We are just a group of retired spooks that discuss things that you’ll not find anywhere else. It makes us unique. Take a look around. Learn a thing or two.
Well, the warning signs are everywhere. America is the worst, but throughout the West the facade and the walls are collapsing everywhere.
Uh oh.
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military.
Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves.
No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.”
—Simone Weil, French philosopher and political activist
It’s actually very sad.
And everyone is aware of all this. It’s not like it is a secret or anything. The United States government has been out of control from some time now, and today everyone has passed the “take the money and run” phase of societal collapse.
Today it’s the verge of conflagration.You can taste it in the air. You hear whispering, murmurings. You feel things aren’t exactly right. It’ the building up right before the holy Hell storm knocks cars, buildings and trees flat.
It’s the point in time where the monkeys are starting to jump up and down, the birds are flying off somewhere, and the dogs and cats can’t be found.
As for all the economic benefits, they're just a lot of well-known narratives using the USD as a measurement of success, wealth, or power.
Why should we even be comparing economies using a measurement that one nation can print while all others have to earn?
It makes no sense.
You are Here…
Indeed it doesn’t. Which puts us (and the world) the big massive mess that it is in today. Let’s look where the USA military empire is right now…
You are here.
However, no one knows how long it is from “here” to the actually accepted “death” of the United States oligarchy-run military empire. We can only wait and hope that it will be transformative, quick and as painless (for us) as possible.
Pissed Lizard speaks…
To Americans. This week is going to be the first of the birthpangs.
In the EXACT SAME WAY MM was able to anchor sentiences, using LITERALLY the exact same mechanism (its the movement of gravity thru a tube of E/M during the PARTICLE phase - and he really really does a better job than I explaining it - BUT:
Think of that on a micro scale with “major events” on the world template. This is called vertical time travel.
Right now there are many MANY (I can’t go into numbers but if you live in America you are feeling it) but these Chrononauts are INTENTIONALLY RUNNING THE ECONOMY I TO THE GROUND. It’s on purpose.
The cleanup will NOT be worse than the crash.
This is a race between nuclear annihilation or economic - but either way we all know we are going down.
Just hang on. You will feel pain next week and into November. IT WILL BE OVER BY NEW YEARS.
Them the rest of the world deals with their economic problems - if they have them. Or WILL have them. Who knows.
Mid-November you will NOT get a flight out of the States to China. Period. This percentage is well into the “done deal” numbers.
We are DOING IT ON PURPOSE. We are feeeding on the dreams of our enemies and they are having nightmares.
Please - Americans - take it easy on eachother.
What will be balanced will be balanced.
What will be will BE.
So Mote it BE.
All of this I know to be true.
The following is a good article that sums all this up nicely. At least as far as the domestic side of the United States today…
Tyrants of the Nanny State: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best
We labor today under the weight of countless tyrannies, large and small, carried out in the so-called name of the national good,,,
…by an elite class of governmental and corporate officials who are largely insulated from the ill effects of their actions.
We, the middling classes, are not so fortunate.
We find ourselves badgered, bullied and browbeaten into bearing the brunt of their arrogance, paying the price for their greed.
We find ourselves suffering the backlash for their militarism, and agonizing as a result of their inaction.
We tire of them feigning ignorance about their backroom dealings, overlooking their incompetence, and turning a blind eye to their misdeeds.
And we tire of cowering from their heavy-handed tactics, and blindly hoping for change that never comes.
The overt signs of the despotism exercised by the increasingly authoritarian regime that passes itself off as the United States government (and its corporate partners in crime) are all around us:
COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates that strip Americans of their freedom of movement and bodily integrity;
shadow banning and de-platforming of individuals who express ideas that are politically incorrect or unpopular;
warrantless surveillance of Americans’ movements and communications;
SWAT team raids of Americans’ homes;
shootings of unarmed citizens by police;
harsh punishments meted out to schoolchildren in the name of zero tolerance;
armed drones taking to the skies domestically;
endless wars;
out-of-control spending;
militarized police;
roadside strip searches;
roving TSA sweeps;
privatized prisons with a profit incentive for jailing Americans;
fusion centers that spy on, collect and disseminate data on Americans’ private transactions;
and militarized agencies with stockpiles of ammunition, to name some of the most appalling.
Yet as egregious as these incursions on our rights may be, it’s the endless, petty tyrannies…
…those heavy-handed, punitive-laden dictates…
…inflicted by a self-righteous, Big-Brother-Knows-Best bureaucracy on us.
For we are an overtaxed, overregulated, and underrepresented populace…
One that that illustrates so clearly the degree to which “we the people” are viewed as incapable of common sense…
… moral judgment…
… fairness…
… and intelligence…
… not to mention lacking a basic understanding of how to stay alive, raise a family, or be part of a functioning community.
What is America today?
It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves)…
A kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or…
This certainly isn’t a constitutional democracy, however.
Nanny State despotism
This overbearing Nanny State despotism is what happens when government representatives (those elected and appointed to work for us) adopt the authoritarian notion that the government knows best.
And therefore MUST control, regulate and dictate almost everything about the citizenry’s public, private and professional lives.
The government’s bureaucratic attempts at muscle-flexing by way of overregulation and overcriminalization have reached such outrageous limits…
…that federal and state governments now require on penalty of a fine that individuals apply for permission before they can…
grow exotic orchids,
host elaborate dinner parties,
gather friends in one’s home for Bible studies,
give coffee to the homeless,
let their kids manage a lemonade stand,
keep chickens as pets,
or braid someone’s hair, as ludicrous as that may seem.
And while Californians are free to have sex with whomever they choose (because that’s none of the government’s business), removing a condom during sex without consent could make you liable for general, special and punitive damages.
Oh, and by the way, a war of distraction is not going to happen.
The funding for all of this hate-China is straight from Taiwan billionaires, and my gut feeling is that if China needs to “take them out”, they will do so. Through black operations, or a dirty nuke, these people are going to be silenced one way or the other. Remember, boys and girls, China does not play. Video.
Please note that there are a bunch of videos in this article. Your best best bet is to click on the “VIDEO here” and open up the video in a new window. Otherwise it might take a while for the videos to load if you click on the movie arrow below.
It’s getting worse.
Almost every aspect of American life today—especially if it is work-related—is subject to this kind of heightened scrutiny and ham-fisted control.
This is what happens when bureaucrats run the show, and the rule of law becomes little more than a cattle prod for forcing the citizenry to march in lockstep with the government.
Overregulation is just the other side of the coin to overcriminalization, that phenomenon in which everything is rendered illegal and everyone becomes a lawbreaker.
That same overcriminalization mindset reared its ugly head again when police arrested a 90-year-old man for violating an ordinance that prohibits feeding the homeless in public unless portable toilets are also made available.
It’s no coincidence that both of these incidents—the fishing debacle and the homeless feeding arrest—happened in Florida.
Despite its pristine beaches and balmy temperatures, Florida is no less immune to the problems plaguing the rest of the nation in terms of overcriminalization, incarceration rates, bureaucracy, corruption, and police misconduct.
A few years back, in fact, Florida officials authorized police raids on barber shops in minority communities, resulting in barbers being handcuffed in front of customers, and their shops searched without warrants.
As if criminalizing fishing, charity, and haircuts wasn’t bad enough, you could also find yourself passing time in a Florida slammer for such inane activities as singing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit…
In this way, the Sunshine State is representative of the transformation happening across the nation, where a steady diet of bread and circuses has given rise to an oblivious, inactive citizenry content to be ruled over by an inflexible and highly bureaucratic regime.
America has gone from being a beacon of freedom to a locked down nation.
And “we the people,” sold on the idea that safety, security and material comforts are preferable to freedom, have allowed the government to pave over the Constitution in order to erect a concentration camp.
The problem with these devil’s bargains, however, is that there is always a catch, always a price to pay for whatever it is we valued so highly as to barter away our most precious possessions.
We’ve bartered away our right to self-governance, self-defense, privacy, autonomy and that most important right of all—the right to tell the government to “leave me the hell alone.”
In exchange for the promise of an end to global pandemics, lower taxes, lower crime rates, safe streets, safe schools, blight-free neighborhoods, and readily accessible technology, health care, water, food and power, we’ve opened the door…
militarized police,
government surveillance,
asset forfeiture,
school zero tolerance policies,
license plate readers,
red light cameras,
SWAT team raids,
health care mandates,
and government corruption.
In the end, such bargains always turn sour.
We relied on the government to help us safely navigate national emergencies (terrorism, natural disasters, global pandemics, etc.) only to find ourselves forced to relinquish our freedoms on the altar of national security, yet we’re no safer (or healthier) than before.
Oh, Here’s American “Leadership”
Watch one of the major American Senate leaders discuss matters with her “constituents”. VIDEOhere.
So Huawei has 5G, and the USA doesn’t… because Huawei “reverse engineered” it from American companies. Huh?
America is fucked “360 ways from November”…
We asked our lawmakers to be tough on crime, and we’ve been saddled with an abundance of laws that criminalize almost every aspect of our lives. So far, we’re up to 4500 criminal laws and 300,000 criminal regulations that result in average Americans unknowingly engaging in criminal acts at least three times a day.
We wanted criminals taken off the streets, and we didn’t want to have to pay for their incarceration. What we’ve gotten is a nation that boasts the highest incarceration rate in the world, with more than 2.3 million people locked up, many of them doing time for relatively minor, nonviolent crimes, and a private prison industry fueling the drive for more inmates, who are forced to provide corporations with cheap labor.
A special report by CNBC breaks down the national numbers:
One out of 100 American adults is behind bars — while a stunning one out of 32 is on probation, parole or in prison.
Police seminars advise officers to use their “department wish list when deciding which assets to seize” and, in particular, go after flat screen TVs, cash and nice cars.
In Florida, where police are no strangers to asset forfeiture.
Florida police have been carrying out “reverse” sting operations, where they pose as drug dealers to lure buyers with promises of cheap cocaine, then bust them, and seize their cash and cars.
Over the course of a year, police in one small Florida town seized close to $6 million using these entrapment schemes.
We fell for the government’s promise of safer roads, only to find ourselves caught in a tangle of profit-driven red light cameras, which ticket unsuspecting drivers in the so-called name of road safety while ostensibly fattening the coffers of local and state governments.
Despite widespread public opposition, corruption and systemic malfunctions, these cameras—used in 24 states and Washington, DC—are particularly popular with municipalities, which look to them as an easy means of extra cash.
Building on the profit-incentive schemes, the cameras’ manufacturers are also pushing speed cameras and school bus cameras, both of which result in heft fines for violators who speed or try to go around school buses.
Yet when all is said and done, who is really to blame when the wool gets pulled over your eyes: you, for believing the con man, or the con man for being true to his nature?
It’s time for a bracing dose of reality, America.
Wake up and take a good, hard look around you, and ask yourself if the gussied-up version of America being sold to you—crime free, worry free, disease free and devoid of responsibility—is really worth the ticket price: nothing less than your freedoms.
And on the Geo-Political front…
…we have this;
...As for your suggestions of how China should behave with Taiwan, China didn't listen to such reasonable advice in 1950 and suffered thirty years of economic embargo, what is the chance of them listening to yours today?
China has already learned the lesson of trusting in the goodwill of dissemblers in 1992, why should they repeat some more of the same?
Should we expect the Chinese Communists to be stupid?
As for all the economic benefits, they're just a lot of capitalist narrative using the USD lie as measurement. Why should we even be comparing economies using a measurement that one nation can print while all others have to earn?
The real danger for the empire is that this big lie is about to collapse.
Most people forget that the power of the empire's lie comes from the support of its victims. You and I support it when we use it.
China is in fact a strong supporter of it. They still measure their GDP using the USD, giving the lie legitimacy. This is the next narrative that must be changed.
As for your changing social forces in Taiwan and elsewhere, a lot of it is manufactured consent.
How many Taiwanese do you know? Do you know that a million Taiwanese live in China as long term residents?
Do you know most Taiwanese originally came from mainland China and have hometowns and relatives in China?
The manufactured social forces, similar to the social forces that were in Hong Kong, come from a lot of brainless people with a headful of poison for all things China.
Guess who created them? The same insidious "deep state" that has been conducting the global anti-China propaganda war, the benign source of your changing social forces.
This true "deep state" wants us to believe that all of the empire's atrocities suffered by its victims come from some nebulous, intangible, and invisible Deep State, so that people become confused and do not know their real enemy.
How do you fight your enemy if you do not know what it is and where it is? These people have unlimited budgets drawn from the victims. They use their power to spy, threaten, disrupt, starve, torture, and kill their victims with impunity.
Most importantly, they corrupt a society dependent on truth to create a giant cesspool of lies where their victims become maggots, who know nothing but shit from the moment of their birth until they take their last breath.
For these maggots, shit is mother's milk and it tastes good.
China is threatening this cesspool by waking the maggots to their shitty world while showing them the possibility of a life prancing among flowers while drinking sweet nectar.
The reunification of Taiwan will accelerate this awakening. Geopolitical advantages aside, which will make the encircled China the encircler, China will also own and control a majority of the supply chain for all things electronic.
The capitalist lies of the USD will be exposed.
Why would China receive useless paper in return for their valuable and irreplaceable goods that the rest of the world can't make? In fact, why would anyone else who has a choice?
The propaganda that comes out of the lying machine will simply be shit that no one wants to go near.
The blowback will be complete and the lying empire will drown in its own cesspool of lies.
The true benefit of the reunification with Taiwan is the acceleration of the empire's downfall.
There is no amount of USD that can measure this benefit not only for China but for the rest of the world.
In the end, China will remain America's friend, don't worry, when the mesmerized people of America rise up and give the empire's evil enablers their comeuppance.
And the point is…
…Americans will NEVER rise up. It will never happen. Why?
But,Lets be real…
America is a police state, domestically. A military empire internationally, and is failing in every measure of success.
It won’t be long now until the final moments of the last vestiges of the lies be torn from the facade.
In case you all haven’t been paying attention, the United States is a real mess. It’s a nation of serfs that service the ultra-billionaire class. And everything in America is for profit, with only one goal and that is to make the rich richer. This horrible leeching of society has reached a point of danger. And you all must face the fact that the only way that it is going to change is by kinetic action.
Yahoo! News Informs the Stupid Peasants Why the US Needs to Go to War to Protect Taiwan
The actual appropriate headline for this article would be
“A Baby’s First Guide to Why the US Must Initiate a World War in Order to Prevent Chinese Reunification.”
The article gives a quick, slanted and false outline of the situation which does not attempt to either:
Explain the Chinese position on Taiwan, or
Explain why Taiwan is important to “American interests.”
It then gives a series of quotes from supposed experts on what Joe Biden should do.
A firm commitment to defend Taiwan is the best way to prevent an invasion
“The United States needs to remove the ambiguity about whether it would come to Taiwan’s defense. Uncertainty about U.S. intentions raises the risk of war. … President Biden should declare that, though we will not support a Taiwanese declaration of independence from China, we will defend the island if it is attacked.” — Max Boot, Washington Post
The U.S. must accept it has nothing to gain from defending Taiwan
“Bluntly put, America should refuse to be drawn into a no-win war with Beijing. It needs to be said up front: there would be no palatable choice for Washington if China finally makes good on its decades-long threat to take Taiwan by force.” — Daniel L. Davis, defense priorities senior fellow, Guardian
The U.S. should maintain its noncommittal position as long as it can
“As a superpower, the United States should preserve flexibility in its global security relationships. It also is not even obvious that Taiwan’s body politic would welcome an explicit security guarantee from the United States.” — Therese Shaheen, National Review
Taiwan is too important to U.S. interests to let it be taken by the Chinese
“Abandoning Taiwan in the face of a Chinese military assault would be a monumental disaster. … The U.S. cannot afford to see a country that occupies vital strategic space in the Western Pacific subdued by Beijing.” — Hal Brands, Bloomberg
War with China would pose an existential threat to the U.S.
“Stumbling into a shooting war over Taiwan is akin to opening a Pandora’s box, and it would make the last 20 years of conflict in the Middle East look like an uneventful peacekeeping mission. A fight between Washington and Beijing could also escalate to the nuclear level, particularly if the Chinese Communist Party determines that the use of such weapons is the only thing standing in the way of a humiliating defeat.” — Daniel R. DePetris, NBC News
America has a duty to protect the free world from authoritarianism
“The United States and its allies have built and defended a rules-based system over the past 75 years that has produced unprecedented peace, prosperity, and freedom globally. I don’t want to trade that in for a world in which Americans stand by as revisionist autocracies like China gobble up neighbors by military force.” — Matthew Kroenig, Foreign Policy
The U.S. also has diplomatic tools to deter China from invading
“To further demonstrate U.S. resolve, Biden should tell Beijing that any more threats of force against Taiwan’s participation in the democracy summit will trigger immediate diplomatic recognition of Taiwan and an official statement of Washington’s new ‘One China, One Taiwan’ policy. Beijing must understand that war would mean instant Taiwan independence.” — Joseph Bosco, The Hill
The best way to defend Taiwan is through investment, not military threats
“Hyping the threat that China poses to Taiwan does Beijing’s work for it. Taiwan’s people need reasons for confidence in their own future, not just reminders of their vulnerabilities. If American policy makers want to help Taiwan, they will need to go beyond focusing on the military threat. They need to modernize the U.S.-Taiwan economic relationship, help Taiwan diversify its trade ties and provide platforms for Taiwan to earn dignity and respect on the world stage.” — Richard Bush, Bonnie Glaser and Ryan Hass, NPR
Some of those are funnier than others. The idea that a country that is force-vaccinating its population is less authoritarian than a country that is not doing that is actually so ridiculous that it borders on the deranged or outright insane.
But this is actually more anti-war material than you usually see anywhere on a mainstream website, so I guess good job with that, Yahoo!
But while they do include people saying “we really should probably think about whether or not we want to start a nuclear war,” what is lacking is a sober perspective.
Why is Taiwan even an issue?
Why are we even talking about this at all?
Not one single person in this entire media landscape will either:
Outline, in real terms, how occupying Taiwan is in “the interests of America,” or
Point out that no one will give that outline
You end up in a situation where no one even has any idea what we’re actually talking about.
How is it possible that we’ve reached the point where we’re considering a nuclear war over vague “strategic interests” that no one is able to explain in concrete terms?
Furthermore – and I hate to be the one to have to point this out – but things are tough all over.
America and the rest of the West have a lot, lot, lot of problems. We have very real economic, political and social problems that no one is offering any solutions to. So the idea that we’re talking about going to war to protect some fake country on the other side of the globe is simply inexplicable.
If I was allowed to offer a 200-word sound bite for that Yahoo! News article, it would be this:
Taiwan is a part of China, and the reasons the US occupied it originally are no longer relevant. Instead of continuing to support the fantasy of a democratic China under the guise of the myth of Taiwanese nationhood, the United States should open talks about reunification. China will be open to giving wide-ranging concessions in exchange for the opportunity at peaceful reunification, and this will allow the West to clear up various unrelated conflicts with China, including on matters of international trade.
— Andrew Anglin, Hoax Watch
I am happy that some in the media are finally saying that what we are talking about here is a nuclear war. That’s a long way from where we were a couple years ago, when the State Department first started its saber-rattling under Donald Trump. The humiliation in Afghanistan seems to have sobered a few people up.
But the fact that this discussion still remains so very far outside of the real, in the realm of the viciously and confusingly abstract, speaks to the moronic nature of the American mind. These people are literally asking you to believe that every single person in the entire Western world supports the idea of an “independent and democratic Taiwan” being “strategically important to the United States and its allies” even while not one person among this unified chorus is capable of explaining what either of those concepts means.
The basic fact, which anyone who knows the history knows but which no one in the American media is willing to say (and it wouldn’t be printed if they were willing), is that Taiwan was set up as an alternative government to the CCP government of China. The American goal was to foster a “democracy” government in Taiwan, which would eventually rule all of China. To this day, the government of Taiwan officially claims that it is the legitimate government of the entirety of China. This is not a secret, and yet somehow, it remains totally unsaid, and instead we are told that “Taiwan” is some kind of independent country that “China” is trying to invade and conquer.
The fact that Taiwan is not a country, but a piece of China occupied by the United States, does not necessarily mean that we should just give it back to China. But any serious discussion about whether we should or should not give it back to China should start from the point of accurately defining what Taiwan is. Obviously, if it is accurately defined, that would lead a lot of people to grasp the Chinese perspective on the issue, and make China look much less villainous, which is why there is some kind of soft ban on properly defining Taiwan in the media.
I think it would be morally good to simply give Taiwan back to China. But geopolitics are not based around moral goodness, so it makes sense that because America currently maintains control of Taiwan, America would instead negotiate concessions from China as part of the reunification process. But because we live in this fantasy world, we can’t have that discussion, and instead it’s simply “should we go to war to protect Taiwanese independence?” – a stupid and nonsensical question.
America is not a serious country, and its fixation with censorship has ensured that there can never be any form of seriousness injected into any discussion. Instead of talking about actual reality, the media and the political class argue about fantasies with only abstract connection to physical realities.
Look at what Chinese elementary school kids learn…
Here’ we have the red-necktie “Pioneers”, all volunteers, all elementary students (This seems to be fifth grade or so) watching a training film.. VIDEO.
And here we have some first grade students demonstrating their skills in front of the rest of the school in assembly. Note that all students not only learn English, but also get weekly lessons in military warfare, strategy, and operations. VIDEO.
And here are how a Pioneers assembly looks like. These are all first grade students around 6 years old. VIDEO.
In the title, I am spelling it out as clearly as I can. The rest of the world is moving on and forward. While America has turned into a nasty, nasty cesspool.
Here is America today…
The cities are inhabited by zombies. They really are. Video.
Well, not all the cities are inhabited by zombies. You have a bunch of people walking around in “freedom”, “doing their own thing”. Such as this fine upstanding “pillar of the community” here. VIDEO.
Woman raped on train as bystanders did nothing, police say
UPPER DARBY, Pa. (AP) — A woman was raped by a stranger on a commuter train in suburban Philadelphia in the presence of other riders who a police official said “should have done something.”
Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt of the Upper Darby Police Department said officers were called to the 69th Street terminal around 10 p.m. Wednesday after the assault on the westbound train on the Market-Frankford Line.
An employee of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority who was in the vicinity as the train went past called police to report that “something wasn’t right” with a woman aboard the train, Bernhardt said.
SEPTA police waiting at the next stop found the woman and arrested a man. The woman was taken to a hospital.
Bernhardt called the victim an “unbelievably strong woman” who provided police with a lot of information. She did not know her attacker, he said.
“She’s on the mend,” Bernhardt said. “Hopefully she will get through this.”
The entire episode was captured on surveillance video that showed other people on the train at the time, Bernhardt said.
“There was a lot of people, in my opinion, that should have intervened; somebody should have done something,” Bernhardt said. “It speaks to where we are in society; I mean, who would allow something like that to take place? So it’s troubling.”
Fiston Ngoy, 35, has been charged with rape, aggravated indecent assault and related counts, according to Delaware County court records. Bernhardt said he is known to both SEPTA and Upper Darby police.
Court documents don’t list a defense attorney, and a listed number for him couldn’t be found Saturday.
SEPTA issued a statement calling it a “horrendous criminal act” and urging anyone witnessing such a thing to report it to authorities.
“There were other people on the train who witnessed this horrific act, and it may have been stopped sooner if a rider called 911,” the authority said.
It’s called a serious breakdown in society.
MM contributor BoChen speaks…
Quote from pissedlizard on October 12, 2021, 2:44 am
Please listen to this warning. Believe what you will, but it IS a warning - and a message of hope.
Mathematically the odds of you being able to get out of the USA are dwindling by the day. If you are visiting or whatever. Look at the flights. The Neocons in DC are rapidly playing chicken with each other and I am afraid YOU all may get caught up in it.
I am just saying that at any day China and the USA can become enemies, right? MM has written dozens of TRUE articles. So let’s agree to THAT point.
Asians - in America - look at the SEVERE spike in black on Asian crime. This shit is BY DESIGN. Hillary, et.al.
That coupled with a DC - who nobody REALLY knows who is running the show - we THINK Obama - ok. But China/US Relations CAN deteriorate quickly.
And flights - ALLLLLLLL over America - are cancelling flights - slowly at first... BY DESIGN.
What happens when relations pop - and they will - and there are no flights to be had - OUT of America.
Think Afghanistan a few weeks ago.
I warn you as a friend. And I will warn you further. For when it happens - I WILL NOT have this blood on my hands.
And as a friend I offer you this. Earlier I made a blood pact with MY Gods and Goddesses that you will ALWAYS have safe haven while this human body is alive. Always. Period. Any Asian in America that can’t get out and is targeted has safe haven while this human heart beats.
Your enemies will be mine when things go sideways.
You know what insect to look for.
All of this I know to be TRUE.
I am an Asian (Chinese) living in America (Dallas, Texas area) and I’ve pretty much resigned to the fact that I’m almost certain to get gas-chambered by the US government in concentration death camps by this time next year… Most (vast majority) of Asians, including so-called “Chinese Americans” are still largely clueless how bad it can get and how fast it can get that bad…
Late 2019 is when total global energy consumption peaked globally, so after we crossed that point of inflection, its now overarchingly not only a “zero-sum game” in terms of the bigly picture, but rather more aptly it has been since CIA released the biovirus upon the world very much a “negative-sum game” where everyone’s pieces of the pie get ever smaller…. and the only way to get ahead or even run in place is to cannibalization….
As the USD is still global reverse currency, US printing to QE infinity means the rest the world is getting harvested and everyone else is getting squeezed that much more all so that Americans can stay at home collecting stimmy or working fake jobs making bank whilsts the rest of the world tightens their effective consumption…
China said NO.
No to Plaza Accord 2.0, No to US appeasement, and No to continuing to prop up the useless eater middle man that is Uncle Sam… Amerikkkan’s are like 5% of the global population but consume like 25% of all the resources…. and China had been a great enabler of this… keeping US inflation at bay for largely the last two or three decades…
No more…
What did yall think the BRI was all about? It is to create the trade routes with the developing countries so that China can one day soon directly trade with them in digital Yuan for raw resources that China needs to power its own domestic consumption instead of making small margins on the side by slaving away for Uncle Sam. This is what “Dual Circulation” is all about, to cut out the middle man… the useless eater turned hostile geopolitical adversary that carpet bombed Wuhan with the CIA biovirus in its opening salvos of a covert and hybrid WWIII…
China’s return blow is to completely fuck up the entire US ‘supply chain’ and e-CONomy for good… No toys for Christmas will be the least of the American people’s concerns….
Meanswhiles, the iSheeple suckers are still saving money to “invest” in their 401k and stonks… and some dumb enough are still depriving themselves (even going in debt) so that they can buy and/or mine more CIAcoins as their supposed long term planning for “generational wealth” lolz
For every iphone that sells for $1000, something like only $12 returns to China as net profit… This is the real reason US strongarm its vassals to ban Huawei… and soon also Xaomi… this is the true purpose of America getting its allies to gang up on China to subvert Chinese technology development and China’s rise…
Speaking of the semiconductor chip shortage, Moores law is dead and so is Dennard scaling… This gives China the time to play catch up whilsts leapfrogging the West in new domains like quantum computing… By the time Taiwan TSMC finishes building those 5nm fabs in Arizona in 2025 the world will again be a vastly different place. China’s MIC2025 goal was to catch up and be completely self sufficient in high end semiconductor supply chain (including EUV and other tooling) by 2025… China spends more money importing chips than it does oil… and the US plan to extent the petrodollar is to do a digital OPEC with semiconductors as the new oil… and tech sanctions as the new chokepoints…
Whether its chips or jet engines or whatever other high tech , China’s goal is to become fully self sufficient so it can make whatever its own citizens need for internal consumption and only trade when necessary with developing countries for the raw resources it doesn’t have…
As China gets rid of the USA middle man, the efficiencies it gains from cutting out the fat overhead will allow it to continue to buy time to develop and scale out new energy solutions… I understand many believe its a lost cause… But one thing is for damn certain, China can no longer afford to keep making and shipping real goods to the US in exchange for cheap paper and fake digital money….
Wonder why Biden is opening the flood gates to massive immigration? Or how its even possible to simultaneously have a so-called “labor shortage” while in a bad jobs-market reports all at the same time? Its because with China cutting US off (its been planned) the US has no choice than to find another way to replace the EROEI Energy Slaves that its lost, (it had originally pinned its hopes on India and Vietnam but that’s not turning out so well either) not to mention the seemingly contradiction can be explained the same way as how you can explain the paradox of still having oil under the ground but yet have it be pointless to extract an energy source with negative EROEI… basically, a lot of the gig worker jobs in US actually pay net negative wages but in desperation the permanent and exponentially growing underclass of Americans are unwittingly reverse-mortgaging away their own cars to pay themselves by essentially converting the accelerated depreciation of their vehicles assets into the illusion of an temporary income source…. seems like the cannibalization is scale-invariant these days…
Compare China to where you live. Are people helping each other out? Working together? Trying to support each other? Or is it a dog-eat-dog world where only the richest control in comfort? Video.
Be the Rufus.
China has come a long way…
Yes it has, and the rest of the world is blinded by the bullshit. Face the facts. Live up to the ideals. Do your part. Be the best that you can be. Help others, make meaningful changes for the good of all. Videohere.
Sure the world is not homogenized. Yet we all have to realize when groups of people are moving in the “right” or positive direction, and where groups of people are moving in the “wrong” or negative direction. It matters not where they are. What matters is what they are doing and why.
What they are doing and why…
The world is changing. It is historic.
The evil and selfish, self centered psychopathic idiots running the West are being displaced, and the rest of the world will no longer tolerate all their shenanigans. Going into outer space might have been the “final last hurrah” for the self-centered billionaire class.
Billionaires in space….. YES! You co; Mr. Common-man can do this. All you need to do is become another vaulted billionaire. Woo whoo!
Soon, very soon, a new reality will be realized. I have hope and I am so very optimistic. VIDEO.
And on a positive note…
There’s a lot of beauty out there.
A lot of friends to meet. A lot of things to do. A lot of food to eat, and a lot of memories to make. Don’t wrap yourself in the comfortable blanket of fear. Go out and look around. You might be very pleased with the new friends that you will make. VIDEO.
A fine Chinese woman.
She deserves a nice luncheon, some fine “chit chat”, and a lovely walk.
Be the Rufus. The world is changing. If you act like a cat; be the best that you can be, you will endure, survive and thrive. Be that Rufus. Help others. Make the world a better place. Be the Rufus. Video.
(Sorry about the audio quality.)
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
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You all know this. Right? The USA is a shambles. The guy or guys that you thought would be voted in to change things didn’t really do much. The messed up train is still on it’s tracks and it’s still on a collusion course with that very rickety old bridge. You know it. You family knows it. Your co-workers know it. Everyone knows it.
But what about the government?
Are they clueless?
No they are not. They saw the writing on the wall for some time now, and have been ready. Obviously, they could see that elements have been building up for some time, most certainly. And there have been some events that definitely contributed to this situation, but make absolutely no mistake. SHTF is now active and the entire United States is in turmoil.
You are Here…
You are here.
Though there is some minor debate on how close the USA is to the final pivotal moment. Those in Washington DC think (somehow) that it can be avoided or bypassed. While most of the people are like rats on a sinking ship and lashing out everywhere at everyone.
All you have to do is watch some of the American police shooting videos, or the shoplifting videos, or the crime videos. It’s all out in the open. It’s all brazen. It’s all dangerous. And no one is reporting it. Do I need to post the video after video of African-Americans just going into stores and robbing in broad daylight with no fear of being caught, arrested, apprehended or jailed. It’s a complete breakdown of society.
Like this man. He just walks into the pharmacy, picks out the narcotic drugs and walks out with them. Video HERE.
We’re in the shit.
From Hal Turner. For what ever it is worth, it is something to ponder and think about. But nothing to get all hot and bothered about. The Federal government has all sorts of plans on how to handle things when one condition or the other manifests. Edited to fit this venue and all credit to the author.
And please don’t freak out.
U.S. Treasury Plan If Economic Collapse: “Force Majeure,” Paratroopers to Fed Res. Banks, “De-Monetize” U.S. Dollar
Did you know the United States of America actually has a PLAN in the event they can no longer service their debt? They do! Adopted it back in the early 2000’s. Meet the “6900 Protocols.”
With all the hoopla taking place nowadays, our national government being completely ILLEGITIMATE via a fraudulent and stolen election, and hyper-inflation creeping just around the corner, it might be worth a minute or two to learn what our “trusted public servants” have planned . . . for us . . . . after THEY have Bankrupted the nation.
Protocols For Economic Collapse In America By Al Martin 2-23-2008
And this is how the U.S. Treasury would handle an economic collapse. It’s called the 6900 series of protocols. It would start with the Secretary of the Treasury declaring a force majeure, preventing the United States of America from servicing its debt.
This, of course, would immediately be interpreted by the marketplaces as a de facto repudiation of U.S. debt.
They even know precisely WHAT TIME they would make such a declaration: 11:38 AM eastern U.S. Time. That’s because by 11:38 AM ET, markets in Asia and Europe will be closed, leaving only US markets operating for a few more hours.
A few seconds after that announcement was made, all United States markets, both equities debt and commodities i.e., stock, bonds, commodities, that have trading limits or permissible daily limits would all be limit-offered with pools. Limit-offered means that there are more sellers at the limit i.e., limit down, than there are buyers.
So-called ‘pools’ would immediately begin to form, probably a thousand contracts every few minutes. ‘Limit-offered with pools’ – this is trader language. Pools to sell 2,000 lots, 3,000 lots. That means, the number of sellers over and above the available buyers at the limit- offered price. That would begin to build.
By 1:00, the news would begin to sink in because it would take awhile before panic selling would arise from the public. This news is being released at lunch hour.
Most of the American people initially would not even understand the horror of the news. You would see professional selling first, and as that professional selling intensified over the afternoon, the SEC, the CFTC, NASDAQ, and various market regulatory authorities would begin to institute certain emergency market protocols. This would be the installation of the so-called ‘declaration of fast market conditions,’ for instance; the declaration of ‘no more stop orders,’ the declaration of ‘fill at any price,’ etc. in a desperate bid to maintain liquidity.
That first day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and related indices on a percentage basis would lose about 20%-30% of their value by the close of business that day. The real impact would come overnight when the American people found out what this was all about when it was explained to them.
The SEC and various regulatory entities have anticipated the market’s decline, hour by hour and they will be closely watching every move (down) the markets make. It is widely expected that “circuit breakers” will be triggered within an hour, then triggered again, until the market suspends trading for the rest of that day.
When Japan’s markets open the next day – we will call this “Day 2” – what would happen is almost instant collapse. At 7:30 a.m. EDT, the Tokyo markets would open, and no price would be affixed for probably three or four hours into the session due to the avalanche of selling.
Once prices were established, the government of Japan would close all of its financial markets.
Europe would not even open. All European governments would close all capital exchanges.
When the U.S. goes down, everything around the world in matters financial, goes with us.
On that second day, here in the US, Army Forces would be dropped in via parachute to the cities where the twelve Federal Reserve district banks are located.
The reason they would be brought in by parachute is there won’t be enough time to do this via driving. Those troops would HAVE to be in-place around the twelve federal reserve banks, to protect the plexi-glass pallets of currency in their vault stacked to the ceiling and whatever gold is also inside.
The origin of these U.S. Treasury protocols comes from the Department of Defense (DoD). The DoD has contingency plans for a variety of scenarios. Those scenarios would include, obviously, military collapse, World War III, and its aftermath. What we’re talking about now is aftermath — how the aftermath of the U.S. being unable to service its debt, would be handled.
One does not necessarily know how the events would transpire that would cause the collapse, whether it’s military collapse or economic collapse. In World War III, it would become obvious — when the mushroom clouds started to appear over cities.
Economic collapse scenarios were always premised on the basis of a US declaration of force majeure on debt service. It’s a very extensive scenario.
The scenarios are all together, i.e., military, economic, political and social, complete destabilization leading to collapse.
Then they break down individual scenarios. In the economic collapse scenario, the starting point would be the United States Treasury declaring a force majeure on debt service, which is de facto repudiation, and that’s how it would be interpreted by the world’s capital marketplaces. Then the scenario goes on from there.
The US Treasury would obviously declare a force majeure after the European markets had closed. In other words, they had gone out for the day, which means 11:38 a.m. EDT, our time. They’d wait until the European markets closed, and the US markets had been open for a couple of hours. That’s when they’d determine how to begin the process of unwinding or controlling the collapse to the best extent possible, mainly because they know that the greatest hedge pressure would be people seeking to use other markets to hedge their long exposure in the United States and that the US would be the biggest seller in all the rest of the world’s markets.
Therefore you would want to declare the force majeure when the rest of the world’s markets closed. (catch’em off guard! I like it-its just so American.) The declaration of force majeure would be precipitated by the declaration that the United States is no longer able to service its debt. That’s pretty simple.
Who makes that decision? The Treasury Department. The President does not make that decision. The Secretary of the Treasury does. He has that authority.
You might ask — wouldn’t he have his arm twisted not to do that? The answer is that if there isn’t any money left to service the debt, it doesn’t make any difference what the current regime might want to do.
The day of reckoning is now coming. What has happened in the interim, from 2001 to present, is dynamic, global economic deterioration. The economic deterioration visited upon the United States by rampant deficit spending enacted by Congress is not a localized event. It is, in fact, global. We have a planet now that is sinking into a sea of red ink.
Back around the year 2008, the United States was consuming about 80% of the entire world’s savings to finance its debt. At some point after 2008, the US began to need MORE than the entire world had to lend. Enter the U.S. Federal Reserve, monetizing debt by entering digits into a computer account. PRESTO! Money created out of thin air to buy Treasury Bonds!
Bringing this problem to a head is the issue of the central banks of Germany, Japan, and Saudi Arabia; they are no longer the powerhouses they used to be. Their reserves have now been substantially depleted. They can, therefore, no longer hide the fact that they own a certain number, likely in the trillions of dollars, of U.S. Treasury debt that isn’t being serviced, because they can’t hide it through bookkeeping tricks anymore; because their reserves are so depleted.
This is why not too long ago, someone put the arm on Great Britain and demanded payment in Gold Bullion. It was all very hush hush, but readers of the Hal Turner Radio Show web site did get the information quickly.
Very serious amounts of Gold/Silver Bullion and cash money was abruptly removed from the United Kingdom on 13 April 2021, and shipped to Doha, Qatar without explanation.
Authorities in London did a rolling road block along the motorway to allow the tremendous shipment of bullion and cash to get through! Three (3) armored bullion trucks, 4 unmarked police cruisers, 6 marked police cars and a police helicopter was following in the sky. (Story HERE)
Someone is putting demands on western banks because they see the US money is in gigantic trouble. Someone is saying to the US…
"You've got to start servicing this debt because we, and foreign central banks, are in nations - European and Asian - whose reserves are now nearly exhausted. We no longer trust you to pay the debt, we want Gold. Now."
Foreign Central banks can no longer make it appear that the U.S. debt is being serviced because those foreign central banks own reserves are so substantively depleted. Therefore the US and the west in general, are being told they must begin to cover this debt. If the US cannot, or will not, then, at some point, people in banking around the world will have to publicly admit in order to save their own necks — that THEY were the end buyers of a lot of stealth debt, a lot of debt that the U.S. Treasury issued illegally and has never serviced. That would then expose the whole cabal.
The process of unraveling has already begun because of ever-spiraling budget deficits.
The U.S., even in its overt policies (now they're overt political, economic, social and military policies) is generating a $2 TRILLION-plus deficit per year.
There isn't enough money on the entire planet to lend such amounts to the US.
Because foreign central banks are so depleted from buying other US debt, they can’t refinance the stealth debt by issuing more stealth debt anymore. Nor can they bleed money out of the system like they could in the 1980s. There is no mechanism that they can use anymore to hide expansion of debt that could be used to service said stealth debt, and they are, frankly, running out of assets that they can steal from the American people.
So the proverbial day of reckoning is coming.
Back in 2008, David Walker, US Comptroller General and chief of the GAO has said that the United States would no longer be able to service its debt beyond 2009.
Yet here we are, now, in 2021.
How could that be? Well, as stated earlier, the federal reserve is monetizing US debt. The fed is entering digits into an account on their computer system, then using that account to “buy” U.S. Treasury Notes. Money out of thin air.
What does that mean?
The key is in what Walker meant when he says the debt can no longer be serviced. It simply meant the United States would no longer be able to pay even the interest on its debts because it needs more than the planet has available to lend to them.
Therefore, if the planet can no longer generate any more liquidity to lend to the United States, one of three things have to happen:
There has to be a sudden and dramatic reduction in federal spending. There are only two places that can come from. There would have to be an immediate slashing of defense spending probably by 65-75% OR; there would have to be an immediate cut in all social programs: Welfare, Food Stamps, Social Security and all the rest.
The other option, 6900 B, is a dramatic increase in the rate of federal income taxation from the current nominal rate of 28% to 65%-85%, which is what the Treasury Department estimated would be required post-2009 to provide the U.S. Treasury with sufficient revenues to continue to service debt, OR;
The third option, 6900 C, becomes the declaration of a force majeure on credit service of U.S. Treasury debt by the United States Treasury, which is tantamount to, and would be accurately construed as, de facto debt repudiation by the United States of America.
Day One. When that day comes, in other words, when the U.S. Treasury declares a force majeure on debt, it wouldn’t be broadcast on mainstream media. There’s no sense because the American people don’t even understand what it means. The announcement would actually be put on the Federal Reserve wire system, which would, of course, immediately be picked up by all media outlets anyway.
The United States would, in order to accommodate global electronic trading, attempt to open the market on the second day, which they would do, regardless of price, just to maintain some liquidity.
At the end of Day Two, the Dow Jones and related indices, would have lost two thirds of their value, and prices would be set accordingly.
On Day Three, the New York Stock Exchange, the SEC and other related agencies would recommend to the United States Treasury and the Federal Reserve that all markets be closed. That would be on the morning of Day Three.
At Eleven AM EDT, the Federal Reserve would then order all domestic banks closed.
At 9:00 PM EDT on Day Three, the President of the United States would declare a state of martial law. All financial transactions would come to an end. The Treasury would act to formally de-monetize the U.S. dollar and declare it worthless.
This would be totally unprecedented. In the past, collapses have been temporary and have been brought back up. But what we’re talking about now is the end.
These protocols that I’m referring to aren’t even all that secret. They were publicly available all through the Clinton era. These are Treasury protocols that were instituted mostly in the late 1970s when the Treasury and Federal Reserve began to feel that it was important to have an emergency-collapse protocol in place.
What precipitated the timing of this was the inflationary spiral of the mid-late 1970s, during Richard Nixon /Gerald Ford terms up to that point. The U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve were both concerned that this inflationary spiral, which was occurring not only domestically but globally, might lead to a global, uncontrollable hyper-inflation that the Federal Reserve or major central banks could not stop by traditional means, i.e., by raising interest rates and contracting money supply.
There was also the recognition, of course, that global central reserve bank bullion inventories had been so depleted over the previous 30 years that any re-institution of a species currency, even on a temporary basis, and even within a regional or individual nation-state basis, was no longer possible.
This is an analogy. In a military scenario, it’s like the President of the United States pushing the final red button — the commit button. The Treasury Secretary of the United States has a similar mechanism. It’s called the yellow button, the commit button. The Secretary of Defense has the same system. This is what happens. Computer programs start to institute these protocols.
Imagine the complexity of trying the manage all this. I think it’s going to happen all simultaneously. There are hundreds of different agencies involved, both domestically and internationally.
In order to maintain liquidity for as long as possible, it has to be extremely well-coordinated, and there must be existing collapse protocols that can be used.
The reason I was familiar with them was because I used to see the U.S. Treasury 6900 Series Collapse Protocol, 6903, 6904 there’ll be A, B, and so on which keyed in to the Department of Defense to be incorporated within the Department of Defense’s own World War III scenario and various types of military/ political/ social instability/ war/ pestilence, chaos, etc. scenarios.
All federal agencies had individual collapse protocols that ultimately got coordinated through the Department of Defense. Obviously, the Department of Defense would be the ultimate coordinator because it would need to have special forces available, on a stand-by basis, ready, that could quickly parachute into areas all over the country, into the cities particularly, to secure federal properties and assets.
And that’s literally how it would begin. By the end of the third day, it would be all over — a state of martial law. We’re not talking about war, now; this is just economic collapse.
There’s no military implication here, no political, no social implication or policy directive thereunto. This is strictly economic collapse.
By the end of Day Three, effectively, all banks in the world will be shut down, all paper currencies will become valueless. Martial law would be declared.
There would be no continuing transactions, at least for a period of time, of commodities. All providers of fuels and foods would be shut down automatically.
They have this planned in extremely great detail too. For instance, the U.S. Department of Defense Special 117th Assault Unit would parachute in to seize control of the cattle yards in Oklahoma City. This is how well it’s planned. In other words, economic collapse would automatically involve expansive military action and control.
By the end of the third day, when you no longer have a domestic medium of exchange, you have to have secured food and fuel stocks. You’ve got to have troops that have secured distribution points where there is food and fuel stocks, warehouses, tanks, etc. Otherwise people are just going to go get them, and the people have to know that if they try to go break into that store and steal that loaf of bread, they’re going to be shot.
The scaling-circle scenarios
Protocols for environmental disasters are called ‘scaling-circle scenarios.’ ‘Scaling circles’ is a Department of Defense euphemism. It’s also used in FEMA, OEM and other emergency management services.
In environmental catastrophes, which are going to become national or global, it’s got to start someplace. It’s going to start in one very small, specific area. Therefore what happens is that the immediate force containment is the greatest in the first circle, to try to contain the spread of the disaster and keep it within that circle-not allowing it into circle 2.
The environmental problem, to whatever extent it’s possible, before it spreads, will be neutralized or mitigated, in order to keep that catastrophe within that circle, or, if it is likely that it is to escape that circle, to attack whatever it is in such a fashion as to mitigate its strength and its ability to contaminate or otherwise affect other areas.
In the case of earthquakes, for instance, affecting the west coast, beginning at Mt. Rainier and moving southward — that’s a different type of scenario. That does not include as much Department of Defense involvement. It includes separate protocols, wherein mostly FEMA and OEM act as the senior coordinating agencies between municipal, county and state disaster and containment, which is called Disaster and Containment Units. Federal troops would only be brought in for the purposes of maintaining control.
In a military or economic collapse situation, National Guard units would provide any spare help they could in combating whatever the problem is. Federal troops would be used in order to have the specific authority simply to shoot anyone.
There are plans for all sorts of scenarios. The economic-disaster scenario is the one I always found the most intriguing because it is the one that is least understood by the American people.
Military control would be necessary when lines begin to form at the banks, people trying to access their money. But that wasn’t even anticipated as a big problem. Lines would form at the banks, but it was not even envisioned until sometime on Day Three because the American people wouldn’t get it. It would be announced that the stock markets are down 2000 or 3000 points, and since we’ve always been taught they’ll come back, the people would still be buying stocks.
You could count on everybody remaining in ignorance all the way down because the American people have never been taught Economics 101. The American people wouldn’t realize the full extent of it until the markets were closed on the third day, or until the time when they went down to cash a check and the bank was closed with soldiers out in front. Then they would go down and see the gas station’s closed. They see the local supermarket has been shuttered, and there’s federal troops in front of it. Then they might begin to catch on.
And remember — it’s not just federal troops. In emergency-collapse protocols, even before the declaration of a formal state of emergency or a state of martial law, the local military authorities within any given county or jurisdiction have the ability to essentially militarize anyone, that is, any civilian. This would be more than just deputizing civilians. It’s federal. In other words, they would have the ability to militarize and give military authority to a civilian force. This would include not only police and the sheriffs and state police, but all local law enforcement that exists below the state level would be immediately militarized. They wouldn’t take just anybody like they did in Iraq. It would be like the military when they call for volunteers.
In other words, this is how it would unfold over three days, but, in fact, very few Americans would know what to do about it or how to take any precautions. They wouldn’t have a clue because they don’t understand enough about economics to know what is happening. So that’s what it is — Economic Armageddon.
In conclusion, since there is very little the people of the United States can do to protect themselves. We’re not going to make any suggestions of how to protect yourselves because there’s very little you can do.
We could tell you to go out and buy gold coins and bury them in the coffee can in the back yard and go to your nearest survivalist store, but, frankly, that’s useless. In the last analysis, it’s a lot of hype. There is very little the average US citizen could do.
Here’s an interesting and humorous aside. A couple of years ago, Hormel Foods, which makes Spam, announced that in the last six months there have been record sales of Spam in the United States the survivalists’ food of choice. After all, they pride themselves on the fact, as the spokesman for Hormel said, “It is the only food product you can buy with an expiration that’s 50 years.”
When everything goes to hell, when all that man has created has turned to dust again, the final legacy is going to be Spam. It will be the last surviving item — when the anthropologists of 20 thousand years from now are digging sites and they see these enormous mountains of unopened cans of Spam-still unspoiled and ready to eat. They’ll have monuments to the past, out of Spam. (-Spam is the true definition of DEAD FOOD-it never goes bad)
Furthermore, on Washington Journal they were talking about how FEMA has recommended to the Office of Homeland Security to have increased restrictions regarding citizen hoarding of long-term food and fuel supplies. That’s pretty sinister too.
What they’re talking about is the purchase of long-term so-called stores of survival food. FEMA was talking about some sort of restriction preventing people from accumulating food stores; putting it simply, that’s what it means. The second point was to increase restrictions that already exist.
FEMA was recommending even tighter restrictions on citizens building their own private property underground storage tanks for the purposes of long-term storage of fuel. The real intent of this is is threefold: a) to restrict citizens’ ability to hoard food; b) restrict citizens’ ability to hoard long-term storage of fuel; c) the forced identification of citizens to reveal food and fuel stocks they may be hoarding.
And that, in my opinion, is the real essence. The government wanted this kept secret – having the FEMA supply restrictions angle put into the equation, because they knew how people would interpret it.
They have tried to use environmental legislation to restrict people’s ability to build fuel storage facilities on their own property — to get around what the true intent of that was.
But the bigger picture is that if you start to limit citizens’ ability to hoard fuel and food and shake them up by potential forced identification of gold holdings or forced redemption.
In other words, what you don’t want is citizens who have the ability to store a lot of food and fuel and to own gold because they would be able to resist state control in the future.
The feds need to have every citizen on a rationing card to control the civilian population. You can’t have citizens out there hoarding food and fuel because then people can say to government, “I ain’t taking a rationing card, baby, with my national ID card. I don’t have to. You can’t control me through food and fuel and worthless paper currency.”
I used to make fun of these people. But now, things have come full circle on this debate. The pattern is becoming increasingly clear. So is the future.
In fact, I would believe that those of the survivalist mentality (the food, fuel, the gold coins in the coffee can in the back yard) . . . people who think that way will be ultimately vindicated.
People should quit making fun of them because they would be vindicated – even though they were all burned out, twenty-dollared to death, buying books and tapes, and discredited by mainstream media.
It may sound like a hollow victory, but it won’t be a hollow victory for them – them that’s got the Spam…
Attribution and Conclusion
The majority of this article was written long ago, in 2008, by a guy named Al Martin.It was forwarded to me by a visitor to the Hal Turner web site.
I tweaked the numbers to make them more current, and added the info about the federal reserve monetizing the debt so as to afford an answer to anyone wondering how, if this was all slated to collapse in 2009, we're still here?
It brings many frightening realities to the forefront because these days, what's taking place in matters financial with our federal government, is absolutely off the rails. They're not just spending a little more than they take in via taxes, their spending almost DOUBLE what they take in in taxes.
Let me ask you, how much is the currency of a Bankrupt nation actually worth?
The very simple takeaway from this article is this: Have Emergency Food, Water, Medicine, and other supplies to tie you over for a few months, minimum.
If/When you hear the phrase "FORCE MAJEURE" - you will have only HOURS to get to the supermarket, buy as much food as you can with whatever cash or credit you have left, and haul ass home to pack and head to your bugout location, then move out fast.
Bear in mind too, the banks will get word of this before the rest of us. They may cut off all credit cards before the public is event TOLD of a force majeure. That would mean you could only buy more food with cash. Got enough cash at home to do that?
Once it all goes to hell, and money (as we know it) is "de-monetized" everyone is fucked; except the people who put their cash into something ELSE which is not cash. No, I don't mean gold or silver because government will try to get their filthy hands on all of that. Something with intrinsic value (it has its value within itself). Things like land/real estate, precious gems, food supplies, fuel. Anything that will be useful to you and holds its value in itself.
But for God's sake, don't just sit around and do nothing. Prepare because when this hits, it will strike like a lightning bolt out of the blue.
The masses who are asses have no idea such a thing CAN EVEN HAPPEN, never mind happen to them. When stores all have to close because there is no longer any monetary means of commerce, what do you think the savages in the cities are going to do? Maybe "Yo man, gimme all yo shit, Cracka, befo I bust a cap in yo ass"
Yes, it will be that simple. So bug out before the savages figure out what's going on because the cities and urban areas will descend into violent chaos very VERY fast.
Then remember, under our system of Government, it is CONGRESS that holds the purse strings. No President can borrow or spend a single cent, unless CONGRESS authorized it. All that debt which is collapsing our country, wrecking our currency, was done to you by CONGRESS. So if you see any of those scumbags on the street, you'll know what to do.
MM’s Conclusions and opinion
It might happen. It might not happen. But as crazy as the United States government is, I am confident that they have plans on how to handle whatever events transpire. So when these plans start to unwind, don’t worry too much about it. It’s just a natural progression that the officials do when checking off the boxes on their long lists.
Don’t freak out.
Just expect it to happen sooner or later. My guess is in the next two years.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
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I am not in America. I live in China, and I am getting these occasional “feelings” that indeed something was wrong. Something inside of America is seriously wrong.
Not “wrong” as in… The Fourth Turning is in process.
Not wrong as in “get your SHTF” preps in order.
Not wrong as in “Uh oh, the USA wants to start World War III”.
Wrong as in “why are my cats hiding, and where is my dog? Hey! Where are the birds?” And why is the sky so dark? Wrong.
Of course, I know all about the Fourth Turning. I know about the collapse of empires, and I am aware of the social upheavals that can occur when empires collapse.
I’ve written about them extensively, and I have suggested that others get on a “lifeboat” and sail off away from the United States to safety. It’s just that I never…
…in my wildest dreams…
…thought that the idea that you need to abandon the USA would become a meme, or a widespread theme that many others, not just preppers, would embrace.
And so, yeah. I knew all about the changes and the collapse and I have written about it extensively. It’s just that the full extent of what must be going on RIGHT NOW inside of the USA, just surprises me.
It’s not just for preppers any longer…
I suppose it all began when Nomen Nescio said this in a comment…
“Yes, they still believe Democrats are the worst, Biden sucks, Pelosi is the devil, etc, but they still feel pretty burned right about now.
They went from FNC to Bongino to Infowars to Rush to Breitbart, back to FNC, over to NewsMax, on to QAN, and...
...finally, now, many have just found some new hobbies.”
Does that mean that Americans have pretty much “given up” and succumbed? That they no longer believe in the “news” or in a political “savior”, or hope in change from the Washington DC establishment?
What happened to the America that I grew up in?
Yes, boys and girls, change is upon us all. But there has to be some kind of baseline of hope. Even if it is far away off in a far away land. There is always hope.
When I was in my darkest days in Prison, I still had hope.
Hope is what keeps us going on. Hope is what anchors us down and in place while the hurricane rages, and hope is what energizes us to calm down, accept things as a fleeting passage of time.
In the America that I grew up in, it was a very calm and relaxed pace of life. The worries that seem to permeate modern society were absent.
All my SHTF writings relate to a handful of survivalists who are paying attention to what is going on, and are thus taking the necessary steps to assure survival in a contentious and changing environment.
But something unexpected is also going on.
Mr Joe and Suzy Average seems to be accepting the prepper meme. Many want to “get out of Dodge”. And that is shocking (to me) and illustrative of the late stage of societal collapse that is in process.
So it’s no longer “just” a small minority of Americans that want to bail (out of the insanity), but it is an ever growing proportion.
And as this proportion grows and increase in size, very bad people; very crazy people, very silly ideological-minded people can use the fright and fear that these people hold, and manipulate it to bad ends.
...I thought of these curious examples because, recently, a 31-year-old wanted my guidance. Not the best idea, but sure, why not, so we chattered via Skype.A Vietnamese-American married to a Filipina, he was pondering moving to Vietnam.“How many times have you been there?” I asked.“Actually, none.”“Wow! Why not?”“I never had the opportunity.”“Have you traveled much?”“No. I’ve only been to Canada.”“Man, you’re in for a real culture shock. You might hate it! Just go there, and see how you feel. Who knows? Has your wife been to the Philippines?”“A couple times.”“Hey, why don’t you move to the Philippines? Your wife will fit in better, and you can get by with English. Many Filipinos speak English. They’re all over Asia, singing American music!” I laughed. “First, though, you must go there and see how you feel. Do you have money saved up to last a while?”“Yeah.”“You’re probably ten times richer than me, so just go there and see how you feel. Don’t overthink it. Just do it!”Why would someone with a decent job in the federal government consider moving to a country he knows almost nothing about? Because there’s no sanity or security left in America, and no meaningful resistance.
Constantly cowed, everybody is hiding and, hunched over, guarding his cans of baked beans, with the only boldness unleashed pseudonymously online, nearly always against the wrong targets. Unlike Hamas or Hezbollah, Americans don’t even know who they must fight!
Why indeed?
Why would an American with a good job want to leave it for a nation where he has never been to?
As in…
"Hey! You know my mail is late again. Where is that pesky post-person? I'm sick of this. It's time for me to move to Greenland!"
Maybe for something like this…
I mean, I understand why I left the States. But I was different. I had no other options. No friends. No family. No money. No ties. No job. No job prospects, and forced to live as a third class slave. So I left.
It made sense for me.
Living in flop-houses, eating at soup kitchens, and living alone with no job, no job prospects, and shunned from society is not a life.
And, of course, if I rode in a car …
…and the driver owned a gun, or a cell phone…
…or even had an outstanding warrant for jay walking…
… I would immediately violate the law, just by being in close proximity of that person. And then…
I would go back to prison as a two-time offender and looking at forever-prison as a consequence. I did not want to go back to the ADC. I did not enjoy working on the chain gangs, and I most certainly hated hoe-squad and picking cotton. And don’t even get me started on the institutionalized gruel that was “Global” that they fed us.
Nope. I did not like it.
The threat of a return to the ADC was part of the reason why I bailed out onto my lifeboat.
But what of the rest of you all in the “bright and shining castle on the hill”? You still have work. You still have jobs. You have family, friends, clubs, associations and roots. You don’t have that same kind of Damocles‘ swordhangingoveryourhead. As I did. You all don’t need to leave. It’s just a tad bit uncomfortable for you. Not really lifestyle-threatening.
Is it worth chucking it all away?
What would your ancestors think?
America was founded by hard-scrabble pioneers. Not prissy-boys who flee the first moment when someone says a mean word or two.
Then he adds…
“Something very evil is coming,” I wrote to a Pennsylvania acquaintance, “but it won’t just be in the US.
In Albania, there won’t be race riots, at least, as stoked by the Jews. I don’t know what your work or family situation is, but it would be wise to at least think about leaving the country, just in case life there becomes too dangerous or just unbearable.“You should also consider what to do should they shut down all airports and close all land borders.
You can also escape to a safer and saner place inside the country, of course, but you must think ahead about the possibilities. This is not paranoia.
All the ominous signs are there.
Yes. I know all about the social re-engineering efforts.
But, if people have jobs, a career, and a chance to build a life, it all fades into the background. You just go to your job. You put food on the table. You invest your money and you plan for your family and their future. You spend time with loved ones, and you don’t worry about life or “what might happen”.
I just cannot imagine that the “woke” reality has saturated American culture to such an extent that people want to flee the USA.
Why flee the USA when you have an entire life ahead of you?
Seriously is all this “woke” culture all that bad? It’s not like you are being forced to wear golden stars of David on your lapels, or being chased down the streets by mobs with clubs. Is it?
It’s not like you will lose your job for not having the right political viewpoint, or not getting a promotion because of the color of your skin. Is it?
So what is actually going on?
Yes, flee the USA for better opportunities. Flee the USA to avoid insurrection, riots, and discord. Flee the United States police state.
But to flee it because a minority of vocal woke activists are spouting nonsense is absurd.
So what is going on?
Woke folk.
What is really going on?
Is the “woke” culture far more invasive than it appears to me (sitting outside the USA), or has Americans become just too sensitive to handle a diversity of opinion?
You just don’t leave a comfortable life with loved ones simply because of an expression that you read about on social media. You just do not.
Chances are you might read about it, and maybe ponder it, but you won’t take action on it aside from a trivial Google search, or an article or two. You won’t be traipsing down to get a visa for the nation you want to go, and you won’t start emptying out your bank accounts. Will you?
A worry free life with a big cat.
So what is really going on?
You are too busy making a life than to worry about chucking it all away and fleeing to a “third world cesspool” to quote Mike Pompeo about the rest of the world.
Certainly the people that are “running” the United States today are bat-shit crazy, dysfunctional and insane. Their toadies might be more capable, but hardly, and the ship that they set in motion is far too difficult to steer, to navigate and to dock.
All the “noise” in the daily media barrages cannot compete to the reality that you are working, that you have a paycheck and a chance at the “American pie”.
President Biden says that “America is Back” and industry is roaring back to life.
He continues…
“In early March of 1975, I was still going to school and taking judo lessons.
By the end of April, I was on a military transport plane to fly to Guam, where I would live in a tent as a refugee. Normality can disappear in a flash.”His response, “I have thought long about where this is all headed. It is pretty obvious that the US is fucked five ways to Sunday. The masses just haven’t figured it out and are slowly cottoning on.“You asked about my family and work situation. I work in the construction field doing semi-skilled labor and maintenance and have started learning HVAC over the last couple years.“I’ve been with the same woman for about 13 years. We aren’t legally married but own a house together. I love her and her family very much. Her mother is widowed and in her 70’s. She has an aunt and uncle that live up the road from us. We look out for them a bit too.“At this point it’s hard seeing a way out. I’ve known a lot of people over the years that have had to flee. I’m old enough to have met Polish and Ukrainians that got out during or right after the War to Save Stalin. Same with people such as yourself. While traveling through Vietnam, I met old ARVN guys who stayed and were ‘reeducated.’ Certainly do not envy them.“Lancaster is a great town. However we did not escape the peace riots of this past summer. This area has been overrun by New York ‘creatives’ and their pets, the various lumpen proles that have moved down because the welfare benefits are good and the Section 8 voucher goes further.“The city council mayor and head of police are all avowed BLM and Antifa supporters. In essence I am behind enemy lines.“My lady is pretty level-headed and no dummy as far as certain non-PC topics are concerned. Working in health care and moving from small town PA to Baltimore will do that, I guess.“However she is reticent to leave the familiarity of family and friends for more rural, less populated areas. Ironic because most of her family and social circle are essentially on board with the whole raft of neo-Bolshevik BS that is being churned out by the multinationals and Zionist Occupied Government…“At the end of the day, I don’t see any real way to get out from under the falling limbs of this dying empire. If I were single, I would be holed up somewhere in the mountains of Appalachia. Possibly west Texas. Maybe overseas.”Although fleeing abroad entails its own complicated and drawn-out set of problems, just about every nationality, save Americans, have had to do so during the last 100-odd years. I’ve fled twice, and am still drifting.
Why does everyone want to leave? What are they afraid of?
Getting yelled at?
Somehow I do not, or cannot, believe that people are terrified of hurt feelings.
Why do Americans feel this way? It seems uncharacteristic.
Perhaps it a general feeling of discomfort; a generalized anxiety disorder that has entangled vast swaths of the American population. And I do not make this statement lightly. Aspects of this is something that I have learned to live with ever since I was implanted.
Since I moved to China, all my worry (for the most part) ended. The only time that I start worrying is when ever some jackass in the United States tries to lob bio-weapons at my home, discusses firing ICBM's in my front yard, or making arbitrary rules concerning my passport.
Perhaps, living under the thumb of out-of-control psychopaths inside a military empire…
…and see the entire nation decay and collapse as the entire nations is geared, not for serving the citizenry…
…but rather to destroy the rest of the world at the pleasure of the oligarchy…
…is the source of this discomfort.
And like frightened rabbits, the citizenry are trying to run and hide from the voracious wolves that are running all over the fields untamed and unchecked.
For American preppers there’s only one solution: move to a red state.
Most red states are in the South. So the best place to ride out America’s collapse is a region with a history of racial tension and antagonism towards the Federal government, a region with a Ford F-150 lifestyle totally dependent on cheap petroleum and cheap imports.
Hmm, but guns right?Call me crazy but my native California doesn’t sound so bad in comparison: https://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/2015/04/postcard-from-end-of-america-silicon.html. At least there’s some anti-anti-White Asians and Hispanics around.
Maybe I’ll go teach English in Asia or live in Europe for a while.
Call me a commie traitor but I have no ability/desire to become an Idaho potato farmer / small arms instructor.
Others have different ideas.
Americans from different backgrounds and parts of the country are saying the same things.
Americans in the Bubble are the 21st century equivalents of the British Colonel Blimp. It’s good to snicker and make snotty remarks at them because they’ll be the last ones to see it coming and even then they STILL WON’T BELIEVE IT.I’ve seen well-off almost rich dudes go homeless. It happens because they can’t believe this sort of thing happens to them, only “losers”.A loser is any one of us whose luck runs out. Hope your luck holds, and don’t let the bastards get you down.
Those who have never experienced the hospitality and happiness of ‘poor’ foreigners have absolutely no idea of life. Those with no experience of Albania, or Bulgaria, or Romania, Lesotho, Botswana, Chile etc. don’t have a clue.
Mix with the working class (as well as the bankers) if you want to know what life is about.
The hospitality of all Arab people is beyond belief.
Ignore the USA-USA-USA mob, they are brainless and take their limited horizon as being the whole planet. Thank you for bringing light to those of us who have not the opportunity to visit the east and parts of Europe.
What about those that have already left the USA. What are their thoughts?
What about those that left the United States, what are their thoughts?
That is a key reason why I moved out of the US.
I see no hope for at least a few generations.
Whites are very uncomfortable addressing the blatantly anti White hate that is permeating nearly all institutions.
The JQ is completely off the table for 90 percent of whites.
Asians see what is happening so they increasingly mimic Jewish hatred of whites even though most don’t actually hate whites.Whites spring from one simplistic solution to another.
The most recent is Secession.
Thinking that Secession can happen requires not dealing with the reality of the country. Even if the country did break into two, that would just mean that the Jews had two countries to rule and spread anti white hate and degeneracy.I just can’t see being associated with a country that flies the BLM flag at its embassies and publically worships a repeat felon who died of a drug overdose. Sometimes societies are just too stupid to survive.It is a big world out there and there are pockets where things are much saner than the US and not under a Jewish stranglehold
But according to the news media everything is just fine.
Don’t believe for a second that the majority of Norteamericanos believe the claptrap that is being promoted by the digital minesweeping social media or the coastal newspapers. That’s the mistake.Election results don’t mean much in the scheme of things, except in 2020. I live in a county that voted 75-25 for Trump. All of the counties in this region have similar numbers. I’ve obtained this information from NYT election data, so it’s not my wishful thinking. Every county in America outside of those where open blatant ballot box stuffing took place have similar results.Since Trump accomplished nothing governmentally important and even advanced policies I find disgusting, he has to be seen merely as an indicator of discontent with the Ruling Class.
The Ruling Class has corrupted the entire education system, has made economic progress meaningless and has insulted anyone with a modicum of traditional morality. A Trump vote was a protest vote, both in 2016 and in 2020.
The article itself soon fell apart with the “Jews, Jews, Jews” narrative. Jeeze and I stopped reading. But I am still wondering (pondering) about these various comments. It seems like these “proud” American are very unhappy. And so, I wonder how can that be?
The mutterings that I am hearing just don’t match the “news” that is being reported.
Why is that?
Fundamentally, the media must reflect the opinions and feelings of it's readership, or else the people reading it will leave. So eventually, "news" becomes an echo chamber for the readership.
Yet, what I am apparently seeing is that all flavors of the "news"; Alt-Right, mainstream to Alt-left are out of touch with what the vast majority of Americans feel.
The speed of the collapse
I admit that I am a little stunned that the collapse has moved ahead so quickly in what seems like a matter of months. For it has been less than six months that the general American population has suddenly embraced fundamental prepper beliefs, and most regard America falling into a SHTF situation.
This is FAST.
And while I have announced that I believe that the year 2020 was the climax of the Fourth Turning, I have never the less been stunned by the rapid conversion of most Americans to “abandon ship”.
What is going on?
Well, here are the four signposts of American Collapse that the Soviet Union experienced when it collapsed.
Article from HERE. All credit, etc. This article from the Russia Insider archives and was first published on RI in June 2018. You guys all know the drill.
"Having witnessed one collapse, and now witnessing another, the one approach I would definitely not recommend is doing nothing and hoping for the best."
In thinking through the (for now) gradually unfolding collapse of the American empire, the collapse of the USSR, which occurred close through three decades ago, continues to perform as a goldmine of useful examples and analogies.
Certain events that occurred during the Soviet collapse can serve as useful signposts in the American one.
Thus, allowing us to formulate better guesses about the timing of events that can suddenly turn a gradual collapse into a precipitous one.
When the Soviet collapse occurred, the universal reaction was “Who could have known?”
Well, I knew.
I distinctly remember a conversation I had with a surgeon in the summer of 1990, right as I was going under the knife to get my appendix excised, waiting for the anesthesia to kick in.
He asked me about what will happen to the Soviet republics, Armenia in particular.
I told him that they will be independent in less than a year.
He looked positively shocked.
I was off by a couple of months.
I hope to be able to call the American collapse with the same degree of precision.
So what to expect?
It is difficult to concentrate on things that matter to you when your government is acting like an out of control lunatic.
I suppose I was well positioned to know, and I am tempted to venture a guess at how I achieved that.
My area of expertise at the time was measurement and data acquisition electronics for high energy physics experiments, not Sovietology.
But I spent the previous summer in Leningrad, where I grew up, and had a fair idea of what was up in the USSR.
Meanwhile, the entire gaggle of actual paid, professional Russia “experts”…
…that was ensconced in various government agencies in Washington or consuming oxygen at various foundations and universities in the US…
…had absolutely no idea what to expect.
I suspect that there is a principle involved:
[1] If your career depends on the continued existence of X, and if X is about to cease to exist, then you are not going to be highly motivated to accurately predict that event.
Conversely, [2] if you could manage to accurately predict the spontaneous existence failure of X, then you would also be clever enough to switch careers ahead of time. Thus, you would no longer be an expert on X and your opinion on the matter would be disregarded.
People would think that you screwed yourself out of a perfectly good job and are now embittered.
What he is seeing…
Some people say that it is time to pack up and leave.
Right now I am observing the same phenomenon at work among Russian experts on the United States: they can’t imagine that the various things they spent their lives studying are fast fading into irrelevance.
Or perhaps they can, but keep this realization to themselves, for fear of no longer being invited on talk shows.
I suppose that since expertise is a matter of knowing a whole lot about very little, knowing everything about nothing—a thing that doesn’t exist—is its logical endpoint.
Be that as it may.
But I feel that we non-experts, armed with the 20/20 hindsight afforded to us by the example of the Soviet collapse, can avoid being similarly blindsided and dumbfounded by the American one.
This is not an academic question: those who gauge it accurately may be able to get the hell out ahead of time.
While the lights are mostly still on, while not everybody is walking around in a drug-induced mental haze, and mass shootings and other types of mayhem are still considered newsworthy.
This hindsight makes it possible for us to spot certain markers that showed up then.
And are showing up now.
The four that I want to discuss now are the following:
1. Allies are being alienated
2. Enmities dissipate
3. Ideology becomes irrelevant
4. Military posture turns flaccid
All of these are plain to see already in the American collapse.
As with the Soviet collapse, there is a certain incubation period for each of these trends.
Each incubation period ended up lasting perhaps a year or two.
And during this incubation period, not much seems to be happening.
… but when it is over everything comes unstuck all at once.
1. Alliances
As the Soviet collapse unfolded, former friendships deteriorated, first into irrelevance, then into outright enmity.
Prior to the collapse, the Iron Curtain ran between Eastern and Western Europe.
After the collapse; three decades later, it runs between Russia and the Baltic countries, Poland and the Ukraine.
Whereas in the post-war period the Warsaw Pact countries derived many benefits from its association with Russia and its industrial might.
But as the end neared their membership in the Soviet camp became more and more of a hinderance to progress.
In effect, hampering their integration with the more prosperous, less troubled countries further west and with the rest of the world.
Similarly with the US and the EU now, this partnership is also showing major signs of strain as Washington tries to prevent the Europe from integrating with the rest of Eurasia.
The particular threat of unilateral economic sanctions as part of a vain effort to block additional Russian natural gas pipelines into Europe.
As well as to force the Europeans to buy an uncertain and overpriced American liquefied natural gas scheme.
Other issues include Huawei, 5G technology, and the BRI.
All of this has laid bare the fact that the relationship between the USA and Europe is no longer mutually beneficial.
And as Britain splits from Europe and clings closer to the US, a new Iron Curtain is gradually emerging, but this time it will run through the English Channel, separating the Anglophone world from Eurasia.
Similar developments are afoot in the east, affecting South Korea and Japan.
Trump’s flip-flopping between tempestuous tweeting and conciliatory rhetoric vis-à-vis North Korea have laid bare the emptiness of American security guarantees.
Both of these countries now see the need to make their own security arrangements and to start reasserting their sovereignty in military matters.
Meanwhile, for the US, being incoherent is but a pit stop on the way to becoming irrelevant.
2. Enmities
Enmity | Definition of Enmity by Merriam-Websterhttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/enmityEnmity (which derives from an Anglo-French word meaning "enemy") suggests true hatred, either overt or concealed. Hostility implies strong, open enmity that shows itself in attacks or aggression. Animosity carries the sense of anger, vindictiveness, and sometimes the desire to destroy what one hates.
During the entire period of the Cold War the United States was the Soviet Union’s arch-enemy.
Any effort by Washington to give advice or to dictate terms was met with loud, synchronized, ideologically fortified barking from Moscow:
"The imperialist aggressor is at it again; pay no heed."
This self-righteous noise worked quite well for a surprisingly long time, and continued to work while the Soviet Union was making impressive new conquests.
The Soviet Union continued to advance, in space, in technology, science and medicine, in international humanitarian projects and so on, but as stagnation set in it started to ring hollow.
After the Soviet collapse, this immunity against American contagion disappeared.
Western “experts” and “advisors” flooded in, and proposed “reforms”.
Reforms such as…
The dismemberment of the USSR into 15 separate countries (trapping millions of people on the wrong side of some newly thought-up border.
Shock therapy (which impoverished almost the entirety of the Russian population),
Privatization (which put major public assets in the hands of a few politically connected, mostly Jewish oligarchs)
As well as various other schemes designed to destroy Russia and drive its population into extinction.
They would probably have succeeded had they not been stopped in time.
Symmetrically, the Washingtonians considered the USSR as their arch-enemy.
After it went away, there was a bit of confusion.
The Pentagon tried talking up “Russian mafia” as a major threat to world peace, but that seemed laughable.
Then, by dint of demolishing a couple of New York skyscrapers…
…perhaps by placing small nuclear charges in the bedrock beneath their foundations (those were the demolition plans that were on file)…
…they happily embraced the concept of “war on terror”…
…and went about bombing various countries that didn’t have a terrorism problem before then but certainly do now.
Then, once that stupid plan ran its course, the Washingtonians went back to reviling and harassing Russia.
But now a strange smell is in the wind in Washington: the smell of failure.
Air is leaking out of the campaign to vilify Russia, and it is putrid.
Meanwhile, Trump is continuing to make noises to the effect that a rapprochement with Russia is desirable and that a summit between the leaders should be held.
Trump is also borrowing some pages from the Russian rulebook: just as Russia responded to Western sanctions with countersanctions, Trump is starting to respond to Western tariffs with countertariffs.
We should expect American enmity against Russia to dissipate some time before American attitudes toward Russia (and much else) become irrelevant.
We should also expect that, once the fracking bubble pops, the US will become dependent on Russian oil and liquefied natural gas…
… which it will be forced to pay for with gold.
(Fracking involves a two-phase combustion process: the first phase burns borrowed money to produce oil and gas; the second burns the oil and the gas.)
Other enmities are on the wane as well.
Trump has just signed an interesting piece of paper with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. The deal (if we call it that) is a tacit act of surrender. It was orchestrated by Russia and China. It affirms what North and South Korea had already agreed to: eventual denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
Just as Gorbachev acquiesced to the reunification of Germany and the withdrawal of Soviet troops from East Germany, Trump is getting ready to acquiesce to the reunification of Korea and the withdrawal of American troops from South Korea.
Just as the fall of the Berlin Wall spelled the end of the Soviet imperium, the dismantlement of the Korean Demilitarized Zone will spell the end of the American one.
3. Ideology
While the US never had anything as rigorous as the Soviet Union’s communist dogma, its hodgepodge of pro-democracy propaganda, laissez-faire capitalism, free trade and military domination was potent for a time.
Once the US stopped being the world’s largest industrial powerhouse, ceding ground first to Germany and Japan…
… then to China…
… it went along accumulating prodigious levels of debt…
… essentially confiscating and spending the world’s savings…
… while defending the US dollar with the threat of violence.
It was, for a time, understood that the exorbitant privilege of endless money printing needs to be defended with the blood of American soldiers.
The US saw itself, and positioned itself, as the indispensable country.
A country able to control and to dictate terms to the entire planet.
As such, terrorizing or blockading various other countries as needed.
Now all of these ideological shibboleths are in shambles.
The pro-democracy rhetoric is still dutifully spouted by politicians mass media mouthpieces, but in practice the US is no longer a democracy.
It has been turned into a lobbyist’s paradise in which the lobbyists are no longer confined to the lobby but have installed themselves in congressional offices and are drafting prodigious quantities of legislation to suit the private interests of corporations and oligarchs.
Nor is the American penchant for democracy traceable in the support the US lavishes on dictatorships around the world or in its increasing tendency to enact and enforce extraterritorial laws without international consent.
Laissez-fair capitalism is also very much dead, supplanted by crony capitalism nurtured by a thorough melding of Washington and Wall Street elites.
Private enterprise is no longer free but concentrated in a handful of giant corporations while about a third of the employed population in the US works in the public sector.
The US Department of Defense is the largest single employer in the country as well as in the whole world.
About 100 million of working-age able-bodied Americans do not work.
Most of the rest work in service jobs, producing nothing durable.
An increasing number of people is holding onto a precarious livelihood by working sporadic gigs.
The whole system is fueled—including parts of it that actually produce the fuel, such as the fracking industry—by debt.
No sane person, if asked to provide a workable description of capitalism, would come up with such a derelict scheme.
Free trade was talked up until very recently, if not actually implemented.
Unimpeded trade over great distances is the sine qua non of all empires, the US empire included.
In the past, warships and the threat of occupation were used to force countries, such as Japan, to open themselves up to international trade.
Quite recently, the Obama administration was quite active in its attempts to push through various transoceanic partnerships, but none of them succeeded. And now Trump has set about wrecking what free trade there was by a combination of sanctions and tariffs, in a misguided attempt to rekindle America’s lost greatness by turning inward.
Along the way, sanctions on the use of the US dollar in international trade, especially with key energy exporting nations such as Iran and Venezuela, are accelerating the process by which the US dollar is being dethroned as the world’s reserve currency, demolishing America’s exorbitant privilege of endless money-printing.
4. Militarism
The Soviet collapse was to some extent presaged by the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Prior to that point, it was still possible to talk up the “international duty” of the Red Army to make the world (or at least the liberated parts of it) safe for socialism.
After that point the very concept of military domination was lost, and interventions that were possible before, such as in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968, were no longer even thinkable.
When Eastern Europe rose in rebellion in 1989, the Soviet military empire simply folded, abandoning its bases and military hardware and pulling out.
In the case of the US, for now it remains capable of quite a lot of mischief, but it has become clear that military domination of the whole planet is no longer possible for it.
The US military is still huge, but it is quite flaccid.
It is no longer able to field a ground force of any size and confines itself to aerial bombardment, training and arming of “moderate terrorists” and mercenaries, and pointless steaming about the oceans.
None of the recent military adventures have resulted in anything resembling peace on terms that the American planners originally envisioned or have ever considered desirable:
Afghanistan has been turned into a terrorist incubator and a heroin factory;
Iraq has been absorbed into a continuous Shia crescent that now runs from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.
US military bases are still found throughout the world.
They were meant to project American power over both hemispheres of the globe, but they have been largely neutralized by the advent of new long-range precision weapons, potent air defense technology and electronic warfare wizardry.
These numerous “lily pads,” as they are sometimes called, are the opposite of military assets: they are useless but expensive targets located in places that are hard to defend but easy for potential adversaries to attack.
They can only be used for pretend-combat, and the endless series of military training exercises.
Such as the ones in the Baltic statelets, right on the Russian border…
… or the ones in South Korea, are meant to be provocative, but they are paragons of pointlessness…
… since attacking either Russia or North Korea would be a suicidal move.
They are basically confidence-building exercises, and their increasing intensity testifies to a pronounced and growing deficit of confidence.
People never tire of pointing out the huge size of the US military budget, but they almost always neglect to mention that what the US gets per unit money is ten times less than, for example Russia.
It is a bloated and ineffectual extortion scheme that produces large quantities of boondoggles—an endlessly thirsty public money sponge.
No matter how much money it soaks up, it will never solve the fundamental problem of being incapable to go to war against any adequately armed opponent without suffering unacceptable levels of damage.
Around the world, the US is still loathed, but it is feared less and less: a fatal trend for an empire.
But America has done quite well in militarizing its local police departments, so that when the time comes it will be ready to go to war… against itself.
This analysis may read like a historical survey detached from practical, everyday considerations. But I believe that it has practical merit.
If the citizens of the USSR were informed, prior to the events of 1990, of what was about to happen to them, they would have behaved quite differently, and quite a lot of personal tragedy might have been avoided.
A very useful distinction
A very useful distinction can be made between collapse avoidance (which is futile; all empires collapse)…
… and worst-case scenario avoidance…
… which will become, as collapse picks up speed, your most important concern.
Your approach may involve fleeing to safer ground, or preparing to survive it where you are.
You may choose your own collapse markers and make your own predictions about their timing instead of relying on mine.
But, having witnessed one collapse, and now witnessing another, the one approach I would definitely not recommend is doing nothing and hoping for the best.
No matter what happens, or what crazy shit is going down in the United States, never forget your humanity. It’s not what happens that matter. It’s how you deal with them that does.
Remember your humanity.
Others might not understand
Do not try to convince others to understand why you are doing what you do. It’s not their business; it’s not their reality. You are doign what feels best to you, for the good or the bad. And sure, they might think you crazy, strange or a little bit “off your rocker”, but so what.
It’s your life.
Do what you want and live your life as you see fit and let the rest of the world howl.
Do what you want and live your life as you see fit and let the rest of the world howl.
Everything follows cycles
Empires come and go, and during the sunset period it is a time of harvesting what you can and then move on to the New Beginning. But some hate change, and they have made a nice cushy life for themself and they don’t want the change, and they fight it “tooth and nail”. But MM readers realize that when you see things go cyclic, you hop on the train and ride it out of town.
Cycles are natural.
Cycles are natural.
What about war?
Well, there is a lot of provocations being made by the United States on the international front. The aggression is spellbinding in breadth and with as well as intensity. And no one can predict the future, but maybe we can take a look at what happened with the former Soviet Union for some guidance.
From HERE. It's titled "Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete". With a sub-heading of "Times have changed and America can no longer project its military power like it did in Iraq. Those days are over.". All credit to the author and note it was formatted to fit this venue.
For the past 500 years European nations—Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, Britain, France and, briefly, Germany—were able to plunder much of the planet by projecting their naval power overseas.
Since much of the world’s population lives along the coasts, and much of it trades over water, armed ships that arrived suddenly out of nowhere were able to put local populations at their mercy.
The armadas could plunder, impose tribute, punish the disobedient, and then use that plunder and tribute to build more ships, enlarging the scope of their naval empires.
This allowed a small region with few natural resources and few native advantages beyond extreme orneriness and a wealth of communicable diseases to dominate the globe for half a millennium.
The ultimate inheritor of this naval imperial project is the United States, which, with the new addition of air power, and with its large aircraft carrier fleet and huge network of military bases throughout the planet, is supposedly able to impose Pax Americana on the entire world.
Or, rather, was able to do so—during the brief period between the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of Russia and China as new global powers and their development of new anti-ship and antiaircraft technologies. But now this imperial project is at an end.
Russian battle tanks.
Prior to the Soviet collapse, the US military generally did not dare to directly threaten those countries to which the USSR had extended its protection.
Nevertheless, by using its naval power to dominate the sea lanes that carried crude oil, and by insisting that oil be traded in US dollars, it was able to live beyond its means by issuing dollar-denominated debt instruments and forcing countries around the world to invest in them.
It imported whatever it wanted using borrowed money while exporting inflation, expropriating the savings of people across the world. In the process, the US has accumulated absolutely stunning levels of national debt—beyond anything seen before in either absolute or relative terms.
When this debt bomb finally explodes, it will spread economic devastation far beyond US borders. And it will explode, once the petrodollar wealth pump, imposed on the world through American naval and air superiority, stops working.
Chinese hyper-velocity nuclear missiles.
New missile technology has made a naval empire cheap to defeat. Previously, to fight a naval battle, one had to have ships that outmatched those of the enemy in their speed and artillery power. The Spanish Armada was sunk by the British armada.
More recently, this meant that only those countries whose industrial might matched that of the United States could ever dream of opposing it militarily. But this has now changed: Russia’s new missiles can be launched from thousands of kilometers away, are unstoppable, and it takes just one to sink a destroyer and just two to sink an aircraft carrier.
The American armada can now be sunk without having an armada of one’s own. The relative sizes of American and Russian economies or defense budgets are irrelevant: the Russians can build more hypersonic missiles much more quickly and cheaply than the Americans would be able to build more aircraft carriers.
Russian aircraft.
Equally significant is the development of new Russian air defense capabilities: the S-300 and S-400 systems, which can essentially seal off a country’s airspace. Wherever these systems are deployed, such as in Syria, US forces are now forced to stay out of their range.
With its naval and air superiority rapidly evaporating, all that the US can fall back on militarily is the use of large expeditionary forces—an option that is politically unpalatable and has proven to be ineffective in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is also the nuclear option, and while its nuclear arsenal is not likely to be neutralized any time soon, nuclear weapons are only useful as deterrents.
Their special value is in preventing wars from escalating beyond a certain point, but that point lies beyond the elimination of their global naval and air dominance.
Nuclear weapons are much worse than useless in augmenting one’s aggressive behavior against a nuclear-armed opponent; invariably, it would be a suicidal move. What the US now faces is essentially a financial problem of unrepayable debt and a failing wealth pump, and it should be a stunningly obvious point that setting off nuclear explosions anywhere in the world would not fix the problems of an empire that is going broke.
Chinese ICBM with MIRV nuclear hyper-velocity warheads with swarm targeting ability.
Events that signal vast, epochal changes in the world often appear minor when viewed in isolation.
Julius Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon was just one river crossing; Soviet and American troops meeting and fraternizing at the Elbe was, relatively speaking, a minor event—nowhere near the scale of the siege of Leningrad, the battle of Stalingrad or the fall of Berlin.
Yet they signaled a tectonic shift in the historical landscape. And perhaps we have just witnessed something similar with the recent pathetically tiny Battle of East Gouta in Syria, where the US used a make-believe chemical weapons incident as a pretense to launch an equally make-believe attack on some airfields and buildings in Syria.
The US foreign policy establishment wanted to show that it still matters and has a role to play, but what really happened was that US naval and air power were demonstrated to be almost entirely beside the point.
More Russian food.
Of course, all of this is terrible news to the US military and foreign policy establishments, as well as to the many US Congressmen in whose districts military contractors operate or military bases are situated.
Obviously, this is also bad news for the defense contractors, for personnel at the military bases, and for many others as well. It is also simply awful news economically, since defense spending is about the only effective means of economic stimulus of which the US government is politically capable.
Obama’s “shovel-ready jobs,” if you recall, did nothing to forestall the dramatic slide in the labor participation rate, which is a euphemism for the inverse of the real unemployment rate.
There is also the wonderful plan to throw lots of money at Elon Musk’s SpaceX (while continuing to buy vitally important rocket engines from the Russians—who are currently discussing blocking their export to the US in retaliation for more US sanctions). In short, take away the defense stimulus, and the US economy will make a loud popping sound followed by a gradually diminishing hissing noise.
Needless to say, all those involved will do their best to deny or hide for as long as possible the fact that the US foreign policy and defense establishments have now been neutralized.
My prediction is that America’s naval and air empire will not fail because it will be defeated militarily, nor will it be dismantled once the news sinks in that it is useless; instead, it will be forced to curtail its operations due to lack of funds.
There may still be a few loud bangs before it gives up, but mostly what we will hear is a whole lot of whimpering. That’s how the USSR went; that’s how the USA will go too.
Our economy has been goosed in the last decade (and even more so recently) by:
Artificially, and permanently low, interest rates.
Rampant money printing.
A never-ending supply of “stimulus” packages and tax cuts to goose the economy.
An experiment in Universal Basic Income by paying out of work people more than they were paid working to not work.
Blatant political cronyism far in excess of the usual – your elected representatives are even trying to bail out Jeff Bezos’ so he can compete with Elon Musk’s SpaceX®. This is actually happening (LINK).
One hundred miles per hour sounded like it was really fast to me when I was driving a pickup truck that wouldn’t go that fast downhill on a mountain pass (topped out at 95). But the economy is so goosed now that we see $100 plywood sheets tumbling in the breeze as we cruise down the highway. The stresses from the velocity as we shamble and skitter between the lines are evident.
What’s next, a $50 ribeye?
When they film a post-apocalypse movie in Detroit, they have to use CGI to repair buildings.
I didn’t use Texas, because I like Texas and Texans, so I picked Minneapolis because I think it’s on its way to becoming a quaint “Detroit on the Mississippi” where the primary source of amusement is Thunderdome Friday nights. Large Marge, a frequent commenter, called me on this quip (edits only in formatting):
A) Military recruits from prison
I am a former Corrections Officer.
I worked at three penitentiaries . . . including a max.
Some of the most intelligent individuals are prisoners. The most intelligent of them are organized and exceptionally efficient in the use of violence and intimidation.
Although better people than me might question their primary loyalties — gang/club? or Constitution? — I would expect them to continue to hone their adaptive skills in a military setting.
In fact, I would anticipate them quickly establishing a hierarchy and running the joint in no time… while eliminating slackers. Anybody they cannot eliminate, they recruit. No middle ground, no spectators.
Two of my ‘adopted’ sons are also Corrections Officers. Both are Marines, one was a SEAL. Intelligent, competitive, dedicated, observant.
Ask around, you may discover your assumptions to be the opposite of reality.
And assumptions can get somebody hurt.
B) Military recruits from inner-city slums
Happens daily. Pigment is no guarantee of inbred stupidity or ineffectiveness, however, it is a guarantee of tribal acceptance.
Anybody not in the tribe is prey:
If you are alone, they are five.
If you are five, they are a faceless two hundred in a spontaneous leaderless non-thinking swarm . . . they act, then disperse into nothingness.
Similar to recruits from prison, these folks are effective at violence and intimidation.
Just do not expect complex thought processes resulting in traditional long-term ‘White Collar’ crimes.
Complex planning is not required for crimes of opportunity.
C) These A and B elements are not exclusive.
Expect cross-overs.
Flyers can ruin your afternoon.
Large Marge is, of course, right in every respect.
The first point is that the general attitude is that all of the Left is represented by the soy-boy weakness we see from the Left’s poster children.
It is not.
A final thought
If any alarm bells were ringing earlier, it should be considered to be foreplay.
Right now, the Civil Defense sirens are blaring, and everyone should be running for their underground bunkers.
There might be world War III any day now, or not.
There might be riots in the streets, or maybe not.
There might be a complete collapse of the US Dollar, or maybe not.
Do not be lulled into complacency. There was a nice Memorial Day holiday. I hope that you enjoyed yourself, and worked on prudent measures to adapt to a changing environment. To quote from the above article…
If the citizens of the USSR were informed, prior to the events of 1990, of what was about to happen to them, they would have behaved quite differently, and quite a lot of personal tragedy might have been avoided.
And this one…
But, having witnessed one collapse, and now witnessing another, the one approach I would definitely not recommend is doing nothing and hoping for the best.
Of course, my opinion is well understood.
From the movie “Aliens”…
And my Video
I am not in America. I am in China.
It is my “lifeboat” while the USS Titanic American sinks under the waves.
And for me, sitting in my lifeboat, I am watching the rats scurry all over the deck. A few are starting to jump into the cold, cold ocean. But most are still on the deck and starting to fight against each other.
That is the way it is, and to end up this article, let me provide a final glimpse of what my lifeboat looks like.
Here is an end of article video for your enjoyment. It shows a little about what China is like where I live. HERE. 127MB.
Do you want more?
I have more posts like this in my New Beginnings Index…
Please note that this article has a large number of videos. It is important for you to watch them to get the full impact of the message. None of the videos are longer than four minutes, but they might take some time to download depending on your service provider.
There’s a bunch of dunder-head idiots inside the United States that wants to get involved in a war. Whether it is with Russia, or Iran, or China. They want a war. And they are justifying war like they are some middle-school boys planning on a swing set in the playground. It’s dangerous, but it’s all there in black and white.
Right up front in our faces….
Rep Ted Yoho had a PR nightmare this week after reportedly calling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez some ungentlemanly terms. Though this is the controversy du jour, we should not lose sight that actual policy is more important than sound bites. Yoho recently announced plans to submit legislation this week for the “Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act” that would commit the United States to war against China if Beijing attacks Taiwan. Such a proposition has long been popular in the Beltway. Before tying the United States to Taipei’s fate, however, a closer analysis is warranted.
-Should the United States Go to War with China if Taiwan is Attacked?
But, you know, this time is really different. Oh, now. The “boys” won’t be a marching off to war. It will pretty much be “game over” for the Old US of A.
They don’t seem to understand just how meager and vulnerable the United States actually is.
The truth is that America is so weak and disorganized right now, that the slightest “event” could have everyone fighting each other like a scene out of a Hollywood movie.
And to make this point, just how absolutely RIPE America is ready for social upheaval and tearing other Americans apart, I have to show a clip from a movie. It’s one that most non-Americans are confused by. But here, now that you understand the real context behind the deeper meaning of the scene, you can well appreciate it.
America is ripe and ready for this…
Exactly… THIS…
Sorry that the quality is on the poor side. But the point is there. Listen to it, and embrace it.
American against American. Black against white. Urban against rural. Rich against poor. Spanish against Anglos.
Notice how the wealthy oligarchy observes and knows what is going on, but they either [1] divert their eyes because they don't want to see, or [2] watch the events with glee. Others also watching look up it with horror, disgust, and a state of trying to monitor the situation reasonably. This piece of video art is a masterpiece.
And I'm not saying that solely because they use Lynyrd Skynyrd music as the backdrop.
I am not the only one saying this. It’s pretty much well-established inside of America today.
The church fight scene in Kingsman: The Secret Service is hands down one of the most memorable action sequences in recent history. But there are actually layers to what makes it so great – layers beyond the primal gratification we collectively derive from seeing someone (rightfully) get the shit kicked out of them.
People are angry. They’re angry about the Covid lockdowns. They’re angry because they are losing their jobs and can’t pay the rent and feed their families. They’re angry because the stores are all out of the food and supplies they need to survive.
They are angry because they get beaten up by the cops if they don’t keep a certain distance from each other in public. They’re angry at the politicians who pretend to be helping but in truth are making things worse with partisan, self-serving bullshit. And African-Americans are angry because they find themselves — yet again — in the crosshairs of deadly racism.
In short, Americans are as mad as hell.
America is on the verge of an explosion. I can feel its rumblings already. My guess is it’s already started happening in a small way, and within the next year or two it is going to spread like wildfire.
Right now, virtually the entire country is in a really bad mood, and unfortunately some people will choose to resort to violence.And it can happen in places that you might not expect. For instance, an argument over social distancing rules at a McDonald’s in Oklahoma resulted in three people getting shot…But as our world gets even crazier, more people than ever are going to be going off the deep end.Our nation is so deeply divided, and explosions of anger and hatred are becoming increasingly common. So many Americans are willing to “shoot first and ask questions later”, and the shooting of a 25-year-old African-American man in Georgia is causing a national uproar…
-End of the American Dream
Take this…
People are screaming at each other a lot these days. The most recent example is a viral video, seen by millions of people since last week, of a woman who went ballistic because a service dog was sitting near her in a Delaware restaurant.The dog in question belonged to a veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder. But that didn't stop the woman from unleashing a three-minute, profanity-laced tirade. I'm sure all the diners at Kathy's Crab House lost their appetite that evening."It is disgusting to have an animal in a public restaurant ... I think it's gross!" the woman screams. (This is a family-friendly publication, so I can't print much more of what she said.)It seems everybody is furious today. We've created a culture of outrage. People are offended, and if you aren't offended by what offends them, they are offended by your lack of offense.We are addicts. We crave a daily fix of rage. We rant on Facebook and Twitter because we need a regular dose of vitriol to fuel our habit. Then we turn on a newscast to watch agitated political commentators throw more gasoline on the flames.The rage burns on both sides of our political divide. White supremacists march with tiki torches to spread hate. Black Lives Matter activists loot stores and smash windows. Former NFL fans burn football jerseys on barbecue grills. Campus lectures require police protection because leftists have threatened right-wing speakers. Madonna drops expletives and threatens to blow up the White House because she's so mad President Trump won the election.Is there anything we don't get angry about these days? Depending on which side of an issue Americans stand, we are offended by Starbucks coffee, Chick-fil-A sandwiches, Target restrooms, CNN, Fox, Nike shoes, the real cause of hurricanes or whatever the actress Jennifer Lawrence said yesterday.Our rage has become so absurd that a shopper at a Hobby Lobby craft store was offended by cotton stalks (yes, cotton stalks!) in the fall décor aisle. She took her protest online and demanded that the store stop selling dried cotton bouquets for $12.99 because slaves were used in the 1800s to harvest the plants.Honestly, it makes me wonder if the real cause of global warming is the alarming increase in human anger. We're going to burn up this planet with our rage if we aren't careful.
- Is America About to Explode?
Ok, to America isn’t just being led by psychopathic madmen with an IQ of a sixth grader, but that the American people are all worked up in a lather; in a frenzy. And the pressure is ON.
Now, couple this environment with the wealthy aristocratic and oligarchy inside the Washington Beltway that want to start a war with China. You know for “democracy”, and “freedom”!…
Back to China
But back to the subject at hand…
… if the fucking morons in Washington DC really want to engage in a Hot War with China…
… they will be doing it with Russia as well.
As they both; Russia and China, share self-defense interests.
Here’s how a neocon journal characterizes going to a hot war with china. Here’s one of the precious few “con” points of view. As most view points are “we can fight the world and win! Rah! Rah!” So I was greatly relieved to read this contrary article from the K-street in Washington DC.
…sort of at least.
There would likely be no dispute from any American that we affirm and endorse the prospect that the people of Taiwan ought to be free, deserve to determine their own form of government, and above all to decide whether it is in their interests to unify with China. But what price should America be asked to pay to underwrite the freedom aspirations of another country?Any conflict against China over Taiwan would result in American service men and women being killed, likely in large numbers. China’s military has been built over the past two decades specifically to deter the U.S. from attacking them–via anti-access, area denial (A2/AD)–but if deterrence fails, to build a defense force that would be able to sink our ships, knock out our satellites, and shoot down our fighters from great distances; if it ever came to a ground war, they have more than 375 million military-aged males from which to draw for their Army.
And keep in mind that the TOTAL population of the USA is less than that. That’s right. There are more Chinese military males than Americans in total.
United States Population (2021) - Worldometerhttps://www.worldometers.info/world-population/us-populationThe current population of the United States of America is 332,526,757 as of Thursday, April 15, 2021, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. the United States 2020 population is estimated at 331,002,651 people at mid year according to UN data.
And they are not some idiotic, uneducated simpletons either. They are not “cannon fodder”.
But even he “get’s it” and understands the risks. Well, some of them at least…
Though Yoho was initially hailed as a more libertarian member of Congress, and even introduced a resolution in 2015 that would have reined in the president’s warmaking powers, the proposal to use U.S. troops for Taiwan’s defense is not characteristic of outside-the-box thinking championed by political renegades, but instead comes from the worst pages of the establishment’s playbook.
Instead, the best way for America to help Taiwan would be to enable them to build an A2/AD defensive bubble of their own to deter China.
But we must ensure our security first and foremost. Committing ourselves to a war against China for the benefit of another government would be a tremendous mistake because the cost to us could be a lost war, or a victory so expensive it bankrupts us and puts our own security in peril.
However you look at it, extending security guarantees to Taiwan is not in America’s interests.
-Daniel L. Davis
But he really doesn’t fully understand the risks. In his mind, and you read it for yourself, he has identified two possible outcomes of a war with China. Which are;
America could lose the war, and have to return home. (Vietnam, Afghanistan)
A victory so expensive it bankrupts the nation.
To which I must posit the most OBVIOUS outcome that for some reason the fucking idiots on K-street in Washington DC are somehow missing…
That World War III could erupt, all cities in America are destroyed, and the rest of the work sacks what remains, and America becomes a footnote in the history books. While a united-Asia administers a radioactive North America as a “backwater: for slave labor.
Here’s some video clips from various history/war movies. Let them serve as a reminder that any conflict with China, Russia, Iran or any combination will be up-front, personal, and on American soil.
Sierra Leon
This is about Sierra Leon. Rich oligarchy in the UK used the people of Sierra Leon to create a war of distraction so that they could mine diamonds. Here we see the one faction, the “rebels” enter a town and create havoc.
Shooting an RPG during the Sierra Leon civil war.
Do not be under the impression that this cannot happen inside of America. America is terribly balkanized, and this is EXACTLY what the oligarchy needs to further their plans.
In Blood Diamond, the sinner ripe for enlightenment is Danny Archer (DiCaprio), a native of Zimbabwe who makes a point of referring to the country by its old colonial name, Rhodesia. A former Angolan mercenary, Danny now (the film is set in the late nineties) smuggles Sierra Leone diamonds into Liberia in return for guns and rocket-launchers, which go to the rebel army (the RUF)—the army we’ve seen mowing down women and children, training young boys to be rapists and mass murderers, and conscripting hardier men to work in the diamond fields.
The difficulties in the country were compounded in March 1991 when conflict in neighbouring Liberia spilled over the border into Sierra Leone. Momoh responded by deploying troops to the border region to repel the incursion of Liberian rebels known as the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL), led by Charles Taylor. Sierra Leone’s army came under attack not only from the NPFL but also from the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), led by former Sierra Leone army corporal Foday Sankoh, who was collaborating with the Liberian rebels; this was the beginning of what would be a long and brutal civil war.
In April 1992 Momoh was deposed in a coup led by Capt. Valentine E.M. Strasser, who cited the poor conditions endured by the troops engaged in fighting the rebels as one of the reasons for ousting Momoh. A National Provisional Ruling Council (NPRC) was established with Strasser as the head of state. During Strasser’s administration the civil war escalated, with the RUF increasing the amount of territory under its control, including lucrative diamond mines—the source of the “blood” or “conflict” diamonds used to fund its activities. There were disturbing reports of atrocities committed against the civilian population not only by rebel forces but also by some government troops. Civilians were subject to horrific acts of mutilation, including having their limbs, ears, and lips cut off. Incidents of rape and forced labour were widespread, and many civilians were used as unwilling human shields or held in captivity and subjected to repeated acts of sexual violence by the combatants. Forced conscription was pervasive and made many civilians, including children, unwilling participants in the conflict.
And here’s the most important statement;
Still, in the years after the war, Sierra Leone was consistently rated as one of the world’s poorest countries.
Any civil war in America will not be one that can be easily mended. A war will have long-term damage to what America is, and the fantasies that it stands upon.
Wealthy oligarchs treat the world as their property and use people and citizens as pawns to do their bidding.
And make no mistake, a Civil War is result during any global internal war. this time, the nation will not be unified against a common enemy. It will remain balkanized where every “man for himself” will carve out their existence.
Of course, the scene is not from Blood Diamond, but it could be. The situation in Sierra Leon was very awful.
As I watched the senseless brutality, the shooting of mothers and children as they fled, I was torn up, divided. I thought, Why do I need to see this? Then I thought, This happened in Sierra Leone and is still happening in parts of Africa—I need to see it. Then I thought, If I need to see it, I need to see more than a sneering villain with an eye patch. I need to understand how this man—and the people under him—become the monsters they are.
But enough of the fiction.
TheSierra Leone Civil War was an armed conflict in theWest African country of Sierra Leone from 1991 t0 2002. The war began on March 23, 1991, when the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) under Foday Sankoh, with support of Liberian rebel leader Charles Taylor andhis group, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NFPL), attempted to overthrow the government of Sierra Leonean President JosephMomah.TheSierraLeone Civil War (1991-2002)
Or, anywhere in Africa or South America
The story line is identical. It’s just the climate, the societies, and the people that are different. Do you think that because America considers itself a First-Class nation that it is somehow immune to these kinds of conflicts?
Do you believe that this would NEVER happen in the United States, simply because the wealthy people in the Untied States are kind, caring, compassionate and religious?
This is what happens when the government of a country becomes big, bloated and terribly corrupt…
The situation was further complicated when Siaka Stevens, the third prime minister, took office in 1968. He served for 17 years and during his term, created a one-party political system which led to the further dismantling of public administrative offices and extreme levels of corruption. In 1985, the fourth prime minister, Joseph Momoh, proved to be one and the same. Under his watch, Sierra Leone suffered an absolute economic crisis. Public officials were left unpaid and, in retaliation, many looted and destroyed government property and offices. This included public school teachers which led to the complete collapse of the public educational system. By 1991, Sierra Leone was one of the most impoverished countries in the world, and its citizens were dissatisfied with their living conditions.
-World Atlas
A very important review. Does it sound somewhat familiar; like it might actually happen in America…
In 1982, as Sierra Leone’s government and economy worsened, a group of Sierra Leone University, Fourah Bay College students set up a paramilitary organization.
They were led by their group leader Alie Kabbah.
They fled to eastern Sierra Leone to form a political organization to rebel against the Temne tribe's All People’s Congress (APC). This was the governing party of the time.
Their organization became the RUF.
Its objectives were to [1] overthrow of the Sierra Leonean government, [2] oust corrupt officials, and [3] re-allocate Sierra Leone’s wealth to benefit the general population
And you do not think that it could happen in the United States?
America is RIPE for war. But on in a far away land, but rather back on US soil, up front and personal.
Wealthy oligarchs have plans for America.
Meanwhile oligarchs (working behind the scenes) tried to recruit people to do their bidding.
In Sierra Leon, throughout the 1980s, neighboring Libyans infiltrated into Sierra Leone with the intention of recruiting rebels.
This was part of Libyan President, Colonel Muammar Gadhafi’s Pan-African initiatives to recruit dissidents against western influence in Africa. He wanted to create a "new Africa" where American influences would be removed completely.
Now, while training in Libya, Foday Sankoh from Sierra Leone met Liberian warlord Charles Taylor.
The two decided to form a pact, or an agreement. After establishing a relationship, Sankoh and Taylor agreed to support guerilla wars in their respective countries.
Both had hopes of overthrowing their country’s governments and creating political change.
And so it started.
In 1989, the Civil War in Liberia began.
Under the leadership of Charles Taylor, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) launched a guerilla war against the Liberian government. This led to Liberia’s civil war.
He won the war, and came to power.
Once Taylor was in power in Liberia, he supported Sankoh’s invasion and guerilla war in Sierra Leone. For after all, they were close buddies and shared the same vision and objectives.
Or maybe you don’t think that these kinds of political alignments cannot happen. Like the Antifa, or the BLM, or the Marxists, or the Far-Right.
Civil war broke out in Sierra Leon in 1990 under the command of former Sierra Leonean army corporal Foday Sankoh.
He launched his first attack in villages in Kailahun District in eastern Sierra Leone on March 23, 1991.
This small band of men who called themselves the Revolutionary United Front (RUF).
After that he began to attack villages in eastern Sierra Leone on the Liberian border.
The government of Sierra Leone, overwhelmed by a crumbling economy and corruption, was unable to put up significant resistance.
Within a month of entering Sierra Leone the RUF controlled much of the Eastern Province.
And so it begins…
Fighting continued in the ensuing months, with the RUF gaining control of the diamond mines in the Kono district.
Then, they were successful in pushing the Sierra Leone army back towards Freetown.
On April 29, 1992, a group of young soldiers led by Capt. Valentine Strasser, apparently frustrated by the Sierra Leon government's failure to deal with rebels, launched a military coup.
This ended up sending President Momoh into exile in Guinea.
They established the National Provisional Ruling Council (NPRC) with Yahya Kanu as its chairman.
But Kanu was assassinated by fellow NPRC members, who accused him of trying to negotiate with the toppled APC administration.
And so after a period of bloodletting, on May 4, 1992,Captain Valentine Strasser took over as chairman of the NPRC.
As well as thend Head of State of Sierra Leone.
And did it change anything?
The NPRC proved to be nearly as ineffectual as the Momoh government in repelling the RUF.
More and more of the country fell to RUF fighters.
By 1995 the RUF held much of the countryside.
They were also near the major populated cities, and were on the doorstep of Freetown.
To retrieve the situation, the NPRC hired several hundred mercenaries from the private firm Executive Outcomes.
Within a month they had driven RUF fighters back to enclaves along Sierra Leone’s borders.
So now that the new “reformed” government was able to suppress the RUF rebels, is that the end of the story?
In January 1996, after nearly four years in power, Strasser was ousted in a coup by fellow NPRC members.
This was led by his trusted deputy Maada Bio.
The new(est) government took immediate actions to change the course of Sierra Leon.
As a result of popular demand and mounting international pressure, the NPRC agreed to hand over power to a civilian government.
Bio reinstated the Constitution and called for presidential and parliamentary elections. A a "democracy" was reconstituted.
Elections were held in April 1996.
In the second round of presidential elections in early 1996, Ahmed Tejan Kabbah, candidate of the Sierra Leone People's Party (SLPP) defeated John Karefa-Smart of the United National People's Party (UNPP). Kabbah was a diplomat who had worked at the UN for more than 20 years.
So an internationalist took power of the democratic Sierra Leon.
And eventually, after nearly a solid six years of bloody fighting, parliamentary elections were conducted. And this time, under the system of proportional representation.
South Vietnam
Let’s look at Vietnam.
Ah, most MM readers won’t even remember the daily newscasts about the “proud American soldiers who died”.
But let’s not look at the American side of the involvement. Instead, let’s look at the actions of the American puppet government set up in South Vietnam…
Corruption played a signficant role in thwarting American objectives in Vietnam by contributing to the South Vietnam government’s lack of legitimacy. The heavy handed and corrupt government of South Vietnam actually made the countryside fertile for the insurgency of the Viet Cong and the communist. Successive governments left much to be desired and too readily turned a blind eye to corruption and incompetence.
An important cause for dissension among the ARVN soldiers was the widespread corruption and war profiteering that prevailed, not only among the civilian population but also among military officers. Corruption, of course, had long been common in South Vietnam. However, as infiation increased in the 1970’s and military pay failed to keep pace, corrupt practices drove wedges between the troops and their officers. Corruption had another adverse effect; it siphoned funds that could have been used to buy critically short supplies and ammunition. It has been estimated that as much as 25 percent of ARVN’s military payroll was in the name of dead or deserted soldiers who were kept on the roll so that corrupt officers could collect their salaries.
ARVN soldiers of South Vietnam.
The Republic of Vietnam, headed from 1954 to 1963 by Ngo Dinh Diem, was venal, reactionary, inefficient, and corrupt. Although Diem inherited a functional administration from the French, he failed to pursue judicial, economic, and administrative reforms, empower subordinates to exercise government authority, or create a system of oversight to curb corruption. Consequently, corruption abounded in all forms. In spite of Diem’s personal revulsion of corruption, the Ngo family was the biggest practitioner of nepotism. His close relatives filled the top ambassadorial, cabinet, and civil service posts.
In 1960, the Groupe Caravelliste, comprising 18 senior Vietnamese politicians, publicly condemned regime oppression and corruption in detail. Weeks later, a poorly planned military coup provided the regime withthe opportunity to crack down even more, including the imprisonment of the Groupe Caravelliste. At this point, Diem began to withdraw into himself, reducing his circle of confidants, and isolating himself even further from the public view. Nhu began to step up his persecution of “subversives,” as well as factionalizing the officer corps through corruption, extortion, and espionage.
The United States attempted to “fix” the incompetence, corruption, and oppression of the Diem administration by having him removed from office by a military coup. However, the problem remained. Like the Catholic Diem, who failed to connect with the predominantly Buddhist population, the military leaders who took control after the coup complicated matters by perpetuating corruption and failing to take the war to the Viet Cong insurgents.
The effectiveness of the gradually professionalizing South Vietnamese Army deteriorated rapidly as soldiers in the field lost confidence in their leaders and the government. In a matter of months, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam lost credibility with the population it was supposed to defend and with its American advisors.
Within the government of South Vietnam corruption, nepotism, extortion, and incompetence remained the norm afterwards with various leaders all the way through to President Thieu in the 1970s. A province chief might be removed here or there and replaced with a more competent and honest leader; however, the same problems would continue.
ARVN soldiers at rest.
The top leadership of the government and army remained as dependent as ever on the United States. The Saigon government remained a network of cliques, held together by American subsidies, a group of people without a coherent political orientation, bent on their own survival. Free-flowing aid lined the pockets of South Vietnamese generals and bureaucrats, deepening the corruption problem, not solving it.
Corruption was (and is) endemic throughout the developing world and even, at times, in much of the developed world. To have expected South Vietnam to be an exception was perhaps unrealistic. In fact, corruption was widespread in North Vietnam as well as in the South, giving lie to a common assumption that there was something morally pristine about the highly disciplined North. In fact, the problem of corruption had become so acute in the North that, in 1967, Ho Chi Minh himself felt compelled to go on the radio and inveigh against this troublesome plague.
More ARVN soldiers.
In the 1970s widespread corruption and war profiteering prevailed, not only among the civilian population but also among military officers. Corruption, of course, had long been common in South Vietnam. However, as infiation increased in the 1970’s and military pay failed to keep pace, corrupt practices drove wedges between the troops and their officers. For example, there were reports that the wounded had to pay helicopter pilots to fly medical evacuation missions.
President Thieu did make efforts to remove some of the more corrupt senior officials from office, but his actions proved to be a mere drop in the bucket. Corruption had another adverse effect; it siphoned funds that could have been used to buy critically short supplies and ammunition.
It has been estimated that as much as 25 percent of ARVN’s military payroll was in the name of dead or deserted soldiers who were kept on the roll so that corrupt officers could collect their salaries.
United States supplied tank used by the ARVN military in South Vietnam.
And of course, we could look at Syria.
Do you all think that it is any different? Aside from the new vehicles, the different weapons and drone systems, and the kinds of “news” reporting, do you actually think that somehow the United States is immune from all this boomeranging back?
All you need to so is read some history.
And China…
…well China has a long and horrible history of invasions and abuse. They KNOW what it is like to be hurt, destroyed and sacked. They know.
And if you all think that they are going to allow some pot-bellied neocon from the state of Kansas or Arkansas cheer on a war against them without consequence, then you are very, very, VERY mistaken.
China – Nanjing
Most Americans have absolutely no idea what the Chinese went through and why they are the way they are today.
A person who goes though a divorce is far more understanding of someone in the throes of marital troubles than say an unmarried 20-year old. And this is true about nations as well. Perhaps the American leadership would be very hesitant on poking Russia or China if they knew what it was like to see your beloved homeland reduced to rubble.
The Nanjing Massacre refers to the 40-day slaughter committed by the Japanese army in the early stages of their invasion of China, which cruelly claimed the lives of more than 300,000 civilians and captured soldiers. One third of the city was razed and property losses were beyond count.Some believe that the Nanjing Massacre, along with Auschwitz Concentration Camp and bombing of Hiroshima (the first use of atomic weapons in combat) were the three greatest tragedies of WWII. Some refer to the massacre as the “Asian Auschwitz.”
It would never happen in America. You see, America is “exceptional“.
On December 13, 1937, after seizing Nanjing, the Japanese army carried out a bloody slaughter of unparalleled savagery in violation of international law. As stated in the Judgment of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, "Estimates indicate that the total number of civilians and prisoners of war murdered in Nanjing and its vicinity during the first six weeks of the Japanese occupation was over 200,000....
These figures do not take into account those persons whose bodies were destroyed by burning, or by being thrown into the Yangtze River, or were otherwise disposed of by the Japanese Army." The Chinese Military Tribunal for War Crimes in Nanjing stated in a verdict that "during the period from December 12 to 21, 1937, it was estimated that more than 190,000 Chinese prisoners of war and civilians were shot with machine guns in large groups by the Japanese Army and their bodies were incinerated…
In addition, more than 150,000 people were killed in small or scattered groups, and their bodies were collected and buried by charity organizations. Altogether, more than 300,000 people were murdered." After capturing the city, Japanese troops employed all kinds of brutal methods in their killing, such as decapitation, skull splitting, slicing open the stomach, pulling out the heart, drowning, burning, cutting off reproductive organs, dismemberment, and piercing the vulva or anus. Equally unthinkable, there was a killing contest between two second lieutenants, Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda, to see who could win by being the first to kill 100 Chinese. When they met on December 12, Mukai had killed 106 and Noda 105. John Rabe, Wilhelmina (Minnie) Vautrin, and John Magee recorded the incidents of rape carried out by Japanese soldiers after the fall of Nanjing in their diaries, photographs, and films. It is roughly estimated that more than 80,000 women were violated in Nanjing, of whom more than 65,000 were killed. The Japanese army also committed frenzied acts of arson and looting. According to incomplete statistics calculated after the war, Japanese soldiers looted 2,406 sets and more than 309,000 pieces of appliances or utensils, 5,920 boxes and more than 5.9 million articles of clothing, 710 kilograms of gold and silver, plus 6,345 pieces of jewelry, 1,815 boxes, 2,859 sets, and 148,600 volumes of books, more than 28,400 ancient calligraphy scrolls and paintings, more than 7,300 antiques, more than 6,200 animals bred as livestock, and more than 720 million kilograms of grain.
The International Military Tribunal for the Far East and the Chinese Military Tribunal for War Crimes in Nanjing, after collecting a large amount of evidence and confirming all the findings, pronounced death sentences for the principal culprits of the massacre, Iwane Matsui, Akira Muto, and Tadayuki Furumi.
The crimes of the Japanese aggressors will forever be recorded in the history of the Chinese war of resistance against Japan.
Or Germany…
Let’s not forget what happens to “scapegoats” when they are targeted for their “privilege”…
And not just in Germany. all the rest of Europe had to deal with the actions of a handful of crazed fanatics in Germany…
I suppose that I could go on and on.
And you all would turn off my MM and go watch cute and funny kitty videos, check out the latest vehicles out of Detroit, or look up TenderPotRoastRecipe.
But all that you are reading…right now… in real time sounds AWFULLY familiar. Throw away the details and the names. Look at what is going on. It sounds like the kind of nonsense out of Sierra Leon in the 1980’s, or the bullshit in Saigon in the 1960’s in South Vietnam. It sounds like the bullshit leading up to “the war on terror” in the Middle East, or the crap nonsense made by Hitler as he demonized the Jews, or the Japanese demonized the Chinese.
Yet somehow…
Somehow, America can have another war with China, or Russia, or Iran or all three, and you know that magically it will happen in far away lands that Americans never herd of before.
China wants to fight the USA? It’s a nation of leadership by merit. They are not a military Empire like the USA. They just want for Chinese people to live in China free of foreign (namely USA) interference.
This idea that China wants war is ludicrous. It’s just political posturing.
Political Posturing
When someone pretends to have a particular opinion or attitude. This is done so that they can achieve their objectives without discussing the real reasons behind them.
It’s clear as day that the people who are running this (supposedly) Progressive Liberal Democrat administration, are actually war-mongering neocons.
If you don’t think this is really happening, then you probably need to rethink that:
StratCom just issued a warning to Americans that we might be nuked as a result of the Biden Regime escalating tensions with these two nuclear powers.
#USSTRATCOM Posture Statement Preview: The spectrum of conflict today is neither linear nor predictable.
We must account for the possibility of conflict leading to conditions which could very rapidly drive an adversary to consider nuclear use as their least bad option.
— US Strategic Command (@US_Stratcom) April 20, 2021
Yes, they are that crazy.
But is there anyone, anyone at all inside the Pentagon that is really aware of what the stakes are today? Well, read this great article by Pepe…
Yes, and the regular disclaimers abound. All credit to the author. Formatted to fit this venue, etc.
What you are about to read is part of an internal report by one of my top business/intel sources in the Beltway for the past decade and a half. Readers who received it include JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon, Evelyn de Rothschild and wife Lynn, Blackrock’s Larry Fink, Michael Bloomberg – who would never hire me as a Bloomberg columnist… – Blackstone’s Stephen Schwartzman, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and other assorted Masters of the Universe. I received a copy with all their addresses – which for obvious reasons I cannot make public.
This is a MAJOR bombshell – in the sense that the financial Masters of the Universe are now fully aware of sensitive intel not shared with non-military players. The question is what they’re gonna do about it.
The section of the reports starts HERE:
“While Rome burns which I use as an extended metaphor about the hundreds of US cities that burned last summer, and the US faces internal disintegration, the Pentagon admits that the US cannot face a two front war.
The US cannot face a one front war in Europe alone and would be defeated in five to ten minutes. It is not widely known that the key means that the US has chosen conventionally to defend Europe was by its superior airpower which outguns the Russians. However, what also is not widely known is that the US will be defeated in Europe by the Russians in five to ten minutes by the Russian hypersonic missiles destroying all NATO and European commercial airfields including those in England as it merrily sends its warships towards the Kerch Peninsula.
Whether all of our F-35 trillion dollar aircraft will be blown up too in five minutes depends on how fast the US can fly them out of harm’s way to some foreign shore. The remaining key question then is whether the US can evacuate Europe fast enough via a Dunkirk exit to escape to England or whether all the US forces will join their NATO comrades in a Russian prisoners of war camp.
The answer is that it cannot escape as it would take more than the two weeks time to evacuate. This has been confirmed to me by the highest US military authorities.
The US use of recent sanctions on Russia was to send the message that the nation killer that they call SWIFT-CHIPS is in the US toolkit as the US reply to an invasion of the Ukraine. (It goes without saying that Nord Stream Two would be over and the pipeline presently in operation from Russia to Europe would be shut down.) The US thus is sitting back in this poker game in smug self-confidence that the Russians would not dare to invade the Ukraine, causing the US to pull the trigger on throwing Russia out of SWIFT-CHIPS payment system to their Iranian-style doom.
But the US has not seen the Russian cards in their hand yet, which would be to exercise their super financial weapon of closing the Strait of Hormuz with their ally Iran which is willing to cooperate, according to our best intelligence sources.
We have discussed this scenario with the Goldman Sachs derivative specialists in oil who predict the oil price would rise to $500.00 to a $1,000.00 a barrel on such a closing. This would result in a triggering and the implosion of the 600 trillion to 2.5 quadrillion derivative market. In effect, it would end up destroying the entire world financial system.
The cataclysm that would hit the US would lead (as in Germany did in 1933) to a 50% unemployment rate or more. This would automatically begin the instigation of the complete overthrow of the US government. A government right now. which is barely hanging on by a thread (after last summer’s riots when the US military refused to intervene out of fear that its forces, as in Russia in 1918, would disintegrate along racial lines).
The defeat of the US in Europe would constitute the death knell of the US Empire as when Rome was sacked by Alaric. And make no mistake, there would be cheering all over the world.
[Now comes the killer part, which left me, well, speechless]
The myth of fissures between Russia and China should be dispelled by the following article in the Asia Times. There, where is sitting on Putin’s desk a major offer by a major company to finance the redirection of all oil and natural gas now going to Europe. Instead it would be redirected to China via pipeline.
It would constitute the largest commercial transaction in world history.
China could then depend on receiving from Russia the natural resources that presently come by sea. And Russia can replace all European imports to Russia by substitution and where that is not possible from China.
This very deep article should be read very carefully. The hundreds of billions of dollars for this project are available today according to the highest intelligence sources.
Here is an important quote from the article:
“A closely guarded secret in Moscow is that right after German sanctions imposed in relation to Ukraine, a major global energy operator approached Russia with an offer to divert to China no less than 7 million barrels a day of oil plus natural gas. Whatever happens, the stunning proposal is still sitting on the table of Shmal Gannadiy, a top oil/gas advisor to President Putin.”
[And then the report links to my story]:
Definitive Eurasian alliance is closer than you think. And things are proceeding well in advance than anyone actually realizes. And America is in no state to take on any major global power as it currently stands. It’s a foolish exercise in futility, and a death sentence for the participants.
Modern America 2021.
So what is going to happen?
I hold no “magic crystal ball”. No one does.
If I could characterize the state of affairs inside the Untied States government today, numerous examples come to mind…
A Train Wreck
A bunch a crazed maniacalmegalomaniacs are all crammed in the tiny engine of a locomotive, and everyone is trying to grab the controls to wheel and right this big, long enormous train back onto the tracks safely. Some are just there to stop the others. Some are earnestly trying to put the brakes on. Some are trying to increase the speed. Some are fighting among themselves, and some are lighting firecrackers at everyone's feet to see what will happen next. All are evil, out of control and running amok.
An Alien Monster trying to get out
The United States today is like the Alien monster that has incubated inside the host human (from the Alien movie). It is starting to get out, and the poor host is in a state of panic and fear.
I wrote an article on this theme. It is HERE.
Evil psychopath child playing with live dynamite
This is what it looks like. Especially after the "Long Telegram", and the Alaska meeting between China and the USA.
A suicidal man trying to get killed intentionally
It's almost that the people inside of Washington DC have no scruples, no idea of what reality is, and believe that they are somehow sitting on thrones in the clouds somewhere in their magical city of Olympus. Do they have a "death wish"? It most certainly seems that way, doesn't it?
What will happen, I don’t know. But keep your eyes open. Realize that the only idiots are in Washington DC and their colonies in the UK, and Australia. The rest of the world are watching from the spectator stands with popcorn in their right hand, and a Civil-Defense helmet in their left hand.
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There’s a lot of talk in the United States these days. It’s all about how “evil” the Chinese are, and how “evil” the Russians are, and how “evil” the Iranians are. And along with this well publicized narrative is the flood of articles about “how strong” and “how invincible” the American military is. It’s almost like, well it’s exactly like, America is on a war-footing and is readying the population for a long drawn out, multi-generational war, with Asia.
It’s a big mistake.
I guess that the American “leadership” wasn’t paying attention in history class. Perhaps they should ask the ghosts of NapoleonBonaparte and Hitler how that all worked out.
But one of the unspoken realities is the illusion that Asia won’t fight back. That it is inconceivable. And that any far in far-away Russia, or far-away China, or far-away Iran will stay far away.
Far… far… away.
And that, even if it did somehow manage to “throw a few punches” back at the United States, that the (good ol’) USA will manage to absorb them, quickly recover, and continue living a great and exceptional life as the “leader of the free world”, and that “brilliant city on the hill”. America is “exceptional” don’t you know…
And I for one am going to tell you that this is delirious wishful thinking.
Back in the day
This attitude that “we are strong and invincible” and that “we can tell the world what to do, or else” is thuggish bullying. And it’s more than just irritating, it’s disgusting. But for historians (well, I am an amateur, but you all know what I mean) it’s frightening.
History is full of stores of the proud rulers of nations. They would live inside their huge stone forts. they would have these huge banners fluttering in the azure blue skies, and they would have gaggles of beautiful maidens attending to them. And they would have large armies of “Heavy Cavalry” and “Knights in singing armor” . They would have thousands of these armed knights.
And they would sit inside their castles, on their thrones, and eat their lamb, drink their mead, and cavort with their wenches. They would make proclamations. They would be delirious and drunk with power, and totally and completely unaware of true and real dangers elsewhere in the world.
I feel a lecture coming on…
Genghis Khan and the “Brilliant Cities on the hill”
Genghis Khan was the Emperor of the Mongol Empire. He must have been one of the most ferocious people ever to live on the planet Earth. Genghis marked his reign with blood, feasts, and love of different women. People like Napoleon, Hitler, or Stalin look like amateurs when we compare them to Genghis Khan.
This fierce Mongol knew how to rule, and he successfully did it for many years in the 13th century. There wasn’t a person back in the day, who would not be scared of Genghis Khan’s power.
But before he came to power, he was not all that well known. And, as such he was dismissed as a “uncouth”, “uncultured” barbarian. Which he pretty much was…
The knights at their tournaments, in their finery, armor and emblems of ancestry, believed they were the foremost warriors in the world, while Mongol warriors thought otherwise.
Mongol horses were small, but their riders were lightly clad and they moved with greater speed. These were hardy men who grew up on horses and hunting, making them better warriors than those who grew up in agricultural societies and cities.
Their main weapon was the bow and arrow. And the Mongols of the early 1200s were highly disciplined, superbly coordinated and brilliant in tactics.
The Mongols were illiterate, religiously shamanistic and perhaps no more than 700,000 in number. Their language today is described as Altaic, a language unrelated to Chinese, derived from inhabitants in the Altay mountain range in western Mongolia.
They were herdsmen on the grassy plains north of the Gobi Desert, south of Siberia's forests. Before the year 1200, the Mongols were fragmented, moving about in small bands headed by a chief, or khan, and living in portable felt dwellings.
The Mongols endured frequent deprivations and sparse areas for grazing their animals. They frequently fought over turf, and during hard times they occasionally raided, interested in goods rather than bloodshed. They did not collect heads or scalps as trophies.
-Genghis Khan
…but that is besides the point.
The Mongol Empire conquered all Asia, and no enemy could withstand Genghis Khan and his bloodthirsty army. Oh yes, even though Mongols loved to compromise, they were known for their brutal physical power.
But they were much more than that. The Mongols under Genghis Khan were fair, just and orderly. You just don’t get on their bad side.
Genghis Khan created a body of law that he was to work on throughout his life. This included outlawing the tradition of kidnapping women. The kidnapping of women had caused feuds among the Mongols, and, as a teenager he had suffered from the kidnapping of his young wife, Borte, and he had devoted himself to rescuing her.
In addition, Genghis Khan declared all children legitimate, whomever the mother. He made it law that no woman would be sold into marriage. The stealing of animals had caused dissension among the Mongols, and Temujin made it a capital offense. A lost animal was to be returned to its owner, and taking lost property as one's own was to be considered thievery and a capital offense. Temujin regulated hunting – a winter activity – improving the availability of meat for everyone. He introduced record keeping, taking advantage of his move years before to have his native language put into writing. He created official seals. He created a supreme officer of the law who was to collect and preserve all judicial decisions, to oversee the trials of all those charged with wrongdoing and to have the power to issue death sentences. He created order that strengthened his realm and improved his ability to expand its territory.
-Genghis Khan
People believed that one Mongolian man could defeat ten or more warriors of other culture. And that was true. Genghis Khan proved many times how strong his army was, defeating his enemies against all the odds.
Nowadays, the only news we can hear about Mongolia is that Russians are trying out their nuclear weapons in the steppes of this ancient empire. Or that the Chinese are placing farming robots to herd cattle in inner Mongolia.
We forget that modern Chinese, and modern Russians are the direct descendants of the Mongol warriors of Genghis Khan.
What about this “uncouth barbarian”…
Genghis Khan was one of the most deeply feared historical figures in the world for a good reason. Historians estimate that Genghis Khan is responsible for over 40 million deaths, and at that time it was equal to 11 percent of the world’s population. For comparison, we can look at World War II, which has put “only” around three percent of the world’s population, 60-80 million people, to the graveyard. What Genghis Khan did is downright scary when we put it in perspective, right?
Not bad for an “evil” uncouth barbarian.
Genghis Khan was the most feared human of the 13th century, who could destroy dynasties just by moving his little finger. He created the Mongol Empire all by himself and earned his eternal spot in the history books. However, a lot of people had to suffer for Genghis Khan to succeed.
In cities the Mongols were forced to conquer, Genghis Khan divided the civilians by profession. He drafted the few who were literate and those he could use as translators. Those who had been the city's most rich and powerful he wasted no time in killing, remembering that the rulers he had left behind after conquering the Tangut and the Jurchens had betrayed him soon after his army had withdrawn.
It is said that the Genghis Khan's military did not torture, mutilate or maim. But his enemies are reported as having done so. Captured Mongols were dragged through streets and killed for sport and to entertain city residents. Gruesome displays of stretching, emasculation, belly cutting and hacking to pieces were something European rulers were using to discourage potential enemies – as was soon to happen to William Wallace on orders from England's King Edward I. The Mongols merely slaughtered, and preferred doing so from a distance.
The city of Nishapur revolted against Mongol rule. The husband of Genghis Khan's daughter was killed, and, it is said, she asked that everyone in the city be put to death, and, according to the story, they were.
-Genghis Khan
Oh yes, the Mongolians were known for their horrendous torturing techniques. One of the most popular was pouring molten silver down the throat and ears of a victim.
Genghis Khan also liked bending his enemy’s back until the backbone snapped. If that sounds barbaric, skip this next part. So, the Mongols once celebrated victory over Russians in a very bizarre way. They picked all the Russian survivors, dropped them on the ground and put a heavy wooden gate on top of them. Then, Genghis Khan and the entire Mongol army had a huge banquet on that wooden gate. They ate, drank, and watched how Russians were dying one by one from the suffocation, pressure, and wounds.
