Glimpses of the part of the Middle East that the United States did NOT destroy for democracy, and freedom

For the last 75 years, the United States Military Empire has been on a rampage attacking and waging wars, either overt, or covert all over the globe. It would utterly destroy it’s “enemies” and ignore it’s “friends”. And now today, we see the end result of this activity. Of the many, many trillions of dollars over the last 75 years dedicated to destruction and death, the American people live in squalor, destitution and poverty. A full 61% are so poor that they don’t pay any taxes, and in America that’s pretty darn poor!

America taxes everything.

Meanwhile, those nations who have been unscathed by the sheer might of the massive bloated gargantuan military wrecking ball, are unscathed. We can see China prospering. We can see Russia prospering. We can see prosperity all over the globe. And in this article we will look at the portions of the Arab world that the United States spared from destruction.

The following are some clips from the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar and a few other nearby nations. They are not only doing well, but they are oozing with wealth and success.  Watch the videos. Really look at them.

This SHOULD be what America is, but isn’t.

Instead, the “leaders” decided to squander the wealth, knowledge, skills and resources of America towards the destruction of others. And listen to me, it’s all gonna come back in full force. The USA is not stopping. They are not turning off the “war machine”. Instead, they are gearing up to fight China and Russia.

Idiotic fools.

Don’t Forget Land Wars in Asia. “You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is to never get involved in a land war in Asia.”. This humorous quote from the film The Princess Bride has become received wisdom, echoed by no less than my former boss, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in 2011.

Anyways, look at these videos.

This is what America could have been, but isn’t because not only have the leadership failed Americans, but the entire system of government has been corrupted beyond repair. America will NEVER ever look like these videos. Simply because the current structure will never permit it to occur.

America is a nation for the rulers. Only for the rulers.

So suck in the videos and look at what you should be living. But which the government and your “leaders” discarded when they said “no soup for you!”.

In the November 2nd, 1995 Seinfeld episode “The Soup Nazi”, the main characters check out a local soup shop with an incredibly strict chef (played by Larry Thomas) who is nicknamed “Soup Nazi” for his rules about ordering. After Elaine Benes (played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus) attempts to subvert his ordering procedure, the chef utters the statement, banning her from the shop for an entire year.

The Videos

Final Thoughts

The common narrative in the United States is that the Middle East is rich and wealthy simply because they have a lot of oil.

This is all a big enormous lie.

If it were true, then everyone in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Texas would be millionaires. Nope. Something else is going on.

But what is it?

It’s a complicated issue with no clear answers, but the question still exists.

Why are the people who live in oil-rich Pennsylvania so poor, while those that live in oil-rich Middle East so wealthy?

I argue that it is like comparing apples to bananas. There’s all sorts of other issues complicating the matter. But I will posit that the society and the government that serves that society is the primary culprit.

  • Society
  • Government
  • Laws, rules, regulations = Graft and Corruption

Pennsylvania is a “democracy” in name, but functionally an oligarchy of the wealthy out of Philadelphia.

As such, they have created a stratified society where any wealth and benefits flow upwards, and those that exist and toil on the land are treated as serf / slaves. For the vast bulk of Pennsylvania citizenry, they live in cheap housing (mostly trailer parks), farm or work the oil and coal fields, and live off supporting government handouts.

Many rural Pennsylvanians live on oil and coal rich lands, but own no mineral rights. Instead they labor by mining them, are taxed for the labor, and the profits flow to the Pennsylvania oligarchy in Philadelphia.

Meanwhile you have places like Dubai which is in the United Arab Emirates. It has a government structure similar to that of Chinese “Communism with Chinese Characteristics”.

The President of the Federation is elected by a body known as the Supreme Council of Rulers. The Supreme Council is the top policy-making body in the UAE, and the President and Vice President are both elected from its membership for renewable five-year terms. Which is nearly identical to that of China.

They manage the nation based upon the well being of the vast and diverse citizenry. They do not manage it in favor of a select few, like it is done in the United States.

As such, but China, and the UAE are wealthy, prosperous, and thriving. When wealthy people start to get out of line, like we saw in China, or Saudi Arabia, the “corruption police” step in and stops their influence.

But that is one part of the equation.

Of the United States “War on Terror”, the indiscriminate bombing and destruction of those nations were all for the benefit for the American oligarchy. Not for the citizenry. After all, the local gas station owner, or the grocer or butcher, that school bus driver or the pastor at the local church really did not benefit one penny from the destruction of Syria.

Did they now?


But, that’s where all the funds went.

Funds that could have improved the roads, funds that could have improved the schools. Funds that could have reduced taxes. Funds that should have been used to expand businesses. No.

It went to destroying things.

Here’s Syria after America saved it for democracy™ and freedom™.

America destroyed Syria.

Now the “news” media (and they are a de facto branch of the government today) is trying to spin the rapid American military escape from Afghanistan as a mistake…

…and the poor Afghanistan citizens will now look forward to a life of horror and squalor. “Oh, what about the children?” they wail on the “news” 24/7.


Afghanistan and it’s neighbors.

Right now, those in Afghanistan see that they too can have prosperity and a solid and stable society. They see the prosperity of the Uighur Muslims in China (no, you won’t ever read about this in the Western press, but it exists never the less) and the stability of Iran and Pakistan.

They want that.

They can see it.

The Uighur Muslims are thriving in China. While the Afghanistan people suffered under the boot of America.

I think that empire will continue to pull tricks out of their ass to try and regain control of the global narrative, if not in Afghanistan, then elsewhere. We have a global cult who have been in control of society in the West for hundreds of years and I haven't seen any white flags being raised from their corner.

So, Afghanistan is going to join the multi-polar world and slough off the jackboot of empire. Lets hope the Taliban understand the example they are setting for the rest of the jackbooted world. I expect their living through 40+ years of conflict has sharpened their focus on reality quite well. I expect the reality they build will shatter some of the delusions of the West and its about time, IMO

Where is our civilization war going to rear its ugly head next?

Posted by: psychohistorian | Aug 21 2021 16:37 utc | 7


Here’s what the Afghanistan people see right over their border inside of China. This is what they see


They see growth. They see prosperity. They see happiness.

They see their traditions not only upheld, but codified into law. They see a world that they want to be part of.

They see a world that they can be part of.

They see a world that they want to be a part of…

China wants Afghanistan to prosper.

And so does everyone else in the region.

Central Asian countries. The SCO. 
Military bases and relations with the USA
Since 2014, the USA used the Manas Air Base (unofficially Ganci Air Base) near Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. The American troops vacated the base in 2020. It was handed over back to the Kyrgyzstan military. 

The Russian military base, a stone's throw from the former US military base, is still there.
On 02.06.2020   President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has declared that construction of a US military base in Kazakhstan is out of question. 

