We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
"Trying to wade through the muck that passes as news today IS a fools errand."
A “sheeple” is a person who has very strong, visceral, and vibrant emotions about a subject that they have NO FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE about. That is how you can define what a “sheeple” is. It is an easily manipulated person that follows various “shepherds”, and listens to their “pied piper” song and dance. Even to their deaths.
In American, and conservative media you can often hear the term “sheeple” bantered about commonly. It tends to be a disparaging title directed towards others who seemingly, and mindlessly repeat narratives without thinking.
In conservative media, “sheeple” tends to represent everyone else outside of the “conservative news media”. It’s a rather catch-all phrase that is used to describe anyone else who believe anything else other than the conservative narrative.
In liberal media, while the term “sheeple” is used, the more common phrase is to “avoid the electric kool aide“, which refers to both the Reverend Jim Jones group suicide (by drinking poisoned Kool Aide punch), and the 1960’s counter-culture practice of lacing kool aide with LSD.
Combined, it features the words “sheep” and “people” to describe a human that maintains herd-like concepts of self.
As interesting as this is, the fact is that people of all political alignments qualify as sheeple. It’s not just “the other guy”. Probably you too, dear MM reader. It’s so very easy to get snookered in; sucked in a heavily promoted lie. (I’ve been sucked in. Many times in fact. So do not get too hot and bothered about it. It happens.)
"Simply put, the collective West--led by the America and the Anglosphere--resembles a civilization of paranoid schizophrenics, whose delusional ravings will drive them towards world war--total war."
Moreover, the method to determine whether or not you are a sheeple is very simple.
Here is the litmus test;
A "sheeple" is a person who has very strong, visceral, and vibrant emotions about a subject that they have NO FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE about.
For instance…
Buying a used car
You buy a used car. After two months the motor dies, the transmission fails, and the bumper falls off. You get angry about this. And when you go to talk to the man who sold you the car, and he refuses to talk to you. Instead he responds that "all sales are final".
You get angry at him. Your anger is real, and full of anger and emotion.
Not a sheeple. Just a man who is angry at a man who swindled him.
Eating at a restaurant
You go into a restaurant, and order the "blue plate special". After you pay for the meal and leave, you notice that your stomach starts to churn. By the time you get home, you are vomiting uncontrollably. You spend the entire night on the toilet, and the next day your spouse has to cart you off to the hospital to have your stomach pumped.
You are angry at the restaurant, and vow never to eat there again.
Not a sheeple. Just a man who is angry at a restaurant that poisoned him.
Dating a person
You go on a date and that person is rude, obnoxious, and has terrible body odor. They refuse to pay for the meal, and makes a big "scene" inside the restaurant, and then afterwards demands sexual favors when you are clearly repulsed by them.
You are angry at this person and vow never to repeat this mistake ever again. From this moment forward, you never date anyone who even remotely reminds you of this "date from Hell".
Not a sheeple. Just a person who had a bad experience on a data and vows never to repeat that mistake ever again.
Reading about Slavery
You read an article about forced sexual slavery in a particular nation. Then two articles later, you read about how they are injecting malware into your computer. The next day the newspapers describe how they have caused the deaths of thousands of innocent cats and dogs, and how their children are trained to lie, cheat, and trip people.
You are angry, and whenever you calm down, there is yet another article that keeps your anger alive and fresh.
You are a sheeple. You are angry about something you have read, NOT at what you experienced.
Unless you have experienced the events that generate your anger personally, you are being manipulated by those that own the media companies that you use.
The 0.1% of the population that own 99.999% of the media use it to manipulate.
The manipulations turn normal thinking humans into creatures that maintain herd behaviors.
There are many, many variations on their techniques and on the subjects so utilized. The techniques are honed after decades of utility, and supplanted by artificial intelligence for improved efficiency.
No one is immune from these manipulations.
Most people are unaware that they are being expertly manipulated.
The most dangerous and effective manipulations are those that we WANT to BELIEVE.
The only way to guard from these manipulations is to perform a self check…
Self Check
Have you lived in the nation that you are angry about? (Yes / No)
Have you personally met a person that described to you a situation (that they experienced) that you are specifically angry about? (Yes/No)
Have you shared a meal, been to a hospital, or dated a person associated with the issue you are angry about? (Yes / No)
Is the beliefs that you hold about an issue from personal experience, or from something you read, or watched on the internet? (Yes / No)
Be very careful in what you read about.
The world is filled with evil, and powerful people that take absolute pleasure in manipulating people for their own gain.
Let’s take a look at an article found on “Free Republic”.
Forced COVID-19 Vaccination Widespread in China, Sources Say
4/4/2021, 3:16:34 AM · by SeekAndFind · 10 repliesEpoch Times ^ | 04/03/2021 | Frank Yue
Mounting evidence shows the Chinese Communist Party has been imposing vaccinations upon the public, despite concerns over efficacy and health implications. A female netizen named Duan Da Dan posted in Chinese on social media site Weibo on March 31: “I’m really annoyed that my employer forces me to receive jabs even if I’m planning to get pregnant. [They] never consider the possible impact on the fetus.” Another internet user claimed in Chinese-language Weibo post on March 30 that she had contracted hives twice, meaning she suffers from allergies. However, she was upset that her employer was pressuring her every day...
Of course, most people reading this article would believe it. As they have nothing to compare it against.
“forced vaccinations are widespread”
“sources say”
“posted on a social media site”
“upset her employer is pressuring her every day”
Damn those evil Chinese!
Further, if they are inclined to hold an anti-VAX stance, they would be infuriated that the evil Chinese would be so aggressive about forcing people to get vaccines.
Um. Yeah. Sure. What ever you say.
Let’s do a sanity check.
I’m here in China.
And the vaccinations take place inside the malls.
So, here’s what the vaccinations in China actually look like. It looks like a normal, everyday visit to the mall. This is a mall next to my house. The vaccinations are being conducted on the fifth floor, right off the elevator. It’s free for everyone (Chinese residents that show their ID card, and non-residents that have a residency stamp in their passport.) between the ages of 18 and 60.
I suppose that exceptions can be made if you are older or younger, but you will need to consult with the doctor first.
Here is a short video I took of the line on the fifth floor (from the fourth floor) for the vaccination process. You can see the people clearly lined up, calm. Patient. Unhurried.
You can also see the instruction cards (those three white rectangular marquis). On the other side would be the QR code that would automatically link your ID with the hospital and then log in your vaccination with your social scoring. ,You can see the registration counter and the injection area off to the right.
Do you see evil Chicom police forcing innocent people to get injections? Do you see people freaking out and “demanding their rights”? Do you see the horrors and anger that is so characteristic of how the Chinese are portrayed in American media?
Doe it resemble anything, at all, like the images you get in your “mind’s eye” regarding what China is like?
Are there crowds of hungry, starving, angry people? Is it dirty, filthy and disease ridden? Is the air so full of smog and filth? What about the infrastructure? Is it falling down? What about the police and military presence? Do you see police dogs, anyone with an AK-47?
I wish that I would have gotten a picture of one of those cute roving robots that are all over the place. But that’s the luck of the draw don’t you know. They respond back to you. If you go up to them you can see what they see on the video and they will ask you if you need anything. Then they will answer using your actual name! I guess the face recognition and the AI enables them to converse to you as a person.
And here’s another…
And for a strong comparison, let’s compare what my FIRST HAND, up front and personal video with what is written inside the American media…
"Chinese Communist Party has been imposing vaccinations upon the public, despite concerns over efficacy and health implications. "
Does the video, in any way what so ever, reflect what was written in America? Does the videos show people being coerced, being forced, or being made to do anything that they don’t want to do?
Can't see the videos? Then you can download a ZIP file of them HERE.
Most Americans are sheeple whether they like the title or not.
If you find yourself getting upset with something that you cannot verify with your own two eyes, or touch with your hands, or smell with your nose, then you are being manipulated.
If you believe those manipulations, then you are a sheeple.
Dangers of such manipulations
You might end up believing…
The President “has your back” if you decide to riot in Congress.
The United States is capable of fighting and winning World War III.
Using a 3G cell phone will not only give you brain cancer, but it will cause gasoline pumps to explode.
Social Security deductions from your pay are put in a “lock box”.
Unless you update your computer software with the new government approved version, the Y2K will rampage through your house and kill you.
Pizza is a vegetable. Coital silver supplements will give you a healthier life. And most vitamins are fake.
Eating a hamburger will turn you into a drooling moron though mad cow disease.
Using an e-cigarette will cause you to die of vaping.
Angry Zombie Killer Wasps (imported from China) will kill you.
Florine in your water is a way of altering your precious bodily fluids.
Senator Sessions is going to throw Hillary Clinton in jail, he has a plan with his enormous mind that is playing 54-d strategy.
The economy is roaring. Unemployment is way down, and America leads the world in satisfaction.
Do you want more?
I have more posts that might be of interest. Go ahead and check out my Happiness Index here…
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.
This post is an update to my SHTF series of posts.
My last SHTF post was back in October 2019, and before the COVID-19, the NED sponsored pro-democracy attempt at a “color revolution” and the fierce anti-China propaganda onslaught. Back then, it seemed that America was waltzing into a state of intensified confusion.
Now things are much clearer.
The USA is on an out-of-control bobsled heading straight for disaster.
There’s no getting off now.
In previous SHTF posts, I had advised (fellow) Americans that the United States was due to a great reset, and that it would be uncomfortable for many. I also advised that if they were smart, to leave America and go to stable but boring places far away from the “death throes” of a dying empire.
I was correct.
Today, most Americans are trapped within the United States are are unable to leave. For the most part, there are very few nations willing to take in American citizens. The terrible handling of the COVID-19 has make the rest of the world frightened in having anything to do with Americans.
So Americans are trapped. Not only from asking permission to leave America by the American government, but also finding another nation willing to take in Americans. It’s “slim pickings”.
Here you are.
We are in a SHTF situation where you are geographically locked inside a geographic region, while that region experiences all sorts of upheavals and changes. Don’t believe me? Well, take a look at the latest news articles out of the Drudge Report today…
You are trapped inside the United States, the news is about this chaos…
… and that chaos.
It’s all a big nasty mess. From people unemployed because of the COVID-19, to the illness itself. To the BLM and Antifa riots, to food shortages, and armed marches. To Donald Trump going “hog wild” crazy in his anti-China crusade. Seriously, it is nuts.
Indeed, in your immediate neighborhood, everything is quiet and calm. Most of the upset is transmitted to you via the Internet, and you have no idea what is true or what is false. Though most of you probably believe in the trends of what you read.
This is normal.
The Timeline
Let’s take a review of the timeline for the “great reset”.
To review, according to all the measurements that I have mentioned beforehand, everything is pointing to a period of discomfort starting in 2008, and increasing in severity in 2018. Then from 2018 to 2028 will be the worst period of discomfort. With things really starting to get bad around 2020. And a peak crisis period from 2023 to 2027, with the major crisis event centering around 2025.
According to the “Fourth Turning”, we can expect a major critical event to take place around 2025. As shown in the following illustration…
Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point.
Here are my thoughts, and some advice to those of you willing to listen…
Good News
There are some good things that I can say right now.
[1] Firstly, the good news is that change is a natural part of growing. (I know, yada, yada, yada.) But it is true. The United States simply cannot continue as an oligarchy ruled military empire run on imaginary “petrol-dollars”. It has to change. And it will, and you are seeing the start of the changes…
[2] The climax of the event is not this year. That’s the good news.
[3] It will be sometime around 2025 (plus or minus two years). Or as early as 2023, or as late as 2027. That’s in three years at the earliest.
The period of discomfort will last a decade. So expect things to be dicey through 2030.
[4] Here’s more good news. It will not be uniform. There will be areas that will see terrible change, and others what will not see much change at all.
So what will it be like?
Several things will explode all at once…
Several things could implode all at once. Indeed, this is the likeliest scenario. As there are all sorts of trends and events just about to run “off the rails”, and all sort of “the opportunistic others” who have plans to take advantage of government collapse.
All the usual “good people” assure us that violent revolution is not on the table. This means, simply, that it is.
- From Brett Stevens at Amerika
It could be everything and anything. It could be social upheaval in alignment with the Nazi takeover of Germany in the 1930’s, coupled with the genocide of the Cambodians under Pol Pot. It could be a mixture of George Orwell, and the worst elements of THX1138. It could be every nightmare that you could possibly dream of.
‘THX 1138’ is a chilling look at a 25th-century totalitarian state where mankind is stripped of any individuality. People are numbered drones, and a government-enforced program of sedating drugs controls the populace. The story’s title character, THX, is a factory worker whose life is irrevocably changed when he stops taking his mind-numbing drugs.
When the violence comes—and it will come—the military and militarized police forces will face domestic insurgents who are better armed, trained, supplied, coordinated, and technologically proficient than the foreign insurgents the military has heretofore been unable to defeat.
- From Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic
Breitbart - Calif. Police Chief Cancels Event to Honor Fallen Officer Because Republicans Were Invited ... "this is not Trump country, we don’t want Republicans here"
Indeed, all this anti-white propaganda is geared towards genocide. It is not geared to any objective regarding healing. It is an out of control manipulation by the oligarchy to pit Americans against each other.
You cannot purify white people through the healing magic of diversity if they are not actually part of diversity.
-Z Man
Let’s just clear out all the nonsense and get to the basics…
When Progressives talk about diversity, they mean blacks.
We can put the upper bound on diversity as 20%. Any more than that and white crime victimization and awareness of it begins to soar. This sets off white flight.
Baltimore is a great example. Once its black population crossed the 25% level, it began a rapid decline into chaos.
As Rhodesia, Baltimore and now South Africa show, there is some minimum number of whites required to keep the lights on, so everyone can enjoy the wonderfulness of diversity.
In the case of Rhodesia, the number fell below the minimum and it became Zimbabwe. In Baltimore, they have hovered along the critical number for decades. South Africa staggers on, but they too are approaching the inflection point.
-Z Man
Someone, or some group, is organizing a campaign leading towards the genocide of “white people”. This will absolutely manifest during the crisis period. Look, just because the mainstream media isn’t covering the obvious does not mean that that it doesn’t exist.
Fighting Is Under Way
And leftist blood-lust is not limited to a fringe. A very intelligent and gentle acquaintance of mine, someone with whom I once enjoyed a cordial and friendly long-running debate, believes that Trump sent federal troops into Berkeley the other night to conduct mass arrests of protesters, trigging the riots. It’s completely untrue and she had no idea where she heard it, but she believes it as much as she believes in gravity. And her false belief, what psychologists would call a hallucination (h/t Scott Adams), allows her to justify anything the rioters did, up to and including murder.
Here’s the thing. You’ve probably heard the word “privilege” so much you could puke when you hear it. The idea of white privilege is central to the leftist hallucination. And the idea of a privileged race led Germany to the Final Solution.
Adolf Hitler wrote in 1919:
"But an anti-Semitism based on reason must lead to a systematic legal elimination of the privileges of the Jews. The ultimate objective of such legislation must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews from civil and cultural influence."
In fact, the Nazi propagandists worked overtime to defame Jews for their privilege. Hitler claimed Jews avoided physical labor of any kind, preferring work in finance, mercantile, and the arts. He lamented that Jews wrote and produced 90 percent of German movies despite being only one percent of the population. His propaganda depicted Jewish women as fat and lazy, yet wealthy, feeding off the labor of the German people.
Substitute “working class whites” for “Jews,” and Nazi propaganda sounds a lot like CNN commentators and UC Berkeley professors. Even so-called conservative Bill Kristol says it’s time to replace America’s white working class with immigrants.
It’s pretty clear that the left uses the same rhetoric and scapegoating against conservatives as the Nazi used against Jews. So we have to ask if these leftists use the propaganda techniques to the same end.
The Nazis wanted to vilify and dehumanize Jews so the German people would be conditioned for the Final Solution: extermination.
When you hear the speeches of campus protesters, you have to conclude that the left has a final solution in mind for people like you and me. You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are the words of a school teacher in Seattle protesting against Trump and his supporters:
"And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the White House.
Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, it’s your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change."
Democrats, establishment Republicans, and the supposedly “responsible” media ignored this story. They ignored it because they are afraid of attracting the mob’s attention. Like Germans in the 1930s, some people value their own survival too much to stop bloodshed and brutality.
It could be an exodus of the wealthy from the urban centers…
All those pricey urban meccas could become crime-ridden ghost towns. How could such a reversal occur? Everyone who lives outside protected enclaves will reach a point where the "urban lifestyle" is no longer worth the sacrifices and costs. Once enough of the top 10% leave, the food/beverage service industry implodes.
Service employees are renters, paying sky-high rents that unemployment can't cover. Vacant apartments pile up. As the exodus gathers momentum, all the reasons people clung so rabidly to urban meccas decay. Local government jacks up fees, tickets, permits and taxes, accelerating the exodus.
That's how pricey urban meccas turn into ghost towns inhabited by those who can't leave and those living on public services.
-Of Two Minds Blog
And what would happen if a civil war, a CWII or SHTF event were to occur? America would be in chaos. Everything would be a mess, and the central governments from the Federal to the State, and Local levels would be very busy trying to maintain order.
Would other nations sit by and watch from afar? Would they decide to help and roll in the UN to restore order? Or would they just be content to watch America burn?
Thus, if a civil war broke out in the United States, would China, Russia, and Iran not jump in to finally render America helpless? To take advantage of the situation, to cripple the United States to a point where it could never ever, ever EVER fully recover?
Why NOT do a “double tap” and castrate America back into oblivion from which it would take a full 100 years to recover from?
Nuclear war, one initiated by America in order to control the American mobs, could easily reverse America’s fortunes in a nanosecond. The idea that a war out here, or over there, would be created and have no consequences is a very dangerous belief. The world is not the 1960’s, and not every nation is a third world tiny splat of land. Major nations are now getting involved in the global scene, and they do not take kindly to Americans throwing their weight around.
If America has gotten fat, plump and comfortable, being the bully on the global stage, throwing “regime changing” wrenches (via the CIA, NED, and NID) to everyone from Venezuela, Syria, the Ukraine, Hong Kong and China, won’t other nations resent it?
And, if an opportunity presents itself, would not another nation take advantage of that opportunity. An opportunity to “de-fang” the United States, and “neuter” it’s ability to project global influence (read; power) in the world?
I would say yes.
“Hours after the bombs go off in cities, these fires continue to build up and they create firestorms that feed on themselves. They get so hot that everything in the city becomes fuel for its own destruction. The energy released becomes much greater than the weapon itself,” Dr. Mills explained, drawing parallels to the way fire consumed the city of Dresden during the World War II. From each of these 100 detonations, massive firestorms would engulf whole cities and churn five million tons of black carbon into the stratosphere.
