This is one of my earlier patrion videos. I hope you all enjoy this video.
Tag: structure
A democracy of fools is no democracy.
This article underlines and underscores a point that I have made time and time again. Which is that the United States isn’t a democracy, and every single item and shred of evidence points to something quite bad, and very sinister. We can parse one item such as the first Amendment being “blown out of the water” by the government funding narratives that it wants….
Like all things USA, good news out of China is suppressed, while bad news is promoted with loud megaphones. Video 7MB
The death of free media-1-2022-02-13_10.42.42
Such activity is banned under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted on December 16, 1966, by UN General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI). The first paragraph in Article 20 stipulates: “Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.”
What could be clearer? Still, maintaining a free hand has always been the main guiding principle for Washington and London.
While agreeing to be bound by the Covenant, the United States adopted the following reservation:
“Article 20 does not authorise or require legislation or other action by the United States that would restrict the right of free speech and association protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States.”
What role does the American government play in providing for the civilian population?
… to every evidence that the issues that are important to the civilian population has near zero influence on the elected officials voting records.
In this article we will look at the purposeful dilution of voting-power of the citizenry. For after all, the vast bulk of amendments to the United States constitution has been wholly devoted to watering down the power each individual vote has.
For after all, when the United States came into being, only the male head of households, who were land owners could vote. And they played an active role in governance.
Not so today.
I argue that the voting power has been diluted to such an extend that it is nonexistent. And without voting power direct to the government, democracy does not exist.
Such is the United States today.
Anyways, this here is a great article by Fred. Love his writing style, and his points are poignant.
The Care and Feeding of the Rabble: Democracy its Own Self
By Fred Reed for the Saker Blog
Listening to Biden prattling about democracy, democracy, democracy, and how we must save American democracy from swarming threats to democracy, with the insistence and urgency of a starveling aluminum-siding salesman, I am filled with wonder. Convincing people that they live in a democracy is a lot of work, like pumping air into an inner tube with a leak. America is no more a democracy than it is a potted plant.
Functional Illiteracy at Fourteen Percent in America: Department of Education
Functional illiterates cannot fill out a job application, manage a checkbook, read a simple story in a newspaper, or use the social media. Those who can’t read don’t, and another large number who can barely read don’t either. At a low estimate they must amount to a quarter of the population. They vote.
Democracy is best suited to towns of a few hundred people who, however dim of wit in many cases, may understand such questions as should we build a new school which will cost me so many dollars in higher taxes. Even here the more crafty and avaricious will likely prevail.
Shocking Facts: 23 Statistics on Illiteracy in America
A problem in democracies—“democracies”—is of course that the dim, the inattentive, and those who are both dim and inattentive, will always outnumber the bright and informed. However, the syndrome worsens as the domain upon which the electorate is to make judgement expands from town to state to country to world. The number of unintelligent is constant. The number who are insufficiently attentive rises with the complexity of things needing attention. A cardiac surgeon is no fool, but has work, medical literature he needs to read, family, and a hobby or two. Little time is left to worry about semiconductor sanctions against China or Washington’s desire for Russia to invade the Ukraine.
Americans Know Literally Nothing About the Constitution
“Take your pick from this bouillabaisse of ignorance:
* More than one in three people (37%) could not name a single right protected by the First Amendment. THE FIRST AMENDMENT.
* Only one in four (26%) can name all three branches of the government. (In 2011, 38% could name all three branches.)
* One in three (33%) can’t name any branch of government.“
People so innocent of political grasp can have only the most vaporous notions of pressing political questions. They are either fools with minds best suited for working as gardeners or so little engaged with the surrounding society as to achieve the effect of being fools while still able to find their way home at night. Still others are not unintelligent but not interested. None of these should vote.
One in Four Americans Thinks the Sun Revolves Around The Earth
“A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation.”
This is so astonishing that one might suspect it of coming from some crackpot blogger with no girlfriend living in his parents’ basement. But no. The National Science Foundation is about as respectable as they come. A quarter of the population are at the level of an undiscovered tribe living in the rain forests of the Amazon Basin and eating grubs fished from rotting logs. Little prospect exists that people in such darkness know much of anything else. Yet we encourage them to vote.
Several Baltimore Schools Report No Students Proficient in Reading, Math
“Six Baltimore City schools — five high schools and one middle school — were found to have not a single student who scored proficient in math or reading in 2016, Fox News reports.”
Others schools had only a handful of literate students. Math results were as grim. These “students “will be around for another fifty years if they are not shot, virtually unemployable. Yet they can vote.
The schools mentioned are all black, and similar figures would come out of similarly black schools in many other cities. What does this say about “democracy “in America?
Gallup: Forty-six Percent of Americans Believe in Creationism
The distribution of intelligence being symmetric, half of the population are below average. A man with an IQ of 90 is not actually stupid, doesn’t mumble or bump into things, and can successfully raise a family and drive a truck. Yet he is unlikely to grasp the foreign policy of the United States or, really, to have heard of it. If he has any knowledge at all of public affairs, it will be at the level of The Russians are bad, wherever exactly Russia is, so we need to spend more on Our Boys in Uniform.
A lot of people get their news from television, the medium of the illiterate and semiliterate. Obviously, not everybody who watches television is illiterate, but everybody who is illiterate watches television. Many don’t watch the news at all, it being complicated and mysterious and talking about the inexplicable and unknown, such as Kazakhstan and Nordstream Two. The consequence is that if MSNBC and CNN say over and over that the Chinese are doing something terrible, most will believe it. Judging by the intellectual level of much of television, a sentence with a dependent clause will exceed the capacities of many. They vote.
Lincoln famously said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” You don’t have to. Being a politician, he didn’t add that you can fool enough of the people enough of the time, and that is enough. This is the basis of American democracy.
77% Of Students At One Baltimore High School Read at Elementary, Kindergarten Level
”In reading, 628 Patterson High School students took the test. Out of those students, 484 of them, or 77%, tested at an elementary school reading level. That includes 71 high school students who were reading at a kindergarten level and 88 students reading at a first-grade level. Another 45 are reading at a second-grade level. Just 12 students tested at Patterson High School, were reading at grade level, which comes out to just 1.9%.”
Democracy? A democracy of fools is no democracy. It allows the very smart, concentrated in New York and Washington, the governing suites of major corporations and, nowadays, the distributed wunderkind of the tech firms, to run the country from behind the scenes. Whether intended or not, the drive to lower the voting age and enfranchise the ghetto populations serve only to further diminish the pitiable competence of the electorate and allow the elites to keep these untermenschen out of the hair of their betters.
Pelosi says she backs lowering voting age to 16
“I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16,” Pelosi said. “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school, when they’re interested in all of this, when they’re learning about government, to be able to vote.”
The less bright, less informed, and less experienced of life are easier to mold and manipulate. Who could be better than children?
If America wanted a functional democracy, which it doesn’t, it would, first, raise the voting age to 25 or 30. The idea that adolescents of eighteen with no experience of life beyond libidinous frat parties, much less sixteen-year-olds, can vote intelligently is silly. (Not that I have anything against libidinous frat parties. They just aren’t qualification for voting)
This would require a recognition that voting should be a privilege, not an entitlement and that government should be done by people able to do it.
Second, a demanding version of the old literacy test would serve wonderfully. This should demonstrate at a minimum a reading fluency of political ideas express in standard English. A reasonable grasp of world geography and American government might profitably be required. Perhaps a measured IQ of 120 or better should be in the mix.
This would make the bamboozlement and competitive shooing of the puzzled much, much harder, which is why it will never fly with the elites who find an electorate of the easily led congenial.
These measures would also screen out various minorities disproportionately. They would also ignite the resentment against the bright and cultivated that forms the bedrock of American society.
Comprehensive ignorance extends to groups many of whom are presumably well educated. Consider the following:
Poll: 44% of liberals say more than 1k unarmed black Americans killed by police in 2019
“According to the Washington Post database, regarded by Nature magazine as the “most complete database,” 13 unarmed black men were fatally shot by police in 2019. According to a second database called “Mapping Police Violence”, compiled by data scientists and activists, 27 unarmed black men were killed by police (by any means) in 2019.”
This shows that forty-four percent of liberals are incompetent to vote. If the misestimate is reduced to five hundred, many more believe it. Similar numbers could probably be compiled for conservatives on other questions, conspiracy theories being promising candidates.
Race is the most dangerous, destructive, and intractable problem facing America, yet these people are too stupid, lazy, inattentive, emotional, or worm-eaten by ideology to have even a faint grasp of what is happening. But they vote.
If liberals, a category including academia, the media, and a great many of the highly educated believe such wildly erroneous numbers, it is likely that blacks, a group in large part poorly educated, believe these things at a higher rate. Do you suppose convincing them that they are being slaughtered en masse improves race relations?
The very bright will always rule, though not always obviously. An IQ of 140 is said to be entry level for Wall Street. This excludes well over ninety-nine percent of the population. Mike Pompeo, while a wretched human being, was first in class at West Point and editor of the Harvard Law Review, Hillary a National Merit Fninalist, putting her in the upper .5 percent of test-takers in Illinois. Bill was a Rhodes scholar.
Intellectual mediocrities will often be in prominent positions, Joe and Kamala being examples, in Congress and the White House, these being storefronts for the very smart. The brains, and the power, are in the shadows. But, methinks, a genuinely bright electorate would be less likely to anoint freaks and rogues.
Interesting question: What would be the effect of requiring an IQ of 130, the cutoff for Mensa, to vote? The idea will arouse shrieks from an American public famously resentful of excellence except in football. (I am reminded of a fellow fourteen-year-old in Athens, Alabama who, seeing me reading a book on biology, said angrily, “You ain’t no gooder’n me.”) A test for voting of course runs against the current policy of enfranchising the mentally lame and halt. Would the upper two percent of the population do a better job of electing leaders? They would certainly be much more difficult to con.
I will now go to the American Legion in Chapala, which makes really good huevos rancheros, which I will accompany with a double bourbon, and pretend that things aren’t as they are. Sometimes, it works.
Conclusions and some thoughts
Guys, it’s obvious that the United States is a Military Empire.
I mean you have to be a fucking idiot not to know this, and anyone who runs around saying “America has freedom”, and “democracy is the best” really needs their head examined. They are ignorant fools, and thus deserve the life that a military empire will provide for them; serf-servitude or slavery. Take you pick.
Now, I could insert a movie and video that clarifies this point. but I won’t it’s really very obvious.
The point of this article is that the United States is not at all what it claims to be. And that it relies on media and ignorance to maintain.
Media. Tell American how great, special and exceptional they are, while filling their minds with fear.
Ignorance. Dumb down the educational system. Ban all sources of information, and provide only sources that the government controls.
But the world is changing, and this kind of Military Empire is going the way of the Dodo bird. It’s not sustainable, and not practical, and once Asia implement global alternative for SWIFT, will become economically unfeasible.
To understand what Americ is today, we should not look at the tanks, the military aircraft and the people living in tents in the big American cities, but rather see what America used to be like. When there was still hope for a brighter and better future, and where jobs were plentiful, rights still existed, and it was affordable jsut to be alive.
At the time of my parents, one person could work in a job. They would be guranetted never to be laid-off, and obtain reasonable benefits to include free health care for thei family, month off for vacations, bonuses, and holiday parties at least two times a year.
Families could buy and afford a house that would be apid off in ten years, and brand new cars in cash.

They could relax and drink at work, at home, at the restrurants. There were no bans in anything. In fact, an America could even buy tanks, military aircraft and cannons without anyone blinking an eyelash.
The military was a place of honor. It was what you joined to defend your liberty and your freedom, and in those days, American really did have freedom. Americans didn’t need to wear seat belts, speed limits on roads were a rarity, school caferteris served generous helps of foods that included meats, and vegitables, where nothing was instant, pre-processed, or frozen.

While America has it’s own taboos, and traditions, people still were able to enjoy life and buildcompanies, magazines, and other venues without being crushed by the government, and other mega-corporations.
Like the Playboy empire.

Try opening a similiar venue today.
Do you think that it would be easy?
Consider what America was like when Playboy started to publish and started prenting “the girl next door” soft-core semi-nudes in it’s pages. Consider what America was like. Yet, still the Playboy empire was able to manifest.

Different times, and different social norms. Yes. That’s for certain.
But it’s more than just fashion and society. It is the very nature of the fabric of that society has changed. No longer run by talent, and patriots, the United States (as a nation) has been taken over completely by psychopathic personalities and sociopathic individuals who themselves have small armies of revenue-sucking toadies that combined siphon off money from the serf-slave electorate.
Sure, then as now, people are people. They live, and love. They eat food, and they work in various capacities.

But it’s the entire government strucutre has changed.
In the 1950’s America was a “democracy”.
Today, America is a Military Empire, and the actions and behaviors of the citizenry has been absolutely reflected by that change. If you look at history; from the lens of history, you will see that in every case, all military empires develop a strange collection of civilian behaviors domestically, and that is reflected in the laws that that society manifests for it’s people to live by.
Thus it should be no surprise that the American government is so pro-LGBT and so obscessed with everything progressive and novel.
But that was not the case when the American government was healthy, and was an actual functioning democracy.

