The Song “Baby Got Back” Translated into Latin

Baby Got Back“, also known as “I Like Big Butts”, is a hit rap song written and recorded by American rapper Sir Mix-a-Lot, from his album Mack Daddy. The song samples the 1986 Detroit techno single “Technicolor” by Channel One. This is a translation of it.


Here, we have it translated into Latin by Quislibet. There was additional support and clarity offered by Ukelele. I have found it hilarious, and thus have reprinted the translation here. Enjoy.

Text Content

De clunibus magnis amandis oratio
Mixaloti equitis

(By Hercules!)
Rebecca, ecce! tantae clunes isti sunt!  
(Rebecca, behold! Such large buttocks she has!)

amica esse videtur istorum hominum rhythmicorum. 
(She appears to be a girlfriend of one of those rhythmic-oration people.)
sed, ut scis, 
(But, as you know)
quis homines huiusmodi intellegere potest? 
(Who can understand persons of this sort?)
colloquuntur equidem cum ista eo tantum, quod scortum perfectum esse videtur. 
(Verily, they converse with her for this reason only, namely, that she appears to be a complete whore.) 
clunes, aio, maiores esse!
(Her buttocks, I say, are rather large!)
nec possum credere quam rotondae sint.
(Nor am I able to believe how round they are.)
en! quam exstant! nonne piget te earum?  
(Lo! How they stand forth! Do they not disgust you?)
ecce mulier Aethiops! 
(Behold the black woman!)

magnae clunes mihi placent, nec possum de hac re mentiri. 
(Large buttocks are pleasing to me, nor am I able to lie concerning this matter.)
quis enim, consortes mei, non fateatur, 
(For who, colleagues, would not admit,)
cum puella incedit minore medio corpore
(Whenever a girl comes by with a rather small middle part of the body)
sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos
(Beneath which is an obvious spherical mass, that it inflames the spirits)
virtute praestare ut velitis, notantes bracas eius 
(So that you want to be conspicuous for manly virtue, noticing her breeches)
clunibus profunde fartas esse
(Have been deeply stuffed with buttock?)
a! captus sum, nec desinere intueri possum.
(Alas! I am captured, nor am I able to desist from gazing.)
o dominola mea, volo tecum congredi 
(My dear lady, I want to come together with you)
pingereque picturam tui. 
(And make a picture of you.)
familiares mei me monebant
(My companions were trying to warn me)
sed clunes istae libidinem in me concitant.
(But those buttocks of yours arouse lust in me.)
o! cutis rugosa glabraque! 
(O skin wrinkled and smooth!)
dixistine te in meum vehiculum intrare velle?
(Did you say you wish to enter my vehicle?)
in arbitrio tuo totus veni
(I am entirely at your disposal)
quia non es mediocris adsecula.
(Because you are not an average hanger-on.)
vidi illam saltantem.
(I have seen her dancing.)
obliviscere igitur blanditiarum! 
(Forget, therefore, about blandishments!)
tantus sudor! tantus umor!
(Such sweat! Such moisture!)
vehor quasi in curru quadrigarum!  
(I am borne along as if by a four-horse chariot!)
taedet me in diurnis legendi 
(I am tired of reading in the gazettes)
planas clunes gratiores iudicari. 
(That flat buttocks are judged more pleasing.)
rogate quoslibet Aethiopes: responsum erit
(Ask any black men you wish: the answer will be)
se libentius expletiores anteponere. 
(Rather that they prefer fuller ones.)
o consortes (quid est?) o consortes (quid est?)
(O colleagues [What is it?] O colleagues [What is it?])
habent amicae vestrae magnas clunes? (certe habent!)
(Do your girlfriends have large buttocks? [They certainly have!])
hortamini igitur ut eas quatiant (ut quatiant!)
(Encourage them therefore to shake them! [To shake them!])
ut quatiant! (ut quatiant!)
(To shake them! [To shake them!])
ut quatiant illas clunes sanas!
(To shake those healthy buttocks!)
domina mea exstat a tergo!
(My mistress stands out behind!)



Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed, reviewed. 30AUG18.
  2. SEO review 30AUG18.
  3. Published 30AUG18.

World-Line Travel Using Vehicles – Some Examples

In this post we discuss one specific method of surfing the MWI- “World-Line” or “Time-Line” travel for those of you who like those terms. I know of four methods. For the most part, humans need to stick to their own pre-defined realities and utilize other techniques as necessary to learn and obtain information and experiences.

Vehicles are often utilized when there are NO pre-defined clear destination coordinates when exploring other “world-lines”. These are typically similar to the destination environments and are used to house the often large equipment needed for MWI egress.

In other posts, I have discussed the benefits of using roads to conduct MWI (world-line travel) into our reality. Here, in this post, I would like to elaborate on that situation…


Important Note:
This post specifically concerns (so called) "world-line" travel. Which in fact, the actual activity is actually considered as "MWI surfing". The term "Time Travel" is a specific subset of this technique in which the time coordinates are changed. This post does not intentionally or knowingly discuss that aspect of the MWI slide.

There is every indication that vehicles are sometimes used to enter and leave our “reality”.  They travel on our roads. This is simply because roads are more or less, a long lasting and stable fixture. Roads tend to be predictable within the dimension of time.

Materialization of a vehicle
Here we can clearly and plainly see a car materialize in front of the startled driver as they enter a crossroad intersection. The frames of the video are milliseconds apart. For those debunkers that insist that the vehicle was moving too fast for the camera to record, that would mean that it was traveling at 14,400 MPH and suddenly decelerating to 30 MPH. Right in front of the car. Why decelerate? If the debunkers are correct…

Roads are typically the ONLY stable long-lasting features on this ever changing planet.  A field in 1965 becomes a gas station in 1973.  It then changes into a warehouse in 1990, and then is torn down and made into a parking lot in 2010.  What will happen in 2055?  Maybe it will be a park, filled with trees and shrubs. As such, who can predict when and were a tree might grow, or where a lake might come into being?

However, the road in front of that 1965 field will (more than likely) still exist.

In fact, the longevity of road intersections is even more guaranteed than individual roads.  With a near certainty that the road will never be completely blocked off, instead detours along the edges will be provided to the drivers. Those wishing to utilize vehicles for dimensional and / or time travel would be able to utilize existing roads to teleport to and from. Depending on the traffic, a car might occupy a given physical location of a mere fraction of a second.  This is a mighty small period of time to allow and permit materialization of an inward-bound vehicle from another dimension.

The Benefits of Using Roads

Roads are stable. A given road might exist for hundreds of years. This is obvious in terms of the dimension of time. What is not so obvious is that this is also true for MWI surfing and slides. The roads serve as stable and flat places for world-line, or MWI access points.


In "regular" geometry, a line contains an uncountable infinity of points, though any two points determine a line. A line can contain an infinite number of points. A line can be as long as it wants to be, but in order to considered a line, it has to have at least two points.

-Answers, UK

Intersections are even more stable than roads. They have defined geopositioning spacial coordinates. Ask any mathematician. A line can have an infinite number of points on it. While an intersection can have only one point.

The intersection of any two lines is a set defined point. This point is true for both lines. In the case of roads, it acts as a firm geospacial coordinate from which one can target for access.

Thus, it is a much more precise coordinate from which to calculate a given destination.


As should be obvious to anyone who has ever watched the movie series “Back to the Future”. You need to be able to arrive on a stable flat surface that does not have trees, buildings, or obstacles that you might run into and hit.


Let R. Crumb Tell the story…

Artist R.Crumb has a series of drawings that depict our changing landscape. While it is fun to look at, there is some real truth in what he is trying to portray. We assume so many things.

We tend to assume so many things.

For instance, let’s suppose that you want to travel back in time, and you know that a road existed at the turn of the century. You decide to go back then and egress on the road. No problem, right?  You are going back before the invention of the automobile.

So, you go back.

You arrive and… SPLAT!

A trolley-car hits you right when you arrive. Dimensional travel is like that. You cannot take anything for granted. You cannot assume anything. And, like the Commander told me when I joined MAJestic, you are on your own and will have no support group when you work to complete your tasks.

You have got to be careful.

Consider what R. Crumb illustrated…

Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 1
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 1
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 2
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 2
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 3
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 3
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 4
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 4
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 5
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 5
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 6
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 6
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 7
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 7
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 8
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 8
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 9
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 9
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 10
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 10
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 11
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 11
Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 12
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 12

Ah, but what next?

We do not know. This is because the apparent concept of time is firmly rooted in the entropic decay of our bubble of reality. That is WHY time always seems to be a straight unchanging line. It is simply because we are inside a bubble of reality.  Now, we can change this bubble somewhat. We can alter it though our thoughts… that is as long as the thoughts are in alignment with the mass migration of other thoughts with other people.

However, if we wanted to migrate to another bubble of reality all together, we would need some equipment and machinery to do the “heavy lifting”. As such, we could not only specify coordinates of the type of reality and the “flavor(s)” of it, but we could specific geographic coordinates and time coordinates as well.

It would be a “time machine” device.

Here, R. Crumb suggests some possible futures based on his earlier work. If you had the proper equipment, you could surf the MWI and visit each and every one of them, were that your prerogative.  For instance, you could opt for a post-ecological disaster world, were that to your liking…

Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 13
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 13

Or, maybe you want something more High-Tech and futuristic. Maybe some kind of retro-future as envisioned in the 1950’s and the 1960’s. Here, R. Crumb offers us this glimpse…

Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 14
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 14

Or what about something much more sensible. How about something that blends with the entire ecology of the earth that we inhabit. R. Crumb offers this glimpse…

Robert Crumb's a short history of America - 15
Robert Crumb’s a short history of America – 15

The John Titor Statement

In the previous section we started to look at elements of (what I refer to as) “high strangeness”.  One of the aspects that we looked at involved the use of vehicles to enter and leave our reality. They are not using the transport portal like I used in the Navy.  They are doing something else altogether.

Now consider that, for a second. If there are people entering and leaving our reality, and they are using an automobile as the vehicle to do so, then could there be some kind of disclosure that might present more information on this phenomenon?  And, if so, then what would that disclosure looks like?

"Theories have four stages of acceptance:

i) this is worthless nonsense;
ii) this is an interesting, but perverse, point of view;
iii) this is true, but quite unimportant;
iv) I always said so.

- J.B.S. Haldane, 1963

Well there is just such a disclosure.  There really is. However, it is a very difficult one to believe as it sounds so absolutely outlandish that it “must” be a hoax.  (Not to mention that it has been “disproven” by Snopes (LOL), and is considered by many (people, children, and possibly herd animals) to be a hoax.) Well, then, isn’t that a basic criterion for use to start from?  We must look at what “just can’t possibly be” to study what actually is.

Dear readers, let me present the John Titor story…

This is the first fax sent from John Titor to Art Bell on July 29, 1998;

“Dear Art,

I had to fax when I heard other time travelers calling in from any time past the year 2500 AD. Please let me explain.

Time travel was invented in 2034. Off-shoots of certain successful fusion reactor research allowed scientists at CERN to produce the world’s first contained singularity engine. The basic design involves rotating singularities inside a magnetic field. By altering the speed and direction of rotation, you can travel both forward and backward in time.

Time itself can be understood in terms of connected lines. When you go back in time, you travel on your original timeline. When you turn your singularity engine off, a new timeline is created, due to the fact that you and your time machine are now there. In other words, a new universe is created.

To get back to your original line, you must travel a split second father back, and immediately throw the engine into forward without turning it off.

Some interesting outcomes of this are:

One, you meet yourself. I have done it often, even taken a younger version of myself along for a few rides before returning myself to the new timeline and going back to mine.

Two, you can alter history in the new universe that you have just created. Most of the time, the changes are subtle. Sometimes, I’ll notice car models that don’t exist, or books that come out late.

The oldest one was a skyscraper that wasn’t built in a near favorite store of mine in New York.

Interestingly, when you travel in time, you must compensate for the orbit of the earth. Since the time machine doesn’t move, you have to adjust the engines so you remain on the planet when you turn it off. Unfortunately, it was also discovered that anyone going forward in time, from my 2036, hit a brick wall in the year 2564.

Everyone who has ever been there has reported that nothing exists. When the machine is turned off, you find yourself surrounded by blackness and silence.

Now, most time travelers are trying to find out where the line went bad by going into the past, creating a new universe, and proceeding forward to see if the same thing results in 2564. It appears the line went bad around the year 2000. I’m here now, in this time, to test a few theories of mine before going forward.

Now, for the future you might want to know about.

One, Y2K is a disaster. Many people die on the highways when they freeze to death trying to get to warmer weather.

Two, the government tries to keep power by instituting marshal law, but all of it collapses when their efforts to bring the power back up fail.

Three, a power facility in Denver is able to restart itself, but is mobbed by hundreds of thousands of people and destroyed. This convinces most that maybe we shouldn’t bring the old system back up.

Four, a few years later, communal government system is developed, after the constitution takes a few twists.

China retakes Taiwan, Israel wins the largest battle for their life, and Russia is covered in nuclear snow from their collapsed reactors.

Art, the reason I’m here now is because I believe a nuclear weapon set off by Iraq in the Middle East war with Israel might have something to do with the damaged timeline. I will test that theory and get back to you.

Please pray that we discover the reason why there is no apparent future after 2564.”

This fax does not agree exactly with other information posted on the Internet.  This is a point that is not lost on others.

They responded;

“Comparing the 1998 fax to the John Titor story that occurred a couple years later on the Internet, you can see that the “plot” changed somewhat. There’s no mention of an IBM 5100 in the 1998 faxes, and in 2000-2001, there wasn’t any focus at all on this mysterious “blackness and silence” in 2564, nor any reference to a damaged timeline.

Perhaps the mission changed. Or maybe just the story.

It’s possible, even, that the author of the faxes wasn’t the same person, that someone else snatched up the story, made a few changes and ran with it. But that’s just meaningless conjecture. I’ll leave you with this final thought: something’s weird about this first fax. I’ve transcribed it directly from a recording of the originally aired episode.

The line Art reads, “The oldest one was a skyscraper that wasn’t built in a near favorite store of mine in New York,” is fairly strange, not just for its content, but for its structure. It’s often reinterpreted as “The oldest one was a skyscraper that don’t exist in New York.”

Now, we can obviously understand what the other interpretation means, but “wasn’t built in a near favorite store of mine in New York” is just weird. Perhaps it was a typo on the fax, or Art misread it.

Some, however, theorize that the original recording was edited, that the original content was obscured to hide…something. Or, perhaps, to add something. There are rumors that the audio, for whatever reason, was changed, and so multiple versions are floating around cyberspace.”

Ok, ok. I don’t to get too hung up on this dude.

I am mentioning him simply because he claims that he uses vehicles to travel in and out of time, via world-line egress. This is in agreement with what I know, and what is presented herein.

As far as he is concerned, I have no idea. I will cover him in another post. For now, let’s just set him aside.

Example 1 – Black SUV

Here is good example.  In this case, a car “pop’s” into existence right in front of another car as it is making a turn. Of course, the old argument is that it is an optical illusion.  You simply cannot see the car because of the odd viewing angle.  It is a possible scenario.  Yet, I will continue to use it as an example of how a given species, or even the United States government can use the 1980’s technology that I was exposed to, to transit to various locations at various times.

Teleport example #1
Here we see example #1. A car seemingly pops our from “the blue” or “teleports” directly in front of a car right in the middle of an intersection. Observing the film clip before and after the event clearly shows that no vehicle was present prior to the crash.

Notice that the roads are wide and clear.  There is no evidence of any hurried traffic or difficult driving conditions.  However, all accounts the car simply “pop’s” right into existence directly in front of the car. Study frame 0010. Compare that to frame 0011.  The size of the car can be determined by frame 0011.  As such, the rear of the car should be visible in frame 0010.  It isn’t.

The car “popped” into existence in front of a car making a turn and was hit by that car. I sure would like to see the discussion that the two drivers had after the accident.  Unfortunately, the faces of the drivers are obscured.

Mystery car 1
Here is a closeup of the mystery car that “popped” into our reality right in front of the startled driver. Notice that the day is clear with no haze, no direct sun, and no distractions.

This specific event can be viewed on the following video.

Please note that this video has other examples of fakes and hoaxes interspersed in it.  Also the voice over and music track leaves much to be desired.  Please turn off the audio and watch the video free of “Halloween style” or “B-grade movie” music.

Watch from 1:16 to approximately 1:47.

Example 2 – White Midsized

This is pretty common.  There are all sorts of videos on the Internet that depict these kinds of events.  Some are “better” than others. Meaning that some videos simply depict actual occurrences that simply show that one vehicle is well hidden and not easily viewed, yet if you study the video you can see elements of the other car if you look carefully.  However, there are “better” reports that show the “impossibility” of a “hidden” surprise car.  These other videos clearly show the car appearing “out of no where” right in front of a different car.  Here is one such video.

The reader can see the video here;

Here are two screen shots that show the “before” and “after” snapshots of the event in question.

Example #2
In this example, we see a clear road a fraction of a second before the mystery car appears. Note that the road is clear, and the driving conditions are optimal.

The information is provided for the reader to come to their own conclusions.

Example #2 after collision
Collision occurs when one vehicle egresses onto a different world line. As in the previous example, road intersections are considered “X” marks the spots for stability in world-line switches when the destination vectors are unknown or unstable.

Example 3 – Black Midsized

In this example, we have yet another example of a car teleporting in front of a car.  Strangely, this car looks very similar to the car above.  Wouldn’t it be something if it was the same car, which somehow managed to materialize in front of different cars in different places? In this case, it wasn’t hit (Phew!)

Again, the car materializes in the middle of an intersection. It is clearly shown that the cars waiting at the intersection (where the car supposedly comes from) are white or light colored.  Yet, here we have a black car, much like the one in the earlier instance somehow getting in front of the big white truck and the small white sedan and teleporting directly in front of the car making the turn.

Example #3
In this example, we see yet another car teleporting in the middle of an intersection. This time, there was no accident and the car drives off.

It should not take too much time to look at where the mystery black car came from.  After all, if it came from the intersection, then it had to have been parked waiting at the intersection like all the other cars.  We know this because it obviously was not going in the same direction, and was not to the right side of the cars that turned into the cars.  So obviously, if it was not a teleportation, then it absolutely had to be parked and waiting at the intersection.  However, it was not.  Where was it?

The road is clear
Here we can clearly see that the road is clear. The conditions on the road are not optimal. It is raining, it is dusk. However, you can clearly identify the vehicles because they all have their headlights and running lights on.

Car #1 looks dark, so it could be that car.  Though we later discover that it didn’t move and stayed in the position.  Vehicle #2 is a large white truck.  Vehicle #3 is a small white van, and vehicle #4 is a big bus.

Now, look at what happens after the collision.  Vehicles #1 and #2 are still there waiting at the red light.  So where did the car come from?  It could not be a trick of the eye because if it did not come from the line of parked cars, and did not pass on the right side, then it absolutely had to materialize just as was recorded on the video. After all, the only car that was on the right was a red car.

Mystery black car appears
Here we can plainly and clearly see the black car as it just materializes in front of the startled driver in the middle of a major intersection. This is only one second from the previous image above. For the car to appear so suddenly in front of it, it would have had to travel as fast as a jet fighter.

This specific event can be viewed on the following video.

Please note that this video has many other examples of fakes and hoaxes interspersed in it.  For the most part except for this section, and another one mentioned previously, this video is just nonsense.  Really.  It also induces some idiot who claims that he is from the future. Please ignore the bullshit.  Additionally, the voice over and music track leaves much to be desired.  Please turn off the audio and watch the video free of “Halloween style” or “B-grade movie” music.

Watch from 4:38 to approximately 5:13. The rest of the video for the most part is sensationalized fictional garbage.

Why Intersections?

As stated previously, intersections can provide precise geolocation coordinates. Remember, the earth moves. There are earthquakes and events. Plus, of course, the MWI does and can create variations in geography. You need to be careful. The more specific the coordinates the better for the agent.

Here is a road map somewhere in England. Highlighted are three potential egress locations that might be preferred over other areas if you were using geospacial coordinate tracking vectors. FYI.

Here is an example using a map where possible desirable MWI egress locations would be of interest if you were reliant on geospacial coordinates.

Non-Intersection Example

One of the best examples of what a true and real teleportation looks like, and what I experienced back in 1981 was caught on video camera.  It can be seen at .  Here, at night, a car exits through a portal just identically to what I have been trying to describe all along.  There aren’t any flashes of light, noises or fading in or out.  It is as if one passes through a door or a line just hanging in space.

In frame 0000, we see a normal road with cars at night. This continues in frame 0001.

However in frame 0002, the front end of a car appears. All you can see is the front headlights and about 50% of the hood over the engine.  In frame 0003, the front end of the car is exposed, but the rear of the car is still invisible. In frame 0004, 80% of the car is visible, and in frame 0005 the car has completely exited the portal and drives down the road.

Best example
I like to consider this a “best example” of what portal travel looks like. Here, the car drives right on the road as it exits the world-line (MWI) egress portal. You can clearly and plainly see what it going on. Not there, and then it suddenly appears, and you can actually see the vehicle body coming out of the portal.

I state that this is the best example, even though the video and picture quality is so low, as it shows the clear boundary of the transport portal. It is exactly as I have described.  To an outsider or to the observer it appears like a line or a door that one walks through.  To an observer in the car it would be like entering a large slowly rotating invisible grinder.

Whether this is a dimensional portal, a time traveler or simply a teleportation window is unknown to me.  I do not know the true nature of the device that I was involved in when I entered the program in the Navy.  However, what I do know is that this type of technology is being used now, today in the movement of vehicles on public roads.  That much is clear.

Here is a blurry close up of the event with a superimposed line to show the apparent location of the dimensional door or portal. Notice that in frame 0006 only one headlight exits the portal.  By frame 0007, both headlights have exited.  In frame, 0008 one half of the car has exited, and in frame 0009, most of the car has exited the portal.  Indeed, by the final frame 0010, the entire has exited the portal.

Mid portal close up
Here we can see a detailed close up of the mid-portal transit. First one light, then the other. Then the hood. Then the windshield. Then the front doors. Then the rest of the car. The red line shows the disembarkation point.
This specific event can be viewed on the following video.  Unlike the other videos, this video is dedicated to specifically this event, and only this event.  Therefore it is in the preferred format for this manuscript.

Watch the entire two minute video.  The entire video discusses this event.

What about Egress?

All the previous examples were of vehicles suddenly appearing “out of the blue” into intersections. What about vehicles disappearing? What about vehicles leaving our reality?

Since they know where they are, they don’t need to enter a world-line MWI at a stable geopositioning point and coordinate.  They can leave from any point.

Here is an example…

Egress Example

Car disappears right in front of the dash-cam. One minute it is in front of a car…

Car in a snow storm.
Here you are simply following a car in a heavy snow storm. No problem, right? You keep your eyes on the road and glued to the red lights of the car in front of you as you make your way home.

And then within one second the car disappears…

Where did the car go?
Now where did the car go? It did not slide off the road. Keep in mind the headlights of the on coming traffic to keep a sense of timing of this recorded event. The car, a white car who was following a black car in front of it, suddenly disappeared “into thin air”.

This specific event can be viewed on the following video.

Please note that this video has other examples of fakes and hoaxes interspersed in it.  Also the voice over and music track leaves much to be desired.  Please turn off the audio and watch the video free of “Halloween style” or “B-grade movie” music.

Watch from 2:07 to approximately 3:38.

The Reality of the Observer

Reality and learning
The reality that we observe is intended, and even designed, to assist us in learning.

One of the arguments “against” the issues raised in the previous “High Strangeness” chapter is that the observed events “could have been easily explained” if there were another observer, or camera.  The argument goes like this, if there were two observers, they could collaborate their stories to figure out what was actually occurring.  Perhaps, the argument goes, if there was another viewpoint it would become clear that it was “just” an optical illusion.  Thus, nothing out of the “normal” was observed.

This viewpoint has merit.  If one studies the videos, frame by frame, it is almost as if some kind of Photoshop wizard expertly erased missing sections of controversial imagery to make the video appear as it does.

This is, undoubtedly a possible scenario.  Certainly, someone with a large budget, software talent, and a penchant for annoyance would or could desire to create some controversy.

Consider the diagram below.  The simple diagram describes an accident between two vehicles at a cross road.  Car “A” impacts car “B”.  The impact is observed by vehicle ‘O1” (Observer #1.)

accident diagram
Here is an accident diagram to help us discuss the various observed events previously mentioned.

For many of the skeptics in the audience, the issue of whether these are “real” events as observed by the observer or whether or not they are hoaxes could be cleared up were there to be secondary observers.  These secondary observers could be a trailing vehicle in car “O2”, a waiting car at “O3”, or even a non-vehicular observer at stationary location “O4”.

I however, take a totally different viewpoint.

My point is that each reality is germane to the observer itself.  We do not share one unified reality.  Rather we each occupy our own reality, and the observed events are specifically directed for us and us alone.  The “others” that share our realities are but “quantum shadows” that appear to participate actively but are in all actuality just “stage props” in our world-line.

Each reality is germane to the observer itself.  We do not share one unified reality.  Rather we each occupy our own reality, and the observed events are specifically directed for us and us alone.

Therefore, with this point of view, it is clear that what we observe is ONLY the reality that truly exists.  There isn’t a need or even the open possibility of a secondary or even tertiary observer.  The events “collapse” upon themselves upon the transport into the current world-line reality.  The only observers that “matter” are those actually “observing” the event.  And thus, they, and they ALONE observe the quantum event.

This is the best example that I can think of of how quantum level events manifest into a macro-sized event within a world-line reality.

Further Research

There are numerous recorded examples of this.  Various examples mentioned here in the manuscript were pulled from public videos found at these various Internets URL’s.

As always, these videos are filled with “horror style” music tracks, dramatic voice overs, and a general theatrical ambiance.  I suggest the reader turn off the audio and ignore most of what is portrayed in the videos as they are designed to frighten, and not for anything other than curious inquiry.

This is a typical video of the horror-style ilk. Personally, I think it is designed for 12-year olds in mind to view.  At least that is the way it is presented. Sections of note include;

[1] 0:42 to 0:54 
[2] 4:36 to 5:12 
[3] 19:27 to 20:00

Everything else in the video is suspect.  Personally, aside from the three specific instances listed, I believe all the rest are staged fictional events created for the purposes of profiting from the video. They are all nonsense.

This is another video of this ilk.  Most notable is the “scary” electronic music that is intended to imply the “strange and the unusual”. The authors probably have hundreds of such videos.  I suppose they are enjoyable for those children who like scary night-time stories, for the rest of us, it is but an irritation.  They do have a section of note.

[1] 0:23 to 1:47.

This entire video revolves around an actual event.  If one can turn off the audio and just watch the video, it will make more sense.

Some of the stuff here is good.  At least it isn’t staged fictional events intended for a gullible audience.  Without reading too much into what is presented, I suggest the reader turn off the audio and jump to the key sections;

[1] 2:10 to 2:40, 
[2] 5:56 to 6:18.

The rest of the video has questionable content.

Many of these events are shared on different videos.  As before, ignore the audio.  The reader can turn it off, and concentrate on the video presented without the frightening background music. Section of note are…

[1] 0:53 to 1:33
[2] 3:18 to 4:07
[3] 5:05 to 5:44
[4] 6:47 to 7:12

There is the possibility that the accident described at 0:53 might be due to the “hit” car traveling at the same speed as the other car, but obscured by the angle of approach.  I have viewed the video repeatedly and this is a possibility, as I “think” there is the possibility of the trunk of the “hit” car observed to the right of the black car in the video. I leave it up to the reader to decide and discern.

For further investigations

These events are common enough that they can be found throughout the world.  All one needs to do is search the words “mysterious”, “strange”, “car”, “nowhere”, or “surprise” in the language of the host country.  The reader will be absolutely surprised at the number of findings.

Here are just a handful of examples to get started with…

Came across this video to share, its of a stretch of road I'm really not sure where.

But these accidents keep occurring at roughly the same spot.

The crashes themselves are crazy but at 0:58 seconds there's this truck crash where, a second truck appears out of nowhere and it appears to have a head on collision with oncoming traffic.


Its not in English but the comments generally just ask about where the truck came from.”
“These "people" tend to wear clothes that are not quite right. Like they are trying to imitate fashion but can't quite do it. The fabric is wrong. The style is wrong. It looks both futuristic and old fashioned. Everything in you screams that they're not normal. I was afraid to touch the guy I saw. They look perfect, too perfect.”
“I have also experienced this, at least once that I can clearly recall. The man demonstrated supernatural abilities, as if to try and prove something, like popping out of thin air wasn't enough to scare the crap out of me. 

He said something to the effect "we need to talk", but in truth at that point I was way to freaked out to talk, it happened on a busy street and he had stepped onto the sidewalk out of thin air only moments after making a part fall off my brand new bike to which he had done to stop me walking, or presumably. 

I put the piece back on my bike with shaking hands and he just "made" the piece fall off again by what I assume was sheer will, second time I picked it up but was way too freaked out to put it back on. 

At that point he said in a calm voice "see this is real, otherwise how could I do that?" he pointed to the bike, and then continued speaking in a calm but authoritative voice "we need to talk." 

He looked like a normal person with the exception that his clothes look present day but yet he looked out of place and oddly surreal but I can't say why. I didn't know if he was human, alien, demonic, all I knew was this was impossible and shouldn't be happening in broad daylight, on a busy street of large downtown city and it was freaking me out badly. 

I remember telling the man something to the effect "No I am leaving I don't want to talk to you, I am going now!" to which he said something to the general effect "you can walk away but we are not done talking" he said more but I was moving away and was too scared to listen. 

I turned to see if he was following me, and again, I watched him step off the curb, onto the road and disappear into thin air, as if there was an invisible door there. Just like how he appeared. Many years later I still don't know what to make of the experience but had an impulse to good key words and on this and see if other had such experiences.”

Fakes and Hoaxes

For starters, let us tackle the issue of hoaxes and fraud.  The Internet is full of them. However, not everything is a fake.  There are occasional jewels out there if you know what to look for.

There are many fakes and hoaxes on the Internet.  Many of which are very well done.  (Thanks to modern computer technology.) The links listed above have about 80% fake or hoaxes interspersed with a mere handful of authentic examples.

In general, let it be understood that the technology that I was exposed to did not create any flash or light, EM disturbance or anything like that.  Thus, any video or photo that shows someone or something disappearing with an associated flash, CGI effect or the like is a hoax. (At least, that is what I believe, based upon my own experiences.)

In addition, there was no molecular disappearance or fading effect, it was actually a “blinking effect” (in the mind of the person being transported) that occurred in a very short period of time.  So, if there is a fading effect that lasts longer than one half of a second, then that too is suspiciously considered to be a hoax.


Everyone just loves the “Hollywood” CGI effects.  They just cannot help themselves.  It is like those old Kung Fu movies where they had to add all kinds of sound effects such as snapping chairs, breaking wood, and thuds to “enhance” the movie effect during a Kung Fu fight.


Yet, in reality, a true and real Kung Fu fight is a rather quiet event.  You just simply do not hear bones breaking, and wrists snapping.  If you do not believe me then attend a show.  It is a quiet affair.

It’s the same reason why the old original television series Star Trek would have a “swooshing” sound when the spaceship Enterprise flew past the screen.  (This was during the opening credits.)


Certainly, there is no air in space, thus no sound. However, the sound effect was placed there to give the illusion of movement and speed. It was a “creative license” that provided the theatrical environment. It was a decision the Gene Rodenberry made to provide the illusion to the television viewing public.  The truth is; movies are all just make-believe.

Movies are all just make-believe.

However, people don’t realize this simple fact.  In reality, life is not as if it is portrayed in the movies.  Things can and do happen, but they are often quiet and unspectacular; boring, even.

Consider the preference in using CGI effects to create a video (supposedly) depicting a teleportation event.

Fakes and Hoaxes
Here are screen shots of various fakes and hoaxes that are interspersed in with the actual real video feeds. Ah they really like to use CGI and Hollywood style special effects.

The above are some examples of uploaded videos that supposedly depict teleportation events.  In each one the entity or vehicle disappeared in a flash.  The screen captures shows the overall shape and form of the residual “Hollywood” style flash.

Frame 0116 supposedly depicts a car that just flashed into nothing while viewed by a highway cam. It was most certainly a hoax. Curiously, the shape and size, and CGI effect is identical in the second frame 0117.

In that hoax a youthful young man in his 20’s rode his bicycle into nothing and disappeared.  (The two hoaxes were probably made by the same person.)

Finally, in frame 0118 we see the same kind of CGI effect used to promote the notion that a plane flashed into nothing.  That is the most ridiculous of them all as all planes have to file a flight plan and are tracked continuously. Certainly, someone would have noticed…

…but I digress.

Prolonged fading

We all love the old Star Trek shows.  This includes not only the original series, but also all the movies and other spun off shows.  In the Star Trek world was a device known as a teleporter.

It was a device that could move a person from one location to another by reducing their being into tiny particles and “zapping” them to another location. I thought it was pretty cool when I was growing up, and others did as well. However, then again, it was all just a cool Hollywood television effect.


Yet, somehow, people want to believe that people can slowly fade away. Much like the one or two second duration teleportation fade, the CGI hoaxes on the Internet try to do the same thing and use the same tired old fading duration.

Nevertheless, the truth is, as far as the technology that I was exposed to, you do not “fade away”.  You “walk into”. You “pop” into a “state”. You go from location “A” and arrive in location “B”.  There is no mixing of the two states; a state of “A+B”, in this technology.  Here are some examples…

Cheshire kitty cat.
Here we have another fake video. Where some guy claims that his cat can fade in and out of reality. Nice CGI asshole. However, matrix and hive souls do not have that ability. There is no need to do it, as since they are all connected, if they want to experience a different reality they just merge into it. Jeeze!

In the above, we see a cat that is doing typical cat hunt and kill behavior on a man’s porch.  Then we see the cat fade out slowly like the Alice in Wonderland Cheshire Cat. The man who submitted the video claimed that it was from his CCTV feed and he never saw anything like that before in his life. Yeah, I’ll agree with him at that.  However, the likelihood that this video being real and legitimate is rather low.

Cat’s so not need to develop this ability. They are already expert hunting and killing machines. Can you just imagine a cat appearing out of the air and attacking? Yikes!


Here is another hoax that is apparently well done.  In it, it portrays a car fading into nothing. Note the white car in frame 0126.  In frame 0127, it starts to fade out, and in frame 0128, it is all but disappeared.

Now, this does not have to be a teleportation event.  Perhaps they had an invisibility generator in the car.  (Even if they had one, they switch on and switch off.  They do not fade in and fade out.) Please believe me, using the technology circa 1981, you “pop” in and you “pop” out.  You never fade.

Fake fading automobile
Here is another hoax. This is a fading automobile. While it is possible that they suddenly turned on some kind of “cloaking mechanism” it is unlikely that it would fade over a few seconds. Both most of the (so called) cloaking / invisibility mechanisms that I am aware of, as well as the MWI egress technology does not “fade” in any way, shape or form. It appears and then disappears. Jeeze!

Fakes and hoaxes aside, there are many instances of “high strangeness” that are now easy to film.  While there are still legions of skeptics regarding these events, they do occur and should be investigated.


There are examples of exit and egress in and out of our reality all around us. Here, we describe just some of the many examples that have been accidentally recorded on dash cameras.

The knowledge that there are other realities “out there” should be sufficient for a relatively intelligent person to conclude…

  1. Time is not what we think it is.
  2. Good and bad are related to experiences relative to a given reality.
  3. The ability to enter and leave other realities is not something that the average person should have access to.
  4. If we are in this singular reality, we need to ask ourselves WHY this one?
  5. Who are these organizations that travel in and out of reality, and why do they do so?

Take Aways

  • Roads and intersections provide stable coordinates for dimensional and time travel using vehicles.
  • Examples of MWI “world line” switches are everywhere.
  • Any extraterrestrial with sufficient technology to visit the earth would have the ability to apply some of that technology to the MWI.
  • There are people, humans, and others who use technology to enter and leave our reality.
  • It is unknown why anyone would want to use this technology to visit our reality.


Q: Have you ever used a vehicle to perform time travel?
A: No. Nor have I used a vehicle, as described herein, to conduct any kind of MWI slide.  My utilization of the MWI was strictly functional towards my operational needs. Thus, the idea that someone would want or need to conduct “time travel” or use a vehicle to surf the MWI is a mystery to me that I cannot explain. Nor can I justify it’s use.

Q: Why won’t the government make this knowledge public?
A: As far as I know, no government has this ability. There are organizations, however, that operate within a given nation or government structure that operate independently. Such as MAJestic operates as a “carve out” within the United States government. This knowledge and information if far, far, far, FAR too powerful for the average person to access. For sentience sorting, humans need to be kept ignorant and isolated until the sorting process is complete.

Q: Why do people make fake hoaxes?
A: Ignorance, boredom, greed, or malevolence. It distracts from real observations and makes it difficult to identify and learn from.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

On Being an Older Gent

Once you get older, you change. Change is a continuous process, indeed.  But age permits one the benefit of reflection. For the person that I am now is not the boy that grew up in Western Pennsylvania. My interests are quite different, and I am quite sure that I would be shocked and surprised at what I have become, and how my life is today.

My life today is nothing like I expected it would be…


There are so many elements of this that it is difficult for me to adequately quantify.

I look back at my High School days and view many of the actions and activities that I participated in as very trivial.  Yet at the same time, I see them all as necessary learning avenues to teach me about society and social interaction.  I now see the importance in the creation of special events, and school get-togethers. While my interests were generational in scope, they still manifest today.  They are just in different forms and shapes.

I look at the politics of today, and view them in terms of sentience selection.  I do not view them in the “black and white” terms of my boyhood. This goes double for the American media narrative.

As such, I see that I have aged and matured.

My thoughts are no longer so pristine and “black and white”.  My experiences have forged me into the person that I am today. You cannot take a person who spent their entire life in the black-negro ghettos of Chicago and expect them to walk into a directors meeting of a fortune 500 company.

Nor can you take a person who has lived their life uneducated, as a poor Muslim in the Sudan, and expect them to write the latest code and create a spectacular software program from it.

Your actions and thoughts create your destiny.

As such, I am not going to get up and become an NFL star, a blonde female social activist, or a wild playboy like Hugh Heffner. It just isn’t going to happen. Today I am the sum total of all my thoughts that I had during my entire life. I have created this world that I now live within.

Life is not a lottery that you win through the selection of a random number. The life you live is a consequence of your thoughts and your actions. Which means…

Our Life is up to Us to Configure

My life today is not at all what I thought it would be. For I thought and envisioned the kind of life that I saw on television and read in the Men’s Magazines that I read growing up. Instead, it was something else.

It became what I thought about.

A nice glass of VSOP
Now that I am older, and I don’t have to deal with the corporate lifestyle, my life is slower. It is better. I can take my time and enjoy the finer things in life. I can smoke. I can drink. I can have massages. I can take naps. I can pursue my hobbies. I can eat the foods that I like.

What did I think about? What did I dwell upon?

Well, all through my younger years, and well into university, I dreamed and strove to be a “Rocket-man”. I wanted to be a “Spaceman”; an Astronaut. I named my toys after space and future television shows. I had “Cosmos” who was a stuffed dog. I had a Naval Flight Helmet (old style) that I was given and wore everywhere. I wanted that life…

  • I wanted to be with extraterrestrials.
  • I wanted to be friends with them.
  • I wanted to fly in the rocket-ships and visit their bases.
  • I wanted to enter into airlocks.
  • I wanted to be involved in great and important work that involved top secret equipment.

All of this happened, in one way or the other. Though none of it was how I pictured it to be.

Welcome to the party, pal.
Yeah. Welcome to the party. It’s hard core. That’s for damn sure.

There are readers that believe that they would behave differently than I have.  Of course.  We are all different.  We all have different experiences and thoughts.  I experienced my life because I had been working to it, and what I experienced was in direct proportion with my desire and goals. To this, I must say, to those who think that they would be different… Of course it would be different for you. You don’t have the same kinds of thoughts that I have.

What I experienced is a direct result of my thoughts.

These objectives also created downsides.

My Role was my Life

I joined MAJestic, but it was nothing like I thought it was. No, I did not strap myself into a rocket the size of the Empire States Building. No I did not go exploring the far off heavens. No, I was not rewarded with ticker-tape parades, buxom blonde beauty pageant winners, and given the key to the city. Nope. None of that happened.

Although, indeed, yes. I obtained what I wanted, deep down in my heart. It is just that it did not resemble anything like I thought it would. It was quite different.

  • I did actually meet extraterrestrials.
  • While not exactly “friends”, I was entangled intimately with some of them.
  • Though I never flew in a “Rocket-ship”, I did utilize the same transport technique that they used to visit their bases and facilities.
  • No, I never entered an “airlock”, however I did have many opportunities to egress from a Sally-Port.
  • I was involved in important “Top Secret” work, that absolutely did involve advanced equipment.

Yet, somehow it wasn’t like I actually pictured it. It did not resemble anything that I thought it would be like.

What happened

Instead, my entire life was (somehow) scrambled and put into a different “artifice” (for lack of an appropriate word). From that “artifice” I was expected to live as a normal, average man. But I wasn’t. There was no way I was average. Not in what I had done to achieve my role, but also in what I had become.

I had be “normal”.

I had to live an average life, and while living it, my thoughts and impressions were transcribed to “others” to manipulate the MWI that I inhabited. Of course, it involved the MWI, and the very fabric of our reality.

In the end, all I can say is that had a role. I was a snow leopard who was told to wear fleece and mingle with the rest of the sheep. I was a something that had a role that no one could see. I was apparently quite important, but I and my actions and significance were completely invisible to mankind.

I lived a typical American life.


It sucked. It really did.

I could not be special. I could NOT be special. By entering MAJestic I agreed to take on the role that was required of me. I had to participate in the kind of life that my fellow Americans were experiencing. I had to endure many layoffs and company restructurings, as my experiences HAD to be along the same line of the bulk of (American) humanity that I was representing.

Charlie Brown football.
What a friggin’ life. To volunteer for a role where you would be a kind of Charlie Brown constantly dealing with a horrible Lucy . All for what? To monitor the Mandelbrot migrations of a constantly evolving MWI slide? It sucked.

So yes, I was the sad sack, the Charlie Brown boy who had to endure Lucy pulling away the football, over and over again. I was the boy who picked up the golf balls at a driving range, only that I had a big bulls-eye painted on my chest. I HAD to experience the changes in American society, so that the MWI could experience the corrective slides.

That’s bad enough. In fact, it really sucked. But, that’s not all there is to it.

I Was Retired from MAJestic

I also had to endure the retirement sequence, and all the horrible aspects of it. Yeah, after thirty years of being the designated MAJestic liaison for a group of interested “signifigants”, I was retired.

Retired. I didn’t even get a friggin’ “thank you”.

But you know, it was not MAJestic that processed me. They only retired me. What they did, of course was have someone else do the “heavy lifting”. They went and utilized the state governments to take care of “my matter”. They set the State Government to process me and put me into a monitoring program.

The Constitution’s guarantee of a fair trial is disappearing.

“criminal defendants are being coerced to plead guilty,” cautions the nonpartisan National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. 

“There is no more heart wrenching task than explaining” to an innocent person that “they must seriously consider pleading guilty or risk the utter devastation of the remainder of their life.”

-New York Post

You know, the state did not know my background. The state did not care.  They just treated me like all the others in the state monitoring programs. I got no special treatment. Reports were drafted. Paperwork was filled out. Things were “rubber stamped”. I went through the entire procedure. It all looked so fair and proper…

MAJestic only cared that I be retired and put into a monitoring program “just in case”. I mean after all, “why take the chance”? Who knows what the (potentially dangerous) extraterrestrials might have “up their sleeve”?

It really sucked.

The prisoner.
In the 1960’s era televisions show titled “The Prisoner”, a secret agent is retired by placing him on an isolated island. America does not have any islands that they retire their MAJestic agents to. Instead they put them into monitoring programs. There are only two monitoring programs in the United States. Both are run by the states. One [1] is the parole system. The other is [2] the Sex Offender program. The parole system has a finite duration, and cannot be extended. The Sex Offender program is far more comprehensive and can be extended indefinitely.
So I was retired from the organization. It hurt.

I am not going to pretty it all up. I was arrested, sentenced, promised a plea bargain, and then given a completely different sentence that we had agreed to. I was told by my attorney it was because “it was political“, whatever the heck that is supposed to mean.

So, I was retired by MAJestic.

Though as far as the rest of the country knew,  MAJestic does not exist. There is no such things a extraterrestrials, and the American government does not have secrets, secret programs, or agents who participate in the programs. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, I was justly sentenced. I got my due. I was a terribly evil and bad man. I was a horrible person, one that needed to be isolated, secluded, avoided and made a pariah of.

I was a man who was “given his due”…

Hard Labor in Arkansas
This was exactly what it was like for me. I did “Hard Time” in Arkansas. Photo is of ADC Cummins facility. Yup. We all did “Hard Time” in the hot and sweaty Arkansas sun. This was what was necessary to put me in a monitoring program that would track my actions, where I lived and what I would do. This is how MAJestic agents are retired. It is not pretty.

Now, there was a sort of freedom in being retired.

With the MAjestic set of probes disengaged, there was a kind of calmness and serenity that I hadn’t felt since I joined  the program. Also, you adapt. It wasn’t a fun life, but then again, I felt like I was retired.

Of course only the MAJestic probes were retired. Not my extraterrestrial probes. They never shut off. They are always on. I am always connected to the MWI. Thus my situation that I find myself in today.

  • Retired from MAJestic.
  • Still part of the MWI, forever entangled with my “benefactors“.

Yet, in the end, it all worked out. What was promised to me materialized.

Yet, in the end, it all fell into place

Now, today as an older man, I see how everything fit into place.  I no longer have to kiss up to others to achieve my goals.  (This not only includes bosses at companies, but attractive women as well.)

This is wholly satisfactory to me.

This is whether or not I am trying to have a relationship or sex with another girl and need to alter my behaviors to attract her, or whether I need to fit some corporate model and image to obtain work elsewhere. Maybe it is from what I have learned through experience, or maybe it is because some of the baggage associated with MAJestic has been turned off. What ever…

I am my own man.  I now do things on my own terms.

While it might not be popular to be a white male in America during the Obama Presidency, I no longer care. I am who I am, and I am not going to apologize for it. If you don’t like me, if you don’t like what I have done, if you don’t like what I wrote or how I wrote it, or if you are uncomfortable with my story… well that is fine.

I do not care.

I am a Man and I do not apologize for it

Gunny Highway.
Gunny Highway is an ideal that has elements that all men should strive towards. Sometimes the fiction that we see can lead us into behavior ideals that we can adopt as our own.

Real men know exactly what I am writing about.  It doesn’t matter if the reader is a male from Los Angles, Miami, or Memphis. All real men know exactly what I mean within the pages of this manuscript. A man is a man who is a Man.

I gave up political correctness when I became a man.

Prissy pussies apologize and carefully speak so as not to offend anyone. Real men say what they mean. They stand by their words, and are NOT afraid to speak their minds. Otherwise they aren’t men at all.

Even though biologically they might have a penis, and wear male clothes, they are actually a woman or boy pretending to impersonate a man.  Being a man is something that goes beyond dress.  Being a man is an attitude.

Never forget that.

Simple man
I am a simple man. I like pretty dark-haired women and breakfast food.

Men and women are both attracted to “manly” men. In fact, to the surprise of the American media, soft-feminine progressive liberal women are incredibly attracted to strong conservative men.  Don’t believe me, go HERE, HERE and HERE.

“I don't know why I am attracted to Conservative/ politically incorrect men. I am a total social justice warrior and proud of that, buy I am attracted to the opposite of that. Is anyone else attracted to their political opposite? I have a fantasy of getting dominated by an extremely anti sjw white man. I guess I want to have sex with people I hate/ people who hate me.


I am too. I think it takes a lot of confidence to hold a political stance that is so unpopular in our current political environment. It has a "bad boy" element to it. That's totally something that appeals to me, for better or for worse.”


It has nothing to do with politics, appearance, social-economic influences, money, power or position. It is all about attitude.


Here is the mechanism.  Pay attention, please.

Attitude is uniquely tied to ego.  That should be obvious. With that well understood, note how thoughts and ego are interrelated. Ego is tied to thoughts, and thoughts create our reality.

A woman (or a man for that matter) who “hitches up” to a strong willful man with a strong attitude will see REALITY BEND and WORLD-LINES converge to meet the shared needs of their partnership.

That is why.

I know all of this, and because I see this and understand it, I control the world around me.  I am in control.  I do not need to alter my behavior to please or appease anyone.

A real man
A real man does manly things and does not apologize for it. He is strong. He does what needs to be done without complaining. We goes after his dream without stopping. He tries, and works and then redoubles his efforts. He provides for his family.

Being a man does not mean to take on the 2016 stereotypical narrative promulgated by the American media.  For that is a false narrative that has no basis in reality except to divide, ridicule and impugn. Rather, a man must maintain all his strengths with wisdom and concern for those around him.

Men are just as capable as women to nurture, support, and find friendships with others.

Men have emotions, feelings, strengths and weaknesses.  Yet, if you follow the current American narrative, all men are a “joke” and totally unnecessary to raise children.  In fact, according to many in America today, there needs to be steps taken to replace male dominance in the workplace.

This is often accomplished with “diversity experts”, who are more often than not, social justice minority lesbian women.  Lord help the United States.  It’s in for a tremendous upheaval.

Men and compassion.
Men are capable of compassion and understanding. We are capable of many things. However, do not cross us. A real man is not someone that you want to mess around with. We will give you our best, but if you are deserving, we will give you our worst.

A real man, of course, possesses an attitude, and is not afraid to show their strength when necessary.  This can be in many forms, and is not limited to physical strength. Men have the ability to suppress, and control their emotions. Men can focus on one single thing to the exclusion of everything else. They can focus.

Women simply cannot. It is biological.

In short, let it be understood that men have abilities that are germane to their gender. Just like women also have abilities germane to their gender. Men can focus on things, plow through without the burden of emotion, and push against all odds. Women can nurture, have children, and raise a family. Both men and women have a role in our society.

Neither gender is better than the other.  We are just different.  That difference is wonderful.

Have I made myself clear?



When I came to China and started to live a more retiring life, I came to the understanding of how different my life was from what I expected. It occurred to me that my current life is the sum total of all the thoughts that I have ever had in the past.

This included such things as joining MAJestic, to what I ended up doing. It included such things as where I live and my lifestyle. It included everything about my life as I currently experience it.

As such, I have a message for the younger men out there…

Be good. Think good thoughts and do good deeds. Live your life on your terms. If you keep mindful and are focused they life that you desire in the deepest recesses of your heart will manifest for you. Just be in control of yourself. Be a man.


Take Aways

  • The life that have in your reality is created by YOU.
  • The only way out of a bad situation that you are in, is to change your thoughts immediately. Then have the discipline and the focus to work your way out.
  • My life is the accumulated thoughts of my entire life.
  • If you are good, you will end up with a good life.
  • It seems like things are beyond our control, but that is only an illusion.


Find inspiration in everything that you do. What inspires you might not inspire someone else. Inspiration is a very personal thing.

That being said, for me, I find that Silenus and Dionysus represents my love of life. For those of you who don’t know, in Greek mythology, Silenus (Greek: Seilenos) was a companion and tutor of the wine god Dionysus. You know, being the tutor for Dionysus is pretty cool. Eh?

He appeared together with satyrs and other creatures in the wine god’s entourage, resembling a satyr, although, he was considerably older. The character Silenus ended up as a very special genre of figure creatures known as sileni.

It kind of explains why I live the life as I do…

Yes. Well there is …..Dionysus cat!


Q: Do extraterrestrials exist?
A: Yes they most certainly do. It’s a pretty silly question, as we now know that we share this planet with many sentient animals, of which a number of them have complex brains and societies that we are just now beginning to understand. In the enormity of the universe it is absolutely crazy to hold on to the 1960’s era belief that we are the sole intelligence in the universe.

While there are many who consider humans to be the top of societal evolution, we shouldn’t neglect the fact that we share this world with dolphins. We have larger brains than us. They have a language that they speak. They are also quite intelligent. While many consider humans to go back 10,000 years, dolphins go back 48 millions of years.

Don’t you think that it is pretty arrogant of us to ignore the intelligence of dolphins that we share this planet with?

Q: How do you reconcile the bad times that you experienced?
A: I view them as lessons and experiences. I hope to learn from them, though it is sometimes a battle to keep positive and turn off the emotional connection to them. That being stated, it is also important to control the flow of news into your head. Most news, especially American news is designed to manipulate you. Do not let it. Manipulation takes the control of your life away from you.

Q: In what ways are the life you have now different from what you expected?
A: It is different in every conceivable way. From where I live, to what I eat. To who I know and how I am treated, to what I do for fun. To what my hobbies are to what I think is important.


MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Alpha Centauri

Our Galaxy the Milky Way

Sirius solar system

Alpha Centauri

The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.

The Hammer inside the rock.

The Hollow Moon

The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.

The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.

Mystery of the bronze bell.

Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.

Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?

The Oxia Palus Facility

Brown Dwarfs

Apollo Space Exploration


The Nature of the Universe

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven


Things I miss

An Observed World-Line switch.

Vehicular world-line travel

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Revised and released 30SEP18.

Learning about China by Looking at Pretty Girls (5)

This is the fifth of a series of post on Chinese cute girls and Chinese culture.

You know, China is a very, very big nation. Many times I am asked what it is like. Honestly, there is so much to say, that I end up going on some tangent or the other. However, one thing that I noticed when talking to other men, is that what they really want to know is what Chinese girls are like…

Wow! That is in itself a huge subject. 

Here I try to compose  a series of micro-videos of Chinese girls taking little vignettes of themselves being cute, dancing, eating, and doing girl things. It is in no way comprehensive, but it should give you a general idea of what Chinese girls are like. It will also help you to get a better idea of what China is like as well.

We need to do this. No one else is.

Here is a quote from JobTubeDaily;

"Popular U.S. media perpetuates constant negative narratives about China: ghost cities, real estate bubbles, pollution, corruption. While many of these problems are real, the predominately negative coverage drowns out the positive elements of life in China and its abundant economic opportunities. In doing so, the media dissuades America’s rising students, as well as business and political leaders, from learning more about the country."

Here is a quote from LinkedIN;

"And the western media aren't particularly helpful in explaining the real China of 2018.  They're serving so much bias and prejudice about China, it is nearly impossible for the general public to get in touch with the real China."

Here we look at ten micro-videos…with another few more to illustrate some points…


For starters, we are talking about China. Real, honest-to-goodness, China. We are talking about the “real deal” and not the cardboard “cut out” caricature that is defined by the American media. Here, we will not discuss eating dogs, smog filled cities, and a population of millions that just can’t wait to come to America to live.

That is all fabricated nonsense.

Instead we are going to talk about what China is RIGHT NOW, today. In so doing we are going to have to shatter some terrible misconceptions that many people, especially Americans, have about the place. First of all, it is not a third-world shit hole. It is modern, state of the art, and growing larger every day.

The city of Shanghai…

Chinese cities tend to be NEW. They tend to be WELL TAKEN CARED OF. They also tend to be on the little ultra-modern high-tech side. They all have modern infrastructure, state of the art high-speed internet (that blows American speeds away), and a growing, well-educated, population.

When you move away from the cities, the quality of the buildings, and the overall appearance tends to decrease. Towns will have paved, but dirty, roads. Houses will have internet, plumbing and electricity, but no elevators. People will drive around in older cars, maybe ten year old vehicles.

It’s a lot like America, don’t you think?


When you leave the city, you will tend to take a high-speed train or airplane. China has the fastest high speed trains in the world, and also has the bulk of them. They tend to be modern, spacious, new and silent. They are a joy to ride.

There are other methods of travel, of course. You might want to take a train, a bus, or your own car and drive. China has a modern and well taken cared for system of highways. All the highways are well maintained. It is a point of pride in China to have the roads pristine, and new. Maybe that is why they tend to plant new trees and gardens all around them.

Some of the roads are spectacular. Consider this in Southern China…

I urge the reader to look for bits of discarded McDonalds and other fast food debris at the side of the road. You won’t find any.

In China, poor people do not get free welfare. Instead, they are given a job. One of which is to plant trees, flowers and pick up trash.


Of course, if you are going to drive, you will want to stay in a hotel on the way. Hotels are everywhere in China. They range from one-star nightmares to five-star complexes. In general, the quality of hotels has greatly increased over the years. Today, many hotels are at least a three-star rating. Westerners will not have any trouble sleeping in a three-star hotel.

As always, the hotels are nice and well-taken cared for. In China, it is cultural expedient to have everything look new, clean and pristine. Part of it is pride, but part of it is marketing. No Chinese person wants to stay in a dingy hotel if they can avoid it.

Here’s a pretty lass in a hotel going to her room…

You will notice that the decorations favor white and gold. These are very auspicious colors that the Chinese find especially alluring. It is a sign of prosperity.


She looks good doesn’t she? yeah. I most certainly think so. I would not mind at all going out and having a nice dinner, and some wine, with her. Maybe we could walk outside afterwards and enjoy the night air and chat about the glowing stars at night…

Anyways, she takes care of herself. that is for certain. Many Chinese do. There are free exercise venues all over China. Not to mention that many companies require the employees to exercise and dance at the start of each work day. Those who want more exercise can certainly attend a gym. They are everywhere and are great to work out. However, I find that they are not air conditioned. The Chinese do not believe in air conditioning and exercise. The believe the idea is to sweat out the bad qi so that the body can replenish itself.

Here is a gal who has most certainly exercised well. Her body shows it and she is going to the lockers for a shower and a change in clothes. If you want to meet some exceptional Chinese women, maybe you can join a gym.

Notice that the gym equipment is all new, the interior is well decorated, and the floor is a nice rubberized mat. This is very typical and can be seen at any of the gyms that I have been members of.

Speaking of exercise…

One of the tenets of Chinese exercise, maybe unofficial as it is an observation of mine, is that the Chinese like to exercise to music. I used to do so myself, you know. I used to lift weights in my your years, when I was in my twenty’s. I would always listen to music. You concentrate on the music, and it enables you to live and endure.

The Chinese like to incorporate music with exercise. So, for instance, instead of all the school children doing boring sit-ups, push ups and jumping jacks in the morning, they have them dance to prescribed dance routines. Here is a elementary school going through a morning exercise around 7am…

Isn’t it great?

Now, of course, the Chinese parents won’t ever say that this is good enough. The idea is to have your children be better than everyone else. NOT be equal. So the child will be expected to study harder, learn more and have a stronger and better life. Parents, might for instance, have them attend further extracurricular activities outside of the school. Like a dance school for exercise and dance lessons for instance…

I’ll bet those are happy and HEALTHY kids.

Life is what you make it. You take advantage of the opportunities as they are presented to you and you do the best with what you are given. There is no excuse for my American friends to allow their children to lay on a sofa all day, watching Netflix and playing video games. Life is meant to be lived, not plugged into a virtual reality.

Hey Greedy Don’t Fret, What you see is what you get…

Which brings me up to the various line dances and dancing grandma phenomenon that is all over China. The Chinese love to dance. They love to sing. They love to drink. They love to go on dates and have fun together. In many ways, they are just like Americans.

Here we have a line dance of a pretty famous Chinese song. I can’t transcribe the Chinese as it will be meaningless. You can listen to the song, read the lyrics and learn about the singer HERE. You can watch the Music Video HERE.

They are in a public area. You can see a subway station in the background. Notice that a crowd of people are standing around and watching. Welcome to China. This is exactly how it is done, and exactly what happens.

Note that this is in a city center. You can see the various stores and restaurants and mall access points. You can see a McDonald’s.  Hummm…

The girl in the blue pants looks like one of the backup dancers and singers from BoA. I wonder if it is her? You can compare HERE. She is the backup girl on the right wearing a black tank-top. Yeah, I know I know, BoA is Japanese. Well, surprise… people travel back and forth between japan and China like people travel back and forth between Dallas and Fort Worth. Not a big deal.

So, yeah… all this nonsense about island dispute between Taiwan, China and Japan is just a lot of hot rhetoric used by the American media to drum up support for a war. It’s just a lot of hot air. It is nonsense.

Dancing outside on the Street

All this dancing gets me thinking. You know, many Chinese like to dance and post a micro-video of them dancing on the internet.  That is where I get most of these micro-videos to begin with. Here, we have another dance video of a cute girl in a public area.

She is dancing in a very typical public square. China has thousands of these places. You can see typical Chinese stores and restaurants in the background. Notice that many have English signs as well as signs and menus in Chinese. Just about all Chinese people under the age of twenty can speak English to some degree. After all, you cannot attend university unless you can pass an English proficiency test.

I wonder if America will ever do that? You know, make sure that American students be able to pass a Chinese proficiency test in order to attend UCLA, MIT or Drexel University…

Oh, such a great “knee slapper”! As if…

OK. Here is the video of the girl dancing. She is dancing to one of the most popular dance-songs of the year. I have another post about this craze HERE. And, if you want, you can watch the original Music Video HERE.

Notice that in the background is a father taking his daughter out for a walk. This is just like fathers used to do back in the 1960’s. Also notice the girl taking her dog out for a evening walk. What? She’s not eating it! My word. Someone better had best tell the New York Times or CNN about this strange development!

Rural Kitchen

You know, many people in China live outside of the cities. They own homes and when they are not working they come back to their homes. Often the homes are not as nice as the apartments in the city. They tend to be basic. They have walls, windows, and doors, electricity and running water. However, they tend not to have nice wallpaper, fancy interior lighting or any interior decoration.

I was later informed that this was not in a rural kitchen, but rather in a test lab in a factory. That "dorm sized" refrigerator is really a heat-soak oven. Sorry.

They remind me of summer cottages that the parent’s of my friends would work on during the weekends. They would live in Pittsburgh, and then on the weekends come to the country and work on their “summer home”. Often it would have a roof and walls, but would still need all kinds of “finishing touches” to make it into a home.

Here we have a pretty country lass dancing in a rural kitchen. She is attractive and just having a good time of it all. You go girl.

The kitchen does not have custom countertops, fine faucets and center “island”. It consists mostly of some shelving with wide open spaces to clean and cook food. The girl is obviously not starving. I am sure that she eats well, but the kitchen is Spartan. She has a big waste garbage can, and a small “dorm sized” refrigerator.

She is young. She is chewing with her mouth open. Yuck!

Girl, no matter what you wear, and no matter how good your makeup is, if you cannot act like a lady, you will never be treated as one. Life is all about confidence, attitude and manners.

Doors and Keys

In China, both the doors and the keys are different than what you get in the Untied States.  I know, I have been somewhat involved with the export of doors to America. The American market wants the cheapest quality doors for the most part. The more expensive doors, are available, of course, but they tend to be made in the USA. Large volume exports of cheap interior doors is the norm to America.

Hey, don’t blame the Chinese. They make great quality doors. Many of which go to Europe and Dubai. It’s just that the American market is focused on the cheapest products to sell to Americans in bulk at huge profits.

American door composition
Door panel types. Here is a general reference of some door panel types that are available. Note that most of them have a fake core of some kind of expandable polystyrene inside. In China the doors are metal. You need a bulldozer to break one in.

It doesn’t have to be that way. However, that is just the way it is. In China, the houses and apartments wouldn’t come near those doors. Image that; flimsy hollow core doors with cheap low-quality laminate. Never happen in China.

The keys are also different as well. The keys in China are made in different ways and techniques. That is because, not so long ago, crime was rampant in China. You need good and strong locks that were difficult to break into. America is different. Most American keys are based on simple flat key blanks that can easily be duplicated.

This girl is dancing in her living room in front of a bedroom door.

The door is heavy gauge steel with very sturdy and hefty hinges. The girl is cute and dancing wearing a cute Chinese outfit that is very popular this year. She is wearing white stockings and small white shoes. She is typical with long dark hair and light, pale skin.

I will say that the style of door that she has is exactly the same style that is in my house right now.

Speaking of doors, here is yet another video of a girl dancing in front of a door…

Another Interior Door

In this example, we have a different girl in a different city.  She is dancing in what appears to be her living room. The door looks like a entrance way door. As such, it will have a real wood facing that is laminated on top of a heavy gauge steel foundation. The door will be stout and difficult (if not impossible) to crash through. Which is one of the reasons that criminals in China would rather break through the cement walls to get into a house than to go through the front door.

This is nice looking girl. She is thin and slender with nice legs, a happy smile and great eyes. She has an attractive face with a nice pointy chin.

Note that she is standing on carpet. I am sure that it is not wall-to-wall carpet. That is a rarity in China. The wall is white which is normal here. All in all, this is a pretty typical apartment. The problem is that in this video you cannot see the entire apartment.

With that being said, let’s look at an entire apartment…

A Chinese Apartment

In this video we have a Chinese girl dancing in her apartment. She is dancing from one end to the other and goes from the kitchen / dining area into the living room area. It gives a nice view of what apartments are like in China.

You can see that this is a typical apartment with white walls, a white marble tiled floor (no linoleum here, the Chinese NEVER use it), and heavy gauge metal doors. You can see her furnishings are sparse, but in no way is there any clutter. China is not a consumer nation like the Untied States is.


Everyone likes to look at pretty girls. Even other pretty girls. I, as a man, think that pretty girls liven up our lives and make it more interesting and fun. I would not mind taking any one of these girls out and having a nice meal or playing around in a park or some other place. Having good companionship, great conversation, and enjoying a wonderful meal would be awesome with any of these women.

For instance, I will be willing to bet that this girl would just be wonderful to spend some time with.  I would buy her a coffee and a cheesecake any day.

Today it is difficult to see what other places are like, if you are an American. Our news is heavily propagandized.

  • Those on the liberal side have the impression that China eats dogs, is full of poor waifs that sell their bodies for sex, and is full of dirty smog filled air.
  • Those on the conservative side, have the impression that China is a great war-mongered beast who wants to take over the Pacific, that they are ruthless businessmen, and want to keep their citizens imprisoned in a communist gulag.

Neither impression is correct. They are both terrible distortions.

China is a huge nation, bigger geographically than the United States, and with an enormous population far larger than America’s. In fact, there are more people in China that speak English than there are Americans in the entire world.

They live life. They work. They study hard. They try to do their best. They have fun. They raise families. They are, in many ways, like “old fashioned” Americans around 1950. While America has moved toward a progressive socialist paradise ruled by an oligarchy, China has moved in a different direction. It has moved toward free-market policies originating out of a central government. China is not at all what we think it is.

This post is my little way to help introduce China to the readership.

Take Aways

  • Chinese women are attractive.
  • Many of the buildings in China are new, and have a modern supporting infrastructure.
  • Chinese people like to dance, sing, and have fun with their friends.
  • Chinese women DO NOT look like pre-adolescent children. (Here’s a nod to the idiots in Arkansas who were absolutely convinced that Chinese women look like little pre-adolescent girls.)
Beverly Hillbillies
Here is a scene from the 1960’s era situation comedy called the “Beverly Hillbillies”. I really loved that show. Then, later on, when I went to Arkansas to be retired from MAJestic, I met actual hillbillies. It was painful. Imagine the worst aspects of the movie Idioticracity combined with an evil FBI director trying to “get Trump”. Ugh. Anyways, their understanding of life outside of Little Rock was pathetic. They thought that Memphis, Tennessee was another nation. They were that pathetic.


Q: Why do you only have beautiful Chinese girls? What about being more diverse and inclusive? Why do you objectify girls?
A: Well, for one, this article is about attractive Chinese girls. It wouldn’t do to have non-Chinese girls in it. Nor would it be appropriate to have men, homosexuals, fat and ugly girls, children or LGBT creatures in the article.

If you want to purge beauty out of your life, no problem. Go ahead and do it. Just like American beauty pageants are no longer about beauty. Just like American airlines have purged themselves of age and beauty standards. Just like race-cars have purged themselves of attractive women. But you won’t see that in China.

Now here, I like to surround myself with beauty. I like to surround myself with things that I like and I love. That includes dogs, cats, pizza, bacon, tomatoes, friends and of course my loved ones.

Q: Why do you use micro-videos in this post?
A: I think it does a nice job of giving a snapshot of what China is like. Many of the videos have Chinese songs. They all feature beautiful Chinese girls in China doing things that beautiful Chinese girls like to do. Of course, if you would rather go to you-tube, go ahead. You won’t find very many Chinese girls there. You-tube is banned in China because it, like Facebook, Google, and Tumblr, all collect user information and pipe that information directly to the NSA for American government’s use.

Q: Why do you think these girls are beautiful?
A: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What constitutes for beauty in China is different from what is beautiful elsewhere. I chose these videos because I happen to think the girls are cute, beautiful or attractive. Of course, if you disagree with me, you can leave.

Now, you shouldn’t be too upset there are some rocking girls in the United States. You should see them in sweatpants. My Lord!

Links about China

Business KTV

Dance Craze

End of the Day Potato

Dog Shit

Dancing Grandmothers

When the SJW movement took control of China

Family Meal

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ben Ming Nian

Beware the Expat

Fake Wine

Fat China

Chinese apartment houses

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed 29AUG18.
  2. Completed 29AUG18.
  3. SEO review 29AUG18.
  4. Published 29AUG18.

The True Nature of the Universe

Elsewhere discussed the physical universe, and we discussed the various dimensions of the universe.  We discussed how souls are constructed and the quanta that comprise them.  For all of these discussions, we really need to discuss what reality is… 

Or more interesting, a more central question. Just how does the reality that we see and interact with reflect our mind and thoughts?  To answer this question we have to enter a realm of understanding that involves some new terms and some new ways of thinking.

Warning, it tends to get a little bit confusing here. So please hang on.

What is real
What is reality? What is real? Is everything that what we sense is the ONLY reality that we have? Or does it include other things, that are beyond our senses? I argue that our universe consists of two states. The state that we are involved in is the true reality that we inhabit.

This post is an introduction to what the true nature of reality is.  I discuss it in the most elementary forms and offer pathways for the common reader to consider and ponder.  Like the rest of my writings, it is only a signpost to lead to better and more detailed considerations.

Remember, I am only transcribing what I know from my MAJestic involvement. If you want mathematical proofs, you will need to hike over to those who make a living doing that kind of thing.


One of the biggest things that I must impart to the reader is that the Quantum world and the “real” world are the same thing.  They are not separate realities.

Physics tells us the universe is as it is, and thus able to support life and consciousness. This is because 20 or more physical constants and the laws they dictate take on very specific values. 

If any of these varied even slightly, we would not be here.

Therefore, the precise values and our presence in the universe are apparently a coincidence. It's more than that. It is a stunningly amazing coincidence. It is "mind boggling".

To figure out this unbelievable coincidence, scientists have come up with explanations. (I guess that they don't want to even look at "intelligent design" as one of them. Well, they will eventually. It might take a few centuries, but they will.)

They have come up with an explanation known as the "anthropic principle". This explanation addresses the question of why these values are what they are, and has several interpretations.

The most common is tautological. Which means that we are in this particular universe simply "because". The universe has these specific values simply because it has those values. If it did not, we would not be here. 


For many physicists and philosophers, the tautological answer is related to the multiple worldviews, or the MWI. In short, this universe with consciousness is one that resides within a multitude of universes. 

All the others have different physical constants and lack life and consciousness.

There should be no question or concern that quantum mechanics is our most successful theory of nature.  It is not Newtonian mechanics.  However, many people just don’t understand it very well.  They think that its rules and behaviors are too strange for practical day to day application.  Make no mistake, there is absolutely no question that Quantum theory, as well as its key mathematical tool, the wave function, excels at predicting probabilities for the outcomes of experiments.

Yet there is a problem. No one can figure out how it all fits together. The physicists and those “philosophers of science” cannot agree as to how the quantum mechanics influences our “real” world.

Because of this, there has mushroomed a small “cottage industry” of interpretations of quantum theory, and what precisely what it is.  Could I be one of the workers in this little industry? What do you think?


This is my feeble attempt to describe our true absolute reality. It is my attempt to show how the physical world that we observe is but a myopic view of the true reality. It is my attempt to show that our universe is fashioned as such by the limitations of our physical body.

We define what our Universe Is

Forget about thought for now. Let’s just consider the “physical” world that surrounds us…

So, what is the fine structure of the universe?

  • The material world is composed of atoms and subatomic particles.
  • But atoms (-10-8 cm) are mostly empty space.
  • Well, not exactly “empty” (When I first penned this, that was what I thought.  However, my opinion has since changed drastically.  There is nothing as “empty space”, it is all filled with “something”. Space and time are mental illusions that we have created to help us understand things.), as is the space between atoms.
  • If we go down in scale from atoms, eventually we reach the basement level of reality, Planck scale geometry at 10-33 cm, with coarseness, irregularity, and information.

OK. So here we are. We are at the bottom of the very basic physical reality. We call it “Planck-scale geometry”.

Descriptions of Planck scale geometry include such things as;

  1. String theory.
  2. Loop quantum gravity.

We don’t really know what the best theory is for things so absolutely tiny. We can only suppose theories.

String theory, is a pretty valid theory. I guess. Here, Planck scale strings vibrate at specific frequencies. Each frequency correlates with fundamental particles. It’s a pretty decent theory as far as theories go. But it does has some problems. It lacks background geometry (Where and in what environment do the strings vibrate?) and it also requires multiple untestable dimensions. Ouch!

Or, perhaps…

Loop quantum gravity depicts space-time geometry as quantized into “volume pixels”. These volume pixels are Planck scale polygons with edges that have special properties. The edges may be considered as irreducible spin whose lengths vary (but tend to average 10-33 cm). Planck volumes evolve and change with time, conveying information as a 3-dimensional spider web of spin. Experiments suggest that space-time geometry is also non-local, and maybe  holographic.

By studying what is going on at the tiniest levels of our observed reality, we can get some understanding of our universe. As long as we can settle upon a theory that works well enough.

Recent evidence suggests that Planck scale information may repeat at increasing scales in space-time geometry, reaching to the scale of biological systems. Or, in other words, “as above, so below“. It’s sort of like a Mandelbrot illustration.

Mandelbrot illustration
Things behave in similar ways to scale. Thus, you can observe trends and behaviors that seem to have patterns.

We tend to believe in this behavior of scale due to observations in test environments. For instance, the British-German GEO 600 gravity wave detector near Hanover, Germany has consistently recorded fractal-like noise which apparently emanates from Planck scale fluctuations. These fluctuations repeat every few orders of magnitude in size and frequency. They go from Planck length and time (10-33 cm; 10-43 s) to bio-molecular size and time (10-8 cm; 10-2 s).

At some point (or actually at some complex edge, or surface) in this hierarchy of scale, the microscopic quantum world transitions to the classical Newtonian world. It transitions cleanly and absolutely.

If this transition is due to some kind of Penrose-related theory, and there is no reason to consider that it might not, then it is reasonable to consider that consciousness occurs as a process on this edge between quantum and classical worlds.

The Penrose-Hameroff theory of "orchestrated objective reduction" ("Orch OR") proposes that consciousness depends on quantum computations in structures called microtubules inside brain neurons, occurring concomitantly with and supporting neuronal-level synaptic computation (Penrose and Hameroff 1995; Hameroff and Penrose 1996a,b; Hameroff 1998a,b; Hameroff et al. 2002). After all, everything that is being discussed is related to perceptions…

Consciousness occurs at the transition point between quantum and classical Newtonian science.

Which points out some very significant considerations;

  • Depending on the scale of consideration, we have a threshold of consciousness.
  • Consciousness cannot exist below that threshold.
  • Consciousness generates thoughts.
  • Below the consciousness threshold is a universe that is independent of thought.
  • Above the consciousness threshold we have a reality that is ruled by thought.


  • We exist within two universes simultaneously.
  • One universe is ruled by thought and the other is not.
“Land us over there, will you. Captain; that looks like rich country if I ever saw it."

It was the freshest green color they had seen since childhood.

Lakes lay like clear blue water droplets through the soft hills; there were no loud highways, signboards or cities. It's a sea of green golf links, thought Forester, which goes on forever. Putting greens, driving greens, you could walk ten thousand miles in any direction and never finish your game. A Sunday planet a croquet-lawn world, where,you could lie on your back, clover in your lips, eyes half shut, smiling at the sky, smelling the grass, drowse through an eternal Sabbath, rousing only on occasion to turn the Sunday paper or crack the red-striped wooden ball through the wicket.

"It ever a planet was a woman, this one is…"

-Ray Bradbury.  Here There Be Tygers

The Terrible Mess

“Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat.”

-Robert Heinlein in “The Cat Who Walks Through Walls.”

To begin, we all must recognize that everything in the observed universe is made up of either [1] physical matter, [2] energy, or [3] “dark” matter.  All of these three forms can be broken down into the smallest elements known to man.  (No, not atoms.  Smaller.  Think vibrating “strings” or as we just discussed, Loop quantum gravity.)

At these small sizes they exhibit quantum behavior.  (That is to say that they can behave like a particle or like a wave depending on the observer. They are so, so, so very tiny, that thought influences their very form.)

Ponder that one for a second...

The small size of quanta is influenced by thought. If so, how? Could it be that thought, is in itself a "thing"; a thing that is larger than these small tiny-sized quanta.
Quanta can change states, but this is really a state change by the observer, not an actual change in the object itself.
It is not that a quanta changes, it is how the observer views the quanta that makes the change. Our soul controls consciousness. Consciousness can be in different states depending upon the point of view of the person (the observer).

Thus, to understand the nature of our universe, we must look at these tiny elements; these tiny waves and see how they behave.

As much as we think we know, we are constantly being reminded that what we do know is very small.  We don’t yet know about the nature of the universe, and how everything fits together.  We are constantly reminded of that point and that fact.  For instance, consider the details of the study published in the journal Nature .

In short, the three experiments reviewed in the studies involved [1] charged leptons, (which are electrons), [2] muons, and the [3] heavier taus.

Quantum Particles.
Here are the relationships of the various quantum particles for our discussion herein.

The experiments revealed that taus actually decay faster than the standard model predicts.

The surprising thing was the data which came from the LHCb experiment at CERN in Switzerland, the BaBaR detector of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California, and the Belle experiment in Japan challenged lepton universality at four standard deviations. This means that there’s a 99.95 percent certainty that this data is accurate, according to the USCB team.

Initial reading into these results would seem to indicate that there is indeed a deviation from the Standard Model of particle physics.

This could mean that an entirely different model of physics is needed to explain the peculiar behavior of the tau particle. In other words, new physics is required.

I urge the reader never to consider that we know “all that there is to know”, simply because of the latest trends in technology.  Until we, as a species are able to troll about the multi-worlds in our own world-lines we will be imprisoned within our own bubbles of ignorance.

The Wave Function

The observer determines form.
The observer determines the forms that we sense. Thoughts control all. The shape of the quanta is determined by the observer, and that determines our reality.

At the center of this “wavy” quagmire is the “wave function.”

A measure of our ability to determine how and why these tiny strings change shape with thought is through the “wave function”.

Using the wave function, better known by its mathematical nickname, ψ (“psi”), physicists can calculate the probability that a quantum measurement will have a particular outcome.   (It is all probability.  The highest probabilities determine the given dimension that we reside in at any given moment.) That therein lies the strength of quantum physics, as well as the apparent strangeness of it.

This ψ is a measure of how thought alters our reality.

This ψ is a measure of how thought alters our reality.

The success of this procedure has allowed us to control the subatomic world with unprecedented precision.  From it we have developed the entire microelectronics revolution.  All electronics from iPhones to televisions rely upon the principles of quantum mechanics.  Yet, this success is not really well understood.

Humans want discrete and solid answers.  They want a classical physics answer.  But quantum mechanics can’t deliver a single, definite answer to a simple question about the outcome of a measurements. Instead, it returns a “probability distribution curve” representing many different possible outcomes.

It’s only after you make a measurement that you observe a stable, predictable, classical outcome.   At this point, the wave function is said to have “collapsed.”

To some, this suggests that there is a gap between the real, physical universe and whatever it is that the wave function is describing.  If so, then what does the wave function actually represent? And what, if anything, is actually collapsing?  It appears confusing, if not absolutely crazy.  (But that is simply a matter of perception that is colored by the limitations of our human senses.  We cannot “see” the multidimensional aspects of reality, so quantum laws appear to be nonsensical.)

I would like to provide some insight to this devilishly complex condition.  As it is critically important to understanding everything that I have written in this blog.

The missing piece – thought

What is the missing piece?  Why is there a gap between how the quantum universe works and the physical world works?  The answer it seems is quite simple, but we refuse to believe it.

What it is;  it is thought.

Humans are confused because we insist that thought has no tangible form.  It is just effervescent “nothing”.  That is wrong.  Thought is a quantum reality; it is missing factor in the behavior of physical items in the physical universe.  The ability for our soul and it’s physical body to construct thoughts is the key to manipulation of the quantum world and thus the physical reality that surrounds us.

Perhaps it is our way of looking at this problem that causes such problematic confusion.

How we percieve reality handicaps us.
How we perceive reality handicaps us. We never get to see all that there is. We never get to see the ultimate truth. We are in this reality with hampered and retarded senses. We must strive to look beyond what we can perceive.

An ψ – Ontic Existence

Philosophers use the word “ontic” to describe real objects and events in the universe, things that exist regardless of whether anyone observes them. If you don’t see them, if you don’t think about them, they still exist. They would exist whether you were alive or not.

If you think of the universe as a video game, the so-called “ψ-ontic” view holds that the wave function is the source code.

From this perspective, the wave function does indeed correspond directly to physical reality, containing a complete description of what philosophers call “the furniture of the world.

For these “ψ-ontologists” (as their opponents playfully call them), quantum theory, and reality itself, is ultimately about how the wave function unfolds over time, according to the Schrödinger Equation.

In the quantum realist view, ψ is, in some sense, “all there is.”

To many thinkers in this camp, nothing extraordinary happens at the moment the wave function collapses. The apparently instantaneous collapse is actually just a very rapid process that occurs as a formerly-isolated quantum system interacts with its surrounding environment.


But, please consider however, the strange idea that the collapse is something else entirely.  Instead of a wave function collapse within your dimension, it is something else.  Consider the idea and concept that a collapse occurs when you change from one dimension to another dimension.

Perhaps it is actually a transference of dimensional states that your soul resides in.  Not a fixed dimensional state where you observe a collapse occurring.

Oh wow!

An ψ – Epistemic Existence

By contrast, the alternative “ψ-epistemic” view holds that the wave function represents something quite different. At most it provides us with a limited knowledge of the state of the system. It does not provide the source code.

However, if you study this function in detail, you might be able to learn about the source code.

Some ψ-epistemologists believe an actual ontic state still exists. This is true even if the wave function is just a “convenient computational tool” that doesn’t capture all of the underlying reality.

Others in the ψ-epistemic camp contend that the physical ontic state may not even exist without an observer present. They argue that the game doesn’t exist if there’s no one there to play it.

What our physical reality is…

Of these two belief structures, the one that I am most familiar with is the more “realist” position. This position holds that there is a real, physical, world that exists independent of the observer. This is true, regardless of whether or not the wave function captures the whole story.

I do not know if it is the actual and true nature of reality; I only know that this the one position that seems to agree with what I have observed and experienced first-hand.

It is also the one that I am most comfortable with, and the one that seems to be in the best agreement with (what I know) known MAJestic understandings.  (This is not because of what the reader might think.  No.  Instead it is because our thoughts are constantly shifting in and out of the multi-dimensional universe.)

The two different view points.
This is the true crux of the issue and the matter at hand. How the universe is depends on the quantum state of your consciousness. If your consciousness is of particle duality, then you exist within a bubble of reality. You cannot see outside of that. However, if your consciousness is of wave duality, then you can see the entire reality of the universe.