Genghis Khan had so much power that he could do whatever he wanted. For instance, when Genghis occupied some new area, he would kill or enslave all the men and share all the women amongst his tribe.
Genghis Khan would even make beauty contests of captured women to decide which woman is the most beautiful one. Yeah, he was having his Miss Universe competition before it was cool. So, the queen of those beauty competitions would win the privilege to become one of many Genghis Khan’s women.
The rest of the Mongolian army would share all the other contestants. It shows us once again how cruel and barbaric Mongols were. I suppose that it was a different time and a different place, but the fact remains that when you have lost, your cities destroyed, and sacked, the victor can do whatever they want. And they wanted sex.
Lots and lost of sex.
Genghis Khan was able to destroy entire “impenetrable” cities easily.
When we look at what Genghis Khan achieved with the Mongol Empire, we cannot help but appreciate his mastermind as a warlord. It surely looks like Genghis Khan had three dragons with him just like Khaleesi.
I cannot find any other explanation of Genghis Khan’s success.
I mean, he defeated Jin Dynasty’s one million troops with only 90,000 Mongolians by his side. Yes, Genghis Khan managed to win a war with ten times fewer troops than his opponent’s army.
Jin Dynasty.
On top of that, he was invading China, so he had to overcome all the “little” problems such as the Great Wall of China.
Genghis Khan with his army had destroyed over 500,000 of Chinese troop before getting control of Northern China and Beijing. The rest of the Chinese army had to surrender to the power of Genghis Khan.
Destroying Jin Dynasty is only one of many examples of how great of a warlord Genghis Khan was. Also, he had some brutal and loyal men by his side, so let’s not rule out the dragon theory.
Physical force is not enough to achieve something as great as Genghis Khan did.
Yes, there is no doubt that he is the greatest and most brutal warlord in history, but he was also a very wise man. In 1201, during a battle, Genghis Khan was shot by an enemy archer. Needless to say, he was not happy about it.
So, after the Mongolian army won the battle, Genghis Khan spent some time looking for the man that shot him. He even pretended that it was not him who got shot, but his horse, so the enemy archer would have the courage to confront Genghis.
An unbelievable thing happened when the archer finally stepped out of the crowd and confessed shooting Genghis Khan.
Instead of killing his enemy, Genghis Khan recognized his talent and asked him to join the Mongolian army. The archer became a great general and loyally served Genghis for many years. That is one of the reasons why Mongol Empire was such a success back in the 13th century.
It is not a secret that Genghis Khan loved to have some bedroom time with all the different women. Whenever Genghis would conquer new land (he did it more frequent than people scroll Facebook nowadays), he would also get himself a couple of new wives.
As well as a gaggle of some “playthings”.
Genghis did that because he liked beautiful women, but it was also a very convenient way to demonstrate his power. Spreading his blood line all over Asia ensured peace in the entire Mongol Empire.
So, how many children did Genghis Khan have? It is pretty much impossible to tell the number, but historians estimate that today, around eight percent of men from Asia are his descendants. I cannot even start to process this number, but apparently, Genghis Khan was a great lover. No one in the history is even close to having such a wide family tree. So, next time when you talk about Genghis Khan, remember that it is a great chance that he is your ancestor.
Torture time.
Genghis Khan was a man of reason. He let the people in the Mongol Empire live a happy life as long as they followed his rules.
However, Genghis Khan cruelly punished everyone who tried to break those rules.
In Hungary and Poland the Mongols were outnumbered but tactically superior. They defeated several Hungarian armies. In early April, 1241, at the Battle of Lenica (Liegnitz) in Poland, they defeated an army that is said to have included heavily armored Teutonic knights. Dying in the battle was the most powerful of Polish dukes, Henryk II (Henry II).
-Genghis Khan
For example, when the governor of one of the cities in the Khwarazmian Empire took over Genghis Khan’s trade caravan and killed all the traders, Genghis Khan went berserker.
He sent 100,000 Mongols to the Khwarazmian Empire and killed thousands of people, including the governor.
Genghis Khan poured molten silver into the governor’s eyes and mouth until the poor guy roasted from the inside. That was a clear sign that anyone, stupid enough to harm the Mongol Empire, would have to face devastating consequences.
While Genghis Khan was consolidating his conquests in what had been the Khwarezmian Empire, a force of 40,000 Mongol horsemen pushed through Azerbaijan and Armenia. Without Genghis Khan they defeated Georgia's Christian crusaders, captured a Genoese trade-fortress in the Crimea and spent the winter along the coast of the Black Sea. In 1223, as they were headed back home, they met 80,000 warriors led by Prince Mstislav of Kiev. The Battle of Kalka River (map location) commenced. Staying out of range of the crude weapons of peasant infantry, and with better bows than opposing archers, they devastated the prince's standing army. Facing the prince's cavalry, they faked a retreat and drew the prince's armored cavalry forward, taking advantage of the over-confidence of the mounted aristocrats. Lighter and more mobile, the Mongols strung out and tired the pursuers and then attacked, killed and routed them.
-Genghis Khan
History shows that spreading fear worked perfectly in Genghis Khan’s favor. He still needed to invade some rebellious places from time to time, but for the most of the time, people in The Mongol Empire behaved really well.
Genghis Khan could be as powerful and respected as he wanted, but he still had to surrender to the laws of nature. Genghis Khan died in 1227, at the age of 65.
And why is all this important?
History tells us that psychopathic personalities in charge of nations that possess science, technology, and modern works tend to be blinded to the realities of the world. They become drunk with power, and forget that there are “bigger fish in the sea” and that you should not discount them because they are different…
…or they look different…
…or that they are “book worms”…
…or are drunk on vodka all the time…
…or whatever bullshit reinforcements that you want to believe. Genghis Khan serves as a stark and frightening reminder that there is always someone bigger, and better, and stronger than you are. And you should mistake their polite actions, their calm words, their soft tone of voice for a sign of weakness.
The result could be lethal.
"Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs"
- Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels
Consider the reality
I could type until my fingers fall off, and no one is going to believe the statistics that pretty much show that a FIRE based economy isn’t capable of rebuilding, creating, or structuring anything. I can show you historical examples, you you all would ignore them. I can show you charts and graphs, but they will remain oblivious.
A FIRE economy is any economy based primarily on the finance, insurance, and real estate sectors. Finance, insurance, and real estate are United States Census Bureau classifications. Barry Popik describes some early uses as far back as 1982. Since 2008, the term has been commonly used by Michael Hudson and Eric Janszen. It is New York City's largest industryand a prominent part of the service industry in the United States overall economy and other Western developed countries.
I argue that strategically, a nation that makes, creates and builds things is far superior to that that talks about things, writes about things, and tabulates numbers on spreadsheets. And this superiority manifests in numerous ways.
The historical displacement of America’s industry for replacement by lawyers, economists, bankers and real estate tycoons.
But rather than get into all the charts and the graphs, it get’s tiresome don’t you know, instead we are going to greatly simplify things and look at the far simpler model.
So what we are going to so is simplify the equations.
An exercise in simplification
We are going to create an imaginary nation, roughly the the same size and structural organization of the United States. We are going to call it “Freedom United!”.
We are also going to create another nation, this is going to be a unified Asia that includes Russia, China and Iran. We will call it “Asia First!”
Does this map remind you of anything?
How about this…
Genghis Khans empire.
What we are going to do is compare the two collective communities. For each one is comprised of a group of separate states or independent nations, all brought together under a common banner.
And when we do compare them, we see this…
And the first thing that should strike the reader is that there is a major “real estate difference” involved.
Asia First! is much larger, geographically, than Freedom United! is.
But it’s more than that…
"Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’."
- George Orwell, Looking back on the Spanish War, Chapter 4
The second thing that you must note it it is not only bigger, but it has more people, more factories, and more resources.
But let’s simplify things and note that while Freedom United! and Asia First! both have factories and R&D centers, the nature of them, and the location of them within the geographical territories are quite different.
Freedom United! has pretty much “offshored” it’s manufacturing capability to other nations and places, and what remains are “think tanks”, “conceptional Research” and “study centers”. They are staffed by bankers, accountants and highly paid diversity directors. Further, their location tends to be centralized to the major cities within the nation body.
Cities like Yorker City, San Chicago, and New Angles have their “industry” very close to the densely packed urban centers. And while there are certainly scattered factories and manufacturing center peppered throughout the nation, the vast bulk of them at located at the urban city centers.
Something like this…
Meanwhile, Asia First! not only has more factories, but they are scattered throughout the entire nation. Furthermore, they tend to make real physical things. Not spreadsheets, Power Point Presentations, and accounting evaluations. The owners and the executives are all merit driven as it is their culture. All the leadership can, if needed, go onto the factory floor and make the parts and equipment products themselves.
Like Freedom United!, they also tend to cluster, but instead of clustering with the major population centers, they cluster inside manufacturing communities that are widely separated and located in the vast tracks of the countryside.
Here’s a map of Guangdong. It is a collection of many, many, many smaller towns that host many, many, many factories. This area is a designated Tier 1 city in China and it is north of the principal city of Shenzhen. For your shit’s and giggles, MM used to live in one of these cities here in this region. It’s all factories, and hills. Factories and hills. Factories and hills.
The Human bridge is really a hassle I will tell you what. That’s the icon at the far lower left of the picture. I go over it maybe once ever few months. It’s traffic as far as the eye can see!
Now for our purposes, we will consider ASIA FIRST! to be much like this. Which regions of scattered communities and factories all spread out over wide expansive terrain.
It looks something like this…
Let’s compare the two nation states
"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses."
- Malcolm X
When you compare the two nations you notice something very important to our calculus here. No matter how smart, how prosperous, how beautiful or how exceptional one nation is compared to the other… a nation with a bigger population, and more factories, and resource will be able to out-produce and out-survive a lesser nation.
It’s the “Risk” strategy.
IntheRiskgame, the goal is simple: playersaimto conquer their enemies’ territories by building an army, moving their troops in, andengaginginbattle. Depending on therollofthedice, a player will either defeat the enemy or be defeated. This exciting game isfilledwithbetrayal, alliances, and surprise attacks.
We saw that during World War II with the Nazi Germans. While their military weapons industry was top rate, and the quality of their equipment was the best in the world, it was the ill-trained, masses and hordes of soldiers from Russia that was able to overwhelm Germany.
This idea that huge quantities of “average” soldiers, and mediocre equipment can compensate for very specialized, and efficient, and expensive weapons systems is not new. It’s just not well reported as the Freedom United! military-industrial lobby is desirous of keeping this issue quiet and “under wraps”.
Let’s compare the two nations side by side…
All this is very interesting, but let’s get to the point.
A comparison with the events of the last few years leading up to today.
America takes on Asia…
Freedom United! is just getting “clobbered” on the international scene. It is a military empire that has few remaining exports of value. It exports aircraft, and wheat, and some very specialized machines, but that’s about it. It’s primary revenue generating venue is in the banking, finance and real estate venues.
This nation has been fighting numerous wars all over the globe, and it’s leadership are drunk with power, and oblivious to the true realities of the world.
So, where they got this idea is unknown, they get this idea that they can take on and fight with Asia First! And that they would win!
What’s more, they seriously believe that they could draw out the battle and fighting for a long, long time.
Not just years and decades, but generations…
Mike Pompeo in India working on the QUAD to fight against China.
Now they know that it would be very difficult to fight on the geographical territory of Asia First! as it would result in a complete nuclear retaliation.
Asia First! combined has an enormous nuclear arsenal. It is far bigger, more technologically advanced, and with a larger military than what Freedom United! has.
Thus, they need to be able to fight Asia First! is such a way that Nuclear MAD doctrine is avoided.
They also know that they need to “bleed out” Asia First! in such a way as to give them time to overtake the nation through attrition. So they have established other areas by which the fighting can take place.
Create a MAJOR “false flag” event to ignite a war-footing.
Keep the fighting conventional. Avoid nuclear weapons.
Fight by proxies on predetermined proxy nation locations.
Bleed Asia First! through dominance on the oceans, and in Space.
Isolate Asia First! in all ways and means.
Prevent war from hitting the mainland Freedom United!
The battles are designed to occur on proxy locations.
The idea is to have wars and battles taking place in far-away lands, so that no one in Freedom United! is harmed, and a direct nuclear strike with Asia First! can be avoided. These proxy war locations (already decided upon by FREEDOM UNITED!) are shown in gold.
And of course, the idea is that Freedom United! would fight Asia First on these designated battlefields. These areas are known as the QUAD.
It’s a brilliant plan.
Except one thing.
Some of those QUAD areas are considered to be Asian First! territory. And pretending that they are not is a egregious mistake. And Asia First! has said so explicitly. These are “RED LINES” that one dare not cross.
But the leadership of Freedom United! just chucked, and pretended that they didn’t hear the statements.
A Battle Rages
So let’s go through the logical progression of things.
Of events as we know them.
Freedom United! creates a series of “false flags” to justify a war with Asia First!. There are a number of events stacked up that are ready to go. The question is which one will Freedom First! use to “get the ball rolling”?
And within a short period of time there are global military actions globally.
Initially, it looks like everything is going to plan. One or two QUAD members decide to “sit the conflict out”, but the rest support the effort in varying degrees.
Trade slows to a trickle and even stops.
The people of Freedom United! are all in gleeful patriotism, and conventional fighting is occurring all along the “doorsteps” of Asia First!. As planned! Off in far-away lands!
American media constantly pushes for war because they have no idea what real war is. To them, going to war is like spanking a child: possibly backfiring socially, but no real danger to their own lives. Most of the time, they just send bombers and take cool videos. When guys have to be sent on the ground, their deaths can be used to fuel the national hard-on America has for its military. I call it the "thank you for your service culture.
America has waged war on minor nations for so long that they can't even imagine that fighting another nation might result in aunt Nancy meeting her creator early. To them, Afghanistan, Iraq, China, Russia, it's all the same.
Also, the infantile thinking in terms of good and bad doesn't help.
Posted by: Eeny | Apr 12 2021 18:32 utc | 12
They can sit down in front of their televisions set, and social media feeds and feel so proud and patriotic about how strong and powerful their military is, and finally doing something about all those evil dirty filthy Asia First! people.
But then something happens.
Those “neutral” QUAD nations are not all independent. Some of them are actually geographically part of Asia First! They are not considered to be “protectorates of Freedom United!” instead they are recognized by the UN as actual sovereign territory of Asia First!, and…
…when the military operations in support of the False Flag events start to occur, action starts to unfold very rapidly.
Asia First! decides that enough is enough, and that this bullshit must end. So it unleashes a combined military horror upon Freedom United!.
All Hell breaks loose.
The event was is brief and is over quickly. All in all an equal exchange of nuclear conflagration occurs to both nation states. No one is spared.
The nuclear strike has been planned for decades. It’s not spontaneous.
And one nation decides to end it, and it remains the victor who lays the terms of surrender of the other nation.
Which nation would be the winner, and which would be the loser, do you suppose?
It looks like this…
Global Devastation
We can see what happens.
Not only are the designated battlefields (pre-established by Freedom United!) hit with crippling nuclear salvos, but the “untouchable” cities of Freedom United! are also targeted. In fact, ALL of the major urban ares of Freedom United! are erased from the globe.
All of the major cites of Freedom United are erased from the map. All of the military bases in support of the military empire of Freedom United! are turned into slag and glass. The capital, and all the leadership locations are craters surrounded by radioactive wasteland.
Freedom United! ceases to be a nation.
The world is in big trouble.
It did come at a price.
Asia First! also took some hits and they did not survive unscathed. But we can clearly see that even though there was an equal exchange of hostilities, the nation that suffered the worst was Freedom United! by the simple geography of it’s cities and manufacturing base.
The Aftermath
Now consider the years following this nuclear exchange.
How was the globe able to recover, and which nations recovered the best?
Which nations are best able to recover?
Which nations would be able to recover within a decade?
Which nations would be able to recover within 50 years?
Let’s take a look at that…
Recovery Suggestions
Well, there are far too many variables at play to make any kind of reasonable determine what could happen. All we have are the numbers and the proportions. Asia First! could lose 75% of it’s population and still be better off than Freedom United! And then there is the destruction of factories and cities, and the ability to rebuild. In all aspects, Asia First! would be far better equipped to rebuild, stabilize the situation, and begin all over.
Not so with Freedom United!
Because of this, and the fact that Freedom United! is already balkanized, it seems logical that whatever the condition of Freedom United! would be after a major nuclear exchange, it would fracture into many different singular, independent cities, and independent nations. Some would be healthier than others. Some would be absolutely horrible and horrid places to live, while others might be generally unscathed.
We can also say that there would probably be some serious internal domestic conflict as a nation of “independence” (and high levels of gun ownership and decades of “race bating”) and government actions that pit one group against another…
… that there would be a relatively long period of adjustment to the new normal.
There might be efforts to maintain the original constitution, while there might be efforts to maintain the independence of the individual states. There might be efforts to carve out new states and new territories, as well as neighboring nations deciding to annex some of the lands that are now “up for grabs”.
No matter, how contentious, how difficult, how problematic, and how confused, one thing is certain, the Federal Government will no longer exist, and it would take a herculean effort to keep the Freedom United! national unity intact after a global nuclear exchange.
Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads. Nuclear war has become a multi-billion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclear war”. Massive amounts of money have been allocated by the Joe Biden Administration to feed the weapons industry including the Pentagons’ 1.3 trillion dollar nuclear weapons program first launched under Obama, is ongoing under the Biden administration.Michel Chossudovsky, April 12, 2021
This post looks at the world like the simplified game of “Risk”. The nation with the bigger population and armies will be able to offset what ever technical advantage you might possess. This is not always true, of course. (Consider the Incas when they met the Spanish in search of gold.) But it is often true enough to say that perhaps 80% of modern conflict follows this rule.
We can wish that advantage can be mitigated by brilliant generals (Carl von Clausewitz, and Rommel), or exciting cutting edge technology (radar, sonar, stealth, cruse missile, hyper-glide technology, drones, nuclear weapons), and elite and specialized training (Seals, Green Berets) but for the most part these advantages are on the Tactical level, not on the Strategic level.
Avalon Hill’s game “Squad Leader” simulates tactical level military warfare on the Eastern Front between Germany and Russia during World War II.
But we have to take into account something else. This is something that is rarely if ever addressed…
… incompetence at the leadership level.
The public faces change, but the stupidity remains because, like Rome, you can change the leadership… but the system is faulted and humans will abuse it.
When Germany ran over France in 1941 the French generals were ill prepared to deal with the Germans. When World War II broke out, Stalin was so incompetent, that he locked himself in the room and got drunk waiting for people to haul him away and arrest him.
When Genghis Khan attacked Europe, and the Silk Road, many nations and city state had an unrealistic understanding of the threat that was facing them, and they had an artificially inflated idea of what they were capable of.
Like the 20,000 armored knights that rode into battle to take on 4 million angry Huns... none survived.
In this overly simplified scenario we discount advantages on the tactical level.
Instead we compare geography and leadership (only). In this set of goggles it is quite obvious that Asia First! has a decided advantage over Freedom United!. Yet, as much fun as this very frightening scenario plays out, we do not know what to expect, and our guesses can be wildly inaccurate.
But, and yet, given the little what we know, and what we have learned from history, there is a case that the scenario presented here has a 60% likelihood of occurring. The Freedom Forever! nation will not easily recover at any pre-confligation level, and it is ridiculous to assume that it would. No matter what “secret weapon” the neocons in control of the nation might think.
We need only review the catastrophic mistakes of the Hungarians when they encountered the Huns of Genghis Khan to underline this point.
Do you want more?
I have more posts in my Theories of Collapse Index here…
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you.
Long time MM readers will have no problem with this. By looking at all the evidence regarding what has been going on with America, every single indicator has pointed to the need to identify an external threat and then use that threat to unify America against. The problem has been, and continues to be, that the United States is in no state to fight anyone, let alone throw spit balls at it.
So it has to resort to non-obvious means to attack it.
The best image that I can give is imagine a very old, febble, sickly man in a wheelchair. He doesn’t like the other people in the cafeteria. So when no one is watching he puts some of his blood pressure medicine in their soup.
That’s America today.
America today.
All of this is tiring.
To prevent anyone from noticing that the old geezer was putting his medicine in the other people’s food, he starts yelling and pointing at the others at the table. He screams at them! Claims that they are dirty, ugly, corrupt, sinister, and everything that he can think of. And when they try to say anything. He throws used tissue at them, tosses his flip-flops at them, and then starts spitting at everyone.
Of course he is allowed to do this.
For he is a respected old man, and he has friends. He also has a large group of “enforcers” that do his bidding. No one at the table is unaware of this. They jsut want to keep out of his way, and don’t get on his bad side.
The old man has a nice army of protectors that do his bidding.
Never the less, he really is out of control. And after a while with soup splashed everywhere, and yelling and screaming, and some of the other retired patients being wheeled away to their own rooms, a growing silence emerges.
The hospital orderlies move forward to get him under control.
That’s where we are today.
Other people are still investigating the myrid of issues and events that the Trump administration set in motion. They need to. Whether or not you like Turmp or hate his, for four years the White House was staffed with war-mongering neocons. If you think that all they did was provike the world into war, then you are fully mistaken. All anyone sees is just “the tip of the iceberg”.
The ramifications of the Trump Administration will continue to unravel for decades to come. Some can be undone, while others might manifest as some very nasty events that will “pop up out of the blue”. Stay frosty.
The following is a great article. It is reprinted in it’s entirety.
It is terribly TECHNICAL, and it is not an easy read. It is archived here on MM for those with more than just a casual understanding of bio-weapon design. Also for those of you that still hold on to the [1] American public narrative that it is a natural pandemic, or the CIA narrative [2] that it is an escaped bio-weapon out of China. This is for you.
For the rest of us, well… we know what the Hell is going on.
It is titled “Tracking Israeli Involvement: University of North Carolina generated COVID-19 (censored/suppressed)” By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor written on February 9, 2021. It can be found HERE if you like Facebook, or directly HERE on VT. Edited to fit this venue, and all credit to the author.
Tracking Israeli Involvement: University of North Carolina generated COVID-19 (censored/suppressed)
Update: VT has been tracking COVID stats and disinformation/censorship since day one. Now, in light of the Beirut attack (Trump backs us up), we now view the release of a hybridized version of COVID 19 on the New York metropolitan area as a terror attack.
Stats on hospitalization and deaths there have been altered/censored which proves this was a biological attack. Death rates were many times higher than elsewhere and even target specifically the Jewish population, something Israel has done before.
We have watched Google Corporation’s manipulation of the internet, we have tracked them and find clear and absolute evidence that ties those who executed the Beirut attack to those who released COVID 19 on the US and the world.
We have also watched Facebook, Google/YouTube, and Twitter censored Beirut videos and coordinate with MSM to sell a fake narrative involving unexplorable fertilizer while evidence mounts of a massive not only attack by Israel but a brilliant set of feints also, drones, planes, and even a missile.
Who knows, a nuke could have been loaded there with ease right off a truck and no one would notice.
Now with Beirut in shambles, the UAE joining Greater Israel, and the Qanon monstrosity selling a police state to the rabble, the inexplicable becomes clear.
Below, we [1] prove the creation of COVID, which was [2] a CIA project done through a cover program at a private university using bioweapons experts. Now [3] we see it released, the target? [4] Looting the US economy, [5] bringing America to civil war, and [6] allowing power to centralize under Kosher Nostra control without the subterfuge, now unnecessary.
This article contains hard proof that cannot be questioned or denied, which you may submit to any government agency or healthcare professional.
What is not yet proven but coming into focus is that the US biological weapons program at Fort Detrick, Maryland, equipment and certainly key staff, certainly migrated to secret labs at large state universities in order to “hide in plain sight.”
Follow the careers, all links are included, of those who worked on the Wuhan-COVID project in 2017.
Also, note that the exact same personnel and equipment is used for fake “prevention” research and testing as weaponization and actual production.
Since this article was written, we have begun to look at worldwide operations of US nuclear/bio/chem contractor, Kushner-Trump’s favorite, Battelle, and their secret labs around the world.
When we began, our people started to be threatened. That was a serious mistake.
Submit this paper to any physician or other qualified bio-sciences specialist. See what they say.
Documents below will show that research to create COVID 19 began in the United States in 2006 and culminated in a successful bio-weapon in 2015, with work done at the University of North Carolina and at Harvard and at the Food and Drug Administration’s lab in Arkansas.
Their work was titled:
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence“
They did this and more, so much more as you will read below.
As Trump said, over and over and over, the Chinese were involved.
Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China supplied the Wuhan Bat Virus which was used in the American study.
Their name was included for that reason only.
COVID 19 was a US Army bio-weapons project to manufacture a pneumonia-causing disease that would be nearly impossible to vaccinate for in patients over 40 years old.
The proof is here, simply scroll down. The study was run by the University of North Carolina and funded by USAID/CIA. It chose a Chinese bat virus and chose to include a medical facility in Wuhan as well.
Now we know why, a smokescreen of the blame for a program China had little or nothing to do with, something satanically evil and purely American.
In November 2015, a study was published outlining the capability of producing the virus we are dealing with now. Among the many involved was a lab in Wuhan, China. It was listed from the beginning as one of the dozens, mostly American, working on this project.
However, one key participant was left out, USAID. It is suspected, deeply so, that USAID is a front for American bio-warfare research such as that done in Tbilisi, Georgia, and elsewhere, much documented. This is the citation that adds USAID to the research funding group.
Change history
20 November 2015
In the version of this article initially published online, the authors omitted to acknowledge a funding source, USAID-EPT-PREDICT funding from EcoHealth Alliance, to Z.-L.S. The error has been corrected for the print, PDF and HTML versions of this article.
[ Editor’s Note: We will now present Pravda’s biased article and, below that, the actual study proving the capability of producing COVID 19, proving it is not a naturally occurring virus once and for all.
As to who did what, this is not our job but we are proving, categorically, that when a Chinese lab is mentioned, it is a minor player in an American effort, as outlined exhaustively below.
This makes discussing the Wuhan lab possibly complicit in bio-warfare.
Similarly, when Forbes Magazine and others stated they could prove COVID 19 was made naturally, and of course they had the same access we have, we suspect that they are part of a disinformation effort tied to USAID and bio-warfare.
Suspicion is not proof. The proof is proof and there is proof enough to drown in. Our thanks to the American medical professionals who pimped themselves out to the US Army and CIA and who helped bring us where we are now, a nation broken to pieces…VeteransToday ]
Pravda.Ru: Such material appeared in 2015 on the website of the scientific journal Natura in 2015. Then the authors claimed that after the advent of the SARS virus (2002-2003) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), scientists were aware of the risk of interspecific transmission that would lead to an epidemic among people.
Successful lab experiment
Among other things, the research team studied bats, which are the largest incubators of coronaviruses. Nevertheless, bats could not transmit the coronavirus to humans because they could not interact with human cells with ACE2 receptors.
The material also stated that horseshoe bats carry a strain of SARS coronavirus that can be transmitted to humans. It has been named the SHC014-CoV virus.
To better study this virus, scientists copied the coronavirus and infected it with laboratory mice. The results showed that the virus is really able to bind to human cells with ACE2 receptors and multiply in the cells of the respiratory system.
In the research work, it is noted that laboratory materials, samples and equipment that were used in the research were obtained from the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Although it is not yet possible to say for sure that the virus that was tested in laboratory mice is the same as the SARS-Cove-2 coronavirus.
NATO policy
However, interesting things can be found in earlier documents.
For example:
The 2019 Alliance’s activity report says that in 2019, the Alliance’s first place in research and development was occupied by the topic of radiochemical and biological protection (29%), shifting the seemingly most pressing problem of Europe – counterterrorism (it turned out to be 4- m priority).
A year earlier, in 2018, the situation was exactly the opposite: terrorism, as it should be, was in the first place (28%), and radiochemical and biological protection in the fourth (13%).
As the Brussels snitch writes in the telegram channel, “given the absence of visible reasons for such a sharp change in scientific interests, there are two options and both are unpleasant:
or NATO now wags the fifth point, falsifying the data to show “and we always prepared for viruses, we are modern”,
or even in 2019 in the alliance, God forgive me, they knew where the trouble would come from.
Yes, the first option is much more real, but, you see, the facts are surprising.
Published: 09 November 2015A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence by Vineet D Menachery, Boyd L Yount Jr, Kari Debbink, Sudhakar Agnihothram, Lisa E Gralinski, Jessica A Plante, Rachel L Graham, Trevor Scobey, Xing-Yi Ge, Eric F Donaldson, Scott H Randell, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Wayne A Marasco, Zhengli-Li Shi, Ralph S Baric
-Nature Medicine volume 21, pages 1508–1513 (2015)
A Corrigendum to this article was published on 06 April 2016
This article has been updated
The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV underscores the threat of cross-species transmission events leading to outbreaks in humans. Here we examine the disease potential of a SARS-like virus, SHC014-CoV, which is currently circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations1. Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system2, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone.
The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin-converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis.
Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approach failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein.
On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations.
The emergence of SARS-CoV heralded a new era in the cross-species transmission of severe respiratory illness with globalization leading to rapid spread around the world and massive economic impact3,4. Since then, several strains—including influenza A strains H5N1, H1N1 and H7N9, and MERS-CoV—have emerged from animal populations, causing considerable disease, mortality and economic hardship for the afflicted regions5. Although public health measures were able to stop the SARS-CoV outbreak4, recent metagenomics studies have identified sequences of closely related SARS-like viruses circulating in Chinese bat populations that may pose a future threat1,6.
However, sequence data alone provides minimal insights to identify and prepare for future pre-pandemic viruses. Therefore, to examine the emergence potential (that is, the potential to infect humans) of circulating bat CoVs, we built a chimeric virus encoding a novel, zoonotic CoV spike protein—from the RsSHC014-CoV sequence that was isolated from Chinese horseshoe bats1—in the context of the SARS-CoV mouse-adapted backbone. The hybrid virus allowed us to evaluate the ability of the novel spike protein to cause disease independently of other necessary adaptive mutations in its natural backbone.
Using this approach, we characterized CoV infection mediated by the SHC014 spike protein in primary human airway cells and in vivo and tested the efficacy of available immune therapeutics against SHC014-CoV. Together, the strategy translates metagenomics data to help predict and prepare for future emergent viruses.
The sequences of SHC014 and the related RsWIV1-CoV show that these CoVs are the closest relatives to the epidemic SARS-CoV strains (Fig. 1a,b); however, there are important differences in the 14 residues that bind human ACE2, the receptor for SARS-CoV, including the five that are critical for host range: Y442, L472, N479, T487 and Y491 (ref. 7).
In WIV1, three of these residues vary from the epidemic SARS-CoV Urbani strain, but they were not expected to alter binding to ACE2 (Supplementary Fig. 1a,b and Supplementary Table 1). This fact is confirmed by both pseudotyping experiments that measured the ability of lentiviruses encoding WIV1 spike proteins to enter cells expressing human ACE2 (Supplementary Fig. 1) and by in vitro replication assays of WIV1-CoV (ref. 1). In contrast, 7 of 14 ACE2-interaction residues in SHC014 are different from those in SARS-CoV, including all five residues critical for host range (Supplementary Fig. 1c and Supplementary Table 1).
These changes, coupled with the failure of pseudotyped lentiviruses expressing the SHC014 spike to enter cells (Supplementary Fig. 1d), suggested that the SHC014 spike is unable to bind human ACE2. However, similar changes in related SARS-CoV strains had been reported to allow ACE2 binding7,8, suggesting that additional functional testing was required for verification.
Therefore, we synthesized the SHC014 spike in the context of the replication-competent, mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone (we hereafter refer to the chimeric CoV as SHC014-MA15) to maximize the opportunity for pathogenesis and vaccine studies in mice (Supplementary Fig. 2a). Despite predictions from both structure-based modeling and pseudotyping experiments, SHC014-MA15 was viable and replicated to high titers in Vero cells (Supplementary Fig. 2b). Similar to SARS, SHC014-MA15 also required a functional ACE2 molecule for entry and could use human, civet and bat ACE2 orthologs (Supplementary Fig. 2c,d).
To test the ability of the SHC014 spike to mediate infection of the human airway, we examined the sensitivity of the human epithelial airway cell line Calu-3 2B4 (ref. 9) to infection and found robust SHC014-MA15 replication, comparable to that of SARS-CoV Urbani (Fig. 1c).
To extend these findings, primary human airway epithelial (HAE) cultures were infected and showed robust replication of both viruses (Fig. 1d). Together, the data confirm the ability of viruses with the SHC014 spike to infect human airway cells and underscore the potential threat of cross-species transmission of SHC014-CoV.
Figure 1: SARS-like viruses replicate in human airway cells and produce in vivo pathogenesis.
(a) The full-length genome sequences of representative CoVs were aligned and phylogenetically mapped as described in the Online Methods. The scale bar represents nucleotide substitutions, with only bootstrap support above 70% being labeled. The tree shows CoVs divided into three distinct phylogenetic groups, defined as α-CoVs, β-CoVs and γ-CoVs. Classical subgroup clusters are marked as 2a, 2b, 2c and 2d for the β-CoVs and as 1a and 1b for the α-CoVs.
(b) Amino acid sequences of the S1 domains of the spikes of representative β-CoVs of the 2b group, including SARS-CoV, were aligned and phylogenetically mapped. The scale bar represents the amino acid substitutions.
(c,d) Viral replication of SARS-CoV Urbani (black) and SHC014-MA15 (green) after infection of Calu-3 2B4 cells (c) or well-differentiated, primary air-liquid interface HAE cell cultures (d) at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 0.01 for both cell types. Samples were collected at individual time points with biological replicates (n = 3) for both Calu-3 and HAE experiments.
(e,f) Weight loss (n = 9 for SARS-CoV MA15; n = 16 for SHC014-MA15) (e) and viral replication in the lungs (n = 3 for SARS-CoV MA15; n = 4 for SHC014-MA15) (f) of 10-week-old BALB/c mice infected with 1 × 104 p.f.u. of mouse-adapted SARS-CoV MA15 (black) or SHC014-MA15 (green) via the intranasal (i.n.) route.
(g,h) Representative images of lung sections stained for SARS-CoV N antigen from mice infected with SARS-CoV MA15 (n = 3 mice) (g) or SHC014-MA15 (n = 4 mice) (h) are shown. For each graph, the center value represents the group mean, and the error bars define the s.e.m. Scale bars, 1 mm.
To evaluate the role of the SHC014 spike in mediating infection in vivo, we infected 10-week-old BALB/c mice with 104 plaque-forming units (p.f.u.) of either SARS-MA15 or SHC014-MA15 (Fig. 1e–h). Animals infected with SARS-MA15 experienced rapid weight loss and lethality by 4 d post-infection (d.p.i.); in contrast, SHC014-MA15 infection produced substantial weight loss (10%) but no lethality in mice (Fig. 1e). Examination of viral replication revealed nearly equivalent viral titers from the lungs of mice infected with SARS-MA15 or SHC014-MA15 (Fig. 1f). Whereas lungs from the SARS-MA15–infected mice showed robust staining in both the terminal bronchioles and the lung parenchyma 2 d.p.i. (Fig. 1g), those of SHC014-MA15–infected mice showed reduced airway antigen staining (Fig. 1h); in contrast, no deficit in antigen staining was observed in the parenchyma or in the overall histology scoring, suggesting differential infection of lung tissue for SHC014-MA15 (Supplementary Table 2).
We next analyzed infection in more susceptible, aged (12-month-old) animals. SARS-MA15–infected animals rapidly lost weight and succumbed to infection (Supplementary Fig. 3a,b). SHC014-MA15 infection-induced robust and sustained weight loss, but had minimal lethality. Trends in the histology and antigen staining patterns that we observed in young mice were conserved in the older animals (Supplementary Table 3). We excluded the possibility that SHC014-MA15 was mediating infection through an alternative receptor on the basis of experiments using Ace2−/− mice, which did not show weight loss or antigen staining after SHC014-MA15 infection (Supplementary Fig. 4a,b and Supplementary Table 2). Together, the data indicate that viruses with the SHC014 spike are capable of inducing weight loss in mice in the context of a virulent CoV backbone.
Given the preclinical efficacy of Ebola monoclonal antibody therapies, such as ZMApp10, we next sought to determine the efficacy of SARS-CoV monoclonal antibodies against infection with SHC014-MA15. Four broadly neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies targeting SARS-CoV spike protein had been previously reported and are probable reagents for immunotherapy11,12,13. We examined the effect of these antibodies on viral replication (expressed as percentage inhibition of viral replication) and found that whereas wild-type SARS-CoV Urbani was strongly neutralized by all four antibodies at relatively low antibody concentrations (Fig. 2a–d), neutralization varied for SHC014-MA15. Fm6, an antibody generated by phage display and escape mutants11,12, achieved only background levels of inhibition of SHC014-MA15 replication (Fig. 2a). Similarly, antibodies 230.15 and 227.14, which were derived from memory B cells of SARS-CoV–infected patients13, also failed to block SHC014-MA15 replication (Fig. 2b,c). For all three antibodies, differences between the SARS and SHC014 spike amino acid sequences corresponded to direct or adjacent residue changes found in SARS-CoV escape mutants (fm6 N479R; 230.15 L443V; 227.14 K390Q/E), which probably explains the absence of the antibodies’ neutralizing activity against SHC014. Finally, monoclonal antibody 109.8 was able to achieve 50% neutralization of SHC014-MA15, but only at high concentrations (10 μg/ml) (Fig. 2d). Together, the results demonstrate that broadly neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV may only have marginal efficacy against emergent SARS-like CoV strains such as SHC014.
Figure 2: SARS-CoV monoclonal antibodies have marginal efficacy against SARS-like CoVs.
(a–d) Neutralization assays evaluating efficacy (measured as a reduction in the number of plaques) of a panel of monoclonal antibodies, which were all originally generated against epidemic SARS-CoV, against infection of Vero cells with SARS-CoV Urbani (black) or SHC014-MA15 (green). The antibodies tested were fm6 (n = 3 for Urbani; n = 5 for SHC014-MA15)11,12
(a), 230.15 (n = 3 for Urbani; n = 2 for SHC014-MA15)
(b), 227.15 (n = 3 for Urbani; n = 5 for SHC014-MA15)
(c) and 109.8 (n = 3 for Urbani; n = 2 for SHC014-MA15)13
(d). Each data point represents the group mean and error bars define the s.e.m. Note that the error bars in SARS-CoV Urbani–infected Vero cells in b,c are overlapped by the symbols and are not visible.
To evaluate the efficacy of existing vaccines against infection with SHC014-MA15, we vaccinated aged mice with double-inactivated whole SARS-CoV (DIV). Previous work showed that DIV could neutralize and protect young mice from challenge with a homologous virus14; however, the vaccine failed to protect aged animals in which augmented immune pathology was also observed, indicating the possibility of the animals being harmed because of the vaccination15. Here we found that DIV did not provide protection from challenge with SHC014-MA15 with regards to weight loss or viral titer (Supplementary Fig. 5a,b). Consistent with a previous report with other heterologous groups 2b CoVs15, serum from DIV-vaccinated, aged mice also failed to neutralize SHC014-MA15 (Supplementary Fig. 5c).
Notably, DIV vaccination resulted in robust immune pathology (Supplementary Table 4) and eosinophilia (Supplementary Fig. 5d–f). Together, these results confirm that the DIV vaccine would not be protective against infection with SHC014 and could possibly augment disease in the aged vaccinated group.
In contrast to the vaccination of mice with DIV, the use of SHC014-MA15 as a live, attenuated vaccine showed potential cross-protection against challenge with SARS-CoV, but the results have important caveats. We infected young mice with 104 p.f.u. of SHC014-MA15 and observed them for 28 d. We then challenged the mice with SARS-MA15 at day 29 (Supplementary Fig. 6a). The prior infection of the mice with the high dose of SHC014-MA15 conferred protection against challenge with a lethal dose of SARS-MA15, although there was only a minimal SARS-CoV neutralization response from the antisera elicited 28 d after SHC014-MA15 infection (Supplementary Fig. 6b, 1:200). In the absence of a secondary antigen boost, 28 d.p.i. represents the expected peak of antibody titers and implies that there will be diminished protection against SARS-CoV over time16,17. Similar results showing protection against challenge with a lethal dose of SARS-CoV were observed in aged BALB/c mice with respect to weight loss and viral replication (Supplementary Fig. 6c,d). However, the SHC014-MA15 infection dose of 104 p.f.u. induced >10% weight loss and lethality in some aged animals (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 3). We found that vaccination with a lower dose of SHC014-MA15 (100 p.f.u.), did not induce weight loss, but it also failed to protect aged animals from a SARS-MA15 lethal dose challenge (Supplementary Fig. 6e,f). Together, the data suggest that the SHC014-MA15 challenge may confer cross-protection against SARS-CoV through conserved epitopes, but the required dose induces pathogenesis and precludes use as an attenuated vaccine.
Having established that the SHC014 spike has the ability to mediate infection of human cells and cause disease in mice, we next synthesized a full-length SHC014-CoV infectious clone based on the approach used for SARS-CoV (Fig. 3a)2. Replication in Vero cells revealed no deficit for SHC014-CoV relative to that for SARS-CoV (Fig. 3b); however, SHC014-CoV was significantly (P < 0.01) attenuated in primary HAE cultures at both 24 and 48 h after infection (Fig. 3c). In vivo infection of mice demonstrated no significant weight loss but showed reduced viral replication in lungs of full-length SHC014-CoV infection, as compared to SARS-CoV Urbani (Fig. 3d,e). Together, the results establish the viability of full-length SHC014-CoV but suggest that further adaptation is required for its replication to be equivalent to that of epidemic SARS-CoV in human respiratory cells and in mice.
Figure 3: Full-length SHC014-CoV replicates in human airways but lacks the virulence of epidemic SARS-CoV.
(a) Schematic of the SHC014-CoV molecular clone, which was synthesized as six contiguous cDNAs (designated SHC014A, SHC014B, SHC014C, SHC014D, SHC014E and SHC014F) flanked by unique BglI sites that allowed for directed assembly of the full-length cDNA expressing open reading frames (for 1a, 1b, spike, 3, envelope, matrix, 6–8 and nucleocapsid). Underlined nucleotides represent the overhang sequences formed after restriction enzyme cleavage.
(b,c) Viral replication of SARS-CoV Urbani (black) or SHC014-CoV (green) after infection of Vero cells
(b) or well-differentiated, primary air-liquid interface HAE cell cultures
(c) at an MOI of 0.01. Samples were collected at individual time points with biological replicates (n = 3) for each group. Data represent one experiment for both Vero and HAE cells.
(d,e) Weight loss (n = 3 for SARS-CoV MA15, n = 7 for SHC014-CoV; n = 6 for SARS-Urbani)
(d) and viral replication in the lungs (n = 3 for SARS-Urbani and SHC014-CoV)
(e) of 10-week-old BALB/c mice infected with 1 × 105 p.f.u. of SARS-CoV MA15 (gray), SHC014-CoV (green) or SARS-CoV Urbani (black) via the i.n. route. Each data point represents the group mean, and error bars define the s.e.m. **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001 using two-tailed Student’s t-test of individual time points.
During the SARS-CoV epidemic, links were quickly established between palm civets and the CoV strains that were detected in humans4.
Building on this finding, the common emergence paradigm argues that epidemic SARS-CoV originated as a bat virus, jumped to civets, and incorporated changes within the receptor-binding domain (RBD) to improve binding to civet Ace2 (ref. 18).
Subsequent exposure to people in live-animal markets permitted human infection with the civet strain, which, in turn, adapted to become the epidemic strain (Fig. 4a).
However, phylogenetic analysis suggests that early human SARS strains appear more closely related to bat strains than to civet strains18.
Therefore, a second paradigm argues that direct bat-human transmission initiated SARS-CoV emergence and that palm civets served as a secondary host and reservoir for continued infection (Fig. 4b)19. For both paradigms, spike adaptation in a secondary host is seen as a necessity, with most mutations expected to occur within the RBD, thereby facilitating improved infection. Both theories imply that pools of bat CoVs are limited and that host-range mutations are both random and rare, reducing the likelihood of future emergence events in humans.
Figure 4: Emergence paradigms for coronaviruses.
Coronavirus strains are maintained in quasi-species pools circulating in bat populations.
(a,b) Traditional SARS-CoV emergence theories posit that host-range mutants (red circle) represent random and rare occurrences that permit infection of alternative hosts. The secondary-host paradigm
(a) argues that a nonhuman host is infected by a bat progenitor virus and, through adaptation, facilitates transmission to humans; subsequent replication in humans leads to the epidemic viral strain. The direct paradigm
(b) suggests that transmission occurs between bats and humans without the requirement of an intermediate host; selection then occurs in the human population with closely related viruses replicating in a secondary host, permitting continued viral persistence and adaptation in both.
(c) The data from chimeric SARS-like viruses argue that the quasi-species pools maintain multiple viruses capable of infecting human cells without the need for mutations (red circles). Although adaptations in secondary or human hosts may be required for epidemic emergence, if SHC014 spike–containing viruses recombined with virulent CoV backbones (circles with green outlines), then epidemic disease may be the result in humans. Existing data support elements of all three paradigms.
Although our study does not invalidate the other emergence routes, it does argue for a third paradigm in which circulating bat CoV pools maintain ‘poised’ spike proteins that are capable of infecting humans without mutation or adaptation (Fig. 4c). This hypothesis is illustrated by the ability of a chimeric virus containing the SHC014 spike in a SARS-CoV backbone to cause robust infection in both human airway cultures and in mice without RBD adaptation.
Coupled with the observation of previously identified pathogenic CoV backbones3,20, our results suggest that the starting materials required for SARS-like emergent strains are currently circulating in animal reservoirs. Notably, although full-length SHC014-CoV probably requires additional backbone adaption to mediate human disease, the documented high-frequency recombination events in CoV families underscores the possibility of future emergence and the need for further preparation.
To date, genomics screens of animal populations have primarily been used to identify novel viruses in outbreak settings21. The approach here extends these data sets to examine questions of viral emergence and therapeutic efficacy. We consider viruses with the SHC014 spike a potential threat owing to their ability to replicate in primary human airway cultures, the best available model for human disease. In addition, the observed pathogenesis in mice indicates a capacity for SHC014-containing viruses to cause disease in mammalian models, without RBD adaptation.
Notably, differential tropism in the lung as compared to that with SARS-MA15 and attenuation of full-length SHC014-CoV in HAE cultures relative to SARS-CoV Urbani suggest that factors beyond ACE2 binding—including spike processivity, receptor bio-availability or antagonism of the host immune responses—may contribute to the emergence. However, further testing in nonhuman primates is required to translate these findings into the pathogenic potential in humans.
Importantly, the failure of available therapeutics defines a critical need for further study and for the development of treatments. With this knowledge, surveillance programs, diagnostic reagents, and effective treatments can be produced that are protective against the emergence of group 2b–specific CoVs, such as SHC014, and these can be applied to other CoV branches that maintain similarly heterogeneous pools.
In addition to offering preparation against future emerging viruses, this approach must be considered in the context of the US government-mandated pause on gain-of-function (GOF) studies22.
On the basis of previous models of emergence (Fig. 4a,b), the creation of chimeric viruses such as SHC014-MA15 was not expected to increase pathogenicity. Although SHC014-MA15 is attenuated relative to its parental mouse-adapted SARS-CoV, similar studies examining the pathogenicity of CoVs with the wild-type Urbani spike within the MA15 backbone showed no weight loss in mice and reduced viral replication23. Thus, relative to the Urbani spike–MA15 CoV, SHC014-MA15 shows again in pathogenesis (Fig. 1).
On the basis of these findings, scientific review panels may deem similar studies building chimeric viruses based on circulating strains too risky to pursue, as increased pathogenicity in mammalian models cannot be excluded.
Coupled with restrictions on mouse-adapted strains and the development of monoclonal antibodies using escape mutants, research into CoV emergence and therapeutic efficacy may be severely limited moving forward. Together, these data and restrictions represent a crossroads of GOF research concerns; the potential to prepare for and mitigate future outbreaks must be weighed against the risk of creating more dangerous pathogens. In developing policies moving forward, it is important to consider the value of the data generated by these studies and whether these types of chimeric virus studies warrant further investigation versus the inherent risks involved.
Overall, our approach has used metagenomics data to identify a potential threat posed by the circulating bat SARS-like CoV SHC014. Because of the ability of chimeric SHC014 viruses to replicate in human airway cultures, cause pathogenesis in vivo and escape current therapeutics, there is a need for both surveillance and improved therapeutics against circulating SARS-like viruses. Our approach also unlocks the use of metagenomics data to predict viral emergence and to apply this knowledge in preparing to treat future emerging virus infections.
Viruses, cells, in vitro infection and plaque assays
Wild-type SARS-CoV (Urbani), mouse-adapted SARS-CoV (MA15) and chimeric SARS-like CoVs were cultured on Vero E6 cells (obtained from United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases), grown in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) (Gibco, CA) and 5% fetal clone serum (FCS) (Hyclone, South Logan, UT) along with antibiotic/antimycotic (Gibco, Carlsbad, CA). DBT cells (Baric laboratory, source unknown) expressing ACE2 orthologs have been previously described for both human and civet; bat Ace2 sequence was based on that from Rhinolophus leschenaulti, and DBT cells expressing bat Ace2 were established as described previously8.
Pseudotyping experiments were similar to those using an HIV-based pseudovirus, prepared as previously described10, and examined on HeLa cells (Wuhan Institute of Virology) that expressed ACE2 orthologs. HeLa cells were grown in minimal essential medium (MEM) (Gibco, CA) supplemented with 10% FCS (Gibco, CA) as previously described24.
Growth curves in Vero E6, DBT, Calu-3 2B4, and primary human airway epithelial cells were performed as previously described8,25. None of the working cell line stocks were authenticated or tested for mycoplasma recently, although the original seed stocks used to create the working stocks are free from contamination. Human lungs for HAE cultures were procured under the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Institutional Review Board–approved protocols. HAE cultures represent highly differentiated human airway epithelium containing ciliated and non-ciliated epithelial cells as well as goblet cells. The cultures are also grown on an air-liquid interface for several weeks before use, as previously described26.
Briefly, cells were washed with PBS and inoculated with the virus or mock-diluted in PBS for 40 min at 37 °C. After inoculation, cells were washed three times and a fresh medium was added to signify time ‘0’. Three or more biological replicates were harvested at each described time point. No blinding was used in any sample collections nor was samples randomized. All virus cultivation was performed in a biosafety level (BSL) 3 laboratory with redundant fans in the biosafety cabinets, as described previously by our group2. All personnel wore powered air-purifying respirators (Breathe Easy, 3M) with Tyvek suits, aprons, and booties and were double-gloved.
Sequence clustering and structural modeling.
The full-length genomic sequences and the amino acid sequences of the S1 domains of the spike of representative CoVs were downloaded from Genbank or Pathosystems Resource Integration Center (PATRIC), aligned with ClustalX and phylogenetically compared by using maximum likelihood estimation using 100 bootstraps or by using the PhyML package, respectively. The tree was generated using maximum likelihood with the PhyML package. The scale bar represents nucleotide substitutions. Only nodes with bootstrap support above 70% are labeled.
The tree shows that CoVs are divided into three distinct phylogenetic groups defined as α-CoVs, β-CoVs, and γ-CoVs. Classical subgroup clusters are marked as 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d for β-CoVs, and 1a and 1b for the α-CoVs. Structural models were generated using Modeller (Max Planck Institute Bioinformatics Toolkit) to generate homology models for SHC014 and Rs3367 of the SARS RBD in complex with ACE2 based on crystal structure 2AJF (Protein Data Bank). Homology models were visualized and manipulated in MacPyMol (version 1.3).
Construction of SARS-like chimeric viruses.
Both wild-type and chimeric viruses were derived from either SARS-CoV Urbani or the corresponding mouse-adapted (SARS-CoV MA15) infectious clone (ic) as previously described27.
Plasmids containing spike sequences for SHC014 were extracted by restriction digest and ligated into the E and F plasmid of the MA15 infectious clone. The clone was designed and purchased from Bio Basic as six contiguous cDNAs using published sequences flanked by unique class II restriction endonuclease sites (BglI). Thereafter, plasmids containing wild-type, chimeric SARS-CoV, and SHC014-CoV genome fragments were amplified, excised, ligated, and purified.
In vitro transcription reactions were then performed to synthesize full-length genomic RNA, which was transfected into Vero E6 cells as previously described2. The medium from transfected cells was harvested and served as seed stocks for subsequent experiments. Chimeric and full-length viruses were confirmed by sequence analysis before use in these studies. Synthetic construction of chimeric mutant and full-length SHC014-CoV was approved by the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee and the Dual Use Research of Concern committee.
Ethics statement
This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations for the care and use of animals by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), NIH. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC, Permit Number A-3410-01) approved the animal study protocol (IACUC #13-033) used in these studies.
Mice and in vivo infection
Female, 10-week-old, and 12-month-old BALB/cAnNHsD mice were ordered from Harlan Laboratories. Mouse infections were done as previously described20. Briefly, animals were brought into a BSL3 laboratory and allowed to acclimate for 1 week before infection. For infection and live-attenuated virus vaccination, mice were anesthetized with a mixture of ketamine and xylazine and infected intranasally, when challenged, with 50 μl of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or diluted virus with three or four mice per time point, per infection group per dose as described in the figure legends.
For individual mice, notations for infection including failure to inhale the entire dose, bubbling of inoculum from the nose, or infection through the mouth may have led to exclusion of mouse data at the discretion of the researcher; post-infection, no other pre-established exclusion or inclusion criteria are defined. No blinding was used in any animal experiments, and animals were not randomized. For vaccination, young and aged mice were vaccinated by footpad injection with a 20-μl volume of either 0.2 μg of double-inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine with alum or mock PBS; mice were then boosted with the same regimen 22 d later and challenged 21 d thereafter.
For all groups, as per protocol, animals were monitored daily for clinical signs of disease (hunching, ruffled fur, and reduced activity) for the duration of the experiment. Weight loss was monitored daily for the first 7 d, after which weight monitoring continued until the animals recovered to their initial starting weight or displayed weight gain continuously for 3 d.
All mice that lost greater than 20% of their starting body weight were ground-fed and further monitored multiple times per day as long as they were under the 20% cutoff. Mice that lost greater than 30% of their starting body weight were immediately sacrificed as per protocol. Any mouse deemed to be moribund or unlikely to recover was also humanely sacrificed at the discretion of the researcher. Euthanasia was performed using an isoflurane overdose and death was confirmed by cervical dislocation. All mouse studies were performed at the University of North Carolina (Animal Welfare Assurance #A3410-01) using protocols approved by the UNC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
Histological analysis.
The left lung was removed and submerged in 10% buffered formalin (Fisher) without inflation for 1 week. Tissues were embedded in paraffin and 5-μm sections were prepared by the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center histopathology core facility. To determine the extent of antigen staining, sections were stained for viral antigen using a commercially available polyclonal SARS-CoV anti-nucleocapsid antibody (Imgenex) and scored in a blinded manner by for staining of the airway and parenchyma as previously described20. Images were captured using an Olympus BX41 microscope with an Olympus DP71 camera.
Virus neutralization assays.
Plaque reduction neutralization titer assays were performed with previously characterized antibodies against SARS-CoV, as previously described11,
. Briefly, neutralizing antibodies or serum was serially diluted twofold and incubated with 100 p.f.u. of the different infectious clone, SARS-CoV strains for 1 h at 37 °C. The virus and antibodies were then added to a 6-well plate with 5 × 105 Vero E6 cells/well with multiple replicates (n ≥ 2). After a 1-h incubation at 37 °C, cells were overlaid with 3 ml of 0.8% agarose in a medium. Plates were incubated for 2 d at 37 °C, stained with neutral red for 3 h, and plaques were counted. The percentage of plaque reduction was calculated as (1 − (no. of plaques with an antibody/no. of plaques without antibody)) × 100.
Statistical analysis
All experiments were conducted contrasting two experimental groups (either two viruses, or vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts). Therefore, significant differences in viral titer and histology scoring were determined by a two-tailed Student’s t-test at individual time points. Data were normally distributed in each group being compared and had similar variance.
Biosafety and biosecurity
Reported studies were initiated after the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee approved the experimental protocol (Project Title: Generating infectious clones of bat SARS-like CoVs; Lab Safety Plan ID: 20145741; Schedule G ID: 12279).
SARS-CoV is a select agent. All work for these studies was performed with approved standard operating procedures (SOPs) and safety conditions for SARS-CoV, MERs-CoV, and other related CoVs. Our institutional CoV BSL3 facilities have been designed to conform to the safety requirements that are recommended in the Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), the US Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the NIH. Laboratory safety plans were submitted to, and the facility has been approved for use by, the UNC Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and the CDC. Electronic card access is required for entry into the facility.
All workers have been trained by EHS to safely use powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs), and appropriate work habits in a BSL3 facility and active medical surveillance plans are in place. Our CoV BSL3 facilities contain redundant fans, emergency power to fans and biological safety cabinets and freezers, and our facilities can accommodate SealSafe mouse racks. Materials classified as BSL3 agents consist of SARS-CoV, bat CoV precursor strains, MERS-CoV and mutants derived from these pathogens. Within the BSL3 facilities, experimentation with an infectious virus is performed in a certified Class II Biosafety Cabinet (BSC).
All members of the staff wear scrubs, Tyvek suits and aprons, PAPRs and shoe covers, and their hands are double-gloved. BSL3 users are subject to a medical surveillance plan monitored by the University Employee Occupational Health Clinic (UEOHC), which includes a yearly physical, annual influenza vaccination and mandatory reporting of any symptoms associated with CoV infection during periods when working in the BSL3. All BSL3 users are trained in exposure management and reporting protocols, are prepared to self-quarantine and have been trained for safe delivery to a local infectious disease management department in an emergency situation. All potential exposure events are reported and investigated by EHS and UEOHC, with reports filed to both the CDC and the NIH.
Accession codes
Protein Data Bank
Change history
20 November 2015
In the version of this article initially published online, the authors omitted to acknowledge a funding source, USAID-EPT-PREDICT funding from EcoHealth Alliance, to Z.-L.S. The error has been corrected for the print, PDF and HTML versions of this article.
Ge, X.Y. et al. Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor. Nature503, 535–538 (2013).
Yount, B. et al. Reverse genetics with a full-length infectious cDNA of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA100, 12995–13000 (2003).
Becker, M.M. et al. Synthetic recombinant bat SARS-like coronavirus is infectious in cultured cells and in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA105, 19944–19949 (2008).
He, B. et al. Identification of diverse alphacoronaviruses and genomic characterization of a novel severe acute respiratory syndrome–like coronavirus from bats in China. J. Virol.88, 7070–7082 (2014).
Sheahan, T. et al. Mechanisms of zoonotic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus host range expansion in human airway epithelium. J. Virol.82, 2274–2285 (2008).
Yoshikawa, T. et al. Dynamic innate immune responses of human bronchial epithelial cells to severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus infection. PLoS ONE5, e8729 (2010).
Sui, J. et al. Broadening of neutralization activity to directly block a dominant antibody-driven SARS-coronavirus evolution pathway. PLoS Pathog.4, e1000197 (2008).
Sui, J. et al. Effects of human anti–spike protein receptor-binding domain antibodies on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus neutralization escape and fitness. J. Virol.88, 13769–13780 (2014).
Rockx, B. et al. Escape from human monoclonal antibody neutralization effects in vitro and in vivo fitness of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. J. Infect. Dis.201, 946–955 (2010).
Spruth, M. et al. A double-inactivated whole-virus candidate SARS coronavirus vaccine stimulates neutralizing and protective antibody responses. Vaccine24, 652–661 (2006).
Bolles, M. et al. A double-inactivated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus vaccine provides incomplete protection in mice and induces increased eosinophilic proinflammatory pulmonary response upon challenge. J. Virol.85, 12201–12215 (2011).
Deming, D. et al. Vaccine efficacy in senescent mice challenged with recombinant SARS-CoV bearing epidemic and zoonotic spike variants. PLoS Med.3, e525 (2006).
Graham, R.L. & Baric, R.S. Recombination, reservoirs and the modular spike: mechanisms of coronavirus cross-species transmission. J. Virol.84, 3134–3146 (2010).
Frieman, M. et al. Molecular determinants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus pathogenesis and virulence in young and aged mouse models of human disease. J. Virol.86, 884–897 (2012).
Ren, W. et al. Difference in receptor usage between severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and SARS-like coronavirus of bat origin. J. Virol.82, 1899–1907 (2008).
Sims, A.C. et al. Release of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nuclear import block enhances host transcription in human lung cells. J. Virol.87, 3885–3902 (2013).
Research in this manuscript was supported by grants from the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Disease and the National Institute of Aging of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) under awards U19AI109761 (R.S.B.), U19AI107810 (R.S.B.), AI085524 (W.A.M.), F32AI102561 (V.D.M.) and K99AG049092 (V.D.M.), and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China awards 81290341 (Z.-L.S.) and 31470260 (X.-Y.G.), and by USAID-EPT-PREDICT funding from EcoHealth Alliance (Z.-L.S.). Human airway epithelial cultures were supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease of the NIH under award NIH DK065988 (S.H.R.). We also thank M.T. Ferris (Dept. of Genetics, University of North Carolina) for the reviewing of statistical approaches and C.T. Tseng (Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch) for providing Calu-3 cells. Experiments with the full-length and chimeric SHC014 recombinant viruses were initiated and performed before the GOF research funding pause and have since been reviewed and approved for continued study by the NIH. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
Author information
Department of Epidemiology, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Vineet D Menachery
, Boyd L Yount Jr
, Kari Debbink
, Lisa E Gralinski
, Jessica A Plante
, Rachel L Graham
, Trevor Scobey
, Eric F Donaldson
& Ralph S Baric
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Kari Debbink
& Ralph S Baric
National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, Arkansas, USA
Sudhakar Agnihothram
Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China
Xing-Yi Ge
& Zhengli-Li Shi
Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Scott H Randell
Cystic Fibrosis Center, Marsico Lung Institute, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Scott H Randell
Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona Institute of Microbiology, Zurich, Switzerland
Antonio Lanzavecchia
Department of Cancer Immunology and AIDS, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Wayne A Marasco
Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Wayne A Marasco
V.D.M. designed, coordinated and performed experiments, completed the analysis and wrote the manuscript. B.L.Y. designed the infectious clone and recovered chimeric viruses; S.A. completed neutralization assays; L.E.G. helped perform mouse experiments; T.S. and J.A.P. completed mouse experiments and plaque assays; X.-Y.G. performed pseudotyping experiments; K.D. generated structural figures and predictions; E.F.D. generated phylogenetic analysis; R.L.G. completed RNA analysis; S.H.R. provided primary HAE cultures; A.L. and W.A.M. provided critical monoclonal antibody reagents; and Z.-L.S. provided SHC014 spike sequences and plasmids. R.S.B. designed experiments and wrote the manuscript.
Corresponding authors
Correspondence to Vineet D Menachery or Ralph S Baric.
Ethics declarations
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Supplementary Figures 1–6 and Supplementary Tables 1–4 (PDF 4747 kb)
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Cite this article
Menachery, V., Yount, B., Debbink, K. et al. A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence. Nat Med21, 1508–1513 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1038/nm.3985
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This post is in response to an Influencer who asked…
What troubles me the most is what is coming to my country and you covered it so well but if there is anything that you can add i am sure the majority of readers are concerned with this and would greatly appreciate your input.
What is so odd is everyone I talk with tells me that they can feel something coming but they don't know what it is.
i love my country dearly but to see what has happened to it and to so many lazy, entitled and plain stupid Americans i know that this has to happen. I do so very much appreciate MM.
Yes. Something is coming. Everyone can feel it. But no one knows what it is.
All throughout history there have been critical turning points when events have greatly accelerated, and it appears that we have reached one of those turning points.
In fact, this may be turn out to be the biggest turning point of them all.
Millions upon millions of Americans can sense that big trouble is ahead. For many, it is like a “gut feeling” that they just can’t shake.
Just a few days ago, my wife met a woman from the west coast that just moved here. This woman and her husband were desperate to leave California, and they felt very strongly that they should move somewhere safe.
What makes her story remarkable is the fact that my wife and I have heard similar stories from others countless times over the past 12 months.
Our nation is being shaken in thousands of different ways, and so many of us can feel that things are building up to some sort of a grand crescendo.
-Why Are So Many Americans Stockpiling Guns, Silver And Food Right Now?
Part of the problem, maybe a big part, is that the American “free” media doesn’t report anything. And Americans are manipulated and kept in the dark about so many things that the rest of the world knows about. Since Americans are kept ignorant for manipulation purposes, they can “feel” things, but have no “knowledge” to channel their feelings into understandings.
Feelings + Intel = Knowledge
I’ve tried to lay out information (Intel) so that you all can be ready and prepared. But even with that people as asking for more concrete and hard predictions.
Historical records clearly point out the the United States will go through a severe and harsh change in society. This has been building up for some time. The worst and most catastrophic elements of that change has already been set in motion. Anything that will occur will occur during the ten-year span from 2020 though 2030.
Serious upheaval in America will occur from 2020 though to 2030. This is a ten year period of time. As this post was written in 2021, there are nine years remaining during this period.
I’m going to lay out some points and some information. I’ve covered the background elsewhere in great detail. However, here we are just going to throw it all out for purposes of review.
Generational Turnings are a historically accurate methodology for predictive behaviors.
America; the United States, will go through the following in the next ten years;
Domestic unrest resulting in death(s).
A complete change in the Federal Government.
The value of the USD will collapse.
A very serious “Hot War” on American soil.
Cultural, and societal collapse.
Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings. Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects. The normalcy bias causes many people to not adequately prepare for natural disasters, pandemics, and calamities caused by human error. About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias during a disaster.
Let’s go one by one on these points.
[1] Domestic unrest resulting in death(s).
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with domestic unrest. Not only that but people die. Yes. There is an entire sub-culture of Americans that believe that domestic unrest will occur. All you need to do is google SHTF and “prepper”. And you know that many Americans expect this. Gun stores are empty of guns and ammo.
Everyone is expecting societal unrest. And they plan on defending themselves and their family. In fact, for the last three months the top MM posts are those devoted to the SHTF Index.
And sure… nothing is guaranteed. This fear might just be a passing fad. Or the absolute result of American media going “off the rails”. Or some kind of mass psychosis due to being locked inside all 2020. It could be anything.
I am of the opinion …
Most Americans are unhappy.
Most Americans are locked inside of a class structure with little upward movement.
There are terrible and systematic problems regarding American society.
Government “solutions” are insufficient, meager and viewed as an insult.
There are groups who desire to capitalize on domestic discord to promote their own agendas.
There are elements inside of the Federal Government that have the power and plans to come down aggressively to any disruption of society.
None of the above should come as any surprise to most Americans. And thus I conclude…
There is a higher than average chance that there will be domestic revolt / upset. This is not a continuation of BLM, Antifa “riots”, or a Trump Supporter “frat party” style takeover of Congress. This will be something far more serious, sinister and deadly. It will not be reported, or if it is, it will be reported in such a way as to minimize what is actually going on.
Historically, these kinds of events are preceded by the government trying to take preemptive actions. That could be [1] “false flag” events, [2] a banning of weapons or one or more Rights / freedoms, and [3] a call to fight some kind of “enemy” or “threat”.
If any of the above occurs to any serious degree, you can well expect domestic discord to follow promptly.
Historically, all Democrat Presidents have had a major "Gun-related mass-killing event" within the first nine months of their Presidency. That includes Trump who was supposed to lose to Hillary Clinton.
[2] A complete change in the Federal Government.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with a serious and large change in the Government. The current American government is an enormous behemoth, it is sluggish, inefficient, lazy, and is out of control. To believe that it is working fine or that it could be improved is to ignore the facts. Both sides of the political divide demand a restructuring.
Democrats are looking towards a Socialist and Marxist solution.
Republicans are looking for a return to the 1776 Republic.
The compass is all over the place on this. One thing is for certain, the wealthy oligarchy loves the status quo and do not want to change anything. To make the changes that are necessary, a real revolution must occur.
The Federal Government will change substantially. I can offer no insight into what it will change into. Needless to say, the nation is completely divided and polarized and no matter who obtains the reins of power, large segments of the population will be unhappy. The only way that I can see any kind of satisfaction is by an overwhelmingly exhausted citizenry that is ready to accept change, no matter how radical it is.
Nor can I offer insight as to how this will happen. What I do know is that unless it happens, there will be no ‘Crisis Event”.
[3] The value of the USD will collapse.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with economic changes. I see an exponential increase in the value of the stock market with zero connection to the lives of actual American citizenry. I also see an exponential increase in the national debt. It doesn’t take a genius to see that both of these things are not sustainable.
People have been predicting the eventual collapse of the American economy for decades. Yet it still hums along. The only way that this will change is if the international medium of exchange changes. And there is evidence that this is exactly what is going on. I do not see this as a sudden, precipitous event, but rather a trend that continues over a long swath of time before the USD stabilizes.
The USD will significantly change in value negatively. This will occur over a period of time. The end result will be generalized discomfort for Americans on many levels.
[4] A very serious “Hot War” on American soil.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with “hot wars”; shooting wars that occurring using the most advanced technology available, and they occur on American soil.
Even if the nation stays together, its geography could be fundamentally changed, its party structure altered, its Constitution and Bill of Rights amended beyond recognition. History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. This could be any kind of war—class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war. If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil—its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured. And if there is total war, it is likely that the most destructive weapons available will be deployed.
There is no avoiding this. Anyone who thinks that China will allow another Yemen, Afghanistan or Syria to occur in the South China Sea is delusional. The same goes for Russia. These nations do not play, are peer-capable, or superior in training and weaponry, and work together. The idea that America can take on China or Russia independently is a fantasy. Any war with either will result in a war with both simultaneously.
So forget the illusions that America has the biggest, the baddest, and the best military. It might get by trying twenty years to fight goat-herders with AK-47’s, but is no match for merit-based, well-trained, superior-armed, and a pissed-off Asia.
From 2017 through 2020, the United States “carpet bombed” China with bio-weapons. This effort affected Russia, and Iran. And of course, China, Iran and Russia knows who was involved, why and how.
But China, Russia and Iran didn’t take any obvious retaliatory action.
That should make every single Americans hair stand on end.
We should expect a major hot war. This war will be instigated though American actions and international activities. Neither China, nor Russia are stupid. They will strike first. They will use full-spectrum nuclear weapons, and America will resemble one of the nations that it “bombed the shit out of” for “democracy”.
[5] Cultural, and societal collapse.
Historically, Fourth Turnings are always associated with severe changes to society and the individuals who live inside America. In the past, Americans have been resilient enough, independent enough, and hardy enough to rebuild any collapsed society. But today, I am not so sure.
With or without war, American society will be transformed into something different. The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers' visions with a robust new pride. Or it may be something unspeakably worse. The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.
Most Americans are terribly overweight, and while many are functional with technology, during a period of societal collapse most technology will not operate in an optimal manner during a full scale Crisis Event. During 2020 large segments of the American population failed to work together and wear masks during the pandemic. I just cannot imagine that Americans would rebuild radioactive cities, start planting vegetables in their suburban lawns, and working together for free.
Americans have been a historically resilient people, but whether or not they will be able to come together during the Crisis Event is unlikely. It is not a politically attractive position, but it is a realistic expectation.
Let’s combine everything together.
Well, there is nothing that I have said here that I have not covered elsewhere. But let’s see if we can compile some knowns to help us make a substantive predictive engine for our use.
Keep in mind that this is just a predictive map. It may or may not happen.
Uh Oh!
My argument is that the COVID-19 fiasco in the United States is not part of this collapse crisis vector. It is only a contributor.
Whether the future occurs as predicted will depend on the actions or inaction’s of the American Presidency. Any of the following events will probably unleash a particular singular element of the Crisis event.
Passage of restrictive laws that infringe on cherished Rights.
A military action that involves either China, Russia or Iran.
No attempts at financial, banking or economic restructuring.
A “false flag” event of any purpose.
Knowing that these are exactly the same kind of modus operandi that Washington has used over the last fifty years, you can well expect that some or all of them will precipitate the Crisis event.
Year by Year expectations
The graphic above is pretty complex. Let’s look at it like you would a newspaper horoscope.
The pandemic continues all year.
Posturing of various political and special interests organized by various oligarchies.
Continued (minor) unrest on many levels.
A somewhat stabilization of the overall economic consideration.
A “false flag” event.
The pandemic continues.
Domestic unrest starts to manifest. Maybe shootings or some kind of organized behavior.
Some unpopular laws or regulations are implemented.
The USA starts to get involved in some strong covert (not visible) international military actions.
2023 Crisis
People are adapting to the Pandemic and it seems to be subsiding.
Domestic unrest continues and gets more violent.
The economy and the USD starts to falter. Economic Balloons start to “pop”.
The Federal Government looks towards a hot war with a major power as a desirable technique of distraction and unification.
The USA starts to engage in International Military Actions of some visible type.
Risk of a HOT WAR is very high. It may or may not hit American soil.
2024 Insanity
Still a pandemic, but is under control.
Domestic unrest breaks out in open conflict in numerous areas.
The Federal Government starts to decentralize, or change in some significant manner.
The economy starts a long sequence of contractions and mini-collapses.
The USD starts to have it’s value erode significantly.
HOT WAR! Americans on American soil are affected. It’s not a “police action” in a far away land or sea.
The health system, inefficient and expensive collapses completely.
Society is disrupted. Communication, transport, food, and electricity are all unreliable and disrupted.
The Election is a landslide for one political party who promises massive change.
2025 “Everything but the kitchen sink”
2025 will be like 2024, only crazier, and more intense.
Discord and disruptions are commonplace and are no longer isolated to certain geographic regions. Everyone “feels the pinch”.
May people start to die of illnesses that could have been prevented or cured.
New illnesses and viruses start to appear all over America. These are far worse than the COVID-19. Americans treat them like the “seasonal flu”.
Everyone is in “survival mode”.
Americans start to turn to non-American news for information.
2026 “The Kitchen Sink gets included”
Anything that was good about 2025, is now gone.
Normal lifestyles are permanently disrupted.
Urban areas are hotbeds of contentious activity.
Woods and forests are flooded with urban refugees.
Hot war ends.
Things are still crazy, but groups of people are working together to sort out the craziness.
A new type of government emerges.
Domestic discord and fighting continues, but it’s mostly “turf wars”.
The USD has substantially collapsed.
US economy is in ruins.
The government begins to discuss reconstruction efforts and mobilization of work forces for a common good.
A new normal has arrived in America.
There is a new government, new people, new ideas, and new systems.
The USA is shattered and a real mess, but people are starting to band together in small groups to make things right in their little area of control.
People can see the “light at the end of the tunnel”.
Reconstruction efforts begin.
Rehabilitation efforts begin.
New policies and lifestyles start to manifest.
A brighter future lies ahead for everyone.
The sky is falling!
We were told that 2021 would be the year when everything starts to get back to normal. But that hasn’t exactly been the case, has it? It has been just over a month, and there is still chaos everywhere. We have seen a wild riot at the U.S. Capitol, civil unrest has been erupting in major cities from coast to coast, millions of people have filed for unemployment benefits, a president was impeached, and a crazy ride on Wall Street made “GameStop” a national phenomenon. That would normally be enough for an entire year, but we are still in the first week of February. Economic Collapse Blog (Read More...)
Oh, sure. Doomsday predictions are a “dime a dozen”. From Global Cooling, to Global Warming, to Chinese Killer Zombie Hornets, to 5G radiation. From California sliding into the Pacific, to Y2K collapsing the entire basis of civilization. To …
…well you get the picture.
Those that run the government and their oligarchy owners know all of this. The trick is, and the key is, to identify just how the President and Congress will be able to prevent any of this from occurring. I argue that it’s like the little boy with his finger in a dike. He might not be able to stop the great enormous explosion of change.
But if he is able to, if he is able to redirect it, than much of all this can be avoided, and the status quo can continue for another 150 years.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Remember the final scene in the movie “Back to the Future III”, when the Professor Emmet Brown tells Marty and his girlfriend that the future is not carved in stone. You have the ability and the tools to change it.
The future is not carved in stone. You have the ability to change it.
Do you want to see similar posts?
I hope that you found this post curious. Please take care. You can view other similar posts in my SHTF Index, here…
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Here’s some articles that you just will not find in any American media. But they are very descriptive and pretty accurate regarding what the rest of the world thinks about America today. No, you won’t find Rush Limbaugh quoting from these articles, nor will you find a reference to them in Politco or MSNBC. These are the type of articles that the oligarchy; the rulers of the American government do not want the tax-serfs to read.
It’s not so hard to find articles in the American media. They run the gambit from “America is great and the best”, to fear-mongering “the world outside of America looks like a save the children commercial”. But you won’t find anything really critical or persuasive about what America is going through right now. That is the kind of information that Americans MUST NOT SEE.
Well, surprise! You are going to read some of these articles right here and right now, and they are (for the most part) not very flattering.
It’s not that America or Americans are bad. They are not. It is that the entire nation is run by evil psychopaths.
These leaders possess behaviors are dangerous and will will end up destroying the entire world if they are not suppressed. It’s like the drunk friend who is trying to pick a fight with everyone in the bar, and you and your friends just roll your eyes, and after a spell, you all need to leave early before some “shit goes down”. Damn!
Have any of you been in that situation?
Well, that is America today. And it’s pretty bad, and very dangerous.
That’s why the articles outside of the USA are not finding their way into the “approved” American media.
Yes. The reason why these negative articles about America are not cropping up inside of any of the “approved” American media outlets is because they are more than just unflattering. The psychopaths that run America do not want the serf-slaves to revolt against them. So they deliberately suppress any contrary news related to them or their true personalities.
Psychopathy is a condition characterized by the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states. Callousness, detachment and a lack of empathy enable psychopaths to be highly manipulative. Nevertheless, psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot.
Psychopaths can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack any semblance of conscience. Their antisocial nature inclines them often (but by no means always) to criminality.
Psychopaths spark popular fascination and clinical anguish: Adult psychopathy is largely resistant to treatment, though programs exist to treat callous, unemotional youth in hopes of preventing them from maturing into psychopaths.
Brain anatomy, genetics, and a person’s environment may all contribute to the development of psychopathic traits. For more on causes, symptoms, and treatments of the related condition called antisocial personality disorder, see our Diagnosis Dictionary.
Ol’ Busted Knucke’s said it best when he said that Russia and the USA have a lot to offer each other. Why not work together and concentrate on our similarities, instead of threatening each other about some imaginary differences. And he’s right, but you and I know that that is not going to happen as the USA is run by a bunch of maniacal evil villains.
What are we dealing with here…
Well, what are we dealing with? Am I being glib concerning who is actually running the American nations, or am I being painfully accurate?
President Donald Trump.
The term “con artist” or “conman” comes from one of American history’s earliest scammers, a man by the name of William Thompson. In 1849, Thompson was arrested in New York City for a slew of successful scams during which he duped unassuming passersby on the street into lending him their valuables before vanishing with them.
Thompson was consequently known among local authorities as “the confidence man,” which was eventually shortened to “con man.” But Thompson was hardly alone in his clever grifts. According to historian Karen Halttunen, approximately 10 percent of all criminals in New York City in the 1860s were con artists.
Nearly all “confidence men” or scam artists are charming. Take Victor Lustig, for example. This conman managed to “sell” the Eiffel Tower and allegedly even swindled notorious mobster Al Capone. He was fittingly dubbed “the Count” by authorities because he was so debonair.
Beyond the smooth talkers, there are also those conmen who play on people’s biases like Anna Sorokin, who cheated her way into the ranks of New York City’s elite by pretending to be a rich heiress named Anna Delvey. The scam artist’s former friends, nearly all of them wealthy socialites, alleged that she had convinced them to loan her cash for lavish vacations abroad only to never be repaid.
Today, the term “Ponzi scheme” is used to describe an illegitimate operation. But the term actually came from the real-life Charles Ponzi, whose $15 million investment scheme claimed to turn the average American working man into a multimillionaire overnight.
-All that's interesting
Psychopathy is a spectrum disorder and can be diagnosed using the 20-item Hare Psychopathy Checklist, which features traits such as lack of empathy, pathological lying, and impulsivity, each scored on a three-point scale based on whether the item does not apply (0), applies to a certain extent (1), or fully applies (2) to the individual. The bar for clinical psychopathy is a score of 30 or higher; serial killer Ted Bundy scored 39.
The checklist was developed in the 1970s by the Canadian researcher Robert Hare. A true assessment should be conducted by a mental health professional.
The revised version of the checklist includes the following characteristics:
The first group really describes Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Mike Pompeo and Barrack Obama, don’t you all think?
The sexual exploits of Bill Clinton are legendary. And do you really think that being a member of the Senate for 60 years isn’t a “parasitic lifestyle”? What about banning coal and sending the citizenry of five states into poverty? Doesn’t that count as a “lack of empathy”?
failure to accept responsibility for one’s own actions
And what about Donald Trump. It’s always someone else’s fault isn’t it? And those 70+ tweets per night, isn’t that a sign of impulsivity?
many short-term marital relationships
juvenile delinquency
revocation of conditional release (from prison)
criminal versatility (i.e., commits diverse types of crimes)
If this does not describe American leadership, Congressmen and Senators, then I don't know what does.
What percentage of people are psychopaths?
Psychopaths exist across cultures and ethnic groups. It has been estimated that approximately 1 percent of males and 0.3–0.7 percent of females could be classified as psychopaths. An individual may show elevated levels of multiple traits associated with psychopathy without qualifying as a psychopath according to a measure such as the Hare checklist.
When we refer to the oligarchy or the PTB, we often refer to them as the 1%. I find it curious that this is also the same percentage of psychopaths in society. Could it be the natural inclination of psychopaths to rise over others and seize the levers of control of a society, and if so, isn’t that a very, very dangerous situation?
Psychopaths are incapable of feeling guilt, remorse, or empathy for their actions or the objects of their actions. They are generally cunning and manipulative. They know the difference between right and wrong but don't believe the rules apply to them.
First Encounter With a Psychopath
On first impression, psychopaths generally appear charming, engaged, caring, friendly, logical, and reasonable, with well thought-out goals. They give the impression that they can reason, that they know the consequences for antisocial and unlawful behavior and will react appropriately. They appear capable of self-examination and will criticize themselves for mistakes.
Under clinical evaluation, psychopaths don't show common symptoms associated with neurotic behavior: nervousness, high anxiety, hysteria, mood swings, extreme fatigue, and headaches. In situations that most normal people would find upsetting, psychopaths appear calm and void of fear and anxiety.
An About-Face
Initially, psychopaths appear reliable, devoted, and trustworthy, but, suddenly and without provocation, become unreliable, with no regard for how their actions affect the situation, regardless of its importance. Once viewed as honest and sincere, they do a sudden about-face and begin lying without concern, even in small matters when there is no benefit in lying.
Because psychopaths have mastered the art of deception, those around them are slow to accept the abrupt change. When psychopaths are confronted with their lack of responsibility, honesty or loyalty, it generally has no impact on their attitude or future performance. They are unable to perceive that other people value truthfulness and integrity.
Can't Accept Responsibility for Failure
Psychopaths turn into performers who can mimic normal human emotions that they have never felt. This holds true when they're faced with failure. If they appear to be humble and own up to their mistakes, their true goal is to be perceived as the martyr or sacrificial lamb willing to accept blame so others don't have to.
If the ploy fails and they are blamed, they will emphatically deny any responsibility and, without feeling shame, turn to lies, manipulation, and finger-pointing. When psychopaths can't convince others that they are innocent, they fume and obsess over it, often murmuring sarcastic comments and plotting revenge.
Risky Behavior With No Gain
Antisocial behavior—cheating, lying, robbing, stealing, agitating, fighting, committing adultery, killing—appeals to psychopaths, whether or not they reap any rewards. They appear drawn to high-risk antisocial behavior that has no apparent goal. Some experts theorize that psychopaths like to put themselves into dangerous situations because of the adrenaline rush they experience. Because psychopaths generally don't feel many emotions that normal people do, any extreme sensation feels good. Others believe that they do it to reinforce their sense of superiority and to prove that they are smarter than everyone, including the police.
Horrible Judgment
Although psychopaths are logical thinkers and view themselves as highly intelligent, they consistently exhibit bad judgment. Faced with two paths, one to gold and the other to ashes, the psychopath will take the latter. Because psychopaths can't learn from their experiences, they are prone to taking the same path again and again.
Egocentric and Unable to Love
Psychopaths are highly egomaniacal, to the point that a normal person has difficulty comprehending it. Their self-centeredness is so deeply rooted that it renders them incapable of loving others, including parents, spouses, and their own children.
The only time psychopaths show an ordinary response to kindness or special treatment by others is when it can be used to their advantage. For example, a psychopathic father still loved by his children despite the deep suffering he has caused them may put on a show of appreciation so that they continue to put money into his prison account or pay his legal fees.
Conventional Treatment Empowers Psychopaths
Most studies indicate that there are no conventional methods to cure psychopathic behavior. When conventional methods have been used, psychopaths become empowered and react by improving their cunning, manipulative methods and their ability to conceal their true personality, even from trained eyes.
Difference Between Psychopaths and Sociopaths
Psychopaths and sociopaths share a diagnosis as having antisocial personality disorder and similar traits, but there are significant differences. Psychopaths are more deceptive and manipulative and maintain more control over their outward personas. They are able to lead what appear to be normal lives, sometimes throughout their lifetime. When psychopaths become criminals they believe they are smarter than the average person and invincible.
Sociopaths often let their inner rage surface with violent episodes, verbally and physically. They become reckless and spontaneous and have little control over what they say or how they act. Because they are impulse driven, they rarely consider the consequences of their actions. It is difficult for sociopaths to live normal lives, and because of their imprudence many of them drop out of school, can't hold jobs, turn to crime, and end up in prison.
Which Is More Dangerous?
Sociopaths have a difficult time hiding their disorder, while psychopaths pride themselves on their manipulative abilities. Psychopaths are masters of disassociation and less likely to feel guilt or remorse for their actions or for the pain that they cause others. Because of this, psychopaths are considered to be more dangerous than sociopaths.
Well, we know that the USA is run by a bunch of crazed lunatics with some severely dangerous tendencies…
What now? Americans, for the most part are unaware of this. And they follow them in the belief that the leaders represent them and their beliefs. But the rest of the world does not see this, and are frankly aghast at the United States for “electing” these people to the levers of power.
And they write articles about this.
The more “mainstream” articles tend to be rather sanitized. But the alternative articles tend to be very spot-on and even vicious. Here we are going to look at some of the articles. It’s a venting of what the world thinks of what America has become and exists as it sits today, in the closing months of 2020.
The US Has Lost Global Power, and Is Now Just Faking It
This article from the Russian Insider archives was first published on RI in April 2018 by Dmitry Orlov . It was republished on Sun, Dec 13 2020 | 1510 words 26,694 Comments
Orlov is one of our favorite essayists on Russia and all sorts of other things. He moved to the US as a child, and lives in the Boston area.He is one of the better-known thinkers The New Yorker has dubbed 'The Dystopians' in an excellent 2009 profile, along with James Howard Kunstler, another regular contributor to RI (archive). These theorists believe that modern society is headed for a jarring and painful crack-up.He is best known for his 2011 book comparing Soviet and American collapse (he thinks America's will be worse). He is a prolific author on a wide array of subjects, and you can see his work by searching him on Amazon.He has a large following on the web, and on Patreon, and we urge you to support him there, as Russia Insider does.If you haven't discovered his work yet, please take a look at his archive of articles on RI. They are a real treasure, full of invaluable insight into both the US and Russia and how they are related.
The US Has Lost Global Power, and Is Now Just Faking It
"If the US manages to convince enough people, at home and around the world, that it is still dangerous, then it will be able to hide its increasing enfeeblement for a while longer."
It’s a hard job being a global hegemon and the world’s sole superpower.
You have to keep the entire planet in line. Every country needs to be taught its place, and kept there, by force if need be. Now and again a country or two has to be conquered or destroyed, just to teach others a lesson. Plus you have to relentlessly meddle in other countries’ politics, rigging elections so that only US-friendly candidates can win, run regime change operations and organize colored revolutions. Stop doing this, and some countries will start ignoring you. And then the rest will quickly realize that you are losing control and go their separate ways while ignoring you.
Is the United States still the world’s greatest power, in control of the entire planet, or has that moment in history already come and gone? We are constantly hearing how the situation is becoming dire: relations between the US and NATO countries and Russia are going from bad to worse; there is a trade war going on with China; North Korea remains an intractable problem and an embarrassment.
Many people maintain that we are very close to a world war. But does “very close” actually mean anything? It is quite possible to stand for hours with your toes hanging over the edge of a cliff and never jump. Suicide is a big decision: big even for a person, much bigger for a large country.
On March 1, 2018 president Putin unveiled Russia’s new weapons systems against which the United States is defenseless and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Previously, the plan was to surround Russia with military bases and missile batteries, then launch a preemptive first strike, destroying its ability to retaliate and forcing it to capitulate.
This plan has now conclusively failed, and a US/NATO attack on Russia is once again assured to be an act of suicide. Worse than that, even limited military confrontations are now mostly unthinkable, because Russia can now inflict unacceptable damage on US/NATO forces from a safe distance and without putting any of its own assets at risk. If Russia won’t attack and the US/NATO can’t attack, then how likely is a war?
The new weapons systems have made it possible to start ignoring the US. It is still important to maintain a credible military posture, but politically the US is no longer in control, and neither are the global institutions on which it has relied. Instead, what we are seeing is the reemergence of nation states, and even of empires.
The political future of Syria is being decided by Russia, Turkey and Iran, with no useful input from the United States at all.
Significantly, whereas Russia and Iran are in categories of their own as far as the US is concerned, Turkey has been a US ally and the second-largest armed force in NATO. The fact that Turkey is no longer eager to please the Americans is quite telling.
Except during the strange and tumultuous twentieth century during which the US briefly flashed across the world stage, these three countries went by different names, which all ended in “empire”: the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire. Of these three, the Russian and the Ottoman empires were heirs to the Holy Roman Empire, whose eastern half, with its capital Constantinople, went on for centuries after Rome had turned into a depopulated ruin and a dark age had descended on Europe.
After Constantinople fell to the Turks and Islam took over the region, the center of Orthodox Christianity migrated north to Moscow. Now add China, or the Chinese Empire if you like, which is now aligned with Russia, and complete the picture: all of the greatest and most ancient Eurasian empires have come back and are talking and cooperating, while the has-been upstart on the other side of the planet isn’t even invited.
Given this situation, what is the US to do?
It has three choices.
The first is to start a major war, thus committing national suicide (while taking other countries with it). It lacks the political will to make this decision, although it could blunder into a major war by accident.
The second choice is to basically just fold: give up trying to project power around the world, retreat into its own borders and lick its wounds. It lacks the political will to do this as well; all that remains in the realm of possibility is to pretend that everything is still fine for as long as possible.
But how is it possible to pretend that everything is still fine even as everything is falling apart? The answer is to start faking it.
If the US manages to convince enough people, at home and around the world, that it is still dangerous, then it will be able to hide its increasing enfeeblement for a while longer. It may no longer be capable of achieving any of its aims, but it is still very much capable of mass murder, as was recently demonstrated by the US “coalition” bombings of Mosul and Raqqa, which now lay in ruins. Similar wanton acts of mass murder have been committed America’s Saudi-Arabian proxy in Yemen, and by their Ukrainian proxies in the Donbass.
But even the opportunities to commit mindless mass murder with impunity are now becoming fewer and farther between, forcing the US to resort to more boutique acts of violence. To justify these acts, the US (and much of Europe) curtains itself off from the rest of the world using an elaborately constructed wall of complete nonsense.
A favorite trope has to do with dreamed-up chemical weapons as the main frightener. Take a look at the recent Israeli rocket attack on Syria. It was justified using obviously fake video footage produced by the White Helmets—a group known for staging fake terror events. At this point, they don’t even care how fake their product looks: this time around, they didn’t bother editing out the clapper (used to sync up video with sound). The setting was obviously a movie set, but production values were rather missing. Instead, we had actors, some wearing white helmets, but no protective gear whatsoever, dumping buckets of water over shivering children. How is that even supposed to make any sense?
And then note that the rockets (five which got shot down by the Syrians, with only three making it through) came from Israel. Why Israel? Because the Russians had warned the US that they knew the fake chemical weapons provocation was being organized as a pretext to launch a rocket attack, and that they were going to shoot not just at the rockets but also at those who launch them. Therefore, Americans decided that it would be too risky to launch the attack from navy ships, and instead asked the Israelis to do the honor of lobbing a few missiles at a remote airbase in Syria, correctly thinking that the Russians wouldn’t immediately retaliate against Israel if no Russians would hurt, and knowing that there would be no Russians at that airbase during their attack. This is, on the one hand, quite pathetic, but on the other it shows that the Americans are still capable of a modicum of rational thought.
This, then is the strange period of history we are going through. The US is lying nonstop (since truth is not on its side) while pretending to still be dangerous by committing wanton acts of mass murder (small-scale ones, which it can be sure to carry out with impunity).
Meanwhile, both national suicide (via large-scale war) and the decision to shut down the whole imperial project both remain politically impossible. How long this strange, unstable period of murderous nonsense can persist isn’t known—your guess is as good as mine—but it obviously can’t go on for ages.
Give it a few years, or less.
Perhaps you can understand why Rush Limbaugh is not talking about this kind of analysis, or why Alex Jones isn’t. Or why Politico or the Huffington Post isn’t. Or why MSNBC isn’t.
Their calculus uses examples of news articles that are not well-promoted in the USA.
Their conclusions are based on unflattering narratives.
The key players involved in the decision making process are not glorified.
Thus this kind of opinion will not be promoted in any of the “approved” American media. Neither the mainstream, the Alt-Right or the Alt-Left.
Times have changed all across the board. America is nothing like it was intended to be. Instead it is a prison-nation that enslaves citizens under a service-for-self oligarchy run by psychopaths. And us “Joe Averages” haven’t any say in the matter.
America Has Traded God for Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury, Sodomy
Fr. Joseph Gleason, is editor of the website titled “Russian Faith” . In this article he explains America’s current predicament. This article comes from the Russian Insider archives and was first published on RI in February 2019. It is written by Mark Dankof on Wed, Oct 21 2020 | 1120 words 8,438 Comments . All credit to the author.
America Has Traded God for Empire, Narcissism, Militarism, Usury, Sodomy
It goes without saying that Father Joseph Gleason of Russian Faith is making his mark in the world for the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ. His theological journey has finally taken him into the priesthood of the Russian Orthodox Church. Geographically, the journey he and his family have embarked upon has taken them from the United States to Russia and a place called Rostov-The-Great. His is a story worth following on an ongoing basis. I sense his personal odyssey may prove larger in history than he or anyone else imagines right now.
His most recent entry on the Russian Faith website is entitled, “Homosexuals Persecuting Christians in America: Do You Feel The Walls Closing In?”
This marvelous piece is 5,050 words long. My succinct initial response to his labors before even reading the essay itself was–and is–a simple “Yes.”
I do not come to this conclusion quickly or without study and engagement. Since 9-11, I have set aside most of the rest of my life to attempt to bring the people of America to an awareness of how late the hour is, and the perilous state of both individual souls and a collective people that has turned its back on God in favor of an Empire built on narcissism, militarism, usury, and sodomy.
But the painful truth is that I have failed.
I have lost 17 years of my life in the process. I admitted as much some years ago in a well publicized essay entitled, “Why We’re Finished.” Later, I found myself being pilloried by the Jerusalem Post and the international Jewish press for telling Press TV Iran the truth after the infamous Obergefell Supreme Court decision of 2015 about who played a pivotally disproportionate role in bringing this latest advance of Cultural Marxism to pass in the United States, as was the case in the Roe v Wade decision of January of 1973.
Joseph Biden said the same thing I did, only he hailed the development as a new dawning in America.
I didn’t.
Thus, I was in the cross-hairs of the usual suspects. Not one of my Lutheran colleagues in the United States came to my public defense. I was on my own and I knew it, just as I have been for years in these circles for discussing 9-11, Empire foreign and military policy, the Kennedy Assassination, and the abortion and LGBTQ issues among many others.
Nothing in the last 4 years has changed the equation.
I said as much in an essay entitled, “A ‘Communist’s’ Thoughts on the 4th of July,” appropriately retitled, “Russia is a Beacon of Promise for a Christian Future” for Russia Faith and Russian Insider readers.
The thousands of hits on those sites revealed I had struck a chord or a raw nerve depending on the perspective of the reader, which is why editors like Charles Bausman and Father Joseph Gleason have increasingly come under attack by MSM rags in the United States like The Daily Beast as agents of the Kremlin, which assaulted me well before it did these fine people. I wore that as a badge of honor. I still do.
Which brings me back to Father Gleason’s latest post. His conclusions about what the LGBTQ movement and the power elite’s goals are in both the United States and globally in regard to authentic Christianity and its adherents are no different than what Rod Dreher wrote in Time Magazine after the Obergefell decision, only sharper in focus in the implications. This sharpening of focus leads the American Christian who prayerfully contemplates the reality of the homeland advances of the New World Order to examine his or her position very carefully as the Holy Spirit of God leads and directs.
For the record, after examination over time, I humbly conclude personally that:
1) Father Joseph Gleason has made the right decision for himself and his family in moving to Russia;
2) Recent developments in that country and elsewhere make it clear to me that Orthodoxy is especially being used of God in the proclamation of the Gospel in an age of advancing heresy and apostasy–not declining Lutheranism, Catholicism, or a Protestant Evangelical movement overcome with worship of Zionism and increasing pop accommodation to cancerous American and European cultures headed for absolute shipwreck;
3) For young believers around the world including a couple I have recently read about in Brazil, and young American Christians feeling bewildered and embattled as they Feel the Walls Closing In, examine the Lord’s will very closely in regard to the beckoning of Father Gleason and his migrating minions to the place that the Triune God is restoring at this eschatological hour in history to counter the evil plans of a Western Globalist and Zionist movement bent on using moral and sexual perversion, mass media manipulation, consumerism, economic sanctions, and overt military aggression to achieve Satan’s final victory in this present realm;
4) The latest actions of the United States in the Ukraine in sewing discord in the Orthodox Church only underscore the depths to which the political leadership in America will go on behalf the objectives of the New World Order, along with the entire spectrum of moves being made by The Empire against Iran, Syria, Russia, and Venezuela;
5) When all of this is understood in discernment by the Christian believer in the West in terms of prophetic developments, those of us whose circumstances mandate remaining in our earthly homeland in exile must do so only in the clear understanding that the outcome is not merely an exilic experience of alienation and marginalization, but one which promises martyrdom itself.
My last public address to a Lutheran group discussed this.
I’m still not sure those in the lecture hall in upstate Wisconsin last year really had the foggiest notion of what I was trying to say in the Lord to them. But Father Joseph Gleason knows of what I speak, and so do most of his readers at Russian Faith.
There are a few Christian homeschoolers in Texas who certainly understand. For those in the United States and the West in a position to make choices for themselves and their families on the basis of their individual circumstances and Christian witness for the truth in history, follow him to higher ground.
Get out of Dodge while you can.
I believe God has truly raised this man up at this most critical and final hour in world and redemptive history. Consider his witness and his words carefully. That is my best advice to you. The clock is ticking to midnight.
Wholesome tradition or degenerate empire, take your pick
His opinion is dire and gloomy. He does not feel that he is free to practice his religious freedom, nor raise his family safely or properly in the United States. There was a time, don’t you know, where this was the measurement by which the “freedom” and “liberty” offered by the United States was measured. But it no longer exists.
You will note that none of the American government controlled media; the mainstream, the Alt-Left and the Alt-Right will cover this subject it’s all the same nonsense. Over and over.
Ugh! When I think about the United States government, I get a headache. I just want to chill out and be left alone.
American Collapse – Great Podcast About How and When – with James Howard Kunstler
Now, we go to James Howard Kunstler.
“Personally, I expect our collapse to be as sudden and unexpected as the USSR’s … and to express itself first in the financial markets …”
This article from our archives was first published on Russian Insider in April 2018. Written by Mr James Howard Kunstler on Mon, Dec 14 2020 | 1000 words 11,640 Comments . All credit to the author.
American Collapse - Great Podcast About How and When - with James Howard Kunstler
I had a fellow on my latest podcast, released Sunday, who insists that the world population will crash 90-plus percent from the current 7.6 billion to 600 million by the end of this century. Jack Alpert heads an outfit called the Stanford Knowledge Integration Lab (SKIL) which he started at Stanford University in 1978 and now runs as a private research foundation. Alpert is primarily an engineer.
At 600 million, the living standard in the USA would be on a level with the post-Roman peasantry of Fifth century Europe, but without the charm, since many of the planet’s linked systems — soils, oceans, climate, mineral resources — will be in much greater disarray than was the case 1,500 years ago.
Anyway, that state-of-life may be a way-station so something more dire.
Alpert’s optimal case would be a world human population of 50 million, deployed in three “city-states,” in the Pacific Northwest, the Uruguay / Paraguay border region, and China, that could support something close to today’s living standards for a tiny population, along with science and advanced technology, run on hydropower.
The rest of world, he says, would just go back to nature, or what’s left of it. Alpert’s project aims to engineer a path to that optimal outcome.
I hadn’t encountered quite such an extreme view of the future before, except for some fictional exercises like Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. (Alpert, too, sees cannibalism as one likely byproduct of the journey ahead.)
Obviously, my own venture into the fictionalized future of the World Made by Hand books depicted a much kinder and gentler re-set to life at the circa-1800 level of living, at least in the USA. Apparently, I’m a sentimental softie.
Both of us are at odds with the more generic techno-optimists who are waiting patiently for miracle rescue remedies like cold fusion while enjoying re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. (Alpert doesn’t completely rule out as-yet-undeveloped energy sources, though he acknowledges that they’re a low-percentage prospect.) We do agree with basic premise that the energy supply is mainly what supports the way we live now, and that it shows every evidence of entering a deep and destabilizing decline that will halt the activities necessary to keep our networks of dynamic systems running.
A question of interest to many readers is how soon or how rapid the unraveling of these systems might be.
When civilizations crumble, it tends to fast-track.
The Roman empire seems to be an exception, but in many ways it was far more resilient than ours, being a sort of advanced Flintstones economy, with even its giant-scale activities (e.g. building the Coliseum) being accomplished by human-powered work.
In any case, the outfit really fell apart steadily after the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius (180 AD).
The Romans had their own version of a financialized economy: they simply devalued their coins by mixing in less and less silver at the mint, so they could pretend to pay for the same luxuries they had grown accustomed to as resources stretched thin.
Our financialized economy — like everything else we do — operates at levels of complexity so baffling that even its supposed managers at the central banks are flying blind through fogs of debt, deception, and moral hazard. When that vessel of pretense slams into a mountain top, the effects are likely to be quick and lethal to the economies on the ground below.
In our time, the most recent crash of a major socioeconomic system was the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990-91.
Of course, it happened against the backdrop of a global system that was still revving pretty well outside the USSR, and that softened the blow. Ultimately, the Russians still had plenty of oil to sell, which allowed them to re-set well above the Fifth Century peasant level of existence.
At least for now.
The Soviet Union collapsed because it was a thoroughly dishonest system that ran on pretense and coercion. Apparently, the US Intel Community completely missed the signs that political collapse was underway.
They seem to be pretty clueless about the fate of the USA these days, too.
If you consider the preoccupations of two very recent Intel chiefs — John Brennan of CIA and James Clapper, DNI — who now inveigh full-time on CNN as avatars of the Deep State against the wicked Golden Golem of Greatness.
Personally, I expect our collapse to be as sudden and unexpected as the USSR’s, but probably bloodier because there’s simply more stuff just lying around to fight over.
Of course, I expect the collapse to express itself first in banking, finance, and markets — being so deeply faith-based and so subject to simple failures of faith. But it will become political and social soon enough, maybe all-at once. And when it happens in the USA, it will spread through the financial systems the whole world round.
It’s heavy dose of “doom and gloom”, but you know, I am much more optimistic about the future.
There will be an American collapse, and systems are in place to keep it localized to the North American hemisphere. There will be economic global ramifications of course, and no nation will really remain unscathed, but the vast amount of damage and hurt will be in America. And of that, it will be localized. If you are prudent and a member of a local community, you should be able to weather “the storm”, and you and yours will survive to carry on through the 2030’s and 2040’s.
Perhaps is best if Americans believe that the rest of the world is a “shit hole”.
The rest of the world is actually quite beautiful.
AMERICA: A Gigantic Clown Car Being Driven Into a Ditch
And another article from James Howard Kunstler. This article from the Russia Insider archives and was first published on RI in September 2017, with a reprint on Sunday, Dec 13 2020 | 900 words 18,995 Comments.
“This homework assignment should be given to the Democratic members of congress, since they are otherwise preoccupied only with hunting for Russian gremlins and discovering new sexual abnormalities to protect and defend.”
AMERICA: A Gigantic Clown Car Being Driven Into a Ditch
Poor old Karl Marx, tortured by boils and phantoms, was right about one thing: History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. Thus, I give you the Roman Empire and now the United States of America. Rome surrendered to time and entropy. Our method is to drive a gigantic clown car into a ditch.
Is anyone out there interested in redemption?
I have an idea for the political party out of power, the Democrats, sunk in its special Okefenokee Swamp of identity politics and Russia paranoia: make an effort to legislate the Citizens United calamity out of existence.
Who knows, a handful of Republicans may be shamed into going along with it.
For those of you who have been mentally vacationing on Mars with Elon Musk, Citizens United was a Supreme Court decision — Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission 558 U.S. 310 (2010) — which determined that corporations had the right, as hypothetical “persons,” to give as much money as they liked to political candidates.
We've made important contributions to world culture
This “right” devolved from the First Amendment of the constitution, the 5-4 majority opinion said — giving money to political candidates and causes amounts to “freedom of speech.” The Citizens United ruling opened the door for unlimited election spending by corporations and enormous mischief in our national life. Then-President Obama — a constitutional law professor before his career in politics — complained bitterly about the opinion days later in his State of the Union address, saying that the court had “reversed a century of law to open the floodgates, including foreign corporations, to spend without limit in our elections.”
And for the next seven years he did absolutely nothing about it, nor did the Democratic Party majority in congress. Rather, they vacuumed in as much corporate campaign money as possible from every hokey political action committee (PAC) from sea to shining sea, especially in the 2016 presidential election starring Hillary “It’s My Turn” Clinton. It turned out to not be her turn in large part because the voters noticed the stench of corruption wafting off this toxic flow of corporate money, which Hillary was using to vastly outspend her billionaire opponent, troll that he was.
It's been a heck of a ride, and it's coming to an end ...
Of course, corporations have not always been what they are deemed to be today. They evolved with the increasingly complex activities of industrial economies. Along the way — in Great Britain first, actually — they were deemed to exist as the equivalent of legal persons, to establish that the liabilities of the company were separate and distinct from those of its owners. In the USA, forming a corporation usually required an act of legislation until the late 19th century. After that, they merely had to register with the states. Then congress had to sort out the additional problems of giant “trusts” and holding companies (hence, anti-trust laws, now generally ignored).
In short, the definition of what a corporation is and what it has a right to do is in a pretty constant state of change as economies evolve. And insofar as the current economy is sinking like the USS Titanic — and our republic as a mode of governance with it — surely the time has come to redefine in legislation the role and existential nature of a corporation in this polity. This homework assignment should be given to the Democratic members of congress, since they are otherwise preoccupied only with hunting for Russian gremlins and discovering new sexual abnormalities to protect and defend.
The crux of the argument is that corporations cannot be said to be entirely and altogether the equivalent of persons for all legal purposes. In law, corporations have duties, obligations, and responsibilities to their shareholders first, and only after that to the public interest or the common good, and only then by pretty strict legal prescription. It may be assumed that the interests of corporations and their shareholders are in opposition to, and in conflict with, the public interest. And insofar as elections are fundamentally matters of the public interest, corporations must be prohibited from efforts to influence the outcome of elections.
That’s your assignment Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the Democratic Party leadership. Get serious. Show a little initiative. Do something useful. Draw up some legislation. Get behind something real that might make a difference in this decrepitating country.
Or get out of the way and let a new party do the job.
Politics are a pin in the ass, but even those outside of the USA can see that the United State is wholly out of control. “What planet do they live on” is a common phrase that I am starting to hear in day to day conversation.
For the rest of us, the craziness of Washington DC doesn’t resemble anything in our normal day-to-day lives…
Dear America – You Are Delusional, and Failing at Everything You Undertake
Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Russia sanctions – “All of these harebrained schemes, hatched in Washington, have backfired grandly.”
“Those who have pushed for them are now reduced to just two face-saving maneuvers: blaming their political opponents; and blaming Russia. And these two maneuvers are set to backfire as well.”
This article from the Russia Insider archives and was first published on RI in November 2017. Written by Dmitry Orlov Fri, Dec 11 2020 | 1610 words 43,193 Comments .
Dear America - You Are Delusional, and Failing at Everything You Undertake
Back in the days when I was still trying to do the corporate thing, I regularly found myself in a bit of a tight spot simply by failing to keep my mouth shut.
I seem to carry some sort of gene that makes me naturally irrepressible. I can keep my mouth shut for only so long before I have to blurt out what I really think, and in a corporate setting, where thinking isn’t really allowed, this causes no end of trouble. It didn’t matter that I often turned out to be right. It didn’t matter what I thought; it only mattered that I thought.
American involvement in the middle-eastern project is now limited to Putin’s sporadic courtesy calls to Trump, to keep him updated.
Of all the thoughts you aren’t allowed to think, perhaps the most offensive one is adequately expressed by a single short phrase:
“That’s not gonna work.”
The end is near ...
Suppose there is a meeting to unveil a great new initiative, with PowerPoint presentations complete with fancy graphics, org charts, timelines, proposed budgets, yada-yada, and everything is going great until this curmudgeonly Russian opens his mouth and says “That’s not gonna work.”
And when it is patiently explained to him (doing one’s best to hide one’s extreme irritation) that it absolutely has to work because Senior Management would like it to, that furthermore it is his job to make it work and that failure is not an option, he opens his mouth again and says “That’s not gonna work either.” And then it’s time to avoid acting flustered while ignoring him and to think up some face-saving excuse to adjourn the meeting early and regroup.
I lasted for as long as I did in that world because once in a while I would instead say “Sure, that’ll work, let’s do it.” And then, sure enough, it did work, the company had a banner year or two, with lots of bonuses and atta-boy (and atta-girl) certificates handed out to those not at all responsible for any of it. Flushed with victory, they, in turn, would think up more harebrained schemes for me to rain on, and the cycle would repeat.
America seems to be blissfully unaware of how it comes across to the rest of the world
It is probably one of the main saving graces of corporations that they do sometimes (mainly by mistake) allow some thought to leak through. The mistake in question is a staffing error in promoting those constitutionally incapable of keeping their mouths shut or shutting off their brains. Such errors create chinks in the monolithic phalanxes of corporate yes-men and yes-women.
Trump is too old to be a reformer or a revolutionary. He is of an age when men are generally mostly concerned about the quantity and consistency of their stool and how it interacts with their enlarged prostates.
The likelihood of such mistakes increases with the agony of defeat, which causes attrition among the ranks of qualified yes-sayers, creating holes that can only be plugged by promoting a few non-yes-sayers. However, this only seems to work in the smaller, hungrier corporations; the larger, better-fed ones seem to be able to avoid experiencing the agony of defeat for a very long time by moving the goal posts, outlawing any discussion of said defeat or other similar tactics. Eventually the entire organization goes over the cliff, but by then it is of no benefit to anyone to attempt to inform them of their folly.
It is much the same with governments, except here the situation is even worse. While the smaller, hungrier governments, and those blessed with a fresh institutional memory of extreme pain, do not have the luxury of lying to themselves, the larger political agglomerations—the USSR, the EU, the USA—have the ability to keep themselves completely immunized against the truth for historically significant periods of time.
The USSR clung to the fiction of great socialist progress even when it was clear to all that the cupboard was bare and there were rats gnawing through the rafters. The EU has been able to ignore the fact that its entire scheme is one of enriching Germany while impoverishing and depopulating eastern and southern Europe, neglecting the interests of the native populations throughout. And the amount of self-delusion that is still currently in effect in the USA makes it a rather large subject.
Regardless of how great the lies are and how forcefully they are defended, a moment always comes when the phalanx of truth-blocking yes-men and yes-women stops marching, turns and runs. This event results in a tremendous loss of face and confidence for all involved.
It is the crisis of confidence, more than anything else, that precipitates the going-off-a-cliff phenomenon that we could so readily observe in the collapse of the USSR in the early 1990s. I have a very strong hunch that similar cliff-diving exercises are coming up for the EU and the USA.
But for the time being I am just another disembodied voice on the internet, watching from the sidelines and periodically saying the unfashionable thing, which is: “This isn’t gonna work.” However, I’ve said this a number of times over the years, on the record and more or less forcefully, and I feel vindicated most of the time.
Internationally, for example:
• Carving the Ukraine away from Russia, having it join the EU and NATO and building a NATO naval base in Crimea “wasn’t gonna work.” The Ukraine is a part of Russia, the Ukrainians are Russian, and the Ukrainian ethnic identity is a Bolshevik concoction. Look for a reversion to norm in a decade or two.
• Destroying and partitioning Syria with the help of Wahhabi extremists and foreign mercenaries supported by the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel while Russia, Iran, Turkey and China stand idly by “wasn’t gonna work”; and so it hasn’t.
• Giving Afghanistan “freedom and democracy” and turning it into a stable pro-Western regime with the help of invading NATO troops “wasn’t gonna work,” and hasn’t. Western involvement in Afghanistan can go on, but the results it can achieve are limited to further enhancing the heroin trade.
• Destroying the Russian economy using sanctions “wasn’t gonna work,” and hasn’t. The sanctions have helped Russia regroup internally and achieve a great deal of self-sufficiency in energy production and other forms of technology, in food and in numerous other sectors.
All of these harebrained schemes, hatched in Washington, have backfired grandly. Those who have pushed for them are now reduced to just two face-saving maneuvers: blaming their political opponents; and blaming Russia. And these two maneuvers are set to backfire as well.
In the meantime, the world isn’t waiting for the US to shake itself out of its stupor.
The fulcrum of American influence in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia and the petrodollar. In turn, Saudi Arabia rests on three pillars: the Saudi monarchy, Wahhabi Islam and the petrodollar. As I write this, the next king, Mohammed bin Salman, is busy hacking away at all three: robbing, imprisoning and torturing his fellow-princes, working to replace the Wahhabi clerics with moderate ones and embracing the petro-yuan instead of the now very tired petrodollar.
Not that any of these three pillars were in good shape in any case: the defeat of ISIS in Syria was a defeat for the Saudi monarchy which supported it, for the Wahhabi clerics who inspired it and, consequently, for the petrodollar as well, because Saudi Arabia was until now its greatest defender.
The new guarantors of peace in the region are Russia, Iran and Turkey, with China watching carefully in the wings. American involvement in the middle-eastern project is now limited to Putin’s sporadic courtesy calls to Trump, to keep him updated.
And so here’s my latest prediction: Trump’s goal of “making America great” “isn’t gonna work” either.
The country is so far gone that just taking the first step—of allowing the truth of its condition to leak through the media filters—will undermine public confidence to such an extent that a subsequent cliff-dive will become unavoidable. It’s a nice slogan as slogans go, but Trump is too old to be a reformer or a revolutionary. He is of an age when men are generally mostly concerned about the quantity and consistency of their stool and how it interacts with their enlarged prostates.
Perhaps he will succeed in making America great… big piles of feces, but I wouldn’t expect much more than that.
And time has proven him to be correct.
Remember that the American government controls all mainstream, and Alt-Left and Alt-Right media inside of America.
Now that it is official, and Biden is President, I scan the “news”…
Suddenly all the anti-China narrative has collapsed. the only anti-China article (15DEC20) that I can find is this one…
And this is just “only” a lite narrative with some segmented Chinese political infighting. Nothing about how horrible and awful China is. Not like before. But compared to the average of five to twelve articles per day about how terrible China is, this is really nothing.
Russian Missile Tech has Made America’s Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete
“Times have changed and America can no longer project its military power like it did in Iraq. Those days are over. ”
This article from the archives was first published on RI in April 2018. Written by Dmitry Orlov Fri, Dec 11 2020 | 1400 words 52,084 Comments
Russian Missile Tech has Made America's Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete
For the past 500 years European nations—Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, Britain, France and, briefly, Germany—were able to plunder much of the planet by projecting their naval power overseas. Since much of the world’s population lives along the coasts, and much of it trades over water, armed ships that arrived suddenly out of nowhere were able to put local populations at their mercy.
A financially crippling military brontosaurus
The armadas could plunder, impose tribute, punish the disobedient, and then use that plunder and tribute to build more ships, enlarging the scope of their naval empires. This allowed a small region with few natural resources and few native advantages beyond extreme orneriness and a wealth of communicable diseases to dominate the globe for half a millennium.
The ultimate inheritor of this naval imperial project is the United States, which, with the new addition of air power, and with its large aircraft carrier fleet and huge network of military bases throughout the planet, is supposedly able to impose Pax Americana on the entire world. Or, rather, was able to do so—during the brief period between the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of Russia and China as new global powers and their development of new anti-ship and antiaircraft technologies. But now this imperial project is at an end.
Prior to the Soviet collapse, the US military generally did not dare to directly threaten those countries to which the USSR had extended its protection. Nevertheless, by using its naval power to dominate the sea lanes that carried crude oil, and by insisting that oil be traded in US dollars, it was able to live beyond its means by issuing dollar-denominated debt instruments and forcing countries around the world to invest in them.
It imported whatever it wanted using borrowed money while exporting inflation, expropriating the savings of people across the world. In the process, the US has accumulated absolutely stunning levels of national debt—beyond anything seen before in either absolute or relative terms. When this debt bomb finally explodes, it will spread economic devastation far beyond US borders. And it will explode, once the petrodollar wealth pump, imposed on the world through American naval and air superiority, stops working.
New missile technology has made a naval empire cheap to defeat. Previously, to fight a naval battle, one had to have ships that outmatched those of the enemy in their speed and artillery power. The Spanish Armada was sunk by the British armada. More recently, this meant that only those countries whose industrial might matched that of the United States could ever dream of opposing it militarily.
But this has now changed:
Russia’s new missiles can be launched from thousands of kilometers away, are unstoppable, and it takes just one to sink a destroyer and just two to sink an aircraft carrier. The American armada can now be sunk without having an armada of one’s own. The relative sizes of American and Russian economies or defense budgets are irrelevant: the Russians can build more hypersonic missiles much more quickly and cheaply than the Americans would be able to build more aircraft carriers.
Equally significant is the development of new Russian air defense capabilities: the S-300 and S-400 systems. These systems can essentially seal off a country’s airspace. Wherever these systems are deployed, such as in Syria, US forces are now forced to stay out of their range.
With its naval and air superiority rapidly evaporating, all that the US can fall back on militarily is the use of large expeditionary forces—an option that is politically unpalatable and has proven to be ineffective in Iraq and Afghanistan.
There is also the nuclear option.
And while its nuclear arsenal is not likely to be neutralized any time soon, nuclear weapons are only useful as deterrents. Their special value is in preventing wars from escalating beyond a certain point. But that point lies beyond the elimination of their global naval and air dominance.
Nuclear weapons are much worse than useless in augmenting one’s aggressive behavior against a nuclear-armed opponent; invariably, it would be a suicidal move.
What the US now faces is essentially a financial problem of unrepayable debt and a failing wealth pump.
It should be a stunningly obvious point that setting off nuclear explosions anywhere in the world would not fix the problems of an empire that is going broke.
Events that signal vast, epochal changes in the world often appear minor when viewed in isolation.
Julius Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon was just one river crossing. Soviet and American troops meeting and fraternizing at the Elbe was, relatively speaking, a minor event—nowhere near the scale of the siege of Leningrad, the battle of Stalingrad or the fall of Berlin. Yet they signaled a tectonic shift in the historical landscape.
And perhaps we have just witnessed something similar with the recent pathetically tiny Battle of East Gouta in Syria.
Where the US used a make-believe chemical weapons incident as a pretense to launch an equally make-believe attack on some airfields and buildings in Syria. The US foreign policy establishment wanted to show that it still matters and has a role to play, but what really happened was that US naval and air power were demonstrated to be almost entirely beside the point.
Of course, all of this is terrible news to the US military and foreign policy establishments, as well as to the many US Congressmen (in whose districts military contractors operate or military bases are situated).
Obviously, this is also bad news for the defense contractors, for personnel at the military bases, and for many others as well.
It is also simply awful news economically, since defense spending is about the only effective means of economic stimulus of which the US government is politically capable.
Obama’s “shovel-ready jobs,” if you recall, did nothing to forestall the dramatic slide in the labor participation rate, which is a euphemism for the inverse of the real unemployment rate. There is also the wonderful plan to throw lots of money at Elon Musk’s SpaceX (while continuing to buy vitally important rocket engines from the Russians—who are currently discussing blocking their export to the US in retaliation for more US sanctions).
In short, take away the defense stimulus, and the US economy will make a loud popping sound followed by a gradually diminishing hissing noise.
Needless to say, all those involved will do their best to deny or hide for as long as possible the fact that the US foreign policy and defense establishments have now been neutralized.
My prediction is that America’s naval and air empire will not fail because it will be defeated militarily, nor will it be dismantled once the news sinks in that it is useless; instead, it will be forced to curtail its operations due to lack of funds.
There may still be a few loud bangs before it gives up, but mostly what we will hear is a whole lot of whimpering.
That’s how the USSR went; that’s how the USA will go too.
Things are in the process of change. It is my hope that the changes will be calm and peaceful, but those that live off the old systems will fight “tooth and nail” against change.
The United States fields some very impressive and advanced military systems. But [1] are they sustainable against a large and peer-capable, aggressive nations? And if they are, [2] is it worth the risk of mutual global annihilation for the egos of the psychopathic American leadership?
The United States fields some very impressive and advanced military systems.
But you know, I fear that I am not making my point clear. War is not something that you read about in your daily feed. It is something that you endure with heartache and sadness. It is something that destroys relationships, cultures and societies. It destroys civilizations. But the psychopaths don’t care. But you and I should…
War is horrible. It is nothing that should be taken lightly.
War is a horror.
Things are dire.
From my email feed…
We are in a situation bleaker than during the last Cold War, and similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
And US media is not reporting on any of it. Most of you know this. But I'm posting it because it points out things that most people don't know, because it's suppressed.
This interview with Ray McGovern, who advised US presidents and briefed them daily for many years talks about the very precarious state of US Russia relations. Frankly this dwarfs controversy about the election.
Please watch this. And share with friends and family.
Many people who live outside the United States think that the USA is a corrupt nation that is bound to collapse any day now.
EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia’s
“Two reasons: complexity, and too much money .”
This article from the Russia Insider archives was first published on RI in April 2018. It was written by Jacob Dreizin Wed, Dec 9 2020 | 2300 words 52,407 Comments
EPIC FAIL: Why Most US Weapons Systems Are Worse than Russia's
The F-35: Insanely expensive, its costs keep soaring - and it's worse than Russian planes which cost 20 times less
Lately we have seen some good analysis on the limits and vulnerabilities of the American military in light of events in the former Ukraine and especially Russia’s demonstrated competence in Syria.
So we have the “what” of the issue, but how about the “why”?
As a U.S. Army veteran and a longtime resident of the Beltway—including four-and-a-half years living on Crystal Drive in Arlington, Virginia, which has probably the densest concentration of “defense” contractors anywhere in America — I think I understand what is fundamentally wrong with the U.S. military-industrial complex (MIC.)
First and foremost, the MIC has long been incapable of producing durable, efficient, versatile weapons.
We don’t even have to look to the F-35 on this one.
(America's latest fighter which has turned into a spectacular technical failure and massive ($1.5 trillion!) expense - see our super-popular article about how this plane stacks up against the Russian competition- edit)
Just consider the most basic item, the M-16.
The M-16 Assault Rifle
My field experience with this piece of junk is that it runs into problems in the presence of even a small amount of sand. When enough sand gets in to the chamber and mixes with the lube oil on the bolt assembly, the grit thus formed results in up to every second round misloading.
God forbid you should brush an oiled open breach against the side of your foxhole—you are out of commission. In the absence of air or artillery support or sheer overwhelming numbers on your side, you are dead meat against anyone with a gun that functions in a sandy environment.
And why?
Because, as I was told in boot camp (whether it’s true or not), this thing is perfectly built to have zero fault tolerance.
Supposedly, just about every metal component in the M-16 is cast and/or machined to perfection rather than stamped. Contrast this with Russian or Chinese weapons that are said to be built like can-openers to spray lead under any conditions. In other words, the M-16 is so sophisticated that it doesn't work well.
It is now acknowledged that the M-16 with its 5.56mm rounds is insufficiently lethal beyond a couple of hundred meters, making it unsuited to long-distance firefights over open terrain (again those deserts, or perhaps shootouts between mountain ridges.)
The M-1 Abrams tank
Another great example - this can be a real dog. The engine is a gas turbine, like with an aircraft, except that it is being driven around in deserts and even sandstorms, making it extremely finicky and high-maintenance. (Would you fly your Boeing into a sandstorm?) Of course, the Abrams was designed to fight in Germany where sand is not an issue. But during the Iraq adventure, sand so tore up the turbine fans (or whatever) that over 1000 of these million-dollar "power packs" had to be removed and sent up for depot-level maintenance or refurbishment stateside.
Yes, that’s right—these things cannot even be fixed in the field. All you can do is pull them out with a crane and ship them back to the civilians at enormous expense. At the height of the Iraq adventure, around 2007, the maintenance backlog was so bad that even the national media got wind of it.
Of course, when you have the world’s reserve currency, you can afford all that and more—the entire world is paying for your wars.
But the waste and inefficiency are a fact.
The Basic Problem : Excessive Complexity
I think the problem here is that American war planners and logisticians prefer originality, complexity, and/or expense-for-the-hell-of-it over versatility and ease of use and maintenance. This is no surprise given America’s wealth and the longtime generous funding of its armed forces. After all, every military reflects its own society.
Unfortunately for Uncle Sam, what he gets is equipment that may work very well in one environment but not another.
But so much for American equipment per se. Let’s talk about Crystal Drive (a neighborhood in suburban Washington where many defense contractors have offices - edit.) —or more broadly, the MIC.
The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is failing on a massive scale
It is clear now that the MIC cannot build anything for less than 200 percent of its original planned budget (and that’s being extremely conservative.) Nor can anything it cranks out nowadays meet performance or survivability expectations. Besides the never-ending supersonic train wreck known as the F-35, we have other boondoggle failures such as the Littoral Combat Ship, which by all accounts is less capable and more vulnerable than the 20 to 30 year-old vessels it was supposed to replace.
Or, going back a few years, we see the Army’s “Commanche” helicopter, an intended replacement for the Apache, which blew through $6.9 billion—in 1983-2004 dollars, probably over $10 billion today—before the entire program was scrapped. That’s right, over $10 billion for nothing—not one Commanche was ever delivered for permanent use to an Army operational unit!
Where did that money go, if they didn’t actually manufacture anything besides a few prototypes? Did they spend $10 billion on PowerPoint presentations?
My brain cannot even wrap around this. Can you imagine what Russia or China could do for $10 billion?
However, even that pales before the Army's cancelled Future Combat Systems program, which burned through an estimated (no one knows exactly) $20 billion from 2003 to somewhere between 2012 and 2014 (depending on what termination milestone you go by), with almost nothing to show beyond a few prototypes, a lot of concept art, and a 29-pound toy robot made by iRobot of "Roomba" vacuum cleaner fame. In fact, I can’t think of one big new U.S. weapons system that has succeeded in the last 25 years, other than perhaps the Stryker armored car (though some have argued that point, and I just don’t know enough about it.)
As pointed out by many other observers, part of the blame lies with our political system, where MIC corporations buy politicians and then receive favors in the form of contracts, whether or not the contracts make any sense. However, I think this is not the only problem, nor even necessarily the biggest.
Fundamentally what I think we have is systemic over-complexity resulting in nothing getting done, or done well anyway.
US intelligence agencies have the same problem
This is akin to the deep systemic crisis in Uncle Sam’s intelligence agencies, where from 9/11 to the Arab Spring to Crimea to the ISIS conquest of Mosul to Russia in Syria, the word is always “we didn’t expect…” In this case, we have numerous agencies—some of them with overlapping functions—that are drowning in paperwork and garbage data (or too much data) and are almost totally useless.
As some readers will remember, it got so bad that in April 2014 the State Department released a photo collage aiming to prove that (among other things) a bearded Chechen battalion commander going by the name Hamza, who appeared in Russian TV footage of the 2008 Olympic War, was none other than the bearded, overweight Slaviansk militiaman going by the call-sign “Babai”—in other words, Russian special forces have invaded the Donbass. (The New York Times ran with this and was then oh-so-vaguely and gently reproached by its own ombudsman.)
Shouldn’t this awful joke have been prevented by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is supposed to promote info-sharing among agencies and centrally vet all claims and conclusions—especially those being trumpeted on the State Department’s website or at its briefings? Apparently not!
Bureaucratic bloat
On the other hand, what the U.S. lack-of-intelligence complex is very good at—besides hiring way too many buxom, flirty young things straight out of college and with no language skills or any experience at all (DIA and NGA, you know your ex-military managers like to beautify their offices)—is providing employment for tens of thousands of its own staff as well as tens of thousands of grotesquely-overpaid contractors, including those who build and run billion-dollar eavesdropping centers that have proven incapable of picking up anything useful, perhaps because when you try to listen to everything, you end up hearing nothing.
The lesson here is that the more offices and agencies, the more managers and political appointees who will seek to justify and expand their turf and budgets by shoveling out as much money on as many contracts as possible, as quickly as possible, in many cases even paying contractors to do little more than just sit around (sometimes at home) waiting for the next contract. (I have seen this many times in Washington.)
Then you get so big that people simply trip over each other and the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.
The US MIC worked great 50 years ago because less money and people were involved
So I think this is what’s going on not only in the intelligence apparatus, but in the MIC as a whole. We have hundreds of thousands of staff and contractors as well as military officers assigned to liaise with them, all kinds of project managers and “six-sigma black belts” and other buzzwords, juggling millions of PowerPoints across the river from Washington and throughout the country, and they can’t field a helicopter after spending $10 billion on it.
Really? How did this great country ever defeat the Japanese Empire?
Go to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington; you will see the most amazing things—e.g. generators designed to operate on the surface of the Moon, drawing electricity from the heat of plutonium decay—that were developed when there was no Crystal Drive, no Tysons Corner, etc.
Then go to the museum’s extension near Dulles airport and check out the SR-71 “Blackbird”, the fastest and highest-flying airplane ever built (this was about 50 years ago.)
How did they do it?
Although there were more men in uniform back then, the MIC itself (or should I say the Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Homeland-Insecurity-Complex (MIIHIC)) - had but a fraction of today’s civilian workforce. Luckily, most of those paper-pushing “systems integrators” and PowerPoint rangers did not exist. Blueprints were drafted with pencil and paper.
Today, Uncle Sam can’t even build a heavy rocket engine, not to mention a good helmet or ejection seat for his F-35.
No hope for change going forward
So it seems that as a technical civilization we are degenerating.
Sure, there are constant advancements in microelectronics (a.k.a. integrated circuits) and the programs they allow, but in terms of heavy engineering—of which the MIIHIC and other government initiatives like the space program were at the forefront since WWII—it seems that the U.S. is tapped out.
And you know what? Throwing more money at it is just going to make it worse.
The organizations with their budgets and their perfectly reasonable-sounding arguments for ever-greater budgets will grow, their workforces will grow, the contracting sector will grow, more shiny office buildings will go up, but the result will be an ever-increasingly-negative marginal return.
John McCain and all the other broken records in and out of the Pentagon will say we still don't have enough funds to counter a pointless Russian invasion of parasitic, inconsequential Lithuania (currently headed by a longtime communist) or any other 1990s-era speculative wargame training scenario that somehow carried over into the public consciousness and morphed into the Greatest Threat to World Peace.
Of course, as long as the U.S. has the money to send gazillion-dollar armies and armadas against illiterate natives armed with sharp sticks and coconuts, this may not visibly threaten its hegemony. Almost any problem or mistake can be papered over with money, for a long time anyway.
But eventually, even if the money spigot does not constrict, we will get to the point where the military really can’t be used as anything more than a façade or a gunboat road-show, hoping no one calls the bluff, because the stuff just doesn’t work like it’s supposed to, or else is too vulnerable (witness the evacuation of the U.S. aircraft carrier from the Persian Gulf after Uncle Sam found out that Russia has cruise missiles with a range of at least 1500km, or the ridiculous sail-around of China's little islands which had the sense to infringe only very slightly and briefly on that country's imaginary territorial waters), or the natives can devise their own countermeasures.
In fact, I would say we are at that point already. Not to mention, the U.S. Army and the Department of Veterans Affairs are still so tapped-out after Iraq and Afghanistan that another major ground operation is unthinkable. (At this point, Washington is more likely to launch nukes at somebody than risk another ground war.)
So you can anticipate a lot of hand-wringing and a lot more money being thrown into the breach. That’s simply what the machine does; there is no chance to reform it, nor will the Hegemony dissipate willingly (although lately it’s done a good job of dissipating unwillingly.)
But all that money may as well be flushed down the can.
The threshold has been reached and it's all downhill from here.
This is all pretty much standard knowledge within the defense industry. The MIL-STD-810 (whatever revision it is now) is all about this particular issue. But the things is that the money is NOT in making better weapons systems for use, but rather as a system to make a lot of money to the owners of the military-industrial industry.
And that is already very well known.
Many people who live outside the United States think that the USA is a corrupt nation that is bound to collapse any day now.
Russia’s Airborne Forces Differ Greatly from NATO’s (Cool Video)
Many analysts consider them the best in the world and totally unique. Why?