By nuking the major American cities, all industry would grind to a halt. Banking and savings would be non-existent. Everything would collapse and the survivors would flee the cities into the countryside.
Americans should never be under the impression that the rest of the world views us with favor. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
The next turning could have the worst elements of everything known to man. This could be nuclear war, chemical, biological and germ warfare high technology spying and swarm drone weapons. All of which could happen simultaneously while the USA government might to enact genocide against its citizenry.
Oh, and by the way, a fellow by the name of John Titor claimed to be from the future. Yes, he claimed to be a time traveler from the future. He described just this exact scenario, where there was a rather long period of civil unrest and then Russia nuked all the cities. Whether you believe him or not is immaterial. He has some interesting things to ponder.
The link below opens up into a new tab for your reading pleasure.
From the post…
' The blogger suggests this because he questions what actually occurred did not match all the conflicts that John Titor predicted. Perhaps the events he mentions will actually still occur, only they will actually occur 10 years later.
Maybe, instead of a civil war in 2013, there is one in 2023? Nuclear war in 2025, instead of 2015. '
Remember those dates;
2020 – Instability.
2023 – Civil War.
2025 – Nuclear War.
So, there is going to be an increase in the severity of the current mess…
Yes, there is.
And no, we don’t know the precise details.
But, do we really need to know all those details? History has told us that when America goes into a Fourth Turning reset situation, it becomes a no-rules cluster slug-fest. In fact, we can say that…
The most advanced weapons will be used.
War will be fought on American soil.
Foreign nations will be involved to some extent.
And since this is scheduled to happen pretty soon, what can you do (personally) to protect yourself and your family?
Well, I have some thoughts on this matter…
[1] Relocate to a safe, boring area.
Yes, you are trapped in the USA for now. Maybe things will open up next year, or maybe not. But in the meantime, you can relocate to a safe and quiet location that is pretty bland and boring. That’s the key don’t you know. Be bland. Be boring. Be safe. Be dull. Be uninteresting.
A great idea me-thinks.
But where?
[1a] Avoid all urban areas. You want to avoid crowds and the likelihood of meeting people who you do not know personally. Historically, cities have always been dangerous during societal upsets, resets and wars. Let me be clear about this; Get out while the getting’s good.
[1b] Avoid wilderness areas. One of the first things that began in March when the COVID-19 outbreak started to happen was all the city-dwellers took their RV’s, trucks, pickups and vehicles and headed for the state forests. The roads were blocked and the entire forests were jammed packed like a New York City rush hour with angry and frustrated city people. There were arguments, stores that were cleaned out and incidents of stabbings and shootings. Do not go where other people might go. Avoid state parks, federal parks, state and federal forests, and other “green areas” that are displayed on maps.
[1c] Move into a small town. Small towns have the basics that you need to survive. Additionally, it is much easier to make friends there. Now the thing is that if you move into a small community, you absolutely MUST know your neighbors. Do not plan on moving somewhere and not meeting people and making friends. Not only must you make friends, but you must be productive, helpful and good.
I would suggest that you also…
[2] Have a secure lifestyle
Which means…
[2a] Get involved in the community. A the bare minimum, this would include being a regular member of a church, and a member of some other activity, like the Chamber of Commerce, or the Grange, or the Rotary. make sure that you are known and recognized.
Many people think about “bugging in”, or “being mobile”. Here, I suggest that you integrate yourself with your community. For there is strength in numbers. Automatically, you will be part of something bigger. And when things go bad, you would be far, far better off than the lone guy hiding in a basement with six months stockpile of rice.
Now is NOT the time to be a “lone wolf”. You need to integrate yourself as part of a community and do it quickly.
And that is lifestyle.
To be a part of something, you must be ready and willing to participate in things and contribute. This is true in life, but it becomes very importantly true during crisis situations.
So here, I advise that you pick up some skills that you can use to provide help, services, and assistance were things to go really bad…
[2b] Emergency First Aid. You should take some classes in emergency first aid. You should be able to bend a broken arm, stitch up a cut, and perform emergency surgery. You should know how to handle gunshot wounds, infections, and food poisonings. This means that not only would you take a singular class at the YMCA, but advanced courses at the community college, and have some reference books on hand in your house. Finally, let people KNOW that you have these skills.
This is not only a useful skill for yourself, but it is something that you can trade for when you need to trade or barter.
[2c] Access to fresh water. During great societal upsets the ability to get water, electricity and internet is gone. Some areas might be spared this, but most will not. We know from recent history that in Bosnia, people died trying to get fresh water, or contracted illnesses from drinking tainted water. Either have a way to collect and purify water, or invest in a well.
[2d] Ability to repair without electricity. Which means that the ability to repair things without electricity would be a very valuable skill. If you have access to a manual lathe, or other such tools, you will be able to provide your services from anything to repairing a windmill on a water pump, to repairing a gun. Be helpful.
Try repairing things without electricity. You will be surprised how difficult it is. You need to be able to do this with files, hammers and pliers.
[2e] Local Indian lore. Long before the United States was colonized, the local Indians in your region lived well. They farmed and had their own ways of preserving food, and treating their sick. This is local lore that has been forgotten, but not at the local library or historical society. Connect with these people and learn a thing or two. You will not regret it.
This is one of those things that you see all over the Internet. How to make hide-holes, and how to secure your windows and other such things. There is much to cover here, but I will stick to the basics.
[3a] You need well bolted doors. One that can be barricaded with 2×4 lumber pieces from the inside (two beams, top and bottom, resting on a metal clamp). It might not prevent your house from burning down, but it will be able to defend against roving bands of urban youth in jacked cars.
[3b] Windows need to be secured and covered if need be. Plywood, ready to put up in place, or welded metal bars, or other systems that would make break-ins very difficult.
[3c] The home needs to be hidden with overgrown shrubbery and debris. Sure, eventually people will find you. But don’t make it easy. Be the junk yard next to the gold refinery. Be the boring electrical sub-station next to the grocery store. Be the abandoned building next to the hardware store.
[3d] You need a hidden room, or basement chamber. Any hidden room, or any size if far better than none at all. You need to be able to secure your valuables, both things and people.
[3e] You need guns and you need not to be afraid to use them. I would suggest that you forget about those cheap SKS banana-clip pseudo assault guns. Get yourself a couple of shotguns. And a few reliable 9mm handguns. Expect that when you shoot people, it will NOT be like television. They will not go down on the first shot. Chances are that you would have to empty the entire clip into their chest. Be ready to use them.
[3f] You need a garden and you need to keep it working year-around. Make sure that you always have potatoes, onions, and other related root crops planted. Most bandits couldn’t tell a potato plant from skunk weed. So while they might raid your tomato bushes, they would tend to leave your potatoes alone. Plant some apple trees, and other berry bushes. Let your property provide sustenance for you.
[3g] If you have room, consider a chicken coop. Learn how to raise chickens. These are a great thing to do to provide food on your table, and a great way to trade with your neighbors with.
[4] Supplies
From what I see, things are going to get really bad over the next three years. Finally around 2025, things are going to go to shit really fast. So you’ve got a precious few years to stock up, learn and prepare. I hope that things won’t go “tits up” in your area, but if they do, you’ll be ready for anything.
[4a] You need basic food supplies to last you for at least six months. This means canned goods, rice, wheat flour, nuts, and other things of importance. Like cooking oil, salt, pepper, baking soda, yeast, etc. Buy the cans by the case. Buy the staples by the sack. Buy the liquids by the gallon.
[4b] Additionally, you will need “kits”. These are things that will provide you will options if things go really bad. Like cages to raise pigeons in, fishing tackle, traps for rabbits and other small game, crossbow or other quiet way to hunt. And, with everything, you had best be well prepared in how to use them effectively and properly.
[4c] Prepare things for trade. You should plan on having things for trade. The most popular things are vices. So you can stock up with cheap alcohol in little bottles (bigger than those airline bottles), smaller than a regular bottle. This can be any alcohol. Same goes for tobacco, cigarettes, and other related items. Including disposable lighters. (You can buy a case of 100 really cheaply.)
[5] Mobility
You should have a bicycle or two. Both should be capable of off road use. Do not expect that vehicles will still be operable during the height of the crisis. In fact, you will probably want to keep off the roads. Anything that will enable you to travel quickly and silently through the forest would be an advantage.
[6] Electric system
You should have a system of recharging DC batteries. Whether this is by solar power or wind, and then have a set of walkee-talkee’s. You can also have a small battery powered, or hand crank powered radio and lights. Plan now. Do not wait until the last moment.
Here at MM I can supply shipping containers of this stuff. (nothing smaller than a pallet load). If you are interested contact me privately on laobangbh@163.com .
[7] Deceptions
If things get to the point where the government has broken down…
Police are unavailable. Military are deployed in certain areas. News is periodic or confused, then you know that SHTF is getting worse. You will need to create deceptions to make your property unattractive.
Some ideas.
[7a] (Fake) Downed high power lines with signs that warn of “High Voltage”. And (if possible) some low voltage DC shock wires to dissuade any adventuresome individual.
[7b] A few dead people in the yard that looks like they got trapped when they messed up with the wrong people.
[7c] Bad odors, flies, maggots, and refuse.
[7d] Rattling cans, and other things that make a real racket is anyone moves in a certain area on your property. Most people want stealth and quiet. Even after all the turmoil dies down, people will still travel in small groups and move about silently. By rigging up noise makers, you will discourage these people from coming near your property.
[7e] Traps. With spikes, barbed wire, and other mechanisms that can be lethal if triggered. Think Vietnam booby-traps.
The idea here is that you do not want anyone to come near your space and your property. You will make it as unappealing as possible, and life threatening tends to work the best.
With or without war, American society will be transformed into something different.
The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers’ visions with a robust new pride.
Or it may be something unspeakably worse.
The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.
It will be a turning point. It will be a point of inversion, a point of change. A point where things go one way or the other, and everyone in the middle is killed.
Glory or Ruin.
It will be the us vs them. The patriots vs the Red Coats. The grey vs the blue. The yanks against the Nazi’s.
Aside from the move to a safe spot, every item on this list can be purchased in total under a few thousand dollars.
If nothing happens, then consider yourself fortunate. You will have squandered your money on a insurance policy. But you and I both know that things are building up. The Antifa and BLM are on the march and are openly telling everyone what they plan to do. Theya re being funded by rich oligarchs, and are receiving large sums of money and weapons…
If something does happen, while you might not be the best prepared prepper in the nation, you will be able to survive. And that is what all this is about. Survival.
I wish that you all could have done what I did, and took a “life boat” off to a far away land. But most of you did not. Instead, figuring that you would know when you would need to leave, and then leave then.
Well… that time came and went. And you should have left the same time as when the oligarchy fled. The last week of March 2020.
You are now completely trapped with the rest of the population upon a ship that is slowly sinking into the deep dark cold waters.
It’s quiet now…
But the Captain is busy shouting orders to the staff, and people are a little restless in the lounges and staterooms. He’s slurring his voice, and making all kinds of strange proclamations and orders. Sometimes the stewards just stand there and look at him with a blank expression on their face. “Is he mad?” they ask themselves.
Do not think that it is just going to go away. Plan and take the necessary actions to secure you and your family’s safety.
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Here’s what to expect once the socialists register your firearms… outlaw them, disarm you, and take you to a “safe place”…
Know your history.
One of the common themes that I see from time to time from liberals, and the uneducated (could they be one and the same?), is that registration of firearms means nothing.
That no one will take your guns.
They actually pretend to believe it and say that mantra with authority. They say it with conviction.
But it’s a lie. Historically, guns are always seized after registration.
The left took “1984” not as a cautionary tale, but a guidebook; an erotic how-to tale leading to Utopia. They’re executing a thought-blitzkrieg to enact their agenda, hoping the bulk of Americans won't catch on.
- Democrats And The ‘Reeducation’ Of The American People
Further, the seizing of firearms almost always results in genocide against a minority population of some sort. Which then resorts in events such as described here.
Based on newly-discovered, secret documents from German archives, diaries and newspapers of the time, Gun Control in the Third Reich presents the definitive, yet hidden history of how the Nazi regime made use of gun control to disarm and repress its enemies and consolidate power. The countless books on the Third Reich and the Holocaust fail even to mention the laws restricting firearms ...
- Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and ...
Here is an interesting biography by a German boy (now an old man) who entered a German “safe haven” once he and his family was disarmed. At that time, everyone thought that the German government had their best interests are heart and that they were going to be transported to “protected communities” to live.
They were, however, being sent to their deaths.
Read it, and remember that at that time Germany was the most advanced, socially advanced and technologically advanced nation in the world. They had the best machine, electronics, transportation and doctors.
During the earlier years, when did you realize that the Nazi regime was going to be a very, very big problem?
Well, in 1939, when the war broke out, I was only about 10 and a half years old. I didn’t know much about politics.
But in 1938, there was Kristallnacht in Germany, and… actually, we all know what happened with that, where Jewish people were not allowed to do this or that, all the Jewish shops in Germany and Austria were broken into, the breaking of the glass, the shopkeepers were pulled out, and many were beaten to death or sent to Dachau (at that time, it was just a prison)… and many Jewish homes were ransacked and they were burning Jewish temples, places of worship, many many Jewish temples in Austria were actually burned.
And it was not done by a bunch of gangs, wild…you know, hooligans. It
was government-owned. Government orders. And they actually ordered to
start fires in all these temples and places of worship. And firefighters
stood by, guarding the houses that are NEXT to these temples, so they
shouldn’t catch on fire, but the temples were burning.
So those things were happening when I was 9 and a half. And i had no
idea of these things. If my parents knew something, they wouldn’t tell
Expert Tip: Do not try to “protect” your children from the truth.
I came from a wonderful loving home, a family of 7. And out of that family, only my older sister Lola and I survived.
Expert Tip: If you and your family are classified as a “deplorable” or “privileged”, you can expect most of your family to be killed by the government.
Lola was 5 years older than I was, and unfortunately she passed away a few months ago. She was a wonderful artist, lived in New York, and still her art is in many museums all over the world, including in Jerusalem… but anyway, to answer your question: did I know what was going on?
No. We had a pretty normal life. Until all hell broke loose, in September of 1939.
And the world broke out. And it didn’t take long. Right within days, we knew exactly what Nazi barbarism was.
What happened particularly in the train carts that transported you to the concentration camps? What do you remember of the transport inside the carts? Were you all crammed in with no food and water for days? How did people relieve their bowels? What of children or babies that there may have been present?
Okay, to answer your question about the cattle cars… they pushed us
in cattle cars. That was on the way to Auschwitz. And then with the
death-camp going to Dachau, the second time for me.
Expert Tip: Do not board the cattle cars, the trucks, the buses, or any kind of transport provided by the government.
To give you an idea – 80 people in a cattle car would be possible, if not for the fact that most people were told to bring along their valuables…
… because they were being told that they were being relocated in Germany, and these able-bodied people will be working…
… and the children will go to school, and the older parents will be taken care of…
…so they brought along all their valuables, all they could carry.
Expert Tip: You will NOT be told that you are going to a Concentration Camp. You will be told it is something else.
In collecting the disarmed civilians, they were told that they would be relocated to “safe areas”. So they brought all their belongings with them. Then they were segregated by gender.
So NOW, with all the bundles and valises they brought, if a person had to sit down, another person had to stand up.
The sanitary conditions – all they had were 2 buckets in the corner. They were full of water when we went in, and once the water was gone, there was nothing else left. So all we had were those 2 buckets for sanitary facilities.
So you can imagine 80 people using those 2 buckets.
Once these buckets got filled up – they kept spilling over on the
floor in the cattle car. If you can picture this, one day, two days,
three days… with all of that waste on the floor… at this point, we were
happy that we had bundles so we could sit on top of the bundles instead
of all the human waste on the floor.
Disarmed males, separated from their families, being instructed by the police that they are being taken into custody for “their own protection.
The conditions were unbelievable.
We had babies there. Pregnant mothers. We had older people. Sick people.
And they are screaming and yelling. It just went on…
…the conditions were unbelievable. Some people were dying, they just could not take it anymore, they gave up.
Expert Tip: Avoid crowds.
Day one, day two, day three – we finally arrived into Auschwitz, it
was called “Ausfhwenchiem” in Polish (it’s very hard to pronounce, I
know that).
Anyway, I don’t want to get into details, but to answer your
questions – the conditions were unbearable. After 3 days, they opened up
the gates, let some fresh air, and we came out.
But to answer your question – yes, it was inhumane. It was impossible to – I guess at the end of another day, half the people would’ve died. People were throwing up from the smell.
Just unbelievable.
It was completely inhumane. But they didn’t care. They took us to be killed anyway.
Expert Tip: No one will care.
How violent were the camps?
Well, the camps were not violent. The leaders of the camps were… they were very violent.
Expert Tip: The leadership is inherently violent and cruel.
In Auschwitz, for instance, they would make us stand at attention for an hour in the freezing cold in the morning, and an hour at night, and count you and count you and count you…
Actually, there was no purpose in that.
Children in the Nazi Concentration camps.
The only purpose they had was to weed out the strong from the weak.
And by making you stand at attention for an hour or two -so if you
started to lean a little bit, or your knee would buckle a little bit –
they would pull you out and either shoot you or send you to the hospital
where they sent you to the gas chambers or whatnot to get rid of you…
They only wanted people to stay there to work. To be able to work,
you have to be healthy and fed. But they didn’t care. They would always
get new people, fresh people. It was very hard. They had all kinds of torture methods.
For instance, in the camps in Auschwitz – I’ll go through it when I can, tell you about my camp experience – in Auschwitz they would make us stand in line in the freezing cold, and they had a little game – where they said “Take off your cap! in German.
So you had to stand at attention, take off your cap, and you had to hit your arm against your leg with the cap.
All they wanted was to hear one sound. If somebody was a second late,
they wanted to know who they were. And then they would pull them out,
and beat them to death, or give them lashes… and sometimes they would
pull people out just to make a point.
And then put the hats back on. Up and down, up and down… it was a
game. These capos, these people inside the camp who were guards, and
guarding us… they could do with us whatever they wished.
There was no accounting. If they had some kind of fetish or crazy idea, they played it out with people.
What did they care? Kill you, not kill you?
Once disarmed and entrapped within a “safe area”, the inmates are dehumanized in appearance and action.
What did you eat in the camps?
Okay… we ate very little. Whatever we can. Whatever they fed us. And believe me, whatever they fed us was not fit for human beings.
But daily, usually, we had a few slices – like maybe 3-4 slices of bread. And they gave us a little margarine. The bread was made from half-sawdust… not real wheat, or anything like that. It was half sawdust, but it was food we could digest. And a little margarine, they always… had a little liverwurst – I mean very little.
They gave you JUST ENOUGH to keep you alive, because they needed your work. And if you got sick, and you died – well, that’s what they planned anyway! But as long as you could work, they kept you alive.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.
