We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Ah. Another good question. Just why was a “dimensional anchor” required? Why couldn’t humans just “evolve” on their own? Eh?
What was the great horrible event that being a “Dimensional Anchor” was supposed to prevent?
I do not know.
California sliding into the Pacific ocean?
Swine Flu?
Trans-gender dominance?
All that I know is that if I (and my colleagues) were unable to suppress the onslaught of discordant sentience manifestation that the future of the human species was in jeopardy.
The human species can evolve into either a “service to self” or a “service to others” sentience. (With “service to another” sentience being a distinct possibility.)
A hybrid or discordant sentience is not permitted.
Characteristics of a discordant sentience are thought manifestations that do not agree with intention.
For instance, “We must silence people so that they can have freedom of speech.”, or “The ability to live happily means the ability to kill easily.” These are discordant statements. We must tax YOU to make others have better lives. Freedom of expression is only fine for XXX not for YYY.
The people making the statements believe actions to justify their thoughts do not need to be in agreement.
As a result, the thoughts generate something different from
the intention.
Intention defines the successful implementation of any sentience. For a “service to self” sentience, the thought of making someone give you something because you want it is pure. It is in complete alignment with the sentience.
Likewise, the “service to others” sentience is pure in that if you help others, everyone benefits. It is pure.
While we were able to successfully able to thwart the discordant evolution of our species during the 1980’s, 1990’s and the early 2000’s, I cannot say what is going on after we were retired.
From my point of view, I am here on this friggin’ crazy-town world-line, but I am living an area that matches my deepest desires. Thus, there are a number of things that might be going on at this time. None of which really should concern me to much right now.
It is possible that the mission continues and the world-line template is being cleansed at this very moment. However, to me it doesn’t look that way. From my point of view, it seems that once we completed our mission, all Hell broke loose and there was an explosion in discordant sentience behaviors.
Who figures, eh?
That can mean numerous things. Any one which could be correct;
A “service to self” entity took control of MAJestic and is continuing the program in the belief that discordant sentience manifestation will benefit “service to self” objectives.
No entity is currently performing “Dimensional Anchoring”. The program was a failure and while we were able to temporarily thwart a discordant manifestation, the subsequent events reverted to discordant sentience evolution.
The MAJestic mission in regards to “Dimensional Anchoring” was successful. However, once I was retired, I was left on a world-line that was in alignment with my deepest desires. I was rewarded. However, this world-line just happens to lie within a discordant sentience evolutionary track. It lies outside the track of the vast majority of people.
Thus, my current world-line provides no indications to it’s success or failure.
The world-line “Template” affects the bulk of the most “popular” world-lines occupied by soul consciousness. I could very well be on an “off shoot” that will terminate within a fixed period of time.
Being terrible – part 2
Ahhh! So many people are so terribly offended. WTF?
You talk so openly about prostitutes and seemingly disparage children that are abused. Don’t you see what a terrible person that you are for doing this?
I am sorry for giving this impression. I write (speak) from my own experiences. This differs from parroting [1] the media narrative, the [2] politically correct narrative, or [3] the popular narrative. This manuscript is about MY experiences. It is not about the experiences of others.
Until I was incarcerated as a sex offender, I never knew any prostitutes or children of abuse. I just didn’t. I was never part of that circle of people.
I only knew about these things from the media. I saw some news programs, and read some articles. However, I never experienced it in my life.
Articles like (the one below) are the reason why there is such uproar about underage sex and trafficking of minors.
The closest thing to knowing about these things was from a handful of friends.
I had a few close friends who told me about how they were raped when they were young. I also had my first wife who was raped by a friend of a friend, and never got over it. In fact, many sleepless nights were spent dealing with the baggage that she kept inside over this singular event. It was terrible.
My first ex-wife was my staunchest defender against the charges that I was a sex offender. She was flabbergasted that anyone would even consider me for this role.
So, I do know that unwanted sexual advances and abuse does happen. I know that it hurts people. I know that the damage is ever lasting. I know that there are bad people who do these kinds of things.
After I was incarcerated, I had to attend training to teach me about the abuse of others. I sat in classes with individuals who actually did this kind of abuse. They told me how they would target children, prime and prep them, and then how they would attack them and string them along. It really was pretty horrible. The guys were total creeps and slime of the worst caliber.
I know, mostly because of the onslaught of Hollywood movies that always seemed to have some sort of side story regarding this. From Forrest Gump (his girlfriend Jenny), to The Color Purple. They all had some side story regarding abuse by others, mostly elders. Then, in the 1990’s it went mainstream with “America’s Most Wanted”, and other related television shows.
America's Most Wanted is an American television program that was produced by 20th Television. At the time of its cancellation by the Fox television network in June 2011, it was the longest-running program in the network's history (25 seasons), a mark since surpassed by the long-running animated sitcom, The Simpsons.
The show started off as a half-hour program on February 7, 1988. In 1990, the show's format was changed from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. The show's format was reverted to 30 minutes in 1995, and then, to 60 minutes in 1996. A short-lived syndicated spinoff titled America's Most Wanted: Final Justice aired from 1995 to 1996.
In short, I have only heard about these
things second-hand. I never experienced them personally.
I think that this is true for the reader as well. Have you personally experienced these kinds of things, or know of someone who had? Probably, what you know comes from what you saw on television, the Internet or the media. Right?
That is third-hand.
You heard from a reporter who is interviewing or reporting on something that someone said. That is third-hand.
My first experience with a prostitute (non-sexual) came when I was forced to live in the mist of them while on parole. There was a house on our left that had between 4 and 6 prostitutes, and one old black man who sold crack. On the right was another house that had three girls, but the girls didn’t hang out. They would get in cars that drove up to get them and then return. Across the street were two houses with some enormously fat and hyper ugly gals. They were quite busy, I’ll tell you what.
I got to know them, at least the American version.
They weren’t bad. Not at all. In fact, they were all pretty nice. (Not pretty, though. Yuck!)
All of them, of the ones that I met, were doing so of their own accord. They were free to come and go as they chose. They had financial obligations, mostly young children, and prostitution was a way for them to make money quickly. Many of them (I think, and suspect) had issues with drugs, but certainly not all of them.
Now, I was retired under this excuse that I was a sex offender. Yet, at the time I was arrested, I was never with a prostitute.
I never met anyone who would fit the description of a sex abused child (aside from my friends who were raped on dates). When I started to meet the people “in the trade”, I realize that the vast bulk of the girls involved in sex for money were their own bosses and doing so for their own reasons.
No one was forcing them.
Those people who were paying them; the “Johns”, weren’t harming them. They were just exchanging services for money.
So, I do know that there are terribly abused children out there. I do know that there are people who are tricked and manipulated. I do know that it exists. I do read the media.
As such, I am glad that there are efforts to find the sexual predators and imprison them.
These prostitutes all got along with my cat Coco. She was just “one of the girl’s”. Coco would go next door and hang out with the girls on the porch. She was very comfortable with them.
Then, when I moved to Asia, I got to meet the girls who would trade sex for money.
These girls did so for their own purposes as well. Mostly it was to have fun, attend to family responsibilities, or to meet wealthy or prosperous men in the hope of maybe having a long term relationship.
Not every sexual encounter is “just a job”. It is like any work assignment. There are good days and bad days. There are days that you absolutely hate, and days that are actually pretty good.
This was a far different motivation than their American counterparts.
Many of the attractive girls in China used the KTV medium as a way to meet successful men while having a great time. They made “good money”, and spent it on things that matter most to girls in their mid-20’s; latest fashions, expensive babbles, cell phones, and traveling to interesting places.
The older prostitutes (30’s and 40’s) would spend the money on their family; their children and their parents.
I just never met any prostitutes older than that.
Of the girls that I met working “the trade”, they were all (for lack of a better word) business-women. Some were doing so on a temporary basis to achieve some goal. Some were more experienced and were working on some pretty big projects; like buying a SPA, purchasing a McDonalds franchise, or exporting furs to Hong Kong.
They were not some chained up, or passed-around, waif.
They were very practical and pragmatic and were out for themselves to get what they wanted. Indeed, some were quite mercenary about it and today are very successful.
One gal (I know) owns multiple houses, businesses, and is quite wealthy. She drank a lot, but had her shit together. Now she is very powerful within her reality. She drives a Bentley that she paid for in cash. She owns numerous mansions, and multiple businesses.
Seriously, I tell the reader the truth, if you were to meet some of the girls who now work as “pimps” or managers for these girls; you would be stunned into silence.
These gals would eat you up raw, and spit you out before you even knew what happened. Smart, aggressive, attractive, worldly and powerful. You, the reader, cannot possibly understand how these “graduated” women are. Think of General (Mad Dog) Mattis in the body of an Asian version of Eva Mendes or Angelina Jolie.
All of the girls that I know of that trade sex for money do so of their own volition. And they all tend to be very excellent businesswomen.
In fact, the reader might be surprised that a large number of them do so as a side business while they are attending university. After all, where will they get the money for their Starbuck’s lattes and latest iPhone?
Their parents? (Maybe for some of them. When I was in college, I was lucky to have money for a bagel and butter.)
Yet these girls have expensive purses, phones, and all sorts of high end clothes. How do you think they got the money? These ladies are not some misguided or confused, manipulated person trapped in a world beyond their control. They use the skills, abilities, and resources at their disposal to obtain advantage, money and power. The media narrative that is not part of the reality that I have been exposed to.
It is not that I heard about these girls on TV, or on the radio, or that I read a story on the Internet, or Alex Jones talked about it. I actually know these people.
I know what they do, and I understand their motivation. As such, I get rather upset when some “know it all” tries to tell me that all girls are abused. That working as a prostitute is a “last resort” and only a girl can be forced to have sex for money. That it is common knowledge that most “normal” girls would never do such a thing. Nonsense.
It is nothing of the sort.
I have been “around the block” enough to
know that NO woman is a weakling. You might not like what she is doing, or how
she does it, but you can pretty much recognize that she is doing what SHE wants
to do on HER terms.
Yes, there is child abuse and there are sexual deviants.
However, the actual percentage of this most terrible situation occurring near me is actually pretty low. As far as I am concerned, I’ve never seen it. It’s not part of my reality.
So, it might be very difficult to hear, and very non-politically correct, but when I speak of girls and prostitutes I do so from the point of understanding from experience.
This is direct first-person experience. Unless you, the reader, know personal first-hand regarding these girls and women, don’t try to disparage my experiences.
This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Turn off the manipulative media, and experience life first hand. What I do know is that the media sensationalizes things to achieve political results. Most of what they write about is nonsense. That includes all of the vices, and anything that is designed to evoke an emotional reaction.
Human Souls
To understand ourselves we need to understand what comprises us.
You talk a lot about souls. But nothing that you mention is found in any of the great books on the subject, the Bible or espoused by any of the great thinkers of our times. Isn’t it a bit presumptive of you to spout off without consulting with the learned spiritual leaders of our day?
I am just reporting what I know through entanglement with an artifice.
I do not know if it is correct or not.
I am only reporting on it. I have added my comments from my experiences and from the point of view of my own understandings. The reader is free to believe what they choose to believe.
In short…
A soul is a construction of ordered quanta that has obtained sentience.
Souls are not homogenized. They are a collection of parts. These parts are called “garbons”.
Garbons communicate and interface with other garbons via “routes”. These routes are called “Swales”.
A soul is capable of storing memories.
A soul is capable of generating world-lines from a template.
A soul can then create a consciousness and place it within a world-line reality.
Probe operation under the effects of alcohol
Interesting question.
Now that you are retired, and you obviously drink and indulge in various vices, how are your probes affected?
They are not affected at all.
Going to Hell
Aren’t you afraid that you will go to Hell because of your less-than-perfect behaviors?
I am extremely confident that I will not go to Hell.
Tune ups
Have you ever needed a “tune up” on any of your probes?
Probe Problems
Do you ever have problems with your implants?
Not really. However, once I kept a power outlet strip on the back on one of my living room chairs. I had plugged in various transformers for my laptops, and smart phones into it.
When I sat on the chair to type on my computer, I began to feel odd and out of sorts. I have since attributed it to an electromagnetic field that surrounds the unshielded transformers.
It’s nothing to be concerned about; however it is an uncomfortable feeling.
I once started to have headaches. They started to get really bad and so I went to a hospital and had an MRI. The doctor was completely surprised by all the stuff in my skull. He asked me if “someone shot at me with a BB gun when I was a little child”. But, no. What ever was going on (stress from work), taking the initiative and going to the hospital somehow managed to dissipate the stress. I don’t think it has anything to do with either the EBP or the ELF probes.
Contradictory statements
Parsing. Trying to find flaws to disparage. It’s a common, time-honored technique.
Throughout your blog you make statements and then contradict yourself. Sometimes, I feel like a ping-pong ball because you go back and forth so much. Regarding the number of other agents like yourself, how many were in MAJestic?
I do not know.
I only know that myself and Sebastian were in the same role. (I assume that the base commander was not an agent in the same role that we were in. Though, it is reasonable to assume that he was in MAJestic. I think that that is a reasonable assumption.)
During the “sales pitch” he told us that the membership would be limited to a handful of specially selected people, and that we were the first.
I have no idea how much is a “handful”. I have always thought that it could mean five to six (five fingers) or twelve (one dozen).
However, through entanglement, I could sense what the drone (biological artifice) saw.
According to what I could “see” it looked like the number was much larger. Maybe approaching somewhere between 60 and one hundred artifice drones. (This was most certainly not a “handful”.)
Initially, this gave me an impression that there were many such individuals all like Sebastian and myself.
All of these drones seemed to be involved in different kinds of activities. Activities that all seemed to come and go, but all were involved in tasks that neither Sebastian nor I were involved in. In fact, our tasks were mostly related to <redacted> the drone. With some minor activities related to <redacted> the various facilities.
The other (unaccounted for) drones seemed to have more “work related” roles, such as moving things, manipulating things, and doing things.
Our drones just seemed to “exist”.
They were different in activity, though not in appearance. Later, I have come to the conclusion that they were NOT like us, though they used the same general “equipment”.
After all, they were biological artifices.
This makes sense because the “squawk”
between all these other drones was absent.
I could “listen in” on <redacted> responses (if I was privileged to) from other drone commanders like myself. Yet, that number was far less than my assumptive tabulation. When the program first started I was under the impression of maybe six to seven other drone pilots, but it became clear in the middle 1990’s that the number was only around five others. So, after much deliberation, I have come to my unproven (but reasoned) conclusion that there might have been as many as four teams of two-man cells (minus a leader).
So again, the answer is “I do not know the number of other MAJestic agents in the same role as myself”, however I reason that it might be as high as eight individuals.
The only conclusion that I can come to is that the artifices are a standard item that is involved in many things. I, and a small number of others, were involved in world-line anchoring.
At that, let’s call it quits. I hope your enjoyed this post.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Why do you include obviously proven fake and fabricated data in your manuscript? Don’t you think that it would detract from the content’s value?
No. The reader is advised to ignore what they cannot
What might be garbage to one reader might be quite valuable to another reader. Everything is thrown in this blog. I have done so with a degree of carelessness bounding on criminality. As such some things that are included that a more cautious person or editor would have deleted.
I have tried to put passages in this written manuscript (blog) and borrowed from others with the understanding that there would be a risk involved. That risk would rely on the relative truth or falsehood of the borrowed passage. It’s a risk that once encounters every time they open up their web browser.
I believe in the 80/20 rule.
Which means that as long as I present SOMETHING, it is better to have the bulk of the content correct, even though others might find fault with a minority of issues. (Thus, the 80/20 rule.)
This in mind, the reader must please note that those who are searching for discrediting passages and concepts will find them, no matter how truthful and accurate they are. Searchers will find what they need, no matter what other people might think.
It is easy to discredit anything.
Just look at Google, Wikipedia, and Snopes. According to these organizations, there is only one reality; theirs. As such they will bend the truth; the narrative, and history to make their truth yours; the readers. What is real…well, that is decided upon by the reader. There are no perfect absolutes. Only relative absolutes pertaining to one’s occupied reality.
Time Travel
You say that you were not involved in time travel, yet how can you explain your “off world” experience where you were away for one entire week?
My probes did not permit me to conduct “apparent” time travel.
However, there might have been a way to do it, but I was not aware (or trained) in the method necessary.
As far as the “off world” event is concerned, I cannot comment on what exactly transpired as I was unconscious from the moment I entered the portal until the time I got up and left the table.
It might have been “apparent” time travel, or something else.
I present it as is, and let others who are smarter than I am, figure out what actually transpired. My personal opinion is that the fixed dimensional portal can permit dimensional travel with time variance. My core kit #2 probes has limited functionality in this regard.
The handout
In the “handout” that you filled out, you said that your favorite animal was a cat. Yet, you say that you like dogs. Which is it?
My favorite animal is a cat. They are independent, clean, and precise hunters.
Best picture. Indeed.
However, I also like dogs. They are loyal, obedient, playful and make great buddies. I like both.
In fact, my house is a regular zoo with both dogs and cats.
We have considered getting a turtle, but no one has the patience to take it out for a walk (perhaps a little skateboard under the belly might speed it up).
We considered birds, but their life span is rather short (I hear.). Snakes? The wife says “No!”.
Ferret? Maybe, if we can find one in China.
Rabbit? I’m not a fan, but the wife thinks it might make a good companion for the dog. WTF?
It is useful to note that during the entire time that I was in MAJestic, I had cats. It wasn’t until after I left the organization and was retired that I started to own dogs again.
Alex Jones
Alex Jones says that the Globalists believe that they will be “gifted” with “special powers” that will be provided to them by inter-dimensional beings as long as they promote a satanic behavior and assist in large-scale depopulation efforts. Is this true?
I like Alex Jones.
However, I cannot pretend to guess the motivations of others. So I actually, have no idea.
What I do know is that all of the beings that I know of (although, only a mere few) are all of the “service to others” sentience.
Alex has framed his conclusions around the understanding or belief that Satanists are “service to self” sentience’s. While it is possible that one sentience can employ others of another sentience to perform tasks (for example the Mantids and the Type-I greys), I just cannot imagine that this impression is correct. (But I could very well be wrong.)
A more plausible explanation for the Globalist behavior is of a desire to create a chaotic environment for the purging of sentience strongholds. Thus, once the seeds of discord are planted, the “service of self” sentience can go ahead and create situations whereby they can profit from it.
Give me a break will ya?
It has been reported that various elements of this manuscript; the unpublished elements, and the uncompleted elements, we discovered auto-saved in “the cloud”. Is this true?
Yes and no.
Numerous applications have tried repeatedly to copy information on both my laptop, and my cellphones to save backups “to the cloud”. These applications include WPS, and even Microsoft. I have rebuffed every attempt, including, but not limited to, disabling my wifi connection, and Internet access (on my editing computer).
In 2017, I moved all any papers and manuscripts to a dedicated computer that I physically disabled Internet access to. (Easy enough to do with a solder iron, and a pair of wire cutters.) That’s one of the things that I have to ability to do in this physical world. I can modify and hack all kinds of electronic hardware.
Then, I periodically physically move the files via USB to a second computer that uploads to a OneDrive “cloud” backup system. I have never used any other electronic backup system. There is nothing of value outside of this manuscript. Any stories that the reader might come across, no matter how plausible, are absolutely false, and should be ignored.
All official and valid documents are only associated with the Metallicman blog. Anything else is nonsensical.
A good smunch
You say that you like Chinese and Asian food (as a “foodie”), but you miss cheese and fresh tomato sandwiches. Isn’t that contradictory?
No. Not at all.
Chinese, Japanese, and Thai food are awesome. However, I do
miss some American staples.
One thing that the reader must take into account is the
great impact that the establishment of the Federal Reserve had on American
culture. As the purchase power of the
United States dollar declined, the quality of food that the average American
consumed declined as well.
By the 1970’s the number of formal meals with quality meats and vegetables decreased substantially. In its place were super-processed foods, and foods (globally) considered to be “cheap eats”. These are basic and cheap food items consisting of wheat, ground up meat, and sugar flavored water. (And, as an aside, the typical American ballooned up into large obese pig.)
We began to look like pigs because we were eating (being fed by the mega-corporations) super-processed foods. Foods, I must add, that are functionally similar to what pigs and cows eat. Ouch!
In China, you can eat lobster, crab and steak for only slightly more than typical “American food fare”. (Don’t believe me? Go to LouHu, in Shenzhen China. Compare the prices between a lobster at a Chinese seafood restaurant, and the price of a Whopper at Burger King.) Identical!
Same size of meat by gram. Let’s be honest and compare by weight.
Yet, you certainly cannot do that in the United States. In the USA, lobster is for more expensive than a hamburger. (Try finding cheap ground up hamburger in China! Nearly impossible to find. Hamburger is ground up steak, and pricey as hell. Ugh!)
Typical foods consumed by Americans during the Obama Presidency consisted of the cheapest foods, often super-processed. Think people! Pizza is really just plain flour with simple tomato sauce and cheese.
A processed hamburger is ground beef (of the cheapest cuts) in a simple bun. French fries are only deep fried potatoes.
Most American ice cream is really ice-water with “enhancements” to make it taste like ice cream.
With the exception of the more pricey brands. Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is the real thing. So is Häagen-Dazs.
Bottled “spring water” is just “tap water” repackaged. Americans eat the cheapest foods, and that equates in the shortest life spans.
It just seems that the American “Powers that be” are hell
bent, not only turning Americans into serfs, but making them eat, dress and act
like them as well. Fashions are all about torn clothes, rags (really), with
worn areas, and thread bare “enhancements”.
It is very fashionable to dress act and look like a serf or slave.
Food is the cheapest to make and distribute. Education
teaches conformity, with zero independent thought, and zero civics and history
lessons. Housing is now subsidized by the state (either directly through mortgages,
or indirectly through Federal and state welfare programs of various types)…
So, why it is the same feudal model straight out of the books on the middle ages. (The king provided low quality shelter, and meager simple foods, to the uneducated peasants who worked the land.) Identical!
What is the difference, aside from technology, between a middle-ages serf and your typical American? Not much of substance, I am afraid. The only difference is that during the middle ages, the serfs had more free time, more holidays. Today we had electronic media to entertain us.
It has been widely lamented of late that the average worker is sinking into a state of near serfdom—especially with respect to onerous debt, dubbed “debt serfdom”, increasing work hours and the need to hold down multiple jobs, often at lower wages and salaries than previously held, expected or baby-boomer jobs.
Whether or not this is an accurate portrayal of the lot of the average worker, to Millennials saddled with huge student loans, poor career prospects and a patchwork of multiple low-pay jobs or no-pay internships, this has to sound all too familiar and too much like what they imagine the lives of medieval serfs to have been.
But, despite the negative popular image of serf lifestyles, the discovered facts of medieval serf life warrant asking whether having the work life and workload of a real serf would really be such a bad thing? Surprisingly, as some historical research—cited in the quote above and below—suggests, the answer may be “no”.
“Manorial records from fourteenth-century England indicate an extremely short working year—175 days—for servile laborers”.
— Juliet B. Schor
This point is that medieval serfs had it BETTER than what Americans have today. Yes! Really. Go here; https://www.recruiter.com/i/serfs-up-modern-debt-serfdom-vs-the-enviable-leisure-time-of-a-medieval-peasant/
The Mrs Metallicman
What does your wife think of all this?
She doesn’t care.
She doesn’t want to know anything about it, because it all happened prior to us getting married.
She knows nothing.
All she knows is that I have these “things” inside my skull. And when I go to the hospital for a MRI she explains it away to the doctor as some kind of “experiment”.
Other than that, to her, it’s just a “tall tale” that I talk about when I am really drunk. She lets me type up my manuscript and keeps my beverage of choice filled beside me.
Depending on the day and time, it could be coffee, tea, VSOP, red wine or Jin Jiu.
The dogs, cats and children come by from time to time and say hello. The cat will jump onto the table and watch me type. The dog will curl up on a chair and look at me. Usually, the children share the same table with me as they are busy working their assignments. They are quite comfortable with that arrangement as it looks like we are both “studying” and doing our “assignments”.
What’s it like?
If I were standing next to you, and you dimensionally shifted to a different world-line what would I see?
You would see no difference.
That is because I will have changed my world-line within MY reality. But, you are not in my reality.
You have your own reality.
Since you occupy a different reality, what you would actually see would be my “quantum shadow” performing (what ever action fits your reality) a “something”. That “something” might be anything from disappearing from your reality, to absolutely no change what so ever.