They are much bigger (50,000 troops fully combat ready)
They are mechanized (they parachute heavy equipment in with troops)
They are constantly innovating and have legendary esprit de corps
Interesting: They include a saint among their veterans
-This article from our archives was first published on RI in August 2015
Russia's Airborne Forces Differ Greatly from NATO's (Cool Video)
What I want to share with you today is a promo movie by Zvezda TV, the semi-official TV channel of the Russian Ministry of Defense, at the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Russian Airborne Forces. So don’t expect a hard-hitting documentary asking the tough questions and making critical comments.
However, this is nonetheless a very interesting video and when I saw it, I begged Alena Scarecrow and Tatzhit to translate and subtitle it, which they very kindly did. Before letting you watch the video, I would like to share with you a few thoughts about the Russian Airborne Forces (called ‘VDV’ in Russian) and about their military, social, political and even spiritual role in modern Russia.
The Russian Airborne Forces
The Russian VDV are truly an absolutely unique phenomenon and they should not be confused with any other airborne force.
For one thing, the VDV are fully mechanized.
Firstly. So while they are ‘paratroopers’, these paratroopers are not just light infantry (like, say, the US 82nd AB), but a very mobile force, fully mechanized and with a *lot* of firepower. In the movie you are about to watch, you will see some of their armored vehicles and artillery pieces which, uniquely, can also be delivered by parachute. What the movie does not show is the artillery of the VDV which includes such systems as the 2S9 Nona, the D-30 howitzer or the 2S25 self-propelled tank destroyer.
Second, the VDV are a numerically huge force which currently totals 50’000 men and includes 5 Airborne Divisions and 6 Airborne Brigades (including the 45th Special Forces of the VDV Brigade). All of them air-deployable and on a top-level or readiness.
Thirdly, the VDV truly are the embodiment of military valor and tactical skills and they have played an absolutely crucial role in many Soviet and Russian battles, but probably never more so than during the worst tragedy in their long history: the battle for Ulus-Kert in which the entire 6th Airborne company perished.
I don’t have the space and time to recount in detail what happened on that day of early 2000 but to those interested by this amazing event I would recommend the article “ULUS-KERT: An Airborne Company’s Last Stand” by Sergeant Michael D. Wilmoth, US Army Reserve, and Lieutenant Colonel Peter G. Tsouras, US Army Reserve, Retired, in the Military Review of July-August 1991, pp 91-96 (click here for this article reposted on this blog). Keep in mind that this article was not written by the promotions department of Zvezda TV, but by two US military experts who are very critical of many aspects of what took place that day (and rightly so).
What is absolutely crucial for the understanding of the importance of this battle for Hill 776 in Ulus-Kert is that the year 2000 marked the absolute rock-bottom of the “democratic experiment” (aka the American colonization) of Russia.
Yes, Putin has just come to power, but the country was absolutely devastated by a decade of Soviet stagnation followed by another decade of “democratic reforms” and Putin was just making his very first steps as a new head of state.
What the 6th company achieved on Hill 776 was an immense wake-up call to the entire Russian nation saying “enough is enough” and “not one single step back”.
The article by Wilmoth and Tsouras accurately describes all the failures in command and execution which resulted in the tragedy of the 6th company, but it is precisely these failures which made the sacrifice of these men so amazing: the country had essentially abandoned its own military, but the young men of the VDV did not hesitate to die, all of them, to resist the face of evil (and, in those days, nothing embodied absolute evil as much as the Chechen Wahabis and their reign of terror and medieval atrocities).
It is hard to over-estimate the contribution which the Russian Airborne Forces have made to the rebirth of Russia. But this goes even further.
I strongly believe that it is not a coincidence that the Russian Airborne Forces have even produced an Orthodox martyr and saint: Evgenii Aleksandrovich Rodionov. You can read a short summary of the life and death of Rodionov in the Wikipedia article under his name.
Evgenii Rodionov, photo and icon
Evgenii Rodionov, photo and icon
What is so important about the case of Rodionov is that died as a martyr because he refused to abandon his Orthodox faith and that his podvig (spiritual feat) happened away from everybody at a time when, as the sad expression went, “every boy wanted to become a criminal thug and every girl a prostitute” as people used to say in 1996, in the midst of the “democratic hell” Russia had become.
Though I cannot prove it, I am personally deeply convinced that the fact that Rodionov was a solider of the Airborne Forces is not a coincidence. I have met enough Airborne officers and soldiers myself and I know that their level of patriotism and spiritual awareness is exceptionally high because they live by an honor code, an ideal, which has it roots in the most ancient Russian military traditions which have always been immersed in spiritual and moral values far beyond just winning a battle.
Now, please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying that all the soldiers of the VDV are some kind of invincible saints or anything like that. Far from it. It is enough to see the footage of the kind of silly drunken nonsense these guys display each August 2nd (the day of the Holy Prophet Elijah, Patron of the Russian Airborne Forces) to lose any such illusions:
And one reality should not overshadow the other one: they are both equally Russian and equally typical of the VDV.
What I am trying to illustrate by all of the above is that the Russian Airborne Forces are an absolutely unique, and uniquely Russian, phenomenon and that they are a truly formidable force by any measure. Now for a more US-style promo movie, with lot’s of high-tech hardware and “cool” shots, please see the following video.
It will show you that the Russian VDV are also very modern and forward looking military forces with over 85 years of development behind their back. And, having watched that video, ask yourself this simple question: how impressed to you think these guys are with the new multi-national NATO “spearhead” and “rapid reaction” forces?
The day of the Holy Prophet Elijah, Patron of the Russian Airborne Forces.
You know…
Yeah, you know, that it’s a really cold day in Hell when the American news would say anything good about any other military force, whether it is Russian on Chinese. But here, on MM we try to provide insight.
As I have tried to state elsewhere, if you want to hear about what other narrative is being promoted in the American echo chambers (election fraud, political bribes, mind control, etc) you need not come to MM. This is a completely different type of site. We are not a “me too” of the preferred NSA narrative venue cabal.
Here’s a taste of what the echo chambers in the USA report on Chinese and Russian military forces… America is the best! America is the largest, strongest and best trained. China and Russia military are “push overs”. We are undefeated, and the most powerful military in the history of the world!
American military in the eyes of American media.
The experts have spoken and Americans are ready to die for “their” country…
NotSoScary: ThisIsWhy Russia's Military IsaPaperTiger.CertainlyMoscow’s military forceswillcontinuetomodernize, but Russian military might—otherthanitsnuclearforces—isan ...
-National Interest
Russia banned from using its name, flag at next two Olympics
Russia will not be able to use its name, flag and anthem at the next two Olympics or at any world championships for the next two years after a ruling Thursday by the Court of Arbitration for Sport.
In other words: this doping scandal never existed; but it was never about sports: it is all - and always was - about propaganda. Russian athletes will continue to compete normally - only without the Russian symbols.
This is a clear attack against Russia.
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Wednesday that while China has more ships, it'll be a while before it can match the power of the US Navy.
"I want to make clear that China cannot match the United States when it comes to naval power," Esper explained at a RAND Corporation event.
"Even if we stopped building new ships, it would take the [People's Republic of China] years to close the gap when it comes to our capability on the high seas," he said. "Ship numbers are important, but they don't tell the whole story."
And of course, there is the obligatory bullshit reporting on how strange China is. Uh. Sure….
Is this a thing? Only inside American newspapers.
What does all this mean?
Well, I have been promoting the idea that America as it stands today is not sustainable. But I am NOT a “lone voice in the wilderness”. Many others have also made these observations. For instance…
Other opinions.
But you all don’t need to be a reader to follow this. All you need to do is take a casual look around you. Just look.
Fight Club.
The stench of decay permeates America at all levels…
Women offer sex for McDonald’s food.
Not yet convinced?
I guess that sex comes cheaply in the United States.
I guess that if the American leadership are all psychopaths, and that they rigged the elections in their favor so that the serf-slaves serve them, then everything is pretty much following the natural progression of order. It ‘s a stratification of society into a ruler class and a servant class, and that’s just the way it is. If this keeps up, castes will form, and America will resemble the caste system within India.
Any your boys and girls who read this will be in the lower, servant, classes.
If not, then the United States will collapse upon itself. Which is why everyone is writing about this issue, no one wants to face the idea that the USA can continue and be permitted to set up a stratified society. One of the Haves, and the other a “disposable class”.
So, as uncomfortable as it is, let’s all hope for the collapse of the USA.
It’s very difficult to argue otherwise.
Let’s trust that the global oligarchy have successfully managed to isolate the USA on the global stage to the extent that any damage during the American meltdown will be limited to the North American region. I sincerely hope that this remains the case.
That is my “gut” feeling. And that is what I am betting on.
But others seem to think that if America collapses, then the entire world will collapse as well. In their minds the USA …IS THE WORLD. And thus it’s collapse will destroy the world (more or less). Nope.
Not true.
But you can read for yourself and come to your own conclusions…
That Collapse You Ordered…?
I had a fellow on my latest podcast, released Sunday, who insists that the world population will crash 90-plus percent from the current 7.6 billion to 600 million by the end of this century. Jack Alpert heads an outfit called the Stanford Knowledge Integration Lab (SKIL) which he started at Stanford University in 1978 and now runs as a private research foundation. Alpert is primarily an engineer.
At 600 million, the living standard in the USA would be on a level with the post-Roman peasantry of Fifth century Europe, but without the charm, since many of the planet’s linked systems — soils, oceans, climate, mineral resources — will be in much greater disarray than was the case 1,500 years ago. Anyway, that state-of-life may be a way-station to something more dire. Alpert’s optimal case would be a world human population of 50 million, deployed in three “city-states,” in the Pacific Northwest, the Uruguay / Paraguay border region, and China, that could support something close to today’s living standards for a tiny population, along with science and advanced technology, run on hydropower. The rest of world, he says, would just go back to nature, or what’s left of it. Alpert’s project aims to engineer a path to that optimal outcome.
I hadn’t encountered quite such an extreme view of the future before, except for some fictional exercises like Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. (Alpert, too, sees cannibalism as one likely byproduct of the journey ahead.) Obviously, my own venture into the fictionalized future of the World Made by Hand books depicted a much kinder and gentler re-set to life at the circa-1800 level of living, at least in the USA. Apparently, I’m a sentimental softie.
Both of us are at odds with the more generic techno-optimists who are waiting patiently for miracle rescue remedies like cold fusion while enjoying re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. (Alpert doesn’t completely rule out as-yet-undeveloped energy sources, though he acknowledges that they’re a low-percentage prospect.) We do agree with basic premise that the energy supply is mainly what supports the way we live now, and that it shows every evidence of entering a deep and destabilizing decline that will halt the activities necessary to keep our networks of dynamic systems running.
A question of interest to many readers is how soon or how rapid the unraveling of these systems might be. When civilizations crumble, it tends to fast-track. The Roman empire seems to be an exception, but in many ways it was far more resilient than ours, being a sort of advanced Flintstones economy, with even its giant-scale activities (e.g. building the Coliseum) being accomplished by human-powered work. In any case, the outfit really fell apart steadily after the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius (180 AD).
The Romans had their own version of a financialized economy: they simply devalued their coins by mixing in less and less silver at the mint, so they could pretend to pay for the same luxuries they had grown accustomed to as resources stretched thin. Our financialized economy — like everything else we do — operates at levels of complexity so baffling that even its supposed managers at the central banks are flying blind through fogs of debt, deception, and moral hazard. When that vessel of pretense slams into a mountain top, the effects are likely to be quick and lethal to the economies on the ground below.
In our time, the most recent crash of a major socioeconomic system was the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990-91. Of course, it happened against the backdrop of a global system that was still revving pretty well outside the USSR, and that softened the blow. Ultimately, the Russians still had plenty of oil to sell, which allowed them to re-set well above the Fifth Century peasant level of existence. At least for now. The Soviet Union collapsed because it was a thoroughly dishonest system that ran on pretense and coercion. Apparently, the US Intel Community completely missed the signs that political collapse was underway.
They seem to be pretty clueless about the fate of the USA these days, too. If you consider the preoccupations of two very recent Intel chiefs — John Brennan of CIA and James Clapper, DNI — who now inveigh full-time on CNN as avatars of the Deep State against the wicked Golden Golem of Greatness. Personally, I expect our collapse to be as sudden and unexpected as the USSR’s, but probably bloodier because there’s simply more stuff just lying around to fight over. Of course, I expect the collapse to express itself first in banking, finance, and markets — being so deeply faith-based and so subject to simple failures of faith. But it will become political and social soon enough, maybe all-at once. And when it happens in the USA, it will spread through the financial systems the whole world round.
I need a beer.
[Result 1] So all evidence points to a massive collapse with the inclusion of civil strife, civil war, and global war set up as distractions that quickly get out of hand.
If this does not happen…
[Restult 2] Then evidence points to a fully enslaved nation of dumbed-down slaves that service the wealthy in a forced stratification system that would resemble the caste system in India.
You will not hear any of this in the American “news” because you are not to know of it. Your rulers are all psychopaths that indeed want either of the two outcomes to manifest. They want either result one or two. Nothing else is acceptable to them.
Some John Titor Stuff…
John Titor visits to our primary world line template, showing the deviation values.
A final Thought
And my thoughts…
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This post is exactly what the title says. It discusses ways and techniques for a single person to disable an armed technical using only a hunting rifle. It requires the use of stealth so that the shooter can extract a clip of ammo and then egress out of the area immediately afterwards. This is part of my SHTF series, and discusses techniques and means that a person can survive when their entire world is turned upside-down.
Again, this is a post by request. I want to get off the SHTF nonsense, but I find that one of my posts hit the American prepper blog-a-sphere and went exceptional. Since then, I have been getting some requests. So I'm dusting off a few misc post that I need to push out there. I guess that now is the time. I guess.
Keep in mind that most Americans are good. It is an illusion that those at the other side of the political spectrum are evil, or that Chinese are evil, or that Russians are evil. Most people are not. Those that are pushing for a war...
...they are the evil ones.
You all should stop contemplating fighting each other, and both gang up against the wealthy oligarchy playing you all as fools. They are the ones driving this entire nightmare and pushing it to it's ultimate conclusion.
The world turning upside-down is in process right now. Some areas are worse than others, but the United States is pretty much a “basket case”.
We need to look at other places, other times, other events from the lens of history. And much of what we must read is from sources outside the United States. For the United States media has created insulated “echo chambers” fully intending to keep Americans like mushrooms; in the dark.
Learn from the events outside of the USA, and discard that very popular saying that “America is special, it is exceptional, it is different”. It’s a lie. America is not immune to change. And it is long overdue. Change is coming and you all had best gather all your strength to deal with it.
Learn from other nations and what they have experienced.
Businessman shot and killed by gunfire in the early days of the Bosnian conflict.
You need to be prepared. No one can predict the future, and it is my sincere hope that history does not repeat itself. Bu you all should be well aware of history and of similar situations that seem to resemble what is now building up inside of America today.
You need to be prepared.
Know your history.
Ad hoc road block established to thwart an attack.
Be prepared. Part of that is personal. With food, gun training, ammo, and contingency plans. But part of it goes beyond that. Clan up with a group. Know your neighbors in a good and strong way. Identify who will collect your name on a list and be very wary of them. Identify what your weaknesses are and mitigate your concerns.
Do not be like the Bosnian’s who fled their villages for the woods, and then who were hunted down over the next few months by aggressive and very motivated irregulars. It didn’t work out well for them. Don’t allow history to repeat itself.
Don’t be like the villagers in Bosnia who fled and ran into the woods when troops came to collect the women and take them to the (newly established) rape complexes in the cities.
One of the most important things that you can do is know how to suppress a technical. Their role is to suppress you, and others while active regulars go house to house seizing people.
If you can take down a technical, you will go a long way to suppress their activity, and even gain control of the situation. Realize that the technical is the major source of power in these excursions. Take out the technical, and the leadership and the attack and assault will more than likely break.
What is a “technical”
A technical is a type of improvised fighting vehicle, typically a civilian or military non-combat vehicle, modified to provide an offensive capability similar to a military gun truck. It is usually an open-backed civilian pickup truck or four-wheel drive vehicle mounting a machine gun, light anti-aircraft gun, recoilless rifle, or other support weapon.
Usually it consists of a medium machine gun to heavy machine gun mounted on the bed of a small pickup truck. The vehicle is usually (mostly) unarmored, and the advantage of the technical is rapid mobility while producing substantial small arms firepower.
A basic “technical” vehicle.
The Toyota pickup truck seems to be a very common platform from which to mount medium and heavy machine guns. Notice that aside from the gun mount, there is very little other modifications. There might be a large ammo box in the bed of the truck for ammo, and maybe a gas can or two, but that is about it. Usually the vehicles aren’t even painted.
Here’s another technical that is very similar to the photo above. But if you look closely you can see differences. And you all should know that one is in Syria while the other was in Libya.
Another basic “Technical” vehicle.
These next two technical vehicles both have an armored shield mounted with the machine gun. They offer protection from defensive fire that originates from the target. In most cases the weapon of choice will be a medium to heavy machine gun, and supports, or is supported by a squad of regulars.
Notice that the technical would typically include a crew of three.
A driver.
A machine gunner.
And someone riding “shotgun”.
Yet another basic technical vehicle.
Cautions and limitations
Just because you see something on the internet doesn’t mean that it is wholly and completely accurate. Every person, every situation, every location, and every war is different. You just can’t simply rely on MM here to provide accurate life or death intel. And so don’t. This is just and only an introduction. If you have nothing else to go on, you can use what is printed herein as a guide to help illuminate a path to take to resolve a problem that could very well occur.
Just keep in mind that were a SHTF event to occur, it is highly likely that technicals will be involved. Being a “lone wolf” defending your homestead without a clan or a group of people for support will be lethal. A technical will be used to frighten, harass, scare, threaten, and destroy from a distance. It is not something that you can view as an after thought. It is something that you need to prepare for.
When a technical rolls into you small town or hamlet, will you be able and equipped to suppress it and immobilize it?
How they are used
In an anticipated North American SHTF situation (which is pretty much why we are discussing this) these vehicles will more than likely used by progressive Marxists to suppress the countryside. As such they will be used to…
Secure major intersections, bridges, and points of interest.
Secure “high ground” prior to a larger assault.
Capture or suppress key minor-defended targets.
Which should not be a real surprise. Of course they will be used in this role to provide quick and mobile weapons platforms. But what most civilians will need to be concerned about is as a supporting role in local assaults in small villages and hamlets.
Harass the civilian population. Cause them to break and be unable to provide a strong unified defense.
The technicals would be used to scare and chase away civilians and cause them to scatter in the directions that they choose. Eventually rounding up and herding the populace towards collection points where others would secure the people for relocation to “safe areas”. You can well guess what these “safe areas” are.
If you can, avoid boarding the trucks to take you to a “safe area”. History clearly shows that the likelihood of you and your family surviving in those conditions is small.
You don’t want to board the cattle cars, hop into the trucks, or be in any way carted off by agents of the enemy.
When Bosnian Serb forces broke through two years later, about 15,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys fled into the woods. And twice as many terrified residents rushed to the U.N. compound in what was formerly an industrial zone at the entrance to town, in the hope that Dutch U.N. peacekeepers would protect them.
However, the outgunned peacekeepers watched helplessly as Serb troops took around 2,000 men and boys from the compound for execution...
... while bussing the women and young girls to Bosnian government-held territory.
Meanwhile, in the woods around Srebrenica, Serb soldiers hunted the fleeing Bosniaks, as Bosnian Muslims are otherwise known, killing them one by one.
The killers sought to hide evidence of the genocide, piling most of the bodies into hastily made mass graves, which they subsequently dug up with bulldozers and scattered the bodies across numerous burial sites.
In the years since, bodies have been unearthed and the victims identified through DNA testing. About 1,000 victims remain to be found.
A special U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague and courts in the Balkans have sentenced close to 50 Bosnian Serbs, including their top civilian war-time leader, Radovan Karadzic, and his military commander, Ratko Mladic, to more than 700 years in prison for Srebrenica crimes.
-Seattle Times
British forces helping collect women and loading them into trucks “for their protection”. Of course, we all know the price that the young women had to pay for that kind of safety.
An estimated 30,000 Muslim refugees packed around the Dutch peacekeeping base in Potocari, just north of Srebrenica, after Bosnian Serb forces seized the 'safe area'. Mladic sought to calm them, telling the crowd they did not need to be afraid.
Bosnian Serb forces put the frightened refugees on to buses to leave. Many of the refugees were evacuated to Kladanj, 30 miles away on the edge of government-held territory.
The UN noticed that most of the refugees arriving from Srebrenica were women, children, and the elderly and became concerned about the fate of the men.
Over the week that followed the fall of Srebrenica, a total of about 8,000 men and boys from the enclave are estimated to have been killed by Bosnian Serb forces in detention or while trying to flee through the woods.
Men were crammed into warehouses, schools and barns in the area outside Srebrenica. They were shot and their bodies were dumped in mass graves. Serb forces subsequently dug up the bodies and scattered them in a systematic effort to conceal the crime. UN war crimes investigators later excavated the mass graves, but over 1,000 bodies are still missing.
-Srebrenica massacre anniversary: Europe's worst atrocity since the Nazis
During this up coming SHTF event, it would be prudent to trust no-one. Absolutely trust no one. Instead rely on your wits, family and closest friends. In times like these betrayal becomes normal. Expect it.
The After Picture.
Remains of the men who obeyed the troops, the police, and the advise of the political personages that were directing the entire situation “to keep order”.
Now that you have seen the “after” pictures, let me present to you the “before” pictures. They say that a picture can say a 1000 words. Well, these two pictures taken together should speak volumes. Do not let, or allow, anyone to take you or your family to a “safe area”. No matter what it is called. FEMA camp, “holding area”, “rest area”, “UN compound”, just don’t allow it to happen.
The “before” picture. How the men were rounded up and led to a place for their protection…
The before picture. The round-up of men and women will be orderly. They will say that they will take you to a safe area; an area of peace and quiet. You know one that they have the control and you do not.
In order for you to avoid the “after picture”, you need to avoid the “before picture“. Don’t you agree?
Other Applications
These technical vehicles can often hold much larger weapons. Typically they are anti-aircraft guns, and other such weapons. They will be able to reduce a house to rubble. We need not quibble about the size of the weapon, or predict what will be made available when. What we do know is that powerful forces are accumulating large stocks of military grade weapons for the progressive Marxists to use. My guess is that this is going to be much more than rifles, machine guns and rocket launchers.
The prepared prepper needs to be ready for anything.
Technical with a mounted anti-aircraft platform.
And let’s not get all too hung up on terminology either.
A technical is a light improvised fighting vehicle, typically an open-backed civilian pickup truck or four-wheel drive vehicle mounting a heavy weapon, such as a machine gun, anti-aircraft gun, rotary cannon, anti-tank weapon, anti-tank gun, ATGM, mortar, howitzer, multiple rocket launcher, or recoilless rifle, operating similar to a light (unarmored) military gun truck.
Light improvised fighting vehicles date back to the first use of automobiles, and to the horse-drawn tachankas mounting machine guns in eastern Europe and Russia.
Machine guns are commonly mounted on fast attack vehicles such as technicals to provide heavy mobile firepower, armored vehicles such as tanks for engaging targets too small to justify use of the primary weaponry or too fast to effectively engage with it, and on aircraft as defensive armament or for strafing ground targets, though on fighter aircraft true machine guns have mostly been supplanted by large-caliber rotary guns.
Technicals are typically fitted with heavy machine guns (especially the DShK and M2 Browning).
Also mounted are anti-aircraft artillery (usually the ZPU or ZU-23-2) AA guns.
It is not uncommon to see recoilless rifles (usually the SPG-9 or M40 recoilless rifle) on such vehicles, as they now become able to take down light armored vehicles and provide HE rounds to destroy houses and fortifications.
Technical with a recoilless rifle.
Additionally, multiple rocket launchers (such as the Type 63 multiple rocket launcher or the M-63 Plamen) have been seen on these vehicles.
In the 2012 Syrian civil war, the Syrian government said rebels used the gun mounted on cars.
Technical mounting a quad rocket launcher.
Here’s a great PDF writeup on having mounted rocket launchers on technicals.
Makeshift rocket launchers, whether converted from existing rocket pods or of an entirely improvised design, have featured in conflicts in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, the former Yugoslavia, Georgia, Libya and, most recently, the ongoing conflict in Syria.
Most prominent amongst the rockets used in this manner are those of the Soviet (later Russian) S-5 series.
Over the past half a century, these rockets became one of the standard weapons for the majority of Soviet and later Russian combat aircraft and helicopters. Although Soviet forces began to supplement, and in some cases replace, S-5 rockets in many roles with the larger 80 mm S-8 series in the 1970s, the S-5 remains commonplace amongst the armed forces of many countries, particularly in the developing world.
S-5 rockets continue to be used in both the conventional manner and in improvised launchers. In many cases, improvised systems based around surface-to-air rockets are employed as makeshift multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS), often in a standalone manner.
Launchers in this configuration appear to be used predominantly for indirect fire support, and make use of improvised weapons mounts allowing high elevation.
In other cases, such systems are employed in the direct fire support role. In these cases, the weapons may be used to supplement existing vehicle armaments, or in a standalone fashion.
Launchers used like this are often pintle-mounted, or mounted in a fixed or coaxial position. In at least one documented example, an improvised S-5 system was claimed to be used in an anti-helicopter role. It is also important to note the existence of other systems, including both towed and immobile launchers, remotely-operated systems mounted on radio-controlled vehicles, and man-portable single-tube launchers, including shoulder-fired examples.
Why is is important?
Well, unless you are able to respond back to an aggressive force strongly, they will destroy everything. Then, they will come back and collect the survivors. And the results will not be pretty.
Arkan’s Tigers kill Bosnian Muslim civilians during the first battle for Bosnia in Bijeljina, Bosnia, March 31, 1992. The Serbian paramilitary unit was responsible for killing thousands of people during the Bosnian war, and Arkan was later indicted for war crimes. This image and the series that accompanies it were used for evidence in the International War Crimes Tribunal for the indictment and conviction of Serbian leaders.
When you encounter an armed aggressive force using technicals, understand that it will involve groups of armed insurgents, of which the technical will provide a supporting role. You will need to be calm, steely, and composed. Then you need to carefully identify your targets and with a fixed mind eliminate them.
There will be bedlam everywhere. Shooting, screaming, cries, explosions, fires and smoke. Do not be shaken.
Some technicals will typically fitted with heavy machine guns (especially the DShK and M2 Browning), anti-aircraft artillery (usually the ZPU or ZU-23-2), recoilless rifles (usually the SPG-9 or M40 recoilless rifle), or multiple rocket launchers (such as the Type 63 multiple rocket launcher or the M-63 Plamen).
They can completely and absolutely destroy a small town or community. Being a lone wolf will be lethal.
Burning homes in Bosina. The rural areas were terribly exposed. The aggressors would go after people on a list that they compiled, and if that person was in a small town or hamlet, they completely gutted the entire area.
The SPG-9 can typically be found mounted on a wide variety of vehicles known as “technicals” in Somalia.
Great resources on this matter
There are military handbooks for this kind of thing. If you have the ability, I would strongly urge you to read and consult those handbooks if you can find them.
A Muslim in Bijelina, Bosnia begs for his life after capture by Arkan’s Tigers in the spring of 1992.
The suggested methods
Remember that during this period of time, long before any shooting starts, the intention of a technical in your region is to kill.
That is it’s primary purpose. It’s secondary purpose is to destroy, and the third purpose is to intimidate.
Technicals are often used to transport people when not engaged as a weapons platform.
Your ideal situation is to disable the technical before it gets into a position of control. What ever that might be. If you can disable the technical before it can get to a staging location, or set up a firing zone, then you have completely thrown a “monkey wrench” into the assault plans. You want this.
There are numerous was to disable a technical. In no particular order they are;
Immobilize it. (Shoot off it’s tires, destroy the radiator, muck up the gas, destroy the battery.)
Kill or disable the driver. While anyone can drive a pickup truck, if you steal the keys, it will be rather hard to move the vehicle.
Render the weapon inoperable. Either deny it ammo, remove the firing mechanism or clog the barrel.
Kill or disable the gunner. Again, you might need to eliminate numerous people, as one person after the other might attempt to man the gun.
Yah, I get it. Duh!
Now, reread the list. Remember DO NOT ALLOW THE ENEMY to define the time, or the place, or the rules of engagement. When you do, you provide him the keys to success. Do not fight a defensive war. Fight an offensive war.
Destroyed Technical.
You have an opportunity during the beginning stages of a conflict to disable the weapons systems, and the techinicals that you enemy is planning on using. It is at this time that he is vulnerable. He is not expecting anything. You need to eliminate the treat, or mitigate the enormity of the threat long before it manifests.
Read that list again.
If you have failed, and the enemy has decided to attack your community with technicals, then you need to still play offense. But only it will be much harder. You will need to have the technical say in a fixed location for enough time for you to attack it. And then, again, disable it so that it cannot move, and then once disabled, attack the gunner.
Do not be intimidated by the presence of this vehicle. Because that is it’s intended purpose.
Advisement’s for America during SHTF
We cannot predict what will happen in the United States. Certainly one half of the nation if pitted against the other half. And both are being gloated on by wealthy interests. Bu I would advised to shake off all of your misconceptions about who the “enemy” is. They are wrong.
Do not expect that the vehicles rolling into your hamlet will be machine-shop modified technicals. They might be pristine, off the factory floor, custom designed technicals designed for the American battle arena. Be wary. Be frosty.
Do not expect that the vehicles rolling into your hamlet will be machine-shop modified technicals. They might be pristine, off the factory floor, custom designed technicals designed for the American battle arena. Be wary. Be frosty.
It is highly likely that if a SHTF event were to occur in the United States, that urban youth would stream out from “blue controlled” areas and invade the surrounding countryside.
They will have lists and will target those on the lists as their key focus of attacks.
Then they would take on a secondary role. This would be to round up all the people and stream them towards “safe areas” which they control.
Only they won’t really be safe. They will be traps and those going there will expect historically bad treatment, and death.
Technicals form the core “heart” of an insurgency movement. It is used for transport as well as a gun platform. By taking it out, you are best able to gain control of the situation.
To control the countryside they will use either existing armored vehicles as part of the DHS, and other alphabet organizations, or “home grown” technicals.
This article focuses on the technical, which is a lightly armored weapons platform that is key to controlling wide areas of contentious population. And remember…
Keep in mind that most Americans are good. It is an illusion that those at the other side of the political spectrum are evil, or that Chinese are evil, or that Russians are evil. Most people are not. Those that are pushing for a war... they are the evil ones.
You all should stop contemplating fighting each other, and both gang up against the wealthy oligarchy playing you all as fools.
Alt-Right are not evil.
Alt-Left are not evil.
Those that are pushing hatred towards others that have different views from you; they are the evil ones!
And one last point…
Perhaps Mike Pompeo would be less inclined to start and fight a war, if he took a couple of tabs of acid, drank some icy cold beers, and sat down and talked deeply about the purpose of life with one of his “enemies”. We all need to chill out, and communicate. That’s a fact, Jack.
Idea: In a small scale social experiment by Heineken, as part of their ad campaign, 3 pairs of complete strangers with (secretly) wildly-differing views went to a warehouse. There, they built various constructions in pairs and asked each other questions that were prepared in advance by the event organizers. In the end, everyone finds out that their partner had completely opposite beliefs than their own. Everyone then decides if they want to talk to their partner over a bottle of beer.
Result: Among the 3 pairs of participants there was a supporter of the climate change theory and an skeptic; a feminist and a man holding conservative views; and a transgender individual, as well as a man against gender reassignment. In the end, friendship and curiosity prevailed, as every single person decided to drink a beer together, chatted, got to know each other, and deepened their knowledge about the questions they thought they had all figured out.
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I’m going to lay off this stuff about the American shit-a-storm a-brewing. It’s a real drag don’t ya know. So this will be my last post on it for a couple of weeks. Instead, I will get back to more positive and productive posts like time-travel, sex at KTV’s, delicious bacon vodka, as well as art, and literature. I’ll bet you all were afraid that I fell into a black hole on all this crap, eh?
I am writing this by request. I sincerely wish that none of this ever comes to pass. Sincerely. I mean, why can't we all get along together. We're all Americans we need to act like it.
There is a movement (political) that is well funded, and organized. They are an offensive movement. That is to say that they want to go on the offensive to enact their desires. It represents about 5% of the population. These are hard-core, alt-Left progressive socialists.
There is a counter movement (political) that is grass-roots and unorganized. They are a defensive movement. They consist of preppers and other survivalists. They have a few organizations, but are pretty disorganized. They are on the defensive. They represent about 5% of the population. They are known as Alt-Right, or Hard-Right or preppers.
Then there is everyone else. And everyone else is being forced to pick sides. I think most people want to be left alone, go to work, and just a return to "normality" what ever that is. This post is for the vast bulk of people who really don't want to align themselves with any movement, just defend their family, and live a quiet life outside the fray. But you know, just because you don't want to partake in politics, doesn't mean that it doesn't want to partake in you.
So, there is a buildup and a gathering storm. You can run and hide, but powerful, wealthy, interests are seemingly desirous of hunting you all down and rooting you all out. And thus this post.
These are defensive techniques for use during a SHTF event and should not be considered to be anything else.
Remember that if all you do is "play defense" you will never "win the game". You must have a strong offensive strategy.
And, if you have the means, go to a nice safe and calm place. I'm thinking Greenland. Don't you know.
You can go ahead and visit numerous prepping and survival websites for advice and recommendations on what to do during a SHTF event. They offer good, solid and reliable information for the well-prepared survivalist. Here, I want to add some of my thoughts into the mix. And rather than duplicate the excellent advice given by others, I will concentrate on other things that might not be so well known.
I have some general knowledge and advice. Some of which might be buried inside some prepper sites, and others that might not be obvious.
Again, the best preparation that you can have is to associate yourself with a community where you are respected and one where you contribute. If that means that you need to become a Mennonite, and change your entire standard and way of living, then make it so. You need to be part of something. Being a “lone wolf” during this anticipated SHTF event is likely to be lethal.
The future will belong to the builders, the creators, the fluid and the flexible, and those that can fit into society. If you cannot, you will not do well in the coming years of shit-storm-a-thon.
Here’s my thoughts on alternative tools that one can use when going into a defensive posture during an extreme societal upset.
Line Of Sight
LOS, or Line of Sight, refers to the simple belief that you need to see something to shoot and hit it. It’s pretty basic, actually. The only way around this is to use really large explosive ordinance, that do not require precision placement.
Selco tells a story about the difficulty in obtaining water. And there was a stream (a river actually) that people would try to go down to to fetch some water. The problem was that it was frequented by snipers, and those that went looking for water often died and stayed there.
If you need to make a water run, wouldn't it be nice to have a two person team do it. One to get the water, and the other to blind all snipers with something. Whether it is smoke, haze, fog, or blinding flashes of light?
This idea that you need to be able to see something to hit it is the reason why there is camouflage clothing, and the like. A good survivalist realizes this and makes sure that he / she is out of sight. “Out of sight, out of mind” as we used to say in Pennsylvania.
But you know, there are other techniques that you can use that will keep you all “out of sight”. And they are not that obvious. The following is something that was used during the Portland Rioters. They would blast these high intensity pulsed strobe lights at the police, effectively blinding them and making it impossible to target anything.
So, legit, we walked into this thing blind, in hindsight it was stupid on our part, I had no idea that they were like that. If it had been a full-blown riot we would not have gone. Bottom line, man, if you had ever given me a scenario like this and said hey, you’re sober, and you have a gun, and somebody is hitting you with a bat and throwing rocks at you that could kill you or put you in a coma, you try to get away but they cut you off with a convoy of vehicles and the assault starts again. They impede your movement and beat you with bats…
Would you shoot?
I’d be like, yeah what fucking planet are you from?
But in all the training that I’ve been through my life, I’ve never been in one where in the first five seconds of the scenario you’re blinded with a strobe light and sprayed with pepper spray…. That changes everything.
They were throwing these rocks from 15 feet back in the crowd, you couldn’t see who the fuck through it, etc. things like that…. It’s just a good talking point for guys that carry concealed, but you need to think through all these different scenarios.
It got way worse after that video ended, they chased us for 11 city blocks. They had a convoy of about 25 vehicles that cut us off at the next intersection, They had scouts on the corner with radios, they had a drone following us, they had a bull horn calling us Nazis, and the crowd was following a red strobe light that was up in the air on a stick, so they would announce Nazis and then people would follow the red strobe light, That video is just the beginning, I’ve got a fucking fractured hand from a baton, everyone of us has black and blue bruises up and down their legs and back, I had a guy spit in my face from 6 inches away, call me a pussy and a coward for not doing anything about it, and then tell me that he was going to find where I live, rape my mother, rape my children in front of me and then kill me.
I’ve never been more angry about something in my fucking life, the level of restraint that it took for us to not fight back in any capacity whether that was with a gun or fists is incredible.
-2020 is the year that the American Civil War got “real”. With shootings, military tactics, and armed insurrection.
The idea here is that the enemy knows that you are in the vicinity. They want to box you in, hit you with bullets, and make it difficult for you to fire back. Rather than use smoke, you would disable their ability to target you with a high-intensity beam of light. I would like to introduce the reader to the High-intensity, Multi-function Portable Strobe Light.
Industrial grade high intensity strobe light.
Strobe lights are used in industry, in photography, and for special purposes. What you want is a portable unit, battery powered. You want one that cycles rather rapidly, at least once a second. Though, I suppose that once every three seconds might actually work. If you can find a sharpshooter that can locate you and target you under three seconds then you are in trouble.
If you are on a budget, you can even make your own.
The basic circuit is really super simple, with a single IC chip. You would need to construct the housing and make it shoot out a matrix array of perhaps fifty LED’s, focuses behind a lens. It requires a basic skill level in soldering electronics, but it doable, that is for certain.
Here is a simple circuit for a single LED, run off a single tiny 6V battery. If you wanted to scale it up you would multiply the (resistor + LED) by fifty, and put them in parallel, and then from pin #3 (Q) it would control the gate on a transistor or FET.
To control a large array of LED lights, you would take the output of the IC chip at pin #3 (Q) and run it to a FET, and have the power to the LED array handled separately like this…
Where LOAD is the 50 LED array with one resistor to each LED. Q, from pin #3 would come in from the left and enter R. So you would have a 6V battery to operate the strobe, and a 12V batter operate the lights from the strobe. Of course it is super easy to have the 12 V batter run everything, but most of my readership are probably not up to the challenge.
DIY Claymore
Everyone is seemingly in love with the idea of using a nice sleek expensive bullet firing gun during a SHTF event. I call it the Hollywood effect. Here’s a hint; it’s all bullshit.
A gun is useless unless you know how to use it; and use it well under very adverse conditions. People will not start dropping like flies with single shots to the head when you spray an area with suppressive fire. If you believe that, then you are deluding yourself.
You need to hide, be low key, and be part of a crew, or a clan that works together. Then, and only then, you fight as it is necessary. And you fight as a last resort. And you never, ever, go out looking for a fight unless it is absolutely necessary.
But here, we are going to discuss something that is quite different. We are going to discuss “home made claymores”.
Designed to counter human-wave assaults, the Claymore uses a shaped C-4 charge to fire several hundred steel balls into a designated 55-yard killing zone. (Illustration by Gregory Proch)
In the lead-up to World War II József Misznay, a Hungarian army officer and ballistics expert, and German physicist Hubert Schardin formulated the Misznay-Schardin effect, a phenomenon in which the blast from the face of an explosive sheet expands perpendicularly from its surface. Nazi Chancellor Adolf Hitler was particularly interested when fellow Austrian Franz Rudolf Thomanek applied this principle to design shaped charges to defeat tanks and fortifications.
The war ended before Thomanek could perfect his weapon, and information on the Misznay-Schardin effect fell into American hands. Explosives researcher Norman A. MacLeod used it to design a weapon to counter human-wave assaults, such as those waged by Chinese soldiers against Americans in the Korean War. He named his antipersonnel mine the claymore, after the two-handed sword wielded by his Scottish ancestors. The device weighed 5 pounds and shot 700 steel cubes 40 feet.
The U.S. Army wanted something lighter, more efficient and more powerful. Responding to its 1954 request for proposal, researchers at Aerojet Corp. collaborated on a weapon whose C-4 charge could shoot steel balls to an effective range of 55 yards. The Army accepted the claymore in 1956, and factories produced 80,000 per month during the Vietnam War. U.S. soldiers first used them to devastating effect against Viet Cong and North Vietnamese human-wave assaults.
-M18A1 Claymore Mine: Enemy Troops Fall to Pieces
Designed to counter human-wave assaults, the Claymore uses a shaped C-4 charge to fire several hundred steel balls into a designated 55-yard killing zone. (Illustration by Gregory Proch)
Essentially, this weapon is a steel box with a directional charge. The munitions are placed on one side, and the gun-power on the other, so that when ignited, the gunpowder detonates and showers the area with devastation.
I will not get into the details of such a mechanism. You can figure it out on your own, and after a few tries and experimentation you can come up with innovations ranging from electrical denotation, to movement actuated detonation, to time delay activation. It’s all in the electrical circuits, and it’s all very easy to make.
And the decision to use electronics to ignite it isn’t all that difficult either. It’s rather standard stuff. In fact, you can buy off-the-shelf hardware used for home-security systems to trigger the mine is a door is opened, light is turned on, there is motion in front of the area, etc.
A DIY claymore is rather simple to construct, but does require a handyman with some basic skills to fabricate.
Cheap DIY claymore
Here is a description on how to construct a DIY claymore out of a spring loaded rat-trap. It’s found on an Airsoft site, but it works just as well with gunpowder as it does with colored paint.
DIY claymore on the cheap.
I'm cheap, and curious, so rather then spending over $100 on a claymore, I made my own.
Materials required:
Victor Rat trap x2
Victor Mouse trap x1
Small hinge x2
Strong Rip-stop cloth 50cmx 6.5cm (20"x 3")
Wooden shelf 16cm deep by at least 50cm long (6"x 20")
Wood screws (1.5" long)
Green braided fishing line (not mono-filament)
Straight braces X2 (optional)
I used a press-board shelf as that's what I had on hand. If i were to do this again I would definitely suggest a solid wood shelf instead.
Step 1
Prepare the 2 rat traps as follows,
Remove the trigger and trigger arm circled in green
Cut the wooden base at the red marks
BE CAREFUL, these traps are powerful.
Step 2
Rip the length of the shelf to give you pieces as follows,
2x 'A' x 'B' (Pieces 3&4)
2x 'A' x shelf width -'B' (pieces 1&2)
'B' should be equal to the width of the rat trap plus 2x the thickness of the shelf
'A' should be 25cm
Step 3
Assemble the rat traps and Pieces 1&2 ontop of Piece 3 as in the above image. Use screws to fasten in place. The traps will be placed so that they snap outwards. When the trap is armed the bar should be in the center. Leave a space between the two traps. Once you have the traps fastened down cut a piece of scrap from one of the traps to fill in 1cm at the bottom of the gap between the traps.
You can also cut any scrap pieces of wood to fill in the gaps at the ends, this is optional but will give the claymore a little more strength.
Step 4 (optional but highly recommended)
To make safety bars straighten out the trigger bars that you removed in Step 1. Now drill holes in pieces 1&2 so the safety bars can go from top to bottom and hold the bars on the traps in a compressed position.
Step 5
With the traps compressed and the safety bars in place thread the strip of cloth through the traps so that it makes a single loop around both bars. Sew this firmly. I used mono-filament fishing line to do this. The claymore should now look something like this:
Step 6
Fasten Piece 4 on the front of the claymore using the 2 hinges to connect it at the bottom to Piece 2. Put one of the 1.5" screws into Piece 4, 2cm from the top and centered. The screw should be almost all the way through but not quite.
Step 7(Optional)
Fasten the 2 brackets onto the sides of the claymore and sharpen the ends so you can jab it into the ground
Step 8
Now for the part that took me the most time to figure out. How to make a trigger that's secure, but sensitive enough to be used as with a trip wire.
Remove the trigger bar from the mouse trap. Bend a loop into it so that it looks as below.
Use a second piece of wire from the mouse trap to make a small tripwire piece as below.
Use a screw and couple washers to attach the trigger bar to the top of the trap. The screw will go through the loop in the trigger bar. One washer goes below, one above, tighten enough to hold in place but not to impede movement of the trigger bar.
Put the two staples that held the rat trap trigger plates side by side at the end of the long arm of the trigger bar as you can see in this image:
Attach a small loop of fishing line to the loop on the end of the long arm of the trigger bar. (note, I used twine but found it's wearing out very quickly)
Attach another loop of fishing line to the screw on Piece 4. This loop needs to be just long enough to reach the small arm of the trigger bar.
Attach a long piece of fishing line to the screw on Piece 4. Attach the tripwire piece about 25cm (10") along this line. Tie it on firmly so it won't move at all. I tied the rest of this to the wooden part of the mouse trap and wrapped it around so I had my tripwire and it wouldn't get tangled
a) Compress the rat traps and install the safety bars.
b) Spread the cloth out and press the center into the gap between the rat traps. Fill it with BBs and fold the excess on top of them to hold them in place.
c) Place the loop of fishing line on Piece 4 over the small arm of the trigger bar.
d) Put the small loop on the long arm of the trigger bar between the two staples.
e) Put the tripwire piece under the staples and through the loop.
f) Place your claymore and run the trip wire, fasten the end of it, or leave it loose so you can pull it by hand.
g) double check the trigger and remove the safety bars
Step 11
Enjoy the surprised yelp as your unseen claymore springs open on some unsuspecting victim.
-Airsoft Canada
Bullet Matchbox
Let’s keep things really simple, we have an even simpler design a “bullet matchbox”.
This mechanism is much simpler. Instead of having to mix and pack gunpowder into a box and then hand-load the projectiles in the front, you simply make a steel box that sits a carton of ammo. Behind the ammo is a striking mechanism. This mechanism can be a simple solenoid, or a spring loaded trigger. And when it is depressed, all the bullets will ignite simultaneously devastating the intruders in front of it.
It does not need any barrels, as this is not precision mechanism. It’s a last ditch emergency device.
And of course, it need not be carefully and precisely manufactured. Any household rat trap will have enough force to hit the pins on the bullets and let fly an arsenal of death.
Infrared viewscopes
We’ve all heard of night vision scopes, but what about infrared vision? These high-tech devices enable you to find camouflaged people regardless as to how well concealed they appear. But what is unknown is how (relatively) inexpensive they have become.
Night Vision
If we’re being technical, this type of night vision scope is called image intensification, or just I2. Obviously, this kind of technology only works at night. This scope gives you the gray and green images you’re used to seeing in movies and television.
It captures bits of light from the environment, such as the moon and stars, and uses a special, electronic tube to magnify that light and project it onto your lens. This is the green image you see.
The images from these scopes are varying shades of green because the human eye can see more shades of green than any other color. This means that green imaging gives you the best, most detailed vision.
The most important thing to remember about night vision is that it won’t work in total darkness. It needs a little bit of light to work its magic, no matter which generation you choose.
– Gen 1 units typically need an infrared illuminator to be useful. These are the least precise, and images are often cloudy and noisy.
– Gen 2 units are better quality and produce brighter, clearer images than Gen 1. These have a short depth of field, however, so you may have to spend time adjusting focus when targets move.
– Gen 3 is the highest quality and offers the best focus and clarity. These are used by law enforcement and some military operations.
A few of the best include: – ATN X-Sight II 5-20 Smart Riflescope – Armasight Nemesis6x-SD Gen 2+ Rifle Scope – ATN Gen 2+ Night Arrow 4-2 Weapon Sight
Infrared and Thermal Scopes
Even though you might see infrared and thermal vision talked about as two separate things, when you’re looking for a scope, they’re basically the same. Most quality scopes will be labeled with “thermal imaging” or something similar, so that’s what you should look for when you’re shopping.
“Night vision” is not the same as “thermal vision”.
A thermal scope works by capturing heat from the environment instead of light. This heat is actually infrared energy, which is why you’ll see both terms used sometimes. Everything in the world produces at least a little bit of infrared energy, so it’s easy to get a clear view of your environment with infrared technology.
Thermal imaging uses a special lens that focuses on infrared light and creates a thermogram. The thermogram is then turned into electrical impulses that become a picture on the screen. The cool thing about thermals is that they can detect the heat given off by any living object.
As opposed to night vision, they do not require ambient light to work. However, they do not require darkness to function either! This means thermals can be used during the day or night as opposed to the other type of optic.
Low End Thermal Imaging
When you view something hot, like humans, animals or running machinery, the image will show up in shades of gray and white with the lightest areas being the hottest or vice versa depending on the scope. Things like trees or buildings will show up as “cooler” images because there is not much energy release happening.
Thermal imaging is very detailed and doesn’t need light to work.
Night vision vs. Thermal imaging.
The most basic thermals have a range of 300 yards for a man-sized heat signature. Mid-level detectors typically have a 500 yard range, and an extender can lengthen that range to 900 yards. The upper-tier, military and law enforcement-grade ones can accurately detect heat over half a mile away.
A few of the best include: – ATN ThOR HD 384 Smart Thermal Riflescope – Armasight Zeus 336 Thermal Imaging Weapon Sight – IR Hunter Mark II Thermal Rifle Scope
High End Thermal Imaging
The High end version of thermal imaging systems display colors. This is very useful in discordant and contentious environments when bursts of clarity are required in a survival situation.
You can buy drones and they are very useful. They are used now, during riots, as surveillance devices, and mobile place-markers. But they have other uses as well.
Remote-controlled aerial bomb.
Mobile strobe to disorient the enemy.
Distraction device. (Speakers, smoke, flashes.)
Additionally, the Chinese have perfected swarm drones.
Drone Swarm
These are available all over China and are used for impressive night-time displays instead of, or in association with, fireworks. America is a bit “behind the ball on this”, and it’s playing a game of “catch up”. As I know, no swarm drones are available to the American citizen as of this writing.
In a SHTF situation, the likelihood of antibiotics and medical care being available is going to be hit and miss. It might be more prudent, in the long term, to equip yourself with weapons that are cheap and easy to provides cuts and holes rather than expensive knock-down ammo. Then when a person has a .22 sized hole in their arm, they will need to deal with infection when there are no antibiotic medications around.
Rather than trying to purchase the biggest and most dangerous weapons you can find, in the belief that stopping power is most important, you should play the “long game”. If it really comes down to a SHTF situation, then there will be two things that will not be available. That is food and medical care. All it takes is for someone with a cut or a bruise to get infected, and they will die. We take antibiotics for granted. We never think about what it would be like when they are unavailable.
Antibiotics can be purchased on line inexpensively.
I would advise a small stockpile just in case.
Antibiotic online. It is possible to buy antibiotics at any time and in any place with the Internet access. Placing an order you will need to indicate your address for the delivery of the drug. Medications are delivered to any place of the planet in no time and there is no need to leave your house in order to get your package.
-Generic Antibiotic Online With No Prescription
Microwave cannons
Sounds like science fiction, eh? Well it’s not, really. The only issue is the range of application. These little monsters will cook a person alive. And are very lethal.
If you can get a hold of a microwave based radar system from an airplane junk yard, it will not be all that difficult to construct your own microwave cannon. The range will be longer, and the effects devastating.
When I was in the Navy I watched a video showing a person walking in front of a jet with it's radar accidentally turned on. That person was fried alive. Just because you cannot see it does not mean that it doesn't exist.
Microwave radar from the front of a military jet.
You can also make you own, though with a pretty short range, out of old microwaves from the kitchen. There’s a reason why the box and front door are shielded like they are.
Here’s a great technique if you want to create a very, well really big bomb. You detonate an expanding cloud of gas, and then (a second or so later) you ignite it. It’s called a Vapor Cloud Explosive (VCE).
Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCEs) The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) defines this phenomenon as : An outdoor vapor cloud explosion is the result of the release of gas, vapor, or mist into the atmosphere, forming a cloud within the fuel’s flammable limits and causing subsequent ignition.
-VaporCloudExplosions (VCEs)
Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCEs)
In military parlance these are called Fuel-Air Explosives [FAE].
Fuel-Air Explosives [FAE] disperse an aerosol cloud of fuel which is ignited by an embedded detonator to produce an explosion. The rapidly expanding wave front due to overpressure flattens all objects within close proximity of the epicenter of the aerosol fuel cloud, and produces debilitating damage well beyond the flattened area. The main destructive force of FAE is high overpressure, useful against soft targets such as minefields, armored vehicles, aircraft parked in the open, and bunkers.
The Marine Corps and Navy withdrew their remaining fuel-air munitions from operational service following Operation Desert Storm. By 1996, the Army’s Operations Support Command transfered the CBU-55 and CBU-72 to demilitarization, and by mid-2001 only a few hundred remained to be demilitarized.
Russia used such “thermobaric” weapons sparingly during the 1994-1996 war in Chechnya. These were employed outside the city of Grozny against villages and mountain positions. Only the RPO-A flame thrower, which has a thermobaric round, was used in fighting in Grozny itself.
When the fighting rekindled in the fall of 1999, Russian forces bombarded some villages in Dagestan with thermobaric bombs, but initially limited their use. When the Russian Army was committed, it slowly advanced across Chechnya’s plains, preceded by conventional artillery fire. The advance, however, stalled when it finally reached Grozny and the mountains.
Conventional artillery could not force out the Chechens and the Russian Army looked for other ways to move them. Two methods were apparently opposed-chemical weapons and thermobaric weapons. The Russian political leadership apparently vetoed the use of chemical weapons, but allowed the use of ground-delivered themobaric weapons. Air-delivered thermobaric systems were only used outside the city.
Fuel/air explosive represent the military application of the vapor cloud explosions and dust explosions accidents that have long bedeviled a variety of industries.
Accidental vapor cloud explosion hazards are of great concern to the refining and chemical processing industry, and a number of catastrophic explosion accidents have had significant consequences in terms of injury, property damage, business interruption, loss of goodwill, and environmental impact.
Every year, many serious explosions and fires occur in industrial plants as a result of dust. Many materials form dust clouds that can easily ignite and explode, injuring personnel and damaging plant. This is a well-known phenomenon in the coal mining, grain storage, and the woodworking and paper industries.
Many miners have been killed and injured and massive production losses have resulted from coal dust explosions in underground coal mining operations. Of the 129 grain dust explosions that occurred nationwide between 1987 and 1997, about half involved corn. Eleven were caused by wheat dust and 10 by dust from soybeans. Billions of tiny, highly combustible particles of grain are generated by grain kernels rubbing together as they move along conveyer belts and shifted between bins. Inside the enclosed chambers, those particles rise in a cloud. When the dust gets in with the right mixture of oxygen and comes in contact with a spark or even an overheated bearing on a conveyer belt, it is extremely explosive.
Almost all organic material in the form of a dust cloud will ignite at temperatures below 500 oC - approximately the same temperature as a newly extinguished match. Cotton, plastics and foodstuffs such as sugar, flour and cocoa can also, under the right conditions, act as explosives. In order for a dust explosion to take place, the dust particles must be of a certain size and the amount of finely granulated material per unit of volume must lie within certain critical values. There is generally a direct correlation between particle size and explosive hazard. The smaller the particle, the more reactive the dust. As the materials become smaller, they disperse and remain suspended more easily, increasing the potential for ignition and propagation of the reaction. Industrial explosion prevention measures include, where possible, providing nitrogen gas purging to ensure that the oxygen concentration is kept below that required for combustion.
For vapor cloud explosion there is a minimum ratio of fuel vapor to air below which ignition will not occur. Alternately, there is also a maximum ratio of fuel vapor to air, at which ignition will not occur. These limits are termed the lower and upper explosive limits. For gasoline vapor, the explosive range is from 1.3 to 6.0% vapor to air, and for methane this range is 5 to 15%. Many parameters contribute to the potential damage from a vapor cloud explosion, including the mass and type of material released, the strength of ignition source, the nature of the release event (e.g., turbulent jet release), and turbulence induced in the cloud (e.g., from ambient obstructions).
TNT generates well over 4,000 psi overpressure in close proximity to the source of the explosion, along with significant radiant heat effects from the explosion's fireball. Conventional high explosive munitions also produce fragments from the munition case, as well as fragments from material in the target area that is broken loose by the high blast overpressures.
Peak pressures created within the detonated fuel-air cloud reach 300 pounds per square inch (psi). Fuel-air munitions create large area loading on a structure as compared to localized loadings caused by an equal weight high explosive charge. High temperatures ignite flammable materials.
There are dramatic differences between explosions involving vapor clouds and high explosives at close distances. For the same amount of energy, the high explosive blast overpressure is much higher and the blast impulse is much lower than that from a vapor cloud explosion. The shock wave from a TNT explosion is of relatively short duration, while the blast wave produced by an explosion of hydrocarbon material displays a relatively long duration. The duration of the positive phase of a shock wave is an important parameter in the response of structures to a blast.
Although the detonation combustion mode produces the most severe damage, fast deflagrations of the cloud can result from flame acceleration under confined and congested conditions. Flame propagation speed has a significant influence on the blast parameters both inside and outside the source volume.
The blast effects from vapor cloud explosions are determined not only by the amount of fuel, but more importantly by the combustion mode of the cloud. Significant overpressures can be generated by both detonations and deflagrations. Most vapor cloud explosions are deflagrations, not detonations.
Flame speed of a deflagration is subsonic, with flame speed increasing in restricted areas and decreasing in open areas. Significantly, a detonation is supersonic, and will proceed through almost all of the available flammable vapor at the detonation reaction rate. This creates far more severe peak over-pressures and much higher amounts of blast energy. The speed of the flame front movement is directly proportional to the amount of blast over-pressure. A wide spectrum of flame speeds may result from flame acceleration under various conditions. High flame front speeds and resulting high blast over pressures are seen in accidental vapor cloud explosions where there is a significant amount of confinement and congestion that limits flame front expansion and increases flame turbulence. These conditions are evidently more difficult to achieve in the unconfined environment in which military fuel-air explosives are intended to operate.
Based on the known properties of flammable substances and explosives, it is possible to use conservative assumptions and calculate the maximum distance at which an overpressure or heat effect of concern can be detected. Distances for potential impacts could be derived using the following calculation method [described in Flammable Gases and Liquids and Their Hazards]:
D = C x (nE)1/3
where D is the distance in meters to a 1 psi overpressure; C is a constant for damages associated with 1 psi overpressures or 0.15, n is a yield factor of the vapor cloud explosion derived from the mechanical yield of the combustion and is assumed to be 10 percent (or 0.1) and E is the energy content of the explosive part of the cloud in Joules. E can be calculated from the mass of substance in kilograms times the heat of combustion (hc) in Joules per kilogram as follows:
E = mass x hc
Combining these two equations gives:
D = 0.15 x (0.1 x mass x hc)1/3
Vapor cloud explosion modeling historically has been subject to large uncertainties resulting from inadequate understanding of deflagrative effects. According to current single-degree of freedom models, blast damage/injury can be represented by Pressure-Impulse (P-I) diagrams, which include the effects of overpressure, dynamic pressure, impulse, and pulse duration.
The peak overpressure and duration are used to calculate the impulse from shock waves. Even some advanced explosion models ignore the effects of blast wave reflection off structures, which can produce misleading results over- or under-estimating the vulnerability of a structure. Sophisticated software used to produce three-dimensional models of the effects of vapor cloud explosions allows the evaluation of damage experienced by each structure within a facility as a result of a primary explosion and any accompanying secondary explosions produced by vapor clouds.
Fuel-Air Explosives [FAE]
There is evidence that the 2020 Beriut explosion was either a micro nuke or a FAE. One thing is certain, it was devastating.
I just had to add this. Hydrogen peroxide (yes, that stuff that you can buy on the bottom shelf under the mouthwash section) is violently explosive when in the presence of copper. Even a very tiny section of a copper wire will cause it to ignite violently and dangerously.
This is, by the way, the explosive warhead on numerous Russian torpedoes, and one of the reasons why the Kursk was sunk.
A huge explosion sank the giant nuclear-powered submarine Kursk, killing most of its crew and stranding nearly two dozen survivors hundreds of feet underwater. An international rescue team assembled to save the sailors, but was unable to reach them in time.
-The True Story of the Russian KurskSubmarineDisaster
The remains of the Kursk after a front-end torpedo was accidentally detonated. The entire front end has been ripped to shreds.
This type of munition is just a volatile as it is dangerous. You have to be precise in making the triggering mechanism and you must be very careful in handling it. The slightest contact between the two elements will be explosive.
Hydrogen peroxide is not considered an explosive. However, when it is mixed with organic substances at significant concentrations, hazardous impact-sensitive compounds may result. Small amounts of other materials that contain catalysts (silver, lead, copper, chromium, mercury, and iron oxide rust) can cause rapid decomposition and an explosive pressure rupture of the containing vessel if it is not properly vented.
In addition to accelerated decomposition through contamination, the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide is increased with alkalinity, contact with certain materials of construction, and increasing temperatures. The rate of decomposition increases approximately 2.2 times for each 10 degrees C rise in temperature in the range from 20 degrees C to 100 degrees C, or 1.5 times for each 10 degrees F rise from 68 degrees F to 212 degrees F.
Decreasing temperatures have little effect on hydrogen peroxide until they drop substantially below 0 degrees C. Crystals do not begin to appear in 35% and 50% solutions until -33C (-27.4F) and -52.2C (-62F), respectively.
-Hydrogen Peroxide Safe Handling | USP Technologies
Most of what you can purchase off the shelf in America is diluted hydrogen peroxide solution. So you would need to have a higher concentration of the material from a warehouse.
"Set up your demonstration in an area that will be easy to clean up. A 30% hydrogen peroxide will make the most impressive explosion."
All this is nasty stuff
Yes it is. Its terrible and ugly.
I feel “icky” writing about this. I left my weapons development days a long time ago. And I really don’t want to revisit that situation. I really don’t.
From my point of view, you all should scram and get out of the line of fire. Why spend $2000 on a nice semi-auto weapon when you could (just as easily) spend the money on a round trip ticket to another part of the world and live off the remaining half in cheap hotels eating cheap food while you search for a local chick to shack up with.
But that’s just me.
The smart man avoids war, and gets way, far away, from any conflict. The sly man tries to get a technical advantage over his foes. The brutish man tries to fight his foes directly on their turf and under their terms.
I have. I’m not fucking around. Dangerous times are ahead, and it’s not going to be waving a flag for this side of that side. You all are being played by a wealthy oligarchy who treats you all like dirt. Nope, no me. Tell you what, I’m gonna be quaffing some nice icy beers and cavorting with pretty girls instead. I recommend that you all do as well. Life is too short to fuck around.
Now, if you decide to stick around, here’s my advice;
You can never win a war alone.
You can never win a war if you play defense all the time.
You can never win a war if your enemies decide the terms of engagement (time, location, and weapons.)
Being an individual will be lethal if you stick around. Clan up or leave.
Anticipate back-stabbing and betrayal.
The “news” won’t report jack-shit.
Things will be going down, long before you are aware of it.
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There is a lot of movement going on regarding money and banking. Now, normally I don’t touch these subjects at all. As they are not of my interests. But, you know, just because I am not interested in it, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t take an interest in me. And it has.
Here we talk about the linkage between monetary systems and sentience. It's not your usual supper-time discussion subject.
The banking system has strip-mined the American middle class.
And now, most of the former American middle class are destitute debit slaves of a magnitude many times greater than anything historically present in the past.
That’s a pretty bold statement. I know.
But listen up.
While Egyptian slaves couldn’t own cars and cell phones, they need not ever worry about food, clothing, shelter or enjoying themselves. Same with the Roman slaves, the Persian slaves, the Irish slaves and the Moroccan slaves.
Now, don’t you all get your hackles up. Sure, there were many injustices that took place. But that’s really a different subject for a different time.
Right now, I am saying as clearly as I can that…
[1] The American middle class is functionally destroyed.
[2] What remains of the middle class are debt serfs that are tied to a system of life-time servitude and jail / prison for trying to leave that system. It’s service-for-self ruling over a mixture of other sentience’s.
[3] And most importantly, do not look at the shininess of your handcuffs as an indicator of “freedom”. It isn’t. Being able to own a gun, drive a car, and eat in a fast food restaurant doesn’t make you any better than an Egyptian slave. The big difference is in “the fight”. Americans are constantly fighting to “tread water” to keep solvent. Egyptian and Roman slaves never had that struggle. They performed their work, and then enjoyed life. Americans perform their work, and then continue to fight for their right to live.
Radical statements, eh?
Yes. I get it. It’s not comparing apples to apples.
My argument is that the entire collapse of the American middle class is the result of failed monetary and banking policies. And why they collapsed is complicated and worthy of consideration. Thus this post.
Usury & Fractional Reserve Banking is an Enslavement of Mankind
(Please download this video free of charge onto your phone by clicking on the downward arrow. This allows you to watch or listen to this video at your own leisure. Please go back to watch or listen to the video a few times if necessary so you understand who really owns the world’s wealth and power).
This excellent 3.5 hour documentary produced by investigative journalist, Bill Still, educates the public about how central banks around the world were created by private bankers who loan money to governments by way of usury and fractional reserve banking.
Banks are given the power to loan money out multiples times than what they have in reserve. Generally, 10% is the reserve requirement in the world. This means that that the BANKS CAN CREATE MONEY THEY DOES NOT HAVE !!!
It explains why most people who own homes take a lifetime to pay off their mortgages because of the payments made on interests, not on principal. This also explains why most people can never become debt free & why we cannot eliminate hunger and poverty.
It also explains why we have inflation, deflation, recession, cycles of boom and bust because the goods & services generated in the real economy are simply NOT ENOUGH to be distributed for the vast quantity of money created!
Almost all government central banks are owned by private bankers who loan money by way of usury and fractional reserve lending, where THEY CREATE MONEY OUT OF LITTLE OR NO RESERVE, loans them to governments and charge interests on these loans! While the shareholders of these private central banks become richer and more powerful, governments around the world become heavily indebted to these private money interest groups.
Fractional reserve banking is rooted in fraud, results in massive poverty & reduces everyone’s value in money.
The Federal Reserve Cartel consists of less than a dozen families who own shares in every central bank in the world, as well as private banks. This cartel also owns World Bank, IMF, ECB and Bank of International Settlement. They are more powerful than kings & queens and our politicians serve their interests!
In addition to owning central banks, this cartel also owns large shares of the oil industry in the Middle East and around the world.
Their private banks serve as havens for MASSIVE tax evasion, money laundering, narcotics trafficking & weapons trade.
Professor Carroll Quigley, one of 20th century’s most highly respected historians, whose greatest contribution to our understanding of modern history was presented in his books, The “Anglo-American Establishment” and “Tragedy and Hope”. The latter was written in 1949 but only released after his death in 1981. His disclosures placed him in such potential danger from an Establishment backlash that it was never published in his lifetime. Quigley’s evidence is considered highly credible. He moved in exalted circles, lectured at the top universities in the United States, including Harvard, Princeton and Georgetown, and was a trusted advisor to the Establishment as a consultant to the US Department of Defense.
As per Professor Quigley:
"The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private. "
The key to their success, said Quigley, was that the international bankers would control and manipulate the money system of a nation while letting it appear to be controlled by the government.
[1:17 hour award-winning investigative documentary — Please download this video free of charge onto your phone by clicking on the downward arrow. This allows you to watch or listen to this video at your own timing.]
At the twilight of British Empire, the City of London set up a spider web of offshore secrecy jurisdictions, captured & funneled wealth from around the globe to City of London. With silent backing of USA, Britain’s offshore haven grew rapidly.
Today, it is the world’s dominant financial market. HALF of global offshore wealth is hidden in British secrecy jurisdictions. City of London is run by City of London Corporation, a PRIVATE company private mayor, private police force, private laws and a private Court.
While the sum of debts owed by ALL GOVERNMENTS around the world is approx. $70+ trillion, a staggering of $50+ trillion is hidden in British offshore secrecy jurisdictions!!!
Usury, privately owned central banking, fractional reserve banking and offshore banking deprive world citizens opportunities to healthcare, education, security, justice & better lives. It is essentially a form of oppression through illegal extraction of wealth & resources which rightfully belong to the people. We all need to unite together to fight against & to abolish this banking system. The ability to create money belong to our governments, not private individuals!
If financial corruption and parasitism are not abolished, the world’s citizens cannot truly be free!
Sources are listed below this Article
The Bank of England was the first central bank created in 1694 by money lenders to loan money to the English Crown which used usury and fractional reserve banking.
The US Federal Reserve, the world’s most powerful central bank, was created in 1913 using the Bank of England as a model. As a matter of fact, all other central banks in the world have been created based on the Bank of England model, by private bankers using fractional reserve banking.
Who are these money changers?
[At 11:00 of video] In the Bible, Jesus called the money changers “a den of thieves” and drove them out of the temple. Historically, when Jews came to Jerusalem to pay for their temple tax, they could only use a special coin, the half Shekel of the Sanctuary. This coin contained half ounce of silver without the image of a Pagan emperor. For the Jews, it was the only coin acceptable to God.
The money changers made enormous profits on these coins because they held a monopoly over these coins which enabled them to charge exorbitant rates.
Since the 10th century, Europe was under the domain of Christianity. Christians in Europe were forbidden to practice usury because the Bible forbids this practice. This lucrative business was mostly taken up by non-Christian Jews who scattered throughout Europe because they were stateless.
Because of their astute money sense, the kings of Europe would often hire these money changers as Court Jews to look after their finances.
In 1,000 AD, the money changers who loan out and manipulate the quantity of money were active in Medieval England. By acting together, they were able to manipulate the entire English economy. These money changers were not bankers per se, but generally were the goldsmiths. They were the first bankers because they kept other people’s gold for safekeeping in their vaults.
The first paper money were merely receipts for gold left with the goldsmiths. Eventually, goldsmiths noticed that only a small fraction of depositors ever came in to demand their gold at any one time.
The goldsmiths started CHEATING on the system. They discovered that they can print more money than they had gold. Usually, no one would notice. They would loan out this extra money and collect interest on it. This was the birth of fractional reserve banking: loaning out money many times than what you have on deposits. If they had $1,000 on deposits, then they can loan out 10 times that amount ($10,000) in paper money, draw interest on it, and no one would notice the deception. By using these methods, goldsmiths gradually accumulated more & more wealth and they would use this wealth to accumulate more & more gold.
In the Middle Ages, Canon Law forbade the charging of interest because the purpose of money was to serve members of society to facilitate the exchange of goods needed to lead a virtuous life. Interest hindered this purpose by putting unnecessary burden on the use of money. Europe forbade charging interest on loans and made it a CRIME called “USURY”.
As commerce grew & opportunity for investments grew in the late Middle Ages, it came to be recognized that to loan money had a cost to the lender, both in risk and in loss of opportunities, so some charges were allowed, but not interest. All teachings condemned USURY AS FRAUD, injustice, oppression of the poor and it is clearly immoral. Fractional reserve banking is rooted in fraud, results in MASSIVE POVERTY and reduces everyone’s value in money.
The ancient goldsmiths discovered that extra profits could be made by switching from easy loans to tight loans. When they made the money easier to borrow, the money in circulation expanded, money was plentiful. People took out more loans to expanded their businesses, but in prescribed time, the money changers would tighten the money supply which made loans more difficult to get. People who could not get loans to pay off their debts were forced to sell their assets to the goldsmiths for pennies on the dollar, enabling the goldsmiths to reap enormous profits by buying up cheap assets. Today, it is still happening; we call this the business cycle or cycle of boom and bust.
[At 23:00 of video] By the end of 1600’s, England had gone through 50 years of continuously wars with France & the Netherlands and was in financial ruins. Frantic politicians met with the money changers to beg for the money necessary to pursue their political purposes. The price was high: a government sanctioned a privately owned bank which could issue money created out of nothing. It was to be the world’s first privately owned central bank: The Bank of England.
The legalization of the Bank of England amounted to nothing less than legal counterfeiting of a national currency for private gains.
Benjamin D’Israeli, former Prime Minister of Great Britain wrote:
"If the history of England is written by one who has the knowledge and courage, one would be astonished."
Unfortunately, nearly every nation now has a privately controlled central bank, using the Bank of England as the basic model. Such is the power of these central banks that they take total control over a nation’s economy. It soon amounts to nothing but a plutocracy, ruled by the rich. It is like putting the Mafia in charge of the army.
Yes, we need central banks, but not in private hands !
The central bank scam is a hidden tax. The nation sells bonds to the central bank it does not have the political will to raise taxes to pay for, but the bonds are purchased with money the central bank creates out of nothing. More money in circulation, means more inflation, which makes our money worth less. The government gets as much as it needs and the people pay for it in inflation.
With the formation of the Bank of England in 1694 by private bankers, the nation would soon be awash with money, prices throughout the country doubled, massive loans were granted for just about any wild scheme. Four years later, by 1698, government spending grew from 1.25 million pounds to 16 million pounds. Taxes increased again and again. With the British money supply firmly in their grip, the British economy went from a series of wild roller coaster of booms & busts, exactly what the central bank claims to prevent.
By the mid 1700’s, the British Empire was nearing its height of power around the world. Britain had fought 4 costly wars in Europe since the creation of their privately owned central bank. The cost had been high. To finance these wars, the British parliament had borrowed heavily from their central bank.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild is quoted as saying in 1791: “Allow me to issue and control a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its laws. I care not what puppet is placed on the throne England to rule the Empire where the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply.”
With the creation of the world’s most powerful central bank, the US Federal Reserve in 1913, in the hands of the money changers, power was centralized to a tremendous extent, the money changers were ready for their First World War.
Wars proved to be the most profitable of all because of the enormous sums borrowed by governments and interests that ensued from wars. Nothing creates debt like warfare.
England was the best example. During the 119 year period between the founding of the Bank of England and Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, the country had been at war for 56 years and much of the remaining time, she had been preparing for war.
In World War I, the German Rothschilds loaned money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loaned money to the British, the French Rothschilds loaned money to the French.
In America, JP Morgan was the sales agent for war materials for both the British and the French. In fact, 6 months into the war, Morgan became the largest consumer on earth, spending $10 million a day. Other bankers like the Rockefellers also made enormous profit as well.
[At 2:13:00] Profit was not the only motive but also revenge. The money changers never forgave the Czar for helping Lincoln during the Civil War. Also, Russia was the last European nation to refuse to give into the money changers’ attempt to create a privately controlled central bank. Three years after World War 1, the Russian Revolution toppled the Czar and instilled communism. Jacob Schiff of Loeb & Company bragged from his death bed that he had spent $20 millions toppling the Czar.
Why would some of the richest men in the world financially back communism, the system that was openly vowing to destroy the system that made them wealthy, namely, capitalism?
The short answer is that the money changers had always supported many sides of conflicts to keep different nations divided. The London Wall Street axis decided to take the risk by attempting to control revolutionary communist groups by feeding them massive quantities of money when they obeyed; and contracted the money, or even financed opposition groups when they get out of control. Lenin began to understand that although he was the absolute dictator of Soviet Union, he was not pulling the financial strings. Someone else was silently in control. The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, at the behest of the international bankers who control them were, were creating communism through debt. In case you think that the money changers created communism, got it going and then lost control, in 1992, the Times reported that incoming Russian president Boris Yeltsin was upset that the incoming aid into Russia was siphoned off straight back into the coffers of Western banks as debt service!!!
[2:18:10] It is not a wild conspiracy theory that the money changers had a short range self-serving motive for profit as well as a long range political motive of advancing TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENTS with the MONEY CHANGERS MAINTAINING THE FINANCIAL CLOUT to control whatever politician might emerge as the leader.
[2:18:30 to ] What is the money changers’ ultimate political goal for the world?
After World War I, the overall political agenda for the money changers began to be clear. Now that they control national economies individually, the next step was the ultimate form of consolidation: A WORLD GOVERNMENT.
[2:19:50] After WWI, the American public had grown tired of the international policies of Woodrow Wilson. In 1920, Warren Harding won a landslide with 60% of the vote. His presidency led to an unprecedented era of prosperity known as the “Roaring Twenties”. Despite the fact that the war had brought America debts ten times larger the civil war debt, still the American surged. Gold had poured into the US and continued to do so afterwards.
In the early 1920s, the governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Benjamin Strong, met secretively and frequently with the Bank of England governor Montague Norman. Norman was determined to replace the gold England had lost to the US during World War I and return the Bank of England to its former position of dominance in world finance. On top of that, rich with gold, the American economy might get out of control again, just like what happened after the Civil War. During the next 8 years, under the presidency of Harding and Coolidge, the huge debt built up during World War I was cut by 38%, the greatest percentage drop in US history.
After his inauguration, Harding quickly moved to cut domestic taxes and raised tariffs to records heights. This was an economic policy which most of the founding fathers would certainly have approved. His second year in office, he took ill in a train trip in the West and suddenly died of food poisoning. When Coolidge took over, he continued Harding’s domestic policy of high tariffs on imports while cutting income taxes. As a result, the economy grew at such a rate that net revenue still increased. That had to be stopped. Just like what they had done before, the money lenders decided that it was time to crash the American economy. The Federal Reserve began flooding the country with money and increased the money supply by 62% during these years.
Before his death in 1920, former president Teddy Roosevelt warned the American people (as reported in the New York Times) what was going on:
“These international bankers and Rockefeller Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government.”
Just one day before the New York Times on March 26, 1922 the mayor of New York, John Hylan quoted Roosevelt and blasted those he saw as taking control of America its political machinery and its press:
“The warning of T. Roosevelt has much timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state, and nation… It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive offices, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers and every agency created for the public protection… let me say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interest and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as the international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the US government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make catspaws of party leaders, use leading men of private organizations…
These international bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspaper and magazines in this country.”
There was a dark side to this prosperity. Business expanded based on credit. Speculation in the stock market became rampant. Although everything looked rosy, it was a castle made of sand. When everything was ready, in April 1929, the father of the Federal Reserve Board, Paul Warburg, sent out a secret advisory warning his friends that a collapse and nationwide depression was certain.
In August 1929, the Fed began to tighten money. It is not a coincidence that the biography of all Wall Street giants of that era, John D. Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Bernard Baruch etc. all marveled that they got out of the stock market just before the crash and put all of their assets in cash or gold.
On October 24, 1929, the big New York bankers called in their 24 hour broker call loans. This meant that both the stock brokers and customers had to dump their stocks on the market to cover their loans no matter what price they had to sell them for. As a result, the market tumbled. That day was known as Black Thursday. Congressman Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee from 1920 to 1931 knew who to blame. He accused the Federal Reserve and the international bankers of orchestrating the crash:
“It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived event… The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all…”
McFadden went further. He accused them of orchestrating the crash in order to steal America’s gold. In February 1931, in the midst of the depression, he put it this way:
“I think it can hardly be disputed that the statesmen and financiers of Europe are ready to take almost any means to reacquire rapidly the gold stock which Europe lost to America as the result of World War I.”
Curtis Dall, son-in-law of Franklin D. Roosevelt stated:
“Actually, it was calculated ‘shearing’ of the public by the World-Money powers triggered by the planned sudden shortage of call money in the New York Money Market”
Although the American public have never heard that the Federal Reserve was responsible for the cause of The Great Depression, it was well known among top economists. Milton Friedman, a Nobel Prize economist said in a public radio interview in 1996:
“The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression by contracting the amount of currency in circulation by 1/3 from 1929 to 1933.”
The money lost by American during the Great Depression did not just vanish, it was simply redistributed into fewer and fewer hands (Rockefellers, JP Morgan etc.) of those who had just gotten out before the crash to purchase gold.
[2:36:50] Now the stage was set for a really big war (World War II). One which would pile up debt far beyond that of World War I. For example, in 1944, the US GDP was only $144 billion, yet $103 billion was spent on the war! This was 30 times the spending rate of World War I! Equally important, every nation involved in World War II greatly multiplied their debts during WWII! Between 1940 to 1950, Japanese debt swelled by 1,348%!!! French debt grew by 583% and Canadian debt soared 417%!!!
After WWII, the world was divided into two economic camps: Communist central planning economies on one hand versus monopoly capitalist on the other set to fight it out in one perpetual and highly profitable arms race. It was finally time for the central bankers to embark on their 3-step plan to centralize the economic system of the entire world and finally bring about their global government or new world order. The phases of this plan were:
1. Central bank domination of national economies worldwide;
2. Centralized regional economies: European Monetary Union, NAFTA;
3. Centralize the world economy through a World Central Bank, ending national independence through abolition of all tariffs by treaty such as WTO.
The largest holder of gold among central banks is the IMF. It and central banks control 2/3 of the world’s gold supply giving them the power to manipulate the gold market. Before we start to look at the solution to our economic problems, let us take a look at all that gold in Fort Knox. If we do not understand that all the gold has been stolen, we will allow ourselves to be stampeded into the wrong solution: a gold backed currency.
[2:39:30] Most Americans still believe that the gold is still here at Fort Knox. At the end of WWII, Fort Knox contained over 700,000,000 ounces of gold, an incredible 70% of all the gold in the world. How much remains? No one knows. Despite that Federal laws require an annual physical audit of Fort Knox gold; the Treasury has consistently refused to conduct one. The truth is, a reliable audit of whatever remains here has not been conducted since President Eisenhower ordered one in 1953!!!
Where did America’s gold in Fort Knox go?
Over the years, it had been sold off to European bankers at $35 per ounce at during the time which was illegal for any Americans to buy their own gold at Fort Knox. There was an infamous case where the Firestone family set up a string of dummy corporations to purchase gold at Fort Knox and kept it in Switzerland despite never landing on US shores.
[2:40:47] Finally, by 1971, all the pure gold in Fort Knox had been secretly removed from Fort Knox, drained back to London. Once the gold was gone from Fort Knox, President Nixon closed the gold window by repealing Roosevelt’s Gold Reserve Act of 1934, finally making it legal for Americans to buy gold. Naturally, gold prices began immediately to soar, 9 years later in 1980, gold sold for $880 an ounce!
One would think that someone in the government would blow the whistle: The largest fortune in world history stolen! It had been 40 years in the making!
[2:42:15] Just how did the story of Fort Knox gold robbery get out? It all started with an article in a New York periodical in 1974. The article charged that the Rockefeller family was manipulating the Federal Reserve to sell off the gold at bargain basement prices an anonymous European speculator. Three days later, the anonymous source of the story, Louise Auchincloss Boyer mysterious fell to her death from the window of her 10-storey apartment in New York. How did Mrs. Boyer know about the Rockefeller connection to the Fort Knox gold heist? She was the long-time secretary of Nelson Rockefeller…
When president Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, his conservative friends urged him to study the feasibility of returning to a gold standard to curb government spending. President Reagan then appointed the Gold Commission to study the situation and report back to him and Congress.
The Gold Commission reported the shocking revelation to Congress in 1982: The US Treasury owned no gold at all. All the gold that was left at Fort Knox is now owned by the Federal Reserve, a group of private bankers, as collateral against the national debt. The truth is, never before in history has so much money been stolen from the hands of the public and put into the hands of a small group of investors, the money changers (bankers).
[2:45:50] What is the nature of the World Bank and the IMF? Are they about to create a worldwide depression? After WWI and WWII, people around the world are tired of wars. So, under the guise of peacemaking, the international bankers devised a plan to consolidate power even further. Claiming that only an international government can stem the tide of world wars, the bankers pushed forward a proposal for a world government which stands on three legs: A world central bank to be called the Bank of International Settlements, A world judiciary called International Court of Justice to be located at the Hague, Netherlands, and a world executive legislature called the United Nations.
[2:47:00] As President Clinton’s mentor, Georgetown historian Carroll Quigley who has insider knowledge of the international banking cartel, wrote in his 1966 book “Tragedy and Hope”:
“The power of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.
This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at frequent meeting and conferences.
The apex of the system was to be the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.Each central bank…
South to dominate its government by its ability to control treasury loans, to manipulative foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country.
The money lenders create a banking cartel composed of the world’s central banks which gradually assumed the power to dictate credit policies to the banks of all nations. In 1944, at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, The World Bank and The International Monetary Fund were formed. For example, just as the Federal Reserve Act authorizes the creation of a national fiat currency, the IMF has been given the authority to issue a world fiat currency, called “Special Drawing Rights (SDR)”. SDRs are partially backed by gold. With 2/3 of world gold in the hands of privately owned central banks, this means the money lenders can go about structuring the economic future in whichever way they deem most profitable.
[2:36:50] Now the world was set for a new war: World War II.
[At 27:40 ] Let’s take a look at the role of the ROTHSCHILDS in central banking.
The Rothschilds are Jewish descendants who lived in the ghettos of Frankfurt, Germany since 1450’s.
The patriarch of this family was Mayer Rothschild, a goldsmith who took up the family business of money lending & coin exchange in 1763. He had 5 sons who were stationed throughout Europe in Paris, London, Frankfurt, Vienna & Naples. They all became very successful in banking & finance.
By the mid 1800’s, the Rothschilds dominated all European banking and were the wealthiest family in the world. They financed Cecil Rhodes, making it possible for him to dominate the diamond and gold fields of South Africa. In America, they financed the Harrimans in railway; the Vanderbilts in railways & press; the Carnegie in the steel industry, among many others.
Along with Theodore Herschel, father of Zionism, the Rothschilds founded the State of Israel in 1948, shortly after World War II based on Britain’s Balfour Declaration which promised to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
Today, the Rothschilds, along with other banking families such as Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs, Morgans, Warburgs, Lazards, Kuhn & Loebs, Lehmans, Schiffs and Israel Moses Seifs own & control the Federal Reserve, World Bank, IMF, ECB & Bank of International Settlement.
They own shares of all central banks around the world, as well as top 10 shares in Fortune 500 Companies, including private banks.
The headquarter of their banking empire is Bank of England, located in the City of London, an independent district from Greater London, with its own laws & own mayor.
The Rothschilds own media outlets such as Associated Press, Reuters & Economist.
The Rothschilds financed Britain’s Opium War against China and founded Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation to conduct their lucrative business dealings.
In addition to owning central banks, the Rothschilds also own private banks which control the oil industry in the Middle East. Their customers include some of the world’s major oil companies such as BP, (formerly Royal Dutch Shell), Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, Texaco & Gulf Oil.
Their private banks, HSBC, BCCI, among many others, also serve as havens for massive evasion, money laundering, narcotics trafficking & weapons trade.
According to Professor Michel Chossudovsky in his book, “War and Globalization”:
[Note: Prof Chossudovsky has been conveniently labeled as a “Conspiracy Theorist” and pro-Russian because he exposed 911 as a pre-text for the invasion of Iraq. Prof Chossudovsky’s father was an intellectual Russian Jew who left the Russian Bolshevik Revolution and became a UN diplomat for his adopted country, Ireland. Prof Chossudovsky was raised in Switzerland, emigrated to Canada and became Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa. He has nothing to do with Russia.
"...the military planners in the State Department, Pentagon and CIA call the shots on foreign policy. They are in liaison with NATO, IMF, the World Bank, WTO & Council for Foreign Relations."
"In turn, the Washington-based international financial bureaucracy, responsible for imposing deadly 'economic medicine' in the 3rd world and in most countries, maintains a close working relationship with the Wall Street financial establishment."
"The powers behind this system are those of the global banks and financial institutions, the military industrial complex, the oil and energy giants, the biotech and pharmaceutical conglomerates and the powerful media and communication giants, which fabricate news and overtly influence the course of world events by blatantly distorting the facts."
1. The Money Masters (money changers or bankers)
(Please download this video free of charge onto your phone by clicking on the downward arrow. This allows you to listen to or view this video at your own leisure).
2. Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in Our Time
(Prof Carroll Quigley has insider knowledge of the bankers who are responsible for WWI & WWII. This book was written in 1949 but only released after his death in 1981. His disclosures placed him in such potential danger from an Establishment backlash that it was never published in his lifetime).
Prolonging the Agony: How The Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-Half Years.
The fact that governments lie is generally accepted today, but World War I was the first global conflict in which millions of young men were sacrificed for hidden causes.
They did not die to save civilization; they were killed for profit and in the hopes of establishing a one-world government.
By 1917, America had been thrust into the war by a President who promised to stay out of the conflict. But the real power behind the war consisted of the bankers, the financiers, and the politicians, referred to, in this book, as The Secret Elite.
Scouring government papers on both sides of the Atlantic, memoirs that avoided the censor’s pen, speeches made in Congress and Parliament, major newspapers of the time, and other sources, Prolonging the Agony maintains that the war was deliberately and unnecessarily prolonged and that the gross lies ingrained in modern “histories” still circulate because governments refuse citizens the truth. Featured in this book are shocking accounts of the alleged Belgian “outrages,” the sinking of the Lusitania, the manipulation of votes for Herbert Hoover, Lord Kitchener’s death, and American and British Zionists in cahoots with Rothschild’s manipulated Balfour Declaration.
The proof is here in a fully documented exposed — a real history of the world at war.
Are you overwhelmed yet? Yah. It’s a bit too much heaviness for a great fall day. But you all do need to have a grasp that all of human society is indentured to a handful of very wealthy elite that thinks that the status quo can continue on forever. And that they are setting in motion the beginnings of World War III so that China or Russia will not upset that monopoly.
How to Break the Kneecaps of Wall Street Sociopaths Before It’s too Late: Ferdinand Pecora Revisited
By Matthew Ehret for The Saker Blog
It is more than a little depressing to consider the impending systemic meltdown that immanently presses upon our current world. Since the 1971 floating of the U.S. dollar, a once proud and productive western industrial economic system has been increasingly asset stripped…
If America and the western order is to somehow find its moral fitness to survive and if a world war is to be avoided in the coming near-term future, then certain fundamental banking reforms will be needed.
Among the most important of these reforms will be a breaking up of banking activities into two categories under a renewal of the Glass-Steagall bank reform which was repealed by Bill Clinton in 1999.
These two categories would include:
1) speculative trash and illegitimate usury which must be “deleted” under a debt jubilee and
2) legitimate savings and other useful commercial banking activities tied to “real” values without which society couldn’t sustain itself.
Many readers might immediately scoff at my words, and assert that such a reform were impossible at this late stage of rot and corruption in western society but I would retort with the question: If this were so impossible, then how was it done already at a similar time of crisis only 87 years ago under similar circumstances of economic breakdown, fascism and world war? How have other national resistance movements blocked this sort of misanthropic agenda from succeeding in the past?
In this case, I speak of course of the forgotten Pecora Commission and an often-forgotten war on Wall Street which changed the course of human history.
What was the Pecora Commission?
Many are aware of the economic meltdown of October 24, 1929 that ushered in four years of depression onto America (and much of the western world).
However not many people are aware of the intense fight that was launched by patriots in both parties against the Wall Street/deep state parasite of that age…
… which prevented both a fascist coup against the newly elected Franklin Roosevelt…
… while also crippling Wall Street’s command of American life.
In spite of whitewashing revisionist history books that contaminated the past 70 years, America’s recovery from the depression never occurred without a life or death struggle and this struggle was made possible, in large measure by the courageous work of an Italian lawyer from New York. This man’s name was Ferdinand Pecora.
By 1932, when Senators Peter Norbeck (R-SD) and George Norris (R-NB) spearheaded the establishment of the U.S. Committee on Banking and Currency…
… the American economy was on life support and the people were so desperate that a fascist dictatorship in America would have been welcomed with open arms if only bread could be put on the table.
Unemployment had reached 25%, while over 40% of banks had gone bankrupt and 25% of the population had lost their savings.
Thousands of tent cities called ‘Hoovervilles’ were spread across the USA and over 50% of America’s industrial capacity had shut down.
Thousands of farms had been foreclosed and the engines of American industry had grinded to a screeching halt.
Across the ocean, the fascist regimes of Germany, Italy and Spain were growing more powerful by the day fed by injections of hundreds of millions of dollars of capital by London and Wall Street bankers.
Notable among these pro-fascist financiers was none other than Bush family patriarch Prescott, who provided millions in loans to Hitler’s bankrupt Nazi party in 1932 (and continued doing business with the party through 1942- having only stopped after being found guilty for “trading with the enemy”).
The Committee on Banking and Currency was a relatively impotent body when it began in 1932, but when Senator Norbeck called in Ferdinand Pecora to lead it in April 1932, everything began to change.
A first generation Italian-American, Pecora was forced to quit high school after his father was injured in order to support his family.
Years later, the young man found work as a clerk in a law firm, and managed to work his way through law school, passing the bar in 1911.
His unimpeachable reputation earned him the animosity of powerful NY financiers who ensured that his successes in prosecuting brokers never resulted in attaining Attorney General…
… where he made a name for himself shutting down over 100 illegal brokerage houses that speculated on fraudulent securities during the depression.
Within days of accepting the Washington job as Chief Council of Norbeck’s committee (for the meager salary of $250/month), Pecora was granted broad subpoena powers to audit banks and drag the most powerful men in America to testify in the committee’s hearings.
In his first two weeks, Pecora made headlines by auditing the books of major Wall Street banks and pulled in pro-fascist National City President Charles Mitchell (then preparing to advise Benito Mussolini) to testify.
Within days, Mitchell’s team of expensive defense attorneys could do nothing but watch in despair as the powerful financier admitted to short selling his own bank’s stocks during the depression…
… scamming depositors with purchases of Cuban junk debt…
… and avoiding taxes for years.
Mitchell was forced to resign in shame followed days later by NY Stock Exchange Chair Dick Whitney- who left the court in handcuffs.
This crackdown on Wall Street’s abuses were highly publicized and put the spotlight on the criminal schemes used to gamble with savings and commercial bank deposits on securities and futures markets which led to the orchestrated collapse of the bubble economy in 1929 (ironically much of the bubble built up during the “easy-money days” of the “roaring 20s” was centered in the housing market).
Pecora’s crackdown also set the tone for the incoming Roosevelt administration.
Unlike the previous 1911 Pujo Commission, which also exposed Wall Street’s abuses of power, the Pecora Commission was supported by a President who actually cared about the Constitution and amplified Pecora’s powers even further.
When FDR was told that supporting Pecora’s exposures of financial crimes would hurt the economy, the President famously responded with “they should have thought of that when they did the things that are being exposed now.” FDR followed up that warning by encouraging the attorney to take on John Pierpont Morgan Jr.
Rather than controlling an American institution as many believed 70 years ago and today, J.P. Morgan Jr. was actually running an operation that had earlier been created in the mid-19th century as part of a British infiltration of America. As historian John Hoefle pointed out in a 2009 EIR study:
“The House of Morgan was, in truth, a British operation from its inception. It began life as George Peabody & Co., a bank founded in London in 1851 by American George Peabody. A few years later, another American, Junius S. Morgan, joined the firm, and upon Peabody’s death the firm became J.S. Morgan & Co. Junius Morgan brought in his son, J. Pierpont Morgan, to head the New York office of J.S. Morgan, and the New York office became J.P. Morgan & Co. From its original role in helping the British gain control of American railroads, the Morgan bank became a leading force in the oligarchy’s war against the American System, using the deep pockets of its imperial masters to become a powerhouse in not only finance but steel, automobiles, railroads, electricity generation, and other industries.”
By 1933, the House of Morgan grew into a multi-headed hydra controlling utilities, holding companies, banks and countless other subsidiaries.
Senator George Norris showcasing a chart of Wall Street power
When J.P. Morgan jr. was called to testify, the banker carried a midget on his lap in mockery of the “circus of the commission”.
As the questions began however, the arrogant banker was caught off guard by Pecora’s proof of Morgan’s secret “preferred clients lists” of politicians whom the banker owned and who received stock offerings at discount rates.
Named among the thousands of traitors on this list, Pecora revealed former president Calvin Coolidge, Coolidge’s Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon (a Schacht-Hitler supporter from the start), financier Bernard Baruch, Supreme Court Justice Owen Roberts and Democratic Party controller John Jacob Raskob.
Raskob was not only a major speculator but was also the leader of the American Liberty League which tried repeatedly to overthrow FDR between 1933-1939 and worked to ally America with axis powers from 1939-1941.
Morgan’s god-like ego was brought down to the level of mortals when the flustered banker was only able to answer “I can’t remember” repeatedly when asked if he had paid taxes over the past 5 years.
As it turned out, by the end of the trial, it was revealed that NONE of the subsidiaries of the House of Morgan paid any taxes during the entire period of the depression, and were caught gambling with depositors assets from commercial accounts.
These revelations didn’t sit well with a population dying of starvation across the streets of America.
Similar displays of corruption were made of the heads of Kohn Loeb, Chase Bank, Brown Brothers Harriman and others.
Faced with these revelations, The Nation magazine famously reported
“If you steel $25, you’re a thief. If you steal $250 000, you’re an embezzler. If you steal $2.5 million, you’re a financier.”
Pecora’s ally Sen. Burton Wheeler said
“the best way to restore confidence in our banks is to take these crooked presidents out of the banks and treat them the same as we treated Al Capone.”
FDR Drains the Swamp
With the light cast firmly upon the dark shadows where vile creatures like J.P. Morgan and other financial gremlins reside, the population was finally able to start making sense of what injustices befell them during the years of post-1929 despair.
While not every banker went to prison as Wheeler or Pecora would have liked, examples were made of dozens who did and many more whose careers were shamefully ended.
Most importantly however, this exposure gave Franklin Roosevelt the support needed to drain the swamp and impose sweeping reforms upon the banks.
In the first hundred days, FDR was able to:
1) Impose Glass-Steagall banking separation (forcing Wall Street banks to break up their functions and preventing speculators from gambling with productive assets)
2) Create the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that protected citizens’ savings from future crises
3) Create the Securities Exchange Commission to provide oversight to Wall Street’s activities and on whose body Pecora was appointed commissioner in 1934.
4) Unleash broad credit through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) which acted as a national bank bypassing the private Federal Reserve, channeling $33 billion to the real economy by 1945 (more than all private commercial banks combined)
5) Impose protective tariffs on agriculture, metals and industrial goods to stop dumping of cheap products in America and rebuild America’s physical economy
6) Create vast public works, like the Tennessee Valley Authority, Grand Coulee dams, Hoover dams, St Laurence development and countless other projects, hospitals, schools, bridges, roads and rail under the New Deal that acted in many ways then as China’s Belt and Road Initiative has in our modern age. Unfortunately, Roosevelt died before this new form of political economy could be internationalized abroad in the post-war years as an anti-colonial program.
Ferdinand Pecora’s Commission shaped the dynamics of America so intensely by its simple power of speaking the truth, that efforts to run a fascist coup against FDR using a general named Smedley Butler also came undone before it could succeed.
Butler played along with Wall Street’s plans for some months before deciding to publicly blow the whistle in congress.
Butler exposed the intension to use him as a “puppet dictator” leading thousands of American legionnaires in a storming of the White House displacing FDR.
It is often forgotten today, but in the early days of the 1920s-1930s, the Legion was modeled on Mussolini’s fascist squadristi and even its leader Alvin Owsley made explicit in 1921 saying:
“If need be the American Legion is ready to protect the institutions of this country and its ideals, in the same way as the Fascists have treated the destructive forces threatening Italy. Don’t forget that the Fascists are for today’s Italy what the American Legion is for the United States.”
Butler’s startling revelations amplified FDR’s popular support and inoculated much of the population from the fake news pouring out of Wall Street propaganda agencies spread across the media.
“Under the surface of the governmental regulation of the securities market, the same forces that produced the riotous speculative excesses of the ‘wild bull market’ of 1929 still give evidence of their existence and influence. Though repressed for the present, it cannot be doubted that, given a suitable opportunity, they would spring back to their pernicious activity.”
Pecora went onto deliver one more warning which current generations should take seriously
“Had there been full disclosure of what has been done in furtherance of these schemes, they could not long have survived the fierce light of publicity and criticism. Legal chicanery and pitch darkness were the bankers’ stoutest allies.”
Today’s oncoming economic meltdown can only be prevented if the lessons of 1933 are taken seriously and patriots who actually care about their nations and people stop legitimizing the casino economy of fictitious capital, derivatives, debt slavery and anti-humanism that has become so commonplace across the governing strata of the technocratic and banking elite today trying to control the world.
This elite, just like the financiers of the 1920s, doesn’t care ultimately for money as an end but sees it merely as a means for imposing fascist forms of governance onto the world population.
In the same way that FDR’s Wall Street/London enemies sought a world government under Nazi enforcers then, today’s heirs to that anti-human legacy are driven by a religious-like commitment to “manage” a new collapse of world civilization under a Green New Deal and World Government.
So why accept that dystopic future when a brighter one is offered us by the Multipolar alliance today led by Russia and China?
We all have a choice
And that choice is simple.
We can continue on the path where all your labors are converted into physical paper. Where that paper is owned by a handful of people. And they rent that paper out to you, and utilize all sorts of systems that control how you use that paper, and how that paper works.
You can embrace a completely different system. One where there just isn’t any paper, and no one is in control of that paper. It’s a modern version of hard cold gold. You work, and you get a digital equivalent of gold.
Obviously the people who control that paper do not like the idea of others leaving their long-standing monopoly. And they are willing to institute a complete nuclear armageddon to make sure that they retain their role.
Interesting times are coming.
But I, for one remain hopeful.
And why am I hopeful?
Well, it’s a sense of community, worth and value. It’s a place and a situation where you are no longer controlled by individual forces sitting behind wood lined offices in remote skyscrapers in far away cities. Instead, where you live in a place where everyone has value and worth and contributes to the greater good.
And to get there…
…America needs two things…
[1] A civil war
[2] A conflict that will defang the “arsenal of the money changers”.
Which brings up where we are in all of this. When is this all going to happen? Is it just yet another promise [1] that “someday” things are going to change, or [2] prepare for the worst because the end of the world is coming
Which is what I have been saying all along.
People! You are all in the middle of this period of change. You are smack down right in the middle of it all. The globe is changing it’s monetary policy. One side does not like it, and are fighting tooth and nail to destroy everything around them. (Let’s not get side traced in all the roles of the various players in this), and the other side (mostly Asia) is plowing forward with the implementation of a new way of doing things.
So relax.
Change is happening.
Oh, and just in case you don’t believe me, there’s this…
Billionaire investor Ray Dalio on capitalism’s crisis: The world is going to change ‘in shocking ways’ in the next five years
Veteran hedge-fund manager says capitalists don’t divide the economic pie well, so the system isn’t working effectively for all
Ray Dalio certainly is no radical idealist, but in his frequent writings and media appearances the veteran investor consistently calls for Americans to rewrite their longstanding contract with capitalism so that it is fairer and more generous to more people.
Which is pretty much the entire point of this post.
- Metallicman
Otherwise, he predicts, life in the U.S. could become more difficult: mountainous debt that stunts economic growth; fewer opportunities for ordinary citizens to get ahead financially; and a worldwide lack of trust in the U.S. dollar that diminishes Americans’ purchasing power and could lower their standard of living.
Dalio is the founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge-fund firm, which has made him a billionaire. So it’s not surprising that he champions capitalism as a proven way to expand economic growth and living standards.
“Capitalism and capitalists are good at increasing and producing productivity to increase the size of the economic pie,” he says.
Then Dalio stands this tenet on its head. Capitalists don’t divide the economic pie very well, he says, and so today the capitalist system, the foundation of the U.S. economy, is not working efficiently and effectively enough for all.
“Capitalism also produces large wealth gaps that produce opportunity gaps, which threaten the system,” Dalio says — a system that has been and still is key to the health and success of U.S. business, workers, government and investors alike.
Unless the U.S. takes steps to make systemic repairs designed to provide greater opportunity for more Americans to achieve personal growth and financial security, the consequences likely will be painful for the country, as Dalio explains in this recent telephone interview, which has been edited for length and clarity:
MarketWatch: You have written and spoken about three big domestic and international problems facing the U.S. over the next five to 10 years and how a failure to address these challenges could threaten America’s standing in the world. What are these three pressing problems?
Ray Dalio: I look at it mechanically, like a doctor looking at a disease. If asked what is the issue here, I would say that it is a certain type of disease that has certain patterns which are timeless and universal, and the United States is broadly following that progression.
There are three problems that are coming together, so it’s important to understand them individually and how they collectively make a bigger problem.
There is a money and credit cycle problem, a wealth and values gap problem, and an emerging great power challenging the existing dominant power problem. What’s going on is an economic downturn together with a large wealth gap and the rising power of China challenging the existing power of the United States.
It’s a fact that there has been a weakening of the competitive advantages of the United States over the last couple of decades. For example, the United States lost a lot of the education advantage relative to other countries, our share of world GDP is reduced, the wealth gap has increased which has contributed to our political and social polarization.
But we haven’t lost all of our competitive advantages. For example in innovation and technology, the United States is still the strongest, but China is coming on very strong and at existing rates will surpass the United States. Militarily, the U.S. is stronger but China also has come on very strong and is probably stronger in the waters close to China that include Taiwan and other disputed areas. Finances for both countries are challenging, but for the U.S. more so. The U.S. is in the late stages of a debt cycle and money cycle in which we’re producing a lot of debt and printing a lot of money. That’s a problem. As a reserve currency status, the U.S. dollar DXY, -0.17% is still dominant though its being threatened by its central bank printing of money and increasing the debt production problem.
‘The United States is a 75-year-old empire and it is exhibiting signs of decline.’
MarketWatch: Focusing on the money and credit problem, excessive debt can be a killer for businesses and families, but most people don’t seem to recognize that debt plays havoc with their country’s finances as well. Government runs the money printing press, which buys time, but eventually something’s got to give.
Dalio: If you look at the history — for example, the Dutch Empire, the British Empire — both experienced the creation of debt and the printing of money, less educational advantages, greater internal wealth conflict, greater challenges from rival countries. Every country has stress tests. If you look at British history, the development of rival countries led them to lose their competitive advantages. Their finances were bad because they had accumulated a lot of debt. So, after World War II those trends went against them. Then they had the Suez Canal incident and they were no longer a world power and the British pound is no longer a reserve currency. These diseases almost always play out the same way.
The United States’ relative position in the world, which was dominant in almost all these categories at the beginning of this world order in 1945, has declined and is exhibiting real signs that should raise worries. There’s a lot of baggage. The U.S. has a lot of debt, which is adding to the hurdles that typically drag an economy down, so in order to succeed, you have to do a pretty big debt restructuring. History shows what kind of a challenge that is.
I just want to present understanding and facts. There’s a life cycle. You’re born and you die. As you get older you can see certain things that are symptoms of being later on in life. To know the life cycle and to know that these symptoms are emerging is what I’m trying to convey. The United States is a 75-year-old empire and it is exhibiting signs of decline. If you want to extend your life, there are clear things you can do, but it means doing things that you don’t want to do.
‘Wealth cannot be created by creating debt and money.’
MarketWatch: Let’s put it bluntly: Is capitalism broken?
Dalio: I wouldn’t say broken as much as I’d say it has problems that have to be fixed. As I said, I’m not ideological, I’m mechanical. I look at everything operationally like a machine and what has been shown is that capitalism is a fabulous way of creating incentives and innovation and of allocating resources to create productivity. All successful countries have uses for it. For example, communist China has chosen capitalism, which has been essential to its growth.
But capitalism also produces large wealth gaps that produce opportunity gaps, which threaten the system in the ways we are seeing now. Wealth gaps give unfair advantages to the children of rich people because they get a better education, which undermines the equal opportunity notion. As the number of people who get equal opportunity diminishes, this reduces the possibility of finding talented people in that population, which isn’t fair and undermines productivity. Then the have-nots want to tear down the capitalist system at a time of bad economic conditions. That dynamic has always existed in history and it’s happening now.
The capitalist system is based on profit-seeking being the resource allocation system, which generally works well but doesn’t always. So, capitalism and capitalists are good at increasing and producing productivity to increase the size of the economic pie, but they’re not good at dividing the economic opportunity pie. Socialists are generally not good at increasing productivity and the size of the economic opportunity pie, but they are better at dividing the pie.
We now have too much emphasis on distributing wealth and getting it from producing debt and printing money, and not enough from increasing productivity. Wealth cannot be created by creating debt and money. We have to be productive together, so we have to look at the good investments that we can make together that make total sense, like in education, and create equal opportunity in order to be productive.
We have to be in this together. The system needs to be reengineered to do this. But if we don’t do this engineering well, we’re going to spend in an unlimited way and deal with that by creating debt that won’t ever be paid back, and we will risk losing the reserve currency status of the dollar. If we get into that position — and we’re very close — things will get much worse because we are living on borrowed money that’s financing our consumption.
‘Within the next five years you could see a situation in which foreigners who have been lending money to the United States won’t want to.’
MarketWatch: About the dollar being threatened as the world’s reserve currency — what does “close” mean, and what would the decline of this status mean for Americans?
Dalio: Within the next five years you could see a situation in which foreigners who have been lending money to the United States won’t want to, and the dollar would not be as readily accepted for making purchases in the world as it is now.
We have to realize that we’re spending more than we’re earning. Every individual, every company and every country has an income statement and a balance sheet. The income statement is how much is your earnings are relative to your expenses. If your earnings are greater than your expenses, great, you will increase your balance sheet. If your earnings are less than your expenses, then you have to draw on your balance sheet.
The United States doesn’t have a good income statement and balance sheet in dealing with the rest of the world. It is running a deficit to the rest of the world that is financed by borrowing money so that we are producing liabilities. Our living standards are based on our spending, not on our income statement or balance sheet. If the U.S. loses that ability and it doesn’t force itself to be more productive, one day it will lose that ability to borrow and then will have to cut spending, which is painful.
When that pain happens at a time when you have the population at each other’s throats over money, that’s a toxic combination. People can’t take a downturn and have less buying power. So, necessarily the poor will have to be getting money from the rich and the rich are going to want to prevent that, and then if it gets bad enough, that it messes up productivity.
‘When the causes people are fighting for are more important to them than the system that binds them together, the system is in jeopardy.’
MarketWatch: What steps do politicians and business leaders need to take now to create and implement reforms that will fortify the U.S. balance sheet and the dollar’s status?
Dalio: In brief, productivity and equal opportunity are most needed. If we could at least agree that we must have these things, that would be great. What we have now is a situation in which we’re fighting each other, we are not providing equal opportunity, and we are losing our productivity gains.
One of the greatest problems is that everybody’s fighting for their cause. When the causes people are fighting for are more important to them than the system that binds them together, the system is in jeopardy. This seems to now be happening. Everybody has their cause and they’re almost losing sight of the overall picture. Democracy depends on compromise. It’s the notion of compromise and working together and being able to have a negotiation to get what the most people want rather than have one side beat the other.
You really have to take the relative parties and make them agree on what’s going to be best. The group has got to be bipartisan and they have to be knowledgeable. Bring together parties of opposing ideologies who are also knowledgeable, not just smart but who are on the ground, to come up with a plan together that all can support so that we’re productive, increasing the size of the pie and dividing it well. It would be great if whoever the president is could draw upon people from both parties and different perspectives.
MarketWatch: As Americans prepare for a presidential election in November, the three major problems you mentioned earlier would seem to be important factors for voters to consider.
Dalio: Yes. The world is going to change in the next five years in shocking ways in relation to the three big issues we have been talking about.
First, there’s a debt-money cycle — what is the value of money? What will happen to the debt? Will the dollar retain its value? The finances of this — who is going to pay for it? How? What will work? That’s number one.
Second, the wealth, opportunity and values gaps will have to be dealt with. Are we going to be at each other’s throats in a way that is harmful or are we going to be working together even if things get worse?
Third is the rising of a great power in China to challenge the existing power of the United States. Will this be well handled?
We will be dealing with these issues in the next presidential term, which will have a huge effect on our outcomes. The last time those three things existed as they do now was the 1930 to 1945 period. That’s the last time you had zero interest rates and money printing. That’s the last time you had the wealth and political gaps as large as they are today, and it was the last time you had rising powers challenging the existing world order. This and many analogous times before it help to give us perspective.
‘Worry as much about the value of your money as you worry about the value of your investments.’
MarketWatch: These and other domestic and international challenges will clearly affect Americans financially. What would be a smart, proactive strategy for investors to both protect a portfolio and take advantage of market opportunities?
Dalio: First, worry as much about the value of your money as you worry about the value of your investments. The printing of money and the debt should make you aware of that. That’s why financial asset prices have gone up — stocks, gold — because of the debt and money creation. You don’t want to own the thing you think is safest — cash.
Second, know how to diversify well. That includes diversification of countries, currencies and assets, because wealth is not so much destroyed as it shifts. When something goes down, something else is going up so you have to look at all things on a relative basis. Diversify well and worry about the value of cash.
Americans look at the value of everything in U.S. dollars, but they don’t look at the value of the dollar. You’re in an environment where you have to be cautious about that, because the easiest way out for government is to do what the U.S. just did, which is to borrow and print a lot of money. They don’t have to get it from anyone, because when they raise taxes they have to get it from somebody and that somebody squawks. The population doesn’t pay much attention to the debt and the printing of money. They all appreciate the giving of money. So you hear the population say, “I need more money,” and get angry if they don’t get it. So you’ve got to give them more money, and it’s easier not to take it away from someone else.
The following is a completed reprint from The Organic Prepper titled “Open letter to the stressed out preppers” by Daisy Luther. Reprinted as found and modified (minor editing) to fit this venue. All credit to the author.
A Personal Letter to Stressed Out Preppers Who Are TIRED of This Apocalypse
Dear Friends:
2020 has certainly been quite a year so far, and a defining one for the preparedness movement. No longer are our stockpiles of rice, beans, and hand sanitizer objects that make us strange. Our stashes of TP would make us the envy of the neighborhood if, of course, anybody knew we had it.
So many of the things and beliefs that made us figures of mockery in the past are now proving their value. We’re learning, with a mixture of relief and perhaps dismay, that we weren’t so crazy after all.
This has been a year in which so many things have occurred that proved preppers have things right that it’s positively exhausting. We’ve had a pandemic, civil unrest, food shortages, increases in crime, exorbitant unemployment, and we’re facing an economic collapse, or at the very least, an economic crisis.
And we’re tired.
Maybe everyone doesn’t feel this way. Maybe you’re perfectly fine and you live on your back 40 and have been completely untouched by any of the above-mentioned crises. Maybe your finances are just fine, you never got out much anyway, and you’ve still got 8 years’ worth of food socked away to supplement the things you grow. Maybe you’re reading this as you spin goat hair into yarn from which you’ll make this year’s mittens. Maybe you have no relatives, friends, or loved ones in the path of danger. Maybe your area isn’t prone to a single natural disaster.
If this is the case, I salute you. I really do. Good for you.
But for most of us, this is not the case. A lot of us are tired.
And I mean tired.
I’m sure there will be plenty of folks in the comments who say, “Daisy Luther is such a whiner” but whatever. I’m just going to come right out and tell you how I feel about this.
This year has been difficult.
My life changed completely. The lives of people I love changed completely. I lost some people I cared for deeply to the virus. I watched people in my family frolic around blithely ignoring the virus for which they’re in a peak risk group for death. I watched my country get torn asunder by everything from the pandemic response to racial injustice to perceived insults or losses of rights. I have a family member who lives in a riot zone but due to work and finances, can’t just relocate. (Although those folks on the internet always make it sound so damned easy to just quit your job then up and move to the boondocks to raise sheep.)
I have friends who have developed such extreme political views on either side that I don’t even know what to say to them anymore. I still love them. I still know they’re good people or we wouldn’t have been friends in the first place. But what the heck, y’all?
Then we’ve got hurricanes and the worst wildfires ever in history and floods and droughts and snow in September and murder hornets and the Olympics got canceled and there was some radiation leak in Russia and police brutality, which you will say is alleged or real, depending on your personal perspective. Oh yeah, and the US Postal Service has gone to heck, a lot of kids can’t go back to school so they’re surfing the net while they’re supposed to be “distance learning” online, and Netflix is playing a child porn movie to prove that kids are getting sexually exploited.
Our presidential candidates are (in my humble opinion) like a choice between your favorite sexually transmitted infection, syphillis or gonhorrhea. And regardless of whether syphilis or gonorrhea wins, all hell’s going to break loose (or break looser because it’s already pretty freakin’ bad in a lot of places) before and after the election that may not even happen the regular way because of the pandemic.
And we preppers who were ready for an emergency are sitting here scratching our heads thinking, “Heck fire, I wasn’t actually prepared for ALL OF THE EMERGENCIES AT ONCE.”
And it’s going on and on and on.
And that’s the other thing.
This stuff is going on and on and on forever. Ad infinitum. We are still in the middle of a global viral outbreak that we don’t completely understand and lots of places are still under major restrictions. A lot of folks don’t have their jobs back and a lot never will. We have been dealing with this particular disaster since at least February and the mental toll of dealing with the restrictions, the loss of income, the isolation, and the loss of freedom has been harsh for many people. There are folks who are just plain mad that they didn’t get the apocalypse they signed up for and they haven’t gotten to shoot any marauders and quite frankly, lockdown is boring as heck.
Lots of us have family members and people in our inner circles who are chomping at the bit to get back to “normal” when things simply are not normal. We’ve got loved ones who want to head out to parties and who want to throw caution to the wind and who flat don’t give a hoot what they bring home to Grandma. We’ve got loved ones who are using this entire scenario to say how we’ve overreacted. We’ve got loved ones who still get aggravated when we bring home more toilet paper.
When we were prepping for all this stuff most of us never expected that our families who were also prepping for this stuff might not be on board with this specific scenario. We never thought we’d have to argue with children and spouses and friends and lovers about things like quarantines and masks and not eating all five years’ worth of the good snacks like Oreos in the first 6 months. We didn’t consider that we might not be able to replace our Bluetooth headsets or that we’d need them for work or that we’d have to have our offices in our homes or that our kids’ teachers (on Zoom) might see their BB guns in their bedrooms and send the SWAT teams after us.
We can’t go to church but we can go to riots.
We aren’t supposed to travel yet mysterious busloads full of “protesters” show up in other states and that’s just hunky-dory. The borders are closed except they’re not really and the restaurants can’t serve you except they can sort of and we can’t go to the beach but we can line up for a vaccine once the promised injection, untested for long-term side effects, is ready.
This is the worst apocalypse ever because it’s so dad-gum boring and it’s going on for-freaking-ever.
That’s the thing that nobody warned us about. This monotony just goes on and on and on. It would be one thing if we were out there fighting for resources but in reality, we’re all just standin’ in line at Wal-Mart with our masks on waiting for our turn to get zapped with a thermometer to see if we are allowed to go inside. If it weren’t for wifi we’d all be crazy by now. Or – let’s be real for a moment – maybe it’s because of wifi so many people are crazy right now.
Social media is a jungle – an outright vicious and bloody jungle – and may the most audacious mofo win because those of us who still retain our human decency are not going to be able to hang with the people out there flinging wild ungrounded insults like poop in the monkey cages at the zoo.
And folks – I hate to say it but we’re still on Round One.
We’re going to be dealing with this bizarre altered reality for quite some time. This virus ain’t over yet or if you don’t believe in the virus, then consider that this government response isn’t over yet.
We’re going to have to hope our children who are going to school in personal bubbles aren’t going to have OCD and chronic anxiety for the rest of their lives. We’re going to have to learn to make do without all the imports that no longer seem to be populating stores.
We never really expected that a huge part of survival would just be waiting and adapting to the new world around us. Not this new world anyway. This isn’t one we can shoot our way out of or buy our way out of or wait our way out of. We have to adapt to the new economy, the new precautions, and the new suspicions. We have to adapt to a different type of supply chain. We have to move into survival mode as we watch civil unrest and riots break out in the most unlikely places, although it’s not really the survival mode we ever expected. We have to adjust to the nearly constant state of offense and unrest. We’re going to have to teach our children to be bold and fearless despite a system that wants them to be afraid. We’re going to have to forge a path through a labyrinth that is nothing like the one we expected when we began prepping for serious events because this event was so wildly unpredictable that nobody could have seen it happening the way it did.
But this is what we do.
We’re preppers. Preparing for the unexpected is our thing. Even when the unexpected is long-lasting, monotonous, boring, and stifling. Even when our family thinks we’re overreacting. Even when everything changes and things don’t get back to “normal.” Even when we’re just sitting there right on the edge of chaos wondering if today is the day that things will erupt in our neck of the woods.
The way this unfolded isn’t the disaster any of us expected but it’s the hand we’ve been dealt. How well we’re able to handle it will tell us a lot about how mentally prepared we actually are. How we manage our friends, families, and expectations will help us determine how things might go in a future, more Mad-Max variety of apocalypse.
Take this as the learning experience that it is. And don’t be lulled by the boredom into a false sense of security.
Because this is not over. Not by a long shot.
Hang in there, my friends. Whether we have to pull our loved ones along by their collars, whether we have to buy our supplies and stash them away on the sly, whether we have to prepare all on our own, we have to deal with the apocalypse we’ve been given, emotionally and physically.
It’s going to be a long haul, but we’ve got this. I don’t know if you’re feeling the same way that I am, but just in case you are, I wanted you to know – you’re not alone.
I’m throwing a bunch of stuff out there at you all. But pay attention please.
Human society is changing.
It is a sentience sorting effort.
Service-for-self people have established long-duration systems known as “banking” to segregate society into a kind of modern serfdom.
Technology, and other societies (namely Asian) have created alternatives systems to the “banking system” and are going ahead with it’s implementation.
The service-for-self people are fighting tooth and nail to maintain the status quo.
They are causing internal dissension, and conflict in the United States.
They want to start World War III internationally, and have unleashed a global pandemic to that end. (Which pretty much backfired.)
You are all at the beginning phases of this change.
It will get worse.
People will die.
But, after the dust clears in about ten years, it will be a softer, quieter world.
So be positive and hopeful. The damage will not be uniform, but will be in clusters. As long as you are part of a community that “carry your weight”, be helpful and a Rufus, you will be fine.
The future belongs to the people that make things and contribute to the good of society.
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Well, the much promoted debates on television between Donald Trump and Biden has finally concluded, and all of us who watched them were disgusted. Very few left feeling better about ourselves, about our nation, and about where the world was heading. Instead, it actually reminded us of something quite different. It reminded us of two dirty old rats fighting for moldy turnip greens on the deck of a sinking ship.
That’s what it was like.
It was disgusting, horrifying, and just awful. But don’t worry. Trump just announced that he has COVID-19. And meanwhile…
Anyone who cannot see that the United States is in a state of decay and collapse is delusional. The USA is a mess, and the best leadership that the two parties can come up with are these two sorry washed-out clowns. It’s… well, pathetic.
Words fail me.
Perhaps, you might well appreciate what is going on through a song, eh?
Conrad Harris – Paradise (Tiny Tim on vocals.)
It’s sort of like this.
You, yes you, are sitting in the front row seat to the collapse.
Now, maybe it will be quiet and peaceful. Maybe it will be calumnious and frightening. But, it will be a collapse. It is well beyond the point of recovery. The nation is collapsing in upon itself, and the best thing for the rest of the world to do is… stand back and let the whole thing implode.
Can you imagine Xi Peng acting like Donald Trump did?
Can you imagine Mr. Putin acting like Biden did?
I cannot. I see no leadership in either of the “preferred” candidates. I see just comical satire that has been streamlined into some kind of sick cartoon. It doesn’t matter who started the entire fiasco. Donald Trump appears to be the culprit. But the entire situation reeks of failure.
Instead, we were treated to a glimpse on the terrible, and misguided distortions of what some crazy people think is “how you rule the world”. And, people, It is dog-shit frightening.
If the world is to be handed over to these two clowns, then let me off the boat. The world is in for a shit-load of hurt on a mega-scale.
One thing is certain, and should be absolute crystal clear by now, the USA has ceased to be a leader in world governance. Further, it is under a state of collapse that is astounding in it’s magnitude and breadth and scope. And even beyond that, the general collapse of the American society on all levels; social, economic, financial, business, family, religion, morals, ethics, educational, and governance is so profound that no one can deny the truth.
The USA and the illusion of the “Strength and power” of the United States is over and long gone.
Jesus. Watching the debates was like watching two feral dogs in a remote countryside village fight over a leg of maggot infested mutton. It was that bad.
It was like watching two village dogs fighting.
It was that terrible.
The only thing that could recuse the participants would be either [1] a sudden war or [2] if one of them ended up with a life-threatening illness.
When Donald Trump left Walter Reed Medical Center in a car this afternoon, he simply had Secret Service agents drive him around the block so he could see his cheering idiot supporters outside the hospital, only to drive him right back into the hospital. If this stunt left a bad taste in your mouth, you’re not the only one.
Dr. James P. Phillips, who works at Walter Reed, tweeted this: “Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential “drive-by” just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity.
Which brings me to the latest in my SHTF series on the collapse of America.
The following is titled “Why the US is falling – and faster than you may expect: A 40-year-old prediction coming true”. Written by JO (Jan Oberg) on September 30, 2020. Reprinted with minor alterations to fit this venue. All credit to the author.
Why the US is falling – and faster than you may expect: A 40-year-old prediction coming true
The unique, dominating position of the United States in the post-1945 world is well-known. It maintains this position thanks to both a very large historical goodwill capital and former glory in the eyes of generations around the world – and thanks to rampant militarism and imperialism that has destroyed the good ‘America’ that it used to be.
The world’s major division the next few years will be this: Are you on the side of [1] continued US global dominance or [2] do you want to see a new multipolar world with more balance and the US in the role of a partner among equals?
In my view, the US no longer has the capacity to lead itself effectively.
Nor can it find solutions to its own multi-dimensional crisis be it the economy, democracy, climate change, warfare addiction, social polarization, racism and on top of it all the Covid-19 crisis.
Not being able to lead itself, no one should wish that the US should lead the world. Neither does it have any right to.
Reread that sentence. Any nation that cannot handle its own domestic matters, cannot lead the world. It is like putting a pyromaniac in charge of a fire department.
While its allies, friends and admirers are increasingly turning skeptical, others turn away and look for other partners be it China, Russia or Iran.
While the friends of the US should try to help it out of its addiction to its outdated self-image…
… the designated enemies, of course, cannot help the US…
… as it simply would not listen. Strangely, these countries also need the US and have sought and still seek constructive cooperation but in vain.
The fact is that no one threatens the US (and certainly not Russia with less than 8 % of the military expenditures of NATO. The US has become its own worst enemy but blames others for its problems.
Sadly, it seems that there is not one ministry of foreign affairs among the EU /NATO countries that has even thought of developing a strategy for the post-US dominated West.
Countries such as China, other BRICS and many others are building a new world order. Will the West, therefore, loose completely, or will parts of it still be able to save what can be saved and transition into the future multipolar world order?
The chances of a “yes” to that question is diminishing by the day.
The list of twenty points below was written long before the Presidential candidate debate on September 29 (it would be an offense to children to say that they behaved like children). But that debate only confirmed these points – and the simple point that it doesn’t matter much whether the next president of the US will be Trump or Biden.
It’s the system, stupid!
And it is rapidly coming to an end.
It’s a valid intellectual-theoretical point that one cannot apply characteristics from psychology – basically the science of the individual – to much larger aggregates such as people, nations or the global system. That’s the fallacy of levels.
That said, let’s anyhow try to just a bit of such “psychologizing” to make it more familiar to the reader.
All empires go down, sooner or later – the latest was the Soviet Union, and the US/West has not been able to cope since its beloved enemy disappeared. All empires emerge, grow, reach a peak point, climax – and then begins to lose it to move to relative decline (others coming up) and then fall. Rather much like the individual life.
Over-reachor you never get enough – there is no one and nothing you don’t want to try to influence, dominate or control.
Hubris – we can get away with everything, we are big and powerful. May be right for a time, then reality catches up.
Exceptionalism– we can do things nobody else can because we are those we are – and we can tell others not to do what we ourselves do. We are above the law that others must follow, we fight wars for good while others fight for evil and are evil. Because we are good and have God on our side.
The unbearable lightness of routine – it’s all gone so well for so long thanks to our pervasive mind- and lifestyle-shaping influence through the media, film, culture, arts – Hollywood and all that. For as long as the rest of the world sees you as an ideal to imitate, – Americanization – everything goes smoothly.
The Number One problem– meaning that if you are (or believe you are) Number One in a rank order, there is no one to look up to and learn from so you end up becoming a teacher, master, dictator, more or less arrogantly “downwards”. If you are No 37, there are 36 others to learn from – how did they do it better than we did? However, sooner or later, the “pupils” stop listening and obeying the Master – His Master’s Voice, so to speak.
Mission activity or ‘mission civilisatrice’ – you try ad absurdum to shape others in the image of yourself; they shall become like us. Our national thinking is universalizable. The world should adapt to us, not we to the world. Remember who was The First World – (the Second and the Third) earlier?
Legitimacy in the eyes of others slowly disappears – you may get away with some bad acts once or twice, but when it becomes a habit, others begin to think. As time goes by, your normative power is eroded, and you rely increasingly on naked force – the military. My country, right or wrong: Send the marines!
Overmilitarization– the system needs a war more or less regularly; that means you need images of enemies (invented or real) all the time. Like a drug addict needs a fix. The US surely cannot do without enemies. The problem is that that military colossus called the Military-Industrial Media Academic Complex (MIMAC) always wants more – also in times when the economy cannot carry that burden. (Like the Sovjet Union in the 1970s and 1980s couldn’t). And the Coronavirus weakens the economy even further.
Increasing autism, denial of the real world plus Group Think– “everything worked so fine in the past, it cannot be true that we cannot just continue what we used to do. (So, let’s start a new Cold War, this time against China). Group think means that a small group of people over time build a common worldview that repels any new thoughts from the outside and become convinced that it’s right and everybody else wrong. The problem is that they don’t know they sit in that restaurant on US Titanic, the music playing so well…
Socio-political metal fatigue – something has been strong for a long time but suddenly there is a crack, and then comes another. The unthinkable, or at least unlikely and unforseen, suddenly happens repeatedly. And old tools can’t fix the problems.
Lack of vision and lack of the pioneering new dynamics– of the type that makes other want to follow you voluntarily. Little by little, everything signal you send out is negative or destructive.
The old positive life energy ebbs, and paranoia enters – like the increasingly old crumpy person who feels that the world turns its back and become unreasonable. Is there any important country in today’s world that the Trump US is not running some kind of conflict with, even friends and allies? Enters paranoia – “The whole world is against us… we see enemies all around – the world doesn’t understand us anymore. But we shall teach them a lesson…”
Stagnation and anti-intellectualism– you continue to do what worked before, such as solving every problem with the military and increasingly becoming unable to think. To the person who has only a hammer in the toolbox, every problem in the house is about hammering…So, don’t allow anything new, don’t tolerate diversity, and crack down on critical voices.
The normative and cultural power vanish– the perception by others of the Empire’s values as good and fair and as part of a vision crumbles. They embark on a future without the Empire’s diktat and/or protection and build a new world order (that the US will not hear about or let its subordinates participate in).
Over-extension through self-aggrandizement– you engage in conflicts and wars which you don’t stand a chance to win, increasingly losing a sense of reality and of your own strength vis-a-vis others.
Addiction& uni-dimensionality – since the only power scale in which you are “second to none” is the military, you use that where other means would be much more effective and cheaper as well as create respect worldwide. Diplomacy fades – lacking carrots, use the big stick.
Decadence, illusions and lies – the Secretary of State, Pompeo, is on record boasting that it is part of the American tradition to “cheat, steal and lie” – in other words, moral decay. Fake and omission, a struggle about what reality really is mounted.
Psychopaths and kakistocrats increasingly win influence = Pathocracy! Kakistocracy means government by the worst, least qualified, and/or most unscrupulous citizens. The tempo with which norms and expectations of normal behaviour is broken overwhelms the world. Leader senility may play its role too – remember Breznev? And then, somebody usually turns up in the chaotic developments and declares that s/he is the saviour.
Democracy and people’s participation in it crumbles – most citizens sense what happens but in disbelief. Mobilization of counterforces to save what can be saved, become more difficult by the day.
“And faster than you may expect”?
One should hesitate to appear too sure about predicting the final end. Sometimes terminally ill people live longer than medical expertise predicted. Taking the risk anyhow, I would say within the next presidential term 2021-2026 or at the latest by 2030.
When the cracks are frequent enough and big enough, the decline and breakdown accelerate exponentially. Remember the end of the Cold War in 1989 when border guards just opened the gates and people started moving freely.
In a Danish academic book from 1981 (1) I predicted the fall of the West thus:
“The Western world is on its way down and the present crisis is not just cyclical and also not just a crisis of capitalism (it is not exclusively economic) but a sort of civilizational crisis. The global system that has existed with Europe-US as its center and developed over the last 400-500 years is going through convulsions of a deeper nature than is normally perceived.Neither liberalism nor Marxism which are both Western thought systems and neither the US nor the Soviet Union appears as attractive models to the rest of the world. They are in deep crisis themselves – socially as well as economically – while Japan, China and a series of new growth centers and regional larger powers are rising, particularly in Asia.The wealthy, overdeveloped countries are approaching certain ‘objective’ limitations in terms of nature, raw materials, exploitation of human beings, the sheer size of the systems as well as management problems, social pressures, etc.Armament and the increasing militarization of various types of social structures everywhere is an (attempt at) “rejuvenation treatment” in the old- age phase of the West, a sort of compensation for diminishing power in other areas.”
Perhaps another song is in order…
Conrad Harris – All of me (Tiny Tim on vocals.)
Those governments, businesses, academia and others who (in these years) hold on to the US Empire (as the leader of the “free world”)…
… will become a periphery in the future world order.
Why chain yourself to the anchor of a sinking ship? But that is what Australia is doing. That is the the United Kingdom is doing. Is that really an intelligent thing to do? Is it in the best interests of the citizens that they are supposed to represent?
America is like this big, enormous, and beautiful ship that is sinking into the deep dark oceans. It’s because the interior of the ship has not been maintained. That the hull has rusted out and the engineers and Captain do not have the skills needed to fix it and prevent it from sinking.
The future belongs to the builders, the makers and the contributors.
Not to those who hold on to the old methods, suppress any new methods, and praise themselves for tabulating and monitoring the spreadsheets in support of their activities.
"A majority of Americans are bracing for the possibility of a politically-fired civil war, and more than half are already stockpiling food and other essential items to survive and fight back, according to a new survey shared with Secrets.
In the survey, 61% said that the United States is nearing a second civil war, including a shocking 41% who “strongly agree” with that assessment.
