We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
When I was growing up, my father did his best to give me an education. And throughout this time, he repeatedly emphasized that my future depended on the type of job that I had, and the size of the company that employed me. Larger companies offered more opportunities than smaller companies, and the more education that I would have would provide two things for me. Firstly, they would increase the job pool that I could choose from, and secondly they would enable me to start off with a higher salary than others.
He meant well, and certainly that formula worked well for his generation, but my generation suddenly became the “disposable worker” generation and layoffs became more common than not, and no one ever ended up with a job for life. Couple that with my role in MAJestic, and it was really a dog-eat-dog survival life with more than enough highs and lows.
And what you want to do, as a parent, is to make sure that your children have it better than you. Maybe not necessarily easier, but certainly better; more opportunities, and a chance, a real honest-to-goodness chance that they will be able to make a life for themselves in a world that is subject to whims and changes beyond their control.
Well, I am in China. And the Chinese have seen dramatic changes in their lives over the last thirty years, and many generations of Chinese have sacrificed and existed in a situation where there just wasn’t much in the way of any opportunities. And so they remain cautious, but guarded, about their children.
And thus, knowing that the (proverbial) rug “could be pulled out from under their feet”, many middle-class Chinese do what ever they can to guarantee that their children are equipped with the kinds of skills to make it, and survive in a contentious and changing world. And while China (as a nation is secure and prosperous), things could change. And as such, no one is taking any chances.
The educational system in China is not only great, but absurdly so. Not only do elementary students learn Chinese languages, and history, but they learn English as well, and their entrance into university is predicated on their ability to speak and pass English qualification exams.
Which makes things very interesting, as I will often see children studying all the time, jut about everywhere. Couple that with secondary classes that their parents also provide for them. These other classes range from swimming to dancing, to archery, to martial arts and everything in between. Some go into robotics, while others study the arts. And with that in mind I would like to present some videos of Kindergarten to first grade Chinese students…
They are all zipped up in a small 30MB file. I think that you all will enjoy them.
These children are not the exception. They are the normal average. If America believes that it can compete against China then they will need to reconfigure the school curriculum towards STEM subjects, and less on the soft social and humanities. They will also need to be very serious about the environment hat they are raising the children within.
For a nation of “lone wolves” can never truly work together without fighting, squabbling, and performing uncharacteristically self-defeating behaviors.
Do you want more?
This article is going into the China vs. America comparisons index.
If you read the American (and Western) media today, you will discover that there are a number of long-running screeds regarding China, that play over and over, and over again.
For instance, China is filthy, the people are evil, they lie and cheat and steal, and they are oppressed by the evil communist regime. Etc, Etc. Well one of the narratives is exactly that; “the oppression” of the Chinese people.
Here we are going to talk about this “oppression”.
Here’s a nice little video that works to dispel that illusion. Keep in mind that oppressed people do not smile, laugh, and have fun. They tend to hide inside their homes, and spend the evenings alone watching television or playing games in front of video monitors. They avoid groups. They talk about having to defend themselves, and they justify their stance of defense to be “freedom” from “tyranny”.
You don’t see that in China.
You do see that in the United States, though.
Shanghai, China.
Improving the lives of the citizens
All governments will say that their first order of business is to improve the lives of their citizens.
Most of them will actually mean it. Some of them will work hard at it. But only a few will succeed in doing it.
We know that GDP numbers cannot accurately capture the totality of life.
But certainly we can see that the trend of GDP per capita can offer strong clues about whether things are looking better, or worse, over time.
Harvard Business Review issued this very interesting report, that I would recommend for a read: https://lnkd.in/gY4F6DP
Check out this video
Here’s the video.
And NO, it’s not me. This is a video blogger that travels the world and speaks better Chinese than I do. He has a vblog called JaYoeNation. He’s pretty good. LOL.
Take a spell and let it download. If it is taking too much time, you can click on THIS LINK and down load a zipped-file and watch the video directly. It’s pretty good. Please enjoy.
You have got to see the pictures and this video…
Do you want more?
I have more posts along these lines in my China vs. USA Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
This was so interesting for me to see, because I've experienced the same thing - people I know who have lived & worked there (China) have such a different view from those who haven't.
And if you talk positively about China in the US, you are viewed with skepticism at best, at worst - viewed as a traitor. Judged by people who have never been to China!
-Greg Reed
How to have a baby in China. This article discusses what it is like for a foreigner to have a baby inside of China and give it Chinese citizenship. If you do not want to give it Chinese citizenship then there are few other options available for you. The baby would be born within China and be a “stateless person”. It would be your responsibility to apply for citizenship at the nearest embassy or consulate.
Why not automatically make it American?
I cannot tell you, my dear reader, how many times people have asked me this. They ask “Why didn’t you give your Child American citizenship?” As if, suddenly the American citizenship would grant my child an automatic and wonderful life…
A sizable population of Americans are not working, and are instead being paid existence money. I want my children to be productive and make the world a better place as opposed to subsisting.
Hey! Have you been watching the United States lately?
But I will describe it in the simplist way possible.
Imagine three children;
Tom. Chinese born. Chinese citizen. Raised in China.
Dick. Chinese born. American citizen. Raised in China.
Harry. Chinese born. American citizen. Raised in America.
If you look at the three children, you can pretty much say that “Tom” represents most Chinese people. They are born in China of Chinese parents, and they attend Chinese schools, and have excellent opportunities within China.
Dick is the kind of child that a number of expats are faced with. As an expat, they come to China as part of a two or three year long duration package as part of a career move. They want their children to be raised where ever they live, but they want them to be American citizens to “enjoy” the rights and privileges of “being an American”.
Harry represents a scenario that many rich Chinese face. They want to move to America and raise their children as American citizens. So while the child might be born inside of China, they are raised in America as an American.
The Trade offs…
Well, most people reading this are neither native Chinese living in China (the “Tom” situation), nor a rich and wealthy Chinese who emigrated to China. (The “Harry” situation.) They are in the “Dick” situation.
And their question is simple.
Should the baby apply for Chinese citizenship or American (or other country) citizenship?
Well, to make the decision process easier, I have broken it down. Keep in mind that it is a far greater amount of work to make your baby a Chinese citizen than to make it an American citizen.
[1] Baby as a Chinese citizen…
You must follow the application procedures and be approved. The government will monitor the healthy of the baby and you must take tests and attend classes during the entire pregnancy.
Once the baby is born, it can attend Chinese schools, and be treated as a Chinese citizen even if one of it’s parents is non-Chinese. It gets social insurance, and placement in schools and the educational process.
When it grows up, it will have a “Family Register”, with a history, and be able to set up businesses within China. It will be subject to Chinese income tax which (for around 80% of citizens) is under 3% of the yearly income taken directly from the paycheck with no annual reporting requirements.
[2] Baby as a American citizen…
The baby can be birthed anywhere and no tests or procedures are required. However, it will not be granted a birth certificate. So the parents must work with the embassy before the birth to apply for citizenship. If you give birth, and do not have a birth certificate, you have until the baby is five years old before the difficulty in application process goes exponential.
Once the baby is approved and is an American (or other national), it can live pretty much like it’s expat parents, except…
It cannot go to most schools. Only Chinese students can go to the local school. It must go to an “approved” school that is permitted to take foreign students.
Can Foreigners Go to Primary or Secondary School in China?
While most international schools will only accept Chinese students who hold a foreign passport, Chinese public schools are required by law to accept children of legal foreign residents.
Admissions requirements vary but most schools require an admissions application, health records, passport, visa information, and previous school records. Some, like nurseries and kindergartens, require a birth certificate. Others require recommendation letters, assessments, on-campus interviews, entrance exams, and language requirements.
Students who cannot speak Mandarin are usually held back a few grades and usually start in first grade until their language skills improve. All classes except English are taught entirely in Chinese. Going to a local school in China has become a popular choice for expat families who live in China but can’t afford the high price of international schools.
The admissions materials at local schools are typically in Chinese and there’s little support for families and students who do not speak Chinese. Schools in Beijing that accept foreign students include Fangcaodi Primary School (芳草地小学) and The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China Beijing Ritan High School (人大附中).
There are over 70 schools approved by China’s Ministry of Education to provide foreign instruction. Unlike local children, foreigners must pay a yearly tuition which varies but starts at about 28,000RMB.
-What Is School in China Like
So your child has three options.
[1] If you live in a big city like Shanghai, Beijing, or Shenzhen, there is the possibility that an “approved” school will take in your child. Be prepared to pay a fee, and your child will probably need to go down a few grades until their Chinese language skills are improved.
[2] You child can be home schooled.
[3] Your child can attend “International Schools”. In China, the international schools are among the most expensive in the world with costs approaching $10,000 / month or 70,000 rmb/month.
Then once the baby gets older, it must obey American tax law where ever it lives. Which means that if the child decides to stay in China, it must pay both American taxes to the IRS as well as Chinese taxes. It will be double taxed for the rest of it’s life. This handicap MUST be taken into consideration in any calculus regarding the child’s future.
Things have mitigated somewhat for expats, but Americans do need to be careful and file yearly reports to the government. These requirements of reporting income, telling the American government what you do and why, and asking permission on how you handle financial affairs, whether it results in tax liabilities or not, are repugnant to a free person. It is up to you to decide if you want to saddle your child with this reporting nightmare.
Applying for Citizenship.
Most people assume that China is like their nation. That it has birth-right citizenship. You know, like America has. And that all you need to do is have sex, go to a hospital or even to a parking-lot, and have some witnesses that sign a birth certificate, and zoom! Your baby is a citizen.
Birthright citizenship is the legal principle that any person born on U.S. soil automatically becomes a citizen of the United States.
Birthright citizenship was established in 1868 by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and confirmed by the US Supreme Court in the 1898 case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark.
-Birthright Citizenship in the United States
Nope. China doesn’t have this. Not in the least. And that is a good thing. It helps mitigate if not eliminate entirely many of the ills that America is facing with unrestricted immigration, “birthright immigration” and a “welfare state”.
If you want your baby to become a citizen of China, you must apply.
In short, you need to go down to the local government office, and fill out the application form; “Application for a baby to become a Chinese citizen while still in the womb.” (Or something like that.)
The rules are very strict. You either meet them or you do not. There is no “wiggle room” for borderline cases.
To become a citizen in China, you need to have a [1] male father, a [2] female mother, and [3] one of the parents must be of Chinese ancestry. Further, you need to apply with these criteria, to the local government office, and be approved by them.
If they approve, then they will issue you with two books. (And they are books.) One is white and one is pink. You will use these books to record and monitor the baby health while in the womb.
Monitoring the prenatal growth of the fetus.
The local government watches and maintains records of the baby’s growth in the womb. They provide mandatory training sessions for the mother, and pay for the tests to make sure that the baby will not have any defects or any sort of retardation.
If the baby has a physical, or mental defect, you will have a problem.
In short, you will not be permitted to have the baby and obtain citizenship for it.
Yes. You can still have the baby if your really want to. It’s just that it will not be a Chinese baby.
However, you will [1] need to pay for all the medical care and support by yourself. It will be a great financial burden, and [2] it will not be a citizen. Which means additional headaches.
In short, the odds that a parent would want to continue and give birth to the baby once it was found to have a defect at some level, like an inherited illness, a genetic defect that might cause a mental or psychological disorder, or a physical disorder is very… very small.
During the entire nine months of pregnancy a series of tests must occur that includes bloodwork and exams of the mother, as well as scans of the baby in the womb.
In order to prevent termination of the embryo because it might not be of the preferred gender (typically male in remote rural areas, like the Xinjiang Muslim areas), strict rules are in place that keeps the baby gender unknown until the moment of birth. This goes through every test. Including the DNA test.
In the DNA test, a needle is inserted into the womb and extracts a DNA sample of the baby. It then goes to a lab and is studies for all sort of inherited or rare illnesses or unusually allergies that might be present in abnormal DNA. The DNA that determines whether it is a boy or a girl is intentionally blacked out so the parent is unable to see what sex the baby would be.
Birthing Hospital
While any hospital can give birth to a baby, the local government would prefer you to use a “birthing hospital”. This hospital deals in one thing… anything about giving birth from the moment of conception to post birth problems.
These are busy places.
They usually are part of a big, wide campus. And on that campus are various buildings for pre-birth training, and what to expect for young mothers. As well as traditional Chinese medicine services. (Which actually DO WORK.)
Story time…
When we were trying to get pregnant (my wife that is), we were having a difficult time at it. We used artificial insemination, and yet, we had four (x4) miscarriages. Yikes! It’s was not only totally and completely expensive but a roller-coaster ride of emotion. After the fourth miscarriage, we went to the head doctor who said that we were doing everything right, but it wasn’t working. So she had us go to the Chinese traditional doctor section.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
So we went to the “Traditional Chinese Medicine” wing of the sprawling hospital complex. We made an appointment with the doctor there.
The doctor sat her down. Looked at her hands. Looked at her mouth. Looked at her feet. Then studied her spine. After examining her, the doctor said “well, of course!” She explained. “Your womb is cold!” She elaborated. “You can never give birth if your womb is cold and not receptive. You need to make it warm”.
Now the terms “warm” and “cold” are not direct translations for the Chinese terms. For there are no English terms for what they were describing. But it was close enough.
So she had to make these terrible concoctions of drinks that she quaffed down. She was put on a strict diet of what she could eat and drink. She also had to perform a kind of smoke therapy with this “smoke box” that she put on her belly and burned these kinds of strange grasses and plants on top of it with.
After four months of this, the doctor looked at her tongue and hands, then examined her feet and said “ok, you are ready and ripe to have a baby”.
Then, we went and had another artificial insemination (her egg and my little guys) and it took! So yeah, nine months later we had a beautiful Chinese baby girl.
Nay-Sayers say that this was just coincidence. But nope. It’s not. This and other events have 100% convinced me of the benefits of Traditional Chinese medicine.
The paperwork was automatic. Not only did she get a birth certificate, but she was placed in the “Family Register”. This is a book that lists all the members of a given household.
The government has an entire operation and system for monitoring the growth and well-being of young children. That includes monitoring of the child’s growth and weight. A review of the condition of the mother and the family environment. As well as all inoculations.
This is tied together with the local police.
If you do not attend the training course, or the doctor visits, the police will call you up and ask you if everything is going ok. I am not taking about missing a few scheduled appointments. I am referring to missing one singular appointment.
The Chinese view the early development of children to be the future of society; the bedrock of the Chinese nation and culture, as well as important to the future health of the economy of the world.
Certain regions have this police interaction all automated, and in Wenzhou there is an APP that is a straight direct line to the local police.
Yes. The local police knows who your baby is and everything about your child. If you child is lost or disoriented, it can go into any police station and they will be able to find out who it is and where it lives. If a new child appears in any police districts, it is noticed. And thus added to the central database. Thus stolen or lost childen are quickly found and accounted for.
Buying a house so the child can attend school.
Free government schools do not exist in China.
The schools are all associated with the local communities. For your child to attend a local school in the neighborhood, you must own a house. Housing complexes have kindergarden, primary and middle schools attached.
Chinese children all get a primary and middle school public education. Each class averages 35 students. After middle school, parents must pay for public high school.
-What Is School in China Like
Now, unlike the USA, there are limits in house ownership. While it depends on the region, I can tell you that the limits for house ownership in Zhuhai, China are as follows…
Three house limit for the Father to own.
Three house limit for the Mother to own.
If the parent is a foreigner, then it is a two house limit.
The child is permitted to own no more than three houses.
Thus, a family of three (father, mother and baby) can own at most nine homes in Zhuhai, China.
Some notes.
Houses in China typically are part of enormous housing developments with schools and businesses set up in clusters.
Houses tend to be smaller than American houses.
Houses tend to be much more expensive than American houses.
In China property is not taxed. The Chinese believe that real freedom is the ability to own property, and real ownership of this means that it is free of taxiation and regulation.
Once you obtain a house, then your child can potentially attend the local school there. There is a criteria that is used for placement within the school, and it all revolves around your own personal family stability and social history.
Housing complex in Zhongshan China. The three schools are circled in red, and the central administration area for the local police, and government is circled in blue.
When I mention this to Americans the “knee jerk” reaction is to think that that most Chinese students then don’t attend school. Their reasoning is that since most Americans are either renters or paying a mortage, that this must be true in the rest of the world as well. But actually the exact opposite is true. Most Chinese people OWN their houses. Renting is what is typically done by unmarried couples, or people who have to work away from their homes.
Obtaining the certificate of motherhood.
In order to assure that your child is able to get a seat within a local school, you will need to meet certain criteria based on your roles, your work, your career, and your contribution to society. This is the much maligned “social credit scoring” that you hear so much about in the American media.
But it’s not really a bad thing. Just don’t be rude, a criminal, or disruptive. You can increase your social rating through community efforts, being helpful, and other means.
If you are a troublemaker with a history of scamming people, or polluting, or just being rude, your score will be lower than someone who isn’t.
If you participate in the riots in Hong Kong, for example, your social rating is now zero… forever.
If you pushed someone on the bus or had some kind of altercation, or just threw trash on the road and was filmed by a road cam in the process, you will have a reduction in your social rating.
Now, in order to guarantee high placement of your child in a local school you will need to take a class in being a mother. You will get a certificate, and that grade and the presence of the certificate will guarantee placement in the best classes of students in the best schools.
This class is a very comprehensive and difficult class that involves books, movies, first-hand class instruction and homework. You must get over a 90% to pass the class and obtain the certificate. My wife took the class, and it consists of two tests. The first being 1000 questions and the second being 300 questions.
The decision to have a child in China is a big one, but need not be frightening. China is a fair and just place that is well organized, if very large and populated. The key to your child’s health and well being lies with you. And the very first decision you should make is what citizenship should your child have.
In this case, do you want Chinese or American citizenship?
American citizens get to have all sort of free stuff, like free healthcare, free food, and free housing. While in China, the citizens must work or die.
As an American citizen, I chose Chinese citizenship for my children. I see China in 2040 bigger, stronger, happier and better in just about every way compared to a 2040 America. But that is just me. Many others disagree with me, and believe the opposite; that America is the best, always was and always will be.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
Americans are constantly reinforced how dark and gloomy the rest of the world is. They are told that America must fight wars all over the globe to “free people” from the evils of Communism, and “to spread democracy” and the “American way of life”. It’s all a big nasty lie. The rest of the world is doing just fine thank you. And Americans need to straighten up, get their collective shit together and stop putting their nose in everyone else’s’ business.
This post consists of some videos from the rest of the world. And no, it doesn’t look like a “save the children” commercial either. People are living life, having fun and just enjoying themselves. They are not probed, monitored, reported on, and over taxed. They are doing just fine. And we are going to have some glimpses into their lives right about now.
Meanwhile in America
Ah. The Drudge Report offers us a snapshot of how America is doing. It’s a fucking mess, I’ll tell you what.
I know that change is a normal art of life, but man….
And yet, if you go on American social media it’s still the same old narrative. America is so fantastic and so wonderful and so great that it must be the “will of God”, and all the rest of the world is evil. America needs to get involved and “teach them lessons”.
Today, Sen. Ernst says, we face a different supply chain threat: China.
"We rely on communist China for far too much," she explains.
She hasn't only been talking about the Chinese threat. Sen. Ernst recently wrote a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in which she stressed that the U.S. must be more aggressive toward China, particularly after the communist regime's mishandling and cover-up of the coronavirus. China's role in the pandemic resulted in the loss of thousands of American lives, as well as devastating economic consequences.
-Joni Ernst Focuses on China in First TV Ad of the Year
Oh Fucking Brother!
"...the communist regime's mishandling and cover-up of the coronavirus..."
Please give me a fucking break.
The videos of people dying all over China during CNY were everywhere. I myself have collected thousands. And while this was going on, you had President Trump telling everyone that "nothing is going on", and that you don't need to wear a mask. The idea that there was some sort of coverup is just political theater.
What “mishandling”?
Six days after discovery, everything went public and under lock-down. If anyone is mishandling anything it is the idiots running the United States right now.
America is in bad shape. And the general “rule of thumb” (historically) is to claim some foreign threat. Then launch a war, claiming that it’s all in “self-defense”. Right now, the build up is all against China.
But if Trump loses the election, the build up will be redirected against Russia.
And if so, then it looks like the John Tutor narrative will really start to have some legs...
… Nuclear War.
But of course, the PTB, the Oligarchy aren’t thinking this. They just simply cannot envision a life where they are not inside their nice comfortable homes living life and sipping tea while fondling with their pearl necklaces. They cannot envision major change on the order of Genghis Khan level disruptions.
Instead, they are pushing the same, tired old, narrative…
Export “democracy” to the rest of the world so that they can be as fantastically wonderful as Americans are, with all those American “freedoms”!
American freedoms in action. Let’s export this to the rest of the world! Woo woo!
Let me tell you’se guys. The rest of the world doesn’t want any “American exceptionalism”. They just wish to be left alone, and the dearly wish that America would just “go away”.
Because the are NOT suffering. They are NOT some starving village out of a “Save the Children” commercial. And most people are very, very far removed to that 0.0003% of people who live in the elitist bubble in Washington DC where stocks, bonds and public manipulation are the norm.
They are having fun.
They are living life.
Having fun like everyone used to back in the day, in America before all those progressive “improvements”.
Here's some glimpses into the rest of the world. The images are from South East Asia. This includes Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Burma. Now, there is a lot of cultural back-and-forth going on in these areas, so there is a chance that I am mixing up a few regions with nearby societies. lease excuse the mistakes if appropriate.
Burma Music Video
Most Americans don’t know where Myanmar is.
It’s a small nation West of Thailand. It’s relatively poor, but peaceful. The only time most Americans hear about it has to do with some military excursion one way or the other. Then suddenly the news is plastered with buzz-words and trigger phrases. You know the drill “democracy”, “military junta”, “regime” and “communist”.
But aside from that, Americans are kept ignorant.
Myanmar map.
Americans just do not care.
“Out of sight is out of mind” as we all used to say.
At most, Americans might look at the news and see what constitutes as a video portrayal of events and daydream of starting a KFC franchise, introducing those “poor starving people” to ATM machines, and American social media. Not realizing of course, that they already have all of this. Each and every bit, only under their terms. Not under the oppressive terms of the iron-fisted American empire.
Here’s what it’s really like.
This is what the rest of the world is like.
And while you Americans were out having a BBQ with some chicken, some hamburgers, bags of potato chips, and watermelon, this is what other people were doing. While you were flying the red, white and blue flag on your porch, and drinking some fine Budweiser beer or PBR. Only…
…they didn’t need an official government holiday to do it. They just went out and lived life. Because for the rest of the world, just about every day is a holiday.
Check out this (partial) MV video from Burma…
Burma music video.
Ah it’s one of my favorites.
Now for some bad news…
Political Islam against China
by Thierry Meyssan
You are probably aware that you are incompletely informed about what is brewing in Myanmar, and you probably haven’t heard about the military coalition that is preparing to attack that country. And yet, as Thierry Meyssan reveals here, these current events have been in preparation by Riyadh and Washington since 2013. Don’t take sides before you read this article and digest the information.
All in the name of “freedom” and “democracy”…
But, take a gander. Do these people seem to need “democracy”, or “The American way of life”, or “American exceptionalism” that Donald Trump so loudly proclaim?
DO you really think that they want ANYTHING that America exports right now?
Do they look like they eat a lot of McDonald’s hamburgers, are all worked up and stressed about the IRS reporting dates, the up coming November elections, the new laws on social distancing on beaches or fishing? Nope. They are not. Because that nightmare world that all Americans live within is far, far removed for the lifestyle, and the societies of the rest of the world.
Thirteen years ago my life changed forever.
Colin Powell, then US Secretary of State and the most credible person in George W. Bush’s cabinet, made the case for war in Iraq on February 5, 2003.
As a young military intelligence officer at the time, watching from a makeshift army base in Kuwait not far from the Iraq border.
Back then I was a true believer, trusting that the government was a force for good “making the world safe for democracy. . .”
But that night it all changed.
Powell told the world unequivocally that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, an assertion that history has proven categorically wrong.
But within the intelligence community, many people knew the appalling truth immediately.
That night it became clear to me that the government was lying and that the whole case for war was being fabricated.
It was crushing, like finding out everything I’d been told throughout my life was total bullshit.
So for the first time, I broke out of the spell and began questioning. Everything.
I started learning about the extraordinary political power of the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about.
That led me to the fraud of many previous wars going as far as the Mexican War in 1845, one deeply criticized by Abraham Lincoln himself.
That led me to the Constitution, to which all military officers swear an oath to support and defend…
… and it surely didn’t seem like supporting or defending the Constitution in waging an ill-conceived, illegal war.
Needless to say I couldn’t talk to my professional colleagues. Everyone was so gung-ho, I felt like an outcast.
When I returned home, things didn’t improve.
While I was away the country had noticeably turned into a police state.
Yet people seemed oblivious to the change, drinking in the propaganda like a spiked punch bowl.
All the loud, bombastic nonsense and pledges of allegiance were merely illusions masking modern day serfdom.
-Simon Black
And now, well America is really knee-deep in shit. And it desperately needs a major military conflict for the PTB to stay in control and they are all “chomping at the bit” to make it happen.
It’s terrifying.
Yes. I know. I am in a “safe place”. And I know that change is going to happen. But, you all do know that I want peaceful change. Not violent change. And these elitists sitting in Washington DC are just delusional. On both sides of the isle. They do not know what they are asking, and the result will NOT be what they expect.
Did the starvation of China work? How about the mass riots in Hong Kong? What about the UN going against the Uighur “concentration camps” (nonsensical, but still) or of course the COVID-19 bioweapons attack against China on the CNY eve 2020? How did it all pan out.?
Do you all somehow think that a war with a major power is going to be a “walk in the park”?
The United States needs to leave the rest of the world alone.
It needs to concentrate on it’s own problems and start fixing things.
No one believes the United States any longer. All the masks of self-righteous truth and Godliness has been stripped away to expose the evil dark underneath.
Instead of filling their own pockets and letting the rest of the nation suffer. And that is what is going on right now. Those trillions of dollar bailouts are not going tot he citizens. They are, instead, going to the politically connected and the cronies that support the PTB. This is not good…
The rest of the world is living life. Having fun. Chilling.
Let’s go to Thailand.
Local Thailand Music
Of course, in Thailand you can hear classic American Rock blaring from the bars and nightclubs, but if you listen carefully and go outside the tourist areas you can find real genuine local music. And it’s all pretty darn cool.
One of the most curious things that fascinated me is that the local music, and the styles all tended to resemble the hotter sections of Southern Mexico. And I am not the first to notice it.
A curious new trend has emerged in Bangkok, where young Thai men are identifying as “Mexican gangsters.”
On the outside, many of these Thais resemble the Cholos who inspire them. Their clothes, tattoos, and hairstyles emulate those sported by real homies.
What became clear is that the Thai obsession with these groups is simply an appreciation of their aesthetic. All of the men we spoke with were captivated by “the clean and simple style” that “worked well in this (Thai) weather,” as one gang member said.
So while they might appear and look like Mexican gangsters, they really emulate their style and appearance. As they both have a similar build / stature, a similar family lifestyle, a similar society, and similar weather. One should not, however, think that they aren’t able to handle themselves were “push comes to shove”. Thailand is the land of “kick boxing” and they do not play.
I dont know about the clothes but on a hand to hand combat fight my moneys on the thai boys!
They would kick their ass in about 2 seconds with that martial arts shit!
As for the idiot who wondered wtf this story got to do with anything? Get the f**k outta here! U need a change of pace sometimes!
I saw a little woman from thailand once bring a grownass man to the floor with a damn broom handle once honest! If i hadnt seen it myself i wouldnt have believed it!
I was like dayuum!
March 20, 2014 at 11:19 PM
Perhaps what most separates the Thais from the Mexicans they imitate is that almost all of them hold innocuous 9-5s as teachers, policemen and bureaucrats. Many are family men, and some admitted to consulting their wives before getting certain tattoos.
Thailand Music Video
In a nutshell, this is a brotherhood of style-conscious men who bond over baggy white shirts and gothic-baroque tattoos.
That’s not to say that the Thais don’t have an understanding of the fierce take-no-shit Cholo attitude. Thanks to Youtube and movies they’re very much aware of that culture’s hyper-aggressiveness and machismo. One Balcony Pain gang member – Mr. Shiro Local – bared his inner gangster to us when he rapped a few lines from an original song he had written called “Fuck the Popo” in which he compared corrupt Thai police to parasites in his scrotum.
Such outright vitriol is rarely directed towards people in authority in Thailand, where the dominant culture is one of extreme deference towards the powerful. Yet, you’d be hard pressed to find Thais who disagree with Mr. Local’s assessment of Bangkok’s cops. Perhaps a little more Mexican gangstah chutzpah is exactly what Thailand needs.
Just some local Thai men being themselves and living life.
Nice. Eh?
Local societies doing local things. People living life.
Good. Right?
Not everyone thinks so…
Trump, Pompeo and Bolton.
Now all this is going on while the PTB and the Oligarchy are moving military forces around the world. Both the American and English forces are moving in preparation for the World War that America so desperately needs…
What this article in fact announces is the state of war between the Anglo-American Empire and the PRC which with characteristic euphemism is called "hybrid".
https://www.ft.com/content/20910e6d-5ae7-4026-aaee-947e22c3dd60"Britain’s armed forces pivot east to face growing China threat
Security and defence review dominated by ways to counter Beijing’s hybrid warfare"
The FT as a mouthpiece of the Establishment is announcing that the conventional warfare elements are being mobilised as cover for covert operations already in progress for at least 18 months.
By placing visible assets near the "front" any PRC responses to covert action can be dressed as provocations justifying selective escalation.
Since the AAE is aware that it is unable to challenge PLAN elements in Chinese territorial waters or EEZ, these naval elements serve to inhibit or disrupt maritime traffic toward or from China.
The preoccupation with repeated instances of viral infection not only consume resources but reinforce the negative public image of the PRC and force its "self-isolation".
Since at the same time the promoters of the "pandemic" are determined to drive Trump out of office at all costs, both to restore control over the W**** House and hence the state bureaucracy and to continue the rollout against China and Russia unobstructed, there is little reason to expect any change in the WHO status before December.
By that time the scale of basic economic disaster will require the draconian "public health (in fact policing) measures" on a far more coordinated scale than at present is apparent.
We are going through what might best be called an indoctrination phase. This is a shift from overt criminal policing or political repression to a general "health and safety" doctrine- already well anchored in Britain and the US (the white dominions).
My gut feeling is that the protests in the US are in fact a managed "watertight integrity" test. The natural anger and opposition to all sorts of real and imagined injustice is being selectively detonated. This will starve the real opposition of the "oxygen" it needs to resist the next phase of suppression.
It would be nice to think that it is all more chaotic and less subject to management than I describe above. However, I see little cause for optimism of this sort.
Dr. T. P. Wilkinson
I know that it is depressing. It’s like you have this really nice calm life. It’s fine and tranquil and then suddenly American planes zoom overhead and release a fireball that completely wipes out your small village.
Americans spreading “democracy”.
Like what happened in Panama…
In Libya…
In Afghanistan, Syria…
And many, many other places…
Syria before and after America spread “democracy” and let them have a fine taste of American “freedom”.
Hey! I know it’s depressing.
You want to know what’s even more depressing?
It’s that any attack on China or Russia will end up with nuclear attacks on American soil. And yet somehow, somehow and in some crazy way, the American and British PTB Oligarchy leadership doesn’t think that this will happen. Thinking that a war with China will be limited to conventional weapons in the South China Sea is absolutely foolish.
What is the matter with these people?
It will not be limited to conventional weapons.
It will not be limited to the South China Sea.
Don’t they realize that on the grand scale of things that you just cannot move about… being a destroyer of things and NOT have some “flash back”?
Look at these videos.
America is a bubble of insanity.
