the exact opposite.


Americans are “trapped” within a prison without walls. Then, once the government starts putting up walls, it will be all over. You won’t ever be able to leave. Oh, of course, the reasons will be to make America safer. It will be to keep people out. When the real reason will be to keep people in.

What can you do?

Well, what can you do? The American government is far too large, the powers that they have provided themselves with are too powerful. The corporation’s and their social-economic-political connections are too strong. What can a person do?

Lion in a cage.
Lion in a cage. During the last century, lions were caged and placed on display as they toured the towns and villages of America. Poor kitty. I am sure that he died within that same cage, not knowing the freedom that we viewed through the bars.

Imagine that you are a caged lion inside a zoo.

Everyday you dream of your youth when you would romp and play with the other cubs on the grasses of the savanna. When you wake, you pace back and forth inside your lonely, sterile cage. You look forward to your meal, though lately it has been getting smaller and smaller in portion size. The occasional treat of real meat is also getting rarer.

Humans come to look at you, and you just stare back with dead lifeless eyes. You watch the shadows of the sun on the bars in your cage. You watch it move across the floor. You know soon your water will be changed. You know that soon the lights will go out and you will be permitted a rest, and to sleep so as to forget this bland life that you live in.

What are your options? Can you escape? And if so, how?

You options, as a lion, are limited. You will never be able to return to your homeland. It is not possible to do so with the resources at your disposal. Your options are truly limited.

You could;

  • Attack the gatekeepers. Try to push open the gate while they are bleeding, and make a run for it.
  • Sneak away. The gate gets old. Gatekeepers fall into routines. You could sneak away when no one was watching.

As an American those are our only options.

The lion might purr and be friendly with it’s gatekeeper, but he will never be allowed outside the cage. Sure there are stories of lions that one day found freedom by a wealthy benefactor, or of those who moved to a different kind of cage, a more “natural” living environment.

Americans have two, and only two, options.

  • We could try to change the government through direct action. It is a difficult sell. The other times that it took place did not end well.
  • We could leave the United States.

It is a tough decision, no doubt. Everyone is different. However you do need to think it out properly and plan. They more you have, the more that is at risk. So proceed carefully and plan appropriately. I cannot advise you on what you can do. I can only suggest the options open to you. It is up to you to take them, and run the risks associated with your decision…

Death of the conspirators
These are the four major conspirators who participated in the death of President Abraham Lincoln. They were apprehended, interrograted, and sentenced to death. Here, they were hung from scaffolding until dead.

This is not bullshit. I took action. I thought about this in great detail and made my move.

I took action…

I left the United States.

War is a young man’s business. I am far too old for this nonsense. I don’t like having limits on the size of coke that I can drink. I resent being forced to wear a seatbelt, and being told that I need to get a doctors prescription for stomach medicine. I resent making $100, and having the federal government, state government, and the various fees and fines tacked on so that I only get $60 in my wallet. With them turning around and throwing money away to everyone else but me.

So I left. I went to a place where I had real freedom.

You know, it's been my experience that men to talk about having sex all the times typically hardly got any. While those who kept quiet about it, were the ones getting it all the time.

The same thing is true about "freedom". Those that talk about it all the time are actually compensating for their lack of freedom. While those who don't talk about it, are the ones that are actually having it.

I left with nothing. Everything that I owned fit into two bags. I wore hospital scrubs and flip flops to make it easy to board the plane and go through the TSA screening process.

Then when there was a typhoon during the flight, the airline lost my bags and I arrived in China with no luggage, and only the clothes on my back and my personal papers.


But, you know… all that being said. I was free to start a life new and fresh. Yet again, I started from scratch with nothing. I guess that I am an expert at it by now, because I actually did manage to build up a new life.

And here I am today.

