We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Well, this post is to be an elaboration on a few specific MM comments. The poster wanted some clarification on what is going on regarding [1] hotels (in China, obviously) and [2] “new friends” that you might make on your adventures inside of China, and I of course, was more than willing to help him out.
But before I begin, let me clarify a few things.
First Off, China has changed.
China is not the way it was ten years ago, or even later. The days of going to a salon with wall to wall girls that can give you some manly pleasures are few and far-between today. Even in the remote communities. It’s all kind of dying off.
So your experience from ten years ago or longer are actually (sad to say) not really going to be replicated. Those days are over.
I do not see them returning.
The same goes with the ladies that walk the streets, and hang out on the corners. You used to see them everywhere and on certain streets. You can still go to those streets, but things are much more discreet these days. You need to know what you are doing, and have a local friend to help you navigate the local geography.
It’s all about change.
And change is good. Well, in this case it’s good.
Part of the reasons behind these changes it are due to laws, part of it is due to society, and part of it is due to technology.
China has implemented some harsh laws regarding morality. The Chinese government wishes to maintain a traditional culture, and thus many venues related to vice are discouraged. Prostitution has always existed, and still exists, but it is no longer so blatant and open as it used to be.
Raw, Western style, quick flings are a dying breed. Instead, they have been replaced with talented and beautifulcourtesans. These are mighty women. Some youngish (in their 20's) and some older. All strong, capable and beautiful.
Not to mention... profit oriented.
China is very prosperous.
The Western "news" has been so God-Damn awful that no one outside of China realizes just how well off the Chinese are. They are not only far richer than their American equals, but they own multiple homes, have savings, and are generally far happier.
A walk through any Chinese parking lot will produce a vast number of Mercedes, BMW's, Porches, and high-end local vehicles. Not to mention the occasional Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Bentley.
What this means is that even the poorest Chinese person is doing quite well. The need to go prostitute yourself out of drug addiction, poverty or some kind of forced-slavery is no longer on the table. People who prostitute themselves in China do so for additional money, or to improve their lives. Not out of necessity.
QR code in the skies of Shenzhen. All done by laser-mounted and LED mounted drones flying via 5G and AI.
Sure there are dating APPs, and payment APPS and QR codes and all sorts of technology that makes business transactions very easy, and free.
Unlike the USA where every single thing you do comes with a fee, in China it's free. You want to transfer some money electronically, scan the QR. No cost. It's free. Try doing that in America. America is the land with a million tiny, tiny hands in your wallet taking very small bites out of everything that you do, so that at the end of the day your wallet is empty.
Not in China.
So it's much easier to network electronically, make your connections and associations and make some "new friends" in the process. Everyone has a smart phone, and unlike America where you need to pay a weeks salary for one, here in China they are cheap and easy to get. Everyone has them. Everyone uses them.
And if you want to make a few spare yuan on the side, it's ridiculously easy to meet new people, and make new friends.
China is far, far, FAR more advanced than anyone in the West has any idea about. All those electronics, and technologies that come from Germany, Japan, Switzerland and Korea are all developed and made inside of China.
That’s the reality.
And that is partially why the US government is so horrified about “China’s rise”. As if it just happened “over night”. It didn’t.
And don’t even get me started on the idea that America is going to invest 2 trillion dollars on infrastructure to catch up with China…
Catch up…
The second point…
I think that the world has become a very harsh place.
Some places like the Middle East, and America are very difficult places to live. People feel under all sorts of pressure and need a release. They want some fun, and some pleasure.
And while I like to talk about the sexual activity that may or may not be associated with this, I strongly believe that the companionship of some new friends, some good food, and great conversation is really … REALLY… very much in need today.
Seriously, the best conversationalists are women.
I am sorry guys. That’s a fact. And they can chat up a storm, and they are interesting to boot! Add to that the fact that they can read EQ and emote to you on a very deep and significant level. It’s calming to me, and seriously I need to relax before I am ready to perform any kind of sexual activity. I’m not a 16 year old boy. I need intellectual stimulation to relax.
The old days of being “ready to go” in a second and leap into bed are long, long gone. Those days are like a very distant memory to me.
Now from my point of view, as a older man, I need to have more stimulation aside from what you would just get sexually. I need to have some good food. Some great wine. And some great conversation with a woman that spends the time to look great and who is willing to chat up and have some fun with me. Other older men in the MM audience know what I am talking about.
For you’se other guys that don’t know, and don’t understand, you WILL find out.
Just popping a Viagra, or a Cialis just won’t cut it.
It’s no longer about getting “it up”, and “staying hard”. It’s also about wanting to have sex, being interested, and staying interested, and having the energy and stamina to engage in some physical romping.
Your little-MM won’t budge an inch unless you are relaxed and interested in your partner and what they have to say.
That’s just the way it is.
Believe me or not. I don’t care.
For me, you just aren’t gonna get that with a run-of-the-mill street walker. Instead, You get that (what you need) from friends, and from other people who are upwardly mobile looking to chat up with successful and interesting men.
Interesting men. People who can discuss things on a wide selection of topics, and who have some money to spend, and like to play around a little bit. And that’s … well… you all like MM don’t you?
Ok. Enough of that disclaimer.
I think you all know what I am trying to say. Stop thinking that everything is a black and white cartoon. It isn’t. the world is colorful, and the needs of humans are varied and complex. Our best experiences come from understanding and embracing this fact.
Drink some wine. Chat up on a subject that you love to talk about. Be a little goofy, or silly. Don’t be afraid to say things. Joke some, drink some and eat some delicious food. have a great time, and then… relaxed, and engaged, you can take your time alone with your new friends. At a nice, leisurely pace.
It’s a win – win.
The Comment
I think this comment was written on 19APR21.
Concerning “ding dong” girls.
IMO best to just go into the bar. My first experience was in a Zhuhai hotel. (Took ferry straight from Hong Kong airport). The bar folks will call somone to come talk to you if there is no one there.
However, found out the hard way that first Chinese trip that you need to be careful about the pebble trick (I believe that is what happened: someone put a stone in the door so it never fully closed and while showering someone came in and exchanged my real RMB with counterfeit RMB). First the taxi guy told me I had fake RMB (didn’t believe him since I had it exchanged in the bank the previous day) but accepted they were fake when I went for an incredible foot and back massage the next night.
Also, learned the scary way in Shanghai to never go to KTVs that are not connected to the hotels you are staying in, unless you are with a local.
If one had a “ding dong” girl (first time I heard the term), how does one pay them if currency is no longer exchanged? Or do you still need cash for stuff like that?
And this is my response, and note that I elaborated upon it substantially…
You pay the girls using QR scans via Ali-pay, WeChat, or in E-yuan.
The most common way to move money around to friends or make purchases within China is through QR code. Everyone has one, and depending on your situation, you might have a couple all directing to different backs or purposes that you have arranged beforehand. You can read about it HERE.
Sometimes you can use some paper currency. They are useful. No one is going to reject a couple of thousand RMB if you hand it to them.
But in general, you use e-pay. You just generate your personal QR to your bank account. It’s amazingly easy.
If she (or he) is reluctant to give you a QR to scan, you can easily pass the money to here electronically. (BTW, It’s never happened.) I know that there is a KTV club in Louhu, Shenzhen that has a nice troop of young attractive men (in white) that service the ladies. They have a QR code printed on a cloth that is sewn into their jacket. They just flop out the cloth QR and the lady (or guy) scans the code and everyone is good to go.
Male hosts tend to provide services to the ladies in fine, clean (and often white) attire.
It doesn’t sound very classy, but it is. It’s all in the presentation. You know, for a man who is providing services to a lady, the actions and the behaviors are all very scripted and precise. It’s not crude at all, but rather very refined, polite, and calming.
In general, the most common way of transferring money is through the exchange of wechat names, and then you can either do a direct transfer, or send a few red envelopes to her. As in the picture at the top of this article.
Sending a “red envelope” full of money to a friend is very easy using WeChat.
If that doesn’t work, then you can do a direct surface to surface transfer of cash.You use a direct transfer APP and put your two phones physically together and the transfer goes directly without using Wifi.
Finally, if she is associated with the hotel, you can tack her fees to your hotel bill, and the gal at the register will hand her cash or transfer via QR.
Most of the bars with the bar-girls available via ferry from HK to Shekou no longer exist. The entire area has been built up by overseas Chinese investors and is now one large sprawling mall with Western prices. Yikes!
As far as Zhuhai is concerned, the major hotels that were involved in the KTV girls pretty much were closed. The hotel in front of my home was busted in 2013 for having 600 KTV girls. It was a night of many sorrows, I can well imagine.
Vice raids on Chinese hotels that host KTV girls and boys occur all over China. Since 2013 the police has put a major clamp-down on these establishments and most have ended up operating in a stealth mode ever since.
Ding Dong girls are the girls on the colorful business cards that you see shoved under your hotel doors, or on the street. Usually if you see a trail of cards on the sidewalk, they are a trail of “bread crumbs” that you follow to a hotel lobby.
You can tell that “X” marks the spot with a bunch of cards lying on the cement in front of the lobby door.
So you look down, see all these business sized colorful cards with pictures of cute girls and then you look in the front lobby. There when you go in, you’ll see from three to seven girls all sitting around in the lobby looking bored and playing with their phones.
You can, of course, go up to them and chat.
But more commonly is that you turn on your wechat “scan for local members” and see if any of the girls near you are broadcasting.This feature will alert you to all the local people near you with a wechat on. Which should be a couple thousand. But if you only look at those that are the closest to you, you will be fine. You should be able to pick out the girls really easily.
For instance, if you are in a lobby, the girls will be from 1 to 10 meters away. So you look over the closest girls and try to associate the girl with the wechat picture. The smartest girls will put their picture so that you can recognize them directly.
Chances are, that they are available. so you find the gal that you want, and you connect, and send her a message. The wechat function allows you to chat and translate at the same time. So you just say hi. Ask the amount, and the desired services, and then you two can go up to the hotel and have some fun.
It’s super convenient.
Now the “shake” feature is something different. You can easily connect with someone. You both click on the shake feature , and then both phones will connect. It’s useful when you don’t have a local Wifi and you don’t want to use data. You just shake and broadcast.
I tend not to use it very much.
But it can get you to meet some interesting people…
About the “fun”
Well, I assume that most MM readers are adults, eh?
Fun means many things to many people. When I was a younger fellow, I would immediately get down to “business”. Get my rocks off and they see the lady out the door. But, you know, that’s a long, long time ago.
So you see guys, as you get older, your testosteronedropsdramatically, You just don’t have the interest in sex like you used to have when you are younger.
Now, the thing is that it’s not only the singular need to have enough blood pressure in the nether regions so you can pop up a nice erection, but rather it is the entire system.
It’s like a car that’s getting old…
Worn out car. This is what happens to hard-drivers when they get old.
When you get old, you are like a high-performance car that needs some really, really good tender loving and care.
You run out of gas…
…and out of oil,
…and out of windshield washer fluid,
…and out of brake fluid,
…and out of steering wheel fluid,
…and a loss of air pressure in the tires…
And along with that comes with the entire effort to “get it up” to engage in sexual activity.
Actually as bad as it sounds, it’s no big deal. We all (really) don’t care that much about it. The truth of the matter is that by the time you are in your mid-60’s you know how the world works and discover that your fears about relationships and sex are just nonsense.
And when you don’t have that testosterone screaming in your ear all day and night, you can take your time and savor what is in front of you. Things are not so urgent, and driven any longer.