Has anyone seen this from Rod Campbell of Australia Institute? He claims thousands of bot accounts controlled by US government spread the Wuhan bioweapons narrative nearly 5 million times in the first half of 2020:
The life of the people in the rest of the world is…
People… the rest of the world is not like this. The rest of the world is normal and doing well. The rest of the world is living life and having fun. They are not in the same kind of extremes that Americans are enduring.
It is like night…
… and day.
Having fun at the clubs in Thailand.
They are not living in this bubble of extreme freak-out that exists within the USA today. They are innocents. They are just minding their own business. And when the brave American bombs start dropping, there will be a response…
… you want to avoid the areas where the response(s) will end up.
Come on…
Look at the rest of the world.
What about life in Cambodia?
How about checking things out there…eh?
America Needs a War
As I am trying to make the point, I want you the reader to pay attention and listen. It’s simple really.
Americans are living within a “bubble”.
The rest of the world lies outside this “bubble”.
They are happy, doing well, and want to be left alone. They are now protected with strong military alliances with peer-capable weapons, serious and powerful leadership, and an understanding of the stakes and the evils of the American Military Empire as it exists today.
America needs a war. It is the only technique remaining in the arsenal of control that will allow the United States to stay coherent and not break apart through internal division.
The severity of the internal American discord is an indicator of how serious the projected war that America wants…
…and the rest of the world is aware of this.
If you all think that the Chinese, and the Russians are going to sit back and allow the America to go initiate a global war to preserve their control over the rapidly crumbling American structure…
…you are sadly mistaken.
Right now, and keep this in mind… China is STILL at DEFCON ONE. Last week they just called up all of the national reservists. All of them. (What? You didn’t see this in the American or Western press did you?) If you think that China is going to permit the five aircraft (2 + 3 = 5) carriers heading to China right now, and the two invasion flotillas to be a threat, you are crazy.
Do not think that the rest of the world is going to sit back and pretend that nothing is going on? Don’t be silly. The leadership of both China and Russia are experts that obtained their positions through merit. Not though some diversity checklist and under-the-table bribes.
…In Cambodia.
Party Time in Cambodia
It’s “party time”. There, just like it used to be in America, people would customize their vehicles and make them into mobile party-centers. Then all they would need to do is go to an empty parking lot and have a good time. Sort of like this…
Cambodian Music Video
The rest of the world is just having fun. They are just enjoying themselves. There’s nothing wrong with that.
But, you would never know that this was going on from reading the American news…
To Americans within their own bubble, they are convinced that they are “special”, and “wonderful”, and all is “great”.
How could they get this kind of idea?
It’s because it has been drummed into them ever since they first started attending school, and getting participation trophies for showing up.
I’ve got news for everyone.
Americans are NOT special. In fact, most aren’t really functional at the most basic level. The PTB realize this, and many people are starting to wake up to this frightening situation.
Here’s one…
The following is the full text of an article titled “RAW TRUTH: Why 97% of lives really DON’T matter at all to the future of humanity” by Mike Adams. It was found on Natural News and all credit to the Author.
The opinions are of the author and not necessairly that of Metallicman. So please take advisements. Realize that there are changes and you need to be a participant or else you will be flushed down the drain with the rest. Be advised.
Aside from that. Realize that other people are starting to "wake up" and look around...
RAW TRUTH: Why 97% of lives really DON’T matter at all to the future of humanity
(Natural News) The mantra of “Black Lives Matter” has been pounded into our heads 24 hours a day, and we’re told it’s an enlightened, progressive statement while anyone who claims “White lives matter” is somehow a racist bigot. Even worse, those who utter “ALL lives matter” are now threatened with being killed by this Harvard graduate, and people are being fired from their jobs for claiming “all lives matter.”
In truth, almost no lives really matter to the future of humanity, and that’s because roughly 97% of the people are oblivious, clueless consumers who are doing absolutely nothing to help secure a legacy of truth and freedom for future generations.
If you are sitting on your ass, watching The View and devouring Weight Watchers donuts as you allow the TV to fill your brain with mush, your life actually doesn’t matter. If you were to cease to exist, nothing about the future of human history would change one iota.
If you are still watching CNN and predominantly using Facebook, Twitter and Google because you don’t realize all the voices of truth have been banned by the authoritarian Left, your life probably doesn’t matter. You are nothing but a mind puppet of the globalist-run corporate propagandists (Big Tech and Big Media).
If you conform to the insane demands of the progressive left-wing fascists because you cower in fear over being “cancelled,” your life doesn’t matter, either.
If you’re not standing up against the lunatic left-wing mob to defend logic, reason and rationality, your existence really doesn’t matter. You aren’t changing history; you’re being used as a “useful idiot” to help achieve the aims of the anti-human globalists who despise human populations.
If you’re not fighting for the right to speak, the right to disagree and the right to question the lunacy of the mob, your life doesn’t matter.
If you’re doped up on a dozen prescription drugs to the point that you’re mentally incapacitated and can barely process events happening right in front of you, your life doesn’t matter. (But you might get nominated as the Democratic Presidential candidate, notably.)
If you vote for candidates based on political tribalism without having any real clue what those candidates stand for, your life doesn’t matter.
If you think you are owed everything without having to work for anything, your life doesn’t matter.
If you think the answer to today’s existential threats to our nation, our freedom and our Bill of Rights are no big deal and everybody should just “think positive,” then your life doesn’t really matter. You will accomplish nothing that matters.
Approximately 97% of the lives of Americans today don’t matter one bit. They are NPCs — Non-Player Characters — also known as PLFs (Programmable Life Forms), and they will do whatever they are told by the media, the corporations and the fake establishment “authorities.” They add exactly zero value to society and if they vanished tomorrow, the course of human history wouldn’t be altered one bit.
Here’s a video showcasing some members of the 97% — the clueless masses whose lives are pointless and inconsequential. Watch as they explain how the United States of America achieved its independence “in 1964” by fighting “the Civil War” against “America.” Seriously… and two of them are teachers!
Whose lives matter? Those who are informed and who make a difference. The 3%.
Only about 3% of the population have any clue about our history and are actively engaged in shaping our future. That’s fewer than 10 million people nationwide.
It is these 10 million people who will determine our shared future and whether or not we end up enslaved under left-wing tyranny or are able to reclaim our constitutional republic and defeat the anti-American forces that are rising.
So out of a nation of 330 million people, about 320 million lives make no difference at all. They are what globalists call “useless eaters,” and they are on the list to be exterminated via global depopulation efforts that are now underway via the plandemic and the coming coronavirus “vaccine.”
Another way to look at this is by simply being active in the effort to spread the truth and defend humanity against tyranny, you matter more than any 33 other people who are oblivious. Your life “counts” more, in other words, because you’re fighting to make a difference. And the 97% figure for the clueless masses is actually quite generous. The real number is probably more like 99%, which means one active, aware person “matters” more than 99 other people who are clueless.
What makes your life matter isn’t the color of your skin or your political affiliation. What determines whether you matter is how committed you are to fighting for human freedom and opposing authoritarianism and tyranny. Notably, people who really matter are self-selected: They alone determine that they wish to take a stand and make a difference. No one can appoint you to this position of relevance; you must seize it for yourself and become a person whose life really does make a positive difference in the world.
How to make your life matter
If you are an oblivious conformist who surrenders to the lunatic mob, your life is pointless and redundant. But if you want your life to really matter, you must break away from the mob and start thinking (and acting) for yourself.
There are many, many people who have set the example of independent thinking that you might allow to inspire yourself to do the same:
… and many others. There are lots of examples out there. Are you among these types of independent thinkers who challenge the status quo and work to truly empower and uplift humanity with wisdom and knowledge?
Don’t go through life on a pointless, narcissistic rampage of a cult-like obedience to the puppet masters of our time: Think for yourself. Learn history. Share knowledge. Branch out and away from the content controllers at Facebook, YouTube, Google and Twitter. Change the channel and stop allowing yourself to be brainwashed by CNN, MCNBC and NPR.
Use alternative platforms for sharing real knowledge, like…
Seek out uncommon knowledge and use it to empower yourself. Create your own channels and post your own videos, texts or articles.
Freedom is so easily accessible that you can find it by typing a URL into your browser. Instead of typing “Facebook.com,” type “Brighteon.com” and discover a whole new world.
Be someone who matters.
Change the future for the better. Join those of us who are doing this work every single day, dedicating our lives to protecting human freedom and a sustainable future of abundance and liberty for all.
97% of lives don’t matter, but yours can. What will you choose to do with it?
Be the Rufus
Make no mistake. Those that will survive and be permitted to procreate and live life through this tumultuous time period with be those that are aware, kind and knowledgeable. But most certainly have the kind of sentience deserving of mankind.
Sitting on a couch, smunching on pork rinds, and demanding that taxes get raised so that you can still keep using your food stamps is not representative of the future of mankind.
This is…
The rest of the world is starting to fight back.
The rest of the world is changing.
The way things have been is coming to an end, and people are starting to fight back. They demand stability, families, and stable relationships. They tire of the vermin… rich and the poor that prey on the rest of society. Now, with the proper tools, and the proper motivation they have declared a new order of society.
Have you noticed?
The CIA/NED instigation of the Hong Kong “pro-democracy” movement and the pay-offs of the Judges to let the criminals have a pass. Even when it came to killing people, damaging critical infrastructure, and maiming people.
China changing the law. Throwing out the judges. Shutting down the CIA/NED “safe spaces”. Arresting and severely punishing the wrong-doers. Organ harvesting with life-time of hard-labor in the salt mines for many many years. No wonder that even Joshua Wong has disbanded his organization.
It’s all starting to come down. It’s all starting to fall apart.
USA compared to China. 2020.
And the petty criminals and the evil folk in positions of power must change or else they will face the consequences.
Remember this;
A functional nation devotes 100% of it's time, energy and resources on bettering the lives of it's people.
If it is unable to do that, or devotes a smaller percentage of time, money and effort to the domestic needs of it's people, it is disfunctional.
The world, and the human race, needs functional, healthy and substantive people, organizations and governments. Anything less MUST be purged and culled from existence.
Do you want more?
I have more articles like this in my Happiness Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a recently emerged human pathogen that has spread widely since January 2020. Initially, the basic reproductive number, R0, was estimated to be 2.2 to 2.7.
Here we provide a new estimate of this quantity.
We collected extensive individual case reports and estimated key epidemiology parameters, including the incubation period.Integrating these estimates and high-resolution real-time human travel and infection data with mathematical models, we estimated that the number of infected individuals during early epidemic double every 2.4days, and the R0 value is likely to be between 4.7 and 6.6.
We further show that quarantine and contact tracing of symptomatic individuals alone may not be effective and early, strong control measures are needed to stop transmission of the virus.
- Title: The Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, is Highly Contagious and More Infectious Than Initially Estimated
There’s a sizable percentage of people (Americans) who have absolutely no concept of what war is like. When elements of war starts raising it’s ugly head, they come up with other ideas and excuses what it could be. Anything but war. Anything but posturing for war. Anything.
To most Americans, war is a distant concept. It is something that you do in far-away third-world shit-holes. It’s where you tromp through deserts or slosh through jungles. It’s where you are issued an “assault rifle”, ride in helicopters and expensive sleek jets blow up Arabs riding white Toyota trucks.
That’s not war. That’s a “police action”, or as I like to refer to it… “conflict lite”.
Real wars occur when one nation tries to suppress another nation.
Hitler attacks Poland.
Japan attacks China.
Syria attacks Kuwait.
Suppressing China’s Rise
Lose-lose is a situation where no participant has any option that is positive. As such, strategy in a lose-lose situation is aimed at minimizing loss as opposed to winning.4 Examples of a Lose-Lose Situation - Simplicable
The United States has spent the last three years engaged in efforts to suppress China’s rise.
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
It’s called a “lose – lose” strategy because (since the USA and China are both economically co-dependent) the only way to suppress China was to accept suppression of the USA in the process.
The idea was that China would “lose more” than what America would lose.
This is the Alt-Right “standard narrative” that “China needs the USA more than the USA needs China”.
So they implemented it on all sorts of levels…
Radical protests by “pro democracy” agitators in Hong Kong.
Uyghur Muslim assaults and aggression.
A on-going propaganda war.
Pressure on Taiwan.
Arrest of the President of Huawei.
Propaganda against advanced 5G, AI and robotic technologies.
A plague that wiped out the wheat crop.
A virus that wiped out the Chicken and poultry industry… in waves.
A virus that wiped out the pig industry, propagated by advanced drones.
Now, the deadly lethal COVID-19 virus on CNY eve of all times!
Some of it is so obvious that you have to be in complete denial not to acknowledge it… like the Arrest of the CEO of Huawei in Canada. Apparently her Chinese company sold products to Iran. And the United States wants everyone to boycott Iran.
Well, nationality is just an excuse… don’t you know.
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
Another example is the on-going biological warfare being conducted against China. Trying to decimate it’s livestock, it’s chickens, it’s pork, it’s wheat crops…
…didn’t work. Though.
Oh… it’s just bad luck. Right?
Or as one website stated… “It’s God’s will”.
Good one that.
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
And now the COVID-19 coronavirus attack on CNY eve. I mean, if it would have happened on Christmas eve, most Americans would be suspicious. But they aren’t.
Its just a “nothing burger”, don’t you know.
Conflicts look like this. Open your eyes.
You see people. Major conflicts start JUST LIKE THIS.
And everyone around you is in denial.
Just . Like . This.
Byretaliatinginthedecades-old tariff war, Trump hasnochoice. Either China eventuallybankruptstheUnitedStatesortheUnitedStates bankrupts China. Finally, thereisthethirdcommonsensedesiredoutcome: bothpartiessettlefor free trade withzero tariffs.
- Trump's Strategy in the China Trade War
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
A hidden war…
When Hitler banned guns in Germany, the American media didn’t make a peep. When Stalin started starving the Lithuanians, the American media called it just bad weather and poor planning. When unrest started to hit Bosnia, the American media called it “isolated terror events”.
Trump’s key figures in the China Trade negotiations. All are neocons who earnestly want a lose-lose strategy.
The geo-political situation today is very complex. I cannot predict what will happen. I really cannot.
But you and I have a front-row seat to it.
The “big guns” came out to suppress China…
What I can say is that the COVID-19 bioweapon attack…
…and it actually was one – ask Xi Peng …
After all, he put his military on DEFCON ONE over it. Why are all the nuclear silos fully manned right now? Why is the Navy on high alert? Why are 100% of the militia called up? Why are all ports and entry points under lock-down? Why are all incoming packages frozen in customs and the internet completely locked solid?
Because of the... flu?
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
… is that China handled the COVID-19 event exceptionally well. And the COVID-19 virus…
… still…
…it still got loose.
President Trump appoints VP Pence to handle the COVID-19 outbreak. He referred to it as Democrat Hype, and a “Hoax”. He further claimed that it is not as bad as the flu.
Not at all what the Trump Administration was expecting.
The decision to utilize biological warfare against China was hatched in the White house, and most certainly by resident neocons within the administration.
Now all people are getting infected. Not only Asians. And the mutation is observable. The current strains running through Iran, Italy and the USA are off-shoot “branches” from the “original” Chinese COVID-19 viral strain.
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
People(!) brace yourself for some spicy times. You can believe whatever you want. You can believe this is natural if you wanna. You can believe that China is the scourge of the Earth and the USA is a gift from God. You can believe anything your heart desires…
The USA is not China.
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
The USA does not have the ability to handle a large influx of seriously ill people. It cannot handle people dropping like flies in the middle of the street or while they are driving their cars. It cannot handle disruptions of the food and petrol supplies. It cannot handle large conditions that tax the medical system.
You all know this is true.
Which is why many Americans are running to the gun stores first, then getting food.
Panic shopping in the United States. No one thinks that this is really bad, but they are stocking up just in case. How do I know? Well, no one is wearing a mask. They are also in a crowd. Further, they are not buying food, they are buying towels and soda. They believe that the COVID-19 is “just” another strain of the flu.
I take no joy in this. It greatly saddens me…
… and now to my point in all this…
There’s a sizable percentage of people (Americans) who have absolutely no concept of what war is like.
They think that war is 9-11, that it is Pearl Harbor, that it is bombs exploding, and fires raging, and sleek jets flying.
Oh… sometimes.
But in reality war, real war, is not the made-for-television narrative. It is something that is usually done in secret, behind the scenes.
War is ANY conflict between nations.
War can be any kind of conflict between nations. Whether it is subtle, organized, planned, overt, or serendipitous. Scene from the Chinese movie with Jet Li titled “Fearless.”
Most wars are conducted in secret and hidden behind curtains of confusion and obfuscation. It’s “CIA type stuff”. It’s strange events “out of the blue”.
It’s a leading doctor gets sick here, and a report ends up missing there. It’s mass deaths in a obscure location over there.
It’s things like an explosion inside the North Korean nuclear weapons silo.
It’s things like pigs and chickens start dying all over China…
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
When elements of war starts raising it’s ugly head, they come up with other ideas and excuses of what it could be. Anything but war. Anything but posturing for war. Anything.
But people, listen up.
There will not be any announcements. No one is going to point at a person, place or thing and tell everyone to start fighting it. Instead, it will be conducted behind the scenes for a long time…
You see, it would be an absolute failure of the governments on both sides if it broke out into the open.
Scene from the movie about an out of control pandemic that hits the United States; “Carriers”.
It will be the worst kind of enemy; one that you cannot see and hurt and attack.
Like the movie "Invasion of the body snatchers."
This is a war that China has been dealing with since 2017, and keeping quiet and just smiling. But they have been dealing with it; fighting with it; and just keep on keeping on. They keep plugging away like the energizer bunny.
It’s got a visible face and a hidden face.
No one wants the true situation; that the agents of war; the COVID-19, has mutated to infect everyone and has washed up on the shores of the good ol’ USA.
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
You had all best be wearing a mask and exercising rigorous hand washing discipline, as well as avoiding all contact outside of your homes.
Starting RIGHT NOW.
A taste of war
The neocons in the Trump administration strongly believed that they could launch this COVID-19 and it would be contained within China, and only kill Asians. They were convinced because their “experts” told them that this is what would happen.
Which explains why Trump and his administration keeps on saying the narrative that it isn't as bad as the flu...
The neocons expected that it would cause mass casualties that would overwhelm the Chinese hospital system. They figured that with a mortality rate of 10% it would cripple China for years.
The “experts” said…
Orville Schell (his father was the co-founder of Helsinki Watch) has been a card-carrying member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which represents the highest, deepest echelon of the National Security State, and which has architected the anti-China consensus at the highest level of government and leadership in the US.
If we go to war with China--kinetic conflict--this will be in large part the doing of the CFR.
See here for a sampling of the type of tripe they routinely throw out about China. Remember, this is considered the elite "expert consensus".
The WHO is lying for China when it praises its response. https://www.cfr.org/blog/who-and-china-dereliction-duty (Compare this to what Dr. Bruce Aylward reported. Dr. Aylward was previously the UN lead for the Ebola outbreak, and he would know what he's talkng about).
Xi is aping Stalin
China is the perfect dictatorship https://www.cfr.org/podcasts/podcast-perfect-dictatorship
China is the bully of Asia https://www.cfr.org/podcasts/podcast-china-bully-asia
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
…that didn’t happen.
China enacted DEFCON ONE. They locked the entire nation down. They took immediate and fast action and was able to control the mortality rate to 3% in the infected areas.
A 3% mortality rate is what you have when you go into DEFCON ONE, build three hospitals, offer free medical care, and lock the entire nation down. It's what you get when you take drastic action to control a weaponized viral pathogen.
But you can expect a much higher mortality rate when you are dealing with for-profit hospitals, a media that is saying everything is fine, and a government run by the "deep state".
Maybe, China would have collapsed by now, if China was like America with [1] a contentious political structure, [2] a huge and slow moving bureaucracy, and [3] a culture of being a “lone wolf” where it’s every man for himself…
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
The Neocons made terrible assumptions…
But that cartoon image of China is seriously wrong.
China took a whole bunch of steps when they realized they had to repurpose big chunks of their hospital systems to [respond to the outbreak].
The first thing is, they said testing is free, treatment is free.
Right now, there are huge barriers [to testing and treatment] in the West. You can get tested, but then you might be negative and have to foot the bill.
In China, they realized those were barriers to people seeking care, so, as a state, they took over the payments for people whose insurance plans didn’t cover them. They tried to mitigate those barriers.
The other thing they did: Normally a prescription in China can’t last for more than a month. But they increased it to three months to make sure people didn’t run out [when they had to close a lot of their hospitals].
Another thing: Prescriptions could be done online and through WeChat [instead of requiring a doctor appointment].
And (fourthly) they set up a delivery system for medications for affected populations.
- Bruce Aylward
China is not the United States. It is a very serious nation that does not mess around. It is run by experts who are in their positions through merit, not popularity.
And more…
The average case fatality rate is 3.8 percent in China, but a lot of that is driven by the early epidemic in Wuhan where numbers were higher.
If you look outside of Hubei province [where Wuhan is], the case fatality rate is just under 1 percent now. I would not quote that as the number. That’s the mortality in China — and they find cases fast, get them isolated, in treatment, and supported early.
Second thing they do is ventilate dozens in the average hospital; they use extracorporeal membrane oxygenation [removing blood from a person’s body and oxygenating their red blood cells] when ventilation doesn’t work.
This is sophisticated health care.
They have a survival rate for this disease I would not extrapolate to the rest of the world. What you’ve seen in Italy and Iran is that a lot of people are dying.
This suggests the Chinese are really good at keeping people alive with this disease, and just because it’s 1 percent in the general population outside of Wuhan doesn’t mean it [will be the same in other countries].
- Bruce Aylward
The suppression strategy was a terrible mistake.
The people who came up with this suppression strategy were wrong.
Somehow the COVID-19 virus mutated. Whether it was a natural mutation, or had "help" from a lab is unknown. But the inherent "safety protocols" mutated away and resulted in an indiscriminate virus instead of a "safe and controllable" weaponized virus.
Like in the original "Drudge Dred" movie titled "Demolition Man" where the evil leadership resurrected Wesley Snipes with training to become a master criminal. And Judge Dred trained to knit. Only they added a special mind block - you cannot kill the leadership.
Wesley Snipes tries but can't. The evil leader laughs, and looks at him... his new puppet. So Wesley snipes orders his chief henchman to kill him instead.
It's sort of like that,
Wesley Snipes plays the evil villain that was trained to become a master criminal by the current government leadership.
None of the neocons have any real-world experience with the horrors of war. They don’t know that things can go “tits up” very quickly and FUBAR, then “all bets are off”.
You know, it's not just war. It's projects. It's industry. It's investments. It's relationships. The jokers in Washington has spent so much time playing politics and living in the neocon echo chamber that they are oblivious to the realities outside of it...
They did not realize that war is the last resort action of fools.
China is not the United States. It is a very serious nation that does not mess around. It is run by experts who are in their positions through merit, not popularity.
They tried to implement a “lose – lose” strategy in order to contain China. China wanted a “win – win” the neocons wanted a “lose lose” because they actually believed that it was attainable. Both nations would lose, but China would be far more damaged than the United States would be…
…it’s the alt-Right narrative; “They need us more than we need them.” It’s ridiculously false.
It is mind-blowing off-the-charts false.
It is one of the biggest lies ever made, and yet the dumbed-down alt-Right American population actually believes it.
The Lose – Lose strategy was used by the Trump Negotiation team to resolve trade issues from 2016 to 2020. It’s based on the alt-Right narrative that “China needs the United States more than the United States needs China.” It’s wrong. Terribly wrong. And this move, this calculation based on this failed idea is what brought a weaponized viral agent to America.
The inescapable fact is that the neocon perceptions of what China actually is, and capable of, as well as what American capabilities are wildly divergent from reality.
I blame the belief in the propaganda bubble that surrounds America, but it doesn't really matter now.
Things did not go as planned…
China took drastic measures… going DEFCON ONE, and fully controlled and sealed the outbreak;
Ambitious, agile, and aggressive
The team began in Beijing and then split into two groups that, all told, traveled to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and the hardest hit city, Wuhan. They visited hospitals, laboratories, companies, wet markets selling live animals, train stations, and local government offices. “Everywhere you went, anyone you spoke to, there was a sense of responsibility and collective action, and there’s war footing to get things done,” Aylward says.
The group also reviewed the massive data set that Chinese scientists have compiled. (The country still accounts for more than 90% of the global total of the 90,000 confirmed cases.) They learned that about 80% of infected people had mild to moderate disease, 13.8% had severe symptoms, and 6.1% had life-threatening episodes of respiratory failure, septic shock, or organ failure. The case fatality rate was highest for people over age 80 (21.9%), and people who had heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension. Fever and dry cough were the most common symptoms. Surprisingly, only 4.8% of infected people had runny noses. Children made up a mere 2.4% of the cases, and almost none was severely ill. For the mild and moderate cases, it took 2 weeks on average to recover.
A critical unknown is how many mild or asymptomatic cases occur. If large numbers of infections are below the radar, that complicates attempts to isolate infectious people and slow spread of the virus. But on the positive side, if the virus causes few, if any, symptoms in many infected people, the current estimated case fatality rate is too high. (The report says that rate varies greatly, from 5.8% in Wuhan, whose health system was overwhelmed, to 0.7% in other regions.)
To get at this question, the report notes that so-called fever clinics in Guangdong province screened approximately 320,000 people for COVID-19 and only found 0.14% of them to be positive. “That was really interesting, because we were hoping and maybe expecting to see a large burden of mild and asymptomatic cases,” says Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “That piece of data suggests that’s not happening, which would imply that the case fatality risk might be more or less as we currently have.” But Guangdong province was not a heavily affected area, so it is not clear whether the same holds in Hubei province, which was the hardest hit, Rivers cautions.
Much of the report focuses on understanding how China achieved what many public health experts thought was impossible: containing the spread of a widely circulating respiratory virus. “China has rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile, and aggressive disease containment effort in history,” the report notes.
The most dramatic—and controversial—measure was the lockdown of Wuhan and nearby cities in Hubei province, which has put at least 50 million people under a mandatory quarantine since 23 January. That has “effectively prevented further exportation of infected individuals to the rest of the country,” the report concludes. In other regions of mainland China, people voluntarily quarantined and were monitored by appointed leaders in neighborhoods.
Chinese authorities also built two dedicated hospitals in Wuhan in just over 1 week. Health care workers from all over China were sent to the outbreak’s center. The government launched an unprecedented effort to trace contacts of confirmed cases. In Wuhan alone, more than 1800 teams of five or more people traced tens of thousands of contacts.
Aggressive “social distancing” measures implemented in the entire country included canceling sporting events and shuttering theaters. Schools extended breaks that began in mid-January for the Lunar New Year. Many businesses closed shop. Anyone who went outdoors had to wear a mask.
Two widely used mobile phone apps, AliPay and WeChat—which in recent years have replaced cash in China—helped enforce the restrictions, because they allow the government to keep track of people’s movements and even stop people with confirmed infections from traveling. “Every person has sort of a traffic light system,” says mission member Gabriel Leung, dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. Color codes on mobile phones—in which green, yellow, or red designate a person’s health status—let guards at train stations and other checkpoints know who to let through.
“As a consequence of all of these measures, public life is very reduced,” the report notes. But the measures worked. In the end, infected people rarely spread the virus to anyone but members of their own household, Leung says. Once all the people in an apartment or home were exposed, the virus had nowhere else to go and chains of transmission ended. “That’s how the epidemic truly came under control,” Leung says. In sum, he says, there was a combination of “good old social distancing and quarantining very effectively done because of that on-the-ground machinery at the neighborhood level, facilitated by AI [artificial intelligence] big data.”
Deep commitment to collective action
How feasible these kinds of stringent measures are in other countries is debatable. “China is unique in that it has a political system that can gain public compliance with extreme measures,” Gostin says. “But its use of social control and intrusive surveillance are not a good model for other countries.” The country also has an extraordinary ability to do labor-intensive, large-scale projects quickly, says Jeremy Konyndyk, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development:
“No one else in the world really can do what China just did.”
Nor should they, says lawyer Alexandra Phelan, a China specialist at Georgetown’s Center for Global Health Science and Security.
“Whether it works is not the only measure of whether something is a good public health control measure,” Phelan says. “There are plenty of things that would work to stop an outbreak that we would consider abhorrent in a just and free society.”
So China handled this biological weapons event expertly. They did so in a way that surprised the world. And while many find their techniques questionable, they begrudgingly admit that most other nations could not replicate their action.
What matters is that the COVID-19 that was supposed to cause strife in China has boomeranged, mutated, and like the “green slime monster” struck into the soul of America. And America is not ready for it.
American leadership is still, as of 3MAR20, treating it as a race-specific pathogenic organism. Even though all evidence shows otherwise. They are telling everyone over and over that the flu is far worse.
They say that flu is far worse.
Nothing to worry about here. The monsters are only harmless slime. This is a scene from the 1960’s class “B” science fiction movie: “The Green Slime”.
Lord help us all.
Why this matters…
Like I said. Anything can happen.
It could fizzle out to be nothing…
It could be contained like China contained it…
Or it could be a genuine SHTF event.
Let’s look at historical examples of other SHTF events and try to imagine what it must have been like for the participants of these events.
[1] The Massacre of Usipetes and the Tencteri
The Usipetes and the Tencteri were two ancient tribes who were massacred by the legions of Julius Caesar in 55 BC. We have known about their slaughter for thousands of years from ancient texts, including Caesar’s own account from his book on the Gallic Wars. However, we were never sure exactly where it happened, until 2015 when Dutch archaeologists claimed they found the site of the bloodbath near the town of Kessel.
According to ancient sources, the conflict began in the winter of 56 BC when the two tribes (who were referred to as Germanic but may have actually been Celtic) crossed the Rhine into Gaul after being driven away from their homeland by the Suebi.
The Usipetes and the Tencteri asked Caesar for permission to settle in Gaul, which was denied.
After negotiations failed, the Roman legions launched an attack on their camp and killed everyone in sight.
“there was also a great crowd of women and children and these now began to flee in all directions.
I sent the cavalry to hunt them down…
When they reached the confluence of the Meuse and the Rhine, they saw they had no hope of escaping farther.
A large number of them were killed and the rest flung themselves into the river, where they perished overcome by panic, exhaustion, and the force of the current.”
In his personal account, Caesar said there were around 430,000 people and that he slain them all. Modern scholars put the number at around 150,000 to 200,000, and some of them definitely survived as the tribes were still mentioned the following century. They opine that the inflated number was because Caesar wanted to portray them as a great threat and himself a protector of Rome.
In war, everyone is killed. Women, children and innocents are not spared. Later, the victors will write and boast about their success in the destruction.
[2] Genghis Khan Beheaded People For Being Over 90 Centimeters (3′) Tall
When Genghis Khan was 20, he led an army against the tribe that
killed his father and got his revenge. The Tatar army was crushed, and
Genghis Khan set about exterminating the people in an incredibly unusual
Every Tatar man was lined up and measured against “the linchpin of a
wagon,” which is the axle pin in the middle of the wheel. Anyone who was
taller than these pins—which were 90 centimeters (3′) high—was to be
The criteria used to select survivors from the conquered is often arbitrary.
[3] The Severed Hands of Avaris
Severed Hands.
A few years back, archaeologists were excavating the ruins of Avaris and found, for the first time, concrete evidence of an ancient Egyptian practice that had been, up until that point, only read about in texts – cutting off the hands of vanquished enemies.
This evidence came in the form of 16 severed hands, all of them right ones,
buried in four pits throughout the former Egyptian capital. Two of the
pits, each containing a single hand, were found in what was believed to
have been the throne room, indicating that the presentation of the
trophies was part of a much grander ceremony.