House in Zhuhai China.
China affords a great lifestyle at the fraction of the cost compared to a comparable place in the United States. This view would be easily millions of dollars in America. Of course, there are sacrifices. You cannot get a thin-crust pepperoni pizza at Pizza Hut, or a bagel with crème cheese. These are the prices that you must pay.


America is not at all what it was initially set up as. It was setup as a land of freedom and liberty. Today, it is the opposite of that. Today it has the worst aspects of a dystopian nightmare blended with elements of a mafia run corrupt dictatorship. Today the United States looks more like a 1960’s era Bulgaria run by an African mob boss, only with the latest in surveillance technology.

There isn’t any freedom left in the United States.


American citizens have only two options open to them. They are very stark and depressing. Americans can accept their role as a serf on a high-tech plantation run and ruled by oligarchy. Or they can take one of two options.

  1. Leave.
  2. Stay and create a new government.

Both options will require planning, effort and pain. The better things in life are the hardest to get. I can only hope that whatever option the reader selects is done carefully and well thought out.

A New Government

What ever form that your new ideal government is, think it out first. The founders of the United States STUDIED the various forms of governance and then created the federal Constitution based upon their conclusions. Those whom wanted to “improve” the United States did not do so with a mind towards historical precedence. They did so based on the projected size of their wallets.

I told all my children a simple story and they all “got” it almost instantly.

When they asked about the different political parties .. I said well..

it’s like if you worked all weekend washing cars for some extra cash while your siblings stayed home and played computer games. Then Monday we go to the ice cream store and I take half your money against your wishes and use it to buy them ice cream too, because, “it’s the fair thing to do”.
That’s what socialism is.

Communism is the same... except I hold a gun to your head while taking it.

-Free Republic Post 9JUL18

Our Current Government

Consider the new IRS HQ building in Maryland. This is an enormous structure that was designed to “better” collect tax revenue from American citizens. This enormous structure was built at the same time as the IRS was equipped with military grade weapons and tanks.

Here is the new IRS Headquarters building in Maryland. It seems rather sinister with all the Masonic icons and symbiology. You can read about it all HERE.

For me, what is most disturbing about this structure is what is carved in stone in the front of the building. It tells me all that I need to know about what our government is and what they think of us citizens….

IRS version of the Bill of Rights
In complete defiance to what the Untied States Constitution states, as well as what many state Constitutions state, the federal government and their militarized IRS organization clearly tells us what they think of OUR Rights. “The Bill of Rights was not ordained by Nature or God. It’s very human, very fragile.” Hmmm, that’s … unsettling.

Considering the fact that a bunch of laws blatantly violating the Bill of Rights (notably the First and Fourth Amendment) were enacted shortly after this building was erected, one can ask if this quote wasn’t some kind of a warning. 

As we see new police-state-style laws violating privacy, free speech and encouraging oppression, we can definitely conclude that the elite views the Bill of Rights as something “very human, very fragile” that can easily be violated. 

While the above quote can be interpreted as a reminder to not take the Bill of Rights for granted, in the context of its location, it conveys an unsettling message about how it can easily be tampered with … and even disappear.

Comments on Free Republic

In July 2018, this article was presented on Free Republic for comments. You can read the comments HERE.


Q: Is America the “Land of the Free”?
A: No. It’s a catchy slogan, for certain. But functionally, there is no freedom or liberty in the United States today. Remember, freedom is living a life without any restrictions. America is land where there are restrictions on just about everything.

Q: Does the State Bill of Rights have any validity today?
A: Yes, in fact, I would say that it has more validity than the Federal Bill of Rights. I say this simply because of the tenth amendment to the Federal Constitution. There is a tendency for us to rely on the interpretations of the Constitution by others, especially those in positions of power. This is wrong. The Constitution was INTENDED to be read and understood by the common man. It was not intended to be subject to the interpretations by approved blue ribbon panels, activist judges or bureaucrats.