It’s strange, because a few years ago, when you had slaves in this world, you fed them well –
you wanted them to be fairly healthy and work hard. But the Nazis
barely fed us enough to keep a bird alive. And as long as you lived,
they used every ounce of strength from you to work.
Expert Tip: Genocidal slavery is far worse than historical slavery.
And if you died – well, it’s perfectly alright! Or they shot you, or beat you to death, who knows what they did.
So the food wasn’t very much. They gave us a little bit of what they
called coffee – it was made out of grain. But it was hot liquid. They
fed us once a day some soup, and you wouldn’t dare to find out what’s in
the soup, because if you found out, it would make you sick to your
It was mostly liquid, but if the person dealing out the soup was a
friend of yours, or knew you, they went down with the ladle a little deeper to pick up something of substance.
It could sometimes be a rat, or a mouse. You would be surprised. They threw everything in there.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.
Anyways, it wasn’t enough, and we were constantly, constantly, in hunger. Starving.
What was the most horrifying thing you personally witnessed?
The most horrifying thing I personally witnessed was the hanging of those 3 inmates that escaped and they caught them.
They put the noose on them, one at a time.
The last one that they hung was a young man, and he screamed out the prayers, the Jewish prayer before dying.
It’s only 5 or 6 letters.
But when they heard that, they kicked the stool out from under him, not even allowing him to finish 2 words of that prayer.
That was horrifying to me.
And the other thing that was even worse was when they first occupied
Poland, Krakow, within 5 days there was a truck pulling up to our
building, and Nazi soldiers jumped out of it, and all they wanted to
know was where the Jewish people lived. They asked the Super where the
Jewish people lived.
And he was quick to oblige.
Expert Tip: Socialist Marxists are very brutal once they confront an unarmed citizenry.
They came in, pistol-whipping us. They had sacks for us to throw in
all our valuables. They were beating up my father to open up the safe,
they cleaned everything out.
Famous Hitler Quote.
While this was going on, we heard horrible screams next door from the other Jewish family.
So my sister Lola, the one who survived, and I ran out through the back door to go into our neighbor’s through their back door to see what happened.
There was a young couple living there with 2 daughters, about my age. We used to play in the yard, after school. And the mother gave birth to an infant boy, about I guess 1 month earlier? or 3 weeks earlier? And we came in, we saw this monster holding the baby by its legs, and swinging it.
And screaming to the parents MAKE HIM SHUT UP!
And of course the parents and daughters were screaming Our baby, our baby, don’t hurt our baby!
And when we came in, we couldn’t believe what we saw. This monster had this smirk on his face, like he was enjoying what he was doing. And he smashed the baby’s head right into the doorpost, head first, killing it instantly.
That…That memory I will never forget. Seeing that baby scream, and
then the sudden silence. And the head opened up, and everything on the
floor. We all jumped on this monster, and started to beat him, and
scream – of course, we were all pistol-whipped by his buddies.
Expert Tip – Never allow Social Marxists to rule over you, disarm you, or control you in any way.
Anyways, it’s a long story, but all I can tell you is the mother died
within 2 weeks in the hospital, I don’t know if because of heartbreak,
or being beaten.
This was our first taste of Nazi brutality.
Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed “for the children”.
In those dark days how did you find the strength to survive? Did you ever want to give up so the suffering would end?
Well, the answer to that question is simply that it’s human nature to
overcome most of the atrocities and difficulties that are thrown at
But I didn’t think that I was any different than any other person.
Expert Tip: Democrats, no matter what they call themselves, are Socialist Marxists that given the change would go full-on Pol Pot on you and your family.
At least at that time, I didn’t give it any thought. I just wanted to survive – to get by every day, to stay out of the way, not to be as visible, because these – I don’t know what to call them – these monsters… just look for any kind of reason to pull someone out to kill them, to set an example.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.
So you had to keep timid. And try to do everything that they ordered
you to do. And not to be outstanding, or visible, in such a way. So… if
you’re insignificant, they don’t look to pull you out, and show an
This may be one of the reasons that I survived.
Expert Tip: The key to survival in a Social Marxist utopia is to be as hidden, and nonthreatening as possible. Use that time to leave it as silently and as quickly as possible.
And I was always very… don’t know how to say it? I was always very enthusiastic about life itself.
I hadn’t had a life, until that point, and whatever I did have, at this point, was sort’ve blocked out of my mind. I didn’t remember the good years any more.
So to me, life was very important, and I had to do everything humanly possible to survive, not to give them a reason or a cause to pull me out, and kill me.
What was one of the most uplifting things you witnessed during your imprisonment?
There were a lot of incidents like this, but few and far between.
Because missing one bit of food meant certain death. I remember one
inmate gave away his ration of food for a cigarette butt, and the guy
died that night.
The Nazis had figured out exactly what a person needed to live until
the following day, so very little of it went on where people were
generous by giving away their food – they couldn’t afford do, it meant
certain death.
But I did come across very generous and very good people in my life, who had saved Jewish people, and I called them “Righteous Gentiles.” I even had a head of the Gestapo who saved my sister, Lola, the one who survived – and saving her, she saved me and dozens of others people from a ghetto. And that enabled us to escape the ghetto and run away to Hungary, which was still a free country.
Now this head of Gestapo knew what he was doing was wrong, according to their laws, and eventually, he was executed by the Germans. But he saved many Jewish people, including myself and some others that i know survived the war thanks to him.
So not everyone was bad.
But of ALL people – we couldn’t believe the Head of Gestapo would do what that man did.
Expert Tip; There are “friends” in the most unlikeliest of places. But do not count on them. The odds of you encountering them is minuscule.
Who were your liberators and could you talk a little about when you first saw them and if you kept in touch with them over the years?
At first, you know, they looked like GODS to me.
I was liberated by the American soldiers. And every soldier that i saw looked like a God. I didn’t know how to thank them.
But I have met liberators – and until I started teaching about the
Holocaust, and speaking, and lecturing – actually, it’s in my book, and
it’s a long story to tell, but how in Tennessee, at the University of
Tennessee, I happened to accidentally meet the liberators of Dachau, 2
gentlemen who liberated me.
Virginia Governor, in 2020, demanded and legislated at Virginians be disarmed “for the children”. Those that will resist will need to confront the police and the national guard. He is even budgeting for special collection teams to go door to door to disarm the citizenry of Virginia.
And they were telling their stories about what they found in Dachau,
these atrocities, and I was a speaker immediately following them.
And sitting there, I couldn’t believe – I was on pins & needles – these people rescued my life! These people liberated me!
And then when it was my turn to speak, i walk over to them with
shaking knees, and I embrace them, and I say: “You two gentlemen gave me
my life. You liberated me. I wouldn’t be here without you.“
OF ALL PLACES. And they happened to be the soldiers who liberated
Dachau! And I was liberated there! How strange and coincidental that
were in the same stage, talking about the same thing. And when they
talked about liberating Dachau, and all these atrocities – I couldn’t
believe what I heard…
Yes, yes. Those are the only two gentlemen I met those many years later, and we keep in touch quite often.
What was the first thing you ate after being freed from the camp?
The first thing I ate, I remember, 2 GIs, American soldiers walked
up to us, and they opened up a can of Spam. And they handed it to me and
my cousin.
Well, it smelled so good that we made a mistake and we ate some of it.
Expert Tip; When starving, eat sparingly and carefully. Your body will not be able to handle the food.
And unfortunately, both of us came down with dysentery, I guess it
sped up, he would’ve probably died anyway, and my cousin died in my arms
the night after liberation. I got very sick too, and when they took him
away from me, I tried to follow.
I only weighed 65 pounds. I was a skeleton. Skin and bones.
So what can I tell you? The first food we ate was Spam.
I never ate that in my life before. I guess the Americans found it in
the German magazines, and they handed it out to the starving people.
They meant well, but our stomachs were not used to it.
A Jesuit priest picked me up, and took me to a field hospital in
Dachau, where I passed out, and I was out in a coma for over 2 months.
So what I ate afterwards, I have no idea. But it was good food, because I
came to myself, and surprising when I woke up after coma, I couldn’t
believe seeing myself – I looked pretty good! I had flesh on me.
I looked like a human being again.
What was your initial experience of America when you first arrived in 1947?
Well, when I was arrived, I was very, very overcome. I was impressed. It was just overwhelming to me.
Gun registration and control works. These experts clearly recommend it.
First, I arrived in New York harbor, and of course, the skyscrapers, the lifestyle… I made a sort of promise to myself then: This is going to be the first day of your life. From this day on, there is only ONE place to go: SUCCEED.
Expert Tip: When you flee a nation that has made gun ownership illegal, move to one where you can be free and own weapons.
I will build a family, I will do whatever I can in my power to succeed in this United States of America.
And this was my first impression. I liked what I seen. I met people who I thought were industrious, with businesses and families and love…there’s respect.
I loved what I saw in America.
I became American in my heart immediately.
So I adopted America, and I am glad America adopted me, and allowed me to be part of it, and become a citizen.
As a survivor, do you think you could ever forgive those who caused the Jewish race persecution? If so, what makes you forgive them, if not what would have to be done for it to be forgiven?
Okay, that’s a very good question. No, the answer is: I can’t forgive those people who were directly involved, the perpetrators of the Holocaust. Obviously, I can never forgive them.
And perhaps I feel that it’s not really up to me. It’s up to the victims. They have to forgive them. But I can’t forget. But the other answer is: I do not blame the son for his father’s sins.
Which means I have nothing against the people of Germany today.
They are not at fault for what happened. And to me, we are all part of the human race. So whether you’re German, or French, or American… whether you’re one religion, Catholic, Jewish, Protestant – it doesn’t matter.
We are all part of the human race.
And I respect every person.
As long as they prove themselves to not be racist or hateful people. As long as they don’t repeat the atrocities from the past – I respect them. And I tolerate them. I think it is beautiful that we are different.
So I hope this gave you the answer.
How hard is it to keep painful memories at the forefront of your mind as you do this? How do you find the motivation and inspiration to do so?
Well… I am thankful to God for the strength that I am healthy enough
to share my story. And I hope for many years that I can continue doing
this. Because it is something that needs to be done.
Gun registration and control works. Progressive Marxists clearly recommend it.
I started it over 20 years ago, approximately 25 years ago. It all started with my grand-son, who invited me to speak in one of the schools. Before I was silent, I kept it bottled up in me.
I thought Why subject our children, our grandchildren, to all these tragedies?
I wanted them to grow up as normal American kids.
Not to feel some kind of guilt-trip or something. So I didn’t talk much about it. But my grand-son asked me to come to school to talk about it.
Expert Tip; Do not hide Marxist atrocities. Do not allow anyone to hide the truths of social Marxism.
And from that date on, I came to Los Vegas Nevada, and I joined the Holocaust Survivor’s Group, and the speaker’s bureau, asked for volunteers. So I volunteered. And I haven’t stopped speaking since.
I felt I had to reach out.
I had to do much more than just speaking, exposing colleges. It has to be more wider-scale. So I started Zachor Holocaust Remembrance Foundation, hoping it would reach millions of people worldwide.
We have to keep this world from acquiring amnesia. But there are many other ways to reach out. And as time went on, I kept adding those ways.
Since I retired – actually, when I retired to Las Vegas, I felt I’ll take it easy for a while, I always felt that I was a very hard worker, but it turns out I’ve never worked so hard in my life as retirement!
So yes, I am grateful for this. I will do everything possible – because the world has to know. We have to do everything possible to keep the world from forgetting.
Have you or any other survivors you’ve met had to deal with PTSD or other mental health issues after the war ended? How were you able to go through it?
Post-traumatic stress, is that what you’re saying?
I didn’t have very much of that.
I knew… there were no surprises.
I knew exactly what was happening in the camps. I went through it every day.
So after liberation, I really did not have that much stress, because after going through hell, everything is paradise.
Expert Tip; After strife… It’s ALL good!
I knew I had to work hard in order to achieve my dream, to be
successful in this world, but to have post-traumatic stress… I didn’t. I
dunno. Maybe because i was too young, I didn’t realize. But to me,
every day was a gift from heaven.
So after going through what I went through – everything was easy. It was simple.
State police in Cambodia rounding up people who’s name were on gun registration lists. They then took them to “safe places”, that were “for their protection”.
To some people – things may look hard, like hard work, or digging
ditches, or who knows what you’re doing that’s hard. To me, it was a
pleasure, work. I’m doing this as a free man, a free person!
I never try to stay away from hard work. I knew that in order to
succeed, you have to work hard. And I did many things in this wonderful
America, in this country of ours, that wasn’t easy. But I don’t remember
post-traumatic stress. I really don’t have an answer for that.
You’ve obviously had an amazingly long life and experienced a lot of extreme things. What is the single moment in your life that stands out in your memory the strongest?
Well… the worst thing stands out in my life is memory, the memory
when we arrived into Auschwitz, and they said “Women and children to the
right, and men to the left” and I was holding onto my little brother
Tully, my older sister Goldie, and we were just… pulled apart.
Never to see each other again.
And when I found out where they went… and what happened to them, that was one of the worst nightmares of my life.
Expert Tip: Never allow yourself to be divided, separated, and segregated by your enemies.
I couldn’t believe when I was told that they were actually those
ashes that we see, those flames shooting out… those are our parents, our
mothers, our fathers, our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters… ashes.
This was a terrifying moment in my life. When I realized my sister,
my little bother, were just burned to death. Just… I couldn’t get over
it, for a long time.
And of course… other memories, there are many others.
Having my first daughter, my second daughter, my marriage to my lovely wife of 64 years…
There are a lot of wonderful, wonderful moments in my life. Besides the atrocities at the beginning
How frustrating is it that some people refuse to believe the Holocaust occurred?
I don’t believe that they don’t know better. They know better.
Expert Tip: Socialist Marxists lie. Everything they say is a lie.
They just believe that if a lie is told long enough, that some people will start believing in that lie. Because nothing in history was ever as documented as the Holocaust itself.
Eisenhower, when he came across these camps, instructed his soldiers, the fighting men to take pictures – all the pictures they could, from all they saw, these atrocities, “because someday there will be people denying that it ever happened.” That it ever happened.
So he was smart enough. And millions, and millions of pictures. It was documented in pictures, and films. So what’s the use of denying it?
Great Hitler Quote
They are preying on youngsters who don’t know better, or uneducated
people. This is why education is important. Because people who are in
countries who don’t have the chance to know the truth – they hope that
these people will believe it.
Those are anti-Semites. People who hate Jewish people.
What do you think about the status of Jews in Europe today?
About the status of Jews in the world today? It’s very grim. I read about it all the time. It seems like Anti-Semitism is taking over, all over again.
It’s not so… visible, openly.
Expert Tip; Nazi Germans were Democrat Socialists.
But what bothers me the most is in Germany itself, it’s become
fashionable among the elites in Germany to make jokes, and to sort’ve
blame things on the Jewish people. This is… what actually started the
whole thing.
Hitler, and the Nazis, did not begin by killing. This is not how it started.
Expert Tip: The killing did not start immediately. The disarming, and the name calling came first.
It all started with hate.
And… this is happening again. Not to such an extent, as before, obviously. But I can see in my personal opinion that I have, if I am allowed to say this – I personally feel that there is only one race in the world, and that is the HUMAN race.
And we are all human.
So apparently, there is a little amount of evil that is lurking in
each one of us. We have to be very careful not to allow it to surface.
Because we are all the same people.
Progressive socialists are all the same. They give themselves different names. They promise to create a utopia. They have the registration of weapons, then seize them, and then kill specific “deplorable” segments of the population. All in the name of progressive, modern advancement.
I guess that the Nazis were not born monsters. They had lovely families. There were educated people.
So… people can be subverted in such an easy way. Simply by words from the mouth.
Hitler was a good orator. And he lashed out. And that’s how it started.
It’s beginning again. Little jokes, here and there about Jews. Little jokes about problems all the fault of a Jew… in a nice way. You know?
Expert Tip; Being called “deplorable” or accused of “privilege” is what Hitler did to the Jews. The Social Marxists use the exact same “playbook”.
And this is happening all over again in parts of the world. And it’s fashionable to make jokes about Jews. That bothers me. It bothers me a lot. And it’s happening. Of course, it is fueled by religion, and other sources… but WHY?
Why can’t we tolerate and respect each others’ religion? Why can’t we live side-by-side? And respect?
Great Pol Pot quote.
No matter what your religion is.
See the beauty in that part. And why do we have to try and convert others to be like them, or like us?
The beauty in this world is that we are different – we think different, we have different beliefs, we look different… can you imagine if we all looked the same, and if we all believed the same? Like Hitler wanted the Nazis to be?
It would be a dull, dull world. It would be like a bunch of ants following a leader.
So yes, I am very disturbed at what is happening.
Expert Tip; Survivors of Social Marxist re-engineering and utopias are alarmed at what is going on in the United States today.
And this is why I am doing MORE than I can do. Day and night, I have sleepless nights, I think of what I can do…to get the message out. To get to more people.
And this is why it’s so important to go to schools, why education is so important.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.
Because hatred exists ONLY where people are ignorant.
So each one of us has to choose responsibility. To live lives that work against hatred.
Obviously – hatred is out there, even with bullying. Or political
campaigns. Reckless driving. All of these things contribute to an
environment of hatred.
And hatred can only exist where people are ignorant. So we must
constantly provide anti-hatred education. And in doing so, we can
contribute to the healing of others.
To respect. To heal the world. It has to be through
education. And it has to be through educators who are… known that they
believe in tolerance, and respect. So we have to be also very careful
who these educators are.
If you had the chance to go back in time and see your young self, what would you do and what would you tell him?
I would tell myself “Ben, you have to respect and love all people
in this world. Do not discriminate. Do whatever best you can in your
life to help others. In general, just be a person of love, instead of
hate. We have so much in this world, and I guess.. after going through
all this hatred, and atrocities, I would absolutely tell myself that
Ben, you cannot discriminate. We are all part of the human race. And
this is something that I feel starts – hatred begins in schools. I would
tell myself that.“
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.
It starts early as bullying. When you bully someone, you make an enemy for life. So why bully? Why hate?
This is something I have learned from living this life of mine, and
going through hell on earth… that we have to find a way to prevent this
from ever happening again.
So it has to start with me. I have to be the one. I have to be a loving person, instead of a hateful person.
And whatever you do – don’t ever be a bystander. If
you see someone else being hurt, or something being wrongfully done –
don’t be a bystander, the way the world was during World War II.
Expert Tip; Do not allow the Socialist Marxists to take control of government. Do not accept it. Fight back.
Speak up. Let your voice be heard.
Shout out. Let the world know. And this is what I am hoping I can
accomplish in my life. To get this world to shout out… for peaceful
Shout out for love, for tolerance, against anti-Semitism, against
racism… we only get it through education, so if I had my chance of
reliving my life, this is what I would try to do. And this is what I am
trying to do, in the last 25-30 years of my life.
