We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Today is another art post. I have a lot of catching up to do. Don’t you know…
Filip Hodas, AKA Hoodass, is a freelance 3D artist from Prague, Czech Republic, who does surreal and mind-bending renderings that are truly out of this world.
But none of his work is as captivating as this series of decaying pop culture icons that provides us with a creepy glimpse into an alternative dystopian future. From a burnt out Pac Man and a defunct Hello Kitty to a litchen-covered Bender and a Martian Playstation space station, the artist uses well-known video games, fast food brands, cartoons characters and other recognizable imagery to litter the landscape of his pop culture apocalypse, providing us with a conflicting sense of nostalgia and foreboding.
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Today, we are going to enjoy contemporaneous Vietnamese pop music. Very, very popular in China and throughout SE Asia.
Man, oh man! Talk about color, and style.
Certainly SE Asia is not some third world banana republic any longer. Wow!
This is the same throughout the (rest of) the world. While the Untied States has been enjoying the fruits of looting, and unlimited spending, and fees, and excessive fees and taxes, the rest of the world has been quietly strengthening itself.
To understand what the new world is, you need to observe what is going on in the rest of the world. That means Asia and Africa.
If you are NOT AWARE how the rest of the world (outside of the West) has changed, you will never NEVER fully grasp how precarious the West is right now.
Do you hear me?
The world has REALLY changed.
It looks nothing like that old stale 1940’s , black and white, card-board cut-out imagery that the American / Western “news” portrays.
And that is a theme that all of us expats are trying to warn those whom remain inside the burning United States. It’s OVER. It has been over, and you all have no clue as to how far the United States has fallen.
2023 04 21 20 33
To hitch your nation to the dying zombie nation of the United States is absolute insanity. The world has moved on…
I strongly suggest you all watch every one of the Vietnamese videos here.
French Warship Transits Taiwan Strait With China’s Approval
Reporter/Provider – Alex Chen/Bryn Thomas/Charlie Storrar
Publish Date – 04/12/2023
This is after France agree not to be militarily hostile to China:
Ma Ying-jeou’s mainland visit shows cross-Strait China-Taiwan kinship
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A spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office noted that the visit of Ma Ying-jeou, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang party, to the Chinese mainland, showed that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese and of one family.
Ma’s visit drew wide attention from both sides of the Strait and received positive comments from the public, spokesperson Zhu Fenglian said Wednesday (April 12) at a press conference.
It has positive significance for promoting the exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the Strait and the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, Zhu said.
The visit also showed the common hope of compatriots on both sides for cross-Strait peace, development, communication and cooperation, and manifested that the 1992 Consensus is the fundamental anchor for the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, the spokesperson said.
Zhu expressed the hope that the compatriots on the two sides of the Strait join hands on the common political foundation of upholding the 1992 Consensus and securing the long-term welfare of the Chinese nation.
Làm gì phải Hốt – JustaTee x Hoàng Thùy Linh x Đen | Official Music Video
PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron Tuesday outlined his vision for European economic and industrial sovereignty during a visit to the Netherlands, following criticism over recent remarks about China and the United States.
Speaking at a Dutch research organization in The Hague, Macron said it was essential the European Union carve out an independent stance on five key areas, including trade, competitiveness and European industry. Embedded across all, he said, should be European values and goals in areas such as climate change. (What is European values? Colonialism? Imperialism? Bullying? Looting? Double standard? Fake news? Colour revolution funding? So Typical ash hole supremacist language)
“We want to be open,” said the president. “We want allies, we want good friends, we want partners. But we always want to be in a situation to choose them. Not to be 100 percent dependent on them.” (besides the crusader DNA countries keep doing that, who else?)
French President Emmanuel Macron, right, looks at demonstrators unfolding a banner that says “President of Violence and Hypocrisy” while he explains his vision of Europe during a lecture in The Hague, Netherlands, April 11, 2023.
Macron said Tuesday the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war on Ukraine helped drive the need for an independent European strategy — not reliant, for example, on either Chinese or U.S. technology. (It is US that forced Europe choice, not Chinese. A balancing language to avoid upsetting the US too much?)
“Defending sovereignty doesn’t mean to shy away from allies,” he said. “It means we must be able to choose our partners and shape our own destiny, rather than being, I would say, a mere witness of the dramatic evolution of this world.”
Macron made his remarks during a state visit to the Netherlands — the first by a French president in more than two decades. The comments follow a controversial interview with French and U.S. media, when he reportedly warned against Europe becoming entangled in unrelated crises — apparently referring to Taiwan — and becoming too dependent on the United States for defense… read more…
Coq au Vin
(Cock with Red Wine and Mushrooms)
Pressure Cooker
1 (3 pound) chicken, cut up (or parts of choice)
1 onion, sliced
1 carrot, sliced
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
4 slices bacon
1/2 pound mushrooms, sliced
1 cup red wine
1 clove garlic, minced
2 teaspoons parsley, minced
1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil or 1/2 teaspoon dry basil
1 small bay leaf
1 (16 ounce) can white onions, drained
1/4 cup brandy
Coat chicken, onion and carrot in mixture of flour, salt and pepper; set aside.
Fry bacon in a 4 or 6 quart pressure cooker until crisp; remove, crumble and set aside.
Sauté mushrooms in bacon drippings; remove and set aside.
Brown chicken a few pieces at a time; set aside.
Brown onions and carrots, then return all chicken to the pot.
Combine wine, garlic, parsley, basil and bay leaf; pour over chicken. Close pressure cooker securely. Place regulator on vent; cook for 8 minutes at 15 pounds pressure, with the regulator rocking slowly. Cool pressure cooker at once.
Remove chicken and veggies to a warm serving dish.
Add reserved mushrooms and the canned white onions to the liquid and simmer until heated through. Thicken if necessary (cornstarch slurry works fine). Add bacon and brandy; heat. Pour sauce over chicken and vegetables.
Hoàng Thùy Linh – Bánh Trôi Nước (Woman)
A personal favorite.
Classic Pin-Up Girls Before And After Editing: The Real Women Behind Those Gil Elvgren’s Incredible Paintings
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Ever wonder about the process that went on behind the scenes of those classic pin-up images that adorned the noses of bombers and the walls of soldiers barracks in the 1940s and ’50s? Anyone who’s familiar with pin up paintings will know the caricature-esque works of Gil Elvgren. His fantastical cheesecake pictures feature curvy 1950s women revealing their stockings – and sometimes a bit more – in a series of eyebrow-raising situations.
It seems in the age before digital photo editing, it was paint which made women seem to posess an impossible beauty, as these erotic illustrations reveal. These great before and after images of 1950s pin-up girls will give you a sneak peak of the photograph that came before the artists rendering.
It is said that after a fruitless 10-year siege of Troy, the Greeks left a huge wooden horse outside the gates of the city and seemed to have sailed away. The occupants of Troy brought the horse into the city, only to find that night that it was full of Greek soldiers who opened the city gates so that the Greeks could take the city. Just as the occupants of Troy brought a poisoned gift into their city, the EU welcomed in Poland (2003), Romania (2007) and the Baltic states (2004). What they did not understand is that they were welcoming in states with elites (especially their diasporas) that have a searing visceral hatred of anything Russian and are happy US vassals. Any thought of a new Ostpolitik of the 1970s or the European friendship that Gorbachev wished for was off the table. In addition, the concurrent accession of these states into NATO broke the repeated promises of the West not to move NATO closer to Russia, negating the possibility of a zone of neutral peace.
The history of Poland (the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1569-1795) and Russia is one of repeated wars. At its peak in the seventeenth century, the Commonwealth included most of what is now the Baltic States and Belarus and western Ukraine. In 1795 it was put to rest as what was left of it was dismembered between Austria, Prussia and Russia. Poland came back into being as part of the WW1 settlement, which also created the states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (as well as Finland). Poland invaded Russian territories during the Russian Civil War (Polish-Soviet War 1918-1921) in an attempt to rebuild the Commonwealth. This included the Polish-Ukrainian War of 1918-1919 against Ukrainian nationalists, with the latter forced into alliance with Poland. After being pushed back to Warsaw and nearly defeated, the Poles won the Battle of Warsaw (1920), and the Peace of Riga (1921) was signed that gave large areas of what is now western Belarus and Ukraine to Poland; areas that were predominantly Slavic not Polish. In 1939, the Soviet Union took back these territories, as well as the Baltic States, as part of its agreement with Germany. The territories taken back by the Soviet Union played a critical role in its survival of the 1941 German invasion, by moving the start line for that invasion (Barbarossa) hundreds of kilometres west. The Soviet Union had also forced the Finns to modify their border with the Soviet Union, to move it away from the Leningrad area. Poland, the Baltic States and Finland were all seen as putative allies of Germany in any invasion of the Soviet Union. At the time Poland was a majority peasant society, ruled by an authoritarian military regime (“regime of the colonels”) that was supported by the aristocracy and the landowning gentry. As Korbonski notes:
There is little doubt that interwar Poland presents a textbook case of what Huntington calls “oligarchical praetorianism.” In such societies, the dominant political forces tend to be the landowners, the clergy, and the military, with the last-mentioned exercising dominance.
Romania had gained Bessarabia after the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1918, but was forced to give it, as well as Northern Bukovina (the combination of which became the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic), to the Soviet Union in 1940. After the collapse of the Soviet Union these areas became the new nation-state of Moldova. This territorial change also pushed back the start line for Barbarossa, which Romania took an active part in as an ally of Germany. Pre-WW2 Romania was a majority peasant country, ruled over by a fascist dictatorship. Lithuania was a fascist one-party (Lithuanian Nationalist Union) authoritarian state, Latvia an authoritarian nationalist dictatorship, and Estonia a right-wing one-party (Patriotic League) authoritarian state.
I include the historical background above to combat much of the recent historical rewriting that serves to paint these nations, and their pre-WW2 leadership in as positive a light as possible. At the end of WW1, the new Soviet Union was “punished” by the other Allied nations through the taking of Russian lands to create Finland, the Baltic States and Poland; in addition to Western invasions of the Soviet Union in an attempt to crush the communist government. Poland and Romania also seized through wars of aggression other pieces of Russia. None of these states were democracies at the start of WW2, they were all highly antisemitic, and enemies of the Soviet Union. In 1940, the Soviet Union took back the lands taken by Poland and Romania, extinguished the Baltic States created from its territory at the end of WW1, and pushed back the Finnish border away from the critical Leningrad area. Without these moves, the Barbarossa offensive may have taken both Moscow and Leningrad in 1941 and Hitler may have gained his lebensraum. What would Eastern Europe and Russia look like today if that had happened? Those that wish to demonize the Soviet Union, and its progeny Russia, ignore and suppress these historical realities.
After WW2, the Soviet Union occupied Eastern Europe as a buffer against Western aggression, a position fully supported by the many European and Western attempts to subjugate Russia and then the Soviet Union. The historical enemies of Poland and Romania would be kept well under control, but not extinguished. Finland also had to accept some additional border changes but was not occupied by the Soviet Union. The Soviet-backed government of Poland was not the disaster many now claim, as it carried out land reform, eradicated illiteracy, provided universal healthcare and education, and established rapid industrialization and urbanization. The population of Poland doubled between 1947 and 1989 and many lower-class Poles had opportunities that they would never have had under previous administrations. The Polish crisis of the 1980s was the result of massive borrowing from the West in the 1970s that lead to severe economic conditions, even rationing, as Western interest rates rose as part of the Volcker Shock. This was the exacerbated by the economic disintegration of the Soviet Union toward the end of that decade. The Romanian experience of communism was much more brutal, but the extremes of the Ceausescu regime were due to the mass austerity imposed to pay off loans from the West; impoverishing the population.
In recent times, Romania has become a deeply corrupt state run by a kleptocracy, which is governed by a US and Western comprador elite and acts as a NATO forward base against Russia and pushes for integration with Moldova (recently with a “strategic partnership”) to reclaim the “lost” Bessarabia. A friend of mine recently visited Bucharest during a diplomatic summit and noted the difference between the modern rich center that the world tends to see and the sea of poverty that it sits within. An example of the deep corruption in Romania, not much has changed in the past few years since:
Hoàng Thùy Linh – Lắm Mối Tối Ngồi Không (Run After Two Hares, Catch Nones) | Official Lyrics Video
Brisket and Beans
Cowboy Beans 3 1024×1536 1
Pressure Cooker
1 (3 pound) brisket
2 cups water
1 1/2 pounds fresh green beans
6 potatoes, peeled, quartered
1/4 teaspoon marjoram, crumbled
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Remove any excess fat from brisket.
In a pressure cooker, bring brisket, water and seasonings to 15 pounds pressure and cook for 30 to 40 minutes.
Reduce pressure under cold water.
Open cooker, and add vegetables. Cover, then bring to 15 pounds pressure and cook 5 minutes; reduce pressure again.
Remove meat, and slice thinly on the diagonal.
Serve with green beans and potatoes drenched with cooking liquid. Do not thicken the natural gravy.
Hoàng Thuỳ Linh, Thanh Lam, Tùng Dương – Đánh Đố | Official Music Video
11 Illustrations That Show Just How Much The Internet Has Changed Our Lives
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None of us should ever succumb to panic — real life is definitely still out there despite the huge role that the Internet plays in modern life. Gadgets and technology play a part in our lives, but it really is just a part. Nevertheless, it’s funny to think about the hundreds of little ways these things have changed our behavior.
today we’re shifting gears to bring you the latest trends and searches on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok.
China plans to build its first west-to-east hydrogen pipeline to transfer clean fuel more effectively, which will provide Beijing with a direct supply of green hydrogen.
In other news, the long-awaited return of Ya Ya the panda to China is finally about to happen. While some may consider this a minor event, the Chinese government’s response demonstrates their serious commitment to the well-being of their “national treasures” and their desire to prevent further escalation of tensions with the US, at least on this issue.
Tuesday’s top 10 trending searches on Douyin (the Chinese equivalent of TikTok) as of 5:00 p.m. (0900 GMT):
#1 Celebrities in slo-mo
2022-2023 M-Chart of China Movie Channel & the Ceremony of Chinese Movie Data (2022-2023年度电影频道M榜暨中国电影大数据盛典), held in Jingzhou, central China’s Hubei Province, on Sunday presents a star-studded collection of slo-mo full shots in which Chinese celebrities (mostly actresses) spined and posed for the HD camera.
#2 Livestreamer jobs closed to the less-educated
Zhang Lan, the renowned entrepreneur and founder of the popular restaurant chain “Qiao Jiang Nan” (俏江南), recently shared a video in which she announced that she will no longer be hiring less-educated livestreamers, whom she referred to as “little wild children” and “bad apples”. Zhang started from scraps, had her ups and downs, and now livestreams every day promoting “Ma Liu Ji” instant foods, her newest venture. She explained in the video that the less educated tend to get full of themselves, a remark agreed by most of the comments.
#3 China to build first west-to east green hydrogen pipeline
China plans to build its first west-to-east hydrogen pipeline to transfer clean fuel more effectively and the project has been included in the country’s oil and gas network construction plan, according to Xinhua on Monday. The pipeline will extend for over 400km, transmitting hydrogen from Ulanqab, north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to the capital Beijing, helping alleviate the mismatch between the supply and demand of green hydrogen in resources-rich west and energy-consuming east.
#4 Private donation of 200,000 yuan to shared kitchen for cancer patients
An anonymous donor offered 200,000 yuan (about 29,000 U.S. dollars) in cash to a charity kitchen in Zhengzhou, central China’s Henan Province. The kitchen, which opened nine years ago near Zhengzhou Cancer Hospital, has been a haven of hope for disease-stricken families. Family members of cancer patients can pay 5 yuan to get unlimited access to the cooking facilities and condiments. The anonymous donation is only part of the timely help as the kitchen struggles financially.
#5 Father embarks on a quest for trafficked son
The boy nicknamed “little Mickey” was six years old when he was abducted. In 2014, Dearest (亲爱的), a movie about lost children which took inspiration from his story drew increasing attention to Du Xiaohua, his father. Having searched for his son for more than ten years, Du has gone on a new journey to north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to follow up a new lead. He called for the human trafficker and the buyer of his son to come forward and reach a compromise. The successful retrieval of another trafficked boy, Sun Zhuo, in 2021, serves as a motivation for the father.