Q: Do you advocate a revolution in the United States?
A: No. I simply suggest that Americans live the life that was promised to them by the founders of the Constitution. This means that we need to reclaim our heritage, and start doing things and taking the steps necessary to guarantee our liberties.

  • Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

    Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

    Mad scientist
    Gorilla Cage in the basement
    Work in the 1960's
    School in the 1970s
    Cat Heaven
    Corporate life
    Corporate life - part 2
    Build up your life
    Grow and play - 1
    Grow and play - 2
    Baby's got back
    A womanly vanity
    The Warning Signs
    Army and Navy Store
    Playground Comparisons
    Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

    More Posts about Life

    I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

    Being older
    Civil War
    Bronco Billy
    r/K selection theory
    How they get away with it
    Line in the sand
    A second passport
    Paper Airplanes
    Taxiation without representation.
    Make America Great Again.
    1960's and 1970's link
    Democracy Lessons

    Stories that Inspired Me

    Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


    Links about China

    Business KTV

    Dance Craze

    End of the Day Potato

    Dog Shit

    Dancing Grandmothers

    When the SJW movement took control of China

    Family Meal

    Freedom & Liberty in China

    Ben Ming Nian

    Beware the Expat

    Fake Wine

    Fat China

    Chinese apartment houses
    Chinese Culture Snapshots
    Rural China
    Chinese New Year

    China and America Comparisons

    Playground Comparisons
    The Last Straw
    Diversity Initatives
    Travel outside
    10 Misconceptions about China
    Top Ten Misconceptions

    Learning About China

    Pretty Girls 1
    Pretty Girls 2
    Pretty Girls 3
    Pretty Girls 4
    Pretty Girls 5
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  1. Composed 5JUL18.
  2. SEO review 8JUL18.
  3. Release 8JUL18.
  4. Added the IRS interpretation of the Bill of Rights 10JUL18.

The rK Selection Theory applied to American Politics

Have you ever wondered why there is such a lack of commonality in political discourse today? In America, you are either a Trump-supporter or not. There is absolutely no bridge or commonality between the two groups. It is almost as if there is one type of person who is composed of fire, and the other type of person is composed of water. Why is this?

Well, there is a theory that precisely explains this dichotomy of behavior. This theory is called the “r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Ecology”, and it is based on the observed survival behaviors of  creatures.

This post is primarily concerned with the application of the r/k Selection Theory as it is applied to mass mob psychology in the United States today.



Can you imagine an idea or a concept so shocking that it is banned from publication? Like, for instance, the idea that the earth orbited the sun, or that high voltages can alter gravity? Well, there is a theory that is actually banned from public distribution.  This theory is banned on TED, Facebook and Yahoo’s advertising platforms, for being too effective at supporting conservative ideals. Yet, the theory itself really isn’t political at all.

It is a theory that simply states that a given species, over time, will evolve by developing their own survival strategies.

Turtles behave the way they do, because it is the best way for them to survive in this world. Bees behave the way that they do because it is the best way for them to survive in this world. Giraffes behave the way that they do because they too have developed the best way to survive int his world.


What is interesting is that people who have studied American politics have noted that various human groups or organizations have also adapted these same strategies. They have done so organically. It wasn’t planned, it has just evolved that way. As such, they are both awed and disgusted in how it is playing out.


This theory, when applied to political organizations and objectives, directly defines the behavior of the organization. It asserts that both Conservatism and Liberalism are a programmed psychology. It bases this fundamental and foundational premise on the behaviors of known population groups.

Liberalism, no matter what it’s current name is, is designed to exploit resource excess within our populations.

Conservatism, no matter what branch or ideology,  is designed to benefit  competitive groups that succeed in group competition.


The r/K Theory is a well established theory with a great pedigree. However, it is not applied to political belief structures. It is applied to species under the assumption that every member of the species falls into only one strategy.

This is a pretty BIG assumption.

As such, typically, it is assumed that humans are a K-strategy species. This is because we maintain a traditional family environment. Now, if this were true than any deviance from this would be an aberration. Wouldn’t it?