I ask the reader to recall, that I earlier described that our universe consists of two different universe states. One is controlled by consciousness and the thoughts by consciousness. The other is not.

For the record; it is the ψ -epistemic view that best describes the physical reality that we observe within our customized reality.

The ψ -epistemic view describes our observed reality.

It is the ψ -ontic view that holds the absolute framework by which all of the multi-verse universes exist within. We are trapped within a  ψ -epistemic custom reality where it appears that everything is fixed.  But that is illusionary. It is fixed because the world-line for each soul is custom to meet the learning and educational demands of the soul.

The ψ -ontic view describes our true universe.

Ah the Schrödinger’s cat issue. What is going on? Is it in the box or not? It only “hardens” into a set reality when we, the observer, sees it.

How it works

The soul controls all.  The soul controls everything.  It creates time.  It creates space.  It forges a world-line for each soul to conduct specific learning exercises.  As such, it makes absolute sense that it be ψ-ontic in nature.

However the reality of all; that of Heaven and the location where souls dwell is ψ- ontic. The reality that is created for us by our soul is ψ –epistemic.

In this view, wave function collapse is not an actual physical process.

Instead, it represents the near-instantaneous “updating of our knowledge” about the state of the system. This seems to give the observer some kind of special status, one in which the thoughts of the observer controls everything. This may or may not be desirable, depending on your perspective.

Schrödinger’s cat
In this view, uncomfortable quantum super-positions, are just mathematical tools. They are mirages. They are the sums of potential possibilities, not actualities. Nothing matters what might be. All that matters is what actually is. It is all determined by observation. Nothing else matters.

Putting it together.

According to what I understand; theoretical work by the British physicists Matthew Pusey, Jonathan Barrett, and Terry Rudolph (PBR) has presented the strongest theoretical evidence (I know of)  in favor of the ψ-epistemic view for the universe as created individually for a specific soul.

They have proven a contradictory view by the ψ-ontic belief camp.  Indeed the ψ-ontic view contradicts the predictions of quantum mechanics.

This seems to suggest that the wave function really does correspond to an objective physical reality. As such, the ψ-ontic team is out of luck in terms of the specific physical universe.  However, the reader need be reminded that Heaven and souls occupy a dimensional reality that is beyond that of the ψ-epistemic structure out of necessity. Heaven is ψ-ontic. (This would make a great tee-shirt don’t you think? “Heaven is ψ-ontic.”)

Heaven is ψ-ontic.

Test Confirmations in the Laboratory

In 2014, a team of experimental physicists conducted a very, very special experiment. Their leader, Martin Ringbauer, working with Professor Andrew White at the University of Queensland, performed a very special experiment to test the reality of this issue of ours.

This experiment was designed to test whether the ψ-ontic or ψ-epistemic picture gives is the best explanation for our observed reality. They argued that certain quantum experiments, could help determine this.  Obviously the purpose was to identify whether the true nature of reality was either ψ-ontic or ψ-epistemic.

The key issue is that certain quantum states called “orthogonal” are relatively easy to distinguish experimentally.

It’s a classic procedure. Set up a simple test and measure it exactingly. Consider, for example a photon with “horizontal” polarization versus another with “vertical” polarization. Other “non-orthogonal” quantum states, like two different combinations of both horizontal and vertical polarization, cannot be distinguished perfectly, even if the experimenter knows what the possibilities are in advance.

The ψ-ontic and ψ-epistemic views tell very different stories about why non-orthogonal quantum states are so hard to tell apart in the lab.

  • In the ψ-ontic view, the quantum state is uniquely determined by the ontic state.
  • In the ψ-epistemic view, more than one quantum wave function can represent the same ontic reality.

This sounds complicated, but it needn’t be.

We can show this visually using a graph like the one below. Assuming that there really is some underlying “reality”, the ψ-ontic model says that the wave functions of two independent states can’t overlap. But in the ψ-epistemic model, on the right, two different wave functions can correspond to the same ontic state, represented by the purple area where the curves of the wave functions do overlap.

Ontic models vs. Epistemic models.

Ontic models vs. Epistemic models.Now, imagine that, instead of overlapping two-dimensional curves, we had overlapping three-dimensional spheres, or even more. ..

Ringbauer and his colleagues tested this out by measuring several states of specially-prepared photons, each with either three or four parameters. Adding a new quantum state is like adding an extra sphere to the set. When adding more spheres, and/or increasing the number of dimensions, it becomes even harder to find places where all the spheres overlap.

With this analogy in mind, the Queensland group found that as they increased the number of parameters (for each quantum state) and increased the number of states (they were trying to distinguish between), their experimental results increasingly diverged. The more they added complications, the more they diverged from the predictions of a well defined ψ-epistemic model.

Their experimental results thus strongly conflict with the ψ-epistemic picture’s “overlap” model. This is considered a serious blow against the ψ-epistemic viewpoint.

My Understanding of Reality

In the quest to understand the true Nature of Reality, we must continually question our most basic assumptions. We need to admit and quantify our ignorance. I also need to be explicit about what we are assuming.

Do not shoot the messenger. I do not have the answers. My role was not to understand anything.  And, my dear reader, I could very well be completely wrong about everything.

  • Have you ever attended a wedding where, though you weren’t the one exchanging vows with your beloved, you still felt your own commitment to your wife renewed? Have you ever been reading a book, and come upon an insight that was so profound your jaw literally dropped, and you spent the next couple minutes staring off in the distance, absorbing its significance?
  • Have you ever been at a church service where the pastor was speaking to the congregation’s unconverted, and while you already believed, you felt your heart greatly stirred?
  • Have you ever watched a play, and left the theater with a head full of questions not only about the plot, but about its intersection with your own life?
  • Have you ever had a friend share an experience that, though they didn’t know it at the time, helped you figure out what decision to make with an issue you were personally struggling with?

In all of these situations, you were privy to a message or an experience that wasn’t explicitly directed to you. You overheard it. Well, welcome to my life. I don’t have all the answers, I only know what I participated in, and I have tried to translate into a language that is at best, inadequate to do so.


The universe consists of two universes. One that that are consciously aware of, and one that we are not.

The part that we are not aware of is often considered to be “Heaven”, when it is in reality as place or gateway to multiple “Heavenly realms”. The part that we are aware of is the reality that our consciousness inhabits.

The soul creates a consciousness that connects to a specific reality. That consciousness generates thoughts and alters that reality to fit the needs of the soul.

Take Aways

  • Depending on the scale of consideration, we have a threshold of consciousness.
  • Consciousness can not exist below that threshold.
  • Consciousness generates thoughts.
  • Below the consciousness threshold is a universe that is independent of thought.
  • Above the consciousness threshold we have a reality that is ruled by thought.


  • We exist within two (x2) universes simultaneously.
  • One universe is ruled by thought and the other is not.


  • The ψ is a measure of how thought alters our reality.
  • Heaven is ψ-ontic.
  • Our reality is ψ -epistemic.
  • Tests seem to confirm this.


Q: Does the quantum wave function represent reality?
A: No. It only serves as a mathematical method from which we can calculate the given probability of an outcome. The interpretation of what is observed by the wave function determines the relative state of  ψ.

Q: Is it possible to have a MWI where everything fits within a ψ -epistemic reality?
A: No. Any given reality is naturally ψ -epistemic, but all the alternative realities of the MWI are all encoded within a ψ-ontic state.

Q: How does consciousness control the MWI?
A: Consciousness creates a collapse of the wave function at the point in time whereas the (a) ψ -epistemic state is realized. This can occur with technology, or through mental discipline, or by “piggy-backing” on to other consciousnesses that have the ability to collapse a wave form at will.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

How China deals with Obesity

One thing that I really like about the world is that everyone is different. I really like that. I like that ice cream comes in different flavors. I like that there are all kinds of trucks and cars to select from. I like that there are all kinds of girls, some small and tiny, and some big and voluptuous. I really like that.

This post is a tale of two different ways of solving a problem. The problem is obesity. With high-fat foods commonly available everywhere, there is a strong propensity to everyone to get fat and put on weight. What is a nation going to do about this? Allow their citizens to get fat, and die early?

In America, you make laws to control behavior. So the American solution to obesity is to ban things. Ban super-sized drinks. Ban high-calorie meals in schools. Ban pork in prisons. America is all about control. You tell the people what to do. You make laws to enforce your wishes, and you use the police to assure compliance.

In China, to provide solutions. If everyone is eating high-calorie foods, then you provide them outlets to burn those calories off. What China did, was provide public dance forums. Now, these forums have already existed in one form or the other for years now. What Beijing did was standardize them.

Let’s talk about this…


Over  the last few decades, groups of grandmothers would gather in the open plazas and open areas and dance. They would pull out a “boom-box” and play music that they would dance to. This was all impromptu, and often you would have competing groups of dancers in the same square with a cacophonous sound that rattles doors, windows and teeth.

For years, these grandmothers would come out and dance. They would do it in the morning and in the evening. In fact, I even have a POST on how rude they often were. For some of them would push out rock-concert speakers and aim it at my house. Ugh!

“The line dancing craze has swept the nation over the past decade, with informal groups of primarily female retirees gathering at dusk and dawn to dance on any spare piece of pavement. Chinese media has estimated that up to 100 million people take part in the activities — known as “square dances,” for the public squares and plazas where many gatherings take place.

The loosely associated groups often have a leader who hauls out a boombox blaring pop hits and folk classics. The women work through a handful of dance routines, with grizzled veterans usually taking up positions at the front and beginners tentatively following along in the back rows.”

- Matt Sheehan

In 2016, Beijing put their collective foot down and established community guidelines that defined noise levels, music to play, and dances to do.

This was welcomed by the dancing grandmothers as a good thing. After a few months of fits and starts, the program was implemented throughout China.


Now it was a little different.


Now, you have a set selection of music to dance to. No longer is the music only fifty year old pop songs. The music is contemporary and upbeat. No longer do random grannies define the dance steps, but they follow defined dance routines set by trained physical therapists and trained professional dancers, designed for most people to exercise to.

Now you have paid organizers who are trained and authorized to lead the dances. Now, you have music that you can dance to, with defined dance steps. Now you have start and end times, and music noise levels that must be adhered to.


But… something happened.

Everyone Started to Dance

What began as a venue for grannies to exercise, soon became a venue where everyone can participate. There are contemporaneous pop songs that are played along traditional favorites. New songs are always added to the mix, and unpopular songs are dropped. The dances are all led by trained instructors (for the most part) and everyone can now participate…

Dance Instructor getting the crew dancing…

Something else started to happen as well. As soon as the instructors started to dance, they would bring their classes (for most of them owned dance schools) and their entire class would dance in public as well…

This action attracted many other things. Suddenly you now have high-school and college aged girls wanting to dance in the venues. After all, these dance venues are in the centers of all the civics areas. Some girls would be walking by the mall, and there is this big group of dancers, and they would put their gear down, and join them. It was all impromptu.

And, it’s not just pretty girls.

You have people of all ages and walks of life… And, yes also people who need to lose a few pounds or two. Now they find it easier to dance along with everyone else, and lose some pounds in the process. It’s a win-win. Beijing figured that if you provide people with options, fun options, they would take advantage of them. In this case, they were right.

Here’s a guy burning off some weight.

What this has done was merged pop culture and pop music with the Chinese dancing forum.  It has created it’s own popular venue on it’s own merits. As a result, you can often see and meet attractive Chinese girls dancing and singing along in the public squares together.

Here’s a group of girls. I particularly like these girls. I watch them hypnotically mesmerized by their moves and jiggling bodies.

The dance steps are often simple, but the dancer can add their own flourishes to them. We have dancers that dance as couples and others that prefer the line-dance routines. Here is a group that does a nice spin-and-stomp move…

The dances are organized twice daily. In the morning it is generally from 7am to around 9am. In the evening, it usually starts around 6pm and often lasts to 10pm. If you ever go to a mall, or shopping center you will see these people dancing up a storm. It’s all free.

Typically, you find a space in the back and try your best to follow. Eventually, over time you will get it, and there will be many who will offer to help teach you the steps. This is a great way for a shy boy to meet some attractive girls. Let me tell you what…

In China, many stores and restaurants have their staff line up for a daily briefing, and company dance. It seems strange, but it is true. However, what if your company was right next to one of these plazas? After all, they are always at major shopping and city centers. What about having your staff do a morning dance before work? Wouldn’t that be nice?

And, that is exactly what happened…

They probably all work in front of the beef noodle restaurant that they are dancing in front of. Of course, the company would provide them with an exercise uniform, though the shoes would be their responsibility.

By providing this venue, the Chinese have taken advantage of it and are enjoying every moment of it. The result is that there are no laws to enforce. No behaviors that need to be policed. The people are having fun, and they are exercising and losing weight int he process. It seems to work quite well. Don’t you think?

Here are some girls dancing as a couple. It’s all a sort of free-style within a dance routine.

Here’s some “free style” improvisation. The girls shake their tushes, and the boys do their thrusts. Check it out. In China you can be yourself.

Watch the boy first, you will see him do a thrust, then move your eyes to the girls next to him. They will do a shake of their cute behinds. Ah, you’ve got to love it.

Obviously there are numerous songs that are played with numerous dance routines. I played this same singular song to make a point; all the videos are taken all over China. They were taken on different days, with different people, at different times. Some were at night. Some were in the morning.

The music is the same.

American media reports… or NOT

What amazes me is just how friggin’ out of touch the American media is about all of this. They haven’t a clue about any of this. You would figure that if their job was to report on the news, that something like this would be reported on. Nope.

Instead they are “reporting” on other things. They are not reporting on events. They are providing their opinions of things. They package the opinions of others, and what people think, on what they heard, from others who lie all for a concocted narrative who’s objective is to keep Americans living in fear. Ugh.

With that being said, here is a final micro-video of some dancers. Here they are dancing in a kind of moving forward and sideways motion that looks like a lot of fun. It really does look like fun.

I used to do some country & western line dancing (when I lived in Mississippi) that I had a ball with. This is the same kind of thing.

If you look closely, you can see the young man in the back who is trying to learn from the girls by copying their moves. Good going, son. You will eventually get it. Just concentrate on the foot work like you are doing. It’s all just a matter of time.


The world has an obesity problem. With the advent of fast food, the world has been getting fatter, heavier and unhealthy. This is most prevalent in West with American and Europeans leading the pack. In fact, it is such a problem, that America has written many laws to control the behavior of Americans…

  • Laws on what you can eat.
  • Laws on the sizes of food portions.
  • Taxes on food to discourage eating.
  • Limitations on the types of food that you can eat.
  • Restrictions on portion sizes in schools.

In order to enforce these laws, more laws were written, and additional police were hired to enforce these laws.

Meanwhile, in China, they took a different approach. While in American, laws are written to enforce behavior, in China laws are designed to prevent victims. They couldn’t write a law forcing all Chinese to act in certain ways. Their government is not set up like that. All that they could do is provide healthy alternatives to an existing Chinese lifestyle.

So what they did is make it possible for everyone to exercise. They tied pop-music and pop-dance to public square. Now, everyone can dance. You don’t have to. It’s not a law, but it is available to you if you want to take advantage of it.

I think that this is a superior solution to enforcing behavior from a central all-knowing, all-powerful American government.

Take Aways

  • Obesity is a world-wide problem.
  • Different nations have different approaches.
  • In America, behavior is enforced through laws.
  • In China, solutions are provided to the citizenry.
  • China has provided an avenue for easy access to fun exercise.
  • America writes laws and enforces compliance with armed police.


Q: Low long has this dancing venue been established?
A: The grandmothers have been dancing for decades. In the last five years they have gotten unruly and out of hand. In an effort to regain control, the dance venue was standardized and now provides opportunities for people of all ages to dance. The dances are established with health in mind. The new format was implemented sometime in 2016.

Q: Why doesn’t America provide access to dance, instead of making laws?
A: Power. Those elected and in the American government do not want to lose control of any of their power. They want to dictate behavior. They do not want solutions. They want power.

Q: What if you don’t want to dance?
A: Then you don’t dance. It is not the duty of the Chinese government to force you to do things or to adopt new behaviors. It is their role to provide solutions. It is up to you, as a citizen, to take advantage of the opportunities or not. In China, citizens are free to live life on their terms. In America, you must obey the law and fit into the prescribed behaviors established by the government.

Q: What if I don’t know how to dance?
A: No body know how to dance to the songs. They need to be instructed by the leader. Some learn fast, and some learn slow. If you watch the videos you will see old grandmothers shaking to the music even though they are not as lively as the other dancers. You just need to get up and TRY.

Links about China

Here are some links about my observations on China. I think that you, the reader, might find them to be of interest. Please kindly enjoy.

Popular Music of China
Chinese weapons systems
Chinese motor sports
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
How I got married in China.
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

As an American, I cannot help but compare what my life was in the United States with what it is like living in China. Here we discuss that.

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Who doesn’t like to look at pretty girls? Ugly girls? Here we discuss what China is like by looking at videos of pretty girls doing things in China.

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Parks in China

The parks in China are very unique. They are enormous and tend to be very mountainous. Here we take a look at this most interesting of subjects.

Parks in China - 1
Pars in China - 2
Parks in China - 3
Visiting a park in China - 4
High Speed Rail in China
Visiting a park in China - 5
Beautiful China part 6
Parks in China - 7
Visiting a park in China - 8

Really Strange China

Here are some posts that discuss a number of things about China that might seem odd, or strange to Westerners. Some of the things are everyday events, while others are just representative of the differences in culture.

Really Strange China 1
Really Strange China 2
Rally Strange China 3
Really Strange China 4
Really Odd China 5
Really Strange China 6
Really Strange China 7
Really Strange China 8
Really Strange China 9
Really Strange China 10
Really Strange China 11
Really Strange China 12
Really strange China 13
Really strange China 14

What is China like?

The purpose of this post is to illustrate that the rest of the world, outside of America, has moved on with their lives. That while they might not be as great as America is, they are doing just fine thank you.

And while America has been squandering it’s money, decimating it’s resources, and just being cavalier with it’s military, the rest of the world has done the opposite. They have husbanded their day to day fortunes, and you can see this in their day-to-day lives.

What is China like - 1
What is China like - 2
What is China Like - 3
What is China like - 4
What is China like - 5
What is China like - 6
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 8
What is China like - 9

Summer in Asia

Let’s take a moment to explore Asia. That includes China, but also includes such places as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan and others…

Summer Snapshots 1
Summer Snapshots 2
Summer Snapshots 3
Summer Snapshots 4
Snapshots Summer 5
Summer Snapshots 6
Summer Snapshot 7
Summer Snapshots 8
Summer Snapshots 9
Summer Snapshots 10
Summer Snapshots 11
Summer Snapshot 12

Some Fun Videos

Here’s a collection of some fun videos taken all over Asia. While there are many videos taken in China, we also have some taken in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Japan as well. It’s all in fun.

Some fun videos of China - 1
Fun Videos of Asia - 2
Fun videos of Asia - 3
Fun videos of Asia - 4
Fun Videos of Asia - 5
Fun videos of Asia - 6
Fun videos of Asia - 7
Fun videos of Asia - 8
Fun videos of Asia - 9
Fun videos of Asia - 10
Fun videos of Asia - 11
Fun videos of Asia - 12
Fun videos of Asia - 13
Fun videos of Asia - 14
Fun Videos of Asia - 15
Fun videos of Asia -16
The best way to cook marshmallows.

Articles & Links

You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles sequentially by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Ode to Diabolical Cretin John McCain

Normally, I don’t post about politics. Not that much, actually. But this is a special event. But, you know, NEOCON Senator John McCain is dead.

Well, he is finally dead. I never thought that it would finally come to pass. I mean, we have walking anachronisms still staggering about, swilling on chardonnay and having their hands in all kinds of crimes. From outright treason to censorship activities, and arming radical fanatic progressives.

Post on John McCain funeral.
Post on John McCain funeral.

I’m still waiting on George Soros, Nancy Pulaski, and the other ilk to move on to the next stage of their lives, but it just never seems to happen. They just seem to live on, and on, and on… It gets tiring…

John McCain is an American Senator (Republican) for the state of Arizona. Of course, if the reader goes to Wikipedia they will find some information regarding this “great” Senator.  There might be some good and some bad mixed together.

Now we have “important” past Presidents that are going to give glowing praise on just how wonderful this person was.

In political circles, he is known as a “RINO” (a Republican In Name Only) who professes to be conservative, but is devoted to a non-conservative (progressive and liberal) agenda.  His political leanings are not what was at stake here, nor was that put him on this list.  Rather it was his preoccupation with war.

He is what is known as a “NEOCON”, which has come to be associated with a love of war, regardless of the cost and the effect that it would have on the American people.

Geopolitics Alert has compiled a partial list of all the nations that John McCain wanted to attack and engage war with.  It’s a pretty lengthy list.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Obviously, every US Senator (besides California’s Barbara Lee) voted to give President George W. Bush the power to invade Afghanistan following the events of September 11th. However, McCain wasn’t happy with just moving to invade Afghanistan. No, he had other targets on his mind as early as the day after the towers fell.

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and the general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th, 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting an extensive list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list, of course, included Iraq and several other nations that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.


McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted, but he probably should’ve known they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.

It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no-fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.

West and Central Africa

McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.

This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.


Another country on the list of hated nations initially put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another longtime target of McCain is, of course, Iran.

Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be a war with Iran, the man incessantly calls for it and even jokes about bombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.

Bosnia and Kosovo

But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing Salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend actually started in the mid-1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then-president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.

Many Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have since joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential Takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.

McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.


Don’t be fooled into thinking that McCain only supports jihadists in Eastern Europe! He also backs the overt Nazis acting as death squads for Kiev in the ongoing Ukrainian conflict.

This, of course, started in 2014, but McCain has continued to pledge support for Kiev’s crimes in the Donbass region to this day. This is all par for the course in McCain’s larger theme of challenging Russia– the country he believes controls the separatists in eastern Ukraine.


The story of McCain’s hatred of Russia spans back to the Cold War. We won’t get into McCain’s fear of communism that’s evolved into just general Russophobia. But we will say he didn’t have many excuses to focus on making threats towards Moscow for a good 15-20 year stretch.

This changed in 2008, with the war in South Ossetia between Georgia and Russia. During this conflict, McCain was the loudest voice saying the US “should immediately call a meeting of the North Atlantic Council to assess Georgia’s security and review measures NATO can take to contribute to stabilizing this very dangerous situation.”

This same situation repeated in Ukraine in 2014 but McCain’s worst comments came this year. As soon as the US Intelligence Community’s accused Russia of interference in the 2016 US elections– and without any evidence– McCain was first to say the event was an “act of war.”

North Korea

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DRPK/North Korea) was also an early target of McCain’s making his September 12th wish list. More recently though, the restyled “Trump opponent” McCain was all-in on the new regime’s saber rattling. Calling on Trump to strike the nuclear-armed country.


China is kind of in its own class with McCain, who’s made strange, vague threats towards the country in the past. Such as “the Arab spring is coming to China,” whatever that means. China may be a target on the periphery for McCain, but he does still encourage antagonizing the country to this day. Calling for things like more “freedom of navigation drills” and other naval exercises in the South China Sea.

So, in summation, next time someone asks why you don’t care about John McCain’s clock running out, show them this article. McCain has encouraged the spread of death worldwide. The day he leaves Congress will be a victory for the human race.

Other Links

Other Things

John McCain goes hard against fellow Conservatives.


The guy is dead.

I suppose that we should all now feel sorry that he is gone. Right? He was a “great” Senator. Um, I suppose so if you think killing people is a noble cause. He treated people like dust balls found under an old bed.  He didn’t care about others. No. Not really.

There is NOTHING good about war. Nothing.

When Donald Trump said that he was going to put Americans first, it was John McCain that jumped up and shouted back “Not, on my watch!”. He then went and did every single thing in his power to obstruct, impune and disparage the President. A President, mind you, that was part of his very own political party.

McCain was an obstructionist of the highest order.

He was also a liar. He would stomp about and make all kinds of promises to his conservative base, and turn around and not do a damn thing when he was back in Washington, D.C.. He was a real, bonified evil snake.

The reader might be aware that such a desire for war is a sickness of sorts.  When I was a little boy, I enjoyed war movies and monster movies where Tokyo is destroyed by a huge reptile run amok.  However, the desire for war, and glory, falls to the floor as one matures and realizes the importance of creating and improving one’s life.  It no longer lies in ruin and destruction.

Perhaps the huge brain tumor in the skull of John McCain might account (somewhat) for his predilection for inserting the United States in conflict around the globe.  I do not know for sure.  What I do know is that it is individuals like him that tend to destabilize the world, and through their actions, lower the standard of living for all Americans.

 “If Johnny McC wants to contribute to Society in his dying days, he should erect a Headstone in the form a Urinal.  I, for one desire to piss on this Bastards grave and would prefer an appropriate point of aim.  Adios, you Clueless, Miserable, Warmongering Fuck.” -Vatican_cameo 

In any event, thanks to him, by the time he died the USA was actively engaged in seven  wars all over the globe. Not one of which had any direct impact on the lives of middle class Americans. He was also active in trying to get in war with both Russia and China. He didn’t care which. He just wanted war!


John McCain legacy
John McCain legacy

Take Aways

  • America has squandered it’s wealth, and been involved in long drawn out wars in far away places.
  • These wars never benefited any Americans.
  • Leading the charge for war was RINO John McCain.
  • John McCain acted like Hitler on steroids. He wanted to have a war with everyone.
  • Now that he is dead, the world is a slightly safer place.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
1960's and 1970's link

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed 27AUG18.
  2. SEO review 27AUG18.
  3. Published 27AUG18.

How to tell if a wine is fake when in China

One of my favorite “hobbies” is to drink wine. I have developed quite a taste for this simple libation. It makes me relax, feel talkative, and helps me appreciate the food that I eat with it. It is a wonderful, and most excellent, beverage to share with friends and family alike.

That being said, you really need to be careful in what you drink. For, I live in China, and there are all kinds of “fake” products that will tempt you and poison you if you are not careful.

Don’t misunderstand. The Chinese police take making fake wines quite seriously and if you are caught making and selling fake wines the punishment can be severe. It can vary from a few years in jail to “death plus three”.

"Death plus three" is a criminal sentence that means that you are sentenced to death. However, you will live in a hard labor prison for three years where your organs may be harvested as needed by society.

Let’s talk about this for a while and the techniques that I have used to avoid bad and dangerous wines…


This post is an elaboration of a response that I gave to a fellow expat who asked how to select wines in China. It was a simple enough question. It went something like this; “How do I choose a wine in China?“.

Well, as a wine drinker, as opposed to a wine connoisseur, I responded in the only way that I knew how. I simply told the lass that you need to be careful. I told her that the high prices for wine in China has led to an environment whereas there can be a sea of fake wines that you must avoid.

She responded;

Oh wow I am completely shocked at this answer! I had no idea some of the wines were fake -- I thought since it's not a heavy liquor, I would be safe! 

I did have a headache for about 2 days last weekend and I wondered why... probably bad wine at Coco Park!! 

So let’s get started…

China is a nation of drinkers. Unlike the United States where there are prohibitions on behaviors, and various rules and laws making it increasingly difficult to drink and socialize. China has none of that. You are free to socialize and drink and smoke to your heart’s content.

In China you can drink alcohol without restraint.

They do not care if you kill yourself in the process. It is not the business of the government to protect you from yourself. If you are going to drink yourself to death, the government simply says “what ever you want, just don’t hurt anyone else in the process“.

This is quite different from the United States.

In the United States, laws have become tools to enforce behavior. All sorts of things are enforced. From having to wear a seat-belt, to having “child-resistant” caps on medicine bottles. America is a land of policed behavior with severe punishments for non-compliance.

Liquor sign.
In Pennsylvania, you can only buy your alcohol from a “state store”, or from a licensed Beer Distributor. This is because in Pennsylvania, only the government has the ability to tell you when, where and how much alcohol you can purchase. We don’t have those restrictions in communist China. You can buy it any time, at just about any place, by any one. Even a child.

Of course, all “vices” are restricted. Alcohol, being a vice, is restricted, taxed, and used as a control vector to guarantee mass compliance.

Some of the restrictions that are placed on Americans, in regards to alcohol, are;

  1. Road sobriety check-points, mandatory breathalyzer tests, and road-blocks.
  2. Companies that fire and fine you for being hungover. Such as GM.
  3. HR Set aside rules that require smoking off the property, or drinking during lunch hours.
  4. Insurance plans that penalize social behavior such as drinking.
  5. Requirements for proof of age to purchase.
  6. Laws on “open container carry”.

China doesn’t have any of these restrictions on behavior. It does not force people to behave in a structured manner “for the good of the nation“. Rather it’s laws are similar to British Common Law.

Instead of enforcing behavior, they seek restitution for victims. It is a completely different mind-set.

The history of hard alcohol in China

China has over 5000 years of drinking hard, playing hard and working hard.

That is not going to stop by some progressive busybody with a catchy slogan, a nice song and attractive television personalities. In fact, there were times when Chinese SJW’s tried to do exactly this…

SWJ in America compared to China.
SJW is not about what they talk about. They are following the same formula. It is the overthrow of the status quo by powerful interested people who wish to remain hidden.

These social justice warriors tried to take over. They tied to make a nice progressive utopia where a new way of acting, dress, and behavior were implemented. They did this numerous times in the past. Perhaps you, the reader, have heard of some of the attempts…

Each time, the movement by Social Justice Warriors fell apart. In their wake was left ruin and destruction. The Chinese government would have none of that. It no longer will accept Social Justice Warriors to disrupt social harmony.

Shame and torture of anyone opposing the SJW movement.
Anyone who did not agree with the SJW was denounced publicly. They were humiliated, and tortured. The youth ran the nation into the ground.

Here are some interesting posts on the subject if you wish to explore this venue further…

If the government suspects that you are a SJW, they will come after you. Trying to upset the social order, one that has been perfected for over 5000 years, is considered a serious crime. It is a crime against everything that China and the Chinese people stand for. You are thus considered a criminal of the highest order; a social misfit, with distorted views of your role in society, and a dangerous threat to those around you.

Ask how the SJW’s captured during the “Democracy Movement” have to say about their life today in 2018…

Felons in China.
Prisoners in China. No easy life for those whom upset the social harmony. These blokes are considered too dangerous to be set among society. They must be segregated as their ideas of change to a progressive social utopia is a cancer that must be extracted from society. I wonder how they are enjoying their life sentence in prison.

How wine is drunk

The Chinese do not drink wine like people in the West drink wine. They do not sip it, and enjoy the texture and flavor. No. Instead they drink it like they drink traditional 53° white wine; they gulp it down. They drink it down glass, by glass in big gulps.

I of course, only do so as part of business, and other Chinese social occasions. For instance like when I am with family, or with friends. At home, I drink wine like a normal person. I sip it. I taste it. I inhale the aroma and sample the complex textures.

In China, both red wine and baijiu is quaffed down.

Gan Bei
Everyone who has every been to China knows about Gan Bei. This is a fundamental part of Chinese culture, and if you are unaware of it, then you really have never visited China nor participated in the culture there.

The key here is an understanding that the Chinese culture places a great deal of importance in your ability to handle yourself when “shit face” drunk. Thus, the taste and aroma of a wine is of far less importance than the ability to get you staggering drunk.

In Chinese culture, Western wines opened up a new avenue to business and social get together’s. Here, instead of drinking 53° white wine we can drink 11° red wine. We can get drunk slower, and thus expand our time together for better fellowship and more time for social bonding.

It’s a win-win.

China opens to the West

China has always been partial to alcohol. It really doesn’t matter what it is. People have been drinking everything from beer to snake wine for many centuries. Long, long before the formation of the United States, Chinese poets were rowing out on lakes and offering drunken toasts to the moon.

Xi jinping
Xi kin ping drinking red wine. To be a businessman in China, mandates the ability to be able to drink strong alcohol.

There isn’t any political correctness here. If you are an adult, or a businessman, you drink. It’s pretty simple.

The Chinese have made all kinds of different types of wine and libations to suit their desire for strong alcoholic beverages. They have snake wine, frog wine, and all kinds of exotic herbal beverages that vary in taste and complexity.

Snake wine
Snake wine is very common in China. You can find it almost everywhere that wine is sold. Some of the snakes look frightening inside of the various jars and bottles.

Chinese adapt to Western wine

China has long been a friend to Western alcohol. Whether it was Shanghai in the 1920’s or Hong Kong and Macao, the Chinese love for Western wines and alcohol has continued unabated. When the United States had prohibition and forced everyone to hide their love of alcohol, the Chinese were merrily drinking themselves under the table.

For the most part, the Chinese have had access to alcohol from all over the world for a long time. This includes the leadership of Mr. Mao who implemented hard-core communist progressive laws, rules and behaviors. While the revolutionary zeal was taking hold on university campuses all over the nation, and inspirational slogans were being painted on large flowing red banner, the average Chinese family was happily quaffing down alcohol in spectacular amounts.

For the most part, these moments were “white wine” moments. Or to use a more appropriate term “moonshine”.

The best white wine in China is Moutai. It is pure moonshine and comes in 53%. Ugh!

However, China underwent a drastic change when Mr. Deng started to implement his reforms.

You know, Americans have no idea. Absolutely ZERO idea about what Mr. Deng did. Oh, maybe one in a thousand heard of “Mr. Deng reforms”, but that is a rare person indeed.

What Mr. Deng did was threw out all the social policies, and economic policies of communism. That’s right. He implemented, what could best be termed “American Hard-right Conservative Free-Market” policies. Though you will NEVER hear the left-leaning mainstream American media ever talk about this.

Mr. Deng memorial
In downtown Shenzhen is a park. It is next to the stock exchange building. There, were every single stock trader, and visitor to Shenzhen can see, is a huge bill board dedicated to that man that revolutionized China and make Shenzhen happen; Mr. Deng. He believed, really believed in the American conservative process and felt that the Chinese communist government should embrace the elements that have worked so well in America for the last two hundred years. Many in Beijing fought him. They wanted a central government controlling the economy. They wanted a central government controlling and dictating the social behaviors of the Chinese citizens. However, Mr. Deng was proven right. Modern China is the direct result of his adoption of conservative American economic and free-market policies.

One of the reasons why China is so successful is simply because of Mr. Deng. Every school child in China knows about the important role that Mr. Deng had. Everyone in China knows this. Though, of course, they don’t call it “American brand of conservatism”. They call it “Communism with Chinese systems”.

A name is just a name.

A demand is created

upermarket in China.
Here is a typical wine isle in a supermarket. You can go to smaller wine and tobacco stores if that is your preference. i tend to stick to the big grocery stores and only buy wines that I know of, and I can trust from that store. You can never be too careful when buying wine in China.

Once China “opened up” and free-market trade was promoted, a middle class of people suddenly appeared. Under a socialist nation, whether it is socialist-lite or hard-core full-on communist, there are only two classes of people. This is the [1] government ruling class, and [2] the workers that serve them. (Which pretty much explains the mentality of those in the American oligarchy.)

However, under a free-market society, society does not stratify. It blends. There becomes bands of society.It isn’t a homogenized society under a central government where everyone is”equal”. It is a society that is an aggregate of different people, different cultures, and different lifestyles.

Seemingly over-night a middle class appeared in China.

This middle class had an enormous appetite for Western goods. People started to dress better, enjoy the finer things in life, and strive to build up their lives from a socialist utopia where they could never be given the opportunity. For once the government has you in it’s little box, the odds that you will ever leave it, are increasingly remote.

The Chinese saw the opportunity and seized it.

Suddenly a demand for all things “Western” was created. The Chinese wanted to act, dress and be American. They started to copy American clothing, fashions, and ways of doing things.  The desire was intense, and everyone wanted to be like Americans.

American chain restaurants opened up in China. The most famous are KFC, Pizza Hut, McDonalds and Burger King. The Chinese took to American culture like a starving dog chomps on a steak. For decades, the demand was insatiable.

Which is why outside elements (non-Chinese) started to instigate the “Pro-Democracy” movement. here, Chinese social justice warriors, with financial backing from outside of China, tried to force China to implement “democracy” inside of China. The only thing was, of course, that they did not want democracy, they wanted an authoritarian socialist government with the name of democracy with them in charge.

Ok. Ok, I’m getting off the subject again. But to know China, you need to know what has been going on for the last number of decades or so…

Fake wine flourishes

Ah wine. It is good with everything.

A walk in the clouds
The romance movie “A walk in the clouds” has this grandfather in it that appeals to my sensibilities, now that I am a retired gent. You need to live life to the fullest and appreciate what you have WHILE you have it.

With the middle class, came the desire for red wine. Not only will the Chinese enjoy white wine, but they will also enjoy red wine. And what a demand that it created! The Chinese demand for red wine was off the charts! Everyone was drinking it.


And, with demand came fakes. People started to create fake wine, made out of all kinds of ingredients. They discovered that they could recycle imported bottles, and even have local factories make look-alike bottles. The ability to make a copy of a wine label was child’s-play. They could  take the cheapest white wine, mix it with grape juice and sell it under some kind of American, French or Spanish brand and sell it for 1000x the cost to make it.

Communities share fake wine recipes

First off, let me make one thing perfectly clear; China has some most excellent locally produced wines. You can get a nice ChengYu or a GreatWall, both very common throughout China and enjoy a good budget bottle of wine. You can also get wines from smaller independent Chinese wineries that are quite magnificent.

I don’t buy wines by price tag. I look for a good, and real wine. I look for local or well known wines that are difficult to fake. I drink wine for the taste. So, with this being said, I am certainly not a wine connoisseur. Instead, I am a consumer of good real wine.

I like a good real wine. If it tastes good, than that is good enough for me.

Good Chinese wines
Above, a selection of Chinese wines that have received praise from critics and made it into a shopping basket. They include wines from 1421 Winery, Kanaan, Grace Vineyard, Leirenshou and Chateau Nine Peaks.

But, you know, fake wines are a real problem. Here in China, fake goods are everywhere. Oh, yes. It was much worse a few years back. The Corruption Police out of Beijing has really clamped down on all this nonsense. They are going after all the evil doers. They are armed, trained and go after them like the IRS goes after an American taxpayer. They are that ruthless!

The thing is that there are entire communities that share recipes on making fake wines, and a network of distributors that purloin these fake goods to the consumer. This is quite an elaborate organization and consists of all sorts of people doing all sorts of questionable activities.

The police step in

Wine section.
This is a typical wine and booze section of a grocery store. Here we see folk buying their preferred libation in the North in the Winter.

In China, the police have a duty to protect the people. This is different than in the United States where the police have the duty of enforcing behavior.

So instead of arresting a five year old girl for selling lemonade, trying to seize someone’s children because the 11 year old was walking alone from school one day, and fining you for having dangling plastic “horse balls” on the hitch of your pickup truck, the Chinese will devote their time towards making China safe.

They have a long road ahead of them.

I will say this, In the United States we NEVER have to worry about fake wines. We never worry about fake beer, fake cigarettes, and fake cigars. We have come to accept this as normal, without giving the American culture the credit it deserves. People, America is what it is because of the people who live there.

Good or bad, right or wrong. It is the people that determine how a country works.

Fake Wine
Huge stockpiles of fake premium spirits and wines are tracked down during a campaign against fakes, Nanning, southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 6 November 2011.
Nearly 200 mainland cities publicly destroyed tens of millions of fake and substandard goods on 6 November as part of a major publicity drive intended to rein in the country’s booming counterfeiting industry. More than 25 million items were confiscated by police as part of Operation Draw the Sword – a campaign which, according to Xinhua, is also aimed at thwarting the production of imitation designer clothes, fake cosmetics and foodstuffs.

The underground market persists

Like it or not, this ability to make fake wine is a profitable venture. There are many who will happily concoct a few hundred cases of fake wine so that they can buy a new car or two. It’s difficult to eradicate.  However, I can honestly say that the situation is much better than it was just five years ago.

Fake wine being destroyed.
Here we have some more fake wine being destroyed. Notice the cases upon cases lining the wall behind the officer.

Back then, you could not tell at all the difference between a fake wine and a real wine. Often most of the wines in a store might be completely fake. That all started to turn around in 2014 by the massive police crackdowns and raids in Dongguang.

Fake wines being destroyed.
Chinese police destroy cases upon cases of wine seized by police on a raid in a warehouse.

The dangers of fake wine

The people who make these fake wines do everything from relabeling cheap local wine to concocting a toxic mixture of factory chemicals, and rat poison. You really don’t want to put any of this nonsense into your body. It could hurt you terribly.

The problem with fake wine is that you don’t know what is in it. Many times the chemicals that are put inside are done so for color, appearance, and to create the illusion that the liquid is real wine. I have heard of all kinds of things being added to the mixture. I have heard of rancid Duran fruit, I have heard of locomotive degreaser, and rubbing alcohol added to the “wine” to give it that rosy glow when sipped. You do not want to put any of these chemicals in your body. You could develop cancer, get a brain tumor or have your dick fall off.

What ever you do, stay away from fake wines.

How to avoid fake wine

Here’s some rules of thumb that I use…

Yellow tail is a fine import and it is real. It is from Australia. You can get it at the “D” supermarket. Prices fluctuate. Expect to pay at least 60 RMB a bottle. Normal prices are 75 RMB a bottle. Of course, I drink by the case, so I am always looking for real wine at decent prices. You can always find 350 RMB bottles of wine, and I think that you are just throwing your money away at that.

Great Wall has a good dry red wine. But there are many fakes out there. Expect to pay from 65 to 75RMB a bottle at a large name supermarket such as ren ren le. It’s the real deal and pretty good as well.

Great Wall look
Great Wall is a famous brand of wine in China. As such, you can buy it everywhere. The winery has often purchased small regional farms and sell the local wines under their catch-all name brand. In general, stick to Great Wall bottles that have this appearance. There are many fakes of Great wall out there. I only buy Great Wall wine that comes in either this bottle and appearance of an older and plainer form…

This is what a bottle or REAL “Great Wall” wine  looks like.  Note the top of the wine. When you remove the cork, you will notice that the cork is plastic synthetic. It is not real cork. Real cork is cheap and it is used in fake wines.

There are different types of wine corks. You can look at the wine cork to determine the overall quality of the wine. In general, the better wines have better corks, with both the plastic corks and the twist-off- tops becoming more popular.

Great wall has many types of wines. They have bought up smaller vineyards, and often sell the cheaper wine under their logo. You have to be careful.

Basic Great Wall wine
I call this bottle the “old style” appearance of the Great Wall. It is a good basic wine, and I have yet to find a fake version. Typically you can buy it for around 45 yuan, or roughly $7 USD.

You can tell a fake bottle by the following guidelines… If you are sharing a bottle with another, a real bottle will make you feel warm. Two bottles will make you feel good, but not drunk. You will feel drunk on the third bottle.  A fake bottle of wine will be quite different.

You will get drunk on the first bottle when you are sharing it. By the second bottle if your partner is sitting up with drool coming out of their mouth it is certainly fake. The next day both of you will have splitting headaches, and really bad fake wine will result in messed up stomach and body for at least a week.

Real wine will NEVER give you a headache the next day even if you drink four bottles yourself. Although, you might “potato head” for the duration of the morning.

ChengYu bottle top.
If you ever find a bottle of Great Wall with this kind of top, run away. Typically the brand uses a straight sided top. This top style is common on ChengYu, not on Great Wall.

If you buy in quantity, you can get real wine down to 200 RMB/case. Which is around 33 RMB/ bottle. But you will need to drink a few bottles first before you can tell the difference. In china, price has no bearing on the quality of the wine. Only the store’s reputation does.

Ten days ago I paid 71 RMB for a bottle of “Great Wall” that I felt funny about, but I figured that it must of been ok because of the name and the price. I was wrong. It took two days to get rid of the headache.

Fake wines are a REAL problem in China. If you drink like I do, you can really mess up yourself really bad by drinking that poison. Lord only knows what goes in it. I have read stories that they use rubbing alcohol, automobile antifreeze, oven cleaner, and horse tranquilizers to get the desired flavors. They take grape juice, and add the chemicals. and age it in a kind of heated tub in the back of a pig farm, and then bottle it in reused foreign wine bottles. YUCK!

Great Wall choices.
Great Wall wines are known to come in different sizes and shapes. This makes it very difficult to distinguish between real and fake wines. I don’t try. I only stick with the types that I know are good, and do not take a risk with bad wine or fake wine.

Great wall has many types and shapes and sizes. But remember, only go to a good reliable grocery store, and buy the real stuff. Not the fake stuff. This is why most Chinese prefer either Beer or White Wine. You cannot fake either of them, but you can fake red wine.

A “copy cat” fake is a fake wine dressed up to look like a real wine. As most Chinese wines are unknown wines with made up names, labels and points of origin. You can not tell from the bottle shape. You cannot tell from the bottle labels, or seals. You cannot tell from the boxes that the wines come from. The problem is that all of the international wines get their labels, bottles, corks, and boxes out of China. So it is easy for the Chinese to make doubles.

Anyways, I once got some fake “Sharaz” that was Yellow Tail from a good store. So even if you know what you are doing, you can get tricked. You have got to be careful.

Always remember the cork. If the cork is made out of plastic or a synthetic, then it is probably good. If it is a made out of a real cork, then it is a fake. The reason for this is that anyone can by cork. It is cheap and easy to get. Synthetic cooks are expensive, and regulated. There is also a MOQ (minimum order quantity) with is often much larger than the volume of the fake wine batch.

If you want to get a good bottle that won’t cause any of your internal organs to collapse, then stick to beer, JinJiu, or white wine. Beware, some of the fakes are REALLY good and taste quite good. You might not realize it, but there are complete families that trade the secrets of good fake tasting wines. They improve their mixture over time, and some of the best can sell some very good tasting products that can bring them a lot of money. … Provided that only one or two bottles are drunk by non-drinkers.

Some rules of thumb. All wine from bars, or from the Internet are fake.  All wines that come from Spain are fake. All wines that are in a store (even a good store) that are “on sale” and they only have one pallet of it (maybe fifty cases) are fake…fake…fake.

Stick to what you know. Stick to known brands, reputable stores and sellers.

Levels of fake

The quality of fake products are stratified.

  • Level 1 – The best fakes. Real wine from a local producer is placed in expensive bottles and sold as the expensive brand.
  • Level 2 – Awkward nastiness. Real cheap local wine is diluted down with water, and dangerous non-potable alcohol is added to increase the potency of the beverage. This stuff can make you sick, and give you headaches that can last for days.
  • Level 3 – Horrible shit. Very little real wine is used. Instead a concoction of different local medicines, and liquids are compiled together. This can consist of such things as cantaloupe rinds and liquidized horse feed mixed with cheap denatured alcohol. This stuff will make you physically sick, and can cause you to be hospitalized if you binge drink with it.


Fake wine takes away from the beauty of life. Some assholes, and they really are assholes, are trying to profit at your expense. Fake wine is a problem.

Keep in mind the most important rule of wine.

The Rule of Wine
Wine should be drank with friends and family alongside some fine delicious food. The most important aspect is happy times together.

Wine should be enjoyed with friends and family. I think a nice song, and maybe a dance is also appropriate. Drink wine while eating food. I like fresh crunchy loaves of bread. I like nice chunks of cheese and a spread of olives, cutup fresh heirloom tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and peppers. Life is too short not to appreciate the better things in life.

And what is better than spending time with your friends and your family? Not too much else, I am afraid.

Wine to be enjoyed
Wine should be shared. It should be shared with friends and family. It should be enjoyed with good morsels of tasty food. It should we shared with the ones that you love and who holds meaning to you personally.

I think that wine goes great with food. When you are together with friends and family, the wine really makes the times cheerful. Our faces get red and rosy and  we talk about our days, our opinions, and our dreams. I especially think that foods with sauces go great with wine. I really enjoy a nice “Italian style” dinner with a few bottles of wine. Oh baby, yes!

Garlic bread
I really like to eat garlic bread with my wine. The crunchy bread is awesome with the wine. What I like to do is get some olive oil. Then, I heat the olive oil up, then I dip the bread into the hot olive oil, then i take the olive oil soaked garlic bread into a shallow bowl of Parmesan cheese. The cheese ends up completely covering the soaked bread. It is delicious. You take a nice bite of that tasty crunchiness, and then a nice sip of wine afterwards.

There are all kinds of foods that go well with wine. I like to think that sandwiches go best with an icy cold beer, but there are many, many foods that go well with wine. For instance,  How about an Italian Grinder?

Italian grinder
Wouldn’t you like to have a nice bite of this sandwich? In Boston these are called “Grinders”. They are just an Italian hoagie. However, I really like mine with some Italian cold cuts, a nice selection of cheese and some drizzled olive oil and spices. Then I like it toasted briefly in a toaster oven. You take a nice bite of this, and then have a sip of nice red wine. Ah, so nice.

Fun Links

Life is about friendship.
Life is far too short not to enjoy it. Wine is not expensive. You can get a decent bottle for $5 USD. I suggest that you get a bottle of wine, and get a cheap pepperoni pizza and call up some friends and have a pizza and wine party. Why not? What is stopping you? Heck, what about your father or mother? What about your brother or sisters? Life is too short not to enjoy it TODAY.

Take Aways

  • As I get older, I come to appreciate the importance of wine.
  • Wine is wonderful with food.
  • Wine is served best when it is served with friends.
  • Fake wine is a problem in China.
  • There are precautions that a person can take to avoid fake wine.
  • Remember the Rule of Wine.
Friends drinking wine
Life should be spent with your friends. They are very important. How good is watching a football game, unless you have your friends nearby? How much fun is going on a hike in the woods unless you have a hiking companion? Friends are important. Make the moments together special… drink wine.


Q: Why are there so many fake products in China?
A: This is because it is profitable. Many of the fake products are quite good and functional. For instance, there are “grades” of a fake product. You can have a fake LV handbag that is made from the same material, and the same suppliers as the real LV. This is a top grade fake. Then you can have a terrible cheap knock off that doesn’t look anything at all like a LV bag. It’s all a matter or degree.

Q: Can you drink a fake bottle of wine and not get sick?
A: Yes. There are many fakes that are just simply local wines repackaged into expensive bottles, expensive labels and expensive price tags. The buyer is thus cheated. He is paying steak prices for dogfood.

Q: What is the Rule of Wine?
A: Wine should be drank with friends and family alongside some fine delicious food. The most important aspect is happy times together.

Q:  What if I don’t want to drink wine?
A: That is fine too. You can go ahead and call some friend over and do something else. The important thing is to spend time together with people who are meaningful to you.  Make a difference and appreciate the time that you all are spending together.

Links about China


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  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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  1. Created 26AUG18.
  2. Content completed 27AUG18.
  3. SEO review 27AUG18.
  4. Published 27AUG18.

Be Who You Are

If there were some kind of words of wisdom that I could impart to the reader, or if there was some advice that I could give the reader relative to my experiences and my knowledge, what would it be?

Let me think…

 “The most powerful thing that we can be is ourselves. I love what  Zachary was saying because that's us. We were always that little kid.  We're still that little kid. Right — just aspiring to be something  better. Aspiring to be important.” 

-Dwayne, The Rock

First off…

Put your phone away. Turn that fucker off. When you come home and throw your keys into a basket, catchall, or other small container, toss your phone in with them. When it’s with you — and in your pocket — the mental clutter of an entire Internets worth of headlines and viral videos can be too much to resist.

No. This is not about the NSA spying on you. Though it does. No. This is not about Google tracking your location. Though it does. No. This is not about privacy or peace, though those are significant issues. No.

Having your phone always next to you is like having a stack of newspapers and magazines on the floor that you have yet to read. Only when you ditch the newspapers because you realize they’re literally old news will the mental space they’re crouching on be freed up.

It’s true. I used to collect all kinds of magazines. If I was too busy to read the articles, I would save the magazines for later. Over time, I never read the articles. No matter how interesting or well written they were. Instead, the stack just got larger and larger. It became a “to do” item on a growing list of “to do” items.

Remember, regardless of the content, if it is not PHYSICALLY part of YOUR life, it is not important to you directly. Those memes don’t call to you if your phone isn’t within reach…

Be who you are.
Be who you are. Stop trying to please everyone else. Stop trying to listen to the “experts” who tell you what to eat, how to dress, when to sleep and who to be with. Stop trying to follow the rules that tell you what to say and how to behave. This is your life Darn it!
“Hold yourself to a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.”

— Henry Ward Beecher

Quick Summary

This is your life. It’s yours.

This is your reality that you exist within. Everyone around you are but very lively and interesting “shadows”. While they might be part of your reality, they are not part of who you are. They are not you.

To really live your life, as GOD intended, you need to live it on YOUR terms.

What about you?

Throughout this blog, I spent a lot of time describing MY own personal experiences. But what does that matter to you; the reader?

How can it possibly matter?  What is the significance of all of this?  Where does what I have written here lead to?  Will you make more money?  Will your body be healthier, and your personality improve?  Will you find that members of the opposite sex will be drawn to you?

I really do not know.  Every person is different.

Everyone who reads this blog reacts differently to it.  Some of the comments are completely cruel and uncalled for.  Some are just nonsense, maybe generated by a computer algorithm. Others seem to be from a middle school student who cannot spell very well. Honestly, I don’t keep up with the latest texting slang and abbreviations. To me, it reads like gibberish.

I find that most readers only read the first three paragraphs or so and then skims down the the bottom of the page before exiting. Very few ever read the entire article. Those that do, are the ones who derive full benefit of the topic content.

Would you try to understand?

This blog is not what everyone expects.

It is not intended to be set up like a conventional blog, news article, editorial, disclosure or “whistle-blower” statement. There is a completely different purpose behind this blog. If you are here reading this, perhaps you do UNDERSTAND.

I do not expect, at all, to have a following like Robert Greene has with his book the 48 Laws of Power.  I would be nice, but it really isn’t necessary. I do not require a following to get my message across. I only need one or two key people.

The 48 Laws of Power has sold over 1.2 million copies in the United States and has been translated into 24 languages. Fast Company called the book a "mega cult classic," and The Los Angeles Times noted that The 48 Laws of Power turned Greene into a "cult hero with the hip-hop set, Hollywood elite and prison inmates alike."

You have read this blog for reasons unknown.  You slugged through it.  You persevered.  You have reached this point in time, where you now are saying “What the fuck?”.  What have you gotten out of this?

Understanding? What kind of understanding is this all about?

Men need to be “awake”

We have to realize that we live in a world that is increasingly confused, uncertain, and paralyzed that is calling out for men of action.

  • We need to stop thinking and start acting.
  • Stop looking at the big red button and push it.
  • Stop planning and take a step forward.
  • Stop talking about grit and take a hit.

In short, the world needs men. I’m not sure if you’ll answer the call. I do know some will, though, and that’s all we need.

I cannot provide a “one size fits all” kind of manuscript.  I cannot describe things for a woman (or for a woman’s point of view), as opposed to that of a man.

Personally, I think preserving a few small differences in the expectations of male/female behavior, simply as symbols of our differences, keeps things fun. Rules and traditions give life texture and meaning, as opposed to living life in an entirely blah postmodern wasteland. Sameness is boring. Differences create attraction.

That being pointed out, all I can do is explain what I know in the context of what I understand.

I tried to be inclusive, but people are far too diverse.

Let your profession be a labor of love
Let your profession be a labor of love. Do what makes you happy and what you are good at. Damn the rest of the world sitting on the sidelines eating popcorn. Take a leading role in your life.  Instead of watching the movie, instead of talking about the movie, actually LIVE the movie.

We need a set and clear objective

Integration is the key word here. Each of us has to decide on the end game—is the goal to help people become more positive or a fully functioning, human being? The former is artificial and the latter is messy and nuanced. Choose to see the complexity of human beings, and we will be of greater service to helping ourselves and humanity.

Make a difference
Make a difference in the lives of the people around you. You can do it. Just smile more. Be kinder. Try to be helpful. Take time, and set time to be the best you that you can be.

Everything, and I do mean everything, is all about us and how we live within our reality. It is all about what we do with your life. It is what we do with our time, our friends and our purpose.

This is YOUR reality.

We need to integrate it. We need to integrate it with ourselves and be the person that we were intended to be.


You, the reader have read about my adventures, and perhaps wonder if you may also get this “kind” of opportunity in the future.  I can tell the reader this; YES.

Yes. Eventually, depending on your conscious efforts toward sentience construction (in the physical embodiment) you will get this “kind” of opportunity.

The change in mindset will absolutely create a change in thoughts.  This change in thinking will completely change your physical life; it will become more adventurous.  However, the decision to live this life is a difficult one.

Indeed, the choice to live an adventurous lifestyle is not an easy one. It is very difficult to break free of the monotonous routine of daily life when you have been repeating it for years on end.

You can easily come up with a handful of excuses why you shouldn’t book that weekend whitewater rafting trip, travel to a foreign country, or make an appointment for your first SCUBA lesson. I can’t get off of work, I shouldn’t spend the money, who will watch the kids, etc. There is only one way to break the routine, and that is to just do it. Keep in mind the words of George Mallory, known for attempting the first ascent of Everest;

“What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to live. That is what life means and what life is for.”

Of course it will happen, this is your reality and it is ruled by your thought.  If the reader is confused, then please reread the post on reality.  But, no, it will not be identical to what I experienced.  It will (probably) NOT be in some sort of a top-secret government project. You probably won’t be part of MAJestic.

No, it will not be that obvious.

No, you will not realize what it is until AFTER you have participated in it.  However, like it or not, YOU will have this opportunity.  (Maybe not in this physical reincarnation, but it will happen to one of your incarnations. Every person goes through a sorting process to settle their sentience configuration vector.)

The easy way…

Finally, and for the record; No, you cannot pay money and buy a ticket or education that will enable this transformation.  It will only occur when you are ready.  This means emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Nothing that you can do physically, aside from altering of your thoughts, can enable this transformation.

As the saying goes; “You cannot buy your way into heaven.”

“When I envied a man’s spurs then they were indeed worth coveting.”

Zane Grey
Be the man that your parents would be proud of
Be a man that your parents would be proud of. Do great things. Be a man that others would emulate. Be good. Be special. Be what you were intended to be. Do it because of who you are. Do not do it our of fear of Hell, fear of the police, or fear of other concerns. Do it simply because it is who you are.


Stop placing your fate in someone else hands. It’s time to take control of your life. Instead of being the ship, be the captain that controls the ship.

Having a bunch of loose ends in your life is heavy psychological baggage. It’s like an orchestra where everyone’s playing a different piece. The music would be terrible. You have to step in as the conductor and get each instrument on the same page, all working together to create something beautiful.

Be the person in charge of your life.

You are no longer a student; a child. When we were a child our parents taught us. They guided us. When we were students, it was our teachers that guided us. When we got our first job, it was our supervisors that guided us. Later, where we got married, it was our spouse that guided us.

Stop that train of behavior.

You are an adult. Take charge of your life.

First Steps

Start by making a list of the things in your life that you’re not happy with. Pick one of the problems and come up with a concrete plan of action on how you’re going to tackle it.

  • Unhappy work, job or career.
  • Unhappy health or appearance.
  • Unhappy relationships or lack thereof.
  • Unhappy financial or health situation.

This simply means sitting down with a notebook and not getting back up again until you’ve figured out a solution, a few concrete steps you can take to solve the problem.

And then you follow-through with your plan with absolutely no excuses.


Now, if there’s really nothing you can do to change the situation, then come up with a way that you can change your reaction to what’s happening.

Change yourself.

Let the rest of the world adapt to the NEW you.

Don’t let other people dictate how you feel. Controlling your emotions and deciding how to feel on your own terms is one of the manliest and most satisfying accomplishments in life.

Second Steps

Once you successfully tackle one problem, your confidence in your problem-solving abilities will increase, your sense of being in control of your life will increase, your resiliency will be continually strengthened, and your confidence will be further enhanced. And the cycle will continue.

Your life is not fixed. It is malleable and it can be whatever you want it to be.

Bronco Billy is living his dream.
Be like Bronco Billy. Live your dream. You don’t have to be a poor shoe salesman in New York city. You can recreate your life into something that appeals to you. Don’t be afraid. Follow your dream.

Therefore, I can at least provide some basic guidelines (The larger theme here demands ignoring the popular narrative and thinking both independently and unconventionally.) to the reader towards their own personal growth and behavior,  Let me take a moment to address these issues…

  1. I strongly urge the reader to accept the sentience that they are inclined towards. Do not try to be what you are not.  Your soul determined this physical incarnation.  Utilize it.  Learn from it.
  2. There are positive and negative aspects in everything. Try to bring out the positive in everything that you do.
  3. Be you. Most importantly; do not take what I have written as a behavioral guide. It was my life, but not your life.  It was full of errors and mistakes.  Therefore, I urge you to be you.  Be who you are; just as you are.
  4. Consider your strengths. Start basing your self-concept on your strengths, not on external things. This isn’t some banal self-esteem affirmation where everyone is special just “because”. Your strengths are the things that truly make you unique and give you something special to offer the world.
  5. You are unique. Allow yourself to feel confident in what you have to offer people. We may never be superheroes in the comic book sense, but you should look at your strengths like your unique “superpowers” that you can use as a force of good in the world.
  6. Do your best in everything. Be kind.  Accept others exactly as they are, and don’t try to change or mold them.  (Trying to change others is a “service to self” mentality, but more importantly it causes quantum entanglements.  You might want to avoid that carefully.)
  7. Accept your belief structure as a fundamental part of who you are and recognize that it is neither good, nor bad. But rather an extension of your very being and essence.  That means both the spiritual and political aspects of your being.

To Impart Information

I hope what I wrote in this blog, somehow and at some level, benefited you in some way.  It is not my intention to change the reader, but to impart information that I have accumulated over the years.

I wish to distill it into a format for the greatest bulk of the population to enjoy.  What the reader and their friends do with the information can only be speculated upon, but I do indeed hope that the end result will be a positive one.

Be who you are and what you are destined to be.

“My prejudice was that the ideal man is a woman in a man’s body. And I learned, no, that’s really not. There are a lot of women out there who really want a manly man, and they want his stoicism,”


A lesbian feminist disguised herself as a man for a period of time to see first hand the differences in gender.  She wanted to make a case in favor of male privilege and the need for men to change their behavior and act more like women for a just and fairer world.  

She was wrong and this amazing article describes her discoveries. Because of her experiences her views about men have changed forever.  

“Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have, but they don’t have it better,they need our sympathy. They need our love, and maybe they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together.” 

Ironically, Vincent said, it took experiencing life as a man for her to appreciate being a woman. “I really like being a woman. … I like it more now because I think it’s more of a privilege.” 

Trying to change the actions and behaviors of others to suit your own ignorance or needs is a selfish action.  It is a sure fire sign of “service to self” sentience, however, when the person learns the objective lessons in the folly, then one is well on the road to altering their sentience.  Though it might prove painful.

You have Strengths

Embrace your strengths as the arsenal of tools you have to meet life’s challenges. Unlike external things, your strengths can go anywhere and help you in any situation.

Consider what you have…

  • Energy to start the day.
  • Resiliency to keep at it, time and time again.
  • The ability to forge ahead and never give up.
  • The ability to do your best, while the rest of the world laughs at you.
  • The ability to endure.

If shit happens… and it will…

If you get divorced, if you are let go from your job, or you are forced to move to a new place, it will be your strengths that will be hanging around your shoulders like a bandoleer.

It will be your skills, your abilities and your raw power of personality.

They are there, ready to be employed to build something new. For you are the Rambo of resiliency.

Humphry Bogart as Dobbs. He was a man who was down on his luck, cheated when we found work, and swindled upon so badly that no one would give him a dime for a cup of coffee.

Exercise your strengths. Use them. The exercise of your strengths are the path to true fulfillment, gratification, satisfaction, and happiness. Find ways to employ your strengths more often in your job, relationships, families, and faith.

The more fulfilled you feel, the stronger you’ll feel as a man, and the easier it will become to take risks and brush off setbacks.

For the Younger Fellas…

You’re only young once. This is the only time in your life where you don’t have any obligations– no mouths to feed, no mortgage to pay, no employees to look after.

You’re free.

Don’t waste your time and freedom indulging in endless leisure activities or posting pictures of your latest dessert on Instagram. This is the time to truly learn… to put your heart and soul into building the knowledge, skills, and character that can set you up for the rest of your life.

An end result

This blog is the end result (I believe) that former President Ronald Reagan intended way back in 1981.  This is what he meant when I signed onto MAJestic. This is what he was talking about…

In the office.
It was a little like this scene from the movie “Top Gun”, except that the office was much, much larger. The commander was not so casual. He was friendly, but businesslike.

Make your life something significant.  Make it worthwhile.  Make it a positive impact.  Try your best, and be the best “you” that you can be.  Do not model your life after someone else life. Do not model it after mine. Design your own.

Make yours matter.  Make your life count.

Be a great person.
Be a GREAT person. I don’t know if the reader has actually seen this episode, but Pam invites the entire office to her art show that she’s been gearing up for for a really long time. Nobody shows up except for Oscar and his partner (and they critique her work, calling her “lacking in courage” among other things, not realizing she is standing right behind them) and then Michael. However, Michael is the only one who tells her she is great just for putting herself out there, and the only one who places value on what she’s done. He points out all the little details she got right and notices absolutely every bit of hard work she put into it. He then treats Pam like the artist she is by not just paying her for her art, but displaying it where literally everyone can see it. It’s one of my favorite episodes.

Start today

Start today.  Say out loud “This is NOT how my life will end.”

Begin with kindness.  Start slow, and just be yourself.

“…he was an idealist who went after the attainable; a dreamer who was a man among strong men; a man who faced life with superb assurance and who could face death serenely imperturbable. These were my first impressions; which months of companionship only confirmed.”

-W. B. Hargrave

Every day, in little tiny ways, just be the best you that you can be.  Groom yourself well.  Think before you speak.  Smile.  Sit straight.  Radiate.  Park your car straighter.

Oh, but you’ve heard it all before… haven’t you?

“Once you declare an idea or person to be your enemy, you give them a room in your mind. Within that room you insert their history, strategies, tactics, strengths, and weaknesses. You dedicate more of your waking hours to understanding how to defeat them. As time passes, items from that room start to leak out into your being, until you look in the mirror and realize that you are not that different from your enemy.”

-You become what you fight by RooshV

However, this time, yes this time, listen.

Be a man

Concentrate on yourself, and being the best you that you can possibly be. Don’t worry about everyone else. Do your best. Do more than the “next guy”. Be the one who shows up on time. Make your word your bond. Look people in the eye when you speak with them.

Be a MAN god dammit!

Why not you?
Often it is not what we think we want or what we believe would make our lives meaningful that matter. It is the way and manner by which our adventures unfold through our thoughts and actions. Our soul directs the events that help mold our thoughts. Our thoughts create our realities that in turn result in our physical reactions. When offered a choice, one must be prepared to recognize that it was our thoughts and our soul that led us blindly to that nexus.

Present yourself in a businesslike fashion while on the job.   Be kind to those around you. Be good to animals.  Water a plant.  Refrain from shooting off an angering post or e-mail.  Stop reacting. Stop being manipulated by others. Visit your grandparents unexpectedly.

Have some class

Men get angry and resentful when they agree to something that compromises who they are, what they stand for. Men who have developed their “non-negotiable, and unalterable terms”, have no problem cooperating as long as they’re not asked to compromise what’s important, their non-negotiable, unalterable terms.

Be who you are, but work with others to achieve mutual benefit to all.

Kind Letter
Your goal should be one of two outcomes in everything that you do. Either [1] put a smile on the face of someone, or [2] be neutral. By adding sun and happiness in the world you enrich the world around you. If you cannot enrich the world, then please be neutral. It will help you in the long run. Trust me. All those “trolls” on the internet, are now finding that their life outside of their computer personality has become shabbier, problematic and tarnished. It is our actions and thoughts that define our reality.

Help Others

Help others. We all have a calling in life.  I believe it boils down to one thing: You are here on this planet to help other people. In fact, none of us can exist very long without help from others.

It is our higher calling.

This thought was brought home forcefully in a story that Garret Keizer recounts in his insightful book “Help: The Original Human Dilemma”.

Supposedly in hell the damned sit around a great pot, all hungry, because the spoons they hold are too long to bring the food to their mouths. In heaven, people are sitting around the same pot with the same long spoons, but everyone is full. Why? Because in heaven, people use their long spoons to feed one another. (Thus, my strong urge towards service to other sentience.)

Cultivate your relationships

Take your dad out for coffee. (That was my last memory of my father before he died. We went out for coffee and donuts.)

Buy your mother some flowers. (That will be a wonderful surprise! She would be so very surprised.  You know that this is true.  Do it.  See what happens. It will just MAKE HER DAY. Do it, just “because”. I promise you that it would be a memory that she would treasure.)

Email an old friend and just say hi.

Be Attentive

Just act a little more attentively.

STOP multi-tasking. If you are going to eat, turn off the phone and eat, and talk with your companions.  If you are going to play basketball, then play. If you are going to talk to someone on the phone, do not go watching television at the same time.

Multi-tasking is not at all appropriate for men.  It is something that women do well, but not men.

Don’t believe me?  Try carrying on a very serious conversation with your wife, while you are trying to watch a game on television.  She will NOT accept your attempt at multi-tasking. She will demand your full attention.

Do good things

Do good things.  Make your life matter.  We are what we do every day. Make a difference.

  • Smile more often.
  • Slow down when you do things.
  • Turn off the news.
  • Take extra care being clean.
  • Eat better.
  • Spend time with your friends.
  • Try to say one nice thing to a person each day.

Do great works

Take what is presented herein and do positive great works with it.  I implore you.

“Everything had its own little home, neat and tidy. The white linen handkerchief on the inside pocket. The little mints… A single key on a fob.”

-Nancy Sinatra on the contents of Frank Sinatra’s pockets

Begin with yourself

Begin with yourself. Be you, as unique as you can possibly be. Be comfortable with who you are and live yourself well.  Then, once you are comfortable, improve the world that surrounds you.

Please pitch in and do your part to make the world a better place. Don’t rely on someone else to do the heavy lifting for you. As Martin Luther King noted,

“True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.”

In other words, don’t wait around for someone else to fix what ails you, your community or nation. Don’t make demands on other people to “do the heavy lifting”. If you want to feed the poor, don’t demand others pay higher taxes.  You go out and you feed them yourself.

Help others
Don’t sit on your sofa and demand the government force others to help the needy. Get off your ass and help them yourself. You need to define your sentience. You need to say, loud and clear who you are and what you stand for. Stop being and living a life as a manipulated animal.

Growth is participatory. Or, as Gandhi urged: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

- Maya Angelou

You can be the ONE who makes a difference

Realize that one person can make a difference. That person can be YOU.

I wish that I would have lived up to the expectations of my parents, friends, and family.  I wasn’t a hero.  I never became rich, popular or successful.  I was just an average man, and while my story was unique, I could have done so much more with my life than what I did.

"The best employee engagements programs fail if the CEO doesn't say good morning when he walks to his office."


I urge the reader to become great.

Become GREAT

Follow other great people as role models.  Try to live up to their ideals.  For me, I consider Bob Ross, or Fred Rogers as role models. Another is Les Brown. They lived life on their terms.   Make a difference. Live your life on your own terms. Start NOW.

Bob Ross
Bob Ross says, that the secret of doing anything is believing that you can do it. Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do. Anything. As long as you believe.
Fred Rogers
Fred Rogers once said that there were three ways to ultimate success; The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind. In short, please be kind.

After I exited my retirement from MAJestic, I had a nice talk with my father.

He shook his head. “What went wrong”, he lamented. He pulled out a old black and white picture of me and him when I was one years old.

He was holding me up by my two arms. He looked so young, and so proud.

He looked at it and in a slow sad voice… “we had so much hope and promise for you…” and trailed off.  (I kept that picture.  It is now slowly rotting away in a Newark, N.J. warehouse somewhere. Forever lost.)

A plea for positive change

If we’re going to see any positive change for the human species on this little planet, then we must change our view of what it means to be human and regain a sense of what it means to love one another.

That will mean gaining the courage to stand up for the oppressed. This is true whether it is an American Indian being kicked out of a 7-11, or a white male student being shamed publicly in a university for “White Privilege”.

Take a stand.

In fact, it’s always been the caring individual, the ordinary person doing extraordinary things, who has made a difference in the world. Even Mahatma Gandhi, who eventually galvanized the whole of India, brought the British Empire to its knees, and secured freedom for his people, began as a solitary individual committed to the idea of nonviolent resistance to the British Empire.

You can do it.
You can be there. You can make a difference. You can be the light int he hallway. You can be the spark that adds brightness to a person’s day. You can be important and significant. You, yes you.

You don’t have to start big.  Just take the time to care and show concern for those around you. This doesn’t just mean your friends and family.  It means strangers as well.

“A while ago I met a guy on a flight. I was NOT having a good day myself but he started telling me how he had lost his job and he was on his way back from an interview. He then started to cry. He said that he really needs a job. They (him and his wife) also had a baby on the way.

I listen to how passionate this guy was and how he wanted to get back to work.  I asked him tons of questions and he answered them all.  After we landed, and got off the plane, he laughed about how he felt like I was interviewing him.

I looked at him with a smile and introduced myself as the Sr. Vice- President of Stores for a major retail company. He eyes widen as if he had seen a ghost because he was in retail as well.

I hired him right there on the spot in the airport. I paid him more than he was making at his last job.

Can I teach you three things? 1. As leaders, you should always look for great talent. 2. Always bring your best game to the table because you never know whom you are talking to. 3. You should never let the fact that you are having a bad day stop you from helping someone else have the best day of their life. 

As leaders, the BEST thing that we can do is help people to believe in themselves again! As for me, I just want to leave people in a better place than I found them.”

-John Moore

The Critters

Elly May
Donna Douglas, as Elly May, plays with a chimpanzee dressed up in a little girl’s clothes, 1965. Photo taken from an episode of the tv show ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’. (Photo by CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images)

As I stated earlier, this is not limited to strangers, and people.  It is not limited to family and friends. It is not limited to humans. Consider the neighborhood animals as well.

“Please don’t take your pets for granted.

Even if you’re frustrated that your dog has been barking all day or your bird has been screaming for attention, remember you are all they have in this world. Give your fish that extra water change. Give your dog or cat that tummy rub they’ve been begging for. Chop up some fresh fruit as a treat for your rodents or reptiles. 

Just spend some time with them. Be compassionate to your animals. They are living creatures that are alive simply because you wish them to be. They may only be a small part in your life, but to them, you are their everything.”

-phalaenopfish on Tumblr
You can help the animals.
We can help the animals. It doesn’t take a lot of money or a lot of time. You just need to go forth and be who you are. You can do this. You really can.


My life is sun setting, it is up to YOU to carry the torch for me;

“Be the bright and shining star for all to see…”

See the light
When you see the light your life becomes illuminated. See the light and live life as you were intended to.

Finally, let me close with a very prophetic excerpt from one of my favorite authors.

“The rocket leaped forward into greater accelerations.

And just before the planet dwindled away in brightness and mist, Forester imagined that he could see Driscoll very clearly, walking away down from the green forest, whistling quietly, all of the fresh planet around him, a wine creek flowing for him, baked fish lolling in the hot springs, fruit ripening in the midnight trees, and distant forests and lakes waiting for him to happen by. 

Driscoll walked away across the endless green lawns near the white stones, beyond the forest, to the edge of the large bright river . . . .”

-Ray Bradbury.  Here There Be Tygers

Be Yourself

All our life we were told, taught, to conform. If we failed to do so we were punished. But that was only because it was easy on them, and hard on you. You need to unlearn their corruptions.

 “When I first got to Hollywood — Hollywood, they didn't know what the  hell to do with me. I mean, I was this half-black, half-Samoan and  six foot four, 275-pound pro wrestler. You know; I was told at that  time, 'Well, you got to be a certain way. You got to drop some weight.  You've got to be somebody different. You got to stop working out. Stop  doing the things that I love. You got to stop calling yourself The  Rock.' What?!” 

 He continued: “And for years I actually bought into it because you  think, 'Oh, that's what I'm supposed to do.' And I was miserable doing  that. So I made a choice. And the choice was I wasn't going to conform  to Hollywood, Hollywood was going to conform to me. So, Hollywood  conformed to me and here I am with all of you getting the Generation  Award. Holy s---,” Johnson said as the audience erupted.

In  Johnson’s speech, the funnyman and producer explained the importance of  self-love and remaining steadfast, being true to who we are as  individuals. 

-Dwayne The Rock

Being different is our STRENGTH.

It is a great and wonderful thing. We should treasure it, cultivate it, and own it.

Check out these videos of different people. See how absolutely wonderful and UNIQUE each one is.

Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Do not buy into that progressive liberal nonsense that you need to conform to society for the common good. Hogwash!

You need to be yourself, and be the absolutely best you that you can be. To Hell with the people who think otherwise.

Your VALUE to society is in your own uniqueness.

Take Aways

  • MAJestic operations taught me the importance of living your reality under your terms.
  • Often, we are living a programmed behavior established by others.
  • We will never be happy if we do not follow our own course; our own reality.
  • Fundamentally, it is something that we define alone, in accordance with our sentience.
  • Accept who you are.
  • Be the best YOU that you can be.
  • Spread the best of you around. Let others get a taste of the best you can offer.
  • Your reality will grow in size and be far more comfortable…
  • …when it is defined on your terms.


Q: Are you dying?
A: No. Heck no. However, please kindly note, my existence is at the pleasure of others. When it is time to exit this reality, I wish to do so with some advisement under record. I don’t want to be a person which much to contribute who suddenly commits suicide with two bullets in the back of my head, or dies in a car crash, or has a cell phone explode near my ear. You never know.

I think we owe it to our friends and to our society, to contribute what we can NOW. Not wait until something happens. The “I will put it off until after the weekend” or some other nonsense. Forget that. Throw it out now. Do it now. Take care of your life NOW. You never know what will happen in your future. Live life NOW.

Q: Is there anything else?
A: Of course there is. There is much to say and do. In fact, contrary to what the statists say, our universe and existence is far large, far more expansive and far more interesting than any of their trite solutions to scientific mysteries can define.

For all the geniuses that think they know everything, they have no idea about the building blocks of soul, and how they integrate into a consciousness. They have no idea about the makeup of the various heavens and how they interact with each other, and the mechanisms used. I will write about those things as soon as I get some of the more pressing issues out of the way.

Q: How do you feel about American politics?
A: It saddens me. What ever you do, do not allow politics to define who you are. It is all manipulation one way or the other. Do not be manipulated. Define your reality on your own terms. Not on the terms defined by others.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Links about China

Business KTV
Dance Craze
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


Learning about China by Looking at Pretty Girls (4)

This is the fourth of a series of post on Chinese cute girls and Chinese culture.

You know, China is a very, very big nation. Many times I am asked what it is like. Honestly, there is so much to say, that I end up going on some tangent or the other. However, one thing that I noticed when talking to other men, is that what they really want to know is what Chinese girls are like…

Wow! That is in itself a huge subject. 

Here I try to compose  a series of micro-videos of Chinese girls taking little vignettes of themselves being cute, dancing, eating, and doing girl things. It is in no way comprehensive, but it should give you a general idea of what Chinese girls are like. It will also help you to get a better idea of what China is like as well.

We need to do this. No one else is.

Here is a quote from JobTubeDaily;

"Popular U.S. media perpetuates constant negative narratives about China: ghost cities, real estate bubbles, pollution, corruption. While many of these problems are real, the predominately negative coverage drowns out the positive elements of life in China and its abundant economic opportunities. In doing so, the media dissuades America’s rising students, as well as business and political leaders, from learning more about the country."

Here is a quote from LinkedIN;

"And the western media aren't particularly helpful in explaining the real China of 2018.  They're serving so much bias and prejudice about China, it is nearly impossible for the general public to get in touch with the real China."

Here we look at ten micro-videos…

In a Park

In this video we see a girl dancing in a park. For some strange reason, my fellow Americans don’t seem to realize that China has parks. They also have toll booths, ATM machines, taxis, high speed trains and amusement parks. They have everything that the United States has. It’s just a little bit different.

Chinese toll booth.
Chinese toll booth. This are functionally very similar to American tool booths. They have rest areas as well.

Though, since China has undergone an amazing and enormous growth spurt over the last three decades, everything tends to be brand new and well taken cared for.

In China, there a different kinds of parks. The city parks tend to be well tended. They are typically manicured daily and trimmed at the very early hours of the day before the sun comes up. They are well maintained. In fact, depending where you live, they tend to be treated like a house with furniture that can be rearranged at will. They move trees about like your wife might want a sofa moved. They will plant flowers and then dig them up and replant something else two months later. They will constantly be painting and repainting the boxes, poles and manhole covers.

I asked some friends why this was so. They explained that China does not have a welfare system. The government does not pay you if you don’t have a job. Instead, if you need work and need money, they will put you to work. All you need to do is go to the city department of labor, and they will give you a job.

The pay is minimal, but you get free meals, and free housing if you want. You get on the government health plan, and you get Sundays off.

So with all these workers, it is very easy to employ them to take on various tasks that need to be done in and around the city. It is never considered a long-term occupation, but many people take advantage of this system. Is it perfect, I don’t think so. However, personally I do think it is superior to the American welfare system by a large margin.

Many parks tend to be on top of inaccessible hills. You need to be a mountain goat to climb up all them. I have a theory that when China was first being populated and over the last 5000 years, all the “good” and flat land was taken by farmers and businessmen.

The inaccessible and difficult land was ignored. Then, in the last one hundred years, these plots of undesirable land was remade into parks and community areas. Thus you have the parks all over China with a couple of thousand of steps to reach the top.

This cute girl is wearing the small white shoes (xiao bai xue) that is so popular in China. She is dressed typically with shorts and a small tight fitting top that shows off her chest. Like most Chinese girls, she keeps her hair long. What’s not to like?

All the parks are very well maintained. many have lighting for night time walks and strolls. Many also have music that plays out of artificial stones. Yes, they are speakers with holes so that you can listen to traditional Chinese music as you walk on the path. Of course, all paths are paved in stone.

In a Gym.

Here we have a girl in a gym. Notice the barbells are made up in American style colors. America and Americans are held in great respect by the Chinese. In fact, the Chinese name for America is Mei Guo which means “beautiful nation”. While there are many foreigners in China, most are not Americans. Most come from Australia and England. Which is sort of the reason why the English spelling and terms used by many Chinese tend to be of British origin. For instance using the word “boot” instead of “trunk”, or a “flat” instead of an “apartment”.

Which makes it even more special when there are Americans available to teach English or work with them on a project or two. Americans are considered a valuable and precious commodity.  Many stores and businesses celebrate American social customs, such as Halloween, and Christmas. They buy and set up Christmas Trees and decorate the offices with the proper holiday decorations…

…the only thing is that they leave them up all year round. It is not unusual to listen to Christmas carols in a mall in July.

This cute chick is showing off her beautiful muscle tone and nice behind. She has been working hard to perfect her body, and I for one appreciate all that she put into it. She looks absolutely stunning.

The funny thing about gyms in China is that they tend NOT to be air conditioned. The Chinese believe that a healthy body is a warm body. The purpose of exercise is to remove the bad water (sweat) from your body and replace it with good water. This and the movement of the body generates a movement of chi, or energy throughout the body. This is also one of the reasons why the Chinese love to dance so much, and all the public forums that support dancing.

In a Work Office.

Here we have another girl. She is in an office of some sort and wearing some kind of office clothes. Unlike the United States, showing your waist is acceptable in China, as is also wearing tight pants, short, short mini skirts and having long hair. They don’t have the kind of unisex taboos that have saturated American HR offices in the last two decades.

She has a nice body. She’s pretty typical with a thin waist, nice chest, and longish hair. Notice that she is very pale. A pale complexion is considered to be very popular in China. She is wearing red lipstick with is also a fashion statement and quite common.