So what can you do about it?
Well, historically these kinds of government eventually die off. They historical ways are well documented…
- Internal revolt.
- Defeat in a war.
- Or collapse in stages to a much smaller entity.
Most people have very little say in the three above mechanisms. So I advise fleeing to “greener patures” and safer havens.
In any event, the best thing that a person can do is to be a Rufus.
Rufus gives a guy a break. The poor guy cannot pay. So he give him all his food. The Rufus, while upset, puts the food back, and let’s the guy go.
Be the Rufus. Video. 96MB
Just say hi. You know, life will pass you buy. So smile more, and don’t over think. Most adults (not so much for teenagers and young people) will appreciate you talkign to them. SO say hi. Thell them what you think. Don’t do it for any other reason than to be nice.
Maybe good things will come out of it. Be the Rufus. Video. 98MB
Just, Be the Rufus. Video. 20MB
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More new Rufus videos to inspire – Tiger Pounce
It’s a new Chinese year. It’s a water tiger year. And it’s a fine time to remember to be the best that we can possibly be. In this installment, I offer up some fine Rufus inspirational videos that are found throughout the world and inside of China. Remember, that being a Rufus doesn’t depend on your wealth, where you live, what color of skin you have, or your career. It depends on your compassion for those who surround you. Be the Rufus. The world needs people like us.
Rufus Emergency Save
With children, it can happen at any time. You have to jump and take immediate action! video 5MB
Rufus father save
Again. You have to be ready. video 3MB
Rufus’s firemen help woman
A woman carries her baby to a group of firemen. They spring into action. video 5MB
Rufus fisherman
Rufus gets rewarded
A kind deed gets a reward. video 5MB
Rufus gives everyone a chance
Everyone deserves a chance. Instead of firing, she gets a promotion and some appreciation. Video 13MB
Rufus Great Collection
A great collection of Rufus events. Video 9MB
Rufus’s heart attack save
Rufus helps out at a road accident
Rufus helps a homeless family
Being a nice Rufus in the United States. Video 10MB
Rufus helps the children
The father buys the son a meal, and he eats cheap bread. The waitress gives him free food, and then the father gives the meat to his son. But the Rufus son will have none of that.
Rufus helps a woman who collapsed on the bike
This is the whole video. Better than the abbreviated versions. I posted previously, or the segments in anthologies. Video 20MB
Rufus honors the flag
A bus driver on January first sees a flag on the road. He stops and picks it up. A Rufus always honors the flag of the nation where he lives. It’s respect. Video 4MB
A Rufus is welcoming
Rufus makes the world a better place
Rufus making friends
And why not. Smile, and put a little bit of happiness in the lives of others. Just try. video 8.7MB
Rufus mid-drive save
A real time Rufus.
Rufus’ mud rescue
Rufus named Bob
Pleasant story. We have to adjust to things as they are, and not as we want them to be. video 6MB
Rufus not defective
I also think that this is a really nice story and illustration. video 6MB
Rufus Pay it forward
Yup. Pay it forward. Video 22MB
Rufus subway draw
Always a great series of videos. The idea is to use your natural skills, smile or abilities to make those around you smile. video 4MB
Rufus subway draw 5
Another. Remember that you can make the world a better place. . Video 4MB
Rufus thanks other Rufus for their help
Rufus trio boxes in a little boy
He has no idea what kind of a mess he is in. video 13MB
More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…
Check them out…
Rufus Index.
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Master Index.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
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More new Rufus videos to inspire – Tiger Nap
It’s a new Chinese year. It’s a water tiger year. And it’s a fine time to remember to be the best that we can possibly be. In this installment, I offer up some fine Rufus inspirational videos that are found throughout the world and inside of China. Remember, that being a Rufus doesn’t depend on your wealth, where you live, what color of skin you have, or your career. It depends on your compassion for those who surround you.
Be the Rufus. The world needs people like us.
Japanese Beauty and the Beast
Motorcycle kit for those who cannot afford a car
This little bike is a hybrid bicycle / motorcycle. It supposedly gets much more from a tank of gas than a regular motorcycle because of motor efficiencies and the light weight of the bicycle. It’s a perfect hybrid solution for those that need to drive back and forth to work but cannot afford the gas to do so. video 20MB
Alert from a Jumper
All hands alert
Big Girl
This video is one that I constantly show to my daughter. I use it to illustrate how a “big girl” handles bad people. video 1MB
Rufus captures a criminal
Rufus climbs to the rescue
Rufus comes together in a pinch
Rufus’ community rescue
Rufus’ community saves a girl
Rufus compilation
Rufus’ corruption police
One of the biggest innovations that China has made on the world is a branch of the police that handles corruption at all levels of the government. It has greatly added to the public perception of the Communist Party being to serve the people, and it is an important driver as to why China is so successful today.
However, the rest of the world doesn’t seem to want to copy this innovation. And when you bring up the subject, you are just brushed off as making “silly talk”. video 9MB
Rufus COVID volunteers
All those people wearing and donning the hazmat suits inside of China are volunteers. They do so for FREE. They leave their jobs, their work, their families and take on this burden for FREE. True Rufus every one. Video 4MB
Rufus’ covid volunteers 2
More. video 9MB
Rufus defends the little guy
A great video. The people doing the menial jobs are underappreciated and treated harshly. It’s about time that people stand up and defend them. I love this video. video 11MB
Rufus doctor alert
Rufus subway draw
Rufus subway drawing, NYC
Rufus subway thumbs up
Rufus takedown of criminal 3
Rufus’ workers need some appreciation
Rufus works together as a team
Stop comparing yourself to others.
Stop. Just stop. video 4MB
More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…
Check them out…
Rufus Index.
More stuff…
Master Index.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
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Orders from Washington DC; When China Does Great things you must Question Its Cost in all articles
When I was growing up, my parents raised me on a steady diet of television. Back then in the early 1960’s my favorite shows were “Diver Dan”, “The Jetsons”, “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.”, “Get Smart” and “I dream of Genie”. These shows influenced me as I grew up. It was all about adventure, space and fighting those dastardly communists. Yikes!
I used to love Saturday mornings.
it would be a morning full of cartoons. I would go get a bowl of sugary cereal, add milk and even more sugar, and sit there in front of the television screen absorbing all the great child entertainment. My favorite cereals from those years were “Froot Loops”, “Coco puffs”, and “Rice Krispies”. I was, I tell youse guys, just a normal kid.
In those days, mind control via electronic media was unheard of. It had to be introduced and perfected, which it was indeed, over the next two to three decades.
Now we have very advanced systems to control the minds of people, and they do work. But every now and then, the absurdity of it all becomes so glaringly obvious. And it’s laughable. Really.
If it wasn’t so absolutely sad.
From MoA. Classic.
There seem to be general meme directives for ‘western’ outlets with regards to official enemies.
Russia is said to weaponize everything. The position of China is not (yet) seen as in military terms. The emphasis is on economic competition. Any undeniable Chinese achievement must be declared to have been a bad investment. The directive thus reads:
"When writing about China's achievements - question their costs."
The results:
- Global Markets – 1st quarter 2007 : China powers ahead – but at what cost?
– Fin Law, Feb 09, 2007 - China pumps up the Cambodian economy, but at what cost?
– Taipei Times Apr 07 2011 - Luxury Property in China: Boom, but at what cost?
– Spears, Oct 18 2011
- Tibet: Tourism Rises, But At What Cost?
– UNPO, Dec 28 2011 - China brings jobs to Ethiopia but at what cost?
– Horn Affairs, May 31 2012 - China: smartphone market domination…but at what cost?
– GFK, Feb 27 2014 - China wants the Gold but at what Cost? – Disturbing Road to Olympic Stardom
– Linkedin, Aug 14 2016 - Podcast: China Aims for Bluer Skies Ahead, But at What Cost to Commodity Demand?
– SPGlobal, 2017 - Peter Bart: Hollywood Has Appetite For China’s Big Bucks, But At What Cost?
– Deadline, Mar 2 2017 - China is driving a boom in Brazilian mining, but at what cost?
– China Dialogue, Jul 27 2017 - Chinese Tech Firms Are at the Cutting Edge of Artificial Intelligence — But at What Cost?
– Global Voices, 28 Aug 2017 - China Invests in Environment – but at What Cost?
– US News, Apr 20 2018 - China’s Belt and Road poised to transform the Earth, but at what cost?
– Mongabay, Apr 24 2018 - China’s Belt and Road poised to transform the Earth, but at what cost to the environment?
– Eco Business, Apr 25 2018 - China May Become the World’s Leader in AI. But at What Cost?
– China File, Jul 30 2018 - President Xi pledges $60 Billion to African Countries, but at what Cost?
– Medium, Sep 8 2018 - Vatican–China relations are warming up, but at what cost?
– East Asia Forum, 23 Oct 2018 - Gene-edited babies: China wants to be the world leader, but at what cost?
– The Conservation, Nov 26 2018 - China’s economy looks to be stabilising, but at what cost?
– France24, Apr 17 2019 - China’s Big Cities Get Cleaner Air, But at What Cost?
– Caixing, Oct 26 2019 - China’s Experimental Cure for Cancer
China’s curing cancer faster and cheaper than anywhere else. But some worry they may be going too fast.
– Bloomberg, Dec 12th 2019 - China is getting smarter – but at what cost?
– BBC, Dec 24 2019 - Hou Jianbin wants to educate China. But at what cost?
– Protocol - A better, stronger China after the epidemic? But at what cost?
– Think China, Feb 21 2020 - China May Forge Ahead of the Us in AI Chip Race, but at What Cost to Both?
– CIGI, Apr 9 2020 - China’s Three Gorges Dam may be safe for now, but at what cost?
– Dams, Rivers and People, 27 Jul 2020 - Serbia has rolled out the red carpet to China – but at what cost?
– Euronews, Oct 08 2020 - The BRI’s Footprint in the Lower Mekong Region Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam all need infrastructure—but at what cost?
– RosaLux, Dec 15 2020 - Chinese PD-1s secure broad reimbursement, but at what cost?
– Pharmaletter, Dec 28 2020 - Green Transition in China: At What Cost?
– Green Europe Journal, 16 Jan 2021 - Wuhan one year on: The city that appears safe from Covid – but at what cost?
– Telegraph, Jan 23 2021 - China’s economy grows, but at what cost? (vid)
– SCMP, Jan 27,2021 - China Is Imposing Strict Lockdowns To Contain New COVID Outbreaks. But There’s A Cost
– NPR, Sep 2 2021 - China keeps virus at bay but at what cost?
– Sioux City Journal, Sep 21 9 2021 - China keeps virus at bay at high cost ahead of Olympics
– ABC News, Sep 21 2021 - China celebrates Meng Wanzhou’s return as a victory — even at the cost of its global image ´
– CNN, Sep 28 2021 - Clean Air at What Cost? The Rise of Blunt Force Regulation
– US China Dialogue, Oct 21 2021 - China Rewriting Economic Narrative – But At What Cost?
– BMF, Oct 27 2021 - China’s ‘Zero Covid’ Efforts Come With a Cost
– New York Times, Nov 12 2021 - China is now controlling the weather. What’s the environmental cost?
– Euronews, Dec 9 2021 - Ultra-leftist voices are making themselves heard in China, but at what cost?
– SCMP, Dec 24 2021
Yah. There’s also an obsessed foreign policy subset of “weak/declining” china …
I read a few articles on China’s high speed train system, and in the most recent the cost versus revenue was a worry/criticism, even though it would be easy to argue or at least discuss about positive externalities worthy of subsidies.
Similar cost related criticism was laid on the huge program to develop new gas fields in Eastern Siberia and connect them with pipelines to China. It seems to be true that the long term contracts signed with China when the natural gas prices were very depressed were not best possible, but since those projects have to be considered in 20-50 year time frame, it was silly even then. Now the concerns about profitability of delivering natural gas to China in the future look hilarious.
There is an objective aspect in some “cost/global” articles. China is dominating so many commodity markets that decisions impacting import and export of China have tremendous impact on importers and exporters alike.
Most glaring is the lack of “at what cost” questions concerning the West. EU delays approval of North Stream II, but at what cost? Technocrats decreased investments in fossil fuels in EU and reliance on so-called clean fuels, but at what cost?
Both are phenomenal.
Madam Baerbock speaks her mind, but at what cost? This girl sends markets to panic which is not a part of her job description.
Ukraine “decreases reliance on Russia”, but at what cost?
Some estimate that the resulting losses are many times larger than gains from “western orientation”, western commentators do not attempt any such calculations. Freedom is worth every price if someone else pays for it (USA likes when the cost is born by EU, and EU likes when Ukrainians hold the short end of the stick).
Some thoughts…
Now I know to read any title that contains ‘China’ and ‘at what cost’ because it threatens the cult of U.S. hegemony.
1. Articles about environment: After skimming these articles, I agree, the ‘at what cost’ was so inappropriate for the content, it does look like it was planted, ‘will they succeed’ would have been more natural for these articles. Air quality has previously been notoriously bad in China, ongoing efforts to improve it was a very good thing.
2. articles about AI: ‘threatened by U.S.’ would be most accurate or some suitable alternative. This group of headlines says that China is vulnerable in the chip area. There is a condescending tone because it says, ML (Machine Learning) is data sets and processing power, and not so much about innovation, this is true. But I would not discount China’s ability to innovate. In using AI to implement a police state, ‘at what cost’, is appropriate here, as it conjures up everyone’s worst fears, even for our own govt. Pointing out how ML can be abused by a govt is a good thing. But even better is pointing out how it has eliminated rapes, kidnapping, child abductions, and fraud by leaderships inside of China is a great thing.
3. I can see how ‘at what cost’ can be used for the other categories but agree that the repetitious use wreaks of information war.
Global Times provides this excellent infographic aimed directly at BigLie media’s propaganda meme as it’s titled, “China’s commitment to the world in 2021.”
Number two…
Number three…
Number four…
I am “chomping at the bit” in anticipation to see the United States versions of these meme’s.
Here’s an article out of Laos…
‘The country that bombed you is your friend. The one that built your new railway is your enemy’
This is the Western media’s bizarre messaging to the people of Laos, a nation that was carpet bombed by America, and which is now being vilified for accepting a new $6 billion railway line paid for by China.
Thursday was National Day in Laos, a celebration marking 46 years since the landlocked Southeast Asian nation deposed its monarchy and became a revolutionary communist state, an effort which was supported by Vietnam.
This year, the anniversary had added significance, as it saw the opening of a major new project, an electrified high-speed and freight railway system connecting the capital city, Vientiane with its northern neighbour, China.
The $6 billion project is part of the Belt and Road Initiative, and has been hailed as one of its flagship achievements. It is the first commercial and industrial railway in Laos, which, given its geography and the fact it is surrounded by mountainous terrain, has not previously had many options to expand its exports and generate economic growth.
Now, though, it has a direct rapid link into the world’s second largest economy and the world’s largest consumer market by population, and a connection to the booming ports of Guangdong. In terms of what it will bring to Laos, it is a game changer. So, what’s not to like about it?
To nobody’s surprise, the mainstream media have responded to the railway with the usual anti-China negativity. A plethora of articles sought to paint the project as a ‘debt trap’, promoting the accusation that Beijing loans countries money for projects they cannot afford and then exerts political leverage over it.
The Financial Times, for one, ran with a cynical article headlined ‘Laos to open Chinese-built railway amid fears of Beijing’s influence’. It implied that somehow Laos feels threatened or fears the construction of this very pioneering railway project (which the country’s own leader made sure he was the first to travel on). This suggestion of ‘fears of Chinese influence’ has become a common feature on such stories, which seek to cast doubt over anything positive China may be achieving or doing.
A common Twitter meme among pro-China users which has followed from stories like this asks: “but at what cost?” highlighting the frequency of such negative coverage.
And if you Google “China, but at what cost?” you can find a great many examples of articles published in major outlets. In producing such pieces, the broader intention is to depict Beijing’s actions as unwanted, threatening and constantly facing opposition. In the case of the Laos railway project, the ‘problem’ is it was financed by debt, and therefore it is not a positive step.
Yet this argument is as insulting as it is outright insensitive to Laos’ contemporary history. Anyone who knows anything about Laos’ relatively recent past will be well aware that China is not the country to fear, but the United States – the nation that dropped over 260 million cluster bombs on Laos and completely devastated the country as an extension of the Vietnam War, making it the most single bombed nation in history and claiming over 50,000 lives.
Many of these bombs remain unexploded and litter the countryside of Laos, continuing to kill civilians. In constructing the new railway, workers first had to clear the unexploded ordnance. How is it that the world and the mainstream media remain indifferent to this atrocity? And how, by any stretch of the imagination, can they claim that China is the true threat to Laos, and that the US and its allies act in the true interests of the country?
Herein lies the problem. Such a mindset symbolizes the elitism, chauvinism and self-righteousness of the countries of the West, which are ideologically inclined to believe that they stand for the ‘true interests’ of the ordinary people in the countries they profess to liberate.
Western politics peddles the assumption that through countries’ adherence to liberal democracy, they exclusively hold a single, universal, impartial and moralistic truth, derived from the ontological legacy of Christianity, and they have an obligation to introduce it to others. The West always acts truthfully and in good faith, while its enemies do not. And therefore, so the logic goes, any policy the US or its allies direct towards Laos is motivated by sincere intent and goodwill for its interests, and in turn, anything that China does is bad-faith, expansionist and power-hungry behaviour motivated by a desire to influence or control the country.
This creates the bizarre scenario whereby Beijing is depicted as evil and sinister for building a railway to connect to its neighbour – but we should forget America dropping millions of bombs on the country because it was done in the name of ‘freedom’. I’m sure you can imagine how the media would react if China did the latter.
Those who push this narrative predictably omit any insight into how Laos itself thinks about the situation. Another piece which took a similar stance, published in The Diplomat, was titled ‘Laos-China Railway inaugurated amid mounting debt concerns’.
But like the ‘fears of Beijing influence’ expressed in the FT, who are these ‘concerns’ from? The report cites the “Washington-based Center for Global Development” and what it merely describes as a “US based analyst” as sources who push the ‘debt trap’ narrative. But nowhere in any of these articles is there an actual voice direct from Laos who raises any fear of China, or objects to the railway’s existence.
Instead, they simply talk on the country’s behalf, obscuring the reality that a communist state which suffered from extreme levels of aggression from the US probably does not see its northern neighbour – and its most important economic partner – as a threat to its regime. With many more articles running variations of the same theme, there is minimal effort given to the consideration that the railway will help the country rapidly expand its exports, sustain greater growth and help Laos pay for the project.
The Laos-China railway has provided a textbook example of how the media can distort a story in order to fortify an incriminating narrative, while brushing aside brutal realities. We are shown a lopsided world, where the travesty of a country being bombed into oblivion with consequences lasting decades is ignored, and the preference is to try to convince us how that same country’s first commercial railway line is, in fact, what it should really be scared of.
It is a demonstration of how the power of the English-language, pro-US media distorts reality itself and how they can blow up an issue, yet hide the truth, by professing to care dearly about the wellbeing and interests of a country which the West poured death, destruction and carnage upon in the name of freedom.
Here’s an article out of Cambodia…
Cambodia-US Relations: Cambodia is not the enemy of the US
America believes that Cambodia is China’s vassal state. And it does everything to solidify that belief. At the end, they justify their sanctions against Cambodia for being too friendly with China whom the US considers as the “malign actor” and “revisionist state” to the hegemonic order with the US at the top.
But then how much is called overdependent? How much sanction is considered enough against the alleged malign actor?
Americans warn Cambodians to beware of lucrative interactions with China. But Cambodia’s trade and investment with China is less than 10% of the whole of Southeast Asia. Statistically speaking, countries that are close with the US such as Singapore and Vietnam are in fact the highest beneficiaries from trade and investments with China.
Media that are anti-China can lie about Cambodia’s overdependence on China but numbers don’t lie. Impartial academics should look into those number by themselves and make comparison to the whole region to verify and question their established prejudice. The so-called independent minds should not become the trash collectors of all bad press about Cambodia with many hyperlinks to the anti-Cambodia puppet media and organizations.
Cambodia is currently the most sanctioned country in Southeast Asia, even more than the military junta in Myanmar, and the fact is that there is no sanction at all against communist Vietnam, who has no freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of expression. What does anyone say to these? None at all.
What does democracy mean to America when Cambodia is being treated this way by the American government and congress on the aspect of democracy and human rights?
Cambodia is among the few countries in Southeast Asia that has regular multi-parties election.
Cambodia is among the few countries where press, both domestic and foreign, operate freely, and some of the US’ affiliates like the Voice of America, the Voice of Democracy, and Radio Free Asia, bombards daily with verbal diarrhea against Cambodia as if Cambodian people are living in hell. Nothing can be seen positive from the point of view. And they still say that Cambodia has no freedom of expression.
Facebook operates freely in Cambodia. Internet freedom is among the fullest compared to countries in the region. Cambodian people are addicted to Facebook freedom. They really enjoy it. So long as they don’t defame, libel, slander, promote uprising, treason and the toppling of government, they are free to say anything.
Cambodia is hosting more than 5,000 civil society organisations but human right groups in Cambodia, funded by foreign governments, still has liberty to say that Cambodia lacks freedom of association as compared to Viet Nam which has only one state union. In the US, these organisations would have been banned or classified as “foreign agents”. According to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), passed in 1938, it is required that agents representing the interests of foreign powers in a “political or quasi-political capacity” disclose their relationship with the foreign government and information about related activities and finances.
But such kind of civil society organisations in Cambodia are hiding behind protection of their foreign embassies crying foul that Cambodia’s Law on NGO (LANGO) is too restrictive because they simply cannot disclose their finance and activities that are fundamentally foreign-owned, foreign-initiated and foreign-led.
What does America want from Cambodia? Does it want Cambodia to become the enemy of China and to fight China on America’s behalf? Where does Cambodia’s national interest stand in supporting the US and in making China its enemy? Where is the right to self-determination of Cambodia that the US often says that it respects fully? Does the US want Cambodia to commit suicide to express its sincerity in wanting friendship with the US?
Cambodia is considered as “gold-standard” in terms of cooperation with the US in area such as POW/MIA. Cambodia even accepted 300 Afghan refugees when only a few countries in the region are willing to do so.
But what does Cambodia receive in return? The US cut off scholarship for military students who are already in the US. The US imposed visa sanctions against high-ranking officials in the whole Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
They are sanctioning the very individuals that act as the main bridge of friendship and relations between Cambodia and the US.
This is too cruel a treatment from a friend. The US is treating Cambodia like an enemy.
While the US says that it stands with Cambodian people for its independence and march towards stable and peaceful democracy, Cambodia is in fact one of the most sanctioned countries in Southeast Asia, even worst than the so-called US enemies.
People might probably say sometimes, frankness is needed among sincere friends. But a friend should not express solidarity through piles of sanctions like what the US is doing towards Cambodia right now.
How could a friend be so cruel to treat another friend that way? What does friendship mean for the American government and congressmen?
Is this the best treatment that the American government can afford to Cambodia, which is the last beacon of hope of democracy in the Mekong region? Which country in the Mekong region that fares better than Cambodia in terms of democracy and human rights?
Cambodian people like America; they like American democracy; they aspire to have American democracy.
It is totally unfair for Cambodia that it needs to sacrifice its national interest to befriend with the US. Why is it so hard to befriend with the US?
The US should reconsider its relations with Cambodia from the heart, not from the brain of geopolitical strategy. The brightest brain like Henry Kissinger that was behind the dropping of millions of bombs on Cambodian people is not a friend of Cambodia. He is nothing but a war criminal. He should not be the one to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. What does peace prize mean for an individual that was behind the killings of hundreds of thousands of Cambodian people?
Which US congressman and policy-maker want to become the next Henry Kissinger, the war criminal that won a Nobel Peace Prize?
An American B-52 aircraft is not smart to distinguish between the Viet Cong and Cambodian civilians. The fact is that they killed more civilians than the Viet Cong that the US considered as US’ enemies.
There is no better definition than “war crime” and “crime against humanity” considering the US’ acts against Cambodia during the 1970s. America should never forget that. American government, American people, American policy-makers, American congressmen should never forget that. America should remember their atrocity against Cambodian people during the 1970s. Cambodian civilians and government are not US’ enemy.
And another article…
China’s Belt and Road rail services booming despite Covid-19
Beijing has inked more than 200 cooperation documents for the joint construction of the Belt and Road with 145 countries and 32 international organizations

Xinhua – Though the world remains haunted by the still ravaging COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2021, the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has seen a boom in promoting world connectivity.
Under the BRI framework, railway construction is expanding across the global landscape. The iconic China-Europe Railway Express, the China-Laos railway and the railway line in Tanzania have all recorded milestone achievements over the past year.
These important railway projects provide important pillars for the BRI, and also contribute their due share to improving the global supply chain and the COVID-19 fight.
During days just before Christmas, when people in Western countries are worrying that they may not be able to receive their Christmas gifts on time due to clogged shipping lanes, China-Europe trains from different regions were sending products to Europe without delay.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of China-Europe freight trains. By the end of October, the China-Europe freight trains plying along 73 routes have reached 175 cities in 23 European countries with more than 50,000 kinds of goods.
Amid the pandemic, the number of China-Europe express trains as well as the volume of freight have continued to break new records.
Data from China’s National Development and Reform Commission shows that during the January-November period, the railway service linking the two sides operated 13,817 trains, carrying 1.332 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs), an increase of 23 percent and 30 percent respectively compared with the year 2020.
At the end of November, the cumulative number of anti-epidemic equipment transported by the China-Europe freight trains reached 13.43 million pieces and 103,000 tons.
“China is very important for the global supply chain. And in most cases it’s faster (than the ocean shipping). Therefore, it’s a useful alternative to use the train, and it’s reliable,” said Axel Mattern, joint chief executive officer of Port of Hamburg Marketing.
According to global logistics company MEDILINK, the initial freight rate of the China-Europe rail network is often two-thirds higher than that of sea freight, but the current price is very competitive.
The current freight rates of the China-Europe freight trains are basically the same as those of sea freight, but it only takes nearly half the time, said Logistics industry insiders.
On Dec. 3, the China-Laos Railway officially started operation. It marks a crucial step for the trans-Asian railway network, which has been brewing for more than half a century. Since then, the journey from Vientiane to the border with China has been reduced from 2 days to 3 hours, and the journey to Kunming, capital of China’s Yunnan Province, can be made in a day.
“The China-Laos railway is conducive to promoting the development of areas that are located along the line. Countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion, including Thailand, Laos and China, will benefit from trade, agricultural products, consumer products, investment and tourism,” said Pichet Kunadhamraks, deputy director-general of the Department of Rail Transport under the Thai Ministry of Transport, in an interview with Xinhua.
The railway is expected to reduce transport costs between Vientiane and Kunming by 40 to 50 percent, said a World Bank report, noting transport costs from Thailand’s Laem Chabang port to Kunming are expected to fall by at least 32 percent.
It is estimated that by 2030, the annual volume of commercial goods in transit through the Laos section of the China-Laos Railway will reach 3.9 million tons, it added.
This year coincides with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN dialogue relations, and the two sides are advancing the BRI and the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025.
On Jan. 1, 2022, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) will officially enter into force. Experts believe that the BRI will lead to the construction of the trans-Asian rail network and promote regional connectivity.
In mid-June this year, a ceremony was held to launch the Ithaca-Mwanza section of the Standard Gauge Railway of Tanzania’s Central Line, the construction of which is undertaken by a Chinese company.
After the completion of this project, it will become an important route connecting Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and other countries, providing a pathway to the Indian Ocean. It is of great importance for promoting the economic development of the countries in the region and improving the living conditions of the people.
From the Tanzania-Zambia railway built in the 1970s, to the Djibouti-Ethiopia and Mombasa-Nairobi railways, and the Standard Gauge Railway of Tanzania’s Central Line, the joint efforts of China and Africa have created jobs, trade opportunities and a better investment environment, thereby contributing to local prosperity as well as to the improvement of the living conditions of the local residents.
As of Dec. 16, China has signed more than 200 cooperation documents for the joint construction of the Belt and Road with 145 countries and 32 international organizations, and financial institutions such as China-proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Silk Road Fund have expanded financing channels for infrastructure construction.
According to Bambang Suryono, chairman of Indonesian think tank Asia Innovation Study Center, for many countries, a major obstacle to escape poverty is the weakness of transport infrastructure, and in this regard, China’s success can set an example.
When you measure everything against the cost structure imposed by western capitalism, everything China does inevitably looks costly.
Totally absent from the analysis is the question of benefits.
The west thinks only of profits. China thinks of the benefits not only to China and the Chinese people, but to the countries and peoples with whom they do business.
The West = Personal Profit China = Benefits for Groups of People
The long term superiority of such a strategy is blindingly obvious to any open minded observer. It’s the reason why China and Russia will eventually pass through this contentious period of change, and prevail in a new better world.
Many other nations see this, and they do remember how the United States treated / treats them. When the shit hits the fan, and it will, the United States will be broke, penniless, scorned and friendless.
No matter how you spin it, it will not a good situation to be in.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
Articles & Links
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Time for inspiration and Rufus videos I hope you all enjoy them (smile)
Picture above is a rescue cat. It calms and offers kindness to any suffering animal taken to the shelter. From HERE.
It’s a new Chinese year. It’s a water tiger year. And it’s a fine time to remember to be the best that we can possibly be. In this installment, I offer up some fine Rufus inspirational videos that are found inside of China. Remember, that being a Rufus doesn’t depend on your wealth, where you live, what color of skin you have, or your career. It depends on your compassion for those who surround you. Be the Rufus. The world needs people like us.
Video of happiness and joy
Be happy. Force the happiness around you. Make the quanta in your geographic area clean, light and positive. video 15MB
Making a positive change to the world around us.
Subway artist strikes again. Looks like Shenzhen. The woman is obviously sad and distressed. The subway artist tries to cheep her up. video 6MB
The cat…
Rescue of a man in a restaurant
This stuff happens. And you all need a Rufus nearby to save the day. Be the best you can be. Be kind. Be helpful. Be supporting. video 6MB
How to deal with a dog…
I found this hilarious. Maybe you will too. video 6MB
The cat 2
Military to the rescue!
China mobilizes it’s military to rescue and help others. Not them them around the world to occupy other nations and drone kill civilians. Scenes from the mobilization of military to protect the Hunan flooding of 2021. Compare these scenes to the New Orleans flooding. Not even close. video 45MB
Progressive gay man down the street…
China, like Russia & Poland, are very traditional nations. They do not accept this “diversity” of “alternative lifestyles” that are so fundamental to the “new” America today. .And in this video clip you can see just how the normal day to day Chinese people react when they watch someone acting oh, so very… American. video 5MB
By the way, we here at MM are not poking fun at the “alternative” lifestyle choices of those in the West. Instead, we are pointing out that in traditional nations in Asia find these behaviors odd and curious, and so they react to the new and unusual in funny and surprising ways.
Everyone visiting here should be proud of who they are, their lifestyle choices, and their life. It’s NOT our place to judge.
Arguing couple saved by oranges, a cat, and some compassion
Very interesting video. Couple argues. Old lady spills her oranges. Cat (black and white tuxedo) pokes his nose in to investigate and then… video 7MB
The cat 3
Man buys a set of crutches for a stranger
It’s a pain in the ass when your cane breaks. Don’t worry when there’s a Rufus nearby. video 7MB
Dog protects a toddler
Brave dog. Will not allow the toddler to crawl on to the road. video 20MB
The thank you song
All of the people performing all the Coronavirus testing, vaccinations and everything associated with it are volunteers. They leave their jobs and their lives and do it for no pay. They often work 12 to 16 hour shifts. Such is membership in the Chinese culture / society and communist party. This little girl is performing the “thank you” song and dance to them. video 25MB
More Rescue cat…
Christmas roadblock
Regional outbreak of Coronavirus, in a regional town. These people volunteered to leave their families to man the roadblock. They were NOT compelled to do so. They volunteered. While Christmas is not as important to Chinese as CNY, it is still a holiday and the Chinese do celebrate it. Everyone except these guys. video 23MB
Police take down compilations
In China, AI monitors all activity, and identifies the criminals in real-time. Then, the police go out and get the bad guys when they are unready and unprepared. This differs from the United States where the police must catch the criminals in the act, and often results in lethal shootings. video 5MB
Beautiful HAN Outfits
I hope that these all put a smile on your faces. I love the way the dresses move. But call me a traditionalist. It’s not that these people are a Rufus, but rather that they are traditionalists and that they are enjoying life as such. They are not living in fear, afraid of offending anyone. They are comfortable and proud. They are confident. And being confident is sexy. First up video 2MB
Second up. video 4MB
I really love this dress. I don’t know why. Purple is not really a preferential color. Third up. video 6MB
Fourth up. video 3MB
Those that wear these clothes love it. They wear it with pride and just typically wear tennis shoes or sneakers instead of the traditional foot wear. You can see them bouncing around. Being happy and light. video 6MB
More HAN dress fun. video 9MB
And one more HAN dress, just for the heck of it. The Chinese are proud of themselves, of their history and about what they have accomplished. They embrace it as they should with confidence and fun. You won’t find any “diversity directors” telling them that they cannot dress like this in the work office for “cultural misappropriation” or some other nonsense. Be yourself. The world needs more REAL people. video 3MB
A bunch of Rufus’s examples
Be the Rufus. video 16MB
Rufus Rescue
So many people run to help! video 1MB
Rufus stops a car
It’s driver-less and out of control, and he is just a lowly delivery guy. video 2MB
Chinese Police Raid on Kidnapping and Child abduction group
The Chinese do not play. Rescue the little girl. video 7MB
Final Rescue cat…
Happy times!
Some of the happy moments in China during 2021. We have reunited families, Happiness, volunteers raising their hands to help other during the flooding emergency, the return of political prisoners out of the USA and much more! video 20MB
More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…
Check them out…
Rufus Index.
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Master Index.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
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More new Rufus videos to inspire
It’s a new Chinese year. It’s a water tiger year. And it’s a fine time to remember to be the best that we can possibly be. In this installment, I offer up some fine Rufus inspirational videos that are found throughout the world and inside of China. Remember, that being a Rufus doesn’t depend on your wealth, where you live, what color of skin you have, or your career. It depends on your compassion for those who surround you. Be the Rufus. The world needs people like us.
Emergency Police Escort
In life you’ve got to work hard
Rufus Compilation I
Love always
Love through windows
Rufus stands up for the little guy
Surprise the ones you love
Rufus compilation III
Young girl “Pioneer” is rewarded for her Rufus actions
Do not allow others to use you
Code RED at the Hospital!
Who’s your friend?
Rufus takes care of child waiting outside for her mother
The hardest things are the right things
China Rufus hospital staff
Rufus Compilation Final
More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…
Check them out…
Rufus Index.
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Master Index.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
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Rufus behaviors in a world gone mad. We all need to make the world a better place.
Here’s some fine Rufus inspirational videos to remind you that the world needs you. It needs you RIGHT NOW. You need to participate and make this world a better place. You need to go forth and help others, to participate in your community and to add calmness and kindness to the world that surround you. Be the Rufus.
What do I mean by being a Rufus?
The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.
Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.
In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.
While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.
You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.
Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name. It’s all people working together towards a common goal.
Some of these videos might take some time to load. Just click on the "video" link and allow it to load in a new tab or window. It will load faster that way.
I have received numerous comments (that I did not publish on MM) by people complaining that I didn’t have enough Rufus videos showing people in America being kind, helping others, and doing good deeds. Well, I tried to put the ones up that I could find, it’s just that they really don’t exist much in the for-profit every-man-for-himself nations. I have tons of police shootings, black people store robberies, car jackings, and videos of poverty stricken homeless from the USA. But Rufus behaviors. Not much.
We start with some hard working people. Just everyday people who do the dirty, nasty work, alone. In China they give most of their money to their families who live far away, and for years they work alone, pushing and striving to make the family live a comfortable life. This first video is for you … “average Joe”.
Rufus rescue in the ice
Be the Rufus. Make your life worthwhile. video 6MB
Saying goodbye to our beloved pets.
You define who you are
Rufus Prevents a purse robbery
Bruce Lee
You must flow like water. video 2MB
Rufus compilation
An imbalance of power
Or, the perception of one’s power. As in the case of the United States today.
Rocky tells it like it is.
You gotta be the best you can be. video 6MB
When there is a problem, a community of Rufus’s come together
Everyone pulls their weight. Everyone contributes. Everyone participates. video 14MB
Rufus compilation
A bunch of examples of fine Rufus behaviors. video 75MB
Rufus feeds a begger
Not that common in China any longer. But an opportunity to help out a fellow human in need. Be the Rufus. 7MB
Rufus dad teaches his daughter
Kindness. Compassion. Understanding. video 8MB
A fitting end to this article
Have some compassion and know that YOU have a purpose on this planet. Help others. Be the best you can be. Be kind. And you will find that the world around you will also become kind, calm and peaceful. Participate in life. video 32MB
More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…
Check them out… Rufus Index .
More stuff…
Master Index .You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
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A fine Rufus reminder on the entry to a wet tiger year
It’s a new Chinese year. It’s a water tiger year. And it’s a fine time to remember to be the best that we can possibly be. In this installment, I offer up some fine Rufus inspirational videos that are found throughout the world and inside of China. Remember, that being a Rufus doesn’t depend on your wealth, where you live, what color of skin you have, or your career. It depends on your compassion for those who surround you. Be the Rufus. The world needs people like us.
Rufus climbs to rescue
A Rufus does whatever it takes to help and save others. video 4MB
Rufus dog stops an abduction
Be the Rufus. If this dog can be a Rufus, what is stopping you? video 2MB
Rufus’s on the bus
A real Rufus shows kindness and help when it is needed. Video 3MB
Save the Baby!
Rufus breaks into a car to save a baby left inside on a cold, cold day. Video 7MB
Rufus rescues a woman in distress
A Rufus gives it back
A Rufus is not part of the for-profit scheme. Instead a Rufus is part of the community and supports others regardless of their roles or their situations. video 14MB
Bus driver stops woman from throwing baby over a bridge
Yikes! Fast acting Rufus bus driver. Video 3MB
Rufus Hospital Rescue
Rufus always ready to help. Video 1.3MB
Rufus police take down thief
A society of Rufus’s protecting the rest of us from criminals. Video 3MB
A Rufus overcomes all obsticles
It doesn’t matter if it is training, a situation, an illness, money or catastrophe. A Rufus endure and pushes towards success. video. 4MB
Rufus gives free food to delivery guy
Show some compassion. Be the Rufus. video 3MB
Rufus stops an abduction
Always alert, and always ready. Be the Rufus. Video 1MB
Rufus Parking Ticket
Facts of Life
A Rufus knows and understands these important rules of life. video 6.6MB
A simple act of kindness
You don’t need to be a hero to be a Rufus. You only need to add good things to the world around you. Use your talents. Make people smile. video. 5MB
More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…
Check them out… Rufus Index .
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In a world gone crazy, it’s time for everyone to stand up and help others as only a Rufus can
Here’s some fine Rufus inspirational videos to remind you that the world needs you. It needs you RIGHT NOW. You need to participate and make this world a better place. You need to go forth and help others, to participate in your community and to add calmness and kindness to the world that surround you. Be the Rufus.
What do I mean by being a Rufus?
The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.
Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.
In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.
While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.
You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.
Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name. It’s all people working together towards a common goal.
Some of these videos might take some time to load. Just click on the "video" link and allow it to load in a new tab or window. It will load faster that way.
I have received numerous comments (that I did not publish on MM) by people complaining that I didn’t have enough Rufus videos showing people in America being kind, helping others, and doing good deeds. Well, I tried to put the ones up that I could find, it’s just that they really don’t exist much in the for-profit every-man-for-himself nations. I have tons of police shootings, black people store robberies, car jackings, and videos of poverty stricken homeless from the USA. But Rufus behaviors. Not much.
We start with some hard working people. Just everyday people who do the dirty, nasty work, alone. In China they give most of their money to their families who live far away, and for years they work alone, pushing and striving to make the family live a comfortable life. This first video is for you … “average Joe”.
Hard Workers
Rufus Child high-rise rescue
Be the Rufus. video 14MB
Rufus respects his flag
You have to be part of something larger. A Rufus understands this. video 3MB
Rufus protects his young sister
Friends, family, community and country. A Rufus participates and makes a difference in the lives of others. video 1.3MB
Rufus helps a schoolkid
Who cares if you don’t know him. You help him. It’s the way of the Rufus. video 4MB
Bunny wants to be alone
We are never alone. So don’t isolate. Realize that our strength and our value comes from the community that we surround ourselves with. video 60MB
Rufus work together as a team
Just a line. But in a society, everyone must know their place. video 25MB
Commercialized cuteness in Japan
Japanese culture embraces cuteness. But cuteness is welcoming and attractive. In a weird way, it is attractive. We should spend out time planting flowers, trees, and make our little world better, prettier and calmer. It’s our duty as a Rufus. Video 11.7MB
Dog starts to maul kittens
You can see the blood on the second kitten to the far right. But Rufus mother cats will not allow it. She fights the big dog with no fear what so ever. video 20.9MB
Chinese Pioneers first grade
Discipline. Working as part of a group. Leadership. participation. Striving to be the best for your community. These are the virtues of Chinese military training. Here’s a first grade military roll call for the Pioneers. video 6MB
Discipline. Working as part of a group.
Training starts in first grade, and they are so earnest and cute. China is building a nation of little Rufus’s that are poised to remake the world into a better place where everyone can live and prosper. Discipline. video 25MB
Rufus cares about the elders
A Rufus does NOT put their parents into a nursing home unless there is no other option. Family is part of our community. We have to accept our roles within that community and not discard others because they are inconvenient to us. video 25MB
Rufus rescue of dog on the tracks
In America some jackass tied a dog to the train tracks to watch it get run over. A guy risks his life to save the dog. video 38MB
How China treats expats
The world is not “us vs. them”. It’s one of sharing and community. Here’s why many expats like MM, enjoy living inside of China. video 124MB
We need to contribute, to help and be kind
The world needs us. video 71.6MB
Rufus keeps baby sleeping
Be mindful of the situation and conditions of others. video 21MB
Rufus stops woman from abducting a child
Be the Rufus. If we all work together to stop greed, selfishness, and for-profit psychopaths, the world WILL be a better place for all of us. video 3MB
Show some love
Why don’t you? video 2.1 MB
Be the Rufus Finale
Be the Rufus. The world needs you. Your community needs you. Together we all can make the world a better place to live in. All we need to do is be kinder and more considerate. video 106.2MB
More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…
Check them out… Rufus Index .
More stuff…
Master Index .You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
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America is slowly being rebuilt brick by brick towards a more community focus instead of an automobile focus.
Who would have known?
Throughout history, nations rise when there is righteous leadership that cared for its citizens' welfare and do the greater good. When they are corrupt and self-serving, those nations fall. Learn from history because we live in a world governed by cause and effect. History will repeat itself. -Tom Tan
Imagine that. A nation decides to adapt to the people instead of legislating behaviors for them to follow. I know, I know, it’s a long way to go. But to hear that this is happening in the United States is absolutely astounding. It really is.
Good stuff!
It’s about time.
It’s a new world
Yes it is.
I see the global pandemic starting a trend. Actually a series of trends. One of which would be a severely curtailed movement of people across national borders. While others involve a decrease in the use of airlines and planes to go from place to place. You will see these venues downsize.
Just like American malls have down-scaled due to the loss of the American middle class.
the world is changing. you can see it everywhere.
Here’s a scanning robot that I encountered at the mall when I was out getting some groceries. (We go to the mall for fun, we really don’t need to. The delivery services of Er-le-ma and Kangaroo are quite functional.) He said a cheery “Ni Hao!” as I walked by.