Individual Realities
How confident or comfortable are you with the idea of individual separate realities, instead of a one single reality that we all share?
I am very comfortable with it, but that wasn’t always the
Initially, I could not reconcile the idea or concept that all these different realities all seem to fit within the same template. Which means, our separate realities both have mail boxes, drink lemonade, climb trees, and have roads.
However, that discomfort went away when I came to understand that all of our separate realities “cross-talk” to each other. They all share common elements.
You can call this a “shared template” if you wish, or a “level playing field” if that what helps you understand it.
FYI. Yes. There are multiple templates.
Reality template(s) are a function of what the communities of souls have already learned. It is a common functional aggregate of prior experiences for a given species.
Cross Talk
What do you mean by “cross talk” between world-lines?
World-lines cluster together.
The more similar a world-line is to another one, the greater the ability of one world-line to influence the other. This influence is what I refer to as “cross talk”.
It seems to me that MOST (but not all) of the human related world-lines cluster together and form groups or clusters of similar world-lines.
The more extreme the world-line, the greater the deviance from the cluster. And thus, the greater the influence of change when it is experienced by myself. (Not by the other world-lines themselves.)
How can our reality be fated if you can change it?
Once a reality is constructed by a given soul, the consciousness is “programmed” to inhabit that reality.
Within that reality, the consciousness can control and move the physical body about. There is all matter of control by the consciousness (through thought) to alter that reality. However, the overall results that the consciousness will experience will be fated by the initial conditions as set up by the soul.
Think of it like a quiz where every answer can be one of five choices. This is also known as a multiple-choice answer quiz. You have to take the quiz, but the choices before you are fixed. You might make all the bad choices, and “fail” the quiz. If you do so, you might need to take remedial classes, and retake the quiz.
Otherwise, you can answer enough questions correctly to pass, and move on to newer classes and greater lessons. So, yes we live in a fated reality. It is structured, but how and what we learn is determined by our individual actions.
In other words, the soul creates a fated reality. The soul also creates a consciousness to experience and learn from the experiences generated by the thoughts manifest within that reality.
The conscious can alter and change that reality but ONLY within the constraints of the goals (lessons) of the soul.
However, in the case of large-scale mass thought-manipulation, the lessons setup by the soul can be confused and thwarted by the lessons and thoughts of other souls.
They don’t always work together in harmony, don’t you know. Individual souls have their own individual agendas. Therefore, to prevent this, world-line anchoring is desirable to keep all the individual consciousnesses segregated and working within their own individualized learning parameters.
So yes, we live in a fated reality. However, we have a great deal of control on what can happen within our reality.
Therefore, we enter this reality. We make decisions. We
either learn enough to move forward, or we do not. If we fail to learn, we need
to take remedial “classes” and retake the reality (in one form or another).
That is how this “fated” reality works.
If the reality “quiz” is too hard, we might elect to escape (run out the room and leave the building) and kill ourselves. What happens? Boom! We have to retake the “class” in the same reality that we just left. We still need to learn the lessons and pass the quiz before we can move forward.
Sorry. There just isn't an easy way out.
World History
How can you possibly know what the history of the world is, when by your own admission you have been going in and out of different world-lines for decades?
That is correct.
I have been going in and out of different world-lines for decades. The one that I am in now, and the one that this manuscript is written in, is a different world-line than the one that I grew up in.
My best example of this is the differences in breakfasts. My “original” world-line reality had baked beans with eggs. This world-line reality has potatoes with the eggs.
It is different than the one(s) where I “studied” the history of our species, and of our galaxy. It is different than the one(s) where I was trained at China Lake.
While the reality world-lines kept on cycling, the truth is that the history that I was informed of remained pretty much unchanged (from an overview point of view).
While all the world-lines were different, they pretty much fell under a similar template.
I have reached the conclusion that many of the histories that I know about, and the documents that I have read have similar analogs in this world-line. This manuscript is based upon that assumption.
Oxia Palus Facilities
Why did you need the Oxia Palus <redacted>, when all you needed to do was to ask the Drone Pilot questions?
In the pure sense, I did not need to have any training. Once I was proficient in <redacted> and doing basic world-line slides, I could have well been left alone to live a normal life. But that is not what happened.
Because I was entangled I could think and ask questions. The Drone Pilot would answer them (not always, but for the most part).
I do not think that MAJestic was aware that that would happen when I was EBP entangled.
So, in other words, direct communication with the extraterrestrial manifested as a consequence of my entanglement. It was unplanned for, and due to the nature of the organization, no one else knew about this aspect of the program.
I do believe that MAJestic management believed that all of us in the program were taking risks.
They believed that in some way we risked our lives, memories and thoughts to an extraterrestrial species. Because of that, they wanted to equip us with whatever training or information they could so as to help us defend against the unknown.
To this end, <redacted> was established at Oxia Palus. It was put there by the MAJestic organization. However, it was rarely used. From what I could tell, it was used mostly by <redacted> from time to time.
Life after Death
Do you believe in a life after death?
This should be obvious.
Yes, of course I do.
I, as the writer of this manuscript, consist as a consciousness that occupies this physical body. My consciousness whether in a particle state (attached to the physical body) or in a wave state (non-attached) will move about within this reality whether or not my body is “alive”.
None of that has to do with my soul. My soul is sort of the “home” for my consciousness. It lies outside of a reality that I now inhabit.
When I “die” my consciousness will change from a particle-form to a waveform. As such, it can then move about in the non-physical reality that surrounds this physical reality. If I am not careful, it will want to reoccupy other physical forms. As is the nature of this consciousness. It has grown accustomed to controlling a physical body within a physical reality. It is comfortable with it.
There is a pretty involved process involved in this, and I
discussed it elsewhere. For now, let’s
just keep it simple. Consciousness will
tend to stay within a given reality (physical and non-physical) by its’ very
Through conscious control, and (maybe) some help from non-physical “friends”, the consciousness will exit this manufactured reality (both the non-physical and the physical). It will travel outside of this world-line reality. (Not every consciousness does this. Those that artificially terminate their existence through suicide, and those of strong “karma” bonds will immediately search out nearby (physical, emotional or spiritual) locations to reposition their consciousness within.)
Suicide. They cycle back immediately and tend to occupy an “open slot” within the same friggin’ reality that they left. You cannot escape the reality that you are assigned. It is up to you to make the best of that reality and endure it.
Only through completion of your learning exercise, within your reality, can you grow to a NEW reality in a NEW life.
The reality that you occupy is set aside especially for you to learn from. You cannot parachute away from it.
You need to endure it. That is how your soul grows, and like it or not, you must pass this stage to grow to the next level.
So, make this life the best one that you can. Endure. Grow. Be good. Be kind. Think well. Think well and good thoughts. No matter how much trouble and strife; think good thoughts. Be kind. (Did I say that twice?) Be kind. Be thoughtful.
Once the consciousness leaves the reality and non-physical reality it can go “beyond”, and enter the realm of “Heaven”. As such, it will merge with the soul. In so doing, it will merge with other consciousnesses.
Then, depending on the growth concerns of the individual soul, it will be determined whether or not a new consciousness will need to be spawned. This will be to inhabit a new human body, or whether or not non-human growth is desirable.
That is my hope, at the very least; non-human advancement. I really do not want to go through being a human again. This life, while comfortable now, was very trying.
Use of Intention
You say that our consciousness resides within our own bubble of reality. If so, then why not simply change your reality by intention alone? You don’t really need a biological artifice to conduct world-line travel.
This is an absolute truth.
Yes, people can change their own reality by using intention. You simply verbalize what you want and it will manifest. It is not immediate, but in general it will take from six months to three years depending on your intensity of desire, strength of consciousness, and living situation. It works, and you don’t need to be a member of MAJestic to utilize this skill. All humans have this ability.
Try it.
I have done [1] I have a big nice luxury car (which ended up needing a very expensive new transmission. Ouch!),
[2] I will have a hot sexy girlfriend that will want sex with me all the time (yup. Happened, but that wanting to have sex meant that I had ED, at a time when Viagra was not available. It was very frustrating for my hot sexy girlfriend. The poor girl was very very frustrated.) LOL.
Also [3] Live in China (duh), and many others. All manifest. It works. After all, we do exist in our own bubble of reality, and we CAN control the physical manifestations within it by our thoughts.
However you need to be careful what you intend upon. (Watch what you wish for, just like the story of Aladdin and his three wishes.) Don’t wish for specifics, they all come with a “price tag”. Sometimes the price is more than we can afford. It is part of our initial soul conditions when the reality was constructed.
Today, I still conduct intention verbalization. It is a part of my normal life. In general today I no longer ask for specific things. Instead I ask for the following. Note how I ask for it;
I am happy.
I am healthy and I eat well.
Those around me are happy.
I am secure.
My finances are just fine and just what I need.
However, my role in MAJestic was NOT to alter my own personal reality. It was to alter the underlying “template” that all human beings base their realities off of.
To use a Microsoft word analogy; I did not change the *.docx file, I changed the *.dotx file.
To do so, I needed to be connected to a biological artifice that connected me to an extraterrestrial multi-dimensional being that “plugged it” into the underlying “code” that would enable this kind of transformation.
Unproven MWI
Why do you talk about world-line changes, when the MWI has not yet been proven?
Oh, it’s been proven all right. It’s just the people who know that it is
proven are developing the technologies to traverse it. The rest of the world can go fuck themselves.
Let the others live their fantasies of a world without WMI.
They can have one where there is a God on a throne in Heaven, and if they die trying to kill a non-Muslim they would be rewarded with virgins with black eyes.
Alternatively they can live in a world where everyone is equal. (As if THAT is ever going to happen!) Like the “reality” in the movie ‘The lathe of Heaven”, where the hero creates a reality where everyone is “equal”, and there isn’t any racial discrimination. Answer; everything is grey and bland.
The Lathe of Heaven is a 1971 science fiction novel by American writer Ursula K. Le Guin. The plot revolves around a character whose dreams alter past and present reality. The story was first serialized in the American science fiction magazine Amazing Stories. The novel received nominations for the 1972 Hugo and the 1971 Nebula Award, and won the Locus Award for Best Novel in 1972. Two television film adaptations have been released: the PBS production, The Lathe of Heaven (1980), and Lathe of Heaven (2002), a remake produced by the A&E Network.
George begins attending therapy sessions with an ambitious psychiatrist and sleep researcher named William Haber. Orr claims that he has the power to dream "effectively" and Haber, gradually coming to believe it, seeks to use George's power to change the world. His experiments with a biofeedback/EEG machine, nicknamed the Augmentor, enhance Orr's abilities and produce a series of increasingly intolerable alternative worlds, based on an assortment of utopian (and dystopian) premises:
When Haber directs George to dream a world without racism, the skin of everyone on the planet becomes a uniform light gray.
An attempt to solve the problem of overpopulation proves disastrous when George dreams a devastating plague which wipes out much of humanity and gives the current world a population of one billion rather than seven billion.
George attempts to dream into existence "peace on Earth" – resulting in an alien invasion of the Moon which unites all the nations of Earth against the threat.
Each effective dream gives Haber more wealth and status, until he is effectively ruler of the world. Orr's economic status also improves, but he is unhappy with Haber's meddling and just wants to let things be. Increasingly frightened by Haber's lust for power and delusions of Godhood, Orr seeks out a lawyer named Heather Lelache to represent him against Haber. Heather is present at one therapeutic session, and comes to understand George's situation. He falls in love with Heather, and even marries her in one reality; however, he is unsuccessful in getting out of therapy.
George tells Heather that the "real world" had been destroyed in a nuclear war in April 1998. George dreamed it back into existence as he lay dying in the ruins. He doubts the reality of what now exists, hence his fear of Haber's efforts to improve it.
However, back to the point at hand.
Steve Jobs didn’t wait until the “experts” made a functional computer tool for artists. Albert Einstein didn’t wait until the “experts” proved that matter was energy.
There are technologies available to us right now. Just because some some “expert” isn’t promoting it on a widespread popular media platform does not negate that fact. That is the truth. It’s harsh, but it’s what is going on.
Yippie Kai Yay
How did the “Yippie- Kai-Yay” catch-phrase assist you in your dimensional anchoring activities?
It didn’t.
The catch phrase had a role, but it was not a mission specific role. Instead, the role was simply to remind me of my importance, or to remind me of the importance of my role.
Whenever I actually heard the phrase, I became stronger or more positive in regards to my personal feelings and situation.
The fact is, that during the times when I was an autonomous vagabond, I had a very difficult time coming to grips with not flying, or not being a spaceman. This was aggravated by my poverty-riddled situation and the difficulties that I had to endure. However, whenever I heard that phrase, my personality changed, and I became emboldened and recharged.
Without that trigger phrase, I do not think that I would have persisted though the extreme hardships that I experienced.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
I’ve only posted for a year, and already there are “others” on the Internet that want a piece of this “action”. How fucking silly.
There are others on you-tube and other places saying they are you, and /or possess other documents such as notes, files or the like. Can this be true?
No. There is only one blog. This is it. There are no other documents, papers or photos. There are no notes. No videos, and I most certainly will not “come back” to clarify anything.
Anyone doing so is FAKE.
Additionally, please make sure that the “newly discovered” manuscript is the real one and not a massaged revisionist version.
One discrediting-binder solution is to flood the Internet with so many variations of edited manuscripts that the real and actual one can’t be located.
Check the digital ID.
I urge all readers to “call out” such fakes immediately. Also, I must add, actual photographs of who I am are included in this manuscript. It will be pretty difficult to fake my appearance.
In any event, have the “fake” version of me get an MRI and scan for the seven ELF probes and the singular EBP. I will be really impressed if they have ELF probes and EBP that match mine. We can compare MRI’s.
It’s pretty fucking difficult to forge an MRI result.
It is very difficult to forge a three dimensional (3D) MRI scan when done in a hospital with qualified and trained doctors and staff. This is the best way to see, locate and understand the positions of the seven ELF probes placed their by the Navy staff for the MAJestic organization and to be able to see the EBP. Though the EBP is not placed there, it is fused to the brain.
A nice question. It shows some humanity. ‘Bout time.
In one section of the blog you say that you regret the decisions that you made, and in other sections you say the exact opposite. Which is it?
Neither and both.
It depends on which aspects of my life we are discussing.
There is no direct black and white answer that presents itself to the
investigator. On one hand, my life right
now is really very nice and comfortable.
However, to get to this point I had to go through a lot of anguish
including prison in the Deep South.
On one hand, my wife and family are awesome. On the other, I had many years of living “hand to mouth”.
On one hand, the apparent success of my former classmates and colleagues haunt me. On the other, I am now doing much better than any of them are.
There is no direct and simple answer to the questions. I guess that it all depends on how I am feeling at the moment. I try to keep my emotions and thoughts positive. That is because (I am underlining this point) thoughts create my reality.
So, I surround myself with happy and attractive people. I eat good healthy food, and share it with people whom I love. I have made a habit of turning off, and tuning out, from most of the hyper-negativity of American media.
And I have surrounded myself with light sunny people like this…
And like this…
I do surround myself with happy and cheerful people. I try my best to be positive, and that does require that I control my thoughts. If you want to have a good life, then get a GRIP on your thoughts.
You MUST surround yourself with fun, happy people.
You need to eat good food. Life is too short to eat poor quality food. You need to savor every bite and share the meals with others. You need to bring sunshine to your life.
That is why I surround myself with happy, lovely girls.
Generational Cycles
It was only a matter of time…
Why do you use the unproven theory of generational behaviors to describe nursery management?
Human Sentience Nursery Management is a subject that is “new” and not described elsewhere. Do you, the reader, know anywhere else where this subject is broached?
It consists of the intentional cultivation of human sentience so that the human species can evolve into a suitable soul configuration archetype.
There is absolutely nothing available on this subject anywhere.
To describe how this system works, I as an author, need tools or examples to describe the complexities of mass human manipulation.
I use the tools that are available to me, and write as I deem fit. If you do not like it, you can write your own blog and describe your own experiences and beliefs. These are mine.
The closest that I have found to exist is the generational behavior theory. It is only an unproven theory. However, it is all that is available to me at this time. I use the tools available to me.
I use the tools available to me.
Sure, it’s wonderful to eat a gourmet hamburger with an ice cold beer, but sometimes to take what’s available to you at the moment.
You need to utilize what is available to you at that moment. You should accept your reality as it exists NOW.
Sigh. Why is everyone so caught up on this fantasy. Good golly!
What about the “reptilians”?
I have never met a “reptilian”, nor have I any contact with MAJestic literature regarding such a creature.
From what I can gather, all the internet information regarding these race(s) of creatures are fabricated falsehoods.
While there are certain species that have coincidental similarity to the reptilian archetype, the significance ends there.
Have I made myself clear?
I do love to practice freedom.
Those who are control freaks, busybodies, religious extremists, and the emotionally deranged hate that.
They want to control me. They want to control what I do, how I act, where I act, and everything else. They use excuses, but the fact remains that they are just insecure busybodies. They never grew up. They are still the spoiled petulant child that is always knocking over game boards, and hitting the other children.
Why do you talk positively about the filthy habits of drinking and smoking? Don’t you realize that people get addicted to these vices and many people die as a result of them?
What? You left out whoring.
I fully realize that there are people who can get addicted to many things. I feel sorry for them, but it is NONE of my business.
If I want to drink, smoke, eat fatty foods, indulge in any vices at all I will do so.
It is no one else’s business but mine, and mine alone.
I like to drink, especially red wine.
I do smoke on occasion, and I DO enjoy it. I also enjoy chewing betel nuts, eating (very crispy) bacon, and of course having lot’s of sex. What’s not to love?
Many cultures label these things as “vices” so that one group of people can exert control over a another group. It is no one else’s business but my own.
One of my “best friends” died of a drug overdose. So I do know about this issue on numerous levels.
Oh Robbie. We used to fish brook trout together, climb the hills of Western PA in the International Harvester Scout that we called the "Scout-er-roo", and toke and drink while playing chess and listening to Neil Young.
The last thing that he said to me was... "I've seen the needle and the damage done, and I cannot go back."
I tried to tell him that there were perfectly acceptable ways to get a buzz on, but he wanted "extreme". But, you know, extreme is not something you do when you are in your forties. Your body is not up to the challenge.
I once lived in a place were we were not permitted to drink, smoke or have sex. It was a very safe place. It was called prison.
Busybodies have been given free reign for over 200 years. It’s long overdue to put them in the place where they belong; out of sight and out of mind.
Prison in Arkansas. It hasn’t changed much since the 1970’s except that today you are not allowed to smoke, play cards, weight lift or have air conditioning. Those were all were removed when Bill Clinton was the Governor.
“Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little
music played out of doors by somebody I do not know.”
-John Keats
If you are not living your own life on your terms, and your terms alone, you really aren’t actually living.
You are existing.
If you are not living life on your own terms, you are not living. You are existing.
This world has all kinds of invisible “walls” and barriers to help “keep us in line” that forges acceptable behaviors and actions. Some are established by our parents, some by society, some by laws, some by busybodies with power, and some by our education.
When you break out of the molds that we have grown accustomed to, we discover that many things that we thought were forbidden are now open to us.
I am not talking about actions that invade other people’s lives or privacy. Of course, those things are wrong. Instead I am discussing how you live your life, within the confines of your own reality.
It’s all up to you, because it is all under your own control.
A “real” man apologizes to no one for their behaviors.
The Pretty Girls at the Dimensional Portal
It’s one of those things… one of those mysteries that sit there that I wonder about.
Concerning those pretty and beautiful women that entered the dimensional portal with you, did you ever see them again? Do you know what their mission was, or what happened to them?
I know nothing of the other beautiful woman that I entered
the portal with. I do not know what happened to them
after I entered the portal. I do not know their mission. Or, aside from the
handout that we mutually filled out, whether or not we were related in any way.
I just simply do not know.
They might have been [1] “Black Widows” who were used to retire agents.
They might have been [2] part of an attractive spy-network where they might marry other important people and compromise their roles. The female that you see all the time on 007 movies.
Ivana Humpalot. Ivana was a stereotypical Russian woman. Her name was a parody of Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen) from the James Bond film “GoldenEye”, and also a pun on the phrase “I wanna hump a lot”.
They might be [3] part of an “off world” breeding program.
They might be [4] agents like myself, but in a different role.
I really do not know for sure what they were nor their roles in regards to mine. I do not know what happened to them. However, from time to time, I see a photo (often an “impossible” photo) that has a recognizable face. However, I must dismiss the connection and similarity as merely coincidence.
Merely a coincidence.
Moving to China
I do get this from time to time. Seriously, I get this about once every two months or so.
Why did you go to China and other nations once you left prison? Why did you stay in the United States and do your best to start over again in your homeland?
It is nearly impossible to start “over” as a college-educated professional, sex offender, felon in the United States. Note, that I did not say “impossible”, I specifically said “nearly impossible”.
I am sure that there might be an occasional rare engineer, doctor, or lawyer who was convicted as a sex offender that somehow, against all odds stacked up against them, managed to obtain work in their former capability in the United States.
They might exist, though they would absolutely be the exception rather than the rule.
When you have restrictions on you once you are a felon, it becomes difficult for you to live your life. So, why live in America. The only reason to live in America is for “freedom”, right? So if you have no freedom, you should leave. America has nothing for you any longer.
I ask the reader to do this; find a doctor in the United States (working at a hospital) that still has their medical license after being charged with a felony. Then, once you are able to do that, locate an engineer with a PE license after having a felony. YOU WILL FAIL.
My decision to leave the United States was a pragmatic and practical one that absolutely worked out just fine for me. I made the right decision. There is no need to parse my decision tree.
Biological artifice drone location
This is a good question and deserves clarity.
Why do you think the biological artifice drone was located at the Oxia Palus facility on an alternative world-line Mars?
I do not know the true and actual reasons for this. In my mind the overriding considerations were
related to safety and security.
Only MAJestic members (with a “service to others” sentience) could ever be able to enter the facility. This means that they had to have, at the bare minimum, a set of core kit #1 probes in their skulls.
Non-implanted humans cannot reach the facility, even if they possessed the coordinates and knowledge of the dimensional transport gate technology.
I also do not know what makes the world-line so “safe”.
The Mars that the facility was at seemed quite similar to the Mars that we see in our NASA photographs. Therefore, I am actually a little unclear as to why it had to be on a “safe” alternative world-line.
Isn’t being on Mars remote enough for most non-MAJestic humans to access?
I can only conclude that the extraterrestrials know some things that I don’t. I also can easily conclude that dimensional teleportation is a mature and day-to-day activity for them, and they think nothing at all about having “safe world lines”.
I guess it is along the lines of why we have locks on doors, AND “door chains”, and “peep holes” as well.
There are many experts who have looked over what you have written and have concluded that all of it is nonsense. What is your response?
That’s ok by me.
The term “UFO” refers to unidentified flying objects. When I flew, I always knew what I was flying in. Nothing was ever unidentified.
Why do you know so much about the Oxia Palus facility, but very little about UFO’s?
I only know what I was exposed to.
Yes, there were various “vehicles” of uncommon design and utility that <redacted>, but they weren’t a critical or core mission objective of mine. The very few instance of exposure that I had was not worthy of mentioning here.
In all cases, I can only describe these contraptions in conjunction with my exposure to them.
What I do know is that the earth has many extraterrestrial and multi-dimensional visitors, and they travel in strange and unusual vehicles. Because they are strange and of unusual appearance and propulsion method they are classified as UFO’s.
Those who debunk observed UFO’s, for the most part, are ether [1] paid shrills or [2] simplistic fools who enjoy the notoriety. I can positively affirm that the United States government treats all UFO’s and USO’s with the upmost importance.
Anyone who doesn’t is a simpleton.
1980’s under Ronald Reagan
I lived through the 1980’s. I have discovered that on this world-line, the 1980’s is treated as some kind of “dark ages” and a time of horror. Granted, I was on a different world-line, but it wasn’t that different.
You claim that the 1980’s were a time of hope and prosperity, but you were unemployed at that time, and my teachers have all uniformly told me that it was a terrible time. Why are you so out of touch with reality?
The 1980’s were a time of prosperity.
This picture is of some youth in Detroit in the 1980’s. yes. Don’t be so shocked. Many white people lived in Detroit.
I was able to travel the country while the American economy went through a reset. Can the reader actually do that today?