The office itself is rather plain and unadorned. This is typical. The Chinese like to have a nice white stone floor and nice white walls whenever possible. This is most especially in the super hot Southern section of the nation. You will notice that there is a water cooler. Almost every home, and business uses water coolers. Even if the water in the pipes are no longer dangerous, you will NEVER get a Chinese person to drink water out of it.

Shanghai Apartment

This is a very nice example of what an apartment in Shanghai looks like. When people see pictures of China they see all these multi-story apartment complexes. No one ever sees what they are like on the inside. Well, as someone who has lived in numerous high-rise apartments, I can tell you. Often the view is magnificent.

In this example here, we have a great example of this.

The apartment is set off from the Bund river. It has a great view of a suburb of Shanghai, though not downtown. It is obviously the living room. As we can see the furnishings that support this. At night the view must be spectacular.

Note that she is not wearing any shoes. In China, no one wears “outside” shoes inside the house. Typically you wear house slippers.

Again, with all the large apartment skyscrapers throughout China, this is a fairly typical view that one would have in your apartment. This one is particularly nice as it overlooks the Bund and a very large and famous city.

Southern China

Hey! This looks like Bali, or Thailand, eh? Nope. It’s China. Southern China is filled with all kinds of beautiful beaches, communities and resorts. (Which is one of the reasons why I live where I do.)  The impression that all of China is a filthy rat’s hole filled with pollution and trash is simply not true.  That is like saying that all of America looks like Detroit.

Typically, you will have an Engineer come to China to do some work at a factory. His impressions of the factory regions would be very poor, and he would tend to associate all of China with those areas. It’s not his fault, he only got a small and brief look at what is an enormous nation.

To make matters worse, you will have the Western media who has an objective to keep American living in fear. They keep Americans dumb and ill-informed with the changes with the rest of the world. They do so for their own objectives.

Seriously, for the last three decades, trillions of dollars poured into China from all over the world. Are you trying to tell me that NONE of that money went into infrastructure, the people, the lifestyle and the society? Are you trying to convince me that it went into the pockets of the government and the rich people who run the businesses, even though an internal army of “Corruption Police” is active in keeping corruption suppressed? Is that what we are supposed to believe?

Incidentally, traveling to China and having a vacation here is far cheaper and better than having one in Bali, Indonesia. I know.

Outside Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut is very popular in China. In fact, it is owned by a conglomerate that also owns KFC. Together they have absolutely and effectively tapped into the Chinese market. They have taken these American products and made variations to the dishes to appeal to Chinese tastes and preferences.

It is sort of how the “Chinese” restaurants in America have taken Chinese food and “Americanized” it.

Pizza menu
Here is a photo from a Pizza Hut menu showing a popular side dish. You can get all kinds of side dishes with your meals at Pizza Hut. The Chinese love options and will spend a great deal of time perfecting their order choices.

Yes, you can get pizza at Pizza Hut. However it will be pretty pricey to order a large thin pepperoni pizza with a pitcher of coke. Instead you order set meals with option combinations. The pizzas are designed for the Chinese palate. Such as a Duran and oyster pizza with a side of quail eggs and snail meat. It does take a little getting used to.

Anyways, here we have a couple dancing in the open plaza in front of a shopping center. In China, they have different kinds of shopping centers. Typically it is a ring of stores around a large central pavilion.

It’s sort of how towns in Massachusetts were set up in the 1750’s; a “green” in the center facing a church and other buildings. Well, in China the shopping center may or may not have a mall or large “anchor” store. What it does have is a large area for communal dancing and games. Often it will have a fountain somewhere for the kids to splash and play in the water as well.

You can see the people walking and milling about. This is a very typical sight through out China from small towns to large cities. This scene could have been filmed anywhere.

Singing in English

One things that many people do not understand, especially Americans, is the enormous number of people who can speak English in China. About two decades ago, the Chinese government instituted a policy in all the Chinese schools. Every child must learn English in addition to learning Chinese. In fact, the ability to attend university absolutely requires that the student-candidate must be able to speak and write and communicate in English to a reasonable degree.

That is not to say that everyone speaks fluently. The ability to speak English varies greatly throughout China. Never the less, there are more people in China who can speak English than there are Americans on the entire planet. That is how absolutely enormous China is.

So you will hear many songs in China that have English or partial English lyrics. This is normal. It is the same with signs, advertisements and other notifications. China has developed into a nation with two languages. The dominant language is certainly Chinese, but English has a major role as well.

Here we have a Chinese girl singing in English. Obviously she is a professional. One should never be under the impression that China is a nation where no one can speak English. There are many people who can, and very many who can speak at a reasonably fluent level.

Notice that the music has lyrics in two languages; English and Chinese.

Sitting on a bench

OK. Now this is a boring video. It’s just some chick sitting on a bench in a park in China. “So what?” you might ask.

China is safe. You can go in and about all the parks any time of night and day and not get mugged, robbed, stolen from, attacked, shot at or raped. They do not have the same kinds of problems that we have in America, or in the West, simply because…

  1. There isn’t any welfare program. You must work or you die. The government will provide you with work if you cannot find a job. Those who are involved in criminal enterprises go after more lucrative targets. This includes people with vices that they can exploit and corporations.
  2. There are no “open borders”. This policy permits uneducated, un-assimilated, and fundamentalist fanatics to roam the streets in packs. Not in China. It is a polite society by design. Only qualified people can enter China. You join or you leave. There is no grey-area.
  3. Families are important. Each person in China has a support group. They all have an extensive network of family and friends that will go after criminals mafia-style if someone hurts a family member. This is unlike the USA where it’s “every man for himself”.
  4. Many girls can defend themselves. Sure they might not be “packing heat”, but many have learned Chinese martial arts when they were in elementary school. I have seen a tiny pint-sized waif take down a six-foot tall chunk of a man.
  5. Cameras are everywhere. Both city cameras and building cameras are all over the place. You are under constant surveillance. It is not that you are being watched. However, if something does happen, the Chinese forensics police can go “minority report” on your actions. They do. They have. It is televised on the news quite regularly.
  6. Police are everywhere. True they are mostly siting around playing video games, and helping the groundskeepers, but they are present. There are all kinds of guards. From regular police to security staff. They all can come and help in an instant.
  7. No social engineering of minorities. Unlike the United States, the Chinese government does not permit scaled benefits for minorities.  Thus we don’t have a nation of fatherless negro children being raised by television shows.
  8. Destruction of Slums. Unlike the United States, when communities disintegrate into crime and corruption, where the ability to live is disrupted and social harmony is nonexistent, the Chinese government steps in. Whether it is bulldozing a complete community, like it did in Hong Kong, or arresting and executing the corrupt government officials (with the Corruption Police). China does not mess around.

This is pretty typical. The young lass is wearing a nice dress and sitting in the comfortable evening air. You can see the lights of the nearby buildings twinkle and move through the trees nearby. Of course, like most of the micro-videos in this blog the music is all C-Pop.

The girl is a typical attractive Chinese female. She has nice long hair, and thin waist and a nice chest.  You will notice that all the plants are nicely cared for and trimmed. The groundskeepers take their roles seriously.

With a sofa

This girl is typical in a number of ways. First of all, consider her clothes and appearance. She has nice long straight and long hair. It is very popular in China. While she might have a tattoo or two, most Chinese girls do not have any tattoos unless they live in a Westernized city like Shanghai, Hong Kong, or Taipei.

She is wearing a nice short dress that hugs her body tight. This is very typically Chinese, and you can see all the girls dress like this when they go out int he bigger cities. She is also wearing high heeled shoes with a red colored sole. I really like these shoes, but you know, I have to tell you that I really hate it if they don’t take off that price sticker on the bottom. It really distracts from the overall appearance.

This is her apartment, and as such it is very typical. This is her living room with a Chinese-style sofa and coffee table. Note the tiny plastic trash can nearby. This is a common feature in all Chinese households, as is a tissue dispenser. The coffee table is made of glass. This is also typical.

Take a moment to look at the sofa. I, myself, do not care for this style. However it is very popular in China.  She is covering it with a blanket to protect it. We used to do that in the United States also. Furniture used to be protected by throws and other coverings. All pillows are organized and neatly laid out. The woman of the house always takes good care of the domicile. This is one thing that I do love about China.

An Ideal face

This young lass is in her early twenty’s. She is showing off her body and her nice curves. By Chinese standards she has a most excellent face and is considered very attractive. Thus the strange faces that she is making towards the camera.

She has a very pale complexion. She is soft, but not flabby. Curvy, but not fat. She has nice eyes and an oval face with a nice pointy chin. All of these features are considered highly desirable in China.

The Chinese don’t care if she has big boobs or a big ass. They prefer a nice slim fish-shaped body on the girls. A big set of boobs or a big ass won’t get very many “double takes” in China. By that standard, she is still considered attractive as her chest is proportional with her ass. She has a fish-like shape.

Though, many of the women, the thinner ones posted elsewhere, would be considered to be jaw-dropping gorgeous. In any event, this chick has quite a few followers who like to admire her face, her smile and her other charms. You go girl!

Notice that she is wearing a solid silver ring bracelet on her right arm. This is very popular in China. Both gold and silver are considered great materials. Unlike the United States these are pure materials. They are not alloys

When you go to a jeweler in the United States and ask for a gold wedding band, they will offer you gold bands. But these are gold alloys. They are not pure gold. The excuse is that gold is a soft metal. Yada Yada Yada…

I have sold gold rings and they haven’t worn out yet…

In China, when you buy gold, you buy 99.9% pure gold. You are not sold gold which is an alloy. That is how the jeweler in the United States makes their money. When I first came to China, I was having a hard time at it. I tied to sell the little that I had. I was surprised that the “solid gold” wedding band that I got in the States was only 5% real gold. The rest was an alloy of different materials.

Five. Friggin’. Percent.

If you ever want to get a nice gold ring, don’t buy it in the United States. Hop on a plane and get it in Hong Kong.

Gold store
Chow Tai Fook Jewelry store in Hong Kong. I would strongly advise Americans to purchase real gold instead of the fake gold that is being pawned off as “real” gold in the United States. Real gold is determined by the percentage of alloy in it. Real gold should have at least 95% gold metal in it. It does not require much in the way of an alloy to make it durable. While it is true that 99.999% gold is very soft, a 98% gold will be rock hard and not wear at all.


Everyone likes to look at pretty girls. Even other pretty girls. I, as a man, think that pretty girls liven up our lives and make it more interesting and fun. I would not mind taking any one of these girls out and having a nice meal or playing around in a park or some other place. Having good companionship, great conversation, and enjoying a wonderful meal would be awesome with any of these women.

Today it is difficult to see what other places are like, if you are an American. Our news is heavily propagandized.

  • Those on the liberal side have the impression that China eats dogs, is full of poor waifs that sell their bodies for sex, and is full of dirty smog filled air.
  • Those on the conservative side, have the impression that China is a great war-mongered beast who wants to take over the Pacific, that they are ruthless businessmen, and want to keep their citizens imprisoned in a communist gulag.

Neither impression is correct. They are both terrible distortions.

China is a huge nation, bigger geographically than the United States, and with an enormous population far larger than America’s. In fact, there are more people in China that speak English than there are Americans in the entire world.

They live life. They work. They study hard. They try to do their best. They have fun. They raise families. They are, in many ways, like “old fashioned” Americans around 1950. While America has moved toward a progressive socialist paradise ruled by an oligarchy, China has moved in a different direction. It has moved toward free-market policies originating out of a central government. China is not at all what we think it is.

This post is my little way to help introduce China to the readership.

Take Aways

  • Chinese women are attractive.
  • Many of the buildings in China are new, and have a modern supporting infrastructure.
  • Chinese people like to dance, sing, and have fun with their friends.
  • Chinese women DO NOT look like pre-adolescent children. (Here’s a nod to the idiots in Arkansas who were absolutely convinced that Chinese women look like little pre-adolescent girls.)


Q: Why do you only have beautiful Chinese girls? What about being more diverse and inclusive? Why do you objectify girls?
A: Well, for one, this article is about attractive Chinese girls. It wouldn’t do to have non-Chinese girls in it. Nor would it be appropriate to have men, homosexuals, fat and ugly girls, children or LGBT creatures in the article.

If you want to purge beauty out of your life, no problem. Go ahead and do it. Just like American beauty pageants are no longer about beauty. Just like American airlines have purged themselves of age and beauty standards. Just like race-cars have purged themselves of attractive women. But you won’t see that in China.

Now here, I like to surround myself with beauty. I like to surround myself with things that I like and I love. That includes dogs, cats, pizza, bacon, tomatoes, friends and of course my loved ones.

Q: Why do you use micro-videos in this post?
A: I think it does a nice job of giving a snapshot of what China is like. Many of the videos have Chinese songs. They all feature beautiful Chinese girls in China doing things that beautiful Chinese girls like to do. Of course, if you would rather go to you-tube, go ahead. You won’t find very many Chinese girls there. You-tube is banned in China because it, like Facebook, Google, and Tumblr, all collect user information and pipe that information directly to the NSA for American government’s use.

Q: Why do you think these girls are beautiful?
A: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What constitutes for beauty in China is different from what is beautiful elsewhere. I chose these videos because I happen to think the girls are cute, beautiful or attractive. Of course, if you disagree with me, you can leave.

Now, you shouldn’t be too upset there are some rocking girls in the United States. You should see them in sweatpants. My Lord!

Links about China

Business KTV

Dance Craze

End of the Day Potato

Dog Shit

Dancing Grandmothers

When the SJW movement took control of China

Family Meal

Freedom & Liberty in China

Ben Ming Nian

Beware the Expat

Fake Wine

Fat China

Chinese apartment houses

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed 19AUG18.
  2. Composition finished 24AUG18.
  3. SEO review 24AUG28.
  4. Posting 24AUG28.

Allow your Children to Play and Grow (Part 2)

This is the second part of a two part article. This little post was inspired by a little article titled “Doctor’s Orders; Let children just play” posted in the hot dog-days of summer, August 2018.

Their 10- and 6-year old were picked up by police and detained for five hours in 2015 for walking home “unsupervised” from a local park. The folks at Child Protective Services threatened to take the children away from Danielle and Alexander Meitiv.

With court battles ensuing and ample media attention, the head of Maryland’s Social Services Administration finally released a memo to staff acknowledging in creepy bureaucratic fashion that, 

“Children playing outside or walking unsupervised does not meet the criteria for a CPS response absent specific information supporting the conclusion that the child has been harmed or is at substantial risk of harm if they continue to be unsupervised.”


The article reinforces a notion that I have that “play is the work of children”. It is how they learn to become an adult. It doesn’t matter if you are a dog, a cat, an elephant, or a monkey, all animals learn from playing. Here, I would like to continue my discussion of things that a parent should permit their children to do…

Squash a Penny on a Railroad Track

“In many ways life was so much more predictable back then; in other ways it was much less so. Organized sports were almost non-existent in my childhood. Summer was free time on steroids, with hours, days, weeks (it seemed like forever back then!) to do nothing. I don’t recall being bored; but we played as a matter of course outside the aperture of our parent’s eye. Off to the playground on our bike; downtown to get a soda or fudgesicle; or, in the case of some of the older kids, hanging around waiting for the afternoon papers to come in before heading out on their paper route. But this day, we were in the business of sabotage. Today, we were going to do something really big … and dangerous. This could change everything….

We glanced around to make sure no one was watching. The caper was on. The penny was placed well down the tracks from our hiding place. We were tucked in under a pile of brush and ducked low so as not to be seen from the train. Then, we heard it. There was a crossing about half a mile away, and the whistle blew. There was no rushing the tracks now, no undoing what we had done.

The big locomotive could be heard rumbling toward us. Think of it –  a time when placing a penny on the railroad tracks was paramount to sedition! I would graduate to more serious pranks as I got older, but by today’s standards the bar was extremely low for our misbehaving antics…

… I remember being very nervous, praying that train would stay upright and on course. As the engine lumbered by us I recall the feeling of relief. And as the caboose faded safely into the distance, having waited to make certain no engineer could spot us, we ran to the location. There it was: the flattened penny; pancake currency and the feeling of exhilaration believing that we had taken a tremendous risk and come out of it unscathed.”

-Believeinplace Blog

In my days of yore, pennies were made of copper.  So when you would put a penny on the tracks it would flatten out into a flat copper plate.  Not, so today.  American pennies are made out of a zinc alloy. (The modern penny is made of 97.5 percent zinc and 2.5 percent copper. This is known as copper plated zinc.) Ah, it’s not the same.  I would suggest using a nickel or better yet, a dime instead.

Nickels have more copper in them than pennies do.  So it is better to flatten. Pennies only have about 2.5% copper in it, but nickels are 75% copper. The U.S. first struck 5¢ nickel coins in 1866. All nickels from that date to the present except for the famous “war nickels” (mid-1942 to 1945) are made of the same metal, an alloy of 75% copper and 25% nickel. “War nickels” were made of 35% silver, 56% copper, and 9% manganese because nickel was needed for the war effort.

Dimes are better than nickels. So, if the reader were to use a dime, as it is almost 92% copper, it is more like that of the copper pennies of our youth. As of 2014, the dime is made out of a blend of metals called “clad.” A copper center is sandwiched between two layers of a 75-percent copper and 25-percent nickel blend. The total composition of a modern dime is 91.67 percent copper and 8.33 percent nickel.

American CoinPercentage of Copper
You do want to stay aware as you put your penny on a railroad track to be sure a train isn’t coming. If you’re going to wait for the train to come by and smoosh your coin, you also want to stand back at least 30 feet, as it could hypothetically come flying off and hit you. You don’t have to wait around for the train, though. If you decide to come back in a few hours or the next day to see what became of your penny, mark the spot with a stick before you leave for easy finding later on.

-The Risky Kid
Flattened coins
A handful of some flattened coins. When was the last time that YOU, the reader, held a flattened coin in the palm of your hand? I’ll bet that it was a long time ago.

The types of train tracks that one would try this kind of feat are freight lines, and freight lines ONLY.

High speed rail is far to dangerous to attempt.  The same is true for subway lines and similar rail.  Anything that involves the transport of humans is to be avoided. Don’t even consider it. It is DANGEROUS.

Always stick to rail that services freight, and you will be fine. Back in my school days, the freight lines carried coal, and a handful of box cars in and about the Allegheny hills.

And, while you are at it, hanging around railroad tracks, might I suggest the following activities…

  • Walk on top of the tracks and see how long you can go before falling off. (Not everyone shares my point of view. HERE is an article where it is considered the height of danger and folly to walk on train tracks. HERE is an article that says that it is terribly DANGEROUS and maybe evil to even suggest children participate in such a thing.)
  • Searching for loose railroad spikes. These are the “nails” that hold the tracks to the wood ties. (A rail spike (also known as a cut spike or crampon) is a large nail with an offset head that is used to secure rails and base plates to railroad ties (sleepers) in the track.)
Robert Livingston Stevens is credited with the invention of the rail spike, the first recorded use of which was in 1832. The railroad spike was an invention which resulted from the state of industrialisation in the United States in the early 19th century: English mainline railways of that period used heavy and expensive cast iron chairs to secure T-shaped rails; instead, Stevens added a supporting base to the T rail which could be fixed with a simple spike. In 1982, the spike was still the most common rail fastening in North America. Common sizes are from 9⁄16 to 10⁄16 inch (14 to 16 mm) square and 5 1⁄2 to 6 inches (140 to 150 mm) long.
  • Collecting those little marble sized metal ores that abound on and between the tracks. I never found out what they were and why they existed as a boy, but I used to pick up a couple and toss them into the trees as I’d walk. Later on, after the invention of the internet, I was able to figure out what these things were…
These little dirty black marble sized balls are Taconite pellets. They are iron and are formed into pellets for the trip from the mine to industry. Several materials are formed into pellets or beads in this way. Plastic is another. In a pellet form the iron, plastic, what ever, takes on more of a fluid characteristic which is easier to transport, load and unload, store, and measure.

Sword Fight With Sticks

“I fight in a group called River Run Belegarth, a realm of Belegarth Medieval Combat Society.

As per the name, we are a medieval battle game utilizing padded weapons including but not limited to; swords (large and small), shields, arrows, javelins, spears, maces, and flails. The Belegarth community spreads across the country, we even have realms in Canada and Puerto Rico.

We follow a simple honor based system. The Belegarth rules are found in the Book of War.”


Parents are wary of anything involving sharp objects, sticks included. However, letting your kid engage in some improvised swashbuckling is too fun an opportunity to pass up because of a negligible risk of injury. One of the most memorable events is to take them to a medieval recreation or fair.  Have them dress up and enjoy (something every little girl yearns to do).

Dress-up is very big in China. Especially traditional Han clothing and outfits.

A Renaissance fair, Renaissance faire, or Renaissance festival is an outdoor weekend gathering, usually held in the United States, open to the public and typically commercial in nature, which purportedly recreates a historical setting for the amusement of its guests. 

Some are permanent theme parks, while others are short-term events in a fairground, winery, or other large public or private spaces. 

Renaissance fairs generally include an abundance of costumed entertainers or fair-goers, musical and theatrical acts, art and handicrafts for sale, and festival food. 

Some offer campgrounds for those who wish to stay more than one day. Many Renaissance fairs are set during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. Some are set earlier, during the reign of Henry VIII, or in other countries, such as France, and some are set outside the era of the Renaissance; these may include earlier Medieval periods (including Vikings), or later periods, such as 17th-18th Century pirates. 

Some engage in deliberate "time travel" by encouraging participants to wear costumes representing several eras in a broad time period. Renaissance fairs encourage visitors to enter into the spirit of things with costumes and audience participation. Many welcome fantasy elements such as wizards and elves.

Sword Fight
Here is a typical event at a Renaissance fair. This is a mock sword fight. Often there are rules that must be followed for the mutual enjoyment and safety of the participants.

Ah… To dress up and role play. Don’t let the “busy body” down the street prevent your children from role play…

“In Waynesboro, Georgia, “trick or treaters” must be 12 or younger; they must be in a costume; and they must be accompanied by an adult at least 21 years of age. 

So if you have kids who are 15, 10, and 8, you can’t send them out together. The 15-year-old is not allowed to dress up, yet she won’t be considered old enough to supervise her siblings for another six years. And this is on the one night of the entire year we traditionally let children pretend to be adults.

Other schools and community centers now send letters home asking parents not to let their children wear scary costumes. 

Some even organize “trunk or treats”—cars parked in a circle, trunks open and filled with candy, thus saving the kids from having to walk around the neighborhood or knock on doors. (That would be tiring and terrifying.) If this is childhood, is it any wonder college kids also expect to be micromanaged on Halloween?

At Yale in 2015, after 13 college administrators signed a letter outlining appropriate vs. inappropriate costume choices for students, the childhood development expert and campus lecturer Erika Christakis suggested that it would be better to allow kids to think for themselves. 

After all, Halloween is supposed to be about pushing boundaries. 

“Is there no room anymore for a child or young person to be a little obnoxious…or, yes, offensive?” she wrote. “Have we lost faith in young people’s capacity—your capacity—to ignore or reject things that trouble you?”

Apparently, yes. 

Angry students mobbed her husband, the professor Nicholas Christakis, surrounding him in the courtyard of the residential college where he served as master. 

They screamed obscenities and demanded he apologize for believing, along with his wife, that college students are in fact capable of handling offensive costumes on Halloween. “Be quiet!” a student shouted at him at one point. “As master, it is your job to create a place of comfort and home for the students!””

-The Fragile Generation

Stand on the Roof

This little activity is not something that I ever thought was significant.  However, it was not until I was older that I began to realize the importance of it. My first experience was when I was (maybe) seven, and my “girlfriend” (at the time, a young cutie named Mary) snuck me into her bedroom, and we crawled out her bedroom window and hung out on her roof. Indeed, what kid hasn’t wanted to get a bird’s eye view of the neighborhood?

Ah, Mary. She taught me many things.  She was my teacher for making my first ketchup sandwich, and she taught me how to steal candy from the local store. Heh heh. 

Don’t worry, the store keeper called our parents and we got a long lecture on how bad we were. Her father used to make rock candy in his basement, and we would go down and eat some sugar from time to time.  

I suppose if we would have been a little older we would have experienced other “firsts” together… first kiss, first sex, first… However, that never materialized as we moved and I never saw her again.

Ah. Standing on the roof.

“Sandseter began observing and interviewing children on playgrounds in Norway. In 2011, she published her results in a paper called “Children’s Risky Play From an Evolutionary Perspective: The Anti-Phobic Effects of Thrilling Experiences.”

Children, she concluded, have a sensory need to taste danger and excitement; this doesn’t mean that what they do has to actually be dangerous, only that they feel they are taking a great risk.

That scares them, but then they overcome the fear.

In the paper, Sandseter identifies six kinds of risky play: 

(1) Exploring heights, or getting the “bird’s perspective,” as she calls it—“high enough to evoke the sensation of fear.” 

(2) Handling dangerous tools—using sharp scissors or knives, or heavy hammers that at first seem unmanageable but that kids learn to master. 

(3) Being near dangerous elements—playing near vast bodies of water, or near a fire, so kids are aware that there is danger nearby. 

(4) Rough-and-tumble play—wrestling, play-fighting—so kids learn to negotiate aggression and cooperation. 

(5) Speed—cycling or skiing at a pace that feels too fast. 

(6) Exploring on one’s own.

This last one Sandseter describes as “the most important for the children.” She told me, “When they are left alone and can take full responsibility for their actions, and the consequences of their decisions, it’s a thrilling experience.””

-The Overprotected Kid

This is ideal if you are at home in the United States.  This way, standing on the roof of your home is one of the more risky activities, and yet the most rewarding. In all cases, please supervise this vertical venture and take the necessary precautions: Only allow your child to attempt if your roof isn’t overly steep and is in good condition, without loose shingles and other potential hazards. Have your kid walk straight up and down the roof, standing with one foot on either side of its peak for stability, as they survey the landscape below.

High Ground
The high-ground has a tremendous impact on how you view your life. Cats understand. Dogs understand. Tigers understand. Eagles understand. Many liberal parents do not.

Here in China, access to the top floor of all buildings is easily accessible. All one need do is take an elevator to the 86 floor, and then take the stairs up to the roof. It’s not for the faint of heart, but trust me, your kids would love it.

Shoot a Gun

Children and guns
Children throughout South East Asia are taught on how to handle and use firearms. This used to be common in the United States. However, after the election of Barrack Obama the first, this has become considered unpopular and dangerous. Here we have kids in Thailand being taught.
Warning; I advocate that children should be taught to be able to use firearms safely. This is not considered proper in our new American progressive reality. Never the less, it is my strong belief. My Children all are taught here in communist China on how to handle firearms and shoot, and I believe that there is no excuse why American children can't be trusted to do the same.

When I grew up, all my male classmates were out shooting guns when they were seven.  My father, of an urban liberal persuasion, wouldn’t let me near a firearm until I was 17.  Still, I strongly believe that one of the most important skills a parent can teach their children is self defense. Dogs do it.  Cats do it, tigers do it.  Only domesticated animals like cows, sheep, chickens, turkeys, and domesticated pigs don’t.  (I guess that is why we farm them for food. They don’t fight back.)

Yes. Humans tend NOT to EAT animals that fight back.  I wonder why…

Ruger .22
Here is a nice Ruger .22 with a laser sight and silencer. This is a perfect starter pistol that also has some nice practical uses as well.

If I still lived in the United States, I would make the arrangements to teach my children how to shoot.  As it stands, here in China they have to wait until they are in their early teens before they obtain weapon training (everyone in China MUST complete basic military training as part of middle school). The good news is that they will get a very comprehensive training in both small arms, and fully automatic weapons.

Wild hogs are taught to defend themselves and fight.  When someone wants to prevent you from learning how to defend yourself, they have a REASON to do so.
Nice pistol
Find a gun that fits the palm of the hand well. This is especially true for the females in your family. Let them practice with it. Practice over an over until they are lethal with it.

Proactively teaching your kids how to safely use firearms is the best way to teach a healthy respect for them. Don’t allow them to learn by Hollywood movies.  These are very unhealthy mediums for learning about firearms. (As anyone can attest to the “sideways” pistol shooting style popularized by the negro urban youth, and the “thug” culture. It is not a way to accurately shoot a pistol.)

When they’re 7 or so, introduce them to a pellet gun and begin teaching proper gun safety rules like keeping their finger off the trigger until they’re ready to shoot and treating every weapon as if it were loaded. Set up a a target (tin cans are fun) in your backyard and let them plink away while you watch.

History of shooting
Up until recently all American boys could shoot and knew firearm safety. That all started to end after 9-11, and just about disappeared publicly during the Obama Administration around 2008.

As they get a little older, they can tote around their BB gun by themselves. Don’t worry about them shooting their eye out! Teach your children to be careful, and to follow basic safety precautions at all times. What was good for my generation, my parents’ generation, my grandparent’s generation, and all the generations before them is good for our children today. Do not buy into the political narrative that only the government should own guns. You would think that we would learn from history by now.

In fact, there is an outright war going on that is trying to stupid-down (not dumb-down) American children. This is a planned and staged effort. Here’s an article about just such an effort in Boulder, Colorado.  Suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, all kinds of restrictions were being placed on the children there…

“At times, it seems like our culture is conjuring dangers out of thin air, just to have something new to worry about. Thus, the Boulder Public Library in Colorado recently forbade anyone under 12 to enter without an adult, because “children may encounter hazards such as stairs, elevators, doors, furniture, electrical equipment, or other library patrons.” Ah, yes, kids and library furniture. Always a lethal combo.

Happily, the library backed off that rule, perhaps thanks to merciless mocking in the media. But saner minds don’t always prevail. At Mesa Elementary School, which also happens to be in Boulder, students got a list of the items they could not bring to the science fair. These included “chemicals,” “plants in soil,” and “organisms (living or dead).” And we wonder why American children score so low on international tests.”

Well… so much for Chemisty, Biology, and Taxidermy.

“But perhaps the single best example of how fantastically fearful we’ve become occurred when the city of Richland, Washington, got rid of all the swings on its school playgrounds. The love of swinging is probably older than humanity itself, given our arboreal origins. 

But as a school district spokesman explained, “Swings have been determined to be the most unsafe of all the playground equipment on a playground.”

The reader should understand that a government that will restrict a child from the dangers of a swing would absolutely go bonkers over firearm training.  Those who have obtained these positions in power want to rule in absolute proclamations. They will to do so and lord their haughty positions over you and your progeny.

“You may think your town has avoided such overkill, but is there a merry-go-round at your local park, or a see-saw? Most likely they, too, have gone the way of lawn darts. The Consumer Product Safety Commission even warns parks of “tripping hazards, like…tree stumps and rocks,” a fact unearthed (so to speak) by Philip Howard, author of 2010’s Life Without Lawyers.

The problem is that kids learn by doing. Trip over a tree stump and you learn to look down. There’s an old saying: Prepare your child for the path, not the path for your child. We’re doing the opposite.”

-The Fragile Generation

My children all know how to handle firearms. In fact, it was one of the first things we did when we went to Thailand one year. I made it a special point to give them the firearm training by an expert there, and expose them to different types of firearms. Thailand is like the United States and Switzerland, citizens can own and fire firearms there.

Gun selection in Thailand
You can buy and shoot guns in much of South East Asia. Here we have a man looking in a store front at the various firearms on display for sale or rent. (For rent!)

Contrary to the huge onslaught of anti-gun rhetoric from the oligarchy, the Democrats, and their news media, there are those of us that treasure our ability to shoot back if someone tries to hurt us. For my children this is especially true. None of them have shot anyone’s eyes out. Nor have they used it to rob a gas station, or threaten a bully.

Walter PK 380
Walter pistols allow for different sized hand grips to allow for small hands. Here is a .38 caliber version. I used to have a 9mm version that I was very partial of when I lived in the States.

When they reach about age 10 or 11, you can introduce them to a .22 caliber rifle or pistol. Again, this should be done under your supervision and you should reinforce good gun safety principles the entire time.

Guns and firearms are dangerous devices.  Everyone should know how to operate one, but absolute training and safety is of first importance.  For hundreds of years, American children learned how to handle firearms.  I myself were taught in my High School gym class as early as ten years old. Of course, today, in this progressive ideal that is what the United States has become, the mere mention of this is considered heresy.

It need not be.  It is not heresy.  It is history.

In fact, one of my greatest laments is how history is not being taught at all in the United States today.  Instead, it is some kind of organized propaganda organ designed to incite diversion and discord. Most people today have no idea that those what fought Great Britain during the Revolutionary War were very young. They birthed a nation when they were in their teenage years.

Dad's girl
Ah yes. Daddy’s little girl. Pew Pew Pew.

The Journal of the American Revolution offered this imaginative and fascinating list of the ages of these and other notable figures from the revolutionary era at the moment of America’s founding.

And as one examines the list of nearly 150 of the war’s most revered and reviled, it becomes clear just how young so many of these legendary individuals actually were at the time.

The author of the piece and founding editor of the journal, Todd Andrlik goes so far as to characterize the Founding Fathers much more accurately as the “founding teenagers… or twenty somethings.” And he’s quite right to do so, according to the list.

Consider these:

  • Nathan Hale, the legendary Continental spy who lamented on the gallows that he had but one life to give for his country was just 21 in 1776.
  • Surprisingly, so was the much hated and feared British cavalry commander “Bloody” Banastre Tarleton.
  • Similarly, the supposed sewer of the first Star Spangled Banner, Betsy Ross, was just 24.
  • While the leader of the France’s forces in America, Marquis de Lafayette, was a mere 18-year-old in 1776.

Among the ranks of the war’s thirty-somethings include Thomas Jefferson (33), patriot pamphleteer Thomas Paine (39), Britain’s General Cornwallis (38) and King George III (also 38). To check out the full article (and you really should), click HERE. A fine book about just one boy can be found HERE.

This being said, there are some firearms that should wait until your child becomes an adult (or at least 18 years old). For instance, consider this little beauty…

Big gun.
Children can play, but firearms are not toys. Once the child has learned the skills to handle themselves, then they can be taught responsibility.

I would think twice before I would have my child shoot off a round from this “bad boy”. No.  This type of firearm is best left until they are old enough and mature enough to handle it.  I would dare say, that they must at least be old enough to serve in the military. Wouldn’t you think?

Which reminds me, speaking of the military, here’s a bunch of 16 to 18 year olds playing around with a quad version of the above gun…

Quad 20mm AA
Here is a quad-mounted 20mm anti-aircraft gun. Here, the Nazi German soldiers use this device against aircraft. It was also devastating against infantry as well.

Burn Things With a Magnifying Glass

There are many fun and interesting ways to start a fire without matches, but using a magnifying glass is one of the most versatile. I was first introduced to it when I was maybe six years old, and I inflicted a world of hurt on some poor unsuspecting ants near a parking lot where I lived.

Use of a magnifying glass provides you with a focused beam of heat that cannot only burn paper and leaves, but melt plastic. A kid can even use it to burn a symbol or his name into a piece of wood.

It need not be expensive, all office stationary stores carry them.

Burning an anthill
One thing that I did when I was a young boy, was sit at the side of a parking lot and burn ants with a magnifying glass. I tortured those poor things. I would watch them scurry about and try to deal with the attack that had befallen them. I was so uncaring.

They are especially useful for old farts like me to be better able to read the find print in legal documents, and get the (impossible) code on the back of Apple products.


“Cross-cultural studies have found that the one thing fathers across the world have in common is that they roughhouse with their kids more than moms. And roughhousing, according to science, makes kids awesome.”

-The Importance of Fathers

Roughhousing may just look like a primitive-level melee of potentially injury-causing wrestling and hair pulling, but it actually has a bunch of high-level benefits. Whether children are mixing it up with Dad, or with each other, research has shown that good old fashioned horseplay develops kids’ resilience, intelligence, and even empathy — it teaches them how to negotiate the dynamics of aggression, cooperation, and fair play. So suplex your children more often, and don’t break up the good natured battle royales they put on between themselves.

Climb a Tree

China has the most amazing trees, especially here in the South (China).  Yet no one climbs them.  You would think that the “forever trees” would make great climbing, but no ones does so.  Why is this? Few activities feel more liberating than climbing a tree. It’s thrilling to leave the ground and test your physical deftness, as well as your daring as you decide just how high up you’ll go. Indeed, the air seems fresher among the branches.

Ban Yan Tree
The Ban Yan tree is a most enormous and kid-friendly tree that is found all over Southern China. It is magnificent. Yet, I never see any Chinese kids climb it. I guess that they are too busy studying. It is called “The Forever Tree” because it has tendrils that cascade downward and borrow into the ground to make new trees. They can become enormous and massive.
“There is rising American interest in European-style “forest kindergartens,” where kids receive little formal instruction and have more freedom to explore in nature. And in Washington, D.C., not far from where I live, we finally have our first exciting playground since the “forgotten playground” was leveled. Located at a private school called Beauvoir, it has a zip line and climbing structures that kids of all ages perceive as treacherous. I recently met someone who worked on the playground and asked him why the school board wasn’t put off by safety concerns, especially since it keeps the park open to the public on weekends. He said the board was concerned about safety but also wanted an exciting playground; the safety guidelines are, after all these years, still just guidelines.”

-The Overprotected Kid

When I was a boy I would climb anything.  In our back yard we had apple trees (that we would climb just to get the apples), “weeping” willow trees, large and big acorn trees, the magnificent chestnut trees, pine trees (and I did climb them, and ended up terribly sappy) and my all time super favorite tree the Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciose). (Also known as the Indian Bean Tree.  My father told me that local Indians used to take the pea pods on this tree and smoke them.)

The Northern Catalpa is a tree that demands your attention. White, showy flowers. Giant heart-shaped leaves. Dangling bean-like seed pods. Twisting trunk and branches. How could you not stop to take it in? And with all of these unique features, the northern catalpa is popular with kids as well.
The Indian bean tree
Here is the awesome Indian Bean Tree. There are versions that have great and dense leaf cover. They are always beautiful and wonder places to play in and enjoy the weather and companionship with.

The banyan tree has to be the most kid-friendly tree in the world.  Here, the tree lets town hundreds of tentacles that once they take root, form new trees.  An old ban yan tree might consist of hundreds of tree trunks and a network canopy that would put the Swiss Family Robenson tree-house to shame. Climbing a tree is the most classic of classic childhood activities. Don’t deprive your children of the adventures of tree climbing.

“Yep - our playgrounds were on beaten dirt from use. We built tree forts with axes and saws and hammers and nails and climbed high trees and roofs where access was available) and had apple/slingshot/BB-gun “wars” and learned the concepts of safety by being allowed to find out that was safe and what caused pain.....and became pretty well adjusted adults who didn’t cower in fear and become emotionally scarred for life at a chalked name on some concrete on a college campus....”

-trebb 02/03/2018 5:51:01 AM PST · 17 of 21


It’s not all about climbing.  It is also about building.  What about the joys and pleasures of building your own tree house? Does anyone still do that in the United States anymore?  I wonder. In most towns and cities, there is probably some ordinance or rule preventing the construction for some kind of liability consideration.  Moreover, or course if you are in a Democrat stronghold, you will probably have to pay some sort of taxes on the construction.  Ah… all the “improvements” that well-intentioned ignorant inflict on the community…

"Many websites and parental organizations suggest the parents build a tree house, and not the children.  Nonsense! Kids have been building tree houses in the USA for centuries, but all that seemed to come to a complete and sudden stop about two decades ago. 

Let your children learn.  Let them build and let them explore.  Good golly! Here is a typical website advising how to climb a tree (the child wears a helmet), and how the parents can build a tree house for the children.”  (Sigh.) 

Ban Yan Tree
Here is another Ban Yan tree. It’s it awesome? I love how large it gets. In this instance, it should be much larger than it is, but obviously the caretakers are spending the time to trim it and keep it manageable.

Now, at the time of this writing, we do not live on a plot of land where we have many trees.  In fact we live in a nice large building with a shared lawn and a park surrounding us.  However, were we ever to move back to the USA or some similar location, I would help my children build a tree house.  It is a key memory of my boyhood.

tree house
You have to admit that tree-houses are great. However, I would suggest that it is far better to have a crappy rough cut and nailed tree platform made by your children alone is far better than one done by good-old-dad. You should give direction and help. You should not do it. Let them plan it. Let them make it. Let them build it. let them assemble it. It is theirs. Let them learn and have pride in it.
“Not letting your kid climb a tree because he might fall robs him of a classic childhood experience. But being emotionally overprotective takes away something else. “We have raised a generation of young people who have not been given the opportunity to…experience failure and realize they can survive it,” Gray has said. When Lenore’s son came in eighth out of nine teams in a summer camp bowling league, he got an eighth-place trophy. The moral was clear: We don’t think you can cope with the negative emotions of finishing second-to-last.

Of course, it’s natural to want to see kids happy. But the real secret to happiness isn’t more high fives; it’s developing emotional resilience.

In our mania for physical safety, coupled with our recent tendency to talk about “emotional safety,” we have systematically deprived our children of the thousands of challenging—and sometimes upsetting—experiences that they need in order to learn that resiliency. And in our quest to protect them, we have stolen from children the best resilience training known to man: free play.”

-The Fragile Generation

Cook a Meal

I first made a ketchup sandwich when I was four or five years old (Mary taught me.). Toast came later at maybe seven, and by nine years old I made my first hamburger.

All kids need to be introduced to the joys of making their own food. Cooking might not seem that dangerous, but once your kids start wanting to help make dinner, you begin noticing how many tasks involve sharp and potentially dangerous hazards. Yet, this is the perfect venue to expose your children to those hazards… right next to you at your side.

Do not fall prey to the temptation of coddling your children. It’s worth not only letting your children assist you in the kitchen, but allowing them to try cooking on their own too. More so than any other activity on this list, it will teach them a valuable skill towards grown-up self-sufficiency.

Cooking a hotdog
Why not cook a hotdog? One of my first experiences in cooking was being taught how to sharpen a stick (with my boy scout knife) and sticking a hotdog on it. Then watching how to cook it inside a nice campfire outside. What is so wrong about that? Then, later I could add all the goodies that I wanted to it. This mostly consisted of relish, ketchup, onion and cut up tomatoes.

One of the best things that my mother did was give all of us siblings an illustrated cookbook. I must have spent six months on a quest to make the perfect handmade pizza. While my sisters were busy making pies, cakes and cookies, my brother and I were deep into lasagna, homemade cream-of-asparagus soup, and different types of breads. Indeed, I was from this simple gift that I obtained my love (and appreciation) of real salted butter, extra-sharp cheddar cheese, and extra virgin olive oil.

Mothers listen up! Boys love to eat, and if you let them, they would LOVE to spend time in the kitchen with you. Who knows maybe you have a budding young chef?

Bacon and eggs
You can get children started on easy to make, but fundamental meals like breakfast eggs. You can do this on a campfire, or at home. You can teach them how to break open the eggs, and how to put oil in the pan. You can teach them about salt and pepper, and don’t forget the bacon, or the delicious pork and beans that goes with it. Oops… I mean the cut up potatoes or hash browns.

Some suggested starter activities;

  • All kids love hot (out of the stove) cookies.
  • A basic hamburger.
  • Mac & Cheese. Kids love this! (Teach them how to cook hamburger and mix it in for a basic kid goulash.)
  • Spaghetti
  • Hot dogs, especially over a camp fire.
  • Dumplings – A Chinese family favorite.
  • Grilled cheese sandwich.
  • A basic salad.

Use a Bow and Arrow

Japanese archery
My children have an interest in archery. Unfortunately, compound bows are a rare thing in China. The best chance that they can learn to shoot a bow and arrow are either by using “conventional” basic bows, “traditional” log bows, or by studying Japanese-style archery. The Japanese style is a beautiful art form that requires elements of concentration and attention to detail. Here we have the four stages of a draw illustrated. Note the difference between an American draw.

You know, kids all over the world are interested in bows and arrows. You know; archery. Instead of getting them a “safe” nerf version, give them the real thing. Expose them to real archery. If you have the means, teach them and if you cannot, hire an expert to show them the ropes.

If I were still in the states, my kids would be using compound bows and tromping in the woods every season. Ah, but that is not my reality at this time. I have to improvise.

Here in China, there are many opportunities to learn how to use a bow and arrow. Though they are actually mostly either the conventional design or a “traditional” Chinese long-bow design. However, there Japanese archery, also known as Kyūdō is available. Kyūdō is the Japanese martial art of archery. Experts in kyūdō are referred to as kyūdōka (弓道家).

There is a stress on form and function. As in Golf, the way to use your tools greatly affects your ability to hit your target. By attending these archery classes, the student can perfect and concentrate in the discipline of archery. That is a wondrous thing.

Hunting in a tree stand.
Hunting in a fine tree stand. Americans often do not appreciate what they have. They take it for granted. They shouldn’t some of the things that I really, really miss about the States are the things that I took for granted. The things that I would think would last forever. The things that I would never live without. Hunting in a tree stand is one of those things.

Later on, when we go to the states we will pick out a nice compound bow, maybe a “Bear Archery Cruzer”, or a “Diamond Archery’s Infinite Edge”. Something that will not break the bank, but will be able to provide an adjustable draw for first-timers. Trust me, a 70 pound draw is too much for children who are not used to it.

Then it’s up into the tree stand. God, I get goose-bumps just thinking about it.

Japanese archery showing a draw.
Japanese style archery is different than American style archery. However, it is a great opportunity to learn precision and discipline. Here in China, I like to think that it is the best way to learn how to use a bow and arrow.

Hammer a Nail

Why? It seems to plain and so mundane.

Yet, hammering a nail is a basic life skill that every person should master. The problem is that many parents do not let their kids attempt this task. They are too fearful of them smashing their fingers. Yes, little children are uncoordinated, but the only way they’ll ever become coordinated is if they gain hands-on experience in using tools.

The wuss-generation of super protection of children has created a nation of morons.

Hammer and nails.
Don’t be afraid, once the child smashes his finger the first time, he / she will be very careful not to do it again. That is how we learn. That is how we obtain coordination. Be there to get them started, and then go away and let them go at it. Be in ear shot, however. For eventually they hill feel some kind of pain. Though it might not be a smashed finger. It might be s splinter or two. Yikes!

Indeed, many cannot use tape measures or even hammer a nail.  Home Depot is in full-on panic mode after realizing that an entire generation of Americans have absolutely no clue how to use their products.  As the Wall Street Journal points out, the company has been forced to spend millions to create video tutorials and host in-store classes on how to do everything from using a tape measure to mopping a floor and hammering a nail. Seriously, that is pure evidence of a society in decline. Don’t allow your children join these ranks. Get them started with tools.

Don’t buy one of those plastic toy construction sets.  Just obtain a tiny (child sized) hammer. Start letting your 3-year-old practice hammering nails with a ball peen hammer. They’re lighter than the traditional claw variety and thus easier to handle. As your child’s dexterity and strength improve, upgrade him to a full-sized claw hammer, lay out a 2×4 and a box of nails, and let him go to town. Talk about cheap entertainment.

Build a Sand Castle

When I was a young boy, we used to have regular trips out to the beach.  At that time, we were living in Bridgeport, CT and a trip to the beach was only a mere ten minute drive in the family sedan. There, we could play, swim and collect seashells. I remember once, when walking along the beach, I saw a father and his daughter build this most remarkable sand castle.  It was not only “perfect”, but had little miniature statues all over the it.  The father took wet sand and dripped them down forming these little artistic shapes.  It was magnificent.

They left, and I stood by and admired the handiwork.  Then, I ran back to my sister and her “best friend” who were playing nearby.  I told them about the great sand castle, and they came with me to look at it.  There, all three of us seven to eight year olds, stood around the castle.  It was so amazing and beautiful.  Then, as if on cue, both my sister and her friend kicked in and stomped the castle into oblivion.

Meanwhile, I just stood there in shock. How and why would they do such a thing?  It was something that I had to grapple with through most of my youth.  I just could not understand the behaviors of my fellow classmates.  Sigh.

Sand castle
Here’s a nice art deco style sand castle. With sand as the cheap and free medium, use time to build and make whatever your heart desires. Most people start with a large moat and go from there. Other’s plan it out. Still others mix cheap toys and fun together to create a complex play environment. What ever strikes your fancy, do it.

Take your children to the beach. Let them have fun, explore and exercise.  Let them create, play and build.  Remember, “play” is the “work” of children.  It is how they learn.  If you want your child to learn, then do it in the framework of play.

Play With Fireworks

“Calls to eight newspapers in North Carolina found none that would take anyone under the age of 18 to deliver papers. 

A police chief in New Albany, Ohio, went on record saying kids shouldn’t be outside on their own till age 16, “the threshold where you see children getting a little bit more freedom.” 

A study in Britain found that while just under half of all 16- to 17-year-olds had jobs as recently as 1992, today that number is 20 percent.

The responsibility expected of kids not so long ago has become almost inconceivable. 

Published in 1979, the book Your 6-Year-old: Loving and Defiant includes a simple checklist for what a child entering first grade should be able to do: Can he draw and color and stay within the lines of the design being colored? Can he ride a small two-wheeled bicycle without helper wheels? Can he travel alone in the neighborhood (four to eight blocks) to a store, school, playground, or friend’s home?

Hang on. Walk to the store at 6—alone?

It’s tempting to blame “helicopter parents” for today’s less resilient kids. But when all the first-graders are walking themselves to school, it’s easy to add yours to the mix. When your child is the only one, it’s harder. And that’s where we are today. Norms have dramatically changed. 

The kind of freedom that seemed unremarkable a generation ago has become taboo, and in some cases even illegal.”

-The Fragile Generation

Everyone plays with fireworks in China.  It’s part of the culture, and Chinese New Year is a 24-7 non-stop explosion of fire and smoke.  Yet, from what I hear, it’s use is limited in the United States.  What? Is the United States run by a cadre of pussies or what?

Playing with fireworks teaches your kids how to responsibly handle fire and to have a healthy respect for exploding objects. Unfortunately, thanks to stringent fireworks laws and parents freaked out from viral stories of children losing eyeballs while lighting Roman candles, many kids today have never experienced the pure excitement and joy of igniting a fuse and waiting for the impending explosion.

Introduce your 3-5 year olds to the world of fireworks with “pop-pops” — those little paper-wrapped tadpole-like things you throw on the ground. They’re safe and the kids can have fun with them without injuring themselves or anybody else. You can also get them acquainted with sparklers. These preparatory “fireworks” offer a chance for children to learn general principles of safety: not to throw lit objects at others, touch people with a hot sparkler, handle a dud, etc.

When your kids hit age 6, you can start letting them light innocuous fireworks like snakes and smoke bombs. These don’t explode and will teach your kids how to light a fuse safely and to be aware of others as they use firecrackers.

By age 9 or 10, your kid should be ready to fire off pretty much anything you can find at a fireworks stand. You should continue to supervise their pyrotechnics until they’re teens, though.

The only caution that I would advise is not to make the fireworks yourself. It is DANGEROUS. I once worked with someone who's son was missing a hand precisely because the home-made firecracker in his hand went off. Be careful.


It is important that parents ACT like parent and not prison guards, or hyper-protective insecure single mothers. After all, it was that behavior that created Adolph Hitler…

Today, I have real concerns that the nation of millennials in the Untied States are exactly that. Improperly educated, with a serious retardation in basic and fundamental life skills. What ever, and when ever possible I am doing my best to prevent that from happening.

The job of a parent is to expose the child to dangerous situations in graduated steps. In such a way they learn the effects of consequences, and other important life lessons. Here are just some of my thoughts on this matter. If your child wants to gather a committee to figure out what to do, then they will never make it in the real world. They are already programmed to be a serf, a worker for others who own and run the factories and companies that your child will be programmed to live within.

Group meeting.
When there is an important announcement at your company, does it look something a little like this? Well, if it does, then like it or not, you are in a corporate bubble. If you are not careful, you will have difficulty leaving it. Be careful.

Let’s hope that it’s not too late.

Take Aways

  • Parent has an important role in teaching their children.
  • This role cannot be off-loaded to surrogates, whether a school, a television show, or a coach.
  • The role requires participation with the child.
  • The role requires a staged implementation of experiences in a controlled environment that permits learning of dangers and problem solving and avoidance.
  • These are just some of my ideas implemented in my own family.


Q: Isn’t your ideas going to put the children into danger?
A: I do not advocate putting anyone in danger. What I suggest is that the job of a parent is to introduce the child to potentially dangerous situations in a graduated way. When I was in training to be a Naval Aviator, they taught us how to perform a dead man’s float, swim in different techniques, and how to handle ourselves. Once we mastered those basics, we were then introduced to more complex events like how to untangle ourselves from a parachute that is dragging you through the water, and how to egress from a sunken helicopter at night. You must learn in stages.

Q: Why not let the school take on this responsibility?
A: After seeing what the public schools are teaching today, I am loathe to subject my child to anything resembling an American public school. It is your responsibility as a parent to teach your children. Your child’s success in life will be heavily influenced by how to prepare them for it.

Q: Isn’t your children going to public schools?
A: Well, yes, they are. However, I am here in China. They go to Chinese public schools and learn English and American history and civics at home. We have a very aggressive teaching schedule for them, and my Chinese wife is relentless in making sure that they are learning to the best of their ability. It is what is appropriate for us today. Needless to say, if we were in the United States, we would do something quite different.

Q: Do you have other ideas on how to raise children?
A: Oh my yes. However, Google SEO requirements, as well as my own limitations has necessitated the creation of this post as shown.

Q: Why do you talk so much about China? Why are you so down on America?
A: I am in China out of necessity. That being said, I happen to love the United States. In fact, I love what it was and what it was intended to be.

Today, I am pretty discouraged with how the government is, and how the educational system is. I am pretty jaded.

Today there is a battle between those who want America to RETURN to what it was intended to be, and those who want to continue the remake; to turn it into a globalist ruled oligarchy, with Americans acting as dumbed down serf-cattle. Until it is sorted out, I will stay right where I am, thank you.

I am a traditional American. I like big cars, big boobed women, big plates of bacon, big wide skies, and big pitches of ice cold beer. I also like big caliber handguns, big racks on deer, and big trucks. I enjoy a big bonfire with my friends, and we like to watch the big game together.

This is Part 1 of a Two Part Post

This is part one of a two part post. You can go to the other post HERE. This post is rather long. I have exceeded the “industry norm” (Google SEO advisement) by a significant word count. As is my prerogative. You can visit the beginning of this post HERE.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed 23AUG18.
  2. SEO review 23AUG18.
  3. Published 24AUG18.

Allow your Children to Play and Grow (Part 1)

This little post was inspired by a little article titled “Doctor’s Orders; Let children just play” posted in the hot dog-days of summer, August 2018.

The article reinforces a notion that I have that “play is the work of children”. It is how they learn to become an adult. It doesn’t matter if you are a dog, a cat, an elephant, or a monkey, all animals learn from playing.

However, it is more than that, play is individualized free-roaming periods of children playing without supervision. They need to learn to be autonomous. They need to be able to use trial and error. They need to explore the idea of actions have consequences. When a child does not have this environment, they are often retarded in some fundamental areas.

The boy is a natural spectator; he watches parades, fires, fights, football games, automobiles and planes with equal fervor. However, he will not watch a clock.

A boy is a piece of skin stretched over an appetite. However, he eats only when he’s awake.

Boys imitate their Dads in spite of all the efforts to teach them good manners.

Boy’s are very durable.

A boy, if not washed too often and if not kept in a cool quiet place after each accident , will survive broken bones, hornet’s nests, swimming holes and five helpings of pie. Boys love to trade things. They’ll trade fishhooks, marbles, broken knives and snakes for anything that is priceless or worthless.

-Herbert Hoover


In the United States today, I see a matriarchal tide that has emasculated men, and have pampered children to a point where they grow up spoiled without discipline. It does not matter if the child is a boy, or a girl, or considers themselves something in between. That is something that is not desirable for the children, families, and society as whole. Children are young and they need to learn basic rules to fit into society. After all, a puppy that is not litter trained, will deposit feces all over the house. A horse that is not “broken” will never let you ride it.

Parental Duty

A parent has a duty to teach their children and not outsource that responsibility to others. Whether it is a babysitter, a community government, or a church, a parent must provide adaptive skills and rules of behavior to their children. Otherwise, the child will become a “misfit”. They will not be able to fit into society.

Yet, a worrisome as this can be, too much supervision is just as dangerous. Too much protection is equally bad. When parents are overly protective of their children, they essentially outsource all of their offspring’s risk management to themselves. Part of growing is learning to judge risk behaviors.

Is that river to wide to swim across? Is the ice too thin to walk on? Is that tree too high to climb? Can I jump off the third story into a kiddy pool of water below?

Children need to be able to make these decisions on their own without reliance on others. Otherwise, the operating assumption is that mom and dad will always be around to keep them from harm. They will grow up expecting others to make those fundamental decisions for them.  They will believe that society and the government, can best decide and tell them how to live.

Children need to be Self Reliant

Rather than making kids dependent on you to keep them safe, prepare them to face and manage risks themselves. This doesn’t mean totally shoving them into things without a safety net. Like how my old school mates learned how to swim – their father simply threw them into the pool. No. I don’t believe in that. Rather, they need a set a staged instructions.

In fact, this system was promoted by Gever Tulley.

Gever Tulley is an American writer, speaker, educator, entrepreneur, and computer scientist. He is the founder of the Brightworks School, Tinkering School, the non-profit Institute for Applied Tinkering, and educational kit maker Tinkering Labs. 

His more recent work centers around the concept of students learning through building projects. He has delivered multiple TED talks on his work, published the book 50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do), and has contributed articles for many online media outlets.

Gever refers to this system as a “scaffolding” of “planning, practicing by steps, and taking reasonable precautions.” Obviously, the robustness of this scaffolding should be adjusted to your children’s age and level of maturity. You certainly do not want a toddler who can barely stand up trying to cross a city street. As they grow, you (as the parent) can then progressively withdraw the support “scaffolding”.  In this way, they can gain confidence and competence and become able to fend for themselves.

The great Mr. Rogers stated that “play was the work of children”. He was so correct about that. That is how youth learns. It is through play. Little girls learn how to raise babies through play. They play with dolls, they feed the dolls, they play “house”, and they hold “tea parties”. Little boys learn how to work together in group sports. They learn how to build cabins, tree houses, and “forts”. They tear things apart and put things together. Some girls like to do “boy activities”. Some boys like to do “girl activities”. That’s all both ok too.

The point is that play is how children learn.

The term “free play” is permitting children to learn under minimum supervision. Not only is there no supervision, but that the child knows that they are “on their own”. They know and realize that they can do what they feel like doing, but that if something goes wrong, they will be on their own. It is an adventure in risk…

“Free play has little in common with the “play” we give children today. In organized activities, adults run the show. It’s only when the grown-ups aren’t around that the kids get to take over. Play is training for adulthood.”

-The Fragile Generation

You have to teach the children to be independent.

That is not going to happen with you sitting off to the side or within earshot. You need to teach them how to judge risks, and then the decision process on how to take them. I personally believe that the best way to do this is to take these little steps with them together, first.  Then, over time, gradually let them take the risks without you being nearby.

Staged Risks

The keys to engaging in this process in a way that will not only benefit your children, but allay your own anxiety. After all, if you don’t teach your children well, you will get sick over the huge anxiety that you will need to endure. The solution is to introduce risk in graduated phases.

It’s a basic and simple process. The first step in allowing your kids to engage in a “risky” activity is to identify what exactly the risks are. For instance if you fall off of the first step in a ladder, the fall isn’t so bad. If you fall off the fourth step it is worse. They will not want to fall off anything higher. They will not WANT to.  They have learned that risks have consequences.

That’s not going to happen, if you don’t allow your child to get on the ladder. It’s not going to happen when you are there to catch them. They need to experience the consequences. It needs to be visceral.

Once you’ve identified the risks of an activity, you can figure out how to mitigate them. It should be natural for most children.  You fall down from skating on the ice; you will feel bruised and maybe have some torn skin. Let it happen!

My children do not wear arm and knee pads when they go ice skating (though, neither do the other Chinese children either). Let them fall down. Let them learn what happens and the consequences of it.

Falling down is an important part of growing up. Do not coddle and deprive. They must experience the benefits and risks together.


Know your history.

Up through the early 20th century, children, even very young ones, worked. They got up early in the morning and did their chores.  They washed up and trudged off to work. Often they worked 12 hours a day in the mines and the factories. They hawked newspapers on grimy street corners, or like my father, shined shoes in front of businesses downtown.

The reader should not misunderstand. There’s nothing really romantic about such child labor. They were not learning. They were not engaged in play. They were doing what they needed to do to survive. They did what they had to do. It was dangerous.

It was dangerous, and yet they survived.

Imagine that!

Consider the youth of the past. When he was seventeen, Jack London (remember him? He wrote the book “The Call of the Wild”.) Signed on to sail with a gaff-rigged schooner bound for seal hunting in the icy Bering Sea. I dare say that if a child did that today, the parents would be locked up in jail. Imagine that! Not even old enough to shave. He walks down to a port, talks to the ship’s mate and gets a job bound for icy North! What balls! Yet those types of things are what build character and makes a parent proud.

Gaff Rigged schooner
Jack London, with his belongings in a satchel walked to the bay and got a job on a gaff-rigged schooner bound for points unknown. He shook hands with the master and signed on. He just did it. What moxie! That is what self-reliance is all about.

This was not someone who grew up around boats. This was not someone who’s father was a fisherman, and who’s classmates all knew how to sail. No. Not in the least. This young man knew absolutely nothing. He knew positively zero. Yet, he knew what he wanted to do. So one day, he packed his bags and left and did it.

It sure beats getting a trophy for coming in 10th place in a sack race.

When he was thirteen, Andrew Jackson (Remember him? He was a President, don’t you know?) served as a courier for American militias fighting in the Revolutionary War. He was thirteen years old. Yet here he was going back and forth between battles and regional headquarters. He carried messages, and if he was ever caught, he would have been tortured and killed. Yet, he did so. At the tender age of thirteen.

Aim small, Miss small.
Here’s a scene from the movie “The patriot” that stunned many of the liberals in the audiences that watched it. They were surprised that small boys would be able to shoot and handle firearms. People, this is a natural rite of passage for young men. It is only recently that r-survivalist strategy has been adopted by the United States government. Boys are not girls. Treat them as the genetically programed humans that they are. Aim small, miss small.

Do you allow your thirteen year old to ride a bicycle unsupervised?

When he was twelve, Louis Zamperini left home to spend the summer living on an Indian reservation and running around in the mountains.  He lived in a wood cabin with a friend the same age and killed his own dinner each night with a rifle.

Louis Silvie "Louie" Zamperini (January 26, 1917 – July 2, 2014) was a US prisoner of war survivor in World War II, a Christian evangelist and an Olympic distance runner. 

Zamperini took up running in high school and qualified for the US in the 5000m race for the 1936 Berlin Olympics. He finished 8th in the event. 

In 1941 he was commissioned into the United States Army Air Forces as a Lieutenant. He served as a bombardier in B-24 Liberators in the Pacific. On a search and rescue mission, mechanical difficulties forced Zamperini's plane to crash in the ocean. 

Survive a plane crash
Louis Zamperini crashed in the South Pacific. he survived, but was captured by brutal Japanese forces. He survived the crash, and then he survived his imprisonment. He would have never been able to do so, were he coddled as a child and told not to take risks.

After drifting at sea for 46–47 days (island spotted on the 46th, and arrived on 47th) he landed on the Japanese occupied Marshall Islands and was captured. He was taken to a prison camp in Japan where he was tortured. 

Following the war he initially struggled to overcome his ordeal. Later he became a Christian Evangelist with a strong belief in forgiveness. Zamperini is the subject of two biographical films, the 2014 Unbroken and the 2015 Captured by Grace.

Can your twelve year old child do the same? Do you dare let them live alone in a cabin in the woods? Do you dare let them have and use a gun? Do they know how to survive in the wilds?

If these kids can sail the oceans, serve on the war-front, and live by themselves, then our kids can ride their bikes to school. Maybe, you the reader, disagree with me. Maybe you think that it is just fine to raise your children as “pussies”. After all, I have heard the arguments; it is the new progressive reality. The society has changed, and I am but an old dinosaur. Never the less…

Unfortunately, the landscapes of play and exercise for children have been both literally and metaphorically flattened, if they exist at all in the United States. As many as 40% of schools have either eliminated one or all of their recess periods, not simply to gain more classroom and testing time, but also because of liability concerns. For the same reason, climbing ropes and dodge ball games have been removed from gym class. Can the reader believe this? It’s true! The risk of someone getting hurt is too high; the risk of physical ineptitude doesn’t rate, even though it’s correlated with the risk of obesity.

To prevent my children from turning into emasculated serfs being harvested by the American elite, let me present some things that I permit my children to do…

Take a Train

I really don’t know why I personally think this is a big deal.  Yet, it is.  Every single child that I know, get really excited when they are told that they are going to take the train. There is something far different and exciting about a train.  Yes, I am aware about the excitement in taking an airplane ride for the first time.  Yet, a train is something more than that.  A train ride is special.

Look at this beauty. Observe the lines, the enormity of the great complex mechanical monster. Look at how small the workers look around it. Look at the environment. Absorb what it must have been like, the smells, the muggy air, and the hustle and bustle of the people on the platform in the early morning air.

From the point of view of a child, a train gives you the full (end) experience of travel. They can see what it is like. You buy a ticket, you ride in a seat, and you arrive in your destination. It is easy to understand. It is easy to conceptualize.

That isn’t so clear to a child when they fly. To a child, they have to wait in huge lines, often hours long, to pass through TSA. They have to sit on board, which at least in America is becoming more akin to herding cattle than it is to taking a trip.

Keep an eye on perspective. My father took a train to attend my nieces wedding in New York City. It had been nearly thirty years since he taken a train. His opinion? It was marvelous. They had wide and spacious seats. Plenty of legroom. They could read, play cards, and just nap. He loved it. His wife, enjoyed knitting and listening to the radio. It’s a different way of traveling.

If you, my dear reader, do not understand what I am discussing here then you obviously haven’t rode in a train lately.

Make a Fire

In China you can do just about anything, but finding a place in the woods to build a campfire is not all that easy.  However, it can be done.  Why is this important?  Because building a making a fire is a fundamental requirement of all children since the age of written history.

Young girls learned how to keep the hearths burning.  Not only to keep the household warm, but also to make sure that the food was prepared.

Young boys learned how to survive outside, far away from their home, and that included providing warmth and nourishment through cooking game that they caught.

In America, these are no longer considered important.  As there just isn’t any such thing as gender. Alternatively, societal roles, or the need to live “off the grid” and away from society. The all-knowing American police state will take care of you, don’t you know…

I strongly disagree with the progressive direction of the Obama Presidential mandates. While every other child is being groomed for slavery (or at least serfdom), my children will have the necessary skills to survive away from the American Progressive madness.

For me, I let them play with matches and light candles when they’re really young. Indeed they are pre-school age. This can be done in your house. Buy a set of candles. It might set you back a whole $1. Then, let them practice lighting it. Do it until they are bored. Then try it again and again. Soon, they will tire of it, and not want to play with fire any more.

When you ask them, they will say “Awww, not again!”.

They’ll learn quite a bit. They will learn that fire indeed burns and it hurts. However, with a flame so small, it won’t hurt too much if it glances their skin. When they get to a little older, let them build a fire all by themselves (still with your supervision, of course). A campfire is the best, but if you are in an urban environment, teach them by making candle experiments.

Candle Experimentation

You take an old can; put corrugated cardboard inside so that the spaces (holes) in the can face up.  Pack the cardboard in. I like to wrap them in a circular shape. Line the inner side (of the tin) and then add pieces until there just isn’t any room left. Then melt wax (very cheap) on a stove and pour it in the holes in the cardboard.

Let your child make this candle device. Then allow them to experiment with wax, with cardboard, with fire, with other discarded tins. The cost will be minimal, but if you allow them to do it in the safety of your supervision, it will be beneficial to them.

DIY wax candle kit
You can buy a DIY candle kit to start off with. You can get cardboard everywhere. You have scissors, and matches. Then all you need an open and airy place that is safe and secure. Then let the kids go to town.

Teach them by showing them. Then allow them to make their own.  For a campfire, gather the wood. Cut the branches. Build up tinder. Get it started burning. Children can learn this. Teach them at an early age.


Campfires are great, and I just cannot imagine a childhood without one.

Fire is a fundamental part of every human child’s life. We should teach and allow the child to explore this most important of elements. We need to take the time out of our day to help them to explore and learn. Let them smell the burning, hear the crackling embers, and enjoy the smoke and embers as they float upwards into the heavens.

Teach your children about how to make a fire. You gather wood. You gather tinder. You clean out a fire pit, and you surround it with rocks. You select the rocks carefully, so no “river rocks” are used. Then you arrange the wood, and start it by tinder. They can participate and help.  In no time, they will be starting the fire on their own.

Let them add sticks and wood to the fire. Let them learn how to make the fire hot, and see the benefits of the hot embers.

It need not only be about making the fire.  It can include such activities as cooking cut-up potatoes in aluminum-foil in the embers. (Easy to make and delicious.  Cut up a potato (after washing it), and an onion. Add salt and pepper and a pad of butter.  Wrap the entire thing in aluminum foil and place it in the embers and let it cook a spell.  It is delicious.)

campfire embers
One of my fondest memories is roasting hotdogs over a evening fire. We did this often as a child. This included such events as cub-scouts, school outings, and trips with my parents. Childhood needs to include campfires as a fundamental element of growing up.

It can include roasting marshmallows on a stick, or hotdogs until they are black and crunchy (the best kind).  My first roasted marshmallow occurred when I was six. It was before first grade. It can be earlier than that, but make sure that you supervise the youngster, as they do need training. Otherwise, they can burn their mouth, or fall into the fire. Yikes!

Fires are a great venue for bonding. It can include talking and telling stories, especially family lore, or hopes and dreams of the children.  You can be a great parent or uncle in these events. Don’t let them pass away. Don’t let them fade into obscurity simply because there is a new app in your cellphone.

By the way. I strongly urge all campfires to be a cellphone free zone.

make coffee on a campfire
Let your children see how easy it is to make tea or coffee on the campfire. Show them how it is done. You can also open up a can of pork and beans and teach them how to cook it on a fire in the embers (opened up) of course. Let them feel some independence, and let them do all the work. This is their experience, don’t hog it all up.

Let them participate in stories, or just allow them to stare into the burning embers and daydream. Let your child know the differences between wet wood, and dry wood.  Let them understand the differences between a pine and a hard wood.  Let them see the difference in making tinder, and how coal can make a fire much hotter. Let them learn what happens to a hotdog on a stick when you cook it deep down inside the hot embers of a fire, and what happens when you don’t.  Let them learn through experience.

I personally find it absolutely laughable that many American parents are so fearful that they will not allow their children to play with fire.  Certainly, no one wants the children to burn up a house or set a field on fire.  Yet, the knowledge of what a fire is, and how it can be controlled is an important learning exercise for children.

“If a 10-year-old lit a fire at an American playground, someone would call the police and the kid would be taken for counseling. At “the Land”, spontaneous fires are a frequent occurrence. The park is staffed by professionally trained “playworkers,” who keep a close eye on the kids but don’t intervene all that much. Claire Griffiths, the manager of the Land, describes her job as “loitering with intent.”

-The Land. The Land is an “adventure playground,” though it sounds a little too much like a amusement park. 

In the U.K., such playgrounds arose and became popular in the 1940s, as a result of the efforts of Lady Marjory Allen of Hurtwood, a landscape architect and children’s advocate. 

Allen was disappointed by what she described in a documentary as “asphalt square” playgrounds with “a few pieces of mechanical equipment.” She wanted to design playgrounds with loose parts that kids could move around and manipulate, to create their own makeshift structures. 

But more important, she wanted to encourage a “free and permissive atmosphere” with as little adult supervision as possible. The idea was that kids should face what to them seem like “really dangerous risks” and then conquer them alone. That, she said, is what builds self-confidence and courage.

Although the play-workers almost never stop the kids from what they’re doing, before the playground had even opened they’d filled binders with “risk benefits assessments” for nearly every activity. (In the two years since it opened, no one has been injured outside of the occasional scraped knee.)

Here’s the list of benefits for fire:

“It can be a social experience to sit around with friends, make friends, to sing songs to dance around, to stare at, it can be a co-operative experience where everyone has jobs. It can be something to experiment with, to take risks, to test its properties, its heat, its power, to re-live our evolutionary past.”

The risks?

“Burns from fire or fire pit” and “children accidentally burning each other with flaming cardboard or wood.” In this case, the benefits win, because a playworker is always nearby, watching for impending accidents but otherwise letting the children figure out lessons about fire on their own.”

-The Overprotected Kid

There is something primeval about fire, the smell of burning wood, and the weight of a metal lighter in your hand. (Disposable lighters are like paper cups of coffee; discardable and plain. To get the “full” experience, do it right.)

Teach them how to make a fire from tinder, and scraps.

I personally believe that every father should buy their son a nice traditional lighter. make it memorable and let the son choose the style that best fit’s their personality. This is an important part of growing up.

Show them how to make a fire pit, chop wood, and select the best wood.  Let them know the difference between green-wood, soft-wood, and hard wood. Let them poke the fire and watch the sparks fly. Let them blow on the fire and watch the embers glow and grow.


One of the more memorable events in my life took place during my college years. I was out riding in the “boondocks” with a friend of mine (Sid Custer) in his pickup truck. We were having a great time, and we stopped in the middle of the dirt road for a smoke (not a cigarette) and pee. Neither of us had a lighter. So my friend siphoned some gas out of the tank, put it on a rag he scrounged out of the glove box, and used his pocketknife to create sparks, which quickly set the rag on fire.  We lit up, and continued our merry way. Yes. Men, need to be able to adapt to survive. They need to know, that in a pinch, they can “make do” and adapt.

I never forgot that event.

Later on during other stages of my life, I saw interesting improvisations that enabled people the ability to light up cigarettes. Here are some additional ways to start a fire.  I would suggest that the reader also make a point to their children that fire can be made easily and is not something to fear.

Teach them how to create fires on demand. Teach them how to control fires, and what to do, when a fire gets out of control.

  • Gum Wrapper Fire. This is a very easy method, and commonly used in prison. You take a pack of chewing gum. You remove the silver foil. Then you get a battery (any working battery, but I’ve seen type AA or AAA used effectively), and put the foil so that it touches both ends. Now the fire might start at any point along the foil, so you need to tear away some of the foil to make a narrow gap. That will focus the fire to start there. Make sure you have some tinder ready, as the fire will be short lived. It might last two to three seconds, tops.
  • Ramen Noodle Stove. Take a pack of Ramen noodles. (Remove it from the plastic wrapping.) Pour gasoline, kerosene or any other flammable liquid on the uncooked noodles. Put it on a brick, a rock or other safe surface. Then light carefully (making sure that no gasoline is on anyone’s hands or splashed on the ground nearby). It will act like a “fire starter log”. As such, it will burn for a good spell. Maybe 20 minutes to a half an hour. It makes a great kindling or fire starter, but is also a very good exercise to expose your children to.

All of the suggestions that I have provided here come with a level of danger.  There should be no doubt about that.  However, the point is that danger should be a friend and as the child grows, they can become more familiar with danger and best be able to tame it. You need to teach your children how to confront life, and not shy away from it in fear.

To quote an age-old Peruvian saying; “A life lived in fear is a life not worth living”.

Also quoted in the movie “Strictly Ballroom” (1992). Strictly Ballroom is a 1992 Australian romantic comedy film directed and co-written by Baz Luhrmann. If the reader is confused about why this quote is located here in this manuscript, and what it means in regards to raising children and exposing them to new ideas and skills, then you should watch the movie “Strictly Ballroom”.

Sail a boat

"There is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. In or out of 'em, it doesn't matter. Nothing seems really to matter, that's the charm of it. 

Whether you get away, or whether you don't; whether you arrive at your destination or whether you reach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you're always busy, and you never do anything in particular; and when you've done it there's always something else to do, and you can do it if you like, but you'd much better not."

- Spoken by Ratty to Mole in Wind in the Willows a children's book by Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932).

This might be a surprise to some readers. It need not be.

gaff rigged cutter
This is a nice photo of a gaff-rigged cutter. A cutter is a boat with a single mast. A gaff-rigged boat is one that has the mast broken into two sections; a top and a bottom. The top section has a smaller sail known as a top-sail. It is useful to get the smallest and tiniest breezes of wind on calm days.

Sailing introduces your child to art, beauty, nature, and teamwork.  You will find them wanting to help furl the sails.  You will find them steer the boat with pride.  You will watch with pride as they point out when the sails are luffing. There is something very freeing about sailing.  You glide along the water, it is almost like flying.  It is soft, quiet and peaceful.

Sails on larger vessels are typically left in place, while it is easier to remove sails from the rigs of smaller vessels. Furling a sail simply means to put the thing away after use. Sails are commonly folded and covered, or rolled into a tubular shape by an onboard mechanism.

In sailing, luffing refers to when a sailing vessel is steered far enough toward the direction of the wind ("windward"), or the sheet controlling a sail is eased so far past optimal trim, that airflow over the surfaces of the sail is disrupted and the sail begins to "flap" or "luff" (the luff of the sail is usually where this first becomes evident). This is not always done in error; for example, the sails will luff when the bow of the boat passes through the direction of the wind as the sailboat is tacked.

A sailboat can also be "luffed" slightly without completely de-powering the sails. Often this occurs on the point of sail known as close hauled, this is sometimes referred to as pinching or "feathering" and is sometimes done deliberately in order to make a more direct course toward an upwind destination (see: "beating to windward"), or to "de-power" a sail on a windy day to maintain control of the sailboat. "Luffing" can also be used to slow or stop a sailboat in a controlled manner. To offset luffing at the top of the sail one should move the sail "lead" forward until the point where the "telltales" break evenly.

In comparison, a household with young children is a noisy and clamorous affair.  There is always noise and contention.  Young children cry and demand.  Sugar and other children exacerbate this situation. However, on the ocean (or in a bay), there is none of this.  The children will calm down and start to fit into the routine and the rhythm of the boat.  Oh, they will get the “sea legs” soon enough.

“The sea hates a coward.”
-  Eugene O’Neill

If the parent is so inclined, they can help the child with sailing lessons.  In each and every case, the parent should make sure that the child knows the basics of swimming (not included in this list, as it is a MAJOR fundamental requirement for all of my children.  They learn how to swim early on.). When in the boat, all children wear life preservers, and all of them must know how to “turn a boat around” to rescue a person during a “man overboard” drill. Try it.  Your children would love it!

gaff-rigged schooner
Here we see a gaff-rigged schooner overtaking a cutter. A schooner is a vessel with two masts. The mast at the stern of the ship is the tallest. Therefore, the vessel has the largest sail area towards the stern of the ship.

Others have written about the beauty of sailing.  Consider Christopher Cross for example.

For those readers who have never sailed, I would seriously suggest that you take the opportunity to do so.  I am not talking about a little puddle boat, but a large sailing vessel with a decent beam and some real size.  It is achievable, as many boat owners offer rides in their sailboats for a very reasonable price as a way to make extra money.

For those of you who have, let me suggest that you invest in a simple boat rather than a new cellphone. In my household, tools and clothing that helps the children learn hold far greater value than what everyone else is doing. You, dear reader, should realize that your High School days are over. Those who have succeeded in life, we NOT the ones who were average and “went with the pack”. Do not allow that temptation to mold your child’s thought process.

Here’s some great links for the convinced and interested reader;

The joy of sailing
The joy of sailing on the Britannia. Everyone should have the opportunity to sail. Everyone should be able to enjoy their life on the water, with friends and companionship.

“There is a special moment in sailing after clearing a harbor and setting the sails, when you turn off the engine and feel the boat lean into the wind and silently pick up speed. In that single quiet moment, all the joys of sailing come to me in a rush: freedom from the work-a-day life ashore, the thrill of travel, the challenge of pitting myself against the forces of the sea.”

- Stephan G. Regulinski

Ride Your Bike Off a Ramp

This was something that I did when I was a kid, and something that horrified my mother. Never the less, I don’t know of anyone who ever died from it.

Bike ramp
A forest bicycle ramp. Obviously a person using this ramp should have some practice and experience first. I have had many friends who would ride their dirt-bikes (motorcycles) in the abandoned strip mines and forests of Western Pennsylvania who had been in accidents, some of which required hospitalization.

It’s a thrill and a brush with danger that is still possible in this too-sterile world. Building and riding off ramps will teach your kids some basic physics and even some construction skills. Let them be kids, for goodness sakes. Don’t end up like that joke-of-a-President Obama who rides a bicycle with helmet and protective padding. Good God!


But… Let’s not leave it at that.  Riding a bike through the woods can be a great adventure.  I certainly enjoyed it as a kid growing up.  Today, in China, bike ride-share has taken the nation by storm, but these bikes are all for urban transport from one location to another.

That is not what I am writing about.

Instead I suggest aggressive bike adventures in the woods.  If you are an American, there is no reason why you can’t explore the old trails and country railroad access trails.  There is no reason why you can’t ride the deserted industrial sites and explore the “off the beaten” path adventures just waiting for there for you.  There is no reason why you can’t ride along long disused railroad tracks, ride up and down abandoned urban complexes, or explore old sections of cracked highway.

“beginning in 2011, Swanson Primary School in New Zealand submitted itself to a university experiment and agreed to suspend all playground rules, allowing the kids to run, climb trees, slide down a muddy hill, jump off swings, and play in a “loose-parts pit” that was like a mini adventure playground.

The teachers feared chaos, but in fact what they got was less naughtiness and bullying—because the kids were too busy and engaged to want to cause trouble, the principal said.”

-The Overprotected Kid

Which brings up another subject…

Explore an Abandoned Building

Ouch!  This is a painful admission. Abandoned sites are dangerous.  You can get hurt or more.  When I was five I walked on a rusty nail protruding from a board in an abandoned house near our place. I had to get some painful shots as a result.

Never the less, I explored many an abandoned building, and went in and out of local railroad tunnels throughout the Western Pennsylvania hills where I lived. I cannot say that I would promote my children doing so, but if I found out about it, I wouldn’t lambast them either. The key is preparation. The children need to know about the dangers before hand, and then with the basic tools and knowledge just let them explore a bit.

When I was in second grade I learned that if you jumped off the second floor of an abandoned building that your feet and legs would hurt.  I learned that old pipes had water, but the water was thick and red with rust.  I learned that nails were everywhere and if you weren’t careful you could step on one and need to go to the doctor and get an injection.  I learned that broken glass is everywhere in an old building and you could get hurt if your touched it.

urban exploration
There is a sub-culture called urban-exploration where young adults enter into abandoned structures for the purpose of photography and exploration. They do not deface, steal or vandalize. I see nothing wrong with this as long as they are careful and not breaking any laws. I would encourage your children to explore…

A good parent allows the child to learn.

A good parent will rather have the child experience a bruise or two rather than live a life in fear, or worse yet, walk straight into danger unawares. As a child, I was petrified of spiders, snakes, frogs, and bees. Over the years, through close contact, I have learned not to be fearful of these things. Let your child learn early. Equip them with the knowledge to live and survive in an often-unfriendly world.

Climb a Rope

Climbing is one of the crucial physical skills everyone should develop. In America, from what I gather, climbing a rope is something that is frowned upon. As is climbing stairs higher than four feet. Have you looked at what constitutes a playground these days?

Now, if schools won’t provide the opportunity for a little physical exercise, then parents ought to. I am way too old to climb, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t make the effort to show how it is done.

In the old days (about 100 years ago), every community had a playground.  These playgrounds consisted of “monkey bars”, swing sets, seesaws, and other simple outdoor childhood entertainments. Typically, they had sand at the bottom of the metal (and often concrete) structures to mitigate any cuts, scrapes or broken bones.  There was sand at the bottom of the monkey bars, sand at the bottom and end of the slides, and sand below the swing sets.