"The contract with the US biolab facility in Almaty expired and the Americans left the reference laboratory, only Kazakhstani specialists work there at the expense of our budget. Given the relevance of research in this area, we are ready for the most transparent cooperation with Russian specialists," Tokayev said. 
10.05.2021   As per the administration of US President Joe Biden, it would be best to deploy troops in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, which border Afghanistan, which allows the US to quickly get into Afghanistan if necessary. However, the constitution of Uzbekistan does not provide for the deployment of foreign military bases and facilities in the country, the press service of the Uzbek Defence Ministry told RIA Novosti.
The United States has a small Air Force team, normally around seven airmen, who assist US aircraft to refuel at Ashgabat Airport, as part of this rebuilding and stabilizing effort for Afghanistan. Turkmenistan allows the US overflights of humanitarian cargo in support of stabilizing and rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan.
There ain't no US military bases in Tajikistan. Tajikistan is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and hosts a Russian military base. From all the countries in Central Asia, Tajikistan has the frostiest relations with the United States. It's never gonna happen.
As Washington looks for options post-Afghanistan withdrawal, Islamabad isn’t going to roll out the red carpet. "Don’t Expect Pakistan to Host US Military Bases"  Imran Khan, PM of Pakistan said on 09.06.2021
After the chaotic US military retreat from Afghanistan on 15.08.2021, Afghanistan is lost forever.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an intergovernmental international organization founded in Shanghai on 15.06.2001 by six countries: China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.The SCO is an Eurasian political, economic, and security alliance. Currently, the main focus is on exchange of military and intelligence information.  Observer countries are: Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, Mongolia. Partner countries are: Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijian, Cambodja, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey.Iran announced that all political obstacles are resolved for getting a full member of the SCO. The SCO countries represent half of the global population. (Compare that to NATO countries: 950 million people, 1/8 of the world population)

And with oil lines flowing through Afghanistan into China, the entire region is poised for great “Dubai style” wealth and prosperity.

Oil induced prosperity for Afghanistan.

The only way for the world to prosper is to recognize that the systems, used for centuries, that permits the wealthy to come and say into power is not healthy and must be discarded.

What is needed are new systems of governance and new ways of doing things so that the evil, the corrupt, and the mentally ill never ever, EVER get an opportunity to come near any kinds of power ever again.

The future of the health of the world is at stake.


And forget about the West trying to keep war alive in Afghanistan. The UK efforts fell completely apart.

That a connection to a neighboring country would help the insurgents is, in my opinion, a misperception. Russia and China would come down hard on, for example Uzbekistan, if it would allow its border to be used to support the insurgency. Every neighbor country of Afghanistan now has an interest in a united Afghanistan at peace. That is why any insurgency against the Taliban will have no chance.

The Russian ambassador to Afghanistan agrees.

And this telling comment…

As long as the Taliban NEVER reopen the US embassy and also ban all the same western NGOs Russia and China have, any color revolutions are doomed to fail.

Posted by: Mar man | Aug 21 2021 16:41 utc | 8

What China is currently doing in Africa is very, very possible in Afghanistan. And the entire world knows this (with the exception of American and their “allies”). Just like China is building houses, roads, infrastructure all over Africa, it will do so in a stable INDEPENDENT Afghanistan.

This is in Africa TODAY…

And China has changed the entire world.

They are smart, talents, organized, and have the backing of the biggest most powerful military (Russia plus China) on the planet.

They are not stopping for shit!

And they are making the world a better place for EVERYONE.

And those wealthy few do not like this one bit, and they would rather destroy the entire world rather than relinquish one tiny iota of control. But they have never seen such an organized, powerful force before.

Afghanistan has. They see. They see how their Uighur brothers and sisters are doing, and they want that in THEIR lives.

And they will be working with China in the years and decades forward…

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Constructing your very own DIY dimensional world-line portal; the frequencies of location (part 2)

This is part 2 of the fundamentals in constructing your very own dimensional portal or vehicle. This post continues that same slow, methodical study of how one would go about constructing their very own dimensional portal. This is a systems integration point of view, rather than anything else.

So, to review…

In part 1, we discussed some scant examples found on the internet. Most of which didn’t say much of anything. However, if you look between the lines on them you see some ideas all similarly related. The major hurtle is that they all assume a universe that simply does not exist.

So, by looking at the ideas garnered through that initial post, we can consider them to have pretty much laid out the ideas which we can add to our narrative…

  • Individual world-lines are fixed, static places within the reality universe.
Consider a world-line to be a frozen snapshot of time. Nothing actually moves within it. It's just solid, fixed and never changing.
  • Time is the movement of individual consciousness though these places.
This is something that I have repeatedly stated over and over again throughout this Metallicman effort. If you don't understand what time actually is, you will never understand world-lines.
  • Each world-line is a very complex representation of a static place.
It's not just that the physical elements are represented, but the non-physical elements are represented as well.
  • This representation can best be described as a “frozen moment” of a complex graph of frequencies.
Since we know, by quantum physics, that every thing in our "universe" can be represented as either a particle or a wave. And all waves can be associated with a specific frequency. Then, all things within a "frozen" world-line can be associated with a complex set of frequencies.

As such, we can do all sorts of things with it. From using it as a "homing beacon" to go to, or to return to. Or to note that it is something that should be avoided.
  • By knowing the set of frequencies associated with a given world line, we can establish a set of coordinates associated with it.
If there was a way that we could take a "snapshot" of a given world-line, we would see a complex collection of frequencies. All these frequencies would be associated with the gravity measurement at that (apparent) moment of "time".

World-line travel can thus be the manipulation of frequencies of location.

The frequencies of location.

Taken together, if you can have coordinates at your present location, and provide coordinates at your destination location you can map out your route. Just like we all do using GPS.

You can travel to different world-lines using fundamentally the same KIND OF system that is used on maps and GPS apps. You identify your location coordinates and then map out your destination coordinates.
You can travel to different world-lines using fundamentally the same KIND OF system that is used on maps and GPS apps. You identify your location coordinates and then map out your destination coordinates.

But, the GPS system uses satellites, software algorithms, and a small army of engineers and technologists to maintain. How can you use this kind of system for world-line travel?

You don’t.

Instead you need to take a “snapshot” of your current location. This “snapshot” will contain the attributes that are associated with your geographic time, place and environment.

So the question really becomes “how”?

How do you take a “snapshot” of your current environment in such a way that it includes all elements of your current environment?

Your “snapshot”.

I’m going to “cut to the chase” and summarize a few things.

  • Precise measurements of localized gravity can be an effective measurement of your current world-line position.
  • But, it does not provide you a map. If you punch in destination coordinates of a different gravity reading, you have absolutely no way of knowing where you will end up.
For instance, if you leave at a gravity reading of 121.8723675092384 then where would a gravity reading of 121.8276746592847536 take you?
  • So gravity can be used to take you to similar world-lines, but it cannot be used to determine world-line types and deviance parameters.
  • An other method has to be utilized to map out the world-line terrain.