The information that is being presented (on the Internet) regarding the 1980’s are mostly inaccurate and presented through the eyes of social justice warriors who wish to redefine the past to fit their narrative.
Here’s a picture of boys on bicycles in the middle 1980’s. It was a good time where families still existed, and that everything looked positive. It was a time where Girls Just Wanted To Have fun.
Just go through the index log for Wikipedia for the 1980’s look at all the changes that the Obama administration made. Gawd! They were “hell bent” on actually rewriting history.
Here’s some other articles on this particular subject….
I lived through that time, therefore I experienced that time.
Thanks to our collective obsession with all things nostalgia, my ’80s childhood never seems far from my mind; especially when it comes to how I was raised.
Was it free-range parenting or benign neglect? In my case, I was raised by a single mother who worked during the day. My younger brother and I were not supervised during those hours, but it wasn’t because of any staunch parenting ideology. This was just life. And you know what? I cherish every memory from that time.
Sometimes when I let my mind take me back to those days, it all comes rushing back into view more clearly than I’d expect …
Tuesday, July 12, 1983 — Bielanko house, the ‘burbs of Philly.
8:15 AM
I’m 12 years old, and the first thing I hear upon waking is the sound of my mom’s car starting up below my bedroom window. Birds chirp and trash trucks moan three blocks away.
She drives away. I slam my feet against the particle board bottom of my younger brother’s top bunk to wake him up. We had stuff to do — there wasn’t a minute to waste.
At our little kitchen table, I help myself to breakfast by dumping a pile of Cap’n Crunch into a bowl and then sliding the box across to my brother. Nothing in our pantry says “organic” or “non-GMO” — we wouldn’t even know what that means if it did. Then I squeeze a fat ribbon of Hershey’s chocolate syrup all over that cereal before I pour the milk on. That way, I have chocolate milk on my Cap’n Crunch, dude. Chocolate milk. On Cap’n Crunch. AMAZING.
10:07 AM
My brother Dave holds a fat crayfish between his thumb and his finger as he balances himself on two shaky rocks in this crick down in the cool part of the park. There’s a lot of trash down here — junk tires and broken beer bottles that the high school kids like to break at night, when they’re done drinking. There’s nobody here now, though. No older kids. No parents. There’s just me and Dave and our crappy, beat-up bikes parked over there by a tree.
Sometimes a “Bigfoot” will walk by us in the woods when we’re down here crayfish hunting. In reality it’s not Bigfoot, but typically an unemployed guy in his twenties trying to find a place to drink a beer or smoke weed without getting popped by the local cops. They never bother us. Sometimes they light up a cigarette and watch us look for crayfish for a minute or two. I get the feeling they used to do the same thing once upon a time.
“Wanna see if those guys are up yet?” I ask Dave.
He nods and drops his creature back into the crick. It’s baseball time, people. We ride off on our bikes to grab our gloves out of our house, and find our friends to get a game going.
11:02 AM
We play some baseball in a nearby vacant lot. There’s more broken glass here. There is always broken glass in our lives, I guess. Nobody cares — you go down, you get sliced, and you keep playing, unless it’s a real gusher. And even then, you’ll be really ticked off if you have to head home to get a tourniquet wrapped around your knee or whatever.
Our gang, we’d rather bleed to death than walk away from a ball game. That’s the way things ought to be, too.
Some days we play ball out under the blazing sun for three hours straight, only stopping to hit up the candy store, maybe, for a soda and a chocolate bar or some Swedish fish. If you have extra cash or you might have stolen a buck from your mom’s wallet last night, well, then you might get a pack of baseball cards as well. But mostly we pour cold Cokes down our hatches and it feels like neon lighting up our veins.
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I Took My Kids to an "Adventure Playground" and Gave Them a Taste of an '80s-Style Childhood
2:11 PM
I haven’t spoken with a single grown-up since I woke up this morning. Well, except for the candy store lady, but she’s always cranky and just stares us down to make sure we don’t steal any licorice or Mars bars.
My brother and I ride our bikes down to the 7-Eleven. We don’t wear helmets or pads — no one does — and we cross streets with a lot of cars on them, streets where people have been known to die if they forgot to look. But we always look. Hey, we don’t want to die.
We each head out with 64 ounces of Kamikaze (which is basically five fountain sodas mixed together) and a convenience store hotdog made from God-knows-what.
2:19 PM
The phone on the table by the couch in our house rings seven times and then goes dead. It’s my mom, calling to see if my brother and me are around; to see if we’re doing alright. We’re not home, though. We never are when she calls.
She loves us so much, but we’re out in the world, down at the 7-Eleven. Basically, she has no idea where we are. And yet, she’s not really worried at all.
4:42 PM
We’re listening to a KISS record in a buddy’s basement, while his dad chain-smokes cigs and gives us iced tea. It’s an afternoon well spent.
7:37 PM
We’re back at home, sitting next to my mom on the couch. We smell like shampoo and ice cream. Dave and I are tired and so is my mom, but it’s a good tired.
We watch some sitcoms. My mom laughs. I get up and go into the kitchen and grab a can of soda. I crack it open and it hisses and fizzes as I raise it to my sun-chapped lips.
“Serge,” my mom says from the couch. “No more soda. Have some milk instead or you’re gonna turn into a soda!”
I smile even though she can’t see me.
“I am having milk, Mom!” I shout back at her.
The TV plays on and on; a long moment passes.
“No, you’re not,” she mumbles, before adding once more, “You’re gonna turn into a soda!”
Even now, all these years later, as I sit here on the other side of 40 with three kids of my own — a man far removed from the summers of my youth — you wanna know something?
I still haven’t turned into a soda yet.
-Babble. I strongly suggest you all give this website a visit. There is some great stuff here. Though you will need to join Facebook to read and make comments. Then they will post your Facebook information along with the comments. Seems pretty sick to me.
Why do you present the C.A.R.E.T. hoax in this manuscript?
Because it is NOT a hoax.
Extraterrestrial Abilities
Yes. There are these people out there.
Extraterrestrials would not need to use 7th Dimensional technology to achieve their project goals. Why did you go into such an elaborate hoax?
Wow. I am impressed!
It’s good to know that someone can understand a specific extraterrestrial species that they had never met, and understand their technology without even seeing it.
Since you know so much about the interests and motivations of another species, why read this blog and associated manuscripts? Why not write your own?
For the record, I am only describing what I know relative to what I have experienced.
If it seems like a hoax, well so be it.
From my point of view, most people reading this blog are like a scene from the movie Idiocracity. It’s like trying to explain that you should not give energy drinks to plants. You should give them water. But all you hear is that “Brando is what plants crave”.
I just don’t give a flying fuck what you think. I am writing this for humanity, and not for any specific person.
Most individuals do not want to know the truth, or even understand it. They are just comfortable knowing that they can be absolutely horrible people, and then ask forgiveness… Poof! All is clean again.
It just does not work that way. Anyone telling you that it does is no better than a “snake oil” salesman trying to fleece you.
Yes there are connections. Just because something is sanctioned by a popular movement, a government or a noted scientists on a “blue ribbon panel” does not make it true.
There is a great deal of similarity between [1] the reincarnation of souls into a physical body, and [2] physical artifices. Is there a connection?
Yes. A society of a given species, given the proper level of technology, would utilize artifices to advance their species. Advancement of a species would include growth.
Is that not what is going on with reincarnation?
Instead of saying “reincarnation is a soul creating multiple physical bodies to occupy and gain experiences”, why not simply state “a soul will create artifices to obtain experiences and thus amplify its growth and advancement.”
Glory Road
You have stated that you thought the Heinlein novel “Glory Road” was the closest representation of the reality that you have described. Why do you say this?
The story “Glory Road” describes [1] a technology so advanced that it appears as magic (or magick) by the hero in the story.
Yet, the technology is many thousands of centuries advanced than human civilization. [2] It utilizes MWI to traverse the universe, and [3] involves the collection of a device (a “egg”) that is an artifice used to enhance the skills and abilities of one of the major characters in the story.
These factors are all very similar to what I have experienced.
Also most importantly, [4] it discusses how “coincidences” were really arrangements made (without the main character’s knowledge) that forced the person to take certain actions.
These arrangements were made by a “princess” with control of great technology, who could (to some degree) predict probable outcomes as a result of the pre-made arrangements.
The reader should not get confused, or be silly. No. I did not go walking around with a sword and a bow and arrow. I did not conduct feats for a princess, nor was I ever tended by her manservant.
Yet… were it part of my desired reality, they very well could have manifested to my great pleasure and even greater chagrin.
Here is the complete novel for your reading pleasure…
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
The idea of UFOology has taken on “legs” of it’s own with all sorts of nonsense, out-right lies, partial truths, distortions, mis-characterizations, and disinformation. You can read and watch all kinds of things from healing crystals, to Reptilians, to “Men in Black”.
Meanwhile Joe-and-Sue-Average just discounts EVERYTHING as just a bunch of lies by adolescent hoaxers.
Truthfully, most of what I have read has ABSOLUTELY no connection to my experiences.Yet, unfortunately, by the nature of the subject matter, I am lumped in with all this rubbish.And as such, I get these kinds of questions…
Are (your) Type-I greys the Zeta Reticuli aliens?
I do not know.
I personally think that they have probably visited the solar system at some point in time. (After all, the species themselves has been around a long, long time.) At most, they might actually have a base or colony somewhere in the system. (For some reason. Who really knows?) However, whether or not this species originates from this solar system is a long shot.
The idea that they come from there is only wishful thinking. The reason for this, I believe, is that individuals are trying to locate a suitable earth-like environment to justify their limited understanding of these creatures. Ah, the old “It’s gotta be a G-class star” to hold life” argument.
The idea that this would be a suitable point of origination (of one of the more common extraterrestrial species in our biosphere) derives from the incorrect interpretation of the Betty & Barney Hill “space” map that she remembered under hypnosis.
From time to time I see the idea of actual intelligent ET visitation defended on the basis of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction — specifically, on the basis of the “star map” that Betty Hill allegedly saw while on board the alien space ship during her abduction.
Hill purportedly reproduced this map under hypnosis.
In the late 1960s Marjorie Fish (a teacher) supposedly succeeded in correlating Hill’s star map with real stars associated with Zeta Reticuli, this proving Hill had been on a ship from Zeta Reticuli.
The rest, as they say, is history (Nancy Lieder went on to channel the Zetas about how Planet X would factor into the great cataclysm we all witnessed on Dec 21, 2012 . . . sort of).
The Hill star map “recollection” and “correlation” are bogus.
Several dedicated researchers have debunked the astronomy of the “star map” (and their rebuttals seem regularly ignored by people like Stanton Friedman, the guy who somehow dismissed the authorship attribution linguistic tests I had performed on the Majestic documents with my novel – nice research there).
-Michael Heiser
Finding sun-like stars in (what was once considered) a reasonable distance from the Earth, is very difficult, and the Zeta Reticuli system seemed like a logical point of origination at that time.
Listen to me. I am tell you guys straight. No one knows where the origination point of this species is. No one. Given what I know about them, I would strongly argue that any ways and means of understanding this species would be problematic.
Keep in mind that they are an immensely ancient species, with space flight capability dating back at least 30,000 years.
I really have to hesitate when talking or discussing the Mantids. They are a multi-dimensional species, that I personally believe, evolved on the Earth naturally. Being multi-dimensional, their reality is quite different from anything that us humans can comprehend on anything but a trivial level.
You have to take into account our human biases when discussing this species, and adjust our dialogs regarding them appropriately.
It is nightmarish for me to even consider a huge giant insect like being that you refer to as the Mantids. Are you sure that our future will evolve into such a creature?
The physical manifestation of the Mantids in this universe is contingent on their evolutionary home-world environment. It has a much higher concentration of oxygen than ours and as a result they have grown to sizes much larger than what we are accustomed to.
Thus… what? Either [1] they have a certain affinity for our solar system as a nursery for sentient life (for what ever odd and obscure reason), or [2] they themselves have evolved upon this planet.
Choose one.
Chart of the oxygen content of the Earth atmosphere over time. You can clearly see from this chart that during two periods in the past, the oxygen concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere was large enough to allow the evolutionary growth of large creatures, mammals and insects.
I have good reason to believe that they originated on Earth as indigenous creatures. I have numerous reasons for this belief.
This question concerning evolution refers to soul-evolution, not species-evolution. I argue that all souls evolve. I further argue that the way souls evolve is via quantum entanglements that are acquired through physical experiences. Thus the reason for living a life.
For us to evolve into a Mantid there would be some serous reconfigurations of the soul garbons and swales.
Some of us humans will eventually evolve into another form. That form might be similar to the Mantid, but could just as likely be something else altogether.
Please do not worry or fret. You will never be compelled to do something that you are not ready for. Additionally, the insectoid form has a very adaptable quantum cloud and soul adaptability. It is a basic primal form.
Mammals are derived forms.
Insects are a primal form of life.
Mammals are a derived form of life.
Project Serpo
You, the reader, would be surprised to hear how many times influencers have mentioned “Project Serpo” to me. In every case, they are convinced that it is real, accurate and not nonsense.
What do you know about Project Serpo?
Only what I have read on the Internet.
It seems like a bunch of hogwash to me. But then, what do I know? If you would have told me what I am spewing forth, when I was in university before I joined MAJestic, my opinion would be unprintable here. I would have probably got into an argument leading to a fist-fight. We can only comment on things that breach our very own experiences.
Anything that we have not experienced personally would naturally be considered outrageous and unlikely.
Everything in MAJestic is compartmentalized. I know very little outside of what my role and assignments were. Thus, I am not qualified to comment on it in any way. Sorry.
In any event, if you want to read a summary go HERE.
Political affiliation of extraterrestrials
Yes. People have asked this. Seriously.
Do the extraterrestrials that you have been in contact prefer conservatives or liberals in regards to their oversight?
They did not care.
Most of the humans (I take that back, ALL of the humans) in MAJestic that I have been in contact with were “service to others” sentience, however their political associations were all over the board.
Contrary to the media narrative, conservatives were not selfish bigots, and progressive liberals were not generous angels. There is a wide spectrum of personal beliefs and behaviors based on economies of evolved ethics.
As far as the extraterrestrials were concerned, political association had no bearing on spiritual (quantum) associations.
Fear of Uncle Sam
Sometimes, people have questioned my fear of the United States government. They say that I have “Rights”, and that any accusations against me would be meaningless, and thus harmless. They say absolutely stupid things like “if you did nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide”. Hogwash.
Ha! I know better.
All it takes is an accusation to destroy your life.
Americans have no “Rights”. It’s all a big charade. And the best that anyone can do is to follow my example and get the heck out of America and far, far, far away from “the line of fire”.
Thus this question…
Why are you so afraid of the United States government?
As if being sucker-punched getting off a plane, entering a completely empty house (even with the light-bulbs, and switch-panels removed and missing), and then being arrested by a SWAT team isn’t enough to make everyone look over their shoulder for the rest of their life, consider my reality…
I could be harmed horribly if the “powers that be” want to “take care of the problem”. And, by “problem”, I mean me. It’s not a Hollywood thing. It’s not some kind of fiction that makes great reading. But yeah, it’s a real and genuine thing.
For me, this is my reality. I signed up for it. I live it.
There are three things (3x) that weigh on my shoulders. Given the state of crazy-town America today, any of these are potential problem areas…
[1] MAJestic could send a “retirement” crew to settle my affairs.
Yes, we all love to watch the television shows. They present everything in a nice and tidy black and white narrative. So easy to understand. So clear, clean and pristine.
But, people, that is not how the world really works. It’s messy. It’s complicated, and it’s very very underhanded.
Did you know that you have Rights?
But, you know, it’s much worse than that. My family might get harmed in the process. Not only myself.
Thus, for me, it is best that I lie low. I make no waves. I keep to myself, and only write the smallest amount of memoirs.
I keep to myself. I do not tell secrets. I do not get into trouble.
There are many ways that I could be harmed, and suppressed, provided that the “Powers that Be” are too lazy to go through normal MAJestic channels to contact me.
(I mean, all you need to do is to use the proper channels. I am still receptive, don’t ya know. And when asked to “shut the fuck up”, I will do so.)
What I am afraid of is not MAJestic.
In fact, if anything, I think that the organization is more afraid of me that I are of them. Not that I know why, but I think that the secrecy surrounding me and the others in my role was just enough to scare the Dejesus out of everyone.
MAJestic leadership is terrified of me. But, it’s an irrational fear.I am pretty harmless.
From the point of view of MAJestic it is best if we are kept in a monitoring program for as long as possible. Only a handful of people knew what I really am. Of that handful, they were always timidly respectful.
From the point of view of the rest of MAJestic, I could be a weaponized cyborg, a MK-ULTRA programmed lethal killing machine, or a walking plague.
All they really know is that I am a “something” that [1] cost a heck of a lot of funding, [2] over a long period of time, that is [3] under the highest secrecy classifications.
It’s the same sort of reasoning why the Apollo crew had to stay in quarantine once they returned back from the moon, least they carry some form of strange contamination.
The problem with top secret programs like MAJestic and other waived, unacknowledged special access programs is that no one knows your role in it. No one knows what you did. No one knows, or believes what you have done, know, experienced, or the skills you have. Thus you must be observed and monitored. No one dares take a chance. That is why agents must be put into monitoring programs.
It’s an understandable reaction to an irrational fear. The secrecy is so severe, that I could be anything. All anyone actually knows is the amount of money, the amount of time and the amount of resources dedicated to me. Obviously, when the cost approaches that of an aircraft carrier, people start to take notice.
“Who is this guy?” they ask.
He doesn’t look like anything special.
In the cyber-punk dystopian television show “Dark Angel”, a group of youth were raised and trained to be a kind of special weapons force. One was a fighter, portrayed by Jessica Alba. another was an intelligence officer portrayed by Michael Bower. The idea is that he is plain, goofy looking and non-descript as a perfect camouflage while he uses his natural skills and abilities. The episode is titled “Brainiac“. It received terrible reviews simply because it broke away from the Hollywood narrative of what heroes look like.
In a way, you can understand the alertness, if not fear, of those “in the know”. They handed myself, Sebastian and one or two more people to a very powerful extraterrestrial species and permitted them to modify us on a genetic level with EBP control.
They didn’t know what the changes would be. We could be anything… and Hollywood has some pretty good ideas to scare the living Dejesus out of you all with…
The problem with being in a waived, unacknowledged, special access program is that it is so secret. The secrecy is complete and there might be one other person on the entire planet who knows your role and the full extent of your training and what you are capable of. This causes problems. Firstly, the secrecy necessitates a need for monitoring. Who knows what an agent is capable of? Secondly, it causes problems with the agent who often does not like being classified as a bad and dangerous person.
It was better safe than sorry, so I was placed under institutional observation.
So, MAJestic is just fine that I am “out of their hair”. Outside the USA where, if something bad happens, at least it won’t be on American soil against Americans.
Personally, I strongly believe that everything and everyone is just “tickled pick” that I am far away, retired, and just getting drunk and playing with pretty girls.
But that is not what I am afraid of.
Not MAJestic. I am afraid of the American “Deep State”.
They are a dangerous bunch of ignorant SOB’s. I will repeat. They might think that they are “smart”, but they are not. They are a bunch of ignorant paper-pushers and bean-counters. Yes, they make good money, and have great vacations, but outside of their protective enclaves (and yes they do live within “bubbles”) they are functionally useless.
The “Deep state” is a serious danger.
[2] A real danger – the American “Deep State”.
Then what is the motivator, Gus?
The thing about the American “Deep State” is that they are a big bureaucracy, that is staffed with some very competent people, with access to a seemingly endless supply of funding. If someone “gets a hair up their ass” about me, they can terminate my existence with “extreme prejudice”.
Look at all the grief that that have been giving to Donald Trump. All it takes is one asshole.
They could (for instance) [1] de-mothball the ELF transmission facilities, restaff it. Then target my ELF probes and saturate the living fuck out of me. They could play the theme song from “Barney” until I go absolutely bonkers.
You know, do a totally uncalled-for asshole-dick move.
There are many ways to drive a person insane if you have the means. How about 24-7 Barney songs and music. If that won’t make a person into a gibbering pile of jello, nothing will.
Were this to happen, I would know what was going on and why.
And I wouldn't take it.
There won't be any mercy from me. I would force MWI switching so severe on the United States that it would look like a chemical waste dump populated with retarded cripples. Everyone would be covered with sores and pustules. I would enact Holy Terror. It would make the worst nightmares from the (television show) the Twilight Zone look like kid's play.
Let me be alone and live my life in peace. Do Not Fuck With Me.
Not only that, but knowing what they have in my binder, they could [2] could do other things equally terrifying as well.
Typically, if saturation by the ELF core kit #1 probes is not successful in driving me to kill myself, agents will be sent to “take care of the problem”. Only this time, they might be (dare I say it) [3] CIA. Yikes!
Though, they will need to operate within China.
However, as terrifying as that all is, the United States “deep state” government is the least of my worries.
[3] The powerful ignorant and selfish.
There will be others (the ignorant and the foolish) who might wish to kill me for my probes, or maybe try to harness me (somehow) so that they can traverse the various world-lines. Do not laugh. I’ve met these kinds of people.
Their egos are far, far larger than any kind of reality that can hold them. They are often like little boys who were never punished as a child.
Do you really want power? Or, would you rather have the fun things that come with the respect that you earn through others? Think about that for a spell. Real power is not something that you see on Hollywood.
So, yes. They could try to seize what I have by force. Even if they aren’t sure that anything beneficial would result from it. (Heck, one or two million is a drop in the bucket, they would argue.)
Not that they could. I my EBP is encoded genetically, not just simply implanted. Further, you would need a type-I grey medical crew to extract and replant into the new host. This would necessarily require the growth of a completely new artifice. And, who the Fuck is going to be the Pilot?
If so, it would be a nightmare scenario right out of “The Lathe of Heaven”. Where a scientist tries to harness my abilities instead of extracting my probes.
George Orr is desperate to rid himself of his dreams which he insists affect reality. He is plagued by guilt having dreamt of his annoying aunt in a fatal car crash only to wake and hear she has died in that very manner. For him it is a curse and yet for his newly appointed oneirologist Dr. Haber it is a gift, a chance to transform the world for the better.
The Lathe of Heaven is a 1971 science fiction novel by American writer Ursula K. Le Guin. The plot revolves around a character whose dreams alter past and present reality
"The Lathe of Heaven" takes place in Portland, Oregon in the year 2002. Its main character, an insignificant working class man named George Orr, is plagued by 'effective dreaming', where his dreams literally come true.
He first learns of his unique ability at the age of seventeen, when he dreams of his aunt dying in a fiery car crash. When he wakes up the following morning, he finds that his aunt, who had been staying at the house only the night before, actually died in a car crash days before.
Unfortunately, nobody, other than George, ever notices the change, and over the years, George grows up suffering in silence, horrified by the immense power of his dreams and nightmares.
At the start of the film, a 30-year old George has been given a court order to attend psychiatric therapy following an accidental overdose on prescription drugs. This is where he comes into contact with oneirologist Dr. Bill Haber, a specialist in sleep disorders and dreams.
With the use of hypnosis and a brain wave regulator called the 'Augmentor', Haber begins treatment aimed at helping George feel more at ease with his dreams. However, Haber is astonished to find that George's dreams actually can reshape reality.
At first, Haber's experimentation with his patient's unique ability is limited in scope, such as changing a picture on the wall.
However, with each session, Haber becomes more ambitious as he directs George to dream of a Portland where the sun is always shining, or of the Haber Institute of Oneirology, both of which appear in the new post-dream reality. Seeing that he is being used instead of being cured, George tries to find a way to switch therapists. Unfortunately, he runs into brick walls at every turn when dealing with the state bureaucracy of the future, and even the lawyer he hires, Heather LeLache, seems powerless to stop Haber's 'treatments'.
Undaunted, the well-intentioned Haber becomes even more daring in the use of George's abilities, as he directs George to dream away monumental human problems, such as overpopulation, war, and racism. Unfortunately, Haber's attempts to rectify the problems of the world end up backfiring, necessitating further sessions of 'effective dreaming' to solve the troubles brought on by the previous ones...
Like a man who has been granted three wishes by a genie, Haber becomes intoxicated by the potential for George's ability to serve as a 'quick fix' for the numerous problems that plague the world.
Despite his good intentions, he quickly learns that there are unexpected and serious consequences for each great leap forward. When he cures Portland of its rain problem, it creates a drought and the need for strict water rationing among the population.