And 52% are so convinced that it is just around the corner, or after Election Day, that they are putting away food and other essentials, an historic expansion of the prepper movement that has been brewing for years, now driven by fear and coronavirus-induced shortages."
And the other 48% who have not prepared at all will now understand the process of natural selection first hand.
-Powder keg: 61% say United States ‘on verge of civil war,’ 52% already preparing
And the final song for this theme shall be…
Conrad Harris、tiny tim – Auf Wiedersehen, My Dear (Remaster)
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Ambassador Fox:Your refusal to comply with my orders has endangered the entire success of this mission. I can have you sent to a penal colony for this.Mr Scott:That you can, sir, but I won’t lower the screens.Ambassador Fox:Your name will figure prominently in my report to the Federation Central.Doctor McCoy:Well, Scotty, now you’ve done it.Mr. Scott:Aye. The haggis is in the fire for sure, but I’ll not lower my defenses on the word of that mealy-mouthed gentleman down below. Not until I know what happened to the Captain.
-Star Trek, A Taste of Armageddon 1967
This is not your red vs. blue kind of conflict. This is not the SA fighting the SS. This is not the Northern “Boys in Blue” marching against “Johnny Reb” in grey. This is not the glorious Allied forces fighting the evil Nazi’s. This is something different and on a completely different level.
I anticipate the normal horrors of war, and mayhem. But only this time it will be up front, up close, and right in your face. It will be like the hand to hand, street to street conflicts going on in the Bosnia / Hertivogania conflict. Only this time, it will include all sorts of unexpected and dangerous “innovations”.
And for all of you who think that you and your trusty .303 will be able to fight back against under-educated hordes, you are woefully wrong. Both sides have no idea just how nasty things can be. And both sides are going to spill a lot of blood, and there will be great sadness and agony in the process. All the time, the oligarchy will sit away smug inside their bunkers isolated from the carnage that they set upon the world.
The following is an interesting article. Some military-trained conservatives decided to visit an Antifa riot, and they were wholly unprepared for what they encountered. It’s a good read whether or not you agree with their intent, or their politics. Just take note that war is never what you expect.
The smart man avoids war, and runs away from conflict.
The following article is titled “Antifa Reality Check”. It was posted by NC Scout on September 5, 2020. It is reproduced with minor editing to fit this venue. All credit to the author.
“Very basic background. My friend is a prior service 1st LAR 0311, 0351. (from Wiki: 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion is a fast and mobilized armoredterrestrial reconnaissance battalion of the United States Marine Corps.) Multiple tours in the early to late 2000s, then DoE, then was put through selection and went to work for Colonel G____ as a team member. Since leaving, he has been doing contract work.
He is an experienced and capable meat eater and the furthest thing from a pussy or coward. Try to learn from his experiences.
“Me and three of my buddies were in Portland this weekend, got attacked by Antifa. There’s a Twitter video with millions of views on it. They ended up on Hannity and Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro etc., of us getting beaten with bats and rocks the size of cantaloupes thrown at us, getting spit on etc. We were all carrying pistols as well. Opportunity, ability and jeopardy, we were in a deadly force situation and we could easily articulate the use of deadly force, but they had pepper sprayed us. They were using industrial strobe lights on us, etc. We couldn’t PID our target and what lied beyond it, They did a great job of taking our situational awareness away, it was fucking incredible.
Bro my perspective on this changed so much.
The reason we were there wasn’t to counter protest or some shit, **** and *****, two of the guys with me, one of which is a bronze star and Purple Heart recipient. They’re both in the hiring process for the Portland Police Department. One is from Ohio and one is from Virginia. They both flew in that day just so they could come check out the city before they move their families across the nation.
Something else that I should make perfectly clear. We went to the Federal Courthouse first. There wasn’t a whole lot going on down there. We walked around and took some pictures. Bumped into a Sheriff at one point. Talked to him for a while. We asked him if the riots were over? He said fuck no, they’re trying to fuck a police station up right now on 47th and Burnside, We asked him if we could go, and he said yeah, it’s still a peaceful assembly, it hasn’t been declared a riot yet….
So, legit, we walked into this thing blind, in hindsight it was stupid on our part, I had no idea that they were like that. If it had been a full-blown riot we would not have gone. Bottom line, man, if you had ever given me a scenario like this and said hey, you’re sober, and you have a gun, and somebody is hitting you with a bat and throwing rocks at you that could kill you or put you in a coma, you try to get away but they cut you off with a convoy of vehicles and the assault starts again. They impede your movement and beat you with bats… Would you shoot?
I’d be like, yeah what fucking planet are you from?
But in all the training that I’ve been through my life, I’ve never been in one where in the first five seconds of the scenario you’re blinded with a strobe light and sprayed with pepper spray…. That changes everything. They were throwing these rocks from 15 feet back in the crowd, you couldn’t see who the fuck through it, etc. things like that…. It’s just a good talking point for guys that carry concealed, but you need to think through all these different scenarios.
It got way worse after that video ended, they chased us for 11 city blocks. They had a convoy of about 25 vehicles that cut us off at the next intersection, They had scouts on the corner with radios, they had a drone following us, they had a bull horn calling us Nazis, and the crowd was following a red strobe light that was up in the air on a stick, so they would announce Nazis and then people would follow the red strobe light, That video is just the beginning, I’ve got a fucking fractured hand from a baton, everyone of us has black and blue bruises up and down their legs and back, I had a guy spit in my face from 6 inches away, call me a pussy and a coward for not doing anything about it, and then tell me that he was going to find where I live, rape my mother, rape my children in front of me and then kill me.
I’ve never been more angry about something in my fucking life, the level of restraint that it took for us to not fight back in any capacity whether that was with a gun or fists is incredible. All of us have kids at home. The only thing going through all of our minds was we have to be able to justify deadly force if we’re going to go that route, there’s also hundreds of these people, we can’t see straight because of all the pepper spray, and it’s hard to PID exactly who is throwing these rocks and hitting us with batons, because they would hit you and fucking run and their buddy would run up and hit you. It was an incredibly stressful situation, they did a very good job tactically of taking away your situational awareness, and in my opinion complicating your legal defense when you split one of their faces open with a hollow point.
As we were running from the crowd after about the third block or so, we’re sprinting because the mob head caught back up to us and vehicles were trying to cut us off, I put my hand on the back strap on my appendix, And I heard somebody yell “Hey bro, whatever you’re reaching for, don’t reach, just keep running, they’re still 30 feet behind you. Keep running straight.”
We get 11 blocks down the road and this black Chevy Impala is ghosting us down the street, he’s kind of been in our shadow since block two or three He rolls his window down and starts asking us a bunch of questions. Why are we here, what are we doing, telling us we need to get the fuck out of here, asking us where our car is etc., we pretty much told him to get the fuck away from us because we didn’t know who he was. I finally asked him at one point, Who the fuck are you, man, you need to leave us alone, and he was like I’m the fucking police, bro, who are you?
So he pulled his car over and he and his partner talked to us. He was one of the special programs guys, either with SWAT or SRT or whatever. He was the one that yelled at me not to reach, and tried to help us out. He said he knew that we’ve been pepper sprayed and we’re having trouble seeing, I kind of snapped at him, Like hey motherfucker, You’ve been watching this whole thing fucking unfold and you didn’t intervene at all or light the crowd up or something? He started laughing and he was like, Man, if I got out and tried to help you guys, my fucking car would be on fire right now, and I’d be running next to you.
Bottom line: don’t go to an Antifa protest where you can put yourself in that situation. And if you find yourself in that situation, expect them to employ tactics that take away your situational awareness, and complicate the use of force continuum.”
War is something that should be considered as an option of last resort. It doesn’t matter if you are two people having a disagreement, or two nations involved in some kind of trade dispute. All war is ugly, crazy and unexpected.
Here, we have well trained soldiers going against militant civilians on their turf. They entered equipped, and read to go “hot” if need be. They had to be arrogant, for they were moving into an environment that was hostile and they were not concerned. In my “book”, it makes them cocky.
When I see Donald Trump sending Two complete assault carrier battle groups to the Chinese coastline, so close that you could see everyone with your own eyes. And then, expecting to threaten China in that action, I see the same kind of cocky invincibility as is written here.
Real war is not a Tom Clancy novel, it is not Rambo or Arnold Schwarzenegger killing hundreds of people with single shots to the forehead. It’s actually very uncomfortable, very horrible, and something that you don’t want to have any part of.
Expect to be surprised, tricked, betrayed, and killed.
Right now the United States is in the opening stages of Civil War, and the fact that the President is doing nothing (and don’t give me those excuses that he is powerless) tells me everything that I need to know about who is behind this, and what the objectives are.
Any president that can ban cat videos on cell phones, arrest foreign CEO’s by proxy, unleash a global bio-weapon the COVID-19, and blow up BRI shipping ports with a micro-nuke most certainly…
…most certainly…
…stop all the riots and unrest going on in the country today.
So. Everyone. Avoid all the conflict. Do not be under the impression that you will be able to fight off invading urban youth marching and screaming into bullhorns. It won’t be that way. You all won’t be playing cowboys and Indians inside a wooden stockade fort.
It will be black urban youth hyped up on drugs with kill-lust in their eyes. They will ride into your neighborhoods in brand new vehicles and pickup trucks mounting full automatic weapons. They will use drones, and fly bombs, and firebomb your community. They will attack, while flanking units go behind you and kidnap your family. They will leave raw earth, fire and blacked destruction in their wake.
Learn the lessons listed here in.
If you haven’t already, relocate to a quiet and boring place where you can ride out the up coming shit storm.
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It’s one thing to have Alex Jones predicting that the United States is going to collapse any day now, and it is another thing entirely when an intelligence analyst says so. And thus we have this bit of shocking news. A global military intelligence website has revised it’s five year forecast to predict a massive drop in American population by 2025.
Deagel.com is apparently some sort of global military intelligence site. They have had an online presence since 2003. They report on high-level military equipment assets and keep track of military expenditures by country “with nearly impeccable numbers”. It’s very similar to Janes.
However, unlike Janes, this is not an “Industry” outlet. But rather an “intelligence” outlet staffed with retired or former intelligence and military folk. As such, it is interesting to those of us that follow the military trends in industry.
Now, since the Military-Industrial cabal has pretty much the “lion’s share” of the oligarchy control over the United States government, any military intelligence related to this should be considered important. For this level of intelligence is what industry uses to make forecasts and projects for markets and survivability of the sales generation options.
In Late August, the Internet was all buzzing about a forecast on this website…
Deagel Forecast For USA – Population Drops 70% by 2025
One aspect of their site is to “forecast” financial outlooks for countries around the world. They track GDP (gross domestic product), defense budgets, and even population (forecasts) for each country.
No one knows for sure, but I’ve read that their sources are “the ‘deep state’ with the CIA, US Department of Defense, US Department of State and World Bank contributing data for their forecasts.
According to their own website, Deagel provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies.
Little is known about the real owner(s). The site name is registered in France. All online information about them is “redacted for privacy”. The site hosting company is located in Old Tappan, New Jersey. Which is pretty much in a semi-rural location with some nice wooded hills and nothing much else. The only thing that I can recall (personally) about that area is the rather large contingent of Jewish establishments there.
Deagel Forecasts Massive Depopulation in the USA by 2025
They have been forecasting a huge population drop in the United States for several years. They haven’t changed their forecast. It’s been projected to decrease for a long time now. And the election of Donald trump made no difference in the projection.
Current population of the USA is about 327 million.
What this means is that the defense intelligence organizations represented by Deagel believe that there will be some kind of event or series of events that will result in a major population drop by 2025.
Deagel site projections.
From the chart above we can clearly see a number of conclusions or extrapolations that they have made.
[1] USA Population (Red notations)
According to their projections, by the years 2025, the population of the United States would decrease. It would go from 327 million people to 100 million people. This would be approximately a 70% decrease in population over a short period of time (from now 2020 to 2025 = five years).
[2] World Population (Purple notations)
According to their projections, the entire world would suffer through a depopulation event. With the population decreasing from 7,385 million people to 6.870 million people. This is a drop of 515 million people. This is about a 7% decrease in the world population.
Thus taking [1] and [2] together, we can see that they expect the United States to take the brunt of most of the population decrease.
[3] American Defense Budget (Blue Notations)
We can see that they anticipate a very drastic decrease in American military spending by 2025. From $637 billion to $32 billion. It would be a reduction to 5% of what the current budget is.
Certainly they anticipate that the American military would be repurposed to a significant extent and this budget would not be able to support any kinds of expeditionary foreign operations.
[4] Global Defense Budgets (Green Notations)
This is very interesting, while there is a slight decrease in global defense spending, the change in spending values is small (comparatively). The global spending would go from $1.7 trillion to $1.2 trillion dollars.
Obviously they believe that the rest of the world’s military would still be funded at nearly the same levels as presently shown.
What are they saying?
To look at the chart and observe the numbers, they anticipate some kind of event or series of events that will take place IN AMERICA between 2020 and 2025.
These event(s) will dramatically decrease the size of the United States population.
The global population will also be reduced as well, but not at all at the same level of catastrophic drop that America will experience. It will not be as catastrophic to the rest of the world as it will be for Americans.
By 2025, the American military would be severely scaled down to a mere 5% of what it is now (by budget). But the rest of the world would pretty much keep their military budgets as the same level.
And this all means that…
America’s GDP will collapse from $19T to $1.6T.
PPP (Power purchasing parity) would collapse from $60,000 to $16,000
The resulting America would not look like anything that would be recognizable to anyone today. Those survivors would be struggling financially, and economically. America would not longer be a global superpower or “the policeman” for the world. Most of the rest of the world would move on, and continue with their lives and societies. While Americans would be undergoing some very severe changes to it’s society and cultures.
How did they arrive at these conclusions?
No one really knows how they came to these numbers and figures. But we do know that these are the same kinds of figures that the intelligence and military agencies use to make forecasts for spending, planning and purchases.
What I can pretty much say is that these figures pretty much match up with the John Titor narrative. He claimed to be a time traveler from the future, and pretty much said all of what is being presented here. It’s just that his dates were off by exactly ten years.
You all can read what he had to say in my John Titor Index here…
But these figures pretty much agree with the Fourth Turning predictions and other predictive sources that I have mentioned in my SHTF Index. Many people are pretty much convinced that the USA is under a state of collapse. The question is not “if”, but “When” and “how bad” it will be.
And let me offer some thoughts…
Metallicman commentary
There’s much I can say, and much that I cannot. But I will throw out some things to give the reader pause to contemplate…
A 70% decrease in the population signifies either [1] massive starvation, [2] a bio-weapon (i.e. smallpox. Something with a high R0 and high lethality.) WMD, or [3] A MAD level nuclear exchange with Russia.
China is “small potatoes” in regards to nuclear weapons. Their entire military is defensive in nature. They are no slouches, and could render the top ten American cities into radioactive glass. But they are not equipped to wage this kind of war with the USA. This level of destruction involves Russia.
Many people could die in an American Civil War, but not at a 70% level.
The low estimate of 600,000 is 1.91 percent of the census population. And 750,000 deaths would represent 2.38 percent of the total population. All told, the Civil War likely claimed somewhere between 2 percent and 2.5 percent of the total population.
-What Percentage of Americans Died During the Civil War ...
Intentional starvation is the ONLY method, short of a full-on MAD-level nuclear exchange would result in these kinds of deaths. History tells us that Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot all were very successful in this effort.
In fact, the starvation of the Eastern European peoples by Stalin is exactly the kinds of events that can result in these high and terrifying numbers…
So I would have to suggest that it might be due to starvation. This is a true and real possibility. Either through the loss and destruction of crops, or transportation and distribution channels, or by pricing the foods to un-affordable levels.
The only nation that still maintains bio-weapon inventories and development is America. Last I heard it was under the control of neocon John Bolton.
The rest of the world just simply isn’t a threat.
Russia scaled down their operations back in the 1990’s. If the Russians still have this capability I would be surprised.
China has no bio-warfare labs, nor do they train and practice in this environment. Their only concern is defense.
North Korea might have bio-weapons, but there is no actual verification of this. Iran might also have bio-weapons, but again there is no actual verification of this.
The rest of the world just simply doesn’t have the resources to develop such weapons.
Since there is a real lack of “enemies” with this capability, it is unlikely that a bio-weapon event would ever occur. The only way that it would occur is if America used the weapons against some enemy and it boomeranged back to the United States.
True to form, Donald Trump has been re-configuring the military to use nuclear weapons in a strategic and tactical “humane” way. If so, this could trigger the Russian “Dead Hand” system, and unleash holy Hell upon an unprepared America.
How many times have you wished that you invested in Google back in the day when you had a chance? How many times do you lament not buying stock in Walmart, McDonald’s, Starbucks, or Microsoft? Well the future seems to be written on the wall…
Well, it pretty much looks like anyone who is going to remain in the United States for the next ten years is in for a very exciting and dangerous time. I do hope that it does not materialize, but it looks to me that a nice small bungalow cabin in Chile might be preferable to a penthouse apartment in Los Angles, a suburban house near Portland, or a mobile home in Kentucky.
As I have stated before, if you can…
…then leave the States. At this point, it doesn’t matter where, or how ill-prepared you are. I think you all need to start making the preparations to either shelter-in-place, or bug-out to less dangerous neighborhoods.
Those top-tier oligarchy members left for their underground bunkers in early March 2020.
Their highly-paid enablers and support “armies” are all publishing articles like this one. You can well recognize that “the writing is on the wall”, and that action should be well in process by now.
What ever happens, please keep in mind that food storage is important, as is being armed with something simple and reliable and dangerous. Like a shotgun. (Forget about those AK-47 look-alike clones. They cannot hit the side of a barn.) Learn skills like first aid, and other things that can enable you to be a well liked and well-needed person in your community. And finally, stop being a lone wolf. You work as part of a community, or you will DIE.
Good wishes.
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Russia has been making friendly warnings to America and Americans. But, ah, no one in the United States is paying attention. Everyone is just all “sleepwalking”. You know, the rest of the world is watching what is going on inside of America right now. They see what is going on, and they know their own history. And what they see is as clear as day. The United States is collapsing and falling apart at the seams. And the people in control, are weak and ineffectual and are unable to stop the collapse. But still they try to warn. They try to implore Americans to take notice.
And no one is listening.
And most certainly NOT the neocons in office in the Trump White-house.
The following is one of the hundreds of warnings that I have collected where the Chinese, and the Russians have tried to warn America about what is coming. It’s a decent enough article and it is worthy of note. Most Metallicman readers will already know all this information, but you all should be pleased to read an opinion from the land of ice and snow; mother Russia.
The following is a reprint of an article titled “The American Right Will Be Crushed in a Civil War, Unless It Organizes NOW” by Gregory Conte Tue, Jan 21, 2020. It has been edited to fit this venue and all credit to the author. This post first appeared on Russia Insider
Please keep in mind that this is from a White Supremacist inside Russia. He does not see what is going on in the United States in any kind of balance.
He only sees…
Conservative = good.
Marxist = bad.
Never the less, what he says for the “Right”, equally applies to the “Left”.
The only… ONLY way this sinking American ship can be righted and put back on track is for both sides, at both extremes, to organize together and resolve this big mess. Both sides (right and left) have legitimate reasons to be angry. This is NOT the time to fight each other.
This is time to unify and fight the PEOPLE tugging at our strings and treating us like puppets.
And that takes organization. It takes leadership. It takes compromise. And it takes understanding.
So while the following article is written from a conservative hard-Right point of view, if you look beyond it, you can see that he is right. People need to organize and WORK TOGETHER to change things. Stop being manipulated. Work together to make the world a better place, and stay away from the radical elements that are unable to contribute to this end goal.
The Hard-Right Russian Article… please kindly look beyond his racial bigotry.
The American Right Will Be Crushed in a Civil War, Unless It Organizes NOW
Civil war is in the air. Many Americans have given up on
politics. The left keeps pushing to take away more of our freedoms. They
are chipping away at our culture, our traditions, our morals. They have
been doing it for a hundred years, and no one seems to be able to stop
them. It seems like the only way to change things is to have an all-out
So, many conservative whites have been talking seriously about civil war. That might not be very likely, but things have certainly been heating up.
Some state governments have passed laws clamping down on gun rights. The most egregious of these are “red flag” laws, which allow police to seize a citizen’s guns if a neighbor or family member “is worried about his mental health” or some other flimsy reason.
In response, several VA counties have
declared that they are “second-amendment sanctuaries,” meaning the
local government will not enforce unconstitutional gun laws, even if
state or federal authorities order them to.
But what if civil war does break out? Could conservative whites win an all-out fight against the system?
Many people think so.
They point out that right-wing whites have huge advantages. They own more weapons, they have better weapons, and they know how to use them. Liberals, on the other hand, live in cities with lots of hostile blacks and Hispanics. They will run out of food and water quickly. The state will not be able to maintain order.
On the other hand, some people argue that liberals and Jews (Well, this is from a Hard-Right Russian writer) will have the upper hand. As long as there is a rump-government that controls most of the US military, it will be able to use superior weapons and fire-power to crush any resistance. What chance does a rifle-militia have against an armored division?
But both sides are missing the point. Conservative whites will not
lose a civil war because of tanks and fighters and missiles. Nor will
the government lose because it cannot keep crowded cities fed and
The winner will be the side that is better organized, better led, and knows what it is fighting for.
And, by these criteria, CONSERVATIVE WHITES WILL LOSE.
First of all, “civil war” does not mean “instant and immediate anarchy.” It is not like a zombie movie. The state and its foot-soldiers will not just disappear. In any foreseeable scenario, a crippled, weakened government will stay in place, or it might crack up into different factions. But the system will still control strong forces.
(Listen to what he is saying. He remembers the break up of Russia.)
While the state has less control, that does not mean that
there is a unified opposition. As it stands now, conservative Americans
do not have a common objective. For the most part, they just want to be
left alone. Sure, they’ll fight, but only when they or their friends and
families are threatened.
In contrast, the system has a very clear objective: it must
annihilate its competition. It will do whatever it takes. You can bet
the liberals and minorities will cling to the system, and submit to
whatever it demands of them.
Most importantly, the system will be able to count on its soldiers
and police, as long as it can feed and pay them. Most of them will do
their job and think up the necessary moral justifications later—after
they mow down scores of their fellow countrymen.
And as long as millions of rich Jews (Again, remember the source of this article.) need the US government to protect them and their property, the government can count on money, food, and weapons from foreign sources. The international Jewish system is not about to let its main hub—America—slip away.
This means that unless they organize and unite beforehand, right-wing whites will be crushed piecemeal. The system will use whatever police and military forces it can muster to defeat them in detail. It will find ways to take the rapacious energy of urban blacks and push it outward, toward suburban and rural whites. It will slowly drive the “resistance” deeper and deeper into the back-country until they can be cut off from their sources of supply and slaughtered one by one. It will use the very methods it developed to fight Iraqi and Afghan insurgents, but this time against its own citizens.
As it is, conservative whites have not been able to find a
common political goal and FIGHT FOR IT in times of peace, when it’s
easy. Since WWII, they have sat back and let their country be taken from
them. What makes them think they’ll do any better in times of war? As
long as they do not have the guts to march in the streets for their
rights and interests, they will not overcome the system, whether it’s a
shooting fight or not.
The problem is that conservative whites do not understand politics.
Liberals, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and, above all, JEWS do. They get
that winning (in war or in peace) depends on teamwork, leadership, and
clear, common objectives. It also depends on the spirit and willingness
to seize the initiative and ATTACK. That means taking smart, calculated
risks; not sitting back and waiting for the perfect opportunity, which
never comes.
So, what to do? There are a lot of dumb ideas floating around. Maybe
whites should give up, hit the bottle, and pray for a miracle. Or maybe
they should write more clever articles to spread “awareness” of race
issues or the Jewish question.
Or maybe we should just work out, knock up a girl and grind away at a system-job for fifty years—that’ll show those Jews!
Or, better yet, we can all get into Republican politics, never
say anything controversial, then, one day, we can turn the tables on
the elites and steal their donors right from under their noses!
A super-sneaky revolution!!!
Look, white man, there is only one way to solve your country’s
political problems. You have to STAND UP AND FIGHT! Americans need to
realize that the system is the enemy, and that the only way to be free
again will be to beat it. To beat the system, they need to ORGANIZE,
like the left has been doing for a hundred years. If you are not willing
to speak your mind in public now, what makes you think you’ll have the
guts to bang it out with swarms of riot police and federal agents when
they come to take your guns?
You have to sacrifice. You will lose friends, relationships, money,
status. One day, you might end up in jail or be killed. But you have to
do it. You have to do it now. Civil war will not improve your
As it is, speaking up is still technically legal. The worst that is
likely to happen is that you lose your job or get beat up or be slammed
with a flimsy lawsuit.
It is true that a few men have been railroaded in the courts
and sent to prison even though they acted legally. But that is only
because almost NO ONE STOOD UP FOR THEM. Where were the donors, where
were the lawyers for James Fields, the RAM guys, etc etc…?
It’s not like there aren’t lawyers and rich men who sympathized with
their plight. It’s just that people did not work together to do the
right thing.
The longer this goes on, the harsher the punishments will get.
For decades, whites have let things slide, and look where we are! If
we’d put up a fight years ago, we would not be facing such stark
punishments now merely saying the truth.
It’s now or never. “Join or Die.” Stop rationalizing cowardice. You
need to organize. You need to say the truth, come what may. The more men
who speak up, the more will find the courage to do so. You need to
prepare yourself mentally, spiritually, for whatever is coming.
Do it for your people.
For the memory of your ancestors,
And for the future of your children.
Only the brave deserve to be free.
Firstly sorry about any repulsion you might feel from reading this article. I normally do not publish either hard-Right nor Hard-Left articles on Metallicman. But he is correct in the primary thesis of this article; that organization is needed to solve the source of everyone’s anger.
And that is why this piece is here on Metallicman.
Well, what can I say. The United States is undergoing a complete full-blown melt-down, and if history is any indication, it’s only going to get worse.
We MUST work together.
Not as hard-Right, or hard-Left, but as worried and concerned citizens that want the world to be better. That you are just like those on “the other side”, you are fed up with the bullshit from Washington DC, and everything associated with it.
Fight the people pulling the strings behind the curtain. Do not fight each other.
It's like the television show "The Walking Dead".
Zombies everywhere. Buildings destroyed. Communication, life, and technology all collapsed.
Who do they fight?
Other groups of survivors.
I think that this post from Eatgrueldog says it best…
Please take care. Be safe.
Know your neighbors. There is strength in groups of people that you know.
Fear is the great destroyer. Do not fall for it’s lies.
Stay away from crowds.
Remember, Hard-Right, or Hard-Left is not your enemy. It is the PTB that is pulling the strings behind the scenes. Work together. Compromise. Work as part of a group. Both extremes want change. You want change. Work together towards it.
Do not fall into the big trap – fighting among each other.
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The USA is a mess. America is a mess. And everyone knows this. Everyone realizes this. In fact, it is a rare person that cannot see this. Gun sales are up. People are joining local militias, and the government is absolutely powerless to do anything.
On the 27AUG20, a 17 year old conservative shot at and killed members of the progressive BLM on a march and protest event. This is the first open shots at what will eventually be known as a Civil War.
The first shootings of a Civil War.
Meanwhile President Trump is going on and on about a “hybrid war” on China, and everyone is pretty much convinced that this will evolve into a “hot” war, and yet the elections are continuing as if nothing is out of the ordinary. “Come on vote for me! The other guy is worse!” Jesus.
The United States is Bat-Shit crazy.
The following is a great post titled “It’s Gonna Blow. It would Be a Miracle if it Don’t” by Fred Reed and found on the UNZ website. It was written on July 30, 2020 and has 806 Comments . All credit to the authors. It was edited to fit this venue, aside from that the article is intact as written.
Hoo-boy. She’s ready to explode, go high order. Smoking ruins, dead bodies, seething hatreds, and a country that can’t be put back together. It may not happen, but she looks ready.
No one is in charge in this collapsing shell game of a country.
In Louisville hundreds of armed blacks threaten to “burn the motherfucker down,” meaning Louisville, if they don’t get their way. All cringe before them, with reason. They have guns. Larger numbers marched in Georgia, armed, ready to rock and roll. BLM says it will “go into the suburbs” to get Whitey. Who will stop them? Not the government. It fears them. Weimar Kentucky. An American Freikorps.
America today in video. Scroll down to the New York footage. It’s Planet of the Apes.
Gun sales are way up. A friend in Rhode Island went to a gun shop and found a long line outside. A columnist in Virginia was told that the other stores report long wait lists for prize arms, notably the AR 15. People are afraid, or fed up. They are arming. The spring winds.
There is no leadership, no one in charge.
In Trump we have perhaps the weakest President in history, mouthy, preening, ineffectual, much talk and no action. He did nothing while the rioters looted, burned, and vandalized, then disengaged himself from the pandemic, leaving decisions to the states. Much cawing and gaudy feathers, but no bird inside.
Congress does nothing, one parry neutering the other and all bought and paid for by special interests, by Wall Street and the arms makers and the big corporations. Local governments submit to the rioters or stand aside as the burning goes on. This is not society. It is chaos.
To collapsing countries these usually comes a man on a horse. A man with a big stick. You know, 1789, 1917, 1933. That kind of thing.
The media encourage the rioters, inflame passions either deliberately or through partisanship. They have little idea what they are encouraging. It may seem strange to say that the media do not know what is going on—it is their business to know–but they don’t. They were blindsided by the Trump because they had no idea of conditions in the country, in Flint and Gary, in Wheeling. Today they do not know what is brewing out there, or of how much they contribute to it.
Angry urban BLM males arm up to “take what is theirs”.
After all, nothing out in the great mysterious middle land affects them.
Journalists in the Beltway Isolation Cage are rich compared to deplorables in in Gary, live in a city proof against recession. Their decisions are whether to go out for Turkish or Vietnamese…
… not how to pay the rent.
They censor news they don’t like, suppress the seismic rumblings out there in a country they don’t really know. In censoring others they censor themselves. They cannot read stories they cannot write. For example, sickening racial attacks on whites. That would be racism. Perish or fend.
But race is just the most explosive part of an unfunctioning polity.
Other things ratchet up the fury. Add economic decay and you get more anger, more pressure. People live paycheck to paycheck, maxed out on credit cards. They don’t have a thousand dollars, or five hundred, for an emergency. The young live in their parents’ basements because they can’t get jobs to buy houses and start families.
People don’t see doctors because medical care is both costly and wretched. Student loans crush the young. Grade schools are propaganda mills; parents know it, but can do nothing. Retirement programs vanish as employers turn employees into independent contractors, avoiding the expense of benefits. People see no hope. This makes them dangerous. Watch.
And BLM wants to go into the suburbs to get Whitey. God help us. Then it will well and truly blow. BLM doesn’t know how many white men are sick of the chaos and destruction, sick of BLM. They quietly say, “Bring it on. Let’s settle it.” Laden words.
While these undercurrents grow, the media will chirp and lecture and say virtuous things.
… boom!
No one is in charge. No one will tell the rioters “No” and make it stick. No one, yet. It can blow.
BLM is cocky, aware of its power, made overconfident by easy victory. It, and Antifa, have never met resistance. If things get really wild, though, they will. They will also find that food does not really grow in Safeway, and that a Safeway burned out does not necessarily return to be burned out again.
A country gets what it asks for, and deserves what it tolerates.
Most of the social problems engendering chaos result from the failure or collusion of government. Other countries have good national medical care.
America does not.
Student loans are a calculated scam, just as credit card companies deliberately entice people to buy what they cannot afford and then charge them usurious interest. Retirement plans exist elsewhere. European countries have them. But the Pentagon and Wall Street get America’s money.
It’s gonna blow. Short of a miracle.
The deadliest question is how to accommodate blacks. One mustn’t say what everyone knows, that blacks are the least educable, least productive, most criminal, most violent, most dependent, and least assimilable of the population. If anything can be done about any of these, it won’t be, because no one is permitted to name the problem. No one is in charge.
As whites lose economic ground they will be less willing to pay for welfare, food stamps, free housing, and other charity. When a pie shrinks, someone will get less pie and, if the pie shrinks a great deal, some will get almost no pie.
Meanwhile, gun sales are way up.
At least six cities had serious riots last night with the mob throwing bricks at the police. A thrown brick is a lethal weapon. It would be met with equally lethal force. Yet governments, mayors, city councils back away, back away, back away. If they stop, it is going to be ugly.
America does not control its streets. The mob does. Everywhere. Name another country that permits this.
If confronted by force, the white rioters, mostly young, will melt away. They are Snowflakes, Millennials, young, stupid, ignorant, having the most exalted time of a life boring before and soon to be again, Blacks, more virile, will not. If they do not, the resultant mayhem will make our starter riots like like a PTA meeting at Lake Woebegone.
Then what?
Here we come to the joys of diversity. Cultures can be too different to live together. Whites and blacks have almost no common ground, little common history. Whites trace their history back to well before the ancient Greeks, through Rome, the Renaissance, Europe. Blacks had no part in this and, it seems, have no interest in it. Aristotle? Thomas Jefferson? Einstein? Madame Butterfly? Galois? FORTRAN? These might all have come from some remote galactic civilization.
There is no agreement, anywhere, at any level, over anything. Hardcore conservatives insist that the coronavirus is no worse than the common flu as hospitals report overwhelmed ICUs and epidemiologists cry the alarm.
Blue states favor lockdown while red states open up.
Libertarians peddle cockamamie conspiracy theories. Mask laws are ignored or fought over. China, South Korea, Singapore shut down, control the virus, go back to work. Not America.
Nobody is in charge.
Nothing holds the country together. There is no social glue, no dominant culture. We have no shared history, language, dialect, ethnicity, or religion. Diversity turns the country into rubble.
Diversity? It is the end of America. The country once was overwhelmingly white, European, Anglophone, and Christian. It worked, as approximate monocultures usually do.
No longer. The North hates—the word is not too strong—the South and seeks to erase its culture and uniqueness. The Bible Belt is intensely Christian while the northern elites, heavily Jewish, seek to suppress Christianity. The coastal elites hold the central deplorables in contempt. Blacks hate whites. Feminists hate men.
Angry BLM armed with an “Assault Gun” protesting for “equality”.
Hispanics float in indeterminate limbo, not having jumped either way. Amerindians maintain a demanding apartness. Jews, neither Christian nor, in the minds of many, neither quite European or quite American, control the media and finance, generating perennial hostility. Bulk lot Somalis, having nothing in common with Minnesota, are in Minnesota. On and on.
It is going to blow. If it doesn’t, a miracle will have happened.
Currently, if weirdly, blacks hold the whip hand in the country, but it will not last and won’t improve racial relations. it is lighting a fuse, fertilizing hatreds that cannot be expressed but, if ever they are, Katie bar the door.
Statues come down if blacks don’t like them. Universities abandon teaching English grammar because blacks can’t understand it. Whites are fired for saying, “All lives matter.” The country lowers standards for blacks in medical schools, lowers required scores on the bar exam for them. High schools give diplomas to blacks who can barely read.
Gonna blow, boys and girls. At least that’s the way to bet.
The “Deplorables” will not accept BLM or Antifa incursions into “fly over” country.
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This post is an update to my SHTF series of posts.
My last SHTF post was back in October 2019, and before the COVID-19, the NED sponsored pro-democracy attempt at a “color revolution” and the fierce anti-China propaganda onslaught. Back then, it seemed that America was waltzing into a state of intensified confusion.
Now things are much clearer.
The USA is on an out-of-control bobsled heading straight for disaster.
There’s no getting off now.
In previous SHTF posts, I had advised (fellow) Americans that the United States was due to a great reset, and that it would be uncomfortable for many. I also advised that if they were smart, to leave America and go to stable but boring places far away from the “death throes” of a dying empire.
I was correct.
Today, most Americans are trapped within the United States are are unable to leave. For the most part, there are very few nations willing to take in American citizens. The terrible handling of the COVID-19 has make the rest of the world frightened in having anything to do with Americans.
So Americans are trapped. Not only from asking permission to leave America by the American government, but also finding another nation willing to take in Americans. It’s “slim pickings”.
Here you are.
We are in a SHTF situation where you are geographically locked inside a geographic region, while that region experiences all sorts of upheavals and changes. Don’t believe me? Well, take a look at the latest news articles out of the Drudge Report today…
You are trapped inside the United States, the news is about this chaos…
… and that chaos.
It’s all a big nasty mess. From people unemployed because of the COVID-19, to the illness itself. To the BLM and Antifa riots, to food shortages, and armed marches. To Donald Trump going “hog wild” crazy in his anti-China crusade. Seriously, it is nuts.
Indeed, in your immediate neighborhood, everything is quiet and calm. Most of the upset is transmitted to you via the Internet, and you have no idea what is true or what is false. Though most of you probably believe in the trends of what you read.
This is normal.
The Timeline
Let’s take a review of the timeline for the “great reset”.
To review, according to all the measurements that I have mentioned beforehand, everything is pointing to a period of discomfort starting in 2008, and increasing in severity in 2018. Then from 2018 to 2028 will be the worst period of discomfort. With things really starting to get bad around 2020. And a peak crisis period from 2023 to 2027, with the major crisis event centering around 2025.
According to the “Fourth Turning”, we can expect a major critical event to take place around 2025. As shown in the following illustration…
Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point.
Here are my thoughts, and some advice to those of you willing to listen…
Good News
There are some good things that I can say right now.
[1] Firstly, the good news is that change is a natural part of growing. (I know, yada, yada, yada.) But it is true. The United States simply cannot continue as an oligarchy ruled military empire run on imaginary “petrol-dollars”. It has to change. And it will, and you are seeing the start of the changes…
[2] The climax of the event is not this year. That’s the good news.
[3] It will be sometime around 2025 (plus or minus two years). Or as early as 2023, or as late as 2027. That’s in three years at the earliest.
The period of discomfort will last a decade. So expect things to be dicey through 2030.
[4] Here’s more good news. It will not be uniform. There will be areas that will see terrible change, and others what will not see much change at all.
So what will it be like?
Several things will explode all at once…
Several things could implode all at once. Indeed, this is the likeliest scenario. As there are all sorts of trends and events just about to run “off the rails”, and all sort of “the opportunistic others” who have plans to take advantage of government collapse.
All the usual “good people” assure us that violent revolution is not on the table. This means, simply, that it is.
- From Brett Stevens at Amerika
It could be everything and anything. It could be social upheaval in alignment with the Nazi takeover of Germany in the 1930’s, coupled with the genocide of the Cambodians under Pol Pot. It could be a mixture of George Orwell, and the worst elements of THX1138. It could be every nightmare that you could possibly dream of.
‘THX 1138’ is a chilling look at a 25th-century totalitarian state where mankind is stripped of any individuality. People are numbered drones, and a government-enforced program of sedating drugs controls the populace. The story’s title character, THX, is a factory worker whose life is irrevocably changed when he stops taking his mind-numbing drugs.
When the violence comes—and it will come—the military and militarized police forces will face domestic insurgents who are better armed, trained, supplied, coordinated, and technologically proficient than the foreign insurgents the military has heretofore been unable to defeat.
- From Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic
Breitbart - Calif. Police Chief Cancels Event to Honor Fallen Officer Because Republicans Were Invited ... "this is not Trump country, we don’t want Republicans here"
Indeed, all this anti-white propaganda is geared towards genocide. It is not geared to any objective regarding healing. It is an out of control manipulation by the oligarchy to pit Americans against each other.
You cannot purify white people through the healing magic of diversity if they are not actually part of diversity.
-Z Man
Let’s just clear out all the nonsense and get to the basics…
When Progressives talk about diversity, they mean blacks.
We can put the upper bound on diversity as 20%. Any more than that and white crime victimization and awareness of it begins to soar. This sets off white flight.
Baltimore is a great example. Once its black population crossed the 25% level, it began a rapid decline into chaos.
As Rhodesia, Baltimore and now South Africa show, there is some minimum number of whites required to keep the lights on, so everyone can enjoy the wonderfulness of diversity.
In the case of Rhodesia, the number fell below the minimum and it became Zimbabwe. In Baltimore, they have hovered along the critical number for decades. South Africa staggers on, but they too are approaching the inflection point.
-Z Man
Someone, or some group, is organizing a campaign leading towards the genocide of “white people”. This will absolutely manifest during the crisis period. Look, just because the mainstream media isn’t covering the obvious does not mean that that it doesn’t exist.
Fighting Is Under Way
And leftist blood-lust is not limited to a fringe. A very intelligent and gentle acquaintance of mine, someone with whom I once enjoyed a cordial and friendly long-running debate, believes that Trump sent federal troops into Berkeley the other night to conduct mass arrests of protesters, trigging the riots. It’s completely untrue and she had no idea where she heard it, but she believes it as much as she believes in gravity. And her false belief, what psychologists would call a hallucination (h/t Scott Adams), allows her to justify anything the rioters did, up to and including murder.
Here’s the thing. You’ve probably heard the word “privilege” so much you could puke when you hear it. The idea of white privilege is central to the leftist hallucination. And the idea of a privileged race led Germany to the Final Solution.
Adolf Hitler wrote in 1919:
"But an anti-Semitism based on reason must lead to a systematic legal elimination of the privileges of the Jews. The ultimate objective of such legislation must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews from civil and cultural influence."
In fact, the Nazi propagandists worked overtime to defame Jews for their privilege. Hitler claimed Jews avoided physical labor of any kind, preferring work in finance, mercantile, and the arts. He lamented that Jews wrote and produced 90 percent of German movies despite being only one percent of the population. His propaganda depicted Jewish women as fat and lazy, yet wealthy, feeding off the labor of the German people.
Substitute “working class whites” for “Jews,” and Nazi propaganda sounds a lot like CNN commentators and UC Berkeley professors. Even so-called conservative Bill Kristol says it’s time to replace America’s white working class with immigrants.
It’s pretty clear that the left uses the same rhetoric and scapegoating against conservatives as the Nazi used against Jews. So we have to ask if these leftists use the propaganda techniques to the same end.
The Nazis wanted to vilify and dehumanize Jews so the German people would be conditioned for the Final Solution: extermination.
When you hear the speeches of campus protesters, you have to conclude that the left has a final solution in mind for people like you and me. You don’t have to take my word for it. Here are the words of a school teacher in Seattle protesting against Trump and his supporters:
"And we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die. The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go! Fuck the White House.
Pay the fuck up, pay the fuck up. It ain’t just your fucking time, it’s your fucking money, and now your fucking life is devoted to social change."
Democrats, establishment Republicans, and the supposedly “responsible” media ignored this story. They ignored it because they are afraid of attracting the mob’s attention. Like Germans in the 1930s, some people value their own survival too much to stop bloodshed and brutality.
It could be an exodus of the wealthy from the urban centers…
All those pricey urban meccas could become crime-ridden ghost towns. How could such a reversal occur? Everyone who lives outside protected enclaves will reach a point where the "urban lifestyle" is no longer worth the sacrifices and costs. Once enough of the top 10% leave, the food/beverage service industry implodes.
Service employees are renters, paying sky-high rents that unemployment can't cover. Vacant apartments pile up. As the exodus gathers momentum, all the reasons people clung so rabidly to urban meccas decay. Local government jacks up fees, tickets, permits and taxes, accelerating the exodus.
That's how pricey urban meccas turn into ghost towns inhabited by those who can't leave and those living on public services.
-Of Two Minds Blog
And what would happen if a civil war, a CWII or SHTF event were to occur? America would be in chaos. Everything would be a mess, and the central governments from the Federal to the State, and Local levels would be very busy trying to maintain order.
Would other nations sit by and watch from afar? Would they decide to help and roll in the UN to restore order? Or would they just be content to watch America burn?
Thus, if a civil war broke out in the United States, would China, Russia, and Iran not jump in to finally render America helpless? To take advantage of the situation, to cripple the United States to a point where it could never ever, ever EVER fully recover?
Why NOT do a “double tap” and castrate America back into oblivion from which it would take a full 100 years to recover from?
Nuclear war, one initiated by America in order to control the American mobs, could easily reverse America’s fortunes in a nanosecond. The idea that a war out here, or over there, would be created and have no consequences is a very dangerous belief. The world is not the 1960’s, and not every nation is a third world tiny splat of land. Major nations are now getting involved in the global scene, and they do not take kindly to Americans throwing their weight around.
If America has gotten fat, plump and comfortable, being the bully on the global stage, throwing “regime changing” wrenches (via the CIA, NED, and NID) to everyone from Venezuela, Syria, the Ukraine, Hong Kong and China, won’t other nations resent it?
And, if an opportunity presents itself, would not another nation take advantage of that opportunity. An opportunity to “de-fang” the United States, and “neuter” it’s ability to project global influence (read; power) in the world?
I would say yes.
“Hours after the bombs go off in cities, these fires continue to build up and they create firestorms that feed on themselves. They get so hot that everything in the city becomes fuel for its own destruction. The energy released becomes much greater than the weapon itself,” Dr. Mills explained, drawing parallels to the way fire consumed the city of Dresden during the World War II. From each of these 100 detonations, massive firestorms would engulf whole cities and churn five million tons of black carbon into the stratosphere.
By nuking the major American cities, all industry would grind to a halt. Banking and savings would be non-existent. Everything would collapse and the survivors would flee the cities into the countryside.
Americans should never be under the impression that the rest of the world views us with favor. In fact, it is quite the opposite.
The next turning could have the worst elements of everything known to man. This could be nuclear war, chemical, biological and germ warfare high technology spying and swarm drone weapons. All of which could happen simultaneously while the USA government might to enact genocide against its citizenry.
Oh, and by the way, a fellow by the name of John Titor claimed to be from the future. Yes, he claimed to be a time traveler from the future. He described just this exact scenario, where there was a rather long period of civil unrest and then Russia nuked all the cities. Whether you believe him or not is immaterial. He has some interesting things to ponder.
The link below opens up into a new tab for your reading pleasure.
From the post…
' The blogger suggests this because he questions what actually occurred did not match all the conflicts that John Titor predicted. Perhaps the events he mentions will actually still occur, only they will actually occur 10 years later.
Maybe, instead of a civil war in 2013, there is one in 2023? Nuclear war in 2025, instead of 2015. '
Remember those dates;
2020 – Instability.
2023 – Civil War.
2025 – Nuclear War.
So, there is going to be an increase in the severity of the current mess…
Yes, there is.
And no, we don’t know the precise details.
But, do we really need to know all those details? History has told us that when America goes into a Fourth Turning reset situation, it becomes a no-rules cluster slug-fest. In fact, we can say that…
The most advanced weapons will be used.
War will be fought on American soil.
Foreign nations will be involved to some extent.
And since this is scheduled to happen pretty soon, what can you do (personally) to protect yourself and your family?
Well, I have some thoughts on this matter…
[1] Relocate to a safe, boring area.
Yes, you are trapped in the USA for now. Maybe things will open up next year, or maybe not. But in the meantime, you can relocate to a safe and quiet location that is pretty bland and boring. That’s the key don’t you know. Be bland. Be boring. Be safe. Be dull. Be uninteresting.
A great idea me-thinks.
But where?
[1a] Avoid all urban areas. You want to avoid crowds and the likelihood of meeting people who you do not know personally. Historically, cities have always been dangerous during societal upsets, resets and wars. Let me be clear about this; Get out while the getting’s good.
[1b] Avoid wilderness areas. One of the first things that began in March when the COVID-19 outbreak started to happen was all the city-dwellers took their RV’s, trucks, pickups and vehicles and headed for the state forests. The roads were blocked and the entire forests were jammed packed like a New York City rush hour with angry and frustrated city people. There were arguments, stores that were cleaned out and incidents of stabbings and shootings. Do not go where other people might go. Avoid state parks, federal parks, state and federal forests, and other “green areas” that are displayed on maps.
[1c] Move into a small town. Small towns have the basics that you need to survive. Additionally, it is much easier to make friends there. Now the thing is that if you move into a small community, you absolutely MUST know your neighbors. Do not plan on moving somewhere and not meeting people and making friends. Not only must you make friends, but you must be productive, helpful and good.
I would suggest that you also…
[2] Have a secure lifestyle
Which means…
[2a] Get involved in the community. A the bare minimum, this would include being a regular member of a church, and a member of some other activity, like the Chamber of Commerce, or the Grange, or the Rotary. make sure that you are known and recognized.
Many people think about “bugging in”, or “being mobile”. Here, I suggest that you integrate yourself with your community. For there is strength in numbers. Automatically, you will be part of something bigger. And when things go bad, you would be far, far better off than the lone guy hiding in a basement with six months stockpile of rice.
Now is NOT the time to be a “lone wolf”. You need to integrate yourself as part of a community and do it quickly.
And that is lifestyle.
To be a part of something, you must be ready and willing to participate in things and contribute. This is true in life, but it becomes very importantly true during crisis situations.
So here, I advise that you pick up some skills that you can use to provide help, services, and assistance were things to go really bad…
[2b] Emergency First Aid. You should take some classes in emergency first aid. You should be able to bend a broken arm, stitch up a cut, and perform emergency surgery. You should know how to handle gunshot wounds, infections, and food poisonings. This means that not only would you take a singular class at the YMCA, but advanced courses at the community college, and have some reference books on hand in your house. Finally, let people KNOW that you have these skills.
This is not only a useful skill for yourself, but it is something that you can trade for when you need to trade or barter.
[2c] Access to fresh water. During great societal upsets the ability to get water, electricity and internet is gone. Some areas might be spared this, but most will not. We know from recent history that in Bosnia, people died trying to get fresh water, or contracted illnesses from drinking tainted water. Either have a way to collect and purify water, or invest in a well.
[2d] Ability to repair without electricity. Which means that the ability to repair things without electricity would be a very valuable skill. If you have access to a manual lathe, or other such tools, you will be able to provide your services from anything to repairing a windmill on a water pump, to repairing a gun. Be helpful.
Try repairing things without electricity. You will be surprised how difficult it is. You need to be able to do this with files, hammers and pliers.
[2e] Local Indian lore. Long before the United States was colonized, the local Indians in your region lived well. They farmed and had their own ways of preserving food, and treating their sick. This is local lore that has been forgotten, but not at the local library or historical society. Connect with these people and learn a thing or two. You will not regret it.
This is one of those things that you see all over the Internet. How to make hide-holes, and how to secure your windows and other such things. There is much to cover here, but I will stick to the basics.
[3a] You need well bolted doors. One that can be barricaded with 2×4 lumber pieces from the inside (two beams, top and bottom, resting on a metal clamp). It might not prevent your house from burning down, but it will be able to defend against roving bands of urban youth in jacked cars.
[3b] Windows need to be secured and covered if need be. Plywood, ready to put up in place, or welded metal bars, or other systems that would make break-ins very difficult.
[3c] The home needs to be hidden with overgrown shrubbery and debris. Sure, eventually people will find you. But don’t make it easy. Be the junk yard next to the gold refinery. Be the boring electrical sub-station next to the grocery store. Be the abandoned building next to the hardware store.
[3d] You need a hidden room, or basement chamber. Any hidden room, or any size if far better than none at all. You need to be able to secure your valuables, both things and people.
[3e] You need guns and you need not to be afraid to use them. I would suggest that you forget about those cheap SKS banana-clip pseudo assault guns. Get yourself a couple of shotguns. And a few reliable 9mm handguns. Expect that when you shoot people, it will NOT be like television. They will not go down on the first shot. Chances are that you would have to empty the entire clip into their chest. Be ready to use them.
[3f] You need a garden and you need to keep it working year-around. Make sure that you always have potatoes, onions, and other related root crops planted. Most bandits couldn’t tell a potato plant from skunk weed. So while they might raid your tomato bushes, they would tend to leave your potatoes alone. Plant some apple trees, and other berry bushes. Let your property provide sustenance for you.
[3g] If you have room, consider a chicken coop. Learn how to raise chickens. These are a great thing to do to provide food on your table, and a great way to trade with your neighbors with.
[4] Supplies
From what I see, things are going to get really bad over the next three years. Finally around 2025, things are going to go to shit really fast. So you’ve got a precious few years to stock up, learn and prepare. I hope that things won’t go “tits up” in your area, but if they do, you’ll be ready for anything.
[4a] You need basic food supplies to last you for at least six months. This means canned goods, rice, wheat flour, nuts, and other things of importance. Like cooking oil, salt, pepper, baking soda, yeast, etc. Buy the cans by the case. Buy the staples by the sack. Buy the liquids by the gallon.
[4b] Additionally, you will need “kits”. These are things that will provide you will options if things go really bad. Like cages to raise pigeons in, fishing tackle, traps for rabbits and other small game, crossbow or other quiet way to hunt. And, with everything, you had best be well prepared in how to use them effectively and properly.
[4c] Prepare things for trade. You should plan on having things for trade. The most popular things are vices. So you can stock up with cheap alcohol in little bottles (bigger than those airline bottles), smaller than a regular bottle. This can be any alcohol. Same goes for tobacco, cigarettes, and other related items. Including disposable lighters. (You can buy a case of 100 really cheaply.)
[5] Mobility
You should have a bicycle or two. Both should be capable of off road use. Do not expect that vehicles will still be operable during the height of the crisis. In fact, you will probably want to keep off the roads. Anything that will enable you to travel quickly and silently through the forest would be an advantage.
[6] Electric system
You should have a system of recharging DC batteries. Whether this is by solar power or wind, and then have a set of walkee-talkee’s. You can also have a small battery powered, or hand crank powered radio and lights. Plan now. Do not wait until the last moment.
Here at MM I can supply shipping containers of this stuff. (nothing smaller than a pallet load). If you are interested contact me privately on laobangbh@163.com .
[7] Deceptions
If things get to the point where the government has broken down…
Police are unavailable. Military are deployed in certain areas. News is periodic or confused, then you know that SHTF is getting worse. You will need to create deceptions to make your property unattractive.
Some ideas.
[7a] (Fake) Downed high power lines with signs that warn of “High Voltage”. And (if possible) some low voltage DC shock wires to dissuade any adventuresome individual.
[7b] A few dead people in the yard that looks like they got trapped when they messed up with the wrong people.
[7c] Bad odors, flies, maggots, and refuse.
[7d] Rattling cans, and other things that make a real racket is anyone moves in a certain area on your property. Most people want stealth and quiet. Even after all the turmoil dies down, people will still travel in small groups and move about silently. By rigging up noise makers, you will discourage these people from coming near your property.
[7e] Traps. With spikes, barbed wire, and other mechanisms that can be lethal if triggered. Think Vietnam booby-traps.
The idea here is that you do not want anyone to come near your space and your property. You will make it as unappealing as possible, and life threatening tends to work the best.
With or without war, American society will be transformed into something different.
The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers’ visions with a robust new pride.
Or it may be something unspeakably worse.
The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.
It will be a turning point. It will be a point of inversion, a point of change. A point where things go one way or the other, and everyone in the middle is killed.
Glory or Ruin.
It will be the us vs them. The patriots vs the Red Coats. The grey vs the blue. The yanks against the Nazi’s.
Aside from the move to a safe spot, every item on this list can be purchased in total under a few thousand dollars.
If nothing happens, then consider yourself fortunate. You will have squandered your money on a insurance policy. But you and I both know that things are building up. The Antifa and BLM are on the march and are openly telling everyone what they plan to do. Theya re being funded by rich oligarchs, and are receiving large sums of money and weapons…
If something does happen, while you might not be the best prepared prepper in the nation, you will be able to survive. And that is what all this is about. Survival.
I wish that you all could have done what I did, and took a “life boat” off to a far away land. But most of you did not. Instead, figuring that you would know when you would need to leave, and then leave then.
Well… that time came and went. And you should have left the same time as when the oligarchy fled. The last week of March 2020.
You are now completely trapped with the rest of the population upon a ship that is slowly sinking into the deep dark cold waters.
It’s quiet now…
But the Captain is busy shouting orders to the staff, and people are a little restless in the lounges and staterooms. He’s slurring his voice, and making all kinds of strange proclamations and orders. Sometimes the stewards just stand there and look at him with a blank expression on their face. “Is he mad?” they ask themselves.
Do not think that it is just going to go away. Plan and take the necessary actions to secure you and your family’s safety.
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As I watch from afar, I see numerous “interests” cheering for radical change inside the USA. I can see their sentiment, and for certain there are agitators and people promoting this level of extreme change. But people(!), history tells us that there is unpleasant change, and then there is REALLY UNPLEASANT CHANGE. Please be careful what you are wishing for.
Let’s look at the French Revolution. For in many ways it mirrors what the USA is going through right now…
…in many ways.
The French Revolution changed everything. France’s kings were replaced almost overnight by the most radical government the world had ever seen. France was suddenly a beacon of freedom: “Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite” was the motto of the revolution.
Gosh. Really, it is still used to defend liberalism today.
But the revolution wasn’t all positive.
Thousands of innocent people lost their lives and the country was torn between different groups who used force to crush rebellion. It led France into dictatorship and, eventually, back to the days of kings and serfs…
Just like what might happen to modern contemporaneous America today.
The French Revolution (The Reign of Terror) 1789-1799
The story of the French Revolution is the story of a country collapsing in on itself.
It’s unfair to compare these events to the colonial uprising of the American Revolution. That is because that conflict did not take place at the center of power, and King George wasn’t exactly removed from the throne and decapitated.
… which is kinda how things went down in France in the 1790’s.
It was a time when the hostilities between the royalty and the common folk took on a real nasty tone.
Spoiler alert: things got ugly real fast.
Towards the end of the Eighteenth Century, France was dissected into three distinct classes / estates: the Nobility, the Clergy, and the smelly broke peasants who really didn’t count (aka everyone else).
At this time in France, people of the poorer classes were members of what was called the “Third Estate” in French legislature.
This is how things had been for longer than anyone could remember, and no one really second guessed it…
At least until a dangerous new idea came along…
The Third Estate: Other
The Enlightenment was a grass-roots movement that caused the underrepresented 99% to question EVERYTHING.
It was kinda like if Morpheus was going door to door with red pills and pamphlets about how the machines are harvesting our bodies as living batteries while we’re living our lives in virtual reality.
“No one can be told what <The Enlightenment> is, you have to see it for yourself.”
The Enlightenment, or Age of Reason, was an extension of the Italian Renaissance (meaning ‘Rebirth’), which brought new emphasis on discovery, and a search for truth and meaning through critical thinking, rather than just listening to what ‘they’ wanted you to think. This began an unprecedented drive for equality and individual rights which would ultimately challenge the hierarchy of the monarchy based government system.
The Catalysts of Change Chaos
Enter: the Bourbon King, Louis XVI (yes, that’s Louis the SIXTEENTH). Prince Louis (the 16th) was a reluctant ruler, with little to no interest in politics…
…then, suddenly he became the default king of France during the worst crisis of his country’s history in 1765.
The Bourbon monarchy reigned from the palace of Versailles.
This was Louis the 14th’s palatial estate. It was built 20 miles outside the districts of Paris, the nation’s capitol. Which was pretty handy. It was close enough for royal Kingly duties, yet far enough away from the stench of its open sewer system, and the complaints of the commoners.
This truly monstrous mansion would put every single house on MTV’s Cribs to shame.
Versailles: a 2,300 room, gold-plated, Sixty-Seven-THOUSAND-Square-Meter estate of PURE unadulterated EXCESS.
Versailles: Extravagance personified.
Not only did Louis get to be King, and live in a gigantic theme park dedicated to him…
…but he also married the young and beautiful, (albeit a little ditzy), Marie Antoinette, the Archduchess of Austria, in 1770. Louis XVI had won the lottery of arranged marriages and couldn’t really care either way.
Marie Antoinette: Madame Deficit
Meanwhile, back in the real world: France was simmering in a toxic mixture of hunger, and anger.
Enormous fiscal mismanagement
On July 11, 1789, finance minister Jacques Necker, who was already not in good standing with the King, was fired for suggesting that the royal family go on a budget to help conserve funds.
To make matters exponentially worse, the French lost against Great Britain during the Seven Years War in North America, effectively draining the bank as it were.
They took all the money in the Treasury and used it on wars, and the salaries of the military forces.
Much like how the United States has been draining the Treasury on an endless expanse of wars and military policing activities.
The French people were the ones who ultimately paid the price, starving in the streets while their privileged leaders partied around the clock like it was already 1999.
Then, when America rose up against France’s long term nemesis (they were still bitter about that whole Hundred Years War affair), Louis further bankrupted the country to send money and troops to help out the revolutionary colonists, an oversight that worked out rather well in America’s interest, but not so much for the French people.
All the while, Louis’s Queen (Marie Antoinette), ran up the credit card bills with her increasingly extravagant purchases to the point where she earned the title: Madame Deficit.
France had grown significantly in a short period of time, putting increased pressure on the government. Bakery raids, and riots swept the country. So between the food shortage, increased taxes, economic crisis, and political discourse, France was one gamma-inducing-accident away from Hulking out.
Maximilian Robespierre
That’s when a man named Maximilian Robespierre, leader of the Third Estate, came forth as the voice of the poor and disenfranchised.
You might want to consider the "Third Estate" to be the party of the "common man". It's closest equivalent would be the American Democrat Party.
Max reasonably demanded that the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes.
In his address, he blamed the royal court for their pile of problems, and essentially called Louis XVI a greedy jerk, which he definitely was.
Maximilian Robespierre
The Oligarchy refuses to listen
“A great revolution is never the fault of the people, but of the government.”
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1789: During an appeal to the courts, the nobility and clergy completely ignored their pleas.
Since legal channels didn’t work, they decided to take a different route.
The representatives of the Third Estate got up during the meeting, and simply walked out.
Well, that didn’t sit well.
After being locked out of a meeting, the members of the Third Estate regrouped outside the court house in a tennis court (randomly), and announced an Oath against the King’s authority and formed The National Assembly.
The aptly named Tennis Court Oath was basically like a French version of the Declaration of Independence.
Perhaps some compromises might help…
King Louis, unsure of how to proceed, attempted to make both sides happy, which he failed to do, on both ends.
Then as a last step, he called in troops from abroad to ‘keep the peace’. Within days 30,000 troops surrounded Paris.
Sort of like how President Trump had called up the DHS and Border Patrol troops to seize people off the streets in Portland, Oregon.
In response, The People formed a guard to fight the power!
Sheer revolt had taken hold at long last. Paris erupted into violence as the people of Paris demanded retribution. Revolution had come at last, and things were about to get fugly…
The only problem? The make-shift militia had plenty of muskets…
…but not much in the way of ammo…
The solution: Raid the Armory!!!
The French Revolt!
Spurred on by these factors, on the morning of July 14, 1789, members of the Third Estate stormed the Bastille, a political prison in Paris, in search of gunpowder.
The Bastille, though only housing seven prisoners, was a symbol of government tyranny at the time. The assault on the Bastille is now considered a flashpoint of the Revolution, and is still celebrated today in France.
“Storm the Bastille!” they cried (in French, presumably).
And so the 99% marched towards the Bastille, ready to dish out some old school justice on some fools.
The Bastille was a literal fortress. It was a tall dark fortress with an enormous dungeon that symbolized the monarchy’s absolute power, and the citizens of Paris were about to tear it apart, quite literally brick by brick!
Storm the Bastille!
“Enough is enough!” – a French Revolutionary
The soldiers stationed at the Bastille crapped their collective pants as the entire population of Paris came down on them shouting ‘Vive La France!’
Those that were too stupid to abandon their posts met a gruesome death at the hands, knives, and pitchforks of the angry mob that swarmed the castle like a colony of killer bees!
Afterwards the amount of blood splashed on the walls and pooling on the floor become a symbol for the “revolution!”.
The mob reaches the palace.
Meanwhile, ¡Vive la Revolución! had reached the gates of Versailles.
The angry mob of mothers and bakers tore into the palace, pillaging the flour storage… and royal blood!
Accounts of the time claim that more than one of the palace guards was literally ripped limb from limb.
According to an urban myth of the time, when Marie Antoinette was approached by her servants about the starving, angry, people rioting outside, the Queen dismissively pointed to the leftovers from the party, and told her advisors, “Let them eat cake.”
As funny as that is, she never actually said it.
In reality Marie was shocked.
She had no idea just how bad things had gotten, from her sheltered lifestyle in the palace.
Some claim that as she was running for her life, she may have said something in panic, along the lines of “If they’re hungry, can’t we give them some Brioche?” not fully grasping the severity of the situation.
King Louis XVI looked out the window, saw the torches and pitchforks, and immediately set about dipping his quill in ink to sign their Declaration of the Rights of Man, relinquishing his power.
The King and Queen attempted to sneak away, but were captured, and marched unceremoniously back to Paris in a parade of revolutionaries waving red, white, blue…
… oh and the severed heads of the royal guards on pikes.
The National Assembly took control of the system, aristocracy was thrown out for democracy (by extreme means) and a Constitutional Monarchy was established by the people of France.
If you think that’s the happy end of our triumphant story you’re dead wrong.
Now, we get to the entire point of this.
It is now 2020. America is in a state of upheaval, and the ruling Oligarchy are oblivious. The actions taken are "half-measures" and doomed to fail. Soon, one way or the other, a successful change will come about, and when it does, there will be a period of readjustment.
Consider the readjustment that occurred during the French Revolution...
The Reign of Terror.
In 1791, the King and Queen attempted an escape to Austria, disguised as servants. Unfortunately they kinda sucked at acting. They were found out, arrested, and dragged back to Paris to await trial.
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette kept their identities secret from the people of France, and only guests who stayed at Versailles really knew what they looked like. This came in handy during the Revolution as the pair tried to make their escape, but there was one flaw in the plan: the king’s face was stamped on all gold coinage. They made it as far as the border before being recognized.
All the while, Jon Paul Marat became the voice of the Revolution. As it turns out, Marat was a voice of insanity.
Jon Paul Marat
His solution to every problem was the rolling of heads.
In his newspaper (entitled, “The Friend of the People”), he claimed that betrayal was everywhere.
He was sort of the Alex Jones / Bill O Reilly of Eighteenth Century France.
Jon Paul Marat demanded the execution of hundreds, and when that wasn’t enough, he upped it to hundreds of thousands!!
As it turns out, people believed every angry word he put into his one-sided tabloid, and took up arms to carry out his will…
The September Massacre
1792: War breaks out between Prussia and Austria!
The Revolution back home in France takes a turn for the worse: The September Massacre – 1600 prisoners are slaughtered by crazed revolutionaries.
Many are given quick, biased show-trials before being hanged, or worse. Enemies of the revolution are made an example of. Criminals and aristocrats alike are killed without mercy.
A noble woman, Charlotte Corday, eventually got sick of all the death and destruction brought about by Jean-Paul Marat’s poisonous words.
So with a concealed knife she set about silencing him.
Charlotte shanked Marat (in the bathtub, mob-style) with hopes of bringing peace to her country.
Unfortunately, things didn’t work out that way…
… seeing as who he was, he suddenly become praised as a martyr…
…which only made things much, much worse.
Jon Paul Marat’s famous death.
Eat This: Guillotine Cuisine!
Speaking of bloodshed… There was A LOT of it going around, which was not only work, but (as you can imagine) created quite a mess.
The French janitors were tired of mopping up crimson streets.
Turns out, Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin had just the invention to streamline the whole mass execution process. His shiny new killing machine was christened, ‘The Guillotine’!
The Guillotine was created as a ‘humane’ form of decapitation. I can only imagine Doctor Guillotine giving a demonstration like a day time TV commercial, “It’s quick, efficient, (effortless), and ‘painless’!” CHOP! (Thud.)
The Guillotine was placed in the center of a town square in Paris, for all to see. This unsanitary death-dealing device soon became the bloody symbol of the French Revolution, with a name that evokes a cross between a pro-wrestler and a death-metal band: “The Nation’s Razor”!!
The Nations Razor.
Maximillian Robespierre, a former adversary of the death penalty, did a 360, flip flopping with the times, and became the Guillotine’s most outspoken supporter overnight.
Robespierre would help fulfill Marat’s blood lust as the people demanded it.
By the end of the century, 40,000 would lose their heads to the dreaded Guillotine!
Peasants looted and burned homes of tax collectors and landlords in what became known as “The Great Fear.” Many nobles fled France at this time, fearful of the rebellion. This inspired the end of feudalism, which was officially abolished on August 4, 1789.
Death of the King
1793: The King is tried as a traitor. He is declared guilty of treason.
The punishment: Death.
Both King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette were beheaded during the Revolution. The king was beheaded on January 12, 1793. Marie Antoinette followed her husband to “The National Razor” on October 16, 1793. Her last words were “I'm sorry”—not to the people, but to her executioner; she had accidentally stepped on his foot.
A few argued that the death of the former King would only excuse violence as a means to happiness. Those who spoke against it however were drowned out by the savage calls for his head.
King Louis, the 16th, was led to the maroon-stained scaffold.
He turned to his people in remorse and attempted to give a dignified final speech.
The crowd toned him out, booing and throwing rotten cabbage. They had come for blood (especially those in the splash zone).
Poor Marie Antoinette was also put on trial. When she was brought into the courtroom, she barely resembled her former self, as a list of made-up charges was rattled off. At 38 her hair had gone gray while awaiting her sentencing in a dungeon.
She too was led to the Guillotine.
“Whose next?”
It wasn’t all smooth sailing: the so-called “Reign of Terror” followed the initial revolutionary events, starting from around 1793 and ending with the fall of Robespierre in 1794. During the Reign of Terror, many political dissidents or perceived enemies of the Revolution were executed. Between June 1793 and July 1794, there were 16,594 official death sentences across France.
Britain takes advantage of the situation
Then, without warning, Britain began invading and panic filled the streets! (More so then before.)
An emergency government was put in place, the constitution suspended, and a police force of spies were institutionalized.
A revolutionary tribunal – a 12 men council – the ironically titled ‘the Committee of Public Safety’ was a collective dictatorship.
The government became extremely paranoid.
The Catholic Church was abolished, religious icons and statues were destroyed, thousands of priests drowned.
People were rounded up and sent to the guillotine on the most mundane of charges. Even a lack of enthusiasm could be seen as traitorous.
The Reign of Terror was in full swing.
France becomes a dictatorship
Maximillian Robespierre implemented dictatorial powers, declared himself the supreme ruler, and made lists upon lists of people to kill.
“Terror without Virtue is disastrous. But, Virtue without Terror is powerless!”
-Maximillian Robespierre spoke before his groupies.
In 1794, Robespierre helped sponsor a cult based on the Goddess of Reason in place of Christianity.
In his free time he established a new holiday: The Festival of the Supreme Being.
During the festivities, Maximillian Robespierre symbolically descended from atop a paper-machete mountain in the clouds, clad in robes.
This was seen as a thinly veiled attempt at making himself appear divine.
Though, in general, people were convinced that he’d lost his marbles, and began to get suspicious.
Robespierre chose this moment to deliver a speech of threats, with an all new list of enemies against the Republic.
The best way to tell what side a man was on was to check out his clothing. The French nobility wore knee-length silk breeches, whereas the lower class militiamen wore long trousers, short-skirted coats, clogs, and red caps that symbolized liberty.
This (of course) backfired in his face when the people flipped out and silenced him.
He was immediately arrested, and sentenced to death before he could finish reading off his latest hit list.
While in captivity, Robespierre attempted suicide. His advisors succeeded, but Max only managed to shoot off his jaw. The revolutionaries carted him off to the guillotine to finish the job for him.
As poetic justice would have it, Maximillian Robespierre was killed by his own revolution. FAIL
Maximillian Robespierre guillotined.
Enter… Napoleon
By 1804, a guy by the handle of Napoleon had risen through the ranks from General to Emperor.
On November 9, 1799 Bonaparte staged a coup d’état that abolished the Directory, the government in power at the time; he then pronounced himself as “first consul” of France. This event ended the French Revolution proper and began the Napoleonic era in France.
France had gone full circle, trading one monarchy for another.
After the rise and fall of Napoleon, the other European powers reestablished a constitutional monarchy in France.
King Louis XVIII (the 18th) was followed by Charles X (not to be confused with Professor Charles Xavier), and Emperor Napoleon III. During this time France would go on to have a few more Revolutionary movements.
The subsequent French Revolutions were minor in comparison to the first, and were by and large unsuccessful:
The July Revolution of 1830
The June Rebellion of 1832 (which was a complete disaster – as seen in the play / multiple movie adaptations of ‘Les Misérables’, by Victor Hugo)
The French Revolution of 1848.
The last of which established the Second Republic of France, which lasted until Napoleon the Third’s coup in 1851, effectively establishing the Second French Empire.
The Second French Empire eventually collapsed…
… and the Third Republic of France was established in 1870.
Everything was peachy until of course World War II when Hitler’s Nazi Party went around their massive defensive perimeter (the Maginot Line) to invade and temporarily conquer France (1940-1944).
The *FOURTH* Republic of France that followed ended up imploding in 1958 due to the Algerian Crisis (long story) to finally be replaced by the current administration:
The FIFTH (and Final?) Republic of France.
THE (first) French Revolution may have been a bloody mess that seemingly accomplished little, but it’s arguable that it had a greater impact on the world at large than the American Revolution, by challenging the old ways, and making way for the modern era.
In the end, the French Revolution would lead to a century full of instability, with two more Revolutions taking place. The country would be governed as a dictatorship, republic, constitutional monarchy, and two different empires before reaching equilibrium.
The Beheading Louis XVI
The beheading of Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette was one of the biggest events of the French Revolution, but it didn’t have to happen.
Before he was king, Louis XVI was quiet, dedicated to his studies and painfully shy. It took him seven years to consummate his marriage to the beautiful and intimidating Hapsburg heiress.
When he became king he was cautious and indecisive, eager to be loved. In another age he would have been a great king, but he was entirely unsuited to the political crisis of the time.
People around him took advantage of his weakness to seize more power.
Louis was little more than a figurehead.
It was no surprise when the new government voted to abolish the monarchy shortly after.
Some revolutionaries argued against executing Louis, but the revolution was in full swing and the public hated him. Louis XVI was killed by guillotine in January 1793.
Louis XVIguillotined.
The move shocked many across the world since Louis had always been seen as a moderate king. His death enraged nearby European countries and led to a war that might have been avoided. He faced his death fearlessly: with his final breath, he forgave those who condemned him and hoped that no more blood would be spilled.
The Toppling Of Statues
Executing Louis wasn’t enough: later that year, the rebels decided to remove all trace of the old kings from the country.
They started with the tombs of St Denis, the traditional resting place of France’s royals.
To begin with, the masons were happy just to destroy the old Carolingian statues and other symbols of royalty.
Destruction of Statues in America in 2020.
But within a month they were hammering into the old vault that held the kings from the House of Bourbon.
When they were in, they started destroying the old coffins.
Some of the kingly remains were put on public display, while others were dumped into a large burial pit, to cries of joy from the crowd.
Many people came to watch—so many that the laborers struggled to do their work. According to eyewitnesses, members of the crowd grabbed at the bodies when they could, taking stray hairs, teeth and other things as personal mementos.
These acts were later condemned both within France and across the world, but by that time it was too late.
Destruction of Statues in America in 2020.
After the Bourbon Restoration, the kings were retrieved from the pit and moved to the crypt in the basilica, but the damage was already done: many of the kings were unrecognisable.
The Law of Suspects
The revolution started because the rebels wanted everyone to be free and equal.
After they won, though, their anger didn’t come to an end: instead, they started hunting down anyone who might be a threat.
This period is now known as the Reign of Terror, and it resulted in thousands of innocent deaths.
Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror started with the Law of Suspects, which granted the government the power to accuse pretty much anyone of being a rebel.
They attacked the priests, who were driven underground—for a while, being Catholic was actually illegal. In the end, anyone who might have been connected to the old nobles could be imprisoned and executed.
Over two years around 500,000 people were accused—a huge number for the time.
So many were accused, in fact, that the prisons were too full and people had to be put under house arrest.
Though most were eventually allowed to walk free, around 16,000 people were killed—and many thousands more died in prison.
Under the law, anyone whose “conduct, relations or language [showed them to be] partisans of tyranny … and enemies of liberty” was arrested and put on trial.
The city of Lyon backed the moderate Girondins, a group who were part of the revolution but were not as bloodthirsty as the others.
The rebel leaders considered Lyon a centre of royalist support, so they laid siege to it in 1793.
Over the course of the fighting over 2,000 people were killed in Lyon and the city was conquered. The revolutionaries had won, but they had further plans for the city.
In October, the National Convention issued a decree calling for Lyon to be destroyed.
Everyone who lived in Lyon was to have their weapons taken away.
They would be given to revolutionaries.
Any building “inhabited by the wealthy” was to be torn down, leaving only the homes of the poor, factories, and some monuments.
They even planned to purge the city’s name from history.
The city’s name would be erased: Lyon would be called Liberated City (Ville Affranchie) instead. They planned to build a column with an inscription on it saying: “Lyon made war on Liberty; Lyon is no more.”
Fortunately, this project was never finished.
The Girondins Executed
France’s new government had two main groups: the Girondins and the Montagnards.
Girondins – Moderates
Montagnards – Extremists
The Girondins were moderates: they wanted to build a free, capitalist, democratic country where everyone had a say in how they were ruled—regardless of who they were.
They were supported across France but the people of Paris liked the Montagnards more.
They were extremists who “wanted everything leveled”.
Anyone seen as elite had to give up their status or be executed. The groups got along well to begin with, but fell out over Louis’s death. The Montagnards wanted to kill him, but the Girondins wanted the country to vote on it. The Montagnards said they were plotting to save the king and called them traitors.
Things boiled over on the streets of Paris.
A group of soldiers and citizens surrounded the government buildings and demanded the Girondins be kicked out of the government.
The Montagnards duly did so.
Some Girondins were able to escape, but a few months later, those who were left were rounded up and guillotined.
Many Girondins guillotined.
The Drownings at Nantes
The city of Nantes was a center of revolution, but much of the countryside surrounding it was royalist. The region rose up in rebellion, leading to the Battle of Nantes. After this, the new French government decided to purge the city of anyone who still supported the monarchy.
To do this, they sent Jean-Baptiste Carrier, one of their most committed supporters.
Jean-Baptiste Carrier.
Jean-Baptiste took his job very seriously. In around five months, between 12,000 and 15,000 people were killed by his order.
Nantes lies on the Loire, which Jean-Baptiste called “the national bathtub”.
He and his men built special boats called lighters which were specifically designed for drowning prisoners.
The captives would be shackled to each other, often naked, and herded onto the boats—which had trap doors on the bottom.
The boats were then sunk with the prisoners on board. The elderley, pregnant women and children were all drowned without distinction.
In the end Jean-Baptiste’s methods were too extreme even for the revolution: he was recalled to Paris by the Committee of Public Safety, put on trial and executed by guillotine.
The Law of 22 Prairial
Over the course of the Reign of Terror, thousands of people were imprisoned, some for absurd reasons. By June 1794, the prisons of France—particularly Paris—were overcrowded, so action had to be taken.
Robespierre and his allies drafted a new law which would allow trials to be concluded much quicker: they pushed this law through the Convention and it was passed on 10 June 1794.
It meant that people could be put on trial for simple things like ‘spreading fake news’ or ‘seeking to inspire discouragement’.
Citizens were expected to confront or report their neighbors if they expressed any kind of opposition to the government.
When these people were put on trial, they weren’t treated fairly: the judges and jury only had three days to come to a conclusion, and they had to choose whether to allow the accused to go free or be put to death.
This new law marked the beginning of the Grand Terror.
Executions per day increased dramatically across France, and most of those killed were undoubtedly innocent. The Grand Terror came to an end after two months, but not because people were horrified by the killings.
No, the new law had also made it so members of the Convention could now be put on trial. Looking to preserve their own skins, the members of the Convention removed Robespierre and guillotined him, bringing an end to the killings.
Robespierre guillotined.
The Massacre in the Vendee
The revolution was supposed to be a movement that freed the French lower classes and gave them liberty and security.
But anyone who opposed the new government was harshly punished, even those who were lower class.
In the early days, the church was singled out for its wealth and excess.
The revolutionary government veered between atheism and a new state religion, the Cult of the Supreme Being, but they were united in their desire to destroy the old Catholic system.
In the Vendee, however, the people rose up to protect their priests and churches from the new revolutionary government.
When the government ordered them to form a conscript military unit, they rebelled, joining together in local militias which were collectively known as the Catholic and Royal Army. This alarmed the new government, who sent the army to tackle the problem. After a series of pitched battles, the Catholic and Royal Army was defeated.
But the government didn’t stop there.
Determined to prevent another such uprising, the government sent General Louis Marie Turreau with twelve columns of troops to destroy to Vendee. Farms, villages, supplies and forests were destroyed, and the soldiers killed without restriction.
When it was over, General Francois Joseph Westermann wrote a letter back to the government saying:
“There is no more Vendée… According to the orders that you gave me, I crushed the children under the feet of the horses, massacred the women who, at least for these, will not give birth to any more brigands. I do not have a prisoner to reproach me. I have exterminated all.”
“Scorched Earth” on the Vendee.
The Law of the Maximum
Unlike many other atrocities on this list, the Law of the Maximum was implemented with good intentions—though the government was forced to do it. One of the biggest reasons people joined the rebellion in the first place was because food was too expensive, but by 1793 even the basics were going back up in price.
The enrages, a collection of anti-elite protestors who might today be called Marxists, argued that the nobility had been replaced by greedy merchants. Action was needed to take away their wealth and help the poor.
The government passed the Law of the Maximum in response.
It set a maximum price for goods, from bread and wine to iron and shoes.
Merchants had to display a list of prices outside their stores and, if any of their prices were above the maximum, they would be fined. Instead of going to the government, the fine went to whoever informed the authorities about the illegal pricing, encouraging people to rat out merchants who ignored the law.
It had a disastrous impact on France.
While merchants did reduce their prices, it left them with almost no money.
The less honest shopkeepers began watering down their goods, disguising ash as ground pepper, starch as sugar and pear juice as wine.
Farmers in rural areas began hoarding their produce because they couldn’t get a good enough price in the cities, meaning that people in the cities starved.
The result was a black market where the rich could still buy the goods they needed, while the poor had no access to food at all.
These famines were fixed temporarily when the government sent soldiers to take food from the farmers and bring it to the city by force, but this only caused more unrest.
The September Massacres
Or, in other words, the whole-scale slaughtering of all the prisoners in all the jails and prisons throughout France…
After Louis was killed, the government fell into chaos. No-one knew who was in charge. In the meantime the Paris Commune, who were supported by the armed mob, had all the power. Chaos reigned as the new government fought over who should be in power, alongside issues like the economy, the army, and the justice system.
What dominated, however, was a fear of counter-revolutionary backlash.
The new movement had been denounced in Britain, Austria and Prussia, and war loomed on the horizon.
Meanwhile, French royalists were gathering support in other parts of the country.
The revolutionaries feared that, if a royalist army was to attack Paris, the new revolutionary government would fall.
In particular, they came to believe that the inmates of the city’s prisons would join with the counter-revolutionaries if given a chance. These fears were exacerbated when it came time for the new army to leave the city, with the people believing it would leave the city vulnerable to a prison break.
Between the 2nd and 6th of September 1792, the inmates were attacked by revolutionary mobs, with over 1000 being killed in the space of a single day.
Half the city’s entire prison population was massacred, with corpses left mutilated in the streets.
The revolutionary government sent letters to regional governments saying that conspirators in the city’s prisons had been executed. The act was repeated elsewhere: murders of prisoners took place in 75 of France’s 83 departments.
History can be interesting.
This is especially true if you are living through a time period that would most certainly be put into the history books.
This is 2020. A revolution has been brewing for some time, and (rightly so) many people are beginning to recognize the start of this period in America as 2008 when the banks fell, and massive financial fraud was committed. Now, the chain of events are starting to accelerate and it’s starting to look like elements of numerous historical catastrophes are starting to converge within America…
The Wall Street Crash.
The Fall of the Roman Empire.
The collapse of the Soviet Union.
The French Revolution.
Most certainly the elements are all there, and I cannot tell you what will happen. But I can paint some broad “brush strokes” for you all to ponder…
Do not expect any election to change anything substantially. It will only change form, but it will still keep moving in the same direction.
Things are going to get worse before they get better. We have not yet reached the peak.
When it appears that the old order has been toppled, and a new order is forming, that is when the REAL DANGERS will start to appear.
Expect some kind of foreign war or military action to distract attention. Expect a villainization of some nation, race or people. But note that it will not really work the way it is intended to.
The implementation of all the strife and chaos will not be uniform. It will be patchy, with some areas more dangerous than others.
Who survived the French Revolution?
Not the oligarchy, nor those that lead the revolution. Not those that were “moderate”. The survivors were those that lived outside the cities that also had strong connections with friends and families within their communities.
The American culture of “lone wolf” and “every man for himself” will be problematic at this time. I do not advise it. instead I strongly advise the formation of small tightly knit communities that share and work together.
I recommend the following…
Stay away from crowds.
Do not get involved in politics at any level.
Practice strong provisioning, and practice familial disciplines.
Be a member of your local community.
Offer your time, resources, and supplies to your community. Think of it as an extended family.
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All the people writing about the intrusive nature of the NSA, and the collection of data through the cell-phones by back-door access has got it all wrong. It’s not about the collection of data. It’s about using your phone to control your mind.
All these “back doors” and secret embedded code within your electronics, your chips, and your cell-phones is not simply about collecting your personal information. That is the obvious purpose, but that is not the ultimate purpose.
The ultimate purpose is to enable the embedding of special algorithms and embedded code that allow the government to manipulate what you see, read and hear. These enormous (and hidden) embedded programs overlay instructions to your mind. They alter the selection of programs that you might want to use, they change the access and ease of access to websites. They alter the type, range and frequency of information on your feeds, and change what you would watch, see and listen to.
Have you ever been on your cell phone, and musing about something... thinking about a memory or an event... and then suddenly you see a link or an article related to a similar type of event?
No. It's not coincidence.
It's intentional.
You are being subconsciously manipulated to act, think, and behave as part of a herd of humans, that the oligarchy wants to shepherd into certain defined behaviors.
And the revelations by Wiki-leaks in Vault 7 proves this.
Vault 7
Whenever you mention the “power” that the United States has over the serfs citizens living there, you really need to mention “Vault 7”. “Vault 7” proves, beyond all and any shadow of a doubt, that the United States government has complete distain for the Bill of Rights, and everything that it stands for. Americans have no protections. ZERO. Americans exist at the mercy of their government.
Democrat Senator Feinstein trying to put limits on the the first amendment to the Bill of Rights.
Americans are just monitored cattle. They are monitored by their owners; those handful of Billionaires that fully control the government.
WikiLeaks has published what it claims is the largest-ever release of confidential documents on the CIA. It includes more than 8,000 documents as part of “Vault 7”, a series of leaks on the agency, which have allegedly emerged from the CIA’s Center For Cyber Intelligence in Langley, and which can be seen on the org chart below, which Wikileaks also released:
A total of 8,761 documents have been published[v] as part of “Year Zero”. This “Year Zero” is the first in a series of leaks the whistle-blower organization has been dubbed “Vault 7.” WikiLeaks said that “Year Zero” revealed details of the CIA’s “global covert hacking program,” including “weaponized exploits” used against company products including “Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones.”
WikiLeaks tweeted the leak, which it claims came from a network inside the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virginia.
Wikileaks released ORG Chart.
Among the more notable disclosures which, if confirmed, “would rock the technology world“, the CIA had managed to bypass encryption on popular phone and messaging services such as Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram. According to the statement from WikiLeaks, government hackers can penetrate Android phones and collect “audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.”
Another profound revelation is that the CIA can engage in “false flag” cyberattacks which portray Russia as the assailant. Discussing the CIA’s Remote Devices Branch’s UMBRAGE group, Wikileaks’ source notes that it “collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.
“With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from. UMBRAGE components cover keyloggers, password collection, webcam capture, data destruction, persistence, privilege escalation, stealth, anti-virus (PSP) avoidance and survey techniques.”
As Kim Dotcom summarizes this finding,
"CIA uses techniques to make cyber attacks look like they originated from enemy state. It turns DNC/Russia hack allegation by CIA into a JOKE"
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) March 7, 2017
But perhaps what is most notable is the purported emergence of another Snowden-type whistleblower: the source of the information told WikiLeaks in a statement that they wish to initiate a public debate about the “security, creation, use, proliferation and democratic control of cyberweapons.” Policy questions that should be debated in public include “whether the CIA’s hacking capabilities exceed its mandated powers and the problem of public oversight of the agency,” WikiLeaks claims the source said.
The FAQ section of the release, shown later, provides further details on the extent of the leak, which was “obtained recently and covers through 2016”. The time period covered in the latest leak is between the years 2013 and 2016, according to the CIA timestamps on the documents themselves. Secondly, WikiLeaks has asserted that it has not mined the entire leak and has only verified it, asking that journalists and activists do the leg work.
Weeping Angel
Among the various techniques profiled by WikiLeaks is “Weeping Angel”, developed by the CIA’s Embedded Devices Branch (EDB), which infests smart TVs, transforming them into covert microphones. After infestation, Weeping Angel places the target TV in a ‘Fake-Off’ mode, so that the owner falsely believes the TV is off when it is on. In ‘Fake-Off’ mode the TV operates as a bug, recording conversations in the room and sending them over the Internet to a covert CIA server.
Dotcom also added that “Obama accused Russia of cyberattacks while his CIA turned all internet enabled consumer electronics in Russia into listening devices. Wow!”
Obama accused Russia of cyberattacks while his CIA turned all internet enabled consumer electronics in Russia into listening devices. Wow!
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) March 7, 2017
Julian Assange, WikiLeaks editor stated that
“There is an extreme proliferation risk in the development of cyber ‘weapons’. Comparisons can be drawn between the uncontrolled proliferation of such ‘weapons’, which results from the inability to contain them combined with their high market value, and the global arms trade. But the significance of “Year Zero” goes well beyond the choice between cyberwar and cyberpeace. The disclosure is also exceptional from a political, legal and forensic perspective.”
Key Highlights
“Year Zero” introduces the scope and direction of the CIA’s global covert hacking program, its malware arsenal and dozens of “zero day” weaponized exploits against a wide range of U.S. and European company products, include Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones.
Wikileaks claims that the CIA lost control of the majority of its hacking arsenal including malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized “zero day” exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation. This extraordinary collection, which amounts to more than several hundred million lines of code, gives its possessor the entire hacking capacity of the CIA. The archive appears to have been circulated among former U.S. government hackers and contractors in an unauthorized manner, one of whom has provided WikiLeaks with portions of the archive.
By the end of 2016, the CIA’s hacking division, which formally falls under the agency’s Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI), had over 5000 registered users and had produced more than a thousand hacking systems, trojans, viruses, and other “weaponized” malware. Such is the scale of the CIA’s undertaking that by 2016, its hackers had utilized more code than that used to run Facebook.
The CIA had created, in effect, its “own NSA” with even less accountability and without publicly answering the question as to whether such a massive budgetary spend on duplicating the capacities of a rival agency could be justified.
Once a single cyber ‘weapon’ is ‘loose’ it can spread around the world in seconds, to be used by rival states, cyber mafia and teenage hackers alike.
CIA targets iPhones, Androids, smart TVs:
CIA malware and hacking tools are built by EDG (Engineering Development Group), a software development group within CCI (Center for Cyber Intelligence), a department belonging to the CIA’s DDI (Directorate for Digital Innovation). The DDI is one of the five major directorates of the CIA (see this organizational chart of the CIA for more details).
The EDG is responsible for the development, testing and operational support of all backdoors, exploits, malicious payloads, trojans, viruses and any other kind of malware used by the CIA in its covert operations world-wide.
The increasing sophistication of surveillance techniques has drawn comparisons with George Orwell’s 1984, but “Weeping Angel”, developed by the CIA’s Embedded Devices Branch (EDB), which infests smart TVs, transforming them into covert microphones, is surely its most emblematic realization.
The attack against Samsung smart TVs was developed in cooperation with the United Kingdom’s MI5/BTSS. After infestation, Weeping Angel places the target TV in a ‘Fake-Off’ mode, so that the owner falsely believes the TV is off when it is on. In ‘Fake-Off’ mode the TV operates as a bug, recording conversations in the room and sending them over the Internet to a covert CIA server.
As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks. The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.
The CIA’s Mobile Devices Branch (MDB) developed numerous attacks to remotely hack and control popular smart phones. Infected phones can be instructed to send the CIA the user’s geolocation, audio and text communications as well as covertly activate the phone’s camera and microphone.
Despite iPhone’s minority share (14.5%) of the global smart phone market in 2016, a specialized unit in the CIA’s Mobile Development Branch produces malware to infest, control and exfiltrate data from iPhones and other Apple products running iOS, such as iPads. CIA’s arsenal includes numerous local and remote “zero days” developed by CIA or obtained from GCHQ, NSA, FBI or purchased from cyber arms contractors such as Baitshop. The disproportionate focus on iOS may be explained by the popularity of the iPhone among social, political, diplomatic and business elites.
A similar unit targets Google’s Android which is used to run the majority of the world’s smart phones (~85%) including Samsung, HTC and Sony. 1.15 billion Android powered phones were sold last year. “Year Zero” shows that as of 2016 the CIA had 24 “weaponized” Android “zero days” which it has developed itself and obtained from GCHQ, NSA and cyber arms contractors.
These techniques permit the CIA to bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloackman by hacking the “smart” phones that they run on and collecting audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.
Take aways…
CIA malware and hacking tools are built by EDG (Engineering Development Group), a software development group within CCI (Center for Cyber Intelligence), a department belonging to the CIA’s DDI (Directorate for Digital Innovation). The DDI is one of the five major directorates of the CIA (see this organizational chart of the CIA for more details).
The increasing sophistication of surveillance techniques has drawn comparisons with George Orwell’s 1984, but “Weeping Angel”, developed by the CIA’s Embedded Devices Branch (EDB), which infests smart TVs, transforming them into covert microphones, is surely its most emblematic realization.
Many of these infection efforts are pulled together by the CIA’s Automated Implant Branch (AIB), which has developed several attack systems for automated infestation and control of CIA malware, such as “Assassin” and “Medusa”.
The CIA has developed automated multi-platform malware attack and control systems covering Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, Linux and more, such as EDB’s “HIVE” and the related “Cutthroat” and “Swindle” tools.
Also cars,
As of October 2014 the CIA was also looking at infecting the vehicle control systems used by modern cars and trucks.
The purpose of such control is not specified, but it would permit the CIA to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations.
This is quite suggestive of the CIA having a role in the death of Michael Hastings.
The CIA also runs a very substantial effort to infect and control Microsoft Windows users with its malware.
This includes multiple local and remote weaponized “zero days”, air gap jumping viruses such as “Hammer Drill” which infects software distributed on CD/DVDs, infectors for removable media such as USBs, systems to hide data in images or in covert disk areas ( “Brutal Kangaroo”) and to keep its malware infestations going.
Hoarding of Zero Day exploits:
In the wake of Edward Snowden’s leaks about the NSA, the U.S. technology industry secured a commitment from the Obama administration that the executive would disclose on an ongoing basis — rather than hoard — serious vulnerabilities, exploits, bugs or “zero days” to Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other US-based manufacturers.
Serious vulnerabilities not disclosed to the manufacturers places huge swathes of the population and critical infrastructure at risk to foreign intelligence or cyber criminals who independently discover or hear rumors of the vulnerability. If the CIA can discover such vulnerabilities so can others.
The U.S. government’s commitment to the Vulnerabilities Equities Process came after significant lobbying by US technology companies, who risk losing their share of the global market over real and perceived hidden vulnerabilities. The government stated that it would disclose all pervasive vulnerabilities discovered after 2010 on an ongoing basis.
“Year Zero” documents show that the CIA breached the Obama administration’s commitments. Many of the vulnerabilities used in the CIA’s cyber arsenal are pervasive and some may already have been found by rival intelligence agencies or cyber criminals.
As an example, specific CIA malware revealed in “Year Zero” is able to penetrate, infest and control both the Android phone and iPhone software that runs or has run presidential Twitter accounts. The CIA attacks this software by using undisclosed security vulnerabilities (“zero days”) possessed by the CIA but if the CIA can hack these phones then so can everyone else who has obtained or discovered the vulnerability. As long as the CIA keeps these vulnerabilities concealed from Apple and Google (who make the phones) they will not be fixed, and the phones will remain hackable.
The same vulnerabilities exist for the population at large, including the U.S. Cabinet, Congress, top CEOs, system administrators, security officers and engineers. By hiding these security flaws from manufacturers like Apple and Google the CIA ensures that it can hack everyone &mdsh; at the expense of leaving everyone hackable.
Take aways…
In the wake of Edward Snowden’s leaks about the NSA, the U.S. technology industry secured a commitment from the Obama administration that the executive would disclose on an ongoing basis — rather than hoard — serious vulnerabilities, exploits, bugs or “zero days” to Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other US-based manufacturers.
Serious vulnerabilities not disclosed to the manufacturers places huge swathes of the population and critical infrastructure at risk to foreign intelligence or cyber criminals who independently discover or hear rumors of the vulnerability. If the CIA can discover such vulnerabilities so can others.
Please see the table of contents for the full list of projects described by WikiLeaks’ “Year Zero”. (Over 500 and counting…)
Proliferation of leaked/hacked Cyberwar programs:
While nuclear proliferation has been restrained by the enormous costs and visible infrastructure involved in assembling enough fissile material to produce a critical nuclear mass, cyber ‘weapons’, once developed, are very hard to retain.
Cyber ‘weapons’ are in fact just computer programs which can be pirated like any other. Since they are entirely comprised of information they can be copied quickly with no marginal cost.
Over the last three years the United States intelligence sector, which consists of government agencies such as the CIA and NSA and their contractors, such as Booze Allan Hamilton, has been subject to unprecedented series of data exfiltrations by its own workers.
Once a single cyber ‘weapon’ is ‘loose’ it can spread around the world in seconds, to be used by peer states, cyber mafia and teenage hackers alike.
The U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt is a covert CIA hacker base
In addition to its operations in Langley, Virginia the CIA also uses the U.S. consulate in Frankfurt as a covert base for its hackers covering Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
CIA hackers operating out of the Frankfurt consulate ( “Center for Cyber Intelligence Europe” or CCIE) are given diplomatic (“black”) passports and State Department cover.
The instructions for incoming CIA hackers make Germany’s counter-intelligence efforts appear inconsequential: “Breeze through German Customs because you have your cover-for-action story down pat, and all they did was stamp your passport”
Examples of CIA projects
The CIA’s Engineering Development Group (EDG) management system contains around 500 different projects (only some of which are documented by “Year Zero”) each with their own sub-projects, malware and hacker tools. The majority of these projects relate to tools that are used for penetration, infestation (“implanting”), control, and exfiltration.
Umbrage: The CIA’s Remote Devices Branch’s UMBRAGE group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation. With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.
Fine Dining: Fine Dining comes with a standardized questionnaire i.e menu that CIA case officers fill out. The questionnaire is used by the agency’s OSB (Operational Support Branch) to transform the requests of case officers into technical requirements for hacking attacks (typically “exfiltrating” information from computer systems) for specific operations. Among the list of possible targets of the collection are ‘Asset’, ‘Liason Asset’, ‘System Administrator’, ‘Foreign Information Operations’, ‘Foreign Intelligence Agencies’ and ‘Foreign Government Entities’. Notably absent is any reference to extremists or transnational criminals.
‘Improvise’; a toolset for configuration, post-processing, payload setup and execution vector selection for survey/exfiltration tools supporting all major operating systems like Windows (Bartender), MacOS (JukeBox) and Linux (DanceFloor).
HIVE: HIVE is a multi-platform CIA malware suite and its associated control software. The project provides customizable implants for Windows, Solaris, MikroTik (used in internet routers) and Linux platforms and a Listening Post (LP)/Command and Control (C2) infrastructure to communicate with these implants. The implants are configured to communicate via HTTPS with the webserver of a cover domain; each operation utilizing these implants has a separate cover domain and the infrastructure can handle any number of cover domains.
Evading forensics and anti-virus
A series of standards lay out CIA malware infestation patterns which are likely to assist forensic crime scene investigators as well as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Nokia, Blackberry, Siemens and anti-virus companies attribute and defend against attacks.
“Tradecraft DO’s and DON’Ts” contains CIA rules on how its malware should be written to avoid fingerprints implicating the “CIA, US government, or its witting partner companies” in “forensic review”. Similar secret standards cover the use of encryption to hide CIA hacker and malware communication (pdf), describing targets & exfiltrated data (pdf) as well as executing payloads (pdf) and persisting (pdf) in the target’s machines over time.
CIA hackers developed successful attacks against most well known anti-virus programs.
CIA hackers discussed what the NSA’s “Equation Group” hackers did wrong and how the CIA’s malware makers could avoid similar exposure.
The CIA’s hand crafted hacking techniques pose a problem for the agency. Each technique it has created forms a “fingerprint” that can be used by forensic investigators to attribute multiple different attacks to the same entity.
This is analogous to finding the same distinctive knife wound on multiple separate murder victims. The unique wounding style creates suspicion that a single murderer is responsible. As soon one murder in the set is solved then the other murders also find likely attribution.
With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.
It’s easy to have the NSA place “digital fingerprints” on their hacking efforts using these tools, and then blame another nation.
UMBRAGE components cover keyloggers, password collection, webcam capture, data destruction, persistence, privilege escalation, stealth, anti-virus (PSP) avoidance and survey techniques.
Unless maintained, the Bill of Rights becomes useless and superannuated.
Fine Dining
Fine Dining comes with a standardized questionnaire i.e menu that CIA case officers fill out. The questionnaire is used by the agency’s OSB (Operational Support Branch) to transform the requests of case officers into technical requirements for hacking attacks (typically “exfiltrating” information from computer systems) for specific operations.
The questionnaire allows the OSB to identify how to adapt existing tools for the operation, and communicate this to CIA malware configuration staff. The OSB functions as the interface between CIA operational staff and the relevant technical support staff.
Among the list of possible targets of the collection are ‘Asset’, ‘Liason Asset’, ‘System Administrator’, ‘Foreign Information Operations’, ‘Foreign Intelligence Agencies’ and ‘Foreign Government Entities’. Notably absent is any reference to extremists or transnational criminals. The ‘Case Officer’ is also asked to specify the environment of the target like the type of computer, operating system used, Internet connectivity and installed anti-virus utilities (PSPs) as well as a list of file types to be exfiltrated like Office documents, audio, video, images or custom file types. The ‘menu’ also asks for information if recurring access to the target is possible and how long unobserved access to the computer can be maintained. This information is used by the CIA’s ‘JQJIMPROVISE’ software (see below) to configure a set of CIA malware suited to the specific needs of an operation.
‘Improvise’ is a toolset for configuration, post-processing, payload setup and execution vector selection for survey/exfiltration tools supporting all major operating systems like Windows (Bartender), MacOS (JukeBox) and Linux (DanceFloor). Its configuration utilities like Margarita allows the NOC (Network Operation Center) to customize tools based on requirements from ‘Fine Dining’ questionairies.
What is an "implant"?
It is the embedded code that instructs your brain what to do and how to behave when you are using electronics technology.
It is the software that has the back of your mind musing about certain things, issues of the day, or getting all emotionally upset about something.
HIVE is a multi-platform CIA malware suite and its associated control software. The project provides customizable implants for Windows, Solaris, MikroTik (used in internet routers) and Linux platforms and a Listening Post (LP)/Command and Control (C2) infrastructure to communicate with these implants.
The implants are configured to communicate via HTTPS with the webserver of a cover domain; each operation utilizing these implants has a separate cover domain and the infrastructure can handle any number of cover domains.
Each cover domain resolves to an IP address that is located at a commercial VPS (Virtual Private Server) provider. The public-facing server forwards all incoming traffic via a VPN to a ‘Blot’ server that handles actual connection requests from clients. It is setup for optional SSL client authentication: if a client sends a valid client certificate (only implants can do that), the connection is forwarded to the ‘Honeycomb’ toolserver that communicates with the implant; if a valid certificate is missing (which is the case if someone tries to open the cover domain website by accident), the traffic is forwarded to a cover server that delivers an unsuspicious looking website.
The Honeycomb toolserver receives exfiltrated information from the implant; an operator can also task the implant to execute jobs on the target computer, so the toolserver acts as a C2 (command and control) server for the implant.
Similar functionality (though limited to Windows) is provided by the RickBobby project.
“You could have all the crazy thoughts you wanted, as long as you smiled and kept them to yourself.”
― Mara Purnhagen, Past Midnight
99.9% of the articles (on the internet and in books) discuss how “unconstitutional” the collection of information, by the NSA, is. They argue (and rightfully so) that the United States government should not be doing this, that it is against the Constitution, the law, the purpose of government, and is a dangerous precedent. Ah. We all get this and understand it.
I argue something a little different.
The reason why the United States wants your reading, watching, listening, and Geo-location information (as well as your passwords, your friends, and your associations) is not so much to track your actions and behaviors. But instead, to be able to feed embedded algorithms into your phone.
These hidden and secretive signals direct your subconscious actions.
They control what you look at, what you listen to, and what you are exposed to.
Thus, they “box you in” to a particular “mind set”. And in so doing, they control you.
And the American PTB (Deep State) Oligarchy leadership are believing that this 2D manipulation of minds will guarantee their successful implementation of change; guarantee that they will remain in power forever, and guarantee that their goals and societal adjustments will occur without any opposition.
But the universe is far more complex than any 2D operation. It’s at a bare minimum, an 11D exercise. And pushing this controlling narratives into the minds of millions of Americans will have , or is having…
… unexpected, or unintended consequences.
It should be no surprise that the United States is now balkanized into violently radical warring factions. All of which are attuned to certain pre-defined narratives. Individual, independent thought no longer exists. You are either “A”, or “B” or “C”. And they have further classified you in to a direct subcategory all for the purposes of your control. “A-4”, or “B-7”.
Vault 7 exposes this.
Now a cursory look at the files might (indeed) give you the impression that it’s just advanced techniques for the collection and gathering of information. I urge the reader to think past that. Any nation that has an intimate knowledge of your “private papers” and “personal privacy” in real time has the ability to control you.
It’s all about control.
The control of what and how you think, by a very powerful government.
And this is why Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo are all up in arms about 5G, and Huawei. It's not that the technology is better, dangerous, or would have "back doors". It is that the stranglehold of the American government control over people would come to an end as less and less people use programs with these embedded algorithms.
If you want to protect yourself from being manipulated by hidden, invisible and secret manipulations, you need to start using phones, and software developed outside of the United States. Those products that are being “banned from American use” such as Huawei and Xiaomi are almost certainly devoid of NSA malware.
Though, perhaps the best thing might be to just move away from all electronic media and live a far simpler life.
A simpler life.
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Well, you cannot help but notice. The United States is a fucking mess. It really is, and the only ones that cannot see this are partisan loyalists and oligarchs inside their comfortable mansions. Here is a great article that pretty much comes to this conclusion. And after decades of warnings, and nuanced complaining, the often discounted SHTF and civil strife seem to be building up to its ultimate conclusion.
You can see this just by reading the headlines on the Drudge Report…
Whatever the leadership is doing, it’s ineffectual.
I get the impression of a ship sinking, and everyone on the deck fighting each other. The Captain of the ship is just locked in his cabin. The rest of the crew just aren’t doing anything substantive. Any lifeboats are partially unfurled, and only partial measures are in place for all the many problems that are igniting all over the ship.
Its a mess, a flame that out of control, and the blaze is burning brightly.
Is America Heading For Civil War? Of Course It Is…
The following is an article by Brandon Smith, written on July 7th, 2020. Tt can be found at Alt-Market, and all credit to the author. This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Alt-Market.
In last week’s article, I discussed the issue of American “balkanization” and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming militant in their progressive ideology. In my home state of Montana, there has been a surge of people trying to escape the chaos and oppression of leftist states.
Some are here because of the pandemic and the harsh restrictions they had to endure during the first lockdowns. Others are here because they can’t stand the hostility of identity politics, cancel culture, and race riots. Either way, they are fleeing places with decidedly leftist influences.
Uprooting and moving to an entirely new place is not an easy thing to do, especially in the middle of a pandemic. For many people, such an idea would have been unthinkable only a few years ago. Believe me, moving to a place like the Rocky Mountain Redoubt is not an easy transition for most. Hopefully, these people understand that they will have to make extensive preparations for the rough winter and be ready to work hard in the spring and summer months to survive. Maybe they don’t realize yet how tough it is here; maybe they know and don’t care.
That’s how bad the situation has become – Rational and reasonable people are willing to leave behind their old life and risk it all to keep a margin of freedom.
Armed “Black Panthers” march in Texas with a list of demands for substantive changes to society.
In my view, it is clear that the political left has gone so far off the rails into its own cultism that there is no coming back. There can be no reconciliation between the two sides, so we must separate, or we must fight. I advocate for separation first for a number of reasons:
First and foremost, conservatives are the primary producers within American culture. If we leave the leftists to their own devices there is a chance they will simply implode in on themselves and eat each other because they have no idea how to fill the production void. The recent developments in the defunct CHAZ/CHOP autonomous zone are a perfect example. Those people don’t have the slightest clue what they are doing and it shows.
Second, if conservatives separate it provides a buffer that helps defuse future random conflicts. When you force the two sides into a box together eventually they will find a reason to try to kill each other. Putting some distance between them and us reduces the angst.
Third, if the leftists decide they don’t like that we have separated and are thriving on our own, and they attempt to antagonize or attack us where we live, then we hold the clear moral high ground when we smash them to pieces in response.
Antifa elements along with some non-aligned protestors have taken over vast areas of the city of Seattle.
I fully realize that the third outcome is the most likely. War is probably inevitable. Why? Because collectivists and narcissists are never satisfied. They desire unlimited control over the lives of others and they will use any means to get that control no matter how destructive. Separating from them is only a stop-gap that allows us to take a superior position. Through peaceful migration, we set the pace of the conflict. Eventually, they will come after us, and there will be no doubt about our response then. There will be no way to spin the result in their favor, no way for them to play the victims.
Some people might question if we are actually to the point of open conflict; they might accuse me of “doom-mongering”. Others may argue that conservatives are acting “passive” and that we will never take any action. These assumptions are common right now because such people do not understand how history progresses and how group psychology evolves.
Domestic war is not something pursued lightly, or haphazardly. The average person knows at least subconsciously that it’s better to seek resolution or to remain patient as events unfold. Conservatives aren’t stupid; we know that before any civil war there is first a culture war. And, we know that the cards are stacked against us and that if we act rashly in any way we will lose position in that culture war.
So, we let the leftists spit and rage like madmen for a little while. Each day people who were on the fence when it comes to the culture war are witnessing this and come over to our side because we’re the only side that is sane. The drawback is, there comes a point in which calm professionalism might be wrongly perceived as weakness. And when people sense weakness among conservatives, they might run into the arms of the extreme left thinking that it’s safer to join the “winning team”.
Lawless areas are springing up all over America’s cities. Where the government steps back and allows others, often a local crime boss, to take over portions of the city.
I believe conservatives have not been sucked into a reactionary stance yet because they are thinking logically and refusing to play the game for now. In some ways, it is how we enter the fight that is more important than the fight itself. To understand why, we have to look at the bigger picture beyond the left/right conflict.
As I noted last week, the political left is a tool for a greater agenda. They are being used as a weapon of chaos by globalist interests. This is not “conspiracy theory”, this is a conspiracy fact. Millions of dollars have poured into Antifa and BLM related groups through elitist donors like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation as well as the Ford Foundation. Globalist institutions like these have been influencing the extreme left and promoting identity politics for DECADES. This is openly admitted. What we are witnessing in 2020 is simply the culmination of a half-century-long propaganda campaign that created the modern feminist movement, victim group status, entitlement culture, etc.
The reason for the agenda should be obvious: Chaos creates fear. Fear creates division and crisis. And, crisis creates opportunity (as globalist Rahm Emanuel once bragged). Meaning, the extreme left is going to start a war because that’s exactly what the global elites created them for.
Now, some might suggest that this places conservatives in a Catch-22 position; if we don’t fight back then we will look weak. We will be culturally isolated and eventually overrun and wiped from the history books. If we do fight back we will be giving the globalists what they want – A civil war that will tear America apart.
The suggestion by certain special interests will be that there is only one way out; use government power to turn the tide to our advantage. In other words, institute martial law. I don’t really see it that way.
Once we understand that a fight is coming regardless, our task is to position ourselves with the most advantage possible while keeping our culture and our principles intact. This includes our belief in constitutionalism, civil liberties, and opposition to tyranny in ANY form. Winning the fight is important, but maintaining our principles in the process is more important. Becoming a monster to fight the monster is the same as losing.
When the left comes for us (and they will), the fight has to be won by us, not government. We cannot hand even more power to government in the name of security. We cannot become the fascists the leftists accuse us of being.
I am often asked these days about my view of the 2020 election and how it will turn out. I did predict Trump’s election win in the summer of 2016 based on the idea that Trump’s presence in the White House would drive the left insane, as well as give the globalists a perfect “conservative” scapegoat for the economic collapse they had been engineering since at least 2008.
Trump’s cabinet of global elitists suggests his complacency in this plan. We still live under a one-party system pretending as if it is a two-party paradigm.
Furthermore, I am not convinced there will even be an election in November. With pandemic lockdowns surely returning as infections spike once again, the US economy will be in ruins by winter. Voting in a traditional fashion will be difficult or restricted in some states. And, mail-in or digital ballots will not be accepted by most conservatives because of their history of being used to rig election outcomes.
Look at it this way: If Trump “wins”, or delays the election, the left will riot and a civil war will be triggered. Conservatives will have to deal with the violence of the left while also dealing with the potential for martial law (which we cannot tolerate or support either). If Biden “wins”, it will be perceived by many conservatives who still think elections matter as a stolen presidency engineered through fraudulent ballot practices.
To summarize, if Trump is still in the White House in 2021, get ready to fight back against leftist mobs as well as martial law measures. If you believe in freedom, realize that fake conservatives that support government tyranny will be as much a problem as Marxist lefties. If Biden enters the White House, expect him to immediately implement unconstitutional policies including medical tyranny, gun confiscation, and martial law. Either way, it ends in war.
BLM supporters demanding an “improved” society of segregation where they make the rules.
It’s also the classic false choice narrative: You can choose Marxism and communism, or you can choose fascism. Communism being the elevation of the weak and the oppression of the strong in the name of arbitrary “equality”, and fascism being the elimination of the weak or less fortunate in the name of making more room for the strong. Both sides rely on totalitarian government to assert dominance, and both sides benefit the elitist establishment. The great con is that there is no third option when there is; the non-aggression principle, citizen defense, voluntarism, and freedom.
Frankly, I almost prefer a scenario in which Biden and the left are perceived as stealing the election. At least then conservatives will be fully united once again and ready to fight, instead of passively relying on a Pied Piper like Trump to save them.
The truth is, in 2020-2021 we stand at a massive nexus point in human history. We are spiraling into a decade and a fight that will decide the fate liberty for the next century or more. On one side stands the global elites and the useful idiots on the hard left. They will push for a collectivist system that erases all memory of the Constitutional Republic we once knew, and they will get help from fake conservatives that value power over principle. On the other side stands the people that just want to be left alone; the free minds, the people that don’t need or desire to have power over anybody.
If humanity is to have a future at all, the second group must continue to exist and prosper. They are the wellspring that feeds us, that gives us something to hope for. If the elites and the social justice mob take control, there can be no future for our species. They desire what they cannot and should not have. They value only what they can take from others. They have a hunger that can never be satiated. They will devour the world until there is nothing left while claiming they stand for the “greater good”. War cannot be avoided with such people; the only question is, will liberty-minded people stay the course and stick by their principles or will they fall to their darker impulses to ensure victory?
It certainly seems to me that the United States is a mess. The government is corrupt, inefficient and squabbling to a point that few things can get done. The entire premise of what the United States is today is being questioned, with the entire political left leaning towards a mix of fascism and communism to sort things out.
Whether this will result in a shooting civil war is unknown. Certainly, historical precedents seem to point in that direction, but we really do not know. What we do know is that every time that the United States seems to be on the edge of chaos, it suddenly gets pulled back from the brink and things calm right back down.
So we just don’t know what will happen.
Certainly, the comments to this article (on the original site) express a mix of emotions and thoughts that pretty much display emotional rants, with little constructive dialog. That in itself is worrisome.
If you all in the United States now, please take care of yourself, your family, and your friends. Your strength lies in your community; your local community and your role in it. If things get better, then your life will be richer for it. If things get worse, you will be able to survive it with others in a similar situation.
Make sure that you are protecting yourself from the many threats that circle around you and your family.
These threats include COVID-19 and more. Have food stockpiles, have them hidden, and keep quiet about them. You know, canned food will keep for a long time. And, it wouldn’t hurt to have a few bags of flour or rice lying around. Some small bottles of alcohol are great trade items and can be used for other things if needed. If you don’t drink, you might want to buy a case of cheap whiskey in small bottles. The same goes for cigarette lighters – the disposable kind. A box of 100 can be bought on the internet cheaply.
Make absolutely sure that you have antibiotics. These are like gold during a SHTF event. Aspirin, Tylenol, and any prescription pain relievers are good things to have. Rubbing alcohol, and a couple of books on emergency first aid procedures will not cost much, but would really come in handy if things go “South”.
It never hurts to begin preparations now, if you haven’t already.
Reinforce your fences, gates, and protective measures, a long row of tangled foliage will work wonders. Supplement your front and rear doors with a two-by-four that you can effectively double bar the door with.
Extra protective measures might not be needed, but are always prudent when times become unstable.
Train, and drill with family. Nothing radical or worrisome. Just concentrate on the basics. What happens at home is confidential. Avoid crowds. How to handle fires, or strangers who come to your neighborhood. Be alert. Do simple things like that.
You would be amazed at the number of "preppers" who discover that their children participate in BLM marches, and rallies. And who communicate on pro-BLM and Antifa social media. For a family to survive, it needs to be unified.
Use the rule of three on weapons and hiding them; One group for ease of use. One group hidden to your family, and one group that only you know about.
Make sure that you are gardening. Even if you don’t eat the food, it’s a wonderful pastime and helps relieve stress.
Gardening need not be a big thing. Just start out small, and plant something. So you missed spring, you can plant things throughout the year.
Canning is also fun. Give it a spin if you have the opportunity. Riding a bicycle is a lot of fun. Get out of your car or truck and go riding on some local back roads. Get to know the feel of the land. Have fun.
If you can, go out fishing with your family.
Again, I do not know what will happen. But I do expect that certain areas of the country might experience some degree of civil lawlessness. Not just in Seattle. YOu will be able to see urban migrants trying to enter your area. They might come in campers, or with tents and backpacks. Be wary of tent cities and encampments. Often they are not reported, but “everyone” will know where they are. More areas than what is currently being reported. If your area becomes one such area, you need to be prepared and ready.
Start now.
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The following is an outstanding article that was originally published on UNZ. It is pretty much “spot on” and tells you who is behind all the issues, the turmoil and the stress that the world is going through right now. It it good? I don’t know. Is it bad? I don’t know. But it should be worth your while to understand what is going on in this world and why.
Let me explain. We’re going on a voyage through sight and sound and mind, unlocking that door with that key of imagination (it’s still around), crossing over into Twilight Zone 2020. When we’re done, you’ll have seen the world through the eyes of a globalist. Which one? It doesn’t matter. Not all are the same, ‘tis true. But we’re interested in what they share, not where they differ. What they share is a plan — for total control. Whether it’s called world government or the “softer” global governance, you’ll see it as an inevitable result of technology and modernity. For the past three centuries, things have gotten more centralized and consolidated. The process is now accelerating. For you and your fellow globalists, many your superiors in a vast treelike hierarchy, the world is like a game of Risk. You know the rules, you have the skills, and you’re playing to win. It is a game, after all. Populations are like pieces on a board, to be moved around or removed at will or whim, as you challenge other global players and bring everyone into your fold.
Our voyage has begun. I should warn you, gentle reader, before we go all the way through that door. When we return you may feel queasy, with an urge to take a bath. Do not be alarmed. This comes with the territory.
So you are a globalist. You were born to wealth and real privilege, educated at Harvard (or Yale or Columbia). You came of age assuming that as one of the blue bloods, your destiny is to help shape the new world order to come. Your name may be unknown. This doesn’t bother you. If visibility should come your way, you’ll accept it. But you’re not preoccupied with it. You see no reason to seek it out. More gets from behind the curtain, anyway.
You’re in awe, admittedly, of the wealth accumulated by such dynasties as the Rothschilds, how they managed to drop from sight over a century ago and remain hidden — not on lists of the rich such as Forbes publishes — despite their absolute lock on trillions through the central banks they control and hundreds of “shell” corporations whose managers have no idea, because many in the dynasty don’t use that name.
You are properly disdainful of the masses. Like your fellow globalists you don’t see them as more than cattle, fit to be caged in work cubicles and ruled. But you’ve noticed, even from their inferior genes come, every so often, intelligent men and a few women with the right attitude. Such individuals can be plucked from the mass environment, tested for their reaction when they learn how the world really works, and if they pass the test, trained. The rest — with their gleeful mass consumption, their addictions to screens, their adulation of celebrities and sports icons, their blind adherence to religion or ideology whether “left” or “right” — leave you singularly unimpressed. Most you can barely tell apart since they dress, wear their hair, and talk the same, as members of various tribes. Tribalism, you were told as a child, is our natural state, and you’ve no cause to doubt it. A few idealistic intellectuals once thought they could transcend tribes with their god Reason. They called this the Enlightenment, which had its uses. But here we are back again. You look at society and you see tribes.
If you’re anything, you’re a realist. Since the masses act like cattle, why not treat them like cattle? At some point, you might be one of the people who gets to decide who lives and who dies, as the crisis your superiors did so much to engineer and then to hide inside continues to unfold: the genetically-engineered coronavirus, the planned-emic, the fomented racial unrest, the cancellation of history through programmed destruction of monuments to it. Fairytales like “white privilege.” Whatever divides, helps, because when groups are at each other’s throats over “microaggressions” and “racism” or trans-confusion or whatever, they’re not watching you.
Are you a sociopath? You don’t know. You understand the question, but you don’t think it has much meaning. You were raised as you were, you know what you know, and you do what you have to. You can empathize with your own, you think, but who knows? You tell your wife you love her, and she was picked for you because she’s good stock, too, but should she make the slightest wrong move, or show too much curiosity about what you do during the day, she’s gone in less time than it takes to say divorce. And without the niceties of a division of assets.
You have superiors who’ll cut you out in the same way if you display weakness or remorse or guilt, especially for the fate of the cattle. This you also know. Superior breeding, intelligence, and strength of will got them where they are, and yours hasn’t hurt you any. If anything, you think those some call sociopaths might be a superior breed of human. To your superiors, emotional cravings after ethics are signs of weakness and stupidity. The cattle are as they are because they believe that stuff.
You believe in Hegelian dialectic because you’ve seen it used. Crisis Reaction Response. Foment a crisis, or through inaction at the right time, allow one to develop. The crisis prompts a predictable reaction. As things come to a head, your political groupies move in with the response that was wanted all along, and it usually comes hassle-free. Your media mouthpieces praise it. The cattle lap it up like warm milk. The crisis could be a planned terror attack or a threat of war or an economic downturn or the planned-emic. What you hear from the cattle is that collective cry, “Do something!”
So you and your fellows do something, and what you do brings you greater control. It could be funneling money to support a policy decision that will lead to more centralization and dominance. Or supporting a candidate who will do your bidding because he’s afraid of what will happen if he doesn’t.
Or it could be going to war against a designated target, someone in the way of globalist goals. If the masses are told they’re in danger, and that destroying your enemy will restore their safety, they’ll go along, because as you and your fellow globalists have understood from the start, they want safety more than freedom. That was the core failing of those who founded the country you grew up in but no longer recognize, so completely have its founding principles been dismantled. They believed more than a tiny minority of the human race are suited for freedom. Several of those ideals once presented the greatest potential roadblock to you and your superiors’ goals for the world. But that was long ago. Now things are falling apart, and you’re satisfied as you watch the mayhem in the streets.
What strikes you as funny is how the few who notice what you do are so easily labeled “conspiracy theorists” and how this totally shuts discussion down. If it’s on CNN or in the Washington Post, it has to be true, after all. Would these outlets lie to their readers? Even more amusing is how some kool-aid drinkers among the cattle police the herd without your help. You’ve seen this over and over on Internet forums, especially those attached to city newspapers. There’s usually some cyberbully, usually more liberal than thou, with fake superiority who calls out the “conspiracy nuts,” and he keeps the rabble in line without having the slightest idea whose interests he’s serving.
Sometimes you can’t stop laughing.
Because conspiracies by definition are hidden. You and your superiors aren’t hiding. You haven’t been hiding for decades. Some of your predecessors wrote books about globalist proposals for the world. They had major publishers with regular distribution networks. Visibility in financial media. Part of you wants to ask, is the World Economic Forum hidden from anyone? Or this, about the Great Reset, as they call the purpose of this crisis, right there on YouTube with all those links to more information?
You understand that the way to control the minds of the masses is to control the information that reaches them. This, too, was discovered long ago. Hence sending their children to public schools to learn “subjects” crafted to specification while they acquired habits of regimentation and attitudes of subservience to authority.
The way to control their bodies is through economics, which is based on incentives. Everything in this world follows its food supply, and secondarily, the need for warmth and safety and sex. The masses need to buy food and pay for shelter, and they can be led by their noses with sex appeal. Corporate machinations determine what jobs are available and in what quantities. It wasn’t hard to drive the bulk of the public into employment of one sort of another, because employment meant dependence. Advertising drives them to consume, so the economic engine keeps humming.
Schools tell them they are free, of course, because they can vote every two and four years for candidates you and your fellows have approved, at least in most cases. Trump was an odd case, but your superiors have partially bent him to their will.
All this said, you and your fellow globalists are not gods, and you don’t view yourselves as gods. There are no gods any more than there are ghosts, goblins, ghouls, poltergeists, or space aliens. You’re just a superior breed of human, that’s all. You blue bloods tamed emotions the masses can’t tame, while focusing on long-term goals, developing the right technological tools, and getting everyone and everything into alignment.
Speaking of Trump, he and a few others monkeywrenched things a little. Fortunately, most of what Trump has actually done benefited the very corporations serving your superiors — as if he actually knew who had been buttering his bread all along (his commerce secretary, Wilber Ross, who helped him out of a financial jam years ago, is a Rothschild agent, after all). And it’s not like he was going to Drain the Swamp. If he truly thought he was going to oppose globalism, he was opposing something 90 percent finished.
But getting back to the godhood question….
You’re not gods because God if He really existed wouldn’t make mistakes, and you globalists have made some epic blunders over the years. You made basically the same mistake twice, in fact! Letting a technology get away from you.
Back in the 1960s, your predecessors let television get away. Television, that new and potentially fantastic panacea for bored housewives and sports fans, that instrument for communicating propaganda passed off as news, and a source of revenue for companies great and small who threw millions into commercial ads that supported programming that would condition viewers to what your predecessors wanted them to think. But they let parts of it get away from them. It’s a cultural cesspool now, but back then, the ship had sailed.
The mistake was permitting boots-on-the-ground coverage of what was really going on in Vietnam. Kids saw the bodybags and were horrified. A critical mass of a generation came of age telling each other, “We’re not doing this anymore!” They would have sent a man to the White House to stop that war, which your predecessors wanted badly. A couple of their jackals took him out, just like a different group took out his brother five years earlier, but it was too late. The movement survived and ended that war prematurely. It wasn’t economically feasible to continue fighting it. It took a long time to build the war machine back to where it had been. Globalism lost valuable time!
Then, more recently, your fellows let the Internet slip through their fingers! Originally a DARPA creation, this work of genius programmed computers to “talk to one another” within the burgeoning communications grid. It migrated from government to computer science labs in universities and from there, slow but sure, to dissident voices who hadn’t had such platforms before. It also made its way to the masses. Some turned it into the same cesspool television had become, but for others — refuseniks, you call them — it was an oasis of “free speech” and they made full use of it. Some were clever and gathered a lot of essentially truthful information about what you and your fellows have been up to all these years and decades. The “conspiracy” meme worked somewhat but didn’t carry the same weight it once had.
So your minions seeded it with all manner of bogus information and confusion and false rabbit trails. Sometimes — proving they have a sense of humor, you suppose — they pushed stuff that was outright idiotic, such as the Earth being flat and this being science’s darkest secret and the devil’s greatest triumph after convincing the world he doesn’t exist. Here your generation came in. Part of your work involves creating content that distracts and confuses. You love your work. Because you can endlessly play mind games with truthseekers. Even if there isn’t any way to prevent some truth from getting out (such as the role of a certain powerful Middle Eastern nation with Washington’s most powerful lobby in 9/11), you and your fellows can see to it that even intelligent and discerning researchers have a hard time telling what is true from what isn’t. Helping your cause is the sheer quantity of information, whether about historical events or more recent ones such as the 9/11 attacks, or even the 2008 financial crisis where you could confuse and misdirect to so people would look at unqualified loan recipients instead of manipulative Wall Streeters and their instruments. It was easy to ensure that discussions of the latter were so complex and technical, as well as written in extremely dry language, so the average reader would quickly get bored and give up.
But when all is said and done, even though you helped create the post-truth world we live in now, it wasn’t enough.
Some of the refuseniks got organized! A Global Populist Revolt was at hand!
It started slow and fractured and ultimately compromised, like Occupy Wall Street and Arab Spring. But with Brexit and the rise of Trump, the Revolt grew sharper teeth, since even if Trump was basically an asshole and had all kinds of vulnerabilities, his command of all the major media was so superior and his opponents so weak that no one really stood a chance against him back in 2016. It would have been too risky to just take him out, like your predecessors did those two brothers all those years ago. Hotheads among his supporters would have blown the lid off. So you made the best of it, you and your fellow globalists. Then Hillary Clinton self-sabotaged with her idiotic “baskets of deplorables” remark and blew the election! Clinton, who had destroyed two countries almost singlehandedly (Libya and Honduras), would have been perfect at blending the drums of war with fanning the flames of black vs white, male vs female, straight vs gay, all helping distract from the looming financial catastrophe your fellows’ central bankers were busy engineering behind the scenes to prepare for the Great Reset.
Now you had a problem on your hands!
And by 2017 too many people were awake (not “woke”). They didn’t buy “Russia-gate” (God, how you hate such terms!). Nor did they buy “Ukraine-gate” which would be your Democrat Party servants’ last straightforward gambit for getting Trump out of office.
Nor were they buying into the man-made climate change narrative.
But you globalists are nothing if not smart, and with tremendous foresight. Some of you had been anticipating just such possibilities, having funneled millions into coronavirus research in places like Wuhan, China, where nobody in the West would notice.
It would be necessary to crush the Populists and refuseniks!
Enter the “novel” coronavirus. And how the Chinese Communist Party also played it smart doing your bidding keeping the lid on until global travel ensured that the virus would spread and start infecting vulnerable populations, laying the groundwork for a broader panic: your planned-emic. Your servants in governments closes borders, locked down economies forcibly closing thousands of small businesses, while slamming corporate media viewers with 24/7 coverage of COVID-19, letting them watch death numbers rack up.
The start of the greatest redistribution of wealth upwards in world history!
Then came the George Floyd riots, which some of you helped orchestrate — brilliant moves to increase the general level of mayhem and distraction.
Through the wrecked businesses and ruined lives you hear the cries of “do something!” You are your superiors are counting on this.
What a perfect opportunity for a Great Reset!
A few of you are saying almost visibly that only a world government can address this pandemic — which has certainly caused more fear than climate change and soft-minded phrases like “global problems call for global solutions.”
They weren’t personally threatened by climate change like they are getting sick and dying, and that’s the key. The object lesson is that the masses have to feel fear personally. They have to believe they or those they care about or things they care about are in danger, otherwise they won’t get with the program.
Now it’s appropriate to use TV to show bodybags and rows of graves!
This will also be the best opportunity you and your fellow globalists have to get rid of physical cash and digitize everything. Tell the masses that cash could spread the virus, not just that drug dealers, child traffickers, and other forms of lowlife scum use physical cash. Since most people have never seen a child trafficker or drug lord, again that’s not personal enough.
Eventually you’ll criminalize cash transactions that aren’t recorded digitally and can’t be monitored. Once your financial grid is set, you’ll know every detail of who has what, where they are getting it and how, what they are doing with it, and whether there’s anything suspicious going on. Your ideal is for the masses to have credit chips implanted in them, perhaps between the thumb and index finger of their left hand. A global ID. Everybody’s birth and parentage records, educational records, employment records, health records, and financial transactions, all in one place! Nothing will any more get lost, nothing will be stolen. You’ll tell the people that identity theft is a thing of the past.
Some still won’t go along, of course. Refuseniks, ideological descendants of those who rejected modernity, don’t trust authority, and would live like savages rather than enjoy the benefits of the new world order you globalists offer.
This is not a choice, though. Your superiors’ offer isn’t coming with an opt-out button.
You’re not sure what’s in the offing, because such things are on a need-to-know basis and you don’t need to know.
You realize there are things you don’t know. You know your immediate superiors who brought you to where you are, and you know the higher-ups past them reach up through Wall Street corporations and City of London enclaves past central banks and Bank of International Settlements and Davos culture, past even Those You Can’t Criticize to still higher “alchemists” of power. And they might be answering to someone above them. There may be curtains you can’t see, much less peer behind. Maybe someday you’ll be invited to gatherings in the “grove” if you perform well. But where does this go? You’ve had a few uneasy thoughts you’ve always been able to push away.
One thing you know: no one leaves this life except in a box. A few tried. They regretted it. A handful tried to tell their tale. They discovered the truth: no one believed them. They became laughingstocks, like those glassy-eyed, disheveled loons on sidewalks bearing signs and wailing through bad teeth that the end of the world is at hand.
As to what’s planned for the refusenik brigades, it’s sure to be something nastier than this planned-emic was.
This coronavirus wasn’t lethal except for certain groups like the elderly that can’t contribute to the global economy anyway and might as well be eliminated. Some 80 percent of everyone else infected got over it. Rough estimate.