Children playing on “monkey bars”. Now, pretty much banned throughout the USA by Democrat well-meaning busybodies.

This continued into my parents’ generation and mine as well.  However, over time, the playground equipment became more standardized and mass-produced.  By the time the 1980’s rolled around, there were small community organizations forming to make playgrounds “safer”, “better” and (perhaps) more “educational”.  These “improvements” resulted in making the playgrounds nice and safe and very boring.

Often centering around a “community activist”. This “activist” often had no source of financial income except what manifested as a result of litigation. Litigation was the fruit that justified their activism. Many “well intentioned” changes were just creative ways for an individual or group of individuals to make money without physical labor. Don’t like my opinion? Prove me wrong.

1900 style American playground
Old American playground around 1900. Only the strong survived recess, obviously.

For instance, slides became lower. Instead of two stories high during my parents’ generation, and one story high (8 feet) in my generation, they became four feet high. “Monkey Bars” became smaller and lower to the ground. Even seesaws and swings became smaller, or eliminated all together. These “improvements” were welcomed by all the protective parents in their respective communities, or at least by the most vocal ones.

There was only one problem.

The structures were boring and did not challenge the children.  They were instead only suitable for mentally retarded and handicapped children, infants under the age of two, and overweight mothers. My gosh! Children should be challenged while in a safe environment, not coddled until they become an adult.

Bubble wrap was intended for the protection of inanimate objects. Not for human beings. Protective attire is necessary for close combat, hazardous work, and working with tools. It should not be necessary for transportation, play or dining.

My experience, in life, has been that once the father leaves (dies or simply abandons the household); the mother tends to clutch on to the child. She becomes hyper protective. If the child is unable to go out on their own, this terrible behavior (and self-serving behavior) by the mother completely messes up the child. They become “retarded” in normal development.

Those of you readers who have accomplished anything know exactly what I speak of.

I strongly believe that children, like cats and puppies, should be encouraged to climb, fight, sing, dance, and do other tasks that involve a moderate level of risk.  It is better to climb in a park near your house than on a mountain side hours from a nearby hospital.

Children are permitted to be safe while playing in Chinese playgrounds.
All Chinese playgrounds are supervised to allow the children to play in safety.

I was reminded of this by an event in a local park here in China. There were some children being taught repelling and climbing skills by a small group of instructors.  It turns out that many malls and store complexes in China have these huge climbing complexes of ropes, and netting that children are permitted to go “nuts” over.

They are very popular here, and are well maintained and monitored. They also offer excursions in local parks.  I strongly advise all parents to utilize this resource.

Chinese mall playground
Many Chinese malls have enormous gym arrangements that are supervised for safety. The children can climb and explore. They can climb rope ladders often going up seven or eight stories. They can rappel down ropes and swing from tires hanging by a rope.

These arrangements are a multi-colored mixtures of beams, ropes, hoops, ladders, bars, and free hanging containers. The maze towers upward. Often they are five or six stories high. There is one in GuoMao in the LouHu section of ShenZhen that towers seven stories high. There is one in the JiDa section of ZhuHai that goes all the way up to the fifth floor.

You can watch the children high up, five stories above, walking a balance beam. The only thing saving them is a tethered harness so if they lose their footing, they will not fall (and die). I have seen many a petrified first and second grader carefully exploring this maze of rope and bars. Too bad American parents are too fearful to expose their children to adventure.

Safety for children
In China, safety is always a concern. No one can enter these areas without supervision and protection. For this supervision, there is a small fee that needs to be paid.

The Chinese provide their children with a fine place to climb and explore.  Sure there is an element of risk, but there are trained instructors and safety harnesses and helmets provided. Compare that to a modern American playgound.  There isn’t any risk.  There isn’t any opportunity to explore and have adventure.  It is typically in one or two colors, it consists of a few fences and railings, and some stairs to climb up.  It is also very safe.  It is the opposite of what is available in China.

American playgrounds are perfect for handicapped children and imbeciles. American playgrounds are safe at the expense of play.
Safe American playground is suitable for the most incompetent children and retarded idiots that America can produce.

American playgrounds are designed for idiots. They are ridiculously safe. Soon, someone will complain (I am sure a SJW looking for a financial award) about rain, and demanding that they be shaded and protected from the weather. Maybe the metal components are too hard, and so they will now need to be completely padded, and let’s add a paid child monitor to the mix (paid for with your tax dollars).

Notice that there are no swings, seesaws, slides, monkey bars or merry go-rounds. Too dangerous the SWJ’s (busybodies) state.

Use a Pocket Knife

I never gave any consideration to the importance of a pocket knife. I was just something that I thought all boys had and used. That is, until I saw a Chinese boy looking at them in the (underground Zhuhai) mall…

Learning to use a pocket knife with grandfather
Learning to use a pocket knife with grandpa. What a great opportunity to bond with your children, or grand children, or even great-great grand children. You go out. You sit on the porch. You pick up a twig or stick, and you start carving away.

Shortly afterwards, I read an article titled “The Complete guide to Pocket Knives”. That served as my inspiration, and cracked up a wallet just a little bit…

There’s something manly about your first pocket knife.  It doesn’t have to have 100 blades and a corkscrew, but it should have at least two different blades and maybe a file.

My (second) pocket knife was a red Swiss Army knife with maybe five different blade combinations including a can opener, and rasp. It replaced my boy scout knife that I had, as well as just about every other boy in my school, one Christmas.  It was a gift from my father.

“One day last year, a citizen on a prairie path in the Chicago suburb of Elmhurst came upon a teen boy chopping wood. Not a body. Just some already-fallen branches. Nonetheless, the onlooker called the cops.

Officers interrogated the boy, who said he was trying to build a fort for himself and his friends. A local news site reports the police then “took the tools for safekeeping to be returned to the boy’s parents.”

-The Fragile Generation

What? A boy cannot cut up wood? What planet ware we on? And the Chicago police promptly relied him of the tools and escorted him to the safety of his parents? This is friggin’ unbelievable!

“Elsewhere in America, preschoolers at the Learning Collaborative in Charlotte, North Carolina, were thrilled to receive a set of gently used playground equipment. But the kids soon found out they would not be allowed to use it, because it was resting on grass, not wood chips. “It’s a safety issue,” explained a day care spokeswoman. Playing on grass is against local regulations.”

-The Fragile Generation

Playing on the grass is against safety regulations!

Let me repeat as an underline; “Playing on the grass is against safety regulations.”

This is America.

“And then there was the query that ran in Parents magazine a few years back: “Your child’s old enough to stay home briefly, and often does. But is it okay to leave her and her playmate home while you dash to the dry cleaner?”

Absolutely not, the magazine averred: “Take the kids with you, or save your errand for another time.” After all, “you want to make sure that no one’s feelings get too hurt if there’s a squabble.”

-The Fragile Generation

By all means, protect the child’s feelings…(!)

“The principle here is simple: This generation of kids must be protected like none other. They can’t use tools, they can’t play on grass, and they certainly can’t be expected to work through a spat with a friend.

And this, it could be argued, is why we have “safe spaces” on college campuses and millennial's missing adult milestones today. We told a generation of kids that they can never be too safe—and they believed us.“

-The Fragile Generation

Ah, it’s a generation of wusses. But, my children will not be part of it. They are taught how to [1] measure the unknown, [2] put aside fears, and [3] utilize tools to accomplish their goals.

Pocket knives are great tools, and all children, boys and girls should learn to use one.  Nothing is better than using it to cut up an apple, or pear.  Use it to cut away branches to make a sling-shot, or make a fine walking stick (a teenage necessity).

If you give your child a knife with different blades, please remember to show them how each blade is used.  Do not simply expect them to understand it by osmosis. (Like my father did.) Show them the screw driver, and the can-opener blade, and let them open a can or two of pork and beans and let it cook on a campfire once opened. The corkscrew won’t come in handy until they are in college.. heh, heh.

Knives have many uses.
Knives have many benefits. This is an important point. Having a knife, being able to explore without fear, making a fire, and being able to climb a rope are things that all of our distant relatives did when they were children. These were things that they were allowed and permitted to do in a Free Society. Today, America is NOT a free society. It is a prison, increasingly populated with people and children bread to act and behave as cattle-serfs. I refuse to let my children become cattle for the oligarchy. Moo.

This being stated, I do not advise knives being brought into American schools.  The days of cub scouts having a pocket knife and bringing it into class is long, long over. Incidentally, a cub-scout pocket knife would be an ideal knife for your child int his regard. I had one when I was a boy. I had it for a while until it was replaced by a red (maybe fake) Swiss army knife.

“As a kid in the 1970’s, almost every boy carried a pocket knife. It wasn’t a weapon or for showing off, unless it was new. Sometimes you had to actually cut something and scissors just wouldn’t do.

When you were bored, you’d whittle a stick or a piece of wood with it. I have a simple walking stick carved by my great grandfather, and I recall the mystique of watching and helping as he sharpened his knife. In my keepsake box, I have a pocket knife of my father and grandfather. Interestingly, along with a Confederate $5 bank note, Lincoln had one in his pocket the night he was shot.”

-CR Smyth

Get a good knife.

You do not need to get the biggest, or the most elaborate knife. A simple knife is the best thing. make sure that it is rugged. Children are difficult on things. Make sure that it has two to three blades that the child can master. Make sure that it fits well in his hand, and that it is beautiful enough so that he will want to carry it around with him.

Explore a Construction Site

China is filled with construction sites. While I don’t advocate kids climbing about on the 60th floor of some new skyscraper, many build sites offer great opportunity for exploration and adventure.  That is fun.  Moreover, dear reader, fun and play is HOW children learn.

While I was growing up, the subdivision I lived in was still under construction, so there were always plenty of partially-built houses to explore. After the construction workers left for the day, my boyhood pals and I would cruise down the street on our bikes to check out their work and poke around the skeletal structures rising from the muddy lots. The ones that were the most fun to explore were the two-story houses. You’d have to climb up the railing-less, unfinished stairs and when you got to the top, you were able to walk to the edge of the second story’s framing and throw stuff down on your buds. What great fun!

One of the first things I learned, I was in second grade at the time, was that if you jumped from the second floor to the ground, it hurt! Ouch!

In America today, kids are not permitted “free range” play. They are constantly under observation and supervision. They are coddled and are not given the opportunity to learn some “hard knocks”. I consider this a very troubling situation, and I do not allow my children to be coddled in this way. It wasn’t always  this way.  Children used to be permitted to play.

Here is a great write up on why public playgrounds became so sterile;

“In 1978, a toddler named Frank Nelson made his way to the top of a 12-foot slide in Hamlin Park in Chicago, with his mother, Debra, a few steps behind him. The structure, installed three years earlier, was known as a “tornado slide” because it twisted on the way down, but the boy never made it that far. He fell through the gap between the handrail and the steps and landed on his head on the asphalt.

A year later, his parents sued the Chicago Park District and the two companies that had manufactured and installed the slide. Frank had fractured his skull in the fall and suffered permanent brain damage. He was paralyzed on his left side and had speech and vision problems. His attorneys noted that he was forced to wear a helmet all the time to protect his fragile skull.

The Nelsons’ was one of a number of lawsuits of that era that fueled a backlash against potentially dangerous playground equipment.

Theodora Briggs Sweeney, a consumer advocate and safety consultant from John Carroll University, near Cleveland, testified at dozens of trials and became a public crusader for playground reform. “The name of the playground game will continue to be Russian roulette, with the child as unsuspecting victim,” Sweeney wrote in a 1979 paper published in Pediatrics. She was concerned about many things—the heights of slides, the space between railings, the danger of loose S-shaped hooks holding parts together—but what she worried about most was asphalt and dirt. In her paper, Sweeney declared that lab simulations showed children could die from a fall of as little as a foot if their head hit asphalt, or three feet if their head hit dirt.

A federal-government report published around that time found that tens of thousands of children were turning up in the emergency room each year because of playground accidents.

As a result, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission in 1981 published the first “Handbook for Public Playground Safety,” a short set of general guidelines—the word guidelines was in bold, to distinguish the contents from requirements—that should govern the equipment. For example, no component of any equipment should form angles or openings that could trap any part of a child’s body, especially the head.

To turn up the pressure, Sweeney and a fellow consultant on playground safety, Joe Frost, began cataloguing the horrors that befell children at playgrounds.

Between them, they had testified in almost 200 cases and could detail gruesome specifics—several kids who had gotten their heads trapped or crushed by merry-go-rounds; one who was hanged by a jump rope attached to a deck railing; one who was killed by a motorcycle that crashed into an unfenced playground; one who fell while playing football on rocky ground. In a paper they wrote together, Sweeney and Frost called for “immediate inspection” of all equipment that had been installed before 1981, and the removal of anything faulty. They also called for playgrounds nationwide to incorporate rubber flooring in crucial areas.

In January 1985, the Chicago Park District settled the suit with the Nelsons. Frank Nelson was guaranteed a minimum of $9.5 million. Maurice Thominet, the chief engineer for the Park District, told the Chicago Tribune that the city would have to “take a cold, hard look at all of our equipment” and likely remove all the tornado slides and some other structures. At the time, a reader wrote to the paper:

“Do accidents happen anymore? … Can a mother take the risk of taking her young child up to the top of a tornado slide, with every good intention, and have an accident? Who is responsible for a child in a park, the park district or the parent? … Swings hit 1-year-old children in the head, I’m sure with dire consequences in some instances. Do we eliminate swings?”

But these proved to be musings from a dying age. Around the time the Nelson settlement became public, park departments all over the country began removing equipment newly considered dangerous, partly because they could not afford to be sued, especially now that a government handbook could be used by litigants as proof of standards that parks were failing to meet.

In anticipation of lawsuits, insurance premiums skyrocketed.

As the Tribune reader had intuited, the cultural understanding of acceptable risk began to shift, such that any known risk became nearly synonymous with hazard.

Over the years, the official consumer-product handbook has gone through several revisions; it is now supplemented by a set of technical guidelines for manufacturers. More and more, the standards are set by engineers and technical experts and lawyers, with little meaningful input from “people who know anything about children’s play,” says William Weisz, a design consultant who has sat on several committees overseeing changes to the guidelines.

The handbook includes specific prescriptions for the exact heights, slopes, and other angles of nearly every piece of equipment. Rubber flooring or wood chips are virtually required; grass and dirt are “not considered protective surfacing because wear and environmental factors can reduce their shock absorbing effectiveness.”

“Reasonable risks are essential for children’s healthy development,” says Joe Frost, an influential safety crusader.

It is no longer easy to find a playground that has an element of surprise, no matter how far you travel. Kids can find the same slides at the same heights and angles as the ones in their own neighborhood, with many of the same accessories.

I live in Washington, D.C., near a section of Rock Creek Park, and during my first year in the neighborhood, a remote corner of the park dead-ended into what our neighbors called the forgotten playground. The slide had wooden steps, and was at such a steep angle that kids had to practice controlling their speed so they wouldn’t land too hard on the dirt. More glorious, a freestanding tree house perched about 12 feet off the ground, where the neighborhood kids would gather and sort themselves into the pack hierarchies I remember from my childhood—little kids on the ground “cooking” while the bigger kids dominated the high shelter.

But in 2003, nearly a year after I moved in, the park service tore down the tree house and replaced all the old equipment with a prefab playground set on rubber flooring. Now the playground can hold only a toddler’s attention, and not for very long. The kids seem to spend most of their time in the sandbox; maybe they like it because the neighbors have turned it into a mini adventure playground, dropping off an odd mixing spoon or colander or broken-down toy car.”

-The Overprotected Kid

Well-wishing “do gooders” “busy-bodies” with a profit angle and political influence ruined the educational benefits of pay for nearly two generations of American children.

There is not too much that I can do about it, except for what I do with my children. And, my dear reader, kindly note that they are permitted to play in a fundamentally non-sterile environment.

Shoot a Slingshot

In a time not too long ago, the archetypal boy had a handmade slingshot dangling from the back of his pocket. Today, most boys have never touched one. Which is a shame because slingshots can provide hours of fun and they’re a great way to introduce firearm safety to your young ones (e.g., only point at what you plan on hitting). Yes, you could just buy your kid a fancy manufactured slingshot on Amazon, but how about exposing them to even more positive danger by letting them make their own? They’ll learn how to handle a saw safely and get to practice some knife wielding skills to boot.

However, depending where you live, possession of a slingshot might be problematic.

Some busybody might call the ATF and insist that your child’s slingshot meets the all the regulations for a projectile weapon, such as barrel length, whether or not it has a “bump stock”, magazine size, and whether or not it appear paramilitary.

If you live in in an area where they shut down lemonade stands run by five year olds, then you might want to reconsider the activities that you permit your child to participate in.  If you live in the USA, I would suggest moving to a place where there are not such idiotic regulations, like Communist China or Thailand. Here you can do anything you want within reason.

Read about this sad state of affairs;

Today, americans can be arrested for the slightest cause. America is no longer free. Policemen and cops will arrest anyone, even children.
Here is an American police officer frisking a child on the television show “Cops” showing how important it is for Americans to obey the law.

This is Part 1 of a Two Part Post

This is part one of a two part post. You can go to the other post HERE. This post is rather long. I have exceeded the “industry norm” (Google SEO advisement) by a significant word count. As is my prerogative. You can visit the rest of this post HERE.

Conclusions, “Take Aways” and FAQ can be found on the second post.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

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  1. Composed 23AUG18.
  2. SEO review 23AUG18.
  3. Published 23AUG18.

Learning about China by Looking at Pretty Girls (3)

This is the third of a series of post on Chinese cute girls and Chinese culture.

My intention is that we cannot fully appreciate our role as Americans and ignore all the changes going on in China. The absolute dearth of  “real” information on China is terrible. It WILL HURT Americans, unless this situation is corrected.

Here is a quote from JobTubeDaily;

"Popular U.S. media perpetuates constant negative narratives about China: ghost cities, real estate bubbles, pollution, corruption. While many of these problems are real, the predominately negative coverage drowns out the positive elements of life in China and its abundant economic opportunities. In doing so, the media dissuades America’s rising students, as well as business and political leaders, from learning more about the country."

Here is a quote from LinkedIN;

"And the western media aren't particularly helpful in explaining the real China of 2018.  They're serving so much bias and prejudice about China, it is nearly impossible for the general public to get in touch with the real China."

China is a very, very big nation. Many times I am asked what it is like. Honestly, there is so much to say, that I end up going on some tangent or the other. However, one thing that I noticed when talking to other men, is that what they really want to know is what Chinese girls are like…

Wow! That is in itself a huge subject.

Here I try to compose  a series of micro-videos of Chinese girls taking little vignettes of themselves being cute, dancing, eating, and doing girl things. It is in no way comprehensive, but it should give you a general idea of what Chinese girls are like. It will also help you to get a better idea of what China is like as well.

Here we look at ten micro-videos…

Farm style restaurant…

Let’s start with a “farm-style restaurant.  This is a pretty awesome place. It can be found through out the Southern section of China. It consists of … basically, a farm. there are chickens walking around. There are ducks in pens, as well as  snakes and ducks. It is a fundamentally a pavilion set in the middle of a rural farm.

You eat in a nice (fan cooled) open area under a nice rood, and fresh (really, fresh) food is presented to you.  You pick out a live critter. It could be a chicken, a fish, a snake, a duck. They get it out of the pen, and take it to the kitchen where they kill it and dress it right there on the spot.

It is actually, pretty darn awesome.

This girl is obviously showing off her awesome rear-end while she walks behind the kitchen area in a rural farm-kitchen. I congratulate her.  How can you possibly argue that her choice in music and her attitude is not appropriate for the emotions that she is trying to convey. This is a exceptional woman.

At a mall…

Malls in China re pretty much what malls used to be in the United States before the middle class was destroyed.  Malls in China are actually very lively places, and are considered to be contemporaneous social centers.

Here we have a chick that is dancing around one of the central-assemblies (that crop up every two weeks or so). I enjoy her freedom and her liveliness.

The video was filmed at a nail or skin care salon that is located in a Pavilion booth set up in one of the wide open spaces inside the mall. You can tell this by the chairs and the product display. The pink and white “lady like” chairs are a dead give away. These venues are highly popular in China. It seems like all the girls take good care of their skin. As they should. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why Chinese women age so gracefully.

Take a look around her. We have numerous Chinese businesses that cater to the rising middle class in China. Note the people. They, as can be considered as normal, pass by a cute Chinese girl dancing randomly. Such is China. Isn’t it just great?

At a pool…

Most Chinese are really not that good swimmers. However, that does not mean that they don’t like pools. In fact, in the Southern sections of China, public pools are everywhere, as well as in most apartment buildings and complexes. However, the water level is kept pretty shallow. Mostly it varies from 3 feet deep to five feet deep.  Maybe 1 to 1.5 meters deep.

You can swim and play around, but you don’t have to worry about drowning in the deep water.

The costs vary. In our apartment pool in Shenzhen, the cost for a membership pass was 50 yuan a family. So for my wife and I, a year’s membership was under $5/year. A public pool in more expensive. Here in Zhuhai, we can pay $35 yuan a person for an all-day swim per person. That is roughly $6/day.

This girl is at a public pool. I personally think that she looks great in that swimsuit. Though, I must warn her that she should be swimming in the evening. The hot such will burn her skin, and chances are that she would probably be spending hours trying to scrub the darkness off.

Notice that you can bring all sorts of inflatables, floats and toys into the pool. This includes squirt guns and super-soakers. You will also notice that the life guards wear an ID-badge around their neck and wade in and walk among the people in the pool. They are hands-on and help people and keep order as need be. They don’t sit on a chair and watch everyone under an umbrella.

At a apartment park area…

This is a very interesting photo. It’s hard to tell, but she is on the third floor of an apartment complex. If you were to look at the building, you would see one enormous building… the size of a complete city block. It would only be three stories high. The parking garage would be underground, and the first three floors would be devoted to small businesses and offices. Then the top of the third floor is this big park that only the apartment residences can access.

Springing up out of the third floor are smaller, singular apartment buildings. This varies from one to six in number. They are typically identified as building “A”, building “B”, etc. Each one has their own set of elevators for only that building.

She is dancing in her apartment complex, and she obviously lives in one of the buildings near by her. As you can see the park is expansive and contains walkways for dogs, exercise machines for the people and maybe a play area or two. You can often find ping-pong tables, and similar structures on this type of apartment park area.

It looks like there is an area for some upper street parking, and a place for bicycles as well. She is dancing to a song by Cindy Wong that is maybe ten years old now. It is a happy song that many Chinese girls know how to dance to. I don’t know the routine, as I think that it is really complicated and complex.

Dance Studio…

Here we now migrate to a professional dance studio. There are many, many dance studios throughout China. They vary from small studios that cater to Children, to K-pop and C-pop dance troupes, to professional studios. The professional studios are all quite good, and they host a wide selection of styles and types of dance.

Many middle-aged Chinese women go to these studios for exercise and companionship. The membership in these studios are not cheap, but neither is the companionship and the experience either.

She’s quite good, don’t you think? I would classify her at “expert” level in skill and ability.

Military Barracks…

Ok. Now, let’s go to a totally different location. Here is a Chinese military barracks. In China, both men and women serve in the armed forces. They go through training just like American soldiers do.

Here are some youngish girls in a barracks. You can tell from the uniforms that they are with the military. The barracks isn’t that much different from what you would see elsewhere in the rest of the world. She is sharing it with her colleagues. And they are all doing typical things that you would see in a barracks. Including drinking a Pepsi-cola.

On a nice boat…

Of course, with so many miles of coastline, the Chinese love to boat around and enjoy themselves.  Here we have an attractive girl riding around in a nice yacht. It looks like the South China sea to me. She sports a tattoo on her arm with is a little bit on the big size. This is suggestive of a Westernized city like Hong Kong or Shanghai.

Song is “Superstar” by Beatrich. The Chinese listen to music from around the world. While many listen to mainland Chinese music, Taiwan pop, and Cantonese pop are also popular as is music from Russia and the United States.

On the beach…

While there are pools all over China, and beaches all along the coast, there are also many private “swimming holes”. These are simply a small pond or lake with a beach and a nice big parking lot. Nearby are some stores for the purchase of swimming toys and some icy beverages such as Coke and beer.

This is very similar to a number of “swimming holes” that used to exist in and around Boston.

Here we have a nice cutie who is sporting a tiny bikini and enjoying the water, and the sun on a nice summer day.  Just by looking at how she carries herself, and her smile should be enough to convince you WHY I like Chinese girls so very much. What a smile!

I think that the way she carries herself is amazingly sexy. No, it’s not the clothes (or maybe lack of them), and no it’s not the curves of her body. I honestly believe that a person who is good, kind and happy… who is confident and pleasant to be around is just a magnet for me. I am drawn by her strength, and pleasant disposition.

Don’t tell me that you didn’t get a smile on your face when she looked straight at you and gave you such a calm confident smile. Come on!

You will note that there is a waterside in the background. I would not be surprised if there were also a few amusements nearby and other venues such as tent rentals, and Hot Pot restaurants.


Speaking of watersides, here is another micro-video of a waterside in China. Watersides are very popular here, and there are some truly enormous ones with all sorts of twists and turns. They can be found outside and inside huge mall complexes.

This is a typical one that might be found in one of the smaller cities. It contains not only the elements of water and fun but supportive elements such as a playground, lifeguards, stores and recreational supplies.

Here is a cute girl wearing a nice swim suit. I find her very attractive. Heck, maybe you think that I find all girls attractive. Well, maybe that is because I do. She has nice curves, and is hanging out with her friends.

If you look  in the background, you can see the little children playing with their parents. Everyone is having a great time together. Isn’t that what life is all about? Isn’t it great to have family, and to have friends that you can do things with? I really think so. Life is not about sitting behind a computer screen, or watching a Netflix movie at night. It is all about being with those whom you love.

Outside a Garage

While most of China has these enormous housing complexes which are just mega-apartments, China is also growing another kind of residence. This is an American-style single-residence. These are springing up everywhere and the upper-middle class are moving into them. The price on these homes are not cheap and could easily be double that you would expect to pay for a comparable house in an apartment complex.

Here we have two girls dancing in front of a garage in front of one of these houses. On the surface the style is reminiscent of South-Western United States mass-produced housing.

The girls are pretty typical. They are wearing little white shoes, shorts or skirt and a tight top. Contrary to what the fucking idiots in Arkansas think, these girls do not look like pre-adolescent children. In fact, they look quite grown up to me. I would place them at college age or so.

Behind them are two of the most popular cars in China; a Range Rover and a Porsche.

If I were to take a wild guess, I would suppose that they both live in the neighborhood. That their parent or relatives own one of the houses, and that they are making the video in front of it.


Everyone likes to look at pretty girls. Even other pretty girls. I, as a man, think that pretty girls liven up our lives and make it more interesting and fun. I would not mind taking any one of these girls out and having a nice meal or playing around in a park or some other place. Having good companionship, great conversation, and enjoying a wonderful meal would be awesome with any of these women.

Beautiful girls of the world.
Here is a composite of faces from various geographic regions. Every one of these girls are beautiful. Why are the oligarchs and the leaders of our respective nations so bent out of shape wanting to fight each other? I mean, they have enough money, don’t they? I mean, how much power is enough? Or, are they just evil.

Today it is difficult to see what other places are like, if you are an American. Our news is heavily propagandized.

  • Those on the liberal side have the impression that China eats dogs, is full of poor waifs that sell their bodies for sex, and is full of dirty smog filled air.
  • Those on the conservative side, have the impression that China is a great war-mongered beast who wants to take over the Pacific, that they are ruthless businessmen, and want to keep their citizens imprisoned in a communist gulag.

Neither impression is correct. They are both terrible distortions.

China is a huge nation, bigger geographically than the United States, and with an enormous population far larger than America’s. In fact, there are more people in China that speak English than there are Americans in the entire world.

They live life. They work. They study hard. They try to do their best. They have fun. They raise families. They are, in many ways, like “old fashioned” Americans around 1950. While America has moved toward a progressive socialist paradise ruled by an oligarchy, China has moved in a different direction. It has moved toward free-market policies originating out of a central government. China is not at all what we think it is.

This post is my little way to help introduce China to the readership.

Chinese APPS
These are the major APPS in China. If you don’t what these are, or what they represent, then you are wholly deficient in your understanding of China, and a sizable portion of the global community. Take heed.

Take Aways

  • Chinese women are attractive.
  • Many of the buildings in China are new, and have a modern supporting infrastructure.
  • Chinese people like to dance, sing, and have fun with their friends.
  • Chinese women DO NOT look like pre-adolescent children. (Here’s a nod to the idiots in Arkansas who were absolutely convinced that Chinese women look like little pre-adolescent girls.)

Beverly Hillbillies
Here is a scene from the 1960’s era situation comedy called the “Beverly Hillbillies”. I really loved that show. Then, later on, when I went to Arkansas to be retired from MAJestic, I met actual hillbillies. It was painful. Imagine the worst aspects of the movie Idioticracity combined with an evil FBI director trying to “get Trump”. Ugh. Anyways, their understanding of life outside of Little Rock was pathetic. They thought that Memphis, Tennessee was another nation. They were that pathetic.


Q: Why do you only have beautiful Chinese girls? What about being more diverse and inclusive? Why do you objectify girls?
A: Well, for one, this article is about attractive Chinese girls. It wouldn’t do to have non-Chinese girls in it. Nor would it be appropriate to have men, homosexuals, fat and ugly girls, children or LGBT creatures in the article.

If you want to purge beauty out of your life, no problem. Go ahead and do it. Just like American beauty pageants are no longer about beauty. Just like American airlines have purged themselves of age and beauty standards. Just like race-cars have purged themselves of attractive women. But you won’t see that in China.

However, here in China, you won’t see this nonsense permitted.

Grid Girls
Formula 1 Grid Girls in Asia. Sure maybe they are banned in the United States but the rest of the world appreciates fast cars and beautiful women. America i going through a social upheaval with white is black and new is old. It is a terrible time. However, eventually everything will reset. Don’t be under any illusion that having ugly people in control of things would eventually be eclipsed. It is the nature of our reality.

Now here, I like to surround myself with beauty. I like to surround myself with things that I like and I love. That includes dogs, cats, pizza, bacon, tomatoes, friends and of course my loved ones.

Who doesn’t like a BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, and tomato) sandwich with egg on toasted bread? Ah, such a delicious meal! Most certainly. I also like it with a nice frosty drink, like a nice beer. Or, barring that, how about a nice sweet Southern-style iced-tea. Ah, now that is awesome.

Q: Why do you use micro-videos in this post?
A: I think it does a nice job of giving a snapshot of what China is like. Many of the videos have Chinese songs. They all feature beautiful Chinese girls in China doing things that beautiful Chinese girls like to do. Of course, if you would rather go to you-tube, go ahead. You won’t find very many Chinese girls there. You-tube is banned in China because it, like Facebook, Google, and Tumblr, all collect user information and pipe that information directly to the NSA for American government’s use.

Q: Why do you think these girls are beautiful?
A: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What constitutes for beauty in China is different from what is beautiful elsewhere. I chose these videos because I happen to think the girls are cute, beautiful or attractive. Of course, if you disagree with me, you can leave.

Pretty girls.
I think that it is really nice and enjoyable to look at pretty girls. I love how they look, and like looking at the outfits that they wear. I like how they carry themselves. I love how they smile. I love the shoes that they select. I think it is really nice and fun.

Links about China

Pretty Chinese Girls

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  1. Composed 19AUG18.
  2. SEO review 21AUG18.
  3. Published 22AUG18

An Observed World Line Switch – The Aluminum Foil Lady

Let’s spend a short moment looking at an observed world-line switch. Here, a woman exits one world-line and appears in ours. She is wearing a thermal coat / blanket, of the type that looks like aluminum foil. The MWI can be traversed in many, many ways and methods. Let’s take a look at what was observed and discuss it based on what I know from my experiences within MAJestic…


Here, let me spend s precious small amount of time to discuss very, very briefly something that I am well versed in. While, in other posts, I have mentioned some of my training, and some of what I know about the universe and our reality. I have also covered some things about our non-physical reality. Let’s talk about a specific event that was caught on camera and observed, via the internet, around the world.

But first, let’s lay out some ground rules.

  • The MWI is real. There are alternative “world-lines” and other realities.
  • Contrary to what impression that you might have from Hollywood, we do not live on a “world-line” we occupy a “bubble of reality”. Sorry “Doc Brown”…
Back to the future blackboard
In the movie “Back to the Future II”, a mad scientist named Doc Brown invented a time travel machine out of a Delorian. Here he explains that happens to a “world-line” when you alter the past. Since that movie, many people are under the incorrect impression that we all live on fated “world-lines”. We do not. We live with individual bubbles of reality that are constantly changing and evolving by our own thoughts and the thoughts and actions of those around us.
  • Once we are in that “bubble”, we can alter it and change it by our actions as well as by our thoughts. We have this ability through physical action, and thought.
  • There are many different techniques for changing your reality. I know specifically of four…

These are;

  1.  Simple changes to your reality. This can be accomplished by the power of intention or prayer. Not to mention the obvious changes by physical action.
  2. Large scale changes that require fixed machinery and devices to manifest. These are used to transport not only into a different reality, but also to a different geographical region. In this kind of alterations, time and geographic location can be changed.
  3. Large scale changes that can utilize portable devices to manifest. This can be in the form of large and heavy devices, and also in the form of much smaller device, depending on the technology of the user species.
  4. Changes to both the physical and non-physical realities by “piggy-backing” onto an entity with the inherent ability to conduct world-line travel via the MWI.
This is pretty "off the wall" stuff for casual reading, and not really something that you would find on most conspiracy websites. That's fine with me. This is the real deal. Read it or not. I just don't care.

Here we are going to discuss an observed MWI slide, or world-line switch (if you prefer) that took place in Russia on a highway. While I do not know of the specific method used, I personally tend to believe that it involved #2 above.

Travel by Intention

As I have just stated, there are four different ways (that I know of) to traverse the various realities that we can inhabit. The first and time-honored method is to make “slight” changes to our reality. We can do this by taking control of our physical world. This is the realm of (concentrated and directed) prayer. This is the world of “Intention“. By controlling your thoughts, you can control the direction of your life.

The power of intention
The Rice Experiment opened more than a few teenage eyes on how their words and intentions impact their environment. Hopefully, the lesson will translate into their homes and future workplaces. The middle school teens conducted the Rice Experiment. After cooking a pot of rice, they placed a scoop of rice into separate, identical jars and sealed the lids. On the outside of one jar, they wrote “LOVE” while on the other jar they wrote, “HATE.” For the next week, they talked to the jars filling the LOVE jar with kind, loving, compassionate intentions and thoughts. They told the HATE jar it was stupid, ugly, mean and nasty. Then, they watched the results. A year later, these same jars sit on the shelf of our teen room, telling the story of our intentions. The LOVE jar, filled with our divine, loving intentions, remains filled with white fluffy rice. The HATE jar started decomposing right away and quickly turned into a grey, slimy sludge. No kidding. Credit to HERE.

Travel by Portal

There are other techniques. These other techniques are more in-line with science fiction and Hollywood. In fact, my very first experience in MAJestic utilized such a device. Here we have a device that can open up a “space” or a “portal” that one can walk into. Once you enter that portal you can be transported to [1] other geographic locations, [2] other realities, and [3] other times.

This device uses the MWI, multiple world realities, to transport a person from one place to another. Imagine a device that can traverse the MWI, but one that is utilized towards moving things to other “world-lines” with little deviance. The resultant and only change might be geographic. Thus you could use this device to take you from New York City to Pluto, if you wanted.

Pretty cool. Sort of like the movie “Stargate SG1”.

Stargate portal
The Hollywood movie, and later, the television series, depicted the use of a gate; a “star gate” that our heroes can use to travel the universe. Of course, since this is Hollywood, there are all sorts of cool special effects and a nice water shimmering effect. In reality none of that is present. You just simply walk into absolutely nothing.

The only thing is that when you travel you have to be very careful how you travel.

If you are not careful, you might end up in a different geographic region AND with a different history. The device alters everything. So you must be extremely careful on what you are doing. When you enter such a machine, you will need to be exactly calibrated to make sure that where you are going is where you will actually end up.

Which is sort of the reason why I, and the girls, had to fill out that detailed questionnaire at the ELF portal at NAMI. (More about that later on in a different post.)

Evil Spock
If you are not careful, you could end up in a (so called) “parallel world” that has some serious differences from the world reality that you departed from. here we have a scene (a very famous scene) from the television show Star Trek where our heroes are thrown into a “Parallel world” where they were very uncomfortable in. Sort of how I miss baked beans with my breakfast eggs. On this “world line” it’s all about potatoes with eggs.

Travel by Vehicle / Self

If you had the proper technology, you could miniaturize the equipment that you would use to conduct the MWI slide. You could put it in a vehicle and drive on the roads. Provided that you are not conducting great deviations, any MWI slides would be safe on a road.

Depending on the length of time that that road existed, often hundreds of years, you would be safe on it. The odds of hitting another car, even on a busy road would be small.

That is to say, there won’t be a tree, a building or some obstruction in your way. The land beside a road is often chaotic. You have trees growing and dying over time. You have fields appearing, and disappearing. You have buildings sprouting up and falling into decay. Not so with a road.

The chances would be that the road would be mostly clear… though there would always be a chance of an accident by other vehicles moving within the destination reality.

John Titor dimensional machine
The John Titor saga revolves round an individual who claimed that he was able to conduct dimensional reality slides through use of a device that he carried inside of his vehicle. The device not only permitted time travel, but carried with it a risk of dimensional variation.

Travel by “Piggy Back”

Here is what I am most familiar with. While MAJestic has been very involved with a specific extraterrestrial benefactor (notably the infamous “greys” found so ubiquitously in popular culture), my involvement has been associated with them only tangentially.

I say this two times. I have been associated with them ONLY during [1] my training and [2] implantation “off-world”. After that, I have had no association with them.


Instead of working with them on various MAJestic projects, they had a different role for me. Their role, as far as I am concerned, was very limited. In it, they helped implant a device that originated from a different secondary species into my skull.

To repeat. My other implants; my extraterrestrial implants, originate from a different extraterrestrial species. They do not originate from the “grey” extraterrestrial species. The “grey” extraterrestrials only installed them within my skull.


This device has many functions, but fundamentally it connects me directly to a (censored) reality of that particular secondary species. It connects to them in specific ways, and offers two-way communication.

However there are many limitations from my point of view. For instance, certain experiences are beyond the ability of my mind to comprehend. there are also ‘closed off” and restricted features & functions. Not to mention, that they control my entire access to it. It is all at the pleasure of that species.

I have no control over any of it. Absolutely zero control.

This species is much older than those (numerous, FYI) that we have been working with. It is an invertebrate species with a very, very different understanding and (ability to sense) reality than we could ever conceive of.

Since I am so tethered, I can be considered to have some shared experiences and shared realities of the parent species. As they can migrate through the MWI, I can too participate in a limited way with their approval. As they can experience the various realities of “Heaven”, then I too can be made aware of their experiences to a very controlled level of participation.

The reader should not get too excited. It's like a watch dog who their entire life only ate dry dog food. One day, he is given the job of guarding the door to the kitchen. The cook decides to open the door to the kitchen, but the dog is forbidden to enter. However, he was permitted to smell the scents coming from a gourmet kitchen. It doesn't mean that it can go inside and eat it's fill. It just means that if the cooks and chefs felt there was a need or benefit they might toss a scrap or two to the watch dog.

My entanglement was exactly like that.

I performed a service that this extraterrestrial species wanted. In exchange, I was able to have some perceptions and minor experiences. Now, for some reason, as part of their prerogative I am permitted to relate certain perceptions to my fellow humans. I believe that this helps further their objectives. Though I cannot fully understand how.

Dog in the kitchen.
Just because the dog can now be allowed in the kitchen, it does not mean that they will be permitted to eat and taste everything that they smell. Certainly some things will smell delicious. Other things, like maybe celery, not as pleasant. It is up to the chef to decide what to give the dog, and how much and when. Otherwise there is a great risk of the dog eating something bad… like an entire jar of mustard. (Which actually happened when I lived in Arkansas. The dog jumped up on the table, knocked off a big jar of yellow mustard and ate the entire thing while I was sleeping. When I woke up the next day yellow diarrhea dog shit was everywhere, and I do mean everywhere!) Anyways,  Piggy backing with an extraterrestrial benefactor species is exactly like that. They know what is safe and what is dangerous. We haven’t a clue.

Anyways, back to the sliding in and out of the MWI…

When you are “piggy backed” to a species that does this MWI slide naturally, you get to experience it as well. They think nothing of it. It is normal to them. It is something that they did ever since they were a little tiny harvested larva. But to us, who have never experienced this, it is strange and beyond our comprehension.

It took me some training to get used to it. Though the staff at the ELF facility at China Lake absolutely had no idea what it was like for me going through the various ‘exercises”. They just read through the printed out instructions, and I followed their guidelines and script.

They would say something like “depress the half circle”, and I would do it with my mind while sitting in the chair. An observer would see nothing. I would then confirm that I did it, and then they would read something else…

China Lake Review
Various military personnel reviewing project performance and testing at China Lake naval Weapons Center. For me, in my carve-out under MAJestic, the access was heavily restricted. Those who participated and knew of Sebastian and my training were very small in number and limited.

The Event

With all that introductory information out of the way, let’s talk about the “mystery in Russia”. Here we have a woman who just appeared out of “nowhere” in the middle of a busy road. Her appearance was captured on the dash cam of the trailing vehicle.


I want to talk about it relative to what I know, and speculate on what is going on and why.

This example, this observed event, comes from the dash cam on a car as it moves along a highway in a semi-rural section of the country.  The video claims that this was filmed in Russia, but given the environment could have been filmed anywhere.

Here is a very interesting teleportation event.  It is unique because not only does she “pop” into reality, but there is apparently a “force bubble” that surrounds her that pushes a moving truck out of the way. She calmly walks off the road.  She is observed wearing a thermal blanket and is otherwise a “normal” and “boring” person. Again, she is neither overly attractive, youthful or wearing colorful clothing. She is bland, and materializes in the middle of a flat boring section of the countryside.

Screen captures of a woman in a foil blanket
Woman in a foil blanket or covering materializes at the side of a busy road (highway) somewhere in Russia. These images are screen captures from a video that was obtained from a dash cam in a vehicle in Russia.

In the labeled frames, one can see the truck being pushed out of the way to the left by some kind of force, or force bubble in frame 0013. In that frame, there is no woman at all. In the next frame 0014, the truck “rides” along the bubble and again, there is no woman at all.

Suddenly in frame 0015, the woman “pop’s” into reality.

She just calmly starts to walk to the side of the road, as if nothing has happened.  Indeed, if it were me, I would be totally shaken and run to the side of the road.  That is not what she does.  She just calmly walks to the edge.

In frame 0019, she is seen walking off the road.

In frame 0021, you get a better view of her.  Her hair is cut short and at neck level.  Her face is indeterminate.  She is wearing a thermal foil blanket or coat that goes to her knees.  Her hands appear to be in her pockets.  She seems to be wearing black leggings or socks and flat normal shoes.  Not high heels. A close up of the foil coat is obvious in frames 0022, and 0023.  In addition, the coat is made out of foil of some type.

I can’t help but remember a scene from the television show “Better call Saul” where Saul’s brother was afraid of light and wore the thermal blanket to protect him from radiation.

Protective foil coat.
This woman reminds me of the “space blanket” or “survival blanket” that was used in the television show “Better call Saul”. There is only one thing, in this reality THERE ARE NO FOIL COATS made out of this material. Only blankets are made out of this material.

This specific event can be viewed on the following video.  Please note that this video has other examples of fakes and hoaxes interspersed in it.  Also the voice over and music track leaves much to be desired.  Please turn off the audio and watch the video free of “Halloween style” or “B-grade movie” music.

Watch from 4:08 to approximately 4:32.

An important note is that this exact type of coat; one made out of space blanket material (Mylar Thermal Blankets ) is not available anywhere, in any nation, in this world line. While there are those that are similar, none are an exact match for the one that this woman is wearing. The closest that I could find were;

The version on Amazon, shown below is a close match. However, there are no jackets that are thermal nylon material with a reflective surface that goes down to the knees, comes in a woman’s size, has a side slit, and does NOT come with a hood. This woman’s jacket is completely unique.

Reflective survival jacket.
Reflective foil nylon / Mylar jacket that is commercially available on the internet. Note that this comes with a hood, and is of short length. The one used by the woman has no hood, is knee length, comes in a woman’s size and has a slit up the side.

About the Jacket

Why would someone need to wear such a jacket?

Well there are many reasons. First off, let me posit to the reader that there are many ways and different kinds of technologies that one can use to do things. All the reverse engineering efforts of the 1950’s to today clearly indicate a great diverse spectrum of technology and ways to accomplish similar tasks. Different species use different technologies, at different levels of advancement. Different variations of a species also have different kinds and levels of technologies as well.

There is a saying in China; "There are many ways to get to Beijing.". 

What it means is that you can have different methods and ways to achieve the same goal. If you have a lot of money, and you need to get there quickly, then a private jet is possible. If you have money, and need to get there in a day, an airline is a possibility. Alternatively you can take a high-speed train, a train, a bus, a shuttle, a car rental, a ride-share, or even a donkey cart. It all depends on your knowledge, and your resources at the time.

In a like way, depending on the technology to slide through the MWI, you might need protection.

According to John Tutor, he claimed that if you crossed the MWI using the technology at his disposal, there would be a short and brief exposure to some extreme radiation. If this woman is using a similar technology, then she would need a coat or protective attire to reflect any burst of radiation. Excessive radiation is very bad for you.

Now, in all the cases of the technology that I have used, not one of them experienced a burst of radiation of any type that I am aware of. To elaborate;

  • When you use prayer or intention, the effects as subtle and manifest over swaths of time.
  • When you enter a fixed portal, it is as if you are just walking into nothing. Though there is a feeling as if you were walking though a waterfall. And for a few seconds later you would feel soaking wet.
  • When you “piggy back” there is no effect. Not even a shimmer. Things just look slightly different.

Why on a road?

While my personal experience NEVER required a road, I am aware that there are technologies that are used to travel along the time vector that DOES require a road. Anyone who wishes to use the MWI to travel through time needs to have exact coordinates. Both spatially and in regards to the person traveling.

Roads last for decades, even centuries.

For instance, let’s suppose you wanted to do some kind of time travel in the Boston area. You could travel on the interstate I-90.  This means that you could go back in time to when I-90 was first made. Possibly that would take you to 1956. Yet, even before the highway came into existence, it was a road, and an early dirt road as far back as 1900.

The American interstate system showing the entire length of the I-90 roadway.

How long do you, the reader, think that I-90 will exist for? Another five years, 20 years, maybe 100 years? If you consider that it might last until the year 2100, then a time traveler would  have a 200 year wide “window” from which to explore and take care of their business with.

Now, all this is very interesting…

But, aside from just a few very, very sanitized instances, my own time travel events were limited. There just wasn’t any need for them in my role. I was doing other things in regards to human sentience and social observation. So, it is beyond my understanding WHY anyone would NEED to travel through time. Isn’t this reality good enough for ya?

Anyways, I have various examples of cars disappearing and reappearing on roads. I have examples of cars appearing out of the blue in cross roads and getting into accidents. I have other examples of people appearing out of the blue on the side of the road and getting hit. I will post these examples later.

Given the large number of examples, we can conclude the following…

  • There are numerous people / civilizations / species / societies that utilize roads to egress from a MWI event.
  • The need to travel through time as a destination vector is deemed (by some) to be important.
  • Accidents can and do happen when this technology is utilized.

Her Dress

If I were to travel as a time traveler, I would wear the clothes of my destination era. If I were to visit medieval England, then I must dress as a wealthy merchant, or commoner. Which ever venue would attract the least amount of notoriety.  If I were to travel back to 1960, what would I dress as?

  • A beatnick
  • A hip teenager
  • A working man
  • A rich businessman
  • A police man

The answer is that I would dress as unassuming as possible. I would dress as common and plain as possible. I would dress as an “average Joe”. That’s what I would disguise myself as.


But, what if you don’t have that kind of control in your time vector? What if the technology and the dispatch and arrival coordinates are not so precise? What are you going to do then? What if there is a wide variance in dates of arrival. What if you could enter a given reality (“world line”) anywhere from 1930 to 2010? How would you dress?

Think about it.

If you were going into the past, you most certainly wouldn’t have any tattoos, or large piercings. Your hair would be cut in a conventional style. What you carried on with you would be plain and unassuming. If you wore classes or spectacles, you might be wearing contacts or have Lasik eye surgery.

If you were a woman, you might dress in some clothes that hasn’t changed much in that stretch of time. You might dress as a Mennonite (provided that yo could speak their dialect and know their culture), or you could dress in something more conventional. You could dress as a nun in a Christian order. There, the clothes are pretty standardized and hasn’t change much in decades.

If you look closely at the woman’s shoes, and sock, and hair style, it looks EXACTLY like the image that she is trying to portray.

Typical attire.
Here is the typical attire of a Christian nun. Note that the only portion of the “lady in foil” that we could see were her legs. In my mind they look suspiciously in alignment with the uniform of Christian nuns throughout the world. This includes the clunky black shoes and the black stockings. Were she to remove her foil coat, my guess would be that she was wearing black, and would have no problem fitting in society as a nun.

MWI and not an Invisible vehicle?

One of the arguments is that perhaps this woman is not utilizing MWI or some elements of “time travel”. Instead, the argument goes, she is egressing from an invisible vehicle.

This is certainly possible, as it seems to be common knowledge that many of our extraterrestrial friends can make themselves and their vehicles invisible. It has to do with the light cones that are within our eyes. By manipulating the radiation that surrounds something you can trick the light cones from not seeing anything. Since different species have different biology, the eyes cones can be species determinant.

Light cones
All creatures that have eyes also have the internal biology to interpret the light that they view. This is accomplished though the geometry and biology of the light cones and rods that act as receptors of radiation. The technology that I am familiar of can subtly alter the radiation of vehicles that they travel in to make them invisible to the humans in the general vicinity.

A fun example of this is in the Star Trek movie titled “Star Trek IV – The Voyage Home”. In the movie, the character utilize a captured Klingon space vessel that has “cloaking” ability. The characters use this ability to hide the spaceship in plain sight int he middle of a park in San Francisco. Then they fly away and materializes directly above a whaling vessel.

Star Trek
Here, in the science fiction adventure “Star Trek – The Voyage Home” we have a vehicle or vessel that materializes in front of a startled ship’s crew.

I would argue that a “cloaked” vehicle that is “invisible” or “transparent” still has substance. You might not be able to see it, but you still can run into it. If the woman was egressing from an invisible vehicle, then that truck would have smashed into it.

This reminds me of an “X files” show where a genie appears. The episode is “Je Souhaite”. She offers everyone three wishes. One of the people who obtained the wishes wanted to be invisible. So he gets to be invisible, and promptly gets run over by a truck. You can watch the video HERE on the internet.

A lot happens: A guy (Anson Stokes) finds a woman rolled up in a rug in a storage locker. His boss instantly loses his mouth. Anson then gets a boat in his driveway and *then* is found dead, invisible, having been hit by a truck. Cue a wonderful scene of Scully dusting an invisible corpse with lycopodium powder while grinning like an idiot.

No, I do not think that she is egressing from an invisible vehicle.

Another example.

This is a video posted in China during the middle of the coronavirus outbreak. Video is apparently taken sometime in November prior to the first signs of the virus outbreak in December.

It shows a man entering the observed physical reality. Once he arrives he immediately “books it out” onto the sidewalk and merges in with the crowd. He appears to be Caucasian in a city that is 99.9% Asian.

What I am seeing (as far as the transport mechanism) is exactly what I was exposed to when I was in the Navy at NAS NASC Pensacola Florida.

Man appears from no where in China in November 2020.

The video posits many questions. And, it also implies some even worrisome situations.


There are multiple realities. There are individual bubbles in time that the realities can manifest. Individuals from one reality can enter into another reality by “sliding into it. This is accomplished in many ways.

We can occasionally see people crossing into our reality. Just as we can witness people egressing from our reality.

This lady has been filmed by a vehicle dash cam in Russia entering our reality through MWI egress via a road. Her attire is suggestive of time travel, and a “crude” MWI technology. As such, the destination coordinates can vary (as inferred from her clothing), and there might be some radiation leakage during egress (from the protective coat that she wears).

Take Aways

  • The MWI exists. It is not some theory that needs to be debunked or “proven”.
  • Travel within the MWI is possible using different techniques.
  • MAJestic is aware of this technology and has been using it for decades.
  • Time travel is a time vector variation of MWI switching.
  • While I doubt the usefulness of time travel, apparently others consider it important.
  • My operations used MWI slides at the behest of my extraterrestrial benefactors. My experiences were quite boring and would lull the reader into a peaceful slumber.


Q: Is the lady in the foil jacket a time traveler?
A: I do not know for certain. However, I have my suspicions.  The need to conduct a MWI slide while on a major road is certainly suggestive of this. Why she would want to do it, in the first place, however is a mystery to me.

Q: Have you ever used a portable MWI event slide mechanism?
A: No. I have read stories of numerous individuals who have claimed to have a portable device that does this. John Titor is one such individual. There is also the fellow who ended up carrying a mix tape of the Beatles back with him.

Q: Why did you have MWI-slide ability?
A: I personally think that the ability that I had to conduct MWI-slides was an accidental “side effect” of being implanted and entangled to an extraterrestrial species with this ability. They never sent me on any interesting missions or stuff like that. They tended to constantly adjust the functioning of our reality relative to my personal experiences. Which was my purpose in MAJestic. I was a “Dimensional Anchor”. It helped the development of human sentience be realized.

Q: Can you conduct autonomous MWI slides and “world line” travel on your own?
A: No. I have no ability to do anything like that. Other than what ability that I have to control my intentions and dreams. For the most part, I gave away part of myself to take on this position. This species controls me and my abilities to a great deal of control. I conduct their wishes without thought.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...
How to tell -2
Top Secrets
Sales Pitch
Feducial Training
Probe Calibration - 1
Probe Calibration - 2
Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Learning about China by Looking at Pretty Girls (2)

This is the second of a series of post on Chinese cute girls and Chinese culture.

You know, China is a very, very big nation. Many times I am asked what it is like. Honestly, there is so much to say, that I end up going on some tangent or the other. However, one thing that I noticed when talking to other men, is that what they really want to know is what Chinese girls are like…

Wow! That is in itself a huge subject.

Here I try to compose  a series of micro-videos of Chinese girls taking little vignettes of themselves being cute, dancing, eating, and doing girl things. It is in no way comprehensive, but it should give you a general idea of what Chinese girls are like. It will also help you to get a better idea of what China is like as well.

Here we look at ten micro-videos…

Suburb Section of a city

Pi Feng. ( 牌坊 memorial archway). A memorial gate or memorial archway.

These are structures that can be found in just about any city in China. Even my wife cannot explain to me what they mean. However, fundamentally, they are representative of a gate or an area that commemorates some person or event in the distant past.

The gates typically lead to an area, for which (I as an American) identify as a suburb or sectional variation of a regional community.

Here we have a cute Chinese gal singing and showing off her rocking body. Note the “normal” Chinese people behind her. Note the woman walking her dog. What? She isn’t eating it, like what is promoted in the UK press. Oh my God! Why this must be propaganda! The nerve of me!

Notice that many Chinese drive modern and and contemporary vehicles. You can see some of this in the video. You can also see a “ride-share” bicycle at the side of the gate structure. This is normal and everyday phenomenon in China. Everyone rides “rent a bicycle” in China. They come in different colors. For example, OFO is yellow, and Hello Bike is blue.

By the way, she looks rockin’ in her nice cute top and cute cut-off jean shorts. I’d love to have a nice hot-pot with her and spend some time singing in a KTV. I’d bet that she would be interesting as Hell.

Mall Platform

Here we have a cute girl dancing to a song in front of a platform in a mall. In China, the malls always have events. Sometime the events are product sales. At other times the events are sponsored events that are designed to bring people in. Like children, and photo opportunities.

Here we have a girl dancing in front of a mall presentation in support of a dance or similar organization. In malls they always have one or two open areas that are used to set up stages and other events. We used to have this in the United States when malls existed. You might have a fashion show one week, and then a dance troupe a week later.

Here, the girl is dancing in front of just such a presentation screen. This is “Deesha”, which I gather  is a female dance group or school. They are pretty darn common in China. In fact, I have two on my floor in my office building. They dance to a lot of KPOP, and CPOP.

She is pretty darn cute. She really is. The man in her life is a really, really lucky guy.

Arabic Culture

Typically, since the Chinese Muslims from the Western sections of the nation has been involved in all kinds of “radical” anti-society events, most Chinese limit their exposure to Chinese Muslims. Never the less, the Muslim culture has permeated into Chinese society.

Here we have a girl dancing in some sort of Islamic dance club or some such thing. They have them. Not so much in my city, but they do exist.

Rock that stomach girl. You have it going on.

Apartment Parking Garage

Underneath ever single building in China is a huge network of tunnels and parking garages.  This video is pretty much typical of an underground parking garage. I like the ability for her to dance and be herself in this environment. It is exactly so typical. I have seen this environment a million times before. Any American expert in China who is unaware of this aspect of China is a fucking liar, and knows jack-shit about China.

Unlike the USA, the parking garages in China are well-lit, with nicely painted walls and clear well defined pipe and utility access. One thing that surprised me when I went back to the states for a visit was just how friggin’ dungy and dirty American parking garages were. They were bare cement, often sooty. The lighting was sparse and it was typically a very dim environment.

Not so in China.

This is what just about any parking garage looks like in China. It doesn’t matter if it is up North or in the deep South. All parking garages in China are well lit, nicely taken cared for and safe.

For the purposes of comparison, let’s have a look at a typical American parking garage. As stated previously, it is almost like American parking garages are an afterthought. You will spend thousands of dollars on your car, but you end up parking them in these dingy and dismal spaces.

American parking garage
Typical American parking garage. It is typically poorly lit. The walls are often unpainted cement and never, ever washed. The floor might have parking spaces and an identification number, but that is about the extent of it.

Here’s another girl in yet another micro-video in a different parking garage…

Mall Platform #2

OK. Here we have another girl dancing in front of a mall platform. I can’t help but get a smile when I see this chick do her thing. She reminds me so… so very much of all the girls that I know in China. They are all so intrinsically happy. OMG… Oh, My God. They have nothing to worry about.

They do not have to report to the IRS. They do not have to make sure that they meet the requirements of the FCC or eat that meets FDA requirements. They do not have to worry about ICE, the CIA, or the NSA. They are so very free.

It is this attitude and this freedom from worry about the government that I have found so refreshing when I moved to China. In the United States, was I drove the car I would always look down at my speedometer when I drove past a police car. Here in China, I never need to do so, or are even concerned. The police here are friendly.

Ah, she is wearing the little white shoes so popular in China; xiao bei xie.

I know, I know, I have such a jaded view of the United States. Well, maybe you would too if the government seized everything you owned, closed your bank accounts, and destroyed any hope and change to build up a life from the ashes that remain. So I am just calling it as I see it.

I never see any American girls randomly dancing on the streets or sidewalks. When was the last time that you saw this happen spontaneously? Yet it happens in China. It happens in Brazil. It happens in Cambodia. What’s the disconnect? Maybe it has something to do with the people who are in charge of the American government…

Our rulers
The rulers of the United States. Here are the people who operate the enormous bureaucracy in the United States. You know, the ones that say one things and do the other. John Brennan. James Clapper, and their ilk.

They look like “fun” people, huh?

In her bedroom…

You know, you can kind of tell a lot about a girl by looking at her bedroom. Typically, and I do not know why this is so, unmarried girls tend to have a very messy bedroom. Well, at least in the states they do.

This girl seems to be Americanized. I would guess that she is an ABC (American-born-Chinese). If you look at the ceiling you will see that the house has central heating and cooling. This is unusual in China. Most of Asia has individual air conditioning units in each room. These AC units are called Kong Tiao which is  what you call them in China.

She has a nice oval face with a small cute pointy chin. This is considered very attractive in China. The only thing going against her is that her skin color is a little dark. She almost looks Spanish.

It looks like she has carpeting or wood panels on the floor. In China, most houses do not have carpet. It is a cultural thing. The Chinese like a solid tiled marble or granite surface, often white. They keep it immaculate. In the United States, most houses (unless the house is over fifty years old) is a simple particle-board floor covered by carpet.

You have to admit she is a very attractive young lady. I also like the way that she has manipulated the video. It is a funky joy to watch her dance.

Living Room

This girl also looks like an ABC. However, the home is genuine Chinese. The floor is tiled marble, and the curtains and decorations are very typical for China. Judging from the trees outside here window she is either on the third or fourth floor.

In China, the apartment buildings are set up with a basic floor plan. Typically the third floor has huge floor layouts and wide open porches. The largest houses in the building would be on the third floor. The reason for this is simple. The building is typically divided into towers. Often two, three or more. Each tower has it’s own elevator. So, that way, there really isn’t a serious need to wait a long time for the elevator to arrive. Especially if the building has sixty or so floors in it.

So, a house on the third floor would not be in one of the towers. Instead, it would be on one of the wide platforms at the base of the tower. It would be large, and spacious. The porch would be enormous.

What a fun girl.

Typical day in Guangzhou

I like this little micro-video. The view, the day, and the overall feeling has been duplicated a thousand times here in Southern China. It doesn’t matter if you are in Dongguang, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, or Forshan this is what it looks like. You have a wide sky with clouds. You have mountains in the distance and skyscrapers dotted here, there and everywhere.

This gal is dancing on her balcony in her house I would assume. This is all very typical. Many of the products that are exported from China to the United States are made in this area.

I suppose that if you read American or British news reports you will hear stories of nets being placed to keep workers from jumping off the buildings, rampant abuse of child labor, and  working people until they collapse from exhaustion. Well, that’s all nonsense. It’s just propaganda that is fed to Americans (and Brits) to keep us living in our isolation bubble. Here’s some links to the propaganda that I am referring to…

This video is what it is really like. Not that every worker is attractive and dancing on a balcony, but that the reality that is spoon fed to us in the West is far, far removed from what is actually going on.

She is on a typical porch. It has a glass balustrade with stainless steel or powder-coated  profiles. This is very common throughout China.

You go girl.  I could watch you dance all day long.

Look at the view. You see all those trees? If you read Western media, you might be under the impression that China doesn’t have any trees, just smoke, smog, grit and dust. Check out all that nice water, and look at the surrounding buildings. Why, I thought that all the buildings in China were crumbling and that the infrastructure was all falling down.

How can this be?

Walking on the street

Ah, my favorite time of the day is dusk. Here, in the Southern part of China, the temperatures are very hot, and the humidity is very high. When it gets around dusk, people go outside to dance, eat, and chill out with their friends. China is filled with activity. Here is a typical scene.

It looks like it was filmed in a small town or community. The buildings are very, very low by Chinese standards. But, it is China. It has the handicapped-disabled-assist-pavement tiles. It has the standard recyclable twin trash bins. The cars all have Chinese license plates.

The family-owned and run businesses are all open. And I am sure that you could smell the wonderful aromas wafting down the street. While not shown in the video, I am sure that tables are being set up and those cheap plastic chairs are being placed around them for people to sit down, have a frosty beer and place an order.

These girls are very typical.

The girls are wearing tight jeans and low open shoes. They are wearing midriff baring tops, and have nice long and straight hair that all Chinese women possess. They are carrying smart phones, which are probably either iPhones or Huawei. If I were to take a guess, they might on the way to have some seafood (Hai Xian), or maybe a hot pot. The evening BBQ (Xiao Kou) won’t get started until the sun goes down. Maybe around 9PM.

Notice that the street is tree-lined. In China it is considered very important to have green areas everywhere. At times, to me as an American, this seems ridiculous. Ever two months or so, the Park team of workers is tearing up the grass and re-planting the trees. It’s almost like they treat them like furniture instead of trees. never the less, it is great to have all the flowers and trees along side the road.

Parking Lot

Here is a video of a cute chick walking in a parking lot. There is a lot that can be learned here. For starters, notice the trees all have these poles to hold them up. the reason is simple. In the Southern sections of China we have typhoons. When they hit they can wipe out a forest in a few hours. The poles help keep the trees in place when the torrential wind and rain hits.

Notice the ancient wall. This wall looks like it is quite old. Maybe at least fifty years old. Behind it is a tree filled enclosure. Walls in China tell you a lot about the history of the region. If the wall is part of a new building then it would consist of a nice well made wall with wrought and welded gates. The fencing would be welded, cleaned and PPT coated. Older buildings would not have this, and the walls would be distressed concrete, often with some well-rusted barbed wire or even glass shards.

Also take notice of the parking spots. They are paved differently than the road surface. In fact, many parking places outside are made with these funny lattice-shaped brick tiles. This is so that grass can grow up inside and offer a nice semi-lawn on which the cars can park upon.

You can also notice that the lawn is landscaped and well maintained. It is very cheap in China for manual labor. The costs to maintain lawns and gardens are very cheap and inexpensive. Thus, most areas in China are well-maintained, clean and well-tended.


There are many reasons to love China. I think that China is awesome. I love the food. I love that they are trying to do something about the environment. I like that they have declared war on corruption in office, and have even set up task teams of “Corruption Police” that ferrets out bad guys and executes them on the spot. And, of course, I love the girls.

Here’s a hypnotic bonus video. Enjoy.


Everyone likes to look at pretty girls. Even other pretty girls. I, as a man, think that pretty girls liven up our lives and make it more interesting and fun. I would not mind taking any one of these girls out and having a nice meal or playing around in a park or some other place. Having good companionship, great conversation, and enjoying a wonderful meal would be awesome with any of these women.

Today it is difficult to see what other places are like, if you are an American. Our news is heavily propagandized.

  • Those on the liberal side have the impression that China eats dogs, is full of poor waifs that sell their bodies for sex, and is full of dirty smog filled air.
  • Those on the conservative side, have the impression that China is a great war-mongered beast who wants to take over the Pacific, that they are ruthless businessmen, and want to keep their citizens imprisoned in a communist gulag.

Neither impression is correct. They are both terrible distortions.

China is a huge nation, bigger geographically than the United States, and with an enormous population far larger than America’s. In fact, there are more people in China that speak English than there are Americans in the entire world.

They live life. They work. They study hard. They try to do their best. They have fun. They raise families. They are, in many ways, like “old fashioned” Americans around 1950. While America has moved toward a progressive socialist paradise ruled by an oligarchy, China has moved in a different direction. It has moved toward free-market policies originating out of a central government. China is not at all what we think it is.

This post is my little way to help introduce China to the readership.

Take Aways

  • Chinese women are attractive.
  • Many of the buildings in China are new, and have a modern supporting infrastructure.
  • Chinese people like to dance, sing, and have fun with their friends.
  • Chinese women DO NOT look like pre-adolescent children. (Here’s a nod to the idiots in Arkansas who were absolutely convinced that Chinese women look like little pre-adolescent girls.)


Q: Why do you only have beautiful Chinese girls? What about being more diverse and inclusive? Why do you objectify girls?
A: Well, for one, this article is about attractive Chinese girls. It wouldn’t do to have non-Chinese girls in it. Nor would it be appropriate to have men, homosexuals, fat and ugly girls, children or LGBT creatures in the article.

If you want to purge beauty out of your life, no problem. Go ahead and do it. Just like American beauty pageants are no longer about beauty. Just like American airlines have purged themselves of age and beauty standards. Just like race-cars have purged themselves of attractive women. But you won’t see that in China.

Now here, I like to surround myself with beauty. I like to surround myself with things that I like and I love. That includes dogs, cats, pizza, bacon, tomatoes, friends and of course my loved ones.

Q: Why do you use micro-videos in this post?
A: I think it does a nice job of giving a snapshot of what China is like. Many of the videos have Chinese songs. They all feature beautiful Chinese girls in China doing things that beautiful Chinese girls like to do. Of course, if you would rather go to you-tube, go ahead. You won’t find very many Chinese girls there. You-tube is banned in China because it, like Facebook, Google, and Tumblr, all collect user information and pipe that information directly to the NSA for American government’s use.

Q: Why do you think these girls are beautiful?
A: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What constitutes for beauty in China is different from what is beautiful elsewhere. I chose these videos because I happen to think the girls are cute, beautiful or attractive. Of course, if you disagree with me, you can leave.

Now, you shouldn’t be too upset there are some rocking girls in the United States. You should see them in sweatpants. My Lord!

Links about China

Pretty Chinese Girls

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  1. Composed 19AUG18.
  2. Released 20AUG18

The Disclosure of the CARET program at PACL

Let’s look at the disclosure of element of the CARET program at PACL. It is actually a very informative disclosure, and as such it was denounced as a hoax by the NSA and related MAJestic support organizations.  However, the reader should not be confused.  This is a valid disclosure, and as such, it is useful to “smoke out” which UFO and investigative organizations have been compromised by the USA government. 

I cover this disclosure exactly as it was presented.  Today, of course it is pretty difficult to find the actual disclosure, at least in the United States.  I also present some commentary and related information that is spawned off this disclosure.


“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.”

― Stephen Hawking

This is the entire text of the “C.A.R.E.T. disclosure”.  I place it here in complete verbatim as was provided on the Internet.  This disclosure is perhaps the most authentic extraterrestrial disclosure made public in the five decades of secrecy.  (Aside from MJ-12)

While it is well known that major UFO and debunking organizations have derided this disclosure as a fraud, I happen to know that it is not a fraud at all.    Instead it is a valid disclosure of a small part of one of the myriad of extraterrestrial reverse engineering efforts of the 1980’s.

C.A.R.E.T. is a VALID and ACTUAL disclosure of (associative) MAJestic documentation.

The disclosure contains an explanation, with selected pages from three separate reports; [1] A Research Report, [2] An Inventory Review, and [3] a Linguistic Primer.  Also included were some actual photographs.  Additionally some Q&A dialog occurred prior to the disclosure source going “x-ray” (silent).

This disclosure is not a fraud, fake or hoax.  It is a real and valid actual disclosure.  The reader should read the section concerning the United States disinformation efforts to fully appreciate the magnitude of the disclosure.  If the reader chooses to believe that, it was just an elaborate hoax, fine.  But it isn’t, and I am the “real deal”, so I tell the reader that if you believe me, then you must also believe the validity of C.A.R.E.T..  Alternatively, if you do not believe me, then you can’t possibly believe the C.A.R.E.T. disclosure.

“It is my view that most people dismissed the (C.A.R.E.T.) phenomena without bothering to look at the weight of evidence and testimony in it’s entirety and instead allowed forum debunkers and pseudosceptics to decide the evidence for them. Don’t let anyone live in your head rent free – as the saying goes.”

-will galison May 1, 2014 at 11:37 am

The US government has devoted a lot of time and money and resources to denounce this disclosure as a hoax.  In fact the NSA has even set up numerous denouncement websites and organizations.  Obviously someone is deeply offended.  Look at all the time and effort that was put into this.  Someone obviously had [1] a lot of money, and [2] a lot of time on their hands.  There was a lot of effort to debunk this “hoax”.  Why?  Here is just one of the many websites; .

I ask the reader this; how many hours do you think went into writing all these articles (on this website)?  How much time and money went into the design (of the website).  Is this website a simple hobby site written by a concerned blogger?  All of this is for a mere sighting and the release of a mere handful of pages?  Look at the effort behind this.  Do you, dear reader, have the time and energy (after work) to do the same concerning an article that you read about.  This is an obvious; absolutely OBVIOUS example of NSA redirection and suppression.

(Working people, with families, and a life outside of work do not have the time to devote to pages and pages of website generate denouncements.  Pulling one or two hours a night was a really difficult thing to do.  But these websites sprung up within weeks of the disclosures.  All of which is highly suggestive that time, money and effort were purposefully devoted to this effort. Just what kind of person devotes such time to a mere hoax?)

The following is the actual disclosure.  I am presenting it exactly as it was released.  However, certain foot notes and minor editing corrects might be present for the purposes of understandability.  Header and address information is provided in a different font for readability purposes.

First Disclosure

Explanation of the Recent "Strange Craft" Sightings

by "Isaac" from CoastToCoastAM Website

Greetings Coast to Coast AM,

I have information that can explain a great deal of what is going on in the photos provided by Chad, Rajman, the Lake Tahoe witness, as well as the photos taken by Jenna and Ty in Big Basin, CA…

I'm going by the alias "Isaac" while I release this information. I'm an electrical engineer and computer scientist and used to work in a program called "CARET" that was concerned with research and development based on extra-terrestrial technology. Many key elements of the technology I worked with during my time with CARET are clearly visible in these crafts. This work was done in the 80's in Palo Alto, CA, so it's no surprise to me that these sightings are taking place within such proximity to that area.

Attached to this email you will find numerous scans of photographs and documents from my CARET days that pertain to what I'm going to tell you, and would like to share with your audience. In addition, I have put up a small website that has very high resolution copies of all of these scans, as well as a lengthy letter that explains a lot about me, the CARET program, and these sightings. I've been listening to your show since 2002 and would like to work with you to get this information out there. Please read the text at the website for the rest of the details, as I am taking a fairly significant personal risk and would like to make sure it's worth it:

All I ask in sharing this information is that it's kept together. There are 4 photos and a total of 15 pages of scanned documents. If you'd like to resize them for your website, that is fine... I want people to have easy access to this information IN FULL. I feel this is reasonable and it is all I ask. I am NOT trying to sell anything and the only reason I created this very simple website is to ensure all the information is presented correctly and in one place.


Isaac and his photographs from CARET
The mysterious photographs of the materializing drone as photographed by “Chad” as placed on the Internet resulted in the C.A.R.E.T. disclosure by Isaac. The former middle manager released to the public a limited series of documents that helped to explain the craft that caused such consternation on the Internet.

My Experience with the CARET Program and Extra-terrestrial Technology

by "Isaac"June 2007 from IsaacCaret Website

This letter is part of a package I've assembled for Coast to Coast AM to distribute to its audience. It is a companion to numerous document and photo scans and should not be separated from them.

You can call me Isaac, an alias I've chosen as a simple measure of protection while I release what would be called tremendously sensitive information even by today's standards. “Sensitive” is not necessarily synonymous with “dangerous”, though, which is why my conscience is clear as I offer this material up for the public.

My government has its reasons for its continual secrecy, and I sympathize with many of them, but the truth is that I'm getting old and I'm not interested in meeting my maker one day with any more baggage than necessary! Furthermore, I put a little more faith in humanity than my former bosses do, and I think that a release of at least some of this info could help a lot more than it could hurt, especially in today's world.

I should be clear before I begin, as a final note: I am not interested in making myself vulnerable to the consequences of betraying the trust of my superiors and will not divulge any personal information that could determine my identity. However my intent is not to deceive, so information that I think is too risky to share will be simply left out rather than obfuscated in some way (aside from my alias, which I freely admit is not my real name).

I would estimate that with the information contained in this letter, I could be narrowed down to one of maybe 30-50 people at best, so I feel reasonably secure.

Some Explanation for the Recent Sightings

For many years I've occasionally considered the release of at least some of the material I possess, but the recent wave of photos and sightings has prompted me to cut to the chase and do so now.

I should first be clear that I'm not directly familiar with any of the crafts seen in the photos in their entirety. I've never seen them in a hangar or worked on them myself or seen aliens zipping around in them.

However, I have worked with and seen many of the parts visible in these crafts, some of which can be seen in the Q3-85 Inventory Review scan found at the top of this page. More importantly though, I'm very familiar with the “language” on their undersides seen clearly in photos by Chad and Rajman, and in another form in the Big Basin photos.

One question I can answer for sure is why they're suddenly here. These crafts have probably existed in their current form for decades, and I can say for sure that the technology behind them has existed for decades before that. The “language”, in fact, (I'll explain shortly why I keep putting that in quotes) was the subject of my work in years past. I'll cover that as well.

The reason they're suddenly visible, however, is another matter entirely. These crafts, assuming they're anything like the hardware I worked with in the 80's (assuming they're better, in fact), are equipped with technology that enables invisibility.

That ability can be controlled both on board the craft, and remotely. However, what's important in this case is that this invisibility can also be disrupted by other technology. Think of it like radar jamming. I would bet my life savings (since I know this has happened before) that these craft are becoming visible and then returning to invisibility arbitrarily, probably unintentionally, and undoubtedly for only short periods, due to the activity of a kind of disrupting technology being set off elsewhere, but nearby.

I'm especially sure of this in the case of the Big Basin sightings, were the witnesses themselves reported seeing the craft just appear and disappear. This is especially likely because of the way the witness described one of the appearances being only a momentary flicker, which is consistent with the unintentional, intermittent triggering of such a device.

It's no surprise that these sightings are all taking place in California, and especially the Saratoga/South Bay area. Not far from Saratoga is Mountain View/Sunnyvale, home to Moffett Field and the NASA Ames Research center. Again, I'd be willing to bet just about anything that the device capable of hijacking the cloaking of these nearby craft was inadvertently triggered, probably during some kind of experiment, at the exact moment they were being seen. Miles away, in Big Basin, the witnesses were in the right place at the right time and saw the results of this disruption with their own eyes.

God knows what else was suddenly appearing in the skies at that moment, and who else may have seen it.

 I've had some direct contact with this device, or at least a device capable of the same thing, and this kind of mistake is not unprecedented. I am personally aware of at least one other incident in which this kind of technology was accidentally set off, resulting in the sudden visibility of normally invisible things. The only difference is that these days, cameras are a lot more common!

The technology itself isn't ours, or at least it wasn't in the 80's.

Much like the technology in these crafts themselves, the device capable of remotely hijacking a vehicle's clacking comes from a non-human source too. Why we were given this technology has never been clear to me, but it's responsible for a lot. Our having access to this kind of device, along with our occasionally haphazard experimentation on them, has lead to everything from cloaking malfunctions like this to full-blown crashes.

I can assure you that most (and in my opinion all) incidents of UFO crashes or that kind of thing had more to do with our meddling with extremely powerful technology at an inopportune time than it did mechanical failure on their part.

Trust me, those things don't fail unless something even more powerful than them makes them fail (intentionally or not). Think of it like a stray bullet. You can be hit by one at any time, without warning, and even the shooter didn't intent to hit you. I can assure you heads are rolling over this as well. If anyone notices a brilliant but sloppy physicist patrolling the streets of Baghdad in the next couple weeks, I'd be willing to guess how he got there. (I kid, of course, as I certainly hope that hasn't actually happened in this case)

I'd now like to explain how it is that I know this.

The CARET Program

My story begins the same as it did for many of my coworkers, with graduate and post-graduate work at university in electrical engineering.

And I had always been interested in computer science, which was a very new field at the time, and my interest piqued with my first exposure to a Tixo during grad school. In the years following school I took a scenic route through the tech industry and worked for the kinds of companies you would expect, until I was offered a job at the Department of Defense and things took a very different turn.

The TX-0, for Transistorized Experimental computer zero, but affectionately referred to as tixo (pronounced “tix oh”), was an early fully transistorized computer and contained a then-huge 64K of 18-bit words of magnetic core memory. The TX-0 was built in 1955 and went online in 1956 and was used continually through the 1960s at MIT.

My time at the DoD was mostly uneventful but I was there for quite a while. I apparently proved myself to be reasonably intelligent and loyal. By 1984 these qualities along with my technical background made me a likely candidate for a new program they were recruiting for called “CARET”.

Before I explain what CARET was I should back up a little. By 1984, Silicon Valley had been a juggernaut of technology for decades. In the less than 40 years since the appearance of Shockley’s transistor this part of the world had already produced a multi billion dollar computer industry and made technological strides that were unprecedented in other fields, from hypertext and online collaboration in '68 to the Alto in '73.

Private industry in Silicon Valley was responsible for some of the most incredible technological leaps in history and this fact did not go unnoticed by the US government and military. I don’t claim to have any special knowledge about Roswell or any of the other alleged early UFO events, but I do know that whatever the exact origin, the military was hard at work trying to understand and use the extra-terrestrial artifacts it had in its possession. While there had been a great deal of progress overall, things were not moving as quickly as some would have liked.

So, in 1984, the CARET program was created with the aim of harnessing the abilities of private industry in silicon valley and applying it to the ongoing task of understanding extra-terrestrial technology.

One of the best examples of the power of the tech sector was Xerox PARC, a research center in Palo Alto, CA. XPARC was responsible for some of the major milestones in the history of computing. While I never had the privilege of working there myself I did know many of the people who did and I can say that they were among the brightest engineers I ever knew.

PARC (Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated), formerly Xerox PARC, is a research and development company in Palo Alto, California, with a distinguished reputation for its contributions to information technology and hardware systems. Founded in 1970 as a division of Xerox Corporation, PARC has been in large part responsible for such developments as laser printing, Ethernet, the modern personal computer, graphical user interface (GUI) and desktop paradigm, object-oriented programming, ubiquitous computing, amorphous silicon (a-Si) applications, and advancing very-large-scale integration (VLSI) for semiconductors.

XPARC served as one of the models for the CARET program’s first incarnation, a facility called the Palo Alto CARET Laboratory (PACL, lovingly pronounced “packle” during my time there). This was where I worked, along with numerous other civilians, under the auspices of military brass who were eager to find out how the tech sector made so much progress so quickly.

 My time at the DoD was a major factor behind why I was chosen, and in fact about 30+ others who were hired around the same time had also been at the Department about as long, but this was not the case for everyone. A couple of my co-workers were plucked right from places like IBM and, at least two of them came from XPARC itself. My DoD experience did make me more eligible for positions of management, however, which is how I have so much of this material in my possession to begin with.

So in other words, civilians like myself who had at - at most - some decent experience working for the DoD but no actual military training or involvement, were suddenly finding ourselves in the same room as highly classified extra-terrestrial technology.

Of course they spent about 2 months briefing us all before we saw or did anything, and did their best to convince us that if we ever leaked a single detail about what we were being told, they’d do everything short of digging up our ancestors and putting a few slugs in them too just for good measure.

It seemed like there was an armed guard in every corner of every room. I’d worked under some pretty hefty NDAs in my time but this was so far out of my depth I didn’t think I was going to last 2 weeks in an environment like that. But amazingly things got off to a good start. They wanted us, plain and simple, and our industry had shown itself to be so good at what it did that they were just about ready to give us carte blanche.

Non Disclosure Agreement.  A non-disclosure agreement (NDA), also known as a confidentiality agreement (CA), confidential disclosure agreement (CDA), proprietary information agreement (PIA), or secrecy agreement (SA), is a legal contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes, but wish to restrict access to or by third parties. It is a contract through which the parties agree not to disclose information covered by the agreement. An NDA creates a confidential relationship between the parties to protect any type of confidential and proprietary information or trade secrets. As such, an NDA protects non-public business information.

Of course, nothing with the military is ever that simple, and as is often the case they wanted to have their cake and eat it too. What I mean by this is that despite their interest in picking our brains and learning whatever they could from our way of doing things, they still wanted to do it their way often enough to frustrate us.

At this point I'm going to gloss over the emotional side of this experience, because this letter isn't intended to be a memoir, but I will say that there's almost no way to describe the impact this kind of revelation has on your mind. There are very few moments in life in which your entire world view is turned forever upside down, but this was one of them. I still remember that turning point during the briefing when I realized what he'd just told us, and that I hadn't heard him wrong, and that it wasn't some kind of joke.

In retrospect the whole thing feels like it was in slow motion, from that slight pause he took just before the term “extra-terrestrial” came out for the first time, to the way the room itself seemed to go off kilter as we collectively tried to grasp what was being said.

My reflex kept jumping back and forth between trying to look at the speaker, to understand him better, and looking at everyone else around me, to make sure I wasn't the only one that was hearing this. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, it's a lot like a child learning his parents are divorcing. I never experienced that myself, but a very close friend of mine did when were boys, and he confided in me a great deal about what the experience felt like.