The hands were around 3,600 years old
and came from an oft-forgotten part of Egyptian history called the
Second Intermediate Period or the Hyksos Period. It was defined by the
arrival of a new group of people called the Hyksos who conquered Lower
Egypt and installed one of their own as king. Therefore, Salitis of the
Hyksos became the first pharaoh of the 15th dynasty and, in the process,
also moved the capital to the city of Avaris.
Up until this discovery, this custom had only been referenced in ancient art and writing. However, one point that is still being debated is whether this practice was introduced by the Hyksos or was already present in Egyptian society before their arrival.
Once captured, do not assume that you would be sent off to a prison camp. There are other fates that can await you.
[4] Genghis Khan Victims’ Bones Were Mistaken For Mountains
In 1211, Genghis Khan turned his focus to modern-day China and attacked the Jin Empire. It was a reckless decision. The Jin Empire controlled 53 million people, and the Mongols had one million. Still…
… Genghis Khan won.
Within three years, the Mongols had made their way to Zhongdu (now
Beijing). The city walls were 12 meters (39 ft) high and stretched 29
kilometers (18 mi) around the city. It seemed impossible to get in, so
they didn’t try.
Instead, the Mongols starved Zhongdu out.
By summer 1215, the people there were so hungry that cannibalism was running rampant inside its walls. Finally, they surrendered, and the Mongols sacked and burned the city.
The massacre was horrific.
Months later, a passing eyewitness wrote that “the bones of the slaughtered formed white mountains and that the soil was still greasy with human fat.”
No matter how hungry you are, the fate that can occur in the hands of the enemy can be far worse.
[5] Interesting Mongol War Tactics: Cats, Swallows and Human Fat
Real war is based on surprise and the use of unconventional weapons and strategies.
The first large-scale Mongol attack in Xi Xia happened at the mighty fortress at Volohai.
Unable to breach the walls of Volohai, Genghis Khan resorted to a clever trick. He sent a message from his encampment to the Tangut general announcing that he would end his siege in exchange for a gift of one thousand cats and ten thousand swallows.
Astonished by the unusual request, the fortress commander gratefully complied.
After the animals arrived in the Mongol camp, Genghis Khan ordered his men to tie a small cotton-wool tuft to the tail of each creature then set the tuft afire.
When the panicked and frightened animals were turned loose, they made directly for their nests and lairs inside Volohai, igniting hundreds of small fires.
While the panicked defenders were preoccupied with putting out fires, Genghis Khan’s warriors stormed the city in conquest.
Here’s another example…
The Mongol siege against the walled town of Kusong exemplified Koryo’s [Korea’s] heroic resistance.
General Sartai brought the full array of his medieval assault weapons to bear against the city’s defenses. While Mongol troops attempted to undermine the defensive walls by tunneling under them, formidable lines of catapults hurled large boulders and molten metal at the town.
Special assault teams used siege towers and scaling ladders against the earthen walls and pushed flaming carts against the city’s wooden gates.
Perhaps the most grisly tactical weapon used at the siege of Kusong was the catapult-launched fire-bomb. The Mongols boiled down their captives and used liquified human fat to fuel a weapon which produced fires that were practically inextinguishable.
Kusong’s defenders refused to surrender and stubbornly held on for thirty terrifying days and nights.
An old Mongol general, inspecting the ramparts during the siege, commented that,
"...I have never seen [a city] undergo an attack like this which did not, in the end, submit."
In the end Kusong remained in Koryo’s hands.
Unconventional war is a strategy that generally results in victory. Expect the unexpected.
[6] Genghis Khan Exterminated 1.7 Million People To Avenge One Person
The marriages might have been strategic alliances, but that didn’t
mean there wasn’t any love involved. One of Genghis Khan’s daughters
loved her husband, a man name Toquchar. Genghis Khan loved him, too, as
his favorite son-in-law.
Genghis Khan’s troops attacked Nishapur and slaughtered every person there. By some estimates, 1,748,000 people were killed. Other historians dispute that number, but there’s no doubt that his armies killed everyone they found.
Women, children, babies, and even dogs and cats were tracked down and murdered. Then they were beheaded, and their skulls were piled into pyramids—a request by Genghis Khan’s daughter to ensure that no one got away with a simple wounding.
In War decisions can be made for emotional, not strategic reasons.
[7] Ancient “Barbarian” Warfare in Northern Europe
Archaeologists excavated 2,095 human bones and bone fragments—comprising the remains of at least 82 people—across 185 acres of wetland at the site of Alken Enge, on the shore of Lake Mossø on Denmark’s Jutland Peninsula. Scientific studies indicate that most of the individuals were young male adults, and they all died in a single event in the early first century A.D. (Around the time of Christ.)
Unhealed trauma wounds on the remains, as well as finds of weapons, suggest that the individuals died in battle.
The team didn’t dig up the entire 185 acres, but the researchers extrapolated that more than 380 people may have been interred in boggy waters along the lakeshore some 2,000 years ago, based on the distribution of the remains that were excavated.
In large scale conflicts, very few people will remember your heroism and the battles that you fought. You will be forgotten.
[7] The Mongols Had A Victory Feast On Top Of The Russian Nobility
In 1223, the Mongolian army was making its way through Russia and had
just won the Battle of the Kalka River. The Russian army had
surrendered, their towns had been captured, and the Mongolians decided
to celebrate.
The generals and nobility of the Russian army were forced to lie down
on the ground. Then a heavy wooden gate was thrown on top of them,
chairs and tables were set on top of the gate, and the army sat down for
a feast.
They held their victory celebration on top of the still-living bodies of their enemies, eating and drinking while Russian princes were crushed to death beneath their feet.
Do not expect leniency because you are rich, wealthy or powerful. In fact, you might be singled out for special treatment.
[8] Genghis Khan Diverted A River Through An Enemy’s Birthplace To Erase It Off The Map
When Genghis Khan found the Muslim kingdom of Khwarezmia, he did
something unusual: He took the peaceful route. A group of diplomats were
sent to the city, hoping to establish a trade route and diplomatic
The governor of Khwarezmia, though, didn’t trust them. He thought the
diplomats were part of a Mongolian conspiracy and had them executed. He
killed the next group they sent, too.
Genghis Khan was furious. He had tried to be nice, and he’d been
repaid with dead diplomats. He set up an army of 200,000 soldiers,
attacked, and completely destroyed Khwarezmia.
Even after he’d won, Khan sent two armies to burn down every castle, town, and farm they found to make sure that no hint of Khwarezmia survived. According to one story, he even diverted a river to run through the emperor’s birthplace, just to make sure it would never appear on a map again.
When the victor wants to erase you, your people, your city, your nation, your society and your culture, they can do it.
[9] Slaughter at the bridge
About 3200 years ago, two armies clashed at a river crossing near the
Baltic Sea. The confrontation can’t be found in any history books—the
written word didn’t become common in these parts for another 2000
years—but this was no skirmish between local clans. Thousands of
warriors came together in a brutal struggle, perhaps fought on a single
day, using weapons crafted from wood, flint, and bronze, a metal that
was then the height of military technology.
Struggling to find solid footing on the banks of the Tollense River, a narrow ribbon of water that flows through the marshes of northern Germany toward the Baltic Sea, the armies fought hand-to-hand, maiming and killing with war clubs, spears, swords, and knives. Bronze- and flint-tipped arrows were loosed at close range, piercing skulls and lodging deep into the bones of young men. Horses belonging to high-ranking warriors crumpled into the muck, fatally speared. Not everyone stood their ground in the melee: Some warriors broke and ran, and were struck down from behind.
Strong evidence suggests this wasn’t the first battle for these men. Twenty-seven percent of the skeletons show signs of healed traumas from earlier fights, including three skulls with healed fractures. “It’s hard to tell the reason for the injuries, but these don’t look like your typical young farmers,”
Standardized metal weaponry and the remains of the horses, which were found intermingled with the human bones at one spot, suggest that at least some of the combatants were well-equipped and well-trained.
“They weren’t farmer-soldiers who went out every few years to brawl. These are professional fighters.”
Body armor and shields emerged in northern Europe in the centuries just before the Tollense conflict and may have necessitated a warrior class.
“If you fight with body armor and helmet and corselet, you need daily training or you can’t move,”
When the fighting was through, hundreds lay dead, littering the swampy valley. Some bodies were stripped of their valuables and left bobbing in shallow ponds; others sank to the bottom, protected from plundering by a meter or two of water. Peat slowly settled over the bones.
Within centuries, the entire battle was forgotten.
Being in possession of the best technology and training might not provide you the advantage that you think it will.
[10] Genghis Khan Nearly Erased A Kingdom From History For Not Sending Troops
When Genghis Khan attacked Khwarezmia, he asked the conquered kingdom of Xi Xia to send him troops. They refused.
Xi Xia tried to take a bold stand against their oppressor, and they quickly regretted it. The Mongolian army swarmed through Xi Xia, destroying everything that they found. They systematically exterminated every member of the population.
They hadn’t written down their own stories, so the only records of their existence came from neighboring countries. Their language wasn’t recovered for more than 700 years. It took until the mid-20th century for archaeologists to unearth stones that had their writing on them. In the meantime, every word they had spoken was forgotten.
Genghis Khan died during the battle, most likely from being thrown from his horse. Still, the Mongolian army carried out his work. They slaughtered every person they found, even after their leader was dead and their enemy had surrendered.
You and your entire culture and society can be erased from history by the mistakes of your leadership.
That last lesson is poinent.
You and your entire culture and society can be erased from history by the mistakes of your leadership.
Scene from the movie “Carriers”. It is a movie about a lethal virus that hits the United States.
What was the Trump administration doing launching biological weapons against China? Did they actually believe that it would eventually bring China to “heel”; a nation much larger than the United States geographically, and with a population four times larger and ruled by merit?
What were they fucking thinking?
Geographically China is larger.
Population wise, China is four times larger.
Education wise, China has far more skilled STEM scientists.
Politically, China is a monolithic conservative culture. America is balkanized into disparate groups.
Chinese leadership are there through merit, America’s through graft & popularity.
China possesses the vast bulk of factories, resources, materials, and a motivated citizenry. America is a service economy dependent upon reputation and the petro-dollar.
For the last ten years, China has won every single military simulation that the United States conducts.
China is allied with Russia militarily, and socially. The USA is allied with Britain, and Australia and hosts a wide range of “client states”.
China is the “factory for the world”, America is the big piggy-bank based on the stability of the petro-dollar.
Jet Li in the Chinese movie “Fearless”.
Meanwhile, by all appearances, China is not doing anything.
They are just taking the hits and smiling.
Scene from the movie “Real Steel”.
They are practicing the well understood technique of using your foe’s weakness against him. This is Kungfu. This is martial arts. This is fundamental to understanding China.
Mosttraditionalorclassicalmartialartsuses the opponents strength againstthem. Thelistwouldbetoolongtogivethemallbutwillinclude: traditionalKarate (anystyle) Kungfu (anystyle) AikidoJudoTKD (traditional-nosportstkd) Mostpeoplehavethewrongideaconcernkarateandothertraditionalmartialarts.
- Martial arts using opponents strength against them
China knew (I surmise) that the virus would mutate. They always do. While there are species-specific viruses in the world, none are race-specific.
It implies that that a race-specific configuration is not stable.
Since it is not stable, that means that it has a “half-life” and soon mutates to fit a wide ranging biological host.
So now the SHTF COVID-19 biological attack has boomeranged back to it’s source.
For the last one hundred years the American government has cultivated the American citizenry into herd-mentality sheep. It’s rule over mobs of people, it serves the oligarchy well. It does not however, serve a crisis SHTF event well.
Americans are not being safe and treating this virus as the biological weapon that it is. They are treating it as if it is a variation of the flu. This is a very dangerous assumption.
How many face masks do you see? America is treating this virus as some variation of the flu and are treating it as such. They expect that it MIGHT hit them, and if so, they MIGHT get sick, and if sick, they MIGHT need to go to the hospital. All of these assumptions are false.
Things will probably go worse in America than what China experienced in January / February 2020.
Be safe.
This COVID-19 outbreak will hit America with the same level of ferocity that it did Wuhan.
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
When the first person in China died, China went DEFCON ONE and locked the entire nation down. They built three hospitals (in ten days) and moved medial staff from all over the nation to Wuhan.
So far, as of today 4MAR20, eight people died in America. Test kits are under-supplied and do not work. The President and the media are telling everyone that it is nothing to worry about. To stay calm and wash hands often.
The Wuhan mortality rate was almost 4% a few weeks after DEFCON ONE. Now, the entire nation mortality is 1%.
My guess is that America’s mortality rate will approach the 10% figure as planned by the neocons in the White House. This is horrible. Please everyone… please be safe.
Jet Li in the movie “Fearless”.
Start Chinese-level personal measures now, today. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Avoid people. Sanitize. Inside clothes and outside clothes. Pets inside. Work from home or order things remotely. Isolate and self quarantine yourselves.
And Robitussin will not help you. It’s NOT the flu.
The death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to The New York Times.
The death rate for COVID-19 appears to be higher than that of the flu.
“Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing at the agency’s headquarters in Geneva.
In comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 0.1% of those infected, he said.
The World Health Organization had said last week that the mortality rate of COVID-19 can differ, ranging from 0.7% to up to 4%, depending on the quality of the health-care system where it’s treated.
Early in the outbreak, scientists had concluded the death rate was around 2.3%.
This illness will rock America to it’s core and it will…
Impact the 2020 Presidential elections.
Impact the American economy.
Impact the global economy.
Impact the way the local government and schools and businesses operate.
Impact all the various disparate balkanized sub-groups within America.
Jet Li from the Chinese movie “Fearless”.
"Now we’re facing another kind of war, against the coronavirus. Trump got rid of our pandemic specialist two years ago and has defunded the Centers for Disease Control because he continues to ignore science."
End Quotes
The World Health Organization (WHO) has shipped testing kits to 57 countries. China had five commercial tests on the market 1 month ago and can now do up to 1.6 million tests a week; South Korea has tested 65,000 people so far. The U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in contrast, has done only 459 tests since the epidemic began.
The rollout of a CDC-designed test kit to state and local labs has become a fiasco because it contained a faulty reagent. Labs around the country eager to test more suspected cases—and test them faster—have been unable to do so. No commercial or state labs have the approval to use their own tests.
In what is already an infamous snafu, CDC initially refused a request to test a patient in Northern California who turned out to be the first probable COVID19 case without known links to an infected person.
A Los Alamos National Laboratory analysis of the outbreak in China in December 2019 and January 2020 puts the unrestrained R0 of Covid-19 at between 4.5 and 6.6. (The R-naught figure indicates the contagiousness of a disease in a given environment. If the number is above one, it’s spreading.)
The Novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV, is Highly Contagious and More Infectious Than Initially Estimated[Excerpts:] Integrating uncertainties in the exponential growth rate estimated from the ‘first arrival’ approach and the uncertainties in the duration of latent and infectious periods, we estimated the values of R0 to be 6.3 and 4.7. The high R0 values we estimated have important implications for disease control.The 2019-nCoV epidemic is still rapidly growing and spread to more than 20 countries as of February 5, 2020. Here, we estimated the growth rate of the early outbreak in Wuhan to be 0.29 per day (a doubling time of 2.4 days), and the reproductive number, R0, to be between 4.7 to 6.6.How contagious the 2019-nCoV is in other countries remains to be seen. If the value of R0 is as high in other countries, our results suggest that active and strong population-wide social distancing efforts, such as closing down transportation system, schools, discouraging travel, etc., might be needed to reduce the overall contacts to contain the spread of the virus.
This shockingly high original Chinese R0 value meant a doubling of the number of cases every few days, and subsequently, regional hospitals were overrun by infected patients. The Chinese experience indicates how it may spread in the West and the 3rd world. Critically, the often-quoted case fatality rate (CFR) of “only” 2% for Covid-19 occurs when severely affected patients have access to first-class medical treatment, with teams of nurses and doctors caring for them in isolation ICUs.
About 15% of people infected with the virus will develop severe symptoms (pneumonia, etc.) requiring intensive individual treatment in order to survive.
Once hospitals are swamped and many of the medical staff become infected, the CFR can swiftly rise to above 15%. This is believed to be the situation inside the Wuhan City quarantine zone.
An infectious disease with an R-naught above five, and the number of cases doubling every two days, is like a biological atomic bomb chain reaction, particularly in the age of jet travel to all points of the globe.
The USA and the West will quickly run out of Chinese-made PPE, medication, and hospital supplies. For example, China has nationalized the U.S.-owned factory that makes our N-95 masks and will, instead, keep them for their own use. The Chinese have seen Trump’s tariffs as outright economic warfare. Now, in my judgment, they are going to repay us by withholding shipments of PPE and medical supplies. China will leverage its present status as “factory to the world” to their best advantage while they still retain it. These critically needed supplies will be kept in China for their own use during the pandemic, and understandably so.
So, now it will be a race to see if America can set up enough factories to manufacture our own PPEs and other medical supplies rapidly enough to meet our soon-to-be exploding needs. China’s providing, or withholding, of required medical supplies will constitute a World War dimension of the pandemic. They will not send infected travelers to Western cities: they don’t need to do this. That ship has sailed; that horse is out of the barn.
Covid-19 will now travel on its own, with asymptomatic “super spreaders” carrying the virus from country to country for as long as unrestricted air travel is permitted. Then it will spread within each country, with every Western and third-world city a potential Wuhan.
China’s recent history teaches us that interpersonal social interaction has to be reduced as much as possible to get the R naught number down to controllable levels, but this radical reduction comes at a heavy price. When people don’t go to work out of fear of infection, or after being ordered by their governments to self-quarantine at home, economies shrink and eventually collapse. After weeks of forced home quarantine, China is now trying to restart critical factories, but this risks boosting their R0 number once again, leading to more hospitals being overrun and another round of chain-reaction contagion.
As usual, I just watched the most recent YouTube video by Dr. John Campbell (Covid-19 Thursday monring 27 Feb). Since he has gained global exposure, he’s getting emails from physicians all over the world, including Iran and China.
He typed up an email he received from the city of Chengdu, population 16 million, which relates their mandatory quarantine rules as China struggles to get Covid-19 under control. When the virus runs rampant and hospitals are overrun, as in Wuhan and Hunan Province, the death rate soars to over 15%, according to many accounts.
Under the strict quarantine rules in the image below, the death rate can be kept to below 2%, but at the cost of crippling the economy.
Now, just imagine trying to enforce this level of social control in American cities.
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After around three decades of increasing progressive Marxism and “Woke” nonsense, the assaults seem (or appear) to have subsided somewhat. It’s no longer “in your face” as badly as it was under the Obama Administration. But, I am here to tell you that it has not subsided, that it is not going away. It is only in remission, and we can expect that the dangerous stew that is brewing inside our schools, inside our institutions, and inside our government is going to boil-over. Maybe not now, and maybe not under a Trump Presidency, but it will decidedly boil-over and it will affect YOU.
Here is an interesting article from a Russian Immigrant that is in the university setting and comments on what it is like being around all these “woke” progressive Marxist idealists… the very ones that will be running America very shortly. Please pay attention, and understand that America is destined for change…
It might be calm and methodical, or radical and abrupt with many painful days. But whatever form it takes, it will be uncomfortable. Read this and consider what it means when every company, every school, every bureaucracy, every organization and at every government level these people are in control…
Woke! ‘The fanatical glimmer in their eyes really scares me’
Last year, I spoke to a Soviet-born scholar who teaches in an American public university. I’m using a quote from our discussion in my forthcoming (September) book, Live Not By Lies. This morning, she sent me this e-mail, which I reproduce here with her permission:
I know from your blog that the work on your new book is going well and I’m glad because, boy, it’s so needed.
I’m observing some disturbing developments on my campus, and we are really not one of those wokester schools for spoiled brats one normally associates with this kind of thing.
This academic year I’ve had an opportunity to work with some early-career academics. These are newly-minted PhDs that are in their first year on the tenure-track.
What’s really scary is that they sincerely believe all the woke dogma.
Older people – those in their forties, fifties or sixties – might parrot the woke mantras because it’s what everybody in academia does and you have to survive.
But the younger generation actually believes it all.
Transwomen are women, black students fail calculus because there are no calc profs who “look like them,” ‘whiteness’ is the most oppressive thing in the world, the US is the most evil country in history, anybody who votes Republican is a racist, everybody who goes to church is a bigot but the hijab is deeply liberating.
I gently mocked some of this stuff (like we normally do among older academics), and two of the younger academics in the group I supervise actually cried…
Because they believe all this so deeply, and I’d even say fanatically, that they couldn’t comprehend why I wasn’t taking it seriously.
The fanatical glimmer in their eyes really scared me.
Back in the USSR in the 1970s and the 1980s nobody believed the dogma.
People repeated the ideological mantras for cynical reasons, to get advanced in their careers or get food packages. Many did it to protect their kids. But nobody sincerely believed.
That is what ultimately saved us.
As soon as the regime weakened a bit, it was doomed because there were no sincere believers any more.
Everybody who did take the dogma seriously belonged to the generation of my great-grandparents.
In the US, though, the generation of the fanatical believers is only now growing up and coming into its prime.
We’ll have to wait until their grand-kids grow up to see a generation that will be so fed up with the dogma that it will embrace freedom of thought and expression. But that’s a long way away in the future.
I’m mentoring a group of young scholars in the Humanities to help them do research, and I’m starting to hate this task.
Young scholars almost without exception think that scholarship is entirely about repeating woke slogans completely uncritically.
Again, this is different from the USSR where scholars peppered their writing with the slogans but always took great pride in trying to sneak in some real thinking and real analysis behind the required ideological drivel.
Every Soviet scholar starting from the 1970s was a dissident at heart because everybody knew that the ideology was rotten.
All of this is sad and very scary.
I never thought I’d experience anything worse, anything more intellectually stifling than the USSR of its last two decades of existence. But now I do see something worse.
The book you are writing is very important, and I hope that many people hear your message.
Folks, Americans are extremely naive about what’s coming. We just cannot imagine that people who burst into tears in the face of gentle mockery of their political beliefs can ever come to power.
They are already in power, in the sense that they have mesmerized leaders of American institutions.
I’m telling you, that 2015 showdown on Yale’s campus between Prof. Nicholas Christakis and the shrieking students was profoundly symbolic.
Christakis used the techniques of discursive reason to try to establish contact with these young people.
None of it mattered.
They yelled and cursed and sobbed.
The fact that he disagreed with them, they took as an assault on their person.
And Yale University caved to them!
This stuff is so outrageous that we can’t wrap our minds around how these people will ever come to rule us. Listen to what these people who grew up under communism are saying!
Nadine Gordimer said:
“All the young are candidates for the solutions of communism or fascism when there are no alternatives to despair or dissipation.”
religion of social justice is rushing in to fill the vacuum. Nice
liberals, and nice conservatives, cannot allow themselves to think of
where this might go. Solzhenitsyn knew better:
If the intellectuals in the plays of Chekhov who spent all their time guessing what would happen in twenty, thirty, or forty years had been told that in forty years interrogation by torture would be practiced in Russia;
…that prisoners would have their skulls squeezed within iron rings, that a human being would be lowered into an acid bath; that they would be trussed up naked to be bitten by ants and bedbugs; that a ramrod heated over a primus stove would be thrust up their anal canal (the “secret brand”); that a man’s genitals would be slowly crushed beneath the toe of a jackboot; and that, in the luckiest possible circumstances, prisoners would be tortured by being kept from sleeping for a week, by thirst, and by being beaten to a bloody pulp…
… not one of Chekhov’s plays would have gotten to its end because all the heroes would have gone off to insane asylums.
So did Dr. Silvester Krcmery, a Slovak Catholic lay leader in the underground church, who suffered isolation and torture in a communist prison for his faith and resistance.
In the memoir he wrote after communism’s fall, Krcmery warned future generations that the past could be prelude to the future if they were not vigilant:
We are so often naive in our thinking. We live, contented and safe, with the idea that in a civilized country, in the mostly cultured and democratic environment of our times, such a coercive regime is impossible.
We forget that in unstable countries, a certain political structure can lead to indoctrination and terror, where individual elements and stages of brainwashing are already implemented.
This, at first, is quite inconspicuous.
However, often in a very short time, it can develop into a full undemocratic totalitarian system.
Hannah Arendt, in her 1951 study The Origins of Totalitarianism, said these factors in German and Russian society made them susceptible to Nazism and Bolshevism, respectively:
Social Atomization
Loss of Faith In Hierarchies And Institutions
The Desire To Transgress And Destroy
Indifference to Truth, and the Willingness To Believe Useful Lies
A Mania for Ideology
A Society That Values Loyalty More Than Expertise
The Politicization of Everything
If you think we’re not going on full-tilt on these things, you aren’t paying attention.
Some people seem to think that the Arendt list is somehow faulting the Left. It’s not, at least not intentionally. She said these factors were present in both Germany, which went to the hard right, and Russia, which went to the hard left. I think these factors are present in our society, period. Some of them are stronger on the Left, it is true, but I think they’re all simply present. Is loneliness a Right or a Left thing? Is social atomization?
I read this article with a great degree of sadness. Americans are within a propagandized bubble. Outside of that bubble, everything is dark, evil and dangerous. Inside that bubble you are either ‘woke” or an enemy.
Americans live within an artificial bubble. The inside of the bubble is a narrative that is increasingly defined by the American mainstream press. Many can see what bullshit is is, so they try to find other sources for news. Outside the bubble is a complete fabrication that the mainstream media controls. It’s all a big lie.
I am outside the bubble and I see all of this quite clearly.
Outside the Bubble
I am in Communist China, but it doesn’t resemble anything like what Americans fear it to be.
Yet, it almost went off-the-cliff.
There was a big show-down between the hard-line Communist / Marxist elements and their armies of progressive idealists during the “cultural revolution” and it could have gone downhill really fast.
Instead they embraced other things… like traditional conservative Chinese values, the idea of working hard and achieving things through merit, and contributing instead of fighting the government.
… and now today, China is a nation of traditional conservative pragmatists, and all those Marxist idealists are off in re-education camps. Like the Falin Gong, the “pro-democracy” pawns, and the Muslim religious extremists.
You don’t hear about all that.
America is about “democracy!” China doesn’t have it. So it’s bad.
People! The world is not what CNN, and FOX tell you. It is something all together different. Now, I can talk until I am blue in my face, but you will never be convinced until you experience things FIRST HAND. I implore you to do just that.
So, just recognize that the world “outside” of America is not what you are led to believe and expect.
Meanwhile… on the inside of this bubble….
Inside of the Bubble
Radical idealists are now infiltrating all the organs of power. The government and the political factions are permitting this, and soon, once they have regained full control of the levers of power, they will implement their ideology.
First will be the disarming.
Then will be the collections of people on the lists.
Then will be the FEMA camps.
What comes next will not be recorded for history.
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This is the second part of a two part article. This little post was inspired by a little article titled “Doctor’s Orders; Let children just play” posted in the hot dog-days of summer, August 2018.
Their 10- and 6-year old were picked up by police and detained for five hours in 2015 for walking home “unsupervised” from a local park. The folks at Child Protective Services threatened to take the children away from Danielle and Alexander Meitiv.With court battles ensuing and ample media attention, the head of Maryland’s Social Services Administration finally released a memo to staff acknowledging in creepy bureaucratic fashion that,
“Children playing outside or walking unsupervised does not meet the criteria for a CPS response absent specific information supporting the conclusion that the child has been harmed or is at substantial risk of harm if they continue to be unsupervised.”
The article reinforces a notion that I have that “play is the work of children”. It is how they learn to become an adult. It doesn’t matter if you are a dog, a cat, an elephant, or a monkey, all animals learn from playing. Here, I would like to continue my discussion of things that a parent should permit their children to do…
Squash a Penny on a Railroad Track
“In many ways life was so much more predictable back then; in other ways it was much less so. Organized sports were almost non-existent in my childhood. Summer was free time on steroids, with hours, days, weeks (it seemed like forever back then!) to do nothing. I don’t recall being bored; but we played as a matter of course outside the aperture of our parent’s eye. Off to the playground on our bike; downtown to get a soda or fudgesicle; or, in the case of some of the older kids, hanging around waiting for the afternoon papers to come in before heading out on their paper route. But this day, we were in the business of sabotage. Today, we were going to do something really big … and dangerous. This could change everything….We glanced around to make sure no one was watching. The caper was on. The penny was placed well down the tracks from our hiding place. We were tucked in under a pile of brush and ducked low so as not to be seen from the train. Then, we heard it. There was a crossing about half a mile away, and the whistle blew. There was no rushing the tracks now, no undoing what we had done.The big locomotive could be heard rumbling toward us. Think of it – a time when placing a penny on the railroad tracks was paramount to sedition! I would graduate to more serious pranks as I got older, but by today’s standards the bar was extremely low for our misbehaving antics…… I remember being very nervous, praying that train would stay upright and on course. As the engine lumbered by us I recall the feeling of relief. And as the caboose faded safely into the distance, having waited to make certain no engineer could spot us, we ran to the location. There it was: the flattened penny; pancake currency and the feeling of exhilaration believing that we had taken a tremendous risk and come out of it unscathed.”-Believeinplace Blog
In my days of yore, pennies were made of copper. So when you would put a penny on the tracks it would flatten out into a flat copper plate. Not, so today. American pennies are made out of a zinc alloy. (The modern penny is made of 97.5 percent zinc and 2.5 percent copper. This is known as copper plated zinc.) Ah, it’s not the same. I would suggest using a nickel or better yet, a dime instead.
Nickels have more copper in them than pennies do. So it is better to flatten. Pennies only have about 2.5% copper in it, but nickels are 75% copper. The U.S. first struck 5¢ nickel coins in 1866. All nickels from that date to the present except for the famous “war nickels” (mid-1942 to 1945) are made of the same metal, an alloy of 75% copper and 25% nickel. “War nickels” were made of 35% silver, 56% copper, and 9% manganese because nickel was needed for the war effort.
Dimes are better than nickels. So, if the reader were to use a dime, as it is almost 92% copper, it is more like that of the copper pennies of our youth. As of 2014, the dime is made out of a blend of metals called “clad.” A copper center is sandwiched between two layers of a 75-percent copper and 25-percent nickel blend. The total composition of a modern dime is 91.67 percent copper and 8.33 percent nickel.
American Coin
Percentage of Copper
You do want to stay aware as you put your penny on a railroad track to be sure a train isn’t coming. If you’re going to wait for the train to come by and smoosh your coin, you also want to stand back at least 30 feet, as it could hypothetically come flying off and hit you. You don’t have to wait around for the train, though. If you decide to come back in a few hours or the next day to see what became of your penny, mark the spot with a stick before you leave for easy finding later on.-The Risky Kid
A handful of some flattened coins. When was the last time that YOU, the reader, held a flattened coin in the palm of your hand? I’ll bet that it was a long time ago.
The types of train tracks that one would try this kind of feat are freight lines, and freight lines ONLY.
High speed rail is far to dangerous to attempt. The same is true for subway lines and similar rail. Anything that involves the transport of humans is to be avoided. Don’t even consider it. It is DANGEROUS.
Always stick to rail that services freight, and you will be fine. Back in my school days, the freight lines carried coal, and a handful of box cars in and about the Allegheny hills.
And, while you are at it, hanging around railroad tracks, might I suggest the following activities…
Walk on top of the tracks and see how long you can go before falling off. (Not everyone shares my point of view. HERE is an article where it is considered the height of danger and folly to walk on train tracks. HERE is an article that says that it is terribly DANGEROUS and maybe evil to even suggest children participate in such a thing.)
Searching for loose railroad spikes. These are the “nails” that hold the tracks to the wood ties. (A rail spike (also known as a cut spike or crampon) is a large nail with an offset head that is used to secure rails and base plates to railroad ties (sleepers) in the track.)