Deplorable Jewish-Germans, demonized for their privilege, sent to “safe places” once disarmed by their government.
What would you like every young person to know? What advice could you give them on how to live well?
The advice I can give every person… to live better…is “No matter – I want each person to know that life is a matter of choices.”
An individual can always CHOOSE what happens to them.
Idi Amin disarmed his nation, then declared war on them. Remember history.
Whether it’s a crisis, or a calamity, people can choose to either ruin their lives, or to learn from it, and move forward.
It’s essential to understand the consequences of personal choices.
It’s possible to let tragedy or trauma become a reason to stop living.
But it’s also possible to live through extreme circumstances like I did and commit to a life that has meaning. A life that matters.
If you strive – whatever profession you’re in – to be the BEST in
that profession – and if you work for a company, try to find out how you
can, or what you can do, to help this company succeed – then you will
be successful.
Don’t be a clock-watcher.
Just…see what you can do to possibly improve that company,
so they can make money, hire more people… if you have this outlook, be
the BEST in whatever you do… you have nothing to worry about in life.
You will have a wonderful life.
This is what I feel I succeeded in. Because i never thought about myself personally. I thought if my boss is going to be successful, I will be, automatically, awarded. That’s the best advice I can give you.
Absolutely never permit gun registration or disarmament. History clearly warns us of the consequences.
And it all started by gun registration.
Then disarmament.
Finally, his family being told to gather their belongings to be relocated to a “safe place” where they could live in peace.
And the rest, is history.
Do not allow your family, your loved ones, and your very existence to be turned into ashes and oily dust from furnace fires.
Expert Tip; Know your history and prepare for the worst. Pray that it does not happen, but be ready just in case it does.
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Now that President Trump has released almost all of the documentation related to the President Kennedy murder, a full picture surfaces. It’s an ugly one, indeed. We now know in full detail how the President was assassinated, who the people were who participated in it, who covered it up, and the motivations behind it. It’s very interesting, but a very long study because it touches on a number of principles that Americans are uncomfortable with…
The wealthy guard their money and power ruthlessly.
They have complete control of the American media.
They have complete control of the American police.
They have complete control of the American military.
They treat Americans as farm animals (cash cows).
They kill anyone that stands in their way.
The following video is a long one, but is very complete. Watch it.
We can now see the entire state of affairs about what our nation is, what is actually stands for and how it actually operates. So when I speak about the “oligarchy”, it should be taken to mean…
Oligarchy = Secret American Government
And, as such… it has affected everything. From technology acquisition (MAJestic), to geopolitical interactions, to society. Our world, our nation, the life that we live is what has been created for us by this oligarchy.
Let that sink in.
There will be a reset of sorts within America, but how it will “play out” and evolve is anyone’s guess. What you can expect is that the oligarchy will not relinquish their control or power easily. That a return to a more democratic representative, or republican form of government is impossible without serious conflict. And, that there will be a period of discomfort during this adjustment period.
I do NOT know how it will evolve. Certainly there are both human and “other” elements that favor the status quo, and they will permit an enormous amount of strife, as long as they can control it’s outcome and utility.
Those that control the United States are far too powerful, too dangerous, and too ruthless for removal. As such, the individual must plan accordingly.
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because I just don’t care to.
Here’s an on-going post that collects what amounts to “sign posts” to a second American civil war.
The gathering storm, so long denied, is now so strong as to be uncontainable. The quarter from which it will break is in doubt, that it will break is not. We'll discover who the real preppers are after the first hard blasts roll across the land. In war this is known as "first contact with the enemy", the violent unraveling of faulty imagining that exposes the viable core, if any. -The Woodpile Report 24DEC19
Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Jonathan Nichols was found dead Friday, making him the second GOP state senator to be shot to death in the last two days.
Police reportedly found Nichols, 53, dead by a gunshot wound in Norman, Oklahoma, Wednesday night. His death comes two days after police reportedly discovered former Arkansas Republican state Sen. Linda Collins-Smith dead from a gunshot wound and wrapped in some kind of blanket.
Republicans start to speculate…
Ya think?
Some people are suggesting that since everything is so polarized in
the USA today, that a conflict could break out any moment. Uh. Maybe.
It’s just that conflicts are NOT organic. They are planned.
They anticipated Nationwide gun confiscation by the second year into
her term. And, the start of genocide against their opposition in 2020 –
2021 time frame.
Hillary Clinton Elected in 2016.
Gun related Massacre in 2017 (Los Vegas)
Gun collection and restrictions 2018 through 2019.
Hillary Clinton Reelection 2020
Ramp up of “White Privilege” propaganda. 2020.
Round-ups of people 2021.
Genocide to begin 2021 through 2025.
I argue that the plans are still in play, simply because there is every evidence that the preparations are still in place.
The progressive socialists and their leadership; the oligarchy, are
just “biding their time” until they can obtain Obama-level control over
the government again.
Let’s see what happens, and please ignore the news as it’s just all
speculation. The situation is in flux and “our side” is losing.
Names like Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Yates, Strzok, Page, Clinton, Abedin, and Lynch have now been emblazoned in the minds of most Americans.
Not only because they are or were powerful, but because they are members of the ruling elites who have allegedly committed crimes for which none of them have been prosecuted.
Civil wars happen when the victimized are armed. Genocide happens when they are not. Take care. Know your history.
Conservatives start to realize that a hot war is in the making…
short, minions of Leftardia and Stupidia, you have blundered into a
minefield, on a pogo stick. Stop what you’re doing, tiptoe out, and pray
to whatever deity you think appropriate that you get away with your
Because if you insist on pushing your revolution, you’re going to get
the war of which you cannot grasp, and the results of which you cannot
even conjure in your wildest fever-swamp nightmares.
Mainstream conservatives start to arm up.
Which brings me to the main point of this piece. It’s imperative those of us who can see the bigger picture stay as focused and as humane as possible while things fall apart.
It’s possible to fight for what’s right without dehumanizing other people. We must resist all efforts by the media, pundits and even those around us to suck us into the collective insanity vortex infecting people across the political spectrum.
After all, if we don’t, who will?
Things falling apart is never fun or safe; it never has been. Something else will surely replace that which is going away, and the best we can do is try to ensure the world of the future builds upon the best of what came before, while discarding the destructive and unethical.
It means being honest about what’s good about the current system and what’s rotten to the core. It’s not all bad, but it wasn’t the end of history either.
Yes, we’re entering a period of increased turmoil on a global basis, but the future is still ours to make. Let’s make it a good one.
-Liberty Blitz
Conservatives Wake Up
The base is woke and the Establishment’s a joke. I speak to a lot of conservative groups of various types and flavors: hardcore tea partiers, patriotic vets, loyal radio listeners, besieged students, brass New Yorkers, even rich country club types who you would think were into Jeb! – you know, diversity. And lately, I’ve tended to start off my talks by posing this question:
“Okay, who here agrees with me that the left wants us enslaved or dead?”
Every hand goes up.
Every single one of them.
That’s our base.
Folks, our base is hella woke.
And they love Trump, because Trump has delivered the oven-fresh, piping hot conservatism they ordered.
- The GOP Base Is Done Tolerating RINO Collaboration With The Democrats
Most conservatives realize that a tipping point has been reached.
October 12, 2019
We Have Reached The Tipping Point
Posted on October 12, 2019
I’m just an average guy, seriously.
I’m no brilliant historian/scholar/military strategist/political guru.
Just a working stiff.
But I try to stay abreast of what is going on around me.
What I am noticing lately is a very clear departure from the views from the Right that I saw even a couple of years ago.
Even though I claim to be just another Joe Sixpack, I want you to stop and go read what I wrote over two years ago.
If I really wanted to do some digging, I could go back even farther and point to where I was telling people that we were already in the easily identifiable early stages of a Civil War.
People scoffed at my thoughts at the time.
That nervous laughter has evolved into mutterings and now open recognition of that state of affairs.
Some people are finally catching up.
As a matter of fact, over the time span from then to now, I am seeing more and more, that actual violence is being called for from those perpetual cheek turners who previously denied any such thing was even possible.
All in Self Defense of course. (Wink wink, nod nod)
This low level Cold Civil War is getting ready to go Hot people.
The Left has lost it’s collective fucking mind and thinks it actually has the stroke to win such an unimaginable horror.
The Right has finally figured out these cretins are dead serious.
The Right is now openly spreading the word to arm ourselves and prepare for battle in the streets and from the roof tops.
Just through my usual casual skimming of my Blogrolls I see post after post from Conservative authors spreading that message.
All it is going to take is a spark to light off an unstoppable slaughter of incomprehensible magnitude.
The Left has a handful of Bic lighters and are thumbing the wheels every day now.
What was not too long ago incomprehensible is now a reality.
These people are going to keep escalating until someone or something stops them dead in their tracks.
There will be no Gimme’s and no quarter.
There will be death and misery for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner until the conflagration runs out of fuel to burn.
It is too late to stop it now.
May God forgive us for what we are about to do.
May God forgive us for what we are about to do.
Conservatives get the message out, War is Coming.
Think of what they would do with real power…
Do you think that a leftist Supreme Court majority won’t construe the First Amendment to exclude protection for “hate speech,” by which I mean any thoughts you might wish to express that they object to?
Do you think they won’t turn the federal bureaucracy – including law enforcement – against their political enemies a thousand times harder than before, having been rewarded for the last decade of doing so?
Do you think they won’t start tossing dissenters into prison? They do in England. You can go to jail for a tweet there – and do you think the left thinks that’s a bad thing, or a creative European innovation that needs to be imported?
How about the Second Amendment? Are you kidding? The idea that our citizenry maintains the ultimate veto over tyranny drives them bonkers.
Do you think they won’t use violence to make you conform? Hell, Democrat presidential candidate Eric Swalwell is willing to nuke you for not giving up your guns. We know that because he said so.
It’s time to stop pretending that people who hate our guts don’t hate our guts, and that given the chance they won’t act exactly like people who hate our guts would act.
The time to stop them is now, while we still can peacefully, before they quit tweeting about killing and start doing it beyond the occasional Bernie Bro at a ball field. We need to purge the weakhearts and Fredocons from positions of authority in our movement and be all-in for victory in 2020. In the meantime, we need to aggressively push our campaign to remake the courts. And it sure would not hurt to follow the Founders‘ advice to exercise our Second Amendment rights to reinforce the deterrent to tyranny that is an armed citizenry.
- What Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You?
Others start to notice and agree…
Thoughts On Our Collective Civil Insanity
Posted by El Borak | Oct 12, 2019 | Culture | 1 |
Every now and then, a nation goes crazy. For whatever reason – it might be collective humiliation or extreme poverty, it might be boredom or despair – an entire people becomes unmoored from reality. It says and does things that in any other time or place would be immediately dismissed as foolishness or even fever dreams. In its confusion and hunger, it turns upon itself, devours itself, rips itself to shreds.
Examples that immediately come to mind are the Weimar Republic in the 1920s and the various revolutionary governments in France in the 1790s. In reading accounts of the period, one will note that people outside of the insanity could scarcely believe what they heard coming from inside it*. One will also note how horribly the regular people caught inside the system suffered.
In both cases, increasing political turbulence led to political violence. Violence led to recrimination. The government, unable or often unwilling to stop it, fell upon itself in coup and intrigue. Men took to the streets. Regular people locked their doors and hid or fled the nation altogether.
Eventually the people had suffered enough and a reactionary strongman arose. The suffering endured by regular people in the interim led them to welcome both Napoleon and Hitler, if only to restore order. Both led them straight into more suffering.
Raise a child up in the way he should go…
There can be little doubt America has gone similarly insane. The highest court in our land is arguing in all seriousness whether a man who thinks he’s a woman deserves employment rather than a strait jacket. Our intelligence services and parts of our legislative branch persist in their extra-legal struggle to remove the sitting executive. Our press lies to us with impunity, and when caught, simply moves on to the next big lie. We print trillions of dollars from nothing to buy ourselves collective comfort. And the people are not horrified; rather most of us are entertained.**
It’s a bad road that goes to a bad place. While conservatives are powerless to even slow this clown car, millions of your fellow citizens are cheering our Progress into insanity. And there’s likely nothing you can do to change that.
That last sentence is a hard statement for most Americans to accept. We are a people made up of doers and problem solvers, entrepreneurs and go-getters. Surely there is something we can do.
There is something you can do: get the hell out of the way. Get your family and whomever else God has put under your authority the hell out of the way. Pray and prepare. Because this road leads to national suffering.
People like to throw the word “coup” around because it’s politically powerful. But they don’t believe that’s truly what we’re seeing. Or they don’t understand all it means. Because if they did, they would realize how many of the functions of modern life, how our financial markets and our web of gas stations and supermarkets, rely on a government that is able to keep peace. A government truly at war with itself cannot keep peace for long. A society that cannot define the word “woman” cannot perpetuate itself for long.
Whether the coup succeeds or not, we have reached a point at which the likelihood of America returning to domestic peace is small. With every university colloquium on the evils of whiteness, with every third world colony planted on our soil, those odds drop further. That means the insanity will grow until the people have suffered enough to bring an end to it by violence***. Be prepared.
* Ambassador Governeur Morris’ dispatches from Paris during the French Revolution are a good example. President Jefferson and his administration almost wholly disbelieved a “republican” government could act as the French one did.** Unless it’s our power that’s turned off. Then we drive from station to darkened station looking for gasoline.*** Those who subscribe to the Fourth Turning thesis (as I do), understand the options for this occurring are legion.
The Democrat Marxists openly drop the facade. They call for the open disarming of all Americans.
Gov. Ralph Northam confirms Virginia already 'working on' gun confiscation now that Democrats are in control ... Democratic Party controls Virginia's legislature, the governorship, lieutenant governorship, attorney general, and both U.S. Senate seats
-The Blaze
Open calls for the Genocide of White Conservative Males…
The progressives are signaling that if you are white and male very bad things are going to happen to you. The cuckservatives are starting to signal that if you are a Trump supporter, then when term limits remove Trump, or the next massively rigged election removes Trump, very bad things are going to happen to you. The cuckservatives hope that if they signal hard enough, it is only going to be white male Trump supporters.
Out of one side of their mouths cuckservatives say that it is absurd to suggest that progressives are proposing the extermination or expulsion of white males, and out of the other side of their mouths they say that if you are a Trump supporter, come the end of the Trump era, you are going to pay.
This is not necessarily a good way of removing Trump. Not in 2020, and not in 2024. In the impeachment vote, every Republican voted party line, which is an extraordinary and startling turn around. This is a vote that signals a hope that Democrats will never be allowed to return to power, and an expectation that such a return may well be prevented.
The Republicans, faced with increasingly dire threats from the enemy have united behind Trump. With the threat in front of them that from henceforth politics is going to played for keepsies, they are going with keeping. And Trumpism is increasingly moving to the position “screw the constitution, if we are ever removed from power, the constitution is dead anyway. Lets grab on to power and hang on for our dear lives.”
White males and white Christians cannot continue to win elections, and cannot afford to lose them.
- Politics played for keeps.
White culture and white history is being demonized and erased. Historically, demonizing a group is usually a prelude to attempting to physically exterminate the group, to physically erase them after culturally erasing them.
Progressives, or at least some progressives whose superior holiness is such that progressives, and even conservatives, are unable to criticize them, are now piously advocating the next step, in the august pages of the New York Times, among other places.
These calls for extermination are couched in ambiguous language. But when someone ambiguously tells you he means to kill you, and fails to clarify that ambiguity, he means to kill you.
If you don’t intend to kill someone, and it sounds like you do intend to kill someone, you are going to clarify. The New York Times and the rest are not clarifying.
The usual terrified cowardly cuckservatives piously tell us that these terrifying threats are “clearly” intended merely to advocate our erasure from the culture and from history, but it is not clear at all. Rather, what is clear is that these terrifying threats are deliberately ambiguous, like the “Liquidation of the kulaks as a class”
I read the article as calling for racial violence, but maybe it means something else. If it does mean something else, neither I nor the cuckservatives have any idea what that something else is. It does not say “Time to exterminate the white race” in so many words, but neither did Hitler say “Time to exterminate the Jews” in so many words. If the article is not saying “Time to exterminate the white race” it is profoundly unclear what it is saying. What the article does, however say clearly is that whites simply by existing unavoidably and incurably oppress other groups. What the author proposes to do about this problem is unclear, but she does seem to be implying the obvious solution and denying the possibility of other solutions.
Bronze Age Pervert lists a pile of exterminationist screeds.
The anti-male and anti-White rhetoric of the new left is extreme. The racial attacks on whites in particular approaches exterminationist propaganda seen only in, e.g., the Hutu against the Tutsi in 1990’s Rwanda.
The cuckservatives reply that these screeds are not calling for extermination. Well, they are certainly calling for something, though what they are calling for is not totally clear. If it is not extermination they are calling for, what are they calling for? Nobody calling for extermination ever says plainly what they mean. These sound mighty like past calls for extermination, and they surely do not sound like anything else. If it is not extermination they propose, what are they proposing? They are obviously proposing something. The lack of clarity is par for the course whenever monsters propose monstrous deeds. These are all calls to action. If the action is not “exterminate whitey”, what is it?
The Khmer Rouge were full of wrath at foreign educated intellectuals, notwithstanding the fact the Khmer Rouge cadre were composed of foreign educated intellectuals, and very rapidly the Khmer Rouge cadre wiped out the Khmer Rouge cadre. I expect that when Scott Aaronson is informed, somewhat to his surprise, that he is white, he will agree that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If you are a progressive, and white genocide is on the table, then the way to postpone your execution is to be twice as enthusiastically in favor of it as everyone else. Observe the response of the cuckservatives.
- Genocide on the way.
As everyone who considers themselves to be a Patriot in this
country is very well aware of, the new State Government in Virginia went
Blue and then insane with power.
The Anti Gunners have dropped all pretense of being coy about their
lust for gun confiscation, registration and basically disarming the
general population completely, up to and including making even
practicing illegal if they decide there is intent to train for civil
Outlawing militias, hand to hand self defense training and all manner of insanity manifested via Lawfare.
Rumors of calling in the National Guard to facilitate disarming the population have flown around the internet.
I believe there are over seventy Virginia counties and towns now that
have declared themselves to be Second Amendment Sanctuaries.
Almost all passing unanimously.
Matt also passed on in the video that there is a massive rally
planned in the State Capitol of Richmond on January 20th, 2020 to
protest these new laws and to send a message to the wannabe tyrants in
I found this in the comments under the video, Regarding the mass
rally in Richmond, Virginia January 20th, 2020 that Matt mentioned at
the 16:32 mark – The Virginia Citizens Defense League (https://www.vcdl.org)
will be holding their big Lobby Day Rally on Monday January 20th, 2020
(which also happens to be Martin Luther King Day). Mr. Bracken very
astutely pointed out that if these new laws go into effect and the
Governor feels froggy enough to try and send troops or police around to
implement confiscation, that there will be a bloodbath.