But you all have got to get the stupid “elected officials” out of Washington DC and start working together to help Americans. All this finger pointing, first to Russia and then to China is just useless and very counter productive. Nothing good will come of it. You have to look inside and address the problems there.
Why is “democracy” so valuable?
It’s heavily promoted (don’t you know) that one-person, one-vote system is the pinnacle of “freedom” and “liberty” in the world. Which is rather strange as the founders of the United States said the absolute opposite.
And people are looking at these various systems of governance with a keen eye. Maybe there needs to be some changes they wonder…
Daniel Bell has put forward his views in favor of China's political meritocracy... against the one person one vote (Western Democracy model) as a mode of selection for political leaders. He has done this in two books. The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy Princeton University Press, 2015. ISBN 9781400865505. Dean of the School of Political Science and Public Administration at Shandong University and professor at Tsinghua University (Schwarzman College and Department of Philosophy). He was born in Montreal, educated at McGill and Oxford, has taught in Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, and has held research fellowships at Princeton's University Center for Human Values, Stanford's Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioural Sciences and Hebrew University's Department of Political Science. Here:
If you are fat and overweight, you change your diet, go to a doctor, exercise more, and monitor your vitals. You do not point at a thin and healthy person and blame them for your problems. Nothing positive or good will come out of it.
Speaking about blaming China…
Pause in WeChat, TikTok ban a positive signal for China-US ties: analysts The Americans were going to ban WeChat and TikTok from the USA. Then they realized many of their businesses - specially the precious petite bourgeois "small businesses" - are only profitable with WeChat, while a whole sector of the "influencers" business only existed (and prospered) because of TikTok (the same way many glorified salesmen only exist in YouTube). My bet is, if they can't outright expropriate WeChat and TikTok (Trump tried to expropriate TikTok, forcing it to include their algorithm and source code in the forced selling of their American branch of the business, essentially creating a second, American clone of the company), the Americans will simply let this legal aberration to slowly die and fade into oblivion. China shows zero tolerance for fake news by banning BBC World News Propaganda is not information. Fake news is not press. Lies are not speech. Therefore, the BBC is not press and is not speech. The USA's response was hilarious. It basically stated that, because China has an oppressive system and the West has a free system (because of reasons), China is not entitled to ban Western news outlets, while the West is entitled to ban Chinese newspapers at will. Typical case of infantile "I'm better than you" rant. Chinese consumption unabated on Spring Festival Eve despite 'stay put' policy After months of double digit cases, Mainland China finally zeroed new cases and is holding its Spring Festival. Meanwhile, the self-governed province of Taiwan cancelled its Spring Festival after eight consecutive months of (officially) zero new cases and just some 20 cases in January (12 of which happened in a cluster, a hospital). Weird, somebody is cooking the books here... UK economy hit by record slump in 2020 but double-dip recession avoided The UK's economy fell double the expected - but at least it avoided a double-dip recession! Why Japan Inc can’t and won’t quit China Welcome to the world of capitalism, Mr. Pesek. -Posted by: vk | Feb 12 2021 12:18 utc | 72
It’s actually pretty bad.
It’s sort of like this…

It’s the way of losers.
To blame others for things that you yourself cause. And yet I find it difficult to accept that America is populated with losers. Sure there are evil people in government, and dregs of society shopping at Wal-mart, but certainly decent people still exist, don’t you think?
America is a real mess
Tax freedom day this year fell on Aug. 12. That’s how long it now takes for the middle-class worker to fulfill his “obligation” to the leviathan. The Ponzi scheme that is our fiat money system is insatiable. It inflates away the savings and investments of Main Street America.

While the middle-class struggles, the entitlement class grows. High unemployment (who can even count the unemployed at this point), directly caused by government lockdown policies, pushes more people out of the middle class and into the parasite class. One in five American children now lives in poverty, according to a report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
But the parasites live well off the producers. They get “free” housing, “free” food, “free” cable television, “free” cell phones. Their kids eat “free” at school (meals are still handed out at schools, even in lockdown). These “entitlements,” along with ever-extended long-term unemployment benefits, become so attractive that the incentive to work is suppressed.
The workers look with disdain on the parasites. The parasites look with envy on the workers, wanting not their jobs but what they have. Recent riots in Great Britain demonstrate what happens when the parasites decide they want more.
Meanwhile, even the working class is at war with one another. This is encouraged by the elites, but the current Administration has doubled down. The thugocracy of the Labor Unions terrorize non-union workers and companies large and small.

In America, everyone is at war with each other. America should be offering a helping hand to others in need. Not trying to fight each other.
Tea Party members, at least those who gathered in 2009 and much of 2010 before the Republican Party began to co-opt the movement, were blue collar and white collar, owners of small businesses, retirees, former military, salt-of-the-earth people from all political spectrums who would not support toppling foreign regimes, making war on countries that have not attacked us “for democracy,” or perpetual wars.
And while they indicated they are fed up with the status quo, Tea Party rallies were peaceful and orderly gatherings: Americans engaging in their right to petition government.
Now? Capitol protestors are “terrorists.” Right wing, left wing? Republican, Democrat? Engage in your Two Minutes Hate. The lamestream media talking heads are proud.
The elites love war abroad and at home. It distracts the masses from government’s ongoing theft and manipulation. Anger with one another allows them to continue their looting. It promotes threats and violence, which allows them to further clamp down on freedom.
Endless wars, abroad and at home, equal totalitarianism. It’s totalitarianism under the sweet-sounding name of “democracy“.
Lest you think this is not the case, ABC News reports that …
"The Pentagon will deploy more than 1,100 troops to five vaccination centers in what will be the first wave of increased military support for the White House campaign to get more Americans inoculated against COVID-19."
You all think that America isn’t a Oligarchy-run Military Empire?
We need some angels to intervene and set things right.

The American cult of the individual denies not just community but the very idea of society. No one owes anything to anyone. All must be prepared to fight for everything: education, shelter, food, medical care. What every prosperous and successful democracy deems to be fundamental rights — universal health care, equal access to quality public education, a social safety net for the weak, elderly, and infirmed — America dismisses as socialist indulgences, as if so many signs of weakness.
How can the rest of the world expect America to lead on global threats — climate change, the extinction crisis, pandemics — when the country no longer has a sense of benign purpose, or collective well-being, even within its own national community? Flag-wrapped patriotism is no substitute for compassion; anger and hostility no match for love. Those who flock to beaches, bars, and political rallies, putting their fellow citizens at risk, are not exercising freedom; they are displaying, as one commentator has noted, the weakness of a people who lack both the stoicism to endure the pandemic and the fortitude to defeat it.
-The Unraveling of America
Let’s get on a more positive note. And let’s start talking about rebuilding America into something better.
The People the Suburbs Were Built for Are Gone
A new book documents the “retrofitting” of obsolete suburban malls, box stores, office parks, parking lots, motels, and more. by Shayla Love written on January 22, 2021, at 1:00am. Edited to fit this venue. All credit to the author.
Last summer, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, then Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, co-bylined an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal promising to “protect America’s suburbs,” describing how they reversed policies that would allow for the creation of denser living structures in areas zoned only for single-family homes.Advertisement
“America’s suburbs are a shining example of the American Dream, where people can live in their own homes, in safe, pleasant neighborhoods,” they wrote.
But the suburbs, in the sense of the idyllic American pastoral Trump and Carson referenced, have been changing for some time—not necessarily the physical homes, stores, roads, and offices that populate them, but the people who live there, along with their needs and desires. Previous mainstays of suburban life are now myths: that the majority of people own their homes; that the suburbs are havens for the middle class; or that the bulk of people are young families who value privacy over urban amenities like communal spaces, walkability, and mixed-use properties.
This mismatch has led to a phenomenon called “suburban retrofitting,” as documented by June Williamson, an associate professor of architecture at the City College of New York, and Ellen Dunham-Jones, a professor of architecture at the Georgia Institute of Technology. They have a new book out this week: Case Studies in Retrofitting Suburbia: Urban Design Strategies for Urgent Challenges.
Welcome to Metropica, a Supposed City of the Future
Allie Conti
Since the 1990s, Williamson and Dunham-Jones have been watching the suburbs evolve. They have found that much of the suburban sprawl of the 20th century was built to serve a very different population than the one that exists now, and so preserving what the suburbs once were doesn’t make sense.
Their book describes 32 recent instances in which suburban structures have been transformed into something new. Many of the cases in Williamson and Dunham-Jones first book from 2011 on the same topic were focused on underused parking lots being transformed into mixed-use spaces. But in this new book, the retrofitting projects have become more ambitious, as cities and towns turn old box stores, malls, motels, or office parks into places for people to live, work, eat, play, exercise, go to the doctor, or even watch Mexican wrestling.Advertisement
They have found that when the suburbs are retrofitted, they can take on an astonishing array of modern issues: car dependency, public health, supporting aging people, helping people compete for jobs, creating water and energy resilience, and helping with social equity and justice.
Motherboard talked with Williamson and Dunham-Jones about why and how we should retrofit the suburbs, and whether or not the COVID-19 has made the suburbs appealing again, or instead accelerated the desire to retrofit the burbs.
The conversation has been edited for length and clarity.
Motherboard: How do you define the suburbs—a slippery term with no concrete definition? You write in the book that you define something as suburban based on its “suburban form," not necessarily on location or city lines—what do you mean by that?
June Williamson: We’re architects and urban designers and so we are focused on the built environment. That means that when we’re looking at places, generally, that have been built out in the second half of the 20th century to be car dependent, not walkable, and have comparatively lower density.
Ellen Dunham-Jones: Similarly, you can look at the street networks. If you’ve got a grid, more or less, with small, walkable-sized blocks, that’s urban form. If you have a highway leading off into cul de sacs, that’s suburban form, which is a more treelike kind of pattern.
JW: That kind of development certainly characterizes most of the peripheral areas around the older urban cores in Northern American cities. But it can also be found within municipal boundaries of cities. We advocate for an erosion of oppositional thinking that you’re either in the city or the suburbs. When you look at a larger metropolitan area, suburban form can also be found near the center in need of retrofitting.
You argue that many of these suburban forms are obsolete today because they don't fit the needs of the people who live there now. Can you walk me through some of the major demographic changes that have led to these suburban forms becoming obsolete?
EDJ: One of the biggest shifts is that the U.S. now is a majority of one to two person households. And yet, the majority of land within regional urban boundaries is zoned for single-family houses. That already is something of a mismatch.
The expectation going forward is that something like 80 percent of new households that will form over the next 15 years will be these one to two person households. A lot of them would prefer an apartment or a condo—smaller units.Advertisement
Plus you have the aging of the society, that’s the other really big piece. Especially in the suburbs, a lot of elderly people loved their single-family house while they were raising the kids. But now that they’re empty nesters and retiring, it’s kind of lonely. They want to stay in their community with doctors and friends nearby. But a lot of them are looking for, frankly, a more urban lifestyle.News
Our Infrastructure Is Being Built for a Climate That’s Already Gone
Shayla Love
It's pretty interesting how the desires of both the younger millennials, Gen Z, and a lot of those aging boomers are converging on an interest in more walkable, mixed-use, compact urban places out in the burbs.
JW: Commuting has also been transformed dramatically over the past decade or so, too. The notion that people live in the suburbs and work in the cities just isn’t true anymore.
EDJ: We tend to think that the jobs are downtown. Since the 1980s, the majority of jobs have been more than three miles from the central business district. In places like Atlanta, where I live, it’s closer to 90 percent of jobs are way outside. The central business district often has high rises and so it’s really visible, but we’re really seeing something called job sprawl. I certainly see in Atlanta, we have a lot of reverse commuters in that situation.
So when you talk about retrofitting, you mean finding and altering underused or abandoned suburban buildings to better accommodate the demographics and desires of the people who live there now?
JW: Absolutely. And in most of the cases we’ve studied, this is happening because the built places have failed or are struggling to some degree. Advertisement
The dead and dying malls, the vacated office parks, the ghost box stores left behind. Rather than bring back the same thing, this is a tremendous opportunity.
It can be as simple as re-inhabiting, or an adaptive reuse—fixing up the building, or changing the parking lot for something that’s better suited to the times. Taking something that was commercial and turning it into housing.
It can also involve re-greening because so much of the suburbanization processes disrupted the regional ecologies and stormwater flow systems. Then it’s an opportunity for wider ranging benefits. There could be places of recreation or social exchange having small plazas and program parks. And then there is redevelopment. Taking a low density, car-dependent use-separated or mono-use place and mixing it up and investing in it.
I was really struck by the statistics in the book about how many parking spaces there are per household in certain cities. Like how there are 1.97 cars per U.S. household, but in Des Moines, Iowa, there are 19 parking spaces per household. In Jackson, Wyoming, there are 27. These all seem like really obvious places to re-think about how we're using land.
JW: These choices around parking we’ve made have been codified through regulations and naturalized as normal.
EDJ: We really have made it almost a right to park as opposed to a right to housing. Cars have much more protection than people do.Advertisement
There are these aging properties for the most part; a lot of them have become obsolete and those are places to retrofit. But sometimes [properties] are thriving. They’re doing well. Yet they still look at their parking lot as this underperforming asphalt. It’s not doing enough of the job. Sometimes there’s a mall that is doing well, and it makes more sense now to build a parking deck and build housing and bring in offices and make more mixed use. Tech
The Broken Algorithm That Poisoned American Transportation
Aaron Gordon
All of these: the parking lots, the dead space, the vacant spaces. Those are the opportunities for the suburbs to finally address really urgent challenges of equity, climate change, and health.
You’ve been documenting retrofitting since 2011, when your first book came out, and now this second book includes even more case studies. Is the retrofitting phenomenon increasing, or does it need a push?
EDJ: If you go into any architecture school or city planning school’s library, there are tons of books on downtowns. There’s remarkably little written about the suburbs or suburbia. Most of what is there are sort of condemning them as wasteful and ecological boring places.
We’re academics, we’re documenting this stuff, but we’re not exactly neutral. We are advocates. We’re advocates within our disciplines to to sort of say, hey, we really need to bring design to the suburbs
There’s so much opportunity. It is where most Americans live. We saw a lot of these projects happening and noticed that none of the architecture magazines would cover them because they weren’t cool looking enough. Advertisement
And yet this stuff was happening. We thought it was important both to say it’s important that the suburbs do retrofit and become more sustainable and resilient in just places. But it’s also really important to recognize this is actually happening. And that this should happen even more. A lot of communities are afraid to do something unless they know that some other community has already done it.
A former Big Lots box store and parking lot converted into the Collinwood Recreation Center in Cleveland, Ohio.
You discuss the many social challenges retrofitting can take on. Some are more obvious like reducing dependency on cars or becoming more environmentally friendly. But there are some less intuitive ways retrofitting can impact our lives, like improving public health.
JW: One of the observations in public health is that there are chronic diseases of our time in developed countries, and certainly in Northern America, related to obesity and the higher incidences of diabetes, and so on.
One way to address those kinds of diseases is simple physical activity, yet we’ve designed physical activity out of our environments. To design it back in is a kind of low cost way of getting people to move their bodies.
A lot of literature looks at how access to nature, being able to have a view of trees, but also being able to socialize with others is really important. That links back to the demographic prevalence of one and two person households. That leads to loneliness. How can our physical environments create places—not force people to be physically active or to socialize in any particular ways—but to support the possibility?Advertisement
Can you explain one specific facet of intentionally designed well-being called the "third place?"
JW: This is a sociological concept. The “first place” is home and then the “second place” is work. The third place is is a little harder to define.
You might know it as the coffee shop, barbershop, or pub—so it might be a privately owned place, a place of business. It’s where one habitually gathers with others, forms friendships, and is engaging in social life. These are the places that we can design into suburbs as a way to support the overall social body.
EDJ: The suburbs largely sold themselves on the value of the terrific private realm that they present. The suburbs emphasize privacy. As these demographics are changing, there’s more and more people recognizing, “I’m lonely. I would like a little bit more of a public realm.”
If your public realm is just a commercial corridor full of strip malls and parking lots, there’s not much opportunity.
What we see happening are both the incorporation of the third places, but also small programmed parks, little town greens that have places for yoga classes, farmers’ markets, concerts, movie nights, and those kinds of activities that don’t force people to talk to one another, but at least enable the building of community.