You no longer gobble down a hamburger and wash it down with a coke. Instead, you take the time to find a nice local restaurant, and call a friend to join you. You pick out the meal carefully, and you savor the smells, the environment, and the companionship. You appreciate things more. You are no longer in such a frantic rush to “obtain”, or to “get” what ever it is that you are being driven towards.
As you get older, you start to savor what is placed before you. And you start enjoying life.
What is going on…
There are three primary components to a male sex rive & ability. They are…
Ability to have (and maintain) an erection. [Blood pressure]
Interest and desire
Ability to make the milky goodness and release.
Of course, this is never spoken about. The closest you ever come to this kind of discussion is on a Viagra commercial. But it’s a real issue and you all should be made aware of it.
Guys, because after all, we all encounter these situations. One way or the other, and…
Women, to understand what is going on with the men in your life, you need to best understand a little bit about their biology.
I really don’t want to have this entire article degrade into a biologically based topic, but I do want to though out some quick notes that people can nod in agreements with or go “pshaw! You dat crazy!”.
[1] Ability to have (and maintain) an erection. [Blood pressure]
This is easy, more or less, to take care of. There are medicines (today) such as viagra, levitra and cialis. that can take care of this issue. The thing is about this is that you must be careful with drinking alcohol when you mix drugs. And when you are older, and you are taking other medicines for heart issues, blood pressure issues, and other issues, mixing medicines can come with consequences.
The thing is, and it's an important thing, just being hard and strong means nothing unless your other two issues are taken cared for.
[2] Interest and desire
The ability to have interest and desire is also complex. Much of that comes from Testosterone. and men tend to lose it as they get older. Which can be a real problem. You can end up having a lot of sex, but can never release. It can be a little frustrating. Don't you know.
Now there are natural ways to increase your production of this very important hormone. Good healthy food, and moderate exercise will work wonders. You can also take one of the different kinds of testosterone medications that are available.
Heck! You can even get some of the testosterone injection tablets that they inject into cattle (to make them big) and suck on it for a few minutes to improve your dose. (They are little white pills that look like tip of a ball point pen, on shaped like a miniature barrel.) But like all medications, if you do that without compensation in other areas, you might cause other problems. Try to strive for balance.
[3] Ability to make the milky goodness and release.
And thus, with the two above systems working well, and you are interested and relaxed with your partner, you would be able to ejaculate. And this (of course) starts up and fires up those wonderful endorphins that make us all feel good and healthy.
And the more times you do this a day (with a partner) the younger you become. Not just in mental attitude, but also in physical health.
Which leads me to…
Never the less, having sex is a great way to get exercise, and we need exercise. If you don’t get your needed exercise you can be prone to illnesses, and those illnesses can actually kill you. So exercise is an important part of your daily regimen. So we engage in healthy pleasureful exercise every opportunity we get.
Did you know that men who have daily or sex often (during) a week tend to live, act, and look ten times younger? Its true!
So every opportunity I get, I try to engage in sex… you know… for health reasons. It’s important for me (personally) and for my family. It’s a need that all men must take regardless of your age.
Now if you don’t believe me, that’s fine too. But I am going to stick with my theories. Thank you very much.
The need for fun & companionship
All this being said, even if you have near-zero levels of testosterone, and a low interest in sex, you do want and need to have companionship. And if you are out and about, on the road, working like crazy, far away from home you do get lonely.
It might be nice eating in a restaurant a few times a week, but it gets really old, really fast if you are forced to do it every single day.
Business Road Warrior.
The life of a “road warrior” is not all that it is cracked up to be. And so when you are out with your friend and are out and about, it’s a real pleasure to have some close physical contact with an attractive member of the opposite sex who you want talk to and who is interesting.
And really…
Why be lonely when you could share it with other nice and interesting people. Not just women, of course, but men. And dogs. And cats. Is that fight, fight, fight for the “big money” worth taking away from some companionship, pleasures and fun?
I say NO!
Now, we’ve talked about all sorts of things, but let’s get down to talking about hotels. And Lordy, I have seen my fair share. I have been in every kind of hotel imaginable inside China. From five star castles to one star flop-houses, to rural three-star “business” hotels, to Bordello Hotels. I’ve been to them all.
It’s always an adventure.
They are not the clones of hotels that you see in the USA. Whether it is a Marriott, Hilton or Hotel-6. Each hotel inside of China has it’s own very unique and interesting branding. It’s all a real pleasure.
Like before, this all began with a comment…
In reply to congjing yu.
Your integrity shows by not trying to dispel reality.
The criticism of public washrooms must include a caveat about Hotel rooms and their showers.
Spent over a hundred days in China over 20+ trips to China in early 2010’s. Being SuperElite on Air Canada had me upgraded on almost ever flight to First Class while paying almost always under USD$1,000 return. So I am smart cheap and have experiences in Chinese hotels. And was fortunate to hit 6 of 7 continents before 50 and hope to step on 7th before I die.
Chinese hotels are the BOMB! Spacious and Clean and everyone with King-sized beds. Now there are filthy hotels I am sure, but I always paid between USD$50-USD$100/night. Each room would have cost more than USD$300 in Western Europe, USD$250 in NYC, and over USD$150 everywhere else in Canada and the U.S.
The Showers were the best in the World. All showers had room for 2 and many for 3. Rain showers with incredible shower heads were included in almost all rooms. Some had water jets from the sides. Funny things is that half were glass so you could see the rest of the room while showering (something I have never experienced outside China – maybe available in rest of southeast Asia, but I have not traveled there)! There was a shower curtain (shower privacy blind) on the side facing the room, so if you had a visitor in your room and didn’t want them to see you, you could pull down.
I suggest anyone wanting to see what I am raving about just watch a few of the many Chinese quarantine videos out there.
MM, question: You showed us your kit that you use to go on overnight stays. You included a toothbrush and toiletries. Have Chinese hotels gone the Rest of the World way and no longer provide these?
Every hotel room I was in had complimentary combs, tooth brushes, and plenty of everything else. Many even had complimentary condoms.
Great info on the hotels, I think that I am going to write an article on this subject int he future. Thanks for the alert!
Actually, I am so used to the Hotels inside of China that I have forgotten just how shoddy the ones in the United States are.
You are absolutely correct, and they all are nice. Or course, you were a foreigner so you probably stayed at the four and five star hotels, and of course they are the shit! I’ll tell you what, but you must know that I am used to sleeping all over the place in China, from five star hotels to one star hotels. So I have a pretty decent idea of what it is all about.
Most showers are glass. When I mean most, I mean 99.9999% are. I have NEVER seen a shower curtain in my life here. Most are very open, spacious and have these very nice shower heads. Most of the shower accessories are made in FoShan, and coincidentally, I happen to know most of the factory bosses for this particular line of products. And yeah… all over the world… they are all made in China.
Foshan is in the center of the Guangdong province. It is near the major city of Guangzhou.
As far as the kit goes, each hotel is different.
Most do have toiletries. They do, as well as complementary items for your use and a few free bottles of water, a tea kettle, and free tea. Also normal are disposable slippers, bathrobes, and condom access. Also normal is a gas mask (in a red box) in case there is a fire in the hotel.
Emergency fire-mask that can be found in all of the hotels inside of China.
What is not normal is ice. The only time where I have seen an ice machine is in the five star western hotels. Never in the local hotels.
Also a shaving kit tends to be hit or miss. I would say around 40% of the hotels don’t have them. Also missing is hand creme or lotion. This seems to be very common in the United States, but absolutely absent in China.
Now that all being said, on occasion, I have run into instances where there isn’t a toothbrush. It does happen, you know. So what I tend to do is pick up a spare brush or two and throw it in my kit just in case. I haven’t needed them for a while, but it’s better safe than sorry.
In the smaller cities, you can also get a lot of “ding dong” girl cars slid under your door. They tend to look good on the cards, but the real deal is rather hit or miss.
Ding Dong Cards
These are the cards that you find lying everywhere. They have a half-life and tend to expire, so if you find a fresh card around then you can probably pick it up if you want to meet someone new.
While I am at it…
Let’s take a look at some of the advertisements that you can find inside the men’s bathrooms all over China. The following is a stamp that I think ended up being stamped everywhere in China. They must have used a couple tankers of red ink to advertise all this…
Manly advertisements.
This is pretty much how it is inside of China.
If you are at a Western hotel that caters to travelers from the West the beds will be extra soft, they will have complementary coffee packets, some hand lotion, and English-fluent staff. The rest of China will, however, have harder beds. Complementary tea bags, and instructions in Chinese.
It’s all good.
A final note…
We are not machines.
And the illusions that the media, and that the “news” provide to us tend to be lies. The gals in the pictures that you see might be all that perfect, and alluring and wonderful, but you know what?
It’s when their real personality comes out that I really get interested in them. It’s when I see what they are like. It’s when I see that behind that nice perfect appearance that they have “heart”, passion, and uniqueness.
It’s the PERSONALITY that makes my jizzle sizzle!
Do you want more?
I have more posts along these lines in my China KTV Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
In this article we are going to look at some of the most common games that drunk adults play in China. It’s a fundamental part of Chinese culture. This is true whether you are in a bar, or a KTV, or just messing around eating BBQ outside at 4am. Playing with dice is a (seemingly) national pastime.
We are going to talk about two subjects primarily…
Drinking alcohol.
Playing games in the KTV.
I am covering it here as part of my business KTV section. You don’t need to go to a business KTV to play it. But knowing how to play the game is going to be really helpful to be able to control your drinking. Otherwise, you will be too drunk to do anything when it comes time to go to your hotel room.
You do NOT want that.
Oh, HELL no!
You need to control your alcohol intake, and part of being able to do that is to understand the drinking games that you will play with your companion.
So listen up.
Ok. So here you are….
You have had a very fulfilling meal. You impressed your hosts with your drinking ability, and you gave them great face by eating all sorts of delicious Chinese food. Now it is time to play. So, arrangements have been made, and your are driven into a non-descript building with a tiny-tiny sign that says KTV on it, and you depart the car in the basement. Your aide helps you into the elevator and you find yourself being led to the KTV room for the evenings festivities. You’ve already selected a companion and after you two clink glasses of beer together she picks up a big plastic cup with five dice inside of it. What now?
What now?
Here we are going to discuss some of the dice games that you can play. You only need to know one or two. Then just use that as a basic of getting drunk. Have fun, and don’t get too caught up on what you are doing. Just relax, and have fun.
It is part of the Chinese culture, especially among Chinese men, to drink beer or Baijiu when gathering with friends and family during hotpot dinner or KTV sessions. So be ready to 干杯gān bēi (drink up). It is part of Chinese culture to toast with people that are with you in order to make them feel that you consider them and care about them. If someone toasts with you ten times in ten minutes, just go with it and drink up ten times.
-6 Interesting facts about Chinese KTVs
The beauty of China‘s drinking games is that they cut down on the rules, leaving plenty of time for pure, unadulterated imbibing. Whether your preferred tipple is a beer or a cocktail, there’s a game to suit you.
In China, a very successful boss is someone who can drink very strong alcohol and hold his own and maintain “face” while the rest of the world watches on.
Realize that everything listed here is conducted with healthy quantities of alcohol. If you cannot or will not drink alcohol, I would advise you NOT to come to China.
Warning! Before going to China on business or for pleasure, make sure you understand the cultural implications of drinking, or not drinking, alcohol, or you will most likely suffer unwanted consequences. It’s not always lighthearted fun and games in China.
To boil down this complicated issue to one sentence: You can have friends, be rich and drink …. or don’t drink and be lonely and poor.