He compared our governments 18 year hubristic adventures in
Afghanistan to what would very likely happen in rural Virginia just to
make a point. What I can see happening is more of a nightmare for
these tyrannical cucks than even they could possibly imagine in their
worst fever dreams.
I can see God Fearing and completely fed up rural Virginians going on
the offense. As Bracken pointed out what we and they already know, they
don’t have enough people to accomplish this Confiscation wet dream. On
their best day.
Add all of the National Guard that Virginia and even possibly a few
other states could muster, all of the State and Local police, remember
most of the Sheriffs have already told them to go pound sand, plus any
Feds they might possibly be able to round up and then put that number
next to the population of seventy counties and towns full of heavily
armed and fighting mad Virginians and start doing some division on
If I was this dumbass Governor they got, I would be thinking real
hard about sitting the fuck down and shutting the fuck up while I was
ahead. All of these laws they rushed to pass violate the Constitution
without even a hint of legitimacy.
I do believe one of he best visual images I ran across that puts this into perspective is the one I saw over at A Nod To The Gods ,which I swiped fair and square for the purpose of making my point here.
People, this is the law.
So while this Rat Fucker of a Governor, Ralph Northam and his
equally reprehensible accomplices may think that they can just run amok
over peoples God Given rights to defend themselves, our Founding
Fathers were far sighted enough to see his ilk coming a couple hundred
years away and made arrangements to give We The People the ability to
reign that kind of shit in up front and from the back too if necessary.
Virginia is shaping up to be the ultimate test of those decisions
made way back in the late 1700’s. Because I can absolutely guarantee one
thing as sure as the Sun rises in the East, the majority of those
people in those seventy counties and towns are not going to surrender
their guns.
Whether Governor Ralphie thinks he has the balls to try and take
them remains to be seen but I would bet a weeks paycheck that if he ever
actually tried to force the issue with government guns and enforcers,
he wouldn’t be around to see how it ends.
Most of Virginia sets up enclaves to protect them from the Marxist government.
Tazewell County is taking this threat to the Second Amendment very
seriously. Not only did they pass a Second Amendment Sanctuary
resolution, but they’ve also officially begun to form a militia
With Michael Bloomberg’s help, the Democrats took over the Virginia state congress.
There’s an anti-paramilitary bill that would disallow armed people
to gather or teach others how to use firearms or any technique that
could cause injury or death.
There’s a bill that would make semi-automatic weapons illegal.
Nearly the entire state (aside from the highly populated areas that
elected these yahoos) has balked and formed Second Amendment
A legislator threatened the sanctuaries with the National Guard.
The sanctuaries responded by activating an organized militia.
The only real way to prevent bloodshed and save face for the congress and governor is for these bills not to pass.
That would be difficult, though, given the fact that Bloomberg dumped
millions of dollars into getting people elected who promised to pass
strict gun control bills. If they suddenly vote against the bill, they
will have to face their angry constituents and the wrath of Bloomberg.
Rural Virginians seem unlikely to back down and are willing to fight.
They have another month to get organized to defend their communities.
Marxists double down.
[1] Conservative news outlets reporting on the Virginia situation are being threatened and being warned to stop reporting;
“Your reporting about the growing numbers in the militia create a clear and present threat to America. As part of Congress, I’m giving you fair warning that this is the equivalent of shouting ‘fire’ in a movie theater. If your reporting incites violence, or can even be tied to it, we will make sure to charge your editors with felonies,” wrote the person.
[2] They are also being hit by cyber attacks designed to shut down their communication.
The first article we dropped about the growing militias was on Monday. Within two hours, we were hit with several massive cyber attacks. The same happened following articles on Tuesday and on Wednesday.
-Law Enforcement Today
Marxists in other states move forward on the disarming…
Virginia counties considering leaving the state. 16JAN19.
The West Virginia Senate adopted a resolution to remind Virginia residents from Frederick County that they have a standing invite — from 1862 — to become part of West Virginia.
West Virginia freedom fighters broke away from Virginia Democrat slave owners during the Civil War. This week West Virginia has once again invited persecuted Virginia pro 2-A counties to come join their state. LINK.
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America has evolved. China has changed. But the mainstream media reporting has not. This post discusses how both China and the United States have changed. We look at how they have migrated away from the form of government they were first established as. We look at how they both started, how they both changed, and where they both are today.
For the United States, we study how it was first set up as a Constitutional Republic. We look at how it was changed through “progressive” alterations by President Wilson. We track the train of progressive change through FDR, to Clinton, and Obama. Finally, we follow the changes to the totalitarian police-state oligarchy America is today.
For China, we study how it was set up as a Marxist utopia, and how it failed miserably. We look at who orchastrated the movement away from hard-line communism, and what they replaced it with. For, surprisingly, it was replaced by a single-party traditional Chinese-conservative government. We discuss how Mr. Deng brought this transformation through the implementation of Reganomics in the 1980’s.
Of course, we use facts and history to support this history. But, it’s not a popular history. It’s a stealth history.
The Stereotypes of China and America
The actual history lies hidden. We never see it behind the paid actors and actresses that pretend to be reporters. We never watch the actors pretending to be “experts” on televised discussion boards. We never see the entire picture, ever. All we see are actors reading scripted lines. Lines that are cultivated to evoke emotional reactions from us.
All we see is what is being “reported” to us.
American news 18AUG19. This is a screen capture of CNN taken on 18August 2019. Our view of life and news is all colored by the news selectively presented to us, and how it is presented.
That’s because the mainstream American media is a propaganda arm for others who desire Americans live in a “fake reality”. It’s a reality where Americans can be easily manipulated, emotionally tugged upon, and cajoled to perform the bidding of others.
Have you ever wondered why some people think the way that they do? I mean, why is it “common knowledge” that Trump followers are “Deplorable” Nazi “Red-Necks” who are High School dropouts and uneducated bumbletons? Why is it “common knowledge” that Universities and Colleges are the perfect routes for success in today’s’ modern world? Why is it “common knowledge” that we need to pay income taxes or else our bridges would collapse and our telephones would explode?
The News Media told us.
The following link opens up in a separate tab…
I argue that in order to have a peaceful life, you need to tune out and turn off that screaming, screeching noise-maker. You need to divorce yourself from the news. Oh, and yes this means all news. Most especially the news that YOU WANT TO BELIEVE. For that is the most dangerous manipulations. For they have successfully tapped into your emotional tug-points.
Because of all this manipulation, Americans have a distorted view of the world, and their place in it.
American media is just propaganda. Nothing that you see is real and truthful. It is all distorted lies and partial-truths.
That is why many young people today feel that America is a horrible place, and needs to be replaced with a soft and kind socialist utopia. While, older Americans hold on to the belief that America is still the greatest nation in the world, and that it is full of “free” people living a life in liberty. Both points of view are framed upon the lies fed to them by the media.
With this there are two “camps” of belief;
Conservative. America is still a free republic. Liberty, while under assault, still exists. Any problems that America has are short-lived, and as long as a Conservative representative is elected, everything will be fixed, and people will once again be left alone as the normal order of things.
Progressive. America has problems because it is not progressive enough. It needs a strong leader to move to the “enlightened despotic” utopia. A utopia where the intellectually superior would tend to the rest of humanity much like a Shepard tends a flock of sheep. A Shepard sort of like a militarized Obama.
Let’s look at these two nations (USA and China) and two societies and compare them, shall we? Let’s start with America.
America Today
Liberty does not thrive when you must pee in a cup to get a job.
Here we are going to start with America. For simplicity, I have broken apart the various details into other posts. (All the statements made can be expanded upon in much greater detail by clicking on the links shown.)
Ron Swanson. I am an American. Know what this is all about.
How America was Changed.
How America was changed. It was changed purposefully. The America that we see today is what is the result of 100 years of progressive alteration in the hopes of achieving a utopia. Which is, on top of an earlier period of 100 years of evolution where those in government centralized power and control.
Wilson started the path towards progressive implementation. He turned Americans into serfs, and put bankers in charge of America’s economy.
FDR expanded upon it and had to rewrite and redefine the interpretation of key aspects of the Constitution. He pretty much started down the path to shredding the Bill of Rights.
Clinton altered the Justice department. Implemented forceful elements of social change and started the balkanization of America.
Obama radicalized all of the many agencies in Government. He armed them and made them a force to control the American people. He was the one who implemented the decisiveness and radical element of the progressive cause.
Freedom is never having to ask permission to eat, drink or do something with your own body.
This migration, the players who implemented this migration, as well as certain key changes to the American Constitution is covered in this link (it opens up in a separate tab);
Here is a little graph that I made about these changes, and no it is not precise. It is reflective of my own biases and not to scale. The horizontal axis represents time, the vertical axis represents the social-political organization of America.
Though, not completely accurate does not mean that it is nonsense. It does include the destruction of the tenth amendment during the civil war, and the progressive changes wrought on Americans by Wilson, FDR, Clinton and Obama.
Tracking the Changes that altered America.
Tracking how small changes made America what it is today. America has been under the assault of progressives, busy-bodies, fraudsters, and the evil for over two centuries. It's difficult to document and get the "big picture" without getting bogged down in the details.
Here we use a parable to show how well-meaning changes can severely alter what something is. It’s a fun parable. It is also directly applicable to America today. It also opens up in a separate link. And yes, that’s exactly what happened to America…
Ah… talking about the big picture…
The Big Picture
The Big Picture. Information overload. When dealing with a complex issue like two centuries of change in a large nation, such as America it becomes easy to get bogged down in the details and forget the big picture. Let's take a quick look at human nature, won't we?
But, again, now that you (the reader) can see the big picture, let’s get into some of the “nitty gritty”. First off, let’s look at the very first “showdown”. This was the American Civil War.
You see, back then the Federalists wanted a central government (like we have today), and those who read the constitution realized that the nation was founded on small government, locally governed. They used the issues of the day (which progressives want to politically realign to slavery) in order to battle with the big government folk. They fought and lost.
Today the elements of such a “showdown” are popping up here and there, and there are very close parallels to the American civil war. Let’s look at this…
The First Rupture
The first rupture. While the Constitution migrated away from a Republic in the first twenty years after ratification, the first signs that America did not represent it's people on a local level was evidenced by the first American Civil War. Here we look at this, and study how the exact same process is used contemporaneously to control American citizens.
Now, what is the nature of the people who want to discard liberty and freedom? What makes them tick, and why are they so “Hell bent” on changing things…
Who Changed America
Who changed it. We ask what the nature of people who want to implement change is, and look at specific examples. In this post we look at the personality aberrations that cause this kind of behaviors and why they despise the concept of liberty and freedom. Again, the link will open up in a separate tab for your reading clarity.
One of the problems that Americans have with this entire bout of change is that they are unable to categorize the absolute mind-blowing array of changes. And since they are unable to follow the entire wide breadth and scope of all the efforts that the progressives are doing, they fail to grasp the enormity of all the intent.
Yet, it need not be so complex.
America changed from a Republic to a Democracy early on.
Once a Democracy, evil and wealthy men used mob rule to get into positions of power.
They centralized the power in Washington D.C..
When the people revolted there was a Civil War and the powerful and wealthy won.
But, that power was not enough.
They wanted more. They wanted to live like Kings over serfs.
Thus progressive politics was implemented.
Subsequent Presidents expanded upon this and it changed society.
America changed from a K-strategy majority rule to a r-strategy control center.
Here we talk about this.
How the changes affect society
Americans have become so accustomed to the progressive onslaught that they do not realize what the assaults on liberty are.
How the changes affect society. Here we look at how the changes in the government structure results in how people behave. This tracking and association of behavior with environment is well known and quite remarkable in it's consistency. What people are loathe to associate is how exactly it is following the American model.
To put it clearer…
The state doesn't get to put up a hoop - not any hoop - for anyone to jump through before deciding their constitutional rights will be granted.
- Aesop at Raconteur Report
The Assault on Liberty. America has been dying a long slow death through million of tiny little cuts. Here we try to document just some of the many ways that America is being attacked. For each time you ban something, the government takes away a freedom. Freedom is the opposite of a ban. Here we look at this...
The cultivation of ignorance. In order to subjugate a people, you need to keep them ignorant, disarmed, drugged or otherwise helpless. There are many techniques, and many are being used on Americans today. Here we look at this aspect…
A looted America. Over the last 100 years, with the implementation of a progressive reality, America went from a nation of strong independence, to a dependent society that must ask permission from the government to function.
Since them, Americans have been treated as money-making machines, and fleeced over and over again.
Everything in the United States is monetized, taxed, regulated and utilized. The people are serfs serving the global ultra-wealthy. Here we study the American HST program as a perfect example of this…
Culture Wars. There is a fundamental clash between the very two disparate cultures in America.
One is the “nationalism” movement. They want [1] to be left alone, [2] a much smaller government, and [3] a return to the Constitution as written back in 1776.
The other is the “modern progressive” movement. It has elements that are desirous of [1] “enlightened despotism” and is [2] implementing Marxism to achieve their preferred utopia. It is a King and slave relationship.
Here we discuss this… “the culture wars”…
Hyper regulation of everything. In America you have expensive medical care, that if you track it back to it’s source, you will find that all the costs (in one way or the other) originated in various ways by government programs.
For instance, you have expensive cars that in one way or the other requires testing, and registration of all of the millions of components that make up the vehicle.
You have to ask an agency for permission to do anything. It wasn’t always this way.
It is this way because FDR scrapped out the SCOTUS who ruled that the 9th amendment will not permit the formation of any federal agencies. He did not like this. So he overhauled the SCOTUS and staffed it with closet Marxist wanna-bes. They then started ruling in favor of rolling waves of Marxism.
How Americans are controlled. Americans are the most manipulated, regulated, taxed and regulated people on the planet. Of course, many don’t think so.
They look at the shiny newness of their shackles and view that as a sign of freedom. Here we look at how Americans are manipulated and kept in a state of fear.
Under a progressive liberal agenda, Americans have come to accept the cleanness and newness of their shackles as a sign of advancement and modern enlightenment. It is what was intended by President Wilson when he rewrote the Constitution to implement enlightened despotism as a prelude to full-on Marxist control by the richest people in society. You can see how this works with the two tiered justice system, and the rampant abuse of young girls by the richest elite.
Some long over due changes. Here we discuss some of the key things that MUST be changed to have America move back to the Constitution as it was intended to be.
These are not a comprehensive list of items, it’s just some of the many, many problems that MUST be radically changed or else the United States will be no longer in the near future…
Personally, I would erase EVERYTHING, and start all over again, but with the Constitution as originally written. I would undo all the alterations, scrap the current crop of players, and start fresh and new.
I would put everything in the hands of the individual states. I would pull the federal government out of everything except the most limited and necessary functions.
I would defang every government entity, and then implement a fourth branch – the OVERSIGHT branch of corruption police constantly keeping the officials transparent and honest. This group would be very powerful and have it’s own court system, police, prisons, and torture rooms.
And yes, I would follow the Chinese model and implement torture for abuse by leadership. They will not be given a free pass. After all, if they want their own laws, they will have to have their own punishments as well.
I would nuke the progressive government from orbit, and set up corruption police to make sure that these monsters never raise their ugly heads ever again. I would do exactly the same thing that the Chinese do to their SJW problem.
But that is just me.
Today America is so far removed from what it once was that Americans have NO IDEA what freedom actually is. Hey! Wake up! These are CRITICAL characteristics of a FREE SOCIETY, how many exist in America today? Eh?
No taxes on anything.
No regulations except the most critical infrastructure.
No agencies.
Property means “YOURS.”
Privacy is absolute.
One set of laws that are applied equally.
In a free land, you can smoke and kill yourself with drugs and drink. No one will stop you.
In a free land, your property is yours, and no one can seize it, tax it, regulate it or claim it from you.
In a free land there are no laws against “vices” and no laws on behavior.
Starting all over from scratch is the only way to be sure.
How different America is today from the founding? It is terribly different from what the Constitution was originally set up as.
In fact, aside from keeping the same names and titles, the nation resembles the exact opposite as what it was set up as. Here, we go Right by Right (in the Bill of Rights) and look at the tattered remains of what exists.
What America is today. Finally, we conclude with a study of what America actually is. We look at the organization, the history, the changes and the functional rearrangements that made America what it is. Then we come to conclusions as to what it functionally is.
Spoiler alert: It’s an oligarchy run by non-Americans.
Which pretty much explains this comment…
According to the experts, America is a country whose most fearsome enemy is not only the majority of its people—the majority of its people are also the nation’s biggest threat and its ultimate outsiders.
-Jim Goad at Taki's Magazine
Lets look at China.
It’s common knowledge that China is communist. We know this, because
the progressive American mainstream media has told us this. We know this
because this was the case as recent as the 1980’s. We know this because
Mr. Mao proudly committed to communist ideals back in the 1940’s. We
know this because his picture is still on the Chinese currency.
And… and, we believe this is still the case, well because, we don’t know any better.
The failure of communism
However, that has all changed. You know, there have been many, many
changes since Richard Nixon was in office. A lot has happened since the
1960’s. First, communist China collapsed in the 1970’s. (Though, it
didn’t get the American media attention that it deserved. It’s almost
like the American media were pining away for the success of communism.) Communist Cambodia collapsed shortly afterwards, followed by the collapse of the communist Soviet Union.
In the tail half of the last century, just about every communist
nation imploded in upon itself. With the exception of Cuba and North
Of course, the American mainstream media wouldn’t like to admit any
of this. In their minds, it is still useful (for distraction purposes)
to manipulate the more mainstream and conservative members of their
(shrinking) audience. They do this by treating Americans as fools and
playing Don Quixote chasing “communist” windmills.
It serves their “Neocon” audiences.
What they have left out, in their news casts and discussion panels,
was that communism in China was a terrible failure. When communism was
implemented in China, it caused devastation, deaths, starvation, and the
destruction of centuries of culture and society. Not just a few deaths,
mind you. But whole-scale mass starvation. Not just the destruction of
one or two museums, but most of the history of China. Not just the
unwritten traditions, but really all aspects of Chinese life was
adversely corrupted.
well know about how the Soviet Union and that brand of communism fell.
What was little reported was how the Chinese were able to avert a
similar catastrophe. In China, they had heroes who experimented with
non-Communist methods to bring about economic success. Mr. Deng and his
Chinese version of Reaganomics was the most successful.
China, due to Mr. Mao and his advisors, was riding the bullet train towards catastrophic collapse.
In the 1970’s serious and drastic action needed to be taken to undo
the ravages of communism. So numerous leaders “stepped up to the plate”.