The atrium at Bell Works, formerly Bell Labs in Holmdel, New Jersey.
You also write how retrofitting the suburbs can be a tool for social equity, or minority community building—how does that work?
JW: When thinking about social equity, it’s about how people use their social relationships in their social network in order to get connected to opportunity. It really is worth a lot. And it’s one of the reasons we need to challenge the exclusionary practices that have been codified in suburban jurisdictions for decades now. And the coarse sorting that we find in suburbs.
Some of the ways to break out of that is in older retail properties, the rent might be less. There’s an opportunity for networks of immigrant groups with social and business relationships to form businesses, bring people in, and enliven a place. Advertisement
There is a number of examples of vanilla shopping malls that had seen better days that were dead and dying. They have been reinhabited and revitalized by reflecting the changing demographics of the neighboring areas.
One example is Grand Plaza in Fort Worth, what has been rebranded as a Latino mall. One of the large several story department stores was broken up into hundreds of stalls for very small businesses, like a mercato that you might find in Central America or Mexico. The central atrium space in the mall now hosts Mexican wrestling and other kinds of themed events that reflect the culture of the dominant ethnoburb demographics surrounding it.
These places can also become flash points in political movements. If you’re in the suburbs and you want to gather to have a peaceful protest, where do you go? One of the places you might go is the mall parking lot or along an arterial boulevard.
What is there still left to do when it comes to retrofitting the suburbs with social equity in mind?
EDJ: One of the other myths about suburbia is that the suburbs are middle class. Well, the middle class has been shrinking—we all know that. What we also see is that the suburbanization of poverty has really been tremendous. And yet it’s relatively invisible.
Poverty remains most highly concentrated in our cities. But there’s actually more Americans living in poverty out in the suburbs.Advertisement
We draw attention to some of the efforts that have been made. Sadly, we don’t yet see nearly enough examples of retrofitting that are really addressing the problem.
There have been some cases of aging garden apartments that are the housing of last resort for a lot of very, very poor people.
Those are just kind of aging out. In some cases, they’re being redeveloped into more expensive fancy apartments. We need a lot more attention to preserving and restoring a lot of those. It’s not solving a lot of ecological problems. These places are very auto dependent. But there’s such desperate need for more affordable housing out in the burbs.
JW: I don’t think we can emphasize enough that there are people in very precarious conditions across the metropolitan landscapes of North America, and that retrofitting is a way by increasing the mix and introducing supportive housing and other kinds of support services in places where people aren’t marooned if their car breaks down and so forth. It’s an important factor in this conversation. It’s not something that can be isolated as only a city or urban problem.
Remaking these garden complexes or old motels, if you’re going to add transit, make sure there’s access for lower income people, and also younger people who might be on the beginning stages of their kind of lifelong earning trajectory. They should be saving money and shouldn’t have all of their income poured into housing and supporting a vehicle.
There were a couple other case studies from the book I wanted to bring up. For example, I did not know that Bell Labs had been retrofitted!
JW: That’s a super interesting retrofit. Bell Labs is a storied mid-century modern research and development campus designed by Eero Saarinen, a famous architect who unfortunately died right near its completion.
All sorts of things were invented there: transistors and technologies that led to cell phones. But it lay vacant for many years.
It’s in an affluent exurb in New Jersey, and the municipality hoped to tear it all down and develop 50 or so McMansions there
But the Preservation Society and other groups rallied and a developer got interested, and now it’s become like a vertical downtown. It has a quarter-mile long atrium and dozens of businesses located on the ground floor. They have a farmer’s market, yoga, a hairdresser, a Montessori school, a branch of the local public library, and fireworks on the Fourth of July. It’s called Bell Works.
This kind of development concept is being repeated in another former AT&T property outside Chicago, so we’ll see how that goes.
EDJ: There’s well over 150 office parks that are now being urbanized in some way.
Bell Works is an example of mixing the uses of a space that used to be just offices, and where the assumption was that scientists would have epiphanies if they were isolated in their office looking at a pastoral landscape. Now, we tend to think of innovation as occurring in much more urban places, and it’s the chance encounters that trigger innovation.
It’s also being driven because employers recognize that the younger workers do not want to work in a cubicle in an office park. They do not want to work in a place that is only “work.”Advertisement
Another great example is the old box store that became a recreation center.
JW: Yes,in this case it was Big Lots in a relatively low-income neighborhood on the periphery of Cleveland that has been transformed into a recreational center.
It now has a running track through it, a pool, some outdoor recreational spaces, and it’s yards from the lake there, too.
There are opportunities to take these dead retail boxes all across the country—and there are thousands of them—and rethink not only the building itself, but the entire property and parking lots to support health, wellness, day care clinics, clinics for routine health care, libraries, and other kinds of sharing services.
Sometimes it's not about redeveloping these spaces, but about regreening them. Can you give an example of that kind of project?
JW: Back in the 19th century, Meriden, Connecticut lost all of its industrial use and job space, and so by the middle of the 20th century, a suburban, enclosed shopping mall had been built in the middle of downtown over in creek, and it failed miserably.
Every time there was a big storm event, the creek would flood and cause millions of dollars of damage to all the neighboring businesses and the town had become increasingly lower-income.

Formerly a mall and parking lot, Meriden Green, CT, now has relocated subsidized housing, and green infrastructure including a daylit brook and stormwater park.
What happened here was an incredible greening retrofit where the mall was demolished, the creek that had been put into concrete below ground was opened back up to the air. The ground was regraded—that’s a technical term, but basically the surface of the ground was made lower.
The whole property was turned into a park, which is a stormwater park. The next time there’s a big storm event, the park becomes like a big bathtub and water will drain there and eventually percolate into the soil and not cause all of the damages that it had in previous cycles.
There’s this beautiful amenity and then around it, lots of new housing is being built that then has the park amenity. There’s a train station right there that’s been rebuilt with increased service through central Connecticut. It has all of these kinds of connected benefits around taking away development.
Last summer, the New York Times wrote that "New Yorkers Are Fleeing to the Suburbs" because of the pandemic. There's been this narrative that people who live in urban areas are moving back to the suburbs—and they suddenly want the things that were previously obsolete. Do you think that's true, and would it put a stall on these kinds of retrofitting projects?
JW: Broadly, what we’ve seen in this past year is an intensification, or an acceleration, of some of the trends that were happening already. There was already the redistributing of populations to some of those locations, especially in metro areas like New York, which are so insanely expensive. If you could find something that was New York-like in New Jersey or Westchester or Long Island, it would make sense that those places might be attractive to people.
What we’re seeing right now, I think in New York certainly, is people who’d been thinking about this acting on it. But where are they moving in the suburbs? They’re not rejecting the urban lifestyle altogether. They’re being drawn to already urbanizing locations in the suburbs.
It’s not a complete rejection of one for the other, but it’s finding like for like. Still, the evidence is mostly anecdotal at this point. Time will tell.
I think it’s also understood that developers who are planning new projects in these suburban locations are looking to make mixed-use places, and are looking to add different housing types in their suburban projects.
EDJ: In the long run a lot of those suburbs that those folks are moving to, if they’re going to retain those households, they’re going to have to start providing more of the urban amenities.
I’m certainly seeing around Atlanta as one example, a lot more communities changing their zoning to allow for access to accessory dwelling units, to allow for what’s been called the “missing middle”—duplexes, quadplexes, townhouses—in existing neighborhoods with suburban neighborhoods that were single family [only]. Now they’re allowing that densification.
Those regulatory changes have happened just in the last eight months. There’s been a surge of that. And it’s very much in response to recognizing that there is the market, the demand. People want these more urban lifestyles, even if they are choosing to move to the burbs. A lot of people who have isolated themselves might still be craving places to be able to gather safely. And so it could accelerate the retrofitting of suburbia.
America is a real mess.
But it’s changing.
It is a constructed gulag for Americans and you all had best not get “out of line”. You must obey or suffer the consequences. I am reminded about how the jails and prisons are in Communist China. Did you know that they have been modeled after the Arkansas (American state) Hard-Labor Camps? Yeah, it was a surprise to me too. But when I was in the ADC, sure enough, there was a delegation from China there at Pine Bluff, and Brickey’s learning about how best to construct workable hard-labor camps.
You can see that they have taken a page from the American police state and improved upon it…
Now, the Arkansas hard-labor system was modeled by Nazi German immigrants after World War II who took former slave plantations such as Brickey’s North Arkansas Regional Unit and turned them into hard-labor camps. Which is why they greatly resemble the old “resettlement” camps that the Nazi’s constructed in Poland during World War II. Anyways, the Chinese see the efficiency of this system and have incorporated elements in their own prison system.
So yes, America is a model for the world!
Chinese Jail and Prison.
America is changing
Yes, it is.
After the crisis event during a fourth turning, the resulting America will be substantially changed afterwards. We can see that the changes are starting. And they are long over due. We do not know the full extent of the changes, but we do need to be aware that they are in process.
Forget your fantasies that America will relive the American Civil War, the American Reconstruction Period, or the growth of suburbia in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The resulting American will be quite different, and will NOT resemble any other nation on the globe. It will be a uniquely American change. Let’s pray and hope that it will be a good one
In the meantime, please keep your eyes open. Look for examples of change. That will provide you with insight on the future of America. It is your “weather vane” to judge the direction that America is heading towards. Keep in mind that the “news” is really a horrible medium to view changes. You need to take “deep dives” into other sources, and use your own eyes and ears to provide you guidance.
Fauci, Biden's top medical adviser, told CNN that the approaching deaths tally (of 500,000) was "a terribly historic milestone in the history of this country."
Evidence of the changes are all around us.
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Cool Story – The Oldest Known Wooden Structure
This is a really cool and interesting story. It’s not just that it’s old, but that the cutting, shaping and fitting of the wood was wonderful and precise. Indeed, the workers who made this structure would be just as comfortable making complex and detailed traditional wood homes in Japan as they would furniture and furnishings. Ok, in other words, this was no “log house”. The construction details show absolute precision. And it was all made with stone or bronze tools. All in all, it’s pretty darn amazing.
Instead of thinking that Bronze Age man lived inside of crude stockades and rudimentary shelters, we need to revise our understanding of these people. We need to recognize that they had a degree of skill and appreciation of tools that we were absolutely unaware of.
Here’s a recreation of a wood stockade fort around one hundred years ago in America. It was used to defend against the American Indians who greatly resented settlers coming on to their land, taking their crops, burning their homes and raping and killing their people. Note how the logs are laid and the mere functionality of the arrangement…

And thus…
That is how we all think that the more primitive and ancient humans lived. We have associated them with the crude constructions that we see in our American History books. We associate them with “savages” and crude behaviors.
But, of course, that is not really true.
We know that wonder artistic furniture, homes and structures were the norm throughout history. What we were unaware of was just how long ago they came into being. For according to this structure, around 10,000 years ago our ancestors were building wooden structures like this…

All in all, I think that it is all darn cool, and super interesting.
The following is a reprint of an article titled” Oldest Known Wooden Structure ” By JDZ found at the Neveryetmelted site HERE. It is reprinted as found with very little editing. All credit to the author.
Oldest Known Wooden Structure

The old well doesn’t look like much – a wooden crate-like object, dilapidated, crumbling a little. But according to new research, it’s really special. A tree-ring dating technique has revealed that the oak wood used to make it was cut around 7,275 years ago.
This makes it the oldest known wooden structure in the world that’s been confirmed using this method, scientists say.
“According to our findings, based particularly on dendrochronological data, we can say that the tree trunks for the wood used were felled in the years 5255 and 5256 BCE,”
…explained archaeologist Jaroslav Peška of the Archaeological Centre Olomouc in the Czech Republic in a press statement last year.
“The rings on the trunks enable us to give a precise estimate, give [or] take one year, as to when the trees were felled.”
The well was unearthed and discovered near the town of Ostrov in 2018 during construction on the D35 motorway in the Czech Republic. Ceramic fragments found inside the well dated the site to the early Neolithic, but no evidence of any settlement structures were found nearby, suggesting the well serviced several settlements at a bit of a distance away.
It was filled with dirt, so an archaeological team carefully excavated and extracted it. It consisted of four oak poles, one at each corner, with flat planks between them. The well was roughly square, measuring 80 by 80 centimetres (2.62 feet). It stood 140 centimetres tall (4.6 feet), with a shaft that extended below ground level and into the groundwater.
Even in waterlogged conditions, the state of preservation of the wood was exceptional, showing marks from the polished stone tools used to shape each piece.
“The construction of this well is unique,”
Peška said.
“It bears marks of construction techniques used in the Bronze and Iron ages and even the Roman Age. We had no idea that the first farmers, who only had tools made of stone, bones, horns, or wood, were able to process the surface of felled trunks with such precision.”
And that amazing state of preservation also allowed for dendrochronological (based on tree rings) and radiocarbon dating, based on radioactive isotopes of carbon.
According to these techniques, the trees that supplied wood to the flat planks on the sides of the well were felled around 7,275 years ago. That’s probably when the well was constructed. But two of the poles told a different story.
Both were felled earlier – one around 7,278 or 7,279 years ago; and the other around nine years before that. This, the researchers concluded, meant that the two posts must have been used previously, and repurposed into posts for the well.
One of the side planks also had a different age. It was quite a bit younger, felled between 7,261 and 7,244 years ago. This is likely because of a repair to the well at some point.
I suppose this wouldn’t matter to most folk. If you want a couch or a chair, you go to a store and you buy it. Little thought goes into the effort and talent in making the furniture. And with today’s mass produced products, and electric power tools, it seems and appears so very easy.
Uh. um.
Well, it’s not. You need to really understand and have a real feel for the wood that you are working with. Or else it will all come out wrong.
And that is one of the things that we seem to take for granted.
That everything seems so easy…
You are hungry, so you go hop in your truck and go through a drive through and in five minutes you have a piping hot burger with fries and a Coke.
You need a new mailbox, you hop in the truck and go to Big Lots and pick one out of a multitude of others.
You want a dormer installed on your roof, you buy a kit, and it is all pre-cut and packaged and you just bolt the entire thing together and boom! It’s all done. Fast, quick and easy.
Jimmie Crickets!
I shudder to think that would happen to civilization if we cannot build or construct things with manual labor, simple hand tools, and a complete dearth of time-saving conveniences. And maybe…
…you should too.

Or this…

Do you want more?
I have more posts along this line in my Happiness Index here…
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The structure of our physical universe as understood by MAJestic.
This is going to be a kind of odd-ball post, and I have been putting it off for a long time. But it needs to be presented, no matter how confusing or perplexing. This is a post that talks about our physical universe, as opposed to what is conventionally believed to be our universe. I discuss our physical and non-physical universes and what the delineation is. I also discuss how it differs from what everyone thinks it is. This is what many people in MAJestic understand the universe to actually be like. In some ways it is simple and in some ways it is really strange as it does not agree with our physical Newtonian observation.
I should have tackled this subject first, right off.
But, it’s a real hassle.
You know, the ignorance in America and the world is so absolutely profound that it would be an up-hill battle. It’s like that character trying to explain to the “scientists” in the White House (in the movie “Idiocracy”) that you cannot give energy drinks to plants.

And this ignorance is so profound and prevalent that it just isn’t worth my time and effort. For me, and many in MAJestic, we just shrug our shoulders and say “fuck it”, and then grab another beer. Arguing with fools is a zero-sum game.
What we think the universe is
To understand your role in this universe, you need to understand just what “this” universe actually is. For it is absolutely not what everyone else thinks or says it is. And I must say if you are trying to find understanding by using the internet, you are going to be disappointed.
This is from NASA…
What is the Universe? 07.15.04 The Universe is a big, open place. You are in the Universe. Things you can't see are in it, too. The biggest stars are in it. Even the smallest things on Earth are part of the Universe. We don't even know how big the Universe is!
This is from NASA.
Obviously written by a “diversity hire“.
That’s what the most learned scientists have to say about the universe. Aren’t you glad that you asked? Isn’t it great to know that it is a big, vast, empty space that tiny insignificant you exists within?
But it’s so absolutely wrong, it boggles the mind.

What the actual universe is
Our “universe” is not what it appears. It is not this big enormous area of empty space with scattered stars, galaxies and planets in it. It is not empty. It is actually quite solid…
… yeah. I get it.
“How can it be solid, when all I see is empty space, duh?”

We cannot see the universe as it is simply because our physical bodies cannot see things as they are. We only have a mere five senses that are all quite limited, and only permit us to see the most narrow bands of what our earthly environment is.
We cannot see raw infrared radiation.
We cannot see X-rays emitted from a star.
We cannot see “dark matter”.
We cannot see a neutron shower.
We cannot see all the quanta, the photons, the electrons and all the atomic particles zooming about all over the place. We cannot see the things burst forth into our universe and then leave it. We cannot see the thoughts that all creatures create, and how they move about and influence the actions within our universe. We cannot see or sense the “unseen”.
This is unfortunate, but this is the way that it is.
If we could see quanta, everything would look like shades of grey. With floating and moving "clouds" of grey that move in and out of a overlapping grey "fog".
To us, it appears that the universe is just ’empty space’. But, it’s not. It really isn’t.
Instead, our universe is all quite solid.
It is like this enormous cauldron of thick soup. And within that mixture are pockets of thicker soup, and areas of watery soup. There are areas of spicy soup, and areas of sweet soup. There are areas of hot soup, and areas of cold soup. There are all kinds of things in this soup.
Do you see any empty space in the picture of soup below?

And that is what our actual universe is like.
You know, it’s not all that unlike the code in the movie “The Matrix”. Where the entire “universe” that humans experience is just computer code. And if you look at the code itself it doesn’t resemble anything at all what you see, hear, and sense when you are within the matrix.

Now the thing about this is that our universe is not lines and reams of computer code. It’s NOT a software simulation. It’s a region that is filled to the brim with all sorts of super tiny stuff…
It is just a soup of quanta moving about in all sorts of ways, means and actions. We as humans cannot sense this quanta. But we can sense the things that the quanta alters.
We, as human beings, observe the world around us with our senses. And what our senses “pick up” are the effects of the mass movement and behaviors of the quanta in this universe. They do not pick up the quanta themselves.
Imagine that you are on a boat in a sea. You can see the blue sky above and the deep dark green-blue sea below. It’s calm, but pretty soon the sea starts to get choppy and waves form, with many waves forming “white caps”. You, on the boat, cannot see why the waves are choppy, you just know that they are.
That is how this universe works.
We cannot see things as they truly are with our senses. But we can sense the end result of the movement of quanta.
The “filler” in our universe
All that quanta moving back and forth in our universe forms the basic building blocks of everything within our physical universe. They consist of tiny quanta, and they form complex relationships with other quanta. We can identify them as “particles” and we can identify them as “waves”.
But we know what they are and that they do exist.
Quanta makes up everything that we know and experience. And we have mapped out this relationship over the years to paint a pretty comprehensive idea of how quanta fits in the grand scheme of things.

So, we know all about quanta.
They go in and out of different phases of existence. Sometimes they behave as particles. Sometimes they behave as waves.
They influence each other.
And they are influenced by thought…
But, that is a subject for other posts.
Well, I really don’t think that anything that I just said is going to shock any student of quantum physics. It’s all pretty much well understood at the university level at least).
But it’s the MWI that is most often misunderstood.
Most people think that the MWI means that the singular universe that we all share has multiple versions of it. That is the MWI. You know what I am talking about.
If we are share the same earth and the same sky, and the same moon, and the same things then that is our universe. So... If the MWI exists, then there are an unlimited selection of almost-like universes where there are versions of ourselves walking about and interacting with others.
Oh, boy is that wrong.
So, what might come as a surprise is the idea that world-lines exist in this entire universe as separate entities. It’s not that there are multiple universes.
No. There are not an infinite array of multiple universes. And somehow, we are all crowded upon one of those world-lines. (Which is pretty much the default standard interpretation.)
It’s not like that at all.
It’s that there are separate entities within our universe that we call (name them as) our universe.

It doesn’t sound like much of a difference, but in truth, it is a very substantial difference.
Our “universe” contains a moment-to-moment individual world-line for every person, and every situation, and every animal, and everything possible. This “universe” is our reality. It is where our physical interactions derive.
Universal Confusion
One of the great handicaps that we as humans have is that we think that what we see is all there is. For any moment in “time” we observe around us “our universe” and think that that is all that there is. But that is a lie and a grand deception.
We are sitting pretty within a track that constantly moves world-lines in and out around us. What we see as a “changing universe” is just the interiors of a long string of world-line universes.
There is not one singular, ever changing, universe.
There are instead, an infinite number of world-line universes. These are what we observe around us. These are what we call “an ever changing universe”.
- World-Line Universe
A "world-line universe" is the apparent universe as viewed by the soul (as an observer) within a given world-line. The changes that are observed by this observer are simply the variations from one world-line to the next as the consciousness moves through the various world-lines.
Now, to further confound the reader, all of these world-lines sit with a big stew or soup, that I have referred to as a cauldron of soup. This is the universe that I like to refer to as the “physical universe”. This “physical universe” is a universe that contains all the world-lines that give us the physical world that is around us.
- The Physical Universe.
The "Physical Universe" is the actual place that houses all the (near infinite number) of world-lines. It is filled with all sorts of things, much like a thick soup or stew.
So, so far, this is how the two different terms are used. The world-line universes reside within a much larger and all encompassing universe that I refer to as a “Physical Universe”.

But it is actually not quite the way things work. Because my terminology is really sloppy and imperfect. I like to refer to the over-riding universe as the “physical universe” out of convention, but it is actually a misnomer. This is because there are many non-physical elements within this universe.
So, a reader with some background in the more esoteric new-age teachings, and middle Asian religions might recognize the “physical universe” as a place that contains, not only the world-lines, but many of the “lower” planes of existence. Such as “astral planes”, and “casual plane”.
Many of these “planes of existence” all are part of the “physical universe”. They are but density stratification’s of the quanta near a given world-line. In much the same way that an egg has the white part of the egg nearby and adjacent to the yellow part of the egg.
Filled up with world-lines
The big thing about this cauldron of soup is that it is filled with “eggs”. These are timeless-constructions which we call world-lines. Each one is a static and fixed state that never changes. But there are so many of these “eggs” that we often consider the cauldron to be limitless with an infinite number of these eggs.
But you know, these eggs are not those chicken eggs with a hard shell, but rather like an egg without the hard shell. So imagine a pot of water, and you “poach” an egg in that water. Which means that you remove the hard shell and let the egg, yoke and all fall into the water. You can see it in the clear water. The yellow yoke is surrounded by a transparent white-clear albumen.

We can consider the yellow yoke to be the universe that we observe. That is the house you live in, the people you interact with, and everything that you do on a day to day basis.
We can consider the clear – white portion of the egg to be the “lower dimensions” of our Physical world. In this region are where thoughts bounce about, where sprites and non-physical creatures live, and where other fundamentals of the world around us operate.
The “stew” is but a further realm, or “higher dimension” that exists within this very same “physical universe”
Our universe is a physical region that is solid with all sorts of tiny quanta that is all in all sorts of complex movement. We cannot see what is going on naturally. We need very complex equipment to observe the events, and at that, we can only observe small, tiny parts of the movements. We cannot see the over all “big picture”.
Our universe is what I refer to as the “Physical Universe” even though it contains non-physical elements.
Looking closer at the world-lines
The over-riding focus of this universe of “ours” is the content within it.
Or, in other words, all those “uncooked” eggs floating about within that cauldron of soup.
Each “egg” is a world-line.
It is a frozen moment in time of an absolutely complete “universe”. And thus, this universe is a cauldron of many duplicates of it’s self each one with a tiny variations to it’s neighbor.

This is our “physical universe”.
It is a purposefully created environment from which our souls can obtain experiences within. And, as such, with each experience we obtain, we have new alignments with quanta. And our soul self-improves and changes in the process.
Now, these “eggs” tend to cluster together in the soup. They share similar features and relationships. The combined and shared experiences of these clusters of eggs are known as the “shared template”.
See other posts elsewhere for…
- Shared template(s).
- World-line anchoring.
- Soul growth via consciousness experiences in the physical.
The Non-Physical Universe
You see, while the “Physical Universe” contains all the world-lines, and all the physical environments that we work with, as well as the “lower” non-physical realms…
… it does not contain the home of the soul.
That place is what everyone collectively refers to as “Heaven” or “Nirvana”. This place is where our consciousness is formed (by our soul) and set forth on it’s missions within the “physical universe”.
So there is another universe which we refer to as “Heaven”. It is the “non-physical universe”. And I refer to as such…
- Non-Physical Universe
The "non-physical universe" is the home for our souls, and the place where consciousness is created, established, repaired, grows and resides.
And as such, it connects to our “physical universe” with a “light pipe” or tunnel that our consciousness uses to move back and forth between the two universes.
Like this…

How it works
Soul exists in “Heaven”. This is the “Non-Physical Universe”. It is the repository of where everything that we are resides. Our quanta resides there, as does our memories.
Soul creates a “consciousness”, which is a specially constructed packet of quanta. It is associated with a physical body (or container).
The consciousness is emitted or ejected from the soul and placed on a mission to acquire experiences. With each experience, there are entangled quanta. The type of entanglements, and the type of quanta involved changes the personality of the consciousness. This change is reflected in a change or “growth” of the soul.
The consciousness, once created, goes on a mission in an adjacent universe (the “Physical Universe”).
This mission takes place in the following manner…
- A body is selected.
- The consciousness enters the new-born brain.
- As it thinks, it moves into adjacent world-lines. This is observed as time.
- It’s thoughts and the thoughts of those around it create experiences.
- The experiences collect and vacuum up new types of quanta.
- The new quanta alter and change the structure of the soul.
- The body dies.
- The consciousness then returns to the “non physical universe”.
Once the consciousness has completed the mission, the soul then makes a determination if further “new missions” are required, or if the very nature of the body, the consciousness, or the soul itself needs to change.
And that is our purpose in life.
Our “universe” is often quite confused and mislabeled. We use that term to define what we observe, when in reality, what we are observing is a string of static world-line universes while we experience “time” Each moment is a snap-shot of a “world-line universe”.