That other method is to utilize the frequencies associated with the gravity reading at any given world-line.

A "snapshot" of the gravity of your departure coordinates can be translated or processed to produce a complex graph of all the various waveforms and their frequencies at that moment in time.

Using the snapshot as an anchor.

Now, if the coordinates are related to the frequency “snapshot” at any given moment of time…

… the manipulation of the frequency around a person, vehicle, or door, can teleport a person or object to the destination coordinates.

In other words, we are going to utilize the Alan Holt's Field Resonance System to conduct world-line travel.

So let’s discuss collecting the frequencies of a departure coordinate.

[1] The overall scheme.

Here we are going to discuss using vibrations and frequencies associated with gravitational masses to obtain world-line coordinates.

It works just like this…

  • You create an area with a fixed “portal”.
  • You then identify the “geography” of the gravitational signatures of that specific area / portal.
  • Using flux-gate technology, you isolate the gravitational signatures of a person entering the portal from the portal gravitational signature.

Now, we need to associate frequencies with the gravitational signiatures.

  • You take a measurement of the frequencies associated with the gravitational portal at a specific fraction of time.
  • You do the same thing of a person entering the portal at that specific fraction of time.
A person entering a fixed portal.
A person entering a fixed portal.

These frequencies are very complex, but they can tell us where we are at any given moment within any given world-line.

Now, in a split second, using the Alan Holt’s Field Resonance system, you change the frequencies within the portal. You alter the frequencies such that the gravitational associated frequencies of the person entering the portal do not change, but the frequencies associated with the surrounding environment does actually change.

You change the frequencies of the portal location, not the person. All the while you use field resonances to “squeeze” or “slide” the individual into the new portal coordinates.

Coordinates are the frequencies associated with the gravitation at that fraction of time.
Coordinates are the frequencies associated with the gravitation at that fraction of time.

Now, we are going to discuss how this is done, step by step over the next couple of posts in this series.

We will start with [2], how to isolate gravity masses within an area. Then we will convert those gravity readings into frequencies.

This is a very important step as it is used to isolate the person who walks into a portal from the portal itself.

Thus, the world-line slide, or cross-over, can be obtained by isolating the frequencies of the portal from the person. Using the Alan Holt Frequency resonance system to slide that person into the new coordinates.

And that is how it works.

[2] Association of a frequency to a given world-line.

To identify your local region, you need to separate it out from all the “clutter” of the surrounding regions. Otherwise, your “map” with start with a confused jumble of data. Much like oil painting. When you keep on painting and painting in oils, and don’t separate the colors, eventually everything turns into a muddy ugly brown color.

Luckily, there is a technique for this. It’s called “Regional residual anomaly separation”, and it is one of the important tasks in gravity inversion and interpretation for the detection of oils, minerals and cavities underground.

So, we can “piggy back” on the work already done.

So here is the procedure (so that you all don’t get too bogged down into all the details…

  • Identify a physical region; a person, a place, a thing, a vehicle.
  • Identify and isolate the gravity of that object (parts 2a – 2g) below.
  • Take a “snapshot” of the frequencies associated with that specific region of gravity.

[2a] Regional residual anomaly separation

We can use any number of the gravity separation methods that have already been developed. All of which have been based on different characteristics of regional and residual gravity fields. Of course, each one has it’s advantages and disadvantages.

  • Graphic smoothing and N-point smoothing(Wanget al 1991)
  • Polynomial surface fitting (Beltraoet al 1991)
  • Minimum curvature method (Mickuset al 1991)
  • Finite element analysis (Mallick and Sharma1999)
  • The stripping method (Weiland 1989)
  • And finally, Li and Oldenburg (1998) proposed to separate the regional anomaly using a 3D magnetic inversion algorithm.

Based on different spectral characteristics of gravity and magnetic anomalies, filters can be used for more precise gravity separation.

  • The Wiener filtering (Pawlowski and Hansen 1990)
  • Wavelength filtering (Kane 1985)
  • Band pass filtering (Ridsdill-Smith 1998)
  • Preferential continuation filtering (Pawlowski 1995).

Of course, all these methods are simply number crunching of sensory inputs from a “flux gate” and processed within a complex computer algorithm.

Simple Flux-gate circuit.
Simple Flux-gate circuit.

[2b] Use of the wavelet transform

There is more than one way to process the information obtained from a flux-gate sensor.

In recent years, the wavelet transform has widely been used in gravity data processing and interpretation. This is primarily due to its pretty good property of multi-scale analysis, and as a result, it has become an important method to isolate gravity readings from that of an anomaly.

The examples of people using these techniques to isolate the frequencies of localized gravity anomalies is pretty well documented;

  • Fedi and Quarta (1998) used a discrete wavelet transform to separate the regional potential gravity fields, and determined the rational decomposition results as a regional gravity anomaly by “minimum entropy compactness criterion”.
  • Ucanet al (2000) also used the multi-scale wavelet transform to separate the regional anomaly field and achieved satisfactory results in the synthetic model test.
  • Yanget al (2001) analyzed the gravity data of China using the discrete wavelet transform and interpreted the geological implications of the decomposition results.

[2c] Other used for the Multi-scale gravity wavelet analysis.

This algorithm can be used in numerous ways. In general, the more versatile it is, the more exactly can you separate out the gravity frequency variations.

The multi-scale wavelet analysis can also be used in…

  • Data denoising (Lyrioet al2004)
  • Geological boundary locating (Marteletet al,2001)
  • Source parameter inversion (Sailhac andGibert2003).

Besides the Euclidean wavelets, the spherical wavelets method has been developed in the last ten years (Freeden and Windheuser 1996,1997)…

[2d] The Spherical wavelet transform

The spherical wavelet transform has similar multi-scale analysis properties as the Euclidean wavelet transform. It can be expressed by the convolution of a signal with a dilation and rotation of a spherical mother wavelet upon a sphere.

Compared with the Euclidean wavelets, spherical wavelets are widely used in large-scale data analysis, especially for the spherical earth.

It has been used to study…

  • The global gravity field (Fengleret al 2004, 2007)
  • Earth magnetic field (Freedenet al 1998)
  • Earth inner structure (mass-density distribution) (Michel 2005).

The traditional spectrum analysis is usually used to assist wavelet analysis and interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies.

  • Albora and Ucan (2001) present a synthetic example of gravity anomaly separation using wavelets, and estimate the average depth of buried bodies from the spectrum.
  • Qiuet al (2007) discuss the ability of the wavelet transform to improve the resolution of gravity anomaly and use depth estimation from spectrum analysis to analyze the wavelet decomposition results.

[2e] Theory of wavelet transform and spectrum analysis

Wavelet transform

Assuming that f(x)is a square integrable function, its wavelet transform can be expressed as…


  • ψ(x) is the wavelet basis or the mother wavelet function,
  • s>0 is the scale factor,
  • b is the translation parameter,
  • R is the integration domain,
  • ψs(x) is the dilation of wavelet basis
  • ψs(x) = 1√sψ(xs). (∗means convolution).