Robert Livingston Stevens is credited with the invention of the rail spike, the first recorded use of which was in 1832. The railroad spike was an invention which resulted from the state of industrialisation in the United States in the early 19th century: English mainline railways of that period used heavy and expensive cast iron chairs to secure T-shaped rails; instead, Stevens added a supporting base to the T rail which could be fixed with a simple spike. In 1982, the spike was still the most common rail fastening in North America. Common sizes are from 9⁄16 to 10⁄16 inch (14 to 16 mm) square and 5 1⁄2 to 6 inches (140 to 150 mm) long.
Collecting those little marble sized metal ores that abound on and between the tracks. I never found out what they were and why they existed as a boy, but I used to pick up a couple and toss them into the trees as I’d walk. Later on, after the invention of the internet, I was able to figure out what these things were…
These little dirty black marble sized balls are Taconite pellets. They are iron and are formed into pellets for the trip from the mine to industry. Several materials are formed into pellets or beads in this way. Plastic is another. In a pellet form the iron, plastic, what ever, takes on more of a fluid characteristic which is easier to transport, load and unload, store, and measure.
Sword Fight With Sticks
“I fight in a group called River Run Belegarth, a realm of Belegarth Medieval Combat Society.As per the name, we are a medieval battle game utilizing padded weapons including but not limited to; swords (large and small), shields, arrows, javelins, spears, maces, and flails. The Belegarth community spreads across the country, we even have realms in Canada and Puerto Rico.We follow a simple honor based system. The Belegarth rules are found in the Book of War.”-reddit
Parents are wary of anything involving sharp objects, sticks included. However, letting your kid engage in some improvised swashbuckling is too fun an opportunity to pass up because of a negligible risk of injury. One of the most memorable events is to take them to a medieval recreation or fair. Have them dress up and enjoy (something every little girl yearns to do).
Dress-up is very big in China. Especially traditional Han clothing and outfits.
A Renaissance fair, Renaissance faire, or Renaissance festival is an outdoor weekend gathering, usually held in the United States, open to the public and typically commercial in nature, which purportedly recreates a historical setting for the amusement of its guests.
Some are permanent theme parks, while others are short-term events in a fairground, winery, or other large public or private spaces.
Renaissance fairs generally include an abundance of costumed entertainers or fair-goers, musical and theatrical acts, art and handicrafts for sale, and festival food.
Some offer campgrounds for those who wish to stay more than one day. Many Renaissance fairs are set during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. Some are set earlier, during the reign of Henry VIII, or in other countries, such as France, and some are set outside the era of the Renaissance; these may include earlier Medieval periods (including Vikings), or later periods, such as 17th-18th Century pirates.
Some engage in deliberate "time travel" by encouraging participants to wear costumes representing several eras in a broad time period. Renaissance fairs encourage visitors to enter into the spirit of things with costumes and audience participation. Many welcome fantasy elements such as wizards and elves.-Wikipedia
Here is a typical event at a Renaissance fair. This is a mock sword fight. Often there are rules that must be followed for the mutual enjoyment and safety of the participants.
Ah… To dress up and role play. Don’t let the “busy body” down the street prevent your children from role play…
“In Waynesboro, Georgia, “trick or treaters” must be 12 or younger; they must be in a costume; and they must be accompanied by an adult at least 21 years of age.
So if you have kids who are 15, 10, and 8, you can’t send them out together. The 15-year-old is not allowed to dress up, yet she won’t be considered old enough to supervise her siblings for another six years. And this is on the one night of the entire year we traditionally let children pretend to be adults.Other schools and community centers now send letters home asking parents not to let their children wear scary costumes.
Some even organize “trunk or treats”—cars parked in a circle, trunks open and filled with candy, thus saving the kids from having to walk around the neighborhood or knock on doors. (That would be tiring and terrifying.) If this is childhood, is it any wonder college kids also expect to be micromanaged on Halloween?At Yale in 2015, after 13 college administrators signed a letter outlining appropriate vs. inappropriate costume choices for students, the childhood development expert and campus lecturer Erika Christakis suggested that it would be better to allow kids to think for themselves.
After all, Halloween is supposed to be about pushing boundaries.
“Is there no room anymore for a child or young person to be a little obnoxious…or, yes, offensive?” she wrote. “Have we lost faith in young people’s capacity—your capacity—to ignore or reject things that trouble you?”Apparently, yes.
Angry students mobbed her husband, the professor Nicholas Christakis, surrounding him in the courtyard of the residential college where he served as master.
They screamed obscenities and demanded he apologize for believing, along with his wife, that college students are in fact capable of handling offensive costumes on Halloween. “Be quiet!” a student shouted at him at one point. “As master, it is your job to create a place of comfort and home for the students!””-The Fragile Generation
Stand on the Roof
This little activity is not something that I ever thought was significant. However, it was not until I was older that I began to realize the importance of it. My first experience was when I was (maybe) seven, and my “girlfriend” (at the time, a young cutie named Mary) snuck me into her bedroom, and we crawled out her bedroom window and hung out on her roof. Indeed, what kid hasn’t wanted to get a bird’s eye view of the neighborhood?
Ah, Mary. She taught me many things. She was my teacher for making my first ketchup sandwich, and she taught me how to steal candy from the local store. Heh heh.
Don’t worry, the store keeper called our parents and we got a long lecture on how bad we were. Her father used to make rock candy in his basement, and we would go down and eat some sugar from time to time.
I suppose if we would have been a little older we would have experienced other “firsts” together… first kiss, first sex, first… However, that never materialized as we moved and I never saw her again.
Ah. Standing on the roof.
“Sandseter began observing and interviewing children on playgrounds in Norway. In 2011, she published her results in a paper called “Children’s Risky Play From an Evolutionary Perspective: The Anti-Phobic Effects of Thrilling Experiences.”Children, she concluded, have a sensory need to taste danger and excitement; this doesn’t mean that what they do has to actually be dangerous, only that they feel they are taking a great risk.That scares them, but then they overcome the fear.In the paper, Sandseter identifies six kinds of risky play:
(1) Exploring heights, or getting the “bird’s perspective,” as she calls it—“high enough to evoke the sensation of fear.”
(2) Handling dangerous tools—using sharp scissors or knives, or heavy hammers that at first seem unmanageable but that kids learn to master.
(3) Being near dangerous elements—playing near vast bodies of water, or near a fire, so kids are aware that there is danger nearby.
(4) Rough-and-tumble play—wrestling, play-fighting—so kids learn to negotiate aggression and cooperation.
(5) Speed—cycling or skiing at a pace that feels too fast.
(6) Exploring on one’s own.This last one Sandseter describes as “the most important for the children.” She told me, “When they are left alone and can take full responsibility for their actions, and the consequences of their decisions, it’s a thrilling experience.””-The Overprotected Kid
This is ideal if you are at home in the United States. This way, standing on the roof of your home is one of the more risky activities, and yet the most rewarding. In all cases, please supervise this vertical venture and take the necessary precautions: Only allow your child to attempt if your roof isn’t overly steep and is in good condition, without loose shingles and other potential hazards. Have your kid walk straight up and down the roof, standing with one foot on either side of its peak for stability, as they survey the landscape below.
The high-ground has a tremendous impact on how you view your life. Cats understand. Dogs understand. Tigers understand. Eagles understand. Many liberal parents do not.
Here in China, access to the top floor of all buildings is easily accessible. All one need do is take an elevator to the 86 floor, and then take the stairs up to the roof. It’s not for the faint of heart, but trust me, your kids would love it.
Shoot a Gun
Children throughout South East Asia are taught on how to handle and use firearms. This used to be common in the United States. However, after the election of Barrack Obama the first, this has become considered unpopular and dangerous. Here we have kids in Thailand being taught.
Warning; I advocate that children should be taught to be able to use firearms safely. This is not considered proper in our new American progressive reality. Never the less, it is my strong belief. My Children all are taught here in communist China on how to handle firearms and shoot, and I believe that there is no excuse why American children can't be trusted to do the same.
When I grew up, all my male classmates were out shooting guns when they were seven. My father, of an urban liberal persuasion, wouldn’t let me near a firearm until I was 17. Still, I strongly believe that one of the most important skills a parent can teach their children is self defense. Dogs do it. Cats do it, tigers do it. Only domesticated animals like cows, sheep, chickens, turkeys, and domesticated pigs don’t. (I guess that is why we farm them for food. They don’t fight back.)
Yes. Humans tend NOT to EAT animals that fight back. I wonder why…
Here is a nice Ruger .22 with a laser sight and silencer. This is a perfect starter pistol that also has some nice practical uses as well.
If I still lived in the United States, I would make the arrangements to teach my children how to shoot. As it stands, here in China they have to wait until they are in their early teens before they obtain weapon training (everyone in China MUST complete basic military training as part of middle school). The good news is that they will get a very comprehensive training in both small arms, and fully automatic weapons.
Wild hogs are taught to defend themselves and fight. When someone wants to prevent you from learning how to defend yourself, they have a REASON to do so.
Find a gun that fits the palm of the hand well. This is especially true for the females in your family. Let them practice with it. Practice over an over until they are lethal with it.
Proactively teaching your kids how to safely use firearms is the best way to teach a healthy respect for them. Don’t allow them to learn by Hollywood movies. These are very unhealthy mediums for learning about firearms. (As anyone can attest to the “sideways” pistol shooting style popularized by the negro urban youth, and the “thug” culture. It is not a way to accurately shoot a pistol.)
When they’re 7 or so, introduce them to a pellet gun and begin teaching proper gun safety rules like keeping their finger off the trigger until they’re ready to shoot and treating every weapon as if it were loaded. Set up a a target (tin cans are fun) in your backyard and let them plink away while you watch.
Up until recently all American boys could shoot and knew firearm safety. That all started to end after 9-11, and just about disappeared publicly during the Obama Administration around 2008.
As they get a little older, they can tote around their BB gun by themselves. Don’t worry about them shooting their eye out! Teach your children to be careful, and to follow basic safety precautions at all times. What was good for my generation, my parents’ generation, my grandparent’s generation, and all the generations before them is good for our children today. Do not buy into the political narrative that only the government should own guns. You would think that we would learn from history by now.
In fact, there is an outright war going on that is trying to stupid-down (not dumb-down) American children. This is a planned and staged effort. Here’s an article about just such an effort in Boulder, Colorado. Suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, all kinds of restrictions were being placed on the children there…
“At times, it seems like our culture is conjuring dangers out of thin air, just to have something new to worry about. Thus, the Boulder Public Library in Colorado recently forbade anyone under 12 to enter without an adult, because “children may encounter hazards such as stairs, elevators, doors, furniture, electrical equipment, or other library patrons.” Ah, yes, kids and library furniture. Always a lethal combo.
Happily, the library backed off that rule, perhaps thanks to merciless mocking in the media. But saner minds don’t always prevail. At Mesa Elementary School, which also happens to be in Boulder, students got a list of the items they could not bring to the science fair. These included “chemicals,” “plants in soil,” and “organisms (living or dead).” And we wonder why American children score so low on international tests.”
Well… so much for Chemisty, Biology, and Taxidermy.
“But perhaps the single best example of how fantastically fearful we’ve become occurred when the city of Richland, Washington, got rid of all the swings on its school playgrounds. The love of swinging is probably older than humanity itself, given our arboreal origins.
But as a school district spokesman explained, “Swings have been determined to be the most unsafe of all the playground equipment on a playground.”
The reader should understand that a government that will restrict a child from the dangers of a swing would absolutely go bonkers over firearm training. Those who have obtained these positions in power want to rule in absolute proclamations. They will to do so and lord their haughty positions over you and your progeny.
“You may think your town has avoided such overkill, but is there a merry-go-round at your local park, or a see-saw? Most likely they, too, have gone the way of lawn darts. The Consumer Product Safety Commission even warns parks of “tripping hazards, like…tree stumps and rocks,” a fact unearthed (so to speak) by Philip Howard, author of 2010’s Life Without Lawyers.
The problem is that kids learn by doing. Trip over a tree stump and you learn to look down. There’s an old saying: Prepare your child for the path, not the path for your child. We’re doing the opposite.”
-The Fragile Generation
My children all know how to handle firearms. In fact, it was one of the first things we did when we went to Thailand one year. I made it a special point to give them the firearm training by an expert there, and expose them to different types of firearms. Thailand is like the United States and Switzerland, citizens can own and fire firearms there.
You can buy and shoot guns in much of South East Asia. Here we have a man looking in a store front at the various firearms on display for sale or rent. (For rent!)
Contrary to the huge onslaught of anti-gun rhetoric from the oligarchy, the Democrats, and their news media, there are those of us that treasure our ability to shoot back if someone tries to hurt us. For my children this is especially true. None of them have shot anyone’s eyes out. Nor have they used it to rob a gas station, or threaten a bully.
Walter pistols allow for different sized hand grips to allow for small hands. Here is a .38 caliber version. I used to have a 9mm version that I was very partial of when I lived in the States.
When they reach about age 10 or 11, you can introduce them to a .22 caliber rifle or pistol. Again, this should be done under your supervision and you should reinforce good gun safety principles the entire time.
Guns and firearms are dangerous devices. Everyone should know how to operate one, but absolute training and safety is of first importance. For hundreds of years, American children learned how to handle firearms. I myself were taught in my High School gym class as early as ten years old. Of course, today, in this progressive ideal that is what the United States has become, the mere mention of this is considered heresy.
It need not be. It is not heresy. It is history.
In fact, one of my greatest laments is how history is not being taught at all in the United States today. Instead, it is some kind of organized propaganda organ designed to incite diversion and discord. Most people today have no idea that those what fought Great Britain during the Revolutionary War were very young. They birthed a nation when they were in their teenage years.
Ah yes. Daddy’s little girl. Pew Pew Pew.
The Journal of the American Revolution offered this imaginative and fascinating list of the ages of these and other notable figures from the revolutionary era at the moment of America’s founding.
And as one examines the list of nearly 150 of the war’s most revered and reviled, it becomes clear just how young so many of these legendary individuals actually were at the time.
The author of the piece and founding editor of the journal, Todd Andrlik goes so far as to characterize the Founding Fathers much more accurately as the “founding teenagers… or twenty somethings.” And he’s quite right to do so, according to the list.
Consider these:
Nathan Hale, the legendary Continental spy who lamented on the gallows that he had but one life to give for his country was just 21 in 1776.
Surprisingly, so was the much hated and feared British cavalry commander “Bloody” Banastre Tarleton.
Similarly, the supposed sewer of the first Star Spangled Banner, Betsy Ross, was just 24.
While the leader of the France’s forces in America, Marquis de Lafayette, was a mere 18-year-old in 1776.
Among the ranks of the war’s thirty-somethings include Thomas Jefferson (33), patriot pamphleteer Thomas Paine (39), Britain’s General Cornwallis (38) and King George III (also 38). To check out the full article (and you really should), click HERE. A fine book about just one boy can be found HERE.
This being said, there are some firearms that should wait until your child becomes an adult (or at least 18 years old). For instance, consider this little beauty…
Children can play, but firearms are not toys. Once the child has learned the skills to handle themselves, then they can be taught responsibility.
I would think twice before I would have my child shoot off a round from this “bad boy”. No. This type of firearm is best left until they are old enough and mature enough to handle it. I would dare say, that they must at least be old enough to serve in the military. Wouldn’t you think?
Which reminds me, speaking of the military, here’s a bunch of 16 to 18 year olds playing around with a quad version of the above gun…
Here is a quad-mounted 20mm anti-aircraft gun. Here, the Nazi German soldiers use this device against aircraft. It was also devastating against infantry as well.
Burn Things With a Magnifying Glass
There are many fun and interesting ways to start a fire without matches, but using a magnifying glass is one of the most versatile. I was first introduced to it when I was maybe six years old, and I inflicted a world of hurt on some poor unsuspecting ants near a parking lot where I lived.
Use of a magnifying glass provides you with a focused beam of heat that cannot only burn paper and leaves, but melt plastic. A kid can even use it to burn a symbol or his name into a piece of wood.
It need not be expensive, all office stationary stores carry them.
One thing that I did when I was a young boy, was sit at the side of a parking lot and burn ants with a magnifying glass. I tortured those poor things. I would watch them scurry about and try to deal with the attack that had befallen them. I was so uncaring.
They are especially useful for old farts like me to be better able to read the find print in legal documents, and get the (impossible) code on the back of Apple products.
“Cross-cultural studies have found that the one thing fathers across the world have in common is that they roughhouse with their kids more than moms. And roughhousing, according to science, makes kids awesome.”-The Importance of Fathers
Roughhousing may just look like a primitive-level melee of potentially injury-causing wrestling and hair pulling, but it actually has a bunch of high-level benefits. Whether children are mixing it up with Dad, or with each other, research has shown that good old fashioned horseplay develops kids’ resilience, intelligence, and even empathy — it teaches them how to negotiate the dynamics of aggression, cooperation, and fair play. So suplex your children more often, and don’t break up the good natured battle royales they put on between themselves.
Climb a Tree
China has the most amazing trees, especially here in the South (China). Yet no one climbs them. You would think that the “forever trees” would make great climbing, but no ones does so. Why is this? Few activities feel more liberating than climbing a tree. It’s thrilling to leave the ground and test your physical deftness, as well as your daring as you decide just how high up you’ll go. Indeed, the air seems fresher among the branches.
The Ban Yan tree is a most enormous and kid-friendly tree that is found all over Southern China. It is magnificent. Yet, I never see any Chinese kids climb it. I guess that they are too busy studying. It is called “The Forever Tree” because it has tendrils that cascade downward and borrow into the ground to make new trees. They can become enormous and massive.
“There is rising American interest in European-style “forest kindergartens,” where kids receive little formal instruction and have more freedom to explore in nature. And in Washington, D.C., not far from where I live, we finally have our first exciting playground since the “forgotten playground” was leveled. Located at a private school called Beauvoir, it has a zip line and climbing structures that kids of all ages perceive as treacherous. I recently met someone who worked on the playground and asked him why the school board wasn’t put off by safety concerns, especially since it keeps the park open to the public on weekends. He said the board was concerned about safety but also wanted an exciting playground; the safety guidelines are, after all these years, still just guidelines.”-The Overprotected Kid
When I was a boy I would climb anything. In our back yard we had apple trees (that we would climb just to get the apples), “weeping” willow trees, large and big acorn trees, the magnificent chestnut trees, pine trees (and I did climb them, and ended up terribly sappy) and my all time super favorite tree the Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciose). (Also known as the Indian Bean Tree. My father told me that local Indians used to take the pea pods on this tree and smoke them.)
The Northern Catalpa is a tree that demands your attention. White, showy flowers. Giant heart-shaped leaves. Dangling bean-like seed pods. Twisting trunk and branches. How could you not stop to take it in? And with all of these unique features, the northern catalpa is popular with kids as well.
Here is the awesome Indian Bean Tree. There are versions that have great and dense leaf cover. They are always beautiful and wonder places to play in and enjoy the weather and companionship with.
The banyan tree has to be the most kid-friendly tree in the world. Here, the tree lets town hundreds of tentacles that once they take root, form new trees. An old ban yan tree might consist of hundreds of tree trunks and a network canopy that would put the Swiss Family Robenson tree-house to shame. Climbing a tree is the most classic of classic childhood activities. Don’t deprive your children of the adventures of tree climbing.
“Yep - our playgrounds were on beaten dirt from use. We built tree forts with axes and saws and hammers and nails and climbed high trees and roofs where access was available) and had apple/slingshot/BB-gun “wars” and learned the concepts of safety by being allowed to find out that was safe and what caused pain.....and became pretty well adjusted adults who didn’t cower in fear and become emotionally scarred for life at a chalked name on some concrete on a college campus....”-trebb 02/03/2018 5:51:01 AM PST · 17 of 21
It’s not all about climbing. It is also about building. What about the joys and pleasures of building your own tree house? Does anyone still do that in the United States anymore? I wonder. In most towns and cities, there is probably some ordinance or rule preventing the construction for some kind of liability consideration. Moreover, or course if you are in a Democrat stronghold, you will probably have to pay some sort of taxes on the construction. Ah… all the “improvements” that well-intentioned ignorant inflict on the community…
"Many websites and parental organizations suggest the parents build a tree house, and not the children. Nonsense! Kids have been building tree houses in the USA for centuries, but all that seemed to come to a complete and sudden stop about two decades ago.
Let your children learn. Let them build and let them explore. Good golly! Here is a typical website advising how to climb a tree (the child wears a helmet), and how the parents can build a tree house for the children.” (Sigh.) -Kidspot
Here is another Ban Yan tree. It’s it awesome? I love how large it gets. In this instance, it should be much larger than it is, but obviously the caretakers are spending the time to trim it and keep it manageable.
Now, at the time of this writing, we do not live on a plot of land where we have many trees. In fact we live in a nice large building with a shared lawn and a park surrounding us. However, were we ever to move back to the USA or some similar location, I would help my children build a tree house. It is a key memory of my boyhood.
You have to admit that tree-houses are great. However, I would suggest that it is far better to have a crappy rough cut and nailed tree platform made by your children alone is far better than one done by good-old-dad. You should give direction and help. You should not do it. Let them plan it. Let them make it. Let them build it. let them assemble it. It is theirs. Let them learn and have pride in it.
“Not letting your kid climb a tree because he might fall robs him of a classic childhood experience. But being emotionally overprotective takes away something else. “We have raised a generation of young people who have not been given the opportunity to…experience failure and realize they can survive it,” Gray has said. When Lenore’s son came in eighth out of nine teams in a summer camp bowling league, he got an eighth-place trophy. The moral was clear: We don’t think you can cope with the negative emotions of finishing second-to-last.Of course, it’s natural to want to see kids happy. But the real secret to happiness isn’t more high fives; it’s developing emotional resilience.In our mania for physical safety, coupled with our recent tendency to talk about “emotional safety,” we have systematically deprived our children of the thousands of challenging—and sometimes upsetting—experiences that they need in order to learn that resiliency. And in our quest to protect them, we have stolen from children the best resilience training known to man: free play.”-The Fragile Generation
Cook a Meal
I first made a ketchup sandwich when I was four or five years old (Mary taught me.). Toast came later at maybe seven, and by nine years old I made my first hamburger.
All kids need to be introduced to the joys of making their own food. Cooking might not seem that dangerous, but once your kids start wanting to help make dinner, you begin noticing how many tasks involve sharp and potentially dangerous hazards. Yet, this is the perfect venue to expose your children to those hazards… right next to you at your side.
Do not fall prey to the temptation of coddling your children. It’s worth not only letting your children assist you in the kitchen, but allowing them to try cooking on their own too. More so than any other activity on this list, it will teach them a valuable skill towards grown-up self-sufficiency.
Why not cook a hotdog? One of my first experiences in cooking was being taught how to sharpen a stick (with my boy scout knife) and sticking a hotdog on it. Then watching how to cook it inside a nice campfire outside. What is so wrong about that? Then, later I could add all the goodies that I wanted to it. This mostly consisted of relish, ketchup, onion and cut up tomatoes.
One of the best things that my mother did was give all of us siblings an illustrated cookbook. I must have spent six months on a quest to make the perfect handmade pizza. While my sisters were busy making pies, cakes and cookies, my brother and I were deep into lasagna, homemade cream-of-asparagus soup, and different types of breads. Indeed, I was from this simple gift that I obtained my love (and appreciation) of real salted butter, extra-sharp cheddar cheese, and extra virgin olive oil.
Mothers listen up! Boys love to eat, and if you let them, they would LOVE to spend time in the kitchen with you. Who knows maybe you have a budding young chef?
You can get children started on easy to make, but fundamental meals like breakfast eggs. You can do this on a campfire, or at home. You can teach them how to break open the eggs, and how to put oil in the pan. You can teach them about salt and pepper, and don’t forget the bacon, or the delicious pork and beans that goes with it. Oops… I mean the cut up potatoes or hash browns.
Some suggested starter activities;
All kids love hot (out of the stove) cookies.
A basic hamburger.
Mac & Cheese. Kids love this! (Teach them how to cook hamburger and mix it in for a basic kid goulash.)
Hot dogs, especially over a camp fire.
Dumplings – A Chinese family favorite.
Grilled cheese sandwich.
A basic salad.
Use a Bow and Arrow
My children have an interest in archery. Unfortunately, compound bows are a rare thing in China. The best chance that they can learn to shoot a bow and arrow are either by using “conventional” basic bows, “traditional” log bows, or by studying Japanese-style archery. The Japanese style is a beautiful art form that requires elements of concentration and attention to detail. Here we have the four stages of a draw illustrated. Note the difference between an American draw.
You know, kids all over the world are interested in bows and arrows. You know; archery. Instead of getting them a “safe” nerf version, give them the real thing. Expose them to real archery. If you have the means, teach them and if you cannot, hire an expert to show them the ropes.
If I were still in the states, my kids would be using compound bows and tromping in the woods every season. Ah, but that is not my reality at this time. I have to improvise.
Here in China, there are many opportunities to learn how to use a bow and arrow. Though they are actually mostly either the conventional design or a “traditional” Chinese long-bow design. However, there Japanese archery, also known as Kyūdō is available. Kyūdō is the Japanese martial art of archery. Experts in kyūdō are referred to as kyūdōka (弓道家).
There is a stress on form and function. As in Golf, the way to use your tools greatly affects your ability to hit your target. By attending these archery classes, the student can perfect and concentrate in the discipline of archery. That is a wondrous thing.
Hunting in a fine tree stand. Americans often do not appreciate what they have. They take it for granted. They shouldn’t some of the things that I really, really miss about the States are the things that I took for granted. The things that I would think would last forever. The things that I would never live without. Hunting in a tree stand is one of those things.
Later on, when we go to the states we will pick out a nice compound bow, maybe a “Bear Archery Cruzer”, or a “Diamond Archery’s Infinite Edge”. Something that will not break the bank, but will be able to provide an adjustable draw for first-timers. Trust me, a 70 pound draw is too much for children who are not used to it.
Then it’s up into the tree stand. God, I get goose-bumps just thinking about it.
Japanese style archery is different than American style archery. However, it is a great opportunity to learn precision and discipline. Here in China, I like to think that it is the best way to learn how to use a bow and arrow.
Hammer a Nail
Why? It seems to plain and so mundane.
Yet, hammering a nail is a basic life skill that every person should master. The problem is that many parents do not let their kids attempt this task. They are too fearful of them smashing their fingers. Yes, little children are uncoordinated, but the only way they’ll ever become coordinated is if they gain hands-on experience in using tools.
The wuss-generation of super protection of children has created a nation of morons.
Don’t be afraid, once the child smashes his finger the first time, he / she will be very careful not to do it again. That is how we learn. That is how we obtain coordination. Be there to get them started, and then go away and let them go at it. Be in ear shot, however. For eventually they hill feel some kind of pain. Though it might not be a smashed finger. It might be s splinter or two. Yikes!
Indeed, many cannot use tape measures or even hammer a nail. Home Depot is in full-on panic mode after realizing that an entire generation of Americans have absolutely no clue how to use their products. As the Wall Street Journal points out, the company has been forced to spend millions to create video tutorials and host in-store classes on how to do everything from using a tape measure to mopping a floor and hammering a nail. Seriously, that is pure evidence of a society in decline. Don’t allow your children join these ranks. Get them started with tools.
Don’t buy one of those plastic toy construction sets. Just obtain a tiny (child sized) hammer. Start letting your 3-year-old practice hammering nails with a ball peen hammer. They’re lighter than the traditional claw variety and thus easier to handle. As your child’s dexterity and strength improve, upgrade him to a full-sized claw hammer, lay out a 2×4 and a box of nails, and let him go to town. Talk about cheap entertainment.
Build a Sand Castle
When I was a young boy, we used to have regular trips out to the beach. At that time, we were living in Bridgeport, CT and a trip to the beach was only a mere ten minute drive in the family sedan. There, we could play, swim and collect seashells. I remember once, when walking along the beach, I saw a father and his daughter build this most remarkable sand castle. It was not only “perfect”, but had little miniature statues all over the it. The father took wet sand and dripped them down forming these little artistic shapes. It was magnificent.
They left, and I stood by and admired the handiwork. Then, I ran back to my sister and her “best friend” who were playing nearby. I told them about the great sand castle, and they came with me to look at it. There, all three of us seven to eight year olds, stood around the castle. It was so amazing and beautiful. Then, as if on cue, both my sister and her friend kicked in and stomped the castle into oblivion.
Meanwhile, I just stood there in shock. How and why would they do such a thing? It was something that I had to grapple with through most of my youth. I just could not understand the behaviors of my fellow classmates. Sigh.
Here’s a nice art deco style sand castle. With sand as the cheap and free medium, use time to build and make whatever your heart desires. Most people start with a large moat and go from there. Other’s plan it out. Still others mix cheap toys and fun together to create a complex play environment. What ever strikes your fancy, do it.
Take your children to the beach. Let them have fun, explore and exercise. Let them create, play and build. Remember, “play” is the “work” of children. It is how they learn. If you want your child to learn, then do it in the framework of play.
Play With Fireworks
“Calls to eight newspapers in North Carolina found none that would take anyone under the age of 18 to deliver papers.
A police chief in New Albany, Ohio, went on record saying kids shouldn’t be outside on their own till age 16, “the threshold where you see children getting a little bit more freedom.”
A study in Britain found that while just under half of all 16- to 17-year-olds had jobs as recently as 1992, today that number is 20 percent.The responsibility expected of kids not so long ago has become almost inconceivable.
Published in 1979, the book Your 6-Year-old: Loving and Defiant includes a simple checklist for what a child entering first grade should be able to do: Can he draw and color and stay within the lines of the design being colored? Can he ride a small two-wheeled bicycle without helper wheels? Can he travel alone in the neighborhood (four to eight blocks) to a store, school, playground, or friend’s home?Hang on. Walk to the store at 6—alone?It’s tempting to blame “helicopter parents” for today’s less resilient kids. But when all the first-graders are walking themselves to school, it’s easy to add yours to the mix. When your child is the only one, it’s harder. And that’s where we are today. Norms have dramatically changed.
The kind of freedom that seemed unremarkable a generation ago has become taboo, and in some cases even illegal.”-The Fragile Generation
Everyone plays with fireworks in China. It’s part of the culture, and Chinese New Year is a 24-7 non-stop explosion of fire and smoke. Yet, from what I hear, it’s use is limited in the United States. What? Is the United States run by a cadre of pussies or what?
Playing with fireworks teaches your kids how to responsibly handle fire and to have a healthy respect for exploding objects. Unfortunately, thanks to stringent fireworks laws and parents freaked out from viral stories of children losing eyeballs while lighting Roman candles, many kids today have never experienced the pure excitement and joy of igniting a fuse and waiting for the impending explosion.
Introduce your 3-5 year olds to the world of fireworks with “pop-pops” — those little paper-wrapped tadpole-like things you throw on the ground. They’re safe and the kids can have fun with them without injuring themselves or anybody else. You can also get them acquainted with sparklers. These preparatory “fireworks” offer a chance for children to learn general principles of safety: not to throw lit objects at others, touch people with a hot sparkler, handle a dud, etc.
When your kids hit age 6, you can start letting them light innocuous fireworks like snakes and smoke bombs. These don’t explode and will teach your kids how to light a fuse safely and to be aware of others as they use firecrackers.
By age 9 or 10, your kid should be ready to fire off pretty much anything you can find at a fireworks stand. You should continue to supervise their pyrotechnics until they’re teens, though.
The only caution that I would advise is not to make the fireworks yourself. It is DANGEROUS. I once worked with someone who's son was missing a hand precisely because the home-made firecracker in his hand went off. Be careful.
It is important that parents ACT like parent and not prison guards, or hyper-protective insecure single mothers. After all, it was that behavior that created Adolph Hitler…
Today, I have real concerns that the nation of millennials in the Untied States are exactly that. Improperly educated, with a serious retardation in basic and fundamental life skills. What ever, and when ever possible I am doing my best to prevent that from happening.