When he uses George's dreams to resolve overpopulation, he unleashes a plague that inadvertently pushes the nations of the world closer to war.
And his attempts to bring peace on Earth result in an alien invasion, prompting the nations of the world to put aside their differences in the face of a common enemy.
Of course, Haber refuses to believe that the unintended effects are his own doing, and deflects the blame onto George's shoulders. From Haber's perspective, the rationale behind the decision is sound, and it is in the execution where the problem lies.
Like all good science fiction, "The Lathe of Heaven" is a mere reflection of the human condition, allowing to us to see ourselves from a different perspective. Human history is littered with individuals and societies as zealous as Haber, whose good intentions and desire for easy solutions have unleashed unexpected 'side effects', often with serious consequences. DDT, thalidomide, the atomic bomb, strip mining, and even the Y2K bug are examples of 'quick fixes' that have had unintended social, political, economic, and ecological impacts.
In "The Lathe of Heaven", Le Guin has exaggerated the ability of man to reshape his environment, yet the underlying principle still remains the same-- we must temper our desire to reshape the world with caution and a full understanding of what the possible ramifications could be.
-Media Circus
Thus, I have every right to be fearful and cautious. I have every right.
So, as a result, I shun fame, and just let whom so ever stumble upon this blog do so and read. If they benefit from it, then great. If they don’t then so what? As long as I am keeping to myself, minding my own business, and letting the world pass me by, I am just fine.
I’m just gonna be a drunk ol’ geezer on the beach watching the world go by. And doing “good works” in my own, often messed up way. I’m the friend to dogs and cats all over the world and protectors of the little guy…
And none of youse guys need to worry about nothin’. I’m not going to do anything that a pretty girl, a bottle of Jack and a cigar can’t handle.
I want to make myself perfectly clear on this point.
I do know the “purpose of life”, and I do know how everything fits together in our universe. So, since I do, I understand that we can realign our swales and garbons through our thoughts as we acquire experiences. Thus, for me to advance spiritually, I will need to acquire fun and happy experiences and the resultant thoughts…
Thus the life that I currently lead.
Being fearless when having MWI egress potential
Can you believe that some people actually argue against being fearful of ol’ Uncle Sam? Yeah. It’s kind of hard to fathom, but there you have it.
That makes no sense to have such a fear. You can dimensionally shift to another world-line using the core kit #2 probes.
That is false.
Currently, I am limited in my ability to world-line shift to only those (drone pilot pre-configured) world-line groups. Today, I would do so in “manual” mode with is (I believe) unassisted.
I could shift, but it would still (most probably) contain the same conditions that I would be trying to flee from. Greatly divergent world-line travel is limited in my access ability.
OK. ok. That's not wholly and entirely true.
For all PRACTICAL purposes, my world-line switching ability is limited. However, I have control over my lock-outs. (Remember the good ol' boy Lester at ADC Pine Bluff?). As such, I can easily, and I do mean easily... like right now, change everything.
I don't want to because I like my retirement.
However, if I am attacked, or one of my fears manifest, I will swap the lockouts and unleash the dog's of Hell. Please do not mess with my reality.
Sorry for being such a silly fellow.
All that I am saying is that the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) nuclear deterrent of the 1960’s through to the 1980’s was based on the idea and concept that if anyone tried to mess with the USA that we would unleash nuclear Hell on the world. This is my comment that if a dog is sleeping, you let them lie. You don’t get up and start kicking the dog and not expect it to bark, or worse… take a bite out of your neck.
My peaceful passive enjoyment of my reality is one in which I am quite happy with the status quo. You must agree, and plainly see, that I have no desire to alter my reality in any kind of substantive change. Ah. The sky is blue, the grass is green. It’s green grass and high-times forever.
But then, why worry?
It’s been my experience that most of our fears NEVER manifest. And, I am sure that noting will ever come to these fears, simply because no one is that fucking stupid.
As Fucked up as this world-line is, at least there is pizza, beer and pretty girls. Not to mention all the delicious flavors of ice cream. At least that is pretty much the same on every world-line. Eh?
Ice cream from Japan. One of the things that I have come to appreciate is that ice cream seems to be a staple food item regardless with how strange a given world-line might be. Though, you might have to go to some odd-ball places to get your favorite flavors in this world-line.
I do have to admit that there is some really strange and odd things going on in the United States today. These things are all fucked up and I, for one, am just glad that I am not anywhere near this mass insanity. I guess I could go on and on, but then the water buffalo Michelle Obama is considered to be the most beautiful woman in America, you know that something is seriously wrong.
Something is wrong.
I attribute it to mass thought manipulation that is pushing world-line divergence into some pretty odd directions. People, this is what an attractive woman looks like…
Need to create slides…
And so they don’t accept “no” for an answer…
To harass you, the ELF core kit #1 probes would have to be engaged. With the core kit #1 probes engaged, you could reconfigure your limits beyond the current “lock out” state. Couldn’t you dimensionally shift then?
And in doing so, I would need to dimensionally world-line shift to maybe a 3 to 4% dimensional variance to enter a world-line without harassment. That is quite a variance. It really is. It can be problematic.
It is tricky and possibly dangerous.
At a 4% divergence, I could well lose many things that matter to me. Such as my family, security, lifestyle, happiness. Not to forget, driving at the right side of the road, wearing socks, and having dogs and cats as pets. Yah.
Do you really want to roll the dice and see whats out “there”?Well, do you?
Imagine a world were pizza was never invented, or where your wife was an angry evil, disgusting scold.
Or perhaps even appear in a world-line armless, or legless. Watch the movie “The Butterfly Effect” to see what horrors can manifest. Please believe me in this. It is not worth it. Not at all.
World-Line travel can be dangerous.
The Butterfly Effect is a 2004 American psychological thriller sci-fi film written and directed by Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber, starring Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart.
The title refers to the butterfly effect, a popular hypothetical example of chaos theory which illustrates how small initial differences may lead to large unforeseen consequences over time.
Real Fears
Let’s look at what the real issues are. Ok?
Seriously, harassment resulting from core kit #1 probes can be controlled by your own admission, if this manuscript becomes well known, you would become too public a person to harm. What is your real fear?
Extraction of my probes and reinsertion into another person could be incorrectly thought of providing that person with dimensional world-line travel ability. This is a powerful tool kit. (Extraction will be fatal for me.) The United States government is not who I am afraid of.
Think of Hillary Clinton, George Soros, or Kim Jong-un. Do you understand now? What if they could cluster world-lines? What do you think that life would be like under their direction, eh?
On 12 December 2013 official North Korean news outlets released reports that due to alleged "treachery," he had ordered the execution of his uncle Jang Song-thaek.
On 9 March 2014, Kim Jong-un was elected unopposed to the Supreme People's Assembly. He is the first North Korean leader born after the country's founding. Kim Jong-un is widely believed to have ordered the assassination of his brother, Kim Jong-nam in Malaysia in February 2017.
Who cares?
Well… I do.
OK. But you will be dead, and your world-line will terminate. So who cares if someone else has access to “your” technology?
World-lines cluster in groups. My job was to stabilize the world-lines to a (relatively) “safe” and “prosperous” collection. I did so, and prevented a major (mystery – to me) disruption (in the sentience aspects of the human quantum cloud) in the years of 1995 to 2004-5. After 2004-5, I was “retired” and my actions went from “active” to “passive”.
I ask the reader this; after 2004 has the world continued to be safe and prosperous? Well has it?
Hey! What started to happen after 2004? What trends began?
After 2004, all of us stopped anchoring the world-lines. It has been careening wildly ever since.
If someone else has control of this technology, they can control YOUR (the reader’s) world-line direction. This action would greatly impearl the world-line of the rest of humanity. You might think Hitler was bad, or Stalin, that would be nothing to the hell that could be unleashed if an Islamic fascist got in control of this technology, and anchored world-lines to fit his idea of perfection.
In the wrong hands, the ability to alter reality is a very dangerous skill.
World-line travel can be perilous
Alternatively, perhaps a man-hating radicalized feminist, or a real (actual) pedophile, or someone who thinks that if drinking wine and cigarettes would be eliminated the world would become a better place?
Imagine a dog hater, or a cat hater. Imagine someone who thinks that pineapple on pizza is so wonderful that it becomes the daily meal of choice.
Imagine an ideal world under Jerry Falwell. Yikes!
Jerry Lamon Falwell Sr. (August 11, 1933 – May 15, 2007) was an American Southern Baptist pastor, televangelist, and conservative activist. He was the founding pastor of the Thomas Road Baptist Church, a megachurch in Lynchburg, Virginia. He founded Lynchburg Christian Academy (now Liberty Christian Academy) in 1967 and Liberty University in 1971 and co-founded the Moral Majority in 1979.
Let us not stop there.
What if they have odd personality quirks? That would directly translate into actional deviance’s.
Some men like women with big feet. Some men think that women need to have their faces veiled because the female form is ugly. What if they think that big asses on enormous sized obese women were attractive… What then?
All that being said, the true risk is that humans fail to evolve into an approved sentience archetype. If that occurs, the human evolutionary track will have to be scrapped or culled, and a new direction established.
It could be very ugly.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Why did you organize this blog the way you did. Why didn’t you just “get to the point”?
Well, I ask you, the reader to now put this manuscript down, and turn on the television. Watch CNN, or ABC, or MSNBC. Watch it for one hour. Are any of the subjects, situations, conclusions, information, or characteristics stated in this manuscript mentioned by the American news media?
No. None of them.
That one hour of television that you, the reader, watched is the sum-total of the “reality” of a vast bulk of the American population. My “reality” is quite different. So the only way it can be presented is in stages.
All of our life, we were taught in school what was truth and what was lies. We were taught what to believe, what to ignore, and what to disparage. These were important teachings for they enabled us (naturally square pegs) to fit in round holes.
Today, those of us who have not shaken free from our government-approved programming still demand total and complete explanations. We want full validity in order to accept the belief in something.
Can you prove to me that what you say is fact?
No I cannot.
All that I can do is relate what I know, and it is up to you the reader to accept or discard my experiences and conclusions. If you wish to think of this entire manuscript as a complete fabrication, go ahead.
I am on the way out. It won’t make any difference. All I can do is relate my experiences to the world-line “template”.
My grandfather once told me a story about how, when he was in France during World War I, that he went into a barn to sleep during the night. He slept in the hay and it was able to keep him and his companions warm. When he woke up the next day, he found three dead German soldiers lying nearby him. It’s a curious story. Is it true or false? I do not know, but I do believe him.
When I was in the Cub Scouts, I learned about Paul Bunyan. I heard (and read in our Cub Scout manual) that he had a big (blue) ox named Babe. Was it true, or fiction? I do not know, but I do believe that it is probably a local folktale that was based on true events, and that over the years became exaggerated. In Kokomo, Indiana is a famous attraction called the “stump and the steer”. That’s a pretty huge bull.
From this website; https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/3620
“When Old Ben was Newborn Ben in 1902, he was the largest calf in the world and "an object of wonder," according to a sign in front of his stuffed carcass. He lived and grew, and grew, on a farm
about a dozen miles north of Kokomo. By the time he was four he already weighed over two tons.
Ben was the most famous animal in Indiana when he fell and broke his leg in early 1910. The doctor who was called to help Ben shot him. Ben weighed nearly 5,000 pounds, he was over 16 feet long, and "his tongue filled a dishpan," according to the back of an old Old Ben post card. His hide was stuffed and mounted on wheels for easy transport. His body was ground into several hundred pounds of Indiana frankfurters.
Old Ben's owners exhibited their dead prodigy for a few years, then either donated or sold him to Kokomo's Riverside Park. Ben went into semi-retirement, emerging periodically from storage to pose for publicity photos, particularly during World War II with 20-year-old bathing beauty Phyllis Hartzell, an image that circled the globe with American GIs.
It wasn't until 1989 that Old Ben again became a full-time public attraction, when he was placed inside a glass-enclosed pavilion next to the World's Largest Sycamore Stump, his wheels hidden by hay. In 2004 some morons broke in and stole Ben's tail. It was so long that three normal-size steer tails had to be stiched together to create a new one.
In 2015, on the day after Thanksgiving, the public was invited inside the pavilion for the first time to get up close to Ben, a tradition that we hope continues.
No one could ever explain why Old Ben was so large, but both he and the Stump are excellent ambassadors for the ecosystem of Kokomo, real versions of the fake giant vegetables and animals seen on vintage post cards. They grow 'em big here.”
When I was attending elementary school in the late 1960’s, the “green movement” was getting started, and sometime during my time in 7th grade (maybe 8th grade), we were educated on the importance in protecting the environment. We learned about how limited the materials were on the earth, and how it would be best to recycle. We learned about Global Cooling and how if we didn’t so something quickly, that the earth would enter a new ice age, maybe by 1975, certainly before 1980.
Global Cooling
All of us were organized into work teams, and we would go out on excursions cleaning up the nearby waterways and trees. We picked up litter on the sides of the road. I was even photographed for an article in the Butler Eagle where we cleaned up a local stream of trash. We were all involved in collecting funds to save the environment.
We went on door-to-door collections to raise money for the cause. Was Global Cooling true? On the other hand, was it a fiction? I do not know, however, given what I now know about life (being older), politics and organized manipulation, as well as multi-dimensional world-line travel, I do think it was a whole bunch of organized hooey designed to manipulate us into parting with our money.
Every day we had to listen to a lecture from our teacher how our environment was changing. Then after the lecture, our teacher would pull out his guitar and we would sing songs. And, yes. kumbaya was one of them. We would give our lunch money to the teacher "for the cause".
Butler Eagle
The Butler Eagle is a daily newspaper published in Butler, Pennsylvania, United States. It serves the Pittsburgh metropolitan county of Butler.
Global Cooling
Global cooling was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere culminating in a period of extensive glaciation. This hypothesis had support in the scientific community, and it gained immediate popular attention.
The official narrative is that the attention was due to a combination of a slight downward trend of temperatures from the 1940s to the early 1970s and press reports that did not accurately reflect the full scope of the scientific climate literature.
Today, the narrative (fully funded by the Obama administration) is one which shows a body of literature projecting future warming due to greenhouse gas emissions. However, this literature has been identified as intentionally-falsified data.
Global Cooling.
Believe what you want. Keep in mind that it’s YOUR reality.
The time for me to go about gathering proof due to the sloth of a given reader will take from my enjoyment of life. Why should I waste any time trying to prove something to the lazy and ignorant?
Hey! I’m not in elementary school. I do not have to prove anything to anyone. Certainly not some anonymous smuck hiding behind the anonymity of a computer screen
This is what I could (and will be doing) instead of collecting “proof” for people to consider. Take note everyone. Check it all out. The important things are all there… girls… drinking wine… singing… dancing… everything.
All that is missing is a dog and a cat or two. Listen up.
This is my life…
I can NEVER be able to provide enough “proof” to appease the nay-sayers. Instead, I have opted to explain to the reader what I was involved in before I die and it is all forgotten. That’s the thing. What I experienced really happened, and it should be recorded for posterity.
It was exceptional, it was outstanding and incredulous. I for one want to leave something behind so that what I experienced does not vaporize upon my death.
But, people being what they are, will not understand. They will demand “proofs” that will never be enough. So I explain as best I can with the tools at my disposal.
It’s sort of like this…
All that being said, it’s not that I am being a dick about things, it’s simply because I know how this world (and this universe) works. It’s controlled by thoughts.
Thoughts define our reality.
So, I could waste hours trying to convince someone about something, but in my mind it is all a waste of time. Instead my thoughts are directed at things of more importance… ME.
The life I have is not all that terribly unobtainable. You just buy a couple of cases of wine, and rent out a KTV room, and a big hotel room. Then you invite a bunch of pretty girls to sing, dance and play with you. That’s all there is to it. You get some extra robes from the hotel front desk for the girls to wear when they peel off their swimsuits. It’s not a difficult thing to do at all.
Then you all get drunk and sing. You dance. You get a little crazy, and the girls get a little frisky. You all have fun.
Everyone is different. But we are all surrounded by people who would just love to be our friends. So you make it easy for them. You smile. You be kind. You think good things, and say good things. You be a fun and cheery person to be around, and the sun will come out from behind the clouds and people will start to smile back at you.
In my case, for me, since there are so many K-Pop, and C-Pop dance studios around me, it’s easy for me to go next door and invite the gals out for some fun. It helps when I bring my dog. (He’s a real chick magnet.) Everyone likes free delicious food, wine and KTV fun.
What you think about materializes right before your very eyes.
People, when life (or the universe) gives you opportunities, you take them.
Our reality is created by our thoughts.
I am surrounded, by what ever reason (thoughts), by all these K-Pop and C-Pop dance and training centers. I cannot go out the door without meeting these girls whether it is in the hallway bathroom, near the stairs, near the elevators or any of the doors. So, you take advantage of it. You meet the people. You smile and talk.
That what our reality is all about.
Thus, this is what my reality is…
Not to mention that they don’t mind at all when I offer to take the entire troop out for food, drinks, song, dance, and swimming. We make an entire night of it. Then later, they often repay the favors many times over.
You could do that with your life right now. Everyone likes beer. Everyone likes wine. Everyone likes delicious food. By going out and making friends you will start to have an absolutely amazing life.
Do Not Squander It.
Obama the Time Traveler
There is a cult (numerous ones actually) where people (acting like sheep) follow charismatic people. These followers often attribute God-like powers to the object of their affection.
Was President Obama a time traveler, as some have alleged?
I do not know. I do know that the generational cycles are intact and very complex changes are taking place. How they will manifest is anyone’s guess. However, this cycle that we are in will probably last for another decade; well past 2025.
It will be “colorful”, and for many “difficult”, as there will be a segregation of sentience types and determination.
Being a Pig
I don’t get a lot of these kinds of posts, but when I do, it’s usually from a triggered SJW female who has (more than a few) things to tell me from behind the safety of anonymity of her computer.
Often enough, she doesn't know that I track all responses via ISP and tracking algorithms. So, I do know who or (more properly) "what" is bitching to me.
Always, no exceptions so far, it is a person who [1] hasn’t read anything other than a few paragraphs of a specific post, [2] hasn’t taken to the time to learn about me or why I write like I do, and thus [3] churns off an emotionally-laden e-mail fully expecting me to publish it.
I never do.
The e-mail generally goes something like this…
Why are you such a pig? (Often using the latest in feminist baffle gab instead of the word “pig”.) Why include the information about girls in China, and the sexual information about Thailand? It serves no purpose, it only makes you looks like a horrible person.
Now my response…
Life is different for different people. We all live our own different realities. In fact, we can create the realities that we want through thought and followed upon with action. This is true whether or not one wants to believe it.
Each reality that we participate in will offend others who have different thoughts and different subsequent realities.
Therefore, the reader should stop being so fucking judgmental.
Rather than judge others, lose some weight, take care of yourself, think good thoughts and surround yourself with things that matter. There is no need for me to censor my experiences to tend to the fragile sensibilities of the sheltered ignorant. That is their own job.
Enough about the complainers. Now, about me; I was a “good boy” and played by all the rules.
I never cheated on my wife. I did what was expected of me. I studied hard, and got the best grades. I supported a terribly sick wife (schizophrenia), and then when she left me for another man, I quit my job to take care of my dying mother. Then, I was retired. In the process, I lost everything and was punished by hard labor. When I was released I had nothing left physically.
About my first wife...
She met a man in the state run mental institution where she had to spend nine months. (She was sentenced there because she kept on breaking into people’s houses to rescue girls (that she believed were) locked in the basements there.
Fucking news media... getting everyone all hot and bothered.
Of course, there wasn’t anyone there, and the home owners did not appreciate her actions. So she was arrested and sentenced to nine months incarceration in a State mental health facility.
While there, she met a fellow with an illness similar to hers. She was instantly attracted to him. He was a dark swarthy heavily tattooed thin and lean man who was also sentenced to the institution. The reason was due to his very bad temper and habit of brutally assaulting his girlfriends.
He was everything that I am not. So, it was a like a magnet to steel for my wife.
It’s called “life”, and it hurts.
Life can take it’s toll on you. You can study, work hard, be the best that you can, and still have the rug pulled out from under you. There is nothing “fair” about life. It’s all about the experiences you have and the thoughts that are generated around those experiences.
So I was retired from MAJestic, and everyone else in the United States thinks that I am some kind of sexual deviant. Fuck.
All I had was my wits and a heart burning in righteous anger. So yeah, fast-forward to today. I am now much older.
I am retired.
As such, I can be a “man”, and live my life on my terms. That is, MY terms. Now, if I want to have sex with a 25 year old who happens to like me, what business is it to you? If I want to eat a triple bacon pizza and chase it down with XO with a pretty girl in each arm, my dog beside my leg and my cat on my head, so be it. I am going to do what I want, like a real man.
If you do not want to know my story, you can leave.
If you want to learn, then put a clothes-pin on your nose and plow on. You have to listen to an old man who doesn’t care about being politically correct, offending people, or enraging snowflake SJW types.
If there is one thing that I would like to say to these beta-males and alpha-females, it is this; “Get a Fucking Life”. The rest of the world is having fun. What’s stopping you?
What is holding you back?
Beautiful People in South America
I am an imperfect MAN.
I’m not groovy. I am not as popular as Yul Brynner. I’m not “hip” to all that jive, and “far out” stoned craziness youse kids so banter about all day. I am a man, and all men are imperfect. That’s what make us so absolutely wonderful.
Show me a woman who does not want to take an imperfect man, and make him perfect, and I will show you a chimera. They don’t exist.
Yul Brynner.
I am not some kind of feminist version of a “knight in shining armor”. I am not a “pajama boy”. I am a man who found a lifestyle and nitch that is suitable for my own personal sensibilities.
The modern American man today…
The archetype pajama-boy. he is the beta-male ideal and the lust interest of legions of insecure alpha-women who are ugly, overweight and who have enormous trashcan sized asses.
Grow the fuck up, get some gawd-damn balls and live your OWN fucking life.
"Pajama Boy" is a derisive term for a photograph posted online in 2013 by the American political organization Organizing for Action (OFA) of one of its employees, Ethan Krupp, in support of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.
BTW. How dare you call me a pig!
Feminist bafflegab.
Most American women that do so are lonely, overweight, poor skinned, social justice warriors whose only success in life is through a phalanx of like-minded lesbian fat ignoramuses. You are the one with a body that is more pig-like.
This is how a woman is supposed to look like…
How a woman is supposed to look like.
Don’t buy into my opinion? Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Take your clothes off and actually look at yourself. Look. You, and your appearance is the DIRECT RESULT of your thoughts and your actions.
Are you alone? It is the direct result of your thoughts. Are you poor? It is the direct result of your thoughts. Are you trapped in a life beyond your control? It is the direct result of your thoughts.
EVERYTHING is a result of YOUR thoughts.
The gals who I am with are around me for other reasons not related to appearance. It serves their needs, so who are YOU to judge?
I am happy, and they are happy. We are all happy.
You, the funky opinionated observer, are the one that isn’t happy. Why is this? Are you trying to place your insecurities upon others to make you feel better? (Ouch!)
The truth hurts doesn’t it.
Beautiful Woman – China
It has been my intention to provide my story as it is with all of it’s blemishes and imperfections to the reader. Some, more sheltered and ignorant in the ways of the world, will be offended.
I accept that.
That is why we have laws preventing children from watching ‘R” rated movies, and from drinking under the age of 21.
Yet, some children never grow up. They keep and hold on to their illusions well into adult-hood. I realize that some will read this manuscript in the privacy of their parents basement as an excuse to hide from the life that surrounds them. You all shouldn’t do that. You should go out. Make friends. Have some fun. Even if others make fun of you.
Life is too short, soon you will be my age.
Don’t fuck it up.
Beautiful Woman – Russia
So to answer the question; “why am I a male chauvinist pig?”
Here is my answer.
Only a child would ask such a question. If you are an adult, and are still asking childish questions, you need to GROW UP! If you do not know why a man likes to look at pretty girls, then your mind is set at an infantile stage of development.
Most children learned about sex and began an interest in the opposite sex in middle school. If you believe that anything that you do not like is WRONG, then your behaviors are still fixed in pre-adolescence.
Grow the fuck up
A Woman – I think. Modern contemporaneous America.
It’s a fucking shame. That’s what it is. Truth.
Oxia Palus Map
Why don’t you include a map of the Oxia Palus facility?