While that might seem overly exaggerated to some, anyone familiar with drinking culture in China can tell you that at best, this is a slightly black and white, yet mostly accurate, description.
-China Educational Tours
Understand China well; If you cannot drink alcohol, they will take your money, but you will have ZERO respect.
In China, the ability to drink hard alcohol in large quantities is a measure of your worth. If you cannot do it, you will be judged as something undesirable. It is better to try to handle the alcohol and throw it all out in the privacy of the bathroom than lose face to your peers of business associates. This is a Fair Warning.
A Quick Review
The dice games usually occur at a KTV after a full night of eating and drinking in a restrurant.
It should come as no surprise that China has more of a collective culture and less of an individualistic one. Therefore, in social situations, things are done more as a group and less as an individual. Drinking is done no differently.
You’ll be at a restaurant, sitting at a round table with white table cloth, and 10-20 other people. Depending on the occasion, there could be multiple tables (for weddings, it’s of course the entire room). Snacks and then food will be served, along with copious amounts of alcohol.
However, usually everyone drinks together, at certain times (not necessarily whenever they feel like it) and rarely alone. Someone next to you may say “quànjiǔ” which means “let’s drink together” and is a way for them to propose a toast. Or, the most senior host may propose a toast for the table before the junior host does the same.
Throughout the evening, there will be many, many, truly many toasts – both small toasts between you and the person next to you or on the other side of the table, and large toasts for the whole table.
If you cannot drink alcohol, don’t even bother coming to China…!
If it’s a wedding or other multi-table event, people will gradually begin to just walk from table to table toasting almost everyone they see.
Note: for anyone not familiar with the custom of “toasting”, it means that drinking alcohol with the toaster is pretty much obligatory.
The drinks are usually in small shot glasses (sometimes only half the size of a regular shot glass) and will be beer or red wine if you’re lucky, baijiu if you’re not.
Toasts are little more than the word “Ganbei”, although they can be longer. For those curious minds asking,
“Would it be ok for someone to toast me with Ganbei and instead of downing the drink all at once, I just take a sip (as they down theirs)?”
The answer – NO! Not really.
It is an action considered to be RUDE by the majority of people. No one is going to force you to shotgun your drink, but it leaves an awkward, slightly offended moment, as if someone goes to high-5, or fist-bump, another person and the other person just walks by. In the end though, it’s your choice.
If invited to an event – be it a business-type meeting, a wedding, a graduation, etc. – you will more than likely, be EXPECTED to drink.
And it IS expected.
And there will be pressure to do so (more pressure if you’re male, less pressure if you’re female).
Your glass will be filled (and refilled), and refilled yet again.
People will make toasts or raise their glass towards you, and … most importantly, it will be considered incredibly rude to refuse.
China does not give the same consideration to individual preference regarding drinking as is normally done in English-speaking countries (especially in Canada and the US). This is something that they have never of. It is something that is simply NOT done.
In other words, “No thanks, I’m good” is not usually considered acceptable and instead will likely be considered rude, insulting, and offensive.
To decline an offer of drinking is to insult your host.
To illustrate, imagine being invited to someone’s house for dinner and doing one of the following: 1) not eating or drinking anything, all while sitting at the table with a disgusted look; 2) going to someone’s house for dinner and telling the host their house is ugly, their furniture looks cheap, their decoration is in poor taste.
Refusing a drink in China is considered somewhere in between those two illustrations. It is a MAJOR Faux Pas.
Faux PasA faux pas is a socially awkward or tactless act, especially one that violates accepted social norms, standard customs, or the rules of etiquette. The expression faux pas comes from French, where it means "false step", "misstep". It has been used in English for over 300 years.
In China, you will discover that even tiny petite little girls will be able to drink very strong alcohol. If you cannot compete against them, how can you compete against hard steely company bosses? China is all about relationships and the competition building them.
Rejecting the drink is felt as a rejection of the person offering the drink. It is not seen to have anything to do with a person’s personal taste preference, comfort level, tolerance, or previous drinking habits. Thus, the unintentional insult that a western may convey when turning down alcohol, will spill over into, and harm, business and social relationships.
In between toasts, there will be lots of eating, joking, storytelling (probably all in Mandarin unless you’re in a bilingual, bicultural group), and some drinking games as the night progresses. All the while, people will be toasting one another faster than a swarm of bees hitting a flower parade.
Ten to fifty toasts per hour is a pretty reasonable expectation.
Once dinner is over, the party could continue into the wee hours of the morning at a KTV or massage parlor. If it’s a business dinner, and you want to sign a contract or close a deal, expect the night to go ‘til late. I’ve been out as late at 7am the next morning.
Check my other posts on this subject on how to control the timing and events.
Non-alcohol drinkers are viewed within China as losers, thief’s, untrustworthy, dangerous, sly, and a big problem. It’s sort of the way that the homeless in San Francisco are viewed as they shit on the sidewalk.
Some advice
The following is from an article titled “Ganbei – Chinese Drinking Culture” . Reproduced as found, minus the pictures. Edited to fit this venue, and all credit to the original author(s) and all credit to the website at the link listed. I would suggest you visit this most excellent site.
Toasting culture and rules
It’s bad enough if you refuse a drink, don’t insult your hosts more by messing up the toasting rules too.
1) Toasts are not usually long, draw-out affairs that take minutes to complete. These types of toasts are saved for more ceremonious occasions. Often, a “toast” simply means someone turns in your direction or physically approaches you, lifts their full (shot) glass and says the magic word, “Ganbei!”. That’s it. You’ve now been toasted (or, colloquially speaking, ‘ganbeied’) and you’re now expected to grab your full (shot) glass and drink. Don’t have a full glass? No worries. The person doing the ganbeiing will gladly fill it for you before proposing the ganbei.
2) Toasts are somewhat of a power move in China. The person giving the toast is seen to have the power and the person accepting the toast is somewhat acknowledging that power. Therefore, the most senior host at a banquet will usually offer the first toast — accidentally stealing this opportunity from them is very bad form indeed. This ‘power’ issue is more the case early on in the evening than later after everyone is sloshed, but never forget what toasting truly represents in China.
If you cannot handle your alcohol, don’t bother coming to China.
3) Stand and raise your glass for formal toasts when others at the table do so.
"干杯"(Gānbēi)is the drinking toast equivalent of “cheers” in English. However, beware of the fact that “干杯” literally translates to “dry glass.” You WILL be expected to finish your drink after the toast.
"我敬你一杯” (Wǒ jìng nǐ yībēi) is used to toast to a specific person. The person being toasted to is expected to at least take a sip of his/her drink.
A more generous way of making a toast to someone is “我干了,你随意” (Wǒ gànle, nǐ suíyì), which means “I will finish my glass, but you can drink at your leisure.”
4) In general, it’s a good rule to follow those around you, especially the elders at the table.
5) Avoid taking a drink alone. Only drink with the group. Never singularly – Western style. You should wait until a toast is given and then drink with the group. Or, wait until someone decides to toast you. Or, if you’re thirsty and really want the drink, try to find someone who you think is probably on, or below, your ‘social level’ (for example, a similar or lower rank in the company or of similar age in a social circle) and toast them.
6) You’ll want to avoid, at first ,toasting people significantly higher in rank, or older, than you as this can be seen as disrespectful (see #2). Unlike in the West, toasting the senior, important members of a group is not necessarily taken as a token of respect from the toaster to the toastee, but instead a slightly disrespectful gesture that implies you feel you are more important than he/she is. If you’re brand new to the group and you have no idea who anyone’s position is and you accidentally toast the boss at the beginning of the evening, it will usually be seen as humorous and you’ll get a pass for being a foreigner who didn’t know better. As the night wears on, it will become more acceptable to toast those of higher rank and age if you choose to do so.
Bosses, and Leaders can initiate toasts.
Friends and colleagues can toast to each other.
Avoid toasting upwards. You toast on your own stratified level, and only toast upwards when invited.
7) Use your right hand to hold your glass when toasting and drinking. You can place your left hand under the glass to show greater respect while someone is giving a toast if you would like. It’s a two-handed toast, and very respectful.
8) When you clink glasses together, always lower yours and clink the top of your glass a bit lower than the person(s) you are toasting – this shows respect. You won’t be thrown out on your keister for accidentally clinking your glass higher than theirs, but you’ll get bonus points for properly following the cultural norms.
When clinking glasses, the junior people should always hold their glass lower than those of senior folks. This not only applies to business situations, but also to family dinners (i.e. son-in-law will hold his glass lower than father-in-law).
If you are late to the party, you are expected to punish yourself by drinking. Most latecomers actually enjoy the “punishment,” as it allows them to catch up to the rest of the people at the party.
Whoever proposes a toast is always expected to finish his or her glass.
Lastly, it is considered extremely rude to refuse a drink after someone toasts you. The amount you drink after someone toasts you is tied to the amount of respect you are showing them. Of course, “drying your glass” is considered the utmost respect at the dinner table.
Getting down to business
In many western countries, people often do business sober, or mostly sober, and then get inebriated afterwards to celebrate.
China kind of does this in reverse.
Drinking, especially drinking to the point of getting drunk, is a way to establish trust between individuals or groups. Without it, most Chinese feel uncomfortable moving forward with people/a person who they don’t trust. It’s a big NO-NO when doing any kind of business, or having personal relationships inside of China.
So, a question many westerns have is, “When should I get down to business?” Well, don’t do it at the table. You do not do it there. And you don’t even start considering this issue until everyone is good and drunk and the boss (hosting the event) shows his opinion of you up-front. Usually that means buying you a girl or two, and going to a KTV.
Non-drinkers in China are shunned.
The Chinese drinking table is not the same as a London or NYC lunch booth.
Think of the table as merely the interview. You’re being sized up. You’re being evaluated on a wide range of different aspects. Mostly, people are just wondering can they trust you.
Although you may hint or lightly touch on business issues at the table, the drinking session is mostly to form a human bond for doing business later — perhaps even at the late-night karaoke joint across the street. So, just relax, enjoy yourself, focus on making strong social connections, and remember that here, business can wait. Furthermore, for obvious reasons, the drinking table is not the place to sign contracts or make critical decisions.
Status symbol – there’s no such thing as “the cheap stuff”
With alcohol being such a status and power symbol, it’s not easy to find inexpensive bottles of wine and hard liquor (unless you want Baijiu).
53% alcohol – the “good” stuff.
A lot of the consumption is at the higher end of the scale with some parties resembling a club table of big name NBA or Hip-Hop stars. Some wines are proudly displayed and consumed that run tens of thousands of dollars per bottle.
This only occurs of course in the richest of social circles, but if you’re lucky, you may get an exclusive invite to one of these gatherings which means that one glass of something you’re drinking may cost more than your entire trip, and the whole bottle could easily be worth more than your car.
Baijiu 白酒 (bái jiǔ) – Also called sorghum wine, Baijiu is the drink of choice for business dinners in China. This clear liquor is as intoxicating as tequila, with the added burning stench of rubbing alcohol. The most popular brand of Baijiu is Maotai, which can be as strong as 60% alcohol-by-volume (compared to an average vodka at 40% ABV.)
Red Wine 红酒 (hóng jiǔ) – Red wine has increased in popularity at Chinese dinner tables in recent years along with the rising interest in luxury goods. Popular choices include top French wines such as Lafit or Latour.
Beer – 啤酒 (pí jiǔ)Popular Chinese beer brands include Tsingtao and Harbin Beer, which are crisp, refreshing lagers that can cool the burning sensations from drinking Baijiu.