The job of a parent is to expose the child to dangerous situations in graduated steps. In such a way they learn the effects of consequences, and other important life lessons. Here are just some of my thoughts on this matter. If your child wants to gather a committee to figure out what to do, then they will never make it in the real world. They are already programmed to be a serf, a worker for others who own and run the factories and companies that your child will be programmed to live within.
When there is an important announcement at your company, does it look something a little like this? Well, if it does, then like it or not, you are in a corporate bubble. If you are not careful, you will have difficulty leaving it. Be careful.
Let’s hope that it’s not too late.
Take Aways
Parent has an important role in teaching their children.
This role cannot be off-loaded to surrogates, whether a school, a television show, or a coach.
The role requires participation with the child.
The role requires a staged implementation of experiences in a controlled environment that permits learning of dangers and problem solving and avoidance.
These are just some of my ideas implemented in my own family.
Q: Isn’t your ideas going to put the children into danger? A: I do not advocate putting anyone in danger. What I suggest is that the job of a parent is to introduce the child to potentially dangerous situations in a graduated way. When I was in training to be a Naval Aviator, they taught us how to perform a dead man’s float, swim in different techniques, and how to handle ourselves. Once we mastered those basics, we were then introduced to more complex events like how to untangle ourselves from a parachute that is dragging you through the water, and how to egress from a sunken helicopter at night. You must learn in stages.
Q: Why not let the school take on this responsibility? A: After seeing what the public schools are teaching today, I am loathe to subject my child to anything resembling an American public school. It is your responsibility as a parent to teach your children. Your child’s success in life will be heavily influenced by how to prepare them for it.
Q: Isn’t your children going to public schools? A: Well, yes, they are. However, I am here in China. They go to Chinese public schools and learn English and American history and civics at home. We have a very aggressive teaching schedule for them, and my Chinese wife is relentless in making sure that they are learning to the best of their ability. It is what is appropriate for us today. Needless to say, if we were in the United States, we would do something quite different.
Q: Do you have other ideas on how to raise children? A: Oh my yes. However, Google SEO requirements, as well as my own limitations has necessitated the creation of this post as shown.
Q: Why do you talk so much about China? Why are you so down on America? A: I am in China out of necessity. That being said, I happen to love the United States. In fact, I love what it was and what it was intended to be.
Today, I am pretty discouraged with how the government is, and how the educational system is. I am pretty jaded.
Today there is a battle between those who want America to RETURN to what it was intended to be, and those who want to continue the remake; to turn it into a globalist ruled oligarchy, with Americans acting as dumbed down serf-cattle. Until it is sorted out, I will stay right where I am, thank you.
I am a traditional American. I like big cars, big boobed women, big plates of bacon, big wide skies, and big pitches of ice cold beer. I also like big caliber handguns, big racks on deer, and big trucks. I enjoy a big bonfire with my friends, and we like to watch the big game together.
This is Part 1 of a Two Part Post
This is part one of a two part post. You can go to the other post HERE. This post is rather long. I have exceeded the “industry norm” (Google SEO advisement) by a significant word count. As is my prerogative. You can visit the beginning of this post HERE.
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
The article reinforces a notion that I have that “play is the work of children”. It is how they learn to become an adult. It doesn’t matter if you are a dog, a cat, an elephant, or a monkey, all animals learn from playing.
However, it is more than that, play is individualized free-roaming periods of children playing without supervision. They need to learn to be autonomous. They need to be able to use trial and error. They need to explore the idea of actions have consequences. When a child does not have this environment, they are often retarded in some fundamental areas.
The boy is a natural spectator; he watches parades, fires, fights, football games, automobiles and planes with equal fervor. However, he will not watch a clock.
A boy is a piece of skin stretched over an appetite. However, he eats only when he’s awake.
Boys imitate their Dads in spite of all the efforts to teach them good manners.
Boy’s are very durable.
A boy, if not washed too often and if not kept in a cool quiet place after each accident , will survive broken bones, hornet’s nests, swimming holes and five helpings of pie. Boys love to trade things. They’ll trade fishhooks, marbles, broken knives and snakes for anything that is priceless or worthless.
-Herbert Hoover
In the United States today, I see a matriarchal tide that has emasculated men, and have pampered children to a point where they grow up spoiled without discipline. It does not matter if the child is a boy, or a girl, or considers themselves something in between. That is something that is not desirable for the children, families, and society as whole. Children are young and they need to learn basic rules to fit into society. After all, a puppy that is not litter trained, will deposit feces all over the house. A horse that is not “broken” will never let you ride it.
Parental Duty
A parent has a duty to teach their children and not outsource that responsibility to others. Whether it is a babysitter, a community government, or a church, a parent must provide adaptive skills and rules of behavior to their children. Otherwise, the child will become a “misfit”. They will not be able to fit into society.
Yet, a worrisome as this can be, too much supervision is just as dangerous. Too much protection is equally bad. When parents are overly protective of their children, they essentially outsource all of their offspring’s risk management to themselves. Part of growing is learning to judge risk behaviors.
Is that river to wide to swim across? Is the ice too thin to walk on? Is that tree too high to climb? Can I jump off the third story into a kiddy pool of water below?
Children need to be able to make these decisions on their own without reliance on others. Otherwise, the operating assumption is that mom and dad will always be around to keep them from harm. They will grow up expecting others to make those fundamental decisions for them. They will believe that society and the government, can best decide and tell them how to live.
Children need to be Self Reliant
Rather than making kids dependent on you to keep them safe, prepare them to face and manage risks themselves. This doesn’t mean totally shoving them into things without a safety net. Like how my old school mates learned how to swim – their father simply threw them into the pool. No. I don’t believe in that. Rather, they need a set a staged instructions.
In fact, this system was promoted by Gever Tulley.
Gever Tulley is an American writer, speaker, educator, entrepreneur, and computer scientist. He is the founder of the Brightworks School, Tinkering School, the non-profit Institute for Applied Tinkering, and educational kit maker Tinkering Labs.
His more recent work centers around the concept of students learning through building projects. He has delivered multiple TED talks on his work, published the book 50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do), and has contributed articles for many online media outlets.
Gever refers to this system as a “scaffolding” of “planning, practicing by steps, and taking reasonable precautions.” Obviously, the robustness of this scaffolding should be adjusted to your children’s age and level of maturity. You certainly do not want a toddler who can barely stand up trying to cross a city street. As they grow, you (as the parent) can then progressively withdraw the support “scaffolding”. In this way, they can gain confidence and competence and become able to fend for themselves.
The great Mr. Rogers stated that “play was the work of children”. He was so correct about that. That is how youth learns. It is through play. Little girls learn how to raise babies through play. They play with dolls, they feed the dolls, they play “house”, and they hold “tea parties”. Little boys learn how to work together in group sports. They learn how to build cabins, tree houses, and “forts”. They tear things apart and put things together. Some girls like to do “boy activities”. Some boys like to do “girl activities”. That’s all both ok too.
The point is that play is how children learn.
The term “free play” is permitting children to learn under minimum supervision. Not only is there no supervision, but that the child knows that they are “on their own”. They know and realize that they can do what they feel like doing, but that if something goes wrong, they will be on their own. It is an adventure in risk…
“Free play has little in common with the “play” we give children today. In organized activities, adults run the show. It’s only when the grown-ups aren’t around that the kids get to take over. Play is training for adulthood.”-The Fragile Generation
You have to teach the children to be independent.
That is not going to happen with you sitting off to the side or within earshot. You need to teach them how to judge risks, and then the decision process on how to take them. I personally believe that the best way to do this is to take these little steps with them together, first. Then, over time, gradually let them take the risks without you being nearby.
Staged Risks
The keys to engaging in this process in a way that will not only benefit your children, but allay your own anxiety. After all, if you don’t teach your children well, you will get sick over the huge anxiety that you will need to endure. The solution is to introduce risk in graduated phases.
It’s a basic and simple process. The first step in allowing your kids to engage in a “risky” activity is to identify what exactly the risks are. For instance if you fall off of the first step in a ladder, the fall isn’t so bad. If you fall off the fourth step it is worse. They will not want to fall off anything higher. They will not WANT to. They have learned that risks have consequences.
That’s not going to happen, if you don’t allow your child to get on the ladder. It’s not going to happen when you are there to catch them. They need to experience the consequences. It needs to be visceral.
Once you’ve identified the risks of an activity, you can figure out how to mitigate them. It should be natural for most children. You fall down from skating on the ice; you will feel bruised and maybe have some torn skin. Let it happen!
My children do not wear arm and knee pads when they go ice skating (though, neither do the other Chinese children either). Let them fall down. Let them learn what happens and the consequences of it.
Falling down is an important part of growing up. Do not coddle and deprive. They must experience the benefits and risks together.
Know your history.
Up through the early 20th century, children, even very young ones, worked. They got up early in the morning and did their chores. They washed up and trudged off to work. Often they worked 12 hours a day in the mines and the factories. They hawked newspapers on grimy street corners, or like my father, shined shoes in front of businesses downtown.
The reader should not misunderstand. There’s nothing really romantic about such child labor. They were not learning. They were not engaged in play. They were doing what they needed to do to survive. They did what they had to do. It was dangerous.
It was dangerous, and yet they survived.
Imagine that!
Consider the youth of the past. When he was seventeen, Jack London (remember him? He wrote the book “The Call of the Wild”.) Signed on to sail with a gaff-rigged schooner bound for seal hunting in the icy Bering Sea. I dare say that if a child did that today, the parents would be locked up in jail. Imagine that! Not even old enough to shave. He walks down to a port, talks to the ship’s mate and gets a job bound for icy North! What balls! Yet those types of things are what build character and makes a parent proud.
Jack London, with his belongings in a satchel walked to the bay and got a job on a gaff-rigged schooner bound for points unknown. He shook hands with the master and signed on. He just did it. What moxie! That is what self-reliance is all about.
This was not someone who grew up around boats. This was not someone who’s father was a fisherman, and who’s classmates all knew how to sail. No. Not in the least. This young man knew absolutely nothing. He knew positively zero. Yet, he knew what he wanted to do. So one day, he packed his bags and left and did it.
It sure beats getting a trophy for coming in 10th place in a sack race.
When he was thirteen, Andrew Jackson (Remember him? He was a President, don’t you know?) served as a courier for American militias fighting in the Revolutionary War. He was thirteen years old. Yet here he was going back and forth between battles and regional headquarters. He carried messages, and if he was ever caught, he would have been tortured and killed. Yet, he did so. At the tender age of thirteen.
Here’s a scene from the movie “The patriot” that stunned many of the liberals in the audiences that watched it. They were surprised that small boys would be able to shoot and handle firearms. People, this is a natural rite of passage for young men. It is only recently that r-survivalist strategy has been adopted by the United States government. Boys are not girls. Treat them as the genetically programed humans that they are. Aim small, miss small.
Do you allow your thirteen year old to ride a bicycle unsupervised?
When he was twelve, Louis Zamperini left home to spend the summer living on an Indian reservation and running around in the mountains. He lived in a wood cabin with a friend the same age and killed his own dinner each night with a rifle.
Louis Silvie "Louie" Zamperini (January 26, 1917 – July 2, 2014) was a US prisoner of war survivor in World War II, a Christian evangelist and an Olympic distance runner.
Zamperini took up running in high school and qualified for the US in the 5000m race for the 1936 Berlin Olympics. He finished 8th in the event.
In 1941 he was commissioned into the United States Army Air Forces as a Lieutenant. He served as a bombardier in B-24 Liberators in the Pacific. On a search and rescue mission, mechanical difficulties forced Zamperini's plane to crash in the ocean.
Louis Zamperini crashed in the South Pacific. he survived, but was captured by brutal Japanese forces. He survived the crash, and then he survived his imprisonment. He would have never been able to do so, were he coddled as a child and told not to take risks.
After drifting at sea for 46–47 days (island spotted on the 46th, and arrived on 47th) he landed on the Japanese occupied Marshall Islands and was captured. He was taken to a prison camp in Japan where he was tortured.
Following the war he initially struggled to overcome his ordeal. Later he became a Christian Evangelist with a strong belief in forgiveness. Zamperini is the subject of two biographical films, the 2014 Unbroken and the 2015 Captured by Grace.
Can your twelve year old child do the same? Do you dare let them live alone in a cabin in the woods? Do you dare let them have and use a gun? Do they know how to survive in the wilds?
If these kids can sail the oceans, serve on the war-front, and live by themselves, then our kids can ride their bikes to school. Maybe, you the reader, disagree with me. Maybe you think that it is just fine to raise your children as “pussies”. After all, I have heard the arguments; it is the new progressive reality. The society has changed, and I am but an old dinosaur. Never the less…
Unfortunately, the landscapes of play and exercise for children have been both literally and metaphorically flattened, if they exist at all in the United States. As many as 40% of schools have either eliminated one or all of their recess periods, not simply to gain more classroom and testing time, but also because of liability concerns. For the same reason, climbing ropes and dodge ball games have been removed from gym class. Can the reader believe this? It’s true! The risk of someone getting hurt is too high; the risk of physical ineptitude doesn’t rate, even though it’s correlated with the risk of obesity.
To prevent my children from turning into emasculated serfs being harvested by the American elite, let me present some things that I permit my children to do…
Take a Train
I really don’t know why I personally think this is a big deal. Yet, it is. Every single child that I know, get really excited when they are told that they are going to take the train. There is something far different and exciting about a train. Yes, I am aware about the excitement in taking an airplane ride for the first time. Yet, a train is something more than that. A train ride is special.
Look at this beauty. Observe the lines, the enormity of the great complex mechanical monster. Look at how small the workers look around it. Look at the environment. Absorb what it must have been like, the smells, the muggy air, and the hustle and bustle of the people on the platform in the early morning air.
From the point of view of a child, a train gives you the full (end) experience of travel. They can see what it is like. You buy a ticket, you ride in a seat, and you arrive in your destination. It is easy to understand. It is easy to conceptualize.
That isn’t so clear to a child when they fly. To a child, they have to wait in huge lines, often hours long, to pass through TSA. They have to sit on board, which at least in America is becoming more akin to herding cattle than it is to taking a trip.
Keep an eye on perspective. My father took a train to attend my nieces wedding in New York City. It had been nearly thirty years since he taken a train. His opinion? It was marvelous. They had wide and spacious seats. Plenty of legroom. They could read, play cards, and just nap. He loved it. His wife, enjoyed knitting and listening to the radio. It’s a different way of traveling.
If you, my dear reader, do not understand what I am discussing here then you obviously haven’t rode in a train lately.
Make a Fire
In China you can do just about anything, but finding a place in the woods to build a campfire is not all that easy. However, it can be done. Why is this important? Because building a making a fire is a fundamental requirement of all children since the age of written history.
Young girls learned how to keep the hearths burning. Not only to keep the household warm, but also to make sure that the food was prepared.
Young boys learned how to survive outside, far away from their home, and that included providing warmth and nourishment through cooking game that they caught.
In America, these are no longer considered important. As there just isn’t any such thing as gender. Alternatively, societal roles, or the need to live “off the grid” and away from society. The all-knowing American police state will take care of you, don’t you know…
I strongly disagree with the progressive direction of the Obama Presidential mandates. While every other child is being groomed for slavery (or at least serfdom), my children will have the necessary skills to survive away from the American Progressive madness.
For me, I let them play with matches and light candles when they’re really young. Indeed they are pre-school age. This can be done in your house. Buy a set of candles. It might set you back a whole $1. Then, let them practice lighting it. Do it until they are bored. Then try it again and again. Soon, they will tire of it, and not want to play with fire any more.
When you ask them, they will say “Awww, not again!”.
They’ll learn quite a bit. They will learn that fire indeed burns and it hurts. However, with a flame so small, it won’t hurt too much if it glances their skin. When they get to a little older, let them build a fire all by themselves (still with your supervision, of course). A campfire is the best, but if you are in an urban environment, teach them by making candle experiments.
Candle Experimentation
You take an old can; put corrugated cardboard inside so that the spaces (holes) in the can face up. Pack the cardboard in. I like to wrap them in a circular shape. Line the inner side (of the tin) and then add pieces until there just isn’t any room left. Then melt wax (very cheap) on a stove and pour it in the holes in the cardboard.
Let your child make this candle device. Then allow them to experiment with wax, with cardboard, with fire, with other discarded tins. The cost will be minimal, but if you allow them to do it in the safety of your supervision, it will be beneficial to them.
You can buy a DIY candle kit to start off with. You can get cardboard everywhere. You have scissors, and matches. Then all you need an open and airy place that is safe and secure. Then let the kids go to town.
Teach them by showing them. Then allow them to make their own. For a campfire, gather the wood. Cut the branches. Build up tinder. Get it started burning. Children can learn this. Teach them at an early age.
Campfires are great, and I just cannot imagine a childhood without one.
Fire is a fundamental part of every human child’s life. We should teach and allow the child to explore this most important of elements. We need to take the time out of our day to help them to explore and learn. Let them smell the burning, hear the crackling embers, and enjoy the smoke and embers as they float upwards into the heavens.
Teach your children about how to make a fire. You gather wood. You gather tinder. You clean out a fire pit, and you surround it with rocks. You select the rocks carefully, so no “river rocks” are used. Then you arrange the wood, and start it by tinder. They can participate and help. In no time, they will be starting the fire on their own.
Let them add sticks and wood to the fire. Let them learn how to make the fire hot, and see the benefits of the hot embers.
It need not only be about making the fire. It can include such activities as cooking cut-up potatoes in aluminum-foil in the embers. (Easy to make and delicious. Cut up a potato (after washing it), and an onion. Add salt and pepper and a pad of butter. Wrap the entire thing in aluminum foil and place it in the embers and let it cook a spell. It is delicious.)
One of my fondest memories is roasting hotdogs over a evening fire. We did this often as a child. This included such events as cub-scouts, school outings, and trips with my parents. Childhood needs to include campfires as a fundamental element of growing up.
It can include roasting marshmallows on a stick, or hotdogs until they are black and crunchy (the best kind). My first roasted marshmallow occurred when I was six. It was before first grade. It can be earlier than that, but make sure that you supervise the youngster, as they do need training. Otherwise, they can burn their mouth, or fall into the fire. Yikes!
Fires are a great venue for bonding. It can include talking and telling stories, especially family lore, or hopes and dreams of the children. You can be a great parent or uncle in these events. Don’t let them pass away. Don’t let them fade into obscurity simply because there is a new app in your cellphone.
By the way. I strongly urge all campfires to be a cellphone free zone.
Let your children see how easy it is to make tea or coffee on the campfire. Show them how it is done. You can also open up a can of pork and beans and teach them how to cook it on a fire in the embers (opened up) of course. Let them feel some independence, and let them do all the work. This is their experience, don’t hog it all up.
Let them participate in stories, or just allow them to stare into the burning embers and daydream. Let your child know the differences between wet wood, and dry wood. Let them understand the differences between a pine and a hard wood. Let them see the difference in making tinder, and how coal can make a fire much hotter. Let them learn what happens to a hotdog on a stick when you cook it deep down inside the hot embers of a fire, and what happens when you don’t. Let them learn through experience.
I personally find it absolutely laughable that many American parents are so fearful that they will not allow their children to play with fire. Certainly, no one wants the children to burn up a house or set a field on fire. Yet, the knowledge of what a fire is, and how it can be controlled is an important learning exercise for children.
“If a 10-year-old lit a fire at an American playground, someone would call the police and the kid would be taken for counseling. At “the Land”, spontaneous fires are a frequent occurrence. The park is staffed by professionally trained “playworkers,” who keep a close eye on the kids but don’t intervene all that much. Claire Griffiths, the manager of the Land, describes her job as “loitering with intent.”
-The Land. The Land is an “adventure playground,” though it sounds a little too much like a amusement park.
In the U.K., such playgrounds arose and became popular in the 1940s, as a result of the efforts of Lady Marjory Allen of Hurtwood, a landscape architect and children’s advocate.
Allen was disappointed by what she described in a documentary as “asphalt square” playgrounds with “a few pieces of mechanical equipment.” She wanted to design playgrounds with loose parts that kids could move around and manipulate, to create their own makeshift structures.
But more important, she wanted to encourage a “free and permissive atmosphere” with as little adult supervision as possible. The idea was that kids should face what to them seem like “really dangerous risks” and then conquer them alone. That, she said, is what builds self-confidence and courage.
Although the play-workers almost never stop the kids from what they’re doing, before the playground had even opened they’d filled binders with “risk benefits assessments” for nearly every activity. (In the two years since it opened, no one has been injured outside of the occasional scraped knee.)
Here’s the list of benefits for fire:
“It can be a social experience to sit around with friends, make friends, to sing songs to dance around, to stare at, it can be a co-operative experience where everyone has jobs. It can be something to experiment with, to take risks, to test its properties, its heat, its power, to re-live our evolutionary past.”The risks?“Burns from fire or fire pit” and “children accidentally burning each other with flaming cardboard or wood.” In this case, the benefits win, because a playworker is always nearby, watching for impending accidents but otherwise letting the children figure out lessons about fire on their own.”-The Overprotected Kid
There is something primeval about fire, the smell of burning wood, and the weight of a metal lighter in your hand. (Disposable lighters are like paper cups of coffee; discardable and plain. To get the “full” experience, do it right.)
Teach them how to make a fire from tinder, and scraps.
I personally believe that every father should buy their son a nice traditional lighter. make it memorable and let the son choose the style that best fit’s their personality. This is an important part of growing up.
Show them how to make a fire pit, chop wood, and select the best wood. Let them know the difference between green-wood, soft-wood, and hard wood. Let them poke the fire and watch the sparks fly. Let them blow on the fire and watch the embers glow and grow.
One of the more memorable events in my life took place during my college years. I was out riding in the “boondocks” with a friend of mine (Sid Custer) in his pickup truck. We were having a great time, and we stopped in the middle of the dirt road for a smoke (not a cigarette) and pee. Neither of us had a lighter. So my friend siphoned some gas out of the tank, put it on a rag he scrounged out of the glove box, and used his pocketknife to create sparks, which quickly set the rag on fire. We lit up, and continued our merry way. Yes. Men, need to be able to adapt to survive. They need to know, that in a pinch, they can “make do” and adapt.
I never forgot that event.
Later on during other stages of my life, I saw interesting improvisations that enabled people the ability to light up cigarettes. Here are some additional ways to start a fire. I would suggest that the reader also make a point to their children that fire can be made easily and is not something to fear.
Teach them how to create fires on demand. Teach them how to control fires, and what to do, when a fire gets out of control.
Gum Wrapper Fire. This is a very easy method, and commonly used in prison. You take a pack of chewing gum. You remove the silver foil. Then you get a battery (any working battery, but I’ve seen type AA or AAA used effectively), and put the foil so that it touches both ends. Now the fire might start at any point along the foil, so you need to tear away some of the foil to make a narrow gap. That will focus the fire to start there. Make sure you have some tinder ready, as the fire will be short lived. It might last two to three seconds, tops.
Ramen Noodle Stove. Take a pack of Ramen noodles. (Remove it from the plastic wrapping.) Pour gasoline, kerosene or any other flammable liquid on the uncooked noodles. Put it on a brick, a rock or other safe surface. Then light carefully (making sure that no gasoline is on anyone’s hands or splashed on the ground nearby). It will act like a “fire starter log”. As such, it will burn for a good spell. Maybe 20 minutes to a half an hour. It makes a great kindling or fire starter, but is also a very good exercise to expose your children to.
All of the suggestions that I have provided here come with a level of danger. There should be no doubt about that. However, the point is that danger should be a friend and as the child grows, they can become more familiar with danger and best be able to tame it. You need to teach your children how to confront life, and not shy away from it in fear.
To quote an age-old Peruvian saying; “A life lived in fear is a life not worth living”.
Also quoted in the movie “Strictly Ballroom” (1992). Strictly Ballroom is a 1992 Australian romantic comedy film directed and co-written by Baz Luhrmann. If the reader is confused about why this quote is located here in this manuscript, and what it means in regards to raising children and exposing them to new ideas and skills, then you should watch the movie “Strictly Ballroom”.
Sail a boat
"There is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. In or out of 'em, it doesn't matter. Nothing seems really to matter, that's the charm of it.
Whether you get away, or whether you don't; whether you arrive at your destination or whether you reach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you're always busy, and you never do anything in particular; and when you've done it there's always something else to do, and you can do it if you like, but you'd much better not."- Spoken by Ratty to Mole in Wind in the Willows a children's book by Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932).
This might be a surprise to some readers. It need not be.
This is a nice photo of a gaff-rigged cutter. A cutter is a boat with a single mast. A gaff-rigged boat is one that has the mast broken into two sections; a top and a bottom. The top section has a smaller sail known as a top-sail. It is useful to get the smallest and tiniest breezes of wind on calm days.
Sailing introduces your child to art, beauty, nature, and teamwork. You will find them wanting to help furl the sails. You will find them steer the boat with pride. You will watch with pride as they point out when the sails are luffing. There is something very freeing about sailing. You glide along the water, it is almost like flying. It is soft, quiet and peaceful.
Sails on larger vessels are typically left in place, while it is easier to remove sails from the rigs of smaller vessels. Furling a sail simply means to put the thing away after use. Sails are commonly folded and covered, or rolled into a tubular shape by an onboard mechanism.
In sailing, luffing refers to when a sailing vessel is steered far enough toward the direction of the wind ("windward"), or the sheet controlling a sail is eased so far past optimal trim, that airflow over the surfaces of the sail is disrupted and the sail begins to "flap" or "luff" (the luff of the sail is usually where this first becomes evident). This is not always done in error; for example, the sails will luff when the bow of the boat passes through the direction of the wind as the sailboat is tacked.
A sailboat can also be "luffed" slightly without completely de-powering the sails. Often this occurs on the point of sail known as close hauled, this is sometimes referred to as pinching or "feathering" and is sometimes done deliberately in order to make a more direct course toward an upwind destination (see: "beating to windward"), or to "de-power" a sail on a windy day to maintain control of the sailboat. "Luffing" can also be used to slow or stop a sailboat in a controlled manner. To offset luffing at the top of the sail one should move the sail "lead" forward until the point where the "telltales" break evenly.
In comparison, a household with young children is a noisy and clamorous affair. There is always noise and contention. Young children cry and demand. Sugar and other children exacerbate this situation. However, on the ocean (or in a bay), there is none of this. The children will calm down and start to fit into the routine and the rhythm of the boat. Oh, they will get the “sea legs” soon enough.
“The sea hates a coward.”- Eugene O’Neill
If the parent is so inclined, they can help the child with sailing lessons. In each and every case, the parent should make sure that the child knows the basics of swimming (not included in this list, as it is a MAJOR fundamental requirement for all of my children. They learn how to swim early on.). When in the boat, all children wear life preservers, and all of them must know how to “turn a boat around” to rescue a person during a “man overboard” drill. Try it. Your children would love it!
Here we see a gaff-rigged schooner overtaking a cutter. A schooner is a vessel with two masts. The mast at the stern of the ship is the tallest. Therefore, the vessel has the largest sail area towards the stern of the ship.
Others have written about the beauty of sailing. Consider Christopher Cross for example.
For those readers who have never sailed, I would seriously suggest that you take the opportunity to do so. I am not talking about a little puddle boat, but a large sailing vessel with a decent beam and some real size. It is achievable, as many boat owners offer rides in their sailboats for a very reasonable price as a way to make extra money.
For those of you who have, let me suggest that you invest in a simple boat rather than a new cellphone. In my household, tools and clothing that helps the children learn hold far greater value than what everyone else is doing. You, dear reader, should realize that your High School days are over. Those who have succeeded in life, we NOT the ones who were average and “went with the pack”. Do not allow that temptation to mold your child’s thought process.
Here’s some great links for the convinced and interested reader;
The joy of sailing on the Britannia. Everyone should have the opportunity to sail. Everyone should be able to enjoy their life on the water, with friends and companionship.
“There is a special moment in sailing after clearing a harbor and setting the sails, when you turn off the engine and feel the boat lean into the wind and silently pick up speed. In that single quiet moment, all the joys of sailing come to me in a rush: freedom from the work-a-day life ashore, the thrill of travel, the challenge of pitting myself against the forces of the sea.”- Stephan G. Regulinski
Ride Your Bike Off a Ramp
This was something that I did when I was a kid, and something that horrified my mother. Never the less, I don’t know of anyone who ever died from it.
A forest bicycle ramp. Obviously a person using this ramp should have some practice and experience first. I have had many friends who would ride their dirt-bikes (motorcycles) in the abandoned strip mines and forests of Western Pennsylvania who had been in accidents, some of which required hospitalization.
It’s a thrill and a brush with danger that is still possible in this too-sterile world. Building and riding off ramps will teach your kids some basic physics and even some construction skills. Let them be kids, for goodness sakes. Don’t end up like that joke-of-a-President Obama who rides a bicycle with helmet and protective padding. Good God!
But… Let’s not leave it at that. Riding a bike through the woods can be a great adventure. I certainly enjoyed it as a kid growing up. Today, in China, bike ride-share has taken the nation by storm, but these bikes are all for urban transport from one location to another.
That is not what I am writing about.
Instead I suggest aggressive bike adventures in the woods. If you are an American, there is no reason why you can’t explore the old trails and country railroad access trails. There is no reason why you can’t ride the deserted industrial sites and explore the “off the beaten” path adventures just waiting for there for you. There is no reason why you can’t ride along long disused railroad tracks, ride up and down abandoned urban complexes, or explore old sections of cracked highway.
“beginning in 2011, Swanson Primary School in New Zealand submitted itself to a university experiment and agreed to suspend all playground rules, allowing the kids to run, climb trees, slide down a muddy hill, jump off swings, and play in a “loose-parts pit” that was like a mini adventure playground.The teachers feared chaos, but in fact what they got was less naughtiness and bullying—because the kids were too busy and engaged to want to cause trouble, the principal said.”-The Overprotected Kid
Which brings up another subject…
Explore an Abandoned Building
Ouch! This is a painful admission. Abandoned sites are dangerous. You can get hurt or more. When I was five I walked on a rusty nail protruding from a board in an abandoned house near our place. I had to get some painful shots as a result.
Never the less, I explored many an abandoned building, and went in and out of local railroad tunnels throughout the Western Pennsylvania hills where I lived. I cannot say that I would promote my children doing so, but if I found out about it, I wouldn’t lambast them either. The key is preparation. The children need to know about the dangers before hand, and then with the basic tools and knowledge just let them explore a bit.
When I was in second grade I learned that if you jumped off the second floor of an abandoned building that your feet and legs would hurt. I learned that old pipes had water, but the water was thick and red with rust. I learned that nails were everywhere and if you weren’t careful you could step on one and need to go to the doctor and get an injection. I learned that broken glass is everywhere in an old building and you could get hurt if your touched it.
There is a sub-culture called urban-exploration where young adults enter into abandoned structures for the purpose of photography and exploration. They do not deface, steal or vandalize. I see nothing wrong with this as long as they are careful and not breaking any laws. I would encourage your children to explore…
A good parent allows the child to learn.
A good parent will rather have the child experience a bruise or two rather than live a life in fear, or worse yet, walk straight into danger unawares. As a child, I was petrified of spiders, snakes, frogs, and bees. Over the years, through close contact, I have learned not to be fearful of these things. Let your child learn early. Equip them with the knowledge to live and survive in an often-unfriendly world.
Climb a Rope
Climbing is one of the crucial physical skills everyone should develop. In America, from what I gather, climbing a rope is something that is frowned upon. As is climbing stairs higher than four feet. Have you looked at what constitutes a playground these days?
Now, if schools won’t provide the opportunity for a little physical exercise, then parents ought to. I am way too old to climb, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t make the effort to show how it is done.
In the old days (about 100 years ago), every community had a playground. These playgrounds consisted of “monkey bars”, swing sets, seesaws, and other simple outdoor childhood entertainments. Typically, they had sand at the bottom of the metal (and often concrete) structures to mitigate any cuts, scrapes or broken bones. There was sand at the bottom of the monkey bars, sand at the bottom and end of the slides, and sand below the swing sets.