I did. I created a map using MS Visio and then included it in the Oxia Palus facility post. It was not fully complete, but mapped out the primary layout that I recalled.
It was kept in my documents for years. However in 2017 I had a strong “nudge” to remove the map, as well as to delete a vast swatch of specific information regarding this facility.
One of the things about this, and I will go back and edit this blog, is that no one really NEEDS to see the exact details. It distracts from the message, don’t you know. SO I will start deleting some of the distractions that tend to just bring confusion to the table.
John Titor
Why did you include the John Titor story?
The John Titor story is a segway towards understanding my program and my role. Without it, the reader would have to make a jump directly into my training and operational assignments. It would have been too easy to get lost in the terminology and descriptions.
Indeed, do you, the reader, enjoy reading refrigerator operation manuals?
Here there be tygers.
Why do you include so many references to Ray Bradbury: Here There Be Tygers?
Mother Earth News said it best;
“Because this story — as entertaining as it may be on
the surface — is far, far more than a merely diverting and enjoyable tale. It is, in the truest sense, an allegory (allegory: a story in which people, things and happenings have another meaning, as in a fable or parable) . . .
and a multi-leveled allegory, at that.
Read this little piece carefully and — if you're ready for it — you'll begin to realize just what this beautiful planet (not "planet 7 of star system 84") is anxious to do for us if we'd only relax and let it . . .
and what the true possibilities of life really are . . .
and why man- and womankind seem so blindly intent on throwing themselves (and every other living creature) out of the Garden of Eden as rapidly and as violently as possible.”
Here’s the full text of this wonderful little story…
Purpose of the Type-I Greys
What is the purpose of the Grey species involvement with humans?
Their role is as “policemen” and “zookeepers”. They monitor our growth and report their findings to the <redacted>. As humans grow, and individual sentience is established, our species is culled.
Those that are of “service to others” sentience advances and are cultivated further by the <redacted>. Those that are “service to self” are also cultivated, but are policed and monitored by the Type-I greys.
Those that are not yet ready, continue to evolve in the purgatory that is Earth.
Purgatory = A place or state of temporary suffering or misery.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Why was egress from ADC Pine Bluff via MWI unsuccessful?
In the question earlier, the question was raised about my abilities, and how come I could not use my abilities to leave incarceration. It’s a great question, and here I try to answer it.
Why was this the case?
My probes were specific and made for exactly my role.
To be a dimensional anchor, that restricted my world-line travel to only the closest 1-2% (x2=4% at maximum) alternative world-lines. I did not have the ability to travel into more divergent world-lines.
Apparently, all of the similar world-lines that I had “anchored” to led to this prison cell. The reader should note, that when I did actually traverse the world line, I entered the same cell that I I had left on another world-line.
The cell was always locked as far as I could tell.
Time-Travel as an ADC egress methodology
Not everyone accepts my answer to this question. So they look at different angles, based on what I have disclosed about my abilities.
Couldn’t you simply do “apparent” time travel to get out of your situation?
As a “dimensional anchor”, I did not need the ability to perform “apparent” time travel, either forward or backward in time. It was not a mission requirement.
Therefore, my probes never had this ability.
The only time this was conducted, that I was aware of, was with the larger stationary dimensional portal. I do suppose that some software changes could have enabled this ability, but I have no idea what they would be. Nor how to operate it.
Ah. There is so much confusion. Really, EBP world-line egress via MWI manipulation is not at all as depicted in Hollywood movies.
Once you left your world-line and entered a new world-line you now shared a world-line with two of you. What did other people do when they saw two of you?
It did not happen that way. I never traveled to a world-line where there was another person like myself. I think that most people are confused by the ignorance spewed out from Hollywood. We are consciousness.
We are a consciousness that occupies bodies within realities.
I believe that a reality is a construction that surrounds the physical person. When you travel to a new world-line you occupy your role within that reality. However, your consciousness and memories are of a different reality.
When you travel to a new world-line, your knowledge stays the same, and thus can at times, place the traveler in a disadvantaged state. (It HAS to be this way, else how can anyone learn new things via experience?)
Knowledge and memories are stored outside the non-physical reality that a consciousness occupies. When you switch realities (world-line slides), your memories associated with your consciousness stays intact. No matter how different your new reality is.
So if you were to slide into a reality where everyone speaks French, but you only speak English, you will be in big trouble.
Your physical body will be in French clothes, your scars and fingernails will reflect a French lifestyle, your girlfriend or wife (and mistress) will be French, but you will not be. Your memories will be in English, you will not know anything about the new reality that you now inhabit.
Which is one of the reasons why I have a very heavy dose of skepticism to "others" who might describe experiences similar to mine via the nature of their discussion.
So if you travel to a world-line where everyone else speaks Russian, then you will be disadvantaged and will certainly need to learn the new language to survive. This will occur even when your friends, family and wife will be unable to understand why you are speaking a different language.
If I conduct a slide to another world-line, and see a quantum shadow of myself there, it tells me one thing, and one thing only. I am not within my own reality. I am occupying a reality that belongs to someone else.
Take note.
I have NEVER seen myself (or a version of myself) in any of the world-lines that I have visited. I attribute this fact to the fundamental point that it is my consciousness that egresses via wave-state to different world-lines. Not the idea that a consciousness trapped in a particle-state walks via portal to another world-line where the environment is shared.
Thus, I have never completed particle-based consciousness migration and involved in apparent time-travel where I could meet an alternative myself.
Post ADC Pine Bluff autonomous MWI travel
Once you left prison, did you visit any other world-lines?
No, not really. (Aside from trying to get out of my cell.)
Unfortunately, my ability to access the core two probe’s control interface required that the core one probes be engaged by the ELF handlers. That ended about two days after I left the Pine Bluff Diagnostic facility.
I well remember when the ELF field was shut off. It was like turning off an old-style vacuum tube television where the picture goes to a straight line, then this dot until it finally goes blank.
As before, I could always utilize the core two probes without the core one probes being activated, however without access to the probe two diagnostic screen, I was limited in my abilities.
I am referring to the diagnostic screen, not the “manual mode” numerical display.
Think of it being like a car. With the core one probes on, I could move the transmission lever from drive, to reverse, to second gear, to park. But with the core group one probes, off, I was stuck in what ever gear the car was in.
If the car was in “park” I could not go anywhere. If it was in “reverse”, I could only go backwards. It was like that. I only have (present tense) a very small and limited range of world-lines that I can now traverse, and they are all very… very similar to this one
Luckily for me, and for every other human on this planet, we can control our reality through the migration of adjacent world lines. I utilize this ability for my own purposes.
Just like YOU can as well. I have a post all about how to do this. It works.
You need to control and manage your thoughts. Only think of good things, that way your destination reality will be good.
Extreme Travel Today
Ok, you can currently still perform world-line dimensional travel. What differences can you determine were you to go to the most “far out” world-line at this time?
The (primary) difference is very small. Maybe half of a percentage. (As before, “manual mode” was fixed at a upper limit of 2%, which is -2% up to +2% , maybe a total of 4% if you think about it.
Now, it was set with a maximum (secondary) variance of 0.5% or -0.5% to +0.5%. Moving the numbers is like slogging though mud.) As such, I rarely travel or venture outside of where I am.
I NEVER use the EBP (in manual mode), or anything associated with the ELF kit(s) to conduct any kind of dimensional travel. I never do. It is far, far too risky. Instead, I am quite happy as I am and the way my life is right now. I only "tweak" it somewhat by self-intention navigation.
However, to answer your question, the difference would be very slight and hard to determine. My dog might need a bath in one world-line while he might be clean in the world-line where I just came from. There might be a bag of plums on the kitchen table instead of a bag of apples. (Or, far more likely four apples, instead of the five in the previous world line.) There might be a song that I like, that does not exist in the new world-line. I might owe a bunch of taxes that I didn’t pay (yikes!).
World-line travel is just as risky as you can be aware.
The truth is that one of the problems that I have on the world-line that I currently occupy is missing a particular Ray Bradbury story from the “R is for Rocket” book. It just was never written in this world-line. Which is a shame as it would be a very inclusion (of a few choice passages) in this blog.
One of the things that I find to be uncomfortable is the limited range of food selections at fast food franchises on this world-line.
City Chicken on a stick a McDonald’s staple. It is actually pork cooked as “country fried” chicken is a staple on most other world-lines that I was involved in. In fact, it was just as popular as their fish sandwich. Now, around 1998 I did a world-line switch and suddenly discovered that this world-line never had “city chicken on a stick” at McDonald’s. But, for me, as someone who really enjoys this meal, I am greatly disappointed.
That is also a good example on the subtly of (slight variation) dimensional world-line travel. The differences are slight. They are not really noticeable until you live in the altered world-line for a spell and spend some time noticing the differences.
Examples include man-hole covers that are slightly smaller in a world-line, free refills of coffee on one world-line, and no refills on another, use of suspenders instead of belts on one world-line, or as in the current world-line that doesn’t have strawberry-coke soda. WTF, why?
In this world-line, there isn’t any strawberry coke.
Think about it, won’t you. Of all the things that are different. Like no baked beans with breakfast eggs and toast, a president that was a Reality-show television star, the lack of window awnings, and Venetian blinds, why in the world would strawberry coke be missing from this reality? It’s as bad as the lack of “city chicken on a stick” at McDonald’s, or no pizza cones at Burger King.
I mean… come on!
Pizza Cones are also something that isn’t that common on this world line. I well remember getting my first Pizza Cone at Burger King back around 2001. I also tired the cones out of KFC, but they weren’t as good as the ones from Burger King. I think that it was because they used more cheese and the sauce was tastier. However, on this current world-line no-one has ever heard of them inside the USA.
I mean I can adapt, but some of the differences just don’t make any sense what so ever.
EBP discussion
You only refer to the Core Kit #1 and #2 probes. Yet, you have three sets. Why don’t you ever talk about the set of implants installed by the extraterrestrials when you were “off world”?
I know nothing about how those devices work.
I can only report on what I know. I figure that the MAJestic installed probes are how MAJestic was able to keep tabs on me and monitor what was going on with my interface with the extraterrestrial devices. I think, though I could be very wrong, that the extraterrestrial devices is actually what is doing all the “heavy lifting” and the world-line travel. The core kit #2 probes enable me and MAJestic to monitor and record the resultant activity.
MWI exploration for fun and adventure
This is a very common question. Funny that I never really seriously considered doing this. Not in the least.
When you knew you had this ability, did you ever go off exploring the alternative world-lines for fun?
No. That is reckless, and dangerous. Further, it would be a violation of my responsibility, which is constantly monitored by my drone pilot and the <redacted>, and it is also limited by the hardwired configuration of the probes themselves.
I am sorry to explain these realities to the reader, but a Naval Aviator does not break his flight path to buzz some cows for fun (Well, I take this back …it does happen. But rarely.) I, however, never did that. It just wasn’t responsible.
Outrage over the giant penis in the sky. The poor people are all over themselves in passing out and hyperventilating over this fun exercise in air-man-ship.
From the article:
“Residents of Okanogan County, Washington woke up to some rather unusual cloud formations this morning courtesy of a couple of artistic Navy pilots stationed in nearby Whidbey Island. Not surprisingly, the giant sky penis, which was described as the "most monumental thing to happen in Omak" by one Twitter user, sparked a wave of hilarious social media responses.”
People where shocked, stunned, and amused all at the same time. Aren’t Americans silly? Really. Imagine that! A big penis.
“A local TV station in Okanogan, County, KREM-2, reached out to the Navy for a comment on the incident and promptly received the following apology which described the event was "absolutely unacceptable" and "of zero training value"...which we honestly find incredibly shocking as we've always lived under the apparently false illusion that if we were to ever find ourselves in a dogfight over the skies of Iraq that a carefully timed "penis maneuver" could be the difference between life and death.”
Now, this is how a properly conceived penis should look. Isn’t mother nature wonderful? I certainly think so. She is offering inspiration to all the boys and girls out there all over the world. I wonder what nature is trying to tell us all.
“"An investigation into this flight will be conducted and if appropriate, the aviator(s) responsible will be held accountable," the statement said.
Meanwhile, this guy seems to have high hopes of sparking
a Navy/Air Force pornographic sky writing competition…which seems like a
truly genius plan, if we understand it correctly.
Air Force would have drawn boobs. I'm just sayin'.
— Drew (@MasterDroo) November 17, 2017
MWI switching
People ask me “what was it like”? Well that depends on the method used. Really there are two basic techniques particle-mode quanta, and wave-mode quanta. Most of my experience was with wave-mode quanta.
As far as I understand, both the dimensional portal, and the EBP operate using wave-mode quanta consciousness.
What is it like when you switched a world-line?
It is like nothing happened. Seriously, that is the way it is. If it wasn’t for the <redacted> I wouldn’t even know that I have made a swap.
We humans make world-line switches all the time. We call it “the passage of time”. How do we know that we entered and passed through five world-lines (more or less) in the last second?
We don’t.
We take it all for granted.
Now, that is the way it is with the EBP. You cannot tell that things are being switched on you at all. The only way you can tell is when you start to notice differences.
For the “passage of time”, normal world-line changes it seems like nothing changes. That is because the world-lines are all adjacent. You don’t notice any changes except after large spells of the passage of many MWI changes.
The “arrow of time” is the perception of our consciousness as it moves in and out of adjacent world-lines. It is our thoughts (and actions) that contribute to the destination that we often arrive at.
For EBP initiated changes, you “jump” away out from the adjacent world-line realities. Yet, the only way you can tell the differences is by observation over time. There just is not any indicator…
However, that is for automatic slides.
For manual slides, a “heads up” dialog will appear. The controls to navigate with this interface are a series of alpha-numeric letters/numbers that describe destination coordinates. It is a very crude method. But, you all have to understand that this technology was 1980’s era technology.
We can use a dimensional portal to move anywhere and arrive anywhere. This is anywhere in time and space, as well as within any world-line no matter how strange.
There is, however a much more detailed control. But it’s utility is limited because it is far too all-encompassing. It is a series of glyph and circular appearing symbols. It is the native controls used by the <redacted>.
Associated with this are various “files” and “routines” that I cannot make heads or tails out of. This includes a map or record of the MWI path that I have taken relative to adjacent world-lines. They looks like triangular mesh with minor color gradients and changes in texture density. I haven’t a clue as how to read them.
World-Line Selection
How do you select a particular world-line?
It is really very difficult to select a particular world-line. I can’t just determine that I want to visit a very “cat-friendly” world-line, or one where (Homer Simpson style) “donuts fall out of the sky”.
There really isn’t any mechanism that I know of that will allow me to do that. I cannot “pick and choose” what the world-line would be like.
Episode: “Treehouse Horror V” Airdate: October 30, 1994. After tinkering with a toaster, Homer sends himself to an alternate dimension that, at first glance, seems like paradise. Patty and Selma are dead and the Simpsons are ridiculously rich.
But wait! There’s a problem. In this reality, donuts don’t exist! D’OH!
Homer does manage to get back to his world, but ironically, just as he returns, donuts start falling from the sky (as if rain) in the alternate universe.
If I want to alter my current reality, for my own purposes, I will need to control my thoughts and navigate on my own. (Provided, of course, that the <redacted> allow me to do so. They have put some major restrictions on my personal abilities to do so. For instance, they <redacted>. So, that when I try to use intention and direction for self-navigation via consciousness migration, I discover that in my case, <redacted>, and the <redacted>.
Instead, from what I understand, there are groupings of
realities that world-lines cluster towards.
These groupings are all fabricated by the collective soul consciousness,
and provided for learning activities for the individual physical manifestations
(by soul).
I can only travel to world-lines that are [1] “nearby” to my own in terms of entropy (this is “locked in” by the drone pilot), and [2] in accordance with my ability to learn and gain experiences. This is a limitation of the technology that I utilized, the world-line travel ability of the drone pilot and the biological artifice, and my (apparent) “soul contract” with the <redacted>.
This is by agreement between the humans souls and the <redacted> souls.
As such there are a large number of world-lines that I can traverse (not infinite, but rather finite), but how different they are (their individual divergence) can only be determined by myself through a measure of “regional-factor variance” (this is a very difficult attribute to describe). In any event, the drone pilot helps me in this regard, for it seems to be able to detect the best and most beneficial world-lines to visit.
Now, how it appears to me is very personal and unique. It is how it would appear to anyone with EBP that are interfaced to the ELF probes during artifice transitions in either manual or automatic mode.
I can “feel” comfort or revision as delineated by a group of seven (7) factors or types. These can be displayed alpha-numerically if I am in a manual slide mode.
In all cases, if I were to select more than one or two factors that are in variance, then I would slide into progressively stranger world-lines. My “feelings” toward the selection of these (to me numerical factors) would determine the degree of comfort or distress upon slide arrival.
As such, there are seven adjustable (7) characteristics or
factors that “point in the direction” or variance from my (present) world-line.
While I cannot identify HOW they will be different, I have two gauges that I can use to determine
my relative acceptance or revulsion to where the next traveled upon world-line
would be like. This consists of my “feelings” (comfort or discomfort), and a
numerical value (in manual slide mode). The [1] larger the numerical values
(plus or minus) and [2] the way I “feel” will always be a measure of how
different the new world-line would be.
Thus, the new world-line cannot be predicted in terms of
physical attributes.
In can only be predicted in terms of relative comfort to the
present world-line, where a measure of comfort is simply how greatly I would
learn from my movement into the new world-line.
The more I will experience that is new and different, the more discomfort
I would experience.
It has been my personal experience that large variances and deviance’s from present world-lines are exponentially uncomfortable and a lot of work. They can be horrific and frightening. All this being stated, I did not intentionally direct any my world-line travel. My drone pilot did all the “driving”. I was just the “passenger”
Manual appearance
What does your “built-in” “heads-up display” show to you when you are in manual mode?
(In “manual mode”) It shows a series of seven alpha-numerical “numbers”. The numbers are arranged horizontally in front of my eyes and are in focus no matter what my gaze is upon.
Each number is “soft” and “hardens” once I make a “slide” into another world-line.
Each number is a percentage of deviance (to three decimal places) for seven coordinates. It is a measure of deviance of my previous world-line to my present world-line. Each number has either a plus or a minus sign in front of it. Typically, the first four numbers were always “00.000” with no sign. The numbers would stay in my line of sight until I would “wish” them away.
There are times when the alphabet is used. This is either singularly, or in conjunction with numbers. The meaning of these variations are <redacted>. They hold a very special hint to the <redacted>. In operation, <redacted>.
For instance, during training, <redacted>.
On another occasion, when I was <redacted>, the opportunity came for me to <redacted>, so I <redacted>.
Manual Operation of the EBP
How did you (manually) change world-lines?
This is in regards to manual operation.
[1] I would “pull up” the “built-in” “heads-up display”. It would show the seven numbers of my current world-line. Since I was present on that world-line, all the characters / numbers would be set at “00.000”.
[2] I could move a reticle that looked like a big circle
over any of the numbers.
[3] Once the reticle was over a set of numbers, I could
change the numbers by “thinking up/down”. The numbers would move slowly. I never could change the first four numbers
and the last number. The only numbers that I could change were the fifth, and
the sixth. I never moved the numbers
greater than a value of “02.000” because I was unable to.
[4] Once I made my settings, I would “think slide”. When this happened, the numbers would “harden” and I would “slide” into the new world-line.
[5] The numbers would stay “hard” until I would “wish” them away. It was that simple.
Strangest or Weirdest World-lines
What was the strangest or weirdest world-line that you have ever glimpsed?
Well, aside from this one?
This is a really fucked up world-line.
I mean, for goodness sakes, look around you. This world is weird. It is really absolutely a tad bit bat-shit crazy. You’ve got a President that is a reality television star, an educational system where grades have zero importance, you have plastic straws banned, and where enormous fat girls are proud of their rolls of fat, and jiggle their asses in front of everyone.
For Pete’s sake, you don’t eat beans with eggs, and ride bicycles with helmets and knee and elbow protectors. There are no families or at least one with a father and a mother that raises children. You have most Americans living in an “existence” of which they are completely and positively tethered to the government.
Large sodas are banned, but deep fried pork rinds aren’t. Michelle Obama was voted most attractive woman in the world numerous times, it’s against the law to collect rainwater, or use a fireplace in your house. Sexual deviants go to the White House and get rewards for “their contribution to society”, and a rising tide of angst is being directed at “white people” for their “privilege”.
I mean the next thing could be the outlawing of bags, the importance of treating pets as humans and giving them voting rights, and of course more taxes… you know… for the children.
Hey! Don't you all think that this is natural and not contrived? Really? You don't possibly believe that there might be some bat-shit crazy idiot behind "the curtain" moving the reality around in crazy-assed ways?
Ok. Well, the strangest ones were during training.
Now, prior to my training with the drone pilot, I pretty much had this ability to move about and traverse world-lines (at will) but that I had no control or understanding of it. About the time when I was first being trained, my Mars-time drone role interacted with the drone pilot and we conducted some exercises together. (This was at Ridgecrest, California during a weekend when I was not on the base.)
In one of those exercises, we were moving about a wide swath of world-lines with the drone pilot actually at the controls. On Mars, and at the base, there were never any changes.
However, my Earth reality changed substantially, and cycled through various realities.
The strangest was when the desert that surrounded us transformed into a lush green tropical forest. Everything was different, including my wife. The language was different, but I could not speak it. I think it was Spanish, but I never could tell the difference between Spanish and Portuguese.
The big thing that I remember, it’s funny the things that you remember best, was what it was like riding a motorcycle with a sidecar attached.
Do you wish that you could have selected a different world-line to retire to?
I selected this one.
I selected this one based on my “feelings” at the time, and the direction of the drone pilot. He (I think) “locked in” my selection to only a handful of choices. Then permits me autonomous alteration via intention MWI navigation for tweaking.
This world-line is my physical reward for my three decades of contribution. It’s better than anything that I could have possibly imagined.
I live this world line. I am currently in the preferred world-line given the limits of my abilities. I think that I am doing pretty well.
I live on the beach in a tropical paradise, I make enough money, I am married to a stunning beautiful “stacked” Asian beauty. I live in a huge house (comparatively), with a huge porch, on the beach in a resort destination, with a huge roomy wine cellar (not that I use it). I have all the perks of being a boss in Asia. I eat quite well, and live a life that others would find hard to believe.
What I think is beautiful is not what most Americans think is beautiful. But then again, I am old-fashioned and not at all a progressive and neutral-gender beta-male.
Futurama considerations.
Do you think that the Dimensional Portal on the base was just like the “Parallel Universe Box” from the television show “Futurama”?
Yes. Though I must remind the reader that Hollywood takes the complex and simplifies it for public consumption.
In reality, dimensional travel is possible using existing (extraterrestrially amplified) technologies that work under set rules and behaviors.
I do not think that travel through the gate would be desirous if one went into wildly divergent destinations. It would serve no practical purpose. However, please note that accidental transport to unplanned destinations could result in horrors beyond one’s comprehension.
The parallel dimensional box from the Futurama television series.
From the (fictional )television show; Futurama. “The Parallel Universe Box was an invention accidentally created by Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth. Within the box was a parallel universe, inside which were alternate colored versions of the Planet Express crew. The only differences between the universes are coin flips, which apparently have decided the majority of Planet Express’ decisions and the colors of people.
Image what could happen if accidentally, though a technical glitch, a person ended up in a 65% divergent world-line? Yikes!
The ultimate MWI destination
With the ability to change world-lines, you could enter “realities” where you could be rich, famous, powerful, where you could live your wildest fantasies. Why didn’t you?
This is one of the most common questions and perceptions
that I hear. So it must be answered carefully.
Do you, the reader, really WANT to live your wildest fantasies? I don’t want fame. I don’t want extreme wealth (not really if you get down to it). The things that I really love are all attainable by me, if I put my mind to it. Like a tomato sandwich, or a pet cat, I can get them easily if I wanted them (by paying a price).
I want to live in a beautiful area. I have it.
I want to have a stress-free life. I have it.
I want a happy and stable life. I have it.
I want a sexy wonderful and amazing wife. I have it.
I want to have fun, eat well, be respected, and play. I have it.
MONEY: There are those who think that “just” if they made some more money they would be happier. However, that has NOT been my experience. The times when I was happiest, aside from now being “retired” was when I was very poor. (We called that being “dirt” poor.)
Please believe me, the attainment of money is not what you should concentrate on. It should be the attainment of happiness.