All of these world-lines lie within a much larger physical place with is called the “physical universe”. It contains many things. Including many non-physical things.
It connects to the place where our soul resides, which is often referred to as “Heaven”. This is the “non-physical universe. It connects the the “physical universe” with a tunnel, also known as a “tunnel of light”.
Do you want more?
I have many more posts on the nature of the universe and our role in it. You can check them all out in my MAJestic Index here…
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Chimeric virus – “Combining two pathogenic viruses increases the lethality of the new virus”.
As the weeks go by, I’ve grown accustomed to a new normal here in Beijing. In my neighborhood, the whirring of passing cars has been replaced by wind whispering through alleyways. Without the loud honking of delivery scooters, I can hear birds chirping for the first time. Many stores and restaurants remain closed, but life is slowly coming back to many of Beijing’s major areas. Residents are used to constantly wearing masks, sanitizing, and going through multiple temperature checks. Parks have been one of the few distractions that are still open to the public, and on a rare blue-sky day last week, I saw groups of families walking through the park and elderly folks resuming their outdoor exercise and ping pong tournaments (all with masks on, of course. Watch a video here). Some locals I’ve talked to in Beijing have cautiously started to return to work, taking comfort in strict health checks across the city and the slowdown in reported cases across China. Others are more skeptical of the official numbers and concerned that infections will spike again as more people come back to the city, so they continue to self-quarantine. - Coronavirus Edges Closer to Pandemic
I tire of the narrative that this COVID-19 is just “another everyday flu” and that I am being “irresponsible” in saying that it is a biological weapon.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
The trail of “coincidences” in favor of it being so is so outrageously obvious and stunning in it’s implications, it is a crime to consider anything else.
I made the statement "It's like a Horror Movie". Online comment: "No it's not." -A response on LinkedIN when I reported that China went to DEFCON ONE on CNY eve and drones were telling everyone to say inside and quarantine roadblocks were being set up everywhere. That's the arrogance of Americans. If you do not experience it yourself, it does not exist.
Couple that with China going into a war-footing DEFCON ONE on Chinese New Years Eve is quite telling.
It is equivalent to having the 9-11 event on Christmas eve. There while you and your family are drinking egg nog and hanging out by the Christmas tree, the TV and cellphones all light up showing the planes crash into the skyscrapers. Then, when the government declares the military go onto high alert. It goes to DEFCON ONE and all the reservists are called to duty... But... ...the news media repeats the mantra 'It's only one or two planes, World War I was much worse.".
You do not do this with “the flu”. Couple that with the “on the street” Tiktok videos – videos that the military has forbidden American soldiers from viewing…
…really makes a thinking-person ponder.
Time will tell if I am correct, or if I am wrong.
Time will tell.
I would suggest that everyone take the necessary preparations and follow strict safety protocols at this time. Be safe, and let’s all be optimistic.
Be like the Chinese during this emergency.

Meanwhile, the COVID-19 is a very interesting pathogen. That’s because it has a double whammy punch, and no one is talking about this.
Well, we will do so here.
This is an interesting article pulled from HERE. It’s titled ” Chimeric virus – “Combining two pathogenic viruses increases the lethality of the new virus”. as well as the follow up article “I told you so” And while it is short, it is really interesting. I edited to fit within this venue, and all credit should go to the author.
I told you so.
So, what’s the story of this virus? It consistently bypasses conventional wisdom.
The R0 was obviously greater than 2.6 from the start, my original estimate was 8.
[1] Asymptomatic transmission, [2] unusually long length of incubation, [3] surface survival duration, [4] numerous modes of transmission including airborne……the virus smells like “intent”.
In other words, it’s a hack; it was designed by a hacker mentality. It was designed to do exactly what it’s doing, circumventing the normal channel of control.
Authorities claim a 3% mortality rate but that’s a lie.
That 3% is only achievable with extreme methods that won’t scale up in an epidemic.
The real rate will probably fall into the 10-15% range for the initial pneumonia phase.
But… NOBODY is talking about the secondary phase after a victim heals from the flu, the heart attack (“drop dead in your tracks”) phase.
There’s no numbers on this at all.
Gee, I wonder why.
Combining two pathogenic viruses increases the lethality of the new virus

This chart shows diseases according to their mortality (deadliness) and mobility (contagiousness). This is a classic X * Y = K graph depicting an environmental constraint. High mortality reduces mobility and vice versa.
If you’re a bioweapon designer, though, your goal is that empty upper right quadrant, i.e. maximum mortality AND mobility.
How can you reach that goal?
From an algebraic view, assume X * Y = 100:
Maximum mobility would be (2 * 50 = 100)
Maximum mortality would be (50 * 2 = 100)
Assume a typical virus at 10 * 10 = 100
Now assume we can design the behavior by separating it into two phases:
Phase 1, maximum mobility: 2 * 25 = 50
Phase 2, maximum mortality: 25 * 2 = 50
So we’re still within the original constraint (100) but increased mortality from 10 to 25 and mobility from 10 to 25. In other words, traditional virologists are now dealing with something TOTALLY outside of their models.
Let’s look at one ramification of the new model.

To maximize mobility, the weapon should minimize mortality at first. It will look deceptively innocuous for most of its life.
But mortality will rise drastically at the end.
The average virologist could be baffled by its behavior because it violates the well-known viral model.
Right now, the COVID-19’s rate is reported as 3%, 15% or 55% mortality rate, depending on when its measured and who is measuring it.
Think about that.
Behavior is not natural.
A natural virus does TWO things poorly ALL the time, mobility and mortality.
- This virus does ONE thing well for MOST of the time… mobility.
- And then it switches and does a DIFFERENT thing well… mortality.
If this is a chimeric virus, I’d expect the final rate to be closer to 55% than 3%.
Which is why the Chinese government made wearing masks MANDATORY all over China. You cannot enter a building, ride in a car, or purchase anything unless you are wearing a mask. They are taking this very, very seriously.
What do they know?

Now for something truly frightening…
I read this and yes, things are frightening. If you are not petrified, then you are NOT paying attention.
The World Health Organization says the coronavirus has the potential to become a pandemic and is now at a "decisive stage". But some health experts say that the markings of a pandemic are already clear, and containment is not possible anymore. - Coronavirus Edges Closer to Pandemic
So much for this not being as serious as “the flu”…
Marc Lipsitch, an infectious disease epidemiologist from Harvard, predicts that within the coming year, some 40-70% of the global population will be infected with the coronavirus - though most will likely have mild disease or no symptoms. A growing number of epidemiologists say that the coronavirus could become a regular part of the cold and flu season. - Coronavirus Edges Closer to Pandemic
All of this is very, very serious.
Especially so when I see Americans being so nonchalant about this virus. They are acting as if they are immune and that the stuff in China is just a communist nation over-reacting…

The following is from “COVID-19″ What you’re NOT Being Told by Officials or Media: This will be Survival of the Fittest. The rest will die.” It’s a bit sensational, but maybe that’s what we need right now. While China is taking this all very seriously, America is off in la-la-land. It’s reprinted but edited to fit this venue. My alterations are in [brackets]. All credit to the authors.
COVID-19; What you’re NOT Being Told by Officials or Media: This will be Survival of the Fittest. The rest will die.
Since the outbreak of a “novel coronavirus” in Wuhan, China in Mid-December, the disease has spread wildly, killing many who become infected. A LOT has been learned about this illness, but YOU [if you are an American] are not being told.
Here’s what YOU need to know . . . because your LIFE depends on you knowing:
- This coronavirus, now named COVID-19, is the worst public health crisis since the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.
- Almost no one alive today has lived through anything like this.
- [It is a possibility that] literally MILLIONS worldwide, will NOT LIVE through this.
This disease has an eighty-three percent (83%) infection rate. This means that if 100 people are merely EXPOSED to it, 83 will get sick.
- Of those who get sick, about half will get so sick, they will need hospital care. [This is debatable. It’s a substantial number, but varies from 20% to 50%.]
- Of those who need a hospital, about half will end up needing INTENSIVE CARE due to fluid build-up in their lungs (Pneumonia). [Of those that go into a hospital, a substantial will need to go into intensive care. Figures on this are hard to come by.]
- Of those who need INTENSIVE CARE, and who GET THAT CARE, fifteen percent (15%) will die. [Also difficult to come up with a decent percentage.]
So, using the example above of 100 people exposed, we get 83 who get sick, about half (40) need a hospital, half of those (20), need ICU, and of those, 3 die.
This new disease is an absolute NIGHTMARE in its ability to spread. It’s horrifying.
It spreads the way other diseases can, through coughing, sneezing, and the like. So if you are walking down the street, and an infected person a block away sneezes or coughs, the wind can carry that virus right to . . . YOU.
Similarly, if you’re in a store shopping, and an infected person coughed or sneezed minutes earlier, and several store aisles away, the heating and air conditioning system can blow that virus all over the store, and as you are minding your business, it blow onto YOU.
This virus can live OUTSIDE A PERSON, in the air or on surfaces, for upwards of nine days!
That means the counter at a store cashier, or in a restaurant, or at a bank teller, or at an ATM can be contaminated as well. Worse still, door handles. You’re out doing business and pull open the door to a company or store, and you have no way on knowing that an infected person grabbed that same handle a day earlier. Now, his virus is on YOUR hand. When you touch your face, blow your nose, grab a hamburger, hot dog or sandwich and eat it without washing your hands, POW, you’re infected.
A number of people who contract this virus start shedding it to others BEFORE THEY GET SYMPTOMS. So the infected person DOES NOT KNOW he’s sick, but begins spreading it to other people!!!
Doctors measure how many people are typically infected by one sick person, and they record that as R0 (pronounced “R naught”). The R naught for this virus is between R4 and R6. So one infected person can be expected to infect between four and six other people! That is a catastrophic level of contagiousness.
Here’s where things get absolutely nuts:
This disease also “sheds” from infected people via urine and feces. So, when an infected person goes to the bathroom and flushes, the swirling toilet water thrusts a small torrent of tiny mist all over the place and in that mist . . . . is virus! You walk into the bathroom and smell another person’s “stink” and POW, you’re infected.
As the toilet contents go down into the sewers and head out to the sewer treatment plant, some of the water evaporates and comes out the holes in manhole covers across town. In that water vapor . . . is virus. So people on ONE side of town, can get a blast of virus because another person on the OTHER side of town, took a dump while infected, and flushed, and the virus comes out of the sewer!
In one apartment building in Hong Kong, a sewer vent pipe in a wall had a crack in it. Virus went up that vent pipe, got out a crack, and infected people in apartments several floors away from an infected family! (STORY HERE)
Here is where things get REALLY UGLY . . .
In the United States, there are only 2.4 hospital beds per 1,000 people. (SOURCE)
So, using the numbers above about the 83% infection rate, if 1,000 people get exposed, 830 will get sick. About half, 400, will need hospital, and half of those, 200, will need ICU. But there are only 2.4 hospital beds per 1,000 people.
Now, you’re a smart person. How many people can the 2.4 hospital beds hold? Yep, 2.4.
So when we have 400 people sick with this COVID-19 virus who need hospital, and the 2.4 beds are full, that leaves 398 who CANNOT GET HOSPITAL CARE.
In Wuhan, China, the epicenter of this outbreak, people who needed hospital care, but who could not get it because the hospitals were full, suffered a death rate of 61.5% (Source)
If that just sent shivers up your spine, it should have. This is a terrible reality. And it’s here; in America, now.
Because when you apply the fatality rate for those who died in Wuhan because they could not get care, the numbers then look like this per 1,000:
- 1000 exposed = 830 Infected.
- Half need hospital = 400
- Half of those need ICU = 200
- Only 2.4 beds = 397 WITHOUT CARE
of the 397 who need care but cannot get it because hospitals are full, 61.5% die = 244 DEAD, per 1,000 infected.
This is why a LEAKED Government document in the United Kingdom, shows the UK government making plans for MASS GRAVES!
This is also why China recently bought — and deployed — forty (40) portable cremation furnaces for Wuhan. Each furnace can cremate 50 people per day. Times forty furnaces equals 2,000 bodies PER DAY.
Since the outbreak began, scientists have studied this virus like no other, and what they’re finding is that the virus appears to be “bi-phasic.”
- It happens in TWO phases, similar to the way ANTHRAX happens. (STORY)
The first phase causes fever, cough, congestion in the lungs, and myalgia (muscle twitches and pain). Then, it **** seems **** to go away….
… But it doesn’t go away.
People who have been released from hospitals, showing NO TRACE of active virus, suddenly drop dead on the streets from heart failure.
That’s the SECOND phase of the virus.
It attacks the vital organs, kidneys mostly. The person feels achy again, feels tired again, figures it will pass and keeps on about their daily life. But what’s actually taking place inside them is the disease is sending them into Sepsis, and they drop dead from Septic Shock and organ failure.
We are in for a terrible, life altering, situation. Many, many, people are going to get terribly sick and DIE. Almost none of us has ever lived through a real pandemic like this before. It’s going to be heart-breaking to see the level of suffering and death.
We will see, firsthand, with our own eyes, nature’s primary law: Survival of the fittest.
Not just the physically fittest, but the mentally fittest as well. A lot of people in America are going to die because mentally, they cannot or will not see the facts as they are. They will REFUSE to plan with emergency food and water. They will refuse to wear filter masks. They will refuse to comply with Quarantines. The mentally unfit will likely die-off at larger levels than the physically unfit. Their tombstones should read “Died because he was stupid.”
Government is not telling you this because they don’t want you to panic. Noble goal, but misplaced.
We’re adults. We not only have a right to know the facts, we MUST know in order to make informed decisions about our own safety.
Some basic math skills and deductive reasoning can clearly show that this COVID-19 is a serious virus. It is also deceptive. It masquerades as something innocuous, and then hits with a sudden ferocity.
Please take note of all the videos taken in China of the sudden onset of this illness. And also take note of the car accidents that just happened suddenly when the driver collapsed at the steering wheel.
Contrary to the seemingly popular narrative in the United States, that the Chinese are stupid, dirty, and over-reacting for this virus the opposite is true. They are taking serious immediate steps to control it.
We can only see just how successful the United States is when it strikes. Let’s watch how the “talented” leadership in the USA handles it…
Take note;
This just came in on my WeChat. Translated from Chinese. It states that the ground zero carrier for the COVID-19 virus was found and identified. He got the virus from an American while in Hawaii.
Funny thing. According to the US Government, no one in Hawaii has the COVID-19.
New Italian coronavirus carrier found According to the latest reports from the Italian media, patient number 1 has now been found in Italy. The large-scale outbreak of the new crown in Italy is directly related to the trajectory of patient No. 1. Prior to the diagnosis, the patient had participated in many sporting events, such as the 10,000-people marathon and the football match, and had breakfast with friends many times. . Within half a month, patient No. 1 affected 50,000 people and 10 cities. It is worth noting that the Italian patient No. 1 was infected with the new coronavirus after taking a vacation in Hawaii, USA, and had no history of residency in China. So, from this perspective, the outbreak of the Italian epidemic has nothing to do with China. Not only does the epidemic in Italy have nothing to do with China, but other infected countries do not have a direct relationship with China. Researchers in the United States have re-investigated people who died from the flu, and most have died from the new coronavirus. An elderly person infected with the new coronavirus has never contacted strangers in rural Japan, and there are also cases in Spain and Iran. Then the origin of the new coronavirus is not China! !! .
One last thing…
Oh, and you can get COVID-19 from a mosquito bite. Think about that, will you.
- Mosquito-Borne Diseases | NIOSH | CDC
- Signs of a deadly mosquito virus found in several states
- Serious Illnesses You Can Get From Mosquito Bites – …
- 13 Diseases You Can Get From Mosquitoes
- Diseases Spread by Mosquitoes
I have other posts on this subject. You can find them in the Trump Trade Wars Index here…
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How Democracy ended in Athens; it was replaced by an Oligarchy.
Those that promote the benefits of “democracy” leave one thing out; it is always replaced with an oligarchy. Where the wealthy people control the government and eventually reduce the rest of society to slave or serfs serving them. Here, we take a look at the Athenian “democracy” and as we read about it, keep in mind the terrible parallels between it and America.
What is amazing to me is that our Republic was changed to a democracy by the 12th amendment, and those changing it KNEW HISTORY. They knew that democracies always… 100% always… always without fail… become oligarchies of the wealthy.
Here we look at the “gold standard” for “democracy; Athens. This is the standard that all the pro-democracy advocates cite. And the one that became an oligarchy before it’s eventual collapse.
In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or “rule by the people” (from demos, “the people,” and kratos, or “power”).
It was the first known democracy in the world.
This system was comprised of three separate institutions:
- The ekklesia, a sovereign governing body that wrote laws and dictated foreign policy;
- The boule, a council of representatives from the ten Athenian tribes
- The dikasteria, the popular courts in which citizens argued cases before a group of lottery-selected jurors.
Although this Athenian democracy would survive for only two centuries, its invention by Cleisthenes, “The Father of Democracy,” is considered to be one of the best contributions Greek made to the world. The Greek system of direct democracy would pave the way for representative democracies across the globe.
Which is a mystery to me.
As they all failed.
Each one, in turn, becoming a nation ruled by the wealthy and one that abused it’s poor.
Who Could Vote in Ancient Greece?
One of the things that everyone omits is that in a democracy, not everyone could vote. In fact only a handful of people were ever permitted to vote, and their selection… wouldn’t you know it… was influenced (if not decided) by the wealthiest inhabitants.
“In a democracy,” the Greek historian Herodotus wrote, “there is, first, that most splendid of virtues, equality before the law.”
However, the “equality” Herodotus described was limited to a small segment of the Athenian population in Ancient Greece.
For example, in Athens in the middle of the 4th century there were about 100,000 citizens (Athenian citizenship was limited to men and women whose parents had also been Athenian citizens), about 10,000 metoikoi, or “resident foreigners,” and 150,000 slaves.
Out of all those people, only male citizens who were older than 18 were a part of the demos, meaning only about 40,000 people could participate in the democratic process.
The Ekklesia (the assembly)
Athenian democracy was a direct democracy made up of three important institutions.
The first was the ekklesia, or Assembly, the sovereign governing body of Athens.
Any member of the demos–any one of those 40,000 adult male citizens–was welcome to attend the meetings of the ekklesia, which were held 40 times per year in a hillside auditorium west of the Acropolis called the Pnyx.
Important point; The actual voters could directly make laws. They did not need to vote for a "representative" who would vote for them.
That was great on paper, but not really all that functional. For only about 5,000 men attended each session of the Assembly. The rest were serving in the army or navy or working to support their families.
At the meetings, the ekklesia made decisions about war and foreign policy, wrote and revised laws and approved or condemned the conduct of public officials.
The group made decisions by simple majority vote.
The Boule (The Council)
The second important institution was the boule, or Council of Five Hundred.
This could be considered the "Deep State" or the bureaucracy.
The boule was a group of 500 men, 50 from each of ten Athenian tribes, who served on the Council for one year.
Unlike the ekklesia, the boule met every day and did most of the hands-on work of governance.
It supervised government workers and was in charge of things like navy ships (triremes) and army horses. It dealt with ambassadors and representatives from other city-states.
Its main function was to decide what matters would come before the ekklesia. In this way, the 500 members of the boule dictated how the entire democracy would work.
Positions on the boule were chosen by lot and not by election.
This was because, in theory, a random lottery was more democratic than an election: pure chance, after all, could not be influenced by things like money or popularity.
The lottery system also prevented the establishment of a permanent class of civil servants who might be tempted to use the government to advance or enrich themselves.
However, historians argue that selection to the boule was not always just a matter of chance. They note that wealthy and influential people–and their relatives–served on the Council much more frequently than would be likely in a truly random lottery.
In actual function, the selection of membership was determined by the wealthy and influential.
The Dikasteria (The Judges / Courts)
The third important institution was the popular courts, or dikasteria.
Every day, more than 500 jurors were chosen by lot from a pool of male citizens older than 30. Of all the democratic institutions, Aristotle argued that the dikasteria “contributed most to the strength of democracy” because the jury had almost unlimited power.
There were no police in Athens, so it was the demos themselves who brought court cases, argued for the prosecution and the defense and delivered verdicts and sentences by majority rule.
There were also no rules about what kinds of cases could be prosecuted or what could and could not be said at trial, and so Athenian citizens frequently used the dikasteria to punish or embarrass their enemies. It became a tool of the wealthy.
Jurors were paid a wage for their work, so that the job could be accessible to everyone and not just the wealthy (but, since the wage was less than what the average worker earned in a day, the typical juror was an elderly retiree).
Since Athenians did not pay taxes, the money for these payments came from customs duties, contributions from allies and taxes levied on the metoikoi.
The one exception to this rule was the leitourgia, or liturgy, which was a kind of tax that wealthy people volunteered to pay to sponsor major civic undertakings such as the maintenance of a navy ship (this liturgy was called the trierarchia) or the production of a play or choral performance at the city’s annual festival.
The End of Athenian Democracy
Around 460 B.C., under the rule of the general Pericles (generals were among the only public officials who were elected, not appointed) Athenian democracy began to evolve into something that we would call an aristocracy.
This was the rule of what Herodotus called “the one man, the best.”
This has lead to all democratic nations evolving into one of the following forms…
- Oligarchy
- Plutocracy
- Aristocracy
When some mindless clone voices the idea that “democracy” is the best, you should rest assured that they are either [1] ignorant of history, or [2] a shrill for the wealthy. Historically, all democracies evolve into rule by the wealthy and well-connected. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.
America was set up as a Republic, but was quickly changed into a democracy with the 12th amendment, and evolved over time to the oligarchy it is today.
Can you do anything about it?
No, you cannot.
Unless you want to get involved in armed insurrection (always a nasty business), I would advise moving somewhere else where the “grass is greener”. I have other posts on this subject and I would suggest you all take a look at them. Here…
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Why America was established as a Republic and not as a Democracy
America was established as a Republic. As a Republic, it was designed to protect the liberty and the freedom of the American citizenry. Over the last two centuries, various individuals have “improved” upon this concept by replacing a Liberty protecting Republic, into a oligarchy ruled pretend-Democracy.
Here we take a look at this transition. We do so based on the book “Liberty in Peril,” by Randall Holcombe.

In his book, he challenges the presumption that liberty and democracy are complementary. They are not. You can either have a Republic, or you can have a Democracy. You cannot have both simultaneously.
High School Civics Class
There is no such thing as democracy. It's a sweet utopia. US was the first country to show threat only money design your status and access to privileges of 21st century. Western EU countries (like Germany) show that an average citizen has little to zero control over own countries processes. There is no such thing as democracy. there are fairy tales about it which are used as a tool of politics from the neo imperialist West towards everybody else. They consider us all savages and act accordingly. Because they are so "special" (remember one of this degenerative Obama-speeches?) - Michael Goryany
When I took history and government in school, many critical issues were misrepresented. They were given short shrift, and in many instances ignored entirely.
These omissions greatly hampered my understanding of America and created mysteries that my teachers could not answer.
- How can you have the fourth amendment, and also have the sixteenth amendment at the same time? One permits you to keep your financial affairs private, the other requires that you disclose them under the penalty of law.
- How can you have a second amendment that cannot be infringed, and an ATF who’s entire purpose and objective is to infringe on the second amendment?
- How can the United States be a Republic when the general population can vote for the President?
Indeed, the confusing nature of what America was founded as, and the way America was managed undermined my ability to understand what America really was.
Randall Holcombe’s book, Liberty in Peril: Democracy and Power in American History, fills in some very substantial gaps.
I believe that it is particularly great in regard to American constitutionalism, what it is, and what it was intended to be. He spends time describing how it has morphed from protecting liberty to advancing democracy instead. As well as how this love of “democracy” has run roughshod over Americans at the expense of liberty.