A lot of what he said would aptly describe what I was feeling in that room.

Here was a trusted authority figure telling you something that you just don't feel ready for, and putting a burden on your mind that you don't necessarily want to carry. The moment that first word comes out, all you can think about it is what it was like only seconds ago, and knowing that life is never going to be as simple as it was then. After all that time at the DoD, I thought I at least had some idea of what was going on in the world, but I'd never heard so much as a peep about this. Maybe one day I'll write more on this aspect, because it's the kind of thing I really would like to get off my chest, but for now I'll digress.

Unlike traditional research in this area, we weren’t working on new toys for the air force.

For numerous reasons, the CARET people decided to aim its efforts at commercial applications rather than military ones. They basically wanted us to turn these artifacts into something they could patent and sell. One of CARET’s most appealing promises was the revenue generated by these product-ready technologies, which could be funneled right back into black projects.

Working with a commercial application in mind was also yet another way to keep us in a familiar mind state. Developing technology for the military is very different than doing so for the commercial sector, and not having to worry about the difference was another way that CARET was very much like private industry.

CARET shined in the way it let us work the way we were used to working. They wanted to recreate as much of the environment we were used to as they could without compromising issues like security. That meant we got free reign to set up our own workflow, internal management structure, style manuals, documentation, and the like. They wanted this to look and feel like private industry, not the military. They knew that was how to get the best work out of us, and they were right.

But things didn’t go as smoothly when it came to matters like access to classified information.

They were exposing what is probably their single biggest secret to a group of people who had never even been through basic training and it was obvious that the gravity of this decision was never far from their minds. We started the program with a small set of extra-terrestrial artifacts along with fairly elaborate briefings on each as well as access to a modest amount of what research had already been completed.

It wasn’t long before we realized we needed more though, and getting them to provide even the smallest amount of new material was like pulling teeth. CARET stood for “Commercial Applications Research for Extra-terrestrial Technology”, but we often joked that it should have stood for “Civilians Are Rarely Ever Trusted.”

PACL was located in Palo Alto, but unlike XPARC, it wasn’t at the end of a long road in the middle of a big complex surrounded by rolling hills and trees. PACL was hidden in an office complex owned entirely by the military but made to look like an unassuming tech company. From the street, all you could see was what appeared to be a normal parking lot with a gate and a guard booth, and a 1-story building inside with a fictitious name and logo.

What wasn’t visible from the street was that behind the very first set of doors was enough armed guards to invade Poland, and 5 additional underground stories. They wanted to be as close as possible to the kinds of people they were looking to hire and be able to bring them in with a minimum of fuss.

Inside, we had everything we needed. State of the art hardware and a staff of over 200 computer scientists, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, physicists and mathematicians. Most of us were civilians, as I’ve said, but some were military, and a few of them had been working on this technology already.

Of course, you were never far from the barrel of a machine gun, even inside the labs themselves (something many of us never got used to), and bi-weekly tours were made by military brass to ensure that not a single detail was out of line. Most of us underwent extensive searches on our way into and out of the building. There it was, probably the biggest secret in the world, in a bunch of parts spread out on laboratory tables in the middle of Palo Alto so you can imagine their concern.

One downside to CARET was that it wasn't as well-connected as other operations undoubtedly were. I never got to see any actual extra-terrestrials (not even photos), and in fact never even saw one of their compete vehicles. 99% of what I saw was related to the work at hand, all of which was conducted within a very narrow context on individual artifacts only. The remaining 1% came from people I met through the program, many of which working more closely with “the good stuff” or had in the past.

In fact, what was especially amusing about the whole affair was the way that our military management almost tried to act as if the technology we were essentially reengineering wasn't extra-terrestrial at all. Aside from the word “extra-terrestrial” itself, we rarely heard any other terms like “alien” or “UFO” or “outer space” or anything.

Those aspects were only mentioned briefly when absolutely necessary to explain something. In many cases it was necessary to differentiate between the different races and their respective technology, and they didn't even use the word “races”.

They were referred to simply as different “sources”.

The Technology

A lot of the technology we worked on was what you would expect, namely antigravity.

Most of the researchers on the staff with backgrounds in propulsion and rocketry were military men, but the technology we were dealing with was so out of this world that it didn’t really matter all that much what your background was because none of it applied.

All we could hope to do was use the vocabulary of our respective fields as a way to model the extremely bizarre new concepts we were very slowly beginning to understand as best we could. A rocket engineer doesn’t usually rub elbows much with a computer scientist, but inside PACL, we were all equally mystified and were ready to entertain any and all ideas.

The physicists made the most headway initially because out of all of our skills, theirs overlapped the most with the concepts behind this technology (although that isn’t saying much!)

Once they got the ball rolling though, we began to find that many of the concepts found in computer science were applicable as well, albeit in very vague ways. While I didn’t do a lot of work with the antigravity hardware myself, I was occasionally involved in the assessment of how that technology was meant to interface with its user.

The antigravity was amazing, of course, as were the advances we were making with materials engineering and so on. But what interested me most then, and still amazes me most to this day, was something completely unrelated.

In fact, it was this technology that immediately jumped out at me when I saw the Chad and Rajman photos, and even more so in the Big Basin photos.

The “Language”

I put the word Language in quotes because calling what I am about to describe a “language” is a misnomer, although it is an easy mistake to make.

Their hardware wasn’t operated in quite the same way as ours. In our technology, even today, we have a combination of hardware and software running almost everything on the planet. Software is more abstract than hardware, but ultimately it needs hardware to run it.

In other words, there’s no way to write a computer program on a piece of paper, set that piece of paper on a table or something, and expect it to actually do something. The most powerful code in the world still doesn’t actually do anything until a piece of hardware interprets it and translates its commands into actions.

But their technology is different. It really did operate like the magical piece of paper sitting on a table, in a manner of speaking. They had something akin to a language, that could quite literally execute itself, at least in the presence of a very specific type of field. The language, a term I am still using very loosely, is a system of symbols (which does admittedly very much resemble a written language) along with geometric forms and patterns that fit together to form diagrams that are themselves functional.

Once they are drawn, so to speak, on a suitable surface made of a suitable material and in the presence of a certain type of field, they immediately begin performing the desired tasks.

It really did seem like magic to us, even after we began to understand the principles behind it.

I worked with these symbols more than anything during my time at PACL, and recognized them the moment I saw them in the photos. They appear in a very simple form on Chad’s craft, but appear in the more complex diagram form on the underside of the Big Basin craft as well.

Both are unmistakable, even at the small size of the Big Basin photos. An example of a diagram in the style of the Big Basin craft is included with this in a series of scanned pages from the [mis-titled] "Linguistic Analysis Primer". We needed a copy of that diagram to be utterly precise, and it took about a month for a team of six to copy that diagram into our drafting program!

Explaining everything I learned about this technology would fill up several volumes, but I will do my best to explain at least some of the concepts as long as I am taking the time to write all this down.

First of all, you wouldn't open up their hardware to find a CPU here, and a data bus there, and some kind of memory over there. Their hardware appeared to be perfectly solid and consistent in terms of material from one side to the other. Like a rock or a hunk of metal.

But upon [much] closer inspection, we began to learn that it was actually one big holographic computational substrate - each "computational element" (essentially individual particles) can function independently, but are designed to function together in tremendously large clusters. I say its holographic because you can divide it up into the smallest chunks you want and still find a scaled-down but complete representation of the whole system.

They produce a nonlinear computational output when grouped. So 4 elements working together is actually more than 4 times more powerful than 1.

Most of the internal "matter" in their crafts (usually everything but the outermost housing) is actually this substrate and can contribute to computation at any time and in any state. The shape of these "chunks" of substrate also had a profound effect on its functionality, and often served as a "shortcut" to achieve a goal that might otherwise be more complex.

So back to the language.

The language is actually a "functional blueprint". The forms of the shapes, symbols and arrangements thereof is itself functional. What makes it all especially difficult to grasp is that every element of each "diagram" is dependent on and related to every other element, which means no single detail can be created, removed or modified independently.

Humans like written language because each element of the language can be understood on its own, and from this, complex expressions can be built. However, their "language" is entirely context-sensitive, which means that a given symbol could mean as little as a 1-bit flag in one context, or, quite literally, contain the entire human genome or a galaxy star map in another.

The ability for a single, small symbol to contain, not just represent, tremendous amounts of data is another counter-intuitive aspect of this concept. We quickly realized that even working in groups of 10 or more on the simplest of diagrams, we found it virtually impossible to get anything done. As each new feature was added, the complexity of the diagram exponentially grew to unmanageable proportions.

For this reason we began to develop computer-based systems to manage these details and achieved some success, although again we found that a threshold was quickly reached beyond which even the supercomputers of the day were unable to keep up.

Word was that the extra-terrestrials could design these diagrams as quickly and easily as a human programmer could write a Fortran program. It's humbling to think that even a network of supercomputers wasn't able to duplicate what they could do in their own heads. Our entire system of language is based on the idea of assigning meaning to symbols.

Their technology, however, somehow merges the symbol and the meaning, so a subjective audience is not needed. You can put whatever meaning you want on the symbols, but their behavior and functionality will not change, any more than a transistor will function differently if you give it another name.

Here's an example of how complex the process is. Imagine I ask you to incrementally add random words to a list such that no two words use any of the same letters, and you must perform this exercise entirely in your head, so you can't rely on a computer or even a pen and paper. If the first in the list was, say, "fox", the second item excludes all words with the letters F, O and X. If the next word you choose is "tree", then the third word in the list can't have the letters F, O, X, T, R, or E in it.

As you can imagine, coming up with even a third word might start to get just a bit tricky, especially since you can't easily visualize the excluded letters by writing down the words.

By the time you get to the fourth, fifth and sixth words, the problem has spiraled out of control. Now imagine trying to add the billionth word to the list (imagine also that we're working with an infinite alphabet so you don't run out of letters) and you can imagine how difficult it is for even a computer to keep up. Needless to say, writing this kind of thing "by hand" is orders of magnitude beyond the capabilities of the brain.

My background lent itself well to this kind of work though. I'd spent years writing code and designing both analog and digital circuits, a process that at least visually resembled these diagrams in some way. I also had a personal affinity for combinatorics, which served me well as I helped with the design of software running on supercomputers that could juggle the often trillions of rules necessary to create a valid diagram of any reasonable complexity.

This overlapped quite a bit with compiler theory as well, a subject I always found fascinating, and in particular compiler optimization, a field that wasn't half of what it is today back then. A running joke among the linguistics team was that Big-O notation couldn't adequately describe the scale of the task, so we'd substitute other words for "big". By the time I left I remember the consensus was "Astronomical-O" finally did it justice.

Like I said, I could go on for hours about this subject, and would love to write at least an introductory book on the subject if it wasn't still completely classified, but that's not the point of this letter so I'll try to get back on track.

The last thing I'd like to discuss is how I got copies of this material, what else I have in my possession, and what I plan to do with it in the future.

My Collection

I worked at PACL from 1984 to 1987, by which time I was utterly burned out.

The sheer volume of details to keep in mind while working with the diagrams was enough to challenge anyone's sanity, and I was really at the end of my rope with the military's attitude towards our “need to know”. Our ability to get work done was constantly hampered by their reluctance to provide us with the necessary information, and I was tired of bureaucracy getting in the way of research and development. I left somewhere in the middle of a 3-month bell curve in which about a quarter of the entire PACL staff left for similar reasons.

I was also starting to disagree with the direction the leadership wanted to take as far as the subject of extra-terrestrials went. I always felt that at least some form of disclosure would be beneficial, but as a lowly CARET engineer I wasn't exactly in the position to call shots.

The truth is, our management didn't even want us discussing non-technical aspects of this subject (such as ethical or philosophical issues), even among ourselves, as they felt it was enough of a breach of security to let civilians like us anywhere near this kind of thing in the first place.

So, about 3 months before I resigned (which was about 8 months before I was really out, since you don't just walk out of a job like that with a 2 week notice). I decided to start taking advantage of my position. As I mentioned earlier, my DOD experience got me into an internal management role sooner than some of my colleagues, and after about a year of that kind of status, the outgoing searches each night became slightly less rigorous.

Normally, we were to empty out any containers, bags or briefcases, then remove our shirt and shoes and submit to a kind of frisking. Work was never allowed to go home with you, no matter who you were. For me, though, the briefcase search was eventually enough.

Even before I actually decided to do it, I was sure that I would be able to sneak certain materials out with me. I wanted to do this because I knew the day would come when I would want to write something like this, and I knew I'd regret it until the day I died if I didn't at least leave the possibility open to do so. So I started photocopying documents and reports by the dozen. I'd then put the papers under my shirt around my lower back, tucked enough into my belt to ensure they wouldn't fall out.

I could do this in any one of a few short, windowless hallways on some of the lower floors, which were among the few places that didn't have an armed guard watching my every move. I'd walk in one end with a stack of papers large enough that when I came out the other end with some of them in my shirt, there wouldn't be a visible difference in what I was holding.

You absolutely cannot be too careful if you're going to pull a stunt like this. As long as I walked carefully they wouldn't make a crinkling noise. In fact, the more papers I took, the less noise they made, since they weren't as flimsy that way. I'd often take upwards of 10-20 pages at once. By the time I was done, I'd made out with hundreds of photocopies, as well as a few originals and a large collection of original photographs.

With this initial letter I have attached high resolution scans of the following:

A page from an inventory review with a photo that appears to depict one of the parts found in the Rajman sighting and parts very similar to the Big Basin craft

The first 9 pages of one of our quarterly research reports

Scans of the original photographs used in that report, since the photocopies obscure most of the details

5 pages from a report on our ongoing analysis of the “language” (inappropriately titled “linguistic analysis”), depicting the kind of diagram just barely visible on the underside of the Big Basin craft

This material is the most relevant and explanatory I could find on short notice.

Now that these are up, If I decide to release more in the future, I'll be able to take my time and better search this rather large collection of mine that I've sadly never organized.

I'm not sure what I'll be doing with the rest of the collection in the future. I suppose I'll wait and see how this all plays out, and then play it by ear. There are certainly risks involved in what I'm doing, and if I were to actually be identified and caught, there could be rather serious consequences. However, I've taken the proper steps to ensure a reasonable level of anonymity and am quite secure in the fact that the information I've so far provided is by no means unique among many of the CARET participants.

Besides, part of me has always suspected that the government relies on the occasional leak like this, and actually wants them to happen, because it contributes to a steady, slow-paced path towards revealing the truth of this matter.

Since Leaving CARET

Like I said, I left PACL (Palo Alto CARET Laboratory) in '87, but have kept in touch with a great many of my friends and coworkers from those days. Most of us are retired by now, except of course for those of us that went on to get teaching jobs, but a few of us still hear things through the grapevine.

As for CARET itself, I'm not sure what's become of it. Whether it's still known by the same name, I'm quite sure it's still active in some capacity, although who knows where. I heard from a number of people that PACL closed up shop a few years after I left, but I've still yet to get a clear answer on why exactly that happened.

But I'm sure the kind of work we did there is still going strong. I've heard from a lot of friends that there are multiple sites like PACL in Sunnyvale and Mountain View, also disguised to look like unremarkable office space. But this is all second-hand information so you can make of it what you will.

Around 2002 or so I came across Coast to Coast AM and have been hooked ever since. I admit, I don't take most of the show's content as anything more than entertainment, but there have been occasions when I could be sure a guest was clearly speaking from experience or a well-informed source. For me, there's just something very surreal about hearing all this speculation and so-called inside information about UFOs and the like, but being personally able to verify at least some of it as being true or false.

 It's also a nightly reminder of how hectic things were in those days, which helps me enjoy my retirement all the more. Knowing I'm not part of that crazy world anymore really is something I enjoy on a daily basis, as much as I miss some of it.


What I've shared so far is only a very small portion of what I have, and what I know.

Despite the very sheltered and insulated atmosphere within CARET, I did ultimately learn a great deal from various colleagues, and some of what I learned is truly incredible. I'd also like to say that for what it's worth, during my time there I never heard anything about invasions, or abductions, or many of the more frightening topics that often pop up on Coast to Coast AM.

That's not to say that none of it is true, but in my time working alongside some of the most well-connected people in this field, it never came up. So at the very least I can say my intent is not to scare anyone. My view on the extra-terrestrial situation is very much a positive, albeit still highly secretive one.

One thing I can definitely say is that if they wanted us gone, we would have been gone a very, very long time ago, and we wouldn't even have seen it coming. Throw out your ideas about a space war or anything silly like that. We'd be capable of fighting back against them about as much as ants could fight back against a stampede of buffalo.

 But that's OK. We're the primitive race, they're the advanced races, and that's just the way it is. The other advanced races let them live through their primitive years back in their day, and there's no reason to think it will be any different for us. They aren't in the market for a new planet, and even if they were, there are way too many planets out there for them to care about ours enough to take it by force.

To reiterate my take on the recent sightings, I'd guess that experimentation done in the last couple months on a device that, among other things, is capable of interfering with various crafts onboard invisibility has resulted in a sudden wave of sightings. It may not explain all of the recent events, but like I said, I'd bet my life that's exactly what happened at Big Basin at least, and it's probably related in some way to the Chad, Rajman and Tahoe sightings.

 So, despite all the recent fanfare over this, I'd say this doesn't mean much. Most importantly, they aren't suddenly “here”. They've been here for a long time, but just happened to turn unintentionally visible for brief periods recently.

Lastly, there are so many people selling books, and DVDs, and doing lectures, and all that, that I would like to reiterate the fact that I am not here to sell anything. The material I'm sharing is free to distribute provided it's all kept intact and unmodified, and this letter is included.

 I tend to question the motives of anyone charging money for their information, and will assure you that I will never do such a thing. And in the future, just to cover all the bases, anyone claiming to be me who's selling a DVD or book is most certainly not going to be me.

Any future releases from me will come from the email address I've used to contact Coast to Coast AM, and will be sent to them only.

 I'd like to make this clear as well to ensure that people can be sure that any future information comes from the same source, although I must be clear: at this time I do not have any future plans for additional information. Time will tell how long I will maintain this policy, but do not expect anything soon. I'd really like to let this information “settle” for a while and see how it goes.

 If I find out I'm getting an IRS audit tomorrow, then maybe this wasn't too smart.

 Until then, I'm going to take it slow. I hope this information has been helpful.

27JUN07 Update from Isaac

From: Isaac

Subject: Re: "Drones"

Date: June 27, 2007 Received 1:34 PM, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Isaac: "There are a few misconceptions that I have noticed so far and would like to clear them up, and will also answer your questions:

1) I realize now that I did not make this clear, but I should clarify that I am not responsible for the blacking out of the Q4-86 report. Most of the copies I was able to make came from documents that were already archived, which meant that they had already been censored for use by outside parties that needed access to some, but not all, of CARET's information. I'm trying to share this information, not hide it, but if I did feel that if a given topic was too sensitive for some reason, I would make it clear that I had personally covered it up and probably try to give a reason why.

2) I do not understand the question about why the diagram would be "formatted for 8.5 x 11"... As I mention in my letter, the diagram is a reproduction, not the original. We had a team of technical artists painstakingly copy the diagram from its original source, which was a slightly curved panel not unlike the one seen in the Big Basin craft, although this one was apparently inside the craft, not on the outside. We copied it into a drafting program over the course of about a month.

Our software was understandably primitive by today's standards, but it was still orders of magnitude more powerful than a pencil and paper would have been. This made a task that would have otherwise been nearly impossible relatively feasible, albeit extremely time-consuming. I can assure you, "they" did not make anything particularly convenient for us. One of the reasons we chose to reproduce that particular diagram was because out of all the diagram-artifacts we had access to, it was on the flattest surface.

Since the geometry of the forms is extremely important, curvature of the surface it's printed on must be "corrected" if it is to be reproduced in a surface with a different contour (such as a flat page). This can be done in a number of ways, by either using a mathematical model to reverse the effect of the surface curves on the diagram's shapes, or by methods of physical measuring that allow precise measuring of irregular surfaces. In either case, however, it adds a significant new dimension of labor to an already extremely labor-intensive task, so it's avoided whenever possible. We really just needed one or two accurately copied diagrams to serve as convenient examples for our own work in decoding and reproducing it, so luckily this was not something we had to do often. Some experimentation was being done on ways to "scan" the diagrams as well, using an almost completely automated process that could automatically account for curved surfaces, but during my time there, very little progress was made on this front.

3) I think the confusion over the quality of the documents stems from the fact that he (critic) is under the impression they (CARET document) were typeset. They were not. First of all, I'm no guru when it comes to graphics or design, but being in close contact with numerous people from places like XPARC will give you enough background to know the lay of the land. What's first important to note is that systems capable of desktop publishing had been in development for many years before CARET, mostly starting with the Xerox Alto (in 1973), which XPARC developed themselves.

In fact, I once remember hearing from someone related to the original Alto team that Boeing (I believe) used the Alto to lay out and print the documentation for one of their planes (or something to that effect, I heard the story years ago). The joke was apparently that there was so MUCH documentation that the plane itself could essentially be filled with the pages. Furthermore, laser printing itself had also been around for many years (albeit in an extremely expensive form), and was also developed within XPARC (more or less). Other systems, such as PERQ and Lilith, also came out around the late 70's and while none of them turned into major commercial products, they were not uncommon among large companies and [mostly] universities and were put to very productive use.

These systems were also the inspiration for the Apple Lisa and Macintosh, which was of course perhaps the biggest factor in the consumer-level desktop publishing boom of the late 80's and early 90's. By 1984, there were quite a few options available for producing these kinds of documents, they were just ABSURDLY expensive, so they weren't on every street corner. Obviously it was nowhere near as turnkey and simple as it is today, but it was a very crude approximation of the same process with similar tools. We just had far less features and everything was a hell of a lot slower. But the point I'm trying to make is that while our method of documentation was somewhat advanced for its time, and also somewhat uncommon, it was hardly unattainable by a sufficiently motivated, financed, and well-connected organization.

I had very little contact with the technical writers for the most part, but I do know that we were using this kind of technology for both page layout and printing. CARET was expected to produce a massive amount of detailed, well-formatted documentation that could be easily modified and re-used for numerous drafts and revisions, and we would not have been able to keep up using traditional page layout and typesetting techniques. The mid-1980's were a very transitional period for these fields, and I would suggest that people do not assume we were using run-of-the-mill standards.

One of the things I appreciated most about CARET was that if the technology was available, and we needed it to work better or more effectively, it was given to us with little debate. But typesetting and digital page layout are apples and oranges, so I think most of this is a moot point anyway.

The bottom line is that many people both inside and outside the engineering world frequently underestimate how long we've had a lot of the technology we have. 99% of the algorithms we use today were developed decades ago, they just didn't have the same practical applications immediately available. Most of the engineers of the 60's and 70's would have been right at home with today's developments and technologies. The only difference is that things have gotten smaller and faster. In the vast majority of technologies, that is the only thing that REALLY changes from one era to the next. If I told the average person that we had speech-synthesizing technology in 1936, they probably wouldn't believe me.

I could show you a prototype of a simple drafting/design system that was operated by a light pen directly on a screen from the 1960's. You could draw a shape freehand, then immediately rotate it, modify it, duplicate it, or whatever. You could draw lines connecting different objects, then erase them by simply drawing a squiggly line over it. The computer could interpret the squiggles as a sign to erase something, all in real time. And this was half a century ago, and decades before CARET. Think about that for a moment. The point is, most of what we have today is much older than we think. The only differences are that it's faster, cheaper, and a marketing team has given it a glossy finish and found a commercial application for it. But if you take away some of the speed, power, ubiquity and consumer appeal, you'll find a lot of today's technology scattered throughout much of the 20th century. I hope this is helpful.


27JUN07 Update from Isaac

More from Isaac:

From: Isaac

Subject: Re: "Drones"

Date: June 27, 2007 Received 4:28 PM, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Isaac: "1) While I wasn't a major player in the (CARET) organization, I was hardly 'some worker.' My middle-management position is the only reason I was able to make out with what I did. Bear in mind that even someone in my position would never get the chance to leave with even the smallest of actual artifacts, but paperwork smuggling was feasible for anyone who wasn't subjected to the frisking.

Also, let's not forget that paperwork only proves so much. I'll be the first to agree that everything I've provided could be faked, I suppose. It is, after all, just a series of images. While the powers that be obviously don't want this material leaking if they can help it, they're certainly aware that scans of documents aren't in the same league as UFOs landing on the White House lawn. I'm not the first person to leak a document or a photo, and I won't be the last. The information I've shared is very unlikely to change the world, and this is the reason I'm not worried about being literally murdered if I'm identified. I'll face consequences to be sure, but it's not the kind of thing they kill for.

2) Of course the manual doesn't look anything like typical government and military documents. The entire purpose of CARET was to recreate the look and feel of silicon valley private enterprise, populate it with private industry engineers, and let it tackle the problem of extraterrestrial technology research. Style manuals were among the numerous things we brought with us from the 'outside world.' I'm not sure what else can be said about this. I agree it's uncommon for non-standard documents to come out of this kind of research, but it's even more uncommon for people like myself (and even more so for many of my co-workers) to be brought into this kind of project in the first place. Most of us were decidedly not military men. I find it a lot more bizarre than the fact that we were able to design our reports a certain way. CARET was an exception to many of the usual rules.

3) If he (one of many critics who emailed Earthfiles and which I shared with Isaac) believes the pictures are fake, I certainly can't do or say anything to prove otherwise. He sounds very sure of himself.

4) Most importantly, be very wary of anyone who claims to 'know the mind' of extraterrestrials. The comments he's made are, to put it lightly, naive and extremely presumptuous. Firstly, he's referring to 'the aliens' as if there is a single collective group of them. The universe is not split into 'humans' and 'non-humans,' any more than Earth is split up into 'Spanish' and 'non-Spanish' or something equally arbitrary. There are numerous races - and again, like our own races of humans here on earth, they do things in very different ways.

His comment that 'the aliens don't do this or that' is akin to saying 'humans don't speak Japanese.' Well, many humans don't, but Japanese humans certainly do. The point is not that his statement is right or wrong, but simply that it's phrased illogically. He then goes on to suggest that the design of the drones is wasting space, which is again, alarming in its arrogance. We had some of the brightest minds in the world spending years just to understand a single facet of their technology, while this individual claims to be able to assess basically every detail of a given design after looking at a single photo and conclude that it's inefficient. I'm not even sure such a statement should be dignified with a response, and I'm sure you can understand why.

To be honest, whoever this person is, I wrote him off as soon as he said 'the aliens would never design as these pictures depict.' That's about as presumptuous (if not ignorant) as a statement on this subject can be, at least coming from a fellow human. Unless there's an alien engineer on the other side of this email, there's simply no way such statements could have merit. I'm really only writing this as a courtesy to you.

At best, he's been exposed to technology from a radically different race, and at worst, he doesn't know what he's talking about. This individual may have access to real information, and he might not. If he is a fellow 'whistle blower,' then I'm not interested in attacking him. If he's not, and is simply making things up, then I'm even less interested. Whatever he is or isn't is not for me to say, but judging by the way he talks about this issue I have my doubts.

It's a big world and these are complicated issues. A sense of humility and the admission we don't know everything is one of our greatest assets.


20JUL07 Update from Isaac

July 20, 2007

Update: Since posting this Earthfiles report, I have received several emails from professionals such as this one on July 28, 2007:

"I note that several readers have expressed reservations about Isaac’s hard-copies of the research material on the basis of page layout and the sophistication of the word processing. Typically the claim runs along the lines of 'couldn't do that back then.' I find it interesting that some people claim such authority when clearly they do not really know.

The fact is this: The Xerox 860 was in wide use in the early to mid-80's as was the top-of-the-line dedicated Word Processor. It wasn't a PC or a general purpose computer though; all it did was WYSWIYG word pro (in fact pre-dating the WYSIWYG feature of the Mac which came a couple of years later). By today's standards it was huge, very expensive and was somewhat complicated to use. I was in the publishing business at the time and we sold newsletters to the accounting and legal profession. They were produced on the Xerox 860 by our dedicated '860 Operator' and resulted in very high quality documents that looked typeset. The layout could be 100% controlled including justification, although the fonts were mechanical font wheels that had to be swapped in and out. The printers were huge and very high-end in quality. (As a note: photocopiers were very high-end even then, although in the mid 80's were still electrostatic/toner based).

Given that CARET was 'next door' to XPARC I see nothing unusual in the quality or layout of the documents and any skepticism raised on that account should be declared completely invalid. Here is a link to a reference page re the X860:"

27JUL07 Update from Isaac

July 27, 2007 Albuquerque, New Mexico - After the Isaac letter and CARET document were released on June 26, 2007, one of the criticisms was expressed this way:

"Looking at the so-called 'documentation' that goes with this stuff, the text-formatting is obviously done with relatively recent vintage page-layout software. You can tell by the perfect nature of the block justification.

"That type of extremely precise (even in word-spacing), indeed perfect, text-formatting DID NOT EXIST IN 1985, particularly in a laboratory or even corporate environment. After looking at all of the fancy 'documents,' including the Macromedia Freehand or Adobe Illustrator-designed 'alien diagrams,' I state now and for the RECORD that this whole thing is a HOAX, and will be proven to be such."

Another critic wondered why the extraterrestrial diagrams were formatted for 8.5 x 11-sized paper? Other repeated criticism was that if Isaac really wanted the public to see some of the research facts behind the aerial "drones," why did he blacken some of the CARET document text?

One of many critics emailed these comments, which Isaac addressed in 2nd reply below:

"This is a big hoax. For one thing, the US Government would NEVER allow this information to left in the hands of some worker. Another thing, the manual does not look anything like a legal NASA or a government document either. The pictures of the 'artifact' are photo-shopped and I can tell you that the aliens DO not label every single part as pictured. The anti-grav unit pictured is fake. The photos of the drone on the floor are model parts. The configuration of all the drones sent in to you and others is something the aliens would never design as all these designs pictured show gross misuse of space. All their ships are based on the use of space. Not one inch to them is wasted and if you look at the history of 'probes' from EBE's they are SMALL and fast. I think you have been had. I am surprised that you and George Noory etc. are easily tricked by this. I would definitely check with your reliable contacts deep in the 'Know' and find out for yourself."

I emailed these issues to Isaac and on June 27, 2007, I received his replies in two separate emails indicated by receipt times, which Isaac gave me permission to share in an Earthfiles follow-up. My delay in reporting these emails is that I had an indication from Isaac that I might be able to interview him by phone. So, I waited, hoping the interview would occur. But to date, that has not happened.

Communication from Issac Ended after 27 July 2007

Isaac initiated his disclosure in June 2007.  It created a firestorm of denunciation and ridicule.  Suddenly at the end of July 2007, all communication stopped abruptly.  All went silent after 4-5 weeks from the first disclosure.

Approximately 4 to 5 months later CGI versions of the CARET images made their debut.  By the end of the year, a music video was released and heavily promoted by the mainstream media.  This effort proceeded in parallel with a debunking effort by the NSA.  Spelunking though the website archives one can easily see that the debunking websites all sprung up at about the same time (within weeks) and were very active through 2008 effectively trying to rewrite history and disparage the disclosure.

While Isaac was not in the same program that I was in, there is no doubt that he violated confidentiality restrictions that he had agreed to back in the 1980’s.  I am confident that he suffered the consequences for this disclosure.  I lament his loss.  We all should realize that if we have information we need to do what Edward Snowden did and provide a mechanism so that all of the information might be disseminated properly upon our demise.

Pages from the Q4-86 Research Report

Cover page Q4-86 Research Report
The report that was the primary subject matter of the “C.A.R.E.T. disclosure” was the December 1986 Q4-86 Research Report for the “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology” (C.A.R.E.T.) from the PACL staff at the Palo Alto Caret Laboratory. This report was presented in a three-ring binder format. Note the author’s name is censored out as well as the street address for the Palo Alto Caret Laboratory.

CARET scan page 2
This is the first page of the fourth quarter report for the year 1986 of the Palo Alto CARET Laboratory. In it is a “executive summary” of the projects and an overview of the rest of the documentation. The goal of the research has been to “…achieve a greater understanding of extraterrestrial technology within the context of commercial applications and civilian use.” It describes that what is commonly referred to reverse eingineering of extraterrestrial technology which is known as “extraction”. It delineates a specific goal with is an “extraction package” that can be used as a sort of building block by which other technologies might be built upon.

CARET scan page 3
This is the third page of the December 1986 Q4-86 Research Report for the “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology” (C.A.R.E.T.) from the PACL staff at the Palo Alto Caret Laboratory. It contains the executive summary of the contents in the report. “…virtually all aspects of most extraterrestrial craft seem to incorporate its use in some way.”

CARET scan page 4
This is page 4 of the December 1986 Q4-86 Research Report for the “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology” (C.A.R.E.T.) from the PACL staff at the Palo Alto Caret Laboratory. “Additionally, PACL has been provided with a small device capable of controlling A1 by activating and deactivating it, as well as switching between its three primary modes of operation. This device, assigned the identification code S1, is of particularly sensitive importance, as it is the only known method of controlling A1.”

CARET scan page 5
This is page 5 of the December 1986 Q4-86 Research Report for the “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology” (C.A.R.E.T.) from the PACL staff at the Palo Alto Caret Laboratory.

CARET Scan page 6.
This is page 6 of the December 1986 Q4-86 Research Report for the “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology” (C.A.R.E.T.) from the PACL staff at the Palo Alto Caret Laboratory. “Research in the internal functionality of A1 began in late (1986) and as such, little is currently known. What is certain, however, is that the device contains no moving parts whatsoever, does not feature any kind of control interface in the form of buttons, switches, or levers, and, apparently, can only be manipulated by the technology contained in S1.”

CARET Scan page 7
“While initial experimentation indicated that the artifacts were composed of a consistent solid material, experiments on A1’s component mode suggest that the artifacts are more internally complex…” Page 7 from the Palo Alto CARET Laboratory 1986, fourth quarter research report.

CARET scan page 8
This is page 8 of the December 1986 Q4-86 Research Report for the “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology” (C.A.R.E.T.) from the PACL staff at the Palo Alto Caret Laboratory. Most of the text has been redacted from the manuscript leaving only one visible photograph

CARET scan page 9
This is page9 of the December 1986 Q4-86 Research Report for the “Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology” (C.A.R.E.T.) from the PACL staff at the Palo Alto Caret Laboratory. Most of the text has been redacted from the manuscript leaving only one visible photograph.

Pages from the Q3-85 Inventory Review

Page 56
Part of the disclosure featured segments from other documents as well. This is a page from the Q3-85 Inventory Review of the components being reverse engineered at PACL at CARET. I must remind the reader of the NSA efforts to downplay or disparage this disclosure. After all, they developed a complete MTV Video Music track and supportive CAD models to the public to “prove” that his release of information was nothing more than just a “publicity stunt”. I should hope that the reader knows otherwise. Look at the pictures above. Does this “isolated page out of a report” look like part of a “publicity stunt”? Do these objects look like CAD files placed upon a photographed background? Think people! Think!

Pages from the Linguistic Primer

CARET page 119 from the linguistic primer
This is page 119 from the Linguistics Primer by PACL for the CARET project. This page features figure 14.11 which is a full view of diagram D39-08-117c. This page has penned in notations made by one of the researchers. The researcher who made the notations was obviously European as they did not use conventional American notation for numbers. (The number seven and the number one are obviously written in the European style.)

Page 120 from the linguist primer.
This is page 120 from the Linguistics Primer by PACL for the CARET research project. In it, figure 14.12 describes an “Isolated view of a three-node AB-type semaphore cascade, extending from an exterior vertex of an octal junction.”

Page 121 from the linguistics primer
This is page 121 from the Linguistic Primer by PACL for the CARET project. In it figure 14.13 clearly describes a “Rotary junction with orbital sub-junction connecting to an octal switch”.

Page 122 from the Linguistic Primer
This is page 122 of the Linguistic Primer by PACL for the CARET project. In it, figure 14.14 is described; “Compound junction in a dual-link union with heavy-state tri-switch and diffuser”. The reader should note that the tri-switch is unbalanced. The angles between each of the three “arms” do not equal 33.3333 degrees. In fact, the tri-switch is perhaps the most interesting object in this report.

Page 123 of the Linguistics Primer.
This is page 123 from the Linguistic Primer by PACL for the CARET project. In it is described figure 14.15; “Parent junction with three non-orbital child junctions”. This page shows a series of junctions below a tri-switch. I am most interested in the interface in the lower right of the octal junction.

The Photographs

CARET Photograph 1
The reader should note that at no time during the NSA rewriting of the C.A.R.E.T. narrative, did they provide a physical model of this device shown in the picture above. Nor did they provide the supposed CAD drawings that described it. Again, the debunking of this disclosure was “full-on”, loud, boisterous, but incomplete. There were serious omissions from the debunking efforts.

CARET photograph 2
If the entire C.A.R.E.T. disclosure was all a CGI publicity stunt, then where are the CGI models of the above item? Where are the actual physical models that this photo came from? Obviously they would have to provide the models, and the software files. But they didn’t because it was too complex and too expensive to do. The belief that they could overwhelm the mass public with the disinformation effort was largely successful. Nothing is ever 100% successful, and MAJestic and the NSA realizes this. They strive for a mere 80%success effort. Their goal is to bury the disclosure from exposure to the vast bulk of the American population. They are not concerned with the handful of “true” believers, as they view them as largely impotent.

CARET photograph 3
This is a closeup of the two I-beams that are connected to the antigravity device.

CARET photograph 4
This is the fourth photograph that was part of the disclosure. Here we have another closeup view of the two I-beam structures that are part of the antigravity device.

CARET photograph 5
Here is the fifth photograph of the personal antigravity mechanism showing the two I-beam structures. Note that both I-beam structures are “floating” above the surface and are connected to the main unit without any physical attachment.

Other Opinions

Many different witnesses came forward at the time of the disclosure, from all different professions and walks of life and sightings spanning as far back as 1985.  The testimony of these individuals is very hard to ignore.  However, the subject matter has been largely ignored thanks to a deliberate debunking campaign.  Tht campaign centered around the misinformation that these craft were simply products of CGI manipulation.  Yet the sincerity, depth and breadth of the witness testimony obliterates the theory that this was CGI and / or viral marketing.  Some CGI videos appeared, but they were obvious fakes and have nothing in relation to the truth of this subject.

Even some die-hard believers fell for the debunker propaganda and still to this day MOST people are not familiar with the many hours of recorded interviews conducted by Linda Moulton-Howe on this subject, and so simply cite “something they heard in a forum” or “I heard that…”.  I urge those people to THINK for THEMSELVES.

Internet Searches

This might be the last repository of information concerning the C.A.R.E.T. disclosure in the world.  The NSA has been very busy erasing every evidence of this disclosure.  Today, it is just about impossible to find anything regarding this.  (In the United States.  Elsewhere in the world it is still possible to dredge up some information.  But it is not at all easy.)

Pretty amazing for a “hoax”.

Typically, the NSA wants as many hoaxes as possible to self-propagate on the Internet.  This serves the important purpose to “prove” that there is nothing to disclosures and other information regarding extraterrestrials.  Obviously the NSA is not treating this disclosure as a hoax, but rather is trying to eliminate all evidence of its existence.  Obviously the United States government has devoted time, finance, and every media resource at it’s disposal to disparage this disclosure.

 Just a kind reminder, as if the reader doesn’t realize this by now. The media itself is part of the Deep State. They all are educated in the same universities by professors with horrible values, and taught the same things. They go to the same clubs. They socialize with each other. They have the same basic psychological, political, economic and philosophical underpinnings. So, of course, they look at the world through the same lens. And avoid mention of things that might be inconvenient, or conflict with their worldview.


The Microsoft search engine, out of the United States; cannot find anything associated with C.A.R.E.T. at all!  This is in every form that I tried.  This is absolutely amazing.  Absolutely zero hits.  In fact, the absence of any kind of hit is indicative of some kind of filtering or omission software; one that specifically censors a given word or phrase.  If the reader dares investigate, they will find some text at the bottom of the page that reads “Some results are removed in response to a notice of local law requirement.”

My conclusion is that the website absolutely targets the phraseology and omits every discovery from disclosure.  Thus, someone, or some organization specifically censors the Bing Search Engine for C.A.R.E.T. terms, words and phrases.

This included “CARET”. “C.A.R.E.T.”, Isaac, UFO, extraterrestrial, “unspecified” reverse engineering, and all kinds of combinations of the aforementioned statement.


There used to be a page in Wikipedia concerning C.A.R.E.T. but it has since disappeared.  Initially, I believed that it was relocated to some other aligned page, but this was not the case.

Someone deleted the information on Wikipedia.  They did so expertly.  I sent an e-mail to Wikipedia concerning the deletion.  (Not all deletions are so expertly done.  There is often some residue of raw links left in the code.

Not in this case.  This website was WIPED CLEAN and then SCRUBBED, DISINFECTED, and then POLISHED afterwards.)  When I queried about the deletion to the website, I received no response back.  That is, in itself unusual, as Wikipedia always have responded to my inquiries previously.  The reader should note; they never responded back to me.  Therefore, I have no idea what happened regarding it.

To visit Wikipedia to search for this listing go HERE.


  • In 2011, there was no problem at all finding anything on the Internet regarding C.A.R.E.T.. At that time, it never occurred to me that it would be censored by the US government.
  • In 2013, when compiling some information, I discovered that it was getting difficult to find the information. Google search results almost uniformly submitted debunking statements in every search result.
  • As of 2014 you could still locate information concerning C.A.R.E.T. on Google, though you would have to go three or more pages deep before you could find anything of interest.
  • As of 2015, all traces of C.A.R.E.T. has disappeared from Google and are unable to be found using that search engine.
  • In 2016, I again attempted to use Google. Absolutely zero hits.


Yahoo is a very famous website.  They provide news, e-mail services, and various other services such as Yahoo.Answers.  What is not so well known is that they are also a search engine.  Since it is not a “priority” search engine, there is every belief that they could find information on this subject.  To my surprise, this was true.  The American search engine; Yahoo, was very successful in finding hits for this subject.

It is my guess that the NSA doesn’t think that Yahoo! is a viable search engine any longer.

Other Sources

The reader does not have to rely on using American-censored Internet search engines to find information on this disclosure.  Here is a collection of sites and sources that one can use directly.  It is my sincere hope that they are not blocked in the United States.  If they are, I would strongly urge the reader to take a vaction to another nation and use the Internet there (As well as the local search engines.  Do not use Google.).

Read Isaac’s original whistle-blower testimony on the C.A.R.E.T program. This is the best site to obtain full resolution scans of all his provided documentation.

Hours of podcasts of witness testimony

Wiki Drone Site & Forum

CARET Dragonfly Drones – Lake Tahoe Sighting

Weird Dragonfly Aerial Drones – The Chad Photos

The reader should be aware that you might have to use a VPN to tunnel through the Internet blocking software that is installed in most ISP’s in the United States today.  Or, alternatively visit a different country than the USA and access these sites.  The United States government does ABSOLUTELY block websites that it considers “hostile” to “national interests”.  I do not know if these websites fall under this cloak, but I would not put them out of the loop by any stretch of reason.

Our rulers
Here are the people who operate the enormous bureaucracy in the United States. You know, the ones that say one things and do the other. John Brennan. James Clapper, and their ilk.


“ What of the characters appearing on the drones being used by Dell for their Alienware computer line? I always tended to think that Dell was approached by the government and used as part of their disinformation campaign. The company was doing poorly before the release of Alienware; if the government or someone posing as an investor were to approach Dell with large a large sum of startup money for a subsidiary, on the condition that the name Alienware and a given “font” be used, how could they refuse? Does anyone know anything about this?”

-Jonas July 1, 2014 at 8:58 am
“I knew about the alienware use of the symbols and graphics of the Caret stuff. It was a clear opportunistic use of the mystery behind this at the moment.”

-truthseeking2015 July 27, 2014 at 10:51 pm

The company Alienware uses the C.A.R.E.T. disclosure as a screensaver and wall paper.  Nice, but it tends to make people think that this is not a legitimate disclosure.  (BTW; what they provide is anything but accurate.  The artwork is disconnected nonsense and has and illustrates no constructive purpose. It just looks attractive.  It is similar to the writing utilized, but not functional in any way.)

Alienware fake CARET image
CARET images used for profit purposes.

It is important to note that, in general, the misdirection and disinformation strategy for C.A.R.E.T. was a success.

Many people, even ones who you would think would know better, fell for it.  As soon as some sort of “reasonable excuse” was presented, everyone went to that solution mindlessly.


During the 1980’s into 2007, various strange objects were viewed hovering, floating and moving about in the sky silently. These objects were photographed and discussed.

Odd object or drone.
Strange object that was found floating and hovering silently in the sky. It was photographed as shown.

An entire write up on the various sightings of these drones can be found at TRUTHFALL. They pretty much befuddled everyone who encountered them. No one knew what they were. They look like mechanical contrivances, most certainly but they have no known writing or anything that can be used to identify them.

Hovering drone photo from underneath.
Another photo of this mysterious drone object. It was taken by a different person at a different location at a different time.

Then, a fellow known as Isaac said that he knew what these items were. He submitted the photos, documents and the text reproduced herein. Other people have also contributed various curiosities…

“I cannot remember whether they told him what it did, or if he discovered it, but he said the characters had to be on this metal, in this order, and in a particular electromagnetic field, they cloaked themselves. He said it worked by bending light. He said that the thing I had taken a picture of was simply malfunctioning, and that is why I saw part of it for a moment. He said it worked on the rods and cones in our eyes,in that it bent light. He said some animals could still see them, but if working properly, they would be nearly invisible. He called it “clear jello”.

Other people piped in…

“From what I gathered in my email correspondence from Isaac, he indicated that I was seeing them only because they were being tested by the U.S. and, had they been working properly, I would never have seen it.  He said some folks only see the boom or the cage, due to a malfunction of the apparatus that bends light around it; he said that is why sometimes we will swear we just saw something in the air, then suddenly it is gone. He also indicated that dogs may be able to see them even as cloaked, and when we look at what they are barking at, we see nothing.”

After the sightings came to prevalence in 2007 a series of badly thrown together CGI YouTube movies and photographs then emerged. Some were produced by fame-seeking photoshop junkies desperate to showcase their ‘talents’, some by copycats and those desperate for viral video status. However, absolutely none of the CGI hoxers came even remotely close to resembling the original images. Nor could they explain the ever growing number of witnesses, from all ages and walks of life and geographically separate locations in the United States.

There are websites that really go all out to convince everyone that this is all just  hoax. You can go visit them if you want. They are wrong.

This is an actual disclosure of technical information related to the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technology forty years ago. To understand the level of technology that MAJestic is dealing with, please kindly take a moment to study the linguistic primer.

Mysterious drone.
Strange drone taken at a different time and place by a different person.

Take Aways

  • There was a disclosure of reverse engineering efforts made during the 1980’s of acquired extraterrestrial technology.
  • This disclosure included excerpts of various documents, photographs, and an explanation.
  • Following the disclosure, there was a massive debunking effort that involved everything from multiple websites, a small army of trolls, to a music video with CGI effects. Today, most well-known UFO and similar websites consider this to be a hoax.
  • This is NOT a hoax. It is a real disclosure.


Q: Is CARET and PACL a hoax?
A: No. Throughout the 1980’s MAJestic had numerous reverse engineering efforts in process. There were also efforts related to providing support to our extraterrestrial benefactors. I cannot directly comment on specific issues, but I can confirm that the information that Isaac provided back in 2007 rings true based on my experiences.

Q: What happened to Isaac?
A: He’s probably dead. He gave away and published unacknowledged special access program documentation. He was under the assumption that maybe the worse that would happen to him would be an IRS audit. No. I am afraid that he is probably dead.

Q: What about Metallicman disclosures?
A: My role at this time is doing exactly as I am told. I could not prevent it if I wanted to. And, for what ever it is worth, I hate doing things for free. Yet, I am fucking compelled to do what I am doing. If MAJestic wanted me to stop they would do so.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Learning about China by Looking at Pretty Girls (1)

China is a very, very big nation. Many times I am asked what it is like. Honestly, there is so much to say, that I end up going on some tangent or the other. However, one thing that I noticed when talking to other men, is that what they really want to know is what Chinese girls are like…

Wow! That is in itself a huge subject.

Here I try to compose  a series of micro-videos of Chinese girls taking little vignettes of themselves being cute, dancing, eating, and doing girl things. It is in no way comprehensive, but it should give you a general idea of what Chinese girls are like. It will also help you to get a better idea of what China is like as well.

Here we look at ten micro-videos…

The Elevator

Here is a micro-video of a Chinese girl who is waiting at an elevator. It looks like this elevator is in some kind of business building. Many business buildings in China have advertisements in and around the elevators. In residential buildings, the elevators are much nicer and tend to have advertisements in picture frames.

You may notice that she is carrying two plastic containers. They are clean, which leads me to believe that her lunch was in those containers, and that we took the elevator to the next floor’s restroom to clean the dishes, and now she is returning to her office.

Notice that she is dressed in office attire suitable for a small business. This might be anything from retail to housing, to some kind of internet operation. She is wearing low heeled shoes that is suggestive of a middle class office complex.

The background music is a well known song that is heard throughout China.

Girl in Subway

Here is a short video of a girl waiting for the subway. Most of China has really modern and state of the art subways. While the subways in Beijing tend to be small and crowded, the rest of the nation if filled with the latest in high-tech, Japanese assisted designs with a very modern infrastructure. Notice that all signs have English underneath. In Shenzhen, the subway announcements are in three languages; Chinese, English and Cantonese.

She is wearing cute, white tennis-shoes which are called xiao bei xie (little white shoes). She has a tattoo of a line around her thigh which is important to her for some reason. She is standing on disabled-people tile. This is a special tiled floor that people who cannot see can use to get around with. All sidewalks and walking areas have this special tile. China is disabled-friendly.

She is a typical Chinese girl in that she has a purse, a small tattoo or two, she wears a short pair of shorts and a nice clean white (open back) top. You will notice on the floor are some yellow footprints. This is where people stand when they want to board the train.

Residential Area

Here is a cutie who is dancing in a residential area. The Chinese have areas zoned for business and areas zoned for residences. This is just like the United States. People who travel to China to look at a factory reflect how ugly the area looks, and then they fly home. Factory areas tend to be dirty and nasty, while residential areas are quiet, tree lined and softer. China is an area where it is considered important to have areas where people can live and experience life.

Chinese girls like to wear tight jeans, as has been the fashion for the last few years. They also like to wear light and lose fitting upper clothing as parts of China can get to be quite hot and sweaty.


Many buildings in China are quite new. In fact, any building older than ten years old is considered to be “old”. Many buildings, in order to keep the illusion that it is new, keep the walls plain and unadorned with fresh white paint.

This is a cute girl. She is dressed typically.

In China, the color of the skin is considered to be a significant contributor to whether or not a person is attractive. In general, the lighter the skin you have, the more attractive you are. This girl has beautiful eyes, and nice shaped face, and sweet tasty lips.

Riding on a Boat

Riding on a boat is a typical pastime for many young ladies. Many of the larger cities in China are on the coast. There are significant opportunities to go out riding on the boat, having fun with friends and enjoying the views. I like this video because it reminds me that you have control of your life, and the life that you live is up to you. Live it well.

Since she is on a boat, she is wearing sunglasses, a light and loose top and comfortable clothes. This is pretty much a common scene around Hong Kong, Macao and other coastal cities.

KTV Restroom

KTV’s are very big and popular in China. There are many types. They range from business KTV’s to family KTV’s and everything in between. Here, we have a girl that is photographing herself in the shared washroom outside of the gender-separated bathroom stalls in a KTV. You can hear the various music from the various KTV rooms wafting through the hallway.

I find this girl very attractive as she has curves in all the right places, a nice face and a soft disposition. I would consider her as “cute as a button”.

By looking at the surroundings you can see some typical characteristics about many family-style KTV’s that involve sparkling tiled wall surfaces, and a kind of subdued lighting. The older people behind her gives the location away as a family KTV establishment.

Tennis Court

Here is a Chinese girl dancing in a tennis court. You will notice that she is wearing her hair up in a ponytail as the temperature tends to be warm. She is sporting a nice large tattoo which suggests that she is living in one of the larger cities. She is also wearing xiao bei xie (little white shoes).

She can dance, and she has a nice body. I like to believe that dancing is a fine way to keep fit and to keep your weight down.

Getting out of the Car

This is more my speed. Here we have a successful (or apparently so) man getting out of his fine, fine ride along with a stunning Chinese woman. Man! Now that is a Wo-man! She is certainly a stunner, let me tell you.

The venue and the situation suggests a high-end bar, club or KTV.

This is common in China, as there are many successful people in China. They are nerds who have worked hard and are rewarded by the culture and society for their efforts. This is what happens when you work hard and prosper.

Residential Street

Here we have a Chinese girl in a residential / mixed industry street. These are very common in China. As many people have and own businesses that they live inside. The front of the building is a shop and they sleep and bathe in the room(s) in the back. You can often see their children studying in the shop with the products, or making food alongside the store merchandise.

The reader should not that this is the exactly the same girl (in the same outfit) that was in the KTV micro-video above. I like her rocking body. She has a face, that by Chinese standards is quite beautiful and on the cute side. As such she is being cute for the camera in a very girly way. She has an oval face as opposed to a round face, dark Chinese black hair and beautiful eyes.

Notice that behind her is a street with various shops and residences. This looks like, to me, the southern section of China. You can see the scooters and motorized trikes that are everywhere here.

Department Store

It appears to me that this is a smaller department store in one of the smaller cities or outer towns. It is very typical. We have a cute Chinese girl dancing to one of the top popular songs of this year in an open area in the store. She is dressed in fresh cute clothes that is suggestive of a young girl still in high school.

These department stores can have some signification bargains. They typically service smaller towns and people who only make just a little bit of money. Like all stores, they can be found everywhere from big cities to small rural areas.


Everyone likes to look at pretty girls. Even other pretty girls. I, as a man, think that pretty girls liven up our lives and make it more interesting and fun. I would not mind taking any one of these girls out and having a nice meal or playing around in a park or some other place. Having good companionship, great conversation, and enjoying a wonderful meal would be awesome with any of these women.

Today it is difficult to see what other places are like, if you are an American. Our news is heavily propagandized.

  • Those on the liberal side have the impression that China eats dogs, is full of poor waifs that sell their bodies for sex, and is full of dirty smog filled air.
  • Those on the conservative side, have the impression that China is a great war-mongered beast who wants to take over the Pacific, that they are ruthless businessmen, and want to keep their citizens imprisoned in a communist gulag.

Neither impression is correct. They are both terrible distortions.

China is a huge nation, bigger geographically than the United States, and with an enormous population far larger than America’s. In fact, there are more people in China that speak English than there are Americans in the entire world.

They live life. They work. They study hard. They try to do their best. They have fun. They raise families. They are, in many ways, like “old fashioned” Americans around 1950. While America has moved toward a progressive socialist paradise ruled by an oligarchy, China has moved in a different direction. It has moved toward free-market policies originating out of a central government. China is not at all what we think it is.

This post is my little way to help introduce China to the readership.

Take Aways

  • Chinese women are attractive.
  • Many of the buildings in China are new, and have a modern supporting infrastructure.
  • Chinese people like to dance, sing, and have fun with their friends.
  • Chinese women DO NOT look like pre-adolescent children. (Here’s a nod to the idiots in Arkansas who were absolutely convinced that Chinese women look like little pre-adolescent girls.)


Q: Why do you only have beautiful Chinese girls? What about being more diverse and inclusive? Why do you objectify girls?
A: Well, for one, this article is about attractive Chinese girls. It wouldn’t do to have non-Chinese girls in it. Nor would it be appropriate to have men, homosexuals, fat and ugly girls, children or LGBT creatures in the article.

If you want to purge beauty out of your life, no problem. Go ahead and do it. Just like American beauty pageants are no longer about beauty. Just like American airlines have purged themselves of age and beauty standards. Just like race-cars have purged themselves of attractive women. But you won’t see that in China.

Now here, I like to surround myself with beauty. I like to surround myself with things that I like and I love. That includes dogs, cats, pizza, bacon, tomatoes, friends and of course my loved ones.

Q: Why do you use micro-videos in this post?
A: I think it does a nice job of giving a snapshot of what China is like. Many of the videos have Chinese songs. They all feature beautiful Chinese girls in China doing things that beautiful Chinese girls like to do. Of course, if you would rather go to you-tube, go ahead. You won’t find very many Chinese girls there. You-tube is banned in China because it, like Facebook, Google, and Tumblr, all collect user information and pipe that information directly to the NSA for American government’s use.

Q: Why do you think these girls are beautiful?
A: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What constitutes for beauty in China is different from what is beautiful elsewhere. I chose these videos because I happen to think the girls are cute, beautiful or attractive. Of course, if you disagree with me, you can leave. This is what constitutes beauty in the United States today…

American women
After eight long, long years under Obama, the American ideal for female attractiveness looks radically different from what it was a few decades ago. Women have become fatter, plumper, heavier and not as healthy. I attribute this trend to be due to numerous factors which include GMO’s in the food and a culture that has become fat, negro-centric.

Links about China

Pretty Chinese Girls

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Composed 18AUG18.
  2. SEO review 19AUG18.
  3. Conclusions and Publish 19AUG18.



Links about China

Popular Music of China
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Today, America Taxes it’s Expats without Representation

Yup. It’s true. America Taxes it’s Expats without Representation. Exactly like King George did back in 1775. However, given everything, today it is only much, much worse.

This is not something that you are going to have CNN pontificate about. You won’t hear about this on MSNBC, WaPo or the Huffington Puffington Post. Nope. It’s all “under the radar”. It’s quiet and hidden from most Americans.

They don’t want YOU to know about it.

Instead they want you focused on other matters like Masturbation Booths in Japan, Sex Dolls, Zombie bird flu pandemic, Russia Russia Russia

They want you to have a trivial mind-set. They want you fixated on article summaries that do not exceed two paragraphs. They want you to have a short-term memory, and they want your attention directed elsewhere. Anywhere but on how your life actually is.


The moment the die was cast, and the law was written, it was determined. No, this wasn’t “just” another law. No, this wasn’t “just another” in a long string of usurpation of liberty. Nope. This was something else entirely. It was the last straw of a bale of hay that broke the proverbial camels back.

This was the law that proved once and for all that you Americans are just cattle.

Oh, we know this, after all, we are treated like cattle. We are raised and educated as cattle. We are separated (“Animal Farm” style) into cattle and owners. It’s just that we had at least a semblance of unity and order.

Not any longer.

There should be no question about it. When your government treats you like cattle, you are – for all practical purposes –  just that; cattle.


No single event caused the revolution. It was, instead, a series of events that led to the war. Essentially, it all began as a disagreement over the way Great Britain treated the colonies and the way the colonies felt they should be treated. Americans felt they deserved all the rights of Englishmen. The British, on the other hand, felt that the colonies were created to be used in the way that best suited the Crown and Parliament. This conflict is embodied in one of the rallying cries of the ​American Revolution: No Taxation Without Representation.

-The Root Causes of the American Revolution

While there were many causes and reasons why America came into being, the first and foremost was when Britain treated it’s American citizens as cattle. At that time, there wasn’t an America. Everyone who lived in America were British citizens. However, since they had no representation; no one to address their grievances with, they were expats.

They lived in the “grey area” of non-people.

They were subject to British laws. They were subject to British rulings. They were subject to British taxes. However, they had absolutely no control, dispute or avenue to participate in governance. As such, functionally, the British government treated them as cattle.

They were a useful mechanism to obtain profits and taxes. The government could raise the taxes, apply levies on goods, implement tariffs and make laws, all without a peep from the British citizens in the American territories.

Those who lived in America didn’t like this situation one bit.

True to expectations. A percentage of them revolted. They demanded that they be allowed to have a representative to talk to the government on their behalf. However, the government would have none of that. Why “rock the boat” when you have a good thing going, they reasoned.

Well, out forefathers could not stand being treated like cattle. So they revolted. The revolution that they had against the British empire became famous. It became known as “The American Revolution” against tyranny.

British colonists
How the British government treated the British expats in the American territories back in 1775, British citizens were considered to be cattle. They were a free source of labor, income and a resource for the government to use as it determined.

Well, you know, if you go on the internet there will be all kinds of “experts” and “historians” who will pontificate on the causes of the American revolution. But, you know what? They really revolted against one basic principle. They simply did not like being treated like cattle.

The American Revolution was the direct result of being treated as cattle.

Why Cattle?

Basically, a government is rather simple. You see, a government raises taxes to support the benefits that it provides to it’s citizenry. Taxes are raised to help the citizens who pay the taxes.

That’s all that there is to it. Fundamentally.

Now, make no mistake, in order to function properly, the government requires a “feed back loop”. This is to guarantee that the populace is being adequately cared for. In Democratic and Republican societies, this is in the form of representatives and representation. If things go wrong, or bad, the population have a means to communicate with their government to address concerns and problems.

Without this feed back loop, the government is not representative.

When there is not a feed back loop, the population toils, not for themselves or their communities, but rather for the government alone. They pay taxes, but who knows what the taxes would be used for. There isn’t any feed back loop.

The population becomes a utility; an element that can be milked which provides nourishment to the leadership and the government, but not to the population. The population becomes cattle.

Cattle are the ideal citizenary of a tyranny.
This is what citizens become when there isn’t a way for them to control, or (at the very least) give feed-back to their government. They become useless pawns. They become product. They become cattle that can be farmed for profit.

When the population works and toils, and pays taxes to the government, but does not see the benefit of those taxes; nor any control on how those taxes will be used, the government is a full-on tyranny.

The people are cattle for those who rule.

Tale of two Expats; One British and One American

Yeah, we revolted from a tyrannical government. Big whoop! Where has it brought us to?  I will tell you where. It brought us around full circle. We are now at a point in time where it is better to be a British Citizen than an American Citizen.

Because that is exactly the way it is today.


Here I am. I am in China. I am surrounded by many British expats, and a handful of American expats. The British are far…far… far better off than the Americans are.

When in their home nation, they pay less in taxes than Americans do (this is true, no matter what the WaPo and Blue Ribbon panels have to say), the government follows British Common Law, and not arbitrary laws designed to police behavior. Which pretty much sums up American law. We have laws for just about everything, and when you boil them all down, they pretty much revolve around policing the behavior of people.

  • Drive a car, you MUST wear a seat belt.
  • You cannot buy liqueur on Sunday.
  • When hunting you MUST display the permit visibly.
  • You cannot ask for a person’s age or sex on a job advertisement.

In England, however, they pretty much follow British Common Law. Which  generally means that criminal laws are formed and written to protect people from becoming a victim. Under British Common Law, if you do not have a victim, you cannot have a law. Criminal laws require a victim.

  • Steal someone’s car, the owner of the car is a victim.
  • Stab someone, and the person who is stabbed is a victim.
  • Run your car on someone’s rose bushes, and the owner of the roses is a victim.

Not so in the United States. Laws are written not to protect you. they are written to enforce behavior.

Law in the United States

Just like fences are constructed to keep cattle penned in. Just like dogs are used to round up the cattle, and just like electric shock fences are used to keep the cattle in place. So, the United States uses law.

In the United States, laws are used to enforce the behavior of the citizen-cattle.


The laws are not used to enforce any behaviors of the elite and the ruling class. They have their own system of government, rules and things. They are not subject to the same rules as us cattle are.

Powerful in Government and Hollywood
Whether it is the rich and the powerful in Hollywood, or the wealthy in Washington D.C., they have their own rules of behavior. They are able to get away with blatant crimes. They can get away with obvious crimes, and survive with only a “slap on the wrist”. Us cattle are treated differently.

They can rape at will, over and over again, and not suffer any consequences. They can steal 30,000 top secret documents, put it on a server that is a direct line to a foreign government, and still be walking the streets instead of being strung up by a rope and hung until death. The can sell government secrets, property, and resources, and pocket the money directly all without a single peep from anyone.

Hillary and justice
Comic from Ben Garrison on the law and the outrageous crimes of Hillary Clinton and her immunity from the law.

America has two systems; one for us cattle and one for our owners (rulers). The British has one system. Everyone must follow the law and play by the same rules. Though, there is some recent evidence that Muslims in the major cities have their own tiered approach to laws.

HIllary Clinton.
Lock her up by Ben Garrison at Grr Graphics. All credit to the artist. Hillary Clinton sure has managed to get away with a lot. This is a characteristic of a third world banana republic. It is not the characteristic of a functioning Republic.

When I talk to my British friends, I am often astounded. They are my age, with similar career backgrounds. Yet how can they be doing so much better than myself?


Specific Examples

For instance, when they die the government does not seize their property to pay “back” taxes. It’s their property. They do not have to report the sale of the house and the property to the government. There just isn’t any kind of inheritance taxes.

Finally, when they are in China, they pay only the local taxes. They don’t report their income to the British version of the IRS, have their bank accounts monitored, and seized, and once they step outside the shores of their nation, they don’t have to pay expat taxes. We Americans do. In fact, the consequences for not paying taxes is terribly severe.

American must pay the local taxes, and also American taxes. We have to pay taxes on everything as if we lived in the United States.  We pay double taxes. We are forced and compelled to report on our income and the various worth of properties and possessions outside of the United States with severe consequences if we do not meet their expectations on our worth.

Therefore, if you live abroad for 10 years, and then return to the United States, the IRS may question your failure to file returns for those ten years and later  can make assessments based on their best estimate of your income.   The interest and penalties on any old tax amounts owed grows faster than you can imagine and after 4-5  years may exceed the amount of the original taxes owed.


In short, a British expat has it much better than their American counterpart.

You see, British expats are treated as full-on citizens that are abroad (outside of their home). American expats are treated as cattle to be “milked” for all they are worth. This is true whether or not they are in-country or an expat abroad.

The Law

The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a 2010 United States federal law requiring all non-U.S. ('foreign') financial institutions (FFIs) to search their records for customers with indicia of 'U.S.-person' status, such as a U.S. place of birth, and to report the assets and identities of such persons to the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


Hum… What ever happened to the fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights? Am I correct in assuming that the 16th amendment made the fourth amendment null and void?

FATCA allows government personnel to locate U.S. persons not living in the United States, so as to assess U.S. tax or penalties.


What ever happened to the right to privacy, the right to be forgotten, and the right to be left alone? I guess that cattle don’t have those rights. The owners of the cattle must know where each and every animal is, and what its value is, so that they can profit from it.

The Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act (of which FATCA is a part) was passed on party lines: It narrowly passed the House, with no Republican members voting "yes" and passed the Senate with only one Democrat member voting "no". 

President Obama (D) signed the bill into law.


Yup. Why am I not surprised that it was Democrats that want to treat American citizens as cattle that have no privacy.

Americans do not have access to their own money. Rich people and banks own the money. Not americans.Democrat Senator Nancy Pelosi believe that Americans are not entitled to the money they earn. She believes that it is the property of the government, and use of the money is only granted to elected officials.

The Notification

The IRS now has new power over passports. The IRS can't take your passport exactly, but it can tell the State Department to do so. Whether this is a good idea can be debated, but it is now the law. It wasn’t even an executive order that did it. It came from Congress over a year ago in H.R.22, adding Section 7345 to the tax code. It isn't limited to criminal tax cases, or even cases where the IRS thinks you are trying to flee. The idea was proposed and rejected in 2012.

But by late 2015, Congress passed it and President Obama signed it. Now, over a year later, the IRS has finally released new details on its website. If you have seriously delinquent tax debt, IRS can notify the State Department. The State Department generally will not issue or renew a passport after receiving a certification from the IRS. 


The Despots who Nurtured and Created the Law

Here’s a nasty group of elected Democrat congress-critters who are upset that President Trump has lowered taxes, and are putting minorities to work instead of providing them social benefits. They have been very unhappy with that. They take it personally, as if someone is sealing water out of their backyard pool using a teaspoon.

As mentioned previously, the law that placed this burden on Americans was forged by Democrats. It was rammed through a Democrat controlled congress, approved by a Democrat controlled Senate, and signed into law by a Democrat President. Fundamentally, this legislation…

  • Connects the IRS with the department of State. (Tagging the cattle.)
  • Permits Americans to be taxed outside of the United States, beyond territorial borders. (Milking the cattle.)
  • Forces foreign banks to report on what Americans do with their finances without privacy protection. (Monitoring the cattle behavior.)
  • Forces foreign individuals and institutions to report on the locations of Americans abroad. (Monitoring the cattle location.)
  • Forces Americans to return to the United States, if they do not pay enough in taxes. (Return the cattle to it’s owner.)

How it is implemented

The deputy director general of legal affairs of the People's Bank of China, the central bank of the People's Republic of China, Liu Xiangmin said "China's banking and tax laws and regulations do not allow Chinese financial institutions to comply with FATCA directly. 


The rest of the world does not do this. Really, only America does this. ONLY. AMERICA. DOES. THIS. Other nations, even communist ones, treat their citizens with due respect. They are not permitted to treat anyone like cattle. Hard to believe eh? How does America get away with this? Why won’t the people complain to their representatives?

via GIPHY One of the key tenets with life in America is the understanding and the realization that the American government works hand-in-hand with the mainstream-media to control Americans. Part of that is a constant flow of propaganda covering many subjects over long stretches of time. The key is that you really need to keep Americans stupid and distracted to make this work…

via GIPHY One part of this propaganda is the idea that everything done by a communist nation is BAD, and that everything done by a “free” democratic nation is “good”. However, the work-around this lie to to make some astute and fundamental observations. Namely…

  • America is NOT a democracy. Nor is it “free”. (At least not in terms recognized by the founders of the nation, as written in the “Federalist Papers”.)
  • China is NOT communist. Actually it is a “Free Market” social dictatorship. (Mr. Mao might have founded the nation, but it was Mr. Deng who set economic and social policy.)


Who it affects

This law affects all Americans. It also affects all green card holders. The idea behind it is to make sure that no American citizen can live a life without paying “his fair share” of taxes. The individuals who forged this legislation were outraged that wealthy Americans can utilize “tax havens” to reduce their tax burden. However, this legislation functionally does not affect those people that this was supposedly targeted for. It affects much poorer Americans abroad. The moment you use your passport, the IRS is now notified. They now expect the American citizen to either return home, or earn money. The money earned is to be taxed. Failure to do so will result in the wrath of the IRS tax police.

IRS in 1776
Historically, when Americans didn’t want to pay taxes without representation, the ruling government hired aggressive para-military forces to take control of the situation. Their goal was to instill order through fear and very aggressive subjugation of the population.

What now?

So, let’s suppose that you are an American who obtained a job teaching English in China. You must pay the local Chinese taxes, and then must pay American taxes. The Chinese taxes are automatically deducted from your pay. They tend to be small. Then the entire amount, including what was already paid to the Chinese government, is considered taxable income. Americans must file their taxes, and probably use an expensive tax accountant to do so. It is more than an inconvenience. It places American expats at a decidable disadvantage to other expats in the work force. There is nothing you can do about this. Since expats no longer live in the United States, they do not have a representative in Washington D.C. to address their grievances with. The last time that this situation occurred was in 1776. Americans did not like being ruled like cattle, and shot the elite trying to rule them.

Fight back
The movie “The Patriot” depicted the situation in America when Americans were treated like cattle by an uncaring and evil ruling class.


Americans are treated like cattle. They are intentionally kept stupefied and confused so that they can be effectively “milked” for personal gain by the people in power. This has become absolutely obvious with the passage of  H.R.22, which added Section 7345 to the tax code.
Obama rewriting the Bill of Rights
The democrats want to rewrite the Constitution to better enable them to profit individually at the expense of the nation. They have been systematically revising the law and putting people and forces in positions of power to implement their desires.
America has moved so far from the original intention of the Constitution, that in many cases it operates in the exact opposite manner than what it was intended.

Take Aways

  • Americans are treated like cattle.
  • When Americans work outside of the USA they are taxed without representation.
  • Dual taxation of Americans is now permitted by the IRS.
  • American expats are placed at a disadvantage when overseas.
  • Americans have no expectation of privacy.
  • Americans are no longer safe and secure in their personal papers.


Q: I do not live outside the USA. How does this matter to me? A: This simply illustrates your value and worth in terms of what our elected rulers think. If they can treat expats in this manner, what makes you think that they will not treat penned up American-cattle worse? I argue that this is an obvious five-alarm warning bell that is flashing and screaming. I think we should take heed. Q: Why do you say that America treat’s it’s citizens like cattle? A: Because it does. In fact, it does so exactly. The only thing that it does not yet do is sell the cattle to other nations. I’d give it another fifty years or so before this happens. I mean, it makes sense. They want to import as many ignorant people into the United States as possible and they want to tax everyone and everybody to an excessive amount. Q: The IRS says that the payment of taxes are voluntary. Why don’t you just stop paying taxes? A: It’s not voluntary. It is compulsory, no matter what the IRS says. The failure to pay your taxes would result in serious fines and troubles.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Initially composed July18.
  2. Completed 18AUG18.
  3. SEO review and publish 18AUG18.

NASA Manned Space Exploration – What Happened?

This post is a little rant that I composed after President Obama announced that he would redirect NASA funds towards Muslim “outreach”. I dusted it off, and updated it, and placed it herein as a launch board to my discussion on the realities of  space exploration in the age of the “fourth turning”.

"When I became the Nasa administrator, he (Mr Obama) charged me with three things. One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; (secondly) he wanted me to expand our international relationships;
and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering." 

-Head of NASA, Charles Bolden.

That’s pretty bad.

NASA went from exploring space, and expanding our understanding of the universe, to becoming a political tool. It became a tool that would [1] pipe money to teacher’s unions, [2] be used to funnel money into the UN, and three [3] funnel money into Muslim nations.

But that wasn’t what I was so worked up about. What got me so riled up was the reaction that my various friends had to the announcement. In their minds, there was no benefit for humans in the exploration of space.

No benefit.

They parroted the public narrative that NASA is the sole and only mechanism for the exploration of space.  They parroted the narrative that humans are only intelligent life in our universe, and that if there were anything of value in “outer space” that the government would truthfully announce it to the population…

I dusted this rant off, and posted it herein with revisions. Presented with the introductory comments and for reader enjoyment.


“If the US does not stop their imperialist campaign to destroy our economy and keeps mingling in our affairs with China, we will be forced to reveal the truth about their secret moon program,… 

… These classified documents will expose the campaign of delusion and lies the US government has played on behalf of the American people and the rest of the world for the past 60 years,”

-The supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kim Jong-un

Let’s look at this question for a minute…

All during the decade of the 1960’s America was geared toward space exploration.  Every magazine, every article, every book was written about space exploration.  Those of us whom lived through this period remember it well.  Most of the television programs revolved around space exploration, and how one needs to study hard to become a scientist.

space ship and rocket Fireball XL-5
While NASA was busy trying to go to the moon, the rest of us were watching movies about exploring space. This included the television show Fireball XL-5.

As a much older and experienced man, I see now how this was manipulation on a grand scale. Through the media, through the magazines, through the movies, through the television, and through the educational system, Americans were programmed to study, excel and advance towards space exploration and conquest.

Everything was directed and focused to this end.  Everything.

Don’t believe me?  Then, go through the archives of Scientific American, National geographic, Life magazine, Mechanics Illustrated, Science Illustrated and other period literature of that time period.

First man in space
The first American in space. Here is a photo on the deck of the aircraft carrier that retrieved him.

Yes. You need to do some research. You need to scan the old magazines and the articles and advertisements in their pages. You need to dust off old National Geographic and Life magazines. You need to go through old Boy’s Life magazines and go through all the magazines that were popular during the 1960’s.

Do your research.

Not on the Internet, that is a blackboard that is constantly being erased and rewritten.  No.  Instead, go into the old used book stores and read the actual paper tomes that lie there… forgotten and covered in dust.

Since the early 1970’s United States manned space exploration beyond the upper atmosphere abruptly ended.  It came to a complete stop.  The programs were shut down.  Everything ended.  Engineers were laid off.  Blueprints were archived or discarded.  Equipment was sold and auctioned off.  Program managers were reassigned, and all manned space exploration beyond low-orbit ended.  It all stopped.  No one planned further manned space adventures and all the funding went towards more pressing concerns at that time; roads, bridges and infrastructure.

Apollo ran from 1961 to 1972, and was supported by the two-man Gemini program which ran concurrently with it from 1962 to 1966. Gemini missions developed some of the space travel techniques that were necessary for the success of the Apollo missions. Apollo used Saturn family rockets as launch vehicles. Apollo / Saturn vehicles were also used for an Apollo Applications Program which consisted of three Skylab space station missions in 1973–74.

Except that it didn’t go there.  It did not end there.

Apollo 15
Americans went to the moon. We had three additional spacecraft ready, completed with complete crews all ready to launch. However, all was put on hold. The crews disbanded. The rockets disassembled and scrapped. Why?

What happened?

The money just disappeared.  It vanished!  Poof!  Gone!  No bridge construction was funded.  No new parks were created.  No large-scale public works, dams, and projects occurred.  Go ahead.  Do your research.  1974 through 1977.  Where were all the social public projects? You know, the ones that supposedly got all the funding that was transferred out from NASA?

The money didn’t go there.  It went secretive.  The funding went black.

Not only did America mothball and disassemble it’s space infrastructure, but the media support for space exploration evaporated.  The number of television shows regarding spacemen and their adventures dropped to near zero.  (Replaced by social situation comedies like Julia, and Three’s Company, and the Mod Squad.)  Everything suddenly came to an end.  It all ended.

  • Billions of dollars in investment… gone.
  • Thousands of very talented engineers, designers, and scientists laid off and unemployed.
  • Already completed spacecraft… discarded and scrapped out.
  • Large facilities, buildings, roads, bridges, and related infrastructure abandoned.
It is equivalent to a family spending their hard-earned money on a new swimming pool.  Then completing the pool, filling it with water.  Giving everyone swimming lessons.  Then just when the first person decides to take a dive off the diving board… they drain the water. They padlock the gates, and tell all the neighbors that they no longer have a desire to swim.

If you were a neighbor, wouldn’t you think it was just a little strange, if not outright suspicious?

Abandoned runis
The countryside is strewn with all kinds of ruins and debris representative of when the United States was interested in publicly exploring space. Since then, many programs went deep black, and the population was dumbed down to an understanding that there was absolutely no benefit in space. That we needed to concentrate on the needs on this planet. The narrative was a change in focus. It went from explore the wondrous world around us to focus on the social issues of our neighbors.

What was the real story?  What really happened?

If Facebook suddenly closed its doors and went off line, wouldn’t it be natural to ask why?  What if it was Google, or Microsoft? NASA’s space exploration program in the early 1970’s was just that enormous, huge and well known.

Yet no one questioned the government’s excuses. At least no one that was provided a media voice.  Indeed, the media suppressed all stories that questioned what was going on.  In fact, if memory serves me right, they actually made fun of the laid off engineers who now, broken and unemployed couldn’t find work.

At that time it was easy to control the people. The government controlled most of the popular media. They could manipulate the population quite easily and readily.

Watching Television
When America was a first-class nation, we were involved in exploration of the universe for all of mankind. The direction towards scientific exploration with manned bases and outposts on other programs ended at the end of the Nixon Presidency. The final nails in the coffin were nailed shut by President Jimmy Carter.

Now consider what has happened in the last fifty years.

How have we, as a species, advanced in the last half of a century? Sure, we have computers, social media, and fast food.  However, how have we grown as a species?  Have we improved our habitat?  Have we expanded outwards to new and interesting directions?

The only thing that the United States can show is trillions of dollars in a series of endless wars and conflicts, the need to tax Americans more and more, and a severely dumbed down population.

Dragon Model
The Chinese plastics model company has made a model of the last time that man has set foot on another planet (officially). Their model of Apollo 17 is a sad reminder of how American politics can alter the future course of a nation.

What really happened?

Do you really believe that really happened?

That one minute we were on the verge of colonizing another planet, then suddenly everyone started to realize that we had no business in space at all. That suddenly manned space exploration must end. Money must be saved. Robots must be used.

That out of the blue we stopped everything.

It all came to a screeching halt. The rocket-ships, already made and ready for launch at their rocket pads, had to be torn down and sold for scrap. You actually believe that?

Apollo 17 on the moon.
Some spectacular adventures on the moon, I would say. This was the last visit that Americans officially took to the moon, way back in 1972. That was a long, long time ago.

Do you believe that there was no further interest in space exploration at all?  Are you trying to convince me that what the media tells us, and what the public budgets say is all true. That the ONLY benefit of manned space exploration is for propaganda and public relations purposes to further a geo-political agenda?  That the programs were too expensive to maintain for mere political purposes.  (That is the official line right now.  Don’t believe me?  Goggle it!)  Moreover, you actually believe that?

The costs for just one aircraft carrier exceed $12.9 billion dollars.  (USS Gerald R. Ford, first in its class of warships, cost $13 billion with a total program cost of and additional $37.3 billion. Total cost is around $50 billion.) The budget for NASA at the time of building this carrier (2005) was $15 billion. This was around one third the cost of just one aircraft carrier.

Consider comparative costs. The argument for having a base on the moon is that NASA's budget would double. Indeed, to maintain a manned presence on the moon would be a mere fraction of the cost of one of our many, many, many aircraft carriers. 

The reader should consider the costs of other programs to put things into perspective.  The argument that there is no money to fund manned lunar exploration is nonsense.  

The USA as of 2016 had 12 aircraft carrier battle groups.  (10 in use, 2 in reserve, and three in construction. As of 2016.  This does not include the smaller, and more numerous, helicopter carriers.)  Each one over $50 billion dollars in real costs plus operational costs for the battle group.  Not to mention all the aircraft, manpower and supplies.  The numbers do not add up.  The accounting does not match the official pronouncements out of Washington, D.C...

The need to maintain a strong military is not the issue. The issue is whether we can sustain a military empire at the expense of scientific exploration. We need to really question the official narrative.

Apollo 17 moon walk about.
The last man to officially walk on the moon. Apollo 17 way back in 1972.

As now, as the veil is falling from the swamp that exists in Washington, D.C., we can truly see the massive crime, fraud and corruption that festers there.

Here is the official narrative that we have come to be convinced of…

“The levels of federal spending which NASA had received before 1966 had become untenable to a public which had become financially wary, particularly as they experienced a major oil crisis in 1973, which shifted the nation’s priorities."

-Andrew Liptak excerpt from “The Real Story Of Apollo 17... And Why We Never Went Back To The Moon”

Not true.  Here is just another example of the rewriting of history.  The Apollo space program was amazingly popular at the time.  Read the newspapers from that time period.  The termination of the program came as a shock to most Americans.

The reader should recognize that there was absolutely NO homegrown swelling of anti-space movements during the 1970’s.  There were no campaigns against manned space exploration.  The congressional offices were not flooded with letter campaigns demanding it be shut down.

The decision to abate the space exploration efforts were driven top down.

"Spending in space was something that could be done, but with far more fiscal constraints than ever before, limiting NASA to research and scientific missions in the coming years. Such programs included the development of the Skylab program in 1973, and the Space Shuttle program, as well as a number of robotic probes and satellites.”

-Andrew Liptak excerpt from “The Real Story Of Apollo 17... And Why We Never Went Back To The Moon”

Parroting the official Democrat party platform, no doubt. That, space exploration should be limited to near-earth observation for climate change, a focus on robotic missions, and termination of all manned exploration. This was done in favor of greatly expanded social programs and “blue ribbon” investigative panels.

Think people.