#6 A young Chinese coast guard dies in preventing and counter-smuggling
Wang Xiaolong, a 27-year-old Chinese police officer from Guangdong (south Chinese province) Coast Guard, sacrificed his life in an investigation of smuggling cases in the early morning of March 24, according to China Coast Guard. When fighting against the outlaw, Wang braved danger and charged forward, but unfortunately fell into the sea. Many Chinese citizens commented on the sad news to pay tribute to the heroic sacrifice.
#7 Intelligence leak: US has been spying on Zelensky
The incident of leaking alleged classified US military documents has sparked heated discussion worldwide. According to CNN on Monday, one of the leaked documents reveals that the US has been spying on Zelensky, and the leak deeply frustrated Ukrainian officials, and it is reported that Ukraine has already altered some of its military plans due to the leak.
#8 Rare aquatic wild animal first seen in south China
Novaculina chinensis, a national second-class protected aquatic wild animal which usually appeared in east China’s Jiangsu and Zhejiang province, has recently been found on a riverbed in Henzhou City, south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, according to CCTVnews. Novaculina chinensis is one of the three species of freshwater razor clam genus Novaculina, which represents an example of a marine-derived, secondary freshwater group that lives in the mud under fresh water, and occurs at the lower Yangtze River in China, according to a scientific report. Some netizens from Guangxi remarked that the appearance of Novaculina chinensis proves the good environment in Guangxi because the species has high requirements for water quality.
#9 Liu Yan wants to play Mother of Jackson Yee
Liu Yan, a Chinese actress, hostess and singer, in an entertainment interview, expressed her admiration for many senior Hong Kong celebrities both in their appearance and performance, such as Tony Leung, one of Asia’s most successful and internationally recognized actors, and Chingmy Yau, a retired actress popular in the late 1980s. When asked about the promising younger generation actor in her eyes, Liu proposed Jackson Yee, a 22-year-old popular Chinese singer, dancer and actor, and she hopes to play his mother or elderly sister if there is a chance for cooperation in film and television works.
#10 China ready for the return of Ya Ya the panda
China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in the daily briefing on Tuesday that the return of Ya Ya, the giant panda on a 20-year loan to Memphis Zoo in the U.S., is well-prepared and will proceed as soon as possible. Ya Ya is in stable health, said the spokesperson, with bald spots as a result of her skin disease. The health condition of Ya Ya has recently come under intensive scrutiny of Chinese netizens, and many suspect Memphis Zoo of maltreatment.
#3 China to build first west-to east green hydrogen pipeline
China plans to build its first west-to-east hydrogen pipeline to transfer clean fuel more effectively and the project has been included in the country’s oil and gas network construction plan, according to Xinhua on Monday, informed by Sinopec, China’s largest oil and gas giant, which is also the operator of the pipeline.
The pipeline will extend for over 400 km, transmitting hydrogen from Ulanqab, north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to the capital Beijing, with an initial capacity of handling 100,000 tons per year and the potential to increase 500,000 tons in the long run, according to Sinopec chairman Ma Yongsheng.
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The project will help alleviate the mismatch between the supply and demand of green hydrogen in resources-rich west and energy-consuming east, playing a pioneering role in trans-regional transmission and promoting the national energy upgrade, such as replacing the current hydrogen production from fossil fuels in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Ma added.
The country’s oil and gas network construction plan was released by the National Energy Administration in March and reaffirmed at the national oil and gas pipeline planning construction and protection work conference on April 6, aiming at detailing the implementation of medium and long-term oil and five-year gas pipeline network planning and pipeline construction tasks.
Dragon TV: Recently, the Memphis Zoo in the US held a farewell party for the giant panda Ya Ya, whose health conditions have been on the mind of many internet users in China. Do you have any updates on the giant panda’s return to China?
Wang Wenbin: … At present, an expert from the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens and two technicians from the Beijing Zoo are now working with the Memphis Zoo on the caring of the giant panda and they have got a general understanding of the daily care of Ya Ya. The overall condition of the giant panda is relatively stable except for the fur condition caused by skin disease. The Chinese side has already made preparations to welcome Ya Ya home in terms of quarantine sites, living quarters, feeding plans, medical care and feed supplies.
Ya Ya had her farewell party on Saturday in Memphis, Tennessee, while a memorial for Le Le went on display at the zoo. The two pandas have been at the center of a whirlwind of disputes as to whether they have been underfed, neglected, or even abused.
Ya Ya, born on 3 August 2000 in Beijing, may look different from what comes to mind when people think of giant pandas. She has a chronic skin condition, a fact acknowledged by Memphis Zoo, that results in shedding and patchiness. Le Le, who was sent to Memphis Zoo with Ya Ya in 2003, also had significant teeth issues resulting in broken molars.
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Giant panda Ya Ya and her farewell cake at Memphis Zoo in Memphis, Tennessee, U.S., Apr. 8, 2023.
Stories of Ya Ya’s suffering have been spreading for some years, but things really took off after Le Le died shortly before his due return to China on Feb. 1, when he was 24 years old. The life expectancy of a giant panda in the wild is about 15 years, but in captivity they have lived to be as old as 38. Exponential attention was paid after Le Le’s death on the surviving Ya Ya, who was reported to be given insufficient bamboos and barely any treats or supplements. Some claimed that Ya Ya was often begging for food, after watching the live animal cams of the Memphis Zoo.
The Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens(CAZG) released a statement on March 10, 2022, acknowledging both pandas were underweight and suggested Memphis Zoo improve their diets by increasing food variety and protein sources to improve nutrition and help them gain weight. However, their blood test and imageological scans showed no diseases whatsoever, and although the CAZG has come up with no explanation of Ya Ya’s skin condition, it confirmed that it was hereditary and subject to seasons and hormone fluctuations.
The CAZG statement has only exacerbated the fury and patriotism of Chinese netizens. On Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, #overhaulCAZG has received over 36,000 reads, and many accuse the association of corruption and neglect. On Mar. 18, Chinese experts came to Memphis Zoo to oversee Ya Ya’s living conditions and negotiate the procedures of her return. On Apr. 11, it is finally announced that the preparations are complete.
There are some people, however, who support the CAZG and claim there is nothing inappropriate with Ya Ya’s treatment. Their argument boils down to two points: 1) Ya Ya’s condition is genetic. 2) Stories about the mistreatment of Ya Ya and Le Le are false information.
For a start, Ya Ya is genetically flawed, with her mother and grandmother both artificially inseminated. It is even possible that her mother was father-to-daughter inbred. To date, Ya Ya is the only surviving offspring of a total of twelve of her mother’s children. As to the second question, they argue that the video clips showing Ya Ya’s sufferings are maliciously edited and that the Memphis Zoo has a good record of caring for giant pandas.
But it seems that the discussions have already moved on from the zoological realm. “No more neglect. No more loans. No more experiments. The dignity of the state is not to be trampled upon”, reads one comment on Weibo which garners more than 3,800 likes. “I am grateful to my strong motherland for Ya Ya’s safe passage home,” says one comment on Douyin. “I hope all the pandas who are suffering in the U.S. Can return to China,” says another.
Hoàng Thùy Linh – Tứ Phủ (feat. Hồ Hoài Anh & TripleD) | Official Music Video
Greek Meatballs and Spaghetti Sauce
53044c7cc5c83dfd630f49a933228b9a greek meatballs spaghetti and meatballs
Pressure Cooker
1 pound beef, veal and pork ground together (or ground turkey)
1/4 cup sherry
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 medium size onion, minced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 slices bread, finely crumbled (store bought bread crumbs if you want)
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup olive oil or less
1/2 teaspoon dried mint
1 large onion, minced
4 garlic cloves, crushed
2 slices bacon, diced (optional)
2 carrots, coarsely diced
1/3 cup chopped parsley
1 (29 ounce) can tomato sauce
1 cup beef broth or stock
2 tablespoons sherry
2 tablespoons light brown sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
2 tablespoons dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon ground fennel
1/2 teaspoon mint
2 bay leaves
Cooked pasta or rice to serve
Prepare meatballs. Set aside.
Combine meat, sherry and the egg in a bowl. Add onion, garlic, bread crumbs and seasonings. Knead until completely mixed. Shape into walnut-size meatballs. Do not over-handle or they will be tough.
In a pressure cooker, sauté onion, garlic, tomato paste, bacon, carrots, and parsley over medium-high heat for 3 minutes. Add tomato sauce or puree, broth, sherry, brown sugar, salt, pepper flakes, oregano, fennel, mint and bay leaves. Stir to combine, and add meatballs. Secure lid. Over medium-high heat develop steam to high pressure. Reduce heat to maintain pressure and cook 10 minutes.
Release pressure according to manufacturer’s directions. Remove lid. Gently stir meatballs in sauce. Discard bay leaves. Let stand 5 minutes.
Skim fat from surface.
In a pressure cooker, sauté meatballs in hot oil over high heat until lightly browned. Cook about 10 meatballs at a time, turning with tongs.
Hoàng Thùy Linh – Duyên Âm (Love of Ghost) | Official Music Video
What type of women should you never date?
Not by MM. Full Disclaimer.
Five Warning Signs:-
Sign One:-
She expects you to pay for everything from the very first date or within the first 10 dates.
Going Dutch is the norm for any girl except for treats (50–50 or paying alternatively)
Sign Two:-
She expects you to improve your behaviour or parts of your personality from the first date or within the first ten dates
The usual norm is after 10 dates she says “Look I really like you but you eat too fast or you swear too much or you slouch toi much, will you please correct it”
Sign Three:-
She is dismissive to things you hold very dear from the very first date or within the first 10 dates
The norm is to nod her head when you praise Modi or Kohli or some random German writer she has never heard of
Then after enough familiarity, she will say “Please shut up. It bores me”
That’s perfectly normal
Sign Four:-
She talks too much of her boyfriend even if its angry stuff
It means you could be a rebound or she isn’t over him
The norm is she won’t want to talk about him initially and later doesn’t care about him enough to talk about him
Sign Five:-
She is dismissive about Parents or your mother or excessive caring by parents
300,000 Chinese people have an IQ above 160¹, which means they can do highly innovative work in quantum physics and mathematics and invent sciences and win Nobels, and all of them work for the Government of China as officials, academics or researchers.
For fifty generations, China’s geniuses have always become government officials because, well, because China only allows geniuses run the country. No-one else need apply.
Young geniuses with political ambitions live in the poorest villages until they raise incomes 50%. Then, if their KPIs remain high for a quarter century, they might ascend to Beijing, official Valhalla.
Two geniuses – one ran the space program, and his buddy who designed its rockets – were made Provincial Governors², each responsible for 5% economic growth in his province, for environmental improvement, for a dozen KPIs, and for delivering their share of the Five Year Plan.
In preparation for their career change, they went back to school. They spent a semester at the most exclusive university on earth, the lakeside campus of the Central Party School in Beijing. There they hung out with world thinkers who earn small fortunes for giving seminars to promising officials and yakking about the future. A Hungarian economist friend, who had heard about the School’s generosity, waited until he was seated on the ‘plane to open his honorarium envelope, “My hands shook. I actually wept. The next week, I paid off the mortgage, bought my wife a car, and left the rest in the bank”.
Xi Jinping began his cursus honorum² at the same age as Cicero, by being elected Village Party Secretary at nineteen. His KPIs were excellent for 25 years, and he picked up a Master’s in Marxist economics and a PhD in rural marketization. An Oxford PhD and African developmental economist attending a conference in Beijing was astonished to find herself sipping tea with Xi and his translator in his office, gabbing about Chinese aid hits and misses. Xi, incidentally, is held responsible for the same KPIs and the same Five Year goals. All of them.
President Trump despaired, “People say I don’t like China? No, I love them! But their leaders are much smarter than ours. And we can’t maintain ourselves against that. It’s like playing the New England Patriots and Tom Brady against your high school football team.” His elaboration on Xi’s personal qualities is interesting:
30,000 (note4) Westerners have an IQ above 160, but none of them will ever govern a state, let alone a country. Honesty is fatal in our politics, and smart people are honest.
In addition to their lack of intelligence, education and morality, our officials are unaccountable and have no goals. Most have never accomplished anything beyond winning an election, as their disastrous policies make clear.
Let’s not beat a dead horse. There’s no way on God’s earth the West can compete with China, as Lee Kwan Yew (note 5) warned decades ago, “The size of China’s displacement of the world balance is such that the world must find a new balance. It is not possible to pretend that this is just another big player. This is the biggest player in the history of the world”.
If you’re interested in how China actually works, read Why China Leads the World: Talent at the Top, Data in the Middle, Democracy from the Bottom. To learn how Chinese officialdom works, read Dean of Shandong, whose author, Daniel Bell, was a Chinese Government official in this lifetime.
IQ is distributed logarithmically and since China’s national IQ is 105, its 1.4 billion citizens harbor 300,000 of them. 95% of us have IQ’s under 130, so theoretical physics is probably beyond us.
There are typically 3 levels of civil service between a provincial governor and the President of China. At the provincial level, the governor is considered a level-1 official. Above the governor are level-2 officials who are responsible for larger regions or multiple provinces, such as the vice-ministers in various ministries of the central government. Level-3 officials are the highest-ranking officials in the country and are responsible for national policies and decision-making. The President of China is a level-3 official.
Lee graduated at the top of his year at Cambridge – he was a genius who ran his country well. He. His Prime Minister son outshone him – in mathematics. Singapore will succeed if it keeps Prime Ministerial IQ above 130? China’s has probably not been below 130 since 505 AD.
USA’s hegemony has angered the entire world & thus backfired to USA. After Brazil, France, Saudi & Iran, Africa & ASEAN, now Vietnam. What has Vietnam done?
On 2023/4/15, US Secretary A Blinken visited Vietnam & met Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. In the meeting room, there was a Vietnamese national flag. But absolutely no US flag.
This is unheard of in diplomacy.
Pham told Blinken:
We Vietnamese do not take sides. We can decide what is righteous & fair (to us).
Vietnam is communist. While USA propagates communist as evil, USA is befriending communist Vietnam. Haha.
2 points here:
[1], It is proof that communism is NOT the problem for USA. It is China. USA is paranoid about China surpassing it. That is all. Hence USA uses “communism” to scare Americans. Don’t forget. USA befriended communist China in 1972 to “fight” the strong USSR.
[2], USA uses Vietnam to encircle China.
USA is infamous in gossiping & breaking up friendship between countries. We witness the mess in Middle East caused by USA.
Blinken has 2 missions.
One, for the opening of a new US embassy in Vietnam.
Two, befriend Vietnam to encircle China.
USA delivered a 3rd naval cutter to support Vietnam coast guard in South China Sea. Security is US concern, Blinken said. (It is said that the cutter is pretty old.)
The Chinese embassy in Vietnam responded:
"all countries in the region of SCS work together to maintain peace in the region. Any outsider is malicious & to sow discord in the region."
Who is the outsider? USA because USA is many thousands of miles away from SCS.
There is a saying circulating around:
Vietnam was not afraid of USA some 40 years ago in Vietnam war. Neither is it afraid today.
Quite similar to what former Chinese Diplomat Yang Jiechi rebuked Blinken in the 2021 Alaska meeting:
"USA is not qualified to talk to China this way. Not today. Not 20 years ago. Not 40 years ago. China will not take it. "
Virtually no one knows about it. But last December, another coup was discreetly thwarted in the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek.
Kyrgyz intel sources attribute the engineering to a rash of NGOs linked with the USA, Britain and Turkey.
That introduces an absolutely key facet of The Big Picture: NATO-linked intel and their assets have been preparing a simultaneous color revolution offensive across Central Asia.On my Central Asia travels in late 2019, pre-Covid, it was plain to see how western NGOs – Hybrid War fronts – remained extremely powerful in both Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
Yet, they are just one nexus in a western nebulae of Hybrid War fog deployed across Central Asia, and West Asia for that matter.
Here we see the CIA and the US Deep State crisscrossing MI6 and different strands of Turkish intel.When President Tokayev was referring, in code, to a “single center,” he meant a so far ‘secret’ US-Turk-Israeli military-intel operations room based in the southern business hub of Almaty, according to a highly placed Central Asia intel source.