I argue that humans are not a fully developed species. Rather, we are a species in flux with significant membership in both survival strategies. In the United States we have two (apparently) equally divided segments of the population. One embracing the r-strategy and the other embracing the K-strategy.

The  r-selected Reproductive Strategy


In the “r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Ecology”, if you provide a population with free resources, those who will come to dominate the population will exhibit five basic traits. These traits are called an r-selected Reproductive Strategy. These traits are all designed to best exploit the free resource availability. In nature, the r-selected strategy is best seen in the rabbit, which lives in fields of grass it will never fully consume. The five traits are,

  • Competition and risk avoidance.
  • Promiscuity.
  • Low-investment single parenting.
  • Earlier age of sexualization of young.
  • No loyalty to in-group.

These traits are ultimately designed to maximize the numbers of offspring produced. Each of these offspring, though of lesser fitness, will be able to survive and reproduce freely themselves, due to the free resource availability.

The K-selected Reproductive Strategy.


In r/K Theory, there is also a strategy that is exactly opposite to the rabbit’s. This strategy emerges under conditions of resource scarcity. It is called the K-selected Reproductive Strategy.

There, where resources are scarce, competition for resources is everywhere. As a result, some individuals will die due to failure in competition. This produces the K-strategy, which is best seen in the wolf. This strategy also has five psychological traits. These traits are…

  • Competitiveness/aggressiveness/protectiveness.
  • Mate monopolization/monogamy.
  • High-investment two-parent child-rearing.
  • Later age of sexualization of young.
  • High loyalty to in-group.

This psychology is designed to form highly fit and competitive groups that succeed in group competition. It does this while capturing and monopolizing the fittest mate possible. This is a way of making their offspring genetically fitter than those of competitors.

Here, the goal is NOT to simply consume as much as possible yourself and produce as many baby-making machines as you can, with little regard to their fitness. No.

Here, the goal is to help your group succeed in its competition for the scarce resources, and then produce offspring of as high a fitness as possible, so they may carry your genes forward by succeeding in competition themselves.

Application to American Politics

The premise of this theory is that all of politics is really a battle between the K-strategist wolves within our society against the r-strategist rabbits. The wolves are designed to battle in a world of scarce resources and fierce competition, and the rabbits, are designed to freely graze the bounty of a sudden resource glut and rapidly explode in numbers to exploit such a glut.

Without labeling which political party is which, can you the reader, guess which political party is which?

The r-strategist rabbits want free food and a life of ease and abundant free sex. They want as many of their ilk as possible to share in the abundance. They want to produce as many offspring as possible, as fast as possible, without regard to offspring quality.

That’s right. The r-strategy fits the American Democrat party that is populated with Socialists, Progressives, and Liberals. Truthfully, Marxists are r-strategy rabbits in that they expect boundless support from the wealthy and successful.

The K-strategist wolves want order and defined limits on behavior. They want traditional two-parent families, and meaningful education and training for their young. They are competitive and protective of family, sexually selective and monogamous, imbued with regard for two parent family life, desirous that offspring wait until mature to mate, and loyal to in-group are designed to produce highly fit and competitive offspring, designed to compete in an environment of resource scarcity.

As you might have guessed, the K-strategy fits the American Republican party that is populated with Conservatives, Libertarians, and Neocons.

The K-selected Wolf

Let’s look at the K-strategy in more detail.

Wolves are a quintessential K-strategist species. Wolves are competitive and protective, because they must fight for food to survive. They carefully select the fittest mate, and monopolize that fit mate, so that their offspring will be as genetically fit as possible, relative to peers.

Both the male and the female have the same understanding that they are monogamous and will both mutually support the family and raise their children to the be the best. They will strive to teach their children to be as competitive as possible. Their children, if successful, will become dominant and would the best likelihood of successful procreation with the best and most suitable member of the opposite sex.