In the frequency domain, equation (1) can be equivalently expressed as

where …

  • (ω) is the Fourier transform of ψ(x),
  • √s (sk) is the Fourier transform of ψs(x).

Generally, the scale factor can be connected with the frequency by

where Fs is the equivalent frequency of wavelet transform at scales, Fc is the center frequency of the wavelet basis function,and is the sampling rate.

From the frequency domain expression (equation (2)), the wavelet transform of the signal f(x) can be viewed as the filtering result with the wavelet filter at either…

  • Different scales (Yang 1999) or
  • Using the filter banks operation (Strang and Nguyen 1997).

Generally, a large-scale wavelet transform can be used to separate the regional gravitation.

Wavelets can be selected for a gravity anomaly analysis according to some specific criteria, such as…

  • Similarity between signal and mother wavelets (Xuet al 2004)
  • Minimum entropy compactness criterion (Fedi and Quart a 1998).

In this example, we will select the wavelet according to its frequency response character.

Based on the knowledge of the spectral character of anomalies, a low-pass and isotropic wavelet filter is more appropriate for regional anomaly separation.

Here, we can look at the properties of the Halo wavelet in a specific frequency domain and then apply it in order to separate out the regional anomaly. In effect, isolating a particular body (a person, object, vehicle, or in this example, a rectangular box) from all the background gravitational influences.

The Halo wavelet basis function is a modification of the Morlet wavelet (Kirby2005).

It can be expressed in the frequency domain as

Its spectrum character is shown in figure 1.

The Halo wavelet basis is symmetrical and isotropic in the frequency domain. It is a low-pass wavelet filter with a small k0 value.

According to uncertainty, the bandwidth and the center frequency of the dilated wavelet decrease when the scale increases.

Therefore it is necessary to select the wavelet transform at a proper scale in order to get low-frequency regional anomalies.

From the definition of the wavelet transform, it can be computed by either, [A] convolution in the space domain or [B] multiplication in the frequency domain.

We compute the wavelet transform in the frequency domain based on equation (2), and the implementation steps are listed below:

(1) Compute the Fourier transform G(⇀k) of the original anomaly signal g(⇀x).

(2) Multiply the anomaly spectrum G(⇀k) with Halo wavelet (⇀k) in the frequency domain, and get the wavelet transform at scales=1; W(⇀k)=G(⇀k)×(⇀k).

(3) Compute the inverse Fourier transform of W(⇀k) and get the wavelet transform result w(⇀x) in the space domain.

(4) Calculate the wavelet transform of different scales with the dilation wavelet basis, and get the result of the wavelet transform result at different scales following steps (2)and (3).

The maximum decomposition scale relates the dimension of the original data, and the scale can take continuous values with a maximum of half of the data dimension.

Here we take s=2a in the wavelet decomposition (a=0, 0.5, 1, 1.5,…,the order of decomposition). This is the graphic representation of that algorithm.

Spectrum analysis and depth estimation Spector and Grant (1970) studied the relationship between the energy spectrum of anomalies and the average depth of source bodies under a statistic assumption.

It provided a foundation for anomaly source parameter estimation and filter designation for anomaly separation (Dolmazet al 2005, Wanget al 1991).

The energy spectrum of anomalies can be presented by the formula:

  • where〈〉stands for ensemble average,
  • M is the magnetic moment/unit volume,
  • h is the depth to the top of source body,
  • t is the thickness of the source body,
  • k is the radial wave number,
  • S(k) is the factor for the horizontal size of the source body.

It will be found that the depth factor〈e−2hk〉dominates the spectrum.

It turns out that the effect of the extension factor〈1−e−tk〉and the horizontal factor〈S2(k) are both comparatively small.

This is especially true in the low-frequency bands.

Simplifying the equation based on these practical realities, we find that the energy spectrum can be simplified as…


  • A and A′ are constant coefficients, ̄
  • h is the average depth of the source body. (Relative to the sensor position.)

In practice, the linear fitting results of different spectrum segments are plotted on the semi-log plot of energy spectrum versus radial wave number for convenience. It helps to best visualize the effectiveness in this technique for the isolation of gravity influences on specific bodies.

The slopes of the best-fit straight lines of spectrum segments of logarithm energy spectrum versus radial wave number plot tend to indicate the average depth of the sources. Which is why this technique has enormous benefit in the geology sciences.

[2f] Proposed gravity frequency separation experiment

You do not need to have a buried treasure, a submerged sunken battleship, or a cavity filled with gold to validate this gravity isolation technology. You can use a shoebox, a briefcase, a coffeecan, or some other small sized object.

Here, we see a modeled object that is then scanned with flux-gate sensors to determine the degree of separation of different gravity values which can be observed.

Consider a cuboids combination model for the gravity field separation experiment by the wavelet transform.

This model consists of six cuboids: the largest one is located in the deepest part to simulate the regional anomaly, and the other five smaller ones with the same size are located in the shallower part at the center and four corners of the survey area to simulate the local anomaly field (figure2(a)).

The relevant parameters are listed in table 1.

Since this project was designed for large objects, the coordinate origin is located at the center of the survey, the grid spacing is 0.1 km, and the survey area is 100 km×100 km.

Using the forward calculation formula of rectangular bodies (Blakely 1995), we can calculate the gravity anomalies of the model and the corresponding regional and local anomalies, which are respectively shown in figures 2(b)–(d).

From the spectral analysis of the total, regional and local anomalies (figure3), the anomaly energy is mainly concentrated in the low-frequency band (0–0.4 rad km−1).

The target object has an energy in the low-frequency band.

The regional anomaly energy is dominated in the low-frequency band (0–0.4 rad km−1), while the local anomaly energy is dominated in the mid-high frequency band (above 0.4 rad km−1).

The surrounding environment has energy in the high-frequency band.

The two anomalies have different spectral distribution characteristics.

Therefore, it is feasible to separate anomalies of different frequency bands. Or, for our specific consideration, to isolate (say) a person walking through a “dimensional portal” and the “dimensional portal” itself.

The spectrum of the total gravity anomaly can be divided into three segments in the following frequency ranges: 0–0.05, 0.05–0.60 and above 0.60 rad km−1. In other words, we can identify frequency cut off criteria to isolate specific gravitational masses as they enter a portal, or when part of a larger mechanism, such as a vehicle.

They represent the regional anomaly with low frequency and high energy, the local anomaly with intermediate and high frequencies, and the high frequency signal characterized with very small energy,respectively.

In this example we choose the Halo wavelet basis to process the gravity anomaly based on the spectral character. Taking k0=0.6 and the corresponding scales=25.5, the transform result is…

taken as the regional anomaly, and the difference between this result and the original anomaly is taken as the local anomaly (figure4). It has achieved satisfied separation results compared with the theoretical anomalies (figures 2(c) and (d)).