In this “center,” there were 22 Americans, 16 Turks and 6 Israelis coordinating sabotage gangs – trained in West Asia by the Turks – and then rat-lined to Almaty.
For those who follow the Western Bloc “news” it’s all full of Taiwan independence, Uighur torture and rape camps, and Ukraine NATO membership. The truth however is actually quite different. Instead of this “carefully crafted” narrative, something else has been going on; There has been major fighting to destroy the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) in the heart of Central Asia.
And the usual culprits (The USA, UK, and Israel) are (as usual) failing and floundering left and right.
The BRI is (as I have discussed before) the solution to bypass the liability of the logistic transport from China to the rest of the world.
It’s a land route from China to Asia, Europe, and Africa. It’s faster, and cheaper than sea shipments, and further it is not subject to blockade by the powerful and omnipresent American naval forces.
The real threat of Naval blockade as presented to China by then President Obama.
It has been a top American (warmongering) neocon agenda for nearly a decade now. Stop the BRI at all costs.
Here, we are going to review the latest fiasco; the battle for Kazakhstan. It’s a CIA-sponsored “color revolution” using Turkish assets that was stopped and dissambled within days.
So let’s start off by taking a look at a map.
Where is Kazakhstan with regard to the BRI?
Well, it’s easy to see. Just look at a map.
You can easily see that most of the BRI route corrodors plow through Kazakhstan and the Uighur regions in Xinjiang in Western China.
Kazakhstan is a key rail hub for the BRI. A loss to hostile forces would stop the BRI operational corridors.
It’s very obvious, and as clear as day.
But you all had best be careful in your selection of maps.
Not every map is accurate, and it is becoming more and more predominant that images, text and maps are being rewritten to fit whatever narrative is driving the great American Military Empire.
It’s curious how most maps out of the United States strategically omit that Kazakhstan holds the critical rail lines for the BRI.
Look at this map (below) that omits the key rail lines as shown above. they are all rerouted out of Kazakhstan, and away from the Uighur populated regions in China. Imagine that!
Raw map, blatantly lying about the BRI route corridors.
It’s not at all accurate.
However, what is most interesting is really how carefully the map sidesteps the CIA “color revolution” target areas…
Notice how the BRI corridors are strategically located outside all the CIA-color revolution hot spots. What a coincidence!
Careful, careful.
Don’t step in the target color revolution “hot zones”.
Ok, so, here’s how the ACTUAL MAP should actually look. The BRI corrodors are in brown. The black lines are what “The China Road Project” wants you all to think the BRI actually is.
The first thing an astute MM reader will notice is that the rail lines to Laos, Cambodia, are missing.
Then all the transport and rail lines to the Western part of China through Uighur land is sidestepped.
Then, you will note how Afghanistan, and Iran are somehow ignored. I guess their membership in the SEO means nothing…
Notice how the BRI goes through EVERY SINGLE region that has experienced a color revolution, and being propagandized.
Let’s talk about Some areas of “color revolutions”
Actually, I really hate the term “color revolution”. It’s so very deceptive. Instead, we should be calling them what they are. They are “unorthodox military campaigns” used to create proxy / client states and territories for the United States military bases.
On Monday morning, leaders of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) held an extraordinary session to discuss Kazakhstan.Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev framed it succinctly. Riots were “hidden behind unplanned protests.” The goal was “to seize power” – a coup attempt. Actions were “coordinated from a single center.” And “foreign militants were involved in the riots.”Russian President Vladimir Putin went further: during the riots, “Maidan technologies were used,” a reference to the Ukranian square where 2013 protests unseated a NATO-unfriendly government.Defending the prompt intervention of CSTO peacekeeping forces in Kazakhstan, Putin said, “it was necessary to react without delay.” The CSTO will be on the ground “as long as necessary,” but after the mission is accomplished, “of course, the entire contingent will be withdrawn from the country.” Forces are expected to exit later this week.But here’s the clincher: “CSTO countries have shown that they will not allow chaos and ‘color revolutions’ to be implemented inside their borders.”Putin was in synch with Kazakh State Secretary Erlan Karin, who was the first, on the record, to apply the correct terminology to events in his country: What happened was a “hybrid terrorist attack,” by both internal and external forces, aimed at overthrowing the government.
I list four primary (simply because they are germane to this article topic) color revolution targets.
Xinjiang (Uighur Ethnic stronghold)
You can find all sorts of detailed information regarding the various color revolutions in these targeted regions. Most of the revolutions failed.
The only successful one was the Ukraine. But it has pretty much split the country in two.
Just like how the American military intervention split Korea into two...
... and split Vietnam into two...
... and Germany into two.
History repeats itself, don't you know.
There is a Russian-leaning (culturally and socially) East with most of the industry and infrastructure, and a Western-leaning (Nationalist / Fascist) Western side, with mostly rural areas.
A split Ukraine.
Additionally, there have been color revolution attempts in…
We will leave out the rout of American military forces out of Afghanistan, and the ongoing “soft” war with Iran. We will jsut say that they are now pro-China, and independent of the Western Bloc.
So it is really NOT BEING REPORTED what is actually going on. The United States have been conducting CIA-sponsored “color revolutions” throughout Central Asia in a very dramatic effort to stop the BRI from manifesting.
The magnitude of the crisis in Kazakhstan has surprised many, including myself.
Some compared what happened to the Euromaidan in Kiev, but that is a very bad comparison, if only because the Euromaidan happened on one square of one city whereas the violent insurrection (because that it was it was!) in Kazakhstan began in the western regions but quickly spread to the entire country (which is huge).
Kazakhstan is huge.
Just by the sheer magnitude of the insurrection (about 20’000 well organized and trained combatants all over the country) and its extreme violence (cops had their heads cut off!), it was pretty obvious that this was not something spontaneous, but something carefully prepared, organized and then executed.
The way the insurgents immediately attacked all TV stations and airports, while bigger mobs were trashing the streets and looting stores, shows a degree of sophistication Ed Luttwak would have approved of!
To me, this is much more similar to what happened in Syria in the cities of Daraa, Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Damascus, and many more.
I will admit that my initial reaction also was…
“wow, how could the Kazakh and Russian intelligence services miss all the indicators and warnings that such a huge insurrection was carefully prepared and about to explode?”.
Then came the news that President Tokaev appealed to The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).
Which up until now was a rather flaccid organization.
And that very same evening Russia began an air bridge to move forces to Kazakhstan.
These forces were huge and substantive, including the subunits of the 45th Guards Separate Special Forces Brigade, 98th Guards Airborne Division and 31st Guards Airborne Assault Brigade.
Russian military transporters also airlifted small contingents of Armenian, Kyrgyz, Tadjik special forces.
Most interestingly, the Belarusians also sent one reinforced company from their elite 103rd Separate Guards Airborne Brigade (that is the famous Vitebsk Airborne Division, one of the best Soviet Airborne Divisions).
Considering the current tensions with the West over the Ukraine, the speed with which these forces were sent to Kazakhstan indicated to me that this was clearly a prepared move.
A prepared action.
The breakdown of the messy Kazakh op necessarily starts with the usual suspects: the US Deep State, which all but “sang” its strategy in a 2019 RAND corporation report, Extending Russia. Chapter 4, on “geopolitical measures”, details everything from “providing lethal aid to Ukraine”, “promoting regime change in Belarus”, and “increasing support for Syrian rebels” – all major fails – to “reducing Russian influence in Central Asia.”That was the master concept. Implementation fell to the MI6-Turk connection.The CIA and MI6 had been investing in dodgy outfits in Central Asia since at least 2005, when they encouraged the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), then close to the Taliban, to wreak havoc in southern Kyrgyzstan. Nothing happened.It was a completely different story by May 2021, when the MI6’s Jonathan Powell met the leadership of Jabhat al-Nusra – which harbors a lot of Central Asian jihadis – somewhere in the Turkish-Syrian border near Idlib. The deal was that these ‘moderate rebels’ – in US terminology – would cease to be branded ‘terrorists’ as long as they followed the anti-Russia NATO agenda.That was one of the key prep moves ahead of the jihadist ratline to Afghanistan – complete with Central Asia branching out.The genesis of the offensive should be found in June 2020, when former ambassador to Turkey from 2014 to 2018, Richard Moore, was appointed head of MI6. Moore may not have an inch of Kim Philby’s competence, but he does fit the profile: rabid Russophobe, and a cheerleader of the Great Turania fantasy, which promotes a pan-Turk confederation of Turkic-speaking peoples from West Asia and the Caucasus to Central Asia and even Russian republics in the Volga.MI6 is deeply entrenched in all the ‘stans’ except autarchic Turkmenistan – cleverly riding the pan-Turkist offensive as the ideal vehicle to counter Russia and China.
In other words, at least the Russians had advanced warning and were fully prepared. If so, I doubt they said anything to their colleagues from the CSTO, with the possible (likely?) exception of the Belarusians.
Okay, so let’s explore the implications of the above.
If the Russians knew, why did they do nothing at all to prevent what just happened?
Here we first need to revisit what recently happened in Belarus.
The Belarus “Color Revolution”.
President Lukashenko had pretty much the same foreign policy as President Tokaev. It’s something they call a “multi-vector” foreign policy.
This is a policy I would summarize as follows:
First, pump all the aid and money from Russia,
While suppressing pro-Russian forces inside your own country.
Try to show the AngloZionist Empire that we can be bought, just for the right price of course (this is also what Vucic is doing in Serbia right now).
Now let’s recall what happened in Belarus.
The United States Military Empire and its vassal states in the EU tried to overthrow Lukashenko.
He had no other choice than to turn to Russia for help and survival.
Russia, of course, did oblige, but only in exchange for Lukashenko’s “good behavior” and comprehensive abandonment of his “multi-vector” foreign policy.
Lukashenko prevailed, the opposition was crushed, and Russia and Belarus have already taken major further steps towards their integration.
Result? “Color Revolution” collapsed.
But of the nay-sayers…
Now I know that there are those out there who love to accuse Putin (personally) that he “showed weakness”, “let the US and NATO blow up countries on the Russian periphery”, etc. etc. etc.
To those inclined to this, I ask a simple question: compare the Belarus before the insurrection and after. Specifically, from the Russian point of view, was the multi-vectoring Belarus preferable to the fully aligned Belarus of today or not?
The answer, I submit, is absolutely obvious.
Now let’s look at Kazakhstan.
Potentially, this is a much more dangerous country for Russia than Belarus: it has a huge border (7’600km, open and undefended as Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic Community!).
It has a strong pan-Turkic underground (supported by Turkey).
It also has an equally strong Takfiri underground (supported by various non-state and even state actors in the region).
As well as ethnic tensions between the Kazakhs and the Russian minority and (of course) very important security ties to Russia.
To have the United States Military Empire take over Belarus would have been very bad indeed, but the Empire taking over Kazakhstan would have been even much MUCH worse.
Yet, as a direct (and, I submit, predictable) consequence of the insurrection, Tokaev now knows that his fate depends on Russia, just like Lukashenko’s.
Is that a bad or a good outcome for the Kremlin?
I will toss in another name here: Armenia’s Pashinian.
Pashinian was a notorious russophobe until the Azeris attacked at which point he had no other choice but to turn to Russia for help and, frankly, survival. (That is also true of Erdogan, but he is an ungrateful SOB who can’t ever be trusted, not even for minor matters.)
Now remember all those dummies who were screaming urbi et orbi that the CSTO is useless, that the Russians just let the Azeris beat the crap of Armenia and could do nothing about it? As soon as Russia got involved, the war stopped and the “invincible” Bayraktars stopped flying.
Is that a good or bad outcome for Russia?
And now, oh sweet irony, the self-same Pashinian happens to be the formal head of the CSTO (more like Stoltenberg really, a official mouthpiece with no real authority) and he had to “order” (announce, really) the CSTO operation into Kazakhstan.
So we have Lukashenko, Pashinian and now Tokaev all ex-multi-vector politicians begging Russia for help and getting that help, but at the obvious political price of ditching their former multi-vector policies.
I don’t know about you, but for me this is a triumph for Russia: without any military intervention or “invasion”.
Putin “cracked” three notorious multi-vectorist and got them to be nice, loyal and very grateful (!) partners for Russia.
By the way, Russia also has a very deep “penetration” into all the other “stans” whose leaders are not stupid and who, unlike the western journos and “experts” all read the writing on the wall.
The impact of what just took place in Kazakhstan will reverberate all over Central Asia.
Central Asia.
Now, about the CSTO operation itself…
We talk about how the “Color Revolution” was stopped.
First, there are the Russian and Belarusian forces. Consisting of about 3’000 Russians and 500 Belarusians. They are truly elite, top of the line, battle hardened, professional, highly trained and superbly equipped forces (the other smaller contingents are more for “PR decoration” than for anything else).
Officially, their mission is only to protect key official (Kazakh and Russian) facilities. However, these forces would be more than enough to make minced meat of out any western or Turkish trained Takfiris or nationalists. THis is regardless of their size or training. This is true, even if their numbers are much higher than the 20’000 estimate.
And, in the worst case which did happen, these forces happened to be in control of key airports were Russians (and Belarusians) could send in even more forces, including at least two Russian airborne divisions. (That was strategically important, to prevent Russian and CSTO resupply, while allowing United States Military resupply and logistics.).
That would be a force nothing in Central Asia can even dream of taking on.
I should also mention that Russia has a large and strategically crucial military base in Tadjikistan which has trained to fight against Takfiri terrorists and insurgents for decades now and which could also support any Russian military operation in Central Asia.
So the objective of these forces are:
To free up Kazakh security and military forces to put down the uprising (which they did.)
To send a political message to the Kazakh security forces: we got your back, no worries, do your job.
To send a political message to the insurgents: you will either lay down arms, flee abroad or die (which is what Putin ordered in both Chechnia and Syria, so these are not empty threats at all).
To send a political message to the US and Turkey: Tokaev is our guy now, you lost him and this country!
To send a political message to the entire Central Asia and Caucasus: if Russia has your back, you will stay in power even if the idiots at CIA/NED/etc. try to color-revolutionize you.
To send yet another message to folks like Erdogan or Vucic – all that multi-vectorness will end up very badly for you, use your head before it is too late (for you, not for us – we are fine either way!).
Suggestions of NATO involvement
Some have suggested that the timing of the insurrection Kazakhstan was some kind of attempt by US/NATO to “hurt” Russia in her “weak underbelly” and to show Russia that she has to back down from her ultimatum to the West (negotiations are supposed to start tomorrow, in an atmosphere of general pessimism). Well, I don’t have any info out of Langley or Mons, but if that was the US plan, then this entire project not only collapsed, but has backfired very very badly indeed.
Remember, the PSYOP narrative was that Putin is either stupid, or weak or sold out to the West, yet when we look at the “before and after” thingie, we see that while the West “almost” (or so they think) “got” Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and, now, Kazakhstan, the reality is quite different.
The reality is that in each case it appears that the narcissistic megalomaniacs running the West have confidently waltzed into a carefully laid Russian trap. This trap, which, far from giving the Empire the control of the countries it “almost” acquired, made them lose them for the foreseeable future.
Can you imagine the level of impotent rage and frustration in Langley and Mons when the watch that kind of footage on their C3 monitors.
Of sure, the AngloZionist propaganda machine and the clueless trolls (paid or not) who parrot that nonsense won’t say a word about all this, but just use your own common sense, use the “before and after” thing, and reach your own conclusions.
Speaking of conclusions: how about all those who bitched about the CSTO being a toothless wannabe copy of NATO which can get nothing done? You still find it so toothless now?
How does it compare to NATO, no, not on paper, but in terms of combat operations capability?
The Western Bloc wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a “Russian Afghanistan” (same plan for the Ukraine, by the way).
Turkey wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a Turkish-run vassal state.
The Takfiris wanted to turn Kazakhstan into some kind of Emirate.
The United States Military Empire wanted to turn Kazakhstan into a strategic roadblock to the Chinese BRI.
In your opinion, how do you evaluate the effectiveness of a collective security treaty which could foil all of these plans with only a brigade-sized force and in just a few days?