(Some speciality alcohols may be consumed on certain holidays, such as huangjiu during DuanWu Festival. Chinese minorities also often have their own unique fermentation processes for different wines and spirits.)
Specific Alcohols
The Chinese have their own phonetically-similar versions of most English-named drinks, so make sure you know your drink names or you may end up with something that you did not order!
Johnny Walker
Blue Hawaii
Black Russian
White Russian
Gin and tonic
Whiskey coke
Bloody Mary
Other tips
1) There are no spouses at formal business dinners. Business may eventually be conducted at some point in the night and those talks alone may be uninteresting to your spouse.
2) The party doesn’t always end at the restaurant. It often continues to other places that are, let’s say, not exactly appropriate for taking a spouse. Many westerns would be surprised at how much business gets done in a sauna or while laying on your stomach getting a massage – neither place, in China, would be the type of place where most people would want to take their spouses.
Actually, I would say that about 90% of the time the after dinner is at a "Business KTV" with Long-time and short-time girls. The remaining 10% is a mixture of venues that can include a massage or sauna (with long-time and short-time girls).
3) No Tipping. Tipping is not the norm in China and your host will probably cover the check, so no need to leave a tip or offer to “chip in.”
Everyone in China drinks alcohol. To reject the offer to drink alcohol is an insult to the person, their culture and to their way of life. DON’T DO IT!
Chui Niu, AKA Dice
A staple of bars and KTV joints across the country, Chui Niu, known to foreigners simply as Dice, is perhaps China’s favorite drinking game. Though the rules are simple, the results are dangerous, so make sure you know your limits when attempting this game.
Each player begins with a cup and five six-sided dice. When it is your turn, you shake your dice in the cup and look at the result surreptitiously. Then, you must say the total number of dice of a certain figure, for example “three threes,” that you believe are contained under the sum of everyone’s cups. This continues in a circle, with each subsequent player upping the ante – that is, you cannot guess twos after fives have already been spoken for. So you can say “two sixes” after someone has said “four fives,” but you cannot say “six twos” after someone has said “five fours.”
If you cannot drink alcohol in China, you will be considered a misfit and a loser.
The game is about pushing your luck and calling people out on their bullshit. When you think someone has said an impossible figure, you can shout “bu xing,” meaning “not possible,” and everyone must show their dice. If the player who said the number guessed less than or exactly the correct number, the person who shouted “bu xing” must drink.
If the guesser was above the correct number, however, he or she is the one who must drink.
So you played some dice, what’s next?
If invited to KTV, you’re pretty much expected to sing, regardless of your ability (or lack of). If someone in the room has the voice of an angel – or is borderline blackout drunk – you can expect them to take the standing mic at the front of the room and throw a few shapes while they’re immersed in the moment.
The audience typically claps and cheers no matter how good or painful the entertainment, and this tends to magnify as the evening wears on and alcohol consumption peaks.
No one gives a rat’s ass if you can sing or not. If you want to give and maintain face you MUST appear to be enjoying the entire evening.
As the average KTV room is ridiculously loud, chatting is practically impossible. Therefore, expect personal distance to go out of the window as mouth-to-ear conversation becomes the norm.
Chinese version of a successful businessman.
How to KTV
1) Drink some booze and grow a pair
2) Think of a song/ an artist
3) Select the English interface unless your zhōngwén is hěn lìhài
4) If it’s a song name you’re after, type the first letter of each word from the song title (e.g. ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ would be ‘d-l-b-i-a’). If it’s an artist or band, start typing their name and it should pop up
5) Select and queue the song
6) Choose to sing with either the original song playing, half-solo (faint lyrics) or solo
7) Put on a good show for your audience
Why are you in China if you are not going to embrace the culture and experience life?
Song Genres
The availability of English songs is reflected by the price and reputation of the KTV facility. Practically all KTVs stock some classic English hits, while upscale KTVs (such as 纯K) have plenty of modern tracks to choose from. Expect to see a plethora of English and American pop and rock songs from the likes of The Wanted, Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, Coldplay, Jason Mraz, Black Eyed Peas and Lady Gaga.
Sing a song or two, then Genbei a round or two. Then back to your girl and pick up the plastic cup. You might want to play an American version of the dice…
The American Game with Five Dice
This is an American game, but seemingly adapts well to a Chinese KTV. The gals won’t understand what you are saying, but they will get the gist of the game and you all will have a rocking good time playing it.
I will honestly say that this is the most popular game in China that I have played and almost every gal understands how to play it.
To communicate that you want to play this game you simply take three dice. Show the four, the five, and the six in a lineup together. They almost always nod their heads in understanding.
American style five dice game.
Players take turns rolling all five dice.
Now it’s your turn.
What you are trying to do is get a 6-5-4 combination.
You are trying to get one (four) + one (five) + one (six)
You are permitted three tries.
If, after three tries, you just cannot get a “4 + 5 + 6”, then you must drink. And the game proceeds to the next person. Who then starts his / her turn.
But more often than not, you will be successful in getting this roll.
So, if all three appear on the first roll, the player’s “point” is the sum of the remaining two dice. Here’s some examples…
Die 1
Die 2
Die 3
Die 4
Die 5
Examples of play combinations
OK. So now, you have a score.
It’s the next person’s turn.
You compare the scores. The low score drinks.
So, how do you keep track of each other's score? You leave the score dice as they fell in place. Then you compare them. It's much easier that way.
But wait!
[1] You can try to get a better score by rolling again. You have up to three rolls, so theoretically, if you scored a 4+5+6 on the first roll, you can get as many as two other tries to better your score. But, you MUST take the score(s) from the earlier 4+5+6 rolls and include them in your latest score.
Die 1
Die 2
Die 3
Die 4
Die 5
Example of a play combination
[2] If a 6 or a 6 and a 5 appear on the first roll (but no 4), they are set aside. You can use them to get a better score on the next roll.
Die 1
Die 2
Die 3
Die 4
Die 5
An example of carry-over play.
It is entirely possible for a player to roll three times and get no point because the 6-5-4 was never made. The player with the highest point wins.
The preferred choice of alcohol (in China) is baijiu. Baijiu is high proof, and because drinking in China has been categorized as masculine, most men tend to drink it. Though there are times when they tend to drink beer or wine, nothing shows your masculinity like baijiu.
However, it’s not always about finishing your shot of baijiu before anyone else. There’s an etiquette to drinking when you find yourself sharing drinks with business associates, be mindful of how you behave.
When someone toasts, it is expected of you to finish your cup, or ganbei. When people do toast, be sure to clink your glass against everyone’s. If the person you’re toasting against is your superior, be sure to bring your glass lower than theirs when you clink glasses.
But beware, if you clink glasses, it means you want to go bottoms up! If you’re not sure how to work yourself into the Chinese drinking culture, just be sure to use both hands when offering, receiving, or drinking your beverage.
So, for the non-drinkers out there…
So you are reading this, and you say “Hey! I don’t drink alcohol, and I am a better person for it!” To which I reply “good for you!”. But don’t come to China.
That is like saying to an American,
"Hey! I like American and respect all Americans except... I hate pizza, hate hamburgers, and hotdogs. I do not like the American flag, and football, baseball, and cars. But aside from that, America is great. Just don't shoot off any fireworks, play rock music, and I despise country and western music. But yeah. I love America. Oh, and by the way, I hate cars! And your "news" sucks, and the idea that people love football is disgusting to me. I think all football fans belong in a mental hospital!But, yeah, America is great!"
If you are up to it, you might want to try, or be taught, some of the more popular dice games in China. I’m sure that the gals will be able to teach you. One of the most popular is Liar Dice.
Liar Dice – Chui Niu, 吹牛
Liar’s Dice is, as the name implies, is a game that encourages bluffing. Each player shakes a cup containing five dice. Without revealing their roll, each player in turn must call out their prediction for the total number of a certain face-value (such as 5 x 6s) for all the dice on the table, including their own. The next player must either up the bid or call the previous player a liar. The aim of the game is to avoid being called out on your bluff and losing, which inevitably leads to the downing whatever is in your glass. If you’ve never player before, don’t worry. It sounds way more complicated than it actually is.
Over time this game has gained a lot of popularity among the locals. It has stood the test of time as one of the best and most thrilling dice game that one can enjoy in China.
The rules are simple, two or more players seated at a table making bids and rolling the dice. Well, albeit you are wondering what the fun is in such a setting. Well, bluffing and wit are the primary attributes that you need to sit at this table. Bluffing and counter-bluffing are merely ways for the players to display courage and challenge each other to a duel of rolling the dice. If your opponents make a bid, you can raise the stakes even higher, or declare it to be a bluff.
There is a need for strategy and tact when playing the game.
When playing Liar dice, you have to be vigilant. It’s a good source for an adrenaline rush, not knowing what is coming your way keeps your senses heightened. At the end of it all, emerging as the winner is the best feeling anyone can have and you will quickly realize why the locals hold the game in such high regard.
It is not for the faint-hearted, but for the strong-spirited. That said when in China you cannot afford to sit out of a game of Liar dice. It is on such tables that you will make long lasting international friendships and get a glimpse of the fun side of China. In short popular dice games in China is a real glimpse into the Chinese culture.
Liar’s dice is by far the most popular dice game in almost all cultures. This game can be played with as many players as there are dice to go around and requires focus and strategy. Although the gambling aspect of this game can be stressful, it is also what makes it the most fun. (Warning: Do not begin playing this game without perfecting your poker face. The bluff is probably the only place where a language barrier comes in handy.)
Need: At Least 2 People, 5 die per person and 1 cup per person
Objective: You want to be the last person in the game with any amount of die in your cup.
Everyone sits in a circle in order to have as much privacy as possible
Each round consists of a dice shake up and a cup flip.
When you flip your cup only open it up enough for yourself to see what kind of hand you rolled at first.
The first person to speak is whoever lost the last game first or whoever just lost the last round.
The number one is a wildcard and can count as any number.
When the first person speaks, they use the dice they have to estimatehow many of a certain number there will be amongst all of the players dice.
For example the first player will start out by saying: There are eight threes amongst all of us (including the 1’s in their calculation, which would count as threes).
Then when it’s the next person’s turn they are allowed to do one of the following:
a. Call that person’s bluff
b. Up the ante by saying that they believe there are one or higher of that same number amongst all of them. For example: There are nine threes amongst all of us.
c. Up the ante by saying that they believe there are either the same amount or higher of a number that is higher than the original number being estimated about. For example: there are eight fours amongst all of us.
You cannot however, guess a lower amount of the original number or estimate a higher amount of a number lower than the original.
The estimations will carry on and increase in one number or another until eventually someone is forced to call someone’s bluff.
In the case of calling someone’s bluff, everyone must open their cups and put the dice that are relevant to the last guess on top of their upside down cup (so if the last call was eight fours, each player must put all their fours and ones on top of their upside down cup). If there are in fact less than what the player estimated of that certain number then they will lose a die. However, if they are equal to or more of the number (including ones) that the player estimated then the person calling the bluff would lose a die.
After someone loses a die a new round is begun and people must adjust their estimates based on the new odds with the lost die accounted for.
When one loses all of their die then they are out of the game.
The final two people in the game will battle it out until one of them is the only person left with any number of die in their cup.
To make this into a drinking game: Instead of making the person who guesses wrong lose a dice, have them take a drink. By playing this way the odds will remain the same but the more drinking that occurs will only lead to a snowball effect of bad guesses and more drinking.
Always account for the number of dice left in the game, do not make estimations based on the original number because odds dwindle fast.
Attempt to make a guess that is high enough to force one of your competitors to call another competitor’s bluff before it is your turn to guess again. The later you guess in a round the more likely you will be to fail.