Children playing on “monkey bars”. Now, pretty much banned throughout the USA by Democrat well-meaning busybodies.
This continued into my parents’ generation and mine as well. However, over time, the playground equipment became more standardized and mass-produced. By the time the 1980’s rolled around, there were small community organizations forming to make playgrounds “safer”, “better” and (perhaps) more “educational”. These “improvements” resulted in making the playgrounds nice and safe and very boring.
Often centering around a “community activist”. This “activist” often had no source of financial income except what manifested as a result of litigation. Litigation was the fruit that justified their activism. Many “well intentioned” changes were just creative ways for an individual or group of individuals to make money without physical labor. Don’t like my opinion? Prove me wrong.
Old American playground around 1900. Only the strong survived recess, obviously.
For instance, slides became lower. Instead of two stories high during my parents’ generation, and one story high (8 feet) in my generation, they became four feet high. “Monkey Bars” became smaller and lower to the ground. Even seesaws and swings became smaller, or eliminated all together. These “improvements” were welcomed by all the protective parents in their respective communities, or at least by the most vocal ones.
There was only one problem.
The structures were boring and did not challenge the children. They were instead only suitable for mentally retarded and handicapped children, infants under the age of two, and overweight mothers. My gosh! Children should be challenged while in a safe environment, not coddled until they become an adult.
Bubble wrap was intended for the protection of inanimate objects. Not for human beings. Protective attire is necessary for close combat, hazardous work, and working with tools. It should not be necessary for transportation, play or dining.
My experience, in life, has been that once the father leaves (dies or simply abandons the household); the mother tends to clutch on to the child. She becomes hyper protective. If the child is unable to go out on their own, this terrible behavior (and self-serving behavior) by the mother completely messes up the child. They become “retarded” in normal development.
Those of you readers who have accomplished anything know exactly what I speak of.
I strongly believe that children, like cats and puppies, should be encouraged to climb, fight, sing, dance, and do other tasks that involve a moderate level of risk. It is better to climb in a park near your house than on a mountain side hours from a nearby hospital.
All Chinese playgrounds are supervised to allow the children to play in safety.
I was reminded of this by an event in a local park here in China. There were some children being taught repelling and climbing skills by a small group of instructors. It turns out that many malls and store complexes in China have these huge climbing complexes of ropes, and netting that children are permitted to go “nuts” over.
They are very popular here, and are well maintained and monitored. They also offer excursions in local parks. I strongly advise all parents to utilize this resource.
Many Chinese malls have enormous gym arrangements that are supervised for safety. The children can climb and explore. They can climb rope ladders often going up seven or eight stories. They can rappel down ropes and swing from tires hanging by a rope.
These arrangements are a multi-colored mixtures of beams, ropes, hoops, ladders, bars, and free hanging containers. The maze towers upward. Often they are five or six stories high. There is one in GuoMao in the LouHu section of ShenZhen that towers seven stories high. There is one in the JiDa section of ZhuHai that goes all the way up to the fifth floor.
You can watch the children high up, five stories above, walking a balance beam. The only thing saving them is a tethered harness so if they lose their footing, they will not fall (and die). I have seen many a petrified first and second grader carefully exploring this maze of rope and bars. Too bad American parents are too fearful to expose their children to adventure.
In China, safety is always a concern. No one can enter these areas without supervision and protection. For this supervision, there is a small fee that needs to be paid.
The Chinese provide their children with a fine place to climb and explore. Sure there is an element of risk, but there are trained instructors and safety harnesses and helmets provided. Compare that to a modern American playgound. There isn’t any risk. There isn’t any opportunity to explore and have adventure. It is typically in one or two colors, it consists of a few fences and railings, and some stairs to climb up. It is also very safe. It is the opposite of what is available in China.
Safe American playground is suitable for the most incompetent children and retarded idiots that America can produce.
American playgrounds are designed for idiots. They are ridiculously safe. Soon, someone will complain (I am sure a SJW looking for a financial award) about rain, and demanding that they be shaded and protected from the weather. Maybe the metal components are too hard, and so they will now need to be completely padded, and let’s add a paid child monitor to the mix (paid for with your tax dollars).
Notice that there are no swings, seesaws, slides, monkey bars or merry go-rounds. Too dangerous the SWJ’s (busybodies) state.
Use a Pocket Knife
I never gave any consideration to the importance of a pocket knife. I was just something that I thought all boys had and used. That is, until I saw a Chinese boy looking at them in the (underground Zhuhai) mall…
Learning to use a pocket knife with grandpa. What a great opportunity to bond with your children, or grand children, or even great-great grand children. You go out. You sit on the porch. You pick up a twig or stick, and you start carving away.
Shortly afterwards, I read an article titled “The Complete guide to Pocket Knives”. That served as my inspiration, and cracked up a wallet just a little bit…
There’s something manly about your first pocket knife. It doesn’t have to have 100 blades and a corkscrew, but it should have at least two different blades and maybe a file.
My (second) pocket knife was a red Swiss Army knife with maybe five different blade combinations including a can opener, and rasp. It replaced my boy scout knife that I had, as well as just about every other boy in my school, one Christmas. It was a gift from my father.
“One day last year, a citizen on a prairie path in the Chicago suburb of Elmhurst came upon a teen boy chopping wood. Not a body. Just some already-fallen branches. Nonetheless, the onlooker called the cops.Officers interrogated the boy, who said he was trying to build a fort for himself and his friends. A local news site reports the police then “took the tools for safekeeping to be returned to the boy’s parents.”-The Fragile Generation
What? A boy cannot cut up wood? What planet ware we on? And the Chicago police promptly relied him of the tools and escorted him to the safety of his parents? This is friggin’ unbelievable!
“Elsewhere in America, preschoolers at the Learning Collaborative in Charlotte, North Carolina, were thrilled to receive a set of gently used playground equipment. But the kids soon found out they would not be allowed to use it, because it was resting on grass, not wood chips. “It’s a safety issue,” explained a day care spokeswoman. Playing on grass is against local regulations.”-The Fragile Generation
Playing on the grass is against safety regulations!
Let me repeat as an underline; “Playing on the grass is against safety regulations.”
This is America.
“And then there was the query that ran in Parents magazine a few years back: “Your child’s old enough to stay home briefly, and often does. But is it okay to leave her and her playmate home while you dash to the dry cleaner?”Absolutely not, the magazine averred: “Take the kids with you, or save your errand for another time.” After all, “you want to make sure that no one’s feelings get too hurt if there’s a squabble.”-The Fragile Generation
By all means, protect the child’s feelings…(!)
“The principle here is simple: This generation of kids must be protected like none other. They can’t use tools, they can’t play on grass, and they certainly can’t be expected to work through a spat with a friend.And this, it could be argued, is why we have “safe spaces” on college campuses and millennial's missing adult milestones today. We told a generation of kids that they can never be too safe—and they believed us.“-The Fragile Generation
Ah, it’s a generation of wusses. But, my children will not be part of it. They are taught how to [1] measure the unknown, [2] put aside fears, and [3] utilize tools to accomplish their goals.
Pocket knives are great tools, and all children, boys and girls should learn to use one. Nothing is better than using it to cut up an apple, or pear. Use it to cut away branches to make a sling-shot, or make a fine walking stick (a teenage necessity).
If you give your child a knife with different blades, please remember to show them how each blade is used. Do not simply expect them to understand it by osmosis. (Like my father did.) Show them the screw driver, and the can-opener blade, and let them open a can or two of pork and beans and let it cook on a campfire once opened. The corkscrew won’t come in handy until they are in college.. heh, heh.
Knives have many benefits. This is an important point. Having a knife, being able to explore without fear, making a fire, and being able to climb a rope are things that all of our distant relatives did when they were children. These were things that they were allowed and permitted to do in a Free Society. Today, America is NOT a free society. It is a prison, increasingly populated with people and children bread to act and behave as cattle-serfs. I refuse to let my children become cattle for the oligarchy. Moo.
This being stated, I do not advise knives being brought into American schools. The days of cub scouts having a pocket knife and bringing it into class is long, long over. Incidentally, a cub-scout pocket knife would be an ideal knife for your child int his regard. I had one when I was a boy. I had it for a while until it was replaced by a red (maybe fake) Swiss army knife.
“As a kid in the 1970’s, almost every boy carried a pocket knife. It wasn’t a weapon or for showing off, unless it was new. Sometimes you had to actually cut something and scissors just wouldn’t do.When you were bored, you’d whittle a stick or a piece of wood with it. I have a simple walking stick carved by my great grandfather, and I recall the mystique of watching and helping as he sharpened his knife. In my keepsake box, I have a pocket knife of my father and grandfather. Interestingly, along with a Confederate $5 bank note, Lincoln had one in his pocket the night he was shot.”-CR Smyth
You do not need to get the biggest, or the most elaborate knife. A simple knife is the best thing. make sure that it is rugged. Children are difficult on things. Make sure that it has two to three blades that the child can master. Make sure that it fits well in his hand, and that it is beautiful enough so that he will want to carry it around with him.
Explore a Construction Site
China is filled with construction sites. While I don’t advocate kids climbing about on the 60th floor of some new skyscraper, many build sites offer great opportunity for exploration and adventure. That is fun. Moreover, dear reader, fun and play is HOW children learn.
While I was growing up, the subdivision I lived in was still under construction, so there were always plenty of partially-built houses to explore. After the construction workers left for the day, my boyhood pals and I would cruise down the street on our bikes to check out their work and poke around the skeletal structures rising from the muddy lots. The ones that were the most fun to explore were the two-story houses. You’d have to climb up the railing-less, unfinished stairs and when you got to the top, you were able to walk to the edge of the second story’s framing and throw stuff down on your buds. What great fun!
One of the first things I learned, I was in second grade at the time, was that if you jumped from the second floor to the ground, it hurt! Ouch!
In America today, kids are not permitted “free range” play. They are constantly under observation and supervision. They are coddled and are not given the opportunity to learn some “hard knocks”. I consider this a very troubling situation, and I do not allow my children to be coddled in this way. It wasn’t always this way. Children used to be permitted to play.
Here is a great write up on why public playgrounds became so sterile;
“In 1978, a toddler named Frank Nelson made his way to the top of a 12-foot slide in Hamlin Park in Chicago, with his mother, Debra, a few steps behind him. The structure, installed three years earlier, was known as a “tornado slide” because it twisted on the way down, but the boy never made it that far. He fell through the gap between the handrail and the steps and landed on his head on the asphalt.A year later, his parents sued the Chicago Park District and the two companies that had manufactured and installed the slide. Frank had fractured his skull in the fall and suffered permanent brain damage. He was paralyzed on his left side and had speech and vision problems. His attorneys noted that he was forced to wear a helmet all the time to protect his fragile skull.The Nelsons’ was one of a number of lawsuits of that era that fueled a backlash against potentially dangerous playground equipment.Theodora Briggs Sweeney, a consumer advocate and safety consultant from John Carroll University, near Cleveland, testified at dozens of trials and became a public crusader for playground reform. “The name of the playground game will continue to be Russian roulette, with the child as unsuspecting victim,” Sweeney wrote in a 1979 paper published in Pediatrics. She was concerned about many things—the heights of slides, the space between railings, the danger of loose S-shaped hooks holding parts together—but what she worried about most was asphalt and dirt. In her paper, Sweeney declared that lab simulations showed children could die from a fall of as little as a foot if their head hit asphalt, or three feet if their head hit dirt.A federal-government report published around that time found that tens of thousands of children were turning up in the emergency room each year because of playground accidents.As a result, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in 1981 published the first “Handbook for Public Playground Safety,” a short set of general guidelines—the word guidelines was in bold, to distinguish the contents from requirements—that should govern the equipment. For example, no component of any equipment should form angles or openings that could trap any part of a child’s body, especially the head.To turn up the pressure, Sweeney and a fellow consultant on playground safety, Joe Frost, began cataloguing the horrors that befell children at playgrounds.Between them, they had testified in almost 200 cases and could detail gruesome specifics—several kids who had gotten their heads trapped or crushed by merry-go-rounds; one who was hanged by a jump rope attached to a deck railing; one who was killed by a motorcycle that crashed into an unfenced playground; one who fell while playing football on rocky ground. In a paper they wrote together, Sweeney and Frost called for “immediate inspection” of all equipment that had been installed before 1981, and the removal of anything faulty. They also called for playgrounds nationwide to incorporate rubber flooring in crucial areas.In January 1985, the Chicago Park District settled the suit with the Nelsons. Frank Nelson was guaranteed a minimum of $9.5 million. Maurice Thominet, the chief engineer for the Park District, told the Chicago Tribune that the city would have to “take a cold, hard look at all of our equipment” and likely remove all the tornado slides and some other structures. At the time, a reader wrote to the paper:“Do accidents happen anymore? … Can a mother take the risk of taking her young child up to the top of a tornado slide, with every good intention, and have an accident? Who is responsible for a child in a park, the park district or the parent? … Swings hit 1-year-old children in the head, I’m sure with dire consequences in some instances. Do we eliminate swings?”But these proved to be musings from a dying age. Around the time the Nelson settlement became public, park departments all over the country began removing equipment newly considered dangerous, partly because they could not afford to be sued, especially now that a government handbook could be used by litigants as proof of standards that parks were failing to meet.In anticipation of lawsuits, insurance premiums skyrocketed.As the Tribune reader had intuited, the cultural understanding of acceptable risk began to shift, such that any known risk became nearly synonymous with hazard.Over the years, the official consumer-product handbook has gone through several revisions; it is now supplemented by a set of technical guidelines for manufacturers. More and more, the standards are set by engineers and technical experts and lawyers, with little meaningful input from “people who know anything about children’s play,” says William Weisz, a design consultant who has sat on several committees overseeing changes to the guidelines.The handbook includes specific prescriptions for the exact heights, slopes, and other angles of nearly every piece of equipment. Rubber flooring or wood chips are virtually required; grass and dirt are “not considered protective surfacing because wear and environmental factors can reduce their shock absorbing effectiveness.”“Reasonable risks are essential for children’s healthy development,” says Joe Frost, an influential safety crusader.It is no longer easy to find a playground that has an element of surprise, no matter how far you travel. Kids can find the same slides at the same heights and angles as the ones in their own neighborhood, with many of the same accessories.I live in Washington, D.C., near a section of Rock Creek Park, and during my first year in the neighborhood, a remote corner of the park dead-ended into what our neighbors called the forgotten playground. The slide had wooden steps, and was at such a steep angle that kids had to practice controlling their speed so they wouldn’t land too hard on the dirt. More glorious, a freestanding tree house perched about 12 feet off the ground, where the neighborhood kids would gather and sort themselves into the pack hierarchies I remember from my childhood—little kids on the ground “cooking” while the bigger kids dominated the high shelter.But in 2003, nearly a year after I moved in, the park service tore down the tree house and replaced all the old equipment with a prefab playground set on rubber flooring. Now the playground can hold only a toddler’s attention, and not for very long. The kids seem to spend most of their time in the sandbox; maybe they like it because the neighbors have turned it into a mini adventure playground, dropping off an odd mixing spoon or colander or broken-down toy car.”-The Overprotected Kid
Well-wishing “do gooders” “busy-bodies” with a profit angle and political influence ruined the educational benefits of pay for nearly two generations of American children.
There is not too much that I can do about it, except for what I do with my children. And, my dear reader, kindly note that they are permitted to play in a fundamentally non-sterile environment.
Shoot a Slingshot
In a time not too long ago, the archetypal boy had a handmade slingshot dangling from the back of his pocket. Today, most boys have never touched one. Which is a shame because slingshots can provide hours of fun and they’re a great way to introduce firearm safety to your young ones (e.g., only point at what you plan on hitting). Yes, you could just buy your kid a fancy manufactured slingshot on Amazon, but how about exposing them to even more positive danger by letting them make their own? They’ll learn how to handle a saw safely and get to practice some knife wielding skills to boot.
However, depending where you live, possession of a slingshot might be problematic.
Some busybody might call the ATF and insist that your child’s slingshot meets the all the regulations for a projectile weapon, such as barrel length, whether or not it has a “bump stock”, magazine size, and whether or not it appear paramilitary.
If you live in in an area where they shut down lemonade stands run by five year olds, then you might want to reconsider the activities that you permit your child to participate in. If you live in the USA, I would suggest moving to a place where there are not such idiotic regulations, like Communist China or Thailand. Here you can do anything you want within reason.
Georgia Girl Scout Troop’s Cookie Booth Shut Down By Police (VIDEO)
Here is an American police officer frisking a child on the television show “Cops” showing how important it is for Americans to obey the law.
This is Part 1 of a Two Part Post
This is part one of a two part post. You can go to the other post HERE. This post is rather long. I have exceeded the “industry norm” (Google SEO advisement) by a significant word count. As is my prerogative. You can visit the rest of this post HERE.
Conclusions, “Take Aways” and FAQ can be found on the second post.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
When America was a first-world nation, and was the preeminent leader of the “free world”, the idea of having a second passport sounded… well, silly. Why would any American want to get a second passport. An American passport was an automatic door to world-wide travel and freedom to enjoy the liberties and protections that came with being an American. So getting a second passport; and inferior passport, was laughable.
Not so today.
Today, America is not a first-class nation. It is a second-class nation, and it is quickly devolving into a third-class nation. If you, the reader cannot see this, then I suggest you step outside the borders of America and start to look around you. I don’t mean Mexico. It is easy to feel superior when you live next door to endless sprawling slums. I mean Asia. I mean middle-class Africa. I mean Eastern Europe.
Go and have a nice long look around.
The Winds of Change are a Blowing…
Growing up, the idea of going to work for a big company for 30 or 40 years, and then retiring to a golf course or rocking chair somewhere, was something completely alien to me. People my age nowadays mostly expect to work full time until age 75 or more. We can forget about pensions and Social Security.
-Three Economics Lessons I Learned from my Dad
America, like many nations before it, is succumbing to the changes that all nations go through. It is a natural process. It is also a well documented process. Nothing stays the same, it only changes over time.
America is due for a nice big reset.
Here is the life cycle of all systems. These systems can be biological, cultural, or social. The presence of a bureaucracy on the life cycle is a serious sign of decline of the culture.
In our case, it is certainly unfortunate. Indeed, it is sad and it is lamentable, but it is exactly what it is. America is solidly on the path of collapse and after that rebirth.
America is going to be reborn. That's the good news.
America will have to go through some changes to get there. That's the bad news.
What shape it will evolve into is anyone’s guess. Many millennials are hoping for a totalitarian socialist state. This would be one with a disarmed populace who works for a benevolent government who provides food, shelter and entertainment for an obedient citizenry. On the other side of the coin are traditionalists who want a return to the intent of the original Constitution.
It's all or nothing. Neither side will compromise simple because there is no room for compromise.
In the meantime, the United States will undergo an uncomfortable period of adjustment and change. Hopefully it will be short lived, manageable, and the nation and the citizens will recover quickly from it. Hopefully there will not be any kind of military confrontation, or socialist purges, or other elements of discomfort.
America is heading towards an adjustment of it’s society.
During this period of discomfort, it might be a good idea to be able to step outside the United States for a brief period of time… like a lifeboat, while the United States goes through the “big reset”. You know, to keep you and your family safe while the most uncomfortable aspects of the reset go through their process. What do you think?
The Big Reset
The “big reset” is my term for what other people are referring to as the “Fourth Turning”. It is a period of change and adjustment within society. The theory is a simple one and goes something like this;
All things mature. People, plants, and societies. Maturity has stages. These include birth, growth, middle age, decay and death. Death That includes America.
Now, death need no mean destruction. It means change.
America is long overdue for a reset. The last reset was in 1929 stock market crash. A nice overview of this theory can be found in the Fourth Turning website found HERE. Here is a nice write-up found HERE concerning what is expected to transpire in the next ten years or so…
Periodically, society experiences a transition from one turning to another. Today we have just experienced such a transition.
The frenzied individualism and carnival culture of the recent Third Turning—the years of the Roaring ‘90s, the Dot-com Boom, and the Greenspan Asset Bubble—is fading into memory.
America has entered a Fourth Turning, marked by new sobriety about unpaid debts at home and unmet challenges abroad.
Like all turnings, the current Fourth Turning will draw its momentum from the aging of each generation into a new phase of life.
Unlike the last three turnings, the emerging lineup of generational archetypes is likely to push history forward in a sudden, concerted, and decisive direction.
As visionary Boomers replace the Silent as elder leaders, they are rejecting caution and compromise and acting on moral absolutes.
As pragmatic Gen-Xers replace Boomers in midlife, they are manifesting a new toughness and resolution as hands-on managers.
As group-oriented Millennials replace Gen Xers in young adulthood, they are getting ready to mobilize behind some new model of public authority with collective action and social discipline.
All of these generations are likely to view the recent Third Turning as an era of drift when public problems were allowed to accumulate—problems that must now be tackled head-on.
There are many potential threats that could feed a growing sense of public urgency as the Fourth Turning progresses, from financial collapse to a protracted war, from a crisis of weapons proliferation to an environmental crisis, from an energy shortage to new civil wars abroad.
The generational cycle cannot explain the role or timing of these individual threats.
It cannot account for specific great incidents in history, like Pearl Harbor, or President Kennedy’s assassination, or 9/11.
What it can do is explain when Crisis or Awakening events are most likely to happen—and, even more importantly, how society is likely to respond to these events in different eras.
It is the response, not the initial event, which defines an era.
In Anglo-American history, there have been six Fourth Turnings dating back to the fifteenth century (see Historical Turnings).
In the modern history of many other societies whose generational currents have run roughly parallel to that of the United States (especially in Europe and Asia), there have been many other Fourth Turnings.
By observing the similarities in how these eras unfold, a morphology can be constructed.
A Crisis era begins with a catalyst, a startling event (or sequence of events) that produces a sudden shift in mood.
In America’s last Fourth Turning, the catalyst was the 1929 stock market crash.
In the current era, we may ultimately look back on the global market meltdown and historic national election of 2008--ushering in a “Great Recession” and a seemingly endless era of deleveraging--as the initial mood-changer.
Several years after the catalyst, society enters a regeneracy, a drawing together of the community in response to a worsening outlook and a growing determination to surmount the challenge.
Thus regenerated, a society then propels toward a climax—a crucial moment that confirms the death of the old order and triumph of the new.
The climax can end well, badly, or some combination of both. Either way, it shakes a society to its roots, transforms institutions, redirects social purposes, and marks people (and generations) for life.
Eventually, the mood transforms into the exhaustion and relief of resolution, the moment when treaties are signed and celebrations are staged.
As the new order quickly hardens and people embrace dreams of domestic contentment, the Crisis era ends and society enters the First Turning of the next saeculum.
Roughly twenty years, in most cases, will have elapsed since the catalyst. In today’s context, we at LifeCourse anticipate the end of the Fourth Turning to occur sometime in the late 2020s.
By then, we expect that a new “Homeland Generation” (born, 2005– ?) will begin to come of age as young adults. We tentatively tag them as belonging to the Artist archetype.
They will strike older Americans as well-educated, well-behaved, risk averse, and perhaps also credulous and conformist.
As America moves into a Fourth Turning, this will be a time of great national trial and upheaval.
Yet seeing this on the horizon is not a prophesy of some horrible tragedy.
A Fourth Turning also could be a time of triumph. Just as the risk of war is great in a Fourth Turning, so too is the possibility of accomplishing things that in other eras would be impossible—particularly in the areas of government, institutions, and infrastructure.
It’s important to remember that Fourth Turnings have occurred many times before in American history.
Each has been an era when America felt good about itself as a society and a nation, a time when big problems have been solved, when businesses ultimately emerged prosperous, and when people came together with a new ethic of community and consensus.
There will be grand reset, call it what you may. It will still be a bit uncomfortable. If you, the reader, wants to bunker down and settle in during the duration – I wish you the best. For me, I got off the rocking ship and swam to a distant island where I can watch the boat toss and turn in the horrible storm.
An Island within the Storm
I view having a passport as an island in a storm. It is your ticket to get off a boat that is near calamity, and make it safely to a refuge. The American passport can do that.
There is only one problem…
There are forces within the Untied States that want to limit your access to your passport. Already the IRS can seize your passport if you have unpaid taxes. Liberal democrats are talking about linking the passport to health plans and other things that will create a spider-web maze to untangle. A wall is being build on the Mexican border to make America “safer”, and new rules are being created to control migration.
How can you get “off the boat” to safety, when someone else is holding your “life jacket”?
The answer is with a second passport.
About Passports
Did you know, that before World War I, you didn’t need a passport for international travel. That’s right. You simply would just go to where ever you desired to go to. As such, people simply went wherever they wanted. In many cases, they didn’t need any kind of permission from a government agency. In fact, up until recently, you could enter Canada, and Mexico without a passport and return back to the United States, all that you would need was a driver’s license. Well, that ended by DHS pronouncement.
Now, obviously, quite a lot has happened since then.
Today, passports are used by governments to document and control their citizens. It is used to track people. It is used to identify people. It is used to tag people as dangerous and as necessary limit their ability to fly (no-fly list) and use public transportation.
So, today, if you want to go to another nation, you need a passport to do so.
Benefits of a Second Passport
A second passport keeps the government from locking you in under their rules. Today in America the US government ignores the fourth amendment. They can seize anything you own, and they do not even need a charge, a suspicion of criminal intent, or even a warrant. They can just come and take what ever they want.
Allowing a government with this kind of power to possess the keys to the gates of the country is simply irresponsible. Without a passport, the government in your home country can effectively place you under house arrest by taking back your passport. Then you are trapped inside America.
While this is a fundamental item of great importance, there are other reasons as well. Among other things, having a second passport allows you to invest, bank, travel, live, and do business in places you wouldn’t otherwise be able to. Many nations no longer allow Americans to bank in their nation. The IRS has made it difficult for the banks and the nations, with substantial penalties for non-compliance to American regulations.
Americans are not welcome. I was denied a HK bank account simply because I was an American. They explained to me that the bank would take on an enormous risk if somehow they made a mistake or the rules for reporting changed. Therefore, since my projected account was considered to be tiny, they felt that the risk element was too large for them to accept.
Obtaining a second passport is a fundamental step toward freeing yourself from absolute dependence on any one country. Once you have that freedom, it’s much harder for any government to control your destiny.
No matter where you live, you can benefit from the political diversification that comes with a second passport.
Here are some reasons why you should have a second passport…
[1] Banking
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a 2010 United States federal law requiring all non-U.S. ('foreign') financial institutions (FFIs) to search their records for customers with indicia of 'U.S.-person' status, such as a U.S. place of birth, and to report the assets and identities of such persons to the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
FATCA also requires such persons to self-report their non-U.S. financial assets annually to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on form 8938, which is in addition to the older and further redundant requirement to self-report them annually to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) on form 114 (also known as 'FBAR').
Like U.S. income tax law, FATCA applies to U.S. residents and also to U.S. citizens and green card holders residing in other countries.
A second passport unlocks the door to international financial services. This is especially true for Americans. Ever since Obama was President, U.S. regulators have a long reach. Thanks to him and his cronies, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is now the law of the land.
This is why many, but not yet all, foreign financial institutions now turn away anyone who presents a U.S. passport. I can confirm that this is true in Hong Kong, Macao, and now (as of 2017) Communist China.
To be a welcome customer, you need a passport from a different country. Americans are not welcome.
It is not so much about the money that you have. Not really. Though, I suppose that if I had a million dollars that they would accept my banking services. But that is way, way out of the reach for most Americans. At best, I might be able to save maybe $500 in a bank account. In my entire life, I don’t think that I ever had more than $7,000 in any bank account.
The issue is however, not the amount of money you have. It is the reporting regulations and potential penalties of non-compliance that the bank associates with YOUR passport.
The penalties for failing to file FBARs are severe. There is a minimum $10,000 penalty if your failure to file was inadvertent. However, if you are found guilty of willfully not filing a FBAR, the minimum fine is $100,000 or half the value of the account, whichever is greater.
[2] Stigma of Being a Warmonger
Say your home government has a bad habit of sticking its nose in other nations’ internal affairs. This is most certainly true with the United States, as we have been at war almost ever year since our founding.
Remember that one of the first thing a terrorist does when they capture hostages is to collect their passports. If you are from Israel, you are most certainly targeted. However, being an American has increasingly, become a significant liability.
Indeed, this could make you a target if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, like the next time ISIS radicals decide to attack a public area. Or when you are in a foreign land, and you are pulled over to show your passport…
You do NOT want to be caught with an American passport in certain areas of the globe. Increasingly any Muslim dominant area will put you at a great disadvantage. This is now also an issue in certain areas of Europe as well.
For a better appreciation of this situation, I would suggest viewing the movie “No Escape“.
There are, of course, passports with minimal risk of foreign policy blowback. When was the last time you heard of anyone targeting Swiss passport holders, Italian passport holders or rounding up Uruguayans?
[3] Avoiding Visa Applications and Fees
Applying for a visa before a trip is a real hassle. It can be frustrating, time-consuming, and expensive. Or not. The thing is that it does take time, and it will cost money. Sometimes you need to show up in person at the embassy to handle this hassle, and it is a painful waste of the day.
A good second passport gives you visa-free access to more countries than you had before.
Take Paraguay, for example. It’s one of the easiest countries in the world to obtain a second passport from. A passport from Paraguay lets you travel visa-free to 123 countries, including most of Latin American and much of Europe. No one ever worries about a person from Paraguay. Have you ever heard of a terrorist, bank robber, sex fiend or evil banker from Paraguay?
Paraguay, you ask. Where is Paraguay?
Here is where Paraguay is. It is a nice calm and sable, but poor, nation next to Brazil and Argentina. It is a Catholic nation that speaks Spanish.
[4] Avoiding Government Targeting
A second passport can also come in handy when your home government starts restricting where its citizens can go. For example, after Castro came to power in Cuba, the government used to make its citizens apply for an exit visa to leave the island. It did not grant them easily.
Preventing people from leaving has always been the hallmark of an authoritarian regime. Unfortunately, the practice is growing in so-called liberal democracies for ever more trivial offenses. In the U.S., for example, the government can cancel your passport if they accuse you of a felony. They don’t even need to convict you.
Many people think felonies only consist of major crimes like robbery and murder.
But that isn’t true.
"...federal criminal laws have become dangerously disconnected from the English common law tradition and how prosecutors can pin arguable federal crimes on any one of us, for even the most seemingly innocuous behavior.
The volume of federal crimes in recent decades has increased well beyond the statute books and into the morass of the Code of Federal Regulations, handing federal prosecutors an additional trove of vague and exceedingly complex and technical prohibitions to stick on their hapless targets."
The ever-expanding mountain of laws and regulations has criminalized even the most mundane activities. It’s not as hard to commit a felony as you might think. Many victimless “crimes” are now felonies. It varies from state to state. Some crimes are misdemeanors in some areas, and full-bore felonies in others. For instance…
Having one marijuana cigarette.
"Smoking or ingesting marijuana is a separate misdemeanor. In most locations, including your home, marijuana use will only get you 90 days in jail and a $100 fine.
Possessing marijuana in a park is a more serious crime, which can even be deemed a felony at a judge's discretion, and this crime carries a two-year sentence."
-Marijuana Laws in Michigan | LegalMatch Law Library
Carrying an open can of beer while crossing the street.
Bringing your dog into a restaurant with you.
Keep in mind, these crimes are given equal legal status as murder, kidnapping, manslaughter and child prostitution in certain states. You do need to be careful.
People this is not the world of Perry Mason, and Mayberry RFD. This is the new world of Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Lois Learner, and Maxine Walters. You all need to open your eyes to the new reality of the “improved” United States.
A study by civil liberty lawyer Harvey Silverglate found that the average American inadvertently commits three felonies a day. It’s true. But, that hasn’t slowed anyone down in the non-stop churning out of laws and regulations.