Heavy CIA involvement
One more thing: there is something else which Kazakhstan and Syria have in common: there were A LOT of CIA/MI6/Mossad/etc agents around Assad.
This became quite clear by the number of high-level Syrian officials who either backed the insurrection, or even led it.
Most later fled to the West, though some were killed.
But the point is that the “apple” of the powers structure in Syria was quite rotten.
The same can be said for Kazakhstan where a huge purge is taking place, with the highly influential head of the security services (and former Prime Minister!) not only demoted, but arrested for treason!
Simplified Summary
The “Color Revolution” collapsed and the instigators were rounded up, tortured and executed.
So in plain English, the SVR/FSB/GRU will now have a free hand to “clean house” the same way the Russians “cleaned house” around Lukashenko and Assad (in this case with Iranian help): quietly and very effectively,
Again, I can hear the hysterical and desperate wailing out of Langley and Mons. That’s what you get for believing your own stupid propaganda!
As for those who bought that silly “Putin losing countries all over the former Soviet Union space” PSYOP narrative, they probably feel quite stupid right now, but won’t ever admit it. Speaking of stupid,
No, Putin is NOT, repeat, NOT trying to “re-create” the Soviet Union.
And while that mediocre non-entity Blinken warns about how the Russians are “hard to get out once they come in” (coming from a US Secretary of State this is both quite hilarious and a new, even higher, level of absolute hypocrisy!), the truth is that most CSTO forces will leave pretty soon, if only because there will be no need to keep them in Kazakhstan.
Simple: the hardcore trained terrorists and insurgents will soon be dead.
Additionally, the looting rioters will get off the streets and hope that they don’t get a visit from the Kazakh NSC (National Security Committee).
The traitors in power will either leave the country for the EU or be jailed.
And the Kazakh security and military forces will regain control of the country and maintain law and order.
Why would the Russian paratroopers and special forces need to stay?
Consider the Russian point of view
The Central Asian nations with Russia and China are chasing the CIA-backed forces out of the area.
Furthermore, Russia has no need, or desire, to invade or, even less so, administer poor, mostly dysfunctional countries, with major social problems and very little actual benefits to offer Russia.
And now that Lukashenko, Pashinian, and Tokaev know that they serve at the pleasure of the Kremlin, you can rest assured that they will generally “behave”.
Oh sure, they will remain mostly corrupt states, with nepotism, tribal affiliation, and religious extremism all brewing at some level, but as long [1] as they represent no threat to the Russian minority in these states and [2] to Russian national security interests, the Kremlin will not micro-manage them.
But at the first sign of a resurgence of “multi-vectoriality” (possibly inspired by the many western corporations working in Kazakhstan) the chairs upon which these leaders currently sit will immediately begin shaking pretty badly and they will know whom to call to stop this.
American United States Involvement
Speaking of weak “idiots” who “lost” countries to the Empire, does anybody care to make a list of countries the Empire has ACTUALLY snatched away from Russia (or any other adversary) and succeeded in keeping? Syria? Libya? Afghanistan? Iraq maybe? Yemen? And that is after the “Mission Accomplished” declaration by a “triumphant” US President 🙂
Okay, the three Baltic statelets. Bravo! Captain America won another Grenada!
Ah, I can hear the voices chanting “the Ukraine! What about the Ukraine!?”.
Well, what about the Ukraine?
There is a Russian saying (цыплят по осени считают) which can be roughly translated as “do not count your chickens before they are hatched“.
Right now, NOBODY can confidently predict what will happen with the Ukraine further down the road.
Not only has the Ukraine become a country 404 deindustrialized shithole, it now is run by an entire class (in the Marxist sense) of Nazis whom, apparently, nobody has the will or the ability to de-Nazify (Russia could, but has exactly zero motive to do so, as for the US/NATO, LOL!!).
Even if Russia and the US agree to some kind of neutral status for the Ukraine, this will not remove a single Nazi from power and, if anything will create the conditions for an even bigger breakup of the country (which is what I think will eventually happen anyway, but very slowly and very very painfully).
The one thing which the Ukraine does have in common with Kazakhstan is that these are both invented countries created by the rabidly Russophobic Bolsheviks.
Not only are their current borders meaningless (and I mean totally completely meaningless), but these borders bring under one totally artificial political “roof” completely different regions and ethnic groups.
The big difference is, of course, that the Ukie leaders, all of them, were, and still are, infinitely worse than either Nazarbaev or Tokaev ever were.
Also, Ukie nationalism is the most hate-filled and demented on the planet, they can only be compared with the Hutu Interahamwe in Rwanda.
Yes, there is definitely a nationalist streak in the Kazakh society (lovingly nourished and fed by the West for decades), but in comparison with the Ukronazis, these are soft-spoken and mostly mentally sane humanitarians.
In my personal, and therefore admittedly subjective, experience, Kazakhs and Russians get along much better than Ukrainians and Russians.
Belarusian-style “housecleaning” in Kazakhstan has already begun!
Last, but not least, it will take decades to de-Nazify the Ukraine, and God only knows who will be willing and capable of doing that (certainly NOT Russia!) whereas Kazakhstan’s insurgents are already being killed, in large numbers (several thousand by some accounts), by Kazakh security forces.
As for the Kazakh oligarchs and officials who assisted them, they are either dead or in jail or already abroad.
Did I mention China?
It is a very important actor in Kazakhstan.
On one level, China and Russia are economic and even political competitors in Kazakhstan, however China absolutely and categorically cannot allow Kazakhstan to be taken over by either the US/NATO, or the Takfiris or the pan-Turkists.
The Chinese have not flexed their military muscle (yet), but they could, and you can be rest assured that they will flex with (immense) economic muscle to prevent such an outcome.
So while the poor Ukraine has Poland as a neighbor, Kazakhstan has both Russia and China which are absolutely determined not to allow any hostile force (anti-Chinese or anti-Russian, these are the same forces) to color-revolutionize Kazakhstan.
They will not all it to turn into the kind of nightmarish shithole the Empire turned so many countries into, from the US-occupied EU to the Nazi-occupied Ukraine.
The bottom line about the Ukraine is this: let’s wait and see what kind of chickens the Ukie eggs will hatch in time and whether the eventual outcome will be worse or better for Russia.
And, by “outcome” I do not refer to the roaring statements coming from western politicians and the talking heads on the idiot box, I mean actual outcomes.
Outcomes, which in such matters can take months or even years before becoming fully apparent.
What just happened in Kazakhstan was both a US-triggered full-scale insurrection AND an attempted coup.
There is overwhelming evidence that the Russians were aware of what was coming and allowed the chaos to get just bad enough to give only one possible option to Tokaev: to appeal for a CSTO intervention.
The extreme swiftness of the Russian military operation took everybody by surprise and none of the parties involved in that insurrection+coup (the US, the Takfiris and the Turks) had any time to react.
Thus, they couldn’t prevent the quick deployment of (extremely) combat-capable forces which then made it possible for the Kazakh military and security forces to regroup and go on the offensive. Having Pashinian “order” this CSTO operation was beautiful, karmic, cherry on the cake 🙂
All in all, this is just the latest in a series of cataclysmic failures of the leaders of the (already dead) AngloZionist Empire and the (equally dead) USA to actually get something, anything, done. In the confrontation between western hot air and Russian military action, the latter has prevailed, yet again.
Tomorrow the US will try to scare Russia with talks about “sanctions from hell”. Good luck with that!
So now with the collapse of the “color revolutions” designed to stop the BRI, the United States Military Empire is insisting on the placment of nuclear weapons throughout the edges where the BRI intersects with Russia and Europe. This is why the Ukraine is so strategicaly important right now.
And the American leadership is engaged in “dialogue” to make sure that they can stop the BRI at all costs…
Washington will not consider Russian proposals on no expansion of NATO, and has no intention of even discussing the idea.
So much for “dialogue”.
It was the first high-level Russia-NATO meeting since 2019 – coming immediately after the non sequitur of the U.S.-Russia “security guarantee” non-dialogue dialogue earlier in the week in Geneva.
So what happened in Brussels? Essentially yet another non-dialogue dialogue – complete with a Kafkaesque NATO preface: we’re prepared for dialogue, but the Kremlin’s proposals are unacceptable.
This was a double down on the American envoy to NATO, Julianne Smith, preemptively blaming Russia for the actions that “accelerated this disaster”.
By now every sentient being across Eurasia and its European peninsula should be familiar with Russia’s top two, rational demands:
No further NATO expansion, and
No missile systems stationed near its borders.
Now let’s switch to the United States / Western Bloc spin machine.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg’s platitudes were predictably faithful to his spectacular mediocrity.
On the already pre-empted dialogue, he said…
…brace yourself…
…it was “important to start a dialogue”.
Russia, he said,
“urged NATO to refuse to admit Ukraine; the alliance responded by refusing to compromise on enlargement”.
Yet NATO “welcomed bilateral consultations” on security guarantees.
NATO also proposed a series of broad security consultations, and
“Russia has not yet agreed, but has not ruled out them either.”
No wonder: the Russians had already noted, even before it happened, that this is noting but stalling tactics.
The Global South will be relieved to know that Stoltenberg defended NATO’s military blitzkriegs in both Kosovo and Libya: after all “they fell under UN mandates”. So they were benign.
Not a word on NATO’s stellar performance in Afghanistan.
And then, the much-awaited clincher: NATO worries about Russian troops “on the border with Ukraine” – actually from 130 km to 180 km away, inside European Russian territory. And the alliance considers “untrue” that expansion is “an aggressive act”.
Because “it spreads democracy”.
Bomb me to democracy, baby
So here’s the NATO gospel in a flash.
Now compare it with the sobering words of Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko.
Grushko carefully enounced how
“NATO is determined to contain Russia. The United States and its allies are trying to achieve superiority in all areas and in all possible theaters of military operations.”
That was a veiled reference to Full Spectrum Dominance, which since 2002 remains the American gospel.
Grushko also referred to “Cold War-era containment tactics”, and that “all cooperation [with Russia] has been halted” – by NATO.
“Russia honestly and directly pointed out to NATO that a further slide of the situation could lead to dire consequences for European security.”
The conclusion was stark:
“The Russian Federation and NATO do not have a unifying positive agenda at all.”
Virtually all Russophobic factions of the bipartisan War Inc. machine in Washington cannot possibly accept that…
[1] …there should be no forces stationed on European states that were not members of NATO in 1997; and ….
[2]…that current NATO members should attempt no military intervention in Ukraine as well as in other Eastern European, Transcaucasian, and Central Asian states.
On Monday in Geneva, Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov had already stressed, once again, that Russia’s red line is unmovable:
“For us, it’s absolutely mandatory to make sure that Ukraine never, never, ever becomes a member of NATO.”
Diplomatic sources confirmed that in Geneva, Ryabkov and his team had for all practical purposes to act like teachers in kindergarten, making sure there would be “no misunderstandings”.
Now compare it with the U.S. State Department’s Ned Price, speaking after those grueling eight hours shared between Ryabkov and Deputy Secretary of StateWendy Sherman:
[1] Washington will not consider Russian proposals on no expansion of NATO,
[2] and has no intention of even discussing the idea.
So much for “dialogue”.
Ryabkov confirmed there was no progress.
Referring to his didacticism, he had to stress,
“We are calling on the U.S. to demonstrate a maximum of responsibility at this moment. Risks related to a possible increase of confrontation shouldn’t be underestimated.”
To say, in Ryabkov’s words, that “significant” Russian effort has been made to persuade the Americans that “playing with fire” is not in their interests is the euphemism of the young century.
Let me sanction you to oblivion
A quick recap is crucial to understand how things could have derailed so fast.
NATO’s not exactly secret strategy, from the beginning, has been to pressure Moscow to directly negotiate with Kiev on Donbass, even though Russia is not mentioned in the Minsk Agreements.
While Moscow was being forced to become part of the Ukraine/Donbass confrontation, it barely broke a sweat smashing a coup cum color revolution in Belarus. Afterwards, the Russians assembled in no time an impressive strike force – with corresponding military infrastructure – in European Russia territory to respond in lightning quick fashion in case there was a Ukrainian blitzkrieg in Donbass.
No wonder an alarmed NATOstan had to do something about the notion of fighting Russia to the last impoverished Ukrainian. They may at least have understood that Ukraine would be completely destroyed.
The beauty is how Moscow turned things around with a new geopolitical jiu-jitsu move. Ukro-dementia encouraged by NATO – complete with empty promises of becoming a member – opened the way for Russia to demand no further NATO expansion, with the withdrawal of all military infrastructure from Eastern Europe to boot.
It was obvious that Ryabkov, in his talks with Sherman, would refuse any suggestion that Russia should dismantle the logistical infrastructure set up in its own European Russia territory. For all practical purposes, Ryabkov smashed Sherman to bits. What was left was meek threats of more sanctions.
Still, it will be a Sisyphean task to convince the Empire and its NATO satrapies not to stage some sort of military adventure in Ukraine.
That’s the gist of what Ryabkov and Grushko said over and over again in Geneva and Brussels. They also had to stress the obvious: if further sanctions are imposed on Russia, there would be severe blowback especially in Europe.
But how is it humanly possible for seasoned pros like Ryabkov and Grushko to argue, rationally, with a bunch of amateur blind bats such as Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland and Sherman?
There has been some serious speculation on the timeframe ahead for Russia to in fact not even bother to listen to the American “baby babble” (copyright Maria Zakharova) anymore. Could be around 2027, or even 2025.
What’s happening next is that the five-year extension of the new START treaty expires in February 2026. Then there will be no ceiling for nuclear strategic weapons. The Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline to China will make Gazprom even less dependent on the European market.
The combined Russia-China financial system will become nearly impervious to U.S. sanctions. The Russia-China strategic partnership will be sharing even more substantial military tech.
All of that is way more consequential than the dirty secret that is not a secret in the current “security guarantees” kabuki: the exceptionalist, “indispensable” nation is congenitally incapable of giving up on the forever expansion of NATO to, well, outer space.
At the same time, the Russians are very much aware of a quite prosaic truth; the U.S. will not fight for Ukraine.
So welcome to Instagrammed Irrationalism.
What happens next?
Most possibly a provocation, with the possibility, for instance, of a chemical black ops to be blamed on Russia, followed by – what else – more sanctions.
The package is ready. It comes in the form of a bill by Dem senators supported by the White House to bring “severe costs” to the Russian economy in case Moscow finally answers their prayers and “invades” Ukraine.
Sanctions would directly hit President Putin, Prime Minister Mishustin, Foreign Minister Lavrov, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Gen Gerasimov, and “commanders of various branches of the Armed Forces, including the Air Force and Navy.”
Targeted banks and financial institutions include Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Moscow Credit Bank, Alfa-Bank, Otkritie Bank, PSB, Sovcombank, Transcapitalbank, and the Russian Direct Investment Fund. They would all be cut off from SWIFT.
If this bill sounds like a declaration of war, that’s because it is. Call it the American version of “dialogue”.
MM Comments.
Tokayev is a very smart operator. Trained by the foreign service of the former USSR, fluent in Russian and Chinese, he is totally aligned with Russia-China – which means fully in sync with the masterplan of BRI, the Eurasia Economic Union and the SCO.Tokayev, much like Putin and Xi, understands how this BRI/EAEU/SCO triad represents the ultimate imperial nightmare, and how destabilizing Kazakhstan – a key actor in the triad – would be a mortal coup against Eurasian integration.Kazakhstan, after all, represents 60 percent of Central Asia’s GDP, massive oil/gas and mineral resources, cutting-edge high tech industries: a secular, unitary, constitutional republic bearing a rich cultural heritage.It didn’t take long for Tokayev to understand the merits of immediately calling the CSTO to the rescue: Kazakhstan signed the treaty way back in 1994. After all, Tokayev was fighting a foreign-led coup against his government.Putin, among others, has stressed how an official Kazakh investigation is the only one entitled to get to the heart of the matter. It’s still unclear exactly who – and to what extent – sponsored the rioting mobs. Motives abound: to sabotage a pro-Russia/China government, to provoke Russia, to sabotage BRI, to plunder mineral resources, to turbo-charge a House of Saud-style ‘Islamization’.Rushed to only a few days before the start of the Russia-US ‘security guarantees’ in Geneva, this color revolution represented a sort of counter-ultimatum – in desperation – by the NATO establishment.Central Asia, West Asia, and the overwhelming majority of the Global South have witnessed the lightning fast Eurasian response by the CSTO troops – who, having now done their job, are set to leave Kazakhstan in a couple of days – and how this color revolution has failed, miserably.It might as well be the last. Beware the rage of a humiliated Empire.