Don’t forget about the ones!! They can be your best friend and worst enemy in any round. Make sure they are accounted for!
Beware of dice flippers!
This game is particularly easy in loud clubs as you can just use your hands to show “eight fours”. Learning how to count to ten with one hand in Chinese is important here, so learn the hand signals here.
What if you are too drunk to play?
In Chinese culture, people show great respect to elders and authorities, and it may also be applied to the Chinese drinking culture, just hold the glass lower than them when clinking glasses. What’s more, you’d better finish your glass.
Bad move. You shoul be drinking beer in the KTV. This is like water. It’s often under 5% alcohol, and you should be able to handle it. But if you are unable, try this game, after you belt out another song or two…
大话 (big talk, bluff, boast)
Alcohol, being the bedrock of Chinese society that it is, is a very important social tool. But this tool itself is not just limited to just a beverage and container. It’s the mind.
The rules of 大话 (big talk, bluff, boast) can sound fairly complicated, but once you have played a couple of times, it is fairly simple and intuitive.
Each player has 5 dice and one cup with which they use to shake and cover the dice. The object of the game is to carefully predict the total number of dice with one particular face value rolled without going over. Oh, and “1” is a wild card.
Players take turns calling, with each call needing to have a higher value than the previous one.
Calls are made in the form of two numbers, for example “five 2s”. The first number indicates the quantity, the second indicates the face value of the dice. For the first call of each game, the minimum the first number in the pair can be is the number of players plus one. To increase the value for the next call, you simply treat it the pair of numbers as one number. For example, “five 4s” would be bigger than “five 2s” but smaller than “six 3s”.
Take a game with two players. This means that the total number of dice in play will be 10. They both roll and take a look at their dice.
Player A has dice with face values of 1, 3, 3, 5, 6.
Player B has dice with face values of 2, 3, 5, 5, 5.
Player A starts the game by calling “three 3s”. This indicates that A estimates that there are at least three dice with a value of 3 on the table. A can complete this condition with just his own dice because 1s are wild.
Player B calls “three 5s”. B has to increase the value of the call, so to be safe B decides to call something that is certain to be correct—because B has three himself.
A calls “four 3s”.
B calls “four 5s”.
A calls “five 3s”.
B stops the game.
The winner is decided when one player no longer believes that the last call made is possible and actively stops the game. The players then show their dice and tally up the total. If the call is sufficient, then the one who made the last call is declared the winner. If the call is insufficient, the the one who ended the game is the winner.
In the above example, B would be the winner.
There are many variations that can be implemented. Adding more players means that the total number of dice in the game increases and with it the minimum call must be raised.
It is possible to call 1s. If this happens then 1s are no longer wild and they have the highest dice value (you can call them after 6s). This normally happens with the first call.
Some people may make a call followed by the word 斋 (zhāi). This also means that 1s are no longer wild. To put the wilds back into play, a player must increase the quantity of the next call (the first number) by two.
Hope that all made sense. If it didn’t then just try play a few times and you’ll master the strategy in no time.
Chinese concept of what a non-drinker is like.
Still too drunk?
How to survive from Chinese drinking frenzy? If you’re going to a Chinese meal, you can hardly get rid of drinking. By knowing some tips, you may enjoy the meal better.
Never be late. You will be “punished” for more glasses of wine if you’re the last one for the party.
Be aware that you may need a couple of hours until the end. Make sure you eat some food, and remember to take less Baijiu. If you really have to drink, you can choose beer instead.
Once you’re in, you’re in. If you don’t refuse at the beginning of the dinner, maybe you will be encouraged to drink more till the end. You can wisely pretend that you can’t drink and politely request a pot of tea, so that you could participate in the toasts and cheers.
Take it easy. Your Chinese friends won’t blame on you if you’re unable to drink, but you’d better let them know the fact at the very beginning. They care more about whether you enjoy the time with them.
Welcome to my world.
Try this next game… It’s so simple that it is ridiculous!
One and Six (Yi Liu, 一六)
Although Liar Dice is a favorite game, there are other alternatives you explore. With two cups, ten dice and at least two players it is possible to participate in a game of One And Six. Unlike Liar Dice, the game is more laid-back. There is no need for strategy as it is merely won by luck and skill.
With One And Six it is easy to chat and socialize at the same time. The truth is if you are one of those people who loves a more subtle environment, a night out playing One And Six might simply be what you need. There may not be any need for strategy, but like with any game the winner is always the person who had the best plan. The beauty of this game lies in its simplicity.
Introduction: One & Six is a dice game that involves absolutely no strategy and at least two people with five die each. This game is the most simple to play in social situations because not only does it involve zero focus but it also clearly decides a winner.
Need: At least 2 players, 2 Cups & 10 Die (5 per cup)
Objective: Be the first person without any dice in your cup.
Each round consists of a dice shake up and a cup flip.
When you flip your cup, flip it downwards and pry it open to reveal what numbers you rolled.
If you role a one, remove that die from your cup and put it out of bounds. That die has been lost from the game. Continue rolling with the remaining dice.
If you role a six, remove that die from your cup and give it to the person on your right.
If you role neither a six nor a one then wait to see what your opposition rolled and do nothing.
Continue shaking and flipping the remaining dice until one of you has no die left in your cup.
As a drinking game: Whoever runs out of dice last must drink for the number of seconds that there are dice left in their cup.
Strategy: None besides being Irish.
The Game with Three Dice
This game is played with three dice instead of five, and it is really simple. If you are really drunk, sick with simple.
The three dice game is called Cee-Lo. It is apparently derived from an ancient Chinese dice game. And it is well known in hip hop culture.
Any number can play but the game consists of a series of battles between two players.
Each player in the pair rolls all three dice until one of four recognized combinations appears. A 4-5-6 combination is the best combination.
A “trip” is all three dice the same and is the next best combination.
Next comes a pair with one die different. The different die becomes the “point.” The worst possible combination is 1-2-3, which always loses.
This is a game of gambling, and is a great way to lose money. Don’t gamble in a KTV, and keep focused on why you are there. But if you don’t want to heed my advice, then here are the rules…
This game is called sz’ ‘ng luk, ‘four, five, six’, commonly contracted to sing luk.
It is played with three dice…
The throws in it in the order of their rank are:
Any three alike, from three ‘sixes’ down, called wai5
‘Four, five, six’ called sing luk, or ch‘un fa6
Two alike, the odd die counting, from six down to ace, the last throw being called yat fat, ‘ace negative’
‘One, two, three’ called mò lung, ‘dancing dragon’ or shé tsai, ‘little snake’.
The first player is determined, on throwing around, to be the one who throws the highest number of red spots.
The first player throws until he makes one of the above mentioned casts.
If he throws sing luk (four, five, six); three alike; or two alike, six high, each of the players at once drink to him.
But if he throws mò lung or yat fat, he drinks instead.
If he throws two alike, five, four, three, or two high, the next player on his left throws.
If the latter makes a higher cast, the first player must drink to him, but if a lower cast, he must drink to the first player.
The third player throws in the same way, and the game is continued until the first player is out-thrown.
Another game similar to this is…
Kon mín yéung, ‘pursuing sheep’, is played with six dice.
It is typically a game played for small stakes, usually for something to eat, and is seldom resorted to by professional gamblers. In it the player throws until he gets three alike, when the sum of the spots on the other dice is counted. The throws in the order of their rank are:
Six 6’s called tái mín yéung, ‘large sheep’
Six 5’s, 4’s, 3’s, 2’s, or 1’s called mín yéung kung, ‘rams’
Three alike and 6, 6, 5 called mín yéung ná, the ‘ewe’
Three alike, and the other throws than the above. These are designated by the number representing the sum of the throws with the three odd dice.
The throws, táimín yéung and mín yéung kung, take all the stakes.
If mín yéung ná, or any other cast of three alike, is made, the next player throws until he gets three alike, when he pays if his throw is lower, or is paid if it is higher, as in sing luk.
The throw of three 4’s is called wong p‘ang fúi.
‘A boy and a girl were betrothed by their parents. The girl's father died, and the family having been reduced to poverty, her brother sold the girl to become a prostitute.
This she resented, and anxious to find her betrothed, whose face she well remembered, she caused it to be advertised that she would yield herself to the man who could throw three 4’s with the dice.
Many, attracted by her beauty, tried and failed, until her husband, Wong p‘ang fúi, who had obtained the rank of a senior wrangler at the provincial examination, presented himself.
For him she substituted loaded dice, with which he threw three 4’s whereupon she disclosed herself, and they were happily united.’
How to survive a Chinese drinking frenzy
The following is from a CNN article titled ” How to survive a Chinese drinking frenzy” By Trista Baldwin 22 February, 2012. Posted as found with very little editing. All credit to the original author.
If you thought shotgunning a beer in under five seconds back in uni was the pinnacle of drinking prowess, you’ve probably never been properly ganbei’d.
China’s version of “down the hatch” is a bit like the Power Hour, which involves repeated and prolonged shooting of small amounts of alcohol -- red wine if you’re lucky, baijiu if you’re not.
Though observed in all social circles, ganbei is particularly prominent in China’s formal banquet culture, where business suits and government officials rub elbows, talk business and get completely sloshed.
Shanghai-based food and wine critic Lawrence Lo and a few seasoned ganbei-ers, shared the secrets of this thoroughly intoxicating custom.
1. You’re in, or you’re out
While you’re not obliged to chug the night away, it is tacitly expected at a business banquet.
“There’s probably more pressure to drink than there is on your 21st birthday,” says a senior accountant who prefers the name Will Thomas. In his early 30s, Canadian Thomas attends regular company banquets with suppliers and other accountants in Shanghai.
If you are going to pass, “set your rule at the beginning,” advises Hong Kong-born Lawrence Lo, 39, who also runs LHY Etiquette Consultancy to gap the Chinese and Western drinking culture. “Because once you’re in, you’re in. There's no room for flip-flopping.”
Q: The question is -- how to get out?
A: Make an excuse
All is fair in love and ganbei, and a white lie might save everyone's face. The best excuses are religious or health reasons, though be prepared for jovial ridicule.
What’s the best get-out-of-jail-free card? Pregnancy.
Either being on medication to get your wife pregnant, or, for women, being or trying to get pregnant (though be prepared for questions six months down the line), will do the trick.
2. Women get a free pass
“One of the reasons I like China is that if you have the title and the position, you’re treated as an equal and get the same title respect,” says a British lady, who prefer to be addressed as Lucy Morgan. Morgan has lived and worked in China in both the government and private sectors for more than 30 years.
Ironically, while you’ll be invited to the banquets, you won’t be expected to drink. However, if you choose to partake, rule number one applies.
Q: What is Rule #1 - Props for the female ganbei
A: “Women get double points for ganbei’ing,” says Will Thomas.
Some men may offer to do a full ganbei while you do a quarter or half ganbei, but quite often you’ll be expected to keep pace with the crowd. For Morgan, it’s about proving that if you’re an equal, you’re an equal.
“I wasn’t going to be seen as the ‘little girlie’ back then or the ‘older woman’ now,” she says, referring to her experience 15 years ago when she out-ganbei’d the vice-mayor of Chengdu with 12 shots of baijiu.
Whoever draws the short straw gets to be the next ganbei rep.
3. Elect a representative
Believe it or not, “if you need to represent your company at a banquet, you can bring someone along and delegate them to drink for you,” says Lo.
Talk about authority.
In Morgan's experience, she has rarely seen a woman elect a drinking buddy (as women aren’t expected to drink anyway) -- it’s usually older or weak-livered businessmen.