Traditional Family Values…

As such, they embrace two-parent family values, as offspring are reared carefully in a loving and supportive pack/family environment. This is so they will have the best chance of succeeding themselves in their own competitions. These values have been honed and proven over many generations. They rely on the proven techniques that provide the best likelihood of success. They typically shun new and unproven ideas as they carry a great risk of catastrophic failure.

family meal
Traditional family meals are maintained as a means to maintain communication through the generations and to help instill important family values. The roles of both the father and the mother are maintained. The children learn how families work and the roles that they too will grow into.

Such things as family meals, family traditions, and traditional roles are all considered important. The man is expected to work, and the woman is expected to take care of the home and provide a nurturing environment for the children.

Trditional roles
A traditional gender role found in the United States that views males as being responsible for the economic support and protection of the family. Housewife. A traditional gender role found in the United States that views females as responsible for child-rearing and domestic activities.

Competitive Schooling…

They do not allow offspring to mate until mature and proven in competition, so any immaturity will not lead to their offspring securing sub-par monogamous mates. The children are continuously educated and tested to make sure that they understand their roles and how to support and provide for the needs of the family.

Chinese study
The Chinese are very traditional and typically follow a K-strategy. School and education is very important to the Chinese, as well as all of the other Asian communities.

Schooling and education is treated  as of great importance. The subjects studied have a practical purpose and is intended in creating a long lasting and stable source of income from which the family can utilize to thrive.

They train and develop loyalty to the team…

Team work is very important to the K-strategist. They train and learn how to cooperate and work together to the mutual benefit of all. Everyone is expected to perform a role, and to do it to the best of their ability.


Strong loyalty to the pack…

Finally, they develop a strong pack-loyalty to maximize the chances of their pack’s competitive success, and by extension, their own. Males evolve to be courageous and strong as they set out to provision the family and absorb any risk, while females carefully nurture offspring back at the den.


The r-selected Rabbit

Rabbits are quintessential r-strategists. Rabbits live in fields of grass they never fully exhaust.

Their goal is to produce as many offspring as quickly as possible. They flee from danger, because to fight for food that they can get elsewhere is an unnecessary risk.

Hugh Hefner
Hugh Hefner is a typical r-strategy Liberal. CANNES, FRANCE: Playboy magazine president Hugh Hefner (C) poses with playmates 14 May 1999 on the steps of the Palais des Festivals before the screening of their movie “Entrapment” in selection for the 52nd Cannes Film Festival. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) (Photo credit should read PASCAL GUYOT/AFP/Getty Images)

They mate promiscuously with any mate, because their goal is solely to reproduce, absent concerns for genetic quality – when resources are everywhere, even the most defective offspring can find food, mate, and pass genes forward.

While males are off mating as often as possible, females raise offspring alone, and quickly send them on their way to whelp a new litter.

Begin having sex at an earlier age…

Young parents.
The r-strategy depends on children becoming sexually active at an earlier age. Here they can become a parent earlier and then begin to produce babies every nine months if possible.

Offspring begin having sex early, to maximize numbers of their own offspring. They have sex early and produce children often. Often their preference is not to work, but rather to “be with their children”, when the fact is that often their is no father that is earning money enabling them to stay home.

Instead, they become wards of the state, living off the public trust.

Welfare mother
Here is a single mother on welfare. She is surrounded by her eight children from numerous fathers. Not one of the fathers live with her, nor visit their children. She fully expects the government trough to feed, clothe and shelter her. She thrives in a nation that is dominated by a President or political system that is r-strategist dominant.

Loyalty to in-group is unknown to the rabbit, because there is no competition for resources, since resources are everywhere.

Men will become more feminine…

Men who are overly promiscuous do not need to concentrate on strength or skills. Instead they need to concentrate in abilities that permits them to attract as many females as possible. Thus, to a K-strategist wolf they appear odd, and even shameful. They do not act like a member of their species should act. They are a perverted distortion of the ideal.