[2g] Conclusions related to gravity separation determination for world-line mapping

There is no singular solution to gravity separation of a person from the surrounding portal. However, the basic technique remains the same.

In this example, we used a convention that illustrated the separation of a regional anomaly using the wavelet transform. And thus, according to the spectrum analysis their gravity estimation results.

The isotropic and low-pass wavelet filter, Halo wavelet, is used in the synthetic and real data processing.

The separation test on the synthetic model indicates that the wavelet analysis can separate the anomaly effectively. And thus, a person walking into a dimensional portal can effectively be isolated into separate gravitational entities at any given specific moment in time.

[3] Some notes

Here are some notes that I should not take for granted.

The “fixed dimensional portal” is just a coordinate. There isn’t a frame, or a physical door, or an arc or shimmering surface like you see in Hollywood. It’s just a place. It could consist of a bare space in a empty warehouse that is marked by a piece of tape on the floor.

The only thing that is important is that the exact moment that a person walks into the portal must be taken into consideration.

At that split fraction of a second, the flux-gate sensors must measure the entire gravitational environment. Convert it all into frequencies. Subtract the person from the surrounding environment. And use the Alan Holt resonance procedure to slide the person into the new world-line.

The more accurate the sensing, the better the results.

Therefore, I urge a large number of flux-gate sensors be used in regards to this.

Commercial flux-gate sensor.
Commercial flux-gate sensor.

[3] How to associate frequencies with gravitational readings.

You create a "profile" that describes the geography of the gravity of the objects associated with the portal. Then you take measurements of the frequencies associated with those gravity objects (HFGW). This creates a very complex frequency profile. It is what you use to isolate the components within the portal.

The subject of High Frequency Gravitational Waves (HFGW) has attracted considerable interest in the US government over the last few years. Apparently as soon as it was publicly announced that gravity is associated with gravitation “waves” o frequencies, the first response by the American government is to suppress all science related to it.

In September 2007, HFGW came to the attention of the National MASINT
Committee of ODNI.

In turn, staff at this committee asked JASON to review both the underlying science and technology of HFGW, and their implications for national security. They wanted to move all R&D associated with HFGW into the black and prohibit any further public work on the technologies.

JASON hosted briefings during June 17-18, 2008 from individuals both inside and outside the US government, and also collected about a thousand pages of printed or electronic material.

They concluded that the then proposed applications of the science of HFGW are fundamentally wrong; that there can be no security threat. And thus no need to silence the public disclosure of any kind of research regarding it.

They found that the insistence of the American government in suppressing all development and publication of independent scientific and technical work on this generally unnecessary. 

They concluded that the previous analysis of the Li-Baker detector concept is incorrect by many orders of magnitude; and that the following are infeasible in the foreseeable future: detection of the natural “relic” HFGW, which are reliably predicted to exist; or detection of artificial sources of HFGW. 

They concluded that no foreign threat in HFGW is credible, including: Communication by means of HFGW; Object detection or imaging (by HFGW radar or tomography); Vehicle propulsion by HFGW; or any other practical use of HFGW. 

And that should tell you all that you need to know about how important the government places the study of High Frequency Gravitational Waves…

…The “key” to world-line travel.

In the next post we will discuss how to collect, and map gravitational waves in association with the gravitation separation techniques already discussed herein.

(I would include it here, but I really don’t have enough room in this post.)

Stay tuned…

Do you want more?

To check out the rest of my posts in my DIY series you can go here…

DIY Teleportation

Check out all my DIY posts on the creation of dimensional portals, and other MAJestic issues in my MAJestic index here…


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The Admiral Wilson Leak: Evidence of USAPs (Unacknowledged Special Access Programs) & Reverse Engineering of Extraterrestrial technologies

As I have repeatedly stated, the United States government has known about extraterrestrials for decades. They have established a very secret organization known as MAJestic to study this matter. This organization is used to interact with extraterrestrials and extract technologies from them. This organization is completely removed from the US government and operates secretively within it. It’s sort of like bubbles of water floating within oil.

This article serves as a secondary source of validation of my disclosure of the existence of MAJestic.

  • MAJestic exists.
  • It operates outside of government control.
  • All classifications within it are unacknowledged special access programs. (USAP).
  • Elected officials , politicians, and bureaucrats are not permitted access ever.
  • It is involved in all things extraterrestrial.
  • It is well established and has been in operation for decades.

Executive Summary about this “Leak”.

The world “leak” carries a lot of baggage with it. It’s kind of silly, don’t you know. All that went on is a United Sates Admiral, Tom Wilson, wanted to inquire about certain R&D programs that some of his subordinates had participated in.

He did not care to know all the details, just an executive overview. He felt that he had to, at the bare minimum, understand their involvement in R&D support efforts that lie within deep black special access programs.


  • Notes have been made public of a conversation that allegedly occurred on Oct. 16th 2002 with US Admiral Tom Wilson.
  • At that time, US Admiral Tom Wilson was Deputy Director of the DIA & Vice Director for Intelligence [VJ2] for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Tom Wilson admits he was denied access to a SAP involving reverse engineering an alien UFO craft.
  • If true, this incident shows that high-ranking officials are excluded from SAPs & USAPs by an oversight committee.
  • The top military/aerospace corporations can reject anyone without ‘need to know.’
  • Highly advanced technology is in private hands with no public oversight.

The Admiral Wilson leak refers to notes where Wilson, a senior official, admits he was denied access to a Special Access Program where they were reverse engineering vehicles that were not of human fabrication.

Admiral Wilson

Admiral Wilson is a military officer with a long and distinguished career.

  • He was a Real Admiral (upper class).
  • He served as the Deputy Director, and later the Director, of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency).
  • He also served as the Vice Director for Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a position known as VJ2 or J2.

The Notes and their history

On April 19th 2019, researcher Canadian Grant Cameron uploaded to the internet 15 pages of documents.

About Mr. Grant Cameron Grant Cameron is the recipient of the Leeds Conference International Researcher of the Year and the UFO Congress Researcher of the Year. He became involved in Ufology as the Vietnam War ended in May 1975 with personal sightings of a UFO type object which locally became known as Charlie Red Star. 

- Grant Camerion Bio - Modern Knowledge 

These documents are allegedly the notes taken by Dr. Eric Davis on October 16th 2002.

These notes record the conversation between Admiral Wilson and Willard Miller, a US Naval Reserve Commander and top military advisor to Steven Greer of The Disclosure Project.

Greer founded the Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) in 1990 to create a diplomatic and research-based initiative to contact extraterrestrial civilizations. In 1993, he founded the Disclosure Project, a nonprofit research project, whose goal is to disclose to the public the government's alleged knowledge... 