It does so with a host of novel and important insights rather than the disinterest generated by the books I suffered through in school.
The Role of Government
Holcombe gets right to the main point:
The role of government as [America’s founders] saw it, was to protect the rights of individuals, and the biggest threat to individual liberty was the government itself.
This is beautiful.
I only wish that it was taught in schools this way.
The American government was designed to protect the Rights of individuals.
... So they designed a government with constitutionally limited powers, constrained to carry out only those activities specifically allowed by the Constitution.
Our nation was designed to have a very small government, with the restrictions on it, large, and clearly defined.
This book describes how the fundamental principle underlying American government has been transformed over the years…
...from protecting individual liberty... carrying out the will of the people, as revealed by a democratic decision-making process. (p. xxii)
Holcombe begins by laying out the case that…
“...the Founders had no intention of creating a democracy... the sense of a government that would be guided by popular opinion,” (p. 5)
…in sharp contrast to current “understanding.” Where the point of government is to take polls and gauge public opinion. Then pretend to react to the opinion poll results.
Which of course is meaningless.
Studies have shown that the government does what it wants.
The media creates fake polls, and fake news, and fake opinion pieces and fake outrage to justify the governmental actions.
And what makes the transformation from a central focus on liberty to a central focus on democracy that routinely invades liberty…
... particularly significant is that the powers embodied in America’s twenty-first-century democratic government are those that eighteenth-century Americans revolted against to escape. (p. 7)
Liberty used to be important.
Since I do not have the space to dissect all of the issues in Liberty in Peril, I would like to highlight a few particularly noteworthy things.
Holcombe starts with John Locke, which is a common place to start for those interested in advancing liberty.

But he also calls attention to Cato’s Letters, which was one of the most influential—but now almost completely ignored—influences leading to the birth of the American Revolution.
I have long been struck by how many of the insights our founders are credited with that actually trace back there (see the first major chapter of my book Lines of Liberty), and I echo Holcombe’s invitation for more people to discover it.
Are Liberty and Democracy Complementary?
Liberty in Peril challenges the typical current presumption that liberty and democracy are complementary.
They are not.
If anything, they are direct opposites.

The principle of liberty suggests that first and foremost, the government’s role is to protect the rights of individuals. The principle of democracy suggests that collective decisions are made according to the will of the majority… The greater the allowable scope of democracy in government, the greater the threat to liberty… In particular, the ascendancy of the concept of democracy threatens the survival of the free market economy, which is an extension of the Founders’ views on liberty. (pp. 14-15)
This is reflected in the changing nature of elections.
At one time, elections might have been viewed as a method of selecting competent people to undertake a job with constitutionally-specified limits. With the extension of democracy, elections became referendums on public policy. (p. 20)
Consensus vs. Democracy
The book also challenges commonly held presumptions that our Founders wanted democracy.
But while “the Founders wanted those in charge of government’s operations to be selected by a democratic process,”... ... they “also wanted to insulate those who ran the government from direct influence by its citizens”... ... because “[b]y insulating political decision-makers from directs accountability to citizens... ... the government would be in a better position to adhere to its constitutionally-mandated limits.” (p. 15)

And today, in 2020 we see how absolutely correct this assessment is.
“Thus, the Constitution created a limited government designed to protect liberty, not to foster democracy.” (p. 16)
But the United States…
“consistently has moved toward more democracy, and the unintended side effect has been a reduction in liberty.” (p. 25)
After all, that was the sole purpose of both the 12th and the 17th amendments.
Holcombe lays out issues of consensus versus democracy, with consensus illustrated by market systems in which all those whose property rights are involved agree to transactions, (p. 29) but in government…
“a group is able to undertake more extensive collective action if it requires less consensus to act.” (p. 30)
And the slippery slope is that…
The more citizens want to further national goals through government action, the less consensus they will demand in the collective decision-making process. (p. 33)
An In-Depth Study of the Constitution
Another notable aspect of Liberty in Peril is how far beyond the typical discussion of constitutional issues it goes, substantially expanding readers’ understanding in intriguing ways.
For instance, how many Americans know of the Iroquois Constitution, which focused on unanimity?

How many are aware of the Albany Plan of Union, drawn up in 1754, or how it was influenced by the Iroquois Constitution?

How many know that a “clear chain of constitutional evolution proceeds from the Albany Plan of Union to the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution of the United States”? (p. 43)
How many have noticed that “when compared with the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution clearly less constraining than the document it supplanted…the Constitution did not limit the powers of government; it expanded them”? (p. 48) Yet,
While the authors of the Constitution did deliberately expand the powers of the federal government, they just as deliberately tried to prevent the creation of a democratic government. (p. 52)
How many are aware of what the Confederate Constitution tells us about the US Constitution.

As well as the drift from its principles since its adoption.
This is especially true because…
“the problems that the authors of the Confederate Constitution actually did address were overwhelmingly associated with the use of legislative powers. Yes, legislative powers used to impose costs on the general public to provide benefits to narrow constituencies”? (p. 107)
The Constitution often is portrayed as a document that limits the power of the federal government and guarantees the liberty of its citizens…
When compared to the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution places less constraint on the federal government and allows those who run the government more discretion and autonomy and less accountability.
The adoption of the Constitution enhanced the powers of government and laid the foundation for two centuries of government growth. (pp. 66-67)

The Elitist Constitution
Holcombe’s section on “The Elitist Constitution” is fascinating.
It lays out the case for why…
“[t]he Constitution devised democratic processes for collective decision-making, but the Founders had no intention of designing a government that would respond to the will of the majority,” (p. 70)
…as illustrated by the fact that citizens …
“had almost no direct input into the federal government as the Constitution was originally written and ratified.” (p. 70)
The section on the Electoral College is even more striking, as it stands in sharp variance from the presumptions behind almost the entire current debate over the National Popular Vote compact:
[A]t the time the Constitution was written the Founders anticipated that in most cases no candidate would receive votes from a majority of the electors. The Founders reasoned that most electors would vote for one candidate from their own states… ...and it would be unlikely that voting along state lines would produce any candidate with a majority of the votes. (p. 75)
The Founders envisioned that in most cases the president would end up being chosen by the House of Representatives from the list of the top-five electoral vote recipients… Furthermore, there was no indication that the number of electoral votes received should carry any weight besides creating a list of the top five candidates… The process was not intended to be democratic. (p. 76)
I found the issues discussed above to be of particular interest. But there is far more in the book to learn from, and often be surprised by, in comparison to what history courses usually teach.

America’s Evolution Away From Founding Values
Such issues include the evolution of parties, the influence of Andrew Jackson, who …
“fought for democracy, but, ironically, the result of making the nation’s government more democratic has been to expand the scope and power of government in response to popular demands for govern programs,” (p. 91)
... “the Founders foresaw and tried to guard against by limiting the role of democracy in their new government,” (p. 91), ...the War Between the States (“the single most important event in the transformation of American government,” (p. 93)
And, including the elimination of state succession as a real possibility, the Reconstruction Era amendments, the origins of interest group politics, the evolution of federal regulatory power, the evolution of the incentives of civil servants, the Sixteenth Amendment (income tax) as
“a response to the demand for a larger federal government,” (p. 149)
…a different take on the 1920s, in which …
“[f]ar from representing a retreat from progressivism, the 1920s extended the now-established orthodoxy, (p. 154)
…added insight into the New Deal and the courts, Social Security as the …
“one New Deal program for the responsibility for fundamentally transforming the historical, constitutional role of the federal government,” (p. 175)
...“The Great Society represents the ultimate triumph of democracy, because for the first time a major expansion in the scope of government was based on the demands of the electorate, with no extenuation circumstances” (p. 205),
…and far more.
In sum, there are very many good reasons to recommend Liberty in Peril. In it, Randall Holcombe provides not just a powerful and insightful look into crucial aspects of America’s evolution away from the principles of the revolution that created it but also an important warning:
Unfortunately, many Americans do not appear to fully understand these dangers as they continue to push the foundations of their government away from liberty and toward democracy. (p. 225)
Why is this important?
Now, global capital has created a tiny minority of wealthy people who make the feudal lords seem almost a New York rush hour crowd by comparison. As few as three multi-billionaire Americans have as much combined wealth as 150 million Americans, all of those expected to dutifully troop off to the polls and vote for continuing the system that is moving much closer to a financial breakdown, with more pain and suffering for more Americans and the rest of the world than the last collapse caused. Using public funds to bail out private wealth temporarily saved that one and the public good be damned. That cannot be allowed to happen again, and uprisings all over the world are taking place because more people can’t take it anymore. They feel the pain and see the handwriting on the wall, which may still be beyond those of us who can only use our smartphones to get dumb news which tells us nothing but what consciousness control pays its media to cram into our heads. ... It once was easier to get away with when there were enough people getting by to feel comfortable enough to think maybe it would eventually all work out for the best. That former working middle class is sinking lower, the lower class is in more misery than ever in modern times, and the tiny minority at the top is richer than ever before based on its purchase of armies and a professional class also dwindling in numbers but still numerous enough to transform minds and politics into acceptance of the economic slavery that passes for democracy. It can’t and won’t last much longer and if we wait for nature to take action it will obviously be a disaster. But if we organize and act as a human race, facing our problems as a race threatened with annihilation if we don’t work together, the result could be the salvation offered by real democracy in which the words of past revolutionaries like Malcolm and Martin become the actions of the present generation. That means ending capitalism and beginning humanity. - Frank Scott’s political commentary and satire are online at the blog legalienate: http//
Here are my “take aways” for whatever it is worth.
- The founders did not intend, nor want, America to be a “democracy”.
- They wanted America to be a Republic.
- A Republic protects individual rights and freedoms, not to mention liberty.
- A “democracy” is mob rule and is easily manipulated by people with money, power and influence.
- This is what happened to America.
- Today, America is a “democracy” in name, and an oligarchy by function.
- As an oligarchy, as history clearly states, that it will end catastrophically.
- The ONLY was to avoid catastrophic turmoil is to drastically alter the current operating framework that the United States exists under. It must go from “democracy” to something else…
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Assorted Influencer Driven FAQ’s Regarding this MAJestic Disclosure (part 2)
This is part two (2) continued.
Organized Government Time-Travel
Is this a thing?
What do you think about organized government plans regarding time travel?
I know nothing about the subject aside from what I have heard on the Internet. I know that time travel, as conventionally understood does not exist.
The closest thing is (apparent) time travel, which is really dimensional travel that indexes a different state of entropy via gravitational proximity measurement (such as described by John Titor).

While it is well known and widely understood that the United States government has been involved in all kinds of highly classified and secret projects, the plausibility of one being related to time travel is actually rather low.
The reason behind this belief is because there has to be a reason for a given project. Those involved in the projects must have [1] a quantifiable goal, with [2] specific measurables to judge the success or failure of the task.
For instance, I was in MAJestic. My particular project fell under MAJI simply because I was involved working with extraterrestrials.
I do not know what my management thought my role would be, aside from being lent out as I was.
I could not fathom anyone from Washington D.C. approving “dimensional anchoring” activity as directed by an extraterrestrial species. In fact, I think it was set up with an understanding that I would be “used” by the <redacted> for some unspecified roles. I do believe that they proceeded on the assumption that I might be hurt or changed in the process, but shrugged their shoulders and said “meh”.
That the monitoring of my engagement with them would be recorded by the ELF signals.
My functional goal was dimensional anchoring. The measurables were also defined. Either the human sentience follows a normal evolutionary development, or veers off into unapproved sentience development. It was clear.

I have a difficult time believing that time travel would have a specific goal. That is because if a person does not like how something turned out, they can move to a different world-line. Also, how could the success of such an action be measured? It just cannot.
Operation Black Opera
What do you know about “Operation Black Opera”?
Nothing, aside from what I have heard on the Internet.
Point One. Truthfully, If a person was involved with extraterrestrials or involved in using extraterrestrial technology, they would have a Core Kit #1 probe installation. Everyone in the world, who deals with extraterrestrials have these probes. If they don’t have the probes, then they are just blowing smoke up your ass.
Point Two. To get the probes, you would need to be associated with the military. They would also be in the military, probably the United States Navy, and be part of MAJestic. Even those pretty civilian girls on the base, were ON THE MILITARY BASE.
Point Three. Additionally, they would NEED to have a technical background. That means an engineering degree at the bare minimum. Engineering degrees teach how to research, solve problems, and quickly analyze situations. These are fundamental requirements for extraterrestrial interaction.
If you are going to utilize extraterrestrial technology in any way then you will HAVE and NEED to possess a technical background; a college degree in some technical field. It would be a baccalaureate or higher in the sciences.
This should be obvious to every clear thinking and reasoning person out there.
No one is going to expose extraterrestrial contact and technology to anyone without making sure that they have the skills and knowledge to handle the knowledge. Right?
A friend of mine bought a steak for his dog, Buddy. It was an end cut, but he wanted to give the dog something special. So he bought a $10 slab of steak. I will never forget that day. He showed the steak to Buddy. He sniffed it, and went CHOMP, and swallowed. It went from steak to zero in less than a second. And Buddy is there, not knowing what's going on, begging. More, more, more...
You have to know, and understand, and show by demonstration that you are able to handle NEW, unusual, and unique experiences. It’s NOT handed out like political favors (a nod to the Obama’s), or given because you provide sexual gratification (a nod to Hollywood), or given to you because your parents are wealthy and powerful (a nod to Stanford, Yale and the rest).
That requires verifiable education.
They are not going to hand over the keys to any technology without them [1] being implanted with ELF probes (core kit #1 at minimum) and taking [2] a military oath.
So when I read stories about people who supposedly held key leadership roles in MAJestic, and they have no demonstrable abilities, all I can do is laugh.

Discordant Sentience’s
What is a discordant sentience?
Concerning humans, the <redacted> did not want a discordant sentience to develop; (in the case of humans) the discordant sentience is a “service for self sentience” that believe that they are actually a “service for others” sentience.
There are really three types of sentience’s that human consciousness can migrate towards. They are (plus the discordant variant)…
- Service for others.
- Service for another.
- Service for oneself.
- Discordant.
Discordant sentience’s manifest in different ways. In short, a discordant sentience is one that will not evolve into an approved sentience archetype.
This was what was actually occurring at the time of my entry into the program. Through the advances in technology, various individuals were convincing vast groups of people that they were “helping others” by “being selfish”. As a result, large groups of people were getting conflicting thoughts regarding their identity.
All entities must know their identities.
A fox knows it’s a fox. A dog knows it’s a dog. However, humans (in larger and larger numbers) started thinking they were doing one thing when they were actually doing something else.
Believing that you are helping people by demanding that person "X" does something to help person "Y". You believe by doing so you are helping others. You aren't. You are instead being selfish.
Thoughts create realities.
So the resultant world-line directions were not going in associated directions. The manners that would match the thoughts with the actions were not occurring.
This created problems in world-line direction, and altered severely the educational value of the experiences that the people would be exposed to. This is absolutely and positively unacceptable.
Examples abound. Such as [1] having a basically kind and loving person vigorously insists that we need to tax other people to help a certain “special” segment of the population. Alternatively, [2] that we had to fight a war, to help others who would suffer otherwise. In both examples, the kind person believes that they did not have to do anything, just make others do the work that they think is required.
Sentience is tied to personal physical action of the person having the thoughts. You cannot delegate responsibility or actions. It does not work that way.

A person can be manipulated into being a discordant sentience.
This is selfish behavior on behalf of the kind person. They did not do anything positive. Instead they “forced”, though thought or action, another person fulfill their desires. Their thoughts were kind, their intentions were good, but their actions were selfish.
Those who do this possess discordant sentience’s. Ignorance has no bearing in this issue. Thoughts create realities.
The Future Doom…
Will any of the great “fears” actually manifest in your lifetime?
No. California will not slide into the Pacific ocean.
Global warming will not melt the ice caps, nor will it cause a “snowball effect” and another global ice age. The same was true about global cooling. Both excuses are suitable for collecting money for the easily manipulated ignorant. Humans do not have the ability to alter climate on a global basis… yet.
There will not be a global pandemic, and there will not be a pole shift that we need to worry about.
“Mad Cow” disease will not kill too many people.
2012 will come and pass with hardly a ripple. (And there wasn’t a ripple was there?)
All these things are simply media generated fears specifically targeted to manipulate people to behave in certain ways. Usually to empty our wallets and to give the money to “others” and “experts” to use as they see fit.
One of the reasons for the NEED to anchor mass groupings of world-line realities was because of the amplification of efforts to manipulate people though mass thought control.
Do you believe that you can teach the science of our souls to the general population?
We do not know enough about soul construction to be able to teach anything. What I know is only trivial in substance. What I provide here is intended to be a spark that ignites an effort to study and research the soul, and it’s construction.
Were you in the CIA?
No. Nothing that I was involved in has anything to do with that agency.
Naval Aviator
Why do you claim to be a Naval SEAL? It sounds like you are making up stories to inflate yourself like being an American Indian like Senator Warren.
I was never a Navy SEAL.
I never applied for one, and have no idea why anyone would want to be one in the first place. My interests were always in aviation, and with the most skilled aviators, flying the most advanced aircraft. These people were (and still are) in the US Navy.
My goal and desire has always to be a “Spaceman”. You can pour through my High School transcripts, my university transcripts, and come to the same conclusion. I studied hard, hard science classes. Then you can easily see that I was in class 21-81 at AOCS at NAS, NASC Pensacola, Florida.
All of what I proclaim is verifiable. Go ahead. Look at my W-2 forms. You will see that I dropped off the grid right after joining MAJestic, and popped up at NAS China Lake where I trained. It’s all verifiable. It’s all in my jacket. Or my retirement binder. It’s in multiple places.
I’m not blowing smoke up your ass. I am in a monitoring program, and I have seen the document. It’s THICK. It’s about five times thicker than any others that I have had the chance opportunity to compare with.
If you don’t want to believe the paper-trail, you can minimize it. You can say that it’s just coincidence.
Now, people like Elizabeth Warren say and do what they do for MONEY. They use it to obtain wealth, popularity, or some other kind of physical benefit. They want fame to acquire power, and use it to obtain wealth.
Not me.
I get absolutely derive zero benefit from writing this, except to leave something behind upon my death. I do not want fame. I have other ventures that provide income, and anything that I get off this blog is really a minuscule pittance.
Come on. Be honest with yourself. Do you really think that I would derive any kind of benefit by telling others about my life?
This is what my life is…
In general, if you found paradise… you keep it to yourself.

The “Deep Dive”
Why didn’t you stay in the “great life” that manifested during the “deep dive”?
I had no control.
I could not abort the process and the procedure. The “deep dive” was beyond my control. Besides, I really do not think that I would like it as much as I do my current life.
If there is one thing that I have learned is that there are trade-offs with everything.
The Roswell event.
What do you know about Roswell, NM and the famous UFO event?
I only know what I have read. I never had a briefing on this event, and I have no idea one way or the other about it.
Retirement as a sex offender
Is there anything that you have learned since you were arrested, imprisoned, and released from prison?
Yes. Many things.
Firstly, if I can be thrown in prison for “nothing” but a trumped up charge, anyone can. I have lived a rather unassuming and quiet life. All MAJestic members do. We are quiet and keep to ourselves as part of our training.
If “they” want you there, you will go and there isn’t a bloody thing that you can do about it. It is now your fate, as horrible as it is.
You must deal with it.

In my case, my attorney gave me a document to sign. On it was a plea bargain. I agreed to nine months in-home supervision at my Father’s house in exchange for a plea of guilty.
I believed that if an arrangement was worked out between the DA and my attorney, that that was the way things would work out. So I signed it.
Plea of Guilty = 9 months in-house detention.
But the DA fucking lied.
During sentencing, the judge held the plea agreement. He started to give me the sentence agreed to. However, the prosecuting attorney used HAND SIGNALS (a thumbs up, waving vigorously upward) to signal the judge to NOT give me the agreed to plea. As a result the judge stopped mid-sentence, and started to say one year, and the DA shook his head vigorously. Then he started to say two years. Still the DA wagged his head and shook his head. Finally, he said “Five Years” and slammed the gravel.
He gave me FIVE YEARS. Five years at hard labor for a FIRST OFFENSE. Anyone who works in the Justice Department will tell you that is is one fucking harsh sentence.
My father, who had come to the sentencing to take me home for my detention, was crestfallen and didn’t know what the fuck was going on. He couldn’t believe that our Justice system was so corrupt.
Sentenced on a Guilty Plea = Five years at Hard Labor
If they want you in prison, you will go. Even if that means that they will lie to you.
Secondly, it was terrible and uncomfortable. (Putting it mildly.) I endured Brickey’s which has the reputation in the United States for being the worst hard-labor facility in America. And yet, you know what? I survived.
If I can survive Brickey’s I can survive anything.
You can endure and survive anything, and once you get out “It’s all good”. It’s downhill, easy street for the rest of your life.
I can feel carpet on my feet. I can see and appreciate colors. I can use wall outlets and light switches. I can eat food… glorious food. I can sleep without a light over my face. I can sit on a chair with a soft cushion.
Oh FUCK, it’s all good.

Thirdly, and I know that no one is going to want to hear this, but I no longer fear the police and getting arrested.
Prison was not fun, but you adapt. What that means is that now, today, if I will need to fight someone, I will fight to KILL. I will not hold back. I will stab their eyes out. Bite their nose and swallow it. I will pick up a spoon and jab that sucker right through the temple. I am not afraid what would happen afterwards. Big fucking deal. I get arrested. Big Deal. Big deal. Been there, done that. I dealt with the worst and survived it.
Being a murderer won’t be worse than being a sex offender felon at Brickey’s.
I know the truth in this.
I did five years Bricky hard labor on a whim, while murders got two years maximum in an “easy” prison like Malvern. I’m no longer afraid. I did the harsh time. I did the awful time.

Inter-dimensional Communication.
How can the drone pilot, and the biological artifice operate if you are on a different world-line then they are?
Outstanding question.
I do not know. I can only presuppose that they operate in a state of reality that transcends that of the physical world. To solve this quandary we must take a good hard look at the anthropic principle. Specifically, the ψ which is a measure of how thought alters our reality.
World-lines are each individually ψ-epistemic .
While the entire universe is actually ψ-ontic.
Obviously the <redacted> species has been able to derive a technology that is finer than anything available with a ψ-epistemic world-line MWI.
Confused? Check out this post for clarity…

The Girls
What about the girls who entered the portal with you; since you all entered at the same time, are they not the same as you and have the same mission parameters?
No. [1] None of them were Naval Aviators. So they did not endure the same entry qualifications as we had.
[2] They were all female, and Sebastian and myself (the only two Naval Aviator Candidates) were male.Additionally, [3] none of them went directly through the portal on the same day that they must have been implanted (they had to be implanted, otherwise the portal would not work for them).
[4] None of the females were at the same implantation booths during our implantation.Finally, [5] during the SAP briefing, the person instructing us told us that we had different roles and were involved in different program, and were subject to different levels of SAP. He specifically stated that Sebastian and myself were involved in a much more secretive program.
What are thoughts exactly?
Thoughts are what your consciousness creates. It is the only thing that a consciousness can create. It is a directed entanglement of an idea, a place, a person, or a thing.
These “creations” are how consciousness can navigate the MWI. It is how different world-lines are manifested.
The thing about thoughts is that they are generated by a number of things;
- An individual consciousness can generate individual thoughts, and this can navigate the MWI many world-lines.
- Other “quantum shadows”, the other “people” within your world-line also have thoughts. In fact every world-line is filled with the thoughts of all the quantum shadows that occupy the world-line.
- Thoughts are “sticky”. They tend to associate themselves with objects, people and things.
- They can be influenced by other thoughts. This can be nearby within the world-line, and also from adjacent world-lines that cluster near the one that is occupied.
If you are in a place, like prison for example, the thoughts of those around you will “stick” with you. And as your consciousness moves through the MWI and in and out of different world-lines, they will attract and repel other thoughts. This will create bad situations (if you were in prison), or good situations (if you were in a monastery).
It takes time for the “sticky” thoughts to fall away. That is why I strongly recommend a serious period of contemplation and a good happy environment for the person who is released from a bad situation.
Or else, they will come across a higher than usual percentage of individuals and situations similar to what they just left.
This is also true of used furniture, and other objects such a “haunted” houses, and automobile “lemons”.