Obama on bicycle
Here is former President Obama on a bicycle. He is a prime example of a r-strategist rabbit who has fully embraced the strategies for survival. Note that other r-strategist media has fully endorsed this behavior as MANLY and very masculine. Which is obviously opposite of the viewpoint of the K-strategist wolves. You can read their PRAISE of the “ruggedly masculine” President Obama HERE. Some quotes…

In an editorial earlier this week the New York Times gushed over photographs of President Obama riding his bicycle at Martha’s Vineyard, at one point exclaiming the president was an example of “rugged masculinity gone wild!”

“If Obama rode his bike into my neighborhood I’d make him have sex with me in the street!” 

After MSNBC’s Chris Matthews showed Obama’s bicycle photographs on his show Hardball, he trembled as he spoke to his guests. “I admit,” he snickered, “when I saw these pictures I felt a scorching-hot sensation shooting up my inner thigh and into my groin. And believe you me, my wife took advantage of that situation…if you know what I mean.”

The enthusiasm over the bicycle photographs stretches from media outlets coast to coast. The Boston Globe dubbed the photographs a “toxic elixir that soothes the aching heart” while the San Francisco Chronicle fawned, “If ever there was a time when America needed a macho, in-your-face, physical example of aggressiveness and old fashioned male moxie, that time is now and the man is Barack Obama.”

While the r-strategist rabbits might fawn and be enthralled with an impressive display of rabbit-like qualities, the K-strategist wolves take the opposite point of view. To them, this is perversion of the highest order.

Indeed, over time the r-strategist rabbits begin to adapt female behaviors and mimic the female gender. To make them stand out from the multitudes of like minded males, they create strategies to set themselves apart.

As such their strategies are those that appeal to the females of the species. They create other genders and dress, that on the surface appear silly, but who’s sole function is to fundamentally bring attention to them and their actions. They promote issues that appeal to the female gender, and downplay or even ridicule masculine traits.


Among r-strategists, males will tend to exhibit smaller, more feminine, less robust physical qualities. This is both to better facilitate fleeing and for showy displays of flash and beauty, to facilitate mate attraction, and mating.

While this is going on with the male gender, there are also changes with the female gender.

Females would tend to be bigger and more aggressive…

Whether it is rabbits or humans, those who follow the r-strategist end up compensating for their weaknesses. In a world where the male is feminine and abandons the children to engage in promiscuous behavior, the mother must compensate by becoming larger and more aggressive. This means that they will become larger, fatter, and more muscular. They will start producing more testosterone rather than progesterone and that will result in numerous changes to their body shapes and behaviors.

The changes in testosterone will make them more belligerent and aggressive. The reduction in progesterone would tend to make their biology rebalance itself towards a heavier and fatter (read “pear shape”) body.


The r-strategist females, by contrast will tend to grow big, assertive, and ill-tempered, to better occupy a more masculine family role, provisioning and protecting the offspring they raise alone.

Political Censorship

It’s funny how things work out. You try to restrict access to knowledge, people eventually want to find out what you want to keep hidden. I, myself, only really learned about the r/K strategy when it became a restricted subject content.

I personally, don’t know why.

Those who are trying to restrict dissemination of this theory are typically very liberal, or progressive-liberal in political philosophy. Yet, the strategy of the liberals fit the r-strategy exactly.

Heck, even ultra-liberal and Democrat donor, Hugh Hefner and his “Playboy” empire, used the rabbit as his symbol for his philosophy.

Playboy bunnies
Here is a picture of Hugh Hefner with some of his r-strategist “bunnies”. He broke through the traditional United States K-strategist model by legitimizing r-strategist behaviors.

As of 2018, the American Democrats want…

  • Unlimited migration to the United States.
  • No limits on free access to food, shelter, medical services.
  • No limitations on birthing and abortions on demand.
  • Supportive of multiple genders and alternative lifestyles.
  • Supportive of sex at very young ages.