Q: If you go this route your fellow diners may jeer, but it does serve a purpose.
A: Saving company face
Joining in the inebriated merriment is in many ways viewed as a sign of goodwill and hospitality on the part of the company or organization you represent. In fact, this is often a sneaky way to get your best hitter up to the plate.
“The elected drinker is usually someone you do not want to drink with, because they can drink a lot," says Thomas. "They will probably deny that they can drink -- it's a lie.”
We're betting Bill opted for red wine over baijiu when going head-to-head with former Chinese President Jiang Zemin.
4. Pace yourself
It’s a long ride once you’re on the ganbei train.
“At a banquet, there are usually eight to 10 courses, and there will be a ganbei with each,” says Lo.
In addition, the host will usually toast the group and the guest of honor.
The second most senior host will toast the second most senior guest, and so on and so forth. It’s also not uncommon for challenges to strike up between tables.
Q: So, how can you last the night without bringing the banquet back up?
A: Be sneaky
Over the course of 30 years, Morgan has picked up a trick or two. One way to lower the intensity is to downgrade your poison -- switch from baijiu to wine, or ganbei beer instead. Although the idea of shooting wine is less than palatable for many, it's the lesser of two evils.
While at informal occasions you can ganbei non-alcoholic beverages, Morgan says, it’s highly unusual at formal occasions. Beer is as non-alcoholic as it gets.
Another trick? “Pour a bit of water in your wine,” she suggests, “or switch to a half-ganbei -- banbei ganbei.”
And lastly, humor. “If you get people laughing, they won’t care how much you drink.”
5. Don’t bring the spouse
Chinese banquets are primarily business affairs -- spouses are seldom invited to join.
“You should always check first [before bringing a spouse along],” advises Lo.
There are several reasons for this, the most compelling being that deals may not get closed over the course of the banquet.
The KTV close
“It’s still a very macho culture,” explains Lo. “Sometimes business is done [or concluded] away from the dinner table at KTVs or massage parlors."
The retreat to more “nefarious” locales, as Morgan jokes, or playing liar dice with pretty young girls selected for the occasion, is not a scene that spouses can readily partake in (and may disapprove of).
But, as Thomas points out: “It depends on who you’re with. Often you just go to a genuine karaoke -- and more drinking.”
So you don’t want to drink…
Some advice on how for those who want to be “the Ugly American”
I do not recommend being a non-drinker in China, and it is impossible to conduct business or integrate into Chinese society without drinking. So forget about playing dice, once you insult your hosts by not drinking, you won’t ever be asked out again. And if you truly want to be the ostracized loner inside of China, then read these suggestions.
Chinese version of a successful businessman.
The following is from an article titled “Ganbei – Chinese Drinking Culture” . Reproduced as found, minus the pictures. Edited to fit this venue, and all credit to the original author(s) and all credit to the website at the link listed.
So, what can you do if you don’t like drinking and still want to do business or have friends in China? Don’t lose hope, there are a few things you can do to diminish the negative consequences and unintentional insult from not drinking.
1) Avoid at all costs – On a personal note, I’m no teetotaler, but drinking isn’t my favorite social activity. So, on one of the dozen occasions per year I have a drink, it’s rarely more than a beer or glass of wine, and I avoid hard liquor at all costs. After living for many years in China, it’s safe to say that avoiding a drinking bash wasn’t easy.
My solution to the issue was to simply avoid all occasions where I’d be pressured to drink.
Luckily, my job didn’t necessitate the infamous Chinese business dinners, so my career didn’t suffer from my abstinence, but my social life did.
If you don’t need to close contracts or don’t mind having fewer friends and missing out on weddings and other special celebrations, this is the best course of action. On the bright side, if you’re not a big drinker then once you make friends with other non-big drinkers, you’ll have friendships that are more likely to last and be enjoyable.
2) Be all in or all out, no middle – If you need successful business dinners for your job or want to experience all the fun of semi-formal and formal social dinners, then from the beginning, you need to decide to be all in or all out.
Don’t try the middle ground of, “Ok, I’ll just have one/a little.”
There is no such thing (generally) as “a little” in China and you’ll later find yourself in the unfortunate position of offending your host when you can’t drink anymore or are in the fast lane to drunk-as-a-skunk-ville.
The better option is to make up an excuse of why you can’t touch alcohol at all – no beer, wine, or liquor.
Excuses that are usually accepted are:
a) religious reasons (for example, “I’m not allowed to drink because of my religion”, which isn’t actually far fetched as Islam and some sects of Protestantism do ban alcohol consumption);
b) health reasons (for example, “I have an alcohol allergy that can kill me or make my stomach bleed”);
c) have a Chinese friend give a heartfelt, long explanation on your behalf (if you’re lucky enough to be friends with a well-respected member of the group, or the host him/herself, then they may be able to interject on your behalf and explain to the group your preference for not drinking).
d) I’m pregnant (think about this one carefully if you’ll be in the same company of people in the next 6-12 months).
Chinese version of a successful businessman.
Options that don’t work so well are:
a) I’m in AA/a recovering alcoholic – China does not have the same familiarity, knowledge, and acceptance regarding recovery programs as in the West and thus it may be taken as a lie. Even if you are in a program, it may not be the best excuse to give.
b) I have to work early/get up early – this usually doesn’t stop the pressure to drink and you’ll be faced with having to insult your host by flat-out refusing.
c) my spouse doesn’t like it/let me – the same as in B.
d) I’m not feeling well tonight – same as in B.
e) I drank too much last night – This would only encourage more pressure to throw ‘em back.
f) anything that mentions the police or driving – sorry, that just doesn’t cut it, and the police mention may get you a hearty laugh.
China is not a "police state like the USA is. The police just leave you alone, and the Chinese have no concept of "sobriety checks" or "sobriety roadblocks".
Whatever excuse you choose, make it ironclad and make sure to stick to it.
Keep in mind, even with an ironclad excuse, there may still be some obvious, lingering awkwardness. While your hosts/coworkers/friends may not have taken a full-throated offence to your rejection of their toasts, even the best sounding excuses will put a barrier between you and the rest. You may save some face and prevent the insult, but you’ll have done little to make friends or business partners.
3)Being a women kinda gets you a pass, just being a foreigner doesn’t – Women are not expected to drink as much as men, and they usually don’t get as much pressure to drink as men, especially in a purely business setting (the operative word here is “usually”, not “always”).
So, practically this means that women may be able to get away with more excuses than men and not still get an onslaught of pressure. Casual settings can span the gambit from less pressure than usual to actually more pressure as your date, or friends, try to get you to ‘loosen up a little’.
Chinese women are tigers in a kitten’s body.
Men, on the other hand, even foreign men, will still be pushed frequently to drink (unless you give one of those ironclad excuses listed in #2).
In fact, if you’re the sole foreigner at the table (or one of only a few), then you could easily be considered the de facto guest of honor and in such an honorable position, it’s an honor to get your glass filled – both for you and the person doing the filling.
The thought goes something like this: for the guest of honor, it’s “Look at me. I’m so popular, people can’t wait to fill my glass.”; and for the filler, it’s “Look at me.
This very important person is allowing me to fill their glass and then they’re drinking what I just gave them. I must be important if they’re accepting my gift because they wouldn’t accept this from just anyone.”
4) Pace yourself – if you decide to go for it and choose the “all in” option, make sure to pace yourself. These drinking affairs can easily go for +5 hours and occasionally turn into an all-night event (say 6pm to 6am).
Importantly, the drink of choice (as mentioned above) is the super strong, ultra fiery local spirit Baijiu.
It doesn’t take a Big Bang physicist to calculate how long you can last throwing back these puppies. Instead, you possibly can opt for something less strong – like beer or wine. While this may not always be an option, it’s usually acceptable and available (it’s a good idea to nonchalantly inquire about Baijiu alternatives before accepting an invitation.) It may feel awkward doing “shots” of wine, but it’s probably the lesser of two evils.
Another sneakier alternative is to water down your Baijiu shots. If you see other people doing this openly, then take it as the green light to follow suit. If you don’t, then you may have to break out your best James Bond skills.
Don't do this. I have NEVER seen this done. If you are caught doing it, your "face" will forever be ruined. You eaither act like a man and take it or decline. Don't be a coward and make matters worse by insulting your host.
5) Food is your friend – Reaching deep into the bag of college drinking tricks, food can be your best friend. Full stomachs make alcohol take longer to be absorbed into the bloodstream, especially carbs and fat.
So, in preparation for your drinking adventure, fill up as close to the drinking hour as possible, on breads, noodles, rice, fatty meats, and skins (like chicken skin). If possible, try to keep eating as long as you’re drinking.
There is always plenty of food available at these dinners, but there will be a lot of vegetable dishes and seafood which do little to slow absorption and you may not really like the other food options. So, stuffing your backpack with granola or nut bars that you sneak into the bathroom isn’t a bad idea either.
6) Keep it light, Humor is a good friend too – If you’ve started down the drinking road and need to get off the highway, even if you’ve only taken a few sips or a few shots and just don’t want to drink anymore, keep in mind that humor can be a powerful friend.
Depending on your crowd, you may be able to deflect some pressure (and some extra shots) by being able to make jokes at your expense. Comments like, “Oh, I’m such a baby. I just can’t drink like you guys. Hahaha.” or “I’m _____ (clumsy, loud, etc.) enough when I’m not drinking, so I really can’t get drunk tonight.”
This may not completely stop the toasts and shots, but (again, depending on the crowd) it may decrease them and give you a moment to get your bearings.
7) A pinch … ‘drinker’ (borrowing from a baseball reference) – This one is a real “Are you serious??” moment.
If this is a business dinner and if you have some amount of authority within your company, you can actually assign a drinking rep to drink for you.
You should read that again and maybe pause before continuing, but it’s not a joke.
It’s a custom followed in China, as higher-level company authorities who don’t wish to get wasted but don’t want to offend their host, will attend the dinner and bring along a drinking rep to do all the drinking for them – and they of course assign some of the highest-tolerance people on the planet.
This option doesn’t really work though outside of a business-like setting.
Chinese version of a successful businessman.
Suggestions for a Fun KTV Evening
In my opinion, KTV is a really fun way to spend some hours doing something that is what millions of locals enjoy doing, so you can consider it an authentic cultural experience. I have many hours of KTV and karaoke under my belt so here are my suggestions for having a fun time, especially if you’re in a big group of people you might not know well.
Pick songs that are up-tempo. Nothing drags a KTV evening down like slow songs.
Find the “cancel” or “next” button on the song machine. Many songs have refrains that go on for-ev-er. Feel free to hit “next” to go to the next song (unless it’s your boss singing).
Choose songs that are fun to sing as a group.
Take some time to practice your own signature KTV song in the shower so you can really impress your friends with “Beat It!”. Include some key dance moves.
...for those who enjoy drinking, you can be very successful and happy in China. You’ll get bonus points for following along with the group and for making such a good effort at keeping up. In fact, anyone who at least tries hard to accept toasts, especially Baijiu toasts, will get some credit for doing so even if they have to bow out early and stop accepting every toast from every person.
You’ll also have a front row seat to a side of Chinese culture few get to experience and may end up having the time of your life. Afterall, the Chinese haven’t continued this tradition for 1000s of years because it’s dull and boring. For the more reluctant, maybe you can think of this using the age-old Las Vegas adage - what goes on in China, stays in China.
For many adult travelers, a good ole Chinese drinking fest may be the perfect excuse to let loose and have some fun without your party antics necessarily ending up on someone’s Facebook feed (btw, Facebook is still banned in China).