Each one acted as a hero in an attempt to stop the collapse of the
Chinese government, and the resulting foreign intervention.
(You all know, don’t you, that once the Chinese nation collapsed,
that rich and wealthy American elite would offer to “rebuild” the
nation. You know, out of kindness…)
Implementation of Reaganomics in China in the 1980’s
So the Chinese all stepped up. One of the most famous was Mr. Deng.
He and his stunning successes are known all over China. He implemented
wide-scale Ronald Reagan economic policies. Only this time, he didn’t
have Mr. Bush Sr. snapping at his heels. He didn’t have a media making
fun of his actions calling it “Zombie Economics”, and he didn’t have
Beijing reverse his polices as soon as they started to bear fruit.
All of which happened in the United States.
You see, back then, China was in a state of an emergency. It was a
serious and a dangerous time. Thus, anyone trying to play political
games for their own personal benefit, did so at the peril of the entire
nation and race.
So, Mr. Deng was permitted to implement a Chinese-version of
Reaganomics. He was given a small and tiny fishing village. He was given
the tiny hamlet of Shenzhen to use as a “test bed”. And, it took off.
The growth was astounding.
Shenzhen China when Mr. Deng took over, and what it looks like today.
This is what the “miracle” of Reaganomics does, and it was this force
that was used to completely transform China. However, in doing so, they
HAD to move away from communism. For Reaganomics is wholly incompatible
with communism.
Today, Shenzhen is populated by 14 million busy inhabitants. To put
that in perspective, New York has pretty much had a constant population
of 4 million people over the last three decades.
Seeing the success of this, and other initiatives, too numerous to mention here, we have seen an evolution of China.
China moved from hard-line communist to something else.
China still calls itself “communist”
The Chinese refer to this new way of doing things as “Socialist with Chinese characteristics“, but what it really and functionally is is something quite different. It’s much the same way that Americans still claim that America is a Republic.
We, as Americans, can easily recognize the policy positions as near identical clones to Mr. Ronald Reagan’s “free market” policies. The most that you would ever… ever… ever, hear this reported is when the media begrudgingly admits that China is capitalist.
Though, the progressive mainstream media would NEVER admit to it. Though the hard-line Neo-cons would never say anything positive to their “dog and pony” show that narrates a communist enemy that needs to be opposed at every turn.
Ignorance about China
Yes. You can tell just how knowledgeable any “talking head” is in America when they refer to China as “Chicom’s” (Chinese communist), when in all actuality they are HARD-LINE CONSERVATIVE, and that they INSIST on tradition, and merit.
You know that Americans are manipulated when a Conservative American frets about…
China doing things…
China imprisoning and reeducating radical Uighar Muslims.
Cracking down on “free democracy” movements by SJW folk.
Worrying about “junk” products made in China.
To which, I must say that China’s stance is very American Conservative on these issues…
America doing things…
Radical Muslims must be vetted and kept out of America.
Antifa, BLM, and other SJW’s are not permitted to disrupt day to day life.
Make the products in America instead of importing them.
So, when I see and hear an American conservative take the “talking points” right out of FOX, or CNN, I know that they are just regurgitating the nonsense programming that is used to keep Americans dumb, stupid and living in fear.
If the American government was truly functional, they would have taken immediate steps to control the Antifa, and BLM riots, and mass SJW attacks and disruptions. They would have identified the leaders of the movement and arrested and detained them. They would have isolated the riots and attacks with trained forces and collected the agitators and sent them off to discover what their malfunction was.
Preventing ambulances from helping people.
Damaging stores and public works.
Looting stores and communities.
Throwing chemical milkshakes and beating innocents with bikelocks.
People! This is what a functional and responsible government looks like; Pay attention!
Pay attention!
Today, China is [1] a single-party government. One single party often means totalitarian. But, in my mind it sure as heck beats “pretend democracy” with is mob rule manipulation.
Oh, and by the way, the Chinese do not mess around. They are a serious, serious nation that is run as a meritocracy. Their leaders got there through merit, not by a popularity contest, or through political placement. This is a serious cold-hard fact that many Westerners need to grasp their heads around.
China is not what you think.
The government is [2] nationalist with [3] “China First” objectives. The government is set up to support the Chinese people. Not a global one-world order. As such they know that they must police their leadership. From 1997 though to 2013, the local government leaderships as well as the wealthy business owners started to take advantage and corruption became rife and problematic.
So the president Xi Peng implemented the “Corruption Police”.
This group is as powerful as the IRS in America and answers to no one except the President. No 9th circuit court or judge in Hawaii is going to block or postpone any actions that they take. As such, the bad guys in China are scared shitless. You either come clean with transparency or you WILL suffer the consequences. And believe you me, you don’t want to do Hard Time in China.
The Chinese “Corruption Police”…
The Chinese “Corruption Police”.
They [4] believe in free-market economics, and [5] vigorously defend the traditionally conservative Chinese social way of life. That being said, the Chinese culture is “Chinese conservative”, not “American conservative”. They are similar, but NOT identical.
of Deng Xiaoping at Lianhuashan Park. Mr Deng brought Reaganomics to
China., and single handedly helped to move China away from rigid formal
communism to the nation that it is today.
China is a traditional conservative nation.
Not, American conservative, mind you. They are Chinese conservative.
Which means that they hold many of the same beliefs and ways of doing
things that an American Conservative would agree with. But not all of them.
Mother and Father are parents.
Father works and supports the family.
Mother takes care of the home and children.
Education is important, and merit based.
Success is achieved through hard work, and merit.
Vices are normal and need social outlets.
Any person who does not agree to the above are ill and need to be medically corrected and isolated from society.
As such, the Chinese family and relationships look like they came right out of the American 1950’s. The man goes out and works hard, has a beer or two with his buddies after work, and then comes home to his family.
And when the man comes home from a hard day’s work, he will give 100%
of his pay to his wife. She will use this money to take care of the
household, invest in the education of the children, and maintain the
social standing of their family with the rest of society.
She in turn, will have his house clothes washed and laid out on the
bed for him. His slippers will be ready for him when he gets inside, and
after he takes his after work shower, he will find a nicely laid out
dinner waiting for him. Often (depending on the person) with a alcoholic
libation waiting for him.
China is a Traditional Nation.
Here is a handy chart that I composed describing the differences between American Progressive Liberal belief, and Chinese beliefs. It goes a long way to illustrate how close modern China is to the traditional American Conservatism. As well as how far removed it is from the progressive reality of America today, and the communist ideal that China came from.
A comparison between the United States and China. Here we compare various elements of culture, society, with the way that things are conducted in China as compared to the United States.
While most of America is enjoying the progressive themed Hollywood
movies (women in leadership roles, people with superpowers granted to
them through luck, and diversity in every scene), the Chinese produce
movies and videos around more traditional themes. The music, even the
more up-beat, aren’t as harsh. The women are sweeter, and they aren’t
wagging their enormous trashcan jugged assess at the screen.
Culture and society are a reflection of what the nation is. In a like vein, Hollywood is a reflection of what America is today. To understand what China is like, all you need do is pay attention to their culture…
What does this mean
The traditional notions of America being the land of “Democracy”
against the evil Communists is wholly outdated. The “cold war” ended
with Ronald Reagan. He finished off the success and rule of communism.
Yet, the oligarchs would have none of this. They argue that it wasn’t
implemented properly. Maybe Pol Pot wasn’t harsh enough. Maybe they
weren’t diverse enough. Maybe they weren’t ruthless enough. They write
about this, and announce their intentions quite openly.
For instance…
Make no mistake, the globe is forming into two sides. Sides, mind
you, that are so diametrically opposed in fundamental belief systems
that the ability to coexist will not be possible.
Here is a map of the world today. The conservative traditionalist
nations are colored in RED, and the “enlightened” progressive globalist
oligarchy are in BLUE. Most other nations are unknown in this regard,
and are left bare and uncolored.
is a partial map showing known polarization around the globe.
Traditional conservative nations are colored in red and progressive
socialist nations controlled by an oligarchy are in blue. There is
evidence that many Muslim nations are also traditional, and
conservative, but they differ in some fundamental ways and deviate in
such a way that they are not included in this calculus. In short, if you
look at the map, you can easily see that the former “free world” of
“democracy” have all devolved into mob-ruled oligarchies under the
progressive socialist banner.
The Implications
The implications of such a realization are astounding. By
looking at the globe in this manner, we can clearly see that philosophy
and ideologies are what frame the way that the globe operates today.
Almost every democracy has devolved into mob-rule controlled by a rich oligarchy.
Almost every former communist nation has evolved into a traditional conservative nation.
oligarchy owns the media in the regions they control. As such they try
to keep the “cold war” alive through fear to control their people.
Oligarchies help each other out. It is almost like they share the same blood-lines or something.
Conservative nations tend to be populist and nationalistic. They only make agreements that serve their own interests.
Important Note
These are only my opinions. Perhaps, you the reader, have
other ideas. That is fine. This is nothing more than a very simplistic
overview of but one equation of a very complex calculus. For all that I
did was simply map out conservative belief structures against
progressive belief structures globally.
The reader should note that there are cultural differences that also
come into play. For instance, a conservative American would believe that
everyone should own firearms, while a conservative Chinese would
believe that civilian ownership of firearms should be banned.
To the American, it might seem that it really isn’t conservative at all.
After all, the right to self-defense is a role liberty enshrined in
the Bill of Rights. But to the Chinese that seems strange, as in China,
all children are given basic military training at an early age. By the
time they are 16 they know how to work together as a team, and how to
perform the most basic of military disciplines. When the time comes to
undergo more rigorous training, they can opt out with parental consent.
However, with consent, they are able to learn the more martial skills
expected of a soldier.
While the implementation of the right of self-preservation differs,
both conservatives maintain the importance given in this liberty. How it
is implemented is different, that’s all.
In American conservatism, the individual has the Right to exercise
that right and train on his own dime. In Chinese conservatism, everyone
must learn how to protect themselves and the nation if called upon to do
Here is a handy dandy chart of the comparisons between Chinese and American Conservatism. As I have repeatedly stated, Chinese conservatism is similar to, but not identical to American conservatism. (Remember, however, that the Chinese government operates under Chinese Conservative rules, while the American government operates under progressive Marxist rules.)
A comparison between American conservatism and Chinese conservatism. They are similar, but not identical. Never the less American conservatism has much more in common with Chinese conservatism than with the progressive reality that America is today.
The effect of these changes on America…
All of the progressive changes has come at a price for Americans. It has lowered so many of the attributes that made America the fore-most leader in the world…
The United States enjoys the highest degree of personal freedom in the world
Once again, a variety of indicators are used by various study groups to determine the level of personal freedom enjoyed by citizens across the world, including economic freedom (the ability to earn a living wage, and retain it for personal use), political freedom, access to education, religious freedom, and many others.
The evaluation is then compared between nations, and in the final comparison the United States routinely ranks in the second ten. America’s neighbor to the north, Canada, invariably finishes with a higher ranking of personal freedom than the United States. So do New Zealand (consistently first among numerous rankings), Taiwan, and the United Kingdom.
The all too frequent response from Americans ill-disposed to accept such rankings is to huff “If you don’t like it leave,” or some similar retort, as well as denial of the accuracy of the ratings.
After all, the phrase “land of the free” is included in the national anthem, and is far more accurate than any intellectual studies. As with many facts which are in conflict with accepted myths, they are inconvenient, and thus to many must be considered inaccurate.
Nonetheless, the rankings, some of which are far less laudatory of American freedom, exist, there existence is a fact, and whether or not one agrees with their findings they are easily available for study.
The rest of the world may see them as well, and a student in Wellington may well wonder why American leaders claim to live in the greatest degree of freedom in the world, when the facts before their eyes indicate otherwise.
As well as..
The United States is the richest country in the world
Besides the belief that the United States is the best educated country in the world enjoying the highest standard of living in the history of humanity is the belief that America is the richest nation in the world, evidenced by the vast reserves of minerals still untapped within its borders and off its shores.
Again, the ranking of nations by wealth is subject to the variations of the means used for evaluation, but the United States again does not crack the top five in many rankings. Using the standard of Gross Domestic Product per capita, or GDP by individual, the United States ranked seventh in 2018, trailing international leader Luxembourg by almost half. It also trailed Norway, Switzerland, Ireland, Iceland, and Qatar.
Fox Business used another mix of criteria to list what it called the world’s wealthiest countries in May 2019, but even by its standard, which gave Monaco the top spot, the United States did not crack the top five.
When using privately held wealth as the standard of measure, as did Visual Capitalist in May 2019, the United States jumped all the way to number one, a piece of data which offers a meaty bone of contention for those prone to enter into spirited discussions of what it means for society.
Fortune Magazine listed the fifteen richest countries in the world in November 2017, and in its list it included the United States, ranking it above Iceland, the Netherlands, and Saudi Arabia in 12th.
The argument over which nation is the richest in the world can be made using a variety of data as the facts for supporting it, but by most objective evaluations the United States is not in the top five.
Not to omit…
The United States has the highest standard of education in the world
The United States has the admiration and respect of the civilized world for the availability and quality of education it offers all of its citizens. Such is a belief held by many to the point that it is an irrefutable fact of the modern world. It is incorrect.
Though the United States ranks near the top in expenditures for education, at all levels, when compared to other civilized nations it is quickly apparent that money spent does not equal education achieved. In the percentage of students completing primary education the United States does not make the top five (Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico).
For secondary education (that is, completing high school) the USA again does not make the top five. Nor does the United States rank in the top five for completion of post high school degrees, though in fairness such degrees mean different things in different parts of the world.
The World Top Twenty Project looked at post education success as well as other indicators to rank civilized nations by education in 2018, with the United States absent from the resulting list of the top twenty, which was led by South Korea.
The United States own Center on International Education Benchmarking, a project of the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE), lists the top performing nations of the world in terms of education and does not include the United States among the top ten, instead reporting on the progress made in the listed nations and the changes which could be adaptable to American education systems.
When CNBC listed the top ten most educated nations of the world in February, 2018, it listed the United States as sixth, a ranking bolstered to some extent by the number of foreign students completing advanced degrees at American institutions.
The last fifty years has seen an absolute role reversal for both the United States and China. The United States today is an oligarchy that treats it’s citizens as serfs in a land with a two-tiered justice system.
Anyone who does not see this is a FUCKING IDIOT.
When you have some poor sop getting 70 years in prison for having a picture of a single nude 14 year old girl on his computer, and a serial pedophile rapist who has repeatedly raped over 1000 children under 14 (Epstein), who got the most lenient sentence in the history of law, should be obvious to everyone except the most partisan hack.
And, let’s not even talk about Hillary Clinton, and Lois Learner. Eh?
Meanwhile, China is a meritocracy. It is advancing forward using the exact same formula that made America the strongest nation in the world in the 1700’s.
To pretend that contemporaneous China, and the United States fit the tired old stereotypical narrative as portrayed by the mainstream media is to play the village idiot. It’s not the same, and does not, in any way, resemble that narrative.
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This is going to come as a surprise to many people, but it’s the sad truth. The world today has fractured into two decidedly unique factions. Both factions are polar opposites. There is the progressive globalist oligarchy, and there are conservative traditionalists. This is the entire world, mind you. Not just the United States.
The factions are as clear as night and day. They stand unique and are self-evident to anyone who hasn’t lived under a rock for the last twenty years. And, here, yeah, here, we talk about this situation.
Today the world is polarized. It’s like the polarization of the United States, only on steroids. As, today, this includes the entire globe.
No, it’s not Republicans against Democrats. No, it’s not. No, it’s not “democracy” on one side and “communism” on the other. That is a very out-of-date way of looking at the world. The world has greatly changed, or evolved, since then. Today, things are quite different.
Today, there are the conservative traditionalists on one side, and the progressive globalists folk on the other.
They are diametrically opposed on so many issues that it is a fallacy to think that there is any bridge of commonality between them.
One side believes that the purpose of government is to protect the family, traditions, and lifestyle of the nation. The other side believes that the purpose of government is to enact change towards a utopia for all.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
Of course looking at the world in this manner is considered heretical. Americans have been so dumbed down that they don’t know how many amendments are in the Bill of Rights, what Rights are guaranteed in the first amendment, or where Boston Massachusetts is (People in Arkansas think it’s bout 100 miles East of Memphis.) So this is all going to be a surprise…
The United States
Let’s start with the United States. As that is where the bulk of my readership resides.
Today, the United States, I am sorry to say, is functionally a progressive globalist oligarchy.
Of course, the reader is free to disagree. You can hold up that torn-up, tattered, and soiled American Constitution, and point out the words “Republic government” in the body of the text, but that was changed by amendment. (The 12th and the 17th to be exact.) As what has happened many, many times in the past. I guess that many true-believers never got the memo, eh?
I discuss this matter elsewhere.
I am sorry to hold this belief. You know, I want to believe that the American Constitution will endure. Others, such as myself agree. We do not like what the United States has become. The United States is a progressive globalist oligarchy.
A progressive oligarchy is rule by the wealthy elite over a manipulated mob. The mob is fractured into smaller subgroups of “mini-mobs” (for lack of a better term) which are best kept Balkanized and driven by a fear of outsiders.
It’s a reluctant reality, no doubt. With many citizens in direct opposition to the direction and policies of the nation. But, whether you like it or not, the United States, as a nation is functionally fully immersed in the progressive globalist agenda.
The schools, from elementary to university, are all progressive.
The government, aside from a handful of elected officials, are all progressive.
The mainstream media, the advertising media, and Hollywood are all progressive.
Industry, what still exists, are mostly progressive.
Budgets, finance, and banking are all progressive.
Science, and academia are all progressive.
Judicial appointments, and most enforcement activity, are mostly progressive. With some Circuit Courts, such as the ninth, completely immersed in progressive ideology.
Of course, there are always exceptions.
The lone non-progressive media outlet; FOX helps to offset the progressive steam-roller. There are also a handful of independent conservative media outlets, though it’s pretty difficult to find them online as they are shadow-banned by American search engines. There is President Trump, and his handful of his”wild cats”. There are factories and industries that won’t pull a “Gillette” or promote diversity hijabs.
Yet, today, America has fully implemented progressive globalist policies…
Gender is an artificial construct.
Children should be raised by the government.
Education and work are not merit based.
Color of skin, race and gender define diversity quotas.
Non-working people should get fully paid government benefits.
Balkanization of the USA is preferred and funded.
Conventionally, this is referred to as the “American culture wars”. The thing is, it is not limited to the Untied States. The war is raging all over the globe. From the “Yellow Vest” protests in France, to the “Far Right” protests in Germany.
Rather than get sucked into a long and lengthy discussion about the culture wars in America, let’s just keep it simple. Let’s just simply agree that [1] there is a cultural war that is [2] on-going. [3] How it will pan out is unknown.