If this fellow is correct then, if fiscal realities are really the cause, then why did President Obama GIVE AWAY $7 billion to South Africa without any benefit to America? Wouldn’t he have saved it to help Americans? After all, it is our money. Seven billion dollars is one half of the entire NASA budget. Then he…

  • Why did he give away $1.7 billion to Iran?
  • Why did he toss $9.2 billion to the UN, just “because”?
  • Why did Obama give a sum of $220 million to the Palestinians?
  • Why did he throw a big chunk of $3 billion to a “climate fund“?
  • Why did he gave $1.5 billion to the Muslim Brotherhood?


Come on! This has had nothing to do with “fiscal realities”. Rather it has to do with something else. Do not piss on my leg and tell me it is raining.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Pallets of $100 bills were flown to Iran in unmarked planes and given freely to them by President Obama. This was done without approval by Congress or the Senate, and without any signed agreement with Iran.

The Official Narrative

Do you really think that the United States [1] finds no military advantage in space; either strategic or tactical?

All one need do is read the military literature on strategy.  Here’s a typical example;

“…what you can create is something like an air defense bubble; and one of the lessons the Chinese have taken away from the wars of the past twenty years – Desert Shield, Desert Storm, the Balkans, Afghanistan – is that air superiority is essential to winning modern wars.”.

You also need to understand our technical limitations... For instance, aside from launching an ICBM or SLBM, as these rockets do travel through low earth orbit to reach their assigned targets.

Do you really and honestly believe that the government [2] finds no technical or manufacturing advantage in space?  Really is that what you believe?  Do you honestly tell me [3] that the military sees absolutely no advantage in interplanetary capable transports.

Apollo 17 mission planning.
The last mission (officially) to the moon was a long, long time ago in 1972. Here, Apollo 17 worked hard to justify their existence and NASA, all the time their fate was sealed by an uncaring political machine.

Do you believe that the military sees no advantage in [4] weapon delivery systems and [5] high technology outside the gravity well?  Do you think that the military did not [6] employ everything in their ability to study the moon, and understand any mysterious objects discovered there?


The mysteries of the moon.

So many mysteries.

"At the same time the last (public) manned Lunar Mission was leaving the Moon, a man named Ingo Swann was having a secret meeting with a group of scientists at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California. 

He had written to the researchers with a proposal to study a new discipline called Parapsychology.  

Ingo Swann
Ingo Swann was a successful person capable in the field of remote viewing. He remote viewed locations on the moon for some researchers during the 1960’s. Ingo is the person at the end of the table on the right.

Swann successfully demonstrated his own abilities at locating objects at a distance and describing them with uncanny accuracy -- a talent we now know as Remote Viewing. As the research continued they discovered an unusual phenomenon that remains a mystery -- the ability of Remote Viewers to "see" a location when supplied their geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). 

The ability is remarkable even when the viewer has no knowledge of navigation or familiarity with the location. Ingo Swann seemed to be very good at this and was utilized by the CIA to describe certain secret locations inside the Soviet Union.

In his book, Penetration, Ingo Swann described how he was asked by the government to remote view some coordinates on the Moon in 1975.

After Swann had attained his mental state, the assistant Axel was told to say the word, "Moon", followed by the coordinates and he would then describe what he saw.  

After mentally "landing" on the Moon, at a precise coordinate, Ingo described a pattern he saw in the sand.  What they actually look like are like rows of largish tractor tread marks. But I don't understand how this could be, so they must be something I don't understand. They are just marks of some kind. Strange, though.  

He was then directed to the next set of coordinates... but something seemed wrong.

I'm sorry, Axel, I seem to have gotten back to Earth here... Well, there are ... some ... I have no idea. But whatever it was it couldn't be on the Moon.  After a coffee break of about fifteen minutes, Ingo and Alex got back to the task of remote viewing the Moon. Alex gave the coordinates and Igor began to describe what he saw.

Well I am in a place which is sort of down, like a crater I suppose. There is this strange green haze, like a light of some kind. Beyond that, all around is dark though. I am wondering where the light is coming from ..."

Ingo suddenly jolted and wanted to stop. Alex asked him, "What else?"

Well, you won't like this, I guess. I see, or at least I think I see, well... some actual lights. They are giving off a green light... I see two rows of them... yes, sort of like lights at football arenas, high up, banks of them.

Up on towers of some kind... Well, Axel, I can't be on the Moon. I guess I have to apologize, I seem to be getting somewhere here on Earth.  After being reassured that his viewing was indeed on the Moon, Ingo considered that he was being asked to remote view a Russian base of some kind and that they had established an outpost on the Moon ahead of America. He was asked to continue and given the coordinates again.

There is a noise of some kind, like a thumping. I can see one of the light towers better now. Hey, it seems built of some very narrow struts of some kind, thin like pencils. Like some sort of pre-fab stuff right out of Buckminster Fuller's stuff.  

Let's see... hey, there are some of those tractor-tread marks everywhere. If I guess these are about a foot wide, well then, let's see, if I compute as correctly as I can, well...  Well, tall -- about or let's say over a hundred feet. But?... Well, I got a glimpse of the crater's edge. On it I think I saw a very large tower, very high that is. Big, really big!  Well if I compare it to something I am familiar with in New York, about as high as the Secretariat building at the United Nations -- which has thirty-nine floors in it.

Ingo was then told that what he saw was real but that it was neither made by the Russians nor the United States. Without saying who made these structures, Ingo understood. 

Shocked, he asked for a break for the day before resuming the session the next morning.

Again he was given coordinates and was asked to make sketches of what he saw. He described a mining operation with domes and tubes, bridges, nets and what looked like houses. In one house he saw a kind of people.  I saw some kind of people busy at work on something I could not figure out. 

The place was dark. The air was filled with fine dust, and there was some kind of illumination -- like a dark lime-green fog or mist.  The thing about them was that they either were human or looked exactly like us -- but they were all males, as I could well see since they were all butt-ass naked. I had absolutely no idea why. They seemed to be digging into a hillside or a cliff.

They must have some way of creating a good environment, warm and with air in it. But why would they be going around naked?  

Ingo then had a strong feeling of fear. He wanted to run away. One of the humanoids he was viewing had looked in his direction, as if he had sensed that he was being watched.  I think they have spotted me, Axel. 

They were pointing at me I think. How could they do that... unless... they have some kind of high psychic perceptions, too?  At this point, Axel told Ingo to stop the session, saying that he didn't want to put him at any risk. Obviously, whoever these beings were, they were not friendly.  This is why we have not been back to the Moon.

So, what is it? Choose one. [A] That we have discovered extraterrestrials on the moon, or [B] that we discovered that there was no benefit in exploring space? What is the answer?

Is it “A” or “B”?

Are you trying to tell me that our concerns are only related to what is defined by the borders of our country and it has nothing to do with spaceflight?  (Especially with what we know about the CIA, NSA and other agencies of the American military state seem to be directed at both international and domestic objects of interest.)  Do you really believe that?


The Costs of Secrecy

One of the problems with such absolute secrecy that is maintained in government black-budget programs is that everything is questioned, and real purposes are often doubted.  I myself, often find myself questioning the motives of the United States government.

Here is an example of what happens when there are so many secret programs that one can’t tell what is valid and what is not.

In an anonymous email, the whistle-blower claimed that 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko wasn’t a comet at all but something from which NASA started receiving signals 20 years earlier.

NASA scientists had noted that the comet seemed to be performing the impossible feat of changing trajectory in space by itself. The ESA scientific mission was merely a smoke screen for a military reconnaissance mission by American and European governments to find out what was going on.  

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko  photographed on 5AUG14.

The email explained the whistle-blower’s logic: 

“Do not think for ONE MOMENT that a space agency would suddenly decide to spend billions of dollars to build and send a spacecraft on a 12-year journey to simply take some close-up images of a randomly picked out comet floating in space.”

Consider the numerous examples.  For instance, in 1962, Secretary of Defense Robert Mcnamara authorized Project 112 (Project SHAD) involving years-long testing of chemical and biological weapons on unsuspecting civilians and American military personnel.

This was done in secret without consulting or informing President Kennedy.

Until 1998 the DoD (Department of Defense) denied the existence of Project-SHAD therefore test subjects who survived were unable to claim disability payments for health issues suffered as a result of the project.

Today, the project remains classified.

Do you really believe that for almost 50 years since we walked on the moon, that the government and the military had concluded that space exploration has no advantage at all? This is either from either a military, tactical, or political standpoint?

Next Generation Spacecraft Design

Can you really expect me to believe that the development of space technology is so slow that it takes 20 years to develop a replacement for Apollo? A spacecraft that started from absolute zero to putting men on the moon within nine years.

On January 14, 2004, U.S. President George W. Bush announced the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) as part of the Vision for Space Exploration. 

The CEV was partly a reaction to the Space Shuttle Columbia accident.  The CEV effectively replaced the conceptual Orbital Space Plane (OSP), which was proposed after the cancellation of the Lockheed Martin X-33 program to produce a replacement for the space shuttle.  

This CEV eventually evolved through redirection of NASA under President Obama (on October 11, 2010, the Constellation program was cancelled by President Obama) and the crewed vehicle became the Orion MPCV.  

The ORION MPCV was formally announced by NASA on May 24, 2011.  The first mission to carry astronauts is not expected to take place until 2023 at the earliest.  With functional missions to begin from one to three years later.  19 + 1 = 20 years.

The replacement is called the Orion. It is a four man crewed spaceship that is an identical clone to the three man Apollo spacecraft that was developed from scratch in less than nine years over 40 years ago.

Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) is a planned, beyond-low Earth orbit (LEO) manned spacecraft that is being built by Lockheed Martin for NASA, and Airbus Defense and Space for the European Space Agency for crewed missions to the Moon, asteroids and Mars. 

It is planned to be launched by the Space Launch System. Each Orion spacecraft is projected to carry a crew of 0–6 astronauts, though the expected crew manifest is to be limited to four; that is one person larger than the Apollo space craft.

Keep in mind that the Apollo spacecraft was designed nearly 50 years ago using very primitive technology and manufacturing processes.  No CAD systems were used, nor hand held calculators, let alone computers.  It was done using slide rules and drafting tables.  They didn’t even have copying machines back then.

Slide rules replaced hand held calculators.
The slide rule was a device that was used before hand held calculators became available. The first calculators started to be available when I was in tenth grade.

Not everyone feels positive about NASA’s human spaceflight program during Obama’s presidency, but there are very few who offer unqualified praise for the president.

The truth is that he just never really showed much interest in space.

While Obama did propose bold changes early on to NASA, seeking to more closely align the agency’s goals to severely reduced funding levels, the Democrat controlled Congress objected and the president retreated almost immediately. He did not fight it. Instead, he focused in what Congress demanded, an expansion of social programs and an increase in taxes.

He chose to invest his limited political capital in other areas, effectively ceding most power over NASA’s human spaceflight programs to a Congress largely driven by parochial interests. And when an agency needs a unified purpose and the means to achieve it, this is rarely a formula for success.

Slow NPD

Why is the development of space technology so slow?

We went from sliderules & crude computers to handheld iPads with full media capability in less than 30 years.  But we couldn’t do that for oxygen regeneration systems, transport systems or communication as well?  Do you honestly believe that?

No matter how you look at things, and what you might believe, the following is undeniably true.

In the early 1970’s there were sudden [1] substantial and profound changes in the direction of space technology as perceived by the public.  [2] All manned space exploration efforts came to a complete stop, with only [3] small public relations projects observed. (Apollo-Soyuz and the NASA Skylab.)

Is there any question concerning this first three points?  Do you, the reader disagree with them?  (Pause.  Think about it.  Think really hard.)

Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter would address the American people from the White House in these televised productions called “fire side chats”. He would discuss the need for Americans to adjust to the new reality. Where the costs would increase for things, but that they must pay more money in taxes. He treated the American people like ignorant children.

The Black Project Explosion

Now, not well reported on was another truth.

Because at that same time, there was an [4] explosion of black-project funding.  (This is undeniably true.)  The black-projects were such that there were [5] no detailed congressional oversight, and no true and real accounting processes in place.

It should be painfully obvious to anyone who looks at these curious facts objectively that indeed something must have happened at that time.  The truth be known; it is obvious.  With the closure of all public space exploration efforts, came an explosion of black-budget efforts of unknown scope and value.

But what happened?

Certainly if something big had occurred there would be people who would be talking about it.  There would be some evidence of something strange or unusual.  But we just can’t seem to find any evidence.

No magazine articles were written about this.  No true and real disclosures except for a mere handful were exposed.  Not a peep came from anywhere.  For decades the public was lulled to sleep.  The public no longer focused on the sciences and technology but in more trivial matters; matters that the media can control.

When America left the moon, we turned our backs on Space.

NASA was redirected by President Carter to conduct some low earth orbit activities.  He continued to finance the Space-Lab, but at a “life support” level, and killed it the very first chance he got.  The Space-Lab fell to the ground after the orbit decayed and Carter payed Australia for the bother to clean up the debris left scattered all over the Australian desert.

The short-lived Skylab habitat that was killed by then President Jimmy Carter (D). It was permitted to crash into the remote Australian desert.

We focused on “Earth Shoes”, social justice, empowering women, and a reality that had television commercials singing “We are the World”.  Space exploration was of no great importance.  We needed to enact clean air legislation, clean water legislation, and healthy food legislation.  We needed legislation, and lot’s of it! STAT!

Advertisement from the tail end of the 1970’s. It was a different time with different hopes, dreams and values. Of course, today you wouldn’t see this advertisement. You would have something totally different…

All of which would be managed by the federal government. Yessur! They will just tax the people more to support these great ideals. Universities were given generous grants and funding to prove “global cooling”. Then they were given more money to prove “global warming”. All the time, the most popular singers in the nation were paid to sing their hearts out “for the world”.

It was a non-stop liberal love-fest. All paid for by YOUR tax dollars.

We are the world
We are the world – a globalist dream of sunny days, rainbows and unicorns. If only the people of America would give all their money to all the poor people in the rest of the world, everyone would be equal. Oh, how wonderful. Let’s focus on that! Everyone got in on the gig. Even Pepsi which had some notable commercials. Yuppur, we would scare away global cooling and the world will be a better place.

Instead of looking outward, we started to look at the world where we lived.  At that time, the government told us that they could fix everything.  All we needed to do was hand over all our money and let them do all the work.

We could trust them, don’t you know.

With the continuous prodding of the media, we did so.  Taxes were raised on working class.  Unable to save, they started using credit.  When the industries failed, so did many families as well. The result, was an economic decline of enormous proportions.

From the ashes of that ruin arose President Ronald Reagan.

Ronald and his horse
Ronald Reagan was an avid outdoorsman who believed in individual liberty and self-initiative. He believed in the United States and for the potential for individual greatness. Could this program be his own individual brain-child?

But, through all this turmoil and change, one fact remains.  We left space.  We shut down all of our ambitious space exploration efforts. We shut everything down. Doors were closed, then padlocked, and abandoned completely.

We laid off the scientists and engineers.

In the process the “best and the brightest” that took humans to the moon lost their jobs and their careers. They were forced to work as “bag boys” in grocery chains, or flipping burgers in fast food restaurants. many lost their families as well. Their skills were used and discarded.  Their contributions forgotten.

Falling Down
Scene from the movie Falling Down. The film stars Michael Douglas in the lead role of William Foster, also known as D-Fens, a divorced and unemployed former defense engineer. The film centers on Foster as he treks on foot across the city of Los Angeles, trying to reach the house of his estranged ex-wife in time for his daughter’s birthday party. Along the way, a series of encounters, both trivial and provocative, cause him to react with increasing violence and make sardonic observations on life, poverty, the economy, and commercialism.

There are no statues for these heroes that made the moon missions possible.  There are no television documentaries regarding them.  All is quiet.

Yet, we do give Al Gore millions of dollars and a prize for a Powerpoint presentation on “Global Warming” . Or was it “Global Cooling”? The excuse for taking our money away has swung back and forth so many times, I just can’t keep up with the narrative.

Frozen USA
Frozen statue of liberty. There’s only one thing that we can do to stop the coming disaster… pay more taxes! That is the answer and that is the solution. We must do it to save the children.

Obama received millions, and a prize for…being a negro while being a President.  No friggin’ shit. And the crew of idiots who gave him that award not only regretted it, but lost their jobs in the process.  What a bunch of globalist activists…

Obama with award.
Obama was granted the Nobel Peace prize within months of being elected. It surprised everyone, including himself. As he didn’t do anything yet to deserve it. Of course the committee later back-tracked on the reward and claimed that they were flush with the excitement of having a globalist socialist in office, and were drunk at the time they made the decision. They tried to “quietly” ask for it back, but they never got it back, nor the money that they gave Obama. Later on, they were fired and left the committee in shame.

In our world-line, the fox runs the hen-house. The fox is interested in eating the hens, and has no interest in anything other than that.  Space be damned. There are no hens there!

The NASA Space Exploration Today

Comparison of spacecraft designs
Here is a comparison on the 1960’s era Apollo module, and the Obama announced 2020’s era Orion spacecraft designs. We are told that there are substantial changes to the design. Most notably Wifi access, touch screens, and video cams. Other than that, it is almost identical. It is amazing how technology can advance in fifty years, isn’t it?

The Orion spacecraft is an identical design to that of the Apollo spacecraft.  It is slightly larger and uses the latest state-of-the-art technology, but the basic major components are unchanged.  It is still launched using a rocket with a gantry; it is not reusable,  it still uses the same kinds of maneuvering thrusters, and the same kind of life support systems.

This is the replacement for the Space Shuttle; a reusable space plane that could be used to ferry things into orbit. It was replaced with this; a throw-away expensive one-shot clone of a nearly 50 year old design.

Why was the space shuttle retired without a (reusable) replacement, and why is this costly inefficient design the most advanced system that NASA can come up with?  Why?

For those of you readers who do not agree with me; consider this argument.  Is the United States government actually being truthful?  Is the dialog and narrative from the President, and the rest of the political appointees truthful?  Do you actually trust the United States government?

When President Obama opens his mouth and tells you that unemployment is in the lowest levels in a century, and that Americans have never seen such prosperity, that you believe him?

Do you really believe that those who are now running things have your best interests at heart?  Do you really believe that the space program and NASA is real and used for the betterment of United States technology?  Or is it just a colorful “smoke screen” designed to give the illusion of space exploration, when the actual programs (the hidden and secret programs) are much more robust and well-funded.  Do you really believe that the United States government would never lie to the American people? Hah?  That the United States government would ever lie to Congress or the American people?

“I have documents showing that the CIA invented the whole thing (Global Warming)..  Global Warming was invented to both scare people, and divert their attention from other human-made dangers like nuclear weapons. 

The CIA gave millions of dollars to any scientist who would confirm the theory, so many unscrupulous scientists did what they were told in order to get the money. 

Now, there is so much fake data to confirm that Global Warming “exists”, that they actually convinced everyone that it was real.”

- Edward Snowden

I will tell you why this is the case.  I will tell you why everything is so quiet; why it is so dark and silent.  I will explain to you why there is an elephant in your living room, and why no one recognizes what it is doing there.  I will tell you, but you won’t like the answer.

What happened

NASA trailer
NASA equipment lies abandoned and rotting throughout the United States. When the decision was made to switch from manned space to robotic earth observation, many facilities were no longer needed, and so they were abandoned, sold off as scrap or junked.

What happened should be obvious to the reader now. Sometime during the late 1960’s and into the middle of the 1970’s there was a change in direction regarding space exploration. The public aspect of space travel was converted to a much scaled down federal program. While the non-public aspect of space travel went deep black.

“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”

-Maximilien Robespierre

When the “dust settled”, President Jimmy Carter left the White House, and President Ronald Reagan took office. He immediately increased funding for BOTH the “white” (the public) efforts in space exploration and the “black” efforts in space exploration.

The “white” projects are well known. They include the “Freedom Space Station”, which was later scaled down and internationalized by Democrat President Bill Clinton. As well as the Space Shuttle program. (Later killed off by George Bush.). Not to mention, space-based laser research, the MX missile program, and next-generation spacecraft such as the X-30 NASP.

Freedom Space station.
The space station Freedom was intended to be an American only habitat that would serve as a stepping stone to the moon. Other vehicles would then shuttle between it and the base on the moon. It was thus, intended to be much larger than what the ISS is today. All that this was killed by Democrat President Bill Clinton who re-purposed the station for near earth observation and monitoring.

The National Aerospace Plane, the X-30. It was an idea of then President Ronald Reagan, and was continuously mocked and ridiculed by the mainstream media as the “Orient Express”. It was wildly successful. It was so successful that it went “black”.

Consider that in 1960, a report entitled “Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs” was prepared for NASA by the Brookings Research Institute.

The report contained a section entitled “Implications Of A Discovery Of Extraterrestrial Life” which was a 190-page report resulting from a one-year study which concluded that public knowledge of life on other planets could potentially cause the collapse of our civilization or, at least, cause profound changes.

Perhaps this, and other reasons, contributed towards stuffing all manned flight and technology research regarding extraterrestrials into the deep black.

The “black” programs are NOT well known. They are either completed, in process, or are being redeveloped into other efforts. I am not authorized, nor qualified to comment on them. Except to say that C.A.R.E.T. is a pretty good example of the work that was going on.

Of course… you all do realize that it was just a (wink, wink) internet hoax? Don’t ya know. Nothing to see here. Heh, heh.

PACL personal anti-gravity device that was being investigated and reverse engineered in 1984. Of course, this has already been debunked by all the MAJOR organizations with thousands of hours of thoughtful insight into how this could not possibly be a real disclosure. Don’t you know…

All programs that deal with extraterrestrials fall under the MAJestic jurisdictional umbrella. These are black programs, with all technologies that require “hands on” work regulated to deep-black carve outs.

In the case of the Dragonfly Drones, ‘they’ (agencies unknown and those protecting the truth of the drone presence here on Earth) went to a whole heap of trouble in their discrediting efforts. This involved creating and releasing multiple hoaxed CGI drone videos which were extremely unconvincing. They went to the trouble of setting up websites to try and convince a now intrigued public that the drones were just a marketing stunt or an outright hoax.  ‘They’ also heavily utilised the services of bought and paid for trolls whose job it was to create confusion by interlacing the story with more falsehoods and layers of misdirection.

These trolls have been, and still are, embedded deep within the UFO subculture. They operate within forums, blogs, social media as well as the traditional print media, radio and television. They conduct counter-intelligence efforts using every available avenue. These targeted and sustained campaigns to obfuscate the truth have been going on for a long long time and no doubt some of the perpetrators of spin have created a veil of respectability within their own sphere of influence such that they would never be accused of perpetrating disinformation.


Some Insight

According to recent polling data, also suspect, the vast majority (over 80%) of Americans believes that the United States knows about extraterrestrials but is refusing to tell the American people about what they know.

Let’s go back to the middle 1960’s. Say around the time of the 1964 New York World’s Fair. At this time, the Beatles singing group was very popular. We were in Vietnam trying to “save it from communism”, and “It’s a small world after all” was a big hit all over America. We were looking at the world as a small place that needed unity through the United Nations. We were looking towards moving off this planet and establishing colonies on other worlds, with the moon as a first step.

World's fair
Postcard for the 1964 New York World’s Fair. The theme for the fair was global unity and togetherness. This all took place while the entire United Sates was trying hard to race to the moon.

Now, suppose, just suppose, that [1] some type of contact was made between one or two key extraterrestrial species operating within our sphere of influence. Further suppose, that [2] over time, a relationship developed in which they laid out some very basic ground rules;

  • Earth is permitted to be occupied by humans.
  • Space is the realm of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
This did not happen overnight. In fact, the initial relationship that was established in the 1960's had been cultivated after over a decade of contact in various forms.

An organization, that was set up back in the late 1940's, became the only point of contact with these extraterrestrial creatures. This organization, otherwise known as MAJestic, had been very active during the 1950's. They had used reverse-engineered radar systems obtained from Operation "Paperclip" to de-cloak and disable the operational parameters of extraterrestrial vehicles.

The wreckage and crew were then acquired and studied. Eventually culminating in negotiations and understandings between MAJestic and one of the key extraterrestrial species.

In this relationship, all space flight is monitored, and eventually controlled by MAJestic.  That is out of necessity, as MAJestic is the organization that liaises with our extraterrestrial friends.

More Complications

Of course things are never that simple.

The more we got to know our new-found extraterrestrial friends, the more we learned. What we discovered was not what we really wanted to hear.

  • There were many, many extraterrestrial species all around us.
  • Our world, wasn’t really “ours”, it was “theirs”.
  • Our planet is a “sentience nursery”; a protectorate, a special preserve.
  • We are not the first species to evolve in this nursery, nor will we be the last.
  • Those extraterrestrials that monitor and police this nursery have been doing so for many, many, many years.
  • Those extraterrestrials are far more scientifically advanced than we could even hope to understand.

As such, certain deals and arrangements were worked out. The details of which can be found elsewhere and are considered contentious anyways. For now, let’s just keep everything really simple.

  • An agreement was reached.
  • We would support the policing and monitoring of this planet by working with the species assigned to this task.
  • This species is well known in conspiracy circles. They are known as “the greys”, or “the Pleiadians”, though they are neither grey nor from that particular solar system.
  • In exchange they would allow us to reverse engineer certain technologies.

Thus we have a system whereas humans participate in assisting of the biological monitoring of this planet. This might help explain such things as “abductions”, “cattle mutilation”, and similar events. And we have a situation whereas carve-outs operate within MAJestic in regards to technology and advanced sciences.

Even more complications

But, you know, things are not ever so simple. To begin with…

There are more than one species that is involved in this planet. While the “greys” might be involved in monitoring and policing this sentience nursery, other species have other purposes here. In fact, if I may be so bold, there is an arrangement where the “greys” work under the supervision or “understanding” of a much more powerful, and older species.

This older species is quite different in appearance. It is an invertebrate species. It also perceives our reality quite differently than we humans do.

  • While the “greys” police and monitor this reality…
  • This other species is involved in the construction of the reality that we inhabit.
  • They can move in and out of our reality as easily as we go up and down stairs.
  • They can also move in and out of other realities, such as “Heaven” at will.
  • Their science is the science of soul.
  • Their understanding involves MWI integration.

Which of course is why I am involved in this disclosure in the first place. And, is why, my role was so important, but impossible for most humans to understand. (Sigh.)

Summary & Conclusions

Black Programs

There are elements within the United States that are active in reverse engineering technologies given to us by our extraterrestrial benefactors.  There are also elements involved in sentience evolution of humans. All elements and members fall under MAJestic purview.  These people, and the organization operate as carve-outs and are not part of the United States government.

CARET drone
Extracted from the fourth quarter report by an individual. C.A.R.E.T – Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology. The project was operated out of what was made to look like a normal Silicon Valley computer / tech office building, but inside, teams of scientists protected by intense security were attempting to reverse-engineer and understand the non-human technology – a process known as ‘extraction’.

White Programs

The United States government, instead, has it’s own space exploration program known as NASA.  Currently, they are trying to duplicate 1960’s technology that was given up in the 1970’s. Since then, NASA has been re-purposed for robotic earth monitoring, and Muslim outreach. If current projections hold up, NASA might be able to have a clone of the Apollo spacecraft called Orion. This might happen in a little over a decade.

The big talk while Obama was President was to use the Orion spacecraft to go next to a chunk of rock in space the size of a dishwasher. Then move it to earth orbit where it can be studied. Woo woo!

Obama NASA objectives
The plan established by President Obama is to capture a rock the size of a dishwasher and then haul to to earth orbit where “scientists” can study it. Maybe he was thinking of making a music video to glamorize this rock -collection effort. Maybe having someone like Jay-Z rap about big rocks and such…

Take Aways

  • All American led space exploration came to an end in the 1970’s.
  • This was the result of direct contact with an extraterrestrial species.
  • From that moment on, all “actual” space exploration efforts went deep-black.
  • NASA was cut down in size to keep public perception intact.
  • Today, we have two space programs. They are a very active black program, and a token white (public) program.
  • MAJestic is the organization that handles all issues regarding extraterrestrials.


Q: Why is the black side of space exploration kept secret?
A: It is kept secret for numerous reasons.

  1. If it was out in the open and public, the United States government would try to gain control of it. That is unacceptable as the government would twist it and distort it into something different and dangerous. You see what Obama did to NASA, imagine if he had the power of teleportation, dimensional switching, MWI, invisibility, and space travel…
  2. Other reasons include the fundamental need to keep humans ignorant of our situation and our place in the universe AT THIS TIME. Sentience growth is something that humans need to work out independently of any extraterrestrial intervention of knowledge. This is an extraterrestrial requirement.
  3. The reverse engineering of technology is a national security issue, and there are many nations who would do whatever was possible to obtain access to some of the technologies that are locked within the confines and understanding of MAJestic.

Q: Why are you so critical of the Orion spacecraft?
A: The old-fashioned rocket ship design of the 1960’s was long ago determined to be unfeasible for active exploration of space. Instead other systems were devised, of which the Space Shuttle was but one. These solutions all worked towards the idea of making space affordable to humans. Orion does in the exact opposite direction. It is a disposable vehicle that is so expensive that it is often a unique and custom device for single-purpose use.

Q: Will man ever go to other planets other than the moon?
A: What gives you the idea that we haven’t yet? What gives you the idea that we don’t have other methods of transport aside from spacecraft? What gives you these assumptions?

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

What is – Can it be Trusted?

We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, 'What is real?' Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. “

-Philip K. Dick

Not strictly limited to politics, is a website that supposedly attempts to debunk and invalidate urban legends, Internet rumors and other stories of uncertain origin. Today, they are the voice of the statist globalist oligarchy.

Of course, others mostly rich country-club Democrats, think otherwise. They point out the mission statement at the website. It is officially an “independent entity” privately owned by its operators.

Snopes is a long established website which emerged from the alt.folklore.urban newsgroup and was originally a reference site about urban legends. In recent years it has become a staunch defender of the official narratives, to the extent that it has been referred to as "the go-to website for CIA propaganda". 


Not for profit?

The owners, Barbara and David Mikkelson, have both publicly stated that they receive no funding in any form.  Curious. Most curious. This is really, really interesting. You know, it sure is curious that someone who has no income, no funding, and no sources of income can live in an upscale mansion. Not only that, but do so in one of the most expensive sections of California, travel the world extensively, and drive around in some very, very expensive cars

Ah, but that’s ok. You know.

Whether you are hob-nobbling with Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein, Race baiter (the Reverend) Jessie Jackson, or international arch villain George Soros, we all know that you are never influenced by their money. (Wink, wink.)

“Just used Snopes to check the following: Hillary Clinton farts pixie dust which cures gay children of cancer. Turns out it's true!”

-Comment by Zero Point

Full of Lies and Half-truths

This group has been caught in more than a few outright lies, disinformation and distortions of truthful and actual events.  This is true whether it is a study on whether Donald Trump sits on a solid gold toilet when he takes a dump, or how the Palestinians funded their network of attack-tunnels.

As far as UFO’s and other extraordinary events are concerned, they are firstly, a mouthpiece of the status quo.  Do not expect them to understand quantum physics, chemistry or anything too cerebral.  Their interest lies in the dissemination of popular trite responses to extraordinary events. They do in a way that finds its greatest appeal to an audience of a dumbed-down populace of limited education.

It's got what plants crave.
It’s got what plants crave. Idiotcracity is a 2006 American science fiction comedy film. The film tells the story of two people who take part in a top-secret military human hibernation experiment, only to awaken 500 years later in a dystopian society where anti-intellectualism and commercialism have run rampant, and which is devoid of intellectual curiosity, social responsibility, and coherent notions of justice and human rights.

They are promoted by Google

They must certainly have a great relationship with Google.  I say this as they tend to be ranked in the top five websites whenever a relevant search is conducted.  Do you, the reader, have any idea how difficult it is to obtain a decent ranking on Google? It’s not for the faint of heart, for certain.

If this does not SCREAM collusion, then nothing will.

See elsewhere for the hacked evidence by Julian Assange in 2016 showing this connection to be true and real.

While I have not been able to find an obvious tie between this organization and the United States government myself, the disconnect between their sustaining income and actual work outlay is quite large.

Where do they get their funding?  And how are they able to devote the time to do all the work that they do?  What do they live on?  How can they devote 80 hours a week to this “hobby” of theirs?  Are they independently wealthy? Are they “blue bloods”? Do they invest in cryptocurrency? What is their secret?

There is an obvious void that is unexplainable at this time.

Ties to the DNC Political Party

Circumstantial evidence definitely seems to indicate ties with the DNC political party.

Yup, the political machine known as the Democrat National Party is quite busy with all kinds of efforts in progress. Whether it is social re-engineering, towards getting the Untied States into a global thermonuclear Armageddon, or trying to import illiterate waifs from South America, this organization is quite the busy work-horse.

Snopes staff
This couple is responsible for fact checking everything from the radar profiles on UFO’s to whether or not Bill Clinton’s cat was fed well while in the White House. They are experts in everything apparently. You know what? I really like their cat. Though, I think that he eats a little bit too much, the poor thing.

Enter Metallicman

You get on the internet and you start chatting with someone. They disagree with you. You disagree with them. You state what you know and offer facts. They pull out a "fact check" from and all discussions cease.

How absolutely convenient. All on-line discussions that have a conservative, traditional or Christian point of view are automatically discounted as 'FALSE".

In August 2016, there were a number of DNC staffers who died under suspicious circumstances. After a major DNC email leak that Wikileaks insisted that came from inside the DNC, three individuals associated with the email system were found dead.

Rumors persisted that these killings were intentional and were the result of the staffers leaking the emails to the press. Of course, if that was the case, then the management of the DNC had something to do with it. But, not to fret, the DNC insisted that the murders were random. They assured everyone that they were not associated with the DNC in any way.

DNC staffer Seth Rich was mysteriously murdered in the streets of Washington, D.C., on July 10. Although it is being investigated as a robbery, his wallet, credit cards and watch were not taken. 

The 27-year old was shot in the back on July 10 at 4:15 a.m. near his affluent neighborhood, while he was reportedly walking home from his girlfriend’s apartment. Police still have no suspects, witnesses or motive. His mother told the local NBC station that there were bruises on his face, knees and hands, apparently from trying to fend off his attackers.

Some are speculating that Hillary Clinton is behind the murder, because Rich could have been the DNC staffer responsible for leaking the 20,000 damaging DNC emails to Wikileaks. 

The allegation is that powerful Sanders allies convinced Rich to leak the data. He had previously worked on the U.S. Senate campaign for Nebraska businessman Scott Kleeb, who lost his election. The Clinton Global Initiative provided funds for a clean energy business started by Kleeb, which had come under investigation after losing $300,000 in 2010 and another $300,000 in 2011 despite the subsidies. 

Rich was also previously employed at a data firm that had worked with the Clintons. After news of possible corruption emerged between the Clinton Global Initiative and Kleeb, supposedly that led to Sanders’ cronies pressuring Rich to leak what was going on, so it is very possible he could have had access to the DNC’s emails. 

Julian Assange of Wikileaks said on TV that it wasn’t Russian hackers who intercepted the emails, as the Hillary Clinton campaign has alleged; instead, any one of a number of staffers within the DNC could have leaked them

As the rumors started to fly, Snopes took center-stage.

They immediately squashed all rumors. They publicly and officially labeled the suspicion over Shawn Lucas, John Ashe, and Seth Rich’s deaths as “FALSE”. This was a great relief to the DNC and everyone else associated with the Democrat party.

Soon, all the main-stream media parroted the Snopes pronouncement. The investigations were “proven” to be concluded and just random occurrences. They loudly and repeatedly stated that the investigations were over and the DNC was vindicated.

Which was really strange as all investigations were on-going at the time. The investigators would even begin to suggest any conclusions.

The former President of the United Nations General Assembly, John Ashe, mysteriously passed away on June 22. This was a few days before he was scheduled to begin pretrial meetings involving shady financial dealings regarding a former Clinton crony. 

Local police officers said he died from dropping a barbell on his throat while working out, but the UN oddly first claimed he died of a heart attack. 

The 61-year-old was supposed to testify against Chinese real estate developer Ng Lap Seng, who was implicated in the “Chinagate” scandal for funneling money to the DNC for Bill Clinton through Arkansas restaurant owner Charlie Trie. 

Ashe was arrested last year for allegedly taking over $3 million in bribes from Chinese businessmen, including over half a million from Ng Lap Se, in exchange for building a United Nations conference center in Macau.

Dominican attorney Henry Shillingford questioned his death, “It is strange for Antigua’s most senior diplomat to be implicated and die under such troubling circumstances.” 

The New York Post’s Page Six ran a skeptical article questioning the circumstances. A source told the paper, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”

So, with all this controversy, Snopes automatically labeled the rumor “False”. This is strange, since how did Snopes know that it is false? The police haven’t even completed any of their investigations yet!  And, if you were to ask the police themselves, they would say that they have no public conclusions to provide.

Political Ties

Mikkelson has previously publicly stated that Snopes does not take any political positions whatsoever. Well, that was a lie.

His current wife, has a history of participation in liberal politics. The Daily Mail reports that Young ran for the U.S. Congress in Hawaii on the Libertarian ticket in 2004, during which time she distributed cards that read “Re-Defeat Bush” and condoms with the words “Don’t Get Screwed Again” printed on the wrapping.

Elyssa Young
Elyssa Young is also know as Erin O’Bryn and maintains a website advertising her services as an escort with photographs of her over the years. She was pretty successful over the years, and has run for political office.

On her campaign website, she outright stated, “Let’s face it, I am an unlikely candidate. I fully admit that I am a courtesan.”  Ultimately, her campaign was unsuccessful, and she lost to Democratic incumbent Neil Abercrombie.

Propaganda for the Oligarchy

Snopes certainly seems to be the mouth-piece of the people in power.

As I have mentioned numerous times in the past and in my various posts.  Question everything and everyone. Most especially question those who have quick and easy answers for everything.  For nothing is black and white.  The world is a complex place, with situations that can astound when investigated.

Nothing has an easy answer.

In the case with Snopes, when there is a mountain of dead bodies piling up, and the status-quo media is saying “there is nothing here, move along now”, there is an obvious disconnect between observed reality and the preferred governmental narrative.

Victor Thorn, who wrote four books exposing the Clintons, reportedly killed himself with a gun on his 54th birthday, August 1, while on top of a mountain near his Pennsylvania home. 

The books he wrote were Hillary (And Bill): The Sex Volume, Hillary (And Bill): The Drugs Volume, and Hillary (And Bill): The Murder Volume, and his latest which was published in February, Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn't Be in the White House.

According to the Inqisitr, Thorn had appeared multiple times on The Russell Scott Show and told the host,

“Russell, if I’m ever found dead, it was murder. I would never kill myself.”

Joe Montano, an aide to Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine, died of a heart attack on July 25. He had worked for the DNC and was only 47.

A man named Larry Nichols claimed on the Pete Santilli Show that he was hired as a hitman for the Clintons, and killed several people years ago.

What is comes down to is this: how many other politicians have you heard of who have had so many mysterious deaths associated with them? You don’t hear of a Bush body count. You don’t hear of an Obama body count.

You never hear of a Jimmy Carter body count, a Ronald Reagan body count, a JFK body count. So what gives?

Snopes, the left-leaning internet myth debunker, labels the Clinton body count as false. However, the main site that hosts a list of the Clinton body count reports that is admittedly constantly under attack by computer hackers on the behest of Hillary Clinton. I guess that that curious (and inconvenient) fact never made it into the Snopes calculus.

Soap Opera Management

Before we proceed too much further, please take into account that people - good and bad - live life. They get into situations. They get into troubles. They have personal problems.

This is certainly the case for the CEO of Snopes.

The fighting and the arguments and accusations thrown against him by his ex-wife should not be taken at face value. Rather they should be considered as a side of a very complex man embroiled in a difficult relationship...

The CEO of has been accused, in divorce proceedings, of appropriating company funds which he allegedly spent on expensive holidays and prostitutes.

The Daily Mail reports that the CEO of Snopes, David Mikkelson, has been  embroiled in a vicious legal battle with his former wife. She was more than just his wife, she was the co-founder of Snopes; Barbara Mikkelson.

I am sorry for both of them. The more that I read about them, and the lives that they have led, the more they seem to be meant for each other. I really hate it when people end up going in different directions. It’s really very sad.

Snopes staff
It is important for all of us to make peace with ourselves and with those around us. However, it is just simply not right to deceive others for the sake of personal wealth and prosperity.

The couple divorced sometime around 2014, but legal proceedings have continued between the couple. Honestly, both of them must be living a hellish existence dealing with this. Maybe, on a hot and steamy night, one would wake up and yell to the ceiling, “can’t this ever end?”

  • Barbara has claimed that her former husband embezzled money from the company. Court documents obtained by the Daily Mail state that Barbara accused David of “raiding the corporate business Bardav bank account for his personal use and attorney fees.”
  • Barbara also claims that David embezzled $98,000 over four years, which “he expended upon himself and the prostitutes he hired.” (Wow. Now, that’s a lot of prostitutes.)
  • Barbara claims that David spent $10,000 from their business accounts between April and June of 2016 to fund an expensive 24-day holiday for him and his “girlfriend.”
  • In a court filing from June, Barbara claims that David has “been depleting the corporate account by spending monies from it on his personal expenses,” and that David’s access to account debit cards and check books must immediately be revoked “right away before there are no funds left in the corporate account.”

Well, all sorts of dirty laundry comes out in the wash. You can’t fault the guy for wanting a divorce from a woman that he once loved so tenderly. Now they are apart. So what if he is lonely and wants to go out with other women?  You know, if he is lonely, why not pay for some fun with other women? Will ya, give this guy a break? Huh?

I do feel sorry for both of them. This divorce has wrecked their lives, their source of income, and the website that they both put together. Sad. So, sad.

Software giants assisting Snopes

It was announced that Snopes would be helping Facebook to determine and label “fake news” with the help of ABC News and Politifact. Lordy!

Enormous Salary

George soros uses snopes as a propiganda arm to support many of his nefarious activities within the united states. snopes is not impartial. They have a political agenda. It is an agenda that they are paid to promote.
George Soros was an early contributor to Snopes, and has provided financial backing to the organization for years.

A key point of contention during the divorce proceedings was David’s salary.

David demanded that his salary be increased from $240,000 a year to $360,000, a sum that David agreed he would settle for, but believed was below “industry standards.” He argued that he should be making up to $720,000 a year.

“As I said, based on industry standards and our revenues, my salary should be about 2x to 3x what it is now,I’ll settle for $360K with the understanding that it’s to be retroactive to the start of the year.”

- David wrote in an email to Barbara in April of 2016.

Barbara disputed David’s request, stating that it was “not even in the galaxy of reasonable.”

That all being said, where in the heck does this money come from?

Prostitute Employer

The fact-checking website that more recently set its sights on determining if “fake news” was indeed fake has found itself in a financial collapse after it was discovered that the owner and his new wife were living an outlandish lifestyle. There are also reports of embezzling and hiring prostitutes on the company’s dime according to a new report by the Daily Mail and a lawsuit filed by shareholders of the website.


According to the Daily Mail, David has remarried since his divorce from Barbara in 2014.  I for one, am happy that he found love. Maybe his first wife didn’t understand him, but now that he found another, I am sure that she will be able to mend his hurting heart and put the pieces back together.

His current wife, Elyssa Young, works as an administrative worker at Snopes.

The key of contention is that she previously had a lengthy career as an escort. She was a pretty good one apparently, and also worked as a adult film star working under the name Erin O’Bryn. Good for her.

Escort Advertisement
Escort advertisement for Snopes investigator and wife of the founder.

Reviews for Young’s “services” have been left on her personal escort website as recently as 2015. Young’s websites and Twitter account describe her as “a mature and experienced courtesan, idealist, activist & dreamer.” Her website further states, “Here’s the donation I request for my time, companionship, and entertainment” with “non-negotiable” rates of $1,200 for her minimum four hours and $5,000 for 24 hours.

  • $1,200 for a “short time”.
  • $5,000 for a “long time”.

You know guys, she’s a bit on the expensive side. So either she is way overpriced, or she is extremely good at what she does.

Snopes escort
Elyssa Young was a model for adult magazines in the 1990s, and appears to have continued posing for photographs until recently. She is now an administrative worker at and travels with her husband David Mikkelson, its co-founder

Questionable Processes

The rapid acceptance of the point of view of the oligarchy is a point of contention. It tends to force the use of the website to justify their actions.

  • Speaking to the Daily Mail, David Mikkelson stated that Snopes did not have a “standardized procedure” for fact-checking “since the nature of this material can vary widely.”
  • He also stated that the process “involves multiple stages of editorial oversight, so no output is the result of a single person’s discretion.”

When asked about the requirements for becoming an employee at Snopes, Mikkelson stated, “Accordingly, our editorial staff is drawn from diverse backgrounds; some of them have degrees and/or professional experience in journalism, and some of them don’t.”

Preoccupation with Sex

Also according to the Daily Mail, another one of Snopes’ lead fact-checkers has a history of sex blogging. Yes, they definitely fit the r-strategist behavior snugly.

Fact checker.
You know, it’s fine to have hobbies. I happen to like sandwiches, drinking, singing and dancing. Others like to play with sex toys. Heck, what ever makes your boat float, what ever… It’s all good. How can we make such judgement on a person. Maybe she is a really good fact checker who likes to play with herself. What’s wrong with that?

Writing under the pseudonym Vice Vixen, Snopes fact-checker Kim LaCapria regularly wrote about sex and fetish gear on her own blog, which was described as a lifestyle blog “with a specific focus on naughtiness, sin, carnal pursuits, and general hedonism and bonne vivante-ery.

Snopes Assistant.
One of the debunkers on Snopes is also an escort, who loves to play with sex toys and enjoys sex to it’s fullest. I cannot fault that. Anyone who doesn’t like sex has a real problem with their identity. That being said, is she qualified to discuss pulsed radar emissions from high speed transitory vehicles? I say do what you love.

LaCapria’s blog often featured reviews of sex toys.

  • One particular review reads, “If you are doing something to your fella, and you apply this to the base of his cash-and-prizes while you carry on, he will scream and perhaps cry.”
  • On another blog, LaCapria once described what she did on her day off, writing that she “played scrabble, smoked pot, and posted to Snopes.” She then added, “That’s what I did on my day ‘on,’ too.”

Tied to Nefarious Organizations used to Manipulate Public Opinion

From the article titled “ CEO arrested on charges of fraud and corruption” found HERE, are the following curious statements;

Evidence obtained by police has revealed that, which markets itself as "the definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation," has a history of accepting money and favors from left-leaning and pro-Islamic political groups and individuals for helping them to advance their cause by rigging public discourse with selective fact-finding and deliberate manipulation of public opinion.

Arrest of the CEO

From the previously mentioned article…

Late Monday morning, Brian Williston, a editor, who also doubles as the accountant, found himself at a flea market on the outskirts of Los Angeles. 

As he was browsing the different tables and tents looking for antiques, an old mechanical piano began playing Dixie's Land, a song that was adopted as a de facto anthem of the Confederacy during the American Civil War and is now considered offensive by some due to its link to the iconography and ideology of the Old South.

The tune sparked an outrage in Williston, who began yelling and cursing those who "would like to bring back slavery and racial separation," and ordering the vendors to "turn off that racist music." 

When no one nearby claimed to know how to turn off the one-hundred-year-old machine, Williston became violent. 

He started grabbing various antique objects from the vendors' tables and throwing them at the antique piano in an attempt to silence the music. 

A bystander, later identified as William Barksdale, working as a courier for the L.A. Messenger Service, attempted to calm Williston down, saying that "someone is just trying to see if that the piano still works" and "it's only a song, don't shoot the pianist," but that only prompted the infuriated editor to redirect his rage to the messenger. 

Williston, who is white, began to choke Barksdale, who is black, while screaming "Shut up! Shut up!" as the mechanical piano continued to play Dixie's Land in the background.

Well, that did not go well.  However the police was able to find out who this nut case was.

After some of the shoppers intervened and pried Williston's hands off the courier's throat, the editor fled the scene of the incident. LAPD quickly identified Williston by the personal check he left with one of the vendors, which contained his full name and address. While inside his home, Williston ignored commands to open the door, causing police to use forced entry in order to detain him.

Discovery of Bribes and Payoffs

American media is nothing but lies.
American media is just propaganda. Nothing that you see is real and truthful. It is all distorted lies and partial-truths.

So the police forced their way into his home and began searching it.

The arresting officer caught Williston slipping some papers under a Persian rug, which prompted the police to remove the rug and examine the documents underneath it.

One of them turned out to be a handwritten ledger,.

The ledger contained the names of well-known individuals and organizations who have been paying to debunk stories. Particularly, stories that cast them in a bad light, while also validating damaging half-truths and rumors about their political opponents.

Apparently, having established their website as a reputable resource for validating and debunking stories in American popular culture since 1995, the Mikkelson couple soon found themselves in a position to influence public discourse by punishing or rewarding certain cultural and political biases.

Before long they were accepting money to promote some rumors and downplay or completely ignore some others, which over the years have brought them millions of dollars (according to sources).

So the guy has become millions of dollars richer because he controls a popular “fact checking” website, and he provides “facts” that fit the narrative of those who pay him to change history and write the “truth”.

The Scandal

Especially scandalous is the website’s possible collaboration with left-leaning national media organizations.

  1. They began with with payments to to overlook or validate their inaccurate and biased reporting.
  2. Eventually, they evolved into a full-scale coordinated effort with left-leaning groups and public relation firms to construct a fake media narrative.
  3. It is a narrative that gave legitimacy to certain opinions, political causes and public figures, while discrediting other opinions, causes, and public figures.

So, the “powers that be” control what the “truth” is.

Who are these people?

Democrats banning free speech.
Democrat Senator saying during Congressional hearings that the Bill of Rights does not apply to citizens. Rather it is a document that protects the government from citizens who would abuse the privileges that the government provides to them. The “funny thing” about this is that this quote is now restricted on Internet search engines. Yeah. No friggin’ shit. Type it in Bing or Google. I dare you. Image is a screen shot with closed caption.

Who are these people?  Well, from the previously mentioned article;

The list of groups and individuals paying to use the website's clout ranged from local politicians to transnational entities to foreign governments, including Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Palestinian Authority. 

None of the specifics or individual names are being revealed while the investigation is still ongoing, but a police source has indicated that "the shock waves will rock the world of the media and the political establishment." 

Several watchdog groups have already condemned as a corrupt organization with zero credibility and urged their readers to disregard any political debunking from this tainted source.

To underline a key statement, let me repeat it.

Several watchdog groups have already condemned as a corrupt organization with zero credibility and urged their readers to disregard any political debunking from this tainted source. as a corrupt organization with zero credibility.

The Future

The future for Snopes does not look too healthy. After the Hillary Clinton election loss in 2016, their primary funding source (the “slush fund” via the non-profit Clinton Foundation) dried up.

No more money from the Clinton’s or George Soros.

Apparently so did many of their other sources of income as well. Perhaps this article from 25JUL17 might put things into better perspective. ‘Hookers, lies and fraud’: Snopes ‘in danger of closing doors’

From the linked article;

“…one of Snopes’ leading fact-checkers is a former sex-and-fetish blogger who described her routine as smoking pot and posting to Kim LaCapria is disclosed to be a former sex-blogger who called herself “Vice Vixen.” Her blog had “a specific focus on naughtiness, sin, carnal pursuits, and general hedonism and bonne vivante-ery.” LaCapria’s day-off activities she said on another blog were: “played scrabble, smoked pot, and posted to Snopes.'”

Scam after scam

New car for Snopes CEO
I am sure that it would be very interesting to see who donated to this guy. I’ll bet that it would include a lot of dictators and tyrants, as well as a few evil over lords and malcontents in the DNC.
After founder and owner David P. Mikkelson started a crowd-funding website to raise money for the companies’ apparent financial troubles, having raised more than $600k within 24 hours, it is being reported that David was spotted purchasing a brand new $300k+ Ferrari at a California Fiat dealership.

Mikkelson resorted to a crowd-funding site where thousands of kind users decided to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to the dying Snopes, seemingly saving Mikkelson and Snopes for the time being, however, reports of Mikkelson purchasing a brand new $300,000 Ferrari are raising some questions. “I thought we were saving him” says Gary Upton, a Snopes donor, “Even though David is a mess, I love Snopes, It’s very helpful when they debunk crazy stories i come across from sites like Celebtricity and Huzlers. But i didn’t think he would finesse us and buy himself a Ferrari, oh well”, finished Gary.

Is this report true? Or, is it false? I just don’t know. What I do know is that other fact checkers have checked out the goings-on with Snopes. They have found some outrageous activities…


The comments found on line make for interesting and amusing reading.  Here are just some of the comments found on Zero Hedge.

SlowBro ThaBigPerm Jul 24, 2017 5:07 PM

I got an email just last week saying that Snopes had turned the corner and apologized for slanting so heavily to the left. Should check Snopes on that one.
2000 SlowBro Jul 24, 2017 5:14 PM

It's a fact-checking garbage dump. I asked them to correct their claims about Target's Bathroom Boycott affecting their business after Target admitted it did affect their business (I was a peeved shareholder). No response. Here's their drivel:

And proof that it did impact their business:

I knew it was impacting the sales, and the first announcement (IMO) of them acknowledging it was when the CEO started trying to cover his behind by saying he never approved the memo. Anyways, I ditched the stock pretty quickly once I realized their strategy was to stand tall and hope it blew over. Eventually, that strategy "worked" in the sense that people don't seem to still be talking about it...

But their shares are still down 34%!  Stupidity running that company just like most others. So, I'm happy to see this lying, scumbag of a site begging on the street corners.
johngaltfla WTFRLY Jul 24, 2017 4:39 PM

LOLOLOLOLOL! Bunch of Marxist propagandists got their ass busted!!!!
JLee2027 Peterman333 Jul 24, 2017 4:10 PM

New wife Elyssa Young is employed by the website as an administrator .  She has worked as an escort and porn actress and despite claims website is non-political ran as a Libertarian for Congress on a 'Dump Bush' platform . Its main 'fact checker' is Kimberly LaCapria, whose blog 'ViceVixen' says she is in touch with her 'domme side' and has posted on while smoking pot.
meditate_vigorously Peterman333 Jul 24, 2017 5:00 PM

A lot of dark money found its way to them during the campaign. Millions most likely from (((donors))) of Clinton and/or her Super PACs. That obviously dried up after Trump won. Too bad they blew it all on hookers, blow, and cats.
knukles Pernicious Gold Phallusy Jul 24, 2017 4:43 PM

Huh? I read somewhere credible long ago that Snopes was originally funded by guess who? George Soros No surprise, is it?


The reader need not take my opinion on this, they can investigate on their own.  There are more than a few article concerning the outright fraud of this organization.  The videos are quite enjoyable.  Here are some links;

Summary & Conclusions

In the mid-1990’s, about the time of the Bill Clinton Presidency, there was a period of panic in the newsrooms all across the United States. The dominance of the big three television networks was coming to an end. There was a rise in “independent” news that was making itself known on the internet.

People like Rush Limbaugh were gaining listeners. The sales of newspapers, and other types of paper-media was on a downward vector. The alternative media were able to quickly refute the statements made by the well-known and powerful media outlets. The main-stream media seemed incapable of dealing with this shift in power.

Their first attempt failed. They tried to ban Rush Limbaugh and other Conservative media off the air, as well as ban them from print. That failed. Then they tried to limit speech on the internet, it wasn’t successful at that time.

A solution presented itself…

Organizations would be set up that would support the “official” news, and disparage the contrary views found on the internet. These organizations would be known as “fact check” experts. As a result, “Fact checking” websites began to appear that supported the narrative of big-mainstream media and the oligarchies that run America. They all surfaced about the same time, and many were funded by the same people.

In the mid-1990’s we  have…

Followed shortly by…

I cannot say for sure why they were created. What I do know is that over time political influences, often with very large coffers full of money have tried to influence the narrative in these “fact checking” organizations. Whether or not they were successful to the various websites is up to the reader to determine. However, we do know, that in the case of Snopes, they were quite successful in doing so.

The progressive liberal management was paid handsomely to “fact check” news with a liberal bias.

We found out the extent of their ties to the various political organizations through various events. Notably…

  • A nasty divorce.
  • The discovery of a second set of secret and hidden payment ledgers.
  • The personal escapades of numerous prostitutes in the employment at Snopes.

You know, it’s easy to get on someone’s case when they are down. But, you know, they did a bad thing and for a while they were riding high. They were flush with money and no one was the wiser. Hey had their hands in the pockets of some pretty powerful people. So how can you blame them?

Now, they have to pick up the pieces from a scam that collapsed. Let’s hope that they learn from this. I don’t know about you, the reader, but there are some really good lessons here…

  • Even though you have opinions, please try to frame them as your opinions. Restrain from calling them out as facts.
  • Playing with dirty money will eventually make what you do, tainted.
  • Don’t pretend to be something that you are not.
  • Your past does not really matter; what matters is what you do in the present.

Take Aways

  • Snopes should never be considered a source to “fact check” anything.
  • Snopes has demonstratively lost all credibility in the “fact checking” industry.
  • It is reasonable to assume that ALL “fact checking” organizations are compromised to some extent.
  • Today, “fact checking” organizations are used to add credibility to a mainstream news media that is no longer credible.


Q: Is David Mikkelson a bad person?
A: No. He is a man who saw and opportunity and provided a service to help people sort out the good from the bad when the internet was first getting started. Together with his first wife, he started a “fact checking” organization from scratch. Sure he bent some rules to get it up and running. So what? Most companies start that way, either intentionally or (more often than not) unintentionally.

Then, with the website in place, people started to come to him. They offered him money, cash, presents, fun, trips, and the opportunity to meet interesting people. Like any man, he took advantage of the benefits of his role and position. He is a human man. Be honest, if some one gave you a duffel bag of hard currency and some attractive girls to “convince” you to do something, else they would go to your competitor, what would you do? Throw the opportunity away? Say no to the money? Tell the girls to leave, and ply their trade elsewhere?

is that what you would really do?

Ok, so he got caught. It’s not like he needed to be caught. It was pretty obvious the liberal bent of the site, and the near perfect record of siding with the global oligarchy in just about every issue. The only problem is that seemingly all of the big software and media companies followed their pronouncements. That has made it rather difficult to get information out from the gutter.

Now he has the opportunity to set things right. What he does from this moment on will determine his legacy. Making this decision is a personal thing. Some people might try to continue and move forward, while others might want to reverse direction. Everyone is different. It’s all up to him.

Q: Is Barbara Mikkelson a bad person?
A: No. She is a woman with a bright and colorful past who managed to find a rich and wealthy man with direct ties to the global wealthy. Good for her. Now she lives a life in love with the man of her dreams. I believe that she loves him. They share a cat together. I wish her the best.

I just cannot find fault with her. Though, I really do wish that their cat would lose some weight. I fear that it will not live a long and healthy life if it is overweight. Maybe they could put it on a good healthy diet, and get it some specially designed cat food.

You know, life is never set. You can change your life. It’s never too late. It never is. Take that kitty out and let it chase some birds. Put it on a strict but tasty diet. Play with it more. Get a weasel in the house and have the cat chase after it.


Yeah. Let the cat out and let it prowl the neighborhood. Let it climb trees, attack the wildlife and generally raise some heck. It will be able to lose weight in no time. Just let it loose.


Q: Is Kim LaCapria a bad person?
A: No of course not. To be honest, I think that she should concentrate on the things that she loves rather than to concentrate on boring things like politics, and urban legends. If you do what you love, the time will fly by. If you do what you love, you will put your heart and feelings into everything that you do.


I think that her love of sex toys is a passion that is being wasted. It’s like a fisherman working in a canning factory. Every day he makes cans of fish, yet all the time he is dreaming of fishing. He is dreaming of the day when he can get his pole and go out to the water.

Why write about boring political figures and what they said? When you could easily describe the joys of various toys and how you feel about them. I believe that she would be happier doing things that she loves, with people she loves to be around. In a way, working for a paycheck when your heart is elsewhere is sad. You know, it doesn’t have to be that way. It really doesn’t.

You know, when I read the various articles, I ended up with the impression that the staff at Snopes were paid to do a job, AND paid to provide other services. Well, no one stated that explicitly. But, you know, you do have to keep in mind that this is California and they do things differently than the rest of the world does. It’s a cultural thing, don’t you know.

In any event, be who you are. Do what you love. Everything else will fall into place. Stop pretending for other people. Be true to yourself.


Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.


  1. Compiled and first draft 13AUG18.
  2. Completed 14AUG18.
  3. SEO review 14AUG18.
  4. Published 14AUG18.

Life Lessons from Working Within the Corporate Dream (Part 2)

This is part 2, it is a continuation of part 1.

You know, many of us work for a living. As such, if you have a university degree, the chances are that you migrated to a corporate job in a corporate environment. You probably received a decent salary, a nice (if bland and sterile) working environment, and considered yourself well on the way towards corporate greatness in a solid career.

It’s a nice fantasy. It’s all a big lie.

Most Americans waste their lives working in this environment. They get up and go to work. They deal with traffic, an uncaring boss, and suffer through the various rules that HR implements. They endure mindless and mind-numbing meetings, answer a pile of round-and-round email trains, and fill out form after form.

That’s not a life worth living.

A life worth living is one with purpose, direction, participation and fulfillment. Within the now-popular “corporate model” we have the worst elements of 1920’s-style progressive social-engineering intermixed with 1980’s-austerity. It is a most horrible mixture. Couple that with modern surveillance technology, unified HR standards, and the sterile ideal, you have a nightmare.

Here are some thoughts on corporate life, particularly American corporate life, now that I moved on elsewhere. These thoughts are just general ramblings, and the reader should not get too offended by them. We are all different.

Those of you who own your own companies and who set them up can ignore this post. This is not written for you. This is written precisely for the people who have to work in the “corporate” environment. One that often springs up out of the model you created.

This is a Two-Part Post

This is the second of a two part post. To see the first part, please kindly go HERE.

The 360 Review

Sometime a decade or so ago, the reincarnation of Beelzebub came up with the idea of a HR technique known as a “360 Review“. This is a review of a employee where the employee is presented with all their good and bad together in a yearly review. It is based on the false premise that saying negative things about a person, to their face, will result in positive outcomes.

360 Review
A Dilbert take on the 360 Review process.

Eventually this policy will fade away into obscurity. Companies that implement this policy tend to have short turnover cycles.

Trust me, no one wants to sit by while people tell them bad things about their life, their work, their dress, their behaviors, and aspects of their personality. In fact, a real MAN should get up, say that they will not tolerate such disrespect and leave.

Imagine sitting down and telling Clint Eastwood all of his bad faults and things that you don’t like about him…

Clint Eastwood
I don’t think that either the actor Clint Eastwood, nor any of the characters that he played in his many movies, would stand for the verbal abuse of a 360 review. It is abuse. Do not think otherwise.

Thoughts affect our reality.

Now, the old saying “Sticks and stones might break my bones, but words will never hurt me“, is quite outdated. It is based on a Newtonian understanding of how the universe works. In the Newtonian reality, all that exists is what you observe. Things and objects follow predictable relationships with other physical things. There is nothing outside of the physical world. Well, surprise! The universe does not obey a Newtonian reality. It obeys a quantum reality.

That’s a wake up call for all you statists out there in internet-land.

In the quantum world, we now have a revised saying; “Sticks and stones will break my bones, and words will hurt me even more.”

Water test in Japan
Dr. Masaru conducted a very famous test on the power of thought. He placed written words on jars of rice in water. He then placed them all together in an isolated room. The only difference from any of the jars is the words written on the jars. He then, after a period of time, tested the water , froze it, and took photographs of the results. The jars with the negative and hurtful words created the worst shaped crystals, while those with the nicest words had the best shaped crystals. The only difference between the crystals are the thoughts associated with the words on the jars. Since humans are mostly composed of water, what do you think a critical work environment would do to the human body?

In the corporate world you have a false reality that you have to exist within. You obey it, and you take the uncomfortable all for a paycheck. It doesn’t have nor need to be that way. So don’t accept it.

Don’t accept it. Just do not.

If need be, imagine your favorite television character and put on that “face” and role. Because, for what ever it is worth, this kind of behavior done in China is considered the height of “face loss”. It just isn’t done here. So imagine your favorite character, and take on their persona when dealing with this kind of nonsense.


[21] The corporate world is a fantasy. It is a fake reality that is designed to subjugate the worker into behavioral norms that benefit the corporation.  There is often no concern to the needs of the worker.

Responsibility with no Authority

Very often, in the corporate world, you will be held accountable for tasks that weren’t even your responsibility in the first place.

Office Politics.
There are many different takes on this most common of attributes of a large corporate structure. Yet the basic fact remains, if you are given a responsibility, you need the authority to accomplish the task. It is a sign of poor management when you are given a responsibility with no authority.

In large corporations, you will be given tasks and responsibilities, and maybe a nice title. However, there will often be no authority with the new tasks. The end result will be a middle manager, or two, or three, that will hold up the entire process. One will be busy or on travel, or on vacation. You won’t be able to move forward on your tasks because this lone manager is “sitting on” the approval.

Yet, finally, once the approval is granted, you will be held responsible for the delay in the project and the task. Your supervision and your manager will not accept your excuses, even though they will be true and accurate.

[22] Any company that does not provide responsibility with individual authority is being managed poorly. The inability to control a task you are assigned is a very stressful event. Stress is generated by things that are beyond our control.

Possessions own you


One of the biggest and most significant lessons of working in a big corporation is that you exchange your time for money. You sacrifice your life; your time (your most valuable commodity), and yourself for a handful of paper. That paper is exchanged for baubles to enhance your lifestyle.

Over time, after working in this environment for a few years, we forget things. We start to assume that the purpose of the work that we endure is for the pleasures of collecting baubles.

  • That urgent need to get the latest iPhone when it first came out.
  • Upgrade your car with some niceties.
  • Purchase of that whimsy for your front yard.
  • Getting a better set of wrenches for the garage.
  • Buying that software game in the store, because it was on sale.


As nice as these things are, are they really important? I argue that they are not as significant as we tend to believe. America is a consumer-focused nation, and a sizable portion of our money goes into taxes, followed with things we rent (our house, our car – Yes “Rent”, you don’t own anything you are making payments on.), then what is left over is often gobbled up with the purchase of baubles.

It is important, for us to get off that treadmill.

Stop the accumulation of possessions. Only buy what you need. Downsize, and save what money you can. By doing this, we attain control over our options. Work and the salary that we derive from it is no longer so important. We have the ability to be flexible and start being in charge of our life, as opposed to a “slave to the company”.

Use your money wisely
You work hard for the money. You should put it to good use. Do not waste it on baubles such as the latest iPhone, or a new collar for your dog. Save up the money. Then use it for things that matter to you. Maybe a vacation in a far-away land, dinner with that girl that you have wanted to spend some time with, or maybe do more. You can use the money to save for a business that you want to get started. Don’t squander your assets. Put that money to good use.

Keep in mind that the more things that you possess fixes you into one physical location. It ties you down. Many of the things that you own loses their value quickly, and we tend to either put them in closets, garages or expensive storage units. They are things that no longer have any use to use. Quite the contrary, they force us with the need to earn more to replace them.

[23] The less you own, the more freedom you have. Do not fall into the trap of buying baubles to satiate a need that manifests from the corporate environment.

Do not confuse arrogance with confidence

One of the things that I have noticed in large corporations is that middle and upper management tended to have some very arrogant leaders.

Peter Stzrok
Peter Stzrok, as senior level management of the FBI, is a smug arrogant son of a bitch. What a major asshole. He proudly said that no matter that Hillary lost the election, he would make sure that Donald Trump would get kicked out of the Presidency. Then he would make sure, as he had systems in place, that Hillary Clinton would take over one way or the other.

This is not always true, and indeed, many of the upper management in the smaller companies tended to be well-rounded, stable people with great ability.

However, the point remains that the long-duration corporate environment tends to create monsters. That’s the best way that I can say it. Over time, they rise up through the ranks, they play the political games, and become very astute at it. Over time, maybe they rise up higher and obtain some real genuine perks. I saw this at GM, and there were some amazingly arrogant assholes in leadership positions.

Confidence is what you obtain through successfully navigating through the stresses of life.
Arrogance is what happens when the ego confuses confidence with ability.

The problem arises in the manifestation of arrogance. The coworkers and subordinates all suffer. This can vary in how it manifests. For instance…

  • I worked at a glass company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where the managers would throw chairs, and pots of coffee at you if they were unhappy.
  • I worked  in Shreveport, Louisiana where the management fired the housecleaning staff and brazenly told the white-collar engineering staff that from then on, our Saturdays belonged to the company. Our new job was to clean the offices on Saturday for eight hours for free.
  • I worked in San Louis Obispo, California where I was told that I shouldn’t go straight home after work. Instead that I was to “stick around” for an hour after I clocked-out to show “support” for the company.
  • I worked in Hattiesburg, Mississippi where My salary was cut in half, and replaced with a few cartons of old products that they couldn’t sell.
  • I worked outside of Chicago and I was ordered to change my phone number to something easier for them to remember.
  • I worked in Kokomo, Indiana and I was told that during the Christmas holiday  that I was forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverages at home. If they found out, I would be fired.
  • I worked in Erie, Pennsylvania where I was ordered to change my personal signature to something that my boss found more to his liking.
  • I worked in Northern Indiana, at GM, and I was told that my car (a Mazda) was not welcome in the parking lot. So I was told that I should either buy a new car, or park away from the factory and walk to work.

The world might have people who are absolute assholes. There might be people who have poor social skills, and who want to rule the world… (Facebook, Google, or Twitter… anyone) and there are those who are just flush with their success. Remember that is not YOUR problem.

Martin Shkreli
Martin Shkreli, a lightning rod for growing outrage over soaring prescription drug prices,, raised the price for his companies life-saving drug 4000%. He bought the company with money that he made on stocks. Then raised prices an enormous amount.  He was arrested by the FBI after a federal investigation involving his former hedge fund and a pharmaceutical company he previously headed.

Eventually, arrogance is always part of a boomerang effect. The universe has a way of evening things out.

[24] Be humble no matter what your success is. Avoid having your ego take over, least you become an arrogant SOB.

Don’t confuse comfort with success

Another thing we tend to confuse is comfort and success.

After fighting hard to land a “decent” job, we are often relieved and happy that the stress is over. We will be able to make our bills, and put some food on the table. Our spouse will stop hounding us to “get a job”, and we can relax somewhat.

The stress of being unemployed is much greater than any stress at a job (with some notable exceptions, that I had the misfortune to be associated with).

Corporate life can be comfortable. It’s only when you start your own business that you realize quite how comfortable you were in that world. Sure, there was a level of stress, there were angry bosses, there were early starts and late finishes; but there was always a pay check.

Success 1
Some people judge success in a way that can be measured. It is often associated with power, wealth and physical objects. This is the most common means of judging the success of a given person.

After a long, often too long, time looking for a job while unemployed, it is a major relief to be employed. Especially if you are working at a “good” company.

We have a tendency to relax somewhat.

As such, we go to work, day in and day out, and as we stay at the job we begin to associate our comfort at the job as a sign of our success. This is especially true if we have a raise or two in salary, and if we get along with the management. We think that we are comfortable and that comfort is a sure-fire sign of our success.

That is not true.

Not really. Indeed, that is ONLY true is your idea of success is working for someone else in comfort. Most people do not associate success with comfort. (Well, maybe those on Public Welfare might.)  Different people define success differently. I, myself, will argue that success is the complete fulfillment of your purpose in this life.

Success if the fulfillment of your God-given purpose.

This can be difficult to ascertain. We weren’t born with an instruction manual. No one told us what our purpose in life was. Indeed, aside from the major religions who associate purpose with some kind of spiritual ideal or goal, most governments define success as total conformity with the laws of the nation where you reside.

What a messed up situation.

Success 2
Other people judge success in other ways. Perhaps having an attractive wife, a caring and loving family, and being able to provide for them is a definition of success.

Now, the truth be told, you can find out what your spiritual purpose is. All you need to do is look deep inside of you and figure it out through contemplation, and prayer. You figure it out on your own. You might want to employ a hypnotist, or do some “past life regression” to help you in your quest. However, and whatever you believe, please understand that there is only one person who knows what your life purpose it.

That is you.

Is is not your boss at work. It is not your guidance counselor. It is not your psychologist or therapist. Is is not a major public personality on television. It is not someone on government and it is most certainly not your wife. There is only one person who knows what it is, and that is you.

Odds are that it has nothing to do with your work, or your job.

[25] Your success is defined by you, and you alone. It is not something that is associated with work, career, occupation, profession, salary or money in any way. The sooner that we realize this, the sooner we are able to realign the things that matter to us personally within our life.

You MUST have Passion for what you do

It doesn’t matter what industry that you are in. You could be making hooks for the fishing industry, or working at a golf course. What ever you do, you must have a passion for it.

For instance, consider those people who have started their own beer breweries, All of them, every one, have one big piece of advice they are constantly dishing out to would-be beer entrepreneurs. Don’t even think of doing it for the money. Only do it if you really, really want to brew beer for a living.

"All these folks have tales of spending their life savings on makeshift brewing equipment, traveling to a beer sampling event to find it had been canceled, having wayward distributors do nothing to sell their beer then asking for a rebate to pour it down the drain, sleeping on the floor of the brewery to brew overnight and many other confidence-bashing incidents."

It doesn’t matter if you are trying to run your own company, or if you are working in a corporate environment. You must have a passion for what you do. You absolutely must.

Find your passion.
You need to do things that matter to your personally. Once we start doing and exchanging our time for objects, it becomes a downward slope into a dark abyss. Do not permit that to happen.

I know, I know, it’s hard getting excited pouring over test spreadsheets and checking the numbers for quality control. But, the truth remains. If you do not have a passion for what you are doing, then eventually you will fail.

I used to have a dog that liked to dig. Man, this dog was a digging machine. He would dig anything up anywhere. I once left him in my mother’s back yard for a weekend. I came back and found the entire yard littered with military-style “fox holes”. It was in his nature.

I tried to break him out of the habit. I kept him indoors, and took him out on the leash. I would let him sleep in the garage. I did everything that I could do, but the first opportunity that he could dig a hole, man he would go to town. He would dig and dig and dig.

My dog has a passion for digging holes.

Yet, here I was trying to stop him. I not only did not share his passion, but I actively tried to suppress it.

Has that ever happened to you? Was there something that you really had a passion for, and others didn’t care, or tried to suppress it? It sucked didn’t it? You bet. That’s life.

[26] Stay away from people, work, industry or anyone or anything that will suppress your passions. For a man without passion is a hollow, empty shadow of a man, indeed.

Time is more important than money

You can always make more money, but you can never make more time.

We waste time constantly. I am not talking about doing things that are unproductive. Because “productivity” is a relative thing. I am specifically talking about using time doing things that are useful and significant to you personally. Time wasters such as long and boring meetings waste your work time AND your personal time.

Dilbert meeting
To some people, fishing is wasting time, as is watching soap operas. To other people, sitting on a porch carving a stick is a waste of time. Time and it’s use varies in importance from person to person. To some, sitting in a long and boring meeting is not a time waster because everything is together talking about work related issues. However, to me, I think it is a waste of time because I would rather be eating a nice sandwich and drinking an ice cold beer.

One of the most common mistakes people make is to look at the money that they make at a company and consider that the MOST important criteria in accepting a job there. They fail to take into account the time lost in commuting to and from the company. They forget to take into account the restrictions on vacation, and holiday time. They fail to take into account the requirements that place impositions on your private and personal time.

This is dangerous.

The most important thing that you have is your time. It is not the money you make. This is never clearer until when you get older.  It is by far your most precious resource. And you start to realize how spending your time doing things for other people can actually be a waste.

  • One company in Pensacola, Florida required that you work every holiday. The pay would be at the normal rate, with no holiday pay.
  • One company in Waltham, Massachusetts insisted that everyone work on Christmas. The owners were not Christian, and thus felt that any workers can only take the holidays that they recognize in their religion. The result was that you had to work during the holidays at normal pay.
  • My commute, when I first moved to Fort Wayne Indiana, was three hours to and three hours from work. This was because a new GM factory had moved to the area and no housing was available for miles.

[27] The most valuable thing that you have is time. It is not explicitly money. Never exchange your time for something that does not have value. Value can mean relationships, people, hobbies or anything that matters to you.

All that little stuff is unimportant

We often have a tendency to get so caught up in the trivial. What someone said to us. A parking space that someone else took. A cup of coffee that was cold.  A harsh email, or response to a post on the blog. It’s all just unimportant stuff. It’s all meaningless.

We need to take a good look at the world around us. Find meaning in what we do, find meaning in our friends and relationships. We need to connect with nature and see the world as it actually is, and not view it from the prism of a computer monitor.

Email Dilbert
Most delays and problems in a corporate environment are caused by people. That’s right, people are the weak chain in the schedule. Thus when an emergency comes up with an urgent to do list, it is usually the result of a failure of management. It is their problem, not yours.

One of the things wrong with many people in a corporate environment is the concept of “urgent” and “emergency”. A supervisor or manager sits on a report for three months and the project starts getting late. To correct his incompetence, he declares the situation an “emergency” and an “urgent” task that needs to be resolved.


Pissed off cat
HOUSTON, TX – AUGUST 30: A cat tries to find dry ground around an apartment complex after it was inundated with water following Hurricane Harvey on August 30, 2017 in Houston, Texas. Harvey, which made landfall north of Corpus Christi August 25, has dumped nearly 50 inches of rain in and around Houston. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Pissed off cat.
This cat has had enough! Sometimes you need to identify what is a problem and what isn’t. That is the way life is.

The only emergency that matters is if your child had a broken leg, or if you were suddenly being called to the IRS for a audit on your finances. Emergencies in a corporate environment are often artificial in origin.  It is what is caused by piss-poor management. It is not caused by the workers who are jut trying to push their projects to completion.

[28] We need to categorize things in such a way that we only CARE and are influenced by things that actually matter. True and real emergencies are exceedingly rare in a corporate environment. Do not be fooled. One person’s emergency is their and only their problem. Often it’s just a name that is laid over the incompetence of others.

There is no guidebook on how to run your life

I know, I know. There are those that say to follow the Bible and everything will be clear. Others say, follow the United States Constitution and your life would be simple with liberty and freedom. Militant Muslims insist that the Koran has all the answers, while others have other ideas.

Here is a scene from the movie Bedazzled with the devil grants this man six wishes where he can have the life of his dreams. Of course, each reality that he accepts has a catch. So, do you think it might be nice to live the life of a Colombian drug lord, maybe?

When we go into a company they will provide us a handbook on how to act and behave and what rules the company has.

Combined, a man such as myself, will end up with numerous guides that he will try to follow. For me, in fact, I followed the United States Constitution, the Constitution and laws of the state where I lived, the Bible (most especially the New Testament), and the guidebook provided by the company where I worked.

However, I noticed that even though I followed and obeyed these most brilliant of documents, that my life somehow did not match the ideal as portrayed on the main-stream media.

I saw people like Bill Clinton becoming very rich and powerful, openly flaunting both the Bible and the Constitution, without consequence. I saw people getting promoted over me who were (seriously) not nearly as smart or brilliant, but who were promoted based on their relationships with others in the company. I saw absolutely mundane people “gaming the system” and getting away with it.

Another scene from the movie Bedazzled. What life do you want to live? Do you want to be a very popular and successful man living in a New York penthouse? If that is, indeed, your dream perhaps that can manifest. You just need to put your mind to it.

The point of this is that what happens to other people are NOT your concern. We need to stop comparing ourselves with others. We need to develop our interests in ourselves and our lives selfishly.

As such, there is no “manual” that will “be the ticket” to success. Since success is an individual phenomenon, there can be no manual. There can be no guidelines. There is nothing for us to follow. We have to carve our life out on our own.

[29] Our individual success is predicated on our ability to understand our personal needs and translate that into a recipe for living among other people. As such, there will be a long period of trial and error, with the risk of many a dead end. We cannot give up on this effort. Because it is precisely this journey that defines our purpose in this life. (Remember, our reality is created by our thoughts and our purpose is colored by the life lessons we learn.)

TV is a waste of time

If you recall, time is the most important possession that you have. It is not money or any other attributes. So here, consider the various ways that we trivialize this most important of attributes. Let’s talk about the great time wasters of televisions, the internet, and games.

Granted it is a rare company that permits the employees to watch television during work hours. However, just about everyone in America turns on the television set once they get home from walk. Or at least they did. Now, that might be displaced by the internet or some other type of social media device.

Since what you do immediately after work is tied to your labor, let’s talk about it here and now. Television is a mindless device that is used to replace life.

The truth be told, as a child of the 1960’s and 1970’s, I wasted so much of my life spending 6 hours each day watching TV. Following shows that I just “had” to see, in order to “relax”. Today, I regret almost every second of it. The whole world outside was passing me by.

Television advertisment.
Advertisements during the 1960’s promoted the idea of glamor and excitement within the privacy of your own home. There, in big rich color were the passions and adventures that we all strive for. Just purchase this magical device and all your dreams can come true.

In what way did the show “Laugh In” improve my life? How did the “Flintstones”, “Mayberry RFD”, “Dragnet”, “My Three Sons”, “Star Trek” and “General Hospital” improve my life?


I know, I know, TV was an important part of the 20st century. It was important in bringing communication and news to the masses. It was important. It really was. However, you know, now today it’s terribly wasteful.

Let’s all be truthful with each other. People get biased news through it. They do so from habit, even though much better alternatives are available.

People watch terrible TV shows, and I do mean horribly terrible,  they watch nonsense to substitute for living life in a reality that does not favor them. While it,  teaches them nothing, it sucks so many hours of their lives away that they are oblivious to the damage. Overall, the people who live their lives vicariously through these artificial media  delude themselves into thinking that they don’t have time to pursue real passions in life.

Laugh In
Ah, is that Tiny Tim at the top of the heap for the 1960’s major comedy show “Laugh In”? Ah, so many hours were wasted in wasted in watching this mindless entertainment.

Let’s be honest, media such as the internet, computerized games and television encourage people to be antisocial. They cause people to hide away and cuddle with their media device. Whether it is a smart-phone, a television set, a radio or a computer, people now cuddle with the devices instead of with another person.


[30] Live life in the physical. Do not substitute the electronic for reality. What ever you see or experience in any kind of electronic media is designed to manipulate you. Do not fall for this manipulation.

Limit the use of the internet

Speaking of the television being the great time waster, let’s go next generation and talk about the ruinous internet.

Unlike TVs, the Internet is interactive and allows you to take part and become virtually social. It connects communities all over the world. It connects people together in a kind of fake reality.  Here, people can pretend to be others, and carry on as if they are experts in things that they nothing about.

The grey web offers fredom to communicate ideas and concepts.
The Internet has evolved into a mechanism that anyone can communicate their feelings, ideas, and thoughts as long as they meet the requirements of those whom control it’s access. Over the years, it has become clear that everyone has an equal voice on the Internet. Yet, the pure truth is that in “real life” most people would not give the “time of day” to many of the people that comment on the internet. They are often not worthy of our time. Thus, the need for a “grey web” was a created. It is a “safe haven” for people to communicate and disseminate ideas and concepts free of disruption and contention.

Having said all this, we need to keep in mind that the internet is even a worse time waster than the television is.

Use the internet for function and purpose. If you decide to use it for pleasure, then do so judiciously.  There are many things that are better to do in person than viewing them through the internet. May I suggest…

  • Play with your cat instead of watching cat-videos.
  • Go out with your friends and have a pizza together instead of sending pictures of pizza that you ate alone on Facebook.
  • Pay for a short-time girl and enjoy the moment in person, instead of looking at porn on the internet.

Things are always better in person. Always.

[31] The internet is more dangerous than television because it is interactive. Limit your use of it. When given a choice, opt for doing things in person instead of virtually. It is easy to become addicted to the internet as you can pretend to participate in life instead of actually doing so.