- Steven M. Greer - Wikipedia 

In the exchange, the admiral admits he was denied access to a SAP (Special Access Program) or more accurately a (U)SAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Program).

Top Secrets

This is because, despite his rank and position, he still didn’t have need to know.

This particular (U)SAP lies wholly outside the purview of the United States government, the military and the entire bureaucracy that supports it. It is in the careful, and well-trained hands of a number of top military aerospace corporations.

In this instance, the (U) SAP involves the reverse engineering of UFO/alien craft technology.

NASA has partnered with Robert Bigelow, who's an unconventional figure in the aerospace world. He's more at home on the Vegas strip than at America's space agency, and he's obsessed with aliens and UFOs. In the spring of last year, he and NASA carried out an historic test to prove his high-flying technology is ready to support humans in space.
The Alien / ET face on the side of the Bigelow Aerospace building. NASA has partnered with Robert Bigelow, who’s an unconventional figure in the aerospace world. He’s more at home on the Vegas strip than at America’s space agency, and he’s obsessed with aliens and UFOs. In the spring of last year, he and NASA carried out an historic test to prove his high-flying technology is ready to support humans in space.

The Admiral Wilson Leak Documents

The notes were taken by Dr. Eric Davis, a scientist who was a member of NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Sciences).

The National Institute for Discovery Science, known also as NIDS, was founded by Robert Bigelow serving as a way to channel funds into the scientific study of paranormal phenomena. The NIDS performed research in the area of cattle mutilation and black triangle reports.  
The NIDSci bought Skinwalker Ranch after journalist George Knapp first wrote about it in 1996, and Deputy Administrator Colm Kelleher led the investigation for a number of years.  

-   National Institute for Discovery Science - Wikipedia 

NIDS is owned by aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow (who has openly talked about UFOS and aliens for decades). NIDS conducted scientific research into UFO-related phenomena such as the mystery of the black triangles.

Additionally, Davis is an associate of Dr. Hal Puthoff, the famous developer of remote viewing in the US in the 1970s.

Hal Puthoff Dr Hal Puthoff is one of the original SRI (Stanford Research Institute) team members and creators of the Remote Viewing program, contributor to the development or remote viewing and Ingo Swann’s Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV). 

- Hal Puthoff - Remote Viewing information and resources 

Exopolitical researcher Dr. Michael Salla contacted Davis to verify whether the leak was genuine and confirm whether he had indeed written the notes.

Davis replied that he had no comment.

Taken in total, this is a clue that the content is genuine, since Davis refused to call them a hoax.

The full 15 pages of the Admiral Wilson leak documents are available here. They are worth reading in full.

What the Documents Reveal

The documents record a conversation from 2002 where Admiral Wilson, with hindsight, was referring back to a period from April-June in 1997.

They start with Admiral Wilson confirming that he met with Greer, Miller, Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of Institute of Noetic Sciences), Admiral Mike Crawford and General Pat Hughes (who was Wilson’s boss) in a Pentagon conference room.

The notes state that Wilson and Miller talked privately for 2 hours on UFOs, MJ-12, Roswell, crashed UFOs, alien bodies, etc.

In the notes, “TW” stand for Tom Wilson and “EWD” stands for “Eric Davis”:

TW: Confirmed Greer/Miller/Mitchell gave talk in  Pentagon Conference room. Adm Mike Crawford, Gen. Pat Hughes (Hughes his  boss) were present (others too.) Date April “97. (Ed Mitchell said  4/9/947.) 

After group broke up, Miller/Wilson talked (privately) 2 hours  on UFOs, MJ-12, Roswell, crashed UFOs/alien bodies, etc. TW intrigued 

– knew about intelligence on US mil/intel UFO close encounters 
– and  foreign gov’t encounters. Seen records. Told Miller.
TW: Yes, Miller asked the question on MJ-12/UFO cabal 

– crashed  UFO. Confirmed he called Miller ca. late June ’97 and told that  he/Miller was right 
– there is such an organization in existence.

Davis notes that Wilson was furious that Miller had betrayed his confidence and shared the conversation with others (according to Davis, Miller only told Greer and Mitchell). Wilson goes on to state that he started investigating whether there was a secretive group hiding UFO secrets:

EWD: Okay then, what happened in April-June ’97?
TW: After parting with Miller (week later, he thinks) – I made  calls, knocked on a few doors, talked to people – went on for 45 days  (thereabouts) on and off

– Suggestion came from Ward (Gen. M. Ward) to go through the  records groups files (like an index system) in OUSDAT (Office of the  Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology) 
– Ran into Bill Perry in May ’97 
– talked about this quietly 
– he suggested the same thing 
– They told me of a special projects record group not belonging to usual SAP 
– a special subset of the unacknowledged/carve-outs/waived  programs 
– not belonging to usual SAP divisions as organized in ’94 by  Perry himself 
– set apart from rest but buried/covered by conventional  SAPs 

Admiral Wilson Leak Docs Mention Existence of MJ-12 and (U)SAPs

In just the first few pages of this leak, Wilson has admitted both that MJ-12 exists (or existed) and that advanced technology projects/UFOs are hidden within (U)SAPs.

In the second quoted section above, Wilson states he spent about 45 days looking into the matter, and in the first quoted section above, he states that he concluded that MJ-12 did exist.

He also reveals how he learnt that (U)SAPs exist, as a special subset of SAPs which are “unacknowledged/carve-outs/waived”, something which various whistleblowers have exposed over the years.

How to tell...
How to tell -2

Ufologist Richard Dolan, who wrote his analysis of the Admiral Wilson leak here, coined the phrase “Breakaway Civilization”.

The term “Breakaway Civilization” is used to describe the state of affairs whereby a private military aerospace contractor is in possession of extraordinarily advanced technology and is able to speed light years ahead of what the public thinks is possible.

In short to literally create another civilization. Which is to say, to “breakaway” from the old civilization and evolve. Leaving the old civilization behind, like the discarded skin of a snake that slithers away.

(U)SAP’s reside inside SAP’s.

Michael Salla points out how (U)SAPs are often hidden inside SAPs. He also has shown a confidential NSA document leaked by Snowden to prove the point:

“The method of hiding the most highly classified  programs behind less classified ones was verified in one of the NSA  documents leaked by Edward Snowden called Sentry Eagle. 

It graphically  depicted how Exceptionally Compartmented Information (ECI – an  Intelligence Community classification similar to an Unacknowledged SAP  used by the Pentagon) would be hidden behind a Non-ECI Program (similar  classification status to a conventional SAP).”

Wilson Meets the (U)SAP Gatekeepers.

There are more fascinating details to the story, however to keep this brief, it gets really interesting when Davis starts asking Wilson what he found.

Wilson at first is tight-lipped:

EWD: … so what SAP compartment did you find in?

TW: Core secret – won’t say

EWD: Code name? 

TW: Again won’t say – core secret. 

Code name is MAJestic.

EWD: Who was the project contractor or USG agency that runs the program?