You’ve heard rumors, though — Bill Gates mentioned one in passing, like he was talking about a mere possibility — of something waiting in the wings that will be lethal. Something able to wipe out not a few million but a few billion. Maybe reduce the world’s population by well over half, given that many who survive the plague will die in food riots, croak from heart attacks, OD on drugs, or commit suicide. Many may simply starve to death. You remember reading back in 2005 that Terry Schiavo, the disabled brain damaged woman, lived without food and water for 13 days after she was unplugged from life support. You wince a little as you imagine someone mostly healthy and with normal cognition going maybe longer without food, wandering to find it anywhere he can, failing because there isn’t any food, then collapsing and doubling up in agony because his stomach and small intestines are starting to digest themselves—
Sometimes you think you can empathize after all, and you’re deathly afraid it will show at some point….
You’re a globalist, a blue blood, and above such things.
Less population is a good thing. As the Georgia Guidestones say, no more than 500 million is the ideal. With more and more robotics coming, there’s going to be less work for people to do. Are your servants in governments really supposed to pay Universal Basic Income to masses who will lay around and play video games all day for the rest of their lives?
You’re thinking: supply them with Huxleyan soma. Eventually, as your co-opted scientists learn more about how to integrate technology into the developing fetal brain (or the brain into the technosphere!), you’ll be able to go well beyond what Huxley envisioned. You’ll be able to program whole populations so they’re born to the status you want for them, and be both physically and mentally unable to question it.
Transhumanism at its finest! Eternally!
Resistance is futile, and all that….
So there you are. This is your world — and the world to come. A world with a single governing structure about to pull everyone in, willingly or not; a single world marketplace dominated by corporations some of your superiors own and control, with employment for those who got with the program; maybe a single religion of humanity (something one of your heroes, sociology-founder Auguste Comte, promoted) and whatever spiritualism and woo the masses want to mix into it (you and your superiors don’t care just so it isn’t Christianity).
Things are going well enough that your superiors think they’ll have the basics in place by 2030, and given how many people actually did fall in line behind the COVID-19 scare, you’re thinking this as well. There’s a document out there in plain view citing that year, with silly stuff about things like eradicating poverty. You know your superiors don’t care about eradicating poverty, but such sentiments play to the emotions of those you want to influence. Even the more intelligent of the masses are still, after all, creatures of emotion. Their primary emotions being fear, greed, and lust, you, your superiors, and their predecessors have known for decades how to incentivize most of them.
As for the refuseniks? In time, they’ll be dealt with—
Well, gentle reader, we’ve looked at the world — your world — through the eyes of a globalist. It is time to return you back from this journey of sight and sound and mind. Back from Twilight Zone 2020. Back through that door to the familiarity of home and hearth. The bathroom is still the first room on your left.
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you.
Let it be well understood that today 1JUN20 that SHTF in the United States is now official. Elements have been building up for some time, most certainly. And there have been some events that definitely contributed to this situation, but make absolutely no mistake. SHTF is now active and the entire United States is in turmoil.
As with anything, it’s difficult to pick a time when an event starts. Does Christmas start at 12:01 25 December, or when children wake up? Does it start when the presents are opened? Or, is is a month-long holiday with different phases.
Let’s not parse the details too severely. All that wonderful “freedom”, “liberty” and “democracy” that Americans are so very happy that they have has…
… reared it’s ugly face.
In fact, it is nothing of the sort. It’s all just fancy slogans, endlessly repeated, by a dumbed down mindless mass of serfs. The United States is a military oligarchy-run empire, and the peasants are tired of it.
People are pissed off.
Some of them are just bored, and want a “regular” life.
Some are opportunists.
Some want to burn it all down, and literally kill anyone who is doing better than themselves.
If you all think that it’s going to die down in a day or two you are deluded. This is the start of a long slow collapse. Oh, certain regions will fare better than others. Certain people will do better than others, and certain situations will bring more advantages than others.
But that’s not what I am afraid of.
I’m afraid of the morons running the United States. For typically when there is economic turmoil such as this, the answer is always “distraction by war”. It focuses the people to something outside the poorly run domestic economy. And since this “domestic turmoil” is so expansive (this time), the up-scaled version of war could also be “up-scaled”.
And, I tend to be wrong about 50% of the time, don’t you know.
You are Here…
You are here.
Leadership in hiding
The idea that President Trump is in a bunker, safe and sound under the White House while America is in flames reminds me of another event…
… when Hitler hunkered down in a bunker in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin while all of Germany burns.
While I actually am equating Trump with Hitler, it should not be misconstrued. I am actually equating the events of the collapse of the United States with the collapse of Germany. The mere fact that it is President Trump in Washington at this time instead of Obama, Bush, or Clinton makes no difference.
President Trump is a man of great strengths and great faults. He just happens to be at the helm at this historic event.
Other thoughts…
People of greater capability than I, and those with better writing skills have weighed in on this sequence of events. I find them illuminating. And now some “doom porn” for those of you who can stomach it…
A whopping 71% of jobless Americans haven’t gotten their unemployment payments from March. Lines at food banks are literally miles long in some areas. Rents and mortgages are not being paid. Anger is increasing. Soon it’s going to bubble over into rage and when it does, we could see unrest and crime like we haven’t seen in this country in centuries.
Charles Smith at Of Two Minds says What’s Collapsing Can’t Be Saved: Our Fraudulent Economy. Excerpts:
We live in a constantly distorted house of mirrors devoted to maintaining useful illusions of "democracy," "free markets" and other fairy tales we tell ourselves to reduce the pain of living a vast, all-encompassing fraud in which everyone who isn't a grifting insider is the loser.
We don't just have financial bubbles that are popping; we have bubbles in trust and credibility that are popping, too. All the lies, skims, scams, excuses, frauds, bezzles, artifices, profiteering, promotional schemes and rackets are unraveling, not because the virus shut down the economy but because the enormity of all the corruption, lies and fraud is now so great that the entire status quo is collapsing under its own weight...
Once the system collapses, we all lose, even the insiders who have traded every shred of their soul for financial gains, at the expense of everything that was once held dear.
National Post – Billionaire’s Instagram-perfect isolation on a luxury superyacht draws public outrage … as the world’s wealthy stay in vacation homes, custom bunkers or floating palaces, workers from nurses to supermarket cashiers juggle childcare and risk infection working essential jobs.
The Z Man (April 2020) – There’s lots of red lights flashing in the debt markets and the supply chain. The next months will be interesting. Maybe that will be how everyone forgets about this month of living like lepers and treating everyone like they stink. Before people can start to think about why they were locked in their homes, they will be directed to the next drama, the financial and economic panic of 2020. Perhaps the lesson here is the circus part of our bread and circuses is the government creating increasingly reckless panics seeing if they can blow it all up. Maybe this is all for their entertainment.
Riots, Z Man – The current black riots are being described as unprecedented, when in fact they are a regular feature of American life. Birds fly, fish swim and blacks riot. Amusingly, the man allegedly responsible for these riots, President Trump, you know, because of the low black unemployment, is in office because of the last round of black riots. In fact, black rioting is one of the regular features of the ongoing morality play that is modern liberal democracy. The usual suspects, looking for a reason to get white people to the theater, start scanning about for some case where a black was harmed by an unsympathetic white. They create a narrative around the incident, have the stories placed in the media and then encourage the black “activist groups” to start making an issue of it. From there, the story writes itself.
George Ure at Urban Survival: The food situation is getting dicey with meat, including pork and some poultry production coming off-line. And that will evolve over coming months into supply chain collapses and a general reset of lifestyles at a much lower-than-recent levels.
Putting everyone under house arrest and collapsing the economy is just the beginning. The can is being kicked and it moveth not. A historic catastrophe is plainly visible. Someone else's fine tuned and compelling opinion won't save you. Those who can save themselves will save themselves, not you. Those who can't save themselves certainly won't save you. Who does that leave?
Collapse, Of Two Minds – “Success” in America is now a game of creating believable facsimiles of what was once authentic. This requirement to hide the truth lest it collapse all the skims, scams, frauds, rackets and insider plundering and pillaging is the Monster Id of America. The more the insiders and institutional technocrat machinery attempt to censor and suppress critical inquiry, the greater the erosion of public trust in the credibility and legitimacy of the dominant institutions. When reality and truth become the sworn enemies of society’s political and economic elites, the society is well and truly doomed.
The current situation eventually will pass, but any time there’s any crisis — real, perceived, or exaggerated — government will instantly hit the police-state panic button. Thanks to so much of the reporting on the pandemic, which mostly has targeted those politicians who didn’t “do something” quickly enough, we’ll see an arms race over who can take the boldest moves without delaying over quaint concerns about our liberties.
Just as Americans have become accustomed to the TSA’s security theater and to endless police cameras and checkpoints, we soon may also become accustomed to routine lockdowns and arbitrary edicts any time officials get wind of a coming health or other problem. We won’t know for sure, of course, but just wait until next year’s flu season.
James Kunstler sees “a harsher, hungrier, angrier society of broken promises and dashed expectations” when “the hocus-pocus of Modern Monetary Theory” crashes in a heap. Excerpt:
The world never reached such a pitch of activity up to the blow-ups of 2008, and it went through the motions for a decade after that. Now that it’s stopped, all that’s left is the law of gravity, and it doesn’t get more basic. The “wealth” acquired in the decade since by the so-called “one-percent” was loaded onto a defective aircraft, like a Boeing 737-MAX, and an awful lot of it will fall to earth now on broken wings.
Their agents and praetorians on Wall Street are working feverishly to stave off that crash-landing, like a band of magicians casting spells on the ground while that big hunk of juddering metal augers earthward. Wait for it as spring brings new life across the land and things unseen before steal onto the scene.
Can you imagine if our grid went down and we lost electricity for an extended period of time? As bad as our current situation is, it could always be a lot worse. We relied on our government leaders to prepare our country for a pandemic, and we see what that got us. We rely on that same leadership now to protect our electric grid...
The EMP Commission estimates a nationwide blackout of the United States lasting one year could kill 90% of Americans from starvation and societal collapse...
The strategy of pretending to do something but really doing nothing and then throwing money at the threat when it happens will get millions of Americans killed when there is an EMP.
It’s suspicious how many articles about an EMP attack are showing up for no obvious reason.
Experts, Burning Platform – Not one penny of the trillions generated by the Fed out of thin air is helping the 38.6 million people who were thrown out into the streets by government decree. It wasn’t meant to trickle down. It’s just another example of socialism for the corporate fascists and another screw job for the average working stiff. The Fed’s sole purpose is to enrich their banker benefactors, corporate titans, hedge fund managers and corrupt politicians. The unemployment rate is headed toward 30%. GDP in the 2nd quarter will approach -40%. We’ve entered a 2nd Great Depression. The damage is permanent and ultimately fatal.
"It's not a lack of food, it's that the food is in one place and the demand is somewhere else and they haven't been able to connect the dots. You've got to galvanize people."
The immediate outcome of this food supply chain collapse will be even more rapid food inflation, hitting Americans at a time of unprecedented economic hardships with at least 26.5 million now unemployed since the pandemic struck the US.
And with a sharp economic recession, if not outright depression unfolding, more Americans are ditching grocery stores for food banks, putting incredible stress on these charities, which has forced the government to deploy National Guard troops at many locations to ensure food security to the neediest.
We’re just circling the drain. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Those ingénues who believe troops are being positioned to “ensure food security” will be among the first to discover otherwise. Get away, and stay away from crowds. It’s the indispensable first step.
We live in a constantly distorted house of mirrors devoted to maintaining useful illusions of "democracy," "free markets" and other fairy tales we tell ourselves to reduce the pain of living a vast, all-encompassing fraud in which everyone who isn't a grifting insider is the loser.
We don't just have financial bubbles that are popping; we have bubbles in trust and credibility that are popping, too. All the lies, skims, scams, excuses, frauds, bezzles, artifices, profiteering, promotional schemes and rackets are unraveling, not because the virus shut down the economy but because the enormity of all the corruption, lies and fraud is now so great that the entire status quo is collapsing under its own weight...
Once the system collapses, we all lose, even the insiders who have traded every shred of their soul for financial gains, at the expense of everything that was once held dear.
Lockdowns, Mises Institute – Those who have claimed that lockdowns are “the only option” had virtually no evidence at all to support their position. Indeed, such extreme over-the-top measures such as the general lockdowns required an extreme level of high-quality, nearly irrefutable evidence that lockdowns would work and were necessary in the face of a disease with an extremely high fatality rate. But the only “data” the prolockdown people could offer was speculation and hyperbolic predictions of bodies piling up in the streets. The lockdown crowd destroyed the lives of millions to satisfy the hunches of a tiny handful of politicians and technocrats.
Peter Grant at Bayou Renaissance Man mentions the unmentionable in his essay, Bailing out the states: the momentum and the prospect for violence builds. Excerpts:
If their residents find that government largesse is no longer flowing; and if they believe that they're entitled to such largesse; then they're going to get out of control and try to take what they want. The results are likely to be catastrophic for law and order, and civil society.
I think the ordinary people of America realize this. After all, that's why they bought more guns in March than any other month in previous US history. They're getting ready to defend what's theirs—and I believe they're right in anticipating the need to do so...
You want to know why my friends want me to upgrade their rifles? You want to know why I've been warning about COVID-19 as a threat to personal security, and suggesting ways to keep your shooting skills honed, even during the lockdown? ... Look no further.
American Gun News – Another Maryland Man Red-Flagged to Death by the Cops … cops shot him through a window while asleep in bed. They also shot his pregnant girlfriend
Power grab, Sovereign Man – If you think about 9/11 in particular, its remarkable how much power the government grabbed, and how many freedoms they took away. What I’m most concerned about at this point is not the virus, nor even the economic devastation.They have us all cowering in our homes, stripped of the most basic freedoms to do just about anything. People are being thrown off their own private property because they’re not an ‘official resident’ of the town. Others have been arrested for attending a funeral. Others threatened with jail for their social media posts. There’s going to be a huge impact on our freedom from this astonishing growth of unchecked government power.
Lockdown, The Z Man – You can’t help but wonder if what we are seeing is just a dry run for something more permanent in the future. I don’t think this was premeditated. Like the radicals of the French Revolution, our rulers are now captive to events they set in motion. As the evidence stacks up it is clear the lock downs were a terrible idea, but the people in charge have the whiff of authoritarianism in their nostrils and like a rutting beast they can think of nothing else. They are now busy dreaming up more insane restrictions just to humiliate people. It is increasingly difficult to remain a reasonable person. I’m getting a little salty.
Debt, Paul Craig Roberts – An economic system that enriches the rentier class by converting as much of personal income as possible to the service of debt is an economic system that is dead in the water. One possible way out is a debt writedown in order to create some discretionary income. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan substituted growth in consumer debt for the missing income growth, and by this substitution created discretionary income by loading up the consumer with debt. That load is now full. We are in the unenviable position of having very high stock prices in an economy that has no growth potential. The high stock prices are the product of trillions of dollars injected into financial asset prices.
Charles Smith at Of Two Minds has posted strategies for surviving tough times. He does not claim to deal with a collapse of civilization, but rather the slower and uneven “devolution” he sees as more likely. He advises developing multiple skillsets and social networks, cutting expenses and relying on health and social wealth.
Mr. Smith is not just one of my regular reads, he's one of those few I often reread. His particular "take" on events is worth close attention, always well thought out and grounded in fact. However, he's not talking about survival, he's talking about enduring tough times. To this end he suggests avoiding extreme preps as "predicated on a decisive 'end of the world as we know it'".
I believe he's an optimist.
Being a generous nice guy with community connections is not a viable strategy for surviving the emerging catastrophe. And emerging it is. Understand what we're looking at. Shopping became raiding as the collapse visibly accelerated. Civic compliance is being quietly withdrawn as government leaders and their credentialed experts reveal themselves as corrupt opportunists and inept posers.
No one "survived" the Great Depression any more than they "survived" the good times. They bore up, endured and got through. People "survived" real catastrophes; Genghis Khan and the Golden Horde or the homicidal slave labor camps of the last century.
Survivalism is unpleasant and difficult, but it's the only alternative in unpleasant and difficult times. It won't be about becoming a handy, well liked member of a cozy little community. Open handed nice people with their Norman Rockwell settlements will be ruthlessly exploited and left for dead. Viable communities will emerge, but more like the Bielski or Forest Brothers woodland partisans, minus the antique politics.
Preparationalism—known as "prepping"—is part of survival, not survivalism itself. Preppers posit hard times and scarcity. Survivalists posit destitution, murderous chaos, pestilence and famine. Survival is prepping's precondition, not visa versa.
Mr. Smith talks like a nineteenth century idealist with a stock portfolio. It would please me if he were right, but betting the other way is wiser. We ain't seen nothin' yet.
This is what the end of the end of history looks like. We had asked ourselves how it would appear and when. These questions mattered, and not only incidentally. They matter less now as we prepare for what I suspect will be at least a decade of immiseration on a scale unimaginable to at least three generations...
Here I think foreboding is justified. Trends that were worrisome long before we had heard of the new virus are accelerating to a point at which they are probably irreversible.
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit notes the quiet self-authorized reopenings and says,
The shutdowns were sold as “two weeks to slow the spread,” and “flattening the curve,” and so on, and lots of people thought that was sensible, and it was. A two-month (or longer) shutdown is a different animal, and nobody consented to that. So now people are, mostly silently, withdrawing their consent from the state.
Ruling system, The Z Man – If you take time to read up on the Flynn case or the much larger plot around it, you see a large cast of people with one thing in common. They all live together as a social class and social relationships transcend the formal positions and titles of the people. Once a ruling class becomes a ruling community, reform is no longer possible. The only way to change the system is to decapitate it. The lesson of the Soviet system is that technology can perpetuate the community until it exhausts itself. The low quality of the people involved in the FBI shenanigans suggests they are reaching the same point as the Soviets in the 1980’s.
Serfdom, American Mind – The barbarians who seized Roman lands took advantage of chaos to fuel their ascendancy in what became the Middle Ages. Pestilence-driven depopulation and weakened political institutions enabled them to establish their hegemony over shrinking economies. Yet to assure their power, the Medieval aristocracies needed a belief system that would allow them to control the lower classes effectively. Today this role is played by a far-reaching “expert class” teeming with highly-credentialed functionaries.
The dichotomy between what is happening in the real world and what is happening in the world of the financiers will lead to violent upheaval on a timeline not anticipated by the ruling class. There is a good reason gun stores were overwhelmed with business at the outset of this over-hyped flu pandemic. Trust in the government, central bankers, the corporate media, and “experts” is disintegrating rapidly. The anger and disillusionment grows by the day and pockets of resistance are propagating throughout the country...
The only thing that matters is we will experience a disastrous outcome in the very near future from this reckless issuance of debt. The civic decay has entered the confrontational stage, with sides taken, weapons at the ready, awaiting the spark which will ignite the dynamite.
Reopen the nation, American Thinker – Hundreds of thousands of businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy and permanent closure. 33+ million are unemployed, and the federal government is creating massive unsustainable debt. This nation has made the biggest blunder in its history. The time has come for the politicians from the President to the Governors and Mayors to stop hiding behind the scientist/bureaucrats and fully reopen the nation. Focus on that segment of the population most at risk, without compulsory isolation or de facto imprisonment. And restore the civil liberties that have been wantonly eroded.
Fred Reed, Unz Review – We are told that In China, everything you say or do is monitored. Obviously China is a most terrible place. Who could doubt it? By contrast, in America, cameras are everywhere, all email is recorded, every bank transaction, credit-card purchase, who you called by telephone and when, and of course criminal records. Since little of this is directly done by the federal government, we do not live in a surveillance state. After all, none of the entities involved would share their information with the feds–would they?
From the woodpile report; July will tell the truth about the economy. I’ve chosen November as the month of general truth, whether the years following will be of manageable coping, of unexampled disaster, or something in between.
We could see a return to pre-Covid conditions, the economy revive, preps largely unneeded. Or hard times will persist but get no worse than they are now, with normalcy slowly returning, preps helpful but not critical. Or daily life could worsen long term and become the new normal, modest preps necessary but sufficient until a slow turnaround takes hold some years out.
Or systemic disruption and shortages could multiply, the recession deepen into a depression , extensive preps needed to make it from one month to the next. Or it could become a general disaster with outright starvation, government rule by decree, cities uninhabitable, regional withdrawals into fiefdoms, and only extensive preps being enough to avoid personal catastrophe. Or we'll see a rapid and unstoppable national and global collapse, criminal raids on a regional scale, rule by force, preps depleted or confiscated and the widespread rise of outright survivalism.
Preppers attempt to maintain some or most of their present circumstances in tough times. The survivalist has his own definition of preps. He practices to survive by anticipating and training for the worst of the possibilities.
Survivalism comes first, not last, because in the end preps assume the prepper survives to use them.
There are entirely reasonable variations on these themes. This is merely my personal arrangement.
He also goes on to say…
It appears we're at the start of an economic collapse similar to that of 1929 and into the 1930s. What we're seeing in Minneapolis and elsewhere appears to add the danger of organized violence.
A widespread decampment from big cities began some time ago and appears to be accelerating. Bloomberg reports RV sales are up 30% in some urban places.
The causes are fascinating but in the end what matters is how their migration to the "flyover country" they so despise may affect your personal plans.
July, when the long term direction of the economy will be plain to see, may be your last opportunity to shape your preparations more exactly, meaning food, shelter and protection. November is the month of the presidential election, when all sides reveal their intentions and one is chosen. It's also when winter weather begins.
Time is running out.
The United States is in a state of “free fall” and it’s only going to get worse. The American leadership are just actors reading scripted lines to appeal to the masses of under-educated, and easily manipulated serfs. This is a time when the actors and figureheads need to step aside and real leaders take the helm.
It’s not going to happen.
The only one that can prepare for this is you.
Friendships are your most valuable asset. Know everyone in your local neighborhood. Create strong friendships and alliances. Start today.
Keep your family close, protected and guarded. Youth must be corralled and controlled. They can easily create problems.
Organize and support each other. If no one stands up to lead, then you must do so. This could mean sharing resources, group patrols or sharing assets. Now is the time to organize.
Not every area is the same. Some areas will suffer more than others. Do not compare yourself to others. Just do the best in your little “neck of the woods”.
Things MIGHT calm down. I however, believe that this is the start of a three year long event cycle. Plan for the worst, but be cautiously hopeful.
About the urban rioters announcing that they are coming to the suburbs next…
“I would tell them, if you value your life, you probably shouldn’t do that in Polk County. Because the people of Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns, and they’re going to be inside their homes tonight with their guns loaded. And if you try to break into their homes tonight and try to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns.”
-Sheriff Grady Judd
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American hegemony is in the decline. Are you listening? Every now and then I meet people from various countries. They make fun of America and the way the US president behaves and talks and, of course, tweets. The country`s reputation is in doldrums. It is retreating from all parts of the world. It is abandoning many international treaties including the Paris Accord on Environment. We are rapidly entering into a post-American world. The American decline had started since 9/11. However, the next two presidents tried to slow down the process. But, President Donald Trump has sped up the American decline. Now the world is fast learning to live without America as the sole super power of the world.
According to a recent Pew Research Center survey of 37 countries, people around the globe no longer see the US as the sole guarantor of the world peace. They rightly think that they can do without America. Now the country is increasingly becoming irrelevant in many of the global issues and crises. America is no longer willing to bear the burden of global leadership.
Now the world is looking at China and other emerging powers of the world o fill the vacuum created by the American retreat from so many parts of the world.
-maha Affairs
My God! This is a good read.
In 2004, Johan Galtung predicted that the United States would collapse in 2025. The made this prediction based on trending “contradictions”. These “contradictions” were such that they clearly pointed towards a rapid period of social upheaval in the Untied States. He then, in 2001 after the election of GW Bush, revised the date forward to 2020. There is no way that he could have predicted the coronavirus or COVID-19 global outbreak.
What is so amazing about his predictions is that they have all come to pass. And at that, he should be given every consideration and his writings pondered.
Professor JWC in SF: Johan Galtung, who has been a rather shrewd predictor of historical trends, predicted the US Empire would collapse in 2025. He advanced the date to 2020 with the election of GW Bush. He stands by his date. Would that the Empire had the palindromic good sense of Napoleon.
Professor LCW in SF: It is pretty incredible that Johan Galtung, a Norwegian scholar, made his bold and dire prediction on Dec. 7, 2016 that, with the election of Donald Trump, the decline of U.S. power will speed up and the U.S.. will stop being a global power by 2020. He could not have foreseen the coronavirus and the collapse of the U.S. economy in 2020. Nevertheless, what has been happening since his election and what has been happening since January this year seem to confirm his prediction.
The following article was written a little over two years into the GW Bush Presidency. In it, he accurately predicts what America went through, and has some rather disturbing predictions of what will follow in the following years. It is worth a read.
On the Coming Decline and Fall of the US Empire
By Johan Galtung the Director and Founder of TRANSCEND. Article written and published on January 28, 2004. (Over fifteen years ago.) Reprinted from TFF. With only minor editing to fit this venue.
1. Definitions and Hypotheses: An Overview
An empire is a trans-border Center-Periphery system, in macro-space and in macro-time.
With a culture legitimizing a structure of unequal exchange between center and periphery:
Economically, between exploiters and exploited, as inequity;
Militarily, between killers and victims, as enforcement.
Politically, between dominators and dominated, as repression;
Culturally, between alienators and alienated, as conditioning.
Empires have different profiles.
The US Empire has a complete configuration, articulated in a statement by a Pentagon planner:
"The de facto role of the United States Armed Forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing".
In other words, direct violence to protect structural violence legitimized by cultural violence.
The Center is the continental USA and the Periphery much of the world.
Like any system it has a life-cycle reminiscent of an organism, with conception, gestation, birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, senescence and death.
Seeded by the British Empire, the maturing colonies honed their imperial skills on indigenous populations, ventured abroad in military interventions defining zones of interest, took over the Spanish Empire, expanding with world, even space hegemony as goal, now in the aging phase with overwhelming control tasks quickly overtaking the expansion tasks.
Decline and fall is to be expected as for anything human; the question is what-why-how-when-where-by whom-against whom.
What: the four unequal, non-sustainable, exchange patterns above;
Why: because they cause unbearable suffering and resentment;
How: through the synergies in the synchronic maturation of 14 contradictions, followed by demoralization of system elites;
When: within a time frame of, say, 20 years, counting from Y2000;
Where: depending on the maturation level of the contradictions.
By Whom: the exploited/bereaved/dominated/alienated, the solidary, and those who fight the US Empire to set up their own.
Against Whom: the exploiters/killers/dominators/alienators, and those who support the US Empire because of perceived benefits.
The Hypothesis
The hypothesis is not that the fall and decline of the US Empire implies a fall and decline of the US Republic (continental USA).
To the contrary, relief from the burden of Empire control and maintenance when it outstrips the gains from unequal exchange, and expansion increases rather than decreases the deficit, could lead to a blossoming of the US Republic.
This author admits an anti-Empire bias because of enormous periphery suffering outside and inside the Republic; and a pro-US Republic bias because of the creative genius and generosity of the USA.
“Anti-American” makes no such distinction between the US Republic and the US Empire.
The USA compared to Britain
There is no dearth of predictions of economic disaster for the US Republic in the wake of decline and fall of the system “to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault”, also from Marxists who (still) believe that Empire-building can be reduced to economic greed satisfied by flagrant inequity.
But this is only one component in a complete imperial syndrome with components attracting and repelling different niches in societies and persons…
Economists blind to externalities design theories legitimizing inequity,
Unrealistic “realists” enforce “order”,
Liberals guide and dominate political choices of others, and
Missionaries, religious and secular, try to convert anybody.
All together an enormous drain of resources.
The case of England indicates that an empire can be a burden.
The decline of the British Empire started long before, but the fall of the crown jewel, India, due to a combination of nonviolent (Gandhi) and violent struggle, and the incompatibility of imperialism with the Atlantic Charter, was decisive. The Empire unraveled very quickly over a period of 15 years from 1947, obviously unstable.
And England? Today richer than ever in history.
Welcome, USA.
2. The US Empire: A bird’s-eye view
“At some point, America’s short-term Crisis psychology will catch up to the long-term post-Unraveling fundamentals. This might result in a Great Devaluation, a severe drop in the market price of most financial and real assets. This devaluation could be a short but horrific panic, a free-falling price in a market with no buyers. Or it could be a series of downward ratchets linked to political events that sequentially knock the supports out from under the residual popular trust in the system. As assets devalue, trust will further disintegrate, which will cause assets to devalue further, and so on. Every slide in asset prices, employment, and production will give every generation cause to grow more alarmed.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
Right after the mass murder in New York and Washington on September 11 2001 Zoltan Grossman circulated a list.
This list was based on Congressional Records and The Library of Congress Congressional Research Service.
There were 133 American military interventions during the111 years, from 1890-2001.
This included everything from the brutal murder of the indigenous population at Wounded Knee in Dakota to the punishment expedition to Afghanistan.
Six of them are the First and Second World Wars, and the Korea, Vietnam, Gulf and Yugoslavian wars.
Democrats started five of them (Bush senior and junior are the exceptions among isolationist Republicans who usually focus more on the exploitation of their own population).
An acceleration in conflict.
The average conflicts per year is 1.15 before the second world war, and 1.29 after the Second World War.
Or, in other words, an increase in military intervention.
And after the Cold War, from late 1989 on, a heavy increase up to 2.0 conflicts per year.
Which is compatible with the hypothesis that wars increase as empires grow, with more privileges to protect; more unrest to quell, revolts to crush.
Enormous Suffering
William Blum has 300 pages of solid documentation in his Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower (Monroe MA: Common Courage Press, 2000).
The victims, the bereaved, the damaged nature, structure (through verticalization)…
… and culture (through brutalization, myths of revenge and honor).
Most of it fits into one single pattern:
Building a US Empire based on economic exploitation of other countries and other peoples. By using direct violence and indirect violence Open violence (Pentagon) and overt indirect violence (CIA). All with open and covert support from US allies.
A polarization of classes and the creation of caste systems
The result is the international class structure with increasing gaps between the poor and rich countries, and between poor and rich people.
Missionary zeal for “democracy”
There is no sign of any clash of civilizations, nor any sign of territorial expansion.
But there is enormous missionary zeal and enormous self-righteousness.
And the rhetoric changes: containment of Soviet expansion, fight against Communism, drugs, intervention for democracy and human rights, against terrorism.
67 Fully Documented Examples
Blum’s list of interventions up to the year 2000 covers 67 cases since 1945 (Grossman has 56, the criteria differ somewhat):
China 45-51,
France 47,
Marshall Islands 46-58,
Italy 47-70s,
Greece 47-49,
Philippines 45-53,
Korea 45-53,
Albania 49-53,
Eastern Europe 48-56,
Germany 50s,
Iran 53,
Guatemala 53-90s,
Costa Rica 50s, 70-71,
Middle East 56-58,
Indonesia 57-58,
Haiti 59,
Western Europe 50s-60s,
British Guiana 53-64,
Iraq 58-63,
Soviet Union 40s-60s,
Vietnam 45-73,
Cambodia 55-73,
Laos 57-73,
Thailand 65-73,
Ecuador 60-63,
Congo-Zaire 77-78,
France-Algeria 60s,
Brazil 61-63,
Peru 65,
Dominican Republic 63-65,
Cuba 59-,
Indonesia 65,
Ghana 66,
Uruguay 69-72,
Chile 64-73,
Greece 67-74,
South Africa 60s-80s,
Bolivia 64-75,
Australia 72-75,
Iraq 72-75,
Portugal 74-76,
East Timor 75-99,
Angola 75-80s,
Jamaica 76,
Honduras 80s,
Nicaragua 78-90s,
Philippines 70s,
Seychelles 79-81,
South Yemen 79-84,
South Korea 80,
Chad 81-2,
Grenada 79-83,
Suriname 82-84,
Libya 81-89,
Fiji 87,
Panama 89,
Afghanistan 79-92,
El Salvador 80-92,
Haiti 87-94,
Bulgaria 90-91,
Albania 91-92,
Somalia 93,
Iraq 90s,
Peru 90s,
Mexico 90s,
Colombia 90s,
Yugoslavia 95-99.
There was bombing in 25 cases (for details, read the book):
China 45-46,
Korea/China 50-53,
Guatemala 54,
Indonesia 58,
Cuba 60-61,
Guatemala 60,
Vietnam 61-73,
Congo 64,
Peru 65,
Laos 64-73,
Cambodia 69-70,
Guatemala 67-69,
Grenada 83,
Lebanon-Syria 83-84,
Libya 86,
El Salvador 80s,
Nicaragua 80s,
Iran 87,
Panama 89,
Iraq 91-,
Kuwait 91,
Somalia 93,
Sudan 98,
Afghanistan 98,
Yugoslavia 99.
Assassination of foreign leaders, among them heads of state, was attempted in 35 countries, and assistance with torture in 11 countries:
El Salvador,
On top of this come 23 countries where the United States has intervened in elections or has prevented elections:
Italy 48-70s,
Lebanon 50s,
Indonesia 55,
Vietnam 55,
Guayana 53-64,
Japan 58-70s,
Nepal 59,
Laos 60,
Brazil 62,
Dominican Republic 62,
Guatemala 63,
Bolivia 66,
Chile 64-70,
Portugal 74-5,
Australia 74-5,
Jamaica 76,
Panama 84, 89,
Nicaragua 84,90,
Haiti 87-88,
Bulgaria 91-92,
Russia 96,
Mongolia 96,
Bosnia 98.
161 examples of violence outside the USA
35 (attempted) assassinations + 11 countries with torture + 25 bombings + 67 interventions + 23 interferences with other people’s elections give 161 forms of aggravated political violence only since the Second World War. A world record.
Increase over time comes with shift in civilization target:
Phase I – Eastern Asia, Confucian-Buddhist Phase II – Eastern Europe, Orthodox Christian Phase III – Latin America, Catholic Christian Phase IV – Western Asia, Islam
The phases overlap, but this is the general picture.
The Phases of Military Empire Excursions
In the first phase the focus was above all on people in Korea, south and north, wanting reunification of their nation, and on poor peasants in Viêt Nam wanting independence.
In the second phase there was the Cold, not Hot, War for containment of communism.
In the third phase the targets were poor people, small and indigenous populations supported by “maoist” students.
And in the fourth phase, which is dominating the picture today, the focus was on Islamic countries and movements, Palestinians being an important example.
American priorities
All the time we find that the USA supports those who favor US business and growth, and works against those who give higher priority to distribution and basic needs of the most needy. They die, 100,000 per day, underfed, underclothed, undersheltered, undercared, underschooled; jobless, hopeless and futureless.
Satisfiers for their needs cannot be bought with the money they do not have, and cannot be bought with labor because that requires jobs or land (seeds, water, manure) they do not have.
A cruel world built on a world trade headed by the USA, supported by US dominated military and allied governments, and often populations who benefit from cheap resources and food products.
What is new in the fourth phase has something to do with religion. Islam is just as concerned with sin and guilt and expiation, with crime and punishment, as Christianity. But they do not place God and his country, and particularly “God’s Own Country”, the USA, higher than Allah and his countries, particularly not Allah’s own holy country, Saudi Arabia.
A United Nations Security Council with a nucleus of four Christian and one Confucian country have little authority in Islam, as opposed to the authority enjoyed in the Christian countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America. And buddhist, East Asian countries are perhaps more inclined to change a bad joint karma than to issue certificates of guilt to the USA.
In other words, the real resistance had to come in the fourth phase with a new Pearl Harbor that many see as the introduction to a long-lasting Third World War.
The Buildup to World War III
Of that we should not be so certain.
But one thing is clear: Anybody who was the least bit surprised 11 September was ignorant, naive or both.
The bottomless, limitless state terrorism of the United States got a very unsurprising answer: terrorism against the United States.
With an estimated 12-16 million killed, and an average of 10 bereaved for each one, with pain and sorrow, lust for revenge and revanche growing, no act of revenge would be inconceivable. But the deeper roots lie not in the never-ending chain of “blowback” violence. They are in the numerous unresolved conflicts built into the US Empire.
The way to solution for sure passes through US Empire dissolution.
The Pentagon planner’s “to those ends we will do a fair amount of killing” reflects imperial reality. The when-where- against whom has just been explored.
And then what?
3. On the decline and fall of empires: the Soviet Empire case
In a comparative study of the decline (of ten) and fall (of nine, No. 10 is the US Empire) in 1995 , with an economic focus, the conclusion was that no single factor, but a combination of factors in a syndrome was the general cause:
A division of labor whereby foreign countries, and/or foreigners inside one’s own country, take over the most challenging and interesting and developing tasks, given the historical situation;
A deficit in creativity related to a deficit in technology and good management, including foresight and innovation;
One or several sectors of the economy neglected or lagging;
And, at the same time, expansionism as ideology/cosmology, exploiting foreign countries and/or one’s own people inviting negative, destructive reactions.
Rome and Russia as examples
The syndrome idea came from an earlier study of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire where many authors have come up with many single factor theories. The idea was then applied to the Soviet Empire in 1980 , focusing on five factors referred to as contradictions, tensions, like the four points above:
In the society:
A top-heavy, centralized, non-participatory society run by the Russian nation controlling other nations,
The city controlling the countryside,
The socialist bourgeoisie the socialist proletariat,
The socialist bourgeoisie having nothing to buy because the processing level was too low;
In the world: a confrontational foreign policy run by the Soviet Union controlling and intervening in satellite countries.
The prediction, made many times by this author in 1980, was that the Soviet Empire would crumble not because of any single factor but because of “synchronic maturation of contradictions, followed by demoralization of Center and Periphery elites”, with the Berlin Wall crumbling in an early phase, within 10 years.
The Mechanism.
The mechanism was not the big bang of war, but the whimper of demoralized elites…
… who after lashing out violently become corrupt, alcoholized, overfed, sometimes charming, ego-maniacs.
4. On the contradictions of the US Empire.
The prediction of the decline and fall of the Soviet Empire was based on the synergy of five contradictions, and the time span for the contradictions to work their way through decline to fall was estimated at 10 years in 1980.
1980 Prediction = Fall of Russia in 10 years= 1990.
Sometimes I added a No. 5: between myth, the massive Soviet propaganda, and reality – to some extent dissolved in marvelous jokes.
The prediction of the decline and fall of the US Empire is based on the synergy of 14 contradictions, and the time span for the contradictions to work their way through decline to fall was estimated at 25 years in the year 2000.
2000 Prediction = Fall of the US Empire in 25 years = 2025.
There are more contradictions because the US Empire is more complex, and the time span is longer also because it is more sophisticated.
After the first months of President George W. Bush (selected) the time span was reduced to 20 years because of the way in which he sharpened so many of the contradictions posited the year before, and because his extreme singlemindedness made him blind to the negative, complex synergies. He just continued.
Revised Prediction = Fall of the US Empire in 20 years = 2020
President William J. Clinton (elected, twice) was seen in a different light.
Confronted with a pattern of contradictions, no doubt with significant differences in terminology and numbers, his violence was an intervention in Somalia that he canceled, a war against Serbia of which he evidenced heavy doubts and never any enthusiasm, and a couple of missiles fired in anger.
Being superintelligent, demoralization in high places, and sex in strange places, might have been the consequences.
Hypothesis: they tried to impeach him not so much for the latter as for the former – using the latter as pretext. The effort misfired, but a highly non-demoralized George Bush captured the US Presidency.
Here is the list of 14 contradictions posited in 2000:
I.Economic Contradictions (US led system WB/IMF/WTO NYSE Pentagon)
1. Between growth and distribution: overproduction relative to demand, 1.4 billion below $ 1/day, 100.000 die/day, 1/4 of hunger
2. Between productive and finance economy (currency, stocks,bonds) overvalued, hence crashes, unemployment, contract work
3. Between production/distribution/consumption and nature: ecocrisis, depletion/pollution, global warming
II. Military Contradictions (US led system NATO/TIAP/USA-Japan)
4. Between US state terrorism and terrorism: Blowback
5. Between US and allies (except UK, D, Japan), saying enough
6. Between US hegemony in Eurasia and the Russia India China triangle, with 40% of humanity
7. Between US led NATO and EU army: The Tindemans follow-up
III. Political Contradictions (US exceptionalism under God)
8. Between USA and the UN: The UN hitting back
9. Between USA and the EU: vying for Orthodox/Muslim support
IV. Cultural Contradictions (US triumphant plebeian culture)
10. Between US Judeo-Christianity and Islam (25% of humanity; UNSC nucleus has four Christian and none of the 56 Muslim countries).
11. Between US and the oldest civilizations (Chinese, Indian, Mesopotamian, Aztec/Inca/Maya)
12. Between US and European elite culture: France, Germany, etc.
V. Social Contradictions (US led world elites vs the rest: World Economic Forum, Davos vs World Social Forum, Porto Alegre)
13. Between state corporate elites and working classes of unemployed and contract workers. The middle classes?
14. Between older generation and youth: Seattle, Washington, Praha, Genova and ever younger youth. The middle generation?
15. To this could be added: Between myth and reality.
The list was a simple reading of the US Empire situation. More sophisticated discourses are certainly possible, keeping the key ideas of syndromes, synergies and demoralization.
5. The maturation of contradictions: An update after 3 years
We shall use the same formulations as above, drop the small explanatory remarks in the above list, and add some kind of, hopefully informed, running commentary on contemporary affairs.
Obviously, the US Empire as a functioning, dynamic reality, not as a static structure, with the 14 contradictions in its wake is a very complex system.
In such systems linearities are rare, causal chains split and unite; loops, spirals, any curve shape, are ubiquitous. Quantum jumps when two factors are strongly coupled, one changes and the other remains constant, will be frequent.
But the prediction is that within twenty years the four types of unequal exchange with the USA in the Center will wither away, whether what comes is more equal exchange or less exchange, in other words isolation. Or both.
I. Economic Contradictions
1. Between growth and distribution:
Generally growth is sluggish with the possible exception of China, and the distribution often worsening, both between and within countries.
However, the basic concern is with livelihood at the bottom of world society, the preventable mortality and the suffering due to near-death morbidity from hunger or easily preventable/curable diseases.
That syndrome is with us, and the analysis in terms of overproduction leading to unemployment leading to under-demand leading oversupply leading to more unemployment etc. stands.
At the same time monetization of land/seeds/water/manure impedes the conversion of labor into food by tilling one’s own land.
The US Empire pursues growth but neglects and prevents distribution, thereby undercutting itself since a key aspect of growth in increased demand, meaning increased consumption, all over.
2. between productive and finance economy.
Domestic and global market turnover being high even if the growth is sluggish in the productive economy in many countries, and distribution being low there will be heavy accumulation of liquidity high up searching for an outlet.
Luxury consumption and productive investment being limited the obvious outlet is buying and selling in the finance economy, also known as speculation.
The productive economy responds by putting up bogus, virtual enterprises like ENRON and WORLDCOM that the growth in the finance economy quickly gets out of synch with growth in the productive economy.
Thus, the 2001 sharpening of his contradiction into a crash for some stocks and depreciation of the US dollar was as expected, indicative of a chronic pathology.
One basic cure for that pathology is the distribution that the US Empire, through its use of the WB/IMF/WTO NYSE Pentagon system is impeding. As that cure is at present unavailable the underlying pathology will produce new increases in financial goods values and new crashes.
3. between production/distribution/consumption and nature:
The Bush administration’s unilateral exit from the Kyoto Protocol sharpened this contradiction considerably and was a key factor behind the banner at the 2002 summit in South Africa: Thank you, Mr Bush, you have made the world hate America.
The explanation given was that the Protocol impeded US economic growth (meaning unacceptable to powerful corporations).
This move endangers the planet and is an expression of contempt for global regimes based on negotiating ratifiable treaties.
The USA could have demanded re-negotiation. But the US Empire had other priorities and mobilized millions in the movement for sustainable development against the USA.
II. Military Contradictions
4. Between US state terrorism and terrorism:
This contradiction underwent a quantum jump on 11 September 2001 although the number killed was less than the number killed in the aftermath of the other 11 September, in 1973.
The USA supported coup against the socialist government of Salvador Allende (one of the now 68 interventions after the Second World War, counting Iraq).
Highly predictable, as predictable as its repetition unless the US Empire itself exits from the cycle of violence and decides to understand “that the enemy may be us/US”.
But the US Empire now talks about interventions in more than 60 countries, lasting more than a lifetime. A heavy price for the failure to try to, or the effort to avoid to, solve conflicts/contradictions.
At this point an obvious remark:
An effort to explain 9/11, for instance as a “reaction to the US Empire by hitting two major instruments for economic and military operation”…
…or the short-hand as “revenge” and “unresolved conflict” in no way justifies the gruesome act.
Nor is the US intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq justified.
But like Kosova they can both be partly explained as efforts to maintain and expand the US Empire, for more control of the world oil market, and “to keep the world safe for our economy” by establishing military bases.
Violence hits the Empire at their strongest point, is as wrong, ineffective and counterproductive as the US violence and mobilizes against the perpetrators.
Ruling out explanation as justification runs against Enlightenment rationality: solve problems by identifying causal chains, then removing causes like violence cycles and unresolved conflicts.
But the US Empire stands in the way and will ultimately have to yield.
5. between US and allies:
Very fluid. The US Empire does not want to be seen as the US Empire but as something generally supported by “advanced societies”, “civilized” as against “evil”, “chaotic” and “terrorist”. Washington builds coalitions with Allies in the NATO/TIAP/US-Japan systems, and others.
This contradiction (and many others) has never surfaced so clearly as in connection with the war against Iraq, but there were also tensions budding in connection with the Yugoslavia and Afghanistan operations.
Public opinion is not an important variable here.
Washington deals with governments and for that reason is very concerned with who are the members.
The three ways of exercising power, persuasion, bargaining and threats, are best exercised behind closed doors so as not to be exposed to anything like the German Foreign Minister’s devastating remark to the US Secretary of Defense in München February 2003:
"In a democracy you have to present arguments for your position, and your arguments are not convincing."
If the public knew what goes on behind closed doors, like supporting an attack on Iraq in return for having somebody inscribed on the US list of terrorist organization, the opposition would increase.
In 2000 UK, Germany and Japan were seen as reliable allies.
This failed to predict the German position, linked to the Social Democratic Party having been pressed already against its inner conviction over Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.
Australia, however, was highly predictable as an Anglo-Saxon country , and Japan behaved as predicted.
The cost-benefit analysis of the countries varies, but the trend is against unconditional support for the US Empire. A very sensitive contradiction that will sharpen if people exercise much more pressure on governments.
6. Between US hegemony in Eurasia and Russia India China:
These are enormous countries, unconquerable so the USA has approached them through their fear of Muslim populations, in Chechnya, in Kashmir (and all over) and Xinjiang respectively.
After the NATO expansion eastward and the USA-Japan alliance (with Taiwan and South Korea as de facto members) expansion westward from 1995, the three countries resolved most of their problems, came closer together (although not in a formal alliance).
But those moves were temporarily stopped by the USA aligning them against Islamic terrorism, meaning Muslims fighting for more autonomy/independence in the three places mentioned.
The attack on Iraq seems to have sharpened the contradiction again as they do not participate in the occupation (knowing something about Islamic guerrillas). But the USA still has considerable market access and investment economic clout with all three governments.
7. Between USA led NATO and an EU army:
This is not the same as the two preceding points which are more about abstaining from support, and countries feeling the pincer movement of the US Empire, possibly creating an alliance.
Here we are dealing with a new multinational army of a potential superpower, creating identity problems for some members.
The question, "why do they need this army when they have NATO?" has an answer in dualist logic: "this shows they are not entirely with us, hence they are against us."
There will be much maneuvering behind closed doors concerning this contradiction.
But the general move will be in the direction of an EU Army for some members, building on the present Eurocorps, with a line of command that does not end in Washington, nor passes through Washington except for some exchange of information. For defensive purposes or a coming EU Empire? To take over the spoils?
III. Political Contradictions
8. Between USA and the UN:
The most powerful country in the world also uses the veto in the Security Council most frequently and has close to a de facto economic veto by withholding or withdrawing support for programs not to their liking.
In addition to the US Empire clout on many UN members, like changing the conditions for loans according to voting pattern.
That this behavior is resented stands to reason and that resentment came out in the open when the Anglo-Saxon USA/UK alliance failed to get their second resolution on Iraq accepted by the UNSC.
However, very energetic US diplomacy and again US Empire clout prevented what Washington was afraid of using the Uniting for Peace resolution to lift an issue that has gotten stuck in the UNSC into the General Assembly.
A UNGA debate and vote would make the limited support for an attack on Iraq rather than the French-German approach of deep UN inspection clear.
9. Between USA and the EU:
This goes far beyond EU army vs NATO.
The EU has today 15 members, by May 2004 there will be 25, with more to come. If the EU, very much in their own interest, decided to bridge the basic fault-lines in the whole European construction, between Orthodox and Catholic/Protestant Christianity, and between Islam and Christianity (from 1054 and 1095 respectively) by opening the EU for Russian and Turkish membership, well, then the USA would be very far behind indeed.
We would be talking of 750 million+ inhabitants.
The process of membership might have to be gradual, like X% increase per year in access to EU labor market against X% increase per year in access to resources.
The relation to East Asia may be problematic, but the EU is also doing good work on this fault-line.And a giant EU could only gain from abstaining from any imitation of the US Empire, signing up for UN support instead.
IV. Cultural Contradictions
10. Between US Judeo-Christianity and Islam:
These are the abrahamitic religions, and the expression Judeo-Christianity, so frequent in the USA, draws a wedge among them.
With the recent fundamentalist alliance based on the idea that Armageddon is near and that the first coming of the Messiah and the second coming of Christ could be the same person, this contradiction has become very sharp indeed.
But Islam is expanding very quickly, Christianity is not and the Jews are a small minority.
This rift will mark clear borders against US Empire penetration.
The young Saudi Wahhabite perpetrators on 9/11 may have acted more than they dreamt of on behalf of 1.3 billion Muslims, and not only 300 million Arabs. And this warlike relation will limit US Empire expansion considerably.
11. Between US and the oldest civilizations:
When people talk of fundamentalism they usually mean the religious articulation of old cultures.
But cultures are many-dimensional, including language and other forms of expression, and sacred times and sacred places in history and geography, anything.
There are awakenings all over the world, seeing ancient non-Western cultures not as exotic museum objects to be observed but not lived.
The destruction of artifacts from Sumer/Babylon in Iraq was seen as an effort to make the Iraqis governable by destroying other foci of identification. A typical example of a contradiction in an early, infant stage, but filled with potential for rapid maturation and powerful articulation.
12. Between US and European elite culture:
The world, or so the West thinks, has four major geo-cultural Centers:
The USA.
The UK.
Others can learn to imitate or produce exotica. France and Germany continue the struggle for cultural prevalence relative to the USA, with Anglo-Saxon UK being somewhere in between.
V. Social Contradictions
13. Between state corporate elites and working classes of unemployed and contract workers:
The powerful US trade union complex, the AFL/CIO, voted for the first time against a war: Iraq.
But the working classes are today kept in line by the threat of unemployment and the inferiority of contract work relative to that vanishing category, the real position, with security.
The state-corporate elites are better organized and at making themselves insubstitutable. They can make hire and fire become easy, with the ultimate threat of automation (“modernization”) settling issues.
The postmodern economy can do without workers, but not without customers.
Firing workers they fire customers by reducing their acquisitive power.
The world middle classes can join by boycotting the products of the US Empire, like oil from Iraq, Boeing aircraft (one of the major death factories in the world); in general boycotting US consumer goods, capital goods and financial goods, like US dollars, stock and bonds – but keeping personal contacts.
14. Between older generation and youth:
Younger than ever, not only college students against the Viêt Nam war but high school students, easily mobilized through the Internet as long as that lasts.
Maybe an element of myth versus reality in this: they have been served propaganda that seems very remote from reality.
The same may apply to women, but here Washington has played the cards well:`”homeland security” drives the issue home and women into the ranks defending the defenders of the home and the family.
But the other nations in the USA, the Inuits, Hawai’ians, First Nations, Chicanos, African Americans, could be pitted against the Anglo-Saxon, Southern Baptist, militarized Deep South, now in command.
Hopefully they will not create an emergency to cancel elections they may not win.
7. And the decline and fall?
Have a look at the 14 contradictions, and then a look at the definition of an empire. The way of solving these contradictions eating at the heart of the system is very simple:
For the 3 economic contradictions: reduce, even stop exploiting! For the 4 military contradictions: reduce, even stop killing! For the 2 political contradictions: reduce, even stop dominating! For the 3 cultural contradictions: reduce, even stop alienating! For the 2 social contradictions: reduce, even stop all the above!
For each reduction, the US Empire is, by definition, declining.
For each stop the US Empire is falling.
Stop all four, and the US Empire is gone, although some may survive in residual forms like the Russian Empire in Chechnya and the British Empire in Iraq.
The most dramatic recent example.
The most dramatic recent example is possibly the dissolution of the French Empire: de Gaulle had the incredible personal grandeur to terminate the whole empire (except for the Pacific and some other places) and like for the Soviet and British Empires a number of independent countries were born.
Global capitalism, however, has a tendency to recreate trans-border exploitation, and there are, as mentioned, residuals.
A new world was born, however, in the 1960s from the Western empires, in the 1990s from the Soviet Empire.
Only the naive will assume that new world to be paradise on earth.
New systems emerge with their contradictions.
The tradeoffs
The rulers of the British, French and Soviet empires had concluded that the costs by far outrun the gains.
Some others sometimes come to the conclusion that the costs of the fall, including for the Periphery, by far outrun the gains.
That, of course, depends on the successor system, the alternative.
This author favors United Nations global governance, and not an EU Empire. But that is another story.
The British and French empires were based on “overseas” colonies, the Soviet empire on contiguous, Czarist/Bolshevik, “union”, and the US Empire is based on what the Pentagon planner said, with the non-US Periphery being “independent” countries.
This confuses some whose empire concept is linked to “colonies” and not to independent countries; and others whose concept is linked to “overseas”, not to contiguous territory.
Still others got confused because three of these Centers are Western democracies, beyond the suspicion of ever committing major wrongs.
As for the ending…
The definition opening this essay is based on a relation of unequal exchange between Center and Periphery, not on Periphery geography or Center polity.
That unequal exchange, divided into four components, is the root contradiction of the empire as a system.
From the four deep contradictions flow the fourteen surface contradictions, visible to everybody, the subject of journalism. The deep contradictions almost never are.
So the basic model explored so far is: 4 deep contradictions imply 14 surface contradictions.
As the 14 mature, synchronize and synergize the Center may loosen the grip on the Periphery…
In one conscious, enlightened act (de Gaulle) or,
See the Empire dissolve, slowly (UK) or,
Quickly (the Soviet Union).
USA, the choice is yours.
The USA today
But the USA now behaves like a wounded elephant, lashing out in all directions.
This is the boiling stage of demoralization, with emotions impeding rational thinking about is and ought, to be followed by a frozen stage, a “let go”, more like the Soviet Union, or Clinton.
Demoralization is oscillating before it stabilizes.
Like individual pathologies, healing is related to the ability to come on top of the pathology rather than the other way round. Like now, with the USA driven by a conflict mainly of its own making.
The current contradictions
The model above can now be expanded: [4] implies [14] implies Demoralization implies -[4] implies -[14] The 4 deep lead to 14 surface contradictions and demoralization which leads to a let go of Empire and the dissolution of the 14.
However: the 4 may have deeper roots.
Thus, where does the inequity come from? From an unfettered capitalism so inequitable that it needs some military protection.
But where does capitalism come from?
And all that violence?
The cultural superiority complex with missionary right and duty, and no duty to understand other cultures, may be related to the sense of exceptionalism as God’s Chosen People and Country. But where does that idea come from?
And so on and so forth.
The 4 defining the US Empire are not uncaused, not unconditioned.
But the focus here is on their removal and not on removing even deeper, but very evasive causes. This can happen through negative feedback loops via waning faith in the viability of the Empire as a system, in other words demoralization.
The 14 may have other roots. The economic contradictions come from capitalism; the USA was violent before the US Empire; some EU members may hate the US Empire because it stands in the way of their own ambitions; the same applies to competitive cultures such as an Islam that wants an expanding dar-al-Islam, the abode of Islam, as successor to the battlefield, the dar-al-harb.
But the world is better off under USA than under EU or Islam, some say.
There is some truth to all of that. But the problem is not only the US share of the world capitalist pie but how it implies killing, domination and alienation. This has to decline, fall and go, while paying attention to all the other contradictions.
There will be class, generation, gender, nation struggle also without the US Empire. True, but today that is the major problem.
The 14 may strengthen the resolve to maintain the 4. In the beginning, and one at the time, yes. Cosmetics may be applied, bland compromises entered, people articulating the contradictions silenced, ridiculed, persecuted, killed.
It is the synergy of several contradictions that leads to demoralization and ultimate decline.
Contradictions between dominant and dominated nations within a country tend to bounce back and find new outlets. The dominated face brutal force but not nagging doubts about viability.
Their national home is a dream untested by contradictions whereas the empire has been tested and found nonviable at any speed.
Demoralization may not negate the 4.
What we expect to happen…
What we are talking about is decreasing faith in the viability…
… even decreasing faith in the legitimacy, of the Empire.
With boiling anger at first, then a frozen let go.
With the possibility of an autonomous let go.
Either the Center deliberately looses the grip, or the Periphery slips out its clammy, feeble claws.
Either way, decline and fall.
However, after a phase of demoralization a new political class may decide not to let go but just the contrary, to strengthen the grip, like the USA is trying right now.
Given the obvious, the impermanence of everything, this will only postpone the inevitable.
Negating the 4 may not negate the 14.
This is certainly more true than untrue. As explored below, we may even talk about an objective contradiction having lost, or even crushed, its subject in search of a new subject.
There are many other roots for many of the contradictions. That one contradiction (syndrome) may conceal another, the latter blossoming when the former is wilting, is clear.
But that daoist insight will not stop contradictions from maturing.
As to the US Empire, there is light at the end of a long and twisting tunnel. But after that tunnel there are new tunnels.
8. On contradictions in general
The concept itself harbors contradictions in the sense of tensions among meanings. The common factor seems to be a whole, a holon, a system, with at least two forces operating.
The tension is between the forces.
There is no assumption of only two forces, nor that they are exactly opposite, nor that they are of the same size. Newton’s Third Law is written that way, expressing a contradiction. But that is a special case and should not distort our ideas of social systems.
We need a more general discourse.
General discussion on systems
Before two or more forces let us explore the cases of 0 or 1.
Even with the vagueness of “force” it is not unreasonable to attribute the property “dead” to a system with no force, no movement, tendency, inclination. The objection may be that much happens to a buried corpse: “to” yes, but not “in”. The forces are exogenous to the system, not endogenous, like in a live organism.
Introduce one force, like running.
The body spends energy. And the counterforce is not slow in announcing itself as fatigue, trying to change a motion into a non-motion referred to as “rest”. The mechanical analogue brings up the idea of R, a dynamically changing resultant force that reflects magnitude and direction of all forces. The system will move or rest with the resultant. R>0 means move, R=0 means equilibrium, R<0 means rest deficit.
Is a force always accompanied by a counterforce? Is there always a reactio with an actio? And in systems with foresight, could there even be a proactio for any expected actio? And a pro-proactio? I find this a very useful an axiom in the analysis of social and personal systems. But I see no reason to assume that reactio and proactio are necessarily opposed. They could also be aligned with actio and, at least to start with, reinforce actio.
The idea of force-counterforce twins might lead us to an even number of forces as they come in pairs. We do not say that one is producing or generating the other since that leads to an infinite number. Rather, we assume synchronicity; they are “co-arising” as buddhist epistemology will have it rather than one force generating the next, generating the next, etc. And there is no reason to land on an even number. Another metaphor might be a bundle of forces somehow accounting for the tensions in the system.
Practical Discussion
Let us move from general talk about “systems” and “forces” to more specific social and personal systems. In the conceptual neighborhood is the idea of “conflict” as tension in goal-seeking systems because of incompatibility between the goals.
Goals are then associated with life even when attributed metaphorically to non-life as in “mountains striving upward”.
If incompatible goals are in the same system we have a dilemma, if in different systems we have a dispute.
A goal-holder conscious of the goal is an actor, if not conscious a party. And that brings in the major distinction between subjective and objective contradictions.
A subjective contradiction passes through and is reflected by the human brain; as thought/consciousness, as speech/articulation as action/mobilization. But not necessarily in that order, intellectualized like a philosopher who first reflects, then writes and then – maybe does nothing.
We could just as well assume the opposite order, the actor mobilizing for action out of old habit, then saying what he feels he thinks and thinking what he feels. Or any other sequence. But sooner or later there is consciousness.
With two goals we get two goal-seeking forces, A and B, and three possibilities for the resultant: R=A (A wins), R=B (B wins) or R=0, an in-between equilibrium, also known as a compromise.
At that point the mechanical analogy breaks down.
The three cases do not exhaust the possibilities. Moreover, they do not eliminate the contradiction. A or B wins does not mean that the dissatisfied loser no longer has the same or some other goal incompatible with the winner’s goal.
The contradiction is still there, under the lid of the boiling cauldron of a defeat. And a compromise may leave both of them semi-dissatisfied. If we use the term “sharp” to describe the contradiction as it was, “blunt” may apply to a compromise. But how do we transcend the contradiction?
Since the three possibilities exhaust the logic of opposing forces within a system, the answer is “by changing the system”.
Changing the System
This is what Gorbachev faced in the contradiction between the Soviet Empire and the social forces wanting basic change in the DDR: he let the DDR go.
The contradiction now being between people and party elites in the DDR, the latter then yielded to West Germany, BRD, eventually to be absorbed by them. As a result the Soviet Empire declined and fell and BRD absorbed DDR. The contradiction is still there, but finds other articulations.
And this is what Gorbachev’s successors never managed to do with Chechnya. All they could do was to prevent them from winning, not to transcend the contradiction. For that to happen they would have to let Chechnya go, which will happen sooner or later anyhow.
For the contradiction to be transcended, and the tension to be released, system change is needed, and more so the deeper the contradiction is in the system.
An empire is not changed by suppressing, winning, over some party or even actor; that only makes the empire more imperial.
An empire is changed by becoming less imperial. And that is also known as a decline from the empire’s point of view. At the end of that road is its fall.
The stages in the contradiction life-cycle can be summarized:
[0] Objective contradiction independent of consciousness
[1] Consciousness-formation through THOUGHT (intrasubjective)
[2] Articulation through SPEECH (intersubjective)
[3] Mobilization through ACTION (private and/or public)
[4] Struggle among mobilized actors
violent or nonviolent
quick or slow
without or with outside parties mediating
with less or more polarization = decoupling
[5] Outcomes of struggle
[a] prevalence or compromise - back to [0]-[4] [b] transcendence = a new reality
- negative transcendence under a new actor - positive transcendence as new coupling
Through the [1]-[2]-[3] sequence a party becomes an actor pursuing goals by more or less adequate tactics chosen from [4].
[5a] does not end the lifecycle of a contradiction, only a lid on it or a blunting of it, as has been argued above.
[5b], transcendence, is the end of that contradiction lifecycle. This does not mean the end/death of the system as it may harbor other contradictions at various lifecycle stages.
Transcendence, going beyond, is the creation of a new reality: -negative transcendence, neither-nor; goals not achieved -positive transcendence, both-and; goals achieved, with a twist.
Ecuador-Peru conflict
Take the Ecuador-Peru conflict over where to draw the border in a contested 500km2 zone up in the Andes, with three wars to settle the issue.
Military victory for one of them, annexing the zone to their national territory, is “prevalence”.
Drawing a border, for instance along a ceasefire line, is “compromise”. Negative transcendence could be to give the zone to the UN or the OEA, creating a new social reality.
And positive transcendence could be a binational zone, owning it together, with the twist that neither country has monopoly. A new reality. And both new realities, systems, would in turn produce their own contradictions.
Time has then come to explore the problematic relations between objective and subjective contradictions.
A social system comes with differences between categories– like genders, generations, races, classes, nations, territories– which then become relations in an interaction system; which then become fault-lines, usually because the interaction is on unequal terms; which then may lead to polarization and a structure of discrimination accompanied by a culture of prejudice. All known societies harbor more or less of these inequalities and inequities.
An empire uses such structures and cultures as building blocks, and can be seen as a two (or multi-)tier system linking domestic and global faultlines. There is a Center and a Periphery in the global system of countries. Inside the Center, and inside the Periphery, there is also a center and a periphery. All three systems may be based on the logic of quadruple inequity (for killers-killed sometimes substitute the softer guards-prisoners).
The linchpin
The linchpin in the system is the harmony between the center in the Center and the center in the Periphery.
The USA is right now (Summer 2003) trying to construct an Iraqi center in harmony of interest with the USA state/corporate center. The Iraqi center must do the four jobs locally and deliver the fruits of unequal exchange such as economic value, wanted terrorists, obedience, conditioning to the center in the (USA/UK) Center, keeping a commission.
They are rewarded with material living standard at a US elite level.
What has just been described is a simple empire linking three systems of unequal exchange, two domestic and one global.
The US empire is complex; being a world hegemon no domestic system is entirely delinked from that empire. The EU empire links 15 (soon 25) Center countries to 100+ Periphery countries, but softly so.
There are also other divisions than the faultlines in domestic and global society, like among political parties in more or less democratic societies, and groups of countries in an undemocratic global system.
Social movements, the subjective contradictions, more or less conscious, articulated and mobilized across some primordial or newly created dividing lines, prepolarize the system, and are ready for [4], struggle. But for what?
Ideally for the objective contradiction, with an unresolved issue at the center which then has to become the cause of the movement. And that gives rise to basic problem of adequacy in the coupling between subjective and objective contradictions, between the causes and the issues. Both are parts of social reality. But the movements may have an inadequate consciousness and cut the issues wrongly. And the issue may be an orphan, waiting to be picked up by a movement with adequate consciousness. There may be a contradiction between movement contradiction and issue contradiction. And the result is bad, derailed politics.
Thus, the subjective contradiction in Myanmar/Burma between the autocratic military government SLORC and the pro-democracy movement headed by a woman. A woman, identified with one nation in a multi-national society, one upper/middle class in a very poor society. However, married to a Westerner in a country developing its own identity may be inadequate for the objective contradictions of the country.
From a Western point of view the basic contradictions are autocracy vs (Western) democracy and closure vs openness of the country to economic and cultural penetration.
The subjective contradiction is adequate for those issues. But there are other issues. Inadequacy may derail the process. The objective and the subjective must somehow mirror each other.
Thus, Gandhi had literally speaking to divest himself of his Westernness and his high caste paraphernalia, become very Hindu and share the living conditions of the lower castes and untouchables before he could lead Indian masses toward freedom and democracy.
The leader of Free India, however, Jawaharlal Nehru, was very Western, very high caste, very secular and steered India exactly in that direction.
Gandhi wanted an India based on the “oceanic circles” of autonomous, self-reliant villages; Nehru a modern, secular, industrial, socialist India. The subjective matters.
Liberals tend to study the subjective movements and Marxists the objective issues. The argument here is for both-and, and more particularly for the contradiction between the two contradictions.
An example from Norway: the objective contradiction a century ago between the “well conditioned” and the majority “populace”, in steep livelihood gradients, and the subjective contradictions in the party system.
The populace lived on farming, fishing, hunting, and as employees; the well conditioned from fortune, as employers or self-employed.
There were grey zones.
The Labor Party, through an act of political genius, created an alliance of farmers, fishermen and industrial workers, very adequately posited against the well conditioned.
They won the elections, prevailed for two generations, and created a new social reality, the welfare state.
That society had its own objective contradictions, positing a minority of aged-women-frail/handicapped-foreign workers against the rest. Uncarried by adequate subjective contradictions the objective contradiction deepens in the midst of plenty. The Labor Party was totally inadequate. And the issue remains unsolved.
Movements against the US Empire: social reality is complex. Only when cause and issue coincide will the movements be adequate.
Now, this piece was written over fifteen years ago. So it is dated. Issues of the day then seem trivial now, with modern issues and conditions quite different.
Never the less, this individual has a fine track record of predicting global events related to empires.
He uses a unique system of “contradictions” to come to his conclusions. It tends to be wordy and confusing, but it works. And at this stage that is all that matters.
He predicts that the USA will go into a state of upheaval starting in 2020. The duration for this period of change is unknown. What we do know is that the COVID-19 coronavirus has completely changed the global Geo-political situation, and the United States is in a state of chaos as a result. It appears that whether it was the COVID-19 or something else, the United States would still be in this messy situation.
Independent on who would be in the Presidency.
Independent on the particular situations all over the world.
I know that he tended to ramble on, and the post is long. But the fact remains that all the indicators that he listed back in 2000 are still present and worsening in 2020.
Sven Henrich, NorthmanTrader - Reality check: By the time this is all over the poor will be poorer, the middle class smaller, the country horrifically in debt, unemployment much higher than before and the top 1% will be largely fine. Do not underestimate the long term impacts of this ever increasing divide.
Right or wrong. Future prophecy or not, one thing is certain, all Geo-Political indicators are pointing to a collapse of the United States Empire in some form. It depends on who will be at the Presidential Helm during the collapse…
Donald Trump and his neocon advisors and their MAGA plan.
If you don’t feel the mood of the country turning towards confrontation and civil chaos, you are either a lackey for the establishment, a government paid drone, or propagandized to such an extent you have chosen to be willfully ignorant of your surroundings.
This Fourth Turning seemed somewhat dormant since 2012, but government, corporate, and consumer debt continued to balloon; the divide between left and right grew as the Deep State conducted a coup against a duly elected president; and global disorder accelerated in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and South America.
The core elements of debt, civic decay, and global disorder are now coalescing into a perfect storm of consequences for a nation and world built upon a teetering edifice of unpayable debt, unfulfilled promises, the unbridled greed of a blood thirsty ruling class, and the unbelievable delusions of people who think a world built upon borrowing to consume is sustainable.
The dichotomy between what is happening in the real world and what is happening in the world of the financiers will lead to violent upheaval on a timeline not anticipated by the ruling class.
There is a good reason gun stores were overwhelmed with business at the outset of this over-hyped flu pandemic.
As Strauss and Howe pointed out twenty three years ago, trust in the government, central bankers, the corporate media, and “experts” is disintegrating rapidly. The anger and disillusionment grows by the day and pockets of resistance are propagating throughout the country.
The un-Constitutional destruction of rights and liberties by overbearing governors, mayors and Federal bureaucrats is pushing desperate citizens towards insurrection. The police who carry out the unlawful orders of their superiors for a paycheck should realize they live among those they are bullying and pushing around.
There is blowback coming and they should act accordingly.
When people have lost everything they had and any hope for the future, while witnessing the privileged continuing to reap the benefits of a rigged financial system, civil disobedience will increase and blood will begin to be shed.
This bubble of abnormalcy will be popped.
It is weirdly fascinating to watch a Fourth Turning unfold, while in the midst of it, and knowing we are entering the phase where people have died in numbers that put this pandemic fatality count to shame during the previous two American Crisis periods.
From 1861 to 1865 almost 5% of the male population of the country were killed. That would equate to about 8 million today. From 1939 to 1945 an estimated 65 million people were killed.
The 100,000 or so who will die in 2020 from this virus is just a prelude to the death and destruction to follow.
The trigger for the climactic phase of this Fourth Turning is not a virus that will not kill 99.97% of the American population, but the economic consequences of the over-reaction and authoritarian response to the virus. I’ve lost respect for numerous bloggers who desperately try to paint Sweden’s response as disastrous in an effort to support their own narrative of doom.
Sweden’s decision to allow its people and businesses to use reasonable precautions and not lock down their country in the dictatorial Chinese way, has resulted in cases per million being in line with the rest of European countries and lower than the U.S. The louder these bloggers scream, the surer you can be they have been proven wrong.
It is mesmerizing to watch those on the left, along with the Republican “Never Trumpers”, flail about as the Obama/Clinton attempted coup against Trump unravels before their very eyes. The reaction of these people, along with their toadies at CNN, MSNBC and the other left wing media, reveals an unbridgeable chasm between those believing in the rule of law and people who are willing to do anything for power.
The pure hatred from those on the left for Trump and his followers can not be contained.
They despise the deplorables in flyover country with such a passion, the spittle foaming on their lips as they describe them as gun toting, uneducated, white racists, is an indication of their fury and hate. What these entitled, suit wearing, botox injected, arrogant idiot yet idiot establishment whores fail to realize is we despise them equally and we’re armed and ready.
While psychopaths in suits, worthless politicians, government errand boys and remote working white collar parasites of the establishment continue to get paid, they continue to prohibit the lowly wage earner from making a living.
A price will be paid.
Trump is not a nice guy. Grey Champions (Lincoln, FDR) use their power in ways not conducive to making everyone happy. They are leading during a time of crisis and will use any means necessary to win. The coup attempt by Obama, Clinton, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, and their minions has failed and now the tables will be turned. Trump, Barr, Grennell and Durham have the power to prosecute some of the most powerful left wing politicians and Deep State operatives on the planet.
How this plays out before November will ignite further civil strife and discontent. People have already begun taking to the streets and as this unnecessary shutdown further impoverishes the masses, things will turn nasty. Government attempting to have neighbors rat on neighbors for not obeying the Nanny State commands will backfire on the rats. Animosities and grudges will sway the actions of many, once the gloves come off.
The majority of rule following sheep believe what they are being told by their elected leaders, non-elected self proclaimed medical “experts” and the feckless shills on their boob tube. They do not see what is coming, just over the horizon.
The divergence of opinion on how we should proceed from this point onward is immense, with biases, delusions, and inability to grasp the unintended consequences of the actions taken thus far, driving the narratives. Listening to Trump bloviate about the tremendous economic boom which will occur when we re-open the country is laughable. He sounds like a carnival barker.
He allowed himself to be bamboozled by medical “expert” hacks and their immensely flawed garbage in-garbage out models into destroying our economy, and he may end up paying the price in November as the economy is mired in a 2nd Great Depression.
But the Dow should be at 50,000 by then, so he’s got that going for him. Trump thinks you can turn the economy on again and things will be as good as new.
He evidently has never read Bastiat or Hazlitt. The broken window fallacy now can be called the broken country fallacy. The financial gurus crow about the fantastic job Powell and Mnuchin have done, based upon what they have seen (31% increase in S&P 500), while that which is unseen has yet to reveal itself.
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While I am just “so-so” as a word smith, there are other that are more perceptive and better suited to document the decline and collapse of the American Global Empire. Here, we have a writer who editorialized how he believes America is starting to get involved in yet another “cold war” with China. I read his writing, found them brilliant, but feel that he is missing out on the big picture. America is collapsing all around us.
There won’t be any “cold war” where the world is on “America’s side”, and the “evil empire” is isolated.
Nope. Instead, China will continue to be aligned with Russia, and will continue to design, invent and manufacture high-end, high quality products. While the cheaper products and simpler constructions will be made in third-world nations for export to Americans at ridiculously high prices.
Americans in turn will continue to be manipulated, taxed, and generally forced into government-sponsored servitude of one form or the other. Social mobility will be non-existent. And American will live eating the cheapest foods, possessing the cheapest gear, and working the longest hours while praising their “inherent freedoms”…
The following is an article titled “The new Cold War with China has cost lives against coronavirus” written by Max Blumenthal@MaxBlumenthal for the Chicago Reader. It was edited to fit this venue, but aside from that, left intact. All credit to the author.
More than any event since the financial crash, the coronavirus pandemic has exposed the rotten foundation of American empire.
Chinese president Xi Jinping has called his country’s fight against coronavirus “the People’s War,” while President Trump calls the disease "the China virus."
-Narendra Modi; SHEALAH craighead
March 19, 2020, was a milestone for the People’s Republic of China.
After enduring over two months of an epidemic of novel coronavirus,
China reported that it experienced its first day without a new case of
locally transmitted infection. After placing 46 million residents in
Wuhan and 15 other cities under quarantine, mobilizing thousands of
medical professionals to the front lines, building new hospitals
practically overnight, and implementing cautionary measures
such as forcing banks to disinfect cash, the country turned a corner in
what its president, Xi Jinping, called “the People’s War.”
Throughout the crisis, leaders of the World Health Organization
(WHO) heaped praise on the Chinese government. “Its actions actually
helped prevent the spread of coronavirus to other countries,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Tedros, as he is known, added that he was “very impressed and
encouraged by the president [Xi’s] detailed knowledge of the outbreak.”
Tedros’s assistant, Dr. Bruce Aylward, who also visited China, was
astounded by what he observed: “What I saw was a tremendous sense of
responsibility, and of duty, to protect their families, their
communities, and even the world, from this disease,” Aylward marveled
in a televised interview. “I left with such a deep sense of admiration
for the people of Wuhan and for Chinese society in general.”
During the early days of the crisis around Wuhan, Chinese
authorities took some ham-fisted measures to suppress public discussion
of the outbreak. Perhaps Beijing was in denial about the gravity of the
epidemic, or terrified of its societal ramifications. It was not long,
however, before the Chinese government made the genome of the virus
public, shared detailed information
about the virus with the international community, and provided
intelligence to the WHO, which relayed it to the U.S. Center for Disease
Control (CDC). In fact, Health and Human Services Director Alex Azar recently revealed
that the CDC first learned about coronavirus from Chinese colleagues on
January 3. Tragically, while Beijing was buying valuable time for the
West to prepare for the lethal pandemic, and losing the lives of medical
personnel in the process, Washington chose conflict over cooperation.
Almost as soon as news of the viral outbreak reached the West,
mainstream pundits turned up their noses and sneered at China’s
aggressive response. A now-discredited January 24 op-ed
published in Slate and authored in conjunction with the Democratic
Party-affiliated New America Foundation proclaimed, “Many of China’s
actions to date are overly aggressive and ineffective in quelling the
outbreak.” The Los Angeles Times reinforced the condescending line, mocking President Xi’s efforts to rally Chinese citizens as “shoddy propaganda.” At around the same time, the cover of the neoliberal Economist magazine depicted China as a global disease infecting the planet—an authoritarian plague that threatened the free world more than any pandemic.
For his part, Trump has referred to the sickness as the “China virus,” deploying xenophobic bile to deflect blame for weeks of inaction. (“We have it totally under control,” the president insistedon January 22,
trying in vain to calm markets. A month later, Trump claimed without
evidence, “The people that have [coronavirus] are getting better.”) By
March 14, as coronavirus exploded throughout New York City and Seattle,
Joseph Biden took to the stage of a Democratic presidential debate and
painted the sickness as a foreign weapon of mass destruction. “This is
like we are being attacked from abroad!” he bellowed. CNN debate moderator Dana Bash proceeded to push
the candidates to propose “consequences” China should face for the
coronavirus–not lessons the U.S. could learn from China’s successful
fight against it.
In reflexive and mostly bipartisan fashion, the U.S. political
class has exploited a pandemic to ratchet up hostility against China.
While the rising power is a necessary partner against a gathering storm
of disease and societal unraveling, too many in Washington are unable to
see Beijing as anything other than the greatest single threat to
American global hegemony.
Over the past seven decades, the U.S. has encircled China with hundreds of military bases,threading
bombers, naval warships, and nuclear-tipped missiles into a
geopolitical noose. President Barack Obama’s “pivot to Asia” designated a
full two-thirds of U.S. naval forces to contain China, setting the
stage for a new Cold War. Trump’s national defense doctrine formally
enshrined the strategy by declaring “great power competition” with Beijing and Moscow as the Pentagon’s top priority. A trade war followed, with the U.S. jailing a CEO of the Chinese telecom company Huawei, banning its 5G technology, and slapping hefty tariffs on $112 billion on Chinese imports. Dubiously sourced stories
of Holocaust-level human rights violations by China supplied the new
Cold War with heartstring-tugging background music, drawing suggestible
Western liberals into the hostile narrative.
The same U.S. leadership class that launched the first Cold War and
reignited it during the Obama and Trump eras has also presided over a
systematic degradation of America’s public health system. While the task
of providing health care was handed over to corporations, the number of
beds per 1,000 Americans declined steadily from 4.5 in 1975 to 2.5 in
2014, according to the CDC.
Having left its citizens on the verge of mass suffocation by a ghastly
respiratory infection, the U.S. government has little to offer them
today beyond Cold War bluster and corporate bailouts.
More than any event since the 2008-09 financial crash, the
coronavirus pandemic has exposed the rotten foundation of American
empire—and it has only begun to exact its toll. By March 19, the day
that China declared victory over coronavirus, the U.S. achieved a
milestone of its own: it boasted the sharpest increase
in deaths and new infections per day of any country in the world. New
York City had become ground zero for the sickness, with 10,000 new
cases. At one Brooklyn emergency hospital, a doctor melted down over the
lack of resources. “It’s a disaster,” he fretted.
“We just had a half dozen staff test positive. We have 17 ventilators
left in the institution. Some staff can’t come because they’re getting
wiped out.”
In hospitals across the country, emergency room doctors have been
forced to fashion their own masks, or to simply wear a bandana over
their faces. Doctors badly needed N95 air-filtering respirator masks to
protect themselves from infection while they treated patients hacking up
toxic sputum. The Trump administration has invoked the Defense
Production Act, a Korean War-era provision that would enable him to
compel American businesses to produce urgently needed products.
Revealingly, Trump has refused to implement the act on the grounds that doing so would mimic Venezuelan-style socialism.
While doctors wait in vain for N95 masks, a bipartisan group of 130
lawmakers made their real priorities clear when they issued a call for a
massive buildup of F-35 jets. “Full funding is needed for the delivery
of new weapons and critical capabilities necessary to keep the F-35
ahead of our adversaries,” the lawmakers wrote in a March 19 letter to the Pentagon, demanding 98 new stealth fighters at a cost of $94 million each.
If anything has been more elusive than protective masks—and less
functional than the accident-prone F-35—it is America’s coronavirus
testing system. Testing kits were magically provided to entire NBA teams
and A-list celebrities with symptoms, but ask any average American in
need where they plan to get screened, and you’re almost certain to draw a
blank. As Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, confessed
in testimony to Congress,“The idea of anybody getting [tested] easily
the way people in other countries are doing it, we are not set up for
that. Do I think we should be? Yes. But we are not.”
Inside China, an already effective coronavirus screening regimen is
likely to improve thanks to an innovative test that can be administered
in airports, and that produces results in just 40 minutes. The creator
of the groundbreaking test, Weihong Tan, was a professor at the
University of Florida’s cancer research lab until last year, when the
Department of Justice targeted him
with a McCarthy-style investigation. Accused by a Cold War-crazed U.S.
government of failing to disclose Chinese funding for his department, he
returned to Hunan University, where he found ample government support
for his lifesaving research.
With its hollowed out public health-care system overwhelmed by a
pandemic in just its early phase, the U.S. has sat and watched as China
embarks on the largest international humanitarian mission in modern
times. European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has effusively thanked China
for donating two million surgical masks, 200,000 N95 masks, and 50,000
testing kits to hard-hit areas of Europe. After welcoming a massive
delivery of Chinese aid to his country, Serbian President Aleksandar
Vucic angrily accused the EU of abandonment:
“European solidarity does not exist. That was a fairytale. The only
country that can help us in this hard situation is the People’s Republic
of China. For the rest of them, thanks for nothing.”
In response to China’s humanitarian crusade, the Trump administration’s National Security Council has rolled out
a coordinated propaganda offensive blaming China for “covering up”
coronavirus. Ironically, the same corporate networks that have spent the
past year clamoring for Trump’s impeachment have provided the White
House with an eager megaphone for its anti-China crusade. A report by
CNN, for instance, suggested dark motives behind China’s delivery of
ventilators and masks to Europe, claiming Beijing was “possibly trying
to curry favor.” On Twitter, trending hashtags like #ChinaLiedAndPeopleDied have suddenly materialized, amplifying the Trump administration’s influence operation.
While China and the tiny, U.S.-embargoed nation of Cuba send medical brigades to hard-hit regions of Europe, Washington is sending the world sanctions and shows of military force.
The Trump administration has zealously weaponized coronavirus to drive
its “maximum pressure” policy of regime change against Iran, where the
death toll is approaching 2,000. During a March 18 press conference,
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowed to ramp up crushing sanctions on Iran, even though (or perhaps because) the economic blockade was preventing the country from purchasing vital medicine and ventilators. In Venezuela, meanwhile, U.S. sanctions have increased the cost of a coronavirus test to three times more than in non-sanctioned countries.
Those who find Trump’s actions at home and abroad deadly and
dangerous must take heart that his opponents in the Democratic Party
have united behind Biden, who seems to forget where he is at times. One of the 76-year-old former vice president’s most recent public appearances
saw him in a makeshift studio in his Delaware home, staring off into
the distance in a stupor, seemingly frozen in confusion, until his wife
shuffled him off camera. Dogged by rumors of dementia following a
comically stumbling performance on the presidential trail, where his shell of a campaign has been sustained by some 60 faceless billionaires,
Biden disappeared for an entire week in mid-March, as the crisis
reached its apex in the U.S. He finally resurfaced on March 23 for a
deeply uninspiring online livestream that pitted the stammering
candidate against a barely functional teleprompter.
As the pandemic spreads across the country, college students have
descended on the beaches of South Florida for the spring break beer bash
that has become a rite of passage for the young and mindless. The
state’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, a Harvard graduate who was
narrowly elected after warning his African American opponent would “monkey this up,”
defended his decision to keep beaches open for the annual bacchanal.
“If you have a Floridian that goes and walks their dog, like a married
couple on the beach,” De Santis eloquently explained, “as long as you’re not within six feet of each other, they view that as a healthy thing.”
With the shores wide open for randy fun, a widely-watched video circulated on Twitter showing a sun-burned bro gawking
at a bikini-clad woman slurping a Bud Light through the rear end of a
bent-over co-ed and exclaiming, “Nobody gives a fuck about coronavirus
Shelter in place and grab a protective mask if you can find one. The deluge has just begun. v
Correction: An earlier version of this piece misidentified Xi Jinping as the premier of China; he is the president.
It will not be long now. Four years tops. Maybe as early as one year. Figure all Hell to unravel around 2023 or so.
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because I just don’t care to.
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And now, as we start to enter periods of quarantine and self-isolation – as nations, communities, and individuals – all that should be so much clearer. It has taken a virus to show us that only together are we at our strongest, most alive and most human.
In being stripped of what we need most by the threat of contagion, we are reminded of how much we have taken the community for granted, abused it, hollowed it out. We are afraid because the services we need in times of collective difficulty and trauma have been turned into commodities that require payment, or treated as privileges to which access is now means-tested, rationed or is simply gone. That insecurity is at the root of the current urge to hoard.
Whether you believe that the COVID-19 coronavirus is a biological weapon or just a virus that isn’t as bad as the flu, you should treat it as something to avoid getting. Right? You all don’t want you or your family to have this bug. Here I will lay out the precautions that I, and most of the others in China are taking to keep this bug out of our home. I strongly recommend that you follow similar procedures in your home.
Face mask – Always on – no exceptions.
When the first news started to hit China in December, we were all aware that you should wear a mask and be extra careful. So when we went out we would wear a mask.
But the thing is that we were not all that serious about it. We would pull it under our noses and allow it to wrap around our necks. Or we would take it off completely.
Then when the Chinese government went DEFCON ONE and everyone started to see alerts on their cell phones, drones telling everyone to stay inside, and Army troops with police setting up roadblocks, things suddenly took on a very serious face. We like the rest of China “got with the program.”
Since then, you never go outside without a mask on.
And not only that, you must always wear it. You wear it when you are around others, and when you are doing things. If you are in your car, you wear the mask. If you are walking down the street you wear the mask. If you are anywhere where others might have walked you wear the mask.
This virus can live on top of a surface for twelve hours. Twelve hours!
Which means that if you are eating a Big Mac on a park bench, an infected person from last night, who might have sat on that very same bench, could still infect your burger and fries.
Wear the mask or do not go outside. Period.
Avoid people.
The best way to avoid this virus is to stay inside and isolated in self quarantine. This is what China mandated, and it is working. In China, there are building quarantines, within block quarantines, within community quarantines, within town quarantines. There are multiple quarantine levels.
Do not go outside of your house unless it is absolutely an emergency.
If you can, work from home on your computer. Use the cell phone to talk to other people. Have food delivered to you and dropped outside your door and you get it when the person leaves.
HEPA Air purifier
Using a HEPA air purifier will really cut down on family cross-contamination. The machines themselves are not that expensive, but the filters are. However they are really worth it. I strong recommend an investment in a good rooms sized HEPA air purifier. You can find them at most retailers.
Wear gloves or do not touch things directly.
I have worn gloves, but you do not need to.
What you do need to do is avoid toughing things, and this is really difficult. We touch everything. And it is a real problem. We touch the buttons to get on the elevator, we touch the door handles to get into the car. We open the doors to our house, and get the mail from our mail box.
The problem is that there are evil rascals that take an evil pleasure in spreading their sickness around. Only this time, it’s not fun and games. People can die, and the death is particularly terrible.
I have videos where an infected person is walking in the mall coughing intentionally within a large group of people. I have other videos where they are spitting on elevator buttons, on door handles, and on mailboxes. I have videos where these crazy people are spitting on postage boxes and handrails.
Assume that there are a few bad people near you, and that they have this illness. Do not take any chances. Protect yourself. Do not touch anything, and if you are not using gloves, then use a tissue.
Sanitize everything you come in contact with.
You can use alcohol, or a disinfectant, but you must use it.
That means everything. That means your shoes, your door handles, your keys, your cell phone and you “everyday carry”. Everything must be disinfected.
You cannot control the rest of the world, but you can control your life. Everything that you or your family touches must be disinfected daily. that means trash-bins, cars, lawn implements and everything inside the house.
To keep this work load down, you need to control who goes in and out of the home. Keep the movement low. Everyone should stay inside and if there are visitors they must stay outside.
Wash – wash – wash.
After you return home , you must take off your clothes and take a very hot shower. Scrub your body and perform hospital-level arm washes. Make sure that your fingernails are clipped short.
In public do not touch your eyes or your face, and absolutely do not eat anything with your hands. Use an utensil.
When you wash, you must use soap. It doesn’t matter what type, but you must use it.
Isolate and wash outside clothes apart.
You should have inside and outside clothes. Once you go outside and wear those clothes, they are to be considered contaminated and to be cleaned. You throw them in to the hamper and wash them immediately. Make sure your wash them with hot water, and then let them dry.
Shoes must always be disinfected once you arrive inside. That means you must spray the bottoms and the sides and the interiors of the shoes. It’s not a big deal once you make it a habit.
Grocery sanitation.
When you get groceries, spray the bag with disinfectant. Also make sure that you wash all the vegetables in warm soapy water. This includes the lettuce, tomatoes and apples. Make no exceptions.
Dogs and Cats stay inside.
Finally, the critters won’t understand, but they have to stay inside. While Fido is out vacuuming up every scent he is also vacuuming up other things and bringing them into your house. You must not take that risk and allow that you happen. You must be careful.
These rules are not really prohibitive. For most people it just means that you need to change some habits and avoid people. It’s just more of a hassle.
Cleanliness is very important.
Your life might depend on it.
And by the way, that nonsense that the COVID-19 is not serious is just American propaganda. China did not go into DEFCON ONE on a trivial runny nose. It’s a really bad illness.
Unlike the flu, you cannot stay at home and try to ride it out. If you try, WILL die.
Right now, at the time of this writing, there is a solid 80% chance of you getting over this, provided you go to a hospital and they take care of you. If you don’t the mortality is very, very high.
According to Chinese CDC data on COVID19, while mortality rate in general in China is 2.3%, but mortality rate for patients with severe COVID19 infection symptoms is 49%.
Mortality rate for COVID19 infection patients died of other complications are:
Cardiovascular disease: 10.5%
Diabetes disease: 7.3%
Chronic respiratory disease: 6.3%
High blood pressure: 6.0%
Cancer: 5.6%
These are very scarily high mortality numbers. Complacency kills people. Urgency saves lives.
COVID-19 has a ten times higher mortality rate than cancer.
I hope that this post was of use and interest to you. You can find more in my Trump Trade Wars Index, here…
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While it is the “fashion”, perhaps to have the latest in prepper and para-military gear. Much of it relies on batteries and other electronic means to operate. This includes reticle lighting, laser sighting, range finders, and night vision goggles. They will all be inoperable, and worthless junk, were World War III to actually occur.
For during World War III, the USA will be attacked, and an EMP burst can be expected.
The fantasy that America can attack either Russia, China or one of their aligned states without nuclear retaliation on American soil is a neocon fantasy. So listen up and take heed. If you play with matches, don’t go lighting them inside a kerosene soaked barn.
The neocon party is going to get America “bitch slapped” and it ain’t gonna be pretty.
Here we discuss this issue.
The American propaganda engine is fully geared up to garner support for a major war. They (the oligarchy) wants war. And since President Donald Trump has pledged not to get involved in a new war, they want him out, and a Democrat elected to power.
This should not be news to anyone. Democrats pull Americans into wars. This follows the same pattern used with Kuwait, Syria, and Afghanistan. The American oligarchy NEEDS a war. Because they are doing an absolutely horrific job managing America domestically.
A war is expected to distract Americans away from domestic problems.
And they are telling everyone that there will NOT be any consequences…
They are serious, serious nations with centuries of warfare ON THEIR OWN SOIL. They are not going to tolerate America turning their nation into Syria, Libya, Yemen or any one of numerous American exploratory ventures “for democracy”.
This is especially true for modern China and modern Russia. Heck! Chinese cities look like they belong in a scene from the Jetsons for Pete’s sake!
Shanghai, China.
Now, maybe you have heard some of these propaganda talking points…
Hong Kong wants democracy. All they need is a little help from America.
Taiwan wants America to intervene and chase the mainland Chinese away.
Russia needs to be punished for the Ukraine.
China has 11 million poor Muslims in concentration camps. The USA must do something!
Poor Tibet needs to break away from China!
Russia is fostering war in Turkey.
China is prosecuting Christians. We must do something.
Etc, etc.
The Jetsons is a prime-time animated sitcom that was produced by Hanna-Barbera for Screen Gems (and later Worldvision Enterprises). The original incarnation of the series aired Sunday nights on ABC from 23 September 1962 to 3 March 1963. It was Hanna-Barbera’s space age counterpart to The Flintstones.
Yes, and you probably believe all this nonsense. Most Americans do. If you check the comment sections on these types of articles, it is along the lines of “bring it on“. Not realizing just what this term will actually imply…
For simplicity’s sake, let’s just say that America is planning to get involved in a major war with a major superpower in the next ten years or so.
Nothing destroys your day like global-wide thermonuclear war.
The American leadership is convinced that America will prevail, and that the American heartland will be unscathed. They are not even bothering to think it through.
I beg to differ.
One attack by America on any major superpower will be a disaster. It will result in full-scale nuclear response. This will not be a few nuclear weapons.
It will see ALL of the fuckers launched.
Nuclear war will be a nightmare for Americans. It will unleash domestic turmoil, and embolden the radical elements in society to wreck havoc on the remaining infrastructure.
… and detonated in such a way that America will get a “double tap”, and a second and third one for good measure. This will be nuclear, EMP and neutron bombs all at once.
Russia and China don’t play.
America will be sent back to the stone ages, and the survivors will be fighting each other with blood filled blisters on their eyes, and foaming puss out of their anuses.
Nuclear war, radiation, starvation and social unrest will be the least of worries for the American survivors. Bio-warfare will be the real nightmare.
Americans will be too busy fighting each other for moldy turnip remains.
In this nightmare scenario…
… not at all unreasonable…
… no electronics will work.
Those nice cell phones, and GPS systems will be useless. All automobiles from old cars to new Teslas will not work. Wristwatches will not function, and even battery powered flashlights will be trash. EMP will have burned out everything and drained all batteries turning them into nice handfuls of slag.
Every product that uses electricity will be useless.
If you think that the millennial youth of today will panic, you haven’t seen anything yet. Wait until every single piece of electronics is fried beyond use. All social media is gone. Gone. Gone.
Panicked and crazed people will take on mob behaviors and they will not be easy to control.
Nuclear Weapons
The nuclear weapons fielded by both Russia and China are dangerous and nasty designs. Make no mistake about that. They are designed to kill in the most horrible way possible.
Chinese nuclear armed MIRV.
Were America try to conduct anything other than a remote proxy war on either of the nations, the consequences would be horrific. DO NOT THINK THAT they will not press the red button. It’s a rookie mistake.
During a hearing on October 12th, experts warned the U.S. House of Representatives that a single EMP bomb could kill as many as 90% of all Americans within a year.
It’s a bit of a stretch.
But it is a very dangerous weapon.
EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse, which is considered a short burst of electromagnetic radiation. This kind of burst can come from a variety of sources, including our own sun, but in this case we’re talking about a pulse from a nuclear detonation that occurs at an extremely high altitude.
When a nuclear explosion occurs in space above a target, three types of electromagnetic pulses follow: E1, E2, and E3.
An E1 pulse involves high-energy gamma rays colliding with air molecules nearly 20 miles above, then raining down electrons that get pulled in by Earth’s natural magnetic field.
An E2 pulse comes from high-energy neutrons that get fired in every direction.
A E3 pulse occurs due to the size of the nuclear fireball itself affecting the Earth’s magnetic field.
These pulses affect everything in line of sight of the nuclear blast. For example, a blast at 60 miles up can affect a 700-mile radius on Earth.
EMP bombs do not cause casualties directly.
EMP detonations will render all electronics on ALL systems inoperable.
The blast happens much too far away from people. Their power comes from interfering, disrupting, or damaging electronic equipment. That could mean power grids going down, cars and planes losing power, computer systems going berserk, and possibly even losing emergency backup power at facilities like hospitals. It’s sort of like the Y2K nightmare come to life.
The three different types of pulse—E1, E2, and E3—affect various types of electrical systems in different ways.
E1 affects local antennas, short cable runs, equipment inside buildings, integrated circuits, sensors, communication systems, protective systems, and computers;
E2 is similar to a lightning strike (so not as damaging since we know how to deal with it), and affects longer conductive lines, vertical antenna towers, and aircraft with trailing wire antennas;
E3 affects power lines and long communications lines like undersea and underground cables, which could wreak havoc on commercial power and landlines.
Overall, most of the damage would come from E1 and E3 pulses disrupting the technology we’ve come to rely on. Post-blast, generators may be able to still provide power, but for the most part, people would not have access to electricity. Thus, cars and communications would no longer work and every battery would be turned into a pile of slag..
The SHTF in this scenario is truly horrific.
Large-Scale Attack Simulator (USA)
What would happen to the United States during a nuclear war?
Using unclassified documents on nuclear targeting and open data on the physics of modern weapons and fallout patterns, this simulation models what would happen if approximately 1,100 warheads (~7% of the world's arsenal) hit the United States. This is a realistic simulation based on hard science and known targeting strategies. That said, it should be treated as an approximation of a single scenario - a real attack could take a myriad of forms, some less destructive than this model and some far more. This particular simulation might be considered a medium-level strategic attack.
The attack lasts two hours and strikes hundreds of military, government and economic targets. It comes in two waves, a first wave that destroys government and military installations followed by a broader second wave against population centers.
One second in the model is equal to one real-time minute, thus the total runtime is 120 seconds. As the simulation runs, you can click any marker icon to expand the map and see more detail, including summary of damage per state and google streetview images of ground zero impact points.
Because it requires some heavy math, this simulation might not run to completion on older iOS devices. Beyond that it should function on any device, but it's easier to view on larger screens (pads or desktops).
Run Simulation
Nuclear detonations of 30MT magnitudes, grouped in a ringed array of three warheads detonated in clusters of three would take out all the cities. Satan II undersea nuclear detonations would create radioactive tidal waves that would wipe the coastal areas completely clean. High altitude EMP bursts would fry out all electronics, disable all communication (and internet) and wipe out everything beyond repair. Neutron bombs would eviscerate America’s global military bases and germ warfare would be seeded throughout the rural areas.
Nuclear detonations of 30MT magnitudes, grouped in a ringed array of three warheads detonated in clusters of three would take out all the cities.
No one will know what is going on.
Essentially, the entire United States Federal government will be reduced to glassy slag within five minutes of launch. The survivors would not know what to do and how to handle the situation.
And then would come the bio-weapons, and germ warfare…
How to deal
In this kind of nightmare scenario, how can you deal? Everything that we use is somehow connected to the cloud, the main electrical grid and batteries. Even solar power systems, wind power systems, and hydroelectric systems will be reduced to garbage.
I argue that this situation might really actually occur.
A scenario from Hell
Let’s imagine that America decides to place a unit of Marines on Taiwan soil…
According to the American mainstream media, it’s just for “advisory purposes” with the blessings of the Taiwanese government (supposedly). Just a few “advisors”. Not a big issue, says all the editorials out of Washington D.C.
The USA, in it’s arrogance, then orders China to “stand down”.
China AND Russia respond with a full-scale nuclear strike with hyper-SLBM MIRV’s followed up with their Satan II nuclear arsenal.
Nuclear attack on New York City is pretty much an established “given”.
In five minutes, from launch, every major coastal American city is a glowing fireball.
These are based on the latest hyper-glide technology after all. Something that the USA doesn't have. We have been too busy with diversity and sensitivity training, and funding Muslim outreach programs for the last two decades.
Within an hour, all second, third and fourth tier sites are rubble, and the largest remaining intact American city is Chatsworth, Georgia.
Map of the major nuclear strike targets within the United States.
American news is all white out.
No news. No electronics. No one knows what happened to all the 14 American carrier fleets. No one knows what happened to the rest of the world, or if America struck back.
You also don’t know that a nuclear detonation hit mono lake and evaporated the entire water supply for California. What water remaining is radioactive and all farmland, useless. Survivors streamed out away from the cities on foot like locusts. They devoured everything in their path and all local and state police are overwhelmed.
Within days, deaths from radiation start to occur. Starvation begins to raise its ugly face. Though, real starvation will not yet occur for another thirty days. It is obvious that there are some very hungry people about, and the urban poor, accustomed to food-stamps, are out searching for ways to fill their stomachs. They aren’t taking “no” for an answer.
After a nuclear detonation, there will be mass confusion and initially the police and military will arrive to restore order. That will start to follow the standard preparation procedure. Then, the second and third waves will hit…
All of this is unknown to you.
You live in a small, isolated rural community.
You, living in a small community are an ardent prepper and have a “bug out” bag and the necessary foodstuffs to survive the trek to your “safe haven”.
Your situation
You don’t know any of this background.
All you know is that there was a series of “earthquakes”, and “sonic booms”, and now all the electricity is off. You do not know when it will return.
Initially, you worried about the food in the freezer spoiling, but as time goes on, there are some things that are truly disturbing to you.
Firstly there is nothing on the radio.
Nothing. Nothing at all. It’s all static. AM, FM, all up and down the bands. The police scanner is also just white noise.
Along with the earthquakes was a terrible wind storm, and the trees on the tops of some of the distant hills seem to be toppled over. The air is filled with fine dust and it is settling everywhere. No computer. No internet. No phone. No GPS. No electricity.
No water. No natural gas.
Even the compass doesn’t work.
The street lights don’t work.
Nor does the construction roadblock with the big flashing yellow light. Even it stopped flashing.
Nothing works. No electricity. Not even the flashing yellow construction lamps.
You look out your window and all seems normal, if a bit quiet.
The sky, however has a kind of yellow / greenish tinge to it.
You cannot find your cats, and your dog is acting peculiarly.
After a half day of this, you notice that some people are out and about and waiting to get some word from the government. A few people started to walk towards the center of town and started to mingle with others. Rumors were flying, but most revolved around some kind of earthquake that took out the energy grid.
There is an odd, bunt-sickly smell in the air, it feels “sticky”, and all the neighborhood dogs are terribly agitated.
No no one can explain all the dust in the air.
Your brain… your guts… your very being screams! Your partner, on the other hand is telling you that you have an active imagination and not to worry. That things will settle down and be all right in a few hours.
Never the less, just to be on the safe side, you pull out your gear by candle light.
You go to your “bug out” bag. You perform an inventory check. Your cell phone doesn’t work. Nor does your watch. Your small aluminum flashlight will not work either. You check your firearm, holster and kit.
You notice that you have not prepared a dust-mask or filter kit. So you take a bandana off the clothes line outside, brush the dust off and tie it around your face stagecoach-robber style.
The laser sight on the pistol will not work, nor will the lighted reticle on your rifle.
The TA31RCO is an Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG) designed for the USMC’s M16A4 weapon system (20” barrel). It incorporates dual illumination technology using a combination of fiber optics and self-luminous tritium.
But, that doesn’t matter. You had prepared for this. You go to your motorcycle and it will not start. EMP, you figured. After all no electronics work at all. You don’t know the news, but you have a very, very bad feeling.
In fact, this feeling is the worst thing about it all. It is like you ate a tube of lard, and you have this horrible feeling inside, and your brain and emotions are all screaming dark thoughts.
No internet. No radio. No news, and at night the sky is glowing red in the distance. Not only to the East, but in the South, and the North-East as well. Those “earthquakes” that seemed to go on and on yesterday were certainly ominous, and your neighbors are acting really strangely. The air is terribly dusty and gritty and a thin layer of dust covers everything.
The dust seems to come in big brown clouds that settle down on everything.
You wipe the dust off the handle to the garage and pull out the bicycle from the tarp in the back of the garage. You pump the tires full of air, and wheel it out.
You feel a little queasy. Your stomach feels “sour”.
So you hop on your bicycle and try to follow your “bug out” route.
Cars are stopped in the middle of the road. Not even pulled over to the side. This includes a big 16 wheeler truck and a Greyhound bus.
It’s been two days since the “earthquakes” began and things are really, really odd.
Your beard is starting to shed hair.
You notice that the local 7-11 is all empty. Nothing are on the shelves. Nothing.
You notice that people are going up and down the streets pushing grocery carts full of food and supplies, and a number of windows are broken in the local hardware store’s door. No body takes notice of you, but you don’t stick around.
You hoped to use Google-maps to chart your course, but without internet it is pretty much useless. Lucky for you that you had an old 1980’s highway map book in the garage that you stashed in your “go bag”.
You try to get out of the area as fast as you can…
Key Points
If things go full-on SHTF, nothing will work and no one will know anything. It might appear to be a natural disaster.
The unprepared will try to prepare. It will be too late.
Everything will be dangerous. From touching the dust on the door-knobs, to the irrational woman down the street. Nothing will be safe.
The aggressive will take advantage of the situation within short order and you will only have a few precious days before things get out of control.
Police, government and social services will not work, be functional, or be of assistance.
While, in general, most people in your community will be kind and helpful folk, the world will be “turned on it’s head”. Unless a strong positive leader takes control, they will collapse into a frightened mob. As such, the worst individuals in society would create all sorts of problems and confusion.
Avoid crowds.
Do not stream into any city for any reason. You do not know what is going on there, but it cannot be good. When in doubt, it is better to starve alone in the middle of the woods then be crowded into a pen with angry, frightened strangers.
Americans will be very, very irate. We are accustomed to electricity, electronic media, electronic social media and communication. The silence and lack of news would be terrifying, and people will react to it.
If it is any sort of nuclear war, all electronics will be fried and will not work.
All dust is dangerous and you need to assume that it is radioactive.
Finally, everything in America is tied electronically to electrical systems in some form. From simple optical systems, to vehicles, and water hydration systems. The only communities that are divorced from these addictions are the Amish and Mennonite communities. Take a good hard look at your preparations and isolate those which rely on electricity. Consider them useless during a nuclear bug-out exchange.
Remember that any war with Asia will be against a modern-day Genghis Khan with nuclear weapons. You don’t even toy around with that idea.
If you enjoyed this post, you can find others of a similar nature on my SHTF index. Here…
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This post describes contemporaneous American events in the light of the loss of liberty and freedom.
Most certainly, that once you have a two-tiered justice system, you actually have no rule of law. And without a Rule of Law, you cannot have either freedom or liberty.
Today, America does not have Rule by Law. It has Rule by selectively applied Brute Force.
There is no rule of law in the United States. And there hasn’t been one for some time. When you have a two tiered justice system, then you have no justice when the country is founded on “equality”.
America was founded on the premise of liberty and freedom. We have all heard this, well most of us, anyways. (Who knows what they are teaching in schools these days.) This article makes the simple statement; freedom and liberty REQUIRES a robust rule of law applied evenly throughout the nation.
If you do not have a robust Rule of Law, evenly applied. You will not have either freedom or liberty.
America is toast.
Freedom and liberty REQUIRES a robust rule of law applied evenly throughout the nation.
When rules are bent in favor of one person over another, justice fails. Without justice, the nation fails. It might be a slow slide into the abyss, but fail it will.
In the beginning…
When In The Course of Human Events……
The Founders of this nation put forward a very basic premise:
"...to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them..."
That no government, no person whether royalty or not, King, Queen or Pawn, can take from one to give to another, to make one lesser than another, to being removed from one of the basics of humanity…
…all for the privilege of another.
This is America today. Where and what freedoms remain?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."
That the very premise
of humanity is that one has a right to live, to be left alone to do as
one pleases, and to pursue — but not be guaranteed — happiness. The
only lawful and proper constraints arise when your exercise of same
prevents someone else from having that same peaceful enjoyment.
America was founded as a place where people could aspire to follow their dreams unencumbered by government interference. Sadly this is no longer the case, as the movie “Tucker – A man and his dream”, so clearly illustrates.
One cannot have a right to life if one cannot defend it using tools at least as powerful as those who would take it from you. You cannot have that right to life, that right of freedom and that right of liberty, if the rules of law are not evenly applied to everyone.
There is no freedom when the government can stop your pursuit of happiness.
Based on a true story. Shortly after World War II, Preston Tucker is a grandiose schemer with a new dream, to produce the best cars ever made. With the assistance of Abe Karatz and some impressive salesmanship on his own part, he obtains funding and begins to build his factory. The whole movie also has many parallels with director Coppola’s own efforts to build a new movie studio of his own.
There is no freedom when the government can stop your pursuit of happiness.
This is the story of entrepreneur Preston Tucker and the innovative car he designed in the late 1940s.
The car was attractive, economical, and safe, and had many features not found on the cars of that time -- an air-cooled rear engine, disk brakes, independent 4-wheel suspension, an additional center headlight that pivoted left and right for better vision when turning, a padded dash, seatbelts, and a popout safety windshield.
Tucker's promotional activities generated widespread public excitement and interest in the car, but the powerful auto industry blocked its production.
Only 50 cars were ever made.
The plan was to produce the car in the former Dodge B-29 engine plant on the far southwest side of Chicago. Many Chicagoans invested in the Tucker Motor Corporation, and some bought dealerships.
Even today, many people believe that then-Senator Homer Ferguson (R-Michigan) is the person most responsible for the loss of their investment in the revolutionary ahead-of-its-time "Tucker Torpedo".
- Tucker: The Man and His Dream
There is no freedom when the government can stop your pursuit of happiness.
This is a basic premise. It is a fundamental requirement for a nation to be one where people can live within an environment of freedom and liberty.
America today.
There is no freedom when the government can stop your pursuit of happiness.
The Constitution
The Founders put together a document called The Constitution. It established the Rule of Law that the nation would exist under.
The debate over it, and what needed to be added to it, is found in The Federalist and The Anti-Federalist; two books that are the chronology of the running debate of the time.
Anyone who claims to have an opinion on the foundations of our nation and why the Constitution is important ought to have read both, as should anyone who claims a right to run for elective office at any level — state, local or federal.
Duh! All elected officials NEED to be well-versed in both documents. The vast majority today are not.
Chief among the foundation of this nation is The Rule of Law and that it apply equally to everyone, all the time. It must be applied in each case evenly without exception.
Over time.
By various people, all for various reasons…
Laws grew, became confused, morphed into one thing or another, and their application distorted.
Today, functionally, the Rule of Law does not exist in America.
I can point this out, over and over, and over. And so I will, using examples that we read about every single day.
The law clearly states…
Not one illegal immigrant has a right to live and work, and have children in America. This is true under any circumstance; The Rule of Law says so.
It does not matter whether they personally intended to break said law; that merely encompasses whether they bear criminal culpability for the offense. It does not matter what you call them either. You can call them “dreamers”, “hopefuls”, “migrants”, “refugees” and “travelers”.
If they do not follow the law, they must be imprisoned, and then expelled.
Migrants ride on top of a northern bound train toward the U.S.-Mexico border in Oaxaca, southern Mexico, in March. Migrants crossing Mexico to get to the U.S. have increasingly become targets of criminal gangs who kidnap them to obtain ransom money.
Laws follow Due Process and are implemented, policed and structured fairly. Otherwise, they do not follow the Rule of Law. All laws must follow the Rule of Law, and that means that they are derived from the Bill of Rights.
Red Flag Laws
‘Red flag’ gun confiscation laws violate every principle of liberty upon which our country was founded. There is no due process associated with “red flag” laws. A judge’s order to seize the firearms from an American citizen who has not been accused of a crime, charged with a crime, convicted of a crime—or who never even threatened to commit a crime—based on the accusation of a single individual is anything but due process.
Our accuser could be a disgruntled employee, a bitter ex-spouse or relative, a vengeful neighbor, an anti-gun liberal or even an anti-gun policeman. By definition, “red flag” laws use mere suspicion of what one “might” do as justification to seize a person’s firearms. Tactics such as these have been used in virtually every despotic regime of history.
- Pastor Chuck Baldwin, quoted at Survival Blog
The key to having a Constitution, and a Bill of Rights… a strong organized structure from whence all other laws are derived, is that it becomes clear whether a law is constitutional or not.
Not all laws are constitutional.
Since the Rule of Law is derived from the Bill of Rights, any law that violates it is invalid.
How can you have an ATF who’s entire reason for existence is to infringe on the second amendment?
How can the IRS exist when it, by it’s own fundamental nature, violates the fourth amendment?
How can the FDA ban or arrest someone for using drugs when it violates the ninth amendment?
Now, the latest, in a long string of unconstiutional laws, the “red flag” law completely throws the “due process” scheme out the window. Where, an elected judge will make a determination of whether or not someone is guilty and action by the government needs to take place.
Once you remove judges from the equation…
You have no Rule of Law.
And it’s a big deal.
It’s a really, really, big deal.
If you do not enforce the Rule of Law, you do not have a nation.
The anti-gun movement.
Senators Richard Blumenthal and Mark Warner, both Democrats, have threatened legislation that is a rank violation of the First Amendment. They do so using the excuse of being necessary in response to the Christchurch live-stream.
The second amendment.
Now we have 90% of the counties in Virginia turning into sanctuary enclaves that protects the Bill of Rights for the citizens of those counties. The Democrat reaction? Call in the military and increase funding to incarcerate everyone opposing them.
The Bill of Rights is not up for debate.
That’s right.
Pay attention.
Virginia under Democrat leadership.
The elected officials”, the new government has decided to openly violate the Rule of Law, and disarm citizens in direct defiance of the Bill of Rights.
This arrogance is what the founders of the nation fought against.
And it’s going to be fought again.
Americans fought the arrogant British government. They did not like being treated as a “cash cow” while the ruling class spent the money on frivolities.
90% of the counties in Virginia has declared themselves sanctuaries against government encroachment of their liberties and they will fight back.
Americans should pay attention.
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.
To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
-Theodore Dalrymple
It is not possible to understand evil.
In contrast, the “American” empire acts like Genghis Khan on steroids without his military genius:
it appears to me Washington is intent on the wholesale obliteration of countries, their infrastructure, murdering the civilian populations by the millions, and so on.
Moreover, perhaps in the most memorable quote of Hillary Clinton in calling some Americans “deplorables,” it seems the entire class of rulers of America views its citizens as dispensable commodities and ill disguised contempt.
You cannot stop evil if you refuse to recognize it exists. You cannot accept that evil exists in this world if you close your eyes to it. You cannot see the evil. You cannot see the dangers if you fail to watch the errors others made that led them to their demise.
1st Amendment – Freedom of Speech. Means zero censorship of speech of any kind.
2nd Amendment – Ability to fight back against a tyrannical government.
Yet, these two elected Democrat officials want to violate a core tenet of law. Why?
The Democrats believe that they have achieved a strong degree of control over Americans and the only thing remaining to do is to disarm them. They are following a time-line and time-table laid out years ago, and if it seems like they over-played their hand it is because they did NOT expect a Donald Trump in the office of the President. They expected a Hillary Clinton.
Why the Democrats want to suppress freedom.
Governments are banning and attempting to ban guns and opinions related to keeping guns, not because they fear copycats:
They are banning that speech and literally burning books because faced with the gore, the nastiness and inhumanity of these acts the people may conclude that it was the government itself that sowed the seeds of these acts.
And that the government conspired with gave comfort to said people and groups…
…all the while rendering individual people powerless to stop it by infringing on The Right to Keep and Bear Arms…
…and did all of the above intentionally.
Were the people to reach that conclusion they’d be correct and in response they might revoke their consent to said government entirely and demand it depart.
When the citizens reach the conclusion that the government is corrupted and needs to be reformed, the second amendment is designed to facilitate that change.
America is resembling a slave camp.
A slave is not allowed weapons because he might use them to become free.
If, before undertaking some action, you must obtain the permission of society—you are not free, whether such permission is granted to you or not.
Only a slave acts on permission. A permission is not a right.
-Ayn Rand
A collapse of cultures…
Cultures collapse when there is no cohesion remaining.
Cultures collapse when the primary means to get ahead is to stomp on someone else’s head instead of innovating.
Cultures collapse when cheating is no longer punished and is celebrated instead.
Cultures collapse when cheating is no longer punished and is celebrated instead.
If that is not curtailed then collapse is inevitable — it is simply a matter of time.
Europeans dubbed it the Great War. Americans today remember it as World War One, and recall it as little more than a precursor of an even more violent Second World War. In reality, Democrat Woodrow Wilson’s justification for entering the war as a freedom crusade, as a “war to end all wars,” was, ultimately, little more than rhetorical cover for what amounted to a war in support of one group of empires, the British and French, against another, German and Austrian.
Indeed, in a certain sense, it was a bankers’ war. While the ostensibly “neutral” United States acceded to the British Navy’s starvation blockade of Germany, Washington simultaneously traded war materials with its Anglo brothers and floated London vital loans numbering in the billions of dollars. Clearly, by 1917, after three years of macabre massacre, Washington had a pecuniary interest in British victory.
That may not be the version of First World War history that most Americans learned in elementary or high school. Even less well known is the cynicism and civil liberties suppression of the “Progressive”-in-chief, President Wilson.
His strongman tactics: imprisonment of peaceful antiwar activists under the Sedition Act, detainment of pacifists in prison camps, and prosecution of critical journalists under the (still statute law) Espionage Act, are abhorrent enough. Worse still, however, was the reflexive manner in which the progressive “left” quickly fell in line with their president.
The left eats its own; maybe it always has. Immense majorities of “progressive s,”just like their socialist brethren in Europe, supported Wilson and the war in spite of past records of more dovish positions.
They then proceeded to attack, suppress, and often professionally ruin, or imprison, their former compatriots —relabeled as “radicals”—such as Randolph Bourne and Eugene Debs.
Nonetheless, for all of World War I’s horror, futility, absurdity even, the veterans of the war collectively emerged from the sodden trenches imbued with a vocal philosophy of never again. Indeed, they celebrated the moment the guns finally fell silent, the 11th minute, or the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, 1918, as Armistice Day.
It was, romantic as it now seems, widely believed that theirs would be the last war. In fact, millions of lucky survivors left the war deeply dedicated to ensuring that be the case. Much of the finest Western literature of the 20th century, unsurprisingly, generated from the pens of disgruntled, damaged veterans—Hemingway, Graves, Fitzgerald, Sassoon, and many more—forever changed by the experience of needless war.
- The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs: An Interview with Andrei Martyanov ... a long but fascinating read
Whether something is “hate speech” is in the eye of the beholder but irrespective of that The First Amendment protects it.
Because even the most-vile expression of dislike is one’s right to hold and have. To state otherwise is to state a right to control another person’s mind and thoughts — to not only enslave as to labor but to thought itself.
That is profoundly evil.
The facts are (and do facts matter in America any longer?) that on July 27th, 2014, when the East of Ukraine was already at war, a young woman and her little daughter—Kristina and Kira—were murdered from the shelling of Ukrainian forces. The mother then was named the “Gorlovka Madonna.”
What is evil?
Manipulation by others for personal gain? Why are the Democrats so focused on the Ukraine? Why do they want to start World War III with Russia?
America tomorrow.
Why is our government fighting eight simultaneous wars in far off lands? Lands like Yemen? Lands like Syria? Lands like Afghanistan? Lands like Libya?
Why does it want a pick a fight with Russia over the Ukraine?
Why does it want to pick a fight with China over Taiwan?
What the heck is the matter with these people?
Why is the American leadership so focused on fighting wars, and why do they want to challenge major nuclear armed nations? Can they not see the consequences?
Evil has occupied all American institutions for some time now.
All, not most, American institutions are not corrupted.
They are all beyond redemption. It need to be completely overhauled and that might mean burning them all down and building up out from the ashes remaining.
In contrast, the “American” empire acts like Genghis Khan on steroids without his military genius:
it appears to me Washington is intent on the wholesale obliteration of countries, their infrastructure, murdering the civilian populations by the millions, and so on.
Moreover, perhaps in the most memorable quote of Hillary Clinton in calling some Americans “deplorables,” it seems the entire class of rulers of America views its citizens as dispensable commodities and ill disguised contempt.
You cannot stop evil if you refuse to recognize it exists. You cannot accept that evil exists in this world if you close your eyes to it. You cannot see the evil. You cannot see the dangers if you fail to watch the errors others made that led them to their demise.
This very same act is what our government is now calling on “big companies” to do, it is what the left has repeatedly done to anyone who dares speak against their policies and desires.
This is true whether on college campuses, in corporate America or in the public square.
If this story was a movie plot,…the audience would walk out and want their money back. Way too unbelievable! hat’s right, – College Bribe Mommy has a JD from Harvard, Daddy has a JD from USC and was a prosecuting attorney for both Los Angeles and San Diego, – before going into high tech and becoming CEO of Wireless Telematics.
Celebrities with dim-witted children got them into colleges by paying bribes and cheating.
The claim that said students were “blameless” if their test scores were faked or they faked a “disability” to extend time and thus be able to cheat is a lie.
Another view…
Said “students” are fully culpable yet none of them have been charged;
Not only did every one of them know they didn’t compete on the rowing team (for example)…
Any of them who got an extra hour or two to take the SAT or ACT knew damn well they were cheating, whether they knew their answers were being modified or not.
Why did this happen and why aren’t the kids in the dock too?
Sad will be the day…
Universities do not obey the law.
We have no rules of law.
Colleges claim they need “diversity.”
That’s nonsense; in a meritocracy the best rise irrespective of skin color, race or religion.
The fact is that this “diversity need” is met by lowering standards and allowing unqualified people who cannot do the work into the school.
When you no longer follow the conventions established by merit, you end up diluting the value of your institution. Eventually, the lowest common denominator becomes the norm.
This was going on in the 1990s and it has only gotten worse — much worse — since.
There is, of course, no value in that to a person “selected” via “diversity” if they have to pay full price and will inevitably fail to be able to do the work.
America today.
This in turn means someone else gets screwed so they don’t have to pay full price and they also don’t have to do the work they are incapable of.
The alleged “degree” conferred by said school is thus rendered meaningless; it no longer denotes competence and to prevent that from being recognized and their “brand” destroyed said colleges conspire with employers and governments, both outwardly and not to “require” said “credentials” for an ever-expanding list of “professions.”
In short college is no longer about education.
Instead, it is about grift, fraud, bribery and slavery. It’s a racketeering enterprise writ large and ought to be prosecuted as a felony, starting with the “most-elite” schools.
Devolution of cultures.
Is it any surprise that a tiny bit of the bribery began six months earlier with so-called “standardized” testing that really isn’t and claims of being on a soccer team that were false?
Federal agencies do not follow the law.
We have no rule of law.
The Fed is prohibited from buying anything other than government backed securities.
Fannie and Freddie paper have on their face the statement that they have no such backing; go online and view any of their prospectuses.
That the government bailed them out does not matter.
Mount corruptmore.
The Fed’s transacting in same and their continued ownership is illegal.
Rather than change the law (which might provoke a debate over exactly what The Fed “prints”) they simply ignore the law and you let them.
You let them.
The Fed's legal mandate under the law is for stable prices.
The Fed’s chair and other governors make dozens of speeches a year and testify under oath before Congress to their intent to violate the law with their “2% inflation target.”
Inflation, is by definition, not stability.
Congress could change that law but doing so might provoke a debate over exactly what The Fed “prints” and so instead both Congress and The Fed ignore the law and you let them.
You let them.
The truth is that Money is a medium of exchange which you acquire by producing something of value to someone else. It facilitates trade because it is fungible — that is, you don’t need to transact in oranges, chickens or hours of programming a computer; all three can be reduced to money.
The truth is that Money is a medium of exchange which you acquire by producing something of value to someone else.
You cannot print money because it is impossible to materialize a television, a car, a piece of computer software, gasoline or electrical power out of thin air.
You can print credit, which spends like money.
But if you emit credit then what you are claiming is that someone in the future will produce a thing to legitimate what you did. If the people refuse what’s left?
Prosecuting him would have inevitably drawn those Democrats into what could have easily wound up being criminal culpability including spying for foreign nations. Which is treason.
So they let him go.
They let him go despite proof that he wired more than $280,000 to Pakistan — funds that very well might have been used to facilitate terrorism!
Industry does not obey the law.
We have no rule of law.
Industry does not obey the law.
It is a felony to restrain trade, attempt to monopolize or fix prices among people who are supposed to be competing.
The medical industry does it every single day.
Neoliberal Economics Destroyed the Economy and the Middle Class ... credit-driven debt grows faster than the income that services it, and this impoverishes the 90%
- Paul Craig Roberts
Why not when the example set is that if you’re rich or powerful (and they are both) you could even spy for a foreign nation and get away with it.
We could literally dispose of the entire federal budget deficit, all of the Federal debt, all of the state and local pension problems and cut property taxes in half or more if we put a stop to this crap.
They do it because despite the law they have no fear of prosecution.
Why should they?
We certainly are living in dangerous times; I suspect it’s even dangerous to me to discuss the writings on his blog and his two recent books with Andrei Martyanov in an environment of omnipresent electronic monitoring and profiling of every individual American citizen, especially those who question the warfare state and challenge its goals, if only out of sense of morality and a perception—at least on my part—that the policies pursued will be destructive to America, which unfortunately seems hellbent on a path of no return.
You can, through hard work, earn a mid-six-figure income and have multiple business ideas that you can develop.
But given the above examples, along with the myriad things I’ve watched big business do in the last 20 years and get away with all of them — acts that were I to do myself I would be prosecuted criminally and go to prison…
So why would I?
If I was to undertake any of those risky ventures and put my capital and intellectual effort at risk any of those people could illegally undermine my product or service, putting me out of business or simply steal it.
Now we know how and why Google and Amazon and Facebook got so big, so fast. They were the corporate arm of the surveillance state.
- From Vox Day at Vox Popoli
Unless I was willing to personally kill the persons responsible there is nothing I could do about it and I’d go broke.
I will not undertake such a venture for as long as all of this crap exists, and that’s why.
I instead choose to hike, ski, run, drink beer and enjoy a much lower stress lifestyle.
There are those of us who choose to live a more relaxed and simpler life. One without stress and fighting to be the “top dog” in the barnyard.
I do not need any of the trappings of wealth; they’re options.
When my time comes to die those ideas, products and services intentionally left undeveloped will die with me instead of being produced.
Intelligent people decide to “tune out” and not fight the system.
We have no rule of law.
The Christchurch shooter, obviously nuts, wrote a “manifesto” which governments are actively trying to suppress your ability to read.
In it he pointed out an inconvenient truth — that there is no nation with a material white population percentage in which white women are reproducing at a replacement or better rate.
That is, unless this changes white people will eventually go extinct.
Know your history. Read up on it.
We bemoan a little fish, frog or bird disappearing but there is literally not one word in the media about this. The most-productive and innovative differentiated group of human beings ever to walk the planet is heading directly for extinction by their own voluntary decision.
Why are white women choosing not to bear children?
Maybe it’s because a goodly number of them have come to the same conclusion I have.
That there is no rule of law.
Think about this cartoon. Think about what it means. How can this be permitted to happen if the Rule of Law were being followed?
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.
-Ayn Rand
Thus unless they’re so rich they can cheat (like those who did so to get their kids into college) their offspring have no chance of success on a merit basis.
And they thus make the entirely reasonable decision not to create children at all.
After all why would you willingly and intentionally bring a child into this world if you believe they are going to be enslaved and mercilessly robbed for their entire lives?
After all why would you willingly and intentionally bring a child into this world if you believe they are going to be enslaved and mercilessly robbed for their entire lives?
Rather than correct that problem governments instead are importing people who have not yet made that determination.
Or even worse, believe (and are explicitly promised) that they can simply put their hand out and force others to provide whatever they want and need.
And thus those people make the entirely reasonable decision to breed like rabbits!
The socialist ideal eventually goes viral, and the majority learns to game the system.
Everyone is trying to live at the expense of everyone else.
In the terminal phase, the failure of the system is disguised under a mountain of lies, hollow promises, and debts. When the stream of other people's money runs out, the system collapses.
-Kevin Brekke
Think about this tweet. Think about what it means. How can this be permitted to happen if the Rule of Law were being followed?
Our government is depraved.
We have no rule of law.
Our government has turned into a tyrannical monster. It is obvious to everyone.
We have in fact become so depraved that our own government is giving cats diseases on purpose. The excuse is to study them, and even though those diseases are easily curable and the animals could then be adopted out that takes a bit of effort and more than a a nickel in cost so they kill them instead.
That would be bad enough but our government is also importing cats and dogs from nations around the world for the purpose of meat to feed said study subjects, practicing animal cannibalism.
We can’t be bothered to use byproducts of human food production; you see, that might cost a bit more money.
In twenty-five years, we went from arguing that it must be legal to burn the American flag to punishing someone who burns an LGBTP flag with fifteen years in prison.
- From Brett Stevens at Periscope
I’m not the only one who recognizes this; here’s another article pointing out many of the same things.
America is extended, riddled with debt and too reliant on ever more debt, past its growth peak, incapable and unwilling to address structural issues.
Both political parties have given up on dealing with debt, illusory monetary policies such as MMT are invented to render structural issues as irrelevant.
Meanwhile wealth inequality keeps expanding from administration to administration no matter who is in charge with voters distracted by the ideological divisions of the day, not trusting their leaders or each other.
And all this with 3.8% unemployment. What will this all look like during the next downturn?
Nobody knows. Rome showed us to not take civilization for granted. It also showed us to not ignore structural problems before they become too large to tackle.
Sven may be hopeful but I am not.
The writing is on the wall.
When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you … you may know that your society is doomed.
-Ayn Rand
I’m not alone either. Charles Hugh Smith has written a number of columns on this same point, including just recently.
I challenge you to show me just one “grand idea” or modern stock market rocketship that is not a scam in some form over the last 10+ years.
America today.
Netflix, as just one example, effectively stole their entire distribution infrastructure, which is very expensive, through various forms of browbeating and when that was threatened they got the government to mandate their ability to force non-customers to pay for what they wanted during the Obama Administration.
Then, when Obama left, both he and his wife got a multi-million dollar contract from the company.
No justice in America today.
You don’t really think that was the kickback payment to the former President since the stock went from ~$5 when Obama took office to nearly $400 now….
Martyanov blogs about the political class, including Donald Trump, on his blog Reminiscence of the Future…. But I gave him, if you pardon the expression, a homework assignment, a recent piece by Whitney Webb describing the powers behind Washington’s politicians, be they “Democrats” or “Republicans.”
It’s hard to determine where the real power in Washington and the City of London lies, that is to say who the actual rulers are, but the greater power is evidently held by the central bankers and billionaires, operating in a mob like fashion as Ms. Webb described, in fact actually working with mobsters.
None of them would exist were there an even-handed enforcement of the law for the simple reason that all of them violate the basic law of business balance:
The more people who touch a transaction the more it costs -- always.
The reason for that is simple: Nobody works for free.
If you think you’ve found someone who is someone else is stealing from them because no rational person will perform work that benefits only someone else.
No reason to change. The justice system is beyond repair.
We have no rule of law.
This can’t — and won’t — change without Americans rising up by the millions and demanding that it stop and be willing to enforce that demand by whatever means are necessary.
Soldiers and armed civilians occupy the office of ousted Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu in the capital Bucharest on Dec. 26, 1989, the day after he was executed.
This does not mean violence is required.
However, until and unless, those who claim to be “our leaders” believe that any such demand has the force of the people behind it (and will be enforced)…
… should they stick up their middle finger toward common people (once again) as they have done for the last 30+ years…
… they have no reason to stop stealing…
…no reason to stop rigging the system…
…and no reason to stop screwing everyone else.
There’s no reason for me to be hopeful.
This is what I would look like if I was a cat.
This is because there is no reason to believe that Americans, say much less the people in any of the other developed, Western nations will in fact demand this crap stop.
While we have been indoctrinated to believe that “democracy” is the favored and best way to govern nations, the spectacular failure of what America has become is obvious to the world to see. America, that great, and grand experiment is a complete and total failure.
Coming soon to a State near you.
You, and I, and our families will now need to ride out the collapse to it’s conclusion.
Yvonne, I don’t think many in Russia view the United States as a “fascist” power per se—it is indeed difficult to do so for a country so ethnically and culturally diverse as the United States.
This diversity precludes the United States to define itself completely as a nation in an ethno-cultural sense, nor does the political system of the United States allow for the emergence of a dictator, a key element of the fascist state.
For all his bluster today and accusations in being a sort of a dictator, President Trump is an extremely weak president, as is generally the office of POTUS.
The United States is a classic oligarchy wrapped in a vast state bureaucracy a/k/a the Deep State which is increasingly dysfunctional.
If it is a fascist state in any sense, it is a very sad in a comical sort of way fascist state, as the three-years long Russia and Ukrainegate “investigations” demonstrated. Russians, however do use widely the term of “liberal fascism” to underscore the totalitarian nature of the so called “liberal” ideology of which the United States, together with subservient Europe, are the main drivers.