America has been prepping for war for some time now.
Russia knows this.
China knows this.
Now it’s pushing for the fomalities.
Here’s a screen capture of a member of the American leadership with the proud (but out of shape) Marines. He is all full of pomp, and impressive regalia. Aren’t you all proud of the great mighty might of the American Military Empire?
Relax military standards. Relax military rules. Start pushing the rest of the world around, and threatening color revolutions and nuclear war everywhere…
The American military war machine.
Now, let’s compare that with Mr. Putin paying homage to the Russian soldiers that died to save Russia. Determined to move forward in uncertain times when dealing with an out of control, mad-dog, Western Bloc.
And now, let’s compare that to China, and China’s military…
Determined. Disiplined. Lethal.
Honor guards attend a flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square in 2017. Under President Xi Jinping, China has ambitiously pressed its advantage almost everywhere at once.
So now we see the whole picture.
China and Russia, along with the entirety of the SEO and Iran are linking together. They are forming one unified block. The BRI is critical to that unity, and the Western Bloc DOES NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN.
And so they are doing everything to stop it.
Look at the picture of the American military review above again. Do you know what it reminds me of?
America comparisons.
It’s frightening that these “people” have inhereted the weapons, technology, and systems of their predecessors. They do not deserve them.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning 3. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
Sometimes you come across a really decent, well written article by someone that speaks basic points in clear terms directly. They don’t have enormous paragraph-long sentences, filled with wandering thoughts, jargon, or bullshit. It’s just a very well done article that makes a great deal of sense, and is well written for others to understand.
I read one such article today.
It’s pretty darn American centric, and places some pretty complex situations into rather simplistic terms, but over all, it’s not bad.
And I am going to reprint it here. Well, edited to fit this venue, of course. And then let you all suckle on the savory tidbits that it presents.
But first…
Let me tell you how I came accross it.
I got up, as all of us do, and went to my office. I went in early as I had a scheduled conference call with a salesman in Oregon. It didn’t happen, sigh, as salesmen are always busy being “road warriors”. So I left the office and went down and got myself a burger and a coffee at Burger King. You don’t bitch and moan about what things should be. You adjust and accept them as they are.
The view this morning from infront of the Zhuhai, China office… video 14MB
All is good.
I walked the five minute stroll to the neighborhood Burger King. Up the stairs and inside past the Coronavirus QR. So I ran up to the interior ordering kiosk, and ran through the ordering QR scan and order placment at the kiosk. Paid using wechat. And while waiting for the meal I was reading my feeds.
I no longer really read American “news”.
As time goes on, it all seems so disconnected from reality. Instead I read The Saker, Moon Over Alabama, UNZ, and a handful of other bloggers that report on things as they see them and are not doing it for money. They are doing so in their love of truth reporting.
It’s a new reality. I tell you the truth.
Anyways, you know, I do scan through Drudge Report. That gives me a “birds eye” overview of the current American “news” scene. And yeah. It’s still a lot of bullshit.
Drudge Report 11JAN22
Same Old.
Same Old.
When I grabbed my muffin-hamburger, and swilled my “hot cup of Joe” I read a comment that pointed to this article here.
Chinese version of a muffin breakfast hamburger at Burger King looks a little something like this.
And well, I read it, and thought… “well, this is a pretty decent article to share“, and so when I went back to my office, I sat down and started to share it.
But I have to warn the readership, that the author equates all the problems that the Western Bloc is currently experiencing with Socialism, Marxism, and Communism.
That's not true in the least. It's due to greed, and wealthy powerful oligarchs.
But let's not quibble on the trivial.
A nation that has zero elements of solicalism, zero elements of Marxism, and zero elements of Communism is not falling into decay because of them. It is falling into decay becuase the systems that it is based upon (democracy, wealth generation, and identity politics) are failing.
Here it is…
Found HERE. All credit and so on and so forth. Edited to fit this venue.
To say that last year (2021) was a “game-changer” seems silly really. It was revealing.
For many who don’t follow the financial world, it revealed the incurable monetary problems in the Western led financial system.
For many who don’t follow politics, it revealed the deep state, as from country to country the people’s will was overturned by vested interests.
For many who don’t follow big business, it revealed silicon valley for what it is. A cesspool of Marxist, power hungry technocrats with maniacal tendencies.
What last year was more than anything else, was an accelerant for many of the underlying trends that were already in motion, while bringing on new probabilities and uncertainties.
When looking at the world from a birds eye view, we find that segregating the United States, Canada, Britain and the European Union into separate political and economic entities no longer makes sense.
They are “The Western Bloc”, and are now following the same exact ideological, political and social paths. All without regard to national bourdaries or geography.
Prior to Covid, we had some reservations as to how things would play out, but now the path seems indisputable. For the “Western Bloc” this path is an acceleration of socialism into a blow off top, an authoritarian style of governance, and it will – by necessity – involve printing money in a vain attempt to stave off the collapse.
It won’t matter.
All in the “Western Bloc” will share the same fate.
Screen capture of a screen captures of a Twitter feed.
There is a (non-zero) chance that some type of debt forgiveness is tried.
This will likely coincide with the issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currency for the “Western Bloc”.
But it will not be smooth, and it will be contentious. It will be looked back upon as one of the greatest thefts from the middle class in history, and a final nail in the coffin that is Western hegemony.
Some background
Here’s some background…
Western Bloc Domance
The world we’ve all experienced has been dominated by the Western success model.
All models have their strengths and weaknesses, and over time these change. Nothing is static nor is it linear. This one has been no different.
What has become increasingly evident is that this model has over time decreased in its resilience.
It has been overwhelmed by socialism, which has created an entire society that is incapable of withstanding any hardship, even low intensity hardships.
This societal structure lends itself towards societies seeking out and championing more of what has been instrumental in its weakness, namely socialism. (Read my report entitled What Happens Next on it here.)
We are now in the final throes of its life.
The “Western Bloc” is coming to an end.
The next final step is authoritarian Marxist rule, and final collapse. Coming out of a collapsed society is rarely rapid. Remember; the USSR lasted 80 years.
Manufactured Hysteria
The manufactured hysteria over Covid-19 is being used to extend the life of this dying economic system through what is being sold to an unsuspecting public as “The Great Reset”.
The ESG trend (read this, this, this and this if you’re not up to speed) is part of this “Great Reset” package. It is simply Marxism in new packaging, with an enormous marketing budget.
It’s now dressed up with buzz words such as “sustainability”, “inclusivity” and “equality” and the now much promoted “build back better“.
Strong Narratives
In order to fool convince people, strong narratives are required.
All have been building for years now and one such part of this Marxist agenda is of course “man made climate change”. This has been a tried and tested model.
It was originally labeled as Global Warming, but when the absurdity and inability to pretend it existed in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary (no warming), the buzz word was neatly transitioned to Climate Change.
Importantly, it allows for the instilling of terror in a populace… and once sufficiently terrorised, people are incredibly malleable.
We have been here before.
Too many exhibits but here is a taste for those who can’t recall…
Like this…
And this beauty…
Despite all this, we can now expect “climate lockdowns”.
If you think I’m joking, you’ve clearly not been paying attention.
Charles MacKay the author of “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” made the following astute observation after studying and documenting follies, manias, popular delusions and sheer madness exhibited by crowds.
The Great Reset; like climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, and now the Covid hoax, are being promoted in order to distract, terrify, and provide justification for greater authoritarian control as the financial edifice crumbles.
All are built on flimsy, junk science produced by dishonest political hacks on the Government payroll, and spoon fed to the public via mass propaganda.
The reasons for these are twofold.
One [1] is to build a protective wall around themselves (as starving, angry masses can become unruly to deal with) and the other [2] is that we are witness to a vain attempt to dramatically slow the consumption of natural resources (lockdowns on air travel and consumer travel) and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system.
It may prove “stimulatory” for a very short while (massive capital being poured into “green energy”) and provide a short term reprieve from the inevitable, but ultimately won’t address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable.
How long that takes is up for debate.
Regardless, it is known that the system cannot continue…
…and so…
…we are living through the attempt to self demolition, with the intent that those in control will be able to rebuild and do so with even greater control.
The collapse of the Western financial system – and ultimately the Western civilization – is the main reasons for this forecast.
Covid is designed as an excuse to try resist this collapse and retain power. It won’t work.
Western Bloc societies, drunk on extreme liberalism, are unable to deal with any real hardship.
So far, the Covid death toll is roughly 2 million people, if we’re being generous.
If we are to add back all those flu and heart disease deaths which have miraculously disappeared then certainly the figure is significantly less.
The risk is clearly not from Covid, as even the most naïve and gullible using rudimentary math will quickly find.
The Actual Risks
The actual risk – the risk that you should be concerned with – is from the Marxist Oligarchy Class takeover we are living through and its ultimate probabilities.
What is now certain is that the economic crisis due to the lockdowns will cause far more deaths than the virus worldwide.
“Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives,”Leading epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University
“This year has seen a perfect storm that has left 270 million people facing crisis levels of food shortages. That is double the number of people needing immediate assistance this time last year.”Caoimhe de Barra, CEO, Trócaire
And creating untold misery:
“I think that the cost to our nation in continuing to keep these schools closed is substantial, and I’m hopeful that resources that are necessary can be made available… But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID.”Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director
Suicide rates in Australia are forecast to rise by up to 50 per cent due to the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus and tipped to outstrip deaths from the pandemic by up to 10 times.Australian Medical Association modelling, The Australian
My family would 100 percent starve if I don’t beg. What else can I do to feed them when there is no work?Alireza Yousufi, 41, Kabul, talking to the Washington Times
Furthermore, lockdowns will not end.
They will be brought back like a tool, at any time, for any purpose.
American-style Democracy is over.
This year will see elections in multiple western countries. We expect to see any opposition to the elites now in power being quashed under “health restrictions”.
Free and fair elections are finished.
The obvious political campaigning that would oppose “The Great Reset” will be made illegal under new laws already implemented.
What’s more is that the “sustainability agenda” which is the “Green Deal” dressed up in different pants, is now being implemented.
It will bring about an astonishing fall in the standards of living, skyrocketing poverty, starvation, stagflation and an acceleration of the breakdown of civil society.
Holding this all together will require a level of authoritarianism few can imagine.
This is being rolled out ahead of time.
They (the oligarchy) know what is coming and are prepared for it.
The populace are still largely ignorant, optimistic, gullible and completely unprepared for it.
The public is unprepared for the consequences of the sustainability agenda – environmental devastation, skyrocketing poverty, starvation, stagflation and an accelerated breakdown of civil society.
This persistent and ongoing tide of “woke mob” led politics is going to render the Western Bloc Anglo-Western social and cultural institutions impotent.
The rule of law is being manipulated to preference society’s rights over individual rights.
Evidence, reason and rationality are running headlong into a wall of “cancel culture“, as education and science is being replaced by selected procedural methods.
In effect, the civil structure on which the West was built is being ripped to shreds before our eyes.
We can safely say that much of the Western world today is in second world status, descending rapidly into third world status, masked mostly by the efficiencies of globalisation built over decades that is now reversing (as I recently presented here).
Britain, a former beacon of law and order, is now under martial law with citizens being beaten and imprisoned for visiting their loved ones or going to the gym.
The push towards mass vaccinating the populace via coercion, propaganda and manipulation is in full swing.
“Health Impact Events” and deaths from these experimental unorthodox mRNA vaccines are already mounting and the campaign to suppress the truth is becoming increasingly draconian.
The extent of the economic damage done is already largely incalculable, but already exceeds that of the great depression by at least a factor of 2.
It grows exponentially with each day.
Britain is not unique, as the same is true albeit to a lesser extent for all of the Western Bloc.
The physical infrastructure still remains, but this masks the underlying rot.
Just as an abandoned building in the tropics left uncared for is overtaken by the jungle, this existing infrastructure will slowly, then rapidly deteriorate.
At that point the physical decay and poverty will mirror the intellectual, moral and social decay, and it will finally become visually apparent.
Within a decade, many cities in the West will be unrecognisable.
This is the future of those following The Great Reset, namely Western democracies.
The Western economic system has been held together by debt.
After decades of not allowing true busts to happen and kicking the can down the road, we’ve reached the inevitable…
…dead end.
The bond market is no longer functioning.
The vast amount of debt is now bought by the Central Banks themselves, and fully 100% of secondary issuance is owned by the Central banks (EU).
This was done in a bid to hold down the cost of borrowing, while simultaneously being able to print more dollars.
Debt forgiveness is coming.
In a last ditch attempt to detonate the existing system and replace it, the elimination of public debt will be conducted.
It will be the largest, most egregious theft in living memory and millions of people will become impoverished overnight.
This will also coincide with a Digital Central Bank Currency unit tied to UBI (Universal Basic Income).
It will usher in a level of control and enslavement that will be total.
China’s social credit system is the (supposed) model. For more depth go read the IMF and WEF’s own papers on the topic.
It won’t matter, as debt repudiation will not work.
It will likely signify the final nail in the Western Bloc led system’s coffin.
When analysing historical data, various systems of governance, and the societies being governed, it is instructive to note that the experience with the Soviet system implemented by the Bolsheviks was quite different to what lies ahead for the West.
Soviet society at the time was far more resilient than Western societies are today.
This was both as [1] a consequence of strong family structures and largely mono ethnic culture, as well as [2] the fact that the preceding wars fought by the soviet population had hardened society to deal with social, and economic hardships.
This is the polar opposite of Western society today, where society is outraged if someone is “misgendered” or if a “person of insufficient colour” makes a burrito (cultural appropriation).
To think that such a culture can sustain itself is beyond laughable.
Three years ago, we forecast that if this wasn’t stopped the west risked descending into tyranny.
We believe it is now too late.
Western societies today sport records in the following:
They are THE most diverse ever,
They are more multicultural than at any time
They are the most personally indebted
Their governments are the most indebted
They experience the highest standards of living
The first two points are important since, in times of economic prosperity multiculturalism and diversity bring creativity, innovation and expansion.
But in times of economic contraction, people turn tribal.
This is exacerbated when they are turned against each other, as is the case across the western world (white privilege, stakeholder equity, toxic masculinity, gender identity).
The last point is important, since they are the least resilient and will suffer the most. Western societies don’t know hardship and when even a minor shock hits, the belief is that not only can the state provide for all who are disadvantaged, but that it should.
This is why they will borrow and print. Society will literally demand it.
Evidence of Western societies lack of resilience is to be found in the degenerate behaviour being disguised as virtue.
We see it in “cancel culture”, hate speech laws, censorship of any apposing views – and now even questions, hijacking of science to fit a narrative (Covid and Climate change being the most aggressively used) and attempts to rewrite history in favour of the perpetually oppressed.
These are all signs of this crumbling system.
Not Like the USSR
To put this into context, when the Bolsheviks took over and created the Soviet system, ten percent of the population died.
Some from outright slaughter, some in Gulags, others from poverty.
The new age Bolsheviks are now in power in the West and this will likely be worse, possibly much worse for the reasons mentioned above.
None of this takes into account the effects of the experimental drugs being used on populations.
The ultimate result; the populations of these countries will decline.
The combination of deaths and migration will ensure this.
The Second and Third World countries
Right now, the jury is largely out on those countries we have formerly termed “second” and “third” world.
We are watching them closely.
Those who follow Western powers and The Great Reset, tying themselves economically and politically to them, will suffer accordingly with civil strife prevalent.
With the collapse of their economic systems, so too will the power vacuum left be filled.
This in itself could become a hair trigger on an international scale.
We have already seen the chess pieces on the board shifting.
China taking Hong Kong (HK was always part of China. China did not “take” HK in so much as it regained control over one of it’s cities. -MM) was a result of the early inning of this power vacuum. China took HK because it could. So much has happened in such a short period of time that has weakened the Western system that it is now simply a matter of time before more power plays are had on the international stage.