TW: An aerospace technology contractor – one of the top ones in US.

EWD: Who?

TW: Core secret – can’t tell.

EWD: Defense contractor?

TW: Yes, the best one of them.

EWD: Intelligence too?

TW: In their corporate portfolio.

EWD: Give a hint?

TW: Sorry no.

People have guessed that it could be Northrop Grumman or Boeing, although Lockheed Martin is also likely, given the notoriety of its Skunkworks program.

We do not know which particular sub-program (U)SAP is involved in this instance. However, just about all American aerospace companies participate in MAJestic operations to some extent.

Wilson goes on to say how he called them.

He demanded to be “read in” or informed about the project.

It was a surprise to him, and he was given the access denied treatment:

TW: (End of May ’97) Made three calls to the program  manager 

– one of them conference call with security director and  corporate attorney. Confusion on their part at to why I was looking for them and what I wanted from them or wanted to know about. Very testy tone from all of them.

TW: I told threesome I wanted formal briefing, tour, etc. 

– was  exploiting my regulatory authority as Deputy Director DIA/Assistant  Joint Chief of Staff J-2 
– Told them my not being briefed was oversight they needed to correct 
– I demanded!
TW: They needed to discuss this (his demand) so hung up. Got  called 2 days later and they said they don’t want to talk on phone and arranged for face-to-face meeting at their facility.
EWD: Did you go?
TW: Yes, ten days later (mid-June or so). Flew out there

– Met in their conference room in their secure vault
– Three of them show up
EWD: 3 guys with whom you had telecon?
TW: Yes, same 3

– Security director (NSA-retired, a CI expert)
– Program director
– Corporate attorney

– Called themselves “the watch committee” or gate keepers

This watch committee or group of gatekeepers then proceeded to tell Wilson that although his rank, authority and credentials checked out, he still wasn’t getting access. In (U)SAP programs within MAJestic, there is always a handful of people in the know. They are the “gatekeepers” and “watch committee”.

They are the ONLY people within MAJestic that has any idea of the detailed scope of actions within that sub (U)SAP.

In my own (U)SAP, the "gatekeepers" are two in number, with a third that might have partial understanding of my role. They filter the summaries and context that I acquire as part of my role, and provide the distilled simplified "executive summaries" to the MAJestic management for utilization.

They said they had reached a previous formal agreement with the Pentagon’s Special Access Programs Oversight Committee (SAPOC).

The plan standardized and formalized the SAP approval, termination, revalidation and restructuring process through the Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC). A Senior Review Group (SRG) was established to support the SAPOC principals. 

- Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC) 

The agreement was that they (the watch committee) and only they would decide who met the rigorous criteria to gain access. Those few people would be on a list called the bigot list:

[TW] Said after that episode a formal agreement was struck with Pentagon people (SAPOC) to prevent this in future 

– didn’t  want a repeat
– Special criteria were established in agreement
– A special circumstance that must meet rigorous access criteria set by contractor committee
– No USG personnel are to gain access unless they met the criteria 
– to be administered by contractor committee (program director,  attorney, security director) irregardless of the tickets and position USG personnel possess
– Literally their way or the highway.

EWG: What are criteria? 

TW: I asked for that and they refused to give answer. I was mad 

– implication is now 
– to me 
– they operate without official oversight or  any justification 
– politically dangerous place to be! 

TW: … they weren’t going to let me in the door 

EWD: Why? 

TW: They said my tickets were all confirmed and valid, but I was not on the bigot list

The Bigot List

The bigot list is, according to Wikipedia, a…

“is  a list of personnel possessing appropriate security clearance and who  are cleared to know details of a particular operation, or other  sensitive information.” 

It is a term of British origin and is widely used by US intelligence agencies.

The program director then, somewhat surprisingly given this exceptional program secrecy, showed Wilson the bigot list.

Wilson saw that there was no-one from the Executive (i.e. White House) or Legislative Branches of the US Government – just private contractors and a couple of Pentagon people.

EWD: Who was on it? Recognize names? 

TW: That is core secret.

Willing to say that most were program employees – names and  titles (job titles) – civilians – didn’t recognize any military  personnel – could be there.

This is something that I have been saying for years. MAJestic members are technically educated professionals with a military background, working in a civilian capacity.

EWD: Any politicians? 

TW: No

– No White House names, no President!
– No Congressional people
– No Congressional staffers
EDW: Any in Clinton or Bush Sr. Administrations? 

TW: No! But handful of names were Pentagon individuals I recognized …

The Watch Committee Admits They are Reverse Engineering UFOs of Extraterrestrial Origin

The Admiral Wilson leak document describes how the Project Manager of the watch committee actually admitted the nature of the project they were so closely guarding.

The Project Manager admitted that the project was about reverse engineering technology from extraterrestrial vehicles.

[TW] Program Manager said they were 

Not any weapons program
Not any intelligence program
Not any special ops or logistics program
Doesn’t fit these categories

– I asked what they were then
– Loud groan from Program Manager
– Security Director and attorney say it’s okay to say it.
EWD: Say what?
TW: There were a reverse engineering program 

– Something recovered years ago in the past
– Technological hardware was recovered

– So I thought they meant recovered Soviet/Chinese,  etc. hardware and reverse engineer it 
– like a missile or intel platform  or aircraft 
– actually came to meeting expecting to find a sensitive foreign collection and reverse engineering operation 
– thought “UFOs” (was) used as a cover for that 
– So I said that and they said they weren’t that either

– They had (program manager talking) a craft 
– an intact craft they believed could fly …
– Program manager said they didn’t know where it was from [they had some ideas on this] 

– it was technology that was not of this Earth 
– not made by man 
– not by human hands


Wilson ended his tale by saying that eventually he did meet with the SAPOC chairman at the Pentagon. He backed up the access denial Wilson was given.

Wilson got angry against at the SAPOC chairman, who then told Wilson that he had better shut up and drop the matter, else he wouldn’t get the DIA directorship and he may lose a ranking star.

Wilson backed off. The matter ended.


As time moves forward, other parts of the enormous puzzle will start to fall into place.

Any American, living in 2020, who believes that America doesn’t have secrets or that we are alone in the universe, or that America still has “freedom” inside of our wonderful “democracy” is living a terrible, terrible lie.

The world is not what you all think it is.

As I have been saying for years, now.

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The Chinese Love of Off-Road Vehicle Adventures

In America we have RV’s, donut-wheeled motorized trikes, and dirt-bikes. We have jeeps and all sorts of pickups. Well, you know what? So does China. The Chinese love the sport of going “off road” and exploring China.

Here we are doing to have a brief review of this most awesome pastime. Just make sure that your trunk is filled with ice and a fine beverage of your choice. Myself, I prefer a nice icy-cold beer, but wine, VSOP, XO and whiskey are fine alternatives.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

The Chinese love to travel in groups

The Chinese love to travel in groups. They really do not like to travel alone. They view life as something that should be shared. And, I for one, can’t blame them.