"We know what happened in the case of QWest before 9/11.
They (the government) contacted the CEO/Chairman asking to wiretap all the customers. After he consulted with Legal, he refused.
As a result, NSA canceled a bunch of unrelated billion dollar contracts that QWest was the top bidder for. And then the DoJ targeted him and prosecuted him and put him in prison for insider trading — on the theory that he knew of anticipated income from secret programs that QWest was planning for the government, while the public didn’t because it was classified and he couldn’t legally tell them, and then he bought or sold QWest stock knowing those things.
This CEO’s name is Joseph P. Nacchio and TODAY he’s still serving a trumped-up 6-year federal prison sentence today for quietly refusing an NSA demand to massively wiretap his customers."
-In the book called Three Felonies A Day, Boston civil rights lawyer Harvey Silverglate says that everyone in the US commits felonies everyday and if the government takes a dislike to you for any reason, they’ll dig in and find a felony you’re guilty of.
So, if the U.S. government really wants to cancel your U.S. passport, it can find some technicality for doing so…for anyone. All they need to do is dig and in a short while they can find an excuse. That, of course, is not unique to the U.S. government. Any government can revoke or cancel the passport of its citizens for any reason it sees fit.
"As a civil liberties matter, a government which has the ability to prosecute innocent citizens at will, is a government which has achieved the power that has characterized all tyrannical governments throughout history."
There are so many laws in the United States that it is difficult keeping up with them all.
Here are just some of the strange driving laws of the United States. Imagine that you are driving through one of these states, and inadvertently break one of these laws. Heck! You are now liable to go to prison as a felon. You have gotta know your laws. As Constitutional “expert” Obama was fond of saying “ignorance of the law is no excuse not to obey it”.
"...the IRS announced that it would block passports for 362,000 Americans who are late on their taxes.
From where in the Constitution does the tax collector get the right to confine citizens who have never been convicted of a crime? We don’t know.
We believe our own accounts with the IRS are in good order. But the “tax code” had 74,608 pages in 2016; there is plenty of room for disagreement, ambiguity, and interpretation."
-Bill Bonner via BonnerAndPartners.com
You combine this with the uber-surveillance by the NSA and other governmental agencies and you’ve got a system for more or less automatically accusing any US citizen of a felony.
Having a second passport significantly dilutes this power.
[5] In an Emergency – you don’t need to be a refugee
In a worst-case scenario, you need to leave your home and your possessions. This is called a “bug out”. Most people are unprepared to leave, while others have created a “bug out bag” with enough supplies to get them through a week.
A second passport is “mobility insurance” for you and your family.
Regardless of how bad the economic or political situation might get in your home country, a second passport gives you the legal right to live and work elsewhere. It guarantees that once you “get out of Dodge”, you won’t have to live like a refugee.
What if the United States start mandating sterilization of all white males? This happened in Nazi Germany under various ethnic initiatives . What if the elected representatives decide to seize the houses of all white farmers and hand over the property to the masses, like in South Africa this year? What are you going to do?
Do you really think that it cannot happen here? Really?
In all likelihood, you will need a second passport if you decide to take the drastic step of leaving the United States and never coming back. This would be the ever costly issue of renouncing your citizenship.
There are advantages of this. Not only are you safe from laws and regulations that might target you and your family. This could also give you huge tax and regulatory benefits if your home country burdens its citizens with suffocating and inescapable taxes…as the U.S. does.
[7] Your Children
Once you obtain a second passport, the political diversification benefits will last for generations. You will be able to pass on multiple citizenships to your future children and grandchildren. You can provide them with options.
I once had a coworker who managed to collect multiple social security numbers for his children…”just in case”. Why NOT have multiple passports with multiple citizenships? If things get difficult or “hot” in one area, why not move to a cooler and calmer area? It offers you and provides you with options.
[8] TSA treats you differently
We, as Americans ASSUME that all people are treated equally by the TSA. You are in a line and everyone is groped. However that is not true in the least. People with diplomatic passports go through a different line and are treated differently, as are “protected” visitors who hold certain passports. People from certain nations are given “special” allowances.
Americans have accepted the fact that they are cattle to be groped and prodded by an all powerful United States government. Other nations do not feel this way. Try to grope and prod a citizen of Kuwait for instance, or Saudi Arabia. It will not happen without some serious discomfort. Thus, the TSA are trained to treat non-citizens differently than they treat Americans.
It is up to the reader to decide whether or not this treatment is better or worse than how they treat Americans. Though, I would be hard pressed to see if the treatment can be any worse…
TSA checking the groin area of a white American when the bulk of terror events have been by non-whites. That’s the Obama presidency for you.
And, let’s see how they treat women…
Yep. She most certainly looks like a terrorist. I am sure that she needed a full cavity body check. You know, just to be sure.
Sometimes the women are set aside for (ahem) “special” screening procedures…
Women are often pulled aside for more invasive screening procedures. These procedures all take time and in the United States, can result in three to four hour delays while you stand in a line. This is hardly freedom, people.
Not Easy, but Necessary
All this being stated, obtaining a second passport is not necessarily easy. You need to prepare, plan and implement. Never the less, I personally believe that it is one of the most important things that we need to do is to prepare options for yourselves in the event that things become supremely uncomfortable for us.
Today, the United States government is the biggest threat to your personal freedom and financial security.
I need to tell you that it is getting worse with each day. Have you been paying attention to the news lately? There is an entire army of “deep state” employees that are hell-bent on increasing their size and scope of their madidate. This is a power projection, and you the citizen are the enemy. You can see this in how they treat you and how they refer to you with dismissive smirks and calling you names such as “deplorable”, and “white trash”.
Yah. Do you think that they give a “rats ass” about you or your family?
Today, the United States is completely out of control. It is running on autopilot by a huge engaged bureaucracy that is controlled by senile old men and women who enjoy their lavish dinners on fine china. The risks that the status quo poses are only growing. This, combined with other trends, such as skyrocketing government debt will necessitate increasingly drastic action.
At some point in time, politicians will inevitably try to further restrict the movement of citizens in a desperate attempt to squeeze them for every penny possible.
Having a second passport is necessary when your home government becomes unstable.
If you think that there is a chance that your government will become more authoritarian, or unstable, it would be beneficial for you to obtain a second passport for you and your family. It will provide you with options.
"Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms."
Consider this while Democrats are calling for open attacks on Trump supporters, advocate using weapons to kill people, sponsoring riots, and Doxing people who do not fit into their established political belief structures.
Mainstream institutionalized nonsense, this time it is about white racism. It sickens me. Simply because it just isn’t true. But I’ll tell you what, you want to call me a racist, fine. I will start acting as one. Which is, I am sure, what the actual intention of all this is.
Take Aways
While it is important to have your “papers” on you, you also need to have “global papers”, if you intend to leave your nation.
Being prudent is a virtue.
The key about being the head of the family is to care for, and protect the well-being of the family. Often this means planning and foresight.
A second passport enables a person to have a second identity in a second place.
Q: Is a second passport necessary?
A: No. If you have no intention on exiting your nation, then a second passport is not necessary.
Q: What is the primary benefit of a second passport?
A: It provides you and your family options, if for some reason, it becomes dangerous to live inside your nation. History has shown us that it if often dangerous to stay in a nation when government failures become large and dangerous. That is why there are refugees, and illegal migrants. In the event that you need to leave the nation, it is best you be prepared to do so.
Q: Is it easy to get a second passport?
A: No, but it can be done. For instance, you can become a resident and citizen of Fiji by simply living there for five years. Other nations require investments in money.
Q: Why leave the United States?
A: All nations evolve and change. If you like the change and the direction that it is leading to, then by all means stay and enjoy the paradise that you have been promised. If you feel uncomfortable with the changes, then it just might be in your best interests to move to someplace more comfortable for you. You do not need to live a life of trouble.
Finally Why…?
Well, other nations are different. I think that slim and healthy girls are attractive. I hate the portrayals of large-asses being jiggled around by obese black women as a reflection of the “new” America. I don’t like the in-your-face rudeness, and the constant belittling of hard-working men by welfare mothers with pink hair. You know, guys… You don’t have to take it. You can leave and go to a place where the women are better…
Like Communist China for example.
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Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
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Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Have you ever wondered why there is such a lack of commonality in political discourse today? In America, you are either a Trump-supporter or not. There is absolutely no bridge or commonality between the two groups. It is almost as if there is one type of person who is composed of fire, and the other type of person is composed of water. Why is this?
Well, there is a theory that precisely explains this dichotomy of behavior. This theory is called the “r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Ecology”, and it is based on the observed survival behaviors of creatures.
This post is primarily concerned with the application of the r/k Selection Theory as it is applied to mass mob psychology in the United States today.
Can you imagine an idea or a concept so shocking that it is banned from publication? Like, for instance, the idea that the earth orbited the sun, or that high voltages can alter gravity? Well, there is a theory that is actually banned from public distribution. This theory is banned on TED, Facebook and Yahoo’s advertising platforms, for being too effective at supporting conservative ideals. Yet, the theory itself really isn’t political at all.
It is a theory that simply states that a given species, over time, will evolve by developing their own survival strategies.
Turtles behave the way they do, because it is the best way for them to survive in this world. Bees behave the way that they do because it is the best way for them to survive in this world. Giraffes behave the way that they do because they too have developed the best way to survive int his world.
What is interesting is that people who have studied American politics have noted that various human groups or organizations have also adapted these same strategies. They have done so organically. It wasn’t planned, it has just evolved that way. As such, they are both awed and disgusted in how it is playing out.
This theory, when applied to political organizations and objectives, directly defines the behavior of the organization. It asserts that both Conservatism and Liberalism are a programmed psychology. It bases this fundamental and foundational premise on the behaviors of known population groups.
Liberalism, no matter what it’s current name is, is designed to exploit resource excess within our populations.
Conservatism, no matter what branch or ideology, is designed to benefit competitive groups that succeed in group competition.
The r/K Theory is a well established theory with a great pedigree. However, it is not applied to political belief structures. It is applied to species under the assumption that every member of the species falls into only one strategy.
This is a pretty BIG assumption.
As such, typically, it is assumed that humans are a K-strategy species. This is because we maintain a traditional family environment. Now, if this were true than any deviance from this would be an aberration. Wouldn’t it?
I argue that humans are not a fully developed species. Rather, we are a species in flux with significant membership in both survival strategies. In the United States we have two (apparently) equally divided segments of the population. One embracing the r-strategy and the other embracing the K-strategy.
In the “r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Ecology”, if you provide a population with free resources, those who will come to dominate the population will exhibit five basic traits. These traits are called an r-selected Reproductive Strategy. These traits are all designed to best exploit the free resource availability. In nature, the r-selected strategy is best seen in the rabbit, which lives in fields of grass it will never fully consume. The five traits are,
Competition and risk avoidance.
Low-investment single parenting.
Earlier age of sexualization of young.
No loyalty to in-group.
These traits are ultimately designed to maximize the numbers of offspring produced. Each of these offspring, though of lesser fitness, will be able to survive and reproduce freely themselves, due to the free resource availability.
In r/K Theory, there is also a strategy that is exactly opposite to the rabbit’s. This strategy emerges under conditions of resource scarcity. It is called the K-selected Reproductive Strategy.
There, where resources are scarce, competition for resources is everywhere. As a result, some individuals will die due to failure in competition. This produces the K-strategy, which is best seen in the wolf. This strategy also has five psychological traits. These traits are…
Mate monopolization/monogamy.
High-investment two-parent child-rearing.
Later age of sexualization of young.
High loyalty to in-group.
This psychology is designed to form highly fit and competitive groups that succeed in group competition. It does this while capturing and monopolizing the fittest mate possible. This is a way of making their offspring genetically fitter than those of competitors.
Here, the goal is NOT to simply consume as much as possible yourself and produce as many baby-making machines as you can, with little regard to their fitness. No.
Here, the goal is to help your group succeed in its competition for the scarce resources, and then produce offspring of as high a fitness as possible, so they may carry your genes forward by succeeding in competition themselves.
Application to American Politics
The premise of this theory is that all of politics is really a battle between the K-strategist wolves within our society against the r-strategist rabbits. The wolves are designed to battle in a world of scarce resources and fierce competition, and the rabbits, are designed to freely graze the bounty of a sudden resource glut and rapidly explode in numbers to exploit such a glut.
Without labeling which political party is which, can you the reader, guess which political party is which?
The r-strategist rabbits want free food and a life of ease and abundant free sex. They want as many of their ilk as possible to share in the abundance. They want to produce as many offspring as possible, as fast as possible, without regard to offspring quality.
That’s right. The r-strategy fits the American Democrat party that is populated with Socialists, Progressives, and Liberals. Truthfully, Marxists are r-strategy rabbits in that they expect boundless support from the wealthy and successful.
The K-strategist wolves want order and defined limits on behavior. They want traditional two-parent families, and meaningful education and training for their young. They are competitive and protective of family, sexually selective and monogamous, imbued with regard for two parent family life, desirous that offspring wait until mature to mate, and loyal to in-group are designed to produce highly fit and competitive offspring, designed to compete in an environment of resource scarcity.
As you might have guessed, the K-strategy fits the American Republican party that is populated with Conservatives, Libertarians, and Neocons.
The K-selected Wolf
Let’s look at the K-strategy in more detail.
Wolves are a quintessential K-strategist species. Wolves are competitive and protective, because they must fight for food to survive. They carefully select the fittest mate, and monopolize that fit mate, so that their offspring will be as genetically fit as possible, relative to peers.
Both the male and the female have the same understanding that they are monogamous and will both mutually support the family and raise their children to the be the best. They will strive to teach their children to be as competitive as possible. Their children, if successful, will become dominant and would the best likelihood of successful procreation with the best and most suitable member of the opposite sex.
Traditional Family Values…
As such, they embrace two-parent family values, as offspring are reared carefully in a loving and supportive pack/family environment. This is so they will have the best chance of succeeding themselves in their own competitions. These values have been honed and proven over many generations. They rely on the proven techniques that provide the best likelihood of success. They typically shun new and unproven ideas as they carry a great risk of catastrophic failure.
Traditional family meals are maintained as a means to maintain communication through the generations and to help instill important family values. The roles of both the father and the mother are maintained. The children learn how families work and the roles that they too will grow into.
Such things as family meals, family traditions, and traditional roles are all considered important. The man is expected to work, and the woman is expected to take care of the home and provide a nurturing environment for the children.
A traditional gender role found in the United States that views males as being responsible for the economic support and protection of the family. Housewife. A traditional gender role found in the United States that views females as responsible for child-rearing and domestic activities.
Competitive Schooling…
They do not allow offspring to mate until mature and proven in competition, so any immaturity will not lead to their offspring securing sub-par monogamous mates. The children are continuously educated and tested to make sure that they understand their roles and how to support and provide for the needs of the family.
The Chinese are very traditional and typically follow a K-strategy. School and education is very important to the Chinese, as well as all of the other Asian communities.
Schooling and education is treated as of great importance. The subjects studied have a practical purpose and is intended in creating a long lasting and stable source of income from which the family can utilize to thrive.
They train and develop loyalty to the team…
Team work is very important to the K-strategist. They train and learn how to cooperate and work together to the mutual benefit of all. Everyone is expected to perform a role, and to do it to the best of their ability.
Finally, they develop a strong pack-loyalty to maximize the chances of their pack’s competitive success, and by extension, their own. Males evolve to be courageous and strong as they set out to provision the family and absorb any risk, while females carefully nurture offspring back at the den.
Rabbits are quintessential r-strategists. Rabbits live in fields of grass they never fully exhaust.
Their goal is to produce as many offspring as quickly as possible. They flee from danger, because to fight for food that they can get elsewhere is an unnecessary risk.
Hugh Hefner is a typical r-strategy Liberal. CANNES, FRANCE: Playboy magazine president Hugh Hefner (C) poses with playmates 14 May 1999 on the steps of the Palais des Festivals before the screening of their movie “Entrapment” in selection for the 52nd Cannes Film Festival. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) (Photo credit should read PASCAL GUYOT/AFP/Getty Images)
They mate promiscuously with any mate, because their goal is solely to reproduce, absent concerns for genetic quality – when resources are everywhere, even the most defective offspring can find food, mate, and pass genes forward.
While males are off mating as often as possible, females raise offspring alone, and quickly send them on their way to whelp a new litter.
Begin having sex at an earlier age…
The r-strategy depends on children becoming sexually active at an earlier age. Here they can become a parent earlier and then begin to produce babies every nine months if possible.
Offspring begin having sex early, to maximize numbers of their own offspring. They have sex early and produce children often. Often their preference is not to work, but rather to “be with their children”, when the fact is that often their is no father that is earning money enabling them to stay home.
Instead, they become wards of the state, living off the public trust.
Here is a single mother on welfare. She is surrounded by her eight children from numerous fathers. Not one of the fathers live with her, nor visit their children. She fully expects the government trough to feed, clothe and shelter her. She thrives in a nation that is dominated by a President or political system that is r-strategist dominant.
Loyalty to in-group is unknown to the rabbit, because there is no competition for resources, since resources are everywhere.
Men will become more feminine…
Men who are overly promiscuous do not need to concentrate on strength or skills. Instead they need to concentrate in abilities that permits them to attract as many females as possible. Thus, to a K-strategist wolf they appear odd, and even shameful. They do not act like a member of their species should act. They are a perverted distortion of the ideal.
Here is former President Obama on a bicycle. He is a prime example of a r-strategist rabbit who has fully embraced the strategies for survival. Note that other r-strategist media has fully endorsed this behavior as MANLY and very masculine. Which is obviously opposite of the viewpoint of the K-strategist wolves. You can read their PRAISE of the “ruggedly masculine” President Obama HERE. Some quotes…
In an editorial earlier this week the New York Times gushed over photographs of President Obama riding his bicycle at Martha’s Vineyard, at one point exclaiming the president was an example of “rugged masculinity gone wild!”
“If Obama rode his bike into my neighborhood I’d make him have sex with me in the street!”
After MSNBC’s Chris Matthews showed Obama’s bicycle photographs on his show Hardball, he trembled as he spoke to his guests. “I admit,” he snickered, “when I saw these pictures I felt a scorching-hot sensation shooting up my inner thigh and into my groin. And believe you me, my wife took advantage of that situation…if you know what I mean.”
The enthusiasm over the bicycle photographs stretches from media outlets coast to coast. The Boston Globe dubbed the photographs a “toxic elixir that soothes the aching heart” while the San Francisco Chronicle fawned, “If ever there was a time when America needed a macho, in-your-face, physical example of aggressiveness and old fashioned male moxie, that time is now and the man is Barack Obama.”
While the r-strategist rabbits might fawn and be enthralled with an impressive display of rabbit-like qualities, the K-strategist wolves take the opposite point of view. To them, this is perversion of the highest order.
Indeed, over time the r-strategist rabbits begin to adapt female behaviors and mimic the female gender. To make them stand out from the multitudes of like minded males, they create strategies to set themselves apart.
As such their strategies are those that appeal to the females of the species. They create other genders and dress, that on the surface appear silly, but who’s sole function is to fundamentally bring attention to them and their actions. They promote issues that appeal to the female gender, and downplay or even ridicule masculine traits.
Among r-strategists, males will tend to exhibit smaller, more feminine, less robust physical qualities. This is both to better facilitate fleeing and for showy displays of flash and beauty, to facilitate mate attraction, and mating.
While this is going on with the male gender, there are also changes with the female gender.
Females would tend to be bigger and more aggressive…
Whether it is rabbits or humans, those who follow the r-strategist end up compensating for their weaknesses. In a world where the male is feminine and abandons the children to engage in promiscuous behavior, the mother must compensate by becoming larger and more aggressive. This means that they will become larger, fatter, and more muscular. They will start producing more testosterone rather than progesterone and that will result in numerous changes to their body shapes and behaviors.
The changes in testosterone will make them more belligerent and aggressive. The reduction in progesterone would tend to make their biology rebalance itself towards a heavier and fatter (read “pear shape”) body.
The r-strategist females, by contrast will tend to grow big, assertive, and ill-tempered, to better occupy a more masculine family role, provisioning and protecting the offspring they raise alone.
Political Censorship
It’s funny how things work out. You try to restrict access to knowledge, people eventually want to find out what you want to keep hidden. I, myself, only really learned about the r/K strategy when it became a restricted subject content.
I personally, don’t know why.
Those who are trying to restrict dissemination of this theory are typically very liberal, or progressive-liberal in political philosophy. Yet, the strategy of the liberals fit the r-strategy exactly.
Heck, even ultra-liberal and Democrat donor, Hugh Hefner and his “Playboy” empire, used the rabbit as his symbol for his philosophy.
Here is a picture of Hugh Hefner with some of his r-strategist “bunnies”. He broke through the traditional United States K-strategist model by legitimizing r-strategist behaviors.
As of 2018, the American Democrats want…
Unlimited migration to the United States.
No limits on free access to food, shelter, medical services.
No limitations on birthing and abortions on demand.
Supportive of multiple genders and alternative lifestyles.
Supportive of sex at very young ages.
Here is Hugh Hefner and some of his r-strategist “bunnies” on the tarmac for a photo shoot. He actively promoted the hedonism of the r-strategist lifestyle and made millions of dollars in the process, as well as had a lot of fun in the process.
The more conservative members of the political spectrum are just being K-strategy wolves. They just want to be left alone, with their family. They want to live their life and not have their precious and limited resources siphoned off by multitudes of people who did not work for their labors.
The Problems and Source of Conflict
When the fields are filled with grass, and the rabbits can multiply at will, happiness reigns. The wolves tend to keep to themselves and all is good. However, problems invariably arise when the rapid population growth of the r-strategy rabbits depletes the food supply…
This results in a condition whereas the resources are scarce, and the wolves will have to use their superior survival techniques to exist. Of course, the r-strategist rabbits will complain and squeal. They will redouble their strategy. They will try to overwhelm the resources in an effort to control the K-strategy members.
No matter what the species or political division, all interactions between the two strategies; the r-strategy and the K-strategy ends up the same in the end. The r-strategy eventually consumes the resources as they are never infinite. The moment they start to deplete the resources, their numbers start to decrease while the K-strategists engage in corrective behaviors. Eventually there is a point of obvious conflict, and a gradual extinction of the r-strategist individuals.
They will try to increase their numbers rapidly. They will do everything to unleash the abundance of the land and make it possible to produce even more offspring.
The K-strategist wolves will, of course resent that their resources are being consumed by those who are undeserving. For they neither labored for the resources, or qualify for the resources through membership or participation.
Eventually, conflict arises.
There is always a very contentious and often bloody conflict. While the r-strategist rabbits will try to overwhelm the K-strategist wolves though sheer numbers and vocal screaming, the wolves will eventually win. That is because they have trained their entire lives to be superior. They have perfected techniques of warfare and conflict. While the r-strategist rabbits have been enjoying life and a bountiful harvest, the K-strategist wolves have been working, preparing and getting ready for conflict.
Know your history. This is what really happens when a particular group comes to power and their enemies are disarmed. It is never pretty.
This is a cycle that repeats itself over an over though the course of history. It is advisable that we listen to the lessons that can be learned here.
Another Opinion
This was drafted by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog. Rather than attribute the rise and fall of human civilization to the push and pull of r/K strategies, he suggests that it is the social construct that is at fault;
The dynamics of decadence are easy to understand: as affluence becomes the norm that is widely assumed to be permanent, shared purpose and sacrifice for the common good is replaced by self-absorbed decadence and an ethos of maximizing personal gain.
In his seminal essay The Fate of Empires, Sir John Glubb listed these core dynamics of imperial decline:
(a) A growing love of money as an end in itself.
(b) A lengthy period of wealth and ease, which makes people complacent. They lose their edge; they forget the traits (confidence, energy, hard work) that built their civilization.
(c) Selfishness and self-absorption.
(d) Loss of any sense of duty to the common good.
Glubb included the following in his list of the characteristics of decadence:
-- An increase in frivolity, hedonism, materialism and the worship of unproductive celebrity.
-- A loss of social cohesion.
-- The willingness of an increasing number to live at the expense of a bloated bureaucratic state.
Glubb’s list may at first glance be largely psychological--self-aggrandizement and a focus on hedonistic pursuits--but the dynamics of decadence have economic, political and social ramifications.
First and foremost, the aristocratic financial and political elites secured their position at the expense of social mobility by erecting barriers that protect them from competition and accountability. In effect, they eliminated the risk posed by change by rigging the system to their benefit.
To fund their extravagant lifestyles, they took more of the earnings of those below them, widening the inequality between the aristocracy and commoners to extremes. Historian Peter Turchin reports that where the patricians of the Roman Republic had 10 or 20 times the wealth of an average Roman citizen, by the late Empire the elites possessed up to 200,000 times the wealth of the average commoner.
The heavier burdens on the productive class and the decay of social mobility divested commoners of a financial stake in the system, and the concentration of political power in an oligarchy disenfranchised them of political influence.
When social mobility and shared purpose are lost, there is little motivation to contribute to a system that benefits the few at the expense of the many. People respond by reducing their productive participation and becoming dependents of the state, a phase captured by the phrase Bread and Circuses in the late Roman era, when a significant percentage of the Rome’s populace received free bread and access to costly entertainments in exchange for their political compliance.
Disenfranchised commoners with few prospects for advancement form a volatile political class; a small event can trigger a non-linear explosion that threatens the stability of a status quo that benefits the few at the expense of the many. To counter this threat, the elites bought the compliance and complicity of the masses with Bread and Circuses. As Glubb noted, the willingness to live off the state is a reflection of general decadence; if there is no other hedonistic pursuit within financial reach, then Bread and Circuses will do.
As the eventual collapse of decadent empires attests, Bread and Circuses are no substitute for social mobility, low barriers to accumulating capital and a political stake in the system. In the present era of decadence, Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the modern equivalent of Bread and Circuses. But buying off the disenfranchised doesn’t transform an unstable system into a stable system; it merely masks the instability for a time.
The core belief of decadent eras is that the status quo is so powerful and permanent that it can withstand the predations of the few and the Bread and Circuses lavished on the many.
This is of course a false confidence. Every status quo is a social construct that is inherently non-linear. The decline of productive sectors, the divestiture of commoners from ownership of productive assets and the political disenfranchisement of commoners hollow out the economy and the society.
These dynamics of decadence weaken the social and economic order, creating conditions that favor a loss of faith in the status quo and the failure of key institutions.
In the United States today is a build up between two survival techniques utilized by the human species.
Typically, the r-strategist survival technique, is a “service for self” strategy based upon living in an area of abundance. It permits a hedonistic lifestyle. Which in itself is great fun, as we humans are genetically programmed to procreate. However, it is only viable as long as the resources are not restricted.
Typically the K-strategist survival technique is a “service for others” strategy that permits procreation in a land of scarcity.
The r/K Theory is often censored from many American-based progressive software outlets.
Famous r-strategist members include Hugh Hefner, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama.
Famous K-strategist members include Erwin Rommel, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Judge Judith Sheindlin (Judge Judy), Donald Trump and Bruce Willis.
Q: What is better, r-strategy or K-strategy?
A: Neither or both. It depends on the environment. If there is an endless supply of resources, then the r-strategy is better. If the resources are scarce, or they fluctuate, then obviously the K-strategy is superior.
Q: Can American democrats be K-strategist wolves?
A: There was a time when the American democrat party was dominated by K-strategist individuals. For instance, when the democrat party founded the KKK, they were very family oriented and reacted to the changes in the political landscape by creating the militant KKK organization. Labels and species composition changes over time. Today, the American democrat party is dominated by r-strategist membership who is drawing the party towards radical r-strategist behaviors. Eventually it will either change, or be eliminated. Historically r-strategist behaviors do not possess longevity on this earth.
Q: What other creatures follow the r-strategy behaviors?
A: Aside from Democrats and rabbits, similar behaviors have been observed in mice, rats, mosquitoes and cockroaches.
Q: What other creatures follow the K-strategy behaviors?
A: Aside from wolves, similar behaviors can be found in many of the feline species such as domestic cats, lions, and snow leopards.
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
One of the things that I have come to appreciate the most was the family meal that we had when I was growing up as a child. During my early childhood we would hold formal “sit down” meals in the Dining Room. Us children each had our own roles / chores in regards to this. On Sunday we would have the largest and most elaborate meals. Mealtime was the opportunity when we could all talk about our day, our hopes and dreams, and things that interested us.
At the time, I didn’t realize how important it was.
Then, during the 1970’s everything changed. Both of my parents had to work. (You can thank the American Federal Reserve for the decline in the value of the dollar that necessitated the breakup of our families.) A formal family meal was replaced with “help yourself” fix your own meals, out of a pot on the stove, or “make yourself a snack” out of the refrigerator. We would then scrounge something up, and eat it alone watching television.
Communication was via notes on the refrigerator.
Now that I am much older, I can see clearly the value of a family meal as well as a community meal. As such, I now dictorially enforce an observance of this tradition within my own home. This post is about what I think about this matter. Of course, like anything else, it is all opinion driven.
My own, obviously…
Formal Family Meal
“Family meals. There’s nothing magical about gathering the family for regular meals; it’s what you do with them that matters. Use mealtimes (it doesn’t have to be dinner) as a chance for your family to slow down, get together face-to-face, talk without distractions, cement your values, create a feeling of support, and build loving bonds.”
- The 3 Families Every Young Man Needs to Grow Up Well
One of the most important events in my family is the hosting of “formal sit-down meals”. Every day we have a “sit down” meal. I like to refer to this is a “Family Meal”. We try to do this at dinner time. The most important meal is the Sunday meal, which may or may not be outside in a restaurant.
Living in Seattle we are surrounded by Liberals. And the public schools of course. It was (and is) a drag. The kids would come home and learn something and we would talk about it at dinner.
(Yes- we always had dinner together around the table.) Lots of learning goes on there, and LOTS and LOTS of opportunities to teach.
“So - you gave up the pennies you found hidden to others that didn’t find as many. And what did that teach you?”
Having twins in different classes it was interesting. In one the teacher hid pennies around the room and the kids went looking. Of course some found a whole bunch, and others not so many. So then the teacher asked the kids what they should do to make it fair. Second grade or so.
My one daughter said “So we voted, and we all decided that those that had a lot would give some to those that didn’t have many, and we made it all fair!!”
The other daughter said “Yeah - that’s what we did too. But I didn’t think it was fair. Some boys were just goofing off and didn’t find any. I argued why should they get any? But of course I got out-voted.”
My other daughter looked at her and said “Hey - you’re RIGHT!” We had a long talk about just because things are equal doesn’t make it fair.
As lousy as it is in Seattle, all three of our kids are staunch Conservatives now, and prepared them for when they are on their own. The one goes a more conservative state for college. Lots of friends from small western towns have complained how liberal the college is. My daughter laughs. “I think it’s great - I bet 30% of the kids here are conservative! Back in High School it was me, my sister and about 4 other kids out of 700!”
-Free Republic
The truth is that we did not plan things out this way. For the longest time we ate out all the time. In order to save some money, we started to cook our own meals. In a short period of time, we discovered that we actually preferred it. Over time, we started to mix up restaurant meals with formal home meals. The restaurant meals are now, not an afterthought. They are planned, and treated special.
We pretty much never had sit-down family meals, and if we did it was from a restaurant, we ate in silence, and then we’d just wander off from the table one by one to watch TV or go on the computer or something. It’s not that we hate each other or anything, it’s just pretty much the way it’s always been.
Call me old-fashioned if you will, but I consider a family meal together as an essential component of our family unity. We try to do it every day, but that is not always possible.
A typical breakfast in the early 1960’s. The housewife enjoys a cup of coffee and a smoke. The table is laid out with orange juice, and possibly bacon and eggs. Let’s not forget the fully salted butter. A Family Meal is very important.
Breakfast in the 1960s. Orange juice, coffee, cigarettes, toast, bacon and eggs. (Image Source.)