As I repeat ad nauseam for years now, the Western in general and American in particular so-called elites are incompetent. I observed a precipitous decline in the professional, the intellectual and the ethical levels of these elites for over twenty years.
Now it has reached truly grotesque forms from pedophilia inside the ruling class, to the media being utterly corrupt and incompetent.
I can only repeat my point about the US having no mechanisms anymore for producing real statesmen.
Russians know this, they observe this everyday and in my fifty-seven years of life on many continents I cannot recall a time period when Russians had such contempt for and rejection of the so called “democratic values.”
This is simply unprecedented in Russian history.
- Andrei Martyanov
America tomorrow.
There is no rule of law in the United States. A two tiered justice system is NOT rule by law. It is rule by power. As such, the nation will soon collapse. As the Rule of Law is a fundamental aspect of a thriving and successful nation.
There is no rule of law in the United States. And there hasn’t been one for some time. When you have a two tiered justice system, then you have no justice when the country is founded on “equality”.
A Rule of Law is important to suppress evil, and to keep the government under control and the nation stable.
Now, everyone, from all quarters and all points of view are starting to come together. All from different perspectives and are arriving at the same conclusion.
r/K theory
Generational turnings.
The rise and fall of nations.
Kala Rhythms
I pretty much covered this subject here, in numerous posts.
When there isn’t any rule of law, the people in power start to act tyrannical and dictatorial. Fundamental to this behavior is the disarming of the population. As that is the last remaining resistance to them.
Failure to obey the Constitution is treasonous.
You can expect to see an acceleration of disarmament efforts all over the Western sphere of influence. With major efforts in the United States taking place irregardless of the consequences. The progressive Marxists do not believe that people will rise up and fight back.
They DO NOT believe that it will happen, or if it does, that they can effectively suppress the actions and spin the events in their favor.
You all can decide on how to handle the elements that are certain to transpire. Just be quick about it, why don’t you.
We don’t have any control over the coming storms- but what we do control is our own abilities and what we bring to the table.
- NC Scout at American Partisan
Some areas will be very “hot”, while others will escape unscathed.
Some areas will be very “hot”, while others will escape unscathed.
Plan ahead, and be smart about it. If you have any questions, check out this post…
If you enjoyed this post, then please check out the SHTF master index. You can access it here…
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Human history has been quite violent. From devastating pandemics to consistent war, our ancestors saw more action in a single week than most of us will see in our lifetimes.
We, living in our safe societies, has assumed that civilized safety is the norm. We are wrong. It isn’t. Violence is the norm.
Even if we have the numbers, it’s still difficult to imagine exactly how violent some of our history has been. Our most tumultuous times are now only remembered as statistics, even if they were a living nightmare for anyone unlucky enough to be there.
Consider the horrors during the collapse of society.
Here we discuss collapse scenarios and their stories. We look at historical events, and use them to predict future events. And, contrary to what we might want to believe, all nations eventually collapse. They do. This includes the largest empires on the face of the globe. Yes. This includes America.
Once they collapse, the survivors are either assimilated into other collectives, die off completely, or form new associations. Here, we look at the collapse of nations, empires and communities and what has happened during the events. These are just seemingly random reminders that the collapse of any society is possible and is often quite ugly.
This post…
This post is a compilation of musings that I have had for some time…
I have been wondering what it must have been for the people who were living in their nice stable societies when suddenly their entire world turned upside down. I wonder just how they felt when seemingly overnight, their entire life came crashing down.
America has NEVER experienced this.
Oh, some of the cities in the Southern States experienced this during the American Civil War, but they still were able to keep their English language, their history, and the deeds to their land. The people of Maine, for instance didn’t have the same experience that the citizens of Georgia or Alabama had to endure.
Nope. I’m talking about losing everything, and being grateful that you are still alive in a world that no longer speaks your language, where you are suddenly a third class slave, and every day is wracked with pain and agony.
America has never experienced THIS.
I say this because the collapse of the United States empire is probably going to be quite spectacular. It’s collapse will rival the fall of Asia before the great Mongol hordes.
The collapse of the United States is going to be spectacular.
I am going to concentrate on both Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun for illustration. There are many examples that I can use, but rather than get involved in other places and times, we’re going to keep things simple. Perhaps I can compare collapses using other nations and other times such as the Soviet Union, or the Comanche nation later on.
Most of this discussion revolves around the changes made by Genghis Khan.
I cannot read tea leaves and have no way to predict the future aside from paying attending to trends in human behaviors. I have no special abilities in this regard. What I know about the MWI provides me with very little insight on our apparent future. Just my own part within it.
My advice to everyone is simple.
Strengthen your relationships with your neighbors. Make yourself known. Know people in town by their first names and be welcoming to all your local neighbors.
Don't get too caught up with the news.
Observe prudence in stockpiling food, and basic necessities. Live in a rural area if possible. Keep positive thoughts for they will affect your surroundings.
I am not promoting anything, just simply discussing what happened in the past, and raising the alarm that it could very well happen again.
Oh good God, no!
Do not be under the impression that you and your children will always be able to get a Moca-frappe coffee at Starbucks. Times change. Sometimes they evolve peacefully and sometimes they collapse all together violently.
Destroyed Starbucks.
Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun.
Let’s look at history.
Both of these rulers are similar in that they both seized well-established societies and communities. And those communities had become soft, complaisant and easy targets for a more aggressive society.
Genghis Khan (born Temüjin, c. 1162 – August 18, 1227) was the founder and first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia.After founding the Empire and being proclaimed Genghis Khan, he launched the Mongol invasions that conquered most of Eurasia.
- Genghis Khan - Wikipedia
Map of the Empire of Genghis Khan.
Both Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun utilized superior military forces.
For the cities and cultivated places in the Mongols’ path, they were a natural disaster on the order of an asteroid collision.
Like the Huns and the Scythians before them, they came from the steppe grasslands of central Asia, which produced their great resource of horses and draft animals. After Genghis Khan united a number of Mongol tribes into a single horde under his command in the early thirteenth century, they descended on cities in China, India, Afghanistan, Persia, Turkestan, and Russia. Between 1211 and 1223, they wasted dozens of cities and wiped out more than 18.4 million people in China and environs alone.
-Brandon Christenson
These forces were trained and promoted through merit. They were lead by officers who obtained their positions through merit. In total these experts moved forward to conquer cities and nations. Nations, mind you, that had grown soft by a life of ease, internal political squabbling, and a digression away from meritorious behaviors.
Why is this important?
Attila the Hun = Russian Prototype = 450 AD
Ghenghis Khan = Chinese Prototype = 1200 AD
The time difference between the two is roughly 750 years.
So if you add 750 years to the time of Ghenghis Khan you end up with 1950. And in 1950 the largest nations in the world were China, Russia and the United States.
Using this rough calculation we can see that the decades following this date are significant for catastrophic changes in well-established nations.
China departure from pure communism to commercial socialism = 1970’s.
Russia departure from pure communism to democratic socialism = 1990’s.
American departure from oligarchical rule via democracy to a new form … 2020’s or so…
Every indicator is “red lining” and pointing to a massive reorganization of the United States. It may be voluntary, or it can be forced through catastrophic events. It might be initiated by the citizens themselves, or it can be aggravated through outside influences.
Though, reading the comments on social media, tells me that America is ripe for yet another fight. Ready to battle the world, Russia and China, for "democracy".
Totally oblivious to the consequences of global thermonuclear war.
What ever the cause, the developments, the reasoning, the mechanism or the intent… there WILL be changes coming to America in the 2020 decade. Here we discuss what it was like when the changes were brought forth suddenly to communities, cities and villages, in the past.
Please note all of these changes could have been prevented.
In every case it was the leadership of those cities, nation-states, and communities that “opened the door” for the rapid disintegration of their cultures, societies and lifestyles. In all cases, they misjudged the Huns, the Mongols, Attila, Ghenghis Khan, and their strengths. They viewed themselves technically, socially, spiritually, and culturally superior to the Asian horde.
They mistakenly believed that their previous national accomplishments, public structures, military campaigns, social importance, cultures and the arts were strong enough to withstand assault from outside threats.
They sat fat and comfortable in their capital cities, enjoying their concubines, eating lavish meals and trusting that things would forever continue on that path.
It was the national leadership that caused the destruction of their cities.
They mistakenly believed that their previous national accomplishments, public structures, military campaigns, social importance, cultures and the arts were strong enough to withstand assault from outside threats. They sat fat and comfortable in their capital cities, enjoying their concubines, eating lavish meals and trusting that things would forever continue on that path.
Leadership through merit
One of the most amazing things about the Mongols is that they had such exceptional leadership, even though they didn’t have much in the way of formal education.
The tactics and strategies employed by Genghis Khan and his greatest general, Subutai, were revolutionary, and at the time almost unstoppable.
One of the most amazing things about the Mongols is that they had such exceptional leadership.
Genghis created a meritocracy where the strongest and most talented rose to the top, and managed to unify the fighting Mongol tribes under his rule.
Leadership through merit creates a dangerous power.
General Subutai was able to simultaneously control two large armies, hundreds of miles away from each other. Pretty amazing in a time where communication was via horseback.
He was no slouch.
General Subutai won sixty five (65x) pitched battles, and masterminded over 20 military campaigns.
Leadership though merit will win over popularity or wealth every time.
US President Barack Obama has awarded the USA’s highest civilian honor to various actors, musicians and athletes during a ceremony at the White House.
The collapse of cities before Genghis Khan
We start our study by looking at some tales of cities that fell before the might of the Mongol hordes.
Now, empires, nations and civilizations don’t typically collapse due to war alone. It is often a combination of factors. Of which, war and violence is the most spectacular attribute.
Social collapse.
Political collapse.
Economic collapse.
Ethical collapse.
Physical collapse of infrastructure.
So, when Genghis Khan took over Asia, he did so not only with his superior forces, but through the knowledge that the cities were ripe for looting.
The cities were soft. Their people have become soft. Their rulers… soft.
President Obama showing his strength and leadership skills by riding a bicycle.
Their leadership was weak, and their military, while in numerous cases quite state-of-the-art, lost their ability to adequately assess threats, and dangers and take strategic action. They were led by weaklings, political appointees or nepotism.
They were not led through merit.
The cities started to adopt unhealthy behaviors and strange mannerisms. These in turn, isolated them from the surrounding communities. They began to get the reputation as a “loony bin” or place where people live “within their own bubble”. Today, even still, we refer to some of these cities such as Babylon, as a place of degradation.
The cities started to adopt unhealthy behaviors and strange mannerisms. These in turn, isolated them from the surrounding communities. They began to get the reputation as a “loony bin” or place where people live “within their own bubble”.
The collapse of a nation is caused by a combination of factors. Often, it is a superior culture or society confronts a stable but “soft” culture.
Most military historians judge that no European force could have stopped the disciplined and innovative Mongolian armies. “Employed against the Mongol invaders of Europe, knightly warfare failed even more disastrously for the Poles at Legnica and the Hungarians at Mohi in 1241”
-Stephen Hicks
You see the events around Genghis Khan are archetypal for the human condition.
Societies migrate from the K-reproductive strategy towards the r-reproductive strategy. Other societies do not, and then we have a situation where a K-reproductive strategy civilization encounters a r-reproductive society.
Blood is thus shed.
What happens when a society based on survival by merit encounters one of lazy sloth and unlimited sex?
Humans get comfortable, they get fat and lazy, and leaner, and meaner people confront them and take everything from them. The tough, the strong, and the aggressive takes from the weak and meek.
“The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms.”
-Genghis Khan.
While this historical example (Genghis Khan) is actually referring to the physical seizure and physical destruction of people, place and things, we are referring to a far wider scope of assault.
A superior culture is one where everyone has a role, and works to the best of their ability. Leadership and success is determined by merit.
This can be military, as we have mentioned. It can be economic. It can be cultural. It can be sociological, and it can be ideological.
And, it can certainly be a combination of the above.
The Mongol were masterful at spreading fear and hate throughout Asia, people feared them, and therefore hated them.
They would rape and pillage entire villages, and torture their victims for fun.
Nobles would get it the worst.
Spilling noble blood was considered a crime, so they simply crushed them to death, which took many hours. Mongols would literally dine on top of them, making merry to the sounds of their screams from underneath. The sounds of bodies squelching, and bones snapping didn’t faze them.
But rumors of this execution method struck terror.
Fear made them even more powerful, and more feared, as people often chose to surrender and pay tribute rather than risk fighting them.
The tough, the strong, and the aggressive takes from the weak and meek.
They cultivated the illusion to sow fear into their enemies. And, you know, everyone who wasn’t a Mongol was their enemy.
Mongols also ate meat tenderized by being sat on beneath their saddles on long journeys; marmot steeped in sour milk; curds dried in the sun; roots, dogs, rats—almost anything, according to several observers. Marco Polo, who traveled among them in the years 1275-92, wrote that they ate hamsters, which were plentiful on the steppes.
A Franciscan friar who in 1245 went to seek out the Great Khan in the hope of persuading him to become a Christian reported that, during a siege of a Chinese city, a Mongol army ran out of food and ate one of every ten of its own soldiers.
Mediterranean people who knew the Mongols only by reputation believed they were creatures with dogs’ heads who lived on human flesh.
Other Mongol facts: On their treeless steppes, they tended to get hit by lightning a lot.
Thunder terrified them. They wore armor made of scales of iron sewn to garments of thick hide, and iron helmets that sometimes came to a point on top.
Their swords were short and sometimes curved.
The notches in their arrows were too narrow to fit the wider bowstrings of the Western people they fought, so that the arrows could not be picked up and shot back at them.
Mongol bows, made of layers of horn and sinew on a wooden frame, took two men to string. Warriors carried them strung, in holsterlike cases at their belts.
Mongols had no words for “right” and “left,” but called them “west” and “east,” respectively.
When anyone begged from them, they replied, “Go, with God’s curse, for if he loved you as he loves me, he would have provided for you.”
-The New Yorker
Human nature & Poland
Why do humans tend to get weak and soft? It’s in our nature. It’s called the r/K theory, and it’s worth a read. (Opens up in a separate tab.)
An anecdote from my most-recent visit there (Poland), which was three years ago. I was in the historic downtown of one of the smaller cities. My brother-in-law and I were at an outdoor table of a restaurant.
Next to us were two men, maybe mid-twenties. They discussed something. One of them was passionate about the subject and the other was listening.
For the first time ever in all of my visits to Poland, I felt that my SMV is behind the curve there. Age does its thing, of course, but that wasn’t it. Rather, after twenty years of my regular visits, I felt that… the young men there suddenly looked taller, better dressed, more intelligent, less awed by a shiny foreigner, more ready to give you that piercing look like they can make it hurt.
They are healthy people who see the same global war on Whites that I do, encircling their country.
The difference between me and them, is that I as a sort-of American represented a conquered people and they represented free men. What a difference that makes.
-PA "A Normal Country"
Best kinds of comments under Peter Sweden’s tweet are along the lines of “What a great example for the rest of us!” Exactly. The worst kinds of comments, and thankfully there were very few of those and I only saw them from European female posters: “I wish I could move to Poland.” Poland in the present moment is an example of a White Christian society that is free to be itself. This makes Peter Sweden’s statement “feels like a normal country” mean more than it does on its face.
“Normal country.” Ordinary people in a normal country aren’t going to be defensive or get in your face. Nor will they hem-and-haw like a normie-cuckservative who watches his words lest a non-lie slips out. What they will do, is patiently and politely tell you the simple truth because they are not ashamed of anything.
This is why Poland is so unusual to Western observers. It is a normal country in which men are masculine and women are feminine. Peter Sweden’s flattering comment about Poles should be as banal as an observation that the people there have two arms and two legs each. Yet it’s a startling observation because proper masculinity and femininity are under attack. Under these circumstances, Poland is paradoxically an extraordinary normal country. And so be it.
When people move away from “normal”, they become soft and easy prey for the rest of the wild dangerous world…
Here’s a shout out for Mr. Putin. You all might want to compare him to his American equivalent; Barrack Obama.
President Putin said, “It’s not just pounding your fists and making loud statements, I believe that strength has several dimensions: First, a person must be convinced of the truth in what he is doing, and secondly: he must be ready to go all the way to achieve the goals that he set.”
An important note
It is so very easy to get all caught up in history; dates, places and names. It can become so confusing if you are coming flush without any context to put the information into perspective.
Here, I am going to throw out some stories, history and details related to events and leaders of the past. This includes various generals, and leaders and the actions that they took. When names are given, it’s pretty much assumed that they are a ranking general.
There will be figures thrown about… 100,000 killed, 5000 ships sunk, 350,000 civilians slaughtered, etc. These are enormous figures and it is very difficult to put into perspective.
To keep things reasonable, consider that when figures such as these are mentioned, assume them to mean 95% of the people were killed, or 98% of the city was slaughtered. Or 100% of the ships were sunk.
Please do not get too caught up in the details.
It’s easy to get bogged down. Just read and learn that our past is a violent one, and enormous groups of people were caught up in very difficult times where survival was a rarity.
When a city was sacked our under siege, the surrounding environment was completely picked clean. The Mongols would forage for food, livestock and property. Homes, villages and communities were emptied. Roving band of marauders would attack individual communities and young boys would be set forth to learn how to sack a household on their own.
The Mongol area of influence during the battle of Mohi. When a city was attacked, the surrounding areas were emptied of everything. No one survived. Everything become the property and under the ownership of the Mongols.
The Mongols were like a plague of locusts eating and destroying everything in their path.
Speaking of Mohi…
Do not underestimate the dangerous
The Battle of Mohi was one of the most devastating battles in European history.
The Mongols attacked Hungary with three armies. One of them attacked through Poland in order to withhold possible Polish auxiliaries and defeated the army of Duke Henry II the Pious of Silesia at the Legnica. Duke Henry was slain (after trying to retreat) and “nine sacks of ears” collected by the victors “attested to the heavy losses of the defeated.” A southern army attacked Transylvania, defeated the Voivode (military commander) and crushed the Transylvanian Hungarian army. The main army led by Khan Batu and Subutai attacked Hungary through the fortified Verecke Pass and annihilated the army led by the count Palatine on March 12, 1241.
The Battle of Mohi, or Battle of the Sajó River, (on April 11, 1241) was the main battle between the Mongols under Subutai and the Kingdom of Hungary under Béla IV during the Mongol invasion of Europe.
It took place at Muhi or Mohi, southwest of the Sajó River.
Mongol use of heavy machinery demonstrated how military engineering could be put to effective and strategic use.
After the invasion, Hungary lay in ruins.
Nearly half of the inhabited places had been destroyed by the invading armies.
Around a quarter of the population was lost, mostly in lowland areas, especially in the Great Hungarian Plain, where there were hardly any survivors; in the southern reaches of the Hungarian plain in the area now called the Banat, and in southern Transylvania.
- Battle of Mohi - New World Encyclopedia
25% of Hungary’s population was wiped out by after the Mongol incursions.
Half of all livable places had crumbled, smashed to bits by hordes of Mongols. Losses were heavy on both sides, but the Europeans suffered most. This was the most important major battle of the war between Hungary and the Mongolians.
The Mongol invasion of Europe showing the battle of Mohi. This was the “Stalingrad” of the Hungarian Army. After the loss of this major battle, Europe fell to the Mongols.
After this major battle, Hungary was pretty much disarmed.
No armies remained to fight the Mongolians. Those few Hungarian survivors fled the area as fast as they could, leaving the cities. towns and villages undefended.
What followed was a tidal wave of death and destruction, as Mongol hordes rampaged through Hungary destroying cities, towns, communities, hamlets and habitations as they went.
What followed was a tidal wave of death and destruction, as Mongol hordes rampaged through Hungary destroying cities as they went.
It is terribly bad.
It made Hitler’s scorched earth policy look like a “walk in the park”.
Bela IV, the King of Hungary, actually had to run to his archenemy, Duke Frederick, for safety. Frederick extorted him for as much as possible, including three of his countries.
He was a coward, but he lived on…
And his nation was remade in the image of the conquering Mongol armies.
What must it have been like… I wonder…
Looting of a Gallo-Roman Villa, Painting by Georges Rochegrosse
We begin our study into this historical trend by looking at a fine painting by Georges Rochegrosse. It is titled “Looting of a Gallo-Roman Villa”, and it’s wonderful.
Let this painting tell the story of what to expect when a nation is ruled by the soft, corrupt and effeminate. Here we have a scene somewhere in the wealthy sections of the Roman empire.
Members of Genghis Khan’s armies have moved upon the villa. They killed the soft, fat and chubby wealthy owner, and took possession of his wives, sons, daughters and slaves.
Looting of a Gallo-Roman Villa, Painting Signed by the painter Georges Rochegrosse.Male servants / bodyguards are quickly killed and lie in front of the doorways, the walls and the stairs. Here, this male guard can be seen as such as determined by his pants and tunic / smock.The villa master / owner (fat, chubby, balding head, and fine white robes) lies dead in the flowers in his front yard. His fancy robes, and gold bracelets did not protect him.The military, with young restless males, kill their opposition and loot the household. They cart away what ever they desire.The owner’s wife / mistress / daughter is forcibly removed to be raped, and sold off into slavery. Judging from this painting, my guess would be that it was the mistress of the house. She is being removed along with the furnishings, carted away like the various possessions that the man had.The children, young daughters, sons, slaves, servants and elders are collected and stood in front of their news owners who will determine their individual fates. They are all resigned to their fates and await whatever lies in store for them.
The reader should never be under the impression that humanity has moved away from this reality. Technology has changed, but human nature has not.
Human nature has NOT changed.
The Nature of the society with advantage
In a nomadic society, you can’t afford to have slackers. There’s just too much work to be done. So that means it there’s no room for anyone who can’t make him or herself useful, women and children included.
This includes everyone, and if slaves cannot do what they are told, they are killed immediately.
Genghis Khan believed in being rewarded for hard work, and operated on a meritocracy over a nepotistic system. Many of his highest ranking officers and generals had earned their way to those positions, instead of simply being born to a particular family.
It’s not just the men folk. It’s everyone in the entire community.
According to the University of Victoria, Mongolian women were not only expected to shoulder a lot of the responsibility, they were also expected to do a lot of the heavy lifting.
This differs substantially from the lifestyle of the wives and women of the lands that they conquered.
While all women had to “earn their keep” in the households, the more “advanced the society”, the weaker and softer the women became.
While all women had to “earn their keep” in the households, the more “advanced the society”, the weaker and softer the women became. Rather than be tough, handling the daily chores, raising the children and supporting their men, they chose a life of ease and sloth.
Modern “woke” woman enjoying her “down time”. Self absorbed, selfish, and soft. They follow the historical norm for decadent cultures.
As such, when SHTF back “in the day”, there was little that they could do aside from submit to their conquerors. The women quickly learned their role in the new society or were killed. There were no other options.
Normalcy bias. The belief that things are never changing, that they have always been that way and will always continue to stay that way.
It must have been very difficult for the pampered women of the aristocratic classes…
Women who worked were not at all admired or esteemed.
Compared to their counterparts in ancient Greece, Roman wives of the upper classes were shocking in their visibility in public. Married women appeared in public, with their husbands, or with a retinue of attendants.
They went shopping, attended festivals, sacrifices, games, and entertainment. They acted as hostesses and dined out. They attended women-only social events.
Aristocratic women spent a great deal of time on personal grooming and beauty preparations.
- Women in Ancient Rome: Women's Daily Life and Work
A superior culture is one where everyone has a role, and works to the best of their ability. Leadership and success is determined by merit.
A superior culture is one where everyone has a role, and works to the best of their ability. Leadership and success is determined by merit.
Using Merit and Ability to control the weak and meek
Genghis Khan amassed the largest contiguous empire the world had yet seen. Only the British Empire, when it included both Canada and Australia, would be larger.
A superior culture is one where everyone has a role, and works to the best of their ability. Leadership and success is determined by merit.
Unlike Alexander the great, the Caesars or the Persian emperors, Genghis Khan’s idea of conquest was not to occupy and rule another people, but rather to rape, pillage and destroy everything in his path.
We was a warlord of destruction.
Genghis Khan was a man of reason. He let the people in the Mongol Empire live a happy life as long as they followed his rules. However, Genghis Khan cruelly punished everyone who tried to break those rules. For example, when the governor of one of the cities in the Khwarazmian Empire took over Genghis Khan's trade caravan and killed all the traders, Genghis Khan went berserker. He sent 100,000 Mongols to the Khwarazmian Empire and killed thousands of people, including the governor. Genghis Khan poured molten silver into the governor's eyes and mouth until the poor guy roasted from the inside. That was a clear sign that anyone, stupid enough to harm the Mongol Empire, would have to face devastating consequences. History shows that spreading fear worked perfectly in Genghis Khan's favor. He still needed to invade some rebellious places from time to time, but for the most of the time, people in The Mongol Empire behaved really well.
-The Richest
He purged the lands of all human opposition, all human constructions, all human education and learning, and all human influence.
Then he remade it in his own image.
Worse was to come in 1221 — ‘a year to live in infamy’. While Genghis’s other armies had been busy in the east, threatening Tbilisi in Georgia and terrifying the Christian world, Tolui, one of Genghis’s equally reprehensible sons, took Merv (in modern-day Turkmenistan), then one of the largest cities in the world.
Promised safety, the citizens surrendered and emerged from behind their walls.
Tolui looked at the mass of people placed in front of him.
He ‘surveyed the masses dolefully gathered with their possessions, mounted a golden chair and ordered mass executions to commence’. They took four days and nights to complete. Genghis’s rotten fruit did not fall far from the tree.
Terror — and the certainty of its visitation — was a major weapon in Genghis’s arsenal: decapitated women, children and even cats and dogs were reputedly displayed. But while the butchery was indeed immense, it is worth questioning its extent on occasion: a depopulated city had little economic value, and imported colonisers could make up only so much of the shortfall.
- Was Genghis Khan the cruellest man who ever lived?
Mongolia was a very difficult place to live, and thus the people that lived there become fierce and tough. Those in the West were no match for them. They became soft, and corrupt. They became easy prey for a tough warrior traditional conservative culture of warriors.
His total disregard for human life led to him being utterly feared throughout virtually the entire Eurasian land mass.
When George Curzon visited the ruined city of Merv in 1888, the vision of its decay overwhelmed him. “In the midst of an absolute wilderness of crumbling brick and clay,” the future viceroy of India wrote, “the spectacle of walls, towers, ramparts and domes, stretching in bewildering confusion to the horizon, reminds us that we are in the centre of bygone greatness.”
In its 12th-century pomp, Merv straddled the prosperous trade routes of the Silk Road. It was a capital of the Seljuk sultanate that extended from central Asia to the Mediterranean. According to some estimates, Merv was the biggest city in the world in AD1200, with a population of more than half a million people.
But only decades later, the city was effectively razed by the armies of Genghis Khan in a grisly conquest that resulted – if contemporary accounts are to be believed – in 700,000 deaths.
A trader arriving from Bukhara to the north-east or from Nishapur to the south-west would once have been relieved at the sight of Merv. Crisscrossed by canals and bridges, full of gardens and orchards, medieval Merv and its surrounding oasis were green and richly cultivated, a welcome reprieve from the bleakness of the Karakum desert.
The city’s enclosing walls ran in an oblong circuit of five miles, interrupted by strong towers and four main gates. Its streets were mostly narrow and winding, crowded with closely built houses and occasional larger structures: mosques, schools, libraries and bathhouses.
The citadel of the Seljuk sultans – replete with a palace, gardens and administrative buildings – loomed over the north-eastern part of Merv. Many different polities chose to make Merv the seat from which to rule Khurasan, a region that included eastern Iran and parts of modern-day Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.
“For its cleanliness, its good streets, the divisions of its buildings and quarters among the rivers … their city [Merv] is superior to the rest of the cities of Khurasan,” wrote the 10th-century Persian geographer and traveller al-Istakhri. “Its markets are good.”
Reaching Merv, the visiting trader might lead his pack-animals into the open courtyard of a two-storey caravanserai (an inn with a courtyard for travellers), where he would jostle for space with other merchants from as far as India, Iraq and western China. Or he could go straight to one of Merv’s large markets, convened outside the gates of the town or sometimes near its major mosques. The smoke of potters’ kilns and steel-making furnaces (Merv was famous for its crucible steel) would have hung over the surrounding industrial suburbs.
If the trader was feeling hot, he might step inside the icehouse on the city outskirts; a tall conical building where residents accumulated snow during the winter and which they used like a vast mud-brick fridge. Maybe he paid a visit to a member of the city’s elite who lived in a koshk (a fortress-like home outside the walls removed from the dust and noise of the city).
If he followed the route of the Majan canal, which ran up the middle of the city, past the workshops of embroiderers and weavers, he would reach both Merv’s central mosque and the adjacent monument, the mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar. Built in AD1157 to honour the long-ruling Seljuk sultan, the mausoleum was a large, square-shaped building rung with fine arches, capped by a dome sheathed in turquoise-glazed tile. The dome was so intensely blue that according to the Arab geographer Yaqut al-Hamawi, who visited Merv in the 13th century, “It could be seen from a day’s journey away.”
The city was known as Marv-i-Shahijan or “Merv the Great”, the largest and most famous of a succession of towns in the Merv oasis. In fact, the city sat alongside an earlier incarnation of Merv just to the east, known as Gyaur-kala (“fortress of the pagans”).
Gyaur-kala flourished under the Sassanid kings of Persia from the third to the seventh centuries AD. Archaeologists have found evidence in this older Merv of a cosmopolitan urban society, boasting communities of Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Manicheans, Christians and Jews. Under Muslim rule from the seventh century onwards, the locus of urban activity shifted west across the Razik canal to what would become Marv-i-Shahijan (also known as Sultan-kala, “fortress of the sultan”). Many of Gyaur-kala’s structures were probably cannibalised for material in the construction of the new Merv, and industrial workshops, kilns and furnaces sprung up amid its ruins.
Merv was famous for its exports, especially its textiles. “From this country is derived much silk as well as cotton of a superior quality under the name of Merv cotton, which is extremely soft,” noted the 12th-century Arab geographer al-Idrisi. Robes and turbans made from Merv cloth were popular around the Islamic world.
So too were Merv’s much-loved melons. “The fruits of Merv are finer than those of any other place,” wrote Ibn Hawqal, a 10th-century Arab chronicler, “and in no other city are to be seen such palaces and groves, and gardens and streams.”
Merv had such a strong reputation for commerce and the pursuit of wealth that the 14th-century Egyptian scribe al-Nuwayri described the city’s chief characteristic as “miserliness”.
But Merv under the Seljuks was also a city of learning and culture. It produced notable poets, mathematicians, astronomers, physicians, musicians and physicists. The polymath Umar Khayyam is known to have spent several years working at the astronomical observatory in Merv. “Of all the countries of Iran,” al-Istakhri wrote of Merv, “these people were noted for their talents and education.” Yaqut al-Hamawi counted at least 10 significant libraries in the city, including one attached to a major mosque that contained 12,000 volumes.
No conquest was as traumatic as its pillage by the Mongols in 1221. Yaqut al-Hamawi was forced to flee the libraries of Merv as the armies of Genghis Khan’s son Tolui advanced upon the city.
“Verily, but for the Mongols I would have stayed and lived and died there, and hardly could I tear myself away,” he wrote sadly. The Mongols laid siege for six days before the city surrendered, prompting one of the worst massacres of the age.
According to the Arab historian Ibn al-Athir, who based his account on the reports of refugees from Merv: “Genghis Khan sat on a golden throne and ordered the troops who had been seized should be brought before him. When they were in front of him, they were executed and the people looked on and wept. When it came to the common people, they separated men, women, children and possessions. It was a memorable day for shrieking and weeping and wailing. They took the wealthy people and beat them and tortured them with all sorts of cruelties in the search for wealth … Then they set fire to the city and burned the tomb of Sultan Sanjar and dug up his grave looking for money. They said, ‘These people have resisted us’ so they killed them all. Then Genghis Khan ordered that the dead should be counted and there were around 700,000 corpses.”
- Lost cities #5: how the magnificent city of Merv was razed – and never recovered
The large walls of the city-fort of Merv today. You can clearly see the turreted towers, and the tall walls.
This level of fear is difficult to imagine. As we sit in our comfortable, well furnished homes, and our nice new iPhones and brand new pickup trucks. It seems so far away. Like that war that American are fight for off in west-bumfuck-istan. Something you read about, but don’t really get too concerned about.
The closest thing that approaches this level of fear is a full-scale global thermonuclear war with hyper-velocity MIRV’s targeting the cities within driving distance from your home.
Nothing quite ruins a day like global thermonuclear war.
Americans need to wake up to what REAL fear is like before it is too late.
On a personal level…
There have been many, many sad events associated with invasion, war and conflict. Let’s not forget that everything is on a personal level.
War is deeply personal.
It is on a visceral level, where once the society collapses, the military fails, and the rulers flee, it is the individual families that must confront their new fates.
Imagine that the menfolk are off in the local militia fighting off the Mongol horde. The ladies are at the farm. It’s quiet. The rooster is starting to crow, and then suddenly…
Let’s not forget that everything is on a personal level. It is on a visceral level, where once the society collapses, the military fails, and the rulers flee, it is the individual families that must confront their new fates…
About this picture…
It’s just a small story besides great catastrophes and tragedies, but the most memorable thing I have ever learned about is the small family that burned in their own oven while - probably - were trying to hide from Mongol invaders.
Their village - which was destroyed and burned - was dated to be from the 13. century which is the time of the Mongol invasion (1241–42 in Hungary).
Most people could probably escape their settlement as archaeologist only found one other body in a ditch, but they were not that lucky. In the burned house they found an 8–10 years old girl, a 10–11 years old boy, and a 20–30 years old young woman in the oven of the house.
Someone probably ignited their house and as they couldn’t escape they hid in the oven in desperation. They died with their hand protecting their face, probably from the smoke, the boy was holding onto a kitchen tool which he perhaps wanted to use earlier to protect themselves.
These photos are really powerful as they tell the horrible, vivid story this family might have gone through, which is really rare in archaeology in general. We talk about invasions, wars, and catastrophes so easily and tend to dehumanize the people who suffered from them because it happened so long ago but looking at them… it just reminds me that these dehumanized masses were made of persons. On the oven baking surface, we opened the skeletons of two children who had been huddled together, in front of them, and at the mouth of the furnace, the remains of a young woman were found. The youngchild was an 8-10-year-old girl who, on her left side, curled up, holding her right hand in front of her face, behind her 10-11-year-old brother.
They used strategy, always doing something new and unexpected.
A single battle can be the turning point in a war, partly due to this psychological warfare.
Once stable societies with decades of peace, trade, gardens, and robust relationships can become ghost-towns overnight when an invasion occurs and the military is not able to repel it.
In the Batlle of Legnica the Mongolians are estimated to have been fighting a force twice its size with a variety of soldiers, including the famed Knights Templar.
A European coalition formed to try and stop the Mongols from entering Europe. The safety of Europe depended on this battle. Partway through the battle the Mongolian forces and began to retreat, and Polish forces charged in, reserves were also sent in to capitalize on this opportunity.
The Mongols used feigned retreats to separate the knights from the European infantry, and fight them separately.
Little did they know, they had fallen for one of Genghis Khan’s most famous tactics, the feigned retreat. The Mongols used feigned retreats to separate the knights from the European infantry, and fight them separately.
As a result the Polish forces were decimated.
Dead horses, men and blood were everywhere. The survivors fled. Leading vast areas of Poland undefended.
Dead horses, men and blood were everywhere. The survivors fled. Leading vast areas of Poland undefended.
The people outside of the cities, in the small towns and villages, often unaware of what was going on, were often surprised by local raiding parties of Mongols. The raids would happen unexpectedly and were often quite brutal and nasty.
They were often killed, or burned alive in their homes.
The mother cradles an infant in her arms as the the father tries to protect them both .
The Mongols Lied, and failed to keep agreements.
And, aside from that, they also were terrible at keeping promises…
Mstislave surrendered to Subutai with the agreement that neither he, nor any of his men would be harmed. They were all slaughtered upon leaving the camp.
Subutai led an army of 20,000 Mongols against a Russian army 4 times its size.
The Mongol rear guard was defeated early in the battle, and so the rest of the horde was forced to retreat. Mstislav the Bold chased down the retreating Mongols with victory in his eyes. His army spread out as they attempted to catch them, a chase which lasted many days. Mstislav spotted Mongols in formation along the Kalka River, and attacked without waiting for reinforcements. With his army in disarray, Mstislav was forced to retreat back to a fortified camp.
He had fallen for a feigned retreat.
Mstislave surrendered to Subutai with the agreement that neither he, nor any of his men would be harmed. They were all slaughtered upon leaving the camp. Luckily, Mstislav managed to escape. Mstislav the Bold, boldly ran away.
Entire communities were wiped off the face of the Earth. Their leadership, grown fat, complaisant and happy over the decades of a life of leisure, were not at all equipped to deal with fierce, aggressive humans.
The Mongols were responsible for their own provisions. So while they were not fighting the armies, individual raiding parties broke from the main group and attacked isolated villages, homes and hamlets. No one was spared.
Consider Hungary.
This was one of the most devastating battles in European history. 25% of Hungary’s population was wiped out by after the Mongol incursions.
Half of all liveable places had crumbled, smashed to bits by hordes of Mongols. Losses were heavy on both sides, but the Europeans suffered most. This was the most major battle of the war between Hungary and the Mongolians.
Lets look at what happened to some of the various cities that decided to stand up and defy the Mongol armies.
Kaifeng, 1232-33.
Kaifeng was the capital city of the Jurchen Jin dynasty of northern China.
Mongol Siege of Kaifeng, (1232–33). A Mongol army commanded by Subedei captured the northern Chinese Jin dynasty capital, Kaifeng, overcoming defenders equipped with gunpowder bombs. The Jin emperor committed suicide, handing control of Jin territories in northern China to the recently elected Mongol khan, Ogödei.
- Mongol Siege of Kaifeng | Summary | Britannica
At the time of the Mongol siege of Kaifeng, China was roughly divided between three empires, the Xi Xia, the Jurchen Jin, and the Song.
At the time of the Mongol siege of Kaifeng, China was roughly divided between three empires, the Xi Xia, the Jurchen Jin, and the Song.
The Jurchen Jin were the predecessors of the Manchus in northern China and they had been at war with the Mongols for about 20 years before Kaifeng actually became a target of Mongol ambitions.
One of the first major cities to be attacked by Mongol armies, Kaifeng was also one of the longest-lasting sieges, as its garrisons used firebombs, gunpowder, and the resources of the entire Jurchen Jin empire to fend off the assault.
Kaifeng was also one of the longest-lasting sieges, as its garrisons used firebombs, gunpowder, and the resources of the entire Jurchen Jin empire to fend off the assault.
The Mongols had learned well from their Chinese prisoners how to conduct sieges.
They built a 54-mile-long wooden wall of contravallation to hem in Kaifeng’s one million frightened inhabitants.
Contravallation definition, a more or less continuous chain of redoubts and breastworks raised by besiegers outside the line of circumvallation of a besieged place to protect the besiegers from attacks from the outside, as by a relieving force.
- Contravallation | Definition of Contravallation
In addition to the almost 150,000 Mongols conducting the siege, the Song sent 300,000 troops to help finish off their Jin enemies. For six days, the Mongol and Song armies assaulted Kaifeng’s wall but took thousands of casualties from a dreaded weapon called a ho pao, a long bamboo tube filled with incendiaries that could be lit with a fuse or thrown into siege engines from holes in the walls to explode with such force that it left craters in the ground and burned everyone in the immediate vicinity.
Thousands of Mongol and Song Chinese troops died in assaults against Kaifeng’s stout walls.
It was clear to Subedei that a long siege was needed to reduce the Jin capital. Plague soon broke out in Kaifeng, and Subedei withdrew his forces to let the disease destroy his enemies while the Mongol and Song armies remained plague-free.
Plague soon broke out in Kaifeng, and Subedei withdrew his forces to let the disease destroy his enemies while the Mongol and Song armies remained plague-free.
Within a month, the Jin emperor committed suicide. Soon afterwards the Mongol and Song armies broke into Kaifeng and began massacring the population.
Ogedei ordered the massacre to be stopped and aid brought to the suffering people. Subedei wanted to massacre the entire Jin population and turn the farmland into grazing fields for Mongol horses, but Ogedei overruled him.
Ogedei ordered the massacre to be stopped and aid brought to the suffering people. Subedei wanted to massacre the entire Jin population and turn the farmland into grazing fields for Mongol horses, but Ogedei overruled him.
Ogedei’s Chinese advisers had convinced him that the Jin population would provide lucrative taxes, craftsmen, and soldiers for future Mongol conquests. The Jin held out until 1234 before being overwhelmed by the combined Mongol and Song forces, ending the Jin dynasty forever.
XiXia, the capital of Zhongxing
The Xi Xia capital of Zhongxing presented a new problem for the Mongols, who had little experience in siege warfare.
In an earlier siege of the walled city of Volohai, the Mongols had attempted a series of suicidal assaults with scaling ladders that failed, and they suffered heavy casualties in the fighting.
Genghis offered to lift the siege of the city provided the residents gave the Mongols 1,000 cats and 10,000 swallows in cages. The puzzled citizens of Volohai quickly granted the request—and just as quickly lived to regret it when the animals fled back into the city with tufts of flaming wool tied to each of them by the Mongols.
Soon, the whole city was ablaze. While the defenders were occupied with putting out the fire, the Mongols scaled the now undefended walls and massacred the inhabitants.
Genghis did not want to face a similar costly assault of the walls of Zhongxing.
Instead, he decided to break the dikes on the Huang River and flood the city below.
The plan backfired, however, when the Mongol camp itself was flooded and hundreds of troops were swept away by the raging waters.
To make matters worse, the move left two feet of standing water for miles around the city, in effect creating a ready-made moat.
The Mongols retreated into the surrounding hills but returned in force in 1210. Xi Xia Emperor Li Anquan, not wishing to face another siege, agreed to give his daughter Chaka to Genghis Khan as a wife and to pay tribute to the Mongols as a vassal state.
Genghis demanded and received another 1,000 young men and women, 3,000 horses, and vast quantities of gold, jewelry, and silk.
The Xi Xia later rebelled in 1218 and 1223 because they tired of providing the Mongols with so many men to fight in their wars of conquest, but these rebellions were brutally put down.
-Warfare History Network
Hangzhou (Lin’an), 1276.
Lin’an, or Hangzhou, was the capital city of the Song dynasty, which ruled over the much wealthier, much more powerful southern part of China.
Thesiegelastedfiveyears, butafullblockadewasnotwonforthree. Afterthecity'ssurrenderin 1273, theSongcourtwasindisarrayanddecidedtosendoutaforceof 130,000 mentomeettheMongols, butlostdecisively. TheMongolstookHangzhouin 1276 andcleanedupSongloyalistsinthenextfewyears.
- How did the mighty China lose to Mongols? : AskHistorians
Map of the Song dynasty showing city locations.
The long campaign to conquer all of China went through Song lands, and the Mongols had an incredibly tough time making their way to Hangzhou.
The capital city of the wealthiest polity in China, Lin’an was also one of the largest in the world and housed merchants (and their religious sites) from all over Asia.
The public buildings of the Song dynasty were impressive.
In this international city, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism all competed for the hearts and minds (and money) of Hangzhou’s citizens.
The long campaign to conquer all of China went through Song lands, and the Mongols had an incredibly tough time making their way to Hangzhou.
The city of Hangzhou refused an offer to surrender peacefully and the Mongols had to fight their way in.
The siege of Hangzhou is less famous than many of the Mongols’ other sieges, despite the splendor of Hangzhou, because the royal family, headed by a child and run by a widowed empress – gave up and surrendered rather quickly.
Of course, once it was occupied it was burned to the ground. As usual, the Mongols massacred the city’s inhabitants.
The Mongols attacked the Jin Dynasty of northern China, whose ruler had made the mistake of demanding Genghis Khan’s submission. From 1211 to 1214, the outnumbered Mongols ravaged the countryside and sent refugees pouring into the cities. Food shortages became a problem, and the Jin army ended up killing tens of thousands of its own peasants. In 1214 the Mongols besieged the capital of Zhongdu (now Beijing), and the Jin ruler agreed to hand over large amounts of silk, silver, gold and horses. When the Jin ruler subsequently moved his court south to the city of Kaifeng, Genghis Khan took this as a breach of their agreement and, with the help of Jin deserters, sacked Zhongdu to the ground.
Xiangyang, 1267-73.
The Song dynasty was by far the most powerful enemy that the Mongols faced in their conquest of Eurasia. It was larger, wealthier, more populated, and had a better educated populace than any other polity in the world at the time.
OncetheMongolforcesoccupied Xiangyang, theycouldtravelbyshipsdowntheHanriverintotheYangtzeriver. AftertheBattleof Xiangyang, Chinacouldnotenjoytheprotectionofnaturalbarriersanymoreandsoitcollapsedinjustafewyears.
- Battle of Xiangyang - Wikipedia
The siege of Xiangyang, which lasted six years, was actually a siege of the twin cities of Xiangyang and Fancheng, which were both heavily fortified and served as the gateway to Song lands.
In battle, a historian wrote, “the Mongols made the fullest use of the terror inspired by their physique, their ugliness, and their stench.” Mongols were narrow-waisted and small-footed, with big heads. They shaved their hair short on the backs and tops of their heads and left it long at the sides. Custom forbade them from ever washing their clothes. Also contributing to their smell might have been their diet, which at certain times of the year was mainly mare’s milk. On marches when there wasn’t time to milk, Mongol riders would open a vein in their horses’ necks and drink the blood, either straight or from a pouch. Mongols were especially fond of fermented mare’s milk, called kumis. Many Mongol nobles died young from drunkenness. After victories, Mongols sometimes celebrated by drinking kumis while sitting on benches made of planks tied to the backs of their prisoners.
-The New Yorker
The Mongols had unsuccessfully laid siege to Xiangyang before, and gave up in order to conquer Russia and the entire Middle East instead.
The siege of Xiangyang, which lasted six years, was actually a siege of the twin cities of Xiangyang and Fancheng, which were both heavily fortified and served as the gateway to Song lands.
Mongol generals brought engineers from the Middle East to oversee the building and use of new trebuchets that eventually gave the invaders their victory over Xiangyang’s defenders.
With the fall of the twin cities, Mongols were free to overrun the rest of the Song dynasty’s territory. Most historians consider the sacking of Xiangyang to be the official end of the southern Song dynasty, and with it the cultural and economic power of old China.
Routing the Jin
In 1210, an emissary of the newly installed Jin emperor, Prince Wei, appeared before Genghis and demanded his submission and a tribute paid to the Jin.
An infuriated Genghis answered that it was the Jin who needed to pay tribute to him; he spat on the ground as a gesture of defiance. With his flank secured by the conquest of Xi Xia, Genghis was ready to attack the mighty Jin Dynasty.
After the Jin cavalry was defeated, the Jin pikemen, half of whom were militia conscripts, broke and ran. They were cut down by the Mongol cavalry or trampled by their own terrified horsemen.
In 1211, 30,000 Mongol troops under Genghis’s greatest general, Subedei, assaulted the Great Wall. The Mongols brought up groups of archers who cleared an area of wall while other Mongols scaled the wall with ladders and took possession of sections of it. The Jin rushed in reinforcements and recaptured the lost sections of the Great Wall. Thousands died on both sides as the fighting continued back and forth for several days.
The Jin brought most of their army to back up the forces defending the Great Wall. What the Jin didn’t know was that Subedei’s attack was merely a diversion.
Some 200 miles to the west, Genghis and a force of 90,000 Mongols were crossing the Great Wall at its end in the Gobi Desert. The Onguts, a tribe similar to the Mongols, were supposed to be guarding the western end of the Great Wall for the Chin, but they defected to Genghis and allowed the Mongols to cross into China unmolested.
After Genghis’s cavalry poured into China, Subedei’s force broke off its attack and crossed over into China from the end of the Great Wall as well.
The Jin forces were now out of position and moved to cut off the Mongols from Beijing. Genghis’s cavalry caught close to 200,000 Jin troops on open ground near Badger Pass, where the Jin hoped to block the Mongols from advancing any farther.
The Mongols would kill and acquire everything once they held a battle event. It was rare for there to be survivors, and the romantic notion of tending to wounded warriors was indeed a rarity.
The Jin formed for battle with the pike phalanxes and crossbowmen in the middle and armored heavy cavalry on the flanks. The outnumbered Mongol heavy cavalry engaged in a hotly contested battle on the flanks with the Jin cavalry as the densely packed Jin phalanxes and their crossbowmen held off the Mongol horse archers.
Suddenly, Subedei’s remaining 27,000 Mongols (3,000 had died at the Great Wall) showed up on the battlefield on the flanks and rear of the Jin army. The rout was on.
After the Jin cavalry was defeated, the Jin pikemen, half of whom were militia conscripts, broke and ran. They were cut down by the Mongol cavalry or trampled by their own terrified horsemen.
Bodies stacked “like rotten logs” littered the ground for more than 30 miles. Genghis then separated his army into three forces that burned, pillaged, raped, and murdered the populations of 90 cities over the next six months.
After the Jin cavalry was defeated, the Jin pikemen, half of whom were militia conscripts, broke and ran. They were cut down by the Mongol cavalry or trampled by their own terrified horsemen.
Despite the awful destruction, the Jin would not surrender. Genghis became frustrated by the enormous size and scope of a nation-state like the Jin.
He entered into negotiations with the emperor and agreed not to attack any more cities. The Mongols had already captured well over 100,000 Chinese prisoners; to make a negotiating point, Genghis had them executed.
In response to the losses due to the invasion by Genghis Khan, the Jin moved their capital farther south, from Beijing to Kaifeng, and began rebuilding their armies.
Genghis was angered by the move, which he considered a betrayal of trust, and looked for an opportunity to attack the Jin again.
In the spring of 1213, the Jin attacked the Mongol-allied Khitan tribe in Manchuria.
Genghis came to the aid of his Khitan allies and attacked the Jin armies in Manchuria, which fell back to their fortifications at Nankuo Pass.
The Mongols were blocked from attacking Beijing by the well-fortified Jin positions at the pass and by the eastern sections of the Great Wall. The Mongols headed into the pass and then retreated. It was all a ruse.
Throughout history, Mongolia and China have had complicated relations. The Mongolian has the most robust environment; all the people are nomads who make their economy very poorly. The harsh environment makes it so tricky to survival, so the Mongolians always united to invade other countries.
The Jin forces hurried to trap the fleeing Mongols, recklessly leaving their fortified positions to pursue them.
The Mongols led the Jin forces into their own trap and destroyed most of the Jin army.
Those Jin troops that had not pursued the Mongols fled their fortified positions and retreated to the Great Wall, with the Mongols in hot pursuit.
A khanate was a political entity ruled by a khan. Historically speaking, the ruler of a Mongolian tribe was given the title ‘Khan’. Later on, this title was adopted by many Muslim societies. Although there were many khanates throughout history, the most famous ones are those that succeeded the Mongol Empire. During the 13th century, the Mongol Empire was established by Genghis Khan. To signify his position as the supreme ruler of the Mongols, Genghis Khan assumed the title ‘Khagan’, which may be translated to mean ‘Great Khan’. The successors of Genghis Khan continued to use the title ‘Khagan’, though it was not long before the empire began to fragment.
The Mongols caught and destroyed the remaining Jin troops as they tried frantically to retreat through the Great Wall. The Mongols then passed through the open gates of the Great Wall.
The Mongols began besieging the more than one million residents of Beijing. Beijing was a tough nut to crack, with walls and moats that extended more than nine miles around the city, and was watched over by 900 towers.
The city’s defenders had double and triple crossbow ballistae and trebuchet catapults that fired clay pots filled with naphtha-like incendiaries that exploded and set on fire whatever they hit.
Beijing was a tough nut to crack, with walls and moats that extended more than nine miles around the city, and was watched over by 900 towers.
The Jin also introduced one of the first poison gas weapons in history, firing projectiles bound in wax and paper of 70 pounds of dried human waste, ground-up poisonous herbs, roots, and beetles packed in gunpowder.
The projectiles were lit with a fuse and fired from a trebuchet, creating a deadly cloud of toxic fumes that killed or disabled anyone unfortunate enough to breathe in the poisonous dust.
The projectiles were lit with a fuse and fired from a trebuchet, creating a deadly cloud of toxic fumes that killed or disabled anyone unfortunate enough to breathe in the poisonous dust.
The Jin also had clay-pot firebombs filled with incendiaries to throw from the walls and hot oil to pour down on attackers.
The Mongols launched attacks against the walls with ladders, but lost dozens of men to the incendiaries and the hot oil.
The Mongols then forced Jin prisoners to build and push forward siege engines and serve as human shields for the attackers. Jin soldiers would recognize family and friends among the captives and hold their fire.
Many Jin prisoners were killed from missed crossbow fire aimed at the Mongols and from the bombs used to burn down the siege engines before they could get into the city.
Many Jin prisoners were killed from missed crossbow fire aimed at the Mongols and from the bombs used to burn down the siege engines before they could get into the city.
The Mongols and their Chinese human shields dug trenches covered by cowhide up to the walls to undermine them, but the Jin dropped firebombs from chains onto the trenches that exploded with such force that they left only smoldering craters and no intact human remains.
The siege dragged on for a year as starvation and disease began killing people on both sides of the walls, but the defenders, with more than a million people to feed, had the worst of it.
Two Jin relief columns loaded down with food were intercepted by the Mongols, and some defenders in Beijing turned to cannibalism to survive.
In June 1215, the Jin commander escaped to Kaifeng, where he was executed by the emperor for leaving his post.
The Jin also introduced one of the first poison gas weapons in history, firing projectiles bound in wax and paper of 70 pounds of dried human waste, ground-up poisonous herbs, roots, and beetles packed in gunpowder.
The desperate people of Beijing then opened the gates of the city to the Mongols, who ransacked the city and massacred thousands in revenge for their ordeal. The city was set on fire. Thousands of girls ran to the city’s steepest walls and threw themselves to their deaths to escape the flames and the unwanted amorous attention of the Mongols.
A year later, the ambassador of Khwarezm described seeing mountains of bones inside and outside of what had been the greatest city in the world.
Moscow, 1382.
By 1382, Mongol power in Russia had waned considerably.
So much so, in fact, that Moscow’s rulers felt confident enough to challenge the authority of the Golden Horde on the field of battle.
Russia around 1382.
After a string of light victories against Mongol cavalry earlier in the year, the Mongols showed up with a large force on the doorstep of Moscow, promising to spare its inhabitants if it surrendered.
The poor fools in Moscow believed the Mongols, and 24,000 people were slaughtered as the Mongols sacked the city once again.
Moscow believed the Mongols, and 24,000 people were slaughtered as the Mongols sacked the city once again.
The siege of Moscow (one of many) reasserted Mongol control over Russia for nearly 100 more years before the Russians were finally able throw off the infamous yoke of the Golden Horde.
When the Mongols invaded the Russian town of Yaroslavl in 1238, almost nobody was spared.
Hundreds were slaughtered brutally and dumped into mass graves as the town was completely sacked. Nearly 800 years later, researchers have given us a chilling glimpse of the victims left behind.
After the slaughter, Mongol raiders buried the dead in pits by the dozens with no markers to distinguish who these poor victims even were, wrote LiveScience.
But one pit of the dead in particular stood out after scientists of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology began genetically analyzing three of its 15 corpses.
Researchers found that the three murdered townsfolk buried together in the dirt were a woman, her daughter, and her grandson.
Moscow’s research team found that the eldest of the three corpses was at least 55 years old before she died. Her daughter was between 30 and 40, while her grandson was younger than 20.
They were buried in one of nine pits found at Yaroslavl, which altogether held more than 300 bodies.
- Researchers Uncover Horrors Of Russian ‘City Drowned In Blood’ By The Mongols In 1238
Nearly 300 bodies were buried across nine pits. The son, mother, and grandmother were buried in a pit of 15 people.
As for Yaroslavl as a whole, Mongols led by Genghis Khan’s grandson Batu Khan destroyed the town not long after advancing into Russia.
Nonetheless, enough buildings and artifacts survived to tell us a little something about the area, namely that it was a wealthy one. Scientists determined this by noting the tooth decay present in the three bodies in question and noting that the honey and sugar that could cause this were only available to those with substantial means at the time.
Beyond the three generations of one family left slaughtered in a pit, the scene at Yaroslavl showed just how brutal its conquest was. Batu Khan invaded towns like Yaroslavl with utter indifference, ultimately taking more than a dozen places in present-day Russia.
In just five years, he wiped out seven percent of Russia’s population.
When the Russian Grand Prince refused to submit to the Mongols, Genghis Khan’s grandson simply burned the capital city to the ground — with the royal family and every inhabitant inside.
- Researchers Uncover Horrors Of Russian ‘City Drowned In Blood’ By The Mongols In 1238
The skulls and bones all showed signs of violence. They were either punctured, broken, burned, or a combination of all three.
The brutality that has made the conquest of Yaroslavl unforgettable for many Russians was certainly on display in the way the victims’ bodies were treated after death.
Prior analysis suggested that the three family members, for example, were buried in February 1238. But recent evidence in the form of preserved maggots in their remains indicated otherwise. In fact, new evidence shows that the bodies were probably decomposing in the open air for months before they were buried.
“These people were killed, and their bodies remained lying in the snow for a fairly long time,” Engovatova said.
“In April or May, flies started to multiply on the remains, and in late May or early June, they were buried in a pit on the homestead, which is where they probably had lived.”
Fittingly, Engovatova described Yaroslavl after the attack as a “city drowned in blood.”
The skeletons of the three family members as well as the remains of the other victims — including punctured, broken, and burned bones in the hundreds of buried bodies — certainly suggest that to be true.
- Researchers Uncover Horrors Of Russian ‘City Drowned In Blood’ By The Mongols In 1238
Kiev, 1240.
There is a convincing argument to be made that during the medieval era in Europe, the Slavic world’s cultural, political, and economic epicenter was Kiev rather than Moscow or Warsaw.
The Mongols had so many oxen and cattle that they were able to carry all kinds of stuff with them—entire houses, and even temples—on giant carts. Observers said the number of Mongol horses was beyond counting, every warrior possessing many remounts.
Mongols spent so much time on horseback that they grew up bowlegged. If a Mongol had to move any distance farther than a hundred paces, he jumped on a horse and rode. A contemporary Russian annal describes the Mongol army approaching the walls of Kiev:
“The rattling of their innumerable carts, the bellowing of camels and cattle, the neighing of horses, and the wild battle-cry, were so overwhelming as to render inaudible the conversation of the people inside the city.”
Of necessity, the Mongols did most of their conquering and plundering during the warmer seasons, when there was sufficient grass for their herds.
-The New Yorker
Alexander and Frederick the Great brilliantly exploited the military foundations laid by their fathers. The genius of Julius Caesar and Napoleon was nourished by the might and wealth of Rome and France. Of the iconic conquerors, only Genghis built from scratch, spending over 20 years bringing the warring tribes of Mongolia under his rule, before exploding in campaigns of conquest at all points of the compass. The skill and mobility of Mongol horsemen was legendary; their archers and lancers were devastating. By his death in 1227, his armies had conquered as far west as the Caspian, annihilating the Khwarizm Empire, and crushed the Chin and Xi Xia kingdoms of northern China. Under his son, Ogedei, the Mongols advanced into China, India, and eastern Europe, where they routed Christian armies at Legnica and Mohi (1241). After destroying both the Abbasid and Ayyubid caliphates, the Mongols finally found their nemesis in the Mamluks at Ayn Jalut in Syria (1260).
When the Mongols invaded Europe and plundered Kiev in 1240, the collapse of Kiev indeed proved crucial to the invading army’s success in pillaging Europe’s surprisingly defenseless countryside.
Landscape of Podil. Fragment of ancient Kiev layout 10-13 centuries. Reconstruction Mazyukevich.
Unlike China, which had a densely populated countryside and a few well-fortified cities, or the Middle East, which had virtually no countryside and many well-fortified urban areas, Europe was comparatively rural, or semi-rural .
Map of the surrounding regions of Kiev prior to the Mongol invasion.
This meant that small urban areas like Kiev fell easily to the Mongol hordes, but it also made it harder for Mongol administrators to govern and tougher for the Mongol military to plunder, siege, and demoralize the populace.
None of this stopped the Mongols from wreaking havoc on eastern Europe, of course, but it does help to explain, in part, why khanates in Europe did not share the successes of their contemporaries in the Middle East, western India, and China.
Kiev has a moderately grid-like layout- much like the Greeks. It is probably like this because the Romans copied the Greek grid layout, and Ukraine was apart of the Roman Empire when it was established.
Oh, by the way, the Mongols slaughtered 48,000 of the 50,000 people living in Kiev when the city’s defenses collapsed.
Baghdad, 1258.
All is fine, peaceful, then all of a sudden all Hell breaks loose. It could happen to you, at any time, and at any place.
The fall of Baghdad was in a class of it’s own.
(General) Tamerlane’s thing was building pyramids out of heads.
When his forces took Baghdad, he spared almost no one, and ordered that each of his ninety thousand soldiers bring him a head (some sources say two) or lose his own life.
The thousands of heads were piled into towers.
Tamerlane also said not to destroy hospitals and mosques, a small concession by a Muslim to the former capital of his faith.
Nonetheless, thanks to him and to Hulagu, almost no architecture from the golden days of Harun al-Rashid has survived.
Baghdad would not be a city of any consequence for another five hundred years, until its strategic location and Iraq’s oil attracted the attention of world powers.
Many Muslims believe that the Mongol destruction of Baghdad and of the caliphate was the worst misfortune ever to befall Islam. With it, the faith’s first period of flowering came to a decisive close (though its actual decline had, of course, begun earlier).
Historical speculations about what might have been if the disaster had never occurred go in various directions, some tending toward the wild.
A book on Arab cultural identity published in the nineteen-fifties quoted a high official in the Syrian government who said that if the Mongols hadn’t destroyed the libraries of Baghdad, Arab science would have produced the atom bomb long before the West.
Recently, when TV stations everywhere were replaying the video of a U.S. marine shooting a wounded prisoner in a mosque in Falluja, a newspaper story about Arab reaction to the incident said that a retired army officer in Cairo said that the Americans were “acting like Genghis Khan.” He had the wrong Mongol, but his drift was ancient and familiar.
-The New Yorker
Baghdad was the technological, cultural, and societal center of the civilized world.
The walls of Bagdad.
As happens with most golden eras, Baghdad’s quickly ended.
A century after Harun al-Rashid, the city’s influence and glory had declined. Political changes made the caliph less powerful, limiting his temporal domain to Baghdad and nearest regions, though Sunni Muslims in other places still accepted his spiritual authority. The city remained a center of wealth and commerce, and an imposing sight architecturally.
A Spanish pilgrim, Ibn Jubayr, who visited Baghdad in 1184, wrote, “The Tigris . . . runs between its eastern and its western parts . . . like a string of pearls between two breasts.” He noted the beauty of the caliph’s palace reflected in the water.
Caliph Mustasim, the thirty-seventh in the Abbassid line, who became caliph in 1242, had confidence that his house would reign until Resurrection Day. Rumors of the approach of the Mongol army in 1257 did not worry him. During the reign of his father, the armies of the caliph had been among a very few opponents to defeat and turn back the Mongols.
From deep in Mongolia (General) Hulagu set out in 1253, marching westward at the head of a large force that included siege-engine experts of several nationalities.
His trebuchets could hurl huge rocks, and smaller stones covered in flaming naphtha, and his arbalesters could shoot bolts dipped in burning pitch a distance of twenty-five hundred paces.
Hulagu’s brother Mongke Khan told him to subdue the people he encountered as he continued all the way to Egypt, being kind to those who submitted and killing or enslaving the rest.
The Mongols took eighteen months crossing Asia as far as Afghanistan.
There and in the mountains of Persia they stopped to conquer the Assassins, an extreme Shiite sect that terrorized neighboring rulers by sending young men on suicide missions to kill them. The young men were drugged with hashish (source of the word “assassin”) and were told that when they died they would immediately go to Paradise, where women and other pleasures awaited.
In no-quarter sieges, Hulagu battered the Assassins out of their mountain fortresses with his heavy weapons, and then destroyed them root and branch.
Later historians agreed that in this, at least, he did the world a favor.
By 1257, Hulagu had reached western Persia.
From there he sent emissaries to the caliph telling him to raze the walls of Baghdad and fill in the moat and come in person to make obeisance to Hulagu.
The caliph replied that with all of Islam ready to defend him, he did not fear.
He advised Hulagu to go back where he came from.
The Mongol army had recently received reinforcements from other Mongol hordes, and a contingent of Christian cavalry from Georgia.
Perhaps the Mongols had eight hundred and fifty thousand soldiers; certainly they had more than a hundred thousand.
In November of 1257, they marched on toward Baghdad, dividing as they approached so that their forces would surround the city. The caliph sent an army to stop those approaching from the west, and repulsed them in an early battle.
In the next encounter, the Mongols broke some dikes and flooded the ground behind the caliph’s army, and slaughtered or drowned them all.
Mustasim, the caliph, was not of a character equal to such large problems. He is described as a weak, vacillating layabout who liked to drink sherbet and keep company with musicians and clowns.
Worse, from a strategic point of view, Mustasim had recently angered the Shiites by various insults and offenses, such as throwing the poem of a famous Shiite poet in the river.
Now vengeful Shiites volunteered help to the Mongols in Mosul and other places along their march.
The caliph’s vizier, or chief minister, was himself a Shiite of uncertain loyalty. Islamic opinion afterward held that the vizier, al-Alkamzi, vilely betrayed the caliph and conspired with the Mongols; an exhortation in Muslim school books used to say, “Let him be cursed of God who curses not al-Alkamzi.”
As fighting began, Hulagu, acknowledging the importance of Shiite support, prudently posted guard detachments of a hundred Mongol horsemen at the most sacred Shiite shrines in Najef and Karbala.
On January 29, 1258, Hulagu’s forces took up a position on the eastern outskirts of Baghdad and began a bombardment.
Soon they had breached the outer wall.
The caliph, who had been advised against escaping by his vizier, offered to negotiate. Hulagu, with the city practically in his hands, refused.
The upshot was that the caliph and his retinue came out of the city, the remainder of his army followed, they laid down their arms, and the Mongols killed almost everybody.
Hulagu told Baghdad’s Christians to stay in a church, which he put off-limits to his soldiers. Then, for a period of seven days, the Mongols sacked the city, killing (depending on the source) two hundred thousand, or eight hundred thousand, or more than a million.
The Mongols’ Georgian Christian allies were said to have particularly distinguished themselves in slaughter.
Plunderers threw away their swords and filled their scabbards with gold. Silver and jewels and gold piled up in great heaps around Hulagu’s tent.
Fire consumed the caliph’s palace, and the smoke from its beams of aloe wood, sandalwood, and ebony filled the air with fragrance for a distance of a hundred li. (A li equalled five hundred bow lengths—a hundred li was maybe thirty miles.)
So many books from Baghdad’s libraries were flung into the Tigris that a horse could walk across on them. The river ran black with scholars’ ink and red with the blood of martyrs.
The stories of what Hulagu did to the caliph vary.
One says that Hulagu toyed with him a while, dining with him and discussing theology and pretending to be his guest. A famous account describes how Hulagu imprisoned the caliph in a roomful of treasure and brought him gold on a tray instead of food. The caliph protested that he could not eat gold, and Hulagu asked him why he hadn’t used his money to strengthen his army and defend against the Mongols. The caliph said, “That was the will of God.” Hulagu replied, “What will happen to you is the will of God, also,” leaving him among the treasure to starve.
Many sources agree that there was fear of an earthquake or other shock to nature occurring if the caliph’s sacred blood was spilled. Learned Shiites advised Hulagu that no catastrophes had followed the bloody deaths of John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, or the Shiite saint Hosein, so he should go ahead.
To be safe, Hulagu had the caliph wrapped in a carpet and then trodden to death by horses.
He also killed all the caliph’s family, except for his youngest son and a daughter. The daughter was shipped off to Mongolia to be a slave in the harem of Mongke Khan.
-The New Yorker
The Mongols took all of 12 days to destroy several centuries worth of cultural, political, and scientific achievements. All was left in ruin…
Hulagu left three thousand Mongols in Baghdad to rebuild it, but they did not accomplish much.
Decades later, it was still mostly a ruin.
Some irrigation systems that the Mongol army destroyed were not repaired until Iraq began to get money from its oil in the twentieth century. Mongols had no real talent for building, anyway.
Plague and famine and disintegration followed the Mongol incursion. Places they conquered sometimes had to be re-subdued.
The city of Mosul, which had submitted almost eagerly to Mongol rule at first, changed its attitude afterward, when a new malik, or prince, came to power there. Under his leadership the inhabitants of Mosul—Kurds, Arabs, and some tribal people—rebelled and forted themselves up behind the city walls, and the Mongols put them under siege.
During one attack, a number of Mongol soldiers climbed over Mosul’s walls, only to be surrounded and killed to a man. The defenders then cut off the Mongols’ heads, put the heads in a catapult, and fired them back at the Mongols outside.
This effrontery brought out Hulagu’s sternest side.
After his forces finally took the city, he ordered the malik to be brought to him. Then he had the malik fastened tightly inside a fresh sheepskin and left in the sun, where vermin ate him alive for a month until he died.
-The New Yorker
Aleppo, 1260.
In 1219 Genghis Khan went to war against the Khwarezm Empire in present-day Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran.
The sultan there had agreed to a trade treaty, but when the first caravan arrived its goods were stolen and its merchants were killed.
The sultan then murdered some of Genghis Khan’s ambassadors.
Despite once again being outnumbered, the Mongol horde swept through one Khwarezm city after another, including Bukhara, Samarkand and Urgench.
Skilled workers such as carpenters and jewelers were usually saved, while aristocrats and resisting soldiers were killed. Unskilled workers, meanwhile, were often used as human shields during the next assault.
No one knows with any certainty how many people died during Genghis Khan’s wars, in part because the Mongols propagated their vicious image as a way of spreading terror.
The Mongol siege of Aleppo wasn’t all that noteworthy, and the city itself wasn’t all that important to any of the players involved in the Mongol conquest of the caliphate, but Aleppo is today a famous city (notwithstanding former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson’s famous gaffe) for all the wrong reasons.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Aleppo fell to the Mongols in six days, and like most of the Muslim cities that were conquered by the Mongol hordes, Aleppo’s citizens were callously slaughtered.
The Great Mosque of Aleppo, one of the few bright spots in the city’s long, mostly sad history, was also razed. (The Mongol general who led the siege, Hulagu Khan, executed some his local ally’s leaders, who were Christian, for this travesty.)
Bukhara, 1220.
Located along the Silk Road, Bukhara was at the time of the Mongol invasion of Persia a flourishing center of intellectual and commercial activity, and not just throughout Persia but the whole Muslim world.
Scholars, merchants, and mercenaries from Bukhara were famed as far away as China and Germany.
The walls of Bukhara are still standing today.
It is estimated that 30,000 people died after the Mongols conquered Bukhara, a result of most of the city surrendering but not the garrison.
Thirty thousand was a “moderate” number of people to be killed for Bukhara’s equally moderate resistance to the Mongol hordes.
Bukhara is a city found in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. It is located 39.77 latitude and 64.43 longitude and it is situated at elevation 229 meters above sea level.
The Mongol invasion of Persia, which was ruled by the Khwarazmian dynasty at the time, happened just as the empire was emerging from expansionary conquests of its own. This meant that the Khwarazmians, while technically governing Persia, had little actual power in the region, and the resistance to the marauding Mongols highlights Persian weakness well.
Samarkand, 1220.
... his armies moved west and targeted Persia in 1219, where the Sultan had, in an act of extreme foolhardiness, deliberately provoked Genghis by shaving off the beards of two of his ambassadors and killing a third.
Samarkand, that glorious city on the Silk Road, fell in 1220, despite the defenders’ super-weapon of two dozen war elephants.
McLynn dismisses the oft-quoted figure of 50,000 killed there in a single day (note the limited time span), but admits ‘it is clear that the death toll was terrific and unacceptable’.
Samarkand, the makeshift, emergency capital city of the Khwarazmian dynasty, was much larger than Bukhara and much better fortified. (Samarkand, was made a legitimate, non-emergency capital by Tamerlane 150 years after the Mongol siege and conquest.)
The Mongols used prisoners as body shields during the assault, and pulled off a brilliant tactical stunt when they collectively feigned retreat, drawing out the Persian garrison, only to turn on the careless attackers and slaughter them in the open field of battle.
Due to the fame of Samarkand far and wide, Genghis Khan spared the inhabitants of the city but did loot it and conscripted another estimated 60,000 for military service or craftsmanship. This left Samarkand, glorious from the time of Alexander the Great, empty of people and empty of riches.
Lahore, 1241.
Lahore is today the largest city in the Punjabi world, and one of the most important cities in all of Pakistan.
In 1241, when the Mongols laid siege to it for the first time, Lahore had already been abandoned for Delhi by elites who were worried about the unrest caused by the Mongol invasions in neighboring countries.
Lahore is a city found in Punjab, Pakistan. It is located 31.55 latitude and 74.34 longitude and it is situated at elevation 224 meters above sea level.
When Persia fell, for example, some of the Khwarazmian dynasty’s elite fled to Lahore, where they conquered the city and tried to establish a new dynasty.
The locals retook Lahore from the fleeing Persians, but this confusion only weakened the city and by the time the Mongol horde arrived in 1241, Lahore was ripe for the plucking.
The Mongols soon lost the city to yet another reconquest by the locals, but this back-and-forth between the marauding Mongols and the local elites rendered Lahore, once a prominent center of Islamic education and culture, a frontier urban area, fit only for fighting and brusque commerce with non-urban peoples.
Lahore’s frontier status, while bad for this once-prestigious city, enable the Indian subcontinent to largely avoid the fate of China, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe.
The Chinese were the most powerful and wealthiest country on the planet in the 1200s. China had the ability to put more soldiers in the field than many other countries had in total population! For a group of less than 70,000 horse archers to conquer such an enormous power without writing, sophisticated siege technology, or a concrete military system like the Chinese had is almost unimaginable. However, Chinese sources were stunned with the speed and efficiency with which the Mongols were able to sweep through their lands.
Genghis Khan Diverted A River Through An Enemy’s Birthplace To Erase It Off The Map
When Genghis Khan found the Muslim kingdom of Khwarezmia, he did
something unusual: He took the peaceful route. A group of diplomats were
sent to the city, hoping to establish a trade route and diplomatic
The governor of Khwarezmia, though, didn’t trust them. He thought the
diplomats were part of a Mongolian conspiracy and had them executed. He
killed the next group they sent, too.
Genghis Khan was furious. He had tried to be nice, and he’d been repaid with dead diplomats. He set up an army of 200,000 soldiers, attacked, and completely destroyed Khwarezmia.
Genghis Khan was furious. He had tried to be nice, and he’d been
repaid with dead diplomats. He set up an army of 200,000 soldiers,
attacked, and completely destroyed Khwarezmia.
Even after he’d won, Khan sent two armies to burn down every castle,
town, and farm they found to make sure that no hint of Khwarezmia
survived. According to one story, he even diverted a river to run
through the emperor’s birthplace, just to make sure it would never
appear on a map again.
Genghis Khan Erased A Kingdom From History For Not Helping Him
When Genghis Khan attacked Khwarezmia, he asked the conquered kingdom of Xi Xia to send him troops. They refused. Xi Xia tried to take a bold stand against their oppressor, and they quickly regretted it. The Mongolian army swarmed through Xi Xia, destroying everything that they found. They systematically exterminated every member of the population.
The Mongolian army swarmed through Xi Xia, destroying everything that they found. They systematically exterminated every member of the population.
They hadn’t written down their own stories, so the only records of their existence came from neighboring countries. Their language wasn’t recovered for more than 700 years. It took until the mid-20th century for archaeologists to unearth stones that had their writing on them. In the meantime, every word they had spoken was forgotten.
Genghis Khan died during the battle, most likely from being thrown from his horse. Still, the Mongolian army carried out his work. They slaughtered every person they found, even after their leader was dead and their enemy had surrendered.
The Yuan Dynasty
In 1251, Mongke was elected Great Khan and decided to intensify the war with the Song Dynasty.
In 1253, some 100,000 Mongols and their Chinese allies captured Dali and Yunnan and crossed through Laos to attack the Song Empire’s southern flank.
The Mongols clashed with more than 100,000 Song troops and 1,000 war elephants near the Laotian border.
The next year, the Mongols clashed with more than 100,000 Song troops and 1,000 war elephants near the Laotian border. The Mongol horses would not charge the elephants, so the Mongols dismounted and fired flaming arrows to kill or enrage the great animals, which became uncontrollable and randomly killed men on both sides.
The battle degenerated into a chaotic hand-to-hand battle.
Both armies virtually annihilated each other, and the Mongols withdrew into Laos with only 20,000 men.
In 1257, Mongke made the mistake of invading Da Viet (North Vietnam) and lost most of the rest of his men and horses to disease in the intense tropical conditions.
In 1258, Mongke pulled together 300,000 Mongol and Chinese soldiers to face a massive army of over 400,000 Song Chinese troops under General Wang Jian in Sichuan.
In 1259, the two sides met at the Battle of Diaoyucheng. During the battle, Mongke collapsed and died from cholera and dysentery. The battle ended in stalemate, with more than 100,000 dead on both sides, including Wang Jian.
In 1259, the two sides met at the Battle of Diaoyucheng. During the battle, Mongke collapsed and died from cholera and dysentery. The battle ended in stalemate, with more than 100,000 dead on both sides, including Wang Jian.
The new commanding Song general, Jia Sidao, collaborated with Genghis Khan’s grandson, Prince Kublai, and worked out a deal whereby the Song army would occupy Sichuan under Mongol authority.
The Death of Genghis, the Ascension of Ogedei
Despite the overwhelming victories, the Mongols were trapped in a long war of attrition in China.
Rather than finish the conquest of the Jin, Genghis became sidetracked in 1217 in the destruction of Khwarezm (Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan), an Islamic holocaust in which more than a million people were massacred by the Mongols.
During the campaign to conquer Khwarezm, the Mongols brought in thousands of Chinese engineers, siege engines, and crews to help reduce Islamic fortifications.
In 1223, Genghis turned his attention back on the Jin.
He sent a trusted general, Mukhulai, with 100,000 troops to attack Chang’an, which was defended by 200,000 Jin troops. Mukhulai became ill and died. As soon as this happened, the Xi Xia troops abandoned the Mongol army, which in turn caused the siege to be abandoned.
Genghis then hunted down and killed the Xi Xia troops who had deserted his army.
Genghis himself died in 1227, probably from typhus, while planning yet another massive invasion of Jin.
His son, Ogedei, ascended the throne and sent envoys to the Jin, who promptly had them executed. Meanwhile, Subedei was to conduct one last effort to conquer the Jin in 1231. The Jin armies all faced north to prevent Subedei’s 120,000 Mongols from crossing the Yellow River. Subudei sent a general named Tuli with 30,000 Mongols on an arduous journey across the western Chinese mountains of Sichuan and through Song territory into southern Jin territory.
The women of China fared poorly once the Mongol invaders captured a city.
The Jin panicked, thinking the Mongol force was much bigger than it was.
The Jin repositioned the majority of their troops to the south and began pursuing the Mongols with a massive force of over 300,000 men. The Mongols retreated as planned into the Sichuan Mountains as the huge Jin army followed them.
The Mongols fought a tenacious rearguard action with their archers in the rough mountain terrain, killing thousands of pursuing Jin. The Mongols led the Jin higher and deeper into the snow-covered mountains, where additional thousands froze to death or fell off the icy trails.
The Mongols circled back through the mountain passes and destroyed the Jin baggage trains, adding starvation to the woes the Jin troops were already enduring.
Once Subedei had the main Jin army trapped in the mountains of Sichuan, he moved his 120,000 Mongols across the Yellow River against the much smaller Jin forces.
The Jin belatedly realized their mistake and began desperately trying to get their main army out of the mountains to defend the capital.
The Jin retreat turned into a rout as Tuli’s and Subedei’s forces massacred the entire Jin army without mercy on the open ground within sight of Kaifeng.
A Five-Year Siege of the twin fortress cities of Xiangyang and Fancheng.
In 1265, a Chinese allied naval force destroyed 100 Song ships in a river battle, and Mongol troops defeated the isolated Song army to regain control of part of Sichuan.
The key to conquering the Song was capturing the twin fortress cities of Xiangyang and Fancheng.
Both cities had thick walls with wide moats protecting the convergence of the Han and Yellow Rivers.
The city walls of Xiangyang today.
In 1268, the Mongols built fortifications downriver from Xiangyang on the Han River to cut off resupply of the city by ship. Never the less, most Song ships were able to run by the Mongol forts and resupply Xiangyang and Fancheng.
Chinese ships allied with the Mongols were brought in to block the passage between the Mongol forts. More than 20 miles of siege lines were built around Xiangyang and Fancheng on both sides of the Han River.
Tourists visit the Urn City which is fenced by old city walls in Xiangyang, central China’s Hubei Province, March 21, 2013. Xiangyang, a prefecture-level city in central China’s Hubei Province, has a history of over 2,000 years. It was the location of major battles during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 A.D.) and the Southern Song period (1127-1279 A.D.). The city is well-known for its city wall, which is very old but reserved well. To better develop its tourism as well as to protect its historical relics, the local government has poured hundreds of millions of yuan to restore the Three Kingdom remains since 2006.
The Mongols and their Chinese engineers set up trebuchets and began firing incendiary clay bombs and exploding biochemical projectiles they had learned from the Jin at the siege of Beijing in 1215.
The Song fired incendiary bombs and biochemical projectiles at the Mongols as well, causing great destruction and loss of life on both sides. The Mongols had to pull back after their wooden siege walls and trebuchets caught fire from the bombardments, leaving the Mongols with no cover, while the Song defenders took shelter behind the twin cities’ stout rock and masonry walls.
The fortification of the city of Xi’an, the ancient capital of Shaanxi province, in the center of the Guanzhong Plain, represents one of the oldest and best preserved Chinese city walls. The wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, under the advice of a hermit who told him to “built high walls, store abundant food supplies and take time to be an Emperor,” so that he could fortify the city and unify the other states. After the establishment of the Ming dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang followed his advice and began to enlarge the wall built initially during the old Tang Dynasty (618 – 907), creating the modern Xian City Wall. It’s the most complete city wall that has survived in China, as well being one of the largest ancient military defensive systems in the world.
In 1269, Kublai Khan sent another 20,000 troops to replace those in the previous year’s fighting. More than 3,000 Song ships attacked the Mongol forts on the Han River in an effort to break the blockade, but 500 ships were sunk by Kublai Khan’s brilliant admiral Liu Cheng, who had defected to the Mongols.
Mongol and Chinese troops clambered aboard the Song vessels and beheaded hundreds of Song soldiers and sailors.
The besieged Song tried several unsuccessful attempts to break out but were defeated each time with thousands of casualties.
In 1271, 100 Song ships successfully broke through a boom across the Han River to bring 3,000 soldiers and much-needed supplies to reinforce Xiangyang.
The original Xi’an city wall was started in 194 BCE and took 4 years to finish. Upon completion, the wall measured 25.7 km in length and 12–16 m in thickness at the base, and enclosed an area of 36 square km. The first city wall was built of earth, quick lime, and glutinous rice extract, tamped together. Later, the wall was totally enclosed with bricks. Xi’an’s city wall, after its enlargement in the Ming Dynasty, stands 12 meters high. It is 12-14 meters across the top, 15-18 meters thick at bottom, and 13.7 kilometers in length and encircles an area of roughly 14 square kilometers within the city. There is a rampart every 120 meters that extend out from the main wall and allow soldiers to see enemies trying to climb the wall. The distance between every two ramparts is just within the range of arrow shot from either side.
The siege dragged on with no real advantage for either side until Kublai Khan decided to send a Muslim engineer captured during the siege of Baghdad to China to build a giant 40-ton trebuchet that could hurl 220-pound projectiles more than 600 feet to breach the cities’ walls.
After a few days, a breach was opened and Mongol troops stormed through to meet the Chinese defenders.
For days, men fought and died in the vicious battle at the breach.
There are four main gates on the wall, which were the only way to go into and out of town in ancient times. Each gate is overlooked by sentries on three towers. A wide moat ran around the city. Over the moat, there used to be huge drawbridges, which would cut off the way in and out of the city, once lifted.
The Song were able to throw more soldiers into Fancheng to defend the breach from a pontoon bridge that connected Xiangyang across the Han River.
The Mongols called off the assault on the breach and used their giant trebuchet to widen the breach and destroy the pontoon bridge. Incendiary bombs fired from the trebuchet struck the bridge and consumed it.
With Fancheng cut off from reinforcements, the Mongols assaulted the widened breach. The disheartened defenders held on for several hours before resistance broke and the Mongols poured into the city and began massacring the inhabitants.
The Mongols took the last 3,000 Song soldiers and 7,000 inhabitants to the walls facing Xiangyang and in full view slit the prisoners’ throats and threw them off the wall.
The Mongols took the last 3,000 Song soldiers and 7,000 inhabitants to the walls facing Xiangyang and in full view slit the prisoners’ throats and threw them off the wall.
The Mongols then dismantled their giant trebuchet and repositioned it across the river facing Xiangyang. The first shot from the trebuchet forced a tower to collapse in a great crash as the Song inhabitants screamed in terror.
Kublai Khan offered to spare the inhabitants and to reward the Song commander if he would surrender the city.
Xiangyang was surrendered and the Song heartland was open to the Mongols. The siege had lasted from 1268 to 1273.
The impregnable fortress of Yang-lo.
In 1274, the Mongols headed down the Han River, bypassing Song fortresses and emerging onto the flood plains of the Yangtze River. The Mongols now faced the impregnable fortress of Yang-lo.
The Mongols sacrificed several thousand Chinese troops on a frontal attack on Yang-lo while most of the Mongol army, carrying a number of ships, bypassed the fort and crossed the river upstream.
In 1274, the Mongols headed down the Han River, bypassing Song fortresses and emerging onto the flood plains of the Yangtze River. The Mongols now faced the impregnable fortress of Yang-lo.
Then the Mongol and Chinese fleet came down the Yangtze and attacked the Song fleet from both front and behind. The Song boats were packed so close together on the river that incendiary bombs fired from Mongol catapults set much of the Song fleet on fire.
Thousands perished in the flames.
Fortress Yang-lo and the 100,000 cut-off Song troops surrendered the next day.
Genghis Khan Exterminated 1.7 Million People To Avenge One Person
The marriages might have been strategic alliances, but that didn’t
mean there wasn’t any love involved. One of Genghis Khan’s daughters
loved her husband, a man name Toquchar. Genghis Khan loved him, too, as
his favorite son-in-law.
When Toquchar was killed by an archer from Nishapur, his wife demanded vengeance.
Genghis Khan’s troops attacked Nishapur and slaughtered every person
there. By some estimates, 1,748,000 people were killed. Other historians
dispute that number, but there’s no doubt that his armies killed
everyone they found.
Women, children, babies, and even dogs and cats were tracked down and murdered.
Then they were beheaded, and their skulls were piled into pyramids—a request by Genghis Khan’s daughter to ensure that no one got away with a simple wounding.
Acts of Desperation
In 1275, Jia Sidao set out from the capital of Hangzhou at the head of 100,000 Song troops and another fleet of 2,500 ships in a last-ditch effort to stop the Mongol juggernaut.
Jia Sidao quote.
A massive cavalry and infantry battle took place on both sides of the river. The Mongols and their Chinese allies pushed back the Song army and boarded their ships from both ends of the river, beheading thousands of Song troops and capturing 2,000 ships.
It was another overwhelming victory for the Mongols.
Jia Sidao quote.
Jia Sidao was later assassinated by a Song officer.
Jia Sidao quote.
On February 21, 1276, the boy emperor Zhao Xian came out of Hangzhou, bowed toward the north in obeisance to Kublai Khan, and turned over the capital and the rest of the Song Empire to the Mongols.
The Mongol conquest of China had taken 74 years and claimed the lives of as many as 25 million Chinese from war, plague, and famine.
As much as Mongolians love Genghis Khan, Iranians hate him. And there is a legit reason for that. The Khwarazmian Empire was located in the territory of Iran, and it was a very powerful dynasty up until the Mongol Empire invaded it.
In just a few years, the Mongols with Genghis Khan ahead of them, entirely destroyed and conquered the Khwarazmian Empire. Scholars estimate that during the wars, Genghis Khan butchered around 3/4 of the Iranians. That is one of the biggest genocides in history, and estimations show that the population of Iranians only reached its pre-Mongols level in the mid-20th century.
Oh yes, it took Iranians 700 years to heal their deep wounds left by Genghis Khan. Even today, Iranians have a saying "it's as if the Mongols have attacked," which means that something chaotic and brutal has happened. Thanks to Genghis Khan, Iranians will never forgive Mongols their crimes.
-The Richest
The ramifications of the Mongol conquest of China were felt for some time. The Ming, who overthrew the Mongols in 1368, became obsessed with improving and lengthening the Great Wall to close to 5,000 miles (including walls that backed up walls) to prevent another Mongol invasion of China.
This was the ancient version of The Maginot Line. A very costly and enormous albatross.
The Great Wall as it existed from the time of the Ming Dynasty was an expensive reaction to the Mongol conquest of China. In the end, the improved Great Wall did not save China.
In 1644, a Mongol-like nation, the Manchu, conquered China and ruled the unhappy nation until 1911.
Re-population of conquered lands.
The Mongols completely repopulated Asia in their own image.
Incursions into Southeast Asia were largely successful, most factions agreed to pay tribute, and only the Invasions into Vietnam and Java failed.
Europe was devastated by the Mongols. They destroyed near enough every major Russian city, and invaded Volga Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Poland, and Hungary. If rumours spread that the Mongols were coming, then it would cause a mass panic, and some would run to safety.
There was no guaranteed way to defeat the Mongol hordes, they continuously defeated much larger armies, so numerical strength couldn’t protect you.
Mongol conquests would leave once populous and flourishing areas as wastelands, with little to no people, those remaining would be slaves.
They used their abilities, and fear of the meek, to seize control.
The Mongol were masterful at spreading fear and hate throughout Asia, people feared them, and therefore hated them.
They would rape and pillage entire villages, and torture their victims for fun. Nobles would get it the worst. Spilling noble blood was considered a crime, so they simply crushed them to death, which took many hours.
Mongols would literally dine on top of them, making merry to the sounds of their screams from underneath. The sounds of bodies squelching, and bones snapping didn’t faze them.
But rumours of this execution method struck terror. Fear made them powerful, as people often chose to surrender and pay tribute rather than risk fighting them.
Women, gold, horses, and other objects were considered spoils of war, which meant soldiers got to do pretty much whatever they wanted to do with them. Now, you don’t have to stretch your imagination too much to figure out what that means.
Do you?
Women, gold, horses, and other objects were considered spoils of war, which meant soldiers got to do pretty much whatever they wanted to do with them.
Amassing large harems was an important occupation of the khans. Genghis Khan was said to have had five hundred wives and concubines. When the Mongols overran a place, their captains took some of the women and passed along the more beautiful ones to their superiors, who passed the more beautiful to their superiors, and so on all the way to the khan, who could choose among the pulchritude of a continent. Genghis Khan had scores of children, as did other khans and nobles descended from him for centuries in the Genghis Khanite line.
Recently, a geneticist at Oxford University, Dr. Chris Tyler-Smith, and geneticists from China and central Asia took blood samples from populations living in regions near the former Mongol empire, and they studied the Y chromosomes. These are useful in establishing lineage because Y chromosomes continue from father to son. Dr. Tyler-Smith and his colleagues found that an anomalously large number of the Y chromosomes carried a genetic signature indicating descent from a single common ancestor about a thousand years ago. The scientists theorized that the ancestor was Genghis Khan (or, more exactly, an eleventh-century ancestor of Genghis Khan). About eight per cent of all males in the region studied, or sixteen million men, possess this chromosome signature. That’s a half per cent of the world’s entire male population. It is possible, therefore, that more than thirty-two million people in the world today are descended from Genghis Khan.
-The New Yorker
On the other hand, if you were lucky enough to be super-extra
beautiful, you could be forcibly entered into one of Genghis Khan’s
weird beauty pageants.
Genghis Khan had so much power that he could do whatever he wanted. For instance, when Genghis occupied some new area, he would kill or enslave all the men and share all the women amongst his tribe.
Genghis Khan would even make beauty contests of captured women to decide which woman is the most beautiful one. Yeah, he was having his Miss Universe competition before it was cool.
So, the queen of those beauty competitions would win the privilege to become one of many Genghis Khan's women. Rest of the Mongolian army would share all the other contestants.
-The Richest
According to Ancient Origins, once Genghis’ soldiers were done with the pillaging and the abusing, they brought Genghis himself the most beautiful women they’d encountered.
I’m sure that Genghis appreciated the sentiment.
Girls in Mongolia seem to be a mystery to all but those who have visited these rare lands. These unique girls offer Asian features with larger bodies than most expect.
I was baffled by the women I encountered in Mongolia.
I’d never seen such tall, curvy Asians (well, Indonesian girls are curvy) in all of my travels throughout the region. There was truly something different about the Mongolian girls.
After meeting, greeting, and mating with some of these fine specimens, it finally clicked – these gals were direct descendants of Genghis Khan. I was balls deep in warrior genes, and I can’t lie – the thought of having myself a warrior-blooded baby certainly went through my mind.
-Life around Asia
These women alone would be spared from the antics of the conquering
army so they could be paraded in front of the man himself. The winner
got the honor of becoming one of Genghis Khan’s many wives, which was
probably preferable to ending up as the loser, though Ancient Origins
doesn’t say what happened to them.
First and foremost, these girls were definitely Asian. Their features were dainty and stunning. However, Mongolian girls did not remind me of Thai girls or Indonesian girls much. They seemed to have a unique mixture to them.
I’d say many of the girls looked maybe 75% Asian with a mixture of Slavic genes, too.
It was incredibly unique and quite sexy. Some guys said they weren’t too into the look, but I loved it! Think a girl who is 2/3rds Asian and a third Russian. How could that not be sexy?!
-Life around Asia
Modern Mongolian beauty.
Evidently, though, women who Genghis deemed not to be up to his
standards of beauty were sent off with the soldiers to be abused and
then discarded. So yeah, great to be a woman in peacetime Mongolia but
when Genghis comes to town you might just want to emigrate to China.
0.5 Percent of all men alive today are believed to have a genetic relation with Genghis Khan. It is estimated that his descendants are 8 percent of men in Asia.
-My Interesting Facts
The fate of the civilians.
Although Genghis Khan restricted the use of torture, Mongol executions were often extremely grisly.
When Guyuk Khan suspected that the powerful courtier Fatima had poisoned his brother, Guyuk had her tortured into confessing before “her upper and lower orifices were sewn up and she was rolled up in a sheet of felt and thrown into the river.”
The Mongols traditionally had a taboo against shedding royal blood, so another favorite method of execution was crushing.
Although Genghis Khan restricted the use of torture, Mongol executions were often extremely grisly.
The Abbasid Caliph al-Musta’sim was rolled up in a carpet and trampled to death by stampeding horses.
After the Battle of the Kalka River, captured Russian princes were shoved under some floorboards and crushed as the Mongols held their victory feast on top of them.
Genghis himself ordered that a captured Tangut ruler be renamed Shidurqu (“Loyal”) before he was crushed, so that his spirit would be forced to serve the Mongols in the afterlife.
He was lucky compared to the Persian noble who was covered in sheep fat, wrapped in felt, and left tied up in the hot sun to meet his fate.
Genghis Khan’s Legacy
Perhaps the greatest legacy a conqueror can leave is his progeny.
Genghis Khan wasn’t an especially gracious winner — after he was
done with the conquering, he enjoyed abducting his enemies’ wives and
either romancing them or brutalizing them, depending on how cool they
were with being abducted by Genghis Khan.
girls are smart, beautiful, stacked, and feisty. They also can drink
you under the table. They are warriors from warrior stock.
In fact in one of his most famous quotes he waxed poetic about the joys of the post-conquering aftermath:
"The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters."
Nice guy, that Genghis.
He wasn’t always content to romance just one woman at a time, either.
According to Ancient Origins, his army commanders were all super-impressed with his manliness because he frequently spent his evenings with multiple women. I mean, that was his role; to repopulate the conquered (now depopulated) lands in his image (literally).
While broad shoulders aren’t exactly a good trait on women, the women in Mongolia didn’t get the short end of the stick in other ways.
In fact, I found some of the biggest Asian tits in the world to be in Mongolia. It was fantastic for me, as I’m a boobs man!
There are a number of rain-thin Mongolian girls that have big, natural racks. I was thoroughly impressed. In fact, outside of Indonesia, I haven’t seen bigger tits in an Asian country. The asses here aren’t as amazing as the boobs, but there still above average for Asia.
-Life around Asia
you were the first wife, you basically inherited everything and became
head of the household. After that you got to live pretty much
autonomously and independently, which is not something that was
especially common around the world during that time period.
A stronger genetic pool…
He wasn’t that into birth control, either, in fact by modern estimates Genghis Khan has roughly 16 million descendants.
Now, the study that put forth this hypothesis can’t actually prove that
the individual they identified is Genghis Khan, since no one knows
where the Mongol leader is buried and therefore they can’t recover any
of his DNA.
But this person lived roughly 1,000 years ago in the Mongol Empire
and must have had access to a lot of women, and there really aren’t
that many people from history that fit that description, so the
assumption is pretty sound.
Mongolian women are quite amazing and if you fall in love with them, be
prepared to give them everything. They are traditional and conservative
and expect the man to give them 100% of what he has. They will accept
no less.
When we look at what Genghis Khan achieved with the Mongol Empire, we cannot help but appreciate his mastermind as a warlord. It surely looks like Genghis Khan had three dragons with him just like Khaleesi.
I cannot find any other explanation of Genghis Khan's success. I mean, he defeated Jin Dynasty's one million troops with only 90,000 Mongolians by his side.
Yes, Genghis Khan managed to win a war with ten times fewer troops than his opponent's army. On top of that, he was invading China, so he had to overcome all the "little" problems such as the Great Wall of China. Genghis Khan with his army had destroyed over 500,000 of Chinese troop before getting control of Northern China and Beijing.
The rest of the Chinese army had to surrender to the power of Genghis Khan. Destroying Jin Dynasty is only one of many examples of how great of a warlord Genghis Khan was. Also, he had some brutal and loyal men by his side, and let’s not rule out the dragon theory.
-The Richest
Anyways, ol’ Genghis Khan was quite the fellow, and he really wanted
to make good in the (now decimated) lands that he conquered. Because of
this, and the history of his people, the women of Mongolia are what they
are today.
I am an American Structural Engineer and spent approximately 1-1/2 years working in Mongolia, and living in UB. I have since moved on to another project in Cape Town, SA, however wanted to comment on perhaps the most accurate article I have read in relation to Mongolian women.
I have additionally worked in several other Asian counties to include Singapore, Hong Kong, China, etc. I hope that you will agree that you cannot even “basically” compare the contemporary Mongolian woman to any other Asians.
BTW, forget the “Asian Height Charts by Country” seen all over the internet – not even close. For example, China, S. Korean and even Japanese women are calculated taller in stature than Mongolian ladies – Not eve close!
When I strolled through Sukhbaatar Square on warm days, it was not uncommon for me to see several Mongolian women 5′7″, 5′8″ even up to 5′10″. What stands out just as much, is that these ladies have shapes and many pronounced bust-lines; mainly due to diet (meat/dairy).
They appear physically to be much stronger built than other Asians. The best way I can explain it, Mongolian women have physical shapes closer to Russian women than they do other Asians.
Another distinguishing factor, many Chinese, Japanese women have very small hands and feet – not Mongolian women who have larger hands/feet. Consider this, for a country of just over 3 million people, Nearly 50% of all top Asian fashion models are from Mongolia.
Battsetseg Turbat for example has been in many famous American commercials to include Budweiser and Apple. This is what surprised me most when I first stepped off the plane upon my arrival to UB. Mongolian women’s height can be deceiving when viewing online photos – the reason is that they have voluptuous shapes to accompany their height.
An additional quality is personality. Mongolian women have big personalities, laugh loudly and not afraid to approach someone they may wish to meet. Additionally, Mongolian women when affronted, do not shy away as do other Asians, however will meet the confrontation head-on 100%. What I have also noticed, when in other parts of Asia, women will almost always give way when an American woman is walking down the sidewalk toward them.
Not in UB – A Mongolian woman will expect the American woman to step aside most every time.
In relation to toughness, Mongolia are second to none.
In fact, Mongolian women have very little respect for American women, thinking them soft and spoiled (their words not mine).
All Mongolian women are excellent horsemen, whether raised in the Ger District or city. They are like the land they inhabit, resilient and everlasting.
I remember taking a walk around Sukhbaatar Square with a Mongolian lady I befriended to just enjoy the day . It was in November last year and nearly freezing. I remember she was wearing heels, barely covered up and seemed fine. I was layered to the hilt, still shivering although looked like the Michelin tire man with all my garb.
She must have noticed I was freezing as suggested we walk to Millie’s Espresso to have lunch, drink something warm and relax. These women impressed me as they were able to balance their hardiness with their femininity.
You are correct, there is a slight mix of Slav in most Mongolian ladies, however, does not distract from their Asian appearance. I do not know if I will ever return to Mongolia, however, the Mongolian ladies will have my respect and admiration for life.
-Life Around Asia
We can learn a lot from the terrors of the past.
Genghis Khan devastated urban areas, cities, towns and villages and laid waste to entire swaths of land. This mass devastation would continue in other ways at other times. Whether it is the plagues that devastated Europe, or the World Wars that followed afterwards, entire well-established civilizations completely collapsed and the survivors had to pick up the pieces and start all over again.
Genghis Khan devastated urban areas, cities, towns and villages and laid waste to entire swaths of land. This mass devastation would continue in other ways at other times.
In the case of many human-wrought changes, it is a situation where a strong and powerful person becomes a leader and assimilates (often violently) other weaker communities. It’s human nature.
It’s the human condition.
Human nature is such that communities form, thrive, expand, get lazy and then collapse. Other humans, often more skilled, with abilities, and positions through merit exploit the vulnerabilities of the older community.
Human nature is such that communities form, thrive, expand, get lazy and then collapse. Other humans, often more skilled, with abilities, and positions through merit exploit the vulnerabilities of the older community.
This event is often very uncomfortable and often results in open warfare, with the NEWEST and MOST DANGEROUS WEAPONS of the time.
America is not afraid of the consequences of using Nuclear Weapons. They do not think that any nation would use nuclear weapons in retaliation. Nor do they believe that American cities might be affected. They are living in a dangerous and crazy illusion.
They WILL be used.
This event is often very uncomfortable and often results in open warfare, with the NEWEST and MOST DANGEROUS WEAPONS of the time.
The strife might take different forms and last for a period of time, but in all cases… the human group managed through merit and ability will overcome the civilization that has become complaisant, lazy and slothful.
The human group managed through merit and ability will overcome the civilization that has become complaisant, lazy and slothful. They take over and use the strongest and most powerful weapons available.
I used the Mongol takeover of Asia as an example, but the fall of America will be on a similar scale. It will not be sudden. It will not be uniform and homogeneous. But it will eventually be complete and the changes will be stunning.
I used the Mongol takeover of Asia as an example, but the fall of America will be on a similar scale. It will not be sudden. It will not be uniform and homogeneous. But it will eventually be complete and the changes will be stunning.
The world of the weak, corrupted, and confused will be purged, and a new world will manifest.
It will be reshaped by the strong.
It will be reshaped using the modern technologies of the time.
Human nature is such that communities form, thrive, expand, get lazy and then collapse. Other humans, often more skilled, with abilities, and positions through merit exploit the vulnerabilities of the older community.
To understand our future, you must understand our past.
And NEVER, ever think that the unthinkable could never happen. You will often be surprised with how evil, out of touch, or selfish humans can become. It is our very nature.
And NEVER, ever think that the unthinkable could never happen. You will often be surprised with how evil, out of touch, or selfish humans can become. It is our very nature.
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According to the “Fourth Turning”, the year of 2025 will be the point in time where a major “turning point” or crisis will occur. Historically that means a serious war on American soil.
As 100% of the previous fourth turnings were [1] deadly serious wars that [2] occurred on American soil. They also [3] used the most lethal technology, and military forces of the time.
This article embraces this historical fact and extrapolates possible scenarios out from it.
These are ugly, ugly scenarios and I personally hope that none of them come true.
A crisis event on American soil.
Deadly serious event that costs the lives of Americans and wrecks the economy.
Uses the most lethal technology of the time.
The ruling class has gone too far in accumulating the wealth of the nation through the capture of regulatory, political, financial, and communication structures. They know what is coming. They are not pretending that all is fine. They have their very own safe houses all set up far, far away from the strife that is barrelling down towards them.
As a review, for those of you who are oblivious what this is all about, the “Fourth Turning” is a theory that predicts social turmoil upon an 80 year cycle.
Social turmoil.
The possibility of social upheaval.
The possibility of a major HOT war during the crisis period.
The work was written around 1995, and EVERYTHING that was predicted has come to pass. This prediction also predicts for a major crisis event to take place in the 2025 time period +/- 2 years.
The article is about the “peak” of the Fourth Turning – A crisis period.
This article discusses a very specific event that takes place in the midst of the Fourth Turning. It is the “peak” or most dangerous time. It is known as the “crisis”.
If you want to read about the social upheavals and changes leading up to this crisis, you can read about it in another post. It opens up into a separate tab for your reading pleasure.
A nuclear nightmare.
Here, we talk about the “crisis” that will be the “big event” of this “Fourth Turning”. As such, and I am sorry to say, that there is a very strong likelihood that it will result in large-scale nuclear weapon detonations on American soil.
You read that correctly.
There is a strong likelihood that large-scale nuclear weapon(s) will be detonated on American soil around the Fourth Turning crisis event.
There are numerous reasons why I hold this belief. But the biggest, I suppose, is the pro-war faction in the United States government.
You see, the United States now believes that we should improve our nuclear warfare fighting capability so that we can use it.
After all, with all those proxy wars the United States is fighting now, (eight in total as of 2019) that we should be able to field and use nuclear weapons freely without worry of retaliation. (After all, what’s all this nonsense about going to battle against Turkey and “our allies” the Kurds?)
John Bolton, openly advocates a first-strike policy against nuclear-armed enemies, and the Pentagon, after decades of careful disarmament, wants to spend $1.2 trillion to upgrade its nuclear arsenal.
If you’ve felt a new shiver of nuclear fear over the past year, you’re not alone: The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved its “Doomsday Clock” to within two minutes of midnight — closer than it has been since the height of the Cold War.
- This Is What a Nuclear Bomb Looks Like
You see, according to the military and political planned deep within the bowels of Washington, America can use “low yield” tactical nuclear weapons on a sovereign foreign nation, and aside from some “political squawk”, nothing bad will come of it.
No one ever fights back. Right?
In December 2016, the US Defense Science Board – a semi-independent group that advises the Secretary of Defense – warned that “the nuclear threshold may be decreasing owing to the stated doctrines and weapons developments of some states.”
Therefore, the DSB recommended DOD should “provide many more options in stemming proliferation or escalation; and a more flexible nuclear enterprise that could produce, if needed, a rapid, tailored nuclear option for limited use should existing non-nuclear or nuclear options prove insufficient.” This would involve “lower yield, primary only options” for strategic warheads on long-range ballistic missiles.
- The Terrifying Nuclear War Game the US Shouldn't Play
Now along with this attitude, is the strong belief that if America fields “low yield” nuclear devices that it will NOT result in devastating nuclear retaliatory strikes. That is considered inconceivable, as “everyone knows” that the United States is the strongest and most powerful nation in the world.
There wouldn’t ever be any repercussions.
It’s inconceivable.
In the United States today is the strong belief that if America fields “low yield” nuclear devices that it will NOT result in devastating nuclear retaliatory strikes. That is considered inconceivable, as “everyone knows” that the United States is the strongest and most powerful nation in the world. No one would dare strike back.
America still thinks that it is the only dog in the barn-yard. But, you know, the rest of the farm animals are getting mightily tired of the dog bullying everyone around. Especially as the dog is getting old, has arthritis, and other problems. One day, another animal might just say that enough is enough.
America spent millions of dollars on NED, which actively went into China, into Hong Kong, on Chinese soil. They taught and trained the anti-government forces there. They taught them how to perform "soft violence" to provoke the mainland Chinese. They paid protestors, and gave them the skills to build bombs, and target maps and a strategy.
All of which was caught on video. With Trumps advisors caught on film (with a clear audio track) in the HK Marriot hotel explaining how to conduct the riots and how to destroy the subway stations. The Chinese have videos of the teaching and training classes for the insurgents, and the NED even has the gall to have their members on LinkedIN boasting about their involvement in HK.
China did nothing.
Though, if the roles were reversed, it would be a different story. If China sent advisors to train the BLM and Antifa on how to bomb bus stations, trains, airports and destroy all public transportation. And they were caught on film and broadcast on all the Conservative networks, with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity talking about it 24-7. It would be a catastrophic error in judgement. Don't you agree?
But China did nothing.
So America believes that it can go about launching all sorts of military, quasi and semi-para military operations all over the globe and no one will ever raise a finger to stop the empire expansionism.
(Limited Yield) Snow ball strike from the movie “A Christmas Story”.
It can be Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, the Ukraine. It can be anywhere from Venezuela to Turkey. No one will or can stop us. Right?
China will do nothing. Right?
Russia will do nothing. Right?
No one will fight back. Russia and China won’t ever work together against the USA. Right?
Ralph fights back against the schoolyard bully. The scene is from the 1980’s movie “A Christmas Story”.
The belief is that the US can launch a few “low yield” nuclear weapons and no nation would dare strike back. The USA can deploy Marines in Hong Kong or Taiwan, and China won’t do anything.
It’s inconceivable. Don’t you know.
I am not the only person that believes this. Read John Paul Roberts excellent article on the pre-nuclear holocaust preparations that America is currently engaged in.
Are You Ready To Die?
And since it would be inconceivable, the military and the United States government officials are today, far more likely and prone to using “safe”, “tactical” nuclear weapons to further their agendas.
And these are dangerous agendas.
These are agendas that are BLIND to the idea that the rest of the world might put it’s collective foot down and say “ENOUGH!”. And launch a retaliatory strike in full force, not only against the military forces on their territory, but rather at the American homeland, the American cities, and the American people who allowed these morons to get anywhere near nuclear launch codes.
This map should scare the living Dejesus out of you. It shows how Washington DC and the political establishment views the use of low-yield nuclear weapons against Asia in the assumption that no one would strike back.
I argue that if the United States, for what ever reason, launches and detonates any kind of nuclear weapon (low-yield, small backpack, tactical strike, or strategic nuclear), that there will be a FULL SCALE retaliatory response aimed at the Untied States.
Any use of nuclear weapons in Asia will result in the complete destruction of the United States.
This, I argue is the 2025 crisis what we should prepare for.
The second reality we have failed to understand is what a nuclear detonation and its aftermath would actually look like. In our imaginations, fueled by apocalyptic fictions like The Road and The Day After, the scale and speed of nuclear annihilation seem too vast and horrific to contemplate.
If nuclear war is considered “unthinkable,” that is in no small part because of our refusal to think about it with any clarity or specificity.
In the long run, the best deterrent to nuclear war may be to understand what a single nuclear bomb is capable of doing to, say, a city like New York — and to accept that the reality would be even worse than our fears.
- This Is What a Nuclear Bomb Looks Like
Most articles on the internet today, when discussing nuclear conflict on American soil, do so under the assumption that it would be a small “terrorist nuke”. A small nuclear weapon, roughly the size of the atomic bomb used against Japan in World War II.
I disagree, and this post does not cover that scenario.
And when American military planners contemplate the use of nuclear weapons it is along the lines of tailored tactical responses for set specific objectives. It’s always with “surgical” precision and “contained” destruction. Never taking into account the strong possibility of “unleashing the dogs of war” against us.
They never take into account that the rest of the world thinks of America as a big loud-mouth bully that one day will get it's comeuppance.
Here we consider a “slap back” response up to an all-out MAD-level (Mutually Assured Destruction) response to the United States. It assumes that we initiate the actions though our military use of “low yield” nuclear weapons in Asia. As such, we look at a large super-power unleashing modern large-capacity nuclear munitions, using hyper-glide technology against an unsuspecting America.
Though, at that, many basement computer nerds think that a nuclear war is winnable and not all that bad...
"Anukeisabigbomb, butnotthatbig. Mostof DC wouldsurvive, alotofradiationpoisoningthough, andasyoucanseefromtheoccasionalfloorshot, mostofourcongressisoutofthebuildingatleastandmostofthetime... "
We consider them releasing this onslaught within minutes after the USA detonates a”low yield” device in Asia. Which means, that nuclear detonations over coastal cities by SLBM MIRVs will detonate within minutes of launch.
Two minutes after the SLBM launches off the USA coast, the red lights will light up at NORAD and they will scramble to contact the American leadership. Five minutes later Washington will be erased from the surface of the globe.
Thus obliterating the leadership of America in one fell swoop.
These scenarios assume that the leadership in both Russia and China are not idiots. That they have anticipated the use by America of a tactical "low yield" nuclear weapon, and have positioned submarines and other systems for an immediate kill-level response that would detonate on American soil within minutes.
Perhaps, you the reader disagree. Maybe you think that the rest of the world are idiots, and only Americans are smart. Good for you. Then.
A quick reminder.
While the United States has been very busy funding conventional military operations around the globe, strategic nuclear missile forces have taken a back seat to the realities of global proxy wars without nuclear strike-back.
Once a missile launch is detected, I am comfortable knowing that it will be detected via satellite and the knowledge relayed to SAC HQ. That is…
…unless the Chinese and the Russian hunter-killer satellites don’t take them out.
Missile Combat Crew Commander, Capt. Kenny Gibaldo, (left) and 2nd Lt. John Butler, Deputy Crew Commander of the 320th Missile Squadron, simulate the launch of a Minuteman III using the REACT console in a Launch Control Capsule at Missile Alert Facility Hotel-1.
Five minutes is not enough time to react to nuclear destruction. Whether or not the United States strategic forces are aware of a launch means nothing when hyper-speed technology and delivery weapons are used.
According to the “Fourth Turning”, we can expect a major critical event to take place around 2025. As shown in the following illustration…
Here are the next few years before the Fourth Turning is expected to reach a crisis point. The astute reader should realize that the event is scheduled immediately after the 2024 election. Historically, this will mean that a progressive democrat will take over the Presidency. In that event, we can expect a full -on gun confiscation effort that would be the result of a mass-shooting event. Democrat presidents always have mass-shooting events in the first six months of their presidency. Then they unleash the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. The event that was supposed to really work this last time was the 2016 Los Vegas shooter, but of course it wasn’t Hillary Clinton at the Helm it was Donald Trump..
We should note that it immediately follows an election. An election that historically will follow the following features…
Typically a democrat is elected after an eight-year Republican presidency.
Democrats historically tend to get America into proxy wars or full scale wars as need be.
It is well known that Democrats love to drag America into wars.
On October 12, 2016 longtime Putin ally Vladimir Zhirinovsky openly threatened nuclear war if Hillary Clinton is elected, saying:
Americans voting for a president on Nov. 8 must realize that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump. But if they vote for Hillary it’s war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere.
I’m forced to remind myself that these are the same people who think that “inclusion” means shutting down free speech, who believe that the US should not have borders, who promote transsexual reading hours in the grammar schools, and who fiercely desire to start a war with Russia.
Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria is about as relevant to the life of the average American as Late Bronze Age incursions into Syria by the Hittite king Suppiuliuma I. But for days now, President Trump has been called a coward and a traitor—not only to his own country, but to the valiant Kurds, who as far as the left is concerned, might as well have fought with Washington at Yorktown.
Putin Bad: The Democrats Embrace Neoconservatism
Only the depleted discourse of an utterly bankrupt ruling class could construe support for endless war, expressed in the puddle-deep sentimentality of “muh Kurds,” as courageous, while opposition to the military-industrial complex and its misadventures is craven and worthy of the worst names that posterity can find.
The meltdown over the Syria crisis and the simultaneous Tulsi-Clinton dispute, have driven home the strange truth that the Democrats have become neocons.
While the Republican party remains split between a dissident, non-interventionist base and an increasingly illegitimate, out-of-touch neoconservative Old Guard, which after three years is still scrambling to defend its prestige in a “revolt” against Trump, the Democratic party is almost totally in the interventionist camp.
-American Greatness
Modern warfare is quite advanced, and involves all sorts of high-technology.
The world is evolving, and former isolated smaller nations are now aligning with strong super-power nations.
Every crisis, of the previous three “Fourth Turning” crisis’s has involved full-scale warfare on American soil.
With that in mind, I have taken the liberty to make some assumptions regarding the next crisis which is due to occur in 2025. These are my opinions, and please let it be well understood, that I do not wish any of this to occur.
There is no escape from the Fourth Turning.
The assumptions
The following assumptions have been made, even though there are a significant number of variables in play.
The 2024 election will result with a Democrat president. (A historical norm.)
The new president will implement all sorts of progressive initiatives. Many of which will result in higher taxes, more rules and regulations and gun confiscation. (Well. Duh!)
Unlike President Trump who wants to disengage the USA from foreign wars, proxy wars, and empire policing efforts, the democrat President will do the exact opposite and will resemble Presidents Obama and Bush Jr in that regard.
The Neocon donors to the democrats will demand further involvement in additional proxy wars. The democrats in power will oblige. (It’s the price you pay for all that cold-hard cash.)
American forays towards the next proxy war will not be an isolated event limited to a singular nations, but will involve an alliance with a major global super-power. (Surprise! and this fact alone will spell doom for many of the cherished beliefs that Americans hold so dearly.)
The super-powers involved might include either Russia, China, both and a consortium of numerous other interests.
The normal NED / CIA operations against a sovereign nation will be considered an act of war. (Or at the minimum a serious contributor.)
Nuclear weapons will be unleashed upon the United States.
Putin and Xi are essentially dictators who have no fear of elections. They are serious men in possession of nuclear missiles, capable of destroying the world. They are both serious, serious people. They are in their positions of power through merit. Not though mob rule. They will tolerate the CIA / NED interference with Hong Kong, and the Muslims only so far. There are however, absolutes that they will not tolerate. One of which is the use of “small” nuclear tactical weapons detonated on Asian soil. If the United States decides to push too hard, they WILL strike back… at American cities. IN FULL FUCKING FORCE.
There are various reasons why nuclear weapons would be used against America. But we will limit the reasons to the following;
To destroy the civilian population centers of America rendering it neutered to the effect so that internal civil strife can “eat it alive” unfettered by federal and state governments.
To provide a “double tap” to smash all and any technological, research and industry might that might oppose efforts elsewhere in the world.
To send the United States “back to the middle ages” to a point that it would not be able to recover as a viable nation for at least fifty years.
Welcome to 2025. It’s a truly scary scenario.
Nuclear War is no picnic
For those of you younger than 50 years old, here is a quick review about the dangers of a nuclear bomb. It is a nasty device, and if the blast and the light/heat doesn’t kill you, the poisonous radiation will.
In front of me is a strange amalgamation of '60s-era flip switches and modern digital display screens. It's the control console for launching an intercontinental ballistic missile or ICBM.
On an archaic display screen in the center of the console, three large letters blink in rapid succession. "EAM inbound," says my deputy commander and the second member of the launch crew. An emergency-action message is on its way, maybe from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, maybe from the Commander of U.S. Strategic Command, maybe even from the president. We both mechanically pull down our code books, thick binders swollen with pages of alpha-numeric sequences, and swiftly decipher the message.
After nearly four years of pulling ICBM-alert duty, this process is instinctive. I deliberately recite the encrypted characters to ensure my deputy is on the same page, literally and figuratively, as six short characters can effectively communicate a wealth of information through the use of special decoding binders. "Charlie, Echo, Seven, Quebec, Golf, Bravo, six characters ending in Bravo." My partner concurs, scribbling in his code book.
-Death Wears a Snuggie
Here’s an article talking about a very tiny-tiny suitcase nuke that a terrorist might create and detonate in the center of New York City. (It is difficult to find MAD scenarios on the internet.)
Near the center of the blast, the suffering and devastation most closely conform to the fictional apocalypse of our imaginations. This is what it would look like within a half-mile of Times Square: Few buildings would remain standing. Mountains of rubble would soar as high as 30 feet. As fires raged, smoke and ash would loft into the air. The New York Public Library’s stone guardians would be reduced to pebble and dust. Rockefeller Center would be an unrecognizable snarl of steel and concrete, its titanic statue of Prometheus — eight tons of bronze and plaster clad in gold — completely incinerated.
Within a half-mile radius of the blast, there would be few survivors. Those closest to the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki have described the horrors they witnessed: People with ripped sheets of skin hanging from their bodies; people whose brains were visible through their shattered skulls; people with holes for eyes. Sakue Shimohira watched her mother’s charred body crumble into ash as she tried to wake her. Shigeko Sasamori’s father cut off the blackened husk of skin all over her face, revealing pools of pus beneath.
As the fireball travels outward from the blast, people, buildings, and trees within a one-mile radius would be severely burned or charred. Metal, fabric, plastic, and clay would ignite, melt, or blister. The intense heat would set gas lines, fuel tanks, and power lines on fire, and an electromagnetic pulse created by the explosion would knock out most computers, cell phones, and communication towers within several miles.
Traveling much farther than the fireball, a colossal pressure wave would hurtle forth faster than the speed of sound, generating winds up to 500 miles per hour. The shock wave would demolish the flimsiest buildings and strip the walls and roofs off stronger structures, leaving only their naked and warped scaffolding. It would snap utility poles like toothpicks and rip through trees, fling people through the air, and turn brick, glass, wood, and metal into deadly projectiles. A blast in Times Square, combined with the fireball, would carve a crater 50 feet deep at the center of the explosion. The shock wave would reach a diameter of nearly 3.2 miles, shattering windows as far as Gramercy Park and the American Museum of Natural History.
All this would happen within a few seconds.
- This Is What a Nuclear Bomb Looks Like
Modern Nuclear Weapons
But we are not talking about small ultra-tiny portable nuclear weapons. We are also not talking about the same kinds of bombs that were dropped on Japan in 1945.
We are talking about something quite different.
We are talking about massive city-reduction weapons using high-technology and specifically designed ultra-lethal nuclear weapons. But not just “city reduction” weapons. These are massive weapons that will turn an entire State into a glassed-over desert.
Oct 26, 2016 · Russia unveils massive Satan 2 ICBM capable of destroying France or Texas in a single hit. Russia has moved to update its nuclear arsenal with an extreme-range, massive payload ICBM designed specifically to defeat anti-missile systems. Capable of traversing the planet's poles and blowing up Texas in one hit, meet the RS-28 Sarmat, or Satan 2.
- Cold war redux? Russia unveils massive Satan 2 ICBM
Yes, you read that right.
The Soviets have fielded full MIRV equipped ICBM’s armed with high-capability nuclear weapons capable of wiping out Texas in a single strike.
The damage of a single MIRV hype-glide RS-28 ‘Satan 2’ Russian nuclear weapon aimed at the center of Texas. The image is to scale. This is but one warhead in a missile that contains fifteen (x15) warheads.
People, this is serious business.
This is not MOAB, or “suitcase nuke”. This is a lance forged in Hell and would totally redefine the geography (not to mention the social, cultural, and physical) makeup of the United States.
Russia unveiled its new super-heavy, MIRV-equipped ICBM this week. The ‘Satan-2’ (that’s its NATO codename), has a reported throw-weight of 10,000kg, and can carry up to 15 separate warheads.
MIRV is an acronym that stands for Multiple Independently targeted Reentry Vehicles. MIRV-equipped missiles can deliver multiple nuclear weapons to a single target area, or blanket a large area with separate detonations.
Historically, MIRVs have been seen as potentially destabilizing because they give a decisive advantage to the country that can strike first and eliminate its opponent’s land-based missile silos.
The stats on the RS-28 demonstrate this is a missile that means business, and media outlets controlled by the Russian government have stated that a single missile is large enough to destroy Texas or France.
We could quibble with the definition of “destroy,” but we won’t — any time a government drops 50MT of nuclear weapons on you, you’re going to have a really bad day.
- Russia unveils its new class of RS-28 ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missiles
Russia would launch it’s ICBM that has the technology to avoid ABM technology. Then it would launch individual warheads, each aimed at a specific city. To the people on the ground it would look like this with lines of fire streaking from the sky towards the cities nearby.
Lead ups
Now, back to the Fourth Turning.
Keep in mind that the United States will be in the midst of a great “unraveling”. It will seem like it is teetering and tottering out of control. And well, it will be.
For ten years leading up to the 2025 event, the United States will be in the middle of social and political upheaval.
2015 through to 2025
As crazy as everything seems under a Donald Trump presidency in 2019, now imagine that same level of craziness, except that a radical progressive Marxist democrat is in office, with full support of the mainstream press, the judicial branch, the agencies, and the military. The domestic scene in the United States will be unbearable for most of the nation.
Again, this scenario predicts a democrat president in 2024. Thus, prior to any international activity, the United States would be quite busy involved in converting America into a progressive democrat Marxist “utopia”.
Something along the lines of maybe…
Cambodia under Pol Pot.
China under Mr. Mao.
The Soviet Union under Stalin.
Cuba under Fidel Castro.
You know, socialist utopias following the traditional model. Though, not everyone will be on board with this vision, and thus civil strife will start to manifest. America, already a police state, would become a very contentious place to live.
Hard line gun disarmament will be under-weigh as well as other progressive initiatives (which were well planned, just “waiting in the wings” since 2014.)
After every high-profile shooting in America, Leftists immediately, and predictably, begin their calls for gun control. With the measured constraint and careful consideration of Bill Clinton in the Champagne Room at Fuzzy Holes Gentlemen’s Club in Little Rock, they self-righteously and repeatedly demand that we “do something!”
You can probably list some of the meaningless blather they shout at us reflexively, such as “If not now, when?,” “The NRA has blood on its hands!,” “Nobody needs an assault rifle to shoot a deer!,” and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Despite all their hysterical nonsense, they usually have enough presence of mind to also say, because they have been trained to so do, that “nobody wants to confiscate your guns,” or “no one is talking about banning guns.” If you’re really lucky you’ll hear one of these would-be authoritarians say the following (and this is my personal favorite): “I support the Second Amendment, BUT…”
The disruptions would tend to get ugly, and when domestic squabbles get too clamorous, a democrat presidential solution is always to bring America into another war.
He’s making a point here. Ten years ago we were told that these 50 troops would be there for 30 days, and we’re still there. And you know what is amazing is that you have the American left, which ostensibly opposes all use of the military. They actually don’t.
Democrat leaders don’t. They’re in on this game like everybody else. Just like they are the original segregationists but have gotten away with not being seen that way.
They are huge warmongers.
They profit incredibly from it.
Their public position is anti-war. Their public position is anti-military. But look at all the political donations they get from — they supposedly hate Wall Street. They supposedly hate the big banks because the big banks screw the average little guy, American consumer.
Yet look where all their donations come from. The big banks, Wall Street, military industrial contractors and so forth. A gigantic scam.
-Rush Limbaugh
At some point in time, I predict early on in the first year of the 2024 democrat president, the following events will transpire…
A mass-shooting event (within the first six months) followed by massive gun disarming efforts. There will be zero efforts to maintain any legal constitutionality in this matter.
This is as predictable as the Epstein death in prison. Everyone knew that he was going to be killed, and that any "investigation" would go nowhere.
A rapid mainstream press war stance against a super-power or an ally of a superpower. This will be in the first year.
One or two “international incidents” which will serve as an excuse to deploy troops.
The rush into yet another proxy war is hard to predict. However it is likely that no time will be wasted in this effort.
“Hours after the bombs go off in cities, these fires continue to build up and they create firestorms that feed on themselves. They get so hot that everything in the city becomes fuel for its own destruction. The energy released becomes much greater than the weapon itself,” Dr. Mills explained, drawing parallels to the way fire consumed the city of Dresden during the World War II.
From each of these 100 detonations, massive firestorms would engulf whole cities and churn five million tons of black carbon into the stratosphere.
Oh and make no mistake, the democrats greatly want another proxy war, and they are not getting it under Trump. But once he’s out of the picture, it will be business as usual.
…They think.
"In leading Australia China Business Council for a decade, I saw first hand China's primary and dominant focus is internal - on the welfare of its people, on the betterment of their lives, not on global conquest - as cold war apologists would have us believe. And it has delivered in spades, bringing 850 million of its people out of poverty at the same time as fueling global growth.
It is the United States that has 800 overseas military posts when China has just 1. It is the United States that is threatening to "totally destroy and obliterate" Turkey. It is the United States that is funding disruption in HK. It is the United States that created the fiction of weapons of mass destruction.
Australians need to see beyond the US strategies to extend its global hegemony at any cost and focus on the reality of Chinese history and engagement."
-Duncan Calder
This post describes the scenarios when the aligned super-powers decide to snap-back at the United States.
For, the rest of the world is "de-coupling" from the United States and forging strong relationships with Asian nations instead.
The mainstream American media is not reporting on this trend, and Americans are now oblivious at how badly they are perceived, and how out of touch with the rest of the world they are becoming.
There are four scenarios.
Limited Strike. A “warning shot”. A do not mess with us, warning in bright flash technicolor. This situation is one in which America might still be able to retain a kind of national sovereignty.
A controlled, and yet limited nuclear strike. A “friendly” slap in the face warning to stop all war-like action or face obliteration. All major cities will be crippled beyond repair. Local authorities would take over and the Federal government would be hardly functional at all. Most of America will revert to a time before the Internet, and would consider themselves lucky to have clean water, and electricity that works once or twice a week.
A nuclear response. This is a “slap back” nuclear response on American soil, if America decides to unleash nuclear weapons in any proxy nation. This is the best-scenario version or the most probable outcome. If America is lucky, it might resemble a radioactive North Korea with a Democrat President declaring himself Marxist utopia ruler for life.
The Fuck-you Response. This is the “double tap” nuclear response that is intended to send America back to the dark ages. It is designed to allow for the indigenous peoples outside of the cities to balkanize America into smaller, easier to manage third-world “shit holes”. An America after this strike would look like Somalia on a bad day. If America is lucky and fortunate, America would fracture into tiny “third world” nations with would require 75 years to even begin to negotiate on the global table.
Knowing what I know, I would say that the probability of response to be around 80% the “Fuck You” response, and about a 10% chance for the “Nuclear response” and the “Limited Strike” responses respectively.
I argue this based on what i know about democrat presidents. They make decisions based on emotion, not reason. The other nations realize this.
On October 12, 2016 longtime Putin ally Vladimir Zhirinovsky openly threatened nuclear war if Hillary Clinton is elected, saying:
Americans voting for a president on Nov. 8 must realize that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump. But if they vote for Hillary it’s war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere.
Why Russia?
While China or other nations might be the target of American proxy wars towards distraction. There are two elements here that are coming to the forefront. It’s all very simple really.
The election of 2024 will be a Democrat President. (This is a historical norm.)
Since 2016, the Democrat narrative has been “Russia! Russia! Russia!
Democrats tend to start large wars, historically speaking.
While it is obvious to everyone that it’s all a concocted narrative aimed at defeating Donald trump and the conservatives, there is no evidence that this narrative is dissipating. Thus, we can expect that the narrative will “take on legs of it’s own” and start to “walk”. This would be dangerous with the rabid ultra-progressive wing demanding that the USA “do something” about Russia.
And what is the government going to do?
More likely than not a movement of military forces, and subversive NED / NID activity internally. This alone will be enough to trigger a nuclear conflagration.
I argue, and it seems more likely to me, that the Russians are already seeing this scenario in their future, and the moment a military event (troop movement, weapons detonation, or nuclear launch) on their territory, you can expect a Russian response. And, I dare say, Russia will not wait and then react. They will have a plan in place and actions to take.
Automatic full-scale nuclear detonations the very second that the USA tries anything. There will not be a gradual phase-in and tit-for-tat activities. I’m telling you, the Russian reaction will be the pincer event for the rest of the world – a world absolutely fatigued of American arrogance and bellicosity.
Russia will strike first, and will do so in a way that the entire American leadership will be taken out within minutes.
Some notes on the nuclear detonations
This study does not assume one nuclear warhead per city.
Here, the assumption is city devastation by clusters of 1 MT to 5 MT nuclear payloads. These payloads are delivered in clusters of targeted strikes. The clusters are to spread the glassed-over devastation over a wider area, and render nearby areas uninhabitable for centuries.
It assumes groups of three or more nuclear warheads (1 MT) targeted to obliterate specific urban areas completely. The idea is to eviscerate entire swaths of infrastructure and render the population poisoned and unable to recover. Which is the expected norm with both Russia and China.
Los Angles under the effects of a trio of three high-density, high-magnitude one megaton nuclear hydrogen bombs detonated in such a way as to render the entire real-estate worthless for centuries to come. Black represents completely flattened area with glassed surfaces. The grey area represents complete radioactive and reduced rubble and debris that resembles the moons surface. All other areas will be poisoned by radiation, knocked flat by the impact of the wind, burned to a crisp by the raging fires, and completely uninhabitable.
Now, you can easily see on the map above that the use of one megaton nuclear weapon, in a cluster of three such warheads, would devastate a large city like Los Angles. The thing is, that most of the weapons used by superpowers are not that small. They are, instead, much larger.
The SLBM R-29RM carries six smaller 500 kilaton nuclear warheads (1/2 a megaton).
In the following scenarios, we will assume small SLBM launched by submarines. Each target shown would be a cluster of three 500KT to 1MT nuclear detonation.
These scenarios are based on Typhoon "boomer" submarines (Project 941 Akula) launching SLBM R-29RM SLBM armed with six 500 kiloton nuclear munitions aimed at two cities per missile (three warheads per city).