The West will experience intensified secessionist movements, which are likely to result this time in violence, as the system becomes authoritarian in a mad bid to hold things together.
It remains highly unlikely that the United States remain “United”.
The term “Domestic Terrorism” will become the norm as anyone diverging from the narrative will find themselves quickly deemed a “terrorist”.
Watch for it.
Second and third world countries – provided they choose NOT to ally themselves to the sinking Western ship – are better positioned to deal with hardship than the Western democracies.
Social safety nets in these countries are effectively decentralized; they are the family unit.
The requirement – and indeed ability – of their governments to “fix” the problems are lacking, and so they won’t.
Those second and third world countries that choose not to follow the West will be following Russia and China, neither of which will follow The Great Reset.
They cannot, as their power structures require a wholly different approach.
They are ideologically opposed to The Great Reset and so cannot be bought as easily as the Western powers have been. This is for both economic, but also cultural and ideological reasons.
Countries that tie themselves to these two will form the new makeup of the post Western world.
This is unfolding now, and is easily seen if you’re paying attention.
At $7.1 trillion, the combined market cap of Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google is greater than the GDP of every country in the world with the exception of the US and China.
It is not a coincidence that every single one of these companies has been an avid and enthusiastic supporter of lockdowns.
They are more powerful than many governments, and as we’ve just seen in the US, they are exerting immense political influence.
In the Western system, the corporate elites dictate government policy and they are in the process of attempting to gather as much power as possible to ensure their own survival, and indeed usher in an entirely new system.
They are calling it “The Great Reset”.
Backing this great reset is the grand con masquerading as “philanthropy”.
For instance, Bill Gates wealth has doubled from $54 billion to $105 billion since he started his vaccine agenda, under this carefully constructed guise of “philanthropy” whilst killing thousands, injuring millions and rendering thousands infertile (read this and this for a sample).
“First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”Bill Gates, Ted2010 Conference, emphasis ours
Those paying attention might also raise an eyebrow at his recent foray into disaster capitalism, as the measures he championed for covid-19 have allowed him to become the US’ largest farmland owner and enter a bidding war to buy Signature Aviation, the world’s largest private jet operator.
Otherwise known as “key strategic assets” in a world of government controlled movement and supply chains.
Dangerous megalomaniacs with socialist tendencies who are risking the entirety of humanity with a dangerous, unproven, unnecessary and rushed to market Covid vaccine for a falsified pandemic to further their interests is the stark reality of our current situation.
This is not a movie, or a story.
It is fact.
Geopolitics and Military
The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically.
The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China.
The relationship between the United States and ASEAN was dealt a serious blow under the Obama administration. Nothing since has been done to repair this and instead China has grown its influence under the Belt and Road initiative.
US influence is now at an all time low…
… and about to get worse.
Into this void has stepped China.
The implementation of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which has created the world’s largest trading block, is a stark reminder of just how rapidly Western influence is collapsing.
It is instructive to note that neither the EU nor the US are party to RCEP.
Moving to Europe and Russia; This partnership is now in tatters as the Kremlin has finally had enough and realised there is little to gain from engagement. The EU never wanted a partnership, but rather a vassal EU state.
For the same reasons that Russia will not pursue The Great Reset, Russia was never going to acquiesce to the EU’s agenda.
This was always the most probable outcome, but the Covid scam, and the EU’s pushing its “Sustainability agenda” which wraps neatly into The Great Reset, is not in Russia’s interests.
If there ever was any doubts as to what would happen with this partnership these have now been conclusively put to rest.
There isn’t and will not be any partnership.
Both Russia and China have been preparing for a major war since 2008, and China has been increasing its military capabilities for the last 20 years. Russia has now completely de-dollarised its economy, built a hoard of gold, and has one of the most stable balance sheets of any sovereign.
They are coincidentally self sufficient in both food and energy, both of which are about to become absolutely critical. As I’ve said many times before:
You don’t have any political security if you don’t have energy security.
Western powers are in the process of virtue signalling away their energy security for brownie points at the Woke table. Whether by intent, ignorance or malice they are ceding autonomy.
Their enemies will use this against them.
Right now, their enemies need not lift a finger, as watching your enemy commit suicide is both cheaper, easier and likely a more gratifying experience.
The period of time post World War 2 is that which is in the memory of people today. I would suggest a longer timeframe is required to adequately assess the risks in front of us today.
War is more the norm than most realise.
The entire global world order has been underpinned by American economic, military (especially the Navy) prowess. That order is collapsing right now and at great speed.
This power vacuum WILL be filled.
As of this writing, not one in one hundred in the Western system believes that anything other than a Western led system will lead.
The brainwashing of individuals is complete, and not only do the majority believe the West holds the moral high ground, but they believe in their technological superiority.
This hubris has allowed them to entirely ignore what is taking place around them. We see it with the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones (2+2=4 = racist) which are ignored or deprecated.
Rational, objective, evidence based thinking is now uniformly categorised as “conspiracy theory”, and any questioning of the spoon fed narrative is ridiculed and then “canceled”.
That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events.
At least in the Soviet system, the silent majority of the people were aware of the fallacies they were fed. They knew they were bunkum and paid lip service to them in order to survive.
In the West however, we can see that absurd claims are actually completely believed.
Over the course of the 2020s it will become obvious that the new model (The Great Reset) is failing.
This will be taking place while the Russia-China block outperforms.
This relative and obvious divergence may lead to war, purely out of desperation (they created a fake pandemic and fake climate alarm so don’t discount a war for whatever reason).
The last piece of hegemonic power is of course… nuclear weapons.
It may be tempting to snatch victory from assured defeat when one has such power in hand.
The historians among readers will understand why we are rushing towards what may be the worlds first nuclear war.
Such a war will not halt the collapse of the western financial, and hence political system. It may just turn it into one where the casualties are counted in the billions.
We hope that such a catastrophe can be avoided.
Right now, unless the technocrats at the WEF are not halted in their tracks, the probability of this falls daily.
‘NATO officials have thumbed their noses at Putin’s concern with Russia’s security. Trump’s National Security Advisor and neocon warmonger John Bolton encourages more provocation of Russia, which as Putin has made clear will result in war.
‘Clearly as 2021 comes to an end, there is no intelligence to be found anywhere in the Western World as all vie to show how tough they are with Russia.
‘When Putin says Russia has nowhere left to which to retreat, he is telling the idiot West that Russia has reached the extent of its ability to avoid war. “We simply have no room to retreat” means Russia has done all she can do to avoid war and now the Americans must get off Russia’s doorstep.
‘Putin is relying on Biden to show awareness and responsibility and to work for peace by acknowledging Russia’s legitimate security concern. But what if Biden is just a figurehead, and the shots are called by the military/security complex who will go for profits despite the risk that Putin will not back down?
‘What if Washington’s concern is limited to destabilizing Russia in the interest of US hegemony and Russia’s security is precisely what Washington intends to undermine, not secure.
‘ . . .
‘2022 could . . . be the year the Western world comes to an end in nuclear war.’
Here, we look at how the investor class are viewing the chaos in the United States. Obviously, it’s very American centric. And they don’t really understand what is going outside of the ‘States. Except to say that it’s really not going in the same direction as the Western Bloc.
I look at things in a far simpler manner.
Let’s use the Western Bloc’s insistence in “The Great Reset” and the requirement that everyone takes the mRNA injections.
Follow what the Western Bloc is doing.
Look at what the Deagal report suggests…
Follow what the United Asia Bloc is doing.
In their insistence that nations and societies must be socially stable, use tried and true medical and vaccination protocols… what does the Deagal Group say…
Obviously the trends are all approaching unity.
The Western Bloc is racing towards collapse on a number of fronts. This is accelerating with the insistance of mandatory compliance with mRNA injections, uncontrolled military spending which is causing enormus google-sized bubbles.
Remote viewing of the future is strongly suggestive of…
A massive die-off of populations in the Western Bloc.
A restructuring of the geographic boundaries of many Western Bloc nations.
A massive readjustment of the economic and financial situation within those nations.
Turmoil, chaos, and discomfort.
While it is obvious that Asia, and most of the rest of the world will fare much better. They will enjoy strong economies, lush and vibrant cities, and a calm and good lifestyle.
But then you all know about this, don’t you? I’ve covered it extensively.
The big question mark is whether the Western Bloc will take the entire globe down with it as it collapses. To that I have no clear answers.
All indicators point to that senario is indeed building up towards a climax.
[1] Trump launched war in South China Sea
Here’s a youtube video about what the Taiwanese people think.
It failed miserably.
And cost the Military leadership their jobs, and Trump his Presidency.
The eight battle assault carriers steamed back to the United States without incident. Something "spooked them". What it was is not clear, and certainly not reported.
The Tit-for-tat VTOL carrier fires were very illustrative.
First, the USA torches the Chinese Type-075 aircraft carrier in April 2020 in Shanghai, then China torches the USS Bonhomme Richard in San Diego in July 2020.
[2] Trump launched Bio-Weapons
Numerous deaths. Mostly American.
But the objectives were not realized. China was not suppressed. Iran did not collapse. Instead, it boomeranged back to the West and the nations are now dealing with the "Covid hoax", and "mRNA Vaxx". Which are creating a very dangerous situation.
[3] Biden placing nuclear delivery systems near China
Terribly provocative.
It is signing the death warrants for many Australians, and Japanese. In process, but will NOT end well.
[4] Biden placing nuclear delivery systems near Russia
Terribly provicative.
Resulted in Putin making an ultimatum after Russian nuclear boomer subs surrounded the United States.
Supposedly there is going to be a meeting between Putin and Biden. The USA is going to use it for propiganda purposes, unaware just how serious the situation is.
I will tell you all; the knife is pointed at the throat of the United States right now. And make no mistake, this is coordinated with the Chinese.
[5] Color revolution in Kazakhstan.
A great you-tube video by a US Marine discussing how this was a US sponsored event.
The revolution is over.
Took a decade to plan and put systems in place. It all collapsed within three days when the CSTO, led by Russia, treated it as a defacto military invasion. They hit hard. All of the participants are either killed or undergoing torture / information extraction.
So what’s next?
Well, that’s a good question. No one really knows. Not really. From my side, The Commander says that “anything is possible”, but they are aiming for “little bads” instead of “big bads”.
The Western Bloc elites are lunitic, drug riddled morons. They have no idea what’s coming their way unless they STOP all this nonsense. Collectively they are acting like a rabid dog, and the rest of the world pretty much called the “Animal Control Officers” and they ahve arrived with shotguns to kill the crazy beast.
Will they shoot? Will the rabid dog lurch and hurt a young baby, mangle a little old lady, or kill a cat? It’s a tense time.
Yes, the next decade from 2022 through 2032 will be quite different.
Once the tense time (dealing with the rabid crazy Western Bloc leadership) is over, we can expect a far, far better overall quality of life all over the globe. Those living in the smaller rural American communities will do better than those in the cities. In general, those living outside of the Western Bloc nations will be doing better than those inside of it. These are general rules with tons of exceptions.
In all cases…
Obtain multiple skills to increase your value outside of a corporate environment.
Become active in your community.
Center your consciousness using Hemi-sync technology.
Conduct prayer affirmations.
Monitor your gravitational influence situation with fate forecasting.
Be the Rufus. Create a bubble of kindness around you.
Some extra suggestions to improve your life…
Replace all lighting in your house with “natural light” bulbs / LEDs.
Eat more fish.
Invite friends over for a dinner at your home or in a restrurant.
Spend some time alone. Everyone needs to have some time to themselves.
Severely cut down on your internet and social media intake.
Severely cut down on fast food, and corporate chain-brand meals.
Exercise, and get a lot of air. Nature, and water and airflow are important.
The chances are that if you follow these simple basic suggestions that you all will exit 2032 in great shape, prosperous, and happier than when you entered it.
I believe in you.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning 2. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
No. It’s not all girls. And no, it’s not even most girls. But it is a lot of girls.
It’s that in China, a fish-like shape is considered to be very beautiful and appealing. And so the women wear flattering clothes, and wear cute outfits. It’s really nice to go out in a restaurant and see the beautiful ladies go out and about. It’s like being in a beautiful garden full of wonderful flowers.
Here, we will present some of these appealing Chinese women for you to look at.
But first… Note that these Chinese girls look this way because they [1] eat healthy food, [2] have good traditional habits and [3] all maintain a healthy and vibrant social life.
And that is the key.
You must have a vibrant and healthy social life, with friends, and family, if you want to be healthy, and look great.
Chinese girls and American girls are the same
The fact is that if you remove the weight that many Westerners now have (due to poor diets, broken up families, fast foods, and GMOs) the women would resemble what is common in China today. the only difference between Chinese women and American women is that they are not eating GMO-laden food.
And they are not under stress.
And they eat good healthy food.
And they are active in a vibrant social life.
Here, we take a normal American girl (on the left). She has a robust rotund shape. And then slim her down to what the shape was in America before the rise of big AIG industry, GMOs and the rise of Fast Food. She is at a woman’s body shape mid 1960’s in America.
The girl on the left is a typical American woman, while the girl on the right is what she would look like in the 1960’s…
2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape
And if you look, you will notice that many Chinese women have bodies that resemble this 1960s era shape. If you look at the shape and the body proportions the current typical Chinese female body structure resembles the typical female body structure of American women in the 1960’s.
Here’s another one…
2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape
Who does she sort of look like from the 1960’s and 1970’s? If you pay attention, her body structure on the right side of the image greatly resembles the typical body images of actresses from the 1960’s and 1970’s. And this is no mistake.
Notice that when you slim down, the rest of the body proportions stay the same. That gives the illusion of a healthier and more swan-line or fish-like body. And in my mind, I think that American women are just as beautiful as Chinese or Asian or African women.
It’s just that the culture, the diet and the society has distorted them.
And GMO’s has played a major role, no doubt. Once can only imagine how the mRNA changes in the bodies of Westerners will react to GMO laden food. If the bodies we see today are the end result of sugars, starches, and GMO’s combined with a stress-filled environment, one can just imagine what horrors will manifest with an mRNA alternation.
2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape
France in the 1960’s
Did you know that you used to drink wine in French schools, have long lunches to savor the food followed by a nap, and then strolled back to school and work.
Then, when France decided to adopt the American / British “improvements” in society…
… such as wine replaced with sugar-laden soft-drinks…
France used to require children to drink their daily wine.
Last night I was standing at the counter of our local café on Boulevard Saint Germain, finishing off a last glass of wine after work before heading home for the evening, when I noticed something behind the bar. I thought I must have been reading it wrong (I was on my third glass) because it said in French: “Never more than one litre of wine per day… the correct serving: one quarter of a bottle per meal,” and then beneath in large capital letters, “HEALTH, SOBRIETY“.
France before it became British.
What kind of alcoholism prevention poster sets the recommended limit at one litre of wine per day? And are they suggesting we drink wine at breakfast? I suppose this is France…
“It’s from the 1950s”, explained Pierre, the owner of the Café Maubert. “I think it’s from a campaign when they were trying to stop everyone from drinking too much wine everyday. I bought it on eBay for 70 euros”.
Drink wine. It’s good for the health.
It would be worth mentioning here that it wasn’t until 1956, two years after the start of this campaign, that the consumption of alcohol was outlawed in French schools for children under 14.
Mothers were known to send their small children to the local schoolhouse with lunch baskets containing a bit of cheese, some saucisson … and a half bottle of wine or cider to drink.
-Messie Nessy
France implemented all sorts of “progressive improvements”. Not just the switching of wine for soda beverages, but other things as well. Such as…
… butter replaced with artificial margarine…
… and a two hour long lunch break replaced to a 20 minute cram and dash lunch…
… and the 65 religious day-off holidays replaced with 6 holidays a year, that people became fat, sad, depressed, sickly and obese?
Things were much better before these “improvements”.
Bread and cheese.
Pretty soon you will see the famous (and delicious baguettes) replaced with white American processed white bread loaves. Followed by cheese replaced with cheese-it in a can (or a jar). It’s more “progressive” don’t you know.
American improvements in the way we eat bread and cheese.