For us to be truly happy we need to carefully cultivate our thoughts.
- Avoid negative friends, relationships and toxic people.
- Avoid old things, clutter, and brick a brack.
- Avoid most news.
- Avoid movies, or music that will upset us.
Do you have any great regrets?
Yes. I wish that I would have spent more time with my friends and family.
When opportunities arose, I should have taken them.
I wish that I would have spent more time with my pets rather than worry about work so much. I wish that I would have spent the time to play with my dogs and cats and given them more happiness, no matter how tired and stressed I was. I should have been a better caretaker of my pets.
I should have been a better friend to those whom I cared for, and I should have been a better human to the strangers whom I encountered. I truly regret that I did not purpose my personal life more fully.
I was far too goal-focused, and missed out on the wonders of life as they were presented to me.
When it became clear that my first wife possessed a terminal mental illness, and that she would never get better. I should have taken the doctor’s advice and left her. It would have been better for both of us. Instead, I only endured a very painful process. I could not stop her madness. I could only delay its onslaught. The price that I paid for this postponement took a great toll on my sanity and health. It did not help her at all.
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, and how much effort you put into something, you will fail.
When my beloved pet was dying. I should have taken him to the vet and put him to sleep. Instead, I wanted to keep him alive as long as possible. This was selfish of me, and my dear pet suffered because of it. I did things for my own selfish reasons.
I was too selfish at times, and love ones suffered.
When I was younger, and my mother was happy and singing while getting things together during Christmas, I should have allowed her to sing, and even joined her. Instead, I criticized her singing, and just pouted about, not even offering to help her in the kitchen. I was so self-absorbed.
Yes. I have regrets. All humans (aside from sociopaths) have regrets.

If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.

Influencer Questions
Here are posts that have gathered a series of questions from various influencers. They are interesting in many ways and could help all of us unravel the mysteries of the lives that we live.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.

John Titor Related Posts
Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.
They are;

Articles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
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A listing of the different types of Conservatives found in America today.
This is a listing of the various types, and sub-classifications of American conservatism today. As one delves deeper, one can clearly see that modern American conservatism comes in many types, shapes and flavors. There is no “one size fits all” American conservative.
Here we discuss 30+ different types of American conservative.
The key to the success of any Presidential Conservative candidate or President is to be able to unite all these disparate groups under one singular banner. Is it even possible?
[1] The members of the “conservative movement.”
We start right off, addressing one of the most common themes used in the American mainstream media. That is, being a member of the “Conservative Movement”. This is generally a catch-all phrase that has no real meaning. However, it is useful by progressive liberal Democrats to single out and demonize non-Marxists.
- Ex-Republican reveals how the Conservative Movement is a scam.
- There is a dangerous trend that exists in the fringes of the Modern Orthodox Jewish world to imitate these errors of the Conservative movement.
- The Dangers of the Gay Conservative Movement
While the mainstream American progressive-liberal media likes to talk about this “Conservative Movement”, most actual conservatives haven’t a clue as to what they are actually referring to. We kind of feel offended that we are so often labeled by the ignorant elites inside the urban centers.

In actually, and functionally, it is usually associated with a constellation of single-issue nonprofit organizations. All of which were singled out by former President Obama, for IRS targeting and harassment from 2008 to 2016.
As such, they were, thus effectively suppressed from political dialog during the 2012 election, which permitted the rousing reelection of Barrack Obama for another four year term. As well as to allow other conservative movements to arise to the forefront.
- IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservatives
- President Obama’s IRS Scandal: Seven Years & Counting
- In Targeting Political Groups, I.R.S. Crossed Party Lines
- Another court rebukes IRS for targeting conservatives
- Obama IRS Scandal
Most of these nonprofits sprung up in the 1970s and still exist in the form on single-issue conservatism. These non-profits include (and are not limited to);
- Gun Rights, Second Amendment supporters, and their ilk.
- Pro-life, anti-abortion, and anti-death-penalty folk.
- Taxpayer rights, anti-16th amendment people, and transparency movements.
- The Right to work movement, and other labor issues.
- Privacy movements, and other 4th amendment movements.
Functionally, most “single issue” Conservative movements revolve around the American Federal Bill of Rights. All of the movements can be traced back to a point where the Bill of Rights is being violated.
- For instance, consider the privacy issue. The Utah Data Collection Center would not exist at all if the 4th amendment were being followed as it was written.
- The idea that a person can smoke Marijuana is a tenth amendment issue. The idea that there should be zero censorship, and no such thing as “hate speech” is a first amendment issue.
- The right to bear arms is a second amendment issue, and the various issues today related to individual freedoms and violations thereof can be traced to fifth amendment construction.
[2] The Conservative “Intellectual” movement.
This group mainly consists of the well-written and published American Conservatives. It consists of writers, scholars, and others whose journalistic and political work deals mainly with ideas. These are the folk that will argue up and down, and sideways all elements of a particular issue through academic parsing.

They are the “Ivory Tower” folk who tend to be quite bright but not really very practical. These are the conservative people that scream bloody murder when President Trump tries to implement an EO to stop some out-of-control situation simply because previous precedents were not clear. Their utility was too murky.

In real life, when confronted by an armed robber, they would hold up their index finger to the robber. Tell them to “wait a minute”, while they dial 911. Then wait until the police arrive, rather than deal with the robber themselves. They are that out of touch with reality.
[3] The Conservative “Talking Heads”
This group mainly consists of the visible (to the public at large) American Conservatives. This group consists of people that “Joe Average” would associate with Conservatives, good or bad. Noted members include…
- Rush Limbaugh
- Sean Hannity
- Ann Coulter
These commentators serve a very useful purpose. many of them voice the feelings, beliefs and motivations of the silenced conservative majority. They do so with amplification, and control over the air-waves, and in the case of El’ Rushbo, a Golden EIB Microphone.

They can educate, inspire, entertain, and lambast, but they cannot make policy. They serve as icons for whatever exists of modern contemporaneous conservative thought.
[4] Tea Partiers
The Tea Party movement is an American fiscally conservative political movement. Their primary emphasis has been on fiscal responsibility. Which means lower taxes, and a serious reduction of the federal debt.
In a way, one could argue that this group is focused on 16th amendment issues.
As such, the movement supports small-government principles. They are opposed to any kind of “big government” initiatives and opposes government-sponsored universal healthcare. They demand a re-look at the 16th amendment in light of the damage that it has caused the United States, and require an audit of the Federal reserve to determine just how in debt the United States actually is.

This is considered a serious threat by the progressive Marxists in power in the United States, and they took action against this organization.
And, of course, the progressive American mainstream news media (Newsweek) has tried to spin the narrative in favor of the Marxists. So they report the exact opposite. Makes sense in a kind of “Big Brother” sort of way…
The Tea Party movement has been described as a popular constitutional movement composed of a mixture of libertarian, right-wing populist, and conservative activism. It has sponsored multiple protests and supported various political candidates since 2009. According to the American Enterprise Institute, various polls in 2013 estimate that slightly over 10 percent of Americans identified as part of the movement. -Wikipedia
[5] Grifter Conservatives
These people are NOT conservatives.
They are apolitical, and feed off Conservatives as a financial resource; a “cash cow”, if you will.
Though they pretend to be conservatives. Instead, these are leaches that feed off conservatives. They control the pools of money that grass-root conservative efforts collect, and siphon off huge percentages for themselves.
They hide behind pro-Conservative organizations. Say things that conservatives want to hear. They make promises and ask for donations. Once the donations arrive, they pocket the money for themselves.
Many are not conservatives. Like this guy…

The are called conservatives as that is the mantle they wear while they are stealing money. Many, I am sad to say, then take that money and use it for their own personal needs and (perhaps) give the rest to progressive liberal causes.
These sociopaths are not liberal or conservative. They are not Democrats or Republicans. They are not beholden to a country or community. They care not for their fellow man. They don’t care about future generations. They care about their own power, wealth and control over others. They have no conscience. They have no empathy. Right and wrong are meaningless in their unquenchable thirst for more. They will lie, steal and kill to achieve their goal of controlling everything and everyone in this world. This precisely describes virtually every politician in Washington DC, Wall Street banker, mega-corporation CEO, government agency head, MSM talking head, church leader, billionaire activist, and blood sucking advisor to the president. -US vs Them
By looking at the percentages, once can see that it is all just an enormous racket to steal money from conservatives.
Here’s some typical examples. Found from HERE.
- Back in 2013, Conservative StrikeForce PAC raised $2.2 million in funds vowing to support Ken Cuccinelli’s campaign for governor in Virginia. Court filings and FEC records showed that the PAC only contributed $10,000 to Cuccinelli’s effort. Less than one-half of a percent of the collected moneys went to the professed cause. This is 0.45%.
- Back in 2014, Politico researched 33 political action committees that claimed to be affiliated with the Tea Party and courted small donors with email and direct-mail appeals and found that they “raised $43 million — 74 percent of which came from small donors. The PACs spent only $3 million on ads and contributions to boost the long-shot candidates often touted in the appeals, compared to $39.5 million on operating expenses, including $6 million to firms owned or managed by the operatives who run the PACs.”
- Back in 2015, RightWingNews reviewed the financial filings of 21 prominent conservative PACs and found the ten 10 groups at the bottom of their list spent $54.3 million only paid out $3.6 million to help get Republicans elected.
- Back in 2016, campaign finance lawyer Paul H. Jossey detailed how some of the PACs operated and lamented, “the Tea Party movement is pretty much dead now, but it didn’t die a natural death. It was murdered — and it was an inside job. In a half decade, the spontaneous uprising that shook official Washington degenerated into a form of pyramid scheme that transferred tens of millions of dollars from rural, poorer Southerners and Midwesterners to bicoastal political operatives.”
- In 2016, Roger Stone founded the Committee to Restore America’s Greatness. It raised $587,000 and spent $16,000 on independent expenditures supporting Trump.
- In 2016, Great America PAC raised $28.6 million from donors. They donated $30,125 to federal candidates. In 2018, Great America PAC raised $8.3 million from donors. They donated $31,840 to federal candidates.
- In 2017, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke said that despite the actions of a PAC that claimed to be raising money for a Clarke bid for U.S. Senate, he was not running. That PAC raised $2 million.
- In 2018, a federal indictment declared grassroots conservatives across the country gave $23 million to scam PACs run by William and Robert Tierney from 2014 to 2018, believing they were supporting conservative groups like “Republican Majority Campaign PAC,” “Americans for Law Enforcement PAC,” and “ PAC.” Only $109,000 went to candidates.
- In the 2018 cycle, Tea Party Majority Fund raised $1.67 million and donated $35,000 to federal candidates.
- That 2018 cycle, Conservative Majority Fund raised just over $1 million and donated $7,500 to federal candidates. 0.75%
- Conservative Strikeforce raised $258,376 and donated nothing to federal candidates. 0%.
- Put Vets First PAC raised $3.9 million in the 2018 cycle; they gave $9,000 to federal candidates. Or 0.02%! That is two-one hundredths of one percent.
- Earlier this year, it was revealed that David Bossie’s group, Presidential Coalition, had raised $18.5 million in 2017 and 2018 to support state and local candidates in furtherance of the Trump agenda. Only $425,442, or 3 percent, went to direct political activity.
There are pages and pages of examples. Conservatives are often enticed to fund conservative efforts, and in many cases the money is siphoned off for personal enjoyments, and the balance given to progressive and not conservative causes.
[6] FReeper Conservatives
“Free Republic” conservative individuals go by the name FReepers. They have been around since the early days of the Bill Clinton administration, and came into being as a conservative back-lash against his most outrageous policies. Such as…
- Replacement of the International Space-station with the ISS.
- Paying Russian soldiers salaries.
They formed a chat-room on the internet and there they would post articles and comment on them. They formed clusters of activists and were instrumental in uncovering such things as the looting of Air Force One on EBay by the Clinton’s, and gluing down of the “W” on all the key-boards in the White House.

They became such a force to be reckoned with that there was a mainstream media backlash. Many of which forbid any of their articles to be reposted on the FR website. Today, most websites have buttons that allow a person to easily repost an article on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other such venues, yet Free Republic postings are still banned.
- Shared articles permitted to liberal websites.
- Shared articles prohibited to conservative websites.
The organization itself is a loose collection of individuals from many different conservative camps. The active participation ebbs and flows over the years, but there is a core constituency that are very politically astute. Roughly speaking there is a community of “lurkers” who regularly read the postings but do not contribute or comment. This group is like an iceberg and represents the bunk of the FR readership.
- FReepers – Active participants.
- Lurkers – Non-active readers.
- Trolls – Paid commentators used to derail posts.
This organization is also considered a “thorn in the side” of the liberal mainstream media, and is only permitted to exist as long as they can direct traffic to liberal-friendly mainstream media outlets. To this end, there are paid trolls that frequent the site in shifts.
The objective of the FR trolls is to limit conservative dialog to the site; box it in. Make it limited so that there isn’t any traceable “spill over” onto the Internet.

This is so that the Google algorithms do not notice traffic to other smaller conservative websites. It serves to keep small conservative bloggers, websites, and associated traffic way… way down in the search hierarchy. Instead of a Conservative post being on the top three pages of a Google Search, they can end up on page 50 to 60 in a given search.
(This is) Based on their internet connectivity to other websites.
They gamed the system that way. You can read about this in more detail in these other articles.
- Tech giants plotting to suppress ALL conservative posts
- How Google’s search algorithm spreads false information
- Report: Google is biased against conservative websites
- Google search algorithms are not impartial.
- If Google Is Biased, So Are Its Algorithms
- Evidence That Google’s Search Results Are Biased
By limiting small conservative websites from getting any internet traffic, they effective “box them in” in such a way that they are practically invisible to any given search. They have to compete against liberal posts, blogs and articles that allow linking to other liberal social media like Facebook, twitter, etc.

Every time a person reads a Washington Post article, and then clicks on the “share on social media” button, the article makes an impression on the Internet. When a person reads a complete, wholly copied article on Free Republic, there is no impression made.
So from the Google algorithm, it appears that the liberal Washington Post article has more popularity and value (worth) than a conservative article posted on Free Republic. This is a significant factor in relevance placing in the search results.
To accomplish this suppression of conservative articles and blog posts, the FR Trolls do so using the following techniques…
- Demand full text transcripts from conservative blogs or sites, not excerpts.
- Ridicule posters that have a conservative ideology.
- Spread lies about posted links (i.e. pop-up ads, or paywall, etc.)
- Make derogatory statements regarding a particular poster.
The trolls are easy to spot, as they are usually the first to post on a conservative themed blog or article. They are also the first to say anything negative. Whether it is intentional redirection to just nasty comments.
Today, FReepers represent a good cross-section of everyday conservative thought. They tend to be part of a wide and deep demographic and thus serve as an accurate biometic to measure the pace and mood of the conservative audience. The website itself provides a good cross-section of conservative thought, intermixed with articles regarding other subjects (known as “chat”).
Known conservative lurkers to Free Republic include;
- Rush Limbaugh
- Donald Trump
- William F. Buckley (Deceased)
The website can be found here;

Update. Access to the Free Republic website was terminated in June 2019. Unofficial sources (a Chinese government worker who maintains the Chinese "firewall") told me that a singular Chinese dissident out of Hong Kong was solely responsible for the banning. Within a two week period of time he flooded FR with a large number of anti-Chinese articles. This flagged the algorithms and shut down FR in China.
5JUL19 Update. Arrests were made on the organizers of the HK protest movement. These people were tracked by their posting history on social media, as well as their behavior at various events. Information HERE and HERE. SJW have no place in Chinese society. They should move to a more progressive place, with "democracy" for all like Sweden, France, the UK and the USA.
[7] Trumpists
Check this out…
Trumpist is the mainstream shorthand to describe the quintessential Trump follower, who by varying accounts is a non-college-educated white male, an unemployed factory worker, a reactionary with racist inclinations, or any American who’s angry, worried, and economically insecure. - From “Trumpkin” to “Trumpista,” Trump-Inspired Words
That is hardly true. But, it makes for great liberal copy to boost the deranged progressive left’s idea of self worth.

Now, for what a Trumpist actually is…
A Trumpist is a person, who might be conservative, or not, that supports President Trump in his efforts to Make America Great Again.
The individuals might not agree with all of his policies, they might not like his behavior, and his mannerisms. They might not like who he picks for cabinet roles, and they might not like individual policies, however they will stick to and support him because he is a person who represents the ideology of modern nationalist conservatism.
And, also he’s a rough-and-tumble fighter.
Warning, the Fake News hates all-things-Trump. Here’s what they have to say about this issue…
[8] Fusionistic Conservatism.
This term describes self-proclaimed conservatives that live within Washington D.C., and on university campuses. In a way they are different types of Intellectual Conservatives that have collaborated together as a group in order to focus on the most important element of conservatism; the element of freedom.
They argue back and forth between each other, and post intellectual tomes for consideration by the elite.
However, they have zero influence in policy matters. Otherwise, of course, we would start to see the millions of laws that infringe on the Bill of Rights be disassembled in real time. Ergo, since there just isn’t a smidgen of effort in this direction, the prognosis is quite clear. They are not a very effective prophet for the conservative cause.
[9] Jacksonian Conservatism.
There are those who consider that Donald Trump is following Jacksonian politics. Not me. I think that he has developed his own individual brand of conservatism.
Now, today, is not the time to search for similarities to earlier forms of American politics as a bridge towards justification for decisions made today. Today is quite different than any other time in American history.
These people look to Walter Russell Mead’s landmark essay in the Winter 1999 / 2000 National Interest, “The Jacksonian Tradition in American Foreign Policy,” as proof. They view the essay as a road map that not only brought Donald Trump to the Presidency, but also as a possible guide to incorporating populism and conservatism.
They argue this case…
The Jacksonians, Mead said, are individualist, suspicious of federal power, distrustful of foreign entanglement, opposed to taxation but supportive of government spending on the middle class, devoted to the Second Amendment, desire recognition, valorize military service, and believe in the hero who shapes his own destiny. Jacksonians are anti-monopolistic. They oppose special privileges and offices. “There are no necessary evils in government,” Jackson wrote in his veto message in 1832. “Its evils exist only in its abuses.”

This is a deep strain in American culture and politics. Jacksonians are neither partisans nor ideologues. The sentiments they express are older than postwar conservatism and in some ways more intrinsically American. (They do not look toward Burke or Hayek or Strauss, for example.) The Jacksonians have been behind populist rebellions since the Founding. They are part of a tradition, for good and ill, that runs through William Jennings Bryan, Huey Long, Joseph McCarthy, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan, Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, Jim Webb, Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and Donald Trump. The Jacksonians believe in what their forebears called “The Democracy.” They are the people who remind us that America is not ruled from above but driven from below. Irving Kristol captured some of Jacksonianism’s contradictions when he described the movement as “an upsurge of revolt against the moneyed interests, an upsurge led by real estate speculators, investors, and mercantile adventurers, which spoke as the voice of the People while never getting much more than half the vote, and which gave a sharp momentum to the development of capitalism, urbanism, and industrialism while celebrating the glories of the backwoodsman.”
The Jacksonians have extended their conception of the in-group to include Americans of every ethnicity and race. The somewhat slippery distinction they make is between American and foreigner. I say slippery because sometimes it is hard to tell when Jacksonians decide to accept a legal immigrant as fully American. Jacksonians emphasize borders. They are happy to see the government direct benefits to the middle class. They don’t want to reform entitlements. They are willing to accept short-term sacrifice if it ends up benefiting the people. They are skeptical of preemptive war, but if a conflict arises, they want to finish the job quickly and ferociously. “The very faults of the persuasion as a guide to prudent statesmanship,” wrote historian Marvin Meyers, “may have been its strength as a call to justice. For a society inevitably committed to maximizing economic gains, this persuasion in its various forms has been the great effective force provoking men to ask what their nation ought to be.”
The current Jacksonian in the Senate is Tom Cotton.
He’s taken the lead on conservative immigration reform. A supporter of the president, he is also a Neocon. The some ONE thing that I just personally HATE.
Which in my mind, is a very big No-No. People die in wars. Economies tank. Rich people get richer, and poor people get enslaved. There is NOTHING good about war. I follow Sun Tzu in this matter; War is a failure on the part of government to resolve social differences.
Now, about Tom Cotton as a Neocon…
He was perfectly Jacksonian when he said a conflict with Iran, should it erupt, would be swiftly concluded due to overwhelming American force.
Ah… I don’t think so.
DONALD TRUMP’S USA boasts the most powerful armies the world has ever seen – but today military experts warned they would NEVER beat Iran in a military conflict even as the possibility of a hot war between Iran and the USA increased as British and US servicemen raced to the aid of two oil-tankers attacked off the Iranian coast in the Gulf of Oman.
It’s Neocon people like this that should be watched closely.
After spending nearly 20 years in Afghanistan, and over one trillion US dollars in the process (not to mention the many thousands killed), it is beyond comprehension that this idiot thinks that the United States can take on a potentially nuclear-armed nation and conclude a war swiftly.
Heck we can’t even build a simple wall on our border. We are mired in a twenty-year-long war in Afghanistan, and are now fighting eight wars. We cannot even build a simple High Speed Train to link two close cities together.

Senator Tom Cotton, a native of rural Arkansas and an Army veteran, his new book Sacred Duty describes the Jacksonian code of honor and sacrifice. Die with honor.
As long as it’s not him, his children or any of his relatives. Yes, the elite oligarch way.
There is NOTHING glorious about death. Nothing.

[10] Reformicon Conservatism.
Reform conservatism began toward the end of George W. Bush’s presidency. I think that they felt that the Bush presidency gave Republicans a “bad name” due to all the anti-Bush press generated by the mainstream media. They believed that they should appease the mainstream press in such a way as not to be so Conservative, instead they should start to embrace some progressive thought, thus making the mainstream media be more Republican friendly.
Some people credit its’ start with the publication of Yuval Levin’s “Putting Parents First” in The Weekly Standard in 2006. Or, with Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam’s Grand New Party in 2008.
They believed that the conservative “movement” needed to be reformed to “keep with with the times” that has been, over the last century becoming more and more Marxist. They felt that it needed to adapt with the times to be more inclusive and add more diverse people under the conservative banner.
This could mean such things as adopting some of the progressive liberal Marxist ideas and policies.
This would manifest as agreeing and voting with progressive liberals on bills in the House and the Senate, and showing favorability towards LGBT, diversity, “White Privilege” and Global Warming issues.

Thus, in 2009, Yuval Levin founded National Affairs, a quarterly devoted to serious examinations of public policy and political philosophy. Its aim is to nudge the Republican party to adapt to changing social and economic conditions. To change. To accept things as they are and move with the changing tide of public opinion.
After a few years of successful publication, he proposed some reforms.
Thus, in 2014, working with the YG Network and with National Review senior editor Ramesh Ponnuru, Levin edited “Room to Grow: Conservative Reforms for a Limited Government and a Thriving Middle Class.”
The report was the occasion for a lot of publicity, including a Sam Tanenhaus article in the New York Times Magazine asking, “Can the GOP Be a Party of Ideas?”
The number on champion of Reform Conservatism was the well-promoted Marco Rubio.
However, the Reformicons had no problem with trade and immigration. They felt that everything was just fine as was, and pretty much ignored those subjects, thus opening up the door for Trump to become president.
[11] Country Club Republican Conservatives
"Country Club Republican" also known as a "Country Club Conservative" or "Establishment Republican" is an expression employed, usually pejoratively, to describe certain members of the Republican Party in the United States. Some of the characteristics attributed to country club Republicans are higher than average income or inherited wealth, fiscally conservative opinions but with liberal, moderate or indifferent views on social issues such as abortion, censorship, and gay rights. Also, they are more likely to have attended prestigious colleges and universities than other Republican Party members. -Wikipedia
I love the Hollywood imagery of such conservatives. Like this one showing a country-club republican next to Rodney Dangerfield (He kind of reminds me of Donald Trump. Eh?) from Caddyshack…

[12] Neo conservatives (Neocons)
Neoconservatism (commonly shortened to neocon when labeling its adherents) is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among liberal hawks who became disenchanted with the increasingly pacifist foreign policy of the Democratic Party, and the growing New Left and counterculture, in particular the Vietnam protests. -Wikipedia
These are war-hawks and have no problem with war, destruction and excessive military spending. One of the most well known is that evil son-of-a-bitch John McCain. You can read about him and his legacy here…

Neocon. A politician who, on the lectern, claims to be a conservative, claims belief in smaller government and less government spending, but in practice increases spending and increases the size of government. John Mccain calls himself a conservative, yet he votes for Cap and Trade. He's just a centrist neocon. -The Urban Dictionary
Some characteristics…
- They believe that war is necessary for social cohesiveness, and to keep donor coffers full.
- They first started to have a voice in internal politics as early as the Ford administration.
- They tend to lie in order to accomplish their goals.
- One of their biggest lies is to support “smaller government” initiatives. In reality believe in big spending and tax cuts for their wealthy political and business friends, hence deficit spending.
- They pretend being social conservatives, although true social conservatives believe they really care about social issues. Neocons distract the public by acting like they really care about social issues like gay marriage, abortion, and flag burning. Meanwhile they are busy conducting wars and stifling your freedom.
- They believe in costly wars and creating boogeymen to try and make you think only they can keep you safe while they restrict your freedoms to “protect you”. This is their signature issue, to help keep them in power.
- They actually despise any types of small government advocates, Barry Goldwater, traditional live and let live conservative, and libertarians
Some Neocons include George Bush I and II, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and John McCain.
[13] The Paleos
Where the paleoconservatives distinguish themselves from the other camps is foreign policy. The paleos are noninterventionists who, all things being equal, would prefer that America radically reduce her overseas commitments. In a way, they are almost the opposite of a Neoconservative.
I might be considered a Paleo Conservative, if I wasn’t having so much fun with food, drink and pretty girls.
Though it’s probably not how he’d describe himself, the foremost paleo is Tucker Carlson, who offers a mix of traditional social values, suspicion of globalization, and noninterventionism every weekday on cable television.
Carlson touched off an important debate with his January 3 opening monologue on markets. “Culture and economics are inseparably intertwined,” Carlson said. “Certain economic systems allow families to thrive. Thriving families make market economies possible. You can’t separate the two.”