Hugh Hefner on the tarmac
Here is Hugh Hefner and some of his r-strategist “bunnies” on the tarmac for a photo shoot. He actively promoted the hedonism of the r-strategist lifestyle and made millions of dollars in the process, as well as had a lot of fun in the process.

The more conservative members of the political spectrum are just being K-strategy wolves. They just want to be left alone, with their family. They want to live their life and not have their precious and limited resources siphoned off by multitudes of people who did not work for their labors.

The Problems and Source of Conflict

When the fields are filled with grass, and the rabbits can multiply at will, happiness reigns. The wolves tend to keep to themselves and all is good. However, problems invariably arise when the rapid population growth of the r-strategy rabbits depletes the food supply…

This results in a condition whereas the resources are scarce, and the wolves will have to use their superior survival techniques to exist. Of course, the r-strategist rabbits will complain and squeal. They will redouble their strategy. They will try to overwhelm the resources in an effort to control the K-strategy members.

Chart of the r/K strategic behavior.
No matter what the species or political division, all interactions between the two strategies; the r-strategy and the K-strategy ends up the same in the end. The r-strategy eventually consumes the resources as they are never infinite. The moment they start to deplete the resources, their numbers start to decrease while the K-strategists engage in corrective behaviors. Eventually there is a point of obvious conflict, and a gradual extinction of the r-strategist individuals.

They will try to increase their numbers rapidly. They will do everything to unleash the abundance of the land and make it possible to produce even more offspring.

The K-strategist wolves will, of course resent that their resources are being consumed by those who are undeserving. For they neither labored for the resources, or qualify for the resources through membership or participation.

Eventually, conflict arises.

There is always a very contentious and often bloody conflict. While the r-strategist rabbits will try to overwhelm the K-strategist wolves though sheer numbers and vocal screaming, the wolves will eventually win. That is because they have trained their entire lives to be superior. They have perfected techniques of warfare and conflict. While the r-strategist rabbits have been enjoying life and a bountiful harvest, the K-strategist wolves have been working, preparing and getting ready for conflict.

The loss of the freedom to defend yourself and the liberty to live your life is what often suffers under progressive democrat control.
Know your history. This is what really happens when a particular group comes to power and their enemies are disarmed. It is never pretty.

This is a cycle that repeats itself over an over though the course of history. It is advisable that we listen to the lessons that can be learned here.

Another Opinion

This was drafted by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog. Rather than attribute the rise and fall of human civilization to the push and pull of r/K strategies, he suggests that it is the social construct that is at fault;

The dynamics of decadence are easy to understand: as affluence becomes the norm that is widely assumed to be permanent, shared purpose and sacrifice for the common good is replaced by self-absorbed decadence and an ethos of maximizing personal gain.

In his seminal essay The Fate of Empires, Sir John Glubb listed these core dynamics of imperial decline:

(a) A growing love of money as an end in itself.

(b) A lengthy period of wealth and ease, which makes people complacent. They lose their edge; they forget the traits (confidence, energy, hard work) that built their civilization.

(c) Selfishness and self-absorption.

(d) Loss of any sense of duty to the common good.

Glubb included the following in his list of the characteristics of decadence:

-- An increase in frivolity, hedonism, materialism and the worship of unproductive celebrity.

-- A loss of social cohesion.

-- The willingness of an increasing number to live at the expense of a bloated bureaucratic state.

Glubb’s list may at first glance be largely psychological--self-aggrandizement and a focus on hedonistic pursuits--but the dynamics of decadence have economic, political and social ramifications.

First and foremost, the aristocratic financial and political elites secured their position at the expense of social mobility by erecting barriers that protect them from competition and accountability. In effect, they eliminated the risk posed by change by rigging the system to their benefit.