For example, one Typhoon "boomer" would launch 20 R-39 (NATO: SS-N-20) ballistic missiles. Each missile could target two cities, with three nuclear warheads each. Thus one sub could totally and completely destroy 40 cities; launching 120 nuclear 500KT nuclear weapons.
Let’s look into these responses in detail.
[1] Limited Strike.
Here we have a limited strike.
Note, for purposes of simplicity, I refer to a “single warhead” as a single target of three smaller low-yield nuclear weapon detonations. The maps can be used to assume a single warhead in the 10 megaton range, if you would prefer.
Comparative weapons sizes and footprints. The images in read are the tiny nuclear weapons the the United States used to end the war with Japan. The large weapon on the right is the size that is fielded by the Russians in their RS-28 Satan 2 MIRV ICBMs.
This is the scenario that most Americans assume would be the worst possible scenario that America might need to confront.
Of course, most neocons believe that this will never happen, but if you ask them in private, they would grudgingly admit that a nuclear “strike back” option is possible. But that the damage and causalities could be contained, and at most less than a few million Americans dead.
“Just” a few hundred million dead. It’s a “win – win”.
It’s a win – win!
I personally consider this scenario to be the least likely scenario. Though it is considered to be the most realistic worst-case nuclear scenario by the military “experts” in the Washington “think tanks”.
Limited Strike. A “warning shot”. A do not mess with us, warning in bright flash technicolor. This situation is one in which America might still be able to retain a kind of national sovereignty. This is the result from one Russian “boomer” only firing half of it’s payload. You know, to control the situation and prevent escalation.
This scenario would devastate the American industry, the stock exchange, the value of the USA dollar, and rock the government to it’s core. It will also result in a full mobilization of the United State military for a global war footing. No one wants this.
Well, almost no one.
This scenario allows the United States to be able to launch a counter strike. Thus, it is very unlikely that any nation would want the Untied States to be able to retaliate from a nuclear strike.
The thing about this scenario is that it is recoverable. Within five to ten years the United States could recover and continue with “business as usual”.
Personally I found the creepiest parts to be the ones in the aftermath where the struggling survivors have to contend with a government that pathetically and menacingly still sees itself as ruling something — particularly the bit where soldiers gun down a farmer who resists their “taxing” his meager crops.
- Umbriel from The Day After traumatized a generation with the horrors of nuclear war
The problems that I have with this scenario is that…
America is able to recover from it and continue “business as usual”.
America would still be able to launch a nuclear counter-strike.
[2] A controlled, and yet limited nuclear strike.
This scenario is a larger response to the previous scenario.
It describes a nuclear exchange that has the intention of reducing the United States to a third world nation.
This is the the kind of scenario that has been portrayed in fictional Hollywood movies like "In dawns early light". It's a fictional scenario. Do not ever think that Hollywood represents reality. It doesn't.
We still live in a world where there are thousands of nukes here in the US and thousands more overseas. And all it takes is one of those falling into the wrong hands to ruin everyone’s day. We should never assume that a small tactical nuke would not initiate full-scale MAD-level destruction of the United States.
This nuclear exchange renders all government and social programs neutral.
It zeros all government outlays, and thus risks severe public out-lash from the urban folk that live off the government handouts. It also renders the stock market, financial markets, and industrial base into squashed pablum.
A controlled, and yet limited nuclear strike. A “friendly” slap in the face warning to stop all war-like action or face obliteration. Most of America will revert to a time before the Internet, and would consider themselves lucky to have clean water, and electricity that works once or twice a week.
An America that survives this attack would still have a very difficult time fighting any kind of global war. Many troops would need to be recalled as their support network of supplies would be rendered inert.
Any overseas military operations would be terribly exposed and subject to capture and destruction.
This scenario would cause America to retract it’s global empire building efforts and concentrate on repairing the American infrastructure. This scenario will result in a 25 year long retardation in the global world stage.
This scenario would cause America to retract it’s global empire building efforts and concentrate on repairing the American infrastructure. This scenario will result in a 25 year long retardation in the global world stage.
For this reason alone, this scenario is attractive to the rest of the world.
[3] A nuclear response.
This scenario is what might possibly happen when American armed military forces are employed in attacking a nation strongly in line with one of the global super-powers. This is a very ugly and nasty scenario.
This scenario is what would happen if the United States were to employ or dispatch American troops onto the soil of either Russia or China. It would be the result if American troops were to set foot on Taiwan. It would be what would happen if a “low yield” nuclear weapon were detonated anywhere in Asia.
This scenario is what would happen if the United States were to employ or dispatch American troops onto the soil of either Russia or China. It would be the result if American troops were to set foot on Taiwan. It would be what would happen if a "low yield" nuclear weapon were detonated anywhere in Asia.
It is what would happen if the United States launches a "low yield" nuclear weapon in Iran.
This response is a truly nasty response.
After the strike, or more likely, the numerous strikes the United States will no longer be functional. Any government that exists will hardly be functional. Only the state governments will exist, and they will enact strong levels of independence from the Federal government.
The entire East and West coast turns to desolate glass covered wasteland. The uneducated migrant folk from the South American nations then march up into the United States and start claiming territory as their own.
The American government is rendered inert.
A nuclear response. This is a “slap back” nuclear response on American soil, if America decides to unleash nuclear weapons in any proxy nation. If America is lucky, it might resemble North Korea with a Democrat President declaring himself Marxist utopia ruler for life.
After the strike, or more likely, the numerous strikes the United States will no longer be functional. Any government that exists will hardly be functional. Only the state governments will exist, and they will enact strong levels of independence from the Federal government.
After the strike, or more likely, the numerous strikes the United States will no longer be functional. Any government that exists will hardly be functional. Only the state governments will exist, and they will enact strong levels of independence from the Federal government.
If a federal government were still to exist, it would probably operate out of the Courthouses of West Virginia. And have little to no authority.
[4a] The Fuck-you Response.
This is a “lite” version of the “Fuck You” response. For, I personally believe that if we piss off the wrong nation, that they will come for America and flush it right down into the sewer. They don’t FUCKING CARE.
This is a “lite” version of the “Fuck You” response. For, I personally believe that if we piss off the wrong nation, that they will come for America and flush it right down into the sewer. They don’t FUCKING CARE.
Wake the Fuck up!
Now for the last fifty years America has been pushing “democracy” as the reason for the imperial expansion. But it’s all a lie, and while many Americans might believe in it, the rest of the world does not.
They do not like it.
They just bide their time, and when the opportunity comes, they will bitch slap American in a most violent method.
But let me warn the reader about this. Of all the scenarios, including this one, there is a strong possibility that the nuclear exchange could be much, much worse. It could be global and turn all of the earth into a real cesspool. It could look a lot like this.
America can only keep fighting all those proxy wars so long before there is some serious kick-back.
Yes. And when it comes to a nuclear equipped nation, they will not have the same kind of political restraints that Americans might not accept. DO NOT ASSUME THAT THE REST OF THE WORLD THINKS LIKE AMERICANS.
They do not.
The Fuck-you Response. This is the “double tap” nuclear response that is intended to send America back to the dark ages. It is designed to allow for the indigenous peoples outside of the cities to balkanize America into smaller, easier to manage third-world “shit holes”. An America after this strike would look like Somalia on a bad day.
This is a very bad scenario.
And would in fact, be what I would assume would happen within minutes of the United States entry into Asia of either physical troops, or a nuclear weapon of any size.
This scenario, as awful as it is, is only the first part of a full devastating strike. This scenario consists of three parts.
Knock out of all military satellites.
SLBM launch, five minutes to target and complete devastation of American coastal cities, and much of America’s nuclear deterrent capability. Followed by…
ICBM launch. (No more than) Thirty minutes to target and complete obliteration of all America.
So, that image; that map shown above is only the first “punch” of a two-part KO punch. Now, we discuss the second part…
[4b] The second part of the Fuck-You response.
Now, if this scenario were to manifest, I dare say that the RS-28 Satan 2 ICBM’s and MIRVs would be called into service. As a result, it is quite possible that the United States might look something like this “love tap” scenario.
Russia has fielded a “super-nuke” nuclear ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) called the RS-28 Sarmat Satan 2 AND a nuclear-capable hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) called “object 4202“. Satan 2 can reportedly destroy and area the size of France or Texas in one strike. Wow. The Russian HGV is designed specifically to be able to evade European and U.S. strategic missile defense systems, and up to three HGV’s can be carries inside the same Russian RS-28 Sarmat ICBM that does double duty as Satan 2.
Here, we have the [4] Fuck You scenario broken down into two parts. The first is SLBM launches within five minutes of USA detonation of low yield nuclear weapons in Asia. Followed up with this punishing scenario.
But let me warn the reader about this. Of all the scenarios, including this one, there is a strong possibility that the nuclear exchange could be much, much worse. It could be global and turn all of the earth into a real cesspool. It could look a lot like this.
The Day After becomes a genuine horror film as its characters begin to succumb to radiation poisoning, their hair and teeth falling out as they shamble through scorched fields strewn with bloated animal corpses and dead family dogs, swarming with flies.
Befitting the deathly pallor, Meyer imbues these scenes with classically gothic imagery: a bell struck by an unseen hand wielding a brick summons survivors from the crypts of their shelters; a lighthearted conversation between Robards and Williams is interrupted by a bandaged woman sitting up into frame and shrieking; a preacher gives a sermon inside the crater of a church, a burned crucifix dangling behind him; a young woman sitting in the pews begins suddenly bleeding from between her legs into her white dress.
A bit heavy-handed, maybe—but then, there’s nothing subtle about apocalypse. And as the end title card reminds us, even this grisly depiction is still “in all likelihood, less severe than the destruction that would actually occur,”.
- The Day After traumatized a generation with the horrors of nuclear war
In this most horrible scenario, you would be lucky to die in the first few strikes. No one would want to live in the United States after this exchange.
And it would truly be horrible.
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
-Einstein (Paraphrased.)
Just look at this map, and this map (I must add) is not nearly as bad as what a pissed-off Russian would do.
The is the Hell Scenario using a combination of Satan ICBM and MIRV’s targeting American cities, social, infrastructure, and society, after a crippling blow sequence via SLBM nuclear weapons.
Yes. This is our possible future, post 2025.
Like the scene where Cullum’s farmer is given the laughable, FEMA-sourced advice to just “scrape off” his irradiated topsoil, it’s in moments like these that The Day After’s actual—and again, sadly relevant—message makes itself known: Should we be hit with nuclear missiles, no one will really know what to do about it. Hell, if it happens sooner rather than later, we won’t even have the cold comfort of a president who can offer up some eloquently empty words.
That’s why, watching it today, the most chilling aspect of The Day After isn’t the bombs, or their grisly aftermath. It’s all the scenes leading up to it, as people go about their lives with snatches of news broadcasts overheard—and ignored—in the background reporting on some tense, but relatively minute skirmish in Berlin. Even Lithgow’s politically informed, astutely cynical intellectual laughs off the idea of escalation, saying he has symphony tickets. The soldiers stationed around Lawrence’s missile silo joke about nuclear war infringing on their weekend fishing plans. Robards’ wife sees an alarmist special bulletin, moans, and says she just wants to go to bed. Even as the world teeters on the edge, Robards pauses to ask, to no one in particular, “Do you understand any of this?” Throughout, the threat of cataclysmic war remains a distant, inscrutable, headache-inducing hum, something to be switched off as soon as it becomes too complicated to follow. If it were made today, you could easily cut in shots of people paging listlessly through Twitter.
- The Day After traumatized a generation with the horrors of nuclear war
I know that the reader cannot control the ideas, and the passions of the oligarchy that is aligned with the Marxist democrats in power, However, the reader should be aware that after 2025 +/- 2 years, the entire globe could completely change. With America reverting to a radioactive bronze-age existence.
It is with this sad, sad warning that I leave the reader.
The moment a nuclear bomb detonates, several forms of nuclear radiation instantly permeate the environment. As this pulse of radiation surges through the bodies of everyone who is outside, or in weakly insulated buildings, it wreaks biological havoc at the molecular level. By altering the structure of key cellular machinery and injuring DNA, the radiation impairs the ability of cells to replicate and repair themselves. A ground detonation of a ten-kiloton bomb in Times Square would subject everyone between Murray Hill and Hell’s Kitchen, and from 32nd Street to the bottom of Central Park, to a potentially lethal dose of radiation.
Within minutes to hours, most people exposed in these areas would begin to show signs of acute radiation syndrome: nausea, headache, dizziness, and vomiting. After several days to two weeks, new symptoms would emerge: diarrhea, hair loss, fever, seizures, and bleeding in the mouth and under the skin, which sometimes creates purple blotches on the body. In the most severe cases, people would become emaciated, delirious, and incapacitated. Most people with radiation sickness will die for one of two reasons: because they no longer have enough immune cells to fight off microbial infections, or because their digestive system is too damaged to function properly.
The radiation released instantaneously by an explosion is only a prelude to a much more insidious and long-lived threat. Immediately after the blast, a huge fireball would rise swiftly through the air and begin to condense into a mushroom cloud, tinted red at first, then white. A strong updraft and inflowing winds would suck soil and debris, already bonded with radioactive particles released by the explosion, into the cloud. Within 15 minutes, a portion of this radioactive dust — mostly grains the size of salt or sand — would begin to fall directly on the city. Within a day, some survivors exposed to the dust would begin to experience itching and burning sensations; within two to three weeks, lesions would begin to appear. Fallout that is inhaled or swallowed, or that enters the body through a wound, would be even more dangerous: It exposes internal organs to a continuous source of nuclear radiation, damaging tissue in the same way as the initial pulse of radiation from the explosion itself.
- This Is What a Nuclear Bomb Looks Like
Nuclear notes & Conclusion
Nuclear war will devastate America for centuries.
If America is lucky, yes if it is lucky, America might revert to horse and buggy carriages as the primary means of conveyance. Medical treatments can revert as well. Leaving other nations first world status while America is marked on the map as “Keep Out – Dangerous”.
We do not know what the future holds, but here I try to look at what might manifest, given the historical norms with American politics. Given the historical norms, nuclear war is highly likely no matter what the politicians might pontificate.
I pray that this does not happen, but as time moves forward, it is becoming more and more likely each and every day. Most of the oligarchy that exists today has no idea of just how dark and black things can get.
They have raised the stakes of human existence sky-high, and when things tumble, they will crash with a thunderous roar.
“We need to fight for democracy around the world, and use force as necessary to spread the joys of freedom!”
They are oblivious and do not care. And at that, we can guarantee that nuclear Armageddon will most certainly destroy America.
They are oblivious and do not care. And at that, we can guarantee that nuclear Armageddon will most certainly destroy America.
Not Convinced?
For decades, the United States has taken China’s ballistic missile capability for granted, assessing it as a low-capability force with limited regional impact and virtually no strategic value. But on October 1, 2019 during a massive military parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Beijing put the U.S., and the world, on notice that this assessment was no longer valid.
One of the nations keenly observing the impact of the American RMA in the Persian Gulf was China. Chinese military theorists studied how Marshall adapted Ogarkov’s theories into an American version of RMA, and responded with a Chinese adaptation, developing weapons specifically intended to overcome American superiority in critical areas.
In one fell swoop, China may have nullified America’s strategic nuclear deterrent, the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and U.S. missile defense capability. Through its impressive display of new weapons systems, China has underscored the reality that while the United States has spent the last two decades squandering trillions of dollars fighting insurgents in the Middle East, Beijing was singularly focused on overcoming American military superiority in the Pacific. If the capabilities of these new weapons are taken at face value, China will have succeeded on this front…
One of the nations keenly observing the impact of the American RMA in the Persian Gulf was China. Chinese military theorists studied how Marshall adapted Ogarkov’s theories into an American version of RMA, and responded with a Chinese adaptation, developing weapons specifically intended to overcome American superiority in critical areas.
These weapons became known as “shashoujian,” or “the Assassin’s Mac,” derived from the traditional Chinese way of describing a weapon of surprising power. “A shashoujian,” a contemporary Chinese military journal notes, “is a weapon that has an enormous terrifying effect on the enemy and that can produce an enormous destructive assault.” More importantly, the modern Chinese concept of shashoujian envisions not a single weapon, but rather a system of weapons that combine to produce the desired effect.
There’s more…
Enter the DF-41, China’s ultimate shashoujian weapon. A three-stage, road-mobile ICBM equipped with between six and 10 multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) warheads, the DF-41 provides China with a nuclear deterrent capable of surviving an American nuclear first strike and delivering a nation-killing blow to the United States in retaliation. The DF-41 is a strategic game changer, allowing China to embrace the mutual assured destruction (MAD) nuclear deterrence posture previously the sole purview of the United States and Russia.
In doing so, China has gained the strategic advantage over the U.S. when it comes to competing power projection in the Pacific. Possessing a virtually unstoppable A2/AD capability, Beijing is well positioned to push back aggressively against U.S. maritime power projection in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Straits.
For decades, the United States has taken China’s ballistic missile capability for granted, assessing it as a low-capability force with limited regional impact and virtually no strategic value. But on October 1, during a massive military parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Beijing put the U.S., and the world, on notice that this assessment was no longer valid.
Words from a time traveler
There’s a fellow by the name of John Titor that claimed to be from a future where scenario 4a & 4b took place. What he had to say was very interesting. Believe it or not. But it’s an interesting read.
This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
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Contrary to what the reader might be aware, “prepping” for a national disaster or upheaval is not a wholly American phenomenon. It is a global one, and it is something that has been practiced by various people time and time again, over the years. Here, in this article, we look at examples of what happened to other “preppers” when their nation underwent a period of upheaval.
Here we discuss how prepping (historically) helped out these people to avoid or reduce the amount of stress and turmoil during national turmoil.
Specifically, we will concentrate on political, social, and genocidal upheavals. Prepping to prepare for natural emergencies is pretty much well understood, and accepted, as a desirable and important part and responsibly of the family elders.
Thus, this article focuses on prepping for societal change.
The classifications of “political” prepping
For our purposes, we will refer to any prepping associated with a government, or a social upheaval as “political prepping”. You can refer to it by other names as you wish. You can call it “prepping as a hedge against an aggressive government outreach”, or perhaps “defensive prepping”.
Which means, in short, that the need to prepare for societal change is directly related your government’s behavior. Or, in other words, to the actions of one’s government or the members in the local society where you may live.
Here, we look at the purposes of prepping in this situation, and what the likelihood of success and survival may be. The purposes, or the reasons why someone may set up a prepper situation can be classified as…
“Buying time” to enable one’s family to escape from a conflict zone. These preppers “bug out” with the objective of moving to a safer place or a safer region. This is also known as a”safe house”. These preppers cling on to the “normalcy” vector. They hope that they can keep working on their day to day lifestyle, without interruption.
“Ride out the storm“. Long duration defense of one’s property and family in a fixed, stable location. This is the “traditional prepper” lifestyle, and the one most people associate with prepping.
“Fluidic survival“. The ability to float with your family in a general region in safety, but not be tied down to any fixed hard defensive location.
“Militia Membership“. Being part of a much larger group that in cooperation, defends a community, farms and region from outsiders.
“Hobbyist prepper” . A person who thinks that they are prepared for a SHTF event solely by reading, setting aside some provisions, and the purchase of some land in an isolated geographic location.
“Life Boat prepper“. This is what I did. Long before the start of any SHTF event, I figured to locating a safe haven way outside the USA. Then I relocated my entire life there. The key here is that this type of prepping occurs long before the rest of society catches on that “storm clouds” might be a brewing.
We will look at each one and compare the historical chances of success and endurance.
Buying Time
Firstly, let's look at the "buying time" option. Here, the prepper waits until the last possible moment and then bugs out.
I argue that if there is any possibility of a SHTF event, then you should immediately scram. Do not wait until your being shot at by some militia in your company parking lot.
workers, with their company name badges, in the parking lot of their
employer. Two dead and one dying with his legs shot off. He and his
co-workers had no idea that “world war III” would break out while they
were trying to clock in at work. When one group of people identify
another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only
escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do
not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There
are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack
conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive
Here, the prepper family realizes that SHTF and a situation is taking place. They may or may not have prepared a “safe house” or secure location outside of the conflict zone. What they need to do, and the sole and entire purpose of all their prepping activity is to create a safe avenue for egress outside of the conflict “hot zone”.
Truthfully, their personal use of situational intelligence caused them to be in the “hot seat”. They ignored the signs. They relied on everything continuing to be “normal”, instead of getting ready for abnormal events.
Often the father, or family head, would be slapping his forehead asking “why didn’t I leave earlier, I should have known better”!
Yeah, yeah. But that’s not really true. Genocides, democides and Policides, are always sprung on an unsuspecting populace. There are few things that a person can do to prepare, short of leaving the country and setting up a second home in a peaceful and tranquil country.
The living room with it’s new occupants after the Bosnian war was over. This is what the owners of the house found when they returned after bugging out at the start of the conflict.
These kinds of preppers should have a [1] bug-out bag, [2] a “safe house”, and [3] escape plan to leave their normal home and make it to the safe house in safety, avoiding crowds, the police, and opposition forces.
The "bug out bag" could very well be a backpack, or bag. But, it just as well be a large roomy trunk in a vehicle with extra cans of gasoline. The "bug out bag" must be specifically tailored for the mission; going from point "A" to your "safe house" destination.
They should also have studied the most basic prepping skills.
Not for a nuclear exchange or zombie attack, but for basic survival in a “scram and bug out” situation. Again, you need to be trained and ready to specifically the situation and scenario that you are prepping for.
The lesson: you have more to fear and are more likely to die from common, localized events than massive, spectacular catastrophes. Train and prepare accordingly.
First-aid skills, driving skills, empty hand-based self-defense. Those should be your trifecta starting out, considering you are far more likely to need to heal than harm, you are far more likely to need to dodge a drunk driver than a zombie, and you are far more likely to need to go hands on with someone than shoot them.
- 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started to Prep
The biggest problems that these “bug-out preppers” have to deal with are [1] crowds, [2] lack of reliable routes and transportation, and [3] roving bands of opposition forces. In a social upheaval situation, your biggest problem will be other people.
Also, please note. It is always assumed that they did their proper homework and the “safe house” is truly safe and secure.
During civil wars, and genocides, the local government will go house to house and collect people. They will separate the men from the women, and often they would be taken to bad situations. With rape and sexual slavery for the women, and death for the men. Do not allow yourself to be collected and taken to a “safe area”. Photo is from the Bosnian genocide. Collected men being led to a “holding area”. Most of them died there.
Remember; A "safe area" is one that is "safe" for your captors. Not "safe" for you.
In this prepping scenario, there is a direct link between knowing that the situation is actually SHTF, and when to actually “Bug Out”. The smarter preppers would scram as soon as the “trip wires” of SHTF are activated.
Some “trip wires”;
Roving bands of militia.
Outsiders investigating your property.
Police conducting house to house searches.
The sight of a dead person.
A house or building on fire with no firemen responding to it.
Open looting.
Favorite or often used websites down or seized.
Police standing down, or retreating to defense positions.
Blocked roads – due to accidents, natural events, or erosion.
Blocked roads – due to police check points.
Blocked roads – due to militia or armed groups, or bandits.
Sounds of gun fire, especially full automatic fire.
Bombings of buildings in the local region.
Internet, cell phone, or electricity outages.
Supermarkets and stores running out of food.
Farms not being harvested in time.
Friends, associates, and family all confused.
Local hospitals being short on staff.
Airport closed or protected by armed forces.
Organized convoys of any type.
Advice from loved ones.
Activation of the National Guard.
Close friends and families leaving the area.
Implementation of “special protection measures”, laws, or executive orders.
People in the open carrying firearms.
Groups of roving youth / young adults with firearms.
The sight of someone hung.
A state of “emergency” declared.
Being instructed to move to a FEMA camp.
Rumors of bad things happening.
Phone calls, emails of messages from concerned loved ones.
Everyone is different, and every region and situation is different.
However, the “bug-out prepper” should know what “trip wires” to watch out for, and to pack up and scram when the situation goes “hot”. I would suggest any three within a one week time period and you should recognize that you need to scram big time.
The “bug out prepper” will avoid crowds and main roads. They will take the well planned “safe route” to their destination, the “safe house”.
The “bug out” prepper would take the safe and secure back roads, and avoid people and crowds as much as possible. They would travel in isolation. Hide as much as possible. Keep fires and noise to a minimum. As well as be on the alert to any strangers or situations that they might encounter along the way.
This kind of prepper is one who fully expects to be a refugee.
The only difference between the prepper and the refugee is that the prepper would be far better prepared. They would avoid large groups of people. They wouldn’t trust the government or officials. They would avoid refugee camps, and “safe areas”, and they would have a set destination in mind that they were heading towards.
Refugees fleeing the ISIS in Syria. They gathered up their possessions and flee the battle and conflict zones.
Historically, the well prepared “bug out prepper” is also the successful refugee.
While there are, I am sure, instances of personal catastrophe for these individuals, in general, these preppers have perhaps one of the greatest chances of survival. (Provided they arrive to their “safe house” and not be directed to any FEMA camp or staging area.) Never the less, they do need to constantly be on the alert. Things can go dangerously wrong.
Provided, of course, that their “safe house” is truly out of the conflict zone.
As a quick reminder, whether you are in the rural areas, a small
town, or on the road. Avoid the cities. This is where your enemies want
you to stream towards. It’s a trap. It’s a snare.
The idea is to herd people into places where they are trapped and can
be easily controlled. There will be urban youth terrorizing the rural
areas, small towns and communities, and this will create a situation
where everyone will start to stream into the “safe” cities.
It won’t be safe.
Passport found in the remains of a Bosnian civilian who was trying to escape the genocide, but instead got caught up in a firefight and ended up getting shot and killed. Do not wait until the last minute.
Some lessons from history;
In the 1930's Hitler came to power in Germany.
During that decade he openly and politically declared war on Jews and other "undesirables". Many Jews chose to sit tight. They believed that things would go back to normal... some day. All they needed to do was stay out of the way of the Nazi Germans.
Other Jews; those that I call "bug out prepper" Jews, left Germany. They stayed as long as they could, but at some point in time, the "trip wires" were triggered, and they fled to "safe houses" in neighboring countries. One of which was Poland. There, they were able to live their lives in peace and free from the prosecution by the Nazi Germans.
These "bug out preppers" were successful. All except up to one point. They assumed that their "safe house(s)" would all be safe from the Nazi Germans.
But that is not what happened.
Germany invaded Poland in 1939. And once they obtained control of the nation, they continued their prosecution of the Jews there. Those that bugged-out from Germany discovered that their "safe house(s)" were not really safe at all.
This remained true for all those "bug out prepper" Jews that went elsewhere in Europe. The only ones that were truly safe were those that went to England, the Americas, and Africa.
Of course, it goes without saying that the “bug out prepper” would avoid conflict. They would be the rabbit and run and hide rather than engage any potential enemies or get entwined in any kind of situation. That being said, of course, were the need manifest itself, they would be fully capable of taking on anyone that came their way.
All preppers should be prepared to make the hard decisions if the need manifests to protect themselves and to defend their family.
Ride out the storm
In this scenario, the prepper believes that any SHTF event will be short-lived. Certainly no more than three to four years. They believe that they are isolated enough, equipped enough, and camouflaged enough to avoid the vast bulk of conflict during a SHTF scenario.
They just simply “hunker down” and ride the SHTF storm out.
An isolated cabin in the middle of the woods, and in the mountains. It’s a nice location to bug out to, and better if that is your home, and it is fully stocked with a few years worth of supplies. However, all preppers should realize that there might be strangers of friends that might be desirous of sharing your safe haven with you, uninvited. In fact, your “safe house” might already be on the bug-out list for others. You do need to be aware and secure in your domicile.
This prepper is more often than not, located in a rural or isolated location. Has supplies, a survivalist mindset, and is ready to defend his family aggressively. He does not feel that he would be considered in any way to be a threat to anyone, and so is ready to ride out the SHTF event, and defend his family where necessary.
This kind of prepper is perhaps the best prepared.
They have a lifestyle, and a way of living that is conducive to hiding out and surviving in one place. However, this kind of lifestyle does not happen overnight. Nope. You have to develop it over years.
Depending on the person, and their family, the “ride out the storm” prepper might have anything from a tiny isolated cabin on top of a rocky mountain, to a large farm nestled in an isolated valley. The prepper should keep in mind the importance in simplicity and in self reliance.
Thinking that you can just “jump in” and survive in a cabin that you purchased and stocked up with seeds is unrealistic. You are not prepared to live in that situation. You are not trained. You are not ready, and you are not prepared. You just think you are.
Also take heed. Just because you bought and stocked a home in the middle of the country somewhere does not preclude others from seizing it while you are away. Neglected "bug out safe zones" are always at the risk of use by others.
It would be a grand disappointment to discover that the pristine lake cabin that you bought for a SHTF scenario, and all the effort that you went into the solar cells, and provisioning it, was all for naught when a tribe of 100 Hell's Angels bikers took it over.
In this scenario, “ride out the storm” preppers are ones that not only [1] have an isolated “safe house” in [2] an isolated geographical region, BUT they also [3] have been practicing the “ride out the storm” lifestyle for [4] a minimum of three years or longer. Therefore, just owning property, a storm cellar, and reading a few books will not qualify you as a “ride out the storm” Prepper.
Instead you are a qualified “hobbyist prepper”.
In all cases, the “ride out the storm” prepper should be prepared for visitors, no matter how isolated they are. They should have secret rooms, and hideouts. They should have weapons available and other hidden and buried. They should have food supplies and others well hidden from roving bands of militia and “government” search expeditions.
Door to door searching in America with a blanket “search order” to search everyone, and everything. All “ride out the storm” preppers would expect visits from both government officials, military, as well as roving bands of militia, and opposition forces. These preppers should have a plan(s) on how to deal with each situation as it manifests.
Historically, the “ride out the storm” prepper has a mixed bag of success. It all depends on the type and duration of the societal conflict, as well as how absolutely fanatical the opposition forces are.
At one time Armenia was an independent nation. At that time, Armenia was a Christian majority nation. Then over time, their borders changed, swapped hands, and the majority of Armenians found themselves located within Turkey.
The first widely studied modern democide occurred in Turkey between 1915 and 1923, when the Turkish government decided to eliminate the country’s Christian minority. This group consisted primarily of ethnic Armenians and Greeks.
We do know that Turkey disarmed the populace in 1911, and for around three and a half years went door to door collecting the firearms and ammo from the entire civilian population. Then in 1914, they began rounding up all the disarmed Christians. They tortured them, they abused them, they marched them into the desert where they all died.
I am quite confident that there would be "ride out the storm" preppers who, by geographic location, luck, or fawning being a Muslim managed to escape the democide and purge of Christians. But we will never know how many of these people existed, nor their own individual stories.
What we do know is that Albania went from a 100% Christian majority nation to a 97% Muslim nation in a few very short decades.
"Christianity in Turkey has had a long history dating back to the 1st-century AD. In modern times the percentage of Christians in Turkey has declined from 20-25 percent in 1914 to 3-5.5 percent in 1927, to 0.3-0.4% today roughly translating to 200,000-320,000 devotees."
While it is indeed possible that "ride out the storm" preppers comprise this tiny, tiny minority, one has to wonder if they truly feel safe living in a nation that exterminated an entire society identical to what they believe in. Or in other words, was it worth it?
and killed. You need to either prepare to fight, or flee. What ever you
do, do not get snared into a collection area for your own safety. It is
not going to be safe. As this young lass learned. Do not trust refugee
camps. Do not trust the government. Do not trust ANYONE. And, finally,
do not allow yourself or your family to be disarmed. Learn to fight both
with guns and blades. Hide and protect yourselves, and take special
note where the progressive liberals live in your neighborhood. They have
the lists that your name will be on.
Fluidic Survival
In this prepping scheme, the prepper would not count on any fixed homestead, nor would they plan on “bugging out”. Instead, they would maintain a migratory movement within the hills, countryside and mountains of their familial “stomping ground”.
They would have advantage in knowing the terrain, knowing the people, and at the same time, being mobile.
Being mobile enables the prepper to inherently evade military, militia, and the government. As they rely on fixed homes, roads and geographical landmarks from which to work upon. Mobility is the fluidic preppers most important asset. They rely on isolation, movement and isolation for their protection.
The walking dead has various scenes that are suggestive of Fluidic prepping. In fluidic prepping the person tends to migrate within a specific and fixed geographic area and avoids people at all costs.
This kind of prepping requires a well-established knowledge of local geography. Obviously county-sized. It would require a well-established knowledge of friends, family friends, and relationships. For it to work, the prepper would be elusive and maybe visit friends as needed but tell them nothing.
The prepper would locate stashes of gear, supplies and equipment at various well-hidden locations for their periodic use. They would visit these sites on a rotating basis and would never stay at one for longer than a week at a time.
Christopher Knight was arrested, charged with burglary and theft, and transported to the Kennebec County jail in Augusta, the state capital. For the first time in nearly 10,000 days, he slept indoors.
News of the capture stunned the citizens of North Pond. For decades, they’d felt haunted by…something. It was hard to say what. At first, in the late 1980s, there were strange occurrences. Flashlights were missing their batteries. Steaks disappeared from the fridge. New propane tanks on the grill had been replaced by old ones. "My grandkids thought I was losing my mind," said David Proulx, whose vacation cabin was broken into at least fifty times.
Then people began noticing other things. Wood shavings near window locks; scratches on doorframes. Was it a neighbor? A gang of teenagers? The robberies continued—boat batteries, frying pans, winter jackets. Fear took hold. "We always felt like he was watching us," one resident said.
The police were called, repeatedly, but were unable to help.
Locks were changed, alarm systems installed. Nothing seemed to stop him. Or her. Or them. No one knew. A few desperate residents even left notes on their doors: "Please don’t break in. Tell me what you need and I’ll leave it out for you." There was never a reply.
Incidents mounted, and the phantom morphed into legend. Eventually he was given a name: the North Pond Hermit. At a homeowners’ meeting in 2002, the hundred people present were asked who had suffered break-ins. Seventy-five raised their hands. Campfire hermit stories were swapped. One kid recalled that when he was 10 years old, all his Halloween candy was stolen. That kid is now 34.
Knight’s arrest, rather than eliminating disbelief, only enhanced it. The truth was stranger than the myth. One man had actually lived in the woods of Maine for twenty-seven years, in an unheated nylon tent. Winters in Maine are long and intensely cold: a wet, windy cold, the worst kind of cold. A week of winter camping is an impressive achievement. An entire season is practically unheard of.
Though hermits have been documented for thousands of years, Knight’s feat appears to exist in a category of its own. He engaged in zero communication with the outside world. He never snapped a photo. He did not keep a journal. His camp was undisclosed to everyone.
There may have been others like Knight, whose commitment to isolation was absolute—he planned to live his entire life in secret—but if so, they were never found. Capturing Knight was the human equivalent of netting a giant squid. He was an uncontacted tribe of one.
-The Last True Hermit
“Fluidic prepping” is very similar to living like Christopher Knight. You live “on the move” in an isolated area. You avoid contact with people. You hide and you live like a rabbit.
This is the most successful prepping techniques, but it is also the hardest to prepare for and the most difficult to train for. The television character Daryl Dixon from the “Walking Dead” best embodies this kind of “Fluidic” prepping.
This is the most successful prepping techniques, but it is also the hardest to prepare for and the most difficult to train for. The television character Daryl Dixon from the “Walking Dead” best embodies this kind of prepping.
Militia Prepping
In militia prepping you are not prepping alone and for the survival of your family. Instead, you are part of a group that encourages prepping as a group. You share resources, you share defensive strategy, and you share intelligence.
In militia prepping, you join forces with others in your area and form a civilian militia for defensive purposes. You train together. You defend shared resources, and operate as a combat force.
This sort of prepping is the “bedrock” of American society. As such, the progressive liberal Marxists have declared war on these kinds of organizations and their membership.
Former President Obama was very active in having the DHS, the FBI, ATF, IRS, and the DOJ investigate and prosecute these groups and their membership. Often going as far as to spy on them, and consider them threats and arrest them long before they did anything wrong. Sort of like the science fiction movie “The Minority Report”.
The United States Constitution relies on the “citizen soldiers” to defend his local region, his family and his geography. This is the basis of militia prepping. It is a way for locals to defend their families, resources, and life from others.
Members, and the organizations should be expected to “be on the radar screens” of any government and Marxist organization when SHTF events occur. They can expect to have all their electronic media monitored, and to have paid informants within their ranks.
They should expect this.
Local militia defending their village and region from the movie “Blood Diamonds”. When the government broke down in Sierra Leone, it was up to the local villages and towns to defend themselves. This scene depicts one such intervention.
Historically, local militia groups from Syria, Bosnia, to the Ukraine have survived and thwarted combat, social upheavals and genocide. In general, radicalized armed youth riding technicals are loathe to risk organized civilian resistance. They prefer unarmed civilians.
This type of prepping is best suited against thugs, criminals, roving bands of ideologically motivated youth, and techinicals. They are not really all that effective against modern military forces using tanks and APC weaponry. Their strength lies at the local level and as such they can hold off large assaults by organized forces for organized retreats.
Not only were they effective against the British during the American independence in 1776, but against the Nazi Germans in the Ukraine and Poland.
Armed militia in the Bosnian conflict. The news media want to say that the conflict was over religion. That one side was against Muslims. But that is not wholly true. It was complicated. In some ways it was an ideological war, one that pitted the urban areas against the rural areas. A decade long period of ideological rhetoric predated the first attacks, and the mastermind of all the genocide was from an urban area.
While membership in a militia has a much higher incidence of conflict with others, and a higher risk of injury factor, it is also one of the safer options that one can have as a prepper. For in this way, the individual becomes part of a larger and thus stronger group. His support network increases, as does his ability to be fed, and support his family during tense times of crisis.
Hobbyist Prepping
Hobbyist prepping is “wanna-be” prepping. You study, you read, you dream, you purchase things. But, you don’t really prepare yourself for a serious SHTF event. You just simply believe that you are ready. You want to take on some zombies, and are ready to live in a bunker during a nuclear winter.
Many Americans are hobbyist preppers. They watch zombie movies, the read the news, and consume books on prepping, but take no serious actions towards actual prepping.
But it’s all Hollywood inspired dreams.
A true and real SHTF event is one where you are cold, and hungry. You itch, and you have been betrayed, and witnessed friends and family killed. Your world is upside down, and everything that you have of value is gone.
people, isolated and undefended, in the rural regions were dangerously
exposed. Large packs of armed “militia”, actually ideological youth
armed with military arms and on drugs and in an frenzy against perceived
slights (“privilege” and “advantage”) as promoted by the media prior to
the SHTF event. This is a scene in front of a “road block” that was set
up by local residents to slow down the roving bands of armed urban
youth. Their hope was that it would give them enough time to stream into
the nearby cities for protection. The only thing was that the cities
were all controlled by the very same people who set all the attacks in
Seriously, if you are not ready to pick up a knife and shove it with all your might into the skull of an enemy, you are not ready for the gritty and harsh reality of a true and real SHTF event. A real SHTF event is one with pools of black congealed blood, flies buzzing and the horrible smell of rotting human flesh. It’s one where you are constantly afraid of everything. Your body is hyper sensitive, and all you want to do is get the fu@k out of there.
Many hobbyists like to imagine a world where they are exploring ruins, and scavenging supplies from the ruins. They imagine themselves shooting others with extreme accuracy using a trusty AK-47 (as if that’s gonna happen), and carrying a large bore .357 magnum revolver on their hip. Yeah. It’s all Hollywood. Hollywood.
People, the bullets won’t magically hit a person. If you cannot aim, you cannot hit. Not only that, but one bullet might not do the job. You might have to open an entire clip into a person, and they will still be lunging towards you. No. Television is not real life.
will start to look something like this once the ideological “hounds of
war”; those armed packs of thugs from the urban strongholds are let
loose on the rural, undefended communities.
In sort, hobbyists concentrate on the tools and not on their abilities during SHTF situations.
Believe me, scavenging in wartime does not look anything like what Hollywood presents. The world is in ruin, and everything of value is gone. People who look like you, speak like you, dress like you, and act like you will turn on you in a heartbeat. They would steal from you, rape your wife and kids, and then kill you as if you were nothing more than an insect.
Rural Bosnia. No, CWII will not be anything like Hollywood is trying to portray. You won’t go scavenging for materials or hot-wire a car to drive. Things will be destroyed, dead, rusted and useless. War is very, very ugly. Note the un-harvested corn going to fallow in the background (to the Right).
Look, it is better to be a hobbyist prepper than a “caught by surprise sheeple”. But not by much.
The good news, is that the jump from hobbyist prepper to serious prepping is not a hard leap. It doesn’t take much. Some some steely resolve and a good hard look at the most likely scenarios that lie before you.
Hobbyist prepping has about the same survival rate as an unarmed civilian with two-days warning of an impending assault. It's not much, but it is an edge. It is up to the person to see how far they can take that edge and make some kind of real advantage out of it.
Lifeboat Prepping
Finally, we hit “lifeboat” prepping. This is what I did.
It is called "lifeboat" prepping because what the individual is actually doing is climbing on a lifeboat and sailing away from a sinking ship. As long as you leave early enough, the chaos and confusion of the final minutes of the ship will be completely avoided.
Lifeboat. Also known as Lifeboat Prepping.
You know that sooner or later there will be a SHTF event. You do not know when it will occur or at what kind of severity it would take on. You do not know it’s duration, or any of the particulars.
You just know that there is a likelihood of some kind of event occurring in the future.
As such you decide, often years in advance, to scram and “bug out” of the potential conflict area(s). You do not want to endure the strife, the horror and all the conflict escalations that goes with a sinking ship.
Many “lifeboat preppers” view the United States as a ship that is seriously in trouble. It is on fire, taking on water and sinking fast. These preppers believe that the most responsible thing that they can do in this situation is to scram and bail on to a lifeboat and row, row, row far away from the sinking American ship.
Of course, you wish that it would not happen. You wish that life would normalize. But, you know that wishful thinking is not going to help you if things go “belly up”. What’s going to help you is having a place to go to outside of the United States.
A big help in this matter is having a second passport.
In my case, I have been watching the encroaching progressive Marxism in the United States for decades. I learned a long time ago that that there is absolutely nothing that I could do to stem the tide and the tidal wave that will eventually engulf the United States.
I did not like it. In fact, I hated it. But, the America I was living in was an inherited one. Other Americans, long before I was born, gave me the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the FDA, and the ATF. And while it was obvious to me that their mere existence was an affront to the fourth, second and ninth amendments, there was nothing I could do about it.
To me, the United States was on an express elevator to Hell. As the situation around me deteriorated, and I began to see how seriously corrupt, inefficient and evil the government was, I realized that I need to bail and scam.
America used to stand for personal liberties, freedom, and self sufficiency. However, there is a very large and powerful group in the United States today that wants to go full-on Pol Pot. The evidence is that the Freedom-Fighter caucus are not fighting back. Therefore, progressive Marxism is destined to become the law of the land.
So I did.
I don’t want to hurt or harm anyone. I just want to live my life in peace. If the vast bulk of Americans want to live in a Marxist oligarchy, it’s not going to be me to dissuade them. It’s their life. Not mine. They can have that life. Not me.
So I bailed.
Being in another country has a lot of trade-offs. One of which is many things that we have taken for granted are no longer available to us. Things that I miss.
A well-made BLT might no longer be available to you.
There are all sort of trade-offs of moving out of the United States in this manner. It’s a new society and a new culture. You need to learn a new language and a new way of doing things. There will be things that you will miss, and new things that you will embrace. It’s not for everyone, but it’s a serious option for those of your preppers that don’t want to wait until the last minute to get out of the line of fire.
The overall success rate for this type of "lifeboat" prepping, is near 100%. But it does come at a cost.
If you are going to something… anything, then it is in your best interests to do it well. Otherwise don’t even bother.
If you believe, seriously believe in your heart that America is up for a major reset, then you need to start taking steps to deal with it. This is known as prepping.
Faced with a chance to move, be first. Nothing is worse than being in line for, well, anything. To avoid the rush, see threats before anyone else and take decisive action. If that means packing up and heading out of town based on knowledge of a specific threat, don’t waste valuable time reconsidering. Start moving.
You can always turn back if information changes. In the meantime, in the event of an actual emergency, being first out means lots of benefits. Stores will still have food, there won’t be lines at the gas station, water is still available.
- George Ure at Urban Survival talks about Continuous Escape Plans.
Depending on you, and your circumstance(s), there are different prepping options open to you. I would suggest that you plan on taking one of the options and prepare for it to the best of your ability. Best Regards.
SHTF Related Index
This is a collection of my posts related to prepping, SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan), CWII (American Civil War 2), Fourth Turning (Strauss–Howe generational theory)
and other posts related to the very sad and sorry tatters that America
is today. Actually, I am a little stunned that I have written so much
about these matters. But America today is very ill and there are things
that really should be said.
Here are the posts.
SHTF and Related Index
Other Blogs that you all should visit.
These blogs and sites have better information than I every could
compile. These people are experts in personal survival and preparedness.
I recommend them wholeheartedly.
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
The gathering storm, so long denied, is now so strong as to be uncontainable. The quarter from which it will break is in doubt, that it will break is not. We'll discover who the real preppers are after the first hard blasts roll across the land. In war this is known as "first contact with the enemy", the violent unraveling of faulty imagining that exposes the viable core, if any.
-The Woodpile Report 24DEC19
I often see articles about SHTF and CWII, but no one talks about the real threats. It’s always about prep and preppers.
Well, the real deal is nothing you can fully prepare for.
All that you can try to do is prevent it, and get out of the way, if you fail. That is it. Oh, and do not expect the UN to step in. They are a useless and worthless organization if anything.
But it won’t end there.
History is very clear on what happens when one society demonizes another group within that society. They demonize them, then they isolate and disarm them. Then they imprison them. Then they do with them as they please, and then they kill them.
While the men are killed, the women and children will be raped
No one will be spared. You must egress out of the danger areas, and avoid all cities. If you need to fight, then strike at the leadership, their enclaves, and their captains. Do not fight a defensive war, YOU WILL LOSE.
At the same time in many Bosnian cities this scenario was being repeated: Serbian soldiers would come into a city.
They had lists of intellectuals and people in power and with influence. Firstly they killed many of them.
They had lists…
“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.
“That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that.
They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart.
It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”
-The Gateway Pundit
List of people. Lists compiled over the years. Lists with names and place and addresses and threat levels.
Few horrors compare to the killing fields of the Cambodian genocide. Over four short years, from 1975 to 1979, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge systematically exterminated up to 3 million people. The people of Cambodia had to live in fear, knowing that they might be the next one dragged out to the killing fields. The chances of being chosen were indeed high – by the end of the massacre, the Khmer Rouge had wiped out nearly 25 percent of the population.
They collected the people on the lists.
They separated the men from the women.
Then they put men and women in the main square, or in the street, or in front of their houses.
They separated the men from the women, the men were killed or transported to the concentration camps and women were raped in public.
They publicly raped very old women or very young girls.
Then the remaining women were driven by cars, buses or trucks to big empty buildings, like schools, department stores, hotels or empty factories, and were held there in order to be raped.
This is what always happens.
This always happens.
It always happens.
Expect it.
Do not be caught off guard.
During these times and types of conflicts it is NORMAL for women, and girls to be abducted, raped repeatedly and then killed. This is a historical norm.
This is something that is assumed, but we are all unaware of just how widespread this will be.
Oh, it will be everywhere. It will be horrific. It will be shocking. It will be horrible.
Raped and killed. You need to either prepare to fight, or flee. What ever you do, do not get snared into a collection area for your own safety. It is not going to be safe. As this young lass learned. Do not trust refugee camps. Do not trust the government. Do not trust ANYONE. And, finally, do not allow yourself or your family to be disarmed. Learn to fight both with guns and blades. Hide and protect yourselves, and take special note where the progressive liberals live in your neighborhood. They have the lists that your name will be on.
The progressive democrats already think nothing about having sex with three years olds, and then killing them.
What do you think they will do to your family when they have their hands tied behind their backs and on their knees in front of radical progressive urban blacks? What do you think will happen?
ISIS sex slave at a slave auction in an occupied region of Syria. During periods of change, the plight of women is always a dangerous one.
Image what would happen once they have total control of the government, the police and the military. Imagine just what would happen if they were the only ones who held the guns, and they were the only ones in control of the means of communication.
Imagine what would happen when the Muslim faction of the progressive liberal democrats take control of a town.
Once a political ideology takes control, rape of opposition females becomes the norm. The mean are typically killed and women and children are raped, often violently and repeatedly.
They will have this control. They will get this control, and the results will not be pleasant.
They want you disarmed; compliant and on a bended knee.
They fully intend to do what they want with you, and no one and nothing has been stopping them. They fully believe that they can continue to push, and push and push and nothing would ever happen.
Here is a picture that was taken during World War II. Location Germany. Subject; Civilian German woman who were systematically stripped, raped, and then killed. This is what happens when the Government loses control of society. This is what big wealthy oligarchs want. They want to “prune” the Human society for their own personal profit. It is not pretty.
The majority of the assaults were committed in the Soviet occupation zone; estimates of the numbers of German women raped by Soviet soldiers have ranged up to 2 million.
According to historian William Hitchcock, in many cases women were the victims of repeated rapes, some as many as 60 to 70 times.
At least 100,000 German women are believed to have been raped in Berlin, based on surging abortion rates in the following months and contemporary hospital reports, with an estimated 10,000 German women dying in the aftermath. Female deaths in connection with the rapes in Germany, overall, are estimated at 240,000.
Antony Beevor describes it as the “greatest phenomenon of mass rape in history“, and has concluded that at least 1.4 million women were raped in East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia alone.
According to Natalya Gesse, Soviet soldiers raped German females from eight to eighty years old. Soviet and Polish women were not spared either.
When General Tsygankov, head of the political department (a "Diversity Officer") of the First Ukrainian Front, reported to Moscow the mass rape of Soviet women deported to East Germany for forced labor, he recommended that the Soviet women be prevented from describing their ordeal on their return to Russia.
-Learning History
Progressive liberals in the community will report on all goings on. They will create lists. They will single out people, and they will make the necessary arrangements for the people to be handed over to the proper authorities. Authorities that will rape and then torture and kill them. Know your history. SHTF and CWII are a very real possibility.
According to a former army officer:
“We were young, strong, and four years without women. So we tried to catch German women and … Ten men raped one girl.
Shamed in public, raped repeatedly, then killed with the others. This is common and ALWAYS happens.
There were not enough women; the entire population ran from the Soviet Army.
So we had to take young, twelve or thirteen-year-olds.
. Woman being loaded up into army trucks to be “processed”. Which is a code word for being stripped naked, systematically raped, and then killed if no other purpose could be found for them. Coming soon to America unless YOU are prepared to stop it from happening. .
If they cried, we put something into their mouths. We thought it was fun. Now I can not understand how I did it. A boy from a good family… But that was me.”
. Once a political ideology takes power, they are ruthless in their treatment of opposition. They will kill you, and if you are a woman, they will rape you and then kill you. There will not be any mercy. It is better to die fighting when they come to your house, than to accept the lies that they will put you into “protection” for your own best interests.
On June 29 and June 30, 1941, there were random shootings of Jews in Liepāja by German soldiers. About 99 Jews (plus or minus 30) were killed in these shootings. Shootings began almost immediately.
For example, at 5:00 p.m. on June 29, arriving German soldiers seized 7 Jews and 22 Latvians and shot them at a bomb crater in the middle of Ulicha street. At 9:00 p.m. the same day German soldiers came to Hika street, where they assembled all the residents and asked if any were refugees from Germany.
One man, Walter (or Victor) Hahn, a conductor who had fled Vienna in 1938, stepped forward and was immediately shot.
The next day, June 30, soldiers went to the City Hospital, arrested several Jewish physicians and patients, disregarded the protests of the Latvians on the hospital staff, and shot them. Among the victims was 10 year old Masha Blumenau.
-Liepaja Massacres
. Raped and then killed. This is the fate for most targeted women from the ages of 10 to 40. Those outside will probably just be killed. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. .
A woman telephone operator from the Soviet Army recalled that:
“When we occupied every town, we allocated the first three days for looting and … rapes. That was unofficial of course.
German Grenade during World War II.
But (some degree of order needed to be restored) after three days one could be court-martialed for doing this. … I remember one raped German woman lying naked, with hand grenade between her legs.
. In Poland, once the Germans captured the areas, they rounded up the population. They singled out the women, and raped those that they chose, and killed the rest. The remains were often not buried. Just left above the ground for the animals to scavenge. .
Now I feel shame, but I did not feel shame back then… Do you think it was easy to forgive the Germans?
We hated to see their clean undamaged white houses. With Roses. I wanted them to suffer. I wanted to see their tears. … Decades had to pass until I started feeling pity for them.”
. Do NOT be under the impression that the people that you need to worry about will be organized police or DHS officers. Bands of progressive liberal democrat socialists will patrol and harass the outlying communities. They will…WILL be armed by the instigators of this genocidal event, and they WILL be protected by the government and the police. These people are who you will need to watch out for because they will be ideological.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn took part in the invasion of Germany and wrote a poem about it: Prussian Nights: “Twenty-two Hoeringstrasse. It’s not been burned, just looted, rifled. A moaning by the walls, half muffled: the mother’s wounded, half alive.
Stripped nude. Raped, and then killed. This photo was taken the moment the officer shot the woman holding her child.
The little daughter’s on the mattress, dead. How many have been on it? A platoon, a company perhaps? A girl’s been turned into a woman, a woman turned into a corpse. . . . The mother begs, “Soldier, kill me!”
. Ideologically motivated progressive democrat Marxists, mostly from the urban areas will be armed via prepared caches of weapons, and trained to terrorize the surrounding communities; to create strife and discord. They will continue to play “wack a mole” only with your life.
In August 1992 I went to Croatia, which was as close as I could get to Bosnia-Herzegovina. It was there that I met Mirsada, a sixteen year old girl who had been raped.
I will try to keep her in my mind, because I liked her from the moment I met her and I tried to help her, trying not to act pitifully towards her. She had been detained in a concentration camp near Teslic for 4 months with her mother and sister. She was raped approximately 80 times per day.
At the time I met her, she was heavily pregnant (in her sixth month). After she gave birth to a baby girl, she gave it up for adoption and left for Denmark. She never saw her daughter. I never asked her to talk to me about this as I was afraid my interest would appear disrespectful and that it might hurt her.
But once, when we were just sitting and talking, she told me that when she was in the concentration camp she was not allowed to sleep because the soldiers would constantly come for her, never giving her the time or space to sleep. This was the first time that the situation in which this girl and many other women found themselves really became clear and close to me.
Systematic rapes. I guess that this would NEVER happen in the USA. After all, there are elected representatives that have the best interests of Americans at heart. </sarcasm> Listen to me. Really. Honestly. Listen to me. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
The staggering number of corrupt prostituted sociopaths occupying positions of power within the government, corporations, media, military, churches, and academia has created a morally bankrupt empire of debt.
These sociopaths are not liberal or conservative. They are not Democrats or Republicans. They are not beholden to a country or community. They care not for their fellow man. They don’t care about future generations. They care about their own power, wealth and control over others. They have no conscience. They have no empathy. Right and wrong are meaningless in their unquenchable thirst for more. They will lie, steal and kill to achieve their goal of controlling everything and everyone in this world. This precisely describes virtually every politician in Washington DC, Wall Street banker, mega-corporation CEO, government agency head, MSM talking head, church leader, billionaire activist, and blood sucking advisor to the president.
-Us vs. Them
While traditional Americans, conservatives, and Trump supporters might get frustrated in the “politics” and news, the truth is something very sinister.
. Raped. Killed, and chopped up. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. . Never allow yourself to be disarmed. . Please take notice that every one has their hands tied behind their backs. Do not allow this to happen to you. When America was first founded NO ONE allowed the British Red Coats and their LOYALISTs to tie their hands behind their backs. .
Unless the President and the appointed Congressional representatives get a handle on a rogue government and judicial bench, the United States is heading towards a very dark time. It will be a very dark time indeed.
When a progressive liberal socialist government takes control, one of the first things that they do is silence all the opposition. They do so permanently.
No. It will not go away. No, it will not get better.
The oligarchy; the richest people in America and other Globalists around the world have planned together in order to orchestrate a genocide against those that wish to prevent a global-world-dictatorship.
Ever see this image before? Why not? This is the face of war! And people, America has been at war with a minimum of at least one nation per year. Today it is fighting eight wars. Well, this is what happens during war. It is not pretty. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
This is a truth, and they have NOT put their plans on hold. They are just biding their time until they regain control of the Presidency.
If Hillary Clinton had won her rigged 2016 Presidential election and was then inaugurated as POTUS 45, America would have entered a very dark period. It's unlikely The Republic would have survived it. As Rex explains, Obama had already started building a totalitarian system. Clinton would have turned it into a dictatorship.
Know your history. The oligarchy always initiates a genocide in order to obtain more control over a region. It is a time-tested method of amazing success.
A serious effort MUST be taken NOW to stop an out of control train that is about to slam smack into a brick wall. It will happen. It really will. Those who want to have their heads in the sand and believe that it will go away or morph into something else is deluded.
“Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here’s American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here are 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!”― Bill Hicks
It is going to get a lot worse, and serious action steps must be taken to avoid the train wreck that is destined to occur.
Execution of the last jew in a German city. Once the progressive socialists start to demonize another group or people, they will not stop until EVERY ONE IS DEAD. they will not stop. They will not stop. They will not stop. They will not stop.
Other Opinions
Here are some opinions by others who have read this article. A surprisingly large number of them do not agree with me.
They believe that America is robust, and that a “shooting war” or a “hot situation” will never happen in the United States.
It will NEVER happen in the United States.
According to the nay-Sayers, all the nonsense from the political left in America is just antics for the media. No serious trouble or problems will ever come of it. There is no need to be concerned, because their representatives in Congress will defend and protect them.
At worst, they believe is that control of the population will be completed by electronic means and no violence will ever come to pass. People will just continue on their “normal” lives, without any serious concern regarding violence.
They believe that any of this progressive nonsense about “white privilege” and “manliness” will eventually (somehow) disappear. They have not taken into their calculus that the United States today is embedded with PC commissars who’s job is to foment anti-white sentiment and hatred.
It will NOT go away. It will get worse.
Like this comment…
The conditions for that are very rapidly being put into place. That’s the Chinese/Google/Apple Social Credit score.
We will trade in our guns in order to be able to buy food and gasoline and airfare, etc.
- 12/22/2018, 5:16:37 AM by arthurus (gfv)
The base is woke and the Establishment’s a joke. I speak to a lot of conservative groups of various types and flavors: hardcore tea partiers, patriotic vets, loyal radio listeners, besieged students, brass New Yorkers, even rich country club types who you would think were into Jeb! – you know, diversity. And lately, I’ve tended to start off my talks by posing this question:“Okay, who here agrees with me that the left wants us enslaved or dead?”
Every hand goes up.
Every single one of them.
That’s our base.
Folks, our base is hella woke.
-Kurt Schlichter
Urban youth have been indoctrinated for decades, and are ideologically motivated to attack “white privilege” with a dangerous zeal.
After all, according to the elected officials, the Bill of Rights doesn’t mean what it says…
When a group of people are demonized, it becomes easy to kill them. It becomes attractive and by killing them, it is like emptying the world of pollution. Like… for instance, Global Warming.
Yet, many have commented that the Bill of Rights is robust enough that there is no need to be concerned. This belief is one that they cling to, even when ALL the evidence says otherwise. In fact, there are people that are proposing a “sensible Bill of Rights”, you know, for the new progressive reality.
THE BILL OF "NON-RIGHTS We The Sensible People of The United States "In an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines.
Sounds so very nice. Sensible. Like this fellow here who is commenting on what to do when 20 armed police come to your house to collect your guns…
"If so, politely request to see a court order of seizure and confiscation. Try to get a copy of it duly signed, along with the supporting signed affidavit if there is one. No sense having a shoot out resulting in death, unless you have a whole gang of patriots with you. Larger numbers can make the police back down.
The 2nd amendment survives because of Freedom of Assembly and Freedom to travel.
- 12/23/2018, 6:16:50 PM by Candor7
My comment is that I hope that this will be the case. However, history shows and has proved that a law, and a rule is only as good as it’s enforcement.
Know your History.
Old newspaper article. What? You never heard of this… maybe because it was on page 24 next to the advertisement for a sale on canned peas. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
Many in government, most especially the progressive liberal democrats, believe the laws are what they say they are, and nothing more. They are “living laws” and subject to the interpretation of the user.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa
Here is what happens when you politely request to see a court order. Actual photo of what happens when you don’t turn over your guns to the police when they ask you to.
Look at the picture carefully. Study it.
He said no and wanted to see documentation from the police. He wanted to see an order from the judge. This is what happened seconds later.
What happens when you refuse.
Of course, not every police officer will shoot. There are stories where the police tackled the “holdouts”, and disarmed them by force. Then, carted them off for interrogation. These are the “happy stories”.
So, if you are fortunate…
You can simply stand on your rights as a citizen. You just ignore those guns they carry. They are only for decorative purposes. They have no right to use them against you as a citizen. I know. I read the advice from comments found on Free Republic. They told me so.
Of course, there are other things that can happen. Just because the most common response from a failure to turn in your guns is to be killed, doesn’t mean that you will be killed. You situation could be different. Like this, if you are a woman…
Woman found in Bosnia by military forces. She had survived months of rapes and was found muttering and unable to communicate in long sentences. A cigarette was helpful. I do not know what happened to her after the patrol found her.
And, I do believe that there are a few others who agree with me on that…
Actually, those twenty guys will be using a no-knock warrant and kicking your door down, and shooting your dog first, before they shoot you. They are not going to ask nicely.
If you survive... you can ask for a copy of their warrant.
- 12/23/2018, 9:29:49 PM by Ouderkirk
War is not pretty. It is horrific. People die, they are raped, maimed and disfigured. This is a dangerous time. You MUST not take any chances. The socialist Marxists want you disarmed. They have plans and nearly full control of the government. They will FORCE you to comply. Do not. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
Know your history
On June 29, 1941, a detachment of Einsatzkommando 1a, (EK 1a) under SS-Obersturmbannführer Reichert entered Liepēja.
It is historically well-known that societies are not stable. They always need periodic resets. The USA has been primed for one for at least a century.
It is going to be a Hellish shit-storm.
You can either sit it out or participate. There are no other options.
People who do not meet the ideological criteria are singled out and put on lists. Then commandos and tiger teams go forth and gather them up. They are then “processed” which often means torture and rape, and then they either become slaves or are killed. Know your history.
One of the first people EK 1a killed, on June 30, was the musician Aron Fränkel, who, not knowing that Einsatzkommando had set up headquarters at his place of employment, the Hotel St. Petersburg, showed up for work.
He was identified as a Jew and immediately shot.
The city of Liepaja today. It is a beautiful city. It is filled with parks and a nice waterfront. In 1941, it was the scene of numerous massacres.
When the Germans invaded Russia, the Soviet units set up a defensive position in and around Liepaja. The Soviet forces had dug defensive trenches in Rainis Park (Raiņa parks) in the center of Liepāja. (See the photo above.)
On July 3 and 4, 1941, was the first documented massacre in Liepēja. Reichert’s EK 1a men, all Germans of the SD, rounded up Jews and marched them to the trenches dug in the park.
Once at the trench, they were shot and the bodies pushed in.
On July 3 and 4, 1941, was the first documented massacre in Liepēja. Reichert’s EK 1a men, all Germans of the SD, rounded up Jews and marched them to the trenches dug in the park. Once at the trench, they were told to face the trench and were shot. Then their bodies were kicked into it.
How many were killed during these shootings is not known. Estimates range from several dozen to 300.
After the war, the Soviet Union investigatory commission concluded that 1,430 people were killed in the park shootings. One participant, Harry Fredrichson, later testified that in one massacre he participated in, 150 people were killed. This event is known as the Rainis Park massacre
TheJägerReportisthemostprecisesurvivingchronicleoftheactivitiesofone Einsatzkommando.Itisatallysheetoftheactionsof Einsatzkommando 3 — arunningtotaloftheirkillingsof 136,421 Jews (46,403 men 55,556 women, 34,464 children), 1,064 Communists, 653 mentallydisabled, and 134 others, from 2 July-1December 1941.
- Einsatzkommando
When SHTF and CWII occurs, there will be nothing to count on. There will be no government. Only “THE ENEMY”. You will be on your own. Meanwhile you will hear gunshots, and hear stories of complete families being culled, raped, and killed. But disarmed, you are just a rabbit in a pen waiting for slaughter.
Let’s not ever forget the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. He penned these words while he was suffering inside a progressive liberal communist hard-labor camp in Siberia…
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
People, the “event” will NOT be televised.
China when the social Marxists took over. Not pretty. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
You will not see reports of it on CNN, MSNBC, or twitter reports. It will be planned in advance, and implemented in carefully crafted stages, and by the time you are aware of what is going on, it will be too fucking late.
You, and your family, will be in a position of disadvantage.
An unidentified skull. A man shot in a field in Serbia during the government genocide during the 1990’s. He has not been identified. Don’t let your legacy follow the same path. Be different.
Key Reminders
“White Privilege” means “Scheduled for Genocide”.
“Diversity Officers” collect names, put them on lists.
Never permit yourself to be disarmed.
You need to be lethal, and not afraid to use a weapon.
“Door to door gun collection” means SHTF is about to happen.
All genocide originates from the wealthy leadership.
Stay away from crowds.
When ordered to report to mass collection points – run for the woods.
Your neighbors WILL turn you in.
Any gun is better than none. But, realize that the aim is to kill not to threaten. AK clones are really generally useless. Concentrate on shotguns if you cannot find a decent accurate weapon.
With all the evidence pointing to a clash between Conservative traditionalists and Progressive socialists, it might be prudent to get out of the line of fire and protect yourself and your family.
With a potentially dangerous future ahead, would it not be prudent to step out of the way? Find a relatively safe place to be. Relocate there and establish yourself and a business there? It is prudent.
There are numerous posts on this subject. I urge the reader to either seriously ready themselves for a future battle, and take the necessary advantages to get ready for it, or leave to a “safe harbor”. Please kindly give these posts your every consideration.
What ever happens, you don’t want your loved ones to end up like this…
Village woman taken by the German soldiers and raped. Then hung by a rope. For humor they tore open her blouse to expose her breasts, but that was censored. As a plus, they put a German garrison cap on her head.
Take Aways
The SHTF and CWII will happen because there is no one undoing the pre-genocidal preparations for it. As such, we can expect the following truths…
You will not know there is a full-on Civil War until you are in the midst of it.
The American Second Civil War (CWII) will be a genocidal event of enormous scale.
There will be an organized effort to disarm prior to the war. It may or may not happen.
The timetable for the war has already been established. It’s going to happen whether everything is in place or not.
The real danger of the progressive liberal army lies well hidden from public scrutiny. It is kept intentionally hidden. Just like in Rwanda, the conspirators held very secret meetings, and had secret handshakes, and shirts that they wore to identify each other. Chess pieces are moving into place.
Once your hands are tied and bound behind your back it will be too late.
Diversity Officers and their confederates will have you already earmarked as subversive.
Whole-scale mass murder will be the norm.
There will not be any Bill of Rights to protect you when the police are run by progressive liberals.
Refugee camps will be dangerous and unhealthy places to be trapped in.
The news media will not be reporting anything but the most trivial events. At that, it will be slanted in favor of progressives.
Conservative websites and news might be blocked or difficult to access.
(October 14, 1942). It will be far, far worse once the progressive liberal socialists, funded by billionaire oligarchs will do to the American people in the “red” states. SHTF is going to get frighteningly real. Why? Because exactly zero people are dealing with the “diversity officers”. Zero people are dealing with the media. Zero people are dealing with the software moguls. Zero people are dealing with the deep state. Zero people are dealing with activist judges. That is why and YOU know it is true.
SHTF is going to get frighteningly real.
Why? Because exactly zero people are dealing with the “diversity officers”.
Zero people are dealing with the oligarchy-owned media.
Zero people are dealing with the software moguls and their rampant abuses of the Bill of Rights.
Zero people are dealing with the deep state, and the multitudes of people in the “swamp”.
Zero people are dealing with activist judges. Absolutely fucking ZERO.
This is YOUR future once Gun Control is implemented in the United States. Make no mistake. The history is clear on this. You and your family WILL be disarmed, and you will be led to a hole in the ground, and then you will shot dead.
That is why there will be genocide in the USA, and YOU know it is true.
During one of the first bigger events of killing in the streets, I was out together with my friend who also was a medical professional.
Fire from machine guns was on people who were standing in front of the main city bread factory, and people started to scream and run over each other.
My first impulse was to run to the nearest cover but my friend got down to help some lady, so I stayed one meter next to him.
I was confused about my decision and not sure to stay with him or run. Bullets from machine gun hit him over his legs, and I saw how his kneecap exploded. It looked like some bad movie special effect.
He just looked at his legs, then at me, in silence. Even though it was just seconds, moments like this feel very long.
I took him by the hands and dragged him some 20 or 30 meters to safety. Only there I saw that he was missing his leg under the knee. It stayed with the dead lady on the street.
And only then he started to scream.
I used a belt to stop the bleeding. The ambulance still worked in that period. He went to the hospital and then evacuated from the city. He survived but never came back.
Lessons learned?
In moments of chaos always listen to your instincts and do not hesitate.
-The Organic Prepper
This is the face of war. . It is not pretty. But, it’s a royal train-wreck and it is heading out your way at full blast. . Do not confuse the blip on the radar screen that Donald Trump is as a reversal of this fact. . It isn’t. . It’s still coming. . Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. . Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
These are crazed ideological Marxists
These are ideological Marxists. . Even though they call themselves “progressive” and open-minded liberal democrats, they are radical Marxists. . They are Fanatics. . If they had a gun in their hands, they would point it at you and pull the trigger without a moment’s thought. They have been propagandized into fanatical monsters. .
These crazy ideological progressive liberal democrat Marxists are willing to die for their cause.
Listen to them. Read their writings. This is far off-the-deep-end type of stuff.
Know your history.
Tamil execution of the disarmed populace. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. .
Look what the ideological Nazi Germans did when they discovered that the Americans and Allies were entering Germany and arresting all the Nazi leadership.
They would have no part of it. They did not want to lose. They never expected to lose. They would not accept failure. (Like how the Marxists won’t accept the 2016 loss to President Trump, Eh?)
Look at their reactions…
This is a joint suicide by a Burgermeister and his family upon news that the Americans were entering the town.
This is not just one or two deaths.
Entire groups of ideological Nazi Germans killed themselves rather than accept defeat. The progressive liberal democrat Marxists are of the exact same ilk. They would rather die than submit to traditional conservative values.
Radial ideologues would rather die by suicide than submit to conservatives.
These people are “off the rails” and the non-stop forced feeding of Marxist ideology has affected their views on life. As such, they consider anyone who does not think like them as evil. They are willing to go at them in the worst way.
People, take note, these people are dangerous.
These people are ideological. They are dangerous. They follow a solid Marxist belief system, and treat all others as below them and with contempt. If given a gun, they will shot you without blinking an eye. They are very, very dangerous.
The rich oligarchy wants you dead.
Rather than fight against their proxies, they should be targeted directly. Here’s some articles to ponder and consider…
Everything is academic until it is happening to you.
Executions carried out by the Einsatzkommando. . It is easy to kill others when you consider them worthy of death. It is easy to kill them when you are taught that they were privileged and/or the cause of the worlds’ ills. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. .
As much as I had read about police, and IRS overstepping their authority, I never thought that it would actually happen to me.
Well it actually did, and I was totally surprised when it happened. My story is one for another time, however take heed.
Don’t be like me and get caught off guard.
Anything can happen.
And it can actually happen to you.
Nothing hits like a slap in the face like being told to turn around, and put your hands behind your back, in your own house, by machine-gun toting black-clad soldiers. Yes, in a nice quite suburb of Little Rock. Yes. It can, and WILL happen to you.
Today, the government has better resources, more lethal weapons, and better training. You will be at a great disadvantage. Your only strength will be knowledge and skill. Your ONLY advantage is knowledge and skill.
Take care and realize…
You are on a listRIGHT NOW. Actually you are probably on a couple of lists. One by the federal gun registry, one by the local “diversity officer”, and one by those monitoring your internet activities. Depending on where you live, there are also lists compiled by the local or regional ideological progressive liberals in your neighborhood. Oh yes, they exist all over America. How do you think they were able to know where Trump officials and their families eat?
Do not allow yourself and family to be disarmed. Hide your guns in three places; [1] Family house; easy to find. [2] Family hidden (hidden to everyone except family members), and [3] Hidden to everyone (including family members) but you. Only you know where the guns are. Tell no one.
Trust your gut feelings. If you “feel” something is wrong, even when there is nothing on the news. (This is the best information that I can give you.) Go run and hide somewhere safe. Even if that means going to a hotel. Just leave your house. (When the IRS SWAT police came for me, I felt an unbelievable feeling of dread in the middle of the night. It was quite an ugly feeling. Be aware. Do NOT shrug it off.)
It’s not about having a lot of guns “just in case”. It’s about being constantly trained to use them under HIGH STRESS situations, and being fearless about using them. If you need to think about getting the gun, it is too late. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
If it looks wrong and feels wrong, get the hell out of there. Don’t rationalize, don’t question. Act.
-Charles Yor at Survival Sullivan, about conflict avoidance
“I’ve got a really bad… bad, feeling about this.”
Finally, the progressive left has completely saturated American society. Many members follow the dictates of the Marxists out of ignorance. Just like many Germans followed Hitler.
The next step down the ladder of decline may be so unstable that the weight of past error crashes society through to the bottom. The case for this theory of collapse is the rapidly shrinking white middle-class. The dominant culture today is one that celebrates degeneracy and barbarism. There is the growing sense that what’s left of America is not worth saving. Everyday, more and more white people come to the conclusion that the people they see in politics, the media and popular culture are incompatible with the world they want for themselves and their decedents. That old bourgeois white culture is looking at America like the family exhausted by an alcoholic relative. It’s time to cut our losses.
-Z man blog
These people might have their hearts and minds in the right place, but they will turn you and your family into hamburger if given the opportunity.
Social Justice educators. They will put your name on a list and then the armed forces, whether police or something else will seek you out. It will happen. It WILL NOT BE TELEVISED. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. .
You will not be able to tell who is your friend or who is your foe.
While Donald Trump is undoing many terrible things, nothing is being done about the pre-genocidal conditions already put in place. . Unless action is taken by the President or Congress, it is just a matter of time before they will be mobilized against YOU and your family. . Take notice. . This is not your average SHTF article. This is the screaming in your face and slapping your face hard…Wake up! .
You will be hard pressed to trust anyone. Even you very own children might be compromised. Be care. Be alert.
960403-A-2407B-008 Photo of a suburb in Sarajevo Bosnia after the fighting that took place between the Serbians and the Muslims,taken by Specialist Nadine Byrnside from the 55th Signal Company Combat Camera team, in a place called Grbavica on 3 April 1996. .
This is not your average SHTF article. This is the screaming in your face and slapping your face hard…Wake up!
Grbavica where a huge complex was set up for the mass internment and rape of women. This is what it looked like at the tail end of the war. . 1996. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. . Never allow yourself to be disarmed. .
Grbavica in Sarajevo. This SHTF is coming straight your way. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed.
Learn from History
This was taken exactly from the most excellent blog “The Tactical Hermit“. I urge everyone to visit it and read some of the articles there. Good stuff. Like this…
Lessons From The Warsaw GhettoAugust 24, 2019
Great Read. Be sure and read the two links on Lithuania.
Highlights from Part one. Staple this to your Brain.
1) Government identification records are the clerical basis for mass murder and other atrocities: No, not every government ID scheme leads to genocide and expatriation. But for the collectivists of both the German Reich and the USSR, each victim’s identity card was both part of the initial targeting and the final “production record”.
2) Get to the forest early if you want to live: If you think they will be coming for you, you are probably right. Plan not to be where they know you work and live. Act early if you want to maximize your chances. You and your family will die if you are at your government-approved address.
3) The Bad People will have lots of help from your neighbors:The most disturbing moment for me in the KGB museum was not in the execution or interrogation/torture cells. It was realizing, while moving through the excellent exhibits on the mass deportations of Lithuanians after “liberation” by the Soviets in 1944, that most of the deportees (many of whom were subsequently executed or starved or died of exposure and disease) had been betrayed to the NKVD/KGB by their neighbors.
4) “Fascism” is not the only mortal enemy of freedom and life; the real enemy is collectivism in any form: At each of the memorials, one could tell the provenance of any signage by its reference to “fascism”. Mostly, such markings were from the Soviet era, during which — not coincidentally — many more millions of innocent human beings were killed by the “enlightened” Communists than had been slaughtered by the Hitlerites and their collaborators. While it is too much to expect the Soviets to acknowledge these facts, it is essential that freedom-minded folks grok that collectivism, in any form, can and usually does lead to the mass grave.
5) Never report en masse when ordered to do so: Nothing good ever happens to folks who do.
6) Food and ammunition will be the vital shortages you must address in order to live: Empty weapons and bellies a successful resistance does not make.
7) The Bad People will torture and kill those who help you: Get used to the idea. Retribution killing is a standard totalitarian play. Try to avoid jeopardizing your allies to the extent possible, but know that they too will be swept into the whirlwind.
8) The Bad People will torture and kill your family members:Sippenhaft ain’t just a chapter in Vanderboegh’s long-awaited novel. The KGB museum was filled with execution orders with notations indicating that not only had the subject been killed per order of the Party, but that “special measures” had or would be taken against the victim’s family.
9)You must be prepared to fight until victory or death: Once you go to the woods, you are there for the duration. The Baltic “forest brothers”stayed out until they were killed or captured. More on them in the next part of this report.
10) If you think it can’t happen here, you are wrong. The Polish and Lithuanian Jews who were ground into dust by the Einsatzgruppen thought the same thing. So did the Lithuanians who couldn’t believe that the Communists under Stalin and subsequent regimes would hold their passionate patriotism against them.
Almost all of those folks who believed “it couldn’t happen” died. A few survived by running into the woods, or by bearing up under the brutal realities of the Gulag, year after year after year.
Each of them knows the single biggest lesson from Lithuania: naked, brute force can and does triumph over kindness, love of kin and country, and simple human decency — often for decades or more.
Lose your illusions.
While there is still time.
Stay Alert, Armed and Dangerous!
Notes at the End
Here, Mr. Dakin talks bedrock survival, not “tips for the traditional homesteader”.
Desperate times are like gravity, it needs to get the upper hand only once.
If you’re not thinking like an escapee from a Soviet gulag you’re not preparing for the worst.
And if you’re not prepared for the worst, you won’t survive the worst.
SELCO: What Combat Is Really Like
I Like this Selco, and I really think that everyone should read and head his experience. I really do not promote other’s books on this website, but I will make an exception here. Read this…
This is an excerpt from Selco’s book, The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival.
When SHTF, nobody told me how hard is gonna be and what things I would have to do to survive. There was no training or simulations.
Most of the stuff I was going through for the first time in my life. I was hoping it was only a temporary situation, that it not going to last for a whole year.
A few events opened my eyes and somehow made me a survivor right at the beginning. I had the luck to understand in the very early stages how hard it was and what it takes.
The first lesson
During one of the first bigger events of killing in the streets, I was out together with my friend who also was a medical professional.
Fire from machine guns was on people who were standing in front of the main city bread factory, and people started to scream and run over each other.
My first impulse was to run to the nearest cover but my friend got down to help some lady, so I stayed one meter next to him.
I was confused about my decision and not sure to stay with him or run. Bullets from machine gun hit him over his legs, and I saw how his kneecap exploded. It looked like some bad movie special effect.
He just looked at his legs, then at me, in silence. Even though it was just seconds, moments like this feel very long.
I took him by the hands and dragged him some 20 or 30 meters to safety. Only there I saw that he was missing his leg under the knee. It stayed with the dead lady on the street.
And only then he started to scream.
I used a belt to stop the bleeding. The ambulance still worked in that period. He went to the hospital and then evacuated from the city. He survived but never came back.
Lessons learned?
In moments of chaos always listen to your instincts and do not hesitate.
Especially if you are involved in a situation when someone is shooting at you with a high caliber machine gun. Just accept that people will die and you have to survive. To help others is a great thing, to survive is even better.
Also, I realized that a human being is so fragile and easy to destroy.
You must practice with your gear.
Later I learned some things about weapons and how to use them, so I realize that more firepower does not necessarily mean more dangerous and better chance to kill.
Owning a weapon is absolutely necessary when preparing for a survival scenario, even more so in urban survival. You need to go and get as close as you can to the real stuff while you are doing the preparing and training for the SHTF, so it makes sense to go out and check your preps, to check your gear, and yourself.
For example, that pair of boots that you bought and store for bad days will not be used for walking only, it will be used for running, squatting, jumping, in mud, junk, blood, guts maybe or just running through a shallow river.
Everything that you have prepared and stored for SHTF will be pushed to the limits.
It is one thing to go out into the woods nearby and do a recording of your weapon testing on some beer bottles with your friends, and after that concluding that particular gun or rifle is best for SHTF and that you are a dangerous dude because of your accuracy rates. Some people gonna put that clip on YouTube and go home convinced that they are ready and prepared.
In reality, you do not know if you are prepared until it happens.
A lot of survival stores that sell things sell the idea of “buy this and you are safe.”
No, you are not. You can learn more about real urban survival scenarios in my survival course and in my book, The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival. This helps you to mentally be better prepared but the real deal when SHTF always comes as a surprise.
When the time comes again it gonna hit everyone like a hammer. The good news is that when you know you will get hit like that you can recover faster and use your skills, knowledge, and preps to make the best out of the situation.
Using a weapon in real life, in real survival situations, is something absolutely different from shooting beer bottles.
And if you could do some real training that is realistic that would be maybe going camping for 10 days using a trash bag like a tent, with 10 small cans of food, and 10 liters of water, and then walking every day for 10 km.
On the 11th day, run a few kilometers and then shoot and see how accurate you are when your body is wasting away.
And still, the most important thing is missing. While you are shooting at the beer bottles they do not shoot back at you in order to kill you.
During some of the first battles in the city I was moving through the building behind a guy, we both had rifles. He was sweeping the rooms and shooting, it was the closest to urban combat as it can be. At the moment when he runs out of ammo, he used his rifle as something between spear and bat.
Now someone could say why he did not just switch to the pistol? He did not have one, also he did not have time to look for ammo. But there I learned how it is useful to have folded stock of rifle when shooting and moving in very confined spaces.
Also, I learned that rifle with pretty sharp parts at the barrel can be very handy. He stabbed a guy to the cheek, ripping his face down and finishing him on the ground.
One of the biggest misconceptions that the people who do not have fighting experience is what they just need to practice. You need to learn these important things before the SHTF.
It is all about pressure. You need to learn:
What your weapon can take and how to fix it
In terms of kicking, throwing, how often and when will it malfunction, what the most common malfunctions are, and how to fix them – and how to fix them in the middle of a fight. If you find yourself in the middle of fighting, and your weapon “jams“ do not be, as we call it “zblesavljen.” Or in English, do not stand there looking like an idiot.
I have seen that: a guy is shooting and in the middle of fighting his weapon jammed. He stopped, surprised, and looked at the weapon in a “what the f*ck?“ state. And of course, in two seconds he ends up dead.
You absolutely need to know how to manage small weapon jams without looking at the weapon. You need to look at the target while you are “repairing“ weapon (clearing the bullet, switching to another magazine, etc.)
Other option would be to MOVE immediately when your weapon jams, move to cover in the same second or to drop to the ground, or on your back and switch to your other weapon. But you need to learn to do all of the above without thinking. You need to train so that this becomes automatic.
Small things like how quickly you can put your rifle on your back and a switch to pistol can be the difference between life and death. If you somehow “trip“ yourself while you are trying to put the rifle on your back in order to take the pistol, you can end up dead.
What you can take
Remember this: while you are shooting at the bad guys, those bad guys will be SHOOTING AT YOU TOO.
So shooting at the beer bottles in the woods with your buddies will not really do all the training you need. I do it often, but it just does not cover everything.
Fighting and surviving combat means constant moving and outsmarting the guys on the other side. You are gonna need to run, squat, throw yourself in the ditch, lay down in all kinds of sh*t, and shoot at the same time, and probably fix your rifle from jams, or switch to another weapon.
Do some basic weapons training and learn about the line of sight and how to get out of it.
In SHTF, a very great percentage of shooting is done without aiming. It is just spraying bullets.
It makes sense to do some airsoft or paintball in the woods to check how constant moving changes the whole game, and what kind of moving will help you to survive a gunfight.
For example, how often do you shoot your weapon with both hands, dominant and not dominant? In urban fighting, you will need to switch weapon around very often (moving through the apartments, rooms, around the corners, etc.). When you are shooting behind the corner, and you are having a rifle in your right hand and corner is on your left side it makes sense to transfer the weapon to the left hand. otherwise, it is dangerous to stick your left part of the body out in order to shoot from your right hand.
For all of you who have some military experience, this is basic stuff, but I have seen many guys who were killed in stupid ways.
A real gunfight is a dynamic thing. Adrenaline is a weird thing too, so people can do tremendous things while adrenaline is pumping, but also with lack of training and common sense guy can do tremendously stupid things. I have seen a man who was pointing to something and he stood up from the cover and got shot.
How to train yourself
Training is the key. You can not do anything else today except to train very hard.
You can not experience real stuff today, of course, but you can take it as close to the real stuff as possible. Go out with your friends and think about all possible scenarios.
Think about the worst-case scenarios. SHTF is not gonna wait for nice and sunny weather. You are gonna be maybe hungry, dirty. Maybe have to give up your shelter and food storage on the second day of SHTF.
Or you may be forced to use another weapon that you are not used to. Maybe you gonna be forced to hide for hours hidden under a pile of rubble and then you are gonna be forced to jump out and “kill“ ten beer bottles. Sounds like fun? This is why resilience and mental strength is so important.
Maybe you are gonna be cold and thirsty and in the middle of the battle. One thing is sure – very rarely it goes the way that you planned. So just be ready for many options and do not panic when things go another way.
Want some funny-sounding advice?
Get good at suffering while still being able to work towards a goal.
What weapon, caliber, stopping power, etc?
It is a very hard question (that I get asked a lot). But think about the fact that everything today is mainstream and commercial. And somehow it is more about what other people say is good and not necessarily about what you need and what is good for YOU.
You and your hand kill, the weapon is only a tool. I have seen the fight when a man with a knife killed the guy with a rifle. He had mastered fighting with a knife and had the will to kill. The other guy had a rifle but he ended up dead. I also saw more than once people shot with rifle bullets still fighting and running for a good amount of time. Some of them were not even aware that they were wounded before someone else pointed that out to them.
What I am trying to say is, do not expect miracles if your own a weapon that is at the moment the most popular, having great stopping power and cool reviews. It is about practicing, weapon mastery, and correct placement of bullets
I said bullets for a reason. I have seen many things, but I did not see someone survive multiple shots in the correct place on the body. Have a weapon that is best for your case, and achieve perfection in using it. Do not expect that people will fall back if you shoot them with one bullet from some widely popular weapon and caliber (not talking about shotguns).
So I am not gonna tell you what is the best weapon because what works for me maybe does not work for you or others.
Having a weapon that is too rare, too good, or too bad does not make much sense to me. Do not find yourself in a situation when you lose your weapon and pick someone else and then find out that you do not have a clue about it, because your own weapon was special and rare.
Just have what everyone else around you has, because of gun parts, ammo, and looking like everyone else.
Your weapon is only a tool to survive. Be ready to lose it if you need to lose it, and pick some other weapon from the ground in the middle of a fight.
I knew a guy who did some scary stuff with rusty shortened M-48. He was an old and poor-looking dude. He played that part well until he would take out this old gun from under his coat and rob and kill people. Simple strategy but it worked for him.
Look around and think what works for you.
The reality of combat is that there’s no way to predict how it’s gonna go. Until you’re in it, you can’t predict how you will act. All you can do is practice a lot in an environment that is as close as possible and get used to being uncomfortable.
This is an excerpt from Selco’s book, The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival. Get it in paperback here or in PDF here.
I strongly suggest that you visit his site and order his PDF. It doesn’t cost a lot, but the information and insight gleaned from it is priceless. Go HERE.
Do not fight a defensive war.
Do not fight a defensive war. You will lose.
I suggest going after the leadership, wherever they scurry to. Go after their homes, enclaves, minions and leadership. Do not only rely on firearms. Use unconventional methods to achieve your objectives.
Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Jonathan Nichols was found dead Friday, making him the second GOP state senator to be shot to death in the last two days.
Police reportedly found Nichols, 53, dead by a gunshot wound in Norman, Oklahoma, Wednesday night. His death comes two days after police reportedly discovered former Arkansas Republican state Sen. Linda Collins-Smith dead from a gunshot wound and wrapped in some kind of blanket.
Pack extra weapons in grease
Here is a picture of a German lugar pistol that was packed in grease and unearthed in Russia 70 years later. Well packed weapons can avoid the gun collection round-ups.
Always hide your weapons
Always follow the rule of three. One cache hidden known only to you. One cache hidden known to your family, and one cache that is available for your immediate use.
You don’t need to have a hundred guns. You need only one that you are very lethal with. Do not get caught up in the idea that having a bunch of guns makes you invincible. It doesn’t. Having one, and being able to use it like an extension of your body is very, very important.
Packed in paper and stored in a sealed tube. Reasonable condition after 70 years.
Now read this…
I have many posts on this subject. But one of the most important, that is part of this series is this one article. It ties current events with the upcoming shit storm in YOUR local area….
The Right has exhaustively studied the long history of Leftist revolution and genocide, and knows very well that every genocide is preceded not only by the scapegoating of official state enemies, but also by the strict curtailment of their right to keep and bear arms in the dubious name of “public safety.”
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
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I hope that you found this post curious. Please take care. You can view other similar posts in my SHTF Index, here…
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The progressive liberal socialist “democrats” do have plans for you and your family. Yes. They really do.
“It is one of those things that is easily said. ‘The Jewish people is being exterminated,’ every Party member will tell you, ‘perfectly clear, it’s part of our plans, we’re eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, a small matter.’
“Altogether we can say: We have carried out this most difficult task for the love of our people. And we have suffered no defect within us, in our soul, or in our character.”
These two gruesome comments are from the diary of Heinrich Himmler, which has recently been revealed in a military archive, in Podolsk near Moscow in Russia. The diary was first found by the Red Army after the War and was kept in the war archives; the journal consists of some 1000 pages full of gruesome details of war crimes committed by the Fuhrer’s right-hand man.
Know this…
A lifetime of pain taught me one thing: When people say and do certain things, you no longer have to worry about their welfare. They're TELLING YOU in plain English, “I’m crazy! If you’re nice to me, I’ll destroy you!”
Did you read or hear about the chef on the New York subway kicking a 78-year-old retired kindergarten teacher in the head six times? Nobody helped her, and the chef was proud. I’m 56 years old, and I have full-body osteoarthritis. If I’d been there, the chef would be dead. That’s all there is to it. He was attacking a defenseless elderly woman, and I’m in no shape to get into a prolonged fight. So I’d have to kill him.
Many years ago, I learned how to instantly kill people with my bare hands. It’s actually quite easy. I can still do it.
-The Abusive Spouse
When SHTF, and CWII occurs scenes like this will be common place. Young armed youth will travel forth from the cities in new trucks right off the sales lot, and they will attack the people in the smaller cities and rural areas.
After a month or two, gangs started operating, destroying everything. Hospitals, for example, turned into slaughterhouses. There was no more police. About 80 percent of the hospital staff were gone. I got lucky. My family at the time was fairly large (15 people in a large house, six pistols, three AKs), and we survived (most of us, at least).
-Commonsense Show
They might even have technicals installed on brand new (white) Toyota trucks. (An Obama and Hillary trademark.)
Make no mistake. They will be armed, supplied and equipped by a very wealthy (and hidden) army of progressive liberal Marxists. They will out-gun you. They will out-number you. They will be filled with hate and RAGE, and all this will be magnified by drugs that they will be given.
Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama made arrangements to supply the ISIS with brand new white Toyota pickups, and provided CIA assets to equip them into technicals. It is quite common for governments, especially the United States government to perform these black or grey cover operations to further their own political agendas. Do not think that they will fail to do so during a CWII event, and when SHTF, the forces you will be fighting will be well-equipped.
Beware of Ideologues
Killed because Hitler demonized them for an entire decade before he came to power. Once you are demonized, you will be treated like a cockroach. And killed without a moments notice or a second thought. Know your history.
The “killing fields” of Cambodia should wake anyone up.
In Cambodia, adults were forced to dig their own graves before they
were slaughtered with spades and sharpened bamboo. Their children,
meanwhile, were smashed to death against the trunks of trees and thrown
into the mass graves where their parents lay.
The “killing fields” of Cambodia is what happens when government sponsors genocide. Note that the progressive democrats believe that the world is over populated and it needs to be cleansed, and that means to “get back” at the bad conservatives that caused all their anxieties.
There were more than 150 of these execution centers across the country.
During the invasion of Cambodia in late 1979, Vietnamese soldiers uncovered a hastily abandoned prison in Phnom Penh containing meticulous records of each inmate, complete with a portrait photo and detailed “confessions” of their crimes committed against the Khmer Rouge.
That prison was Tuol Sleng, or Security Prison 21, a former high school in the Cambodian capital that was converted into a prison and interrogation center upon the Khmer Rouge’s ascent to power in 1975.
Under the guise of building a classless agrarian economy, the Khmer Rouge targeted anyone that was incompatible with their vision of Cambodia including intellectuals, ethnic minorities, religious figures, and city-dwellers.
In the following four years, Cambodians perceived to be saboteurs or traitors to the state — some simply because they worked in factories or wore glasses — were taken to the prison to be tortured until they provided a full confession along with names of their collaborators. After confessions were made, almost all inmates were executed: of the 20,000 prisoners taken to Tuol Sleng, only seven survived.
-All that is interesting
The massacres on the killing fields stopped when the Vietnamese
invaded Cambodia in 1979 and brought an end to the Khmer Rouge. As the
Vietnamese marched through Cambodia, they found places like Tuol Sleng.
They uncovered mass graves full of thousands of human remains – and
found photos of some of the many people who had been lost in the
Cambodian genocide.
You do not want to be dragged out of your home. Lined up in the street in front of your house, and then shot dead. But, we know, that is what will happen if you are disarmed. It is not about having a lot of guns around. It is about having one, and being an expert at using it. You need to have the will and the strength to know that SHTF is moving forward soon and quickly. Know that no one is doing anything about those “diversity officers”, and the media monopoly, or the Socialist HQ under Obama /Soros. No one is doing anything, so CWII and SHTF will happen. To prevent it, action is long over due, and I fear that the damage, at this time, is irreversible.
It’s all planned
The people on the lists will be collected from their homes. The embedded “snitches” progressive activists will take glee in watching those people dehumanized and shamed. They will be loaded onto trucks and then driven to isolated places to be killed.
When genocide breaks out, and make no mistake, any civil war in the United States conducted today will be one of genocide, will not be spontaneous or “grass roots”. They will be planned. They will be armed and prepared well in advance.
Pretty soon, the nice houses and estates in the countryside of America will start to look like this. Prepare.
Rural Bosina. No, CWII will not be anything like Hollywood is trying to portray. You won’t go scavenging for materials or hot-wire a car to drive. Things will be destroyed, dead, rusted and useless. War is very, very ugly.
All genocides are planned. They are planned, often for years, if not decades. The genocide that is being prepped for America has been in the making for at least 50 years if not longer.
The term Bosnian Genocide is used to refer either to the genocide committed by Bosnian Serb forces in Srebrenica in 1995, or to the ethnic cleansing campaign that took place throughout areas controlled by the Bosnian Serb Army during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War.
In the 1990s, several authorities, in line with a minority of legal scholars -- including the leading Holocaust scholar Dr. Robert Jay Lifton -- asserted that ethnic cleansing as carried out by elements of the Bosnian Serb army was genocide.
These included a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly and three convictions for genocide in German courts, (the convictions were based upon a wider interpretation of genocide than that used by international courts). In 2005, the United States Congress passed a resolution declaring that "the Serbian policies of aggression and ethnic cleansing meet the terms defining genocide".
Just like those protests against Brett Kavendaugh were not organic,
or the organized protests against illegal aliens, it’s all just show and
tell for the progressive mainstream media. Only this time, it will not
be televised.
Typically during genocidal events, neighbors will turn on you, or contact other confederates that will perform violent actions themselves.
It will be the “real deal”, and “out of no where”. It will be roving
bands of young heavily armed ideological youth. It will be these thugs
and gangs targeting your towns and communities and manning road blocks
and seizing key strategic points.
We know what will happen. It has been well documented. People will be collected. They will be rounded up into urban areas, or centers. The men will be separated out from the group. They will be led to an isolated area, a cellar, a warehouse, a cluster of tree, an area behind a bulldozer. They will then be held down by two people and shot dead.
Know your history. Do not expect it to be random or spontaneous.
The weapons had materialized out of nowhere, and every man had one: rocket-propelled- grenade launchers and Kalashnikovs and sleek black FN assault rifles and even old shotguns and sabers left over from colonial days.
They had come from the bush, these men, and they'd brought with them their protective magic and their claims of special powers. They wore sackcloth tunics and fishnet shirts studded with crocheted pouches that were supposed to stop bullets. They sewed cowrie shells onto their clothing and wore bone necklaces that hung down over their ammo belts and clacked against their guns.
One guy had nothing on but shorts and a pink ski-parka hood. Another had a headband made of live machine-gun rounds. They stood in angry little clusters around shortwave radios listening to the afternoon BBC report and slapping ammo clips into their guns.
-The Terror of Sierra Leone
Never Forget…
What the left has planned for their enemies.
"They have no interest in us, except as slaves or, more likely, as a vaguely troubling memory of a problem solved long ago. Guess how they would solve us?
Not sure?
Well, there’s this thing called “history,” and you can look up leftism’s track record regarding unapproved people like us unless Google is hiding the results for that too. "
-The real leaders of the Democrat party want you to shut up.
Yeah. Here’s a nice meme that I found on the internet.
If you trust the government, you have obviously failed history class. Never trust the government.
Know your history. Plan on dealing with an enemy that intends to
exterminate you and your family. They will be ideologically motivated
and the troops will more than likely be heavily armed, and high on
It will be nothing like you see on television or in the movies. It will be a horror show.
It was early morning and there was no one there; the gate had been torn off its hinges, and twisted clothes and spent bullets littered the yard. We stepped inside and sloshed through water that was three inches deep over the marble floors. Somewhere it was still running, gurgling out of a pipe where protesters had torn the plumbing out of the walls. There were women's panties and bras on the towel rack in the bathroom, as well as an empty bottle of 1998 Laurent Grand Siècle Ferme. In the upstairs bedroom there was an empty box of 70-mm. ammo. Papers were scattered everywhere, and syringes—thousands of them, used and unused—lay piled in the corners like drifted snow.
-The Terror of Sierra Leone
Traitors in our midst
There are organizations all over the United States that have had the SHTF, and CWII planned. In fact, they have been planning this for decades. They have secretive membership, secretive financing, secretive meetings, handshakes and even flags.
I kid you not…
Flags of one of the many organizations devoted to the overthrow of the United States of America.
1940 Katyn Forest Massacre
The Russian eagerness to slaughter Poland's military leadership was not simply born out of savagery. Many believe that Stalin reckoned that such ruthless tactics would permanently weaken the Poles, and make them a much easier people to subdue. -Dailymail
Know your history. It is going to be repeated. It is going to happen in the United States. It is going to happen.
Do not let it happen to you.
progressive liberal communists collected anyone who could possibly be a
threat to them. They loaded them into trucks and trains, and carted
them off to an isolated forest. There, they tied their hands behind
their backs and systematically killed each one.
Get ready.
In 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland. They came
from both sides, and within weeks, Poland was captured. The Western half
of Poland became occupied by Germany. The Eastern side of Poland became
occupied by the Soviets.
the Germans and the Soviets took over Poland, it was divided up. The
Poles in the West had to deal with the German Nazi’s. The Poles on the
East had to deal with the Soviets.
In 1940, once Russia took over a huge portion of Poland, they
collected people. They collected anyone who was smart. They collected
anyone who had skills. They collected anyone who had an education. They
considered these people threats to the “new progressive reality” that
they planned to impose on Poland. They collected them.
And, then they massacred them.
Anyone with a college education.
Anyone who was an educator.
Anyone in politics.
Anyone who owned or supervised in a factory.
Anyone who was related to anyone who was famous.
Anyone who held an officer rank in the military.
Anyone who was a small business owner.
Anyone who was a land owner (owned a house).
Anyone who was singled out by someone else as non-progressive.
In November 1939, the Russians arrested over 15,000 Polish officers and deported them to western Russia.
Among them were civilians, professors, doctors, lawyers, journalists, artists, judges,an Olympic athlete, priests, and the Chief Rabbi of the Polish Army.
The prisoners sat there for months, afraid of what was going to happen, but few guessing their true fate. As Peszkowski said: ‘We did not think it possible that the Russians would kill us without mercy.’
Desc: Katyn massacre (Polish army officers killed by Soviet troops in Katyn forest, near Smolensk, western Russia,1943), Nazi propaganda poster, Central Europe • Credit: [ The Art Archive / Private Collection / Marc Charmet ] • Ref: AA399882
Military leaders were sent to three prison camps, at Kozielsk, Starobielsk, and Ostashkov.
In April of the following year, the Polish prisoners were told that they would be repatriated to Poland. It was a lie, of course. When progressive liberal democrats (whether they call themselves Marxists or Communists is of not matter) say anything, it is ALWAYS a lie.
Progressive Liberal Socialists always lie.
locations were used to kill all of the intellectual class of Poland.
The workers, ignorant, and women were singled out, and segregated. The
men were taken to remote locations and shot.
The first group boarded a train, but oddly it was not traveling east, but rather westward. It came to a stop outside Katyn Forest, situated near Smolensk.
Executions normally take place hurriedly, but in this case the killers were in no rush.
The victims were taken from their prison camp and put on a train for two days without food and water. When they arrived at their final destination, they were bundled onto coaches with windows smeared with cement to obscure their view. After a short drive, the men were directed one by one to the rear door of the vehicle. As each man stepped into the gloomy light of the Russian forest, he would have had no doubt as to his fate.
From there the Polish officers were herded into black vans which drove them to a clearing in the woods.
When they stepped out, they were simply led to the edge of what would imminently be their grave. The Russians took them to a large pit inside the forest, and forced them to kneel at its edge.
Led to the edge of the pit. Held and bound, then forced to your knees. The progressive liberal socialists will put the pistol to the back of your head and kill you dead with it.
Their hands were tied behind their backs, and a choke knot tied around their neck and hands so that if they struggled they would have strangled themselves.
Held on either side, the victims were approached from behind by an NKVD man equipped with a German Walther 7.65mm pistol.
The relatively small recoil, compared to that of heavier Russian pistols, made the task far easier on the executioner’s wrist, an essential requisite for a killer with so many men to dispatch.
The shot
was fired at the base of the man’s skull, and if the job was done
correctly, the bullet would have exited through the forehead. Death was
instantaneous, as one by one the Polish officers filled the mass grave.
They were surrounded by dozens of armed NKVD agents who made sure that everyone was killed. No one escaped.
Polish officer shot in the back of the head by progressive liberal socialists from the Soviet Union. These people are dangerous.
Their bodies were thrown into mass graves.
This convoy of death went on for several weeks. By mid-May almost 4,500 Polish officers were murdered and buried in eight mass graves – the largest grave contained 12 layers of corpses.
Polish aviator shot in the back of the head. This is what the progressive liberal socialists have in store for anyone that does not agree with them on any of their crazed ideology.
Among the dead were more than 200 pilots including friends and classmates of the Kosciuszko Air Squadron.
Is is a photo of a memorial ceremony in Poland for the absolute slaughter of the Polish leadership, intellectuals, and workers of Poland, by progressive liberal socialist democrats from the Soviet Union. They called themselves “Communists”.
One of its’ victims was the brother-in-law of Witold Lokociewski. The sole survivor of Katyn was Professor Stanislaw Swianiewicz.
He was on board the train headed to Katyn Forest, and was standing in the line ready to board the van, but an NKVD colonel had pulled him out of the line.
The Germans invaded Russia in July 1942, but it wasn’t until the next spring that they discovered the mass graves in Katyn.
The bodies were exhumed and examined by a team of experts, and they accused the Russians of having committed the atrocity. The Russians denied all responsibility and countered by saying that the Germans had committed the massacre.
When Polish Prime Minister Sikorski called for an investigation by the International Red Cross, the Russian government abruptly severed all diplomatic ties with Poland. Sir Owen O’Malley, the British Ambassador to the Polish government-in-exile, described the grisly scene:
” In the broad deep pit their comrades lay, packed closely around the edge, head to feet, like sardines in a tin….up and down on the bodies the executioners tramped, hauling [the corpses] about and treading in the blood like butchers in a stockyard. “
Sir Owen O’Malley conducted an investigation and produced a detailed report that proved that the Soviets were guilty. But Churchill hastily absconded with the report and warned everyone not to ever speak a word about it. –Katyn Massacre
They rounded them up. They loaded them into trucks. They tied their hands behind their backs, and they killed them.
They politely told them to turn around. They asked them to put their hands behind their backs. Then they shot them FUCKING dead.
Dead as a fish. Dead. D-E-A-D.
progressive liberal communists rounded up anyone who could possibly be a
threat to them. They loaded them into trucks. They tied their hands
behind their backs, and they killed them.
When the atrocity was reported, the governments all, ordered it to be kept quiet and for no one to say a word about it.
Know your history.
You see, the progressive liberals; the communists wanted a complete extinction of all opposition in Poland. They destroyed anyone with knowledge. They eviscerated anyone with skills, ability or talent. They erased anyone who could organize against them.
You know…
People like YOU.
In the spring of 1940, Stalin and Lavrenty Beria planned to liquidate this potential source of opposition to Soviet control and gave orders to murder over 20,000 Polish officers.
The murders were carried out at several sites. The most famous was the NKVD burial ground at Katyn, near Minsk (today in Belarus), but killings were also carried out at Piatikhatki (near Kharkiv in Ukraine) and at Mednoye in Russia.
Other killing sites were never identified, although it is believed that another group of officers was placed on old barges towed out into the White Sea near the Arctic Circle and used for target practice by the Soviet Navy.
Those who died at Katyn included an admiral, two generals, 24 colonels, 79 lieutenant colonels, 258 majors, 654 captains, 17 naval captains, 3,420 NCOs, seven chaplains, three landowners, a prince, 43 officials, 85 privates, and 131 refugees.
One female air force officer was among the dead. Also among the dead were 20 university professors; 300 physicians; several hundred lawyers, engineers, and teachers; and more than 100 writers and journalists as well as about 200 pilots.
-Learning History
We know about this because, while Stalin ordered everyone to be
killed, their bodies were discovered by the Nazi’s that invaded Russia
the subsequent year. They heard about the bodies and they investigated.
They used the information and pictures of what they found as anti-Soviet propaganda.
The remains of Brigadier General Smorawinski ( Mieczysław Smorawiński
) found in one of the many graves in the Katyn forest. He had his hands
tied behind his back and shot in the back of the head. After a short
stay in various Soviet prisons and POW camps, at the end of 1939 he was
transferred to the NKVD Special Camp in Kozelsk. Smorawiński left the
camp on 7 April 1940. Together with most of the Polish officers
imprisoned there he was executed by the NKVD at Katyn, in the spring of
1940, aged forty-six, in what became known as the Katyn massacre.
During the exhumation of 1943 his body was exhumed and identified, as
one of the Polish generals to be identified. Katyn
Memorial in Jersey City. The progressive liberal democrats in power
want it removed, or put in an isolated area so that “mothers don’t have
to explain what happened in history”.
There are memorials to this horrible massacre in the United States.
Though the progressive liberal democrats currently in power wants the
statues to be removed.
In Jersey City, a park official proposed relocating a monument of the massacre to a less-traveled locale. He argued this because he found it “a little gruesome”, adding that “I can’t imagine how many mothers go by and have to explain it to their children.”
The real truth, since he is a vocal socialist, is that he wants to erase history in order to pave the way for an eventual full progressive utopia .
This happened in Katyn, but also in Cambodia. As well as in China. It also happened in Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam. Know your history. All of the ground-work is being laid down today for a near by future.
Cambodian Killing Fields are a number of sites in Cambodia where
collectively more than a million people were killed and buried by the
Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979,
immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War. The mass killings
are widely regarded as part of a broad state-sponsored genocide.
Analysis of 20,000 mass grave sites by the DC-Cam Mapping Program and
Yale University indicate at least 1,386,734 victims of execution.
There will not be any leniency in this matter. If you are a threat,
maybe you wrote something, or maybe you said an off-hand comment at
work, you will be singled out. The “Diversity Officers” in your company
have a firm lock-grip on who is not “with the program”. Take heed.
You will be taken to the edge of a dug hole in the ground and you will be shot dead.
Please kindly be advised that all of this will happen before you are aware that the SHTF.
You will wake up in the morning and dress like normal. You will drive in your car like normal, and get a coffee at a fast food restaurant like normal. The only thing out of the normal might be a friendly police officer that might pull you aside to "have a small chat with you".
We see pictures in history books and say, “nah that could never happen here”. The roads are dirt. The people are wearing military clothing. There isn’t anything that looks like a part of America in the pictures.
But the truth is that yes it can happen here, and if you read ANYTHING at all about genocide, know the [1] it is always government sponsored, and [2] it is rare for a nation to escape a period of genocide longer than 100 year period between genocidal events. [3] It is always preceded by disarming of the citizenry.
America is long overdue for one.
Then you will turn around nicely while they put handcuffs on you. You will be entrapped long before you have any idea that things are going down. IT WILL NOT BE REPORTED, and you will be unaware.
Do you think that all those people killed in Katyn had any idea what awaited them? Do you think that those factory workers in Serbia had any idea how their day would end? Do you think that those teachers in Cambodia had any idea what would happen when they "worked the fields".
Be ready to be SURPRISED.
If you are handcuffed, you will stand there while they go through your house.
Betrayal is as old as man, but the pace and severity seems to be accelerating. It hasn’t touched you or me yet, but someday soon we will be told to “be patient, as we restore your account balance,” or “the FBI will not allow this to happen again,” or “we’ve made some mistakes in the past but we (the same people) will do better going forward.” Ya, thanks.
- Karl Ushanka
You WILL be disarmed.
You need to understand… it’s ONLY a matter of time. You will be disarmed. Maybe not today, but it will happen, as NO ONE is taking action to stop the march of progressive reality.
You will watch them take your guns and throw them in a pile with zero concern. Guns that you would gingerly caress and hold with care would be tossed like rubbish onto the floor and into a pile.
In 1911, a national gun registration law was passed in Turkey, with no apparent ill intention beyond increasing public safety.
Four short years later…
In 1915, during the Great War, these gun registration lists were used to disarm the Armenian and other Christian populations.
Army battalions cordoned off entire towns and did gun sweeps.
Once disarmed, the official state violence visited against the Armenians ratcheted up to murderous levels.
Typically, on town-wide sweeps, all of the men and boys were taken away by the Turkish soldiers, never to be seen or heard from again.
Oh, yeah. America is “exceptional”. It could never happen here. Right?
Only after these Armenian “enemies of the state” were disarmed and completely helpless to resist did the final step begin: the officially sanctioned, ordered, led and conducted wholesale “deportations” of the Christian minorities from Turkey.
These “deportations” were in reality forced marches into fiery deserts, accompanied by pervasive sadistic cruelty comparable only to the Japanese “Bataan Death March,” and the less known but much more deadly death marches of the last surviving Jews in Nazi hands as the Red Army closed in on Germany.
You will be interrogated for any other guns, and your other family members will be separated from you. Your wife in one room, and your children in an other. They will play good cop – bad cop.
They will tell you that you own XXX number of guns, and that they don’t believe that they were all stolen. They will threaten you. They will search your house, they will tear it apart. You will find that they will wreck it and destroy precious valuables.
The Pol Pot Plan to implement a Socialist utopia. – Ethnic cleansing. – To regain the glory of the Angkor Empire. – To reclaim Kampuchea Krom. – To get all CIA and KGB agents out of Democratic Kampuchea.
Oh they will go look for your guns. They will not take your excuses that they were stolen at face value. They will treat you as dangerous and will go ahead and look for them.
They might even have a metal detector.
Do not think that they will not be readily equipped. They might have dogs that can smell out gunpowder. They will be looking for your guns. That will be their purpose; to disarm you.
They will set you down and yell at you, and depending on the level of urgency, get physically violent with you. They will separate you from your family. They will scare the living Dejesus out of your loved ones.
The children, will of course, tell them where your hidden weapons are. No matter that you instructed them otherwise. The children will tell. THEY WILL TELL.
Your children WILL tell and report on you.
Your wife, well… that is touch and go. But, you can expect a 60% chance of her telling them anything just to let you guys live in peace. Any secret hiding places that they know about will be exposed for the police to get.
God thing that you have a very secret stash that ONLY YOU know about, eh?
Research, using a safe search engine, the best type of grease to use to protect firearms. You want cheap, non-corrosive grease that is available in gallon or larger sized drums. Know how to use it to store firearms with, and ALWAYS have some ammo next to the stored guns. You cannot assume that ammo will be available when you need to access the firearm.
A couple of months will pass from the time of collection to when you will start seeing a need to have a firearm.
How do we know?
That is the way it ALWAYS happens.
We know from history. We know from Bosnia. We know from Sierra Leone. We know from Germany. We know from Russia. We know from Poland. We know from Spain. We know. We know. We know.
We fucking know.
In the Turkish case, only a small clique understood the true purpose behind the gun registration and gun control laws of 1911. If average Turks thought about the gun laws at all, they probably believed they would actually lead to greater public safety, as advertised.
That was also generally the case with the Russians, Germans, Chinese, Cambodians, Guatemalans, Rwandans, and all the rest who were required to register or even turn in their firearms for “public safety,” and who accepted the demand at face value as a “reasonable” gun control measure, to their later regret.
American liberals who would like to see the Second Amendment torn out of the Constitution as a problematic relic of a bygone era generally do not know—or pretend not to know—this well-established historical pattern.
But American Constitutionalists, who are more often than not students of history, understand the pattern very well.
So, directly behind the insane faces of contemporary villains like Loughner, Holmes and Lanza, we see the smirking faces of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, tyrants who did not murder individual victims by the fives and tens, but entire populations by the tens of millions.
And in each case, these national genocides were preceded by gun confiscation that was made possible by national firearms registration laws sold to a gullible population in the name of “public safety.”
Interestingly, during the bloody French Revolution’s “Great Terror” of 1793 to 1794, it was the “Committee of Public Safety” who condemned tens of thousands of French men and women to the guillotine or other forms of summary execution without trial.
...After previously being disarmed, of course.
Then, we will “hear of shootings”, and “events”. Not all of which will be reported.
Be ready to fight dirty. For you to survive, you will need to be a most dangerous person. You will not be able to trust anyone. The enemy will look like you, speak like you. Dress like you. Do not trust anyone.
You won’t know you are in danger until it is too late.
Often a singular incident will be used to obtain “advantage” by the forces that want to initiate the genocide. In Rwanda, the oligarchy shot down the plane carrying the Rwandan President and his chief of staff. This was enough for them to implement their plans.
The genocide in Rwanda was “kicked off” when the plane carrying the President and all his staff was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile. Once the President was confirmed dead, the oligarchy put their plans in place, and all the caches of arms, and their trained minions organized quickly and initiated “wack a mole” terror throughout the countryside.
...there is often a long delay between the stages of the registration-confiscation-extermination progression.
For example, national gun registration in Germany was implemented in the 1920s, without any immediate dire consequences. Then Hitler was elected and took dictatorial powers under the Enabling Act.
(Then) Beginning in 1938, Hitler used the gun registration lists to first disarm and then exterminate his enemies, primarily the Jews.
Oh, and by the way, do not think that this isn’t going to happen. It is. It’s just that the implementation schedule was thrown off track and delayed by the Donald Trump presidency.
Are you ready?
Because, I’m telling you directly, no one is stopping the progressive-Marxist takeover. It’s moving forward and in the long term, the Presidency of Donald Trump will only be considered a “speed bump” on the way towards Marxist utopia.
It is coming.
Remember, all genocides are preceded by gun confiscation. All gun confiscations are preceded by registration. Remember, you are your own first responder. FEMA has admitted that they can protect and/or rescue you. You are on your own and when you finally come to realize this fact, then you will plan accordingly, just like the people of Bosnia were forced to, or they perished.
Before the government takes away your guns, you need to acquire multiple guns with 2,000 rounds of ammunition each. Find hiding places for your guns. Learn how to conceal and carry without being obvious and the next time a would-be Manchurian candidate shooter walks into a mall or a theater, there will be someone there to take. Then the Deep State will be forced to come up with new false flags. But never, never, never give up your guns. The lessons of history speak loudly and clearly. The ties that binds our society are thin and they are weak. We are an event away from being Bosnia. Chicago is already in a state of 1990's Bosnia.
-Commonsense Show
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some
other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might
like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in
America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken
apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions
as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are
reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
Articles & Links
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because I just don’t care to.
The Rwandan genocide was initiated, and put into motion, by the rich urban elite inside the cities. They used the Civil War as an opportunity to “cleanse” the nation of thought contrary to their ideology.
In a like manner, the political elite in the United States will use an “event” to initiate full scale genocide against others who do not share their ideology. It will be called a “Civil War” but it will be anything but civil.
When the SHTF in Rwanda, it was initiated by the urban elite and President of the country. They used organized cells, and the military to kill and destroy the minority for ideological reasons and purposes.
The Disarming
“People who own guns are essentially a sickness in our souls who must be cleansed.”
-Colorado Senator (Majority Leader) John Morse. 2013 (Cleansed? “Final Solution” anyone?)
Never allow yourself to be disarmed. The promises that a pure and safe utopia will somehow arrive are all lies.
People, armed and trained, and most importantly WILLING to use the guns are the ONLY defense against genocide by wealthy oligarchs.
The second amendment to the Constitution is useless UNLESS citizens are trained, practiced, and ready to use the firearms.
Armed militia in the Bosnian conflict. The news media want to say that the conflict was over religion. That one side was against Muslims. But that is not true at all. It was an ideological war, one that pitted the urban areas against the rural areas. A decade long period of ideological rhetoric predated the first attacks, and the mastermind of all the genocide was from an urban area.
You know all that horrible, horrible violence in Yugoslavia in the 1990’s all came to a head as soon as the population was disarmed. Yes, all those “deplorables clutching their guns” are correct.
Arms, ammunition, candles, lighters, antibiotics, gasoline, batteries and food. We fought for these things like animals. In these situations, it all changes. Men become monsters. It was disgusting. Strength was in numbers. A man living alone getting killed and robbed would be just a matter of time, even if he was armed.
-Commonsense Show
As soon as the people were stripped of their weapons, the “dogs of war” were unleashed. They didn’t even wait a full year. They banned guns, collected them, and then took a short breather.
A month, four tops.
Then they came after everyone who was disarmed. They used lists. They came after them and they killed them if they could not find any of the guns.
Bosnian dead 1993. Know your history.
Scapegoating an unpopular group is standard operating procedure for budding socialist dictators wrecking once-free economies. For the Soviets, it was the Kulaks; for the Chinese it was the so-called “landlords.” I could list more recent cases to include Cambodia, Uganda, Guatemala, Rwanda and others. Once disarmed and helpless to resist, the hated national scapegoats are slaughtered by the millions.
Probably few Turks, Germans or Russians gave a thought to the ultimate aim of their new gun registration laws, passed quite plausibly in the name of public safety. But national gun registration is a slow-acting poison, sweet and easy to swallow, but potentially becoming deadly only years later, when a tyrant takes the reins of power and inevitably sends for the list. He begins with his most dangerous enemies and works his way through the list, marching the helpless scapegoats into deserts or gas chambers or gulags after disarming them.
In America today, we are seeing the beginning of an insidious scapegoating process, with older conservative white Christian males designated as the national Lucifer du jour, fair game for any vicious attack. Famous black movie stars joke about murdering white folks and white liberal media stars laugh along with them, conveying elite acceptance of the prevailing “evil whitey” meme.
Filled from birth on a steady diet of the pervasiveness of white racism in America, rage-filled urban youths across the nation play “the knockout game” with often fatal results for their randomly selected white or Asian victims. Meanwhile, the elite liberal media fail to notice the national scope of the almost weekly occurrences. Google “the knockout game” and start reading the dozens of local stories that the media refuse to connect or identify as part of a dangerous national trend.
And it doesn’t stop with knocking out random passers-by with sucker punches and then kicking them in head until they are dead, disfigured for life, or in comas. Have you ever heard of “The Knoxville Horror”? How about “The Wichita Horror”? Google them, read the local news articles about them, and ask yourself how much national media attention those cases and others like them would garner had the races been reversed.
Marxist child-soldier with his prisoner. Once the Marxists feel ready to strike they will use easily manipulated soldiers and let them loose on an unsuspecting population. They will be children, and young, but they will be able to kill you without a moment’s thought.
First, the people have to be disarmed “for their safety”…
They came after everyone and they used lists.
“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.
“That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that.
They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”
-The Gateway Pundit
They hunted them down, following the lists, and then killed them.
Know your history. Genocide is never pretty. The progressive liberals will of course try to distract and confuse. They will make up all kinds of excuses for their evil. But, make no mistake, these socialists are evil.
First of all I would like to remind you of the political situation before the war. The disintegration of Yugoslavia could not be stopped after Tito died in 1980. From 1981 the Serbian regime in Belgrade started to act in an even more nationalistic and chauvinist way than before.
During that time, for example, the Serbian military police killed several unarmed students by running them over with tanks at demonstrations in the mostly Albanian populated Kosovo.
In 1988 the Serbian regime took away the autonomous status of the provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina. In this way the Serbian regime violated the constitution of Yugoslavia.
During that time the Belgrade regime started to take control of weapons from all parts of the country.
People needed to be disarmed before they were collected. The pretty ones, or even not pretty, but young, were repeatedly raped. Then everyone sooner or later were killed. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.
There are those who believe that it will not happen.
But I will tell you that it is only a matter of time. It WILL happen, and the progressive liberals are chomping at the bit just waiting for the day to disarm their enemies…YOU.
When people are disarmed, the police and the militarized liberal ideologist can pretty much do anything they want with you. They will use you for what ever reason they want, and then discard you when finished. Read your history, folks.
Who can forget the iconic scene in the movie “Red Dawn”, where the progressive soviet communists invade Colorado and use the gun registration records to hut down and target opposition locally. What? You think that that would never happen here. Wrong! It’s already happening. Read the links above.
Right now there are some news articles about the police refusing to enforce gun laws, and other such things… like yet another total gun ban, and a news media going full-on with reporting of gun violence.
This kind of scene will be repeated all over the United States. Mall parking lots, of the parking lots in front of Walmart will be the scene where people (on lists) will be brought to, and then interrogated and then killed. It will happen. This could be in your town. Think, where these people could be easily rounded up and then killed.
These stockpiles are already in various locations. The police are finding them all over the “blue color” liberal areas.
Hidden stockpiles of weapons lie hidden in progressive liberal strongholds. Their intended use is for armed insurrection in favor of a progressive Marxist ideology .
Make no mistake. They have been groomed to hate you with a bitterness that is palpable. There are caches of arms that are located in all of the major urban areas, and their objective is to go forth and collect you and your family, and exterminate you.
Social Justice Warriors, who are actually progressive liberal democrats by name, but active Marxists by function. These people look like nothing special, but they are extremely dangerous. As they want to kill you.
They have more false flags planned, and have tiger teams of activists waiting for “go aheads” once they believe that they have complete control of the DHS and military (as what was supposed to happen with Hillary Clinton as president).
The 2017 Las Vegas shooting was a pre-planned event. It was especially designed for a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Then, once in power, the formula of constant media barrage of anti-gun propaganda, the loss of many country and western fans, and an in-place “deep state” pretty much guaranteed banning of guns in the United States. Only one thing… Donald Trump was President. Not Hillary Clinton.
Scene from Libya. Don’t ever be under the impression that random people run around shooting and killing people. Rather it is organized groups of thugs that work for wealthy benefactors that organize all the killings.
You know the reason, to use once they regain the levers of power in the United States. You don’t think that that Antifa that pose for public photos are representative of the real dangers that lie ahead. They are not.
The real danger still lies hidden, and they will go after you.
The progressive liberal democrats have been stock piling weapons and caches of ammo. They have trained and unified forces that have stayed and remain hidden from the news media. These forces will align with other public forces once they regain the total and complete levers of power in the government. Then the real shooting will begin.
The progressive socialist Marxists, by what ever they want to call themselves these days, have been armed and groomed for genocide. make no mistake about that. They are going to come after YOU.
They are going to disarm YOU.
Then there will be a small breather…
Then they will round you and your family into “safe areas”, which are actually areas that THEY control.
There, you will be harmed, in the most horrible ways possible and then killed.
Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.
Planned Attacks
Not all actions by the oligarchy are successful. The coup that tried to take over the Former Soviet Union resulted in failure. Here is a picture of all the oligarchs that tried to initiate Civil War in the Soviet Union. Too bad, for them, that the people and the military were not on “their side”.
Once a “kick off” event is set in motion (what ever it is), history has shown that the instigating forces will have the following characteristics;
It will be planned, and designed to appear “organic” or spontaneous.
The instigators will be the wealthy elite of the United States.
They will have control of most of the organs of power in government.
They will have control or full backing of the media.
They will have control of the military, the police, and the air.
When the “event” unfolds, it will appear to be confused and chaotic. But that is just an illusion. In truth, historically there are numerous armed forces working together in unison. These forces are…
[1]Roving Bands of ideological youth
These are historically, poor urban males. They have been pre-fed a steady diet of hate towards a set group of people. They are worked into a frenzy through propaganda and drugs. They will be issued and equipped with weapons, including full automatic machine guns and grenade launchers. They will also be provided with trucks or four-wheel drive cars. They will be given lists of people to attack, and target cities or areas.
Young boys, children soldiers sit on February 10, 2015 with their rifles on board a jeep or truck. These roving bands of youth were used to inflict terror all across the nation. .
Taking those lists they will attack, seemingly randomly, like some kind of “wack a mole”.
.They will follow the targeting lists provided by the various instigators of the event.
These lists will consist of lightly defended areas, farms, small towns and communities. They will start at those nearest urban areas and fan outward from there.
They will have lists.
They will have lists.
Then they will search out anyone on those lists.
Roving bands of ideological youth during the second Congo civil war. Here they are better armed, and had some training compared to the Sudanese or those from Sierra Leone. Never the less they are always to be considered very dangerous.
They may or may not be dressed in military clothing. However, they will have some kind of identification on them. This might be a scarf, a hat, or a string of beads.
In the movie “No Escape”, the radicalized youth are shown depicted by wearing a kind of red scarf. This is also a common enough identifier. When the cities are ruled by mobs set up in a frenzy, and all you have is yourself, it is best to be armed, and secure. You need to be aware that everything… no matter how apparently organic… is all preplanned. You and your family is on a check list, and you need to ride out the events with strength, courage and conviction. This is not a television show or Hollywood movie. There will not be a second chance. It will be make a decision and follow through. Or die.Monrovia in August 1990. Groups of armed thugs from the poorer sections of the nation were provided with drugs and fully automatic weapons, and vehicular transport and told to “go after” the people that the oligarchy spent decades vilifying. This scene will be duplicated by a thousand in America.
After the war, we had guns in every house. The police confiscated lots of guns at the beginning of the war. But most of them we hid. Now I have one legal gun that I have a license for. Under the law, that’s called a temporary collection. If there is unrest, the government will seize all the registered guns. Never forget that.You know, there are many people who have one legal gun, but also illegal guns if that one gets seized. If you have good trade goods, you might be able to get a gun in a tough situation. But remember, the most difficult time is the first days, and perhaps you won’t have enough time to find a weapon to protect your family. To be disarmed in a time of chaos and panic is a bad idea.
- Commonsense Show
[2]The Military
In most cases, the military is never trusted fully. While often those in power and who instigated the attacks have the backing of the military, it is never 100% guaranteed.
Thus, the military will be used to secure the urban centers, key buildings, structures and roads. Those who are in control will use the military to defend their strong points and only use them for special events when the need is required.
During oligarchy sponsored civil war, the military is kept under control through control of the top leadership. They in turn keep the troops ignorant of events, and keep them close by and they are told to “stand down”.
Often the military is told to “stand down”, and they will not know the full extent of what is going on. Often loyalists to the Constitution will have been purged from positions of control early on. Leaving the upper tiers of the military with ideological pawns for use by the oligarchy.
Zentralbild. II.Weltkrieg 1939-1945. In Germany, Hitler emptied the prisons of the most despicable evil murderers, rapists and sadistic torturers, and gave them uniforms, a military unit to be a part of, and assigned them to conduct terror operations against selected groups of civilians.
This almost always works. However, this was stopped when the troops are aware of news outside of the military channels. Such as in the Soviet Union.
The 1991 Soviet coup d’état attempt, also known as the August Coup (Russian: августовский путч, tr. Avgustovskiy Putch “August Putsch”), was an attempt by members of the government of the USSR to take control of the country from Soviet President and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. It was unsuccessful, and the troops ended up turning the tables on the oligarchy and conspirators.
Hard-line elements of the Soviet government and military begin a coup attempt against President Mikhail Gorbachev. The coup attempt signified a decline in Gorbachev’s power and influence, while one of his most ardent opponents, Boris Yeltsin, came out of the event with more power than ever. By August 1991, hard-line elements of the Soviet government and military decided to act and staged a coup against Gorbachev. Gorbachev was put under house arrest, and his enemies demanded that he resign as leader of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev refused, but many outside of Russia began to feel that his government could not survive. Yeltsin and many of his supporters, who had taken refuge in the Russian Parliament, then stepped in. Yeltsin correctly perceived that if the coup were successful, even the limited reforms begun by Gorbachev would be destroyed. He called on the Russian people to strike and take to the streets to oppose the coup. The people responded by the thousands, and the poorly organized coup collapsed only a few days later.
Embedded Agents
Embedded confederates in key companies, offices, government and communities will feed back information on the success or failure of the effort. This will include the “diversity officers” at companies, as well as activists on university campuses, and local progressives in the communities all over the country.
"In controversial “implicit bias” training, New York City’s public-school educators have been told to focus on black children over white ones — and one Jewish superintendent who described her family’s Holocaust tragedies was scolded and humiliated, according to firsthand accounts. A consultant hired by the city Department of Education told administrators at a workshop that “racial equity” means favoring black children regardless of their socio-economic status, sources said."
- Teachers allegedly told to favor black students in ‘racial equity’ training
When given the opportunity, ideological Germans turning in their friends, sister’s boyfriends, uncles, and neighbors to be tortured and killed by the dreaded Nazi Gestapo. This is a fact of life when dealing with people who place ideological beliefs over everything else. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.
The Final Step
Of course, here is the real ugly part. It’s the last and final step. For the most part, it hasn’t happened yet. However, once there is a Progressive majority in the Congress, the Executive and the Judicial branches of government it WILL OCCUR.
It was only a “miracle” that the event was postponed by the election of Donald Trump. Everything is still in place. They are just biding their time until they can initiate the planned genocide.
Once the progressives decide to make their move, and they are 85% in control of the United States, as it is, the end result will not be pretty. History is replete on what happens when ideological socialists come to power and exert their influence. Know your history. Prepare for the inevitable.
I will say it plainly and boldly. Know your history. It is a roadmap of what to expect.
Graphic photograph of a capture and subsequent rape of a young girl by German soldiers. Know your history. This will be common. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.
Read. Remember.
Sarajevo was an Olympic city back when Ronald Reagan was President. Under Bill Clinton, it was under siege. It was shelled by tanks, artillery, aircraft, attacked by snipers and machine guns, and the residents either starved or died of horrific wounds.
During the Bosnian civil war, the “wrong” kinds of people where holed up in Sarajevo. The troops surrounded it and laid siege. For four long years they killed everything that moved there. 11,000 people died there.
Do not be under the impression that Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Charlotte, Denver, Hattiesburgh, or Dallas / Fort Worth couldn’t be another Sarajevo. They could easily be.
When the citizenry are disarmed, they tend to be easily corralled. If you convince them that they will be safe (a lie of course), you can convince them to strip naked. And then you can lead them down into ditches to be slaughtered easily. The key is to constantly lie and reassure them that you are helping them.
About the photo above;
Liepaja Massacres: Shocking Photos Taken by Nazi Perpetrators of Jewish Women Moments Before Their Execution in Skede, Latvia on December 15-17, 1941
The murders in the dunes at Skede on the Baltic shore, some fifteen kilometers north of the city and about a kilometer from the road towards the sea, began as early as July 1941. Some 200 Jews were murdered there.
During a three-day massacre on December 15-17, 1941, German and Latvian units killed 2,749 Jews, more than half of Liepaja’s Jewish population. Preparations for the operation began some days before. On December 13, 1941, Liepaja Police Chief Obersturmbannfuehrer Fritz Diedrich placed an announcement in the Latvian newspaper Kurzemes Vards stating that Jews were forbidden to leave their living quarters on Monday, December 15, and Tuesday, December 16.
On the night of December 13, Latvian police forces began to arrest Liepaja’s Jews not yet concentrated in the ghetto. The victims were brought to the Women’s Prison, where Jews of all ages were crammed into the courtyard. The Jews were ordered to stand with their faces towards the wall, and warned not to move or look around for relatives or at the watchmen. Some were transported to Skede on the evening of the following day and crowded into a barn (a wooden structure, described also as a garage).