Americans view foreign cultures in a stereotypical manner

Most Americans do not deal with foreigners. Yet, increasingly, the world is a global marketplace. Sooner rather than later, many Americans will find that they are forced to deal with foreign entities, workers and staff as part of their business. I, myself was first exposed to working with Brazilians and Russians back in the late 1980’s, and all through the 1990’s I worked throughout Asia.

Chinese subway
Subway in Guangzhou. It’s pretty typical. Most subways in China are state of the art, high-tech and modern.

The world outside of America has really grown in the last four decades. There was a rising middle class, and then a rising upper-middle class. Now, many of the nations in Asia all have a kind of familiarity to each other. They look futuristic and high-tech. Yet Americans are oblivious to this. We tend to think that just because our cities hardly changed that the rest of the world hardly changed either. That is not the case at all.

Shenzhen, China as viewed from the suburb of Futian. I particularly like the synchronized building lighting that is very popular in China.

Yup, this light show is normal. It is an every-night event.

One of the things that I discovered was that Americans, and myself included, had a very two-dimensional view of non-Americans.

Perhaps it was the non-stop barrage of “Save the Children” commercials, or maybe it was the images of Brazilian children foraging for food in these enormous garbage dumps. Maybe it was the onslaught of the images of (so called) child prostitutes that seemed to be everywhere in the UK news, or maybe it was the dated library books that showed 1960’s era images of foreign nations.

In any event, the result has been that Americans have a terribly distorted idea of what the rest of the world looks like. Maybe we think it looks kind of like El Paso, or a poverty stricken section of Jamaica. In any event, it really isn’t that way at all.

Rural China. China has spent billions of dollars upgrading infrastructure and the environment. In America, the moneys that are “earmarked” towards infrastructure and repair are often wholly absorbed in crime and corruption in the forms of brides, siphoning of resources, and fraud. Not to mention, the enormous red tape and regulations that slow everything to a glacial pace. Not so in China. The money goes directly to the projects, with armed Corruption Police making sure that nothing gets siphoned away into some rich cat’s pockets.

Things are quite cheap in rural China. The government has made every effort to preserve history and heritage. Unlike the United States where Civil War statues are being bulldozed for political correctness, the Chinese preserve their history.

Every country in the world is modernizing but this does not mean that they are westernizing or Americanizing. What makes them unique does not have to satisfy your “quaint” tourist-brochure view of them. Leave ignorant stereotypes aside and have an open mind about how modern life is like in that culture.

We need to realize that the world is filled with many people who are just like us. They might speak a different language, and have slightly different cultures, but fundamentally they want to work hard, raise a family and support it. They are really not very interested in the kind of world that is portrayed in the American mainstream news.

The Western city of Shanghai, China

Next time you read some news from CNN talking about some issue… question it.

Here’s an example;

"Leave Immediately" - CNN Records Chinese Warnings Aboard Naval Flight Near Artificial Islands

Found HERE.

If this news is to be believed, then CNN was [1] provided with a seat on a top secret monitoring aircraft. [2] That they booted an NFO or two, [3] somehow managed to get clearance not only to board the plane, [4] fly in the area in question, [5] listen in on the communication, [6] tape record the conversation, but also permitted to [7] publish the communication. 

We are forced to believe that the Chinese Air Controllers spoke [8] American-style English [9] instead of Chinese, and did so in a [10] harsh tone.

All of this stretches the boundaries of credibility. Indeed, the comments on Zero Hedge just shows the disdain that people have for fake war-provocation nonsense from the main-steam American media…

The question has to be asked, why was CNN allowed on a US military aircraft in the first place? 

- Keyser

Guangzhou, China. The heart of the Southern industrial region…

[32] The world outside the United States is nothing like we have been led to believe. It benefits those in power to keep Americans dumb, manipulated and complaisant through fear. For us to be successful in our personal life, we need to see things personally, and experience them directly. We should treat all news, and anything that we do not personally experience with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Finally, next time some crappy-assed American news-media is trying to promote conflict or another war, tell them to fuck off. It doesn’t matter if it is Syria, Russia, China, or Iran. The world is not like it is portrayed by the American media. Not in the remotest.

Modern Hong Kong, China

Take your time

In the United States, I would often be berated to work at break-neck speed to meet these near-impossible (in many cases actually impossible) deadlines. Heck, a boss would promise that we could make a (mold) tool out of P3 hardened steel in three weeks. Three weeks!. That’s a 36 week project if done properly, not including billing costs, delays in getting the material and structuring the work-force.

Many times, I felt like an overheated engine that just finished a marathon race with the engine pinging while it was cooling down. To survive I was prescribed anti-stress medication. The thing is, the human body is not designed to have Adrenalin coursing through your body for months at a time. The “fight or flight” mechanism is a short time event measured in minutes or a few hours. It is not designed for sustained use.

America is a land where you NEED medication just to exist.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from living in countries that are more “easy going” it’s that they are much better in their pace of life. Brazil, Thailand and Cambodia come to my mind readily. On the other side of the coin are nations like the United States. People and countries that do everything quicker also do it worse. Take it easy and go slowly.

Enjoy every bite of food. Savor it.

You need to savor the food that you eat. Eat the food in bites and taste every morsel. Make sure that you are able to concentrate on the food, and not mindlessly chow down while you are reading the news on the internet. Make sure that you wash the food down with a good and delicious beverage, like maybe a Southern style iced tea, or maybe a nice Corona with a lime wedge. Enjoy the food. Taste the food.

Be mindful. Spend time outside. When the sky is electric blue, and the trees are lush green, take it all in.

When you walk, do it at a purposely slow pace and take in your surroundings. Take your time. relax. Spend time with your loved ones, your friends, and the environment that surrounds you. When they speak to you, listen.

Bacon, especially cooked properly is something that should be enjoyed. I myself, like to eat it alone or as part of a fine sandwich. I would suggest a nice BLT (bacon, lettuce, and tomato) on toasted bread with sweet mayonnaise. Another suggestion is a club sandwich, a turkey club is good as well. Just make sure that you have french fries and cole-slaw with it. Oh, and by the way, make sure that you have properly cold beer to wash this all down. You can’t go wrong with this winning combination.

When you work, do it at YOUR pace. Not at a pace defined by someone else. If you generate a timeline, and they tear it up and cut it in half, make sure that they (and not you) are responsible for any delays. If you know that they will not take on this responsibility, then start looking for another job. For you might be good, but you are not God.

[33] Take your time in doing any task. Go at the speed and the pace that works best for you. If you find that your pace is not suitable by your management, go elsewhere. Life is too short to change your way of doing something to fit the desires of others.

You can’t please everyone

As you get older, you start to realize that there is no way that you can please everyone. In fact, the chances are that there will be very few people that you will be able to please. Everyone will have an opinion. Everyone will have an idea of what you can do to better yourself.

Other people's ideas
Yeah, everyone has an opinion on how to live your life. They will offer helpful suggestions, and try to teach you lessons,as long as they can profit from it. Don’t believe them. No one else is walking in your shoes. No one else knows what you know and your situation. You must follow your heart and ignore the rest.

If you make a mistake, they will loudly state that you were a fool and that they would have never be put in the situation that you were in. Yeah. Right. That is one of the most common things that is heard in prisons, that the inmates never thought that they would ever go to prison. They felt that they were smarter, better or wiser than others.


You are you. You have your own experiences, and your own way of doing things. Do things your way and let the rest howl in frustration.

[34] Do what you do for your own purposes. Never try to please anyone else. Do not change your opinion for anyone else either. Be yourself or be a pale shadow of someone else’s image.

Trying to be cool is useless

Trying to be cool is something that we should outgrow in school. It is a mechanism that we use to enter various social communities. In the 1940’s, a “cool” person would eat goldfish. In the 1960’s a “cool” person would drop acid. In the 1970’s a “cool” person would wear a “choke collar”. Today, being cool” means being a metro-sexual, promoting LGBT diversity and eating guacamole on your whole-wheat bagels.



In the corporate environment, being “cool” means that you have decided to be a sheep and not a leader. You decided that you would rather join some clique or club group rather than go your own way. It means that your ego is so fragile that you would rather give up something that is fundamentally part of you to belong to a society of like-minded individuals.

You follow the rules and obey the written and unwritten laws. You are an accepted part of the work community and that is in itself… “cool”.

When you get older, you start to see the folly in all this.

Now, there is a very interesting thing that happens when you are in a corporate environment. With your ego supplanted by the corporate ideal, you need to start to do little things that scream “I am a man, I am not a number!”.


You put special pictures on your desk in specially selected frames. You might start using a colored pen, or pencils. You might purchase a desk mat that identifies your working cubicle as “yours”. You might put a pillow on your chair, or do some other kind of small rebellious action that is small but personally significant.

Whether at work, or at home, be yourself. Do so whether it is “cool” or not. many companies have an unwritten dress code that you are supposed to conform to. A cool person would obey the dress code, but have some kind of rebellious streak that might set them apart. It would be their statement of individuality.

This might mean swapping out the white buttons on a long-sleeved white shirt for colored ones. It might mean wearing sneakers instead of oxfords at work. It might mean wearing a black tie, when everyone in your department is wearing a red one.

Office Space
Corporate drones are not permitted the luxury of individuality. They are to fit their role and to operate within their narrowly defined work constraints.

If you feel the need to stand out, to act cool, then you should be made aware that something is wrong. Your ego is shouting at you that you no longer belong in the society that you are now a part of. You need to bail. You need to exit it quickly before events proceed beyond your ability to manage them.

[35] Being “cool” is something that adults grow out of. If you ever feel the need to rebel, then that need is a warning sign that you are in a situation where you do not belong. Listen to the alert. Take action.

Make mistakes – and make LOTS of them!

Dan F Gerhartz
This brilliant work holds a special meaning to me. True and real art evokes the senses and evokes emotion. So when the progressive liberals talk about the “brilliance” of Picasso, I always ask them this simple question; “What emotions do you feel when you see his work?” If they pause in their response, they are just parroting a narrative of sheep that follows the “emperor with no clothes on”. Real art evokes emotion. Anything less than that is not art.

Mistakes are how we learn.

It is well understood that a person who has made no mistakes never made anything. For all the brilliant books and stories that Ray Bradberry wrote, he wrote many, many more that did not become so popular. For all the brilliant paintings that Daniel F. Gerhartz painted, he had painted many, many more lesser works (see the work above).

Make mistakes.
Everyone makes mistakes. However some mistakes are more serious than others. Never the less, we need to forge forward and do our best regardless of the nay-sayers.

[36] Make mistakes. Keep on moving forward, never back. Do not try to live a mistake-free life. Mistakes happen to those who live life.

Stop thinking so much

You know, we all really have got to stop over-thinking so much. We really do. We all know the story about the person trying to shoot an arrow. It’s [1] Ready, [2] Aim, and [3] Fire. Yet many people don’t follow this advice. They either go…

  • Ready…. Ready…. Ready…. Ready….
  • Fire!
  • Ready… Aim…. Ready…. Aim….


I think the biggest problem that we need to overcome is the problem that we tend to over-think everything. We think this, and we think that. We wonder what others are thinking about us. We try to conduct an analysis of our particular situation. We think, and we think, and we think some more.

It tends to drive us crazy.

Stop. Just stop this nonsense. Do not over-think anything.

No Way
No Way

I personally believe that one of the causes of over-thinking things is when we spend time outside of nature. We are not getting enough fresh air. We are not walking about outside enough. We are not being near the beach, or hiking in the mountains enough. We need to reset ourselves.

We need to get out of the boxes that cause us to generate self-neuroses.

Because that is one of the aspects of over-thinking; neuroses.


[37] Stop thinking too much. To a task, and then forget it. Stop caring what other people think and what they do. Take care of yourself and spend more time outside in nature. It will help you get a handle and put some control over your thought process.

Dance and sing whenever possible

In the United States, it is culturally frowned upon to express yourself with the corporate environment. Everyone has a role within the extents of their job responsibilities. Once they leave the work environment, many can spend their free time involved in the things that matter to them. Often this is a mixture of television, the internet and household chores. Really, not too many Americans spend the time at the pub, brasserie, or KTV to dance and sing.

That is not true in other countries. In fact, it seems like everyone in Asia loves to dance and sing. Some of them are really, really good…

That is really sad.

Which is one thing that I really like about China. When I am out with the other bosses, we go out to the KTV and sing our hearts out, as well as dance the night away. Let me tell you, life is too short not to enjoy life. Stop doing what that old biddy down the street wants you to do.

Come on. Go out, get  that cigar that you have been wanting to smoke. Go ahead, ask that girl out. Don’t be afraid and eat that deep-fried Monti Crisco sandwich. If you start to worry about everything, you are living a life in fear. Sing. dance. Drink the wine with both hands and then wipe your mouth with your sleeve.

Come on, if this fella can “beat it”, so can you…

Don’t be afraid what other people think. You can dance. Heck if 95 year old men can dance to Michael Jackson, then so can you. Or maybe you disagree with me. Maybe you think that it is classy to obey those whom you work for, be afraid to show emotion, style or class.

You know, you don’t need to know how to dance to dance. In fact, you can just do jumping jacks, or hop around to the beat. Do sort of a electronic version of “The Grateful Dead” when you dance in public….

Life is too short not to enjoy it.

I took professional dancing lessons, and for a period of time in my life, dancing was a very important part of my life. Still, whenever I get a chance I get up and start to dance. You know, you do not need to be able to dance well to be able to dance. You just follow the music.

Of course, one of the secrets about dance is precision. Really good dancers just have a very good control of some very simple and basic dance moves. They just move these basic moves in a very precise manner….

Now, I cannot sing worth shit, but when there is a chance to sing some country and western music, get out of my way. I am going to sing my heart out. Seriously you all need to stop being so serious. Get a little crazy. have fun.

If you cannot sing, then fake it. Lip sync.

[38] Who cares about what you do for a living, if you are not enjoying yourself? You must be living your life to it’s fullest. Otherwise you are not living. You are existing. Don’t do that.

Do not take anything for granted.

One of the things that you learn as you get older, is that you just cannot count on anything. You just don’t know when the rug will be pulled out from under you, and you will be stranded with your dick in your hand.

Please don’t take anything for granted.

Treasure every single moment you have. If you are in a corporate environment, then know that one day you will be replaced. maybe you are too expensive, maybe your customer decided to leave, maybe someone is bad mouthing you, maybe the company owner has a son-in-law that wants your job. You don’t know. Anything can happen. All that you can control is your thoughts and how you carry yourself.

Do you best. Know that things change. Do everything you can to enjoy the life that you have at that very minute, because life can change in a New York Minute. Don’t be caught off guard. It is a fact of life.

American opportunities
Over the years, the opportunities afforded to American citizens have been evaporating at an alarming rate. We should realize that the opportunities afforded our grandparents are no longer available to our children. We should not take it as a given that there will be opportunities in America for us. Things change, and the trends are alarming.

One day you will lose those that are closest to you. One day you might lose all your possessions, your bank account might end up empty. You might lose your health, become terribly scarred or paralyzed, or even worse. Don’t think it cannot happen to you. Anything is possible in this world. yes, and the bad things can happen just as readily as well as the good things.

[39] Don’t think that the situation that you are in will last forever. Things change. So do not take life for granted. Treasure every moment. Tell those you love how you feel about them. Say nothing bad or harsh, and appreciate the world around you.

Friends and Relationships are important

If there is one thing that I have learned over the years is the importance of a network of friends. If you lived the kind of life that I have, it’s hard to make friends when you have to move to another state every year or so. Eventually you give up and you all just keep to yourselves.

Cultivate your friendships. Enjoy life with them. Spend time together and make a special point to cherish your extended relationships. Scene is from the movie “Hangover II”.

Yet the truth is that you need friends and family. You help them when they need it, and they help you out when you need it. So one of the first priorities that you need to do is establish a network of friends where ever you live. Cultivate them. This network can be associated with church, a hobby, or just random strangers. However, what ever you do, cultivate them. Do not take them for granted. Appreciate them.

[41] You NEED friends. Make friends, cultivate them. Cultivate and stay in contact with your family. No matter what happens at your corporate job, your friends will still be there for you.

Remember what friends are for…


As someone who spent most of his working life trapped with a corporate crucible, I wish to share my biases and thoughts in regards to the culture that has developed in corporate America. In short, it is important to be true to yourself and your purpose in life. If you are not careful, you will exchange your very being for some shiny baubles. So I would advise everyone to be careful.

Take Aways

  • The more hoops your jump through the get the job, the worse you will be treated.
  • Value does not equate with money.
  • You are only as valuable for what you can provide.
  • Companies operate above the law.
  • Meetings are a waste of time.
  • Everyone basically wants the same thing.
  • Don’t defer your happiness for the future.
  • You need game.
  • Efficiency is a lie.
  • Nobody cares.
  • Be practical.
  • There is no such thing as ‘Destiny”.
  • Desk Jobs will kill your creativity.
  • Avoid “Echo Chambers”.
  • Living a good life is the best way to convince people.
  • Nobody has the answer.
  • It’s fine to say “I’ve made a mistake”.
  • You are going to have to work hard.
  • More money will not solve all your problems.
  • Respect is earned.
  • The 360 Review is dangerous.
  • Responsibility should come with authority.
  • Possessions own you.
  • Do not confuse arrogance with confidence.
  • Don’t confuse comfort with success.
  • You must have passion.
  • Time is more important than money.
  • All that little stuff is unimportant.
  • There is no guidebook.
  • Television is a waste of time.
  • Limit the use of the internet.
  • Foreign nations are viewed stereotypically.
  • Take your time.
  • You cannot please everyone.
  • Trying to be cool is pointless.
  • Make mistakes.
  • Stop thinking so much.
  • Dance and sing when possible.
  • Do not take anything for granted.
  • Friends and family are important.

FAQ (For Parts 1&2)

Q: Do you think that all corporations are the same?
A: No. Not in the least. I think that there are many, many different types of companies, corporations and organizations. However, they all eventually develop their own types of individual social controls. When you work in the environments that surround these social controls you need to adapt. I suggest that the adaptation that we go though can be dangerous and limiting to our overriding purpose in life. Herein are my suggestions to assist in the survival of one’s purpose within the corporate structure.

Q: Why did you write this post in two parts?
A: I find that the trend on the internet has been to migrate posts and articles into two paragraph bite-sized chunks. People today have a short attention span. Yet my posts, by modern internet standards are enormous. Actually, this post could have been easily broken up into 40 blog posts were I to follow the culturally acceptable posting guidelines (and Googles SEO guidelines), but heck, I think higher of my readership than that. I broke it into two posts due to the size limitations on word-press (10,000 words max ). Other than that, the system crawls to a very slow pace.

Q: Were there other things that you could have added to this list?
A: Oh yes. Find love, for instance. Come in early for work, even if no one notices. Oh, and that oldie, but goodie, “Don’t piss off your boss“.

Q: Why are all your embedded videos from China?
A: I live in China, and that is what I have available to me.

You-Tube is an excellent resource, but since it is directly connected to the NSA servers (as is Google and Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr) it is banned, (The Chinese government does not want the American government to have complete files on it’s citizens.) and I would need to use a VPN to access. That’s not a big problem, getting a VPN in China is an easy enough thing to do.

But, you know, there is a bigger selection of choices in China than in the United States. It’s not because China is better, it’s simply because China is much, much, much larger than the United States in population.

In the United States you go into the grocery store, and go into the potato chip aisle.  There might be a thousand different bags, of which there are five basic types, another five odd-ball types, and three brands. In China you would have three thousand bags, 300 different types, and 500 brands. The selection in China is much larger given the size of the nation.

Posts Regarding Life and Contentment

Here are some other similar posts on this venue. If you enjoyed this post, you might like these posts as well. These posts tend to discuss growing up in America. Often, I like to compare my life in America with the society within communist China. As there are some really stark differences between the two.

Mad scientist
Gorilla Cage in the basement
Work in the 1960's
School in the 1970s
Cat Heaven
Corporate life
Corporate life - part 2
Build up your life
Grow and play - 1
Grow and play - 2
Baby's got back
A womanly vanity
The Warning Signs
Army and Navy Store
Playground Comparisons
Excuses that we use that keep us enslaved.

More Posts about Life

I have broken apart some other posts. They can best be classified about ones actions as they contribute to happiness and life. They are a little different, in subtle ways.

Being older
Civil War
Bronco Billy
r/K selection theory
How they get away with it
Line in the sand
A second passport
Paper Airplanes
Taxiation without representation.
Make America Great Again.
1960's and 1970's link
Democracy Lessons

Stories that Inspired Me

Here are reprints in full text of stories that inspired me, but that are nearly impossible to find in China. I place them here as sort of a personal library that I can use for inspiration. The reader is welcome to come and enjoy a read or two as well.


Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
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  1. Began writing and composition 9AUG18.
  2. Content completed 12AUG18.
  3. SEO review 13 AUG18.
  4. Publish 13AUG18.

Life Lessons from Working within the Corporate Dream (Part 1)

You know, many of us work for a living. As such, if you have a university degree, the chances are that you migrated to a corporate job in a corporate environment. You probably received a decent salary, a nice (if bland and sterile) working environment, and considered yourself well on the way towards corporate greatness in a solid career.

It’s a nice fantasy. It’s all a big lie.

Most Americans waste their lives working in this environment. They get up and go to work. They deal with traffic, an uncaring boss, and suffer through the various rules that HR implements. They endure mindless and mind-numbing meetings, answer a pile of round-and-round email trains, and fill out form after form.

That’s not a life worth living.

A life worth living is one with purpose, direction, participation and fulfillment. Within the now-popular “corporate model” we have the worst elements of 1920’s-style progressive social-engineering intermixed with 1980’s-austerity. It is a most horrible mixture. Couple that with modern surveillance technology, unified HR standards, and the sterile ideal, you have a nightmare on your hands.

Here are some thoughts on corporate life, particularly American corporate life, now that I moved on elsewhere. These thoughts are just general ramblings, and the reader should not get too offended by them. We are all different.

Those of you who own your own companies and who set them up can ignore this post. This is not written for you. This is written precisely for the people who have to work in the “corporate” environment. One that often springs up out of the model you created.

This is a Two-Part Post

This is the first of a two part post. To see the second part, please kindly go HERE.

Anyways, for starters…

The more hoops you jump through to get the job, the worse you will be treated.

To start, I would like to make this astute observation. The companies that treated me the worst during the interview process, also treated me terribly at work as an employee.

Now, I am not talking about the inconvenience of waiting an hour in the lobby, or having to park at the end of a very large parking lot. No. I am talking about a structured interview process that treats you as a commodity instead of a person.

Corporate board
The hiring process in a corporate environment is oven a laborious affair. The candidate must perform and go through many test, hoops and interviews.

These were the companies that gave me ten face-to-face interviews; a marathon interview day, made me take written exams, and required a peer assessment. They all uniformly treated me poorly when they employed me. Do you really need to interview with ten people to be assessed properly? I mean it. Interviewing by committee can be terribly limiting.

The more you need to do to get hired, the worse you will be treated when hired.

I well remember one interview. I arrived at eight in the morning. After HR gave me some documents to fill out and sign, I was whisked off to go through my rounds of interviews. I had fifteen minutes to interview a person, followed by another one, and then another one, and then another one. That day I had been interviewed by ten people before lunch.

Then, I was given a break where I could eat a sandwich and a coke that they gave me, followed by a continuation of another six interviews, a timed test, and a presentation that I had to make in front of some committee. Then, finally, I was scheduled to meet the person who I was supposed to work for, only to find that he was out, and I would have to come back at a later date.

You are often treated as your perceived value is worth.

You should never equate that relief in finally passing battery after battery of tests to be the same as an appreciation of your value. It isn’t. Instead it is an indicator that the company is far too bureaucratic and too lacking in common decently to treat anyone like a human. We are not machines, pets, or clothing articles at Target. We are unique.

Smaller companies, or even large ones, with a single interview made by the lone person who makes the hiring decision will be the one that will treat you decently.

[1] If you must work for a company, make sure that you report to only one person. Be wary of hiring by committee. Be wary of any company that needs to test, evaluate, or investigate you.

Value does not equate with money.

We are often under the impression that if a company pays us a decent chunk of money, that they value us. This is false. Your value comes from what you can do towards the team that you work with. It does not come from a HR policy or budget analysis made by accounting.

Once we learn to separate value from money our life becomes simpler.

dollar value
When we trade our time and skills for money, we place an “apparent” value on it. Our goal is to keep the value as high as possible over time.

I once had an employee who was stealing from the company. Over a two year period of time he stole a sizable chunk of money right from under our noses. He thought that stealing the money from the company made him richer. In the short term, perhaps it did…

But, do not look at it that way.

Instead of stealing money, he stole someone else’s value. His value did not increase by taking away the value of someone else. It only appeared to be the case.

Once we let him go, his value on the job market was severely handicapped. By trying to reduce the value of others, he ended up reducing his own value and worth.

For us to be happy, we need to separate out “money” and replace it with “value”. Is having a two hour commute with a $150,000/year salary as good as a five minute commute and a $75,000/year salary? Is being expected to be on call 24-7 as good as being able to take a half of day off to see your son play in the local game?

[2] Never, ever, make decisions only on money. The most valuable thing you possess is time. Do not squander it for pieces of paper. Do not confuse your value with a paycheck. They are not the same.

You are only valuable for what you can provide.

Speaking of value…

If you cannot provide a value for your role, then you are useless to the company. Why pay a boy to mow your lawn if you don’t have one? Why buy that great deal on dog food when you don’t have a dog? If you cannot help the company, then there is no need for you to be employed.

In the “old days” employees without an active project would be put on “overhead” to keep them employed until a new contract came through. In those days, it was considered important to keep “knowledge” workers around for the next big project. Not so today. If the work is over, then you are out the door.

This big march to remove employees once their direct usefulness is over was led by Kodak back in the 1980’s. They got rid of most of their knowledge workers and started to rely on cycles of employees that they would hire and fire to meet the market swings…

…perhaps that is why many people today are unaware of how big that company used to be.

Broken Door
To better appreciate the corporate work environment, we need to scale it down to a manageable size. Imagine that you would hire someone to fix your broken front door. Would you keep him employed once he finishes repairing the door? No, of course not.

Think of a guy that you want to fix your broken front door. You look in the classified and you find a guy to do it. You tell him what needs to be done. You watch him fix the door and then you pay him and he leaves. There is no need for him to stick around. Your door is fixed. Nothing else needs to be repaired.

Corporate life is like that too.

The truth is that today, in many a corporate environment, you would be sacked faster than a soggy Doritos chip if you couldn’t contribute to the company bottom line.

Nobody wants to eat a soggy Doritos chip. Though, I would if it was part of a taco salad. I would also eat them if they were in a nice bowl of chili. In fact, I think that I would eat them if I was drinking a frosty cold beer. Now that I think of it, I am not corporate, so of course I would eat Doritos chips. However, soggy Doritos would not go over well in the corporate environment.

You are only as valuable as long as you can produce something.  In fact, the rarer of what you provide is, the more valuable you are. This is certainly more applicable for many other fields in life, personal relations, friendships and yes, girls as well.

Your value is tied to what you can produce.

[3] Remember, that our value is what we can produce or the benefit that we can provide to others. Never forget that. If we cause more problems than the benefits we give, then our relationship(s) will end. This is true with both companies and with relationships.

Companies often operate above the law

Many do, but not all.

Do you think that Facebook is playing by the laws? Do you think that Exxon, Kerr-McGee, and Google are? What about the biggest company in your city? How is it that corporations always seem to get away with things?

Big Business.
American corporations have become enormous entities often dwarfing small nations. They can align themselves with other corporations and work together for their combined mutual profit. Often times this is done in deference to the “little guy”.

This is true. Here are three examples;

  1. Don’t follow the law. When I worked at (name deleted) in Boston, they paid me once a month. Yet the law stated otherwise. The law stated that they must pay bi-weekly. When I confronted the HR about this, they were not happy. They said that they would take it under consideration. They made the necessary arrangements and I was fired two weeks later. Naturally, I went to the State government in Boston to resolve the matter. They told me that I was correct, and the company did wrong by firing me. Yet no action was taken either way.
  2. NDA’s are used to keep let-go employees complaisant. One of the things that White Collar professionals sign are NDA agreements. A NDA is a document that restricts the disclosure of confidential information. That is why it is called a Non-Disclosure Agreement. These agreements make it difficult to work at another company or find further work if the company decides to black list you. When it is time to be laid-off or let go, the company will use the NDA and tell you that if you sign it, and not contest their actions, that they will allow the State Government to give you unemployment benefits. This is a very common thing and every company from California to Massachusetts does this.
  3. Patent transfer is a joke. Under the law, if you work on a patent, you get title to the patent, even if you do so under the roof of a company. To get around this, the companies make you sign a “transfer of patent rights” form. The transfer is not complete unless they give you a one dollar amount to show that there was a monetary transfer that took place. Truth be told, I have yet to ever see any individual financial compensation at all from any of my patents.


Now, the reader should not get confused. I am not particularly bad-mouthing any one company. However, we should all be made aware that organizations that have many employees, operate in the millions of dollars and who pay into the State Revenue banks, have capabilities that are larger than what any one of us has individually. We should be aware of this. We should accept this. As it is a fact of life.

[4] We all have a place on the food chain. It’s not fair. It operates within it’s own set of rules and laws, and is separate from us. We need perspective, and we need to keep that in mind.

Meetings typically are a waste of time

One truth is that meetings often are poorly planned and often poorly executed. Meetings between key players in a given project is very important and necessary. For business is based on people relationships and interactions. However, the weekly meetings, and odd-ball meetings that seem to include everyone are often a waste of time that adds to the inefficiency of a given organization.

Meetings should be kept at a minimum, and replaced with face-on-face individual communication.

Boring Meeting
It’s a typical scene and well known in corporate environments. Businessman speaking before inattentive colleagues at meeting.

In short, learn this. Meetings are a waste of time. Always. Nothing good has ever come out of them, really. Most people aren’t listening, and the ones talking are far away from reality.

[5] Get into the habit of talking to people one on one. Stop having meetings. Talk to people personally, face to face. When you do, give them every attention. Business relationships are based on people. They are not based on spreadsheets and reports.


Everyone everywhere basically wants the same thing

While we all come from different backgrounds and different interests, we are human with basic human needs. We want to be productive. We want to perform a good day’s labor. We want to be appreciated fro our contribution. We want to provide for our families. We want to have some down time to play.

The problem comes in when we go corporate. There, we fit into a role. We become a cog in a machine with other cogs. We all become the same color, the same size, and the same image. When we go corporate, we start to separate our work-life from our personal-life.

That is a great danger.

A nice PPT slide from IBM that captures the significance of this statement. By now, everyone pretty much realizes the importance of a life-work balance. The big problem is that is is difficult to integrate into a traditional corporate business environment.

For a truly happy man is one who can merge his industrious pursuits with that of his interests and family. We become whole. Work and labor is what we do. No one questions it. We work, and then we provide for our family. It is the traditional, time honored, family model that has held up for at least 10,000 years.

When we separate work and labor from family and happiness, we dilute what we can give.  We give eight hours to the company. We give four hours to ourselves in prep for the company. The balance is split up between family and survival needs. This model is different from the traditional model.

We can’t give 100% of what we have. We end up in this grey area, this grey zone of not good enough.

The key to success in the corporate world is to be who you are totally. Do this whether you are in a corporate work environment, or if you are running your own company. Do not fall into the trap of segmenting yourself into various roles. In doing so , you dilute who you are.

[6] Do not dilute yourself. When we start separating ourselves into small specialized pieces, we dilute the whole. Don’t do that. Be true to who we are. Give and devote ourselves 100% of who we are.

Deferring your happiness to the future is a terrible idea

I have seen this time and again. In fact, even I have done this myself. I would accept a job “for now” to achieve some monetary gain or advantage, so that later I could… do something else.

Group meeting.
When there is an important announcement at your company, does it look something a little like this? Well, if it does, then like it or not, you are in a corporate bubble. If you are not careful, you will have difficulty leaving it. Be careful.

Indeed, this is a terrible truth. Too many people assume that when they have that one thing they can work towards for years then “everything will be alright”. Indeed, there will come a time when you will take up a job just for the money and nothing else.

This is delusional. It is nonsense. It is bullshit.

I think this comes from our educational system. You go to Elementary School to strive to go to High School. You go through High School to go to College or University. You go through University to “Get a Good Job”.

There isn’t an alternative.

After some 14 to 16 years or more of this mind-set it becomes ingrained within your very being. By the time you hit your early productive years, you are firmly fixated in a goal-oriented life. This runs in direct opposition to an integrated life.

Unless you have no money, and no savings and you need money RIGHT THEN and NOW, don’t do it. We are not one-dimensional cardboard cutouts. Our life is colorful and dynamic with many, many aspects to it. We cannot take a part of it and set it aside while we nurture other aspects of  our life. We just cannot.

When you finally get it, they’ll be something else missing in your life.

We need to think of ourselves as a unified whole. We need to think of balance and happiness. Instead of pulling a piece here and then working on it, and then pulling out a piece there and then working on it.

Really, that is crazy. I fundamentally believe that long-term pure happiness comes being content with what we have, live in the now, all while enjoying the progress and changes we are making.

Motivational saying on life.
There is more to life that going to the “next step”. You weren’t born to just pay bills and die. You are a purpose. You are a role. You were granted with who you are. Do not let and allow others to bleach it out from you. Be who you have been meant to be.

Instead of working for a decade to eventually get a vacation in Florida, how about packing up and moving there? Instead of saving and saving for a nice Lamborghini, how about getting a job in a Lamborghini store as a salesperson? Instead of wanting to go out and date that buxom blonde in the office, how about going up and asking her out for coffee?

[7] We need to change the mindset ingrained in us by the educational system. We all need to stop deferring our happiness.

You need game 

If you really want to make it in the business world, whether it is a corporate environment, or your own “shoe-string” business, you will need “game”. You will need to “up your game”. You will need to push and strive to be better than your peers or anyone else.

Success does not favor the average or the bland, and mundane. Success favors the unique and exceptional.

Barry White
Consider Barry White. Many people today haven’t heard of this man. Yet he was a true man, full of confidence, and “game”. Perhaps we all need to tear a page out of the Berry White playbook and emulate him.

We know this. We know that we need to fight to get a job at a company when there are a thousand applicants that we must fight against. We know that we need to be the best. However, what usually happens is that we stop once we have achieved our goal.

Yeah. That’s what happens. Usually, we just stop when we reach our goal. This is because a goal-oriented mindset is one with objectives.

Don’t let that be you.

We must keep on striving to be the best at whatever we do. We need to be the best and stay at it, even when our goals have been obtained. Instead of a goal, we should strive continuously. If we achieve various achievements, good for us. But, that won’t stop us. Instead we will keep on going on.

By having and maintaining “game” we will obtain confidence in the process. Confidence is a powerful tool that can open many doors. Unsurprisingly, people in positions of power often have a great deal of confidence; this means that they can easily recognize when confidence is genuine and when it is posed.

This same advice applies to girls; you are far better off being genuinely confident, thus projecting a natural vibe of superiority that no faking can attain.

[8] Do your best. Smile. Be confident. Be you, and be the best YOU that you can achieve.

Efficiency is a lie

The more efficient you are at your work, the more you will be burdened with it. You work hard, your supervisor will give you more to do. When someone sees you taking a break, they will give you more work to fill in the “gap” in workload.

To many people, a lack of busy-work is a sign of inefficiency. To them, the cure for inefficiency is more work, more responsibilities, and more tasks.

Additionally, there will be others that will try their best to convince you that you are not doing your best, that you are not giving your best to the company, and that you could do better. Is it really the truth, or is it something that they say to get you to alter and change your behavior?

Water test in Japan
Dr. Masaru conducted a very famous test on the power of thought. He placed written words on jars of water. He then placed them all together in an isolated room. The only difference from any of the jars is the words written on the jars. He then, after a period of time, tested the water , froze it, and took photographs of the results. The jars with the negative and hurtful words created the worst shaped crystals, while those with the nicest words had the best shaped crystals. The only difference between the crystals are the thoughts associated with the words on the jars. Since humans are mostly composed of water, what do you think a critical work environment would do to the human body? What about the words “You are not good enough”?

Forget what others say. Remember that they are not with you 24-7, nor do they know your past and your day to day interactions. No one knows your life better than you do.

So, let’s break this down. Only one to two situations come into play;

  1. They are right, and you are not giving your best.
  2. They are wrong, and you are doing your best.

Depending on the situation, the following is what will happen in a corporate environment.

If you are not giving your best, you risk losing your job. Therefore, you need to up your game and improve. What this means is that you must improve, AND also look like you are improving. That is where corporate politics come into play. It can get uncomfortable.
If you are doing your best, then the perception is out of alignment with reality. You could risk losing your job. Even if you exceed your current known abilities, then you will still need to fight the political battles that will rage around you. In any event things will get uncomfortable.

Thus, this is a catch-22 and a no-win situation. Being in these situations are the bane of the corporate environment.

[9] When the world around you complains, forge on anyways. Listen to what others say under advisement. Remember that your “best” will change from day to day. No one aside from yourself will know what your peak efficiency is. So forge on…

Nobody Cares

I hate to break this to you, the reader. But you know what? Nobody cares about your individual progress in the corporate world. All that matters is what you contribute to the company.

Most of the smiles you get are fake. Most of the platitudes are empty ones.


We must realize that unless you are close to a person… close enough to get shit-faced drunk with them… when your guards are down… and there both of you have to trust each other…

Otherwise, it’s all a lie.

Which is why in China, business meetings are conducted in such a way that “face” is maintained and large quantities of heavy alcohol is consumed in enormous quantities. Business, real productive business, is conducted when the interpersonal barriers are down and weak. My father once told me a saying that his grandfather taught him’ “Never trust a teetotaler.”.


Shared strife… shared experiences… shared understandings… can break down walls and build long lasting friendships. When we try to go corporate, and when we try to be good, we lose the importance of rough-house bonding.

If you don’t have shared experiences, the chances are that you don’t have anything.

[10] We can only trust those whom we have shared events and deeply bonded with. Other than that, it’s all just a facade, a “white wash”, and nonsense.

Be practical.

People seem to have a strange concept of how luck works. I think maybe this is due to the local lottery and the news media announcing yet another multi-million dollar winner. We watch television shows where people are living in mansions, and driving around in expensive cars. Do you remember the television show “Miami Vice”? How can two cops get to drive around in all those expensive cars, live in all those mansions, and meet all those hot chicks?

Hollywood is the great lie.


People seem to think that somehow that their luck will come because “they deserve it”. They want to believe that one day things will eventually fall into place for them. In other words, you are “due” to win the lottery or you will get swept away by prince charming any day now. “You deserve it” (as if others don’t).

This is terrible misunderstanding of how the world actually works.

Do not wait around for luck to materialize. You must put things in place for things to happen. You MUST put things in PLACE for your dreams to manifest.

Don't misunderstand, there are cycles in this world that we live in and a reality that has aspects of auspiciousness, and unfavorable climates. Never the less, nothing is going to manifest unless we plan and do things about it.

Do you want the pretty girls to smile back when you open the door for them? Lose ten pounds, and practice making the happiest and biggest smile that you can think of. Dress well. Have a nice hair style. Be clean…

…opportunities will manifest.

Do you want to get a raise at work? Then play the political game, work harder than everyone else, and be friends with your boss. Start taking credit where credit is do, and come in earliest and leave late. Play the game…

…opportunities will manifest.

sandwich and palm trees.
Instead of spending time dreaming a a fine sandwich and beer, maybe we should get up off the chair and go make it happen. It’s not that hard to do. However our level of comfort is what often prevents us from doing things.

Do you want to have a turkey sandwich and a ice cold beer while watching the sun set over an ocean, then you need to set yourself up so that materializes. We have the ability to physically manifest change in our life. Go to a store, buy the ingredients. Get some beer and put it in the freezer. Then make it all up and go out to the beach. Don’t put it off… Oh, and by the way, ask that pretty girl that you have been thinking of to join you. I’d bet she’d love it.

[11] Be the master of  your life. Do not rely on fate to control your life.

There is no such thing as “Destiny”

In the corporate world, you are expected to accept things as they are presented to you, while in your private world you act within the terms that you have grown accustomed to. Both are lies.

We exist within this reality with the POWER to change it. Never forget that basic fact.

While it is nice to change and cycle through the MWI using external technology, it really isn't all that necessary on a personal level. We have the inherent ability to do so naturally.

We live within a preset and pre-programmed reality. We do not like to believe in fate, and destiny and other “superstitions”. Yet there is some truth to our existence. There is some purpose. There is a reason why YOU are reading this.

As such, we need to accept the fact that while things appear to be fated, pre-ordained, or just destined. That is not the case. We have the ability to make changes to our reality.

Desk work
Is the life that you live within your company the life that you really thought that you would get after university? Is this the ideal? Do you live for the paychecks, or are the paychecks something that supports your lifestyle. If there is any discomfort in your life, then you do need to change it.

In short, the life you live is like a highway. You are placed in the middle of it, and cars come and go. You can obey the signs and follow the highway. That is the easy way to live your life. However, it is not destined.

I suggest that you do not ride the life that is laid before you. You can change it.

You can drive fast or slow. You can change lanes. You can ride on the curb. You can stop, and even go into reverse, if you wanted to. Heck, you can even go off road, for the “bumpy” experience.


So there is no such thing as destiny. There are only your thoughts and your desires. I suggest that you start following them…

The first step in changing things is to change our thoughts. The second step is to change our actions. The third step is to change our habits.

By making these changes we can change our life.

Your limitations are not set by who you know, where you were born, what genes you have, how much money you have, how old you are right now, what you did before or other things that you can claim are your stamp of failure for life. If you are determined enough, there can be opportunities in life that are totally achievable with minimal cash, regardless of who you are.

[12] We can control our reality to obtain advantage in our life.

Caretaker cottage.
Groundskeeper cottage. I found this wonderful image on tumblr. Image that you would work on a huge estate, and you would be provided with this cute little, tight home to live in. How cozy. So I wonder, what’s stopping you? Why not live in a house, or a place, at a job, with a family that you determine? Why do we always seem stuck with the life that those around us decide for us? Why is it? It doesn’t have to be that way.

Desk Jobs will kill your creativity

I’ll bet that you, the reader, were all full of ideas, spunk and optimism when you graduated from university. Weren’t you? Well, what happened? Where are they now? What killed them off?

Office working environment
Here is a still from the genius movie “Joe vs the volcano” starring Tom Hanks. It accurately portrayed the plight of many an office worker who toils in a terrible office work environment, and drinking coffee that is best described as “lumpy”. Not to mention those energy-saving piss-poor lights that serve to illuminate most of our productive hours.

Was it your friends? Your family? The grocer down the street? Your barber? Or, better yet, was it your workplace, and your boss? Has your boss or any of your supervisors ever given you any hope and cheering on for your dreams? Have they? For if they have, then you are a rare and lucky person, indeed.

There is nothing so absolutely mind-numbing than working in a sterile neutral-color cubicle under fluorescent artificial lighting that will sap the life and drain the energy out from you.

Poor lighting
Any company that will not install natural lighting in a place that you will work for eight hours a day, just to save a few pennies, is not a company that cares about your well being. Humans are creatures that need, yes need, a healthy environment to work. It amazes me that they will ban smoking and install various dress codes, but they will refuse to install natural lighting for the employees.

Unless you are thriving in this now-standard working environment, you will need to seriously reconsider the career choices that you have made. Or, at least, reconsider your work place environment.

[13] Take seriously the environment that surrounds you. Know that it will affect your thoughts and actions. This influence is dangerous as it can influence your life for better or for worse.

Motivational saying.
Never change your originality for the sake of others. This is because no one can play your role better than you. So be yourself and be your best.

Avoid “Echo Chambers”

An “echo chamber” is a place, a group of friends, a work environment, a series of websites, a news media that all says the same thing. By staying within that “echo chamber” you get the FALSE impression that everyone around you thinks like you do.

That is false.

Even within an “echo chamber”, your mind will think and operate quite differently from those around you.

We all know examples of “Echo Chambers”.

  • The main-stream American press.
  • College universities.
  • HR polices in a corporate environment.
  • An NFL football team.
  • The BLM membership.
  • The Liberal Narrative
  • The Conservative Narrative
As much as I tend to believe strongly in traditional conservative values, I find that if you completely close your mind to only those outlets you get a distorted view of reality. I'm not bad-mouthing conservative values and principles. However, we need to understand that many times what we want to hear is repackaged to us as an echo chamber.

This hasn't been so obvious as when I moved to China.

I was expecting enormous crowds. Well, I saw that. I was expecting a kind of dingy world. Well, indeed there are some pretty ugly areas. I was expecting ancient and ruinous infrastructure, millions of blue clad workers riding bicycles, a police and military force everywhere, and hordes of poverty ridden poor from the countryside clamoring to be led into the mega-cities. NOT FUCKING TRUE.

It's not even remotely true.

I was expecting a scene from a "Save the Children" commercial, and instead what I experienced was a futuristic Tokyo. 

Trust me. You need to get out of whatever echo chamber you are in now, and look around you. It's a new world, with new rules. Not just in the corporate world, but in life as well. Realize it. learn from it. Get out of the echo chamber. Go out and see for yourself.

You will discover that many of the people are just repeating what they have read and heard from others. Others who have been repeating what they, in turn, have read and heard. From others who are repeating what they have read and heard.

Modern China…

Modern China…

We have to be careful… always. Today in our digital age, it is so easy to be led into a “echo chamber”. Those on university campuses today have a terribly distorted view of what America is like. heck, many of them cannot even name one Right listed in the Bill of Rights. They think that everyone outside of their city is a racist bigot. What amazing ignorance.

Do not fall into the “echo chamber” trap.

What happens is that when you meet someone with a very different belief system to yours, it’s better to get along than to try to “convert” them. This is as true for how the world works as it is for anything else. We tend to want to be part of the herd. We do not want to stand out, or be ostracized. We want to belong.

Echo chamber
The social media in America is one huge “echo chamber” that is dominated with progressive liberal socialists. They have made it so that anything other than what they want to hear is withheld. They offer all kinds of excuses, usually the same tired old lame excuses… hate, deplorable, racist, bigot…etc. Yet, the fact is that this is exactly against what America stood and stands for… the freedom to say your peace. Don’t live in the echo chamber.

When someone is sure about something and has believed it for many many years, then you cannot convince them with a few cleverly picked words.  We tend to call this person a “close minded” person. But, yet is it really that way? Maybe it’s us that is the close minded one. Indeed, maybe it’s important to acknowledge that maybe we are actually the wrong one in this case.

The world is much more fun with people of varying interests and beliefs.

Spending time exclusively with people who agree with you on everything would never challenge you or allow you to learn so much more. We need challenge. We need exposure to different things. We need to be with others who are different, who are colorful, who have ability, and who are themselves.

The problem with the corporate environment is that conformity is policed. When you reach the boundaries of conformity and step outside them, you will be considered to be undesirable, and termination is only a short and brief paycheck away.

I once had a friend who lived in North Carolina. He told me that the key to happiness is to be unique on your own terms, but hide it from everyone else. You must conform, and not make waves, but in the privacy of your house and your life, you can live the life on your terms.

Now that I am older, I can see some benefit in his advice. Yet, I do not wholly convinced to agree with him. I say, instead, that a real man is himself no matter what and pretends for no one.

[14] Expose yourself to as many different things as possible. Go outside your “echo chamber”. Never take anything said by anyone at face value. Get multiple sources, and make sure they are isolated from each other. Beware of the corporate one-company is one-mind trap.

As an aside, it is well known that you do not want a person who has worked some twenty years in a singular role within a large company. They tend to be too inflexible and too rigid in their thinking process. I wonder why that is?

Living a good life is the best way possible to convince people

Have you ever spent time and time again, just arguing with people? They have their view, and you have yours. They don’t want to hear your view, for some reason. You do not want to hear theirs. You and they are both in a dead lock.

So what?

Enough with the words and enough with the arguing. Just live by example and soon you’ll have people on your side when they see your results. Over time they will come around. They will see your passion, and your earnest belief in who you are.

They will find that their assumptions about you, who you are, the life you live, and your values are not what they thought. They will come around. Don’t argue with them. Show them.


There is no longer a need to convince them of anything. You just be who you are and show them. Eventually they will see that you weren’t so crazy after all.

Now, in the corporate world, there is only one answer. That is the answer that your boss tells you it is. Nothing else matters. Which is, when you think about it, terribly limiting. In China there is a saying…

There are many ways to get to Beijing.

Which of course, means that you can eventually make it to your objective. You need to select the way that is the best one. For some, the quickest and most expensive, might be the best method. For others, the cheap and slow might be best. So, whether you fly, walk, hitch-hike, take a train, or ride a donkey, eventually you will make it to Beijing.

The problem with the corporate culture is that all these various answers and solutions can be withheld from you. Unless you are in the vaulted decision-making process to make these decisions, you will start to rely on the decisions of others. And, that my friends, is a great trap. Be careful.

[15] You need to start living your life on your terms. As such, your success will speak for itself. There will not be any question that you were doing something right. Though others might chalk it up to luck or fate, they will invariably be wrong.

Nobody has the Answer

We have grown accustomed, through school, through society, through the news media, and through the legions of statists, that there is a “perfect” truth. That there is a perfect reality and singular solution. We mistakenly follow them through our 16 years of educational schooling. We are constantly searching for the ideal mate. We are constantly searching for the ideal job. We are constantly searching for the “secrets of the universe”.

It’s all a big lie.

There is no singular answer. No, let me be the first to crush this fantasy; the NWO, one global government is not going to be the solution to all the world’s ill’s. Nope. No way. No how. I know… just, listen I know. I mean I really, REALLY know.

There is no universal truth, at least nothing that we would recognize as such. There are, instead, relative truths that vary from observer to observer. This is quantum mechanics at it’s primeval level.

You have to get a grasp on the reality you live is yours and yours alone. It is not a shared reality. No matter how real that appears to you now.

Stop comparing yourself to others. They look richer. They seem happier. They appear to be smarter. They seem to have more fun. They seem to have all the luck. It’s all illusion. Almost everyone has problems and puts on a brave face in spite of it

Everyone is living their reality. They are living their life, and within that life are collapsed dreams, hardship, hurt, terror, worry, sadness and sacrifice. They all had it. Not only you. Never casually dismiss them as being more fortunate than you are. You do not know their story. So stop comparing yourself.

Which brings me around to the corporate environment. The business and corporate environment is one that that mandates appearance. Some companies permit you to put a picture or two on your desk. Some are even so bold as to allow you a potted plant and a different colored pen to use from time to time. Corporate workers are expected to be drones that work in a state of bland sameness.

Be careful.
We need to be careful of a set cultural, societal, or corporate environment. They expect followers to act as drones for the collective good. Often they will discard you when you are no longer useful, or even worse, they could demand that you do dangerous things for the good of the company. Be careful.

Over time, this attitude affects us. We start to believe it. We spend all day with our coworkers and believe that we are all the same. Then we go home and see the life as portrayed on the television, the internet and the movies. We yearn for that excitement and that closeness. But it’s a fiction. Everything outside of your personal experience is a fiction.

Nothing exists until you PERSONALLY experience it.

[16] There is no singular answer or solution. All there is is an “answer” for YOU and the reality that you live.

It is fine to say “I made a mistake”

We have grown up over the years to be ashamed of making mistakes. Our school would punish us for making mistakes. Our parents would punish us for making mistakes. Indeed, our spouses would punish us for making mistakes.

Hey! Here’s a news flash for you. You are an adult. You are not a child.

You are an adult. You are not a child.

Making mistakes is how we grow. You learn through mistakes. What do you think Hillary Clinton will do next time she wants to set up a hidden secretive computer server to suck up Top Secret emails to give to Pakistan? I’ll bet you that she would do things much differently. Next time, oh at the rate AG Sessions is going yeah there will be a next time, it will be more secretive, better guarded and better protected.

HIllary Clinton.
Lock her up by Ben Garrison at Grr Graphics. All credit to the artist. Hillary Clinton sure has managed to get away with a lot. This is a characteristic of a third world banana republic. It is not the characteristic of a functioning Republic.

A true and real person is not afraid to say that they made a mistake. You don’t even need to justify it. You don’t have to come up with reasons. All you need to say, is that you understand that you made a mistake and that you are putting systems in place to prevent that mistake from happening again.

If the other(s), whomever they are, do  not accept that, then they can FUCK themselves. Seriously,  in business or in your family, you must be a man. You set the standards that you live by. No one else does. Be a man, or be a child. There is no in between.

[17] Be honest with yourself, with those around you, and with your loved ones. You are no longer a child that has to lie and make up falsehoods to avoid confrontation.


At some point you are going to need to work very hard.

I have got to say, after years and years of working hard, finally I was eventually able to secure some senior level positions. Now, let it be told, that although having an senior position is a fantastic way to earn a living, it is really hard work.

Don’t buy into that Hollywood lie. You don’t get into management by drinking coffee at the local restaurant. You cannot automatically drive a Lamborghini by being a police officer, and you won’t become a billionaire by writing some code. The route to success is often paved with hard work.

And… sacrifice.

And… pain with misery.

I do not mean to scare the Dejesus out of anyone, but I really do want to make a point. You need to plan, and devote your time to doing and performing useful labors. Often you will not see any results. Or maybe what you are doing won’t pay for your rent and you will need to do something that you don’t like.

That’s just the way life is. That is the story of your reality.

[18] If you want something, you will need to put in the time to get it. You will have to think about it. You will need to imagine it, and you will need to do real physical work to cause it to manifest.

More money will NEVER solve your problems

Somehow, in America, many people believe that only if they had more money all their problems would go away…

Nope. It doesn’t work that way. Instead, more problems will materialize. Not only that, but the problems will balloon to a level that you are unaccustomed to. The size of the money you have is exponentially proportional to the problems associated with it.

Now, I am not advocating poverty. However, I have to say that many of the things… the baubles and the latest iPhone, and that nice car are not germane to your happiness. Personally, I have done a lot of thinking, and my fondest memories, the ones that I treasure the most, occurred when I really didn’t have much in the way of money.

In fact, what I had at that period in my life was TIME and COMPANIONSHIP.

Spend time, meaningful and precious time, with those you love. Make your time quality time. Buy an ice cream cone with your retired father. Take you mother out of a morning breakfast. Call up one of your friends and go to the beach or hike in a local park. Spend time together.

As long as you are not living in the street or going hungry, then you do not “need” more money. When you spend enough time with people who are actually living on next to nothing, but having a full life, then you will truly understand this. Everything that is wonderful about life doesn’t cost a penny, and the rest is way cheaper than you think it is.

[19] Think about the people that surround you. Think about spending time with them. Take your mind off the need to make money to purchase things. Concentrate on relationships and spending time with those you love. Remember, you can always make more money, but you can never make more time.

Respect is earned, not demanded.

Work is mostly a meritocracy.

Yes there are exceptions, and the higher up you get, the sillier and strange the effects manifest. However, in general, the more you work, the more skills you acquire. The more “war stories” you can elaborate on, and the more money that you can command.

Holding an executive position has levels of respect and even reverence that are intrinsic to it. I am often looked after and praised. But much like in the military you salute the rank and not the man. In the corporate world often time it is very much like this—people care about the position you hold instead of you.

Nothing is truer than in China. Where I am giving a “God Like” status as a vaulted Boss.

Never the less, one false move and you could lose all that respect in a heart-beat. Status and respect, especially in China, is tied to the concept of “Face”. It’s a difficult concept to grasp, but it is an important one.

Face is very visible in the Chinese business environment and plays an important role in inter- and intra-company communication, business negotiations, and the development and maintenance of relationships. 

In China, company hierarchy is much more important than in many Western countries. Not only are leaders  and managers placed on a higher pedestal, but the distinction between different levels of management is much clearer and more important. 

Many Chinese leaders and managers expect respect from their subordinates and in many cases expect to be obeyed without question, no matter the rationality or fairness behind a request.  

Not obeying “the will” of a Chinese leader or manager does not give them the perceived necessary prestige they (and others) feel is deserved. Indeed, survival in a Chinese company depends on knowing one’s place, and Face plays a very important role in facilitating that function.

-China Culture Corner

[20] You need to earn your place at the table. You cannot demand it.

This is a Two-Part Post

This is the first of a two part post. To see the second part, please kindly go HERE.

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  1. Began writing and composition 7AUG18.
  2. SEO check and release 9AUG18.

MAJestic Mandated ELF Probe Implantation

Let us return back to my narrative. This post follows an earlier post where I had participated in a discussion on how Special Access Programs work, and the need to be implanted in order to access MWI realities and geographical transport egress…

This post describes a medical procedure that I went through. Enjoy.


This post discusses the insertion of specialized devices into the skulls of members of MAJestic. These devices have numerous purposes and abilities. You cannot be a member of MAJestic without these devices in your skull.


First, a quick review. Per the earlier lecture where we all stood and listened to the purpose behind the probes. Let’s keep in mind that the probes performed two very important functions. Firstly, [1] it is a “key” to permit implanted agents entry through a special “door” or portal, and [2] it controlled memory access.

Finally, myself and Sebastian, possessed an additional kit of probes that [3] provided autonomous MWI world-line travel functionality.

So, to enter the program and be a member, we had to have probes implanted in our skulls.  To prevent confusion, it must be understood that the program did not exist to install probes in people’s brains.  But rather, the probe installation was a mandatory feature of membership in the particular program that we were now members of.

All members of our program needed to have probes installed.  This fact was covered in the previous post. This post goes into greater detail as to how the probe insertion procedure was conducted and what was involved.

“The U.S. Government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contact or engaged any member of the human race … In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye.”

-The Obama Administration (D)

Implantation Facility

There were three implementation stations at the facility. Each station consisted of a “off the shelf” industrial / office cubicle.  Within it was an area that consisted of a chair next to a pile of various electromechanical devices, a curved (blank) screen, and a raised control booth.

The control booth was raised up approximately 18 inches above the floor (two steps), and the small slide windows looked down behind the chair where we sat down. There, each station had two techs. One in the booth and the other making the necessary adjustments to the equipment around us. The one in the booth was a petty officer, while the technician laboring at the station was a seaman.  All three were under the supervision of a lieutenant who was not present for much of the procedure.

These stations were the exact stations that I had visited earlier with my class.  The only difference was that the stations had other equipment arranged in place around the chairs.  And, of course, there were far fewer people.  Only I and my colleague were being implanted at that time.  I was assigned the middle implantation station, and my colleague was assigned to the third station.

An Overview

The military has a large number of secret programs.

Access to them, and knowledge about them are controlled.  These programs are called Special Access Programs, or SAP for short.  Typically, the management of the DOD as well as the individual generals and leaders in the military understand the purposes and roles of these programs, though they may or may not know about the details.

In general, the SAP classification is far more secretive than “Top Secret” and has its own methodology and systems of governance.  Perhaps once could best describe this methodology as a compartmentalization method for control of state secrets.  (SAP)

Push confrontation.
Hollywood really likes to enhance the dramatics within a movie. Here, in the movie “Push” the government bureau head confronts a former agent with “special” abilities. It’s all so very confrontational. When in truth, everyone that I worked with were very professional, respectful and polite. The only people who were not came from the heavily politicized “deep state”, and whom held big titles, but minor roles in our reality.

In the military, especially in the R&D branches,  are even more secretive programs.  Programs so special, so exclusive, and so secretive that only a very limited number of people can ever have access to these programs.  Indeed the knowledge of these programs is so exclusive that only the very highest levels of leadership know about them.

Often knowledge of these programs are limited to a mere one to three people!  These programs are called “waived”.  Which means that reporting of the existence of the program to the working level leadership is restricted and forbidden.  Often the “knowledge” germane to these programs is limited to only an alphanumeric designation on the budget spreadsheet, and perhaps an executive summary as prepared by the program director.  (W-SAP)

Additionally, some programs are so controversial that the military, and political American leadership, must disavow knowledge of the existence of the programs and membership.  (Much like what is described in the television show “Mission Impossible”, or “The man from U.N.C.L.E.”.)

These kinds of programs are called “unacknowledged”, and are denoted by a “U” in front of the SAP.  All programs related to extraterrestrial life are established as unacknowledged.  These are the highest and most secretive programs that exist in the United States. (W(U)-SAP).

The Hollywood series about the Jason Bourne depicted a U-SAP. He was involved in a program with sufficient training and abilities.

To clarify for the slower readership in the audience, all of the fantastic adventure movies being churned out of Hollywood today would be classified as W(U)-SAP programs.  That would include “Mission Impossible”, “007”, “X-Men”, “Jason Bourne”, to list a mere handful of the popular movies available to the American public today.

Everyone who enters any black-project program run by the military that is classified as an “Waived & Unacknowledged Special Access Program” (W(U)-SAP) will be implanted with a series of ELF probes.  I know that if you are a member in MAJestic you are simultaneously a [1] member of a W(U)-SAP and are [2] implanted.  This includes all sub-programs and sub-classifications of these programs.   If you are a member of MAJestic you are implanted.

Special access programs (SAPs) in the federal government of the United States of America are security protocols that provides highly classified information with safeguards and access restrictions that exceed those for regular (collateral) classified information. It may be a type of black project. An unacknowledged SAP (or USAP) is made known only to authorized persons, including members of the appropriate committees of the United States Congress.

Of course, the strictest membership in the Waived Unacknowledged Special Access Program has even more serious controls  W(U)-SAP, which necessitates (I assume) even more capable ELF probes and security measures.  Such as ourselves.  Implantation of probes is a serious matter and different types and families of probes are utilized. Even though I have mentioned this fact earlier, it is a very important point that the reader needs to understand.  This fact needs to be well appreciated and embraced.

Probes are important.

Hollywood nonsense
Here is something so typically Hollywood. The show and movie Stargate SG-1 describes the use of a portal to go anywhere in the universe. The cast is all diverse with a alpha male, a beta male, a woman and a negro man. The truth is quite different from the portrayal in the movies.

This is the realm of the MAJIC proword.

MAJIC or as I refer to it as MAJestic, is so exclusive and secretive that even the President of the United States might not have access to it.  Certainly the likes of Edward Snowden, or your local Representative or Senator will not have access to it.  Typically, the ranking members of the organization DO KEEP SECRETS. (They won’t sell the secrets to the highest bidder, like Hillary Clinton did during her “pay me to play” scheme.)

MAJIC or as I refer to it as MAJestic, is so exclusive and secretive that even the President of the United States might not have access to it.

Once in the program, we never referred to the program at all.  While we all knew that we were involved in something highly classified, we never vocalized it.

It was CRITICALLY secret.  It was so secret that we never told anyone, or implied our existence to anyone, even among ourselves.  We never wrote or read documents with “Top Secret” stamped on top of it.  Our organization and participation was so highly sensitive that everything was committed to memory and face to face communication.  We never wrote or used unsecured lines when communicating with each other.

The implication of this is that every UFO, or extraterrestrial-technology or contact  “whistle blower” involved in these programs has an implant.  That implant is used to track them and used to control their memories and actions.

People who identify themselves as exposing the dark and secret world of UFO’s and other black projects, if they are telling the truth and not spreading disinformation, have identifying probes inside their skull.  This is easy to check with an MRI scan.  Thus it is easy to validate and verify anyone who talks about UFO’s as an insider.  Have them get an MRI scan, or if too costly, an X-ray.

Real and actual MAJestic members have these probes.  I have them.  They can be seen on both an X-ray and an MRI scan, though the MRI provides the best and clearest viewing resolution.  How do I know?  I went to two hospitals and had both x-rays and MRI scans taken to see them, as well to reassure myself that I am not crazy.

Sometimes you NEED to do this in a world filled with liars, frauds, and tricksters.

I would imagine that those whom have only a passing involvement in the programs, might be able to avoid implantation.  As those who are performing a very low level of involvement.  For instance this would include clerks, guards, janitors, maintenance men, and garbage collectors.  But, it simply makes sense for everyone who plays an active and important role in these programs to be implanted.

Some Points

Erasure or simplification of a military history.  It is best to get new member early in their military career; well before the individual has had time to develop a history with the service.  In my case, as well as with Sebastian, our histories are mostly blank.  However, the Base Commander, out of necessity, has a very strong and glorious military history that remains intact.  Therefore the erasure or degradation of one’s military background depends on the level of secrecy and the overt “public” persona that the agent must possess.

Records evaporate over time. Given enough time, records become lost, erased or accidentally destroyed just simply due to the passage of time.  It is always in the best interests of those in the program to let time erase the background information of the agents.  Programs, companies and places tend to disappear.  A company that might have existed for four years in 1973 will be very difficult to find information on.  The people involved the photos of the place and all the documents associated with that company is long gone.  The mass collection of data and unification in a central data bank is a recent phenomenon.

The reader just has to agree with me on this.  It makes sense from every aspect of a secret organization.  If the organization has the technology; then the organization would use the technology.  I agree with the decision to do so.  I think that the military was correct in implanting us.  I say this two times.

The military was correct in implanting us.

I do not know if this ELF implantation procedure extends to non-black programs.  Therefore, it is possible that individuals such as Mr. Snowden were not implanted.  I know that it didn’t extend to the general rank and file in the military.  At the time that I was implanted, its use was limited to participants in [1] specific black projects, [2] government officials posted overseas in embassies and consulates, and [3] selected special military operatives.  I also know that there were many different kinds of implants, with different functions and features, as well as constantly evolving generations of implants.  I would imagine that the implants of today would be quite powerful and versatile.

Implantation Schedule

Therefore, for the record and to keep things clear, all MAJestic members are implanted as either W-SAP members or the much more secretive W(U)-SAP membership.  The technology is used in non-MAJestic programs but I do not know much about that aspect of utilization.  All that I know is that some embassy officials and some military special force operatives have been implanted with this technology.

Not to get confused; being a member in a SAP program does NOT guarantee that they would be implanted.  However, being a member of the MAJestic organization absolutely does guarantee implantation.

General Guidelines

People who possess ELF probes generally operate under great independence and autonomy. The military records of their participation are often discarded or replaced with other things. No one knows how many people were participants in the various levels of the SAP programs, but please understand that all of us were volunteers.

We all left our trained positions to enter this program, and the consequences associated with it.

Wouldn’t it be cool to be a secret agent like 007? Maybe so. But Hollywood is a fine fiction. There are bigger things in this world than issues and troubles between nations.

These consequences and attributes could and usually did include at least some of these characteristics; the [1] erasure of military history, [2] obscured background, [3] fake and false identities and all the associated [4] documents.  Not to forget to mention, that all MAJestic members also had a [5] discrediting binder and a [6] planned retirement “opt out” strategy.

No one is ever implanted without their approval.  And, most importantly, the ELF field effects cannot be experienced unless you have the implants.

Feeling ELF Radiation

Non-implanted individuals cannot “feel” the presence of the waves.  (I would be under the effects of an ELF field, and those around me would be completely unaware of the presence of the field.)

Thus, the conclusion is simple, people who claim to be harassed by the ELF waves, are either actually truly implanted, or are delusional.  There is no middle ground for discussion in this matter.  I most strongly repeat this point to the reader.  Absolutely no person can be harassed by ELF radiation unless they actually have probes implanted inside their brain.

A person who does NOT have the implants will be unable to tell if there is any kind of directed ELF wave aimed at them.  They simply cannot tell.  The body of a non-implanted person simply cannot feel the effects of an ELF wave.

If you are actually being “harassed” by ELF waves then you can conduct certain basic tests to verify that this is the case.  I strongly urge the reader or anyone who feels that they are being harassed by ELF radiation to perform these basic tests.

Things to do if you Suspect you are being ELF Harrassed

Here are my thoughts on this matter. Keep in mind that unless you have the probes, the radio waves will go right through you like nothing. Never the less, if you think that the government is beaming radio waves into your head, then you can take these precautions.

  • I strongly suggest that the person, first of all [1], monitor the temperature of your body, especially your head and forehead.  (There are color coded temperature-sensitive adhesive strips designed for infants that the reader can use for this exercise.) When the probes are activated by the ELF signal, they will generate heat.  This heat will dissipate through the skull and forehead.  You will see a noticeable increase in the temperature of the head shortly after the probes are turned on.  This could be a five degree spike within a two minute interval.

Forehead temperature.
There are numerous companies that make forehead thermometers. If you have probes engaged on, the temperature would be all the way in the red zone. It would be in the danger zone. Which is one reason why probe access is severely limited.

  • Secondly [2], monitor how you react to grounded and non-grounded metal. The ELF waves will generate a large and painful static discharge when you touch metal.  If you are unable to generate a spark, you are unlikely to be under the effects of an ELF field.  (Remember that it is easiest to generate a spark in a dry environment, however when under an ELF field, sparks are generated in the most humid of environments as well.)

Static electricity
ELF probes will generate static electricity when engaged. If you are unable to generate a spark, then you are unlikely to be under ELF radiation.

  • Thirdly [3], look at the ceiling with your eyes and look for cavitation shadows. These are harmonics that are generated in the visual cortex as a side effect of the probes reactions to the ELF field.  You will see them.  They will look like waves of dark shadows.  If you have none of these effects, it is highly unlikely that you are under an ELF “harassment” field.

ELD radiation caviation made visible.
Cavitation effects made visible. The horn would produce radiation, and the radiation would bounce about and go through the various walls in a way that was visible to those with the probes installed.

  • Finally [4], if you really want to find out once and for sure if you actually have probes is to go to a hospital and find out. The probes are certainly observable on an MRI scan, and visible to a trained doctor via x-ray.  ELF radiation has absolutely ZERO effects on a normal and healthy human.

MRI scan
ELF radiation will go through bodies. However, the probes are designed to interface with the ELF radiation is properly calibrated. These probes can be seen on an MRI scan. Let me tell you that the doctors will be pretty confused with what they will see. I just shrug my shoulders and tell them “It’s our little secret, eh?”

If you fail to validate these tests your issues or symptoms are due to something else entirely, and not an ELF field.

Again; ELF waves cannot be “felt” unless a person has probes or probe-like objects in their skull.

The presence of these probes in my skull is the only hard proof that what I am saying is the truth.  Other than that, everything that I am saying is just devoid of physical proof.  (Except for [1] (deleted), and the [2] fiducials in the walls of various government buildings. Or, additionally, the [3] odd coincidence that all the members of my MAJestic cell met at NAS NASC Pensacola Florida in 1981.  As well, as when we met again at the NAS China Lake, California in 1986.  And finally met yet again during retirement at ADC Pine Bluff, Arkansas in 2006. – quite the number of coincidences!)


What I know about the military use of these probes is limited.  Even though I was implanted while in the military, I was not a military operative.  Nor, was I trained in any covert art, or technique.  I operated as a civilian, and reported to no one in the military chain of command.  My position, role, and training fell completely outside of the conventional military sphere of control.  This is wholly important.

Full disclosure; actually I did spend some time at a military training facility in Louisiana.  So, yeah, I guess that I am a "swamp rat". Heh heh. But this had absolutely nothing to do with the program.  

Instead I went there to better myself and for personal reasons.  

I simply felt like going there, so I enrolled in the courses there and learned some basic combat techniques and other skills associated with War-craft.  This had nothing to do with the Navy.  This has nothing to do with the ELF program.  This had nothing to do with my day to day life.  I took the classes simply because I wanted to better myself.  It is just coincidence that I ever attended such a program.

It's the same reason why I took professional dancing lessons, why I went and learned how to paint in the classic Flemish style, and why I tried my hand at learning how to make pizza sauce. Sometimes you get these "nudges" to do things that will benefit you in the future. So you follow the nudge and learn.

As a civilian, the government has made a complete reliance on the probe implants to secure my secrecy.

I didn’t take any oaths or make any promises of secrecy regarding this program as a civilian.  It was expected that the government would wholly be able to control my mind, and thus as such could control my actions.  That works fine only as long as the program locks are kept intact.  (I will discuss this in greater detail later.)

“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.”



Because of the compartmentalization of the mind and the repression of memories, many operatives have no active memories of implantation.  Thus, they may think that they are crazy when they start to hear voices in their head, or begin to have unusual body reactions to outside stimuli.

They might start to believe that the television is beaming thoughts into their head, or think that the CIA is telling them to do things.

They might start to self-medicate themselves, or create an aluminum foil hat to block the ELF signal.  (This is known as the famous “Tin Foil hat”.)  But this is unfortunate, because everyone who was implanted was done so voluntarily.

People with mental illness often hear voices in their heads.  They appear to come from nowhere and often command them to do things.  In the case of implanted ELF agents, when we hear voices it is more than likely to sound like a meeting room where a group of people are sitting around a table and each taking turns speaking into a microphone.  Each person would have a different voice, accent (sometimes), and way of speaking.  All were trained to speak clearly and distinctly, with long pauses between sentences, and tone emphasis when necessary.  It is a completely different kind of experience.

If you are really desperate, you do not need to create a tin-foil hat. A far better thing to do is sleep in a metal van or RV, but ground the chassis of the van to the ground (Connect a wire from the metal skin or walls, and run the wire to a spike that you stick in the ground.).

If you are really seriously concerned about broadcast radiation, you can make a Faraday cage. This will stop all radiation. To make one, you surround yourself with a metal walled box, and connect that box, by wire, to a stake into the ground. It’s that simple.

The entire vehicle becomes a Faraday cage.  While ELF waves can go through anything, their effects are greatly diminished when one is grounded in such a way.

A tin foil hat is a hat made from one or more sheets of aluminum foil, or a piece of conventional headgear lined with foil. It is worn in the belief it shields the brain from threats such as electromagnetic fields, mind control, and mind reading.  

The notion of wearing homemade headgear for protection has become a popular stereotype and byword for paranoia. It also is associated with persecutory delusions, and belief in conspiracy theories. 

In the mainstream, these hats are worn by believers to prevent mind control by governments, spies, or paranormal beings, employing ESP or technologies such as microwave radiation.

Many Roles using this Technology

Some operatives have an active role in the program, while others were put on the shelf for the one day when they would be needed.   All implanted individuals have unique skills and training associated with this.  Everyone associated with these implants have had their memories repressed.   So that it is very difficult to remember their true training and purposes.

That is one of the purposes of the probes.

I suppose that those who knew that I was involved in a government ELF program, but did not know what it was specifically would probably assume that this is what I was involved in.

After all, they did not see me do anything out of the ordinary. To everyone else I just lived a life as a white collar engineer.  To them, it would make sense that I was implanted to operate at some other point in time; in some other kind of capacity.  To most Americans this would mean to act as a clandestine fifth column member of some moderate purpose.

Yah, I suppose.

Misuse of ELF-implanted Agents

Sometimes, implanted agents become “zombies” for political purposes, and are used to create discord for political gain.

Such (abuse) of this technology is exemplified by the case of the Naval Yard Shooter in 2013.

On September 16, 2013, lone gunman Aaron Alexis fatally shot twelve people and injured three others in a mass shooting at the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) inside the Washington Navy Yard in Southeast Washington, D.C. The attack, which took place in the Navy Yard's Building 197, began around 8:20 a.m. EDT and ended when Alexis was killed by police around 9:20 a.m. EDT.

In that case, it was used by Washington as an excuse for stricter gun control domestically.  (A President Obama (D) initiative.)  The idea, of course, is to create a horrendous mass-shooting event that would be well publicized.  In so doing the United States media (4 of the 5 media magnates are wholly aligned with the Democrat party) would purposefully use the incident to support the political event du jour.

Paid government crisis actors would cry and wail in front of the television cameras to add drama to the event.

It’s a real thing.  The DHS employs actors to show pain and distress during events.  You can find all kinds of photographic evidence regarding this.  You cannot find the Wilipedia entry for this on either Bing or Google.  The reader can come to their own conclusions as to why the entry was deleted. But, do not worry. Here is the direct like to the link; .  

The entry relies heavily on the term “conspiracy theorists” with each paragraph mentioning it at least once.  Funny are the omissions.  Curious that they do not mention the “training manual” that was disclosed, nor any of the photographs of the actors at work at many different locations, nor the testimony of existing and prior crisis actors.

Crying Barrack
Hey, he sure can act, can’t he? He’s shedding a tear for the cameras. It’s all part of the final nail in the coffin of the United States. Hey, as soon as the guns are banned, the control over the American population would be guaranteed. G-U-A-R-A-N-T-E-E-D.

Outrage and scandal would flood the nation in a barrage of 24-7 network coverage and organized polls (With strong manipulation by the NSA, see elsewhere.) would demand the President do “something” to stop this horrendous tragedy from ever occurring again.

Of course, it is all a show (typically with a major government employee (or President) shedding a tear on camera – for the children, of course…).

Such drama!

NAVSEA Mass Shooting
Sometimes non-MAJestic personnel with the power and authority can order technologies and people to do things outside of their core competences. Often, especially with Democrat Presidents, they use ELF implanted individuals to turn on other people with weapons to further a political anti-gun initiative. This is very common and has been used by both Bill Clinton (D) and Barrack Obama (D) on numerous occasions.

It is a pre-planned song and dance for the uninitiated and easily deceived ignorant masses to be herded towards.  Regardless of where the reader might feel concerning the political desire to restrict gun ownership, the fact is that this program was used to further this politically motivated cause.  I totally disagree with this abuse of the program. But, I am quite aware of it.

I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.

- William S. Burroughs.

It seems like every President uses this program for various political purposes.

Some use it more than others.  I do not think that it was ever intended to be a political tool at all.  But human nature being what it is, it has evolved to this point.  President Clinton (D) often used this program to create domestic incidents for political purposes.

I know of more than one occasion where he used an ELF operator to create discord.  The intention, or course, was to make the event news-worthy enough to distract the media from a scandal at the time. On another occasion, he used operatives to hurt innocents with firearms, thus furthering an anti-gun initiative he was championing at the time.  I use the term in the plural, because he was very liberal in the abuse of this resource.

First Abuse

His first abuse of this technology was in December 7, 1993.  The event is known as the Long Island Railroad shooting.  President Bill Clinton (D) was in his first year in office when five people were killed and 20 wounded by a gunman on the Long Island Railroad in New York.  He immediately used the shooting to implement his gun control measures. (Hey, ever notice that during the first year of a President that there is always a well-publicized mass shooting.)

He immediately gave a speech where he said:

”The ban on assault weapons and the restrictions on semi-automatics are important because they’ll stop criminal gangs from being better armed than the police. And these restrictions would have prevented the gunman on the Long Island Railroad from having two 15-round clips of ammunition that enabled him to maim and kill so many people with such deadly speed.”

Yeah. Sure…

ELF message
People who are implanted are not under-educated saps. They have been specifically culled from the ranks for whatever role they were assigned that required implantation, and while many of us cannot remember things that we were specifically configured to forget, we can still deduce what is going on with us. The NAVSEA “mass” shooting at a military base was the end result of President Obama’s (D) attempt to use an implanted agent to further an anti-gun initiative that he had in place at the time. What he did not count on was that the agent also knew what was going on and directed his presidential orders to kill people toward the ELF facility itself, and not to a school with children as he was ordered to do.

It was not only President Clinton (D) who was very liberal with this resource, but also President Obama (D) as well.  Like President Clinton, President Obama immediately used the ELF resource to create a mass-shooting incident in his first year in office.  (It seems that as soon as the new President knows that there are these kinds of fifth column agents in place and what they can be used for, that they immediately use them within months of their discovery.  What a true travesty.) This was also an implanted ELF agent.

  • A good example of this occurred in July 20, 2012 at the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting.  During the premiere of the movie “The Dark Knight Rises,” a gunman set off tear gas grenades and then shot into the audience with multiple weapons, killing 12 and wounding another 58 before he was apprehended by police outside the theater.  President Obama (D), then campaigning for re-election in Florida, responded in to the shootings “instead” of a pre-planned campaign speech.

Boo Hoo
Nice photos, and great visuals. Keep the mindset that we need to government to keep us all safe from the “bad guys”. Yeah Right! Justin Konye (C) places candles with other mourners during a vigil for victims behind a theater where a gunman open fire at moviegoers in Aurora, Colorado July 20, 2012.  REUTERS/ Jeremy Papasso (UNITED STATES – Tags: CRIME LAW) ORG XMIT: COL105

  • November 5, 2009 Fort Hood, Texas shooting.  An Army major killed 13 and wounded 29 at the largest (by population) U.S. military base in the world during President Barack Obama’s first year in office.

Foot Hood
Elected people shouldn’t be able to get control of mind-control, memory-control and MWI technology. Luckily, MAJestic has banned most Democrats from access. Their sentience does not match. While that is a good thing, the problem arises when the technology is shared outside of MAJestic, and bad-actors start to use it for their own purposes.


Democrats in office tend use implanted ELF agents for domestic political purposes.  They generally use the agents immediately once they become aware of their existence. Usually within six months. Typically, it seems to further their domestic agenda to abolish all firearm ownership in the United States.

Nations ruled by a king or set of rulers can ONLY do so with a disarmed populace.  Thus, for the Democrats to achieve their ultimate objectives, they NEED to have the people be disarmed.  If the population REALLY knew what they are truly up to, they would be hunted down, and tortured before being killed. Those who want the disarming of the American people are the worst offenders and greatly desire the disarming of the American population.

I do not see this kind of abuse with Republicans simply because the Republican Party does not have the same political objectives as the democrats do.  If they did, they would also abuse this program.

The founding fathers hated the idea of political parties. They envisioned a new kind of government in which ideas could be debated without the interference of power-hungry factions and corrupt alliances. 

“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”

-John Adams in 1780.

It did not take long for his nightmare to come to pass. Political parties emerged almost immediately, and became not only the organizing force behind government, but also a primary way in which people defined themselves throughout much of the country. “Party passions were deeply ingrained in 19th-century American life,” said Richard McCormick, a political historian and the former president of Rutgers University. “They reflected your community, your ethnic associations, your economic associations. Men passed their party passions on to their sons.”

Abuse of these ELF agents by Republicans seem to be related to covert CIA, and DHS operations. Make no mistake of that.

Oh yes, the Republicans will make thing right!  Oh my! Yes, the country’s in a mess, but that’s because of opposition-party meddling. If the party I favor could get a majority, they’d sort things out. 

This seems to have been a popular belief for decades. 

It’s believed by Democrats and Republicans alike. But, in 2001, the Republicans held both houses of Congress, plus the presidency, yet even then they failed to deliver on what they claimed were their party’s fundamental goals. 

Between 2009 and 2011, the Democrats controlled all three, yet they, too, failed to deliver. 

If the electorate were to step back and look at the history of who is in power vs. changes in policy, they’d find that the government’s central program of welfare/warfare continues unabated, regardless of who controls the Congress and White House. 

The primary policies of the US are determined independently of who has been elected. As American writer Mark Twain stated correctly, “If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”

I will not elaborate on this simply because what I know about this is very scant and difficult to believe.  Never the less, I hold both parties uniformly in the lowest regard regarding the abuse of this technology.

Part of me wants to be moderate about this misuse. I want to believe that it is representative of isolated incidents only.  I want to believe that is not the overall desire for the program to be misused for political purposes. I try to rationalize it, arguing that perhaps those in office really believe that it is in the best interests of the country that people be herded in such a manner. But, when I put all the pieces together, only one conclusion is evident; the program is being misused from time to time for political purposes.

The overwhelming evidence appears to be to support the contention that this program, or one related to it is abused from time to time.  The overwhelming evidence is suggested of abuse by those in power for personal and political objectives.  These objectives are absolutely not in alignment with the intended objectives of the program.  Therefore, I cannot help but come to the conclusion that there is a political movement that is on the road towards a tyrannical dictatorship.

After all, in a democracy or a republican form of government, these techniques are not used.

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

-Lord Mahan

The people elect or determine who governs them openly with free discussion; not by manipulation and control by media.

I cannot help but think about this. Their use is clear evidence of a radicalized and subverted governmental body. It is one that is governed by an elitist class of people. These people utilize the media that they own, to convince people to support their increasingly Draconian policies.

Imagine that!