For women, the bonus points multiply. A western woman who can keep up with everyone at the table, especially at a baijiu fest, and walk out on her own accord while many others are knocking glasses over and accidentally pulling tablecloths off, will usually win mad respect from literally everyone.
Also, these events don’t happen every weekend. As a visitor to China, you’ll be lucky to attend just one event like this. If you have to travel for extended periods on business or move to China on your own, these events may happen only once every couple of months.
-China Educational Tours
When I conduct business, I usually have business KTV’s and dinner events at least three to eight times a month when business is booming. During the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, hardly never. In fact, I only went out two time that entire year!!!!!
During the holiday, and of course, during Chinese New Year, for the three or four week long holiday, drinking and playing is just about every night.
Don’t forget…!
Let’s do a quick review.
Drinking in China is as common as eating a hamburger in America.
While in Western countries you simply clink and drink, in China there are a few more rules for drinking, whereby the most important rule is to give face. If you want to toast an important host or guest, be sure to take note of some basic guidelines:
• The first toast: If you are the guest, you shouldn’t initiate the very first toast as this is seen as impolite. It should always be made by the main host.
• To clink or not to clink: If the party is big and the table is wide, people usually prefer to clink glasses. But to show respect, make sure that the brink of your glass is lower than theirs. When the glasses clink, you’ll have to干杯 gānbēi, meaning literally ‘dry the cup’, or ‘bottoms up’. If your glasses don’t clink and only touch the other person’s cup with your fingers, you signal 随意 (suíyì), or ‘as you wish’, and you can drink whatever amount you want.
• Respectful toast: When you are offering to toast 敬酒 (jìngjiǔ), meaning respectful drink, you are putting yourself in an inferior position and so you might want to toast everyone who outranks you.
•Eat a lot:To avoid getting too drunk, the key is to eat. Usually there will be plenty of foods at a Chinese banquet, so there should be nothing to worry about. However keep in mind that with every course, there will of course be a ganbei with every guest!
China is a nation where even the religious monks drink alcohol, as do the children. Not to drink automatically labels you as a societal outcast.
I well remember when I met my wife’s grandmother. She was a short, short little frail ball of a woman. She smiled at me with little strands of grey hair sticking up on her head. She stood up to my lower chest in height (and I think that she was wearing high loafers). He poured me a full glass of 53% Baijiu in a tall tumbler. Then she poured herself the same size and raised it to me in a salute.
She then raised the glass to me, clinked my glass and said Ganbei so loud that the entire city could hear. You could feel the ground rumble at our feet. I was a little taken back that her voice was so breathtakingly loud.
And it was like time stopped.
You could hear a pin drop. All eyes were on me.
I could feel all 400 people watching my every move. Goose-pimples crawling up my arm, and I could feel my spine tingling. I glanced over at my wife, who was fully expecting me to “do the right thing”. And I looked about the room, and I could see such a wide range of emotions.
We both raised the glasses to our lips in unison, and together we emptied those two glasses. Then when emptied, she raised it up high and I did the same.
Everyone cheered.
Then I began going table to table…
… drinking the same amount to each of them…
…to all of the 24 tables in the room. Ugh!
This is not water. This is a full tumbler of 53% alcohol. Are you up to the challenge?
Drinking alcohol is a vital part of Chinese custom and culture. Those from northern China actually consider drinking and friendship the same thing because during business dinners for example, drinking can lead to friendship, sealing deals and developing better work relationships. Every shot of baijiu brings the business partners a little closer and so drinking is seen as a supplementary part of the working life.Drinking to cement relationships has a long history in china. Famous poets like 李白 (Lǐbái), have also praised alcohol multiple times in his poems, with one famous saying: 酒逢知己千杯少 (jiǔ féng zhī jǐ qiān bēi shǎo); “When one drinks with a friend, a thousand cups are not enough”. Of course, LiBai is talking about the 盅 (zhōng), which are the small cups traditionally used when drinking in China, but it emphasizes the importance of alcohol and relationships!
-Hutong school
A KTV, especially a business KTV is a very important institution within China. Most Westerners, and non-businessmen inside of China are unaware of the significance of this venue and the importance of maintaining face. Here we discuss some dice games so that the businessmen can play with the girl that he selected out of the line up.
Maintain your face, and give respect. Have fun and show it. You all will be just fine.
In China, “good guys” and “powerful businessmen” drink alcohol. Outcasts, social misfits, and losers do not.
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I like parks and nature. I like friends, and to share fine wine and song with them. But you can have your own pastimes. Certainly parks are awesome. I love the clean fresh air, and the exercise you get from walking and climbing. I love the new views and the adventures that you can experience.
Each and every park is different. When I used to explore the park in Indiana, back in the USA, I was amazed to discover how each one had their own flavor and “feeling” to it. It wasn’t just the layout, or the types of trees and vegetation. It was the smells in the air, and the humidity. It was the way the sun hit the trees and the care and design of the wooden bridges.
It was the mountains, the rivers, the lakes, the streams and the rocks. It was how the people interacted with each other, and the various little special nooks, crannies and glades that would appear here and there. It was the meadows and the brooks. It was the rustling grass on a perfect croquet playing day, or the dim dark shade of a deep forest tangle.
Each park is special, and each park stands alone. Individually and special.
But for those of you who don’t like to walk or hike, the world has so much to offer. This includes the lights of the big city, and the noisy calliope of people. You see, in my mind, it is the experiences that we have, and who we share those experiences with that defines to what degree we are living life.
A person like Howard Hughes might have been a millionaire, but as a recluse he stopping living life. Ah. That is what mental illness does to you. It affects your ability to function properly.
So whether you wish to go forth and live life in nature, or just want to live it where you are right now, that’s all good. The key is to make the best of what you have right now. That is the key and that is what is important.
Whether it is this…
Notice what they are doing?
That’s right. They are hopping up and down. They are shaking and moving about. Dancing does not have to be done expertly. It’s all about moving about and having fun.
Oh, and by the way, you don’t need to drink alcoholic beverages to have fun. While I love to do so, that’s just me. You need to have fun your way. Do it your way. You do not have to do it my way. And your way can be really different.
It could mean going sled racing with your huskies pulling away, or riding horse. It could mean tromping out though the hills to an isolated brook and fishing for brook trout. It could mean riding quads in and out of mud holes. It could mean going to a friends house and eating nachos and watching Vincent Price movies on their big screen monitor.
Or this…
The important thing to keep in mind is how fleeting life actually is. When you get older, your parents are gone. You find that a number of your close friends are also gone. Some tragically.
You cannot count on anything. All you can do is make your own life count.
Make your life count.
Thank you for visiting. I hope that you enjoyed this post and maybe learned something new in the process. Have a wonderful rest of the day!
And, may your days and nights be filled with happiness.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
China and America Comparisons
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.
One of the things about China is that they are not afraid to experiment. There just aren’t legions of nay-Sayers or guardians of regulations and red tape that you need to fight to do something new. There are no overweight social justice warriors in bureaucratic positions that love to say “No!” to new ideas, or committees of well-entrenched stogies that say “pay me my fees so that I can study this matter“.
They just go ahead and do what they want.
If they want a water fountain with playful water they just go ahead and make it.
That’s right, and if some old busybody gets wet and complains, they will report that person to the police so that they can have their mental health examined. In such a large populous nation such as China there is absolutely zero tolerance to busybodies, social justice warriors or people with mental issues. Once they become dangerous, such as disrupting the lifestyles and fun of others, they are segregated from society.
They are then isolated, and studied to see if they need to be “corrected”.
There have been abuses of sending social justice warriors straight to mental hospitals instead to prison. This problem has since been corrected by the Chinese government. If a person is making a public disruption it needs to be ascertained whether they are acting due to [1] a mental illness or just [2] social activism contrary to the government policy. If they have a mental issue they go to the mental hospital. If they a just a SJW, then they go to prison for public and social disruption. Things are much clearer today than they used to be. The Chinese have greatly strengthened the protections of people and citizens in China.
Anyways, here’s a water fountain in China. Why not have fun with the water like everyone else is? I think it’s a great playful fountain. You betcha!
I really like how the mothers are with their children and the kids scatter when the water ceiling starts to collapse. It’s so very cute and awesome! What fun!
Having fun in China can mean going to parks. It can mean playing in the KTV’s. It can mean having fun off-road in a vehicle. It can mean fishing, or eating fantastic food. It can mean all sorts of things. Not just natural scenery at parks.
It could mean exploring all the many, many cities…
People, life is about living it and having experiences. It is not about falling into habits at the mercy of your boss… or following the rules that box you in. You need to go out and make your life count.
Do you remember what it was like when you were young? Do you remember what it was like when you would hang out with your friends? Do you remember talking with your friends about your hopes and dreams and what you would like to do someday? I do.
I really do.
And, yes, I did have a tree house. My friends and I did have a club house. Yes. We did ride our bikes all over the countryside into late at night. That is what life used to be like int he USA. It was a land of freedom.
I remember one such day.
We had rode our bikes on a long all-day excursion. It was August, and it was pleasant. Maybe 81F, and low humidity. The trees were getting apples and the blueberry bushes were all laden with fruit. We had rode up to the top of one of the hills. It was all planted with wheat, and it was a beautiful golden field that the wind would blow back and forth.
The sky was brilliant blue with the white cotton ball clouds and we just laid in that field and talked about music, and what we would do when we would eventually have a girl friend. For some of us, it didn’t happen for a number of years.
What was so important, was not what we were talking about. It was not what our dreams were. It was not the beautiful day, nor the amazing scene that laid around us. It was the time spent with our friends.
That was what was the most important thing that I remember to this day.
Life is short. You need to make it count. Spend it with your friends. Laugh. Cry. Swear, and make a scene if you want. But by all means do it with those you care about.
All these experiences won’t magically appear one day. They will not happen once you get “all your ducks in a row”. They will not happen once you get a raise. Or, more money in the bank. Or when your next pay check clear the bank. Or, when the trash is cleared out of the garage. Or, when you finish that project that you have been working on.
Now is your chance. Now is your opportunity. Now.
Please don’t squander the wonderful life that God has gifted you with. You have two arms. You have two legs. You have money in your wallet. Go forth and use that life that you have.
You know, life is not one-dimensional.
People. People! You can’t just segregate traveling and experiencing the parks of China and leave out who are experiencing it or why.
Life is not a Facebook post, a Google listing, or a Wikipedia listing. It cannot be narrowed down to facts and figures. It’s about all of the senses, not just one or two. It’s about all your experiences, your relationships, your knowledge and prior experiences and how they all coalesce when you experience a new adventure with your friends.
That is what parks are all about.
Now, let’s go to the next part of this post. (If I throw in too many micro-videos nothing appears and the post takes forever to load.) So to continue, please go follow this arrow…
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Links about China
China and America Comparisons
The Chinese Business KTV Experience
This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.
Learning About China
Contemporaneous Chinese Music
This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Part 8 of 17.
About the Girls
Let’s talk about the KTV Hostesses.
The Chinese culture is not the same as American culture is. It is very traditional. Girls expect a traditional man, and they take on traditional roles. In their young years, from around 18 to around thirty, the girls will concentrate on building a career (if that is their preference) and attracting a mate. In today’s society, the female is expected to be married, take care of a family and have a baby.
It sounds so strange to us Americans.
For we have had decades of new progressive values rammed down our collective throats. We have been taught that men and woman (as well as just about all of the other 64 genders) have the same values and interests. We are taught that it is very sexist to be attracted to a pretty girl. We are taught that looking at an attractive girl is the same as raping her. We are taught that men don’t own women, and the highest complement that a woman can have is to be superior to a man in every way possible.