FAME. Fame is a childhood desire for attention and appreciation. Once you live life, you realize that fame is tied to ego. The smaller your ego, the more fame you desire. However, there is another side of fame, when it brings you money. Now, that is another issue, but fraught with complications. Beware.
They believe that if they were “just” famous they could sleep with anyone. Probably true, but with fame comes the problem of “thought imposition”, and that is a ugly reality that famous people have to deal with. Most do not deal with it well. I know that I would not be able to.
Thoughts of others are terribly restrictive.
They PREVENT growth and experience of the soul in the physical. The
people know of you, the more thoughts are directed towards you. Each thought narrows your choice selection in your reality (your world-line) variances.
In other words, once many people think and know of you, the number of world-lines that you can traverse sharply decreases.
It’s an inertial set of chains.
Now, you DO KNOW, that there are other ways aside from fame that can open up some opportunities to meet a lot of different girls? You all don’t have to be a slime-ball with a casting couch.
SEX: I have a stunning wife and can all the sex I want at any time. Additionally, if I wanted variety, that is quite available to me as a Boss in China. My sexual needs are all, and always, fulfilled. And, I might add, are with REAL beauties. Not bargain-basement skanks, or Thailand short-time girls.
Besides, contrary to the impression that you might get in the United States media, most traditional men (such as myself) are naturally happy with a singular wife and family. We adopt the K-strategy. Not the r-strategy so promoted in the American mainstream media.
POWER: I have what ever power I desire. It’s not that much. I’m a boss and I have a lot of respect from my charges and my peers. I have a “following” of sorts, and that’s good enough for me.
What kind of power do you want? Be careful. For as you obtain power, you also obtain a lot of baggage and problems associated with it. Limit your desires to what makes you happy and no more. Be careful.
If you, the reader, really and actually had the ability to move to a world-line; one world-line that would provide you with your deepest desires, what would that world-line look like?
It would not be the same as mine. Maybe you would like something along the lines of this…
Do you really want power? Or, would you rather have the fun things that come with the respect that you earn through others? Think about that for a spell. Real power is not something that you see on Hollywood.
Mine pretty much looks like the preferences that I filled out on the handout way back when I was in the Navy sitting with all the beautiful women.
All in all, I think that I am doing pretty darn good.
No, it is not perfect. Yes, I could be making more money, and I have always wanted to have a Bentley, but you know what? I like being driven around. I no longer drive. Yes, I do like to cook, and I make a great pot of chili, but I am just as satisfied with the chili that my wife makes for me, and the dinner that she provides.
We all have to turn off that propaganda machine known as television, and the internet, and start appreciating what we have RIGHT NOW.
How about you go and buy yourself a bagel – nice and hot right out of the oven. Yum!
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
We all have regrets. Don’t we? Unless you have a mental illness, you will have regrets of one form or the other.
Do you have regrets about your joining MAJestic?
Sometimes I actually do. But these are short lived events often triggered by physical needs such as worry, fear, shelter, hunger, etc. It’s hard being “MAJestic retired” in the USA.
That’s why I said “Fuck this”, and moved to China.
What do you have to say to those who do not believe you?
Fuck you.
How do you know that you are not “brainwashed” or manipulated by the probes in your brain?
I do not know. I could very well be played the fool.
However, it really does seem like a vast waste of resources to take an educated person who exceeded in college, then got accepted to fly Naval aircraft in high stress situations to turn them into some kind of a joke or lab rat…
I mean, think about it.
The President of the United States (Ronald Reagan at that time) does not authorize a program that depletes the Naval Aviator candidate pool (a very selective and elite group) only to use the people as “lab rats” or “test subjects”.
Now, if it was another President… like Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, or George Bush… well, that could be a distinct possibility. But I do have a real difficult time believing that Ronald Reagan would deplete the Naval Aviation ranks on a whim.
Military Space Command since the 1970’s
If you go on the Internet, you will read people who claim to have gone through dimensional portals, much like I lay claim. They will talk about high technology, and weapons, and “space marines”. So, naturally, the inquisitive person will go ahead and ask me about this.
Others who have claimed that they were part of MAJestic state that there is a military space command where human battle extraterrestrials and defended the earth. Were you part of this contingent?
As far as I know this is all nonsense.
While Ronald Reagan wanted to increase our military in numerous areas, it would take centuries for us to be able to successfully battle against the Type-I greys and the <redacted>. They have an understanding of reality that is beyond our comprehension, with supporting technology that could implement just about anything that they desire.
While we would try to figure out some new kind of “pulsed ion cannon”, they could simply flick a switch and move our entire world-line into the center of the sun for about five minutes. Then move it back, all smoking and roasty-toasty. Then they would simply start all over with fresh life on the planet.
They are that powerful and capable. The universe is not what everyone assumes it is. It’s not even close.
MAJestic Career Path
The fucking thing about this is that I entered MAJestic for a singular role, and that was it. Nothing else.
If you were in MAJestic, why didn’t you advance to a more impressive leadership position?
That is not how MAJestic works.
MAJestic is not set up like a conventional business or military operation. Once we join, our roles are fixed.
Yeah. Tell me about it. It does fucking suck.
None of us advance or change roles or tasks unless it is specifically intended (by non-human beings long before the selection process ever occurred). We operate in that role, obtaining and gaining experience, but never advancing in position or responsibility. There are no “pay grades” in MAJestic.
Dimensional Portal Technology
Good question this. Pay attention.
Can the Jump gate technology (dimensional portal) be used to traverse the galaxy to other solar systems?
I do not know officially, however it is my personal belief
that this technology could deliver a person [1] anywhere in the known universe,
as well as [2] anywhere in an alternative universe, as well as [3] anywhere in
an alternative time line.
I personally believe that some of the numerical values in my “manual mode” operation of world-line travel involves physical and time coordinates. However, I could not (easily, and on a whim) manipulate them. I do not know that this was the actual case, but I suspect it to be true.
The “manual” mode indicated only seven alpha-numerical values.
However, the mode using the circular glyphs (the one driven by the drone pilot) was far more intricate and complex than just seven variables. If I were to provide a raw number, I might suggest a much higher value on the number of variables. Perhaps hundreds, or even thousands of different variables that would alter and tailor the destination world-line that a person can travel to.
The circular glyphs were always that complex.
This tells me that the “manual” mode was a greatly limited version of what was possible through use of the biological artifice. If I were able to fully control all the variables open to the drone pilot, I am sure that I could travel to anywhere in the universe, at any time, and on any world-line at any degree of deviation.
From what I can gather, the answer is “yes”, you can travel anywhere, at any time, all over the known (and unknown) universe.
However, you will absolutely need to fully understand your destination coordinates, otherwise travel could be fatal.
Fatal, as in dead.
What information does the <redacted> allow you to disseminate?
They have their own purposes, of which I can only speculate on.
I have thought about this issue a lot. I have thus come to the conclusion that somehow, in some way, whatever I discuss is of some importance to some (one or two) key people. I am absolutely convinced that I am not destined to provide information to the masses. But rather to provide some insight that would benefit mankind in SENTIENCE sorting.
What that information is, can be anyone’s guess.
It could be anything from the importance of eating a well-made club sandwich, with a frosty icy beer, to the psi realities in how the universe is actually constructed.
On a personal note, I have answered some perplexing mysteries that the alert searcher should pay attention to.
The Cambrian Explosion was initiated when the moon entered orbit around the Earth.
The CARET gliphs are ladder chains that have defined indexing features.
The moon has an enormous void and within it exists an long-duration colony of extraterrestrials.
The “Mantids” are native to the Earth and evolved to become multi-dimensional beings.
The “passage of time” is actually world-line switching in the MWI.
Consciousness does not share physical reality.
At the bare minimum, don’t you all think that either [1] I know this from MAJestic entanglement like I say, [2] that I am an absolute fucking genius. Or, else [3] I am bat-shit loony-tunes.
Choose one.
Why didn’t you manually
explore really “interesting” or strange world-lines?
There is a cost to do so.
The greater the deviance, the larger the effect or influence on the consciousness. If I were to go to a world line of say 30% deviance, and return, my consciousness will be affected and influenced.
Long term influences are problematic because once I return to the previous world-line my integration or “fit” into it alters. I will start looking, thinking and reacting to things differently. My memories reside outside of a given world-line. They exists outside. And, no (chuckles) they do not exist within the brain. Only a simpleton thinks that.
World-line travel affects a given world-line just as much, or maybe even more so, than thoughts do.
Think about that for a second will ya.
A great example of this is a scene in the movie “The butterfly effect” where the hero goes from one world-line where he was in prison, to a new world-line where he was “normal”. However, when he was in the new world-line, he still maintained his previous prison behaviors (such as covering his meal when he ate). This was a habit that he picked up in the “prison world-line”. While in his new world-line, he had nothing to do with prison, his habits and actions reflect his memories of his previous excursion in the “prison world-line”.
The Butterfly Effect is a 2004 American psychological thriller supernatural fiction film written and directed by Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber, starring Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart. The title refers to the butterfly effect, a popular hypothetical example of chaos theory which illustrates how small initial differences may lead to large unforeseen consequences over time.
World-line travel can result in uncomfortable realities.
World-lines are realities constructed for one purpose only; they create experiences for the soul. While we can traverse nearby world-lines with little consequence, distant world-lines (in terms of deviance) will have consequences.
Not to mention, my most important consideration, which is that once you have a “good thing going”, you don’t want to risk it all on a lark.
It is very easy to leave a perfect world-line on the promise that the “grass is greener” on another world-line only to find out that it is worse off in many other ways. Please take my word for it, when you have a great thing going you DON’T FUCK IT UP.
In a Treehouse of Horror episode, Homer changes the past and comes back to an alternate universe where his family is rich and happy. All is fantastic, but when Marge does not know what a donut is, Homer freaks out and leaves abruptly.
Homer goes back to the toaster-time-machine to travel back through time again. He obviously doesn't want to live in a world or universe where there are no donuts.
However, we learn just when Homer leaves, it starts raining donuts. (On that world-line, donuts are called rain.)
Sometimes you need to stop when the grass is green enough.
Yes. I do get these kinds of questions.
Were you ever involved in an abduction of a human?
However, I have “observed” the collection of biological samples from Americans who were not physically or consciously aware of the collection process. (Entanglement had it’s benefits.)
They were treated well, if indifferently, and were returned back to their point of acquisition without any memory of the engagement. There was none of that nonsense that you might read on the internet about.
It is my understanding that their soul had given prior approval to the collection process. This could be considered, by the ignorant, as an abduction event. Not to be insulting, but I do mean “ignorant of the realities of consciousness migration”.
A little bit about "observation" in this context.
Though entanglement with the artifice I can "observe" certain events. It’s very difficult for me to describe, but I can “tune in” to various events that the Drone Pilot was involved in. It’s similar to being in a crowded room that is full of noise.
You can selectively “tune in” and hear certain conversations by focusing on a a particular subject. For instance, if there are some High School girls talking, you can focus on them. If there is a pair of old people, you can focus on them. It is like that.
Which brings up an interesting point. The Drone Pilot was NOT only my pilot. It was the pilot for all of us Drone Commanders. Thus, by concentrating on the feed, or “noise”, we could observe or see what was going on elsewhere.
I could “listen in” on what other drones were doing through their Drone Commanders, though I could not at all access the Drone Commander myself. I could only access his feed as it passed through the artifice to the drone pilot.
Another interesting point is that, if my impressions are correct, the number of people involved in this program is far less that what I have stated. I have stated that it might be as high as 12. Yet, the truth is <redacted> artifice.
Maybe I said too much. Eh?
Area 51
Have you ever been to “Area 51”?
Alternative 3
What can you tell me about “Alternative 3”?
I was never briefed on it, nor was there anything regarding this in the <redacted> My personal opinion is that this is a human fabrication for some reason or the other. Yes, as far as I know, this is an Internet hoax.
Personally, I really do not believe it. However, that means nothing. What I can say is that I have absolutely no experience with this or anything like it. To me, it sounds outrageous and far fetched.
The following was found on the Internet. I do NOT agree with the information presented. It is only for the reader to know what is being discussed without needing to go sleuthing on the Internet themselves.
“Alternative 2 and Alternative 3 are again secret programs of the “Secret Government” having to do with the colonization of the Moon and Mars. Alternative 2 was the program for the colonization of the Moon. This occurred long before our first official public landing on the Moon by astronaut Armstrong.The basic plan of the Alternative 2 program was to build a vast network of underground cities and tunnels in which a select representation of all cultures and occupations would survive in case of a nuclear holocaust on Earth.Alternative 3 was a similar joint Soviet Union and United States plan to set up a similar colony on Mars. A space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment that could support life. Not long afterward the construction of a colony on Mars began in earnest. This information was obviously not released to the American people.”
Cell Egress at ADC Pine Bluff via MWI
You said that the core kit #2 group of probes provided you with world-line travel ability without using a dimensional portal. Why didn’t you exit your cell (at ADC Pine Bluff) if you regained access to that technology?
This is a very good question. Once, I was able to regain control of my implants after Lester the “good ol’ boy” messed everything up, I did indeed try to jump to alternative world-lines.
In fact, I suspect that the two feducials directly opposite my cell door in Pine Bluff were for that distinct purpose, or if not, something similar in regards to the MAJestic program. When I saw the feducials, I knew proof-positive, that I was at ADC Pine Bluff for MAJestic retirement.
As such, I did try.
Man, I will tell the reader, I tried and tried. I must have spun through a thousand switches. And you know what, they were almost all alike. (I knew that I was actually successful in switching. The dialog <redacted>.) In every case, I still ended up inside the Pine Bluff prison cell.
Tells you something about fate, eh?
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
What do you think about organized government plans regarding time travel?
I know nothing about the subject aside from what I have heard on the Internet. I know that time travel, as conventionally understood does not exist.
The closest thing is (apparent) time travel, which is really dimensional travel that indexes a different state of entropy via gravitational proximity measurement (such as described by John Titor).
While it is well known and widely understood that the United States government has been involved in all kinds of highly classified and secret projects, the plausibility of one being related to time travel is actually rather low.
The reason behind this belief is because there has to be a reason for a given project. Those involved in the projects must have [1] a quantifiable goal, with [2] specific measurables to judge the success or failure of the task.
For instance, I was in MAJestic. My particular project fell under MAJI simply because I was involved working with extraterrestrials.
I do not know what my management thought my role would be, aside from being lent out as I was.
I could not fathom anyone from Washington D.C. approving “dimensional anchoring” activity as directed by an extraterrestrial species. In fact, I think it was set up with an understanding that I would be “used” by the <redacted> for some unspecified roles. I do believe that they proceeded on the assumption that I might be hurt or changed in the process, but shrugged their shoulders and said “meh”.
That the monitoring of my engagement with them would be recorded by the ELF signals.
My functional goal was dimensional anchoring. The measurables were also defined. Either the human sentience follows a normal evolutionary development, or veers off into unapproved sentience development. It was clear.
I have a difficult time believing that time travel would have a specific goal. That is because if a person does not like how something turned out, they can move to a different world-line. Also, how could the success of such an action be measured? It just cannot.
Point One. Truthfully, If a person was involved with extraterrestrials or involved in using extraterrestrial technology, they would have a Core Kit #1 probe installation. Everyone in the world, who deals with extraterrestrials have these probes. If they don’t have the probes, then they are just blowing smoke up your ass.
Point Two. To get the probes, you would need to be associated with the military. They would also be in the military, probably the United States Navy, and be part of MAJestic. Even those pretty civilian girls on the base, were ON THE MILITARY BASE.
Point Three. Additionally, they would NEED to have a technical background. That means an engineering degree at the bare minimum. Engineering degrees teach how to research, solve problems, and quickly analyze situations. These are fundamental requirements for extraterrestrial interaction.
If you are going to utilize extraterrestrial technology in any way then you will HAVE and NEED to possess a technical background; a college degree in some technical field. It would be a baccalaureate or higher in the sciences.
This should be obvious to every clear thinking and reasoning person out there.
No one is going to expose extraterrestrial contact and technology to anyone without making sure that they have the skills and knowledge to handle the knowledge. Right?
A friend of mine bought a steak for his dog, Buddy. It was an end cut, but he wanted to give the dog something special. So he bought a $10 slab of steak.
I will never forget that day.
He showed the steak to Buddy. He sniffed it, and went CHOMP, and swallowed. It went from steak to zero in less than a second.
And Buddy is there, not knowing what's going on, begging. More, more, more...
You have to know, and understand, and show by demonstration that you are able to handle NEW, unusual, and unique experiences. It’s NOT handed out like political favors (a nod to the Obama’s), or given because you provide sexual gratification (a nod to Hollywood), or given to you because your parents are wealthy and powerful (a nod to Stanford, Yale and the rest).
That requires verifiable education.
They are not going to hand over the keys to any technology without them [1] being implanted with ELF probes (core kit #1 at minimum) and taking [2] a military oath.
So when I read stories about people who supposedly held key leadership roles in MAJestic, and they have no demonstrable abilities, all I can do is laugh.
Uncontrollable laughter.
Discordant Sentience’s
What is a discordant sentience?
Concerning humans, the <redacted> did not want a discordant sentience to develop; (in the case of humans) the discordant sentience is a “service for self sentience” that believe that they are actually a “service for others” sentience.
There are really three types of sentience’s that human consciousness can migrate towards. They are (plus the discordant variant)…
Service for others.
Service for another.
Service for oneself.
Discordant sentience’s manifest in different ways. In short, a discordant sentience is one that will not evolve into an approved sentience archetype.
This was what was actually occurring at the time of my entry
into the program. Through the advances
in technology, various individuals were convincing vast groups of people that
they were “helping others” by “being selfish”.
As a result, large groups of people were getting conflicting thoughts
regarding their identity.
All entities must know their identities.
A fox knows it’s a fox. A dog knows it’s a dog. However, humans (in larger and larger numbers) started thinking they were doing one thing when they were actually doing something else.
Believing that you are helping people by demanding that person "X" does something to help person "Y". You believe by doing so you are helping others. You aren't. You are instead being selfish.
Thoughts create realities.
So the resultant world-line directions were not going in associated directions. The manners that would match the thoughts with the actions were not occurring.
This created problems in world-line direction, and altered severely the educational value of the experiences that the people would be exposed to. This is absolutely and positively unacceptable.
Examples abound. Such as [1] having a basically kind and loving person vigorously insists that we need to tax other people to help a certain “special” segment of the population. Alternatively, [2] that we had to fight a war, to help others who would suffer otherwise. In both examples, the kind person believes that they did not have to do anything, just make others do the work that they think is required.
Sentience is tied to personal physical action of the person having the thoughts. You cannot delegate responsibility or actions. It does not work that way.
James Orsen Bakker (born January 2, 1940) is an American televangelist, convicted fraudster, a former Assemblies of God minister, and a former host (with his then-wife Tammy Faye Bakker) of The PTL Club, an evangelical Christian television program. An accusation of rape made by his secretary led to his resignation from the ministry. Subsequent revelations of accounting fraud brought about his imprisonment and divorce. He later remarried and returned to televangelism.
A person can be manipulated into being a discordant sentience.
This is selfish behavior on behalf of the kind person. They did not do anything positive. Instead they “forced”, though thought or action, another person fulfill their desires. Their thoughts were kind, their intentions were good, but their actions were selfish.
Those who do this possess discordant sentience’s. Ignorance has no bearing in this issue. Thoughts create realities.
The Future Doom…
Will any of the great “fears” actually manifest in your lifetime?
Global warming will not melt the ice caps, nor will it cause a “snowball effect” and another global ice age. The same was true about global cooling. Both excuses are suitable for collecting money for the easily manipulated ignorant. Humans do not have the ability to alter climate on a global basis… yet.
There will not be a global pandemic, and there will not be a pole shift that we need to worry about.
“Mad Cow” disease will not kill too many people.
2012 will come and pass with hardly a ripple. (And there wasn’t a ripple was there?)
All these things are simply media generated fears specifically targeted to manipulate people to behave in certain ways. Usually to empty our wallets and to give the money to “others” and “experts” to use as they see fit.
One of the reasons for the NEED to anchor mass groupings of world-line realities was because of the amplification of efforts to manipulate people though mass thought control.
Do you believe that you can teach the science of our souls to the general population?
We do not know enough about soul construction to be able to teach anything. What I know is only trivial in substance. What I provide here is intended to be a spark that ignites an effort to study and research the soul, and it’s construction.
Were you in the CIA?
No. Nothing that I was involved in has anything to do with that agency.
Naval Aviator
Why do you claim to be a Naval SEAL? It sounds like you are making up stories to inflate yourself like being an American Indian like Senator Warren.
I was never a Navy SEAL.
I never applied for one, and have no idea why anyone would want to be one in the first place. My interests were always in aviation, and with the most skilled aviators, flying the most advanced aircraft. These people were (and still are) in the US Navy.
My goal and desire has always to be a “Spaceman”. You can pour through my High School transcripts, my university transcripts, and come to the same conclusion. I studied hard, hard science classes. Then you can easily see that I was in class 21-81 at AOCS at NAS, NASC Pensacola, Florida.
All of what I proclaim is verifiable. Go ahead. Look at my W-2 forms. You will see that I dropped off the grid right after joining MAJestic, and popped up at NAS China Lake where I trained. It’s all verifiable. It’s all in my jacket. Or my retirement binder. It’s in multiple places.
I’m not blowing smoke up your ass. I am in a monitoring program, and I have seen the document. It’s THICK. It’s about five times thicker than any others that I have had the chance opportunity to compare with.
If you don’t want to believe the paper-trail, you can minimize it. You can say that it’s just coincidence.
Now, people like Elizabeth Warren say and do what they do for MONEY. They use it to obtain wealth, popularity, or some other kind of physical benefit. They want fame to acquire power, and use it to obtain wealth.
Not me.
I get absolutely derive zero benefit from writing this, except to leave something behind upon my death. I do not want fame. I have other ventures that provide income, and anything that I get off this blog is really a minuscule pittance.
Come on. Be honest with yourself. Do you really think that I would derive any kind of benefit by telling others about my life?
This is what my life is…
In general, if you found paradise… you keep it to yourself.
The “Deep Dive”
Why didn’t you stay in the “great life” that manifested during the “deep dive”?
I had no control.
I could not abort the process and the procedure. The “deep dive” was beyond my control. Besides, I really do not think that I would like it as much as I do my current life.
If there is one thing that I have learned is that there are trade-offs with everything.
The Roswell event.
What do you know about Roswell, NM and the famous UFO event?
I only know what I have read. I never had a briefing on this event, and I have no idea one way or the other about it.
Retirement as a sex offender
Is there anything that you have learned since you were arrested, imprisoned, and released from prison?
Yes. Many things.
Firstly, if I can be thrown in prison for “nothing” but a trumped up charge, anyone can. I have lived a rather unassuming and quiet life. All MAJestic members do. We are quiet and keep to ourselves as part of our training.
If “they” want you there, you will go and there isn’t a bloody thing that you can do about it. It is now your fate, as horrible as it is.
You must deal with it.
In my case, my attorney gave me a document to sign. On it was a plea bargain. I agreed to nine months in-home supervision at my Father’s house in exchange for a plea of guilty.
I believed that if an arrangement was worked out between the DA and my attorney, that that was the way things would work out. So I signed it.
Plea of Guilty = 9 months in-house detention.
But the DA fucking lied.
During sentencing, the judge held the plea agreement. He started to give me the sentence agreed to. However, the prosecuting attorney used HAND SIGNALS (a thumbs up, waving vigorously upward) to signal the judge to NOT give me the agreed to plea. As a result the judge stopped mid-sentence, and started to say one year, and the DA shook his head vigorously. Then he started to say two years. Still the DA wagged his head and shook his head. Finally, he said “Five Years” and slammed the gravel.
He gave me FIVE YEARS. Five years at hard labor for a FIRST OFFENSE. Anyone who works in the Justice Department will tell you that is is one fucking harsh sentence.
My father, who had come to the sentencing to take me home for my detention, was crestfallen and didn’t know what the fuck was going on. He couldn’t believe that our Justice system was so corrupt.
Sentenced on a Guilty Plea = Five years at Hard Labor
If they want you in prison, you will go. Even if that means that they will lie to you.
Secondly, it was terrible and uncomfortable. (Putting it mildly.) I endured Brickey’s which has the reputation in the United States for being the worst hard-labor facility in America. And yet, you know what? I survived.
If I can survive Brickey’s I can survive anything.