Friendships are important and are important when you are involved in shared activities that everyone enjoys. Such things as travel, adventure and exploration are greatly prized by the Chinese. In fact, they form individual clubs and groups around these activities.

This is in many ways like what we in the United States used to do maybe three decades ago. That was before the federal government started to demand open membership in clubs and organizations. First it began with “men’s only” clubs being forced to accept woman, and now we have the Boy Scouts turning into the Queer trans-gendered scouts.

Sigh. America is a progressive utopia today.

Luckily, China doesn’t permit any of this kind of social engineering, so people are free to establish their own clubs and organizations totally independent fro the government. And, so they do…

Outfitting the camper(s)

Many of the Chinese take their four-wheel drive vehicles and outfit them as sleeping quarters. This is the same as what you would see in the United States with “campers” and other rigs of a similar nature. The only difference is that most of these outfitted vehicles are designed for off-road adventures on difficult terrain.

I have seen these vehicles decked out much the same way that the 1970’s van culture would do. They would have carpet inside the vehicles and on the ceilings just like we all used to put shag carpeting in the ceilings and dashboards of our vans and Camaros back in the late 1970’s.

Decked out van from the 1970's.
In the 1970’s it was fashionable, for a spell, to outfit the interiors of vans as portable party machines. Then at that time, we would cruse in the van, listening to music, and enjoying our beverages and smokes as we watched the world pass us all by. Many van interiors looked a little like this.

Inside you can find refrigerators (you know, for some frosty beer), as well as high-end stereo and television systems. Some are outfitted with independent air conditioning, power generators, and heaters. It all depends on the owners.

Being China, bathroom necessities are generally taken cared for behind trees or within ravines.

Rather than having one-way tinted or mirrored glass, most Chinese vehicles have insulated glass to keep the UV light out, and a network of curtains that can be closed for privacy when needed. These curtains are often thick and used to help keep the interior of the vehicle at a pleasant temperature.

Many of the vehicles have “pop top” arrangements that open up to a kind of built-in tent. Thus you can have a nice sleeping tent on the top of the vehicle, or one that would fold outwards from the back or side of the vehicle.

Mud Slingin’ on quad bikes

Just like in the American South East, the Chinese have a love for Mud Slingin’. Here, it is often done with quad bikes instead of pickups, the the overall idea is pretty much the same.

No, this is not about calling people names or “digging up dirt” on people.

This is the actual act of throwing mud around – often in a four-wheel-drive vehicle. You can see this kind of activity all over “fly over country” (i.e. outside of the urban centers) in the United States. It doesn’t matter if the soil is red, or if it is black. If there is dirt, and there is water, then you can have loads of fun slinging it around.


I well remember my first experiencing mud slingin’. It was in the boondocks somewhere between Rock Hill and York South Carolina. We were in this stand of tall pines (in the Carolina’s are there any other kinds of forests?) and a bunch of fellas with huge trucks, with these super massive wheels were tearing up this bog in the middle of a clearing.

Mus slingin in the USA.
This is what American style mud-slinging looks like. It’s a great way to spend the weekend, and hang out with your friends. It’s also a great and wonderful experience when you spend it with friends drinking beer and eating some delicious home-style hamburgers. Hey! Life is too short not to have a good time.

The soil, of course, was red, and so was the mud. As they drove in and out of the bog, the mud would spray over everything. It was a geyser of wet red mud that got into everything. I’ll tell you what. But who cares anyways.

We’d ride around and then of course get some beer from the various trucks. Everyone was really open to sharing some of their fine frosty libations (that’s beer for those of you from Rio Linda), and some fine eating. We later went to a fish fry and I got my first taste of hush puppies. Good eating ya all.

Anyways, the Chinese are the same. They like the same things… fish… beer… motor sports… slinging mud… singing songs. Though they probably never heard of Charlie Daniels, they would certainly be willing to belt out a contemporaneous Country and Western tune or two with me.

You know, like Sam Hunt.

Dirt-Biking up and down the woods

Well, the Chinese also have a real love for dirt-biking.

Here we can see some quad bikes having some fun on some stairs. Of course, they should really be wearing helmets, but they don’t need to. In China, there aren’t laws to protect us from ourselves. They don’t have all these rules to make our life better and safer.

Instead they expect us to take responsibility for ourselves. If we hurt ourselves, then we suffer the consequences, and pay for it out of our own pocket. It’s not the government’s business. It’s ours.

Full Dressers

Here’s a chick on a fully dressed Indian. Don’t ya just love it?

Some cities in China have banned motorcycles, and / or electric scooters. I know that Shenzhen has banned them because so many of the people using them have little regard for the rules of the road and traffic safety. (It’s kind of amazing. You have this super difficult written test and a series of driving tests that you must take, and still people drive like maniacs…)

Heck, it’s like a scene from Momas Family.

Momas Family
Mama’s Family is an American television sitcom starring Vicki Lawrence as Thelma Harper. The series is a spin-off of a recurring series of comedy sketches called “The Family” featured on The Carol Burnett Show and Carol Burnett & Company. The sketches led to the made-for-TV movie Eunice, and finally the television series.


So what the Shenzhen police did was just drive around in big box trucks and collect every parked motorcycle that they could find. They would drive over to the curb and just start loading them up. The Chinese do not mess around.

This, or course, ended up getting many people upset.


They shouldn’t have gotten upset. The police gave a six months notice that they would do this. But, you know, people being people just never thought that it would actually happen. So they started rounding up all kinds of motorized bicycles.

Anyways, big bikes are popular in China.

When the tariff issues are resolved between Trump and Xi Peng, (and they will most certainly get resolved) you can expect sales of Harley’s to really take off in China. The chicks really love those Harleys.

Caravans into the Hinderlands

Often the Chinese will organize into groups of like-minded folk and go on caravans.

Often they will arrange multi-week long trips and go out exploring the back-roads of China. Often they will communicate with each other by establishing a group video chat on We-chat. You just have the APP run on the dash and carry on with multiple conversations while you drive along.

Here’s another micro-video along these lines.

People, life is about living. If you are not out with your friends, doing the best to provide for your family, and eating well, then you are squandering it. You need to go forth and take the cup of life with both hands and gulp it down in big frosty foam-filled gulps.

Exploring Tibet

The region of Tibet is an enormous geographical area, comprising nearly 25% of all of China. It is mountainous with some absolutely amazing views. Many of my friends have outfitted their vehicles and explored this section of the country with all sorts of adventurous tales.


The Chinese love motor sports just like Americans do. They form clubs and groups and enjoy the pleasures of automobiles and adventure together with their friends. If you, have the same interests, I would suggest that you too go forth and enjoy yourself.

There’s a hill. Out there. Waiting for you.

What’s your excuse?

Links about China

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Articles & Links

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  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
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