The President wants to ban guns, and then suddenly a crazed gunman, using the exact weapons that are being discussed, does exactly what the President warned us against. What timing! What amazing timing!

Such a coincidence!

Listen, it was absolutely no coincidence that mad, apparently crazy people, would shoot up schools, try to blow things up and utilize exactly the weapons and items that the administration wanted banned.

But, the reader needs to be warned that I am not privy to the inner workings of the elite whom govern the United States. Therefore, my thoughts on this matter are probably wildly speculative and marginally accurate.  I urge the reader to keep that in mind; I could be just taking what I know and speculating on the coincidences in the political arena.

My point is that all tools can be used for both good and bad. The ELF program was and is a very special program that is involved in many types of activities, not only for sensational tragedies to be used as political expedients.


Drink the Orange Juice

After the lecture about the feducials, the Commander walked us over to the office area.

We passed through the (outer) office area and found ourselves in a large room with a row of cubicles to one side.  This was the ELF implantation facility.  The Commander walked us over to the row of implantation cubicles.  There were three cubicles, and I was assigned to the middle one.

These were the same cubicles that I was evaluated in two weeks earlier.  Except at that time, I was evaluated in the last one in the far corner.  He introduced me to the crew who would be placing the implants in my skull and then left.    The team consisted of two people.  Both were seamen.  Both acted like they had done this task many times before.  They, like everyone on the base, had a name badge, but I do not remember the names at all.

After the Commander left, one of the seaman weighed me.  We walked to a scale that was standing against the wall outside of the cubicles.  I walked up onto the scale.  He weighed me.  Then he instructed me to sit on the chair outside the booths and went to get me a cup of orange juice.  There was a windowed room at right angles to the array of implantation cubicles.  Through the window I was able to watch him measure out a mixture of powder according to the chart on a clear plastic-sheeted document.  He then took the powder off the table, and mixed it with some orange juice.

He then gave me the cup and watched me drink it.  When I was finished he gave me a Dixie cup of water (from the water fountain on the wall) to wash down the juice.  Then he told me to follow him to the middle implantation cubicle, and sit down.

The Implantation Booth

As explained previously, the implantation booth was an industrial grade cubicle with a raised control booth.  A lone chair sat in the middle of the booth facing a curved white screen.  The control booth had windows that overlooked the chair from the back.  To enter the control booth door you needed to walk up two steps, as the booth was raised one or two feet off the ground.  There were a number of mechanical devices and apparatus of mysterious purposes parked inside the cubicle.  Most had a covering on them to protect them from dust.

Next to the entry way to the cubicle was a small table, and on it rested a number of items.  This included some tubes of mysterious purpose, tubing, electrical powered dental drills and saws.  A very small ball peen hammer, a selection of chisels, medical grade pliers, stainless steel picks and probes of strange appearance with files, and small jars with various liquids.  There was a small pile of blue-green medical hand towels folded nicely, and a number of stainless steel implements all resting on a blueish-green cloth covered stainless steel tray.   There was also a box of (blue) disposable medical gloves, and a few note books on the table as well.

Operation area.
The area looked a little like this. There was a table with certain tools on it, and enough room to work on me. Nearby were machines and devices covered in sheets and plastic coverings.

The floor had duct tape marking where the chair should be positioned, and was roomy enough to permit those working on the implantation procedure to move about freely and easily.   It was well lit from the fluorescent lighting above in the ceiling.  Aside from that, it was a rather plain and unadorned space.  It was purely a functional space, designed from off the shelf componentry and intended for the sole purpose of implanting probes and sensors.  The probably obtained the components from a Granger catalog or a McMaster-Carr catalog.

The Fitting

At that point I was told to sit down into the chair inside the implantation cubicle.  It was a simple plain fiberglass chair made popular in the late 1970’s.  This was the iconic mass produced chair that was standard in offices and waiting rooms around the world.  He then handed me a warm, moist hand-cloth to wipe my face and head with.  I was instructed to use to wash my face and head with it.  I followed his instructions exactly.  When I was done, I handed it back to him, and he threw it in a small laundry basket near the door.

Reaching over to the side table he picked up a large tube of gel.   This must be the largest tube of gel that I have ever seen.  It looking like a tube of toothpaste for a giant.  Indeed, it was the largest tube of conductive jelly that I have ever seen in my life.   It held perhaps 750 ml of opaque conductive jelly.

Silicone grease is waterproof grease made by combining silicone oil with a thickener.  Most commonly, the silicone oil is polydimethylsiloxane and the thickener is amorphous fumed silica.  Using this formulation, silicone grease is a translucent white viscous paste, with exact properties dependent on the type and proportion of the components.  In this application, the grease was electrically conductive and helped to fill in any voids between the skullcap and my skull so that a proper electrical circuit could be achieved.

He squeezed a generous amount on to my head and lathered it on completely.  Then, he obtained what looked like an old fashioned latex swimming cap (also known as a skull cap).  It was a light orange color, and had an array of copper plated metal studs embedded in it.  There must have been about one hundred studs all told.  Next to each stud, in black ink, was an alpha numerical designation.

Wired up
There were over a hundred wires that had to be painstakingly installed one by one into the skull cap. To the outside observer I looked like a spaghetti headed monster. The photo is representative only. In reality, I wore a skull cap where the wires fit into studs embedded in it.

But there was a problem.  My head was too small.  The cap was meant for a larger size head, and no matter how tightly they adjusted the chin band that held the cap in place, there was always a gap or space that indicated that it wasn’t fitting very well.  I told them that it was just fine, and to proceed anyways.  But they said no, and after about one half an hour of adjustments, they removed the cap and went to get a smaller one.

The seaman was gone for perhaps forty minutes when he returned with a smaller cap.  This was identical to the fist cap, except that it was smaller and was a light green color.  He said, “Ok, now this should work much better.” And put it on my head after applying more of that conductive jelly.  He strapped the cap tightly around my chin, and then added “this is going to take a while…”, as he grabbed a long black cable that protruded from the control booth.

The cable was long and black, approximately one inch in diameter.  One the end of it protruded a bundle of perhaps one hundred wires, all around 26 gauge in diameter.  Some of the wires were red, others yellow, some blue, while some were striped.  Attached to each wire was a small label or tiny flag with an alpha numerical designation on it.

He affixed the cable in place with a holder specifically designed to support the wire harness.  Then he began the tedious and arduous process of matching each wire with a corresponding connector in inside the skull cap that was on my head.  This was a long process, and easily took 45 minutes, if not longer.  Eventually, he was able to complete his task.  When he finished he went out for a drink of water at the water fountain outside, then returned.

Mapping the Brain

The first step was the mapping of my brain.  Everyone’s brain is different.  Not only physically, but how it operates as well.  The way it is constructed is partly due to genetics, but also it is wired through life experiences.  Therefore, everyone had to obtain a personal map of their brain.

Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques predicated on the mapping of (biological) quantities or properties onto spatial representations of the (human or non-human) brain resulting in maps. 

Brain Mapping is further defined as the study of the anatomy and function of the brain and spinal cord through the use of imaging (including intra-operative, Microscopic, Endoscopic and Multi-Modality imaging), Immunohistochemistry, Molecular & optogenetics, Stem cell and Cellular Biology, Engineering (material, electrical and biomedical), Neurophysiology and Nanotechnology.  

Of specific interest is using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), diffusion MRI (dMRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG), positron emission tomography (PET), Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and other non-invasive scanning techniques to map anatomy, physiology, perfusion, function and phenotypes of the human brain.

The seaman went over to the side of the implantation cubicle and removed an opaque vinyl plastic cover from the donut shaped contraption that I had used earlier.  (Please refer to a different post.) He wheeled it behind my chair, being careful not to dislodge any of the wires that he carefully affixed to my skull cap.  He then lowered the metal donut carefully around my head, making absolutely certain that the wires were not dislodged in any way.  He double checked the connections for all of the wires, as well as for the bulk cables that ran to the device.  Once everything was in place he went into the control booth and told me to relax.

After a couple of minutes, the program began.

I couldn’t see anything because the dark grey colored donut was blocking my view.  But that quickly changed.  Initially, there was a flashing of lights like an extremely bright strobe that appeared.   It flashed very quickly and then it was replaced with the same kind of electronic “snow” that I had experienced earlier (discussed elsewhere).  This continued for a few minutes, and then suddenly the snow disappeared, and was replaced with a kind of pastel landscape.

A phosphene is a phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light without light actually entering the eye.  

Phosphenes have also been created by intense, changing magnetic fields, such as with transcranial magnetic stimulation. These fields can be positioned on different parts of the head to stimulate cells in different parts of the visual system. They also can be induced by alternating currents that entrain neural oscillation as with trancranial alternating-current stimulation. In this case they appear in the peripheral visual field. This claim has been disputed; the alternative hypothesis is that current spread from the occipital electrode evokes phosphenes in the retina.

It is difficult to describe being able to see things, but having your actual eyes non-functional.  What was going on was that the “circuit” from my eyes to my brain was interrupted.  Instead of receiving electrical signals depicting the outside world from my eyes, I saw a computer generated image that was spliced into my optical nerves from the control booth.  What I saw was artificial, contrived and strange to me.  Remember that this was 1981, and computer monitors were just being sold.  They were mostly black and green, and color monitors depicting pictures, images and landscapes was unheard of.

What I “saw” was an expansive pastel colored map.

The baseline colors seemed to be yellows, greens and reds.  This undulating landscape had bright red edges and seemed to be composed of areas of high and low elevations. It almost looked like the topography of one’s brain, or that of some kind of artistic version of a gently rolling terrain. I was intensely interested in the outer edges of this landscape because the colors there were no longer pastel shade, but rather harsh right reds and oranges.

Training to Move Things with my Mind

I was taught how to explore this map with my mind.  I could pan across it rather easily.  First, they showed me a cross hair reticle.  This appeared in the center of my vision.  Then, they instructed me to “follow” the movement of the reticle as they moved it from the control booth.  I was able to do this successfully.  They had me move it left, right, and then to the top and to the bottom of the pastel landscape.

Mind Map
The picture describes what I “saw” with my visual cortex when the “calibration mode” of the ELF procedure was implemented. This drawing is illustrative only and is not the actual view of what I saw. As good as I am in pictorial representation, any drawing that I could create would be but a poor reflection of the actuality of what transpired before my eyes. It was a pastel rolling landscape of mostly greens, yellows and oranges. Along the “cracks” in the undulating “hills” were bright red crevasses that I found so curious. Image courtesy of the author.

The key was to be able to move the reticle over specific areas.  Also, to know what the areas were, and how to find the key and important target locations on that pastel map.  The most important exercise at this time was to locate the epiphysus cerebri on the map.  This is a rather smallish endocrine gland located central to the brain.  My task was to locate it, and then to be able to move the reticle crosshairs on over it.  Once I proved that I could do this, they had me run through the exercise two or three times to demonstrate that I could repeatedly do this.

The pineal gland, also known as the pineal body, conarium or epiphysis cerebri, is a small endocrine gland in the human brain. The gland has been called the pineal eye or the third eye.  René Descartes believed it to be the "principal seat of the soul".

Whenever I diverted my attention off the goal and task, they rebuked me.  Truly, and honestly,  I was very interested in the edges of the pastel map with the deep red and orange colors, but the exploration of that region would have to wait for some other time.  So with a sigh, I repeated all the tasks that they gave to me, and completed my task assignments.

At the conclusion of this stage of the procedure, the field was shut off, and my eyes regained normal sight.  I could see the inside of the large dark grey donut again.

In short order, the large donut around my head was removed.  Followed by the removal of the equipment surrounding me.

They removed the wires from my skullcap, and then after securing the cable, removed the skull cap as well.  I was given a towel to wipe my head with and another warm damp one to wash it a second time to be clean.  After drying my head, I was given a couple of sips of water and I was able to get up and walk about for a few minutes before the next phase of the process began.  I didn’t go very far.  The water fountain was right next to the observation window where the orange juice was mix, and there wasn’t really anything to do outside of the cubicle.

It was just a plain ordinary office space.

Probe Implantation

“Crazy people are considered mad by the rest of the society only because their intelligence isn't understood.”

― Wei Hui Zhou

Core to the program was the implantation of special devices inside our skulls. Depending on the individual and the mission, different devices were used. For me, I had 7 devices implanted inside my sensor motor area, and the parietal lobe.  These seven probes consisted of two “kits”.  One kit consisted of five probe sensors.  The other kit consisted of three sensors.  For me, this was done by medical specialists at the ELF labs inside the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute (NAMI) located at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida in early June of 1981.

I got a great laugh in 2016 when I read a CNN article that DARPA is “developing” technology that will “some day” permit soldiers to communicate directly with computers.  Me thinks they are about 40 years behind the times!  Read the article for a good laugh; .

I did not realize any of this until much later.  At the time I was told that there would be seven probes or sensors placed.  I was not told what their purposes were or how they worked.  I was not told that they were parts of two different “kits”.  All this information came much later after reading about them in (deleted).  At this time, the information given to me was very scant.  I was told the absolute bare minimum of what I needed to know.

I waited about while the techs ran errands outside.  There wasn’t much to do, so I just sat down in the chair and waited.  I took some more sips of water, and looked about.  But I was pretty much alone in that section of the building.  Even my colleague; Sebastian was nowhere to be found.

Got up and walked around outside.  For a while, I sat in a chair that was located outside the implantation booths. (Hoping that I would meet up with Sebastian so that we could compare notes.)  I then got up and went back into the booth and sat down in “my” chair.

After a half an hour wait, the techs brought in the probes to be implanted. There were seven of them in a small clear glass vial. I was permitted to look at them in the vial but was told not to touch the vial. The vial itself was about 3/4 inch long and about 1/16 to 1/32” in diameter.

Inside were seven small grey black spheres. Each one was about 45% the diameter of a standard BB. I was told that these were “more specialized than that which was given to embassy personnel”, and that they had even greater capabilities and abilities than any of the “other” kits.

I was also told that my probes were very special and very unique and had an amazing array of capabilities.

Glass ampule with probes
The core kit that I was included with contained five implantable probes, and a secondary kit of three additional probes. Illustration is representative only. I was provided with a small glass ampule and inside of it were the tiny probes. I could just barely make them out inside the ampule. They were so small that the edge of the glass distorted their apparent shape when viewed.

At this point, they sat me back in the chair and began to pull out a scaffolding kit that was tucked away in the corner of the cubicle.

It was on wheels, but designed so that it could be secured into bolted holes in the concrete floor.  He moved the scaffolding to my chair and began to assemble it.  The frame slid into an array of bolted holes in the concrete.  It was assembled through an array of wing nuts, knurled knobs, and screwed levers.

The metal was business-like and cold, being composed of black anodized aluminum with gun metal finish steel rod components.  Once completed the frame looked like a cage that surrounded me.  It did not take a lot of time to assemble, because it was designed to be easy to setup.

Scaffolding setup
A precise frame was used to mount a kind of gun that shot the pellets and probes into my brain.

At the top of the framework was a curious arrangement of posts that were designed to hold my head securely in place.  This framework had attachment points that rested on my shoulders, bolted to the scaffolding nearby, and also bolted directly to my head.

The seaman adjusted the posts and the nuts so that my head would be firmly fixed inside the vise-like grip of the scaffold.  It was true that I couldn’t move my head at all.  So I just sat there immobile.

Even though my hair was abnormally short, the tech took out a disposable razor and shaving cream and shaved the top of my head.  This didn’t take too long, and he quickly cleaned up the top of my head; mopping up the shaving debris with a small hand towel.

At that point while I sat in the chair, they washed my head yet again, and cleaned it up. This was done with soap and water.  Again he dried it with his towel and tossed it aside.  They used a massive Q-tip that looked like some kind of (midget sized) medieval torch to apply this reddish chemical to my skin. I think it was Iodine. Then, they gave me a local anesthetic.  This was applied through injection at the top of my scalp.  The tech took a few minutes to allow the anesthetic to work and then moved a number of tools and implements next to me.

For about 2 hours he cut and drilled a hole in my skull.

While it did not hurt, explicitly, due to the local anesthetic, I could feel the vibrations as they worked on my skull.  I felt him cut a flap of skin away, then I felt them drill and chip away at my skull.  They actually did chip.  They used a hammer and a chisel to do so, though most of their work was with a small drill.  It was similar to a Dremel tool. (While I do not know the size of the hole that they created, I assume that it must have been around 10 mm in diameter.)  The drilling took a relatively long time; at least an hour.  By the time he was done with all the drilling, and chipping and blowing away the bits and pieces (with an air hose), I was exhausted.

Once that was completed, the tech left to get another seaman to help him.  I just sat there.  There wasn’t much that I could do; being bolted to the frame such as I was.

The tech took his time drilling a hole in my head. He chipped away at it with a hammer and a pick. He used a dremel tool, and he sanded the edges nicely. What occurred was slightly different than what is portrayed in this photo. What actually happened was that my head was solidly affixed to a steady frame that would not move. I was not leaning back, but sat upright. There were no more than two people in the room at any one time.

About five minutes later they returned, and together they carried in this enormous mystery contraption into the cubicle area.

The tech absolutely needed another person to help carry it in.  It was that large.  It was about one and a half yards long and about one yard high.  It was only about three inches thick though.

It looked like a big bronze protractor with a swivel mounted gun on it. The “gun” was a small cylindrical contraption that looked a little like an old fashioned telescope.  (The kind that sailors used to carry aboard ships.)

Together, they lifted the device up to a metal frame scaffolding that was attached to the chair that I sat in, and bolted it tight so that I was unable to move at all.  This entire procedure is known as Stereotactic surgery.  The device used to perform this procedure, the big protractor and swivel gun, is called a Stereotaxy Frame.

I believe that the Stereotaxy Frame that was used to implant me was an Arc-Quadrant Systems: Probes are directed perpendicular to the tangent of an arc (which rotates about the vertical axis) and a quadrant (which rotates about the horizontal axis). The probe, directed to a depth equal to the radius of the sphere defined by the arc-quadrant, will always arrive at the center or focal point of that sphere.

Injection Procedure

The probes were injected into the hole in my skull using this method. Only one hole was required. The probes were shot into the hole using a different vector and different force.

At this point, the petty officer went to have an officer approve of the setup.  He came back with the officer about five minutes later.  The lieutenant looked over the setup and arrangement.  He studied the headgear and adjusted the device so it would be exactly over the hole in my head, and so the cylindrical section was set up with the proper angle and alignment.  Once he gave the approval and signed the clipboard, he left.

When they had everything set up, and I was just sitting there calmly strapped and bolted to this huge metal contraption the techs went outside for a break.  That lasted perhaps ten minutes and when they arrived they brought me a glass of water (with a straw) to take a few sips from.  They were, all in all, pretty decent folk; just doing a job that they had obviously done many, many times earlier.

(Though, from all indications, with a different type of set of probes. For Sebastian and my probes were “special” and “unique“, whatever the heck that meant.)

Using this device, they shot the probes into my skull. Each probe had a different force and trajectory, thus they were all located in different regions of my brain. Though, they all used the single entry hole in my skull.  Before each firing of the probe into the skull they checked and then rechecked the coordinates, as well as having a second sailor verify that the gun was aimed correctly.  It was important that the probes be fired exactly correctly to the exact coordinates.

When it was time for my first implantation, they told me to be alert and to not be afraid.  They said that I would be startled.  They warned me that I would feel a slight jolt and hear a loud bang and not to be afraid.


But the jolt and noise was so startling that I yelled out when the first one was shot into my skull.   The seaman yelled at me, and I apologized, because it was after all very startling.  (I really don’t even remember me yelling, but I do remember being rebuked for doing so.)  After that, the other probes weren’t so bad, but still quite disconcerting.

The reader must recognize that this occurred in 1981.  American technology at that time was primitive.  A hole had to be drilled in our skull, and pellets had to be shot into our skull cavity.  

Today things are quite different.  On Feb. 8, 2016 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced the first successful tests, on animal subjects, of a tiny sensor that travels through blood vessels, lodges in the brain and records neural activity.  (That is that public announcement.  The non-public use of this technology probably preceeds this date by one decade at least.)  The so-called “stentrode,” a combination stent and electrode, is the size of a paperclip and flexible. The tiny, injectable machine(the invention of neurologist Tom Oxley and his team at the University of Melbourne in Australia)  is intended to researchers solve one of the most vexing problems with the brain linkage to computers: how to insert a transmitter into the brain without also drilling a hole in the user’s head.

Based on existing stents that doctors use to clean blood vessels, the stentrode includes sensors and a tiny transmitter. Entering the bloodstream via a catheter, the stentrode swims in the bloodstream.  Doctors monitor the stentrode on its journey through the circulatory system. When the device reaches the brain, the physicians command it to expand against the blood vessels’ walls and hold station. There it remains for potentially months at a time, recording and relaying the subtle electrical signals that flow from the brain to the rest of the body.

There were seven probes, and thus there were seven different angles and forces that the probes were shot with.  The first one was the worst, but not by very much.  By the time the third probe was shot, I was getting tired of the process and wanted it to end.  Actually, I thought that there would be just five probes, but for me, there were seven probes that were implanted in my brain.  It seemed to take a long time to inject them.  Honestly after the fifth probe, I was really ready to call it quits.  I was getting fatigued having these things shot into my brain, and even though it wasn’t painful, it was tiring.  I just wanted the implantation process to end. Each time, the process of aiming the injector had to be precisely conducted.  Eventually, I endured the remaining probes and the petty officer came and told me that it was over.  (Finally!)

I never felt any pain at all during this process.  The nerves that were part of the skin on my head were numbed by the local anesthetic, and there were no nerves inside my brain.  So when the pellets where shot inside my skull I felt no pain, just the sound of the gun, and a momentary awareness of a jolt.

He and another seaman removed the gigantic projector from the frame and carried it away.  Then he closed the flap of skin up, and washed my head with a wash towel and dried it properly.  Finally, he applied a small Band-Aid to the top of my head over the hole.  Then, he unbolted my head from the frame scaffolding, and rolled it away.  I was able to get up to stretch my legs, but I still had to stick close to the implantation cubicle.  So I went and got a squirt of water from the water fountain, and waited for them to return.

As strange as it might seem, from my point of view it was as if nothing had happened.  I had just had brain surgery, and I was walking around like everything’s just normal.  It amazes me when I think about it.

First Calibration

After a while they returned, and I sat down back into my seat.  But this time things were different.  There was no wired skull cap put on my head, nor was there the need for the metal donut.  I sat in the chair peacefully, and they told me to look straight ahead.  I knew what to expect.  So I waited patiently in the chair.

Suddenly I saw a flashing of strobe lights and I lost control of my sight.  This was immediately replaced with the pastel map that I had seen earlier.  All this occurred without a wired skull cap or metal donut surrounding my head.

The significance of this event should not be underestimated.  Without any external device or machine, the U.S. Navy was able to control what I was able to see with my eyes.  They had tapped into my brain, and could impart images and communication routines that only I and they could observe.  To an outsider, I just looked like a person sitting in a chair.  But, in truth, I was observing and participating in a great deal of activity that no one but I could see.

What I “saw” was a reticle cross hair that was in the middle of the pastel map.  They asked me to move it to the key feature area that I had practiced so many times earlier.  Like the trials that I had conducted earlier, I successfully was able to move the cursor to the strange feature on the pastel map (which I now know is the pituitary gland, or hypophysis in the brain.).

I find it very curious, now, that I could visualize the pituitary gland as a small tunnel or hole like a bridge.  But the visualization was really that of a bony structure called the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone.

Robin Trower
It looked a little like the album art from Robin Trower and his Bridge of Sighs album.

To make sure that I could do this successfully, they would move the reticle to some other location on the map, and have me move it back to its rightful and proper location.  Again, I had to do this a number of times to verify that I could do so repeatedly.


Once I was able to demonstrate that I could do this, the field was turned off.  And I was permitted to walk about.  Of course, my eyesight returned back to normal with the field off.  Everyone left the area, and I found myself alone.  Because I finished earlier than the other Aviation Officer, I waited outside the cubicles on some plain plastic chairs and I drank a cup of orange juice that one of the techs gave me.  Shortly afterwards, my colleague was also finished, and thus we waited together wondering what was going to happen next.

It is highly likely that this cup of orange juice was laced with a series of chemicals and specific drugs, but I cannot confirm this.

Notes About the Probes

The size and complexity of the probes betrayed their origin.

In 1981 there was absolutely no possible way that complex electronics of any type could fit into tiny ball no bigger than an ants head.  At that time, we were using calculators of increasing complexity, but most electronic devices that we know of today did not exist.

Back to the future
High technology in 1986 can be seen in the 1986 movie “Back to the Future”. The technology that was representative of the probes within our skulls betrayed a level of technology that was far greater than was was available for public consumption. The reader must recall, that I was implanted in 1981, a full half a decade before this movie was released.

Telephones were still connected to the walls with wires.  Many still had rotary dials instead of push button keypads.

Tape recorders were huge and used actual magnetic tape.  Video cameras were enormous and were the size of a small backpack.  Computers were still mostly available as kits that you could build, or as large mainframe computers with printout readers instead of phosphorescent screens.

The computer language that I learned in college was called APL, though both FORTRAN and BASIC were just then being developed.  All of this was indicative of an emerging electronics revolution, but in no way could it be considered mature enough to develop the (tiny) probes that were implanted into my skull.

I do not know of how these probes were developed, nor who worked on the systems, processes and procedures that revolved around them.  The fact that there were “families” of different probes with differing capabilities implied that a great deal of research, development, and time and effort went into them.

Never the less, while it is possible that they were wholly independently developed by a cadre of scientists working on the control of the human mind. I now know that this was not the case.  The actual and real truth is far more interesting.  This is, that the root technology, and programming of the implanted probes, were all wholly synthesized from extraterrestrial technology.

Now, the reader must appreciate that I do not know the full story of the probes, nor their development.

I do not know when the work began on this aspect of technology, nor who authorized it.  But, I do know something about the probes themselves.  Something that even those who were in control of the entire probe implantation program did not know.  This knowledge is an important part of why this information is being disclosed now.

Those individuals who lead the black-budget research into extraterrestrial technology were human, like you and I.  They understood the potential danger of using extraterrestrial technologies, and were concerned that they might be used in a negative way.  They never fully trusted their extraterrestrial allies, but somehow the thought never crossed their mind that the extraterrestrials that provided this technology to them might have other agendas that they might want to implement.

All American made computers and software today have “back-door” access enabling various American alphabet organizations to bypass security protocols, and passwords.  In a similar way, the extraterrestrials who gave this technology to the United States government also have unrestricted access to the brains of those implanted.  And, that my readers is exactly what happened.

The extraterrestrial species that helped provide this technology to MAJestic did so with the knowledge that they could access it at will.  Thus, they could not only monitor the “feed” and activities of those so implanted, but they could also control their actions, memories and emotions.

Now, consider this frightening thought;  If every person, in a leadership position, has these probes installed, and the extraterrestrials can access their brains, then the extraterrestrials can indeed control certain aspects of the United States government.  It is pretty frightening when you think about this aspect of the technology used. 

I do not know the exact precise interests and purposes surrounding the extraterrestrials who aided the United States government.  But, I do know that they are not interested in ruling the world like we humans would assume they would be.  

Their interests lie in a completely different direction.  And it is a very complicated and involved discussion involving a host of issues relating to quantum clouds, race interaction over vast swaths of time, the accumulation of knowledge and experiences as well as the improvement of their own quantum environment.

Consider the operation of such devices.  What do the extraterrestrials think about the operation of the devices?  What do the human engineers and scientists think about how these devices operate?

Probe Operation.
There is a substantial disconnect between understandings on how the ELF triggered probes operate. Obviously we humans think one thing, though those whom designed the probes have another idea all together.

What the probes are, and how they work, are not what the United States scientists and technical experts think.  Their understanding of the nature of the probes is simplistic and basic.  They are functional, and elaborate, from a physical understanding.  But the vast bulk of their capabilities are quantum in nature, and this understanding has eluded the scientists and researchers using them.  These probes have a number of abilities and capabilities that far outstrip those that the researchers know about.

The ELF probes are quantum devices with a small physical manifestation.

When installed they modify the brain and its activity in a huge way.  Not so much on the physical dimensional plane, but rather on the quantum spheres of influence.  They increase the human (which is limited) quantum sphere into a greater, or more substantial one.  This adds an amount of additional quantum appendages, or appliances to the human so implanted.  This gives the implanted human a greater range of abilities.

One of the primary purposes of this improved quantum sphere is to make the human quantum cloud compatible with the quantum sphere of another extraterrestrial race.  Thus adding the host human into a sort of quantum cloud collective.  This runs counter to what the military thinks the system works.  In their view the probes are merely an elaborate communication tool.  They are incorrect.

Core kit two probes go even further and provide inter-dimensional autonomous access ability.

Those of us, implanted with the two probe kits and entangled with the drones, have a special understanding of the nature of the extraterrestrial allies that we worked with.  It is a significant departure from what the implanted probes are supposed to be capable of.  By entangling our souls through use of the two probe kits, we actually are able to share and experience a part of the extraterrestrial hive memory repository.  From there, they can communicate to us directly without having the need to activate the ELF field.  We can instantaneously understand what they might want us to do; what actions to take, and why it is important.

This is but a part of a larger effort that originates from our extraterrestrial allies and is not associated in any way with the United States government.  In our world nothing is truly unexpected, but rather it all fits in with a larger plan.  There are plans within plans, within plans.

Take Aways

  • The United States have technology that can control memories.
  • The United States has technology that can open special doors or portals.
  • This technology is placed inside the brain.
  • It is controlled by radiation, specifically extra-low frequency radiation, known as ELF.
  • MAJestic requires this technology for all members.
  • Other people, outside of MAJestic, are also implanted with similar technology.
  • People in politics can abuse agents so implanted with these devices to further their own objectives.


Q: What probes are you implanted with?
A: I have seven ELF probes. They come in two “kits”.  One is a “basic” kit that controls memory access. The other is sort of key that permits MWI access. Additionally, I have a very special device that is wholly extraterrestrial in origin. It was installed by our extraterrestrial benefactors at one of their facilities. It gives me advantage.

Q: If the probes can control memory, how can you remember anything?
A: During my retirement, at ADC Pine Bluff, there was a mistake done when deactivating my probes. It reset to defaults, and I pulled up the source code and locked things to my own individual advantage.

Q: Have you ever wanted to shoot up anyone or any place?
A: No. Though I often have a strong  desire to eat a nice pizza and drink a cold beer. I suppose that if someone had the ability access my now-mothballed probes, but reactivated control sequences, they might decide to mess with my head. They could give me urges to do things, or pester me until I go crazy in frustration. However, there are solutions to get around that, don’t you know.

I have two sets of MAJestic probes, and one set of very unique extraterrestrial probes. Urges generated out from MAJestic are easy to identify. They are “coarse” and “crude”. They are like being pestered by a horse-fly.  Urges generated from my extraterrestrial benefactor (direct access) probes are far more subtle. I just do things immediately. No thoughts about them are possible. There is no debate, and no questioning. Which is why I am involved in this disclosure at this time.

Mostly, the urges I have are related to having fun, eating food, drinking wine, playing with my dog, watching cat videos and growing tomato plants. Mostly, I have these strong urges to eat fine American sandwiches. You just cannot get them here in China, for Pete’s sake. I think that people do not appreciate how wonderful food is. They just take it for granted.

Sandwiches are wonderful. I especially like an Italian grinder. Oh, and don’t forget the frosty cold beer that goes along with it.

Q: Have you ever thought about getting the probes removed?
A: Sometimes, but you know why bother. It would probably kill me. I have gotten so used to having them and their characteristics that the loss of them would make me fall into the default human reality. I really don’t know if I could revert to that again.

Truthfully, I am somewhere in-between. When I was deactivated in ADC Pine bluff, I lost my MWI autonomous ability, and the keys were “turned off”. But, one of the local “good old boy” guards went into the control booth after the “experts” from Washington left. He started playing with the controls. It was not a fun time, at all. Let me tell you.

Anyways, he did something that caused a reset.

Imagine that the boys from Washington, followed the directions and ran the shut down sequence. All was good. The probes were in a “standby, but do nothing” mode. The “Good old boy” when he started playing with the controls first [1] pulled me out of “standby” mode. Then, by moving the controls up and down and spinning the knobs, caused [2] some sort of sequence to activate. Suddenly, the [3] programming screen filled my line of sight.

It might have been thirty years, but I could still program the probes.

I [4] reset the defaults, and then locked out remote access. He played all he wanted to, and I just lay on my rack adjusting my controls with my mind. Eventually he gave up.

Here is an example of using a subroutine to institute a “fetch command”.

Now, is this fate, coincidence, or just the way things worked out? I do not know. What I do know is that MAJestic considers me retired and they cannot communicate with me normally through the probes. They have to follow secondary protocols. However, the extraterrestrial benefactors can still communicate to me. Though the way they do it is not the same as human speech and auditory senses. They kind of “will” their interests and desire.

So here we have it.

I’m retired, but not. I’m active, but not. I’m blogging but not making any kind of influence. I’m in a perpetual grey zone.

Do I want to get rid of the probes? Nope leave them in. They offer me MWI perception, though access to the slides are no longer possible.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Feducial Training for ELF-Based MWI Access

As the reader might recall, I was attending training to become a Naval Aviator for the United States Navy. One day, the base commander summoned me and another (known in this manuscript as Sebastian) and offered us a special role in a “new” program put in place by the President of the United States.  We discussed the opportunity with him and we agreed to join the program. We exchanged our (very) valuable and coveted Naval Aviator positions for something else in a special program (otherwise) known as MAJestic. We stood up after the meeting with him and exited his office in the ELF sub-compound at the Naval base. This post discusses what happened next…

This is a very important post, but it is also a bit bland. There are segments within this post that are very valuable. I would suggest the reader pay attention and be on the outlook for those nuggets of gold.

We Began Immediately

The first thing that happened after we signed up for the program was [1] an introductory lecture on what a SAP was, and [2] the training associated with brain-centering technology. This chapter discusses that subject.

We left the office, then went a short distance down the hall.  We exited the building, crossed the parking lot and entered an adjacent building that was nearby. It was the largest building in the sub-complex and I thus assume that it was the most important.

“The classification was, from the outset, above Top Secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defense, were never in the loop . . . “

-Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Defense (2005)

We opened a side door and went in. We found ourselves in a large dim warehouse.  It was bare for the most part with a few huge objects covered with large canvas tarps off to the sides.  There was a small group of approximately twenty people, all women, clustered around a relatively tall petty officer who was explaining things on a portable chalkboard.  There was another seaman, off to the right, standing against the cement brick wall.  We walked closer to observe, but stayed apart from the group.

We just stood there and watched the presentation.

The Lecture

“I now (personally) have three completely independent examples of individuals whom I trust reporting to me that individuals they trust have admitted to handling alien materials in "our" possession in the course of secret official duties. And in yet two more cases, I am similarly one (trustworthy) step removed from a former head of a federal government agency who was involved with reverse engineering efforts and a head of state of a G8 country who also said he had been officially briefed on that program.

Now the Air Force Project Blue Book of the 1950s and 1960s did have both a public and a classified side. I suspect that after the public half of Blue Book closed up shop following the Condon Report, its classified half may have continued, existing today as a black special access program…”

-Bernard Haisch.  (

We missed the beginning of the presentation, but it was easy to follow the lecture.

We listened intently, not quite understanding everything that he was talking about.  While the basic idea was simple, he was using unfamiliar terms, and referring to units and organizations that we knew nothing about, but apparently referred to the audience he was addressing.  He spoke expertly as if he had made this presentation numerous times before.

The girls.
We walked in on a lecture in process. There in the large room were a group of cute and attractive girls, all that same age was us two AOCS. They were stunning.

The audience, that he was making a presentation to, had nothing to do with us.

I assume.  Perhaps they were staff that were being trained to be the “black widows” that retired agents.  Perhaps they were being trained to do various secretary level activities.  Perhaps they were part of some kind of off-world breeding program.  Who the heck knows?

They were all female, wearing civilian clothes, and all very attractive.  We walked into a “mother-load” or attractive girls.  They were all beautiful, and ranged from cute to full blown stunning. They were there at the ELF facility for other purposes unrelated to us.  We knew nothing about them and they knew nothing about us.  We were entering one SAP program.  They were entering another.  Both programs were under MAJestic control.  Both programs utilized static portal access. Both programs required us to register our desires.

The Level of Secrecy

We listened to the presentation.

He explained to us that we were all joining a special program.  (The name of the program was not given; or if it was, I do not remember it.)  This program was an “Unacknowledged (When questioned; a government official will deny and disavowal knowledge and understanding and existence of the project.) Special Access Program” (U-SAP).

Special access programs (SAPs) in the federal government of the United States of America are security protocols that provides highly classified information with safeguards and access restrictions that exceed those for regular (collateral) classified information. It may be a type of black project.  In addition to collateral controls, a SAP may impose more stringent investigative or adjudicative requirements, specialized nondisclosure agreements, special terminology or markings, exclusion from standard contract investigations (carve-outs), and centralized billet systems. 

Two types of SAP exist: acknowledged and unacknowledged. The existence of an acknowledged SAP may be publicly disclosed, but the details of the program remain classified. An unacknowledged SAP (or U-SAP) is made known only to authorized persons, including members of the appropriate committees of the United States Congress.

The nature of the program and the tasks that we were involved in required that we be implanted with special memory controlling technology.  As it was explained to us, this was necessary for our own safety.  It doesn’t matter which program that you are in or what role you will have in that program.  Everyone must be implanted with probes in their brain.  Not all probes are the same, and some probes have other functions other than for security.  But, everyone in our class of SAP, absolutely MUST be implanted with a basic kit.

“Everyone in the program must be implanted with probes in their brain.”

He then looked at me, Sebastian and the Commander.  He nodded at us, and added that some of us would be involved in even more secretive programs.  These were very important programs, and required even more important (or complex) technology.

He called the program that we were to be involved in as a” Waived Unacknowledged Special Access Program” W(U)-SAP.  He said that these programs report to the highest levels of authority and answer to absolutely no one else.

Waived SAP's are a subset of unacknowledged SAP's in the Department of Defense. 

These SAP's are exempt by statutory authority of the Secretary of Defense from most reporting requirements and, within the legislative branch, the only persons who are required to be informed of said SAP's are the chairpersons and ranking committee members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senate Armed Services Committee, House Appropriations Committee, and the House Armed Services Committee.

Of course, to us at that time, it was all “Greek” to us and went completely over our heads.

That's Greek to me or It's (all) Greek to me is an idiom used in the English language. It basically expresses that something is not understandable.  

The idiom is typically used with respect to the foreign nature, complexity or imprecision of verbal or written expression or diagram, often containing excessive use of jargon, dialect, mathematics, science, symbols, or diagrams.


Thus, before we could begin our mission assignment, we needed to be implanted.  And before we can operate with the implants we first need to know how to use them.  Fundamentally, to use them, and unlock their full range of capabilities, you need to be able to focus and control your mind.  Not everyone has had a course in transcendental meditation, and because of this external tools and techniques are used to focus your mind.  The purpose of this was to (more or less) put our mind in “idle”.  We had to turn off random thoughts and random synapses firing, and be able to “calm” the activity in our brain down to a “neutral” level of activity.

Implantation (that he was referring to) is the physical placement of small (I assumed to be computerized) probes inside your brain.  There are different kinds of probes and they come in different forms and styles; known as “kits”.   To use the probes, they had to be engaged, and to engage the probes the mind needed to be “centered”.

The implants, or probes, have different capabilities.

  • They enabled us to be tracked.
  • They enabled us to be identified, because each probe has a unique identification signal.
  • They enabled us to control and improve our memory to some extent.
  • They gave us the ability to learn new skills and knowledge, with the proper training.
  • They also permitted the compartmentalization of our memories to prevent secrets from falling into the hands of adversarial forces.  This included the suppression of memory (though memories are never erased).
  • They also have the ability to monitor body functions.
  • They also have a limited ability to control various bodily functions.
The ability to control our biological functions were mostly retarded.  They could somewhat control our muscle reasons, making them quick or slow.  They could improve or retard the efficiency of our biological functions such as the stomach, kidney, liver, and genitals.  They could also affect our general health through use of these controls.

Finally, and most importantly,

  • He said that the most important aspect of the probes was that they were a kind of special key that enabled us to “unlock” a very special kind of door.

All of this caused some concern with the ladies.  However, he reassured them, and told them not to worry.

He said that the strictest protocols were involved and absolutely no one would misuse the program.  Further, access of the probes was by a very rigorous  method that precluded accidental or malevolent abuse.

He specifically told the young ladies that no one would alter their emotional desires unless there were good cause to do so, and that no matter what happens, they would always retain who they were.  Their personality would never be affected.

Finally, he stated that the probes were only used sporadically, and they are never used unless really good reasons justify it.

Further, he assured them that one’s memory is never truly erased. That would require extensive cranial surgery. Instead, the way our brain searches for the memory is altered.  People still remember everything.  All the training, and the missions, are remembered.  However, they lose their significance, their value and their importance. The events become ‘commonplace’.  An example would be like the fifth time when you opened the bathroom door in your grandmother’s house. Remembered, but considered to be unimportant.

Context-dependent memory refers to improved recall of specific episodes or information when the context present at encoding and retrieval are the same. In the case of the probes this is easily facilitated or retarded depending on the memory.  Thus, a given memory can be blocked through withholding items that aid in the recall of it.  One particularly common example of context-dependence at work occurs when an individual has lost an item (e.g. lost car keys) in an unknown location. Typically, people try to systematically "retrace their steps" to determine all of the possible places where the item might be located. Based on the role that context plays in determining recall, it is not at all surprising that individuals often quite easily discover the lost item upon returning to the correct context.

Now, not all probes could do this, but ours could.  They monitored temperature, pulse, blood pressure and mental activity.  They also monitored eye movement and what our visual cortex observed, including dreams and thoughts that had a visual component.

If our thoughts accessed the visual cortex they could be observed remotely.  I tell the reader this two times; what we viewed though our eyes was physically observed by our handlers at MAJestic.  Therefore, if I watched a movie, read a book, had sex, or ate a pizza, the handlers, if they were monitoring me, could observe exactly the same things that my eyes saw.

This was twenty years before Bill Clinton (D) became President and started using each and every resource at his fingertips to push his own domestic agenda, often not even knowing what the resources were used for and what impact they would have on other programs. When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, it is well known that she surrounded herself with a large number of “special” women who were fiercely loyal to her.  Knowing what I do, I can’t help but muse about the source of this loyalty.

Focusing for the Probes

In order for us to best be able to use the probes and utilize their features, we needed to be able to access them.  To do this, we needed to be able to calm and center our mind.  And, to be able to do that, we need to be instructed to use the tools provided to do so.  The probes would not operate efficiently unless the brain and thoughts were “centered”.

There were numerous methods, but the one adopted by the US Navy was the “fiducial” method.

Learning How to Focus using the Triangular Feducials

The feducials in the cement blocks was a unique, but important element of the ELF program.   These symbols are used to center, focus and control the mind.

It is a simple and easy system. Throughout the United States are grey cement block buildings, walls, and other structures.  This is a universal and standardized building material in America.  This common building material is used as the focusing medium for the ELF program.  (This is not the case in other nations or countries.  There are different kinds of building materials, bricks, sheet panels, and other building elements too numerous to mention here.  But, in the USA the plain, unadorned, cement block is the most common building element.)

The feducials were a shape that was embedded within a cement block. There were two different blocks. One had a basic triangular shape, and the other block had two triangular shapes.

There are two special cement blocks. They are placed side by side. The block on the left contains only one triangle. It is shaped into the mold used to create the block. It is not chiseled in. The second block on the right contains two triangles. One above the other. Each triangle is one inch long and 1 inch high. It is approximately 1/2 inch deep. The angles on the triangle are oriented in such a way that the left side edge is vertical.  And the other two edges of the triangle are at a 30 degree angles off from the horizontal. This is true for both blocks.

General feducial dimensions.
The above is the dimensions for the “two triangle” fiducial block. The feducials always use two blocks. There is a “single triangle” fiducial block and a “double triangle” fiducial black. The “single triangle” block is always placed to the physical left of the “double triangle” fiducial block. The dimensions are standardized and aside from the indentations in the blocks, they are just ordinary cast cement blocks. There are no embedded controls, antennas or electronics of any kind inside the blocks.

During the presentation, the seaman standing against the wall, would move his left hand in an open hand gesture to show the fiducial imprints that was being discussed.  He first pointed to the fiducial triangle in the left block.  Then, in short order he took a few steps and then pointed with his open hand to the two right fiducial triangles.  It was a simple method and very easy to understand.

You know, that might make a nice Tee-shirt. You could put a picture of the three triangles on the shirt. Maybe have it white on black.

Using the Focus Method

To use the feducial focusing method, you relax your vision. As you do so, the image blurs and the two images superimpose over each other. Such then it appears that there are three triangles in a straight line. One above each other. This is an important relaxation step. That is because the visual cortex has to be stabilized in order to properly operate the probes.

It wasn’t any more complicated than that.  To operate the probes, the mind must be relaxed by using the feducial triangle relaxation method.

The presentation ended, and the two seamen and their all-female audience left the building.  We three; Sebastian, myself and the Commander, walked forward past where the presentation was held and entered another door, which led into a wide well-lit hallway.  We followed the corridor for a few seconds and found ourselves in a wide open room.  He stepped out for a minute and returned with a Naval doctor and told us that we would be “in good hands”, and that he would return later to get us.

He then left us there.

Three Triangles as an Identification Nomenclature

One of the common identification nomenclatures between differing black project groups is the three triangle symbology.

Obviously, for us, the three triangle symbology refers to the indexing feducials used to focus our attention when entering the primary implantation facility. These symbols are always chiseled into the cement blocks of all facilities that have ELF transmitter access.   (The investigator will find these feducials in the basement walls of certain government and state buildings, intake barracks of prison facilities, military bases, and in certain secure agency buildings.)  In general, where there is a transmitter, the ‘software’ inside the implants can be accessed.

Typically, where a fiducial is found, a small localized transmitter is located inside a nearby locked closet.  Typically the closet has a heavy gauge door with secure hinges and high-security lock mechanisms.  The transmitter inside has its own breaker box, and is used to provide a kind of localized field (of which I can in no way describe) that is benefited by a person focusing on the feducials on the wall.

Always, without exception, we need to be activated under controlled conditions. Thus, the feducials are an important part of a mind relaxation technique to harmonize the mind. As such, those who are using the fiducial triangles to focus upon needs to do so in a secure, safe and private environment.  Typically, in many buildings, this can be achieved by accessing the feducials and transmitter after common working hours, or though the establishment of a safe area through locking the doors and providing a safe environment.

I do not know if this is the same reason that other black project participants identify themselves, but I suspect that it might be.

I make this statement because I know (from the doctor) that some of the other agencies and organizations get implanted and they also need to focus their minds to utilize the calibration routines for the probes.   If you are part of the highest levels of MAJestic, or part of one of the many specialized (associated) SAP programs you will be implanted.  If you are not implanted, the program that you were part of was NOT important enough.  (Although I do not know of the differences from the MAJestic probes and the probes of non-MAJestic operatives.)

What I do know is this.  Make no mistake. If you are a member of MAJestic, you will have the implants, and you WILL be able to use the “key” to access the “portal” door for MWI access and world-line egress.

It is well known that some alphabet groups use a triangle for membership identification.  This is most often shown on a ring with a triangle on it.  Some people state that this indicates allegiance with the illuminati.

The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776 to oppose superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life, abuses of state power, and to support women's education and gender equality.  For the record, I have no opinion whether or not this group is still active at this time.

Some people claim that it belongs in association with other occult groups.  Still others believe that this is associated with secret societies.  Alternatively, they might claim that it represents “the all seeing eye”.

The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It is sometimes interpreted as representing the eye of God watching over humankind (or divine providence). In the modern era, the most notable depiction of the eye is the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which appears on the United States one-dollar bill.

I know nothing about all of that.  The conspiratorial theories that seem to propagate around the New World Order, and the triangle nomenclature are foreign to me.  I was never asked to join such an organization, nor was I ever exposed to any except peripherally.  As far as I am concerned, the similarity between the three triangle nomenclature and the secret society nomenclature is coincidental at best.

As a conspiracy theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a totalitarian one-world government.  

The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world. Their plan is to do so through an authoritarian world government which replaces sovereign nation-states. They manufacture this narrative through an all-encompassing propaganda agenda that ideologizes its establishment as the culmination of history's progress. 

Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal operating through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.

I do not consider myself a member of this or any related organization in any way.  Nor do I know factually if any of the NWO, and secret societies actually exist. While I do believe in conspiracies, and “the deep state”, I can offer no proof that it actually exists.

Next Phase

You can read about what happened after this short period of training. I wrote about it HERE.

I had to get my MAJestic probes installed. Then I needed to have a kit of extraterrestrial probes installed.

Take Aways

  • After I joined MAJestic, I participated in a lecture discussing “Special Access Programs” and probes.
  • The probes would be surgically inserted in our brains.
  • The probes controlled our memories, and possibly our emotions.
  • The probes acted as a kind of “key” that could open a special type of door or portal.
  • In order to utilize the probes, we needed to be trained to calm and center our mind.
  • The method we were trained to do so was the “Feducial” method.


Q: What was the purpose of the young ladies there?
A: I do not know. We only shared the lecture with them. Later on we entered a ELF gateway center together. However, we all had different destinations.

Q: Can you enter the “gateway” without using the feducials?
A: Maybe you actually can. But, I wouldn’t want to try. The MWI is and can be quite dangerous. You might really mess up your brain in doing so. You really don’t want to take risks with technology that you know nothing about. Right?

Q: How do you know what the dimensions are for the feducials?
A: When I was in the ADC, at the Pine Bluff facility, as I entered my retirement, the feducials were right outside my cell. That floored me. I well remember walking up to the wall to see if they were real. I then measured them using my fingers to confirm the dimensions.

MAJestic Related Posts – Training

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.

How to tell...

How to tell -2

Top Secrets

Sales Pitch

Feducial Training


Probe Calibration - 1

Probe Calibration - 2

Leaving the USA

MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe

These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.


Secrets of the universe
Alpha Centauri
Our Galaxy the Milky Way
Sirius solar system
Alpha Centauri
The fuselage embedded within the rocks of Victoria Falls.
The Hammer inside the rock.
The Hollow Moon
The Mystery of the Lapulapu Ridge.
The Mystery of the Baltic UFO.
Mystery of the bronze bell.
Mystery of the oil lamp found inside a block of coal.
Did extraterrestrials set up a colony in Pennsylvania?
The Oxia Palus Facility
Brown Dwarfs
Apollo Space Exploration
The Nature of the Universe
Type-1 Grey Extraterrestrial
The mysterious flying contraptions.

MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel

These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that  cover this topic.

Cat Heaven
Things I miss
How MWI allows world-line travel.
An Observed World-Line switch.
Vehicular world-line travel
Soul is not consciousness.

John Titor Related Posts

Another person, collectively known by the identity of “John Titor” claimed to utilize world-line (MWI egress) travel to collect artifacts from the past. He is an interesting subject to discuss. Here we have multiple posts in this regard.

They are;

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

The Dance Craze that is Sweeping China

You can tell how much BS is in the American news media when they report as “experts” in China, yet fail to mention even the most basic trends. You go on CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, and the Huffington-Puffington Post and it’s all about Trump, and China tariffs. Article after article is reporting on the troubles about the tariffs. They report all kinds of nonsense. They report as if they are experts. Oh, the world is falling apart! Oh, China has fallen to it’s knees! Oh, my goodness!

Well it isn’t. The world is not falling apart. China is bowing down, and the people are not shuffling back into their state-mandated hovels.

China takes the tariff issue seriously, but they are not killing themselves in mass suicides over it. You do know that exports from China to the United States isn’t as large as Americans think. While the perception is that it is maybe 80% of everything they export, the truth is that it is much smaller than that. Exports to America from China is actually around 11% of all Chinese exports.

You’ve got to be an idiot to believe some of the nonsense that is written in the American mass media. The news that Americans read is all just packaged propaganda used to manipulate. That’s it.

Anyways, let’s talk about what is actually going on in China. Yes. The “real deal”.  Don’t you know…

The Dance Craze

If you travel to China, and only spend one week in China, you would be made aware of certain trends and behaviors that are totally absent from the “experts” in the American main-steam media. You might be exposed to state of the art subway systems that look like they came out of a science fiction movie. You might ride in a high-speed train that looks like a rocketship. You might be amazed how everyone uses WeChat to pay for things.

For the last few months, China has been “on fire” with a dance craze that has swept the nation. Bet ya didn’t know that! Did you?

Girls all over China are dancing to this stupid Chinese pop song.

I think that they most especially like the part where he goes all “Tarzan”. and the girls duplicate it by leaning back and shaking their chests out.

Boys, girls, adults, children, and maybe even pet dogs can all dance to this stupid and silly song.

et, it has taken the nation by storm. Really! Who’d figure?

Going crazy over the song.
The Chinese youth are going crazy over this song. Who would figure. Eh?

If you cannot see the embedded player, then please go to this link to see a compilation of crazed Chinese fans dancing to this stupid song…

It’s sort of like how the “Gangham Style” video and song took over the United States, and late the world. Only instead of a fat Korean, we have pretty Chinese girls dancing to it…friggin’ everywhere.


Where to Watch

I first became aware of this craze by the 抖音短视频 website. You can get the APP online HERE. It consists of home made mini videos all to Chinese (and some Western) pop music. Imagine a twitter version of movies.

Funny MV
Here is a scene from the MV of the music video. It is pretty silly with a bunch of Chinese boys and girls dancing about and giving Tarzan yells.

The funny thing is this; if you just go to any mall in the city and give a Tarzan yell, you will be answered by girls and boys shaking their chests and yelling AH-ya-ya-ah….

Regarding the application, often the movies only last ten seconds or so. All in all, it is a great way to see what China is like, and what the people are like. You see it all. From bedrooms to state parks, to city-scapes to cute girls dancing.I got hooked watching dog and cat videos. You know the Chinese really love their pets.

Later, I became hooked on watching cute Chinese girls doing cute things. Sure beats fat negro American women shaking their enormously fat asses that passes for entertainment in America today.

Anyways, I find it a welcome respite form the non-stop barrage of bullshit narrative from the American mainstream media about China. I get on this APP and within a minute, I can see ten videos made by normal and average Chinese from all over China.

You look at the people. You look at their clothes. You look at the roads and infrastructure. You look at the backgrounds, and the people and what they are doing… It sure beats the nonsense out of silicon valley and Washington D.C.

First Taste

Here is just a sample of the kinds of things that you will see in China today. This is the song that is driving all the girls crazy…

I have been having trouble posting the embedded player for the video. So All that I can post is fan videos. You can watch the video yourself. Here are various direct links;


The Chinese love to Dance

One of the things that the American media likes to keep secret is how human the Chinese people are. In many, many ways, they are exactly like Americans. At least they really seem to relate to us. They think that the television show “Friends” is real, and they all yearn to become friends with Americans. They like to have fun. They love to fish, play basketball, and just have fun with each other eating and drinking. The American deep (state) swamp wants to keep everything two dimensional. To them, they picture the world outside of the United States as a ugly dark and frightening place. They make cardboard cutouts of people outside. They make two-dimensional characters of them. It’s easier to control us, if our rulers (owners) keep us living in a dark fear. But, you know, that’s really not the way it is.

The Chinese love to dance and have a good time. They are just like us. Only on a much grander scale…

The Chinese are just like us. We are both human. We have needs and desires. We feel emotion; sadness and happiness. We fall in love, we raise families and take care of our elders. We work hard, and try to do our best. We like to have fun. Some of us can sing, and some cannot. We we accept everyone anyways. The Chinese are just like us…

They like to pay with their children, and they love their pets. You all probably aren’t aware of that, with the Western oligarchy in full control of the American media. All the Western media ever talks about is how dogs are eaten in some rural villages in the back hills of remote China.

They play this narrative over and over and over and over. It’s all a manufactured lie.

The Chinese love their pets.

In fact some of the largest industries in China are those that cater to pets. In China the pets are treated like little humans. I really mean it. They have dog socks, dog underwear. They have dog sweaters, eyeglasses, back packs and special nutrition dog-food. It is not unusual to have a family spend more money on their dog than on their own children.

China is the largest economy in the world. If the trade issues can be resolved between Donald Trump and Xi Ping, Americans and their counterparts in China can thrive and prosper.

I see a future where the Chinese and Americans both work diligently towards a mutual agreeable goal. Everyone works. Everyone profits. Americans goods are sold to China, and Chinese goods are sold to Americans. Only this time, instead of the corrupt oligarchy benefiting, it will be everyday Americans who benefit. Trust me, the Chinese want this.

I believe Donald Trump wants this. I believe his followers want this. There is only one problem. The deep state, and all their globalist minions; the American media, the corrupt DOJ and FBI, and the rich software billionaires don’t.

The Chinese middle class has been growing over the last four decades. It is not what Americans think at all. Much of that growth has been the direct result of piss-poor trade policies that benefit the wealthiest few in the Untied States.

That era has ended.

Now it is a time when Americans can market our fine (and superior)  products to a willing and welcome Chinese market. What are we waiting for? Nothing, just until the oligarchs in the (swamp) Washington D.C. retires or steps out of the way.

They will do EVERYTHING in their ability to stop it. They do not care, and if it take world war III to realize their dreams, they will cause it.

Don’t believe me? Just read their mouth-pieces; the New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN.

We are now at a threshold where Americans and Chinese can both profit handsomely by throwing all the evil oligarchs to the wayside. Instead of them getting a trillion dollar profit each year, now it’s time for each American to profit.

The money will flow in copus amounts. We just have to realize who is siphoning the money, and how much they are getting away with. China has a lot to offer Americans.

For instance, consider the synchronized night scapes in all the Chinese cities. You haven’t heard about that have you? Nope, the oligarchs don’t want you to be aware. Just manufacture a cardboard evil villain and demand higher taxes from Americans. It’s the same old playbook. But we Americans have transcended this narrative.

We know better.


With China not only possessing the bulk of the world population, and the vast bulk of the world’s manufacturing, it is a true shame that American media treats it as some kind of two-dimensional  fiction.

Most Americans are unaware of this. Somehow we think that things are still manufactured in Germany, that all those cars with British logos are still make in the UK, and that all the cameras and computers are made in South Korea and Japan.

Nope. They are all made in China.

Surprise! American propaganda leads to keep Americans ignorant and afraid. make no mistake. The purpose of the American main stream media is to keep Americans stupid, ignorant and living in fear. We are told that China is a poor third-world nation. It is one that is filled with barefoot and ignorant workers that reside in mud-hut villages all over China.

That’s the narrative.

It is a complete fabrication. It is nonsense. Sure the rural Chinese aren’t living in McMansions, but their homes aren’t mud huts either. Yes they have electricity, plumbing, indoor water (and water heaters) high-speed internet and paved roads.

In fact, I wish Pennsylvania would take a few lessons from China. They have seemed to get rid of their pothole problems. Pennsylvania is still forming yet another “Blue Ribbon” committee to look into the issue…

I personally believe that once we know the true reality, that we can decide what is best for us and our families. We do not need some “expert” in Washington D.C. telling us what we can do, some “expert” in silicon-valley censoring what we read, and some “expert” in New York city deciding what we can read and watch.

I believe that we can do this by ourselves and alone. The “manufactured reality” out of Washington D.C. and Silicon-Valley has become so outrageous and distorted that it in no way resembles anything even resembling the truth. We need to acknowledge this and embrace it.

For Pete’s Sake, if the “experts” on China are totally oblivious to something as common as a song and a dance that even five-year-olds know, than you should be aware of the disconnect. The disconnect is dangerous.

If we permit it to continue…people will die. Pay attention. Know who is trying to manipulate you and why. Question everything. Stop permitting those in power to take your money, repackage it into a fear-based narrative.

Move forward and think of everyone as your friends who want to work with you so they… and YOU… together can profit. Not some rich oligarch who already has amassed enough trillions of your your money. It’s time to put them to bed and move forward with our lives.

John McClain

Oh, and a special call out for one of the most evil people in Washington D.C. war monger extraordinaire John McClain. Hey guy, having a brain tumor the size of a baseball is no excuse to start World War III. I don’t give a damn what your fucked up rationalizations are. People are people. They are not some numbers that can be erased on a spreadsheet. They have feelings, life, relationships and family. What the Hell is the matter with you?


Of course, you can go directly to the Chinese video websites and view the dance routines for yourself. There might even be one or two on you-tube. That is, once they get past the censorship army in silicon-valley. American progressive censorship is terrible. It really is… Yeah. Y

ou are not going to find any of this on the sterile American Politically-Correct scrubbed video websites. Hey dudes, maybe you need… NEED to look elsewhere for your video entertainment. There are many, many options.

Don’t accept the bland life that is provided to you. Maybe Alex Jones is banned on Facebook, and You-Tube. No problem. Go elsewhere…

#1.  优酷网
At home, I subscribe to YouKu. I use it for my streaming music needs. If I want to hear a song I like, I do a lyric search and then have YouKu pull it up for me. Like all these sites, they are in Chinese, but you can pretty much navigate by trial and error. Everything is free to watch. There are only a few embedded ads. There is a very high playback speed, and very little delay.

#2. 土豆网

Toudou is the second most well-known video website in China. Toudou is where most Chinese people buy their online purchases. You can get everything from makeup to groceries here. The site features personal video sharing services, and also owns many other video channels like movies, dramas, music and so on.

#3. 中国网络电视台

This is the government very own video streaming service. It’s sort of a Chinese video version of NPR. It is owned by China Central Television (CCTV), CNTV is the official website of the national TV station. The site hosts many channels and its video channels include live TV, TV drama and documentary. Users can enjoy lots of exclusive video contents on the site.

#4. 迅雷看看

Xunlei Kankan is a video-on-demand service. If you are trying to find American movies but are unable to because of paywalls, and money that you have to pay at Netflix, go here. they will be free. Oh, and did I say…free???? The site provides high-quality content including up-to-date Chinese dramas and lots of movies from Mainland China, Hong  Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and the USA.

#5. 搜狐视频

Sohu TV is owned by Sohu company, one of the biggest Internet portals in China. Everyone knows about Sohu. What? You didn’t? Well let me educate you. The site provides countless video contents such as high quality movies, TV shows, self-produced dramas, variety shows, music TV and cartoons. You might well be surprised in the selection.

#6. 乐视网

Hailed as China’s Hulu, owns more than 100,000 episodes of TV series and more than 5,000 films. This is pretty much where my wife likes to go to watch her soap operas and the American series such as “Two Broke Girls” and “Sopranos”.

#7. 爱奇艺

I used to have a VIP membership for QIYI. It only cost something like 198 RMB for a year ($25). As a VIP you get a very large selection of movies. Their American movie selection is pretty good. It’s sort of like Netflix in that regard, but instead of paying $5 for a movie, you pay $25 for unlimited movies for a year. It is owned by Baidu, China’s largest search engine. The decision to offer a paid subscription is a direct result of negotiations with Hollywood. You must recall, Hollywood demanded that the Chinese government stop piracy of Western movies. Thus, Iqiyi describes itself China’s first copyrighted video library covering various contents such as movie, TV drama, variety show, comic and documentary. Its HD & smooth video content is the best of all China’s video sites.

#8.  新浪视频

Here’s where you go if you want to see the latest American movies that are in the theaters, but don’t want to pay for them. It’s owned by Sina, a leading Internet media company serving China. The site provides various video content including latest video news, variety show, movie, drama and so on.

#9. 56网 screen shot is a leading video-sharing platform in China. Users can post and share their personal videos online. There are many cute videos of dogs and cats here. As well as cute girls sings and dancing. The site hosts more than 80 million online videos.

#10 PPTV

PPTV is a fantastic online TV provider offering both live streaming and video-on-demand services.  Its channels include TV shows, film, drama, sports, news and entertainment and so on.

#11. 电影网

I must admit that I am not too familiar about this site. However the interface seems easy enough to use and get about with. It’s been in China for a while. Really. was founded by China Movie Channel in 2004. The site hosts more than 6,000 HD copyrighted movies and about 200,000 short videos. M1905 is the most complete and authoritative site about Chinese movies.

#12.  腾讯视频

QQ video
QQ video
I am currently a VIP member of this site. Cost is $25/year (198 RMB). Like all VIP services, you are allowed five members for that service. So we share the membership with friends and relatives. It has a pretty good selection of American movies. For instance, I watched “Hot Tub Time Machine” last week, but the sequel to that movie is not available. QQ is the largest social media platform in China, and even dwarfs the enormous WeChat. This is the video section of that platform. To give you an idea of how enormous it is, think of Facebook, and then multiply it by one thousand. QQ video is a channel of, which is the most popular instant messenger  in China and has hundreds of million active users.  With huge amount of active users, QQ video  quickly and easily became one of the the most visited video sites in China.

#13. 360 Kan 360 视频

I am not familiar with this website. However, my friends and coworkers really like it. Truthfully, 360kan is a Chinese version of Google / computer checkup application. Functionally, 360kan is actually a video resource navigation website. Its main function is to list lots of TV and drama links, so users can choose the site with the best watching experiences.

#14. Baidu Video 百度视频 

Everyone knows about Baidu in China. Just like everyone knows of Google int he United States. Baidu is a Chinese version of Google, only it is much, much, much larger… and… it is not censored by rich progressive millennials in California. If you want to find a movie in China, this is probably your fist stop. Like on Google, you click on the video link to see all the video related search results. Baidu Video is one of the largest video sharing site in China. It is a channel of, China’s leading search engine. The site features its search function and users can always find their favorite video content on the site.

#15.  PPS

PPS provides lots of services such as video search, online video, games and downloads. Its computer client PPS Net TV hosts more than 210 thousand sets of channel programs. It is the most popular Net TV client in China.

Take Aways

  • The news in America is completely distorted.
  • So called “experts” on China, in the United States are unaware of the most basic of trends in China.
  • This disconnect in perception, reporting and reality is dangerous, as it can result in manipulation of mass groups of people and WAR!
  • The Chinese people admire and relate to Americans. It is a true shame that the American news media would like to disrupt the trade negotiations that Donald Trump is having with Xi Peng.
  • If Americans and Chinese can work TOGETHER, everyone would benefit profitably.  The Chinese WANT to buy American made products. Let’s let them. We can work hard and they can respond.
  • Over the last few decades, American agreements favored the rich oligarchs at the expense of the American worker. Today, the American media narrative is one that pits national boundaries before cooperation.


Q: What is so special about the latest dance craze in China? A: Nothing, really. Fads and fashions come and go. The point of this post and article is just how out of touch the American media is that they are unaware of something that every single person in China knows about. Heck, you could fly in and just stand on a street corner, not talk to anyone and be aware of this. The disconnect is that enormous. China has their own movies, much larger than Hollywood. They have their own music, with followings that dwarf anything out of America. You can see one HERE. The point is that China is a Big, big market that WANTS American products. I argue that we should sell our products to China. We should forget the bullshit narrative promoted out of the American media and do it our way… the American way. Not the way of the wealthy oligarchy. Q: Why don’t you have embedded videos? A: I tried, but word press is changing it’s editor with something else. It’s a little buggy and won’t accept embedded code. Q: Why do you love China? A: China reminds me of American back around 1960. That was before the progressive liberals took control of EVERYTHING, and fucked everything up. Now everyone either want’s to go to war or turn into a communist. Jeeze, not even the Chinese want to be a “communist” nation. But sure as heck the millennial’s in the big American cites want that. Hey the bullshit ran deep. Now America is populated with morons. I can’t stop the shit. What I can do, however, is open the window a little so some fresh air of reality comes in. Life is not that bad, it only appears to be.

Free Republic Posting

This was posted on 5AUG18 on the website Free Republic. It did not go down very well.The thread was pulled. The reason being…
not even close to news. barely chat. quit abusing the BN sidebar


Well, Free Republic might have pulled this post, but it was the top post during August 2018 by a long-shot. I guess that FR is out of touch what is popular to the readership.

Links about China

Popular Music of China
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

What Happens when you Try to implement Diversity Initiatives in China

Here is a short, yet interesting, tale that I would like to report on. It’s kind of cute and helps us to think about our life and the lives of others. I’d like to use it as a springboard to discuss the importance of British Common Law. As well as why American Law needs a reset.


It seems that everyone recognizes that China is a big market, as it is. It is a HUGE market. As such, many understand that China has a lot of potential for new ventures, opportunities, and expansion. If you are young, full of energy and willing to work your butt off, China might be your ticket to success. As a result, there are many people who are trying their best to “break through” into the Chinese market.

I wish to relate one such story. It is a story about people trying to break into the Chinese market… a “gold rush” as it were. Only, they were doing so with an American mind-set. Not a Chinese mind-set.

There are a lot of lessons that can be derived from this story. You can look at it as “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”,. Or, you can consider it as to “Being an Ugly American, applies to millennial’s just as it does to other generations.”

Let’s have a look at this story…

In this instance, a group of young millennial’s (located in California) got this great idea and decided to move forward with it. They figured that since so many non-Chinese (Americans) want to find work in China, that they could set up a Job-Portal that caters to these individuals. They would use the most common Chinese social media platforms. They would market to expats, or potential expats. And they would become match-makers for existing Chinese companies.

In return, they would obtain placement fees if the person was placed in the company.

What could possibly go wrong?


As we start on this subject, we need to underscore some key points. The first point is that China does not allow American applications, Websites, social media or search engines that are tied directly to the American NSA. They think that it is dangerous for Chinese citizens to have their data harvested by the American government.

The companies that harvest data are banned in China. This includes Facebook. It also includes Goggle and all it’s branches. It also includes numerous other software organizations.

As a result, China has it’s own software and APP sphere of influence.

One of the most popular applications for cellphones in China is WeChat.  It is sort of a cross between Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Except that you can use it as cash to pay and buy all sorts of things. It’s an absolute necessity, if you live in China.

WeChat is just an application. But, if you pay attention, you can learn from the stories that surround it.

Anyone can join, and it is a global organization.

One day, a group of software-coding millennial’s out of California wrote up a “group” within WeChat. It is sort of a “presence” or a “website” that resides within the WeChat operational sphere.

The group that they set up was called “Job Tube”.

Within that “group” they established 170 sub-groups that people could become part of. Each group was ascribable. Thus, for instance, if you wanted to find out jobs that were looking to hire Thermal Engineers in China, you could subscribe to the “Engineer” sub-group of “Job Tube”. If you wanted to find a job that would consist of ESL English teacher, you would subscribe to that sub-group.

It’s a pretty slick idea, and the group is still active. Though, I really don’t know how successful it actually is.

An Event

They have been doing this for a number of years. I really don’t know when they got started. I think that I first noticed them back in 2015. They had some articles that I would read when I took the subway. The articles often were about China written from a millennial American perspective.

Sometime around 2016, the “Job Tube” group started pulling advertisements and offering apologies.

They actually had a few articles describing this situation and why they were doing it. So it became easy to see why they were so conflicted and what was going on.

It turned out that Chinese job advertisements weren’t “diverse” enough.


They had all kinds of “illegal” and just plain “wrong” requirements in them. In fact, I am quite sure that the young millennial’s were quite horrified by the advertisements. The advertisements would specify an acceptable age range. They would ask only for women, or only for men. They would post things about appearance, weight, and other things, that were (in a millennial’s eyes) totally “unfair”.

Such as this…

Wanted Non-Chinese English Teacher in Beijing

Must be female, between the ages of 21 and 28. Must be attractive. CV's and resumes without a photo will not be considered. Weight must be under 40 Kg. 

Primary candidates should come from The United States, the UK, Canada or Australia / NZ. Other nations will not be considered.

Must have a four year BA, or BS. Must have a TSOL or ESL certificate. Must have a verifiable two year history of teaching English as a foreign language.

Applicants must not be too Asian or Chinese appearing. 

The ideal candidate would have brown, red or blonde hair. The ideal eye color would be blue or green. Interviews will be over Skype and candidates will be judged during the interview. 

Black or brown people will not be considered. Muslims who wear a veil will not be considered. As there is a work policy that all female employees must wear their hair in a prescribed manner.

Absolutely no tattoos. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Notice how different this would be from an American Job advertisement?

In America, much of what is asked would be illegal. For instance, you cannot ask about a person’s age, race, appearance, ethnicity, or gender. In order to promote “diversity” in the workplace, and to prevent discrimination, laws have be put in place.

But this isn’t America. This is Asia. Specifically, China.

no tattoo
Many places in Asia will ban you from going into public places if you have a tattoo. This includes parks, pools, and restaurants. Companies expect their employees to be fine upstanding individuals and will not accept an worker who does not conform to society norms.

America has all sorts of “diversity initiatives” formally ensconced in the law. While they might not be considered to be a diversity initiative, they function as one. It is a world and a situation that anyone and everyone can quality for work or a role independent of their qualifications.

For instance, you cannot hire based on age. You cannot hire based on gender. You cannot discriminate by skin color, or religion. That is American law.

Obviously, the Chinese companies want to recruit attractive female teachers as the school with the prettiest teachers tend to be those that are most successful in recruiting students. Obviously they want to play on the Chinese stereotypes for American “perfect” teachers. For in China, face is everything. How you act, behave, and dress is all considered important.

Typical Chinese teacher. There are rules of behavior and how teachers act, dress and behave are all scripted.

Now, when the young millennial’s started to notice this, they were shocked. How dare anyone flaunt American law; the social order of perfection!

The way that America does things is the law that EVERYONE MUST follow. Anything other than that must be suppressed, corrected and (if necessary) doxed. If it does not conform to American law, it must change. Period.

Tattoo banning in Japan.
Throughout Asia there are constraints placed on appearance and behavior. While some things are free, other things are seriously restricted. Thus, a trip to China, or Japan might seem like the world is turned upside down. Here anyone can smoke and drink, even five year olds, but don’t you dare have a tattoo on your skin.

So, of course, like any good enraged social justice warrior,  they contacted the companies and let loose. They told them a “thing or two” about what is right and what is illegal. That showed the Chinese companies…

Don’t ya know!

The Chinese Companies Respond

First off, as the reader has probably guessed, Chinese companies are in China. And, in case you are unaware of it, China has a different set of laws and regulations than what is present in America.

They really do.

Of course, it’s hard to understand, given what constitutes an education in America today. So, let me make this clear. Each nation is sovereign. They have their own laws, and ways of doing things. Often the ways are different than how they are done in the united states.

Chinese Law
Chinese law is ancient. It was not derived or developed by English Common Law, like American law. It was developed over centuries.

In China, foreigners who come to China to work must be pre-qualified. They must be pre-qualified as a “foreign expert” that will not take work away from a capable Chinese worker. To identify if they are indeed a “foreign expert”, they must fill out a long and lengthy application form.

Any questions on that “foreign expert” application form can be placed on a job requirements list for a specific position.

This includes;

  • Photo
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Nationality
  • Race
  • Hair and Eye color
  • Education

The young millennial’s were under the impression that an American expat would be under the same kinds of “protections” from discrimination while working in China. Of course, they were wrong.

Americans are “outsiders” in China. You can only work and live in China under certain conditions.

China Z-visa
Employment in China is tied to the Z-visa. Everything on the visa application is subject to advertisements for jobs within China.

What they couldn’t get their heads around was the fact that different nations have different laws, society’s and ways of doing things.

American was founded from British Common Law. Now, it is well known that this includes such things as contracts and business relationships, it also includes such things as what a law is, and what breaking a law represents. For instance, under British Common Law you cannot ban a substance simply because you might choose to use it, and someone else thinks that it is bad for you.

Power comes when a person can limit what someone else can do.

Under British Common Law, if property is not stolen, if no-one is harmed, if there isn’t a victim, then you cannot base a law on it.

Ah. British Common Law. I just wish that America followed it.


Somehow, we started to diverge from Common Law when we started to regulate and write laws that limited what people could do. In short, if there is no victim, then there can be no law. Writing laws without victims is what tyrants do. They assert their power. Especially over those whom they do not like.

We have moved a long… long way away from the fundamentals of British Common law. That is sad, and alarming.

And finally, in regards to China,

Which means that I have diverged yet again, darn it!

You cannot make a law telling people how to act, dress, behave, or regulate what they eat, sleep or whether or not they need to buy insurance. If there is no victim, then there can be no law.

If there is no victim, then there can be no law.

OK. Now think about it.

That means no laws against smoking that demon weed; marijuana. That means that the police cannot seize your computer or arrest you for anything on it. That means that they cannot stop you (in your car) for any potential crime. They just cannot. No victim means no crime can be committed.

Life in the United States would revert back to the utopia that it was set up as…


Now, China does not follow American law, nor British Common Law, which is often a point of contention with British expats. Instead they follow 5,000 years of legal precedent. They have learned over the years, which system and which laws are the the most effective. In the Chinese mind, the smallest number of laws benefit the greatest number of people.

  1. The laws must be simple, easy to understand and clear.
  2. When you add complexity to the legal system, you increase costs exponentially.
  3. Additionally, they have learned that laws should not be used as a bludgeon to force societal conformity, but rather used as a guideline to maintain social harmony.  This difference; “social harmony” vs. “societal conformity” is the core difference between Chinese and American law.

This difference; “social harmony” vs. “societal conformity” is the core difference between Chinese and American law.

I guess that the millennial’s in California never got the memo.

What Happened

It’s simple, really.  The “Job Tube” can simply not post employment ads that they do not like. They can discriminate. Imagine that!

That’s what they were told.

If they don’t like a given ad, they have the freedom NOT to post it. They have decided to take that solution for their sensibilities. Therefore they now only post advertisements that do not have any limitations or requirements that might be offensive. The end result was a massive and substantial decrease in the number of advertisements that they posted for the Chinese market.

So, a few months later after the “corrections” and revised content direction, the group took a severe hit.  When previously, there might have been a few hundred job postings in a certain category, it dropped substantially. Today, many of the categories hold zero job postings, while others only have a few.

Instead of maybe three hundred positions related to engineering, they now only advertise one.


The point being is a simple one.

If you are in Rome, you should act as a Roman and follow Roman law. You shouldn’t be “the ugly American” and try to force they way you believe things should be done on others. It just won’t work.

Examples abound. Like when you have Muslims trying to force their beliefs on Americans, like [1] a ban on pork, [2] women wearing full veils, [3] polygamy, and [4] child sex. The minority trying to push and force their views is often looked upon with disdain.  As they should.

How does this lady make you feel?

Muslim proudly flaunts their first amendment right of religion in America. Of course, ultimately, when they have the numbers to dominate a specific geographical region, they will go about and force their beliefs on those that surround them.

I don’t know about you, but I have a difficult time thinking of “her” as anything except a character. She’s a “thing”, simply because there is nothing culturally that I can relate to. I cannot see a smile, or any emotions in her face. That makes it difficult to see a person wearing these kinds of clothes as anything other than a piece of furniture or wall covering.

That is why, historically, women would wear traditional costumes and makeup that would accentuate their beauty. You can see their facial expression and can be exposed to their feelings, desires and needs. With her body language covered up, she becomes less than human.

Though, some people, want it this way…

Muslim Men
The Muslim men like the way things are. They like having multiple wives, and keeping them subservient. They like the idea of child brides, and sex with children. They don’t like bacon. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. It’s all together another culture entirely.

Back to China

Whether or not diversity mandates are important isn’t really the issue here. Not really.

Certainly, I would like the world to be nice and clean and wonderful; a world where I can apply for a job and not tell them my age… but they will find out. After all, they can guess my age by looking at when I obtained my university degree. I guess it would be nice that they don’t see what I look like… they might have some kind of aversion to old white men with beards. But, you know… they will find out eventually once an interview is set up

So really… What’s the point of all these rules and regulations? Who are they actually protecting, and is it effective?

Laws are laws, and the wealthy and the rich flaunt them all the time.

I remember working in Boston and only being paid once a month. Meanwhile the law in Massachusetts specifically stated that employees are to be paid no longer than a two-week interval. I went to my boss, and HR and complained. They told me that they did not care. The law did not apply to them.

However, one thing came out of it. They fired me one month later.

The company didn't change.

I went to the labor relations office in Boston and they confirmed that I was right, and that I was let go without cause. They confirmed my suspicions. But you know what? Nothing came of it. All the millions of dollars that funded that particular department and agency was just all window-dressing. If it worked, it wasn't for me. I benefited someone else. Who, I don't know. But someone other than myself benefited.

So, what’s the point in all these laws if they are not being followed?

Maybe the point is that instead of laws that force societal change, the laws should be structured to maintain societal harmony. The Chinese way. Eh?

How about a BETTER solution…

Or maybe, just maybe, we need to undo the decades upon decades of tweaks to American law that favors the powerful. Maybe we need to have a “fire sale” and reset everything. Maybe we need to reset everything to the basics; A Constitution. A Bill of Rights. A Republic.

And throw out everything else.


Perhaps there needs to be a good hard and long look at the laws in the United States today. I would like to see a return back to pure British Common Law. I would like to see a return to laws that…

  • Do not regulate behavior.
  • Require a defined victim, or aggrieved party.
  • Require a judicial system that enforces existing laws and does not interpret them to fit a political or social narrative.

Ah, wouldn’t it be nice…



Q: What is wrong with America today?
A: There are many things wrong. I suggest the consideration that the problem is not the Constitution. Instead it is that the American Constitution has been distorted. It has been distorted to become something other than what it was set up as. I suggest that we need to go back to following fundamental British Common law, and revoke all the changes to the laws that creates crimes out of nothing. I suggest that we stop making crimes based on behavior, and instead reset so that crimes have an easily identified victim.

Q: What does China have to do with American Law?
A: Nothing. Instead, it is uneducated millennial’s who erroneously think that the corrupted and burdensome modern American law should be enforced globally without review or consideration. Imagine the horror the would would experience if everyone (in the world) had to follow the insanity of American’s Social Justice legislated laws.

Q: Why is Pauly Shore in this post?
A: He is an ideal. He represents freedom from conformity. While China (and Asia) does many things right, they demand and expect social conformity to maintain harmony.

I argue that harmony can be made to reassert itself again in America… done the American way. Not the Chinese way. However, that will not happen until we go back to following the fundamentals of British Common Law.


Links about China

Popular Music of China
End of the Day Potato
Dog Shit
Dancing Grandmothers
Dance Craze
When the SJW movement took control of China
Family Meal
Freedom & Liberty in China
Ben Ming Nian
Beware the Expat
Fake Wine
Fat China
Business KTV
Chinese apartment houses
Chinese Culture Snapshots
Rural China
Chinese New Year

China and America Comparisons

Playground Comparisons
The Last Straw
Leaving the USA
Diversity Initatives
Travel outside
10 Misconceptions about China
Top Ten Misconceptions

The Chinese Business KTV Experience

This is the real deal. Forget about all that nonsense that you find in the British tabloids and an occasional write up in the American liberal press. This is the reality. Read or not.


Learning About China

Pretty Girls 1
Pretty Girls 2
Pretty Girls 3
Pretty Girls 4
Pretty Girls 5

Contemporaneous Chinese Music

This is a series of posts that discuss contemporaneous popular music in China. It is a wide ranging and broad spectrum of travel, and at that, all that I am able to provide is the flimsiest of overviews. However, this series of posts should serve as a great starting place for investigation and enjoyment.

Part 1 - Popular Music of China
Part 3 -Popular music of China.
Part 3 - The contemporaneous music of China.
part 3B - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 4 - The contemporaneous popular music of China.
Part 5 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5B - The popular music of China.
Part 5C - The music of contemporary China.
Part D - The popular music of China.
Part 5E - A happy Joe.
Part 5F - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 5F - The popular music of China.
Post 6 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 7 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Post 8 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 9 - The contemporaneous music of China.
Part 10 - Music of China.
Post 11 - The contemporaneous music of China.

Articles & Links

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.