It’s no wonder that America is the way it is today.
Meanwhile the rest of the world has traditional values. Women are taught to be attractive. They want to be attractive. They want to be ladylike, and they yearn to become a mother with a family and a man that supports them. They learn how to budget for a family. They know how to cook, care for sick family members, and do what ever it takes to support the man to earn and make money. For in a traditional society, the man is the bread-winner. The wife tends to the home. She tends to the family, and she tends to her man.
In China, young women do what ever they can to increase their chances for finding “Mr. Right”. Though, in Chinese terms, this doesn’t really equate to heart-felt love. Instead it equates to finding a good strong “family man” who will work hard, support the family, and support her family. In a like way, Chinese men feel the same way. They want to become the strong man in charge of the family. They want to be able to provide for their family. They want to participate in the education and growth of their children.
One way of having fun, and meeting a good potential husband is to work in a KTV as a KTV Hostess.
KTV Hostesses
The ladies spend hours getting ready for work.
Prior to showing up at work, typically around four or five, the ladies will be at a hair salon. They will get their hair all fixed. They will have their nails done, and have a professional makeup artist apply the makeup. There is an entire sub-culture of salons that cater only to the KTV trade in this respect. Once all dressed up, they make their way to the KTV and clock in. There, they go to their lockers and see which dresses and outfits that they are assigned to wear for the day.
In Shenzhen, you can often see these gals in the salons in Louhu village getting ready for the night’s adventures.
Once everything gets settled, the lights might come on so that people can check their phones, and notice where the chargers are. As all girls have the latest in cell phone technology. All rooms are fully Wifi enabled. They will typically get out of their costumes and put on party clothes so that they can be more comfortable with the clients. Here, you can see that the girls have changed out of their formal costumes and are wearing their outside clothes. In this case, mostly short party dresses.
The girls typically share an apartment with another girl or two. If they have a string of men that support them, they might have their own apartment that is provided to them by a love-struck hopeful. It’s not really an issue, as typically the men only visit China once every three or four months. They can rearrange their busy schedule (and trust me, for some gals, it is really busy) and make time for their one man to visit China.
Girl Types
The girls are semi-predictable.
Chinese ladies are very beautiful when they are 22 years old. They know how to take care of themselves, and spend a lot of time to look well and dress properly.
The youngest girls at a Business KTV will be no younger than 21 years old typically. The younger girls, of course, use the money they earn for new clothes, phones, and fashion. They tend to make many blunders. They often lose their phones, get too drunk, and get tangled up with bad people. Somehow they always seem to brush it off adroitly. This means that they might end up trying some drugs, or having their money stolen, or get into a fight with another girl. The younger gals that I know are usually out of the business after one or two years. These girls tend to get pregnant really young, maybe 23 years old. In China having a baby under 28 is considered very young.
Girls in their middle 20’s, say 25 to 27, who have already been doing this for a few years have decided to earn money for their own purposes. They are fully ready to get married and channel all their money into looking good and snagging as many hopeful men as possible.
Here is a selection of “typical” 25 year old girls in China. Also just as beautiful as their younger counterparts. However, at this age, they are much more focuses and motivated in finding a good mate and establishing a good family.
The girls in their middle-20’s, if they have the beauty, they migrate to the cities and go to the very expensive KTV’s. Here they can make enormous amounts of money, as well as meet some very powerful people. Again, the end goal is to get married to a “good man” (by Chinese standards) and have a family by the time they are 28.
Those who are older than this, typically are focused on setting up their own business. For one reason or another, they no longer rely on the objective of having a man provide for their family and children. They believe that they can do it on their own. Their objective is thus different. It is to set up their own business, where they can control the finances, and establish a family. This could be anything from their own hair salon, fashion boutique, or food franchise. I have met a girl who owns a number of famous Western franchises in China. I don’t know about you guys, but it would take me a century to save up to buy a McDonald’s franchise on an engineering salary.
Here is a selection of some Chinese ladies that have reached thirty years of age. The Chinese female form certainly ages well. At this point in time of their life, they have decided to move forward on their life alone, and career, business and other pursuits take precedence over finding a mate.
Most of the managers of the girls fit this last profile.
The girls generally get ready for work around 3pm. They get dressed, have their nails and hair done. They show up for work around 5 to 7pm depending on the venue.
The business KTV’s are open up until 6am. Most others tend to close a little earlier.
If you are having fun at a business KTV, then you MUST watch the time. Otherwise, you will be terribly drunk and end up going back to your room around 3, or 4 in the morning.
Now, here is the rub. After a solid 9 to 12 hours of heavy drinking, you (unless you are under 25) will be too exhausted to provide any energy in your penis for sexual activity. And no, Viagra or Cialis will not be much help either. Even if you had the lift, all you will want to do is… sleep.
Use the Cinderella rule. You leave the KTV before 12 midnight. Pick a time somewhere between 11 and 12. No later.
Then, you will no be so exhausted, or sleepy and can be able to get your money’s worth of fun.
Further take note, that the girls all turn into pumpkins at 6 am. So if you are looking forward to some morning heat, remember that it will have to occur before 6am, because the girls will be out of there and on their way to their families.
So another reason to leave the KTV early (before the rest of the guys finish partying) that that if you leave at 3 am, you will only get three hours with that gal, and at that, you will spend most of the time sleeping.
Be advised and take note.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Post 12 of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Your Aide / Wingman
A very important part of your visit to a business KTV is to have an aide or wingman to look after you. They will make sure that you are registered into the room, and that your passport will not get lost or misplaced. They will keep an eye out for you and help you out of the KTV room when it is time to go.
If you are not careful, these girls will eat you alive.
Working Hours
The girls generally get ready for work around 3pm. They get dressed,
have their nails and hair done. They show up for work around 5 to 7pm
depending on the venue.
The business KTV’s are open up until 6am. Most others tend to close a little earlier.
If you are having fun at a business KTV, then you MUST watch the
time. Otherwise, you will be terribly drunk and end up going back to
your room around 3, or 4 in the morning.
Now, here is the rub. After a solid 9 to 12 hours of heavy drinking,
you (unless you are under 25) will be too exhausted to provide any
energy in your penis for sexual activity. And no, Viagra or Cialis will
not be much help either. Even if you had the lift, all you will want to
do is… sleep.
Use the Cinderella rule. You leave the KTV before 12 midnight. Pick a time somewhere between 11 and 12. No later.
Then, you will no be so exhausted, or sleepy and can be able to get your money’s worth of fun.
Further take note, that the girls all turn into pumpkins at 6 am. So
if you are looking forward to some morning heat, remember that it will
have to occur before 6am, because the girls will be out of there and on
their way to their families.
So another reason to leave the KTV early (before the rest of the guys
finish partying) that that if you leave at 3 am, you will only get
three hours with that gal, and at that, you will spend most of the time
Be advised and take note.
Going to the Room
They will help you and the girls into the elevator and you will ride it to your floor. It will be something like this video below. The girls will take the lead and show you where the room is and help you get settled. They will open the door with the card key and place the card in the activation slot.
All the hotels in China utilize electronic locks. This is either with a magnetic card or some similar mechanism. Households for the most part utilize keys (if they are rented) or thumbprints if they are owned. The newer houses also are staring to use face and retinal scan recognition technology.
It will be like this if there are two or more girls with you…
Otherwise, if you are just going with one girl. It might be a little like this..
Or, like last week when it was warmer out, it might be a little like this…
The girls will file into the room and my aides will collect my gear and keep it safe with him. I will retain my glasses and cell phone. Then we will call it a night.
My aides will then go off to their own individual rooms with their companions. And I will be left alone with the girls. The girls will typically find a outlet to plug and charge their cell phones with. They will check their WeChat, and confirm any last minute messages. Often they will have other guys (fans?) sending them messages that they need to respond to. I just let them take a few minutes to get settled.
Turning In
The girl or girls get settled in. If you are there with three girls, typically two will rest in the other bed and you will be with one girl. Then they will take turns with you. If we are all too drunk it is simply a matter of passing out for five or so hours. Otherwise, showers are used and everyone gets clean.
Don’t trust the bath towels. I don’t care if they are sanitized. You use them everywhere except down in the groin area. Trust me, you don’t want to get the clap or some other serious illness. Use a condom.
Brush your teeth.
Make sure that you take your eye glasses off, or they might get broke while you are romping and playing around.
If you really like the girl, get her WeChat, so that you can get together again in the future.
Sometimes, you just want to decompress for a bit before you engage in any kind of sexual activity. When this happens I like to see where they are from and so I ask all kinds of questions about their hometown and the food that they eat. Often we talk about life and dreams. I’ve had more than a few chats about bitcoin, setting up international trade, and tax/tariff laws in the United States. Honestly I was really impressed with one gal who had a dog grooming business and a massage parlor on the side. She had her act going on.
Some of the girls are quite wild and experienced, but I am just a rather boring old Joe. So we just keep things simple, which in a way is kind of a relief to the girls. Now, keep in mind, that if you are there with multiple girls make sure that they are all EQUALLY engaged, or else the one who has been neglected all night will want to leave – thus spoiling all the fun.
Sometimes the girl will leave behind a trinket or two for you to remember them by. That’s a nice thought, but I just throw them away. If I don’t have their WeChat contact information, I probably won’t ever see them again.
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.
This is a very detailed discussion on how a Business KTV works in China. This is a pretty large multi-part post. It was originally posted HERE, but it soon became problematic as the videos would not load and the SEO flags weren’t being picked up by the search engines. So I broke it down into smaller bite-sized posts. It’s faster to load, easier to read, and you can see all the videos without problem. Enjoy.
Page 14 of 17.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
The Next Day
Ah… the next day. Hangover…
The movie was fun, but it”s a different story when you actually live that life and experience those scenes. This is from the Movie “Hangover II”, which I personally think was the best in the entire series.
You wake up. Your mouth tastes like a soggy ash-tray. The sink is usually stained from purple colored vomit (wine and dinner debris), and the girls are ready to finish you up for the day. While the girls are waking up, you go to the bathroom. Brush your teeth, get ready, and then go back to bed.
There will always be the “eager beaver” who will want to be first on. So let it be. Just make sure that the other girls get some. At this point, I cannot stress hard enough the importance in controlling your alcohol tolerance and the necessity of being ready for the morning festivities. Reliance on little blue pills will not cut it alone.
Eventually you will all be finished and exhausted, no doubt.
Going everyone’s separate ways
Typically the girl(s) will finish up. They will take another shower and get their clothes on and leave. They will probably get your clothes for you. You will find them neatly folded and ready for you.
The girls will most likely open the shades and let some light in the room. They will check their messages and send out some status updates and then say good-bye and go out the door. It’s sort of like this…
Since chances are, your were pretty darn buzzed when you rode to the KTV, you had no idea where the hotel was or what it looked like (outside of the bright lights). With the window blinds drawn, you will be able to see what the community looks like in the full daylight. It might be a city, or a rural village. You can never tell until the morning.
Once they leave, you just lay there while your aides and managers wake up. They will tend to give you a call and then you will meet the boss again for breakfast.
I would advise Jiu; congee which is made from rice. It’s a kind of rice porridge out of pork or chicken. Put something warm in your stomach for goodness sakes.
My preferred meal after a long hard night of drinking and fun is to have some nice warm congee. Often, we will eat dumplings and doujung with this as well.
Then get ready for the trip back home…
If you want to return to the start of this series, please go HERE.