These improvements to our lives, as dictated by the powers that be, have created an enormous tidal wave of secondary effects that has destroyed the Western society and has wrecked ruin throughout our individual cultures.
And this is American “culture” today…
Walmart reality.
Bond girls – Chinese style
Here’s another picture. I think that the girl on the right resembles a typical Chinese lady today, and I can easily picture her in a 1960’s James Bond film taken in France in the 1960’s.
2021s American Girl / 1960s French Girl shape
She has that “Bond Girl” look, don’t you think?
Doctor No.
It’s not just women. It’s men too.
Everyone has ballooned up to enormous proportions by the crazy stress and piss-poor lifestyle choices available to people in the West.
I know that women do not like big, fat gluttonous men. I think that they prefer thinner guys that take care of their appearance and are strong and confident. At least that is what I like in a woman, and I figure that women are much the same as I.
You know, when I compare my pictures of me back around twenty years ago, when I first started to spend serious time in and out of China, to now, I am astounded. In those days, I ran a three weeks in China, followed by a six weeks in the USA. And my body shape reflected that. I looked like a rather large American man.
Today, my physical size is much slimmer, though I do believe that I have gained weight.
Funny that.
Thin and confident secret agent.
Just like men don’t really care for the rotund women in the pictures to the left. Everyone, men and women, want a healthy partner.
2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape
People want a healthy partner.
Not necessarily a weight lifter, or a marathon runner, but someone who takes care of their appearance, is a great conservationist, and is fun to be with.
Not just for sex, companionship and pride, but also for long life and healthy activities. Don’t you think?
2021s American Girl / 1960s American Girl shape
I think that it is important to live a lush, fruitful and enjoyable life. This means good food, good drink… wine instead of sugary soda. It means being around loving animals, dogs and cats.
It means taking pride in your appearance.
It means having an active social life with people who respect and trust you.
It means happiness, and good long health.
So I am not getting down on any chunkier women in the MM audience. As I too am getting a tad chunkier myself. But what I am saying is that we ALL need to start mixing up our social and friend and family circles around companionship, social interaction, and really good healthy food.
The weight loss will follow.
There’s something about have a great engaging conversation with people who you are comfortable with that will really tone up your body.
What would you rather do? Cozy up in from of your computer monitor and read what Washington DC is planning to do, or get dressed up, and meet some friends to the local pub, bar, brasserie, restaurant or lounge and just chat. Chat and smile. tell some stupid jokes that you heard a thousands times before. catch up on the latest gossip, talk some politics, and just enjoy the evening?
What is healthier?
What is healthier?
2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape
Life in your 20’s
Consider what it was like when you were slim.
You were probably in your youngish 20’s. Slim, going out with friends, and dating. Eating out. eating good food. drinking some. Enjoying life. Optimistic with a life in front of you.
Now, what’s your life?
Oh, it’s such a simple thing to say. It’s all that bad fast food that you put into your mouths. It’s this. Or, it’s that.
It’s everything else except what is staring you straight in the face. Instead of looking at the bigger picture.
Your lifestyle changed.
In history, those families that adopted a traditional lifestyle with an active social life, and fine delicious home-cooked meals by the spouse who was in control of the finances were all THIN. They were not fat, and they held a very important role in their communities.
You need to be part of a community, and you need to socialize.
Living in Boston
When I lived in Boston, I hardly ate fish. Why? Because it was outrageously expensive, and I simply could not afford it. But if I did, perhaps I would have avoided some of my later healthy issues that hit me a few years later.
You must plan.
So it’s expensive, well, go out and plan on a meal out with friends and have a fine delicious fish and lots of vegetable side dishes. Some wine. Lots of talk. Dress up a little smartly for it. make it a great event.
Do it often enough.
You will live much longer. I promise you.
2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape
“What’s going on?” You might ask.
Food and losing weight?
Here I am talking about going out and eating at the same time where I am discussing losing weight. How does it all relate. Ah. Let me explain.
You see your weight has no bearing on the amount of food you eat. Women in the 1960’s ate as much food as they do today. That is true for both China and the USA. The difference is what you eat, and how you eat it.
What you eat.
How you eat it.
These are critical points that you will not find anywhere else on the internet. I suppose it is another thing that make MM unique. Our weight is connected to our thoughts, and our thoughts are connected to our well-being. And our well-being is connected to our society. To lose weight, you must go forth and make yourself some good friends.
Even if I am full of bullshit, at least you will be with others and having a good delicious time at it.
2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape
Not about diet entirely…
So I am not talking about dieting or anything like that.
[1] I am not talking about those diets or loading up on salads. I am saying that you eat IN A SOCIAL VENUE as much as possible. Be it with family, or with friends. You should only be eating alone very, very rarely.
[2] When you eat, you should be eating a balanced meal of meats / fish / foul with three other vegetables and a staple. Be it rice, breads or potatoes. They might cost slightly more, but they are worth it. Don’t always select foods based on price and convenience.
American breakfast is often nothing more than disguised dessert. And we keep eating sugar throughout the day — in cupcakes, soda, even salad dressing. So many of the additional calories in our diet that weren’t there a few decades ago are coming in the form of sugar. Back in 1977, the average adult got 228 calories per day from sugar in food and drinks. By 2010, it was up to 300 calories a day. Added sugar consumption increased almost as much — 20 percent — among kids.
[3] All sugar laden drinks are out. You can have tea, beer, wine, water, or anything else you can think of.
People who drink soda have more obesity, Type 2 diabetes, tooth decay, and other health problems compared with people who don't -- the research on this is clear. And Americans are drinking way, way too much of the sweet stuff. According to Euromonitor’s most recent data, Americans remain the world leaders when it comes to per capita sales of soft drinks.
[4] Fast foods are NO NO NO.
Fast foods are NO!
American breakfast is often nothing more than disguised dessert. And we keep eating sugar throughout the day — in cupcakes, soda, even salad dressing.
So many of the additional calories in our diet that weren’t there a few decades ago are coming in the form of sugar. Back in 1977, the average adult got 228 calories per day from sugar in food and drinks. By 2010, it was up to 300 calories a day. Added sugar consumption increased almost as much — 20 percent — among kids.
Then watch your weight disappear. I honestly believe that social interaction is the KEY to all this problem that we are discussing here.
2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape
Oh, so you don’t believe me?
Overeating obviously leads to excess weight, right? A team of scientists says not so fast, it’s actually what you eat, not how much you eat that leads to obesity. Their study finds processed food and rapidly digestible carbohydrates may be what’s really behind society’s growing waistline.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 40 percent of American adults classify as obese. This places nearly half the population at higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. The USDA’s current Dietary Guidelines for Americans for 2020 to 2025 maintains the belief that losing weight “requires adults to reduce the number of calories they get from foods and beverages and increase the amount expended through physical activity.”
Unlike the energy balance model, study authors say the carbohydrate-insulin model claims overeating is not the main cause of weight gain. Instead, the researchers say consuming foods with a high-glycemic load are the real culprit. These foods include processed, rapidly digestible carbohydrates.The study finds such foods also cause hormonal responses which alter an eater’s metabolism, drives fat storage, and leads to weight gain. When people consume carbohydrates, the body increases the amount of insulin it secretes. This signals fat cells to store more calories and leaves fewer calories for the body to use as muscle fuel.
- Study Finds
Now, I know that there are other things that can contribute to weight gain, such as medicines. depakote is the worst. (If you need some control, try risperdal, it will slim you down three sizes and pop up your boobs three sizes larger as well. And you’ll stop smoking as a side effect.)
But it’s a MAJOR tranquilizer, and should only be taken if you have problems in that area.
But there are many other factors Yet, I argue that stress alleviation, and mitigation can be handled by social support groups. And as your stress goes down, so will your weight. So go forth make friends and eat well.
Why do so many Chinese girls resemble the large chested beauties of the 1960’s and 1970’s?
When you get fat, the excess body fat conceals your natural curves and body shape. You end up looking like a huge tomato, a squash or a big pear. When if you just keep fit, the other parts of your body; the chest, the legs, the hips will form in their normal proportions. this will give you a more chesty look, a more shapely look and a more healthier look. As the photos above illustrates.
Now there are all kinds of people in this world. There are tall, short, fat, thin, robust, and frail people. And what ever body you inherited at birth is just fine. Just keep it well maintained, and enjoy what you have. Feet it well. Use it to socialize with and enjoy your time on this planet.
The large busy girls of China
This is part of my “Beautiful girls of China” series. Here, we introduce the reader to China, and what it is today, by looking at the girls, women and ladies of China. In all cases the ladies are dancing, posing or just being themselves around their homes, businesses or city centers where they live.
By looking at them, listening to the music, and paying attention to their surroundings you will end up getting a very clean and pristine vision of what China is, what it stands for and what it is actually like.
For convenience, I have arranged the videos in zip files. I am sure that you will enjoy them.
Group AA. All very nice.
We will start with these gals. All are grouped in individual zip files.
There is nothing different between an Asian woman, an American woman, a Russian woman and an African woman. All are naturally thin with a nice swan (or fish) shape. The differences in body SHAPE that we see today are a function of the social and cultural climate that exists within the different geographic and national regions.
In nations that are toxic; that have a suppressed social life, where the foods are not really healthy, and where the lifestyle is one of isolation… the women (and men) get enormously fat.
In nations that are healthy; where society allows for personal interaction, and communication, and where fresh food choices are easy to obtain, plentiful and cheap, the people are thin and attractive with finely shaped bodies.
Thus is the difference that we see between the USA and China today.
Do you want more?
I have more articles like this one in my Learning About China by Looking at Pretty Girls Index here…
This is part of my “Beautiful girls of China” series. Here, we introduce the reader to China, and what it is today, by looking at the girls, women and ladies of China. In all cases the ladies are dancing, posing or just being themselves around their homes, businesses or city centers where they live. By looking at them, listening to the music, and paying attention to their surroundings you will end up getting a very clean and pristine vision of what China is, what it stands for and what it is actually like.
This is my own personal attempt to show others what I find so wonderful about China.
At the bare minimum you will at least get an opportunity to listen to contemporaneous Chinese pop music that plays all over the nation.
A beautiful Chinese woman in a wonderful flowing dress.
The girls and ladies come in all shapes and sizes. They all act and behave and dress differently. But the music selection and the short videos are wonderful in that it gives you a real idea what China is actually like. It’s the “feeling” that you get when you are here. And that is not easy to transmit. I hope that you all appreciate the images and visions that I present to you today.
Another lovely girl in China.
While I am showing images and videos of beautiful Chinese girls, I want to explain some of the great misconceptions about people, and relationships.
One thing that everyone doesn’t “get” (understand) is that when a couple wants to have sex, the Guy is always “ready to go”, and the woman “needs to warm up”. It’s not really accurate.
For men, watching a woman…
…being confident, looking good, smiling, acting cute; seductive, or just being playful is (de facto) foreplay. The mind, the thoughts and the emotions are engaged by watching the women be who they are. And when we say that it’s a “turn on”, we really meant it. Literally.
There’s few things more attractive to me than a confident woman, being herself, being clean, having a great conversation and eating delicious food. I think that many people don’t understand this. They think that being “sexy” is showing a lot of skin, and moving in provocative poses. That’s not true at all. Being sexy is just being yourself with all your faults and blemishes.
A normal, but very sexy girl. We all have to accept ourselves as we are, and be confident in that knowledge. That confidence makes us sexy.
In the following videos are girls being themselves, and showing their best images for the camera. And for me I think that it’s terribly sexy, and a great “turn on”. These ladies put the cream in my coffee if you get my mixed idioms, and they tenderize my meals. I like to believe that every single person on this planet, mean and women, are capable of being attractive.
All it requires is a good kind heart, and openness and willingness to be yourself. A kind of fearless acceptance of who you are. Smiling. Being open. And just engaging others. You are attractive.
Attractive Chinese girl on the escalator.
And while you are watching these ladies, please take note at the “feeling” you get. It’s a combination of imagery, motion, music, and environment. I can tell you that this “feeling” permeates all of China. From the smallest hamlets tot he largest cities. It’s a feeling of unity, of being one’s self, and pure unrestricted freedom. things that you really notice are missing in the United States today.
You do not need to show a lot of skin and wear skimpy clothing to be sexy. You just need to show personality.
When you watch the girls pay attention to the background. This is what China is. These are the homes that the Chinese live in. These are the buildings that they work in. These are the parks that they play in. These are the restaurants that they eat in.
Pay attention to the background. This is what China is actually like.
The video group A
I have broken down these videos into an easily downloaded zip file. HERE. Just download the file and open it up and start watching all the pretty girl videos.
Well, some you can just fall in love with them. Like this wonderful girl. She’s all about the delicious sundae (with a cherry on top) and coffee. Ahhhh!
And you do not need to be anything other than yourself…
There is nothing (to me) more attractive than a woman who is proud of herself, strong, yet oozing with kindness and softness. Like this lovely girl…
Do you want more?
I have more articles like this one in my Learning About China by Looking at Pretty Girls Index here…
Here are some important “take aways” from this quick and dirty review of the popular music of China.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
A study of China is not served by looking up a Wikipedia entry. It is visceral.
One of the most common things that I encounter with Westerners is their propensity to look things up using California-based internet resources for their answers. Hello? Wikipedia, anyone? They say things like “it says here that xxxxx, and you are wrong because you said zzzzz”.
So silly. Yeah, in America, the Constitution clearly says the “Second Amendment Shall Not Be Infringed”. But, it’s been infringed upon since 1905. It also says that America is a Constitutional Republic, but if so, then why are Senators elected democratically? Laws are only as good as their enforcement.
In China, like in most nations, there is how things SHOULD work, and how things REALLY work. That is all you need to understand.
Chinese music reflects the hopes, dreams, and culture of China.
The Chinese people have just left a very, very, very long period of strife and difficulty. The once great nation was thrown into turmoil by a Communist takeover, followed by SJW craziness. It took a great deal of effort to climb out of all that mess, and the leader of that time was Mr. Deng.
Today, China is something completely different than what is assumed in the West. Both the American Liberals and the Conservatives have piled all sorts of negative propaganda towards China. This includes everything from ghost cities, milking rats, and Muslim incarceration to zombie killer hornets.
Meanwhile, all they want to do is live life in peace. Give them a break why don’t ya.
This is a traditional conservative Chinese wedding. It is NOT a progressive new liberal wedding by every meaning of the phrase. The Chinese are a conservative people and they tend to each other using traditions. You need to understand this fundamental aspect of China, otherwise you have zero understanding of who the Chinese people are or what they are capable of.
Chinese women are demure and ladylike.
There are all kinds of women in China. They come in all sizes and shapes. However, overall the net effect is a nation of very polite and traditional ladies that honor their families. These women; these ladies, are the face of China today.
And of course, this includes all of the Han Chinese.
Many Chinese Students exercise by dancing.
Many schools incorporate dancing as part of the morning exercise. While this is not fully universal, it is adopted by large numbers of schools and is very popular with both the students and their parents. Heck, even the grandparents get involved.
Traditional role-play and costuming is popular and considered culturally important.
In a traditional nation with strong conservative values, there is a significant emphasis placed on history and learning the lessons of history. This can be evident if you just open your eyes and look around.
This lass above, does she look and act more like your grandmother would, or like a modern “liberated” progressive woman? What does she look like? What actions does she seem to signify?
For comparison, here is what modern “liberated” American women look like. Here are some young lasses being themselves in public.
Modern “liberated” progressive liberal women in America. Here they are acting in the SJW role for feminist issues that they feel strongly about. There is a fundamental difference between traditional conservative women and progressive liberal women. Funny thing is that the definition of what constitutes what “liberal” means differs substantially from the American culture to the Chinese culture. Here, the group of student-activists at the University of Florida painted their pants in fake blood to simulate menstrual flow earlier this week in order to protest the lack of free menstrual products on the school’s campus.
And this is true even if the traditional attire is all “bastardized up” into some form that is historically unrecognizable.
To understand China, you need to understand that they are defending their Traditional Conservative way of life from Progressive Assault.
The Chinese know first hand how progressive liberal and socialist elements within society can destroy an entire nation. They have seen this happen time and time again, and after the 1966 “cultural revolution”, they vowed NEVER to permit it ever to happen again.