As a father, it is my role to pace and lead the family. It becomes an easy thing to do when you have rituals, routines, and roles. As such, I always lead the Family Meal.
In our house, we have rules. These rules are there for a reason. My rules might not work for everyone. As such, they are the rules that fit us. Rules are there to make sure that we all can concentrate on the food and fellowship together as a family. The outside media, and other distractions have no place at our dining table. Other people and other families might have their own rules. Here are my rules.
For us, in my family, we follow these rules…
We eat dinner in our Dining Room. The table is cleared and setup for dinner. The Family Meal is ritualized and treated special.
All cell phones are power-off, and are nowhere near the dining table. I know that many readers might not understand this rule, but it is very important. In my house all electronics are powered off. That includes the TV, games, monitors, all cellphones, or tablets if they are present.
The reason for this is that there is a purpose to a family meal that is defeated by electronic interruption. The family meal is to spend time together communicating to each other.
The fact is that you just can’t do that when you’re all silently staring at the TV or (more commonly) while everyone has their eyes glued to their phone. For us, it is a rule that is carved in stone. In fact it is the most important rule.
We started this rule when the children were really young. They grew up with this rule; without having any distractions at the table. However, their friends and others haven’t, and as a result, often some explanations are necessary.
(Sometimes we actually collect the phones, powered off, and put them in a basket in the kitchen. We explain that this is the way things are done in Top Secret military operations. That both amuses and silences the critics.)
All telephones (if not cell phone) are not answered. If they ring, we hang up and leave the receiver off the hook. (We no longer have a wired phone, but the rule stays intact never the less.)
Dinner time is OUR time. We form a “protective bubble” or “zone” that we exist in and NO ONE is permitted to interrupt it. Over the years, I have bent this rule from time to time, and it always gets misused. Today, every piece of electronics is powered off. No one cares about our family time. It’s up to me to enforce it. Otherwise, we are just sheets in the wind, and subject to the wants and desires of others outside of our household.
No one is permitted to interrupt our family meal.
Soft background music is preferred, usually jazz or soft Chinese love songs (but that is just us). We typically select a “station” on YouKou and let it play in the background (you’ve got to download the player first). Alternatively, we also use KouGuo for our streaming music needs. Both downloaded players will hang up during loading. You will need to disable your anti-virus programs if you use American anti-viral programs. You cannot use non-American government approved media sources, don’t you know…
The table is adorned with a table cloth. (Typically it is a linen table cloth, with an under-cloth to protect the table wood surface.) Typically it is a white or off-white color. We NEVER use a disposable plastic table cloth. Perish the thought! Additionally, we use special coverings for unique holidays. Such as a woven throw for Christmas, or for Halloween. It’s REALLY nice. If you make something special and you utilize ritual, it does eventually become very special.
Everyone follows ritual. This means that Western manners are followed. No one sits down until the father and mother sit down. Everyone says “please pass the…”, and when someone needs to get up and leave the table they ask “May I be excused?” and “Excuse me…”. This is not “guard the food during prison chow call”, but rather how to behave in polite company. I expect our children to know how to behave when they take on leadership roles. If you want your children to be everyday mill-workers, you can permit them to be crude and uncouth. It’s up to you. This is a formal Family Meal, after all.
“Formal” place settings are established for all participants. Each setting has the proper utensils. If we are eating Chinese food, then chop sticks (kuai zi) are provided on a cloth napkin (we purchased cloth napkins and tablecloths just for this reason). If we are eating American, then we lay out formal knife, fork and spoon. Everyone gets a glass for their beverage. Out of tradition, each place setting has a glass of water. People seldom drink from it, but it is provided never the less. On special occasions, we even lay out extra tableware (such as individual salad forks and soup spoons) so that the children can get accustomed for a higher class of life, and so that they are comfortable with it. A Formal Family Meal is an important learning and teaching opportunity.
Wine glasses, or VSOP (I am equally prone to drink “jin Jiu” (Chinese herbal alcohol) as I am to drink VSOP. It is healthier, don’t you know.) in a glass tumbler (with ice) for me (the head of the family). Hot tea for the wife, as it is her preference. Children get ice filled glasses and the beverage of their choice. (Nothing is more noteworthy than a frosty ice-cold coke.)
Dinner is the ONLY time when the children can drink soda or soft-drinks at home. Other than that, they must drink pre-approved beverages. This typically consists of milk or various teas. Dinnertime is a special treat for them. It is when they can drink soda, and have ice cream. We adults prefer dry red wine. Typically we drink mid-range red wines from China such as “Great Wall”, or from Australia such as “Yellow Tail”.
Family Meals is not only a time for togetherness, but it is also a time to relax and speak openly, freely with others. When my children start to work they will also earn the privilege to drink alcoholic beverages, just like I was granted that privilege when I turned 14 and began to labor.
I like to drink wine because it tastes great, makes me feel good, and it is good for me (at my age). Heck, when you the reader reach your sunset years, don’t allow anyone to tell you what you can do with your own body. It’s none of their friggin’ business.
Family Only, or occasional guests. If we have the housemaid make the dinner, she NEVER participates in it. She is forbidden from interrupting us during the meal, and does not interrupt for any reason. She is useful to answer any phone calls during the meal and tell them to call back later. (She is not part of our family, so she never participates in our family meals.) A family meal is for the family, and not shared with the domestic help no matter how friendly we treat them.
Prayer. All western meals have a Catholic blessing of grace. We all hold hands, and someone recites grace. (We take turns.) My in-laws just can’t get their arms around this ritual. My wife has explained to them that it is a American way of honoring Buddha. That seems to be enough to suit their inquiries. LOL!
Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
End of Meal Walk. If the Aiyi (housemaid) makes the dinner, and the weather permits, we have a short walk outside. The family meal can extend to an after-dinner “cool down” period. We take the dog, and everyone gathers for an evening stroll along the ocean while she cleans up. We would go along the boardwalk and talk while the lights of Macao twinkle in the distance.
Dogs and cats are NOT fed from the table. (If you start doing so, they get all excited and make a real distraction during the meal. Cats will jump up on to the table, and dogs will try to eat off your plate. Dogs will pace around frantically, around and around the table, whimper and cry. It’s really terribly irritating.) For a while we put the dog outside. Now he knows that he must wait on the porch, or sleep in his bed quietly.
Everyone knows this rule, except guests, and we never give them the opportunity to spoil the critters. The rule is this: animals DO NOT eat with human family at dinner time. (They can eat at other times, depending on the individual. But that is a special human-dog or human-cat thing, and has no bearing on this particular discussion.) The family meal is for the human members of the family.
We have family discussions. Always they are of a light subject matter. Nothing emotional or serious is addressed while we all are eating. Here, everyone takes turns sharing something positive and negative that has happened to them during the day. I enforce this, and take the subject “off line” if it is important. It is impossible to digest food when someone is emotional. For the most part we talk about school, work and friends. We also talk about movies, hope and dreams, plans for the future and things we like or hate. The family meal is a time for sharing.
No fast-food. Meals that resemble fast-food are discouraged unless it is part of the meal “theme”. (Themes that are exceptions include the Baseball theme, or a birthday theme.) Typically, we spend time in making each meal a “theme”. This is true even if the “theme” is “just an everyday after work and school meal”. Everything must have a theme.
Warm food is preferred. We NEVER eat cold food as the main family meal. Everything must be hot or warm. We can have a salad, or a dessert that is cold. Drinks can be cold as required, but the meal itself is hot or warm.
Friends are fine. Children’s best friends are sometimes invited, as are their parents. (Dinner is a family event, but in China it is also a social event.) However, Man’s best friend has to stay outside on the porch.
Cigarettes. If we are eating Western style, an after dinner coffee and cigarettes (typically 555 brand) are served. The ash tray is clean. At the bottom of the glass ash tray is a folded disposable kitchen-paper-towel, moistened with water. Typically, this is when guests arrive. I myself prefer to smoke a pipe, and I only do it when I am relaxing after dinner.
Formal ritual in presentation. During the family meal, presentation of the coffee and cigarettes is very formalized. Coffee is presented in cups with saucers and its own (tiny) spoon. (I wish that I could say that we make it fresh, but this is China, we often settle for instant. Shutter…) Sugar is brown cane sugar in individual packets, and we use individual packets of creamer. These reside inside a crystal glass bowl, and we simply move it to the table when the moment approaches.
Chinese guests. If we are eating Chinese food, and we have guests, we offer them white wine (Bai jiu). Not the cheap stuff, either. We don’t want to lose “face”.
Bread. If the meal is Western, it is served with bread. We buy a loaf or two of “French bread” from the local supermarket (D, RenRen Le, Carrefour, Taste or Park n’ Shop). There they make “real” crusty bread, not the super soft sweet bread that is so common in Chinese bakeries. Typically we purchase it before hand when it is made fresh and then we freeze it. We take it out and heat it up in the oven or microwave as necessary.
Salted Butter. We eat bread with REAL SALTED butter. This is one of the little pleasures that I missed over the years. In the rush to make everything “healthy” in the United States, everyone switched to unsalted butter and margarine. Bullshit. You lose the taste, and you still die early. It’s all nonsense. In my house, we cut the bread, heat it up in the oven, and place it in a bowl covered under a cloth. It is served with the formal family meal.
"I don't want to eat or drink anything with the words light, lite or fat-free on the package."
- Ted Nugent
The selection (and presentation) of butter is very important. The butter is in a large glass butter container (twice the size of the one we had as I grew up in the 1960’s) and is left out for a few hours to soften up. Butter is ALWAYS “salted” butter (which we buy on the internet), in a pinch we will use “lightly salted”. We absolutely never use “unsalted” butter.
We also never use margarine. I tell the reader this; try it. Get a loaf of French bread, cut it up, and heat it up. Then, butter it using real fully salted butter. Taste it. Go ahead, take a nice bite of that crunchy goodness. (Pat your lips with a tablecloth or napkin.) Then try a loaf of white sandwich bread with unsalted margarine. There is no comparison.
Now, the truth is that things have changed somewhat. My wife wants to control her salt intake. She read an article on the Internet that advises against too much salt. So she gets her own unsalted butter. The rest of us eat the real thing.
Time. The most important aspect of the dinner is TIME. People, please pay attention to what you are doing. If you want to have a special meal for the people that you love (your family), then give them the best and do not skimp on anything. The pennies you save is not worth it. Family meal dinners should be about the best you can do for your family. It’s also about the little things.
We always have dessert. Usually it is some chocolates, cake, ice cream, pie, or pastry. We NEVER use cheap chocolates. These are for young children. Instead, we provide expensive high quality chocolate in small amounts. It becomes a most special treat. Let the riff-raff eat the cheap stuff. When it is family meal time, my family gets the best we can afford. The rest of the world can go to hell. BTW, my children absolutely LOVE dinner time with the family. It is the time when they are a part; an equal part of the family, and they get the best and are treated special.
Leftovers are seldom used for dinner meals. They are reserved for lunches, and special breakfast concoctions. There are exceptions. For instance, a formal turkey dinner can be recycled into a “diner style meal”. A leftover chili dinner can be made into breakfast omelets, chilidogs, or chili-pockets.
Toothpicks. Everyone uses toothpicks at the end of the family meal, and uses a formal (polite) hand-over-mouth action to clean their teeth.
Alternatives. If we are too busy for a formal sit-down meal for dinner, we will go outside to a local “family” restaurant. In China, the “family restaurant” is a local family-owned restaurant that has really decent prices and great local prices. We never skimp on family meal time.
Meals like this take a minimum of one hour, with a two-hour meal being normal. Long meals with friends and family is (of course) much longer.
Themes for the Meals
I thought everyone who celebrated Christmas had a whole three-day celebration starting on December 23rd. You see, we have Ham Day (23rd), Turkey Day (24th), Christmas Breakfast (25th). We also get together New Year’s Day to eat pork chops and sauerkraut. That idea isn’t so weird, but the part that gets me some looks of disgust is when I mention how we pour maple syrup on the sauerkraut.
The idea of having themes for a major family meal sounds very strange, but I believe it is a necessity. Food is a glorious and wondrous thing, and (at least in the United States) has evolved into a second-class status with the prevalence of fast-food restaurants. Indeed, during much of the latter half of the 1970’s, family meals were missing, and replaced with notes on the refrigerator. That DOES NOT happen in my household. Not if I can help it.
Formal meals always have a theme. Here are some of the themes that we have had in the past;
Thanksgiving meal (traditional turkey, dressing, and mashed potatoes). Try getting a turkey in China. It’s darn near impossible. We need to order ours online.
The first time my wife saw it, she darn near had a heart attack. She thought that we were tying to feed the entire block. “How in the heck are we supposed to eat that?” Then she went on to complain about the huge size of the wings, the impossibly huge size of the drumsticks, and what to do with the neck and gizzards. Ugh! When I explained to her that the entire drumstick would go to a person who liked that part of the bird (dark meat), she was incredulous. “Who in their right mind would eat such an enormous piece of meat?”
Birthday celebration. (A favorite food, followed by cake.)
Chinese New Year Eve dumpling feast. (Along with after dinner fireworks.) Most Chinese families make homemade dumplings. We don’t bother. Ours are frozen. However, in China the tradition is to make dumplings the “old fashioned way”, which is from scratch. That will happen, I am sure, when we are older. However, for now, we use frozen pre-made dumplings.
Beowulf (Dim the lights, candles, and eat with greasy fingers.) This can be anything from chicken to mutton or pork. No silverware. No chopsticks. (We play some Richie Blackmore medieval and Renaissance music in the background.)
Kids get super chilled Root beer or extra-strong Ginger beer. Ginger beer is the key. It originated in the 1800’s in England and, at that time, it actually did contain a small percentage of alcohol. Around 100 years later, the ginger ale we’ve come to know and love was developed and came to be known as Canada Dry. The difference? Ginger beer is actually brewed and fermented while ginger ale is essentially a carbonated beverage made from water and ginger.
Ginger beer often has much more of a “gingery” flavor and because it’s fermented, is less carbonated. When someone drinks it, the look on their face is precious! Listen to me; Kids LOVE the experience! (They actually announce that they are eating “Beowulf” at home, and then they show up with five or six friends! LOL!)
Hunan spicy Chinese. We typically eat out for this. We have numerous traditional restaurants where we go. We get our own room typically and have a feast. In China, most restaurants have private rooms to eat in. We pick or reserve one. Then we enjoy the experience. To repeat; when in a resturant, family meals are held in a private room with it’s own bathroom. The television is kept off, even when the waitress turns it on.
Halloween. The misses bought some white porcelain skull bowls one year. They look like a skull, and we ate spaghetti out of them. It looked like we were eating brains. (I don’t know where the bowls are today. I think we only used them once.) There’s also bloody fingers in a bun (hot dogs) that are a big hit with the kids.
Christmas Eve baked ham, fresh baked bread and snack food spread (cheese, cold cuts and vegetables) with homemade Egg Nog. (Impossible to find in China.) This is a carry-over from my mother. We would have cold cuts and fresh cut bead that we would snack on with fresh baked ham. I continue this history.
Other families might be different. I have Spanish friends that describe a different meal and religious routine that I would love to participate in. I have Mexican friends who describe a similar type meal that is outstanding and my Lithuanian friends describe some food traditions that make my mouth water. Ugh! Trust me, that there is nothing wrong with family meal rituals and traditions.
In Zambia they eat this amazing fish with a kind of rice / potato that they eat with their fingers. My God, it is excellent! It helps make the family stronger.
Wenzhou steamed shellfish and snails. All Wenzhou dishes provide us an opportunity to explain our Chinese history and the nature of Wenzhou business practices.
For our children to “make something with their lives” they must think as business people. They need to believe that is normal and achievable.
For us, all the kids must be able to say, in wenzhou hua (the local Wenzhou language), “I would like to collaborate with you in a business venture or two. Here is my business card”. And yes, they do have their very own business cards made up. They got to design them themselves.
Polish Open-Faced Sandwich (Zapiekanka). We even play some polka music, though I am not a big fan. All Polish dishes serve as an opportunity for me to explain our Polish-American heritage.
Hey, I am Polish-American. Though I don’t hide behind it and ask for handouts like my liberal and progressive friends. I do try to keep some of the heritage alive.
Polish open-faced sandwiches (also known as French-bread pizzas) are popular street food in the bigger cities of Poland, not to mention my old family stomping ground in Pittsburgh (Polish Hill). They’re known as zapiekanki (plural) or zapiekanka (zah-peeyeh-KAHN-kah), which is singular. Most zapiekanki sandwiches start with French bread, sautéed mushrooms, cheese, and ketchup, but there are Greek-style with olives and feta cheese, Italian style and many more.
What makes the open-faced sandwich authentic is a thick drizzle of Polish ketchup across the top, no matter what cuisine the zapiekanka is trying to emulate. That’s the secret.
Mexican theme with tacos, burritos, and quesadillas. We can get the real deal in Shekou (a Spanish expat region of Shenzhen), but the hassle to get there makes this a low priority theme.
"At least once a week, I'll put out all the parts of the dinner separately and have my husband and son make their own version of whatever it is we're having.
With taco night, for example, I'll put out corn tortillas, refried beans, Spanish rice, shredded lettuce, chopped tomatoes, cheese, salsa, meat, and cheese. My husband and son love it because they can make their own taco combos and I love it because I don't have to be the one to do all the work.
Build-a-dinner works great with pasta, burritos, pizza and even dessert with company such as a make-your-own sundae bar."
--Jill Houk, Chicago
1930’s style “diner meals”. (Hot Turkey Sandwich with homemade fries with gravy, etc.) We typically buy pre-made beef or pork gravy off the Internet. The misses has yet been able to master American style gravy. Her idea is to add soy sauce or vinegar to “make it taste better”. Ugh! (But she is still learning… Sigh.)
Fondue. Fondue is idea for a special family meal occasion. For those of you who don’t have a clue, Fondue is a Swiss condiment of melted cheese served in a communal pot. The pot is usually placed in the center of the table and heated with a burner or open flame. Usually, for cheese fondue, there is a mixture of melted cheese, wine and crème simmering away in the pot.
It is eaten by dipping bread into the cheese using long-stemmed forks. It was popularized in North America in the 1960s. It seemed like every family had one. However, it became disused during the 1970’s. When you dust one off and use it, it becomes a very special occasion.
During the 1960’s fondue became very popular. It seems that for a while, every Christmas tree had a fondue set sitting under it. Families would host “fondue” parties. This seemed to trail off into disuse during the 1970’s. However, today it makes a perfect special treat during a family meal.
Fresh baked bread, cheese and homemade soup (Typically, but not always, a heavy cream soup.) The wife goes along with this, but she’s afraid the children will get fat, but I insist. Typically, we use Campbell’s soup (of the crème kind) and add milk instead of water. We thicken it with cheese and crackers. Of course, I insist in “real” fresh bread and real salted butter.
Pork Chops (American style) with Country & Western Music playing and applesauce. Forget the political progressive narrative. This is a typical 1970’s meal. We duplicate it to a “T’. If you don’t like it you can go to hell.
Crock-pot sweet sausage and peppers, with real rolls. The crockpot will cook for two to five hours, and the result is amazing. If you don’t know how to make this amazing dish, don’t worry. You get peppers, sweet Italian sausage, onions, tomatoes, and spaghetti sauce. You add everything together in a crockpot and let it cook. It is that simple. Yum!
Hotdogs, fries, pork & beans with a baseball game playing in the background (via the Internet). Wine or VSOP is replaced with beer, super chilled and served in a cold glass. (The kids get a genuine glass bottle of Coke-cola super chilled (about 20 minutes in the freezer), and they drink from a straw.)
Sometimes it is the simple attention to details that make all the difference. Let your children have the frosty ice-cold coke in a glass bottle experience while smunching on a freshly cooked hotdog. Yum!
Homemade pot of chili. We eat it as a thick soup or with rice. In it we use Chinese spices, which has the exact flavor as the imported expensive American spices. Typically we eat it with saltines or cheddar cheese. It makes for a great semi-formal family meal.
Chili meals are always on the informal side. To make it more formal, we will provide homemade bread and soft salted butter. (I have heard of it being served with Doritos or Frito chips, but they are too expensive in China to use.) Next time we are in Louisiana we will get a bowl using Doritos and add some New Iberia hot sauce too. That’s um good, you betcha! yah.
Deli sandwich with kosher pickles (This also tends to be a little expensive.)
All in all, I have read and I do believe that parents who have a strong marriage, better relationships with their kids, and set more guidelines for them, were more likely to have family dinners. As a result, they are more likely to have well-adjusted children.
What you can do
All this being said, I look back in my life.
I well remember the 1970’s. That was a time of many changes. I wore bell bottoms, had my hair below my ears and bangs that fell over my eyes. My parents hated it, but I was very fashionable. Oh, baby!
Fresh milk was delivered to our porch daily. It sat inside a small galvanized metal box cooler specifically designed for that purpose. We didn’t lock our house doors. We left the car keys in the ignition. We would say “Hi” to our neighbors and play with their kids. We would make “forts” out of the cardboard boxes that home appliances were shipped in.
I carried a pocket knife with me, and used it to cut small branches and to chew on twigs from a birch tree (it tastes like root beer). I was very shy with girls, and not so great at sports. However, I was a fantastic swimmer, an average golfer, and an active tennis player. I was a member of the cub scouts, and rode a gold Schwinn “banana seat” bike with “high bars” and a “drag strip” (non-tread) rear tire.
We ate “soft serve” ice cream from the local Dairy Queen stand, or had banana malt milk shakes. The news that played on the radio concerned our exploration of space and the Vietnam War. We watched Mutual of Omaha’s “Wild Kingdom”, and “The FBI” (Starring Efrem Zimbalist Jr) after the Walt Disney hour on Sundays. If I wasn’t watching television, I was building plastic scale models, or experimenting on my Gilbert chemistry (and electrical) sets.
I wore a “mood ring” that I found in an old “mason jar” filled with old pennies, marbles, and campaign pins (I picked it up at a yard sale for twenty five cents.). I also wore a catholic ring of Saint Christopher that I picked up at a church sale on “Polish Hill” in Pittsburgh. I wore “Beatles style” hair with bangs that were always covering my forehead and falling in front of my eyes, and often would go into the local “woods” to dig for “old bottles” (in long disused trash dumps, often 100 years old) that I would then clean and collect.
Then, when I would arrive home, I would sit down and eat a family meal.
At that time, I really didn’t appreciate the importance of it. I did not understand the importance of a family meal. However, later… Yes, when both of my parents were working, I did miss the meals. I didn’t know it at the time, but I needed a formal sit-down family meal.
My life had changed, and it wasn’t for the better. Instead of eating with my mother and talking with my father. Instead, I sat alone in the TV room with a bowl of cheerios in my hand, heavily laden with sugar. I watched all kinds of television shows, but around dinner time, I watched The Flintstones. It was mindlessly entertaining for me.
Looking back, I truly see what a waste of time it was.
So, I ask the reader, does this sound like your family? Instead of sitting together during a family meal, is everyone off in their little worlds on the smartphone? Are they checking their likes on Facebook? Are they reading the news on Drudge or Zero Hedge? Are they looking at the goings on with the rich and famous on CNN and the Huffington Post? When you do go out to eat together, is there any discipline? Do you all sit down, look at each other and just talk?
Hey… Listen up! Family meal dinners is the time for everyone to talk, communicate and share with each other. What’s wrong with that? Most of the complaints that I get from people who are having marriage difficulties stem from either financial problems, or communication problems.
You are a family. Take the time to TALK. Take the time to look at each other face to face. Take the time to relax with your family. That is what a family meal is all about.
Indeed, I say this two times, one of the complaints that I hear from many young married millennials is that they don’t communicate enough. They don’t talk. When they do, it seems light, trivial and meaningless. The complaint is that people no longer seem connected. Why is this?
I am not a doctor, nor am I an expert on these matters.
However, I would suggest that some effort be taken to bring everyone closer together. This effort need not be the dining table. This need not be at a family meal. This can be something else. However, whatever it is, it must be free of distraction. No television, or media on. No cell phones. No crying babies that need your constant attention. You need to set aside time (on a regular basis, if possible) for close and real communication.
So, I have to ask? What do you do to maintain your family?
Dinner as “Quality Time”
I spend “quality time” at dinner. We maintain it with rituals and rules. The rules and rituals are for one purpose only; building our relationships through communication. I consider it important. I know that others don’t, but I do. We use the family meal as the vehicle for this.
Here are some ideas what you and your loved ones can do to build, sustain or create relationships together…
Involve food. Everyone loves to eat. I only met one person who did not. He was in a mental hospital in Boston, MA. (Stoughton, Massachusetts actually.) He was a truly miserable person. Who in their right mind doesn’t like food? Well, he was an example of one. That is perhaps why he is in a mental hospital. When in doubt, cook “breakfast food”. Everyone loves breakfast food. A family meal can most certainly be made out of breakfast food. Ever hear of pancakes, eggs, bacon, baked beans, toast? Make it special. Put out all kinds of things to put on the toast. Provide cut up tomatoes, peanut butter, chopped lettuce. Make it special. make it noteworthy. The family meal can be anything at all, just include food.
Talk without distraction. Do not permit things to interrupt your train of thought, or to drown out the words of people who are trying to talk with you. Music should be of low volume and not jarring. Music sets the pace of eating. Let it be relaxed, slow, casual and friendly.
Set up a routine. It cannot be done once or twice and then forgotten. Make it a regular event. If not daily, at least weekly.
Give it your best. This period of time during the family meal need not be long, but it MUST be the best time. Give your attention 100%. Do not skimp on anything. Make it special. It’s for you and the ones you love. You can always make more money, but you can never make more time.
Have fun. The family meal is the time when your children get to see you laugh. My memories of my mother always include the times when she was singing alone in the kitchen on Christmas day. This should be a special time. This is the time when everyone can feel free to talk without being told to “hush”, or “you can’t say that”.
"Come In. This is Liberty Hall; you can spit on the mat and call the cat a bastard!"
-Commander John Grimes
I sincerely hope that people start to appreciate what they have, instead of looking outwards for more or better. The things that matter to us are right there. We just need to reach out and treasure them. I would urge everyone to start now, today and do it in small ways.
Some Paternal Notes
It wasn’t until I was much older that I fully began to appreciate the total value of a family dinner. Over time I saw examples of it being done right, and other examples that were not to my liking. I have witnessed families getting together at 7:00 am before school and work eating breakfast at McDonald’s together. The dad is there in a business suit, and the kids are there with their school bags and uniforms. It’s pretty cute.
There are some rules that apply to the parents, and especially to the “Man” of the house; the Father. I have followed these rules for the last five years or so, and they work for me. I suggest you, the reader, give them some consideration.
The father always smiles. I do. I fake it sometimes, but I always smile.
No yelling and no arguments. That is enforced. I simply say “we will take that off line after dinner. Then you can explain to me what is going on.”
No one can break off from dinner early. It is formal. They have to ask to be “excused”, and more often than not, the answer is “no”.
Nothing is placed on the table. Books, pens, games, electronic devices, a race car.
Dinner is a happy time with good, warm food, no worries, no problems, and no troubles.
I maintain these rules, even when there are indeed, some serious things to talk about.
Some Fun Links
Those that study this issue concluded that while family meal dinners alone won’t prevent your kids from turning into cigarette-smoking urban turbaned transgender youth, the ritual can serve as a valuable part of family and the bonds of a family. It is the set of habits, routines, and practices that can contribute to a well-rounded person. While I have always felt this way, others with better communication skills than myself have written articles on this subject in great length.
I would suggest that the reader read their articles and come to your own conclusions.
9 Scientifically Proven Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family
There are other articles on the importance of a family dinner. There is nothing new about this, what is different here is the importance of a family meal to stabilize a cultural island within a wholly different cultural environment. Our children are American & Chinese. If we do not maintain the importance of their American heritage, they will lose it and become totally absorbed within the Chinese hive (To reference the Star Trek Borg Collective narrative.). Our family meals is our way and means for cultural stability.
We need to do this. Not every family does.
Do you, the reader, see the neighborhood children doing activities that you don’t want your children to get involved in? Are they doing things that you do not like? Are their habits, dress, actions, and behaviors disturbing to you? Well, communicate to them, get involved.
Don’t let the community dictate behavior. You do it.
Have family rituals. Do not expect the neighborhood community to raise your children better than you can. They can’t, no matter what the media tries to ram down our collective throats.
Hillary Clinton tells us (in her book “It takes a Village”) that parents are not really that important. It is the collective society that is important. I can see how well this has worked out in Baltimore, Detroit and similar enclaves such as Ferguson.
I choose a different route. I chose the radical direction; I chose the traditional method of raising children.
I note that while Hillary Clinton made some money on this ghost written tome, she did not follow the advice she so professes. Her child ate formal family meal dinners at home just like my children do. Do as she does, not as she professes.
“Kids are the same now as they were a hundred years ago – petulant, brave, arrogant, earnest, frightened, and cocksure. It’s the parents who have changed. It’s the parents who have put their own happiness above the best interests of their kids. It’s the parents who actually believe “the village” will raise their kids, when the village is profoundly incapable of doing anything of the sort.”
-Mike Rowe
Now for some VERY harsh words. If you, the reader wishes to raise your child progressively – go for it. I am not going to stop you. Your children will serve the food that my children will eat.
It is true, and you know it.
Read your history. Now, you might be offended by the truth, but you’ve got to face the facts. The leaders of today became that way through the teachings of their parents. So give your old man some credit, and take a special moment to thank your mother. You turned out alright, didn’t you? Maybe they did something right. Copy them.
Now it’s your turn.
Take Aways
A family meal is a very important part of a family.
Children who are raised with formal (family meal) dinner meals perform better than their classmates do.
Dinnertime should always be treated as a special event.
The best dinners always follow a set of fixed rules.
Rituals are important, and your children will remember the rituals more than the events.
The most important gift you can give your children is your time.
Everything here is my opinion.
Free Republic Posting
This article was posted on Free Republic for comments on 20JUL18. You can read the comments HERE.
How about a Request For Help? I tire of busybodies and statists who poke fun at the ideas and theories of others. They offer no constructive dialog. Rather they just make fun, ridicule, and then scurry under a rock.
I use this forum as a way to disseminate some of the things that I learned though my life.
I don’t suppose that others might agree with me. However, I am sure that there are people who have ideas, experiences, and thoughts to share. I, for one, am willing to listen to them. Please let this be an opportunity for you to contribute to the community dialog. Don’t be silent. If you have something to say, then please share it. Thank you.
Q: What are the benefits of family meals together? A: Spending time together brings us closer. That is the most important part of a family meal. We are able to communicate and everyone knows how each other is doing, both the good and the bad. Additionally, it is a refuge of support and a feeling of belonging. One of the problems with today’s electronic society is that people have lost that feeling of membership. Instead, they post “likes” and snapshots of desserts instead of talking to people and bonding face to face.
Q: What is the importance of a family meal together? A: There are few things more important than a family. It is your support group, your strength, security and financial fallback plan when life becomes too difficult to endure. You children will learn that no matter how difficult the world is “outside”, home is a place of acceptance and a good hot meal.
Q: Meals are fine, but what is the importance of family DINNER together? A: The dinner is the most important meal for social and family interaction. Breakfast is a good way to start the day and wake up. Lunch is a time for the mid-day recharge, but dinner is a time for relaxation and social interaction. Dinner is the end of the day “rewind and relax”. A family meal can be held at any time of the day and with any kind of food.
Q: What is the overall importance of families eating together? A: People need to do things together, as it creates bonds. Everyone needs to eat. By combining food with togetherness, a family can build bonds and strengthen existing ones.
Q: Do other families in China eat meals together? A: Yes they do. The Chinese culture is very supportive of communal meals and spending time together. It is the most common way to bond with people. The second most common way is to share a cigarette. The third most common method is to share a drink (beer or something stronger).
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