In the early morning of December 15, a column of victims was driven from Liepaja by Latvian policemen, under the supervision of the German SD, to the same barn in Skede where Jews from the prison had been taken. They were taken in groups of twenty to a site forty to fifty meters from a deep ditch dug in the dunes nearby, parallel to the shore. The ditch was about three meters wide and 100 meters long. There they were forced to lie face down on the ground. Groups of ten were then ordered to stand up and, apart from the children, to undress, at first to their underwear and then, when taken near the ditch, completely. They were shot by a German unit, the Latvian SD Platoon headed by Lt. Peteris Galins, and a Latvian Schutzmannschaften team.
During the murder operation, the Jews were placed along the side of the ditch nearest the sea, facing the water. The killing squad was positioned across the ditch, with two marksmen shooting at the same victim. Children who could walk were treated as adults, but babies were held by their mothers and killed with them. A “kicker” rolled in those corpses that did not fall directly into the ditch. After each volley, a German SD man stepped into the ditch to inspect the bodies and finish off anyone who showed signs of life.
The clothes were piled up in heaps and taken away by German military trucks. During the murder operation, Carl Strott and another officer, Erich Handke, took pictures with a Minox, and senior Wehrmacht and navy officers visited the site.
These photos were found by a Jewish man named David Zivcon, who worked as an electrician at the SD headquarters in Liepaja. A few weeks or months after the execution, he was sent to fix something at Strott’s residence, and notices four negative reels in a partially open drawer. He took them, made copies with the help of a friend, and smuggled them back to the apartment after making up an electricity problem. He put the copies in a box and buried them in a stable. After liberation, he took the photos and handed them to Soviet Intelligence officers. The photos were eventually presented as evidences at the Nuremberg trials. It's all on historical record.
Today, a Google image-reverse image search comes up with "hits" saying that this image and others are fake. Nonsense. Why are the progressive democrat Marxists so Hell-bent on erasing this particular part of history from the record...
Over one thousand Jews from the Ukrainian town of Lubny, ordered to assemble for resettlement, in an open field before they were massacred by Einsatzgruppen. Lubny, Soviet Union, October 16, 1941. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.This is what the roads will look like once the Marxists take control. No one will be spared. They will kill and kill indiscriminately. They will kill you, your family and everything that even looks like you. Corpses will be commonplace. How do we know? Because the Marxists have made their mark in history, and no… NO! This time will not be different.
The “end game” for the progressive liberals.
Historically, the final step is NEVER pretty. Historically, those who are isolated are rounded up and eliminated from public discourse by a combination of methods with isolation, imprisonment, and death being but a small part of it.
Once the civilians were led into the already dug ditches, the soldiers stood on the sides and shot at them. Anyone who moved, any thing that twitched was shot by 8mm or 7mm caliber bullets. . Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars. .
It doesn’t matter if the progressive takeover took place last year, twenty years ago, fifty years ago, one hundred years ago of 5000 years ago. It is always the same.
It is always the same.
The picture is blurry. It is black and white. It is thus hard for us to relate to. But, look at the content shown. Here we have whole scale mass hangings of civilians. .
All because of politics and ideology. It is coming to America and you are in the cross-hairs. Know your history. . Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. . That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.
It's an age often described as one of social unrest, leading to an "apocalyptic nightmare of violence, warfare, and cannibalism." A Neolithic mass grave in Germany shows the idea may not be far wrong… Christian Meyer and his fellow researchers now believe they have enough evidence to explain "conclusively" what happened at the site of a mass grave in Schöneck-Kilianstädten, near Frankfurt, around 5207-4849 BC.
If they are right, their findings may help our understanding of early social unrest among the first Central European farmers of the Neolithic era…
The site at Schöneck-Kilianstädten reveals a "new violence-related pattern: the intentional and systematic breaking of lower limbs." At least 26 people at the site were tortured and systematically beaten before being thrown into a pit.
Most of the victims were men and children aged between 12 and 13 years. The researchers found evidence of only two women, estimated to have been older than 40.
It suggests any younger women -- for example, mothers of the children -- were abducted… Their theory chimes with evidence found at two other Neolithic massacre sites: one at Talheim, Germany and the other at Asparn/Schletz, Austria… Among the men and children in the mass grave, Meyer and the team found many damaged skulls, fractured calves and shins… Meyer says the three sites together prove that as early as 7000 years ago, acts of "collective violence" were common.
The transformation will be absolutely complete when they take away guns. Then, only the rulers will have weapons. Oh, what a dangerous time that will be. (Have you ever wondered why people in the Democrat party are so absolutely focused in disarming the population? Well you should.)
Then, once the people are disarmed, then the “real” changes can take place.
Know your history. . This is what really happens when a particular group comes to power and their enemies are disarmed. It is never pretty. . Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. . That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars.
BENTOL, LIBERIA: A rebel of Charles Taylor’s National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) fire 03 August 1990 in Bentol on student William Weah (C), executing his after roadside interrogation fifty kilometers east of Monrovia. NPFL rebels suspected Weah to be a member of the Krahn ethnic group, the tribe supplying fighters to army of President Samuel Doe. Following the outbreak of civil war, President Doe was captured and killed in Monrovia 09 September 1990. (Photo credit should read JOEL ROBINE/AFP/Getty Images) .
Oh, this will be a dangerous time to be an American, I’ll tell you what. I shouldn’t need to tell you what will happen then. It will just be a repeat of what has always happened once people are disarmed in a nation that is an oligarchy.
When you cannot fight back, they can do what ever they want with you.
This is what happens to people who do not “go along” with the “new” way of doing things. It is never pretty. You are rounded up. You are handcuffed, and you are killed. That is the way it has been for thousands of years. It never stopped. It will continue.
But we have the “Bill of Rights”…
The Germans also had their own version of the “Bill of Rights”. . It really didn’t help them that much, did it? . Just like the American Bill of Rights is not enforced today. . What? You think that the Utah data Collection Center obeys the fourth amendment? What? People, the entire purpose of the regulatory agency the ATF is to infringe on the second amendment. Know your history. Do not allow yourself to be disarmed. Never allow yourself to be disarmed. That is the worst thing that you can do. Do not be a fool. Disarmed people obey the government when they are herded into the cattle cars. .
The “Bill of Rights” is only as good as their enforcement. How can there be a fourth amendment (to the bill of Rights) AND a Utah Data Collection Center? You know, a center that collects your private “papers and data” for government inspection and use.
How can there be 5000 anti-gun laws on the books nationwide when the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights still exists? It does say “shall NOT be infringed”.
If you have been paying attention, you the reader, should know all the progressive arguments. “(That) one’s individual freedom is not nearly as important as the needs of the defenseless children.”
Pretty fucked up, as you should realize that once the rights of the majority are more important than individual rights… there are no individual rights. Duh!
Armed ideological youth used during the South Sudan war. These youth were given drugs and fed a daily dose of propaganda so that they could move forth and terrorize the rural areas surrounding the cities. .
Anyways, the point is that the United States government is dismantling our rights one by one and offering nothing in return except empty promises.
American RIGHTS are being dismantled one by one, and NOT ONE PERSON is defending them.
There can only be one singular result to this. Make no mistake about it. Once the Rights no longer exist, and their preservation is not enforced, then there are no Rights. As such, the government can do what ever it wants with you.
Urban youth a fed a diet of hate and anger, and permitted to let it unleash under the effects of drugs when the proper time comes. They will not have mercy. They will consider everyone an enemy because of their “privaledge”. .
How can you have rights when you are banned from having a bank account?
The left is boxing the right in. Little by little, our allowed speech on the big tech platforms is shrinking. But too many conservatives aren’t sounding the warning bells. They think it won’t happen to them. However, we’re no longer talking about those on the fringe like Alex Jones of Infowars, Milo Yiannopoulos and Tommy Robinson. The censorship is happening to regular conservatives. It’s here, and shows no sign of letting up.
-The Left has u walking on eggshells
How can you have rights, if you are not permitted to defend them?
The logic is clear. The reasoning is simple, and the result is stark.
Shot by retreating communists once there was no longer a reason for allowing them to live. This is the face of what will happen. Know your history. Apply the lessons to contemporaneous events. The conclusion is inescapable.
Get Ready for the “SHTF Event”.
It will happen.
It’s only a matter of time. The only question is to what extent it will occur, and whether or not you and your family will be in the line of fire.
It seems so funny, yet this comic meme is 100% accurate and a large percentage of Americans feel this way. . Don’t believe the media narrative. Look at Gun sales int he United States, and notice and pay particular attention to the relationship between Democrat proclamations, sponsored laws, and citizen procurement of weapons. . No, people are NOT buying these weapons to hunt deer.
Keep this in mind…
Big changes always need a catalyst or major event to “kick off” a domino effect. This is very important to realize. All one needs to do is to look at historical examples. Then look at what is going on in the United States today.
“People who own guns are essentially a sickness in our souls who must be cleansed.”
-Colorado Senator (Majority Leader) John Morse. 2013 (Cleansed? “Final Solution” anyone?)
Once the one political party gained control of the government, they initiated full-scale genocide on the people that they had spent over a decade demonizing through the mainstream media. This entire event was initiated when the plane carrying the president of Rwanda was shot down. .
They WILL disarm you.
They will continue to demonize you and you will NOT fight back.
No one ever wins a defensive war. You need to strike at the leadership’ their enclaves, their minions and their families. Do not fight a defensive war.
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.
Articles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
Everything is currently in place for a full-scale genocide against “the privileged white”, the “rural deporables”, and the “crackers who are racist and love slavery”. You know who they are targeting. Yet, somehow everything thinks that all this narrative is organic. That it grew into being on it’s own. Wrong. It is cultivated, and intentional to drum up hatred and zeal to “transform America”.
“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.
“That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”
-The Gateway Pundit
Political Commissars
One of the things that occurred during the Obama Administration was
the creation of “Diversity Officers”. The administration was very active
in this regard and today you will find them in every single Fortune 500
Company in the United States.
A “Diversity Officer” is a “Political Commissar”.
has political commissars strategically placed within all of the
main-stream media corporations and all of the Fortune 500 companies in
the United States. While they do not wear any military uniform, they do
have an identical appearance. Which you can easily see by looking up the
term “Diversity Officer” on LinkedIN. They are SJW Feminist
professionals. They are tasked with the exact same roles that political
commissars had in Russia, China, Cambodia, and North Korea have. They
terminology has changed but the ideology has not.
Their sole purpose of existence is to promote and force-feed a
progressive liberal socialist agenda in the majority of workplaces in
the nation.
The University of California at San Diego, for example, is creating a new full-time “vice chancellor for equity, diversity, and inclusion.”
This position would augment UC San Diego’s already massive diversity apparatus, which includes the Chancellor’s Diversity Office, the associate vice chancellor for faculty equity, the assistant vice chancellor for diversity, the faculty equity advisors, the graduate diversity coordinators, the staff diversity liaison, the undergraduate student diversity liaison, the graduate student diversity liaison, the chief diversity officer, the director of development for diversity initiatives, the Office of Academic Diversity and Equal Opportunity, the Committee on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues, the Committee on the Status of Women, the Campus Council on Climate, Culture and Inclusion, the Diversity Council, and the directors of the Cross-Cultural Center, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center, and the Women’s Center.
-Minding the Campus
When you see that saying “Merry Christmas” is banned, you can thank a
“diversity officer”. When you see a company spending millions of
dollars on an advertisement talking about “toxic masculinity”, you can
thank a “diversity officer”. When you see “whites not permitted”
meetings, or hours, you can thank a “diversity officer”. When you see
advertisements excluding white males… you can count on it be initiated
by a political commissar.
is open racism. Imagine if there was a sign in front of KFC saying
“sorry we are closed to educate black people about their racism”. But it
is ok in a progressive liberal society. It is a society where some
people are more “equal” than others.
As long as these people exist in the United States, the nation will transform and stay progressive.
These political commissars are particularly dangerous when SHTF. This is because…
They make lists of potential dissidents and non-conformists.
They are ideological, and make decisions on emotion.
They are in strong positions of power.
They push a progressive liberal agenda in EVERY regard.
They will prosecute against anyone based on ideology.
These lists are dangerous, as they WILL be used against you. The history books are full of such examples.
Nathan Thomas III, Kansas University Vice Provost for Diversity and
Equity, right, speaks to a group of student protesters gathered inside
the administration offices at Strong Hall, Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015.
These political commissars play an important role in shaping how society evolves, and aids in singling out obstacles to the Marxist ideology. Not only that, but tons of money are pouring towards their employment and progressive liberal activities.
During the September campaign, Soviet NKVD and Red Army troops shot numerous Polish prisoners when they surrendered, especially officers. Members of ethnic minorities—Ukrainians, Belarussians, Jews, and Lithuanians were encouraged to settle scores with local Poles for any real or imagined mistreatment.
The civilian population suffered extreme repression. Approximately 1.5 million civilians were deported to the gulags.
-Learning History
Do not be under the impression that there are only a mere handful of
political commissars in the United States. That is an illusion founded
on ignorance. Check out this screen shot of a search for “Diversity
Officers” in the United States on LinkedIN.
is a search that I conducted in LinkedIN for “Diversity Officers” in
the United States. You will notice that there is an enormous number of
them and they occupy major roles in all of the Fortune 500 companies and
many lesser positions as well.
Far from enjoying supremacy, white males are denied equality. They are discriminated against in university admissions and employment. Free speech is denied to them. According to military wives, white males are being denied promotions while the military achieves diversity balancing. Google fires white males for stating basic facts. White school boys are being browbeat and feminized. The charge of white supremacy is being used to herd white people to the back of the bus. While they sit there and suck their thumbs, white people are being propagandized out of existence.
-Paul Craig Roberts
Providing Domestic Police with Expanded Powers
Up until 9-11, there was no such thing as a “Federal Police”, the DHS or Department of Homeland Security. It did not exist. That is simply because the Constitution forbade the use of soldiers on American soil. What the Constitution says is only as good as the leadership in obeying and following it.
America is what it is today because no one is following the Constitution.
In fact, the conservatives are "hands tied" trying to implement change and correct things by trying to obey the Constitution. Meanwhile, the socialists break laws and rules left and right, with no self-restraint.
Stalin does not play around. Many Socialist Progressive Liberals follow the Stalinist model in their pursuit of a world utopia.
Well, of course, just because the Constitution says it can’t happen doesn’t mean that it won’t. You just give it a new name.
And the mass murder of the Soviets and Nazis is simply no longer needed in today’s world for them to secure mass compliance.
Today, they have refined the game. You can lose your job, your healthcare, you can be legally harassed civilly and criminally until bankruptcy.
They can destroy your reputation because they have access to every single data point in your life back to high school and earlier.
They can “find” child porn in your computer or “find” cocaine in your car, or a Blasey-Ford to say you raped her sometime between 80 and 85.
You are almost certain to have violated one of the hundreds of thousands of Byzantine laws in the Federal code. They can ban your social media communications and websites.
In short, the communists and fascists of today have very little need to put a bullet in your head anymore. In the 1930s and 40s, that was the only way they had to shut you up. That was the model-T world, today they are in a Tesla world.
I think they enjoy the new techniques even better.
Instead of calling it a military force you call it a police force.
And, now we know what that friendly “police force” is up to, don’t we?
Today we have numerous domestic military forces. Not just the DHS, but
the FBI, the NSA and of course the dreaded “goose-stepping” IRS.
Today, if you do not have mandatory medical insurance you must pay the fine and it is enforced by the most feared federal agency in the United States; the dreaded IRS.
IRS is used to police Americans. While the US Constitution FORBIDS use
of the military on American soil, President Obama equipped them with
state of the art military grade weapons and authorized their use against
Americans without trial or Habeas Corpus.
Not only that, but President Obama gave the IRS military weapons, tanks, and a complete SWAT team. All to be used against tax evasion. But, only American citizens pay taxes, so that means that all these military weapons are being used domestically against Americans.
Why against Americans? I thought that the United States Constitution was very clear that NO MILITARY of any type shall be used by the government against Americans. Maybe they have other plans…
German citizens being corralled by German police into railroad cars “for their protection”. Of course, we all know where these trains went, and we all know what happened to the people who went into these cars. They friggin’ died.
Incidents of Conflict with supporting Media coverage demanding “action”
Once it is clear who the enemies are, the progressive socialist machine will ramp up attacks. This will be in the form of random groups of individuals who will be permitted to conduct violence without consequence, and coordinated attacks.
This may take the form of a “major event”. Like a plane crash killing the President or some senior level officials. It might be initiated by a mass murder using a selection of firearms which pretty much resulted in the disarming of the UK, Australia and New Zealand.
Works like a charm – every time.
There will be periodic acts of violence, but the major full-scale actions and activities will need to be instigated. This is often in the form of a MAJOR event like a mass-shooting, or plane crash. Of course, the plane crash was not the cause of the genocide. It was just the excuse.
It might vary from a mob chasing a boy wearing a MAGA hat, and
beating him senseless, to individuals taking a weapon and shooting up a
Country and Western Concert, or even attacking Conservatives at a
baseball game.
The media would then start to drum up a constant war beat…
Collect and ban all guns.
Arrest and go “nuclear” on gun owners.
Disarm all “identified enemies of progressive thought”
Censor their Social Media.
Censor their major media outlet and famous personalities.
Attack how they speak at work and at school.
Place limits on tradition and holidays.
You need to be reminded what lies in store for you once you are disarmed. Never forget that once the Polish Jews were disarmed, they were sent to a “safe place”. This became known as the Warsaw Ghetto and thousands died there.
WARSAW – 1943: A Jew is stopped in April 1943 by German soldiers after the rising of the ghetto of Warsaw during the second world war. On more than 300.000 Jews which the ghetto counted, the majority died of hunger, disease or were off-set in concentration camp. In Jew is arrested by German soldiers in April 1943 after the uprising of the Warsaw ghetto during WW2. When the Nazis set up the ghetto in 1940, it held more than 300.000 Jews. Two years later most of them has either died from starvation or disease. The survivors were then carted off to a nearby extermination camp. (Photo by AFP/Getty Images)
...how about a paper in an approved and sanctioned semi-official U.S. military publication, written by a War College professor in good standing. Serious enough for you? Google the “Small Wars Journal” piece entitled “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A Vision of the Future,” by Colonel Kevin Benson, USA (ret), 2012.
The “full spectrum operations” envisaged for the Army in the homeland are not made against hypothetical hostile drug cartels in the Southwest, or urban gangs, or the traditionally ambiguous and vague “Pineland Liberation Group,” or “Orangeland People’s Front,” hypothetical stand-ins named to offend no one, not even by accident.
This long-standing neutral naming protocol is tossed aside in “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland,” where the new domestic enemy that the U.S. Army must crush is a neo-KKK, a white racist “Tea Party terrorist” organization, headquartered in, of all places, Darlington, South Carolina. Yes, the NASCAR Darlington.
Anybody who has been in or near an actual Tea Party event or rally knows the crowd is made up mainly of an older white population, a quiet group that leaves no mess behind, not even a stray poster, and causes no fuss.
Yet “Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland” postulates that these white grandpas and grannies will be the very group that the U.S. Army will be called upon to crush in its first major battles on American soil since 1865. The message this paper sends throughout the upper ranks of the War-College-trained military, actually naming an ethnic group—Southern whites—as the national enemy to “hypothetically” be crushed by the Army in the year 2016, is simply mind-boggling.
The path forward that is indicated by the media’s growing acceptance of these vile and outrageous anti-white celebrity rants, cartoons, and articles is the same path that in previous eras led to the guillotine, the gulag, and the gas chamber for the scapegoated populations. But the final solution—genocide of the scapegoats—is only possible after the mob is sufficiently inflamed with hatred toward them by the mass media, in collaboration with an evil government. And time after time, it works.
We are seeing the opening stages of the scapegoating of white conservatives today, as the last election seems to demonstrate to the left’s satisfaction that a crucial political and demographic tipping point has been passed, and the ultimate power equations of raw tribal loyalty have changed in a fundamental way—and now it’s payback time.
We have seen this play out before in other countries and times, and it is deadly serious. Once the scapegoating gets far enough under way, it can pick up a life and a momentum of its own. For example, if the economy ever truly crashes, and the EBT system that feeds fifty million Americans goes down hard, leading to hunger, looting, and riots, (or we suffer other unforeseen problems of similar crisis proportions), the scapegoats will always be dragged to the forefront as the pre-designated patsy, to deflect blame from the government.
Never Forget
I banned guns and then killed everyone.
Isolation and “ProtectionsNever Forget
Remember Animal Farm from back when you were in school and they taught it as a chilling warning about socialism instead of as a how-to manual? Remember the horse who got worked nearly to death then got sent to the glue farm?
Guess what? You’re the horse.
Your job is to work to generate taxes and feed the cities and defend the country while your betters clink Chardonnay glasses between bouts of redistributing the fruits of your labor to buy the votes of their slack Democrat political constituencies.
And besides being the engine that powers the establishment, you also fulfill another important function. You’re the liberal elite’s punching bag, the scapegoat, the convenient excuse for every flaw, failing and foul-up in the society that very same elite runs.
You don’t get the credit you’re due; instead you get scorn, because that scorn both gins up the elite’s dopey allies and acts to keep you in line. It’s a stick to beat you and a chain to bind you.
Once the enemies of the “New Progressive Order” are identified, and they are sufficiently isolated into small groups or easily identified, the next step is to have the government come in and offer “protections” for them.
Of course, these protections are anything but protections. They are just a means of rounding up and collecting dissenters.
Young thugs armed with weapons during the Liberian civil war. They terrorized everyone that they could. The people ran from them into “protective” enclaves. There, they were pawns to be used by the oligarchy for what ever purposes they wanted.
“Protections” will be necessary, you see to keep people safe from the roving bands of ideological youth. Of whom, I must remind the reader, has that exact purpose. They are the terror sheep dogs that help corral the sheep to be fleeces.
Remember when the socialists say “to protect” they mean “to control”.
rounded up in Syria by the occupation forces. The parents gave them up
because the new government promised to protect them and keep them out of
harm’s way while the war raged. As a result they were sold and abused.
many died.
We cannot forget how all the Jews in Germany were rounded up. They were told that they were going to protective enclaves so that no one would harm them. So people packed their luggage and boarded the trains. Let’s not forget the idea of wearing a bright yellow star on the clothing.
That was for identification so that the individual could be “protected“.
Socialist Nazi’s required all of their “enemies” be “protected” by
wearing a large bright yellow badge on the outside of all their clothing
when they went outside.
Or what happened in ISIS occupied Syria…
“Abou Jihad” is a French Islamic State (or ISIL or ISIS) fighter in Syria who is one of the main disseminators of IS materials in French. He is stating openly what mainstream Western media outlets, the United Nations, and the Islamic State itself have now confirmed, namely, that the Islamic State is practicing the sexual enslavement of Yazidi and other non-Muslim women and girls.
Once captured, they can be raped repeatedly, and then sold off as slaves for sex and housework as needed. “Abou Jihad: “350 dollars for the Yazidi girl in Mosul if you want.” was the going rate as of 2014.
Two years later, when Donald Trump become president, and the ISIS lost their funding, support and intelligence from the Obama Administration, the ISIS organization collapsed. Need less to say, the progressive liberals view ISIS activity in Syria to be a “dry run” for what is in store for the United States.
The photo was published on twitter by a Muslim user (@Fadel_alHadidi) and profess to be an ISIS militant marrying a 7-year old kafir in occupied minority district of either Mosul or Syria (source and image is unconfirmed). The child is standing with the ISIS terrorist flag for jihad wrapped around her shoulders. During a forced conversion the victim is made to recite the Quran to make any pedo-marriage halal according to Sharia law.
The government will step in to “protect you”.
Oh yes they will. The media will all discuss how it is so very
important to put you and your family into “protected” farms and camps.
They will televise smiling and happy people boarding buses and trains.
If you don’t go willingly, they will force you. You know, “for your
Germans rounding up Jews for “their protection”. Those that would not
gather peacefully would be forced into the train cars by force. Know
your history.
Just in case you might think that it would never happen here, you are wrong. It is already happening
here. On certain university campuses, white students are being told
that they must wear a “White Privilege” badge on the outside of their
The College Fix is reporting that the Elizabethtown College Democrats want white students to wear White Privilege Pins wherever they go. Covered here at Patriotretort.
So much for “it will never happen here.
A North Carolina “English” “teacher” issued “her” students a work sheet titled “Diversity Inventory”. And then began an in-class exercise requiring high school students to categorize their family, friends, and themselves into several different groups.
Ai! It’s a scene right out of George Orwell’s novel 1984.
“It will never happen here.”
Motherboard then released a report on Tuesday, showing how T-Mobile, Sprint, and AT&T are selling their customers’ location data, and some of that data was ending up in the hands of bounty hunters and unauthorized people, letting them track virtually any phone in the US.
In Motherboard’s report, the smartphone they located was using the T-Mobile network. For Motherboard's staff to receive the location, the data traveled through a complex system of companies, starting with T-Mobile, before going to a location aggregator called Zumigo.
Zumigo then sold it to a firm called Microbilt, which provides access to a variety of industries, including bounty hunters.
The bounty hunter then sold it to a source, and that source finally sold it to Motherboard.
- AT&T Stops Selling Location Data Of Americans To Bounty Hunters
A free people, living in liberty and freedom are never disarmed. Only prisoners are disarmed. And what happens to prisoners is historically never a good thing. Be advised.
There was a reason that the 2nd Amendment was placed in the Constitution. The mere attempt to regulate it, minimize it, restrict it or impede in the free exercise of it, is a FULL-ON screeching alert that tyranny is present.
And no. I am not talking about the latest encroachments. I am talking about the first encroachments back in the early 1900’s. I am also talking about the FAILURE of our elected officials in allowing all this encroachment.
If the Constitution was being followed as intended, every person in the USA would have access to fully automatic Stoner weapons. Were this to be the case today, there would be ZERO threat of oligarchy initiated genocide in the United States.
Keep in mind this SHTF advice…
Never travel alone or in groups that were too big — always two to three men. All armed, travel swift, in the shadows, cross streets through ruins, not along open streets.There were many gangs 10 to 15 men strong, some as large as 50 men. But there were also many normal men, like you and me, fathers and grandfathers, who killed and robbed. There were no “good” and “bad” men. Most were in the middle and ready for the worst...
-Commonsense Show
Oh, and “they” WILL take your guns away. Just a quick reminder…
I just read a “story”, actually twitter posts, from a “liberal” who has decided not to wait for the red flag laws.
He simply called Child Protective Services and reported he suspected his neighbor of abusing his own pre-teen daughter. Within hours the was a raid, an arrest, a child taken into custody, a life destroyed, and a gleeful follow-up post.
What did the “neighbor” do you ask? His heinous crime? He had a “Trump 2020” sticker on his vehicle. The words “child abuse” get more action than “a man with a gun”. It is harder to defend against. And very seldom verified before the raid.
I really don’t know how to defend against this kind of misuse of the legal system. It’s too late for this “neighbor” but always remember “opsec”. Any ideas?
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some
other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might
like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in
America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken
apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions
as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are
reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
Articles & Links
You’ll not
find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy
notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a
necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money
off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you
because I just don’t care to.
Trump’s 40-45 percent of the nation is not only being constantly castigated and demonized by the establishment media but it is also being told that, in the not far distant future, it will be demographically swamped by the rising numbers of new migrants pouring into the country.
Your time is about up, it hears.
And most of the Democratic candidates have admitted that, if elected, the border wall will never be built, breaking into the country will cease to be a crime, ICE will be abolished, sanctuary cities will be expanded, illegal immigrants will be eligible for free health care and, for millions of people hiding here illegally, amnesty and a path to citizenship will be granted.
America, they are saying, will be so unalterably changed in a few years, your kind will never realize political power again, and your America will vanish in a different America where the Squad and like-minded leftists set the agenda.
Will the deplorables, who number in the scores of millions, accept a future where they and their children and children’s children are to submit to permanent rule by people who visibly detest them and see them as racists, sexists and fascists?
Will Middle America go gentle into that good night?
-America; an us vs. them country
When the American second civil war occurs (CWII), it will be an ideological genocide. It will follow the identical patterns that have happened in all of the genocides of the twentieth century. How do we know?
Because the identical pre-genocide preparations have already been put in place.
Once disarmed, the people will be collected in the cities. They will be segregated into groups. Then they will all be killed, if not used for slaves. This is a historical norm. This is what always happens.
No matter what – Avoid the cities.
As a quick reminder, whether you are in the rural areas, a small town, or on the road. Avoid the cities. This is where your enemies want you to stream towards. It’s a trap. It’s a snare.
The idea is to herd people into places where they are trapped and can be easily controlled. There will be urban youth terrorizing the rural areas, small towns and communities, and this will create a situation where everyone will start to stream into the “safe” cities.
It won’t be safe.
Here is a truck parading captured, and “handed over” females to be either given to the soldiers, or sold off in the public square as slaves. This is from Syria, and the girls were most likely handed over to the “police” to spare their lives. The “police” then processed them and set them off to the market for their future roles within the community; sex slaves.
People will be collected, processed and used or killed. They will use lists. This here, is how the lists will come into being…
Identify the Enemies of Socialism
Oh, and make no mistake. They will try to seize power, and in many ways they actually HAVE the advantage.
They have ADVANTAGE.
And they will be better armed, and trained than what you are expecting.
Normalcy bias is a common theme when you think you’re the only ones in the room. And because of that bias coupled with the election in 2016, many went to sleep. But you are not alone- not by a long shot. The Left has that same momentum and drive that you had between 2008-2015, but they differ in the facts that their mass base skewers far younger, they have a legal system and media providing overhead cover for their actions, and from our observation, their level and speed of organization have far surpassed what the Right was able to accomplish in twice the time. Tactical Hermit lays out many facts about their levels of organization with a large number of embedded links detailing their own resources and training programs. You don’t have to like it, but you do have to face it. And they’ll continue to seize the initiative while you flounder, failing to understand the reality of the situation. -NCS
Since Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 and the left-tards started throwing public temper tantrums akin to five year-old’s who do not get their way, the general consensus in the Conservative Patriot Community was “What do we really have to fear from a group of people with purple hair who don’t even know which bathroom to use?” but recent tragic events at the ICE Detention Center in Washington State requires all of us to prudently re-evaluate the REALISTIC THREAT LEVEL these people and their organizations really pose.
-American Partisan
Once, the progressive socialists come to power, they reshape everything in their image.
Later on, other private parts were weaponized, and the political movement of LGBT was born. It largely succeeded in bringing down the Boy Scouts and normalizing something that was considered abnormal through the entirety of written human history. Such abnormalities, if they were confined into private bedrooms, were widely tolerated for millennia, but the political weaponization injected these abnormalities into the public domain, including LGBT brainwashing in public schools.
Leftism spread in human society like a contagious virus and carried with it a total weaponization of everything. Leftism, being a totalitarian ideology, could not settle for anything less than total weaponization.
The modern political weaponization of everything is very similar to the old communist idea of the militarization of everything. For example, concentration camps — leftists prefer to call them "re-education camps" — were introduced by communist Leon Trotsky in order to create "labor armies" to demonstrate that socialism is better than capitalism. The idea was to crush capitalism by over-producing and out-profiting it due to practically nonexistent personal expenses in such hard labor camps. When the National Socialists came to power, they liked the idea of the concentration camps very much, and they continue to call them "re-education camps" officially.
The total weaponization has reached science (recall the "global cooling" hoax, which got transformed into the "global warming" hoax), media (recall the complete evolution of modern media into open propaganda outlets, where journalists act as ideological soldiers), culture (an idea of "cultural Marxism" by Antonio Gramsci), religion (recall Black Liberation Theology), sports, and many other endeavors.
The election of socialist Barack Obama as the president of the United States was the peak of leftism. This peak was unique, a once-in-human-civilization event, that allowed for the weaponization of institutions — like the IRS and U.S. spy agencies (CIA, FBI, all seventeen of them). Also, health care was weaponized (Obamacare), as well as the United Nations. The trade unions had been weaponized around the same time as genitalia, and by the same people, but only President Obama managed to use unions as political assault weapons. (Recall the General Motors saga.)
There are certain elements to this. For starters, everything becomes tied; financially, politically, socially, and economically to the socialist cause.
If it is Football, then you can be sure that every game, and every statement they make, and every endorsement that they have, in some way promotes the socialist cause.
If it is coffee, you can be sure that every socialist cause and issue will be promoted.
If it is education, you can be sure that all the children will be taught how to think and what to think according to socialist ideology.
In twenty-five years, we went from arguing that it must be legal to burn the American flag to punishing someone who burns an LGBTP flag with fifteen years in prison.
- Brett Stevens at Periscope
we can comment on outrageous this all is. The truth remains that those
who promote it are dead serious in their beliefs. THis is not funny to
them. This is not a game to them. They believe this with all their
But with all this realignment, comes the resistance to it. It happens every time, and it is predictable in so far as it exists. So, one of the first things that the progressive socialists do is identify who their enemies are.
They identify who their enemies are, and they put their names on a list.
Once the enemies are identified, “tiger teams” of lightly trained militia go forth into the undefended rural areas and small towns attacking everyone on the lists that they were given. It never is random. They have lists of people to target and places to go. Do not expect it to be unplanned or random. Picture from the Sierra Leone conflict.
These are the people who will oppose their efforts.
They identify them. They call them out, and they make it plain as day that “real” progressive socialists won’t have anything to do with these “enemies of the people”.
Today in America, these are the enemies…
White people.
Anyone who is friends with white people.
Climate change deniers.
Traditionally-minded people.
Gun owners.
People from a predominantly “red” state.
Religious people (with the exception of Muslims).
Heterosexual people and traditional marriages.
Anyone or anything associated with traditional America
In America, it is “White Privilege”.
“I do not believe in people owning guns. Guns should be owned only by [the] police and military. I am going to do everything I can to disarm this state.”
-Michael Dukakis
knows who the targets of hate actually and really are. You have to be
either fully immersed in PC culture and blind to reality, or a friggin’
moron not to realize this. I well remember an experience about two
decades ago. My bathroom was broken, so I only took a shower once a
week. One day my six year old niece came next to me and said that I
smelled and stank. Now, why is this important,? No one else told me.
They were being too polite. They did not want me to feel bad that my
bathroom was kaput. But the young niece said the truth bluntly. It was
refreshing. Listen to what is being said now.
Political Correctness is a blanket term that today is used to demonize and isolate.
“Why do I even worry about some silly little statue coming down? Or some silly little street names changing? Why do I even care?” she asked.
“It’s because the last time I didn’t care,” the woman then said, answering her own question. “The last time, I didn’t care about this as a teenager — I have already lived through these things when I was living in Venezuela.”
“Statutes came down, [Hugo] Chavez didn’t want that history this way. And then he changed the street names, then came the [school] curriculum. And then some movies couldn’t be shown on TV channels, and so on and so forth,” she said.
Talking to Americans, the woman pointed out that she has heard it said that these things can’t happen here.
“But always been on guard, never believe that something can’t happen to you,” she cautioned. “You need to guard your country, your society, or it will be destroyed.”
“We didn’t believe it could happen to us, we Venezuelans,” she said. “Cubans warned us, and we were like, ‘We know what freedom is like, that’s not going to happen here.'”
“Yet, it happened,” she concluded."
-Venezuelan woman begs Americans to wake up: This is how it starts. Cubans warned us, we didn’t think it could happen to us.
It goes by other names in other nations. But by whatever name is of no consequence. What is important is how it is used, and what it’s purpose is. For it prevents a person from saying what they truly think.
History is full of reminders in how to use terminology like this.
First comes the us-vs-them propaganda. Then the disarming. Then the gathering of people. Finally comes the killings. Every time you hear the term “white privilege” on the media, this is what that announcer wants to do to your family and YOU.
The dehumanization and objectification of political adversaries is always used in the preparation and justification for mass murder. This came into sharp focus as an effective weapon during the French Revolution. As well as other “revolutions”, “civil wars”, or “conflicts”. They are almost always genocidal events initiated by the richest people in the nation.
In these events, people are pitted against each other. Often by the most trivial of reasons. Their “armies” are mob-manipulated youth driven into crazed behaviors by decades of non-stop propaganda. We we have some urban youth, provided with drugs and military weapons to terrorize the countryside.
The specific insults morph to fit the circumstances and the times. each time it is a new and different term; a new name. Yet, each insult is designed to have the same effect — to dehumanize and to objectify a group of people.
These are the people in opposition to the dominant group that has seized power and the legal mechanisms of the State.
Progressive liberal militia in Berkeley, California getting ready to fight against “White privilege” , deplorables, and racists. They are willing to kill anyone whom they deem a threat to their vision of a Marxist utopia. Please take a special note that the Marxist militia is totally fine with having “large capacity” magazines, while the law is in place to collect them from local conservatives and moderates. It doesn’t seem fair does it?
The insults and attacks serve a purpose to strengthen the ideology of young easily manipulated people who can be the disposable “soldiers” of the cause. This always happens.
It is predictable.
soldiers that participated in the Sierra Leone conflict. They were
“brainwashed” into ideologically motivated pawns to accomplish military
goals as established by the people instigating the military activity.
Rural Midwest America can expect such soldiers to stream outward from
Chicago and other major American cities.
Here is a partial list of the defamatory names of condemnation. Pay attention. These are utilized by tyrannical regimes. These well map out the fate meted out to people so branded:
1793, France Enemies of the people Enemies of the revolution Girondists Indulgents Aristocrats Criminal Clergy Criminals against Liberty
These terms were used often, and resulted in mass executions by guillotine in Paris and cities across France. Additionally, there was total and complete genocide against the Catholic clergy, nuns and laity of La Vendee.
You see. They weren’t “progressive” enough.
In France, it was “Aristrocrat Privilege”.
By using emotion-driven political speech, you can demonize a class or a group of people. Then you can take another group of people, manipulate them through alcohol, drugs and sex and unleash them on the people that you demonize. This is a historically proven method.
Well, that was France. Just France. Well, look at what happened in Russia. Know your history.
1917, Russia Bourgeois Capitalists Counter-Revolutionaries Reactionaries Political deviants Kulaks Czarists Trotskyites Mental defectives
All this resulted in mass executions by firing squad, mass graves. There was imprisonment and torture in Lubuanka and Leforto prisons. Millions starved to death. Others sentenced to hard labor in Siberia. Know your history.
In Russia, it was “Trotskyite Privilege”.
Demonized people being lead to concentration camps for their “protection”. This is ultimately what happens when you demonize a race or class of people.
Well, that was just two examples, the argument goes. Ok, then. Let’s look at China…
1966, China Class enemies Landlords Bad elements Rightists Rich peasants Impure elements Revisionists
Of course, this resulted in re-education camps, sanctioned mass murder by Red Guards, torture, imprisonment, and starvation.
In China, it was “Revisionist Privilege”.
In Greece, during the civil war there, dead civilians are shown being pulled out of a well. They were killed and tossed into the well by roving bands of ideological armed youth.
And now, today in the United States. Ah, you say…. “It could never happen here.” That’s what everyone is saying…right?
2016, USA Deplorables Racists Sexists Homophobes Xenophobes Islamophobes Irredeemables Nazis White Privaledge
What could possibly happen?
In America it will be “White privilege”.
What makes these derogatory blanket terms salient and potentially dangerous is that they were intentionally uttered publicly in front of an audience of admirers in 2016 by Hillary Clinton. And, when she uttered these words; words designed to minimize other Americans, and trivialize them, the crowd burst into clamorous applause.
This is what happens when organized genocide, initiated by the oligarchy in a nation, is permitted to follow it’s pre-determined course. People die. This scene could easily be duplicated in Chicago, Detroit, LA, Atlanta, and Birmingham, given just a tiny amount of prodding.
She did so in possession of all the levers of State power. She did so and used these defamatory, inflammatory, dehumanizing terms to describe en masse tens of millions of American citizens. People like me, and like YOU, the reader.
When you are demonized by ideological Marxists, they will come after you. They will attack you and kill you when you are minding your own business. Like this poor girl carrying turnips.
I mean, really, just how dangerous can you be carrying turnips? The point is that you just aren’t. The only thing dangerous about you is how you think, and progressive liberal Marxists want to destroy anyone who has any thoughts outside of their narrative.
De-arming the citizens
Genocide can only happen once the citizens are disarmed. Then you can lie to them, and convince them to obey you. Works every time. It works like a charm.
Once you are disarmed, and are unable to fight back, those in power will use you until you are no longer of value. Then they will kill you. It always happens that way.
There are multiple avenues that the Marxists are taking to disarm Americans. This should be obvious to everyone. But there are other avenues of approach that are being done in secret and are hidden. One of which was by UN treaty.
Luckily on “pause” for now…
President Trump signed an executive memorandum officially notifying the United Nations that the United States was withdrawing its support for a United Nations-backed treaty former Secretary of State John Kerry signed in 2013.
With this action — “un-signing” a treaty document — Trump sent a clear, unambiguous, and long-overdue signal to the domestic and international gun control movement, that since 2001 had been pressing for a U.N. foothold to regulate firearms use and possession within our country: “Back off!”
In signing this document, Trump drove a stake into the heart of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT); and our Second Amendment is the stronger for that action.
Oh, the outcry from the left! New Jersey’s Bob Menendez, ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, wailed that in taking this “disturbing” action, Trump was “[jeopardizing] U.S. security.” Rachel Stohl, managing director for the Stimson Center in the nation’s capital, somehow concluded that the president’s action will “harm the American economy.” The common catchword by these and other globalists in describing the ATT that is now dead to the United States, was — as always for the gun control movement – “common sense.”
In fact, there was nothing “common sense” about this document and the ongoing process to make it the operative mechanism for international gun control.
Always seeking relevance and power since it was established in the immediate aftermath of WWII, the U.N. has worked for nearly two decades to shoehorn gun control into its “world peace” mission. In this, it has been strikingly successful, with some 130 countries signing the ATT and over 100 actually ratifying it and becoming thereby fully and legally bound by its terms. The U.N. even convinced the Obama Administration to sign onto it and submit it to the U.S. Senate for ratification, where it sat until Trump’s April 29 action pulling it back.
Despite the long-standing effort by ATT proponents to present the Treaty as a purely international instrument affecting only export and import of firearms, lurking within its broad parameters and underlying authorities is a catalog of gun control measures that each signing country (which had included the United States) commits to act consistent with.
This list of what Menendez and Stohl (and others) describe as “common sense” measures includes, among others:
• Restricting civilian possession of firearms only to those “at the lowest risk of misusing them.” (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• Limiting sales and other transfers of firearms only to commercial transactions at licensed “sales premises” (in other words, no transfers at gun shows).
• Only persons licensed and periodically re-licensed by the national government could possess firearms. (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• All firearms must be registered with the national government. (Violation of the 4th amendment.)
• All persons wishing to possess a firearm must pass a rigorous exam administered by the national government. (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• All firearms must be stored in locked containers separate from ammunition, and “bolted to a heavy or immovable object.” (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• Only a pre-determined number of firearms and rounds of ammunition may be possessed by a properly licensed civilian. (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• Magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds. (Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• No firearm could be possessed before at least a seven-day waiting period.
• No civilian could own or possess a firearm for self-defense unless they first demonstrate a clear and convincing need.(Violation of the 2nd amendment.)
• Individuals licensed to own firearms are subject to periodic and random inspections of their homes or businesses (Violation of the 4th amendment)
• In order to be granted a license to possess a firearm, an individual must secure recommendations from “responsible members of society,” attesting to their “suitability to possess a small arm.” (Violation of the 2nd amendment, as well as the preamble to the Bill of Rights.)
These terms would not — unless the treaty was ratified by the Senate — be legal binding. However, the federal government’s commitment to act consistently with all explicit and underlying terms of the treaty would have provided easy opportunity for gun control advocates in any administration to take such steps and justify them by virtue of Kerry’s signature back in 2013.
At least with regard to the Arms Trade Treaty and its sneaky gun control agenda, Americans who understand and support the right to keep and bear arms, can heave a sigh of relief thanks to Trump’s action on April 29.
-Bob Barr (@BobBarr) represented Georgia in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003. He currently serves as president and CEO of the Law Enforcement Education Foundation.
All it takes is for the US Senate to ratify the UN agreement, and the President to sign it. When that happens, the Bill of Rights become subject to modification by the UN.
Now, once you are disarmed, then comes genocide. It always happens. Always.
Demonized for his “Jewish Privilege” the last member of his family stands over his dead family before he too is killed.
This is what the progressive liberal Marxist democrats want to do to YOU and your family. Do not close a blind eye to it. They are just biding their time, and then whammo! It will hit you like a bulldozer that fell from the sky.
Know your history.
Don’t allow it to happen to YOU.
Others have mapped out “signposts” and “markers” along the way in order for people to gauge the relative state of American affairs regarding Marxist takeover. They often have many, many great things to say.
Don’t let it happen to you. Do not let your guard down. America is very close to a full-scale SHTF.
The Western Rifle Shooters blog-spot has a number of excellent writers on this subject. One of whom is “Bracken”. I have provided numerous excerpts from his profound insights. One of which is below. Take note…
The Yellow Line:
The yellow warning line will be crossed with national gun registration laws, including laws forbidding private gun sales without government permission. When that law passes, millions of Americans will feel that they have been pushed directly to the edge of the abyss above the mass graves of history. Defenders of the Second Amendment know what happened in Turkey, the USSR, Germany, China, and other nations that fell under totalitarian rule: in every case a necessary preliminary step on the road to genocide was national gun registration, followed by confiscation. The Jewish survivors of the Nazi Holocaust say, “Never again!” And so do we.
The Red Line:
The red line will be crossed with the passage of laws mandating that currently owned weapons, ammunition magazines, and ammunition quantities above a certain number must be turned in to authorities or destroyed, and thereafter their simple possession will be a felony. At that point, the nation will be on a hair trigger, with a thousand flaring matches nearing a thousand primed cannon fuses aimed directly at the next Fort Sumter.
The Dead Line:
The next line requires a bit of history to explain. In some primitive Civil War POW camps, where lack of funding or logistical constraints did not allow the construction of proper fences, a knee-high continuous railing of wooden slats encircled the prison grounds. Guards with rifles were positioned at the corners and in crude towers. If a prisoner so much as stepped over the narrow plank, he was shot dead without warning, obviating the need for a real fence to contain him. Hence the term “dead line.” Cross the line and people die, right now.
And this is what liberal utopians must understand: after passing the yellow line with national gun registration and transfer requirements, and the red line by making possession of currently legal firearms felonious, the dead line will be breached with the first SWAT raids upon citizens suspected of owning legal firearms made illegal by the new gun control laws. People will die resisting confiscation, in large numbers.
Confiscation crosses the dead line, make no mistake about it.
I am sure that he thinks that we are getting close to “zero hour”. But, maybe we are way past that moment in time. Maybe.
Now, let’s just see where we are, shall we…
Yellow Line
Requiring government permission to exercise the right to own a gun. Sorry. We have been there for almost a century.
This is where guns, ammo, or types of gun components must be turned into the government. We have been there for almost a full decade. Ever since Obama became President.
And, to you tough-talking Neo-Cons with your AR-15 rifles and a few thousand rounds of ammo, here is the reality: they will take your guns, and no, all your Second Amendment bluster aside, you are not going to do anything about it.
You are not going to take on a platoon of Marines with state-of-the-art automatic weapons and the best body armor you cannot buy protected by armed personnel carriers and attack helicopters unless you choose to die that day — for nothing.
You will either be in the country or out, and if you are in, you will stay in and you will comply.
-Daily Reckoning
Those progressive Marxists are pretty emboldened. Taunting us conservatives like that. Maybe they are in their own echo chamber or maybe they know something we don’t.
Maybe they know something…
Dead Line
We are there. People now die when the police come to their houses to collect their guns.
According to police, two officers serving a new Extreme Risk Protective Order (Red Flag Law), a Maryland protective order to remove guns from a household, shot and killed the man listed on that order.
“Under the law, family, police, mental health professionals can all ask for the protective orders to remove weapons,” said Sgt. Jacklyn David, with Anne Arundel County Police.
That man was identified as Gary J. Willis of same address.
Officials said Willis answered the door while holding a handgun.
Willis then placed the gun next to the door.
When officers began to serve him the order, Willis became irate and grabbed his gun.
One of the officers tried to take the gun from Willis, but instead Willis fired the gun.
The second officer fired a gun, striking Willis. He died at the scene.
Convinced yet?
You have a window of opportunity now.
Things are not yet "hot". Do you intend to stay put, and if so do you have a safe hiding place... well constructed, well-hidden, with supplies? Are you armed and able and (most importantly) willing to use the weapons?
Rouse up the rabble through organized rallies and protests
“If someone is so fearful that they are going to start using their weapons to protect their rights, it makes me very nervous that these people have weapons at all.”
-U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman
In order to instigate genocide, there is a formula that must be followed with some due care.
Demonize a class of people.
Promote that demonization into mainstream society.
Normalize it to a point where pure hatred manifests.
Create rallies and protests that will inflame the hatred.
Then disarm the people so hated.
As we see all of the protests and other civil unrest in America, it’s easy to think that it’s a groundswell of outrage. Knowledge takes us beyond that mere information!
Ever since the 2016 election, we’ve seen an increase in violence in America. The media would have you believe that this a country wide, groundswell of discontent. Many good folks are getting scared. Well, the good news is that the bad news is more “fake news”! I’ve been studying the violence and tracking it on a map. The map I’m using is the one that shows which counties Hillary won and which Trump won.
It’s happening in one of the 487 counties that Hillary Clinton won in 2016! The protesters know that they are breaking laws in a community where the local politicians and police are “protestor friendly”.
I wasn’t surprised to see that virtually 100% of these protests and violence was happening in one of the 487 counties that Hillary won! Other than the sheer logistics of being in those counties, I believe that the real reason for their doing these protests in 487 counties is because they own the entire political spectrum in those counties.
They own the government, the police and the sheriff. They know that they can protest with little fear of being punished.
- What the 487 means, and why it’s important
The Causes of Genocide
“[To get a] permit to own a firearm, that person should undergo an exhaustive criminal background check. In addition, an applicant should give up his right to privacy and submit his medical records for review to see if the person has ever had a problem with alcohol, drugs or mental illness . . . The Constitution doesn’t count!”
-John Silber, former chancellor of Boston University and candidate for Governor of Massachusetts. Speech before the Quequechan Club of Fall River, MA. August 16, 1990
Know your history. Read a textbook why don’t ya.
Woman refusing to be taken from her home by the federal police. Germany. The Nazi Germans, as well as the Stalinist’s used the same techniques to isolate and kill their political and ideological opposition.
Once they disarmed them, they went into the homes and seized them.
Yet, the Germans weren’t ignorant. They knew that they had Rights. They knew that the German police could not just simply come in. They needed “papers” and “permissions” to do so. yet, the German citizens were stunned when they were told that “NO we do not need no stinkin’ papers”.
"That law doesn't apply in this case. You can contact an attorney after we take you to the station."
There is substantial, documented evidence that all the hype by the progressive liberal democrats and the mainstream media are are geared up to one singular result; the genocide of traditional conservatives and white males.
That’s right. Know your history.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them… ‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ’em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren’t here.”
-U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) CBS-TV’s “60 Minutes,” 2/5/95
Here is a slide from a history class. Apply it to America today, why don’t ya.
PPT slide on the causes of Genocide. Sound familiar? It should, it sounds pretty much what the progressive liberals are planning for right now today. SHTF and CWII will be a genocidal event.
After a decade of vicious conflict, the war in Sierra Leone is still shocking in its sheer atrocity: rebel troops of drug-crazed teenagers have hacked the limbs off thousands of civilians, including women and babies. U.N. peacekeeping forces have been powerless to intervene. Cold-blooded calculation fuels the rebels' insanity.
-The Terror of Sierra Leone
Hillary Clinton used it in such a way to recruit others to openly
attack (physically) her conservative opposition. Much in the same way
the the RUF became motivated to attack the long-standing traditional
elements of society in Sierra Leone.
soldiers in Sierra Leone. Note how well armed they are. Government
forces working secretively set aside caches of weapons and ammunition
for use by ideologically motivated “regulars”. Who then sprung forth
when the time was right. They will be better armed than you. You had
best be better trained.
Once in power, the laws will be prejudicial
“I am one who believes that as a first step, the United States should move expeditiously to disarm the civilian population, other than police and security officers, of all handguns, pistols, and revolvers… No one should have the right to anonymous ownership or use of a gun.”
-Professor Dean Morris, Director of Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, stated to the U.S. Congress
As we already see in the United States, there are two sets of laws.
One set are for the progressive democrat Marxists. The other set of laws are for everyone else. While currently, it provides advantage for the progressive socialists, once they obtain power, they will twist the laws to be completely prejudicial to their opposition. Like you.
In the Urban areas, the police will be active in purging conservatives from society.
The police will use lists, list compiled by “diversity officers” and local progressive informants to identify local conservatives. These conservatives will then be collected by police and taken to interrogation centers and “safe places” for their “protection”.
"You can contact your attorney once you are in the station. For now, turn around and put your hands behind your back. It's for your protection."
Know your history. See how the German Nazi Socialists treated the Jews.
From HERE On July 5, 1941 Korvettenkapitan Brückner, who had taken over for Stein issued a set of anti-Jewish regulations. These were published in a local newspaper, Kurzemes Vārds. Just imagine what it would be like if the terms related to Jews were replaced with their modern American equivalents.
Indeed, one can only imagine what it would be like if the word “Jew” was replaced by the word “conservative”.
All Conservatives must wear a sign on the front and back of their clothing;
Shopping hours for Conservatives are restricted to 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Conservatives are only allowed out of their residences for these hours and from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.;
Conservatives are barred from public events and transportation and are not to walk on the beach;
Conservatives are required to leave the sidewalk if they encounter anyone in uniform;
Conservative shops are required to display the sign “A non-progressive business” in the window;
Conservatives are to surrender all radios, televisions, computers, cell phones, fax machines, and typewriters.
Conservatives are to surrender all uniforms, arms and knives in their possession.
Conservative are to surrender all means of transportation; including cars, bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, and boats.
What? You think it can never happen?
“Banning guns is an idea whose time has come.”
-U.S. Senator Joseph Biden, 11/18/93, Associated Press interview
Wake up. It has been going on for the last decade or so…
Clandestine photo of women being herded to the gas chambers of Crematorium V in one of the many extermination camps set up by the Nazi Germans. Their goal was ideological. It was to exterminate all opposition and anyone whom they felt were “privileged” and didn’t deserve it.
"You need to undress and place your clothing on the pile to the right. You are being led to showers, and a de-lice station for your own benefit."
Do not expect mercy
I’ll tell you what, do not expect mercy from these people.
"By order of the Governor, all firearms that do not have ownership registration papers, are to be turned in by 6 O'clock Friday. The police will conduct door to door searches for compliance."
Do not expect mercy from ideological progressive liberal democrat Marxists. They have had decades of indoctrination to hate you and other similar groups of people. To them, you are a dangerous cockroach that must be killed to save the human race. You and your family must be killed for the pasts what ever they were, and to save the environment. You must be killed and those with the guns are the ones that are going to do it.
Prior to Hitler banning Jews, and carting them off to concentration camps, he demonized them.
In Germany it was “Jewish privilege”.
There was a constant anti-Jew media onslaught on all the media. In addition he created non-Jew stores, gatherings and rallies.
He talked and railed about “Jewish privilege” so much, that it started to be talked about in universities and promoted in stores and restaurants. After a decade of this, the rank and file Germans hated Jews so much that they couldn’t see straight.
The smart Jews fled.
“I don’t care about crime, I just want to get the guns.”
-Senator Howard Metzenbaum, 1994
Do not wait until it is too late to flee a war zone. Unless you can count on your neighbors, you will need to leave.
The rest sat hopefully believing that their representatives in (the German version of) Congress would stop the flow of anti-Jewish sentiment.
They mistakenly believed that all that nonsense about “Jewish privilege” on university campuses would end.
They foolishly believed that it would just dissipate over time, and things would get back to “normal”.
When the time came, the German people vented their anger on the Jews.
"There have been some few incidents, but none were racial or politically motivated, reported the Chief of police."
Mobs of “normal” German boys went on rape crusades. They hunted for Jewish girls to attack and rape. Jewish stores and businesses were vandalized. Jews were ostracized in public, and everything Jewish was shunned.
“We’re here to tell the NRA their nightmare is true…”
-U.S. Representative Charles Schumer, quoted on NBC, 11/30/93
In the Ukraine, the woman were forced to strip in the fields while the drunken soldiers, political squads, and other progressives raped them. Then, when they were finished, they simply lined them up and killed them all.
This kind of activity is common. It always happens. Consider Sierra Leone.
Their trademark was amputations, mostly of hands, as a tactic to terrorize the local population. It was one of the only uses of mass amputations in the history of warfare, and it gave the R.U.F.—a small, poorly armed force that had no real backing—a power disproportionate to its size.
Announcing their attacks beforehand to inspire terror, the rebels swept through southern and eastern Sierra Leone in a matter of months. The national army was too small, too disorganized, and too corrupt to offer much resistance. Some of them even joined forces with the rebels to loot.
-The Terror of Sierra Leone
Genocide, campaign of deportation and mass killing conducted against
the Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turk government
during World War I (1914–18). Armenians charge that the campaign was a
deliberate attempt to destroy the Armenian people and, thus, an act of
genocide. The Turkish government has resisted calls to recognize it as
such, contending that, although atrocities took place, there was no
official policy of extermination implemented against the Armenian people
as a group.
This is a common activity by the progressive left.
They identify a target and then relentlessly attack them. Anger against the target builds up and up, until it is unleashed in a fury of hatred. It happened in Germany, and it happened against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
In Rwanda it was “Tutsi Privilege”.
“I’m convinced that we have to have federal legislation to build on. We’re going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily — given the political realities — going to be very modest. Of course, it’s true that politicians will then go home and say, ‘This is a great law. The problem is solved.’ And it’s also true that such statements will tend to defuse the gun-control issue for a time. So then we’ll have to strengthen that law, and then again to strengthen that law, and maybe again and again. Right now, though, we’d be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice. Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to ten years. The problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns sold in this country. The second problem is to get them all registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal.
-”Nelson T. Shields of Hangun Control, Inc. as quoted in `New Yorker’ magazine July 26, 1976. Page 53f
genocide. The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the
Tutsi, was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi in Rwanda by members of
the Hutu majority government. An estimated 500,000 to 1,000,000 Rwandans
were killed during the 100-day period from 7 April to mid-July 1994,
constituting as many as 70% of the minority population. The Tutsi were
methodically given bad press for years which fed an increasing agitated
populace that went on a murder spree.
The media is complicit in all Genocides.
The media is complicit in all Genocides.
They are used as a tool to generate an irrational hatred towards one
particular class of people. Then, when the hatred reaches a peak or
zeal, they allow it to vent. The result is thousands of deaths, and many
more harmed irreparably.
“There is no reason for anyone in the country, for anyone except a police officer or a military person, to buy, to own, to have, to use, a handgun. The only way to control handgun use in this country is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to Change the Constitution.” USA Today
– Michael Gartner – Former president of NBC News – “Glut of Guns: What Can We Do About Them?” – January 16, 1992
Make no mistake. The American Civil War 2 will be an ideological genocide. The stage has already been set.
The stage for Genocide is already in place.
All that is needed are just a very few “chess pieces” to move into place. Just a few. Aside from that, everything is ready.
will start to look something like this once the ideological “hounds of
war”; those armed packs of thugs from the urban strongholds are let
loose on the rural, undefended communities.
Right now, today in the United States, the complicit American media
is fostering and fomenting this kind of ideological zeal against the
following types of people…
White people (for slavery and “privilege”.)
Straight white males that show alpha-male qualities.
Anyone who lives outside of a major city.
Anyone who holds a conservative point of view.
The internet and media is rife of anti-white sentiment, and people “admitting” to their “privilege”.
The oligarchy is promoting the us-vs-them narrative aggressively. Historically it only results in one thing; the DEATH and whole-scale slaughter and genocide of the people targeted.
If you fit into any of the above characteristics, then I will be the
first to tell you that you will not, and your family will not, be given
ANY mercy. These progressive liberal democrats will come into your house
and kill you without blinking an eyelash.
It’s already happening…
demonetization of white people by the constant onslaught of the media
has resulted in attacks and injuries. It is only a matter of time until a
major event transpires.
(WASHINGTON, DC) Graphic footage captured on Facebook Live shows a mentally handicapped white man being tortured in Chicago by African-American assailants as they laugh and express their disgust for white people and President-elect Donald Trump.
Chicago police announced on Wednesday evening that they had arrested four people in connection with the crime, according to Fox 32.
The video, taken by a woman identified on Facebook as "Brittany Herring," shows a white man tied up with tape across his mouth. The victim is shown being repeatedly hit, sliced at with a knife, berated and his clothes ripped off.
At one point in the video, the primary assailant shouts at the bound man, **** Donald Trump, *****! **** white people, boy! **** white people, boy! while he kicks him.
is people like these that will be pressed into an anti-white frenzy and
will hute, attack, and torture you before they rape and kill you. This
is what is going on all over the United States today. Do not tell that
that it will NOT happen in the USA. It already has.
At another point in the video, the perpetrators laugh about being reported to the police in response to a Facebook commenter claiming they're going to be arrested. They also mock another commenter who said their torture was not funny by claiming it is funny.
More videos emerged later on Wednesday of the crime. In one, the suspects threaten their victim with a knife and beat him before he was tied up. The victim can be heard screaming and pleaded with his attackers to stop. It ends with one of the attackers saying he's going to shank the white male.
Chicago police said they were considering hate crime charges in the case and called the crime "sickening" in a Wednesday night press conference. They confirmed the victim is mentally handicapped and was released from the hospital after being treated for his injuries.
Police say he has been extremely traumatized by the crime.
However, Chicago Superintendent Eddie Johnson said he doesn't believe the incident was politically motivated.
Ah, yes. The Progressive Liberal Democrat Superintendent Eddie
Johnson said that he doesn’t believe the incident was politically
You see, if it is an attack against a “white person”, and they are
repeatedly railing against Donald Trump, it is not racist, nor is it
political. You see there are one set of rules for progressive democrats,
and another set of laws and rules for conservatives.
You have to understand that this is the reality in America today.
Progressive Liberal Democrat Superintendent Eddie Johnson said that he doesn’t believe the incident was politically motivated. Instead he said that these were “good kids” and represented their neighborhood. They should be forgiven for a minor, unimportant “indiscretion” and that they had no idea what they were doing.
He immediately went about dismissing the charges against them with the local DA which caused a howl of outrage. What is the most amazing about all of this is that he was absolutely stunned and flabbergasted that anyone would find that the behavior of these “innocent children” would be considered to be bad, or criminal at any level.
It isn’t just one LONE incident either. These kinds of anti-white
aggression are popping up everywhere like a “wack a mole”. And
everywhere where they manifest, the criminals are let off with a slap on
the wrist and the event down-played as insignificant.
Now, none of this should be new to the reader. Most Americans, on both sides, are well aware of this.
“the state of Iowa should take semi-automatic weapons away from Iowans who have legally purchased them prior to any ban that is enacted if they don’t give their weapons up in a buy-back program. Even if you have them, I think we need to start taking them,”
-Iowa state Rep. Dan Muhlbauer (D-Manilla) 2013
What should be new is the…
Things that are likely to happen…
There are many things that can happen when progressive socialists come to power. Especially when the general population is ready and primed for attack by ideologically motivated progressive Marxists.
Study these pictures. They are not photo-shopped.
are many bad things that happen when progressive liberal democrats
(ideological Marxists) come to power. Do not pretend that worst case
scenarios can be avoided. They cannot.
Remember how Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton was completely shocking everyone with their actions?
Do. You. Remember?
Suddenly we had [1] retroactive tax increases, and [2] forcing Americans to buy things. We had [3] enormous giveaways of billions of dollars with no oversight or permissions, and [4] drone strikes on Americans. They did strange things while in office, that only now can we see the implications of…
…like Bill Clinton stacking the 9th circuit court with
radical socialists. (People on FR watched in horror as this took place.
We watched as closed door sessions were conducted, and “off-site”
meetings were held purposefully omitting conservatives.)
Look at America today. How many decades have we Americans had to deal with this one singular problem?
Genocide disguised as a Civil War. Know your history. It is always a manipulation of the wealthy elite used to attack another group of people.
War does not get worse than January 6, 1999.
Teenage soldiers, out of their minds on drugs, rounded up entire neighborhoods and machine-gunned them or burned them alive in their houses.
They tracked down anyone whom they deemed to be an enemy—journalists, Nigerians, doctors who treated wounded civilians—and tortured and killed them.
They killed people who refused to give them money, or people who didn't give enough money, or people who looked at them wrong.
They raped women and killed nuns and abducted priests and drugged children to turn them into fighters. They favored Tupac T-shirts and fancy haircuts and spoke Krio—the common language of Freetown—to one another because they didn't share a tribal language.
-The Terror of Sierra Leone
In Sierra Leone, it was “Financial Privilege”.
is well on the way to a progressive socialist takeover. When the noose
is completely tightened the resulting situation will be dangerous for
conservatives and traditionalists of all types. What we see today is
only the start of a long and drawn out dark road that we will be forced
to tread upon.
Imagine getting into a time machine and going just a few years in the
future when another Democrat has control of the White House, the
Senate, and Congress. Do you really think that the next presidential
democrat will be like Jimmy Carter, or John Kennedy? Nope. Not by a long
The next democrat president will be DANGEROUS.
Maxine Walters is nothing compared to what the next Democrat President will be like. Be ready because it WILL happen.
Make no mistake. The democrat party is off the rails and is in dangerous territory. This is nothing to take lightly or trivially. Who would ever think that a failed artist and corporal would take over Germany with the crazy Nazi party? Well, it happened.
What is going to happen in the USA is going to be far worse.
“People who own guns are essentially a sickness in our souls who must be cleansed.”
-Colorado Senator (Majority Leader) John Morse. 2013 (Cleansed? “Final Solution” anyone?)
Women, collected and forced to disrobe in front of an enormous ditch. There they were led inside and shot.
Successive groups of women came. Told to lie on top of them and then were killed.
This went on and on though the day and into the night until the layers of people were many layers deep.
Now, about this picture. These women were told to disrobe and undress so that they could be deloused. It was for their “protection”, don’t you know. They had no idea that they were being stripped and led to the gas chamber to be killed like vermin. They had no idea.
Even though they witnessed one decade of “Jew Privilege” and the hate being generated over it. Somehow, they just couldn’t believe that they were in the process of being exterminated. Know your history.
Sharpen your hatchets gentlemen. You had a short breather, hope you used it well.
-American Partisan
If you want to go to the start of this series of posts, then please click HERE.
Posts Regarding Life and Contentment
Here are some
other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might
like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in
America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society
within communist China. As there are some really stark differences
between the two.
More Posts about Life
I have broken
apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions
as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.
Stories that Inspired Me
Here are
reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly
impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal
library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come
and enjoy a read or two as well.
Articles & Links
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because I just don’t care to.
This article discusses a very uncomfortable point in time. That is when local, state and federal government is no longer in substantive control. It’s a transitional period. It is when one government style fails, and another one takes it’s place. Historically, it is a given development that eventually happens to all nations. All of them. Including the (virginal) United States.
We, as Americans, have never been in this situation.
Because, we and our parents have never experienced it, we think that it will never ever happen to us. As such we tend to laugh, make fun of, and disparage those that argue that it might. We call them “radical preppers”, “members of the tin-foil-hat army”, and “uni-bomber wanna-bes”. Other terms that come to mind include “fruit cake” and “bonkers”.
The argument is always like this;
“First of all, America is large, modern, and well managed. Societal collapse only happens to mismanaged tyrannies. It never happens to an advanced “democracy” like the United States.”
(Yes, I know that United States was formed as a Republic. Most Americans don’t know this. Which is why the statement is in quotations.)
“Second of all, the American people ARE the government. If their elected representatives fall in love with tyranny, the American people will vote them out of office. The American people are far too strong. They have guns. They (the government) will NEVER try to seize them. After all, the argument goes, “When they come to my front porch, I’ll teach them a lesson or two.”
The bravado is laudable.
The time is rapidly coming when we’re going to have to "open the ammo box".
And so what, exactly? Take them out of the box, shine them up, and put them back in the box? Because that is what's been happening for decades now. Conservative keep saying "don't cross this line in the sand", yet don't realize the cliff behind them is one more line in the sand away. Getting tired of all of this bragging about firing back when not one damn thing has been done since forever.
"...first, the French traffic fines are ubiquitous, and the government has set the stage for this by ramping them up. The fines are very high: $70 just for going as little as a single kilometer over the speed limit on a first offense, and as the tourist boards show, oh, yes, they do issue them – and hunt you into the grave to get them. They even fine people for having red light camera-detectors – $32,000, two years' jail, and three years' license suspension. They've also reduced the speed limit, even in rural areas, where higher speeds are a necessity, to one size fits all for geographically diverse, "246 kinds of cheese" France, all in the name of "safety," or as the Brits would say, "your own good..."
The term “collapse” can mean many things. To some people it might mean [1] a scene out of a science fiction movie where there is a total breakdown in all governmental functions. Sort of like a scene from the television show “The Walking Dead”, so (in other words) a zombie movie.
Oh, it might seem all fun and games. But, the real deal will be anything but fun. Think of starvation, sleeping wet and cold with a high fever. Consider your friends and loved ones dead or dying. A real apocalypse will not be pretty.
Zombie movies are popular for many reasons. In it, the heroes or heroines try to survive in a world where the government has collapsed, and they must survive based on their wits and abilities.
To others [2] , it might mean that there is a revolution and a period of confusion where local, state and federal government services are disjointed and confused. Think of the French Revolution, or what happened to Nicolae Ceausescu,the dictator of Romania.
There are elements of progressive liberal socialists that are earnestly trying to foment this kind of revolutionary change. They have been weaned in the belief that they, somehow, will become in control. As if revolution is some kind of real-life first-person-shooter. It isn’t.
FILE – In this file photo dated Saturday, Dec. 23, 1989, people stand on a armored carrier in the suburbs of Timisoara, Romania, during clashes between the army and pro-Ceausescu forces, as over 5000 people are reported killed in Timisoara during this week. Twenty-five years ago the people rose up against Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, executed him and set the country on a path to democracy. (AP Photo/Dusan Vranic, File)
To still others [3] it might mean the collapse in the stock market and a plummeting in the value of the US Dollar as a means of commerce.
Never a good thing, the United States has been artificially manipulated with a serious of “bubbles”. Sooner or later, these “bubbles” will need to contract. It will not be good for anyone, or any business tied to the stock market.
The feel-good times of the “Roaring 20’s” came to a screeching halt when the Stock Market crashed. Since that date, the market has crashed and reset numerous times. How well it will influence the general population depends a lot on it’s apparent influence.
There is a great deal of variation on what a “collapse” is depending on your social status, your financial situation, your geographical region, and your source of income. Therefore, to be inclusive, I use this term here very broadly.
It is a [1] period of “discomfort” where the established “normal” way of life is altered in some fashion. It is altered because the government is undergoing a change or revision of some sort.
This will be accompanied with [2] either a loss of possessions, Rights or abilities, and / or an increase in restrictions of some form or the other.
Finally, it will include [3] a defanging of the population in some manner. Whether it is the outlawing of weapons, the rewriting of the second amendment or some kind of rule(s) that make it difficult for the American citizen to redress any kind of grievances. This will be especially true when fraud, deception and crimes make the Constitutionally prescribed avenues of redress insignificant.
Kevin D. Williamson: They watched crimes being committed and did nothing. Madeleine Kearns: How do the police balance peacekeeping with First Amendment rights? Kevin D. Williamson: There isn’t anything unpeaceable about the exercise of First Amendment rights. I don’t care for mass protests myself — a large crowd of people all facing one direction and chanting seems to me more properly part of a religious exercise than a political one. But if that’s your thing, then by all means go and bark at the moon. But when people start blocking traffic, pounding on the hoods of cars, damaging property, committing assaults, that’s a different thing. And I don’t think there’s really much of a First Amendment issue presented by policing ordinary crime when that crime happens in the course of a political action.
The “collapse” will be a period of great discomfort for the bulk of Americans.
Depending on your circumstances, you might find anything from progressive socialists unhappy that they cannot get their moca-frappa-latte at Starbucks, to suburban white families starving in the streets. The “collapse” will mean different things for different people. It’s up to you, the reader, to ascertain what it will mean for you and your family.
A notorious, vicious drunk, Johnson had himself filmed as he ordered his men to torture Doe. While he sat behind a desk with two open cans of Budweiser beer, a young woman fanning him from behind, Johnson ordered his men to strip Doe. The portly president kneeled before Johnson in his underwear, quivering, sobbing, begging. Johnson’s men hacked off his ears. Blood poured down his torso. Doe’s body was later found dumped outside a medical clinic.
Based upon history, the resolutionwill not be based on compromise, civility, reason, or peaceful means. The combustible combination of unpayable debt, civic anarchy, and global chaos are set to detonate, creating an era of maximum darkness, death, destruction, and decisions.
Making America Great Again will require personal sacrifice, dreadful choices, survival skills, intelligent decisions, and the courage to win at all costs.
What I refer to as “the collapse” goes by different terms and conventions depending who you might talk to. Some call this “The Fourth Turning” which refers to the theory of generational change. Others refer to this in a more visceral way, referring to it as the SHTF (The Shit hits The Fan.). Still others simply refer to this as “The Collapse”, or “The Event”. Other terms include…
The Collapse
A Generational Reset
A Revolution of the People
A Restructuring of Society
The Event
The Fourth Turning
For Americans, there will not be any clear and defined point in time when The Event happens. In general, that will be the point in time when the government goes blatantly rogue. The key word here is “blatantly”.
I argue that this will occur when the FBI becomes autonomous and tries to seize control of the government.
I argue that this will occur when the Judges will become obstacles to normal government operations.
I argue that this will occur when the election system is so broken that widespread fraud is reported without consequence in the media and zero action is taken to correct it.
I argue that this is a point in time when seditious activities are not only discussed openly, but applauded as future events.
I argue that WE ARE THERE now.
General graph of the state of transition of events prior to a major reset. I argue that we are close enough to The Event that we can consider ourselves near to the danger zone. Now is the time to make preparations, what ever you might believe necessary to secure your standard of living, your family and your resources.
However, others disagree. They point out that the ballot harvesting to change the vote tallies in California (and flip 40 some districts) is inconsequential. They argue that it is fine to have an FBI conducting a coup against the President. They suggest that when SHTF occurs they will know about it. They suggest that the stock market is the true and ONLY indicator of The Event.
>>This isn’t merely a question for Trump supporters, but for anyone who still thinks that a political system that isn’t completely run by thugs, with only a simulacrum of democracy as window dressing, is something worth trying to maintain and improve. <<
It is a fool’s errand to attempt to save the Union. The ideological gap between left and right is far to wide to ever bridge. They are polar opposites.
The best we can hope for is an amicable split. Fredrick Douglas wondered if the US is just to large an area to be governed by one central government in Washington. It is, a “one size fits all” system is not working
The sooner the majority of people in this country realize that and start the process of diving the nation in a peaceful manner, the better. Otherwise, we will continue our slow decent into hell.
I argue that The Event will not be televised. I argue that CNN will not have discussion boards of “experts” debating back and forth about the implications of “The Event”. I argue that many things are going on in secret and behind the scenes, and the bulk of Americans will be unaware of what is going on until it is too late.
The ruling class will not accept the outcome of any presidential election it does not win. Trump notwithstanding, this class will rule as it has in the past three years. So long as its hold on American institutions continues to grow, and they retain millions of clients, elections won’t really matter. Our country is in a state of revolution, irreversibly, because society’s most influential people have retreated into moral autarchy, have seceded from America’s constitutional order, and because they browbeat their socio-political adversaries instead of trying to persuade them. Theirs is not a choice that can be reversed. Our ultimate objective is peace, but what kind of peace we may get depends on the extent to which we may compel our enemies to leave us in peace. And for that, we must do unto them more and before they do unto us.
I argue that this upcoming event was long planned, and while the timeline is offset by the election of Donald Trump, the process and procedure is still in place. Some elements have advanced, and some were stymied. Never the less, the event will go as planned.
“During every stage, the process of imposing tyranny by stealth is cloaked with a veneer of bogus legality. But thanks to the vision and wisdom of our founding fathers, our liberty has two clear and unbreakable lines of defense: the First and Second Amendments.”
I actually read the EU Constitution once...out of curiosity. I wondered how ours can be so short, and if followed, is a remarkable instrument. So when I read it, I was appalled at it. It is written in legalese, and panders to nearly every damn protected group.
It is a body of unelected bureaucrats. When I heard that the UK was going to leave it, I was elated because most people there don’t realize what a bullet missed them if they do manage to withdraw. But I think they won’t. They have their own deep state as well.
- 1/13/2019, 2:42:54 PM by rlmorel
So far it has been a very slow and long drawn out process.
We have become acclimatized to the idea that it is “normal” for our government to be rogue. While there is an obvious “deep state”, and an obvious state of political corruption, there still remains elements of the government that (at least on the surface) maintain the form of decorum and principle. Some.
President Obama had no qualms in redefining the Rights of man. He was supposedly a “Legal Scholar”, but his understanding of the basic ideas that the nation was founded upon were laughingly missing. What is the point in having a Bill of Rights when they are not enforced, and guarded by those in government. Obviously something is amiss.
It’s all “crazy talk”
With the declarations of sanctuary, the governor of California has already seceeded.
The President should invade California with US Army troops, capture the entire government and downgrade the state to federally controlled Territorial status. In so doing, the entire congressional and senate delegations would cease to exist. The territorial border can be placed under firm military control .
As such, we have become acclimatized and accustomed to the government being dysfunctional. Just like we think nothing of getting undressed to board a airplane, pissing in a cup to get a job, or giving out our social security number to every Tom, Dick and Harry that asks for it. We, for the most part, have truly forgotten the foundational principles of liberty that America was founded upon.
We could speak our minds.
We could defend ourselves, our families, and our livelihood.
We we free of taxation.
Our personal matters were private, and kept that way.
We never had to change our behaviors for any reason.
We never had to report to any government official.
We were never forced to buy or purchase anything.
The “good old days” are now gone. We are currently in a transitional nightmare as our Republic barrels down headlong towards a tyrannical progressive socialist dictatorship.
The FBI’s Peter Strzok planned a coup against the elected President. This was all recorded by the NSA. He viewed the idea that the people could vote in their elected officials to be dangerous, and that he and others in the “shadow government” could unseat the president. They would then operate the reigns of the government from behind the scenes as what was proper and right (in his mind).
As such, there are elements within government, and their political circles, that want to continue this process and exacerbate it to a fruitful (to them) conclusion. They look forward to the day when they have full aristocratic control of the reigns of power over Americans. They look forward to the day when the populace can be disarmed like the Australians or the Brits, and then implement the (already planned) policies that will merge America into a borderless global “utopia”.
One, of course, ruled by them. And, of course, where everyone else is absolutely and positively controlled by them.
Trump also speaks for the working class dismissed by Democrats as the “Trump Deplorables.” It is the working class that has paid for “globalism” and trade deals by having their jobs given to foreigners.
The way America is ruled, it benefits the One Percent with crumbs spilling down to the top 10 percent. No one else benefits.
Trump is a multi-billionaire who aligned with working Americans. That’s how he got elected. I remember driving through working class neighborhoods and seeing only Trump signs. That’s when I knew he would be elected.
The Democrats have abandoned the working class and the poor for Wall Street money. Bill Clinton and Hillary showed them the way.
- Paul Craig Roberts
To them, they see various elements of success in other nations. They note how easy it was to disarm Australians and Brits. They note how difficult it is for Britain to leave the EU. They note how Brussels has control over other NATO signed nations and are doing things that their civilian population loathe. They are emboldened by this knowledge.
There was a time when all Australians could own firearms. Then the government banned the guns “for the children”. Initially, they offered voluntary collection and turn-in programs. Here are some firearms turned in by an aged grandmother after her husband died.
The End Game
Now, what will happen, the one thing that just about everyone can agree upon, is there will be a point in time when the government “takes charge“. This point in time will mean different things depending on the philosophy of the people yearning for it.
To the Conservatives, this means when the Constitution will be followed. The American people would get their Rights returned back to them. The government would greatly shrink in size, the taxes would decrease and the global endless series of wars would end. To many conservative, it seemed like the election of Donald Trump would be the start of a long process where this could actually reverse centuries of corruption.
To the Progressive Socialists, this means when a (parental) socialist government rewrites the Constitution. A “nanny state” would control all the citizenry in benevolence. They would tell us what to eat, how to dress, how to act and how to behave. The rulers would be perfect and benevolent. In their minds they see Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders as leading this effort. They see them handing out favors to “the blessed ones”, and dishing out punishments to those undeserving.
Here is a mass arrest in Russia. Why does everyone think it cannot happen in America? Certainly we have democrat elected officials openly calling for mass arrests of “deplorables”, they are calling for civil strife, and public attacks.
A black uprising led by Kanye West has struck fear into the hearts of Democrats, giving them further incentive to keeping the southern border open to new Democrat voters. With gun grabbing liberal politicians attempting to disarm the deplorables in flyover country, while supporting antifa and black lives matter terrorists, and thwarting efforts to keep criminals and terrorists from illegally entering the country, a violent showdown is inevitable.
In the case of the Tyrannical Progressive Left, this means when the Bill of Rights is no longer considered an obstacle to the desires of those in power. It would be destroyed and in it’s place would be a Bill of Privileges that are things granted tot he citizens by the ruling elite. They hold a very dangerous and radical agenda that is in alignment with Pol Pot, and views the actions of Hitler and Stalin to be amateurish.
When the progressive liberals came to power in Germany, they called themselves Nazi’s. They then identified their enemies. Today we call them “deplorables”, but for the Nazi’s they called them the undesirables, and that included a wide range of people.
On the more normal political front, I spoke with a local union leader who gave me some pretty good insight on how the Trump phenomenon had radicalized her membership. The thing about places like Portland and San Francisco is that they aren’t nice. They have a reputation for being wooly and hippieish and silly, but they are in fact very angry places, full of very angry people. They are also highly segregated places in ways that the South and Southwest really aren’t. Angry white people with money make the world go ’round, apparently.
We can see this happening all around us… in little drips and dabs, depending on what is reported to us and what isn’t. The Bill of Rights has been so rewritten to be nearly meaningless to the average American citizen…
Political Correctness is an affront to the First Amendment.
Every “Gun Control” bill is an affront to the Second Amendment.
Even the Third Amendment is under assault. And the judges now say that it is not a Personal Right. Maybe they should read the preamble to the Bill of Rights.
They say that “No Knock Raids” do not violate the Fourth Amendment…
Etc. Etc. Etc…
The Tattered Constitution
Madeleine Kearns: You’ve written that Portland’s mayor is partly responsible. In terms of policy — what do you think could be done? Kevin D. Williamson: He might consider asking the police officers who work for him to enforce the law. Madeleine Kearns: In what way were the anti-fascist protesters you saw fascists? Kevin D. Williamson: They are the American Left’s answer to the Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, down to the penchant for black shirts. They perform the same function: using violence and intimidation to silence political opposition and to terrorize the political opposition. “Fascist” is a notoriously difficult word to define, but they are as close to a textbook case as you are going to find. Madeleine Kearns: You write that their “idol is the proletariat rather than the nation.” Could you please unpack that? Kevin D. Williamson: Utopian political movements — and all totalitarian movements are basically utopian — love the world, except for all the people in it. They all are antiliberal and they all seek to degrade the individual and individualism. Their liturgy requires an object of adoration, and it’s usually the same object: the People, or, as American populists like to put it, We the People. For traditional nationalists, it’s the Nation in abstract and idealized form; for socialists, it’s always been the proletariat, who apparently are the only people included in the People. If you’re acting in the name of the People, you can brutalize persons. The interests of the People require a gulag, the interests of the People require a death camp, and if the people have to suffer for the People, then so be it.
All of these events, these terrible terrible events that we are tired hearing about, and which anger us so are really just symptoms. They are just a multitude of small bites, snips, nips and tears at the Constitution. It has been going on for a very long time, and while many people are aware of it, and frustrated by it, we prefer to believe that the bare bones of the Constitution will still remain intact.
It is like an army of little “piranha fish” are tearing the very fabric of the Constitution and doing so unopposed. Our elected officials either support their efforts, or shiver under their desks in fear.
We believe that all these little nips and tears at the fabric of the Constitution will either eventually end, out of exhaustion, or maybe some strong lawman might step in and take control. Maybe some day, we all collectively hope.
Well, I hate to bust your collective bubble. It’s not going to happen.
What will happen is that there will be a point in time that the “piranha fish” that are tearing at the Constitution will eventually hit the bare bones, the fundamental bedrock of the Constitution. There will be no meat left, and only one final step will need to take place.
That final step will require a bigger fish with the jaws that can break up the bones into tiny bite sized pieces. This bigger “fish” must make it’s appearance. For all the actions and activities of the progressive left are counting on this big fish event.
The Handover
Now, that being said, the big turning point will be when there are [1] organized door-to-door collections of either firearms or firearm accessories.
Other elements that we can look forward to, in prelude to this collection activity will include; [2] Laws for registration of firearms, [3] laws for collection of selected ammo, or firearm parts, [4] registration of guns or their owners and of course [5] the mainstream blanket reporting supporting the collection of firearms.
It is already happening…
Two police officers ordered to remove firearms from a house on a “red flag” protective order fatally shot an armed man Monday morning in Ferndale, Maryland, police said.
Anne Arundel County Police arrived at the house at 5:17 a.m. to remove guns from the home. This was under a new law that allows for the seizure of firearms if a person shows “red flags” that they are a danger to themselves or others.
- November 2018. The Baltimore Sun. More information can be found HERE.
Already there are articles and articles supporting that notion that disarming people makes for a more peaceful world. Such as this nonsense from VOX. Aside from the onslaught of propaganda, there are many people who actually believe that disarming people, and letting the “government” take “parental-style” control over everything will bring about paradise.
Many followers of the progressive liberal socialist dream actually believe that a utopia can be achieved. Their understanding of how the universe, the world, culture and society is forged upon distortions, thus creating this imagined perfection that they actually believe is attainable.
A New Jersey law that makes it a felony to possess a gun magazine capable of holding over 10 rounds of ammunition is now active. This wildly unconstitutional law instantly criminalizes hundreds of thousands of New Jersey citizens who legally acquired normal capacity firearms magazines — which include 17-round pistol magazines and 30-round rifle magazines — as tools of self-defense against the very same violent criminals that are protected by the Democrats who passed the gun magazine ban.
Now, the New Jersey State Police have told Breitbart News they won’t rule out “house-to-house enforcement” of the new magazine ban, meaning they plan to conduct house-to-house arrests and gun magazine confiscations. These Nazi-style anti-gun operations will, of course, be carried out at gunpoint, further underscoring the entire purpose of the Second Amendment and the need for citizens to arm themselves with 30-round magazines to defend against government tyranny.
“Breitbart News contacted New Jersey State Police on Monday to ask how they planned to enforce the newly enacted ban,” reports Breitbart.com. “The NJ State Police refused to rule out house-to-house checks. Rather, they responded: ‘We do not discuss enforcement strategies.’”
The very reason citizens need 30-round magazines is because the government wants to use coercion and the threat of violence to take away their legally-acquired firearms and magazines. If citizens surrender 30-round magazines, the next step will be New Jersey banning all magazines, followed by the banning of all semi-automatic firearms. Almost overnight, citizens of New Jersey will find themselves living under an authoritarian regime of pure tyranny and lawlessness… with no means to defend themselves against the state, which will then have a monopoly on effective firearms. This is a repeat of Nazi Germany, which disarmed the Jews before mass murdering six million of them.
It’s so much easier to murder people, after all, when the government disarms them first. And anyone going along with the disarmament is signing their own death warrant.
Those owning the last obstacle to tyrannical control; firearms will be defied and spoken of in the pejorative.
This has been going on for decades, and there is a systematic process that is being honed every few years using “crisis actors”, a easily controlled media, and selective reporting. Today, an event and an anti-gun narrative can be concocted at the flip of a switch.
Remember, boys and girls, the monied elite; the oligarchy has everything all planned out. They fund the politicians and the insurgents. Certainly you can recall this, can’t you…
The ISIS was fully funded by American tax dollars through the CIA. Evidence is highly suggestive that it was part of a larger plan orchestrated by Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton to establish a socialist Arab enclave in the Mid-East fully funded and aligned with their own interests. This all fell apart when Donald Trump was elected President. The point here is that the oligarchy will fund and establish military units to go against American citizens.
It’s all planned.
These events have been planned years ahead of time. When things do not go the way as planned, other elements already in place, still must proceed. The result being a very odd juxtaposition of mainstream media confusion and a bid thud in the people’s reaction.
Do not be under the impression that the 2017 Las Vegas shooting was random. It wasn’t. It was planned months earlier, if not years. There is ALWAYS a mass shooting within the first six months of a Democrat Presidents election. It happened with Bill Clinton, it happened with Barrack Obama, and it was planned for Hillary Clinton. In this case it was a “dud”, as she wasn’t elected. Donald Trump was elected President instead.
However, in 2017, with Donald Trump as president, only half of the anti-gun “machine” could be actuated.
In Australia, it was the "Port Arthur rampage" which prompted a severe crackdown on firearms that saw more than 640,000 weapons turned in to authorities. The Australian government subsequently introduced the National Firearms Agreement — legislation that outlawed automatic and semi-automatic rifles, as well as pump-action shotguns. A nationwide gun buyback scheme also saw more than 640,000 weapons turned in to authorities.
This is a reminder for those of you who still don’t “get it”. Those who are in positions of power in the Untied States have got there, not by luck, but being skilled in the means of deception. They are experts at deceit. They will do [1] what ever is necessary, and [2] use enormous piles of money, [3] mass group manipulation, [4] laws, and [5] states of emergency to disarm Americans.
This is because an armed populace is the only thing that is really stopping them from complete and total control.
Once the people are disarmed, it is much easier to control them. Today, people can be threatened and forced into compliance with a barbed wire of rules and regulations. However, there STILL is the threat that they will shot back. Until that threat is eliminated, the socialists are hesitant in implementation of their “final solution” against deplorables.
(It seems kind of silly, doesn’t it? I mean, don’t they all have enough riches and wealth already? Don’t they have enough power already? What more power could they ever possibly want or even need? – But that’s not the issue is it. Greed, and power are vices that can never be satiated, or satisfied.)
There has been a long-term effort by “the powers that be” to disarm Americans. They are active in both political parties, with a near-complete stranglehold in the Democratic party. Thus, whenever a Democratic President is elected a system of events converge to create a favorable environment for total and complete gun confiscation.
President Obama crying that he cannot take guns away from innocent citizens. Never the less, he wrote execute orders and enacted efforts to make access to ammo and weapons to be very difficult for American citizens while equipping all Federal agencies with military grade hardware.
The election of Hillary Clinton was to have solidified the anti-gun movement and resulted in the destruction of the second amendment. With an immediate effort to seize all privately owned firearms.
The plan was to have a virtual smorgasbord of firearms involved in the shooting, thus the effort would be to have a wide swath of firearms banned from public access. (Ah, certainly the reader can remember the wide selection of firearms that the shooter had amassed, both at home and the 24 planned-to-be-banned weapons in his hotel room? The “talking heads” openly wondered aloud why he carried so many firearms up to the hotel room with him. When the reality is that it would support a wide-ranging and all-inclusive gun-ban narrative that was set up and in place prior to launch.)
Poor Hillary Clinton. Plans don't always work out the way they were planned. Hillary Clinton should well take solace in the Beer Hall Putsch.
The Beer Hall Putsch was a failed coup d'état that occurred on November 9, 1923, when the Nazi party's leader Adolf Hitler, the popular World War I General Erich Ludendorff, and other leaders of the Kampfbund, unsuccessfully tried to gain power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany.
While I have no idea how this was supposed to manifest, I strongly suspect that it involved a liberal leaning supreme court. One that would be put in place by Hillary Clinton.
Thus, it was expected that the Supreme Court would rule that the second amendment was not an “individual right”, but rather a “right of government”. As bastardized as this would be, this is how I think it was supposed to manifest.
Supreme court justice Ginsberg is dedicated into turning America into a socialist nations much like the former Communist Russia or China under Mr. Mao. This is her life-long goal and will work on this goal until she dies.
Donald Trump’s Election only postponed the banning of firearms
I hate to break this news to you all, but history is pretty darn clear on this. When the oligarchy wants something done, they will push and push until it is accomplished. As such, let me tell you this. They WILL disarm Americans. At least most Americans. It might not happen this week, or next month, but it will happen.
The next Democrat President, no matter what they promise, will effectively ban the private citizen ownership of firearms.
Firearm collection and banning WILL happen in the United States.
In case I am not clear, I will repeat. You might want to believe that you can stand your ground. You might think that you have inalienable Rights. You might think that you have the law on your side. You might think all of this.
The reality is not like some rock-music video “when the bullet hits the bone”, but rather when the polite police man tells you to turn around and put your hands behind your back. He will tell you to turn your wrists to make it easier to put the icy cold stainless-steel handcuffs on. Or he might use wire-ties if they are going to stop at multiple houses.
Do not think that in today’s “modern” and “enlightened” society that we are beyond mass genocide against a particular race, or group of people. Here are people who were seized out of their homes at the dead of night by militarized police (the Federal Police), handcuffed with wire-ties and then killed and dumped in a mass grave. What? You think America can’t relive the Bosina experience?
You won’t dash back into your house to grab your .30-30, or .303. It won’t be a scene from “The Walking Dead”, or an event where you will act like 007 or Jason Bourne. Nope. As soon as you step outside your front door, armored military vehicles will swarm all over your property.
They will tear up your rose bushes, knock down your shrubs, and block your access out of the driveway. There will be snipers and secondary SWAT team members at the rear of your house, and they will tumble out of the vehicles wearing black, with armor and Kevlar vests. They will have fully automatic weapons, wear combat helmets, and will be pointing the weapons at you and your family.
If your dog starts barking, or leaps at them, it will be killed. Your children will start crying, and everyone will be on edge. Oh sure, they will have a warrant, though they really don’t need it. It’s all a formality, anyways…
The DHS is well armed with military grade vehicles, and armor. They are trained to fight on American soil. The Obama administration has been setting up the stages for an armed conflict of Americans against Americans.
The Rulers think differently than the rabble
Firstly, you need to unlearn all what you have read about in History and Civics class. The Constitution and the Government only works in certain ways depending on who runs it.
Today we have a massive “deep state” that operate in ways beneficial for the state apparatus and the oligarchy that control their leadership. What the Constitution says and what you have learned is meaningless.
When the progressive liberal socialists came to power in Germany, they called themselves Nazi’s. One of the first things that they did was start collecting “undesirables” and sending them off to camps “for their own safety”. There they worked under grueling conditions, and many died.
Many rulers, once they get the strings of power interpret the Constitution to their own personal benefit. This is a basic fact, one that the founders of the United States recognized, but one that we the people have forgotten. Leaders interpret the Constitution however they want it to be used. It’s not just American political leadership that does this, but foreign leaders as well.
Consider Hitler. So did Idi Amin. So does Nicolás Maduro Moros in Venezuela. So does Cyril Ramaphosa in South Africa. What do they all have in common?
The law is what ever they say it is.
When a new prisoner arrived at Ravensbrück she was required to wear a colour-coded triangle (a winkel) that identified her by category, with a letter sewn within the triangle indicating the prisoner’s nationality.
For example, Polish women wore red triangles, denoting a political prisoner, with a letter “P”. (By 1942, Polish women became the largest national component at the camp.)
Soviet prisoners of war, and German and Austrian Communists also wore red triangles; common criminals wore green triangles; and Jehovah’s Witnesses were labelled with lavender triangles.
Prostitutes, Gypsies, lesbians, or women who refused to marry were classified separately, with black triangles. Jewish women wore yellow triangles but sometimes, unlike the other prisoners, they wore a second triangle for the other categories.
When they come to power, and they say that there is a new law that takes away guns, and right or wrong, they will disarm you. They will. And you might not want to face that fact, but they will do so. If you show the slightest hesitation they will kill you and your family.
Mass graves like this are common all over the world. They are what happens once there is a change in government and a new government takes charge.
And you, yes YOU, will cringe in supplication as you hand over your firearms, your ammo, your prized memorabilia to the well-armed SWAT team dressed in black that has a .50 cal machine gun pointed at your family.
They will take them.
And you, out of the concern for your loved ones, will hand them all over.
In the 1930’s the German progressive-liberal socialist government (the Nazi’s) ordered the registration and then the collection of all firearms. Then less than a decade later they started rounding up certain classes and groups of people to “protect” them. These people were taken to “safe areas” known as reservations and camps. There they were killed in mass.
Gun Confiscation will be the LAST warning sign
It will not be the first. It will not be the only one. Yes, it will not be the only warning sign.
In fact, during the time of collection, the economy will still be humming along. The news papers will still talk about the latest political scandals (of a trivial nature of course), and people will still be watching the movies out of Hollywood. It will seem like an ordinary day.
Any armed resistance to the confiscation efforts will NOT be reported. If anything, they will be under-reported by alternative media and labeled as tin-foil-hat conspiracy stuff, if not blanket shadow-banned by the software conglomerates.
Alex Jones of infowars dons a tin-foil hat to make a point. During the mass purge of firearms and the suppression of individual rights in the United States, anyone not following the “official” government policy lines will be branded a tin-foil-hat conspirator.
What the collection of the guns and weapons will do, however is enable to the government to stop propping up some unfavorable (to them, in leadership positions of power) politically-dangerous positions. They will no longer need to hold various policy positions. They will no longer need to give lip-service to certain programs or actions, or even rules of law. They will be free to implement their long-kept secret plans…
These plans were kept secret for a series of reasons.
Typically they are because they would be unpopular, but also because they would be anti-Constitutional. Thus, with the population disarmed, they could implement their full intended agenda. They will then start to announce very unpopular actions, rules, laws, and policies. These polices, rules and laws will be obviously anti-Constitutional.
They will start to implement these polices rapidly, and quickly.
Ravensbrück was the only major women’s concentration camp during World War II, located in northern Germany, 90 km north of Berlin at a site near the village of Ravensbrück.
Construction of the camp began in November 1938 by the order of the SS leader Heinrich Himmler and was unusual in that the camp was intended to hold exclusively female inmates. The facility opened in May 1939 and underwent major expansion following the invasion of Poland. Between 1939 and 1945, some 130,000 to 132,000 female prisoners passed through the Ravensbrück camp system; around 40,000 were Polish and 26,000 were Jewish from all countries including Germany,18,800 Russian; 8,000 French, and 1,000 Dutch.
According to Encyclopædia Britannica, about 50,000 of them perished from disease, starvation, overwork and despair; some 2,200 were killed in the gas chambers.
Only 15,000 of the total survived until liberation. According to Britannica, on 29–30 April 1945 some 3,500 female prisoners were still alive in the main camp. Although the inmates came from every country in German-occupied Europe, the largest single national group incarcerated in the camp consisted of Polish women.
Within a half of a year, once the policies are enacted, various segments of society will start to fall apart. I cannot predict what will happen to the “neck of the woods” where the reader lives. As the collapse will be gradual… it will be regional… and it will be under-reported.
I will stress… it will be under-reported, if reported at all.
Revolutions are ugly. This is a scene in Monrovia in August 1990. There is nothing fun or enjoyable about violence. You need to win, losing is unacceptable. If you lose, you WILL die.
A Period of Discomfort
In my understanding, there will be some periods of discomfort in the United States. It should peak in the middle 2020’s and be resolved by 2030 or so. So, we can expect a climax to this current Crisis sometime in the 2025 range. The question for us, at this time, is what events will transpire between 2019 and 2025 (the six years) before a climax is reached.
The level of discomfort will vary from person to person depending on where they live, their support network, and their degree of preparation.
Of course, what do I know? I am often wrong, and I have made mistakes. I am sure that at any time now, the progressive liberal socialists might mellow out and have a breather. They might calm down and stop their attacks on president Trump, mitigate their politically correct arguments, and take a step backwards from their more radical elements.
They might, you know. It is a possibility.
I however am not discussing the world of rainbows, and prancing unicorns in fields of lollipops and free “medical” marijuana for everyone. No, I am discussing what happens when the worst fears actually materialize. I am discussing what MIGHT happen.
When the Army ordered the Sioux to give up their weapons, one Native American fired his weapon, and the army fired back…… Sioux were killed.
This period of discomfort might vary from person to person. I rather doubt that everyone would experience the same level of discomfort.
For some, it might mean only that the value of their stocks have decreased. For others, it might mean that they might have to alter their way of life as their standard of living has changed. Some people and families might find that it is more difficult to drive around in their cars. Others might discover that their favorite foods are more difficult to obtain. Still others might discover that there just isn’t any work, or that the social-support functions of government has collapsed.
Yet, and for others, it might mean something quite grim.
These kinds of societal evolution can get very ugly. We know what happened during the purges by Stalin in the Soviet Union, we know what happened during the American civil war. We know what happened when Mr. Mao came to power in China. We know what happened in Bosnia. We well remember the French Revolution.
Venezuela unrest. When the government failed to provide the basic needs of the population, they started to complain and ask that things would get taken cared of. The government reaction was a show of military and police and a brutal crackdown on the civilian population.
Here we look at the grim side of change.
In the United States, there are forces that are pumping money and chomping at the bit for radical change. Unless some real substantive action takes place, and does so quickly, there will be some difficult times ahead.
Described in detail here…
My Advice
I do not know the future. I only know about trends. From where I sit, I can easily see and forecast a confluence of events. I advise prudence and firstly, [1] suggest the reader to plan a long-term strategy to leave any progressive-socialist strongholds that they might (presently) unfortunately live within. This might require a job or career change. This might require a downsizing of possessions and housing. This will require a change in lifestyle. While initially discomforting, it will be advantageous in the longer term.
Since, any major governmental related crisis will probably involve the defanging of the population, and would advise steps be taken to minimize the governmental neutering of you and your family. To this end, I also suggest [2] during your relocation obtain weapons that the government cannot confiscate. As they will have no knowledge of them.
These weapons should be practical, and they should be something that you are trained and skilled in using. Hopefully they will never be needed. However, you should plan on using it against intruders at close range, firstly. In this regard, a 10 ga shotgun is preferable to a .303 scoped rifle. A 30 round SLS or AK-47 clone would be preferable to a match-grade .22 long rifle. You might also want to have a weapon that can use the same kind of ammo that state police, and the DHS use.
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Learn from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They permitted the government to take them away from their families, take away their freedom and destroy their lives because they relied on the news media to report on the actions of the government. Don’t make the same mistake.
The Event will NOT BE REPORTED.
You will more than likely be unprepared for the SHTF when it occurs. There will not be a Paul Revere galloping from house to house warning you. It will hit you and your family by surprise.
The “bullet won’t hit the bone”, you will be in wireties before you realize what is going on.
You and your family will be in wireties before you know what is going on. Your will not be protected by your Rights. You will not have a chance to fight, shoot back, or run. The time to do that is NOW. When the police are there in your neighborhood it will be too late.
Thirdly [3], hide and secure these weapons. Tell no one where they are. Not your spouse, or your children. They (your family members) will tend to place confidence in friends and associates without the realization how deadly serious this issue can be. Only YOU, and you alone, will know the location. Again, tell NO ONE that you have any weapons hidden. It is a secret that you cannot share with anyone.
The government has militarized all sorts of federal agencies with military equipment, weapons and vehicles. They are to be used against Americans on American soil. Credit for the image from Peekpromotion.com.
For storage, I would suggest packing them in grease and then placing them in sturdy PPT packaging and burying them. Place ammo (and a reloading kit) nearby. The idea is to recover them after the bulk of the citizenry is disarmed.
Here are some storage cases that can be found in Army and Navy stores, and sportsman’s supply outlets. However, you do not need to use these containers, if they are not available. You can purchase used 55 gallon drums, clean them out and use them. Just make sure that they are sealed tight. You can also make sure that they are waterproof by coating all the edges with mobile home roofing tar, or plain ordinary tar. What ever you do, you must bury these items in secret, and make sure that they cannot be discovered accidentally by a utility repairman, a housing inspector or a utility road crew. Be surreptitious.
The police, the federal police, and others are trained to search for hidden things. Expect them to ASSUME that you will have some weapons hidden. If you have a history of being a gun collector or one who has an internet history related to prepping or survival, they will start to look for your buried cache. I don’t know what to say about that. Though, a “sacrificial” decoy cache might be a consideration.
As a friendly suggestion, no one ever goes into electrical substations. Whether they are active or inactive. I had a friend who once had a problem with people climbing over his fence and messing with the collection buckets for his maple syrup. So, he started to put “Danger High Voltage” signs all over his property, and layed thick cable here and there. Since then, no one would dare tresspass.
Note that most people would tend to ignore a cement wall, or cesspool, or cemented over driveway.
If you want to hide something, then hide it in plain sight. Something like an unused electrical substation, or a cement pillar or foundation might be a good place to pace your cache.
Finally [4], tell no one about your plans, or why you relocate. No one will agree with you or believe you. Just move to a safer area and tell others that the reason was economic. Do not tell them about your worries. Tell others that you are moving for a better life. Most people will accept this as a valid excuse. In general, heed my advice, AVOID urban areas.
Now is the time to prepare. Not after things start to really go downhill. I pray. I hope. I wish that things will never get as bad as I warn against. However, history says otherwise.
Do not forget the Holocaust. The progressive liberal socialists, as much as they claim to hate Nazi’s, actually want to implement their policies.
The Core Article
This article was inspired and based upon the writings of a Mr. Selco from Venezuela. They come from his article titled ” These are the signs the SHTF are real“. Yes, I know, Venezuela is not Hattiesburg, Mississippi or Framingham, Massachusetts. However, he is relating events that occurred recently when the progressive socialist government effectively disarmed the populace and started implementing their own brutal policies.
So while his experiences represent another nation, another society and another culture, the reader should pay attention. People are people. Nations follow basic rules of ascendancy and decline, and politicians are politicians no matter where their offices are.
Maybe the cars are a little different. Maybe the armbands are different and the facial features are different, but those who rule governments are all the same. They might make promises, and they might even grant a few of the promises, but they intend to RULE.
Learn from his experiences. Here is his comments highlighted in color. Comments on it are my own.
How do you know if the SHTF is actually here? One of the cornerstones
of survival is how to recognize that a situation has gone so bad that
the S is truly going to hit the fan.
Basically, we are talking how to recognize that it is time to bug out or hunker down because it is going to be (really) bad.
I call it “survival mode” (no, it is not invented by me), and it means that you at some point based on your own observations, feelings, the situation around you, events, etc. going to are going to jump into that mode where you gonna implement actions based on different priorities than everyday life. It is personal but it may include:
no longer going to work and school
bugging out
bugging in
using violence on “first shoot, then ask” philosophy
In short, you are putting into action decisions that you prepared for a long time because (the) Shit did hit the fan.
One of the members of the Prep Club FB group
asked a very good question about this, and basically what she asked (in
very shortened version and paraphrased) was: “How am I going to
recognize that it is time to leave my job because the whole situation is
going to s**t?”
The easiest (and pretty lame and lazy) answer is that you need to
leave your job as soon as you see something bad is happening around you,
and go home, bug in, bug out or whatever your plan is.
How do you know that things are spiraling out of control? How do you know that the SHTF and that things will start to get increasingly dangerous for you and your family. At what point in time do you realize that going to work might become too hazardous?
But it is lame because something bad is happening all the time around
us – people being robbed or killed, folks losing jobs, cars being
stolen, food poisoning, protests, political scandals – not to mention
terrorist attacks happening more often and the migration crisis..
But you still need your job to pay bills. Your kids need to go to school. Violence and bad things are always around us, but that does not mean you’ll have to quit your job and bug out. If you do that, you are achieving nothing.
When one group of people identify another group, and target them with hate, and violence, it only escalates. It gets worse. Eventually there is whole-scale blood shed. Do not be under the illusion that it will never happen in America. There are enormous groups of people just chomping at the bit to attack conservatives and traditionalists. All in the name of a progressive utopia.
So we are actually talking here how to recognize the “big event”, a real SHTF event, when you need to jump into that survival mode and stop worrying too much about your regular day-to-day life.
The real fun here is that there is no universal answer. There is no specific point at which you will recognize it, but definitely, there are some things to pay attention to.
So firstly, we must remember the story of the two frogs. because that is exactly where most Americans are today. They have been cooking for decades in water while the congresscritters in Washington D.C. has been turning up the heat.
They have even issued laws, rules of engagement and behaviors to look for that criminalize YOU (the reader). The DHS is not your friend, and these rules are written against YOU for a reason.
Yes, you are classified as a Right-wing extremist by the DHS. You are presumed guilty and a threat instead of an innocent citizen deserving of Rights and Habius Corpus.
Remember the two frogs.
I often refer to this story. It is a great story because it illustrates exactly what is going on in the United States today.
A well-known story is about the two frogs. One is thrown directly into a pot of boiling water, and of course, the frog immediately jumps out of the bowl and runs away.
The other frog is being thrown into a pot of cold water and then water is gradually heated to point of boiling ,and at the end, this frog died.
In the British colonies, an early version of the DHS (the Department of Homeland Security) seizes a citizen under the suspension of Habeas Corpus during a “no-knock” raid. We need to look at our history using modern terminology and situations to truly appreciate our past.
When the water is gradually heated to the boiling point, the frog does not realize it is gonna die.
Most of us are frogs in a big bowl of water that is gradually heated to the boiling point and let me tell you, that water is getting pretty warm. You really need to be the well-prepared and smart frog to realize that the warm (and maybe pleasant) water is going to be deadly boiling in a very short time.
When the police come to your door, often in the middle of the night, they will seize you. They will cart you and your family away. Trying to explain the Bill of Rights to them will not matter. Trying to explain that you did nothing wrong will not matter. Trying to explain that you have Rights (both State and Federal) and they you want to talk to an attorney WILL NOT MATTER.
When the “Big Event”, the SHTF starts to happen, the world that you thought existed would be long gone.
German woman demanding her “Rights” when the German Federal Police come to take her and her family to a “resettlement farm” for their “safety” and “protection”. We don’t know what ever happened to her. We do know that she was taken to what was later called “concentration camps” where many people died. I guess she didn’t explain her “Rights” clear enough to the armed police officer that came to gather her and her family “for their safety”.
Get out while the “water is still pleasant”
2016 Election Results by County. I would suggest moving to a predominantly red county, and the greater the number of other red counties between you and a blue county the better. Nebraska and Oklahoma as well as rural Missouri would be desirable locations if you were to follow this advice.
I believe the term is “strategic relocation”, or in other words, it is moving to an area where the situation going to be better if SHTF. It is not bugging out when SHTF. It takes very carefully planning. You are looking far or new place to live, a job, a good environment for kids, natural resources, and a good home, etc., today while times are still (more or less) normal.
It is quite specific for each person based on the region where you
live, job opportunities, family circumstances and a lot of other things,
but in essence, a few things that I would look for are:
smaller communities
places where you already have some network (family, friends…)
availability of resources ( land, rivers, woods, hunt…)
reasonably far away from big infrastructure
laws that allow you freedom (or absence of restrictions) like farming, weapon carry, homeschooling etc.
Keep in mind that again it is not bugging out, it is living in circumstances where you gonna have a much better starting point when SHTF. You still have to work for a living, and the kids need school etc.
Remember the woman arguing with the Nazi policeman in the picture earlier? Well, here is the place of safety that she was promised. An all female concentration camp where the women were abused, used, and experimented upon prior to execution. Listen to me; once you turn your back and put your hands behind your back for the handcuffs, it will BE TOO LATE.
Signs that the SHTF has actually arrived
Collapse is already here Authored by Chris Martenson via PeakProsperity.com, It’s a process, not an event… Many people are expecting some degree of approaching collapse — be it economic, environmental and/or societal — thinking that they’ll recognize the danger signs in time.
As if it will be completely obvious, like a Hollywood blockbuster. Complete with clear warnings from scientists, politicians and the media. And everyone can then get busy either panicking or becoming the plucky heroes.
That’s not how collapse works. Collapse is a process, not an event. And it’s already underway, all around us. Collapse is already here.
As I have already mentioned, I would argue that one of the signs that The Event of the SHTF has started is government mandated firearm collection. Also remember, that IT WILL NOT BE REPORTED UPON.
The first thing to look for is closing or shuttering up of arms dealers or gun stores. Look for ammo drying up. Look for the passage of laws that make owning a gun or a gun magazine illegal. Look for pronouncements that suggest police door to door searches are necessary. Look for mainstream media making heroes out of people who turn in guns, report on people who own guns, or something very similar.
Know your history. Once you disarm a group of people you can rewrite laws, treaties and Rights. You can do what ever you want with them. You can demonize them, and treat them terribly. First you MUST defang them. Else they will fight back.
The author continues using his experiences as a guide…
Since most of can not afford “strategic relocation's” we are forced to stay and hope to see on time that S gonna hit the fan, and hopefully jump on time into that survival mode and act accordingly.
I am in the same position.
I am not talking here about obvious signs that something bad has happened, because if you hear a huge explosion and there is no signal on TV suddenly, no internet or electricity, you do not have to be a prepper to realize something bad has happened, and you are already in the middle of it.
Here are some of the signs that the SHTF has actually arrived.
Now the author goes into three things to look for. I only listed one major item. To me, once there is some kind of police-collection of firearms door-to-door, you are in the midst of The Event, or SHTF. He names three things to look forward to…
Freedoms disappear.
Hate and Violence increases in frequency.
Access to news becomes harder.
[1] Freedoms and Rights are disappearing.
Again, this experienced individual is saying the same thing that I am trying to say. Only he is doing it much better than I ever could. His first point is that while there has been a gradual erosion of freedom and Rights, there will be an acceleration of their loss. This will either be overt (such as a government pronouncement) or covert (such as you suddenly need certain types of ID to do things that used to be free.).
You usually feel like your rights and freedoms are something written in stone, and you may be right. But in terms of signs of a coming huge SHTF, keep in mind that when your freedoms and rights that are really important are taken away from you, the S is going to hit the fan soon.
Which is my point about the first and second amendments to the Constitution. The attempts at their suppression will eventually hit a threshold level that will indicate the start of The Event. So far, the progressive left is taking bits and taking nips at them. Eventually their suppression or distortion will be such that it becomes obvious that they no longer exist. Sort of like what happened with the fourth Amendment – the “personal privacy amendment“.
And again probably it is going to happen gradually enough that the majority of folks will not go out on the street to fight for those rights, and also, it may happen in a way that the majority of people will welcome it, under some new laws that “save lives” or “keep them safe” or similar.
But the result is going to be same. Your rights and freedoms are
gonna be taken because you are gonna be easier to manipulate then.
As he stated, your rights will be removed because it will be easier to control and manipulate you. The greatest obstacle to progressive socialist rule is the second amendment. Thus, it will… IT WILL be taken prior to The Event.
[2] Polarization, hate, and violence are on the rise.
Up until Barrack Obama came to power with his progressive liberal socialist agenda, who ever heard about the SJW troops, the BLM, and the Antifa movement? I like to think that they have already met their maximum impact and influence and are now on the wane, but history argues differently. Thus, I must agree with the author, the worse is yet to come.
Expect more angering news, expect more troublesome actions and worrisome activities.
I have mentioned all of that before, more then once, but prior to SHTF it is going to be worse when it comes to hate because again, a lot of stuff you cannot see clearly when you are in a state of hate or fear.
Progressive liberals will utilize the Black Lives Matter movement, the Social Justice Warrior movement, and the Antifa movement to achieve their objectives.
A lot of things can be moving in the background while you are coping with disorder, hate, and violence.
Antifa is yet another new domestic terrorist group motivated in part by Islam and the liberal agenda to destroy America and replace it with a socialist utopia. First they must destroy all tradition, and from the ashes create a world wither the top 1% rule over the rest of humanity with benevolence.
[3] Your access to information will be limited.
Pay attention to you ability to get news. Can you get news on Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. I don’t know about youse guys, but the free flow of information is becoming narrower on the internet.
Your free access to independent information will be “shrunk”.
Independent media will be harder and harder to find, or you will be fooled and you will think that actually, you have access to free information while in reality, it is junk, propaganda.
The shutting down of free media and people who hold information will disappear. These are some of the last signs, and again, most people will welcome it.
Independent media will be almost “demonized”.
Could it Happen Here?
(This section is based off from a contribution from policestateusa.com.)
One of the big arguments against gun confiscation in the United States is that it is an obvious and direct violation of the second amendment to the Bill of Rights. The argument is that it would NEVER happen in the United States because we are protected by the Bill of Rights. This argument is historically wrong.
It has already happened in the United States numerous times..
In 1775, during a time of palpable civil unrest among the colonies, the Massachusetts governor ordered soldiers to confiscate firearms from civilians in the interest of thwarting a rebellion.
In 1861, after rejecting the power of states to peacefully secede from the Union, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Confiscation Act, thus authorizing federal troops to confiscate firearms from civilians in preparation for military reconquest of the South.
In 1890, during the height of the American Indian “relocation” effort, U.S. troops disarmed the Lakota people en masse “for their own safety and protection” as they were corralled into their new home. Most of the tribe was massacred when a deaf Lakota man refused to surrender his rifle to the federal soldiers.
In 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt used a foreign attack on an American territory to justify the mass confiscation of guns and other property from thousands of people deemed “enemy aliens” all over the United States. After the confiscation, these disarmed individuals were rounded up and placed in concentration camps.
Watch the behavior of people in the know.
Now, here is where the really good stuff resides. Listen to his story…
I will give you some examples.
I had a friend who worked for the secret police before the war. He ended up in the sieged city together with me.
He did not have a clue that things were gonna get so bad, even with his position and his access to the information. He simply was fed bulls**t by people that he trusted.
On the other hand, I had a friend who, prior to the war was a smuggler of different kind of things from Italy, such as marijuana, electronics, and whatever was popular at that time.
He knew something bad was gonna happen, and he bugged out in time to Italy.
In his “job” he had connections with people who “pushed” things for other people who were pretty powerful criminals. Based on moving on those “goods” and information, he simply concluded something bad was going to happen.
The point here is to keep your ear to the ground and see how things and events are moving around you.
Most probably you are not going to see things coming on TV on mainstream media, but if you have a buddy in the police force who will let you know that a lot of equipment is being delivered to them or a friend in some not “legit” places who can give you good information, you can conclude a lot.
There is no specific advice here, but a network of friends with information from the right places is worth much more than a TV network.
Like I have been saying all along. Do not expect to be informed by the news media, or the internet. Things are planned months or even years in advance. When it happens, you will be the last person to find out.
You may miss the signs. I did.
I have seen all the signs above, and I failed to run.
I ended up right in the middle of SHTF.
It is not only important to see and recognize signs. It is important to believe that it can actually happen. Because after I saw all the signs, I just said to myself, “Oh, it cannot happen here. Somebody somehow is gonna solve everything.”
It is very hard to trust in something that you did not experience before. Only now do I believe that a lot of horrible things are possible.
A big “Thank You” for Mr. Selco
This article was inspired and based upon the writings of a Mr. Selco from Venezuela. They come from his article titled ” These are the signs the SHTF are real“.
I urge all readers to go visit his website as there are other articles from his unique perspective and experience.
My Opinion
Since there were no serious negative ramifications to the massive full-scale vote fraud in the 2018 mid-term elections, we can expect that the progressive socialists will use this technique to turn entire states “blue”. While Donald Trump is indeed very popular, this could have a disastrous effect, and could swing both houses, and even the Presidency towards radical socialism.
Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg will hold out until a democrat President takes the reigns of power, and then assist in a full onslaught of pent-up socialist changes from their bucket list. First on that agenda will be the wide scale disarming of the American populace. Followed shortly with isolation and termination of their enemies.
The time scale for this is 2020. The four year time period of 2020 to 2024 will be a very contentious one. As it is likely to be a motivated radical democrat in control of the White House.
The radicals took control of the House today. Far left anti-Trumpers and open Socialists are now in charge of the US House of Representatives. Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib, an open Israel-hater, was sworn in on a Koran today. And after her swearing in she immediately called on President Trump’s impeachment — the “mother f*cker”!! The far left crowd LOVED IT and Cheered with delight!
I believe that the United States is long overdue for a reset. The government has become far too large, far too corrupt and is running amok. People from all over the country can see this. Their solutions are, however, diametrically opposed. As such, my points are…
A reset event is due to occur.
This event is already starting as of 2019.
I have no idea how serious this event will be, as it will depend on many variables and will vary from one family to another. It could be anything from total war and devastation to a minor increase in the cost of a cup of coffee. There are far too many variables at play.
I would advise caution.
The event or elements of it will be well under-weigh before being televised to any extent.
I would advise moving to a region that might escape and avoid major disruptions.
If you are unable to leave, I would then suggest the following prudent measures be considered…
I suggest that a firearm be procured, kept hidden, and be trained to use it properly.
I suggest stockpiling some antibiotics, if need be you can make your own. Here, Here, and Here. Alternatively you can google search “aquarium antibiotics” and buy fish-Pen (250mg) or Fish-Pen Forte (500mg) online. 100 tablets go for about 39.99 at the lower dose and 49.99 for the higher dose. Buy as much as you can afford, there is no prescription necessary. You can also buy all sorts of antibiotics in bulk from Alibaba HERE.
Plan for regional discomfort increasing in stages from 2019 through 2025. Depending on the geographical regions, the severity of the change will vary. The types of changes and the personal influences will be divorced from what is presented on mainstram media and television.
This continued event eventually changes sometime into 2030. With a “new” normal manifesting.
Townhouses in Bosnia. We cannot predict what will happen, or how it will play out. All that we can say is that the current status quo in the United States is not sustainable. There will be change. For Conservatives and traditionalists, they will need to fight for their very lives, as the Progressive Liberal Socialists want them exterminated.
Russian Official on 12JAN19
“I think that America is actually engulfed by its second civil war now,” Rogozin told the Rossiya-24 TV channel, as translated by the state-run Tass Russian News Agency. Reported by Newsweek.
Former Federal Prosecutor: “We Are In A Civil War… I Buy Guns”
Former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova says civil discourse is over in America, and recommends voting and buying guns because “we are in a civil war.”
Speaking with Laura Ingraham on her podcast, diGenova noted that the “all liberal” media has given a pass to both Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) and VA Attorney General Mark Herring for appearing in blackface, while similarly glossing over Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax’s credible sexual assault allegation.
“There’s two standards of justice, one for Democrats one for Republicans. The press is all Democrat, all liberal, all progressive, all left – they hate Republicans, they hate Trump. So the suggestion that there’s ever going to be civil discourse in this country for the foreseeable future in this country is over. It’s not going to be. It’s going to be total war. And as I say to my friends, I do two things – I vote and I buy guns.”
The partial government shutdown is about more than a shutdown. It’s civil war. There are not guns or violence, at least not yet. The U.S. military has not turned against any portion of the citizens. Nobody has openly called for secession yet, at least to the point where it can credibly happen. Not just yet. Yet all these things are just beneath the surface. Any one of these things could happen, almost at any time, although — for perfectly understandable reasons — most of us prefer not yet to know it. Donald Trump came along in the midst of this growing crisis. He didn’t start the fire, nor did his supporters. He merely represents the frustration and outrage of the half or so of the population who has simply had enough. The people who dominate all those red counties on the political map, and who also comprise a sturdy but usually silent minority (bigger than you think) in those blue map locations.
A civil war, in psychological terms, happens when two sides reach a point of irreconcilable differences. The government shutdown and the border wall, while very important issues, are not the only issues dividing this country. The country is divided on even bigger things, such as whether we should move toward higher taxes and socialism or lower taxes and capitalism; more regulation or less regulation; more control for the Democratic-Republican establishment in D.C., or less. Should we use all our military force against militant Islam, or bow down and blame ourselves, as Obama did? Should we permit other countries — China, European countries — the advantages of capitalism while imposing on ourselves the disadvantages of socialism? Or should we fight back, as President Trump has done?
The root issue of all political conflict, including our own, boils down to one factor: The individual versus the state. Does the individual have the right to make up one’s own mind about one’s life, or should government be involved in making many or most decisions for us? Whether the issue is gay marriage, abortion, taxes, capitalism/socialism, whether or when to utilize military force, what the budget should be, or anything else, that’s what it all boils down to. Even the border wall issue applies here. To border wall advocates, it’s an issue of whether the federal government should set up boundaries between our (hopefully) free country and individuals or nations who are not free, who may be hostile and threatening, and should in some way be screened before coming into our (hopefully) free country. This didn’t used to be controversial. But the Democrats have moved so far left — no border wall, no borders at all — that the divide seems new, and it is new for that reason.
Our country today reminds me so, so much of a marriage at the end of its time. I am sorry to say it, but it’s true. Sometimes a marriage therapist tells a couple, “It just seems like so much work. You’re fundamentally divided on so many matters. Why don’t you just divide up your property and go your separate ways? Set yourselves free?” There are times when it’s rational to conclude this, which is why divorce and breakups are often rational.
The smart couples do break up and rationally divide up their property — even time with their children — and move on, often to better and calmer lives. Will that happen in America? Not a chance, based on the way it looks right now.
Americans no longer seem to agree on the fundamentals. The Second Amendment is now up for grabs. For years, Democrats have claimed to support the Second Amendment in theory, but now they are prepared to pass legislation in effect outlawing guns (or ammunition, which is the same thing). It turns out when they said, for all those years, that “the Second Amendment applies to the military, not to individuals, even peaceful ones,” they really meant it. This alone is an unsustainable and unresolvable difference. Am I wrong? Prove me wrong. I’d love to be wrong. I see no compromise on this point.
And now the First Amendment could be at risk too. Increasingly, it seems that leftists, self-described progressives and Democrats really mean it when they say, “Hate speech isn’t protected by the First Amendment.” Seriously? What is hate speech? I have been called a promoter of hate speech for supporting President Trump on many matters and opposing Democrats. Is that what we’ve come to? Is hate speech now speech I don’t like? And regardless of how one defines “hate speech”, how on earth do you reconcile the First Amendment with anyone’s speech — however it’s characterized — being subject to any kind of government regulation or chilling whatsoever?
When two or more parties disagree on matters of principle, you’re at a point of civil breakdown. The First and Second Amendments are at the top of our Bill of Rights for a reason. When the two major political parties disagree on these two most precious components of individual liberty — the right to defend your body and to speak your mind — then civility is over. What a literal civil war would look like, in the twenty-first century in the USA, I frankly have no idea. Maybe we’re already in it. The government shutdown is a metaphor for the impossible, irreconcilable differences between two schools of thought. I keep thinking: This is what civil war looks like. Each side wants the other to humble him- or herself. But it’s not going to happen. Never, ever with the Democrats, who have never once caved on anything, ever. And no longer with the dissenters or so-called “deplorables”, at least if President Trump is any indication.
I don’t know the answer or solution. I only know one thing: The cause of the breakdown, whenever it happens, always resides in the most important issue in any political or social matter: The individual versus the state. If there is any solution to find, it will be there.
In the 1980’s, for example, the newspapers featured stories about the so-called homeless crisis on a weekly basis. That’s when we went from calling them bums to pretending their only problem was a lack of shelter. Once Clinton assumed power, the homeless stories disappeared. It was a running joke for a long time, because it was so obvious, but also because it was so predictable. Everyone got the joke, except Lefty.
As many have observed, the mask began to drop during the Clinton years when so many media members quit their jobs and went to work in the administration. It’s hard to maintain the illusion of independence when there is a revolving door between the media and left-wing political operations. That’s when CNN became known as the Clinton News Network, because they were so hilariously in the tank for them. Some tried to maintain the ruse, but any pretense of objectivity ended in the 1990’s.
Again, there was still a sense that it was just bias and that it was predictable and therefore you could adjust for it. Today, that does not appear to be the case. The mainstream media has become advocates, but not necessarily advocates for the Progressive base of the Democratic coalition. They seem to be serving the agendas, financed by private parties operating off-stage. For example, sites like the Huffington Post and Daily Beast are about moral enforcement than news and current events.
The recent harassment of Alex McNabb by Antifa member Christopher Mathias is a great example of the phenomenon. The Huffington Post provides him with a cover identity as a reporter, but in reality someone else is paying his way. His job is as a witch hunter, looking for anyone in violation of the blasphemy laws. This is a strange new phenomenon that does not have a corollary in the past. Even Woodward and Bernstein were legitimate reporters, even if Woodward had deep connections to the intelligence community.
There’s an argument that this sort of religious advocacy is the natural result of the narrative journalism that evolved in the 1960’s and 1970’s. If you are going to report stories, the point is to inform. If you are going to spin tales, then the first goal is to entertain and there is nothing quite as a gripping as a morality tale. These doxxing stories are just campfire stories for the hard thumping loons of the far Left. The point of them is to tell the reader that they must be vigilant as heretics are everywhere.
The postwar era saw the creation of international institutions ranging from NATO to the United Nations to the World Bank, along with a proliferation of think tanks and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to accompany them. It saw the vast expansion of higher education in the United States, and the transformation of academic degrees into something close to must-haves for the upper-middle class. It saw a great expansion of power on the part of media organizations, and on the part of government bureaucrats and lobbyists, both of whose numbers increased enormously.
But after the turn of the millennium, other Americans, much like the workers and peasants in the old Soviet Union, started to notice that while the New Class was doing quite well (America’s richest counties now surround Washington, D.C.), things weren’t going so well for them. And what made it more upsetting was that — while the Soviet Union’s apparatchiks at least pretended to like the workers and peasants — members of America’s ruling class seemed to view ordinary Americans with something like contempt, using terms such as “bitter clingers,” “deplorables” and flyover people.
Class wars in America disguised as culture wars
Suddenly, to a lot of voters, those postwar institutional arrangements stopped looking so good. But, of course, the beneficiaries showed no sign of giving them up. This has led to a lot of political discord, and a lot of culture war, since in America class warfare is usually disguised as cultural warfare. But underneath the surface, talk is a battle between the New Class and what used to be the middle class.
Jack Minzey on Civil War
Civil War How do civil wars happen?
Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge. That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.
The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn’t really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election.
There’s a pattern here.
What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don’t accept the results of any election that they don’t win. It means they don’t believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections.
That’s a civil war.
There’s no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government. This isn’t dissent. It’s not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they’re the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don’t win, what you want is a dictatorship.
Your very own dictatorship.
The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it’s inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can’t scratch his own back without his say so, that’s the civil war.
Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that’s not the system that runs this country. The Democrat’s system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country. If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is unlimited. He’s a dictator.
But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can’t do anything. He isn’t even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has ‘discretion’ to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn’t even have the ‘discretion’ to reverse him. That’s how the game is played That’s how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn’t yet won that particular fight.
When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren’t even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws. Under Obama, a state wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries.
The Constitution has something to say about that. Whether it’s Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship.
Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can’t serve in if you’re not a member. If you haven’t been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren’t in the club. And Trump isn’t in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren’t in the club with him.
Now we’re seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down.
That’s not a free country.
It’s not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an ‘insurance policy’ against Trump winning the election. It’s not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It’s not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It’s not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn’t supposed to win did.
Have no doubt, we’re in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist Democrat professional government.
Posted on Free Republic on 3JAN19
This was posted on Free Republic on 3JAN19 HERE. Aside from the snarky trolls and generally disparaging remarks, those that actually did read the article have a different opinion than what is stated herein. None of which seems to believe that “The Event” will manifest.
The overall opinion is that it will continue to be “business as usual”. If anything “bad” were to occur, the American population would adjust to it, and not give it a moment’s thought. The general consensus is that nothing serious will occur. There won’t be any major economic downturns, socialist purging, and no fighting Bosnia-style. Americans will just adapt and succumb…
I think the writer is wrong about how the gun confiscation will happen. It will be less violent than his view which seems to predate the AI revolution.
We will get China’s Social Credit scoring and eventually find that we cannot buy airplane tickets or maybe gasoline and other stuff becomes progressively more expensive, like food, because our scores are too low.
Then we are informed that the only way to raise our scores is to turn in our guns. Possession of guns will be a big hit on the SC scores.
Here is a reasoned argument in alignment with the article, however it does not anticipate anything outright serious. The impression that I get, for this writer is that the battles will be political in nature, and not visceral.
It is in the left’s best interest to convince the public that the wheels are coming off. Actually, it's in the best interest of all establishment politicians to do so.
In a very, very real way Trump's election, and the growth of alternative sources of information, have threatened the political class and those whose careers and stature are derived from it. They won't go quietly, and their responses aren't limited by ethics and morality - in the least.
We went from the first year of Trump's presidency, during which there was widespread optimism about the economy and the future, to now - with people lamenting about the collapse of America as we know it. This is orchestrated. No doubt. We can't give in to an impending sense of doom.
The reality is that all Trump has done to date, including the trade standoff with China, his efforts to end the ‘cheap labor express’, verbalizing that the tech industry has spawned monopolies that may have to be dealt with as antitrust issues, standing up to European governments that criticize us but take our money, AND, fighting the left on our own soil - including standing up strongly against people like Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, etc., all has to be done.
None of these things were likely to be easy, and none of them were likely to be painless. But, they had/have to be done.
This next comment agrees that things are trending to be “interesting”, yet how serious they will become and what will happen will be up to the individuals involved to determine. I can agree with that.
I’ve noticed the last few years that every year is much more “interesting” than the year before, but also that humans are like cockroaches, and highly adaptable to their situation.
I saw it in 2007 when housing in my area, Seattle, collapsed. I remember saying, on seattlebubble.com, that real estate could drop as much as 20%. I was chastised for it because it was crazy talk and sounded apocalyptic. And it did, even to me.
Well, prices dropped as much as 50% in many areas and much more than 20% everywhere else. So, was it an apocalypse? Yes. But what was people’s reaction? “What a great buying opportunity".
They ignored that before the collapse, defaults on real estate loans happened, but were definitely not common. And now everyone knew at least one person, if not many or even themselves, that simply walked away from their home, or became squatters in a home someone walked away from. It just became the new normal and was no big deal.
It’s how we seem to operate.
And yes, 2019 will be a lot more “interesting” than previous years. How interesting remains to be seen.
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