What is known, however, is that for the last ten years the United States has been a fully-enabled progressive-socialist oligarchy. This is true and in defiance to the United States Constitution as written. This is true, even though huge swaths of the public refuse to accept this horrible reality.
Today, like it or not, America is a Progressive nation.
America today is the result of many, many years of progressive change. However, the last ten years have been instrumental in making America that land that it is today; a progressive utopia owned and controlled by the global elite; the oligarchy of the West.
Lets look at China.
It’s common knowledge that China is communist. We know this, because the progressive American mainstream media has told us this. We know this because this was the case as recent as the 1980’s. We know this because Mr. Mao proudly committed to communist ideals back in the 1940’s. We know this because his picture is still on the Chinese currency.
And… and, we believe this is still the case, well because, we don’t know any better.
However, that has all changed. You know, there have been many, many changes since Richard Nixon was in office. A lot has happened since the 1960’s. First, communist China collapsed in the 1970’s. (Though, it didn’t get the American media attention that it deserved. It’s almost like the American media were pining away for the success of communism.) Communist Cambodia collapsed shortly afterwards, followed by the collapse of the communist Soviet Union.
In the tail half of the last century, just about every communist nation imploded in upon itself. With the exception of Cuba and North Korea.
Of course, the American mainstream media wouldn’t like to admit any of this. In their minds, it is still useful (for distraction purposes) to manipulate the more mainstream and conservative members of their (shrinking) audience. They do this by treating Americans as fools and playing Don Quixote chasing “communist” windmills.
It serves their “Neocon” audiences.
What they have left out, in their news casts and discussion panels, was that communism in China was a terrible failure. When communism was implemented in China, it caused devastation, deaths, starvation, and the destruction of centuries of culture and society. Not just a few deaths, mind you. But whole-scale mass starvation. Not just the destruction of one or two museums, but most of the history of China. Not just the unwritten traditions, but really all aspects of Chinese life was adversely corrupted.
We well know about how the Soviet Union and that brand of communism fell. What was little reported was how the Chinese were able to avert a similar catastrophe. In China, they had heroes who experimented with non-Communist methods to bring about economic success. Mr. Deng and his Chinese version of Reaganomics was the most successful.
China, due to Mr. Mao and his advisors, was riding the bullet train towards catastrophic collapse.
In the 1970’s serious and drastic action needed to be taken to undo the ravages of communism. So numerous leaders “stepped up to the plate”. Each one acted as a hero in an attempt to stop the collapse of the Chinese government, and the resulting foreign intervention.
(You all know, don’t you, that once the Chinese nation collapsed, that rich and wealthy American elite would offer to “rebuild” the nation. You know, out of kindness…)
So the Chinese all stepped up. One of the most famous was Mr. Deng. He and his stunning successes are known all over China. He implemented wide-scale Ronald Reagan economic policies. Only this time, he didn’t have Mr. Bush Sr. snapping at his heels. He didn’t have a media making fun of his actions calling it “Zombie Economics”, and he didn’t have Beijing reverse his polices as soon as they started to bear fruit.
All of which happened in the United States.
You see, back then, China was in a state of an emergency. It was a serious and a dangerous time. Thus, anyone trying to play political games for their own personal benefit, did so at the peril of the entire nation and race.
So, Mr. Deng was permitted to implement a Chinese-version of Reaganomics. He was given a small and tiny fishing village. He was given the tiny hamlet of Shenzhen to use as a “test bed”. And, it took off. The growth was astounding.
Downtown Shenzhen China when Mr. Deng took over, and what it looks like today. This is what the “miracle” of Reaganomics does, and it was this force that was used to completely transform China. However, in doing so, they HAD to move away from communism. For Reaganomics is wholly incompatible with communism.
Today, Shenzhen is populated by 14 million busy inhabitants. To put that in perspective, New York has pretty much had a constant population of 4 million people over the last three decades.
Seeing the success of this, and other initiatives, too numerous to mention here, we have seen an evolution of China.
China moved from hard-line communist to something else.
The Chinese refer to this new way of doing things as “Socialist with Chinese characteristics“, but what it really and functionally is is something quite different. We, as Americans, can easily recognize the policy positions as near identical clones to Mr. Ronald Reagan’s “free market” policies. Though, the progressive mainstream media would NEVER admit to it. Though the hard-line Neo-cons would never say anything positive to their “dog and pony” show that narrates a communist enemy that needs to be opposed at every turn.
Statue of Deng Xiaoping at Lianhuashan Park. Mr Deng brought Reaganomics to China., and single handedly helped to move China away from rigid formal communism to the nation that it is today.
Today, China is [1] a single-party government. The government is [2] nationalist with [3] “China First” objectives. They [4] believe in free-market economics, and [5] vigorously defend the traditionally conservative Chinese social way of life.
China is a traditional conservative nation.
Not, American conservative, mind you. They are Chinese conservative. Which means that they hold many of the same beliefs and ways of doing things that an American Conservative would agree with. But not all of them.
Mother and Father are parents.
Father works and supports the family.
Mother takes care of the home and children.
Education is important, and merit based.
Success is achieved through hard work, and merit.
Vices are normal and need social outlets.
Any person who does not agree to the above are ill and need to be medically corrected and isolated from society.
As such, the Chinese family and relationships look like they came right out of the American 1950’s. The man goes out and works hard, has a beer or two with his buddies after work, and then comes home to his family. Yes. It’s Fred Flintstone style. Yes. Wally and the Beaver style. Yes. The Brady Bunch style.
China is a very conservative traditional nation that is run as a single party with nationalist objectives. It is always and foremost “China first” and they vigorously defend their culture and way of life against all assaults, especially progressive and Muslim assaults.
And when the man comes home from a hard day’s work, he will give 100% of his pay to his wife. She will use this money to take care of the household, invest in the education of the children, and maintain the social standing of their family with the rest of society.
She in turn, will have his house clothes washed and laid out on the bed for him. His slippers will be ready for him when he gets inside, and after he takes his after work shower, he will find a nicely laid out dinner waiting for him. Often (depending on the person) with a alcoholic libation waiting for him.
China is a Traditional Nation.
Here is a handy chart that I composed describing the differences between American Progressive Liberal belief, American conservative belief and Chinese beliefs. It goes a long way to illustrate how close modern China is to the traditional American Conservatism. As well as how far removed it is from the progressive reality of America today, and the communist ideal that China came from.
Must Work
Must Work
Show Value
Show value
Keep out
Keep out
Food / Drugs
Ban & Tax
Own Risk
Own Risk
Full ban
Right to own
Full ban
Wars all over
Last Resort
Last Resort
While most of America is enjoying the progressive themed Hollywood movies (women in leadership roles, people with superpowers granted to them through luck, and diversity in every scene), the Chinese produce movies and videos around more traditional themes. The music, even the more up-beat, aren’t as harsh. The women are sweeter, and they aren’t wagging their enormous trashcan jugged assess at the screen.
Culture and society are a reflection of what the nation is. In a like vein, Hollywood is a reflection of what America is today. To understand what China is like, all you need do is pay attention to their culture…
To decide if a given culture or society is progressive or traditional, all one need to do is watch their movies and listen to their music.
By comparing media, entertainment, and culture you can get a glimpse of a nation in “snapshots of culture”. With that in mind, and with the 2019 Chinese pop video excerpt above, compare that to American culture below…
In America, overt sex, huge asses and aggressive behavior on the behalf of women are considered the norm. It is considered to be beautiful, attractive and desirable. The above is from the Black Entertainment Television network and depicts Cardi B.
Today, America culture is firmly progressive as are most all American media outlets.
I could go on and on along this vein. Let’s consider Russia, for instance. They too used to be communist. Used to. But of course, we know how the former Soviet Union broke up and now we have the Russian federation. What of it?
They are a conservative, and traditional nation.
The President of the Russian Federation with the Russian version of Saint Nick. In a conservative nation, no one is afraid to say “Merry Christmas”, or associate with religious icons. This is in contrast to the Obama America with industry has effectively (via Obama effort) made saying “Merry Christmas” a terrible thing and an insult.
Well, contrary to what you might read in the progressive American media, Russia also is now a traditional conservative nation. You will not find fat welfare mothers on the dole in Russia. You will not find kids getting good grades in schools because they were diverse. You will find that it is ok to drink and engage in vices, and that families will revolve around a father and mother.
Grass-roots protestors against Muslim immigration. They do not tolerate it as they rightfully view it as an assault on their communities, their way of life, and their religious beliefs.
They will not tolerate Muslims. Nor will they tolerate Gays, LGBQ or radical fat feminists. They have zero tolerance for this. Being on the dole is a shameful thing in Russia, and you could get yourself beat senseless if you try to push the issue. Russia today is a very traditional nation with zero tolerance for progressive values and ideas.
President Putin wishing all of Russia a “Merry Christmas” and a happy holidays. This announcement was reacted to poorly by the Muslim communities in Eastern Europe as a sign of how old-fashioned and dangerous Russia is.
To “hammer” this understanding down. Let’s compare a traditional Russian conservative; Mr. Putin, to a Progressive Oligarch; Obama. It’s an easy comparison. But, let’s take the time to compare and contrast. I think that it helps us get a better understanding of the differences between a conservatively run traditional nation (regardless of the political structure) and a progressive one.
First, let’s see how Mr. Putin conducts his meetings…
Now, let’s look at the American President, Barrack Obama. Here’s a great GIF that got tons, and I do mean tons, of accolades from all over America about how stunning and “manly” Obama is. Here he is dancing “Gundam Style”.
The UK & England
Leaving Russia, let’s go to England. What do you, the reader suppose their leanings are?
Well, the UK and all of England is very progressive.
You can tell by reading the various newspapers out of the region as well as the various problems that they are dealing with. It is considered “progressive” to import non-assimilatable foreigners who refuse to work. It is considered to be a sign of progressive realities to ban knives, suppress news of Pakistani rape grooming, and to permit the Balkanization of the nation.
As a result, you can commonly see the prevalence of alternative lifestyles, and the welcome integration of progressive values and progressive censorship. This includes such things as hard-line fundamentalist Muslims to LGBQ mega-queer indoctrination in the public education system.
Progressive England today. They tolerate new progressive values that allow child brides, and female genital mutilation. They enjoy making fun of traditional Christian values, and openly and brazenly promote diversity efforts towards changing the nation.
The progressive leadership in Britain believes that this is the natural order of things. That their world will change and become a great place for diversity; for a utopia where the people can live within the new life… a progressive life.
We can go on and on. Poland, unfortunately for them, joined the EU before they discovered what a trap it was. When the progressive EU demanded that Poland accept non-Christian Muslims, Poland said NO!
“With regards to Britain, we have already told them on several occasions they need to deport, not tolerate, radical migrants. “If a radical Muslim cleric in a mosque calls on his brothers in the faith … to fight the infidels, well, I think that there are grounds to expel such an imam.”
When the EU said that the Muslim religion was the same as the Christian religion and Catholicism, Poland said Fuck-you.
“Other countries have led to a situation in which those trained on Islamic State territory in Syria, Iraq – young people with French, Belgian, Dutch, British, German citizenship – return to Europe … and somehow [the authorities] were incapable of monitoring them,”
When the EU wanted Poland to permit diversity quotas, and overhaul their education and media to police against (anti-progressive) dissent, the Polish government told them to pound sand. In fact, the government told the EU that they report to the people of Poland, and not to some bureaucrats far away in Brussels. No matter what the EU contracts want to enforce.
Their assessment of the European situation is an accurate one. The migration of Muslims from the Middle East to Poland is not one of assimilation. They are migrating to Poland which is over 90% Catholic and refuse to integrate. They instead intend to breed like cockroaches, live off the public dole, and impress their ideas of society on those around them.
Welcome to Poland where women doing housework is considered to be very sexy…
In a truly conservative society, the Muslim immigration issue is a dangerous assault on the values, life and society of the host nation. It is unacceptable, and will not be permitted to happen. Not in Poland.
For in Poland, not only are they Christian, but they are very traditional. As such traditional women are looked up with respect and even their physical labor is considered to be sexy…
Poland is a traditional conservative nation.
Other Nations
Do you see where I am going with this? If you look at the other nations, on an individual basis, if you look at them in regards to their own traditional values, it becomes quite clear. There is a globalist progressive oligarchy that has pretty much effectively taken over most of the West.
What does this mean
The traditional notions of America being the land of “Democracy” against the evil Communists is wholly outdated. The “cold war” ended with Ronald Reagan. He finished off the success and rule of communism.
Yet, the oligarchs would have none of this. They argue that it wasn’t implemented properly. Maybe Pol Pot wasn’t harsh enough. Maybe they weren’t diverse enough. Maybe they weren’t ruthless enough. They write about this, and announce their intentions quite openly.
For instance…
Make no mistake, the globe is forming into two sides. Sides, mind you, that are so diametrically opposed in fundamental belief systems that the ability to coexist will not be possible.
Here is a map of the world today. The conservative traditionalist nations are colored in RED, and the “enlightened” progressive globalist oligarchy are in BLUE. Most other nations are unknown in this regard, and are left bare and uncolored.
This is a partial map showing known polarization around the globe. Traditional conservative nations are colored in red and progressive socialist nations controlled by an oligarchy are in blue. There is evidence that many Muslim nations are also traditional, and conservative, but they differ in some fundamental ways and deviate in such a way that they are not included in this calculus. In short, if you look at the map, you can easily see that the former “free world” of “democracy” have all devolved into mob-ruled oligarchies under the progressive socialist banner.
The Implications
The implications of such a realization are astounding. By looking at the globe in this manner, we can clearly see that philosophy and ideologies are what frame the way that the globe operates today.
Almost every democracy has devolved into mob-rule controlled by a rich oligarchy.
Almost every former communist nation has evolved into a traditional conservative nation.
The oligarchy owns the media in the regions they control. As such they try to keep the “cold war” alive through fear to control their people.
Oligarchies help each other out. It is almost like they share the same blood-lines or something.
Conservative nations tend to be populist and nationalistic. They only make agreements that serve their own interests.
Important Note
These are only my opinions. Perhaps, you the reader, have other ideas. That is fine. This is nothing more than a very simplistic overview of but one equation of a very complex calculus. For all that I did was simply map out conservative belief structures against progressive belief structures globally.
The reader should note that there are cultural differences that also come into play. For instance, a conservative American would believe that everyone should own firearms, while a conservative Chinese would believe that civilian ownership of firearms should be banned.
To the American, it might seem that it really isn’t conservative at all.
After all, the right to self-defense is a role liberty enshrined in the Bill of Rights. But to the Chinese that seems strange, as in China, all children are given basic military training at an early age. By the time they are 16 they know how to work together as a team, and how to perform the most basic of military disciplines. When the time comes to undergo more rigorous training, they can opt out with parental consent. However, with consent, they are able to learn the more martial skills expected of a soldier.
While the implementation of the right of self-preservation differs, both conservatives maintain the importance given in this liberty. How it is implemented is different, that’s all.
In American conservatism, the individual has the Right to exercise that right and train on his own dime. In Chinese conservatism, everyone must learn how to protect themselves and the nation if called upon to do so.
The Chinese believe that being trained to defend yourself, and to fight for your country is a necessary skill. It is one that is instilled in Chinese children at an early age. In America, Conservatives that the right of self-defense (both personal and for society to prevent tyrannical governments) is an option that is given as a Right, but it is up to the individual to exercise that Right.
Never the less, both the American and the Chinese conservative would agree that a family is comprised of a man and a woman. They would both agree that the man is the head of the home, and that the wife would raise the children and take care of the home.
These facts are global, and are persuasive throughout cultures as diverse as the pygmies in Papua New Guinea to the urban upwardly mobile in Moscow.
How to Survive
Now, this being stated, it becomes evident that there are populations of people (often enormous populations) that are trapped within a nation where they do not belong.
For instance, there are the progressive lesbian feminists of Hong Kong that hate conservative Chinese rule. There are the followers of Donald Trump that are known as “Deplorables” that live within the United States. There are the “Gender Queers” that want to live in Norway. What are they all to do?
Unless you are careful, there will be an upset. It will be disturbing and might even be cataclysmic…
There are but three courses of action. And, there are ONLY three paths that one can take.
Shut up and adapt. If you live in a society that does not accept white heterosexual males, then you pretend to be a member of an “approved” group or culture, and adopt homosexual behaviors to blend in.
Leave. To can migrate to a nation or region where there are others that share the same values that you have. Whether they are progressive or conservative.
Enact Change. Change is very uncomfortable. Especially since the two ideologies are so different, I rightly fear that conflict is pretty much a foregone conclusion. If you wish to stay and enact change, then you MUST be willing to sacrifice everything for your ideology. There is no half-steps in this effort. You must either be 100% committed or not. There are no “shades of grey” in this matter.
What ever course of action you, the reader might decide to take (if you are in this situation), you must commit to it 100%. There will be no success for any half-way measures or any half-hearted attempts.
American women making a point about how liberated they are in the new progressive reality. They show and act in a way that defines them, and as such they are beloved by the beta males that cater to their professed needs.
I personally believe that people feel comfortable around people who share the same ideals and philosophies that they do. In my mind, as a boy who grew up in the 1960’s and 1970’s, I witnessed first hand how the feminist movement devastated American traditional households. I saw how society changed. And, it hasn’t been for the best.
For me, I find that the conservative culture in China quite refreshing. I know that it is long gone from America, and will never return unless serious changes are made. In the meantime, it is wonderful to be around people who share the same values and lifestyles that I do.
A Chinese mother with her son at the airport. Compare how they live, walk, act and behave with a similar family in an American airport. American women would describe this as a scene out of the fictional movie “A Hand Maid’s Tale”. But I find it just hyperbole and nonsense spouted forth by the pathetically jealous.
Finally, let me share this micro-video of a Chinese gal singing. The culture in conservative nations tend to be softer, more polite and respectful. While the culture in progressive nations tends toward the loud, the brash and the crass.
2019 Chinese music video in the form of an abbreviated micro-video.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this
post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss
growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with
the society within communist China. As there are some really stark
differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified
about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that
are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a
personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome
to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
This is a multi-part posting. The amount of content is enormous and the scope is too broad for a couple of paragraphs. Please follow the arrows to move between the different sections. Also note that this article covers a very politically-incorrect subject matter, and supporting photos and writings are very graphic. This is not for children or people of tender sensibilities.
...there are periods in history when the entire paradigm you’ve been accustomed to living under changes rather abruptly and for good. A change of this nature alters the entire game on a global basis and happens perhaps once in a lifetime. The last such shift happened during World War 2 and we’re living in the next one. How big of a change this will represent in the context of human history remains unknown, but we know it’s big. Really, really big.