You can endure and survive anything, and once you get out “It’s all good”. It’s downhill, easy street for the rest of your life.
I can feel carpet on my feet. I can see and appreciate colors. I can use wall outlets and light switches. I can eat food… glorious food. I can sleep without a light over my face. I can sit on a chair with a soft cushion.
Oh FUCK, it’s all good.
Thirdly, and I know that no one is going to want to hear this, but I no longer fear the police and getting arrested.
Prison was not fun, but you adapt. What that means is that now, today, if I will need to fight someone, I will fight to KILL. I will not hold back. I will stab their eyes out. Bite their nose and swallow it. I will pick up a spoon and jab that sucker right through the temple.
I am not afraid what would happen afterwards. Big fucking deal. I get arrested. Big Deal. Big deal. Been there, done that. I dealt with the worst and survived it.
Being a murderer won’t be worse than being a sex offender felon at Brickey’s.
I know the truth in this.
I did five years Bricky hard labor on a whim, while murders got two years maximum in an “easy” prison like Malvern. I’m no longer afraid. I did the harsh time. I did the awful time.
Inter-dimensional Communication.
How can the drone pilot, and the biological artifice operate if you are on a different world-line then they are?
Outstanding question.
I do not know. I can only presuppose that they operate in a state of reality that transcends that of the physical world. To solve this quandary we must take a good hard look at the anthropic principle. Specifically, the ψ which is a measure of how thought alters our reality.
World-lines are each individually ψ-epistemic .
While the entire universe is actually ψ-ontic.
Obviously the <redacted> species has been able to derive a technology that is finer than anything available with a ψ-epistemic world-line MWI.
Confused? Check out this post for clarity…
The Girls
What about the girls who entered the portal with you; since you all entered at the same time, are they not the same as you and have the same mission parameters?
No. [1] None of them were Naval Aviators. So they did not endure the same entry qualifications as we had.
[2] They were all female, and Sebastian and myself (the only two Naval Aviator Candidates) were male.
Additionally, [3] none of them went directly through the portal on the same day that they must have been implanted (they had to be implanted, otherwise the portal would not work for them).
[4] None of the females were at the same implantation booths during our implantation.
Finally, [5] during the SAP briefing, the person instructing us told us that we had different roles and were involved in different program, and were subject to different levels of SAP. He specifically stated that Sebastian and myself were involved in a much more secretive program.
What are thoughts exactly?
Thoughts are what your consciousness creates. It is the only thing that a consciousness can create. It is a directed entanglement of an idea, a place, a person, or a thing.
These “creations” are how consciousness can navigate the MWI. It is how different world-lines are manifested.
The thing about thoughts is that they are generated by a number of things;
An individual consciousness can generate individual thoughts, and this can navigate the MWI many world-lines.
Other “quantum shadows”, the other “people” within your world-line also have thoughts. In fact every world-line is filled with the thoughts of all the quantum shadows that occupy the world-line.
Thoughts are “sticky”. They tend to associate themselves with objects, people and things.
They can be influenced by other thoughts. This can be nearby within the world-line, and also from adjacent world-lines that cluster near the one that is occupied.
If you are in a place, like prison for example, the thoughts of those around you will “stick” with you. And as your consciousness moves through the MWI and in and out of different world-lines, they will attract and repel other thoughts. This will create bad situations (if you were in prison), or good situations (if you were in a monastery).
It takes time for the “sticky” thoughts to fall away. That is why I strongly recommend a serious period of contemplation and a good happy environment for the person who is released from a bad situation.
Or else, they will come across a higher than usual percentage of individuals and situations similar to what they just left.
This is also true of used furniture, and other objects such a “haunted” houses, and automobile “lemons”.
Scene from the Stephen King horror movie “Christine”.
For us to be truly happy we need to carefully cultivate our thoughts.
Avoid negative friends, relationships and toxic people.
Avoid old things, clutter, and brick a brack.
Avoid most news.
Avoid movies, or music that will upset us.
Do you have any great regrets?
Yes. I wish that I would have spent more time with my friends and family.
When opportunities arose, I should have taken them.
I wish that I would have spent more time with my pets rather than worry about work so much. I wish that I would have spent the time to play with my dogs and cats and given them more happiness, no matter how tired and stressed I was. I should have been a better caretaker of my pets.
I should have been a better friend to those whom I cared for, and I should have been a better human to the strangers whom I encountered. I truly regret that I did not purpose my personal life more fully.
I was far too goal-focused, and missed out on the wonders of life as they were presented to me.
When it became clear that my first wife possessed a terminal
mental illness, and that she would never get better. I should have taken the
doctor’s advice and left her. It would have been better for both of us.
Instead, I only endured a very painful process. I could not stop her madness. I
could only delay its onslaught. The price that I paid for this postponement
took a great toll on my sanity and health. It did not help her at all.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, and how much effort you put into something, you will fail.
When my beloved pet was dying. I should have taken him to
the vet and put him to sleep. Instead, I wanted to keep him alive as long as
possible. This was selfish of me, and my dear pet suffered because of it. I did
things for my own selfish reasons.
I was too selfish at times, and love ones suffered.
When I was younger, and my mother was happy and singing while getting things together during Christmas, I should have allowed her to sing, and even joined her. Instead, I criticized her singing, and just pouted about, not even offering to help her in the kitchen. I was so self-absorbed.
Yes. I have regrets. All humans (aside from sociopaths) have regrets.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
This particular post has been compiled from an array of common questions that I have collected over the years. It originates from others which whom I have discussed my history with. It dates back years, though this is the first time any of it was “published” on the internet.
It is my hope that I will be able to provide some direct answers to simple questions that might have eluded the average reader.
These questions are composed of numerous “actual questions” that seem to come up, even after the questioner had read the any of the writings or archived manuscripts. They also include other more detailed “probing” questions that were asked by a number of more inquisitive individuals that I considered worthy to include.
In all cases the reader must realize that I can only answer these questions from my point of view; the view of the participant, and the view of the observer. I cannot provide an absolute answer, because in many cases I do not know the answers.
Questions are in paragraphs with a blue-colored background. Answers are on a white colored background. My comments are all over the place. But, it’s my methodology, don’t ya know.
Let’s get started…
The Philadelphia Experiment
People who are naturally inquisitive have a tendency to know a lot. They tend to read a lot. They tend to look at other sources of information. They tend to come across unusual thoughts, and speculations. Often these are ideas that are foreign to the vast bulk of the population. As such, they are often introduced to “fringe” and other “out of the mainstream” subjects.
These tend to be easily (and quickly) dismissed by the ignorant. They are dismissed simply because they are not promoted by the mainstream news networks.
As such I argue that the respect that everyone has for mainstream American Media is wholly misplaced. They are a very established and well-organized propaganda network. Further, they haven’t produced non-biased news for at least 50 years, if not longer.
Therefore, using them as a measure of credibility is foolish.
Now sometimes, people will read my posts, and try to find connections to other “fringe” subjects. When you start talking about “extraterrestrials”, the first thing people think of is “UFO’s”, then comes “little green aliens”, and then you have the “Reptilians”. Sigh.
You just don’t know what is real and what is fake.
There are a host of “fringe” subjects that all kind of get lumped in the same general “basket” with disclosures. These are the realms of “the X-files” and other similar fiction.
One of which is “The Philadelphia Experiment”.
Today, this subject has taken on “legs” of it’s own. I, however, well remember when I was first exposed to it. Back in the early 1970’s. I had a paperback book titled “The Philadelphia Experiment”. I read it with great interest.
I found the stories about people getting stuck between bulkheads and decks particularly horrific.
This is a screen shot from a television show that depicted what the book claimed to have happened. I do not know if it is true or not. What I can say is that it scared the Dejesus out of me when I read about in middle school.
As I recall, apparently someone took the original book, and wrote in the margins in three different colored pens. Later, someone “discovered” the annotated book. This resulted in their comments being published. All in all, their comments painted a fantastical picture of war-time experimentation gone terribly wrong.
The “Jump Gate” / “Dimensional Portal” that you refer to, the one that you had your first egress from at NAS, NASC Pensacola Florida, is this technology derived from the Philadelphia Experiment?
I do not know.
The impression that I get is that the technology is quite mature and is probably something developed by the <redacted> or another extraterrestrial species. Personally, I do not think that it is wholly a “home grown” human invented technology. It could be, of course. But, I just do not think that it is.
However, the very truth is that I do not know.
What I do know is that;
The technology was used on an American Naval base.
It was mature technology.
There was strict usage protocols involved.
It did deliver me to a “place” not on this Earth.
My destination was wholly inhabited by extraterrestrials.
Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency—and which were, at times, illegal. Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.
Do you think that you were involved in MK ULTRA?
That program was an experimental program involving a completely different branch of the American government, and at least “officially” terminated in the 1970’s. I did not experience anything even remotely resembling any of the “training” or “events” that have been publicly disclosed.
The MK-Ultra project sounds like the stuff of fiction, but it’s all too real. MK-Ultra was created as part of the Cold War. At the time, the government believed that Russia was experimenting with mind control technology, and the US government wanted to keep pace. Disturbingly, many of the subjects of MK-Ultra had no idea that they were being experimented on.
According to The Washington Times, the project began as a response to soldiers returning home with stories about the mind control techniques used by their “Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean captors.” Originally, the project’s primary goal was to manipulate prisoners of war in order to gain influence with country leaders. However, MK-Ultra expanded quickly into a vast series of subprojects. The Washington Times reported that the subjects of the study were “perception, behavioral analysis, religious cults, personality conditioning, microwaves, sensory deprivation, and hallucinogenic drugs.”
MK-Ultra began as a volunteer-based program, but the government went on to use test subjects who had no idea that they were being experimented on. Declassified CIA documents revealed that one branch of the project used a San Francisco brothel to test the effects of LSD on adults without their knowledge. The men who came to the brothel were served cocktails laced with acid, and the rooms featured two-way mirrors so that CIA operatives could watch the effects of the drug play out.When it was discovered that the CIA were illegally running tests on Americans, the American leadership got nervious and started shredding all documents. Very few precious reports and photographs remain. This is one such photo that managed to elude destruction.
Youth Recruitment
Some people claim that they are chrononauts. (Ah, it’s just a fancy-pansy name for time-traveler.) They argue that they were recruited at an early age and groomed for this role…
Many other people who say that they were recruited for “top secret” roles involving dimensional-travel, and time-travel state that they were recruited at a young age, even genetically programmed for it. Were you?
As far as I know, I was just an average kid who did well in school and was in the right place at the right time, with the right skills when this opportunity “fell into my lap”. Granted, from an early age I was groomed for space.
Anyways, the candidates for my role had to possess …
[1] A technical education. (A bachelor of science at the bare minimum.)
[2] Be qualified to enter the rigorous Naval Aviation program. This meant a battery of tests, personal interviews, physical, emotional and mental tests, and a series of “hoops” that we all had to jump through.
[3] Had to meet a series of other ELF qualification tests that most Naval Aviators apparently failed at. (Lucky me, eh?)
Further, [4] one had to be pre-selected (or perhaps pre-screened) by an extraterrestrial species prior to getting involved in MAJestic.
Questions about what I say relative to the point that I know very little about things…
How can you make any statements regarding MAJestic when you yourself specifically stated that you were “kept in the dark” on many elements of the program?
The statements that I make are educated extrapolations from what I actually know and what I have been exposed to.
I could very well be wrong about many things. So, I must ask the reader this; what is better [1] say and do nothing and let the reader live in ignorance, or [2] provide what little I do actually know and let the reader come to their own conclusions?
I chose the latter.
World-Line Sharing
Do you and Sebastian share the same world-line?
No one shares their reality with another. We share “similar” world-lines and interact with each others “quantum shadows”. We both have the same mission parameters. Yet we operate independently.
Here's some real answers to help explain how consciousness moves about the MWI;
Imagine that the MWI is a big football stadium. You are standing in the middle of it, and trying to listen to different people talking in the stadium. You start by focusing on the child with the balloon. Then you focus on the fat man with a hot dog, then you go to the third cheerleader from the left. You can focus your mind on the specific sounds at will.
The people closest to you will be the easiest to listen in on. Those far from you will be progressively more difficult to hear.
That is exactly how consciousness moves about the MWI.
The only difference is that it doesn't hop around so much. It goes to nearby and adjacent sounds. Those are those naturally easy to hear. Those, and further ones that are loud (like someone yelling or screaming).
The movement towards the loudest, and closest sounds is exactly how consciousness moves about in the MWI.
We call that "the passage of time".
The "Law of Intention" is directed thought where you intentionally listen to certain sounds and avoid other sounds. That is so that your destination reality that you want manifests.
Now, with the right technology, such as a parabolic hearing aide, you can "zoom" into specific sounds quire easily and exactly. That is how dimensional portals work.
Specific Mission Parameters
What was your “mission” in MAJestic?
This is how the MAJestic leadership understood my role…
My PRIMARY purposed task was to be utilized by an extraterrestrial species so they can monitor the Earth. I was lent to them by MAJestic; “rented out” so to speak. Once I was rented out to them, they implanted an EBP and altered my genetic makeup. I then become their “eyes and ears”.
As such, I was like an “Ambassador of sorts”.
I was never told that this was my role. I learned about it much later.
That was all that the MAJestic leadership knew about. I was to be the "eyes and ears" of an extraterrestrial species though the implantation of a special device inside my skull. This device is known as a EBP.
My SECONDARY task was for MAJestic to monitor my interaction with the sponsoring extraterrestrial species. Then report findings back to MAJestic leadership. This was facilitated in “real time” via ELF communication. MAJestic implanted a series of seven other devices that enabled my actions and behaviors to be monitored. These are ELF devices.
Kit #1 is the “normal” MAJestic kit that all members have.
Kit #2 interfaces with the EPB, and enables dimensional egress.
That is what my MAJestic documentation, the stuff that no one is supposed to know about, says. That is all fine and dandy, but you know, our extraterrestrial benefactors have other plans and other purposes, often far, far beyond human understandings.
Now, this is what my role actually was…
Being implanted with the EBP severely altered my perceptions. As such I was entangled with a biological artifice, and privy to a reality that was much more expansive than what my human senses could provide.
As humans, we have five senses, and perceptions that are processed by our brain. I was connected to a species that had a much more expansive array of perceptions. The EBP permitted me to “tap into” these other perceptions, and obtain exposure to their reality and understandings. It changed me. I could experience more than my “normal” humans. This knowledge and exposure provided me with skills and abilities that “normal” humans have no awareness of.
It took me a while to get used to this enlarged understanding of things, and augmented perceptions, and out of necessity, I developed “coping skills”.
Over time, I was better able to understand what my actual functional role was by the extraterrestrials that implanted the EBP. Saying that it was to “monitor the earth” is a very simplistic understanding. For they have a much larger understanding on how the universe works, and our role in it.
We humans think that the universe is one big singular place and we all share it together on this planet.
Our extraterrestrial benefactors believe that consciousness inhabits world-lines. They tend to cluster together, and this action must be monitored or else catastrophic sentience disruption may occur.
Actually and functionally, I was involved in “dimensional anchoring”. This was a task that facilitated the management of our nursery on the earth for the benefit for the <redacted> extraterrestrials.
In this task, I traversed a number of world-lines of strong similarities in order to keep them “stable”. That is, stable relative to the extraterrestrial requirement. I did this task automatically, and through entanglement with an extraterrestrial entity that had world-line-switching ability by nature of it’s soul structure. In order to achieve entanglement with this other species, I needed to utilize a biological artifice; a “drone” as an intermediary.
It's a very strange thing to say, as most other people who disclose such things to the public talk about "Space Marines", "Reptilians", "enlightened beings", and the healing powers of crystals.
I can positively say, beyond any doubt, that I haven't a clue as to what they are all talking about. I know nothing about anything they so earnestly banter about.
It does not mean that I hold the only keys to the library of knowledge, but rather my experiences are all very limited and defined within a very narrow band. As such I have no experiences that resemble any of the fringe "X-file" like subjects you hear about on the internet.
To fully understand my purpose, and role, you must recognize that humans are very different from extraterrestrials. We are about as similar as an elephant is to a sweet potato.
It is not like you might see on the science fiction movies, or on “Star Trek”, or the “Star Wars” franchise. Actually, if I would be so bold, it is more like a cross between Robert Heinlein’s story “Glory Road” (of which I have a full text reprint here in Metallicman), and Ursula K. Le Guin‘s “Lathe of Heaven”.
Take heed that these other extraterrestrials are [1] much older than us, [2] much more technologically advanced than we are, and [3] substantially better versed in the mechanism of our reality.
Their technology does absolutely look like magic to us humans.
Yeah. What the Hell do you think a real disclosure would look like? Do you honestly believe that it would discuss pulsed infra-ray weapons, shape-shifting reptilians, and enlightened spiritual entities that use crystals to channel thoughts?
I’m going to repeat myself.
This is the real-deal. This is what I was involved with and the trade off that MAJestic worked out with our extraterrestrial benefactors back in the the 1980’s.
Not so exciting, eh?
Sorry, life is not a detective television show with good cops chasing bad guys every week. There are large and long period of dormant and often uninteresting activity.
The only novelty comes from the uniqueness of the characters in the show and the situational environment that the episodes take place in.
Don't you think that a real disclosure would reflect...
[1] different ways of looking at things,
[2] technologies beyond our comprehension, and
[3] an understanding that they could have erased the human race 600 million years ago if they wanted to.
We couldn't fight them with "Space Marines" if we wanted to.
I refer to various “roles”. This has apparently caused great consternation.
Why do you refer to the roles of “Pilot”, “Commander” and “Drone” when using the artifice?
This is a good question. This is HOW I thought about them. However, this actually might be confusing to the reader. I suggest that the reader adopt the following scheme if they are confused;
Drone = Biological Artifice Device.
Pilot = Extraterrestrial operating the Biological Device.
Commander = MAJestic agent using the Biological Device.
Entanglement Utility
How did entanglement assist you in your “mission”?
Entanglement with an extraterrestrial (via a biological artifice / drone) was the only way that I was able to be trained to use alien or extraterrestrial technology.
Humans could not train me. I needed to be trained by an extraterrestrial. They needed to “get inside my head” and teach me in that manner.
Entanglement was always like being in two places at once. On one hand I was living a life as a "normal" guy int he United States, on the other hand I was fully aware of being an extraterrestrial "pilot" elsewhere. This was a simultaneous real-time experience.
During entanglement, it appeared that the (so called) “drone pilot” trained me. Additionally, the operation of the biological artifice /drone required active operation of the drone pilot.
I could not conduct any world-line travel without the drone pilot helping me by operating the biological artifice. When performing world-line operations, the drone pilot would perform most of the work when in “automatic mode”.
When in “manual mode”, the drone pilot was still involved, even though it’s participation was not obvious to me.
What needs to be understood is that all humans are fully capable of autonomous world-line travel and navigation ourselves. Our thoughts move us in and out and through the various world-lines. This is conducted specifically though ADJACENT world-lines based on thought navigation. We refer to this as “the passage of time”.
The “arrow of time” is the perception of our consciousness as it moves in and out of adjacent world-lines. It is our thoughts (and actions) that contribute to the destination that we often arrive at.
We can use the power of intention; directed thoughts, to navigate our consciousness towards world-lines that we would prefer to live in.
We can use the power of intention to navigate our consciousness toward preferred world-lines that we would prefer to live within. This can be anything that our mind can think about.
This differs substantially from the kind of world-line travel that both the dimensional-portal and the drone pilot / biological artifice was involved in. These portals or techniques transported a person or a consciousness (or both) to a NON-ADJACENT world-line.
We can use a dimensional portal to move anywhere and arrive anywhere. This is anywhere in time and space, as well as within any world-line no matter how strange.
These world-lines could be very odd depending on the deviance variation from your egress (start point) world-line origination.
CARET similarity to EBP / ELF programming
Your programming for the EBP / ELF probes seem to be similar to the programming for the C.A.R.E.T. “hoax”. Is it the same?
I was actually able to read and understand the coding on the CARET photographs. It has been a long time, but it is pretty clear that the photographs show the functional programming of the materials.
CARET example from Isaac.
They utilize an APL-like coding that fits within control ladders to specify behavior(s). Once you know the basics, you can easily see the formatting, and the assignment of variables, identification glyphs, and location within the ladder chains.
The language is similar something that might look like an APL version of a standard ladder language to IEC 61131 part 7. That tells me that the technology is the same and the species that made my probes is the same species that provided the CARET drones.
IEC 61131 is an IEC standard for programmable controllers. It was known as IEC 1131 before the change in numbering system by IEC. The parts of the IEC 61131 standard are prepared and maintained working group 7, programmable control systems, of subcommittee SC 65B of Technical Committee TC65 of the IEC.
Fuzzy Control Language, or FCL, is a language for implementing fuzzy logic, especially fuzzy control. It was standardized by IEC 61131-7. It is a domain-specific programming language: it has no features unrelated to fuzzy logic, so it is impossible to even print "Hello, world!". Therefore, one does not write a program in FCL, but one may write part of it in FCL.
I have visited various cypher websites where some ignorant millennials “prove” that CARET is a hoax.
I wonder; do they have beards, and rainbow colored suspenders as well...
Made by Microsoft Incorporated and assembled in Malaysia.
These jokers could not “decode” or decipher an existing coding language in English, let alone another entirely different technology. Truth this!
Try this. Here’s some APL coding. Convert this into English phrases please;
Travel to Mars
Often, people don’t fully comprehend the complexities of the story as I present it.
They use (what I refer to as) “crutches” to help fill-in blanks and things that aren’t really all that clear to them…
Why did you need to go to Mars?
I never physically “went” to Mars. (I think. Perhaps the off-world medical procedure was on Mars. I don’t know for positive.)
Instead, I was entangled with a biological interface / artifice that was physically located on Mars. This “entanglement” was not like what you the reader might think. It was sort of like me sharing two bodies. I was in two places at once. I was here in my body, on earth, doing my day-to-day activities, and I was completely aware of everything that the drone pilot was doing AS IF I WAS RIGHT THERE IN ITS’ SKIN.
Entanglement does not require physical close proximity.
The drone pilot was in a place that really looked a lot like Mars. However, please take special note. I don’t actually know where it really was. This “Mars” was NOT the Mars that we see on the news and out of photographs from NASA. This is a Mars from a different world-line, a different time, and of course, a completely different history.
Oh, and by the way. The drone pilot lived a very boring and sedentary life most of the time. It resided in a very bland room, doing very bland things, with little in the way of social interaction. It was like being entangled with a golem.
Think about it will ya?
You've got a extraterrestrial species that, by their very biological nature, can see the MWI. Wouldn't it make sense for them to use this ability in everyday life?
Of course, they would use it.
For all those idiots who think that we humans (with our big and powerful American military) can go up against a species that developed planetary spaceflight 600,000 years ago, and go in and out of different world-lines at will, are absolutely delusional.
In order to use the technology in the probes, I needed to access the thought-streams of an extraterrestrial that possessed multi-dimensional ability. This entity was the drone pilot. (This was an extraterrestrial with world-line manipulation ability).
For reasons of safety and security, we shared a drone. That was how I was able to be connected and linked to the extraterrestrial. The drone was located on Mars in a “safe” world-line. Therefore, while I never had to physically go to Mars, that was where my drone was. Thus, I stayed on the earth in this realm. The extraterrestrial drone-pilot stayed on it’s world line and planet. The drone was located on the “safe” Martian world-line.
Why be trained by extraterrestrials?
Why not?
Why did the Mantids or Type-I greys (or another unknown extraterrestrial) need to train you through entanglement?
Because many of the core features of the probes required a non-human understanding and ability to utilize them and unlock their abilities.
Obviously, you cannot have a dog train you how to drive a human-manufactured automobile. You cannot have a snail teach you how to use a cell phone, or use a monkey to teach you how to bake a tasty strudel.
If you want to properly use extraterrestrial technology, they will need to teach you the proper care and use of it. Anything else is just silly.
Personal Benefit.
What benefit would the Mantids give you personally for working with them?
The reward for my participation with the Mantids in this effort was rapid evolutionary soul development through participative exercises. It’s not like they have made promises about this or anything. Rather, it is what naturally happens because my thought streams have been altered, and by the nature of souls, my thoughts establish entanglements. Thus they form and shape, and reshape the garbons, swales and soul components.