To fund their extravagant lifestyles, they took more of the earnings of those below them, widening the inequality between the aristocracy and commoners to extremes. Historian Peter Turchin reports that where the patricians of the Roman Republic had 10 or 20 times the wealth of an average Roman citizen, by the late Empire the elites possessed up to 200,000 times the wealth of the average commoner.

The heavier burdens on the productive class and the decay of social mobility divested commoners of a financial stake in the system, and the concentration of political power in an oligarchy disenfranchised them of political influence.

When social mobility and shared purpose are lost, there is little motivation to contribute to a system that benefits the few at the expense of the many. People respond by reducing their productive participation and becoming dependents of the state, a phase captured by the phrase Bread and Circuses in the late Roman era, when a significant percentage of the Rome’s populace received free bread and access to costly entertainments in exchange for their political compliance.

Disenfranchised commoners with few prospects for advancement form a volatile political class; a small event can trigger a non-linear explosion that threatens the stability of a status quo that benefits the few at the expense of the many. To counter this threat, the elites bought the compliance and complicity of the masses with Bread and Circuses. As Glubb noted, the willingness to live off the state is a reflection of general decadence; if there is no other hedonistic pursuit within financial reach, then Bread and Circuses will do.

As the eventual collapse of decadent empires attests, Bread and Circuses are no substitute for social mobility, low barriers to accumulating capital and a political stake in the system. In the present era of decadence, Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the modern equivalent of Bread and Circuses. But buying off the disenfranchised doesn’t transform an unstable system into a stable system; it merely masks the instability for a time.

The core belief of decadent eras is that the status quo is so powerful and permanent that it can withstand the predations of the few and the Bread and Circuses lavished on the many.

This is of course a false confidence. Every status quo is a social construct that is inherently non-linear. The decline of productive sectors, the divestiture of commoners from ownership of productive assets and the political disenfranchisement of commoners hollow out the economy and the society.

These dynamics of decadence weaken the social and economic order, creating conditions that favor a loss of faith in the status quo and the failure of key institutions.


  • In the United States today is a build up between two survival techniques utilized by the human species.
  • Typically, the r-strategist survival technique, is a “service for self” strategy based upon living in an area of abundance. It permits a hedonistic lifestyle. Which in itself is great fun, as we humans are genetically programmed to procreate. However, it is only viable as long as the resources are not restricted.


  • Typically the K-strategist survival technique is a “service for others” strategy that permits procreation in a land of scarcity.
  • The r/K Theory is often censored from many American-based progressive software outlets.
  • Famous r-strategist members include Hugh Hefner, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama.
  • Famous K-strategist members include Erwin Rommel, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Judge Judith Sheindlin (Judge Judy), Donald Trump and Bruce Willis.


Q: What is better, r-strategy or K-strategy?
A: Neither or both. It depends on the environment. If there is an endless supply of resources, then the r-strategy is better. If the resources are scarce, or they fluctuate, then obviously the K-strategy is superior.

Q: Can American democrats be K-strategist wolves? 
A: There was a time when the American democrat party was dominated by K-strategist individuals. For instance, when the democrat party founded the KKK, they were very family oriented and reacted to the changes in the political landscape by creating the militant KKK organization. Labels and species composition changes over time. Today, the American democrat party is dominated by r-strategist membership who is drawing the party towards radical r-strategist behaviors. Eventually it will either change, or be eliminated. Historically r-strategist behaviors do not possess longevity on this earth.

Q: What other creatures follow the r-strategy behaviors?
A: Aside from Democrats and rabbits, similar behaviors have been observed in mice, rats, mosquitoes and cockroaches.

Q: What other creatures follow the K-strategy behaviors?
A: Aside from wolves, similar behaviors can be found in many of the feline species such as domestic cats, lions, and snow leopards.


Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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  1. Composed 28JUN18.
  2. SEO Review 30JUN18.
  3. Added quote from the twomindsblog 6OCT18.