They stopped it when the progressive elements tried to implement the “pro-democracy movement” in the 1990’s, and then yet again, with the progressive “Faulin Gong” movement. Now, whenever anyone tries to implement any kind of social change, they are stopped. Often abruptly, and usually quite rigorously.
The Left has shown itself to be dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization itself. We have not been faced with such an existential threat since European armies threw the Turks back from Vienna in 1529.
The fascists of the mid–2oth century, for all their loathsome policies, were not the kind of threat to the fabric of our society that we face now. Bad as they were, they did not seek the destruction of Europeans as a people, or of European culture as a living, breathing thing. Progressivism does. What could be more worthy of, if you will forgive the word, "resistance"?
We conservatives have let this ideological cancer metastasize for far too long for its excision to be simple or painless. For too long, we have been patient with outrages we should have fought to reverse. We have let our opponents secede incrementally from us for decades. We have been tolerant and patient.
In our tolerance and patience, we have given up our civil society, our political representation, and our freedoms one by one.
Our maladies won't be fixed by delicate adjustments now — half-heartedly performed by yet another generation of narcissistic government planners and invisible elitist bureaucrats. Intellectuals like George Will and think-tanks like the Heritage Foundation have done us little good.
Our condition demands a radical, unflinching surgery if we, as a nation, are to survive. Either the cancer wins, and kills us all, or we defeat it — and we accept the scars. Let us not pretend they would not be hideous scars. And let us not pretend it would not be a deeply barbarous and bitter surgery.
Today China is a single-political-party nation. They are self-professed “Communist with Chinese characteristics”, which in many ways deviates substantially from the well-known established communist model. As such, they are a new beast, a new animal, that the world doesn’t know what to do with, and by which all former assumptions are terribly and dangerously inadequate.
They are a single political party nation. Unlike the West, they do not believe in a democracy where everyone can vote. They do not think that everyone has the skill, and is deserving to have that responsibility. Instead, they believe in a government run as a meritocracy. They believe that those in government must serve the society, and that society is the Chinese society.
They honor a traditional-conservative Chinese society and will defend that society from all assaults. As the assaults are coming on China from all sides. Everything from Muslim extremism to progressive liberals who “only” want to protest “a little bit”. If they do not defend their lifestyle, their way of life, and their society, no one else will.
It is their responsibility, and they take it very seriously.
Make no mistake. China is a serious nation that does not play around. In their mind, the global stakes are far too serious, to handle lightly. They intend to give their best in the global arena, and they play to win. They view the rest of the world as a friendly-danger and that they must be ever vigilant. They cannot risk failure for it would be catastrophic.
They have seen what happened to the United States, and they do not want that ever to happen to China. They are ready to make sure that the crime, and decay of intense internal corruption will not sully the traditions, and cultural values of China.
And, at that we can now end this particular multi-part post. Best regards, and happy travels. That’s about it for now.
If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Let’s continue with our exploration of the contemporary music of China and the cultural aspects of it. Let’s zoom by with these little notations…
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
China is a serious nation run by a government of high-achievers.
To many people in the West, China is a mystery. You have American Neocons, and liberals all (more or less) repeating the American main-stream narrative about China. That can be anything from a positive trading partner, to a saber-rattling war-monger. It’s all about how the oligarchs want to manipulate the public.
However, real China is something else entirely. In fact, I would say that since [1] China has advanced technologically, economically and socially at break-neck speed, and [2] China was never understood by the West, [3] Western media is designed to manipulate not inform, that China is completely inadequately described in the West. It is not just and enigma, but it is wholly under-appreciated, and under-understood.
There are many things that I could go on, and on about. But one of the key points is that China is a meritocracy. China is a serious, serious nation that is run by the highest achievers in their respective fields.
It begins in kindergarten, and from there, the culling begins. People are immediately classed by ability, and you must develop both your EQ and IQ to succeed. Otherwise you WILL end up begging in the streets, or doing manual shit-labor. You must push and strive in China just to exist.
Those in leadership positions have gotten there through years in this kind of crucible. They are not like the Obama or Clinton governmental appointments. They got there by ability, and hard… hard work.
They are nothing to be trifled with.
Culture is important to the Chinese.
Here’s a great song by HK singer Jay Chou. It’s applied to this cute wedding where flower petals fall out from umbrellas instead of rice being thrown about. This is one of the various traditional rituals that are performed during weddings in China.
Jay is a very famous singer that has many many movie videos and roles within movies. Movies including “Now you see me 2”. He is famous for his love ballads and stories about the boy fights against all odds to be with the girl type themes. I am a real sap for these kinds of movies, stories and videos. I love this theme, where you the guy can come to the rescue the pretty girl, and protect her.
Here’s a pretty good MV about just this kind of theme. The name of the video (and song) is 红尘客栈 官方版 . (An ugly title, I am afraid.) If you can’t watch it using the free Chinese servers (often blocked or delayed in the USA), just copy and paste into You-Tube and watch it there.
Jay Chou likes to sing about sappy Chinese ballads about rescuing the pretty girls. I really like this theme as it brings out the “protector” role in me; a role that all men have. Scene is a screen shot from the music video.
Or here… (If you see nothing, you can watch the video HERE, set up as a different tab so that you can view without interruption to this dialog.)
—Player Start—
—Player Conclude—
If you see nothing, you can watch the video HERE, set up as a different tab so that you can view without interruption to this dialog.
Now this role-play, and this theme isn’t just popular to me because I am a old-fuddy duddy traditional conservative. It is a theme that all traditionalists aspire to. When I have shown you the micro-videos of the girls playing role-play and dress up in traditional garb, it is this kind of music, and this kind of theme, and YES, this kind of relationship that they all are aspiring for.
Boy meets girls, they fall in love. Bad people try to come between them. He defends his family. This is the role that men and women have had for centuries. Scene is a screen shot from the music video.
The gals and the guys are looking for THE ONE.
Girls, come on! You know what I am talking about, eh? This transcends culture. It is biologically ingrained into our very being.
The Man goes forth. He works and fights. He protects his family and gives everything that he has, his hopes and his dreams and his money and earnings for his family. He fights for them and protects them.
The woman nurtures, supports and heals the man. She takes care of the home and the family. She is the anchor that he knows will be there for him.
In this traditional relationship, there is no room for a woman belittling her man. No. That is a progressive liberal lifestyle. In traditional conservative households the woman honors her husband and supports him and allows him to protect the family. It seems so strange to Americans today simply because America has been a progressive liberal nations for the last five decades or so.
In the world, the man must always defend his family, his love and his life from those on the outside. They will always try to take from him. They will try to steal his money, and they will attack his family, and they will covet his wife. A man must fight to protect his family. Chinese girls, being very traditional, understand this role. Scene is a screen shot from the video.
I would say that this single video, if you watch it, well explains modern Chinese musical culture, in terms and in ways that only the Chinese can understand, and which is often misinterpreted by the progressive-liberals in America and out in the West.
In China, and in other parts of the globe, everyone aspires to this lifestyle that Jay Chou sings about. Thus, you can see it manifest in different ways… including historical role-play.
What are the Chinese girls really like?
Here the theme behind this song is to show just “who you really are”, well maybe this micro-video says it all…
Maybe all the fun and games of the modern life can be swept aside when you study what the real feelings and emotions of the Chinese people are. For underneath everything you have a very conservative and traditional people.
Discos and Clubs are fun.
I lie to sing and play in the clubs. Here is a good idea what it is like…
Dancing and Exercise are considered nearly identical in outcome.
When I say that everyone in China dances, I am not using hyperbole. Dancing and exercise is a fundamental part of life in China, as well as in other conservative nations. Even the most fundamental Muslim nations have singing and dancing as part of their traditional rituals.
It is the progressive liberal reality… one geared towards a very bland “utopia” where no one likes to sing or dance. But, China is traditional and conservative.
Fads and fashion come and go, but most revolve around music.
The below is a hospital college. Like the rest of China, they have gotten all caught up in the latest songs, and fashion of the year.
What friends are for…
I love this. Dudes, you need to spend time with your friends. Go out, and spend $20 on some beer and pizza and just talk. You must go forth. Time is being wasted. Make your life count. Do it TODAY.
This is not hyperbole. You need to develop your friendships. You need to build up a strong network of friends. You need to just hang out with them. You need to live life. Yes… YOU do.
Even if that means buying a bag of Doritos and watching reruns of old Vincent Price movies on the computer monitor. You must do that, even if it means that you will need to drag your dog and your kids along. Go and bring a fishing pole why don’t ya? Don’t a a permit, well being your tackle box as an excuse to trade spinners.
Relationships don’t just happen, you need to create them.
One of the things that often happens in the United States is that we get so caught up at work, and unless we have an active church and spiritual life, our friendships eventually whither away and die. The Chinese do not let that happen. They try to cultivate their friendships every opportunity that they get.
This next video is from Vietnam. Heck the rest of the world is having fun, why not you? Are you too good to have fun? Are you better than everyone else. Or are you waiting for the USA government to declare war on some other nation so you can get a free trip over and “see the world” on Uncle Sam’s dollar? Eh?
What? Don’t want to go to Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, and the handful of others? I hear that the Neocons want a war in Venezuela. Hey! You do love to throw your tax dollars away don’t ya!
Not one single war, since World War II, ever made any difference in my personal life. It’s all about us “regular Joes” fighting and dying for the rich oligarchs.
Hey! Here’s Vietnam. Loving it. Chilling and having fun. What’s your fucking excuse?
Life is short. Have fun.
Why not? Are you afraid some troll will say bad things to you. Maybe disparage you in some way. Call you names. make fun of your labors, accuse you of stupid things.
Who gives a fuck about shut-ins? Live life. It’s your choice.
Oh, and the MV conclusion…
Oh yes, for those of you who didn’t watch the MV from Jay Chou mentioned above, please note that their relationship had both good and bad times. For life, is anything but peaches and creme. They had a family, but the bad guys came and the hero had to fight to save his family. He fought long and hard. He fought and he fought. But he was mortally wounded. He saved his family, but he died in the process.
Sometimes, all that a man can give is not enough. What matters is that he protects his family; that he protects the children, the babies and the little kittens. It is his role as a man.
If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.
Here, we step aside for a brief interlude and continue down the path exploring contemporaneous Chinese pop music and the culture promoting it.
Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.
For starters. Music, I believe, is an emotional representation of the culture form whence it is derived from.
Music is a way to evoke emotion.
Take a second to look at the next video. What is going on here? What is the “back story”? Do you think that this is normal and typical, or is this some kind of staged event for a camera to post on the internet?
Do you think that she is “privileged” in such as way that negro students get a 1700 SAT point bonus at Harvard and Yale for “diversity”. What do you think that this chick would have to say about that?
Music is a medium that we can use to transmit our life; our feeling and our emotions to others.
America is what it is today simply because hard work is no longer considered valuable. The idea that you can get into college through bribes is out of a third world nation, it doesn’t belong in America. How did this all come about? What was the impetus for this terrible distortion of reality?
Since China is a traditional and a very conservative nation, it should be no surprise that history is not only honored, but appreciated. This is evident in the many history themed movies and soap operas that are quite prevalent in China today.
Chinese people are very comfortable with their history.
In America today, very few people know about Paul Bunyan. Few understand that Johnny Appleseed actually did exist. Today, American history is not taught in any way other than by disparagement. People in public schools are taught to hate the American history.
Not so in China.
China has really moved forward from the ashes of what Communism did. They have moved forward, and have worked very, very, very hard to be what they are today. Everyone has played a role in the enormous growth of China, and the music reflects this…
The Chinese people strive ever upwards, often suffering in silence. Their music reflects this.
A mere thirty years ago, many middle-class Chinese lived below the poverty level. They had plain and bare houses. Many, often had to share a communal outside commode and latrine / shower combination. Things have changed so radically.
Never before in history has a race of people, or a nation been so pulled up out of poverty.
The ignorant might want to credit Mr. Mao, but the true architect of the modern China is former American President Ronald Reagan. It was his policies, as implemented by traditionalist and arch-conservative Mr. Deng, that China was able to move out to the mess of thousands of years of wars and strife. Followed by the horrendous mistakes of the Communist government in the 1960’s and early 1970’s.
The Chinese people have suffered, and they do appreciate where they are today.
As such, they appreciate music, both local and international music and apply them to the life. You can see this in many ways. They enjoy music from Russia as well as America and often enjoy the American music in ways that us out West cannot understand.
The Chinese love many of the same things that Americans do.
Check out this European and Chinese boxing match. It kind of looks like something you might find in Chicago, Pittsburgh or New York.
China is a conservative, and not a progressive liberal nation. They do not tear down historical monuments for a new progressive utopia. Instead they honor the past, and create monuments to the great men and ladies of their past. They honor their history.
The Chinese honor their history.
The Chinese know their history, and they do appreciate it. They know about the struggles, the tricks, the lies, and the various abuses that have been heaped upon them…century after century. They will not forget their history.
They will learn from it.
The China that exists today is because the Chinese have learned from their history. This is a nation run as a meritocracy. They are a single-party government; the traditional-conservative Chinese party.
They have vowed never to forget, and when some progressive activist comes along, they immediately take actions to suppress them and remove them from society… that is, of course until they come to their senses. Then, and only then, can they be permitted back into society.
The Chinese people don’t insult their culture. They are proud of it. This differs quite substantially from what you see in America today. For instance, like the millionaires and the actors that dominate American culture today.
In fact, if I may be so bold, it is precisely the WAY that the (so called) conservatives, and traditionalists handled the matter of SJW public protests that indicates just how weak the conservative movement (hah! What a laugh.) is in the United States today.
You will notice that these fellas all still got paid. They were not penalized. They got away with it, and made millions in the process by all the media fawning news coverage that was thrown at them.
Today, the traditions and even the very founding of America is made fun of and a mockery of.
This continues a pace. Even in Congress, by our so-called representatives. They all despise you and I. They laugh at us. They hate us. Unless action is taken now… what do you think it will be like for folk like us when these people have majority rule?
Of course, this would NEVER happen in China.
China has zero tolerance for Social Justice Warriors, change, and especially change to their traditional conservative way of life. The Chinese do no mess around.
China is a serious nation, run by experts through merit.
Of course, it is reported differently in the United States press.
It is reported as the terrible Chinese rounding up those poor-helpless Muslims and putting them into these massive re-education camps. It is reported that the Chinese is attacking those poor feminist and gay activists and arresting them unjustly. It is reported as the evil Chinese just hate other “down trodden” folk and their (well-meaning, peaceful) alternative lifestyles.
The Chinese are the only people who will defend their traditional way of life.
They will NOT make the same mistakes that the American conservatives, and traditionalist have; to “turn the other cheek” and to “bend to the will of the minority. They will not have a Chinese version of George Bush, or Mitt Romney in position of power.
We conservatives have let this ideological cancer metastasize for far too long for its excision to be simple or painless. For too long, we have been patient with outrages we should have fought to reverse. We have let our opponents secede incrementally from us for decades. We have been tolerant and patient. In our tolerance and patience, we have given up our civil society, our political representation, and our freedoms one by one.
Our maladies won't be fixed by delicate adjustments now — half-heartedly performed by yet another generation of narcissistic government planners and invisible elitist bureaucrats.
Intellectuals like George Will and think-tanks like the Heritage Foundation have done us little good. Our condition demands a radical, unflinching surgery if we, as a nation, are to survive. Either the cancer wins, and kills us all, or we defeat it — and we accept the scars. Let us not pretend they would not be hideous scars. And let us not pretend it would not be a deeply barbarous and bitter surgery.
In the Chinese mind, they have ALWAYS been under assault. This period of time… right now… where they are emerging towards world-class greatness is destined to be a short interlude unless they seize the opportunity.
Otherwise, they will be overwhelmed and absorbed by whatever culture manifests in the West. They simply will not be able to tolerate that. Their history, their life, their traditions, and yes, their conservatism MUST survive.
They are willing to defend that tradition, and they do not mess around about it at all. Of all the nations in the world, China has declared war against progressive liberal social justice warriors and their ilk…
The will not allow them to chip away at the Chinese fabric of society. They will not allow it.
Let’s move on to the next part of this post…
If you want to go back to the start of this series, please go HERE.