Carlson’s indictment of America’s “ruling class” and “the ugliest parts of our financial system” was remarkable for several reasons.
- First, he delivered it on a network whose opinion programs normally laud American capitalism and free enterprise.
- Second, the speech was wide-ranging, criticizing everyone from Mitt Romney to Sheryl Sandberg to parents who let their kids smoke weed.
- Third, Carlson offered a theory of the case. Social decline, he said, is related to the loss of manufacturing jobs. It happened in the inner cities. Now it’s happening in the Rust Belt and in rural America. When jobs disappear and low-skilled male wages decline, family formation breaks down.
While Carlson noted in passing that wage income is taxed at a higher rate than investment income, he did not make any specific proposals.
“I’m not a policy guy, I’m a talk show host, but I sincerely believe that no problem is solved unless you have a clear image in your mind of what you want the result to be,” -Carlson told Michael Brendan Dougherty at the National Review Institute conference in March.
Earlier this month, he welcomed John Burtka, the chairman of the paleo journal The American Conservative (TAC), on to his program. Burtka argued for treating the social media giants as monopolies. Carlson loved it.
Burtka offered a defense of “economic nationalism.” He advocates a national industrial strategy, without providing many details, though presumably incorporating some mixture of tariffs and government-directed investment. His reluctance toward nuts-and-bolts legislative proposals is widespread.
“We still need to figure out a lot of the details for how this vision of conservative politics, a pro-family, pro-worker, pro-American nation, conservatism actually looks in practice,” - J. D. Vance told a recent TAC gala.
Paleos have brought renewed attention to the condition of American communities.
Paleos might not have exact answers when it comes to domestic policy, but they are certain American foreign policy should be restrained, within constitutional bounds, and prioritize diplomacy over military force. Amen to that!
[14] The Never-Hillary Army
Hillary Clinton, for what ever reason, has become the defacto face of the modern American democratic party. There are others, of course, but Hillary with her strong political support, the fawning media, and her Tony Soprano-style leadership well represents what the Democrat party is today.

In a way, the people who voted for anyone other than Hillary voted conservative, but might not actually be conservative. For example, a liberal man who does not think having a woman president is a good thing might fit into this category.
This is a single issue person who may or may not be conservative, but who will vote conservative against a singular person. According to the mainstream media, many disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters fell into this category.
[15] Constitutional idealists.
They close a blind eye to what America has become, and ignore reality in the hope that one day everything will revert back to the intended utopia as defined by the Constitution.
Ah. One day. One day…
As such, they will watch as activist judge after activist judge thwarts actions by President Trump, but the moment that Trump does something that has borderline (not absolute) Constitutionality, they jump up and scream bloody murder.
Rand Paul is one such Constitutional Idealist.
- Rand Paul to oppose Trump on national emergency
- Why Rand Paul Opposes Trump’s Nomination of Mike Pompeo
- Rand Paul to vote against Trump’s national emergency
- Donald Trump supporters blast Rand Paul

[16] Deplorable Conservatives
The demonetization of others that do not share your ideology is a staple of Marxist ideology. It is used as a prelude to revolutionary takeover and social upheaval, often leading to genocide.
We saw how Hitler demonized the Jews for “Jewish Privilege”, how the term “Tutsi Privilege” was used to conduct genocide in Rwanda, and how “Tsar Privilege” was used to conduct genocide in Russia.

The term “Deplorable” was first used by (then presidential candidate) Hillary Clinton to clump together anyone who opposed her politically, ideologically, and socially. This label included the now famous “White Privilege” that contemporaneous users hope will soon mean the total extinction of conservatives in America.
Through genocide.
And, let’s be clear about this. Make no mistake they do want to kill you. They really, really do.

In short, anyone who is not a progressive Marxist is automatically labeled a “Deplorable Conservative”.
[17] Alt-Right
The "Alternative Right," or more commonly, the "alt right" is a diverse assortment of people, mostly online, who identify as right-wingers but consider themselves either opposed to, or profoundly alienated from mainstream American conservatism — usually because they view it as being too liberal. -Quora
The mainstream American media considers them extremist, simply because they believe on following the Constitution.
They believe that the American constitution is like a set of rules that one must obey when running a government. Of course, the American media, as progressive-Marxists believe in a “living document”, one that is always subject to change.

However, that only works in the favor of the one making the revised rules as they go along. As any child knows, unless you play by the rules, eventually, some child will throw the game in the air and give up and pout and sulk.
In “real life” it is only through rules that society is able to be cohesive and stable. The moment when rules are ignored, you start to have all sorts of problems, often lasting for decades before full termination of “the game” occurs.

[18] Zombie Reaganism
It's a belief that conservatives are a mindless, stupid mass, just aimlessly ambling forward and devouring everything in their path. The current incarnation of the zombie was given to us almost single-handedly by George Romero, director of Night of the Living Dead and its sequels. - 6 Mind-Blowing Ways Zombies and Vampires Explain America
This is a derogatory term. It has different meaning depending on who is using it.
As used by a Conservative on other Conservatives…
Some of my fellow conservatives knock what they call “zombie Reaganism.” They use it to refer to the idea that we should incorporate Reagan-like polices today. Such as in economics, global world strategy, and on the home-front.
What they are saying, I think, is that policies of the Reagan era don’t fit every time and place. Most certainly, it might not fit today’s reality. One with Marxist control of almost every part of the government, forming a “Deep State” “swamp” and a fully alert and active Marxist American media.
Conservative intellectuals eager to privilege either freedom or virtue like to attack this consensus, which they often describe as “zombie Reaganism.” The truth is that the strength of fusionism always has been exaggerated. - Making Sense of the New American Right | National Review
In this reality, it makes absolutely no sense to revert to the baseline politics of the Reagan era. For this is a new era. It is a era of Trump. We need fighters and brawlers. Not experts in playing partisan politics, Reagan-era style.
As used by a Progressive Marxist Democrat to Describe Conservatives…
Democrats (or progressive socialist Marxists, by another name) just cannot understand why anyone would not embrace the wonderful socialist platform.
- Free school.
- Free medical care.
- Free food.
- Free internet.
- Free public transportation.
- Free housing.
As such, they decry non-Marxists as ignorant, non-understanding, mindless dolts. Much like zombies who will follow any leader that appeals to them. To this end, you can google up tons of pictures depicting conservative zombies.
Here’s a picture of a liberal book cover, trying to convince people how out-of-touch, and backwards, and dangerous traditional beliefs are…

[19] Catholic Integralists
It is a belief that theology, especially Catholic theology, should guide the policies and decisions of the President of the United States.
Integralism or integrism as a political term designates theoretical concepts and practical policies that advocate a fully integrated social and political order, based on converging patrimonial political, cultural, religious and national traditions of a particular state, or some other political entity. Some forms of integralism are focused on achieving political and social integration, and also national or ethnic unity, while others were more focused on achieving religious and cultural uniformity. In the political and social history of the 19th and 20th centuries, integralism was often related to traditionalist conservatism and similar political movements on the right wing of a political spectrum, but it was also adopted by various centrist movements as a tool of political, national and cultural integration. -Wikipedia
I don’t know much at all about them. However, here’s some links if you, the reader, would like to study this matter in more detail.
- Catholic Integralism and the Social Kingship of Christ
- Is Integralism Catholic Sharia?
- Why Should We Read Spadaro on ‘Catholic Integralism
- Evangelical Fundamentalism and Catholic Integralism
- Thomas Aquinas on the Just Price
- Democrats defend asking nominees about Catholic faith, affiliations
[20] The Post-liberal Conservatives
The post-liberals say that freedom has become a destructive end-in-itself. All of the problems that America experiences today can be traced to having too much freedom and not enough rules or boundaries.
Their solution is to limit freedom.
- Economic freedom has brought about a global system of trade and finance that has outsourced jobs, shifted resources to the metropolitan coasts, and obscured its self-seeking under the veneer of social justice.
- Personal freedom has ended up in the mainstreaming of pornography, alcohol, drug, and gambling addiction, abortion, single-parent families, and the repression of orthodox religious practice and conscience.
“When an ideological liberalism seeks to dictate our foreign policy and dominate our religious and charitable institutions, tyranny is the result, at home and abroad,” -The signatories to “Against the Dead Consensus,” a post-liberal manifesto of sorts published in First Things in March 2017.
In a way, I do see their point.
In a way, everything that they are proposing goes absolutely against the core belief that Rights originate from God. What they want to do is to let the government be the arbitrator of Rights. They want to do this by transforming Rights into Privileges granted by a benevolent government. It does go against the spirit and very being of the structure of the Constitution, now doesn’t it?
“The ambition of neoliberalism, is to weaken and eventually dissolve the strong elements of traditional society that impede the free flow of commerce (the focus of nineteenth-century liberalism), as well as identity and desire (the focus of postmodern liberalism). This may work well for the global elite, but ordinary people increasingly doubt it works for them.” - The editor of First Things in the spring of 2017.
The result, he said, has been populist calls for the “strong gods” of familial, national, and religious authority.
The post-liberals are mainly but not exclusively traditionalist Catholics.
- Patrick J. Deneen . Their most prominent spokesman is Patrick J. Deneen, whose Why Liberalism Failed (2018) was recommended by that ultimate progressive, Barack Obama.
- Yoram Hazony . Israeli philosopher Yoram Hazony’s Virtue of Nationalism (2018) is another important entry in the post-liberal canon. Hazony has contributed essays to both First Things (“Conservative Democracy”) and American Affairs (“What Is Conservatism?”) making the case for conservatism without Locke, Jefferson, and Paine.
- Josh Hawley . The closest the post-liberals have to a spokesman in the Senate is freshman Josh Hawley, who attends an evangelical Presbyterian church. Not six months into his term, Hawley has already established himself as a social conservative unafraid of government power. He has picked fights with the conservative legal establishment by criticizing two of President Trump’s judicial appointments. He has identified Silicon Valley as a threat to traditional values and proposed legislation to begin to rein in the tech industry. And in a little noticed commencement address to King’s College, he inveighed against the fact that
The post-liberals say that the distinction between state and society is illusory.

They argue that, even as conservatives defended the independence of civil society from state power, the left took over Hollywood, the academy, the media, and the courts.
What the post-liberals seem to call for is the use of government to recapture society from the left. How precisely they intend to accomplish this has been left undefined. (Though the levy on large university endowments included in the 2017 tax bill is a start.)
Appeals to the common good are rhetorically powerful, but they often run up against the shoals of America’s constitutional structure and overwhelming emphasis on individual rights. That is one potential reason the post-liberals seem more interested in European philosophy and politics. It also could be why many of them are eager to abandon the term “conservatism.” -New American Right schools of Thought
[21] Conservative tribalism
Tribalism and US Politics. Tribalism: s the state of being organized in, or advocating for, a tribe or tribes. In terms of conformity, tribalism may also refer in popular cultural terms to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than to their friends, their country, or any other social group. -Tribalism and US Politics
There are those that believe that people form “tribes” or groups of people with similar interests. This is herd behavior. Such as what you would find in sheep, cows, goats, and lemmings.

Conservatives correctly identify that many progressive liberal Marxists are who they are through Tribalism. They care what other people are doing and establish their belief structures on group consensus. We can see this in their love for Hollywood leadership, magazines like “People”, and the cult of personality.
In a like way, liberals argue that conservatives do the exact same thing. They join groups to “fit in” and follow their leadership blindly.
I disagree, but what do I know? Here are some further links on this subject.
- The Call Of Tribalism | The American Conservative
- Is tribalism skyrocketing in American politics?
- Republicans & Conservatives: Tribalism Today
- Political Tribalism: Why the Right is So Successful
I usually regard liberals and conservatives as equally but not identically reprehensible, rather like the complementary halves of a migraine headache. Some differences do stand out. Peculiar to conservatives is a certain tribalism, often accompanied by subclinical paranoia. They seem to be looking fearfully about as the wolves circle closer. It doesn’t matter whether there actually are any wolves. -Lew Rockwell
[22] Conservative populists
Right-wing populism is a political ideology which combines right-wing politics and populist rhetoric and themes. The rhetoric often consists of anti-elitist sentiments, opposition a perceived Establishment, and speaking to what is seen as the "common people." In Europe, right-wing populism is an expression used to describe groups, politicians and political parties generally known for their opposition to immigration, mostly from the Islamic world and in most cases Euroscepticism. -Wikipedia
The prevalent understanding of populism is that it seeks involvement of government to intercede on behalf of ordinary people. It is popular, and thus “populist” because many under-educated people look to the government as the solution to what ever problems that they might face.
Populism requires that government intercede in peoples’ lives.
This distortion is rooted in a systemic effort by Statists of all ranks to disguise the factual nature of populism. You are mislead to believe that a populist seeks a more equitable distribution of wealth.
All rights reside in persons, and are not at the mercy of governments.
Yet, the State possesses no rights at all. It’s only purpose is to serve the people. The ability for the will of the populace to be expressed, dwells in the representation within a republic form or government. Within that framework the repose of society maintains a balance as long as officials are held accountable to the fundamental principles of the American experience.
There are basic standards which are the essence of conservatism.
- Traditional society.
- Small government.
- Small, if any, taxes.
- War as a last-resort utility.
- Local, regional, governance.
Violating these codes, while claiming the designation of a traditionalist, does not make one unprogressive.
A progressive accepts the State as a solution. A genuine conservative understands the State to be the greatest threat to Liberty.
Thus, those counterfeit conservatives are closet progressives, who are so embolden with their new found power, that they enjoy opening the door to their true motives.
Populist Conservatives are actually progressive Marxists who do not understand the fundamental nature of society.
Politics is based on three other philosophical disciplines: metaphysics, epistemology and ethics- on a theory of man’s nature and of man’s relationship to existence. It is only on such a base that one can formulate a consistent political theory and achieve it in practice. When, however, men attempt to rush into politics without such a base, the result is that embarrassing conglomeration of impotence, futility, inconsistency and superficiality which is loosely designated today as “conservatism.” -Ayn Rand
[23] MAGA Conservative nationalists
MAGA means Make America Great Again.
It argues in favor of local nationalist policies by the government to protect it’s citizens. This is in opposition to the New Global World Order as espoused by Hillery Clinton, Barrack Obama, and George Bush.
Thus, by nature, MAGA support is a nationalist ideology.

Since many conservatives, of all types and classes follow Donald Trump and his nationalistic message, and very few (if any) do, we can automatically equate MAGA conservatism with singular nationalism.
[24] MAGA Liberal nationalists
Politics really comes down to a value judgement: how does society best organize its collective life?
For nationalists, love of country, its inhabitants, and its unique character guides law-making. Government is formed solely for the benefit of citizens. High-minded psalms to the brotherhood of man have little place in policy.
The globalists are devoted to the biggest community on Earth: worldwide humanity. To the globally minded activist, there is no difference between the man next door and the man in a hut in Cambodia. Each is due equal consideration when it comes to the law.
While there are many liberals that love big government and “Big Brother” and the “Nanny Society”, not all of them want to share it with the rest of the world. They are selfish. They want this big gracious government to be theirs and theirs alone.
Thus, we have the phenomenon of liberal nationalists that follow Donald Trump and his MAGA message.
[25] Conservative Libertarians
For the longest time, I was a libertarian that voted along conservative and Republican party lines. I had this “live and let live” attitude, with was a hold over, I think from my free-wheeling 1970’s childhood.
I wasn’t all that happy with my “elected” officials. I pretty much thought of them as “country club republicans”. But, as long as I was left alone, well heck, I just let the world slide past me.

That lasted for many years, that is until I moved to China. It was there that I discovered that of the many things that they did right, the most impressive was to make traditional conservatism the Law Of The Land. This is Chinese-conservatism, not American-conservatism.
They outlawed all non-conservative politics.
In China, progressive activism is against the law.
They called Chinese-Conservatism a new name. They called it “Communism with Chinese Characteristics“, which pretty much confused just about every American on the planet.
So we shrugged our shoulders and said… “Meh. Communism by any other name is just Communism.”
But, yeah, it isn’t.
Names are just names to describe things, and depending on who is listening, there could be all sorts of misinterpretations.

As far as I can tell, aside from some confusing terminology, the (so called) Communist Chinese are actually Traditional Conservative Libertarians that have formed an Authoritarian Government based on traditional Chinese-conservative principles.
Let me repeat, but with a better laid out presentation;
- Chinese communism is…
- Single party, authoritarian…
- Traditional…
- Chinese Conservative…
- Leadership by merit…
- Permitting families libertarian freedoms…
- With core laws based around a centralized structure…
- And, with regional interpretation of those laws.
I don’t know who well this will play out in the next one hundred years. However, what I have seen first-hand, I can tell you (the reader) that they have avoided and sidestepped many of the problems that democracies, and republics have had to contend with.
At the same time, still permitting their citizens the ability to be themselves, play around, and not be afraid to do things.

I have often wondered what America would be like, if it followed the US Constitution To-The-Letter, and banned all political parties like the “Communist Chinese” have.
Remember, boys and girls, the United States Constitution as originally written was much like “Communist” China is today…
- No opposition political parties…
- Traditional.
- Well educated leadership.
- Libertarian ideals.
- Judicial interpretation of laws.
Today, it doesn’t look anything like this.
What would America be like without all those laws about drinking, smoking, and just having fun? What would America be like if we could use straws, and paper bags for groceries? What would it be like if we could swear on demand, say “Merry Christmas” without a “Diversity Officer” calling you into the HR’s office and threatening your livelihood? What would it be like?
It would be like China. That’s what it would be like.
It’s stuff for thought, and maybe you (the reader) should give it some thought as well.
Really, is “democracy” where everyone can vote really a good thing? Did giving women the right to vote make the United States better or worse, or neutral? Think, know your history, study trends, and then answer.
One thing is for sure, you wouldn’t have any of the progressive events that we are dealing with now. The Chinese do not mess around. They have declared war on SJW folk.

In America, we have people who are libertarian, but who vote conservative out of practicality. These are known as “Conservative Libertarians”. They want to live their life, and be ignored by the government in the process. They don’t want to have to file taxes in April. They don’t want to report bonuses to an IRS. They don’t want to be told what size of drink they can or cannot get, and they don’t want their straws banned.
The only difference between them and “Chinese Communists” is that the Americans believe that “democracy” and the idea that “everyone can vote” is a good thing. Where the Chinese believe that only qualified, and vetted people should be able to influence the governmental structure and policies.
In America we believe that popularity is more important than merit. In China it is the opposite; they believe in merit over popularity.
A small change… with a BIG difference in results.

[26] Buckley conservatism
Buckley Conservatism was basically two things. Beat the Soviets and keep the Progressives from pulling the roof down on us. The Soviets are gone and the Progressives are too busy hooting about men in dresses to care about pulling the roof down. Buckley Conservatism, it turns out, is not a timeless philosophy after all. -Buckley Conservatism
Ah, I don’t know about youse guys, but I think that his political philosophy pretty much died when he passed on.

There was a time when the Whigs were an important check on the Jacksonian Democrats. No one knows what a Whig is today. Fifty years from now, it will be hard for people to understand “conservatism” and why it was important. The dogs bark but the caravan moves on. -Buckley Conservatism
[27] Historical traditionalists
Traditionalists value old-time morals, safety, security, and consistency. They have more respect for brick-and-mortar educational institutions and traditional lecture formats than online, web-based education and training. This generation favors conventional business models in the legal workplace and a top-down chain of command. - Common Characteristics of the Traditionalists Generation
If you find yourself longing for the “good old days”, you might be a traditional conservative. Certainly because you wish for traditional values, but possibly also due to the fact that America up to the 1970’s was a majority conservative nation.
[28] Conservative Pragmatists
Pragmatism (Conservatism) Thatcherism is characterised by privatisation, deregulation, marketisation of the welfare state, a flexible labour market, lower taxation and the creation of a property-owning democracy. Thatcherites are as passionate in their beliefs as any other comparable ideologue from the left of the political spectrum. - Pragmatism (Conservatism) | Politics | tutor2u
Donald Trump Is Not Conservative, He’s A Pragmatist.
As a pragmatist Donald Trump hasn’t made wild pie-in-the-sky promises of a cell phone in every pocket, free college tuition, and a $15 hour minimum wage for working the drive-through a Carl’s Hamburgers. Those are utopian dreams that are sold to a progressive audience.
Trump is a pragmatist. He sees a problem and understands it must be fixed. He doesn’t see the problem as liberal or conservative, he sees it only as a problem. That is a quality that should be admired and applauded, not condemned.

We have had Democrats and Republican ideologues and what has it brought us? Are we better off today or worst off? Has it happened overnight or has it been a steady decline brought on by both parties?
I submit that a pragmatist might be just what America needs right now. And as I said earlier, a pragmatist sees a problem and understands that the solution to fix same is not about a party, but a willingness and boldness to get it done.
People are quick to confuse and despise confidence as arrogance but that is common amongst those who have never accomplished anything in their lives and who have always played it safe not willing to risk failure.
[29] Christian Conservatives
Those that follow the Christian faith tend towards liberalism simply due to the nature of the New Testament. It teaches many things such as forgiveness, charity, being supportive of others, and “turning the other cheek”. Many Conservatives, for right or wrong, have found that in “real life” application, attempts to do this has backfired.
When they try to give a job to a vagrant, they find they they try to rob them. When they gave money to various causes, they found the grifters have stolen most of the money. When they have tried to be kind and forgiving, they have been ridiculed for doing so, then attacked and “stabbed in the back”.
Christian Conservatives are pragmatic followers of the writings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible.
[30] SHTF, CWII, and other Alertist Conservatives
Now, let’s get to the fringe.
At least the “fringe” as identified by the mainstream American media. Many people consider “preppers” and those that believe that they SHOULD NOT count on the government when domestic discord spirals out of control domestically, to be “tin foil” hat types.
Not true.
They are historians.
They have read history, and are frightened by the many, many, many parallels between American and other events that have happened in the past and in other nations. These are almost always conservatives who wish to prepare and avoid any hardship and discord. Thus, they will vote accordingly.
I tend to agree with them, and these posts describes why…

[31] Frotocons
There is no clear definition as to what a Frotocon is. It is a term used quite often by El’ Rusbo, but no one has ever sat down and defined what it is until now.
In my mind, it relates to American conservatives that behave like the character Froto from the story “The Lord of the Rings”. He was physically small, weak, had no training, but had a mission and would use what little he possessed, on the hope that someday his mission would be realized.
Frotocon (N) Pejorative. Describing a type of American conservative by their lack of social understanding, failure in political battle, and their stalwart reliance that if they only "stick with the Conservative plan" that "some day" everything will just work out. They are not fighters willing to do battle for any particular Conservative cause. They are bit players that merge with the group and urge them forward, with tiny squeals and statements, that in the long-run the very nature of conservatism will survive. As such they have a mission.
Of course, in the fictional story “The Lord of the Rings”, Froto succeeds in his mission.
But, that is, of course, a fiction.
[32] Fredocons
Mr. Schlichter writes, “We prefer a free society based on personal liberty and mutual respect. But if you leftists veto that option, that leaves us either a society where you rule and oppress us, or one where we hold the power. So let me break this down, both for the left and for their fussy Fredocon enablers: You don’t get to win.”
A Fredocon is a conservative that behaves much like the character Fredo did in the movie series “The Godfather”. They, by their weak-wrist behaviors, are only enabling the enemies of conservatism. They do no good, and in the long run hurt the conservative cause.

Good management requires that there needs to be a strong sorting effort made to remove Fredocon’s from the conservative banner. For they hinder rather than help conservatism.
Guess what kind of Conservative that I am..
Here’s a fun game. Guess what kind, or type, of a American conservative that I am. Yes. Conservatives often have more fun than progressive liberals, simply because we follow rules, and avoid social revisionism.
Here’s two hints…
And at that, I will finish this post. I do hope that you enjoyed it as much as I had writing it. Best Regards.
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