The most significant challenge most of us face when confronted with such a moment is to remain focused and emotionally stable during the transition. This doesn’t suggest apathy, but it does mean staying grounded and not giving in to the constant news and pundit cycle of incensed outrage and anger about every single event that unfolds. After all, it’s important to recognize that almost everything you see in the news is a symptom of something far bigger happening in the background. Namely, that the global order most of the planet has known in the post-WW2 period is coming apart at the seams. If you don’t stay focused on the big picture, you’ll be easily and hopelessly manipulated without even knowing it.
-Liberty Blitzkrieg
What I intend to lay out here is that historically, there are predictable elements of societal evolution. These elements can be unsavory and distasteful, but that does not mean that they do not exist.
They do exist.
Historically, we know what has happened when there is conflict between a traditional society and a progressive socialist movement that has (or is in the process of gaining) the reigns of power in government.
We know what happens. It is a predictable, and well understood process. It is well documented.
When one side has the guns, and the other side does not, there can only be one outcome.
So we know what will happen… eventually when a progressive socialist movement tries to gain control of a government.
We are in the middle of the very beginnings of this in the United States. Here we discuss some very important points that other articles of this SHTF theme all leave out…
You will not know you are in danger until it is too late.
You will not know.
Once you are told to turn around and put your hands behind your back it will be too late. You will be lead politely into the vehicle. Then as door after door closes behind you, you will discover yourself in a position of disadvantage and you will be killed. It will happen and you won’t be aware of it until it is too late. Do you think this fellow was anticipating being killed the morning when he put on his shoes?
You will not know that you are in danger until it is too late.
You will NOT know you are in danger.
I had been living in Germany since 1988 and was living there when the shelling of Sarajevo, "my city" started. The best description of the state that I was in when the news reached me is simply: shock!
I always wonder how the people in Bosnia must have felt at this time. I was really panicked and kept phoning my friends in Sarajevo which remained possible for a couple of weeks after the bombing started.
I kept asking them what to do and what the situation was like over there. They told me about relatives of theirs who had fled into Sarajevo from smaller towns and villages throughout Bosnia and Hercegovina where they had witnessed the torturing and killing of people including small children.
They had witnessed the installing of concentration camps and other horrors. During these first months of the war in March, April and May 1992.
I was paralyzed - I spent weeks and weeks sitting on the couch watching television and reading the newspapers . I was totally unable to understand what was going on and I was waiting for someone to come and stop it.
When SHTF happens, it will be a very dangerous times. Do not be caught in the target hot area. Do not be caught unarmed. Do not try to hide in easily located places like attics or basements. Be ready.
One of the keys in socialist and Marxist control of a region is to get the citizenry to comply to their rules. They lie. They tell falsehoods. They set up false senses of security. They use children. They use the media.
Do not believe any of it.
Historically speaking, the lies will result in people dying.
1994 genocide in Rwanda. This followed the well documented model. Demonize a class of people. Then disarm them. Finally, herd them together under a blanket of lies, and kill them all.
The Outcome is Absolute and Predictable
The outcome of all state-sponsored genocide against a certain group of people is well recorded and predictable. Here is a photo from the Sierra Leone Civil War.
The outcome is absolute. Historically, with the exception of China (with the SJW uprisings), most progressive socialist movements eventually take over the reigns of government and mold it to their will. Those whom follow the traditional and often “old Style” of political discourse are eventually overwhelmed.
Once they gain power, they take over the government and mold it to their will. Suddenly the traditional symbols of government are co-opted and remolded into other purposes. This leads many traditionalists confused. This confusion sets up a perfect environment for the FULL implementation of their agenda.
German woman demanding her “Rights” when the German Federal Police come to take her and her family to a “resettlement farm” for their “safety” and “protection”. You know the places like Auschwitz. She obviously don’t want to go. Note that here were many other camps in German occupied Poland including Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Chelmno.
When the new progressive socialist government takes control, one of the first things that they do is hunt down and slaughter their opposition. Historically, that has been the conservative and traditional elements of the society. I am sorry to say this, but this is the historical truth.
Consider Bosnia…
"There used to be a law about weapons here, where I live, before the war. And yes, you could own a weapon but it was such a hard law that actually not too many people owned legal weapons.
And right when the (Shit Hit The Fan), first thing that happened was the confiscation of legal weapons, based on lists of who own legal weapons.
Now what people could do then was to say, “This is my legal weapon. I have a right to own it, by the law.”
...And those who did that usually got shot.
There were 20 heavily armed guys at your door asking nicely for your weapon, to be turned over to them in the name of “law” as an effort of a government that wanted to calm down a chaotic situation.
Sometimes if you said no, those guys would simply destroy the whole house with RPGs and bombs.
And guess what that meant?
Folks who owned legal weapon lost them even before the big SHTF. And a lot of guys who owned them in an illegal way hidden somewhere still own them when SHTF.
Illegal and legal have different meanings in different times and based who says those words, so think about it.
I am not saying that it will go like that there where you are. What I do say is you that you need to think a bit outside the box when it comes to owning things."
-Organic prepper
When the Khmer Rouge emerged from the civil war victorious and marched down the streets, thousands of terrified people fled, some rushing for the border with Thailand while others flooded the gates of the French Embassy. The massacres soon began and the Cambodian genocide was underway. The fighters who had stood up against the Khmer Rouge were executed en masse. Then the Khmer Rouge turned on civilians, driving the people into the countryside and killing thousands in the process. Soon, the Khmer Rouge was rounding up anyone who did anything that could be seen as capitalist. Selling a product or talking to anyone from the world beyond Cambodia’s borders was treated like an act of treason. Those caught were sent to so-called re-education camps like Tuol Sleng and Choeung Ek, a fate that nearly always meant getting tortured and killed.
It doesn’t take a brain surgeon or rocket scientist to figure this out. All you need to do is read one or two history books. Nothing being said now should be any shock to anyone even remotely versed in history. It’s a very well established progression of history.
Every progressive liberal socialist movement eventually goes full-on Pol Pot.
Do not think that in today’s “modern” and “enlightened” society that we are beyond mass genocide against a particular race, or group of people. Here are people who were seized out of their homes at the dead of night by militarized police (the Federal Police), handcuffed with wire-ties (behind his back) and then killed and dumped in a mass grave. Like this poor fella. I am quite sure that the person putting the wire-ties on his clasped wrists was very polite and nice about it. Cool and professional, most certainly. Then he was handed over to others. Those others then killed him like one would step on cockroach. And, with just as much care. What? You think America can’t relive the Bosnia experience?
What should be a shock is that the United States is destined to be one such nation. And you, dear boys and girls, are just about ready to be placed smack dab in ground zero for conflict. It will not be comfortable. It will not be pleasant. And, there will be those who will absolutely refuse to believe that it is happening.
They will come up with all kind of excuses. Such as “Sessions is playing 5D chess…you’ll see”, “Firearms confiscation will never occur in America.” and that great knee-slapper “Snopes fact checked it, and says that you are full of it.”
The genocide in Cambodia followed the well known and well defined pattern. Marxists take control. They disarm everyone. They propagandize against certain kinds of people. They use lies to escort them to “safe areas”. Then they kill them.
Remember when the Marxists took over Cambodia…
April 17, is a date that sends shivers down the spines of most Cambodians. On that day in 1975 the Khmer Rouge marched into Phnom Penh and took control of the country after almost five years of bitter fighting in the countryside.
Only a few photographers ventured onto the streets of Phnom Penh on April 17 and captured images of the victorious Khmer Rouge fighters entering the besieged city, taking enormous risks to photograph the mysterious communist guerillas who had a well-deserved reputation for brutality and taking no prisoners.
As the battle-hardened Khmer Rouge made their way into the city on the morning of April 17, none of the remaining foreign reporters and photographers who took refuge in the grounds of the French Embassy knew what to expect.
“I had seen the badly decomposed or disfigured corpses of Khmer Rouge soldiers on several occasions on the front line, but this was the first time I’d seen one alive,” said Neveu.
“At first nobody moved as we knew it was not a simple case of being brave of foolhardy. Then, just across the road, a few excited children holding hastily-made white flags above their heads walked out of a side street to meet the approaching guerrillas.
The Marxists now have complete control of the nation of Cambodia. They can do whatever is necessary to bring their idea of utopia to fruition. Most of which requires killing large number of “impure” and evil citizens.
“The ice was broken. Walking cautiously across the road, we approached the group, keeping an eagle eye on the whole area, feeling not entirely safe. The Khmer Rouge soldiers were probably enjoying their first moments of relative safety in many days since the operation to seize the city had begun.”
The calm did not last long. By early afternoon the Khmer Rouge were ordering all residents to leave the city with a minimum of belongings, the start of what turned out to be a death march for thousands. The city remained mostly empty until the Vietnamese invasion almost five years later.
“Some soldiers were shooting in the air in order to force the inhabitants to flee the city,” said Neveu.
When Marxists take over a city, crowd control will be very aggressive. The chances of survival is very slim. If you are caught in the middle of SHTF, do whatever is necessary to escape, survive and use evasion to protect you and your loved ones. Trust no one.
It has been estimated that at least 20,000 people perished during the evacuation of the capital. It marked the start of what the Khmer Rouge leaders called the “Year Zero” campaign, emptying towns and cities and forcing city-dwellers to become slave laborers in the countryside. By some accounts, Phnom Penh’s population dropped from two million to 25,000 in only three days.
Foreigners were ordered to move to the large grounds of the French embassy, and Neveu, Mabuchi and Rockoff joined them after spending the day roaming the city, talking photos of various Khmer Rouge units and government soldiers surrendering and handing over their arms, which were being piled up on street corners, overseen by Khmer Rouge cadres.
-The Day the Nightmare Started
Leadership will scurry.
When it seems like everything is beyond hope of redemption, the instigators of the conflict with evacuate and scurry to their “safe havens”. In the case of the United States, it will mean well fortified, and guarded locations, outside of the country. Such as underground lairs in NZ for the Software billionaires, and well fortified chateaus in Europe for the corrupt politicians.
This is not a win for team Trump, but it was inevitable, just as it was with Reagan. Conservatives would love to cut down our deficit and trim our budget back to size, but with three-quarters of our budget going to entitlements, there is no way forward without cutting those. Even if we halve the military budget (20%) we will achieve nothing. Even if we cut all programs across the board by 10% we will achieve nothing except debilitating them.
This is how democracy ends: it spends itself into oblivion, collapses the society, and a few rich industry leaders, union organizers, and politicians board planes for Switzerland with suitcases full of cash.
Do not expect any of the instigators to remain in the USA when SHTF. They never do.
Once the conflict escalates, those that sponsored the event will move to safe areas. These will be pre-prepared locations where they can continue their plotting without worry about repercussions. In Cambodia, the entire genocide was the end result of American and CIA machinations. Here is a last chopper leaving the nation.
In Cambodia, the American elite and their CIA covert operatives were bundled up by the United States Marines and evacuated out of the “Hot Zone”. They flew away and watched the nation burn.
Twelve helicopters, bristling with guns and U.S. Marines, breached the morning horizon and began a daring descent toward Cambodia's besieged capital. Residents believed the Americans were rushing in to save them, but at the U.S. Embassy, in a bleeding city about to die, the ambassador wept.
Forty years later, John Gunther Dean recalls one of the most tragic days of his life — April 12, 1975, the day the United States "abandoned Cambodia and handed it over to the butcher."
"We'd accepted responsibility for Cambodia and then walked out without fulfilling our promise. That's the worst thing a country can do," he says in an interview in Paris. "And I cried because I knew what was going to happen."
Five days after the dramatic evacuation of Americans, the U.S.-backed government fell to communist Khmer Rouge guerrillas. They drove Phnom Penh's 2 million inhabitants into the countryside at gunpoint. Nearly 2 million Cambodians — one in every four — would die from executions, starvation and hideous torture.
This happens EVERY TIME.
The instigators gather up their belongings, and what ever they can grab and flee. This has happened time and time again, and it just starting to happen in America RIGHT NOW.
That was the moment when serious reform and severe consequences for the criminal perpetrators of economic collapse could’ve reset the system and brought the world back to a sustainable path, but we all know that’s not what happened.
Instead, the “elites” in charge of addressing the situation decided instead to temporarily prop up a broken system while ensuring they’d be the primary beneficiaries of the specific polices that supposedly “saved the economy.”
In fact, nothing was saved. A dead system was put on life support while our self-proclaimed heroic elite grabbed everything not nailed down. A stealth crime spree that is ongoing to this day.
-Liberty Blitzkrieg
U.S. Marines come under Khmer Rouge fire while they were on the ground near the U.S. embassy during Operation Eagle Pull which evacuated American and embassy personnel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on April 13, 1975. (Tea Kim Heang/AP)
What to expect
The first thing that can be expected is mass disarming of the populace.
Once the Khmer Rouge took over and capture Phnom Penh in 1976, the disarmed everyone. Those that refused, that stood on their Rights as Cambodian citizens, were shot, and the entire family arrested. The weapons were collected in major road intersections and put in display so that everyone could see that the new Marxist government was fully in charge.
I am not going to rehash history. You should know this. The only thing that I must underline is that YOU are not immune from the steam-roller of historical events. They will occur whether you want them to or not.
Factory workers, with their company name badges, in the parking lot of their employer. Two dead and one dying with his legs shot off. He and his co-workers had no idea that “world war III” would break out while they were trying to clock in at work. When one group of people identify another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive utopia.
If you haven’t read any history books by now, any statement from myself will be meaningless. So, I’m not going to do so.
Instead, I will lay out some of the characteristics that are common with every single progressive liberal socialist takeover of government. I will put them in terms that are applicable to Americans today…right now.
In the Country…
Urban youth, armed with fully automatic weapons, and RPG’s will burst forth and stream out of their protective enclaves. (Enclaves where their ideology has been nurtured for decades to hate one type or class of person.) They will ride forth in new cars and trucks. Sort of like how the ISS managed to get all those brand-new white Toyota trucks and turn them into “mechanicals”.
The people in the rural sections will have to fend for themselves, and they will have a tough go at it. There will be local Marxists in just about every village and town reporting on who to target and who has guns, etc. They will compile lists and they will provide those lists to their leadership in the cities.
The people in the rural areas, will be forced to go on the defensive. They will try to block the roads from whence the urban youth streams from, and they will have road-blocks and barriers as best they can, so that they can move their loved ones to safety.
The people, isolated and undefended, in the rural regions were dangerously exposed. Large packs of armed “militia”, actually ideological youth armed with military arms and on drugs and in an frenzy against perceived slights (“privilege” and “advantage”) as promoted by the media prior to the SHTF event. This is a scene in front of a “road block” that was set up by local residents to slow down the roving bands of armed urban youth. Their hope was that it would give them enough time to stream into the nearby cities for protection. The only thing was that the cities were all controlled by the very same people who set all the attacks in motion.
Paradoxically, this will mean that they will stream as refugees to apparent “safe areas” within urban areas. These areas will be controlled by the very people who have unleashed the terror.
In the cities…
The people, now pouring into the cities will be collected by the armed forces there. Most likely given to the Marxists who fully intended for this to occur.
The men will be separated from the women and the children.
During times of great turmoil, the odds of living after being handcuffed are mighty slim. Once you are in a confusing war zone, DO NOT EVER allow yourself to be handcuffed. The odds of survival are very slim. Know your history.
Most of the men will be killed immediately. Those rare exceptions would be those who would be tortured for various reasons to make a point to the remaining captives.
S 21 refers to “Monti Santesok S 21,” the main “security office” of Democratic Cambodia of the Khymer Rouge. Nearly 17,000 prisoners where imprisoned, tortured, interrogated and executed there between 1975 and 1979.
Only three of them are still alive.
All of the women will be dehumanized, raped and sent off to “collection centers”. There they will be provided dehumanizing clothing and attire, and raped until they are of no further use.
German Nationalist Socialists (Nazi’s) collected Jewish women. Stripped them, and provided them a roughly hewn sackcloth to wear, and a scarf to cover their head with. An uncovered woman is considered to be a threat. And used them as they felt necessary.
Everyone, and every moment will be documented to excess. It doesn’t matter if it was the Nazi’s with the Jews, the Soviets with other Soviets, the Khmer Rouge with their fellow citizens, or Americans against Americans. Each person will be interviewed, indexed, photographed, sheared, and categorized prior to execution.
Know your history.
Everyone, and every moment will be documented to excess. It doesn’t matter if it was the Nazi’s with the Jews, the Soviets with other Soviets, the Khmer Rouge with their fellow citizens, or Americans against Americans. Each person will be interviewed, indexed, photographed, sheared, and categorized prior to execution.
Prisoners, who included everyone from infants to grandparents, were brought in and tortured until they confessed they were either CIA or KGB operatives - even though many did not know what the CIA or KGB were. They were then further tortured until they "named" at least one other person who was also a CIA or KGB operative.
Then they were executed.
Nhem En, who was 16, was the house photographer. As each prisoner was brought in, he took their picture - a classic mug shot, the prisoner staring into the camera. He estimates he photographed 6,000 prisoners, knowing that all were about to die.
Cambodian soldier who turned in weapons as directed by his commander when the Marxists took power. Once disarmed, he was tied up and bound. Still in his army uniform. Photographed before being killed. This is the price you pay for not qualifying to live in a Marxist paradise. He was demonized for his “privilege”, attacked for his social irresponsibility, and tortured, well… because it was fun. He was then photographed and killed.
So much for the introduction.
The next six pages break down, in detail, how America is primed for a progressive Marxist genocide. Everything is in place. And make no mistake, many conservative politicians are on board with their Marxist confederates. We look at such things from the point of view of history and how it WILL manifest in the USA.
History can teach us a lot. But, it’s not a very pretty sight.
The election of Donald Trump has only postponed the genocide. I describe in depth why this is the case, and show clearly why this genocide SHTF CWII train-wreck is going to happen whether we want it to happen or not.
My you-tube video on this article
I created this video years after this article was first written. It serves as a perfect match for the contents of this article. It discusses the idea that societies collapse before governments do, and that is reason to be concerned (if you are an American.)
Keep in mind that I am an American expat living inside China. I took the “life boat” to a much safer place, and I wish and want those who have decided to “stay put” and “duke it out”, great success in your efforts to survive the present conditions of chaos and insanity. Hang in there! I believe in you!
You can view it on my you-tube channel. Here’s the video…
The following six articles will cover;
How your Human Resource manager will determine the future of your family.
How to defend yourself; the rule of three.
How the media is used to demonize; and then communicate to the Marxists.
How to avoid innocent but dangerous situations.
How the “lone wolf” mentality will get you killed.
What not to do, and what to do, to prepare realistically from a historical perspective.
How to get your family and loved ones to protection.
Avoidance of being a target.
How to take down a technical.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
If you want to see my MEGA-Index about the collapse of America click here…
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