Upon my death (in the physical), my “root” soul will evolve into another kind of being (different soul archetypes manifest different physical forms). Possibly even become a Mantid myself. Who knows?
My public life.
All of this is all about what you did for MAJestic, but the truth is aside from your “fantasy world”, you were ONLY an engineer. What did you do in “real life”?
I always wanted to be a space man. I took hard science classes, qualified for Naval Aviation, and entered MAJestic.
I was modified, trained and let loose to be a “normal” guy.
Normal Guy Life.
For the first third of my career, I was a “design engineer”. That means that I designed products. This included computers, appliances, and devices of all sorts. I drew pictures on CAD systems, tested them out, and worked with Industrial design houses to make them attractive.
Professionally, my education was in a joint BS Aerospace / Mechanical Engineering. However, once I was accepted for a pilot role, I dropped the Aerospace / Mechanical program and entered in a simple Mechanical Engineering program so I could immediately enter into the Navy. Later on, I took classes in Electrical Engineering. So my technical background was and still is, Aerospace, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering.
Hey! Here's a big secret. University degrees are just expensive pieces of paper.
If you really want to be successful, then start providing a service and getting a whole bunch of customers. Working for someone else is foolish.
Be a boss, anything else is below you.
Depending on the company, I took on various roles such as Design Engineer, Product Engineer, Product Manager, Project Manager or Quality Engineer. I was pretty good at it, and in some companies I held the (informal title) role of “gageteer” or “inventor”. There, I would spend significant time making new gizmos and appliances from scratch in the proto-lab.
It is the closest thing that you can come to a “Mad Scientist” in the industry today.
I climbed the management “ladder” and ended up in the top levels of various companies. This is hardly being “only an engineer”. The stakes are higher, the role is more important, and consequences of failure are more sinister. I worked in middle management roles, and then on to senior management, and finally to executive and director levels.
I then advanced into Senior Engineering / Middle Management roles. I managed groups and teams of technical people towards creation of electro-mechanical devices, mechanisms and products for the consumer and OEM market.
After thirty years of this, MAJestic entered my life again. I was “retired”, and everything was put into a dormant state.
When I was retired, I was just starting a VP Engineering position when the President, and the VP Engineering retired / stepped down.
Unfortunately, my retirement eviscerated my career progression.
Retired MAJestic operative.
No one would hire me. Not even as a janitor, or even to clean up dog and cat shit in the local Animal Shelter. I was willing to clean up contagious tainted hospital rooms, and equipment, and they refused offering me the jab… not because I couldn’t do it. But rather because of my retirement and record associated with it.
I was unhirable.
I started at ground zero when I arrived in China, and then worked my way back up the career ladder into Senior Management and Director level positions. I spent a considerable time in Quality, Production, and the Marketing fields. I was hardly “just” an engineer.
Hey! You try building up your life from absolutely nothing. You try with one set of underwear, and $100 to your name in a new nation where you can’t even fucking speak the language. It was fucking difficult.
Enjoy being a scientist?
Do you enjoy being a scientist / engineer?
I love to design, invent and make things. Of course, over time, I moved on and advanced beyond this role. There aren’t too many Senior Scientist roles in companies and if you want job stability and financial security, you need to take on management roles.
In one of the companies where I worked (in Milford,
Massachusetts) I was constantly making prototypes of consumer appliances. I would take existing products and using the
tools of Doctor Frankenstein, I would create all kinds of strange creations.
Many of the resulting masterpieces included parts and components from this
I think that the little boy still resides deep down inside of me. While the government can ban this and that, they can’t quench our love for science and the gadgets and gizmos associated with it. My dear reader let me introduce you to the “American Science & Surplus” store.
The store is large and has a very diverse selection of items. Most of it is what they claim it to be. It is surplus. There have everything from test tubes and beakers, to electronic components, to toys for kids and toys for us bigger kids.
Every explorer, scientist, artist, inventor and visionary can find supplies here to bring their concepts to life. It is full of nerdy gags here and there, there is also standardized scientific and engineering equipment large and small to meet your needs. Who knows, maybe you want to build a time machine, or a nuclear engine converter for your motorcycle?
Well, here is the place where you can go.
This place is fantastic. You can spend $20 and get an array of items nostalgic from your childhood. I find this a great place to buy the supplies you need to introduce your young children to basic science principles. I could also easily spend $2000 here. Have a naked gun turret?
Sure, doesn't everyone? They have a naked gun turret cover for you.
Items include nice telescopes to anatomy items.
More surplus examples include Swiss army knives stamped with the address of a company in PA to tiaras and cardboard crowns. Haven't see a Mexican jumping bean since I was a kid....but here?
Super fly! And even a super fly eater , Venus Fly Trap is available!
Also you will find many novelty items like a Chinese MIG helmet, some old typewriters, lava lamps, and cold war gas
Have someone in your life who is hard to buy for? Go here. It is amazing. Go here for the online version; https://www.sciplus.com/
As a result, I have made design disclosures and I do possess numerous American (and International) design patents. Last I checked I still had 11 still active! Imagine that! Obviously someone sees the value in paying the fees to keep them alive.
Though they never bothered to give me the dollar that the contract specified that they fork over to me for relinquishing my ownership rights. Ah, but that's a story for another time.
My most substantive patents are those involving the manipulation of insect behavior. If the user is creative enough, the patents clearly pave the way for the “remote control” of specific insect species. Most notably those that are blood-feeders.
I can tell youse guys stories bout how we tested the effectiveness of the device. We would get inside this 2 meter squared room and sit there for an hour in our underwear. Then we would count the number of bites that they took. Yow! I am not at all "pulling your leg".
Hey! Yeah, and when you are driving on the road today look at all the brake-lights on those cars. They are all LED’s, eh? Who do you think paved the way for their use? Yupper, your’s truly. Oh yeah, and when you see a Brita water filter, you can think about me as well. My products are all over Walmart, K-Mart, and (the now defunct) Sears.
It was the industry that I was in.
Why don’t you offer PROOF
and prove yourself to the reader?
I ask the reader this; ten years ago did you go grocery
shopping and buy some dairy products like milk or eggs?
Yes. Good.
Now, you prove it to me.
I would like to see photos, receipts, documents, and confirmation from multiple witnesses. Without proof, everything that you say is just nonsense. You could just be saying you bought eggs and milk, when in fact you were actually buying a six pack of Pepsi cola.
I have spelled out everything that I know, as I well understand it. It is up to you, the reader, to accept it or discard it. I can well predict that there will be many who will “prove” that all of this is a “fraud” and a “hoax”. You can join one of those debunking armies if you don’t like what I have to say.
It’s your life. It’s your reality. It’s in your hands. I’m just telling you the way things are.
Why include pretty girls?
Heh heh. Why the Hell not?
Why do you include all the
“pretty girls” that you admit were not part of your program?
The girls had a role. I do not know precisely what the role was, but Sebastian and I were connected to them somehow.
Not only did we fill out the same form, enter the same off-world dimensional portal, but we all had similar characteristics. Sebastian and I were both high-achievers who were aerospace bound. We both possessed technical backgrounds, and we both were “service-to-others” sentience with a desire to help the world and make it better.
The girls were all tops in beauty. They were all kind, and (after talking with them) they all seemed to be of the same sentience and ambitions. We all were gathered together for a reason. We all shared the SAP briefing together, and we all filled out the same handout together.
During operations, I do not recall having anything to do with pretty girls. Either through entanglement, or in my physical life. (Aside from being married to one.)
It wasn’t until after I was retired that I began to associate with large numbers of beautiful girls. From my work office being surrounded by K-POP, and C-POP dance teams, to my many female friends, and various work relationships. The ratio of pretty girls to men is about 20 to one in my work building. (Far, far better than what I had during my university days.) LOL.
Where I live, I am surrounded by all sorts of girls that do their best to fit into the C-Pop and J-Pop culture. I do really enjoy watching them dancing.
No. They were not the same girls that I entered the portal with, but they are all too similar (in type) to dismiss straight out of hand.
Why publish on the internet?
Why did you write this as an internet blog? Why not just simply write a book or two and be done with it?
I suggest you write your own book. This manuscript was written by myself, and I chose this format for my own reasons.
Why talk like you do?
Why do you talk about girls, dating, sex, and penises? I mean it is all over your manuscript, from the moment you entered MAJestic until you describe your current life. Why?
Ah, now to be fair, I also talk about glorious beer served ice cold and a fine sandwich or hamburger. I would love to ramble on about delicious tomatoes and how to grow the best sweetest kinds. I would also like to learn how to make home-made refried beans, and to share some chili recipes.
I also like wine.
And do not get me started on the joys and terrors of having dogs and cats. Those little guys are such a big part of my life.
Here’s a big pink penis. What do ya think? I think it’s glorious.
If you saw a massive, pink penis being carried down the street by hundreds of people, you’d be forgiven for thinking… actually we have no idea what the first thing to spring to your mind would be. But, if you did witness a massive pink penis being carried down the street yesterday, then you’d probably stumbled across Kanamara Matsuri, Japan’s annual penis festival – known locally as the ‘Festival of the Steel Phallus’. Of course.
The festival happens every year on the first Sunday of April, and is held in the Japanese city of Kawasaki. After the lighting of the sacred flame at the Kanayama shrine, a giant pink penis altar is carried around the city in a huge procession.
There’s also penis-shaped sweets, illustrations and carved vegetables as part of the event. Visitors can also buy small penis-shaped souvenirs, which they’re encouraged to rub on a large cast-iron sculpture of a vagina and a pair of legs for good luck. Which couldn’t sound more normal. It’s a tradition that dates back as far as Japan’s Edo Period in the 16th century and originally the festival centered around a local penis-venerating shrine, which was popular with prostitutes who would pray to it for protection from STIs.
The penis altar is also said to help provide marriage harmony and – bizarrely – business protection. These days, the festival is used to raise money for HIV research and it’s become a massive tourist attraction with thousands of people coming from all over to marvel at the penisy splendor of the whole thing.
Sex is an inherent biological motivator. Men will do almost anything to attract the opposite sex, and would likely do anything in their power to procure sexual liaisons with a girl. This is a pretty much well-known fact. (That is, unless they are not a homosexual or sexual deviant of some type. )
It is the understanding of this fact that made Hugh Hefner wealthy. It is the understanding of this fact that made pharmacy companies incredibly wealthy selling Viagra.
Delicious penises on a stick. Women make chocolate covered bananas shaped as phalluses during Honen-sai, a fertility festival at Tagata Shrine in Komaki, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The traditional Shinto festival celebrates fertility and a bountiful harvest. The principal offering during the festival is a large wooden phallus. Each year a craftsman carves a new phallus from a Japanese cypress tree. It measures almost 2.4 meters (13 feet) long and weights 280kg (620 pounds).
It is the understanding of this basic fact that creates the situation for high-priced escorts and business KTV’s and clubs.
When guys get together, we make fun of sex, and joke about penises. We talk about all kinds of things, just like girls do. However, if you go into “mixed company”, the subject matter is usually not discussed at all. This is true all over the world. Guys talk among other guys about certain things that they won’t talk to gals about.
"Mixed Company" = Men and women together in a group.
Using the “carrot and stick” approach, MAJestic was able to manipulate my brain to motivate me to do certain things and behave in certain ways. I think that is why they had me, and the gals, fill out such a personal questionnaire when I first joined MAJestic.
Per my questionnaire, I like big-boobed chesty women with an oval face, dark hair, and a big charming smile. I like green to brown eyes. Now this is just me, and this is what was programmed in the equipment at NAS NASC.
"Carrot and stick method" = American idiom. A motivational tactic that uses a reward and punishment system to encourage improved performance or behavior.
Seriously, if you (the reader) had the ability to motivate a crew of men to do certain tasks, would not (guaranteed) sex with a hot super-attractive girl be great? Wouldn’t it be a GREATER motivating method than a pen with some kind of conventional work-related motivational saying?
Or are you so shallow that your would prefer the motivational pen?
(You know, like I once got for earning a couple of million dollars for the company. It said “Success is a way of life.” I got the pen, and the CEO bought a brand new Mercedes Benz.)
Motivational pen. There are some people that believe that people are inherently self motivated. All you need to do is to remind them of their obligations. This can be in the form of a pen, or a wall poster showing a kitten hanging onto a lamp shade, or a picture of a beautiful mountain sunset with words of inspiration. I disagree. I think that that is all bullshit.
Be honest now.
Or course, I wrote all these posts as if I were talking to one of my best friends. I just lay it all out, without fear, and not afraid of offending anyone. So I talk about things that most “polite company” would never broach. Sex is a part of my life. I was born with a penis and am going to die with one as well. As a man, I act and talk manly about things that interest men.
I like cars. I like technology. I like food. I like pretty girls. I like drinking delicious wine, and singing. I like getting dressed up and going out on the town. I like to sing Country and Western music, and playing with my dogs and cats. It’s just me, but I am very happy just being me.
I have this routine that when I arrive home, my dog brings his little stuffed bone to me. I then pick it up and throw it for him to go run and get. Yet, I also add a twist. I pretend that I cannot find him. He’s out beside himself trying to say to me “Here I am! Here I am!” and then I throw it for him to go and fetch. Good times. Good times.
Oh, and boy oh boy, does he get upset when we go and wash his soft stuffed toy bone. He carries on so.
The primary motivator for men is sex. This is a common truth that progressive revisionists want to bury behind the new LGBT fantasy. Nonsense, all men love, desire, need and work towards sex.
I am not a woman. I do not know what motivates them. I just know what motivates men.
Here’s what motivates me…
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Motivational girl #1.
Oval face. Long dark hair. Brown or green eyes. Nice rack. And OMG what a smile! Check… check… check…
I what do know is what motivates myself, my friends and my business associates. I know what men like, and what they don’t like. Oh, yes, maybe we all have our various different tastes, most men that I know would be very happy to have the opportunity to meet (and just talk – nothing else) any of these following girls.
And if there is a “connection” who knows… It’s what drives men to accomplish things.
Motivational Girl #2
Oval face. Long dark hair. Brown or green eyes. Nice rack. Soft and nice and sweet. Check… check… check…
Hopefully one of these girls might strike a bone with the readers to help illustrate my point.
Aren’t you just a sicko who are constantly on the hunt for sex?
No, I am just an average man. We all are motivated by sex. Surprise!
(Though many of us are disgusted by the pretend “male feminists” who claim that they would never behave like a man. They do this so that they can procure women and sex by showing a disingenuous face that they believe would appeal to women. Cowards. They are just actors.)
Motivational Girl #3
Oval face. Brown eyes. Chesty. Long dark hair and an OMG smile! This is my personal ideal.
Now, there are real sime-balls out there. No doubt. These guys would take on predatory behavior, target a girl (or a guy) and harm them terribly.
I have seen stories, on the Internet, about “mongrels” who go on sex trips to have sex with as many prostitutes as possible. Usually this is in Mexico, the Philippines and Thailand.
That is not exactly my “cup of tea”.
American idiom that means “Not something one prefers, desires, enjoys, or cares about.”.
Diversity of sexual liaisons could be quite enjoyable when mixed with singing and booze, but I am not as keen on this as I should be. When you get older, some things that you enjoyed as a youth becomes less important. I’m far removed from the realities of these self-centered lifestyles.
There are also some youthful studs who write on the Internet proclaiming that they work at procuring sex all the time and they do it in places such as Vietnam, et al. They claim ridiculous numbers like 300 hook-ups a year. Give me a break!
In reality, the things that they are saying do not match up with the number of times they go to the hospital for STD's. If you have that much sex with strangers you WILL have a doctor on call, and his business card in your wallet.
Motivational Girl #4
Here’s another girl. Can you see why I think that she is attractive?
By the way, if you date ten girls and can’t find one that you would want to have a repeat date with, then you are a real sorry shit.
If you meet 300 girls and are absolutely unable to find one that would want to spend some long-term relationships with you then you must be an absolutely horribly disfigured person AND have the personality of a trashcan.
I know many plain guys that have managed long-term relationships with meeting just one girl. What I know from my own experience, is that when I am with a girl, the truth is that most of the time they want to come back for more.
They want friendship, commitment, courtesy and respect. Gawd, if you can’t have solid relationships after a handful of dates then truly you are a sorry sorry person.
You are going to have sex with a different girl each day, who are not prostitutes, and you don’t have a job or a source of income and can’t speak the language. Yeah, there are idiots that believe this nonsense.
My point is along the lines of why would anyone WANT to write such
nonsense (I don’t believe it at all) if it wasn’t for the need to associate
sexual procurement with personal ego. Bingo!
That is the point in all of this; a man’s ego is tied directly to his ability to procure sex. You get rich, and are a man of “means”, and then you can get all the sex you want. Yeah, if you are famous. Yes, if you have made a successful business, or are a wealthy and powerful politician…yes you can get sex, and yes, you will have an ego to match it.
Motivational Girl #5
Here’s yet another gal. Right along my speed. Different personality, yet the same archetype. Love it!
Sex is MORE than just a biological necessity. It is a motivating factor in men’s behaviors, and the control of it is a direct path to the control of that man. That is how many “secret” organizations control their members. It is one of the ways that MAJestic controls us.
Now, I do know that the world is filled with different kinds of people, and that there are different motivations for the fraction, of a fraction, of a fraction of a percent that have serious gender identity issues. For those rare few, I offer this to titillate…
Hot guys being attractive to other men.
Fighting, battles and Hollywood…
Were you ever involved in actual battle, defense or fighting?
I never participated in any kind of military action. I never shot at anyone either through a computer interface, or physically. Aside from training “shake and bakes” in my Navy days, I was never involved in anything like what you would find in Hollywood.
I never recognized any kind of enemy, whether it was terrestrial or extraterrestrial.
I hated my retirement. It sucked.
How sure are you that all MAJestic members are retired as sex offenders?
I am very confident that this is the case for the bulk of the implanted membership. Certainly those in the highest levels are retired in other manners.
For me, my entire MAJestic cell was retired as sex offenders.
However, the reader might not take my word for it. You can just ignore my statements and say that it was “just a coincidence” that my entire three-man MAJestic cell was retired that way. You can say that it was just a coincidence that we were all retired in Arkansas, at the same facility, during the same month exactly thirty years after joining MAJestic.
It’s just a coincidence.
Where are all those extraterrestrials?
Why do you think that no one has ever seen an extraterrestrial?
I don’t know what you are talking about. I have seen them numerous times.
Remote Viewing
Were you ever involved in Remote Viewing?
No. Though for a lark after reading a few books on the subject, I tried it alone by myself. I was pretty much unsuccessful as far as I could tell.
For a while, I believed that Remote Viewing is a “power” or ability that one can obtain through training and practice. I still believe that.
However, I had previously considered the idea that the “rolling of snake eyes” over and over again (a reference to an event that I had in my early days once I was discharged from the Navy) was a manifestation of some sort of enhanced ESP on my part.
There was an "event" at a keg party after I was discharged from the Navy. I attended a party and everyone was playing backgammon. I started rolling "snake eyes". We were all drinking, and after about the sixth time I rolled "snake eyes" everyone wanted to see how many I could roll. It was an enormous and unlikely number, way, way over 75 times.
I've tried to replicate this event, but have been unsuccessful. I used to think that it was due to some kind of special ESP or PSI ability that I had "somehow" picked up somewhere.
Today, I do not believe this at all.
The exercise in the “rolling of snake eyes” was simply a subconscious slide that I did on my own before I had obtained any kind of training.
These probes connected me with an entity (the drone pilot) that possessed a soul that was capable of inter-dimensional travel and understanding. Any “carry-over” skills that I have or would obtain from it, would simply be a characteristic of my entanglement with that entity.
It would not be part of any kind of enhanced ESP ability.
That being stated, everyone has an inherent ESP ability. It lies latent simply because we as children are taught to ignore the elements related to ESP.
Now, earlier in my writings I alluded to the point that those of us so implanted had an improved ESP ability. It is not, and I do mean NOT, because of the probes themselves, but rather because the entanglement has forced us to think and use our minds in other manners.
These other manners are “friendly” to improving one’s ESP ability. Thus, those implanted will have a better ESP ability than before they were implanted.
It’s sort of how the longer you drive a car, the better you get at driving.
What is ESP actually?
There are many kinds of ESP.
Essentially, ESP is nothing less than a portion of entangled quanta associated (shared) with the consciousness.
As such, this portion can manifest as a wave while consciousness maintains particle behaviors.
When it is a wave it can access the non-physical reality that surrounds our physical reality. There, it can access entire histories and thoughts associated with objects and people within a given reality. If the reader were to take the time to study different manifestations of this aspect, they will be able to see how clearly ESP manifests.
Precognition – The ability to see into the future.
Retrocognition – The ability to see into the distant past.
Clairvoyance – The ability to see events without being physically present.
Mediumship – The ability to communicate with spiritual world and talk to the deceased.
Clairsentience – The ability to feel the emotions of others.
Clairaudience – The ability to receive messages and information through “psychic hearing”.
Telepathy – The ability to read the minds of others and know what they’re thinking.
Clairalience – The ability to get psychic impressions from the sense of smell.
Clairgustance – The paranormal ability to taste a substance without putting it in mouth.
I believe that a human can be taught how to improve and actuate their latent ESP ability. Though, some people are “naturals” in this regard.
Precognition refers to the ability to see the future. Though the scientific community generally rejects precognition because of the lack of demonstration, many scientific explanations are available to explain it. Experiments conducted by the Parapsychology Laboratory at Duke University show the human mind has a habit along with the ability to subconsciously predict an outcome of events by judging current circumstances. Such predictions, if they later become true, are then related to precognition.
Retrocognition refers to the ability to see in the distant past. It can be as simple as recognizing a place, or a person, or somehow knowing what happened in a certain situation one had nothing to do with at the time it took place. When someone experiences déjà vu, it could be a simple instance of retrocognition.
Telepathy refers to the ability to read and other persons thoughts. Telepathy allows a person to communicate with one or more people using their mind and no other sensory input. Recently there are some articles that seem to indicate that certain tests has proven this ability in dogs and cats.
Clairvoyance refers to the ability to see objects or events that are happening to someone else. Similar to telepathy, clairvoyance refers to the ability to gain knowledge about a person, event, or thing without sensory input. Though typically thought to be strongest during meditation, many psychics can get information about the past, present, and future in a variety of non-meditative environments.
Clairaudience refers the ability to hear objects or events that are happening to someone else, without any other additional sensory information. Like clairvoyance, clairaudience is thought to be strongest during meditation, however many clairaudients can obtain information in a variety of environments.
Clairsentience refers to the ability to perceive a feeling throughout the whole body, without any stimulation related to the feeling or information. Some people with this ability may also be considered clairempaths as they can physically tune into other peoples, places, or animals’ emotional experiences. This is considered a type of telepathy that allows emotions to be felt.
Mediumship refers to the ability to communicate with the dead by channeling their spirits. Personally, I am very skeptical about this. It certainly tends to be used in more than just a few scams. I cannot find the utility relative to consciousness application. But, what do I know?
A secondary form of ESP, clairaliencerefers to the psychic ability to smell. While all humans have the ability to smell, this type of ESP refers to aromas that are not detected by everyone else.
Another secondary form of ESP, clairgustance refers to the ability to taste. While all humans have the ability to taste, this type of ESP refers to the ability to taste without putting anything in the mouth. It is thought that those who have this ability can perceive the essence of a particular substance from the spiritual realms through taste.
Jay Treaty
What do you know about the “Jay Treaty”?
Nothing. However, I do know what the reference is towards. There are a series of “time travel” related videos posted on You-Tube that refer to the “Jay treaty” in a mysterious manner. The production value of the videos is ok, but the content is lacking.
Personally, I think the entire series of videos and all the “cloak and dagger” nonsense regarding the Jay Treaty and historical changes are all nonsensical.
If it happened, so what?
You are on this world-line now. If it didn’t happen, so what? It’s a hoax. Some young millennial with some basic video editing software and some time on their hands contrived to make a series of low budget videos.
It is all just nonsense.
At numerous FAQs for this part, let’s go and move on to the next part of this post which covers more questions and further commentary about my role within MAJestic.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are
posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic
and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I
really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really
wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies
were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only
conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain
secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part
of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I
was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super
special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I
try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
Influencer Questions
Here are posts
that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They
are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the
mysteries of the lives that we live.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts
are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line
travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person
has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different
world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are
posts that cover this topic.
John Titor Related Posts
person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to
utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the
past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple
posts in this regard.
They are;
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.